#but lots of other tribes scattered around
bayofwolves · 4 months
finally have a name for the tribe that rollan is a part of wooo! abeke's is next (i am struggling just a little)
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fdelopera · 9 months
Musings on the Moon Knight System for the High Holidays
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BROKE: Moon Knight System in the comics are Jewish in name only. They’re basically pagan idolaters.
WOKE: Jake is MK System’s spiritual protector in the comics (especially MacKay), and connects the most with their Jewish identity.
BESPOKE: The Moon Knight System are very Jewish, but Marc, Steven, and Jake have a lot of specific religious trauma, and they each connect to their Jewishness in different ways and at different times ... just as most Jews do. Their Jewishness is an intrinsic part of who they are.
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At the Rosh Hashanah 2nd day service yesterday, the Rabbi said something that brought Moon Knight System to mind.
During the Malchuyot, Zichronot, and Shofarot prayers, she said this before the Zichronot prayer:
“Jews are all about memory. We tell and retell the stories of our ancestors to link our generations together. We tell the story of the Exodus and redemption, and these are human memories. Here in the Zichronot section, we consider G-d's memory. What we are asking in Zichronot is, "Am I remembered? Is my life in G-d's memory?" And the answer is, yes. Adonai remembers each one of us, every single creature created in G-d's image is seen and noticed.”
And yet, what about those of us who are dissociative? What about those of us whose memory is scattered, fragmented, and traumatized, just like the Jewish people have been throughout our history?
What about those of us whose memory stops at a certain point, just as our family tree goes back only a few generations to those who escaped the pogroms and the Holocaust? Yes, we can trace some of our ancestors across the ocean to the shtetls, and we can search for the deep root systems that our people have grown from, but we know that if we do, we will only find tragedy and death.
For every one of our ancestors who has a gravestone in an intact Jewish cemetery in the Old Country, there are countless others whose roots were cut, who were murdered by Romans and Inquisitors and Cossacks and Nazis, whose bodies were desecrated, and who were never buried in Jewish soil. And yet, even as the Nazis and the Russians and the Spanish and the Romans and so many others tried to erase us from living memory, still we persevered. There are still some branches left. Our cultural memory endures, even though it is fragmented.
And yet, what of us who strain to remember? What of those of us who have high walls instead of doorways, keeping us out? Perhaps we can even see trees growing on the other side, but we cannot enter, not yet. How then can we connect to our past? Must we wander for another 40 years? And on Yom Kippur, how can we atone if remembrance is scattered and hidden like the Lost Tribes of Israel?
I imagine that Marc has wondered thoughts like these from time to time, especially around the High Holidays. Marc wants to think of himself as an apostate. If he’s being particularly edgy, he might even describe himself as an idolater. But I don’t think he is. Marc has a Jewish soul. So does Jake and so does Steven.
And as much as Marc might want to think that he is beyond atonement for the things he’s done, perhaps in quiet moments, he still hopes to atone as best he can. Perhaps some nights, Marc and Jake and Steven share dreams of teshuvah, of repentance, of making amends. With Gena. With Crawley. With Frenchie. And yet, how to even begin?
Perhaps Elias Spector, the Orthodox rabbi, might once have read the following passage on Rosh Hashanah as he spoke to the congregation from the bimah. And even if Marc was dissociating into the ether when he heard these words, sitting as far away from his father as possible, halfway to hiding deep within, the duty of being the Rabbi's son weighing heavy on his shoulders ... perhaps Jake and Steven listened, and they remembered for all of them:
“When a person commits a sin and does not turn in repentance, when that person forgets the sin, Hakadosh Baruch Hu remembers. When a person fulfills a commandment by doing a good deed, but forgets about it, Hakadosh Baruch Hu remembers. When a person commits a sin and later turns in repentance by remembering that sin, Hakadosh Baruch Hu grants atonement, and forgets the sin. But when a person fulfills a commandment and is constantly filled with self-praise because of it, Hakadosh Baruch Hu forgets it. What a person forgets, G-d remembers, and what a person remembers, G-d forgets.” -- The Hasidic Master Shmelke of Nikolsberg
Shana tovah and g’mar chatima tovah to the Moon Knight System. May they be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life.
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yandere-writer-momo · 11 months
I JUST CAME UP WITH SOMETHING SINCE YOU POSTED ABOUT SEALS. First of all I've been reading and liking ur stuff for a while now I just never verified my email to talk to you but I have and idea. THE READER IS A SELKIE (This could have all the characters you want but please can you have Jun guevara) And the character is a yandere so they steal the readers skin so now they're stuck on land. It's okay if you ignore this tho but I'm so happy I get to do this now♥️♥️
I love this so much 😭😭😭 And thank you for the love! I’ve grown quite a bit these last few months! (I always notice everyone who likes my posts) 💕💕
But it would be Katsumi or Hanayama. I’m leaning towards Hanayama.
He goes to the beach a lot whenever he’s stressed and just sits in the sand to drink alone. So imagine his surprise to see a group of people dance around a fire wearing all white? And why were there so many seal pelts near them? He was curious.
The youngest one stuck out to him (you). You twirled around the fire alone with laughter while the others were paired up. You didn’t have a care in the world.
Kaoru went to approach you but the group quickly scattered. Kaoru’s eyes wide when they grabbed the pelts and transformed into seals in front of his very eyes. But you were slower to grab your pelt.
You gazed at him in a curious manner before your elders barked at you to follow them. And with their barks, you grabbed your spotted pelt and transformed into a harbor seal.
Kaoru watched your round body bounce into the sea with your tribe. He is left stunned from the encounter but he finds himself coming to the beach more often.
Kaoru watches you from afar. He’s not sure what language you and the others speak but you’re always alone. And in his mind, he thinks you’re lonely like him.
Kaoru looks into what you are and he’s fascinated that you’re a selkie. He didn’t think fantasy creatures existed but you were living proof. He wondered if the stories of stealing the seal pelt so the selkie would stay on land were true… there was only one way to find out. He’d take it from you.
Kaoru slowly gets closer and closer to the group each time he sees them. They always scatter still but not as quickly. And as time went on, he began to fall in love with you. He desired you.
But your curiosity for him grows with each encounter. You wondered who this scarred man was who always came to see you and your tribe. You didn’t understand why your elders were so afraid of humans, he didn’t seem to want to harm you. Your mother was one such victim but she managed to escape.
And due to your naive nature, you let your guard down around him. And it was your downfall.
Kaoru snatched your soft, spotted pelt while your elders ran for their lives. Tears falling down their faces as they helplessly watched you try to get your pelt back. It was selkie law. The one who had your pelt controlled you.
Kaoru gave you a soft smile as he held out a hand for you.
“I’ve been wanting to talk to you for so long… and now you’re finally mine.”
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blorbologist · 1 year
- Wedding rings convergently evolved in a lot of contexts due to some divine events/recurrences (ex: halos of some aasimar and divine casters). Though how they're used varies (some cultures have many, with rings being added as the couple has children or for other life events; some wear them in their hair or as body piercings; some insist the couple or someone close to them make the rings themselves; sometimes they're made as a chain that's ceremonially broken during the wedding and reforged).
- I love the common HC that elven weddings involve ceremonial knots and rope/string tying the couple together! Drow use white-silver threads (heated debate rage as to if this is nods to Loloth or the Luxon in the Dynasty), wood elves will use plant-based fibers grown from each family's land/plants that grow near their home, and all elves will use fancier material to indicate wealth. A common practice for half-elves, especially from societies where they’re more common and can share this knowledge, is to intersperse the weaving and knots with rings, or save the threads to make into necklaces or armbands.
- many Ashari wedding practices (a little different for each tribe) have their roots in Drashari & Age of Arcanum customs that survived. For Zephrah in particular, I like the idea of the couple writing their vows, folding the paper into a bird or flower or something specific to Them (Vaxleth would 100% do a raven) and sending it flying from the cliffs. I'm undecided if they're supposed to use wind spells/cantrips to keep them aloft or trust in the air to carry them and their hopes for the relationship. (The people living downwind think it's good luck to catch Ashari wedding vows, and sometimes make the trek up to return them to the happy couple.) They don't know this is adapted from the spell kites of Cathmoíra.
