#but like some are pretty damn evil too ofc
corpocyborg · 9 months
renegade spacer shepard: no mom i'm not on drugs. my eyes are red because i'm evil.
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i-cant-sing · 2 months
Baldwin's so damn sweet i keep forgetting that he's supposed to be a yandere lol
Can't wait to see what salauddin is like as a yandere though
Thank u, buff hellokitty
he is such a cutie patootie because you know that niqaab where he embroidered a flower on the sleeve for reader? Guess what else he embroidered in? His name on the inside of the left breast because this way he's closest to your heart.
Honestly Baldwin is such a green flag, i mean this man wakes up and as soon as he's seen you, he gives gold every day to be distributed as charity because he doesnt want you to fall victim to any evil eye (yknow, when people look at you in envy) because in his eyes, youre just too damn perfect.
Did I mention that he needs to have at least 1, if not ALL meals of the day with you? And to melt your heart a little more, Baldwin ensures that you take the first and the last bite of his meal (ofc from his hands. He likes to feed you)
As for Salauddin, well he hosts you two a lot at his place and he pretends to be so disgusted at the way Baldwin looks at u with goo goo eyes, but boy is the Kurdish man JEALOUS because ayo why tf is Baldwin looking so fucking content whenever he's with you? Why does Baldwin's smile and eyes remind him of cool breeze in summer when he looks at you? You cannot possible be that beautiful. But how would Salauddin know for sure because you want to always wear a niqaab and hide your face because "Islam and respecting his traditions" but he knows for a fact that you dont adhere to veiling yourself when you return to jerusalem. His spies told him, and on his inquiry they did tell him that youre not that pretty.
Maybe its the way you talk. You do have the gift of gab and you do tell the most interesting stories. And he does enjoy listening to your religious views too. Youre not- not as conservative as someone would be when they possess such a vast amount of Islamic knowledge- almost as much as his scholars and sufis. No, youre quite... modern, open minded. You really do believe in their being "two sides of the coin". And youre quiet the chess player too and from his last game, it was clear that you werent playing the game... you were playing him.
He doesnt know how, but he for some reason Salauddin knows that you will hurt Baldwin very deeply one day. And it scares him a bit because he doesnt know how the young king will react. He's seen Baldwin on the battlefield, he's seen the way he treats traitors, you do not want to get on his bad side.
Meanwhile Baldwin is just trying to convince Salauddin to be Imam (basically a muslim pastor?) to officiate their nikkah and Salauddin is just telling him shut up.
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buckysmith · 2 years
What would they prefer their so to be (military/ non military)
Warnings: Mention of gùns violence (I mean it’s mw) stereotypes, slight toxic behavior
(Music has nothing to do with the Headcanon i just listened to it while writing)
- it's 50/50 with him
- he would love to fight along with his S/O
- but he would also love to have that stereotypical house s/o
- but wouldn't mind if you work somewhere, like in a store or as a educator
- to come home with you already waiting for him with a fresh cooked meal and if u're not already married, he would marry you within in a heartbeat
- but also to fight side by side with you against all the evil is something he loves
- He would be able to see you all day (ofc u're in a team with him) instead of seeing you every evening or maybe just once or twice a week
- he knew you would be able to defend yourself to any treat, he would be very proud of you (but don't u dare and have more muscles than him)
- but the idea of keeping you save, hidden and that he's the one who's strong and can protect you, would fill his heart with pride... cough his ego cough
- No, when he comes home he wants nothing to do with the government or military
-he's a stereotypical man so for you to stay home and to take care of it and your family (if you have kids/dogs/ any animal) would be normal for him
- he earns enough money so you wouldn't have to work and yeah, he wouldn't want you to work either except housework and stuff like that
- that he's the one who can protect you would really play into his ego
- definitely the one who tells you how weak but cute you are, how he will protect you from anything and that your his pretty little S/O
- don't worry, even when he's not with you your not in any danger, you have two guard dogs, and he  trained them
- I think he would want a S/O that has nothing to do with anything that includes guns, violence or death
- he wants a normal life (besides his abnormal one) so your life with him would be pretty stereotypical
- he wouldn't want you to work somewhere unsafe
- he's isn't really at home so he would know that it's important for you to do something while he's away
- he isn't the one who talks much about his job, just because he wants his s/o to be save
- and he wants them to stay innocent, he doesn't want his s/o to know what horror he has to see every single day and what horror he cause to others
- but on the other hand this man has his hands full of work, so to meet his s/o while working isn't that unrealistic
- but he would prefer his so to be a normal human being (he's already constantly worried about you, so if u're in the military this man is more than worried)
- He wouldn't mind his s/o being in the military, I think he would find pride in it
- if you're good enough for the team he would want you to work with him so he could see you every single day
- he would brag about your military skills and your title (positive)
- he would find it hot if you know how to handle a bad boy (he's your bad boy)
- but he wouldn’t mind you being a normal civilian
- he definitely would show you too his good friends (ghost, price and some other )
- he would tell them about your cooking/ baking skills
- but to know you're able to defend yourself would ease his mind and fill his chest with pride
- so you’re going to work with him on that
- 40/60 he would like it to do missions with you, but to come home to you and you being that stereotypical house wife/husband/ partner would fit him more
- he likes his job, or at least he most of the time likes the persons he works with, but to have something besides his job that isn’t about guns, violence, betrayal and all that nasty stuff, is something that means everything to him
- but if you’re a member of the military he would worry about you, it’s not that underestimates you he knows exactly how good you are, no, it’s that he knows how god damn dangerous that job is especially if the bad guys would find out that the two of you are dating
- No, just no.
- she worked with the military long enough to know that she doesn’t want to date anyone from that ever again
- she would love to be the bad big guy in your relationship
- she’s dominant as fuck, she can handle enough bad for both of you and she will protect you so you don’t have to do anything but be a good little one
- she would make fun of you though or at least she would tease you about "how weak you are“
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I like to think that shinsou never really understood the sexual potential of his quirk as he was growing up because he was so insecure about it in the first place because he thought it was a quirk you could only use for evil. But as he grew more confident and trained to use it work in his favor, his insecurities definitely lighten up and he’s not afraid to use it in front of others. But imagine one fateful day, maybe his friends make a casual joke to him about how they would use his quirk in bed if they had it. Shinsou proceeds to have an internal breakthrough and kinda regrets that he didn’t think of that in the first place. but it’s never too late is it? he gives some lame excuse to leave and can’t wait to get home and try it on you <3 (w/ consent ofc)
Anon with the big brain. Thank you 💕
Also, I always accept prompts/requests/thoughts fyi.
It gets brought up so causally too, imagine Shinso is out with Denki, Izuku, Bakugo and Kiri at Bakugos place for a dudes night since they hadn’t all seen each other much once they all became pro hero’s. It’s a casual Saturday night filled with gaming and booze.
Denki has a had a few too many and the already loose lip hero becomes a menace once tipsy because he does not know how to shut his damn mouth.
“I had her squirting in under a minute with a combination of my tongue and quirk. She’s already texted me to come see her tomorrow, so sounds like I’m getting lucky again.” Denki is already beginning to get a slight slur to his voice, signaling Bakugo to bring out the non alcoholic beer for him since he always got like this.
“Uh huh Denks, whatever you say.” Shinso muttered as he threw Kiris character in Smash over the platform, signaling a win.
Shinso took a swig of his beer as Kiri passed the controller over to Izuku, muttering how he never wins this damn game.
“Well what about you?” Denki starts “tried your quirk on that pretty girlfriend of yours yet or are you too chickenshit.”
