#but my trans characters are non negotiable lol
carduelism · 2 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)
I got sent this twice lol so I’m just responding the the first
1) I have lil’ freckles all over my face, not like a lot of them but just little dots here and there and I think they’re very pretty and that not enough characters a drawn with them :(
2) Being of asian decent means a lot of body hair, like everywhere, listen I’m afab and I’m pretty sure I’m not meant to have chest hair pre-t (arm and leg hair, ilyt)
3) Also I dont think I advertise this in my description on this blog but I am a trans and gay creator and I have officially exited the phase of socially transitioning where I’m like “am I just faking it?” so yay!
4) On a diff blog I just talk about my favourite video game Dragon Age all the time (not as often anymore, TGF distracts me) and I have a poster of Skyhold which is one of the places in the game hung up on my wall and it makes me so happy to have my special interest hung up on the wall next to me fjfhfh
5) I have pretty ugly stubby fingers to start with and when I first started seeing a callus being formed on one of them I began to get even more insecure but now I’ve learnt to love my hands that that little bump I got on my finger from writing all the time
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spookykittenwrites · 5 months
Wonderful Vices update! ship: soapghostgaz rating: E Warnings: none apply (ao3 ones) Tags: BDSM, kink negotiations, non-military au, flatmates au, eventual relationship, pining, trans male character, trans Gaz, breeding kink, fantasies and masturbation
Chapter 2 is on dreamwidth (no account required) on my little community I made for myself over there. Also if you have/make an account you're welcome to join me over there but please read the community rules (and a message on here in advance would be nice just so I know who I'm letting in lol)
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trashabilly · 7 years
main story ocs (as of aug 15/17)
avery dallas: 26/white/m/aro ace (likes dudes) bulimic, autistic, dark magister but has no control over his magic yet, from norwich has a pretty nasally british accent, lived in and out of foster care and orphanages w/ william until he was 18 and they moved to canada. lived off their inheritance for a while until they started hunting. loses smokes & pens in his hair. like rob zombie and sweeney todd.
william dallas: 22/white/m/pan, struggles with addiction and his temper. bleaches his hair and laughs too loud. nobody but avery is allowed to call him will. worked his ass of to lose his accent after they moved to vancouver. was abused by a foster father who they lived with for about 4 years. bff is amy-grace. owns 2 3ds’. likes the addams family and the wombats.
daniel evans-hirsch: 33/black/jewish/m/gay, deaf in both ears, loves coffee and detective movies. sams fiance. the general boss of the organization. visits his lesbian moms every week. very enthusiastic abt dogs, very bad at board games. family has been hunting for generations. considers the dallas brothers both good friends and the banes of his existence. likes grimes and victor victoria
sam mcpherson: 30/mexican & irish/ bi/m, from boston. engaged to daniel. bad attitude. got possessed when he was younger and the demon used him to go on a killing spree over 3 months. he got a very poorly done exorcism that just fused him and the demon into one person. lost left arm about 10 years previously. food network junkie. likes shakey graves and golden girls
oliver pleasant (kheelan ilbryn): “28” (280)/white/gay/m, fae, owns a cafe with marcellus. is living in the human realm not very legally. was the high mage of the kings court before he ran away bc he fell in love with a reaper (marcellus) so they could be together. stole a shit ton of spellbooks. loves being naked. a lot of people think his glamour is a cosplay. thicc. likes marina and the diamonds and the conjuring.
marcellus ezra: “35” (350)/indian/gay/m, reaper stationed in vancouver. workaholic. tall n lanky, loves oliver and works at the cafe on his days off. likes to garden, carries his (folding) scythe in a fabric guitar case. is permanently stationed in the human realm after an “incident” with his boss (death) that he doesn’t like to talk abt. always very tired. likes me first and the gimme gimmes and hp (the 3rd one specifically)
victoria gray: 24/sekani/bi/f, smart as fuck. record keeper (researcher) but is combat trained, just avoids it if she can. loves fashion and the smell of gasoline. was absolutely team jacob. keeps every calendar she’s ever used. collects stickers to give to people. wants kids. likes the killers and mean girls.
raven gray: 24/sekani/ aro ace/f, field agent, loves shitty horror movies, best buddies w avery, former mall goth. cries when she thinks abt dogs and cute girls. either dresses like shes from a tim burton movie or like shes raided reds closet. likes voltaire and the princess bride.
ivan botrokoff: 36/white/bi/m, very russian and very large. assassin turned monster hunter, works with katya. huge burn scars on one side of his face, his hobby is deadlifting his friends. he’s a special agent who deploys all over the world. likes fabrika and silence of the lambs.
ekaternina (katya) dresvyanin: 35/tiawanese&russian/lesbian/trans woman (post op), also very large. can sprint in heels, assassin turned monster hunter, deploys world wide. works with ivan. really wants to propose to tamela who shes been dating for about 5 years but shes really nervous. passionate abt flowers and her gf. likes gogol bordello and true crime docs.
tamela jakanda: 30/black/lesbian/trans woman (pre op), wanted to help katya with her job so she became a record keeper. she runs a popular makeup blog and wants to have her own line of cosmetics someday. shy and quiet, gets along really well with oliver. doesn’t like fighting but really loves her job as a researcher. likes studio killers and atla/lok
red: 29/mexican/pan/trans guy (post top surgery) the only existing light magister, extremely powerful, wears tinted and enchanted glasses to keep his magic in check. loves memes more than he loves himself. he’s from oakland, tells people his full name is “brick gertrude wallaby red”. this is not true. only isao knows his real name. has his bachelor of science and wants a degree in robotics. builds annoying robots for fun. lives with isao and has a huge crush on him. skateboards almost everywhere. likes glass animals and what we do in the shadows.
