#but ive been reading some of the fanfic and seeing some fanart
wow-an-unfunny-joke · 6 months
I like hermitcraft fandom but im really struggling to get through the series itself, it's truly ruining me
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sonknuxadow · 6 months
Oooh you want to know what bit of misinformation about Sonic that really upsets me? Nearly everything about Fleetway Super Sonic.
Fleetway Super Sonic isn't its own transformation, it's Fleetway comics take on Sonic's standard Super form and. Fleetway Super Sonic is never even called that in Sonic the Comic and is just called Super Sonic even when Super Sonic became a separate character than actual Sonic. However there is alot of people who say that Fleetway Super Sonic is basically the original Dark Super Sonic and even will have Super Sonic introduce himself as Fleetway is fics when he really shouldn't.
ohhh i was just thinking about this not too long ago . to be honest this is kinda a sonic fandom pet peeve of mine like yeah i understand calling him fleetway super sonic as a way of making it clear which super sonic youre talking about because stc's take on super sonic is very different from any other version of the transformation. but i see so many people talk about him as if fleetway is like. his in universe name ? when fleetway is just the name of the comic company ? ive never even read stc and i knew that. overall its harmless but it still makes me go Okay but thats not correct .
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choccy-milky · 11 months
Hey! I have been following you for a minute and I must say, I’m so in love with both story and art chiefs kiss 😚🤌❤️ I can’t wait to see more from you and that creative mind of yours
I wanted to ask, where did you learn how to write? Do you possibly have any advice/tips that you could share?You’ve honestly inspired me to create my own story with my own character but I get pretty overwhelmed when looking at the blank page lol. Like I know what the general idea is that I want to write but I don’t know how to write out the journey from point A to point B if that makes sense 😅
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your ask inspired me to go back to my old naruto fanfic from 2011 and pick out some winners. as you can see, i didnt start off as an amazing writer or anything LMAOO. i've always read a LOT ever since i was a kid though, and just like with art, you just kinda learn and get better by doing over and over, and reading and absorbing others writing. (and also thank you!! im happy you enjoy both my art and my fic!!💖😭) but more specifically, like how i think of how i'll fill the page and get from point A to point B...i also dunno? LOL. ive always made comics ever since i was young/made stories in my head, and my whole drive when i write fanfic or even draw fanart is hyperfixation LMAO, so there's something inside of me that's just bursting to get out and i don't even really have to think about it. though i will say, as someone writing a longfic, that hyperfixation can only carry me so far and i HAVE had to stare at a blank word doc and think about how i might get from point A to point B. but honestly something that's helpful is to know which scenes you absolutely WANT/your inspiration for writing the fic/story in the first place, and then try to build off of those scenes. think of what might have led up to them/what you can do to PREVENT them from getting there, to add more sustenance/drama/etc. also, writing advice i saw a while ago that i always think about is 'how can this get any worse?' LOL. so like, if you think the scene is fine and you've added enough events, just for fun, continue to think....ok, but what ELSE could possibly go wrong? its really helped me to flesh out scenes that, in retrospect, would have been way too short and to-the-point otherwise. but again with fanfic, at least for me, a lot of it is just self indulgent/comes down to what *I* want to see bahaha. im my own biggest fan LMAO. everything in my longfic is exactly what *I* like, with all the dynamics *i* enjoy, literally written BY me and FOR me, first and foremost LOL. so maybe start there. just think of all the tropes you like/things you've enjoyed in other media, and think about how you can repurpose them into your own story and setting in an original way! that was super long LMFAO but i hope it may have helped, and ty again for the nice words😭 happy you enjoy what im doing!!💖💖
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ghostthecryptid · 7 months
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Wow my first like actual DC fanart piece 🕺💃
Ive been seeing/reading a lot of batfam fanfics where Bruce breaks into one of Jasons safehouses
and I wanted to make it into a piece so
Gave me some good practice on different things if anything
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rainingstorms1220 · 23 days
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
Oooh uh uh that's difficult. Let's see...
1. My OCs and stories
Literally my only motivation to live. I'm very, very attached to my kids—they are the culmination of my blood, sweat, tears and soul. So anything revolving around them makes me very happy, inspired and motivated. I will do everything for them!! Art, writing, even making games if I can! Merch too! Plushies, accessories, anything and everything. All for them. The thousands of little fictional people, worlds and stories living rent-free in my mentally ill brain.
Bonus happiness points when other people also like my kids and are interested in getting to know them better. Like, if you take the time to approach me and ask questions about them, are willing to sit through hours of me rambling your ears off about characters that spawned from the depths of my hellish critter mind, and also actively want to discuss them with me and tell me all of your thoughts—that is like the ultimate quality to my quality time love language right there. It's the most idealistic, unrealistic, impossible thing ever though, mostly because I have a lot of kids and like. 20+ different stories with several more AUs. To have someone else be able to digest all of that information? No way. But yeah.
Fanart and fanfiction of my kids also make me very happy. I will treasure each and every one of the art pieces/writing dearly. Basically anything related to my kids, I will cry over. I will explode over my kiddos.
