#but my opinions of hers and Tommy's relationship are unpopular
natlovespink · 2 months
Unpopular options on TLOUS fanfics/ and more
1. Ellie would never let you strap her down😭 I'm sorry if you ok with that, that's fine. I'm not judging, but home girl would NEVER let you do that to her.
2. Stop making Ellie seem like a man. No, she's not gonna pick you up and throw you. I also don't think she's this big dommy, mommy. idk why, but I don't see it.
3. I don't like Ellie x Abby. I'm sorry, I dont see it happening.
4. I also don't like how some people write Abby just because she's built like a "man" doesn't mean she acts like one 😭
My opinions on a the TLOUS game in general.
1. Joel is a bad person. I love him, don't get me wrong, but Joel did some really awful and gruesome things that didn't need to be done, but I understand.
2. All of abby friends deserved it but Owen and Mel which I'll talk about later. But they all deserved it they way they talked about how they KILLED KIDS!? was crazy and Manny showed how cooky a d unfair he was and how disrespectful they were to Joel's body.
3. Mel was not in the wrong for not liking abby. She only wanted Mel to come so she can keep Joel alive so she can keep hurting him. Then abby always seem to get in the way of her and Owen's relationship. Owen isn't perfect but the fact that he told abby not to kill Ellie and he said she went overboard showed how he had a little bit of humanity and what he said about thr fireflies being terrorists.
4. Let's stop acting like Abby is perfect 😭 she's to me sadistic. It's kind of the fact that she liked killing scars and even killing CHILDREN them saying it was their fault!? But not just that it's the way she killed Joel after he helped her it's all Joel knew was that someone was gonna cut a little girls head open to TRY and fix humanity Joel didn't know that man he did what he thought was right.
5. Dina had EVERY RIGHT to leave Ellie🤷🏾‍♀️ people say she left because she thought ellie was dead.but she knows ellie, and she knows she's not gonna let anyone do anything TO HER. She just didn't want to deal with the fact of losing another loved one, and Dina was tired of fighting and having to stick by Ellie and this obsession.
6. Tommy forced Ellie.to go after abby which is why we got the ending that we got I understand how hard it must be losing pretty much all you biological family is hard but damm he saw how good ellie had it and it's got ruined.
7. Naughty dog forced us to feel bad foe Abby Ik she may not know what the fireflies where really up to but other then that she and the other wolf members had it good growing up🤷🏾‍♀️ and I don't know what abby expected not for Joel's love ones to come after her? I only started liking abby because of how she took care of Lev and me.readimg fanfics. 😩 but other then that I don't like her and never will really feel bad for her.
8. I'm sorry but if it was Abby vs Ellie again Abby would win🤷🏾‍♀️ Ellie is a 5"5 skinny girl vs a 5'10 muscles Abby would win and the only reason she didn't was because all her muscles where gone.
9. I like the ending of TLOUS 2 Ellie saw Joel In Abby and she realized she can't hold this grunge and surprisingly I feel Joel wouldn't want Ellie to track down his killer and make it her life mission and he would be PISSED at Tommy for making Ellie track down Abby.
10. I feel like is Abby knew what the fireflies where doing she wouldn't stand for it. Not even if her dad said it was for humanity I feel like she would belive what he was doing was wrong.
11. Ellies NEVER gonna get over Riley that was her first love, and I feel like she loved Dina but never the way she loved Riley, and that goes for her relationship with Cat too.
Hiii sorry for my English again 😅 now these are MY OPINIONS
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Buck & Eddie
Unpopular Opinion
It's season 7 but it appears the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Disclaimer: These are my opinions and they're based on my observations and interpretations of the BTS pics, interviews and promos that have been released in advance of the upcoming episodes.
Back to the regularly scheduled program...
It appears my favorite character Eddie Diaz is about to be sidelined yet again and he won't have a beneficial or substantive storyline 🤔🧐 all his own, possibly for the remainder of season 7. As usual, he'll be there to support Buck but is there anything else for Eddie? Can he please have a storyline that's solely about him and Chris and it not be one that's tied to giggly, creepy and smiling Marisol? He hasn't had one since season 3 and it's been four years therefore, it's time (I'm not including the shooting because the audience didn't see his recovery nor am I including his PTSD arc because it wasn't given the time it deserved and after 5x14 he wasn't shown going to therapy anymore so there's that. Furthermore, he wasn't even shown preparing to go back to the 118, he just slid down the fireman's pole in 5x18 and it wasn't revisited). Can Eddie and Chris FINALLY have an open and honest conversation about Shannon? Eddie views her through a pair of rose colored glasses because he thinks it's his fault but there were two people in their relationship so he shouldn't shoulder all the blame especially when she left and was gone for almost 2 years without a call to her son. A conversation between just the two of them is needed because Chris is older now and he read the letter she wrote in 7x1. The audience didn't see him ask Eddie any questions about it and we didn't see how he's feeling now that he knows she may not have ever returned if she hadn't died.
Eddie and Chris have the largest biological family of all the mains (not including Bobby because other than his deceased wife and two children, the audience hasn't been introduced to them... like ever) but for some reason they moved Eddie’s abuela back to El Paso even though his aunt has that big house that she lives in by herself. Also, the audience never gets to see Eddie’s sisters and with all the attention that's going to be given to Tommy in the upcoming episodes, it's likely the audience might not get to see them this time either. Eddie has a deep and interesting background but the show barely touches the surface of it. Can Eddie please be given a worthy storyline all on his own? He deserves it!
So... is the audience supposed to just forget everything that happened to Buck in season 6? Apparently, so because based on OS's multiple interviews, Buck’s not dwelling on the broken relationship with his parents (they're still $hitty, their rushed and trifiling redemption arc sucked and it was undeserved. I don't trust them but Buck does so, whatever), there hasn't been any more mentions of Connor's and Kameron's baby (Full Disclosure: I still don't believe their baby is biologically his but it's probably been forgotten or retconned like everything else including Buck’s age), does he or does he not still want to be captain? He's not in therapy and he may or may not go back but he's moved on from his death, so I guess there's no trauma resulting from it. How does he feel about his job now because... HE DIED while he was doing it in 6x10 but the audience didn't see him process it even though every other character processed their own individual traumas.
