#but it's given out really slowly and you lose the big creature after 2 turns
dravidious · 1 year
You're more amazing than spellcasting
I just got a big ol' bag of KitKats today as a gift from my mom fuck yeah I'm gonna make magic cards about it
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Also I don't remember why but the idea of a saga creature got put into my head so while I was making KitKat cards I also made this
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#asks#custom cards#is the professor balanced? i have no idea#the only comparable creature is that one from AWBO that starts with 4 oil counters and dies when it runs out#but you're supposed to prolong that one with proliferate#numbers wise this card is bonkers#you get a 4/4 haste a 3/2 and an Inspired Charge for just 4 mana#but it's given out really slowly and you lose the big creature after 2 turns#so i have NO IDEA how strong this card is#i think it's somewhere between good and broken#so you know. an average rare card#a creature that automatically kills itself isn't very appealing so i don't expect saga creatures to become a set mechanic#not in standard at least#just like how Urza's Saga was printed in a supplemental set#anyway i came up with the lorehold idea almost instantly when i started making the card#i was writing the typeline “Enchantment Creature Saga... huh. what creature type could be a living story? spirit maybe? OH!”#lol i don't even care that much for strixhaven or lorehold but the flavor feels kinda perfect#a spirit called from the past to relive their history#not legendary because there were lots of professors that lorehold staff and students remember as “the finest professor”#it's not really an objective thing lol#though a saga commander would be really neat#like that “Origin story” mechanic from last week's inventor's fair#not even as a saga creature or in addition to a creature i think just a saga commander would be really neat#anyway i'm going back and forth on whether the professor should have vigilance or first strike#first strike would make it able to attack without fear of getting multi-blocked and killed#but that might be too strong#actually how good is a 4-drop 4/4 haste?#checking gatherer: pretty good apparently#but a 4-drop 4/4 haste that dies in 2 turns? hmm#but if your opponent doesn't kill it early then it gives you tons of value
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(Chapter 2/29) When SpongeBob opened his eyes he was in his own bed. How did he get back home? was it just a dream? “Meow!” Gary cried from from downstairs, “What’s going on Gary?” He replied walking down the stairs. Gary turned the tv on with one of his eye stalks and switched it to the news “Breaking news!” The anchor announced “A giant tentacle monster is attacking sleeping bikini bottom citizens!”. Oh no. “Police cameras have identified footage outside the home bikini bottom resident SpongeBob SquarePants.” Oh no. Sure enough when they played the footage, it was a giant Squidward, slowly and gently lifting him into his house through his bedroom window. He quickly turned the tv off, “Well that answers those questions.”. He fed Gary before heading off to work, maybe he could ask sandy why Squidward was giant, I mean she is super smart. “SpongeBob me boy!” Mr Krabs shouted as SpongeBob walked through the door. “Are ye okay? Are ye hurt? Can ye still work?!”.“Mr Krabs I’m fine, It’s just Squi-”. Mr Krabs quickly clamped his claws around his lips, “Not so loud me boy.” He sternly whispered. He dragged him into his office with his claws still firmly on his lips, only releasing after he locked the door. “dward. Why did you do that?” SpongeBob finally finished. “I cant have me customers know that I hired a monster!” Mr Krabs stated in hushed anger, clamping his claws above his head. “Mr Krabs, Squidward isn’t a monster!” SpongeBob retorted. “Squidward ain’t a monster, but what it turns into when February rolls around, is!” Mr Krabs stated matter-of -factly, SpongeBob was angry but he just wanted to make some krabby patties. “Look, Mr Krabs, we can talk about later-“ “No! We talk now! I can’t be losing me best fry cook! Don’t go near it again!” SpongeBob stormed out, he needed to leave before he said something he regretted. Work went by as usual with a failed plankton attack. After work he went straight to Sandy’s treedome, hoping to find some answers. “Sandy,” SpongeBob said while entering the treedome, water helmet firmly on, “can I ask you something?”. “Sure thing SpongeBob, what ya need?” Sandy patiently responded. SpongeBob was arranging the words in his head so as to not give away too much about his situation. “So I have this friend,” doing great so far, “his name is,” he paused for a moment “Bobsponge.”. Sandy won’t suspect a thing. “He’s having some trouble because his friend, Octward, is being made out to be a monster,” Sandy looked at SpongeBob smugly. “But my friend, Bob knows that Octward wouldn’t hurt a fly, so he’s really mad that people are freaking out just cause he got bigger!”, He was unintentionally getting riled up. Sandy put her hand on his back to calm him down. He took a big breath and continued. “So anyway, my friend thinks that you might be able help them by telling them why squids grow during February?” Sandy looked at him, smiled and said “Is the friend you?”, SpongeBob hadn’t given any indication it was him so he was a smidge surprised, but at the same time relieved that he didn’t have to hide it. “Yeah.” He said, hanging his head. Sandy giggled to herself, “Alright, I think heard about this in one of my marine biology books!”, she said, heading into her tree. Banging and clanging were heard before she stepped out with a giant book almost as big as her! “Aha! He we are!” She exclaimed flipping to a page about squids. “Due to squids being solitary creatures, they will often grow to large sizes to find mates easier, with the larger squids being more attractive. Due to being larger targets they grow extremely aggressive to non squids.”. Well that explains the size. “Wait, then how come he wasn’t aggressive to me?” SpongeBob retorted. Sandy paused and thought to herself about it for a bit, scratching her head. “Maybe we could run some tests! A good experiment will really Dill my pickle!” Sandy excitedly replied. “I mean, help us figure out why he wasn’t aggressive.” She said, quickly correcting herself. “Tomorrow we’ll see just what is going on.”
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pretchatta · 3 years
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It was a rare day off for the Ghost crew. Hera had skillfully tucked the ship out of sight of Imperial eyes, amongst the rolling hills of Lothal’s grassy plains. 
Kanan was helping Hera with some repairs in the cockpit, Zeb was watching Sabine create her latest artistic masterpiece in the gun turret (“Non-permanent!” Hera and Kanan had both yelled in unison, and she’d rolled her eyes and groaned an “Of course.”) and so Ezra was free to do whatever he felt like.
And he felt like practising Jar’Kai.
With Kanan out of the way, it had been easy to sneak into his room and borrow (not steal!) his lightsaber. No-one was around to see him slip out into the long grasses, and then he was alone. He held Kanan’s lightsaber in one hand and his own in the other. With two simultaneous flicks of his thumbs, twin beams of humming blue energy swept out in front of him. 
Kanan hadn’t taught him any of the training forms for Jar’Kai, despite asking several times, so he made up his own, twirling the blades around himself. He imagined his Jedi robes flaring dramatically as he leapt and spun, looking just like the old forbidden holos his parents used to let him watch. This was so cool, Kanan only wanted to make Jedi training as little fun as he could, why else would he not let Ezra do this–
The blades struck each other above his head, and he was unprepared for the way they bit together. He managed to hold onto his, but in his off-hand Kanan’s twisted out of his grip. The blade retracted into the hilt as the metal cylinder spun through the air and vanished into the grasses.
“Karabast,” Ezra muttered. “I guess that’s why you need the proper forms for this.”
He took a step towards where the saber had fallen, but before he could get there, the blades of grass twitched. A loth-cat leapt out, looking inquisitively up at him. Gripped between its teeth was Kanan’s unlit lightsaber.
“Hey there,” Ezra said, grinning at the creature. “Did you fetch that for me?” He reached out to take the saber back, but with a sweep of its tail, the cat turned and scampered away.
“Wait, come back!” Ezra chased after the loth-cat, but it flicked his ears at him happily. Its eyes were lit up with the fun of the game.
“Oh man, Kanan’s gonna kill me! ‘This lightsaber is your life, Ezra,’” he said in a poor imitation of his master’s voice, “and I’ve just given his to a loth-cat!”
Ezra took off again, racing after the creature, but it stayed ahead of him easily. Each time he got close it would leap gracefully away before turning its head back to make sure Ezra was still playing. 
He tried every trick he knew; running at it quickly, approaching slowly and then pouncing, even walking away to see if reverse psychology would bring the loth-cat closer to him. Nothing worked. He was dreading facing Kanan, and worse, asking for his help to get the saber back.
Ezra watched the loth-cat happily curling its tail as it looked right back at him, lightsaber firmly grasped in its mouth. He could swear it was grinning at him. He could almost feel the creature’s satisfaction... 
What if he tried to connect with it? 
He still wasn’t convinced he could do this, but by this point he was desperate. He closed his eyes, stretched out a hand and emptied his mind, focusing his senses forwards towards the loth-cat. It was smug, pleased that it had won the game to hold onto the strange stick. Ezra used this to form a bond with the creature; they both wanted the stick, and they both loved playing under the open sky. They were friends, right? And now that the game was over, it was okay for the loth-cat to bring the stick back to Ezra. 
He could feel the cat warming to him. It agreed with his logic, and a few moments later Ezra felt soft fur under his outstretched hand. The cat purred, happy to have made a friend, and Ezra opened his eyes and retrieved Kanan’s lightsaber hilt. That hadn’t been so hard. He scratched the loth-at under the chin and smiled at it – maybe it was pretty cute.
He should probably return the lightsaber to Kanan’s room before his master realised it was gone...
In the cockpit, Kanan sipped his fresh cup of caf as he watched his apprentice through the viewport.
“See, he got it back!” Sat next to him, Hera had her perpetually cold fingers wrapped around her own cup. “I told you you didn’t have to go down there.”
Kanan’s brow remained creased in a disapproving frown. “I’m still going to discipline him for losing it. And for stealing it in the first place!”
“No, dear, that’s a terrible idea,” Hera said, reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder. “The fear of you finding out will do far more to make sure he never does it again.”
Kanan huffed out a sigh. “Maybe you’re right.”
“I always am. And speaking of being right, we really do need to fix the proximity sensor, I think there’s a whole frequency band it doesn’t pick up.”
Hera leaned over to bring up the results of the latest diagnostic scan, and Kanan finally turned away from the viewport to give his captain and the repairs his full attention.
“Pay up, big guy!” Sabine crowed from her perch on the turret gun’s controls.
Zeb grumbled from the gunner’s seat as he handed over the last blue cookie from the packet. “I still can’t believe you chose to root for the kid.”
“Not for the kid – Kanan’s training,” she said through a mouthful of cookie. “Had to kick in sometime.”
“Hmph. Fair enough.” Zeb glared through the transparisteel bubble to where he could still just about see Ezra, who was now walking back towards the Ghost with two lightsabers in his hands and a loth-cat on his shoulder. “I just wanted to see telling-off he would’ve got if Kanan had found out.”
A cunning look came over Sabine’s face. “Maybe next time we can engineer that...”
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What if... Part2
(Amazed and honoured at the reception of this one! So very happy y’all enjoyed this little AU that I was NOT going to write xD And thank you for the reblogs and comments, you wonderful people you! <3
 For the record, I still blame you @phrenic-a and @mountevey And I see you encouraging them @novembermurray ! )
What if Dulsissia hadn’t died, what if she had grabbed Corin and fled? What if she met Davarax? What if...
Part 1
Part 2
She’s lost her mind. Dulsissa has thought this very thought many times during these last three months, but stars above; she really must have lost her mind now.
The Mandalorian, Davarax, is a complete stranger. She doesn’t know anything about him, only some fragments about his children that she has a feeling are real but might as well not be. And here she is holding her son’s hand and following this man to his ship, fully prepared to board it with him and go some place she has no idea where is to stay with a people she has no clue who are.
“This is your ship?” Corin asks with slight disbelief when they come to a halt in front of it.
Like Davarax’ armor, the ship has seen better days.
Embarrassed by her son’s words, Dulsissia gives Corin’s hand a warning squeeze and sends him a stern look that makes him shrink a little and shuffle his feet.
-Think it, don’t speak it, she’s told him countless times. His honesty will cost him one day.
Davarax snorts an amused laugh, saunters forward to reach out and place an affectionate hand to the ship’s hull. He pets it a couple of times like it’s a living creature. “She might not be the fanciest, but..” The helmet turns to look back at Corin. “I can promise you, Corin, you won’t find a better ship in the Galaxy. The Razor Crest is tough, fast and loyal. Treat her right and she’ll look after you.”
The disdain in Corin’s eyes is replaced with awe. “Really?” He whispers.
“Really.” Davarax confirms, giving the ship a final pat before lowering his arm to press a button on his vambrace. There is a click and a hum and the ship opens a side door, lowering a ramp for them to enter. “Let’s go.”
Dulsissia smiles a little as she follows Davarax inside and how Corin now is pulling eagerly at her hand to make her hurry up. A magical ship is irresistible to a little boy, while she tries hard to ignore the scorch marks she sees on the hull and the ominous weapons attached to it.
Inside, the ship is a lot roomier than she expected it to be. The cargo area makes for a great playground for Corin. The sleeping quarters are narrow, but she doesn’t require much space and Corin even less so. The cockpit is fascinating, she’s never been in one before.
And neither has Corin.
“Baby, no.” Dulsissia reaches out to pull Corin away when he walks right up to the control panel after Davarax has found his place in the pilot seat and watches with utmost amazement as he starts flipping switches and pushing buttons to bring the ship to life. “Come here. Don’t bother Davarax.”
“It’s okay.” Davarax reassures her. He glances over at the boy. “You want to help, young sir?”
Corin nods, too overwhelmed to talk.
“Flip that one.” Davarax points at a tiny switch and Corin instantly reaches out and flips it. “Good job. And now press that button.” He lifts the boy up so he can reach the button in the ceiling.
Dulsissia bites her lower lip to keep from getting too emotional as she watches her son eagerly obey instructions and soaking up every bit of encouragement and praise from the Mandalorian, starved for both after all the years his father gave him none. It hurts to watch how such simple kindness from a man stuns Corin but it is also so good to see her son this happy. Maybe she didn’t lose her mind when she decided to go with Darvarax, maybe it was the one good choice she’s made since deciding to leave Macero? She hopes.
“Okay, ad’ika.” Davarax says. “The Razor Crest is awake. Time for you to get in your seat.” He nudges Corin, who reluctantly wanders over to the one seat left after his mother claimed the one behind Davarax. He climbs, with a little difficulty, up on it, and settles. A tiny boy in a big seat.
Dulsissia moves over to buckle him in and frowns. He’s too small. It won’t keep him safe at all.
Without looking over at them, Davarax makes some final adjustments on his panel. “Next to the seat. On the left. There’s this box he can sit on. I use that when I bring Din or Barthor along.”
Dulsissia blinks. It’s not something she’d picture a mercenary to have on his ship. But a peek down the side does indeed reveal a box and once Corin is sitting on that, he gets a better view, to his delight, and the belts actually fit him instead of choking him, to her relief.
The ship takes off and sets course for the darkness above. Dulsissia is not sorry to leave this place.
Now all she has to worry about is what Nevarro is like and how the Mandalorians will react to Davarax bringing home a stray and her offspring. She wonders if the other Mandalorians are like Davarax, if she will get to meet his children and most important of all; will Corin like it there?
The journey to Nevarro will take two standard days. It’s strange how two days on a small ship with her husband or her friends would have driven her insane, but the hours on board the Razor Crest feel safe and almost enjoyable as Davarax’ patience with her son’s continued craving for his attention and praise.
Every time her boy butts into whatever the Mandalorian is doing, calls for him to look at what he is doing instead, Dulsissia feels a stab of dread, waiting to hear the sharp annoyance that would always follow his attempts to reach his father, but every time Davarax replies with mild amusement and eternal patience. He even brings Corin along to ‘help’ with some repairs in the cargo area and leaves her to just rest or whatever she feels like doing.
With there being no place for the man to run off with her child, it’s not like he’ll jump into space with him, and a growing trust in Davarax, Dulsissia ends up sitting in the cockpit like an idiot and having no clue what to do. It’s been almost five years since she didn’t spend every second of her day hovering over Corin.
After what feels like a small eternity of just sitting there, listening to the muffled voices from the cargo hold, Dulsissia notices her reflection in the transparisteel and slowly lifts a hand to her blond locks. Oh, she looks a mess. No wonder Davarax had decided she needed help; she looks like a wookiee.
When Davarax and Corin returns to the cockpit, she has eased the final hairpin into place and her sweet boy lights up at the sight of her. He runs over, places his hands on her knees and looks up at her with a smile so bright it makes her smile as well. “Wow. You look really pretty, mommy.”
Davarax ruffles Corin’s hair as he walks by him on the way to the pilot seat. “She always does, ad’ika.”
Her face burns for some reason. Dulsissia pulls Corin up to sit on her lap and she changes the topic. “What does that mean? You keep calling him that.”
“It’s from my language. Mando’a.” Davarax replies, fidgeting with something on the panel to see if the repairs were successful. “It’s what we call our youngsters.”
Smiling, oddly pleased with the answer, Dulsissia looks down and sees Corin has gotten oil on his face and starts the battle of wiping it away while he tries to squirm free.
It’s not just Corin who gets to learn new things. On the second day, while her boy sleeps, Dulsissia takes out the blade Davarax had given her and tests the weight and feel of it. Wearing a dress restricts the movement of her legs a bit, so she’ll need to have a good idea of how to use her arms. Make the most of what she can use.
She feels stupid, waving the blade around, pretending to stab an invisible opponent, but Dulsissia gets so into it that she’s entirely unprepared for a hand suddenly gripping her wrist.
Startled, she flinches and almost drops the knife.
“Not like that.” Davarax’ voice says from behind her. She hadn’t heard him approach.
His gloved hand slides over her pale one and helps her turn the blade so she holds it in a reverse grip instead.
“Like this. It will give you more options during an attack and more power. More power to do more damage. Plus,” Davarax steps closer and slides his other arm loosely around her waist in a slight mimicry of how those men had grabbed her, “you can do this.”
The hand on hers adds a little pressure and makes her lower her arm in a careful swing until the blade goes by her thigh and the tip comes to a halt against the front of his thigh.
“And when the blade is in, you twist.” His voice is so calm. And so close. If not for the helmet, she suspects she’d feel his words on her neck. “Understand?”
Dulsissia gives a quick little nod. Her eyes probably as big as Corin’s tend to get around this man.
“Good.” Davarax lets her go and circles to stand in front of her. “Now, if someone approaches you from the front, what you should do is-”
She still feels silly, waving the blade around and Davarax letting her practice on him when he could disarm her without even looking her way, but at the end of that first session; Dulsissia knows where to aim and how to do as much damage as possible.
Also, when the Mandalorian hands out praise, she can’t blame her son for wanting more because she realizes that she hasn’t heard too much of that in her own lifetime either and it feels really, really good to finally think she’s not hopeless at least.
When they land on Nevarro, Dulsissia can’t help but to feel nervous again. She picks up Corin, who allows it with a resigned sigh, and holds him close while following Davarax off the ship. The journey has been another respite before facing her difficult situation, but it’s over now.
Time to find out what will be next for her and her baby.
Davarax leads her through the dusty city, Dulsissia places a protective hand on Corin’s head and shields him from seeing leers and sneers sent their way, and they finally reach a door that brings them underground to the hidden Covert of the Mandalorians.
It’s dark below and it takes a while for Dulsissia’s eyes to adjust so she doesn’t see them until she’s walking right by the other Mandalorians, who stand there, staring at her with emotionless t-visors.
Flinching with a startled sound, she jumps forward and nearly bumps into Davarax’ back.
“They won’t harm you.” Davarax says, not turning around or even slowing his walk. “You’re safe.”
Looking around as they walk, Dulsissia hopes he is right, because there are quite an amount of armored people there and they aren’t exactly rolling out a welcoming committee. “If you say so.”
In the depths of the tunnels, they approach what appears to be the seat of power, judging by the decorations and respectful behaviour of the ones there.
They have taken one step inside the room, it appears to some kind of a forge, when Davarax stops and Dulsissia follows his example. “Stay here.” He says. “Only speak when spoken to.”
She then watches in silence as he steps forward and walks over to kneel down in front of the forge where a Mandalorian in a golden armor and a fur cloak is working on something. Minutes pass and Dulsissia has to hoist Corin a couple of times as the boy really is getting heavy, but they all wait for what has to be the leader of the Mandalorians to finish whatever they are working on.
Finally the one in the golden helmet puts the hammer down, lingers and walks over to where Davarax is kneeling. “Did you complete your mission?”
Davarax reaches into the pocket of his belt, fishes out a handful of valuables and places them on the ground as an offering.
The leader looks at what he has brought, gives a thoughtful nod and then shifts her attention to Dulsissia. “And you have brought something else to the Covert as well.”
