#but its been such a positive and easy rapport!!
dollfairy · 2 years
guess who got offered a key to someone's apartment ;o;
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fanaticsnail · 21 days
Right here beside me
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 1,100+
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Synopsis: The weather is getting warmer, and you decide to enjoy the warmth of its radiance on the deck of the ship you serve on. Your crewmate joins you at your side, and you take the time to chastise him for interfering in the growing relationship between Oden and Toki while enjoying his embrace.
Themes: Marco x gn!reader, friends to lovers, unspoken feelings, physical touch, fluff, mutual pining.
Notes: @cyborg-franky said he was having a time recently and asked for some fluff for a gn!reader. I haven't written for Marco before, but I really wanted to do this for you. I adore your work so much, and you're such a positive influence to the community. I hope you like it. I also based it a little on this scene. I hope I do your boy justice.
Tag List: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @gingernut1314 @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @since-im-already-here @sordidmusings @writingmysanity
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The sea air gently caressed your face with a warm and gentle touch. Closing your eyes, you could taste the salt in each sea-spray brushing against the hull of the grand vessel you served on. Humming in contentment, you closed your eyes and elevated your chin to experience the full heat of the searing sun. 
The days were getting warmer, the sea was becoming softer with the lessening swell of rocking waves, and there was something in the air that the crew had noticed growing between two members of the crew. Oden and Toki had a chemistry the entire crew had witnessed blossom to a soft bloom, and it built a sense of unity aboard the ship to watch their easy rapport swell into something more. 
As you flung another sigh into the air, you felt a body slot itself down beside you in a swift plop, their shoulder immediately brushing with yours on the descent and rousing you from your silent solitude. Lulling your head to the side with a soft scowl of disapproval, your smile illuminated your face when you witnessed the smile of the man beside you. 
“Been watching Oden and Toki again, have you?” you hummed in a light tease towards the blonde man, “What are you planning, Marco?” His eyes widened and he swiftly cocked his head to the side. 
“What makes you think I’m planning anything, hm?” he hummed down at you, feigning shock and hurt on his face. You shook your head and raised your hand, gesturing to his face with your index finger extended.
“It’s all in your eyes,” you smirk at him before returning to your position reclining back to lean on the mast once more. Shaking your head to bask in the sun, you heard the man chuckle beside you in response. Marco mirrored your expression, leaning back and resting his shoulder against yours. 
After lingering in silence for a few more moments, Marco softly hummed down at you, “I noticed you don’t hold the same investment in the Oden-Toki situation as the others.” Slowly moving your face to the side, you gaze up into his eyes as he continues, “You don't like the match?” 
“I like the match just fine,” you smile in response, gently nudging his shoulder with yours, “I just prefer to let their courtship blossom without interference.” Marco nods, a lazy half-smile drawing up his lips as he leans against your shoulder. 
“I’m not interfering that much,” Marco admits, leaning more of his body against yours and shaking his head down at you, “Just ensuring they don’t get interrupted by Nekomamushi. It’s like he has a sixth sense on when to pester Oden, and I would prefer it if Oden had an opportunity to make Toki smile.” 
Humming in response, you lean in to Marco’s aura and gently close your eyes and linger a little longer. 
The relationship between you and the doctor was easy and laid back. You trusted one another, respected each other, and had no qualms in expressing your friendship towards the other in physical touch. It was Marco’s love language to give. Being a doctor, he often used his hands to demonstrate compassion for those injured, and provide comfort to those who needed it. 
His love language to receive was quality time, and he chose to drink his fill of it with you. He can’t deny the growing adoration and affection swelling in his chest each moment he sought you out. As he lulled his head on top of yours, he enjoyed the warmth of the sun kissing his skin while basking in the heat your body pressed into his. 
“Ah, I see,” you utter in a soft whisper, “Not interfering, just acting as a bodyguard.” Marco chuckled into your hair, gently nuzzling against your hair and tugging you closer. “Just a humble knight and loyal protector.” 
“That’s the role I’ve chosen, yes,” he wraps his arm over your shoulder before pressing his cheek to the crown of your head. You press your lips together in a tight-lipped smile as you fully relax against his chest. 
“And while you’re here with me, who’s ensuring Nekomamushi leaves Oden and Toki alone?” you hum in thought, turning your head up and gazing into his eyes above you. He smiled down at you in response, shaking his head and uttering. 
“I gave Oden an entire morning to flirt to his heart's content,” he confessed with a breathy huffed laugh. “Now I get to take a break, and enjoy hanging out with you.” You shake your head up at him before leaning back into his chest and closing your eyes. 
“I wonder what they’re up to now,” you utter lazily, feeling the warmth of his embrace gently shepherding you into a soft slumber. You yawn and nuzzle gently into his chest, sighing as you come down from the soft stretch.
“To be honest, I don’t quite care at the moment,” Marco retorted, joining his other arm over your torso and making himself comfortable while cradling you into his chest. “All that I care about right now is you, right here beside me.” 
He sneaks a look down at you, recognising the deep rise and fall of your chest to indicate deep slumber. His heart swelled up to his throat, a soft blush dusted his cheeks and his lips parted in soft shock. 
The feeling of true contentment and joy grew higher as he drew you in closer. Pressing his lips against your temple, he looked up to the sky and enjoyed basking in the warm rays falling from the cloudless sky. 
Watching on and snickering behind toothy grins: Jozu, Vista, Oden and Toki watch on with blushes rising to the apples of their cheeks, and cupping their hands in their chin. The only thing that could spoil them witnessing this moment of blossoming coupleship could be-.
“-Hey guys, has anyone seen Marco?” Nekomamushi’s rumbled drawl called over to the four members of your crew, “I’ve been looking for him everywhere, but I can’t seem to find him.” In a flurry of hands, and a wrangle of biceps and forearms, the giant lion-man was restrained and ushered away from the top deck where you and Marco lay in each other’s warm embrace. 
Slumbering peacefully, your blissful slumber grew with the rise and fall of your chests mirroring the waves ushering you to your next destination. Marco slept beside you, drawing you up into his chest and using the crown of your head as a soft pillow for his chin. While you laid your face in the crook of his neck and breathed him in with every breath, you dreamt of finding the courage to confess your growing affections for the blonde doctor. 
Only time will tell when you finally give in and profess, but for now there was this moment: you and him beneath the sun aboard the ship you both served on, with a crew that you loved, and who loved you in return. 
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cops + govt are absolutely bastards and i wish the one who killed nahel would get more than whats (probably) going to be given to him, and i support the riots going on for justice and to bring this issue to the forefront. but honestly how hard is it to not attack schools and places where people live? there were families in danger with the car on fire releasing fumes into the building. little kids aren't going to be able to go to school or will have to have counseling to understand whats going on
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hi anon! I'm glad you're asking this and I'll try to be careful and kind in my answer. If my tone comes off kind of angry I apologize, I just meant to avoid this kind of reaction with my post.
I'm gonna try to answer this in two big parts where it seems we disagree : first the "how hard is it not to attack schools" side of the problem.
Then I'll go more widely on the questioned necessity of destruction and its nature.
(also I apologize if not everything is clear, the French to English brain on this topic is kinda weird, I'm open to more asks if you want something more precise).
