#but like. YEAH
something about the political appeal to “biological realities” as a method of enforcing and reenforcing social constructs. it’s an appeal to a version of “hard science” that doesn’t actually exist. and it’s an appeal that has existed since science was adopted for the colonial mission
we cannot forget the ways that the concept of race has been created and enforced by “biological reality”. we cannot forget the ways that sex and gender have been created and enforced by “biological reality”. and the same is true of disability under medical models. there is a version of science that is a perpetrator of an uncountable number of violences. and it is an appeal to this version of science that gives conservatives such a strong foothold in so many of these debates
if you want to read into this stuff more, I BEG of you to read Decolonising Methodology by Linda Tuhiwai Smith. she puts it much better than I do
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distant-screaming · 1 year
Something something falling first vs falling harder and Tinn pining for so long but still asking Gun to look into his eyes, to make sure Gun is the reason his heart is beating so quickly, and Gun being the first to say I love you and Tinn saying it back without hesitation
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lurkiestvoid · 11 days
massaging my flesh from the outside is no longer enough I need to peel it from my bones and really get at it from the inside, really get on up in there. just fuckin tenderize me cap'n
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sleepy-seal · 5 months
"i could make that" okay then!!! tell me your thought process. why would you use those colors? why those strokes? what are you hoping to achieve by making this? what story are you telling? oh my bad i forgot. abstract art is lazy and uninspired.
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surveillance-0011 · 1 year
Looking at Garten of BanBan II… I actually feel kind of optimistic.
This second game feels like it does have more effort put into it- and it’s more genuine, less of a cash grab especially without the merch link right there. I’m not gonna blame the devs for charging money bc it seems they are very low budget, and I’d prefer a game costing money rather than asking you to buy overpriced merch.
There’s a somewhat scarier atmosphere and I think the direction the story is heading could prove to be interesting.
Spoiler alert:
Saw the human experimentation thing coming from a mile away. Not the most original in the mascot-based horror niche, but I’m a sucker for it and am actually kinda interested in seeing why it’s happening in this facility posing as a kindergarten, of all places. Also, BanBan as a possible good guy is very interesting. Yes, Alice and Mommy Long Legs both send you on fetch quests with ulterior motives, but BanBan seems to genuinely care about saving the kids, even if it means he’s not heroic enough to do it himself.
It’s also interesting that he’s apparently not the “major” threat- that’s Stinger Flynn, apparently. Unless BanBan is lying/tricking the MC, which is like a 50/50 chance.
The game also, surprisingly, has a sense of humor. BanBan’s note telling you he’s gonna knock you out, his sheepish apology, NabNab’s misery, and Seline (the snail) reaching the chase scene too late all actually got a chuckle out of me.
However, it’s not exactly the most riveting gameplay. The game still seems kinda slow, glitchy, and like there isn’t as much of an “active” threat. Everything is very … compartmentalized? Until the last chase scene there doesn’t seem to be an active threat chasing you down.
And the story does have some pitfalls and confusing bits. It’s frustrating to me that they are dropping gradual hints in the notes alone- at this point I wish there was more of a why and maybe even more of an admission. BanBan sees himself as human still, yes, but certainly he’s aware everyone else thinks he’s BanBan? And that he’s in a lab? But he never says “yeah they mighta turned me into something I’m not, but deep down I’m human and you can trust me”
And while I like the idea of Stinger Flynn as a major threat I’m surprised NabNab isn’t more of an opposing force. Like they’re literally an obstacle for like the construction section and they peer out as a lil secret when you finish the chase scene and turn back. For someone teased as a big thing, they seem more like a needless red herring and underwhelming extra. It’d be better if they were more present in this chapter.
The … attempt at social commentary in the classroom segment was also just weird? There’s not really a popular kid weird kid bullying hierarchy in kindergarten of all places… and the metaphor is just very bland and fake deep and whatnot. Unless it’s just BanBaleena running the school like she thinks they’re run bc she’s a human experiment with no memory/knowledge of the outside world. Or some sort of commentary on the game community? Eh, it was just weirdly cynical and I didn’t dig it.
And it’s weird that they’re already advertising game 3. It’s a chapter system and it’s bound to happen, but it makes me think they’re rushing it a little.