“They need a place to stay. Somewhere safe.”
“A foundling is always welcome.” The leader replies in a neutral voice. “This other one does not look like a warrior.”
“She has the makings of one.” Davarax counters in an equally neutral voice. “She will be my responsibility. Both of them.”
“Very well.” The leader says, but she does not sound pleased. “This is the way.”
“This is the way.” Davarax echoes. He gets up and walks out of the room, only pausing to give Dulsissia’s arm a light touch to signal her to follow him. She does.
Once they are at a certain distance from the room and the leader, Dulsissia hoists Corin, who she suspects is too scared by these new surroundings to say anything, and voices her thoughts. “She doesn’t want me here.”
Davarax does his little trademark huff of a laugh. “Don’t worry about it.”
Dulsissia sighs and hoists Corin a little again. Her arms are burning. She does not expect Davarax to come to an abrupt halt, forcing her to stop as well, and turn around to hold out his arms.
“Give him to me.”
Dulsissia clutches Corin a little closer and stares at him with surprise at his betrayal.
His helmet tilts a little and Davarax is the one to sigh. “Just until I can show you your room.”
She hesitates for several seconds. What convinces her is Corin pushing away from her and reaching out to him, and only then does Dulsissia hand her son over to the Mandalorian and awkwardly wraps her arms around herself instead.
Corin quickly settles on Davarax’ arm and looks around with bright, curious eyes from his new and taller perch.
The Mandalorian reaches out his free hand and gently touches by her shoulder. “Come.” He says, not unkindly. “Let me show you where you’ll stay.”
The door slides open. Stepping inside, Davarax following her with Corin, Dulsissia looks around and finds it small and modest but far cleaner and inviting than some of the inns she and her son have stayed at during these last weeks. There are no windows, but there is a light in the ceiling.
There are two beds, a rickety looking table and some hooks in the wall to hang clothing on.
“It’s not much, I know.” Davarax sounds a bit awkward. “But it will be yours.” Dulsissia looks over at him with a grateful smile. “It’s wonderful. Thank you.”
Davarax turns sideways and points at the door they can see across the hallway. “That’s me. If you need anything.” He puts Corin down on his own two feet and lets him run over to climb into the closest bed and start jumping on it.
“Corin, baby, no.” Dulsissia says, meeting the defiant look he sends her way with a stern look of her own and feels a smug sense of victory when the boy sits down with an annoyed huff. She can then turn her attention back to Davarax. “You have done so much for us already. How can I ever repay you?”
He seems surprised by her words and it takes a second before he shakes his head. “There is nothing to repay. You don’t owe me anything. Neither does your boy. I just want you two to be safe.”
Dulsissia has to turn away to hide her eyes flooding with tears. She’d given up on there being decent people in the Galaxy and then she had to stumble across the most noble of them all?
“I’ll, uh, give you some time to settle in. Get some rest.” Davarax mumbles, backing out of the room. “I’ll be back later. I’ll see if I can get you some spare clothes. I know there are some for Corin. And then I’ll show you two around. Sounds good?”
“Will you show me the training room?” Corin asks with badly hidden hope.
“Absolutely, young sir.” Davarax replies with a bow that has Corin giggle with delight.
When the door slides shut behind the Mandalorian, Dulsissia walks over to sit next to her sweet boy and combs her fingers through his thick, dark hair. “We are going to stay here for a while, baby. Okay?”
Corin nods eagerly and gives her another gap-toothed smile. “Yeah! Dav’rax gonna show me where he trains to fight bad guys. Maybe he can teach me too?”
“We’ll see.” Dulsissia replies, unwilling to make any promises on behalf of the man. While she’d prefer her son to never see battle in his lifetime, she’s not stupid. Once she chose to leave Seswenna, she condemned them both to an existence where they both will have to learn to defend themselves.
She and Corin explore the room, discover there is a barely visible door on the western wall that leads to what has to be the Galaxy’s tiniest refresher room, and they play-fight over who gets which bed, but in the end there isn’t all that much to do but wait for Davarax to return.
When there finally is a knock on the door, both Dulsissia and Corin eagerly jump to their feet and is equally pleased to see the now almost familiar Mandalorian. Dulsissia is fairly certain she’d be able to recognize his helmet and armor in a sea of others at this point.
Davarax holds out a small pile of clothes. “This will at least give you something to change into.”
Accepting the gift, Dulsissia manages another smile, despite once again feeling the bite of humiliation. She thinks about the gorgeous dresses she used to wear. The adorable outfits she had made for Corin. She’ll probably be the first Motti to ever use second-hand clothing… Then she snaps out of it and clutches the clothes close with a sense of appreciation instead. “Thank you.”
“And you, ad’ika, are you ready to check out your new home?” Davarax asks Corin.
“Yes, sir!” Corin replies, back straight and eagerness barely contained.
The Covert, as she understands it is called, is a complicated network of hallways and tunnels. It used to be the old sewers of Neverro, Davarax explains and Dulsissia tries not to shudder. At least Macero won’t think to look for them here.
The other Mandalorians are still staring quietly at her, but the ones Davarax introduces her to give her a polite nod at least. They don’t seem hostile, but they aren’t exactly brimming with hospitality either. Dulsissia suspects that maybe they don’t get too many visitors in their underground home.
She minds her manners, tries to not offend anyone and considering that none of them draw their frankly intimidating blasters says she might not be doing the worst job of it. Dulsissia used to be so very good at socializing. She was the queen of all the balls back on Seswenna. Now she’s only hoping not to offend.
“And I saved the best for last.” Davarax says with the excitement she usually hears from her son. He stops by a door, turns to face her and lets his hand over over the button to open. “My kids.”
Dulsissia has just enough time to feel both surprise and nervousness and then the door slides open.
Lined up in a neat row, clearly having been given firm instructions to be followed when Davarax brought her and her son, four children stand in the middle of what looks like a training room and stare at the new arrivals.
The one of the left has to be Paz. If she didn’t know any better, she’d think he was sixteen, not eleven. He’s a lot taller than the others, but lacks the lankiness that would usually follow such an early height growth. He has the powerful bones to carry the height, but a child’s face. Paz’ dark hair is cut entirely short except for the unruly spikes on top, his mouth is a thin, disapproving line and his big hands are clenched. Next to him, barely reaching his team-mate’s shoulder, is the one that has to be Barthor. He has curly, dark hair that is getting a bit long, scarecrow shoulders and sharp eyes that are locked on Dulsissia like he’s seeing her with a crosshair on her forehead. Next to him is definitely Raga. Like Barthor, she’s small and skinny, but she has the most amazing hair Dulsissia has ever seen. It is a wild mess, but the volume and the curls are stunning. Too bad the glare behind the mane warns her that she’ll get her fingers bit off if she so much as tries to touch it. And then, half hidden behind Raga, is the one Davarax keeps referring to as ‘little Din’. He’s not especially small for his age, but he appears to be a lot more timid than the others. He is very cute, though, with silky dark hair and soulful eyes.
Davarax walks over and starts introducing each child. Dulsissia is pleased to hear she’s guessed right about their identities and gives a brief curtsy. “Pleased to meet you. I am Dulsissia.”
Davarax reaches out and pokes a finger at Paz’ head. “Hey.”
Paz’ nose twitches, like a hound about to bare its teeth, then he reluctantly steps forward until he stands in front of her and he reaches out a hand. “I’m honoured to meet you.”
Trying to hold back an amused smile and failing to a certain degree, Dulsissia takes his hand and he shakes hers with a stern look on his little face, trying so hard to act like an adult. She has to stop herself from hugging him. It’s so cute.
Barthor gives her a nod, which is good enough for her but gets an annoyed sigh from Davarax. Raga moves forward, Din following her like a tail, and she seems more interested in something behind Dulsissia.
What… Oh. Right.
Dulsissia reaches back and ushers Corin out from his hiding place. “This is Corin. Say hello Corin.”
“Hello.” He says in a tiny voice, looking from one to the other and probably feeling like prey. She doesn’t blame him. He hasn’t really played with other children before. Macero didn’t think it would be good for him to mix with others. And these ones are already being trained to be warriors.
Paz frowns and crossed his arms. “Are you going to take the Creed?”
Corin blinks. “I…”
“They are going to stay with us. That’s all you need to focus on, Paz.” Davarax replies.
“Is he going to train with us?” Barthor asks, his eyes still too sharp for someone so young.
“We haven’t decided that yet.” Davarax says and glances over at Dulsissia.
“He should play with us.” Raga says, her lip curling in something that could be a smile but is mostly a flash of teeth. When Corin shuffles to partially hide behind Dulsissia’s leg, Raga doesn’t move but her eyes move with him.
“He is going to play with you.” Davarax says and stalks forward until he’s standing next to Raga, towering over her. “And you’re all going to be nice to him. Understand?”
The girl scowls up at him. “I’m always nice.”
“No, you’re not.” Barthor scoffs.
Raga’s mess of a hair bounces as she snaps her gaze over at him and he shuffles over to partially hide behind the still stern-looking Paz.
“She’s going to be nice to my son,” Dulsissia says, her voice sweet and her eyes not, “because he has a mother who will have words with everyone who isn’t nice to him.”
Raga shifts her scowl over to Dulsissia, scans her, scowls harder, but when Dulsissia doesn’t give her an inch, she sighs and her little body relaxes. “Fiiiiine.”
And while all of this is happening, little Din silently watches Corin from his hiding place and Corin curiously looks back at him from his.
“I told them to behave.” Davarax grouses as he’s bringing her to where she can find food for herself and Corin.
Laughing, Dulsissia glances down at where her son is walking next to her, holding on to her hand and looking around with curiosity, not fear. “I think it went well.”
“No, you don’t understand.” Davarax sighs and there is actual sadness to the sound. “The others call them lost causes. Troublemakers. I know they are difficult, that their manners aren’t like Corin’s, but.. They are good kids. They really are. I wanted you to see that.”
Dulsissia reaches out and places her hand on his upper arm where there is no armor. And she speaks the truth. “I did see that.”
Davarax comes to an abrupt halt, she does the same, and despite the t-visor she can feel the look of surprise on his face.
“You… did?” There is a fragile hope in his voice that doesn’t match his rough exterior.
Dulsissia nods and smiles. “It’s like you said, Paz watches over the others like they were ‘his’ children. He did not hesitate to protect Barthor from Raga. Barthor, who would not let Raga lie and trick my son. Raga, who didn’t care that my son was an outsider and just saw him as someone to play with. And sweet little Din who despite his fear wanted so much to say hello. I think he and Corin will get along so well. And…” She hesitates, looks down at her son but finds him distracted by staring at something down the hallway and has no excuse not to say what else she saw. Dulsissia looks back up at Davarax, who is waiting for her to finish. “And I saw just how much those children love you.”
Davarax stares at her.
“You are the world, the entire Galaxy to them.” Dulsissia says, remembering the look of pure adoration and love in their eyes as he mildly chastised them for acting like tree monkeys in front of their visitors. She doubts he understands how important his role is to these children. How their happiness hangs on his words. How they will do anything for his approval. “My parents ruled our house with an iron fist. But these children? They don’t obey you because they have to or because they fear you. They do it because they love you. Because you see them.”
He shivers and the only reason she knows is because her hand is still on his arm.
“Dulcy, I…” Davarax reaches up and covers her hand with his.
“I know bad men, Davarax. I know monsters pretending to be men. But you?” Dulsissia looks over at how his hand is holding on to hers, so gently despite the strength she knows he must be capable of. “You are a good man. You are the kind of man I wish Corin had for a father.”
Davarax takes a step closer, is suddenly very close and the muscles in his arm tighten under her palm. “Is he the one you are running from?”
Dulsissia tenses up and looks down at her son. Corin is still caught up in whatever he’s staring at.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” Davarax says ever so softly. “I just want to help you.”
“I know.” Dulsissia whispers. She doesn’t want to say Macero’s name. It’s stupid, but she fears if she does; it might summon him. “That is what makes you a good man.”
A light touch to her chin and Davarax’ other hand lifts her face to look up at him and there is a slight smile in his voice when he speaks. “I’m not ‘that’ good.”
Dulsissia giggles. She hasn’t giggled in years. And her face flushes.
“I’m hungry.” Corin declares.
Davarax jumps back a step and Dulsissia jumps in place and they both look down at the little boy like guilty teenagers.
“I-I’m sorry, baby. We’ll get you something to eat now.” Dulsissia stammers, her face heating up even more.
“Food. Yes. This way.” Davarax clears his throat and gestures for them to follow him.
They enter the room where food is stored, Davarax shows them where the fires are so she can cook if she feels like it and basically where all the other necessities of the Covert are.
By the time the tour comes to an end by the door to their room, Corin is exhausted and Dulsissia knows she won’t struggle finding sleep either. Still, she’s almost a little reluctant to part ways with Davarax when he pauses outside their door.
“Will I see you tomorrow?” She asks.
“I was hoping that you might want to bring Corin by training.” Davarax says. “He can observe for a while. Maybe try some exercises. Training is the best way for the children to burn off their energy and learn skills as the city above is not safe for them.”
Dulsissia nods. “I will bring him.” She hesitates, knowing he must be tired of hearing her say it but still has to; “Thank you.”
Davarax shakes his head, reaches out and gingerly tucks a golden lock behind her ear. “No thanks required.” He backs up a step, nods and spins around to march over to his door. He keeps pressing the button to his room so the door opens and shuts twice before he can actually get inside.
Late at night, curled up on her side in her bed, looking over at the barely visible silhouette of her son’s back in the other bed, Dulsissia knows she made the best decision ever by coming here.
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himitsu-luna · 3 years
Nct 127 - Creature series
File #6 - Jaehyun, the vampire
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Genre: angst, supernatural, romance
Warnings: death of characters, mentions of killing methods, mentions of blood, pain, description of vampire bites and perfuration
Pairing: Jaehyun x reader
Featuring: Jeno
Word count: 2.7 k
Nct 127 creature series masterlist
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The story
Jaehyun was born in 1797, as a normal human.
At that time, mankind and the vampire breed had a tense relationship. But, very strangely, everything seemed under control
When he was 24, because of a series of unfortunate events, involving conspirations and betrayals, a war broke out between the two races
Jaehyun, as a young soldier and leader of a troop, were sent to the battlefield.
Sad and bitter events happened, and he was turned into a vampire.
Since then, he lives for centuries and centuries, going from place to place, playing hundreds of roles, experiencing hundreds of lives, looking for one thing that keeps him going through his imortal existence
The powers
You either are born as a vampire or you become one.
You only become a vampire if you get bitten by one
However, when you get bitten by a vampire, it doesn't necessarily mean you will become one.
The cruel part of turning into a vampire is that it's not for free. In reality, it's an exchange of a life for another life.
The vampire transformation takes 2 hours to be completed, and it will only fully consolidate if the bitten person drinks a considerably large amount of human or vampire blood before the two hours end. Otherwise, when the time comes to an end, the person dies.
The person or vampire bitten by the incomplete transformed vampire inevitably succumbs.
In other words, the vampire transformation is always tragic, because someone always perishes in the end.
Vampires drink blood to survive, but it doesn't need to be human blood. They can survive with other animal's blood, but human blood is a completely different treat.
Jaehyun has an abnormal strenght, and over developed senses
He has basic telepathic and telekinetic abilities, which gives him great manipulation skills
He has the ability of quickly healing physical wounds
A few things are able to end his life though: fire, drowning, decapitation
– Report: Incident number 1
[year: 1821]
– "Jaehyun, do you really have to go?", you ask your husband for the 100th time at the doorstep of your house, firmly holding his hands, barely able to see him with your eyes blurred by tears.
– "Y/N, I do. I'm their leader. I need to fight. I need to protect everyone. And most importantly, I need to protect you. Don't worry, my love, I'll be back. I promise..." , Jaehyun responds you with a suplicant tone, his voice sounding deeper than usual, as he tries to hide the shakiness on it.
After a last passionate kiss, a last squeeze of hands, and a last long glance holding the desire of the two of you to freeze time, Jaehyun goes through the door without looking back. He has to admit he is afraid he may not live up to his promise. Vampires are scary beings. Powerful, almost untouchable. It's incredible how humans stand in this war against these creatures so far. Fortunately, some powerful vampires still side mankind, hoping the unlikely coexistence.
Taking a deep breath, Jaehyun jumps into the colourless truck that is going to take him and dozens of other soulless men to the battlefield.
[6 months later]
– "CHEERS!!!!!!!"
– "Guys, guys!! Calm down!!! Hahahaha"
Jaehyun is being carried by dozens of euforic men, acclaimimg their leader for his bravery and determination to get every single one of his mates back to their families. The war is over. The last vampires retreated and, finally, peaceful days can be seen in the horizon. Tears are being shared, parties are being planned, but in the middle of all the deafening happiness, Jaehyun's only desire is to sink into your warm hugs again.
Turning around the last corner to reach his home, his heart racing madly, Jaehyun meets your comforting figure, that waited for him every single day at the door since he left, and that now is running to him with arms open. The vision of you completely blinds Jaehyun. He missed you so much. He can't wait to feel you again. But it blinds him so badly that he can't see the bloodthirst creature hidden in a dark alley, ready to jump on him. Still with his eyes glued on you, he watches your smiley face abruptly squirming into pure horror. He was given not even half of a second to process that scene, as he suddenly feels a piercing pain in his jugular, followed by his entire body landing on the ground, then a light breeze brushing his now even paler skin, as the treacherous vampire vanishes from the scene, releasing, with his gutural voice, an almost incomprehensible yet still powerful word: "Revenge".
Jaehyun’s senses are all messed up and his body convulses violently. But even imersed in chaos, his brain tries hard to not lose itself completely, as it percieves you getting closer and closer.
– "DON'T COME!!!" - he desperately yells, in his last effort to maintain his sanity.
But it's too late.
His concious falls apart completely. Everything gets red. Everything is too much, everything is overwhelming. He can clearly hear a rythmic heartbeat, that is not his own, resonating inside of his skull. He can clearly see the tempting purple path under a layer of skin, shining in high saturation in a waving hypnotizing motion. He can clearly feel his teeth landing on a soft surface and sinking deep into it. He can clearly taste the metalic flavor of blood spreading through his tongue. And after all of that, he can clearly smell your floral perfume, he can clearly feel hot heavy tears running down his cheeks, as he realizes what he has done.
Slowly getting his mind back as the sharp fangs retracts to the normal sized canines he is used to, Jaehyun is left in agony, all his face muscles contracted into profound sadness, looking at your fragile figure in his arms.
–"No no no no NOOO!!!! PLEASE NO!! Y/N, TALK TO ME!! Talk to me...please.....", he implores you, swinging his body back and forth, trying to keep you awake.
–"Jae.... It's ok.... It's o..k.... You... Are back... I'm so happy..." - you murmur, lifting your hand to wipe the cheeks of your beloved one.
You know how this works. You know that Jaehyun has become a vampire, and you know he won't die. You know he is safe. With that thought in mind, you smile relieved. You let your eyelids fall along with your hand, and, spending all of your remaining energy, you force your lips to move one last time : – "I love you...".
Standing in front of your grave, depositing your favorite flowers on the shining black marble, Jaehyun mentalizes his sorrowfull wishes over and over again, hoping they reach you:
– "I promise, Y/N, I promise you... I'll find you in whenever life you live, I promise I'll go back to you. I promise."
[Year: 2021]
–"OmG, I'll be late!! No no noo!!!! Stupid alarm!!" - you yell at the air, tripping on your cozy blankets, from your bed to your way to the ground.
A job like that would never fall on your lap again, for sure. You were a just graduated college student, visibly lost in the adult world, looking for a job so you can survive. You still can't believe that such a big company sent you this unexpected invite, willing to hire you. "I'm not mad, though.", you cheerfully think, while quickly spraying some perfum on the birthmark you have on your neck.
Shoving a piece of dry toast into your mouth while putting on your shoes, you rush to your first day at your new job.
You made it in time. Waiting for having a word with your new boss, you briefly look at yourself on the hand mirror you always take with you, fixing your messy hair and straightening your black blazer. Distracted in your own little world, you jump in surprise when an elegant man silently steps in the room, stands by your side without you noticing, and announces, with a resonant voice right into your ear:
– "Boss is ready to see you"
Having a look at the name tag hanging over the man's chest, you thank him:
–"Ohh, thank you.. hmm.. mr. Jeno! And I'm pleased to meet you!"