Alright, PART UNO, Why Burn Down Schools
Okay, so absolutely no offense, but I'm gonna guess you were a good or at least okay student and therefore had a good relationship to school. I'm also gonna assume you didn't go to school in the banlieue or in establishments on the REP/ZEP list (Network or Zone of Priority Education), this classification is done based on the IPS or Social Position Indicator. Etablishments in REP in Paris today are around 90; the one I went to as a kid around 74; in Nanterre, where Nahel was killed, high schools are around 90 and middle schools between 80 and 90. By comparison Henri IV and Louis Le Grand, two very prestigious high school in downtown Paris have an IPS of around 140. The point being that in those spaces, even if you personally do well as a student, most of your peers have a very different relationship to the institution that is "school".
It has been widely accepted since Bourdieu's Les Héritiers (1964) that school is a machine that reproduces and legitimizes inequalities. We know children of workers, little employees, and people working low wage jobs do worse in school than children of teachers, or state workers, or people working high paying jobs, or that have already done high level studies. We also know these kids get to school at the same time but with a different baggage, and that the baggage from relatively rich (in economic or cultural capital) kids coming from relatively rich families is favored over the baggage from kids from poor families. That is because the first one belongs to what Bourdieu calls "legitimate culture", which is not legitimate in and of itself but legitimized by the dominant class to keep itself where it is. I'm not gonna talk about Les Héritiers the whole time, but in addition to the class difference and struggle in legitimate culture is a struggle especially present in banlieues of foreign culture being considered illegitimate.
The point is not that poor kids or kids of color are bad at school and that's just how it is, but that school as an institution is already a violence to them. It is traumatizing, built to make them fail, all the while telling them it's their fault because school is fair and based on merit. But it's not, because it values things and abilities as if all students start off from the same point (which is false) and make them believe the run was fair (which is false as well). Sometimes the blame is on the teachers, but most often it is the institution that inherently fails them and lowers their self-esteem. (Also, fun fact, I think it was a study done by IPSOS that showed that if they had the same grade, let's say an average of 9/20, in CE1, kids of workers were more likely to be made to redo their year, whereas rich kids would go to the next level anyway).
So you're right, it's easy to think that you shouldn't burn down a school when your rapport to it is: "what a great place, even if it pisses me off sometimes, I learn things and I can see my friends and have fun, burning it down would not help". But when school is a) a violence to you, and b) a lot of the time already breaking down because regardless of what they say on TV the State does not allocate enough resources to banlieues, well it's easier to burn it to the ground (this way maybe they'll actually rebuild it and be careful about abestos/amiante).
That doesn't mean it's good or right or forgivable and therefore forgiven (that's to your own discretion), but what it is, is understandable. These kids are fighting against a whole system, the police, its support by the State, and more widely the State itself and its shitty handling of banlieues and their inhabitants.
Okay, PART DOS, Is Violence Necessary, If So Which Kind
I'm gonna assume and hope you're not one of the people jerking off to theoretical revolution and praising the black block but getting scared when things actually get serious.
You're saying you wish they would be capable of keeping the riots to actual figures of police violence, I guess, or at least try not to harm innocents or do too much collateral damage (thinking about libraries, etc. I hope you can understand how schools also stand as violence to the rioters now).
My gut reaction is to say that's just not possible. If you really want the revolution and the change that comes with it (not just repealing the 2017 law), you have to be prepared to make sacrifices and for collateral damage (again, not saying it's good or right, or that you should thrive for it, just that it's virtually impossible to do without it).
I know some people have been saying they should go to actual places of power, go shake Darmanin out of his fascist bubble, but I also think people don't realize what this means. In the banlieues, they are in known and mostly friendly territory, which makes it easy for them to use the "be water" strategy (scatter when cops arrive). They know these streets and where to run, where to climb, where to hide. If they were to go to downtown Paris? they wouldn't have any of these advantages, plus they would be faced with the anti-riot plan built into the very architecture of the city streets (Haussman and Napoleon III I hate you). Just like the Parisians demonstrated against the pension reform in Paris, the place they know, the banlieusards are doing the same in the banlieues.
Now endangering kids is not the way to go, there we agree. The point of disagreement is that you think the rioters are going to be the ones making victims whereas I think the cops will, and already have (see the guy killed in Marseille by a flash ball impact, or the one from Mont-Saint-Martin in a coma).
(If you want to read something about the price of revolution, I'd recommend Les Justes by Camus, it's pretty short and you can come to different conclusions when you're done.)
You wrote "people need to have consideration for other kids in France". That sounds a tad condescending to me but I don't think you meant it that way. The problem is that they are not considered by other kids in France! as was showed in 2005 and as is showed today by the reactions on social media. You are asking the oppressed to make the first act of love here, and in a way you're right, Paulo Freire would say that next to violence, a revolution is only successful if it contains radical love, and that cannot come from the oppressor, but it is also a hard thing to ask of people. Especially when they know they will be ignored if they don't shake the political landscape a little.
I think you would enjoy reading Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed, it's not too long and it's very interesting regarding this topic.
Now I'd be careful with how you talk about the kids needing to "control themselves" because it sounds condescending here as well (though again I don't think that is how you mean it) and can be understood quite badly. I think what you may be alluding to however is the crowd effect that the riots can have. Once you start, breaking things with your friends, it does feel good, you release energy, you laugh, it's a good time really. The risk is to take the euphoria too far and not realize what you're doing, which of course happens but is really magnified by the media and is actually pretty marginal in the actual riots. But you're right that being in a group makes you forget about yourself (see: demonstrations, sport fans, etc.) and the rioters are not exempt from that.
I think, if anything, what one could fault the rioters for is that they are alienating themselves sometimes from their own communities. That is really going the same as in 2005 I feel like, with some worried moms, or people who agreed at the beginning but think it's lasting too long now. The problem is that politically, the people saying they will stop the riots are the National Rally (fascists) and at a smaller scale Rebirth (Macron's party, right wing). But Macron won't be able to run again next time (we wouldn't want him to) and I doubt his party is gonna hold without him. That leaves us with the fascist RN. So the kids could be building up to their own destruction.
(It is still important to say that even if the RN is elected next time, it will NOT be the rioters fault but the fault of the people who voted for a fascist party to lead the country.)
I don't think I have anything left to say right now, if you have other questions/need precision my ask box is open!
If you want to read more about school as a very imperfect institution I would recommend reading stuff from François Bégaudeau, Entre les murs (it's fiction inspired by his reality as a teacher, there was also a movie), he also mentions it regularly in talks that you van find on YouTube. I'll recommend again Paulo Freire's The Pedagogy of the Oppressed because it really is an amazing book.
P.S. I wrote this with less than 5 hours of sleep so I might be repeating myself and/or forgetting things
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fancyfade · 1 year
Are there any canon Damian and Babs interactions? I couldn’t find any. What‘s their dynamic like? Same goes for Babs and Tim
Babs and Tim is easier so I will start with them :P
I think this panel + commentary (link) in Showcase 94 showcases their dynamics well. Tim is an easy kid for babs to get along with. He appreciates her help and gets along with people she gets along with. He sometimes gets a little smug about her not knowing his identity at first, but that seems to be just a joking thing between them. They have a pretty good rapport and I can look up specific issues for them if u wish.
Babs is very protective of Tim, and she authorizes Huntress to use lethal force to rescue Tim in Joker's Last Laugh.
Damian is harder. Heads up: I will not be counting anything past 2011 because that is just no. I don't like how they handle her post new 52. So we've only got a few interactions to use.
In Batman: Streets of Gotham #6, Damian questions Babs' usage of resources (sending Huntress instead of him after Man-Bat) and Dick complains "This is what I have to put up with" and Babs generally agrees with him (He's a charmer all right).
