#but like im totally fine w it sometimes
cerealmonster15 · 3 months
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god the union bday cards are so iconic. why did azul throw the pie so hard riddle fell the fuck over. it's so cute though he's SMILING he had FUN with the TOMFOOLERY and azuls HELPING HIM UP theyre so fun together. i care them. also
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why did jade Also kill ruggie so hard he fell the fuck over. why are fish boys so violent about it fkldsjfkldjsk
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at least epel survived but like floyd has two more locked and loaded. i dont think hes going to stop until epel also falls djkfsdjklfjlksd
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autism-corner · 8 months
im actually very glad it rained a bit tonight =w=b
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bibleofficial · 1 year
SCREAM ok so swag .. found my besties on this tour theyre also w their parents & theyre 3 vietnamese siblings between 19-24 & im obsessed w them but i’m also an alcoholic so i keep getting drunk & shouldnt even b around ppl bc im going to be seeing them everyday for the next like 2 weeks
#stream#this is so fucking funny ALSKALSKLASKALSKALKS#like at dinner i was like ok SO HERES THE TEA ON WEED & THE ECONOMY#‘ first of y’all do u know what delta 8 is’ ‘ur too young to know what spice was’ none of them have smoked weed despite living in california#their entire lives#ALSKALSKLAKSLAKSLA i felt mildly racist asking ‘are u a u.s. citizen’ BUT LIEK ALSKALSKALKSLA THEIR PARENTS ARE IMMIGRANTS HOW WOULD I KNOW#like my girly Ngoc wasn’t a citizen but she had a PERFECT american accent like 😭😭😭 SOMETIMES PPL JUST ARENT#idk but also it seems like they’ve money so it’s funny whenever i’m like ‘bc we’re poor’ bc like they went/go to private universities &#shit & can pay out of pocket totally#fine like ALSKALSKLAKSLAKALA WISH I COULD RELATE GIRLY !!!! ALL I THINK ABT IS MONEY & YHAT IM BROKE#like my dream of being a dr was shattered years ago ALSKALKSLAKALAKSLAKSLA y’all got med school money ? BC I SURE DONT ALSKALSKALKSKASLAKSLA#ugh forever wish i could’ve gone but whatever it sfine i’m going to stick w US POORS#BUT ALSO LITERALLY ITS SO FUCKIN FUNNY this guy omg he did a dual degree too & he just graduated like i did ECON THEN POLY SCI & he did the#EXACT OPPOSITE - POLI SCI THEN ECON#SCREMA so fucking funny bc like yes … stan … we get to GOSSIP omg he’s a J.S. Mill stan but lowkey i’m a smith stan but like i’m also a#smith literalist i SHOULD SAY#i made that up by that i mean explicitly that i agree w his views of sales and choice rather than ‘should be’ but ‘what IS’#im FAR too drunk#omg i did something i’d never do: finished someone’s drink after they’d drank from it#like me ? put lips on someone’s cup thag i haven’t had sex w ? girl …#ALSKALSKLAKSLAKSLA LIKE I NEEDED THE REST OF THE WINE INONLY HAD LIKE 3 GLASSES#that sounds so bad oh my god#ALAKLSKALKALKSLAKSLSKLKALAL#me avoiding as hard as possible to admitting to myself that i struggle w alcoholism#me realizing that i’d just be an alcoholic if breathalyzers weren’t a thing or id not have to drive
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starswallowingsea · 2 years
Every single one of those posts that tells people they should at least reblog some of the stuff they like has the replies FILLED with people saying that you can't tell anyone what to do and like. yeah i guess there's always been lurkers on here but like. you realize the people saying this are doing it because they love the culture on this site and don't want to see it taken over by people who refuse to engage with content in a meaningful way.
you don't have to reblog every single thing you like (and hell since reblogs are now something that can be turned off, sometimes you cant) but like. you should reblog some things. whether its memes or fanart or fanfic or informational posts or whatever. you could also try to start a gimmick blog that posts a specific type of content and you can utilize the tags to get out there since plenty of people do check general tags on this site. you can also have side blogs if you want! which can be themed around specific things! this is also a super common thing!
you're new here so you're still feeling things out and trying to get your foot in the door so just start reblogging content and following people. i know some of you are looking to gain a big following really quickly but tbh growth on this site is incredibly slow so you have to be patient and you have to put in the effort to get real people interested in following you, and your reblogs can say a lot about you
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crunchycrystals · 2 months
i got my period and i have a feeling it connects to ttpd in some way
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junkie-virus · 1 year
rlly feeling izzys “EKE by” speech rn
#ro rambles#i too am a small angry bastard.#but mostly its bc my teacher is trynna ?? not follow my 504 plan cuz im late too much.#which i mean yeah i agree that my lateness is a bit of an issue (though i still get my fuckin work done) but its almost like.#thats another part of why i having the fucking plan in the first place#almost like hmm.. maybe theres something that gives me issues w time management(/blindness/) & also is linked to issues w sleep 🙃#been stressed out of my mind w school + nearby shark week hormones... worst concoction on fucking earth#& even those that share my stress are calling me lazy or treating me like i dont care or try#alternative being. idk just try harder ig.#my friends r supportive but sometimes it just hurts to be told to ‘do your fucking work!!’ & ‘/ro/‘ like omg never considered#usually im fine w it but recently ive also been kinda overwhelmed so. anger.#izzy was so real like fighting for ur fucking life while ppl around u r totally nonchalant abt the mess that’s happening but u /have/ to#solve it bc its stressing u out & they say they got it but it doesnt seem like it !!! & tgen u try & they get mad at u#but also the people are just not trying to solve it at all & they r just blaming u.#ur supposed to solve it.#the answer of what im solving is my fuckin mental health or ability to graduate idk#like ive been struggling to upkeep my grades & pass & do work & be Good Enpugh for fucking YEARS but noooo ive been doing so GOOD i just#CHOSE to stop doing good & Being Normal.#ugh sorry nd frustration.#every year school starts again i KNOW ill be burntout like a month or even less in & every year i attempt to prepare myself#& every year i am never prepared and get my fucking shit rocked#but hey ive made it this far. in the home stretch.
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#personal#i fucking hate that one fucking thing being said (and its readonable) has sent me into a fucking tailspin from oh i fucked up to#i should just die#reallllly fucking hate that i was boen with a brain that DOESNT WORK RIGHT and i told my therapist today i was fine w/ it but honestly no!#im not! sometimes i really fucking hate having a brain that doesnt get social cues or misses ghat you're causing problems and then#when they ask you to reasoably stop your brain well time to consider yourself a total worthless piexe of shit.#and i fucking hate that i have to say this somwwhere i cant nust keep it to myself nooo it doesnt help if i just keep it in my head i have#to fucking say it somewhere not in my head.#and i fucking hate that it can come across as attention seeking and im not trying to be but what if if i am im just more of a piece of shit#i fucjing hate that my brain doesnt work right and tbat im not noemal or whatever the fhck you want to call it#and i hate that my body doesnt work right and that i feel like a hypochondriac for wondeing if i have joint issues of a specifc type#and maybe it would be better if i just stopped looming into it even though it wouldnt help to do that#but at least that way im less of a bother or less annoying#i fucking hate so much right now#and i hate that my fycking peruod is close to a month late and i know im not pregnant or some shit it just means my body has once again#decided it DOESNT WANT TO DO SHIT PROPERLY and i cant afford a doctor or abything so irs not like i can get answers!#fuck everything.
