#but nah instead more pages popped up
mushangaa · 7 months
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wips to look back on to for myself and wonder quietly, why i have zero chill.
I wanted some sort of funny lil "oh we go to a competition" intro comic thingie like I saw others do and was like "eh.. 3 or 4 pages right?" I worked up 20 so far because idk flow?? Madness?? Zero chill? No idea but I am loving the ride I am on honestly. And yeah sketches / undersketches /linework all over the place because I sketched out almost all the pages roughly and instead of going page by page I just... jump back and forth on what I like to do first and build it up from there. Also like.. 8 characters to bounce around. And horses. Can't forget there are also some horses because they decide to take along some of them for bribery or to endear themselves to their competition to maybe team up and get past the prelims together. As normal people do. Jus.. a "little" comic for the @tmntaucompetition prelims in the works with my "The Unicorn Paradox" crew
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estrellami-1 · 11 months
If I Should Stay
A few quick housekeeping things! First: a friendly reminder that my taglists are CLOSED! If you’re new (or if you’ve been her the whole time and just got here too late for the taglists), you can subscribe to the “#if I should stay” tag and follow along that way! I do my very best to post every 4 days. Secondly, if you’d like to see every part of this in one place, the ellipses below now links to the second part of the fic taglist! I’ve gone back and edited all previous parts so now everything should have a link imbedded in the ellipses. Unfortunately, if you reblogged an older version of a part, you won’t have the link in the ellipses. If you read all this, kudos! Now onto the story.
Part 1 | . . . | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30
They get to school and rush in just before the bell. Steve catches Eddie’s eye and blushes before he ducks his head, sliding into a seat and pulling a notebook out from his backpack.
He finds it more difficult than normal to focus, but he does his best, breathing a sigh of relief when the bell finally rings.
“Hey, Eds,” he murmurs as they walk out of class.
“Eds,” he parrots, something in his gaze that Steve can’t quite parse out.
Steve blinks, frowning slightly. “Do you not want me to call you that? ‘Cause I can-”
“No,” Eddie says. “No, it’s fine, just… new.” A light flush paints his cheeks. “I like it.”
“I’m glad,” Steve says, smiling softly.
“Steve,” someone calls from down the hallway, and Steve hides his wince when he turns to see Tommy heading his direction.
He sees the moment Tommy notices who’s with him; sees the moment his face changes. “The freak bothering you, man?” He asks, getting between Steve and Eddie.
“No,” Steve says, maybe too sharply for the way Tommy looks back at him, confused. He takes a breath, tries again. “We’re fine.” He looks at Eddie, wants to say so much, but sees him subtly shake his head.
He takes another breath. “I’ll see you later, yeah?” He asks Eddie instead. “For, uh, the project?”
“Project?” Tommy looks between the two of them, brows furrowed.
“Yeah, for Mrs. Click’s class,” Eddie says smoothly. “She hasn’t assigned it for you yet?”
Tommy looks to Steve, trying to confirm, and Steve nods. “She just assigned it, a two-page paper about the person she pairs you up with. She’ll probably stagger it, though, so you probably won’t get it for another week still.”
Only half a lie; that had been an assignment, and she had assigned it roughly a week later, but he and Eddie hadn’t gotten it yet.
Behind Tommy’s back, Eddie winks at Steve and walks away.
Steve moves to walk to his locker, Tommy following close behind. “Man, it sucks that you got stuck working with that freak,” he says sympathetically, shaking his head.
“Nah, man, Eddie’s cool,” Steve says, forcing the cheer to stay in his voice.
Tommy snorts. “What, that fag?”
“Stop it, man,” Steve says, a note of warning in his voice.
“Don’t tell me you’re sticking up for him,” Tommy sneers.
“Y’know what?” Steve says, stopping short in the hallway. “Maybe I am. Maybe I’m tired of being an asshole like you, like my dad. Maybe I want to meet people and have them like me for me, not for what I can do for them, or for the money or the big house.” He shakes his head. “Stay the same if you want, change if you want, but I’m done.”
Tommy grabs his arm, and Steve yanks it away, glaring at Tommy. “Don’t do that,” he says. “And leave Eddie alone.”
“Or what?” Tommy says, grabbing at Steve’s arm again.
Steve intercepts, grabbing his wrist, giving a warning squeeze. “You really don’t want to find out,” he mutters, dropping Tommy’s wrist and walking away before Tommy can get a word in edgewise.
