#but maya is the first daughter of the long family
You know, I think what really bugs me about the "Dadworth" dynamic applied to Kay and Edgeworth's relationship is that it usually makes Kay out to be this hyperactive, slight problem child (in the 'stealing and pranking' sense rather than the 'moody and abrasive' sense), occasionally with deep-rooted daddy issues like Edgeworth has, when that's... the opposite of her character.
(This post got away from me, so TL;DR: Kay is a quick-witted and independent young woman who has worked very hard to be both emotionally and practically intelligent enough to be seen as a legitimate successor to her father's legacy. Making her out to be the traits mentioned above, so she functions as Edgeworth's daughter rather than his investigative partner and equal, undermines her character and semi-conflates her with Maya [the deep-rooted issues bit]. Also I don't like it wksgskaj)
The thing about Kay is that she's not actually in the series as much as it feels like she is, which makes it easy for her character to be altered to suit the needs of the story (which I think happens in The Forgotten Turnabout, but I won't talk about that here). She turns up in two cases as herself in AAI (as in, teenager Kay whom we're most familiar with) and shares her role with Gumshoe, Ema and Franziska when she does, lessening her appearances even further. Nevertheless, there are still concrete elements to her personality that we're made aware of right from the beginning, and the first major one which I feel gets overlooked in favour of her hyperactive characterisation is this:
Kay is very, very sharp.
In terms of mainline assistants, I'd consider her the sharpest of all (maybe after Trucy? But I don't remember enough of AJ to comment on that). Yes, she's shown to be reckless and impulsive, but, when it comes to actual investigating and reasoning, she is solid. With Nick and Maya, you sometimes get the impression that they're both fumbling along until Phoenix catches on (most of the time with Maya's usually a little accidental help, and he still has to explain things to her near every time [not Maya's fault. Following Phoenix's reasoning is like being on a rollercoaster in a minecart]), but Kay is very rarely like that with Edgeworth. Within minutes of meeting him, she can predict what he's going to say (or 'steal his lines', as the game puts it), and there are several moments after he uses Logic and is about to explain what he's connected where Kay interrupts with the correct conclusion herself:
Edgeworth: A second Blue Badger that shouldn't exist... Clearly, the true identity of the person underneath is...
Kay: Oh, I know! It's one of the kidnappers, right!?
There's even a point where she tells him off for overexplaining things to her:
Kay: Yeesh, I told you I got it! Do you feel the need to explain everything!?
And, near the end of their first case together, he acknowledges that's she's generally quite quick:
Kay: OK, what should I re-create first?
Edgeworth: ...You haven't figured it out yet?
Kay: Heh, maybe I have, and maybe I haven't.
Even if you don't take these points into consideration, the fact that she comes up with a new way to use Little Thief, and knows how to use it at all actually, shows you that she's a really intelligent girl! Continuing on a bit from the point I made earlier about her being brash, Kay may be reckless, but she isn't irresponsible. Whenever she rushes into situations, she doesn't expect other people to come save her; she's quite assured that she can and will get herself out of them on her own, and, if she needs help, she asks for it in advance. She treats Edgeworth less like her guardian and more like her investigative partner:
Kay: I didn't get permission to enter Allebahst... so we're going to go gather whatever info we can over on the Babahlese side, OK!?
Edgeworth: Alright, I'm counting on you two.
Kay: Right, and I'm counting on you and Ms. von Karma to sniff out clues in Allebahst!
Edgeworth: A number of pieces connect in a very complicated way in this case... It's almost enough to make one completely mentally exhausted.
Kay: Let's not over-complicate matters, OK, Mr. Edgeworth? We've been so focused, like a laser, on only what seems strange and out of place... it's no wonder nothing's clicked and we haven't unlocked anything yet. But, if we think things through calmly, the answer should come to us!
There's an independence to her proactiveness that kind of forces Edgeworth to meet her on equal grounds, and this too is an element that gets lost when the Dadworth dynamic comes in because it involves making Edgeworth responsible -- or feel responsible -- for her actions and general wellbeing when Kay has never expected nor wanted that. She does things on her own terms, and she walks the path she's chosen by herself:
Edgeworth: Preposterous! On what grounds do you suspect her of such a thing!?
Shih-na: The fact that she calls the Yatagarasu. That in itself is a more elegant proof.
Kay: Ms. Shih-na.
Shih-na: Yes?
Kay: I... have no intention of taking back any of what I've said.
Shih-na: ...?
Kay: I am the Great Thief Yatagarasu. And I refuse to allow some imposter to claim that name as their own! The path of justice that my father pointed me towards... I will walk it the best I can!
Her relationship with Edgeworth works as an inverse to that of Nick and Maya's in the way that, where Nick and Maya have deep respect for one another beneath layers upon layers of playful insults and messing about, Kay outwardly respects Edgeworth first (and expects that respect to be returned) and razes him second -- that, too, never to an extent she wouldn't with anyone else or that crosses a certain boundary. Her messing with Edgeworth is shown to be more an attempt to get him to lighten up or not take himself too seriously than an act of (platonic) intimacy as it is with Nick and Maya (which makes sense because Nick and Maya have spent years together, while she's known Edgeworth for all of two weeks) or genuine obliviousness/silliness (although it definitely sometimes is). This is pretty obvious simply from the fact that she always calls him 'Mr Edgeworth', though she's perfectly comfortable calling Gumshoe and Badd, people whom she is more familiar and comfortable with, 'Gummy' and 'Uncle Badd' respectively. Also Kay, in general, is quite polite? Edgeworth calls something she said rude at one point and she gets insulted, and, when you ask for her opinion, she doesn't go 'What?' or 'What is it?', she specifically says, 'Yes?' (this changes in AAI2, which I promise I'm not discussing here) Upon meeting Oldbag, she has this exchange with her, where Kay chooses a more formal mode of address than what is actually offered:
Oldbag: My name is Wendy Oldbag. But you can call me "Wendy", or "Granny", or whatever suits your fancy.
Kay: Nice to meet you, Ms. Oldbag! I'm Kay Faraday.
She's also had moments where she calls Edgeworth out for being 'tactless', and she's shown to feel very strongly about rudeness throughout the whole game. I'm not saying she isn't mischievous or playful, she very much is, but the point is that she's really quite respectful, and this extends to her relationship with him. Her characterisation in Turnabout Ablaze, where she's considerably more excitable/high-strung than in Kidnapped, seems largely due to them chasing down Calisto Yew. Edgeworth even comments on this:
Edgeworth: Kay, you need to look before you leap. You tend to lose your cool when it comes to anything related to that woman.
Generally, though, you can tell that she was obviously raised with an adherence to certain formalities. She's not looking for another parental figure (because she doesn't need one, which I'll go into after this), but, if she was, she'd make that clear.
Kay's a very straightforward person at heart; she doesn't hide any part of herself, even the part that should be hidden (i.e. the Yatagarasu). There are points where she suggests that Edgeworth reminds her of her father, but, in AAI, she specifically mentions that it's both Edgeworth and Gumshoe who remind her of her father and Detective Badd. It's not about her seeing Edgeworth as a father figure; it's about their and her own dedication to the truth. Even in AAI2, where her comments could be read as leaning more towards the former angle, she doesn't get cut up about him not picking up on that or really paying it much emphasis at all, because it doesn't matter. The fact that he reminds her of Byrne is just that: a fact.
Returning to the point about Kay not needing/wanting another parental figure, I think it's pretty self-explanatory, but to put it succinctly: Kay has the guidance she needs without him.
To put it less succinctly, Edgeworth's possibly the worst candidate to go for for emotional support and guidance in the first place, and by the time she meets him again, she's basically processed her father's passing and has a better handle on herself emotionally than Edgeworth does (not a brag; most characters have higher EQ than Edgeworth); what she wants isn't necessarily closure for Byrne's death in the emotional sense but in the I-want-answers-to-this-mystery-that-will-restore-my-family's-honour sense. You could make the argument that Kay becoming the second Yatagarasu and shaping her entire future around continuing her father's work prove that she isn't over his death, but I don't think that's true and more of a result of conflating her with Maya a bit.
With Maya, becoming the Master isn't something she chooses; it's given to her by Misty and Mia. With Kay, it's the opposite. Kay's decision to become the Yatagarasu and pursue the truth is wholly her own, and her approach to that goal reflects that. While Maya uses her cheery, upbeat attitude to conceal a lot of self-doubt and vulnerability (and Franziska does the same with her hostility), Kay does not. Her cheerfulness is precisely who she is; it's not a mask so much as it is a distraction. It keeps people from looking at her too closely and realising exactly how capable she is, and, while I don't think it's fully intentional (again, she believes in living her life in a straightforward and upfront manner), she does imply that it's sort of her (or the Yatagarasu's) MO:
Kay: Well! By the time everyone notices, it's already gone! That's the Yatagarasu way!
Interestingly enough, this unintentional tactic of using humour and cheeriness as a distraction from her abilities makes her a mirror to Calisto Yew, who also uses her seemingly always light-hearted nature as a disguise for what she's actually capable of (Calisto's joviality is her true self, too, or at least as 'true' as she can get). The difference between them is that Calisto delights in ironically mocking the world around her, whereas Kay finds joy in life itself, and she's stronger for it.
The only part where we see Kay attempt to mask her feelings is when she's a child, and even then she admits that she feels better after crying, which, I believe, led to her becoming more open with her emotions later in life (see how her older self has a teary sprite which makes pretty frequent appearances where her younger self does not). In any case, to me, this shows that she has people in her life already who are helping, and have helped, her confront and process her trauma. She's not looking to Edgeworth to help her make sense of her father's death and she definitely isn't looking for a replacement (again, literally dedicated to continuing her father's [and Badd's] legacy). Whenever Edgeworth even gets close to becoming parental with her, she dismisses it, unless she acknowledges that she is in the wrong:
Edgeworth: ...Kay, it's not good for you to stay up late, you know.
Kay: Yes, gramps!
Edgeworth: ...I appreciate your sense of justice, however... I would appreciate it if you wouldn't go running into the heart of any more raging fires.
Kay: Nngh... Yes, Mr. Edgeworth... I'll try...
Despite her buoyancy and bright attitude, Kay is quite firm that she be treated as an adult (she doesn't see her cheeriness as a mark of youth; it's joie de vivre, it's who she is, and that's that), and, throughout the game, she gets annoyed when people don't respect that (her arguments with Lang are largely over how he calls Little Thief a toy and her crow-girl). She holds her own and relies on herself while being unafraid of asking for help.
Anyway, this post has gone on for long enough and I think I've addressed the points I wanted to. I should mention that I realise that a lot of how many people portray/interpret their relationship is validated by AAI2 but that's honestly a discussion for a separate post HAHA I feel like, when it comes to AAI, the father/daughter interpretation can maybe be argued with regards to the way Edgeworth treats her? Honestly, though, I think he'd treat any young lady who suddenly becomes part of his team/responsibility in pretty much the same way. And, like, he drops the ball almost every time he's supposed to give "fatherly" advice because he's just not that great with it/children!! It's actually hilarious HSKSDHSK
Either way, yeah! I just think Kay is actually given a lot less credit than she's due when the Dadworth card gets played and I just! Want better for her!!
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jayaorgana · 2 years
Oooh I'm thinking about Dos Deus
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oneshotnewbie · 7 months
What if Marina x daughter!reader are chillin at home together when Maya gets called to a 5alarm fire. Reader has major anxiety when Maya goes to big fires. Carina tries to calm her down, but gets called in to help with patients being sent to GreySloan from the fire. Reader has to come with Carina to the hospital and sees some of those injured in the ER before making it to Carinas office. Reader begins to follow all the news alert from the fire and starts to panic and worry for Maya. She’s in the midst of a full panic attack by the time Carina can check on her. Maya comes to the hospital with the last of the patients and goes to Carinas office and only then does reader begin to calm down, surrounded by her mothers.
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Dusk fell over the city as Maya, Carina and you decided to spend a cozy evening at home, cooking together and enjoying the free time as a family. The atmosphere was one of heartwarming laughter and the familiar smell of delicious ingredients.
Maya had taken the evening off to spend more time with you. Her job as a firefighter often involved unpredictable events and long working days, which is why such evenings together were particularly precious for your little family. The three of you worked in sync in the kitchen as the sound of happy chatter and laughter permeated the walls. You helped prepare the ingredients while the blonde prepared the aromatic lasagna sauce and made plans for after dinner.
A colorful sight spread across the airy kitchen. Fresh vegetables, fragrant herbs and a variety of spices covered the work surface. The food processor whirred while the Italian woman prepared the dough for fresh pasta. You, stood behind her to look over your mother's shoulder with curious eyes and pick up some tips.
“It smells so good!” You whispered enthusiastically and the two smiled at you, Carina briefly pulling you close to place a kiss on your temple. "It'll taste really good too, Bella."
The smell of garlic, onions and fresh tomatoes filled the kitchen and mixed with the pleasant atmosphere as you and Maya started to set the dining table. Time seemed to stand still as you sat down a short while later and approached the home-made meal that was filled with love. "You really have a talent for the kitchen, y/n. Maybe you should think about becoming a chef." Carina said, clearly proud of you, and you laughed. "Maybe I will. Or I'll become a firefighter. Or at least a surgeon.."
But before everyone could take the first forkful of lasagna, the shrill sound of Maya's radio pierced the harmonious silence. All three froze for a moment before the blonde looked around apologetically, narrowing her eyes. "I'm sorry, but I have to check this. It's an emergency call," she explained as she stood up and hastily searched for the device that was lying on the living room table. "A serious fire in a high-rise building requires 19 to be present immediately."
The joy in the air seemed to fade as the reality of Maya's responsibilities as a firefighter became present again. You looked over at her worriedly as she hurried into the bedroom and put on her firefighter uniform before saying goodbye to you with a quick kiss on the forehead to face the unknown of the new mission. "I love you guys. I'll be back as soon as possible."
With a final, determined look, she left the house, leaving you with a fearful heart. The laughter stopped and the kitchen, which had previously been filled with joy, now seemed quiet and deserted.
For the next minutes, your home became enveloped in nervous tension. You could already see the images of the blazing flames and the sound of the sirens in your mind, unable to get them out of your head. Your fear seemed to grow stronger with each emergency call. The idea of your mother having to fight fire in dangerous situations put you in a constant state of fear and panic.
Carina clearly sensed your fear and tried to calm you down with all her care. She would often sit with you and talk about the importance of Maya's job and how she was well trained and experienced. But your thoughts weren't so easy to calm down. Your fears enveloped you like a thick fog that made your heart feel heavy. "Amore mio, I promise you, Maya knows her job very well. She is strong and has the right training. You have to trust her."
You nodded, but the look of pure panic remained in your eyes as your heart pounded wildly in your chest and your body began to tremble. You couldn't keep your mind off your mother. Every time Maya was called to a new mission, your heart clenched with worry and you could hardly breathe. The persistent fear that permeated you overshadowed the present.
"She'll be back safely. You don't have to worry, okay? The safety of the team members at Station 19 is the top priority for everyone involved," she tried again, trying to ease the uncertainty in your eyes and complete the dinner. "Mom is a professional at what she does."
The smells of the now cold dish disappeared and your mind continued to wander when another beeper rang. This time it was Carina's. It was another emergency call that forced your other mother to come to work in the emergency room.
