#but like they arent any that i could potentially use
haldanare · 2 years
forever bummed about the fact that danish has so few gender neutral names (and even fewer that sound good)
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arasawa 'but are they You Know' can be so funny check this out. literally any scenario involving ichiban being nosy
#snap chats#in the funniest and most ironic way i can say it its like when someones kids really wants their parent to be happy for once#yk what i mean there's like two ways a kid meeting a stepparent can go Abject Horror and Joy#i dont have to say who the first one is. i will though masato wants to scream Why Is Everyone But Me Happy#no listen if you've been reading the essays being posted here the past week i don think ichiban hates jo#and on TOP of that i think ichi thinks jo would be happy if he and arakawa could have One Nice Night and ergo he wont be so MEAN#just no worrying about the clan ichi and everyone else has it covered you can totally rely on them <- no you cant#its like when your parents go on vacation and you comedically wreck the house by accident while theyre gone#but then you SOMEHOW get it all fixed up right before they get home. cat in the hat kind of bullshit#i just think they should have their brooklyn 99 moment. you know the one#'RESPECTFULLY captain you and the boss need alone time'#jo doesnt even get what hes trying to say until he looks at mitsu who looks about ready to jump out the window yk#like 'aniki PLEAAASE shut the fuck up you're gonna get us hit'#and its BECAUSE they arent together Like That that its especially like Put A Cork In It You're Insane#in the alternate timeline/scenario where jo Does like arakawa like that i think ichi should be annoying about it too#listen if arakawa is the only thing that prevents them from maiming each other then it'll be fine#ichiban please be the worst wingman imaginable while jo tells you to leave him alone#hes going to bottle his emotions and store it in his chest and it'll just sit and ferment there until he dies#like are we seeing the potential here. its awful i cant open any new canvases or word docs EW#maybe if i finished my fuckin SHIT..
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sukunasweetheart · 9 months
God I’m always the biggest sucker for AUs where Sukuna is Yuji’s older brother and is just smarter and stronger and the reader is Yuji’s lil friend in his friend circle- literally the only one pining for his ripped older brother like 👀👀👀❤️💦💦💦 ‘h-hi’
theres always something about the older brother of a friend.................................................................................
he will find u so cute and adorable, such a nervous little thing before his eyes,,, sukuna doesnt usually gaf about yuuji's friends and whatnot but you pique his interest....
sorry i got carried away and wrote a whole thing on this oopsies it's very lengthy and wordy...
thinking about the first day you get invited to yuujis house along with megumi and nobara without thinking much of it, only to run into his older brother who turns out to be totally your type
(youre the type of person who develops a crush easily, so much so that no one bats an eye when you tell them that you have a new crush, rip.)
"i thought i told you not to bring your shitty meetings into the house, brat," he tells yuuji coldly, staring down at you and yuuji in the living room.
"awh, shut up! if you can bring your hookups home, i can bring my friends!" sukuna rolls his eyes at him.
"make sure to stay quiet, then. else, i'm kicking all of you out."
all of your friends give side eyes at each other, thinking about what an asshole yuujis older brother is but youre staring at him with puppy eyes, in love at first sight (and he notices it all)
sukuna retreats to his room, and you're already gushing at everyone else about your new crush... all your friends are like 😑
(it's nothing serious at this point, think of it like a fan admiring an idol)
you begin frequenting yuujis house just to get glimpses of him from then on
the four of you are watching a film in the living room, when the snacks run out
you volunteer to grab some more from the kitchen...and there you find sukuna making himself a sandwich...shirtless.
internally screaming, you freeze on the spot for a second before recollecting yourself and focusing on the original objective, to ogle at his bulging muscles- no, that's not it.. to grab more snacks for your friends...
you try to avert your gaze from him as you look for an appropriate bowl to pour the bag of crisps into, but the cupboard! it's too high up!
you try on your tippy toes and manage to touch the bowl, but it's still a struggle...
"you know, you should just ask for help, instead of potentially making more trouble for us."
his body brushes up against you for a second as he grabs the bowl easily. "is this what you want?"
"yes, sorry..." you could erupt into a nosebleed any second now.
"you're welcome."
with a smirk, he walks back into his room with his plateful of sandwiches.
you seemingly float back to the living room with the bowl of snacks in your hands
"i ran into your brother in the kitchen... he was shirtless...." you say with hearts still in your eyes
"what?? and you came back out alive? he hates it when someone comes into the kitchen while hes using it..."
youre giggling and falling into deeper delusions (or is it really?)
one day, you show up at yuujis house bc you and him became partners for a project at uni, but the person who answers the door is not yuuji
"h-hi... is yuuji home?" you ask.
"he's not home right now, sweetie. but you're free to come in if you want."
s-sweetie... you repeat inside your head.
sukuna basically sees your tail wagging behind you. you're so easy, arent you?
you sit on the sofa in the living room, and to your panic, sukuna makes himself comfortable next to you as well, making you tense up
"relax... i won't bite," he tells you with a languid smirk. "or, do you want me to?"
(yes. yes, i want you to.)
the conversation goes back and forth a little bit, and he gets flirtatious but before it escalates, yuuji returns home.
from then on, he gets more and more bold whenever you come over, giving little teasing touches whenever he gets the chance, driving you madd
numbers are exchanged eventually - without your friends knowing.
and then; you receive a text while youre sitting with them one evening, saying "if you're wanting a little more, you can come upstairs to my room."
...you tell your friends youre going to the toilet, and make your way up. giving a soft knock at his door, he opens up and looks down at you with sultry eyes.
(whatever happens in that room? a secret.)
now every time you're over at yuuji's place, sukuna texts you to come pay him a visit. things either end up with you sucking his dick, or just a quickie. (its all very steamy but youre always leave wanting more) ... its so hot to think abt going back to sit with your friends again after he's stuffed you with his load, and pulled your panties back up for you
"you look a bit sweaty, y/n. you okay?"
you tell them it was a tough no. 2 (i mean, what else can you tell them??)
sukuna as well, feels a little... lonely.... whenever you have to make your way back as soon as things are finished
during one afternoon, he overhears you guys talking about your newly found crush-- an older senior upperclassman from uni (getou suguru)
"did you guys see the way he smiled at me? he's so dreamy..."
"do you ever get tired of changing love interests?"
and this upset sukuna more than he expected.
he demands you come up soon after, and intense sex ensues, where he's rougher than usual, possessiveness showing
at one point during it, he asks why you're looking at other men, when you have him... and you tearfully tell him its because you want more than just this, you want to go on dates and be asked out like other girls...
"you could've just asked me. you thought i wouldn't commit?"
sure, you started out as a fun little toy for him, but now he's well aware there's something more going on here...
things get softer and youre left heaving, arms wrapped around sukuna as he looms over your body
"we took too long... they're gonna find out," you tell him.
"let them. why do we need to be a secret, anyway?"
"we don't? i thought that's what you wanted."
"what? when did i-"
(yuuji opens the door)
oh. my. god.
panic and screaming occurs, and the door is slammed shut, leaving you awfully embarrassed, and sukuna just sighing and putting a shirt back on.
"c'mon, sweetheart. we have some explaining to do."
theres a lot of chaos, yuujis face is STILL red and nobara + megumi are horrified, but all ends well bc at least now, you can date sukuna openly, and have your first relationship in peace.
