#kami made himself sad oh no
mmriesoftvat · 1 year
it's  at  times  like  this  when  ren  seems  to  think  he's  more  subtle  than  he  actually  is.  his  back  is  to  kami,  but  the  line  of  his  shoulders  is  too  tense  to  be  anything  but  unnatural.  fingers  curl  around  a  cup  of  tea  —  still  warm,  with  delicate  swirls  of  steam  drifting  from  its  contents.  he  seems  more  interested  in  holding  it  with  white-knuckled  grip  than  he  does  taking  a  drink.
❝  i  have  a  thought  experiment  for  you.  ❞  the  wanderer  says.  he  speaks  up  so  suddenly  it's  a  bit  jarring.  ❝  imagine  there's  a  person  who  holds  a  significant  role  in  your  life.  someone  who  has  managed  to  become ...  important,  despite  your  better  judgement.  ❞  his  expression  twists;  a  vague  look  of  self-disgust.  he  feels  ashamed  by  his  own  lack  of  subtlety  —  but  it's  not  the  kind  of  question  he  can  pose  with  any  degree  of  tact.  ❝  they  want  to  make  a  commitment  to  you  that  isn't  exactly  easy  to  go  back  on ...  however,  there's  certain  matters  regarding  your  past  they  still  aren't  privy  to  —  and  if  they  find  out,  it's  likely  they  will  never  look  at  you  the  same.  it  may  even  ruin  the  life  you've  built  in  its  entirety.  ❞
he  already  knows  the  answer.  he  simply  needs  to  hear  it  from  someone  with  the  same  gruesome  memories;  an  echo  of  the  words  he  keeps  telling  himself.  ❝  what  do  you  do?  ❞
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it's hard to tell what's on ren's mind these days. more often than not, he's off doing his own thing, leaving kami to his own devices. which kami doesn't MIND, since kami has his own life to live. or whatever is left of said life. it's hard to rebuild the broken bits and pieces when he doesn't really have anyone to turn to, but he's long since accepted that lot in life. he'd CHOSEN it.
he's spacing out currently, staring through ren's back and PROBABLY off into space, thoughts vaguely around the life of sumeru and what he SHOULD be doing instead of sitting here, when ren's voice snaps him out of his stupor. with a couple of blinks, kami tries to redirect his thoughts back to to the conversation -- it sounds important.
a significant person -- kami has no idea what that would feel like. he's never really had time to go off and meet anyone, though he's aware ren has. with the corners of his lips twitching downward, kami shuffles closer, wondering what exactly he's supposed to say, or even how to RESPOND to this conversation. this is a topic far beyond him. perhaps ren doesn't have anyone else to actually come to about this?
it's when ren finishes his thoughts that kami sits back, resting his elbows on his knees. his initial thoughts had been correct; kami is NOT EQUIPPED to handle this kind of conversation. for starters, he has no idea what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like, and he's never been the kind of person to dole out advice like this.
"i'm not sure," kami finally responds. "if you've made an agreement," kami knows very well what ren meant by COMMITMENT, but kami can't understand those terms. he'll use terms he does understand. "-a contract, really, then you should honor it by being honest with this person."
the vague hints toward their shared past have kami biting down on his tongue. he knows all too well how much of a pain that specific bout of history had been, how PAINFUL it still is to think about. "would you want to know the truth about someone you've established rapport with?" kami asks in turn. "regardless of how devastating the news would be? were i in their shoes, or in your situation, i'd want to know. whatever my reaction after said news is on my shoulders."
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he shrugs then, shaking off any negativity. "that's the price we pay for building bonds with people, ren. they get to know us, both positive and negative. we can't erase or escape our past, and anyone who learns of it is going to have to accept that we're..." he trails off, hesitation in his eyes.
kami falls silent after that, glancing down at the forgotten tea resting next to him. it's cooler now, and probably no longer as DELICIOUS as it could have been.
"sorry i couldn't be more help to you."
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21. Hizashi Yamada and Shouta Aizawa
          Theme: Fox spirits/gods
          Kinks: Threesome, double penetration, biting, marking, praise kink, oral      (receiving), breeding kink (if you squint), polyamory/polyandry
Sorry this is a little late. My brain was like, I know I said I was going to make these short one-shots but how about we make them bigger? 
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(The gif has nothing to do with the story, obvi)
You climbed up the many steps leading to the shrine. This was your last resort. The humiliation induced by your vicious ex-boyfriend still left gashes in your heart. Your curse was that you fall in love too quickly and are blind to all faults until it's too late. Your most recent misadventure in love had been so cunning, so cruel that you wasted three years of your life with a man who was, in the words of your best friends, a massive cunt. Manipulative, emotionally abusive, but the cherry on top was the rumor he spread about you having an S.T.D. you'd gotten while cheating on him. Mind you, he was the one with the sexually transmitted disease. You were spared because you hadn't slept with him in recent months. The sting was a deadly blow to your self-confidence and trust in men.
After months of battling depression and anxiety, your aunt suggested a remote village trip and visit this exact shrine. Upon arrival, you were acutely aware of all the women either paired off or visibly pregnant. You noticed this at arrival. It was small at first—a lot of couples paired off, two by two like swans. Then, when you approached the marketplace and asked for directions, you noticed how the shopkeeper was pregnant, along with her sister and sister-in-law. There weren't many single men or single women as far as you could tell. Even a male couple looked happy.
You wanted to burn this town to ashes.
It was insulting, really. You came all this way just to have happiness and love shoved in your face while you, the miserable wretch, were forced to pine. You tried not to scowl as happy couples passed you by. Keeping your eyes focused ahead of you was all you could do to avoid knocking the smiles off their faces. Now, here you were, mounting the steps to a shrine shrouded by pines and red maples. Leaves rustled on the steps, which drew your attention. Fallen leaves littered the stairs and the shrine's sacred grounds, but that seemed awfully unauspicious. Was there no groundskeeper, no shrine maiden, no priest to clear them away? As you reached half-way up the hill, you noticed the smell in the air. Not a bad smell, but it was pervasive all around. The scent invaded your senses. It smelled a lot like jasmine and patchouli. You didn't think much of it and thought it was just someone burning incense at the shrine.
Two masculine figures lounged in the garden. One looked indifferent while the other moped. The latter was blonde; it matched the protruding fox ears on his head and the fluffy, swishing tail patting his thigh. He rested his head on the lap of the former, who appeared much like him except his hair, ears, and tail were black as ink. This one wore an indifferent expression. He looked out into the garden as he made a mental list of all the things he had to do around the shrine. Weeds had encroached where they weren't wanted during the summer and now choked the garden. Fall arrived early this year and made the trees shed their leaves too soon. The steps, as well as the grounds and roof, were covered in maple leaves. The inside needed moping, shining, dusting, and replacing oil lamps. There was still the matter of the hole in the sanctuary's ceiling that needed mending. But was there any human around to do it? No. The last priest died over fifty years ago. Shouta, the black fox, and Hizashi, the blonde fox, had been left alone to answer the whims of pilgrims.
It was almost thankless work. Ensuring happy marriages, love matches, and fertility was hard work when one was forced to clean their own shrine. As long as they were tied to this spot, Hizashi and Shouta had no other choice. The only thing more embarrassing than a shrine-god having to clean up his own shrine was a homeless one.
"I'm starting to miss the old man," said Hizashi. "He was so much fun to drink with. At least he had a sense of humor. Unlike the other fuddy-duddies, they tried to send us."
A few months after the last priest's death, his congregation tried to settle another to take his place. The successor was stern and took his job too seriously for Hizashi's liking. 'He's too dull,' Hizashi used to complain. Shouta wasn't much of a fan either, but it was more due to Hizashi's constant sighs and complaints that drove him to chase the priest away. Shouta ensured that no other settled down for too long. As far as the pair was concerned, the priest who died fifty years ago was their last worthy priest.
"It's so boring and lonely up here. There's no one to play with," Hizashi complained.
Shouta rolled his eyes. Hizashi was in one of his moods again. Boredom took a toll more on him than his 'co-worker' and sometimes lover. It was easy to get bored of making love for fifty-odd years while still working a thankless job. Only occasionally did some old lady or grateful newlywed came to offer incense and drop a donation. Whenever there was money, even a scrap, either Shouta or Hizashi would venture down the hill to mingle with the humans for a little bit. Men or women often flirted with them, but they couldn't decide on a partner they could both enjoy. Instead, everyone was declined.
"Maybe we could call up Nemuri and see what she's up to?" Hizashi suggested.
Shouta gave a flat answer. "No."
Hizashi pouted and went back to his pouting.
"You're no fun," said Hizashi.
"I know." Shouta petted Hizashi's ears to placate him.
Suddenly, a shudder rippled through both of them. They looked at one another. A smile quickly spread across Hizashi's face.
"We have a visitor!" He jumped up at once and dusted himself off.
"We have visitors all the time," said Shouta, but this was a lie. Visitors became fewer after the summer once pilgrims got their desire.
"But did you feel that, Shouta? A poor, miserable, broken-hearted young woman just crossed the path of our statues, and she's heading this way. Don't you feel it? Oh, the poor dear?"
The shrine-gods knew the hearts of all those who entered. It was their specialty to work in all the matters of the heart and the bedroom. Sniffing out broken hearts was a talent they both shared, but Hizashi was the more sensitive one. A fractured heart held an aura that most humans couldn't detect by sensing it alone. Sometimes it was a trifling matter. This time, however, Hizashi felt far more significant pain. Betrayal called out to him like a widow. He hadn't even seen the woman's face but could smell her despair, hate, and ache from miles away. She needed help.
Shouta felt it too. He pitied the human and wondered what brought her to that state. His curiosity was peaked, which didn't happen very often, if at all. Her presence was a sad one, and it threatened to taint the whole shrine with her negativity. Negativity drew hungry ghosts and pesky imps like moths to a flame. All of that meant more work for him. Aside from wanting to protect what little dignity his shrine had left, it was his duty to help this miserable wretch.
"Can we introduce ourselves, Shouta?" Hizashi's bright green eyes twinkled with mischief, hope, and something else Shouta could not easily define.
Shouta weighed the pros and cons in his head. By the time he came to a decision, he could hear the woman walking into the courtyard. Her voice was carried on the autumn wind. She was curious too, likely wondering why a shrine was seemingly left abandoned and in disarray. It would be rude to let her go forlorn after a trek up the hill.
You passed under the second torii gates and a second pair of fox statues. There were no lion-dogs as you saw in most other shrines, but this one had a strong love for foxes apparently. You looked at the water in the pavilion used for ceremonial purification. You cringed at the slightly brackish water and used very little to purify your hands. As soon as you got to the nearest restroom, you were going to scrub your hands raw. Walking down the narrow path leading to the inner sanctuary, you kept noticing very odd things. The shrine was in massive disrepair with cracks, debris, and brackish water. It wasn't a complete eyesore, but something did not feel right. There was not a soul you could find; loneliness pervaded every inch of the place. You pulled your jacket tighter around yourself as you walked on. You found the spot where wishers and pilgrims wrote their prayers on wooden plaques to hang them up. While there were plenty of rustling in the wind, they weren't very many. You scrawled your desire for a loving partner, happiness, and to forget the man who wounded you so deeply.
You hung the plaque alongside the three dozen blowing in the wind. You went further ahead to pay your respect at the small public shrines built on the side of the shrine's complex. There were only two buildings. One foot across, seven feet long, and six feet tall, they were impressively big for small shrines. These were the only buildings uncovered by leaves and pines branches. You marveled briefly at their pristine appearance. In your bag, you brought along the incense your aunt prescribed. You retrieved two sticks of carnation incense and dipped the stick end in the bowl of sand. You lit the incense, clapped your hands twice, and said a prayer. You did this twice at both shrines.
You turned your back to face going all the way down the hill again when you spotted something at the corner of your eye. At first, it seemed like your mind was playing tricks on you. Out of the corner, you thought you saw a ball of glowing blue light flicker in the window of the main shrine. The main shrine was off to limits to everyone but the priests and shrine maidens. This was where the kami, the god, was housed and worshipped by the clergy. You turned to see if what you saw had really been there. Another flash of blue flickered in the window and then another. You swallowed hard, but curiosity pinched at you. You wanted to know. With a quick glance around, you wandered over to the main shrine.
You cut over the grass and walked into the oratory. There were no voices or footsteps other than your own. You called out to anyone who would be listening, yet no one answer was given. Your voice carried down the halls. However, just because no one answered, it didn't exclude the idea altogether that no one listened. The hair on the back of your neck stood on end as you drew closer to what you assumed was the forbidden connecting hall that led into the inner sanctuary, which was supposed to be off-limits to the public. As far as you could tell, no one was around to stop you or tell you no.
You took a deep breath and crossed the threshold. Your heart pounded inside your chest. The halls were so dark you had to grope around just to find a wall. You tried to turn around and head out only to get yourself more lost. It was as if you were stuck in a maze. Every direction looked the same, and turning around seemed to make matters worse.
In desperation, you called out, "Hello?"
Still no answer. You trekked further in the hopes of running into someone, anyone, and get them to show you the way out. You hoped that they had a flashlight on hand. You would barely make out your hand in front of your face if you held it up.
Another flash of blue had you whirling on your face. You whipped your head in that direction. Shivers ran down your spine as you felt a pair of eyes bore a hole into the back of your head. It didn't feel like something glaring at you, but the sensation frightened you nevertheless. You took off in the direction of the blue flash. Yet another appeared up ahead, further along than the previous. You started running after it. More appeared, and each grew more distinct in shape and color than the last. You managed to get close enough to hear the hiss and flicker of its fire. You stared at a ball of blue flames with its tongue licking the air. It disappeared into nothingness and reappear off in a different direction.
You found it hovering in front of a set of shoji doors. It disappeared once more. Lights flickered behind the rice paper. You pried your fingers against the seams and pushed the door open. Lamps lined the walls. They burned with pale blue and white flames behind their screens. You approached with caution and gripped your bag straps tight.
Wooden floors creaked beneath your feet. You mentally cursed yourself for dragging your shoes inside the holy place, but the longer you glanced around the room, the more it seemed that this was not an ordinary shrine. The room had a lower portion accessible by three steps, and a red mat covered much of the space. A shrine rested on the floor on the other side. In each of the four corners was a vase that held carnation flowers. Somehow, all the flowers were in perfect condition and thrived in the forgotten space. You stepped carefully towards the shrine when you felt something behind you.
You looked over your shoulder. Not something, but someone and just a someone but someones. It wasn't the fact that you finally met another person at the shrine or that they were men that gave you alarm. It was the ears sticking out on top of their heads, the tails swishing back and forth behind them, and the regal manner in which they bore themselves. The one in a black yukata folded his arms across his chest and looked quite serious, probably because you were trespassing. The other man wore a red yukata, but he appeared far more friendly than his companion. He smiled broadly at you as if you hadn't just broken one of the most sacred, unspoken rules about behavior at a shrine. You swallowed hard and bowed from the waist.
"I am so sorry for intruding, sirs. I-I didn't mean to intrude…I got lost and couldn't find my way out. I'll leave immediately if you just show me the way. I promise I'll never come back and disturb another shrine so long as I live!"
"Easy there, little sparrow. No need to get riled up," said the friendlier one.
Slowly, you raised yourself up. You looked at them again, still bewildered by their ears and tail. They were either the strangest priests you were likely to ever come across, or they were—
"What business do you have here?" Asked the more somber fellow.
"I-I" You choked on your words. "I had a boyfriend who did rotten things to me. I was hoping to, to, um, to…" Your voice trailed off.
You were too distracted by the fox ears on their heads. They looked too real to be fake, but how was that possible?
The blonde one snapped his fingers.
"My eyes are down here, love," he chuckled.
Your cheeks darkened with embarrassment. "Please, if you could just tell me how to get out of here, I'll leave you alone."
Your first instinct would be to bolt for the door. When you glanced behind them, the doors had been shut when you remember having left them open. Were these demons standing in front of you? Is that why the shrine seemed so empty?
"Leaving so soon? But you haven't even heard our proposal yet?" Said the blonde.
Your brows furrowed. "P-Proposal?"
The black-haired fox-eared man slipped something out of his yukata sleeve. It was your wood plaque you left hanging outside. His ebony eyes gleaned over your wish and read it aloud.
"I don't know who will answer this, but I want to find true love, a life partner who will never stick a knife in me and twist. A man, or frankly anyone who will love and care for me. Please bring me happiness and make me forget about the man who abused me for three years. Is this your wish, Y/N?"
Your face drained of color. "How do you know my name?"
"We have our methods. I'm Hizashi. The dour one is Shouta. It's lovely to meet you."
"W-what are you?" You ventured to ask.
"We're the shrine gods. It's been lonely up here for a while now. The priests haven't been to our liking for the last fifty years, so we're forced to take care of the place ourselves, which is rather insulting if you think about it," said Hizashi.
"And…what are you the gods of?"
"Love, fertility, happy marriages, love-matches, all that fun stuff," answered Hizashi.
"Are you the reason why every other woman I met in town is pregnant?"
Hizashi answered, "Of course. We've been blessing this region with successful pregnancies for centuries. There hasn't been but a handful of miscarriages in all these years thanks to us."
"We're not the cause of the pregnancies if that's what that face is for, Y/N. We just ensure that the infant comes to term and reduce sterility in men and women," said Shouta, who had apparently been studying your face very closely.
Your blush darkened.
"Otherwise, this town would be full of half-fox spirits roaming around, wouldn't it?" Hizashi laughed.
"Okay…" You thought for a moment about what you were going to say next. This was all too surreal, but this was better than feeling miserable. "But what do you want from me?"
