#but my gay bugs i wanna draw gay bugs(((
des-fangirl · 1 year
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HAPPY SYCAMORE SUNDAY!!! dont forget to bee who you aare for your priide
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girlyliondragon · 2 years
Time to start reblogging stuff again.
(I've been on a Deltarune kick so it'll mainly consist of that)
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arthvrmvrgan · 11 months
Arthur Morgan x Male!Reader Hcs
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Hey!! I wanted to make another hc list cuz the last one did so well! I made this an x male!reader because as a gay trans guy, there really isn’t too much when it comes to male readers. I just wanna make other people who feel the same and myself feel happy and represented!
Also to add Arthur is autistic in this
Warnings: Mention of vomit
Though he maybe aversive to touch with others, arthur is SUCH a cuddle bug with his partner. When they first start out he’s shy and will hold your hand or wrap his arm around your shoulders.
but once it’s long term arthur gives you big bear hugs, hands around your waist, holding you close by the fire, and of course those soft kisses <3
When he’s drunk, he pulls you onto his lap, smothers your face in kisses, and yells about how much he loves you.
Arthur also gets shy when it comes to talking about his interests. If you mention something like drawing or horses, he’d make a small comment or addition to the conversation. But once he’s comfortable enough, he’ll infodump for hours about horses to you!
Just hold him close, let his head rest on your chest while you pet his hair and he infodumps, and he’s in heaven!
Some pet names he’d call you would include: “Darlin, Sweetheart, My prince, My man, Hun, and Sunshine” :3 When you call him any pet name, his heart melts and his legs feel like jelly
He loves giving and receiving praise! He’ll whisper in your ear “good boy” just to mess with you cuz he know it makes you BLUSH! But he’ll also be like “atta boy!” or “yup, that’s my boy.”
The first time you praised him, it felt really odd for him. He hadn’t been praised like that ever since he’d been with Mary. It felt so foreign but so…good.
His big ol’ heart skips a beat when you tell him how proud you are of him, or how he looks so handsome in that new shirt you got him. He feels like the happiest man on earth
Now unfortunately, times weren’t as accepting as they are now. You and Arthur knew it had to be kept secret for fear of what might happen. You two don’t feel any embarrassment at all, just a need for a safety. The gang knows about you two, most of them accepting you with welcome arms!
You also help Arthur out more with errands, jobs, and chores. Ever since an incident were Arthur worked his way up to illness like vomiting, you’ve made it your duty to lay off the weight on Arthur’s shoulders.
If he needs help with the hay bales, you’ll be right next to him holding one. If he’s going out on a stage job from alden, you ask if you can tag along!
Arthur has gotten better with accepting help or rest, but not so much asking for it. You still encourage Arthur to request help if he needs it, and how he’s not weak for doing so.
There have even been times where you’d yell at Dutch and Strauss to leave Arthur be for a bit.
He’ll sometimes doodle little drawings of you in his journal as well as writing lovey dovey passages about you and putting “A<3Y/N” with a big heart too. He’ll even just doodle random hearts while spacing out and thinking about you..
He gets so excited to see you, even if you can’t tell. The way his eyes light up like a big puppy dog’s as he speed walks over to your horse to greet you and give you a welcome back kiss
He also penguin pebbles and finds random stuff that reminds him of you!! Whether it be a cigarette card, a flower, or even some artifact or object he found…he WILL give it to you!
That’s all for now! If y’all wanna send in your arthur or just any other rdr hcs, feel free! I also wouldnt mind writing more arthur hcs so please feel free to send me rqs!
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The two idols with the most votes will go on to join the bracket.
Propaganda below the cut:
Mika Kagehira
- HE'S MY POOR LITTLE MEOW MEOW HE'S LITERALLY ME I LOVE HIM SO MUCH he loves fixing plushies and eating candy he's a little bit insane and he's really pretty, in could talk about him for days but I don't wanna bore you so I'll just tell you he once almost buried a friend alive cause he didn't wake up from a nap and he killing someone would affect his boyfriend's reputation
- hes wet. hes pathetic. hes got heterochromia. hes got a really gay doll x puppetmaster thing going on with a guy who looks like a hairless cat. he rescues old plushies from dumpsters. he likes cheap candy because the expensive types make his stomach hurt. he can read old english. he draws eroguro. he thought he killed his roommate and nearly buried him alive. he went on a mad chainsaw rampage in a vr world. he later destroyed cryptocurrency with his unit leader in that same vr world. he got possessed by a haunted doll once. his solo song is a waltz and his singing voice is beautiful. need i say more
Arashi Narukami
- the world would be darker without arashi in it. she is the most beautiful and wonderful and lovely woman to have ever existed and she KNOWS she's pretty and we stan a self-confident queen who knows her worth
Mayoi Ayase
- HES SO SILLY. he hides in the walls and ceilings and is scared by everything like a bug
Aira Shiratori
- Idol stan who eventually became an idol in his own right! Truly he's living the dream and having fun with the rest of Alkaloid and his new idol friends at ES
- silly little guy
- huge fan of idols
- he wanted to become an idol so he did but he sucked so bad that his agency threatened to kick him out
-has a catchphrase
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fawnnbinary · 13 days
i need to know more about your oc axel, please n thank you!!!!!!
