#but it's fine I can go back to the older mcu stuff I need to do rewatches anyway
bedlamsbard · 10 months
I think everyone who's followed me since my Star Wars days knows this already, but I am not watching That Show (Ahsoka), I don't want to hear about it, I don't want to talk about it, I have everything related to it blacklisted (including "star wars" right now), I will probably unfortunately still know what's happening in it, but like...please do not come try to talk to me about it. No not even about [insert whatever exception you think counts here]. "But what about --" No. Leave me alone about it, I don't want to know, I don't go here anymore, the happiest day of my fandom life was the day I broke up with Star Wars. If you were not around then this sounds overly dramatic but it was Really Really Bad.
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animebw · 7 months
So I've been stewing a bit with the whole concept of "MCU Fatigue" after my disappointment with The Marvels, and I think I've come to a realization.
See, most people when they shit on the modern MCU act like they're been putting out tons of terrible stuff. But looking at their track record, that's not actually true. In fact, I'd argue that the majority of their Phase 4 and 5 output has still been above average. The only real misses I'd count are FATWS, Dr. Strange 2, The Marvels, and maybe What If if I was feeling particularly uncharitable (and I guess Secret Invasion, but the bad response kept me away from that one so I've never watched it myself). Other than that, Marvel's still putting out a lot of good stuff.
The problem is they're not putting out a lot of great stuff.
Like, we need to take a step back and realize just how fucking insane the MCU's track record used to be. They didn't just put out good movies on a regular basis that put every other franchise to shame, they regularly released some of the most iconic superhero blockbusters of all time. They cranked out all-time classics on such a consistent basis that at this point, at least half of the top 20 greatest superhero movies of all time list would be taken up by MCU projects, maybe more. That's how they built trust with the general audience; not just consistency, but the promise of greatness. People flocked to the MCU not just because there was a near guarantee of a well-made fun time at the cinema, but because that was a strong probability you were going to see something truly spectacular.
Seriously, just look at the studio's track record through Phase 2 and 3. Iron Man 3, Captain America 2 and 3, the first two Guardians movies, Thor Ragnorak, Black Panther, Infinity War and Endgame... you could argue that over half of their movie output from this period was unqualified home runs. And sure, maybe Thor 2 was a dud and Avengers 2 was disappointing, but it didn't matter because there was always the promise of another masterpiece waiting in the wings. People weathered the occasional misstep because they could trust the MCU to always find its way back to greatness.
But now consider: how many all-time bangers can you name from Phases 4 and 5?
Like, I can name a few. Wandavision, Black Panther 2, Guardians 3, Spider-Man 3, maybe Ms. Marvel if I pretend episode 5 doesn't exist (and I've heard Loki season 2 was also great, but that's another one I haven't seen yet). But the ratio of Big Deal Events to Just Another Marvel Thing has gotten much steeper. Between the movies and the Disney+ series, Marvel's cranking out more stuff than ever, but it hasn't been cranking out landmarks any faster than it used to. It's just shoving a lot more padding between the properties that really set the world on fire. And it's training the audience, unintentionally, to no longer associate the MCU with guaranteed smash successes every other weekend.
And I still like most of the MCU's current output! But I don't love it as much as some of its older stuff. Black Widow and Shang-Chi are good, but not quite great. Eternals I will defend to my dying breath, but it was destined for cult classic status. Love and Thunder I would argue is actually pretty fantastic, fuck you fight me, and Quantummania is fine, you guys, but I wouldn't die defending them the way I would, say, Iron Man 3. And as much as I enjoyed Hawkeye, Moon Knight and She-Hulk, you can only watch so much Pretty Good TV before it starts to feel like a chore.
This deluge of content hasn't resulted in tons of more Great Marvel Stuff. It's just resulted in tons of more Good, Okay, and Not That Great Actually Marvel Stuff. It's resulted in audiences feeling like you can't trust Marvel to regularly crank out classics that change the way you view superhero media. And it turns out, it gets a lot harder to justify spending so much time on such an overstuffed time-sink of a franchise when it can't guarantee you a steady stream of masterpieces on a regular basis.
Especially with so much more of it coming out now in such a painfully short timespan. Even in Marvel's busiest years, they used to max out at three movies per year and a couple spinoffs like the Netflix shows that you didn't need to watch to feel up to date. You went out to the movies a couple times a year and were basically guaranteed a good movie every time, and that was it. Now, though, with the Disney+ content, it feels like a constant battle to not fall behind, to keep up with tons of stuff you're just kind of enjoying to justify getting to the increasingly few nuggets of true gold. This stuff would need a track record just as good as the Phase 2/3 days to justify sitting through so much of it, and it just... doesn't. And the second you drop off from exhaustion, it's already roaring ahead and leaving you with too much to ever reasonably catch up on if you're not prepared for a couple days of heavy bingeing.
The shared universe model is fucking hard. Every studio's failed attempt to copy Marvel's playbook is a testament to that. The fact it even maintained its cultural domination as long as it did is nothing short of a miracle. Because it turns out, even being consistently good isn't enough to maintain the level of trust and engagement necessary for such a long haul. You need to be consistently excellent. You need audiences to come away from every other event singing your praises as the new gold standard of blockbuster cinema. And the second you can't maintain that standard anymore, all that goodwill slowly bleeds out as more and more people decide that the effort it takes to keep up with everything is no longer worth the reward.
Does the MCU recover from this? I don't know. At this point, what it needs to do more than anything is slow the fuck down instead of overloading audiences with too many shows and movies to keep up with. Maybe it's not the dominant cultural force anymore, but with a little patience and willingness to sacrifice quantity for quality, it can at least re-establish itself as a franchise worth sticking around for. Marvel used to be special; with a little luck, maybe it can be again.
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razieltwelve · 1 year
Shawarma (Final Rose x MCU)
In which Averia is Peter Parker’s older sister.
X     X     X
Averia was tempted to go home. New York was safe. The aliens had been defeated. And all was right with the world. Well, not exactly. There were plenty of alien corpses everywhere because not everybody could go around firing disintegration beams at stuff and not everybody had melee weapons that could do the same.
Yep. Saviour was 100% bullshit.
She’d probably have to show up again tomorrow to help get rid of all the bodies. Otherwise, it would take the government forever to dispose of them. Admittedly, she was fairly certain that they’d be taking at least some of the corpses for examination and dissection, but they didn’t need all of them.
“You’re staying for shawarma, right?” Tony Stark asked. “Because, you know, you did help save the world.” He gestured vaguely at the rest of the so-called Avengers. “You’re part of the club now, and that means food, drinks, getting to know each other, all that kind of jazz.”
Averia pursed her lips. “I suppose I could stay.” She paused. “And I was going to get lunch when this whole thing started.”
“That’s the spirit!” Tony slapped her over the shoulder. “Let’s go get some shawarma!”
X     X     X
Gathered around a table with the others, Averia bit back a smile as she watched them interact. It was clear that they hadn’t known each other that long, but she could already see the bonds of camaraderie forming. Few things brought people closer together than world-ending threats and victory. She knew that from personal experience.
“A fine victory feast!” Thor boomed, enough food for several people in front of him, to say nothing of the booze. From what Saviour was telling her about his physiology, he could easily handle it. “To victory!”
“To victory!” the other repeated.
“You going to be eating with that armour on?” Tony asked.
Averia smirked, her helmet still in place. “Actually...” She raised her glass to her lips, Saviour fiddling with the tangibility of the glass, the soda, and her helmet. She took a long sip of the soda and then set it down on the table. “I can do that.”
“Oh, that’s some bullshit,” Tony said, staring. “But there’s no way you can do that with food.”
“I bet she can,” Clint said. “In fact, I’ll put ten bucks on it.”
“I’m with Clint,” Natasha added. “You weren’t around to see some of the stuff she pulled. Homing disintegration rays that can turn corners, go through people without hurting them, and then disintegrate the targets? Yeah. She can eat fries without taking off her helmet.”
“I’m more curious about how she’s doing it,” Bruce Banner said.
“Captain,” Averia said. “Would you like to throw your money into the pot?”
Steve Rogers chuckled. “I wouldn’t call myself a gambling man.”
“All right,” Tony said. “Let’s see you do it.”
And Averia proceeded to eat a handful of fries without ever removing her helmet. She reached for her shawarma as Clint crowed in triumph and Tony made a disgusted sound. “Although it seems a tad unfair to remain masked while all of you are unmasked...” Her helmet vanished, as did the rest of her armour, leaving her clad in jeans, a t-shirt, and a jacket. “Nice to meet you all.”
Tony blinked. “Wait... you’re a kid?”
“If you want to be exact, I’m fourteen.” Averia took a bite of her shawarma. “This isn’t half bad.” She waved at Clint who was staring at her like she’d grown a second head. “Can you pass the barbecue sauce?”
“Wait!” Tony got to his feet. “Hold up! You’re fourteen, and you’re not the least bit bothered by the fact that we just saved the world.”
Averia added some barbecue sauce to her shawarma and nodded to herself. Ah. Much better. “Well, it was either help or find somewhere to hide while everybody else got killed and the city either got invaded or blown up. Helping seemed like the better option.” She shrugged. “And I wasn’t in any real danger anyway.”
Thor’s eyes gleamed and he reached across the table to slap her over the shoulder. “I like this one! Tell me, from where do your arms and armour come? They have the look of masterworks!”
Averia grinned and held out her hand. “You’re probably thinking I call them up from somewhere, right? Nope.” A sword formed in her hand. “I make them.”
Bruce shook his head. “That... violates so many laws of physics its not funny.”
Thor rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Tell me, what sort of experience do you have in hunting giant monsters?”
“More than you’d think.” Averia smiled back. “Do you know where I can find some.”
Thor beamed. “Oh, after the business with my brother is sorted, you must visit Asgard! I’ll take you hunting with my friends. It will be a great experience for -”
Tony seemed to have finally recovered from his shock. “Okay, look, you’re really okay with all this?”
He stared into her eyes. He could appreciate his concern, and it was nice to see it. Thor was a warrior, but Tony’s moral standards were more modern. It would have been worrying if he hadn’t been worried.
“Just in case, I feel like I have to ask, but you’re not secretly part of some government program to create super soldiers or anything, are you?” Tony asked.
Both Natasha and Steve flinched. The tall man was still looking for the right words, but Averia decided to cut off any potential misunderstandings.
“I was born like this,” Averia said. “I’ve had this power all my life. And I’ve lived a very normal life. I go to school. I go out with my friends. I spend time with my family. If I occasionally save people from disaster or stop criminals, well, that’s just what I do. With the power I have, if I see someone who really needs the help, how can I just walk away?”
Steve nodded slowly. “Yeah. I can understand that. But, kid, this is a big deal. You should be worrying about school and your friends and family, not fighting aliens and saving the world.”
“It is what it is,” Averia said. “I was able to help, so I did. And a lot of people are alive right now because of it. I don't plan on doing this whole world-saving thing full time, but I can give you a way to contact me, just in case you need the help again.”
Tony chuckled. “Shit.”
Steve frowned. “Language. We’ve got a kid at the table.”
Tony threw his head back and laughed. “Steve, she killed more aliens than you. I think she’ll survive a little bit of cursing.” He turned to Averia. “Thanks for your help. If you have a way you want us to contact me, I’ll handle it. Also... if you get into any trouble or anything, just let me know.” He reached into his pocket and slid a device across the table to her. “That’s a way to contact me in an emergency. Use it if you need to.”
Averia nodded. “I will. Now, can we keep eating, or are we going to be worrying about my age for the whole night?”
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unhitches-similes · 8 months
20 Questions for Fanfic Writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
13 (current penname)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
122,174 (current penname)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Under my current penname: Marvel/MCU, Stargate SG-1 & Atlantis, and Miraculous Ladybug--but I have ideas for fics in other fandoms!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Eidetic Image (T) Marvel
The Stand-In (G) Marvel - Stony
How to Avoid Thinking (E) Marvel - IronHawk
You Wanna Go (on a Date with Me)?! (T) Marvel - Stony
Change is All (T) - SG-1
5. Do you respond to comments? Why? Why not?
Yes, absolutely. That said, it can occasionally take me months to do so, especially on my older works, because I leave them in my inbox and hoard them like a dragon because they make me so happy.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I really should write more angst, tbh... that said, the only fic I currently have that can really be called angsty and ends without a happy ending is Worse Than Myth.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I would say Eidetic Image has a happy ending, if you don't count the teaser/cliffhanger that is the epilogue. Otherwise probably Change is All?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've been writing fanfiction in some form for 20+ years and posting for nearly as long, so I've definitely gotten a few hate comments over the years, but nothing on any of my recent stuff. In part because I'm not that known, probably.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, and it really depends on the muse.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't really write any crazy crossovers, although technically, most of my Marvel fics are a fusion of various Marvel sources (MCU, 616, etc.) and I've also got a crossover between SG-1 and Atlantis, but they're really the same fandom families and don't really count as real crossovers, imo.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge and it's my hope that I never do.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I had several translated under my previous penname, but none of my recent stuff; I've divorced myself from the fandom in question.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Under a previous penname, yes.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Asking a shipper's favorite ship is cruel and unusual, but it's probably almost definitely IronHawk or Stuckony. Also Spirk. I also really love the Lovesquare in all its permutations.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't have an WIPs currently being posted for this very reason. So many ideas. With my motivation and butterfly brain, I'll never finish them all.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm pretty great with dialogue and emotive scenes, I think? I'm not sure--please let me know!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Not actually writing even though I really want to. I also struggle with action scenes, but everyone says they always come out fine, so I'm not sure.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Oh. Oh, this is a bad question to ask me.
Listen, if the readers are supposed to understand what's being said, then freaking write it in the same language as the rest of fic and italicize to indicate it's in a different language. If I have to go hunting for a goddamn translation, or scroll back and forth to the mf-ing notes, when I'm supposed to know what's being said, odds are very high that I'm going to simply stop reading a fic. It's bad writing. Yes, I said it. It's bad writing--it's your job as a writer to make sure a reader can understand what they need to without making them jump through hoops. If your "aesthetic" matters more to you than making your narrative readily accessible to your readers, you need to rethink having another language being spoken. That said, if readers aren't supposed to understand what is said (or it's obvious/doesn't matter in the case of, like, spells or something), or you work the translation into the story right away, I'm all for it. Those are the only times I find it acceptable to actually have another language that's spoken written in a language different from the rest of the narrative.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Cats (the 1998 video, not that 2019 monstrosity)
20. Favorite fics you’ve written?
I'm really rather proud of Eidetic Image despite its numerous and varied flaws, as well as The Seeds of Great Enterprises. I also really had a lot of fun writing my Miraculous BFF-swap story Crushes and Antics.
Thank you so much for tagging me, @hamsteriffic! <3 I think I shall give a poke to... ahhhhh--anyone who sees this and might wanna do it as well! I lack the temerity to ask anyone apart from Hamster or Waffle lol
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
Sooo I have mikey brain rot apperently soo have mikey gead cannons too uwu that no one asked for. Look last Ronin is still on my mind and I want good things for mikey ;3;
Applies to all
* The heart of the team
* The one who embraces being a turtle mutant the most he's very comfortable in his shell
* The most trusting of the batch so if he thinks something is up? Usually his hunch isn't too far off on something be wrong
* 2012 has light blue eyes and I won't change that buuut I like to think 2003 and rise have brown eyes uwu
* Deff feels he has it the easiest as the youngest and often down plays his own struggles and hangup.
* The most physically affectionate one a big hugger uwu
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* A full time pop culture nerd from.movies to comics. Mikey would absolutely love the mcu
* Feels he and his brothers shouldn't live in hiding because they could do so much good for people
* Is very influenced by his comic books in his idea of being a hero which can conflict with the whole being a ninja thing
* Won the battle championship once and will never shut up about it
* knows he has it easy in the family but hates how he's not taken very serious by anyone. Sure he's fine with his role as the 'clown' but he wants his brothers to see he isn't nothing but a joke
* Also only feels he's nothing but a joke u_u
* He has the most intrest in human culture for sure and it's why he got so into comics and such.
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* Likes to draw pictures for donnie to hang in his lab
* A very orthodox fighter and loves it cause he knows it passes people off but it's what he feels is his biggest strength
* Loves finding old TV shows to watch and get into.
* Has a tumblr where he find fellow fans of the old stuff he watches ofc they don't know he's a turtle.
* Draw himself as an oc
* Very empathic, even towards Raph when he feels he needs it most at least.
* Since he deals with raph do much he handles people anger pretty well but sometimes he also the one instigating it because it's kind of fun todo so
* His biggest thing is he just wants his family to stay together and loves that he can bond with his brothers and friends as he dose but can he always have everyone together?
* He tries to always keep up his mindset as being the sunshine one, the one never bortrs by anything so he tends to lock himself up in his room on days he jist can't be that for others but dosent want anyone to know
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* Whenever his brothers got in trouble and put in time out he demanded to be given time out as well because it's not fair that his brothers got something and he didn't
* Splinter gave up trying to explain why mikey wasn't getting time out.
* Did this the most when Leo got in time out just sit with his older brother uwu
* When mikey get art block he can annoying to deal with because he just can not relax till he's able to draw again
* Mikey acts as family therapist because he wants to give back to brothers in some way as theu do him all the time.
* However he dosent open up himself he's very good at actting like he's fine all the time
* Likes to steal his brothers partners cause they his friends now uwu usagi complies the most sorry Leo xD
* Since the movie he's had some power explosions because he forced his mystic powers to work in order to get Leo back
* Mikey has Essential tremor in his hands now ever since opening that portal to the prison dimension.
* He hides this from the others but it's been upsetting him when his hands start shaking and he can't control it and for a bit he'll stop drawing till he can understand what's going on.
* When he's upset he'll hide in his shell. He's gone days in there before
* Mikey is obsessed with celebrity chefs like meatsweats
* loves goofing around with Leo the most
* dose get annoyed woth how much raph can baby him in terms of what he thinks he can and can't handle
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amelia-haynes · 7 months
desired reality backstory
i talk about doctor who a lot so if you haven't seen the show i guess spoilers ahead?
so first things first: i need to give out a little bit of background
my name is Amelia Pond Smith, I'm the Doctor's and River's daughter. When I was born, Madame Kavarian was hunting me because she was mad at River for falling in love with her target, basically.
They ripped a hole through the universe and placed me up for adoption (left me at a hospital) and I grew up in this normal universe where nothing happens.
Throughout my life he has been popping in and out just checking in on me, like he did with Clara.
the part i don't like to think about is how he takes me back to his universe so we'll skip that part (yes i script in bad moments too because my perfect life has not perfect moments which makes me appreciate the good moments even more)
so The Doctor brings me back to his universe, but because of time travel and fixed points in time and space he takes me back in time and drops me off at this boarding school in the 1900s where 10 is there with Martha hiding from the aliens
(i never liked that episode so idr the names of the aliens)
I help him and Martha fight those aliens, and I also have my own chameleon circuit so I open it up and boom. Time Lord.
Fun and TMI Fact: I was born in the TARDIS (and made 👀) so that, along with the fact my IQ is 201, I have powers. They include the Avatar's powers like water, earth fire, and air bending. I can also metal bend, blood bend, and heal with water bending. Also have like legit magic. Not like Harry Potter magic, I don't need a wand or anything I just need an intention to use magic and a spell. Some times a spell.
So I travel with the Doctor and Martha, then Jack comes along, then the whole ordeal with The Master taking over the world and the events of season 4 happen.