Eddie used a baseball bat to destroy his bedroom in 5x13, Maddie walked into the ocean in 5x12, Hen went to therapy after 3x8, Bobby broke his sobriety in 1x4, Athena broke down in season 5 after she killed Jeffrey and Chimney took Jee-Yun with him to find Maddie in 5x4 and they were gone for 6 months. They all went to therapy at some point but it appears Buck’s immune to the trauma he's experienced so there's that.
7x4 airs tomorrow and I'm still not excited about it. After the way 6x18 ended, I hoped things would be different but maybe my expectations were too high. I don't think so because IMO, the upcoming episodes seem to be repetitive and basically a wash, rinse, repeat of the past. Maybe it will be different... but I'm not going to hold my breath.
Will the rest of season 7 be different for Buck and Eddie or is the focus still going to be solely on Buck? Who knows except the showrunner, writers, producers, actors and actresses since they are the only ones who know the answer to that question.
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leedoodlesstuff · 2 months
Adult Orel...aaaaahhhhhhh
YESS I've been waiting for this one 😁
I feel very strongly about him in a way like, he's so interesting cuz we don't know anything about how he actually treats his kids or his wife or anything, but we see that they're happy so it can't be an act because they don't know that anyone's watching them, ykwim
what I like about him is that you can basically make him act like anything you want because you don't actually know how he does act in canon, he does seem like he has humility and he's nice and he's humble, he doesn't feel like he's better than anybody else ! but we aren't completely sure
I really want to know what his job is, but it's really fun to assume what he could have done and went to school for and all that yk! I personally believe he's either a teacher at the school or a stay-at-home dad !
obviously Christina because I can't think of anyone else that he would work with better than Christina honestly,
They ARE the canon couple, though you know everything could be compromised by him cheating or her cheating or whatever but I don't think that they're the kind of people who would cheat knowing that their family had affairs while they were growing up 🤝 COUPLE GOALS FOR THEM THO!
I'd love to see Doughy and his relationship after everything that's happened when they're adults because I feel like Doughy would be a washed up birthday clown or something, like he went to clown school and graduated with a major in he and a minor in ha or some shit yk
I'd also like to see how he is with almost anyone who he's ever been friends with, like Tommy, Joe, and Him
I'd love to see something done with them as adults, like how they would interact with each other after so many years!!
it's not as much of an unpopular opinion as it is I don't like how when people do this to the character is when they make him the perfect parent or the perfect husband like he's not going to be perfect he's traumatizing and not a perfect person so he's not going to be a perfect husband or perfect parent he definitely tries to be one and he tries to believe that he is but he isn't, you know
LET HIM BE FLAWED PLL I personally make him overprotective and a bit guilt-trippy at times 🎀
Obviously giving him much much more screentime, in all honesty he was only on screen for like, 10 seconds with no voice lines whatsoever at the end of the season finale (the last episode of the original show), so yeah ! I really wish we got his voice at least! I would have loved a voice to work off of, but I mean, we can all imagine and have hc of what he could sound like!
Just anything about him would be EXTREMELY nice 😁 /silly
ANYWAY I love the man 💛💛 he deserves so much !!! more !!!!! RAHHHHH TYTY FOR EVERYONE GIVING ME CHARACTERS BTW I RLLY APPRECIATE IT!!!
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mags-yaps · 4 months
Unpopular opinion, actually CONTROVERSIAL opinion, but Taylor Kelly wasn’t as bad as people made her out to be…
Like are we really gonna hate on a girl boss using her firefighter boyfriend’s family and friends to forward her career?? OK maybe she almost got Bobby fired and maybe she did lie to Buck about not using the information they gave her on a press story, but my girl’s just a go-getter (cue The Man by Taylor Swift)
Okay but jokes aside I think a lot of y’all villainize her just bc she dated Buck. Do I think she’s justified in her actions? Hell no. Do I think she was faultless in their breakup? Ofc not. But, I do think she was one of his more fleshed out love interests (barring Abby cuz she was an mc) and that I really did understand where she was coming from even if she would take advantage of her connection to Buck. All in all, I do think her and Buck would be amazing besties and if she was still here in s7 she’d be (lovingly) teasing the shit out of Buck in his newfound relationship with Tommy.
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epiphainie · 3 months
what do you not want to see in season 8
not want to?
well. gerrard redemption arc. i don't watch 9-1-1 for complex morally grey characters, sometimes evil bigot villains can stay evil bigot villains.
bucktommy break-up, obviously. honestly any conflict that's not there to strengthen their relationship at the end, i want them to go on for a long time if not forever. (i DO want conflict for them to grow and deepen their bond tho)
eddie dating anyone with the intention of it being a serious commitment. he has a lot to deal with before he can commit to someone obviously.
athena rogue cop storyline. i don't mind this as much as the rest of the fandom i think, like we're watching a highly pro-cop show here, but s7 had enough to last us a lifetime. i also don't want to see her get fired, maybe unpopular opinion idk, because i dont really trust this show to go about it in a way that doesn't reek copaganda.
also less pro-military sentimentality i hope. i really dont wanna see that stuff with tommy if they ever decide to drop more tommy lore. we've seen enough of they with eddie.
and the 118 being apart for so long. i love the status quo, i love my found family, i love the silly calls they go on. again i'm not watching this show for world-shattering dynamic shifts.
this is all i have off the top of my head
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Very unpopular opinions about Gone Girl (the film because it's very different from the book).
Nick didn't feel remorse for cheating on Amy. The shit he said in the interview was a ploy to get her out of hiding to clear his name. He was manipulating her. Nothing he said in that interview was truthful (like I'm pretty sure he later admits)
Amy was a ticking time bomb. There were already hints that Amy was dropping her Cool Girl persona since they moved to Missouri. Even if Nick didn't cheat, sooner or later, she would have gone-girl-ed his ass.
Nick also had the equivalent of a Cool Girl persona. The recession led him to drop it.
Amy telling Nick she got her parents out of debt with her trust fund mirrors when Nick moved them to Missouri. With out consulting the other party and not letting them voice their opinion. It showed that they both contributed to the unhealthiness of the relationship.