isao tomioka: 33/japanese/gay/trans man (post op) half human, daniels boss. college history professor. has been friends with red for 10 years (they went to college together), he’s had a crush on him the whole time. doesn’t understand memes, speaks 7 languages, loves cats. him and red have a really cute house together but it has a super creepy basement. taught 1 lesson in a high school and swore he’d die before he did it again. likes royal blood and scooby doo.
cassius arden: 700+/egyptian/gay/m, warlock. materialistic, very powerful, changed his name after witch hunts. drinks coffee with 5 sugars and lots of cream. married to florian. has a bird and 3 fish tanks. likes sitting in the living room and screaming in tandem with his cockatiel. has a chair on the council of human/non-human relations and magic regulations. likes kesha and the office
florian koztolànyi: 400/tibetan & hungarian/ pan/m, earth mage (different from magisters bc he’s not human but different from warlocks bc there aren’t any demonic influences) vegetarian, mostly uses magic to grow plants and cheat at gardening competitions. the sensible husband. wears almost exclusively greens and browns. grows flowers in his braid. also has a seat on the council. likes childish gambino and hocus pocus.
fang-lin ji: 49/chinese/gay/m, demon, won’t tell anyone how old he actually is. uses seals to make himself look human. really strong but also really weird, owns a specialty store for non-human essentials/supplies with his family. helps daniel out when he needs it. nobody’s sure if he’s wei and hua-lings dad or their older brother. buys groceries at really bizarre hours. likes the ramones and rocky horror
wei ji: 23/chinese/bi/m, demon. actually 23, won’t use seals to look human, has a giant mouth on his stomach and likes to glue googly eyes to his nipples to make a face. a little shit. friends with benefits with william. hua-lings twin, 10 minutes older and never lets her forget it. likes tenacious d and the pick of destiny (album and movie)
hua-ling ji: 23/chinese/bi/f, actually 23. uses seals, more technical strength than wei. loves ballet but it pretty clumsy. she tries her best. the good twin. would live off peach milk tea if she could (she cant) collects sunglasses and hair clips. thinks draco malfoy is really hot and used to write self insert fanfics. likes daoko and anastasia.
amy-grace faust: 19/vietnamese & german/lesbian/f, williams best friend and fellow member of the “no nicknames club” is a record keeper alongside victoria and tamela. pretty quiet doesn’t really interact with any of the field agents besides william and sometimes avery. most of them have never met her. 40% of her wardrobe was stolen from william. shes his weed buddy. really good at her job. thinks red is cool and sometimes helps him with his robots and he dyes her hair. likes badflower and the swan princess.
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ace-the-fox · 3 years
Updated Requests Cans and Can'ts
Since my mpreg headcanons will no longer just be JJBA, figured I might make a new post (:
Fandoms I will do:
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 1-5 (please send me ur jojo requests lol /lh)
Little Witch Academia
Friday Night Funkin (no mods, sorry)
Sanders Sides
Danganronpa (I'm not really in the fandom anymore, but figured the characters'll be easy enough to write).
Will do:
Pregnancy (or even just parenting) anything really. Can be as vague or specific as you'd like.
Cis, trans or usually just sex neutral.
Will take both ships and single parents.
Could do some dark themes for angst purposes. Like the loss of a pregnancy, for example.
Also, with mlm or wlw ships, please specify exactly which person gets pregnant, in case I get confused lol.
Mpreg is the preference here but you can request female or even genderbent characters.
Won't do:
Anything sexual. No smut or kink stuff, as both me and some characters are minors. Only SFW allowed.
Also, no omegaverse. Even if it is SFW. It just confuses me lmao.
No illegal ships, like incest or pedophilia (or ones that are just downright toxic or abusive).
Any character 15 or younger. Ik it is non-sexual, I just feel as though there should still be some kind of line. I don't want to look like I support 14 year-olds getting pregnant or something like that lmao. 15 might be negotiable, but anything under that I will not do.
Please feel free to flood my inbox if you are interested. I would be v happy with the interaction lol.
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secretwhumplair · 3 years
The Sink - Intro/Reference/Timeline
So. Since I stumbled back into this universe, I figured I’d finally write up a quick intro post because otherwise it’ll be horribly confusing and/or I’ll have to explain the context every time I post something out of chronological order, which we all here know will be often. Especially for the whole Xerxes/Nor/Rega mess lol.
This setting features: Xerxes & Nor/Pet (& Rega), Leigh & the shapeshifter, and I might also throw the angel in. More characters pending :D
Content warnings: Pet whump, dehumanisation, the works.
Government is corrupt capitalism is running amok not much thought was put into this line because why
Poor and especially homeless are at risk of being snatched up by pet traders. Is this legal? No one cares. If you don’t have friends/family who are either very determined or rich, say goodbye to your chances of rescue. Most pet snatchers know better than to snatch someone from the latter categories (Leigh was a mistake, we’ll get there)
Most importantly! The Sink (TM) was an event that occurred two or three generations back, with two main consequences:
Mythological-esque creatures appearing, some humanoid in appaearance and/or intelligence, some not
Children (rarely) being born with superpowers, such as shapeshifting and healing factors
Needless to say these are considered extra valuable in the pet trade
To be clear, a filthy rich upper class exists and is the main market for pets
(Not really a worldbuilding aspect but this ‘verse is also trans character central, Nor is the only cis main character so far lol. Me experimenting with gender via my characters? Nooo what are you talking about)
Leigh & the shapeshifter
Leigh grows up on his uncle’s horse farm, otherwise known as the House by the Hill
At 18yo, he runs away for mostly just bratty reasons with a friend
Gets snatched up by pet traders, who think he’s just your average runaway teen with a broken family who won’t come looking
(They’re wrong, and Leigh’s family desperately looks for him for years, but they still get away with it)
Leigh is broken and bought by a sadistic master, the works
Said master later captures a shapeshifter
The two don’t have much opportunity to interact at first but during a trip to a nice little place in the countryside their master takes them to, that changes
Both of them are pretty messed up at this point. Leigh has been captive for six years.