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the-blaze-empress · 1 year
so genloss is all about breaking the 4th wall right? right. when ranboo wakes up he realises that there is no 4th wall. every time the stream ‘glitches’ we’re seeing through to whats actually happening, we’re seeing beyond the 4th wall and potentially so are the characters (im looking at u sneeg). the mask is what keeps the 4th wall in place for ranboo, but thats not where it ends. the breaking of the 4th wall doesnt just stop with the characters.
what im loving about genloss is the psychological horror and how well and uniquely its handled. its fairly clear at this point that ranboo is not in control of their actions, but has been able to break free/has tried to break free at multiple points. showfall media is the one in control, not ranboo.
but thats not where it ends. genloss is a live show for a reason, and that reason is chat. without chat, genloss would not be able to be what it is. throughout the stream there’s things to do; buttons to press, decisions to make, pipes to rearrange. they exist for a reason.
the first episode was relatively tame compared to what we’ve seen since. options were things like ‘where should i look’ and ‘what wacky device should i use against the guy made of slime’ (i could probably write a whole other post about the connotations of blood and slime but that is For Later). those choices dont seem in spirit with something advertised as psychological horror. the entire first episode was kinda... tame honestly.
theres a reason for that. think back to the inauguration video chain. the first question was harmless, cats or dogs? it got you used to the mechanics of the ‘game’, made you familiar with the concept of ‘pressing buttons’. the first episode serves the same purpose; desensitise chat to pressing buttons, so when the decisions switch from ‘where should i look’ to ‘who do i leave to die’ all they really see is a button, without any real consequences. it’s just a button, we should press it.
showfall media isnt just manipulating the characters, its manipulating us.
what i found really interesting is jerma also being able to manipulate the controls, as such, when he solved the pipe puzzle. it established that chat arent the only ones able to use these controls, and i fear what it’s going to bring. i think that showfall is going to start rigging things in their favour, but we won’t be able to tell. one person alone cannot tell what thousands of others voted in this scenario, so there isnt a way to tell that the vote was rigged from the start. and it gives showfall such an easy way out. chat voted, thats what they wanted. we are going to be tricked into ‘wanting’ what showfall wants, ‘doing’ what they want us to do, even if we’re not the ones with the masks that connect to our fucking brains.
there was never any 4th wall. we’re just as deep into this as ranboo is
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
Sorry if this is a bad question, but do you think the Palestinians can keep their gains? I know this is an important win psychologically no matter what happens next, but is there any chance for changing the borders on the map?
Sorry if this naive or not relevant to the actual events
no its very relevant! Really too early to tell I think, at the absolute minimum I think this conflict could last several weeks, wouldn't be surprised if longer though. Either way the entire regional politic has already been changed forever, and I'm sure there will be defacto territorial change one way or another
Main factors/possibilities (rougly sorted in terms of my perceived importance/likeliness) imo:
A) level of coordination that Al-Qassam & other militants taking part have (idk what comms they'd really have available at this point, particularly with the blackout) as well as how robust logistical supply chains are for deliveries of weapons, personnel, and ammo, but to start out w 5,000 missiles in 20 minutes (though israel claims 2,500) definitely indicates a major degree of planning & coordination, probably months in advance if not more - so many contingencies were probably accounted for
B) how much Hezb'ullah enters the offensive, even pinning down a couple battalions around Sheba farm or the broader Golan heights can be a pretty pivotal, but if they actually are able to take territory that changes things significantly
B-2) how much non-muslim groups in lebanon accept hezb'ullah joining the offensive - israel can escalate here & potentially fracture the offensive by staging a ground invasion/aerial attack into Lebanon, as long as non-muslim groups read that as "because hezb'ullah instigated it" instead of as israeli aggression on them. I have no read on lebanese public opinion here so idk.
C) Whether the Syrian SAF steps up strikes against israeli occupational military targets in the Golan Heights in the next couple days
C-2) amount of explicit coordination between Hezb'ullah & SAF
D) how the situation develops in the West Bank - expect a lot of retributional violence by Israeli civilians here.
D-2) Abbas & his govt have already taken quite a strong stance where they dont quite endorse hamas' operation, but put blame squarely on Israel - if West Bank escalates decisively they might take a much stronger stance.
E) How many israeli political prisoners Hamas has taken (israel has admitted to 130, hamas says "more than dozens") - PIJ also claims 30, how important they are, & how many of their own civilians Israel is willing to potentially kill in order to achieve broader military objectives.
E-2) If Israel arent willing to do that, then that also means a lot of their vaunted air force is largely useless here & combat will largely take the form of urban street battles, which tend to favor irregular insurgent combatants (esp when the regular army is used to unquestioned aerial supremacy)
E-3) what happens during the land invasion of Gaza (said to happen in about 24 hours, and something that would be surprising if wasnt expected by hamas), which is likely prompted by the large number of detained political prisoners. If this ends without something that can be spun as a clear victory for IDF, then this will be a major demotivating factor against their international perceived strength & massively increase morale among palestinian militants & civilians
F) If gazans are able to make a land bridge to the West Bank, then things are going to escalate in a significant way. Sderot is right now the frontline here, about 20 mile straight shot
G) how much more of the barrier around the Gaza strip is able to be destroyed, particularly at checkpoints
I) if the Saudis officially announce a pause in normalization talks
I-2) if other factions in the House of Saud take advantage of the mass-unpopularity of normalization with israel among saudi citizen (ie not immigrant labor) population (~2% support support among saudi youth according to Arab Youth Survey 2023 https://arabyouthsurvey.com/wp-content/uploads/whitepaper/AYS-2023-WP_123_English.pdf - seems like a fair assumption this isn't limited to the young). Even absolute monarchies have limits in terms of unpopular choices.
H) how much of a united front palestinian refugees (across the region but in Egypt & Jordan in particular) are able to mount & what political ends they're able to force pressure on - Sisi has rhetorically genuflected to Israel being the one to provoke escalation while also condemning both sides, but Jordan's Abd'allah has pretty much stuck to both sides so far
H-2) If the youth survey is a good proxy, Jordan would likely be the one where the governing regime would have most difficulty avoiding taking a stand against israel (~6% in favor of normalization)
J) if Israel officially declares military operations against Iran, then that's going to be a major escalation path.
J-2) More likely imo will just step up operations particularly in Iraq against shi'a militants, not sure they'd really want to escalate in Syria at this exact moment
K) how long the Netanyahu-centered Unity Govt takes to form, especially how much Gantz tries to push himself into the center
L) How much the US/european politicians publicly supports israel rhetorically & with guns without public pushback (that's where posting can actually help, particularly politicians). Right now the political class has basically all fallen in line in support of Israel, so normalizing discourse in support of palestine does do something, particularly if it has quantifiable achievement like BDS (particularly S)
M) Now is also when israeli civilians protesting against the corruption of their government would make the most difference. Strangely the recurring protests have been canceled. lol.
Z (wildcard)) Ansar Allah (houthis) or other non-coalition yemeni militant groups start an offensive against the Israeli-UAE occupation of Socotra. UAE alone is still militarily powerful and islands have obvious defensive advantages but scrambling to coordinate a rebuff of Israeli military positions all that way away would definitely start to strain logistics
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fuxuannie · 1 year
If requests are open can I request a Romantic Jing Yuan x Reader where he meets them after the Luofu crisis after centuries of thinking they were dead? Like, Reader went into hiding after being attacked and designated marastruck (When they arent) so it took them a while to come back to the Luofu. Any format, hurt/comfort please! If this isn't your alley or your requests aren't open please delete this! Thank you very much and have a nice day!