Robin brushes past him on his way to his locker. “Proud of you, dingus,” she murmurs, and he does his best to hide the smile that brings to his face.
Carol’s waiting by his locker, popping her gum obnoxiously. “So,” she said. “Heard you were a bitch to Tommy.”
“Takes one to know one,” Steve replies. “If you’re here to convince me to stay an asshole, feel free to leave whenever you want.”
She shrugs. “Tommy can also be a bitch sometimes,” she agrees. “But the Hagan name holds almost as much power as the Harrington family.”
Steve offers her a crooked smile. “There’s more important things in the world than names.”
“Maybe,” she shrugs, unconcerned. “You know he’s majorly pissed at you.”
“Yeah,” Steve says. “I don’t really care.”
“I didn’t expect you to. Just thought you should know. He’s gonna try to get back at you.”
Steve snorts. “He’s welcome to try.”
“Alright.” Carol shrugs again, gently nudges his shoulder with her fist. “See you around?”
“Maybe,” he agrees, looking at her. “What do you see in him?”
She sighs, looks down the hallway. “I think once upon a time I saw who he could be.”
“And now?”
“I’m afraid of who I’ll be if I leave him.”
Steve offers her a commiserating smile. “You’ll be yourself,” he says. “But it can definitely be scary.”
She grins, sharp, pulling her mask back on. “Damn, Steve, when did you get smart?”
He smirks at her as he shoulders his backpack. “It’s not that. It’s that I finally care enough to say something.”
With that, he walks off to his next class, mentally thinking about his schedule and holding in a groan. Chemistry. He hated chemistry, the first time, and something tells him he’s going to hate it just as much this time around.
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do you have an analysis where you talk about why you disagree with what canon has to say about classpects anywhere? i looked but tumble isn’t exactly the greatest at searching for stuff. i’m just curious to know what the issues are with what was said in canon
Sure. Though I don't know if I'd say I "disagree with canon" so much as I think the more someone tries to give us a straight up, clean answer on it, they're probably an unreliable source. My source is canon, but more holistically.
For me I think this started two places. First: I just..... don't really buy the idea of Pages being the Slow Burn class. I never bought it, honestly? As soon as I figured out how Jake English manages people and their expectations of him to get what he wants, it threw into question the whole concept of the class. Because Jake is the second most emotionally intelligent character in HS after Karkat, but he uses it for himself rather selfishly instead of for a greater cause. When Jake subtly or subconsciously tries to bend the story to his will, he's remarkably effective.
So, of course, I looked at Tavros. What does Tavros Nitram want? Well, he wants to have fun, to progress at his own pace, and to kind of do his own thing. I found it very interesting how the people around him sort of bent to what he wanted. No one stopped Tavros from dreaming on Prospit. He didn't do anything to get those mechanical legs, which he textually wanted, other folks took care of that for him. No one really stopped Tavros from playing the game (both FLARP and SGRUB) the way he wanted to. Aradia enables his allegedly bad class choice, Karkat orders Vriska to save his life, and when Vriska wants to force Tavros to play her way, Kanaya interferes. It's all very cohesive to me in a way that I genuinely do not know if the creator intended, but the pattern is absolutely there.
So, whoop, Pages Are A Slow Burn gets tossed into the garbage where it belongs.
The other one that really made me go "huh" is Calliope's Active/Passive thing. From the moment I read it the first time, I was like "i'm........ not sure that's a thing" and on every subsequent reread and relisten, I became even more certain she's just theorycrafting and its not borne out in the actual text. Which, frankly, fits into Calliope's whole thing of being a proxy for fans, particularly their speculation. She outright says to Dirk she gets carried away with her theorizing.
Like... for me its the Prince thing. I flat out don't think Princes are "The Most Active Class," at all, full stop. The idea is kind of silly to me. Eridan wasn't fucking Super Active, he just became extremely potent when he finally went off. And Dirk, similarly, is the king of Hurry Up And Wait. When shit pops off, he acts with incredible effectiveness, but the rest of the time he's zoning the fuck out, white lying about how cool he is, and fishing.
Same with Seers on the opposite end. Am I meant to take seriously the idea that Rose Lalonde and Terezi fucking Pyrope are the most passive class, nah. No sell. I literally and actually think I could make a better argument that Witches are more passive than Seers.
And then I just... don't agree with Calliope's verbiage of the classes. Dirk was not a destroyer of heart/soul, his most dramatic and effective moments in the story are harnessing his aspect, and in the conversation where Calliope tells Roxy her verbiage, even she says its a little esoteric and hard to grasp.