2. Various media
As of right now, I'm fixated on Twisted Wonderland (LEONA), Bleach (HITSUGAYA AND HITSUKARIN), One Punch Man (METAL BAT AND BATAROU) and Blue Lock (RYUSAE AND KAISER). Very much waiting in anticipation for the TWST anime, Bleach TYBW Cour 3, OPM Season 3 and Blue Lock Season 2 + Nagi movie. I'm also really invested in the Final Fantasy series (III, IV, VII, IX, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, Crystal Chronicles EOT and ROF, etc...)! And I'm a casual player of Punishing Gray Raven (very much looking forward to Wuthering Waves by the same company)!
I also like books! Haven't been able to read as much as I'd like to these days, but I have books I've bought that I hope to read soon. Gotta read Six of Crows (yes, Lune, I'll finish it). Have also been wanting to collect Bleach's light novels (CFYOW currently). And TWST's novels and manga too, once they're translated (Savanaclaw manga and novel C'MERE)! Much to look forward to <3 Fanfics of media I like are also really nice to read. When I have more time, I'd like to write for the fandoms I'm in.
Pretty art is nice. Good games are nice. Good stories and wonderful characters are nice. Beautiful writing is nice. I'm very simple haha, as long as the media strikes my fancy, chances are I'll look into it and derive some form of enjoyment from it <3
3. Writing/Drawing
If it wasn't already evident from the above two points, as well as my own profile, I like to write and draw. Very much an arts kid (creativity is another thing that I'm not sure I have, but let's not get into that). I'm not good at speaking, so having visual representations of the things I feel, be it via written words or artwork, is the best way for me to express myself and communicate, I find. And it's also fun! When I'm not preoccupied with other IRL commitments and stuck in creative ruts, that is.
4. Music
I know nothing about music theory or playing instruments. Not a music kid. I just like listening to good music. In particular, I'm a big fan of J-Pop, J-Rock, Rock, Instrumentals, EDM and Dubstep, Gothic-sounding music, and others, depending on whether they strike my fancy or not. Favourite artists/bands include Tatsuya Kitani, Aimer, Mili and ONE OK ROCK. Banger musicians. You're free to drop recommendations too! I'm pretty open to most genres. Though extremely selective with a few others (K-Pop being one of those genres haha oops).
5. Spending time with friends
Pretty clear cut, I think. I don't have a lot of people I'm particularly close to, but I do cherish those I consider my friends a lot. Quality time love language—just spending time with them makes me happy. We don't even have to really be doing anything. I just like having their company, and if they willingly seek me out and want to spend time with me too, that's even better.
And yep, that's all. I can't think of anything else haha. Thank you for the ask, beloved~
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i-sveikata · 1 year
I've been reading various fanfics dealing with the series for a year now. Endless variations of Vegas and Pete, Kim and Chay... One shots, novels, longer stories. I feel like almost everything has been said and thought about. The fleshing out of the canon, the back story, the childhood and what might come after.
I developed a real addiction and couldn't get enough, especially of the complex relationship between Vegas and Pete and their respective very multi-faceted characters. The number of authors is huge, but I also spent a lot of time reading them. To my dismay, I am noticing signs of fatigue in me.
Now that everything seems to have been said, every possible happy or tragic ending seems to have been thought out and told, many fics veer off into alternative universes and genres.
It's all wonderful to read and I'm grateful that there are so many unknown but worthwhile authors whose work will never be printed but who are worthy of a large readership.
But: Since fanfiction is tied to concrete people and concrete, and to a readership that has seen the series. How do you see the future? The actors will take on new roles, if all goes well, new beautiful plots will be developed there too and good series or films will be made.
How long can the hype around KinnPorsch and the series continue? Do you have the feeling that everything is coming to an end, now that the anniversary of KP is being celebrated in a big way? Is boredom creeping up on you or is the end not yet in sight and is there still a lot that needs to be written? I have also asked this question to other writers because it really bothers me, but I would be interested in YOUR answer.
Hi there!! hmm interesting question and I don't really want to discount how youre feeling or anything but i do very much doubt that everything that could be possibly said and thought about for this fandom has been done already.
because this show isn't really that old? and the age of the show or when it finished really has no bearing on the existing fandom if you think about it. at a certain point fandom breaks away and becomes its own separate entity.
like i wouldnt say im an expert but the things that keep fandom alive are not really even directly related to whether there's new episodes or video clips or content about the actors from the show that the fans can consume.
take teen wolf for example (because its a fandom ive been in the longest) that show ended in 2017 and literally as of now when i've just checked it on ao3 it has 106,344 works written for it. A show that started in 2011 and finished six years ago. And people are still posting stories for it today! (i myself still have some WIPs which i eventually intend to finish off and share) ignoring the fact that there was a teen wolf movie recently that hardly anyone in the fandom watched it's still inspiring fic, and fanart even now six years later.
and why is that? because there's no time limit on a fandom, it's because of the fans creating things like fanart, fanfic, playlists, gifs, meta analysis, tumblr posts, twitter posts, fandom discords etc. because having a constantly running tv show or a movie or book doesn't keep a fandom alive. fans do.
to compare right now, the works i can see in kinnporsche tv series tag in ao3 havent even topped 10,000 yet. like seriously let that sink in. 106,344 fics to 9,556. like im not really trying to compare right now but its just to give you some idea that KP in particular is really just starting out, like we are literally dealing with a baby fandom here so i wouldnt despair just yet that people have already run out of ideas or that its already finished because if you have dedicated fans behind you you can end up with literally over one hundred thousand stories to read about that fandom. and tbh teen wolf isn't even the biggest fandom out there!!