When Daleks steal the Earth, I've nearly died quite a few times and the Doctor is worried, like worried about me so he sends me to live with Sarah-Jane Smith and her son Luke. I think I'm like. god hang on i actually have to think hard about this-
i think i'm 17 when this happens. My age in this genuinely confuses me.
So I live with Sarah-Jane for a few years, the Doctor does visit every now and then. 2010 happens and 10 regenerates into 11, it's very emotional for me, blah blah BUT I am there throughout all of season 5 of these events. He did promise me I can travel with him for the summer of 2010 and it is the summer before Luke goes to university so he comes with us because why not? Fun adventure before college university.
The events of season 5 happen blah blah the Doctor saves the universe. luke and i start see each other but i'm only three years older than him in this it's all fine i did think about that
Season 6 happens, it's 2012, time starts catching up, now the Doctor and River are married, she's pregnant and gives birth in the TARDIS and yes I am there for my birth because fucking time travel is confusing as all hell.
Kavarian is on the hunt for me, so I'm all grown up and need to go back into hiding. I am also not emotionally stable because my life got flipped turned upside down twice already (first time leaving my home, second time having to move in with Sarah-Jane) so the thought of having to start over A THIRD FUCKING TIME just makes me want to go and unalive Kavarian.
I mean I know I can, but River and the Doctor don't want me to live with something like that. I'm basically an angsty teenage Time Lord to them.
SO yeah my backstory is really long, i did leave some stuff out because it's so much and i got lazy. and don't come at me for inconsistencies or something. it makes sense to me because a.) it's my reality and b.) fucking time travel
this is the back bone to all my desired realities and how i get to them. i have three main dr's which is mcu, xmen, and stranger things. xmen the Doctor just drops me off at the mansion, and in mcu and stranger things i fall out of the TARDIS into that world.
i did forget to mention when writing this and i don't know when it happens, but i do know that the Doctor and i end up in the mcu universe at some point in the 1940s so i meet steve rogers and bucky barnes before captain america is a thing. bucky totally has a thing for me but i 1000% sass him
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webxdings · 1 year
On this blog we respect everyone no matter the skin color, gender, sexuality or whatever. If you can't do this, then this is the wrong blog for you.
I have zero tolerance for bullying. I can make an exception if it's in our rp and directed to the character. But only if we talked about it beforehand. Anything else won't be accepted.
I don't care about NSFW as long as it doesn't include my Peter. Especially with characters that are way older than him like Tony Stark, Stephen Strange etc.
Same thing goes for shipping. Peter in this verse is single, which means he has no relationship with MJ and they also never dated. They were just friends. This goes for everyone else. Don't come here and act like your character is in a relationship with Peter before talking with me first. This goes for any kind of relationship.
Peter in this version is aroace. And I think this explains why I don't want to see my Peter in a NSFW scenario.
Everyone is welcome to interact. No matter if it's a canon character or oc. But if you play as an oc, I preffer to start the interaction with their first meeting, so I can get to know your character on my own.
This means don't start writting as if your character and Peter are best friends, except we talked about it before. (This doesn't count for characters that Peter already knows in the MCU.)
I will make up my own opinion on your character in every aspect. So don't say something like "Peter loved him/her/them so much." or "Peter thought she/he/they looked cute."
No godmodding. Don't control Peter and don't say that he did something or will do something etc. You play as your character and I play as mine. Also don't kill or injure him without talking about it.
I will ignore asks and messages that makes me uncomfortable or if I don't want to answer them.
If I say no it means no. There's no need to ask multiple times. I won't let myself be pressured into anything at all. If you want the storyline to go into a specific direction or want me to do something specific just tell me and I'll think about it.
Be aware that I have a life outside of tumblr. So it can happen that my answer takes a while. It can also happen that I answer specific people but not everyone. It depends on how much time I've got and in what mood I am. I will never stress about an answer and I ask you to do the same. Every time I see that I got an answer, I will like it for you to see that I saw it and that I'm going to answer at some point. If I haven't liked it and didn't answered it either you can chim by and remind me. I tend to be very forgetfull so it can happen that sometimes I do forget about it, so liking it is a good solution for you to check if I forgot it or if I just couldn't answer it yet.
If I decide to drop out of a rp I will let you know beforhand and it would be nice if you would do the same. You don't have to explain anything just shoot me a message telling me you want to stop the thread.
Comunicacion is really important to me. If you have an issue with me come up and tell me straight. Don't pretend that everything is good and then talk behind my back. I will do the same. If I got a problem with you I will let you know.
I don't care about any writing stuff but I preffer third person. Most of all for story rps. First person however is fine for smaller interactions and short asks.
I will do bigger rps only with mutuals or after we talked about it.
Even if I usually have my main muns with who I write, I don't mind writing with multiple muns of the same character. But they will just be like other versions from the multiverse.
That's it for now. If something else comes to my mind I will updated this post.
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
“Move the plans”
Pairing: Florence Pugh x actress!reader (platonic)
Summary: Florence tells you to cancel your plans when she ends up in New York.
Warnings: Nothing really bad. Mentions lactose intolerance? Idk if that’s sensitive to people. Probably some spelling errors.
A/n: Hello darlings! I’m back from my unannounced break. I decided to write a platonic Florence fic because she’s a sweetheart and I loved her as Yelena! Also for those who follow me, don’t worry, I will be working on a sequel to my Tom Holland “Sour” fic!! But for now, please enjoy this fic!😚💕
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✧───── ・ 。゚★: *. ☽.* :★. ─────✧
You stood backstage in front of a mirror, looking at your appearance and making sure there were no wrinkles on the dress you wore. Your hairstylist was behind you, fluffing your hair and managing the stray baby hairs on your head. You were currently at NBC Studios in New York City, about to do an interview with the infamous, Jimmy Fallon. Tingles buzzed through your skin as you heard the cheers and music from the stage. Jimmy’s voice can be heard faintly backstage, only adding to your growing excitement.
The sound of heels clicking approached you, it took less than a second for you to feel the warm presence of Florence behind you. The both of you were starring in the upcoming Black Widow movie alongside Scarlett Johansson; after months of working together and spending days hanging out, you and Florence had become very close friends. She was, without a doubt, your favorite person in the world. Since the moment you met her, she had always been the most sweetest and caring person you’ve ever met—and you were proud to say you had her in your corner.
You met Flo’s eyes in the mirror and bright smiles were instantly on your faces. Turning around, you open your arms wide, and wrap them around her. Bear hugs were a must in your friendship with Flo, you both just loved receiving hugs from each other.
“Ahhh! I told you that dress would be perfect for tonight, you look stunning!” She squealed, tightening her arms around you. A day before Jimmy Fallon, you and Flo had been at your place with your stylist, picking out which dress you should wear for the interview. The dress was casual, but the color was so ever vibrant that it made the dress pop.
You pulled out the hug and looked at what she was wearing. Her gorgeous blonde hair was curled into loose locks and her dress was just as vibrant as yours. The pink of her dress and the orange (yellowish?) of yours complimented each other. Which coincidentally enough, was a parallel of your lovely friendship with Florence.
“Me? Flo, you look gorgeous! I’m so obsessed with this look!” You help her twirl, hyping her up as she showed off her outfit. After sneaking in a little mirror selfie and posting it onto Instagram, the two of you were given a five minute warning from one of the crew members. You and Flo were moved to stand behind the curtain, waiting for your cues to walk onto the stage.
While the two of you were getting mic’d up, Florence leaned closer to you.
“Can I be completely honest with you?” She mumbled, her stare remaining on the curtain before her. Your brow raises in curiosity as your head slightly turns to look at her.
“Of course, hun. What’s up?” You ask, your attention on her. She sighs and leans even closer so only you can hear her.
“I feel like I’m about to shit my pants.” She admits, swallowing nervously. Your mouth gapes, “Did you have iced coffee too?”
Flo’s face scrunches up in confusion, “N-no! That was me telling you I was nervous! Did you have iced coffee?” She fully turns to look at you and judging by the look of guilt plastered across your face, you did in fact have iced coffee.
“Maybe?” You answer, though it came out more like a question. Florence rolls her eyes at you.
“(Y/n), how many times do you have to be reminded that you’re lactose intolerant?” She scolded you.
You scoff, holding a hand up at her, “Trust me, I’m reminded every time I sit on a toilet.” You shake your head, trying to refocus the conversation.
“This isn’t about my poor digestive system—why are you nervous?”
She sighs, “I don’t know why I’m so nervous, I’m used to doing interviews and stuff. But I haven’t been on Jimmy Fallon, and there’s an audience out there and I don’t want to mess up or accidentally spoil the movie.”
You place a reassuring hand on her shoulder, “You may be British, but you’re not Tom Holland. You won’t spoil anything.” You start. She quickly shoots you a look that screams, “you’re not helping”. You make a gesture physically telling her that you’re getting to the point.
“You’re going to be fine! I mean you did Jimmy Kimmel right? This shouldn’t be that different, it’s the same thing—just different studios, in different states, and different Jimmy’s.” You point out. She nods along as you continue, “Plus, I’m gonna be up there with you. You won’t be alone.”
With the help of your reassurance and witty little comments, Florence felt her anxiousness simmer down. They weren’t completely gone but the fact that you were gonna be up there together made her relax more. Being part of Marvel had its pros and cons. Sure, the movies are spectacular and the actors are outstanding. Though when it comes to doing promo for said movies, it can be quite stressful. It’s a known fact that Marvel and it’s executives can be quite strict when it comes to interviews with anyone involved in the making of their films—their strictness made sense, although for first time MCU members, it took some getting used to.
Florence smiles at you, “Thank you.”
You playfully nudge her shoulder with yours, “Don’t worry about it.” You say with a kind smile.
The wholesome moment was interrupted by one of the stagehands telling you and Florence that the two of you were on in 15 seconds.
“Our guests tonight are making their big MCU debut in the new Black Widow film, please welcome (Y/n) (L/n) and Florence Pugh!”
“So in the movie, there’s three of you guys—where’s the other one?” Jimmy asked, motioning his hand to the small space between you and Flo.
“She’s at home I believe.” Florence answered, glancing at you. “She’s busy doing stuff, you know—adult things.” She added.
You took the opportunity to make a joke and said, “Yet here we are promoting her movie.” You roll your eyes playfully. The crowd bursts out laughing, along with Jimmy, who smacked his desk.
“You know, we deserve a raise for this.” Flo considers, going along with your joke. She slightly snorts and nudges your arm with her elbow. “We could take Scarlett’s check and just split it in half for ourselves.”
“Problem solved.” You shrugged, high fiving her.
Another round of laughs fill the room as Jimmy says, “So you’re both taking Scarlett’s money?”
Jokingly, you nod in approval, “By the end of this interview? Definitely.”
Dropping the bit, you shake your head with a grin on your face. “I’m kidding! I’m only joking, I wouldn’t do that to her, even if I were forced to.”
Jimmy moves on as a picture of you, Florence, and Scarlett pops up on the screen. The picture had been posted on your Instagram and was taken while the three of you were filming in between takes. You were taking the selfie while Scarlett and Florence were poking their heads out from behind you making funny faces.
“I can’t imagine how exciting it is to be on a Marvel set, and to even work with one of the first ever heroes in the MCU—that must be insane!” Jimmy exclaims, motioning to another picture of the three of you.
“It’s unbelievable. To work alongside Scarlett and to follow this kind of path that she’s paved in the MCU is an honor. She really was like our older sister behind the scenes, because she was always guiding us and taking care of everyone. She’s the best.” Florence responded while you nodded in agreement.
“I watched the movie last night and one of the things I enjoyed the most was the dynamic the three of you had. You guys were like actual siblings.” Jimmy mentioned, motioning between you and Flo.
Florence giggled before squeezing you into a tight hug, “Yeah, she’s my big sister.” You smiled beamingly, patting her cheek before she let go.
“No, really! She’s like my actual younger sister.” You tell the audience, who “awed” at the hug you both shared. “We spent months on this movie and we spent every single day with each other. By the middle of production, we were basically roommates.”
“Roommates?” Jimmy questioned, leaning his elbows on his desk.
“Because I was always at her house.” Florence answered in a ‘duh’ tone. “I’ve actually grown an attachment to (Y/n), she’s like my comfort blanket. So I need to have her with me at all times. If she’s not with me, I just won’t leave the house.”
“Speaking of your attachment to (Y/n), there’s this video of you that you apparently sent her?” Jimmy gestured at you, “And you posted it on your Instagram and now the whole internet is obsessed with it.”
“Yup, that’s the one.” You confirmed.
“I know there’s probably some people who haven’t seen it, so here’s the video.” The video of Florence popped up on the screen and began to play.
(This fic was based on this TikTok😭)
Jimmy looked at you and Florence in amusement, “Can we get some context?”
Florence waved her hand at the screen and said, “As you can all see, I’m very persistent.”
“This wasn’t your first time sending her these kinds of videos?” Jimmy asked. You shook your head, a feign look of annoyance on your face.
“No, she does this all the time.”
“In my defense, I was unexpectedly flying out to New York for a project. I knew I was gonna be in the city for a few days, so I decided to call (Y/n) and make the most of my trip.” Flo defended herself, slightly pouting.
You leaned your head on her shoulder, “To be fair, it was also our first time seeing each other since we wrapped Black Widow, and we really missed each other.”
“(Y/n), did you have to move any plans?” Jimmy turns to you. Florence does the same.
“You know what, you never told me if you had plans or not.” She squints her eyes at you. Your arms crossed while your body slowly sunk into the couch.
You pretend to fix your lipstick, quickly muttering, “I might’ve moved some plans around.”
Florence’s mouth gapes in shock, her entire body freezing. She grips onto your shoulder, “Wait, you actually moved plans for me?”
“I might’ve rescheduled a lunch with someone, but that doesn’t really matter.” You replied, trying to move on from the topic. Jimmy pointed at you, a giant grin on his face, “You actually moved plans for Florence!”
Florence’s mouth was still wide in shock, “I can’t believe you actually moved plans for me—(Y/n)!” She whined.
“I missed seeing you, so of course I had to move them.” You bashfully explained, the corners of your lips turning upwards. Florence pulled you into a hug.
“Gosh, you really do love me!” She exclaimed.
“I really do!” You said, your arms wrapping around her as well.
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blackstarising · 3 years
coming back to this post i made again to elaborate - especially as the ted lasso fandom is discussing sam/rebecca and fandom racism in general. there are takes that are important to make that i had failed to previously, but there's also a growing amount of takes that i have to, As A Black Person™, respectfully disagree with.
tl;dr for the essay below sam being infantilized and the sam/rebecca relationship are not the same issue and discussing the former one doesn't mean excusing the latter. and we've reached the glen of the Dark Forest where we sit down and talk about fandom racism.
i should have elaborated this in my last post about sam/rebecca, but i didn't. i'll say it now - i personally don't support sam and rebecca getting together for real. i believe what people are saying is entirely correct, even though sam is an adult legally, he and rebecca are, at the very least, two wildly different stages of life. for americans, he's at the equivalent of being a junior in college. there are things he hasn't gotten the chance to experience and there are areas he needs to grow in. when i was younger, i didn't understand the significance of these age gaps, i just thought it would be fine if it was legal, but as someone who is now a little older than sam in universe, i understand fully. we can't downplay this. whether or not you think sam works for rebecca or not, even despite the gender inversion of the Older Man Younger Woman trope, whether or not he is a legal adult, i don't think at this point in time, their relationship would work. i think it's an interesting narrative device, but i don't want to see it play out in reality.
that being said!
what's worrying me is that two discussions are being conflated here that shouldn't be. sam having agency and being a little more grown™ than he's perceived to be does not suddenly make his relationship with rebecca justified. i had decided to bring it up because sam was being brought into the spotlight again and i was starting to realizing that his infantilization was more common than i felt comfortable with.
sam's infantilization (and i will continue to call it that), is a microaggression. it's is in the range of microaggressions that i would categorize as 'fandom overcompensation'. we have a prominent character of color that exhibits traits that aren't stereotypical, and we don't want to appear racist or stereotypical, so we lean hard in the other direction. they're not aggressive, they're a Sweet Baby, they're not world weary, they're now a little naive. they're not cold and distant, they're so nice and sweet that there's no one that wouldn't want approach them, and yeah, on their face, these new traits are a departure and, on their face, they seem they look really good.
but at a certain point, it reaches an inflection point, and, like the aftertaste of a diet coke, that alleged sweetness veers into something a lot less sweet. it veers into a lack of agency for the character. it veers into an innocence that appears to indicate that the person can't even take care of themselves. it veers into a one-dimensional characterization that doesn't allow for any depth or negative emotion.
it's not kind anymore. it's not a nice departure from negative stereotypes. it's not compensating for anything.
it's patronizing.
it is important that we emphasize that characters of color are more than the toxic stereotypes we lay on them, yes, but we make a mistake in thinking that the solution is overcorrection. for one thing, people of color can usually tell. don't get it twisted, it's actually pretty obvious. for another, it just shifts from one dimension to another. people of color are still supposed to be Only One Character Trait while white people can contain multitudes. ted, who is pretty much as pollyanna as they come, can be at once innocent and naive and deep and troubled and funny and scared. jamie can be a prick and sexy and also lonely and also a victim of abuse. sam, however, even though he was bullied (by jamie, no less), is thousands of miles away from home, and has led a protest on his team, is usually just characterized as human sunshine with much less acknowledgement of any other traits beyond that.
and that's why i cringe when fandom calls sam a Sweet Baby Boy without any sense of irony. is that all we're taking away? after all this time? even for a comedy, sam has received a substantive of screen time over two whole seasons, and we've seen a range of emotions from him. so as a black person it's hurtful that it's boiled down to Sweet Baby Boy.
that's the problem. we need to subvert stereotypes, but more importantly, we need to understand that people of color are not props, or pieces of cardboard for their white counterparts. they are full and actualized and have agency in their own right and they can have other emotions than Angry and Mean or Sweet and Bubbly without any nuance between the two. i think the show actually does a relatively good job of giving sam depth (relatively, always room for improvement, mind you), especially holding it in tension with his youth, but the fandom, i worry, does not.
it's the same reason why finn from star wars started out as the next male protagonist in the sequel trilogy but by the third movie was just running around yelling for REY!! it's the same reason why when people make Phase 4 Is the Phase For Therapy gifsets for the mcu and show wanda maximoff, loki, and bucky barnes crying and being sad but purposefully exclude sam wilson who had an entire show to tell us how difficult his life is, because people find out if pee oh sees are also complex, they'll tell the church.
and the reason why i picked up on this very early on is because i am an organic, certified fresh, 100% homegrown, non-gmo, a little ashy, indigenous sub saharan African black person. the ghanaian tribes i'm descended from have told me so, my black ass parents have told me so, and the nurses at the hospital in [insert asian country here] that started freaking out about how curly my hair was as my mother was mid pushing me out told me so!
and this stuff has real life implications. listen: being patronized as a black person sucks. do you know how many times i was patted on the back for doing quite honestly, the bare minimum in school? do you know how many times i was told how 'well spoken' or 'eloquent' i was because i just happen to have a white accent or use three syllable words? do you know how many times i've been cooed over by white women who couldn't get over how sweet i was just because i wasn't confrontational or rude like they wrongly expected me to be?
that's why they're called microaggressions. it's not a cross on your lawn or having the n-word spat in your face, but it cuts you down little by little until you're completely drained.
so that's the nuance. that's the subversion. the overcompensation is not a good thing. and people of color (and i suspect, even white people) have picked up on, in general, the different ways fandom treats sam and dani and even nate. what all of these discussions are converging on is fandom racism, which is not the diet form of racism, but another place for racism to reveal itself. and yeah, it's uncomfortable. it can seem out of left field. you may want to defend yourself. you may want to explain it away. but let me tap the sign on the proverbial bus:
if you are a white person, or a person of color who is not part of that racial group, even, you do not get to decide what is not racist for someone. full stop. there are no exceptions. there is no exit clause for you. there is no 'but, actually-'. that right wasn't even yours to cede or waive.