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lueurjun · 10 months
neighbours to lovers! jake sim.
neighbour!jake x reader! in which jake sim has been in love with you from the minute he set his eyes on you. thank u so much for your support<3
dead. cant breathe.
his family and your family obviously know each other well
and i see his house as being ‘the spot’ during your childhood where all the neighbourhood kids used to play
he had these monkey bars in his backyard that everyone always wanted to play on
but jake always made sure you got to go on them first
brace yourselves
are you braced?
i’m not sure you’re braced
i know!! so cute right?
fighting back tears rn
you were only eleven so you didn’t really think much of it. he was your first kiss and you were fine with that
jake on the other hand?
he still thinks about it
in fact, that’s one of the scenarios he thinks of to help him get to sleep
boy is hopelessly in love
and everyone knows it too
like he denies it but everyone just knows
because he will drop anything just to do you the smallest favour
“hey jake, are you busy? i could really use your help watering my parents flowers?”
jake, who is in fact busy, “nope. not at all. never. give me that watering can.”
i repeat: w h i p p e d
cant blame him tho. you’re the embodiment of warmth, the personification of excellence. you are simply amazing.
i got more rizz that jake just sayin… ;D
despite knowing you for so long, he still gets all tongue tied whenever you’re around
and you’re just clueless
a perfect little dumbass
no matter how many times your family and friends — and even HIS family and friends — try to tell you, you’re convinced he’s just being friendly
because boys like jake don’t like people like you
you’re not enough for him. and he’s certainly not attracted to you
keep thinking like that. i dare u. i’m outside of your house. ur perfect! MWAH MWAH. take all my love pls
in true neighbours to lovers fashion, your bedroom window faces his
and sometimes like the little creep that you are, you peek inside of his room to see if he’s there
unbeknownst to you, little jakey poo does the exact same thing
soulmates fr
twins asf
people that creep on each other, end up with each other
i do not condone staring into your crushes bedroom. do not do that. you may get arrested… but if you do send me your mug shot, i bet u look adorable! KIDDING IM TOTALLY KIDDING PLS DONT GET ARRESTED
anywhooo, one particular night you peek into his room
at the exact same time as him
cue that spiderman meme where they’re just pointing at each other
you both just kinda freeze
staring at each other
because now what? you’ve both caught each other out
eventually, you shuffle forward and open your window which coaxes jake to do the same
the confidence comes naturally because it’s only jake, you know him like the back of your hand
tho ur screaming on the inside because a) you’re embarrassed and b) JAKE WAS STARING INTO YOUR ROOM WHICH MEANS HE WAS LOOKING FOR YOU
it’s almost like he’s in love with u or sumn idk
“are you stalking me, sim?”
his cheeks go bright red and he kinda starts spluttering
“i—no. i promise i wasn’t—i-“
well. that was disappointing. you kinda hoped he’d keep up with your flirty banter
“it’s okay jake, i was doing the same thing.”
honest icon. you truly can do no wrong
even more spluttering. even more blushing
bro loves stalkers. IM KIDDING ILY
anyways there’s something about the atmosphere
and to jake, it just seems right to say what’s on his mind
which leads to him sitting with his feet hanging out of the window and the darkest shade of red on his cheeks
“i still think about that kiss.”
did u hear me scream?
your mind goes blank
because what tf does that mean?
the kiss?? THE KISS? THE FIRST KISS???
he can’t look you in the eyes, choosing to fiddle with his fingers instead
and you just stand there dumbfounded
bby talk to him before i lose my mind
when you don’t say anything, jake scrambles back into his room which kinda snaps you out of your trance
his fingers are itching to close the window
“i’m kinda upset that you’ve never come back for seconds”
i literally have a lambo and nine mansions
marry me rn
now it’s jakes turn to be speechless
“oh.” 🧍🏻
this is painful. it’s 5:30 am rn cut me some slack
you have this poor boy breaking out into a rash from stress
and it worsens when you grab your coat and demand for him to meet you outside
like the true gentleman, he doesn’t leave you waiting long and almost falls flat on his face trying to get through the door
what a loser. i love him
he shuffles towards you, hands in his pockets and a look that says he’s absolutely terrified
are you gonna slap him? tell him you never want him to speak to you again?
“look, i’m sorry if i overstepped—“
“are you gonna give me my kiss i’ve been waiting for or not?“
it’s then that he notices that you’re both in the exact same spot as you were all those years ago when the first kiss happened
literally giggling and kicking my feet rn
“a-are you sure?”
and those are the exact words he uttered the first time too
he was as nervous as he was back then, perhaps even more so this time around
because this isn’t an innocent childhood kiss
you’re grown now. it’s different
in true y/n fashion, you start to lose patience
so you trust your gut and you grip onto his shirt, tugging him closer giving you the perfect chance to collide your lips with his
jake’s hands waft around in stress until they finally settle on your waist and he gains enough confidence to pull you somewhat closer to him
i don’t want a boyfriend. i don’t want a boyfriend. i don’t want a boyfriend.
the kiss is a thousand times better than the first
it's passionate and sentimental, full of longing and tenderness. it’s everything and more.
pulling away is almost a chore as you rest your head against his.
“i could get used to that.”
jake goes to respond, a breathless chuckle ghosts your lips when suddenly a wolf whistle cuts through the street
sunghoon, the neighbour across the street who also happens to be jake’s best friend, is leaning out of his window.
that definitely should have ruined the moment but you were far too wrapped up in the bliss of having jake so close to you, that nothing could ruin the happiness you felt
not even sunghoon and his idiocy.
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sulfies · 1 month
In your heavy bleeding au, does Desmond remember his bleeds or does he just black out during the whole process? Also, does he have certain triggers?
Love all your au stuff btw owo
Im glad my au is infecting everyones brain muhahaha
to answer, when I draw Desmond with yellow eyes and fainting like a damsel I think in my head its one fo 2 things:
1) he is having such a heavy bleed(hehe pun) his body shuts down and all he can do is to live thru the bleed basically, he would not be able to tell its a bleed even if someone told him it was one(they cant tho since he is stuck in the bleed in his head) so he just has to ride it out. It probobly disorients him quiet a bit once he gets out of it for hrs maybe in some cases days.
2) he is having visions from apple and its such heavy knowledge his human brain kinda goes overheat mode.