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So Axel actually isn't my oc, he's my boyfriend's!! (@goodgoblinguy) I'm so glad you asked about him though Red, here are some Axel Facts:
He's gay and trans! Yippee!!
He's a neurosurgeon!
He has two husbands! (my ocs, Asher and Theo)
He's autistic!
He only has one leg!
He's descended from fae and can shapeshift! (he had a lizard form named Brandon and a cat form named Bunny)
He collects bugs and has some as pets!
He grew up on a farm in Georgia!
via bumblebee himself: "Ough he's a lizard boy. He's helping Asher find lizards under rocks. Showing Asher the best salamander creeks"
here's his tag on my blog if u wanna see drawings and posts abt him: x
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aqua-dan · 9 months
Smash or pass the OG Teen Titans :3
Hoo boy!! 😁
Dick: Smash! I adore him, you adore him, everyone should adore him 😍 His charisma and body are off the charts excellent. He's so delightfully nuanced and complex while managing to project such a specific image of himself to most people. He makes me want to burrow into him to find everything out (with my cock and otherwise)
Wally: Pass. Sorry, Wally 😬 He's a fascinating guy, but there's very little that makes me specifically attracted to him.
Garth: SMASH. I wanna tap that so hard that he gets launched into the sun. His softer personality and natural complexities make me so drawn to him as a character. Of course, the fact that he's fuckin hot doesn't hurt either. My kid brain way back when saw his legs all out, and it has never let go. I need Phil Jimenez to draw him like a beautiful naked water nymph again. His tits are as big as his heart. I want to do unspeakable things to this man.
Donna: Pass. She's great, but I am gay.
Roy: SMASH. His arms make me go insane. I see his muscular biceps on panel, and I become a rabid dog seeking to sink my teeth into them. In general he's always such an interesting character to read and I adore him for a multitude of reasons,,, but I am continually distracted by his juicy, tattooed arms, and thicc ass chest. He doesn't make me want to squish him like a bug the way Garth does, but I DO want Roy to squish ME like a bug.
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They gave us three hours for the exam and I finished in 25 minutes. And they definitely hate us there because we couldn't leave early if we finished early. SO. I had some spooky gays thoughts today amongst my book reading and napping. There's like one suggestive line here
— in my one fic, Virgil walks with a cane due to a disability. Because of the time period it is set and the fact everyone is a Snooty Prissy Ass Noble, he's not very popular amongst his peers. Except Remus. Remus is head over heels for him. And Remus is also considered weird amongst the aristocracy so they take comfort in each other. I lovems them. They'll sit on a bench in the corner of a garden party and Remus will info-dump about every bug that they see and Virgil's anxiety will melt away for once. Love that for them
— incubus Virgil would draw seraphim Remus into a kiss with just a suggestion. Like a "hey do you think Sky Daddy has rules for you guys? Wanna test it?" and Remus isn't sure at first but Virgil even volunteers to tell Heaven that he just surprised Remus with it and it wasn't Remus' fault (a total lie, it is very consensual, Virgil would just take the metaphorical bullet for them despite his pathological fear of actually seeing Head Honcho Angels). Anyway Remus likes the kiss way more than they should and Heaven doesn't seem to mind so cue Remus learning about other things the human body can do (up for interpretation)
— spooky gays gimme that "I'm just a teenage dirtbag babyyy" trend vibes. The sneaking out and smoking and drinking and little accounts of vandalism and just poor teenage choices that, while possibly cringe later on, are just the light of their lives in the moment and it makes life a bit more worth living. Definitely their vibes. Also fun fact I've never heard that song in its entirety.
— 👑
25 minutes good lord 👑 Anon that's a speedrun but Y E S Y E S Y E S to A L L of this!!! First thing's first Cane user!Vee underrated and D E L I C I O U S and them sitting on a bench in a garden as Ree info-dumps about bugs is S O fucking cute and something I N E E D S O fucking badly!!! Second cackling at "Sky Daddy" and the fact that Ree has a lot to learn XD Lastly Y E S they are the alt delinquents who don't give a fuck but having a good time with each other <3
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fuuuuuuuck me...
it's been 6666666678 decades since i picked up a drawing tool but my hands. they just... birthed this i guess. and still wanna work on it...
ended up making them look way more like the actors than i intended but i just got really into it with their features. i guess i was kinda goin' for how i imagine my fic characters (wolf among us style~<3) but i just had no fucking clue i had this one in me...
and also HA! bitch~<3 i beat you to the drawing bug! i'm just kidding, good luck getting back into it i love you~<;3<3<3
i swear, antony starr has the world's strongest fucking forehead. BUT HIS FANGS THO--. and people just do not give enough care and grace when analyzing butcher/urban's features cause gotdamn if that motherfucker isn't one of the CUTEST men i have ever seen.
first of all, his eyes. so many people get them wrong. bitch, they are HAZEL GREEN<3<3<3 and fucking GORGEOUS<3! so big and wide and beautiful too, he just narrows them a whole lot but boi you can't hide it from me. and his nose, fuck me that was a hard one. he's got them weird little nostrils that somehow add so much to the adorable charm. but i SWEAR this grown ass man actually, honestly, legitimately has the anime girl/cat silhouette face profile and that just damn blew mah mind~! and then his mouth? i have nothing else to say but babygirl lips, full ride. his lips are just CUTE and pretty. and listen, couple with his softly defined jawline i--.
then throw in a bit of chub on the man so he has that beautiful sexy dad bod that is the PERFECT second trimester belly and i just die a happy demon~&lt;3
i can't with these gais, they're so fuckin' handsome. i may try to dial it back on the closeness of the features when i do a closer style study as i did get... kinda carried away. but i was happy enough to at least share this<3
no i will not tell you what they are doing... yet.