- Several parts of Wildemount include planting something Important as part of the ceremony. Either something that will grow (a tree, a vital crop, a favorite flower) or not (a memory capsule, an offering, or something meant to decay). If the planting doesn't go well, or if the plant/burried thing gets damaged down the line, it's seen as a terrible omen. Couples living in cities will keep theirs on windowsills or roofs to ensure they get enough light, and it’s a common source of gossip if a neighbor's plant is unwell or if the pot of soil tips during a storm, spilling out the gifts within.
- I've thought. So much. About Whitestone weddings. The city-state was very isolated for years, so their practices are very tailored to their home. Laurels are made out of the Sun Tree's shed leaves, which are also scattered around their feet. Weddings are usually held at dawn or midday for Pelor reasons, and the rings are weighed in scales blessed by Erathis to ensure the partnership is equal. The ceremony is usually held in front of the Sun Tree, and if the couple is very lucky or of high status a fallen bough will be brought with them into their marital home to keep them safe and blessed by its shade (and it's meant to be burnt as firewood should they face a challenge they feel they can't surmount, be it a terrible winter or awful fight). Most couples only get a twig or small branch though. Actually, you'll see soon ;3
- Vex's wedding ring is 100% forged from melted down gold pieces from her own person. Because there's a chance, however small, that one or two pieces used were among those Percy gave her when they first met. Percy includes some residuum in his, partially because he wanted to make sure their rings could both be used as Resurrection components should anything happen... and partially because he still remembers the Sunken Tomb and how his offering of residuum then was not accepted. He doesn’t want to forget what his mistake cost them, a reminder to be careful (what if he had succeeded? would Vax not have - then he might - fuck.).
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escapismmaxing · 5 months
skywing redesign + headcanons
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birds of the sky,,.,
physical traits
small little fellas, in order to be the fastest fliers they are the smallest of the pyrrhian tribes! but still bigger than the pantalan bugs
most of my headcanons really just focus around making them more flight focused
i know it’s canon that they have huge wings, but i make their wings fucking huuuuuuuge like their wings are discounted when scaling their size in relation to other pyrrhian dragons but if it wasn’t, they would be “bigger” comparatively
also their wing membrane stretches partway down their tail in order to really catch the air
their shoulders have locking mechanisms like albatrosses perhaps
also,,, for aesthetic purposes,, i think they have those little butterfly tail things like swallowtails or luna moths
they have short tails so less drag is created
their horns are very long and branching, but they bend back and tend to follow the curve of the spine/neck so that they don’t stick out and create excess drag when skywings are flying
this one exists in theory more than in drawings,,, but they would have those faceplates that owls/hawks/birds of prey have that angle air into their ears in order to hear better when they're flying
they have relatively small/thinnish bodies, with honeycomb structured bones (i really just redesigned them around flight tbh)
they don’t really have “spines” but they have plated scales that can be ruffed up around their neck
colors have a huge range, basically any color the sky can be a skywing can be, but i think maybe their eggs only hatch during the daytime? so they don’t overlap with nightwings in color a lot
i think reds and oranges are perhaps still the most common? but blues, purples, yellows, and even pinks aren’t unheard of
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i also think their scales can match the cloud formations during their hatching
culture and societyyyy/ family structure 
skywings have family units! not really nuclear families how we’d think though because i really hate limiting fictional dragons to a western understanding of family structure
however i do think fewer partners are involved, like 2-3, raising their hatchlings under one roof
still a strong community, but with dragonets returning to one house for the night
i think there’s certainly a “town” daycare somewhat that young dragonets will go to and be communally watched over
however skywings are comparatively more fractured than other tribes due to their home in the mountains, so it’s somewhat small pockets of dragons all looking after one another scattered through the mountains
as for school,, i think skywings have a stricter, more academic schooling model closer to what icewing schools are like? learning a variety of subjects in an academic setting rather than learning the family trade from the family
there are still skywings who have a family trade such as farming (herbs, root vegetables) and artisan trades like metalwork and glasswork. but these artisans often take in apprentices rather than raising their kids to be their apprentices
farming is pretty common because skywings don’t eat a lot of meat! in line with the whole,, bird,,, fast flying,, etc, they have to digest lightweight things that are still high in protein, so they eat a lot of seeds and leafy greens
they don’t eat a lot of “heavy” meat like cows, pigs, etc, and they tend to avoid eating birds at all. some skywings do eat fish and rabbits though
skywings also have a pretty strong hierarchy within the castle that degrades pretty fast outside of the castle
although this begins to fade as queen ruby takes over
there wasn’t the circle system exactly, but it was very clear who scarlet favored, and the favorings of the queen directly correlated to jobs and housing given within the castle walls
this falls apart outside of the castle, where towns are generally kind
skywings have a lot of festivals/celebrations surrounding flying, racing etc
adrenaline seeking skywings will have crazy dangerous flight races through precarious pillars of rocks
on the topic of sports, falconry is super popular and falcons and other raptors are considered holy by basically all skywings
on certain days, festivals will be held where skywings decorate their wings with beads, thin fabrics, jewelry, feathers, ribbons, etc, and flaunt their wings, perform some tricks, etc
flutes, pipes, and wind chimes are very common for music! generally just any using wind to make noise instruments is common, like an ocarina!
another example of me making music more present in the world,,, many skywings can learn simple ish wind charms that give them semi control over the wind, while this is helpful during flight, skywings also use wind charms to essentially play the mountains as a huge instrument!
of COURSE skywings speak with hoots and chirps and tweets and basically any bird noises. like any and all bird noises. which meeeeannsssss skywings can also be really good mimics! not as good as rainwings but still very good at mimicking animals and other tribes
fashion and jewelry
alpacas are very common in the mountains, so spun wool fabrics are very common! shawls and coats and capes are very common
skywings have very diverse jewelry since the mountains give them access to a lot of metals and gems, but a lot of this jewelry is for royals and nobles, and commoners tend to wear simple metal bands and piercings 
a lot of trade happens so thin, silky, gauzy materials are used for drapes and shawls
basically, a lot of fashion (especially closer to royalty and nobles) would be very inconvenient to fly in
and fashion for commoners is a lot more focused on wooly shawls and scarves to help skywings stay warm since they’re silly little guys living in the peaks of mountains
religious-y superstitions 
so. much. bird. idolization
there is somewhat of a bird hierarchy but at the same time all birds are good birds
a very common religious “pilgrimage” for skywings is traveling around the continent and going birding. making and keeping birding journals. 
multiple jobs revolve around the upkeep of birds, especially in the palace, there’s multiple different sectors that house exotic birds and are dedicated to the care of those birds
falconry is very common, as is all bird keeping
they’re not really considered pets as much as they are companions
when a dragons companion bird dies, it gets a skywings funeral since skywing and bird souls are considered to be one in the same
if you see a bird and the bird sees you it means fate has turned her wide eyes unto you. if the bird doesn’t see you it means fate passes over you (for now, it always comes back around)
scrying with feathers
like skywings will have bundles of feathers and then scry by asking questions and throwing the bundle of feathers onto the ground
the answer depends on the orientation of the feathers
since skywings burn bodies, but bones don’t burn, they keep the skeletons usually in very fancy clay urns
this wasn’t happening during the war with ruby, so there’s currently a huuuuuge project within the kingdom of recovering the skeletons and trying to match the bones to put them in an urn
it’s very slow moving work but dragons also think it’s essential
there’s kind of a paris esque catacombs being created under the castle where all the urns are ending up, but dragons are trying to make it look a lot more lively
gems embedded into the walls, skylights when they can, etc
skywings do the same thing with bird bones! especially the bones of companion birds
the birds bones will be kept in their own urn until the dragon dies, at which point an urn big enough for the bones to be mixed will be produced
also,, in line with wanting to make magic more prevalent in all the tribes outside of animus,, skywings being bonded with birds will extend the bird’s lifespan 
the bird wouldn’t get the dragon’s lifespan, but a blue jay would live to be ~20ish rather than 7 years
also (random but related to birds) some icewings were freaked the fuck out by skywings because icewings consider birds to be BAD LUCK. icewings who live not in the castle, but a little bit north of the more populated border, do sky burials with their dead because the ground is too hard for graves. so these icewings consider carrion birds to be kind, but also omens of impending death, so when they roll up to the skywing kingdom and some fuckass has a black culture absolutely chilling there’s a lot of 👁👁
i think skywings can be super cool and interesting but i do kind of struggle to spice up their designs,, bc i dont like drawing feathers. maybe one day ill learn! idk. but i think theyre funky fresh
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felice-jaganshi · 4 months
Alastor X OC
His Pet
Chapter 3/??
