#but lets be real who gives a shit about drawing clothes that shit is hard
courtsees · 5 months
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the lads play dress up
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genericpuff · 8 months
ok listen right
please don't take the implication of what i'm about to say the completely wrong way, there's a point i have to make here
there's this gross thing that happens in LO that's been definitely talked about numerous times (by many people) where fashion is used to label a character's like, "alignment" between "good" "bad" "pure" "tainted" etc. this is something that comes up a lot when discussing Minthe and Persephone because there are a LOAD of double standards in how Minthe was treated and viewed for dressing like a "slut" but then Persephone wears the exact same fit and suddenly she's a queen-
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(image courtesy of @anoldplace on Instagram, I'll be showing a couple of their posts in this because they show off a lot of the great - and frankly disturbing - parallels in LO, whether intended by Rachel or not)
-but can we talk about how the "bad ending" version of Persephone where she ends up with Apollo slaps WAY FUCKING HARDER than anything we've seen her dressed in since she got with Hades ??
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fucking hello?? where's THAT fit ??
you're telling me this girl is queen of the underworld and the best she can do in the fashion department is looking like a color-swapped version of Hera ???
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and I WANNA MAKE THIS PERFECTLY CLEAR, this isn't me trying to say "Persephone would have been way cooler if she got with Apollo", that is FAR from the point, more so just pointing out the pattern of Rachel aligning "bad" with "dresses with more flavor than an extremely out-of-touch conservative boomer". Even when she tries to draw Persephone in more "out there" clothing it just comes across as ... tacky? And only at her own detriment?
Like, how the fuck is this supposed to be Persephone being drawn through a literal male gaze (Apollo):
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And THIS is supposed to be Persephone being drawn from a female gaze (her own because she dressed herself):
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Like literally how? How does this happen? Especially when the latter is STILL being framed from a male perspective (the green guy behind her, "Jeffrey") but we're supposed to believe it's some "boss babe" moment for Persephone to just be walking down the street while getting oggled inappropriately by a male onlooker? How could these scenes be any more different and yet more alike? She's still being objectified for the characters around her and the audience, but we're supposed to believe the second is better than the first one because... she chose to wear that?
Sure, one could argue that at least she dressed herself and that definitely gives her agency, but it's really Rachel telling on herself where her priorities are in trying to write a "feminist comic" that she had Persephone dress herself and then STILL have its only purpose be for men on the sidelines to stare at and objectify her. When you just know this same outfit would have undoubtedly been used to slut shame characters like Minthe or Thetis or Leuce.
I don't even know, man. The intentions in LO's writing are so confused, contradictory, and ultimately pointless. It's trying so hard to be "feminist" and a "deconstruction of purity culture" but then it turns around and reinforces all that same shit it's claiming to be fighting against anyways. Persephone would be an evil slut if she was with Apollo, look at her outfit! But not here, not the banana purse dress being oggled by strangers on the sidewalk, not now that she settled down with her old rich husband who she only knew for a couple weeks before being separated for 10 years but their love was just so strong and the thirst for dick so real that she and him loyally waited for one another until she was old enough to make it "not be creepy" anymore for them to hook up, but only after marriage. She's definitely not a gold digger like Minthe or a vapid slut like Thetis or a homewrecker like Leuce, nah.
I just wish she'd dress herself, for the love of god. Let her dress herself with her own input and not the influence of the people around her or the tone of the comic's own internalized misogyny that demands "woman must always be objectified for better or for worse, that is The Rule!"
Of course she can't "dress herself" though. She's an extension of Rachel and Rachel herself writes like an out-of-touch boomer who will and has gladly gone about how men are just clamoring at the bit to stare at her and get to her... but then claims she "didn't realize sexism was all that bad" until she started working on LO.
Sorry, this post got very long and very mean, I initially just wanted to make the comparison in a very silly haha "wild how bad ending Persephone has way more visual personality than good ending Persephone" way, but then I thought about it too long and pissed myself off LMAO
And no, I don't want to go back to beating the dead horse of "banana dress bad" because honestly, I think in any other context or comic, sure, it would be very cute to see her walking around in an outfit she chose herself even if it's "objectively" not a great outfit, it shows agency and not caring what other people think which is VERY freeing. But we're not reading that comic, we're reading LO, where a woman's worth and value is only determined by how the men around her react to her and only Persephone is allowed to be empowered by wearing outfits that would otherwise be treated as "slutty" if worn by anyone else.
I don't want the message to be "Persephone looks like a dumbass bimbo" or, on the flipside, "Persephone looks boring and out-of-touch", I want the message to be "Persephone is valid for dressing how she wants, just like how the women around her are valid for dressing how they want regardless of whether or not they're protagonists or antagonists."
Quit using women's fashion as an alignment chart, quit using these "not so sly for a misogynist guy" dogwhistles as a way to "other" the women around the power fantasy main character. Women deserve to dress how they want without shame or objectification - all women, not just the women you like.
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cod-sins · 1 year
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐊ö𝐧𝐢𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
.ೃ࿐ Ratings: SFW
.ೃ࿐ Reader: Undisclosed
[A/N: I didn't proofread this so if you see a mistake no you did not.]
[Edit: I can't seem to add a read more option fellow mobile users I am so sorry]
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𝙰𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙲𝙴 ‣. I see König standing at a whopping 6'10 (because I say so) meaning he's a big guy. He has trouble finding clothes that fit his size (especially pants). He gets alot of his civilian clothes tailored or he just has his Oma [ :')] do it for him. I imagine he wears a size 49 in European shoes (16 for Americans) and he prefers boots and sneakers instead of sandals and loafers. His usual outfits include plain colored tees, a jacket (usually dark colors; black, navy blue, hunter green), sweatpants [show off that dickprint] and combat boots. König doesn't wear his hood out in public, so he settles for black or blue surgical masks. He doesn't want to draw anymore attention to himself so dressing casual is his way to go. He's got big meaty thighs and hard abs with a sharp prominent v-line (mwah) to tie it all together.
‣. König has a cleft lip! It's on the right side of his mouth, he hated it as a child but grew up to realize it was apart of him. He has scars on his forearm from a hostile trying to slash him. They run deep and it was a pretty painful experience for him (he hates talking about it and he tries to wear long sleeved clothes but sometimes the weather ends up winning). He also has a bullet scar on his thigh as well. He keeps his nails short except one or two just in case he needs to pick something or scratch. I imagine his hair to be a soft strawberry blonde color. Something like this, this, and this. Because of the military he keeps it very short but he likes when his s/o styles it around. It looks similar to these styles. Despite what canon says I say his eyes are deep green.
‣. König is a Libra! His birthdate is August 22, 1995! [I know Libra's aren't born in August but for the sake of fanfiction shhhh let's pretend it is!] Making König 27 years old; He's very mature for his age!
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𝙿𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙾𝙽𝙰𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈 ‣. König suffered from anxiety/social anxiety since he was 17 and still suffers till this day just not as much. He's able to turn it off in the field but once he's on leave and is around other civilians it comes crawling back. It has stopped him from making friends, hanging out with his fellow soldiers and even dating. He's still a virgin because of this (and because of work and him finding the right person but that's a later issue). However once you get past that shy exterior he's pretty cocky. He's proud of the fact that he is a colonel and he enjoys secretly flexing on his s/o. "Ja, I took down a group of terrorists and saved all the hostages by myself. No big deal (👀)." He's one of those quiet people who talks alot of shit in their head and sends side eyes instead of starting shit.
‣. König is relatively good at hiding his anger, especially since he wears that mask 24/7. He'll quietly brood in the corner--arms crossed giving off an aura that spooks the new recruits. He's very quiet not speaking unless spoken too or if he needs something. König is so sarcastic! He'll roll his eyes (secretly) or mumble smart comments under his breath––mocking whatever superior that pissed him off. If you're close to you him you'll notice when he's happy. He has a slight bounce in step and he walks with his chest puffed up proudly. It's a real cute sight honestly.
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𝙿𝚁𝙴𝙵𝙴𝚁𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴 ‣. König's favorite colors are earthy tones. He likes dark woodsy green, russet and navy blue. I imagine he loves the ocean and water. Especially creeks! Winter may not be his favorite season but he loves hiking through the snow in his hometown's nature trails. He enjoys hearing the sound of the snow and dead leaves crunch under his footsteps. Speaking of hometown his favorite dishes are things like beef stew or anything meaty and hearty. He really likes homemade jams and jellys. He prefers going to the farmers market and picking up his fruits and vegetables fresh.
‣.This man's house is HUGE. It would look maybe something like this. It's super spacious with a few spare rooms for guests. König showers more than he bathes. He's legs are too long to fit which makes him have to awkwardly scrunch himself up. He isn't around much because of his work so he never took to the time to properly decorate. If you're his s/o he gives you permission to decorate. Make it look really pretty for him please. He lives somewhere a little distant from the city; closer to the country but not too far. He still wants to be close to local shopping markets.
‣.I think König would prefer a fat/chubby partner over a thinner partner. He enjoys grabbing onto their body, holding them closely feeling the warmth radiate from their body. I see him liking a partner who is quiet. Not as quiet as him because he likes when your chatter fills the silence. But someone who's able to relax and enjoy the ambience of their surroundings. Someone who is able to point out the little details in things. He wouldn't mind an outgoing s/o, someone who speaks for him when he doesn't feel verbal that day.
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König was once stationed by an ocean for half a year and it was the best moments of his life. It was so calming for him. Every night he could hear the waves gently crashing against each other it always soothed him. It was favorite lullaby (after the one his mom sings).
König always has his hands held behind his back or he holds them in the front. He enjoys grabbing parts of himself it helps keep him stable and grounded. He also fiddles alot. Like he constantly stretches and wiggles his fingers. Or he lightly traces his thighs up and down with his fingers.
One of his favorite genres of music is Electro Swing. His favorite band is Caravan Palace. He loves all their albums.
100% picks people up. If you're his s/o and you're in his way he's grabbing you by the waist and gently moving you over. If you're on the battlefield god knows he's treating you like a football; bro is slugging you over his shoulder if you get injured or he's tackling you down to protect you from grenades.
If he's stutters too much in a sentence he gets really mad. He doesn't find it funny when people mock his accent. Also!! There are certain English words that König just doesn't know. He's fluent in English and can write well but there are times he gets stuck on words he doesn't recognize.
Has a thing for chubby cheeks. Also really likes chubby fingers. If you have fat fingers please give him a massage, he would love it so much. It's such a nice contrast too; his rough calloused hands compared to your soft round ones.
Looves chocolate. Especially dark chocolate, he really enjoys candy bars with nuts and toffee in them. He adores American super-sized candy bars. He also really likes twizzlers and licorice.
He doesn't outwardly smoke but if you offer he won't refuse. He's makes sure not to make it a habit (his grandmother was very upset when she caught him smoking once), he'd rather die by a bullet than slowly kill himself.
I know I said he's 27 but I imagine him to be 35 in canon.
NATURE LOVER! Bro is enamored by the beauty of his home country. He loves observing the wildlife on walks. He has a journal where he keeps different leaves from different places he was stationed at.
Good friends with Horangi. Not like BFFS (they are) but they're drinking buddies. Horangi helps König with his social anxiety and König helps Horangi not fall back into gambling.
König's favorite meat ever is lamb. He fucking loves a tender lamb roast. Gets annoyed as hell when the meat get stuck between his gums but he thinks it's worth it for the delicious food.
Pretty particular about his beers, he doesn't drink anything he's a man of class! He'll go on this super long lecture about how German brewing is so much better than other countries and that non-German beer/alcohol can't compete. Him and Soap got into an argument about this.
He keeps his area as tidy as possible. He isn't a slob but isn't a complete neat freak. If he has a bunch of random items out he'll try and keep them in a organized pile.
Sometimes he leaves his guns out around his house.
Lowkey likes being needed. There are times when his fellow soldiers ask him for help carrying extra stuff or when children or the elderly ask him to reach stuff off the top shelves. Especially likes when his s/o ask him to carry them. He'll start to puff his chest out and walk around with a dumb grin under his mask.
Type of guy to see people down an asle and wait for them to move instead of saying excuse me. [Projecting fr fr]
A real crafty individual, his hood is just a tee-shirt with holes in it. His helmet is literally a bicycle helmet he modded with military gear. König knows how to sew and he can tailor a little. He prefers taking his clothes to a seamstress or tailor because his hands are very big and sewing can a take a long time and he doesn't have that much patience for it.
He LOVED arts and crafts as a child. He would make so much shit to bring him to his mom and grandma. His grandmother still has his things till this day.
His favorite English speaking bands would be The Smiths, Boâ and The Cranberries. He likes to quietly sing to himself it makes him happy. He also enjoys 70-80s music. I also think he likes the sound of nu metal/rock instrumentals.
If he had an s/o he would love to dance with them. He would/could never dance in public but behind closed doors god knows this man would shimmy with his partner. He doesn't care if you can dance well because he can't dance well, he just wants to let loose and have fun with you.
Broke a guy's ribcage once. It was during sparring and König was pretty pissed with the man because he did something cocky and stupid that caused them the life of another soldier. He didn't receive proper punishment because they successfully completed the mission but König decided he should deal his own form of justice. By putting so much pressure on his chest until he heard a satisfying crack sound.
I think he likes apple cider.
He was raised by his mother and grandmother so he has a softer spot towards woman. He enjoys being in their company.
Smells like one of those fireplace candles or something with sandlewood and cinnamon. On the battlefield thought he reeks of blood, sweat and gunpowder.
Absolutely hates when there is dirt under his nails (or anyone else's). He thinks it looks so gross it makes him wanna vomit.
His favorite animal is probably either a bear or fox. He also likes pigs, he thinks the little piglets are so cute.
König is texter not a caller. He'll send his s/o paragraphs of texts instead of small individual ones because he thinks the notifications would be annoying and the last thing he wants to be is annoying (please convince him he's not).
He always plans out conversations in his head. Before going to check-out he's going through a mental rundown of what the total is gonna be, how he's gonna pay and what the cashier is going to say. Being in the military lowkey made this worse. He's always over analyzing conversations because he's afraid of messing up and embarrassing himself.
He likes drama movies and psychological horror. Midsommar is one of his favorite horror movies.
König has stretch marks on his thighs and legs and a little on his stomach. His growth spurt was crazy as a child.
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Requests: OPEN
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated!