When an opportunity arises, Leigh urges the shapeshifter to escape - he can’t because he’s got a GPS chip or whatever - but the shapeshifter insists he come along, claws the chip out, and they escape together
Somehow or other, they make it back to the House by the Hill half-dead
Cue everyone - the pair of them as well as Leigh’s family - dealing with their recovery
The shapeshifter and Leigh fall in love, you know how it is
Xerxes & Nor
Features a redemption arc of uncertain quality, including a whumper/whumpee reconciliation. I’ll tag the pieces this concerns “ex-whumper x whumpee” (unless someone has a better, similarly concise idea. It’s mostly if not fully non-romantic so the x doesn’t really do it justice lol.)
Xerxes grew up poor, therefore at high risk from pet snatchers, therefore decided early on if it was eat or be eaten, they would do the eating thank you very much
They start training pets in their late teens, quickly refining their crude methods and building a loyal string of clients, a reputation, and a fortune
They capture Nor - a small-time criminal just getting by, without family or friends to speak of - to train and keep as their personal pet
At some point they buy the House on the Hill as their home and training facility. Yes it’s the same hill. They’re now next door neighbours to Leigh’s family (next door here still means like. Half a hill apart.) This occurs before Leigh’s disappearance
Over time, they find themself growing genuine affection towards Nor, and satrt questioning their entire life. Eventually, they set Nor free to have an existential crisis by themself
Nor, with nowhere else to go, asks for a job at the House by the Hill, and they take him in (this is after Leigh’s escape and return)
(Xerxes does offer to host him as long as he needs but obviously Nor wants to leave as soon as he wraps his mind around his freedom)
(Which doesn’t take as long as it could, Xerxes never broke him fully because they enjoyed watching him struggle with his conflicting feelings about them)
Meanwhile Xerxes takes a trip to figure out what to do with their life. Comes across one of the pets they trained, a harpy-type bird creature, now utterly ruined, and buys them back more or less on a whim to help them recover
They make up their mind that this is what they’ll do moving forward, to try and make up for some of the damage they’ve done. They ask for help at the House by the Hill. The shapeshifter goes to help so Nor, who feels he should, doesn’t have to
Xerxes’ ex-clients are not thrilled with the development. One of them winds up kidnapping Xerxes to whump the living shit out of them
They’ve always had a difficult relationship with their clients due to their background, à la “we’ll tolerate you as long as you’re useful”
Oh did we mention they have a healing factor? Because they sure didn’t, knowing full well what it will mean to their clients. But of course, their captor figures it out
Xerxes thinks no one will care to save them. But of course Nor does and manages to strike a deal with their captor
Cue Nor caretaking an utterly shattered Xerxes because he knows they need someone they can trust around them which includes exactly one (1) person (barely) especially after what just happened to them
As Xerxes recovers, they carefully negotiate what their relationship will now be. Nor moves up the hill to help with the recued pets
Rega is trapped in a heavily abusive relationship, as good as a pet, but of course he doesn’t admit that to himself, manages, despite his own doubts, to ask Xerxes for help, and moves into the House on the Hill, where he ends up falling in love with Nor.
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pandamega · 5 years
Opening writing commissions!
I’ve been thinking about this for a while (years lol) and I’ve finally decided to open writing commissions! I’ve been away from fandom for a while but have still been reading and writing a lot, just not posting. I think commissions will help motivate me to finish more pieces and post more, keep the juices flowing and whatnot. SO! Lets get on with it!
Any genre, any rating! pretty easy right! 
Any pairing  (M/M, M/F, F/F, intersex, trans, poly, basically any gender/sexuality combination)
Fluff, angst, humor, torture*
Smut, including xeno (monsters, tentacles, etc), dub-con**,  gang-bang/orgies
BDSM, kink negotiation, etc.
1st person, 2nd person, and 3rd person. Any literary style
reader insert
scat/excrement play
**Straight up rape. I’m open to a lot of dub-con situations so we can discuss this
Animal abuse
*Excessive gore/mutilation
Pedophilia. I’m okay writing underage stuff for couples that are 16, or if one character is like 16 and the other is in their early 20′s, and some other combinations, but I will not write anything explicit for kids under 16.
I’m very open minded and non-judgmental, so if you aren’t sure if I will write what you have in mind, feel free to message me! I will not be condescending or cruel if I can’t write it. I won’t kink shame you.
$1 per 100 words, pretty simple and standard. No minimum :)
Free preview for works over 1000 words
1000 word bonus or $5 off for every 5000 words
Works over 20,000 words will probably be delivered one chapter at a time, about 10k words per chapter.
I’ll probably end up writing a bit extra since I’ve always been bad at word limits.
I MIGHT be open to trades. If you make music I might be interested in trading for a beat/recording. I might be interested in physical trades for photography, cinematography, and pro-audio equiptment, or like tech stuff lol.