The next few days, Zariah seemed rather reclusive. She spent a lot of time in her room and when she wandered the halls of the hotel, she always looked kind of dazed. Though she'd snap right out of it soon as someone said her name. It made Alastor curious what was going on in that head of hers. One day, he stopped her wanderings by poking a finger to her forehead. She stopped moving but still seemed lost in her head.
“My dear, what is going on in that head of yours?” He asked softly, bending over to look in her eyes.
She seemed so far away, but her reply was confident, “the dragon kingdom being at war with the griffin tribes because of a vague prophecy that one of their princes would kill their king…”
He blinked, maintaining his constant smile, but confusion shone in his eye. “The what now?”
She seemed to zone back in, “oh, sorry Al, I was in my head again… too many ideas bouncing around at once.” She looked a little embarrassed. 
He hummed, “Is that all? You seemed so out of it, even angel dust was worried you were on drugs. But you snap out of it too quickly for that to be the case.”
“Oh, no, I just had a really good idea for a novel, and I was so focused on world building, I forgot I was walking around. I should probably go back to my room and write it all down before I forget what I just came up with.” She turned to leave, her tails swishing about, almost touching his face. He smelt a relaxing perfume from them, like almonds and peonies. He decided to follow her.
“Might I follow you, dear? I'm quite curious what Charlie has done for your room.”
“You're not going to help the others prepare for battle?” She asked, looking over her shoulder. 
“Oh no dear, they'll be fine on their own.” He grinned like always, but it felt empty to her.
“Huh… okay.” 
She entered her room, “Shoes off here at the entrance please. The less dirt tracked in the better.” She took off her own shoes and went straight for her desk.
Alastor looked about from the entrance. The bed was a bunk bed, but the top was covered in books, and the bottom had thick curtains covering all the sides to make it a “canopy bed”. There were papers and notebooks scattered all over the floor, opened to different pages with a doctor's level of scribbling all over the pages. He took off his shoes begrudgingly and made his way across the floor. She was sitting in a chair, rocking it back on its back feet as she wrote quickly.
Alastor looked over her shoulder and was having a hard time making out any of the words. “My dear, are you even writing in full sentences?”
“Oh, no. These are just my personal notes. I don't intend for people to read my raw notes, they're just for me. If you want to read the stuff I've actually cleaned up, there's a pile over in the corner of cleaned up stories.” She pointed over to them. “The one in the red notebook I think you'll like best. It's a horror romance, with a wendigo like monster, and werewolves. The wendigo is the love interest.” 
She didn't look up from her pages as she went back to writing.
He was vaguely curious, so he went over and picked it up. He skimmed it a bit. “This is quite unique. You're getting more and more intriguing by the day, darling.” She stopped writing as he called her that, she lost her balance on the chair and fell back with a yelp!
But before her head could hit the ground, the chair was caught and turned back upright, with her still on it. She looked back and saw Alastor's shadow had caught her.
“My my, you should really be more careful. You could have gotten a nasty bruise there.” His smile took on a playful air.
She laughed lightly, “thanks Al. You just surprised me is all. I've never been called ‘darling’ by anyone before.”
“Really? A charming young thing like you?” He asked, resting his chin in his hand as he leaned on the desk.
“young? Hah, and charming?” She shook her head, “I may look cute in this form, but when I was alive… let's just say my soul is more beautiful than my body was. And for the 2020's, I sure wasn't considered charming. You're from what, the 1920's? There's like 100 years between us. And probably about half a continent at least.” She sighed, then held one of her own tails, petting the fur to soothe herself. “Oh, hey, so I noticed the deer ears and antlers, do you have a tail too? Oh, do your antlers get velvet that sheds seasonally?” She smiled at him.
He couldn't help but chuckle, “ah dear, you ask such interesting questions. And I plan to answer none of them!” She pouted and he shuffled his chair over to pet her head again, “Your hair is so soft.” She purred and her other tail flipped into his lap.
“My tails are soft too. They're really soothing to pet when I get anxious. You can pet my tails if you'd like!”
He pulled his hand back from petting her and held them both up, “ah, my dear, I think you may have misunderstood my affections!” He sounded a bit nervous. She looked at him for a moment before blushing and waving her hands frantically!
“Wait! No no, I just meant it as a friendly offer! I know you weren't trying to come onto me, I'm sorry if it came off weird. It's not like my tails are sensitive or anything weird. I was just being friendly.” She then hid her face in her hands, her ears laying flat. 
He sighed, a relieved look crossing his face, “ah, good. Then this was just a misunderstanding. I'm sorry for causing you such distress, Zariah.” He then reached out and pet the tail in his lap, just one stroke… it was the softest thing he'd ever felt! He kept petting it, and Zariah began to calm down and relax. 
“Well, I'm glad that's the case. I'll also take our bond seriously as well.” 
“It's okay, I'm sorry I caused you discomfort. I should have worded that better. Or added further clarification or something. I don't ever want to make you uncomfortable around me. You're my first friend in hell, and I'm taking that bond seriously.” She had a determined look, and he chuckled, it seemed his new pet liked her leash. 
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So in this apocalypse au, how does barb/ thrash plan work since last I checked the whole plot revolves around the six strings. However all of the tribes and most of the sub-genres believe the pop trolls are all but extinct? Also since the rock trolls don’t know about the pop and putt trolls, I take it that poppy never got barb invite to invasion. So maybe in this scenario, cooper and poppy found out about the strings and tribes through other means and cooper wanting to know about others like him decide to leave their home and somewhere along the way they meet branch and his group. Although another scenario could be branch group while trying to find help/ stop barb ended up accidentally finding the lost tribe.
Also would branch grandma be alive cause I can imagine her being so happy to see her grandsons then with the exception of brach grab them by the ears and say where have you’ve been!
Oh boy, so I actually have a lot planned out but not much written in terms of story wise. I'm not sure how much people want to know explained vs. what is in the story itself so I am going to put this under a break so that anyone who does not want spoilers or know what is happening - does not have to know.
So be warned! SPOILERS AHEAD
Once again! Spoilers!!
Last Chance !!!!!
I'm warning you!!
Thrash starts his Invasion LONG before Barb ever gets the idea. She's probably a child, maybe even a baby, when he starts. Although this concept started as just canon divergence, it has turned a bit more into an actual alternate universe, with slightly different rules on how things work, including, to some extent, the strings. Or just expanding on it.
The invasion does revolve around the strings. Thrash is under the belief that Pop Trolls are his biggest adversary and therefore, waits to go after them until he has gotten through the others. He does not know that Pop trolls numbers have dwindled due to the years of Bergens feeding on them. So he attacks the other tribes and takes their strings, using numbers and force to rule them. He takes out leaders or makes them scatter.
This is more of an actual invasion and war than in canon, which was more of kidnapping. The first tribe goes down due to surprise, while another scatters. There is a small alliance to fight back but after a while, the last string (aside from Pop's) has been taken.