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badlydrawnmanic · 2 years
more stuff from my paint folder under the cut with varying levels of explanation
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my owlfolk rogue d&d character as a shitty little baby because baby birds look miserable and it's funny
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shut up
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a square full of bugs
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weird arcade cabinet thing from a dream i had. i didn't draw it on here but it had sonic underground decals and stuff and as prizes it'd print off stickers and random screenshots from the show that'd come out that side thing. i don't know why but it had a trackball
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i was doodling a bunch of critters for some reason. i think it was low-key inspired by @mossworm's art and in my head it was for some kind of critter collection game idea
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i forget what this is about but i think it speaks for itself. despite being in the paint folder it was very clearly not drawn in paint
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dinosaurs in love
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again not a paint drawing but a manic i drew on drawception
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tails lost in the sauce (a plant poofed a fuck ton of pollen right in his face and he is not having a good time)
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i drew this while sleep deprived and proceeded to break down into a laughing fit. no i don't know what it is and it's called god.png
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a miscellaneous character i have named gordy gatorman. he's gay and owns a bakery
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the same doodle of my owlfolk rogue plus two more things (she hates everyone)
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i don't have an explanation for this one i just thought the belt attached to scourge's coat was stupid (you know this is old because of my "colored lineart only" phase)
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i think the original text for this was slightly nsfw but this is funnier actually
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"hjpt ;leg.png"
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one of my many interpretations of a human sonic, this one leaning more into "grumpy teenager" than anything else. i usually don't draw humans so this is surprisingly nice looking
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there's 3 more panels to this but i just wanna acknowledge those sad lobsters in the dirty ass tank at the grocery store. they looked so sad and i always wanted to take them home
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it me
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me and my @kinslee-the-normal-human's oc. we used to rp a lot and they'd get into all sorts of bullshit with mr. tall echidna always being like i told you this would happen and being generally upset about it but his teeny tiny girlfriend could not care less. this time it was about vampires but he's just vibing
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one of my ocs just kinda turns into fire when he goes super and i thought the idea of his clothes burning off was hilarious
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hard to explain but my friend made an au where like every possible fusion of two characters that could exist did exist all at once in a weird little sci-fi society and we roleplayed it a ilttle bit. my main character for it was an amy/manic fusion named pippin and they had anxiety
in the background you can see salyut (he was actually made for this au as a shadow/biolizard fusion), maroon (a shadow/knuckles fusion), and... man i forget his name but he was a sonic/shadow fusion. the character in the second to last panel is a mephiles/tikal fusion who was part of the evil sci-fi government or whatever and she scared pippin a lot. i might repurpose pippin because they're very cute
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@kinslee-the-normal-human told me that you can tell if someone is a furry based on how they draw dogs so i drew a dog and she said i was a furry based on how i drew the back legs. she was right but i don't get the test lmao
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one of my ocs sort of got sucked into amy's family unit and he's in a sort of younger-ish sibling role to her (despite being older) and she makes him very happy and he loves her very much. they are friends :)
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pov you are talking to razor on discord and he is happy to see you
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this is called "scourge peep.png". i don't know why it's holding a knife
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me and my friend drew pokemon from memory at a sleepover. i think from the different art styles you can tell which ones i drew nsjkdgs
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i was playing the sims and made a version of gyro on it and he just kept getting abducted by aliens. i couldn't stop him
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kiskisur · 1 year
ᝰ.ᐟ so you're still thinking of me?
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rules || masterlist || info || tags || fandoms
୨୧⸝⸝﹕about me ﹐⊂✦⊃ ‹𝟹
-> he/they
-> transgender ftm
-> goal is to be an author <3
facts about me !¡
I am from the Philippines and always wanted to write stories when I was young, of course I was honestly scared at first because I wasn't good at english!
I like drawing, singing, trying new things and going into new places!
I dislike bugs (any kinds of bugs like ladybugs, butterflies, ants etc.) because I have a phobia of them, loud noises, fast things (such as motorcycles etc.)
I'm Filipino! my favorite subjects are CLE and english :) I'm not really good at tagalog because I grew up speaking english so I tend to stutter or say words even I do not understand!
I don't really use any social media's besides tiktok, discord and tumblrr
my personality is between actually! I'm an ambivert but I often get into mood swings like everyone else. you'll see me laughint with people and all of a sudden just getting annoyed ㅠㅠ
I like watching haikyuu! I'm new to that fandom so I don't know much but I enjoy it a lot <3
I like the color blue and white because it reminds me of the sky, they're really pretty
I like playing genshin because they're my comfort zone and I would usually play whenever I feel lonely/bored or I just wanna play-
I'm gay and demi romantic + sexual 🥹
Honestly I love every animals. lions, tigers, cheetahs, and even owls omg EVERYTHING.