Calliope's trying to apply very firm wording and delineation to something that Terezi much earlier calls a "hyperflexible mythology." That reading of classpect frankly bears out a lot more, imo.
Which just led me to the conclusion that: all the stuff Calliope says, its her opinion. What I am interested in is action. What do these people do, what do they think of their aspect, how does it manifest.
My conclusion was basically: fuck passive/active, this is all about your role in the narrative. Which, in my opinion, fits very well into the two ways HS is structured: as a video game (the vernacular, the commands, the literalization of abstractions like inventory and leveling up), and as a stage play (the acts, the curtains, the intermissions).
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bloody-bee-tea · 11 months
Beetober 2023 Day 26 - First page
Suguru knows that Shoko hates how they barged into her room, can see it in the tense lines of her body, but Satoru is splayed out on the couch and maybe the fact that he’s trapping her there has something to do with her foul mood as well.
“You are so annoying,” Shoko drawls out in just that moment, trying to push Satoru off her lap but of course it doesn’t work, because Satoru is impossible like that.
“And you love me for it,” he sing-songs to which she only rolls her eyes, but Suguru does notice that she doesn’t refute it and it makes him huff out a laugh.
Shoko can pretend all she wants but she does like them.
“And you’re no better than he is,” Shoko says, clearly having remembered that Suguru is in the room too and at least half as responsible for Satoru’s antics, because he keeps enabling them instead of stopping him.
Sue Suguru, but it’s so much fun letting Satoru do what he wants sometimes, especially when it makes Shoko’s fingers twitch like that or Yaga’s vein throb.
“Guilty as charged,” he easily gives back, immediately returning the thumbs up Satoru gives him and Shoko groans.
“You two are the worst,” she mutters, bonking Satoru on the head but no longer actively trying to get rid of Satoru. “We really need to set some ground rules if you continue to do this, though. Imagine if I had been naked.”
“As if anyone would want to see that, right, Suguru?” Satoru calls out and then yelps when Shoko pinches his cheek. “That was so mean.”
“That was deserved,” Shoko huffs out. “Geto, back me up here, you agree with the ground rules, right?” she then asks, turning her gaze to Suguru, who hums in thought.
“I mean, I guess we can knock next time,” he amends and then leans forward to high-five Satoru.
“You should have knocked this time!”
“Aw, Shoko, come on, don’t be like that. Besides, I already have a rule book I live by and I’m sorry to inform you but there’s no more space to add new rules.”
Now this is new information even to Suguru and he frowns at Satoru.
“You live by rules?” he wants to know because that is not something he can imagine, like, at all.
Satoru has always only ever done what he wants to and to think that he’s adhering to some rules—even ones he set for himself—is actually kind of disturbing.
“Yep,” Satoru gives back, obnoxiously popping the p, and Shoko and Suguru share a look over his head.
“Do enlighten us then, oh great Gojo Satoru,” Shoko says, tugging on one of Satoru’s strands of hair. “What’s on that first page of your rule book?”
“My rule book only has one page,” Satoru informs them and now that makes more sense.
“Let me guess, there’s only one rule in there, too,” Suguru sighs out and he can already guess what it’s going to be.
It’s most likely something along the lines of ‘Have as much fun as you can’ or ‘be as obnoxious as possible at all times’ and going by the pained look on Shoko’s face she’s thinking along the same lines.
“There sure is,” Satoru easily says, because of course there is and he grins lazily as them when Shoko and Suguru stare expectantly at him.
“And, are you going to tell us?” Suguru asks when Satoru doesn’t seem inclined to go on and Satoru’s grin sharpens.
“But of course, my dear Suguru. Especially since that rule is about you.”
Now that is a surprise but Suguru only rolls his eyes.
“What? You have to make it a rule to annoy me to death?” he asks but of course Satoru would do something as ridiculous as that.
“Nah, actually, that comes naturally to me. The rule is ‘Protect Suguru at all costs’. And I sure as hell don’t need any other rules, so back off, Shoko.”
Satoru seems entirely unaware of what his words have done to Suguru because he jokes around with Shoko as if nothing happened. Meanwhile Suguru feels as if a pit has opened in his stomach and it’s going to swallow him whole if he stays here a second longer.