Amy was always in control of the relationship, especially when things were going to shit. She owned his job, probably the house and controlled all the finances. Pretty sure Nick's whole upset with the prenup thing is that Amy does control the finances.
Desi Collings is just like Amy just in a different font.
Nick was not as bad as Amy IN THE MOVIE. I know, crucify me. He's a cheat, lazy, has no ambitions, slightly misogynistic, sleeps with his student who is half his age. But, none of these are crimes (Andie was over the age of consent but's it's immoral. He's a pig). Amy commits crimes and wastes police resources. She kills a man not in self-defence, fakes a rape accusation, (tries to) frames Nick for kidnapping and murdering her, stole his sperm and impregnated herself. Plus, she's also slightly misogynistic and classist. Movie!Nick and Movie!Amy are not comparable. Yes, they are both awful people but Amy defiantly is the worst. Book Nick seems to be just as bad. Again book doesn't equal movie.
Amy was always a psychopath saying Nick drove her to psychopathy or any other version of this is quite dumb ngl and ignores Tommy O'Hara. Hell, her actions with Tommy makes me even more sure even if Nick didn't cheat she still would have punished him.
I truly believe Nick did want to leave her. It is said by Amy herself that she knew he wanted a divorce. Nick was shown to want to leave during the end of the movie. Literally, the only reason he stayed was because of the child, the whole outrage that would follow (Interestingly, this could be seen as Nick's own preoccupation of controlling his image).
Amy is the more unreliable narrator compared to Nick mainly due to Nick having a voice of reason, Margo, while Amy doesn't. (Unless I'm under his spell. But I don't think so because I hate Ben in the DCEU and that colors my perception across franchises. Came into this movie full expected to hate Nick as much as Amy or more so but left surprised.)
While I understand uprooting one's life and moving across the country with out the other partners input is quite upsetting and can make you feel like shit. A person was dying. Amy's feelings are valid but like. Cancer? Taking care of dying mother? Amy expected Nick to be OK with a huge financial decision to help her parents, make some allowance. Rubbed me the wrong way. I'm a family gal.
Amy may have loved Nick at one point, kinda like Nick loved Amy at one point, but she ultimately sees relationships and love as a form of winning. This seems to stem from her childhood as she was always one step behind Amazing Amy. All her mistakes were washed away clean in Amazing Amy and sold to the masses. Everyone could see just would Amy couldn't do. Because of this, Amy doesn't see herself as a person as much as a character in a story, expect this time she controls it. She's going to have a picture perfect marriage and thus life. Thus she wins at life. This is also very half-baked and formed by one watch of the movie.
Amy wasn't abused by Nick. Amy fictionalized most of their life in Missouri(She's an unreliable narrator). Like it was revealed that Nick hated Amy and that he wanted kids while Amy didn't. The whole "Let's have kids" fight seems very improbably with this information. Unless I'm under Nick's influence. Plus, Amy doesn't seem that afraid of Nick even when he is violent with her.
The Cool Girl monologue while hits some true points to the idea that society values woman to change themselves to be picked by a man. But it also implies a heteronormative society, implies that woman absolutely cannot like shit like football on their own as they are only doing it for men, acts as if liking things are unnatural for woman, makes sexist judgment of random woman she literally passes who are hopefully living their best life, and is sex negative.
preemptive warning because fandoms can be really toxic for some reason. Don't interact if you don't like.
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justagalwhowrites · 5 months
It’s interesting how people see things so differently. Like with Tommy, to me their wedge isn’t because Joel wanted control to protect Tommy. To me it was because Tommy had a bit of a hero complex and thought joining the fireflies would make him feel like the hero again. (He was a soldier which can say a lot, also the reason he was in jail that night was bc he punched a guy to help a waitress and it also wasn’t his first time in jail either. Joel had to bail him out multiple times.)
Tommy did hate what they had to do to survive and they did have a big fight but he left because he wanted more than “just” survival and Marlene made the fireflies look good, like the good guys. so he joined them. But then he just ended up killing people with the fireflies and once he realised that he left again lol
Seeing as Joel had to bail Tommy out multiple times, it definitely gives you the feeling that Joel had to take care of Tommy a lot. Plus Tommy works for/with him so he took care of him in that way too. Obviously nobody knows because nothing was ever shown but i can imagine Joel did shitty things to make sure his little brother is okay, just like he did for Ellie. Joel does anything for the people he cares about.
Obviously having that thrown in his face and Tommy running off to join a terrorist group is gonna cause a wedge between them.
And then Tommy dropping off the face of the earth, not contacting him again and Joel later finding out he’s been safe and perfectly fine in Jackson? Yeah that’s a slap to the face. There’s definitely ways Tommy could’ve let Joel know that he’s safe and in Jackson but he just didn’t. And then obviously bad talking Joel to Maria while Tommy himself has done terrible things? Tommy didn’t want Joel to be in his life anymore and definitely not in Jackson.
Anyway this is my long Tommy is actually an asshole rant lmao
Also, with Tess. I honestly don’t think Joel wanted to love her. In the game the only indication was that they had some tiny flirty dialogue and that’s it. I know everyone now takes the show as canon but in the game, tess doesn’t even say that “I never asked you to feel like that” or whatever. They survived together, they trusted each other, they were partners and friends. It doesn’t always have to mean or be more than that. obviously the show tried to do some dramatic romance and feelings shit but it just wasn’t there lol
Plus we know Joel didn’t really date much before the world ended either, he was a single dad for Sarahs entire life and heavily focused on work and his daughter. Clearly romance wasn’t a huge part of his life, so why would it be after the end of the world and losing his entire family?
Thanks for coming to my ted talk about unpopular the last of us opinions lmao
Hi Bestie!
I love this interpretation! It's actually not really off from what I think of Tommy, too, actually! I just think his hero complex really clashes with Joel's drive to protect him. I don't think Joel CONSCIOUSLY wants to control Tommy, I just think he feels safest when he has control and/or has a good lock on someone's motivations. Tommy wanting to play hero puts him at risk and I imagine Joel pushed back on that really, really hard quite a bit. But yeah, Tommy just fucking off to Wyoming made me so mad lol (which is part of the reason for the Tommy arc in Lavender) But I think can also be at least partially explained by Tommy and Joel clashing more and more as years went by in the QZ, with Tommy getting more and more pissed off by FEDRA and wanting to lean into his hero instincts and Joel not able to shake the fear of his brother getting himself killed.