↳ pairing : jing yuan x gender neutral reader
↳ synopsis : in the generals free time, he decides that it's about time to face the person in his memories that he seems to have forgotten.
↳ authors note : hi!! um, i rlly dont wanna do this whole thing in one post sooo.. part two :D? I promise, I PROMISE i'll be writing it within the day and i'm so sorry requester for the inconvenience! if anyone would like to be tagged in the second part, please let me know! ♡
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When JING YUAN imagines his younger years, he has a very vivid and blurry memory of a figure that he believes was once a friend he held dear in his heart.
A bright sunny day, a calm summer breeze and two potential Generals trained side by side. They tirelessly swing their swords, counting together; "9996, 9997, 9998, 9999, 10,000!"
"A Cloud Knight must never let slip their weapon, nor let slacken their form!"
"Yes, master!"
He can remember someone by his side, answering the same thing at the same time. He turns his head to look at them, seeing the focused expression as they looked at their master and watching it change to one of excitement once their gaze met Jing Yuan's.
"Can you believe it? We're Cloud Knights in training.. not only that, one day, you'll get to be the General!" Their voice, as sweet as a song, would echo in his mind over and over. It was so familiar, yet every time he could almost grasp an idea, it slips through his fingers as he's lost on who exactly this was in his memory.
Why was it all so hard to remember? As if his mind was refusing to recall all the important details, he could clearly remember their form, their voice and their clothes but.. he thinks that if he tried to look in their face, it would be nothing but a blur. A familiar blur, but unrecognizable nonetheless.
He racks his brain to think of another memory, but an all too familiar ache in his heart would appear when he tried. Was it due to his masters presence in most of them? Or was it something about these memories that brought along such a wave of sadness? The General was unsure of he answer, but he forced his mind to recall the events of that day.
"Heed this oath, as clouds that cover the heavens.. will the Knights protect the Xianzhou. Draw!"
"Yes, master!"
As the young man raises his blade, his eyes fall upon the crowd and can see them again. Amidst the people, they stood there with clear joy in their aura, even if their face was impossible to see, he could tell they were smiling from ear to ear at his moment. Jing Yuan's eyes sparkle at the sight, before looking up at his sword with determination in his heart.
"As clouds that cover the heavens, will the Knights protect the Xianzhou!"
There it is again. Another time in his life, one that he holds dear to him, they were there. It seems like everytime he thought of his years as a young Cloud Knight, their blurry face was in each and every memory. A part of him viewed it as something a little haunting, but a majority of his senses felt it was oddly.. bittersweet. Something about all of this, there must be a reason.. right?
And though unconciously, a memory came to mind. One that he believes he buried deep into his conciousness, as he feels a shiver through his body at the thought.
"H-he doesn't recognize us."
He sees them tightly grip their sword, yet a clear hesitation within their stance. Then he realizes the Mara-struck Cloud Knight that stands infront of them, it seems like they have to attack in order to protect themselves, but the way their hands shake makes the action nearly impossible. He sees how they take a few step back, disappearing from his peripheral vision as he was to focus on the danger that poses a threat ahead.
Before it could strike, Jingliu strikes it down with no remorse nor regret evident on her face. Her back is turned to Jing Yuan, who's expression is filled with conflicted emotions. "To become stricken with mara is to be a long-life species. If I too become stricken in times hereafter, you both must not hold back.
There's silence, before Jing Yuan opens his hesitant lips.
"Yes, master."
But his voice being the lone one to answer confuses him, he turns his back and he could feel his heart drop at the realization that they were no longer by his side.
His eyes widen, scanning around the rubble and flames that surround them, yet nothing is there. Nothing but your sword on the ground, and a pool of blood surrounding it. He opens his mouth, but no name escapes his lips to call for. More panic seems to seep into his reality when his Master tells him its too late, that they need to assist the others before people meet a fate similar to theirs, as he tries to call for a name he doesn't know. It's right there, it's right there at the moment he just needs to remember it!-
There it is. The answer he'd been looking for, the name of who he's forgotten for so many years. Your name. Your name that was once deemed unforgettable by his tongue, with how naturally it would be recited at his every waking moment.
Now everything seemed a little clearer, how each and every memory made sense as your face began to appear in place of the blurry expression in each and every one of his thoughts. How he could see your smiles at your best, your tears at your worse and your anger when it would take over all your other emotions. You.. you were the person that meant everything to him. So why, why did he forget you? How could he have forgotten the person who gave him a purpose, who without, he wouldn't be who he is today?
And yet as his mind returns to that day, the day he returns back to the Alliance with nothing but your sword in hand and a heart full of regrets.. he knew the answer. Because it was much easier to forget, rather than to live life with a heart with too many words to say yet the person who was supposed to hear it no longer being around.
He knew that every day he'd blame himself for the loss of your life, that he'd spend his life visiting a gravestone that held no corpse. Because no matter how long he'd search the rubble caused by the attack, there was no corpse. Which only proved further his worse fear, that you had joined the fate of the master you both once trained under. Yet of the three, one remained. One remained to live with the guilt of surviving, and being the reasons both were no longer around.
One soul he failed to protect, the other he killed in order to do so.
How cruel the galaxy was to bring such weight upon one mans shoulder to bear alone. No shoulder to cry on, family to confide in or friends to share a drink with. He was a General, and had priorities to focus on before his own feelings.
Speaking of which, one of the many Cloud Knights had burst into his office with exhaustion in their lungs and an aching pain all over their body. "General." The Knight called out, bowing respectfully as Jing Yuan snaps out of the daze he was in for a long while. "We've caught a suspicious person just outside the main center, many suggest you will decide on the fate of this suspect." He explained, in which Jing Yuan nods his head and stands from his desk. "Well.. alright then. I suppose I could do so."
"By the way.. General, I hope that this isn't prying too much but.. you seemed a little lost for a few moments. Is everything alright?"
A smile forms upon his lips as he interlocks his fingers behind his back.
"Just remembering an old friend, is all."