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vypridae · 7 months
You seem to be the only one making brokerdoll (thanks for the ship name btw) content, and I wanted to know if you have any more headcannon s, or just general thoughts on the ship. I'm starved for content
okay a. you are so welcome for the ship name i shit you not i spent like ten minutes just being like WHAT DO I CALL THEM because i couldn't figure out a word that would go well with "doll" (as velvette's ship names tend to have in them)
ANYWAY!! HEADCANONS !! i had a post uuuh here (that took me so much longer to find than it should have) of some hcs but here are some more!! (if this took forever to get out i apologize my brain is working at 2 wpm rn and sometimes thinking of hcs is hard)
after they started dating, carmilla starts buying velvette clothes she sees that she thinks velvette will love
spoiler alert: every single piece she buys for vel is exactly her style
i like to imagine carmilla is pleasantly rich, even in comparison to the other overlords, because her weapons and parts and whatnot just sell super well
so she gets so much money to spoil velvette with and she UTILIZES it
velvette's love language i imagine is acts of service or getting gifts (she knows they love her when they get her stuff) and carmilla's is gift giving, which neither of them seemed to realize until velvette literally squealed in joy when carmilla bought her a jewellery set she'd been wanting for FOREVER
also since singing is apparently just a canon thing in the hazbin universe, i cannot for the life of me stop imagining pre-relationship velvette sneaking vox's camera footage from inside carmilla's bunker(?) (of which he got velvette, conveniently, to put there after the overlord meeting) onto her phone just to listen to carmilla sing over and over and over again.
vox and val HAVE walked into her room to see her with her phone sitting on her dresser, watching the same footage of carmilla singing out for love for the 138147985th time
(they don't question it because lets be real they have their obsessions too)
post-relationship, velvette probably posts a bunch of fake online drama about her and carmilla because she thinks its funny to see people being like OMG??? WHAT NO WAY
carmilla is like "cariño why are you posting that we broke up. again." and velvette is like "just for funsies, babe <3"
velvette probably ends up showing carmilla how to use social media because let's be so fr she probably has no clue
velvette loves running her fingers through carmilla's hair and probably has just as much fun actually doing it up as carmilla has with velvette's
painting nails ?? carmilla paints velvette's and paints little white swirl designs over the black polish and velvette draws cute little pink hearts on carmilla's
(yes, they do both get questioned about it)
velvette probably wanted to start a friends w/ benefits (or enemies with benefits) relationship with carmilla but she knew for a fact carmilla would deny INSTANTLY
ok look they aren't married but matching rings ... carmilla wears hers as a necklace and velvette shows off her ring (that she keeps saying is "marriage proposal material" when its not) to literally everyone forever
possessive carmilla? only slightly. she glares daggers and probably throws said daggers at anyone who tries anything to velvette
pre-relationship velvette pining she progressively started sitting closer and closer to carmilla during meetings until she was in the chair next to her like zestial is during ep 3
(she lies out her ass and says it's "so i can annoy her easier, obviously" but she's just gay)
(carmilla starts noticing when velvette starts arriving to meetings earlier rather than later so she can get the seat she wants)
also velvette probably ended up convincing staticmoth to stay away from overlord meetings specifically so they can't tease her for being head over heels in hate-love with carmilla when she's in the same vicinity as her (of which they agree with because its more time for them to do What Ever The Fuck Their Gay Asses Do)
(also vox has cameras set up at the meeting room)
(guess who gets teased to heaven and back by two (2) overlords when she gets home)
(they both know the struggles of a weird obsession with another demon, they know how to poke and prod at velvette until she admits her gayness to them)
they probably ended up convincing her to confess tbh
(which doesnt happen for Several Years, probably)
either that, or carmilla finds a letter on her chair in the meeting room signed "~V" and opens it and it just says "we should be homos" or something stupid like that AJHAKASHJ
firm hc that velvette cannot confess for her fucking life . she doesnt like being vulnerable
lucky for her, carmilla 100% sends back a letter thats signed with "C. Carmine" and says "We can date, if that's what you mean by "being homos"" or something HAHAHASGFJ
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jesslockwood · 1 year
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Detecting the Haunted Masterlist
Chapter Two
Word Count: 2.3k
Pairing(s): Anthony Lockwood x Ex-Detective!Reader
Warnings: Angst, a bit of Fluff, Swearing, Talk of Gore, Blood, Mentions of Death, small details of a death/ murder.
A/n: OMGGGG here's the second chapter, and where everything just goes to shit lol. I love causing pain Let me know what y'all think so far!!!
It's a free form of "payment" for my hard work for the time and effort I put into my works
Thank you and enjoy ❤️
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Lockwood opens the door, surprised to see you standing there in the rain, drenched and shivering. It was nearing dusk, and the haze of the rain and light fading from the day, and the street lamps started to turn on, the glow of them lit up your face.
It had only been two days since he last saw you, and even standing there soaked with your converse full of water sloshing when you leaned onto either foot, holding a grey duffle bag, you took his breath away. It was just the same as your badass move in the house during the ghost fight, even when he saw you getting fired up over his endless and harmless flirting. 
Lockwood finally looked into your eyes, and it wasn’t just the rain that was pouring onto your face, there were tears coming out of your eyes. 
He wanted to bring you into his arms to comfort you, and never let go. That is until he's brought out of his thoughts, when Lucy and George shove their way into the small entryway, to see the same sight he saw. 
“Lockwood Let the poor Detective in!” Lucy says, before making a path for you to step inside. 
When you planted your feet into the home, Lucy maneuvers to shut the door behind you. The home wasn’t what you expected three agents under a small agency to have. To be quite frank, It was quite a bit nicer than you expected.
“Uhh, I’m not a detective any longer, actually.” you blurt out. It seemed as the three heads turned right towards you all at once with the same shocked expression.  
They all turned to look at each other like they were having a private conversation with their eyes. 
“Uh, then uh- Y/n What brings you here?” Lockwood asks with his soft puppy-dog-esq eyes.
That was probably the first time you’ve ever seen Lockwood stumble over his words.
“I needed a place to stay for the night? I can crash on a couch or whatever…” you pause swallowing, “I’d be leaving tomorrow by train, out to the countryside where my mother lives… since I’ve got no job, or job prospects.”
You start drawing circles with your feet. Waiting for their answer.
“Of course you can stay, for as long as you like, actually!” she said through gritted teeth, giving a side eye to the other agent you haven't met, with a curly black mop of hair on his head.
“Just don’t go giving her a job now.” he mumbles, pretty loudly, rolling his eyes, before walking off. 
Before she gives him another glare, “Here, follow me, We should get you dried off, and you can sleep in the attic with me.”she says before dragging you up the stairs. 
Lockwood gives you a sympathetic smile, before he's out of sight.
“Ignore George, he was the same way when I was employed here.” she mentions, before opening a door to a bathroom, giving you a towel. You start to squish the water out of your clothes. 
“I’ll give you the Tour later.” she says, “c’mon I'll show you the attic.”
You got upstairs basically being dragged by Lucy.
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It had been a couple of hours since you had entered 35 Portland Row, and Lockwood was sitting in the library, trying to distract him from what just happened. He liked you, but he definitely didn't want you to get involved in all the mess that always seemed to trail behind the three who already lived there. 
 However, the real issue was, he didn't want you to go. He’d miss your banter too much, and especially your wit, and how you weren't charmed by his antics.
He could help but smile, just thinking about how fired up you had gotten over the conversations you've had.
He’s pulled from his thoughts, when he sees you entering slowly through the doorway. 
“Hey.” you whisper.
“Hi.” Lockwood greets you, putting his book down, and sitting up straighter. 
You didn't seem to be soaked anymore, and you were wearing an extremely long t-shirt, with some yellow fuzzy socks on your feet.
“I uh…” you pause, “I just wanted to thank you… and to say goodbye.” you say solemnly.
Lockwood was contemplating his next words as you sat down across from him. 
“We’re the reason you got fired… isn't it?” 
your eyes widen like a deer in headlights, as you gulp before choosing your next words. 
“It’s my fault really… I shouldn’t have helped you…” you say with tears starting to form in your eyes, “There were other reasons too… but it doesn't matter now.”
You take a shaky breath before telling him, “Don’t blame yourself.”
He looks at you with sympathy, before, gently and slowly placing his hand on yours.
“I’ll be okay. My mother moved out to the countryside after my father… She probably needs my company anyways…” you say trying to avoid mentioning it.
You get up to your feet, feeling claustrophobic from the weight of talking about it boxing you in.
“Stay safe, Lockwood.” you say before heading out of the room, to bed. 
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The next day, you creep out of Lucy’s bed, that you both had an almost sleepover in.
You couldn't remember the last time you had giggled like that in the early hours of the morning, out of your tired mind as she told you so many of her stories such as the ones of the Quill Kipps vs. Lockwood, or the funny mess ups of their agency, or even better, the failings of the Fittes team. You had even told her of some of the pranks you and James had done to Barnes, which he never could pin it on who did it. 
You wished you could somehow stay close by, and become a friend of Lucy’s. You felt if you had the option, the two of you would be inseparable.
You leave a note for Lucy of your mailing address so the two of you could communicate when you had the time to write letters. You really wanted to say goodbye, but you knew it would just make it harder to leave someone you felt already so close too. 
As soon as you headed downstairs, the smell of food filled your senses, and it was delightful. 
 You decided to skip breakfast, and just eat the snack you had stashed in your locker when you were employed instead. You didn’t want any trouble from George for staying around much longer, nor to face Lockwood. You didn’t think you could refuse to linger just to be close to him, which scared you. 
After your father had died, things just shifted. Your mother didn't let people into the house, and rarely went out. She just shut down everything that used to make her eyes light up. For the hope that one day your father would come back. The same had probably happened to yourself. You made a choice to drown yourself in work, but now that was gone, you didn't know what you had anymore to keep you going, and not dwelling. 
You had got your shoes on, that were still damp, before turning to the door staring at it for a good minute. 
You were broken out of your thoughts, when someone spoke up, “You do know Lucy’s right?”
You turned around to see that It was no one other than Anthony Bloody Lockwood. 
“What do you mean?” you ask confused. 
“I mean,” he takes a step forward cautiously like you’d run if he moved too fast, “You could stay for as long as you like.”
You blink a few times, like if you blinked him away, you could maybe have unheard what you just heard.
“I mean, if you want to. You could even work your wage here. You're not an agent so I couldn’t employ you as one without the proper training, but you could do research with George, or even just…something?” 
he pauses, taking a breath, “I just can't let you go home without trying to convince you to stay… even if it's only for a little while?”
You think on it for a moment, with him fidgeting with the silence. Flashes of your fathers warnings come back to you, but you ignore the caution. You had to do it… after that case the fire for being an agent wouldn't snuff itself out.
“I’ll make a deal with you, Lockwood. You train me as an agent, and I’ll stay. I’ll just do research until I get all my grade levels.” you say trying to strike a deal.
He looks conflicted, like there was an angel and devil on his shoulders, shouting at him all at once. 
He must have decided to be the devil's advocate agreeing, “We have a deal. But any seriously dangerous cases are left to myself, Lucy and George, got it?”
You nod pretending to tip a hat to him that wasn't there. 
He laughs, and it warms your heart.
You take off your damp shoes, as he guides you towards the kitchen.
He yells off towards the direction of the kitchen before the two of you enter, “Hey, George, we're going to need another plate for our new colleague, Y/n!”
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You had been staying there for a week by now, and you were ignoring the side eye George kept giving you, as you followed him like a lost puppy, to the library every day. He seemed just annoyed with your presence and the more you ignore his ignorance the more of a bad mood he seems to be in. 
You were glad you at least had Lucy on your side completely, with her giving you the tour of the house, minus what was behind the mystery door, which she defended that it should be Lockwood to show you since it was his home. But she shared a lot of things with you, like a sister would, to confide in. It was nice to have that, since you never had any siblings.
Lockwood was iffy. You didn’t know exactly where he stood half the time. He still seemed conflicted and you couldn't pinpoint the whole reason why. You thought it was just his complex feelings on you becoming an agent, but you didn’t think that was the whole truth to it. He was one of the harder people to read. 
During the week, nearing dusk, after Lucy, George and Lockwood had left for a case, you heard a knock at the door, as you were in the kitchen researching the next case they had lined up.
When you opened the door, you saw James, looking slightly stressed, holding a file folder in his hand. 
“James? How did you-”
“-Find you? There was a rumour that started from Kate that you've been hanging around the George Karim kid, and that you were living here.” he smiles trying to be genuine, but you knew something was bothering him.
“Kate may be a gossip monger but she got it right this time…” you mention, before asking, “So why are you here, out of the blue, other than to check up on me?”
“Since you couldn't access your Dad’s file… I may have flirted with the files clerk to get it.” he says looking guilty, since he knew that was a reason why you got fired, for trying to access it. 
“Don't worry it’s a copy, so you can keep it. Edith copied it for me… just now I'm going on a date with her because of you!” he half jokes trying to lighten the mood a bit before handing it to you.
“Do you want me to stay, or-” 
“I think I need to face this myself.” you say, before he nods giving a small smile, taking his leave.
You looked down at the file like it was death itself. 
You gulp, before closing the door, and heading to the library to read it. 
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You were in utter shock. You couldn't believe the piece of paper in your hands and what it said. The pain you felt was even worse than before, causing you to choke up, like you couldn't breathe.
You hyper ventilated for a minute, before sobbing your eyes out. 
It was his fault. 
You could barely fathom all the anger you had inside of you, stretching its way out from the pit of your stomach over your heart. 
You hated his guts. He destroyed everything you had hoped and dreamed for. For your father to come home. To even just have a father. But it was taken all away, and the hope was buried with him.
Now he was six feet under because he was slaughtered by a black market seller, trying to protect him because he wouldn't go. Your father had to have warned them. But it says that he insisted on staying, when your fathers death could have been prevented. If only he hadn’t stayed or convinced his colleague to stay.
Your father was dead, because of Anthony Lockwood. 
You would never forgive him for this. You didn’t think you ever could.
He was the leader and he led someone into their death. An innocent man who had a family waiting for him to come home and to be reunited with. 
The only thing you were given was an empty coffin to represent his body and all it symbolized was the complete emptiness you had from that day on. 
There was no question, once you became a full fledged agent you had to get out of here.
Far away as possible to Lockwood and co, and Anthony Lockwood himself who destroyed everything you had held dear. 
Taglist: @waitingforthesunrise
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muhaha the dumbass Time to actually give her a description/bio since I discarded her original post a long time ago. (solely because here design was outdated) Name: Rooty Beera Float Age: Typically depicted as 9-13. (she's whatever age Mugman is currently) Birthday: February 7th, 1921 Talents: Drawing and singing. Personality: Mischievous, Brave, kinda rude by accident, vulgar, wild, sassy, rebellious, pretty generous but does what she needs for herself, surprisingly emotional, sometimes paranoid, extroverted, nosy, brutally honest (absolutely no filter and doesn't understand why people get offended because to her it's just honesty.) Story: From a young age, Rooty learned to fend for herself. Without a mom, and having a dad who's too distraught to do anything but bring home what little money he can and drink hoarded moonshine, Rooty's taken to stealing things that she needs, like food and clothes. (To make clear, her dad loves her very much, and tries. But he's mentally not there at all) She doesn't know how to read a large portion of her childhood from not having access to school, and tries to self teach herself by picking out contextual things in the newspaper and combining it with the little bit of knowledge that her dad has about reading himself. Which is how she finds out about her idol, Detective Sketch. (@marinerainbow's oc) So while she can't read everything in the newspaper about what they've done to help Inkwell due to her limitations, she makes it a personal goal to find them. And let's be real, little shit is persistent and found them within a month. First, Sketch just kinda assumes "Ah, a kid following around an authority figure. That's something that happens quite a bit, didn't think it'd happen to me though." But slowly starts to realize how Rooty isn't exactly in the greatest of places for a home. (Which would be why she's always wandering on the streets and such) It begins to worry them, and they start letting her just follow them when they aren't really on a mission or anything. Just trying to observe anything abnormal about her behaviors (oh there's a lot) After a crime incident where Rooty didn't want to stay behind, Sketch finds out Rooty doesn't like to go home much. They end up walking her home, and find out about how her father can barely keep up with taking care of her, and that he feels guilty for it and wishes she had a better life. Later down the road, when Allen gets black lung and can no longer take care of Rooty at all, Sketch is the one who adopts her. From there, she actually gets a chance to go to school, and realizes she actually has a chance at life, so she actually tries hard to study, as well as aspires to be a police officer. She still visits her dad. Tidbits: Rooty's terrified of large bodies of water, and as a teen developed anorexia. She recovers before adulthood however. Despite being a rootbeer float, she despises sweet things.
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"Honestly I don't even play an active role in my life. Shit just happens and I'm like oh is this what we're doing now? Ok."
Personal - Basics
[Name] Gremory
[Nicknames]: Mory (By her friends), The Pageant Queen, Beauty Queen, The Ultimate Beauty, The Queen of Roses pageant.
[Race/Species] Demon
[Age] ??? (Chronologically) 23 (Biologically)
[Birthday] Aug 23
[Height] 170 cm
[Fingernail Polish Color(s)] Peach
[Appearance]: Gremory has a beautiful oval shaped face with almond olive and grey gray gradient eyes with long lashes. Her mauve hair is pulled into a high bouncy ponytail with a few curls framing her face, a red rose is placed left of hair and a green feather on her right and mauve lipstick. She has dark skin and am hourglass figure.
[Demon form] Gremory's demon look consist of black lace maxi romper with a halter illusion top with halter portion including a transparent emerald green vines with black trim. The outer skirt is black lace with emerald green vines forming toile de Jouy, and green wedge espadrilles. She has medium mauve leather wings shaped in crescent wings and ivory antelope horns.
[Casual outfit]: Gremory usually wears an off shoulder green jumpsuit and white wedges. She usually wears emerald and silver necklace.
[Formal/Party outfit]: She wears a long emerald satin evening gown with a slit that reaches up to her thigh, and silver D'Orsays. She accessorizes with an emerald earrings, silver and emerald bracelet and silver and emerald teardrop earrings.
[Pajamas]: A green babydoll nightie.