Hizashi and Shouta exchanged looks. A soft smile crept upon Shouta's face.
"We'll grant you your wish. On a few conditions," Shouta began. "As you can tell, our shrine is in dire need of—what do you humans call it nowadays? T.L.C.?"
"Tender love and care?" You said.
"Yes. That. Our shrine has been in disrepair for some time, but as much as the villagers enjoy making offerings, they aren't too keen on cleaning it. As you can imagine, it's rather embarrassing cleaning up your own shrine," Shouta continued.
"So, what you're saying is that you'll get me a decent boyfriend if I clean your house?"
"We can do better than, little sparrow," said Hizashi.
You felt his eyes wander your body. You couldn't help but shiver. Out of fear or anticipation, you couldn't tell at this point. You might have been hallucinating for all you knew.
"How would you like to be the wife of a god?" Hizashi laughed again. "Or two?"
"W-Wife? I just wanted a boyfriend who loved me. I don't remember asking for polyandry. Besides, why would you tie yourselves to someone human and mortal."
"We can cross that bridge when we come to it," said Hizashi.
"What do you say? Help us repair the shrine, and you'll have something better than a boyfriend. It sounds like a good deal, doesn't it?" Asked Shouta.
"Yeah," you said incredulously. "A little too good to be true. What's the catch?"
"You would have to live here and 'maintain' the shrine's cleanliness and reputation. We could get someone to teach you to perform the kagura dance. Learn a few things that would make you useful around the shrine and to the villagers. A shrine maiden, for all intents and purposes."
That did even things out. You weren't tied to your apartment, especially since it still had the ghosts of your past boyfriends lingering in there. You didn't go to college, and you hated your job. Becoming basically a shrine maiden and marry a pair of fox-gods seemed like a step-up from your hum-drum life.
"Hypothetically, if I agreed to all that, how would we go about making it official? Are we to have a big wedding? Does Ōkuninushi* have to be involved? Is there supposed to be a ceremony we have to follow?" The questions tumbled out of your mouth one by one in your unusual state of mind.
"So many questions. To answer all of them in one go, here it is. All you have to do is enjoy yourself," said Hizashi.
Before you could ask what he meant, Hizashi closed the gap between you. His mouth was suddenly on yours, and his hands settled on your backpack's straps. Your load was unburdened by your shoulders. Hizashi's hands ran through your hair, holding your head hostage. You heard Shouta's footsteps come along beside you. He worked your shoes off your feet and your socks as well. When he arose, Shouta's hands found your waist. He snatched your head away from Hizashi to kiss you himself. From there on out, it was a frenzy of hands, mouths, and tongues teasing you.
The first thing to go was clothes. Hizashi and Shouta worked together to get rid of the annoying layers that kept them from feeling up more of your skin. Your autumn outfit suited the chilly weather outside but was ill-fitted for their current needs. Their hands peeled off each layer of clothing until you wore nothing but your bra and panties. Somewhere between removing each item of clothing, one of them summoned an extra-large tatami mat out of thin air. You landed softly on the sleeping mat, cradled between them. Their kimonos were disposed of in the same manner as your modern clothes, with one exception. They were both utterly naked underneath their yukatas. Your blush spread down to the top of your chest at the mere sight of their hardening members.
"You look so pretty blushing like that, Y/N," said Hizashi.
He took his place between your legs. Hizashi playfully snapped the hem of your panties. He seemed to enjoy your small yelp as the elastic snapped against your skin. Shouta sat on his knees and pulled your back flush against his chest. He unclipped your bra and tossed it aside. Hizashi pulled at your underwear until the fabric tore. You opened your mouth in protest, but all the words stopped in your throat to make room for the moan. Shouta palmed your breasts and tweaked your nipples into stiff peaks. Your ruined panties were forgotten as soon as Hizashi settled one of your legs over his shoulder, and he ran his long tongue along your slit.
"It's been a while since we've laid with a woman. You'll have to forgive us if we're a bit rusty," said Hizashi.
Hizashi ran his tongue along your slit again and hummed at your taste. His tongue dove between your folds and pinched your clit. Meanwhile, Shouta kept at his administrations to your chest and kissing your shoulders. You arched your back when you felt the tiniest pinprick of sharp teeth graze your skin. Shouta smirked at you and gave you a nice look at the fangs he had. Hizashi had the same situation going on. You could feel his teeth carefully caress your sensitive bits.
"Do you like my teeth, Y/N?" Asked Shouta.
You bit your lower lip and nodded.
"Then you're really going to like this." Shouta lowered his head to the spot where your neck met your shoulders.
He bit down, but not hard enough to draw blood. His hands continued to tease you while his mouth and teeth left dozens of love bites all over your neck. Hizashi pulled his head up from between your legs. He watched for a moment how your face twisted in ecstasy as Shouta marked your lovely skin. It didn't take long for the idea to get in his head that he should do the same. Hizashi brought his teeth against your inner thigh and nipped. He repeated the process over and over until both of your legs bore his teeth marks and hickies. You squirmed for them. Heat traveled in two directions, to your head and your lower belly. Hizashi resumed his task of fucking you with his tongue and added two fingers to help him in this endeavor. Soft squelches from you gushing over him was enough to make you never want to leave.
"You're so pliable, and your breasts are breathtaking," Shouta sighed next to your skin. "Are you about to cum, Y/N?"
You bucked your hips to the rhythm of Hizashi eating you out. Slowly, you nodded. Your fingers clutched Hizashi's head, mindful of his ears.
"Then," Shouta whispered the next part in your ear. "Cum."
Hizashi worked faster, pumping and licking your cunt. You grabbed for Shouta as pleasure ripped down your spine. Hizashi and Shouta shoved you face-first down the precipice. Your walls clenched tight around Hizashi's fingers and tongue while your jaws hung open. No one else could make you moan as loud as you did. And likely, nobody else ever will.
When Hizashi came up for air, his mouth and chin were drenched your essence. He leaned up, but instead of kissing you, he planted his lips on Shouta's. In turn, Shouta licked Hizashi's mouth to get a taste of you for himself while he was at. Shouta reached down and played with your clit while making-out with Hizashi briefly. You felt their members stand proudly against your body, and your inner walls clenched at the thought of one or both filling you to the brim.
Shouta and Hizashi kissed one more time. Hizashi peeled you off of Shouta just long enough for the latter to stretch out on his back. You were turned around. Shouta gestured with a 'come-hither' crook of his finger, and you crawled towards him. His hands grabbed your hips, made you straddle him, and pressed the blunt head of his cock against your slippery, wet cunt.
"Are you ready?" He asked. It was child's play holding you up like that with his cock more than ready to impale you.
You nodded your head. Shouta slowly, carefully pulled you down on his cock. It stretched you open again. You sank down on him until you were fully seated. You tried not to let your eyes roll into the back of your head. Shouta then grabbed your shoulders and pulled you down. Hizashi was right behind you, fisting his cock. He wasn't as big, but he was just as long. Hizashi placed his other hand on the small of your back. You felt his cock probe the area where Shouta was already preoccupied. Something clicked in your head. Shouta grabbed and clutched your hands. Beads of sweat ran down the side of your face while Hizashi brushed his cuck against your cunt.
"Look at me," said Shouta. "Look at me. You're going to be fine. We'll make you feel so good."
"So very good," Hizashi cooed.
You tightened your grip on Shouta's hands. You stared at his face as Hizashi pushed forward, stuffing you close to the point of damage. You were well-lubed up to take both of them, but in practice, this was your first time having two men fill you at the same time. Inch by careful inch, Hizashi pushed into your cunt. When he was fully seated, he let out a long sigh.
"I can feel both of you against, and it feels so good." Hizashi shuddered.
"Can you move?" Shouta asked Hizashi.
"Give me a minute."
You were given a few minutes reprieve, and in that time, you felt your lower belly swell. You felt them stretch you to impossible measures. Though tears stained your cheeks, you never felt more pleasure. The mixture of both pleasure and pain blurred the lines. It wasn't long before you were being pushed and pulled in either direction, their cocks fucking you deep.
Wet skin slapped against skin. The men you were sandwiched between grunted and moaned your praises at your ability to take them both so deep. There weren't any words you could say with any cohesion. Words became meaningless when being fucked into oblivion. Hizashi and Shouta worked in tandem. When one pulled out, the other plowed right in. Both cocks kissed your cervix as they drove themselves, and each other, wildly into your cunt. You felt fluids rush between your legs that mingled with your sweat. You squeezed Shouta's hands and buried your face in his chest.
Higher, higher, and higher still, you were flying. You bit Shouta's chest as their cocks thrust in and out. Your brain turned into mush at this point. All you cared about was getting fucked on their cocks forever. Little else mattered beyond that.
"I'm close," said Shouta.
"M-Me too," said Hizashi.
"Then let's finish it."
Without another word, they started to drive faster than before, and you thought it was impossible. Shouta returned your bruising grip and rammed upwards to meet Hizashi's downward thrust. They both moved quickly and headed towards coming undone inside you. You felt it too. Your walls spasmed and fluttered around both their cocks, though the stretch made it hard to tell. They shifted into an erratic pace rather than a smooth move. Their cocks drove harder into your cunt. Animalistic grunts filled the room as both Shouta and Hizashi slammed home. You screamed your climax just at the same time they did. You kept screaming while ropes of cum warmed your belly. You were moaning into Shouta's chest as you felt buckets of their seed filled your womb. There was nothing for you to wonder about why they were the gods of fertility and pregnancy.
Hizashi pulled all the out first. He massaged your shoulders while Shouta lifted your hips off him. Hizashi's long fingers dabbed some of the cum dripping down your thighs and pushed it back inside your weeping pussy.
"You gotta keep it in, ya, little sparrow. You want to be a good wife to your husbands, don't you?" Hizashi cooed.
*Ōkuninushi- mentioned in both the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki as the god of nation-building, agriculture, business, medicine, love, marriage, and fortune
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petri808 · 3 years
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Inukag AU
“Ready to go, dear?” Mrs. Higurashi asked her daughter as the young woman looked around the room one last time.
Inuyasha watched carefully, noting the hints of nervous energy flowing from Kagome as she nodded, seemingly going along with leaving the hospital. She was finally discharged, and one would think it would be a happy moment, but based on those subtle changes, he suspected otherwise. Inuyasha didn’t want to alarm anyone, so he dutifully followed behind, carrying Kagome’s small suitcase. He could ask her later in private.
The entourage that joined in were, he, Miroku, and Sango trailing Mrs. Higurashi and Kagome in separate vehicles back to the Higurashi residence. They’d left the decision up to Kagome as to where she wanted to go, and she’d picked her childhood home. Inuyasha couldn’t say he was happy about it, but it was understandable under the circumstances. It would be too weird for her to go to their home so soon when he was still really just a stranger in her eyes. So, to make the transition as painless as possible, they’d brought all the things Kagome would need and placed them in her old bedroom. Sango helped to gather and pack all the clothes, toiletries, and any other items she was sure a young woman would want to have. While he and Miroku did the heavy lifting and transporting of the boxes. It was… painful for Inuyasha. To see their shared bedroom barren of half its contents as if they’d broken up for good. The room was cold enough, and the emptiness now exacerbated. Tonight, would surely be the hardest-to-date to go home.
But alas, Inuyasha knew he couldn’t let this pain consume him. He was making great strides in endearing himself to Kagome again, so to risk it all by letting emotions ruin it, would be the stupidest thing in the world. Three and a half months of the loss of Kagome’s presence already felt like a lifetime of heartache he wouldn’t wish upon his worst enemy. Well, except for the one who helped to put him in this mess. But it wasn’t fair to blame it all on his ex. He was a big boy. The burden was just as much if not more on his shoulders. So, Inuyasha chose to use that acknowledgment to motivate him and not let the pain drag him down. This was a second chance at a redemption he was lucky enough to be granted. Though it was extremely awkward at times. Kagome’s personality was fully intact and still very much the sweet, yet feisty brunette that had stolen his heart. Dealing with everything really brought back all those feelings one gets when starting a new relationship. Excitement and dread to not do or say the wrong thing or make a bad impression. He wasn’t in the same depressed and angry mental space as when they’d originally met, but the anxiety was definitely back full force.
Once they were all settled at the Higurashi home, Mrs. Higurashi and Sango went off to the kitchen to prepare a dinner for everyone. Miroku stayed in the living room tending to the twins, which left Inuyasha alone with Kagome. With her consent, they were in her bedroom, he helping her to carry and move boxes, or put away items to make it feel like home again.
“Is it weird,” Kagome questioned as they puttered around the room. “Being in here for you?”
“A little,” Inuyasha answered honestly. “I’m comfortable in here after all these years, but it’s different now.”
The woman nodded her head quietly, clearly in the throes of her own thoughts. “My mom mentioned you stayed for a short time in here… after the accident.”
Inuyasha stopped moving and turned to Kagome. “I did. I hope that wasn’t a problem.”
Again, Kagome shook her head without a verbal response. “It’s just— strange, even for me to be here.” She continued after a long, exhaling pause. “My last memory is of the college dorms, so to move straight back here is weird too.” She sat down on her bed. “I… feel like I’m not supposed to be here.”
He moved closer, sitting on the bed too, but leaving an arms-length between them. “Stop me if it’s too uncomfortable, but… I couldn’t help but notice you seemed sad or nervous back at the hospital. I didn’t wanna say anything with everyone around, but… if you wanna talk, you know I’m here for you, right?”
Kagome slowly nodded. “You’re right, Inuyasha. I was nervous about leaving. Not because I wanted to stay, just nervous about what to expect once I did leave. I’ve been trying so hard to process everything going on and to stay positive, but it’s not always easy.”
Inuyasha could feel a verge of tears building in the woman’s eyes and it sent a pang to his heart. He hated seeing her have to go through all this. Hated himself for having caused all of this. It brought a wave of his own tears to the forefront. “I’m so, so sorry Kagome,” his head and ears drooping. “But I promise to help you through this. Even if at the end we part ways, I just wanna make sure you get through this.”
“I know,” she smiled weakly. “I believe you, and you don’t have to keep apologizing Inuyasha. You didn’t intend for any of this to happen.”
He made a bold move and reached out, placing his hand over hers. “Could you tell me, what is scaring you the most right now?”
Kagome paused. “Mmm, it’s the not recognizing things. I’m sure there’s been changes during the time I can’t remember. What if I don’t recognize places around town and get lost? What new technologies have popped up? There’s just all these unknowns— and it kind of scares me a little. It feels… like I’m all alone even though I’m not alone. Does that make sense?”
“I think… I understand. Everyone around you knows what’s going on but you don’t, so it makes you feel alone?”
Kagome snapped to attention with excitement. “Yes! That’s exactly it!”
With no chance to process the elation, Inuyasha found himself being hugged by the woman so tightly, he could do nothing but melt from the contact. His arms wrapped around her to return the gesture, pushing all the calming energy could into Kagome that he could. It felt… breathtaking to be in her arms again and he couldn’t stop himself from burying his face into her hair, smelling the strawberry scented shampoo he’d grown to love on her.
When Kagome finally pulled away, a few happy tears trickled down Inuyasha’s face. Concerned, she reached out to his cheek and wiped them away. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“No, no,” his hand covered the one resting on his cheek as he smiled weakly, struggling to hold back the dam. “I’m sorry for crying, it just… I just,” a few more tears rolled down. “I missed you so much Kagome. I-I know this is much harder on you, but Kami I just miss you so, so much.” That was it, Inuyasha couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. “It hurts to not come home to you. I swear I’m gonna insane sometimes wishing I could go back in time, so the fight and accident never happened. When you hugged me, it just felt so comforting, that…” his words choked, and all he could do to stop from rambling was let out a long sigh.
Kagome smiled and smoothed her thumb against his skin, “it’s okay to let it out, Inuyasha. I get it. This is hard on both of us. I’ll admit it’s a little surprising to me too how natural it feels to be here with you.”
“You’ve always been the better person,” Inuyasha mumbled out. “The one who could always make things better. Me, I’m just winging it.”
“I think you’re doing just fine,” she smiled. “One step at a time, right?” Kagome cupped both his cheeks. “Like you said, we’ll get through this. I have faith we will.”
Inuyasha nodded quietly, sniffling the last remnants away. “I really don’t deserve you Kagome.”
“Hush. I saw something special in you once, and based on what I’m seeing now, I was right. Do you really think I’d have given you the time of day if I didn’t think you deserved my attention?”
That made Inuyasha snort a laugh. “Kami. This is why I fell so hard for you. You were never too afraid to call me out on my bullshit!”
Now it was Kagome’s turn to blush. “Thanks… I guess?”
Inuyasha smiled and chuckled. “I’m glad we could talk to each other like this again.”
“Me too,” Kagome smiled.
After that night, every night, Inuyasha called Kagome after dinner to see how her day went and to tell her, “sweet dreams.” During the first few calls, there were more silent moments than talking moments despite their breakthroughs, but it was improving. They’d play games like 20 questions to spark a conversation, which often did the trick, or if in a particularly good mood, a mild form of truth or dare. It was a great way for Kagome to ask anything she wanted to of Inuyasha and no matter how tough the subject matter was, he’d answer them truthfully. She was having to learn about him all over again, so he did his best not to get upset if Kagome didn’t know something as mundane as his favorite brand of chips, or what his favorite color was. Sometimes he was tempted to test her memory to see if telling a falsehood would gain a pause, but in the end thought against it. He couldn’t risk upsetting her, even if it was meant as a tease.
As he sat on the Higurashi’s couch next to Kagome fidgeting with his fingers, the nervous energy was obvious from both sides. Inuyasha pressed forward despite the butterflies in his stomach threatening to unfurl his breakfast.