A loud ‘Ha!’ Erupted from Bakugos lips as he looked to the lavender hair man, quirking his eyebrow as if to say ‘Well, have you?’
Shinso fixed the way he was sitting against the bottom of the couch as he selected his character, trying to act nonchalant as he replied
“No, I’ve actually never used my quirk on anyone because I don’t need it to fuck anyone dumb.”
A ‘Oooo’ escaped Kiris lips as Izuku looked at Shinso, shock prominent on his face.
“Really? You’ve never used it before? I figured it would make sex more thrilling.”
The game started before Shinso could reply and he allowed that time to think about what everyone was saying. It wasn’t news to anyone that when most people learned of Shinso’s quirk a lot of people assumed it would be used for villainous acts vs being a hero. Shinso guessed that he had gotten so used to everyone thinking that way that he never wanted to use it beyond hero work, even for personal pleasure.
Shinso lost quickly to Izuku. He gave his controller over to Bakugo as his phone buzzed in the pocket of his hoodie.
Miss you <3
As Shinso read the text from you he couldn’t help but smile a bit. You two had been dating just over a year and had recently moved in together, a huge first for both of you.
Reading the text made him think about the fact that maybe he did want to try his quirk in bed with you. Without thinking too much about the fact that everyone would be able to put two and two together he put his phone away and put his shoes on while telling the group that you weren’t feeling great so he was going to call it for the night.
“The sex better be worth it to ditch us early!” Kami bellowed out as Shinso closed the apartment door.
He too was hoping the same thing as he shot off a quick text to you.
I’ve got an idea that I wanna try in the bedroom tonight. See you in twenty 😉
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loving-n0t-heyting · 2 years
epistemic status: i wish this weren’t true but can’t see how it isn’t, more emotive than analytic
The western response to Putin’s annexation speech is fucking with me simply bc, afaict, setting aside the topic of the annexation itself, the speech is 95% true and pertinent and damning and the press (and others I would expect better from) is reacting to it like it’s a bunch of borderline psychotic word salad or a form of verbal terrorism or both at once
You have the guardian describing it as the rambling screed of an angry taxi driver, but idk, having read the actual text I think it has a pretty clear and straightforwardly argued thesis: US military and financial hegemony is just the latest phase in a continuous 500yr-long history of western international subjugation and terror and vassalage, which western elites look upon as their very life and will fight to the last of their subjects to preserve, while Russia will refuse to be cowed. And the core claim here about western hegemony is absolutely correct! He’s just right! Right, and damning
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I mean, yes! I, too, would like to see some of these rules! I think these are some reasonable points! (“Well, but he’s a hypocrite! He started the war!” Ok, who is whatabouting now?)
No two moments of the speech have attracted more attention than the “barely concealed nuclear threat” and the concluding batshit remarks about gender and sexuality. Let’s look at those in turn shall we?
Putin does, indeed, state outright that the US has set a nuclear precedent, but look at the context:
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Is there some whataboutism going on here? Sure. Does it carry some implication of willingness to escalate? Yea ig. But what could any hs students scoring above the 50th centile on the reading comprehension portion of the ACT divine as the clear overall message being argued here? That the US abd its allies since WWII have demonstrated a total unrenounced and gratuitous disregard for innocent human life in the course of subjugating their enemies and lording over their “friends.” And it’s fucking true!! Mass murder has been the calling card of US interventionism for the last sixty some years, and all in the service of a network of vassal states it cynically presents to the world as its peers and allies! Any threat of aggression here is secondary to the correct and utterly pertinent analysis of American global rule being decried!
And finally he does end the speech by dredging up homophobic panic about the end of traditional families and gender roles that could have well been copypasted from one of the more articulate screeds on /pol/. Ofc this is stupid. But what, to be even-handed, is the unspoken claim of the media reports harping on this globohomo fearmongering despite its occupying a tiny overall fraction of the text itself? What is the obvious implication of fixating on putins nationalist fag-hatred in the midst of characterising his speech denouncing American world domination as the conspiratorial ravings of a lunatic? That the evil he is castigating, the international system of unilateral military and economic terror on the part of Washington and her friends, is the true guarantor of queer liberation. And if putins bigotry is revolting this cynical pinkwashed apologia in return has to come close
None of this, ofc, excuses the annexations or legitimises the phony electoral veneer, let alone the invasion itself. But my God! Truly this makes me understand where the tankies are coming from!! It’s one thing to decry the act, another to suggest this speech is anything worse than a litany of truths in the service of a lie! But these swine, these vampires, these bloodthirsty warmongering brutes are so totally accustomed to the presupposition of their own common sensicality and so inured to criticism they cannot perceive a list of fair charges against them for what anyone with eyes to see can readily acknowledge it in fact is
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
Hi!! Mind if I get relationship headcanons of scp 682 with an scp reader? I’d prefer if the reader was also quad (on all fours) and immortal, just so it’s not awkward. I’d also like if the reader and 682 have known eachother for centuries so they’re super inlove <333 and if you don’t mind, maybe some hcs of them having children? Lmk if you don’t want to, that’s totally fine! a̶n̶d̶ ̶m̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶a̶t̶e̶d̶/̶i̶m̶p̶l̶i̶c̶a̶t̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶u̶f̶f̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶’̶r̶e̶ ̶o̶k̶a̶y̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ 👀
~𝕾𝕮𝕻-682 x SCP!Reader Headcanons~
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Note: Reader is shaped like alligator frog lizard too I think and if not then at least on all fours as asked, and are pretty much an evil power couple.
Note 2: There's a lil' bit of heated headcanons ofc 💅
Note 3: Some of the words are black to match 682's theme. I suggest turning on a lighter theme to read.
~Like. he's stupid and in love with you and refuses to let anyone else see it.
~But the security cameras can see, unfortunately.
~Just pokes you in the side with his snoot to get your attention.
~He's a smug and coy bastard who likes to make dark jokes and tease you. He's rude, but in a "I love you but you're stupid but you're really not stupid and I just don't know how to express my love so I'm gonna call you stupid because I love you so you're stupid" way. like he's tsundere but he's not cruel toward you.
~Y'know he's constantly having people on his ass trying to kill him. He's always fine but you like to fuss over him and mutter about humans being scum 💜
~Would cause an absolute damned RIOT if they tried to find a way to kill YOU.
~Gets angry pretty easily, but sitting beside you and grumbling about whatever he's pissed about while you humor him makes him feel better.
~Gets annoyed if you tease him about how grumpy he is, but he ends up chuckling anyway.
~NOW WHEN THINGS GET ALL HEATED aka he's horny, he's a literal animal. I mean. More than he already is.
~Will definitely try to put on a show for you by showing off his ego and resting his muzzle on your head while he tries to seduce you with dirty talk, badically. How the hell is he so human for being such an animal? No one wants to know, honestly 🤡
~SORRY BUT BREEDING KINK. I know I'm like "oh yeah I don't do smut" SO THIS IS THE ONLY THING I'LL SAY.
~Def gonna give you some babies, and all the bitches working at the facility are trying to stop it because they CANNOT HANDLE ANOTHER LIZARD THING THAT LEGITIMATELY WON'T DIE
~Sucks to be them I guess because it happens anyway.
~Nudges them babies around to play around, like he does with you.
~He is violently protective of you and the little monster babies.
~Plans are made to separate you from each other and to kill the babies.
~Doesn't work. Nope. Absolutely not. Half the personnel people or whatever died that day.