In the end you can determine yourself (since its an au nothing is set in stone lol) if he remembers or not but for myself:
I think on 1)
he doesnt remember all details, after he is out of the episode he probobly remembers who the bleed was about and some context but not all, but some stuff lingers for few hours sometimes days as mentioned. maybe he finds hard to switch to the language he uses the most or his emotions carry over, like if it was about altair right after he lost his ranks, he feels some petty anger towards Malik he cannot explain but he can figure out it was cocky-altair memories probobly due to context clues. They are probobly like dreams(or nightmares) in a sense where the more he tries to remember the more he forgets about details…
for 2)
He is just not that smart enough (sorry Des ur no Altaïr…)to explain what the apple showed him but he probobly does remember in a sense; if its things like a remedy, a basic invention or instructions that he can learn from a yt video normally he can muscle memory to make em. its more like “how tf did u do that” “uhhh i have no idea” withing a limit lol so he cannot invent phones bc he probobly cant even make a phone in modern day
for his other heavy bleeds where he is not passed out with eyes all gold I think some of the same rules as 1) apply where he doesnt know he is in a bleed, especially if he is bleeding as someone bc at that moment he thinks he is that person, but someone could snap him out of it if they tried (usually if he is bleeding ezio and actual ezio shows up he can make Des snap out of it but its not foolproof) and afterwards he probobly remembers most of it (to his horror) bc he did actively and physically live thru it. Like w the fic where he thinks there are guards after him but its a bleed, after he learns it is he still remembers them and sees them
but again I think the fun part is u can kinda make Des suffer in anyway you want (again…sorry Des…)so no rules are set in stone, so if you dont want him to remember anything after bleeds you are free to do so and ill probobly break these guides aswell lol
for triggers hmm i think anything you want could be a trigger lol but it doesnt have to be “triggered” to happen. I think like that other fic when he first time-travels and lands in Italy or Levant he would most likely have a bleed where he thinks he is someone else sooner or later bc the enviroment shocks him and confuses him (as time travel does) so something that “shocks” him can send him into an episode but he could also be totally fine in another scenerio
in my hc w the fainting ones, they are similar to seizures w how they come and go (I do not get seizures so my research is very limited) so sometimes he can guess it will happen few seconds to min before but he cannot stop them and sometimes it just gets him by suprise, for the ones where he doesnt faint he again has no idea when it will happen and most likely cannot tell it will, those ones are probobly more affected by “triggers” but they dont have to be as I said above
ty for askingg sorry to give an essay as response lol
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mngo-jii · 10 months
UM!!! hiii im kinda new to this but if requests are open and its cool w you (im sorry if you had a list of what you were and weren't willing to write i couldnt find it 😭) i'd like to request daniel page x male!reader where they've been dating for a while but have been rlly lowkey abt it and their friends find out and are surprised but also not surprised at all
totally fine if you cant though! have a good day!
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“ A LITTLE DISCREET. ” d. page x m! reader
wc: 963
letter ✉️: i’m alive... god i’m alive... hello male readers, time for dinner. sorry food today is a little mushy and moldy, mother is trying her best 🙁
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“[MC] and Daniel? Ah! Such good friends, they are!” — Lottie, answering about you and your boyfriend.
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Without a doubt, you and Daniel were good friends, absolutely. I mean, you two were always side-by-side. Arms linked, shoulders glued to one another, teasing remarks thrown at each other.
You two even shared a dorm. You and Daniel were good roommates, for sure. You two would often study together on the dorm room table. Textbooks stacked up, several notebooks open, concentrated faces, and scribbling quills.
On top of that, you and Daniel’re also good classmates. Always pairing up with each other, sulking when you aren’t.
Always saved a seat for the other, sneaked answers scribbled on a small torn paper, passed notes to one another... The like.
Lottie is definitely right. And everyone could see it; even the teachers, the paintings, a few house elves.
...However, for a pair of good friends, you two seem to be closer than Robyn and Kevin... Well, with your faces slightly flushed and your fingers wandering in hopes to find the other’s. With lingering glances at one another and content expressions relaxing on your facial features.
Each and everyone’s Hogwarts uniform isn’t all the same—of course, that goes without saying when it comes to everyone’s body proportions.
Though sometimes you could even identify your own necktie from another’s, even in the same house. It might be a small odd spot on the material that’s color is a little off from the rest, or maybe a rather short thread hanging out from the hem...
However, you stare at you and your roommate’s necktie placed on the dresser in the morning as you prepare, one is shorter than the other. You don’t even think about which one is yours, grabbing which your ‘gut’ tells you is so—which just so happens to be Daniel’s.
And the next morning you pick up his again, and the morning after, and the morning after... Not that any of you would notice.
But sometimes it might not be an accident, sometimes it might not even be your tie.
Like times where he’d lend you his robe when you forget your own, or when you lend him yours.
Sometimes none of you had even forgotten your robes—you simply swap. And for what?
Well, none of you really had the chance to establish the answer. Not when no one asked, anyway.
It’s rather ironic, though? One moment, you and your roommate are deeply delving into the pages of your textbooks, and then you’re leaning towards him, pressing your lips against his, the next. Daniel’s hand grabs a fistful of your shirt, yours grip on the arm of his chair.
Not to mention the fact you and your classmate hold hands under the table during class. Oh, well.
Ah, the flushed look on your faces when Professor McGonagall offers you—“A reminder that the Forbidden Forest is strictly off-limits. I know its mystery and secrets may tempt you. But trust me. Only danger and peril will await those foolish enough to enter.”
And you and Daniel nod as if you didn't just share a kiss in that same exact ‘off-limits’ location last night.
At one point you and Daniel have grown on edge of whether or not your friends had found out.
So you were a little befuddled to see the astonished look on their faces when they caught Daniel—leaning over to place a quick peck on your lips before hurrying to class.
Of course, there was no reason to further keep your relationship a secret, so you tried to unravel the truth as casually as possible.
“Oh. Daniel and I are dating.”
There’s a mix of distinct reactions on their end—surprise, betrayal, aloofness? They’re either too dramatic or too indifferent. But it’s only for a mere second.
Lottie thinks back on the numerous times you and Daniel had acted a little odd and the realisation hits her like... A gust of wind.
Because if she were to be honest, she saw it coming from a mile away. I mean, what else would explain the way she’d doodle you and Daniel together?
That one painting with you and Daniel on one of the benches, fingers intertwined, faces inches away from one another yet you two were only merely having a chat? Well, there’s your explanation.
Ivy titters out loud, a wide smile spread across her face. “I knew it!”
Kevin takes a moment to pause and decides that it wasn’t really much of a surprise, yet he questions why you didn’t tell them sooner—s’well as Robyn, who runs her fingers through her hair with a rather agitated face. “Why didn’t you tell us?!”
“—Well,” she cuts herself off before you could reply, “I kind of already knew, so. I just needed confirmation.”
You blink. “You did?”
“Oh come one, what pair of ‘good friends’ sneak out into Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom to kiss anyway?” Robyn eyes you as she places her hand on her hip.
...Perhaps you and Daniel weren’t so discreet after all.
It's rather ironic though, isn’t it? Because despite you and Daniel being boyfriends, you still act like you haven’t escaped the puppy love stage. Maybe you never will. Not with the dopey grins you exchange from across the room.
Not with the way your hearts still feel like they’re beating out of your chests as you latch onto each other, nearly out of breath from how bad you’re laughing.
The blush forming on your cheeks as you stop momentarily and get a glimpse of his euphoric face, with the same smile you just can’t get enough of.
Or when he crawls into your bed instead of his as you stare at your ceiling, softly rambling about how nice it would be if you and him went outside right now and flew around the castle. Daniel isn’t listening unfortunately. He’s staring at you.
Not when he still gets surprised at the way you suddenly grab ahold of his hand with a grin on your face. A grin that tells him everything he needs to know—that he’s safe. That he’s home. He furrows his eyebrows at the ground with a poorly fought-back smile.
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a/n: im falling off so bad aghh jesus take the wheel. anyway you when you and your homie go from delving into textbooks to study to delving into each others lips
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valentine-writes · 10 months
for you!