I will say, my Joels are definitely a lot more based on show Joel than game Joel! I have watched game playthroughs (I am... very bad at video games lol) but HBO Joel is definitely my man. Though yeah, his relationship with Tess in the game was definitely more ambiguously flirty than an unambiguously romantic relationship of any kind. But I don't think his lack of a romantic life immediately pre-outbreak is a fair indication of what he wants in general. Single fatherhood and working a ton of hours means you're going to limit your social life. He was clearly interested in romantic - or at least sexual - attachment at one time because Sarah exists.
That being said, I certainly don't think he'd show up to the QZ and be like "priority one: find a girlfriend." But I do think it's reasonable that he'd stumble into it eventually, either through a smuggling contact he got closer to than he intended or just a woman he was sleeping with because hey, sex!, that became something more.
This has been so fun! I hope this has shed some light on how I write Joel because I've thought a lot about this stuff over the last year. I love hearing your thoughts, thank you so much for sharing!!
Love you!
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foxtrot91 · 1 month
Unpopular opinion: I actually really like Taylor Kelly
Under a cut because it’s a bit long and also nsfw
Of Buck’s relationships that we’ve seen (Abby, Ali, Taylor, and Tommy) she’s actually probably my favourite. Though, Tommy being a close second will likely take over that spot once we see more of him and his relationship with Buck in season 8 (assuming that they give us that).
I just love how unapologetically ambitious she is. Did I agree with all of her actions? No. But I can certainly respect that she’ll take any opportunity for a story and to move forward in her career in a way we rarely see in female characters without them also being portrayed as cartoonishly evil (or sleeping their way to the top). But they didn’t do that with her, they humanized her and even though she was still willing to use him for a story when the opportunity arose I do genuinely think she cared for him during their relationship.
Also, and because my mind is perpetually in the gutter, I bet their relationship was fucking hot. You cannot convince me that they didn’t get up to some kinky shit. This IS the same guy who stole fire trucks for hook ups and the woman who not only instigated a hook up in a bathroom but also, later when Buck came to apologize was basically like “you’re an idiot for thinking I wasn’t into it, now either fuck me in this news van or gtfo”.
There’s no way she didn’t have Buck on his knees begging just for the privilege of eating her out. That she didn’t have him bent over the bed so she could use his strap on on him until he was a puddle of tears begging for her to let him come (I 100% don’t think Tommy was his first experience with anal, giving or receiving). Or that she didn’t pick up on his need for praise and give it in abundance during aftercare.
Basically, I think they got up to some wild shit and I love that for them. I do think their relationship coming to an end was natural and made sense, Taylor Kelly being overly ambitious was definitely one of her flaws and having a boyfriend in the line of work that Buck was would’ve been too tempting for her to ever pass up using him as easy access to tantalizing stories.
I still fucking love her though.
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deadendtracks · 9 months
Missing your brilliant meta posts of late so settling with salty asks.
Peaky Blinders 5,10,13 (Tommy),19 -> the saltier the better! :)
Thank you! I have just been lacking in any ability to concentrate!
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
idk if 'ruined' is the right word, but i have found some of the discourse around Grace to be so annoying I haven't felt the urge to explore her character or Tommy/Grace in my own fic.
in SPN fandom I felt the same way about Castiel and Dean/Cas despite theoretically liking it as a ship.
I've written a bunch of meta about Tommy and Grace so I do in theory find them interesting it's just... yeah.
I'm getting there with Tommy/Alfie just because idk. The favored approach to those characters at this point is just so far from canon or from what I find interesting that it's like reading OC fic.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
the cop out answer is Duke. as someone else said, I can see what the potential might have been, but in reality it felt really tacked on and rough draft stage. I liked parts of it.
i mostly just like this show even when it's not perfect, so i'm not sure what other arc to dislike. most of my dislikes are actually about fandom's interpretations of arcs.
the other cop out answer is grace's arc after season 1, because that's a fairly common critique. i don't hate it and i don't even want anything about it to change, but if this show was more than 6 episodes a season it would have been more satisfying to get a bit more meat there.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Which character?
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
besides the explosion of OC/Tommy and readerfic, again a cop out answer...
The lizzie vs. grace wars are incredibly tiresome since I hate how both sides approaches their fave and their fave's relationship with Tommy. and i'm just so deeply uninterested in all that.
i think more than 'hate' i am mostly disappointed that there isn't more substantial fic in this fandom. there was never a ton of it, and it makes sense it's dropped off some given the show is finished (pending movie) but i really feel only a tiny fraction of the potential was ever explored in fic for this show on so many levels, and a lot of the fic that does get written tends to deliberately or unconsciously echo a specific ship dynamic/fanfic trope/fanon characterization that i don't enjoy. again, this is the natural life cycle of fandoms but with PB fandom, it was never very prolific to begin with! so it's more crushing to me to see it crystallize already. i don't know why this show never really took off as a (canon) fic fandom or why people seem to prefer readerfic here. That wasn't the case when I first joined 5 years ago, but I guess that's the fandom trend now. As someone else said, I'm just not interested in being railed by that guy. LOL.
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tommygrace · 2 months
I'm not sure whether we have the same unpopular opinion about Lizzie, but I'd like to speak my own to you as below:
I don't hate her because she was a prostitute, but feel disgusted at her self-deception. She has brainwashed herself that she can handle Tommy whom she loves. She cheats herself that she has the power to dominate and change Tommy Shelby. She acts like "the queen of Birmingham" to support her husband as equal.
Those everything she honors must have given to our Grace, whom Tommy truly loves and asks for help. It seems Lizzie has stolen from Grace. I really so agree to your opinion Lizzie used Grace's death and her pregnancy to hold Tommy. I know it is not her fault, but relationship between Lizzie and Angel Changretta had provided a cause for Grace dead PARTLY (She should have listened to yhe advise)!