“Real funny,” Suguru manages to get out, feeling as if he’s going to implode with anger and—even worse—the feeling of being inadequate yet again, and he’s out the door before Satoru or Shoko can react.
Suguru stomps over to his own room, increasingly annoyed that Satoru still sees him as weak, as someone who can’t hold his own when all Suguru wants to be is his equal. Suguru slams the door shut behind him, standing in the middle of the room, fuming and with no outlet for his anger when Satoru barges in just a few seconds later, clearly with no concern for Suguru’s privacy or wish to be alone.
“Suguru, what the hell, don’t leave me alone with Shoko, she’s so mean when you’re not there,” Satoru whines out, evidently not even realising that Suguru is going to explode into his face any second now.
“Shut the hell up and get out,” Suguru hisses at him, uselessly clenching his fists at his side.
“Suguru, what—”
But Suguru has had enough. It’s time he gives Satoru a piece of his mind.
“So you still see me as inferior? You still see me as so weak that you have to protect me? That’s real fucking great of you, Satoru, thanks for nothing.”
“This is what this is about?” Satoru asks and he seems honestly taken off guard by that. “It’s not like that.”
“Oh, yeah? Then how is it? Because ‘protect Suguru at all costs’ certainly doesn’t leave much room for interpretation!”
“It’s not for your sake but for mine,” Satoru tells him as if that makes any sort of sense and Suguru conveys his confusion with a sneer.
“Right,” he growls out because he doesn’t believe Satoru for a second but when he goes to bodily shove him out of his room, Satoru plants his feet just like Suguru taught him and doesn’t move an inch.
“It is, though,” Satoru insists and Suguru is so angry he can hardly see straight.
“How the fuck does that even make sense?” he yells right into Satoru’s face and it seems as if something finally snapped because Satoru yells right back at him.
“It’s because I’m going to go off the fucking rails if something happens to you!”
There’s a deafening silence in the room after that confession and Suguru blinks at Satoru.
“You heard me,” Satoru mutters and pushes Suguru’s hands off his shoulders. “If something happens to you, if you get hurt, I’m going to lose it. You’re my one and only, my anchor in this shitty fucking world and if you’re gone, I can no longer be held responsible for whatever it is I’m going to do.”
Satoru says it evenly as if he isn’t rocking Suguru’s world with that and he remembers the hollow look in Satoru’s eyes as he carried Riku through that sea of people, remembers how he had asked Suguru if they should kill everyone and how easily he accepted Suguru’s no.
“But it’s not as if you can understand that,” Satoru adds, jolting Suguru out of his memories and suddenly Suguru is calm.
“Toji told me he killed you,” Suguru recalls.
“As if,” Satoru huffs out but Suguru shakes his head.
“He was there and you weren’t, so what choice did I have but to believe him? I thought you had died and it did something to me,” Suguru says and taps his chest.
At that moment it had felt as if he’d died too, as if something so vital had broken that there was no way he could go on. It only repaired itself when he saw Satoru again and Suguru suspects that even then it mended all wrong, because his thoughts since then can’t be normal.
“So here’s my fucking rule,” Suguru says and fists his hand in Satoru’s shirt. “You do not get hurt. If you go out on a mission and you don’t come back to me, I swear by everything that’s holy that I will kill every non-sorcerer who dared to bring curses into this world, do you understand me?”
He uses his hold to slightly shake Satoru, hoping to make him understand just how well he can relate to Satoru’s feelings and he knows he got his point across when Satoru brings his hands up to fist in Suguru’s shirt in return.
They stare at each other for a few seconds before they move simultaneously, meeting in the middle. The kiss is not sweet and soft but bruising and angry and filled with their desperate need to keep the other close, keep the other protected and unharmed and whole.
They don’t really move away when they part, resting their foreheads together and sharing breath in the scant space between them.
“No dying then, Suguru, promise me,” Satoru demands and even though it’s foolish and stupid and not something Suguru can ever promise, he’s a fool for Satoru so of course he nods.
“No dying,” he agrees and then cups Satoru’s face in his hand. “And you don’t get to die again, either.”
“Deal,” Satoru immediately gives back and all at once Suguru feels settled again.
It should probably scare him more, knowing the lengths they would both go to, to keep the other safe, knowing that they are going to unleash horror on earth if something should ever happen to the other, but to Suguru it just feels like a warm promise, blanketing him in the knowledge that he’s not alone in this.
That Satoru needs—and wants—Suguru just like Suguru need and wants Satoru.