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「 tws + notes: no tws, fluff, not edited, kinda ooc my bad,, im learnin,,, 」
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↳ ft. gwen stacy, hobie brown/spider-punk, miguel o'hara/spider-man 2099, miles morales, and pavitr prabhakar
「 gn! reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
author's note: obvi strictly platonic for miles, pav, + gwen but like. anyways!! just practicing writing for them becuz otherwise they will be So OOC for everyone's reqz and i literally would die. highkey struggled a bit but i'm tryin y'all!!! ("trying" but this is unedited ASF) ...eveyone look away from my obvious bias for gwen i heart her. i wanna,, also write for more characters eventually,, sooo,, hc reqs,,, hehehe :3 no full ficz,,, yet-
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GWEN STACY headcanons:
▸ she doesn't do friends. not really anymore. oh but like. aside from miles, ur also an exception.
your friendship just kinda. happened?? it was a slow process but eventually y'all got close
▸ you supported her in her band endeavours! u know how knives chau rocks the homemade sex bob-omb merch in scott pilgrim vs the world (sorry 4 being a scott pilgrim fan and referencing it. im battling DEMONS.) THATZ U. biggest supporter for realz!! and she appreciates it so so much :,(
▸ she tries to hold u at arms length initially but ends up missing u too much when ur not around :( you've gotten really close to her over time– something neither of you had expected. but having a friend is refreshing for her. she's secretly always just a little anxious about losing you.
one time, in the middle of your developing friendship, she just kinda... dipped. left you on seen, didn't return your calls– you hadn't seen her in a while. but she came back, apologized profusely (through a lot of stumbled sentences and awkward rambles), and then swore never to do it again. you were... conflicted. so you asked her if anything was wrong and she mustered the courage to be vulnerable with you.
you are probably one of the first people in a long time that she'd actually been able to open up to.
▸ sleepovers where u jus stay up and watch slasher films. idk man i just feel this one in my heart. even if ur not particularly fond of horror, gwen is cool abt it if u need to cover ur eyes or hide under a blanket. y'all are practically screaming at the screen whenever the protagonist makes a dumb choice, acting like the characters can actually hear u
"if you go into that FUCKING BASEMENT I SWEAR–"
"nah– she's doing it. watch. WATCH."
HOBIE BROWN headcanons:
▸ u are NOT calling this guy hobart. the first time u ever called him that Everyone Else was thrown off. like. no. we gonna stick w/ hobie for this one.
you, however, had the funny little idea of shortening his nickname even further. now sometimes– just on occasion– it's bee.
naturally, he's too cool to care abt what he's called, so he doesn't seem to have too many feelings about your overly cutesy nickname for him.
▸ you know any instruments? great. jam sessions with him. you don't? he'll teach you to play guitar. few ppl are given permission to touch His Guitar... but he can afford to make exceptions.
as he's teaching you, his chest collides against ur back a couple times, his hands guiding yours. he'll gently guide your fingers on the fretboard and yeah it's like– maybe not the most efficient way to learn. but whatever. he's pretty good with helping you figure it out.
▸ if you express wanting a piercing, tattoo or wanting to change up your hair (dying it, cutting it, whatever–) he's immediately gonna be like. "yea? ok. bathroom. right now." he'll help you out. king of diy truly.
and hey, the piercings never get infected, the stick and pokes turn out fine, the haircuts never look that bad, and the hair dye doesn't turn out awful so like. win???
supports you in your impulsive choices– piercings can close, diy tattoos fade, hair can grow– but the joy of self expression iz 4eva!!!!
▸ he lets you steal clothes from him. totally will point it out, but won't be all that bothered by it. HE'S GONNA BE TAKING FROM UR CLOSET TOO you practically share a wardrobe at this point. the others slowly become unable to differentiate which clothes you and hobie own individually. even if your wardrobes are completely different– trust he will find a way to keep a small piece of you with him
MIGUEL O'HARA headcanons:
▸ this man is emotionally distant asf. how did you achieve this relationship with him. answer: no clue!!! (。・・。) now that ur tight w/ him i am begging you. for the sake of the multiverse. get this man a therapy consultation RIGHT NEOWWW..... they literally have therapy services available in the spider society hq. if you dont HAUL HIS ASS OVER THERE–
▸ it's really no secret miguel has a soft spot for you. though he is very adamant about the fact that he doesn't– most people know that he's a little less grumpy with you around.
you seem to be one of the only people who can actually make him smile. which is. crazy. the first time he ever laughed at a joke you made you just kinda froze and stared at him, wondering if you had just vividly hallucinated miguel being happy. it was a light chuckle, where he kinda,, put his hand over his mouth and looked away. but it was SHOCKINGGG
▸ if you managed to get along with miguel, you're probably also besties with lyla. miguel however does not enjoy this. mainly because you two gang up on him. a lot. aka whenever ur arguing about anything w/ miguel, lyla is more likely to take your side. for funzies!!! she calls you her favourite– and it's like. man. are you getting along with miguel just for his little hologram assistant? i would but im gon shut my mouth on this one
it's funny how easily u two get along. she has officially attached all his bank info to ur online shopping accs and gaming shit. go wild. he'll never know (he finds out.. eventually.)
▸ it's actually really weird how you affect him. and everyone's noticing. he's constantly overworking himself to preserve the safety of the multiverse and when he's not, he's reminiscing on the past- but you give him something that he hasn't had in a while- an actual break. you pull him away from his responsibilities, from the screens he gazes into for so long, and for once he can relax. even if it's just for a minute
MILES MORALES headcanons:
▸ i saw hcs of a friendship w/ miles like gumball and darwin and i literally cannot get it out of my head. y'all r tight like that!!!! itz canon now. considering miles doesn't have a lotta friends (in his universe, at least) he's glad to have you!!! you're probably one of the people he hangs around the most. if you're somewhere, miles is probably somewhere around you too. and if he is not? he's probably just late. spiderman-ing around nyc probably
▸ his parents have really grown to like you too!!! let's assume u dont pull a gwen and address them by their first names. (i love her so much no shade at all but PLEADYUWEGFEHF that was So White of her) miles always has you over to hang out– which usually means you're invited to have dinner with them. his mom especially is always makin sure ur feeling at home and u got enough on ur plate (she is so sweet i adore her)
miles is constantly hearing: "when are they coming over again? you haven't had them over in a while-" rio hearts u. (and i heart rio.)
▸ STREET ART WITH MILES STREET ART WITH MILES– he def taught u what he learned from his uncle aaron. eventually u found a place you two can spray paint 2gether and u go w/ him whenever u need to destress a bit ^_^ it doesn't matter what ur skill level is in art, he's happy to teach you! sometimes, for practice, he'll even draw you!!! and though he hasn't shown you yet,,, he's been comfortable enough w/ you to leave his sketchbook open when you're around
▸ ALSO!! your hangouts probably have a killer soundtrack. u share a collaborative playlist w/ miles and swap recommendations every so often– so whenever ur both 2gether and jus chilling you've got good music 2 blast which is a combo of both ur tastes!!! he probably loves ur music, even if itz something he doesn't typically listen to. it's jus so you.
▸U ARE HIS CANVAS NOW. if u let him, he'll doodle in pen on your arm. he's always so focused, his eyes fixed on your skin as he doodles all over your forearm and hand. his grip is gentle as he turns your arm, tilting it every so often to make sure it looks right. there is no awkward silence, no pressure to make conversation- the quiet shared is comforting.
eventually he runs out of space and blinks up at you,, almost forgetting who he was drawing on. he'll apologize for getting so carried- but his drawings look amazing.
...and then he realized it was permanent marker and immediately doubled his apologizes.