And if you are feeling fatigue with the KP fandom right now then of course i would recommend stepping away from it for a while in order to give yourself a break. because at the end of the day it is totally up to you to customise your own experience.
im not really sure why it matters whether authors writing for this fandom will be published or not? im mean they literally cant legally publish fandom works? or profit off it? not without sanding the story down to repurpose it for entirely new characters. but you can always save or download copies of your favourite KP fic and if you are interested in a physical copy you could always get these bound into a book yourself (with permission from the fic authors of course).
im also a little hesitant to address the comment about 'worthwhile authors being worthy of a large readership' because it kind of discounts all of the other authors who are putting their time and effort into posting stories and might not be getting the same level of comments or kudos or attention as others. like the whole point of keeping a fandom alive is to interact with all of it and if you want to encourage more content than that means dealing with the fandom at a community level. (im not talking about the dont like/dont read elements of fandom obviously the rule of thumb there is to just click out)
But i personally really dont like the idea of setting some authors above the rest because their stories might have gotten more attention or traction within a fandom. it's meant to be a community. not a hierarchy. nobody should be on a pedestal in fandom. and i would hesitate to put any number of people above anyone else for this reason. like we really all are just people being inspired by the things we watch and experience. and by suggesting that some authors might be 'worthy' it also implies that others are not, which kind of goes against the spirit of fandom imo and can be really discouraging for people creating art or fic that might not be getting as much likes, reblogs, kudos, comments etc compared to others.
I also just want to point out that a lot of people come into fandoms without having ever watched the specific content that the fandom might be about? its actually a very common thing and they still read and engage with the fandom anyway in spite of this? so its really not tied to specific people or a readership that has watched the series.
At the end of the day i really don't think hype is what keeps a fandom alive, it's the dedicated people within that community who like and share and comment and talk to each other about the stories they love.
personally im not at all bored with this fandom (and tbh im still not bored with teen wolf lol) so i hope you aren't discouraged by the idea that a fandom simply will fall apart without its tv show because i absolutely can reassure you that it wont!
and also, taking time from a fandom can also mean that when you are ready to come back there's always the possibility of falling in love all over again. so really dont let the fatigue bother you! just because your love might be waning for the show doesn't mean that others are feeling the same way! there's always plenty more for people to share and enjoy and talk about so its not really over.
tbh fandoms dont ever really finish or disappear completely anyway. like at the end of the day you have platforms like ao3 where peoples works are archived for all time and tumblr where hints of fandom will always still roam about in reblog land. that kind of love doesn't just vanish!
welp this was a long response lol but i hope it helped in some way!
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rebelwithoutabroom · 4 months
Happy Valentine's Day!
I've been gone for a while because I ran out of ideas for questions, but I wanted to say hi again and encourage everyone to spread some love in the fandom, as always. This is your invitation to gush about a friend, a fanart or fanfic you love, a content creator or a particular video/post/stream.
I love you <3
omg hi nonnie!!! long time no see <33
i wanna give a big shoutout to @milktearosethorn!! happy valentine's day friend!! it's been really cool to talk to you more, and I love your vibes and how sweet you are :DD
lately, ive been on a bg3 kick in terms of fic reading, so if anyone is interested, I have a bazillion recs that involve astarion and best boy halsin heheheh
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gunmetal-ring · 2 years
I'm so sad you left Caryl fandom. You've got to do you and self-care is important, and you've been on your way out the door for a while now, so it's hardly a surprise. Still, the loss of your voice and presence in our fandom leaves an empty space.
You were one of very few people whose fics struck the right note between the heaviness and the playfulness that encompass Caryl, while still keeping them in character, so that will be missed too.
I wish you happiness, in life and your new fandom.
Aww anon 😥 you are so sweet and kind and your words uplift my spirit wow. This is one of the nicest compliments ive ever gotten
Granted i did mean all of that when i said it - i knew i was being dramatic lol but it definitely still hurts too much. Also makes me too angry. So its still how i feel now.
Putting it under a read more bc holy fuck its SUCH a long fucking unnecessary response lmao sorry in advance
If - IF - the rumors are true, that caryl will be in daryl does paris, TOGETHER, with ACTUAL SCENES TOGETHER, not this whole a story/b story, trying-to-find-each-other-and-making-amis-along-the-way bullshit (amis is french for friends bc i think im funny) that lasts until the last scene of the last episode of the last season that twd loves to do...