"I have to go to the hospital, sweetheart. The patients affected by the fire are being taken to Grey Sloan. I'm needed," she explained softly, her brow furrowing as she placed a hand on your shoulder. The words triggered another wave of panic in you that you could no longer suppress. "Please, not you too. Please stay here. I'm so scared. Please!"
“Hey, hey, hey,” she spoke carefully and stood up, pulling you into a tight hug. The gentle sway of her arms barely stopped your running tears, your body trembling in her arms. "If it calms you down, you can come with me and read some books in my office. I don't want to leave you alone with your fears."
The sun had already set when you and Carina rushed into the busy emergency room at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. The panic in your eyes reflected the constant fear for your mother. Carina held your hand tightly, trying to calm you down as she navigated you down the hallway.
The atmosphere in the emergency room was intense. Doctors and nurses rushed from one patient room to the next while paramedics carried in the injured. The smell of disinfectant and the muffled murmur of conversation filled the air. You could feel the knotting tension inside you, getting worse by the second as you walked past the beds filled with people with burns and serious injuries. The image of Maya and the chance of her also ending up in the hospital injured like the rest of the people crept into your mind and your heart began to ache with fear once more.
Your mother led you to her office on the top floor, which was shielded from any hectic activity. "You can safely wait here, love. I'll see what's going on and make sure mom comes upstairs to you as soon as she returns from her mission."
You nodded and slowly walked into the room. Carina gently squeezed your shoulder again before leaving the office and heading back to the emergency room, leaving you alone.
Sitting on the chair next to the door, you tried to organize your thoughts. The images of the injured people in the emergency room were burned into your memory. A tingling sensation ran through your body and you forced yourself to take a deep breath.
The hum of muffled conversation filtered through the closed door as you watched the time and waited for your mothers. The scenes played out in your head of your mom fighting the flames and your mother caring for the injured. The thought of your mothers operating in this chaos increased your fears.
The time in the hospital crept by slowly, and your thoughts continued to revolve around your parents, especially Maya. You couldn't suppress the worry inside you, so you began meticulously monitoring the messages on your phone as you paced around the room. As the first reports of the fire came to you, you felt your fear building at a rapid pace.
With every word you read, another tidal wave of panic seemed to build. The images of fire and smoke described on the news hit you like a blow. You could literally feel the burning intensity of the flames burning your skin.
Your heart was racing, your hands were shaking, and your breathing was becoming shallower. The news reports seemed to confirm your worst fears, and the idea that your mom, Maya, was in the middle of a dangerous inferno almost made you lose your mind. But then the door opened and Carina stepped in. Her expression was serious, but the change in your features made her rush to you immediately. "Y/n, Bella. What happened?"
You could barely find your words as you turned over your phone to see the newscaster exclaiming about the terrible news. "Mom's still in there. She's in danger."
Carina tried to stay calm herself to stabilize you. She hugged herself tightly and walked with you to her desk, your eyes fixed on the closed door, hoping that Maya would soon be at your side as the relentless clock continued to tick. "Mi amore, the media often tends to be more dramatic in its reporting. Let's wait for official news before drawing conclusions, okay? If something had happened to her, Andy or Jack would have already called."
The brunette's words barely reached your frightened soul. The dark panic attacked and overwhelmed you with full force, and you felt the world around you begin to spin. Your chest felt tight and the world blurred before your eyes.
You sat on a chair, surrounded by white walls that, in your agitated state, looked like the shadowy scene of a nightmare. The brightness of the hospital lights seemed ominous, and the silence of the room was overshadowed by the deafening sounds of your own fears.
Thoughts of Maya's possible danger lost all reason. Every time you tried to breathe deeper, the air seemed to disappear like a scarce resource, and the flames of fear only flickered higher. Your gaze was blank and frozen, caught in a whirlpool of terror and worry.
Carina reacted immediately and pushed you into her desk chair. She tried to calm you down while you were overwhelmed. "Breathe with me, sweetheart. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly. I'm here, love." she whispered softly.
The panic attack was reaching its peak, but with each calming touch and empathetic word, the wave seemed to slowly subside. The Italian kneeled down in front of you and placed her hands gently on your knees. "Y/n, listen to me. We can do this together. We will erase this fear together." The words were difficult to reach you, but she didn't let go of it. She tried to calm you down with slow breaths. You gasped for air, but gradually, the control of your breathing returned.
Time stretched, and with every breath you fought your way out of the shackles of panic. The cries of fear became quieter and your vision gradually cleared. Carina held you tightly as the last remnants of fear coursed through you.
While your mother slowly got you back to normal breathing, Maya entered the emergency room exhausted, accompanied by the last patients of her risky fire mission. The experiences of today's fight against the flames had left them scarred.
The sounds of the emergency room came through the front door as she pushed herself through the crowd. She felt the exhaustion in her bones, but the thought of seeing her daughter and her wife again was the only bright spot after the tiring hours. Climbing the stairs to the upper floor, she soon entered her wife's office. You both looked up as the door opened suddenly, a relieved smile lighting up your features. "Mom, you're back!"
Maya nodded tiredly, her uniform marked by smoke and ash as you rushed into her arms. "How are you doing?" She asked you, but you didn't answer and instead snuggled closer to her. A questioning look rushed over her face and she pressed her lips together before looking at Carina, who stood up and immediately walked up to her. "She had a severe panic attack when news of the fire first surfaced. I calmed her down, but she was very worried about you."
Her heart clenched and she pulled away from you. Not hesitating for a second, she placed her fingers under your chin and forced you to look up at her. Your eyes were bloodshot and your cheeks were still wet from crying. "I'm here, y/n. Everything's fine, see?"
You sobbed quietly, the tears trapped in your panic now flowing with a sense of relief as you took a deep breath. The pent-up tension slowly let go. "I was so scared, mom. The news... I thought you..."
Maya held you closer to her. The three of you stood close together, soaked in the warmth of reunion. The flames of fear in your heart were extinguished, and in that moment you found comfort and support in her arms. "I'm here, and I'm safe. You don't have to worry."
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cornertheculprit · 2 years
see what i think about the relationship between phoenix and trucy at first is that it was a constant work in progress. phoenix never has and never will pick up a book on parenting and we're talking about the man who was going "(this is so weird this is so weird this is so weird)" while he was asking trucy if she wanted to stay with him + what she wanted to call him and in the beginning it was intended as kind of a temporary arrangement until zak came back (which of course didn't end up happening for a long time. but they didn't KNOW that then) and in that sort of situation i think it's only natural that trucy wouldn't necessarily view him as a REAL dad and their relationship would evolve from that sort of starting point. and you have to remember that phoenix is USED to looking after people at this point yes but not in like. a fatherly manner. he's used to looking after maya and pearl in a manner that, at most imo, could be read as brotherly. his first choice of what trucy could call him if she wanted was not "daddy" but "nick" like they do. and trucy's only a year younger than pearl. so even with trucy calling him "daddy" i actually think for a while there their relationship would've been something akin to an older sibling playing parent to their younger sibling after their parent disappeared on them. as in neither of them know quite what they're doing but the end result is that trucy is safe and happy and loved and that's what's most important.
and of course as time goes on their relationship does evolve into something more father&daughter-like but i think that original element is still there under it all. people get on phoenix's ass about SOMETIMES bringing trucy to the borscht bowl and letting trucy run around with apollo (a guy they Just Met) to crime scenes and the like but honestly you gotta remember that phoenix and maya were letting pearl run all around the city on her own when she was nine. that's just how their little makeshift family Worked. and when pearl got lost she called and phoenix and maya immediately came running! and i think something similar is happening here—it's a situation where phoenix is like. i know you're very observant and i trust your judgment on things so you can do what you want and if you need me just call and i'll come running. is it what a perfect parent would do? probably not! but. and i need everyone to understand me here. trucy is Happy and Safe and Loved and she loves phoenix So Much in return and that is what Matters. since WHEN has ace attorney ever had Perfect Parents. this is NOT the series known for Perfect Parents. but there is no doubt that the love is there. do you understand
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russellsppttemplates · 9 months
Santa Claus has been (George Russell)
A sneak peek into Christmas in the Russell household
Note: english is not my first language. Before New Year comes around, let me get the holidays is somewhat of an order!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"Do we have all the supplies we need?", George questioned as Arthur set the glue down, "yes, we're ready, daddy! Can you help me make sure I'm writing it correctly, please?", the little boy asked. While Olivia was fine to write on her own, Arthur had started second grade a couple of months before, and sometimes he still had a little slip here and there.
" 'Dear Santa, my name is Olivia Russell, and this year I have been a good girl. I have always helped mummy and daddy around the house, and I only hurt my brother, Arthur, once and it was an accident because I didn't think I was that strong when I threw the ball at him. ' Do you think that's good, daddy?", your daughter wondered, wanting to know her father's opinion.
"That's good, darling. Now you go on to tell him what you'd like to get from him", George praised, turning his attention back to Arthur's letter, "That's good, well done! Just this one here, it's two 's' and not just one", he pointed to the spot in the paper.
"Are you and mummy also writing a letter for Santa?", Olivia asked once she was finished, hands already holding glue and glitter as she bedazzled her letter, "Me and mummy got eachother a gift and that was it, we have everyhting we need already", George said as he kissed both of their heads, "but I do think Santa is bringing something for mummy as well, but it's a secret between me and him, so you guys can't tell her!", he mused.
"Do you think he knows we're coming?", Arthur wondered as you walked along the Christmas themed park.
"Of course he does, daddy spoke to him, didn't you?", Olivia reasoned back with her brother, "he told us he knew him because he spoke to him!".
"Does daddy know Santa, hm? I didn't know that!", you looked at your husband, quizzical look as you silently wondered where the kids got the idea.
"Daddy knows a lot of people, don't I?", George urged as they walked, winking at you as you made sure you didn't lose anyone in the sea of people, missing the way Olivia apologetically looked at her father, whispering "sorry, daddy!", as she realised she nearly outed her father's secret.
"The line isn't that long", you commented, seeing three families in front of you, "I have your letters here", you fished them out of your bag, handing them to each kid who held onto them.
"Do you think he'll remember us from last year?", Arthur wondered, "well, you two have grown a lot, maybe he'll have some trouble first", you reasoned, not sure what to say and knowing the kids would ask the person in the red and white costume.
"You guys are next!", a young woman dressed in her elf costume clapped, "do you have your letters ready?", she added.
"Merry Christmas! Oh, look at you! What are your names?", the old man in costume asked as he received them inside his house.
"I'm Arthur", your son said, sitting in the bench as his sister followed, "and I'm Olivia!", your daughter cheered, "and that's mummy Y/N and daddy George!", she introduced. "We wanted to bring Maya and Winston", Arthur explained, "but mummy and daddy said that they could get scared so they stayed home, but they're out family too!".
"Do not worry, my friends, I will make sure I leave something for them when I go by your house, I'm sure they've been good this year too", the man winked, gathering them so they could take a picture and talk a little about what they wanted for Christmas.
Leaving things for Santa
"So, we have cookies we baked, a glass of milk if he's thirsty, and then some carrots for the reindeer!", Arthur said, checking if nothing was missing for your visitors.
"Now we have to go to bed, or else Santa won't stop here!", Olivia said, putting a few extra cookies in the plate.
After putting the kids to bed, you and George began to work on your plan. Grabbing the boots, you sprayed them with oil and then dunk the sole in flour, attempting your best to create footsteps, "it's not snowing outside though", George pointed out, wiping the remnants of flour in hopes of making it realistic enough, "Lapland has snow and he still had some on his feet", you shrugged, continuing your task while he filled the stockings and put the big presents under the tree.
Just as you were about to fall asleep, a tiny thought came to your mind, "love?", you called, checking if your husband was still awake.
"Yes?", he acknowledged your call, "I wrapped all of the presents with the same wrapping paper. Which means our presents on the stocking and the presents from Santa Claus are going to be wrapped in the same paper. And we have very observant children!", you hissed.
"We'll just say that Santa's Elves and daddy and mummy have the same taste", George cuddled you, rubbing his lips on your forehead, "sleep, darling, you and I both know we'll need it as much as we can".
You slept for about four, five hours, you guessed until you were woken up by footsteps.
"I heard the door, they're coming here", you groaned into your pillow, feeling George's arm around your waist squeezing you closer to his body, "you're just listening things, darling", he replied.
"Oh yes? Why did you wake up too, then?", you snickered, looking the moonlight peaking through the curtains, "the sun is not even out, George, my goodness", you muttered, snuggling further into your husband as you heard the door open, "Winston can't do that", you grumbled, "neither can Maya", George reasoned with you, making you both groan in unison, "it's the kids".
"Mummy, Daddy", Arthur was the first to speak, "we think Santa has been already, we heard his footsteps on the roof!", Olivia said as she climbed in bed with you, "can we go and see? Please!".
"Don't you guys want to wait a little bit? Warm up in bed with us?", you attempted, hearing the huff from both kids, "we really want to go, mummy, please! We can sleep later!", Olivia reasoned.
Getting up and grabbing a fluffy robe, you and George followed the kids, seeing the grey cat look at you weirdly, "they probably just heard you, Winston, there isn't actually someone else in the house", you petted him as he followed you to the living room, seeing Maya at the corner of your eye who huffed, not understanding why her humans were up that early.
"You can go to sleep, Maya, although they're probably going to start squealing soon", George petted her caramel fur.
"HE HAS BEEN! LOOK, OLIVIA! He ate all the cookies, and the carrot is bitten!", you heard your son excitedly say as he looked for his presents with his sister's help.
"It's your genetics that make them get up this early, I think I'm still asleep", you murmured against your husband's clothed chest, hugging his waist as they unwrapped and gasped at what they got, "my genetics also make them incredibly cute, along with your genetics that make them irresistible, so that's how we do this", George kissed the top of your head.
"Mummy! Santa thought you were a good girl this year, too, look! You have a big present!", Olivia said, "Oh, I'm the best girl, specially for being up at this hour!", you chuckled.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Remember how I said I had too many AUs. Well, another one just dropped. I've been working on this one off and on all week not really sure I was going to do anything with it, but last night it became a full -fledged story and not just a plot bunny.
So to prepare you for that, I wrote down the world building so that I don't have to go into detail in the story.
So here you go:
Werewolf Steve and Vampire Eddie (actual title TBA).
The city of Hawkins is one of the few cities in the country that was the home to both a vampire coven and a werewolf pack. It is a safe haven for all supernatural and hunters are forbidden from entering its city limits.
The coven is run by Billy Hargrove. He swept into town with his small vampire family and killed the previous Dominus (leader), taking over the coven. Billy is born vampire, meaning both his parents were vampires who sired him. Max is also born.
Even though it’s called Harrington Pack, the pack leader isn’t hereditary. The leader is always who the strongest male wolf is. The alpha female usually the male’s bondmate but not always. Nancy is the alpha female because of how strong she is and not because she dated Steve in high school. When Hopper was alpha, Joyce was alpha female for example.
This is the largest the pack has been in years. It includes the Hoppers (originally his wife and daughter before his daughter died and his first bondmate left the pack, now him and adopted Jane), the Byers, the Wheelers, the Sinclairs, the Harringtons, and Hendersons. With the Byers and the Hendersons, the dads were banished when it came out they were abusing their family.
Banishment is a mark on the back of the former pack member’s neck that prevents other packs from taking them in or forming a pack of their own. People can willing leave a pack to join another (like getting married or joining a temporary pack when they’re at college away from home), but banishment is a raw deal and used rarely. Hop banished both Lonnie and Mr Henderson, when he came out of his drunken stupor when he adopted Jane.