▸ im going to put this here and i dont know why specifically this came to mind. but never play just dance with him. you will LOSE. one of thse people who don't have to try to win. but he WILL put his 100% in it and eat you UPPPP.
sorry u can't outdo him </3
▸ gym bro but not Insane Gym Bro just.... gym bro. will try to get you to workout with him,, but like. cool if you don't wanna! is the most supportive gym buddy to have though. will always encourage you throughout the entire thing and not even just to get you to push through a set- this boy genuinely jus believes in you so much.
▸ he's constantly talking to you about gayatri. he loves his gf sm. if ur one of those people who Don't Like hearing abt other ppls relationships he'll make an attempt to tone it down
but trust he NEVER. EVER. makes you third wheel them. gayatri also will make sure of this- so now... more than often... if you're tryin' to hang with the both of them- THEY BOTH TRY TO PLAY MATCHMAKER FOR YOU.
LIKE. you can't just be LONELY. they're gonna make sure of it. pav and gaytri number one wingmen,..,, women,,, besties
▸ probably texts u like crazy. the type of guy to send u things throughout the day like "this is so you :]" he loves his bestie (YOU!!!)
sometimes it's like,, a particularly interestingly shaped cloud. maybe a cool bug that landed nearby him. a flower growing out of the pavement cracks.
and then sometimes it's like. this.
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"this is you."
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shadowlilom · 3 months
Purple and White, Black and Blue
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Content: Izana Kurokawa x fem! Oc (it can be a reader too btw)
Warnings: Age gap, probably manipulation (in the future will have for sure), Use of alcohol, confusing friends (teenage girls, just that could be an warning fr), Deceiving parents and if i lost something, please forgive me! Separator is from: @v6que ♡
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"Are you sure? My parents will be mad at me if we go to that party tonight!" Ilabel says, clearly worried, to her friends, but Nadia response "Nahhhh, don't be a loser! It's justa little party!! We'll meet boys, drink something, dance and that's all!!!" She says moving from her chair, the schools classrooms without no one were really good to 'secret meetings' (It wasn't actually secret, the janitor knew they were there, but he never cared) "Ila, its our chance to be known by the pretty boys! Ugh, you're so into your stupid studies that you can’t have some fun? Why you're always so boring?" This time, Ghako spoke, and Nadia just nod in agree.
Afraid by the possibility of being alone again, Ilabel says quickly "Alright!! Let's go the party and rock it all! Haha!" The other two girls cheers up, but Ilabel just sighed. Nadia smiles, and says looking to both of them "Sooo, bicthes, the plan is that you two will say to your parents that we'll have a slumber party at my house. Buutt, we know what will actually happen. You two can get dressed properly at my house, so your parents will not doubt about the 'slumber party', got it?" Ghako chuckled loudly "It's a good plan, when did you got so clever huh? To math you aren't like that, you whore"
>Time skipe bc yes :}<
Girls dressing up is a funny thing to see, always trying to make each other beautiful, but not prettier than themselves.
"Bestie, that dress is horrible, try this one, it will look amazing!" Nadia says, as she finish her make up, and Ghako holds Ilabel's arm "Wait wait wait, let me do your make up first, im thinking about blue, because of the dress ya' know?" Ilabel just nod with a smile. After a few minutes, all of the girls are ready to the party, "Gurl, we are amazing, i have sure that all boys in that stupid party will be looking at us" Ghako says smiling and fixing her hair, and Ilabel appears in the room, using a blue dress not too tight to the body, more fluffy, like a cake "Oooh, that looks good on you, are you ready?" Nadia says looking to Ilabel, who just nodded in agreement.
The uber arrived quickly, and the drive was normal, Ilabel noticed that they were going not too really far from the city, so she got more comfortable abour being in that party. Ilabel didn't knew much things about parties, she never cared about going to many parties, till she met Ghako and Nadia. Sometimes she thinks that Nadia and Ghako are in a world totally different from her, they always stayed with someone, both of them couldn't stay too much time alone. But Ilabel not even had one boyfriend, Jesus, she never even kissed anyone! But, even though they are from different words, they are her friends, and shes grateful for that, being alone is terrifying. "Ooooh!! We are here!!!! Let's goooo!!!!" Ilabel thoughts were interrupted by Nadia screams, and the three of them left the uber and went to the door of the club. They gave their names and they entered, the normal process, Ghako said. And Ilabel was shocked, it was crowded, many different drunk people in the same place. "Im gonna get some drinks for us, kay'?" Ghako said, but Nadia and Ilabel knew it was a lie, she just wanted to go to see the boys (and probably the bartender too) and flett with them. "Fine, fine, im going to the dace floor, see you guys later" Nadia said turning around, but before she could've even walk, Ilabel holds her arm "W-wait! Where im going to stay? I-i don't want to be alone in that place.." Nadia sighed, annoyed, but she saw some sofas in the corner of the club, and she said to Ilabel, faking a smile "Go wait for us in there, there are people there, don't worry. Now, bye, Ilabel" The last prhase was rudely said, and Ilabel just accepted and went to sit in the sofas, waiting for the time they would leave that place, in silence.
"What a pretty thing like you are doing here all alone, huh doll?" A voice could be heard, from another sofa, Ilabel didn't noticed that he was there. A man of white hair, kinda curled, a beautiful tan skin and..oh..what beautiful purple eyes that he has.. It was a shame that his hair covered a good part of his face, but you could noticed that he had earings, it was a hanafuda or something? "Doll? Can you hear me?" And, once again, you're bring to the reality by his hypnotic voice "Y-yeah..im sorry" He just smiles in return "I asked you something, didn't i?" Ilabel rubs the back of her head, embarrassed "Oh..yes im sorry. Im not alone, actually..i came with my friends" "I don't see those 'friends' of yours" Ilabel look to her hands, flustered "Y-yeah..um, they're having fun..im just not into it.." He looks directly to her face, she could feel his eyes burning her forehead "If you don't like it, why are you here?" "To please them..thats what friends do" She looks to his face too, and he just chuckled after a few minutes "If you say so. Anyway, where are my manners at? Im Izana, Kurokawa Izana, and you doll?" "Oh-! Im Ilabel, Kaiser Ilabel" Ilabel offers her hand to Izana, who doesn't return the handshake, so she quickly takes her hand away.
"How old are you, Ilabel?" She glups, if she tell him the truth, he will say to the managers? If she and her friends get expel, they would blame her forever.. "If i tell you the truth...you'll not expose me?" Izana just smiles, and said "Of course not, i want to talk to you, doll" Ilabel breath deeply, "I'm 16..." Izana laughed "Phew...you're just a baby!" "Thank you?..." Izana laughed once again, and said calming "Like, im 28, its literally 12 years apart" Ilabel looks away, embarrassed as always.
"Want something to drink, doll?" Izana asked, calling a waitress "No, thank you, im a minnor, i can't drink" Izana chuckled "Oooh, how polite, even being so young" Izana delivered his drink, tasted a little and placed the cup in the table infront of him
"But, you seem to be really interesting, mature..Do you know who i am?" Ilabel deny with her head "Hm..good, now, what about i give to you my number huh? Would you text me, doll?" He looks at her eyes, deeply "I-i suppose so.." Izana smiles widely "Good girl, give me a moment please, so i can write my number to you" So she waits, like nothing was happening in the background, like only existed them two, like he was the only man in the world, like- "I really liked to see you in blue, blue is your color, doll" Ilabel blushed with his suddent coment "Thank you...you also look really good in that black jacked" and then Izana gave to her the paper "Now, to please you a little, I'll pay an Uber for you, so you can go back to your house, how does that sound?" Ilabel was shocked "Really?..Thank you, but my friends-" Izana interrupted her once more "Don't worry, I'll take care of it, now, tell me, where do you live?" Ilabel thinks that she doesn't have another choice, and shes going to her friends house anyway, and Izana seemed trustworthy. Just seemed trustworthy.