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rennsdeaddoves · 9 months
journey to the west book one, thoughts
so this post is going to be really messy and jumbled, i will take my thoughts one chapter at a time. since this post contains all the chapters in book one imma but everything under the cut and warn ya'll that this is HELLA long.
ok so, before we get into it i just wanna let you guy's know that if the first 13 chapters seem like they have less it's because i only really started to do this on chapter 14 and had to go back through chapters 1 - 13 and look at the notes and tabes i left to gage my reaction to them. some of them have a bit more than others and some have like none at all.
that being said enjoy the absolute crack house that is my no cotext thoughts of Journey to the West volume one!
Chapter 1
monkey is born!!
and he's already being impulsive...
calling him the handsome monkey king is gonna go straight to his head
lier! you are a certified shit disturber and you know it!
ohhhhh so thats how he got the name Sun Wukong, gotcha gotcha
Chapter 2
the dao art seems real complex
love how they casually have the way to immortality written in this book lol
teaching a suicidaly impulsive monkey how to shape shift and fly wasn't a bad idea at all!
he's showing off- of course he is-
aaaaaand he got kicked out for showing off! idiot-
oh damn- thats actually sadder than i thought it would be...
Chapter 3
holy hell....
op much???
not a monkey scaring a dragon ffs
he is just a menace this entire page! LAMO
ooooooop foreshadowing alert
oh- oh he really fucked up the life and death cycles- damn...
he was thinking of paying a visit to heaven himself?? without an invite?? oh- that would not have ended well-
Chapter 4
here we go! first rampage through heaven!!
ITS GIVING "who's this sassy lost kid?" VIBES XD
Chapter 5
does he not have a reputation yet???
Wukong is in so much fucking trouble oh god....
going to war over wine is a very Wukong thing to do-
Chapter 6
when did Nezha get here?
shapeshifter duels man... they be confusing af
oop he got caught-
Chapter 7
they seem to have forgotten what the meaning of immortal is
oop- he's being refered to as a monster instead of a king by the narrator- thats how you know he's pissed beyond all belief...
"i have to go exorcise a demon to defend the throne." pg 193
"he ligit just wrote "sun wukong was here" oh the fucking finger lmao
man... calling the banquet that is just salt in the wound.... really it is...
Chapter 8
sandy's got green skin, red hair, noted
it's pigsy -n-
he flirted with Chang'e..... this bitch
i already can't fucking stand him
Chapter 9
so he does have parents! lets see if they ever pop up again-
WHAT!?!?! WHY!?!!
Chapter 10
i didn't take in a sing thing that this chapter sad.... why is it even here-
Chapter 11
no thoughts head empty, why are we still on this? is there any plot relevance or???
Chapter 12
awwww their cute
good for him, coming from such humble beginnings
wow- ok thats kinda a really great honour to be called brother by the emperor
Chapter 13
lots of scenery! neat!
oop divine intervention o'clock
abuse???? hello??? what the actual fuck sir???
i am going to get so sick of him so quickly....
Chapter 14
wukong- bud... YOUR FUCKING FILTHY
yell that your not lying makes you less believable
brutal.... nice
ight show off, keep rambling about the shit you can do.
gay? /j but fr- i get that a naked monkey coming to your door may be a cause for concern but there was no reason to disrespect him like that-
he has a son??? when???
gross man- like i get you were trapped under a mountain- but gross
brutal... nice
thats not teaching tripitaka- a lecture is NOT teaching
GUAINYIN IS HERE!!! oh... Guanyin is here...
oh... fuck...
why is his name just 'Pilgrim' like i get it but i also don't... idk
oh he's gonna do it out of spite now for being called a bogus immortal by the dragon king
that entire painting is just of two gay lovers putting on shoes and getting immortality for it
well, he actually is really convincing, i can see why Wukong went back after those words...
yeah i'd be taken aback too bud
.......YOU COULD FINISH THE JOURNEY RN.... but he won't, that defeats the entire porpoise of it all
OH OH! so you stop when you see how the pain is LITTERALLY TEARING HIS BODY APART! fuck you
HE ACTUALLY TRIED TO KILL HIM!?!?!?!? oh my god- i mean.... jesus.....
yes. its a great idea to go to the south sea and beat up the goddess who did this to you... super smart /s
all thoughts of disobedience and rebellion? no shot
Chapter 15
ah yes, lets start the chapter with Wukong hauling ass to save Tripitaka
Jesus them some powerful eyes
lawless lizard XD
they talk about him like he's not the son of a dragon king...