Jeno gives you a discreet smile, guiding you to a enormous poor iluminated room, in which a gorgeous and imponent figure stands behind an impressive desk. Your pupils take a few seconds to adjust to the weak lighting, but as soon as you exchange stares with that mysterious man, a weird wave of excitement runs throughout your whole body, like your blood is bubbling inside of your veins. You've never felt like this before, and it intensifies when you finally hear a deep, smooth, and weirdly familiar voice coming out of his mouth:
– Report: Incident number two
–"Hello, Y/N. Nice to meet you. You can call me Jaehyun".
It has been five years you're working at Jaehyun's company. And it has been three years you stand beside him not only as his employee, but also as his lover.
Jaehyun is a fascinating man. But there's something very odd about him. You don't know if it's the way he seems to be able to go deep into your mind. If its the way he has the knowledge of an ancient person. If it's the way everything he does feels nostalgic. If it's the way he looks at you and you can see, along with a sincere love, deep sadness and sorrowfullness emanating from his eyes. If it's the way you are sure you knew him already even before your first encounter. If it's the way you feel like you've been waiting for him your whole life. –" Oh well, maybe there's something very odd about me as well." , you think in a dreamy state while watching Jaehyun sleeping peacefully beside you.
You are at Jaehyun's house, distractedly walking around and running your fingers through the fancy furniture, waiting for him so you can have the homemade dinner he's been promising you for weeks now. He finally found an empty spot in his busy schedule, and it has been good thirty minutes since Jeno let you know he and your boyfriend were at the supermarket, picking some ingredients. "Jaehyun must be so lost right now", you chuckle to yourself, wondering what weird things he would buy. But with the chuckle, you feel a light discomfort in your chest. You have a weak heart condititon since birth, so you're used to this sensation. "Ahh, not today! Today I have to be 100% good!" , you scold yourself, hoping the annoying feeling ceases soon.
But it's not. The light discomfort turns into a light pain. The light pain turns into a fierce pain. The fierce pain turns into and unbearable pain. Imersed in your suffering, you automatically massage your heart area and sustain your body stood by grabbing the nearest thing you can reach. And, before you lose your senses entirely, you can feel this thing moving, holding you tightly and carefully, and calling your name with that deep voice you loved so much : – " Y/N!!!!!!!!"
Staring at your motionless body on his arms, the dejavu Jeahyun is having is breaking him apart. After dozens of peaceful lives with you, he was not expecting losing you like this once more. Gradually and certainly, he is following your heartbeat on its crescent silence. He doesn't want to feel this pain again. If it's selfish, if it's benevolent, it's tricky – and even unfair – to judge the only thought that goes through Jaehyun's mind right now. With a decided and firm tone, he instructs Jeno:
– "Jeno, look after her, please. That's my last order to you."
With an almost imperceptible widening of eyes, seeing how his master determination even made his quivering less severe, Jeno answers him, trying to transmit in his voice the confidence and reliability he knows Jaehyun needs to feel.
– "Yes master, I understand. I will."
This phrase brings a peaceful expression to Jaehyun's face. Focusing completely on you, Jaehyun's fangs sharpen and he plants them into the flesh of your neck. You imediatelly wake up, as a wave of electricity runs through your body and excites every cell of it. You don't know what is happening, everything is so confusing with your blurred red vision. But you know you're thirsty. Your throat feels dry, and it claims something that is not water. You sense someone's body pressing itself on yours and, instinctively, you deep your teeth into the warmness, finding yourself satiating your needs with some unknown viscous liquid.
And a movie starts to play before your eyes. A movie staring you and Jaehyun. A movie showing all of your lives together. A wedding at a beach you've never been before. Jaehyun holding an unfamiliar happy dog you didn't know you missed so badly. You and him wearing antique clothes you've never owned, discussing about what to cook for dinner while watching the sunset. His crying face painted with red blots, his body swinging back and forth holding you in his arms, trying to keep you awake.
Drowning in an ocean of memories, you frantically attempt to resurface back to your present reality. Slowly pulling your teeth out of Jaehyun's neck, you gently wrap your arms around his cold body and sink your forehead onto his shoulders.
– "Jae... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...."
– "It's.... ok, Y/N, it's ok.... I'm the one who is sorry"
– "No! It must have been so difficult for you... All these years, all this waiting... I'm so sorry... And... thank you so much."
– "I know... You... Would do the same... For me."
At this point, you are not trying to hold your tears anymore. At this point, Jaehyun's life is already hanging by a thin thread. Showing his dimples to you, his last words come faint, but still carry heavily the pure meaning of them:
– "I love you."
[Year: 2058]
– "Master, the apartment was rented successfully.", the serious and steady man says coming out of nowhere, getting by surprise your anxious and wondering mind.
– "OMG, Jeno! Are you a vampire or a ghost, please!! But ok, thank you a lot. Let's prepare everything then." , you respond, barely hiding your excitement.
Packing your things in an untidy chaotic way, you suddenly stop your actions. Hesitantly and avoiding eye contact, you ask Jeno something that has been bothering you for years now:
–" ....Hmm...Jeno.... Do you.... Do you think he will still like me?"
Even though he was caught off guard by your question, Jeno promptly replies:
– "I have no doubt about it, master. Thousand of years could pass, his love for you would remain the very same. I've witnessed it, trust me."
You bite your bottom lip, trying to conceal the wide smile forming on your red crying face.
*Knock Knock*
Lying on the couch of his living room, Jaehyun lazily raises only his head, wondering who could be knocking on his door. He definetely is not willing to stop watching his drama to answer the unknown visitor.
*Knock knock*
Finally accepting that staring at the door would not make something magically happen, he decides to get up and open it. However, he was not expecting that such a trivial thing would be so life changing.
– " Hi, I'm your new neighbor! My name is Y/N, nice to meet you!", you nervously say, extending your already sweat hand to the admired boy in front of you.
Jaehyun is astonished. He thought he had his whole life figured out. But, all of sudden, only now he can say that everything makes sense, that everything is where they should be. Only now he truly feels alive. Like a breath of fresh air, like he is living in a completely new world, he grabs your hand firmly, afraid you could vanish, and asks you in disbelief:
–" Do I know you from somewhere?"
–" Maybe...", you answer, with a mischievous yet tender expression painted on your face.
Jaehyun smiles at you softly, feeling the comfort and the sense of familiarity that only centuries of linked lives could bring him.
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official-weasley · 3 years
Headcanon time! (Part 3)
So @am-i-space and I have been talking about dragons (as one normally does on a Sunday afternoon) and of course, our imagination went wild! Now, we know that our dragon lover works in Romania and we have learned about a few species (even seen a few of them in movies without Charlie but okay let's not discuss that here) of dragons but like, let's face it there are more!
The second I have learned about other schools and that they have dragons guarding the vaults in Gringotts I had a HC that the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary isn't the only one!
I can see one being in Canada, somewhere high up in the mountains and the same goes for South America. Of course, one would also be somewhere in the Himalayas. And let's face it the breeds we have all grown to love aren't the only ones!
Of course, Charles Weasley agrees with us 110% and after working in the Sanctuary for 10-15 years he takes a bit of a breather (not from dragons, of course) and travels the world in the hopes to see as many of them as he can. He borrows dad's camera (the one Bill got for him in my other HC where they go and see alpacas) and he starts his adventure.
So, let's start with the sea! I agree with @am-i-space like what do we know about oceans, really? Bloody nothing, that's what! So they proposed that there are water dragons and I am 100% on board with that. Just imagine them swimming around, ever so gracefully, blowing bubbles when they breathe! And they would have the most beautiful scales which would reflect in the sun ranging from dark green to purple and blue and even though they are BIG they are friendly and swim with the dolphins and communicate with whales.
Nobody will convince me that when Charlie goes to observe this beautiful behavior and hears the water dragons sing their mating song for the first time he doesn't cry his eyes out because he can swear that he has never heard such a beautiful sound before and would never get tired of it and is honestly thinking about moving in the middle of the ocean so he could wake up to those sounds every morning.
The next stop on his journey would be to find out if the rumors about ice dragons are true. Charlie, as smart as he is, knew that the most probable location to see if they are real would be the Himalayas. So he wrote to the Himalayan Sanctuary to stay there for a couple of weeks to explore in peace. The dragonologists he talked to there all said that they have given up hope to see one and that despite the rumors that they are hiding one in their reserve they had to disappoint him because they don't have it.
So Charlie put on the hat, the scarf, and the gloves (he knitted himself thank you very much!) and headed out, determined that he will find the ice dragon!
After about a week of hiking and his muscles aching, he began to lose hope to see one. He knew that he would need more time and that he would be ridiculously lucky to see one in such a short amount of time but he also knew that he has to take care of himself and put his health first so he headed back.
A day in, he heard something that sounded like a cry for help. It was in dangerous territory and he probably shouldn't go there but it really sounded like a baby dragon and there won't be a day in his life where Charlie Weasley wouldn't help a dragon in need.
He gasped when he came to the spot the cries were coming from. He saw something white and silver move in a huge pile of snow which looked like an aftermath of an avalanche. He hurried to see what was making the sounds and if the creature was okay at once.
The second he started to remove the snow around the creature he knew he has found one - an ice dragon! The baby dragon was frightened and looked at Charlie with appreciative eyes when he picked him up and started to look around to where this little guy could come from.
He remembered that baby dragons are really good at finding their way back to their mothers so once he brought the cub to safety he put him down and observed his behavior.
When his little ice friend stopped being disoriented he started crying again and howling toward the nearby mountain.
"Of course!" Charlie pressed his hand on his forehead and shook his head. Of course, the reason he couldn't find an ice dragon before, was because they live on the highest loneliest peeks.
Charlie was looking up at the one in front of him, thinking how in the bloody hell is he supposed to get up there with all his gear, tired muscles, and a baby dragon to top it all off!
Then he remembered that while it might not be humanly possible, a bit of magic could do the trick! He gently tied the little guy to his bag and took out his wand. He walked to the bottom of the mountain and then he cast the levitation charm on himself.
Every time he saw a platform that looked stable enough to stand on he stopped to take a few breaths and see how his friend was doing. The higher they got the more cheerful the little one got and Charlie knew they were getting closer.
Charlie put his wand away when they landed in front of what looked like a cave. Charlie gently untied the dragon and put him on the ground. The dragon let out the cutest little roar that made Charlie's heart melt and the ground beneath them started to shake.
Charlie gulped and didn't find his idea to return the dragon back home smart anymore when a gigantic version of his white-silver friend appeared in front of him. The dragon mother looked mad but cautious. The cub ran to her - trying his hardest to fly - and started making purring noises. The ice dragon momma sniffed her baby and then sniffed Charlie which was the coldest breath he has ever felt on his skin.
After she was done, he ushered her cub inside, and with a wiggle of his tail at Charlie, his ice friend disappeared inside the cave. Once his mother made sure he was safe, she turned back to Charlie and roared right in his face.
Charlie, who was used to dragons do that every day back in Romania, didn't even blink. His calm composure impressed the ice dragon and she carefully turned around and lowered herself to the ground.
Charlie knew what she was doing but still couldn't believe it! The dragon is going to let him fly on her! He was only so lucky 2 times with the dragons in the Sanctuary and they knew him for years and this one was just patiently waiting for him to get ready as if he was here every day.
The second Charlie stroked the cold silver scales on her back, the dragon started fluttering her wings, and before Charlie had a chance to gasp they were in the air - making a full circle around the dragon's home and then slowly losing altitude until they were at the bottom of the mountain.
Charlie thanked the dragon and apologized for not having anything for her to eat while the ice mother replied with breathing icy cold air straight into Charlie's face. He was observing her flying back up to her cub and he knew that he could take a picture of her but since nobody knew they were here and were probably pretty rare he decided to just keep the memory of the experience close to his heart and returned to the Sanctuary.
The last stop of his - so far absolute epic adventure - was the Sanctuary in South America which was hidden deep in the Andes mountain range. There he met a few very exotic species of dragons who reminded him a lot of the Welsh Greens he took after in Romania except that these were of all sorts of colors from red to violet.
After the tour of the reserve, 2 of the Dragonologists took him to what looked like a highly protected and secluded habitat and told him that they only share this information with other dragonologists.
Charlie was excited to see what they are hiding but he wasn't prepared for what he saw once they got there. It was a storm dragon - sky blue with a white mane.
"But I thought they were extinct." Was all Charlie managed to say before approaching the beautiful creature to fully take in what was resting in front of him.
The two dragonologists told him that he is the last of its kind and that he must be protected at all costs until his very last breath which hopefully the day that happens is still very very far away.
Charlie's 2 new friends allowed him to spend a few hours with the mighty beast and as he was sitting there, studying it, Charlie couldn't believe that all his dreams were coming true.
The next day when he was having dinner in a nearby restaurant he heard some of the locals there whisper about a creature called el chupacabra. He has heard of the creature before - mostly when he read Muggle folklore. However, these people weren't describing a dog-like creature. No! It sounded like they were talking about dragons except that they described the creature as fairly small and surely no breed of a dragon is that small?
Because this information didn't allow Charles Weasley the dragon lover (not obsessor, only lover) to sleep at night he decided to venture into the Amazonian rainforest and see the creature for himself.
He was only walking for 5 hours this time around when he heard unusual squeaking noises. They led him to a meadow that appeared to be empty at first. Because he was parched, he sat down at the edge of it, took off his backpack, drank some water, and unwrapped a sandwich he prepared in the morning.
The second the smell of his delicious meal spread he saw a few heads poke out of the tall grass. Charlie couldn't believe his eyes! They were dragons and the locals were right - they were so small! More and more dragons started to approach him and at this point, Charlie started to think he was in heaven because this was too good to be true.
They appeared to be friendly and awfully playful. He was also in awe by their size as some were as small as crup puppies while the biggest was about to his waist in height.
Charlie had no choice but to share his sandwich for which he was rewarded with licks and wiggling tails. These dragons didn't breathe fire as Charlie expected but big puffs of air that soothed him in this Amazonian heat. They came in all sorts of colors from different hues of green and brown and some were even yellow and orange.
They were absolutely beautiful and even though they had the structure of most dragons there was something about them that Charlie couldn't wrap his mind about. He narrowed his eyes and observed one for solid 5 minutes before he figured it out.
They had a fluffball of hair on the top of their heads making them the only breed Charlie has ever laid his eyes on to have fur and it made them extra adorable!
He spent the rest of his afternoon chasing and playing with the fluffs (as he called them) and because he was having so much fun he forgot about the time, making him almost spend the night in the jungle.
As he was returning he couldn't stop the smile that was spreading from one of his ears to the other as he deemed his adventure more than successful and he couldn't wait to take another breather like this because he is sure that there are even more breeds out there to see and admire!
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mymadmedleyw · 3 years
(ao3), belongs under Certain Moment of Time, could be read independently, just as each for the days will be shorts, but all together forming a whole picture
(As this is the last chapter within the 'Going Angst Week 2021', a little reminder about the right order in reading the chapters chronologically (I suggest CMOT link): 4, 6, 2, 5, 3, and 7, 1)
tw: miscarriage
Blood. One could say after seeing it many times, sensing its rusty, salty odour within the air might have lost the sensibility to it after a while. But it never ceased on the weight if it was about loss, about death.
Then it always changed to the horrible, suffocating disinfectant scent with the white surrounding and the sound of silent sobs. Just as this time. They didn't even dare to count for how many occasions they ended up here, broken and devastated.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry…" mumbled for like the thousand times the hollow voice. "It's all my fault, I shouldn't have- I shouldn't have-" the sentence trailed off by another chuckling, squeezing hard on his hand that was holding hers, never letting it go.
Every attempt, every hopeful try led back here and- and it just twisted his heart, seeing, again and again, the slightly greyishly paled skin that years ago was beaming. Years ago…
Suddenly the picture of the small child in her arms came back, like that could have been a mirage. Sadly, he was well aware it wasn't, that happened, but- what he had done wrong?
Vlad pressed his forehead on her, taking the same question that he was asking from himself during the past few years. Why he hadn't told her? It was the same damn question, but with a different meaning this time. Time… yes, that it was.
He clearly could remember the day in the hospital bed, staring at the black and white photograph, bringing for them good news again… and then he couldn't tell what had happened, but he had woken up with years of memories in his mind and- and then as he had sat up, holding his throbbing head someone put a hand on his shoulder, asking with the greatest concern if he was okay.
It had needed hours to understand it wasn't a dream, and by lunch – made by the most amazing woman on the Earth – his mind settled too.
As much weird it was, but this was the truth. Madeline Masters. His wife. Also aware of his state – that they, according to his new-old memories, together tried to keep at bay. He knew he lied to her about its seriousness. That she only was informed about the simply side-effects: floating, invisibility and intangibility, sometimes glowing hands – but she had no conscious about the rest, about the other form… (which learning from a memory surprised Vlad too).
He kept then on with that lie, just as with the other one too, that somehow, he remembered a time when everything was different.
It worked for years. To tell the truth, Vlad forgot everything after their first positive test, even after the second, or the third, but-
Then he didn't dare to count. He couldn't recall anymore the days when she was happy – except in that other life. He slowly was destroying her, breaking the sweet image of his love… He tried to tell her several times to give up, but as much as stubborn she was, like feeling she should have been a mother, she never listened.
Then he eventually had run some tests (surprisingly facing with the result wasn't even his worst day, because his worst day was now…). The accident in the lab, five years ago ruined his biology. It was his fault. Vlad had been on to tell her, several times really, that they- that they wouldn't ever have a child, but- but he had been afraid. He still was afraid. He was a coward, fearing to lose her, so then he never told her, but now…
"Daniel…" a hollow, weak breath was formed into a name. "I thought- I chose- I really thought this time…"
"It's okay…" Vlad whispered, fighting against the suffocating guilt.
Daniel… he almost could imagine a view of a boy with her kindness, smartness and maybe with his steel bright eyes, and-
A soft sniffling broke the silence in the room, he knew it would take days and weeks to calm her down (or months, especially that this time she really had hoped…). But then she would return to her obsessed determines, again, not giving up until she would be able to fight for it…
But Vlad couldn't watch it, not again. This time, it had endangered her life too. He just couldn't let it happen, not anymore… especially as the date slipped into his mind. It was the same as on the letter, containing the black and white picture of their second child… she would have been expecting her second and-
He bit his lips as hard as it drew blood, rusty, salty and sinner. The sound of the woman, the so loved Maddie died away in a faint snuffling, undoubtedly dreaming about a great life he couldn't give her… Even though Vlad was conscious of their reality, he still wished to fulfil her dreams…
Wish… suddenly his eyes snapped open, remembering word-to-word to his half-mumbled sentence before everything had changed and he had woken up in this dream (nightmare…).
Would it be that easy? –Vlad wondered, sceptical about such childish way, but then he grabbed on it, tight, as ridiculous it sounded, and he'd have literally killed to make her happy. So then, he opened his mouth, already putting together what he wanted to say, and then-
"Won't work." stopped him an abrupt voice, then the owner cleared it. "I set the rules with Desiree. She is not allowed to grant any timeline-altering wishes, unless I allow it." Vlad blinked at the sudden presence of someone else, searching with his eyes immediately to catch the person, but there was no sign of anyone, just a quiet ticking sound was telling someone was definitely there.
A moment passed in silence, making Vlad wondering about if he hallucinated the voice, but then it spoke again. "Clockwork, by the way, Master of Time – though it's rather a given title than a name. Theatrical, isn't it?" Vlad scoffed at the unmistakable enjoying waving of the words, whoever this ghost was – because, based on the invisibility it was undoubtedly an unearthly creature from the other realm –, he clearly was amused by this scenario.
"What do you-?" Vlad started, frustrated by the spectre's presence and mocking.
"Want?" was Vlad interrupted. "From you? Nothing… albeit your stubborn wish created a glitch that didn't suppose to exist. A knot, that tangled the flow of events, blinding me. In short," the ghost took a break. "you scarred the time." well, that definitely sounded like a lecture… but then, the title slipped into his mind, along with the accounting for: Master of Time.
"You can make it back…" Vlad pieced together. "You can change on the time, change on this all." he couldn't tell if it scared him or filled with him hope, but definitely that drew out a way – more like an alternative – after the wish-one. For a short time, the ticking skipped a beat, like the ghost would have been stuck on a thought, but then talked again.