I appreciate to Diana Mitford humiliates her. Lizzie showed ineligible attitude as "the queen of Shelby clans" when she revealed sexual relationship with Mosley. That is nothing but unveil her past worked as a prostitute. Is her body only her weapon she has? Seriously curious.
Hi friend ! Well our opinion is the same about Lizzie, and I don't think is unpopular, since most hate her or Tommy and Lizzie's relationship.
I don't hate her for being a prostitute either, I even liked her in S2, and in S1 I had no opinion about her since she only appeared in that small scene, she wasn't even a character in the show, but as an extra.
But then in S3, when she told everyone that she slept with Tommy without any remorse or guilt for Grace's death and for the death of her beloved Angel, for whom she started a war over him, that's when my hatred began and it increased with each season.
The moment I hated her the most was when she threw the bullets at Tommy, the second he tried to commit suicide, and not only that, but when he was down and she approached, she threw a little more dirt on him. That was a disgusting attitude and I really hated her.
It's very interesting what you said about the meeting between Mosley, Diana, Tommy and Lizzie, and how she showed her only power, her body. And it's true.... how did she manage to be rich and married to Tommy? Having sex with him and getting pregnant. She knows that this is the only way she can be with Tommy, that's why she prefers to lose all her dignity and let herself be used again and again. He hires her as a secretary, because she knows about the illegal business and she is not going to say anything, because she is not someone respectable. Then Grace dies, and Tommy uses her body, to be able to relieve himself a little from the pain, by not thinking nothing or feeling anything when having sex with her, as we saw in S2E1. Then he uses her body, to be able to imagine his ex Greta, then already married, he tells her that he still pays her in his mind, that is, he continues to see her as a prostitute, and she is a body for him. In S6, she complains that he doesn't feel anything, and he tells her to go home and sleep together, he still sees her as a body
In the six seasons, he never saw her as his equal or as someone respectable. And she knows it, that's why she mentions it at the meeting, because her power is her body, but it's not something positive like she believes. She only showed that she knows nothing about business, that Tommy is not with her for her intelligence, but as she stated, he is with her for her body.
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sichore · 4 months
Y'all know what time it is. I've only shared my personal timelines but not any extensive thoughts on what I actually think about Metalocalypse. At least not on tumblr. So let's gooooooooo
💖 What's your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
I genuinely don't know what popular opinions there are for the series as a whole! So for me my “biggest” unpopular opinion for the show is just what I feel most strongly about.
And it's how season 4 was a crock of shit and I dearly wish we could have gotten a do-over.
I know there was a lot of executive meddling involved, that Brendon had pumped the show full of lore and character exploration that the network and writers (or at least Tommy Blancha) didn’t aim for. I get that! And visually season 4 is a treasure.
But what we got that we have to take as canon is absolutely trash. The lack of exploration for Magnus and how all we get is him being “evil and kuhRAzy” was complete shit, considering there had to have been a bigger story there. I don't buy Brendon's old tweet about him being nothing more than an abusive asshole because why would he not only have that sympathetic shot in DSR during “Do It For My Brother”, but 10 years have Nathan pointedly grieving him all through AOTD? I call bullshit. Magnus was a founding member of Dethklok so the fact that we got nothing after all this time is just fucking terrible.
And then there's Abigail. I could make a whole post about her but I'd be shouting into a void. All these platitudes about how she should've gotten better knowing good and damn well that the majority of this fandom does not care that she was set up for failure as a Black female character who “got between” a favored mlm ship, even when it was blatant that Abigail didn't want to be there. She should have been integrated better. We got all the signs that she's just as wacky and unhinged as the guys but her only screen time in canon was Questionable, and in fandom she's reduced to a babysitter. Trash.
And do not even get me started on the Nathan+Pickles relationship and conflict. We had three whole ass seasons to show them being supposedly super best friends so the reveal of the friender bender came out of nowhere and now serves as the lynch pin of their relationship. And that's bullshit! Where was the set up? Where's the history of them also being founding members, the leaders, of Pickles being a former frontman and industry vet and Nathan being brand new to that shit? It was a whole fucking missed opportunity and I kinda hate how it's like none of their interactions even mattered until that point and now that's all it's about. This sudden strong friendship and the breakup and Nathan apologizing for the wrong shit.
Season 4 should have been about just what exactly was in Seething Vortex that was so horrible that the Whale Goddess had to have it destroyed. We should have gotten more focus on the conflict of the dynamics that make up the band – of Nathan and Pickles being leaders with contrasting views, actual focus on why Skwisgaar is so rough on Toki and not just the fallout of both (Bookklok was also a Not Great episode). And the kind of scars Magnus left on the guys all this time.
(That's actually why I'm writing paint the sky, to fill in those lore and character development gaps.)
💚 What does everyone get wrong about your favorite character?
Pickles being a “mother” is actually a terrible and no-good thing for him and I wish it wasn't treated as a core or healthy part of his character. And I really hate how he was named that in AOTD, although the “bring Mommy his scotch” line in and of itself was fantastic.
Every time Pickles is in “mom” mode it's a stress response and he is not happy!! We don't know why Molly treated him that way and there probably is no reason. It doesn't matter! The damage is done and Pickles is still paying for it and it's really not something he needs to reclaim. He's a “mother” in that old stereotypical way where he's stressed out, overworked and underappreciated. He's a “mother” in that he gets excessive and overbearing when he's desperately trying to get a situation under control. Him going “mother” is not good!
I do believe he has a nurturing and caring side to him. I do believe Pickles is the most emotionally mature of the guys (though considering the guys, that ehhhh may not be saying much, but I digress). I do believe he could be a good parent and that he should define that for himself because he has no good examples of how a mother or father should be, so he can make his own damn definition! But in canon he is not in the environment or company for that.
And I do totally see Toki being able to confide in him because of Pickles being the most emotionally mature, and Toki is the only other one who will verbally express wanting to indulge in feelings and do good. Even if his attempts can be short-sighted (see: Dethgoverner, Fertilityklok). Still. Toki is a grown-ass man and Pickles is not Toki's goddamn mother.
🧡 What is a popular (serious) theory that you disagree with?