“No really, you tell me what you’d like to do?” Even though Inuyasha knew a lot about Kagome, he didn’t want to behave as if he did.
“But you’re the one asking me out on a date. Shouldn’t you have something planned in advance?” Kagome retorted in exasperation of the ridiculous back and forth going nowhere.
“I figured it would be nicer if you chose.”
“Oh.” Kagome paused. “I guess I assumed since you know me already, you’d just pick a place I like.”
“I mean, I could, but I didn’t think that would be very fair.”
“Inuyasha, it’s okay. I promise. I accepted the fact you know a lot about me, so something as simple as dinner or a date, it’s okay to choose.”
“Sorry, I just didn’t wanna do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”
Kagome smiled and took his hand. “And I appreciate it, really I do. But could we just pick somewhere already? I’m starving!”
Inuyasha chuckled, his frayed nerves dwindling away. “Yes, m’lady. There’s a new sushi place that I think you’ll like…”
On his days off, they went out together on dates, sometimes him choosing the location, sometimes her. Since she couldn’t remember the last 5 or so years, there were several changes around town that were new to Kagome. Initially, she’d worried before leaving the hospital about how she’d feel about all the changes, but those concerns had melted away, and her excitement often became infectious for Inuyasha. She’d drag him around to see the sights, almost wanting him to show her all the changes. He rarely went out, so there was a lot for him to learn too. Baby steps were the name of the game. Simple dates, no touching yet, not even hand holding, letting Kagome guide the pace. Inuyasha also found their times together becoming more exciting to him. Over time, all relationships tend to find a groove where one feels comfortable, settled. Not that there’s no excitement anymore, but it’s just not the same as the rush of a brand new relationship with all the what if’s, the embarrassing moments, and heart racing unknowns.
No matter how many dates they’d gone on so far, each time Inuyasha pulled up to the Higurashi home, the same flutter of energy pulsed inside of him as if his inner demon just couldn’t wait to see its chosen mate again. Inuyasha was still nervous about the future, but so far things were going great between he and Kagome. Who would have thought such a horrible circumstance could lead to this kind of exhilaration? Because he swore… he was falling in love all over again.
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purpleswans1 · 3 years
The Sun Hashira
I published this on AO3 a while ago, but just now am getting around to adding it here. Oh well. A while back, this concept drilled its way into my head and didn't stop until I wrote it down, so here we are.
He only thought about his old battle-brother again after nearly a decade due to Kyojuro. The boy had gotten it into his head to succeed his father as the Flame Hashira, despite his own lack of talent and Shinjuro’s despair. Kyojuro stole the flame breathing books of his ancestors and was still training in secret. This led to a loud argument that only ended when Senjuro - timid, quiet little Senjuro who usually hid in a corner - jumped on Shinjuro’s back to try and pull him away from his brother.
Once Shinjuro had settled down and made it to the bottom of a sake bottle, he realized that it wasn't his son’s fault that he was so impertinent. Tanjuro had retired when Kyojuro was still a baby, so he couldn’t remember what true greatness was. Most of the Demon slayers from that time were dead now. Of those who had fought beside the Sun Hashira, only Urokodaki, Old man Kuwajima, and Shinjuro himself remained in the land of the living. Even the late Ubuyashiki head had finally succumbed to his curse and left matters in the hands of young Kagaya.
It had been so long. Over a decade at this point; they were in the Taisho Era now. It was past time for Shinjuro to visit his battle-brother and possibly forgive him for leaving.
“Excuse me, but do you know Tanjuro Kamado?”
“Hm?” The shopkeeper in the small village town tilted her head. “Oh, why yes! Kamado-san makes the best charcoal in the prefecture. And his family is so kind! I wish my little Kanime would take after Tanjiro, you rarely see such a well-behaved boy these days.”
So, he does have a family. “I’m an old acquaintance of his and haven’t visited in a while,” Shinjuro carefully explained. “Would you mind giving me directions to his house?”
“Of course!” The lady clapped her hands together. “Just follow the mountain pass over there, past Saburo-san’s house, for about half a day. Actually, Tanjiro-kun just left here, so if you run you may catch up to him.
Unlikely, especially if he’s from that man’s bloodline.
“You look well, Rengoku.”
Shinjuro couldn’t bring himself to reply with the same greeting. When he’d last seen Tanjuro, the only sign of his debilitating illness had been a frequent cough. Now, the man’s face was hollow, all his muscle tone was gone, and those eyes that once burned with the sun had all but lost their light. According to Kie, her husband couldn’t even walk more than a few steps outside without assistance.
An angry part of Shinjuro wished that he hadn’t come, so he could only remember his battle-brother in his prime.
“...It’s been too long.” Shinjuro finally said, sitting down on the porch next to Tanjuro.
“How is your family? Are Ruka and Kyojuro doing well?”
“...Ruka passed away several years ago. She did give me another son, Senjuro.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. Still, I have no doubt that your sons’ are a credit to her memory.”
“Everything that’s good about them came from her.”
Tanjuro sighed. “You’ve always been so hard on yourself, old friend. You may be the eldest son, but you shouldn’t try to carry the world on your shoulders. We are all only human.”
“Some of us are,” Shinjuro muttered.
“Please, not this old argument again.” No matter how many times Tanjuro tried to assure him that there was nothing inherently superior about the breath of the Sun users, Shinjuro refused to hear it.
A young, miniature Tanjuro ran up to the two men. “Father, will you be okay with Hanko and your friend while I help Nezuko and Takeo with the wood?”
Tanjuro smiled at his son. “We will Tanjiro. But before you go, would you mind showing me your Hinokami Kagura? I want to make sure you’re practicing.”
Shinjuro gasped and turned to his friend.
Tanjiro, for his part, looked unsure and cast a glance in Shinjuro’s direction.
“It’s fine,” Tanjuro assured his boy. “Shinjuro is an old friend, he’s seen me do that dance many times.”
This was apparently enough for the boy, who nodded, ran off to the edge of the clearing, and picked up a stick to serve as a substitute for the blade.
“So, at least the legacy of Sun breathing will continue on.” Shinjuro muttered.
Tanjuro only grunted.
Tanjiro moved through the set styles hesitantly, with shaking arms and unsteady feet. Still, Shinjuro could already tell that the boy would master it eventually. He may not be at the level of his father, but that boy would surpass anything Kyojuro could accomplish in no time.He was surely blessed by the Kami.
“That boy will be a great demon slayer someday.”
The response was so sudden and unusually fierce that Shinjuro originally didn’t realize that it was Tanjuro speaking. “What do you mean?”
“Tanjiro won’t be a demon slayer. I want him to live a peaceful life, unconcerned with those tragedies. I want all my children to live long, simple lives.”
“You can’t be that naive!” Shinjuro shouted. “That boy has the mark!”
“You’re wrong. That scar on Tanjiro’s forehead is from when he saved his younger brother. Besides, I doubt that even I have the mark you are looking for. If what the records say is true, those around me should have achieved the mark as well, and none of you did. I for one, am glad for that. You’ve passed the age of 25 already, and I’d hate for you to not see your sons grow up.” At the end of his speech, Tanjuro’s voice broke into coughs.
Tanjiro noticed his father’s state and ran up to them. “Father! Don’t exert yourself!”
Shinjuro stood up. He looked down at his old friend, his battle-brother, the man he admired most, and was disgusted. The Sun Hashira was reduced to an invalid, and his chosen successor had the temperament of a nursemaid instead of a warrior. It was pathetic.
“Coming here was a mistake.” Shinjuro said. “I’ll take my leave now.”
He would eventually regret that those were the last words he said to his old friend
Unknown to Shinjuro, his visit did have an effect on Tanjuro Kamado. That night, he pulled his eldest son aside and showed him a Nichirin blade.
Tanjiro’s eyes sparkled in wonder at the blade. “Father, are we from a family of Samurai?”
Tanjuro chuckled. “No, nothing like that. You may see this as a family heirloom, but it was only forged in my generation. We are a family of charcoal-sellers, after all.”
Tanjiro nodded. He looked a little disappointed, but he was a child of the new Era and didn’t need to worry about legacies from the Edo period.
“Tanjiro, as you are the oldest son you will probably inherit this house once your mother and I have passed on. You will have a new family to care for, and will continue our traditions. However, if the day should ever come when you or your descendants need to leave this place and face great danger, I ask that you please take this sword with you. It is strong and sharp, and you can protect yourself and others with it.”
Tanjiro would remember these words before he left for Mt. Sagiri with his sister, and would carry it to Urokodaki’s house though it never occurred to him to unsheath the blade.
Several years later, Kyojuro came home and announced that he was the new Flame Hashira. Like that was any great accomplishment. Shijuro became frustrated with his sons, downed another bottle of sake, and decided to do the stupid thing and visit Tanjuro again.
This time, he remembered the way and didn’t need to stop by the village. If he had, he might have noticed how sad they were at the mention of Kamado and might have learned the truth earlier.
Instead, he made it all the way to that little house on the mountain before he saw the graves.
All he could do was pay his respects. Someone had already cleaned the house, but based on the broken door and family history Shinjuro could easily guess how they’d died.
The whole time he stood there, one question ran through his mind: What could I have done to prevent this?
“Kyojuro said you wanted to speak with me?”
Shinjuro turned to look at the young man in his presence. The current Water Hashira, Giyu Tomioka, was not an intimidating man. His skills were certainly a testament to Urokodaki’s tutelage, and he may have somewhat surpassed his old master, but he was like water. Calm and unemotional, but ready to flow through the path of least resistance.
He certainly did not have the skills to combat someone even a Sun breath user couldn’t defeat.
“I have an old friend who lives in your domain…” Shinjuro described the path of the Kamado household, or at least what was left of it. “...I recently went to visit him, but I found only an empty house and buried graves. I suspect they were killed by a demon. Did you ever run into any demons in that area?”
Tomioka stood there silently for about a minute. Shinjuro got frustrated and started to get up and leave. If the man didn’t know who he was talking about, then there was no point in talking to Tomioka any more.
“...Kamado. That is your friend’s name, isn’t it?”
Shinjuro froze in a half-kneeling position. “Yes.”
“I remember them. It was a little over a year ago now. I received a notice that there was a strong demon in the area, but by the time I got there everyone in the house was already dead. I’m sorry. If I had made it there half a day earlier, I might have been able to save them.”
Shinjuro leaned back again. He couldn’t bear to think that the legacy of Sun breathing was truely dead. He certainly couldn’t bear to think of Tanjuro’s children being brutally massacred. Still, he couldn’t blame the Water Hashira for this.
Tanjuro’s words rang in his head. We're all only human.
“You’re only human. It can’t be helped.”
“...You should know that one of them escaped unharmed. The oldest son was staying in another house that night and wasn’t attacked.”
Shinjuro sat up at that. “The eldest is alive? Tanjiro, right?”
Tomioka nodded. “He had a strong will and showed great battle instincts, so I sent him to my old master Urokodaki to be trained. I suspect my master wouldn’t send him to Final Selection this early, so he’s likely still there if you want to learn more about what happened to your friend.
“... I guess I’ll have to visit Mt. Sagiri.” Somehow, he doubted Urokodaki would know who he was working with, even if he’d been acquaintances with Tanjuro.
The hike to Mt. Sagiri was hell on Shinjuro’s gout-ridden joints. He was getting too old for all this traveling. Still, he owed it to Tanjuro to check on his son’s progress, and he wouldn’t be able to rest until he was sure Sun breathing was being used again.
When he finally reached that little house at the base of the mountain, the only one waiting for him was Urokodaki.
“Giyu sent a letter after you spoke with him, Rengoku. I suspected you’d come eventually.”
Shinjuro snorted at that and sat down on the floor. “Have you got anything to drink?”
“No, unless you’re referring to tea. Why are you concerned with Tanjiro Kamado?”
“You may be an idiot, but your not that blind or dumb. His name is Kamado.” Shinjuro sighed. “He’s the son of our Tanjuro.”
“And what does the identity of that boy’s father have to do with anything?”
Shinjuro balked. There were no words for how stupid Urokodaki was acting, so he just glared.
Urokodaki sighed. “You know, when I finally realized where I’d seen those hanafuda earrings before I was tempted to send for you. You were Tanjuro’s best friend and should have been the one to guide his son. Now, I’m glad I didn’t. Kuwajima at least took a moment to mourn our old friend before asking if I thought Tanjiro would survive final selection.”
This infuriated Shinjuro. “Who do you think -- “
“Urokodaki-san!” a young voice called out from beyond the doorway. “It’s getting dark. Is dinner…” He froze when he caught sight of Shinjuro.
“Tanjiro-kun, this is an old friend of mine, Shinjuro Rengoku.” Urokodaki said. “Please forgive his intrusion.”
“You… I remember you.” Tanjiro said. “You came to visit father years ago. How do you… how do you know both my father and Urokodaki-san?”
“Hm.” Shinjuro grunted. “I heard about what happened to your family. You have my sympathies.”
“Ah, thank you.” Tanjiro finally entered the hut and sat down.
Shinjuro scrutinized the boy critically. He had grown a great deal in the last few years, and had finally developed some muscle tone. It seems Urokodaki’s training was good for something at least. Tanjiro had also lost his child-like innocence. There was steel in his soul, and he had the eyes of a warrior. Just like Tanjuro used to.
“Tell me boy, do you remember your father’s Sun Breathing?”
Urokodaki sighed in exasperation.
“Sun… breathing?” Tanjiro looked at the other two men in confusion.
“Come on, I saw you do it when I last visited your father.” Shinjuro waved his hand. “He said his usual nonsense about it being a prayer to the gods again…”
“Are you talking about the Hinokami Kagura?” Tanjiro asked. “Are you saying… that it’s actually a sword style?”
Both Urokodaki and Shinjuro stared at the boy in shock.
Shinjuro recovered first. “Yes exactly.”
“But… father never mentioned…”
“Tanjuro retired from the demon slayer corps before you or your siblings were born.” Urokodaki said. “I imagine he didn’t want to pressure you to follow a path he knew was fraught with danger and would lead to an early grave.”
Shinjuro rolled his eyes. “Fat lot of good that did him.”
“Don’t talk about my father like that!”
Even Urokodaki was surprised by Tanjiro’s outburst.
“All my life, Father had a frail body. By the end, he couldn’t walk on his own and could barely get out of bed. Still, he took care of us the best he could. And every new year without fail he’d dance from sunset to sunrise nonstop! So don’t disrespect him!”
Shinjuro was shocked to notice that Tanjiro was starting to cry.
“Father… father had passed away several months before the attack. I wasn’t there, I was peacefully sleeping in another house while my family was being brutally murdered. Still, despite my own regrets, I know that the only person responsible for their death is Muzan Kibutsuji! That’s why I decided byself to become a demon slayer! For their sake!”
Tanjiro was standing up by the end, breathing heavily.
All three occupants stared at one another for a long while, before Urokodaki finally broke the tension. “Rengoku, it’s dark out so I’ll let you stay the night, but you should leave tomorrow morning.”
Shinjuro scowled. “Yeah. I can see that I’m not wanted.”
That night, while Shinjuro slept in a spare room and didn’t wonder about the closed door nearby, Tanjiro spoke to Urokodaki about his father. For the first time in his life, he learned about how great of a swordsman Tanjuro Kamado had been. How he had risen to the rank of Hashira and killed hundreds of demons in his short tenure with the corps. How he was the man both Urokodaki and Shinjuro admired most.
When Tanjiro finally remembered his father’s sword, he asked for permission to train with it. Urokodaki granted it without a second thought, though he knew the requirements for breath of water sword was slightly different from breath of sun.
“Urokodaki-san, did my father ever battle Muzan directly?”
“No. None of the demon slayers have even seen him in centuries. But, if there was anyone who had a chance, it would have been your father. He slayed 4 different lower moons over the course of his career, and even battled against Upper Moon 3 and survived until they fled with the sunrise.”
Right after that night, Tanjiro started training to use the Hinokami Kagura beside his breath of water. It was difficult, especially since the spirits of dead children could only help with the breath of water, but he was able to split the largest boulder within a month, half a year earlier than he needed to qualify for the next Final selection.
Tanjiro would feel guilty about getting a new Nichirin blade after final selection when his father’s was perfectly adequate, but when Haganezuka-san was so excited to see how the blade would change color Tanjiro decided to use it for a while. At least, until it broke at Mt. Natagumo and he felt better just asking one of the swordsmiths to sharpen the older blade.
“Come Father! Come meet my three new tsugukos!”
Kyojuro was as loud as ever. Subtlety was never the boy’s strong suite, and bursting his eardrums years ago hadn’t helped matters. At this point, talking with his son was exhausting for Shinjuro.
“What makes you think you have anything to teach these tsugukos? I heard about your last mission. You’re now blind in one eye!” Shinjuro grumbled.
Two new voices rang through the Fire estate.
“Oi! What are you saying about Rengacho? I’ll fight you!”
The most striking interruption though was a streak of red that rammed into the back of his head.
“Don’t belittle Rengoku-san!”
Shinjuro rolled off the porch and into the garden, finally landing on his back. The blinding high-noon sun didn’t help his hangover and budding concussion. It was almost a relief when a figure blocked the light, until he realized who that red hair and dangling earrings belonged to.
“Flame Hashira Kyojuro Rengoku is a magnificent swordsman! He protected five train cars by himself when we were fighting the Lower Moon One! When that was done, he immediately fought with Upper Moon Three and survived! Sure he lost one eye in the battle, but that hasn’t diminished his fighting spirit!” shouted Tanjiro Kamado.
Shinjuro couldn’t do much more than blink. “... Kamado? Is that you?”