Personal - In-depth
[Gender or no | Pronoun(s)] Female
[Sexual/Romantic Orientation or lack thereof] Bisexual.
[Favorite Color(s)] Mauve, all types of green, yellow and peach.
Ennagram: 3
Zodiac: Virgo
Personal - Other
[Likes] Modelling, Thirteen, healthy food, books, nature, cleanliness, shopping, make up, fashion, magazines, friends, Jewelry, Human world Barbie movies, anime food in real life, designing, drawing, dancing, smoothies, gardening, pressing flowers, lacrosse, table hockey, sudoku, iElly, human world flowers, tarot cards and reading.
Spending time at the Human realm, pole dancing, children, babysitting, arrogant assholes getting karma, Fangol, human realm fashion.
[Dislikes] Rudeness, the demon brothers being idiots, unflattering clothes, Maddi, arrogant witches, too greasy foods, spoilt brats, entitled people, arrogant demons, Raphael, sizeists, clothes that clash, Mammon giving away too much information, the demon brothers treatment to Mammon, Asmo being too self-centered, her toxic exes, Solomon summoning her at work or in a fashion show, beauty standards.
[Positive Traits] Daring, Ambitious, Meticulous, Enterprising, Graceful, Caring, Giving, Organized, Devoted, Compassionate, Charming, Hard-working, Motherly, Independent, Honest, Patient.
[Negative Traits] Slightly sensitive, Stubborn, Ruminative, Critical, Sarcastic, Low tolerance for the brothers nonsense, Vindictive towards Maddi, Neat freak, Wary of too much compliments, Strong opinions of the demon brothers actions, Can be too focused on one task.
• Fears | Dislikes | Acquaintances | Friends | Close Friends | Crush | Loves | Indifferent | Tolerates | Respects | Suspicious
[With Demons]
Lucifer - Acquaintances, thinks he should let lose once in a while. Finds it hypocritical that Mammon is his favorite but abuses him the most.
Mammon - Best friend and co-workers. One of the few people who never looked down on him and was concerned about his brothers treatment towards him. Was happy and relieved that Elly changed the brothers for the better.
Leviathan - Acquaintances, like his design skills but finds him a bit emotionally draining, especially when he's worse in insulting Mammon.
Satan - Respects due have same taste in books but is careful with her words. Was tempted to join the anti-Lucifer league but backed out on seeing how they treat Mammon.
Asmodeus - Best friend and co-worker. One of the few people who liked his presence without lusting after him and only saw him as a friend, would put him in his place when his words are too much for Mammon. Was happy and relieved that Elly changed the brothers for the better.
Beelzebub - Friends. Is actually closer to him and wished he stand up to Mammon better. Can't really stand to be near him when eating, especially when eating greasy food.
Belphegor - Tolerates. Thinks he's a bit of a brat but one of the people that can control Beel.
Diavolo - Respects
Barbatos - Respects
[With Angels]
Simeon - Respects
Luke - Friends and finds him like a brother
[With Humans]
Solomon - Master. Is actually okay with him not using her often but gets annoyed when he summons her at her job or fashion show.
Elly - Best friend
Issy - Best friend
Gabi - Best friend
Dani - Best friend
Astrid - Best friend
Favorite Things About the Devildom
[Favorite Job(s)] Modelling and Majolish
[Favorite Place(s) to Hang at] Majolish, Cafe Lament and Madam Screams
[Favorite Food(s)] Healthy food and smoothies.
[Favorite Class Subject(s)] Devildom botany and Three realms literature
[Favorite Devildom Version of Something from the Human World] The flower fields.
Least Favorite Things About the Devildom
[Least Favorite Job(s)] Working in Hell's kitchen (doesn't like the smell sticks to her clothes and hair.)
[Least Favorite Places to Go] Anywhere where she can see Maddi
[Least Favorite Foods] Too greasy foods
[Disliked Class Subject(s)] (Human) sacrificial teachings
[Stuff that Can be Considered a Negative About the Devildom] Maddi
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abiiors · 2 years
Ross being jealous of another guy who you've been paying attention to and then when you get home it's just so soft and sweet and your super affectionate with him (I like soft things what can I say)
You’re absolutely right and I don’t think Ross is above a bit of jealousy when it comes to his partner! Like not the toxic kind of “how dare you look at him” jealousy but he definitely gets a bit sassy and snide. It’s all “oh I’m sorry I thought you found a new boyfriend!” And it’s hilarious how pouty he is about it so you decide to take it one step forward and be like “hmmm I guess he won’t be mean to me at least” and he’s all “no 🥺 i wasn’t being mean I promise”
But also you know that you did get a bit too busy being a social butterfly and you didn’t miss his longing glances all evening, the small brushes against your waist, the instant smiles any time your eyes met and now you’re determined to give him all the love and affection he wants.
He can’t stay mad for very long, sorry I refuse to believe that he can hold a grudge (unless it’s some real fucked up shit) so he just melts when you walk up to him like “babe, let’s just unwind together, okay?”
And then out come the fancy, scented candles, the bubble bath products, the soft playlist and the dim lights. The water is perfectly warm when you lean against his chest and he sighs happily.
Bathing together as a couple doesn’t always have to lead to sex, sometimes it’s just intimacy in other ways; like how his fingers gently knead your shoulders, trying to find any knots, any spots that particularly hurt. Or how he hums along to the song and smiles when you join him.
He also absolutely loves drawing things on your back in bubbles btw, he suddenly becomes quite the artist and you make a whole game out of guessing it. It’s not hard most of the time, mostly it’s just him drawing little hearts or writing his own name.
Once the water goes cold, you both have to step out but you’re still quite clingy and needy for each other so he’s like let’s just stay up and watch something or just talk. So you agree, forgo the clothes because why not? (Also cockwarming????) 👀
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Actually L.L. in Dialtown real so let me ramble about them (I'll eventually give them a proper design [working on it but y'all know I hate drawing clothes] and introduction post but I just need to ramble now ok? ok.)
For starters the main people they'd have relationships with: Randy, Mingus and Hobo
Maybe Norm too but I didn't think of them both together much aside from the normie solidarity angle
They didn't actually replace their head but at the same time they kiiiinda did because after a while the tv they put on themselves kinda started merging with their flesh
This can be removed but it's not as easy as popping it out. Well, it is, but know. Yeowch.
L.L. also goes by a different name here because when meeting their first person (idk who that'd be) they didn't understand if they were asked "what are you" or "who are you" so they tried to say TV and Luly at the same time and just blurted out Tuvy and then were too embarassed to correct it.
Hobo logically realized pretty fast that they're not one of the creatures he made but he was like Eh Whatever bc who give a shit
L.L. is actually homeless here because they're piss fucking poor (like Norm, all their money is useless since it has a human headed president) so they either sleep with Hobo or with Randy
Now for some character specific things:
I can't tell yet if they're dating. Maybe a little?
They most definitely fucked though
The only thing that differentiates L.L. from Gingi is that they can keep their thoughts to themselves. But they also want to eat this guy. Probably for way hornier reasons than Gingi does though.
They're still very protective of him tho trying to make him grow a spine but ALSO feel comfortable and capable of trust.
They also want to teach him how to fight but that's more of a pipe dream
They definitely have something going on of some sort. Probably not sexual bc i think that man doesn't care about the horizontal mambo but they're something gay.
They also have a sort of... Solidarity as beings who don't exist on a single universe because of the problems this cause that helps them bond.
By this I mean L.L. went to cry to his dumpster when they first realized holy shit Peter is here and he's alive (but I can't do anything about it because he won't recognize me, he doesn't know who I am.)
Hobo understood their despair all too well and did their best to try comfort them. Also offered them booze so they both got kinda drunk together and he taught them the pros of fucking ignoring stuff 👍
Aside from that incident though they're just low-key lovebirds. TV4TV love. He's very chill and L.L. really enjoys hanging out with him.
Also they're both doggies.
He's just rlly attractive.
They also like genuinely care about him and hate when he gets all self deprecating.
Oh yeah also they cook him actual food which he LOVES ❤️
Romantic + sexual they're so fucking .
Falling for them was DEVASTATING for Mingus like a huge blow to her pride like The Mayor™ falling for this random loser guy⁉️
They're so cute together though sometimes when Mingus purrs L.L.'s head starts vibrating or vice versa
Also L.L. has experience being a scratching pole so that's no issue.
Mingus is both possessive and detached. You're mine but also go for a hike I am very busy right now do whatever you want idc.
Mingus is also Way nicer to L.L. than she is to anyone else. Her morality pet if you will. They're her favorite y'know.
And just like the previous two L.L. really worries for her and does try to help but she's stubborn. Probably could get somewhere post chapter 3 though.
L.L. really likes Tango too
Def nothing more than platonic going on there though but they often see him when they are staying over with Mingus
First time they met L.L. was weird bc they're just weird but also bc they realized this was THE Everett Harry spoke about so it was a shocker but they were trying hard to be respectful
Another time they outright flirted with him bc they were experiencing POST nut psychosis and were still very loopy. He was very flattered AND flustered.
They're definitely restricted from dating though. Sad!
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Summary: A hot tip turns into a hot night. 
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V
Characters: William Butcher x unnamed female x Soldier Boy
Tags/warnings: explicit, mfm threesome, Dom/sub, rough sex, slapping, name calling, sex with murderous misogynists
Words: 1700
Author's notes: for @glassjacket and @brrose-apothecary​ Thanks for the read-through and green light, Bri. <3
Gonzo journalism is an energetic first-person participatory writing style of journalism that is written without claims of objectivity, often including the reporter as part of the story using the first-person narrative, and it draws its power from a combination of social critique and self-satire. The word gonzo is believed to have been first used in 1970 to describe an article about the Kentucky Derby by Hunter S. Thompson, who popularized the style.
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Three days ago, I received a tip that former British special forces member, CIA agent, and now, vigilante, William Butcher, traveled to Russia to obtain a secret weapon to take down the megalomaniac superhero Homelander. Within an hour, I was on a plane to JFK. Just as the A320 touched the ground, an explosion rocked Midtown, killing 19 people. My source wasted no time looping me in with video footage of the cause of the explosion.
...and I didn’t believe my eyes.
“Holy-” I breathed, weaving through the other passengers to quicken my steps toward ground transportation. I ordered an Uber then watched the footage on a loop until it arrived. As my driver pulled up, I received a text message from my source.
“Weapon’s not so much a what but a who, love.”
“So I see.”
“You here?”
“On my way to ground zero, got anything else for me?”
“Will have after tonight.”
“What’s tonight?”
“I’ll let you know when I do.”
He kept his word — called me mere moments after America’s first hero incinerated the woman he claimed to have once loved in a flash of radioactivity.
Now, these two hypermasculine assholes are half in the bag and toe-to-toe in the middle of a cheap ass motel room, arguing about who can make me come faster/harder/longer. How I got into this particular situation is simple; waiting for intel in a non-air-conditioned room, got bored, hair up, whiskey, poker, sweat, partial nudity.
What’re you gonna do?
“Show me, then, you limey cock. She’s right fucking there.” Soldier Boy motions to me before pausing his challenge to an x-rated duel long enough to drag his hot gaze across my damp, salty skin and down over my semi-clothed form. “Or do you need me to show you what a real man can do.”
Each of their gazes are dark in their own way. Butcher’s is nothing but devilish chaos backed by a dramatic, velvet curtain hiding the truth, and Soldier Boy’s is full of secrets, barely repressed rage, and hunger.
“She already knows I’m good fer it. Don’tcha, love?” Butcher smirks.
I draw a deep breath then casually shrug my shoulders. I happen to know from experience that Butcher is very good for it and judging by the non-V-generated power rolling off the superhero, I could be making this much harder on myself than I need to.
That said, I have an unfortunate weakness for big, shit-talking, beautiful men. It’s even better when they’re absolute pricks and no danger of taking them home to mama.  
Butcher looks slightly crestfallen until I toss him a mock-pout and a wink. This is always what we do, anyway. We stay on the outside and keep our distance. Come to think of it, I probably have an equally dramatic curtain behind my own eyes. I suppose I should examine that sometime. After the mind-blowing fuck session I’m about to have.
The supe chuckles as he turns to saunter toward me. “We can take turns, give her a little score card,” he says, coming to a stop in front of me.
I’m sitting on the foot of the bed, leaning back on my elbows, legs crossed like I’m fucking demure. He smirks down at me with hard, dark eyes as he slides a hand between his legs to cup himself over the stiff material of his suit pants.
“You look a little mean,” I tell him, and his smirk spreads to a grin that doesn’t meet his eyes.
“You like that.” He licks his teeth before pulling his bottom lip between them. “Wet as a whore on payday sittin’ in this filthy motel room with me and him, huh.”
Butcher appears behind him, looming, his thin, damp beater clings to his skin in a pleasing way.
I suppose I should be concerned for my well-being, but mostly, I’m wet just like Soldier Boy said. So I let myself go until I’m on my back, uncross my legs and drop my bare feet to either side of his boots.
When Butcher moves from beyond him, Soldier Boy extends an arm to halt him. “Rules,” he grunts. “I’m in charge. Anything goes unless someone safewords. Crimson is the word.”
Butcher chuckles at that. “We’re not looking to be deep-fried in here if that name sets you off.”
“Fuck you. Get her panties off.” The supe crosses the room, removing his undershirt and boots.
Butcher kneels at my feet and lifts them to the mattress, so I follow his lead and cant my hips to give him access to my underwear. He looks up at me. “Y’sure ‘bout this?” he asks warily, as he drags the ruined cotton over my hips and knees, and I nod.
Butcher can actually be thoughtful on occasion. But we had an agreement.
“Safeword. Did you not hear that part?” Soldier Boy struts back to the bed, stroking his already hard cock.
“Jesus,” I breathe, and the fucker smirks again.
America’s first hero, for all his terribly deep and disturbing flaws, is easily the most gorgeous man I have ever seen naked. My mouth waters at the sight of his thick, heavy-looking cock, slipping through his meaty hand.
“USDA prime, sugar, and you got the best seat in the house.” He nudges Butcher out of the way much more gently than I would have expected. “So sit up and open your fucking mouth.”
Butcher peels his shirt off and shucks his pants to the floor before moving onto the bed as I obey the soldier’s uncompromising order. “She does like suckin’ cock, mouth like a fucken whirlpool.” Butcher settles behind me and brushes his lips across my exposed neck.
I swallow the drool in my mouth and reach for the beautiful bounty in front of me, and Soldier Boy shakes his head.
“Get her arms,” he tells Butcher, holding my eyes with his.
Butcher obliges, looping one forearm through my elbows behind my back and pressing me forward as his free hand works its way between my legs. “So wet already, love.”
“You know how long it’s been since I’ve had access to a warm, wet mouth?” The recently escaped man’s brow is furrowed, and his eyes lose their sharp focus as he slides his fingers into the twisted mess of a bun at the back of my head, angling my face the way he wants it. “And this mouth.”
He grips my chin with his other hand, and I let my jaw drop open. “This fucking mouth,” he mutters.
I close my eyes as his hot, salty cock slides over my tongue. He slides his hand from my chin to the other side of my head to mirror his other, holding me in place as he sets a rhythm.
“Good?” Butcher whispers, and I hum an affirmation. He’s sliding one long, thick finger around my clit so gently and thoroughly that I’m right at the edge of falling.
“Relax,” Soldier Boy grunts, swiping his thumbs over my hollowed cheeks. “I don’t need you choking out so soon.”
It’s hard to relax when I’ve got the fat cock of a superhero bumping against my uvula, and the thick knuckles of a thug slipping around my cunt. I’m hot and overstimulated and I’m about to come undone.
“‘Member that night in Chelsea? At your sister’s flat?” Butcher murmurs in my ear, sliding his slippery hand up under my tank top as he looks up at the other man. “Let’s get ‘er on ‘er back, mate.”
“Making it easy on her,” Soldier Boy scoffs as he pulls out of my mouth to spin and drag me to the side of the bed. He dips in for a punishing kiss with teeth and tongue before pushing me down to hang my head over the side of the bed. “She doesn’t get to come ‘til I do, and neither do you.”
Butcher nods with that edged grin as he slowly works his way between my thighs. “Well, ain’t that shite, sweetheart?” He settles his bare chest to the bed and shoves my legs open wide. “We got us a multiple-orgasmer ‘ere, wif little to no self-control.”