"Once again, thank you so much, Sir Kurokawa!" Ilabel said, before entering in the uber. Her friends, Ghako and Nadia, were in the backseat, completely drunk "It's nothing at all, when you arrive at your friend's home, text me, okay?" Ilabel nodded "Thank you once again! Goodbye, Sir Kurokawa!" Ilabel said entering in the uber, "Good night doll, I'll always watch over you, always"
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍓 ⋅ ☆⋅˚⋆。‧˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆୧ ‧₊˚ 🍓 ⋅ ☆⋅୧🍓ᡣ𐭩ᥫ᭡° ᡣ𐭩
Final notes: Hiii guys!!! Its me again! Im posting another thing, and i really hope you guys like it! And once again, if there's any mistake, please forgive me, my first language isn't English. Anywayyy, have a great day and bye bye!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
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imaginethezeldaverse · 9 months
Idk if you still do headcanon requests, but could you do bits of the SFW Alphabet for Ganondorf (mostly Im asking about this with TOTK Ganondorf in mind, but it can be any Ganondorf because they’re all great).
Letters I had in mind are A, C, D, G, H, I, J, K, S, and L if that’s ok. If it’s too many that’s also completely fine. (Unrelated but the nsfw Ganondorf headcanons you posted are part of the inspiration I got to make my own zonai oc and then ship her w the demon king)
Totally okay! Sorry this took so long! I was also thinking of TotK!Ganondorf for this so same brain!
And did you say your own Zonai oc?! You simply must show me, I'd love to see! SFW Template taken from this post here:
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He's a moderately affectionate person. But the catch is - only with you and in small ways. What I mean by that is he'll remember things like the kind of flower you like or your favorite color and show in different ways that he's committed to memory those pieces of information. While not against public bigger displays of affection, he reserves them more for when you're in private, not because he doesn't want to - but those kinds of gestures he feels are ones only you deserve to see and have. Smaller signs of affection may include kissing your knuckles or resting his hand on your back lightly when close to you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He's not opposed to it! Though he may not admit it outright, he enjoys embracing you more than he lets on lol. His preferred way of holding you is by spooning, with arm draped around your waist and his legs tangled up in yours. It keeps you safe and secure in his arms.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
At some point, yes, that is the goal Ganondorf wants to strive for: a spouse to rule alongside his status as king at the Gerudo throne. I will say though, he definitely gets his fair share in of laying with others before he gets to that point. Though it is treated more as learning experiences for him so as to be able to please his partner. Ganondorf is actually not a bad cook at all. He's not particular with what he eats exactly, but the man likes his food well-seasoned, and sometimes you just have to make the food yourself to the tastes that you'd prefer. He's personally cleanly, but I honestly don't think he cleans himself, no. He does take advantage of some of the perks of being chief, you know?
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
There's a yes and no to this answer. Looking at him you wouldn't think that he's capable of a more benign demeanor, but I assure you - his upbringing has given him space for being more than just a conqueror and a warrior. Physically there is always a time and a place for when weapon wielded hands are meant to provide comfort and reassurance. Emotionally is a little tougher, while he knows there are instances where he should be, can be kinder, being the only male sets a heavy expectation on him - to be strong, to be tough, to be a provider. He knows his heart should be more open for you in that sense - but an open heart lays the ground work for weakness, and as chief he feels he can't be weak when he has a whole society to protect.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He likes them - but they are few and far between. When Ganondorf hugs you though, it's more like a protective hold. Very safe, very secure. Still tender! But you get this feeling of security in his arms. He's largely muscular and huge in comparison to you, so when his arms come around you, they kind of literally engulf you. He can lift you into his arms during these hugs without issue too.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Haha...so my headcanon with Ganondorf is he won't say those words outright unless it's in passion or under distress. More often than not he'll either imply it by action or through a different way of saying it. Like for example, you tell him 'I love you' and he'll say something along the lines of life, 'You give meaning to my days, my love'. Something like that - substantial enough to imply your importance in his heart - but never quite 'I love you'.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Oooooooh I go 50/50 on this. He's not inherently a jealous person - who would be? He's a king, has the physique of a god and is an accomplished warrior - but should you laugh a little too hard with someone else or if someone else tries to pull your attentions away from Ganondorf more than is necessary, well let's just say Ganondorf is not necessarily fond of that. It honestly doesn't even take much to keep the person at a more appropriate distance from you either, the man need only give them a stern look - that often tends to be enough to shake most.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Depends on the type of kiss! The Gerudo chief is capable of light kisses, like on your hand or your shoulder. Or more passionate kisses like your lips. His favorite sfw place to kiss you is probably your shoulder blade. It's just intimate enough to be a show of affection but also not inappropriate to do out in public. On him however, Ganondorf, when not being kissed on the lips actually likes being kissed on his forehead. There's a lot of power in one's third eye, and he considers it a high form of endearment when you place loving kisses there. Almost feels like a blessing to him, you know?
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Stern, but sympathetic. Ganondorf can be hardass toward children that require some discipline (for their own good - like kids who are jumping off of several flights of stone steps, knowing they can hurt themselves but do it anyway for fun? Those kind of kiddos), but he is not without a heart. Children who require nurturing or guidance are not without a genuine father-figure should they find themselves in his care.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Should you prove yourself capable, whether it be a fighter, scholar, what have you - he's protective to only the extent that you'd need him. You have a weapon's master and sorcerer on your arm, there isn't a single thing he can't use to protect you, thankfully. As for protecting him, you'll find he most likely won't need it. Though should you try to protect him - deep down he'll find it admirable. Just don't get hurt or it'll turn into a lecture on your safety.
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radation · 5 months
Can you do ler!venner + lee!velvet and put her in a real bad lee mood, having to admitting she wants to be tickled and to tickle her.
Tickly day for vel.
It was a normal day in mount rageous, the twins had an interview they were expecting in a few days time so they were warming up. Veneer was in his room, talking to himself about what the interviewer could ask and what he could respond with.
However, velvet was on her bed, trying her best to concentrate but just couldn’t get the feeling of wanting to be tickled out of her head, making her blush. Velvet sometimes hated to be tickled but she did have occasions where she did want them, she was on her bed huffing and puffing.
“Come on velvet! Focus! Now, the interviewer could say something like “what are your goals after becoming famous popstars” and I could say “oh well we….we uhm…ugh! Come on velvet!”
she spent like 2 hours trying to get her crap together but no matter what, she couldn’t shake the whole “wanting to be tickled” thing. So she had no choice but to go to her brother.
she opened the door to find her brother pacing around the room talking to himself.
Veneer: yes, I do have a jetpack but it’s- oh hey velvet!
*he greeted her with a smile*
Velvet: h-hey, *she waved awkwardly as the blush on her face grew*
*a moment of silence was casted upon them*
Veneer: you okay?-
Velvet: oh yeah I’m great! Totally fine! A-are you? *she sat on his bed with an awkward smile*
*he sighed and sat next to her*
Veneer: are you sure you’re okay sis…? You know can tell me about anything right?
That comment made her even more flustered, she sighed, she wanted to tell her brother but couldnt bring herself to do it.