so he's called 'third prince Jade dragon' gotcha
he's a fucking idiot
why are you being such a baby all of a sudden??
neat, he got the get out of danger free leaves now
if Rue had been in this part of the journey she would have been pretty interested in that
plot armour be like-
more divine intervention! oh my god-
so now it's early spring. jesus that means its almost been a year
Chapter 16
i don't know wether to be annoyed or what- were only a page into this chapter
"he may be ugly" BITCH WHAT
yeah... ight... i'd be annoyed with him too
somesones butt hurt that hes oooooold~
everyone is starting to get on my nerves like jesus-
wow the murder plots are real
he askin' for favours like he didn't just beat their asses 500 years ago
he's a little arsonist
damn- he's already on shockingly good terms with him
and after all that your response is still murder??? really????
goddman.... he so mad he defiled a corpse- that wasn't very buddhist of you tripitaka
Chapter 17
not tripitaka using wukongs temper against others-
jesus christ man
"thunder god mouth" XDDD best way to describe it 10/10
XDD the arrogance!! he called the demon "my son" before starting a lecture XDD
he gets annoyed when people call him the BanHorsePlague now, thats so fucking funny to me
he's so real for that though, i'd wanna eat in the middle of a fight too
he is actually a menace to humans goddamn
love how their calling him 'old carcass'
there is a lot of seemingly nice senery in this chapter
how'd they know all of that just by seeing a goddamn meat patty on the side of the road???
this is gonna be a pattern isn't it-
conversations with these two go no where but damn they do be giving me L O R E
he's being so nice now lmao
ok *fine* she gets a pass but jesus
jesus wukong
HA got'em
"don't start trouble again" "i won't" LIES
Chapter 18
oooooh this is the pigsy chapter!!! i can't wait to see some ass be beat!
i- i don't think i like these people...
Wukong really just said don't judge a book by it's cover
why does he always say "your poor monk" it's grinding my gears
"tell me everything!" .... "from ancient times-"
his surmname meant hog....
i can only picture that one manga panel in jjk where Yuta is dragging Yuji along lmao
ancient toilet humour?
"where are you going darling" he says as he returns to his original form
love that wukong is described and then called "virtually a living thunder god"
"i'll follow you to the ends of the earth" (menacingly)
Chapter 19
why do they all have caves?
it is pigsy
damn- Wukong's reading him
are they really throwing celestial law at one another??
he's bragging... really?
ah yes, a summary of the first seven chapters
he really said set your house on fire and follow me
man's really stripped him of all he was worth and then dragged him by the ear... he's like a mom...
HE'S REFERED TO AS IDIOT! oh this just got so much better
lmao both of them going "wine? oh we still drink that"
Wukong admitted to being a light weight XD
pigsy, trying to say a heart felt goodbye, the other two; hurry the fuck up
"you know him and not me? what kind of fuckery is this?"
"he insulted me and the pig?!" "how?" *proceeds to tell tripitaka exactly how he and pigsy were insulted*
Chapter 20
just by the title alone i know imma start to have beef with pigsy
they still call him idiot! YES
it's pigsy getting bullied hours!!!
that- that was a very round about way of calling him a dick Wukong
annnnnd he's boasting again...
huh? flying bricks, talking pots, and dancing tiles... interesting...
this old man has balls
"fix your ugliness" DUUUUUDE
i'm about to highlight each and every time Pigsy is refered to as Idiot! shits too funny!
ahhhhh pigsy's first kill steal!
dude just ripped off his own skin! what a power move!
and we get to the first time tripitaka is truely captured!
"for you culinary pleasure" XDDDD why is that so funny?
this guy's actually quite smart for that
good wisdom wukong
i love how wukong is so often describes as "the one with the thunder god mouth and hairy face"
he's got a good sense to be this scared of him
monkey-monk?? (why is that so funny to me???)
he just told wukong he was a 'buy one get one free sale'!! AND HE'S THE FREE BIT XDDDDDD
KILL STEAL!!! +1 for butality, pigsy's score is now -99 points!
Wukong actually let him have credit for the kill? goddamn- is that character growth i see?
Chapter 21
no he does not!
Aqua man?????
Really?? *face palms*
why does he insist on calling himself grandpa?
is he about to disapline him like a grandpa too??
the divine wind of Samādhi? like the Samādhi fire? NEAT!!!
more divine intervention i see
the trend of calling pigsy an idiot continues and i am thriving in this enviornment
can he be any less annoying?