Soldier Boy chuckles as he straddles my face and reaches to tear my top in half.
“Fucker,” I swear at Butcher.
“Well, you better get some control quick because I don’t like to be disappointed.” He grips one of my breasts tight and mouths at the other, mumbling orders around my flesh. “Put me back in your mouth.”
I relax my throat and take a deep breath as I wrap one hand around his hard cock. My heart pounds in my chest and I moan, tasting him again. He’s so heavy and smooth. Did he get waxed between international imprisonment and mass murder?
He doesn’t waste a second working his way down my open throat. Butcher’s doing that thing he does with his tongue that makes me come every time within seconds. It takes me three deep inhales through my nose and concentrating on the feel of the gorgeous dick snaking my esophagus to realize that Butcher, a classic switch, wants to see how a man like Soldier Boy handles being defied.
Butcher also knows that I love being punished.
So I let go. I throw my arms wide and arch into Soldier Boy’s teeth and rough fingers on my nipples. I grind into Butcher’s face and feel his chuckle rumbling in my core.
Butcher grips my hips and bears down.
“You son of a bitch...” the supe breathes a lush sneer, his breath over my wet flesh making me shiver as his fucking into my throat makes me gag. “You want her to come, don’t you? Want the slut to get what she deserves?”
I cup his balls and push my face up into his groin, making him rasp and pin both my wrists to the bed. He takes one nipple between his plump lips again and tongues the tip as he slows his drive into my mouth and swirls his tongue around that nipple then the other.
“Hmm, changed my mind,” he says thoughtfully as he stands and pulls out of my mouth. “Let’s make her come. Over and over. Make her come ‘til she’s fucking unconscious.”
His grin is dark and cruel as he strokes himself with one hand and reaches for my already sensitive breasts with the other.
Butcher lifts his face from between my legs, his beard shiny with my slick, and grins wide as he hooks two fingers up inside me and drops a heavy hand over my mound. “Sounds like a deal, mate.”
Part II
More Soldier Boy and/or Butcher
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moxfirefly · 2 years
i was wondering what type of person/girl would each turtle be attracted to? like,,, do they like rock n' roll, or would they like reading? those type of stuff.... thank u, and i love ur work !! 🤍
Hey there! Let’s see…
I feel Leo would be somewhat picky but it’s more so because of his nature to want to have some control over things. He’s kinda independent if you ask me so an s/o who’s somewhat independent themselves would be great. Doesn’t mean they can’t depend on each other though.
He’d like someone who enjoy literature, so they can discuss books and have some cute moments because they would read the same thing together and talk about it for hours. Someone to give him books recs and someone who would love to hear his recs for them.
Sporty or homebody he doesn’t mind. He likes energy though, you can be energetic in your own ways but he appreciates it.
Boy likes to show off so somebody who cheers him own during training would make him all sorts of fuzzy.
For bedroom fun he’d be very happy with someone who is naturally submissive but he does indulge in be a total sub himself every now and then so vers s/o would be great.
Give this man a weeb s/o too, he’ll be a giddy mess if he can sit and binge an anime with them.
Cool and collected but sure of themselves. He won’t say it but he loves an s/o who can handle themselves with a bit of an attitude.
Lowkey (more high key) somebody to baby him.
Loves them pretty fem ngl, like he loves all that make up shit and skirts and heels, but honestly would high key vibe with a tomboy.
Somebody confident but somebody who isn’t afraid to be vulnerable (because homeboy is a crybaby let’s be real)
Which goes without saying, he does need somebody who isn’t judgmental. He’s sensitive you know, he’ll appreciate you being real with him but don’t hurt my boy 🥲
For the seriously big ol brat that he is, he loves to goof around so he’ll for sure be a boyfriend who loves to prank you and pick on you (in a sweet way) so y’all can get into it. He’ll call you a bossy princess and you can call him a green boulder but still kiss ya know.
He likes opposites attracts so you don’t gotta love everything he loves but he doesn’t appreciate you trying. Same he does with you.
Wants somebody he can gossip with. Raph loves gossip and he will deny until his dying breath but homie is a gossipy hoe. Bring forth all the work tea, friend tea, relationship tea, family tea.
High key loves to show off and loves it when it affects you 🥴
With all the body issues he wouldn’t mind someone who’s openly into ogling him, calling him handsome and their big strong man. Gas him up pls.
Sweet but raunchy. Oh how that combo would kill him. He wants to hold your hand in public but fold you like laundry in private.
Sporty, fem, masc, non-binary, anything whatever. Have a pulse he’s easy.
Mikey boy just wants somebody he can have fun with you know? Stay up late and play video games type of love. Share memes and inside jokes type of love. Bake at 3am because the munchies hit hard after banging type of love.
Chill s/o, doesn’t have to be as chill as he is cause you need to sometimes get his ass into gear but he doesn’t want someone bossy or demanding.
I hope you’re ready for the embodiment of love language is physical touch, because he will have a hand or part of him on you. So somebody who enjoys that’s would be aces.
Creative type too, if you paint or draw. Or if you like being a model for him to paint or draw better yet. Music junkie, make him a playlist and he’s yours.
Stealer of clothes and accessories. At some point he’ll be wearing more of your stuff and you of his.
Vers because as much as he wants to fold you over any piece of furniture within sight, he wants you to do the same. You can literally peg him, it’s on his bucket list.
Like minded individual for this one. He’s not opposed to an opposites attract but it’s gotta be like right you know? He loves challenges and he loves anybody who can challenge him but a like minded s/o would be nice.
So somebody who’s into robotics and science and mechanics etc. cause he would love to bounce ideas off of you. You don’t have to be a genius trust me he loves teaching all this shit and explaining more than anything but if you’ve got some knowledge in the fields he’ll be stoked.
Acts of service is his language so expect him to wanna help fix or do stuff for you. Somebody who doesn’t mind this would be great for him. Which kinda goes without saying, he would be really into taking the lead in stuff.
Conversations, boy loves to talk which is something he values in a future s/o. Whatever the topic he’s down for long conversations.
He’s a vers by nature, has his days where he’s more vers top than anything but he does enjoy being at your mercy so be ready to enjoy that and have the reigns handed to you when he’s feeling more subby.
233 notes · View notes
lxvebun · 3 years
Hello! I have two requests I’d like to make, both are for Dabi and Hawks.
1 - Dabi and Hawks with a trans boyfriend, who’s feeling dysphoric that day
2 - Dabi and Hawks with a s/o who’s never been in a real relationship, with them being nervous about kissing and stuff like that
Thank you so much!
Dabi & Hawks + trans boyfriend
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⁀➷a/n hi angel thank you for requesting and thank you for being so patient and helping me out. I hope you like this! your other request is almost done as well. If I still made some mistakes let me know so I can fix it!
⁀➷content warning: Male!reader, fluff+ comfort, body dysphoria,Proofreading? Never heard of her, im tired. English is not my first language so im sorry for any mistakes
Read my dni before interacting
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-♡ Dabi loves you so much. Your comfort and happiness are his number one priority, and he will go out of his way to make sure that you are feeling comfortable and happy
-♡If he notices that you wear certain clothes more often because they make you feel like yourself he will steal get them in every color they come. But also please wear his clothes
-♡he knows that showering and getting dressed can be very mentally draining sometimes, so he always tries to distract you while you do your thing
-♡ he probably just starts shit-talking the lov lol but if that's not working he will tell you random stories that make him happy. It doesn't matter if they are real or not as long as it distracts you it's good
-♡Dabi is very protective he will not stand for anyone disrespecting his boyfriend, fortunately you don't really face any issues because Dabi being near you is enough to scare off idiots
-♡as I said, Dabi will not stand for anyone disrespecting his boyfriend, so he won't stand for any self-deprecating talk either. Suddenly he's there giving you lots of kisses everywhere he can and he won't stop until you're smiling again
-♡Dabi also has a habit of writing reminders and words of affection on your body before he goes to the lov. His handwriting is a little messy but it's a nice surprise to wake up to, especially if you woke up feeling a bit icky
-♡You're his handsome and amazing boyfriend that makes him feel so loved and cared for. He will do whatever he can to help you through any problems you may face, and he hopes that these dysphoric feelings fade away soon
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-♡ just like Dabi, your comfort is Hawks number one priority. He will do whatever he can to make you feel happy and loved
-♡whenever it gets a little hard to shower or get dressed he will try his best to distract you by sending a feather in with you and make it draw shapes on your back so you can guess what it is
-♡ most of the time it's just him spelling out words of love and sweet pet names because he's head over heels in love with you
-♡Hawks loves sharing clothes with you! he mostly steals your hoodies, and he LOVES it when you put on his jacket, especially if you decide to wear it in public like yes, that my handsome boyfriend NO, you cannot come near him
-♡Hawks is also very focused on your health, so if you wear a binder he makes sure that they are of good quality and that you don't wear them too long. If you take any medication he makes sure you take those as well
-♡Hawks loves your voice. it's beautiful and so comforting to him even if you don't like it. He turns into a happy mess of chirps and wing flutters whenever you call him a sweet nickname. Keigo thinks your voice is beautiful and will continue to think it's beautiful through every change it goes through
-♡Hawks adores you, you make him feel so happy and loved. He feels incredibly lucky to be able to call you his boyfriend and he cannot wait until he can turn that into his husband<3
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thank you for reading bunnies<3
♡nav♡ ♡Dabi.mlist♡ ♡Hawks.mlist♡ ♡DNI♡
Read the dni before interacting (its not much lol)
534 notes · View notes
ygreczed-3 · 3 years
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The Walking Dead AU
Hello everyone ! 😁 Little update about the TWD au ! I hope you'll enjoy this post. I wanted to apologize again for this long semi-hiatus I'm in currently... I may start night working in January, maybe I'll have more time to draw then ? Right now my unit is getting heavier, we're starting to have Covid+ patients again so I don't have a lot of free time and I mostly sleep when I can tbh 😂 Be careful and stay healthy everyone 💕 (I hope I can post something for Christmas and new year)
Hank : Let’s find another way! Connor : … But it will take way too long! Hank : We don’t have a choice… we can’t cross that river with the car. Connor : What if we walk instead ? Hank : Excuse me??? Cole can’t walk all day long at your pace ! Connor : You know, most of the bridges have been destroyed during the first months of the pandemic. Authorities wanted to keep people from propagating the virus, and boom ! They exploded most bridges. The only remaining ones are the biggest, and they’re infested with cars who got caught in traffic jams and creeps who were attracted by the sound of honkings. Hank : … Are you sure we can cross the river here ? That dead tree doesn’t look safe. Connor : Don’t worry, I’ll go first.
Connor started walking on the log, Hank watching him carefully from the shore. Cole had got out of the car and was looking at the young man.
Cole : I don’t like that Dad… Hank : Yeah, me neither.
Connor thought he was doing great, until the dead tree started breaking from his weight and the moisture. The young man slipped into the cold, rushing waters, letting out a surprised cry.
Hank : Shit, Connor !!!
The stream was a lot stronger than it seemed, and Connor had to make his best efforts not to drown. He swam against the stream for a few seconds before realizing he wouldn’t make it to the riverbank. He used his last strength to grip a bunch of boulders and keep himself from being taken away by the river. His friend was leaning in his direction, offering his big callous hand to him.
Hank : Hold on Con, here I am…
The man helped him out of the freezing water, holding him still as Connor was gagging and coughing from the water he had swallowed. His legs were shaking, and Connor was sure it wasn’t from the cold : he had had his biggest scare in a long time.
Hank : Look, I know you want to find your brother faster, but we have to be careful. We’ll camp here tonight and tomorrow we’ll follow the riverbank and find somewhere safe to cross it. Cole : Connor you’re shaking !!! I’ll light a fire !!! Connor : T-T-Thank y-y-you… Hank : Jesus you’re freezing to death… take your clothes off.
Connor obeyed without thinking, Hank giving him a helping hand since he was too shaky to be totally efficient in his movements. Cole was a real camping expert now, he could light a fire in a few minutes and keep it going for long hours. Since food cans were getting rare, Hank had decided to start hunting small game, he had learned how to with his own father a long time ago. It took him some time to readjust his knowledge but he eventually did it. The father and the son were becoming real survivors with time. Soon enough, they wouldn’t need Connor anymore. 
The thought pinched the man’s heart, as Hank was wrapping him in a dry blanket.
Hank : Your lips are blue… Are you okay ? Connor : … C-C-Cold… Hank : Of course you are, why don’t you ever listen to me?
Connor closed his eyes, savoring the warmth of Hank’s hand in his nape : hopefully, the grey haired man would blame his shivers and goosebumps on the cold water. Hank opened the blanket to get himself inside. The brune didn’t say a word while the other man was holding them together, and tried not to think too hard about the fact he was stuck against Hank, his bare, wet skin brushing over the warm cotton of his t-shirt.
Cole got closer, seemingly worried.
Cole : Are you okay, Connor, your face is red… Connor : Must be the cold… Hank : Cole, would you open a food can and put it on the fire while I warm Connor up ? Cole : Sure !
Connor sighed in relief when the boy ran away. He started looking intently at the fire, trying to ignore everything else : the last thing he wanted was to embarrass himself with a boner as he was sharing a manly hug with his friend. And it was working. He was even starting to stop shaking.
Hank : You okay ? Connor : Hm-hm… Hank : Good.
The man left the cozy cover of the blanket to pick up Connor’s clothes from the ground. He started hanging them out on the nearby branches.
Hank : It’s cold today, and night is falling. I don’t think your clothes will be dry tomorrow.  Connor : We’ll see.
In the end, his clothes were still cold and damp when he put them back the next day. Connor suppressed a shiver, and the little party started walking down the river, trying to find a fording to access the opposite bank.
They had to empty the car, and now Hank’s backpack was even bigger than Connor’s. Even Cole was carrying his own sleeping bag, and even though they were walking at a steady pace, the boy was not complaining. He had turned down his dad’s offer to carry him at the end of the day. “I’m too old to be carried!” He had said, trotting a few steps away from the adults.
Hank slowed down to walk at Connor’s height, sighing: Teenage rebellion already ? But he’s still a baby…
Connor : … He’s tougher than you think. Hank: … Hey, you okay ? Connor : Huh-huh…
Hank grabbed his wrist, forcing him to stop walking. Cole had noticed and was standing still a few feet away, looking at them silently. Connor only blinked, trying to adjust the focus on his friend while he was touching his forehead with the back of his hand.
Hank looked alarmed : You’re burning hot. Cole : What’s going on ? Hank : Connor’s sick. Cole : Huh ?
Connor shivered, too bothered by a torturing stomachache to pretend he wasn’t. He had been walking on automatic pilot for hours now, hoping to get miraculously better. Being sick was a bad thing in that world : the littlest cold could be the death of the toughest survivors. 
Hank : Let’s stop for now. Cole, light a fire, I’ll put the barbed wire around the camp. Connor, you sit down and you rest.
Connor didn’t remember much after that. He was pretty sure he had passed out a few times, returning to consciousness only to see Hank giving him some water, or helping him not to collapse as he was throwing up. How much time had passed ? Hours ? Days ? He couldn’t tell.
Hank : We need medicine.
He had woken up at the exact moment Hank had said those words : his whole body was hurting, his mouth was dry, his stomach painfully empty, and still, he was feeling sick at the sheer idea of eating.
Cole : Where ? Hank, pointing at the map: This is the nearest town. Might be 2 or 3 hours away. Cole, leaving Connor alone, even for a few hours, is too dangerous. In this state he can’t defend himself. Cole : … I’ll stay with him dad. I’ll protect him.
Connor would have cried if he could. He didn’t want to die. Nines… Nines was waiting for him. He blinked and saw Hank’s massive shoulders leaning to him. In the mist of his feverish mind, Connor finally locked his eyes to the Lieutenant’s cold blue stare.
Connor : Wait …
It was all he could manage, his voice was husky, low like a whisper. Hank smiled and leaned down, dropping a tender kiss on Connor’s forehead.
Hank : Hold on. I’ll be back soon.
Cole had taken his father’s place the next time Connor opened his eyes. He was standing, aiming his gun at something in the dark. An inhuman growl helped the former student guess out what it was : a walker. Adrenalin gave him enough strength to straighten on his elbows. He felt dizzy, his head was so heavy.
Connor : Cole, be care… be careful…
He reached for his own gun, and felt weak when he noticed how heavy it was.