I dunno if this is a theory so much as popular headcanon?? But whatever. Pickles and Seth are not twins. That line in Dethwedding where Seth calls Pickles his older brother I've always seen as a slip up in line reading. Every other instance says and shows Seth as being the older brother; he's much taller in the Rehabklok flashback, and he's introduced by the Tribunal as the older brother in Dethfam. Like, c'mon.
Unpopular Opinions Ask Meme
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the-other-bird · 2 years
Random thoughts about the last episode and therefore in general about the whole show
- the giraffe scene was beautiful. I was a little scared they would cut it, but it was perfect
- Anna!!! I loved her and it felt surreal hearing "Ellie's" voice. Would love to know more about her. I always thought that Marlene and Anna were in love. And this cemented it for me because they were the perfect Riley/Ellie mirror. Also: Anna knowing Ellie's only chance was lying to Marlene about when she cut the cord. Phew.
- the fact that the Fireflies actually actively didn't tell Ellie, basically lied to her. Also interesting that Joel shot Jerry immediately without hesitation, while in the game he hesitates and you kinda have to take him down because he even attacks Joel with a scalpel if you don't.
- little sad that we didn't get to see the photo scene, even though Tommy heading back to Texas in the game just to go through their stuff actually didn't make a lot of sense
- the scenery was so on point and the acting was once again amazing.
- probably a little unpopular opinion: I didn't like the scene of Joel telling Ellie about his attempt. It felt kinda forced and out of place and kinda too on the nose for me. The acting was still beautiful, I just kinda preferred the more subtle way the game let us know about it (but apparently a lot of people missed that and say his attempt is a show only thing, when it isn't)
- sad that we never got a pay off with the knife we saw Sarah pick up in Joel's drawer. What was that about???
Some general stuff:
All my criticism of the show is just nitpicking. I loved it. The acting and casting was amazing. The changes in Bill and Frank's story were perfect and so necessary. A lot of minor changes and additions I absolutely loved. Can't wait to see more of Maria and I'm curious about the how Tommy's story will change with him being a dad in the following seasons. I actually preferred Joel/Tess in the show and their relationship and it worked well with my headcanons about them. The tendrils for the Infected worked really well.
I was not a fan of the way the show changed well working dialogue sometimes and some stuff was a little too much on the nose for me. And the pacing was challenging. I think it would have profited from one or two episodes more and giving us some more slow scenes and giving us a feeling for the time that has passed. Because with this fast pacing it felt like the Salt Lake City episode was like immediately after David and so Ellie's behaviour is based on this fresh trauma. When we see in the game get behaviour is unusual and just starts when they reach Salt Lake City. Also: I would have loved some more horror scenes with infected. Like the college dorms hotel cellar or sewers with stalkers there and the challenge of not waking them up because we see in the show how dangerous they are. But like I said: it's totally nitpicky and I still loved it and I'm looking forward to watching it with my dad because he knows nothing about the source material .
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kurokoros · 1 year
I like Robin in canon, specifically season 3. (I am not huge fan of her in season 4 and for some reason the airiness of the actress's voice just bugs me) But I found her character interesting in season 3.
And then I came to fandom. Specifically, her and Steve's relationship as portrayed in fandom. People see them as codependent and really close and I struggle to wrap my head around that. Do I see them as close friends? Yes. But I see them more as me and my friend, where they're good friends and talk almost every day but aren't codependent on each other. And it's also the superiority with their favorite pairing of characters being platonic, if that makes sense. Like they see Platonic Stobin as the best ship for Steve and I hate it when people do it in general, like when they say that Jancy is the best ship or Stancy or Steddie. Like yes, some would make more sense canonically but sometimes people don't like ships for various reasons. But with Platonic Stobin, it feels like they are untouchable because they are a platonic relationship vs all the romantic ones.
I definitely agree with most of this!
ngl I was doomed to dislike Robin from the start. I don't like any of the main characters or major secondary characters introduced post-S2. S3 is my least favorite season of the series, and both Robin and Erica were involved in the plotline I think had the most bullshit premise, so I'm just painfully indifferent to both of them lmao So, yeah, I never cared for Robin. And it really rubbed me the wrong way that they had Robin rant about how much of an asshole Steve was after he woke up from being beaten unconscious like wtf???
(listen if we needed Russian soldiers in S3, I would have adored new deputy!steve and Hopper having a run in with a small group of soldiers or something. That would have been more interesting than a full scale invasion under the mall but I'm not going to get into how shit that plot point is)
I'm also kind of meh about MH as an actress. It just kind of seems like she tends to play herself, from what little I've seen. There's not much range to her performances imo
Fandom definitely ruined Steve and Robin as friends for me though. I hate the "codependency" angle. I don't see the whole "platonic soulmates" thing. They're just normal friends who went through something traumatic together. And they weren't even really friends when that happened. The show kind of makes it seem like they'd been coworkers forever, but Dustin congratulated Steve on getting the job at Scoops after he came back from camp, so Steve and Robin had only been working together for like... a month. At most. And it doesn't seem like they hang out outside of work in S3. Their friendship really is nonexistent in S3 outside of Steve saying he's laughed more in the last month than in a long time (even though all they have is teasing but vaguely-antagonistic banter)???
The whole "platonic ship is inherently better than a romantic one" argument is also one I don't care for. Like... Steve has already had platonic relationships. In S1 he was friends with Tommy and Carol and the show never implies that Steve is only friends with Carol because he wants to fuck her, if the point of Stobin was to be "boys and girls can just be friends!" He has platonic friendships with the kids that could have been developed more. We could have had more interactions between Steve and Jonathan. Or Steve and Hopper. Or they could have kept Tommy and Carol around and actually developed that friendship.
Neither platonic nor romantic relationships are inherently better than the other. All that matters if is how that relationship is nourished on screen, and I simply do not find Stobin to be as deep as the show and fandom want me to believe.
(Like, unpopular opinion I guess, but I wish they had introduced a new love interest for Steve at some point that wasn't a surprise bait and switch. I would have rather seen Steve move on from Nancy completely, than put up with whatever the hell the Duffers were doing in S4.)