(it's also important to note that people of color also have the right to disagree on whether something is racist, but that doesn't necessarily negate the racism - it just means there's more to discuss and they can still leave with different interpretations)
people don't just whip out accusations of racism like a blue eyes white dragon in a yu-gi-oh duel. it's not fun for us. it's not something we like to do to muzzle people we don't want to engage with. and we're not concerned with making someone feel bad or ashamed. we're exposing something painful that we have to live with and, even worse, process literally everything we experience through. we can't turn it off. we can't be 'less sensitive' or 'less nitpicky'. we are literally the primary resources, we are the proverbial wikipedia articles with 3,000 sources when it comes to racism. who else would know more than us?
what 2020 has shown us very clearly is that racism is systemic. it's not always a bunch of Evil White Men rubbing their hands together in a dark room wondering how they're going to use the 'n-word' today. it's systemic. it's the way you call that one neighborhood 'sketchy'. it's how you use 'ratchet' and 'ghetto' when describing something bad. it's how you implicitly the assume the intelligence of your friend of color. it's the way you turned up your nose and your friend's food and bullied them for it in middle school but go to restaurants run by white people who have 'uplifted' it with inauthentic ingredients. it's telling someone how Well Spoken and Eloquent they are even though you've both gone to the same schools and work at the same workplace. it's the way you look down at some people of color for having a different body type than you because they've been redlined to neighborhoods where certain foods and resources are inaccessible, and yet mock up the racial features that appeal to you either through makeup or plastic surgery.
it's how when a person of color behaves badly, they're irredeemable, but a white person performing the same act or something similar is 'having a bad day' or 'isn't normally like this' or 'has room to grow' and we can't 'wait for their redemption arc', and yes, i'm not going to cover it in detail in this post but yes this is very much about nate. other people have also brought up the nuances in his arc and compared them to other white characters so i won't do it here.
these behaviors and reactions aren't planned. they aren't orchestrated. they're quite literally unconscious because they've been lovingly baked into western society for centuries. you can't wake up and be rid of it. whether you intended it or not, it can still be racist.
and it's actually quite hurtful and unfair to imply that concerns about racism in the TL fandom are unfounded or lacking any depth or simply meant to be sensational because you simply don't agree with it. i wish it was different, but it doesn't work that way. i'm not raising this up to 'call out' or shame people, but i'm adding to this discussion because, through how we talk about sam, and even dani and nate, i'm yet again seeing a pattern that has shortchanged people of color and made them feel unwelcome in fandom for far too long.
coach beard said it best: we need to do better.
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
wooohooo MCU gremlins drabble
Thor and Bruce examined the burn patters swirling on the remains of a wall, as Tony and Steve chatted to themselves.
“It’s been a month since these so-called Four Warriors were summoned, and we still haven’t found them. And now we know they have energy-based weapons.”
“But don’t you think that’s strange? These Warriors have been in New York for a month, and this is the first we’ve seen of any sort of attack.”
“Ahem.” Thor stood up. “I’m afraid that you are incorrect, Man of Iron.”
Tony raised an eyebrow. “How so?”
Bruce stepped in, data pad in hand, which he passed to Tony. “The burn patterns here are too sporadic to be man-made. They look like natural lightning- or the kind of stuff Thor can summon. If I didn’t know this came from the middle of the city, I’d say the wall was just struck in a storm.”
Tony hummed. “So, what are you saying? Instead of the Warriors running around my city with weapons, they’re running around with superpowers? That’s worse!”
“Tony, you have to calm down.”
The Thunder God shook his head. “Actually, I have seen this kind of lightning before. It was made by a child of the stars- your people do not have a name for their race.”
Steve blinked. “An alien?”
“Yes, but one forged in the heart of a star. That is not the concerning thing about these markings, however.”
“What is it?”
“They are powerful, but wildly inaccurate. Whoever shot these blasts was not trained to use them effectively.”
“They are either a non-combatant... or a juvenile. I would tend towards the latter, as a fully grown star child would have more power in their blasts.”
Tony’s eyes widened. “It’s a kid? You’re sure?” He stopped. “Fuck.”
“Shut it, Rodgers. I just remembered something.” He tapped the data pad. “When we fought that weirdo with the staff, we saw a bunch of teenagers.”
Steve made a noise of realisation, and his heart sank. “Four teenagers. I thought they’d been caught up in the blast, so I made sure they got out safely. I only saw two of their faces- but they were definitely just freaked-out kids in over their heads.”
Bruce took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. “Are you saying he summoned teenagers to do his dirty work? Are you saying the dangerous Warriors SHIELD has been tracking are kids?”
“Most likely stranded kids, if they’re still in the city.”
Steve didn’t admonish him this time.
A good thing about a city that’s constantly under attack is that nobody looks at a beat-up teenager twice, except with pity. Tommy knew that from back in L’Manberg, and it still rang true in... wherever the fuck they were. New York? He kicked a rock. “Fuckin’ stupid name. I would have come up with a much cooler one.”
Purpled scoffed, but there was no malice in it. “Uh huh.” The Starborne kept an eye on the entrance to the alley, fingers flexing around a hidden knife. He wouldn’t be caught unawares again. “You’d have named it L’Yorkberg or something.”
“Like I said, a much cooler name.” Tommy shot his friend a grin, and the wall behind them promptly disappeared. A tall figure with a hood over his face beckoned them through, the wall clicking seamlessly back into place behind them.
Finally, safety. The house they’d found was abandoned, and if anyone had come across it they’d be... confused. Random chunks of soil, sand and marble in perfect cubes were scattered around the room, and every surface was covered with random bits and pieces of machinery.
Purpled swept some scrap metal off of a cube of granite, and emptied out the bag of food he’d snagged on top of it. “I got enough to last us the week. I don’t think they saw me, but we should go to a different store next time to be safe.” Tommy passed the hooded figure a handful of first-aid kits. “Did Tubbo get that fridge working?”
The hooded figure- Ranboo- nodded. “Yeah, put the meat and stuff in it so it doesn’t go bad.” That had been a shock- food in this world spoiling over time. They couldn’t get ill from it, just Hunger, but it was still unpleasant to eat. The worst part of it was that they couldn’t just stock up on bread and wait for someone to find them, they had to constantly go out to get food. At least the first-aid kits were just a precaution.
The ram hybrid in question leaned into the room. “Hey, guys! Did you run into any trouble?” Tommy shook his head emphatically, while Purpled looked sheepish. “No...”
Tubbo put his hands on his hips. “What happened?”
Purpled coughed, embarrassed. “We kind of got mugged. They wanted this green paper stuff we found.” Tommy puffed out his chest proudly, wings flicking mischievously under his hoodie. “Purpled kicked the shit out of them, you should have seen him! Zapped them right through a wall.”
The ram’s eyes lit up, radiation symbols dancing in his pupils. “Sick!”
Ranboo, on the other hand, looked slightly panicked. “Uhm, aren’t we trying to keep a low profile?”
Tommy shrugged. “Eh, we had our hoods up, plus there’s a fuckin’ million people in this city. It’ll be fine.”
Tubbo clapped his hands together twice, banishing the nervous air that had grown in the room. “Right. Ranboo, you’re still banned from the kitchen after the Spaghetti Incident, so Tommy, it’s your turn to cook.”
Tony Stark was not good at waiting. It took approximately seven seconds for JARVIS to illegally download the CCTV footage of the attack, and about sixty for everyone watching to see what had really happened. It was still too long for him.
Two teenagers were walking down an alleyway, one in a red hoodie and one in a purple one. They were talking together and laughing about something.
“Red has blond hair, blue eyes, about 6’3. I think he’s got a dyed white streak in his hair.” He’d roped Natasha in for this, her spy training making her excellent at spotting details others would miss. “Purple has lighter blond hair and... purple eyes? Huh. They could be blue too, just a trick of the light. He’s shorter than Red, maybe 5’11?”
One of the teenagers swung his bag at the other with a grin on his face. The other yelled at him. Two older men appeared at the other end of the alley.
The spy’s eyes narrowed. “Two adults, 20-25, Caucasian, wearing beanies and dark clothing. They’re armed, one of them is nervous but the other has done this before.”
One of the men pulled a gun, and the other cracked his knuckles. The teenagers scowled.
“Huh. Interesting. Red and Purple aren’t afraid of them. They look... annoyed, but not scared.”
The man with the gun lunged forward, and was promptly knocked through a wall with a blast of electricity. The other man froze, and the teenager in red hit him over the head with a bag, before bursting into nervous laughter.
Nat’s eyes widened. “Holy shit. Okay, now I get why you wanted me to see this.” She looked at Tony. “Mutants? Have you contacted Xavier yet?”
Tony shook his head. “Not just mutants. Thor thinks Purple is an alien. Called him ‘a child of the stars’ or something.”
Shadows appeared at the end of the alleyway. The teenager in red swore, the words clearly visible despite the silent recording. He tore off his hoodie to reveal a large pair of wings, and grabbed his purple-clad friend. The pair flew out of sight of the camera.
“Red might be a mutant, we don’t know. Neither of them are showing up on any databases. No birth records, schooling, missing persons reports, anything.”
Nat sat back in her chair. “Right. You got any idea where they went after this?”
He shook his head. “Not one. We can assume Red landed in a remote area and hid his wings, before meeting up with the other two.”
She rose an eyebrow. “Other two?”
“There were four teenagers at that battle, remember? Just after four great Warriors were supposedly summoned.”
Recognition flashed in the spy’s eyes. “You think they’re the Warriors? They’re a little young.”
“Oh, I’m well aware. Steve was pissed when we put two and two together and Bruce nearly Hulked out. Kids don’t belong on a battlefield.”
“What do we do now?”
“Look for patterns. Where we see them, and when. JARVIS is looking through all public cameras right now, and he’s already found Red and Purple stealing food from a nearby store a couple of times.”
“No sign of the other two?”
“Not yet. Although, they could just be better at hiding. Hell, one of ‘em could have invisibility powers or something. Hard to tell.”
She shook her head. “I doubt it.”
Tony recognised that calculating look in her eyes. “You’ve figured something out. Alright. What’ve you got for me?”
She steepled her fingers together. “Put it this way. You’re a kid, and let’s for argument’s sake say you’ve been summoned to an unknown city, possibly even an unknown planet. You’re lost, and you’re evidently not able to get money or food, if you’re stealing from stores regularly.”
“If one of you has invisibility, why risk the visible ones getting caught? Why not just send them instead? No, my money is on Red and Purple being the most inconspicuous.”
He cocked his head. “What do you mean?”
“They’re the easiest to blend in- the most baseline human-looking. And considering one’s an alien and one has wings, that’s saying a lot. The other two might not be able to go out in public without causing a scene.”
“Huh. I hadn’t thought about it that way. But it makes sense.”
She shrugged. “Or the other two could be injured. Red was holding a bag full of medical supplies.”
“Shit. We need to find them, and fast.”
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in-tua-deep · 3 years
Are you into my hero academia? What about an AU or crossover with tua?
UHHHH I am technically, like, peripherally? I watched some seasons of the show like two or three years ago and since then have simply absorbed all content through osmosis, reading fanfiction that has canon events, and my sister telling me about the arcs of her fav characters lmao
so a crossover hmmm
First of all you'd have to like, establish whether bnha is an alternate universe or just The Future If No Apocalypse with quirks being traced back to the descendants of the kids born without mothers
So let's say it's that - the glowing baby was the "first quirk" but the truth is people had powers before that. But - well, the Umbrella Academy was obviously a marketing gimmick to those in the future! There were even comics based on them
In the future, you might find some of those comics in museum exhibits dedicated to depictions of powers in the pre-quirk era, but they're just fun depictions and much less popular than, oh, DC or MCU comics which are also in the exhibits!
End of s2 doesn't happen I guess in this au?? No sparrow academy at least lmao. So, the Umbrella Academy stop the apocalypse (again) and the Commission threat is? Neutralized? Whatever. They decide to jump back to the future
Five warns them that time travel is a crapshoot, that he has no fucking idea when they'll land beyond some nebulous "future" because Five can at least control the direction if not exactly how long
Also, Five is like. Super tired. Incredibly tired. Homeboy still has a healing gut wound, time traveled twice, has been jumping all over the place, gotten even more injured, experienced paradox psychosis, and managed to undo time all in the space of like, two weeks. There actually more than that but we don't have time to get into how fucking tired Five is from his ~Month of Hell
Like genuinely this is like putting someone almost delirious from lack of sleep in the driver's seat of a car and expecting to get to your destination in one piece
But hey, the siblings are like "do it uwu" and Five has sacrificed everything for them already so why not get behind the wheel again
So Five jumps them, and of course something goes wrong because Five has pushed his powers like a great big rubber band and honestly it was only a matter of time before he lost his grip and it snapped back to hit him
So here be the umbrella academy: spilled out into the future like a cup of bad coffee.
Five probably isn't in too good of shape tbh, like they're hundreds of years in the future (but hey at least confirmation of no apocalypse am I right) in a world full of superpowers and Five is like. bleeding from his ears and nose probably idk
Let's handwave a little bit - Reginald made them all polyglots so the squad all speak varying levels of Japanese. Allison is the best at it, Five is second best but tends to use more archaic words bc he had missions in Japan back when he was with the commission, and Klaus is third best.
(Ben is the worst bc he decided when he was 16-and-dead that he didn't have to do anything regarding lessons and maintenance and hasn't given a shit since - but also he's dead so)
So you have a bunch of weird adults with a bleeding child in like, an alley who have appeared from nowhere
so of course heroes get involved
Anyway, the squad get taken in and Five is conscious but like, barely? And he's not going to let himself get separated from his siblings again fuck-you-officer and there is a lot of confusion
anyway detective tsukauchi ends up getting involved and ends up having to hear this batshit story and be like "...truth." which sends all kinds of people scrambling because fucking time travel? Like yeah, it's been theorized to be a possible quirk but there's no recorded cases of any sort of time travel that is for more than 24 hours let alone hundreds of years
"I'm an adult." Five says sourly, "I just happened to be returned to my 13 year old body when I time traveled one time."
"True." Tsukauchi says, feeling his soul leave his body, but like. absently. the way he does when he's called in at 2am after getting off of work at midnight.
"I'm 58." Five says.
"Lie." Tsukauchi says, because this is a headcanon hill I will die on.
"I'm probably 58, but it was hard to keep track. I'm at least 50." Five corrects.
"True." Tsukauchi sighs like these six (seven? they keep referring to another sibling and Klaus said 'ghost' like that was fine and it registered as true and Tsukauchi is not nearly paid enough for this) are not giving him a migraine by just existing
on the bright side there's like, probably protocols in place for individuals who are Legally Chronologically Adults but thanks to quirks are Not Physically Or Not Mentally Adults with tests to determine if the individual needs a guardian or not
though i'm gonna be honest idk if Five would pass the test bc he literally cannot take care of himself at all, has never paid taxes or understands how to exist legally, and also his emotional maturity is stunted as all hell. also like. we don't actually know how much being in his thirteen-year-old body affects his mental state but yeAH Five is vibing
anyway Tsukauchi probably phones a friend on this bullshit because Time Travel Child alone is probably enough for the Hero Commission to be like "find a way to control and use it or nuke it from orbit" and that's not even touching whatever the fuck Klaus is doing (shit gets real once 'dead men tell no tales' stops being true) let ALONE Allison's whole deal
on the bright side like, at least Vanya isn't getting side-eyed that much bc Big Destructive Quirks aren't exactly unknown? if vanya wanted to i guess quirk suppressors exist for that until extensive training on how to control a super powerful quirk happens
Tsukauchi in the group chat: Aizawa please I am literally begging you to take this bullshit on
Aizawa: in this economy? with my class?
RatGod: lol we'll take them ;3c
Aizawa: no
Anyway they probably end up having to live at UA while Five insists on trying to get them home still and everyone else is like "oh hey we used to be child soldiers as well! (:" and Aizawa is like "i hate everything about this and everything about all of you but also like nedzu is making me interact with you so :/"
nedzu is out here vibing like "lol i just don't want the hero commission to get their little paws on these time traveling fuckers, i think you should make then teaching assistants or something"
honestly the siblings are probably like. figuring out how to function in the bnha universe and getting like, legally registered and stuff while Five ferally refuses bc that's like saying he's giving up on getting them home and he can do this
Recovery girl tries to heal him a little when he arrives and he passes out for two weeks like, immediately bc homeboy is running on fumes and spite at this point
also i think on principle it would be REALLY FUNNY if the squad got to tag along with the class bc like. Five is thirteen and the class are all 15. this does not sound like a large age gap. anyone who has interacted with teenagers know that the class would squint at Five and be like "who is this sassy lost middle schooler."
I feel like when I was a sophomore we were still like "freshman... babie" even though we were literally only one year older.
i think the difference between the umbrella academy and school kids would be pretty funny like. objectively the bnha kids are lowkey child soldiers?? like they're 15 and fighting villains but like, there's all this red tape and laws and stuff but,,, deku still be breaking his limbs in a child fighting ring against equally superpowered children for like. entertainment and sponsorships sooo
but also like Five would be like "oh cool when is the experimentation class"
"the what"
"you know, when your powers are pushed real hard by putting you in different terrible situations while your dad and sibling stand by with clipboards writing down the exact voltage it takes before you can't use your powers anymore when being electrocuted"
"hound dog's office is right there. therapy is available to you at any time. i need you to know this."
all might calls Luther "my boy" like one (1) time and Luther just breaks down crying probably because he is starved for positive attention
klaus and midnight get along like a literal house on fire, aizawa tried his best to keep them apart for as long as possible but god damn
(klaus: your name is shimura nana??
all might: immediately dies choking on blood)
i feel it absolutely necessary to point out that aizawa, present mic, and midnight are all like, 30? and the umbrella academy are all between 29-early 30s? they are PEERS but like. the umbrella academy are more chaotic due to childhood trauma
the umbrella academy probably get offered to like. also train to be heroes. i mean,, there HAS to be some sort of track for people who change careers right?? you don't have to cement your future as a hero when you're 15 i'm sure there must be something and the squad already have experience if they want to go be legal heroes
diego probably does at least?? diego just vibes honestly. diego gets momo to make knives during a team exercise and they just go feral on everyone else and it ends with diego highfiving momo and someone getting way to close to being stabbed for comfort
Five might just be. legally enrolled as an Actual Student? But also i think it's funny to picture the entire squad just. all in the back of the classroom with luther trying to fit into a high school desk as they take notes on the laws of The Future surrounding heroics
every word out of the umbrella academy's mouths just make everyone more concerned on principal but like, five and klaus are probably the worst offenders. Klaus just says whatever comes to mind with no filter and Five doesn't get what people would consider to be abnormal anymore like
Five: yeah our dad bought us when we were babies and experimented on us throughout our childhood in order to make an elite team of child soldiers superheroes, it happens
Todoroki: ...have you heard of quirk marriages?
izuku probably has an aneurism bc he's is the only person who might recognize them from the comics because you know ya boy extensively researched the idea of heroics in pre-quirk eras (batman was an inspiration alright???) and might dredge up a memory of a less popular comic series
Five: I can time travel but it is very hard, which is why we are hundreds of years in the future. And why I look like a child.