*crybaby beings to play on loop in my head*
it was the fucking gold star of venus
very humble wukong
lawless ape! XDDD
love that offending the great sage is quite possibly a crime punishable by death now
Chapter 22
its sandy time!!!
wouldn't that be qualifies as an inland sea?!
i don't know how to feel about that entire passage
cloud surfing lessons
he called Wukong his assistant- oh boy if he had heard that...
he can be there in half an hour?! wild...
sandy is aquired
Chapter 23
still love that his nickname is practically idiot
please- stop refering to your staff as a rod- i can't take reading "you'll get a ___ from this Huge Rod!" anymore T-T
you fucking idiots- your banter has now left the master stranded and he's gonna get captured by demons!
serves you right
Wu kong being so shocked he actually acted poliet?
Unreal and nonexisting- well those are some red falgs if i've ever seen em in this book
she just keeps going!? dude- please- how can someone have so much
omg- this is all a test of character isn't it...
tripitaka; wukong you stay! Wukong; the fuck you mean me!? make pigsy stay
the entier latter half of this page pisses me off. fuck you pigsy
Chapter 24
serves him fucking right
i agree with Wukong, leave the pig and go
holy hell they haven't even covered one tenth of the distance yet?
this is the chapter that that one monkey king animated movie was about.
to cowardly to do it himself so he's gotta wait for Wukong lmao
thus begins an entire two-ish pages of Wukong stealing fruit again
Wukong makes me nevious frfr
if it were so embarissing maybe you shouldn't have done it in the first place
Chapter 25
wukong.... buddy.... no.....
good plan boy's
dude can pick (break?) locks.... good to know
why do you fight first and ask questions later....
he escaped thrice, got catpured thrice, kept playing tricks..... dude just wouldn't fucking stop....
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Love Language Fic -- Part 2
Part 2 of the little fanfictions based off of my Love Language Headcanon post for the 2k3 turtles with this part starring Michelangelo. Like the first part, this is pretty general and focuses on platonic feelings.
Part 1 can be found here!
Michelangelo was the next turtle you met. It wasn't too much longer after Donatello had given you the shell-cell, actually. It seemed that upon learning that there was a human who hadn't freaked out over Donatello's appearance, Michelangelo had a difficult time staying away.
Donatello murmured an apology the first time his brother had followed him to your place, but you barely heard it over Michelangelo's enthusiastic, "Hi! I'm Mikey!"
"Hello, Mikey," you greeted, introducing yourself and extending your hand for a handshake. Mikey hesitated for the slightest second before clasping your hand with his. Despite the muscles on the turtles, Mikey's handshake was gentle, firm enough to be a decent handshake, but he was obviously conscious of his strength.
Before you knew it, the three of you were collapsed on your loveseat, and Mikey was allowed to enthrall you with a story about the infamous Turtle Titan. You did not get a chance to let him know that you've never heard of Turtle Titan, and Donatello discreetly shook his head when you tried giving him a questioning glance. Getting the hint, you exchanged a wry smile with Donatello and gave Mikey your full attention for his story.
Mikey actually stopped by often enough on his own. He was never shy and was wonderful around Moose, who was always delighted at more attention. After realizing that you were a freelancer, he made it a point to visit after your self-imposed work hours and he routinely asked about your writing. You found a kindred creative spirit in Mikey and had no problem discussing comic book or video game plots with him to help wind down your evening.
While Donatello had initially been cautious before embracing the fact that he had a new friend, Mikey seemed comfortable from the beginning. Having someone else to babble about everything under the sun made it so you never saw Mikey wearing a frown.
Of course, there was a first time for everything.
You initially had only heard your living room window -- now unlocked about 98% of the time for your new friends to come and go as they pleased -- slide open. You were a bit busy with your head down on your desk beside your laptop, half-hoping that the gentle thunk would rattle your writer's block loose.
"'Ello," you muttered out to whoever had decided to grace you with his presence.
You lifted your head up at that, the quiet greeting making you glance over with furrowed brows at Mikey. He was bending down, giving Moose a belly rub, but the smile he was giving your dog was short-lived. Mikey made sure to plaster a smile on when he looked towards you, but you had seen through the veil.
"What's up?" Mikey asked, casual as usual.
"You're early," you said instead, glancing at your cell for the time. Mikey blinked. "You've never come before my work day is over before."