I have a lover <3 (loml K)
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duochromium · 9 months
hi who are your favourite touhou characters and why im mostly curious about the why
amazing question! the following list is in no particular order. wriggle does happen to be my favorite but it’s not by a huge margin or anything
first up we got wriggle herself. i’m gonna be honest the way i interpret her bears absolutely no resemblance to her canon character, but i think that the fandom has generally kind of adopted an interpretation of her that’s nothing like her in canon so i excuse it if everyone else does it.
why i like her? really cool design obviously the cape is really sick. what actually draws me to her though is mostly the fact that she’s a member of team 9. she’s basically just “kind of silly bug woman who’s really weird about bugs” which creates a lot of really funny relationships with other characters. i tend to write her as more of the “average person” of the group which also makes her relationship with mystia that write about a lot really fun because it’s just these two pranksters that are background characters from a story perspective and a life perspective (i mean they really are just random youkai). basically everything involving her is just… really casual, and fuzzy. she just doesn’t have a whole lot going on
also i get to write her being autistic about bugs which is really fun.
another one of my favorite characters is remilia, who i’ve only really had an excuse to write once. i go into way more detail about this in microsm chapter 6 but basically i just really love her contrasts. i like writing her as both childish and mature, both fearsome and welcoming, both powerful and vulnerable. it’s clear she does care very dearly for those in the mansion and i just love giving her a soft side where she does want the best for everyone, even if she looks evil. oh she eats people? god forbid women do anything
also because she’s a vampire who owns a badass huge western mansion. that’s so cool
in addition we have reimu, who i honestly just find to be a really nuanced character. i love writing her getting really existential about her life and getting worried about shit. i kind of project onto her sometimes but we’re not here to discuss that. she has a very interesting personality, fluctuating between stern or sad or determined or funny depending on even the slightest factors. being the main character she’s had the most actual stuff happen to her, she has the most story and has the most relationships with other characters. there’s really anything you can do with her, and if you can get her personality right then you can even make a good story out of her going on a walk. case in point: residual by me
the next ones i don’t really like for such complex reasons i’m not gonna lie
ran, who is probably my #2, is just a really nice character. it’s fun to write her being all motherly to chen, it’s fun to write her being a calculator for yukari, it’s fun to write about her being gay obviously, and i really like her character design. she’s just nice and i would definitely be friends with her if that were possible. i’m aroace but whatever the equivalent of a waifu is for aroaces? she’s that to me. i don’t wanna fuck her i just am obsessed with her non-romantically
lightning round:
i like sakuya because her time ability is really cool and it’s fun to write about this woman working herself to death. also bonus points because i love the sdm
aunn because she’s a really fucking funny dog
mystia because she’s a team 9 member too except she also does cooking and is in a band and i get to write her being gay with wriggle
kyouko because she’s really loud and also has a job at the temple and is also in a band
youmu because i like to imagine she has a huge inner conflict. read: any of my youmu x ran works
seija because she has so much potential to be a really interesting character, arguably even more than Reimu. i just haven’t wrote her because i still can’t get her character down
the entire palace of earth spirits because their family dynamic is absolutely hilarious and actually they’re all really funny characters even on their own
cirno because come on man it’s cirno
anyways that’s all the ones i’m obsessed with. i love all 2hus though
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fizzy-blood · 7 months
Just remembered this post i made on spacehey... enjoy ig?
i wanna be a silly lil creature in the woods with hundreds of eyes and weird moth-like features (Wings, extra arms, antenna, fuzz, proboscis looking thingy). i want to look like im rotting and crawling with bug and smaller creatures, i want my skull to be exposed on one side on my face so the bugs can crawl through my head. I want fungi and moss to be growing all over my skin.
I want to live in the woods in some old abandoned building and help lost hikers and lead them out of the woods. I want them to tell stories of me to teach kids weird and dark lessons only for them to discover that im actually just some "thing" that watches ppl in the woods.
I want them to leave me offerings of food and drawings. i'll make a nest in the building and decorate it with the offerings. I'll leave animal bone all over the place for the gay ppl who become interested in my existence (Cause for some reason tons of gay and trans ppl love cryptids, me included) so they can collect them.
I want to be a cryptid.
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candycoffinss · 1 year
...Hello, Hello? Is this thing on? *Taps Microphone...*
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Ooh, Seems like it is! Hello there!
🩷 - I'm Dewey :D I'm semi- new to the tumblr art and selfshipping community, so.. Hi!
🩷 - I'll prolly mess around or post random sillies i thought abt w my bestie @tessriss (go look at him rn he is so fucking funny )
🩷 - - Anyway, I'm transmasc + gay! I use he/him pronouns :]!
🩷 - Lets go over the fandoms I'm in... I really like Gravity Falls, FNAF, And a BUNCH of other stuff , check out my rentry when i have it finished!! :]
🩷 - I have a few tags and links! Let's go over them, ey? I got a drawme! Idk how it works but if u wanna send in some stuff feel free to :3 I might reply here and and there! My random rambling tag is #🐾 puppy barks ! My art tag is #🐾 puppy arts!! My ask/anon reply tag is #🐾 puppy answers 🩷 - I have a few selfshipping tags too :]] just for the fun of it!! Ford's tag is #|♡ |✋ ~ He blinded me with science! William's tag is #|♡ |🐇 ~ Love me dead!