IF we see caryl ON SCREEN, TOGETHER, doing whatever THEYRE doing, TOGETHER, on THEIR spinoff, AND they are UNAMBIGUOUSLY CANON - for those of you at amc fervently reading my blog (lol) that means a kiss on the lips with romantic intent, i.e. FRENCHING (how appropriate) and confessions of being IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER FOR YEARS AND WISHING THEY DIDNT WASTE SO MUCH TIME WHEN THEY COULD HAVE BEEN HAPPY TOGETHER, and then FOLLOWED WITH AN UNAMBIGUOUS SEX SCENE WITH EACH OTHER, bc if we can have french zombie strippers we can have a fucking sex scene...
If we get that - if we get caryl together, both in physical proximity and romantically - then i might return. If we get proof (which, apparently, can no longer be a greenlit show or pilot script or location scouting or contracts or YEARS of press or fucking talking about it IN THE MAIN SHOW) - proof such as melissa and norman posting pictures of themselves on set, bts photos released by amc, interviews with melissa and norman talking about theyre filming the spinoff and theyre having fun and how its nice to be filming together again after having collectively 1 hour of screentime together in 24 episodes, hype from amc both in print and on sm about the spinoff, promo art with them together, officially naming the spinoff as something to do with CARYL, not just daryl dixon, a table read of the pilot script (where caryl is actually, yknow, holding a conversation, not just carol talking to some french dude and daryl talking to fleur delacour), positive statements straight from mels mouth/her agents (rather than jdm tweeting angrily at 2am and norman parroting the tweet for six months that deliberately and directly contradicts mel's statement along with amc's statement), sneak peeks of CARYL TOGETHER on THEIR spinoff, things that are unambiguously proof that a) mel is back on HER show, b) carol actually has screentime, c) caryl actually has screentime, d) that theyre actually filming with the intent of releasing the show, e) that its not just daryl does paris with a carol cameo at the last scene of the last episode...
IF we get this kind of proof... not only will i resubscribe to amc+ like amc so desperately needs, but i will watch and rewatch until les vaches (french for "the cows" lol) come home.
And then you know what will happen? The caryl fandom, as always, will do the heavy lifting for amc. They will create gifs, fanart, praise the show on sm, spread the word, buy tickets to conventions, buy merchandise FROM AMC, PAY FOR AMC+, tune in to the talking dead (if thats even going to happen? I hope chris hardwick is far far away ugh), write fanfic, create fanvids, post and repost and repost this content all over sm, which will entice carylers who left the fandom due to constant ship trolling and baiting and refusal of amc to do what theyve been implying theyll do for like 8 years - including carylers who left the fandom fucking YEARS ago, as well as carylers like myself who have given the fuck up due to s11 and the spinoff fuckery - and all of this will hype up the spinoff for the general audience too. Even if GA viewers arent specifically carylers, carol is a fan favorite. Carol and daryl is a fan favorite dynamic. People want to see them together.
Amc is finally realizing that they have nailed the coffin shut with this bullshit and thats why theyre scrambling to dangle the possibility of melissa/carol in every single press release and interview they can. They are aware now of the massive fuckup that is daryl does paris. Far too late to make amends, but if they pull this off, they can save the sinking ship (lol) that is amc. Theyre losing money left and right and laying off staff bc they cant keep their fucking heads on straight, and they are well aware its bc the money they were banking on - daryl does paris - is a complete and utter shitshow and will ultimately cost them far more money than it will bring in.
The only way to salvage this is to bring back caryl. Thats it. Bring them back in the 1st episode - together - and in every single episode following that - TOGETHER. No separation, not ambiguous will they wont they, no ship baiting, no cameos.
Actually the exception to the cameo can be the last scene of the 1st episode. Ill allow it.
Wow i went off on a tangent lol. But the point remains: if they do the CARYL SPINOFF right, they will get me back in the fandom as well as everyone else who bailed.
So who knows? Maybe we have a chance. I know @weaintashescltv has been loud and proud on Twitter about what we need to see. Maybe ill even join them lol. Even tho Twitter is an absolute hellscape full of bottom feeding goblins lol
All in all... maybe ill be back.
As for the new fandom its probably a hyperfixation lol considering the main ship i have is 2 dead teenagers that would make literally no sense to ever bring back to life - altho i have to say its refreshing that both of the actors (and even other tertiary actors on the show whose characters interacted w/ had a dynamic involved in the ship!!!) have so much respect for the ship and the fans and the shippers and have spoken at length abt how they also absolutely intended for the ship to be canonically romantic. A couple ships on that show do that, actually - no trolling or baiting or inciting fandom wars or whatever.
Theres something to be said about an obsession w a literally dead ship lmao. Esp when the rest of the show is like GENUINELY good and interesting (like how s1-s5, and then s9-s10 of twd was) and not just the shop.