Payment via Cash app (preferred) or Paypal (Friends & Family to avoid fees)
I’m happy to research a new fandom/character, especially if you want a longer piece 
Original Characters! (Yours or mine)
Pretty much any anime, I have watched so much anime (Still deep into One Piece)
Marvel (movie universe primarily)
Teen Wolf (I have like a million Sterek WIPs)
DCU (movies or comic)
Fallout, Skyrim, 
Harry Potter
So much more
How it works:
Message me! Give me a character or pairing as well as the vibe you want and a prompt or idea to work from. Tell me approximately how long you want it to be.
Pay half up front, give me a few days to write a preview (if your work is over 1k words)
I’ll send you the finished piece in about two weeks (give or take depending on my schedule and the length of the piece) 
You pay the final half of the payment (Adjusted for the finished length)
If you’re okay with it I’ll post the piece to my AO3 and tumblr too!
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carryonmyswansong · 5 years
Commission are Open!
My family is in crisis right now, so I'm opening my commissions; I need to make some money ASAP!
I make page dividers as well as write. Below the "Read More" is a lot of details about each. So please read the entire post. And PLEASE share! Thank you!
Page Dividers
Examples of my page dividers: (I sell them in sets of two)
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Simple designs (Hawkeye, Basic Captain America, The Punisher, Men of Letters) are $3 for a set of two. Each matching additional divider is $2 each. More complicated designs (Hulk, Thor, Supernatural Christmas, Captain America's Stealth Suit) are $5 for a set of two. Each matching additional divider is $3 each.
Each set of two gets a main page divider and a secondary page divider.
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Universes I will write for:
Teen Wolf
Criminal Minds
Characters I will write for:
MCU: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, Loki, and Thor
Teen Wolf: Almost everyone except background characters or those who were only around for a couple of episodes. The characters I'm best at writing are Chris, Derek, Noah, Peter, and Stiles.
Supernatural: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel, Benny Lafitte, Bobby Singer, Crowley, Rowena, and Gabriel
Criminal Minds: Spenser Reid, Derek Morgan, and Penelope Garcia
RPF I will write for:
MCU: Sebastian Stan, Chris Evans, Robert Downy Jr, Jeremy Renner, Tom Holland, and Tom Hiddleston
Teen Wolf: Ian Bohen, JR Bourne, Dylan O’Brien, and Tyler Hoechlin
Supernatural: Misha Collins, Jensen Ackles, and Jared Padalecki
Content I WILL write for:
General Content:
angst with a happy ending
♕ smut
a/b/o - EXCEPT for the Teen Wolf universe
any slash between any listed characters - EXCEPT underage Peter Parker + anyone else | Crossovers can be discussed
RPF slash and RPF reader inserts can be between any actors, regardless of the universe they act in.
reader inserts (any gender)
love triangles
polyamorous relationships
☘ mostly any AU not listed in the "no" section
☘ most tropes
♕ You MUST be age 18 or older! (if your age isn’t listed on your blog, you must include your birthday in the first message you send me about this. I will not write smut for underage people. Period.)
☘ If you are unsure, please ask. I am better at some than others.
☘ Mostly anything not listed in the "no" section...
Specific kinks I can write for
ddlg, any genders - characters MUST be 18+! Will not include any content listed in the "no" section.
sensory deprivation
☘ if you are unsure, please ask. I haven’t heard of them all and may need to expand the list below, lol. More taboo topics can be discussed and are case-by-case.
Content I will NOT write for:
General Content:
underage smut of any kind (including stories of younger versions of adult characters)
mpreg is negotiable
Teen Wolf AU: AU: All Human, A/B/O, Always Female Stiles, Trans Stiles
gender-swapping a single character/making a cis character trans (other gender expressions are negotiable)
sex/relationship between victim + abuser
Professor + student AU
Bucky Barnes without a prosthetic arm (meaning: two flesh arms. Bucky comes with a disability, and I won't write post-war Bucky without it.)
humiliation kink that involves abuse rather than legit kink
lack of aftercare
anything involving: vomit, scat, or blood (period sex is the exception as long as it isn’t graphic).
Writing Smut for a fic, you are currently writing:
3¢ per word. (I will need access to your fic to read it to get a feel for your story before I start writing. I will write the scene in a separate Google Document page that you will have access to. We will be in contact every step of the way. The same rules apply as above. You MUST credit me in the post it appears in once you publish.)
Sfw: $3/character
Nsfw: $6/character
All fics, regardless of length, are 2¢ per word. Nsfw scenes are 3¢ per word. (NSFW scenes means NSFW. Implied sex and teasing don't count. Blatant sex and nudity do.)
Please note that all the lists are subject to change at any time. Also, all fics/fic excerpts will be posted on my Patreon a week before they are posted on AO3 and Tumblr, but YOU will get a copy of your commission as soon as it's finished. All headcanons will be posted on AO3 the day they are posted on Tumblr. If you are asking for a headcanon, please post your question in with your coffee purchase, as well as sending me an ask on Tumblr. That way, I can keep track of who is asking what and who donated what. If you want to commission a fic or NSFW scene, please send me an Ask on Tumblr, off anon, and please include your discord name. It is MUCH more manageable for me to talk through Discord than any other message system. My ko-fi link is /carryonmyswansong.
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ask-ciaphas-cain · 5 years
List ten favourite characters from ten different things and tag 10 people
I got tagged by @fuukonomiko and @catachan-jungle-fighter so here you go? I’m not doing Warhammer 40k bc... I have two 40k RP blogs and I keep talking about all the dudes and dudettes I like, so that really wouldn’t add anything new to the conversation!