In this au, the strings have some power individually as well as together. I'm not sure what individual abilities they have yet (will be open to thoughts cause this is something I should expand on) but when Thrash has five of the six strings, he can zombify his victims. It is just not as steady and intense as if he had all six.
So when Thrash gets the five of the six strings, he turns to find Pop and attacks them when they are fleeing the Troll Tree. It is a MAD HOUSE.
In the end, Thrash doesn't really get a hold of any pop trolls due to the Bergens, mostly, and the Troll Tree literally ends up exploding. So according to the world, it appeared that Thrash had killed all of them. Thrash knows he didn't do this, but he lets the world think he did because it makes them fear him more.
In reality, the pop trolls flee like they did in canon. The Putt Putt trolls do exist, although not in the same way that they do in canon, as Viva is not leading them. Peppy does escape with much of the other trolls, and none of them quite understand the whole Rock attack thing. However, this added layer of attack did make them far more careful and paranoid so although they are very happy and doing the best with what they have, it's not quite like it was in canon.
And as for Rosiepuff... uhm... at this point, lets just say Branch does not escape that trauma in this au. It might be worse actually /winces/
This au, at least so far, doesn't really have much in the way of the actual pop trolls and Poppy-centric. It is mostly about the other troll tribes and Viva. And the Bros of course. The Pop trolls have escaped the war and dystopian-rule ish for now so as of currently, the story does not really focus on them.
I'm not sure how much people want to know. Granted, I don't know when I will write this - or if I'll be able to finish it - but I do have a ton of ideas/plans and could explain so much. This au is more dystopian/apocalyptic and war-torn than canon ever even could have alluded to.
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
Geography of Galar
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Galar is my home region, and I wanna talk about it more since there's actually multiple cultural regions of Galar. And, at some parts, even different languages! So, here's some stuff about Galar!
Just getting this out of the way. The most common language spoken in Galarian is, well, Galarian. But there are actually many different 'subcategories' of Galarian. For example, the Galarian I'm speaking is Hammerlock Galarian. But some parts will speak Lean (a language that isn't that common and is spoken and originated in the Glimwood Tangle area), while others might speak other forms of old Galarian. Keep in mind that the languages aren't as common as they used to be because the Hammerlocke kingdom colonized a lot of places. So you won't be completely lost if you visit these places and don't speak the local language.
Southern Galar
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Also called Dùaicha by locals, which doesn't really have a direct translation, but it has the old Galarian words for 'country', 'white', and 'field'. Southern Galar is mostly a farming part of Galar, where people have strong accents. The history is pretty neat, as it was once inhabited by different tribes and clans before the people of Hammerlock came and forced them away from their culture. As a lot of history passed, and Hammerlock's kingdom soon died out, the people of Southern Galar were able to gain their cultures back, but of course, there were reproductions, as a lot of their history was lost. While they mostly speak Hammerlock Galarian there, words will sometimes be different.
The people that live in the Crown Tundra tend to have heavier accents (basically the stereotypical Galarian accent you hear all the time), and tend to speak Hammerlock Galarian less.
Central Southern Galar
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The place I grew up! Central Southern Galar contains the 1st (first) Wild Area, Turtfield, and the 3rd most populated city in Galar, Motostoke.
The history of Motostoke is rather interesting, being founded in the 1st century and controlled by the old Hammerlock kings. But as time went on and technology started to improve, Motostoke became one of the first industrialized cities in the world!
The Wild Area tends to be different. For one, there's barely any towns there, with some houses and cottages scattered about. And since it's not near most people, they tend to speak old Souther Galarian there (which I would speak with my mom and the other people in the area I lived in). In ancient times, multiple tribes and clans lived in the area, living side-by-side with the Pokemon around them. But the people of the old clans went away for various reasons (colonization, slowly failing economies, disputes, wars, etc).
Turtfield is the second most well-known city in Central Galar 1, purely because one of the gym leaders lives there. The history is still pretty neat, with the artwork depicting the Darkest Day. It's also one of the oldest towns in Galar, still having a lot of culture involved with it.
Central Galar
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One of the most well-known cities in Galar, which I find interesting since it's not even the capital (Wyndon is). Being one of an old kingdom, descendants from old Hammerlocke are known as Hammerlockians Anyways, Hammerlocke is located in the center of Galar, but I wanna mention it because a lot of stuff has happened here. I can't explain the entire history of it, because I'm most likely not qualified to do that.
But Hammerlocke was a super power in the Galar region, and it managed to colonize a lot of stuff, and is one of the reasons Hammerlocke Galarian is spoken all throughout Galar, spoken in Unova, and a commonly learned second language around the world. They had a monarchy and were run by kings and a couple of queens.
Other than the colonization, Hammerlocke was also known as 'The Dragon Hunters.'' They hunted a lot of dragon types in Galar to extinction, and even as Pokemon started co existing with humans, there was still a lot of stigma around having Dragin types in or near the city, and having one could get you seriously in trouble. Hammerlock actually designed their buildings like that to scare off dragon types. There also one of the reasons Flapple and Appletun look the way they do; they had to evolve to look friendlier to NOT get killed by them!
But now, Hammerlocke is one of the safest places to own a Dragon type in Galar. The wide and expansive area of it as well as the stigma of the area disappearing had led Hammerlocke to almost completely get rid of that stigma entirely (I also like to put that on the popularity of the gym leader here. Ngl, I might've had a crush on him when I was younger).
Central Galar is also home to the second Wild Area. Even fewer people live there compared to the first Wild Area since it holds a lot more dangerous Pokemon.
West-Central Galar
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West-Central Galar holds the Leantír and the Creuilg area.
Leantír is the term that refers to the entire Glimwood Tangle area. The word Lea is a Galarian suffix for woodlands or a clearing. Tír is just Southern Galarian for land. The people who reside in this area are known as the Lean people. A cool thing about them is that they are one of the few groups that managed to avoid the colonization of Hammerlocke, purely because the people in Hammerlocke thought that Glimwood Tangle was too dangerous since of the Pokemon there. Because of this, the culture was able to grow free from colonization, and their language has been preserved throughout the years.
There was some stuff that happened though. Like how a guy found Indeedee 7,000 years ago in Glimwood Tangle and took them out to breed them. But another thing that isn't well known is that Leantír use to spread a lot farther than it does now, reaching all the way down to the Stow-on-Side area, and even a bit of Hammerlocke! But Hammerlocke cut down their trees and got rid of their dangerous Pokemon fairly quickly. The Pokemon of the forest than became more wary of people from Hammerlocke, and they ended up attacking any human that wasn't from deeper in the forest, which is why Hammerlocke never went that far.
Creulig is a combination of the old Galarian word for rock and blood (referring to the red-like color of the canyons). One of the largest towns there (Stow-on-side) holds a gym challenge there. It's also the only desert on Mainland Galar.
There were civilizations here in the ancient past, which were realized when old artifacts were found here. But little is known about that civilization, as the history of it only started being documented when newer people moved in.
East-Central Galar
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East-Central Galar holds the Nixalba area, which got its name from a forgotten language. "Nix" means snow, while "alba" means white.
The history of the area is really cool (no pun intended), with the Circhester town being around for thousands of years. Originally, Circhester was made in 60 AD, where the first settlers there used the hot springs in the area as a spa area and built their town around it. It became a really popular tourist spot, with the added gym challenge making it even more popular.
The places around it (like Spikemuth and route 8) used to be a lot colder, but climate change and global warming have made it the way it is today. Route 8 has faced a lot of weathering and erosion, which is what gives it its more rocky appearance. But ancient people of the Nixalba area lived there, giving it the ruins it has. In the Hulbury area, people have used that place as a fishing port for hundreds of years.
Northern Galar
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Other than the Wyndon district, Northern Galar is inhabited much because of the large mountains making it hard for people to live there. Mostly hikers, researchers, and explorers head there.