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schizopositivity · 2 years
how to advocate for schizophrenics and psychotics in every day life:
correct people when they misuse the word "psychotic" (as in if they use it in any other way but a serious disconnect from reality, delusions or hallucinations)
correct people when they use the word "schizophrenic" as an adjective (its not!!! its a severe and persistant mental disorder)
correct people when they call people "crazy" aka "shes been acting crazy lately" (they likely dont actually mean it and this word is thrown around a lot, but as a schizophrenic im asking you to not use this word to describe people since this has been tied to me and my fellow psychotics for ages)
do not assume that a psychotic person is dangerous in any way (psychotic people are more likely to be the victims of abuse than be the abusers)
when talking about mental illness or the mental illness community as a whole consider, does this apply to psychotic and schizophrenic people as well? (if not, youre not talking about the whole community! its that simple)
do not purposley trigger someones paranoia aka telling people that theres someone after them (this is always harmful and potentially life threatening, its not a joke and never was)
dont assume schizophrenia is "just hallucinations and delusions" (its much more than that, it has negative and cognitive symptoms as well, which for some people is much worse than the positive symptoms of hallucinations and delusions)
dont make lobotomy jokes aka "lobotomize me" jokes (these procedures were used to turn schizophrenics into "pets" so that other people could better deal with us, its not a joke)
dont act "crazy" for shock value aka wide eyes, rocking back and fourth, shaking (our mannerisms arent for you to pretend to be crazy with, this is who we actually are, im looking at you rock bands)
dont fear the people on the street talking to themselves aka calling the cops on them (these people are suffering, these people need help, them being psychotic doesnt make them any more dangerous than anybody else)
dont use the word delusional for every idea you dont agree with aka "that conservative politician is delusional!" (delusions specifically describe strongly held beliefs outside of reality, not just beliefs outside youre specific world view)
dont expect people to express emotions the same way you do aka "why arent you reacting?" (many schizophrenics stuggle with flat affect and cant change it, it doesnt mean we dont feel things, just that we dont express them the same way)
dont expect us to be able to do the same amount of, or intensity of work you do aka "i work 5 days a week, you have it easy!" (executive disfunction is very common in schizophrenia, it doesnt make us lazy, we are just disabled)
dont post derealization without tagging it or TWing it as such aka that post with a fake european country saying that americans dont even know what country this is (we already struggle enough with figuring out whats real and whats not we dont need "pranks" or "jokes" trying to fool us without any TW)
dont assume schizophrenic and psychotic people cant see your post or view your media or anything else (we are real people interacting with the world just like everybody else, we can see your jokes about us, or your media portraying us as dangerous, we arent fictional characters)
dont assume youre superior to, or smarter than us (once again we are real people, we deserve the same respect as anyone else on the planet)
dont call someones delusion stupid aka "obviously youre not the reincarnation of kurt cobain thats stupid" (you have no idea how real these are for us, they dont always make sense to you but they do to us, please respect that)
dont ask if were hallucinating right now (its none of youre business! and if we say yes youll likely ask where it is, and if we show you youll likely look in the direction of the hallucination which is dangerous, it blends the real world with the hallucination and its already hard enough for us to tell the difference)
dont stop trusting us and what we say just because were psychotic (we still deserve to be listened to and trusted just like everybody else)
learn about less talked about symotoms like catatonia, avolition and word salad (these are just as common as the talked about ones, but just less talked about cause i guess it doesnt make for an intresting horror movie)
learn more about schizophrenia and psychosis from actual schizophrenics and psychotics (a great example is the podcast Inside Schizophrenia, scrolling through this blog, looking up students with psychosis)
TLDR: no go back and read it, its the least you could do
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zel-zo · 1 year
Hey so you know how in the Izuru-Fuyuhiko conversation, Izuru assumes Fuyuhiko intends to use Izuru for his talents? And Fuyuhiko refutes that like right away. Based on the recent art you made, do you have any thoughts on Izuru making himself useful (as a meat shield apparently) anyway? Izuru usefulness complex vs. Fuyuhiko 'people arent tools' complex or something like that? Sorry if this is a strange ask to get out of the blue haha I am interested in the narrative.
Ok so this is a FANTASTIC question and it took all my restraint not to send back an entire essay lmao💛💛💛 (correction^ I wrote 544 words of this so, maybe a LITTLE bit of an essay)
So, here are my thoughts on Izuru and Fuyuhiko's potential relationship in DRS:US:
I feel like the reason that Izuru may in fact stay with Fuyuhiko in this scenario (I mean, he outright says that if he were told to be free without orders he would probably just disappear overseas and cut contact,) is Fuyuhuko’s resolve not to use Izuru for his talents. I think that, in one way or another, this wont sit right with Izuru, who can easily reason out the fact that he’s a passive force until acted upon, and if acted upon (or used) for the good of humanity, that would have an overall better net benefit to the world than valuing his independence and letting his talents go to waste. As little as Izuru seems to care about anything, the thought process behind letting him do whatever he wants and not like, idk, make him cure cancer, is an absolutely atrocious error in judgement and has to be the fault of some under-developed moral code of Fuyuhuko’s. I think this intrigue is part of why Izuru would want to stay with Fuyuhuko: to see how long it will take for Fuyu, given ample opportunity, to abandon his personal code and start using Izuru (weather for humanity’s benefit or his own).
Note: I also think this is why Izuru would “make himself useful” (like the meat shield incident). By showing how much he could benefit Fuyuhiko when his talents are used, he’s subtly testing his resolve to keep refraining from doing so.
On the FLIP side we have Fuyuhiko, who’s honestly got a point. He’s definitely not thinking of it in the same big moral strokes that Izuru is, but he is thinking of the basic gist of it: What should you value more, a person’s freedom or the good they can do? In his (learned) opinion, the value a person’s life has and the potential they have for good aren’t exclusive, but that person needs to do the good on their own for it to have meaning. His relationship with Peko comes to mind hard here as someone who has been given a role and carried it out perfectly, denying their own free will in the process. Fuyu doesn’t go through the same lesson in the same way as DR2, but it’s clear that he’s coming to similar conclusions about valuing Peko’s free will in their DRUS interactions. I feel like, similarly, Fuyu would just want Izuru to start giving a damn about being used by people and stop treating himself like a means to an end.
So, does this turn into a genuine friendship? Something more?... Maybe??? I see a lot of interpretations of Izuru’s character were he’s an unfeeling machine, which I personally really dislike. I mean, the man has enough emotion to be bored by being unable to be surprised by anything anymore. He does Cry, even if he doesn’t know why. In my eyes, Izuru is mentally incredibly developed, but emotionally underdeveloped because of his emphasis on learning and usefulness since his ‘creation’. So, these two’s relationship is both ambiguous and up for interpretation, but I do think it has room for Izuru to come to understand Fuyuhuko’s thinking and maybe even start caring for him eventually. Honestly it’s all up to your personal interpretation of Izuru’s character!
But yea, those are just my thoughts! Let me know Your own interpretation!! I love these characters and always wanna hear other people's thoughts on them!!! 💛
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moth-bells · 5 months
Hi so, I dont know whenever I'm gonna be able to write or draw anything I like for my cryptids au, so I'm going to give you all literally all the lore and if I ever get to it, its already here.
It also doesnt always make perfect sense but I think that gives it charm and I'm not gonna run around in circles trying to make it perfect Gonna try and make this generally in timeline of events order
The earth is formed. From the dust of star dust rises two figures
They have no names and they were never born, forming from things they do not understand, yet know all too well
They are always at one another's side
They are both everything and nothing to one another
They witness eons together
Watching little specks shift and change and grow
They watch life and ease life along with hands that do what is needed without thought behind how it happens
They have purpose yet none here, witnesses
The duo watch as the earth fills with life only for it all to nearly vanish
They watch life persevere despite that
Those first peculiar humans, though without that name yet, come to be. So small and fragile, yet the two can see potential with these ones
They travel the globe, checking in on different places, seeing how the people so similar are slowly changing. They find it fascinating, though they feel this with other animals
One day, they realize many of these people that they've visited, perhaps assisted at times, and occasionally revisited, have places of worship
Neither of them understand, but they gather that these humans seem to look at them as higher than them. Gods.
Are they? They arent living in the same way as other beings. They cant die. They dont age and were never born.
If not gods, what are they then?
They dont know.
They do eventually move on, but one day, an unknown amount of years later, they return to one of these villages
The people, they do rejoice for their deities have graced them again
The duo decided to linger here longer than before.
One day, theres murmurs of malcontent floating
The two have witnessed battles, but stayed out of them.