Velvet: yeah well uhm…can you…
Veneer: hm? *he smiled softly*
Velvet: can you…c-call crimp yeah call crimp!
Veneer: uhh…she’s on her holiday?
Velvet: right…
Veneer: velvet, what’s really going on? You know I’ll never judge you. *he placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring look*
Velvet: uhm…can you do…that one thing?
Veneer: w-what thing…? *he gave her a puzzled look*
Velvet: ugh! Like… *her face got even more red* like you know! *she wiggles her fingers* that!
Veneer: vel, how on mount rageous am I supposed to know what this *he mocked her as he said the word “this”* is??
Velvet:…right…*her face flushed* well veneer, do you know how siblings bond?
Veneer: oh yeah! They can bond in many ways! Hanging out, playing, wrestling, teasing, tickling-
Velvet: THAT! *she pointed*
*veneer jumped*
Veneer: what…?
Velvet: sorry, that what you just said.
Veneer: tickling?
Velvet: *her face flushed* mhm, that.
*veneer seemed puzzled*
Veneer: what about tickling?
Velvet: can you….uhm…can you…do…ugh! *she buried her face* never mind.
*veneer took a second to realize*
Veneer: ohhhh!!! *he smirked* oh velvet, my dear sister, enlighten me, what is it do you wish for.
*velvet knows that when veneer starts speaking Shakespeare that means he is teasing her*
Velvet: veneer I swear!
Veneer: oh no, if you want me to tickle you, admit it.
Velvet: *her face is blushing really hard* but you know I can’t and what I want!!
Veneer: i know you can and i know I do, but Ofcourse, you have to admit it so I can be sure~
Velvet: veneer!
Veneer: velvet~
Velvet: ugh I hate you!
Veneer: aw come on! Just say it~
Velvet: veneer! *she whined*
Veneer: come on~ otherwise no tickling.
Velvet: ugh…can you…
*veneer watched with a smirk*
Velvet: can you….t-t…ti…ckle…me… *she mumbled*
Veneer: can’t hear ya. *he placed his hand on her his ear*
Velvet: ugh! Can you…
*veneer waited with a smug look on his face*
Velvet: tickle…me…
Veneer: there it is! Come here. *he giggled and pulled her close and began tickling her stomach*
*velvet yelped and tried her best not to squirm too much*
Velvet: veheneher!
Veneer: hm? This is what you wanted isn’t it?~
Velvet: yehehah buhut
Veneer: so shush. *he chuckled and kept tickling her stomach*
Velvet: *squeal* BAHAHAHAH! VEHENEHEHR!!!
*veneer began massaging her hips*
Veneer: what?! I’m just massaging! *he giggled as he spoke*
*velvet began thrashing around squirmed*
Veneer: oh shut up vel! You like it and that’s that. *he teased with a smirk*
*she laughed and squirmed on the bed, veneer quickly pinned her and used his free hand to tickle her armpits, ripping a squeal out of her*
Velvet: NOHOHO!! HAHAHAHAH! VHENEHR! IHI- HAHAHHA! *she tried to enjoy it but since it was a sensitive spot for her, she couldn’t help but try her best to lower her arms*
Veneer: there we go! Now we are getting all the spots, aye vel?~
Veneer: oh but you like this hm?~
*velvet just kept laughing and tried her best not to squirm, she didn’t wanna admit it just yet but she really was enjoying it*
*veneer let her go but straddled her and sat on her thighs*
Veneer: now let’s see if your sides want a little tickle as well hm vel? *he raised his eyebrow with a smirk and began massaging and tickling her sides*
Velvet: *squeal* vehenehher! HaheHAHAH!!
Veneer: that’s my name~
*he noticed she was trying everything to not push him away, he smiled softly and just kept up his act*
Velvet: it tiihicklehes!!! Hehahahah!
Veneer: well I hope it does? *he chuckled, he let go of her and began tickling her thighs*
Veneer: I know I did your hips but we can’t forget these sensitive guys right here~
Velvet: Eep! Vehenehehr! EhhaHAHAHAH! StohoOHOHOP! *both velvet and veneer knew that was a lie*
Veneer: nah, I’ll keep going, these little thighs won’t tickle themselves you know? *he chuckled and kept it up*
If you did not know, velvet’s face was so red that if someone didn’t know the context of the situation, they would’ve mistaken her for a cherry.
*veneer smirked*
Veneer: you sure seem pretty red vel, you okay? *he teased and without warning, dug his fingers behind her knees and tickled her all over and around her knees*
Velvet: *yelp* venHEHEHR! NohoOHOT therHHEHEHRE!! *soon tears began to form in her eyes from laughter*
Veneer: not where? Oh not here? Hmm…nah, I’m good here thanks. *he kept it up, he had a good grip while velvet kicked, she really hated how she tried to stop him even though she wants this*
Veneer: oh let’s not forget about this little place right…. *he wrapped his arm around her ankles and began tickling her feet using his free hand* here!
*velvet screamed*
Velvet: VEHENEHEHR! NOHOHOHO!! *she squirmed as her clenched her fist and hit the bed*
Veneer: veneer yes~
*velvet’s face just got redder by every tease he could give*
Veneer: but whyyyyy???~
Veneer: hmm…no.
Velvet: PLEHAHAHSE!! *she tapped him to let him know she has had enough*
*he giggled and let her go*
Veneer: oh one more thing!
Velvet: *she panted* h-huh…?
*he blew a raspberry on her stomach*
*velvet screamed hard*
*velvet threw her head back laughing as she arched her back and tried to push his head away, soon going into a silent laughter, now she really had enough. Veneer quickly stopped and giggled*
Velvet: oh god….that was….unnecessary!
Veneer: but it was worth it. *he smirked and rubbed her stomach to get rid of those ghostly tickles*
*soon velvet managed to compose herself, she had a small tint of pink on her cheeks as she gained control of her breathing and adjusted herself*
Velvet: veneer…?
Veneer: yeah sis?
Velvet: thank you, I know I can be a bit bossy at times but…I really do love you and I wouldn’t switch you for any other brother in the world, I’m so glad we don’t judge each other and we are always there for each other, and we always will be. *she smiled softly and hugged her brother*
*veneer smiled softly and hugged his sister*
Veneer: I love you vel.
Velvet: I love you too ven.
~the end~
Hope yall enjoyed! I know I really enjoyed making this, I had to like take breaks because even the teasing made me like wigekquabdgwk.