Goddammit another tanget. This is why all my fics are like 30,000 words longer than i intend them to be. Sorry for the word vomit lmao. But thanks again for popping in anon ilu and wish you happiness and i hope you will continue to find love and fulfillment in one of the greatest ships in television history (and in case its unclear, im talking about caryl)
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krscblw · 6 months
💉, 💌, 🩵, ☂️
If you don't read fanfic, maybe a favorite art piece from someone! I just love getting fic recs lol!!
Thanks Echo!!
hi mina!!
💉. do you have tattoos and/or piercings?
i have two lobe piercings on each ear and a helix piercing right now. i want to get more but i haven't gotten around to it bc my helix has taken so fucking long to heal lmao
and i don't have any tattoos yet but i hope to get some eventually! i'm just indecisive
💌. why did you start this blog?
i had been listening to ghost casually for almost a year? and then i started finding out about the lore and got hooked lol. my first step for any new fandom is always fanfic, and it seemed like all of the writers i liked were on tumblr, so i deleted all the old shit on my blog and rebranded as a ghost blog. (i had just come from posting on instagram for a completely different fandom, which was a nightmare, and the tumblr ghost fandom was so nice and mature in comparison) i had a couple of drawings, so i posted one, and it did really well and people were so nice so i kept posting! and now here i am
🩵(this should be the light blue heart but i can't actually see it so we're hoping for the best). do you have any pets?
i have three cats! their names are sirius, louis, and charlie
☂️. your favorite fanfic (/art) from another writer (/artist)?
this is so hard! i'm just gonna do the first of my favorites that come to mind. ok minors look away lol
let your eyes delight in my ways by st danger (the first ghost fic i ever read! it got me into the fandom)
this vision of my Spirit by ephemeralgrime (platonic copia and terzo)
caught in the undertow by belleofthebrawl (the first aeon fic i read, heavily inspired my characterization of him)
papa emeritus iv by do2faj
when you light up so do they by vatican3 (first nihil fanart i saw, made me obsessed with him lmao)
the guidance of the morning star by irlplasticlamb
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chaoslynx · 1 year
I left tumblr around early 2021 and only rlly came back today for a bit. First post I saw was a Banana Fish fanart and it immediatelly brought back memories of early 2021 when I used to read fanfics by this absolutely amazing BF writer who I thought wrote the most in-character Asheiji stories I've ever read. Dont get me wrong! There are soooo many good authors. But these kind of stuck with me as some of my favourite I had read in any fandom Ive ever been in. I went 'whelp, I dont remember their name and chances are they've long moved on and nuked their tumblr :(' and went into the tag to find some other BF fanfic to quell my nostalgia. First fic that shows up is one of yours. I read it and it was so good, I got really excited because THIS was what I remembered the other author being like. So I checked ur ao3 and was flabberghasted at how many fics there are to read! I decided to sort by oldest/ newest and start from the beginning. And wouldn't u know: I remember the fic. I am so happy to see you still write absolutely fantastic fics dear author, cause it was very much you who was the author I remembered from 2 years ago. I absolutely love your works. Thank you for all of them
I continue to be that guy from ao3 ...
Seriously though this made me SO happy. Which fic did you remember?? Eeeeeeee I'm so glad that me continuing to write was a good thing for you. Feel free to comment on my fics if you read any!!
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samioli · 2 years
I don’t have twitter or I’d msg you there but I’m obsessed with the idea you had of Miles unknowingly commissioning Phoenix for steel samurai fanart lmaoooooo. I could see that working really well when Phoenix is a college student, or during the 7yg, OR Miles first commissioned him during the Bratworth era and then half a decade later was like “hey one of my favorite fanartists is doing commissions again :)” and he becomes a regular customer. I’d love to hear more of ur ideas for this concept!!!
ASNKNDSJAK thank you so much!! I'm glad you like the idea. I can see all three of those options tbh, but I think ive been really leaning towards like. beanix era or post-DD era bc i think that would be the funniest random ideas i had for this that i may or may not use if/when i finally write this: 1. Miles being a fanfic writer, and phoenix possibly trying to read some magisteel fanfic to make sure it's in character (rather than. watching the shows) and stumbling upon Miles's fics, without knowing it's his 2. Before Miles commissions Phoenix with nsfw art, he commissions him for a sfw magisteel lawyer au 3. Phoenix showing his whole ass by adding things Miles never mentioned and stuff like that 4. and i think it would be really funny if like. Miles asked for a nsfw follow up for the lawyer au commission, and phoenix like maybe makes two copies, but one has one character call the other 'Edgeworth' and he sends the wrong copy for the sketch to Miles 5. chaos ensues 6. Maybe miles momentarily thinks the person he's been commissioning is a stalker and freaks out to Maya, and Maya just takes one look at the art and tries so hard not to laugh and gets the hell out of dodge and i think?? those are the main points i have anyways. but yeah! thank you for asking, and i would love to actually chat if you would like to get off of anon, but if not, no worries! <3
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bluewaterhigh2005 · 11 months
hii i know this is random but bear with me. ive never read the vampire academy books but i have seen the movie for the first time last week and ive been like COMPLETELY insane about it ever since. the absolute craziness of psychosexual obsessive girlbestfriendism has captivated me and now i live breathe eat roselissa. spent a lot. of time on vampire academy wiki...thinking abt reading the books even but that seems a little excessive plus i dont wanna read about rose dimitri relationship i dont condone it. BUT i am getting desperate ive seen bad fanart on pinterest ive even venturend into some bad fanfic territory theres nothing in the roselissa tumblr tag and your blog is the only light in the darkness. im so obsessed with them its really bad. NOBODY does it like them theyre so insane. okay so-> i was thinking you could use this ask to dump some roselissa opinions/headcannons/notes app essays etc or like literally anything🙏. also sorreee for how long it is & thank you & also should i watch the show? ok ok have a nice day byeeeee❤️
i am so fucking glad that it's 2023 and people are still watching this stupid perfect lesbian camp masterpiece of a film. okay first of all you are soooo real not wanting to read the books because of fuck ass dimitri like what a pathetic flop. *i* love the books like i would love my own children but keep in mind i did read them for the first time as a 12yr old and even now when i reread it's mostly to warmup before rereading bloodlines which i think is the most perfect magical romantic series ever written. heterosexuals won that round.