They had never watched wars begin, the quiet wisps of smoke that would soon become flames
Now these two, unnatural as they are, were not infinitely strong.
Yes, they were stronger than many of these small humans, who were much smaller than them
But, if there were many humans against one of them, there was only so much that they could do
The humans, separated into factions, decided that one of the duo were a true god while the other was something evil and wrong.
Such is the way of humanity
The two realized they might have stayed too long now, deciding it was time to leave
It was too late for that now.
These two beings, nameless, named and renamed by many, but never calling each other by any.
Two who had been together since they were glints in an existence less universe
Were separated
Humans from either side took their 'rightful' god. Determined to use their worship against the other side.
The two beings were able to take some of them, desperately trying to not be taken away from the other.
They were not gods, though, not in the way these humans thought.
What they were was unknowable, but they still were not ever powerful.
With enough force, they were dragged away by the people who once looked at them equally
The one yellow as pollen was taken into a deep cavernous temple, locked into the darkness, with nothing within it. No escape. The entrance to this prison was sealed with a boulder.
He screamed for them to release him, but his words, something only his other understood, fell on deaf ears.
He pushed and clawed at the rock, but it was too heavy
These people believed their worship of isolation and fasting was pure and accepted by their god.
The other was left to a fate less horrendous, but equally lonely.
Tossed down into a pit, deep with only a manmade covering to hide it.
He as well demanded to be freed, but none of that was to come
These humans worshipped the sky at night that this being reminded them of, that being the only thing that he could see from his prison, though there was also a reminder in the daylight of who he was missing
The humans dropped food of animals down to him.
They werent able to starve to death, nor did they need to eat in the way animals and living things did, but it would give them extra energy if they needed it. No, they took in the rays of the star above them.
So, with the one in the pit, he received more that enough to keep him mobile.
The one in the cave, however...
centuries passed. Thousands and thousands of years
And they who have been here since before time itself, before knowing that of light and space and earth and death
They changed
Slowly, over time, of desperation and madness, and forces they themselves would never truly understand
They changed.
The cavern, where slowly less and less voices of prayer came, lost to a memory
Where eyes as blue as the sky became milky white
Where his mind grew blank with bleakness and its voice lost all form of words
Body became sharp and thin and twisted
Claws and teeth long and sharp.
In the pit, staring up at day and night as blood, and bodies of animal sacrifice fell upon him
One day, he accepted them, hoping for the strength needed to climb free
Eventually, it forgot why it was even down there.
And then the food stopped coming.
It had spent years and years, copying the shrieks and cries of a wounded animal, luring certain animals to the wide spaced grate above
It never felt hunger but it ached for the blood and rush that the meal provided
Its body became more wild, more dangerous
For some years its back ached until there was a weak flap of wings
W i n g s.
The other was still trapped for sometime, having long forgotten what it was. What it was missing. Neither could remember but they could feel it
It would be sheer luck that some unfortunate children, merely teenagers, would come to that stone that their ancestors had made and laid there, not just a myth among them now.
That a god lay in the cave, dangerous and angry, locked away when it tried to turn against the people that worshiped it...or so they say the story goes
It would be their misfortune as they struggled to move the circular rock, that light from the evening setting sun would start to peek through inside
And something would come leaping out at them.
They fled from the monster, leaving one screaming to their fate to the creature so starved.
After, once its frenzy ended, it luckily took off into the forest surrounding it, away from the pain of the sun on its wide white eyes
It was fate, it would seem that they would find one another again
So changed by time and humanities unknowing cruelties
More animal than whatever they may have been to begin with
The winged one had found it one day, though not knowing fully why it was pulled toward it
The blind one, having changed even more in these years of freedom, lashed out at the new arrival
This, in turn, made the winged one defend itself.
They fought, clicking and screeching at one another until the teeth were dug into fur
Something clicked in this mindless mind that this thing was the same as itself.
They backed away from one another
Slowly, they reapproached...they chirred and cooed and inspected one another. One with sight the other with smell.
And they laid down together for the first time in forever
They wandered for some years, avoiding the creatures they felt compelled to hide from.
Until one day..
A small little voice spoke up at the blind one, not screaming or attacking with things that hurt
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angy-grrr · 22 days
i have an issue I see with ppl trying to make shippers "understand" their ship could not become canon, and I dont think many would expect it.
Why are we pretending being in your late 30s is being middle age? Dont get me wrong, being a middle aged person doesn't have to mean anything about someone, but its just- not middle age literally.
I dont really understand bringing that up anyways, iit feels wrong to me to believe just ppl in their teens and 20s could ever do anything pro LGBT+ in general... I find it insulting, as if this is a new thing or impossible to believe older people could believe in queerness in a positive light or be queer themselves. The main reason in the west, and im assuming other parts of the world, there arent as many or as visible is, well, because people were dying because of the AIDS crisis + the isolation from being older and every single public space made for or just young queers or cishet older adults.
I get the point, but if I remember correctly every time I see someone trying to do that (of course im believing they have the best intentions in mind), they have to bring up how this is a Japanese middle aged man as a good enough reason.
I don't really mind about what others want to believe or how much they care in terms of shipping -if you prefer to be casual and not paying that much attention to what's canon or not, good for you! Many ppl are also like that and its completely valid, here in this side of Tumblr might seem like all of us believe and theorize about their endgame potential bc we are the ones that usually make more posts or longer content. But I dont like those assumptions about queerness being tied to young westerners, and I wanted to rant a little bit.
Again, I dont believe that was the intention in any of those posts, and im not trying to call out anyone, just rant.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 10 days
Ok I have I can't wait with my curiosity any more, completely unhinged question.. how do you deal with peeps simping for your characters? Because as far long as I could tell I've seen a few that do and it scares me
(I am afraid of the human Syke. It is a horrible thing. And a wonderful thing. Free will and the Internet is terrifying in the wrong hands)
PS. This isn't yolk it's his wife.
PPS. I am sorry if this ask is not ok. I'm still new to Tumblr And the rights and wrongs
PPPS. The baby is doing fine BTW. Will be born in a few months I can't wait to hold her
Oh! Hey Yolk's wife! Really glad to see your on here for a bit ^^. And heck yeah, im glad you and the baby are doing fine, i wish yall an easy birth!
Nah you're cool, you're cool. Sometimes these questions need to be asked ^^
As for peeps Simping for characters i have. It sometimes bugs me, sometimes it doesnt. I generally dont mind if they do, i just have an issue with them saying inappropriate things beneath the tags.
Its not harmful to like or simp for a character. But it starts to cross lines when they're in your replies saying potentially inappropriate things or going to your inbox demanding one thing or another.
Genuinely, if a person likes a characrer, just let them like it, nothing you say can dissuade them. But if they start trying to control your character or say things you arent comfortable with, put your foot down.
If that doesnt work, we got nifty lil block buttons that do wonders for us all. They dont respect you, they dont deserve to see the content you create for free ^^
Hope this helps!