~682 does seem to be a lot happier with you and some kiddos- It's a huge difference from how usually pissed he constantly is everyday of his life. He's still rude and annoyed, obviously, that'll never change. You and the babies are the only life forms he likes at all, and he's terribly in love with you c:
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~Love, PinkBoots
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Hey babygirls, poll is on hiatus because I just got back from italy and i am so so so so so so so so so so very very tired.
Instead, have a list of all my Undertale Aus!
Doki Doki Monster Club
If you don't know this one by now you have not been here long. Here's the link to the account:
So you know the early fanon version of undertale? Evil Chara, OP Sans, UWU Papyrus? Yeah, that's kind of what it is.
Basically, Sans (a genius scientist, ofc) and Frisk (a nineteen year old girl and his gf) decide to banish The Evil Chara (TEC) to another universe. They succeed, but TEC resets the timeline as they do it.
TEC ends up in the canon UT universe, where she (gender up to interpretation) is reduced to an angry narrator. Like that one "what do you want" "souls of the unliving" "a bagel" "nooo" meme. She is still convinced she's making you kill everyone, and even if you only kill a single Froggit she will remain convinced it's bc she's controlling you. At the end of the pacifst run, you get this dialogue:
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(Art by worst ut canon)
Meanwhile, Canon Chara was sent to the fanon universe. It is literally Hell. Their mother is hypersexualised, their brother is a tsundere, the child they follow around and narrate about how has boobs, and worst of all said child is convinced they're making her kill everyone!
Once Frisk gets to Snowdin (after killing everyone in the ruins) she warps off to Sans' house with the man himself, leaving Chara to explore the underground on their own. Strangely enough, the world seems to be... glitching out? Monsters will talk about how their heads feel foggy or how they don't even know why they hate Sans so much and then glitch into a loop of "I hate Sans I hate Sans I hate Sans"
Is it something to do with those garbage noises that seem to constantly be playing with the music? Hopefully Chara can find out... before it's too late.
Literally just a common or garden roleswap, nothing special. Swaps are as follows:
Toriel ~ Gaster (a white fire elemental here)
Asgore ~ Grillby
Sans ~ Napstablook
Papyrus ~ Alphys ~ Mad Mew Mew (three way swap)
Undyne ~ Mettaton
Frisk ~ Human from the first image in the prologue
Chara ~ That one alt design
Monster Kid ~ Heats Flamesman
Asriel ~ Fuku Fire
Burgerpants ~ So Sorry
All the Blooks are cat people and cousins.
Papyton real, is the date storyline.
Alphys was Timid Dummy, and then Rar Rar Scratchy Clawy, a violent anime dinosaur sk8er.
Metta is captain of the royal guard and has a ponytail. Maddy wants to join but he fears she will kill everyone accidentally due to her incredible violence.
Undyne has several violent tv shows and movies. You shoot her legs off first and she's like "who needs legs... with arms like these?!" and starts suplexing shit.
Napsta makes sick beats and has anxiety, but is great at pretending they don't. They are incredibly popular. They still live in constant fear.
Sans records stupid jokes and never lets people hear em. He and the other ghosts aren't related.
Speaking of that last point, Alphys and Undyne are exes. Undyne abandoned her and Sans for the Hollywood dream. They probably get back together post pacifist.
Heats Flamesman is a child. He likes Metta because everyone knows his name. He aspires to be like that some day.
Monster Kid wants you to believe in them. If you don't they will be traumatised. If you do, they will be so shocked you did, they will be traumatised anyway.
Doki Doki Monster Club
Co created with my good friends @sans-au-war-ii and @bestfictionaldivorce.
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The girls (™) are:
It's pretty damn obviously who's who. The only thing of relevance I can think of to mention is that Grillbyuri is obsessed with water (not knives) and instead of stabbing himself he pours water on himself. Instead of watching his corpse decay for three days, you watch him slowly evaporate over three days.
And everyone wears a skirt.
Art by sans au war!
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Epic Au where Frisk gets blasted by Toriel's fire magic and their soul's like "not today satan" and turns upside-down and Frisk becomes a fire monster.
Sansby real, and they adopt Frisk. They call them Dad and Also Dad. Fuku is their cousin now, and Heats Flamesman is their weird tiny uncle.
Anyway, worst ut canon wrote this oneshot for it read it right now pls
First off, Blankstablook is an oc of mine of sorts. They're the ghost possessing the ruins dummy and they live there to avoid the sheer chaos that comes from living in the same vicinity of its cousins.
Anyway, resets don't exist and the player is the opposite of an alpha gamer and gets wiped out by the first Froggit they encounter after Toriel skedaddles. Blanksta feels bad for them (and for Toriel, she'll only blame herself) and so decides to possess them.
It ties the soul around their neck with Frisk's bandages, and proceeds. They do an awful job at pretending to be an alive child. It floats two feet off the ground the whole time, while the soul flails around trying to kill.
They also just generally act like an eldrich abomination and freak the shit out of everyone. Except their cousins. Who are just like "man, classic Blanksta"
Oh yeah and being a ghost they can't take damage which makes fights both very interesting and incredibly hilarious.
Heres Blanksta!Frisk:
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(Art by me for once lol)
Yeah that's it really. Feel free to ask about any of the Aus in my askbox! Also I will take drawing prompts for them, as long as they're sfw :)
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phobiaoftickles · 11 months
Lego Monkie Kid tickle Headcanons
Dk if I should make a part 2🫣
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Sun Wukong:
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-My guy as a lee is really fucking cute
-He squeals and covers himself up and tries to fight back, but he can’t because he’s too freaking ticklish for that
-MK was the first to find out he was ticklish, obviously, I mean he’s his mentor. And MK is a mega ler
-You’d think Macaque would be the first since they are inseparable, but he’s not into that type of stuff so he never tickled him.
-I’d like to think that Monkie King would be some what into tickles, like he’ll have on and off lee moods.
-His lee moods varies with other people, is what I mean.
-Like, He ALWAYS wanted his former bud, Macaque, to tickle him.
-Only bc he thinks he’s cute, and that plus him being a huge ler to Sun Wukong? Kill him now.
-So he’d try his best to subtly hint to him, with laying across his lap, stomach out.
-Or, he’d be super annoying to the Mystic Monkie.
-But it never quite worked, so he eventually gave up.
-And he doesn’t have lee moods towards other people, like, MK, or Mei, or his old friends, or Tang.
-But once he really can’t stand his moods bc his bud won’t help him, he’ll resort to MK, knowing he’ll help.
-And no, he doesn’t ask for them, that’s silly, he would never.
-He’d do all the things he’d do to Macaque.
-It would work of course.
-His death spot is his stomach.
-Also off topic, I really like the idea that they gave him a dad bod in the last episode. He’s too cute.
-Quote: “Geez, Yohohouou’re pretty gohohohod at this, bud, nohihot as gohohood as me though- AHAHA!! NONONO WAIT AHAHAHHAA”
-Lee 20% Ler 80%
-Now, he’s VICIOUS when he’s in a ler mood, which is like, all the time.
-He’d get ler moods only to Macaque and MK, and if they aren’t there he had to resort to his monkies.
-But it’s never the same :(
-He tickled the Mystic Monkie when they were friends back in the day, but he stopped because he didn’t want to make his friend uncomfortable with him.
-So he had this ler mood growing on him.
-He was gonna resort to Ne Zha, but he didn’t seem ticklish and if he was, he looked like he could kill him in one quick swoop.
-With MK, Monkie King would hold him down and tickle the shit out of him, until he passes out, which is very rare… maybe.
-Quote: “Damn, you’re really ticklish here, huh, bud~? What about your ears? I mean it’s literally in your name.”