In Batman and Robin 2009, Babs tries to prevent Steph from interacting with Dick and Damian in the field (and is justified in this as Steph accidentally freezes Damian immediately afterwards XD). In her internal monologue Babs is annoyed at Steph, but when she speaks out loud she seems to be defending steph and again is sarcastic w/ Dick about Damian ("Tell me you didn't enjoy the quiet ride home") and dick agrees with her ("I did"). dick refers to steph as reckless and babs refers to damian as murderous. but they do not interact directly much in this plotline, its more dick and babs talking ABOUT steph and damian.
in general babs seems like another adult who does not have a lot of patience for Damian in the 2009 era batfam, which is almost everyone in the batfam at that time. they do work together when they need to, damian will follow her orders (just while complaining about it) and get stuff done. And i don't think this is really unrealistic or OOC for babs.
First, as we've mentioned, nearly NO ONE in the batfam has much patience for Damian verbally at this time (including dick, as we've seen in all of these interactions Dick has either been instigating the "haha damian's insufferable" stuff or agreeing with it).
Secondly Babs is just not a person who has a lot of interpersonal patience or tact to begin with. She cares about people. A LOT. but she still messes up a lot, and she can get pretty brusque when she's stressed. I think that if she was put in a position where she HAD to interact with Damian more, she would be a little bit more understanding (b/c second chances are a big theme for her (trying to reform savant, link1, link2). But she doesn't have to be patient with Damian, because he's not her responsibility, and he's hard to get along with, so she doesn't.
I think they could have a lot of potentially interesting interactions, but most of them would be skill based (babs helping Damian with hacking, for example) and not very touchy feely. Neither of them are very touchy feely characters.
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thebrandywine · 11 months
pls keep talking about the nivanneddy d/s dynamic for days my eyes and ears are OPEN and READY
Okay, I've been ruminating on this to make a good reply. Open your eyes and ears below:
The heart of it all is trust. Leon has always had issues with trust, but he has let some people in over the years (Chris, Claire, Jill, Hunnigan, etc.)
Where his relationship with Piers differs, though, is here: Piers won't let him get away with ANYTHING.
Hunnigan gives up, Chris gets angry and storms off, Claire is rarely around, Jill has her own shit going on. Piers grabs him by the face and says, "Cut that shit out."
And Leon DOES.
Part of it is that Leon has known his inner circle for so long that he can always tell when they're unsure of something, has seen them hesitate and flounder, but Piers is a new thing. He seems unendingly confident, like he's made plans for everything and can't ever be surprised, and *that* is what Leon needs.
(There are some things that I can't mention rn because I'm going to be writing about them BUT--)
Okay, on to sexy times.
Leon loves choking on cock. It's his favorite fucking thing in the world, but it requires so so much trust. He's been hurt before, and we've seen him have a flashback/panic attack over that hurt, which is why he hasn't done it with anyone except Piers since he was with Krauser.
It makes him feel like he's being used and useful; hearing Piers grunt and moan, feeling his nails dig into Leon's scalp-- he feels like he has a purpose then.
When it comes to his hands, having them behind his back or above his head, knowing that he can't or isn't allowed to move them, is largely what sets the scene because that marks the exact moment that Piers takes control.
Leon allows himself to be taken care of; Piers positions him, directs him, does what he wants with him, and it's so nice to not have to think that it's like everything else goes away. It's just him and Piers in a locked room. He's with a man who will never hurt him unless he asks him to.
The reason he's so into it is because he never wanted to be who he is, and Piers makes him something new. Something that he can be proud of because *Piers* is proud.
He's not just a weapon. He can bring good things, too. He can be good. He is so fucking desperate to be good.
Okay onto Piers lol
He's experimented with this before to about the same extent, because he isn't really into any of the more intense stuff. He doesn't like hurting his partner. He just wants them to feel safe.
It takes him a while to really build up that rapport with Leon, to make him actually communicate, but it's so so worth it.
He wasn't lying when he said that the sex is good and Leon is hot as hell and that he loves him, but it goes so far beyond that because--
Leon is strong. He's powerful. He has borne the brunt of harm for the DSO, has stood between monsters and men for half his life, and has never wavered. He has been abused. People have tried to break him. He is a wolf with its leg caught in a bear trap, ready to snap at anyone who approaches because he only knows the pain.
To have someone like that under his hands, calm and placid and leaning into the touch, arms willingly tied behind his back as he devotes his entire self to listening to someone who he *knows* cares about him is... God.
The way Leon loses himself in it all, *allows* himself to slip into the feeling and stay there, is so gratifying and humbling. It makes Piers feel like he's untouchable, knowing that he's the only one who can grant Leon this little sliver of peace. If Leon asked him to, he would give up almost anything and do only that.
He knows that Leon is intimidated by how easily they've slipped into this, knows that Leon thinks it says something about him that he's so eager to give up control, but Piers finds that it's easy to wipe that away.
His hand on Leon's face, lips parting to allow Piers to slip his thumb inside his mouth, Leon sucking on it and staring up at him with hooded eyes, waiting so patiently and beautifully for anything that Piers will give him because he knows that Piers loves him. That Piers will always take care of him.
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nikibogwater · 2 years
Final Daniel Spellbound Blethers:
They were. So. Close. 
Daniel Spellbound was just inches away from being amazing every second of its runtime. They had the creativity, they had the intrigue, they had the interesting world and likable characters, but every time this show approached the line of Greatness, it would always trip in some small, but still painfully noticeable way.
(Mild spoilers and a very long rant/review under the cut)
Daniel as a character is ripe with potential for meaningful development. He’s just likable enough for the audience to care about, but still has those rough edges to him that need to be sanded down over time. He starts the series as largely cynical and self-centered, perfectly set up to go through an arc that would result in him growing into a loyal and selfless hero. Except....the writers forgot to give him a solid arc, and by the end of the first season, he’s just magically (ha) become a better person without any clear development. He doesn’t really learn anything, he just....changes for no real reason. And yet the pieces were right there, the writers had given themselves everything they needed to craft a great character arc, and they just didn’t use any of them.
This also extends to the relationship between our main trio. The dynamics are there, we can see that these three work well as a team, and by all appearances, they seem to care about each other, but we’re never shown any real growth in their relationships. These characters never sit down and just talk to each other. There’s nothing to their friendship outside of the main plot. I can’t really see these three hanging out and being friends in any situation besides the one they’re currently stuck in. Which is extremely frustrating, because again, the potential is RIGHT THERE, I can practically taste it. Daniel and Lucy have a fun rapport, their friendship could be something very compelling and emotional, but the writers stopped just short of the goalpost. 
And Hoagie--ohhhhh do NOT get me started on Hoagie. I really liked him in the first episode. In that context, his non-stop snark and obnoxiousness made sense and fit the situation he was in. But the episode ends with him and Daniel becoming business partners--and perhaps, maybe even friends. SO WHY IN BLAZES DOES HOAGIE CONTINUE TO SPEND THE ENTIRE SEASON BEING AN OBNOXIOUS LITTLE SNOT WHOSE ONLY CONTRIBUTION TO THE STORY IS THAT HE CAN TRACK THINGS BY SCENT?! And another question: WHY DO DANIEL AND LUCY PUT UP WITH THIS LITTLE JACKASS?! And a follow-up to that question, WHY DO THEY NOT ONLY PUT UP WITH HIM, BUT ACTUALLY LIKE HIM AND CONSIDER HIM THEIR FRIEND?! 