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ghost-of-a-system · 2 months
hi, we are autistic and also have aphantasia and alexithymia.
and we where wondering what you guys do when you don't know who's fronting, like that limbo of bodily autopilot where nothings going on inside the head and we all just blend together into an incoherent mess
we can't tell if someone new is fronting or if we think we are faking it again.
hey, thanks for reaching out! im not sure if we have alexithymia; we dont know much about it. but we do have aphantasia and autism, so ill try my best.
i think its an autism thing, but we mask a whole heck of a lot around basically... everyone but each other. if you or someone else is unsure what i mean by "masking", its basically just altering (no pun intended...) your behavior in order to outwardly appear "normal" to other people. pretty sure it can be both manually done or subconsciously. its usually subconscious for us personally. but for us, this "persona" we mask as is kinda hard and unnecessary to describe, but the point would be that it isnt really similar to any of our alters. we also do a lot of mirroring others, as in, involuntarily copying their personalities, speech patterns, etc., which plays into our masking.
when we are blurry or more "on autopilot" as you described, we tend to revert to this even more. since there isnt a distinct enough alter around to, at the very least, hog our train of thought, our brain just defaults to that masking persona. but this still happens a lot when we do know whos fronting; they subconsciously mask/mirror so much so that their identity becomes indistinguishable to even them. in all honesty, this usually doesnt go away until we either are alone again or something triggers someone specific out (sorta snapping us out of the masking for a bit). sometimes the someone specific is even who was fronting before good ol masking took over; it just kind of grounds them to their actual self instead.
overall it just makes it impossible for us to tell when we are just genuinely blurry or just masking to the max. we usually just default to assuming that were blurry until enough clarity kicks in to say otherwise.
as far as the "thinking it could be a new alter" thing, we definitely relate to that too. we kinda have a whole, system in place (no pun intended...?) to help with that. when it comes to masking, particularly mirroring, we typically mirror other people/characters/etc. to the point that we genuinely feel like a new person. oftentimes to the point that we feel like we are them. many times in the past its so intense that it puts us under the impression that theres a new person to add to the bunch.
i think one of us has talked about it in the past here, but im too lazy to go fishing for it. basically, we might log it, like in our simply plural, usually. keeping the profile on private and just logging that this potential new guy is fronting. we usually give it a week or two to see if they ever front again or if we can still 'feel their presence' later on, in simple terms. for us, majority of the time theyre gone, 'cause they never existed to begin with. but thats just because we mirror so much and so intensely, not sure if thats something other systems can relate to. we also just arent a large system, and while it isnt uncommon for us to split, its even less common that they stick around past a week or two.
its a weird cycle. but it doesnt mean youre faking or anything. just one of the weird ways things mix, especially being a system and having something like autism. they dont always function separately, at least in our experience.
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softpascalito · 1 year
javier peña x f!dea!reader - we got your back - chapter 2
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Summary: You work as a new DEA agent alongside Peña and Murphy. A not-so-kind colleague reveals more about you than you would like. Also, who the hell is still in the office in the middle of the night?
Relationships: Javier Peña x FemReader
WC: ~2800
Tags/Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Slow burn, mention of canon-typical violence, no beta we die like Colonel Carrillo, family Issues, they arent specified but reader is implied to be from a dysfunctional family, Steve is here too, literal sleeping together, one bed trope if you squint, tac vest javi
AO3 LINK // PART 1 // PART 3 (on tumblr)
helllooo! i am really proud of this chapter and ofc i had to put tac vest javi in because i am a slut <3 comments are very welcome, have a great day!
spanish translations can be found at the end :)
Chapter 2
The rest of the day passes without any hiccups. You can only assume that either Javi or Steve have made good of their promise to make sure that Raquel doesn't bother you again. You can't say you regret it.
Throughout the afternoon, you find both men glancing over at you more frequently, evidently making sure you're okay. Noone mentions the events that took place in the same room mere hours before. Not that anyone other than Steve and Javi really cared. Office gossip existed just as it did anywhere else but so far, you had steered clear from it. The DEA section had more important things to do either way.
You watch the clock go by. You can't really see the sunset from the office. The windows aren't very large to begin with and the curtains are always required to be closed. Safety and all that. As a few wayward rays of the sunshine steal their way into the office, most of your coworkers start packing up. You don't.
When you had arrived in Bogotá after a long flight and a daunting drive to your apartment, you had stood in your new home in shock. The embassy had apartments of all sorts all over the city. It was helpful to use different comunas for safehouses. Most agents lived in the northern part of the city in fancy highrise buildings guarded by fences and security. Some, especially the ones that were doing a lot of undercover work, had apartments in slightly more dangerous places. As did you. It was a tiny bit closer to the embassy than the northern city apartments. The first few nights you had barely slept, scared that someone would break down your door. Judging by the way it hung off the hinges slightly, it wouldn't take a lot of effort. Then there were the gunshots. They weren't uncommon, really, but they still scared the shit out of you. You knew how to handle yourself in combat, you'd successfully completed the grueling weeks of DEA training after all, but gunshots during a raid with a bulletproof vest strapped to your chest were something different from gunshots during your dinner time at the small, wooden table with nothing but your pajamas on. Or worse, when you were sleeping. Or at least trying to. You don't even notice that Steve is leaving until you hear Javier call after him:” Give Connie my best.” He looks after his partner for a moment before his gaze wanders over to you. When your eyes meet, you quickly force yourself to look away. The files in front of you. You're not sure how long this one has been on your desk but you don't seem to be making any progress. Whenever the search bloc finds something that could be of importance, you are given 24 hours to look through it, make copies and find any potential clues. So that is what you're doing. The murky paper in your hands feels like it's going to suffocate you. But between this and another sleepless night at your apartment, you feel like the choice is an obvious one. Javier is still looking at you. You can feel his gaze on you as you try and continue reading the file. Has he noticed you've read the same page about four times? “You should go home too. Get some rest.” His voice rips you out of your thoughts and back into the present. You simply shake your head, muttering something about the time limit and not wanting to piss Carrillo off and to your surprise, Javi actually lets it go.
Or, you think he does. That is until half an hour later when he leans against your desk again. “Hermosa, I appreciate you doing this but you look like you're about to fall off that chair.” He raises his hand and when you follow his movement you can see his car keys dangling from it:” I'll drive you?” He offers and if you weren't so irritated by your lack of sleep and, well, everything else, you would almost think it's cute how much he cares.
You don't feel like arguing so you just stay quiet and focus your attention back onto your paperwork. He groans a little in annoyance but the two of you know each other well enough to know that neither wants to give in. You're just as stubborn as he is. “Look, how about I-”
You never actually learn what he thinks will get you to change your mind because he is cut off by his walkie springing into action. It's the second raid being conducted tonight and someone is asking if the DEA wants to send an agent. You're not sure why they even bother to ask. Javier will happily jump into action at a moment's notice, no matter the time. You watch him as he shoves his cigarette between his lips to unlock his desk drawer with two hands, pulling out his gun and a tac vest. “Be careful,” you say, too late. He is already hurrying down the hall. You're not sure how long he is gone when your head begins to droop, sleep slowly but surely taking over. With a frustrated huff, you get up from your chair, ignoring the creak it gives as you push it aside.
The jacket will do fine, you think, as you sit down against the nearest wall, wrapping it around yourself to give your body some sort of signal that it can relax. In the back of your mind, you remember that someone kept a blanket and pillow around, just in case, but you're not sure where it is and even if you did, you feel like your body might not want to get up again just now.