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-MK is the biggest lee, and he doesn’t mind, he kinda likes getting tickled, and everyone knows that, but he doesn’t
-He thought he was in the clear, and kept the secret with him, but as soon as anyone tickled him, he wouldn’t move, plead, tell them to stop, or push their hands away, he’d just wriggle and laugh.
-Super ticklish may I remind you.
-He’ll flinch with the slightest touch.
-Really loves Mei tickling him the most, only beacuse she’s soft with her touches, and can tell when the monkie kid would want rough tickles instead.
-Gets tickled by Sun Wukong when he’s in a ler mood and Macaque isn’t there.
-Mk didn’t know how evil the monkie king was with his tickles
-Kinda likes the ler side of him in his defense.
-Pigsy was the first to tickle him beacuse he was the first to take him in when he was at his lowest.
-It was by shear accident tho, he accidentally scraped his side trying to get something, and the kid flinched, then the pig had this evil glare and started tickling him.
-Tang tickles him too, just not as much as everyone else, just quick squeezes and pokes
-Because unlike everyone else, he’s bad at reading signals and thinks MK hates it.
-His death spot is His ribs, ofc, get him there and he’ll really beg you to stop.
-Passed out mulitple times bc of it.
-So people would steer clear of that area, unless MK has been a real pain in the ass and needs a punishment
-Quote- “Hahhaahahaha, it tickles!!!”
-Yeah, basically, that’s it.
-Lee 50% Ler 50%
-Him as a ler, PUH-LEASE
-He’s a huge maenace, absolutely destroying his target, which is usually Sun Wukong, Tang, and Red Son.
-He’ll wreck your worst spots, then tickle your least worst spots to soothe and calm you down.
-Sun Wukong, Tang, and Redson, is a fighter so he’ll have to pin them down using one of his morphs and tickle the shit out of them.
-Yeah, don’t get on his bad side when he’s in a ler mood.
-He will not stop when you ask, bc he’s a dick. Anywhoo…
-He’ll give you the BEST after care though, feeling sorry he put you through hell (even though he knows you liked it).
-After care includes: Slight back scratches, cuddles, head scratches, kisses, more cuddles, a massage, some water, and/or, he’ll put on a good movie while you fall asleep in his arms, which that person is Redson.
-Quote: “Put your hand in the monkey cage, expect to get bit, son!”
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-I’m not bias… but I absolutely love the headcanon that strong and dark men are extremely ticklish, and that’s what I’m going for.
-And SWK loves to torture him with it, until he eventually stopped, considering he found out that the six-eared Macaque didn’t love the affection.
-Boy was Macaque glad his bf stopped tickling him, he’s way more ticklish than SWK so that did not help his case AT. ALL.
-When they split up, Macaque never gotten tickled, not even when they reunited, which Macaque loves.
-Until he gets on the monkie king’s nerves, and wrecks the mystic Monkey.
-Not to mention the idea of tickling in general makes him uncomfortable, so he never tickled SWK before.
-Though, when he and his friends were still hanging out, they all tagged teamed him since he was the most ticklish one out of them all.
-And he didn’t talk to them for a month, quite literally, it would’ve been longer if he didn’t want a dang peach that badly, having to ask SWK for one.
-If he does get tickled, he can’t just escape with his portal thing, bc it doesn’t work when he can’t concentrate, and the fact he hates being tickled, and trying not to laugh, isn’t helping (My own hc)
-His death spot is his ears. IT’S LITERALLY IN HIS NAME!!!!
-Lee:20% Ler:0%
-I don’t have anything to put on his ler side, because he doesn’t like tickling people, soooooo
-He’ll only tickle someone as a form of revenge if they actually do damage on him when he gets tickled
-Like pissing him self, or passing out, he’ll get you, and get you good.
-Quote: “You got yourself in this damn mess, Peaches, and you can’t even get yourself out?“
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-So, Lee him, am I right?
-Hates being tickled so fucking much!!!
-I kid you not
-The shear amount of times he thrashes and nearly kicks someone is insane
-So MK has to make sure to pin him, and pin him good.
-He gets tickled alot growing up by his mother.
-His father doesn’t do any tickling, since he’s this big buff man, but sometimes it brings back memories of him and his friends tickling the shit out of Macaque and sometimes SWK, and does he miss those days?
-So he can’t help himself, but join in am I right?
-When he gets tickled by MK, MK makes sure to give him the best after care, considering he hates being tickled.
-So everytime he does, he always looks forward to the ending.
-This man has two equally death spots, his feet and hands, I mean, the thing where people walk on hot coal with out their shoes and socks, and the fact he has fire coming out of his hands, just makes sense to me
-Lee: 70% Ler:30%
-And when he’s not getting his revenge, but just tickling you bc he wants to *cough cough* MK *cough cough*He’ll go easy on you.
-He knows MK enjoys being tickled, so he makes sure to tease him with that knowledge
-And the Monkie Kid, being the monkie kid, denies the fact he enjoys it, when it’s so painfully obvious
-And Redson just goes along with it, until he wants to tease him again
-All and all, such a good ler, and will only tickle you just to tickle you if you’re MK, and if you ask him to tickle you, expect a chortled laugh and a “You wish”
-Quote: “Give up yet, Noodle boy? Or are you enjoying yourself, a lil too much?~”
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eunchancorner · 1 year
I got another fic request if you don’t mind it! Just a playful tickle fight between the hatzgang? All three of them are ticklish dorks who act tough in my opinion. Ofc if you aren’t comfy with this, you can 100% decline. Love your work btw :3
Not me happy squeaking at getting another spooky month prompt. Plus the Hatzgang, I could rant for ever about them but in short you’re absolutely right-
Also I kinda wasn’t able to finish this one, I apologize, I just kinda… lost the motivation entirely and couldn’t leave it here when I have more in my inbox. Sorry.
Lers Ross Robert and Roy, Lees Ross Robert and Roy
Warning: Unfinished garbage, cussing
Word count: 1371
“Thanks for letting us come over, Mrs. Jaune,” Robert said as he walked in with Roy at his side. Them and Ross had been planning a sleepover for months and for the longest time been debating on who’s house to hold it at, before settling on Ross’s since his family was the most chill.
“No problem, Rob. He’s upstairs, and I get not wanting to stay at Roy’s house… no offense, Roy, but your mom is…” she trailed off.
“Oh, trust me, I know,” Roy assured her as Ross came downstairs to greet his friends.
“But, out of curiosity, why didn’t you guys stay at Rob’s house like last time?” Jaune asked.
“Because Radford kept messing with me the whole time…” Rob started, but Ross couldn’t help himself.
“You mean because he kept tickling you and me and Roy kept teasing you about it?”
“Aw, don’t worry, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Ross is pretty ticklish too, aren’t you, Rossy?~”
“Wh- n- No I’m not!” the ravenette protested, but a curious poke from Robert pulled a squeak that made denial impossible. “Dammit, Mom, quit embarrassing me!”
“That’s my job, honey. Now, you three head on up, me and your dad are gonna start on dinner,” she told them, and the three nodded, heading upstairs to Ross’s room.
“You guys wanna listen to some music while I get my games set up?” Ross offered as they walked in.
“With the way your room looks, something tells me the answer is no…” Roy answered, looking at the pure black walls and dark gray bed sheets.
“Listen, I was emo before, and we don’t have enough paint to repaint here, so shut it,” the ravenette snapped back. “I listen to different music now, it’s not all Fall Out Boy and MCR. I got AJR, I got Imagine Dragons, what do you want to listen to?”