🩷 - if I accidentally follow ur blog and im in ur dni I apologize :[ I struggle w remembering to check D: Just soft remove or do whatever makes u most comfortable :) Or dm and I'll unfollow :) I try to keep my eyes out but yk, criteria things.
🩷 - I'm always willing to be mutuals ! I'm always shy and nervous to interact first so ahaha, apologies. I have that little bug in my head called social anxiety :p
🩷 - My reader, I'll be real w you rn, my Self insert/guy i draw w the sillies on occasion is literally the same all the time in each fandom. The only thing that changes is his personality lmao, and outfits I guess. I'm a simple guy with simple design attachments :p
❌ - Stg-- if you are a BEETLEBABES ENJOYER, PROSHIPPER, COMSHIPPER, or anything else thats fuckinggn YUCKY or GROSS like fall into the basic dni criteria and shit like that get off my page :3 Just go explode :D *twirls hair* I put a pipe bomb in ur mailbox uwu
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ocprompts · 1 year
UHHHH HI. EXPLOSION EMOJI. love your blog btw :3 found it via sneep snorping through a follower of one of my sideblogs's tumblr (b!david is very cool)
SO BASICALLY i have these four little guys who are in a BAND together !! their names are BENNETT, PIPER, NATHOS, AND ASH !! i plan to make a videogame about them and one of my closest friends helped design two of them (more like redesign really, i made the four guys before i decided on them being in a band together and so their designs were all over the place and so i made their designs more coordinated with eachother, and my friend redesigned piper and ash with me mentioning the basic things i had in mind) (i also very slightly changed the redesigns (as in i literally just made ash's eyes purple to match with xer jacket color and some other tiny things HGJFIKM))
gonna just copy and paste their artfight bios here, wouldve done the links but you need an account to actually view the links HGANKFJN
Name: Bennett Hubbard Nickname/s: Benny Boy (jokingly) Age: 21 Birthday: November 3rd Species: Human Height: 6'2 Gender: Male Pronouns: he/him Sexuality: No one knows Relationship status: Single Occupation: Bassist for the band The Drawing Board, burger flipper on the side Personality: A bit blunt, but means well. Will stand up for what is right. Likes: Music, his friends, sweet and spicy food (not at the same time), bugs Dislikes: Ignorant people, pickles (will only eat them when he absolutely has to)
Name: Piper Cline Nickname/s: N/A Age: 21 Birthday: May 24th Species: Human Height: 5'5 Gender: Female Pronouns: she/her Sexuality: Pansexual Relationship status: Single Occupation: Keyboardist for the band The Drawing Board, repairwoman on the side Personality: A bit shy at first, but once she knows you well enough, she'll trust you with her life! She's a bit of a nerd. Likes: Music, her friends, science Dislikes: Pretty much anything wet and squishy. Sensory issues </3
Name: Nathos McBride Nickname/s: Nate, Natorade Age: 21 Birthday: July 14th Species: Human Height: 6'4 Gender: Male (transmasc) Pronouns: he/it Sexuality: Pansexual Relationship status: Single Occupation: Drummer for the band The Drawing Board, side job TBD Personality: Super sweet! He's calm and collected, and ready to take on anything, as long as it isn't too caught off guard by anything that comes across. Likes: Music, its friends, stuffed animals Dislikes: Rude and arrogant people
Name: Ash Lopez Nickname/s: N/A Age: 21 Birthday: February 16th Species: Human Height: 6'4 Gender: Non-binary Pronouns: xe/xem Sexuality: Greysexual Relationship status: Single Occupation: Guitarist for the band The Drawing Board, side job TBD Personality: Literally the silliest guy ever. Chronic practical joker. Likes: Music, xer friends, bright colors Dislikes: Being taken advantage of
i also put the 4 of them into separate rps !! the one bennett is in is the only one thats started. also that where i got the nickname benny boy from (but the things that happen in their respective rps arent considered canon, more like an au, also that would be wayyy too much trauma to stuff into them when im already gonna give them trauma in the videogame story itself HGAKFJNDCJKM)
ANYWAY !! here they are, bennett piper nathos and ash respectively :] formatting is bad so have One Giant Ash
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and heres piper and ash, drawn by @pastel-bleu-art !!!
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a bit hard to tell from the pics (ILL MAKE A BETTER REF SOMEDAY ...) but piper is a bit chubby :] ANYWAY thats about all i have to say about em because i dont wanna say too much because of GAME SPOILERS ... but just. quick synopsis: they are chosen by the great goddess oda to save the universe by defeating the cacophonous six !! but shit goes down. oh and btw i feel that it's important to mention that they are essentially weezer but gay /silly
i LOVE gay and silly people <2
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
Summary: Gailine comes over for a playdate with Enzo!