The Buckleys, Hagens, and Perkins have been long time keepers of the Harrington pack. A keeper is a kind of werewolf version of a vampire’s thrall. Someone who takes care of them when they are in wolf form or can touch silver if they get hurt.
For the most part the wolf form of the pack is like their hair color. Nancy, Mike, and Dustin all have curly fur in wolf form, Mike’s isn’t has bad as the other two though. The exception being the Sinclairs, (their fur isn’t wiry or curly like the other three, it’s just longer and jet black), and Steve. He’s a two-tone wolf. He has warm brown fur on top, but his legs, belly, and tip of his tail are honey colored.
Steve is made head of the Hawkins pack after Hopper was kidnapped by hunters and was reported MPD (missing, presumed dead). He won it through combat a couple of the older wolves tried for the role, but nineteen year old Steve beat them all.
ETA: Full Story here.
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schmorpthe · 10 months
I see a lot of debate on this fandoms found family obsession and I want to add my two cents and headcannons that no one reaaaallllyyyyy cares about.
I think there's a balance of it that's good. For example, I think interpreting Maya and Phoenix as siblings is just as valid as best friends. Siblings can be best friends, my own sister is literally my best friend. It works with the dynamic of them both feeling like they're taking each other in after Mia's death, and I see their banter and can relate it to how my sister and I treat each other.
On the other hand, I don't like it when people give Phoenix and Apollo the father-son dynamic. I think there is a level of protectiveness from Phoenix, coming from seeing some of himself when he was younger in Apollo, as well as knowing he's Trucy's brother. But Apollo is an adult who looked up to Phoenix when he was younger, just his trust betrayed. At first it's a case of never meet your idols for Apollo. He also finds him irritating. I think there is a point where those two can get on good terms and Apollo forgives Phoenix, but they aren't family. It's a different type of love and care. They are mentor and mentee. Apollo will always find Phoenix annoying too, he just gets used to it and that irritation no longer is from a place of resentment, just Phoenix pushing his buttons.
As far as Athena goes, I haven't played much of DD yet because I started as the new trilogy got announced and decided to wait, but I think it's another case of Phoenix being protective but not quite in an adopted kid sense. He sees a young girl who needs some love, care, and guidance. You can love and care for someone a bit like a daughter without going all the way into they are my daughter territory. Trucy and Athena? Best friends. You know how so many of us have best friends that are basically like a sibling but we don't literally feel like siblings? That's them. They are an unstoppable duo.
As far as Edgeworth and Kay goes, I haven't finished AAI but I do see a little bit of adopted father-daughter dynamic, but not as intense. Kay is very self sufficient and made it through her teen years without her own dad or Edgeworth in her life. They are bonded over the shared trauma of losing a parent at the courthouse and Edgeworth is protective of her and his door is always open for her in the good and the bad. The paternal instinct is there and he would help her through anything. I feel like Kay called him Dad by accident one time and that did make them more like family, but apart from emotional times or jokes, he is Mr Edgeworth.
On the note of Edgeworth, I'm not keen on the adopting basically the entire prosecutor's office. I just don't feel like that's Edgeworth. I do think he softens yes. I do think he cares about his employees, but it's the vibe of a good boss being on professionally friendly terms. They can go to him for help, sometimes not work related. He can be a mentor. But he's their boss first and foremost, and in a more Edgeworth sense than Phoenix. More by the book. So yes he cares about them and can sometimes be protective, but not in a family way.
I do like Edgeworth eventually becoming Trucy's other Dad, but it takes time. For a long time he's Uncle Edgeworth and it takes him a long time to adjust to that even. Eventually he starts treating Trucy like a daughter, Phoenix pulls him up on it, he has a bit of a crisis. This is after the 7yg when Phoenix no longer has to live in the shell he did before getting his name cleared, therefore being able to officially be with Miles. Point being it's not immediate. He does immediately live Trucy but his instinct isn't familial for a while.
Honestly me explaining this hasn't completely gotten what's in my head across about I hope you get what I mean.
Also, at the end of the day everyone can have their own interpretation of the game. People will make it what they need it to be and that's okay. As long as what you are going with isn't illegal or straight up gross, go ahead. These are my own conclusions I've come to and it's these interpretations I look for in the media I consume, but whatever fuels your love for this series is what matters ✨
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mayasdeluca · 6 months
Station 19 7x02 Thoughts
This episode was...something. There was SO much going on which we kind of figured by all the stills, synopsis, promo, etc. There was way too much time spent on two parts that I really had no interest in (Beckett's family funeral and the Theo/Ben call) and also Kate's just entire existence (can she leave already??)
It's frustrating that someone like Beckett can get an episode with extended family in a plot yet we've been waiting 4+ seasons to get any kind of backstory/storyline for Carina. But now...she's getting sued?! This intrigues me. I was wondering what the connection to that woman was and thought at first we weren't going to even found out but I'm thinking she's blaming Carina for whatever kind of health issues her daughter is having and that also ties into Danielle saying we're going to get more badass Carina this season. I can't wait for this and I'm so glad Carina is finally getting her own storyline!
I loved seeing Maya and Carina working together and sending each other flirty looks (as they always do so well). The look Carina gave Maya when she said "That's what I said." after the woman said she wasn't going to ever have kids was 😍 and it was just great seeing them in that element. Seeing Carina worry about how it would affect them with Liam and Maya calming her down was also so cute ❤️
Truly cannot believe that Tremmett got the sex scene again??? Like really?? They made Travis a cheater for a second time and we have still yet to get a real proper Marina kiss in the 10 pm time slot but I have to see these two raw dogging it two episodes in a row?? I truly hope our time is coming.
I'm not gonna lie the end of the episode really got me emotional and I say that as someone who has had my issues with Jack for a long time now. The parallel to the scene on the truck in Season 2 was just perfect and I love how they did it and to see Carina holding Liam there watching them as they all cuddled together. That was a really great ending scene and I really enjoyed it. ❤️
Very curious to see how next week ends up but now it makes even more sense why Carina goes to Bailey for support. We'll see who Maya ends up encountering at the parade but between Carina getting sued, starting the fostering/eventual adoption process with Liam, starting the IVF process, getting a new home....Marina certainly have their hands full this season! Can't wait to see how they handle it all.
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askamydaily · 4 months
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I don't have to care about gender reveal parties.
(The following column runs in newspapers across the country on May 24th, 2024)
Dear Readers: After 21 years writing the “Ask Amy” column, I’m announcing that I’m leaving this space. My final column will run at the end of June.
I’m healthy, happy, and 64-years-old. This is a decision I’ve been wrestling with for over a year.
When I was first hired by the Chicago Tribune to write an advice column after Ann Landers’ death, I was a middle-aged single mother. My daughter Emily and I moved from our long-time home in Washington DC and relocated to Chicago. 
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[Emily and Amy, Freeville, NY. Photo by Chris Walker for the Chicago Tribune]
My welcome to Chicago was to deliver a solo performance of “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” in front of 35,000 baseball fans during the 7th inning stretch of a Cubs game at Wrigley Field.
This turned out to be a metaphor for my experience writing this column, which has been an exuberant and sometimes nerve-wracking effort of trying to hit the right notes before a huge audience. 
After several great years in Chicago, Emily left for college and I moved back to my tiny hometown of Freeville, NY (pop. 505), to spend time with my sisters, aunts and cousins, and to be with my mother at the end of her life. 
My experiences have mirrored those of many of my readers. For me, these last two decades have been about the intensity and consequences of both love and loss. 
After returning home, I promptly tumbled into a Hallmark Channel plotline, when I fell in love with and quickly married a man I’ve known since childhood (we grew up on neighboring dairy farms). My husband Bruno and I then blundered into the oftentimes awkward blending of our family of five daughters. 
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[2008, Freeville, NY]
I became a stepmother, and then a grandmother, all before I believed I was ready. 
My mother and her three wonderful sisters are gone, now. A niece and nephew died, tragically, while in their teens. Much of my recent life has been absorbed by caregiving, mourning, and recovery.
Day in, day out -- over the last two decades – readers have generously shared their own vulnerabilities about many of our common experiences. I’m grateful that we’ve been able to help each other.
I’ve burned through eight laptops, opened bushels of postal mail, written columns in the car, on board planes, in hospital waiting rooms, on my honeymoon, and at my mother’s bedside. During this time, I’ve also written two books, a screenplay, and scores of essays. 
Doing this work has sent me into therapy. It has inspired me to explore the teachings of world religions, and to seek the insight of thinkers like Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung. I’ve quoted the wisdom of Maya Angelou, Joni Mitchell and Fred Rogers -- as well as dozens of poets, social scientists and psychologists. 
I’ve made my share of mistakes, been well-pranked – at least twice (that I know of), and learned how to apologize, ask for forgiveness, and to forgive other people for their own mistakes. Inspired by readers’ dilemmas, I’ve also worked hard to mend fractured family relationships and to be a better friend.
My personal experiences are a reminder that we humans can’t really control what happened before or what happens next. Joy, like grief, comes at you in such unexpected ways. That’s why it is so important to pay attention. I’ve learned to do that.
Being an advice-giver has challenged me to be aware of cultural, social, and relationship trends -- and to appreciate the quirks of human behavior.
When readers get frustrated by my lengthy answers to sometimes petty problems, they will often suggest that I should just tell people to “get a life!,” but I think that wrestling with our questions – from the quotidian to the profound – is living.
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For the next month, I’ll continue to publish fresh columns and rerun some favorites. After that, my fantasy is to drive an RV across the country, visiting people I’ve met through this work who have challenged me and tantalized readers with their anonymous requests for advice.
In my hometown, I’m opening a little lending library. You can find me on social media, through my Asking Amy newsletter, at amydickinson.com, or at the Freeville Literary Society on Main Street – talking books with kids and offering advice to anyone who asks.
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Group C, Round 4, Poll 1:
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Propaganda under the cut
Dahlia Hawthorne
she lived. faked her own kidnapping and killed multiple people in unrelated situations. was executed. got her spirit channelled. tried to kill even more people as revenge
Girlypop has done a shit ton of manipulation, committed at least four murders (even one from the grave!) A man’s eaten glass for her, another’s knowingly drank poison. She also puts on the “Weak little girl” act to get away with it all
she is literally THE gaslight gatekeep girlbosser ever. don't wanna spoil anything but like. she is the definition of the words,
At 14, Dahlia arranged a staged kidnapping (in order to attain a Very High ransom from her wealthy father) with a guy she'd seduced, her stepsister Valerie, and her twin sister Iris (who chickened out) that purposefully landed the guy in jail for her supposed murder. Five years later, the guy broke out of jail and Dahlia framed him for the murder of Valerie (which she committed) and when this truth was exposed in court, the guy killed himself rather than break the promise they'd made to believe in each other no matter what. A few months later, she poisoned one of the attorneys involved in that case (putting him into a years-long coma instead of killing him) and got away with it by planting the evidence on a guy she just met by convincing him she'd fallen in love with him at first sight. She then guilted Iris into pretending to be her while dating the guy for the next several months, which culminated in her attempting to murder him, only to then try to frame him for the murder of one of her exes instead (which she also committed). She didn't get away with this one because superior girlboss (her cousin Mia) exposed her plot and Dahlia was executed for it a few years later, but she continued to GGG from beyond the grave. While she was still alive, Dahlia and her also-incarcerated but not on death row mother planned to murder the head of their clan (Maya, the younger sister of Mia) so that Dahlia's younger half sister (Pearl) could take Maya's place as head of their clan; Dahlia was also doing this because in the interim, Mia had been murdered by someone else, and Dahlia decided the best way to get revenge on her after her death was to kill the person she loved most. The mother and daughter schemed to write to Pearl (who was only about 9 at the time) and convinced her to channel Dahlia after her execution without telling her why (their family has the ability to channel the spirits of the dead, and they cannot remember what their bodies do during the time they're possessed) so that Dahlia could use her little sister's body to kill the head of the family, who Pearl loved very much. They also guilted Iris into working with them on this. The attempt failed because she girlbossed too close to the sun (a combination of her still-living ex, Maya, the channeled Mia, and the now-awake guy she'd poisoned) but she still GGG-ed all her life and even into her death (she also managed to get Mia & Maya's mom killed in the process and the coma guy (who Mia was in love with) convicted for it, but Maya lived so ultimately a failure). Throughout all this, she gives off an air of innocence and kindness and naivete, wearing white, high femme clothes, convincing the men inside and outside of the legal courts that she couldn't possibly do anything because she's just a sweet little girl. I fucking hate her <3 the vibes are both rancid and terrifying
Vriska Serket
It’s Vriska baby!
it's vriska
not only manipulates people the traditional way but also literally has mind control powers.
she manipulates her disabled friend constantly and is the reason why hes disabled in the first place. she is constantly telling lies and half truths to make sure she has all the cards in every possible situation. she does basically everything by herself and turns on others if they dont follow her lead and dies multiple times in her struggle for the spotlight, her one true goal. she has an eyepatch and a robot arm. she gets all the women. ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!
shes girlbosses her way into SOOOOOOOO MANY other competitions AND WON!!!!!!!! and like okay yea, she mostly won bc some of them were rigged but also shes just like that lol shes got a whole lotta lucky 8r8ks >:::;)
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
Happens all the time in the Ace Attorney fandom lmao
Edgeworth and Franziska? To make a long story short her dad took him in and mentored him after his dad died and she started calling him her little brother (even if he's older and in the original she says it more like "younger disciple of the same mentor" afaik) so God help you if you see them as anything other than adoptive siblings and ship them.
Edgeworth and Kay? They first met when she was a child whose father had just been murdered and then met again, worked on cases and became friends years later so now he's her dad I guess.
Phoenix and Maya? They became friends after her older sister/his mentor had just died and he defended her when the real murderer framed her for it, so he's "literally" her replacement big brother now.
Phoenix and Mia? She was his mentor and he "literally" informally adopted her younger sister, which obvs makes them family too.
Phoenix or Edgeworth with any of their employees? Bosses are parent(al figure)s now.
Phoenix and Apollo? Boss/employer dynamic and Apollo turns out to be Phoenix's actual adoptive daughter Trucy's long-lost sibling (even if neither Apollo nor Trucy know it) which means Phoenix is also Apollo's dad.
Simon and Athena? Simon's sister was in love with Athena's mother so that makes Simon Athena's uncle (even if iirc we don't even know if his sister's love for her mother was requited or not).
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a-d-nox · 2 years
asteroids that aren’t getting more attention than this and aren’t related to my typical mythological shenanigans but that i still love (part 3: a semester’s worth of literature edition)
everyone hold on to your hats, my last semester is due to begin next week, and i just finished unpacking the fall semester in this post lmao. but don't worry though, there is always more literature and asteroids to explore! but do note i slow down on tumblr when i am in school so bear with me on slow ask response!
i have written about 25 literary asteroids based on what i read about this past semester in college and thus have never been mentioned by me and likely will never be mentioned again on my page (mythology is my main focus). this post is very different and long. if you have no interest in the history, look for bolded statements to avoid all the reading lol. an asterisk in the OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS section indicates that the other mentioned asteroid(s) can be found in this post!