I’m not exaggerating when I say Hoagie does absolutely nothing to endear himself to these characters, or to the audience. He has zero positive traits, apart from sometimes occasionally deciding to do the noble thing because Plot Reasons. He made me smile one time throughout the entire season, and that was in episode one. And to make matters worse, just like with everything else in this show, this issue would have been such an easy fix. Either take away Hoagie’s ability to speak altogether, or sprinkle in some of those quiet character moments where we actually see him make an emotional connection with the others. 
I hate to keep comparing this show to Tales of Arcadia--really, I do, I know it’s not entirely fair--but I have to bring up Archie the talking cat again because he is the perfect example of what Hoagie should have been as a character. Archie is snide, mischievous, deadpan, and haughty. But he is also shown to be loyal, affectionate, and loving towards Douxie. (I mean, he’s also much quieter than Hoagie and has much better comedic timing with his jabs, so there’s also that). For every snarky comment that comes out of Archie’s mouth, we also see him actively working to keep Douxie safe and accomplish their goals. For all his teasing, we can still see how much he genuinely cares about his friend. 
Hoagie desperately needed that balance--something to make the audience believe that at the end of the day, he is truly Daniel’s friend, no matter how much he may bluster and complain. So much of his characterization could be forgiven if they had written in even just one scene of Hoagie and Daniel opening up to each other emotionally. I kept waiting for Daniel to bring up Hoagie’s missing eye, or for one of Hoagie’s jabs to sting just a little too much, and lead into a conversation where he (and by extension, the audience) learns a little more about why Daniel is all alone, why he takes the dirtiest, sleeziest jobs, why he has this disdain for magic users. But it just never happened. It was all set up and ready to go, and the writers just never got around to it.
There were other small factors dragging the show down, most noticeably in its music, moments of painfully bad action choreography, cringe-inducing snippets of dialogue (especially from the villains), and weird contrivances. What’s most bizarre about all of this is that this is not a consistent issue throughout the entire show. Some of the action sequences work just fine, sometimes the dialogue is snappy and fun, sometimes the music perfectly sets the mood of the scene and every beat works to reinforce a certain ambiance. 
I know all of this makes it sound like I hate the show, but I actually really loved everything they had to work with. I loved Daniel and Lucy as characters, I loved the way the writers delivered important worldbuilding information to the audience without it feeling forced or overwhelming, I loved the amazing creativity on display with the visuals. I loved the endless potential this show had for a heartfelt and exciting story. And yet somehow, in spite of giving themselves all the groundwork they needed to accomplish something like that, the writers couldn’t quite put all the pieces together. I had the same issue with Roster Teeth’s RWBY series. I was never able to enjoy that show for what it actually was, only for what it had the potential to be. And somehow that is so much worse than just watching a terrible show and hating everything about it.
The last episode of Daniel Spellbound does set up a plot for a second season, and in spite of all my criticisms here, I do really want to see it get one. I think a lot of these problems can be chalked up to inexperience, and that maybe with one season under their belts, the Daniel Spellbound team will finally be able to cross that line of Greatness that they’ve only managed to briefly touch with this first season. I want this show to do well, and it has everything it needs for that. I want to see more shows like this, not connected to any pre-existing IPs or writhing under the thumbs of greedy corporate execs who couldn’t write their way out of a wet paper bag. 
So if you have time and are even remotely interested, I would recommend checking out Daniel Spellbound for yourself. It’s only 10 episodes so far, and if nothing else, I can safely say that it was never boring, nor do I feel like it wasted my time. It was a very earnest effort at creating something new, and for that alone, I give many kudos to everyone who worked on it. 
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upagainstthesunset · 9 months
More MetronxOC talk. I know there's been a lot of that lately, i hope yall dont mind. Here are a few disparate thoughts ive been rolling around lately.
In order to really get under Metron's skin, Heartbeat insults not him, but the Mobius Chair. She found right away that it's a surefire way to push his buttons, and my god does she enjoy having that power over him. She knows full well that it's an amazing invention and is as important and incredible as Metron says, but she quite enjoys slipping in backhanded comments about it just to watch him squirm.
Every once in a while she'll be reminded that he is in fact essentially a god. It's easy to forget as they get to know each other and spend time together. But then she'll remember that oh, this weirdo truly is a god of knowledge, and bc of that she does hold some secret amount of awe for him. She won't tell him bc he's got a big enough ego as it is, but when she thinks about how he's lived such a long life, seen so many things, created wonderful and frightening inventions.. she gets a bit overwhelmed and sort of questions what the heck he's doing spending time on her of all people. It makes her feel simultaneously small and insignificant, and indescribably special.
At some point after theyve really gained a rapport and it's clear that they enjoy each others company, Heartbeat will ask whatll happen when she gets her memory back and goes back to her normal life. And this will give Metron pause. She said "when" she goes back, not "if". He didn't realize it but somewhere along the line he had started to assume that even if they recover her memories that she would continue on as his associate (or whatever it is Metron thinks they are). After all, things have been going well and they could continue his research together as they have been, why change that? He tells her if she wishes to resume her civilian life that he would not interfere. She asks if hed visit her there and he says no, which of course really hurts her feelings. She doesnt understand why he wouldnt, and does that mean she'd never see him again? As she wrestles with her emotions about this, he speaks up to say that well, she doesn't necessarily have to go back. If she would like, she could stay. Its an offer he makes hesitantly and awkwardly. Its not thought out, which is very unlike him, but he doesnt let on about the impulsive nature of it. As their discussion about this develops, i think its going to be a rare time where we see Metron in a more vulnerable position.
Its a challenge to reconcile Metron's bitchy personality and asshole-ish nature in a way where its believable that Heartbeat actually does have feelings for him. Shes going to have to look beyond the surface and constantly ask why. Why does he seem to only value knowledge? Why does he not take others into consideration? Why is he so solitary? And i think she'll find that mostly others just dont really get him. He doesnt view the world the same as everyone else, but that doesnt mean hes a bad person (at least usually, she'll eventually hear about his past crimes). Through their interactions she'll see that he thinks on a grander scale, and that he values the vastness of the universe, and that he's obsessed with the Source because it gives meaning to all life. Yeah he's greedy and egotistical, but there's more going on if you look. Early on in their acquaintanceship he takes her to see a beautiful galaxy. Itll sadly turn out that it was sort of done as a tactic to win her trust (at least that was Metron's intent but then he actually did want to show it to her for real, look he was in some denial okay). But when she contemplates and thinks why did he take her there, she will conclude that despite the ulterior motives, that he understood the beauty of this cosmic phenomenon, and that his desire to share it with someone may have stemmed from the fact that he has seen so many wonders like this, but wasnt able to share them until now. This will become more evident if i ever get to writing the episodic adventures the two go on.
Ive got more little musings but thats probably enough for one post. Im really just rambling about them here instead of putting the energy into writing it all out in the fic, arent i. But hey the words exist somewhere outside of my head now, and thats kind of what counts.
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vipier · 3 months
can we talk ? alone ?