Tanjiro turned away and bowed towards Kyojuro. “Kyojuro-san, please forgive me for being so disrespectful to your father. However, I couldn’t stand by and let this man who claims to admire my father speak so ill of you.”
“Ha! That is no problem, it’s about time someone gave him a good head-but.” Kyojuro laughed. “I only hope your head isn’t hurt too bad as a result.”
“Nope! I have a very thick skull!”
“Ha ha! Oh, you mentioned your father, Tanjiro-kun. Is that who you learned Sun-breathing from?”
Tanjiro nodded. “Yes. I always knew it as the Hinokami Kagura, but after I started training with Urokodaki-san this man came by and mentioned that my father used sun breathing, and I started to incorporate it into my sword style as well.”
“I see. My father frequently mentioned his old friend who practiced sun breathing, but I never had the pleasure to meet him. Still, this is wonderful! Perhaps your ancestry is responsible for your sister’s unique condition.”
“That’s what Urokodaki said as well!”
As Tanjiro and Kyojuro laughed and talked, Shinjuro couldn’t do much more than sit up and look at them. Ignoring the blonde and boar-head in the background, the sight before him was like a blast from the past. Kyojuro and Tanjiro, they were just like Shinjuro and Tanjuro, only better and more at ease.
Kamado, old friend, it seems our sons have surpassed us both.
Taisho Secret: Giyu took so long to respond to Shinjuro when they were talking about the Kamado family because he wasn’t sure if he should mention Nezuko. In the end, he decided to keep quiet and leave it to Tanjiro to decide. Between this and Rengoku stubbornness, Shinjuro didn’t find out about her until after that last scene.
Note: I‘m not quite sure what butterfly effect would have led to Kyojuro surviving in this AU. Either Tanjiro handled the upper moon one easier and was still in shape to help with the fight or Akaza took one look at Tanjiro, had flashbacks to fighting his father, and ran the hell out of there as fast as he could. It was probably a combination of both.
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chaptersinprogress · 3 years
sweet skies & floral lies
There were 2 things: 1) Tsuna had a secret 2) Skull, who he'd all but formally adopted, was in on it But the truth (the whole truth, and nothing but the truth) lay beneath sweet smiles and the scent of rotting flowers
Rating: T
Warnings: implied violence and murder
Pairings: Skull & Sawada Tsunayoshi; brief Skull/Viper; brief 1827
Prompt: @khrrarepairweek 2021 day 3 | secret/hidden skillsets
“Tsuna, Tsuna, Tsuna!” Skull shouted as he burst through the shop door, the bell hanging above it jangling wildly.
The man in question startled violently, almost dropping an exquisite and very breakable ceramic vase. “Skull?! What’s happening?!”
Skull skidded to a stop at the counter from which the florist was staring at him with no small amount of alarm.
“I-” he announced, puffing up. “Have scored a date with Viper! Tonight! In 2 hours!”
Tsuna stared for a moment longer before heaving a sigh of relief.
“Skull!” he scolded lightly, placing the vase he’d narrowly rescued from utter destruction on the countertop. “With the way you barged in, I thought something bad had happened.”
“Oh…” said Skull, deflating.
He ashamedly scuffed his boots on the floor and fiddled with his lip ring, all the while looking like a kicked puppy.
Shaking his head fondly, Tsuna gave the teen a warm smile. “That’s really great news. Did they like the last gift you gave them?”
Skull immediately perked up.
“Ye-p!” he exclaimed, popping the ‘p’. “They were so impressed with how detailed the bleeding heart pendant on the necklace was! Man, that was one of the hardest metalworking projects I’ve done.”
“That’s wonderful!” Tsuna leaned over to ruffle the teen’s spikey purple hair. “Good job!”
Skull drew back and pouted. “Not a kid!”
“You’re 19, Skull,” Tsuna pointed out with an amused smile. “Still a teenager.”
“Am not! Maybe you’re just old,” Skull sniffed haughtily.
Tsuna gasped dramatically.
“You take that back!” he demanded in mock affront.
“Nope!” said Skull, eyes lighting up. “You’re old, Tsuna! Soooo ooooold!”
Narrowing his eyes, Tsuna took off his apron and laid it on the counter. “I’m warning you Skull…”
“Whacha gonna do? Make me?”
“That’s it!” Tsuna exclaimed. “You’re in for it now!”
He lunged across the counter and Skull leapt back with a delighted laugh, Tsuna’s fingers missing his shirt by centimeters.
“Catch me if you can old man!” he crowed and raced across the room.
Tsuna promptly gave chase. “Oh, it’s on!”
The two of them ran around the flower shop in a thrilling game of cat-and-mouse, ducking and weaving between the multitude of plants while remaining mindful of not damaging any of them.
“You!” Tsuna cried, chest heaving as they paused to size each other up.
Skull laughed gleefully. “Old man, old man!” he chanted and stuck out his tongue.
“Get back here!”
The teen turned around and ran for it, Tsuna hot on his heels. As they chased each other, they failed to register the light tinkling of the bell at the entrance.
Cackling madly, Skull didn’t notice the person who had stepped inside until he nearly crashed into them, barely managing to duck around them in time.
Tsuna skidded to a stop right in front of the newcomer. “Kyo-kun!”
Hibari Kyoya looked at him, then at Skull, then back at Tsuna, before raising an eyebrow.
“Tell him, Kyo!” Tsuna said indignantly. “Tell him I’m not old! I’m 27 for Kami’s sake!”
Hibari shot Skull a brief glance. Then smirked at Tsuna.
“You’re old.”
Tsuna’s jaw dropped as Skull gasped in delight before doubling over laughing.
“BETRAYAL!” Tsuna cried out, jabbing a finger at the traitor.
Hibari’s smirk softened into a tiny smile. Grasping the outstretched hand gently, he pressed a soft kiss to the inside of Tsuna’s wrist before sliding an arm around his waist and dragging him in to kiss him properly.
“Ewww, I’m still here you know?”
The couple broke apart and Tsuna stuck out his tongue at Skull over Hibari’s shoulder.
“You’re just jealous that I’ve been happily married for over 7 years now.”
“Rude! But fair.”
Hibari tugged on a lock of Tsuna’s gravity-defying hair. “I have a present for you in the usual place,” he said quietly when Tsuna turned to him.
“Aw, Kyoya you do love me!” said Tsuna delightedly.
Hibari huffed and flicked his forehead. 'Of course I do', his unimpressed expression screamed.
“You two are soooo sappy,” grimaced Skull. “I hope I get a love like that someday,” he added, a little bit wistful.
Tsuna clapped his hands as Hibari moved away. “Well if this date goes well, maybe you will!”
“Good luck,” said Hibari, briefly resting a palm on the top of Skull’s head before disappearing through the back leading to the home upstairs.
“Oh. My. God.” exhaled Skull shakily. “I have no idea if that was meant to be encouragement or a threat. Scary murder husband is SCARY. Tsuna, are you sure he’s Carabinieri and not a hitman,” he called out.
Tsuna laughed as he studied the assortment of flora in the shop. “Yes, Skull. I’m sure.” Then cocked his head. “Hmm… maybe roses? Roses are a classic.”
Picking a brilliant red one, Tsuna moved back to the counter. “Do you want a single flower or a bouquet?” he asked absentmindedly.
Skull followed him over. “Ah, actually…” he trailed off.
Tsuna paused and waited for him to continue.
“Couldyouturnitintoglass?” Skull rushed out.
The florist blinked. “Skull, I did not catch a single word of that.”
“Could you like… maybe… turn it to something fancy… like before?”
Thrown, Tsuna frantically looked around before hissing, “Skull! You weren’t even supposed to see that!”
“I know, I know! I’m sorry!”
Rubbing his temples, Tsuna sighed. “It’s ok. Just, don’t go around telling people about it?”
Skull nodded so fast Tsuna had a brief moment of worry that he’d accidentally break his neck. “Promise! My lips are sealed!”
“Alright,” Tsuna whispered conspiratorially, gesturing for Skull to come closer. “Watch.”
He spun the rose between his thumb, index and middle fingers.
Skull’s eyes widened as bright gold spread across the dark green of the stem, winding up to the flower where the blood red petals turned clear crystal, exploding into a myriad of brilliant fractal colours that shimmered and shifted with every change of light.
“Woah,” he breathed out. “That is so cool! Can you do others?”
“Only if the flowers are fresh,” Tsuna admitted. “Doesn’t work on dried or preserved plants and have no idea why.”
With a final twirl to show off his handiwork, Tsuna presented the rose to Skull.
“Now run along and impress your date. It’s on me,” he waved off when Skull made to reach for his wallet.
“Thanks Tsuna!” the teen shouted, beaming widely as he rushed out. “You’re the best!”
“Drive carefully!” Tsuna called out, following the other to the door. “And text me when you get home!”
Smiling, he shook his head as Skull raced off on his motorcycle, the rose safely tucked inside and zipped up in the latter's jacket.
When the teen vanished around the corner, Tsuna let the door fall shut and switched the store sign from 'OPEN' to 'CLOSED'. Then made his way to the storage room where the bouquets stored in the cold cabinets and various gardening implements were kept.
Closing and locking the door after himself, Tsuna hummed a cheerful tune while walking to the lone empty cabinet without shelves in the corner with a sad 'OUT OF ORDER' sign pasted on the glass.
He pulled the door open and keyed the passcode into a lock concealed at the side. With a hiss, the back of the cabinet swung open to reveal a dark set of stairs leading down. Unbothered by the lack of light, he continued humming as he descended till the stairs levelled off into a cavernous basement.
The sides of the room were filled with human statues and sculptures of different mediums: crystal, porcelain, glass, stone, clay and more. Bright spotlights shone down on them, throwing their lifelike features into stark relief.
Their subject matter, however, was horrifying.
But Tsuna gave them nary a glance while making his way over to a small pit in the center of the room, the top barred with steel rods - spaced across such that it was possible to slip an entire arm between them.
The woman inside whimpered softly, eyes wide with terror.
“Oh my, you’re a pretty one!” Tsuna exclaimed quietly, eyes lighting up. “Kyoya has such good taste, he knows exactly what I want for new material! Did you see my collection? I had so much fun creating them.”
She shook violently, shrinking away from him.
Tsuna smiled gently. “Don’t worry. It’ll be over quick.”
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catzula · 4 years
Bakugou isn’t afraid of bees
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Request: Would Bakugou with an s/o the complete opposite of him be a better request? Like he has a partner whose shy, soft, doesn't curse, cute,etc?
A/N: soo, this is long overdue, and I'm really sorry for that! But I have a lot going on, family drama, school and I'm just going through a lot, and I love writing, it helps me cope with stress, but all these things happening just make me slower, I'm sorry for that :(
Thank you for requesting this, btw, I'm not tagging you because last time I tagged anyone I got shadowbanned 🤡 so I'm avoiding tagging people like the plague, but thank you so so much for requesting! Hope you like it 💕
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Synopsis: going swimming with the Bakusquad seemed like a good idea, but it was always guaranteed to end with some kind of a disaster, also, Bakugou is afraid- ow, sorry! Bakugou dislikes bees.
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Bakugou had told you, he had told you that it was a bad idea to go.
He knew it, they did, and even you did too, but you went anyway.
But it wasn't your fault that you just wanted to spice up your summer break, and going swimming with the Bakusquad seemed like a perfect idea!
And you knew Bakugou wouldn't make you go there alone, especially if you wore your go-to swimwear that you knew just looked good on you. The one he liked oh-so-much.
"No fucking way, Y/N." He told you the moment he saw you standing at the entrance of the room with your beach bag hanging from your shoulder.
"Oh, it's going to be fiiine," you told him with an innocent smile, emphasizing the last word. "Kami-kun told me that they found this small cliff we could jump from and- h-he told me its only 5 meters tops, not even a cliff, really!" You corrected yourself when you heard a growl you were a bit too familiar coming from him.
"Kami-kun?" He repeated. "Kami-kun's gonna be there, huh? And when you're wearing that?" 
"Well, yeah! He even told me they'll make camp if the weather allows it, if not, he told me not to worry cause he'll make a fire and have a drink of two, you know." You kept talking with an innocent smile he usually adored, but it only made him want to shake some sense into you at the moment.
"No," He told you through his teeth, voice dropping an octave and sending chills down your spine, his blood boiling with something he didn't want to name (jealousy), his right eye started to twitch as he thought of the many memories he had of lightweight Kaminari.
He started walking towards you, the look in his eyes reminding you of a wolf that was looking at its prey.
"Don’t fucking go there, especially without me." He was suddenly too close to you, well aware of the widening of your eyes as he hovered on your frame purposefully, making you feel small underneath him. He smiled when you inhaled a shaky breath when he smiled, his lips almost touching yours, but not quite.
"That's no good, I already told them I'm coming." You whispered with a smile, your eyes fixated on your hands, "Kami-kun was so happy to learn I was coming, though he did sadden a bit when he heard you couldn't." Bakugou was well aware of how your eyes widened when his hand touched your cheek, sliding down to your chin to tilt it towards his face. He knew you couldn't maintain eye contact when he looked at you like that and that caused a warm feeling to spread in his chest, Bakugou would never admit it, but he adored your shyness.
"Well then," he told you as he backed up just a bit, "tell him he doesn't have to be all that sad since I changed my mind."
To say that Bakugou was protective of you would be an understatement. His hand was attached to your waist, sometimes even sliding down just a bit to tease you every now and then, causing your face to heat up.
He didn't even let you go when Kirishima and Kaminari had hugged you to greet you, growling threateningly when he thought Kaminari hugged you a little too long.
Despite the act he had on of the threatening, scary boyfriend, though, you knew all he would do was glare and frown till you kissed him on the cheek and told him he was your one and only.
Still, you were grateful he actually came with you since you knew he wasn't a big fan of the sea and what came with it.
He especially despised mosquitoes, something he had named 'the curse', and he was right to do so, too, making it the most hilarious thing you had ever seen.
An 'unnatural phenomenon' as Kiri liked to call it, was that the mosquitoes loved Bakugou. Even though he always had a mosquito spray on him and renewed it almost every hour, it never worked, and he often got bitten at least 20 times a day. He did everything he could to try and stop them from biting him (except for killing them since he hated killing mosquitoes) Bakguou always had you applying cream to his bites he often turned into wounds because he couldn't help himself but itch them.
(Still, you had to admit that the curse came in handy time to time since whenever Bakugou was around, nobody else ever got bitten.)
He also hated sand, hated getting wet, was too pale, and usually got burned very easily, and most of all, he hated bees. He wasn't afraid of them, Bakugou Katsuki wasn't afraid of anything, but it was safe to say that he disliked the black-yellow striped creatures with every fiber in his body.
So even though he said he was just there because he didn't trust his dumbass friends, you knew it was because he could tell you wanted him there, and he came, despite hating almost everything. But he didn't hate you, and that was enough.
"Get the fuck away from me you little shit!" He screamed right next to your ear, making you wince and giggle. "Did you spray your-"
"Of course I fucking sprayed the bug repellant." He grumbled as he itched the newest bite, his voice was harsh and words hard, but you knew he wasn't mad at you and that it was unintentional.
"Don't itch it, Katsu." You told him, putting your hand on the bite to stop him from itching it anymore, and he could swear he felt the itch went away with your touch.
"I'll get back at you, you know, for forcing me to come here." He whispered into your ear, but you chose to play dumb and smile at him innocently. "But I didn't do anything, you said you wanted to come."
"Y/N, you know very well that-" His speech was interrupted by the joyful way your name was announced, a blonde skipping your way with a charming smile. "Y/N, hey, Y/N, come on, let's swim!" Kaminari cheered, holding you by the wrist and pulling you up to your feet, away from your fuming boyfriend.
"If you fucking touch her again-" He started to threaten but closed his mouth when he saw a frown forming on your lips. "Be careful, dumbass." He told you instead, trying and failing to suppress the smile that forced his lips upwards when you flashed him a cute smile.
"Don't' you wanna swim, too?" You asked sweetly, and he scoffed. "Of course, I don't wanna fucking swim." He muttered, playing with the grass he ripped from the ground. "Ah, the weather is so hot, a shame, Bakubro." Kaminari smiled and shrugged, but Bakugou noticed how his eyes widened when you took your beach clothes off and stood with your swimwear.
"Wh- Woah, Y/N, you look... really nice!" He told you, his cheeks turning into a rosy color, the interaction making the others turn to you, too. You felt your cheeks starting to heat up, not used to getting so much attention as you felt your boyfriend rise to his feet, his arm wrapping around your waist with a scoff.
"I thought you didn't want to swim." You told him with a giggle. "You seemed really opposed to the idea just then."
"I changed my mind, shitty woman." He growled. "Dunce face is right for once in his life, the weather is really fucking hot."
"Soo," Kaminari muttered, looking at his friends' faces. "Who's gonna jump first?"
He sighed when no one answered him. "Oh come on, you guys are no fun! Kiri? The manliest of our group, won't you be brave and-"
"Nope, sorry bro, I choose to live." He told him with an apologetic smile. "I'll go in second, though." He grinned cheekily, and Kaminari sighed. "How about you, Mina?" He tried his chance with the girl who avoided his eyes with all she had. "You're the most adventurous and the craziest, I'm sure only you can pull this off." He sent her a wink but was answered with another apologetic smile.
"Nope, same as Kiri here. I'll agree to jumping when I see somebody can survive."
"How about you, dunce face? Trying to force people to jump, but not brave enough to do it yourself?" Bakugou teased him, causing Kaminari's cheeks to take a red color. "I-it's not that I'm scared, but I just- just..." He looked at his friends for any kind of help, but they liked watching him squirm instead. You couldn't help but take note of just how close he stood near the edge, almost a push away. But, of course, you wouldn't push your boyfriend, would you?