“Ooo, AJR! Can we listen to I’m Not Famous? That’s my favorite!” Rob butted in, doing his little happy stims as Ross nodded and turned the song on. The two other friends sat down as they watched Ross set up his console (which shall go unnamed for reasons) and pulled out a few games.
“Ok, guys, Mario Kart, Black Ops or Minecraft?” He offered up three of their favorite games, already knowing damn well they were going to pick Minecraft. There was something for all of them in that game.
Sure enough, about ten minutes later, Ross was mining, Roy was trying to build a house and Rob was gathering flowers and making friends with bees.
“Ross, I sure as hell hope you’re getting cobblestone,” Roy complained, idly motioning to the dwindling amount in his inventory.
“What does it look like I’m getting- actually, Rob what are you even doing?” Ross asked, getting distracted by his blonde friend’s gameplay.
“Hehe, bees,” the blonde answered with a single word, feeding two bees a flower and watching as a little baby bee spawned in.
“Wh- actually I have an idea. Ross, get some sand,” the brunette suddenly said.
“Ughhh, why?” the former emo boy complained.
“We’re gonna build a honey farm.”
“Don’t we need a hive for that?”
“Well, DUH, that’s what Robert’s supplying us with! He’s over by the bees, so we’ll just build it around them! It’ll be perfect!” Roy sneered, as though he was coming up with some kind of evil plan.
Robert couldn’t help but laugh quietly at his friend’s tone. “Calm down, dude, we’re just building a honey farm, not catching the Smurfs.”
Ross snickered a bit. “Catching the Smurfs, what are you, a 90’s kid?”
“Listen, my parents only give us so many options on what to watch so we make do with what we have! Besides, my sister loves 90s cartoons!”
“Of course it circled back to your sister,” Roy playfully complained, earning a very fake offended gasp.
“Oh, you’re just jealous that both of you are single children!”
“Oh, please, you have enough siblings for all of us,” Ross pointed out.
“I-” Robert started before he paused and counted in his head. “Oh shit you’re right-”
“PFFFT- '' Roy slapped a hand over his mouth to muffle his laughter at the tallest’s realization, Ross letting his amusement flow free in the form of a few low chuckles.
“Listen, sometimes I forget Robin is there, ok? She’s super quiet!”
“Shehehe- She’s right there!” Ross argued, more giggles bubbling up in his throat.
“Oh, shut up, both of you, before I give you both a reason to laugh!” the blonde threatened, Ross promptly shutting up with a small but noticeable wobbly smile. Roy, however, smirked at his friend.
“Nice try, but I’m not ticklish,” he dared, Rob raising an eyebrow in disbelief.
“Oh, you’re not? Really?”
“Nope… but you are.”
Before the other two knew what was going on, Roy had the blonde pinned beneath him, his hands raised in threatening claws before attacking the poor boi’s sides with merciless squeezes and scribbles, making him burst into bright laughter.
“R-ROHOHOHOY! NOHOT THEHEHERE! PLEHEHEASE!” he squealed, kicking and squirming and thrashing under his friend’s skilled fingers. Ross couldn’t help but watch his friends closely, carefully planning his next move. Slowly, and carefully, he reached his hand out to squeeze Roy’s side.
“Oh? Not there? And what’s gonna stop me? Maybe… you?” Suddenly, the brunette grabbed his ravenette friend’s wrist and yanked him forward, pulling him down to the ground beside Robert.
Oh fuck-
“I don’t think sooo!~” and, just like that, Roy clawed at Ross’s belly, seeming to know exactly where to go to get him squeaking and curling into a ball around his hand.
“Aww, look how ticklish you two are! In fact, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say that, just by getting you guys once, I’ve already found your worst spots! I mean, just listen to you two, hell, I can’t even tell if you can hear me over your own laughter!~”
Of course, he could tell they could. The way their faces lit up bright red at his teases, how Robert squirmed more and more, and how Ross even tried to pull his beanie over his face was enough to tell. Ah, what a nice activity, tickling the absolute hell out of your friends for no reason other than they were about to tickle you.
Well, it wasn’t as long as he hoped it’d be, as suddenly he was pushed off of them, tumbling onto his back. He sat up to see them sitting up, giggly, panting, still smiling, but oh boy, even under those bright smiles they looked pissed.
“W-wait, guys! W-we’re friends, right? Y-you guys!” Roy wasn’t sure why he was getting so worked up, he wasn’t even sure if he was ticklish, but the looks that his two friends were giving him made him feel butterflies fluttering in his stomach, and whether he was or not, he was really nervous to find out.
But, of course, no amount of begging can save you from the ticklish wrath of your friends. Ross tackled him to the ground and Robert wasted no time in shoving his hands under Roy’s arms, immediately pulling a surprised squeal from the brunette. It definitely tickled, a lot more than he was expecting, and it felt so weird to suddenly feel like laughing that he did the only thing that made sense in his mind: tried to hold it in. He didn’t know why, he just did.
Apparently that was a mistake.
“Ohhh, we got a fighter here, huh? I know how to deal with fighters!” Robert said in a way that was way too teasy for Roy’s liking. “Ross, I’m gonna need a little help here. Pick a spot and dig in!”
Ross nodded and went for his own worst spot, the belly, not quite expecting the reaction he got.
“AHAHA NOHO FUHUCK!!” Roy screeched, rolling onto his side with more force than Robert was ready for, accidentally dislodging his left hand. But all that mattered was the dam was broken, laughter pouring from the brunette’s lips in a similar manner that he had his friends in minutes before. He weakly shoved at the blonde’s remaining hand, seemingly barely trying to dislodge it.
Sadly I couldn't finish this one, maybe you can come up with your own ending!
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borathae · 11 days
Chapter 11
You peek through the spy first. You aren’t that reckless. wattpad canon yn gotta learn from her
WHO IS IT?? no jimin pls old man?? is he evil and young like the queen in snow white
damn the familiar, letter and invitation everything just hits soo magical haha very old fashioned in a fairy tale way gregor pointing at himself is uwu pls im crying over a cute grandpa
“Ah, no don’t bow" ... “Of course Miss” .... bows again, same energy as dont apologize its ok, im sorry ..... oh sorry again
baby the old man is probably younger than him ACTUALLY NO ITS HIS DAD'S BESTIE family friends you know ahah haah ha 😃
It looks handmade, all of it, DID HE DO THAT ?? “It feels wonderful on bare skin. You should try it out some time.” STOP I HAVE A LIFE Golden and the diamonds and pearls are clearly real. HOW RICH IS HE WTF
“Nope, I’m out”, you say and close the box quickly, “this is too much.” mood
how did he not see/smell us???
“It’s pretty”, Jungkook whispers, fumbling with his thumbs. OMG HE SPOKE DIRECTLY TO US AND DIDNT RUN AWAY im selling my non-existent properties to him HOBI STOP TEASING THE BABY
“Two hundred bucks?” me if i win it: WE ARE RICH NOW WOOHOO
dont tell me hes gonna wear his old uniform haha “His grandfather served in the war. It’s his way of honouring him. Right Jungkookie?” right 😃😃💀💀 I bet your grandpa would be so happy to see you Jungkook” 😭😭 im dead pls
OMG TAE SEND US A WINK *FAINTS nooo we just got 2seokook for a second talk to them pls
what’s with this seductive intonation of ‘pleasure’ as if that means something to you?ofc she wont remember it ugh joon fuck you
poor yoongles being ignored tae: 😍 yoongi: -_- jimin: 😒 namjoon: 😏
FUCK OFF JAMAL boi wdym u can make it ur convo?? 👀😃🤨
ofc father louis williams suga adams junior the third wont like to dress up for the ball
It seems like everyone hated each other secretly and as if smiling was forbidden.  reminds me of tae saying friendship as a force of habit
hmm joon likes it U AINT FORGIVEN tho 😒🙄I TAKE THAT BACK
“Inspiring?” you make sure, laughing nervously, “you mean evil, don’t you?"  SIR??