IT HAD BEEN A RATHER IMPRESSIVE VICTORY, ALL THINGS CONSIDERED, AND CERTAINLY ONE OF GENERAL PATEL’S BEST. he’s hardly what anyone would consider a top notch superior officer — passing, at best — but with the help of his inner circle, they’ve tightened the ranks, improved their strategies, and developed an incredibly positive rapport which, if he’s honest, still surprised him, especially where captain andor and the clone commanders are concerned. ( after all, it had never escaped his notice that @k4ssa had always remained stiff and formal around the troopers, which had only begun to change after the general’s brief sojourn in medical after a particularly brutal battle about two months prior. ) the camp is rowdier than usual, filled to the brim with the joyous sounds of celebration — laughter, shouts and cheers, the clinking of glasses, upbeat music somewhere off to his right.
for his part, tristan quietly holds an ale in one hand, observing as he sits off to the side in his casual garb, the comfortable and simple set of robes that dated back to his padawan days. commander specs sits beside him, similarly propped with his back against a weapons crate. it’s an easy silence between them, one of trusted comrades, a designation specs has certainly earned in his general’s eyes. privately, he has sometimes considered that specs is the sort of mentor he’d perhaps always needed in his youth, despite almost certainly not having been commissioned at that time — but it is a thought too raw not to sweep away quickly after it comes to mind. not that specs hasn’t clearly had the notion himself.
“ you did good, general, ” the commander says quietly below the din of celebration around them, warm, with a note that almost sounds like pride. the words sink in slowly through tristan’s initial silence. he draws in a deep breath, swigs from the bottle in his hand, allows no more than the slightest turn at the corner of his mouth to alter his expression. the subtle acknowledgement of his own uncertainties — his own insecurities — feels at once a relief and an unnerving danger. war has made a different man of him, has somehow softened him in its untold brutality. some days, he finds he does not quite recognize himself. perhaps he has fixed himself too readily to what feels like a dysfunctional family unit in his strange gnawing hunger to belong. for as much as he trusts his commanders, he becomes daily more aware how far he presses fate. for instance, it should bother him more, even frighten him more, he knows, that he strongly suspects that at least specs and kilo know about him and the captain. it should choke him with terror that he treats the suspicion so casually, yet here he sits, peaceful in specs’s company, knowing in his gut that cassian will fetch him any minute.
“ it’s hardly my victory, specs, ” the general finally answers with uncharacteristic modesty, swigging from the bottle again. “ I’m useful on the battlefield, but the plan belonged to you, kilo, and andor. don’t tell the men, but without the three of you, I’d be lost. ” despite his words, he doubts the information is anything but common knowledge.
he feels specs’s gaze linger thoughtfully on him for a few long moments. “ we would do anything for you. you know that, don’t you? me. kilo. andor. ” there’s something in that final name, something tris could swear sounds knowing and affectionate. something in the pit of his stomach flutters. “ anyone can learn strategy. you’ve got something that can’t be taught. you hold us together. you’re the glue. none of it would work without you. ”
tristan doesn’t look at his commander ; he can’t. the brotherhood that’s blossomed within their ranks is often too much for him to process, almost too much to stomach. he is not used to being loved, let alone in so many different ways. his commanders’ loyalty, confidence, kinship, their unfailing support and affection despite uncertain beginnings, the depth with which he’s grown to trust them. his relationship with cassian and how it evolved from stolen moments in the senate building to become as much a part of him as a limb, its roots in his heart so deep now that tristan knows he could never remove his captain if he tried. and he doesn’t wish to, not any more than his lover, who had proven far more devoted than tris ever realized in his padawan days.
the concept of rejecting attachment had already seemed silly and dubious back then. now, it seems downright ridiculous. how could he give up what he loves so dearly? and more, how could giving up what he loves in any way benefit the greater good, as the jedi order claims? none of it would work. what good could he truly do without these connections? how ineffectual would he be as a general without them? how could he possibly articulate any of this to specs in this camp, beneath these moons, with the weight of all of that love clinging to him, sweet like honey, thick like tar? how can he possibly explain that it is he that would not work without all of them? the words don’t come, can’t, as though there are none that could possibly express the depth of his gratitude, nor the strange overwhelming heartache that blossoms simply from the knowledge that he is kept in so many hearts. it washes over him like a tide, stealing his breath, overwhelming him momentarily as he opens himself to the warmth of specs’s sentiments, the true strength of those emotions, even as none of it shows in his serene expression.
“ can we talk? alone? ” captain andor’s question from over his left shoulder blessedly saves him from the inevitability of a substantive reply. tristan feels his face relax and he’s unable to keep the corner of his mouth from pulling slightly upward. after a moment, he tilts his head backward to regard cassian standing above him, and between them, they exchange a look of unyielding softness that lasts only a beat before tris glances back at his commander with an apologetic half-smile. he finishes his ale in a single swig, banishing the lump that’s grown in his throat, and sets the empty bottle up on the top of the weapon’s crate before rising quickly to his feet.
“ thanks, specs. I’ll see you tomorrow. not too bright and early. we all deserve to sleep in a little. ” the general has no doubt the camp will remain quiet throughout most of the morning, and already, he looks forward to waking with a few hours to spare, to lazing in cassian’s embrace before they must engage in the unconvincing charade of sneaking him out of tristan’s tent. specs gives them a nod in farewell — respectful, almost affectionate, knowing in a way that might have bothered tris months before. he and andor turn almost in sync to move away from the festivities and tristan gives a breath of relief as the noise begins to ease, giving way to the gentle ambient sounds of the night in the forest beyond. cassian nearly turns toward tristan’s tent when they are well away from the eyes of the battalion, but tristan keeps moving forward, toward the towering trees and the scattered flicker of natural lights in their boughs that provide visibility to the forest floor even this late at night.
they say nothing, and cass follows without question. truth be told, tristan isn’t entirely sure where he’s going — only that he feels the need to separate himself, to separate them, from the camp for a little while, to clear his head, to collect his thoughts, to be alone together. without looking, his hand finds his companion’s and he knits their fingers together as they continue their silent journey through the trees on practiced, silent feet. tristan closes his eyes, inhales, savoring the pure aroma of the woods now that they’ve separated from the soldiers, the liquor, the bonfire. the night seems to soak into his skin as they walk together, dousing him in a chilled and cleansing energy that thrills its way through his veins. it is something he sometimes so desperately wishes he could share with cassian, these sensations of interconnectivity that strike when the world is quiet and the force beats its steady, grounding drum deep within the very core of him. the effect of the force, the way tristan feels it, remains a relatively taboo topic between them for reasons tris actually understands deeply ; the intricacies of the force unnerve many, including cassian, and to push knowledge or experience upon cass would amount to a violation for which he knows he could never atone, at least not with himself.
the forest opens to a lake, reflecting the planet’s triplet moons upon its glossy ink surface. tristan’s pace picks up just slightly, tugging cassian along as he makes his way a large slab of rock that crops out to the water. he only slips his hand from cassian’s when he steps out of his shoes and moves to the edge closes to the water to sit. then, carefully, he rolls his trousers up to his knees before dipping his feet into the lake and releasing a sigh of contentment as the cool water soothes the ache that remains from weeks of patrols and a brutal day of battle. he feels cass take a seat beside him, and without a beat of hesitation, as though magnetized, tristan leans into his side, setting his head on his shoulder, draping his arms around his middle. whatever paltry resistance may remain melts away at the sensation of cassian’s lips against the crown of his head and his fingers brushing hair back behind tris’s ear. nothing has ever felt more sacred than this. no matter the teachings of the order, especially in this moment, tris cannot possibly find it in himself to believe that the thrum of connection he feels to this man, the unwitting transference of devotion that warms him like sunlight through every pore of him, could be anything less than the most pure of religious experiences.