"Huh, you have to be more clear, Kami-kun," he kept teasing. "Why won't you-"
"Ka-katsuki!" You suddenly interrupted the panic written on your face making his heartbeat to double. "Y/N, what's wrong?" He asked as he started to come towards you.
"N-no, don't move!" You told him, trying to ignore everyone looking at you like you lost your mind. "Katsuki, don't panic but there's a bee-" before you got to finished your sentence, Bakugou had already thrown himself off the cliff, a splash sound following it not long after.
Your friends watched you silently, trying to understand what the fuck just happened-except for Kirishima since he was well aware of Bakugou's dislike of bees-, it was your and Kirishima’s simultaneous laughs that caused Bakugou to understand you tricked him into jumping in.
"You know he's gonna get back at you for that, though, you know that right?" Kirishima asked with a mischievous smile and you bit your lip. "If he can get his hands on me, of course." You went near the edge, slightly leaning forward to take a peek at your boyfriend.
He looked so utterly annoyed, it was pure comedy for you, so you didn't notice Mina and Kirishima sneaking up on you as you kept teasing Bakugou. "And how is the water, Katsu?" You asked him with a teasing smile, though his answer was the last thing you heard before you were also wet.
"See for yourself!" He had cried out with a grin. The first thing you knew after you fell was the warm body of your boyfriend's. He had pulled you to himself almost immediately before you even got the chance to run away.
"So you think you can play with me like that and run away?" He asked, voice low on purpose to make you flushed. His face got closer to yours, his lips millimeters away from your trembling ones that didn't get used to the cold water yet. "Wh-what are you doing?" You exclaimed since you knew he hated PDA more than he did the sand, and he grinned, the kind of grin that caused your breath to hitch in your lungs. You combed back his heavy, spiky hair that fell on his face now instead.
"I'll-" you didn't get to hear what he was going to do since his little teasing game was interrupted by another loud splash that came from right next to you, making you scream with how close it was, Kaminari who had tried to jump right on top of you two. "That little shit-" Bakugou muttered as he swam towards him, his hands finding Denki's head the second he came out to surface, pushing him back in before he got the chance to breathe, and you felt bad for laughing at his screams that were coming from the underwater.
Thankfully, Kirishima didn't take long to jump and save the dumb blonde from your boyfriend's hands.
Mina was the last to jump, falling with a loud cry of victory, falling right on top of Kaminari, who was just rescued by Kirishima from Bakugou's hands, their odd friendship making you giggle and secretly long for something similar.
"So," Kaminari spoke when he was done coughing water, "who's ready for round two?"
"Ah, to have someone as adorable as her rub sunscreen to my back." Kaminari sighed loudly before he got Karate-chopped on the head. "Shut up if you don't want to get killed today." Kirishima told him, his eyes turning to the angry blonde that sat in front of you, taking a relieved breath when he realized Bakugou hadn't heard him.
Since Bakugou had jumped earlier than expected -thanks to you- he hadn't worn enough sunscreen, and it was your job to rub it on his skin and try and stop him from complaining about it the whole day.
"Ah, it fucking burns, dumbass." He hissed when your hand touched his bright red shoulders. "Oh, stop being a ba-" You bit your tongue before you got to finish that sentence when he glared at you. "I'm sorry, Katsu." You grinned cheekily, leaving the smallest peck on his shoulder. "There, feel better?"
He did, in fact, feel much better.
"Shut up." He told you, turning his face in front of him so you couldn't see his smile. He had the smile the whole time you rubbed soothing circles on his back and arms, smile turning to an immediate frown as you did his chest, but you knew how he was feeling, if not because you knew him well, his heartbeat gave it away.
He bit his lip, trying to suppress the sigh of relief as you massaged his muscles along with the sunscreen. "Okay, we're good to go." You told him when you finished, moving to stand up, but were held back when he got ahold of your wrist and pulled you back, making you fall on his lap.
"K-katsu, what are you doing?" You whispered, face burning with embarrassment. "I couldn't get my kiss back there." He told you with a smirk, his face getting closer to yours.
You held your breath, afraid his friends would see, but also longing for a kiss. You tilted your face upwards to receive his kiss, jumping in your place when you heard a loud whistle. "That's my boy!" Mina cheered, clapping, "get the girl!"
"For fucks sake, we can't even get a minute alone." He muttered angrily, standing up without kissing you. You held the hand he offered as you stood up, but he stopped you before you could even take a step.
"Watch where you're going, dumbass!" He told you angrily, his eyes locked on a shiny piece of glass right next to your foot. It wasn't the only one, either, big and small pieces of glass were scattered on the beach, some even being pushed back and forth by the waves.
"Don't swim anymore." He told you suddenly, eyes still on the pieces of glass. "Oh, I'll be fine!" You told him with an encouraging smile, but he didn't seem so persuaded. "I'll be careful, okay?" You told him one more time, knowing he couldn't resist your smile, and he gave in with a sigh not long after.
"It's getting dark already," he told you, "just one more jump."
You smiled with glee, running back to the water to tell them to go for another round of jumping.
What happened after that wasn't Bakugou's fault. He had told you not to go many times, but you did anyway, and now he had to deal with this.
You had jumped too close to the shore, the water wasn't as deep as it was supposed to. He could tell it wasn't the moment you touched the water and heard your muffled scream of pain. You surfaced the water with the look of pain on your face, and he hadn't missed a beat before he jumped down.
"What is happening? What happened?" He heard Mina's voices as he surfaced, his crimson eyes looking for your figure. "I think she hurt her leg." Kirishima answered, also getting ready to jump in. Bakugou spotted you trying to get back to the shore, holding your left leg as you pushed yourself with your arms and one leg.
He swam to you as fast as he could, his arms wrapping you and stopping your sloppy movements. You stilled as soon as you felt him pulling you to his chest, carrying you out of the water.
You were out of breath, and he could see the tears in the corner of your eyes. "What happened, baby?" He asked, concern laced in his voice when he saw the drops of blood dripping from your foot to the sand. "I- is it bleeding?" You asked, trying to hide the tremble in your voice. "I think I jumped on a piece of glass, or maybe a shell? I don't know."
"Okay, it's okay, don't worry about it, I'll take care of it." He soothed you, finding a good spot to put you. He felt your grip on him tightening when he tried to put you down. Thankfully, Kirishima had reached you as well, Bakugou nodded at him, receiving another nod from his best friend.
"I'll look at your leg now, okay?" Bakugou told you, and you nodded, biting your lip and trying not to cry. "Hey, Y/N?" Kirishima spoke, shielding your vision from seeing your leg. "Remember those brownies you made for us once? Did you know Mina tried to do them for us too, but ended up burning the kitchen?"
"Hey!" You heard Mina protesting as you laughed, she had also jumped and came to see what was happening. "You promised not to tell anyone!"
"Where's Kami?" You heard Kirishima whisper, and Mina smiled faintly. "You know he can't see blood."
"Should we go to a hospital?" Kirishima asked, and you whimpered. "No, no hospitals, I can't-"
Bakugou shook his head. "The cut's not that deep, we don't have to go to a hospital, but I have to clean and bandage this." Ksirihima finally moved away and you saw the cut on your leg. It was true, it wasn't very deep, but it still hurt a lot.
"We have to go back now," Bakugou told them as he swept you in his arms in bridal style and smirked at you. "'Im sorry," you told his friends, feeling bad about the fun ending because of you. "No, please don't say that!" Mina told you. "Yeah, we can do this again after you're well again!"
"Oh fuck no!" Bakugou growled, making you chuckle.
"Promise." Kirishima mouthed with a wink, and you chuckled again.
"You idiot." Bakugou muttered as he cleaned and finally wrapped the wound on your leg, pressing a kiss on your forehead. "I was fucking worried back there."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to jump on a glass." You told him with a pout, making him sigh. "Whatever, I’m just telling you to be fucking careful." He sat on the couch you were laying on, careful not to disturb you, the way he was acting as if you were a fragile doll making you roll your eyes.
"Can you get under the blanket already?"
"You're just trying to cuddle, you needy idiot." He told you grumpily, snickering when you didn't protest. "Yeah, I might be a needy idiot, but I'm a wounded needy idiot."
"Don't call yourself an idiot, dumbass." He told you with a light flick on the forehead and making you laugh, smiling when you laughed, doing as you said and getting under the blanket, his arms wrapping you and pulling you on top of his chest.
"How are you feeling?" He asked after a few minutes. You snuggled deeper into his chest, eyes already heavy with sleep. "It hurts a bit." You admitted, knowing he could tell if you lied.
You felt a soft peck on your lips.
"There," he muttered, recalling the way you soothed his burns earlier that day. "Any better?"
You grinned. "Much better."
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spellcasterlight · 3 years
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@flashfictionfridayofficial Prompt: #FFF119 Deja Vu
I'm sorry, Kiba but this is what came to minddddddddd 😭
Warnings: Swearing
Kiba scrunched up his face in thought.
Had he been here before? It felt like he had.
Looking at the run-down closed shack at the side of the path that advertised itself as a café by the broken sign half falling off the wall but with the peeling paint, broken windows and half missing roof, Kiba sarcastically thought it would be more useful if they tore it down and used it for firewood.
"I feel like I've been here before."
Shikamaru rolled his eyes as he stuck his hands in his pockets, looking bored.
"What a drag this is the first place you come across after leaving the village," the Nara shrugged dismissively. "You've passed it so many times we just never stop here because it's so close to Konohagakure there's never much point."
The Nara ran his forefinger down the wood of the building before inspecting the amount of dirt on it looking unimpressed. "If it's even still open."
"I'll only be a s-second. I'm sorry," Hinata apologised, taking a seat on the seen better days bench beside the closed doors, her hand lighting up green with healing energy.
"Don't worry about it, Hinata," Shikamaru was quick to reassure. "I would, however, have preferred if you didn't wait to tell us you were injured. We could have stopped earlier."
He watched Hinata heal her twisted ankle simply for nothing else to do, but seeing her sitting there only made the feeling of déjà vu increase.
Taking a deep inhale through his nose just as Hinata stopped using her medical ninjutsu and rolled out her previously injured ankle. Kiba couldn't smell anything, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing that reminded him of anything.
He growled in frustration. "This is annoying me now! If we never stop here, why do I feel like-?!"
Taking the needed steps swiftly, he knelt beside Hinata, making her jump lightly and inspect the other unoccupied bench section.
"Kiba?" Shikamaru came to stand beside him, sounding almost cautious. "You alright?"
The Inuzuka's fingers and thumb ran down the five of the ten lines in the benches wood. His hand was too big to cover the lines now but, he could piece together that the grooves on the old, rotted wood weren't from time or natural decay. They were claw marks.
Claws from his-
He snarled low in his throat before backing away from the piece of furniture as if it had physically injured him, teeth gritted, and fists balled.
"Ki-Kiba?" Hinata spoke, eyes wide and dashed over to him. Akamaru barked, trying to jump up on him.
"What's going on?" When the Inuzuka didn't answer him, Shikamaru shook him once harshly to make him look at him. "Kiba, answer me."
"I know why this place is so familiar; this is where me and my mum found my sister when-" another even louder snarl ripped itself out of him. "When she tried to find our dad the night he ran away."
Hinata's Bambi eyes widened exponentially, and even Shikamaru looked shocked to his core at what he revealed.
"Oh, Ki-Kiba."
"My mom tracked her here, and we found her curled up on that bench," he threw his arm out at the bench as if it could defend itself, as if it was those planks of wood that had injured him. When he felt his fingernails dig into his palms, he fisted his shaky hands in his hair instead. "Crying."
Oh, Kami, it was coming back to him now waking up to be in his mother's arms as she and Kuromaru chased after his sister's scent, the smell of uninhibited fear that he awoke to.
"Because that prick left in the middle of the night with nothing not-"
His mother had pulled a cold crying and mud-covered Hana off that bench to be in her arms just he was. He remembered them just screaming and crying at each other. Even when Kiba tried to think about what they had said, it was all a blur, like watching tv with the sound off but still expecting to hear everything; he just remembered feeling it was all somehow his fault like they would have been fine if he hadn't something.
He scoffed at himself. Why was he getting emotional over that nobody? He didn't matter. He, Hana, and his mother had done perfectly fine without him.
His dad didn't leave because of anything he, a child, did. He left because he was an asshole.
"Asshole," he couldn't stop himself from muttering darkly.
"Kiba I-" Hinata began but broke off to place her forefinger on her bottom lip, looking up at their team leader for help.
Shikamaru placed his hand firmly on his shoulder, the leather of his jacket making a cracking noise under the Nara's palm. "What can we do?"
Kiba shook his head, his face scrunching up in disdain at his feelings, at getting so worked up over sad memories that he had done well to block out until then. "Nothing, it's fine it doesn't matter I just-"
Hinata's arms wrapped around his waist in a tight hug at the same time Shikamaru moulded to his side, pressing his forehead into Kiba's temple, and it was as if both their natural calms poured into him at that moment that he felt that curl of anger and hatred in the pit of his stomach dwindle to nothing.
He held them both to him, accepting their physical affection and sympathy.
Screw his dad wherever the hell he was; he had far better company right here.
Hinata was one of the first people he could talk freely about things without the fear of being ridiculed, and he was sure Shikamaru wasn't a hugger. Yet, that's what he was precisely doing right then to let him know he was there, not to mention he knew from experience they had his back in every way possible, all his friends did. Shino, Sakura, Tenten, Lee, Ino, Naruto, Choji all of them.
Kiba's arm around Hinata's waist and the arm around Shikamaru's back tightened, pulling them even closer; neither of them complained.
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suggiebabe · 4 years
How Some MHA Boys Would Play MC with Their S/O
A/N: HEY GUYS! I was gonna post something like 2 days ago, but lost motivation, and now its in the drafts!! Still no motivation to write it, but I want to write this one since I’ve been playing w some friends recently hehe
Parings: Bakugou, Shouto, Hawks, Kaminari, Tamaki x Reader
Warnings: Cursing and fluff (literally all my warnings ugh)
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Does NOT want to play with you at first
After you tell him that not even you can beat the Ender Dragon, he takes this as a challenge, and immediately downloads the game
When you first start the game, he is one to strategize on how to actually become good. Like he searches up what to do sometimes just to make sure he can be the strongest (he doesn't tell you though, to you, this all came from his own brain)
He literally never dies, like what the fu ck
When it comes time to build houses and bases, he builds super far away from you
Doesn’t share any of his materials either
“Suki, can I have some sugarcane? Pretty please?” 
“Go find some yourself dumbass” 
“But you have a ton of it!?! Can’t I just have a little?”
“No.” with ZERO hesitation 
When you aren’t online he’ll put some in your chest cause he feels a little bad for saying no
He actually finds and beats the Ender Dragon quite quickly, but what else do you expect from Bakugou? The most competitive person probably on  this earth?
After he beats the game, he probably won’t play it again
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Agrees to play with you just because you seem so excited about it, and he is a WEAK man when it comes to your happiness 
Follows you around like a little puppy until you die in a cave and he has no idea what to do, cause you’re back in spawn, and he’s now alone
He offers to go back to you, but when you tell him to keep going, he has the BEST luck with finding diamonds
(Ok I’m gonna say it, but Torodoki is probably a SIMP for people that teach him how to deal with special emotions, so he’s mega simp for you uwu)
When he comes out of the cave, he offers to give you ALL of his findings, but you refuse to take all of it since he found all the diamonds n all that good stuff
He still gives it to you anyway, cause he’s not really playing this game for himself
He’s actually really good fighting wise, so when you’re building y'alls base, he’s on night watch for the bad guys
You guys live together of course (beds next to each other OhMyGosh) 
Probably tames a cat with heterochromia 
“Sho, its like you! Let’s tame it!!!” 
He tames it first try and names it “Todoroki #2”
Ender Dragon takes a while to beat, but you beat it nonetheless!!!!
He really only plays when you play, cause that’s the only reason why he plays lol
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He already knows what it is, and he agrees when you ask him to play it, because he takes this as an opportunity to bully you (ofc all in good heart)
He doesn’t tell you he knows what it is though, so he tricks you into “teaching him how to play” just to waste your time
Once he gets tired of that act, he just starts to play it as a pro and you are just ?????
Hes super good at mining and building
Always comes out of caves with diamonds, and not just 1 or 2, but like 6 or 8
His base is SO COOL, boy oh boy, does this man know how to build
Ofc he has a pet parrot, and he names it “Parrots”
Bad thing is that he knows how to use red stone, so when you’re not online the only thing he does it set traps up all around your house
He feels bad that sometimes they actually do end up killing you, so he always lends you diamonds and whatever materials you need
He’s already beat the Ender Dragon, so he knows all the tricks on how to beat it (I’m like 90% convinced that he’s played it during his high school years) 
He’s on and off of the game, constantly starting new worlds since he finishes his others
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He was the one to ask you to play with him
This boy wants to do everything with you, from mining, to farming, to building
When the two of you go mining, he’s the type to dig the gravel on top of him, and die cause he couldn't get out, which makes you need to stop whatever you’re doing to get his stuff
Makes you wait for him while he goes back down to the cave and then you guys can keep playing together
You both only have 1 base, and 1 house, because he doesn’t want to risk dying you dying from mobs
Both of you share your materials with each other, since you both go mining together it only feels natural to share 1 big storage area
“Kami why do we have 3 enchantment tables? We only needed one??”
“I made an oopsie earlier, now we only have 8, my bad!”
The Ender Dragon is a CHALLENGE!! You both are pretty okay players, so beating it takes a lot of time
When you finally beat it, Kami probably puts the head on top of y’alls house, just to show how epic it is
He plays without you sometimes, but when you play without him he gets sad :(( (hypocrite much??)