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very evil vibes, no more daddy vibes marty im scared pick me up
“what’s Gregor doing at her place?” ..Taehyung seems…frightened TAE IS SCARED THATS IT BYE IM LEAVING TO UM IDK MARS
Taehyung seems to visibly relax, even going so far as to exhale in relief.  phew we got 2seokkook to save the day
“Will you children be quiet for once?” Yoongi growls thanks HE IS THE MAN ONCE AGAIN, solved jinmin's petty fight (major??)
“Why is everyone staring? Continue you with your pointless existence, will you?” KING SHIT YALL
He disappears behind a pillar and then you can’t see him anymore. boi wut where did u go???
TAE IS SCARED AGAIN???? WHY IS JOON ANGRY they are almost hypnotising you, “yeah, okay better this way.” ok again this hypnotizing shit aah
wow we are going to make out here?? ok i will take that haha im not confused anymore haha, jokes aside is he hypnotizing us? cuz she is taking more time to think and just easily disregarding everything else
who's close?? jimin and joon?? wow shit seems so intense wtf its just gifts?? unless tae is broke and he took a loan for it
holy shit tae could be a whole ass kilgrave with the mind control. How long does it take for the power to wear off? was jin also controlled like that?
fuck jin's doing the same thing except he is trying to calm her down
fuck im so confused scared and slightly pissed
WHO IS IT?? no jimin pls old man?? is he evil and young like the queen in snow white
lmoaoaooa imAGINE FAHSDF
damn the familiar, letter and invitation everything just hits soo magical haha very old fashioned in a fairy tale way gregor pointing at himself is uwu pls im crying over a cute grandpa
like it's so romantic JFADJFJ my bitchass would fall so hard for it JFJDASFJ
HAHHHA Not you going into horny mode JFJDS
It looks handmade, all of it, DID HE DO THAT ?? “It feels wonderful on bare skin. You should try it out some time.” STOP I HAVE A LIFE Golden and the diamonds and pearls are clearly real. HOW RICH IS HE WTF
how did he not see/smell us???
boy was probably well fed and not feral for onCE jfjasdjf
“It’s pretty”, Jungkook whispers, fumbling with his thumbs. OMG HE SPOKE DIRECTLY TO US AND DIDNT RUN AWAY im selling my non-existent properties to him HOBI STOP TEASING THE BABY
he is such a shy bean in SA I sob :(
“Two hundred bucks?” me if i win it: WE ARE RICH NOW WOOHOO
NO BUT ME FR bro no joke I spend 2.200 € yesterday on new photography equipment and I would literally kill to randomly get 200 bucks :')
what’s with this seductive intonation of ‘pleasure’ as if that means something to you?ofc she wont remember it ugh joon fuck you
like ugghhh rancid nasty
poor yoongles being ignored tae: 😍 yoongi: -_- jimin: 😒 namjoon: 😏
lmaooa for real fajdsf
FUCK OFF JAMAL boi wdym u can make it ur convo?? 👀😃🤨
It seems like everyone hated each other secretly and as if smiling was forbidden.  reminds me of tae saying friendship as a force of habit
“Why is everyone staring? Continue you with your pointless existence, will you?” KING SHIT YALL
wow we are going to make out here?? ok i will take that haha im not confused anymore haha, jokes aside is he hypnotizing us? cuz she is taking more time to think and just easily disregarding everything else
like the hypnotising has to STOP
who's close?? jimin and joon?? wow shit seems so intense wtf its just gifts?? unless tae is broke and he took a loan for it
lmaoo imagine 😭😭
holy shit tae could be a whole ass kilgrave with the mind control. How long does it take for the power to wear off? was jin also controlled like that?
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nokaru · 2 months
hi hi, purple, white and crystal ball for butcher and/or any other oc? 👀
Here my love crunch on some evil pirate content <3
🟣 Purple- What is something that your OC could not live without? What keeps them grounded in the worst of times?
He's pretty material person so it's definitely some fancy stuff like expensive alcohol, embroided cushions, big comfy bed that a noble would envy etc etc...he can afford to be comfortable and he WILL be comfy what do you mean you can't fit king's size bed with 30 pillows and bedding in the Captain's cabin 🤨 well get a bigger ship damn 🙄
I also wanted to say his jewelry especially rings but that man gives them away as easily as he steals em so even tho they are his favorite thing they are redundant.
On the more sentimental side...he would probably be long dead if it weren't for his first mate. Oka, his first mate, makes sure he's grounded and on task. Bless his heart. It's a rotten work especially to Oka especially if it's Butcher like he will do it but christ alive
(Butcher would be lost without Zarr too even tho they are mostly separated rn, tldr: Zarr dies, Butcher follows)
⚪️ White- When was a moment in your OC's life that they felt the most vulnerable and exposed? Were they alone or surrounded?
THE Captain Butcher? Vulnerable? No way. Only "exposed" he gets is when he's in bed with his lovers.
Seriously though, Butcher is your typical burly emotionally repressed man just with a different flavor cause he's more bubbly and happy-go-lucky than others. He would never be openly vulnerable Infront of people. If it was 1 on 1 situation and the mood and alcohol take him maybe he would let himself slip just a little bit. Maybe. He would turn around and joke about it the next moment ofc.
🔮 Crystal Ball- What kind of future does your OC want to have? What would they do to make it real?
🫵you fool men over 50 have no future 🫵
Cashing it out on swinging by the neck or dying by his daughter Roslyn's blade in maybe 10-15 years it's honestly a miracle he's lived this long with his lifestyle. That's the pirate life for you.
Before he became a pirate though...his and Zarr's merry band had dreams of making it big in the underworld. Who knew they would be ruling it by 23 and still going strong now. Butcher's ideal future was always with him and his associates at the top with wealth that could last five lifetimes. And hey if you have to step over bodies and make some enemies for it so be it.
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hamartia-grander · 1 year
For that Simarkus Medieval AU (no I'm not obsessed even though it's not written yet, wtf that would be weird, anyway) could we get some minor Gavin annoying Connor and just generally being Gavin in the background?
Like I'm a Knight too but I'm more experienced, you're just a newbie, so I should have this n°1 priority case of finding the rebels, go make me a coffee, also your just-a-bit-taller-than-me brother with the soft looking hair and the beautiful blue eyes that's in the King's special protection unit is really ugly and I hate you both
This needs to be a multi chapter novel size fic please I beg you 🙏
I'd totally write this into a series if I could just get other things written
"your brother with the soft looking hair and the beautiful eyes is really ugly and I hate you both" is so fucking funny and so Gavin, thank you for that
But yes I could definitely see it like, instead of androids taking over jobs, the new tyrannical rulers brought their own kingdom with them when they took over the throne, so there's all these new villagers that are from this other Bad Kingdom and are basically being allowed whatever jobs they like because the rulers ofc prefer their own people. So Connor and Nines were from the "bad" kingdom, both given high ranking roles within the Palace guard, Nines being one of the new ruler's personal guard, and so Gavin is pissed because he was part of the old kingdom and had to work his way up to becomming a Knight, but damn if the head of the personal guard ain't pretty.