Cole was immobile, pointing his weapon at the Walker who was stumbling in their direction. And despite his best efforts, Connor couldn’t aim. A gunshot, muted by the silencer, finally rang out in the dark forest, and the walker collapsed.
The young man dropped his weapon and Cole quickly turned towards him. 
Cole : Connor ?? What are you doing ?? Connor : The creep… Cole : … Relax, Connor. I’m taking care of them. Connor : … You shot it ? Cole : Hm-hm… Now keep your strength, Dad must be on his way back.
Hank came back with antibiotics, his sweater covered with blood, and with the pills, it took Connor a few days to get better. He was still feeling weak on his legs, but he wasn’t feverish anymore, and could eat again.
On the third day, Connor woke up early, and he was feeling great : no stomach ache, no dizzy head or nausea. He was feeling so well he decided he would take care of cooking breakfast. He rekindled the fire with some dry wood and put some water to a boil in the saucepan. He decided to go check around the camp, deeper in the forest. He spotted a walker, and eliminated it fast with his machete : a few feet away, a little tent was pitched up. Connor made sure no one else was around, and approached stealthily. A raccoon jumped out of the tent, confirming the man’s suspicions : he opened the shelter, covering his nose and shaking his head to deter the flies away. There was a dead body inside.
Connor rummaged through the stuff, finding a warm vest that would suit Hank’s broad shoulders, a pair of gloves. A few comics and books Cole didn’t have. A blanket, more food cans, water bottles, ammo and a hunting rifle. He was about to leave when a glimmer of light caught his attention. Glass ? A bottle ?
Whisky. Connor smiled. He would give it to Hank whenever they’d be safe. He packed everything up and went back to the camp.
Cole : Connor ! Good morning ! Connor : Hello buddy. How are you ? Cole : ’M good ! And you seem to have recovered too. Connor : I feel great today, guess I’m cured. Hank : Good to hear. Connor : Hi Hank. Did you sleep well ? Hank : Hm-hm. Nice to see you back on your feet. We can keep going now. Connor : Yep.
Hank stood up from his sleeping bag, stretching and scratching his beard. He then came closer with a smile, ruffling the young man’s hair with his big palm. Connor welcomed the affective gesture with a soft laugh that died in his throat when Hank leaned down to drop a kiss on his forehead. Connor gave him a confused look.
Hank : I’m just happy you made it through.
Connor’s heart jumped furiously in his chest, leaving him silent and incredulous as Hank was already walking away.
289 notes · View notes
odetojeons · 4 years
Until It Feels Like You’re In Heaven — Jeon Wonwoo
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request:  Hello do you still take requests? Your writing is amazingggg!! Thank you for existing 😭💕. Can i req a whipped dom!wonwoo x fem reader where he has a size kink and a smol gf please? I think that will be a cute concept 🥺
tags: fem and sub!reader, dom!wonwoo, size kink, tattoed and pierced jeon wonwoo just because, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex (uh idk why but I never write sex with a condom help), established wonwoo x reader, a tiiiny bit of spitting kink, very light verbal humiliation, aftercare, this goes from fluff to horny really quickly, fluff if you squint (or not?), a frankly unrealistic amount of cum, OH AND, stomach bulge 🥴
a/n: so haha I am back? with more filth? I tried adding fluff (even tho I completely forgot that the person who made the request asked for whipped wonwoo, good thing this is always in my agenda every time I write so I didn't have any problems lmfao) but I'm too much of a horny bitch and a simp for this man so,, idk? tell me what you think later! I hope you all perish— I mean, like this!
Word Count: 7826
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ “Aren’t you going to help?” you question, lifting a brow at your boyfriend, who’s currently sitting in one of the chairs and supporting his chin with the palm of his hand, plate of onions that should be already cut laying untouched in front of him.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Nope,” Wonwoo answers, giving you that kind of smile which makes you almost, almost feel less annoyed at the fact that you’ve been trying to reach something in the upper shelves for the last five minutes and he doesn’t move his ass to help you at all. “You’re just too cute trying to reach something.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
There’s heat creeping up your neck, cheeks tinting red, and Wonwoo's smile gets bigger, shining and full of fondness. It leaves you stunned in silence for a while. It’s hard not to be in love with him. But it’s not like you try anyways.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“J-just hurry up, aren’t you hungry?” you cough, looking away solely because you can’t stand the warmness in Wonwoo’s face without feeling like you’re going to combust any time soon.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I am. I can help you out,” he states simply, but doesn’t make a move. You gesticulate with your hand, pointing at him and at the rice jar in the upper shelf. “But only if you say please, though.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I’m—” laughing incredulously, you roll your eyes and cross your arms over your chest. “Would you please get the rice jar for me, sir?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ 
Wonwoo stares at you for a second too long, eyes a bit dark, and gets up to get the jar, without breaking eye contact. You instinctively make yourself smaller when his bigger and broader frame hovers over you, large enough to swallow your tiny body. The size difference has always been something you both feel incredibly turned on by.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“So small,” he appreciates, always does, and your neck burns from the intensity of your blushing. “The cutest.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo puts the rice jar in your hands, the darkness in his face melting into a beam.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Here it goes, little girl,” he says, going back to his chair to complete the task which he has been doing for at least ten minutes now. The way he says little girl has you dumbfounded, heart hammering against your chest. “Are you just going to stand there? Do you like being called little that much?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Shut up,” you admonish, blushing furiously as you turn on your back to continue what you were doing.  You just hate how everything Wonwoo does affects you so much. You’re sure this must be bad for your health.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
The two of you continue your journey through cooking and eating after you’re both done with the preparations. Things with Wonwoo are always so easy, everything feels natural and domestic and the bubbling feeling of happiness you feel whenever you’re with him lulls you to fall in love with him even deeper than before.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
The way he teases you when you’re clumsy and spill sauce over yourself, but still cleans you up with the most fond smile ever, like you’re so completely adorable he can’t help himself. Or when you put more salt in the food than you should and you know it’s not that good, but he still compliments it and tells you he loves it so much, the sincerity in his eyes makes a surge of something pull at your lower stomach.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
If Jeon Wonwoo isn’t the love of your life, you don’t know who is.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
 ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
But right now you just want the ground to eat you alive and swallow you whole, because you’re standing right in front of the bed. The one bed. To which it suddenly doesn’t look big enough, not as you remember.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀
Well, it’s not like you have never shared a bed before, you have even had a shit ton of sex in this exact piece of mattress, but the thing is, it’s been a while since you last saw Wonwoo. His job required him to spend three months away, and this is the first time you came to his house ever since he came back two days ago.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You consider throwing yourself out of the window and into the dark, miserable night, thinks your poor heart will explode otherwise.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀
“I’m not going to eat you.” Wonwoo’s voice carries over from the bathroom door, startling you into action. You jerk toward the bed, jumping on it and face flushing. You had showered before him, now dressed with one of his big shirts.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
It fell all the way to your mid thigh, the size difference between the two of you making you almost drown on the fabric of his clothes. It smells nice, smells like Wonwoo, and your cheeks burn when he drinks the sight of you in with dark eyes, not even trying to hide.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Unless you want me to,” he adds, not helping your situation at all.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  
BSHANDJAJSND?, your brain supplies.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Oh my god,” you admonish, yanking the blanket off the bed and just as you get in, your eyes hone in on the ink swirling up Wonwoo’s right biceps. You have seen the tattoo through the pictures he sent you before, the snake crawling up to his shoulder, head stopping at his right chest.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
This is, however, the first time you’ve seen the metal bar through one of Wonwoo’s nipples — to which you already knew the existence of, but looking in person is totally different —, heat winding in the pit of your belly as you realize the snake is looking right at that same nipple. Unfortunately for your poor heart, he’s wearing nothing but a pair of sweats, hanging low on his hips, slim waist on display.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo is… hot.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
There’s no other way to put it despite your best efforts. He looks like one of those Greek statues, rippling muscle and hand carved abs, the cut of his jaw too sharp to be real. Your mouth waters and you can’t look away.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
And Wonwoo has been changing. He always had the thin type of body, being slim and tall, but in the end of last year he started exchanging the lazy hours he spent gaming with animated workouts at the gym — something about the way he was wasting his precious time of life and he could be acquiring knowledge and being healthy instead of sitting in front of a computer for hours —, and holy fuck if the result wasn’t quite the damn view.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You draw the blanket right up to your chin, back very purposefully to Wonwoo’s side of the bed as you’re still trying to stop the mild heart attack you have going on. You don’t want to see him climbing into bed for safety purposes but that doesn’t mean your heart rate doesn’t spike up when the bed dips. When Wonwoo settles down under the same blanket, your brain very enthusiastically — and meaningfully — points out that you’re only a few centimeters away and that there’s nothing separating you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
His abs flash behind your eyes and you nearly throw the blanket off, ready to storm out of the room and sleep on the sofa instead. You let out a breath you don’t even know you’re holding when Wonwoo flicks the flight off, the room disappearing into darkness, before he turns on the red leds from under his bed.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You feel warm all over with the fact that he still remembers you don’t like sleeping in complete darkness.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀
You try not to tense too much when he drapes an arm around your waist, locking you in. Your legs tangle together as he adjusts himself better, the other arm coming behind your head to serve as a pillow. Now you’re not only dying from the closeness but as well essentially drooling over the bulge of his thick biceps.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Congratulations universe for managing to make you even more desperate.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You’re not sure how long you just lie there, staring out the window, unable to fall asleep. Your brain doesn’t want to shut off, a blaring alarm of Jeon Wonwoo going off in your head.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I missed you so much,” Wonwoo says as if he read your thoughts, voice soft and filled with warmth, and you find yourself immediately melting in his arms despite your nervousness. “Thought I was going crazy without you, munchkin.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
There’s a hard squeeze in your heart. You just love so much when he calls you that.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Missed you too,” you admit with a smile, the tip of Wonwoo’s nose dragging through your hair as he inhales the smell of his own shampoo. “Missed your smell.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Just my smell?” Wonwoo teases with a light tone, caressing his free hand on your inner thigh. It was supposed to be a feather-like gesture, but the closeness between the two of you made your body oversensitive, and you find yourself moaning softly as your skin rocks with a shiver.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo tenses immediately when he hears the sound, hand stuttering to a stop. There’s a beat of what you call the most painful silence you ever had — your mind swirls with the thought that you just ruined the mood, face heating up uncontrollably at your own neediness —, before his fingers sink into the flesh of your inner thigh, startling you with the strength behind his grip.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Answer me.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀
You whine louder this time, the realization of his change of tone going from fond to an irrevocable order sinking wanton deep within your lower stomach. You try to close your legs, but Wonwoo’s leg stops you where it rests right in the middle of them, dangerously close to your throbbing core. You wonder if he could feel the heat emanating from it.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“N-no,” you begin, voice already shaken up. Wonwoo’s breath caresses the helix of your ear, making goosebumps surge all over your skin. “Missed y-your bed too.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Is that so?” he hums, chest vibrating where it presses against your back. “What else, munchkin?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Missed—” your voice gets caught up in your throat when he licks your helix, teeth pulling the lobe of your ear. The soft drag of his lips all over that place is making your job difficult. “M-missed all of you, hmmm.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo hums again, pleased with your answer, and leans so close to you your body gets half pinned to the bed. This way his bigger frame completely engulfs your smaller one, the difference between your sizes getting even more overwhelming now that he’s bulked up.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
And you’re not the only one affected by it, because as soon as Wonwoo realizes how he almost swallows you up in this position, he downright moans right by your ear.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“So fucking small,” he tells you appreciatevely, voice one octave lower as his fingers presses on your inner thigh harder. “Missed touching you.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
There’s a shift in Wonwoo, his leg rising up between yours and stopping centimeters away from the heat of your cunt, and you can’t hold back the shiver, wants Wonwoo to press down there. When you attempt to slide Wonwoo’s hand up and off of you so then you could turn around, you’re met with a growl instead, Wonwoo bodily pinning you to the bed.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asks, and it makes you feel like you’re a prey just ready to be caught by the big, bad wolf. You whine softly at that thought, hand coming to grab at Wonwoo’s wrist reflexively.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Wonwoo,” is your answer, like that would explain everything. Wonwoo chuckles softly, embarrassment burning on your cheeks.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“When we called and I saw your face,” he says, barely above a whisper. “I wanted to fuck you so bad.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Suddenly, you can’t remember how to breathe, Wonwoo’s mouth on your neck, planting a soft kiss just under your ear. He nuzzles into the same spot, kisses lower and your heart shakes loud enough you think the neighbors might hear, hyperaware of every inch of your bodies touching.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I know I couldn’t, so I did it all from behind,” Wonwoo admits, sending your mind into a little haze. Of course he has been jerking off to the thought of you, but hearing him say it out loud has your panties getting soaked. “Sticking my dick in…”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo hasn’t stopped nuzzling you, in some kind of daze as he inhales your scent. There’s a hand on your hip now, holding you down, liquid heat pooling in your belly, spreading outward.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“…and fucking you mercilessly…” he continues, voice getting deeper and rougher with each word, his breath labored. “…and watching you cum endlessly… I thought I would be fine just imagining it.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“W-Won—” you start, breathless, the sound of your own voice sounding so airy leaving you embarrassed. But then finally, finally he presses his thigh into your core, your hips immediately going down to rut hard against the muscle.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Fucking drenched,” Wonwoo snarls lowly when he feels the wetness of your soaked panties dirtying the fabric of his sweatpants.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
The sound makes you writhe on the bed, fists balling in the mattress.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“But seeing you, so small…” the trace of Wonwoo’s hand in your skin is light, almost like a gentle whisper as it makes a burning path up, up, up until it stops by your neck, fingers closing softly around your throat. “Makes me want to rail you, carve the shape of my big cock inside your walls.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo’s teeth sink into the skin just at the base of your neck. It’s hardly a bite, you know he could leave worse, but then Wonwoo laps at it afterwards, tender, surrenders you into moving your hips obscenely on his thigh. The way he says, knows his cock is big has heat licking your insides, and if it were anyone else saying the same thing you would be cringed, but there’s just something special about Jeon Wonwoo doing this that makes him look like the hottest man alive.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You’re addicting,” Wonwoo admits with a growl, the feeling of his touch turning possessive as he helps you ride his thigh better by a hand on your waist. “Once I get a taste I can’t stop myself from wanting more. Wanna have my way with you until you’re all mine.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Need seeps through your bones, body trembling as you try to scatter the air it has been knocked out of your lungs when Wonwoo fits his cock in the curve of your ass.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Y-you’re hard,” you comment, as if it’s not obvious, but it has been so long since the last time you felt his bulge pressing against you that it makes you desperate. “You’re so hard.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Who’s fault do you think it is?” Wonwoo questions, groaning when you sway your hips from side to side on his cock.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Can we…” you trail off, hiding your face in the pillow. “Y-you know?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Nope, you gotta be more specific,” he says with a teasing smile, and you smack him in the arm. Wonwoo laughs before his voice gets serious. “Say it.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