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He hesitantly accepts your invitation, but its only because he’s new at the game, and he doesn’t want you to see him be bad at it
He would probably play a lot when you aren’t online, then excitedly show you all the new materials he got while mining when you come back online
Swears he’ll protect you from any mobs that try to come your way while you build your shared base cause he’s not all that good at building
He doesn’t want to live alone, because he just likes sharing things with you
The more you two play the game together, the more bold he becomes with his skills
Turns out to be insanely good at mining and fighting so when you two go to caves together, he always seems to come out with more than you probably ever will
Tamaki is very good at thinking, that’s like his main thing, so everything he does went through a thorough thought process, which explains why he’s just so great
“Tama, I feel like you’ve played this game before.. there’s just no way you’re better than me when I’ve been playing it for years”
“Bun, what could I do to make you believe me?”
After a long debate, you settle on him giving you a diamond chest plate
The Ender Dragon is a HASSLE. Tama never actually ends up beating it, he just goes for moral support
He also is on and off with the game, only picking it up once every 3 months or so, but when he plays, HE PLAYS.
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Another A/N: I hope u guys enjoyed it, I was so close to writing for 4 days in a row, but then my brain said “no <3″ and I lost all the motivation for 2 whole days!!!!! I’m back now, lets see how far I can go!!! Also might turn on requests, but I’d probably get like 2 LMAO
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trashexplorer · 4 years
BLCD Review: Fujitsu de Fumou na Koi no Kami-kon
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Title: Fujitsu de Fumou na Koi no Kami-kon  
Release Date: 2020/11/29
Author: Yuri Azuru
Cast: Okitsu Kazuyuki x Eguchi Takuya
Sena Itsuki is the hostile, blunt lone wolf whose motto is to pick fights anytime he can. One day, a vampire calls himself Lark appeared in front of Itsuki. He said “So you’re my food…?” and suddenly sunk his teeth into Itsuki’s neck, only to find the blood tasted extremely awful it made him writhe around on the ground…?!
Despite still complaining about the taste after that, Lark sucks Itsuki’s blood at every opportunity. However, there’s some kind of aphrodisiac in the vampire’s fangs so every time he’s sucked, Itsuki gets hard…!!
Review Proper
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Four good BLCDs in a row and now a fifth?! Oh, it’s Christmas!
Yo, I came into this fully expecting a porn shit show, but I was so wrong. The cover screams DoS Obake material, so I was really hesitant in listening to this. Also, I have seen Yuri Azuru’s other works, and they were all pwps. I mean, what were the chances that we’re going to get another Kimitte Yatsu wa, right? Well, sensei and Crown Works had something to say about that because THIS WAS 100% WHOLESOME FLUFF WTF.
I was already impressed at how dynamic everything was in the first few pages because I thought we were going to be served the full shounen BL experience, but as their relationship developed, so did the fluff. It’s a bit sad to see all the world-building go to waste ngl because the shounen element of the plot got kinda washed out, but it still worked in the end. Had it only been longer and more balanced, this would be up there. Read this and be amazed. Sensei’s a pretty good writer in terms of comedy and wit—the shteamy stuff were good, too. This is her first full-length series, mind you. I hope to see more of this from them. Also, their art looks like the lovechild of Kanda Neko and Hinohara Meguru, but with a shounen twist. I do see Miyauchi in Lark sometimes, but that’s probably because of you know who.
Moving on to the voice work,
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It’s like each time I say that this performance of so-and-so is the best of them I’ve heard yet, their next performance automatically turns out to be better! But I’m still going to say it. This is the best fucking performance I’ve ever heard from Eguchi Takuya and I’m sure that this will stay as my favorite of his for a long long time (I mean, as a bottom). See how well Egu bottoms in his natural voice??? I wouldn’t be as mas as I was with Kanawanu if he had done it in this tone. Also, who knows how different Kanawanu would have been had he been more comfortable tone back then. 😩 
Do you know what’s just as rare as higher pitched VAs topping? Lower pitched VAs bottoming for VAs using roughly the same pitch as them! This used to be more common during the Gen 2 era, but it’s almost always a hit or miss nowadays. If you’ve ever listened to Kurui Naku, you’d know exactly what I’m talking about. Almost everyone was using lower pitched tones and it was even hard to distinguish Makonyan from Kobayashi Yuusuke in the first CD because they sounded so similar. A story needs to have good sound direction, chemistry between the leads, and a suitable plot to be able to pull the LxL VA off and that was something Fujitsu had while Kurui Naku, Thoroughbred, and Kanwanu Koi did not.
Expanding my point about casting/sound direction and chemistry, the best decision Crown Works ever did for this adaptation was to actually cast Okitsu. I’m not only saying this because I’m Okitsu trash because if you’ve read my BLCDs reviews, you’d all know that I’m not and will never be in favor of OkitsuxMakonyan or MakonyanxOkitsu in whatever tone they can muster. There are just some pairings in this world that should not exist. And if you’ve also read my review for Torokeru Kuchibiru, you’d know that Okitsu struggled with the constant and spontaneous changes he needed to do because of his character. Lark’s character and dialogue also had almost the exact same demands, so why did Lark click while Ryou didn’t? First of all, the writing for ToroKuchi was shit. IT’S BECAUSE LARK WAS A FUCKING GET YOU A MAN WHICH IS OKITSU’S FUCKING FORTE.
I’ve mentioned before that Okitsu doesn’t do well in comedic roles because that wasn’t his style, but Lark was both comedic/spontaneous and get you man, so it worked! Also, like the characters he portrays, Okitsu is a get you a man even as himself during work. Not only was Okitsu burdened with being spontaneous, but the chemistry needed between him and Egu also rested upon his shoulders. Remember, it was Lark who was going to initiate the romance between them because Itsuki’s developments were more inward. Even if he (rare) and his co-star underperformed, you best believe that there’s always, always chemistry between them because Okitsu wills it so. Goddamn, I really want this man to be my husband. Okitsu be like: “Don’t worry, Egu boy. You just focus on your acting and leave everything else to me.” *wink
Also, I’ve thought about this many times before, but I pushed it aside because a part of me just can’t accept it. 
Okitsu is Gen 2 Yusa Koji.
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Wasn’t it like yesterday when I was listening to Bitter where Yusa was starring and Okitsu was an extra??? 
The first few minutes of the BLCD really hit me like a truck because Okitsu sounded so much like Yusa. I haven’t heard Yusa in a long time, mind you, but I know exactly how he sounds like. It was like listening to Taemin sing like Jjong in Kiss Kiss. ​😭​ 
Anyway, VA fangirling aside, Egu did so well with Okitsu and no one really outshone anyone—everything was balanced as it should be. 😌 Again, the chemistry between these two was phenomenal! From their slapstick antics to their bedroom blood donation drives, they were in perfect tune with each other. Shingaki, I love you, but better take notes. 
So we had perfect voice acting, chemistry, and execution. It’s loyalty to the manga, though, was a bit off. There were a lot of cutouts, addends, and rearranged events, but if you read the manga beforehand, it shouldn’t be hard to catch up. I definitely recommend reading the manga while listening to the BLCD because it makes the experience a hundred times better! This has been scanlated by Harudaki, so it might not be accessible for many. Here’s to hoping that another group also picks this up or it gets licensed in English.🤞 
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viastro · 4 years
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you were beautiful | plan A (36/50)
ミ★ synopsis: a modernized cinderella au, in which you and joshua meet through your love for boba popsicles.
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“Let’s go sit over there.” Eunha suggests, pointing over towards the booths. You nod your head, walking over by yourself as Eunha tells Soo-ah what to order. Scooting into the booth, you let out a small sigh, running a hand through your hair as you wait for Eunha to come.
“Got it?” Soo-ah nods, waving her twin off. Eunha walks over in your direction, glancing out the window to see Seungcheol and Wonwoo sitting at the boba place across the street with their headphones in. They give her a thumbs up, signalling that they can hear everything and she nods her head.
“Come on yn, give me a smile hm? I won’t let Soo-ah be a bitch.” Eunha says as she sits beside you. She lets her finger trail under the table until she feels the microphone, letting out a small grin knowing they’ll have Soo-ah on tape if the plan fails.
which it won’t, Eunha reminds herself.
You look at your best friend, giving her a tight-lipped smile and she rolls her eyes at you. She places her hands on your cheeks and squishes your face until you let out a small giggle and slap her hands away. “There it is, your signature pretty smile.” 
“Ew, you guys are so cheesy it makes me wanna vomit.” Soo-ah mutters as she hands you your mocha. She places Eunha’s cappuccino in front of her before sitting down on the opposite side of the booth.
“Let’s take a picture so that I can post it.” Soo-ah says boredly, holding out her phone and smiling at the camera. You wink while Eunha blows a kiss as her pose. Soo-ah takes a couple photos before placing her phone back down on the table.
The three of you sit in a tense silence as you tentatively take small sips from your mug to pass time. Soo-ah stares at the table while Eunha just looks between the two of you in an attempt to try and figure out how to bring up the topic. When Eunha’s about to open up her mouth to start a conversation, Soo-ah glances up at you with a harsh glare.
“Yn.” You look over at the twin with wide eyes, a small whipped cream stache on your upper lip from taking sips of your mocha. Soo-ah rolls her eyes, handing you a napkin and motioning to wipe your lips. You pat your mouth clean before she continues.
“Have you been speaking to Joshua?” She asks, holding her head high. Eunha slyly takes out her phone and messages the gc that the conversation is starting. 
“No, I haven’t responded to him like you told me to.” You mutter softly, biting the inside of your cheek at the reminder of your guilt. Soo-ah smirks, holding out her hand to you. Raising an eyebrow at her, she rolls her eyes, “Give me your phone so that I can see if you’re telling the truth.” 
“Soo-ah, isn’t that too much?” Eunha butts in, but Soo-ah shoots her a glare. You let out a small sigh, reaching into your pocket but Eunha stops you.
“Are you serious Soo-ah? You already took Joshua away from her.” Eunha says, glancing over towards the door at the sound of the chime. She sees Minghao, Joshua, and Vernon walk in. Minghao immediately looks over at Eunha, and he gives her a nod.
“Why don’t Joshua and I go and sit down while you order for us Vernon?” 
“But why do I have to-” Vernon begins, but immediately complies when he sees the glare Minghao is shooting his way. Joshua chuckles at the two, following Minghao towards the booths when he catches sight of you.
“Wait it’s yn.” Joshua says, breaking away from Minghao before he can stop him. 
“Took Joshua away from her? Ha! It was our plan all along to have him and I end up together. You’re acting as if you didn’t play as big of a role in it as I did, my dear twin.” Soo-ah seethes, and Eunha glares at her. You stare at the table, blinking back your tears as the two begin to argue.
“It would’ve worked a whole lot sooner if yn didn’t decide to be fucking cinderella and take him away from me that night.” Soo-ah finishes, leaning back in her seat and taking a sip of her americano. Eunha’s eyes widen when she sees Joshua walking over, having not expected her sister to drop the topic so quickly.
“Well maybe if you weren’t-”
“Yn.” You look up with wide eyes at the call of your name, and your mouth drops open when you find Joshua staring at you with a hurt expression on his face. 
“Joshua! Hi!” Soo-ah squeals, getting up from the booth to give him a hug. You look away, choosing to look busy with drinking your mocha instead. Eunha looks at Minghao in defeat, and he has a sad look on his face as Soo-ah and Joshua begin to converse. 
“I’m gonna go.” You mutter, grabbing your phone and leaving the booth. 
“Wait yn-” Eunha says, reaching out for your hand and you fling it away. Joshua watches with wide eyes as you exit the shop, quickly excusing himself from his conversation with Soo-ah to run after you. Minghao looks at Soo-ah and Eunha, staring flabbergasted as Joshua disappears out of sight. 
“What the fuck.” Soo-ah says under her breath, but Minghao catches it, biting his lip to prevent himself from freaking out on her.
“I have the drinks… where did Joshua go?” Vernon asks as he steps up to the three, before he looks over and sees the sad expression on Eunha’s face.
You wipe the tears falling from your eyes with the back of your hand, cursing to yourself at the fact that you even agreed to leave the house today. You squeeze your phone tighter in your hand when someone grabs your wrist and spins you around.
“Let me go!” You shout, pausing when you look up to see Joshua staring down at you, holding you softly. A look of concern comes onto his face when he notices your wet cheeks and runny nose. “Were you crying?” You shake your head no, pulling your hand away from his grip. His arm falls loosely to his side, and you two just stare at each other in silence for a moment. 
“I have to go.” You mutter, before turning around and beginning to walk in the opposite direction.
“Why won’t you talk to me?” Joshua asks and you stop, vision blurring from the tears forming in your eyes.
“Did I do something? Did I say something?” You shake your head no, turning your head to look at him. He’s staring at you with a helpless expression on his face, just wanting to know what he did wrong.
“Then what is it? Is it Soo-”
“No! It’s not because of Soo-ah.” You interrupt, coughing into your elbow to try and hide the stray tears that escaped your eyes.
“Then what is it? How can I fix it?” Joshua asks, walking up to you and placing both hands on your shoulders so that you’re looking up at him. Moving to look down at the ground, he removes his hand to place it under your chin, making you stare back into his cat-like eyes.
“I miss you, yn. Let me fix us. Please.” He practically begs, and you bite the inside of your cheek. Your mind goes to the threat Soo-ah made, and it helps you muster up the courage to say,
“I don’t miss you.” 
Joshua looks taken aback for a moment, staring at you with a hurt expression on his face, “What?”
“I don’t want to be friends anymore. That’s it. That’s all there is to it... so please. Just leave me alone.” You tell him, before turning around and walking away so that you can’t see his expression crumble. Joshua watches you until you turn the corner, now out of sight. He runs a hand through his hair, feeling so fucking lost and hurt. He looks up at the sky when tears threaten to escape, seeing a cloud in the shape of a flower.
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masterlist | next
ミ★ taglist: @babiesanshine​​ @shoshishua​​ @dinolovebot​​ @uglyratlmao​​ @vannitey​​ @xmberkxm​​ @snowyseungs​​ @rjsmochii​​ @s1ardusk​​ @chittaprawn​​ @idkmybias​​ @dnylwoo​​ @monstathedisco​​ @kpopstanh​​ @hannahdinse8​​ @neojpg​​ @jos-hua​​ @urlocalcaratclown​​ @horangrawr​​ @k-pop-ology​​ @mingyuahjumma​​ @sw00zi​​ @mvltimoon​​ @chxrryskz​​ @renjunluvr119​​ @aning-bestboi​​ @bat-shark-repellant​​ @lynniac​​ @the1921-monsters​​​ @lieminoh​​ @ayla-hathway​​ @7829-kamie​​ @cardtak​ @sungieeeeeee​ @svt-sunflower​ @tzuyuzu​ @icywhatim​ @marvel-snowbaz​ @omgnctchina​ @whazzaspam​ @bobrouxsky @holyakaashi @haven-cove​ @lowkeycarat​ @dwcljh​ @psshwa​ @yamashiro888​ @seokslt​ @jeninsane​ @xxbluestrifexx @brbkpop​ @rqinytears​ @beanpolegyu​ @icedoutmywristtitanic​ @sncaffee​ @silverstonemanor @itsdnguyenxoxo​ @veryberryshort​ @peachymira​ @frogiehao​ @gothiccguk​ @sucshan​ @mariecoura​ @cutiejoshi​ @muhanuibean @simplewonderland​ @guccibeomgyu
let me know if you wanna get added !
ミ★ can’t tag: @humongousdreamerexpertpie @artichoke-09 @datte-bae-yo @queenkia3200  @minghao-will-be-the-death-of-me @ngayongabi @kingjaehyunz
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jangofctts · 4 years
I would like to file a formal complaint against you and the anon who have now mAde mE ThINK ABOUT KAMI IN GREY SWEATPANTS LIKE JESUS ITS HONESTLY UNFAIR
He would be sO cocky I know he would. Listening to Meghan thee stallion and thinking about Kami in sweatpants had me thinking about how I would get back him which I think woulD bE a LAPDANCE so here are my thots on giving a LAPDANCE TO THR SQUAD
Blanche: flustered bUt trYinG to HIDE IT you're showing off for him???? Grinding in his lap and calling him commander? I think he would lose it but still try and act like he had it all under control. Like I think he wouldnt try to hide that you're turning him on but I do think he'd try to hide how he's absolutely LOSING IT Best way to tell how much he liked it is he fucks you a little rougher after >:D
Blue: he is SO INTO IT like an active! Participant! Could not keep his hands to himself even if you asked him to. Honestly I don't have much to say about blue other than he would be absolutely over the moon and would tell you the entire time how much he likes it and would just have hands ALL OVER U. like I said Active Participant.
Jaws: would also be very unafraid to tell you how much he loves it. I also think he would be the boy to tell you "omg you don't have to if you don't want to" and you would have to convince him enthusiastically that yes you do want to give him a lapdance but once he's on board i feel like he wouldNT shut up he'd keep saying corny but sweet things about you and your body or whatever your doing and youd have to be like jAWs sHUt uP I'm ConCENTRATING would be very hands on and vocal I think!!