Kaminari: so are you a kid or not?
Five, serenely: whatever is most convenient for me at any given moment
Mina: hell yeah game the system
they have a brief lesson on astronomy and Luther raises his hand like "ooh! i was isolated on the moon for four years and did SO MUCH research" and then just gets up and starts infodumping like way too much information on the moon
Izuku sitting there like "damn if quirks hadn't popped up we could have achieved so much in terms of space travel. please tell me more giant man who lived in pre-quirk era."
Vanya finds out about the quirkless and is like "oh mood that genuinely sounds like my childhood, being ordinary in a house full of extraordinary people, and then i found out that i did have powers but only much later in life after i had already been emotionally scarred by the experience"
deku: vanya we have so much in common
iida and uraraka: concerned noises
aizawa: hound dog. therapy with hound dog for all of you.
there's probably some conflict with like, the hero commission wanting to get their hands on the time travelers?? but probably especially five and klaus as a) time travel and b) ghosts (the hc def has bodies they would like to stay buried)
five has a pavlovian reaction to anything with 'commission' in the name and hates them on site, probably plays into his age in order to become a ward of UA or something to protect him from the commission a little bit.
(this makes nedzu Five's legal guardian. aizawa has his resignation papers all prepped in a drawer marked 'in case of emergency' but let's be real, if nedzu wants to take over the world aizawa should probably be on the rat-bear's side of things :/)
five: ah, i do recall the inhumane experimentation that we were subjected to
nedzu, who was experimented on: haha same hat! want me to dig up the location of reginald hargreeves's remains so you can spit on them?
klaus: nah no worries we dumped them out in the courtyard unceremoniously like, a while back. how long ago varies for each of us because of time travel!
luther: you said hound dog's office was down the hall and to the right?
on the bright side, Luther probably feels like. way less self conscious about his body, partially bc of his fighting and all that in the 60s but also bc !! now he genuinely doesn't feel like a freak. no one even gives him a second glance. one of the teachers looks like a slab of cement with a face. gang orca looks Like That. there is literally a student with an entire bird head and goth aesthetic. Luther does not stick out at all
allison and shinso bond over having "villainous" voice-based quirks
allison and shinso having worn muzzles at some point in their youth as punishment 🤝
aizawa probably helps train vanya as well with the whole, being able to erase a world ending quirk safely thing he's got going on which makes for a very nice safety net
i don't think vanya would want to be a hero at the end of things though. maybe the assistant teacher in the music class or something?? all vanya wants is to be able to not end the world
i feel like as time goes by, five brings up trying to get home less and less. part of that is because like,,, genuinely what do they have to go back to?? Allison has Claire, but like. I'm 100% sure the first thing she did in the future was try track down Claire's records and found out Claire was like. fine. became an adult, had a family, probably became the ancestor of the first "quirked" kids who officially popped up after light baby. had a good life, died at an old age etc. etc.
they start settling into the bnha world with like, "we can always hop aboard the five express into where the fuck ever" as a plan Z if things go completely pear shaped (again)
i'mma be real, five himself doesn't give a fuck as long as there is a) no apocalypse and b) his family is alive. Like that's it. His bar is so incredibly low and yet his life keeps fucking trying to limbo under it
i just think it would be funny to have like, Five trying to get along with his "peers" and make friends while the siblings do the same but like, in the staff room
also think it would be funny for five to just walk into the staff room and get coffee occasionally.
a teacher: why is a student in here -
Five, sipping coffee: i'm an adult
nedzu like "what kind of guardian would i be if i didn't teach my new son all the tunnels around ua so he can pop out wherever"
five like "hey new dad can i put stashes of supplies all around ua of weapons, money, food, and other assorted things that might be useful if one needed to fight or make a run for it" and nedzu is like "haha just put your list of what supplies you want in your go bags on my desk and i'll critique it later!"
anyway a bnha/tua crossover would be incredibly chaotic but probably very funny
#long post#far tua long#tua bnha crossover#what kind of disaster is this#there are so many characters in bnha to even consider#there is no more apocalypse so five either chills the fuck out or his paranoia ramps up to an eleven#or both!#five teleporting into nedzu's office like: hey i wrote a 52 page potential contingency plan for if x happens#and nedzu is like 'wonderful!' and gives it back to five the next day with corrections and critiques in red ink#klaus ben and ghost!nana get along like a house on fire even if she keeps telling klaus that he's too skinny#ben: klaus is an absolute fucking idiot with zero braincells#nana nodding sagely while looking at all might: ah yes i know the exact type#diego and snipe become absolute bros like ride or die because why not#luther gets positive reinforcement and goes to therapy#also thirteen listens patiently to luther infodumping about space because i think that would be nice#five is either like 'i'm only thirteen uwu' or 'i'm fifty eight' and there is nothing in between - only what is most convenient#i feel like kaminari and mina vibe with five's brand of chaos#iida doesn't know whether to murder five for being a gremlin and disobeying so many rules or to be respectful bc five is technically old#aizawa is SO TIRED y'all#aizawa thinks vanya is going to be the good hargreeves but PSYCHE all the hargreeves are equally chaotic in different ways#five calls nedzu 'dad' for the sole reason that it makes every teacher and/or hero in earshot cringe in automatic fear#klaus also calls nedzu dad because he just thinks it's funny#five and nedzu have similar coping mechanisms so they vibe but nedzu also vibes with klaus's sense of chaotic humor#five gets talked into healthier coping mechanisms by way of 'keeping his cover' or 'preventing the hc from getting their hands on you'#aka five is not allowed to drink alcohol#five HAS gone to midnight and been like 'hey teach knock me the fuck out my brain is working overdrive and i need to not be awake anymore'
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let-me-luve-you · 3 years
Separated Cherries
Tom Holland x Sister
Summary: The reader deals with anxiety and one form of the readers anxiety is separation anxiety. She really misses Tom so he flies her to Cleveland while he’s working on Cherry. He later admits how hard it was for him to worry about her and focus on the seriousness of the character.
Warnings: anxiety, separation anxiety, angst, protective Tom, talks of Cherry (nothing is mentioned specific i don’t think, but I do mention that it was hard for Tom to film it and how it deals with difficult topics)
A/N: I’m awful. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for the late post but I hope you enjoy it!! This was for a special person and I hope they enjoy it! Also I mention a scene in Cherry but don’t go into detail but if you have watched the press tour, you may know what scene I’m talking about. Or if you’ve seen the movie, you may know what scene I’m talking about. I tried to avoid spoilers so I hope you like this story.
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The days leading up to Tom leaving, you didn’t leave his side. He didn’t mind though. He loved having you around. You grounded him and reminded of the normal life he left behind when he went to be The Tom Holland the world knows and loves.
Earlier this month, Tom took you with him to Utah for a convention. You had never gone to one before so Tom thought this would be a good time. Tom also was being a little selfish and wanted you there with him since he was still dealing with the news of Spider-Man leaving the MCU.
Now he’s about to leave for Cleveland to film Cherry. A movie Tom knew was going to be a challenge for him. The Russo’s fought for him to be in this movie. They wanted Tom in this role more than anybody. They even got a job for Harry. You had asked Tom, when he first learned of the filming dates, if you could go with him. Since Tom knew the contents of the movie and how dark it was, he didn’t want you around that, so he said no.
Now, it’s the night before he’s leaving. You are curled up on his bed watching him pack his bag. “Don’t forget your blue light glasses.” You said.
“Already have them packed in my carry-on with my laptop and chargers.” He said to you with a smile. “Thank you though. I do forget them all the time.” You laughed.
You turned serious, “I’m going to miss you. I know you said I couldn’t go, but I still wish I could go with you.” Tom sighed.
“I know. I’m going to miss you too, but this film is just going to be dealing with a lot of serious issues and I don’t want you to have to see me like that.” He said, honestly.
“I know. Can I still call you though?” You asked sheepishly.
“Always.” He said before turning to his dresser to get socks and underwear. “So, what are your plans for the next few months?”
“I plan on helping mum. She apparently has a lot of shoots. Probably taste test all of Sam’s food.” You laughed.
“I’m so jealous. I have yet to find something I don’t like of Sam’s.” Tom said.
“He is a great cook.” Tom agreed. “Paddy apparently has a show he’s going to be on, so I’ll help him with that in any way I can. And Dad is working on a new book, so whatever he needs me to do, I’ll do.”
“You really are great, you know that?” Tom asked as he paused his packing to come sit next to you. He wrapped you in a hug. “Are you going to do anything for you?” You shrugged. “Do me a favor? Do something for you. Learn to do more for you. You help all of those around you, but you rarely do things for you. Draw more or hide away and read. Go out to a party or go do something with your friends. Remember to take care of you. Promise me, you’ll try to do that.”
“Promise.” You said. He squeezed you tighter in the hug and gave you a kiss on your head before getting up to finish his packing.
The rest of the night was uneventful. Tom finished packing and put his bags by the front door. You both got comfy on his bed and watched a movie. You were the first to fall asleep and first to wake up the next day. Tom’s and Harry’s flight wasn’t until 10 am and it was currently 630. You decided to make them a good breakfast so they would be fine until the flight gave out their lunch.
“What are you doing?” You heard a tired voice. You looked over your shoulder to see Tom walking up to sit at the counter. You smiled at him and fixed him a cup of tea.
“I’m making you and Harry breakfast.” You said cheerfully. You walked back over to the stove and finished making the eggwhite omelet. Tom was on a strict diet so you made something he could eat, but also something that he liked. You put it on a plate and set it in front of him.
“You didn’t have to do this.” Tom said. “But thank you. This looks delicious.” “What looks delicious?” Harry asked as he sat next to Tom. “Oooh. I want one.”
“It’s coming right up.” You said as you set a tea in front of him and turned back to making his omelette.
“Thank you Y/N.” Harry said, taking a sip of his freshly made tea. “Can I hire you to be my personal assistant?” You all laughed. “When we get home, I’ll treat you to dinner via Sam’s cooking.”
“Sounds good to me. I’m holding you to it.” You said. “I’m really going to miss you guys.”
“Just a few months and then we will be home for Christmas.” Tom said standing up to put his plate in the sink.
“I know. Still sucks. I hate when you leave.” You opened up. You had been holding it in. You felt bad for dropping it on him right before he leaves, but it needed to be said. “It always just feels different around here. I don’t know how to describe it, but it doesn’t feel like we are complete.”
“I know it’s not ideal to have two brothers that are constantly traveling for work. That we aren’t here for family dinners, but we are a phone call or text away. Reach out and we will try to answer as quickly as possible.” Tom said looking into your eyes. You could see that he meant them.”
“Ignore me. I’m just in my feels this morning. I’ll be okay.” You whispered. You wrapped Tom in a hug. “I’m proud of you, you know? It’s so great to see you out there doing what you love and seeing the people’s lives that you touch.”
“Thank you y/n/n. I love you.” Tom said kissing your forehead.
“Love you too.” You squeezed him tighter before pulling away and wrapping Harry in a hug. “Love you too Hairball.”
Harry scoffed at the nickname you gave him when you were both extremely young and you were mad at him. “Don’t call me that…” He paused before hugging you back. “Love you too.”
“Now you better get going before you’re late.” You said. “I also packed you small snack bags and put them in your carry ons.”
“You’re the best.” Tom said as he walked to put his shoes on. “Thank you y/n/n.” Harry said doing the same.
You watched them grab their bags and walk out of the house with one last smile. You sighed and went back to your room to take a nap. Already missing your brothers, you decided to turn on Spider-Man Homecoming.
It is now mid-October and you were missing Tom and Harry more than anything. You tried to hangout with Sam and Paddy more to try to not feel the sadness of missing your other two brothers. Paddy didn’t want to hangout with you. He was too busy hanging out with his friends and playing football. Sam was always at the restaurant or in the kitchen at your parents house. You would stay with him and watch him cook, but it wasn’t the same.
Your sleep schedule was messed up due to the fact you were staying up late watching Netflix. Looking over at the clock, it read 3 am. Pulling your phone from your bedside table, you pulled up Tom’s contact and decided to FaceTime him. It only rang for a couple of seconds before he answered.
“Is everything okay?” Tom asked worriedly. You could tell he was laying in bed.
“Yeah. I just wanted to talk to you.” You answered honestly.
“It’s 3 am where you are! Why are you not asleep?” His eyes widened as he realized how late it was for you.
“I can’t. My schedules messed up. I’m fine. Did I wake you?” You asked, scared of the answer.
“No. I was just watching some TV before I went to bed. I have a 7am call time.” He said and you breathed a sigh of relief for not waking him.
“How was filming today?” You said looking at his tired eyes.
“It was good. We did a hard scene today, but it went really well. We have another hard, long day again tomorrow.” Tom rubbed the tired out of his eyes. He was just about to fall asleep when called.
“I’m sorry you’ve had some hard days.” You said sincerely.
“Thanks but it’s okay. Thankfully Harry’s here. He’s really helping me.” Tom sighed.
“I’d help you if I was there. I know it’s hard, but I’m proud of you.” You said with your eyes tearing up.
“Are you doing okay?” Tom asked concern noticing the change of tone in your voice. “Mum said you’ve been at the house a lot.”
“I’m doing okay. I went and got my nails done today with Chandra.” You said showing Tom the Marvel based nails. With Tom only being a year older than you, he got you into Marvel when you were younger. Spider-Man was always your favorite and when Tom got the role, you celebrated just as much or even more than he did.
“I like them. They’re pretty.” Tom said with a small smile. “How are you holding up though with me and Harry being gone? I haven’t asked in a while.”
You sighed and looked away from Tom. You didn’t want him to know how much you missed him, but you missed your best friend. “I’m good. Been hanging out with friends more and I help Sam when he’s at home. Mum, Dad, and I have had movie nights. It’s been good.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked, still concerned. You felt a tear you had been fighting fall down your cheek. You looked away from the phone. “Y/N/N. Look at me.”
Shaking your head, “I’m fine Tom. I just miss my best friend.”
“I’m sorry. I wish there was something I could do.” He said.
“I’ll be okay.” You whispered.
“How about this…” Tom said. “Let me fly you out to visit. We are about to do some of the easier stuff and you can come stay with us while the scenes aren’t so intense.”
“You don’t have to do that. I’m just being weird.” You said not wanting for him to be pressured into inviting you.
“Separation anxiety isn’t you being weird. It’s an actual thing.” He said sincerely. He cared about you. You didn’t know you had this issue until Tom got the role of Spider-Man and left for Atlanta. Your mum noticed you clingy to them more or your other brothers. When Tom arrived home you stuck to him like glue. Your mum decided to take you to a doctor to see if there was anything to do for you. You learned the anxiety medicine didn’t help you and talking to a therapist only went so far. All you wanted, was to be with your whole family.
“I’ll get Harry to schedule you a flight. Pack warm clothes and at least two weeks worth.” He said.
“No, Tom, it’s okay. I’ll be okay.” You fought back.
“I’m serious. Come stay with us. Harry will get your flight.” He kept fighting back.
“If you're sure.” You said softly. Tom almost didn’t hear it.
“I’m sure. I miss you too. Plus having you here may help me.” Tom said, laying back down on his pillow. You could tell he was tired, but he was staying awake for you.
“I appreciate it, T.” You spoke honestly. “I really do miss you. I love you.”
“Love you too y/n/n.” He whispered while fighting to keep his eyes open.
“Get some sleep. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Night.” Tom said before hanging up. You smiled knowing you were finally going to get to see your brother again very soon. You laid back on your bed and finally felt the exhaustion from staying up late. You could worry about what you were going to pack tomorrow.
When Tom told Harry to schedule you a flight out, Harry accidentally scheduled it too early. Tom still had some hard scenes to film. When you landed in America, he didn’t want you to come to set, but he didn’t want to leave you at home either.
Harry showed you where you could go and couldn’t. You basically only went to Tom’s trailer, the bathroom, the food tent, and Tom’s chair. Today, Tom begged you not to come because he knew the day was full of hard things. He knew what the last scene was going to be filmed and he didn’t want you to see that.
You insisted you could handle it. You didn’t want to be alone. You wanted to spend time with your brother. Tom finally gave in after you promised you would stay in his trailer during that final scene.
Throughout the day, you stayed close to Tom. When he wasn’t filming or on set, you were right beside him. He tried to be understanding of how you were feeling, but he really needed to step away from everything he’s been feeling for filming.
“How’s your sandwich?” Tom asked at dinner. It had been a long day and there was only one more thing to film before there were four days off.
“It’s good. How’s your salad?” You asked, pointing at his plate.
“It’s good.” He said nonchalantly. You knew he was craving more food. You had asked Harry to go get him a cheeseburger with fries. You looked up and noticed him carrying a bag from Five Guys.
You smiled and Tom looked over his shoulder. “Thanks for going to get that Harry.” You said as Harry sat next to you. You grabbed the bag and pulled out the burger and fries. “Eat up Tom. I know you’re hungry for more.”
“I can’t you guys.” Tom said in a defeated tone. “I’m still on this diet. I can’t. I can’t do that to everyone that’s working on this film.”
You sighed, “Tom, you have had salads everyday for two weeks. You can have one burger. You need more food.” Tom looked at you and then looked at Harry.
“I mean, I did go get it and I agree with Y/N. You do need to eat more and it will be okay. One cheeseburger won’t hurt.” Harry said. Finally Tom agreed to eating the food Harry brought. “Y/n/n are you going to set tonight?”
“No. I promised Tom I wouldn’t be there.” You answered honestly. Harry looked over at Tom shocked. Harry figured Tom would want you there since it’s such a hard scene. Maybe have someone other than him that’s familiar.
“You can come work with me.” Harry told you.
Tom looked up at him shocked. “I don’t want her to see this. It’ll be hard enough to have her watching it in the movie.”
“I think it’ll be good for her to be there. It’s a hard scene and I won’t be able to be there between takes.” Harry said. Harry was doing a new role tonight and needed to focus on that.
“It’s okay Harry. I can wait in the trailer. I brought my book.” You said with a smile. Trying to help Tom out so he doesn’t feel like he’s being teamed up on. Tom smiled at you gratefully. Harry turned to Tom and started to whisper something to him. You watched Tom’s demeanor change. He rolled his eyes before turning back to you.
“You can come. Bring your book and a blanket. You can sit in my chair.” Tom said finally giving into Harry.
“It’s okay. I don’t mind waiting in the trailer. Promise.” You told Tom. Tom finished eating his food before standing up to go to his trailer with you and Harry following. He walked in and grabbed your book off of the counter and grabbed your blanket. “Let’s go.” Tom said as he walked out the door towards the set.
“Tom. I’m not going.” You said. Harry shook his head and started to push you towards set. “I promised I wouldn’t go.”
“Come on y/n/n. I promise it’s okay. I don’t count this as a broken promise. I want you there.” Tom said with a sigh. You decided not to keep fighting with him about it. You ran to catch up with him and grabbed the blanket and book from him. “Thank you.” He whispered. “This is going to be a difficult scene to watch, so I’m sorry for what you have to see.”
“It’s okay Tom. I’m a big girl. I can handle it.” You said with a small smile.