"Yes, I can change on this all." was Vlad's sentence, almost exactly repeated. He didn't have to be a genius, to feel it wasn't an admitting. "But I won't." was it added, not even a second later. "I might be responsible to watch over the timelines, and every single outcome, but on this, I am afraid, I can't do anything. You created it, it's your duty to fix it, and decide." Vlad stunned. Decide what exactly? This or- that? It wasn't an actual question, he could give the answer easily, but-
Suddenly he averted his gaze from the space where he suspected the ghost was floating invisibly – getting on his nerves by that – then he looked back to the woman, gazing at his wife, and gently got out a long curly lock of hair that fell into her face. She seemed so calm, pale, yes, shattered by the tired wrinkles under her closed eyes, and…
"I see you already made your decision." Vlad heard the cursed voice again. He didn't have to guess to know his eyes were burning red, clenching his jaw and fighting inside to not lash out at the ghost, transforming to his other outlook and end the ghost, it that was even possible in case of a timeless existence. Was it really counted as entertainment for him? This?!
"It's not a decision." Vlad spitted.
"No, it really isn't." said the ghost sternly, accompanied by a sound that gave an impression like an old clock would have been adjusted, bored by the current discussion as if it had been something obvious, or expected. "But I am seeing no future over this certain moment, neither in this time or your original one. Just imagine, how it could be to be blind after millennia. Curious, I was for centuries to learn what it caused. Well, it turned out it was just a desperate hybrid's wish, fighting against his true nature, cornering himself to endless suffering than accepting the new him… comical, isn't it?"
It felt harder and harder to hold back and stay unmoved listen to the words, but as much as he loathed hearing it, if this Clockwork could mean the solution from this, then-
"Besides, what happens now, how you decide, is beyond me, I can't see through it, until it happens." defined the being, at the same time out of nowhere a swirling green-ness formed in the air. It was similar to the Proto-Portal, which Vlad had seen many years ago, but this was enough big for anyone to walk through it. "It's either this time or the other one, the knot you created still makes the connection available. But it has to end. Only one could remain."
Vlad swallowed, lost in the neon colour, like an unescapable doom that followed him everywhere. He remembered his time, his muscles still could recall the seizures, the endless days in that hospital room, and reading about his friends' perfect life against his… the ghost was right, he had been desperate, now he could control his other side, but it could be only thanked to Maddie, this Maddie… in that other world, he was nothing but- he was literally nothing… here, now, on the other hand, he had the love of his life, but still-
Suddenly, he put together no matter how he'd choose, what path he'd take, it would turn his heart a stone, destroying by the ghost's words the other time. But then, he took a glimpse at the resting woman, at his Maddie, silently sleeping unaware of another being's presence in the room, only lost in a dream-world her mind created. For a moment, he wondered about the possibilities, about the alternatives, but then, hard, Vlad realised it was out of the question.
He never felt his limbs as heavy as he stood up from the chair, earlier placed beside the hospital bed, to mean support Maddie after the loss... And he never felt more hatred towards anyone – even towards Jack – that now took over his entire body about the ghost.
"I really hope, you are able to see your so cherished future now." Vlad cursed, the sourness and hurt suffocated him from inside as he took a step towards the greenness.
"I do." acknowledged the Master of Time, but not spilling anything else, what it would mean or how things would turn out. But Vlad knew even if the ghost was aware of some outcome, he wouldn't be informed about those. As Vlad disappeared behind the gate between the two realities, he took himself a promise, to somehow, when everything had settled, whatever it would take, he would find Clockwork and claim justice.
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Sinfully Armored
Chapter 2 - Pride and Prejudice
Chapter 1
When you walked down to the training rooms the next afternoon, you wondered how you ever let Luke talk you into doing this. It’s not like his mind tricks would have worked on you, although that seemed like the only logical explanation. But when he brought you your favorite breakfast this morning and asked to take the mysterious tinman and fake Yoda with you on your mission with his puppy eyes, you couldn’t disagree. Plus, you couldn’t deny that you might need some back-up, a Mandalorian bounty hunter at your side would be a great advantage. If, of course, he didn’t kill you first, given how much he hated your guts.
As you arrived at the door, you paused and sighed. There was no turning back anymore. With a quick swipe of the Force, you opened it and stepped inside. The Mandalorian was sitting cross-legged on the floor with the child laying across his lap. It was playing with a small silver ball, letting it hover in front of the warrior’s face. It was weirdly domestic, hardly what you would’ve expected of a Mandalorian. You had to admit that how deeply he cared for the little one proved of a somewhat decent character. And Luke hoped you could get along. He had asked you to try and smoothen things out with the stranger this morning, for everyone’s sake. Nonetheless, the idea of spending a good amount of time in space with him wasn’t too appealing.
He looked up at you, the frown almost visible despite his helmet. “Oh, don’t you give me that look, I know you despise me, but we’ll have to put up with each other for a while if you want your kid to become a Jedi,” you said as a way of greeting. He didn’t respond, so the conversation was up to you. “I assume they didn’t teach you much about humor back on Mandalore, huh?” you attempted to break the silence again. “Don’t you dare mention my home,” he growled. “Or what?”, you challenged him, not able to resist the provocation.
He put the foundling down, rose and took a few deliberate steps towards you until he was right in front of you. Maker, he was huge, towering you by maybe one foot. Then he slowly bent his visor down to you. “It – wouldn’t be wise”, he replied.  “You know what’s unwise? Threatening a Jedi. If you believe your shiny armor could protect you from me, you’re terribly mistaken,” you retort with a snort, holding his stare. He moved his helmet up and down and you felt his eyes taking you in. Your heart began to beat a bit faster, but not out of fear. You were too horny for your own good as well.
“We’ll see about that”, he said after a while, slowly turned and went back to your new – Padawan? You had no idea what the child was to you. The obvious disrespect conveyed through him turning his back on you made you blaze up with rage. He sat back down and picked the green creature up again. Looking up at you, he added: “Why do you look so furious? I thought Jedi weren’t allowed to feel anger”. That comment didn’t help your aggression. “Why are you suddenly so big with words?” You knew your come-back was weak before you it even fully passed your lips, but he had hit your weak spot. And he seemed to know it. You bet he was looking pretty smug underneath his stupid helmet right now.
Before the situation could escalate any further, Luke entered. “I see you two have become friends already. How nice!” Luke joked, but he shot you a warning glance at the almost tangible animosity in the room. You shrugged, but felt a little ashamed. You should have been above these provocations.
“Are you ready to chase down some Imperial criminals?” Luke went on. “Always.” You grinned at him and the corners of his mouth quirked up slightly in response. The Mandalorian also got up once more. “Let’s go,” he said dryly and pushed past you to get out of the room. “See why I don’t get along with him?” you whispered to Luke. He just shook his head with a smile. You grinned back at him and the two of you followed the rude stranger to the ships.
“C’mon Luke, another shitty ship? You’d think we couldn’t afford any new ones!” you exclaim upon the sight of the wreckage in front of you. The ancient ship looked like it had seen far better days. Luke rolled his eyes, beyond dealing with your constant sarcasm. You were well aware that remaining inconspicuous was important for your missions, but you wouldn’t mind a little more luxury for once.
As you were still taking in the ship, R2-D2 rolled up to you. You turned to Luke with a confused expression. “You’ll need a droid on this mission, and I’d trust no one to be more competent than Artoo,” Luke said to you while patting R2. You furrowed your brows. “Luke–,” you began. “A droid won’t be necessary,” the Mandalorian interrupted. “We can handle this.” At that, you turned back to the man. “Are you scared of R2?” you mocked him. “And you’re wrong, we do need a droid to navigate and assist us on this mission.” The intruder sighed. “Fine.” To your surprise, he didn’t seem to be up for another fight with you.
You spun back to face Luke. “We cannot take Artoo with us, any other droid will do. I know what he means to you,” you uttered softly. Luke gave you a fond look. “And that’s why I trust you to take good care of him.” He put a hand on your shoulder. “You’re my best fighter and I want you take him with you. You might think it’ll be a burden to protect him, but he might just turn out to be the one to protect you. You know how often he saved my ass.” He smiled tentatively at the memories.
“All right, Luke. It’ll be an honor to have him accompany me – us.” You smiled at him and put your hand on his shoulder as well. Without a warning, he pulled you in for a hug. “Be careful,” he whispered into your ear. You were astonished at the sudden show of affection, he wasn’t usually that cordial before sending you off to missions. He let you go and you blushed slightly. In your peripheral you noticed a helmet facing you. “I always am,” you replied, but this time the sarcasm didn’t reach your voice. Luke didn’t say anything else; he only pressed a small device in your hand – most likely the map – and brushed your cheek with the back of his hand softly while shooting one last look at the Mandalorian behind you before departing. You looked after him in wonder, the blush probably visible on your face now. Keeping your head down, you walked past the Mandalorian and entered the ship without another word.
You welcomed the quiet of the cockpit, staring out into space for hours without hearing any sounds, completely lost in your thoughts. Why did Luke act so weirdly? Why did you have to crush on him of all people? It was not like you had developed any serious feelings for him, at least not yet. He was more of a friend you wanted to fuck sometimes, but you feared that if you gave into those desires, serious feelings would follow, which would jeopardize both your friendship to him and your moral code. You let out a long sigh and wondered if it was time to change your morals. Luke was right, why should it be illegal to love? But your past held you back, as it always did. It would have been downright treacherous to give in to your desires at this point.
Heavy footsteps pulled you out of your identity crisis as the Mandalorian entered the cockpit and sank down into the seat next to you. “What do you want?” you inquired sharply. You were so not in the mood to be taunted by him. He slowly turned his helmet towards you. “What’s with the foul attitude? Missing your boyfriend already?” he replied, his voice tinted with venom. Maker, he knew how to push your buttons. “Fuck you,” you answered, way beyond coming up with witty retorts. “Oh, I don’t think it’s me you want to fuck,” he said, and you could hear a grin in his voice. “Cut the crap. We’ll be here for a while, so why don’t we at least try to get along?” You swallowed your anger down and tried to reason with him. He stared at you for some time before he got up again and left. You wondered why you even made the effort; he was clearly a lost cause.
After enjoying a bit more solitude, you decided it was time to fulfill your duty. You promised Luke you’d try to train the green child and it’s not like there was anything else to do to pass the seemingly endless periods in space. You got up and stretched a little, the muscles in your back and shoulders being sore from sitting for too long. As you opened the door to leave the cockpit, your destination was already standing at your feet. “Hey, little guy,” you said, once more a little disheveled by his appearance and allowed him to waddle past you into the cockpit. After a few steps, he turned around and looked at you expectantly. You raised an eyebrow. “You sensed my intentions, huh?” you murmured quietly. Apparently, the Force was quite strong with him.
“I guess you coming to me means you are willing to let me instruct you?” You sensed his approval through the Force. Interesting, why would he have agreed to let you train him, but not Luke? Especially considering the fact that his dad hated you openly and most ardently.
“Great. Now, I don’t want to bore you, but let’s start with the basics,” you began. Grogu cocked his head to the side. “First of all, you need to be sure that you are willing to follow the Jedi Codex. It’s what allows us to use the Force without losing ourselves in it like those who turn to the Dark Side.” Through the Force, the little one showed you images of you and the Mandalorian fighting, a sneer on your face. “Grogu!” you exclaimed offendedly. “I see Luke has already told you all about our principles and all I can say in my defense is that nobody’s perfect and I’m working on it.”
His humor reached you and you couldn’t help smiling at him. His looks really were the only thing he had in common with your late Jedi Master. “You know what, I like you.” You thought you caught a wave of him returning your sentiments, but it was gone quickly. “But between us,” you gave him a conspiratorial grin, “your dad’s a total prick.” He didn’t seem to take any offense in this statement and rather appeared utterly amused.
You spent the following couple of hours connecting with Grogu through the Force and going over the basics of wielding such a power. You only stopped as hunger overcame you and your apprentice seemed to lose focus as well. “You did well today, Grogu,” you praised him. The little guy had somehow managed to waddle his way into your heart in the last few hours. “You deserve some rest.” You opened the door once more and spotted the Mandalorian standing next to it. Without a word, he picked Grogu up and left, probably to retire him to bed.
You yawned, feeling exhausted despite not having done much today and groggily searched for your food reserves. You came upon some toast and dried fruits, that’d have to do for now. You took your dinner back to your cot and settled in for a relaxed night, when a shadow suddenly blocked your vision.
Maker, how did he sneak up to you without you noticing? You must have been even more exhausted than you believed. “What?” you snapped at him, simply wanting to eat and sleep. “You wore him down way too much. You can’t wear him out like that, what were you thinking?” he snarked accusingly. The annoyance at his audacity filled you with energy again. “What are you thinking, questioning my methods of teaching like that. Do I need to remind you which one of us is the Jedi again?” You tried to stare at him with as much hate as you could muster. “Do I need to remind you that he is my child?” His modulated voice came out in huffs. “That attitude is exactly why it’s been so hard for Luke to train him.” You sunk back into your cot and laid down. You closed your eyes for a moment and when you reopened them, the shadow was gone.
Chapter 3
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
Forsaken | Part 3
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Summary: As one of the Forsaken, Jinyoung had no right to covet anything as his own. When he stumbles across you standing in the middle of the village he had plundered, the memories of old make him risk it all, clutching at the past in hopes for a better future.
Pairing: Park Jinyoung x reader
Genre: warrior au / star crossed lovers / angst / romance
Warnings: death, kidnapping, cursing, a myriad of emotions - this is a really sad love story.
Index: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 
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“Can you tell me about it?”
Glancing at you, Jinyoung sighed. “What do you want to know?”
“Everything,” you urged, leaning forward in earnest. It made him hesitant with your eagerness, considering what you were asking of wasn’t something to get that animated over. You acknowledged the evident unease Jinyoung was experiencing and gently reached for his hand, curbing some of your enthusiasm. “I’m sorry; I wasn’t trying to act as if you were a circus creature. I just… I want to understand more so I can better be there for you.”
“You do enough,” he whispered, gnawing on his bottom lip as he contemplated his life story. You had already told him of yours. As the daughter of the head patron of this township, you hadn’t faced a whole lot of troubling times in the short years you had on this earth thus far. You had been sheltered, fed daily, clothed decently and never felt the harshness of winter within your bones like he had. Further, you had been loved – a concept Jinyoung couldn’t quite fathom even now.
“Still,” you persisted, patting his forearm softly, soothing him and loosening off some of his control. “I have been far too privileged in this life. I want to understand the life you have lived so I never do anything to upset you.”
“Bitterness is bound to happen between two very different people, Y/N.”
“So can support and comfort. Let me be there for you, hm?”
He swallowed roughly, nodding as tears formed in his eyes. “I don’t remember much of when I was younger. I never had parents or a home. I don’t know who helped me survive until I was big enough to get by but when was a bit older I remember being found in the woods and dragged to a village. I was hungry so I followed for food…”
“But it was a camp for the Forsaken, right?”
Jinyoung nodded grimly. “If you don’t have anything in life, they give you this and take you as their own.”
Lifting his sleeve away on his right arm, he showed the numbered tattoo scored permanently into his skin. You fingered it tentatively and he shuddered with your touch. Smiling softly, you undid the leather band around your wrist and slipped it over his, hiding the numbers effectively. You then smiled up at him. “I know I can’t remove it for good, but you don’t need to worry about that anymore. You’re safe here with me.”
Jinyoung smiled sadly. If only he could truly believe that.
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For a moment, Jinyoung wondered if you had ever truly understood what he was back then. For you, he was just a friend, a lover, a special person you had seen under the warm light that was your world. It didn’t seem to matter how often he would remind you he wasn’t the same as you were, you still didn’t seem to understand who he was.
Born as a Forsaken, the tattoo on his arm would never stop bleeding into his soul despite your efforts to erase it.
For Jinyoung, your treatment of who he was always made him desperate for more of it. He lapped you up with an insatiable hunger, greedy for more of your light to brighten his darkness. The longer he spent around you had made him almost believe his hardships were over. At your side, he only experienced happiness and acceptance.
Maybe that’s why it hadn’t taken him long to race after you, yearning for those emotions once again.
He knew what path you had taken without seeing you move that way, the years spent lurking in the dark making Jinyoung an excellent hunter. Travelling towards the forest as fast as he could, dread filled him. The nightshift would have begun and Mark was assigned this area tonight. He was a first-rate archer, and he hadn’t missed a target in the eight years Jinyoung had spent with him. Pushing himself to move faster, he breathed in relief when he saw you dashing through the forest like a deer. You were too free, not truly understanding how deadly this world could be for someone as dainty as you were. And as he predicted, he saw Mark up ahead, the man reaching for his weapon to harm his prey. Jinyoung dove towards you, grabbing you and spinning you away from the arrowhead that now pierced firmly into the tree trunk he had soared by. The force hurtled you both into a neighbouring tree and he let off a signal whistle of their battalion, watching as Mark lowered his next arrow and retreated into the shadows.
Jinyoung then turned back to you, your eyelids clamped together in fear. He sighed, knowing full well you weren’t ready for death. Someone who feared the end never wanted to take their last breath early. Slowly, your eyes opened and you stared up at him in surprise, your hands reaching for the front of his shirt and anchoring yourself there.
Why did this action always make his heart beat erratically over you? In the face of death or with the anticipation of his lips upon yours, you had always gripped onto him like this.
It made Jinyoung desperate to keep you there, casting reality to the side. “I’ll follow you to nowhere, so don’t try and leave me yet.”
Soul searching, you stared back at him for an immeasurable moment before slumping into his arms, burying your head in his chest. He held his breath, hesitant to rely on the warmth now erasing the chill out of his bones. Would this moment only be fleeting? Would you wake up again and try to leave, knowing he wasn’t the boy who did all he could to please you? Jinyoung was different now. He had more than just you to think about.
Right now though, he was uncaring of all the lives that he had upon his shoulders. He pulled you closer, lowering his head to your shoulder, inhaling you in. Despite the shirt you wore being his own; your scent had permeated through, filling his senses with nostalgia. How he had loved breathing you in, grounding his nerves whenever he felt he would lose you from his side. His arms tightened around you, coveting you like he had days previous, though this time you responded by clinging to him just as much.
The past was colliding with the present, trying to find a way to establish a place within one another.
“Jinyoung,” you mumbled from within his embrace sometime later and he reluctantly shifted so you could look up, his arms aching now that he had realised just how much effort he had used to hold you to himself. You used the moonlight to your advantage to search his eyes again. “Let’s find nowhere.”
“Right now?”
“Can’t we?” you pleaded, looking like the deer he had thought of you as before. You were too innocent for these parts and it made him swallow roughly, realising his place. He stepped back, and yet you followed him, unrelenting in your grip around his waist now.
“I need time.”
“How much?”
“I don’t know,” he answered simply and you dropped your head. His heart and mind tried to find a solution, hurting as the minutes passed by without a single path forward. He pried your chin out of your chest and stared at you feebly. “Will you… give it to me?”
“I’m cold,” you mentioned instead and Jinyoung nodded, pulling you into his side and helping you through the woods and back to his home. You were more alert this time, given you weren’t rushing through. Looking up at him after entering the cavern-like foyer, you frowned. “What is this place exactly?”
“We built our base into the hills around here. Once we go through the first two hallways, we’re on the other side of the hill where the houses are.”
“So we’re underground right now?” Jinyoung nodded and you smiled. “That’s a clever way to hide.”
“It’s survival,” he merely stated, feeling uncomfortable with your awe. He didn’t want to be seen as clever. The Rebellion wasn’t something to feel accomplished by, it wasn’t a way of life he wanted for any of them, especially not himself. So having you justify their strategic base layout only irritated him and he dragged you through the corridors and doors until you were back in the room you knew of.
You frowned. “There’s no kitchen?”
“We eat together.”
Jinyoung implored your curiosity to ease off but you merely waited for an answer and he groaned. “Some twenty men live here.”
“No women?”
“Just two others.”
You finally picked up on his mood and sat down on his bed, bouncing a little on the edge whilst you looked at the size of it. “This bed wasn’t made for more than one person to lay upon it.”
“One person has only ever needed it,” he commented and you merely stared back at him. Jinyoung sighed for the umpteenth time. “You won’t be settled until you finish with your questions, will you?”
Smiling with the unspoken permission to continue, you launched into asking more about the camp. You wondered of their roles, of what happened here. You seemed to steer clear of what he did outside of the camp, and for that Jinyoung was thankful. He didn’t possess the energy to explain the years he had spent under the Rebellion whilst you were living out there in a peaceful settlement.  
The same place he had destroyed from existence.
Jinyoung struggled to dislodge the lump forming within his throat. He had destroyed your world and brought you to this wretched place. Would you even make it here?
“Where will you sleep?”