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angelou (asteroid 9011)
Maya Angelou was a popular poet and civil rights activist, who received many awards and honorary degrees during her life. She wasn’t born into the prized poet career - originally she worked in a fried food restaurant, as a sex work, etc. In the late 60s her publication of “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” became very popular and she became an extremely popular poet/writer. She is the first black American woman featured on the a US quarter. IN MY OPINION Angelou in your chart can represent a) where you work hard to make your dreams reality, b) where you rise, c) where you advocate for others, d) where your intellect is rewarded, and/or e) your love for or aptitude for poetry.
antigone (asteroid 129)
Antigone is the incestuous daughter made by Oedipus and his mother, Jocasta. The play by Sophocles in which she is featured opens with the chorus singing that will rise alone and die young. After Oedipus dies his brother, Creon, sits on the throne. Her brother is faced with the challenge of what to do with the body of an invader; he declares that anyone who tries to bury the body will be put to death. Antigone goes against this order and then is sealed in a tomb to die from starvation. When Creon is advised by a prophet that the gods look down on his lack of honor regarding the body of the invader, Creon goes to the tomb to free Antigone. Antigone is found right all along only and Creon finds that she has killed herself. IN MY OPINION Antigone in your chart can represent a) where you are taboo, b) the piece of you that dies young, c) where you are willing to die for your beliefs, c) where you stand against your family, d) where you are forced to starve yourself, and/or e) suicidal tendencies or experience hopelessness.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: sophocles (2921)!
arthur (asteroid 2597)
King Arthur was born from deception - the King of Britain, Uther Pendragon, had a great lust for the Duke of Tintagel’s wife, Ygraine. When the Duke and his wife left the castle, King Uther demanded that they return - the Duke declined his request, suspecting his lust for Ygraine. The Duke and the King went head to head for a short time until King Uther went to Merlin for help, desperate to have Ygraine. Merlin agreed to help him in exchange for any child born from their union. The King readily agreed, and Merlin transformed the King to look like the Duke. He went to the Duchess and the two spent the night together. When the “Duke” (Uther) left in the morning, soldiers came to the castle shortly after stating that the Duke had been killed in battle. Shocked and in denial after having spent the night with her “husband,” the soldiers told her that she must have been visited by a ghost to bring her peace of mind. After King Uther took control of Tintagel and married Ygraine. Nearly nine months later, Arthur was born, and Merlin takes Arthur by force. "The Sword in the Stone" is a famous tale most of us know regarding how Arthur comes into power and becomes King after living life as the “bastard son” of Sir Ector (the knight whom Merlin has raise Arthur). King Uther Pendragon died shortly after Arthur was taken, leaving no one to reign over the kingdom. Merlin wanting no one to take Arthur’s spot place a sword in the stone; "Whoso pulleth out this sword from this stone, / is right wise King born of all England" was inscribed on it’s blade. At fifteen, Arthur pulls the blade from the stone to the shock of many people - his stepbrother, Sir Kay, does try to claim he pulled it, but after placing it back in the stone he and many others fail to pull it from the stone. Only Arthur is capable of pulling it out and therefore is the legitimate king. Onto something not many of us talk about - Arthur's death. In Le Monte d’Arthur, after a long reign, the knights of The Round Table appear to stray from their morality. Guinevere and Lancelot have a love affair and Arthur knows (he cared too much for each of them to expose/punish them), but when the other knights learn of this, they demand the two be held accountable for their actions. Lancelot escapes with his followers after slaughtering many knights. Sir Gawain insists that he and Arthur go after them - Arthur agrees to this. While they are gone Mordred - recently knighted by Arthur and brother of Gawain - claims himself King of England and new husband to Guinevere... and sends an army to attack Arthur whom is already dealing with the whole Lancelot campaign. Mordred mortal wounds Arthur, but Arthur kills Mordred. Lancelot and Guinevere die from illness and Constantine is instated as king. Arthur is momerialized and said to one day return to the lands. IN MY OPINION Arthur in your chart can represent a) adoptive families, b) where a lot of the world around you is filled with deception, c) where you lack knowledge of who you are or underestimate yourself, d) where you have power at a young age, e) where you are passive in a situation, f) where you care more about those around you than you do for yourself, and/or g) where you are the model for greatness.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: lancelot (2041), gawain (2054)*, guinevere (2483), merlin (2598), and camelot (9500)*!
atlantis (asteroid 1198)
Atlantis is a lost city at the bottom of the ocean. The ocean is one of Earth’s most unexplored frontiers - 80% hasn’t even been looked at beyond boating and satellite imaging. So it is not hard (for me at least) to imagine that Atlantis may have existed. Plato is the first to discuss this city in any “modern text” and all this is in reference to another philosopher who went to Egypt and studied the city that was lost... about 1000 years before him. Like all of Plato’s other musings a lesson was presented in the “downfall of Atlantis” that luxury, hubris, and wealth were bad for the virtue of humanity. Plato stated that Poseidon and his wife at the time, Cleito, lived on this island - Poseidon then gave fractions of the land to his demi-god children. Plato steps in to state that when the generations continue to progress they get further from their original godliness and find they are more susceptible to things like greed and pride. Plato’s dialogue is actually lost after this point so we have to infer from Plato’s “abstract summary” at the beginning that Zeus noticed that Atlantis was becoming too corrupt and forced Poseidon to sink the island using his powers over storms and earthquakes. IN MY OPINION Atlantis in your chart can represent a) where you should be careful and beware of vices, b) where you are undiscovered and dreamlike, c) where there a lot of rumors regarding yourself, d) living with a lot of your family members or multiple generations, and/or e) where you are torn down for your actions.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: zeus (5731), plato (5451)*, and poseidon (4341)!
beatrix (asteroid 83)
Beatrice was both a real and a fiction person. Dante immortalized her and his adoration for her character via The Divine Comedy - at age nine he saw her for the first time and it was something like "love at first sight." In Dante's Inferno (the epic i read this semester; i will not be writing about her role in the other two parts of The Divine Comedy), Beatrice lives on as the object of Dante's love. Her spirit brings forth the great poet, and Dante's idol, Virgil to escort the Dante, the pilgrim through Hell. At the beginning of Inferno Beatrice is seen by Dante, the pilgrim as a beautiful and virtuous angel who makes him wish to renew his faith in the heavens and make his soul more virtuous. IN MY OPINION Beatrix in your chart can represent a) where you are graceful, b) where you are likely to capture someone's eternal attention, c) where you are seen as angelic, d) how you inspire people to be better, and/or e) where/how you connect people with those that can help them reach their goals.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: dante (2999)* and vergilius (asteroid 2798)*!
bede (asteroid 3691)
The Venerable Bede is considered one of the greatest Anglo-Saxon theologian and historian of the Early Middle Ages. His Historia ecclesiastica is one of the most vital sources of history for Christians on the Anglo-Saxon tribes. IN MY OPINION Bede in your chart can represent a) where you're considered an expert by those of a set belief, b) your interest in the Middle Ages, and/or c) where your knowledge goes unquestioned.
beowulf (asteroid 38086)
Beowulf is the one of the first epic poems to have existed dating back to the seventh century. The poem was found in the tenth century and was saved in a rather noteworthy fire - sections of Beowulf are thought to be missing due to the great devastation cause by this fire (often marked *** in sections where ashes landed on the pages). Beowulf as a character is a Pagan warrior who is Christianized by the anonymous Christian transcriptionist. Beowulf is an incredibly strong and notorious hero in the ancient realm of Geatland/Denmark. After hearing word that a monster named Grendel haunts the halls in Hrothgar’s land, Beowulf lends a helping hand. Beowulf beats the creature who has been destroying Hrothgar’s realm for twelve years in one night - empty handed. Beowulf himself vanquishes two more nearly indestructible creatures after his first victory. He dies gloriously at an old age, post-battle with a dragon as a king surrounded by gold. IN MY OPINION Beowulf represents a) where you may be culturally washed over by those who believe they are superior, b) where you are heroic/humble/strong, c) where your tale is nearly destroyed but has been preserved, and d) where you attract glory.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: grendel (541982)*!
see part 2.5 for other christmas-y & wintry asteroids!
camelot (asteroid 9500)
Camelot is the city and castle of the famous King Arthur and his knights. Camelot was home to the round table - which presents as a utopia in which everyone must abide by the code of chivalry. Allegedly Camelot was given to Arthur and Guinevere by Merlin. IN MY OPINION Camelot in your chart can represent a) where you abide by a code of morality, b) where you experience honorable acts, c) where you meet a lot of people with good intentions, and/or d) large gifts given to you.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: guinevere (2483), merlin (2598), and arthur (2597)*!
click here for camelot-sn aspects in synastry
chaucer (asteroid 2984)
Geoffrey Chaucer is considered perhaps one of the greatest poets to have existed. This belief arises from his work The Canterbury Tales. As a man involved in diplomacy and politics (he aided Edward III, Richard II, and Henry IV), he saw many aspects of life and was capable of encompassing the political satire associated with any given class. Chaucer grew up around royalty and had what is assumed to be a decent education. He married well - to a woman of higher class. Upon his turbulent retirement from clerk of the king, Chaucer began his work on The Canterbury Tales. This epic consists of twenty four unique tales following a different character who each tell their own tale in hopes of entertaining those on a pilgrimage in order to win a free supper. Each tale has a different genre in mind, ranging from romance to fabliau, sermons to allegories, etc. To accomplish such a feat (despite him having a bigger goal in mind - that each character tell four stories total (he did not accomplish this)) one could only assume that Chaucer was a very talented writer/poet with great knowledge of life within and outside of his class station. IN MY OPINION Chaucer in your chart can represent a) being deeply involved in politics, b) your appreciation for satire, c) where you can see the perspective of others, d) your judgement of the class system, e) your talent in story telling, and/or f) where you don’t reach the goal you had in mind but you are still praised for greatness. 
chekhov (asteroid 2369)
Anton Chekhov was a great writer and playwright; his works are identifiable by their simple plot and messy conclusions. Chekhov wished to focus on the everyday lives of the average person - a characteristic of Russian realism. Chekhov originally got into writing to support his family and pay his tuition - he was a doctor then a writer. Shortly after he became a physician, he learned that he had tuberculosis and seemed to gravitate towards the calmer world on writing (over the world of a traveling physician). Chekhov lived a shorter but full life of drama and the arts. IN MY OPINION Chekhov in your chart can represent a) where you wish for simple life but experience drama, b) where you are forced to go with a second option, c) how your health effects your career, d) where you support your family and self, and/or e) where simple life makes you money.
click here for taurus chekhov and chekhov-mc aspects in a natal chart
cslewis (asteroid 7644)
Many of us know C. S. Lewis as the man that wrote the Chronicles of Narnia - a thrilling high fantasy book series that had so much popularity, that it was made into a popular movie series as well in the 2000s. Lewis served in the infantry division during World War II then found himself engrossed in a literary education. He completed a three year degree in one in regards to English Literature (note to my readers: i too am doing my english major in one year (my cslewis is at 27° in my 12h)) then became a professor of medieval and renaissance literature. Most don't know that Lewis was an atheist for a long time in his youth and that later he became an apologist. Notably he wrote Mere Christianity in which he defended Christianity. IN MY OPINION Cslewis in your chart can represent a) your love for high fantasy, b) your enjoyment of anthropomorphic creatures, c) how must you enjoy a topic, d) quick education, and/or e) where you change beliefs.
see part 2.5 for other christmas-y & wintry asteroids!
dante (asteroid 2999)
Dante Alighieri was an infamous poet and philosopher. His Divine Comedy is likely one of the most important of the poetics from the Middle Ages because of its unique nature and inspiration of topic. During the Middle Ages most poet wrote in Latin - making the topic accessible to only the educated - but Dante wrote his Commedia in Italian. Most poets at the time also wrote in some kind of pentameter, but because Dante wrote in Italian and not Latin so he had to deviate from the typical rhyme scheme too. Dante was the first poet to use terza rima - three-line rhyme scheme, triplets in iamb (aba bcb cdc). Dante wrote his Divine Comedy in exile from Florence, Italy after being accused of corruption and financial fraud and due to not paying the fine associated with the crime. It is thought that his opening line of Inferno reflects his feelings whilst in exile: "In the middle of our life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood." The lines following are Dante, the poet's, musings of what Hell and it's punishments are like. Dante, the pilgrim, and Virgil, the ghost of the Roman poet, takes readers on a tour of Hell where all readers can observe the punishments of sinners via contrapasso. Contrapasso is a law of nature, much like karma, stating that for the crime there must be an equal and fitting punishment. Dante, the pilgrim, is in a constant state of existentialism as he reflects on the wrongdoings of others as well as his own wrongdoings. Dante, the poet, also included political figures in the sinners whom Dante, the pilgrim, sees along his journey through Hell... because Dante, the poet, was bitter over being exiled... IN MY OPINION Dante in your chart can represent a) how your writing differs from other people's, b) where you do your own thing despite common practice, c) where you reflect on your actions, d) your thoughts on the afterlife, and/or e) your metaphysical journey.
gawain (asteroid 2054)
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a popular epic that opens at the winter dinner party of King Arthur. The party is interrupted by a stranger who introduces himself as the Green Knight (no shock he is quite literally all green) - he challenges the room of party-goers to strike him with his own blade, so that he will be peaceful and may gift his great golden axe to the winner. The only condition is that the Green Knight will strike whoever strikes him in return in one year’s time. Sir Gawain volunteers claiming that he would be no loss to the company because his life only means something because he is related to Arthur. Sir Gawain takes up the axe and decapitates the Green Knight. The Green Knight simply picks up his head and rides away reminding Sir Gawain he must seek him out at the Green Chapel a year and a day from now. Sir Gawain leaves around fall that year to seek the Green Knight only to find that he is unsure where to go - he finds his way to a castle. At the castle Gawain is invited to stay with the lord and take part in a hunting game; each day the lord and Gawain will exchange what they caught that day. The lord hunts, but Gawain stays in and finds himself pursued by the lord's wife... At the end of each day Gawain gets various animals and gives the lord the kisses he has gained from the lord’s wife. On the last day, Gawain keeps a girdle that the lady of the castle gives him claiming that it has the power to protect the wearer. When Gawain leaves with the lord - who states he knows where the Green Chapel is - he guides him then states he will go no further. When the Green Knight emerges the act ensue in which the knight strike Gawain. Gawain flinches twice until the third blow, but nothing happen but a tiny nick on his neck - thanks to the girdle. The Green Knight laughs then announces that he is actually the lord of the castle and the lady is actually Morgan le Faye who wanted to test Arthur’s court. Gawain returns to the court wearing the sash as a reminder of his failure to remain truthful, his cowardice, and his sinful nature. IN MY OPINION Gawain in your chart can represent a) a lack of confidence and/or good self-esteem, b) where you fear death but feign fearlessness, c) where you toe the line of your code of honor, and/or d) where you are constantly reminded of your cowardice and/or failure.
see part 2.5 for other christmas-y & wintry asteroids!
gogol (asteroid 2361)
Nikolai Gogol was a famous Russian writer. Gogol is thought to be the first writer to use the grotesque in the Golden Era of Russian Literature. His writing is identifiable by its his use of his character's defamiliarization with themselves (ex: in "The Nose," Major Kovalyov wakes up without his nose one day and experiences life as someone of low status and regard). Gogol himself was not a popular peer - he was thought to have a dark disposition. Gogol had many ambitions in life - he wanted to be an actor, a poet... When he tried to be a poet, his poetry (published under a pseudonym) was ridiculed by everyone everywhere. In response, Gogol bought all the copies that remained in stores and destroyed them swearing to never write poetry again. Gogol later decided to try literature and he excelled. IN MY OPINION Gogol in your chart can represent a) where you see the world through a strange and dark lens, b) where you degrade others as they degrade you, c) where you can't be everything that you dreamt of being, d) where you may be close to your job of choice yet you fail, and/or e) how you approach rejection on a grand scale and which area you are likely to face it in.