I don't know where I was going with this, but yeah, I simply do not care for Robin or platonic soulmates stobin
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joeey-dee · 1 year
How to you feel about Nyssa or Nyssa x Sara (idk their ship name)
Also your fic “Yes, this is all I have left in me the way love goes is not the way that it came come fly, un-die, be born again.” Was amazing and left me in SHAMBLES (but in a good way, if that makes sense.)
Have a nice day!
Hi, thank you for your question.
Oh boy… I might make myself very unpopular with my opinion but here goes, lol.
I’m not a fan of Nyssara to be honest. But to be fair we did not get a lot of information about it and a lot was left open to interpretation. My issue with the ship is the same as the ones I have with both Olicity and Avalance, it is also very toxic and they tried to sell it to us as something positive.
Nyssa’s behavior was textbook stalker and very ‚if I can’t have you so can no one else‘. This is scary and not love but obsession. It is dangerous and there are no excuses for her actions. She tried to kill Sara’s family, just because Sara left her. And most of the fandom excuses her behavior with the way she was raised and things like that. But that is no excuse for the way she acted. If a woman gets murdered, or her family, by her ex who had a bad childhood, would people also make excuses for that person? 
Another issue I have with the ship is that Sara didn’t really have a choice. Nyssa „saved“ her but at the same time she damned her by taking her to Nanda Parbat instead of letting her go home. Sara was thrust into the League because of Nyssa and the only „protection“ she had was Nyssa and Nyssa’s feelings for her. In a way she was back to where she had been on the Amazo, keep Nyssa’s favor and affection or deal with the consequences just like with Ivo. So I have mixed feelings on whether Sara actually loved Nyssa or it was closer to Stockholm syndrome and survival instinct. And yes, Sara clearly states that she loved Nyssa but she also claimed Ivo was not evil. There was a serious issue with the power dynamic in their relationship and that is never a good thing.
Like I said I have mixed feelings and am not entirely sure about this relationship, because there is very little information we have about it, and most of what we know is Nyssa’s point of view, which I do not trust. The way she saw it might not at all be the way Sara saw it. 
I have serious issues with the way the movie and TV industry is romanticizing toxic and abusive relationships and selling them as perfect and something to aspire to. It is dangerous and makes me very uncomfortable.
I do like Nyssa’s character and her as a person, I think she was very interesting and had a lot of potential and a great story arch, but I don’t think she and Sara were a good fit or brought out the best in each other. 
Aw, thank you so much for that compliment! It makes perfect sense and I’m so happy you shared that with me and liked the story! It means the world to me. I’m a sucker for Ollie and Tommy’s friendship, throw Sara in there and it’s my dream team, lol. 
Thank you, you too!
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palms-upturned · 2 years
I want to send every disco character and still have not decided while writing this… they're all so interesting and you have interesting things to say… but how about Tommy?
Send me a character and I will tell you my:
First impression: so here’s the funny thing about Tommy. My first dose of disco elysium content was from eldhuug’s fanart, a couple of which feature Tommy. But somehow I ended up under the impression that Tommy was like some kind of celebrity musician instead of a lorry driver, and when I saw him in the game the first time I became that “BEYONCÉ?!” meme. Like TOMMY LE HOMME?!
Impression now: literally could not possibly love him any more than I do. Everything about him is so lovable. He’s so kind and laid back and I love stopping by to talk to him whenever I play the game. Just the kind of guy who I would love to shoot the shit with. He must have some kind of aura about him that makes lesbians like me and Ruby want to share a beer with him.
Favorite moment: I was honestly really touched by his loyalty to Ruby. When he talks to Harry about how Ruby seemed like she had that “young person’s darkness” in her and like she was “looking for a way out,” it broke my heart so bad but also was strangely cathartic to see somebody who saw it and cared enough to be her friend and even to stand his ground against the cops for her just bc he didn’t want her to take that way out… 😭 I also loved that conversation with him about what it means to miss someone. Ough Tommy…
Idea for a story: Once I wrote a summary of a fake fic for another ask meme and it was about Tommy bonding with some of the other smokers of Martinaise as he runs into them at the Frittte buying cigarettes and it hasn’t left my mind since…
Unpopular opinion: Is there such a thing as an unpopular opinion about Tommy? I feel like we’re all pretty united in loving this guy to death.
Favorite relationship: Tommy and Ruby 😭😭😭😭😭
Favorite headcanon: He gets/keeps in touch with Isobel even after leaving Martinaise bc a part of him hopes to someday hear that Ruby came back and is all right. 😢 but also he just likes to hear about what goes on back there. Lots of postcards sent back and forth over the years and over the course of his travels.
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thepawnedknight · 2 years
Probably an unpopular opinion
So, I'm not the best at playing games, but when I do play one and actually enjoy the game, I try to be thorough. Also a very annoying thing to me and my friends...mostly my friends, is how well I remember things. Even stupid ass, small details that have caught my eye. I'll be the first to admit, if it doesn't catch my interest, there is a possibility I won't remember it.
Turning a game (or book) into a movie and/or a show... yes I know there will be things that are different. Yes I know they do not have time to make it perfect or make it just like the game or book. Yes I know funding can be a reason for this. I understand that people will change things just because they feel just feel like it or because they believe it will add to the story. I strongly believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Also spoiler alert throughout this post. If you enjoyed the HBO show, you also may not want to read this word vomit of an opinion post.
That being said...
My opinion on The Last of Us show...and I'm very, VERY sorry to say is that it was mediocre at best. God, that fuckin' hurts to say. I wanted to like it. I really did. They had a wonderful case. The special effects were amazing. Those infected were awesome. It was a beautiful world. They did add a very small bit to the story that I personally believe was pretty good.
But...they took so much away from it and did not give enough back to make up for it.
The infected. They looked really cool. They did a fantastic job on them. I enjoyed them when they were there. Where the fuck were they? They created a "zombie" show without many zombies. I'm not saying every single episode needs them. In fact, I'm saying you should not have them in all the episodes. It would have been nice to have more of them though. I felt like this world did not show me the true hardships of survival with infected. It almost felt like an after thought. Again, loved the infected and enjoyed them. They left me wanting more. I mean, 1 bloater? Were these creatures playing on very, very easy so something?