1. Wedge Antilles -  Star Wars (Expanded Universe/Legends)
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I’m going with the EU/Legends version bc that’s the one I like! He was my intro to the weird, wild, wacky Star Wars EU and he’s got like... one and a half book series about him. He was my first introduction to the “stern but fair, and willing to bend the rules” commander archetype. He left his command post to go fight a guerilla war against a tyrant the newly inaugurated New Republic wouldn’t. He founded a special ops pilot squad bc it was a niche official command wouldn’t fill. He willingly plays the straight man and fall guy so that his people can get shit done. At one point during a diplomatic mission he abandons it because he doesn’t want to be diplomatic with the horrible government he’s negotiating with, and leads the rival governments in a planetary civil war. He’s very very moral and I still stan even though all of his adventures are now non-canon.
2. Terezi Pyrope - Homestuck
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LOV3 TH1S B1TCH >:] Narrow fav out of all my fav Homestuck characters. I love her character and the conflicts she’s been through. She’s also a very moral character, although sometimes her morals are questionable by human standards. She’s silly and funny and can also be very serious and she gets shit done.
3. Ticker - Warframe
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Bet you didn’t know Warframe had NPCs lol. I love, love LOVE Ticker. She’s trans(!!) and she’s one of the few NPCs who treats the PC with empathy and respect. While the other NPCs basically treat the PC like a tool/partner for their own purposes, Ticker really seems to care about the PC as a person. I don’t know if she knows the truth about the Tenno, but I think she’d be willing to talk to them about their problems. She also calls the PC “Stardust”, unlike everyone else who calls them something kinda derogatory? Her quotes are also really kind and fun. I love her ugh
4. Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing - Hellsing
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LOVE THIS STONE COLD BITCH. She bears the title of “Sir” and insists on it. She runs an anti-vampire organization AND is one of the 12 ranking members of England’s leading council. She stands equal to one of the most powerful members of the Vatican and goes out to battle herself when she needs to, and she has the respect and loyalty of the most powerful vampire on the planet. And she willingly marches into a trap to find and shoot her Nazi nemesis in the face. #1 badass who takes no shit.
5. Europe, Duchess of Naimes - Monster Blood Tattoo Trilogy
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This is a much more obscure character, but I will stan and try to insist everyone reads this trilogy because it’s so good. Europe is one of the secondary protagonists who’s a COMPLETE badass. Monster hunter and researcher, scion of one of the most powerful noble families in the setting who decided not to go into politics but follow her own interests instead. She sort of adopts the protagonist and stands by him even as the plot thickens, partly because of her own interests and partly because she’s actually fond of him. She helps him out, ostensibly because it’s in her interests but really bc she cares about him c’: Love me Tsundere Aunt characters.
6. Blue Diamond - Steven Universe
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Picking a best character from Steven Universe was hard but in the end I picked her. I love her and the fact that she’s a hyper-empathetic, depressed tyrant who eventually through her depression and hyper-empathy realizes she’s wrong and she’s been treating her younger sister abusively. I really appreciate that she eventually stands up to her own depression and the role her mom/supreme tyrant forces on her and she’s willing to fight her sister and her mom about it. Powering up from depression is good.
7. Nozomi Tojo - Love Live!!
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Big titty lesbian c: Who is also really good at “leading from behind” and through suggestion. She’s supportive, kind and motivational, and nudges all of her friends into better choices through suggestions and hints. She uses her spirituality in a very kind, non-invasive way to help, and she’s a good singer! She’s also one of the common sense people in her friend group.
8. Rei Ayanami -  Neon Genesis Evangelion
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Rei is weird bc she starts out as a personality-less, quiet person and then she grows into her own, and tbh that’s what I love about her. How she rejects what her “father figure” tells her and grows to become her own person (even though it’s attached to another person :/ well that’s not really her fault). I love that she goes from perceiving herself as worthless and sacrificial, to making the willing choice to sacrifice herself, dying, having her soul zooped into another copy of her, and then making that choice AGAIN while the world is literally ending. Very motivational for depressed teen me.
9. Gog-Agog -  Kill Six Billion Demons
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Hyper powerful ruler of the universe, and wacky clown! She’s a completely insane god full of shenanigans and naughty. She does exactly what I’d probably do if I had godhood, and that’s entertain herself and do stupid bullshit. She’s ofc a horrible villain, but I love her. I’m super looking forward to seeing WHY her official title is “the Great Devourer, Scourge of Worlds.” (READ KILL SIX BILLION DEMONS ITS FREE)
10. Col. Samantha Carter -  Stargate SG-1
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One of my first(!!!) actually strong female characters. 10 seasons of being the female lead on Stargate, being the SMART ONE who regularly tells the dudes what to do. Obvs sometimes, especially in the first few seasons she was still “the girl” but her character grew past that, with rank promotions as well. She’s been with me so long that words aren’t necessarily enough, so I’m gonna just put this video here of her outshooting a dude as an exclamation mark.