grendel (asteroid 541982)
Grendel is the first monster faced in Beowulf. Grendel is a lonesome beast who lives in the cold outreaches of Denmark. After being constantly annoyed by Hrothgar’s hall and the rowdy people within, Grendel decides to exterminate those within as punishment for disturbing his peace. For twelve years, each night Grendel slaughters Hrothgar’s people until Beowulf’s arrival. Grendel appears in the hall as he had many times before to discover that a shirtless, disarmed man lay in wait for him. The two battle and Grendel loses after Beowulf tears his arm clean off. Grendel retreats to his cold, lonesome lake in the forest to die. IN MY OPINION Grendel represents a) where you may feel alone/depressed, b) where you are envious of others, c) where you are annoyed the most, and d) where you must return to baser instincts to achieve peace.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: beowulf (38086)*!
see part 2.5 for other christmas-y & wintry asteroids!
haiku (asteroid 12477)
Haikus came to popularity in the 17th century and really didn’t have a name until the 19th. Haikus were originally targeted as zen philosophies for life - they aimed to have the reader reengage with world around them. Now these three lined poems (following the 5 syllables, 7 syllables, then 5 syllables pattern) follow any subject matter. The practice of writing a haiku is to practice the ability to use concise wording despite limitations. IN MY OPINION Haiku in your chart can represent a) where you can find peace, b) your talent regarding haikus, c) where you tend to be short and consistent, and/or d) where you experience peaceful thoughts.
isolda (asteroid 211)
This one is fun - so in the Arthurian legends in which Tristan is the central character, Ysolt is his love interest. The thing is how crazy this is her name is often evolved with language: Iseult, Isolde, Isolda, etc. In the versions I read (The Madness of Tristan, Chevrefoil, and Le Roman de Tristran) she was referred to as Ysolt - so that’s what I am rolling with. BUT the horrible this is that there are three Ysolts: the mother Ysolt, the Queen Ysolt, and Ysolt of the White Hands. I’m referring to Queen Ysolt because the founder of the asteroid was referring to Queen Ysolt, the star-crossed lover of Tristan. So here we go - Tristan is a bit nutty because Ysolt is his uncle’s wife… and he is in love with her… because of a love potion… He is obsessed, she is hopelessly in love with him as well. Ysolt constantly stands by Tristan and approaches him with gifts of recognition - honeysuckle, hazel branch, scissors, etc. In The Madness of Tristan, she refuses to believe that Tristan is indeed himself and despite his ostracism of her and her “lack of loyalty,” she is still accepted by him when she final believes him. IN MY OPINION Isolda in your chart can represent a) where you may have an identity crisis, b) where people may struggle to differentiate you from others, c) where you are hopelessly obsessed with others, and/or d) the types of gifts you give lovers.
click here for isolda-krama aspects in synastry
click here for isolda-vesta aspects in synastry
kafka (asteroid 3412)
Franz Kafka was a Bohemian writer, who is considered a big part of the modernist movement as he fused ideas of reality with the fantastical. Much like Chekhov, Kafka was not initially a writer by trade - Kafka was going to school to be a lawyer (but went into insurance) and spent his free time writing. He often wrote late at night but struggled with anxiety and self doubt - he burned an estimated 90% of his work. During his life he received very little recognition - publishing only a few works and mostly sending letters to those he had strained or romantic relationships with. Kafka died at 40 from tuberculosis (just like Chekhov), and in his will he instructed his friend Max Brod to destroy everything left unfinished (The Castle, The Trial, etc.) - but Brod ignored this and had most of these works published. The Castle and The Trial are two of his most popular works - both would have been destoryed had his friend followed his wishes. His works explore alienation, existential dread, guilt, absurdity, and so much more - many people relate to Kafka though he struggled with self esteem most of his life. IN MY OPINION Kafka in your chart represents a) where your reality is distorted, b) where you doubt yourself, c) your anxiety and existential dread, and/or d) where your thinking/intrusive thoughts are the most relatable.
ortrud (asteroid 551)
Ortrud is a character from Lohengrin - a final chapter in the medieval epic poem Parzival. Ortrud is the wife to the Duke's guard, Telramund. The Duke has been murdered, Telramund believes the Duke was murdered by his sister Elsa - when the King finds no answer to who is responsible for this murder he blames Telramund and orders a trial by combat. When a Knight arrives on the scene, supporters of Telramund beg the guard to withdraw from the duel but he refuses. All of his supporters begin praying, only Ortrud does not - instead she claims that he will live and likely win against the Knight. The Knight spares Telramund's life and Telramund and Ortrud are banished from the court. Ortrud confesses that she is a witch and can promise that they will rule the kingdom. Ortrud convinces Elsa to take pity on her and Elsa allows Ortrud into the castle again. Ortrud plans to topple the Knight's reputation by claiming he is some sort of sorcerer because the Knight has yet to introduce himself and share his identity. Despite not knowing who the Knight is Elsa marries him. The Knight easily defeats Telramund, who tries to attack him on his wedding night. The Knight states that his name is Lohengrin and Elsa has learned his identity so he must go home (somewhere in the fight scene there is mention of "In fernem land" which indicates his identity). A swan boat arrives to take him home but Ortrud comes forward to claim that the swan figure is Elsa's brother who Ortrud cursed into becoming a swan. Ortrud is then found guilt of witchcraft and essentially melts into nothing as she watches Lohengrin turn the swan back into the Duke. IN MY OPINION Ortrud in your chart represents a) where you are wrong about everything, b) your deception of others, c) where you expose yourself and your wrongdoings, and/or d) where your beliefs aren't in alignment with the majority of those around you. This asteroid was asked for by @brielledoesastrology !
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: lohengrin (9505), telramund (9506), and gottfried (9507) aka the duke!
plato (asteroid 5451)
Yes, we have talked Plato before in a prior post BUT THIS IS DIFFERENT. Today we are talking Plato’s Myth of the Cave. Imagine that all your life you have lived life in a cave - chained since childhood. Your back to the exit you don’t even know exists because you can’t turn your head. People walk behind you carrying objects, the shadows they cast are all you know. You are likely to belief that this is the reality of life - chains, shadows, and darkness. One day you break free and discover the exit - life exists outside of the cave. At first you would only pay attention to the shadows that are casted by the objects around you. You would eventually come to the realization that more than what you previously believed existed is real. This is how Plato explained knowledge - often people are trapped by their own perception, and what they see they believe. IN MY OPINION Plato in this context can represent a) where your beliefs rule your reality, b) where knowledge limits you most, c) where you need to shift your perspective, and/or d) where you can experience a major shift in belief and reality.
poe (asteroid 17427)
Edgar Allen Poe was a famous American writer known for his macabre mysteries - he is perhaps America’s first short story writer. Poe had several jobs before his creative writing - clerk, journalist, the military, etc. Poe also had many issues in his live including drugs, alcohol, women, and more. Most interestingly about Poe is his death; at age 40 he died from “congestion of the brain” according to the papers, but his death certificate is lost. “Congestion of the brain” is akin to inflammation of the brain - which means he could have suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning, epilepsy, menginitis, etc. Poe is also theorized to have been a victim of cooping - which is when someone is held hostage forced to drink alcohol whilst being beaten based on popular vote of hatred. IN MY OPINION Poe in your chart can represent a) where you have a dark perceptive, b) where you have a lot of life struggles, and/or c) uncertainty and skepticism surrounding death. 
pushkin (asteroid 2208)
Born of noble descendant but lacking any of the titles or entitlement associated with said descendant, Pushkin became Russia’s most famous author and poet. Pushkin went to school with other children of nobility but only ever excelled at literature. When he graduated he was free to do what he wished and he chose to write poetry - around 130 were written and were unpublished due to them being deemed too lewd for the era. One poem in particular was about a political figure and caused Pushkin to be exiled from Moscow. The Czar forgives him about ten years later and Pushkin returned home. He married a very lovely woman who had many suitors... One suitor she continued to see - and I’m not talking about Pushkin. Pushkin was then forced to propose a duel (completely illegal). Both survive the duel but Pushkin suffers for three days with a bullet wound and inevitably dies. On his death bed whole neighborhoods and even the Czar sent his regards. IN MY OPINION Pushkin in your chart can represent a) where you have increased opportunity, b) how well you do with literature, c) where you are forgiven and loved despite your shortcomings, and/or d) how love wounds you.
shakespeare (asteroid 2985)
Shakespeare, also known as the Bard and Sawn of Avon, is perhaps the greatest dramatist and poet of all time. Very little exists regarding Shakespeare’s childhood and education though most assume he was taught the basics as a public official’s son - often people doubt his authorship because of this lack of information. This gap in information and mysterious nature regarding his life is found frequently in his timeline; it is only when he becomes active in theatre that we have consistent knowledge regarding Shakespeare. IN MY OPINION Shakespeare in your chart can represent a) your appreciation for theatre/plays/poetry, b) where you are prolific, c) long-lasting public recognition, and/or d) where your life is mysterious and no one knows anything worth noting about you.
tristan (asteroid 1966)
Sir Tristan is part of a popular Celtic legend in which Ysolt and he are often experiencing tragedy and illicit love - by illicit, I mean that Ysolt is married to Tristan’s uncle, so technically this relationship would be consider at the time adulterous and incestuous. This relationship often begins with Tristan escorting Ysolt to Ireland to marry his uncle. On this trip the two accidentally drink a love potion causing a love affair to arise between the two. In Madness of Tristan, Tristan tests Ysolt’s claims of loyalty - he disguises himself as a homeless man and interrogates Ysolt about her love for Sir Tristan. He claims that she lacks loyalty and proves he is Tristan. She of course is so relieved to see him and the two have a reunion - in Chevrefoil the two actually are indicated to have sexual interaction. Anyone who knows about the chivalric code knows that knights aren't supposed to be adulterous and anyone who knows about chivalric love knows that there shouldn't be intimacy of that level for any coupling. In Le Roman de Tristran, the couple travels to meet one another out of lust and  but when Ysolt arrives Tristan is dying and quite literally does so in her arms, while she begs God to help him (news flash God doesn't support your adultery or incest, Ysolt lol). IN MY OPINION Tristan in your chart can represent a) a tragic and/or forbidden romance, b) where you go against your moral code for love, c) incest, d) distrust of your lover, e) lust or a “romance” you can not avoid, and/or f) where you die for “love.” Tagging @factsrological​ as a follow up to our Tristan conversation back in December 2022!
click here for mars-tristan aspects in synastry
vergilius (asteroid 2798)
Virgil, the Greek poet, wrote many great poems and epics (most notably the Aeneid), but his appearance as the guide of Dante, the pilgrim, in Inferno is one of his greatest historical moments. Virgil's ghost guides and protects Dante through Hell despite being seen as damned and not good enough for heaven due to his polytheism. Virgil advises and gives wisdom to Dante on human flaws and sins through out the journey to help Dante become pure enough to reach Paradiso. IN MY OPINION Virgilius in your chart can represent a) your appreciation for mythology, b) where centuries later you may inspire another with your work, c) where/how you protect those you guide, d) where you advise others to reach their highest potential, and/or d) where you are kept down due to your beliefs.
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Women of Ace Attorney, pt. 1
So, there are a lot of women in Ace Attorney. And there is so much to say about all of them. The biggest chunk of women connected to each other, though, is the Fey Clan. There are five named characters who you actively interact with who have the last name “Fey,” and a few more who share ancestry with the Feys, even if they don’t have the same name or prestige. Moreover, the Fey Clan is notoriously exclusionary to men. Whether or not this is intentional, I don’t recall if that’s made clear, but either way, men don’t typically stick around, and the village is an isolated matriarchal community. This makes the Fey women particularly good subjects for this kind of analysis.
I’ll be completely honest, I think if I had to choose one character who exemplifies the trauma of being a woman, a mother, a sister, and a daughter better than anyone else in the franchise, I have to choose Morgan Fey. There is a lot we can speculate about her character, but first, I’m going to list a few things we know from canon:
Morgan was the eldest and was, therefore, meant to become the Master of Kurain.
Morgan stepped up to lead Kurain Village in her sister’s absence.
Morgan raised Mia and Maya after Misty disappeared.
Morgan believed her daughter, Pearl, deserved to be the Master because of her abilities.
Morgan has had other children before Pearl (namely Dahlia and Iris Hawthorne).
There are obviously more facts than this, but these are the key points I’ll refer back to.
When we meet Pearl, she is eight (8) years old. Already, Morgan knows that her spiritual powers surpass Maya’s. By this metric, we can assume that Morgan knew Misty was the stronger of the two of them for a very long time. Before this point, every Master had been the eldest daughter, who traditionally held more spiritual power. Thus, this led to Morgan being scorned and looked down upon by the other inhabitants of Kurain Village.
Ever since Morgan was a child, she was told just how much of a failure she was and how she would amount to nothing. Her birthright was stripped from her, and she had it rubbed in her face time and time again.
I think we can agree that this is fucked up and would absolutely ruin some of our self-esteems were we in Morgan’s shoes. However, through all of this, Morgan works diligently to restore her family line to their (at least in her eyes) rightful place as the Main Family. She marries, has twin daughters, realizes neither of them have enough spiritual power to beat out Mia and Maya, divorces, and sends her daughters away (this is a segue into a later post I will make about Dahlia because she is interesting as hell).
Even more than that, after Misty disappears following the DL-6 Incident, Morgan takes the reins in Kurain Village and raises Mia and Maya. We can see from the way Morgan interacts with Pearl that she is strict. We also get this sense from the way Maya reacts when Morgan is brought up in conversation during Reunion, and Turnabout (2-2). A recurring motif in the Ace Attorney games is the idea of being the best or being perfect, whatever that means to any given character, and Morgan is no exception to this. The expectations she places on both Maya and Pearl are evident, and it takes a fairly obvious toll on both of them.
So, we have a woman who has been beaten down for decades, since she was a child, who was stripped of her rightful place in the family and cast aside. She climbs anyway, she raises the entire next generation of Fey women, and they revere her. She works in the shadows to better her own lineage, because she doesn’t want her daughter, Pearl, an incredibly talented medium, to be relegated to a Branch Family when her rightful place is the title of Master.
Morgan sends away her daughters who lack spiritual abilities. Why? Maybe because for Morgan’s whole life, she’s been taught that power is everything. Without spiritual powers, a Fey woman is worth less than dirt. At least, that’s the lesson Morgan took away from everything. So, she strives to put her family back on top, where they belong, and she seeks to destroy everything that stands in her way. In some ways, everything Morgan does is for Pearl.
In some ways, Morgan is a fierce protector, a mother bear. Morgan is a woman who was taught the only way to survive was to use her teeth. So she does.
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olsenmyolsen · 13 days
Chapter Eleven: A Weekend Away Pt. 1 - Pictures
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The Farmer's Daughter - (A WandaNat Story)
(the gif kinda makes sense!)