Hank taking Connor and Nines under his wing because, while he's pissed with the new ruler taking over, he sees how lost the boys are and how they remind him of his son (ima make Cole alive in this bc I CAN) so he can't help the paternal instinct of looking out for them.
Also, neither Gavin nor Elijah know they're related, and since Kamski was overthrown they never saw each other. Until later....
With the androids = people from the new kingdom analogy we could also say that the Jericrew gang were once loyal subjects who soon saw the tyranny of their rulers and vowed to end their reign, and wanted Markus - a member of the old kingdom - to not just join them but also rule someday, as he could bridge the gap and also they see how capable he is as a leader, and how compassionate he is for the people. When Connor is sent to arrest Markus, Markus manages to convince him that the rulers are corrupt and evil and need to be overthrown. Nines is a bit tougher to convince, but once Connor goes he follows. Gavin is... Gavin. I don't think he'd believe anything they said unless he experienced himself, or maybe even then he'd be in denial. But once Hierico manages to overthrow the dictators, he's quickly motivated to change sides lol.
I want some Leo redemption too, so I'll throw in that since Leo knew Markus best he was hired to tell them everything he knows about Markus, where he would go, what he could do, etc. And at some point along the way, plus after seeing how they treated Markus and how upset it made their dad, Leo decides he's not gonna help them, so he tells them complete lies, insists that Markus is too flighty and scared to stage a coup against the royal family, that kind of thing. And he conveniently leaves out that Markus was an amazing blacksmith, instead saying that his sabotage was actually just his failure at crafting the weapons. When Leo and Markus meet up again at the end of it all, Leo apologises and expects Markus to hate him, but Markus forgives him, accepting Leo as his family, and Leo says "I'm... I'm proud, to be your brother."
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vilf-lover · 10 months
i saw @copsecore do this, and i have the “note of quote” in my phone of shit my friends have said soooo
things my friends have said as redacted characters
*british* "let me hit a drag of that fag"
AND GREASY? wow hes basically a french fry :/
feel like you would survive about four years, then die because of your asthma or panic attack
Angel (to Darlin):
but duh i care about your opinions because you're almost always right
D.A.M.N watching Lasko interact with students:
a girl and "some tall lanky guy"
Milo (to Darlin):
i'm surprised you aren't a disney villain by now what is this shit
“because of your electric personality”
i shock people with my multiple years of unresolved trauma.
i find that you notice a lot of things. i really love that you notice things actually.
SH (to Milo ofc):
you have no father figure, friends, and definitely bitches
Baabe (to Ash):
you’re smart and you like musical theatre and you’re a dirty homo and you like reading and psychology and you know a lot of words and sound really smart too
oh wow. damn fuck you and your words. you are way to talented with forming sentences that make me tear up
Me to Vega 😚 -
how's it up in orgy
I'll send Tucker Carlson a maid outfit
her ear liquids must be so solid
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
Seeing Fairy Gala Ortho made me so happy like !aaaaaaaaaaaa
. ok since you mentioned fairy gala ortho first, anonnie, i'm taking this as a green light for me to go absolutely ballistic and rant about how beautiful fairy gala ortho is.
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here he is. the 100 beauté himself (as rook would say) ! i'd like to preface this with the fact that the person who draws the shroud SSR cards is Absolutely Insane, they want me to d word from how pretty all the art is, even pre-groovied. (will ascending to ghostly realms stop me from rolling for these cards ? no. it will not. fg ortho and gm idia will be mine !!)
the second thing i'd like to say is. that idia is a damn good designer. all of ortho's models are designed by idia in canon. so i'd like to say thank you to him and shake his hand (although i think that'd freak him out jsdfksjkf) for making this design.
[ analysis of ortho's outfit + the symbolism behind it down below ! ]
before we start, i'll be using pictures of the card art from the wiki + pictures of his full-body sprite, courtesy of alchemivich :D tap on the images for better quality (and also bc some are cropped weird rip)
let's go from top to bottom n just talk abt how crazy idia was to design this. he has gold and iridescent butterflies along his crown + covering his eyes. and there's gold all around his face. this makes him look like a porcelain doll, which i think is kinda the theme of this ortho model. it's as if someone powdered or painted his face white to give him a more human feel.
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all around his crown he also has peonies in white. apparently white peonies are meant to symbolize remorse and sorrow. so giving someone a bouquet of white peonies can be a way to ask for forgiveness and show that you understand your wrongdoings. now i have not read book 6 but maybe there are some ties to what happened there and this design choice on idia's part to give ortho a crown of flowers that symbolize remorse.
and also, his eyes are covered with the wings of butterflies. a caterpillar only gets its wings after it undergoes metamorphosis, so butterflies are often seen as a symbol of spiritual rebirth, hope, or change. and covering his eyes,,,,eyes are often seen as a window to the soul so does that imply that ortho has...no soul ? since he's a humanoid ? but there's not one set meaning ofc, so maybe it could be in a more see-no-evil sense, where idia is protecting ortho and keeping him blind from things that are inherently "evil". there's probably a lot of interesting parallels you can draw between this design and book 6, which makes me excited to see what idia's intentions really were when designing this model.
(and also we can't forget abt his teeth....he's so cute. precious baby who i will protect with all my heart and soul <33)
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ok moving on ! let's look at his arms. there isn't too much symbolism that i can think of, but again, his arms do look like the arms of a doll of sorts. idia gives him joints that are akin to ball-and-socket ones that dolls often have. i do have to say, his hands remind me of violet evergarden and also of this one designer i know who makes dainty hand jewelry and corsets out of porcelain. her brand name is candy makeup artist and here's her website if you'd like to see what i'm talking about. here's one of the hand jewelry that reminds me of ortho's hands.
ah, i do have to say, the white sleeve-like thing near his shoulder reminds me of lace doilies, since they often have intricate designs woven into the edges of it. (here's a picture of a lace doily if anyone's kinda confused bc i did not know the names for these were lace doilies) one last thing, his shoulder sports a screw, and you can see the inner joint under his armpit, which, again, amps up that doll-like feeling that idia's probably trying to achieve.
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for his torso, there are lines that draw the eyes towards his waist, which is sporting what looks like corset made out of porcelain. again it reminds me of candy makeup artist's works, so here's an example of a porcelain corset she made. also having all the detailing in gold is really smart bc ortho has hovering lights around him (in the form of flower buds, as expected of idia's thorough design) so the gold really stands out from the cream-white color he chose for the base of the model.
another thing i noticed is that the corset elements and the golden designs near his knees and feet combines designs probably inspired by the baroque style. baroque is a style that is known to be very intricate; serving to convey a feeling of grandeur and awe amongst those who see it. in specific i'm talking more abt the architecture-side, specifically stuccowork, since it uses similar patterns to those seen on the golden detailing on ortho's model. examples of baroque stuccowork can be seen here.