The relationships. I loved the Bill and Frank episode. I found myself tore. I loved that they gave Bill and Frank a better ending. I believe this episode was a good breather so the viewers could get away from the sad, scary (not so scary) world of the Last of Us. They captured Bill to a T and gave new life to Frank. I laughed and cried this episode. It was the best episode. That being said, I was salty. I will admit, my being salty was mostly because we didn't get to see Bill, Joel, and Ellie all together. Ellie and Bill butt heads and all. We missed out on Joel learning to make bombs from Bill's traps, but we can just assume he learned it from other life experiences and chose not to use them. Didn't get to hear the frustration in Bill's voice over Joel saying he owed him a favor and asking for a car.
Joel and Ellie. Tell me again, why did Ellie become attached to this version of Joel? (Sorry Pedro Pascal, we love you and I know you followed the script you were given. You did great!) Joel does start off very cold and distance from Ellie, yes. Joel comes around much faster though in the game. He trusted her with her own gun and she didn't have to hide that she had one. He became a father figure and a close friend. Did I miss where they bonded? When he got to Tommy's community, he was talking about how he was scared of the dangers from my understanding. Did I miss understand the scene? I remember in the game him telling Tommy he didn't want to bring Ellie all the way because he was scared of losing her alone the way. He didn't belive he could go through losing her because he became close to her and he had already lost one daughter. I'm sorry to say, but I don't feel that Ellie would have been that close to show Joel. He was kinda a wet blanket and more of a bodyguard rather than a friend or father figure.
Sam and Henry. Okay, I get it they were brothers. I get the creatures were trying to add to the story and were trying to pull heartstrings. I also understand that I am a huge asshole. Sam being deaf was too much of a risk for do what Henry did. (Again the actor that had played Sam did a very great job. It was the role he was given and the role he was cased for. He did awesome. I do not want to take that from the child.) The Henry in the show was very selfish. Yes, no child deserves to go without medication, but sadly that is life and it happens in a world were there are no zombies. In their world they have zombies and medication is very hard to come by. Henry betrays the bettering of life for this community for the "bettering" of his little brother's life. I say "bettering" because if he did not betray that very good man he brought up in the show, Sam could have lived the rest of his (probably short) life more comfortably or at the least safer. Instead, deaf Sam suffers the same fate as non-deaf Sam does in the game. Spoiler alert, he gets bit, he turns, and Herny has to kill an infected version of his brother. In a world with zombies, keeping a deaf child around just too risky if you don't have people to help keep them safe. I apologize, but as heartless as it sounds Henry should have just let go of Sam sooner and let him die. It would have been less painful and better than getting infected.
Changing or taking shit out. The zombies...in a world destroyed by them, they were not many to be seen.
Bill, killing off Bill cause us to miss the graveyard, going through town, hanging upside down and having to keep Ellie safe like that, the school and the gym with the bloater, pushing the truck, Ellie and Bill's back and forth. So many golden moments that could have made for great episodes. I would say two at least and three or four at the very most.
The mall. This was still an okay episode. Ellie didn't have that dumbass fight and walk off from Riley in the game, but they did have a fight. They left out the fun water gun fight and throwing rocks at those cars for the question game. I'm guessing the died body they found was suppose to be the guy they spoke about in the game where they got the booze and talked about the guy having a horse. A little fuzzy for me is what story Riley and Ellie actually danced in. I want to say it was a clothing store where the water gun fight took place not the Halloween story. Riley was not stationed at the mall and did not make bombs. Ellie was suppose to be pretty sarcastic about asking Riley to not leave and them tell her yeah go. Then ask her not to go similar to the kiss scene they had. 1 infected. They were chased through the whole mall by a flock of infected, not just attacked by 1. I just don't see how believable it would be for two trained individuals to both get bit by 1 infected. Teens or not.
Mask. Not having them wear mask more often. This was a pretty big deal in the same. Asking Ellie how she was breathing the air and then having to put them on in many different buildings. It's a infection that could be caused by breathing and they had 1 episode where they talked about it with Ellie. This is only understandable for the show because they took out most of the really cool scenes they would have had to wear them.
The leaning building. I was excited when they showed that building. They tickled my balls and then did not finish the job. Don't tease me like that and say , "PK you don't get to go inside, and you don't get to climb the outside of that bad ass, leaning building."
The flooded subway. I know this would have been really, really hard for them to shoot. I will be easy on them here. I just wish it could have been possible.
The raiders. The ones they had to jump off the bridge for because of Henry and the ones they ran into because of getting off the high rise. The high rise was not in the show so try could have avoided them better, but sense they didn't go that route good thing for this Ellie and Joel there were only a few. With Henry and Sam, you went through a city with gates and walls and large spot lights. Understanding that they took this out with making Sam deaf and it probably would have sucked to do all that and harder to have them jumping around and then jumping off that bridge. Without the bridge as well Henry didn't have to tell Joel that he knew that Ellie and Joel were strong and would survive.
The sewer. They did an okay job with the sewer, but did not give it as much life. Where was the story and big getting separated scene? I know not everyone cares about the story of the sewer community, but with everything else they been leaving out it would have been nice to see.
Fighting Bloaters, we seen 1 bloater and that was the one that killed the actor that was Tommy's voice actor from the game. We missed the one in the gym because well, Bill. Didn't get to see the ones in the college and the ones in the underground highway. Fun scenes to play for anyone who doesn't know.
When Ellie runs away. We got the scene where she's reading the dairy, but we did not get the whole part where she stole a horse and runs away. Fight raiders to find her and then fighting more once Joel and Tommy found her in that house.
The last stand. They did pretty good in the hospital fight. So good, I wished they showed more of the fighting because they didn't show a lot of it in the show.
Imma just leave this here too, they had 100 million dollars in funding and this is what they gave us. The first season of walking dead gave us better with only 20.4 million dollars. I'm not saying walking dead was perfect. I know their zombies are easier to do, but it was a zombie TV show with zombies.
Maybe I'm wrong for being as picky as I am and i know my thoughts on the last of us show is probably unpopular, but like I said in the beginning, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I know mine as pretty negative towards HBO's last of us and I'm probably the asshole, but with claims saying next big thing and stuff along those lines. A promise was made and it did not deliver.
I apologize again.
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