Later that night, Tom was in the makeup trailer getting his makeup removed. You were sitting in his trailer with Harry waiting to go home. You tried to hold in your tears. You hated seeing Tom like that.
“Are you okay?” Harry asked.
“Great.” You said forcing a smile.
Harry looked at you skeptically and then nodded. He pulled out his phone and sent the video he got to Tom. You were exhausted and just wanted to go to sleep. You decided to lay down and rest your eyes until Tom got back. You were just about to fall into a deep sleep when you heard Tom walk in.
“Should I send this to mum?” Tom asked with a laugh.
“Do it.” Harry laughed. “But first, let’s go home. I think someone needs a bed.”
Tom looked over at your sleeping body. He smiled at you. Harry was right. Having you there helped him. This was probably the hardest scene he was going to have to film in the whole movie.
“Go get the car. I’ll bring her out.” Tom said as he started putting your stuff in your backpack. He quickly put his and your backpacks over his shoulder before he moved over towards you. He picked you up bridal style and made sure the blanket didn’t fall off. “Shhh. It’s just me. We’re going home.” He said when you started to wake.
Pulling up to the house, Tom decided to shake you awake this time. You woke and looked around confused before you unbuckled and walked into the house. You crashed on the couch and watched Tom set your backpack in the chair.
“How are you doing? Today was hard.” You said.
Tom picked your feet up and sat down before he placed your feet in his lap. He laid his head back. “Today sucked. I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight.” Tom said with a sigh.
“Want to talk about it?” You asked.
“No. There isn’t much to talk about. I just need to get out of that mental mindset.” Tom said honestly. “How are you? That had to be hard to watch.”
You finally let a tear slip. “I’m okay. I just didn’t like seeing you like that.”
“I’m sorry. You weren’t supposed to see the hard parts.” He said, pulling you into a hug.
“It’s okay. I promise. It’s scary to think people actually go through that. I don’t want to see you or anyone go through this.” You whispered.
“Hopefully this movie brings light to these situations and starts a conversation.” Tom said, giving you a kiss on the head before releasing you. “Now no more talks of this. Let’s try to forget about today and watch a movie instead.”
Tom started up a comedy to try and bring the mood up. Harry joined you after changing into his pajamas. Mid way through the movie, you fell asleep. Tom looked over at you. He knew you being here helped you, but in his head he was worried about you and everything you were seeing. It was hard to focus on you and filming.
It’s now been a year since Tom finished filming Cherry. Tom invited you to come with him to film Spider-Man No Way Home. He went three months without seeing you after the pandemic due to his heavy film schedule for Uncharted. He knew those were hard days for you since you went from spending all day with him to not even seeing him.
Now Tom was doing press for Cherry since it is due to come out in a few weeks. He set up in the living room. Harry had got a ring light to make the videos look better. You were supposed to be out while Tom was doing his few interviews for the day, but you got back early. He still had one more to go. You decided to sit in your room so you wouldn’t interrupt.
Even with your door closed, you could hear Tom talking to the interviewer. What you heard made your heart stop.
“Tom, your brother and sister were with you when filming Cherry, right?” they asked.
“They were. Harry helped on the film. Even had a small role. And my sister, Y/N, came out to visit and stayed the rest of filming.” Tom answered.
“Did having them there help you?”
“It did. This was a role I had to go to a dark place. Having them there really helped ground me and bring me back from that dark place. They definitely had my back during these times. I was actually on a strict diet throughout filming. Y/N actually made Harry go get me a cheeseburger on her first night there because she knew that I needed a little more substance. I had two weeks worth of salads and she knew I needed a little more. On nights of hard filming, we would all sit in the living room and watch a comedy because it all took us a while to calm down from the day. So having them there was very important to me.”
“That's amazing to hear.” they said. “It’s always good to have family there for you. You said there were hard filming nights. Even though it was hard, which was your favorite?”
“There was one scene that was extremely hard to film. The entire day was hard. Sadly, it was my sister’s first day there. I didn’t want her to see those scenes, but it was good to have her there. The day was a couple of scenes that dealt with something with Emily. The whole day was based on that situation. It was a variety of emotions. I had to be scared, angry, sad.” Tom said. “I actually sent my mum a video from that and she was not happy. She called me immediately to tell me she didn’t appreciate it.” He laughed.
“Can you give us a hint of what that was?” they asked.
“I don’t want to give too much away, but it’s when I’m in the truck. You’ll know when you see it because it involves Emily and it’s very hard to watch.” Tom said.
“You say it’s hard to watch and that was your sister’s first day, how did she handle it? And how did Harry handle it?” you heard them ask. They were starting to dig deeper.
“Harry was the one that filmed that scene so I could send it to my mum.” Tom laughed. He knew Nikki would give him heck for it later, but he knew it was only because she cared. “My sister actually hated watching that scene. She’ll hate me for saying this, but she cried. It scared her because she said it felt real and she didn’t want to see anyone like that.”
“That makes sense. Both of you are close in age, how are the two of yours relationship? It has to be good for you to allow her to visit during such a hard movie.”
“We are very close. She’s my best friend. I can say this because she openly talks about it and helps raise money for charities, but she has anxiety and one thing that really affects her is her separation anxiety. It was great to have her on set because she brought me back to myself, helped me get out of that dark mindset. But at times, I felt I was more worried about her and making sure she was okay. Mixing the stress of taking care of her and the stress of playing the role was hard to take on.”
You listened and felt tears build up. You made Tom’s job harder. You felt a tear fall down your face and you held back a sob so Tom couldn’t hear. You immediately went to the closest and grabbed your suitcase. You started packing your clothes. Once you were finished you set it near the door and grabbed your laptop so you could find a plane ticket. Tom walked in as you were searching.
“Why is your suitcase out?” He asked, confused.
“I’m going home.” You said shortly.
“Why?” He questioned.
“I’m just a burden to you. I don’t want you to have to worry about me while you focus on filming. I just like being in the same city as you. I didn’t mean to add stress to you.” You said as a tear slipped.
Tom sighed, “You heard?” He asked. You nodded. “Did you hear everything?”
“I didn’t need to. I heard enough.” You said honestly.
“So you didn’t hear what I said after that?” He asked. You shook your head. “I told them that it was worth it. That I would go through 20 times the stress if it meant you were happy and safe. That your anxiety wasn’t holding you back. That I used some of the stress from caring about you to help with the film. You remember the emotional scene in Morocco.” You once again shook your head. “I used the stress to make that scene. I know that sounds bad, but I think that really helped me hit the emotion I needed.”
“That was a beautiful scene. From what I saw, it’s one of my favorites for you. It’s heartbreaking, but you made the viewers feel what you were feeling. That was because of me?” Tom nodded his head.
“I’m sorry for admitting to it, but just know, if we redid all of the filming, I would have you there from day 1. I love having you around. I have all this noise around me that is trying to change me and having you here helps keep me the kid from Kingston.” Tom said. “Please don’t leave. I really do want you here.”
You looked around at your room. You then focused on your suitcase. You thought about it. “I’ll stay.” Tom smiled when you looked at him. “Only if you promise me something.”
“Anything.” He agreed.
“If I am stressing you out, in the way, or affecting your work, you tell me. I’ll stay here for a few days or I’ll go home. I don’t want to burden you with my problems.”
“Your anxiety isn't a problem. It’s something you battle and I want to help you fight.” Tom interfered.
“I know. And you will. But if it affects you, it isn’t fighting, it’s a problem. So please promise me that you’ll tell me.” You begged.
“I promise. But know you are never a burden to me. You are my best friend and I love you. I want you here. Trust me on that.” Tom said as he pulled you into a hug. “Now, are you ready to go to dinner? We have an early day on set tomorrow.”
You nodded. You knew that your anxiety was a battle but you didn’t want to bother Tom. You knew he was telling the truth when he said you weren’t a burden. You knew the thought would come back, but you had to tell yourself that it was your anxiety. Now working on your separation anxiety would be worked on at a later date.
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hufflepuffhollander · 4 years
off limits: tom holland one-shot
a/n | this is my submission for @chloecreatesfictions’ 1k writing challenge! i’ve never done the “brother’s best friend” trope and i def got a little too excited and carried away! real talk, this might be the cutest thing i’ve ever written
summary | as harrison osterfield’s younger sister, you’d always just seen his best friend tom as an annoying older brother. until, one day, you didn’t.
cw | tom x osterfield!reader. contains language, alcohol, recreational use of weeeed, teenage angst, sexual tension, fluff n’ stuff. 5k words.
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For as long as you could remember, Tom Holland had been a stitch in your side that you could never get rid of.
Growing up as your older brother’s best friend, he was always at your house when you were children— and his favorite pastime when Harrison was boring him was to break into your room and mess with you, stealing your toys or running his hands across the piano keys when you were trying to practice in peace. No matter how many locks you put on your door just to keep Tom out, he was always able to pick them.
As you all got older, he grew to annoy you in a different way, blasting loud, grungy music through Harrison’s bedroom walls late at night or eating things out of the fridge that clearly had your name on them. Once he’d started to garner some attention as an actor, his ego skyrocketed, and somehow he became an even bigger nuisance. He dragged Harrison away from you and took him all over the world while you had to sit idly by and love your brother from a distance.
When Tom would come over now, he would talk of nothing but hollywood parties and getting drunk with the biggest a-listers when he knew you were listening. He would ignore you when he breezed past you in the hallway, and even had the audacity to go into your bedroom when you were out and smoke a blunt on your bed so your whole room smelled like a music festival when you got home; and worst of all, it was your weed.
It was sufficient to say you were Tom Holland’s least enthusiastic fan. And it was rather unfortunate, because you were a big stan of the MCU—and secretly loved getting high and watching and re-watching the spider-man movies the most. Okay, don’t make that face. They have a good storyline.
It was a regular Friday night, you were aimlessly scrolling through your phone while Harrison and Tom were getting ready to go pub hopping. Harrison always invited you, but you never took him up on his offer because you knew how flirty you got with alcohol in your system and wouldn’t dare feel that way around Tom. He was notorious for taking anything nice you said about him and rubbing it in your face for at least a week after. 
“You know you secretly love me, babe.”
You hated when he called you babe, and he knew it. But since you’d both grown up, time had done you both a favor, and there was always an air of something you couldn’t quite place your finger on whenever you interacted...the pet name just made it more interesting.
“Hey, y/n, are you sure you don’t want to come out with us?” Harrison yelled from outside your bedroom door, and you peeked your head out to respond.
“Nah, it’s fine, Haz, go have fun. I have enough uni work to keep me busy.”
“It’s a Friday night, nerd.”
You stuck your tongue out at him and smiled. “Sorry I’m not a budding alcoholic like you, big bro.”
He laughed, blew you a kiss, and he and Tom were off.
Only about an hour later, you decided to take a break from studying and light up a joint, turning on your go-to movie for background noise- but were snapped out of your vibey trance when you heard the front door swing open, and your brother’s loud, drunk voice.
“W-why are we h-home, you div,” he slurred, as his heavy footsteps start to climb the stairs. After a long moment, you heard him collapse on his bed through your thin walls, still stammering out his words. “Thomas, I promise you, I am fineeee...”
“Mate, you’re sloshed. Go to bed.”
You decided to leave them be. This was a typical occurrence- one of the boys went too hard too early, and the other had to babysit until they made it home to pass out cold, usually on the bed, or the couch, or on a good day, the floor.
A few minutes passed while you hotboxed your room, feeling amazingly relaxed, until you saw your doorknob wriggling out of the corner of your eye. Your door was locked, so you ignored it. But the knob kept twisting and falling back in place, making the whole frame shake. After a long while of witnessing a ghost try to make its way into your room, you watched your lock turn slowly and click out of place, the door creaking opened to reveal Tom, swatting at the air when a cloud of smoke greeted him.
You snapped your laptop closed before he could hear his own voice flowing out of your speakers. “Tom, for the last time, stop picking my fucking lock!” You beamed your nearest pillow at him—which he caught before it struck him—and he threw it back, hitting you square in the face. Of course.
He flashed a cocky smile. “Why? It’s so easy.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m serious! I could’ve been naked or something!”
He just stood in the doorframe, giving you a once-over in your thin cotton t-shirt and yoga pants, and kept that smug expression locked on his face. 
“Ew, Tom, you’re disgusting. Get out.”
He decidedly did not get out, instead closing the door behind him and hopping up next to you on your bed, the divot in your mattress leaving your bodies pressed much too close together. You were met with a strong whiff of his cologne and the gin he must’ve been drinking earlier. “I’ll take that,” he muttered as he lifted your joint out of your fingers and took a puff, sucking his breath in as his lungs filled. 
Your stomach filled with a dull fire and you narrowed your eyes. “Do you mind?”
He turned to face you and blew a big puff of smoke directly into your face, the notorious smirk making its reappearance. “Not at all, thanks for asking though.”
You groaned aloud. “What are you doing in here?” he took another draw and handed you back what was rightfully yours, smoke dissipating from his mouth as he spoke.
“Haz is pissed and I’m bored.”
You relit the bud and inhaled for a long while, figuring you’d need to be pretty intoxicated to not smack him in the face if he tried to talk again. “Well, go be bored somewhere else. I was busy.”
He cocked an eyebrow at you and reached across your lap for your computer. “Doing what?” 
Oh shit. “Dude, can you not-?!” you yelped, but he had swiped it too quickly out of your grasp, and opened it up to find himself paused on your screen. You laid back on your bed so he couldn’t see your cheeks now flushed with embarrassment and grabbed your lighter from your nightstand. It was going to be a long evening.
He leaned himself over to catch your eye and had the stupidest, most prideful look plastered across his face. “Gotcha.”
You punched him in the arm as he erupted into laughter—but the anger inside you had been dulled by the weed and replaced with a childlike silliness—and you started to giggle, too. You looked up into his eyes, pupils now wildly dilated and tinted red around the edges.
“Shut up, Tom, you’re high,” you said in between chuckles.
“Yeah? Well so are you!”
You poked fun at each other for a while, suddenly in a mutually fantastic mood. You knew in the back of your mind that none of this would be happening if you hadn’t gotten stoned together, but you enjoyed the warm company anyway. 
“Well, you gotta finish it, don’t you?” he said, settling back down and fixating the computer on his lap so you could both see it.
“You really want to watch your own movie?”
“Doll, it’s my favorite thing to do.” he smiled at you.
“God, you’re the worst.” you felt some butterflies make an entrance in your chest that had never been there before.
He pressed play and cozied up on your bed, lying back against the wall with his arm lazily draped behind you. You pulled a blanket up onto your lap and had really no choice but to lean on him for support, neither of you admitting out loud that you were full on cuddling and not angry about it.
“Hey, aren’t you gonna share?” he whined, pulling at the corner of your blanket.
“Get your own,” you responded, internally high-fiving yourself for finally getting the chance to sass him back. Sure, you had your head comfortably resting on his shoulder, but that didn’t mean you were suddenly friends.
You let the movie play, the two of you blowing through the joint until it was a dwindling nub. The scene where Peter has his big kiss with MJ started, and you stifled a snigger as their lips met on the screen.
Tom had clear offense laced through his words. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing,” you shrugged.
He sat up to look at you, eyebrows knit together in an angry pout. “Tell me.”
“I just...feel bad for Zendaya, that’s all.” you covered your mouth to keep from laughing, and his eyes rolled so far back into his head you were sure they’d be stuck that way forever.
“You’re such a brat,” he started, his ego finding its old place back in his voice. “I’m an amazing kisser. She told me herself.”
You looked away from him, taking a heavy exhale. “Yeah, whatever, dude.”
He sat even more upright and paused the movie, taking hold of your shoulder to make you turn to him. “What, you don’t believe me?”
You realized then how physically close you had gotten, as you could feel the syllables of his words in his breath hitting your face. He was doing that thing boys do, when they’re thinking about kissing you but don’t- their stares going back and forth between your lips and your eyes in a not so subtle way. It freaked you out to see him that close and personal, and you whispered back exactly what you knew would irk him the most.
He moved his face impossibly closer to yours, and you felt his soft lips lightly brush over your own. You weren’t sure if this was real, or just a high hallucination, but you didn’t move away. This was entirely uncharted territory.
“Tooommmm!” you heard Harrison yell out from the other side of the wall. “Where are yooouuu?! I’m so thirsty!” Tom immediately jerked his head away from you and shook himself out of the moment. You brought your hand up to your cheek and shuddered at how hot it had become- your own body was betraying you.
“God, he’s gonna be the death of me,” Tom said, shoving himself off the bed and walking out of your room, glancing back at you for a moment and then closing the door behind him. Just like that, he was gone, and you were left trapped in your own psyche wondering what the hell had just happened.
Over the course of the next week, things has become exponentially weirder between you and Tom. He seemed to be spending much more time at your house than he normally did, even sleeping a few nights there instead of driving the five minutes back to be in his own bed. One unsuspecting morning, you knocked on your bathroom door, annoyed that it had been shut for such a long time. 
“Haz, if you use up all the hot water again, I’m gonna kill you,” you said in between knocks. You were taken by surprise when it swung open, steam billowing out into the cool air.
“Whoops,” you heard a voice say, immediately realizing it wasn’t your brother. You took a step backward to see Tom emerge, wearing nothing but a towel loosely wrapped around his waist. His hair was damp and clinging to his forehead, and he looked like some glowing magazine model. 
“Uh, sorry,” you stammered, accidentally inhaling the yummy smell of his soap and shampoo emanating off of his skin.
He noticed you eyeing him and a sly grin appeared as he rolled his bottom lip under his teeth. “Shower’s all yours, babe,” he said, bumping your shoulder with his own as he walked away. You were stuck in place and didn’t see him glancing back at you as he wandered down the hallway. 
Another day after that, Tom and Harrison were looking for a certain record to play, but it was nowhere to be found. “It might be in y/n’s room,” Harrison said, sitting back in his lounge chair. “Wanna go grab it?”
Tom coughed. “Why do I have to get it?”
“Because I’m comfortable.”
Tom felt a mix of annoyance and nerves in his chest as he walked the short distance down the hallway to your room where the door was already cracked open. He invited himself in—excitement faltering a little when he saw you weren’t in your usual spot on your bed—and started to sift through your bookshelves.
You had been in the bathroom getting dressed after your shower, but realized you left your shirt in your closet- and seeing that Harrison’s bedroom door was still shut, you figured it was safe to run across the landing into your room without anyone seeing you. In just a bra and spandex shorts that left little to the imagination, you swiftly made your way across the hall and walked through your door that was still open a crack to see Tom kneeled down as he shuffled through your record collection.
He heard your small gasp when you entered to find him, and swiveled around to you standing only a few feet away from him in the least amount of clothing he’d ever seen on you. He abruptly stood up but didn’t move, eyes sparkling as they rolled down your body.
“What the fuck! Why are you always in my room?!” You were too shocked to think about finding something to cover yourself with, and put your hands over your face, trying not to die of embarrassment. Tom remained glued to his place on your carpet, clearly at a loss for words.
“Tom, can you leave please-”
“Right, yeah, okay, uh, bye-” he hurried out of your room, swinging the door almost shut but leaving just a crack so he could speak into it.
“...I like your shorts.”
He chuckled and closed the door, and you slumped against the wall, still holding your head in your hands. What was this sudden hold he had over you? And why did you love the way that he was staring at you?