anyway i think everyone in the world should watch the show it's so much fun and the roselissa necromancy reveal goes soooooooo crazy like it's gay excellence. also a) australian rose hathaway is INSPIRED, b) the rose/dimitri of it all pisses me off significantly less in the show purely because he's like. not even a teacher he's just lurking and hanging around and i find that very funny. no friends no job he's just like me fr, and c) lissa wears funky little hats and that's so special to me she is my baby girl princess sweetie pie forever and ever and ever
okay moving onto actually talking about roselissa it is first of all very important to me that you know the 3rd book opens with rose inside lissa's head during a lissa/christian sex scene and she's very much like "i don't want to have sex with lissa..... BUT-" and it sends me every time especially because that was actually the first book i read so my literal introduction to this series was rose being weird and psychosexual about lissa which kind of coloured my view of them forever. roselissa above everything of course but i AM a roselissachristian throuple truther i think they're very fun and rose and christian best friendisms are very dear to me.
i do keep a running list in my notes app of songs that i would put on a roselissa playlist (like an insane person.) and the #1 entry is mitski's i don't smoke because well literally if you need to be mean be mean to me i can take it and put it inside of me..... that's literally their whole entire thing for a while there like rose spending an entire book like. siphoning off lissa's mental illness and making it her own SOUNDS like a joke but no it's #real and #devastating. bonus i also have a list of lissa songs which is topped by BRUTAL by olivia rodrigo because nobody has ever suffered the pains of being a teenage girl more than my perfect bisexual vampire princess.
my post-series thoughts /headcanons are often pretty depressing on the roselissa front but i don't want to get into depressing shit so i will instead talk about my current favourite idea which is that after they break their bond at the end of the series. you'd think they'd start being normal about each other. but NO they get even more freaky and codependent. i like to picture people coming to court and just sighing when they see them sitting in each other's laps on lissa's throne like not AGAIN. and dimitri idk dies in a fire or something. idk if you've ever seen grey's anatomy but there's this bit where a guy is like "my wife and her friend have sleepovers together in our bed with me in it" and TO ME that is soooo roselissachristian core. he's THEIR third wheel and he knows it.
also sidebar it pisses me off SOOOOOO bad seeing how people on the internet so fundamentally misunderstand lissa and her relationship to rose like for literal years now like they're always out here calling my girl self-centred and saying she doesn't love rose as much as rose loves her which is crazy because hello she brought rose back from the DEAD with her mind powers. her whole flop family was dead in that car and she brought back her girl best friend like what more can you even say about that. she's gay and she's insane and she's so completely Not Normal about rose
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Hello, there! I'm Lynn, it's a pleasure to meet you. I had a small question out of curiosity.
"When did you start to become a fan of Miles Edgeworth?"
I think for me it was the end of Turnabout Samurai. 💖
Kdksks hii 😭 honestly i went pretty backwards about it. Let me explain.
First of all ive only been an ace attorney fan for a few months now? Like im not a fandom veteran by any means. It was a cold December evening (i think). A mutual of mine rebloged some edgeworth fanart (for the life of me i cannot remember what it was or why it made my brain click in such a way. Maybe it was dl6 related? It would explain why it broke me in such a dramatic way) and it caught my interest.
Before i knew it i went and read my boys miles entire fanwiki and well. You know what i found there. I was already hooked just by seeing fanart of him but there was no going back to normal after that point. I went on some insane fanart rebloging sprees like i usually do when i go insane over a character. I read a ridiculous amount of fanfic before even touching the games 😭😭 and i am not ashamed to admit it!! And god one of the first things i read had a lot of magatama fuckery and i had no idea what that was at the time but did i let that stop me? Nooooo.