This switch of him turning on and off between a sweet boyfriend to the man who doms you never fails to give you a whiplash.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Can we— Can w-we fuck?” you ask shyly, wanting the ground to swallow you whole. You have no idea why you are being this shy.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Hmm, it depends,” Wonwoo hums like he’s considering the options. You turn to look at him, mortified, but he only laughs at your indignation. “Are you going to be a good girl for me?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You blush furiously at the question, face turning to look away as you mumble a yes, but then Wonwoo’s grabbing at your jaw and yanking your head back in place until you’re staring right in the deepness of his eyes, the intensity of them stunting you into complete silence.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Look at me when I’m talking to you,” he orders, leaving no room for arguments, and you nod your head quickly at that. “Out loud.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Y-yes,” you hurry to obey, watching satisfaction curl all over his face. “‘M always a good girl.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I don’t think so, munchkin,” Wonwoo grins, wicked and teasing, and you brace yourself for whatever is going to happen this night. “Sometimes you’re so desperate and impatient you can’t even wait for me before fucking yourself with those plastic toys of yours.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Wonwoo,” and you’re unable to look away even when shame burns all over your body. “H-how did you—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“How did I know?” your sentence morphs into a moan when Wonwoo presses his thigh so hard against you cunt it has your body jumping a little. “You think I wouldn’t feel how you’re more loose when I fucked you? You think I don’t notice the way you look at me?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo is mercilessly dragging your hips up and down his leg, your whines sounding high and sweet in your own ears.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You’re oblivious even to yourself,” he tells you, tone rough as he ruts against your ass. Your heart lurches in your chest, Wonwoo’s words like a hot coal in the pit of your belly, erupting into flames. You want to squeeze your eyes shut, cunt pulsing with arousal. “Even today, the way you were staring at me…”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
But then, Wonwoo’s touch is gone. His hands leave your hips, thigh frees you from the pressure, and the warmth seems so far now. You turn, complaint already at the tip of your tongue, but Wonwoo’s faster, rougher as he manhandles you on your back and hovers over your body, caging you in with his arms.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You looked like a prey who has just been caught into the wolf’s den,” he smiles at you, wicked and cruel as he grabs your jaw and pushes your head back. “Like you wanted me to break you in until it feels like you’re in heaven.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
There’s a breath against your bare neck, his groan hitting your skin when he bites it.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Or eat you up until there’s nothing left in you that doesn’t belong to me,” you’re definitely not expecting the moan that escapes Wonwoo’s mouth, so affected and deep it’s got all the hairs in your nape standing up, every fiber of your body telling you to submit. “Fuck, and it turns me on so much.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You make a sound out of neediness, hands reaching for Wonwoo. He goes easily, body pressing into yours as he crashes your lips together. Wonwoo kisses you like he wants to conquer you, licking into the seam of your mouth and teeth scraping at your bottom lip just so he could soothe the pain later with his tongue. Your head spins with the intensity of it, it’s messy and there’s too much spit and teeth, but that only makes it even more addicting.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
But Wonwoo doesn’t kiss you enough today. He almost never does when he’s feeling like that — possessive, mean, wicked even, when he needs you to know your damn place —, wants to ebb the pleasure away when you’re starting to get hotter until it’s replaced by pure desperation and you can’t do anything else other than beg for him to give in to you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
So that’s what you do, staring up at his eyes trained on you as if you’re a prey.⠀
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Please,” you start, voice caught into a moan when Wonwoo’s fingers sink into your jaw and his mouth falls ajar, like the sound of you saying this particular word gives a physical stroke to his cock. “P-please, fuck me. Wanna— Wanna belong t-to you.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
And that’s enough. That’s enough, that’s enough, Wonwoo wants, you want, and he’ll give that to you since he has always been a weak man for your begging. There’s a fraction of seconds that he thinks he might pass out with all the blood rushing from his head to his other head, cock throbbing in his sweatpants.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Don’t know how so much eagerness fits into this little body of yours,” Wonwoo murmurs against your mouth, his hand squeezing your face. You find yourself parting your mouth open, whining, pliant and overwhelmed as Wonwoo slips his tongue in again, kissing you filthy. The scent of his familiar cologne is so sharp, surrounding you and leaving your mind dazed until all you can think is Wonwoo, Wonwoo, Wonwoo. When he pulls back this time, Wonwoo pushes his thumb into your mouth, eyes half-lidded as he watches you swirl your tongue around it, sucking it further into your mouth.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You moan around it, watching Wonwoo’s every reaction, the way his breath hitches, shoulders tensing. There’s a shift on the bed, Wonwoo moving up and up and up and you can’t breathe because now the bulge pressing against the fabric of his clothes is standing proudly right in front of your face, Wonwoo almost straddling your chest. You let the realization that he’s going to fuck your mouth sink deep within your core, and try not to show how deeply affected you are by the idea.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You fail, of course, hips lifting off of the bed and falling down again, biting around the finger inside of your mouth that keeps you from taking a better look in the place you are dying to see.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“That desperate to suck me off, baby?” Wonwoo asks, and you flush, hate how you love the humiliated burn, how it makes you wetter. You’re too embarrassed to throw something back at Wonwoo, gaze dropping to his erect cock the best you can. He pushes your head back up, making you look at him instead. “Do you wanna see it?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I do,” you reply, a little too fast for your own good, and it only serves for Wonwoo to laugh at your neediness. You debate if you’re as red as you think you are, the burn in your cheeks spreading all the way down to your neck.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Are you sure you’re ready for that?” Wonwoo’s tone is almost condescending, still playful, like he doesn’t think you can even handle the sight of his cock, and you like how it makes your cunt twitch and ache. It’s as if you enjoy the belittlement, enjoy the way Wonwoo wants you to prove yourself.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I’m,” you start, swallowing, “I’m ready.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo’s smile is a touch dark, nearly a sneer, but his hand leaves your mouth to hook a thumb in the waistband of his pants. You nearly drool. He pulls on the fabric until his cock is free, slapping against your left cheek and smearing precum on your face. Your head spins, realising that even this part of Wonwoo’s body seemed to have grown bigger. Maybe it’s your imagination, haven’t actually seen it in real life for the past three months, but the thickness is intimidating.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
The best intimidating possible.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Your heart thuds in your chest, unable to look away from his cock. There’s spit collecting on your tongue, embarrassment fighting against your desire to please. Leaning forward, you suckle the tip into your mouth, making a pleased sound when you taste the salty tang of precum.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo leans back a bit, wanting to assess your face better, and the taut lines of his body contorts in an even hotter way with the new position. You moan again, staring at the piercing in Wonwoo’s nipple and the head of the inked snake looking at it, and sucks on the head, tongue pushing along the underside. Your body throbs with your own heated desire.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You wrap a hand around the base, gut twisting hotly when you realise you can’t even get your fingers all the way around — no matter how many times you notice this, they all make you feel equally needy. And you’re not the only one affected by it, Wonwoo’s hips kicking forward and cock thrusting inside of your mouth, the growl he lets out going straight to your core.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Fuck,” he says, breath audible enough to echo inside the room. “I will ruin you.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
The confession has your body arching for a few seconds, sucking hard on the tip of Wonwoo’s cock until he’s moaning at the feeling. He takes a fistful of your hair, but you push against the hold so you could take more of it into your mouth.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Quit it,” Wonwoo demands, your displeased whine making his hold grow firmer. “Do as you’re told or you might not get my cock at all tonight.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
He pulls you off, your pants loud and labored.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Did I make myself clear?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Yes, sir,” you add just for the teasing — but mostly because you want Wonwoo to punish you for making him lose his beloved control —, feeling pleased as you watch the clear change of expressions going on in Wonwoo’s face. His eyes darken impossibly more, eyebrows frowning and then there’s a hand on your neck.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Your mouth goes dry as soon as his fingers close around your throat, body writhing and mind going into submission mode.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Filthy little slut,” Wonwoo snarls, face suddenly close, and then he’s spitting into your open mouth and you feel like you will come very soon. You flinch, eyes shutting on reflex, and then moan. “Want me to punish you, don’t you?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You don’t say anything, can’t say anything, but you hope the look in your eyes answers his question. It probably does, because there’s a tiny little smirk playing on the edge of Wonwoo’s lips before he kisses you, softer than you could ever imagine he would be in this moment.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I love you,” he breathes, the sudden confession making a different kind of burn itch your throat. You know very well that when Wonwoo tells you that I’m the middle of sex then it’s because this will be a passionate fucking. One of those that he keeps your body so close you think you might become one with him, one of those he kisses you so gently one moment only to treat you roughly in the other, one of those he wants to make you fall apart, crumble and cry and even so, it will be full of love and care and sweetness. “I love you so much.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo doesn’t wait for your answer. Doesn’t need to, he knows your heart belongs to him.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Say ah for me, sweetheart,” Wonwoo instructs and you obey, mouth hanging open, tongue out. Wonwoo slaps his cock against it, precum dirtying your tongue as the slap slap slap of his cock hitting your mouth fills the heavy air of the room. He even traces the tip over your upper lip, smearing precum along your cheek when he slaps your face with it before placing his cock right back on your waiting tongue. “Put this mouth to better use.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You do, eager to do as you’re told after Wonwoo’s confession, blood singing from his praise and his disparagement alike. You sink down onto it as far as you can take it, nearly gagging when it hits the back of your throat. Wonwoo drowns out a broken “fuck” above you, stroking your cheek and moving further in the bed to lessen the awkward twist of your neck.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You look so good with my cock in your mouth,” Wonwoo breathes, voice strained as you suck him off, head bobbing. He brushes your hair back, little groans and growls escaping him every time his cock hits the back of your throat, you swallowing around it, or when you speed up, fucking your mouth on Wonwoo’s length. “Such a pretty little cocksucker, aren’t you, sweetheart?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You blush, heart hammering in your chest with the compliment, but he closes a fist in your hair and makes you stop all movements.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Gonna fuck your mouth,” Wonwoo starts, holding your wrist with his free hand and putting your fingers above his thigh. You know that it means if you want me to stop, tap twice, and it makes heat coil in your belly. “until you gag.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You moan a bit uncontrollably around his cock, legs kicking in the bed at the affirmation, and Wonwoo is staring at you with a look you can’t quite describe. It makes you ashamed of being so eager but at the same time proud of being his little cockslut.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo holds you in place, hips bucking into your mouth. He goes slow at first, wanting you to get used with the feeling because it has been a while since the last time you sucked him off. It is short lived, as soon as you look up at him and nod — the best you could with your movements being kind of restricted —, his thrusts turn sharp and fast, your jaw aching from how long you had Wonwoo’s fat cock in your mouth.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You moan, one of your hands still working up and down along Wonwoo’s shaft as he fucks into you, tears beginning to prickle at the corners of your eyes. He falls a bit forward when you start gagging a little, throat convulsing around his thickness, and he sprawls his fingers in the wall for support.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Fuck fuck fuck, shit,” Wonwoo breathes, voice gravelly, his grip in your hair getting tighter and tighter. Tingles spark down your spine, wetness pouring out of you and soaking your panties even more and you want so desperately to come, to be fucked, but you want to please him first.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo’s thrusts begin to turn erratic as he fucks your mouth, a growl erupting out of him on a particularly hard thrust, and then he’s pulling away. You look at him, mind in a haze, but still dumbfounded. His breath is labored and he looks like he’s having a hard time keeping together, hips thrusting into the air. It boosts your ego to see him this messed up because of you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Did so well for me, sweetheart,” Wonwoo tells you, voice strained from effort but still full of fondness, and you feel butterflies dancing in your stomach at the praise. It seems like he wants his orgasm to ebb away. At the look you’re giving him, he adds: “Wanna cum with you.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You mewl at the thought, watching him position himself between your legs again and kissing you slowly. Wonwoo caresses your cheek with a gentle thumb, other hand tracing a feather-like path down your body. His fingers brush against your nipple, the whine you let out being swallowed by Wonwoo’s greedy mouth, and he sneaks his hand under your shirt just as his kisses fly to your neck.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
And then Wonwoo’s sucking. Hard.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
It caughts you off guard, hips lifting off of the bed and thigh pressing tightly against Wonwoo’s cock, his groan being muffled by your skin. He bites, suckles and kisses the particular spot underneath your jaw, so far up your neck you won’t be able to hide it, especially because it’s summer. And you feel warm all over, how he always remembers exactly your pleasure point, the place that has your head spinning with pleasure.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Your hands fly to his hair, cunt throbbing with need when he tongues at the purple hickey, and it’s throbbing, pulsating with how hard he sucked. It leaves you breathless, not having time to recover when Wonwoo pulls your shirt up until he can get one nipple into his mouth.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Wonwon, fuck,” you whimper, body oversensitive with all that has been going on, and Wonwoo growls at the nickname, hand coming to pinch your other nipple like he’s telling you how much this affects him. “Please—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo bites at it, tongue coming to soothe the pain later, and you’re sure the grip you have on his hair must be painful, but he says nothing; only looks more intent on making you moan. Wonwoo busies himself with sucking hickeys all over the place as one of his hands continues to descend down your body, thumb pressing in a spot by your hips that has your back arching and a desperate whine being pulled out of you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Down and down, his fingers then slips inside your penties, brushing across your clit so lightly that it has your whole body rocking with shivers.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
But then, Wonwoo’s body goes completely still. You feel him tensing under your palms, heat already flooding your face when you know he feels it, feels the way you’re already stretched open for him.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You—” he starts but stops himself, pushing a finger inside for great measure. Wonwoo growls when he meets almost no resistance, face lifting from where it rests on your chest to look at you. “When?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
The intensity of his voice leaves your mouth dry.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“E-earlier, in the— in the s-shower,” you confess, voice quiet, and you can’t look away, Wonwoo’s eyes pinning you to your spot.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Hah,” he states simply, a sound of pleasant surprise, and adds another finger inside. Wonwoo pushes them to the hilt, until his knuckles brush your pelvis. You moan, head thrown back at the sudden, but welcomed intrusion. “Acting all nervous around me but this is exactly what you wanted, isn’t it?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
He gyrates his hand, pushing hard and without mercy, right before he adds another finger, this time more slowly. It burns a little, his fingers way bigger than yours, but you love the slight pain.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Did you come into my house knowing I would fuck you?” Wonwoo asks, knows the answers but does it anyway. He moves his hand a little, waiting for your to be more comfortable with the sensation of his fingers, but as soon as your frown turns upside down, Wonwoo has no restrains whatsoever, fucking into you fast and sharp. “Fingered yourself knowing that I would split you open on my big cock?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You can’t even think straight, hips rising off of the bed, but Wonwoo holds your waist with his free hand and pins them down hard. Your upper body lifts with this, back arching and legs kicking everywhere as you can’t stop the loud moans slipping through your lips, doesn’t even care about the neighbors as your nails sink into Wonwoo’s back to the point it might leave tiny crescent moons all over it.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Did you come back then?” Wonwoo continues, pace unforgiving even when tears well up into your eyes. He trusts you to use your safeword if needed as much as you trust him to use his. “Did you?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You struggle to answer, voice being surrendered to moans and whines and whimpers and it’s hard to focus when he’s hitting your sweet spot with the tip of his fingers.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Ah! Ah, hmmm, f-fuck, please Won— Wonwon,” you try, can’t even understand how you still manage to get red when you realise Wonwoo is looking at you with so much desire. The point you both most like about your relationship is that Wonwoo is the dom, but he knows you have him in the palm of your tiny hands. “I, ah, d-din’t. Di— Didn’t want to, fuck, please— c-come without you—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo pulls his fingers out at that, your cunt clenching around nothing as he goes lighting fast to take both of your clothes off, grab your waist and flip you on your stomach just as he reaches for the nightstand to grab what you know very well it’s a bottle of lube. He pulls your hips up until you’re face down, ass up on the bed, the hurry in all of this only sending desperation all over your body, and the sound of the cap being opened has butterflies in your stomach.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Yeah? Fuck,” Wonwoo sounds a mess, fingers hurrying to close a fist on his cock and jerk it off furiously to spread the lube better, the wet head nudging against your rim. “Fuck, shit, I wanna fuck you so bad.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Do it,” you beg. “Please.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
And who is he to deny what you want?