Sleeping in the office isn't allowed, technically, but you know that Javier and Steve have done it before. Likely, more than once. You set an alarm on your watch to make sure you'll be up before anyone starts to arrive in the morning. You hadn't expected him to come back. You should have known, really. ___________________________________________
Something had been off. None of them got nearly enough sleep as was, but today you had seemed like you were barely there. Javier wasn't sure if it had anything to do with what had happened earlier with Vázquez but either way, he didn't like the way you had looked. So, when he finally left the lab they had raided, he decided to drive back to the embassy instead of going home. Surely enough, there you are. Huddled into a corner in the dimly lit room, breathing steady with your eyes closed. He sighs as he takes in your form for a moment, already knowing you'll wake up to back pain from the way your body is twisted up against the concrete wall. Javier crouches down in front of you and for a moment, he considers not waking you at all, simply lifting you up and carrying your form into his car to get you home. He isn't sure if it's the concern of startling you or the anger he'd inevitably have to face if he did, but he lets it go, settling on giving you a gentle nudge instead. “Wake up, dormilona ,” He hums softly, his brown eyes focused on you as he gives you a moment to regain consciousness. You wake up the way you always do, slowly at first and then with a start. Your eyes fly open to stare at his form, taking in his gaze on you and the tac vest he's still wearing, and you blink a few times in confusion. When you don't say anything, Javi gives a small chuckle and gently grabs your jacket before standing and picking up his car keys once more. He rummages through his drawer for a moment before finding another cigarette and lighting it. When he turns back to you and sees you still slouched against the wall, his eyebrows involuntarily go up a bit.
He ponders for a moment before he opens his mouth:” Vamos, get up.Te llevo a casa.” It comes out as a mumble but in the empty office, it's still loud enough for you to hear. It's not as much of a question this time, more of a gentle command. You sigh, your shoulders dropping involuntary. You don't want to explain, don't want him to know, but you're too tired to put up a fight. His gaze is still lingering on you and you distantly wonder if this is the longest he has ever looked at you. “No quieres ir a casa.” He says gently, and again, it's more of a statement than a question. God, he sees through you so easily. “No.” You admit silently, finally averting your own gaze. Both of you stay quiet for a moment. Him waiting for an explanation and you trying to think of one. Again, you feel the need to close your eyes but you know better. Just get it over with. “It freaks me out a little bit. The empty apartment. And it's so far from the embassy, from everyone.” From you, you add in your mind. Not that you'd ever admit it out loud. Javi slowly crosses the space between you in a few long strides and crouches down next to you again. He takes a drag of his cigarette as he looks at you, waiting for you to go on. “The gunshots creep me out. And I-” You shake your head ever so slightly:” This is stupid,” you mutter under your breath:” I never really unpacked. I didn't want everything- the pictures of-” You can feel yourself getting choked up at the thought of your family pictures and simply bow your head a little. If Javier thinks your explanation is stupid, he doesn't say so. To your surprise, he doesn't say anything for a while. You're the one to break the silence:” Look, you can leave. I'll be fine.” He looks at you, cocking his head a little as he seems to consider something.
“No.” No? At that, your head whips around to find him standing up and pressing his cigarette into a nearby ashtray. His face doesnt convey any emotion, and you silently curse him for his poker face. “No?” You repeat, still a little dumbfounded. That gets a small chuckle out of him. “Me quedaré,” He says, as if that explains anything. When he looks down at you and sees the confusion evident in your features, his gaze softens a bit:” Vamos. Come on.” He stretches out a hand to pull you up, gives a quick glance towards the clock on the wall and then leads the way into a small office room that you know Murphy and him use for file storage. Indeed, there are several old file cabinets placed on both sides of the cramped room. The blinds are shut and when you follow his gaze, you notice a small couch that looks like it's been here since the Embassy was built. Maybe even before.
“I crash here sometimes. It's a hell lot more comfortable than a concrete wall, don't you think?” He teases softly but his tone immediately lets on that he isn't serious. At an inviting gesture from him, you sit down and immediately sink into the cushions a little, involuntarily giving a small sigh. It is a hell lot more comfortable. “Here,” he pulls a worn-down blanket from one of the drawers and along with your jacket, throws it over at you. To your surprise, you catch both before looking back at him as he starts to undo his tac vest. You want to say something. Something smart or at least funny. But your mind is still so tired so you just keep looking at him.
That is until he catches your gaze, his small signature grin creeping back onto his face:” Like what you see?” He asks as he throws the vest into the corner, left in one of his white short-sleeved shirts:” Or are you sleeping with your eyes open?” You roll your eyes ever so slightly and give a small huff:” Both .” You shoot back, trying to ignore the underlying message in both your words. When you glance over at him and see him sit down on the floor, you give him a look:” What are you doing?” “It's called being a gentleman, querida,” He replies, that small grin on his face again. Even if this wasn't Javi, or if he wasn't as attractive as he is with his stupid faithful eyes and small brown curls, you weren't going to let him kill his back by sleeping on the office floor.
“It's your couch.” You try gently, hoping he'll take you up on the offer. He glances up at you from where he is sitting, cocking an eyebrow:” Technically, it's George Bush's couch.” You can't help the small chuckle that escapes your lips as you shift a little to make room for him:” Get your ass over here, Javier.” The use of his full name seems to make him understand that you won't back down on this one and with a small sigh, he gets up again and crosses the space between you before sitting down next to you. “You okay with turning the light off?” He asks, his consideration taking you by surprise once more. You murmur a small agreement and feel him shift as he reaches over to turn off the small lamp placed on one of the file cabinets. A few orange rays from the streetlight are falling in through the blinds, just enough to make out his form beside you. You're not sure if you've ever seen him up this close and you allow yourself to study his features for a moment, the way his nose perfectly aligns with the small crease in his forehead, his breaths escaping through his slightly parted lips.
The couch is too small for you two to not touch but to your surprise, the warmth beside you is somewhat comforting. You're squished between the backrest and him and if you weren't so tired, maybe your brain would think further, more. But it doesn't. Nor do you. He has his arms crossed, no doubt thanks to a lack of other comfortable and, well, unassuming positions. You watch his form through the corner of your eye. You break the silence.
“How did she know?” You ask silently and you feel him tense ever so slightly beside you. Of course he instantly knows what you're talking about. “They have files on all of us. What we do here, what we did before DEA.” He gives a small shrug:” I'm assuming she saw yours in passing.” At that, a new fear creeps into your chest, one that seems a lot worse and scary than Vázquez could ever be. “Have you seen them?”
Even in the dark, you can see him turn his head slightly to look at you. He studies your face for a moment. You're not sure if he finds what he is looking for but after a moment of silence, he hums.
“No, I haven't.” “Okay.”
Your answer makes it clear you trust him. Javier wouldn't lie to you. Not on this, at least. He seems to follow your train of thought, his eyes never leaving yours. “Are you okay, cariño?” He asks silently. You instantly know he isn't talking about Vázquez or the files or even Colombia. He is talking about something without knowing what it actually is. It makes your heart ache a little. “Yeah.” You mumble back and you think you mean it. Right now? It doesn't seem so bad.
“You know you can always talk to me, right? I won't judge.” He isn't sure if you're ashamed of anything in your past, if that is the reason why you're so hesitant to talk about it. He just knows that something is there that gives your features a look he doesnt like on you. He wishes he could take it away.
“I know.” You simply say, again meaning your words. Before the silence between you can get too overwhelming, you add:” Lets get some sleep, yeah? Estoy cansada.”