In my defense (ha) it was exam season and I didn't have the time to actually play the games (but apparently had no problem with spending hours of my day reading fanfic :•] Clown behaviour). Plus i have a pretty lousy video game record (i usually drop most games before finishing them rip) but at some point three months into this latest hyperfixation of mine i caved ans finally downloaded the trilogy games on my laptop. Woohoo! You go me.
So yeah i went into the games having already bookmarked literally hundreds of aa fanfics on ao3 and 100% biased. I have almost no memory of playing the first two cases but the moment edgeworth showed up i literally started clapping. I finished turnabout goodbyes a few weeks ago (GOD what a case) and now im in the middle of rising from the ashes but i haven't really touched it in a while... might actually play a bit now. I still have a long road ahead of me 😭 hopefully i will be up to the challenge i really want to actually play the trilogy to its entirety and maybe the investigations games because as we've already established im not subtle about my favouritism <3 and wow this got real long. Thanks for the ask <3 its always a pleasure to talk about That Man.
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boypussydilf · 1 year
17 and 18 they're less about hatred and more about what you find enjoyable and want more of!!!!! For any media you feel like talking about :)
HEEHEE *completely blanks on any thoughts iveever had ever* Fuck. normally id gravitate towards New and Current stuff but keroro fandom is 6 ppl and ive read no fic & i JUST got introduced to mop pinecone fandom so i simply do not have exposure there but that’s ok there are LOTS of things ilike and have many thoughts about. I just need to think of what those thoughts are
17 - there should be more of this type of fic/art
Ok you know what? I’m digging into the past here (said as if this isn’t an All Time Highly Beloved Interest That I Still Think And Talk About A Lot) and talking abt p5 bc p5 is something ive read the most fic of and had the strongest fic opinions on. And art exists. as well. Anyway I have always been desperate for good royal trio content that caters to me specifically. Like ok. I understand why that does not exist in very high quantities. Because the “royal trio” are not really actually a trio in canon and have very few interactions and very little dynamic, AND my thoughts on them are very niche and specific. But especially a year ago when I was desperately rampaging thru p5 ao3 tags to find stuff to read it was always just. Very few people Got It in a way i really liked. I reaaaallly want to see stuff that actually MAKES USE OF the interesting parallels & room for relating to each other w akechi and sumi that the game itself badly failed to deliver on, they’re in some ways very similar and their interactions could be soooo so interesting if people would just. um. Do the work that the writers of the actual game didn’t </3 Also i just think royal trio should be funny in a way that caters to me specifically. Sigh. I have to write p5 fanfic someday to inflict my righteous and superior thoughts on the world. Basically: there should be more p5 fanfic and fanart about akechi & sumi or about akira akechi and sumi, but like, it should also be made for me specifically and agree with everything i think.
18 - it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
i just made a post about this a little while ago but literally from what i can tell ritsu kageyama </3 he needs. to be appreciated. was he such a well done character for nothing. was he so great and well written just to have brief appearances in silly comics and little else. please. Umm lets see is there anything else……… Surely, somewhere, in the history of my life, there have been many occasions where I have gone, “Why does this fandom never seem to talk about [X great thing from the piece of media]!!!!” That has to have happened millions of times. I can remember saying it, as if a dream, “people need to appreciate [subject undefined]”. But I don’t seem to be able to remember anything so. Peace and love on planet earth I guess!
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itsmajel · 2 years
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I posted 1,456 times in 2022
That's 146 more posts than 2021!
72 posts created (5%)
1,384 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 162 of my posts in 2022
#0 - 30 posts
#buddie - 44 posts
#majel arts - 29 posts
#fic rec - 25 posts
#911 fox - 22 posts
#911 fanart - 21 posts
#majel reads - 20 posts
#buddie fanart - 16 posts
#self promo - 16 posts
#because look i made this! - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 120 characters
#nowadays if the post does not have pictures i am usually confused at least 3/4 of it until ive figured out who its about
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Remember that shirtless firefighter calendar from season 2 that Eddie and Buck didn’t get into?
Yeah, me too.
Anyone else bummed we didn’t get to see their entries because damn we should have?
Yeah, me too.
Fortunately I remembered I can in fact draw and cast them both for 2022. I know I already drew Eddie once but I felt like I could do even better now and also I just can’t stop myself and really why should I?! So here we go again:
Eddie’s second entry to the LAFD Calendar 2022. Buck had no input in this pose, but it has him hot under the collar anyway. Enough to have him shelling out 18 bucks for a calendar he already owns. Again, it’s for charity and Evan Buckley is a charitable guy.
See reblogs for links to Buck’s and Eddie’s other entries and TK’s and Carlos‘ entries to the Austin first responder calendar 2022.
[Image description: The artwork shows a man—Eddie Diaz—posing shirtless. One neon yellow and silver suspender is visible, draped over his left shoulder and secured to the waistband of his dark pants. The thumb of his left hand is hooked in the black clasp of the suspender, resting on his hip. The red band of the right suspender is just about visible, undone and hanging down by his right hip. A smattering of chest hair lines Eddie’s naked chest, as well as a happy trail disappearing into his pants. A tattoo in Spanish can partially be seen wrapped around his left forearm, the words ‘la mente y’ just about visible. The background is a turquoise hue with streaks of white through it. The artwork was done digitally.]