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ghostiezone · 8 days
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@intertexts im being haunted by pd parahumans au. officially
some Thoughts under the cut hehe
I like 2 think he wears a LOT of body armor especially if his power involves leaving his physical body vulnerable. i think he'd take every precaution possible to protect it w armor/the majority of his costume being darker in color. since his powers wouldn't require direct contact with other people PLUS he's really the only one on the team with close direct family members to protect with his identity, he'd keep the majority of his skin covered/concealed and use loose bulky clothes + the cape to change his silhouette. bold of him to have fire motifs in his costume design and not actually have fire based powers <3 I'm totally bullshitting the classification numbers but I think his breaker level would be higher than the master level since he doesn't always have the greatest control over the wisps (they do their own thing sometimes it's fine)
I REALLY like the idea that at first glance everyone EXPECTS him to be a brute. but hes not. he's just insane about martial arts training and has built up a lot of muscle because of it. has the least protective costume. VERY little armor on him, doesn't like the restriction/weight of armor. has a ton of scars from a combination of that lack of protective gear + putting himself in front of teammates in danger + the insane amount of training he does, basically pushes himself to the limit constantly. has a lot of big pockets in his pants, usually keeps things like extra bandages and snacks in them :] belt around his waist is like a karate black belt. doesn't wear shoes, keeps hands and feet bandaged basically at all times.
also keeps a lot of bare skin showing in costume, mostly on his arms in order to use his powers. has a lot of belts that look pretty useless/only for aesthetic reasons but uses them to hide a lot of little concealed weapons in case his powers backfire and he can't use them immediately. pretty well trained in melee combat. the most lax with his identity, but is still somewhat careful about it. the highest power rating on the team, but also the one with the least amount of control over his powers. it takes him a while to get used to using someone else's powers, so it's general knowledge among villains that you DONT want to fight him more than once in close succession (and if you do, to stall the fight/draw it out as long as possible because he can only use his powers in short bursts. gotta wear him out). he's the most comfortable with using williams and dakotas powers (and on rarer occasions, tide's) but still can't fully control them
- when asked who the leader of the team is, william will say it's dakota, dakota will say it's william. vyncent will say either of them depending on the day
- I like 2 think tide kind of takes the role of director piggot ? since she seems the most like their caretaker/mentor. except it's different with tide, he's a little more directly involved with them 1) because he genuinely cares about them and they care about him and 2) because he's also a cape, he can more directly kind of teach them the rules (?)
- ashe joins the team way later and there's a little but of strain because of it. this is mostly from william, who gets jealous easily and doesn't generally do well with new people (he defends himself by saying putting two masters on the team makes them unbalanced, really he's just a little jealous that ashe is master 8 and he's only master 5) HOWEVER. eventually they end up being the ones that hang out the most out of costume <3
- THINKINGGGGG A LOT. ABOUT HOW ASHE JOINS THEM BTW. I think I need 2 read more worm before I actually decide. learn how the prt responds to certain things. i.e. how does this kid with a villain dad end up on the wards (right now im considering a chariot situation where he originally joins as a mole . but then decides he likes them <3 this could also contribute to why william doesnt like him at firsr because hes the most likely to figure that out. )
- thinking a LOT about the leviathan fight. i don't exactly know how to put those thoughts into words rn but. tide gets OFFICIALLY sent to the leviathan fight bc of his water powers and i think maybe. they follow him when they're not supposed to. but then they get to stay because they're already there and the rest of the heroes are not gonna turn down more hands in the fight. (somewhat similar to the meatball planet situation)
- extreme ghostkicks codependency. that is all
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cat3ch1sm · 7 months
So umm I wanna start writing hxh stuff but I'm scared it'll be really ooc :(( I watched the whole anime, restarting it and I'm reading the Manga too so I know the personalities of the characters well but I'm still not confident I can portray it right... it would be super embarrassing if I post my first story/ headcanon and the comments i get are "they wouldnt say that" "they wouldnt do that" "that wouldnt happen" 😭the way you write characters sound so like them and I rlly wanna make hcs and stories like you so pls spill your secrets 🙏🙏 if it helps, the characters I think I'll be most writing for are the main 4, kalluto and alluka (they're so underrated!!) mb hisoka andddd silva & kikyo? (I kinda wanna make some cute scenarios w them like they go on a date or smthing 🥺 idk why) but ofc, I would love to learn how to write for the majority of the hxh characters. But ummm it's okay if u don't have any advice, I'll just cry infront of my blank Google docs page 😔😔 (I'm jk, have a good day!!)
🐢~ OMG HI IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE I FEEL AWFUL :(( @xl3vviii i love uu thanks for your request and patience 💚💚 i will try my best to explain my process in a general way so it’s easy to write for any character you’d like! i really hope this helps you<333
🍀~ and i totally feel you on the not wanting mean comments thing😭😭 broo ive been fortunate enough to not really receive those kind of comments but i did once and WOW was i embarrassed and changed it immediately😭😭 and the crying in front of a blank google doc page?? you are so real for that 😭😭😭
🌲~ another note to my followers in general: i want to sincerely apologize for my absence. my devices i usually post on all decided to conveniently stop working so that really sucked but my phone is back again!! im really grateful for you all and your patience, and i want to thank you guys so much for 3.5k! i have no intentions of leaving and i hope i can write lots more for you guys. hopefully i don’t ever need to be gone that long again! i love u all so muchh and thank you a million times 💚💚
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𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬!
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a/n~ so sorry if this sucks cause ive never given a tutorial for my writing but i will DO MY BEST
so you said you wanted to write cute scenarios of dates for the hxh main four+ hisoka, silva , and kikyo! first thing i usually consider when i get requests especially, or just when i have an idea, is: would this character even do this? like if someone asks me, “hey, can you write headcanons for illumi zoldyck with a soft/sweet/kind s/o?” that would be possible (though maybe a little far-fetched canonically). it’s fine to stretch those boundaries a bit for fanfiction, i think. but if that request had instead been like “can you write reader x soft/sweet/kind illumi?” that would’ve been a hard no. don’t alter characters’ natural personalities because then it’s not the same character. what sometimes helps me is, especially if i haven’t watched or read any media of the character im writing for in a while, is looking up the character’s wiki on the FANDOM site and reading through their personality traits as well as their key moments because it helps me to determine what the character would do in the story and how they might react to some things. feel free to also go back and look at clips of the anime or pages of the manga; i find it helps as well!
so for what you want to write specifically, cute dating scenarios, i think that most of the characters you’ve chosen are a good fit. the main four are good for a prompt like that, and the zoldyck children you’ve chosen can be fitting as well. but as for hisoka, kikyo, and silva, that kind of prompt might not fit so well because obviously these characters can’t be seen as sweet or kind or loving. has hisoka ever expressed any interest in wooing someone properly or is he someone who operates on lust? did kikyo and silva court each other and go on little dates or was their marriage probably arranged/forced/only useful for selfish purposes? do their personalities even allow for sentiments like dates? would they even consider that? before writing something ask yourself if you can really see the character doing that clearly in your mind.
i think it’s a great thing that you’ve watched and read the respective canon content of your characters, and it’s good to refer to it if you ever find yourself struggling to characterize someone accurately. however, it is fanfiction, so don’t feel like you need to be super rigid. write whatever you’d like, honestly. but here’s a really common thing i notice when people write fanfiction: they take one aspect of the character and run the shit into the ground. a prime example of this is hobie brown from across the spiderverse and his “i don’t believe in consistency” line. like Jesus Christ. well-written fictional characters, like the ones of hxh, are often as versatile as real people are. make sure the character doesn’t feel like some one-dimensional version of themselves, and please don’t write for the character only based on one aspect of their personality. for example, hisoka is rather unpredictable, so that’s something you’d probably want to incorporate into writings for him. but for characters like most of the zoldycks, you’re going to want to tread a little lighter since they aren’t the main characters and thus we don’t see a whole lot of them. in situations like this, you might have to focus on just what you can see of them. so again, just ask yourself if you can see the character really doing what you’re writing them to do. would they act that way in an actual episode of the anime or volume of the manga? if you’re unsure or the answer is no, try going a different route.
it is also okay to make mistakes. practicing a lot will eventually get you to where you want to be. i still find myself slipping up in my writings and getting carried away (so read over your writings before you publish them)!! my dms are open if you ever would like me personally to review a piece and offer maybe more specific advice!
i hope this helped you, dear💚 again feel free to dm me if you have any more questions. thank you for your support 💚
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