Word count: 2k
Warnings: i think this is the least traumatizing chapter yet
A/N: okay, I lied, I'm being nice to Enzo for 1 maybe 2 more chapters. Then it's trauma time baby! I have no art to offer(I've been drawing only gay monkeys for the last couple weeks)but I did make some memes! By the time most people see this, I'll be in my first day of college! Yay! Not yay I'm stressed tf out. May or may not have a chapter during September, it all depends on how college goes. I hope silly memes are compensation for maybe no chapter during September.
Meme dump
Eda raises two gods AU Masterpost
Enzo woke up to something nudging their face. They groaned and sat up to see whatever it was.
A Cat Snake.
A Cat Snake that looked like glowing blue ice with big purple eyes and… a rolled up piece of paper tied to one of her horns?
They knew this Cat Snake.
Gailine's Cat Snake.
What's she doing here? How did she even get inside?
As if to answer their silent questions, Nibs slithered up alongside Syvne and rubbed their cheek against the other Cat Snake. The patternless Cat Snake gave them a cheeky grin and tongue flick.
"The owl lady's right, you are a shit." Enzo said, tapping their Cat Snake's snout lightly.
Nibs hissed playfully and slithered into their lap, then climbed to their usual perch on his shoulder, where she nuzzled their cheek. Enzo gave her a few chin scratches and returned their attention to Syvne.
"What are you here for?" They asked.
Syvne stretched up and bent her head down, she wanted them to take the bit of paper she had.
"Is it a message?" Enzo inquired, untying the paper from Syvne's horns.
Syvne nodded and blepped happily.
Why would Gailine send a message to me? Enzo wondered as he unrolled the tiny scrap of paper. What could she write on this?
The scrap was almost blank except for a very small rune in the center, so small Enzo couldn't tell what it was for.
That question answered itself quickly, the paper started talking.
"Hi Enzo! It's me! Gailine! From the slayground a few weeks ago, you remember that, right?! Course you do, how could you forget, we rode a Forest Ground Bat! Oh, she's doing good too, I keep seeing her whenever I go in the woods. Mama says that the bat is worried about me or something, which is a little weird but I like having a Forest Ground Bat friend! She's got babies too! I think I can convince her to let me see em soon, I heard baby Forest Ground Bats are super cute and fuzzy!" The voice suddenly stopped before a dull smack sounded.
"Blegh, I got distracted again, why do I keep doing that? Bleh. Okay Gailine, focus, focusss!"
There was another pause, Enzo glanced at Syvne, who was oblivious to her owner's previous struggle.
"What was I talking about again…? Uh… oh yeah! Do you wanna play again?! It was really fun last time, except for the part that wasn't but that was only a little, and I'm all better now so we can play again. Mama won't let me ask your mom about it cause she thinks I'm gonna scare her or something, so I asked you! Syvne can bring the message back, or you can just ask your mom and she'll tell my mama! You should probably tell your mom though, that might be important and- oh, the paper's almost full! Bye! See you later!"
With that, the paper fell silent.
Syvne looked at Enzo expectantly, waiting for their response. The unblinking, piercing purple gaze was slightly uncomfortable.
"Uh… i needa talk to Eda…" they stuttered.
Enzo stumbled out of the owl lady's nest and down to the kitchen. She was cooking something, it smelled good.
King was unsurprisingly, already hounding Eda for the not cooked food. He really is a little glutton. Enzo chuckled and scooped his brother off the floor.
"Hey King, are you being good?" They asked as they gave him some belly rubs.
"Yes!" King squealed.
"Good, you don't wanna bug Eda while she's cooking." Enzo told him.
Their little brother made himself comfy on his head, getting a gentle hiss from Nibs as he nudged them off her perch.
"Morning Starshine, sleep good?" Owl lady asked them.
"Yep." They chirped.
Enzo snuck around the table and peered over the owl lady's arm to get a peek at what she was cooking. Griffon eggs and sausages. Something was baking in the oven too.
"Think you can get the biscuits out of the oven, Starshine? They're done." She said.
"Sure can!"
They grabbed the smaller of the two new pairs of oven mitts; Datura had sent a bunch of handmade stuff over to them, Eda said she liked to create, and had plenty of time for it. Almost everything in the Werebeast's house had been handmade.
Enzo cracked the oven open just a bit to let the hot air escape before pulling the door down all the way. They pulled out the first tray and made sure King was secure on his shoulders before pulling out the second.
"Thanks a lot, Starshine." Eda told them with a pat on the head.
Enzo beamed and set his oven mitts in their proper spot. Datura had put a design of constellations and comets on theirs, Eda's had a bird theme.
"You can sit down now, Starshine, I'm almost done." Eda said with a smile over her shoulder.
Enzo nodded and took their seat, setting King down in his high chair.
Eda piled the food onto plates and set them out in the middle of the table next to a pitcher of blood orange juice. Enzo grinned at the sight of the lightly pink biscuits, those ones had blossom bat fruit syrup in them! A few of them were red, those were Eda's spicy ones.
As soon as the owl lady sat down, King attacked the plate closest to him with ravenous fury. Eda snorted at his antics, Enzo grabbed a couple of biscuits, and some of the other stuff, but they were mostly here for the biscuits.
"You've got a second noodle there, bud." Eda pointed out.
Enzo glanced up, Syvne tongue flicked down at him cheerfully. They felt their muscles tense, they weren't really nervous, but some part of their mind told them to brace for anger or punishment.