“ sorry, ” he whispers into the night, sounding entirely too contented to actually mean such an apology. “ I needed a moment away from the noise. out here. with you. ” cassian’s grip around him tightens, almost disarming in its protectiveness, and tristan presses his face into the other man’s shirt to breathe in the scent of him, the very essence. “ it was a long day, ” is muffled into him, almost inaudible, lost into the solid face of cass’s shoulder. for a few moments, they remain that way, clutched to each other as though they haven’t held one another in days or weeks. cassian’s fingers stroke through tristan’s hair, trace a path down his spine, each touch tender and deliberate enough to leave tris a little dizzy with relief and pure, unadulterated affection. for some reason, specs’s words linger in the back of his soothed mind: you hold us together. you’re the glue. he wonders if cass would agree.
finally, he allows his head to tilt backward, gazing up at the planes of cassian’s face illuminated by the planet’s dazzling moonlight. a sight he could truly worship. “ you were magnificent. your strategy, too, naturally, but … you fought so fiercely. do you have any idea how proud it makes me? to stand beside you? fight beside you? to be— ” he trails off, leaning to press his forehead against his lover’s, lifting a hand to cup his jaw, to stroke his cheek with a gentle thumb. after a moment, he breathes half a chuckle, almost sheepish, humming low as he brushes cassian’s nose with his own. “ but you wanted to talk. what about, love? unless it was just an excuse to get me alone, and if that’s the case, we can just strip down and have a swim. ”
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 Local Home Shifting Made Easy: Expert Tips for a Seamless Transition
Moving to a brand new home can be an interesting yet overwhelming experience, particularly on the subject of nearby moving. Whether you're relocating inside the equal town or shifting to a close-by neighborhood, proper planning and organisation are key to making sure a clean transition. In this blog, we will explore expert recommendations to make your neighborhood home shifting manner clean and hassle-loose.
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Plan Ahead:
Start making plans your move properly in advance to avoid remaining-minute stress. Create a detailed checklist outlining all the duties that need to be finished earlier than, throughout, and after the circulate. This will assist you live prepared and on target during the whole method.
Declutter and Downsize:
Take this possibility to declutter your house and dispose of any items you no longer need or use. Donate, promote, or do away with these belongings to lighten your load and decrease transferring fees. Only percent and circulate the necessities in your new domestic, making the transition smoother and extra green.
Pack Strategically:
Invest in notable packing substances along with strong boxes, bubble wrap, packing tape, and markers. Pack room by means of room, labeling every container with its contents and destination in your new home. Keep essential items separate and without difficulty handy, consisting of toiletries, remedy, vital files, and a primary-useful resource package.
Also Read : Sustainable Moving: How to Recycle Your Moving Supplies
Hire Professional Movers:
Consider hiring expert movers who specialise in neighborhood domestic moving. Research and evaluate moving companies to your location, examine reviews, and request rates to find the first-class in shape for your needs and price range. Experienced movers can correctly cope with the packing, loading, transportation, and unloading of your assets, saving you time and effort.
Communicate with Your New Neighbors:
Reach out in your new associates earlier than moving day to introduce yourself and tell them about your upcoming relocation. This will help build rapport and set up a sense of community from the start. They may additionally offer precious insights and help in the course of the shifting technique.
Arrange for Utilities and Services:
Contact utility companies earlier to schedule the switch or setup of essential services which include energy, water, gas, internet, and cable TV at your new home. Ensure that those utilities are activated before transferring in to keep away from any inconvenience upon arrival.
Take Care of Pets and Children:
If you've got pets or younger youngsters, make preparations to preserve them secure and snug all through the transferring method. Consider hiring a pet sitter or enlisting the assist of buddies or circle of relatives participants to look after them on transferring day. Keep their essentials, which includes food, water, toys, and bedding, without difficulty to be had.
Conduct a Final Walkthrough:
Before leaving your old home, behavior a very last walkthrough to ensure that nothing has been neglected. Check each room, closet, and garage area to ensure all property had been packed and any important cleansing or repairs were completed.
Stay Flexible and Positive:
Despite careful planning, unexpected demanding situations may also rise up in the course of the transferring technique. Stay bendy, patient, and high-quality, and technique every scenario with a problem-solving mindset. Remember that moving to a brand new home is an exciting possibility for growth and new beginnings.
Also Read: Reduce Electricity Bills: 10 Ways to Beat the Bills
By following these expert hints, nearby domestic moving may be made smooth and strain-loose. With proper planning, enterprise, and aid, you may enjoy a unbroken transition to your new domestic and begin developing lasting recollections on your new environment.
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doctoru-au · 3 months
General Practitioner – DPA Mixed billing near Point Cook
Point Cook, Melbourne VIC | Job ID #2165
Opportunity for General Practitioner at Established Practice
A General Practitioner owned practice is seeking a GP to join their team due to one of their current doctors going on maternity leave. With a full patient base available and located in a District of Workforce Shortage (DPA) area, this presents a promising opportunity.
The practice, which has been embedded in the community for four decades, boasts a strong rapport with its patients. The consulting rooms are spacious, well-equipped, and the management is readily available to provide support. Additionally, the practice is open to accommodating and fostering special interests of the incoming GP.
Our GP-owned practice, established for 40 years, features 8 fully equipped consulting rooms where we operate on a mixed-billing basis. Located conveniently near the railway station with a bus stop at our doorstep, we offer easy access for our patients. With a dedicated team that provides excellent support, full-time nursing support, and an on-site Dorevitch pathology service for convenient pathology collection.
Position available in mixed billing practice with 65-70% of billings. Located in a DPA area with visa sponsorship. Guaranteed $150 per hour for 3 months. Opportunity to inherit existing patient base from GP on maternity leave. Full-time or part-time options offered. Commitment to one night per week and one Saturday every 6 weeks for after-hours. Support for special interests.
FRACGP, MRCGP, MICGP or RACGP’s PEP Specialist Stream eligibility. Not for doctors needing AMC part 1 and 2 or with General Registration.
I save you time by personally searching for the right job for you.
Andrew McNamara Call | Text | Whatsapp +61 0430001747 Get in touch with me 7 days | early to late.
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nyansjourney · 9 months
Leaving a place devoid of any connection seemed like a straightforward task, but I was mistaken
Three months ago, I relocated to Haiphong, bidding farewell to my friends in Hanoi, eagerly anticipating the commencement of a new chapter in my life. Initially, I made an effort to acclimate to my new work environment swiftly and establish rapport with my colleagues. The initial week proceeded without any hitches, and I found nothing particularly vexing. I was fortunate to reside in proximity to my hometown, just a brief half-hour motorbike ride away from my abode. Despite encountering a few dissatisfactions, I still managed to find pleasure in this city, thanks to my reasonably equipped rental accommodation.
However, as the second week dawned, everything began to unravel. Despite my ability to generate solutions for my challenges and diligently tackle my assigned tasks, I struggled to meet my workload demands. Daily apprehensions about potential reprimands became a constant companion. I began to question my competency since I frequently received criticism for my actions, often accused of acting without proper guidance from superiors. Programming glitches persisted despite our relentless efforts to control them. Although our leader was knowledgeable and provided feedback on our errors, his delivery left much to be desired. It reached a point where I felt that my most valuable contribution to the company was to remain idle, sparing others the effort of rectifying my blunders. Stress consumed me, and I sensed my friend and coworker shared a similar sentiment. However, our commonality ended there, as she was determined to persevere while I resolved to depart. I respected her decision, recognizing her capabilities and commitment to the team.
When I discussed my resignation with our leader, he expressed his disappointment in my failure to uphold the one-year commitment I had made. He articulated other concerns, but his criticism of my lack of resolve and readiness to surrender in the face of adversity weighed heaviest on my mind. I couldn't refute his observations because they resonated with my own self-doubts. He didn't seem interested in hearing my reasons for wanting to leave; instead, he deemed me irresponsible and inexperienced.