202 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
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“Did you know you produce enough saliva in a year to fill two bathtubs?”
“Are you seriously giving me facts about saliva right now?”
“What? It’s interesting and sort of relevant and -”
“Buck, just shut up and kiss me okay?”
Smiling Buck closed the space and did just that. He kissed Eddie and it felt like fireworks exploded in his chest. Bursting with colour and light and warmth and something that felt an awful lot like happiness...
* * * *
I’m finally back with some Buddie art and this one is dedicated to all the magic, fireworks going off, world stopping, world changing first kisses in fanfic. I love them and Buck and Eddie deserve one. So this is my attempt to visualize that special moment. It’s also the first Buddie kiss I drew way back in …. May. Yes that’s how long it took me to post this even though I’ve been posting my art chronologically (the pride month art being the exception). So yeah please stay tuned for more to come. 
See reblogs for links to more Buddie art by me and the taglist.
[Image description: The artwork shows two men kissing in the foreground—one taller blond (Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley) on the right, and one shorter brunet (Eddie Diaz) on the left. Both men’s eyes are closed. Eddie is heavily stubbled, wearing a maroon T-shirt and Buck is wearing a grey T-shirt with his signature birthmark visible around his left eyebrow. They are backlit by a bursting lens flare. The background is a soft, baby blue hue, with a myriad of coloured confetti decorating the image. The artwork was done digitally.]
263 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
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A Buddie sticker design I did for my lovely and beloved friend @octoberobserver who complained there wasn’t enough Buddie merch out there.
I am personally holding her responsible for a) getting me into this mess by making me binge watch season 1 - 4 of this silly litte show and even worse b) delivering the epiphany that Eddie is in fact hot guy from Step Up 4.
For once I have not crawled willingly into this dumpster but been forcefully shoved. Anyway hi 911 Buddie folks, I love it here!
330 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
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“Dad, come on! Buck wants to take a picture of us!”
“Yes Eddie come on, I want to take a picture of us!”
“Of course you do, don’t you have a million of them already?”
“Yeah, but one can never have enough pictures of one's favourite Diaz boys. Also I have a feeling this is gonna be a good one!”
* * * *
I’ve been promising some Buddie family art and deliver I shall. Here’s Buck’s favorite playground selfie of the three of them. Eddie teases him for having it as his phone background but it gives him a little happy flutter in his stomach whenever he looks at it so he doesn’t mind. Especially when he finds a copy stuck on Eddie's fridge a few days later.
[Image description: The artwork shows two men in the foreground—one blond (Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley) and one brunet (Eddie Diaz) standing either side of a young brunet child wearing glasses (Christopher Diaz). Everyone is smiling brightly at the camera that is being held up by Buck, posing in front of the outline of a playground. Buck, on the left side of the frame, is wearing a red shirt with a white T-shirt peeking through underneath. Christopher, in the middle, is wearing a light blue shirt while Eddie, on the right, is wearing a darker blue T-shirt. In the background, a bright, clear blue sky can be seen behind the outline of the playground. The artwork was done digitally. ]
366 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Happy Pride month everyone! Here are Buck and Eddie celebrating the day and proudly showing the world that they are, in fact, more than buddies! ❤️ 🌈 
[Image description: Artwork shows two men—one a taller blond (Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley) and the other, a shorter brunet (Eddie Diaz) kissing. On the left—Buck is wearing a black T-Shirt. He is holding up a bisexual flag (pink, purple and blue striped) in the air with his left hand. On the right—Eddie is wearing a grey T-Shirt. He is holding up the gay flag (rainbow striped) in the air with his right hand. Both men are wearing pride wristbands and their faces are painted with a pride flag, one on Buck’s right cheek, and one on Eddie’s left. Their eyes are closed and smile lines are visible. The background shows a bright blue sky, with fluffy clouds, while multicoloured confetti rains down over the entire image. The artwork was done digitally.]
916 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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iridescentis · 22 days
🍓 how did you get into writing fanfic
Honestly I can't remember😭 I was like 11 I think and found the internet and somehow we got here?? I guess I just read a bunch and thought hey I like writing why don't I give it a try and here we are
🛼describe your latest wip with five emojis
WWY is all im working on rn so i guess I'll do it for that lmao 👁️📸⌛🐇️💀
🧃share some personal lore you've never posted about
idfk uhhh im really very boring LMAO i don't think i have any lore i haven't mentioned already
🍬an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
uhhh fuck i really should have let these questions marinate instead of answering straight away because ive got no clue
i don't know whats an unpopular opinion??? i fear im not qualified for this question also almost all of my fandoms have completely different opinions based on the platform so i literally do not know
🎨link your fav piece of fanart and explain why you like it
i don't know??? im so sorry all of my answers have been 🤷but i see so much fanart i cannot remember my favourite
i do need to start saying why i like art in the tags more though!! i used to do that every time but i have been slacking lately
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