"Nibs get a mate already?" Eda joked.
"Eda!" Enzo groaned.
"I'm just sayin' they look pretty fond of that snake." Eda said with a shrug.
"Nibs is not having babies! Nibs is a baby!" Nibs hissed in his ear for that.
"You are!" Enzo argued.
Nibs hissed again, something about having babies if she wanted too.
"Uh oh, you've got a rebellious little noodle." Eda snorted.
Enzo rolled their eyes and appeased Nibs with a bite of sausage. Syvne was content sitting on their head.
"Seriously though, do I need to snake proof the house?" Eda asked.
"No, Nibs let Syvne in. She had a message."
Eda's gaze was suddenly too intense, Enzo looked down to their plate.
"It's… uh… Gailine… she wanted to know if… if we could play again… her mom said not to bother you with it, so she asked me." Enzo smiled weakly at the end, hoping Eda wouldn't be mad at the secret message.
"Sure, if you wanna play today, that's fine with me." Eda said nonchalantly.
Enzo blinked up at her.
"Yeah, I can tell Clover after breakfast and see if she wants to bring Gailine or if I should pick her up." Eda nodded.
A giddy, bubbly feeling warmed their insides and Enzo felt like bouncing all over the place. Instead of doing that, they just tapped their feet excitedly.
They were a little too excited to finish breakfast and the owl lady could tell. She sent them upstairs to go get changed, and to have their concealment stone. Syvne didn't seem to be a very big breach in security though, the blue Cat Snake only had eyes for Nibs.
Enzo tapped their foot nervously as they waited for Eda to get back with Gailine. Their ears flicked up at a soft landing outside, and a dull thump quickly followed by an assurance of being okay.
"What's this? A new friend? Hoot! Hoot!" Hooty said loudly.
"What kind of demon is that?!" Gailine gasped loudly.
"Some kind of bird worm tube thing with, uh, legs… sometimes." Eda answered.
"Explain. Now."
Enzo snickered at Gailine's eager demand.
"Uh, maybe another time, it was a pretty wild night." Eda said, tossing open the door lazily.
Gailine's already wide smile broadened even further, if that was possible, when she spotted Enzo.
"Enzo!" She cheered and tackled the other child with a crushing hug, sending both kids tumbling to the ground.
Eda hauled both kids onto the couch to wait while she tossed together some snacks. Gailine's loud purring was the only thing Enzo could hear outside of the endless barrage of questions.
"Eda says you guys went to the swamps to meet your grandma, and that she's a fricking Werebeast! Those are the coolest! What sorts of animals did you see there? Did you see any Morass Auro? Solanum Frogs? Did you see them puff up and get all goopy? I read they do that when Swamp Cats try to eat on or snakes try to eat em. Did you see the Swamp Cat Snakes? I read everything in those swamps grows plants on them and can do some level of photosynthesis! Isn't that amazing! Animals making food from the sun! I wonder what it tastes like! Did you see any Sheep Slugs? Or Timidia slugs cause they're so shy and pretend to be parts of water plants or trees- there's Cockatrice in the swamps! Did you see any? Eda says your grandma hunts them for fun, and cause she likes the taste! Which is super awesome!" Gailine finally stopped and took a breath, her tail swayed eagerly, thumping the couch with a strong, rhythmic consistency that matched her purring.
"Uh… we visited a colony of swamp cats to check on the kittens and-" Enzo broke off as Gailine pulled one of the thickest books they had ever seen in their life out of nowhere.
She thumbed through the pages then trilled and showed him what she'd found. It was a page all about swamp cats, the first page of many on the life stages of swamp cats. Enzo only figured that much because of the pictures, they couldn't read it.
"What stage were the kittens at?" Gailine asked.
They pointed to the first image, it looked the most like the ones they'd been checking on.
"You saw the really little babies?!" She squealed, leaning into their face.
Enzo leaned back a smidge.
"Yes…? Is there something special about that?" He asked.
"Is there something special?! Swamp cats are some of the most protective parents ever! They live in one of the most dangerous places on the Isles and they attack anything that gets within a mile of their nurseries! It took Melusine Philyra literal decades to earn the trust of enough colonies that they didn't all attack her! It's so cool that you got to see the buds, they're so cute." Gailine gushed.
"Philyra?" Enzo echoed.
They knew that name, they'd heard it somewhere… at some point within the last couple centuries.
"She's only the greatest beast keeper ever! She's been studying all the animals for over three centuries! She's a vampire so she's got all the time to do that stuff!" Gailine paused, glanced around real quick and leaned in, motioning for them to do the same.
"I heard that her autobiography has records of life on other islands, and she's got an entire book series on her studies of Titans!" Gailine whispered eagerly.
"Whoa, that's, uh, really cool." Enzo said, hoping they didn't sound nearly as awkward as they thought they did.
"Yeah it is! But I can't find any good copies anywhere! They don't have it at any of the libraries I visit with Mama, she took me to all of 'em looking for it, but apparently those books are forbidden for some stupid reason that makes no sense." Gailine pouted.
"I'm sorry about that, bummer."
"Huge bummer." Gailine agreed.
An ear flicked towards the kitchen and her eyes gleamed mischievously.