Leaving is far from a straightforward decision, especially considering the city-to-city move I undertook to work here. The thought of departure comes with its own set of challenges. Firstly, the workload I leave behind, often referred to as handover work, inevitably falls upon my friend's shoulders, exacerbating her already substantial responsibilities. Furthermore, I can't help but feel like I'm taking the easy way out by resigning so prematurely, despite the ongoing challenges the company and my team are grappling with. Becoming the person who retreats in the face of adversity was never my intention, but regrettably, I find myself in that role.
While it's true that my decision inconveniences others and appears hasty, I genuinely believe that persisting in my current situation would only lead to more time being squandered. Yes, I might seem like I'm giving up too easily, but perhaps it's a way to facilitate a deeper understanding of my responsibilities for others, especially my boss, so they can execute their tasks more effectively. Undeniably, I'm placing my coworker in a challenging position, but I am committed to supporting her, as it's the least I can do to make amends for my actions. Despite these justifications, my choice to leave this job and potentially relocate from Haiphong continues to weigh heavily on my conscience. However, the decision has been made, and all I can do now is seek a fresh start.
The lessons I've gleaned during my time in Haiphong may not have been fully absorbed and comprehended, but one important takeaway stands out: many journeys are meant to conclude earlier than expected, often because they have already led us to where we needed to be. Dwelling on them excessively might cause us to miss out on the opportunities the next journey holds.
So, apart from grappling with my emotions, my only course of action is to embark on a quest for a new beginning.
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pharmaceuticaltech · 9 months
The Road to Effective HCP Communication: Overcoming Obstacles
The Hippocratic Oath is an ancient pledge that physicians take to uphold ethical standards and practices in medicine. The oath was named after the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who is considered the father of Western medicine. The Hippocratic Oath has been a guiding principle for physicians for centuries, and its principles have been adopted by many medical schools around the world.The Hippocratic Oath is a solemn promise that physicians make to their patients, colleagues, and society.
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The oath includes a commitment to uphold the highest ethical standards in medical practice, including confidentiality, honesty, and respect for patient autonomy. The oath also includes a promise to use medical knowledge and skills for the benefit of patients and to avoid any actions that may cause harm.One of the key principles of the Hippocratic Oath is the principle of non-maleficence, which means to "first, do no harm." This principle requires physicians to prioritize the well-being of their patients and to avoid any actions that may cause harm or unnecessary suffering. The principle of beneficence, which means to "do good," also requires physicians to act in the best interests of their patients and to promote their well-being.Effective communication is a crucial aspect of the healthcare industry. Healthcare professionals (HCPs) must communicate effectively with their patients to ensure that they receive the appropriate treatment and care. However, communication in healthcare is not always easy.
HCPs must navigate complex medical jargon, emotional patients, and time constraints while conveying important information.One of the most important aspects of HCP communication is establishing rapport with patients. Building trust and a positive relationship with patients can help ease their anxiety and improve the effectiveness of treatment. HCPs can establish rapport by using open-ended questions, active listening, and empathy. They should avoid interrupting patients, using medical jargon, or appearing rushed.HCPs must also ensure that their communication is clear and easily understood. Patients may have limited health literacy or language barriers that can make it difficult for them to understand medical terminology.
HCPs should use plain language and avoid medical jargon whenever possible. They can also use visual aids such as diagrams or videos to help explain complex medical concepts.In addition to communicating with patients, HCPs must also communicate effectively with their colleagues. Good communication between healthcare providers can prevent errors and improve patient outcomes. HCPs should use standardized communication methods, such as the Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation (SBAR) framework, to ensure that everyone involved in a patient's care has the same information.
Finally, HCPs must be aware of cultural differences that may affect communication with patients.
Cultural differences can impact how patients understand and respond to medical information. HCPs should strive to understand their patients' cultural backgrounds and adapt their communication styles accordingly.In conclusion, effective communication is essential for HCPs to provide high-quality care. By establishing rapport with patients, using clear and understandable language, communicating effectively with colleagues, and being aware of cultural differences, HCPs can improve the effectiveness of treatment and ensure positive outcomes for their patients.
Obstacles to Effective HCP Communication
In the current market, PR confronts numerous obstacles in the way of establishing a relationship with HCP and in optimizing HCP engagement. Beyond the ground-level difficulties, PR, by extension, represents their c-suite executives and the public distrust of the elite. These sentiments, valid or not, ultimately come at the expense of the patient and their best clinical outcome. In my experience, these limitations arise when pharmaceutical companies and PR fail to understand my daily routines when constructing physical and digital touchpoints and misalign products with my patient populations or treatment philosophies. We can do better.
For More Visit@ p360
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mmriesoftvat · 10 months
it's  at  times  like  this  when  ren  seems  to  think  he's  more  subtle  than  he  actually  is.  his  back  is  to  kami,  but  the  line  of  his  shoulders  is  too  tense  to  be  anything  but  unnatural.  fingers  curl  around  a  cup  of  tea  —  still  warm,  with  delicate  swirls  of  steam  drifting  from  its  contents.  he  seems  more  interested  in  holding  it  with  white-knuckled  grip  than  he  does  taking  a  drink.
❝  i  have  a  thought  experiment  for  you.  ❞  the  wanderer  says.  he  speaks  up  so  suddenly  it's  a  bit  jarring.  ❝  imagine  there's  a  person  who  holds  a  significant  role  in  your  life.  someone  who  has  managed  to  become ...  important,  despite  your  better  judgement.  ❞  his  expression  twists;  a  vague  look  of  self-disgust.  he  feels  ashamed  by  his  own  lack  of  subtlety  —  but  it's  not  the  kind  of  question  he  can  pose  with  any  degree  of  tact.  ❝  they  want  to  make  a  commitment  to  you  that  isn't  exactly  easy  to  go  back  on ...  however,  there's  certain  matters  regarding  your  past  they  still  aren't  privy  to  —  and  if  they  find  out,  it's  likely  they  will  never  look  at  you  the  same.  it  may  even  ruin  the  life  you've  built  in  its  entirety.  ❞
he  already  knows  the  answer.  he  simply  needs  to  hear  it  from  someone  with  the  same  gruesome  memories;  an  echo  of  the  words  he  keeps  telling  himself.  ❝  what  do  you  do?  ❞
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it's hard to tell what's on ren's mind these days. more often than not, he's off doing his own thing, leaving kami to his own devices. which kami doesn't MIND, since kami has his own life to live. or whatever is left of said life. it's hard to rebuild the broken bits and pieces when he doesn't really have anyone to turn to, but he's long since accepted that lot in life. he'd CHOSEN it.
he's spacing out currently, staring through ren's back and PROBABLY off into space, thoughts vaguely around the life of sumeru and what he SHOULD be doing instead of sitting here, when ren's voice snaps him out of his stupor. with a couple of blinks, kami tries to redirect his thoughts back to to the conversation -- it sounds important.
a significant person -- kami has no idea what that would feel like. he's never really had time to go off and meet anyone, though he's aware ren has. with the corners of his lips twitching downward, kami shuffles closer, wondering what exactly he's supposed to say, or even how to RESPOND to this conversation. this is a topic far beyond him. perhaps ren doesn't have anyone else to actually come to about this?
it's when ren finishes his thoughts that kami sits back, resting his elbows on his knees. his initial thoughts had been correct; kami is NOT EQUIPPED to handle this kind of conversation. for starters, he has no idea what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like, and he's never been the kind of person to dole out advice like this.