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo pushes inside you slowly despite his hunger, knows he’s big and there’s an alarming size difference between the both of you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Your hands clench into fists and it feels like you’re being impaled onto Wonwoo’s cock, going deeper than any cock you ever taken before. Tears cling to your lashes as a small jolt of pain runs up your spine, the lube easing Wonwoo’s way in. Overall you’re proud of yourself, haven taken him before, more times than you can count, and you accommodate his cock like a pro.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Your chest heaves, no amount of air feels like enough as Wonwoo’s cock all but punches everything out of you. You’re biting at the pillow by the time the last of it pushes into you, a haze surrounding your mind because it feels so good.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo’s groan transforms into a moan once he’s buried all the way into you, hips flush against your ass and spreading you open so wide and so deep, you would think you might break if you didn’t know any better. You gasp, back arching downward as you take your time to adjust to the large intrusion.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo kisses your shoulder tenderly, waiting for you to grow used to the feeling. He can be rough when it comes to bed, but he always is mindful of you no matter how impatient and desperate he is. There’s this soft feeling going on inside you, mixing with your pleasure and it only serves to make you more needy.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo doesn’t move for a while, hot breath falling against your neck as he stands behind you. You feel surrounded — his scent everywhere, the pulse of the hickeys he carved on your skin, the press of his long fingers on your waist —, your submission for Wonwoo’s eyes only.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You nod at him.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
A lick at your neck is all the warning you get before Wonwoo pulls out so very slowly, cock dragging against your walls and rim. It feels like forever, you whining at the sensation, and then you’re being slammed back into.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Ah!” you gasp, eyes blurry as you struggle for air. You moan as Wonwoo drags himself back out again, and thrusts right back in and groans at the feeling. “Y-yes—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“So good,” Wonwoo growls, close to inhumane as he continues with that pace. “So fucking good.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Eventually, Wonwoo doesn’t seem to be able to go slow anymore, thrusts turning sharper and harder, his pace unrelenting. You find yourself almost screaming through it, so overwhelmed by the size of him — a good overwhelmed, the best overwhelmed —, but the way you feel so full and the exponential pleasure leaves you numb to any other thought.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo, Wonwoo, Wonwoo, your mind seems to chant, fucked open mercilessly by your boyfriend.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Taking cock like a pro, aren’t you, sweetheart?” Wonwoo says, stops for a second, adjusts his hips, and then slams back right into your sweet spot, like he knows where it is by heart. Your body lurches forward, bed slamming against the wall. Hands reaching to hold onto something, you scramble against the sheats until one of them fists it and the other holds the pillow for dear life. “You’re gonna wake the whole hall, screaming like that.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You have enough of a decency to feel ashamed about it, but it’s not like neither of you actually care. If anything, Wonwoo fucks you harder, hips jamming inside you until your throat hurts from all the noises you’re making.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Please, p-please— I wanna— I h-have to— Fuck, ah!” you’re not even sure about what you’re begging for, Wonwoo pulling your hips to meet his thrusts half way. You love this, feeling like a ragdoll, being thrown around and only able to take what he gives to you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Good little girl,” Wonwoo croons, his voice rough. Your skin glistens with sweat, the shimmering red light reflecting on it. “Looking so beautiful taking my cock.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You’re not sure what compels you after he says that but you reach down, hand smoothing down your abdomen because you feel like Wonwoo is spearing you open. But you go completely tense, squeezing Wonwoo so hard he stutters with a moan, because under your palm there is the outline of his cock protruding against your lower belly. The feeling makes you so overwhelmed that you can’t hold it in, whithe pleasure flooding you as you end up coming, eyes rolling to the back of your head and you’re crying all the way through it.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You’re coming?” Wonwoo deadpans, sounding surprised and angry at the same time. “Holy shit, you’re coming untouched and without my permission? What were you think—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo’s complaint immediately dies down when you bring a trembling hand to grab his wrist and put his fingers in the cause of your orgasm. There’s a beat of silence, the both of you completely still, and then Wonwoo is growling the most animalistic growl you ever heard him do, the sheer intensity of it rocking all the way to your bones. He presses his hips so tightly into yours it has you sobbing.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Fuck,” it’s all he says, tone two octaves lower and sounding dangerous, doesn’t even have it in him to punish you. “Fuck.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
It’s like the caged beast he keeps so carefully locked deep within himself started to surface. Wonwoo pushes your head down on the mattress, the other hand still on your belly. He pulls out until the tip and then slams back inside, as hard as he can, and you downright scream at the feeling, the oversensitiviness adding up to your pleasure.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
There’s another few seconds of silence, and then Wonwoo is fucking you brutally. His moans echo through the room, so completely desperate that it has you wailing, sobbing, crying desperate pleas for more.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Look at that,” Wonwoo says, hand pressing harder against the bulge in your stomach. “Pushed my big cock into you until your insides were forced to make room for it.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
He grabs your arm and yanks you up, your back pressing against his chest and an arm circling around your waist. The other comes up to squeeze your left breast as you practically sit on his thighs. You moan at the feeling of his pierced nipple dragging against your skin every time he fucks up into you, your body only held in place because of the firm grip Wonwoo has on you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Sobbing, you feel like you’re losing yourself in the sensations, Wonwoo’s cock pounding into your cunt and his voice by your ear and the burn of his hips hitting your ass — by now it must be all red, the marks probably going to linger for some time. You can’t hold yourself together anymore, mouth open and drooling, tears clinging to your lashes, staccato moans falling from your lips that break on every thrust. You’re limp against Wonwoo, can’t even fuck back, letting him have his way with you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Drooling all over yourself for my cock,” Wonwoo says, fucks in deep against your sweet spot and mouths at the side of your neck. “Because of me, right? Tell me.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Y-you— yours, yours, please,” your head falls back on his shoulder, hand pressing tightly in the shape of his cock in your stomach, and at this point you don’t even know what you’re doing anymore.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I’ve broken you in, fuck.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
And he did, really. He has broken you in, has you crying on his cock.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You belong to who?” Wonwoo pressed his hips flush on your ass, grinds hard enough for your body to be sent forward. A short few seconds so you can take a breath — or at least try to. “Hm? Who’s fucking you this good?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“W-Wonwoo, Wonwon, you, please,” you cry out as he starts to fuck you mercilessly again, the brutal pace punching moans out of you. “Ah, ah, ah, p-please, haaah, I’m y-yours— yours, b-belong to, hmmm, to you only, please!”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Yeah,” Wonwoo echoes, thrusts turning erratic and groans morphing into moans. “Mine.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I can’t — I’m g-gonna—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Come for me.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
And it’s enough for you. Your muscles tense, toes curling as hot, white pleasure surges through your body and floods you until you fall limp on the bed, hips only up because Wonwoo is holding them tightly. You clench around his cock involuntarily, his groan muffled by your hair and he’s coming, Wonwoo’s cock twitching inside you as thick spurts of come fill you to the brim. They seem to be endless, his spunk filling you up until it’s dripping out and down your thighs.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You don’t remember much of what happens later. Your mind spins and then you fall into a most needed slumber.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You wake up a bit disoriented, having no idea how much has passed since you fell asleep, but you realise you’re all cleaned up and dressed, head resting in Wonwoo’s — thankfully, for the sake of your precious pussy — clothed chest as he uses his cellphone. He smells clean too, hair still a little bit wet, and you smile thinking that the shower you both took before going to bed was useless.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You’re up?” comes Wonwoo’s question when he feels your lips moving against him, placing his phone somewhere on the bed and circling his arms around you. You move your head, looking up at him with fondness.⠀
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Hey, baby,” you breathe out, reaching to peck him in the lips once. He smiles, that kind of smile that leaves you breathless with love.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Hey, my love,” Wonwoo laughs when you blush at the pet name. It’s so sweet and endearing, you always feel warm whenever he says it. “I see you still get all red when I call you that.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Shut up,” you swat at his arm, Wonwoo’s following laugh sounding like the best music you ever heard. “How much did I sleep?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Not much,” he presses you tighter against him. “I think one hour? Something like that.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Thanks for taking care of me,” you say, legs tangling with his and the smile never leaving your lips.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Of course, my love. Always will take care of you,” Wonwoo nuzzles your hair and inhales. “Got kind of surprised that I managed to fuck you into unconsciousness.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Wonwoo,” you mortify with a laugh, hitting his chest, but he only giggles at you. He giggles. Your heart might explode soon.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“What? Can’t I be happy that I pleasured my tiny girlfriend the way she deserves to?” Wonwoo says, and it sounds like a joke, but when you look up at him again to make a retort, the reverence in his eyes surrenders you speechless.⠀
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
He stares at you with so much admiration and love, like you’re the most beautiful thing ever.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I love you,” you say instead, cheeks hurting from the way you’re smiling, and Wonwoo seems to be caught off guard because he’s blushing. Wonwoo’s blushing. He’s so cute you want to die.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Shut up and go back to sleep,” he coughs, pushing your head against his chest and you laugh at this shyness. “I love you too.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Yes. The warmness of his hands, the beat of his heart, the rise and fall of his chest, the love in his eyes, the sweetness of his words — you missed everything about Jeon Wonwoo.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Going to a Private Onsen with Gojo
NSFW Gojo Satoru x F!Reader, established relationship
Type: One shot. This is around almost 4k words.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW content, Voyeurism, exhibitionism, daddy kink, squirting, overstimulation, praising, dom!Gojo, breeding kink, slightly manipulative/ Yandere Gojo, degradation
Notes: finally got to finish this fic, my motivation just dropped halfway lmao. The inn house has rooms with private hot springs. Not shared like the communal ones in public bath houses. This is half fluff half smut.
The private hot springs per room are separated by bamboo trees and wooden walls. (With holes. So you know what's gonna go down👀💦💦💦)
You and Satoru finally get the chance to have a 2 day 1 night short break from work. He takes you to an inn, checking in a tatami room with a private hot spring (onsen) included. The place smelled fresh, and you could smell the flowers outside.
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"We can see the hot springs from here love. What do you think? It's gorgeous isn't it?" Satoru wiggled his eyebrows at you. You both set your luggage down, making yourselves at home. The sun is still high up, it is only 2:00pm and the hot spring is steaming, the sunlight making the water shine and glitter.
"It's not bad at all; the room is quite big as well." You smiled. Despite knowing that you're only stroking his ego, you let it go for once. Just this once because it is a special break after all. He internally pats himself on the back, beaming at you. “Glad you like it. Let’s take a walk around the area and then come back for dinner.”
“Fine with me”. Both of you changed into traditional clothing first. Gojo into a Yukata and you into your kimono. He helped you tie your obi and do your hair up. "Look how pretty my kitten is." He practically purred out as he cinched your waist beneath his large hands. His hands felt like fire on your waist.
You flushed, softly calling out his name. "N-not now." You stared at his profile. All lean and muscular. Knowing his physique hidden under the blue fabric did nothing to help. 
"Not now." He agreed. But the glint in his eyes said otherwise. Still he held himself back.
So you both set out, exploring the town. The stalls were bustling with people. You both bought souvenirs for the students as well as omamori (charms) for various purposes. 
You visited the temple and just tried to relieve the pent up stress from the last few weeks. “The air is so cool and it smells really nice here.” The flowers were all in bloom, as it was spring as of now. Satoru, however, kept his eyes on you for most of the time instead of the scenery around him. 
“Yeah, it’s real pretty isn’t it? Wanna take some photos?”
“Good idea! I need a new lock screen pic of us Toru!” you smiled. Your smile unfortunately dimmed upon noticing other women staring at Satoru and batting their eyelashes at him (ignoring the fact that you were right beside him). 
You’ve always known that he was a gorgeous person, just thanking your lucky stars that he actually came around to reciprocate your feelings. “Hey”, Satoru cupped your face and turned it to face him. He was pouting. “Focus on me love. This trip is just for us.” 
You gave him a weak smile. “Yeah, sorry about that. AH! I wanna have a picture by that Sakura tree~”. You tried to be more enthusiastic and engaging, blocking out any jealous and negative thoughts. 
Seriously, it's not like you didn't trust him. Just that your insecurity gets to you sometimes. You quickly bat the thoughts away. Your thoughts came to a halt when you felt something soft on the corner of your lips. 
"Love you." Satoru murmured against your cheek. You turned to see his eyes under his drooping sunglasses just an inch away from yours. You couldn't help but sigh in admiration. Of course he knows how you feel. "I love you more Toruu~ Now let's go." You gave him a genuine and bright smile. Walking over to a shaded area near the lake, surrounded by tall grass.
He leaned down to press his cheek against the top of your head and placed one arm around you. His other hand was holding up his phone for a selfie. After you took some pretty and funny photos, he surprised you by bringing out a polaroid.
"Eh?! Since when did you bring that with you?" You asked him. Satoru gave a sneaky smirk, "Well. Since you talked non stop about loving the vintage aesthetic recently, I thought it would be good to make a small scrapbook or photo album of this trip." 
".... who are you and what have you done with my husband..."
"Hey! That's rude. I'm always nice and sweet." He pouted and widened his eyes, using a finger to push down his shades. "I knowww~ Just kidding Toru, I love your ideas. I'll help you with it then." 
"Of course you will pumpkin." He squeezed you against his side, not caring about anyone who might be looking at both of you being overly affectionate in public. 
He took pictures using the polaroid camera every now and then. Taking your hand and leading you around, Satoru did not give your thoughts a chance to move away from him. He didn't hesitate to tickle you when your guard was down and poked at your cheeks with the most annoying grin. 
After that it was just you and him. Enjoying your precious time together, undisturbed by anyone else. By the time the sun was setting, you dragged him over to an Izakaya. "Should we have dinner here?" You asked him. 
"Ooooh! Looks like they have good meat and eel. That's fine with me." He replied. You both enjoyed dinner and had a bit of sake. Satoru always looked cute with flushed red cheeks and that big stupid smile of his. "Well you look cuter than me for once Hun." He quipped back.
You smiled as you wiped that teriyaki sauce off the corner of his mouth for him. It was a really peaceful day. 
Walking back to the inn, you noticed a shadow moving quickly just by the corner of your eye. This is why you don't think about work during your free time. Feeling chills run up your spine, you turned to see a curse, staring straight back at you. "Ah shit I left my sword back in the inn." 
Not even having finished your sentence, you watched as Satoru flicked his wrist and took down the 2nd grade curse in an instant. "I told you not to worry darling. I'm not going to let anything hurt you." He tutted and booped your nose playfully, eyes shining. 
"Heehh~" you pretended not to be impressed but by the look on his face, you knew you didn't do a good job of hiding it. He just chuckled and wrapped his arms around you. "Toru I can't walk like this." 
It was like trying to lug a 190cm tall clingy infant. "I'll protect you with my infinity from all sides love." He looked really happy, just prancing around with you in his arms as you both made your way back to the inn. 
You both settled back in and got ready to take a bath. It was a really good day and everything went smoother than you thought it would, knowing your chaotic and unorthodox doof of a husband. 
"Dinner was so good. This was a great idea Toru, thank you." You smiled up at him. He smiled back, so soft and gentle with you. The way he never is and never will be with anyone else.
"Now then, I'll be taking my payment from you." You looked up at him, confusion evident on your face. Your husband of 5 years still confuses you until this day. "I'm sorry?" you felt affronted as you asked the question. You had no problem paying your share of the bills, heck you earn a lot as a 1st grade Jujutsu sorcerer yourself. 
But Satoru spent about over a month pestering you about wanting to treat you to a short staycation with him. "Yes", he replied slowly making his way towards you, towering over your shorter frame. You stood your ground and craned to look up at him. 
"Thank you for the meal sweetheart. You will be my dessert." He removed his glasses and threw them aside to showcase his bright blue eyes. You shivered from the intensity, and his lips turned up in a smirk. His words were somewhat funny, but his tone was dead serious.
He wasted no time, leaning down to suck down on the juncture of your neck and shoulder, after he pulled one side of your kimono off your shoulder. "Sa-Satoru!!, hah- ", his grip on you was way too tight.
"Baby, I am so sorry I can't wait any longer. Won't you be good for me?" Satoru asked as he took a step back and cupped your cheeks in his hands.
It's true that this man has no self-control, always palming your ass down the hallways at Tokyo Jujutsu High. But you rarely see him as desperate as he is now, that it was actually endearing to you. So you relented, earning a grin from the man.
He helped you out of your kimono, littering small kisses on your forehead and cheeks, before he started biting on one ear. 
Unclasping your bra, he reached down to grope your breasts. You stared at him as he suckled on one nipple while toying with the other. His eyes opened to meet yours, and you could feel the growing wetness between your legs.
You also reached up to pull his Yukata off, undoing the tie on his waist. "I love it when you hair is done up darling. I can bite as much of your neck as I want." He growled out against your shoulder, biting and sucking wherever he can.
Your mouth watered upon seeing the outline of his hard-on straining against his boxers. On the other hand, Satoru stared unashamedly as you pulled down your panties, keeping your legs together to keep your slick from dripping down your legs.
Impatiently, you reached up and ran your fingers through his locks. "Satoru~" you whined. He only smirked in response. In one quick movement, he gathered you into his arms and brought you over to the small washing area with the soap and shower-head. 
He was still in his boxers however. You just stared at it, drawing closer to press your hand and rub the outline. He let out a long moan, which led to you to quickly look up and snap out a hush. "The neighbours might hear us Toru." You whined. 
"Tch, Let them hear. They can't touch or experience us anyways. And I want to show off my lovely little wife." He leered down at you, finally removing his wet boxers and throwing it onto the ground.
His hard cock sprang up and slapped against his abs. As if moving by some force, you immediately dropped to your knees. Rubbing soap onto his waist, thighs, and finally pumping his cock with your soapy hands. You looked up to him as you "cleaned" him off with innocent eyes. 