So it’s not perfect by any means. There’s a couple of glaring issues of disorganization and rougher edges, hell some of the worries concerning it being too “kiddy” still ring true. But it also seems to confirm the game is growing into its own unique self and is a genuine attempt at making a decent game rather than something thrown together to make some money off of children. There’s some heart. It may be small or weak, but it’s there.
I never thought I’d be rooting for the Euphoric Brothers, but I do actually hope they improve from here and actually make something some people can dig. They’re not really some insidious force like people make them out to be, just two people trying in a… pretty flawed way? They gotta work on a lot of stuff, from the game to how they have taken criticism, but they’re not goddawful, the first game was just the worst first impression ever.
And…If anything BanBan’s popularity is inspiring. It’s a good reminder that anyone can make a game- and possibly succeed in getting what they wish.
Tldr: not winning any awards any time soon, but Garten of BanBan is not a total waste. I hope the Devs listen to the criticism they’ve gotten and improve from here, too.
And I. Do like NabNab and Stinger Flynn. And BanBan. I am not immune to silly blob thing.
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nami-moittli · 9 months
Thinking about that one scene in book 6 where Idia is talking about the Shroud fam curse. And while, yeah, it’s mainly meant to be exposition for us, the player, but, he’s talking to ORTHO about it. His BROTHER. Who most likely already knows about the curse. So it just kinda gives off the vibes (at least to me) that Idia will just randomly start talking about his curse. In like, full detail. And Ortho’s just learned by now to just smile and nod and to lightly engage to show he’s listening until Idia’s fine again, like,
Idia: you know that technically I can never leave this island, right?
Ortho, internally: oh no, here we go again
Ortho: no, actually. Please, go on.
Idia: so, it all started back when…
Tumblr media
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t4tboblin · 1 month
in my mind the belchers are technically an interfaith household however they dont really practice because they realized tina would not be able to function with catholic guilt and louise would be too dangerous with jewish debate skills
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j0nathanby3rs · 5 months
if i have to block another mutual for apparently holding a vehement hatred for Blorbo From My Shows im going to make an actual fucking dni like a toe-sucking isopod
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pissfizz · 3 months
I love. Not feeling welcome in the server I literally own :(
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somelazyassartist · 11 months
Fuck it maybe I will multiclass Kora into a class that objectively sucks!! We're a heist team it's not like we do much combat anyways maybe I'll just do it for the Flavor of it All, you know, to be a Silly Little Guy.
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identitty-dickruption · 6 months
the difficult thing about practicing harm reduction is that some behaviours feel so impulsive that it’s really hard to slow myself down and go, “are my tools clean? am I avoiding harm to particularly vulnerable parts of my body? am I checking in with my body?”. ideally, yeah, I would have a list of mechanisms that would help me to slow down and keep myself safe. but sometimes it just doesn’t work out that way. impulsivity really is the killer
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the-kipsabian · 3 months
i do really miss writing immortal fears tho
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rainbluealoekitten · 1 year
who cares if other teenagers don't find you cool when little kids all wave excitedly and ask to touch your hair
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sunlitmcgee · 7 months
cTubbo is like that one quote about the lady who didn't know what sex was when she was young so anytime she had a crush, she fantasied about eating the person by pulling them into her body
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gregoftom · 1 year
ppl keep talking abt s4 and tomgreg not interacting much and it’s reminding me soooo much of ted lasso and the fact that tedbecca has barely interacted in s3 at least the second half and they have a. i mean not the same dynamic obviously but one is sort of. mentor. ish. and the other is a bit of a lackadaisical fella in their wake. and i think it’s pretty set that tedbecca is endgame so it’s like. it’s just kind of interesting and doesn’t really put me off/make me worried so much in the fact that ppl think tomgreg might like. be dropped. but i’m not unaware of the advertising and the pushing for tomgreg and interviews w m and n beforehand so it’s definitely sus. tho there were some scenes in the trailer and hints of tedbecca that was either removed or not shown in the end. so you know. many thoughts
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rainia · 5 months
truth is, I’ve had a qsmp purgatory crack fic bouncing around my brain for WEEKS and the only format I think it’ll work is as a social media fic like mangoball but that’s so much fucking work😭😭
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