Tagging: @asklotarasarrin @thesilentinquisitor @jackass-biomancer @catterfly and whoever else wants to do this, sorry I’m just real bad at thinking up tags on the spot.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Apparently, Dumb, and Funny: Ppl: uses the word pedophile incorrectly as an umbrells term Me: hey here is actually an unbrella term It'a minor attracted person Ppl: EW PEDOPHILES ARE TRYING TO HIDE THE FACz THEYRE PEDO scuM BY Ppl: EW E GROSS DISGUSTING UGHGROSSEMEWDISGROSSTING .. 2 Anonymous asked You're Disgusting Mmmmmmmmmm 1 note .. Can you believe the ones calling this site "tumblr a daly basis, but ti ones sending the suicide bait? #doro speaks Anonymous asked You're against the death penalty no matter what? So i guess possibly putting more Nope No death penalty. Not one person on this earth deserves to die. Nothing else is 100 % in destroying choice except taking someone's life. It is the ultimate form of violence ve in the value of human life is static and non-negotiable. I'm not gonna gamble on s notes Anonymous asked can't believe you're trying to defend your pedophilia by making it seem like a sexuality. I really hope you're getting therapy and the help that you need, its important to acknowledge your attraction but don't accept it and think its okay holy fuck It's not a sexuality, but it's a paraphilia of mine, so it's a PART of my sexuaity. A small part at that I'm really tired of people using the word sexuality wrong A person's sexuality incorporates all of a homoflexible actualy) isn't my sexuality either it's my sexual orentation They're both iust narts of it. just answered the therapy thing recently: httplidorothemap.tumblr.com/post148480595214 Also, in the face of something that you can't get rid of, would you rather accept it and move on with your life or reject it and sufer? And if their heart is in the right place (as in they're non offending), rejecting it hurts more people than accepting it does. 2 ... osberend dorothemap sicknastypedotakedown STOP down with pedos down with people misusing the dwe meme completely unironically against a group that is ACTUALLY THREATENED WITH GENOCIDE HOLY SHIT I can honestly say, I've never been angry enough with someone that I ilegally download a tv drama clip off YouTube or ilegally download the whole episode online, open a video editor, cut down the clip. and spend however long pasting my icon and that person's icon onto the characters faces all out of spite And I can't say that makes e sad. What a petty existence Worth a good laugh tho. edoro speaks #dumb shit ... But the thing is, dwc was "funny" because it was cis people trying to be oppressed when they really really aren't witha dumb story, I said they're misusing it because there are iterally vigilantes that kil pedophiles. This isn't funny or ironic because it isn't some dumb fictional tumblr story, it is a real living nightmare for outed pedophiles. The stuation is backwards. It's less like DWH and more like the assholes that went and made 'down with trans" and said 'now how does it feel? completely missing And yes, people have the right to hate their oppressors. I'm sorry I'm showing my one, but yeah, every right to. Problem is, MAPS are the ones being oppressed (ooo000 he said it), so pulling a dwc on us is completely uncaled for because we arent oppressing them. Who even is w hand on this them anyway? Non maps? You mean, majonity of people? Im too tired to keep going on this Im just gonna say now, you're not gonna budge me on dwc. I love I want the antis to go away I really do. I'm getting realy tired of "you really think X is okay? "Yes becau "WELL ITS NOTI YOURE SICK DISGUSTING DIE ALREADYI Like, I thought we were diferences in how they see things, but you provided 0 ningor logic, you just shouted at me. At least the others actually gave me a sound argument as to why I should t pavement, but they're just yelling And then immediately reblogging them yelling at me like they made a good point..or a point at all beside "hey look at how moral I am yeling at this person we all assume is immoral wdoro speaks ve got receipts for DAAAAAYS of people doing this exactly Bsuicide tw neo-lo I'm laffing omg Omfa whyyyyyyyy did you spend so much time on this dumb shit? It has like 0 relevancel? Lol and fI change my icon itll be even more Dororo caps a masserpiece Boh and since apparently I have to clear this up??1 have 0 cp on my computer. none. caly A continuation of that last post.
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azazelsocks · 7 years
vengeuse replied to your post: sometimes i think it would be really fun to try a...
you have a lot of scenarios??? i would like to hear them all thank you
THE CLASSIC: it’s s4, Dean has gone to Hell, and with Ruby’s help Sam storms Hell to get him back
RESULT 1: Dean is already a demon. Depending on how Sam was characterized this could either end really serial-killer-y with them staying in Hell together or maybe Sam, using his newfound Hell resources, isn’t okay with it and tries to cure Dean? Boy king Sam trying to cure a demon is kind of hilarious to me because I don’t think any other demons would be okay with it they’d all be like “WTF my lord, what’s wrong with being a demon” and Sam would be like “no no it’s not that I don’t like demons it’s just that this one can’t be a demon” but that would also be so tied up in self-hatred for Sam because he’s a demon he just feels like he actually deserves it ahhhhhhh
RESULT 2: Dean is not a demon yet. Sam has to choose between Hell & his brother. On my Dean-negative days this ends way differently than on my non-canon Dean-is-a-good-brother days lol. either way, sam stays the boy king. you can’t take that back.
RESULT 3: The angels got there first. Sam is like “well that’s... not the worst thing that could have happened” but as he learns about the plans for the apocalypse, it starts seeming a whole lot worse. + because Sam isn’t actually there with Dean, I figure it would be even easier to manipulate Dean into thinking that his brother is a lost cause and he needs to say yes to save the world. Sam declares war. this one could end all sorts of ways like maybe Sam looses Lucifer by accident preventing Lilith from taking his throne and it runs pretty close to canon; maybe Sam faces down with Michael at the end and kills the vessel Dean in the process; maybe we get endverse but it’s actually Sam in the white suit this time!!!
actually i just thought of the endverse ending and i fucking love it i’m keeping that as a scenario on its own
THE POLY S4: Dean comes back from Hell, but he’s still a demon. Sam is with Ruby (who in this AU does not intend to raise Lucifer). Dean is upset because he’s a possessive fuck, but he’s also gained something of a new perspective being a demon, and it’s like... basically all Dean x Ruby fighting over Sam with Ruby usually winning because she has more experience and Ruby is all like “You’re not the only one who loves Sam or the only one Sam loves” and Dean is like “-splutters-” but eventually after a disaster they come to a truce to get rid of Lilith and put Sam on the throne and it’s a happy poly V or triad, whichever you prefer 
THE PRODIGY: Sam doesn’t make it out of the house with Dean and John and is raised by Azazel from six months old. I don’t know where this one goes I just like the idea of it. sometimes the other special children are his siblings and sometimes he’s the only child, the heir from the beginning. 