Satoru wasn't impressed. "Don't tease me baby or you'll regret it." He pulled you up and brought you into a deep kiss. You both gathered more soap and started washing each other off.
With his hands moving slowly down the sides, Satoru didn't hold himself back from touching every nook and cranny of your body. From your neck, to your shoulders, down your breasts, going to your thighs and legs. His hands were rubbing at your skin, inching nearer and nearer to your cunt. Until he suddenly pulled away, making you cry out at the loss of contact. 
"Be good for me and let me clean you first kitten." He whispered.
No other words were shared as you both rinsed and washed each other off before moving to the onsen.
"You know, I've always wanted to fuck you in a hot spring." Satoru smirked as you both dipped into the water. You sat on his lap and clasped your hands behind his neck, straddling him. His hands gripping either side of you waist tightly. 
"No I don't know." You turned away from him as you rested your head against his chest. He hummed. Both of you resting for a bit. You were both in the same state, antsy for action, but trying to enjoy the hot springs at the same time. 
For a while you both just stayed soaking in the hot water. Until you started grinding down against him. He just stared down at your figure. Breasts spilling against his chest, the slope of your s line with your ass under the water. But you refused to meet his eyes.
Satoru didn't really like that very much. He pinched your thigh hard. "Ow!,' you yelped. "Toru what was-" you finally turned to look up at him, but faltered and stopped moving. His eyes were bright and his expression dark. "I thought my baby was going to be good for me tonight. You don't wanna beg me later just to come right? Or does daddy have to make you do just that?"
As soon as he said the word daddy you felt your insides clench around nothing, thighs quivering. He looked down towards your body, grinning at your response. He pulled you out of the water, sitting down on the ground beside it. 
"Suck me off baby and I'll consider making you cum."
You crawled over on all fours towards him. You kissed him first, then trailed downwards, licking off the water and sweat on Satoru's abs and the outlines of his hard muscles. He groans while staring at you, pupils blown so wide his bright blue eyes actually look dark for once. 
You can see the carnal lust raging behind him as you squeeze your breasts together while kneeling and licking his abs. You leave small butterfly kisses as you slowly make your way down to his aching member.
But, he groans as you skip past it and suck love marks into his lower thighs. "Pumpkin, please -UNGH, p-please don't tease so much." Satoru groaned. You smirked up at him, meeting his eyes while sticking your tongue out and licking one of his balls. Sucking it into your mouth and covering it with your spit.
He reached down to lift your chin up, thumbing your lips as he watched the saliva trickle down down side of your mouth to his fingers. The current sight of you is so lewd and dirty that Satoru almost came on the spot right there. 
You decide to humor him and move to licking the head of his dick, while grabbing a hold of the base and slowly pumping it up and down. Satoru threw his head back. He looked up, seeing the night sky and the stars twinkling while feeling hot pleasure run through his body. He felt like he was floating.
You tried deepthroating all of him in one go, but he was just too big. "Baby, your mouth is too small for daddy's cock isn't it?". You whimpered in response. Trying to swallow as much of him as you can while using your hand for the remainder of his length.
Quiet mewls escaped the sides of your mouth as you opened your aching jaws wider. Tears started running down your face. You didn't stop as you relaxed your jaw and took more of him, swallowing what you can while pumping. He bucked up without warning, causing your gag reflex to react. Then he pulled you off.
"That's enough for now. I wanna make sure I stuff every bit of cum I have inside of your pussy baby." He pulled you up over him, this time with his back to the floor as he spoke. 
"Lemme eat you out, I've been waiting for this all day." He was salivating at the sight of your pussy, positioned in front of his face. You lowered yourself onto him slowly. Impatiently, he tugged you waist down, smashing your lower lips against his mouth. You let out a loud yelp followed by heavy breaths and mewls as he ate you out.
Thrusting his tongue in and out of your walls. He loved the taste of you, always thirsty for more. You tried to grind your pussy against his face. But he held your legs in place with one arm, wrapping around your behind. The other hand was playing with your clit. 
In no time at all you were sobbing and cumming all over his face. Satoru didn't spare you one second of rest. He pulled away and lined himself up, pushing into you during your orgasm. 
He immediately started fucking into you earnestly, grabbing a hold of your waist and lifting it to pull you on and off his cock. "Toru, it's too much for me, I can't-" You could barely get the words out of your mouth as you slurred them out with your eyes shut. 
"Yes you can. I know you can. Because you're made for me and only you can do a good job for me like this love." Satoru grunted as he pumped into you like there was no tomorrow. 
He loved it when your walls clenched and squeezed against him tightly. Especially when your whole body shook during an orgasm. Whenever you open your eyes all you can see are the stars blurring due to your movements. You both came like that, with your backs arching. His cock stayed hard, twitching as it spurted and filled you up. 
He suddenly felt the sensation of eyes on him. As the user of six eyes, his senses were wide alert at ALL times. He looked to the side of the wooden wall, and saw dark eyes staring back at him.
He didn't stop thrusting. You whined and mewled as you ground your hips against his. "Fuck, such a slut for me. Love it when you cry and make those noises babe. Just look at me. I won't look at any other person, man or woman. I'm yours as long as you're mine." He growled out.
He pulled out to reposition you. Dragging your body on top of his. Your back against his chest. "Daddy, I want you. I want more!" You whined out. You positioned his cock at your entrance.
"Daddy will give his baby what she wants. You've been so good to me after all love." He smirked inwardly pushed back upwards into you, thrusting at a fast pace. (Satoru chose the position because he knew you were both being watched. He loves to make other men so jealous of him having you).
You could only squeal and try to hold yourself up against him, putting your palms against the floor. But it was no use. He grabbed your thighs and kept fucking up harder and harder, making it hard for you to hold onto anything.
"Yes just like that baby. You're so good to me. You don't need to think. I'll make it so that you don't have to do anything else. You only need to feel my cock yeah? My doll is the best when she is crying on my cock." He moaned out. 
The man on the other side of the wall was joined by a few other men. Satoru used his ability to see through the wall following the movement of their cursed energy and saw that they were touching themselves to you.
"Daddy, please more. Daddyyy~" you were slipping further into subspace. Soon you couldn't speak clearly anymore. Just babbling nonsense while bouncing on Satoru's lap and staring hazily up at the sky.
"I think we have company." He laughed out. You snapped out of your haze to see peeking eyes behind the bamboo sticks. Satoru just thrusted harder. "Let's give them a show of their lifetime hmm? I spy old men wanting some action. But they won't be able to touch you baby."
He reached up with one hand to grope your breast and the other stayed below to play with your clit. Sex to him was almost like an art form. He knew exactly how to play with your body to bring you to your strongest orgasms. 
You tried to cover your body up but he pulled your arms away. "Don't run away baby, daddy's here to protect you. It will be okay."
At the end of the day you trusted him and his six eyes, so you let go. Pussy clenching harder at the thought of being watched by unknown strangers.
"That's it, my angel. So good for me. You're leaking far more than normal slut. You like it when people watch you get fucked?"
He reached up with his cum stained hand to spit into it. Then shoved his fingers in your mouth. You obediently suckled on and cleaned his fingers for him. He continued to grope you as he pounded away.
Satoru wasn't too worried about the spectators next door. He can see them clearly. Several middle aged men (probably sharing a larger room) messily jerking off to both of you. He saw the way their eyes travelled across your breasts and cunt, which was oozing with his cum.
He hit a hard deep spot inside of you which caused you to squirt hard, a large amount of liquid spraying out. Satoru quickly put his hands over your clit and furiously rubbed at it, wanting to prolong your squirting. You were crying out loud at this point. It was just music to his ears.
One man groaned out, causing you to tense and tighten and Satoru to moan out.
"You love putting a show on huh baby? We should do this more often if it gets you tighter and wetter around me." He snarked out while you drooled and asked for more.
He didn't stop thrusting until he came a few more times inside of you, changing positions.
The men watched as you rode him, your breasts bouncing up and down, while you placed your palms flat on Satoru's chest. They stared at the cum flowing out of your pussy, being fucked back into you by Satoru. The way you both groaned as you clamped down tight and milked his cock.
Soon you found yourself laying on your side with one leg up with Satoru spooning you from behind. What was frightening was his stamina and power. 
His thrusts never lost strength and soon you just felt like his cock was drilling a space inside of you, just for it. You felt so boneless in his hands when you both finished, laying down on your sides.
"Babe…. You okay? We need to clean up." Satoru whispered against your shoulder.
You could only mumble incoherent noises. Squeezing around his softening length, still plugged inside of you to keep his cum inside. 
Satoru gave out a soft sigh. Then gathered you into his arms and took you away from prying eyes. He just turned and smirked at them as he walked away with you, butt naked.
The watchers were disappointed that the show was over. Satoru then cleaned you both with the shower head in the washing area and wiped you down with soft towels.
You stayed silent the whole time. Your head felt like it was in the clouds. Just letting Satoru do his way with you like a doll. "You were really good for me tonight angel. Nobody else can touch you but me." He chuckled darkly.
You just listened to his simple commands such as putting your arms up when he dressed you in your nightgown. 'I always love fucking her dumb.' He smiled to himself as he settled you into his arms in bed. 
"Next time I'll be fucking you in the water." He whispered. He brought you closer to him, tucking your head against his neck. Kissing your forehead and patting you to put you to sleep. 
The next morning you were absolutely horrified to see people staring at you, when you both left your room to check out. 'I bet they heard us last night. And who were the ones peaking at us?!?!' you frightfully thought to yourself.
Satoru didn't really care. Smiling brightly at the attendants and thanking them for your amazing stay at the inn. 
"Toru I really enjoyed my stay, but it's hard to be happy now knowing that we did it at the expense of our neighbours stay." You whispered, hitting him. "Darling I'm pretty sure they enjoyed the show." He winked at you, shameless as ever.
Suffice to say, you decided not return to said hot springs for a while out of shame.
End notes: 🙈 this fic started because I just thought of Satoru's abs wet with steam and sweat but it evolved during the last edit. Hope you guys enjoyed! Reblogs and comments are very much appreciated 💜
All rights reserved to Limitlessgojo.
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Hi! I hope you’re doing well, I really love your writing and I recently tried to come out to my family but it didn’t go as well as I’d hoped. I was wondering if you could do the four lords’ reactions to reader coming out as lesbian (it doesn’t have to be lesbian specific if you don’t want to) If you don’t feel comfortable writing this it’s totally fine, no pressure at all. And thank you for all of your work it really helps me just relax sometimes 😘
Hii, I’m so glad that my writing is able to make you feel happy! It honestly makes my day!! I’m so happy to write this for you and I feel so honoured to write this, I apologise that it’s late I wanted to write it sooner.
I’m sorry that all this has happened to you and if you ever need anything I will always be here for a listen if you need <3 just message x I also wrote this from some person experiences since I am bi and have also had bad experiences so this is just to make everyone feel loved and included!
Alcina Dimitrescu
You’re sitting on the lounge of one of the various sitting areas in Castle Dimitrescu, having tea with the Lady of the house one cold evening.
You were both enjoying each other’s company, having grown very fond of Alcina and her daughters. You’d become something like an aunt to the girls and Alcina had accepted you into her house with open arms.
The Lady Dimitrescu was currently speaking about another “man-thing” she had hidden in the dungeon when you told her about your own feelings towards women.
Your heart is practically beating in your throat as the nerves make you feel nauseous, anxiously awaiting a reaction from the Lady Dimitrescu. Your palms shaking slightly as she stopped speaking to glance at you.
Tears well in your eyes as you wonder if you’ve made a mistake, instantly going to apologise.
She takes two large steps towards you, kneeling down and takes your much smaller hands in her own. Her thumb moves in gentle circles along your knuckles as she soothes you.
“My darling, please do not cry… You’re too beautiful in your youth to be sad. Just know you will always be loved here in my castle both by my daughters and myself. No harm will come to you, I promise; I will protect you always.”
She brings her hand up to wipe a stray tear from your cheek, holding your chin up so you can look at her. Everything about her presence is calming and loving in that moment.
“All that matters in this world is your happiness, my darling, don’t let anybody take it away from you.”
She places a soft kiss to the back of your hand and uses it to bring you into a tight hug. Her arms wrap around you tightly and she holds you close, almost protecting you from the outside world.
“Come now; if you’re to be staying with us, you’ll be needing your own formal room. Besides if you stay with us you’ll find that you and I are not so different.”
You look up at her with wide eyes as she gives you a large smile and scoops you up in her arms. It’s there that she carries you to your new chambers just down the hall from her own and you continue to stay with the Lady Dimitrescu.
Each day and night she reminds you just how much you’re loved by her and her family, making sure you know just how much she cares for you no matter who you are.
Donna Beneviento
You’re standing on the porch with Donna, over looking the waterfall which her house sits next to. You notice Angie is not with her and she’s in lighter clothes than her usual layers which she wears to visit Mother Miranda.
It’s one thing you’re very happy about is Donna’s comfort around you. You two are very close and you’re the only person she feels like she can be herself even without her dolls. To her, you’re someone that makes her feel normal and safe in this crazy and chaotic world.
Much like Donna, you’ve kept to yourself, often hiding how you really feel inside but she’s someone who you’ve grown to trust with your life and who care for very deeply about.
That’s why you feel ready to finally tell her about your own feelings and who you are. Yet it doesn’t make it any less nerve racking, your friendship with Donna means everything to you and you don’t want to lose her.
She notices the way you tense up, how you focus more on the water falling to distract yourself, fiddling with your hands at the same time.
Donna leans over and rests her head on your shoulder which you relax into and place your head on hers as her arm wraps around you reassuringly.
“Angie and I still love you. No matter what, you’re still the only one who likes us. Just because you feel a certain way doesn’t change that.”
Donna’s hand squeezes every so often against your arm, a reminder that she means what she says. Her touch keeping you warm out in the cold as her words warm your heart.
Salvatore Moreau
You and Moreau have always found comfort in each other. The two of you feeling rejected by everyone in society, just wishing that someone would give you the opportunity to get to know you both better. To see the real you.
That’s what you were, inseparable and each other’s second chance to be yourselves. You were all you two had, telling each other everything and sticking by each other.
Hidden away in his reservoir was your own little world where no one could judge either of you and you could be yourselves.
That’s why with your hand in his, squeezing tightly, you decided to come out to him.
His hand squeezes back and matches your strength as he smiles at you, proud that you were able to say it.
“You’re my best friend, you know? And I will never view you any differently because you like girls, you’re braver than I could ever wish to be.”
Salvatore is captured by your ability to be yourself, especially around him. He feels honoured that you trust him with everything, even something as daunting as coming out and he makes you feel validated and respected all the time.
You’re something of a role model to him and the two of you work through all your troubles together, always relying on each other for support.
You never once had to face anything alone, no matter how hard it was for you to come out to everyone else, Salvatore was always there for you and was by your side.
Karl Heisenberg
You and Karl had an interesting friendship, something akin to the term “chalk and cheese��. He was the wild and crazy engineer, always tinkering in his workshops, working tirelessly for his revenge on Mother Miranda while you were the gentle and sweet soul who was once a member of the village.
No matter of your differences, you were both the only one you had left. You truly cared about each other. Although you both weren’t always great at saying it, you each had your moments.
After Karl told you about his childhood, the experiments he endured and the Cadou implant you both agreed to tell each other everything and he honest. Promising to be there for each other.
That’s why you knew you could come out to him and tell you how you felt deep down.
He instantly drops the hot piece of metal he was welding to draw his attention to you. Leaning in and listening to you as you told him all of what you had been hiding.
At the end of it you’re exhausted, teary eyed and in need of a hug which he gladly provides, practically crushing you as he holds you close.
“Hey now, you’re not broken like I am, there’s nothing wrong with who you are. Fuck what anyone has to say, if they want to hurt you I won’t let them okay? If they’ve got a problem with who you love they’re gonna have to deal with me. I mean it, if anyone gives you shit they’ll be fed to the lycans!”
You laugh at his little speech and he smiles when he sees you happy. Although apart of you knows he’s very serious and cares about you enough to rip anyone’s throat out for hurting you.
Karl Heisenberg was the last person you’d expect to find a friend in and yet he’d stop at nothing to make you feel loved and safe in his home.
i love all of you <3
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