That night, you had a big paper to complete, and you were perched in your bed typing away as it got dark. In between two songs on your playlist, you heard the familiar jiggle of a doorknob. Looking up over your screen, you watched as the metal turned in its socket, and heard a soft “crushed it” as the lock undid itself. Your door opened steadily and slowly, a familiar face peeking in at you.
“Oh sweet jesus,” you mumbled.
“You busy?”
“Cool.” Tom let himself into your room, shutting the door behind him and sauntering over to your bed, sitting down next to you, bouncing like a little kid and singing his words. “Whatcha doooin’?”
“Homework,” you said, continuing to type and trying your best to ignore the way the sound of his voice was waking up something electric inside of you. He leaned into your body to peer at your computer screen, pretending to be interested in whatever you were writing about. His elbow got in the way of your hands, and you had to stop typing.
“Thomas, is there something I can help you with?”
“Haz is asleep,” he said, resting his head on your shoulder like it hadn’t been a week since your almost-kiss and you hadn’t been actively avoiding bringing it up.
You felt jittery. “And?”
He gently pushed your hands away from the keyboard and closed your laptop shut, giving you a sheepish smile. “Wanna get high?”
Honestly, you did.
You turned on your lamp and turned off the overhead light, put on that record he finally found, lighting a candle and then another hand-rolled blunt. This time, Tom sat upright with you perpendicular to him, your legs swung over his lap. When he made a joke, he’d give your leg a little squeeze- and whether it was purposeful or not, you were filled with schoolgirl nerves every time it happened.
All the angsty barriers built up over years of a sibling-like rivalry had come down between the two of you as you smoked together; you suddenly found all of his bad jokes funny, and he couldn’t peel his eyes away from the cute way you scrunched your nose when you laughed. Every time you exchanged the blunt, you couldn’t help but think about how his lips had just been on it a moment before yours. The night came and went, and you ended up falling asleep wrapped in his arms as he dozed off with his chin pressed to your forehead.
You both woke up at the same time in the dead of night, unsure of how late it had gotten. Still nestled into each other, you exchanged sleepy glances and no words, taking a moment to realize the position you had put yourselves in. 
Tom grazed your jawline with the back of his hand and lifted up your chin with his thumb. You let your eyes flutter shut and he kissed you in the dark for one long, everlasting moment. He pulled back from you hesitantly, leaving you breathless. Did that really just happen?
“We...we can’t,” he whispered, his words tinged with sadness.
Your heart broke for him just hearing his voice. “Why not?”
“You’re my best friend’s little sister, y/n.”
“And you’re my brother’s best friend. So what?” you were almost upset with yourself for being so vulnerable; so visibly pining after him.
“So, you’re off limits,” he said, resting his forehead against yours. 
“Says who?” 
That prompted Tom to meet your gaze again, and this time you took initiative, moving your face to his and taking his bottom lip in between yours. He took a sharp inhale as you kissed him and seemed to let all inhibition go as he put his arms around your back and pressed you into him hard, all of his pent up feelings for you suddenly flowing out of him. He kissed you in a needy, desperate kind of way, and you loved every second of it. You ran your fingers through his hair, traced his jawline, using your hands to feel every bit of him that you couldn’t before. The strangest part of it all was how natural it felt- like you had been practicing for this very moment all your lives. 
Your record had stopped spinning a while ago, the room now filled with just the breathy noises of your kisses, your contented hums and his tiny mews when you bit his lips. You were both still barely lucid, and after countless minutes of nothing but innocent kisses, you were on the brink of falling asleep again, serotonin whisking you away into dreams. Tom sighed into you, and clasped his hand around yours.
“I have to go.”
“What? Why?” you felt your heart preeminently sink in your chest; like you should’ve known this was too good to last.
“I don’t want him to wake up and find us here,” he trailed off, staring down at your intertwined fingers fiddling together.
“So that’s it?” you tried to swallow back the sudden upwell of feelings inside you.
“No, no...” his eyes filled with some type of emotional strain you’d never seen. “I- I don’t want this to be it. But I don’t want things to get...messy.”
Unfortunately, you couldn’t blame him, because you understood.
“Can you come back tomorrow night?” you whispered, very not ready to let his spot next to you grow cold.
“I don’t know...”
You looked up at him doe-eyed, cooing. “Please?”
He nodded, looking away from you before he completely caved and stayed there forever. “I’ll come back.”
He pressed one last kiss onto your lips and slowly got up, reluctantly letting go of your hand as he left your room. “Goodnight, babe.”
Hearing him call you babe, finally free of demeaning sarcasm, made your heart soar. 
“Goodnight, Tom.”
The door shut and you were left alone, the stillness of your room sticking out in sharp contrast with how quickly your heart was racing.
For the next few nights, Tom spent the evenings at your house with Harrison, waiting until he fell asleep to make his way next door to you. You’d smoke together, watch his movies—and in heated moments got a little handsy—but you never went past kissing, though you both desperately wanted to. It was too risky having your brother right next door; and you knew all too well how paper thin your walls were. But in those secretive hours after solar midnight, just being able to exist next to Tom and letting him hold you, you were the happiest you could ever remember being. The second night he left your room to let you sleep, he placed a light kiss on your forehead after he stood up that made the whole thing feel a little too...real.
The next day, you walked into the kitchen and found Harrison at the fridge. You were in a great mood for obvious reasons but couldn’t let it show. “Hey, got any fun plans today?”
He turned around after shoving a handful of grapes in his mouth. “Nope, got some admin stuff to do and gonna turn in early.”
“Oh, Tom isn’t coming over?”
“No, I told him to take a night off. He’s been smothering me, y’know?” he laughed and ate a few more grapes, but then turned to you, confused. “Since when do you care if he’s coming over?”
You swallowed, unsure of what to say. “Just want to know if I need to stay out of the way,” you faked a laugh and blinked hard, hoping he wasn’t paying too much attention to your facial expressions.
“Uh, alright then. You two are always so fuckin’ weird around each other.” He seemed to feel that was a good way to end your exchange and walked out of the kitchen, throwing a grape at you.
You rolled your eyes at your brother, but then felt the sadness bubble up upon registering that you weren’t going to see Tom tonight. But really, how long did you think you could keep this up? The feelings you were developing for him scared you, you didn’t know what to make of them; all you knew was that your days suddenly seemed much grayer without him.
Nighttime came around, and you couldn’t sleep, so you did the unthinkable and sent Tom a text. Your thumb shook as you hit send, knowing that there was now tangible evidence of the connection you’d developed, that it wasn’t just some invention of your mind.
hey, are you awake?
T: yeah, can’t sleep. you?
obviously, i just texted you.
T: shut it.
A minute passed...
T: got room for one more over there?
You smiled like an idiot at your phone.
Less than 10 minutes later, you heard the familiar wriggle of your doorknob. You don’t know why you even bothered locking it anymore.
“Hey you,” he whispered, carefully shutting the door behind him.
“Tom, you know you could’ve just knocked and I would’ve let you in- you don’t have to keep picking the lock.”
“Old habits die hard.”
You chuckled and stood up to greet him at your door as he unexpectedly wrapped you in an amazingly tight hug. He rested his chin on top of your head and started to sway your bodies back and forth. You laid your head on his chest and said hello to his heartbeat.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it was almost hard to fall asleep without you,” he murmured, placing another one of those domestic kisses on your scalp.
“Well, now you don’t have to.” you smiled. He waddled you backwards to your bed and you sat down as your legs hit the bedframe, prompting Tom to fall onto you as you giggled into his body that was now covering your face.
“Okay, goodniiight,” he said, refusing to move. You poked at his sides making him jump, and he grabbed your waist and rolled you on top of him. You instinctively leaned down so your lips could clash together in the way you were so used to, trying hard to not confess that you’d completely fallen in love with him when you finally had the breath to speak. He pushed your hair to cascade to one side of his face, and nuzzled your nose with his own, closing his eyes and humming with a smile. “Mmm.”
“Just happy.”
You rested your sleepy head on his warm chest, and fell into a deep sleep, letting the steady drumming in his chest be a metronome to breathe to.
“Oh, shit. Shit shit shit.”
You woke up abruptly, the bright light of day blinding you as you tried to open your eyes to the string of expletives you’d just heard come from a familiar voice. Once you’d opened them, though, you wish you had kept them shut so you hadn’t seen who had spoken.
He was standing in your room, peering at you with hands half covering his eyes when you realized that there was a sleeping Tom underneath you.
Your brother paced in a circle and exhaled loudly. “Tell me I’m not seeing what I’m seeing.”
You nudged Tom awake with your elbow and immediately rolled off of him, trying to hide the very obvious fact that you had slept together all night. You never let him stay the full night for this exact reason, but he had been so ridiculously happy holding you in his arms that he forgot to set an alarm to wake him at the crack of dawn and leave. You sat up straight in your bed, twisting your hair in your hands, bracing yourself for the inevitable tirade.
Tom picked his head up to see Harrison standing there with his arms crossed, and flopped his head back on the pillow. “Fuck. Hey, mate.” He tried to play it off like this was the most normal thing that could happen on a Thursday morning.
“Is this why you’re always such bumbling fools around one another? You’ve been, what, fucking each other when I’m not around?” Harrison looked like he wanted to throw up at the thought.
“Haz, no, it’s not like that,” you said, but he didn’t seem convinced. “It’s just been smoking together and cuddling, really, that’s it,” you were torn between wanting to console your brother and admitting to both him and Tom that this was more to you than that. But Tom already knew that, because it was for him, too.
Tom looked like a deer in headlights. “I’m so sorry, dude-”
Harrison walked out of the room, and the two of you were left sitting in your bed, worry filling your eyes. Only a moment later, your brother reappeared in the doorway.
“Look, you idiots, I don’t care that you’re snuggling off the clock—you’re my two favorite people in the world, and to see you together, honestly, it’s about damn time,” he started, making both your and Tom’s jaws fall slightly agape. You exchanged a knowing look. Wait, is he not mad? Wait, about damn time??
“But I wish you would’ve told me so we could all hang out together. I don’t appreciate the sneaking around.” 
You cocked your head at him, sending him a loving gaze for always just wanting what’s best for you. 
“I’m just mad you aren’t including me in your hotbox sessions, really.” He laughed and ran his hands through his hair, pulling his face back to make a wild expression.
All three of you started to chuckle out of sheer awkwardness and relief.
“Come here.” Harrison held his hands out and you both gave a mutual aww as you ran into your brother’s arms, squeezing him tight.
“I love you, big bro.”
“I know. Now I’m gonna get out of here before you start kissing in front of me, or worse,” he moaned, swiftly exiting your room. “This is gonna be the grossest thing I’ve ever seen...” you heard him say to himself as he left.
You turned to Tom, still shocked at how well that had gone considering what he was assuming would happen. You swallowed the butterflies that you’d welcomed as friends and stepped back to him still sitting on the bed, putting your arms around his neck.
“And you,” you started, swinging your legs over his lap to straddle him. “I have to confess something.”
Tom placed his hands back on your hips where they rightfully belonged and smiled at you. “I’m listening.”
“I don’t mind you calling me babe anymore.” you grinned at his face drop, obviously assuming that you were going to say something else.
“Oh, and why’s that?” he prodded.
You looked up and off to the side as you squeezed his shoulders. “Maybe because I’m just a tad bit in love with you,” you trailed off, stiff as a board at what he could possibly say next.
“Well, babe,” he put emphasis on the pet name, “That’s a relief, because I was worried I might be the only one falling here.”
You grabbed his face and kissed him, kneading his soft cheeks under your thumbs, whispering exactly what you knew would get him the most.
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twh-news · 3 years
‘Loki’ Breakout Sophia Di Martino on Loki’s Coming Out and Tom Hiddleston’s Famous Lecture | Variety
When Sophia Di Martino first auditioned for the Disney Plus series “Loki,” it was in September 2019. A working actor since 2004, the British native has appeared on several British TV series, including “Flowers” and “Election Spy,” and she had supporting role in the 2019 film “Yesterday,” but she hadn’t ever quite landed the breakout role that could move her career to a larger stage.
Enter Sylvie. Introduced at the end of Episode 2 the Marvel Studios “Loki,” she is a “variant” of Tom Hiddleston’s beloved god of mischief, someone who had the same inception point as Loki but whose life unfolded much differently. In Episode 3, Sylvie and Loki spend pretty much the entire hour getting to know each other — and making clear just how critical Sylvie is to the larger story.
Naturally, this kind of role is a massive opportunity, which made how Di Martino ultimately landed it even more shocking to her.
“It was the shortest casting experience I think I’ve ever had,” she says with bewilderment. “I did an audition tape with a very short scene. I wasn’t asked to do it again, and I couldn’t meet anyone because I was heavily pregnant at the time and I couldn’t travel. Tom was in the U.S., everyone else was in the U.S. So we didn’t get to screen test or anything. So I just got the job on the back of this tape, which never happens, and especially with a job like this! It was extremely quick and quite surprising to all involved. Me and my agent were both like, ‘Really? Are you sure? This is crazy? Okay, fine! We’ll do it! We’re in!'”
Once she got the role, however, Di Martino stepped inside Marvel Studios’ vibranium-clad cone of silence. And while she says she’s good at keeping a secret, finally getting to talk about the experience is a massive relief.
“I got this job in September 2019 and only today is the first day I can talk about Sylvie,” she says. “So it’s been quite hard!”
Sylvie really does not see herself as a “Loki.” So how much did you draw from Tom Hiddleston’s performance in his role as Loki when shaping your character?
I looked at his performance, but I try not to be shaped by it too much. Sylvie has had a very different backstory to Loki. She’s a different person, and that was really important to us right from the beginning. When [director] Kate [Herron] pitched me the idea when I finally got the job, and she was able to tell me a bit more about it, it was very clear that Sylvia was Sylvie. And she’s not Lady Loki from the comics. I mean, the show is inspired by the comics, but this is a brand new backstory in a brand new story. And so I wanted to make her my own.
You will see, at times throughout the series, that Tom and I do very similar things, like our physicality is similar or when we choreographed fight scenes, we’ll mirror each other. And that’s all purposely done. And then the rest of it I’ve kind of just made up as I go along.
Tom Hiddleston conducted his famous Loki lecture in advance of the show — did you have a chance to go to it?
Yeah, I was there. It’s one of those things where you can say, ‘I was there!’ It was super interesting and important for me to listen to. He knows so much about the character. He’s been with that character for 10 years. He knows that character unlike anyone else in the world. And to hear all of that information and be able to ask him any question was just really, really important and fun. Like, what a great way to start a job. It got everyone really excited about the show.
How did you and Tom and Kate Herron talk about the scene in which Loki comes out — to the audience, anyway — as bisexual?
I remember Kate being really passionate about it, and that she wanted that to be represented in the show. I think people have been waiting a long time for it. The comic books allude to it and even the Norse mythology, I think. It’s been around for so long, and it was really important to her to have that in the show. But we tried not to let that affect the way we were playing it, you know. We’re just playing it like it’s quite natural conversation between two friends — well, two acquaintances, at that point. So we tried not to give it too much weight, but we knew in the back of our minds how important it was to a lot of people. And I’ve got to say how happy it makes me that people are happy to see that.
A lot of people noticed that the lighting on Lamentis-1 was reminiscent of the bisexual flag. Did Kate take about that being on purpose?
I can’t remember her actually talking about being on purpose. But I know Kate Herron, and I think it probably it was. I think she was probably like, this is gonna be purple, pink and blue, guys! I mean, it looks beautiful.
Tell me a little about yourself. I’d read that you had always even since you were young been really keen on acting?
Yeah, I was one of those annoying kids who’s always like trying to get my sister to do plays in the living room, and always casting myself in the better part and having her play like the Cinderella character. I think it was just an excuse to boss her around. [Laughs] I was one of those really bossy kids. I’ve always I always enjoyed acting at school — I didn’t really know that acting was a job that I could do until I was a little bit older. I wasn’t the kind of kid who would say I want to be an actor, because I think my parents would have just laughed at me. A ridiculous idea! No one in my family is in that world, and it wasn’t really within my grasp. So it was always a little dream that I kept to myself, really. And then I’ve just been quietly chipping away at it for the past 25 years, and here I am!
Owen Wilson has talked about how he was aware of the MCU, but not necessarily the most super knowledgeable person about it. Where do you fall in your awareness and knowledge of of the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Kind of similar to Owen. I’d seen a few movies, and I was aware of it. And a few of my friends are really into it. And I know that a lot of people are, but I didn’t know that much, to be honest. I’ve learned a lot more being on the show. And from Tom, who is very knowledgeable.
How much of the role did you get to do before lockdown?
I don’t want to get this wrong, but I think it was like three or four weeks of filming. It wasn’t very much at all. It was enough just to start getting in the flow of things and just to start enjoying it before we had to shut down.
In that sort of time period where we were all just sitting with our own thoughts and contemplating the world, did you think more about Sylvie and anything else that you wanted to do with the part?
It was a really great time for letting what we’d already shot sit and percolate. I know Kate and the writers did a lot more work on the storyline when they’d seen what we’d done, you know, cut together so far. From a personal perspective, it was great just to have a little bit more time to think about it. Because the beginning of the shoot, everything happened so quickly. I carried on training with my stunt double, Sara. We would meet up once or twice a week on zoom, and that was really helpful as well, just to physically get into the body of the character. So I had a lot more time to get fit after having a baby.
Part of the pandemic experience for a lot of people has been thinking about the road less travelled, which in Sylvie’s case is the most extreme example — of this person who shares some similar essence with Loki but lived a completely different life. Did that resonate at all for you while playing her?
It’s so interesting to see two characters who are so similar and so different. It was really important to me to reflect the kind of life that Sylvie has had. The costume reflects that as well with the broken horn and the slightly disheveled costume. And little things like keeping more of my regional accent, and not trying to sound too posh or too well spoken, because it just wouldn’t suit the experience that Sylvie’s had. All of those things were were parts of creating this character and this relationship between Tom and I.
So how does how does one audition for a particularly physical role while pregnant?
Well, luckily, the scene that they gave me, I think, ended up being the scene on the train when they both sat down having a conversation. So I didn’t have to stand up. It was just head and shoulders. So you would never know just by looking at the tape. And then I don’t exactly know how it happened. I think it was just lucky that it wasn’t a super physical scene that I had to act out. Trying to do stunts or something, that would have been terrible!
When you got this role, what really were the parameters of who you could talk to, and who you couldn’t, before today?
I can talk to Tom and I can talk to Kate, but I just wasn’t really supposed to say anything else to anyone else. And I’m really good at keeping secrets, so I just didn’t talk to anyone else about it. Tom and I would just call each other and be like, ‘Oh, we need to say all this stuff, because we’ve got to say to anyone else! Ahh! What about this scene and this bit and this bit?!’ And you know, we’d meet up with Kate and do the same thing. So it was kind of just the three of us.
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btswishes · 3 years
Love me for who I am now
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Bucky x Reader ( Chapter 1 )
Part1 / Next 
Summary: You apply for the Stark internship and end up getting it, so now you have 5 months to make a good impression to continue working with the Avengers.
A/N: This is my first Marvel fic and I am taking it as a challenge. It is opposite of what my account was made, but here I go. Sorry for any mistakes made, hope you enjoy it even a tiny bit.
Word count:  3,281
Warmings: fights, harsh language, not part of the original MCU 
Y/N- Your name Y/L/N:  Your Last Name
  Through sleepless nights and dark circles, books and pens, through months of work you reached your goal. The moment you received the acceptance letter from Stark University you almost flew out the window without a fear in your mind. This was it!