“I’m fine with the floor,” he announced, watching as you stopped midway in climbing under the blankets. Staring back at him, you shook your head.
“You could sleep beside me.”
Jinyoung cocked his head to the side despite the rush within his chest. “Didn’t you mention how tiny it was before?”
“We’ve done it before,” you whispered and he closed his eyes, nodding softly.
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“Shh! They’ll find us,” he chastised and you clamped your giggling mouth together as best as you could.
“I’m sorry it’s just your foot tickled mine!”
“Well, given this bed isn’t made for two, did you expect there to be any room between us?”
“I think we’re not utilising it properly,” you stated, wriggling around until he whined when you elbowed him in the side. Sheepishly, you shot him an apology before finishing with scooting right up against the wall and beckoning Jinyoung closer. He obliged, frowning when you yanked on his folded arms. “You need to move them.”
“Why, I’m keeping a barrier between us.”
“Just because I’ve kissed you, doesn’t mean I will jump you, Jinyoung!” you whispered fervently and his face felt hot as you tugged an arm away from the other. Lifting yourself up and using his upper arm as a pillow, you nestled back down into his side. “There, much better.”
He couldn’t reply, the intense reaction his body was having overwhelmed him. Where you touched now tingled and burned, confusing him of your powers. Just what was this magic you were putting him under? Instinctively, he laid his other arm over your waist and you sighed in content. Blinking slowly with how close you were, he then stopped moving when you looked up at him.
“I love you, you know,” you confessed. “I don’t want to sleep alone anymore. Not when I can be this warm within your arms.”
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Jinyoung held his breath as you slipped your head over the arm he had cast across the bed after laying down beside you, closing his eyes briefly as you nuzzled around, trying to find the comfiest spot. Legs entangled with the lack of room and your hands pressed gently into his chest. For a moment, after you both settled into your positions, he merely focused on breathing evenly.
He hadn’t held anyone like this outside of his dreams.
“Are you comfortable?” he asked softly and you hummed in response. You were easily more tired than Jinyoung was and your even breathing indicated to him that you had been lulled into another world.
He hoped that it was beautiful and bright compared to here.
As you slept, he soaked you in, inch by inch. You had blossomed further and he wanted to imprint every part that was different now. Your hair was shorter than it had been as a teenager. Was it more practical to be this length as an adult? His own hair was longer and untamed than back when you would cut it for him. What did you think of his appearance now, he wondered. Was he someone you could still find something attractive in?
A swift breath deflated him then. Why would you be attracted to him? He had nothing to offer you in the way of hope. Even if he wanted to go to nowhere with you, Jinyoung knew it would be impossible unless in the afterlife together.
The Rebellion was moving too fast, making deals with the cities, and taking out villages that seemed to profit too easily on their own. Self-sufficiency would be wiped out before they knew it, and the overlord would block out the light of the people.
If there was a nowhere to run to, Jinyoung knew it would soon be taken by the army of these lands.
Yet as you dreamed within his arms, he hoped you would find it.
Part 4
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pixieungerstories · 4 years
Quarantine - 3
Part 1
Part 2
It would have been nice to have something other than the word of a shadow to go on.  I stared at the ceiling.  I wished I had a cat or a dog or - hell - a pet hamster.  Some other living thing in the house.  I had no idea what Nick was but I wasn’t entirely sure he counted as a living thing.
“Humans who don’t sleep start to hallucinate,”  I muttered to myself.  Maybe if I actually got some shut eye, I would wake up and this would all be a dream.  “Fuck it.”  I got undressed and crawled under the covers.  I settled under the covers, then realized I was facing the closet, so I rolled over.  Having the door in my blind spot wasn’t necessarily better.
“Nick?”  I wasn’t really expecting an answer.  “Can you move the bed to another room?”
“I can.  I don’t want to.  I like having you where I can see you.”
I nodded.  “I’ll go sit in the kitchen until dawn.”
“Go! To! Sleep!”
I jumped then started to shake.  “Yelling at me isn’t going to help me sleep,” I muttered.
The bedroom door slammed shut.  Rattling the door knob and pulling as hard as I could didn’t make it budge.  “Please don’t do this,” I whimpered, then I screamed as something brushed my face.
The door opened suddenly enough that I unbalanced and fell on my ass, but a moment later I was running down the stairs and out the front door.  I was at the gate before I knew what I was doing.
The cops were still right there.
“You need to go back inside ma’am!” the closest one called.  After that they were all looking at me.  
I paced for a moment, uncomfortably aware how odd I was behaving.  I needed to get out of here.  I needed a smoke.  I needed to stop acting weird before they decided I had killed my neighbours.
Oh god.  I was trapped in a house with a creature that probably killed the looters.
I didn’t want to face the idea that Nick was a killer.
“Ma’am!  Go inside!”
“I saw what happened on the news,” I explained.  “It’s giving me nightmares and I’ve been stuck in that house for more than a month.  I wasn’t expecting to be quarantined in a construction site.”
“Be that as it may, you need to go back inside,” the patrolman called.
“I’m more than six feet away from you.  Can’t I just stay out here near some other people and the street lights? Please?”
“You aren’t exactly dressed for the weather,” he pointed out.  
I crossed my arms over my chest as I realized I was standing on my lawn in my night dress.  I should go in and at least get my robe.  It was in the room with Nick’s closet.
I thought about just confessing to something so that I could go with them.  Prison wouldn’t have Nick.  Maybe I just needed a hospital.  No.  That was a death sentence these days.
He was driving me off.  He had flat out told me that he was good at that.
“Are you alright, ma’am?”
“No!” I snapped.  “I’m scared.”
He gave me a pitying look but still insisted, “You need to go inside now.  You will be safe in your house.”
I snorted, and swatted at the bugs that had found me.
“Go inside,” he said gently.  “The last thing you need is to catch something from the mosquitos.”
I nodded slowly and headed back in to sit in the kitchen.  Maybe he would let me make a pot of coffee.  When I got inside the lights in the kitchen was on and the bed was set up on the main floor.
“Thank you,” I whispered.
“You’re welcome.  This is temporary.  You will sleep upstairs when the walls are repaired.
The next morning I got a phone call ordering me out into the garden as a forklift delivered a load of drywall.  It was left in the middle of the floor next to my bed.  I looked at it.   Nick’s voice was too close to my ear, “Someone will come hang in tomorrow.”
“How did you pay for this?”
“You have an excellent credit rating and you aren’t spending much of your money.”
“Great.  Did they say how long it would take?”
There was no answer to that.
“I guess drywallers wear masks all the time anyway,”  I mused.   “At least there will be some other people around.”
I didn’t have walls the next day.  In fact things were worse as the last of the lath and plaster was taken down.  They found hundreds of razor blades in the wall in the bathroom.  The construction guys assured me that it was normal to find all kinds of weird things in the walls of old houses, but they still looked uncomfortable that it was razor blades and that some of them were more bloody than you would expect from a mere shaving accident.  I spent the night picking them up with tweezers and dropping them into a jar for safe disposal.  Nick didn’t say a word and the lights stayed on that night.
One half the team turned up the next day.  No one commented on why that was.
I ordered a hammock and a grill for the backyard.  I got the hammock but someone had changed the grill to a chiminea when I wasn’t looking.  It was nice, but I couldn’t cook on it.  My order had also been edited to include a bunch of bug repellant candles and some sunscreen.  I tried to figure out if that was something a shadow creature would actually do or was this another sign that I was losing my mind.
Either way, I worked on the concrete table out back at the very limit of the wifi during the day and concentrated on fixing up the yard after official work hours.
One of the drywallers sold me a patio umbrella.
I also got the lecture that just because the walls were up didn’t mean that it was safe to use the shower.  
“You still have to get a membrane installed and your tiles up and sealed,” the guy explained.
I nodded, “You don’t happen to know a tile guy that is still working?”
He frowned, “I’ll ask around.  Do you have tiles yet?”
“No,” I admitted.
“That might be the hard part.  You can still find a few guys willing to come out, but all the factories are shut down.”
He gave me a look of sympathy.  “Yeah.  There are stories of people doing penny walls or using their grandma’s china to tile just so they have a working bathroom.”
“I don’t have either of those things,” I said sadly.
He nodded, “I’ll ask around.  It isn’t a big project and people might have some leftovers.”
Given how protective Nick was of the house I should have expected his warning.    I was still unimpressed to see “no ugly tile” written on the drywall in the morning.  Still, he could have used the last of my lipstick and instead had found a pencil somewhere.  I tried to ignore it as I brushed my teeth.  I didn’t even have a mirror over the sink.  Grumbling around the toothbrush I realized, “Fuck.  I’m the only person who could buy a haunted house where the ghost had been watching too much HGTV.”
That earned me a creepy house shaking laugh and proof that he hadn’t just left.
“It’s your fault,” he purred in my ear.  “You are the one who fell asleep all those nights with decorating shows playing on repeat on your computer.”
I sighed. “Yeah, it was,” I agreed sadly.  “If I hadn’t would you be haunting me right now?”
“If you hadn’t, I wouldn’t have seen the value in what you are doing and I wouldn’t have spent a week keeping you alive when you got sick.  Perhaps you would have been haunting me.”
I frowned, “I wasn’t sick for a week!  It was only a couple of days!”
“You should check your calendar.  It was a couple of days of you being sick and a week of me forcing you to breathe.”
“There is no way I lost a week without noticing!”
He didn’t say anything.  When I checked my calendar there were nearly two weeks missing.  I told myself it didn’t mean anything.  Nick used my computer, he could have just deleted the information.  I could just call work or Penny or someone and ask how long I was away for.
I kind of didn’t want to.  What if he was telling the truth?
I took my coffee and toast and ate breakfast outside, once again wishing for a cigarette.  Nick had never left the house, as far as I knew, and I didn’t want to talk to him just then.  This was ridiculous!  Shadow monsters didn’t … do that!  They didn’t … exist.  I was just …  this wasn’t happening!
I was out of coffee and the coldness of the concrete bench was soaking through my night shirt and into my ass.  I had left the folded towel I used as a cushion inside overnight so it wouldn’t get damp.  Now I was cold and damp instead.  Fuck.
When I made it back to the kitchen, my laptop was open and had apparently been searching for bathroom tiles.  ‘Fine.  Whatever.  Pick something nice that I can afford.”
I don’t know what I was expecting him to do, but contacting a local stained glass artist wasn’t it.  I really wasn’t expecting her to check if it was OK if my boyfriend picked out the design since it was my credit card that was paying for it.
I was afraid to ask, but I had to know, “What did he pick?”
Nancy cleared her throat, “Well, originally he wanted a reproduction of a stained glass window from Maison Schott in France.  But when we talked about how complicated it would be for a tiler to install that, he settled on a simpler rose on trellis pattern.”
I set down the phone to close my eyes and scrub my face.  “Do you like what he picked out?”  She seemed a little taken aback by the question.  “Yes?  It’s a little modern for your age of house, but it’s a nice piece and will be easy to install.  It mostly uses different textured white glass, so it would be in keeping with a white bathroom. I can have it ready next week.  I’m not exactly over run with work right now.”  She paused before she added, “I’ll send you some sketches and if there is anything you need changed, just let me know.  I could really use the income, to be honest.”
“Yeah.  I understand that.  I guess I’m just doing my part to keep the economy running.”
“I really appreciate that.   The whole ‘buy local’ movement ended when we weren’t allowed to leave our houses,”  Nancy pointed out.
“Ok.  Send me the sketches and the quote and I’ll get back to you in the next couple of days.”
I lay in bed that night and looked at the newly drywalled dining room ceiling.  “What are you doing, Nick?”
“Making a home for you,” he whispered.
“Can I even afford this?  You don’t have a secret money vault hidden in the walls with the razor blades, do you?”
There was a long moment of silence, then he whispered, “You could sell the wine instead of drinking it.”
I froze.  “Just because it’s old doesn’t mean that it’s valuable,” I pointed out.
Something caressed my calf as he purred his reply, “But it is.”
I closed my eyes and let my body melt into the mattress.   My breath caught in my throat as the touch moved up my leg.  As soon as I made the noise, the contact vanished.  I groaned.
“What are you doing?”
“Breaking the rules,” he grumbled from across the room.
I needed to know, “Why were there razor blades in the walls?”
“There was a slot in the back of the medicine cabinet for used razor blades to be dropped between the wall boards so that they were safe and wouldn’t hurt anyone in the trash.  That was perfectly normal at one point in history,” he explained.
I considered this, “Why were there bloody razor blades in the walls?”
He didn’t answer that one.  “Why haven’t you used your little toy since I cleaned it for you?”
Now it was my turn to be silent.
“You liked that toy,” he prompted.  “I liked watching you enjoy yourself.  Good for everyone.”
“That’s really creepy.  Can’t you just watch porn like a normal person?”
“Porn isn’t as satisfying,” he replied.  Then he added, “For either of us.  And I am not a normal person.”
“I noticed.”
“Would we have fucked by now if I was?”  he just sounded curious.  The vocal leer from a moment ago was gone.
“I would have had you arrested by now if you were.”
The low chuckle rumbled through the house at that.  I closed my eyes and he stroked my face.  “Let me watch,” he purred.  “I can feel how badly you want.”
That made my eyes snap open.  “What?”
“I can taste your fear, but also your pleasure.  I enjoyed watching you cum in a way that humans can not understand.  And I am very aware of your frustration.”
“What happens to my soul if a shadow … creature watches me play with myself?”
“It gets to live in a house with a happier guardian?” he suggested.
“A guardian?  Is that what you are?”
“Guardian sounds better than monster or eldritch god but that’s just semantics.”
“I’m pretty sure there is a difference,” I pointed out.
“Perhaps the difference is what I’m doing at the time.  And right now, I am guarding this house, taking care of you and hoping you will take care of yourself.”
“Is that what the kids are calling it these days?” I joked.   “I’m too damn tired!”  I thought for a moment, “I need more rules, Nick.”
“Like what?” he asked in a breathy hissing rasp that sounded pretty much like how I imagined a death rattle would sound.
“Well, there’s that,” I pointed out.  “Now I’m scared and I can’t see you so this is going to be another night of sitting up until I fall down.”
“You need to rest,” he murmured in a more normal voice for him.   It wasn’t human sounding, but it wasn’t deliberately scary.
I had already set up and was fumbling for a light switch. I shrieked when he caught my hand.  “Ugh! Look, either I get to sleep or you get to scare me, but you have to pick one.  And I can’t see when you are going to touch me, so it’s scary every time.  That’s why I asked you not to.  But if you can’t do that, can you at least tell me when it’s coming?”
“Would that really make it better if you knew I was going to lick my way up your back?”
“It would if I knew you would listen when I tell you not to.  This is about trust, Nick.  I don’t trust you.  I am already very aware of how vulnerable I am here.  You could easily lock me in the basement and wait for me to starve to death.  You could smother me with my pillow.  Hell, you could slice open an artery and hide the razor blade in the walls.”  I stopped abruptly, wondering if I was just giving him ideas.  “I can’t stop you and I can’t leave and I can’t trust you not to lock me in the bedroom because you think that will help me sleep.”  He let go of my hand.  I turned on the light and looked around the empty house.  “My head hurts and I don’t want to be afraid any more.”
“I have never done anything to hurt you, but I can see how I have done things that are frightening.”  It sounded like a whisper on the very edge of hearing.  “Turn out the light, lay down and I will rub your back until you can sleep.  I will do my very best not to be scary.”
I turned on my laptop as a source of light and sound before I turned off the light switch.  “I can’t believe I am saying this, but if you want this to be less scary for me, find me a nightlight.  I haven’t needed one since I was ten, but, congratulations, I do now.”
I felt the bed dip.  It didn’t always do that.  “I’m going to rub your back now,” he whispered. “You can tell me to stop.”
“Ok,” I acknowledge.
It wasn’t a massage; it was more like a person petting a cat.  He started at the top of my head and stroked back to my waist, then stopped and started again.  It was vaguely soothing and I was really exhausted by then.  At some point in the night I woke to see a huge black shape hunched over my keyboard.
In the morning I had emails confirming my order of six cartoon animal night lights from IKEA and one from an auction house saying they would be happy to broker the sale of my wine and that they would send an expert to confirm its authenticity.  
I wondered how you forge wine.
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tsbikersau · 4 years
Chapter 2
There were way too many people flooding the narrow paths in between the seats, not to mention crowding near the food stands, creating such big amount of noise that Logan could barely hear Patton’s excited rambling, which was already edging on half-screaming. He was a bit in front, leading the small group of theirs with Roman by his side, who couldn’t seem to be bothered by his surroundings - he probably enjoyed it the most of all of them. Logan looked to his side, checking up on Virgil. He was hunching down quite a bit, big headphones covering his ears to minimise the ridiculous noise, hands deep in his hoodie pocket, though Logan noted that he wasn’t shaking, which was a good sign.
“Oh, Roman!” , Patton suddenly exclaimed. “Your brother is racing today, did you know that?”.
The whole party looked to the racer, Patton with somewhat naïve joy, as if the same last name meant good memories, Logan rather neutrally curious about the answer and Virgil just a bit confused by the small change of demeanour he must have more sensed than heard.
Logan made a side note in his mind to ask the other what brand were those headphones later.
“I… didn’t”, Roman finally answered, after scanning the board with names to confirm that yes, his brother was indeed listed there. “But I guess it’s good to see the competition”, he said as if the sentence was finished with a question mark.
“Those are eliminations for the upcoming race, aren’t they?”, Logan found himself speaking and locking eyes with Roman when he glanced back to nod in confirmation. “Well then, it should not come as such a surprise now, should it? Remus is, after all, an another child of your family, it would be unusual for him not to be a part of this word.” He pointed out.
Roman huffed and was about to retaliate, but his attention got snapped to what they were looking for – empty seats close enough not to get anyone of their group separated (because as much as Roman would be fine with sitting on his own between strangers, Patton would insist that “it’s not a group hangout then!”, and Virgil couldn’t be left to his devices for obvious reasons everyone was aware of).
It so happened that the ones Roman spotted were at the end of two rows – two of them one row higher than the other, which would still mean that they had to split into pairs, but they’d be close enough to interact without disturbing any strangers in enjoying their experience spectating.
Logan was fine with that, of course. What he didn’t take into account, though, was the configuration in which he would be sitting next to Roman – after the fact he would admit it was a, colloquially speaking, stupid ass mistake, but somehow, it just didn’t occur to him. He didn’t even have time to ponder the seating arrangement before they were there and Virgil dragged Patton to sit next to him in the lower row, shielding him from the person one seat over.
And Logan understood why that would be, with his severe disorders, a person like Patton, who was able to quickly recognise the signs and aid with physical comfort and encouraging words was of significant importance to have next to him, especially in such a place during such circumstances. Roman would be no help, failing to notice subtle changes in behaviour while Logan himself would have trouble with comforting the other. Really, that was the most logical outcome.
It did, though, mean that Logan would have to sit next to Roman. In close proximity, because people designing bleacher seats didn’t plan for a lot of personal space.
When his heartbeat sped up just a tad bit and his throat closed up, Logan tried very hard to stop it from happening and reminding himself that there is no reason for such reaction. He’s known Roman for years, he wasn’t a stranger with whom an accidental brushing of shoulders would be uncomfortable at best. His reactions were not appropriate to the situation and that had to stop.
“Come on, Engine Nerd, don’t stand there like that”, Roman nudged him in the arm, bringing Logan back from his brief stupor.
He sat down, glad Roman left him the last seat of the row, probably having in mind that he, like Virgil, would be more comfortable that way.
When it turned out that Roman started to fidget and move around animatedly almost immediately after sitting down, too excited by the familiarity of the overall setting and unfamiliarity of being up on the spectator stands instead of down on the racing grounds, Logan gave up on trying to persuade himself that his previous reaction will go away. In contrary, he begrudgingly sighed to himself and decided to just ignore it. Just another small inconvenience.
There wasn’t anything extremely exciting in the race from the spectating point of view, Logan decided after it’s been going on for a while. Sure, the start was something that could be described as exciting, but after that it was just bikes going in circles. He supposed that to make it worth watching one must have a crew to cheer for, fix their attention on them and take in every taking over and losing positions, but without that, it was a bit… dull.
From time to time Logan flicked his gaze down, to assess how Virgil was doing, but he seemed fine. A bit tense, not always looking up, but fine. Patton seemed to handle him quite well, which was a relief.
Roman, on the other hand, got invested. Constantly trying to tell Logan about this or that, this crew or this, tactically avoiding mentioning his brother who, from what Logan could determine, was doing much better than some other contestants.