Masterlist . Tag list: @xenaizogie
Summary: Natasha heads with Kate for a weekend away to think more about what she and Wanda want. Not to mention Kate has an art show!
Word Count: 3.3K
Content: Feelings, Fliritng, Talks about Yelena, Maya Lopez and other Marvel characters show up, Sexting?
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"Do you wanna talk about it?" Kate asked as she looked from the road to her friend in the passenger seat. Natasha had her arm on the door up against the window. Her index finger touching her bottom row of teeth.
She was smiling.
Natasha turned as Kate looked back at the road. "She tasted like cherries." Natasha blushed as she thought about it. Kate didn't have to look to know. She could hear it in Natasha's voice.
"We can still turn around," Kate said teasingly as they passed another mile marker. Natasha shook her head. "It'll be good to have this slight space." Kate clicked her tongue. "Only if you're sure." She said.
Natasha looked at her friend. "I'm sure." She went back to look out the window. "I just need space to think about me and her."
Kate didn't one hundred percent agree.
"I mean, I know you're in your confused feelings, but what's there to think about?" Kate asked. "She's Erik's daughter. Okay. Her family seems really cool, so I doubt there'd be much intervention there." Kate said before continuing. "Aside from the fact that she is on the younger side."
"Eight years is the difference," Natasha spoke up as her eyes darted to a food sign for a restaurant four miles away.
"Eight years," Kate repeated as she shimmed her hand back and forth before she put it down. "No." She commanded. "That's silly to get upset about. Men do this shit all the time." Kate looked around her mirrors before switching lanes.
"You didn't use your turn signal." Natasha scolded.
"Hush," Kate said. Natasha chuckled before continuing the conversation. "Most people don't live and work where they meet someone like Wanda. I work for her father." Natasha pointed out.
Kate nodded. "Back to my first point. Her family seems really cool, so I doubt there'd be much intervention there." Kate repeated her statement. "For the record." Kate darted her eyes from the road to Natasha. "I like her. I think she's a good match for you."
"Yeah. You should see your smile."
Natasha looked down and bit her bottom lip. Maybe that's another undiscovered reason for needing this space. It had been a long time since Natasha found herself being this happy with anyone.
Kate's apartment was on the opposite side of the city, where Natasha met her at the bar.
As Natasha closed the door behind her, she looked around the small hallway into the two-bedroom place. It was cute, and as she stepped further in, Natasha marveled at how far Kate had come since the loss of Yelena.
Going from her mom's place to this was a step forward for her.
"Where's Fanny?" Natasha asked as Kate opened the cluttered second bedroom for her. Framed pictures of Kate's work lining up against the walls in addition to boxes still unpacked. "At a friend's. She'll drop Fanny off tomorrow."
"A friend's?" Natasha asked with a slight tilt of the head and tease in her voice as she placed her bag on the bed. "Ignore the mess." Kate waved her hands at the room. "And yes, a friend." Kate raised her eyebrows to Natasha as she walked out of the room. "Should we get take out?" She asked as she walked into the kitchen—multiple take-out menus on her fridge.
"Sure," Natasha answered as she followed Kate. "What's this friend's name?" Natasha smiled as she looked at Kate's side profile.
Kate should've known Natasha wasn't going to let this go.
"Maya," Kate said as she held up a Chinese menu. Natasha nodded and took it from Kate's hands. It's been a while since she had some. "How long have you known Maya?" Natasha asked while reading the menu as she went to sit on the lovely soft couch. Natasha knew Kate never used her dining room.
Kate came out from the kitchen with two cold beers. She placed one in front of Natasha.
"About a year," Kate answered as she watched Natasha close the paper menu, handing it to her. Kate set her beer down and took it, seemingly dropping the conversation surrounding Maya.
Natasha went quiet and got up to look at Kate's apartment with the beer in hand.
Tons of photographs from artists Kate loved and photos she took were also out here mixed in with artsy movie posters and stuff picked up from the street.
"Oh wow!" Kate looked up as Natasha leaned forward to a small picture on her bookshelf. Inside a white frame was Clint and Kate throwing up peace signs in the middle of a desert. "I met you that day," Natasha said as she put the picture back down. Kate smiled and nodded. "Any regrets?" Kate joked, making Natasha laugh. "Not yet."
Natasha continued finding more pictures as Kate ordered the food.
It was bittersweet. The pictures felt like yesterday and like a lifetime ago at the same time. Some featured people Natasha had never met or were almost close enough to call family.
"Do you want another one?" Natasha called out to Kate as she lifted her empty bottle. "Yeah, thanks. Bottom drawer." Kate said as she flipped through endless streaming services, looking for anything to watch. Neither person could decide.
Natasha tossed the bottles into Kate's recycling bin before opening the fridge door. But a Polaroid picture with a magnet holding it in place stopped her.
It was a picture of Yelena and Kate the night Kate proposed. Yelena held her ring finger to the camera as Kate kissed her cheek. Natasha had never seen her sister so happy when she answered the FaceTime that night.
Natasha smiled and touched the face of the blonde in the picture before her eyes looked elsewhere. A picture of Fanny looking cute as hell. Next to that was a flyer for an art show tomorrow night.
Kate Bishop.
Was the name featured in the center? Natasha tilted her head and removed the flyer from the fridge before turning around. "Kate, what's this!?" Kate pulled her eyes from the TV and adjusted her eyes. "Oh, the flyer?" Natasha nodded. "You're doing an art show?" Kate smiled. "Yeah?" Natasha shook her head. "That's incredible!"
Kate was horrible at receiving compliments. "Thanks." She struggled to say. Natasha rolled her eyes and hung the piece of paper back on the fridge door. "I hope I'm invited." She said as she pulled out two beers. "I can get you a ticket," Kate said from the other room. 
Natasha laughed as she closed the fridge door and went to grab extra napkins and sauce packets for their food. 
"Find anything?" Natasha asked as she sat on the couch. Kate had, in fact, found a movie for them to watch. "I know you're a softie for animated movies." Natasha playfully glared at Kate before the black-haired girl clicked play on a movie called Sing.
It wasn't too much longer after a porcupine popped up on the screen that their Chinese food came.
The next morning, a barking dog awoke Natasha.
She wasn't sure what time it was, but she appreciated Kate trying to get Fanny to stop barking. But it wasn't working. Fanny smelt someone new in the apartment and needed to investigate.
Natasha lifted herself out of bed and walked to her door in her sleepwear. She could hear the foot movements of two figures by the front door, but no one was speaking.
She wiped the crust from her eyes and opened her door. Immediately, Fanny ran to Natasha. And just like that, her sleepiness was gone as Natasha crouched down and accepted the large dog into her arms.
"Okay. Okay. Stopping licking." Natasha pushed Fanny's nose away and looked up.
Two people were watching her. With a smile and her phone facing Natasha, Kate took a million pictures. The other person was a taller, broader woman. Deep dark brown hair, brown eyes to match, and a quizzical look.
Natasha stood up and smiled at them both. "Morning!" The mysterious figure looked at Natasha's lips. "Sorry about Fanny, we were trying to be quiet," Kate said as Natasha darted her eyes to the other person still watching her. "I see that." Fanny bumped Natasha's leg, asking for more pets.
Natasha was starting to grow leery of the mysterious person until they tapped Kate on the shoulder, making the pajama-wearing woman turn around.
That's when Natasha realized.
She watched the person who dropped off Fanny begin to sign to Kate. They were deaf. Kate held up her hand and spoke clearly to Natasha. "She's asking who you are." Natasha took quick steps forward. She made sure to speak effectively. "Natasha Romanoff." She stuck her hand out as the person signed before shaking Natasha's hand. Strong grip.
"Maya Lopez." Kate translated even if Natasha could put that together herself. "Nice to meet you." Maya read Natasha's lips and smiled back before looking at Kate. Natasha watched as they signed back and forth.
Natasha smiled to herself as she watched this happen. Kate didn't know ASL the last time they spoke. And this was Maya.
Natasha moved her eyes from their hands to the way Kate smiled.
It was familiar.
"She's a little upset I didn't tell her about you staying with me this weekend," Kate said before getting slapped on the arm by Maya. "Apparently, I wasn't supposed to repeat that."
Never change Kate.
Natasha smiled at her friend as she crossed her arms over her chest. She rolled her tongue over her teeth. She had Kate. "Why would Maya be a little upset?" Natasha asked, being coy.
Kate went red as her eyes grew in size.
"I-..." She froze before turning to Maya with a nervous smile. She then signed for a minute before saying her goodbyes. Natasha lifted a hand and waved, too. Fanny got some pets. However, once the door closed, Fanny went to get some water, and Kate finally turned back to Natasha.
"What a nice friend," Natasha emphasized with amusement.
Kate fell back against the door. "It's new... okay." There it was. Natasha nodded but she could see Kate wasn't exactly thrilled in this moment. Natasha stepped towards Kate. "Kate, I'm not upset."
Kate briefly looked at Natasha in the eyes. "Yeah..." She lifted herself off the door. "It's just-" Natasha cut Kate off she could see where her brain was going.
"Kate, I'm going to be honest with you." Kate closed her mouth. "Yelena would want you to be happy... but she would definitely want it to be with herself forever." Kate lightly laughed. "She hated sharing." Natasha nodded. "I remember."
Kate breathed out. "It's been years, and I still feel her sometimes." Natasha gave Kate a sympathetic look. She understood. "Does Maya know about Yelena?" Natasha asked.
"Yeah. She understands."
"Then you have nothing stopping you. As long as you're happy."
"I am." Natasha smiled. "You learned ASL for her." Now, it was Kate who was smiling like an idiot. "I did." Natasha moved closer to Kate and opened her arms. "Yelena's not with us, but I'll always be your sister." Kate hugged Natasha before laughing. "What I was being sweet." Natasha moved back and said. Kate shook her head. "After you stepped out of the room, Maya said she was close to kicking your ass before realizing who you were."
Natasha lifted her eyebrows. "I'd like to see her try." She smirked, making Kate laugh. "Oh, Tasha, just don't bring this up, and everything will be fine."
The rest of the day flew by for Natasha. She and Kate went out to breakfast, did some shopping, and got things together for tonight's art show, including their outfits. Natasha chose a black dress that lifted her boobs while also having a slit from her hip to her ankle. Natasha loved the way it felt.
Kate put it on her card, so everything was fine there. Plus, Natasha didn't have anything really sexy like this anymore.
It's not that she needed the dress for any night past this, but what if she wanted it for someone who had been on her mind off and on all day?
What if she wanted to be sexy for Wanda Maximoff?
Natasha thought about her a little after breakfast and what should we be up to on a nice like today. She guessed she would've convinced Natasha to go into town or to the creek again.
Natasha again thought about her when she was on her phone, sitting outside a coffee shop with Fanny while waiting for Kate. She ended up on Wanda's Instagram after following her a week prior. The latest post was from Thursday morning, and it was a picture of the farm with the sun high in the sky.
Natasha smiled when she looked at the picture because she knew precisely what Wanda was doing. In the left corner, off in the distance, was Natasha standing next to Butterball. Not that anyone would know it was Natasha, aside from a handful of people.
And feeling bold, two hours later, Natasha returned to the post and sent it back to Wanda with a message.
"Just saw this! Looks beautiful."
Natasha stared at the direct message screen before closing out of her phone went. Kate walked into the living room and asked her which black tie to wear for her suit that night.
In Natasha's eyes, there wasn't a difference.
"Left?" She said, which made Kate groan. Left was the wrong answer. Kate stomped into her room, making Natasha laugh. "It's not funny!" Kate yelled. "It is from here!" Natasha yelled back as she could feel Katherine roll her eyes.
Natasha picked up her phone once more, and it opened on Instagram. Her message turned from delivered to seen. Wanda's icon had a green dot next to it.
Wanda was sitting on the living room floor, watching a movie playing in the background. Monica Rambeau sat on the couch behind her, typing on her laptop. Monica had been feeling bad about being too busy with her summer program to really hang out, so when Wanda asked her if she wanted to come over, she jumped at the opportunity.
Except she did need to finish an essay by Monday, hence the laptop. But Wanda didn't mind. She needed some sort of distraction, and Monica did that.
Well, she was when they talked earlier and watched TikToks and some animated singing movies. But hours later, Wanda found herself on Instagram. Again.
However, this time, she opened it to a message.
She was shocked when she saw who it was from.
But slowly, her shocked face turned into one of joy. As Wanda pulled her phone closer to her face, she smiled. Wanda read the message twice before thinking of anything to say.
"The landscape was just perfect. Wouldn't you agree?"
Natasha could feel the flirty undertones miles away. She bit her tongue as she thought of a response.
"I would agree, Wanda. You should take pictures of the farm more often."
"Or do you mean pictures of you?" Wandas whispered as she read Nat's message. "Did you say something?" Monica spoke up, making Wanda jump. Wanda turned around and gripped her phone. "No." She shook her head, making Monica shrug before going back to typing. "I won't be too much longer, Wands," Monica said, but Wanda was fine with it.
It gave her time to flirt with the woman she missed.
And if anything, these messages proved that Natasha missed her just as much.
Which hurt less because Wanda still thought Natasha shouldn't have left.
After more flirty messages back and forth, Natasha had to let Wanda know she needed to start getting ready for Kate's event tonight.
"What kind of event?"
Wanda asked after waving bye to Monica. Monica remembered she had to purchase a textbook for her program.
"Kate's photography is being put on show." Natasha typed back while also sending a photo of the flyer for said event.
"Sounds like fun!" Wanda was being supportive and trying her best not to think about Kate parading Natasha around as anything more than a friend.
She knew Natasha and Kate would never be anything. But still, sometimes your mind likes to be mean to you. So Wanda decided to change topics a tad as she sat on her bed.
"What are you wearing?" She asked instead.
"Right now?" Natasha joked, knowing that was not the question. "Nat! What are you wearing later??"
Natasha read the words on her screen, got up, and went to her room. She sat next to her dress. It laid out on the bed. Natasha looked it over before finding herself in a mirror. She then smirked and messaged Wanda back.
"One second."
Wandasmiled and fell back onto her bed. Her stomach was flipping. She was happy they were back to their flirty back-and-forth, but she wasn't exactly sure where that left them until Monday.
Wanda had a hard time sleeping last night. She couldn't stop thinking about their kiss and how she wanted to do it repeatedly.
However, before she could think about it any longer, her phone buzzed, causing Wanda to jump up off her bed.
She couldn't sit still.
"I want to know what you think, Wanda?" Were the words below a photo of Natahsa looking as sexy as ever. A different kind of sexy compared to her usual look. The picture, along with Natasha's body, was captivating and distracting.
Natasha was in a vintage-designed, tight, perfect black dress with her firey red hair slicked back—her ear piercings on display, her muscular shoulders, and her soft chest.
Wanda could feel her mouth water.
Wanda found herself staring and going over Natasha's body again and again. She was so distracted, in fact, that Wanda stepped right into her full laundry basket of clean clothes before slamming her knee against the floor as she fell, creating a loud thud throughout the house.
Her phone fell from her hand.
"Wanda!?" Erik yelled from the bottom of the stairs, making Wanda lift her head. "Yeah?" She called out. Erik looked at his wife in the dining room with a puzzle before looking up at the stairs. "Is everything okay?"
Wanda pulled herself up onto her bed with her phone in hand. "Yeah, I just tripped!" She looked down at her already swollen knee. "Fuck..." Wanda whispered.