"Can you keep a secret?" She asked with a conspirator's grin.
Enzo feigned thinking.
"I'd say I'm pretty good at it." They whispered.
Gailine giggled and cupped her hands around their ear.
"I've been stealing any pages of them I find at the old stuff shops Mama goes to and putting them together myself." Gailine whispered.
The Ocelat sat back with a satisfied grin, crossing her arms with an incredibly proud expression. Enzo giggled, it looked a lot like Este when she'd pull a clever prank.
"I'll help you, Eda gets all sorts of old stuff, she keeps the papers she has in the basement." Enzo whispered.
Gailine literally vibrated from how hard she was purring.
"Geesh kid, you're gonna kill my couch." Eda called from the kitchen.
Both children glanced at the small dent Gailine's tail had left and erupted into a fit of laughter.
The snakes are gay! Syvne is disaster gay, Nibs is functional oblivious gay
Gailine has little chill and less concept of personal space or boundaries, she's very cuddly and physically affectionate, gives tons of cuddles and the best hugs! She's also a problem magnet.
The biscuit bit is partly sponsored by my childhood. My grandma makes the best biscuits, she doesn't flavor them or anything, I added that for fun, but they are so delicious and familial wars have been fought over them. I love those things.
In case you are wondering, Eda did hear the kids, and she approves of the shenanigans.
Like I said at the beginning, I've started college and have less time to do all sorts of stuff so there might not be an update for a while as I figure it out.
I've found that drawing gay monkeys + lil baby I made for them(I got into lego monkie kid guys), is both relatively easy and very relaxing so I'm probably gonna stick to drawing some more of those and maybe some Star Wars stuff cause Ahsoka is coming out tomorrow and I am so psyched! It's gonna be the best fucking thing ever and I will take zero criticism on it! It's Ahsoka, it'll be perfect.
I'm sorry for the delayed update and lack of art. I'm trying to figure out how to use Adobe stuff for some animation, and trust me, the first thing is gonna be stupid and easy, but it's gonna be this AU. Most likely.
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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ble-ed-mo-re · 2 years
PLEEEEEASE TELL ME ABT UR KIDSWAP AU!! tess looks so cool... they all do actually!! are their classpects swapped at all? also, what pronouns they be all up n usin? 0retty much just spare any details mew have on them atm, if u dont mind none :33!!
:D!!! ill start w the beta kids bc theyre the only ones posted so far and i dont wanna spoil anything for the other characters until im done
vika is the prince of light as she is a very destructive person. she does eventually get over her edgy 4chan phase but not without getting her ass beat. she uses she/her pronouns but finds when people use it/its pronouns for her funny. she is youre average chronically online teen in the early and late 2000s. everyone at school thinks shes super weird and cringy due to solely talking about online drama. was there for the beginnings of christory. shes autistic and says shes “not like those retards” even though she absolutely is like them
kali is the mage of space. she is almost like your average goth girl at school, only that she isnt really goth. but she tries to be. she is obsessed with vampires, witches, werewolves- any type of popular mythical creatures. she has a passion for old school literature. rumours at her school about her is that shes a real life vampire due to her vampiristic tendencies. (drinking her own blood, and drinking the blood of animals.) she is the secret writer of my immortal, or so she claims. strictly uses she/her and will curse anyone who misgenders her
tess is the rouge of mind. she dropped out of school due to [redacted] and not having sort of support for her blindness. shes youtube famous as she posts videos of herself doing sick skateboard tricks and doing stupid dares. she lives life on the edge and has almost gotten herself killed numerous times. shes almost constantly in a manic state of mind, thinking that nothing could ever kill her and that she is safe from everything and anything. her “friends” in real life encourage her dangerous behaviours and delusions. she mainly uses she/her but honestly doesnt care what people call her
koda is the page of blood. he is a firm hater of bugs. which is ironic considering the fact that he lives outdoors. he lives on a island closer to the north rather than south. he is a notorious furry artist and lolcow, as his rage episodes are extremely funny to look at. he lives on furry sites and forums online. he is a little hater at heart. he absolutely hates being compared to the brother bear movie and will explode at people you do that. he uses he/him but later on starts to question everything
vika and kali met when vika attempted to troll kali on one of her cringy fanfics. it resulted in kali emailing vika all of her private information and a picture of her house. vika was instantly in love
kali and koda met when kali commissioned him for a drawing of a gay werewolf and vampire art piece. theyve stayed in contact due to their shared love of werewolves
tess met vika when vika also attempted to troll her. tess started to mess with her back, which ended up with vika getting angry and getting labeled as a lolcow. tess hasnt left her alone since
koda and tess met on a online chat forum about homeschooling advice and how to self teach yourself basic skills in life. they ended up exchanging emails, and eventually chumhandles. koda developed a little crush on her, and theyve been friends ever since
vika and koda met when on one of vikas anonymous accounts, she commissioned art of her secret fursona. koda doesnt know about vikas trolling and posts on various drama sites such as kiwifarms and lolcow. she hasnt posted any of his stuff on the sites and doesnt plan on it
kali and tess met through their shared “hate” of vika. kali gives tess all of vikas accounts that shes ever made (not including her anonymous one) to make sure tess keeps bothering her.
if u have any more questions feel free to ask!
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