Sweets: baby would not know what to do with his hands at first I think you'd have to like grab his hands and put them on your hips and guide him to touching you because I think he'd be worried abouT MESSING U UP but then once you show him how to touch you he'd want to keep touching you and would be very focused on what you're doing. I think he'd be pretty quiet other than saying "oh" every now and thennmn also if you play with his hair while dancing on him I think he'd die right then and there. Sweets place of death is between your legs with your tits in his face and your hands in your hair I SAID WHAT I SAID
KAMI: the one who started all this for me 👀 I honestly think he'd laugh at you at first and be like "lol okay like you're actually gonna do that" kind of taunting you. acting all cocky because he thinks he's called your bluff or something bUT then once you start I think he'd immediately drop that attitude and take control. Like I think he'd still let you do what you wanted and let you dance but I think he'd try to guide your movements anD Also I THINK HED TRY TO START DISTRACTING YOU like he didn't think you'd do it but then you did and he's so excited that he can't contain himself he just wants to FUCK YOU NOW definitely think he would be the one who would be all over you touching you trying to distract you kissing you being so tactile okay phew I am imaging this and now I'm gonna go DIE like jUSt imagine him pulling you against him anD nuzzling your neck and grabbing your ass doing everything he can to break your conecntration so he CAN FUCK YOU RIGH T THERE IN HIS LAP I DIE
Fuse: I honestly think he wouldnt say much or do much I think he'd just have at least one hand on you but he'd just be trying to enjoy it and take it all in and not interrupt because he feels so lucky you're doing this for himmmm omg I'm gonna cry fuse stop amking me sad this is suPposed to Be sexC tIMES
Bruiser: would be VERY APPRECIATIVE WIF HIS HANDS I think he wouldn't be able to help himself he'd just keep grabbing you and pulling you against him but then would apologize bC he Interrupted lmao and he wants you to keep going basically I think he'd just keep interrupting and touching bc he can't help himself until y'all were basically fuckin p h e w
Void: OH MY GOD HE WOULD BE DIRTY TALKIN YHE ENTIRE TIME like I'm getting hot thinking Bout It. He would just narrate and say filthy filthy things to you the entire time. I think he wouldn't touch you much at first and if he did it would just be a hand on your thigh. He'd be laid back in the chair or wherever y'all are and would just whisper absolutely filthy things to you until you are a puddle in his lap okay bYe
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bigteefsmallbrain · 3 years
Someone called the first set cute and I am unbelievably determined to make their goddamn day/night now, also, just realized you could get around the talking barrier with your soulmate if you direct your speaking at yourself, though I imagine that would be quite hard without a lot of focus or practice, so I’m implementing that in this set, hope you enjoy!!
WARNING: For Midoriya Izuku - Mentions of past fish death; For Umino Iruka - Mentions of his parents passing; and For Erza Scarlet - Death, the Tenrou island incident, signs of depression and loss of a loved one [It turns happy though]
SOULMATE AU HEADCANONS FOR: Izuku Midoriya, Iruka Umino, Erza Scarlet
Izuku Midoriya
Welcome to your own personal hero encyclopedia
Literally your best friend when it comes to quizzes and homework
If you so much as mutter to yourself a question
He is mumbling to himself the answer and all the steps to solve it
Brain = Autopilot
He doesn’t even consider that you might have been rhetorical
Or that you might be taking a quiz
Soulmate asked a question and he’d rather die than not mutter the answer to himself under his breath so his soulmate can hear
He’s your worst enemy sometimes too though
Trying to sleep? Nah, listen to him fanboy over a hero documentary instead
Trying to have a little you time? Funny joke, you’re learning about All Might now
You now know the weirdest facts about heroes
And events that most teachers don’t know about
May I suggest a heroics history teaching job?
Unfortunately, you also have to listen to his crying
I don’t mean it in a bad way
But you have no way to comfort him
Literally all you want to do is give him a hug and comfort him
But all you can do is say comforting words to yourself
Hoping he’ll hear them over his broken, heart wrenching sobs
But don’t worry, he does, he hears everything you say to yourself
He has a notebook dedicated to you and o n l y you
He nearly ripped Bakugo’s head off when the blonde accidentally burnt it’s pages when they were younger
Yeah, fun times [Bakugo double checked that it was the h e r o notebook and not the s o u l m a t e notebook when he burnt it in middle school, never again would he risk hearing his last name be spit venomously from the green haired males mouth]
He writes down anything he deems memorable [AKA nearly everything] that you say
He notes things you have difficulty towards academically and makes sure to break it down and read the now less complex version aloud in hopes he’s helped you
He has, he’s probably the main reason you’re in the top 5 academically
But also he loves hearing your meaningless rambles
You have scared him a few times
“Wait, is he dead? Oh no! Please don’t tell me he’s dead!”
w h a t
“I don’t think I can handle mom crying over another fish.”
Oh, just a fish, thank All Might, he nearly went into cardiac arrest
They brighten his day, and he can’t wait to meet you and tell you just how thankful he is that you’re his soulmate
Just like you can’t wait to hit him upside the head for all the sleepless nights he’s caused with his fanboy behavior
Okay, but when you do meet, you immediately ask for Bakugo
You give zero fucks about possibly being expelled/sent to prison
Hell hath no fury like you who had to listen to their soulmates broken cries over the blondes treatment for years
And Izuku can only hold you back for so long
He definitely wants to see your quirk in action when you meet
And when demonstrating he’s mumbling all the uses and possible ideas
While also complimenting you and how amazing you are
He doesn’t even notice he’s doing it
If you do it back, he WILL blue screen
Midoriya Izuku.exe has stopped working
He literally freezes on the spot
Iruka Umino
Oh do we love our dear teacher
Maybe a little too much
But we don’t talk about that
He will also say other things, like “I made pancakes for breakfast, I wish you were here to enjoy them”
And call you sweet pet names like “Dear” “Darling” “Honey” etc. and when he’s feeling especially corny “Snookums” or something really out there when he feels like you need a good laugh like “Cookie Cutter”
No, I'm serious, if he thinks you’re sad, he w i l l say “Hey there, how’s my little cookie cutter?” to himself in a half joking tone in hopes of brightening your day
You can pry this headcanon from my cold, dead hands
He loves it if you mutter responses to yourself for him to hear in return
His heart will melt the moment he hears you say “Good morning” back, or if you mention wanting to cook for him
He also loves it if you give lesson plan advice to him
Like, he’ll be muttering about the best way to teach his class how to throw shuriken and your voice will pop up in his head with friendly advice
Makes him wonder if you’re a teacher too, or if you’re planning to become one
Secretly hopes you’re planning to become a teaching aid, because A) Work and soulmate at the same time? Yes please, and B) Kami knows he needs help with his rowdy class
If you are, he’s sure to be over the moon when he finds out
In his younger days, before teaching, he definitely went on missions and looked for you when he could
Like, yes, the mission is important, but finding the owner to the beautiful voice in his head is ALSO important
He’d usually finish the mission and stay an extra one or two days looking for you
It didn’t really cross his mind till later that you could be in the Leaf Village, since he figured he would have already found you if he did
Till he saw people older than him who grew up in the village only just finding out they were soulmates
He went on less out of village missions after that
Till eventually he decided to become a teacher
When I tell you this man melts when you talk
I mean he MELTS
He loves your voice so much
It helped him through his parents deaths
Helped him when he felt at his lowest points
You’ve done so much for him, and he’s so thankful, he’s fallen so deeply in love with you and you haven’t properly met yet!
He still wants to marry you on the spot though
It’s not a strange sight to see him browsing rings
Or thinking of how he’d propose
You’ll never let him know that he’s unconsciously spoken out loud about it a few times
Not until you meet, then you’ll mention it
And never let him live it down
“You know, I’ve heard you say you wanted to marry me on the spot, is that still on the menu or…?”
Yeah, when you first meet each other, that’s the first thing that pops out of your mouth
And it has his face burning red
He’s stumbling through his words, trying to convey that yes, he would like to marry you, but he needs your ring size first to go buy the ring
Trust me, this man has made enough trips to know what ring, he just needs the size
Then he’ll be down on one knee quicker that Shisui’s Shunshin no Jutsu
The fact that you seem okay with it also seals the deal for him
He’s so ecstatic when you meet each other
He feels like he could take on Madara one v one and win
He’s so unbelievably happy
Like he’s convincing you to take a photo so he can frame it on his desk and always remember happy
He’s so cute and blushy about it too
Rambles about never wanting to forget the best day of his life so far
“So far?” “Well, yeah, I imagine marrying you will take the spot soon”
He’s so giddy about introducing you to his class too
Especially Naruto
[Mostly Naruto]
He’s showing you off and preening at the congratulations his class gives
And later on introducing you to Naruto personally
As much as he loves his class, he adores Naruto, and really hopes you both get along well
And you do
And it was the worst mistake of Iruka's life
[or best as both you and Naruto often correct him]
Honestly you probably convinced him to at least bring up the possibility of Adoption to Naruto
Which has Naruto howling in excitement and agreeableness
The boy looks up to him and they both have such a father/son dynamic, let me have this dammit
[Also, being able to get Naruto to be the ring bearer/flower boy? P r i c e l e s s]
He loves his family, so very much
And is so thankful that you convinced him to adopt Naruto
The man has been debating on if Naruto would want to be his son or not for ages, you can NOT tell me otherwise
You also can’t tell me Naruto wouldn’t jump at the chance to have Iruka as his father
Erza Scarlet
She’s so eager to find you
She’s spent so long perfecting the art of speaking to you despite the barrier
And she’s always so responsive to you
Always talking about the adventures she's had
What she wants to do with you when you find each other
And she’s always so happy when you do the same
She’s always been responsive with you, even though the beginning was a bit rough with communication
So when she suddenly goes radio silent, it scares you, it hurts when you come to the realization that she’s dead
She can hear you, even in her deep sleep on Tenrou Island
And it’s heartbreaking
Your cries
The endless broken sobs
“I’m so sorry I never got to meet you” No, I’m still here!
“Hey soulmate wha- oh, right, you’re..” I’m not dead! I promise I’ll be there soon!
To say the least, it’s a long 7 years
And you never did get over your soulmates tragic death
Though you did find out who she might have been
Hurts more knowing how she passed on though
She always spoke of her guild, Fairy Tail, and you had been saving up enough jewels to go there, in hopes of finding her
You know she must have been on Tenrou when it fell
And by deductive evidence, it must have been the S class wizard
Erza Scarlet, you’re soulmate
Dead, soulmate
You joined not long after the news had spread
Figured it might help with the ache
It didn’t
But you grew to love the guild anyways
They welcomed you as family
Because to them, you already were
Erza spoke so highly of you
Always talking about how amazing her soulmate was, and everything she wanted to do with them when they met
And it was because of that you were able to deduce that she is your soulmate
Was, your soulmate
It wasn’t an odd sight to see you crying when the Tenrou group was brought up
Or after a particular rough beating from the Twilight Ogre guild
They watched you slowly fall apart when you tried speaking to her
Helped put you back together when you remembered she wasn’t on the other side
And eventually you began healing
Never getting over her or forgetting her
You could never forget her
And broke down just thinking about trying to find another
You took to talking to her in hopes she could still hear you in the afterlife
Talk about your day
How the guild is doing
If there was a particularly rough beating from the other guild
It hurt, much worse than when you forgot that she wasn’t there
But you carried on, believing that if she could hear you, she’d want to know
She adores that about you, your will to carry on, even though it hurts
And she’s sure to leave nothing but corpses in Twilight Ogre for all the years of torment
When Blue Pegasus found remains of the Island, no one stopped you from boarding the ship
They knew you needed this, more than the rest of them
You needed to know if she was really gone or not
And when you caught sight of scarlet red hair
You wept
She’s here
She’s alive
She turned the moment she heard your voice weekly call for her
To say your first meeting was filled with tears would be an understatement
You were attached by the hip from that point on
Not that either of you were complaining
Erza was especially ecstatic to have you by her side finally
After all, she had 7 years to make up for
And you can show her where Twilight Ogre is
The Master and Mira didn’t question why she was especially rough with a select few members
I Hope you enjoyed reading this set of Soulmate AU HC’s! If you would like to see any specific characters, don’t be afraid to leave a comment or submit an ask! If it’s a character I’m not familiar with, I’ll do my best to learn about them!!
P.S. I nearly killed Reader-chan off in Erza’s (:
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petri808 · 3 years
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Sanjou no Ai
click to read from beginning
Bakudeku Au fic, final chapter
For the first few months of their new arrangement, the mated pair settled into a routine of sorts. Almost every night, the okami would return to the Shrine after nightfall and spend it with Izuku, but always left before the sun peaked over the horizon the following morning. It was okay for the time being since now Katsuki could take his time in re-educating the kitsune on the ways of a yokai. And there was so much that Izuku had no clue about. Until now, he only had the scant information left by the previous shrine keeper and the instinctual sides he couldn’t avoid. But even those had not gone without question because he didn’t always understand why he felt the way he felt or did the things he did. For instance, he thought he was ‘born’ to live a life in the shrine, but that wasn’t true at all. The god created them for purposes, such as the okami to protect the wolves and forest, the kitsune too had a similar role. Then at some point when the current shrine was built upon the mountain, the kitsune yokai pledged to help the humans. Generations later left the likes of Izuku in a role he didn’t even know why it existed but performed faithfully… until now.
The information left him semi-torn about his life. Should he continue to honor that treaty and stay at the shrine, or give into his instincts and become a free protector of the forest? It shouldn’t be such a difficult choice, but what brought on the anxiety fell more into could he do it? Could he learn to fend for himself? It was an internal battle that’s been raging from before he and Katsuki mated, but now took center stage. Of course, the okami assured his mate that he wouldn’t be alone. As the alpha it was his responsibility to provide for and protect his omega, especially if the kitsune became pregnant. And besides, Izuku needed to give himself more credit for his strength. Katsuki pointed out how the man had risked his life to save an injured wolf, did that not show how strong or brave he could be when needed? Izuku had no argument against such a statement.
Still, that didn’t calm his mind, if anything, new thoughts would come for Izuku to mill over. Okay fine, maybe he would be okay for himself, but what about with the pups Katsuki mentioned. He’d have to worry about protecting their lives. A family was just another topic he was trying to wrap his brain around. Like first off, they were both canines but not the same species. Again, it was the okami who reminded the kitsune of magic, that they don’t operate under the same laws of nature. Which didn’t really explain much at all, so he simply put it aside instead of continuing the conversation. Next, if they were to desire a family, Izuku definitely would need to leave the shrine. Katsuki wasn’t pressing him over the topic, but maybe it was those omegan features kicking in that made the kitsune think about it. Like some hormonal drive to reproduce because he certainly never felt such instincts before!
One night after another mellow round of love making, they lay there cuddled in Izuku’s bed.
“Kacchan,” the kitsune whispered with hesitation in his tone. “Why haven’t I become pregnant considering how often we do this?”
“Where the hell did this question come from?”
“I know it’s random… but, oh, I don’t know, it’s just something I been wondering about for a few weeks now.”
Katsuki’s turned Izuku around to face him. “If you really must know. I’ve been using magic to sterilize my seed because I know you’re not ready.”
That answer made the kitsune a little irritated. Shouldn’t such a decision be made by both of them, together?! Regardless of if he was ready or not. “That’s not fair.” Izuku pouted.
“Oh, and you saying you are? You know full well you cannot be working here and get pregnant. Look, you should be happy that I’m not pressuring you to leave this place immediately and take your place in my nest where you belong.”
“I don’t know what to do,” Izuku whimpered in toil.
Katsuki was digging down deep not to lose his patience right now, but after months of waiting could anyone blame him? He took a deep breath to control himself from growling. “I know you’re scared of being away from here, but I don’t know how many more ways I can say it, you don’t have to be. I’ll take care of you and our family when we have one. You just need to decide between the shrine and me.”
“Decide right now?”
“No. Now you sleep,” Katsuki bundled the kitsune against his body preferring to end the night for now and deal with it later. “But you will need to do it soon.”
But Izuku was no fool and could sense the irritation in his mate. He could tell Katsuki was just holding back from lashing out. “You’re not mad at me… are you?”
“I’m trying not to be. So, go to sleep.”
Izuku’s voice lowered, quivering in tone. “I know you just picked me because I’m the only yokai around, and I’m okay with that. I’m just sorry I’m so weak.”
That was the last straw. Izuku’s self-defeating aura and sadness was oozing out and pissing him off! Even though the alpha within him felt pained, it wasn’t enough to change Katsuki’s mind. He sat up with teeth partially bared and speaking through a gritted tone. “That’s bullshit! I could’ve left the area and found someone else if I’d wanted to! I told you, I picked you because I liked what I saw. Yeah, you ain’t physically strong like me, but you have your own strength, a kind of strength I’d never possess, and if you can’t recognize that, then… Argh! You need to figure shit out! The okami leapt to his feet. “I’m going home! When you’re ready to make a damn decision. You know where to find me!”
“Kacchan!” Izuku cried out as his mate transformed and bounded out of the dwelling, but it was too late. He’d screwed up big time all because he was such a weak fool! How did Katsuki ever see a strength in him? Where was it? Just look at him, he was small, skinny, and always nervous of making a mistake. His mate was right. He couldn’t see whatever it was that Katsuki saw in him.
Izuku curled up into a ball and pulled the blanket over his body as he wept openly. The omegan part of him was in so much pain… it called out for its mate, cried at the loss… oh, it hurt so much! Kami, it felt like someone had ripped his heart right out of his chest and stomped it into the ground. He’d never felt so much pain before and even though physically there was nothing wrong, his entire body was suffering. It ached, every bone, every fiber of his being a wave of numbness and throbbing all mixed together. This must be the bond, Izuku realized. Until now their bond had given nothing but pleasure and now it burned like the hottest fire from the sun.
“Kacchan…” he whimpered into the silent night air. The darkness consumed him inside and out. What to do… what to do… he needed Katsuki to breathe, to live or a broken bond would surely kill him.