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then we have the wings ! which are interestingly not reminiscent of butterfly wings, but instead they adopt the shape of dragonfly wings instead ! idia's an absolute mad man making them iridescent bc some dragonflies actually have iridescent or colored wings. i think idia chose dragonfly wings for efficiency bc these wings allow dragonflies to have greater control over their flight. so. yeah. this is idia optimizing ortho's flight patterns hehe
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then we have his legs ! the joints for his legs have a rose pattern on them which is hella cool but also just. why. bc this costume really has so many details, i wonder what idia was thinking when he designed it all and made it. it must've been a labor of love indeed.
and speaking of roses, that is the other flower that idia incorporates into the design of this model. the back of ortho's hands + the detailing near his knees + the pattern of his leg joints all feature roses in some way. roses are kinda a unique case in terms of meaning bc they come in many different colors (or can be dyed too), and over time each color has a different meaning. in general, roses are symbolic of love of some sort. but more than that i think it's important to note that all the depictions of the roses on ortho's model have no thorns on them. there could be two ways to take this: it could symbolize that ortho is hiding his thorns from people, only showing a beautiful flower. or it could symbolize the fact that ortho has no thorns, that he's just a beautiful flower.
to finish it off, we have his calves + feet. his calves are made out of glass, so they're see-through (again, idia being an absolute genius) and there are criss-crossing metal strips all along each calf. as for his feet, they're pointed downward. this makes me think of a ballerina. the way his feet are designed could be alluding to a ballerina's pointe shoe bc the feet do kinda resemble someone wearing pointe shoes. the square-ness of it reminds me of a toe box + the criss-cross design reminds me of the ribbon that pointe shows have.
in conclusion: it seems the whole look is reminiscent of a porcelain doll, maybe even one of those ballerinas found in trinket boxes ? his feet are definitely modeled after a ballerina. that means that the wings could be a tutu of sorts bc of how they drape around him in the full-body sprite and how they can spread when he's floating in his card art.
and before i go, a disclaimer, bc i'm by no means a design or art student so i might've missed out on glaringly obvious things. what i'm writing is just my own interpretation of the design and just. me gushing abt how pretty it is, so if you have your own thoughts or if you saw something i missed, feel free to rb or comment them !
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asknarashikari · 8 months
With people not attaching to Spanner's "cool" asshole demeanor…. it'd likely change 180 when they display scenes like Spanner being heavily injured and bloodied fighting a bad guy (like MOTW), and keep going by determination. I mean it's not a change in himself because he's already fighting off Malgam as an Alchemist, just power creep.
By then he'd be likely hailed as a "true hero" but "different flavor" to Hotaro. And any perception of him before will change that all his previous behavior will be depicted in positive light, like:
Him insulting others is just a "tough love" so that they'd step up.
Him forcibly taking Hotaro's driver to the point of attacking him is seen as him "knowing better" (that if the Driver is used by stronger ones, more people will be protected).
His behavior to Rinne is ofc, being "chivalrious" and "gentleman".
This is a common occurence regarding asshole characters and how viewers warm up to them, insisting that the show just give wrong first impression regarding them and that they gotta "learn" to not look and judge people on the surface, only the insides matter.
Seems that what's considered a "true hero" by some people is, merely when they've done something with blaze of glory and... any other actions be damned. Typically involves hardship, suffering, and/or sacrifice + beating up bad guys, and it's often a praise for that they "still manages to stand up through all odds" (when bloodied against an opponent).
Ofc he's one of the good guys still who fights off bad guys, but to use said moments to paint these kind of characters equally righteous and noble 'true hero' as most main Rider types..... and that you can't refer to them as "assholes" anymore lest you're disrespecting their good deeds or being too simple-minded to comprehend someone complex.... yes he's good, but the negative traits are still there and makes them lean towards grey more (with good outweighing bad).
"Asshole" (or even evil, for villains) is used on anything they don't like and if they've gained their personal respect/admiration it goes 180 completely.
Well, to be fair, the show does go out of its way to show Spanner being dead wrong about the Chemmies and still being stubbornly set in his ways. With how adorable they've set the Chemmies up to be, it would be pretty difficult for him to be seen in a positive light unless he actually acknowledges being wrong.
While I would grant that he has a point about Houtaro's inexperience being detrimental to the mission of retrieving the Chemmies, the fact that he just expects everyone else to hand the Driver to him is utterly irritating.
Funny you mention how he acts towards Rinne... that's another thing he has against him. Because here on tumblr, as far as I've seen, people pretty much agree he acts like a creep toward her. The fact that she's the only one he's nice to doesn't really give the impression of him being a gentleman or chivalrous (since a real gentleman would be polite and civil towards everyone, and as things are he can't even bring himself to respect Minato's authority over his students, despite Minato being the more senior alchemist). And the age gap certainly doesn't help.
I haven't seen anyone who actually likes him so far. Yeah, he's probably gonna get his ass kicked before he actually changes enough to be liked, though from what I've seen so far (here on tumblr anyway) people think he's had it coming for a while. While I do think there would be a contingent of fans who think him getting his ass kicked is enough to earn their sympathy, I hope that more would want to see him actually changing his ways before they change their mind on him.
That, and they have to explain his preoccupation with Rinne in a non-creepy way.
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ihopesocomic · 1 year
Also I like how despite Edge's manipulative speech he DOES see potential in Hopeful. And yes Jasper's a fool :D. Granted, good thing she didn't get swayed, but I like that you seem to have stuck with that with him from what you've previously said on the blog regarding how he'd see her. Let's see how he'll react to her being mentally strong as well. (Honestly I am on the edge (lol) of my seat to know what happens next.)
God and this is such a good debut to Edge's pride. It's so uncanny to see how "different" he looks when he's smiling and all dad-like like that even when talking like some professional business, since his pride might as well be in a way, like a white-furred Simba compared to his first appearance (and obviously the fact that he's evil and not above killing others *Still sobbing over Quiet amd Clever and now whatever emotions Adamant is going through rn aaaaa* and might as well be the equivalent to a Lion mafia boss, but still, it's weird in a good way and you nailed it). I almost wanna punch that face lol. But y'all have certainly made him charming in this chapter, Imma make it a double punch with both fists in that case. You have officially made him more likable for me than he already has been, I'll always appreciate when Word of God turns into canon. Like... god I hate him but I love him already now too as a character just from this chapter, why'd y'all do this to me? xD
And omg I love Bright already, she's so childish it's honestly kinda cute even if it's to the point of immaturity. I had such a different image of her before this but now... now she seems like she'll be a fun character to see play out in the comic and is so fricking precious. I need more of her now. I wanna see how bad she can be too. Evil(?) lesbians are so damn fun to write because I've done it before because my friend's was the same simple archetype (ofc that wasn't all to it but, it's the jist) hah.
Fade... aaaaaa, others have said more about him than I can but aaaaa. The way he looked at Hopeful, what's on his mind? Hope doesn't know her lil' sis was originally gonna be wedded off to him certainly, that must be so awkward now that I think about it. He don't like this scenario one bit. Though saying anything while Edge is talking might as well be like going into the bosses/principles/etc. office knowing they're your parent at the same time and it just makes things even more unpleasant than they already are.
This got long oops sorry..
DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT BEING LONG, it takes me a billion years to read, but its a fun billion years LOL
YES I'm so happy people liked Hope mirroring Clever haha it was a great idea presented by RJ.
Edge, while he did horrible things, does present a good case to Hope. Despite her experiences with her father and mother, she wants a pride, like many lions do, and he was able to lean into that.
And yea drawing him smiling and fatherlike was difficult, especially because I wanted to make him more vain with his expressions /but that wouldn't work/ because he's being completely honest here LOL He's not trying to trick Hope. He means what he's saying, and a villain that keeps their promises is pretty scary in my opinion. I wish I could've had Vanish and co do more, but they'll be doing more next time.
Once again I'm thrilled Bright made an impression on people. I like writing evil? lesbians too LOL Its so much fun. She is quite immature, but that'll present itself more later. I can't wait to show more of her.
And yea Fade is stuck in a hard place because his dad is actually good to him, but he's definitely hearing and seeing some things he didn't sign up for. He'll need to discuss a change in his contract.
Thank you so much for your notes, I absolutely loved it LOL - Cat
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