Erik looked back to his wife and shook his head.
Meanwhile, Natasha was sat on her bed waiting for Wanda's reply.
Had I come on too strong?
Was this too far?
Did I kill her?
Natasha asked these very valid questions in her head until the answer buzzed in her hand. "I think you're trying to kill me, Romanoff 😉"
Natasha smiled wide. "And what if I am?" She replied. Wanda smirked and looked at her outfit of choice for the day. Nothing special or fancy like Natasha's, but she knew she could make it work.
Wanda left the messages and opened her camera.
"Then you're gonna have to try harder than that." Belowthese words was a selfie of Wanda lying on her bed. The picture was from Wanda's belly button-up. She wore an oversized gray crop top that hung off one shoulder. She wasn't wearing a bra. Her brunette hair was wavy and messy. Her pink lips were freshly wet.
However, the best part was Wanda's green eyes staring directly into the camera. Directly at Natasha. Natasha's mouth hung open as her eyes etched the sight of Wanda into her mind forever.
Wanda lit up when she received one of the last messages.
"I have to get going 😉 these are almost better than your farm pictures.
Wanda laughed and was happy that they were flirting once again.
"Have fun tonight, Romanoff. I can't wait to hear about it. Your place tomorrow night?"
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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oodlyenough · 2 months
aa6-1 foreign turnabout
finished off DD last week and we're straight into soj.
i know the least about soj of any of the games probably, which is kind of nice because these later games really need the element of surprise they don't have a lot else lmao.
some thoughts on the tutorial case:
the good
this is a big visual upgrade from dual destinies (although i'm still unconvinced the games needed to move to 3d assets). phoenix's model looks better in ways i found hard to articulate until someone on twt pointed out SOJ gets rid of the bulky black outlines. it's so much smoother!
aside from the models, the sprite animations for the new characters are very detailed (almost too detailed... i mean do we need ninety animations per NPC? can we get some extra ones for phoenix lmao), i like how the UI has been refreshed to match khurain, overall it just looks more polished/complete than DD.
insight is new, and subject to suck more later lmao, but so far it's the best minigame since the magatama. both perceive and mood matrix suffer from being kind of nonsensical; it never stopped being goofy to me in DD that you just had interactions like "well i found the body and i was shocked" "UM ACTUALLY my robot says you were RED EMOJI FACE, so you're lying!" insight, on the other hand, is more based on logic/reason -- spot the contradiction, think through a couple different layers of info (rayfa's words vs what's on screen and what makes sense), etc. i also like the idea that the ghost witness isn't lying, you just have to interpret the memory -- it's a bit of a refreshing change from everyone just committing perjury 30000000 times.
the defense culpability act is very funny. i can't be mad at it because it is too funny. i think i should get to kill the prosecutor if i win.
also, maya having lived here for unspecified time period, surely being aware of the lawyer stuff and still inviting her best friend, ace attorney phoenix wright, is very hilarious. i hope edgeworth, academic of foreign legal systems, had a heart attack as soon as he heard where nick's vacation was
it is also funny to see supervillain payne. winston payne was just kind of an asshole and largely incompetent. gaspen is a supervillain who longs for murder. well, okay. why not i guess
the questionable
khura'in is but the latest in a long line of exciting AA countries that will have you asking "what are the geopolitics of this world?" and "...is this racist?"
it's really funny to me that the first culprit was a white guy on an eat pray love journey but that his eat pray love journey is totally incidental to the crime, apparently. khurain is apparently very welcoming to immigrants if one can become head monk guarding their sacred treasures after a mere six months, and payne is chief prosecutor after three.
it's also very funny that with his life potentially on the line, the only person phoenix is worried about is maya. i think there is an understandable in-game explanation, which is that you have to assume every game might have a new audience and that new audience has only been told of maya so far. but returning players who know he has a teenage daughter might uh. wonder.
the bad
i can sense that the more lore i learn about khurain the more racially uncomfortable i am going to become
the names are BRUTAL i wish they'd stop. i get that ace attorney always has silly goofy pun names. but i feel they're veering further and further from the... slightly more believable names into stuff that just sounds stupid, and man, trying to apply ace attorney pun name goofiness to names that are also supposed to be in a fake fictional language .... i mean it sounds like i'm reading racist jokes from the 90s. it's uncomfortable.
i also think khura'in lore is bound to upend or retcon the superior kurain village lore, which ruled in the trilogy and did not need expanding into a kingdom. isolated little village matriarchy of witch family that are constantly committing sorocide >>> whatever's about to happen here. it's great for rayfa that she does her lil dance for enrichment 2x a day to have temporary hallucinations in a pool of water, but maya crosses her fingers and shapeshifts. checkmate.
lastly, one thing i found myself thinking as i moderately enjoyed the tutorial case was that it was honestly kind of nice having a case scaled back. i can't shake the sense that three playables is just too much for these games; apollo was dead weight narratively in DD and i think athena is about to suffer that fate in SOJ. the character writing in these new games is just not strong enough to manage this many major characters and their whole entourages. the mistake of the original trilogy was accidentally setting a precedent for "new prosecutor every game, who is also our friend by the end :)". the main cast is so huge that most of them just end up stagnating or disappearing into the void or whatever; apollo and athena cannibalized each other's screentime in DD, athena usurped trucy, SOJ is introducing a whole whack of new characters to replace THOSE newbies... it's a lot. we don't need to reinvent the wheel every new game.
anyway... i know a little about 6-2 and i expect it to exacerbate a lot of these issues lmao.
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royalsweetteaa · 2 years
His sunflower
Pairing: Stepbrother!Bryce Langley x reader
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WARNING - This following fic contains: explicit smut, stepcest, dom/sub dynamic, angst, fluff, possessive!Bryce, jealousy, Hayden (Harvard hottie) makes an appearance, brief Hayden x reader, penetrative/unprotected sex, heartbreak, degradation, pet names (baby, sunny, sunflower).
Summary: After a long lasting scandalous ‘friends with benefits’ relationship with your stepbrother Bryce, you decide it’s best to put it to an end, especially now that you have another guy on your love radar.
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It’s been one year since your mother married Mr. Langley, Bryce & Maya’s father and you became a part of the family. It’s also been 7 months since you first did the most disgraceful thing, which was to hook up with Bryce, your stepbrother.
Since then, you have barely resisted each other with Bryce always being determined to feast on you whenever he got the chance, - another addiction a part from his drugs.
Since then, you have barely resisted each other with Bryce always being determined to feast on you whenever he got the chance, - another addiction a part from his drugs.
He would always seek you, and a few times you would seek him for some relief. College had been piling up work, and you were having a hard time keeping up with the amount of stress you easily built. It didn’t help that Bryce was so experienced at sex, and so you invited him in every time he approached you for a session.
The only thing that would leave you with the feeling of regret was when you remembered what you are for each other. In front of your parents, Bryce acted like the perfect stepbrother, - a guardian, promising your mother to protect you.
“Don’t worry, Mrs L/N. I’ll look after your daughter like she’s my own flesh and blood.” Bryce had once promised her. What your mother didn’t - and still doesn’t know was how he went beyond offering protection, and was practically the danger itself, - a very lustful danger.
Bryce used you like a piece of meat after he had learned just how kinky you really are. He took it to his advantage of using your holes, having you blow him whenever he asked and fuck you stupid, knowing you loved it as much as he did.
He would wake you up at 4 AM, just so he could have a taste of you before your parents woke up for their morning business. Sometimes when you were in the barn, Bryce would ‘coincidentally’ be there too to feed the horses hay, and when the time was right, he would take you in an empty enclosure and empty his load on you. He didn’t leave you unsatisfied once.
It led you to present day, and like any other ordinary day, you studied in your room for an upcoming exam. What wasn’t as ordinary was how you were actually in a good mood while doing your exercises, as something different had entered your life, - something good.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door, and you knew based on the pattern of which they knocked that it could only be one person.
“Hey, sunny…” Bryce greeted you as he entered your room quietly. You looked up from your book and gave him a smile of acknowledgment. “Maya’s out of the house and my dad took your mother out for dinner tonight. It’s just us…and you know what that means…” he said, his voice low and loaded with the intention of seducing you.
You groaned as you rested your head on the pillow. “I’m studying, and I’m actually focused. Use your hand or something if you’re horny.”
“My fleshlight ain’t doing the job. It’s gotta be you, sunny. Suck my dick for tonight.” He requested as he crawled onto your bed, wanting to get close to you. He climbed on top of your body, your eyes leaving the page you were on as you saw the man was now hovering above you while giving your sides strokes. You started to giggle when he started to lightly tickle you, and you pushed his arm away.
“Bryce, stop iiiit!” You humorously pleaded in the midst of your laughter.
“C’mon, give me something, sunflower…” he whispered huskily as he tickled your lower waist, making you laugh even more. He took your vulnerability to his advantage and flipped you over with your back now facing him, and he rested himself on top. “Mmmh, sunny…” Bryce moaned against your skin as he subtly began to hump against you, grinding his crotch against your ass.
“Bryce, stop being such a horndog.” You adjured as you were loosing focus of your studying. Bryce had it easy to make you hot and bothered, but just this once you were trying to maintain control.
“I can’t help myself, not when you’re laying in bed like this. You’re practically inviting me in..”
“Bryce, we can’t…” you whined, as you wriggled out of his touch. “We need to stop seeing each other. This isn’t right…”
Bryce grumbled as he got off and laid beside you instead. “Why do you say that?”
You rolled your eyes, expecting him to be aware of the elephant in the room. “Isn’t that obvious? You’re my stepbrother.”
“So? Who gives a fuck? It’s not like we’re related. Nobody would care if they knew we fuck to blow off steam.” Bryce claimed, stating it as factual, but you weren’t so sure about that.
“Yes, they totally would. It would be an absolute scandal.” You said, already feeling nervous as you imagined the possible reactions if anyone were to find out. Your mother would kill Bryce. “Anyway, I’m going on a date tomorrow and I would like to be a little loyal to the guy, so we will have to drop the sex.”
Bryce’s head snapped up, the lighten candle of his arousal being blown out as soon as he heard what was news to him. “You’re going on a date?”
You grinned at the thought alone, “Yes, I am. Met this guy the other day by the park and he asked if we could see each other again. My love life has been so dry these past years, - I can’t miss this opportunity. He seems so sweet too, I’m so excited.” You chirped the end of your sentence with enthusiasm.
Silence settled once you closed your mouth again, making you wonder what was up with Bryce as you looked to the side where he was laying.
He was pursing his lips, irritation read all over him no matter how much he tried to hide it. Before you could ask him why he was pulling a sour face, he rose up from your bed and let out a disappointed sigh, letting out a mocking laughter right after.
“Fine, whatever. Didn’t take you for a whore but if you want to chase after other dick, that’s none of my business.” Bryce blatantly said with raised arms, as if it would defend his harsh words.
You saw red when Bryce had called you the derogatory word, making you wonder how he had the audacity to say that when he had his name running around as a grade A fuckboy.
“I’m not a whore! You are!” You shouted back for his ears to hear, and he confirmed he had heard from the audible scoff he let out by the other end of your door.
You laid on your stomach again with a huff, continuing reading from where you left off.
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The next day…
Your date with Hayden went as perfectly as it could ever go. He had invited you downtown at the popular Italian restaurant, and you ate delicious food while having conversation after conversation, lasting 2 hours after eating your food.
You had to order drinks to make it worthwhile for your stay, and afterwards you walked out to take a nice walk together around town.
“I had fun tonight. What do you say we go to that aquarium you mentioned? I think that would make an awesome second date.” Hayden suggested, earning a smile from you. You were hopeful this was the beginning of a lovely romance.
“That sounds wonderful. I’d love to.” You responded with glee.
Hayden was less crude and in so many ways more romantic than any partner you have previously had. He was attractive and attentive to your care, being a gentleman of opening the door for you and asking for your opinion of how the date should go. He listened to you talk, admitting himself that he could hear your stories for hours without getting bored.
He was perfect for you.
One date would turn into five in the course of 3 weeks, and you were growing expectant of Hayden asking you to be his girlfriend any day now.
In the course of these dates, Bryce grew distant, only interacting with you when the family was getting together. Even Maya had expressed concern over Bryce’s lack of communication, and even though you had a suspicion over the reasoning, you hoped you would naturally get along again like how you did before you started your ‘friends with benefits’ relationship.
When you returned home from your 5th date, the house was quiet as your parents had left for a trip which would last a few days, giving you, Maya and Bryce the mansion for yourselves. Maya was at Finn’s for the night, and you knew her well enough that she wouldn’t return until early tomorrow morning. The younger sibling had found someone too, and you were only thrilled on her behalf.
That left you to wonder where the older sibling could be on this Friday afternoon, but your question was about to be answered when you opened the front door. You were met by Bryce in the entrance of the hallway, all dressed up in his nightwear and ready to go to bed. He was looking expectant at you but it was all a facade to hide his jealousy.
“How’d the date go with wonderboy?” Bryce asked with a forced smile. He had nicknamed Hayden that after constantly hearing you telling your mother how wonderful Hayden was, and Bryce didn’t have enough respect for him to be calling him by his actual name.
“It was magical, as always, but I’m not going to tell you any more than that because I’m still mad at you.” You huffed as you passed by him. “I’m still waiting for you to apologize for calling me a whore.”
Bryce laughed, shaking his head as he wasn’t taking you seriously. “You are one, though, - which leaves me to wonder….how do you think he would react if I told him we used to fuck, hm?”
That had made you stop your steps as your stomach dropped at the thought. You turned to glare at him. “Bryce, you wouldn’t dare…”
He shrugged, neither denying nor confirming it.
“I just think it’s rude you know. I stopped sleeping around when I had you. I thought we had something exclusive, and you threw it away like it was nothing.” He said as he stepped towards you.
You looked at him confused. Were you missing something? Why was he talking as if you had been a couple? “What we had could never stay exclusive,…what did you expect of us to be? To continue having a friends with benefits relationship until we grow old? Keep us a dirty little secret until our parents die? I want a boyfriend, Bryce. A family some day too. I’m past wanting to stay single and I don’t want to play any more games.” You said with a cold tone as you were making your way up to your bedroom.
“I’m not playing any games either. I stopped playing around the day we hooked up!” Bryce claimed as he followed you to the second floor.
“I don’t believe you. It’s always been just sex! You only sought me out for that reason.” You reasoned.
“That’s your perception of it, but I grew attached each time we spent together intimately. Do you really think I would initiate full convos with you if I only wanted to get my dick wet? Do you think I give aftercare to anyone I sleep with?” Bryce asked with his hands on his hips, his eyebrows furrowing from genuinely being curious to know if you thought of him like that.
“Maybe…” you mumbled, unsure. “ - I wouldn’t know! You never confessed this to me before I got with Hayden. I’m not going to turn away from him now when things are going so well. I don’t know what else to say. I’m sorry, Bryce…we would be too complex anyway..it’s best if we lay whatever feelings we had to rest and find other people….for both of our sakes..” you said, your voice sympathetic as you felt kind of bad for the guy standing in front of you.
A torturing silence filled the hallway, and you were longing for Bryce’s response so you could finally part ways and go to sleep peacefully. He was staring at you, and his eyes met the ground after.
You wanted to find closure, and you hoped with what you had said, Bryce would be convinced to leave your intimate past behind.
Bryce wetted his lips and took a last glance at you, looking up and down your form to take in your prepped up appearance.