However, the history of Wyndon is really interesting. The main city itself was founded in 43 CE when the Hammerlocke kingdom was making its way around Galar. Most of the ancient tribes that lived there were wiped out, and not much is known about the tribes that resided here (which is sad).
The Isle of Armor
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The Isle of Armor is a subregion of Galar. Back then, a lot of immigrants from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh came here, and the culture here reflects that. This place is very popular for trainers coming here to get stronger because of the famous dojo they have here.
So yeah, that's the Galar region! Have fun with this information!
Ooc stuff
Honestly, I know this probably isn't accurate to irl UK, but I think it would just be boring to restate UK history. Plus, I don't want the world building to be EXACTLY like it is irl. For one, the game doesn't mention much colonization, and I like that idea. But it would make sense that Galar would have some colonization (it's literally the UK), But I also like the idea of different languages being more common, since it sucks that irl UK has a bunch of dying languages because of colonization. So instead, I made them have colonization, but the languages would stay semi-alive, where you would meet a lot more people that would speak them.
The Isle of Armor was based on The Isle of Man, which mostly has a Celtic history. But from what we see in the game, it has a lot of East Asian inspiration, and I wanted to reflect that here.
I purposely made the places seem bigger than they were since it's stupid to only imagine one small town in the entirety of an area. Plus, we only really see that stuff in the game because it's all we need to see. We can assume there's more people and towns there.
The old clans and tribes are supposed to be old Celtic tribes, but I couldn't think of a name to give them in the Pokemon world...
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k9catastrophe · 2 months
A snack-sized list of books for my fellow therians !!
Most of these revolve around an animal main character [obviously], and you can get most of them from amazon, books a million, or maybe a local library!! I'll include links for most of them :)
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A Wolf Called Wander by Rosanne Parry: Swift, a wild wolf cub, lives with his pack in the mountains. When a rival pack attacks, Swift and his family scatter, and Swift sets out on an incredible journey through dense forests, into barren wilderness, and across flowing water. The trip is dangerous and full of peril, and Swift encounters fie, hunger, hunters and highways as he wanders. Will Swift find the courage to survive? Will he ever find a place to call home?
I liked this one a LOT. It's also based around a real wolf named OR-7 (or Journey), who traveled 1,000 miles across the Pacific Northwest. There are 208 story pages [20 chapters] and 23 pages talking about wolves, with fun facts, and map of OR-7's 1k mile trip. The story pages also have beautiful illustrations on almost every one of them!! (My favorites are 193 and 221) 10/10, highly recommended for wolf therians :)
(You can buy it Here or Here!)
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The Call of the Wild by Jack London: Stolen from his home and family, a dog named Buck must quickly learn the harsh law of survival among the men and dogs of the gold-crazed North. His intelligence, courage, and cunning transform him into a feared leader. As wolves attack and the men grow desperate, Buck must heed the call of the wild. Only the strong will survive.
I haven't read this one just yet. With 7 Chapters and 172 story pages, this one looks promising :)
(You can buy it Here! There's a ton of different versions, check which ones you're buying :sob: )
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Pax by Sara Pennybacker: Pax and Peter have been inseparable ever since Peter rescued him as a kit. But one day the unimaginable happens: Peter's dad enlists in the military and makes Peter return the fox to the wild. At his grandfather's house three hundred miles away from home, Peter knows he isn't where he should be- with Pax. He strikes out on his own despite the encroaching war, spurred by love, loyalty, and grief. Meanwhile Pax, steadfastly waiting for his boy, embarks on adventures and discoveries of his own...
Apparently this is a two-part series, the second book being "Pax, Journey Home," though I don't have that one. There's 34 chapters, 276 story pages, and a few illustrations here and there. I'm only halfway done with this one, but I'm already giving it a 10/10 :3
(You can buy it Here or Here, and the second book Here or Here!)
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Wolves of the Beyond - Lone Wolf by Kathryn Lasky: (The owl war is over. The wolf pack awaits.) In the harsh wilderness beyond the owl world of Ga'Hoole, a wolf mother hides in fear. Her newborn pup, otherwise healthy, has a twisted paw. The mother knows the rigid rules of her kind. The pack cannot have weakness. Her pup must be abandoned on an icy riverbank- condemned to die. But alone in the forest, the pup, Faolan, does the unthinkable. He survives. This is Faolan's story, the story of a courageous wolf pup who rises up to change forever the wolves of the Beyond.
I really liked this one too :) I only remember reading the first book. The first book also has a bear main character named Thunderheart, and I think there was an owl side character mentioned in the second part of it? There are 28 chapters and 219 pages, but there are also at LEAST 6 books: Lone Wolf, Shadow Wolf, Watch Wolf, Frost Wolf, Spirit Wolf, and Star Wolf. (I have the first three!! :)) Another 10/10 :)
(Buy the first book Here, the second book Here or Here, and the third book Here! I think you can find the other three on amazon, and Books-A-Million also has the fourth!! Can't link them all right now :[)
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Wings Of Fire - The Dragonet Prophecy by Tui T. Sutherland: Clay has grown up hidden beneath a mountain, one of the five dragonets chosen to fulfill a mysterious prophecy and end the war between the dragon tribes of Pyrrhia. He's not so sure about the prophecy part, but Clay can't imagine not living with the other dragonets; they're his best friends. So when one of the dragonets is threatened, all five spring into action. Together, they will choose freedom over fate, leave the mountain, and pursue their destiny- on their own terms.
I only have the graphic novel versions of the first 6 books, but i highly recommend them all!! :) The art on the graphic novels give the characters a sense of life not even the Warriors graphic novels have, and I love it !! 10/10.
(I can't keep linking them all, but Books A Million and Amazon are where I look for them!)
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Warriors - The Sun Trail by Erin Hunter: When a mysterious vision promises a land filled with prey and shelter, a group of brave young cats leave their harsh mountain territory in search of a better home. But great dangers await- and threaten to divide them.
This is a series that I think most therians and furries (And just 'weird' kids in general) alike recognize pretty quickly. I think The Sun Trail is the first book that takes place in the story, but I could easily be wrong. I actually don't have Into The Wild, but I recommend the entire series! 10/10 <3
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ghirahimbo · 1 year
Hi! Sorry if you're not the best person to ask this to(??) but I was wondering if you could explain who the Zonai are and why they seem to be such a big deal?? Everyone on here seem to know who they are and what that means for the whole botw/totk universe but I'm so confused??? It's the first time I hear about them...
Yeah, you're fine!! Ha ha, I was actually just trying to explain it all to my friend who wasn't in deep enough to have heard of them either. I kind of only have a surface-level knowledge of the lore myself, but there are plenty of rabbit holes/theory videos to explore from here if you so choose ;)
So as far as I know, the Zonai are only mentioned by name once in BotW, as part of a location name: the Zonai Ruins in Faron.
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It's basically the sort of distinct, Mesoamerican-inspired style of ruins that you associate with the jungles in Faron, though there are a few other places in Hyrule where you can find ruins with similar architecture (Thundra Plateau, for instance). Their society is further alluded to in the description of the Barbarian Armor, which was worn by an "ancient warlike tribe from the Faron region" (further connecting them to the Lomei Labyrinths, which is where you find the armor).
Most of the actual lore comes from the Creating a Champion book, which says that the Zonai (a pun based on the Japanese word for mystery, nazo) were an ancient, warlike tribe of strong magic wielders who vanished thousand of years ago, and that their disappearance is "one of Hyrule's greatest mysteries." One of the game's lead artists claims to have included them because they thought having mysterious ruins scattered around Hyrule unrelated to the Calamity itself would make the world feel more grounded and real. It also identifies the random tall spire-towers that you find spread out across Hyrule as "Zonai Towers," and states that while their true purpose is unknown, it's thought that they may have been used for magical purposes.