He didn’t know at what point he’d fallen asleep, maybe from pure exhaustion, but the next thing Izuku knew he could see light filtering though the blanket. Morning had arrived and with it an absolutely shocking pain, twice the level of anguish as the night before. His mind was reeling, so fogged over from all the turmoil that he could barely move, barely function. “Kacchan!” He screamed out! Ready or not, it couldn’t go on like this. For all his fears and anxieties, the only thing he knew for certain, bond or not, was he needed Katsuki. He loved Katsuki. And so right then and there Izuku knew what he needed to do. It physically hurt to get up, but Izuku did his best to dress himself and stumble into the shrine. All these months he’d hidden any sign of changes. Now it was time to come clean. He couldn’t stay.
The priests were already up and about doing their daily chores like usual. So, while remaining cordial despite his slow, pained movements, Izuku searched for the elder to speak with. Elder priest Toshinori was a kind and caring man, over 80 years old by Izuku’s estimation and had been at this shrine for close to 60 years. Izuku cared a lot about the elder, like a surrogate grandfather figure who was always ready with wise words and guidance for any seeking it out. But he could tell this man’s younger years were hard and laborious. Though thin and aged now, his sinewy tanned skin and worn hands were a testament to a hard upbringing. Izuku often wondered if this is why Toshinori was wiser than many of the others that had passed through these grounds over the centuries. Many priests came from relatively stable but lower-ranking homes who wouldn’t see such a poor upbringing. This man lived and came with experiences to guide his beliefs in a wiser way.
He found the elder in the sanctum reading.
“Mr. Toshinori.”
“Ah, Izuku,” the man looked up from his book. “I was wondering when you might come to me.”
Izuku sat down in front of the man bowing low. “Mr. Toshinori, I don’t know how to say this properly, but I must leave the shrine.”
“I know, and I understand.”
“Wait, how did you know?!” Izuku sat up straight in confusion. “I-I was sure I’d hidden the okami well.”
Toshinori smiled. “For a time, you did, but I sensed changes in you, positive changes. You hid them well, but a sparkle in your eye as you looked at the forest, at times just a pause in your routine as you were deep in thought, smiling to yourself. I knew something was happening to you and I must say it was nice to see you so happy.”
Tears were gathering in Izuku’s eyes at how understanding the priest was being. The internal struggle slowly lessened inside. “I am,” the smile broke free. “He makes me feel so alive, but I’m torn to leave the shrine and everyone here.”
“Young Izuku, it is natural to leave the nest when it is time. This shrine is all you know, and the world can be a very scary place, but it is also part of life to go out into and find your true meaning.”
“Is that what happened to you?”
“In a way,” the man chuckled. “Your kind has served and protected this shrine well for a long time but at the expense of losing your very nature.”
“But I want to continue protecting this shrine! I love this place! I love this forest!”
The man leaned forward with a serious expression. “Izuku, would it be too impossible to achieve from outside of the shrine?”
Izuku quieted in thought for a moment before responding. “No, I suppose not.”
“Then the answer is you can still protect what you love and be with whom you love at the same time.”
“I… I never thought of it that way…” ‘Like how Katsuki had protected the offerings…’ “I can do that!” Izuku bowed again to the priest. “Thank you, Mr. Toshinori! I promise, I’ll still help at the shrine, but I will live in the forest from now on.”
Toshinori placed a hand on Izuku’s bowed head. “I trust you will, young Izuku. And do bring your family around someday, I’d like to meet them before I die.”
Izuku looked up with a blush. “O-Okay, I will!”
The air rushing past his face felt exhilarating in his kitsune form. It had been a while since he’d used the full fox body, but ever since he’d consciously made the decision to go to Katsuki, all the pain relaxed, and he wanted to find his mate as quickly as possible. Izuku couldn’t explain what this newly realized sense of freedom felt like, all he knew is he felt lighter. It might take some time to get used to it after being on such a regimented schedule all his life, but it was simply amazing.
He rushed straight for Katsuki’s den hoping his mate would be there, sending out his scent ahead as a calling card. Oh, how he wanted to just snuggle into the Okami’s thick beautiful fur! ‘Please be there!’ Izuku crooned and whined as the pull of their bond grew stronger and stronger. Katsuki must be close! His body could sense it, feel it as he arrived at the entrance to the cave. “Kacchan!” Izuku called out. Movement up ahead was picked up quickly by the kitsunes sensitivity’s hearing.
Finally, the large form of a wolf stood at the apex of the cavern and tunnel, and the happy tears Izuku had been holding back broke free. It was his mate. Soothing energy flowed out from the okami and wrapped the kitsune in a welcoming embrace.
Izuku whined and pressed forward into the okami’s welcoming embrace. “Kacchan, I’m home!”
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shozaii · 4 years
Oh FRICK I loved reading your todoroki x reader fanfic. Can i request another one where everyone ships them cuz the reader is the only person who todoroki really smiles around. The others collect evidence that they like each other to set them up (e.g one of them saw that the reader is his phone’s wallpaper). But no one knows they’re already dating until they see them cuddling at a sleepover or smth. Tysmm
(a/n): ahh thank you so much anon! i’m so sorry this took me a while to publish but i’m so glad you enjoyed the previous one. i hope you enjoy this too!
requests are still open! feel free to send them in hehe
a todoroki shoto x reader imagine
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“alright, dear friends. i have gathered you in one of the most secretive places i could ever find! we are talking about serious business right now and i don’t want any interruptions from you,” kaminari begun, successfully stealing iida’s glasses from his dorm room to look ‘professional.’
“and you have chosen your damn bedroom for this,” bakugou rolled his eyes. “what the heck do you want from us?!” to which he got shushed immediately from the bakusquad members.
“silence! we shall begin. as you all know, we have noticed the strange behaviors of both todoroki and y/l/n.”
“bro, he noticed it too,” kirishima mumbled, placing a hand over his mouth. “man, i knew you had it in you!”
“though,it’s obvious. how he smiles when she’s around, when she’s mentioned in a conversation. during the sports festival, he couldn’t stop looking at her.she passes by. and how he gets sad and stares at the classroom door when she doesn’t make it on time...,” midoriya mumbled.
“we do ask y/n about it, and they seem to be completely fine with it. like it’s a normal thing to happen!” uraraka pitched in.
she wasn’t wrong. the smiles you exchanged with each other are very wholesome. shoto doesn’t really smile around anyone - you knew that too. he seemed to really involve himself in his friends’ activities compared to the incidents before the sports festival, but with you, it was different.
it was different and it was adorable. you did see how your friends gush over the two of you. but you didn’t say much. they would know someday, right?
“exactly! which is why, our friend mina, has proof that something might have clicked between them for the past four months,” kaminari signaled her to stand up, as she cleared her throat. “his phone’s wallpaper is a picture of y/n,” she squealed after, followed by a bunch of screaming from the other girls.
“settle down! kaminari, what is the purpose of this meeting then?” iida chopped the air.
“hear me out, hear me out. we’re going to have more proof over the next few days. and then, only then, the sleepover coming this weekend would prove it all.”
“sleepover? but how?”
he rubbed his hands together in excitement. “it’s going to have to go like this.”
as predicted, the interactions they have witnessed proved kaminari’s theory even further. the little look you give him when he’s focused, the slight brush of your hands against his, the bump he gives on your shoulder, and you earned a smirk.
and as time flew by pretty quickly, the sleepover finally made its way. the whole class haven’t made it just yet,,, but you waited. kaminari was there with you, anyway. you were chatting away with him, while a movie was playing on the television.
soon enough, you and him saw shoto making his way to the now dimly-lit common room; a place frequently used for sleepovers. he waved at the yellow-haired boy, but you could see his face light up when he saw you all snuggled in the sleeping bag.
“hey hey todoroki! glad you could make it!” kaminari pointed finger guns at him, grinning.
“hello. where are the others? have we arrived a little too early?” shoto asked, looking at you.
“i’ll go find them, don’t worry! was just waiting for someone to accompany y/n...,” he cleared his throat. “didn’t want her to be alone.”
“aw, kami! you should’ve told me! i could’ve even come along with-,”
“nah, come on! um....help yourself with some snacks! be back in a jiffy!,” he dashed off, leaving you and shoto in the dark.
shoto breathed out a huge sigh as he sat next to you. “hello, love. you’re here pretty early.”
“hello, sho! yeah.... i was told to come earlier than the arranged time, so here i am. i guess the others need more time. he seemed pretty happy about it.” 
you giggled as he wrapped his arms around you. “i love your sleeping bag,” he said. you turned to look at his dual-colored eyes. 
“ooooo, we’re being cuddly today, aren’t we?” you sneaked a kiss from his cheek. “seems alright to me.”
“i missed this,” he said nonchalantly. “you and me, all snuggled up. though, we’ve never done this in front of anyone just yet.”
“oh yeah. well, might as well know about it someday!” you buried yourself further into his embrace, your eyelids slowly shutting themselves.his eyes were focused on the movie, while his hands caressed your cheeks. it was so calming.
and then, the both of you heard someone fall with a loud thud, causing you to jolt out of his arms. shoto looked around, worried of any major inconveniences happening in the dorms.
“kirishima!” you heard someone else whisper-shout.
“ow... i’m sorry! somebody tripped me..... oh, hey guys! uh, great night?”
“kiri!” you rushed over to him - to notice the group of missing students from the sleepover, hiding themselves in a dark corner. they all froze like deer in the headlights.
“wha- where were you guys? we-,”
it clicked in your brain. from the exact reason why kaminari invited you and shoto earlier than the rest, the reason why your friends didn’t make it on time; it all made sense. you blushed, now realizing what they saw before kirishima decided to ‘trip and fall.’
“alright, you idiots happy now?” bakugou grumbled.
the rest of the night was spent with half a celebration - the glory and the failure(they got caught) but what was your life without your wacky friends from UA? 
and isn’t it lovely, with shoto openly giving you the best cuddles throughout the whole sleepover? so yes - you were happy all in all.
(a/n):here you go anon! it is really short but i hope it was worth a read!
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imtryingitsgoing · 3 years
Remembrance (a blessing, a curse)
So I don't know where I was going with this and it's pretty old but here ya go
Ichigo hated himself.
And maybe he hated the ghosts as well which made him hate himself more. It wasn't their fault that Ichigo couldn't tell the difference between the living and the dead. Stupid little Ichigo.
But he remembered.
Remembered the girl at the edge of the river that needed help. She looked so tiny, like his sisters, standing dangerously close to the freezing water. His big brother instincts kicked in, he was a protector, like his mom always told him, eyes proud and fierce, yet so sad.
So he ran towards the little girl, ignoring his mom's screams for him to stop.
He remembered how the girl vanished and some ugly monster took her place. The type of monster he sometimes sees in the corner of his eyes, but after mentioning it once, never did again after being told it was all in his head. The type of monster that roamed around the town, and afterwards, all the ghosts on those streets weren't there anymore.
He remembered, in every waking moment, how the monster opened its mouth wide, teeth so human like and yet Ichigo had been scared stiff at the sight. Only focused on the yawning hole, pitch black, and drawing closer.
His mom suddenly stood in front of him, a blue glow appearing around her before abruptly leaving. His mom stumbling forward as if struck, the minute glance of her face, furious yet scared. Determined yet sad.
Remembered the blood that sprayed out of his mom, oh kami his mom. Noticed the pouring rain soaking his clothes, his mom's clothes, so red, why are they so red. The lightning highlighting the cruelty in the monster's face and the smile on his mother's.
He laid there under his mother's body, frozen, as the warmth that was so familiar faded away. As his breathing quickened, panic taking control.
He remembered screaming, yelling till his throat was sore, begging till not a sound came out, mouth still opened in a silent plea.
Part 1
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tenzoyamato · 4 years
This drabble is for @tenzosnewleaf as part of the @tenzoscabin Discord server event! I hope it is to your liking! Happy Holidays! <3
Found Family, Rest & Recovery, Wholesome, KakaYama, SFW, Kakashi Hatake, Tenzō Yamato, Mitsuki
The light of morning shines brightly through the window, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and home cooked breakfast fills the air. What time was it? How long has it been? With a week off from ANBU duties, the days seemingly bleed together. With warm cashmere blankets keeping the sleeping Mokuton user snugly nestled into the bed, the smell and sounds echoing throughout the apartment threaten to wake him from slumber. It isn’t until his name is called out in a familiar soft voice with a hot breath against his ear does he finally stir from his sleep. 
“Mmm…” Comes the brunette’s sluggish and sleepy reply as he rolls over to face where the voice came from. Brown eyes slowly part open to gaze over at the silver haired male laying on the bed beside him as a hand reaches out to gently caress the side of his face. “Morning, Senpai.” He responds groggily as the pad of Kakashi’s thumb lightly brushes across the lithe of his cheek.
“Good morning, Tenzō.” Kakashi responds softly, leaning forward to place a loving and chaste kiss to Tenzo’s lips. “It’s time to get up. I made us breakfast.” Pulling back slowly, a smile tugs at the corner of his unmasked lips.
Tenzō smiles back in response, his eyes opening a bit wider as they adjust to the light pouring into their bedroom. “Mmm, sounds good. Smells good, too.” With a big yawn, the younger male reaches his hand up to cover his mouth. Kami only knows if his morning breath was offensive enough to drive off his lover, so he didn’t want to chance it. Once finished, he slides his hand over to rest atop Kakashi’s which was still cupping his cheek.
“Maa, it’s not that amazing… I just made our favorites. Tamago kake gohan, tamagoyaki, yakizakana, tsukemono, miso shiru, and some blanched seasoned kobachi.” Kakashi mentions as his hand falls from Tenzō’s face to rest on the bed.
“Don’t sell yourself short, Kakashi. I know I enjoy your cooking regardless, and so does-” The Mokuton user stops in the middle of his sentence as a little white haired boy comes running into their bedroom and leaps upon the bed in between them.
“Captain Yamato! I’m glad you’re finally awake. Me and the Hokage have a surprise for you.” The boy says with mild excitement in his voice.
“Oh? You do, huh? What were you two planning while I was resting?” Tenzō asks as he slowly sits up with a stretch before looking at Kakashi with a curious expression.
“I thought we weren’t going to say anything about the surprise until after breakfast, Mitsuki.” Kakashi comments as he begins to stand from the bed.
“I couldn’t resist any longer… Now hurry up Captain Yamato, breakfast is getting cold, and I want to tell you what the surprise is.” Mitsuki then climbs down from the bed and grabs Kakashi’s hand, practically dragging the man out of the bedroom.
Tenzō smiles a bit wider at the sight of the two walking out of the bedroom hand in hand, it fills him with warmth and pride. It was well worth the fight he had put up against Orochimaru in order to get Mitsuki away from him, granted the arduous battle left him chakra exhausted- It was the whole reason he had been given the week off in order to recover.
Without further delay, the Mokuton user moves himself out of bed and grabs his yukata. It doesn’t take him long to put it on and emerge from the bedroom. Walking into the dining area, he spots the table set up with a breakfast feast. “Wow, Kakashi. You’ve really outdone yourself.” Tenzō says with a surprised expression crossing his countenance.
“Well, it might just be like this everyday now that we have another mouth to feed in our house. Go on ahead and tell him, Mitsuki.” Kakashi replies, turning his stormy grey eyes over towards Mitsuki.
Peering at Tenzō with his signature smile, Mitsuki holds up a legal document. “I’m officially Mitsuki Hatake-Yamato.”
“Wha-... Kakashi… You… You mean we’re a… A family?” Brown eyes go wide with shock as he looks from Mitsuki to the paper held up in his hand and then over towards his husband. “We’re actually a family?!” Tenzō reiterates his words, attempting to quell his urge to rush over to the both of them and hold them close.
“Yup. You look shocked… I told you I was going to start the paperwork. Even if it hadn’t been approved, we still would have made it work, Tenzō.” The silver haired Hokage answers as he stands up and walks over to the brunette. “I know you want to hug me, just do it already… I’m afraid that if you hold it in any longer you’re going to explode like a paper bomb.”
With permission granted, Tenzō hastily wraps his arms around Kakashi and buries his face into his shoulder. “I… I’m happy… I know we would have all been together anyway, but… It’s still so surreal. I mean, it’s officially recognized, and on paper. We have a family!” Tears begin to well up in Tenzō’s eyes as his heart overflows with joy.
Mitsuki watches the scene unfold before him and feels something inside of him urging him over towards the two. Getting out of his seat he strides over to their side and looks up with concern as he sees Tenzō crying. “Don’t cry, Captain- Well, I suppose I shouldn’t call you that anymore… Perhaps the name parent is more appropriate now.”
Hearing Mistuki’s words, Tenzō turns his attention to the boy standing beside them and lets go of Kakashi while wiping away his tears using the sleeve of yukata. “Don’t worry, Mitsuki. These aren’t tears of sadness, they’re tears of joy…” Kneeling down to level with his new son, the brunette smiles at him warmly. “You can also call me father or dad if you want, unless you’re more comfortable with parent. I’ll still respond.”
Mitsuki’s eyes light up with surprise, and there is a gleam in them that has never been seen before, nor experienced by him. Abruptly, the white haired child launches himself forward, wrapping his arms around Tenzō in a strong embrace. “F-Father…” He murmurs out in a shaky voice filled with emotion.
Tenzō is surprised by the reaction, but enjoys it nonetheless, reciprocating with his own arms wrapping around the small being who just called him father for the first time. “I love and care about you, Mitsuki… My son… My family.” Warmth and joy fills the Mokuton user’s being in this moment, and more tears begin to fall, he couldn’t believe that he had finally found and made a family to call his own. Between his husband and the child in his arms, this was the greatest day in his life aside from his emancipation from ROOT, and marrying Kakashi. 
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