“Oh!”, Roman gripped Logan’s arm suddenly before exhaling, chuckling nervously. “Sorry”. He took his hand away quickly, “They were so close to crashing”, he explained in response to Logan’s slightly taken aback look.
Needless to say, Logan couldn’t calm his heart for the most of the remaining time of the race. He couldn’t exactly focus on it either, but that wasn’t such a waste seeing how he wasn’t as enamored in the sport itself. He just liked working on the machines, which, on a completely unrelated note, were way more logical than humans and much more easier to understand.
Throughout the whole event, Logan was a bit spaced out. He wouldn’t admit to it, but it surely helped with not noticing every single little brush coming from his side (it’s preposterous to even notice them all that time, honestly, Logan, “get a grip”, he started to chastise himself at some point) but it also meant not exactly noticing the slight change in atmosphere after the last lap was signalled, not at first. Only when everyone seemed to freeze, Roman included, did he pull himself back to full consciousness, right in time to watch Remus’ green bike cross the finish line with the rest of the contestants close behind him.
Remus won.
The crowd erupted into cheers, the sudden change in volume making Virgil flinch violently even though he was surely aware that it would happen. Logan flinched, too, unprepared for such drastic increase in decibels.
Patton turned back to try to communicate with them over the noise, but they still needed to lean forward to be able to hear him.
“We should go congratulate your brother, Roman!”, he practically yelled, even with them so close.
“What?”, Roman sounded baffled. “No way in hell am I going to congratulate that bastard”.
“Roman! He’s your brother!”
“Like I care”, he huffed to himself.
The thing with Patton was, though, he could either read lips or just had a very good skill of hearing when someone was mumbling, because he pursed his lips and was about to reply, but they had to start moving, seeing how people started to collect themselves, ready to leave the bleachers.
At least the rest of the small argument could be continued in smaller voices, in a more comfortable positions. If annoyed, hot-headed Roman was even capable of lowering his voice.
Which, he wasn’t. However, Patton was not the one to let go of something if he sets his mind to it, either.
For the whole trek down the stairs and lower, to the advertisement bands that circled the racing grounds Roman tried to argue with Patton who was unwaveringly leading them to greet the winner, which left Logan to trail behind them with Virgil at his side, pulling down his headphones, as there was no further need for them to be on. Logan had to admit, the speed with which the stadium emptied out was undeniably impressive.
“Are you okay, Vigil?”, Logan asked, watching the other exhaling slowly, fidgeting with the cord of the headphones.
“Mhm, I’m good”. Virgil glanced up at the pair in front of them, letting his gaze fall down to the floor after a few seconds. “Patton helped, y’know, that almost crash?”, he chuckled, quietly, nervousness mixing with slight darkness in the sound.
“I’m glad to hear that”. Logan put his hand on Virgil’s shoulder reassuringly, satisfied to see the quiet man smile just a bit at the gesture.
The rest of the way was silent, even Roman had given up on trying to convince Patton to change his mind. He was almost sulking, not different of a child whose parents didn’t agree on buying them a toy, but soon enough he was standing upright, features set in a prideful mask as soon as they got near enough for Patton to call out Remus’ name.
Remus was standing with his crew, just barely let off from the small interview for the local paper, finally able to stretch and relax. Or do a bridge and walk around on all fours, apparently, resembling a horror-esque creature. So maybe it would be suitable to call it crawling and talking with his crew.
Patton tried to call out to him, but must have not been heard, as everyone was busy getting all the things together to exit the building as well. It took a few tries for Patton to be sure that nothing else can be done, so he just turned to the rest of the group and shrugged.
“No luck for us today”, he said, seemingly not bothered in the slightest. “Wanna go for some ice cream?”.
He started walking to the exit before anyone got to answer, which, to an attentive eye, was a clear tell that he was not entirely indifferent to what had just happened, but he wasn’t going to outrightly show that nor tell anybody about it.
That was just how Patton dealt with the word, to the displeasure of his boss and co-mechanic.
It’s a discussion that needs to happen in the nearest future, Logan noted in his mind. Contrary to popular belief, he did care about his fellow employees and friends.
That care, however, sometimes meant putting the issue aside to discuss on a later date. For now, he reckoned ice cream would be a pick-me-up enough for Patton’s mood.
And in some far away part of his brain Logan regretted not getting to talk to Remus as well, he wasn’t going to dwell on that. Simple curiosity, nothing more.
Nothing worth making Roman as uncomfortable as he seemed to be with the mere idea of talking to his brother.
Logan was also curious why that was, exactly. That wondering got pushed back to join other emotions as they were walking out and Roman fell into the step beside him yet again.
There was enough time to get all the answers, he decided. Patience is a virtue, after all.
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hildagirl99 · 4 years
The last Outlaw
(part 1)
Bill, like every night, wakes up from the same nightmare, a shadow chasing him calling him.
"Is it still the same nightmare?" Aiyanna asks, who was by his side.
"Yes… I don't know why. I don't believe in premonitory dreams." Bill answers.
"Is there something bothering you lately? A fear? A person?"
"Not really…"
"No, just… hope."
"A hope ?"
"Yes, you know that for the past month I've been trying to find information about my missing father." Said Bill.
"Maybe it's him you see in a dream."
"Maybe… you know this mission is my last chance to find my father. I need all the information I can get. I need my mother, also see if he doesn't have any friends."
"Bill, without wanting to make you lose hope, but maybe you have to face reality ... your father may have died. It's been 45 years since he disappeared and when we go to conquer the however, we seldom come back alive. "
"I need to know! I can tell he's still alive!" Bill said, determined.
Aiyanna sighs. When Bill was determined, it was impossible for him to go back.
"If that's it, then I'll come with you." She says.
"Sorry ?"
"No matter how dangerous, I'll follow you."
"If you say so, I will feel less alone. I will go see my mother the next day, because tomorrow is when my expedition starts. Please don't tell Tanka about it." Bill smiles before going back to sleep.
The next day, Bill goes to his mother, who was waiting for him with her 5 brothers and sisters.
"It's been a long time…" her older brothers, twins John and Ethan were saying.
"The last time was 2 years ago… What did you do?" Asks his big sister, Martha.
"Well… that's why I want to see you, I need your help." Bill answers.
"If it's to ask for money, it's no." Teases his big brother, Tom.
"No, it concerns our family."
"Do you want to talk about daddy?" Julia, the last of the family, recalls.
"How do you know…" Bill sighs.
"My intuition, big brother."
"Precisely, in a little while, I am leaving… I am going on a trip, to try to find him."
"Are you serious? But… isn't it a bit too late? Bill… we had already tried but nothing. We can only conclude that he is dead." Martha said.
"No… you have to persevere! I will do what you all were unable to do!" Bill writes, exhausted to hear that his father may be out of this world.
His brothers and sisters look at each other, as if he is right.
"Have your own experience, bro. We trust you." Said Tom.
"Dead or alive, I'll find him."
"And what do you want to ask us in the end?" John asks.
"Do… do you have a picture of him?"
"A photo? Uh… I think you should ask mom. But I'm afraid she's gotten rid of it."
"Whatever!" Bill said walking over to his mother.
His mother, Lana, since the disappearance of her beloved, her life no longer had any meaning or interest. She held on thanks to her children. She stayed most of the time in her room embroidering or knitting. For 30 years, she had sent letters to her love hoping in return for his news. She had given up since, as if she had completely forgotten. Bill was not to rush her.
"Hello Mom." He said in a low voice.
"I thought you were in jail after everything you had done for us." She replies, not taking her eyes off her knitting.
"Mom… I was doing it for you, to keep us from starving. I apologize if I had to be away for a while."
"What's your excuse?"
"Mum, I… do you have a picture of daddy?" He asks.
Lana stops knitting. Bill knew it was difficult to talk about his father.
"I don't know what you're talking about…" she replied after a long silence.
"Mom… seriously, it's for a good cause! Remember! You certainly have a picture of daddy! I'm asking you that because I'm going to look for him!"
Lana's eyes widen.
"Come on… I didn't think you would really go looking for him, there is no hope that you would find him."
“Mom, please…” Bill pleads.
"You're like him… I don't want you to go! You risk your life! Go north alone, you have to be suicidal!" Said her mother getting up from her chair.
"It doesn't matter! Dead or alive! I'll find him!"
"Geez, you've got all of him… determined, fearless and stubborn…"
"Mom, just a picture of him." Said Bill ignoring what she just said.
"It's not very visible but I'll show it to you anyway." She said moving to her nightstand.
She pulls out a tiny, yellowish, worn photo.
"It's him…"
Bill is speechless, as if he held the Holy Grail.
"My god… I had no idea what he looked like when I was a baby but now I have a face on my dad. I understand why you tell me I look a lot like him…" he said.
"But what's the use of this photo? He's aged a lot in 45 years… how are you going to recognize him, if god knows he's alive." Lana asks.
Bill was moved to hold in his hand the only photo of his missing father.
"I don't know… what was his name?"
"He was known as Jack Terror when he was a bandit… His name was Jacky."
"Jacky… daddy… Jack Terror…" Bill whispers, staring at the picture.
"This is the only photo of him… I pray with it every night since his disappearance."
"Don't worry… I won't take it… I finally have a face and a name on our father." He said, returning the photo to her.
"When are you going to leave?" Asks his mother.
"I'll start the research, when and where last we saw it, tomorrow. There must be records of the gold conquest." He replies.
"Bill… please I don't want to lose you like I lost your father. Just be careful! If anything happens to you, I'll never forgive myself…"
Bill turns around and hugs his mother.
"Don't worry, mom, I'm careful, I love to play with death…"
"Cheeky kid…" his mother said, smiling weakly.
After saying goodbye to his mother, he walks over to his siblings.
"Be careful bro, it doesn't matter if you can find a trace of daddy." John said.
"Don't worry, I'll do my best, I'm doing it for all of us." Bill responds with a wink.
Back in the Indian tribe, with Aiyanna.
"Did you get any information?" She asks.
"I had a face and a name on my dad, but right after that, it's going to be serious. I'll dig deeper."
"Do you plan to brief Lorelei and Penny on your trip?"
"* Sigh * I don't want to endanger them, especially not my daughters and my son. This is my story, it's only about me. I don't want to cause them concern."
"You're not causing any concern, honey. I'm happy to participate in your research. And if it's important to you, you don't have to tell them."
Bill looks on the horizon.
"I will not do."
"I could come ?" Said Tanka, their son.
"Tanka? No… it's dangerous." Said Aiyanna.
"Dad will need a pair of fangs if there's a bad beast or bad character around."
"Hehe definitely… like father like son… we'll go together, but if I feel the danger is approaching, run and hide when I tell you." Laughs Bill.
At nightfall, everything was calm, a little too calm, a thick fog surrounds the tribe.
"Brrr… it's suddenly cold." Said Aiyanna.
"Is it normal in August?" Bill asks.
"No… Oh !! Look!"
In the shadows behind the teepees, a gigantic lean form moves slowly.
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"My god !! But what is it?"
Suddenly they hear war cries and barking.
"Quick! Let's get out!"
And what they saw froze them in place. The creature was about 3 meters tall, it stood on its skinny legs, it possessed a long tail, one could distinguish in the middle the bones of its half-gnawed tail, the monster had a bone head in the shape of a deer with horns, and finally, large hands with long claws. The Indians were around the beast, screaming to frighten it, that didn't help, it only made the beast even more angry, it growled.
"This is ... this is ..." Aiyanna stutters.
Tanka was close to the beast trying to bite it in his wolf form.
"Tanka !! Back off !! You're going to be hurt!" Bill writes running to his son.
Bill's screams attract the beast, which turns its head towards him. She walks up to him. Bill's legs remain frozen in place, unable to move.
"Daddy !! Go away !!" Said Tanka.
An Indian throws a stone at the beast to divert its attention. She growls and leaps at the Indian, grabbing him by the mouth before running away.
"My ... god ... what is ..."
"It was the wendigo !!" Writes Aiyanna.
"Wendi what?"
"The wendigo! A cursed Native American creature! What was he doing in our tribe? And he took one of our brothers!"
"Are we cursed? If the wendigo has come to our tribe, it means a bad omen." Sighs the Indian chief.
"But can someone explain to me what wendigo is?" Bill asks in confusion.
"It is an evil creature, often depicted with a human body and the head of a deer. It is a cursed creature that only lives to eat human flesh ..."
"If he's around, he's got no more to eat and now he's coming here to get food… we're on his hunting ground now." Said Aiyanna.
The whole tribe was now in a panic.
"It's weird… he didn't seem to be hunting…" Bill thought.
"And how do we kill this creature?" Aiyanna asks.
"Nothing… his skin is hard as a stone, our arrows will do nothing. Only fire is fatal to him." The chef answers.
To be continued...
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I Am You: Chapter 3
Pairing: OC x Bang Chan x Han Jisung x Seo Changbin
Genre: Romantic Fantasy
Warnings: Smut, some mentions of blood and gore
Previous Chapters: (chapter 1), (chapter 2)
Note: Just to clarify, in the scene where Myah and Changbin are both wolves, they use a special mind link to speak to one another. All pack members can communicate while they are wolves. However, mates can speak to one another no matter what form their partner happens to be in. This is how human Changbin is able to communicate with wolf Myah.
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“Have you seen Changbin?” I asked Felix, watching the younger alpha absent-mindedly skin the deer laid out on the table in front of us.
“I think he’s hunting,” Felix replied, frowning as he let out a disgusted sound. “It would be nice if he could skin his own kill every once in a while.”
“He’s always hunting,” I huffed in frustration.
Felix shrugged, “He’s probably not far out. He just left like fifteen minutes ago. You can probably catch up to him if you need something.”
I immediately heeded Felix’s suggestion, shifting forms carefully, as it had certainly been a while since I last allowed my wolf to takeover. However, I knew it would be much easier to catch up to Changbin with a better nose, relying purely on smell to find my tsundere mate. And I picked up on his trail fast, following his scent slowly while I still felt unsteady on the four legs replacing my usual two. I really needed to run more with Jisung when he offered. It was almost embarrassing how out-of-touch I felt with my hyper-active wolf, especially after experiencing yet another clumsy fall along the mountain rocks. 
I was fully committed to shifting every day.
Thankfully, I found Changbin quickly, distracted by the small doe grazing a hundred yards or so away. I waited patiently, making sure my scent was down-wind so that he couldn’t possibly blame me if he missed this kill. But Changbin was the pack’s best hunter, and he tracked down the unsuspecting creature with startling astuteness. 
It was as he was dragging the doe back down the cliffside that he spotted me. His dark brown wolf let out a grumpy growl as he walked over to where I waited. He let the prey fall from his mouth, regarding me with a look that I could only describe as reprimanding. 
I heard his voice speak clearly through our mind-link. “You shouldn’t be out here.”
I refused to back down. “You’re always hunting these days. How else was I supposed to talk to you?”
Changbin’s wolf was imposing as he stood over me. He was bigger than most wolves, and he exuded power and dominance. “Go back to camp.”
I watched as he leaned back down to pick up the doe. “Will you talk to me tonight?”
“I’m hunting late.”
I let out a sharp bark, racing ahead to block his path. “Why are you ignoring me?”
“Don’t act like this, Myah.” 
“I don’t understand why you can’t talk to me. Are you really going to punish me for something I already forgave you for?”
He bullied his way past me. “It’s dangerous up here. Now go home.”
Stung by his disregard, I obeyed his order, starting back down the path with much less spring than I had before. I glanced back over my shoulder at the big alpha, wondering if Changbin knew how much he was hurting me. 
But distractions were never a good thing on the mountain, and I heard the switch before I felt its claws. Unfortunately, I had failed to keep an eye on the path in front of me, as Changbin had constantly warned me about, but that didn’t make it any less shocking. Which is probably why, at first, the pain from the trap didn’t register over my surprise. But then I felt it deeply when I saw the blood. I let out a pained howl, instinctively trying to pry my leg away from the source of my pain. It only worsened the situation, the sharp edges digging brutally into my flesh. 
“Don’t move!”
I heard his command before I could scent him, but Changbin was suddenly there, burying his head into the side of my neck, releasing soothing alpha pheromones even as the pain grew to an unbearable level. I fell to the ground, craning my neck around to look at my mangled leg, bits of flesh and blood amidst the silver trap. I saw fingers next, faintly realizing Changbin had shifted to his human form, working at the trap.
Then I heard the mountain lion’s growl.
“I think Channie hates me,” I complained to Jisung, watching the alpha move about his room, a towel wrapped messily around his waist.
“Chan doesn’t hate you,” Jisung chided gently, digging for a pair of sweatpants out of his closet. 
“What did I do?” I asked, ignoring Jisung as I rolled onto my back, looking up at the ceiling.
“Chan’s just stressed,” Jisung said. “He’s got a lot of decisions to make.”
“Mating shouldn’t be a difficult decision,” I muttered because it was true. In fact, mating should be easy with the person you love.
“Don’t be impatient,” Jisung said, suddenly appearing above me. “Chan always thinks about everything too much, you know how he is.”
“It shouldn’t require any thinking,” I said, letting out a whine of protest when Jisung moved onto the bed, crowding me into the mattress. I broke off only when I was wrapped in Jisung’s arms, secure against his strong chest. His vanilla scent surrounded me, and I could tell he was releasing calming pheromones, which I appreciated.
“Everything will work out in time,” Jisung whispered, pressing a tender kiss to the side of my temple.
“Changbin!” I cried out through the bond, watching the mountain lion creep closer, likely smelling my blood in the air.
Changbin managed to open the trap and I whined as I pulled my leg free. “Can you shift?” he asked me, but I was in too much pain to concentrate so I shook my head, desperately trying to push myself onto all four legs, but collapsing back down each time. The mountain lion growled, haunches raised in an attack position. Changbin shifted back easily, his intimidating wolf forcing the lion to briefly reconsider its plan. “Don’t worry,” Changbin said, using the mind link to offer me calming reassurances.
I threw back my head to howl, hoping our other packmates could hear the call. Unfortunately, it also prompted the lion into action and it launched itself at Changbin. I watched in horror as it wrestled Changbin to his back, exposing his soft underbelly and tender throat. The sound of its claws slashing through fur and flesh was revolting and my stomach churned dangerously. Changbin fought back, using his hind legs to push the lion off, reclaiming an upright position before chasing after the lion, nipping at its weaker tendons. The lion stumbled on the loose rocks and Changbin brought it down, tearing into whatever flesh his teeth could sink into.
I looked away from the gruesome scene, calling out for Chan and Jisung through the mating bond, but they were probably too far away to hear my pleas. Instead, I let my wolf take control, and she slowly started limping us over to the coverage of the bushes, hoping to disguise the scent of our blood. However, the lion did not like her decision, losing sight of its easy prey. He managed to throw Changbin off, and I winced as his body crashed into the side of the rocks. I tried to throw myself forward but let out a pained yelp when I felt the lion’s teeth dig into my leg, pulling me away from my destination. 
I whined loudly, panting hard against wave after wave of pain, my flesh wound reopened by the lion’s unforgiving teeth. We started down the slope and I knew I was going to die. The lion would easily drag me somewhere it was familiar with, ripping into my throat before using my carcass as its meal for the next several days. I was poisoned with fear, watching my life slowly drain out onto the rocks around me.
But Changbin hadn’t given up, and the lion was unprepared for Changbin to attack again. My mate managed to wrestle the lion into a precarious position of weakness, immediately going for its throat and locking his teeth around its pulse point. I faintly observed Changbin pulling back with a large chunk of flesh between his teeth, my vision swimming in and out of focus. I did register Changbin’s dark scent, and his familiar voice trying to reach out to me, even as the blackness finally claimed me.
I knew Chan was going to break up with me. 
I could tell by his posture, by the distinct way he was hunched in on himself, doing no favors to his taller height. He was also unusually quiet, taking me by the hand to lead me to the meadow where we always played together as children. The one his mother had taken us to for the very first time when we were barely five years old. It was a special place full of meaning and Chan knew how important it was to me, how I always felt calmer when I was surrounded by the familiar daffodils.
He wanted me to be comfortable because the news he was going to deliver would likely break my heart. This was all I could think about when Chan finally turned around to face me, eyes distant and sorrowful. “Myah,” he said my name, and my heart reached out to him. “Do you love Jisung and Changbin?”
I was thrown by the unexpected question. “Of course I do.”
“You know they’ll always take care of you, right?”
Chan’s questions seemed misplaced. “What are you talking about?”
Chan sighed, stuffing his hands into the pocket of his jacket. “Jisung and Changbin are starting their own pack, you know.”