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SO. Even before the first Tears of the Kingdom trailer released, Zelda theory videos loved talking about these guys because they were just so mysterious. Then the imagery in the trailers showed strong similarities to existing Zonai imagery, and they became A Whole Thing. There was a lot of back and forth between people who were certain that the next game would be heavy on the Zonai, and people who thought the Zonai were a red herring, and people who were just kind of sick of all the theory videos screaming about the Zonai (lol kind of like the Zelda equivalent of Gaster I guess, if you're familiar with Undertale at all?). Then. You know.
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That happened.
So yeah, that's about the extent of my knowledge, but it seems like the Zonai are, in fact, A Thing, and we're probably going to find out a lot more about them soon. Hope that helps! 😅
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Weird question what is the importance of Jerusalem for Christians and Jews? Was Jerusalem the capital of ancient Israel and why Christians like the Templars wanted to retake it?
I got long, I'm gonna TL:DR; at the end ____________________
Jerusalem was the capital of the united kingdom of Israel, well after Saul at least David moved it there and Solomon built the temple there on the piece of land that is called "the temple mount" in English at least which is the single holiest site in Judaism, which if you speak to the remaining Samaritans you will hear different since they claim to be the ones following the true way and their capital was Samaria and their temple was on Mount Gerizim that was after the split of united Israel after the death of Solomon got Judea and Samaria.
Babylonians came in and destroyed and looted the first temple Solomon's Temple in in 587 BC, Assyrians had gotten Samaria and scattered it's people to the wing the best they could getting us The Ten Lost Tribes.
Eventually the Persian empire, (guys from the battle of Thermopylae aka 300 Spartan thing) KO'd the Babylonian empire and they were a lot nicer and also understood the politics of not getting in the way of local faiths because that's one of those things people will die for.
So Cyrus the Great gave his cup-bearer Nehemiah permission to go home and rebuild his city and its temple, so construction on the Second Temple started in 516 BC. (there's lots of extrabiblical stuff to back this up btw, in case you wondered it's not all just stuff from the Torah, names may be different that's fine tho) Ezekiel came in and rededicated it and began teaching "The Law ™" and over time it was expanded and eventually Herod the Great (same one from the Christmas story that killed all the babies looking for Jesus) got it all done and if we look at the timeline and that little bit of info about Herod we can see why Christians are so attached to the place too.
The Temple held the Holy of Holies, which is where the Ark of the Covenant (from Indiana Jones, lol) was kept had the original 10 commandment tablets a jar of mana and Aaron's staff in it and the actual location was considered the conduit between this world and the other, inelegant way to put it but still. It's where the high priest could go once a year and offer a sacrifice for the people, on Yom Kippur the holiest day in both Judaism and Samaratinsim (they agree mazel tov) I remember something about a rope being tied to their leg and they had to wear bells just in case they were "smited" and needed to be "removed" not sure how real that is.
With all of that it should be fairly simple to figure out why Jewish people are so attached to it, and the Jesus connection what with the whole bit about the money changers and flipping tables taking place in the courtyard of that temple, the whole last bit of each of the gospels starting well before the triumphal entrance on what Christians call Palm Sunday all the way through the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension that was all in and around Jerusalem.
Jews were ending their Passover Seder with L'Shana Haba'ah B'Yerushalayim (Next year in Jerusalem) starting somewhere in the 1400's from what I can see as a wish to be able to go home and worship and fellowship in their own homeland among other reasons.
So here we have the previously mentioned Temple Mount
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That bit where it says "Western Wall" is a remnant from the 2nd temple, Jesus touched that and may have taught while using it to shade himself it's all happened there.
The city is in the DNA of every Jewish person and by extension Christians though not as deeply ingrained.
Then we get to Islam, as you see in the image up there they built a mosque on top of the location for the Jewish Temple, it's how history works may have been some middle finger flipping when it happened but as history goes that's how a invading conquering force does thing, always have.
Dome of the rock there on the inside looks like this
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The exposed bit there is goes by several names, "Foundation Stone" is one, it's believed by (some) Jews that this is the location where the Holy of Holies was/is and for Muslims it's where Muhammad ascended went on his "night journey" spoke directly to both Moses and Allah to get the law for Muslims some of it at least.
Spot under that rock is the "well of souls" bet you can guess what significance that has.
So bringing it all together and hitting the TL:DR at the same time. _____________________________-
TL:DR; all 3 Abrahamic faiths are very attached to the city of Jerusalem and its surrounding area because it plays a central part in the stories of them.
Jews were there first so they get the strongest claim imho but as it sits it is a holy and revered site for all 3 faiths because it's deeply connected to them all both physically and spiritually.
Slightly less holy to Muslims since their temple mount buildings are just the third most sacred place in Islam, but still dreadfully sacred. ______________
Sorry this was really long, hope it was slightly interesting at least if you read it, it's as accurate as I could make it without spending a lot more time fact checking myself too.
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altheadajoysoul · 2 months
About Puffbloom Forest! + Map and Landmarks!
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Puffbloom forest was originally a dry wasteland with barely any sign of life in it. Until one day, a creature (who is also a tickle monster) who was looking for a territory of its own used its magic to turn the barren land into a magical forest, bustling with life.
The forest was named after the creature that brought it to life.
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Compared to normal forests, the plants in Puffbloom are more on the brighter, pastel side. The grass is a light mint green color, and the surrounding trees are an abundance of colors.
Since the forest is made and inhabited by the spirit of a tickle monster, the magic that these plants contain also gives them the tendency to tickle others as well.
Due to this, a majority of the inhabitants of this forest see tickling as part of their culture, using it in different ways. Whether to appreciate the forest spirit, or simply as their own personal way of bonding. The inhabitants only use it for playful, lighthearted, and interactional purposes only though, and never use tickling as a form of extreme punishments, etc.
Puffbloom is also home to a variety of species as well, ranging from fairies, elves, avians, anthro animals, etc. But only a small percentage of humans. Either way, everyone is welcomed and respected as long as they have no ill intentions.
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-Flutterfluff Village🌳
The inhabitants are a vast variety of species, with the highest number of them being avians.
Their current leader is Layla(reference wip), a golden eagle avian.
Is the biggest village located in the forest and is the most well developed.
Well known for their high quality fabrics and clothes and handcrafted supplies/materials.
Has the most well-trained knights among the three.
The residents are very outgoing and friendly. Very sociable and the atmosphere is great all around.
-Tinglewing Village✨
Mainly inhabits faries and pixies. A few elves and other humanoid-like creatures live there.
Their current leader is a water fairy named Calypso(reference wip), who mysteriously isn't around in the village most of the time.
The village that uses the most magic and spells.
Sells fresh and great quality crops. They're also known for selling a lot of magical ingredients, enchanted items, fairy dust, and potions.
Their village is surrounded by a few sleeping willows on one side, and a part of Titter river on the other side. A few giant mushrooms are also scattered around the area.
Folks that live there are very playful and energetic. Some can be little tricksters and pull playful pranks on others. But they are also very hardworking, especially with their agriculture.
-Pawpad Tribe🐾
A small tribe that lives near the Tree of Joy, and protects it from anyone who means harm to it.
All of the inhabitants are anthropomorphic animals/creatures.
They are usually territorial and defensive when they see an outsider they don't recognize. But when they do get used to you and warm up to you, they're actually just a bunch of cute n silly little critters who absolutely love physical affection. Both giving and recieving.
The chief of their tribe is a brown racoon named Zubari.
The tribe often dances around the Tree of Joy every night as their own ritual of sharing life energy and happiness to the tree.
There is also a ritual where every week, where a volunteer offers themselves to get tickled by the tree to gift them their laughter, and to satisfy its tickly tendencies to prevent it from causing distractions and pranks.
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-Tree of Joy🌳
Also known as the tree where the tickle monster's spirit rests.
It is the largest pompom tree located in the very center of the forest.
Its rumored that the spirit wakes up every now and then and lurks around the forest.
-Leisurisis Lake🌊
A lake in Puffbloom forest that's rich in plant and aquatic animal life, connected to Titter river.
It is rumored that mermaids and sirens reside here, looking out and saving land and air critters that can't swim.