THE KNIGHT OF HELL: s9 Dean gets Sam back on the blood. I don’t really like the way most fics go with this bc they always end with Sam really dependent on Dean and like ... ehhhhhh. (This sambenny one by waterbird13 is a really good take on it tho not boyking) BUT I do like the idea of Sam pretending to drink it for Dean but actually taking it for the power boost. Thought you could lead Sam around like Ruby did?? THINK AGAIN. HE’S KING NOW. 
THE RACK: The crossroads demon won’t trade Sam for Dean, but he does offer Sam a way into Hell. See what you can do with that, he says. Better than what you’ve got now, right? (Look, if you like boy!king and you haven’t read Threefold Path To Redemption what the fuck are you even doing unless you don't like wincest or torture then okay)
TORTURER 1: it’s Dean whooooo is surprised. I have this headcanon that the longer a demon stays on the rack, the more powerful they are when they get off so I personally like this one because I just have this image in my head of Sam finally agreeing to get off the rack and Dean is thrilled and lets him off and then Sam force-slams him and grits out “We’re getting out of here.” Except once a man tortured into demonhood always a man tortured into demonhood OOOH especially because he wasn’t dead when he went to Hell (that would cheat Dean’s deal). (and yeah you have to shed blood in Hell but it doesn’t say torture I think murdering a bunch of demons on the way out probably counts)
TORTURER 2: it’s someone else, Sam’s personal Alastair, who raises not a torturer but a king. tasty
THE QUEER RULER: This one is just one where Sam is trans (sometimes I like it to be trans girl Sam and sometimes I like it to be trans boy Sam or nb!Sam) & it’s like...one more thing for people to be disgusted by and it drives home the “freak/pariah” themes they were going with Sam (kind of overshadowed by the addict themes, but they’re there) and then Sam takes the throne and fucking. owns it. this one is just cathartic for me cos i am trans
THE ANGELS: Sam has been dreaming of an angel with blue eyes and he doesn’t know why. I don’t know why either, but I do like me a Hades/Persephone boy king sastiel mmmm
THE SELF-INDULGENT SAMCEST: these ones are just... you know what, don’t judge me.
YOUNG SAM’S WORLD: idfk but this one is like a sitcom where Sam is still in Stanford and something fucked up on the boy king’s end and he ended up in Sam’s dorm and is out of juice so he has to crash for the time being. Shenanigans with Brady! Shenanigans with Sams! God, why can’t Sam’s life be normal!
BOY KING’S WORLD: Somehow regular!Sam ends up in the world where he’s the boy king (ANOTHER FIC REC (SASSY/GEN)) anyways 
1: Boy king Sam’s Dean has been dead for years; really, properly, inaccessibly gone. Mad with grief, he performs a summoning spell across dimensions (if he can’t have his Dean, a different one will do) with the Samulet as the focal point, but it’s a Sam that ends up in the circle instead of a Dean. This Sam has the Samulet on him because in his world, Dean died as well, before Sam was 18, and it was the catalyst for Sam leaving. These Sams have some things to learn from each other, cos other Sam has managed to deal with his grief and move on, and boy king Sam has managed to deal with his destiny, so I just think it would be a fun character study
2: Older Sam (s9-s11 i haven’t watched s12 yet but i probably will when it comes to netflix) fucks up a spell and ends up in Boy King Sam’s world. Older Sam is a little shellshocked from the travel, meeting his other self, and like...how much respect his other self commands? his other self even has friends and trusted confidants? being a hell-bound freak didn’t ruin his other self’s life? Boy King Sam figures out both a spell & Older Sam’s emotional state, and, because, well, he’s really helping himself, sends Older Sam back to his dimension with a few tips and some contacts from the old guard of demons who wanted Sam on the throne from the beginning. MAYBE THEY FUCK IN HERE SOMEWHERE
okay i’ve run out WAIT NO
THE SEASON NINE: Gadreel happens. Crowley happens. Being possessed by a demon for the first time since...Meg? reawakens Sam’s powers, cleanly, without the use of blood (he SHOULD be able to use them without blood, everyone else could) and SAM IS FUCKING PISSED. The healthy way to resolve this is Sam just leaves forever and fixes the big bad by killing/recruiting Abaddon.
 but I also have a pissy catharsis dean-whump version where Sam, furious, does exactly what Abaddon threatened, burns off Dean’s tattoo, and lets his most favorite demon have Dean’s body indefinitely. See how you like it, Dean. (HAS DEAN EVER FUCKING BEEN POSSESSED EVER??? NO????? WE JUST GOT THE ABADDON SCENE. MAKE IT HAPPEN WRITERS.)
okay that’s actually all of them. for now. maybe i’ll come up with more later! do you see my dilemma
THE SPECIAL CHILDREN: it occurs to me that since the foresight kids (sam & ava) had initial visions keyed into the other psychic kids to start with… if sam had gone with Meg proper in Scarecrow and done a little focusing, it would have been unbelievably easy for him to find the other special children. whenever he summoned a vision he’d know where another one was. he could have hunted the non-premonitionary kids down before the death matches even started happening. he coulda won before there was even a competition
THE DEAD FAMILY: there are some who headcanon that hellfire takes you, guess what, straight to hell. Sam gets to hell, and finds his mother and his girlfriend are there?? obviously he rescues them from whatever tortures they may or may not have endured. jess learns all of sam, no more secrets, and sam gets to learn who mary is (and mary tells sam she was sorry, it wasn’t his fault she died).