I nodded because it was usually all Jisung talked about. He was beyond excited to lead his own pack, and Changbin was relieved to get away and start his own family. Felix would be joining, along with several of their friends: Seungmin, Minho, Hyunjin, Jeongin, and Woojin. I was excited because I adored the idea of starting something new, especially with my mates by my side. 
But that needed to include Chan as well.
“My father wants me to stay here,” he finally said. “He wants me to lead his pack in the future.”
I immediately shook my head. “You have to come with us, Chan. Jisung and Changbin are your best friends, and I-”
“I’ll get in the way,” Chan interrupted. “You already have two mates, Myah. They both adore you.”
“But I need you too,” I protested, squeezing our intertwined hands. “You mean so much to me, Chan. We’ve known each other since we were kids.”
“I know,” Chan agreed, pausing to look around, a nostalgic smile on his face. “We got into a lot of trouble together, but that was a long time ago. We both have to start considering our futures.”
I stepped in closer, eliminating more of the space between us, even though it still felt like it wasn’t enough. “My future means nothing without you in it.”
Chan’s expression softened. “I can’t do that to you.”
“You’ll break my heart,” I warned him. “You’ll hurt me and you promised you wouldn’t.”
“Not if you don’t let me,” Chan countered. “You deserve a long life, Myah, with Jisung and Changbin.”
“With you,” I insisted earnestly. “Chan, if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have Jisung or Changbin.”
“But you do have them,” he said. “You’ll always have them.”
He tenderly reached out, thumbing his way across Changbin’s mark on my neck. “But I need your mark.”
“It’s too much.”
“Not it’s not!” I disagreed, clutching even more tightly to him, feeling like he might vanish at any moment. “Chan, you made a promise to me! You can’t say these things...Please don’t leave me.”
I was starting to panic and Chan picked up on it, releasing more of his soothing scent which I consumed greedily, faced with the possibility of never having it again. “I’ll visit when I can.”
“It won’t be the same,” I trembled, disregarding the space he tried to maintain, collapsing into his arms.
“You’ll move on.”
“No, I won’t,” I insisted, leaning up to scent him. “Why are you doing this? Why bother even promising it to me if you never planned on keeping it?” 
He winced as if my comment caused him physical pain. “At one point, I did intend to keep it, but then you mated with Jisung and Changbin. I could see the change in you, the way you looked happier around them. You really don’t need me anymore, Myah. It’s just hard to let go of the past.”
My tears were soaking through his t-shirt, but I knew Chan didn’t care. “If you leave me, I’ll miss you every day. You’re my best friend, Chan. My soulmate.”
“Be good for me,” he whispered into my hair. 
“Stop it!” I harshly interjected, abruptly pulling out his arms, startling both of us. “Stop saying that you’re leaving. If you really loved me, then you would stay.” Chan was at a loss for words, opening his mouth before closing it again. “I don’t care about your father’s pack now,” I continued, “I care about the one I’m building, and I refuse to be a part of it without you. How can you not understand how much you mean to me? I don’t just want you, Chan, I need you! I depend on you for so much and if you left, I’ll be completely empty, because you won’t be there to fill those places anymore.”
I was incoherent, tasting my salty tears as I shook my head vigorously, refusing to acknowledge Chan’s words. Empty threats, that’s all they were. Chan had been mine from the moment we met, and nothing would ever tear us apart. No matter how many people came between us, or how many fights we got into, or how he could ever think we’d be able to live without one another. Chan caught me in his arms before my knees gave out and he brought us both to the ground, holding me close as I cried against his chest. “What can I do to convince you?” I pleaded with him. “I’ll do anything.”
For a while he was quiet and I continued to sob those terrible soul-wrenching cries that jarred the places inside of me that was frightening. Dark places I tried to hide away, like the evil voice that sometimes whispered that I wasn’t good enough for any of them. That voice might be right, but I always did my best. I would always fight for them.
Finally, Chan gently encouraged me to lean back, drying my tears with his sleeves. He picked up my wrist, brushing his lips across the blue-colored veins decorating the surface of my creamy skin. “Shall I do it here?” he asked, glancing up at me with eyes that reminded me of home.
I could only smell Changbin when I woke up, dizzy with the after effects of restless sleep. His scent was spiked with fear. It was enough to pull me back to consciousness, and I blinked against the blinding white light infiltrating my line of vision. “Ah,” a familiar voice spoke. “You’re finally awake?”
I glanced over at Woojin. “How long have I been out?”
“A day or so,” he replied, “But I think it was the trauma. Your leg will take some time to heal.”
I sat up slowly, listening to Woojin’s advice while leaning back against the bed frame. “Is it really bad?”
“I’ve seen worse, but that was back during my training. You’re the first real injury we’ve had in the new pack.”
“That sucks,” I said, and Woojin chuckled. 
“Your mates have been worrying all night,” Woojin informed me. “I couldn’t get Changbin to leave. His scent was everywhere.”
“I can smell it,” I acknowledged. “But when you say mates-”
“Felix freaked out,” Woojin said, rolling his eyes. “He and Seungmin ran all the way to the border, and I’m sure they made it sound far worse than it actually was.”
“That was an important meeting,” I said. “They shouldn’t have done that.”
“Well, Felix is young, and it’s hard to be in your right mind when the third in command is running around nearly hysterical. I had to give Changbin some morphine, his body was halfway between wolf and human. It wasn’t pleasant to see.”
“Great,” I muttered because I didn’t like the idea of everything falling apart over me.
“They can return to the northern lands later,” Woojin said as if he knew exactly what I had been thinking. “I’m sure Taeyong would gladly welcome back Chan and Jisung. He has a mate of his own and understands how it feels to be away when they’re hurt.”
“I can’t really move it,” I said, frowning at my immobile leg. “Is that normal?”
“It’s the cast,” Woojin explained. “Do you feel well enough to talk to your alphas?”
I groaned at the idea of dealing with their high-strung whining, mothering me to the point where I felt suffocated. Woojin grinned. “I can tell them you’re still sleeping.”
“Maybe for tonight,” I agreed.
Not because I didn’t love them, of course, but because they could turn into an absolute nightmare when their alpha instincts insisted I was on my deathbed as opposed to a sterile hospital cot frowning down at my new cast. 
It would be a long recovery.
I could feel Chan everywhere. 
I tried not to wince at the pain, instead focusing on the growing bond, ignoring the way his teeth sank into my wrist, eyes bright with a vivid orange color. Instead, I only thought about Chan and it made the pain bearable. I thought about his lovely hair, naturally curly, thick strands soft between my fingers. I thought about his gorgeous eyes or the wicked slope of his nose. I thought about his handsome features, and how his smile completely eclipsed even the lowest of my moods. I thought about his warm voice and familiar scent, the rich smell of pine that reminded me of my childhood.
I thought about the way Chan made love to me, treating me like I was fragile. His body covering mine, sheltering me under his protective form. His soft kisses drawing small moans, encouraging him to give more. His pulsing cock inside of me, filling me to the brim with all the love he could give. A special kind of love incomparable to the way I felt with Jisung or Changbin.
Because Chan was encompassing. He was everywhere, present at all the points in my life I could remember, good or bad. And he filled all my empty places, the darkest parts of myself that I hated, but he managed to bring light to them all. He was everything I needed to feel complete, marked by three alpha wolves who would do absolutely anything my heart desired.
I was finally me.
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erudite-rebel · 4 years
i gasped when i saw your magnus archives au because i'm a huge fan and your artwork on head archivist ooblek is so incredible. do you have any stray headcanons on it, or maybe how grimm translate to entities, or anything really because i'm so fascinated with this concept.
//You got a big storm comin'
Soooo TMA AU was basically caused by @nightmarebcrn and @jinxedcrow getting me into The Magnus Archives and the subsequent chaos thereafter. Barty was actually built slowly after I began season 3 I think (but it may have been season 2 or even earlier. I remember not realizing just how bad I was setting him up for pain). I'm gonna give a write up with as few show-spoilers as possible beyond the basic concept (Entities) and I will chew on the Grimm bc I didn't quite work on them when I developed this but now that you said it that brain's a-firin' away.
The Archivist of Beacon AKA Why Barty Can't Have Nice Things
While I have written a statement on Barty's past, I'll do a quick write up of his history and who he is as the Archivist.
With all of my iterations of Barty, he is neurodivergent. He has Aspergers (low-spectrum Autism) and ADHD. This presents primarily in hyperfocus, being less than adept at social situations, a tendency to shy away from direct eye contact, and stimming (bouncing his leg, jittery movements, counting in dead languages).
Different to his canon verse, Barty is an only child and his parents were of equal age.
His first contact with the entities was when he was a young boy. He was raised primarily running around a now closed, privately run museum that operated near Oxford University. While no doubt several of the items within have made their way into the Beacon Artifact Storage, at the time he was aware of nothing specifically evil. A new lot acquisition included an unusual set of canopic jars that were written off by several scientists as very good fakes. Despite that, one of the employees – Dr. Herbert Renshaw – became obsessed with them and succumbed to their lure. He killed four people by removing critical organs and permanently disfigured a fifth before disappearing with them. While Barty witnessed the attack which killed his parents, and saw what it entailed, he repressed much of it for most of his life. Working at Beacon brought most of it back.
After his parents died he was looked after by his grandfather, who was a strict and no-nonsense veteran of the second World War. The arrangement lasted only two years before he died of cancer and Barty was released into the foster system, inheritance waiting for him when he turned 18.
Shuttled through foster homes, Barty became something of a punk. He had a big chip on his shoulder, was lonely and desperate for a place to fit in when there were so few that could address his needs. Finally he was sent somewhere with a reputation for 'curing' delinquency. Without knowing it he entered a residence under control of the Web.
Qrow Branwen was in his year in high school. While he and Barty didn't at once know each other, as they were both rather withdrawn and loners, they eventually grew close because of similar interests and attitudes. After a few months Qrow spotted a tell-tale scar on the back of Barty's neck. He'd escaped the same boys home the year before in a bid to be placed elsewhere with his twin. Suddenly frightened for Barty's life, he hatched a plan to help Barty escape. Because Barty was far more under the influence of the Web than Qrow had been it had turned into a rescue mission than a run away. The two of them burned the home to the ground and somehow managed to evade implication.
Barty went to stay with Qrow and Raven with their foster mother, Morrigan Branwen. She was careful to help with his needs, and Barty loved her like a mother, though he never considered Raven or Qrow his siblings. In Qrow he'd developed a bad crush that quickly turned into a deep, devoted love. While Barty wasn't much given to the concept of soulmates, he considered Qrow exactly that.
He and Qrow both were accepted into University and he'd thought they would always be together. Eventually though Qrow began to fade away from him, consumed by something else, and dropped out of University. He cut off contact and disappeared. Barty didn't see him again until Morrigan's funeral and never got any explanation for what happened.
Years later Barty obtained both his doctorate in history and a degree in archaeology. His interests were always skewed to the occult, though something always kept him back from pursuing the real deal of the supernatural. He was looking forward to a life of academia, though something always felt empty to him. Sometimes he'd see a familiar face in a crowd and his neck would itch before they disappeared. He never really gave up the torch he carried for Qrow either, despite trying to move on.
After a talk he gave on  a lesser known cult during the height of the Egyptian empire, Dr. Ozpin Newman approached him about a job as Head Archivist in Beacon Academy. He might not have accepted the position if he had already been tenured, but Barty had a shaky research position at the University of London, and Ozpin was offering a good contract. Despite knowing Beacon's reputation he agreed... no one could deny the credentials of a Head Archivist of a major academic institute, even one with ties to potential supernatural research.
It was there he is reunited with Qrow again and settled into his job, hardly questioning why Ozpin might want him... why he made such an excellent candidate for  Archivist. He was determined to set the archives right after Maria Calavera's treatment of them, set on making a difference, trying hard to hold onto the belief that encounters – despite having been involved in two such events on his own – were rare.
Fear has a way of catching up, has a way of mutating you, as he was ensnared by The Eye, and caught up in a careful game of chess between Avatars. Guilt is acid in his veins as he loses his employees one by one to different entities. Scars began to pile. Secrets began to be revealed, whether the information merely curled out towards him, or a few careful worlds could force them from the lips of those he put question to.
Eventually he had to wonder if he was even really human anymore... when the voyeuristic statements of fear were far more nourishing to his body than food. But surely it's human to be willing to kill to protect Qrow and his people, to make the world right again?
So, that's kind of a basic write up. As for Grimm, I am currently toying with creatures that are far more horrifying than their base in RWBY. The Grimm are soulless manifestations of dangerous concentrations of fear given form, residual negative energies forming into mindless beasts able to be controlled and guided by their Avatars, provided that Avatar embraces its calling. Tools to reap yet more energy for the entities beyond the veil.
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fallstreakfeathers · 4 years
Don’t Look Down, Chapter 2, Rating: T ~4100 words Warnings: none https://archiveofourown.org/works/23956846/chapters/60761470
If Kita thought the brightness of the moon was overbearing inside the extravagant building, it was nothing compared to being in its direct path. She squinted against the pale beams as she stepped out of the doorway after the white haired demon. His pace was fast, as if he was trying to lose her, and she had to take two or three steps for his every one. She could hear him grumbling lowly about something, but couldn’t be bothered to listen closer. In fact, she wished he’d just close his stupid, too-loud mouth. The soft calls of some kind of animal hidden in the treeline caught her attention and she slowed herself to peer through the ever looming darkness, not that it was overly difficult with the moon hanging in the sky like some kind of sentinel. The green leaves swayed lightly in the breeze. The wind sent small ripples through the field of grass. It was only then that she noticed the scent of living plantlife. A group of small creatures fluttered from the branches, startled by the couple trespassing below them. She blinked slowly. Birds? There was not a trace of sulfur, fire, or death on the air. She stepped over a group of small blue flowers she couldn’t identify. The spotted leaves were jagged, with some sort of liquid oozing from the stems. “Hey, human! What’re ya staring at? Ya never seen flowers before? Pick up the pace!”
Kita said nothing as she placed her footsteps a bit faster. She kept her head down, abandoning her plan to run as light from the lamps that lined the streets glowed bright against the wet pavement. “Can’t believe those jerks left me to babysit you alone.” There’s no way she’d get out of here without knowing where she was going. Did she really expect things to be that easy? Of course not, only an idiot would think that. I’m an idiot. She felt like a prisoner being escorted to her own execution, and the feeling was only made stronger as she caught the curious and hungry eyes of various demons on the streets. Those in the lights of the street appeared human, or mostly so, but a few hid in the shadows and their forms shifted and flittered as they stared. One of these feral creatures approached the group, prowling like some kind of cat, only to scamper away when Mammon growled a guttural, throaty sound. Kita cringed. The short display almost reminded her of those silly groups of kids in her school years who pretended to be dogs or sometimes horses. Of course, she was the local velociraptor in those days, and occasionally a Tyrannosaur. The only difference was the very real threat behind the noise bubbling from the demon’s chest. “You were full of piss n’ vinegar earlier, what’s with the silence?” She released a heavy breath as she continued to pretend he didn’t exist. Earlier she was terrified, now she was just exhausted. If she stayed quiet and kept her head down, if she didn’t make eye contact, then everything would be fine. He’d eventually leave her alone. That’s how it always was. She sneered at the demon that glanced at her ever-so-often and the not-so-quite grumbling that traveled back to her on the wind as they stopped in front of a swooping steel gate with a dry “we’re here.” Kita squinted at the towering building behind it. The mansion almost appeared to have multiple shacks stacked on top of it, along with castle-like spires. Beside it stood a tall, black tree with branches that reached towards the moon. The whole area looked like something out of an old vampire movie. So… demons really like over-the-top crap? Mammon placed his hands on the gate, pushing it open. It swung wide with a creak. “I don’t believe this,” he muttered, “of all the rotten, unfair luck.” She rolled her eyes while he continued to complain with his hands on his hips. “Why do I have to look after some stupid human? It’s insulting! And just so we’re clear, it’s not like I can’t say no to Lucifer, alright!?” Kita sighed, remembering once more that she not only had to survive the year in an entirely different world, but also was going to have to deal with 7 demon lords who, if they were consistent, were all over-dramatic assholes. What did she do to anger God enough that he’d allow this sort of misfortune? “I only agreed to babysit you because…” he babbled “... well. Um, you know...uh…” “I don’t care,” she whispered wearily.
“What?” the demon shouted, “oh! Now you’re really in for it you stupid… although I’m sorta surprised you’ve got the guts to talk to me like that. You should be scared.” What about her behavior implied that she wasn’t? Did she really come off as if she were delighted to be in his presence? “I mean, I’m a demon. Even a human would get that, right?”
She pushed past him onto the stone path that led to the doorsteps of the mansion What makes you any more dangerous than literally anything I could be killed by in my own world? “You’re seriously weird,” he shook his head as he pushed the door open, “whatever, come on then.” Kita glanced around the heavily decorated hallway as the door clicked shut behind her. The high walls were patterned with purple and silver paper. A long plush carpet led from the front entrance and under a wooden archway into another room. A cheery fireplace could be seen at the far end of the room, glinting off the polished wood floors and filling the area with a sweet, smoky scent. Two dragon-like gargoyles stood guard at the front of the hall, with a marble staircase winding behind them both, up into another hall. All in all, the two rooms alone looked like they cost more than she’d ever make in her lifetime. Kita felt even more out of place than she had on the Devildom streets. “This is the House of Lamentation,” Mammon said. He waved vaguely at the space around them, “it’s one of the dorms here at R.A.D.” Yes. It wasn’t like the prince hadn’t clarified that at least four times. “Well, not just one of the dorms. It’s the dorm reserved for student council members.” Kita simply nodded. The sooner he finished talking, the sooner she’d be taken to her room and then (hopefully) left alone. “The others take every opportunity to insult me,” he prattled, as he led her through the hall “callin’ me scum and money-grubber and shit like that… But I’m an officer on the student council too! The elite of the elite. Top of the social pyramid.” He turned to her. “In other words, I’m a big shot! A real big shot! Even regular big shots are impressed by what a big shot I am!” Big ego is more like it. “By the way, Diavolo is even more of a big shot. He’s so important he’s got his own castle.” “I figured he would...you all call him ‘prince’.” If I have to hear the words ‘big shot’ one more time, I’m finding a thesaurus and throwing it at his stupid face. “Right… anyway, the long and short of it is that us seven brothers live here together and-...hey, what's with that expression? If you’ve got somethin’ to say, you’d best do it now.” Kita blinked. Was she making weird looks? “Sorry,” she muttered, “you all call each other ‘brothers’ but you look nothing like each other.”
“That’s really what you’re wonderin’ about? We aren’t brothers in the human sense,” he shrugged, “it’s more like we share a title, we’ve fought together, live together, yadda yadda, ya get it?” “Sure.” “Seriously, you got a personality thing or somethin’?”
Does he ever shut up?
“Doesn’t matter, “ he continued, “I’m gonna give you a piece of advice, and you’d better listen up 'cause I won’t repeat myself.”
She spotted movement from the corner of her eye as the demon spoke, and she glanced to the staircase where another demon stalked down the marble steps. His eyes burned an angry yellow-orange that peeked out from under the light purple fringes of his hair. He was clearly taller than her. Of course he was. Were demons just naturally this tall? “If you ever find yourself in a situation where you’re about to be attacked by a demon, you need to either run or just die.” What? Kita gawked at him in disbelief. The yellow-eyed demon reached the bottom step, glaring as he continued to move behind Mammon. “Are you serious?!” “Yes.” Kita frowned and then snorted. “So just die, then?” “Actually, I vote for you to die, Mammon!”