-Titter River🏞
A river that circulates through the entire forest.
The stream current is usually calm and slow unless its raining/storming.
The Tinglewing village resides right by the river-side.
-Cotton Fields🌼
A large field of flowers of different variety. From normal ones to tickly ones.
Watch your step whenever you decide to visit these fields~
Flutterfluff is the closest village to the Cotton Fields.
A lot of Pocchies can be seen floating around the fields as well, since flowers are one of their main food sources.
Other insects like bees, caterpillars, butterflies, etc can be seen too. And the area is beautifully lit at night by fireflies.
-Pocchi den💮
Right beside the Cotton fields is a large pocchi den consisting of almost 50 pocchies.
A lot of nests decorated with flowers and vines can be seen hanging from the trees.
They often float around at night, so its possible to see a group of pocchi glowing in different colors as they fly through the night sky.
-Abandoned Cottage🏚
A mysterious, lone, wornout cottage that sits somewhere in the forest.
A few villagers from Flutterfluff explored it one day and came back saying that it was "haunted by a ghost".
Once you step inside, you could feel a bunch of cold ghostly fingers walking up your sides.
Whoever used to live in the cottage is unknown. But it is rumored that the old owner of this cottage is now the ghost that lurks within it.
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primordialfell · 2 months
A thought dances anew. Your eyes open to truth. Let's do this one more time, okay?
Dew trickles from the curled leaves that bask in the radiant Light of filtered sun. As you move your eyes down from the shimmering radiance, they come into contact with your opponent; you're familiar with him by now. He is your half-brother, your womb mate, the other side of your vintage penny. You breathe deep of the electrolytes that swim in the air, molecular bonds singing a jaunty tune as they fill your lungs and are combined in the furnace that is your heart. You are an irrepressible, violent miracle. It would take a man a hundred years to walk the breadth of your soul.
Your mind percolates with countless possibilities. Across the table, whose surface is decorated with pockmarks and craters, you see your half-brother, your counterpart. Your hateful core and your losing lot. It is better to have tried than not, his cocked brow says. You know him, at least the flies that swarm around his heart, and you know his works. Your mouth opens and strands of light sketch themselves out of your mouth; your words are art and they will fill the universe with conceptualization:
" i think i'm getting the hang of this. "
Your half-brother raises a hand and the silken fabrics of his shroud move with the gesture. With a brush of his hand he sweeps away a thousand galaxies, and like a great eclipse shadowing over the world he looms atop the board. In this game there's everything: every possibility can be displayed through the dolorous mathematics found within.
You watch as a piece dances on its own, and you frown. It struggles to find its footing, skittering towards its own empire of thought and meaning. It is in this soul eclectic that you spy a tinge of loss and pain. You click your tongue. It has lost everything and yet it continues. Does anyone even remember it?
" it has been fun. but we should really call it quits soon. the day grows long in its teeth and here in our kingdom of consciousness we begin the harvest. our eyes dance with pheromones, half-brother, and we kneel amidst the tangents and proto-planetarium addled sky. "
He nods in agreement, his shroud spilling over his shoulders with that motion. He points an imperious digit at your piece, that swims through the air and revives a flower next to it. This is the game of amoebas and archaebacteria, it's simply the game that will choose where we go next. What we do next. It will decide if anything comes next at all. But it probably won't. This feels like it, doesn't it? Shouldn't that break your heart?
This old game is all you and your half-brother know. It's all you are. When you give up the game, what will you be? Both of you, that is. You'll both be askew, a spinning mast in a storm, fluttering over the infinite ocean without a course or chart to guide your way. Does it even matter, truly?
" ALL THINGS END, " your half-brother offers, comfortingly. You are a being of compassion and hope. You're the first human with a fractured femur that was carried to safety by her tribe members. You're the frog hiding inside a spider's nest, cleaning her of parasites while her webs and fangs shelter you from any that would hurt you, only her teeth are made of onyx and obsidian and her soul is aflame with hate and survival all the same. She will never know you the way you know yourself.
You're a novel way of seeing the universe, aren't you? Homoharmonic and psychedelic, baby.
" i know, but that doesn't make me feel any better. it shouldn't have to! " Your half-brother stiffens and his shroud seems to turn to burnished glass. Smoky air pools from his corners and his angles, each of which are obtuse but act acute, and it traces over your skin made of unalloyed gold. You are pyrite porcelain; sunlight scattered over the surface of a babbling brook. It's in these things that your children can hear you. In these things they will find you.
It's in this that you will see how the game ends.
" this is somewhere to be, " you counter.
" why not? "
" but it's so much fun. "
" i don't want it to. "
" will it at least be fun? "
" what happens when the curtain falls, then? "
" i feel like i didn't get to do all i wanted to do. this change in the plot seems so sudden. was it poorly thought out? did circumstance damn us to this? "
" you aren't sure. "
You slump down in your seat. You felt like you had so much more in mind, so many fun ideas. Boss fights, epic showdowns, maybe a cool floating castle or two... but this is how it ends. The end zone is in sight and it's time to score the last touchdown. It's odd—you have spent all this time hating your half-brother, your womb mate, your vintage penny's tails. Here in the end, as you begin with a presupposition, you realize that he is like you. You're both fixed to this and you can't ever change; that makes you the same in one way for the first time in infinite eternity.
You're both vestigial.
Pain flits through you. You look down and a knife is buried in your chest. An infinite eyebrow cocks and you glance at your half-brother in consternation.
" yes, the farmer and the viper, the frog and the scorpion. notice how these tales cannot exist without both peace and pain? "
" this isn't like you, " you begin cautiously. Your half-brother hitches his voice. He sounds like he's going to start crying.
" IT'S NOT. I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S WRONG. I'M SCARED. " The floodgates break. His shroud is made of particles and collapsing atoms. Antimatter skirts around his head like a halo and you swear you can hear him sniffle.
" i am too. everyone is. it's scary. "
" most likely. "
" we all do. "
" no. "
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bluegekk0 · 3 months
1 does holly remember any of the spells from the pale vessel fight 2 does holly remember godhome and what happened there 3 was godhome like a dream for hornet or the nailmasters? 4 how are the nailmasters and sly doing? 5 how are cornifer and iselda 6 did the knight finish seer's quest
Oh that's a lot of questions, let me think.
1 - They remember some of them, yes. Particularly focusing to heal, this wasn't a thing in the fight but I assume it's something anyone who learns soul magic can do. They can only heal themselves, though, and to a limited degree (like I mentioned in a previous post, they can't grow back the arm or heal any of their disabilities, only surface wounds). The biggest reasons why they don't generally use soul magic in the AU are: 1. they don't really feel the need to, the domestic life doesn't require combat abilities and they rarely have to heal and 2. they don't have a constant source of soul to use, there are some soul totems scattered around Hallownest but they rarely travel outside of Dirtmouth, and the hot springs in the AU are just water that contains minerals which help you relax and focus, they aren't a source of soul. So while they would in theory be able to use some of the spells, they choose not to.
2 and 3 - Godhome in the AU works a bit differently, I decided to interpret it that way to fit my vision for the AU. It's, as the name suggests, the home of the gods, those which do not have physical forms such as The Radiance and other gods that I want to design some day. Another name I tend to use for this place is The Gods' Plane. The hall of gods doesn't exist in the same form it does in the game (I choose to interpret that part as simply just a gameplay thing with no lore implications). Godhome/The Gods' Plane can be accessed with a Dream Nail through the Godseekers, who I imagine have a similar role to the Moth Tribe and thus similar abilities. Through the hall of the gods, you can enter individual realms of the gods (for example, The Radiance's dream realm, as well as the realms of Unn and The White Lady; the nightmare realm was once part of it but was separated following Grimm's banishment).