  Time had passed since that moment, but it is still engraved in your mind- a memory keeping you strong during the hard midterms and piles of work, even the small glimmers of regret. Trying your best wasn’t an option, you could do only that and no less. It was no easy task, lost social life as much as you tried to keep it. You were really lucky you had good friends that understood and supported you. University wasn’t easy for anyone making this one even tougher. People of all ages, backgrounds and cultures were piled up with you in this building. The best of the best as the slogan said, the ones that proved themselves and emerged victorious.
  When you were young ,you used to spend a lot of time with your uncle at his places outside the country. He would introduce you to his work colleagues and things you had never seen before. There was a time where you would spend months on end with him. Not many memories were left from those moments in your head. At one point you spend a few years with him, your mother thought it would be good experience for you and it turned out to be nothing but the truth-at least you hoped so. You learned a lot from him and his friends, it felt like each spend day would offer you more knowledge in areas you never knew of. Computer work, ways of thinking and so much more that had become second nature to you.
  The sky was tinted in a wash of oranges, reds and yellows bleeding one into the other, swirling around the sun emitting them. The day was ending, but you found yourself filling up an application in the library, covered by the silence and smell of exam worry.
  Sponsored and founded by the one and only Tony Stark, this establishment offered an internship. Being part of the Avengers, Tony didn’t let just anyone from the students attending in, even if they were the best labeled by the school. It had been a year and a half since you started pushing yourself harder to be able to apply and there was nothing that could stop you. Pressing your finger over the enter button was very nerve wrecking yet simple. Even if it didn’t work out this year, you planned to do it again and again ,till he had no other choice but give you a chance.
  Usually F.R.I.D.A.Y. went over everything and left only the applications worth going over by Tony himself or Pepper. The next 5 weeks for you were very stressful, but there was nothing more you could do but wait and focus on your own work. The first person you wanted to tell about this was your uncle. He went to work in some distant place where they had no internet so you switched to mail. Not as much paper under his name passed through your hands, as he had stopped answering you. You missed him, but the muddy childhood memories kind of compensated for that.
“Did you send it in?” the phone muffled a bit the sweet voice coming from the speaker 
“Yeah, a few days ago actually.” You answered with a gentle sigh
“And no answer yet?” the girl’s pitch rose at the end of the sentence, amazed at that what she just heard
“I know, I know. Think about it though Nea. Who knows how many applications get submitted. Someone has to brush through them after all.” defending the situation was a form of coping for you, made you feel hopeful.
“So you are trying to tell me Tony Stark’s interface or whatever it’s called, can’t sort them out in a couple of hours? Come on Y/N! You and I both know you are trying to make yourself feel better.” The small pause made you anxious over what Nea said “Listen.” A breathy start of the sentence “ I don’t mean to brag, but I think I am one of the people who know exactly how much you deserve this. You were never the studious type, plus that you were gone for years on end with that mysterious uncle of yours. I never expected you to suddenly go for Stark University. Your dream changed you, from this quiet kid to crazy ol’ you right now on the call with me.I ain’t letting you bust yourself up over this just because it didn’t happen the first time around-”
                Ding ding
  Nea’s deep speech was cut off before she could unleash herself completely, by the slight ring of your phone’s notification.
“Who tf has the audacity to text while the great me is giving this legendary –“
  The second time the sound sung out made her choke up with anger, you could almost see the fumes coming out of the phone.
“WHO IS IT!” a loud hiss pierced your ear
“Maybe if you gave me a minute I could answer your question.” Pulling the call down, your finger ran over the screen to the email, making your notification lamp blink like a car. Almost instantly it opened before your eyes and you gasped. The action made you swallow suddenly and cough out a bit ,giving poor Nea an idea about the level of shock you were in.
“What?What? You can’t just almost die and not tell me what is going on.” She proceeded with a not so tasteful interrogation.
“I-…they accepted my application…” at the end a small smile flowed over your lips contorting the sound coming out
“Stop!?” she choked up as well “You gotta be fucking with me!? No fucking way this is real!”
“I am honest. It says here that they liked my skill set, my grades and the way of thinking I presented in my essay. I got the spot Nea! I fucking did it!” you threw the phone on the bed letting it bounce as you started dancing.
“Of course you did! I told you! You will be working with THE AVENGERSSSS!” at some point it sounded like your best friend was more excited than you “When do you start?”
“Well…” taking a second to calm down and re-establish contact with your phone, you looked up the schedule that came attached with the email “…ok…so it says here that I will be starting on Monday so~ in 2 days? “
“So soon! Any requirements for the job miss Avenger’s sidekick?” and the teasing begins
“A list, surprisingly.” Rolling onto your back, you held the screen away and above your face, scrolling past “ I guess my first job will be with Dr. Banner in the lab. Apparently I will be given some sort of assignments throughout the 5 months work span. I will be monitored by Dr. Bruce Banner and the grading, I guess if you can call It that ,will be done by Tony Stark himself.”
“Basically Hulk will be your babysitter.” once this girl starts teasing she never stops even in amazing situations such as this one, good thing you loved her “That sounds so cool though! You will be able to meet Captain America and Black Widow~! I am so jelly of you I swear! When you leave work make sure to wait for someone from the group to walk by, omgggg I am fangirling so much right now.What if you go to dinners with them!?AAAAA!”
“Fun thing about that.” Your eyes landed on the last paragraph of the email “It says here that I am supposed to move into the compound and stay there till further notice. The whole idea is that if I do things well I will get a permanent job. Weird…” you hummed
“Weird !? How? That is so cool! Who knows you might even become an Avenger! You will be living with them anyways.” at this point Nea was either not breathing or hyperventilating so fast you couldn’t hear it
“Don’t be ridiculous.” your attention landed once more on the thought process you had a moment ago “I don’t get one thing. They say here that my PE grades combined with my IT and overall studies make me a great candidate, but I don’t remember sports being a requirement at all, or even providing them in the first place. Does it mean that if my grades were low in that department I wouldn’t have gotten the spot?”
“I guess people of science aren’t that flexible. Who cares anyways! You got in, no ifs and buts. I am telling you, at this point you could be an Avenger.” poor girl began thinking of names and suit designs for you “ Hurry up and pack those bags before I drop by with take away, so we can gossip over Steve Rogers’s abs.”
“Um…don’t get me wrong he is super hot, I just see the Cap more like an older brother figure than anything.” It was true, you looked up to him since the first time you studied about the Civil War. Fearless, gave his life in a way for his people, astonishing man over all.
“Hey! Let me drool over him! You were always more of a Winter Soldier fan anyways.” Nea pouted audibly . Her words made some lone memory pop up in your head, but it was as murky as the rest. “I don’t know why I am interested in him. Somehow his look is very nostalgic and rugged. Anyways. ”you shook your head out of the mental image of the soldier “I will go pack up, tell my parents and fix up all my documents. Probably find some stuff from former Stark employees online. I want to have a bit of an idea of what he expects and what I am getting myself into.”
“Fine fine, you could have just said you like troubled guys. You were the one who was happy Loki got a second chance after all. I will be over in like 3 hours.” She informed you
“Hey! He deserved to redeem himself, he was used!” a firm Loki supporter as always “Ok then, see ya.”
   Hanging up the call you placed your phone to charge and rolled off your bed. The email gave vague information about what you needed, but clothing wise you would still be able to come home and get stuff if you had to. What was on top of your priorities were papers, documents, all your research materials and tech. Those things had to be organized no matter what ,since they got you this far in the first place.
  Nae came over as planned and you two had a nice sleepover talking about you know who. The night came and left, letting the morning find you in your bed at 11am. Your forearm rested on top of your forehead in a relaxed manner, letting enough space for an exhale to linger in the air in front of you. Your mind was going over everything that was about to happen to you. It was one of your dreams, you worked for it nonstop day in day out, so why were you so worried about meeting the rest of the Avengers? Maybe it was just anxiety or fear of the unknown, yeah made sense.
  All you did during the day was make lists for every piece of tech you were binging with yourself. Things seemed to be in order, but worry kept nibbling on your bones. The moment of truth finally rolled up and so did your suitcase in front of your house. Nea came to send you off as she promised.
“Sweetie, make sure to call us every day. Eat well, don’t overwork yourself and-“ your mom went off with caution about anything and everything that came to mind
“Mom, you know I am going 3 blocks down from here right? Plus I can come home at any time I want to. I am not moving to Mars or getting arrested.” You smirked the panic away from her, giving them a big hug.
“Call me or text me when you get there.” Nea pulled you in, whispering in your ear as quietly as possible “And don’t forget to sneak me a booty pick of good ol’Cap. You know what they say-”
“That is America’s ass.” Your voice came out in a mocking tone
“That i-…let me at least finish it by myself! Geez!” she pushed you towards the door “Ok ok, go now before you spoil me something else” her arms crossed in front of her chest
  The walk wasn’t that long, you were too invested in your own thoughts to notice when the time and distance had passed. The glistening windows of the compound building shined into your eyes. Your lungs filled up with a breath that they kept in for a moment, before releasing it back in the outside world. Pulling out the documents you stepped in. The fresh smelling air hit you making you close one eye for a second.
People were walking around you fast and concentrated. Some looked in a hurry, others were on break with a cup of coffee and a strain-leaving expression.
 Your feet, as slightly shaky as they were, took you right up to the front desk were a lady with a dark rich red colored uniform looked at you. She flashed a professional smile, her eyes asking for your purpose.
“Um, hello. My name is Y/N -Y/L/N.” she saw the logo on your papers and gasped
“You must be the new intern Mr. Stark told us about.” She signed something and reached out “Can you give me your hand for a second.” Your fingers didn’t go past the surface of the desk when she pocked your skin. Pulling in your extremity, your palm wrapped around the spot that began to sting a bit “Don’t worry about it. This is your identification pass. Fancy, no?” she smiled winking. Her body stood up as she pointed at the elevator far in the back of the foyer.
  Instructions were given with each step of the way, calming your nerves a bit. The moment you found yourself inside the elevator she pulled your hand to the sensor on the wall next to the buttons.
Recognized: Code 2514. Welcome Miss Y/N  
 Your head shot up when F.R.I.D.Y.’s voice echoed in the small space. The women smiled giving you a small nod and stepped out of the vicinity. Once her body was outside ,the doors slid closed. Over them glowed a protective blue light layering over the material like a soft veil.
 It felt like you weren’t moving an inch. Your body flinched when the sun stung at your eyes from the window. Your gaze landed over the view of the city, as you went higher and higher, ascending into the clouds  The blues and yellows were covering the inside of the elevator, such vibrant and lovely colors warming your body. For a moment your heart felt heavy- lost memory tugged onto it again. An often occurrence lately, yet you kept brushing off as deja vu. 
Floor 134. Welcome to the Avenger’s compound Miss Y/N
“134!?” the numbers cracked out with your voice. The interface made you turn towards the opposite opening doors revealing a room as big as a hall, if not almost a stadium. The ceiling was high being the lid to this round area. Your heart beat increased pumping blood to your body, dilating your pupils at least twice their original size. It look amazing, almost like you had just entered heaven. The walls were white, the furniture was perfectly placed and cream colored. Stepping outside you jumped at the sound of the elevator doors closing behind you. 
“Wow” escaped your lips, your hand pulling the suitcase closer. So this was the common room or the shared space. The windows were so big they were practically a wall of their own. The bright rays were making themselves at home giving the white paint a new color with each passing minute. The ceilings were probably the equivalent of 3 floors in height. There was this weird feeling of home inside, a bit of isolation maybe mixed in. 
“Miss Y/N?” your head swung to the side when you recognized that shy but bright smile. Throwing the papers on top of your suitcase, you extended your arm at the man.
“Ah.” Good thing your mind automatically responds politely to people without you giving it much thought “Dr. Banner. It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance.” you shook his hand gently a couple of times and let go ,finding the papers and showing them to him “My name is Y/N-Y/L/N.” gentle bow and a smile followed the words skillfully chosen
“Welcome Welcome. Tony is out right now so I might be the only one actively walking around the compound. Well…”he scratched the back of his neck, lightly hunching over with a sheepish smile “I am one of the people you will be working under anyways, so I guess it is good that I came to get you. I would love to show you the lab, but I am sure you would like to set up your things first.” You nodded and he showed you to your room. The corridor had 3 tall doors scattered on the walls, all looking modern and elegant.
“This is the side where usually we have our female members. Natasha and Wanda will be your nextdoor neighbors. Hope it won’t be any trouble.” Bruce looked at you ,when an aggressive shake took over your neck
“No, no. Not at all sir. I am very grateful to have such amazing heroes next to me. As a matter of fact won’t they be troubled with me here?” and here came the normal anxiety that you had for everything
“I am sure they will like you. Don’t worry about it.” Bruce stepped next to the door and waved you over “You don’t have a key or a door handle as a matter of fact. Tony’s idea, don’t ask. If you got up here on your own I assume he made the girls downstairs give you an identification implant. That is basically your entrance for everything here. Kind of an Avengers thing.” You nodded and him wiggling his fingers like a spell. Placing your hand on the door like he told you activated F.R.I.D.A.Y.
Recognized: Y/N. Access and ownership granted.
  The metal frame slid open and you found yourself standing before a big room. It was nicely furnished. The desk was big enough for you to work on it and have everything around. Bookshelves empty and ready to be used on your left and a large bed on your right flush against the wall. The window was once more its own wall right in front of you standing behind the desk. The bathroom door was opening a space before the shelf the same color as the paint in the common room.
“I will let you set up. If you need anything F.R.I.D.A.Y. is always here. The room is interactive, you can ask exactly what works under the interface’s control. The door is one.Take your time.”he was on his way out “Would you like some coffee or tea?”
“I would like some tea, thank you very much.” Bruce flashed you a smile “F.R.I.D.A.Y. the door please.”
Door closed 
  Done as said and requested, clicking behind you. 
Would you like an extensive list of my functions as an assistant?
“Please do.”
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trashystarker · 4 years
a trip to the mall - a starkercest one shot
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Title: A Trip to the Mall Fandom: MCU Pairing: Starkercest (Brothers AU) Rating: Mature (NSFW - Incest - Panty Kink - Explicit Sexual Content)  Word Count: ~5210  Prompt: Panty Kink 
Summary: Peter loves to wear women’s underwear. He decides to ask his brother to take him to the mall, hoping that he’ll just drop him off but nope - Tony insists on staying with him. Which leads him to telling a lie that he soon regrets. 
A/N: Here’s my next bingo fill for @starkercestevent​! Please enjoy! 
Peter discovers purely by accident that he likes the feel of wearing women’s underwear. He’d been putting laundry away one day, and as he was folding his boxers, he’d found a pair of lace panties that he knew did not belong to him. They couldn��t have belonged to his mother - there’s no way she wore these kinds of undergarments. Which meant that his older brother Tony probably had someone stay the night, and had accidentally tossed them into his underwear pile. Poor girl. He had thought about giving them back to him, but then he got the idea of putting them on to see what they would feel like. He was never going to give them back to Tony, so he saw no harm in it. 
Except that he had loved the way they felt on his body, more so than the way he liked how his boxer briefs felt. The lace felt nice against his skin, and the way the underwear kept his cock in place had been equally nice. So he’d purchased a few different ones from an online store and had them delivered to their house. Luckily he’s the one that usually gets the mail, so when they came in, he had been able to grab them before anyone else saw. 
He decides to see what it would be like to wear them to school one day, figuring that if he’s wearing jeans it won’t be that noticeable. It’s not, but the entire day he walks around with a semi, just the act of knowing he’s hiding something really turning him on. Even in gym, he puts on his shorts over them, hiding in one of the bathrooms to get changed, and feels a lot more comfortable than his normal underwear. Peter knows now that he can’t ever go back to boxer briefs because they will just not do anymore. 
“Can you take me to the mall?” He asks his brother, both sitting at the table eating breakfast. “Or do you have plans today?” It’s Saturday, and normally he knows Tony goes out in the later part of the day. “Please? It won’t take long.” 
The dramatic sigh that leaves his older brother’s mouth has him knocking his shoulder against Tony’s. “I guess. What’s in it for me?” 
“I’ll buy you lunch?” Peter suggests, as he sees Tony nod his head. “But, um - could you do me a huge favor?” 
“Uh oh.” 
“Can you drop me off? We can meet at the food court.” 
Tony gives him a look, his left eyebrow raised up. “What do you mean, drop you off? Why can’t I go shopping with you?” 
“I’d rather do it alone.” 
“Then find your own way to the mall.” 
“Tony!” He groans, not wanting to tell Tony the real reason why he needs to go to the mall. Victoria Secret is having their bi-annual sale, and he wants to stock up on as many panties as he can. “I don’t bug you about things like this. Why can’t you just do as I ask? I hardly ever ask you to do stuff like this.” 
His older brother shakes his head. “Nope. You don’t get to play that card. If I’m taking you to the mall, I’m going to be with you shopping. That’s how it goes.” 
“You’re really not going to budge on this, are you?” 
Peter tries to figure out a way how he’ll distract his brother. “Fine. When do you want to go?” 
“The mall’s open right now.” Tony stands up and puts his bowl of cereal into the sink. “Go get some shoes on and we’ll go.” 
“Now??” He thought they would be going in the earlier part of the afternoon. “Tony, it’s so early!” 
“So? That means hardly anyone will be there. We can shop, and then come back home. I’ve got a date tonight.” Peter figures as much, but it’s nice to hear the confirmation that he’ll be home alone tonight. “What are you still doing in here? Go get your shoes.” 
He walks up the stairs to his bedroom and grabs a pair of low top Chucks, and heads back down, sitting on the bottom step to put them on. He sees Tony standing by the door, tapping his foot. “Would you give me a break? You’re making me nervous.” He grabs his hooded sweatshirt that’s hanging up by the door, and throws it on. “Who are you going out with tonight? Andrea?” 
“None of your business.” Tony sticks his tongue out at him as he walks past him. He skips to the car parked on the street - his brother’s hand-me-down from their father, a classic Mercedes Benz that has more miles on it than it should but their father never checks. “Get in the car.” 
“You know this door sticks.” Peter tries the door again, and then looks back at his brother. “Help.” 
“God, you’re such a wuss.” Tony right up against his back, his brother knowing how to jiggle the handle to make it cooperate. “There. Now, get in.” 
He tries to calm himself down; having Tony standing so close to him so that he could smell his aftershave is doing things to his hormonal body that it has no business thinking about. “R-Right. Thanks.” He gets into the car, and quickly shuts the door. 
As they drive to the mall, Peter tries to think of a way that he can ditch Tony, still having no good ideas coming to his mind. When they get there, he walks into the mall with Tony and is almost afraid to head towards Victoria’s Secret. Fuck it. He won’t know it’s for me. “I need to go to Victoria’s Secret.” He says, hoping that he doesn’t look as red as he feels at the moment. 
“You didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend.” Tony sounds weird, but Peter doesn’t really think anything of it. “Since when?” 
“Since none of your business.” He pushes his elbow against Tony’s side, and hears him grunt. “What does it matter? Anyway, are you going to come in there with me, or not?” 
“I guess I could pick up something for Andrea.” Peter’s stomach twists as he hears his brother mention the girl he’s been seeing. “Maybe she’d like some perfume or something.” 
“Better make sure you pick something you like to smell, because she’ll constantly be using it.” He reminds him, as Tony has a bad habit of buying awful gifts for his girlfriends. 
Tony groans. “Right. Good point. Whatever. Let’s go.” 