“Yeah, me too.” He mumbles and he seems to hesitate for just a moment before he reaches out and wraps an arm around you, pulling you into him ever so gently. His movements are slow enough that you could stop him if you wanted to. You don't. If anything, you cuddle a bit closer to him, taking in the way his shirt feels on your skin, the way his arm seems to fit so perfectly around you. In return, you move the blanket a bit, readjusting it until it covers him and you. Again, both of you still.
He is the one to break the silence this time.
“ Vázquez can suck my dick.”
He thinks he can still hear you giggling as you're drifting off to sleep.
hermosa - beautiful
dormilona - sleepyhead
vamos - let's go
te llevo a casa - i am taking you home
no quieres ir a casa - you don't want to go home
me quedaré - i'm staying
querida - dear
cariño - honey (romantic nickname)
estoy cansada - i am tired
thank you for reading, subscribe on ao3 if you like and maybe leave a comment? <3
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ollie-supports · 2 months
I saw your post on tips for transIDs, so do you have any tips for a transwheelchair user who might not be able to get a wheel chair irl?
- do you have other tips you think could help? a reply with them would be appreciated! if you would rather your tips stay anonymous, you can message me with them and i'll reply with it myself!
- did i accidentally say something triggering/disrespectful? please tell me so i can fix it! i am not perfect so i will make mistakes, but i am trying my best!
hello there! first of all, i want to remind you that as a cis ambulatory wheelchair user you are completely and utterly valid!
now, to answer, something that may help if you dont have a wheelchair is using a chair that rolls (example, an office chair) whenever you can! something as small as sitting on a skateboard could help with dysphoria!
another tip for transids in general is that if this is a secondary blog, it may be very euphoric to list yourself as a cisid on any other blogs that aren't related to this so you dont have to deal with fakeclaimers! you can also do this on other social media accounts that are not associated with this! (only if youre comfortable, of course.)
now, this one may be uncomfortable as well, but if you want to have some form of irl transition in an (im assuming due to your potential lack of a wheelchair) unsupportive environment is to tell those around you that you are an ambulatory wheelchair user. this does come with fakeclaiming risks, so be careful! make sure that they arent around you constantly (like somebeing you live with) to avoid criticism.
if you believe this could be an option, then i fully support the idea of you coming out to those around you if it is safe! if you had the opportunity to explain and you believe theyd be willing to listen, then it could be very helpful!
lastly, remember that eventually you will be able to make your own desicions! (i am assuming you are unable to do so due to familial/monetary restraints, if this is not the case and makes you uncomfortable please tell me so i can delete this!) you will be able to buy a wheelchair on your own terms, and you will be able to tell others that you're a cis wheelchair user if thats what you prefer!
remember that even if nobeing else does, i support you! 🌸
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emoangel44 · 3 months
What do you think Frisk's life was like before arriving in the underground? What do you think their life was like a few years after all that? What kind of person d'ya think they'd be?
this is a fairly hard question because for a long time frisk was effectively an enigma to me. i think frisk is one of the biggest writing weak points in the game and that their character suffers because toby only did the big reveal that theyre a separate person from you too late to do really anything with it, which is why hes focusing so hard on kris in deltarune.
however, i have been thinking more about them lately and trying to figure them out from the few canon details we have. here are some of the lines in the game that i think can give us a peak into frisks upbringing and personality:
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these lines to me seem to imply frisk most likely grew up/lives in a neglectful environment where they dont feel loved or appreciated, whether in a home with parents or an orphanage or somewhere else. their caretakers are clearly absent enough that frisk managed to make it to mount ebott, for whatever reason it is they went. they do seem to at leastl partly want to go back home though, as they ask toriel when they can and you have the option to say they have somewhere else to go.
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they seem very independent and used to doing things for themself. they prefer finding fun in things in their environment to entertain themself with (like playing in leaves or staring at mouse holes) and potentially arent actually used to having toys to play with. they dont like the idea of being trapped in the ruins with toriel and want to leave despite the promise of a loving home.
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...however, they say this about asgore later. they seem to vastly prefer things like toriels homemade pie to making their own instant noodles. maybe theyd be willing to stay with someone on their own terms? you are given the option to stay with toriel or leave on your own at the end of the game. maybe frisk could be fine with either.
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i also choose to believe the 'less grammatically correct' options in the role-play sequence are frisk. the only thing this really proves in that theyre kind of silly. but what undertale character isnt? things like them wiggling or copiously flirting or generally going along with shenanigans tell us they like having a good time like everyone else.
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also, i dont have anything specific to say about the lines you get from running from a fight but i want to include them because theyre fun and some of the only 'probably frisk dialogue' we get that isnt just options.
as for post-mercy, i think the person everyone is talking to in the alarm clock dialogue is frisk. theyre just being told about events they werent there for, like the house party with alcohol they werent invited to for obvious reasons. i think both them having stayed with toriel or gone somewhere else are possible and there isnt strong evidence for either. theres even less evidence about whether they became the ambassador or not. maybe they werent there for some of the hangouts because they were busy with politics? i dont think toriel would let that happen but if any kid in the world could be a successful diplomat its absolutely frisk.
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ngihtshade · 10 months
lil explanation on the Pyrite headcannon thing
mb for the fact this took me so long to actually make, got caught up in other things and my silly brain got distracted, but i will gladly explain some things about the Pyrite headcanon-theory of mine!
as a small bonus, i made a little banner of sorts for the google doc i am making on this, so yall get to look at that too. i will most likely make the document public soon enough, but dont expect anything like, tomorrow.
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for the actual little headcanon-theory, it mainly revolved around the fact that the written spell for the Pyrite mask feels oddly specific with the first part, but also not specific enough. mentioning that the user turns into a "female SkyWing named Pyrite" just feels too specific, and this is before the Hailstorm imprisonment. but also, the fact it mentions a name and gender and not scale color is odd to me. why does Pyrite have peach-colored scales? There arent any other SkyWings in the series as far as i know that have that similar almost yellow scale color, so it seems odd that it would be the "default."
this is mainly where my theory stemmed from, that the dragon known as Pyrite was once a real dragon, likely also someone important and/or someone who has died. since the fact that the second part of the spell was made for Hailstorm, the mask couldve had a different use before then. the wording suggests wanting to possibly turn one dragon into another, that "another" being Pyrite.
with this as my starting point, i built up the idea of General Pyrite, an important war general that had died during the War of SandWing Succession. so with this, the Pyrite mask's original goal couldve been to bring back that general from the dead. maybe it worked, maybe it didnt. id like to save more of her backstory for when i get the document completed, but thats basically my thought process so far!
also, i want to acknowledge the fact that there is so much more that could be done with Pyrite. during the brainstorming for General Pyrite, i came up with a few other ideas for possible origins of the Pyrite mask, some of which being:
*Pyrite was Chameleon's first attempt at making one of his shapes.
*Pyrite couldve originally been a tool used to spy within the Sky Kingdom, as Soar wouldve been known to be close to the Queen.
*Pyrite was simply a commoner and there were no specific dragons in mind to base the Pyrite mask off of, and by chance a random dragon that existed at some point was chosen to be the face of it.
^stemming from the theory above, this could mean that Chameleon's shapes were also enchanted with similar wording as the Pyrite mask. this means that all of the dragons Chameleon turns into couldve also been real dragons.
those are just a few things i brainstormed, there is definitely potential for a lot more, and id like to hear you guy's thoughts on this! i may end up developing some of those other theories alongside General Pyrite, though most likely not enough to make another document for.
feel free to ask me questions about anything above, id gladly answer!
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