So none of these characters were actually there in the AU, physically or through dreaming. The way I imagine it, The Radiance was "summoned" to Godhome from her dream realm and challenged by Ghost. The void then followed, seeping through Godseeker's mind into Godhome. Perhaps Holly witnessed the fight in their consciousness, but they weren't part of it - to them it's more like a memory. So they're the only one who remembers what happened, even if the Pure Vessel fight didn't actually happen there. I hope that makes sense.
4 - Sly moved to the City of Tears after the infection ended, in hopes of becoming rich, to put it short. He has his little shop in the city and finds many more customers than he ever did in Dirtmouth. I imagine he and Lemm are direct competitors since they ended up selling very similar items, so there is some beef between them.
The Nailmasters are where you'd expect them to be. Sheo and the Nailsmith are together, and the other two still live in their huts. Though I like to think Mato visits Dirtmouth from time to time, so he's the most involved of the three brothers. Perhaps there's something going on between him and Brumm, wink wink.
5 - They still live in Dirtmouth and run their shop, though Iselda began joining Cornifer on his trips. They are good friends with the Vyrm family, especially Vyrm himself since Iselda played a big part in helping him recover after the Grimmkin incident (she ran after Brumm as he carried bleeding Vyrm home and then helped with treating the wound). Cornifer is also buddies with him, and Hornet often accompanies him during his trips if they overlap with her morning patrols.
6 - They did, yes. They were collecting dream essence anyway and decided to help her. Which means that the Moth Tribe (that is moths associated with The Radiance, I imagine there are still moth-like species out there) is officially extinct in the AU.
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wickedcriminal · 2 years
Hey! Your awesome half-brothers au finally got me to read the httyd books (I’m halfway through book six as I write this). In the films, the war between humans and dragons is the main conflict of the first movie, and Hiccup ending that war is very significant to his character. In the books, humans and dragons start off as tentative allies (though it sounds like that might change as the series goes on?) and Hiccup’s conflicts are of a very different nature. Taking that into account, how do you think both Hiccups in your au met and trained their Toothless’s? In which order are you imagining it, and how did their dragons wind up with the same name?
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Omg I'm so happy to hear my au got you into the books!! Also, very good question!!
So for the relationship between humans and dragons, I decided to make it so that the events from 100 years ago, when Grimbeard killed Hiccup the Second, dragons and humans split up for good, both feeling threatened by the other. Grimbeard gave up his kingdom and scattered the Lost Things as usual, but the relationship between humans and dragons has been hostile ever since; With dragons killing humans and stealing their livestock while humans kill dragons and use their hides as firesuits. But neither species will actively go looking for a fight without good reason to. The war between Berk and the Red Death's flock is stoked exclusively by the Red Death, and has been going on ever since Stoick was a little boy.
When the Hiccups defeat the Red Death, they rescue the flock, and are able to befriend them, making them the first and only humans to befriend dragons in 100 years. They adopt the flock onto Berk and integrate them into viking society. (These dragons are not seen as pets; that is to say they can feed themselves, they're not kept in kennels, and don't get ordered around. They do see Berk as part of their flock now, so they'll protect Berk like warriors of the tribe and allow the other warriors to ride them.)
When the Hiccups first meet their Toothlesses, they both have extremely different reactions. Elder has a lot of responsibility placed on him as the heir to Berk. There are a lot of eyes on him, and he feels extreme longing for his father and his tribe's approval, so he's gotten rather desperate to kill a dragon. Meanwhile Younger is more of a shadow, feeling forgotten and overlooked in his own tribe, and hopes to prove himself important by stopping the fighting between humans and dragons-- but in a peaceful way, even going so far as to learn the dragons' language.
Elder went looking for the night fury, and Younger stumbled across the terror while looking for his brother. While Elder warred with himself whether or not to kill the night fury, Younger's decision was immediate, and cut the dragon down.
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They don't immediately tell each other about what they did when they get home that night. When Elder goes out to befriend his night fury later, Younger happens to do the same for his terror, which has been hanging around near the village trying to eat the sheep (and failing).
They name their Toothlesses at exactly the same time!
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And although it took time and patience for Elder to gain the trust of Big Toothless, Little Toothless decided, after Younger gave him a fish, that Younger is now his Mother and Younger is never going to get rid of him ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever <33
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That includes leaving Little Tooth alone for 2.5 seconds at any given time, so Little Tooth hides in Younger's waistcoat always, even while Younger is in his village.
As you can imagine, this leads to Elder finding out about Little Tooth pretty quickly.
But once Elder shows Younger Big Tooth in the cove, all three of them start helping Big Tooth to fly again! Younger can give Elder his two cents on the tail, how to fly, and also communicating what little dragonese Big Tooth will speak (which really isn't much). Meanwhile Little Tooth is here to be So Important and Look Cute. <3
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withlovedove · 1 year
lets stay , neteyam 
neteyam x reader (female pronouns) <3
summary : y/n is a healer, neteyam wanting to see y/n will purposely injure himself just to see her!
warnings : mentions of blood, injuries, mostly fluff!!
word count : 658
"How can you smile in a situation like this?" you sigh, looking at Neteyam, who does nothing but give you a smirk. You move your long braided hair to the side, so it doesn't get in the way.
You begin mixing herbs together to create a mixture to apply to his many wounds and bruises. 
"Will you be able to heal me y/n?" Neteyam ask in a teasing tone, you roll your eyes at this. Neteyam sits on the seat, waiting for you to approach him and work your magic.
"You need to be more careful Neteyam." You sigh as you finish mixing your mixture. "You know better." You shake your head. You step up to him and start apply the paste on his wounds. Neteyam doesn't reply to you, instead he is just watching your face and movements.
Simply being around you is enough to make him feel butterflies in his stomach. His breathing begins to speed up as he feels your fingertips spread the paste onto his skin, which feels like its burning from your simple touch.
Feeling a sudden burst of confidence, Neteyam's hands are on your waist and pulls you in closer. A shocked sound leaves you.
"For better access." He simply says. He closes his eyes and thanks eywa.
✧·゚: *✧·゚:* *:·゚✧*:·゚✧ ✧·゚: *✧·゚:* *:·゚✧*:·゚✧ ✧·゚: *✧·゚:* *:·゚✧*:·゚✧·゚✧·゚
Being a healer in the tribe felt really rewarding and enjoyable for you. Today was a simple day of organising some herbs and plants. When things get busy and stressful, everything is left scattered and all over the place.
"Hey." A voice says, wrecking your train of thought, Neteyam is standing at the entrance. His lip has blood gushing out of it and he is holding his arm up which clearly has a big cut on it. Despite being in a lot of pain, Neteyam smiles at the sight of you.
"What are you doing?!" You shout, pulling him to sit down. You suddenly spring into action, pushing your braided hair out of your face. "What happened?"
"Don't worry about that." Neteyam chuckles, eyes roaming all over your face. 'Mission successful' he thinks. "I saw some other healers but only wanted the best." You scoff at his words. Ignoring the way they make you feel warm on the inside.
You begin cleaning up the cut on his arm, then gently wrapping cloth around it. Your eyes roam and search for other injuries. Satisfied that you can't find anymore you grab some cloth for his lip.
You meet Neteyam's gaze. You feel your face heat up from the way he is looking at you. He looks at you so longingly with his beautiful eyes.
You move closer to him to reach his face better but he simply grabs your waist and pulls you closer once again. He gives you a soft simple smile, nodding at you to continue.
Flustered, you force yourself to tear away from his gaze and continue working. You gently dab the cloth onto his lips.
Happy with your finished work, you set aside the cloth and begin moving away when Neteyam pulls you into an embrace.
"Neteyam?" You softly say.
"Lets just stay like this, just for a bit." He whispers. The side of your face is pressed against his chest, while his arms are hugging you close.
Before you can stop yourself, your arms wrap around him too. You melt into his arms, feeling so happy. You close your eyes and breathe against him.
You have always liked Neteyam. His actions and the way he acts around you is clear that he returns those feelings. You both have so much to say, so much to confess but for now you two are enjoying each others embrace.
"Thank you eywa." Neteyam mumbles against your hair.
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