They take the escalator to the second floor, and head to Victoria’s Secret. Peter’s heart is pounding hard in his chest, afraid that Tony’s going to be looking at every single item he picks up. He knows his size, and knows the style he’s looking for, so he heads to that display first. Grabbing a small basket, he starts to pick up different colors and drops them into the basket. He searches for the silky fabric ones, and finds a couple he likes and adds them to the pile. 
“Wow.” Tony comments, Peter completely forgetting he’s with him. “You must really love this girl to be buying her so many different ones.” 
“I…” He doesn’t know what to say to that, because Tony’s right. This looks way worse than it is, but he’s too deep in now to say anything except to agree with him. “Yep. It’s our anniversary soon.” 
“Huh.” His brother’s voice has that weird tone to it again, but Peter doesn’t really think anything of it. “Maybe ten pairs is too much. I mean, I know I’m your older brother that doesn’t really know much about anything, but….” 
Peter isn’t going to put any pairs back. Not when he’s been saving for this little trip. “Nope. I’ll only give her a couple now, and then a couple in a few months. I know not to blow my wad all at once.” 
“Nice word choice, Petey.” 
He rolls his eyes, and then grabs a few more just for good measure before heading to the register. The girl that rings him up is very friendly, Peter smiling politely as they make small talk with one another. She hands him the small bag that the underwear fits into, and thanks him for shopping at their store. Tony is waiting out front for him, which makes him feel mildly better. Wish he had stayed out here the entire time. “So? Food court?” He asks, more than happy with his purchase. 
“Sure, Pete. You want Mongolian barbecue?” 
His stomach growls. “Yes. Yes, very much yes.” He loves Mongolian barbecue. “My treat, remember? For you doing this favor for me.” 
“Right. I remember.” Tony has a strange look on his face. “You want to put that in the car?” 
“Nah, it’s okay.” 
“People might stare at you.” 
He snorts, then shakes his head. “If they look at us, it’s because they’re looking at you, not me.” He looks up at his older brother and smiles. “Come on, let’s go eat. Please? I’m really hungry, Tony.” 
“Yeah, okay.” 
They get to the food court, and Peter pushes the bag up his forearm as he starts to pile on the veggies for his food. Peter pays for both of their meals, and they go and sit outside, as it’s a nice day out. Slurping up a few noodles, Peter can’t help but smile as he’s got good food, some new clothes, and is spending time with his brother. 
“Why do you look so happy right now?” The sour look on Tony’s face isn’t enough to kill the good vibe he’s feeling right now. “It’s annoying. Stop.” 
“Why are you in such a bad mood all of a sudden?” Peter asks, clearly not letting his brother ruin his mood. “Stop being such a dick, Tony.” 
“Whatever, loser.” 
He laughs, and sees Tony smirk a little, which lets him know that maybe it’s nothing too serious. Peter looks at the Victoria’s Secret bag that he’s set down on the extra chair at their table. If he had been alone, he would have gone into the bathroom and changed into a new pair right now. He knows they’ll be home soon, and he can do it in the privacy of his own bedroom. But he doesn’t want to seem anxious to get home, so he plays it cool. 
“Need to go to any other stores?” Peter asks, after they both devour their meal. “Or want to head back?” 
“We can head back.” Tony isn’t looking at him anymore, which hurts in a way he isn’t really prepared for. What the hell is going on? “I’m just going to drop you off, though. Gotta go see Andrea.” 
“R-Right.” He nods his head, clutching the bag to his chest as they walk through the mall. 
When they get to his car, Peter has trouble opening the door again. Tony steps up right behind him, and this time Peter can’t help but hold his breath as he feels his body get super close to his. The door opens with no problem, and Peter just drops into the seat not wanting to look like a complete fool. He looks over at Tony when he gets into the driver’s seat, and sees he’s got that strange look on his face again. 
“Tony? Is something wrong?” He asks, hating how timid his own voice sounds at the moment. 
‘Nothing’s wrong, Petey.” There it is again. That weird way of speaking to him. “You sure you don’t mind if I drop you off? I’m sure you want to call your girlfriend, so you guys can talk and flirt, and do whatever it is you two do that warrants you giving her panties.” 
Peter looks down at his feet, the bag resting between them. He wants to cry. Tony is speaking to him in such a mean tone, that he doesn’t really know what to do. “Y-Yeah, okay. Thanks. I appreciate you taking me.” His voice hitches near the end, feeling awful. 
“No problem.” 
The rest of the car ride is quiet, which is fine for him. Tony pulls into the driveway, and Peter doesn’t bother saying anything to him as he gets out of the car. What is there to say? He heads into the house, ignoring his mother’s call to him as he races up the stairs. He hears the car pull out of the driveway and head down the street. Stupid asshole. Peter wants to throw the bag into the trash, the overwhelming feeling of guilt building up inside of him. Stupid fucking asshole. 
Luckily, with Tony gone, he stops letting it bother him and instead starts to look at all his pretty new clothes he’s purchased. Taking off his pants, he grabs one of the pairs that are black lace, with a peek-a-boo cut on the ass, which he has become a huge fan of. Slipping them on, he takes a look at himself in the mirror hung up on the wall of his closet door, happy with what he sees there. He starts to bend over to pull his pants back on when he hears his bedroom door start to open. 
“Hey, Pete - I’m really sorry I was acting like such a dick before. I just-” 
“Get out!” Peter shouts, as he tries to cover himself up, but it’s too late. Tony is staring at him, his mouth dropped open, his eyes wide with shock. “Get OUT!” He shouts at his brother, who finally hears him, and quickly leaves his bedroom, slamming the door closed. 
He starts to cry, as he pulls his pants back up. Tony saw. Tony wasn’t supposed to know about this. He never wanted his brother to know about this weird thing of his. He feels sick to his stomach. Dropping down to the floor, he starts to sob as he feels utterly embarrassed by what had just happened. And what the hell - when did Tony come home? Fuck. Peter grabs onto his hair and pulls, frustrated by everything that’s happened today. Today was supposed to have been a good day, and now it’s anything but that. 
It takes him a good thirty minutes to get himself back together, trying to figure out the best way he’s going to face his brother again. He can feel the lace clinging to his ass, and at any other time he would be feeling good but right now he feels disgusting and cheap. And it sucks. He goes over to his bed and sits down on it, thinking of the best way he can talk to Tony about what he saw. Or, maybe he doesn’t need to say anything to him. They can just let this go. But Peter can’t do that - he is always going to know that his brother knows he likes to wear women’s underwear. 
Peter doesn’t go downstairs for dinner, telling his mother that he doesn’t feel well. He hears Tony leave again, which gives him the opportunity to go downstairs and find something to eat in the kitchen. Both of his parents are gone for the night - he vaguely remembers them saying they were going to some dinner at one of their friends’ houses. He has the house all to himself, which he normally would love but right now he feels awful still. 
His phone vibrates with a text message. It’s a text from Tony. His stomach starts to get twisted as he reads the text. “We need to talk. I’ll be home in twenty.” 
He has nowhere to hide. Peter decides to sit and wait for him in the living room, because what good does it do him to wait for him in his bedroom? None. And true to his word, Tony’s parking his car out front of their house exactly twenty minutes later. Peter holds his hands between his knees, pushing them together to keep them trapped in place. He hears Tony open the door, and then hears him start to head up the stairs. 
“I’m down here.” He calls out, figuring Tony’s racing up the stairs to go see him in his room. Sure enough, he hears him start to walk back down the stairs and sees him appear at the entrance of the living room. “What do you want. Where’s your girlfriend?” 
Peter stares at his brother. “What?” 
“My ex-girlfriend.” Tony shrugs, a smug smile on his lips as he goes and sits in their dad’s Laz-Y-Boy chair. “We broke up tonight.” 
“You seem really affected by it.” He doesn’t understand his brother at all. “Shouldn’t you, like, be sad or something?” 
“Eh.” Again, another shrug of his shoulders. “She’s nice, but isn’t really someone I can see myself with for a long time.” 
“You’re awful.” 
“I know.” 
Peter looks back down at his hands. “What do you want to talk about?” He knows exactly what Tony wants to talk about, but he refuses to come out and say it. What’s the point. 
“Let’s go up to your room.” 
“Do we have to?” 
“I’d feel better if we did. Mom and Dad could come home soon.” 
He shakes his head. “They won’t be home until after one. Dad said that as they were heading to their party. They took an Uber.” 
“Smart.” Tony looks over at the stairs. “Please? Let’s just go upstairs.” 
It’s better than trying to argue with him, so Peter gets up off the couch and heads up the stairs to his own bedroom. He keeps the door pushed open, letting his brother know he’s okay with him coming into his room. The door gets closed behind him, and then Peter is leaning up against his desk as he sees his brother take a seat on the edge of his bed. 
“Take off your pants.” Tony says, looking him straight in the eyes. 
His chest pounds as he stares back at his brother. “Why?” 
“You know why.” 
“Why do you want to see?” He asks, his cheeks growing warmer by the second as he feels his cock start to react to the way Tony is looking at him. What the hell is happening? “There’s nothing to see, Tony.” 
“Peter.” The authority in his brother’s voice makes him reach for the button on his jeans. He unsnaps it, and then starts to pull the zipper down. He knows Tony can see the lace already, his eyes glued to his crotch. His heart pounds harder as he puts his hands back up on his waist to pull down his jeans to reveal what he’s wearing underneath. “Holy fuck.” Tony swears, his voice slightly strained. 
Peter lets the jeans drop to the floor, the fabric staying put around his ankles. “So I like to wear women’s panties.” He kicks off his pants, and turns around, showing the peek-a-boo side to his brother, who he hears make a strange noise. Is he that grossed out by this?? Keeping his back turned, he finds it easier to breathe without having to see Tony. “It happened by accident. I think one of your girlfriends left their panties buried in your underwear, and I found them in my pile of clean laundry.” 
“Do you wear these all the time?” Peter gasps, not at all prepared for Tony to be standing right behind him. The richness in his voice makes his heart palpitate, his body feeling incredibly warm with how near he is to him. “Do you wear them to school?” 
“Yes.” He whispers, trying hard not to cry again. “Please don’t think I’m weird. I don’t think this is a bad thing. There are a lot worse things I could be doing instead of liking how it feels to wear women’s panties compared to the boxer briefs I used to wear.” 
“Peter. Turn around.” 
Bracing himself, he does as Tony asks him and sees that he’s pulled his pants off. Tony is also wearing a pair of lacy underwear, much like the kind he’s wearing right now, that smug smirk back on his lips as Peter stares at his cock. His brother was well endowed, the way the lace clings to his plump cock has him salivating. What the hell is going on. 
“Y-You wear them too.” Peter looks up at his brother, and sees he’s staring at him. “But….” 
“Those were my panties you found.” Tony kicks his pants off, and walks towards him. “And here I thought you really had a girlfriend.” 
“I don’t.” He shakes his head, backing up until his ass hits the side of his desk. He groans a little a quick flash of pain, but then it disappears in an instant. Tony is close - so close - that he has nowhere else to go except lift himself up onto the desk. Which he isn’t going to do because that would be stupid. “W-Why would it matter if I had a girlfriend?” 
His brother is quiet, turning his head away from him. “I realized something this morning, when I thought you had one.” 
“Yeah? What was it? ‘Finally, my brother is getting it on with someone’? Because I’m not, Tony.” He tries to keep the emotion out of his voice, but Tony is making it very difficult. “I’m still single, and only using my hand to masturbate. Okay, maybe that’s a lie.” He did have a couple of anal plugs that he liked to play with, and one very nice vibrator. 
The deep laugh that came out of Tony’s mouth sent a shiver down his spine. “You don’t get it, do you?” Tony’s head comes closer to him, then he feels his brother’s lips touch his ear. “You’re beautiful, Pete. Wear these panties all you want. They make you look gorgeous, you know.” A finger touches the small peek-a-boo spot on his ass, Peter gasping at the touch. “Don’t be freaked out by this.” 
“By wha-” 
Peter’s question is cut off by Tony’s lips touching his with a kiss. He freezes, instinctively wanting to push him away because ew gross - this is Tony. His brother. But the more their lips touch, the more he sinks into the kiss and can’t stop himself. This is Tony. He opens his mouth to release a soft moan and then feels Tony’s tongue against his own, making his cock grow unbelievably hard in his panties. He puts both of his arms around Tony’s shoulders, hopping up onto the desk to pull him between his legs. He’s thankful that he’s got his curtains closed, because their neighbors could see in - if they wanted to - and that would just be a new set of problems if they saw both of the Stark boys kissing each other and wearing women’s underwear. 
Tony pulls back from the kiss first, their foreheads coming together as they both took deep breaths. “Damn, Pete. You kiss everyone like that?” Tony asks, their lace covered crotches now pushed up against each other, the feel of lace on lace making it difficult for Peter to remember how to talk. 
“N-No.” He shakes his head, moaning softly as Tony’s lips start to touch his neck. “Am I a bad kisser, Tony?”  
“God, no.” Teeth pull on his neck, Peter moaning louder as he wraps one leg around Tony’s, securing him in place so they can grind against each other more. It feels good to be touching him like this - touching him in a way that he knows should be bad. “You’re the best kisser.” Tony’s lips touch his again with another demanding kiss, Peter submitting to him with an answering moan. “Your lips taste so sweet.” 
“You taste good too.” 
Tony picks him up, and pulls him over to the bed, Peter following blindly. He’s turned around to face the bed, Tony now behind him. He feels his cock push up against the small peek-a-boo panel of his underwear, Peter moaning low as his body thrums with want and need. “Do you want to see how it feels, Pete?” Tony asks, as he teases him more with his cock. 
“Y-Yes, God yes.” He nods his head, not even caring to listen to the warning bells in his head. He doesn’t care right now. Tony isn’t going to hurt him. He never has - no, that’s a lie. He’s hurt him plenty of times, but this - this is different. He knows he’s okay, he knows this is okay. 
He hears him open the drawer of his nightstand, then hears him snort. “Got enough condoms, baby brother?” 
“Shut up.” Peter speaks quietly, not really caring to hear Tony tease him that way. “A-Are you going to use one?” 
“Do you want me to?” 
“Is it going to hurt more if you do?” 
“Not really.” 
“Then no.” 
“I’m clean. I’m not sleeping with anyone right now.” 
That gets him to turn his head to look over his shoulder at him. “Seriously? I thought you and Andrea were?” 
“Nope. Which is why we broke up.” Tony shrugs his shoulders. “She wanted it, and I didn’t.” 
“....Because of me.” 
Peter wants to be sad for his brother, but all of this new information is providing too much for him. “So, we’re doing this, huh?” 
“Now that I know you like wearing panties like this?? Um, yes. Sorry, but there’s no other option.” 
He laughs, which quickly turns into a moan as he feels Tony start to touch his entrance. “There are plenty of options, Tony.” A finger slips inside of him, and makes him moan low. “God, your finger feels so nice.” 
“Wait until you feel my cock.” Tony whispers into his ear, making him tremble hard. “Want to leave your panties on for this?” 
“Yes.” He moans, as Tony’s other hand rubs up against his cock. “P-Please, can I?” 
“You can.” A second finger is pushed into him, Peter releasing a deeper moan. “God, I just want to stick it in you right now.” 
“D-Do it.” Peter’s done it before with one of his toys. “I’ll be okay. Please, Tony?” 
“I know you do, baby. I want it too.” 
The first real touch of Tony’s cock up against his spread hole makes Peter bend in half, his hands hitting his bed with a soft bounce. He grips onto the blanket as the tip begins to slip inside of him, his body trying to fight against the intrusion. He moans loud as Tony pushes all the way into him, the girth of his cock thicker than any of the toys he has, and wow does it feel good. He can hear himself making a strange noise, but ignores it in favor of trying to push his hips back, wanting Tony to move - he has to move, or he’s going to lose it. 
Hands grip his hips tight, and soon his brother is driving his cock home, pounding into him with hard, rough thrusts. Peter grips his blanket harder, the sound of their bodies slapping together making him more aroused than he’s ever been in his entire life. He tries to balance himself on one arm but fails, his head now resting against the bed as he pushes his free hand down his lace panties, grabbing a fistful of his own cock. 
“Yes, Pete…” Tony’s voice is deep, deeper than he’s heard him talk before and damn, does it sound good like this. He moans as he pumps his own cock to the rhythm that Tony is setting for their fast fucking. “Make yourself come… 
“T-Trying…” He cries out as one particular hard thrust has Tony’s cock hitting him in the perfect spot. White dots appear, his head moving from side to side on the bed as he screams through the pleasure. His hand pumps on his own cock faster - faster than he’s ever chased after an orgasm before because he knows that Tony is close. He can feel how his cock pushes against his inner walls, making him see more white. “T-Toooony….” He screams his name loud as he starts to come hard, spunk flying from the tip of his cock onto his hand and his blanket. 
“Holy fuck…” His brother slams hard into him, and then a blinding heat hits his inner walls, Peter moaning through a second high that he doesn’t anticipate at all, his brain turning to mush as he feels Tony come hard. 
It takes effort to move, and Tony has to help him up onto the bed. He feels him yank his panties off, the freedom feeling nice. He’s about to ask him if they’re done when he feels Tony push back into him, Peter releasing a deep, satisfied moan. “Yes, more….” He moans, pushing back against Tony’s thrusts this time, the position on the bed much more inviting to his own pleasure this time around. 
He’s made to come two more times, then they both collapse on the bed together, Peter finding himself in his brother’s arms. His body tingles all over from the sex they’ve just had, his ass throbs in a way that will be a good reminder of what they’ve done, and really - it’s the best. He’s happier than he’s been in a long time, and it’s all because of his brother. Daring to look up, he sees Tony is already looking at him with a smile on his face. “W-What?” He asks, surprised to see Tony staring at him so intently. 
“Nothing. I’m just….happy.” Tony smiles, then kisses him softly on the lips. “You got plans tonight?” 
“Play games? Look at some of my new panties?” He grins, shaking his head. “You?” 
“Nope. Wanna go get something to eat? Go see a movie or something?” 
He blinks. “With me??” 
“No. With your panties.” Tony rolls his eyes. “Yes, with you.” 
“But we never hang out.” 
“I know. It’s dumb, right? We should be hanging out more.” 
Peter bites his lip, then nods his head. “I’d like that.” 
“Would you like it if I came into your room more too?”
Tony is looking at him with that same intense stare as before. Peter feels his palms beginning to sweat, as he nods his head. “Yes, please.” 
“Then we’ll make both happen.” Tony kissed his nose. “Come on. Let’s go shower. I’m fucking starving.” 
They take a shower together, Peter staring at his brother’s body, and then they wind up kissing and touching each other again, which leads to more sex. By the time they get their clothes on, Peter’s got a semi again, all thanks to the looks his brother keeps giving to him. 
“Let me see which pair you have on now.” Tony asks, as they get their jackets on in the foyer. ��Please?” 
“Show me yours first.” He smirks. “Does this mean I can buy you some?” 
“You’d better.” His brother flashes him with a pair of cute blue silk panties. “Now yours.” 
He flashes him his own red silk panties, the two sharing a smile together. “Satisfied?” 
“Never.” Tony kissed his cheek with a loud kiss, then opened the front door. “Let’s go eat, Pete.” 
“Yes, Tony.” 
Peter is happy that he can share these secrets with his brother. He has no idea what to expect now, but really - it doesn’t matter. This is Tony, and he knows that whatever happens, it will be worth it. 
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