"i'm not sure," kami finally responds. "if you've made an agreement," kami knows very well what ren meant by COMMITMENT, but kami can't understand those terms. he'll use terms he does understand. "-a contract, really, then you should honor it by being honest with this person."
the vague hints toward their shared past have kami biting down on his tongue. he knows all too well how much of a pain that specific bout of history had been, how PAINFUL it still is to think about. "would you want to know the truth about someone you've established rapport with?" kami asks in turn. "regardless of how devastating the news would be? were i in their shoes, or in your situation, i'd want to know. whatever my reaction after said news is on my shoulders."
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he shrugs then, shaking off any negativity. "that's the price we pay for building bonds with people, ren. they get to know us, both positive and negative. we can't erase or escape our past, and anyone who learns of it is going to have to accept that we're..." he trails off, hesitation in his eyes.
kami falls silent after that, glancing down at the forgotten tea resting next to him. it's cooler now, and probably no longer as DELICIOUS as it could have been.
"sorry i couldn't be more help to you."
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viral-web · 1 year
[ad_1] An email is a powerful tool for client communications that offers numerous benefits for businesses of all sizes. It provides a convenient and efficient way to communicate with clients, whether it’s for sales, customer service, or general updates.  Here is the latest O-Mail, an advanced emailing tool designed to simplify and streamline client communication for businesses. With its user-friendly interface, customizable templates, and extensive features, O-Mail offers a comprehensive solution for all communication needs. Reasons To Use O-Mail For Client Communications: Professionalism: Email offers a formal and professional mode of communication that is widely accepted in business settings. It allows you to present yourself and your brand in a polished and organized manner, enhancing your overall professionalism.Documentation: Email provides a written record of all communications, creating a paper trail that can be referred to in case of disputes or misunderstandings. This can be crucial for maintaining transparency and accountability in your client interactions.Reach: Email allows you to communicate with clients globally, regardless of their location or time zone. It enables you to connect with clients at their convenience, making it a flexible option for client communications.Cost-effective: Compared to traditional methods such as phone calls or in-person meetings, email is a cost-effective way to communicate with clients. It eliminates the need for expensive phone bills or travel expenses, saving your business money in the long run.Automation: Email allows for the automation of client communications through autoresponders, which can be used to send out regular updates, newsletters, or other important information. This helps streamline your client communications and ensures consistent messaging.Flexibility: Email allows you to communicate with clients on your terms and draft and review messages at your convenience before sending them out. It also allows clients to respond at their own pace, reducing the need for real-time communication.Why Use Email? Email is an effective way to communicate with clients. It allows you to share important information promptly and effectively, increasing the likelihood that your client will respond positively. When it comes down to it, email is easy for you as a business owner or marketer: You don’t need any special skills or knowledge of technology; all you need is access (and perhaps some patience).There’s no cost associated with sending emails via your computer or smartphone (other than whatever data plan you’re on).If this sounds good, then take advantage of this free resource! How to Effectively Use Email for Client Communications? There are several ways you can use email to communicate with your clients. The tone you choose will depend on the situation and how comfortable they feel in your company, but some general rules apply across all situations: Use a friendly tone when communicating with new clients. This helps establish rapport and creates an environment where people feel comfortable discussing their needs or problems. Use a professional tone when communicating with existing clients or those who have been referred by friends or family members who know each other well enough that they trust one another enough not just talk over each other during meetings but also actually listen intently at times when one person speaks up, especially if it is something interesting (like say reading some financial news). But don’t forget; even though we’re talking about working together here – remember this isn’t always going to be easy, so don’t expect everything always goes smoothly! Email allows for more personalization than other forms of communication, such as phone calls or text messages.
This means that your email will be more likely to engage the person receiving it, which can help them feel like they know you better as an individual rather than just another faceless business owner or employee. In addition to being great for communicating with clients directly (as opposed to using social media), email is also useful for sharing important updates about projects or events that may require some planning on your part before they happen so everyone understands what’s going on without having access beforehand! Conclusion I hope you found this post helpful. As we’ve seen, email can be a great tool for your business if you use it effectively and understand its limitations. Having an inbox full of unread messages will not help you build relationships with clients or build trust with them – and that’s why communication via email should be an important part of your marketing strategy! Visit www.onpassive.com and try O-Mail for free today..  [ad_2] onpassive.com
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hostcheaper · 1 year
[ad_1] An email is a powerful tool for client communications that offers numerous benefits for businesses of all sizes. It provides a convenient and efficient way to communicate with clients, whether it’s for sales, customer service, or general updates.  Here is the latest O-Mail, an advanced emailing tool designed to simplify and streamline client communication for businesses. With its user-friendly interface, customizable templates, and extensive features, O-Mail offers a comprehensive solution for all communication needs. Reasons To Use O-Mail For Client Communications: Professionalism: Email offers a formal and professional mode of communication that is widely accepted in business settings. It allows you to present yourself and your brand in a polished and organized manner, enhancing your overall professionalism.Documentation: Email provides a written record of all communications, creating a paper trail that can be referred to in case of disputes or misunderstandings. This can be crucial for maintaining transparency and accountability in your client interactions.Reach: Email allows you to communicate with clients globally, regardless of their location or time zone. It enables you to connect with clients at their convenience, making it a flexible option for client communications.Cost-effective: Compared to traditional methods such as phone calls or in-person meetings, email is a cost-effective way to communicate with clients. It eliminates the need for expensive phone bills or travel expenses, saving your business money in the long run.Automation: Email allows for the automation of client communications through autoresponders, which can be used to send out regular updates, newsletters, or other important information. This helps streamline your client communications and ensures consistent messaging.Flexibility: Email allows you to communicate with clients on your terms and draft and review messages at your convenience before sending them out. It also allows clients to respond at their own pace, reducing the need for real-time communication.Why Use Email? Email is an effective way to communicate with clients. It allows you to share important information promptly and effectively, increasing the likelihood that your client will respond positively. When it comes down to it, email is easy for you as a business owner or marketer: You don’t need any special skills or knowledge of technology; all you need is access (and perhaps some patience).There’s no cost associated with sending emails via your computer or smartphone (other than whatever data plan you’re on).If this sounds good, then take advantage of this free resource! How to Effectively Use Email for Client Communications? There are several ways you can use email to communicate with your clients. The tone you choose will depend on the situation and how comfortable they feel in your company, but some general rules apply across all situations: Use a friendly tone when communicating with new clients. This helps establish rapport and creates an environment where people feel comfortable discussing their needs or problems. Use a professional tone when communicating with existing clients or those who have been referred by friends or family members who know each other well enough that they trust one another enough not just talk over each other during meetings but also actually listen intently at times when one person speaks up, especially if it is something interesting (like say reading some financial news). But don’t forget; even though we’re talking about working together here – remember this isn’t always going to be easy, so don’t expect everything always goes smoothly! Email allows for more personalization than other forms of communication, such as phone calls or text messages.
This means that your email will be more likely to engage the person receiving it, which can help them feel like they know you better as an individual rather than just another faceless business owner or employee. In addition to being great for communicating with clients directly (as opposed to using social media), email is also useful for sharing important updates about projects or events that may require some planning on your part before they happen so everyone understands what’s going on without having access beforehand! Conclusion I hope you found this post helpful. As we’ve seen, email can be a great tool for your business if you use it effectively and understand its limitations. Having an inbox full of unread messages will not help you build relationships with clients or build trust with them – and that’s why communication via email should be an important part of your marketing strategy! Visit www.onpassive.com and try O-Mail for free today..  [ad_2] onpassive.com
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passivetactics · 1 year
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