THE FALLEN ANGEL: Instead of falling in love with humanity, Castiel falls in love with the boy who the entire world hates, whose destiny is to rule Hell, and yet is still pure of heart & soul. When he gives up Heaven, he gives it up to go to Hell.
THE GODSTIEL: Sam is the boy king. Cas is God. Enemies to lovers. A lot of snarky negotiation between the two as they duke out what exactly the roles of Heaven and Hell will be in this new world order.
CONSORT!DEAN: aka, what 90% of boy king fics are. i don’t really care? but it probably deserves a place here anyways.
THE REPLACEMENT: all those wincest aus where Sam uses another person as a surrogate Dean. fleshflutter had an amazing and absolutely horrifying one with adult!Ben. i have one with frenchmistake!jensen. absolutely terrible. 
THE AMPUTEE: Sam’s coup goes poorly and results in him being really physically fucked up, but successful. Compatible with most other AUs. Basically like...what if Sam wasn’t the all powerful godking we usually picture but just, still Sam, fighting through broken arms and missing fingers, and being badass at the same time.
If anyone reading this wants to steal one of these idears and write a fic/do art, blease, i will sacrifice my firstborn child to your boyking
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greyskyye-blog · 6 years
Unexpected Duos Dear Creator Letter
Howdy! Below are some things I’d like to see from the ships I requested. Some of those things may be related to adult content, so continue at your own discretion. (None of my requests get terribly explicit, however.) I’m down to receive either fanart or fanfiction of any rating and with any archive warning applied. I started by listing some things I like and all the things I don’t want so I don’t have to type them every time. I don’t have any ship-specific DNWs. Also, the “prompts” are very loose, and just things I wouldn’t mind seeing. Maybe they will kickstart an idea for you, or maybe you’ll have your own inspiration. I will be utterly thrilled either way. In fact, as long as you respect my DNWs, I will be overjoyed with anything at all for these ships. Thanks for being awesome and participating in this awesome exchange. 
In general I dig:
Relationships/sex that meet emotional needs
Stories where the setting or key inanimate objects are described almost like another character
Non-binary, fluid, or complicated gender identities (trans too, lest it seem like I’m not into that, but those are closer to my own identity and less common in my opinion, so I wanted to call them out specifically)
Exploring/negotiating kinks or new relationship dynamics of any sort
Characters revealing unexpected sides of themselves
Daddy kink
Boys in panties
characters “proving” trust with kink/sex
Characters being aroused by non-sexual service
General DNW:
Unhappy endings. Meaning the characters can’t be unhappy with how it ends. So it can be a non-traditional ending, as long as the characters themselves are happy with how things turned out.
Death of a character in the ship (unless you do a ghost/reincarnation thing)
Kink that doesn’t make sense from a psychological or characterization standpoint
Any humiliation or embarrassment that the character is not getting off on and the “misunderstanding” trope should be probably be avoided. I suffer really badly from second hand embarrassment.
Something really dark or angsty. (Usually I’m down with that, but this exchange is making me want all the happy things, lol)
Okay, and now for some specific pairings and the things I would like to see for them...
Tokoyami Fumikage/Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Literally anything for this ship will make me excited. But mutual pining at friend-group functions is always a win. Getting set up by friends. Their friends are dating so they end up spending a lot of time together. Anything like that will make me explode with joy.
Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou/Kaminari Denki
Katsuki has a matched set of dumb boys. Good thing they’re pretty or he wouldn’t know what to do with them.
Bakugou Katsuki/Monoma Neito
Casual sex turning into something real.
Dark Shadow/Tokoyami Fumikage
Something showing the development of their relationship over time.
Fourth Kind/Fatgum
Just two married heroes raising their two kids - Kirishima and Tetsu - together...
Iida Tenya/Todoroki Shouto
Again, I will literally take anything. But Tenya making Shouto feel comfortable and like his wants and needs regarding either relationships, sex, or both, is A Thing. That I enjoy...
Iida Tenya/Yoarashi Inasa/Todoroki Shouto
Inasa is too intense for Shouto and Shouto is too reserved for Inasa. Tenya is the cushion between them that makes their whole relationship work.
Ashido Mina/Uraraka Ochako/Kirishima Eijirou
Eijirou is the perfect poly boyfriend - so much love to give and not a jealous bone in his body.
Hatsume Mei/Yaoyorozu Momo
Boobs. Just… I got nothing else. This request is all about me being weak for great tits.
Uraraka Ochako/Yaoyorozu Momo
This is a ship that makes me want to see their firsts - first kiss, first date, first time - anything sweet and new would thrill me for these girls.
Yaoyorozu Momo/Uraraka Ochako/Iida Tenya
The negotiations would be fascinating for this ship. All of them are such sticklers for following the rules and doing the right thing; poly relationships probably don’t factor into their worldview at all.
Fourth Kind & Kirishima Eijirou & Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Give me all the good mentoring content!!!!
Hatsume Mei & Iida Tenya
I’d love to see him agreeing to help her test some of her “babies.”
Kirishima Eijirou & Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu OR Monoma Neito & Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Literally anything. Just bro it the fuck up with them.
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu & Uraraka Ochako OR Kirishima Eijirou & Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu & Urarak Ochako
Tetsu and/or Eijirou just being awesome bros to girls. That’s all.
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