“Ah! Levi!” the demon yelped, “didn’t see ya there. I...Uhh...L-Listen up here, human! This here is Leviathan, Avatar of Envy. He’s the third oldest of us brothers.” The demon grinned brightly as he spoke, “his name’s sorta hard to say, so you can just call him Levi!” “Uh...no thanks,” Kita deadpanned. Nicknames were reserved for friends. Nicknames meant something. They were special, and not to be given to people who didn’t want to be around her in the first place. She refused to call anyone who wasn’t at least a friend anything short of their name. Besides, ‘Leviathan’ really wasn’t that difficult to pronounce. “Suit yourself.” “Mammon, give me back my money,” Leviathan growled, “then go crawl in a hole and die!” Woah. That was...unnecessary. Kita’s eyebrows scrunched as he flung insults at the white haired demon. “I’ll get it to you, I already told ya. I just need more time,” Mammon shrugged. “More time?! You’ve been telling me you need ‘more time’ for the last two hundred years!” She nearly choked on her spit. Two hundred years? These people were at least two hundred years old? “Hey, no! It’s been two hundred and sixty,” Mammon corrected, “get it right.” This got a small, amused laugh out of her and she quickly covered her mouth as the two demons turned their attention to her. For creatures supposedly hundreds of years old, they sure acted like children. Leviathan shook his head as he grumbled. “Seriously, Mammon, you’re-” “I’m what?” he snapped, “scum? Is that what you’re gonna say?” “You’re a lowlife and a waste of space,” the Avatar of Envy finished with a snarl. Alright, now I just feel kinda bad for him. Kita winced. Nobody should have to deal with being spoken to like that, especially by their own family… brother-in-arms? Sharer of titles? Whatever. “I couldn’t pay you back anyway, I don’t have the money.” “So you’re saying you refuse to pay me back?” “You lookin’ for a fight? Is that it?!” Oh my God. I’m gonna have to listen to this for an entire year. Mammon suddenly turned to Kita again. “Hey, human. Ya know how I told you what to do when a demon attacks? You’re about to witness that for real so…” he paused for a moment, “time for you to die, ‘cause if it’s gonna be you or me, it ain’t gonna be me!” “Wait,” Leviathan said, “ I thought you said-” Mammon smirked at her, and almost as fast as she could blink, he disappeared up the stairs. “-that asshole! He ran off!” Leviathan shook his head in disappointment. “You get what happened, right? He used you as a sacrifice.” “Somehow, that does not surprise me,” Kita snorted. “I’ll admit that Mammon is one of the scummiest scumbags you’ll ever meet,” the demon said, “a total lowlife, but that was still pretty dumb of you for letting him use you like that, I mean this is exactly why humans are-” For the love of all that is holy...unholy...do they all talk this much? “Wait!” he exclaimed, “ you’re human! That gives me an idea.” Why did she feel like this was a bad thing? “Can it wait until tomorrow?” she asked gingerly. “Nope. You’re coming with me!” Kita yelped as his hand suddenly gripped her sleeve and he began dragging her up the stairs with him. “Let go,” she barked, pushing her heels into the floor in an attempt to force him to stop. “Quiet!” he hissed as he halted in front of a door. He glanced around nervously before tugging her inside and closing the door. She twisted around, preparing a few choice words regarding her treatment before stopping with her mouth open like a fish out of water. The room she’d been so unceremoniously dragged into was like something out of her wildest dreams. Light shined through what looked like it might be a pool in the ceiling, sending rippled reflections across the tiled floor. Luminescent jellyfish hung vertically, leading down to a porcelain tub with what appeared to be a body pillow laying in it. An enormous aquarium had been slotted into the wall. Coral and various plants poked out of the sandy bottom, and it seemed silly that the only occupant of a tank with such magnitude was a small goldfish.
That was to say nothing of the enormous amount of manga and various figurines placed around the room. In the corner sat what had to be the most computers she’d ever seen in a single house. It... It was pretty badass, she had to admit.
“This is your bedroom?” she asked incredulously. “Uh.. Yeah.” “It’s beautiful.” Leviathan nodded once. “You want to know why I looked around to see if anyone was looking before I closed the door?” “Not particularly but I can take a few guesses.” “Well why do you think I did it? Not that it isn’t totally obvious. Imagine what would happen if someone saw me invite you into my room!” he rambled, “a human who doesn’t even look like an otaku! A normie! Do you know what people would say?” Oh no, he’s one of those kinds. “I don’t honestly care, sorry.” “You should! It’d be insane!” Kita murmured a snide comment to herself as she wandered over to the tall bookshelf by the door. She peered curiously at the unfamiliar, often ridiculously long titles before a thick book with black leather and silver trim caught her attention. “What, human? What are you looking at?” Kita pointed at the book, making sure she didn’t touch it. “Oh, that's The Tale of the Seven Lords! Are you a fan of that too?” He sounded almost...excited? “Not at the moment. I don’t know that we even have it in the human world,” she apologized. “What’s it about?” She must’ve asked something right if the way the demon’s eyes lit up were any indication. “You don’t know TSL? And you call yourself a human?!” “Actually, I call myself ‘Kita’,” she snarked, “you lot seem to be the ones set on the ‘human’ bit.” “Listen, just the fact that you don’t know TSL alone is proof that you’ve been wasting your life!” “Do enlighten me on what I’ve missed,” she snorted. There was something about this one that made him slightly easier to talk to than the others she’d met so far- not that she could put a finger on what it was.
“The Tale of the Seven Lords, TSL, is a series of fantasy novels written by Cristopher Peugeot. It’s a heroic spanning 138 volumes, and the most widely read fantasy series in the world,” he began.
On, and on, and on some more the demon rambled about the book. Books. 138 of them? That was crazy. Do all demons talk this much? Honestly, that’d be true Hell, right there. Skip the burning and rending, just keep talking. Kita listened, not out of any particular interest so much as the excitement in the Avatars voice. She knew what it was like to try to talk to someone about something she liked, only to be ignored or shoved off. She wouldn’t be that person, even to a stranger who’d literally dragged her sorry ass up a flight of stairs. Besides, his energy was somewhat contagious, even if he’d been speaking for at least twenty minutes. “There’s that one really awesome moment where the two of them realize they both like and respect each other, and they high-five! I just love that part,” he jabbered, “I wish I could have a moment like that.” “I’m sure you will,” Kita said. “Wait, you’re still listening to me?” Leviathan gawked. Kita nodded. “Most people’s eyes would’ve glazed over by now…” he said, “uh...oh! Check it out,” he pointed to the aquarium. “See that goldfish there? His name’s Henry. I love TSL so much that I couldn’t help naming him after the main character. I can’t high-five a goldfish though.” “Well you can’t with that attitude,” Kita snickered.
Leviathan frowned, suddenly sullen. “You humans are so lucky,” he said, “you’ve got subscription services that let you watch any anime you want to, you can go to Akihabara whenever you want…” Aki-what? Ah, who cares. “Why do only you guys get to experience the good stuff? I mean humans’ whole concept of pleasure originally came from us demons, you know,” he whined,” so why can’t we take a little of that back now? I want to go to a Japanese maid cafe too, y’know? I want to cosplay as Henry, or go stand in the center of Akihabara, or maybe under that one building in Tokyo that’s shaped like upside-down triangles. Once I’m there, I want to perform Henry’s super powerful signature finishing move for all to see and say the incantation that goes with it!” Is he...Is he breathing? How is he saying all that in one breath?!
“Actually, you know what? I want to be Henry,” he finished.
“Screw normies,” Kita yawned, suddenly aware yet again that she’d been kept up far later than she thought was humane. Of course, these guys were demons. What was she expecting? “Yeah! Screw ‘em!”
The demon frowned again as he spoke. “Alright, enough. This is starting to depress me. I didn’t bring you here to tell you about TSL.” “I was wondering when that would be addressed,” Kita muttered quietly. “I don’t think there’s any harm in coming out and saying what you already know is true: Mammon is a complete, and utter scumbag.” “Got it.” Really, it didn't seem like demons had much of a vocabulary. Not that she had a great one either, but still. “It’s very important that you understand this, so I’ll say it one more time.” “No need, I assure you I understand perfectly. Just… get to the point,” she grumbled, “why am I in here?” “I lent that scumbag money and now I want it back, but being the scumbag that he is, he won’t do it.” “What do you expect me to do about it?” Kita asked, quickly losing patience. She was hungry, she was tired, she was stressed, and a hundred other things already. She wasn’t fond of the idea of spending another hour in the room. “You should probably know how Mammon and I first became enemies.” “I… No. Just get to the point, please,” she sighed. “Fine. As third born, I don’t have a chance to get my money back on my own,” he explained, “but if, say, a human made a pact with Mamon and bound him to their service…” he gave her a pointed look.
“No.” “What? Why not? He’d have to do whatever you told him!” “Not interested.”
“Is it the whole ‘selling your soul’ bit? That’s not always necessary, you know!” Leviathan argued, “it depends on what’s in the pact.” “Not. Interested.” “No, no, just listen, I’ll tell you how to negotiate with Mammon!” Oh, for the love of...
“It’d be useful for you to have him as your servant,” he assured, “despite how awful he is, he’s still very powerful! You’re probably worried being down here in the Devildom, so it’s not like it’s a bad deal for you. Don’t you agree?” “What makes you think I’d even be able to control him? I’m sure pacts aren’t as cut-and-dry as you’re trying to make them sound,” she disagreed. “You’ll do fine.” Sure I would, Kita snorted. She had the authoritative presence of a sea snail. If she couldn’t get other humans to listen to her, what hope did she have of commanding a demon? Much less a demon lord? She wasn’t sure she wanted that sort of power over another being anyway, no matter how obnoxious they were. “Listen,” Kita drawled as she rubbed her eyes, “I’ve had a very long, exhausting, somewhat upsetting day. If you could be so kind as to show me to wherever I’ll be holed up while I’m stuck here, I’ll give you an answer tomorrow when I’ve had time to think and maybe do a little research on what exactly a pact entails because there’s no way in Heaven or Hell that I’ll be doing anything like that until I know precisely how it all works.” Oh dear lord, was Leviathan’s rambling rubbing off on her? Did she take a breath?
“It’s only 3pm,” the demon stated.
“It’s dark.” “We don’t have a sunrise here,” Leviathan explained. What’s shining off the moon, then? Kita wanted to ask. 
She shook her head. It didn’t really matter. “Whatever. I’m still going to bed,” she said,” you can show me to my room or I'll just use the tub.” With a groan and something muttered about “normies”, Leviathan opened the door, motioning her to follow him down the hall. They stopped at the very last door, closest to the window that hung at the end of the corridor. “There’s your room,” Leviathan muttered before walking past her. He disappeared around the corner. Kita exhaled wearily, slowly opening the creaky door. Her shoulders went slack. By the head and foot of the bed stood two trees that stretched themselves against the roof of the room. Lichen hung off the gnarled bark. Some kind of viney plant that looked suspiciously like ivy creeped its way across the stone walls and behind the twirling, curled wooden bedframe. Colorful lanterns hung from the branches, providing light for the room. A smooth table had been placed just behind one of the trees and a group of intricate chairs sat underneath it. Beyond the table, a dresser, as ornate as everything else, held a variety of items on top. A brass skull lay next to a teapot. Hot tea does sound nice right about now. Maybe peppermint...or lavender. Beside the teapot, a group of various books had been stacked along with a small, empty picture frame. Next stood a cabinet that appeared to have been made from a coffin. More books lined one of the shelves, and the top shelf had a small red and gold container. Beside it stood a small horse figurine that reared angrily, and a potted plant rested next to it. In the very center of the room hung a twisted rust-colored chandelier. Open flamed candles burned off the twigs branching from the frame. Is that safe with all the wood here? Two decorated rugs crossed each other over the old and worn flooring. Aside from the color of the pillows and sheets, various shades of light pinks, the room was right up her alley. Kita ran a hand over the silky coverings on the bed, wanting nothing more than to fall face-first into the cloudlike softness of the pillows lined against the headboard. But that’s where they’d expect to find her. That’s where these strangers would expect to find her, defenseless, vulnerable as she rested. Kita mumbled to herself as she searched for somewhere else in the room to sleep. Under the table was a no-go. She wouldn��t fit under the bed, and between the mattress wouldn’t work either. She ruffled through the plant at the edge of the bed, frowning at the lack of space between its branches and the wall. It left a small, cramped crawl space that she might’ve been able to fit into if she bothered to break a few of the twigs. She’d keep it in mind. Kita glanced around the room anxiously. A large air vent protruded out near the top of the wall. There was no way she’d be able to get to that. Finally, her sight landed on the large tree by the headboard of the bed. She curled her hand into the bark, pulling to test its durability. When it held, she began hoisting herself up the ivy and lichen, grunting with the effort as she reached the first branches. She continued climbing into the leaves until they covered her completely, settling flat on a large limb and clutching the main body of the tree with an exhausted sigh. I hope this thing doesn’t have spiders or something.
Shaking her head, she closed her eyes and waited for sleep to take her.
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pangolin-404 · 4 years
Delving into what chapter 2 of Bendy: Rewritten (or just the side scroller AU, as a couple people have called it- still working on a vaguely clever name hh) would be like, where there are choices and reactions! More canon divergence! Things set up and hinted at!
The background music changes. No shame to batim's music, I quite like it, but it can be better. Whenever Sammy's around (carrying the cutout, looking over the band room, giving his ritual spiel) a banjo is added to the bg track. The followers get string instruments, more added depending how many are in the room. The sacrifice room is mainly string instruments
Sammy is somewhat a lost one. He loses his buff rights and is a mix of his pre- and post-update designs. I say somewhat because, while he is skeletal, he drips a lot and doesn't really have feet.
Sammy actually has followers. It can be pieced together from notes and dialogue that he split from the Lost Harbor after a close run in with Bendy permanently mangled his body and converted him to worship. He brought a few other lost ones with him (like, only a dozen but a couple died on the way). They wear Bendy masks, too, yet he's the only one wearing pants (mostly to hold his legs together). He also wears gloves to hold his fingers together, and only takes them off for brief periods to play an instrument before having to put them back on. Bendy left him with a lot of lasting damage
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They all look the same and they know it hh
He's a proper prophet figure now that people look up to him. If Henry can find them huddled around a statue in prayer or drawing a ritual circle, they will talk about how much hope he gives them and how kind he is, despite how strict or overly optimistic he can be at times.
The followers' opinion of Henry changes with his behavior. Suggest Sammy is nuts? Say Bendy is evil? Drink too much soup? Break cutouts? They don't like that. Ask to learn more, give them some fresh soup, maybe even draw Bendy for them if Henry comes across fresh paper, and they'll appreciate it.
The cutouts are decorated with soup and candles. Drink a couple cans and the followers won't notice, drink more and they'll be upset, drink them all and they'll get concerned. Ink rats will scuttle out of hiding and can be found licking the empty cans.
Oh yeah you think humans were the only thing the ink affected? No there are ink rats and they scuttle around. Sometimes they become an enemy if multiple melt/fuse together and it's just a Lump Of Rat
"Did you drink the soup?" "No, did you?" "We don't have mouths! We can't eat!" "Who drank all the soup then?" "I don't know, but now there are rats everywhere!"
The whole chapter 2 area is bigger, kind of. Lots more signs of being lived in, with offices turned into little bedrooms and such. The followers are shy, though, and lurk behind locked doors, so finding them is tricky. Signs of life are everywhere but finding the life itself is difficult. Finding ones that talk more than a sentence is even harder.
Sammy is unhinged. Well-meaning, but ultimately mentally...cracked. He claims to have visions he interprets, but it's ambiguous whether they're nightmares/dreams or if Bendy's messing with him. He genuinely believes that Bendy will set them free, and he wants the best for his sheep. He'd be amicable if he wasn't trying to sacrifice Henry.
Instead of pressing the switches to open that first door, Henry had to find a pipe valve. A new "mechanic" of sorts is draining flooded halls. Ink pours down from piped above in an unpassable wall, and one or two valve are needed to shut it off completely.
Remember those notes I mentioned earlier? Well, some found around the music department contain buckets of how the followers see Sammy and their situation in general. They range from "oh hey here's Sammy's favorite tune-" to "note: don't play the organ! D:"
It's possible to find old newspapers and comics. Some of the pictures have been carefully cut out and pasted on the walls in various memorials, ranging from Bendy letting them outside to Sammy being "blessed" by the Ink Demon.
Some of the more petty depictions paint Alice as a jerk. She's an angel, he's a demon, so they're opposites. Since Bendy's so great, she must be awful! Rumors of a cruel Alice in deeper levels are hinted at.
The band room is slightly different. The projector's bulb is burst and there's a sticky note on it saying something about how touching it when you're made of ink is a bad idea, and to fix the projector before Sammy notices. Henry has to find a lightbulb and fix it now before he can turn it on.
The fight after opening the sanctuary affects the followers' opinions. They begin to realize what Sammy has in store for Henry. Killing all the searchers make them either makes them wince or frustrated, depending on their view on him up til that point.
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I feel like you could probably click/interact with the banister to look over and it shows a still image of the band room below, and it shows whether or not the projector is fixed/playing and also shows any Bendy cutouts that pop up. I tried to draw that but couldn't get the angle I wanted, so
Sammy's sanctuary is like...just a big ol Bendy shrine. It's also where he sleeps, writes songs to Bendy, and where his banjo is kept. He has a Bendy plush on his bed
The further the chapter goes on, the quieter the followers are to Henry. They're gathering candles and offerings of personal belongings. They might be bittersweet, neutral, or glad to be away from him, depending on Henry's actions.
Jack is important to Sammy. They worked closely together and so they somewhat remember each other. He acts as Sammy's personal treasurer and doesn't let go of anything given to him. The first encounter with Jack is relatively the same, with needing to grab a valve from him. However, instead of holding the valve, it's sitting on the box
Henry's notes in his sketchbook also change depending on his interactions with things. If he annoys the followers and develops a bad relationship with them, he'll treat them like blind fools. If he helps them or is generally nice, he'll sound more sympathetic towards their situation and wish them well.
One is in the infirmary, badly hurt, missing a leg, practically a searcher, and delusional after getting just grazed by Bendy's aura. They believe they've been blessed by his presence, despite falling apart more and more by the hour (Bendy and any ink creature do not go together-). Henry can kill them and put them out of their misery, if he so chooses. The others won't like that.
Whether Henry kills him or not, Jack remembers. Getting items from him in the future becomes harder if he's killed multiple times, until eventually he's downright scared (I'll delve into more detail on the mess that is chapter 3). Befriending him completely later in chapter 3, on the other hand, will make the task easier.
Killing Jack triggers a horror vision. Henry briefly becomes unable to move, visibly distressed and looking around until the vision ends.
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Not necessarily the sewers you first encounter him in, but close enough. You know you've entered an area Jack's in if there's a random item on a box that's under a light in an otherwise dim ink-flooded room
He goes through 'stages.' First the valve is on a box. Henry tries to grab it, but Jack (moving through the ink) pushes the box away. The methods of dealing with him is a messy web of cause-and-effect, with chances to crush him, corner the box slowly and steal the valve, it rush at it and cause it to slide off, or snatch his hat and bargain. (It's possible to steal his hat, kill him, and then keep/wear his hat, but why would you do that? Jack would forever loathe Henry and later on Sammy may ask for it back)
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Nothing will stop Sammy from knocking Henry out. No matter how kind or cruel Henry is to his followers, Sammy will smack him over the head with a dustpan. He can't run, but the man can be sneaky if he wants to be, lurking through shadows and phasing in and out of the ritual portals.
(Clarification: because it would be a side scroller and the player could see Sammy sneaking up on Henry, instead there's a ritual circle on the wall that he'll jump out of when Henry walks past it.)
The sacrifice room is more of a hallway. The followers are all watching from the sidelines, peering through knocked out walls and over makeshift fenceposts. Candles and other offerings are around Henry. Sammy gives his spiel as always, first starting with a quiet "that face..." whispered mostly to himself but then using his Big Loud Musician Prophet voice to put on a show about how grand the sacrifice will be and how happy Bendy will be. The followers get excited for it.
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Messy rendition but you get the picture
Sammy enters the room off to the side and calls for the Ink Demon. Ink leaks from the vents, and his aura is making some of the followers unsteady/weak. They become more restless, and unstable, until the calling reaches its climax (Sammy also sounds out of breath and his voice becomes wet and labored) and Bendy arrives out of sight. Sammy is torn apart, as per usual, though it's a slower, more audible mauling, and drags on through Henry's escape.
Some followers flee into the ink, while one or two are liquidated just by Bendy's aura. Others panic and attack Henry when he breaks free, messed up by Bendy's aura and so they resemble searchers.
Whether or not Henry powers through the onslaught or axes the frenzied followers may alter the number of followers he encounters later on, and (combined with how he'd treated them) how they react to seeing him again. "Oh I kind of remember you" vs "I don't blame you for using the axe" vs "Did you slaughter your way down here, too?"
Like in the updated chapters in game, the you can see ink machine lowering past crates/wood boards
Bendy actually pries himself up out of the ink with effort. Like, hands planted on the ground, lurching up, ink sloughing off of him, generally more detailed for a 2D animation.
Boris time! The boy himself peeks out from behind a wall before stepping out of the shadows
Feel free to send an ask for clarification/more detail about anything- I'm happy to go on more tangents!
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