“….I like your dress. Sundresses always suit you.” He quietly complimented with a half smile as he walked past you on his way to his own room.
Your mouth was left open, but no words came out. You were stunned.
Ogden was right. Bryce was so unpredictable at times, you thought. That last interaction of the night would leave you pondering throughout your sleep.
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The day after, you received a test message from Hayden during one of your classes.
Hey, could we meet at the park 03:00 PM? There’s something I’d like to talk about.
You smiled as you typed your reply with excitement.
Y/N (me)
Sure! ♥️ I’ll see you there then.
This must be it, you thought. Hayden’s finally going to ask me to be his girlfriend!
After your classes were finished, you rushed back home and put on your finest summer dress, - one of a flowery pattern.
Maya met you when you passed the living room, and even she noticed the way you had put full effort into your appearance.
“Where are you going looking like that, Y/N?“ Maya asked through a giggle as her eyes scanned your look from head to toe with approval.
You chuckled lightheartedly, “To meet up with Hayden of course. He wrote through text that he had something he wanted to talk about.” You said. You leaned into Maya’s ear and whispered playfully, “I think he’s going to make it official with me.”
Maya gasped, “No way, that’s great! I’m so happy for you, Y/N.” She congratulated and gave you a hug.
“How’s it going with you and Finn by the way? It always seems like you’re in the honey moon phase.” You added your observation with a cheeky wink.
Maya blushed as she nodded, “Oh yes, things are going great between us. I think it’s safe to say I’ll continue staying over at his house considering how we are always together anyway. But of course I don’t want to be away all the time. I still want to be around you guys. I’m especially concerned about Bryce nowadays.” Maya expressed, which made your grin drop as your stepbrother was brought into her talk.
“Oh, why’s that?” You asked, confusion in your tone.
“I don’t know, he’s been so down lately, staying in his room all day and hardly putting sentences when I try to talk to him. I think he’s going through something but he won’t tell me what.”
You felt bad for Bryce after Maya had listed the several recent odd behavior from him, worried you might have broken his heart for leaving the taboo part of your relationship.
Your heart pounded at the thought of Bryce having genuine feelings for you. He had somewhat confirmed it himself when he said he had thought you were exclusive, but he hadn’t outright said it.
Somehow you longed for him to confess with those three simple words, but as the thought became appealing to you, you were reminded of the circumstances. The one of which each of your parent were married together, - ultimately sealing you to be only a family.
Maybe in a different universe we could have been together, but as of here it wouldn’t be right.
“Well, I hope whatever he’s going through resolves one way or another…Bryce always has solutions.” You reasoned, and Maya could only nod, hoping you were right even for this case too.
“I guess,…I’ll see you later then. Wishing you good luck with Hayden.”
“Thank you! Bye Maya!” You said your farewell as you stepped out of the house and walked to the bus stop.
A few bus stops later and you were downtown again, waiting for Hayden to make an appearance at the park any moment now.
“Hey, Y/N..” you heard a voice come from behind you, and you couldn’t contain your eager smile as your eyes met Hayden’s.
“Hayden, hi!”
Hayden smiled as you approached him and took in your look. “Wow, you look gorgeous by the way.” He complimented when you stood in front of him.
“Thanks! You don’t look so bad yourself.” You said and chuckled as you looked at his well ironed shirt and denim trousers. “So, you said you wanted to talk about something?”
Hayden nodded as his brows knitted together, almost out of concern. He must be nervous. “Yeah um…..Y/N, I uh…I don’t know how I’m supposed to put this but..” Hayden paused as he tried to find the courage to say what he was holding back. Your eyes didn’t leave Hayden’s as you excitedly waited for his completed saying.
“I…I have found someone else…”
Your eyes widened more than before, and you took a step back in shock, wondering if you had heard it wrong. “What are you saying?”
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.” Hayden apologized as he looked down at his feet with shame. “I…It wasn’t meant to happen but it was by mere coincidence that I met this other girl, and we just kind of clicked and…I hope you know I mean no disrespect to you. I never meant to waste your time, but I can’t help what my heart feels. I’ve developed feelings for her.”
You swallowed a lump down your throat as you blinked a few times due to your eyes beginning to water. You used your hand to wipe the moisture away, and you reluctantly nodded.
“I understand…I um, - I guess I’ll be on my way then.” You rambled something of the sort, turning your back against Hayden as you walked away.
“Y/N, wait…” Hayden stopped you as he jogged over to meet your face again. “We..- we can always stay friends, right? I never lied to you about the things I said. You are an amazing girl and the guy you end up with will be lucky to have you. It’s not because of you that I fell in love with someone else.”
You looked to the side, not wanting to look at the boy who had crushed your heart only a minute ago. “I’ll consider it. For now I would prefer keeping our distance, but thanks Hayden.” You replied while you tried your best to keep your facade of a smile, but it wasn’t easy. Hayden picked up on it and returned an apologetic smile as he turned to leave, giving you a final wave goodbye.
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As expected, the house had no lights on when you returned. You figured Maya was at Finn’s again, like where she usually was. And Bryce,…well, his whereabouts didn’t come to mind yet.
You were clouded with sadness of what had happened today at the park. The tears hadn’t stopped glossing over your eyeballs, and it made it all the more harder to see what was in front of you as you stormed your way upstairs to your bedroom.
Suddenly you crashed into something, - or rather someone by the corner, and you fell onto the floor. You looked up to see Bryce, clearly startled by the collision.
“Woah, hey there. Got a little too distracted in wonderland, huh?” Bryce teased as he reached out his hand for you to grab. You glared at him and slapped his hand away as you stood up.
“Go to hell…” you muttered out of pure anger as another wave of emotion overtook you, making you break out another sob. Bryce frowned, until he caught on to understand you were crying, your eyes being bloodshot as the evening sun shone on your wet cheeks.
“Y/N? Wait - ”
You didn’t let him get to you as you ran towards your room, but Bryce was quick to follow, catching you by your arms before you could open the door to your bedroom.
“Sunny,…what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” He asked out of worry as he knelt down when your knees gave up. He hugged you tightly, his arms secured around your back as you cried on his shoulder. In Bryce’s mind, several scenarios came to mind of what could have upset you this much. Some were so dark, - it made him sick to his stomach. “Please, tell me what happened…look at me. I need to know, sunflower. What did he do to you?”
“H-He found someone else…” you sobbed out as you buried your face into his chest, hiding your tearful face from the world. “He didn’t love me after all…”
While Bryce was relieved it wasn’t something else, something considerably worse, he was still upset on your behalf. You could feel his hands clench into fists on your back and his form stiffen when he let out an exhale.
“I’m going to kill him.”
“No!” You quickly protested as you held Bryce by his arms. “No, please don’t start a fight with him…he can’t help it. There’s nothing I can do about it…he loves someone else and I can’t change that..”
Bryce shook his head, not buying into what he thought of was excuses. “Doesn’t matter. You didn’t deserve having your heart broken like this...”
You shrugged, not knowing what else there was to say. You simply pushed away from his chest, but you didn’t leave his grip.
“C’mon, I’ll take you to my room, okay?” Bryce offered as he made you stand on your feet again. He wiped your face with the use of his sweater, and to your surprise he carried you to his room.
He carefully placed you on his bed, removing the covers so you could both settle under it and keep warm while in this moment of comfort.
Bryce let you cry out whatever you had left in you as he stroked your bare shoulder, willing to wait for as long as you wanted until you wanted to talk again.
“I-I just want to be loved...” you muttered before you snifled, and it broke Bryce’s heart to hear you say something of that sort.
“You are loved, baby. We as a family love you, and I love you beyond being my stepsister,…you should know that by now….“ Bryce said as he stroked your hair affectionately. “Will you give it a chance? Do you love me too?”
You glanced at him, and it was as if you were going through a war with yourself, feeling conflicted of what feelings you may have. “Maybe,..and that scares me…”
Bryce smiled with adoration. “Of what exactly? There’s nothing to be scared of,…after all, love is love. We are two legal individuals from completely different families. Ain’t nothing wrong with us loving each other…” Bryce reasoned as he put a few hair strands behind your ear. “I’ll show you my love right now, sunny...will you allow me?”
You stared at him, feeling the familiar temptation of lust creeping up as you eyed his red lips. You wanted him. You wanted him so bad it almost hurt.
“Yes..” you quietly replied.
Your reply was cue for Bryce to connect his lips with yours, starting his act of affection with gentleness in the kiss.
“Good girl….my pretty sunflower…” He muttered in between kisses, and soon enough they were barely being detached. Bryce hovered above you while you made out, weak moans leaving your lips once in a while as Bryce’s left hand started to roam all around your body.
“Do you know why I call you sunflower?” Bryce asked when you stopped to breathe air, to which you shook your head. He had called you that since the very beginning, and somehow it hadn’t occurred in your mind as to why.
“Because your very existence is so bright and colorful - always turning to where the sun shines. I knew you would be a joy-bringer the moment you stepped into this big house. I knew even better when we fucked in that shed that we were perfect for each other. You made me want to commit, - and I started to share that dream you mentioned to me, - of making a family together some day.”
You let out a shuddered breath due to Bryce’s confession, and you felt you were going dizzy - in a good way - at the thought of having kids with him. Of spending your life with him nonetheless.
His hand squeezed your breast while he sucked on the skin of your throat, creating hickeys for him to marvel at later.
“My pretty girl…you’re too beautiful for me to only claim you as my stepsister. I’m going to claim you in a way that’s beyond friendly love, baby.” He huskily whispered as he managed to pull the sundress and bra down due to its elasticity.
You moaned when he suckled on your nipple, “It’s so wrong…”
He hummed, “Hmm..it’s maybe a little sinful but not wrong, sunny…don’t worry about a thing, we will get through this together, okay? Let your stepbrother take care of everything..”
Bryce hoisted up your sundress and cupped your sex, stroking it through your panties in a slow pace.
He pulled off your underwear and grinned when he got a full view of your dripping cunt. “I’ve missed this pussy…” Bryce muttered to himself as he began stroking your folds, slightly pushing a finger in every now and then to tease your aching hole.
“Bryce…” you moaned his name lewdly, and he chuckled at how desperate he had made you become.
“Baby, be patient…I’ll be balls deep inside this sweet cunt after I’ve had a taste…”
His finger started to pump deeper inside, bringing out your pussy juices for each thrust.
“Oh, my…” You whined and closed your eyes as you took in the feeling of his thick finger invading your channel. You let out breathless pants as he added more pressure, seeping in further the more slick he gathered.
“Sunny, look at me…” Bryce plead, and you fluttered your eyes open to see him lean in closer to your face as if he wanted to say something. “Tell me you love me too, baby…tell me so I know..”
He added a second, and you jolted as you stuttered out, “I-I love you too, Bryce. I love you s-so much…M’sorry for pushing you away. I’m sorry if I made you sad, I didn’t mean to. I -“
Your lips was held from speaking as Bryce crashed his lips into yours. You whimpered from the kiss, but easily melted into it.
“It’s okay, baby. I forgive you…I understand.” He withdrew his fingers from your pussy and put them close to his lips, sucking the sticky nectar off his fingers as he hummed, savoring the taste. “Fucking delicious…love your sweet pussy juice.”
Bryce stood on his knees, not leaving the bed as he unbuckled in front of you, his pants already showcasing the huge bulge and moisture of something leaking behind his boxers.
He dragged his pants and boxers down at once, revealing his fully erected cock, the tip of angry red as it pointed at you, leaking with pre-cum. You instinctively licked your lips, wanting to have a taste of him but you knew Bryce was past oral sex and was eager to skip to the main course.
He rested beside you again, and ordered you to raise your leg over his waist. You did as he commanded, and he positioned his cock on your cunt, lightly slapping your clit with his length which earned him a strained whine from you. He breathed into your ear, nibbling at your lobe before he pushed in.
“Did you let him fuck you?” Bryce asked through a growl. “Did you let him fuck my pussy?” The tip of his cock was the only part he was thrusting in, and it was making you crazy.
“N-No!” You denied right away through a cry. “I swear we didn’t! It’s just yours, Bryce!..”
Bryce chuckled darkly as he angled his cock and rammed himself in. “That’s right, baby. Only I can fuck this cunt, - it’s mine. Shit, you’re squeezing me so tight, feels too good..”
“Aaah, so big! Y-You’re so-!” Your sentence was interrupted as Bryce shoved a finger down your mouth, making you suck on it as he continued fucking you in a fast rhythm, making your head go blank from the sensation.
“Thas’ it…keep suckin’ it…such a good girl. Fuck, does it feel great to have a slutty stepsister at my disposal. My cute slutty stepsister…all prettied up in a sundress, looking all innocent when we both know you’re a whore, - so needy for your stepbrother’s cock…” Bryce degradingly spoke about you as if you weren’t beside him, knowing full well you enjoyed his harsh words with the way your pussy clamped around him.
“Y-Yes, I’m a whore for your cock! ..Aaaah, - I’m a whore for my stepbrother!…” You loudly moaned out your confession. He had his usual amused smirk which would normally make you want to slap him, but of course you would let him get away with anything when he was fucking you this good.
“Fucking shit, I’m going to cum….and I’m not pulling out. I’m going to plant my seed inside of you, sunny…you can’t be my sunflower without my seed.” He joked, briefly chuckling before it was replaced by his moans and grunts again.
The thought gave you another level of arousal, a need to have him fulfill what he had just proposed to do. “Cum inside of me, Bryce!” You whimpered as he pumped into you faster, his balls hitting your clit, giving you another shock of stimulation. “Ah! ~ I want you to fill me up!..n-need you to breed me!..”
“I know you do…gonna stuff you full of my spunk…every single drop inside your womb.”
He jackhammered into you with such intensity, it was overloading you with how close you were to cum. Bryce clenched his jaw as he felt you tighten, and he felt he was on the edge of orgasm too.
“Milk me, - Ooh holy shit! Take your stepbrother’s cum. Theeere you go, - good girl. Fuck!..” Bryce moaned as his thrusts became static. He let out a series of breathless pants as he stilled, pumping his load inside of you while your cunt clenched around him while you rode your orgasm.
“W-Warm…” you whimpered when you felt Bryce’s spend coat your insides, feeling some of it drip out from where you are first connected.
He pulled out and made no effort to stop his cum from oozing out of your cunt and onto his bedsheets. He was more willing to put his bedsheets in the washing machine than move.
He kissed the back of your head and loosened his hold on you. “Do you feel good, sunny? Did I fuck all the bad feelings out of you?”
“Mhm..” you hummed positively as you reached for his face and shared a loving kiss before you settled in a more comfortable position. “So…how is this going to work? Do we tell them or wait?” You asked as you began to wonder what was the next step.
“We can begin with telling Maya….she would accept us easily. As for your mom and my dad? Haven’t thought that far ahead yet. Maybe it’s best if we keep it from them for a while. I need to charm your mom more often if I don’t want her to kill me.” Bryce laughed, and you couldn’t help but snort.
“Yeah, I suppose that’s for the best…” you said above a whisper as you stared up at the ceiling.
Bryce couldn’t keep his eyes off you though, and held your chin to look at him again. “Hey….I love you, my sunflower. We’ll be just fine.”
You blushed, realization hitting you of how well spoken Bryce was with his words, and your heart thudded harder than they ever had with Hayden.
“I know,…I love you too, Bryce.”
He was perfect for you.
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