"Oh." He rubbed the back of his head with his free hand. The other held a sketchbook as far as you could tell, spiral-bound, older, some loose pages sticking out of it haphazardly. "I can leave and come back later--"
"Nah." You pushed yourself away from the desk and stretched enough to make your shoulder pop. "I got nothing done, anyway. What's up with you, though? Something bothering you?"
"No," he said a little too quickly. "Why would you think that?"
"Your vibe is all off," you said. "Anything you want to talk about?"
He clutched the sketchbook tighter but did give a low chuckle. "Sorry 'bout that. Didn't mean to kill the mood," he said. "I just… My bros were teasing me about my comics, that's all. Nothing bad, but…"
"But it can still hurt," you said, giving a knowing nod. "I grew up with siblings, too. Foster kids, but siblings just the same."
Mikey's crooked smile was a little more genuine at that. It flickered out briefly when you pointed to the sketchbook and asked, "Are those your comics? Can I see them? Or were you just looking for a place to hang out and work on them without your brothers over your shoulder? I totally don't mind if you just want to chill here."
"Thanks." The smile came back. He glanced between his sketchbook and you for a few seconds before holding the sketchbook out. "If you're really interested… You'll probably be able to give me a better opinion on them. Being a writer and all, ya know?"
"I would love to see them," you said, taking the book gently. You sat on the loveseat while Mikey himself plopped down on the floor so Moose could crawl into his lap for a cuddle.
The sketchbook was well-loved and showcased Mikey's growth as an artist. As you flipped through the pages, you saw drawings of people when Mikey was figuring out human anatomy, pictures of himself and brothers, pages half-filled with makeshift comic panels and snippets of dialogue. Color didn't show up until about a third of the way into the sketchbook, shades of the rainbow bursting onto the pages in such a way that you imagined it signaled when a younger Michelangelo first got his hands on a box of crayons.
The further along you got in the book, the more his comics took shape. There was Turtle Titan going on adventures with the Silver Sentry with other members of the Justice Force peppered in. Turtle Titan then teamed up with superheroes you didn't recognize, other characters that you were certain Mikey had created himself saving a world that you were also certain Mikey had created himself.
"Wait, where's the rest?" You were flipping back and forth between the last couple of pages that had drawings on them, your voice cracking slightly from the sudden use after you were meticulously silent while admiring Mikey's art.
"Uh, that's it so far," Mikey said. He was leaning back on his arms on the floor, Moose snoring in his lap. Mikey's voice was soft compared to yours as he asked, "What did you think?"
"I think you're a tease," you said, "since you gave me an unfinished comic to read." He chuckled, but listened as you added, "Seriously, Mikey, these are fantastic. Are you thinking of creating enough to publish them?"
Mikey got uncharacteristically quiet at that before tentatively asking, "You really think they're good enough for that?"
"I do." You nodded, hoping your voice portrayed your sincerity as you handed the sketchbook back. "If you're willing to share these with the world, even as a webcomic, I think you should. You showcase a lot of skill and love in these comics, it's obvious. I think they're brilliant."
And there was Michelangelo's familiar grin.
"Thank you," he said, his voice more enthusiastic than it had been all afternoon. "I… That means a lot, especially coming from you."
You raised an eyebrow. "I'm just one opinion. Art is subjective, you obviously won't be able to please everybody--"
"I trust you," Mikey said simply. "Art is what you do for a living. Thanks for going through my silly comics. I'm glad you liked them."
You smiled, watching as he looked at his comics with a newfound twinkle in his eyes, before you got up and said, "C'mon. I know I have some older art supplies in my closet somewhere. I'd be happy to give them to you so they'll get some use as long as you tell me what happens next in your comic."
"You sure?" Mikey asked.
You were marching towards your bedroom. "Absolutely. Get in here, you'll be able to move them more easily."
"But I can't disturb Moose…!"
While it took a few extra minutes so your little mutt could finish his nap in Mikey's lap, Mikey and you were able to dig out your old supplies and you got to listen to your friend ramble excitedly about the next plans for his characters.
At times, Mikey's head could grow too big and needed to be deflated from time to time, but you honestly had no problem boosting his ego.
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You Spin Me Right Round Part Three
Previous Part | Masterlist | Next Part
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Rating: M
Notes: Set after the series because Eddie is fine he graduated no worries. Not beta-read. I hope y’all are having a lovely week! 🖤
Some people asked to be tagged and tumblr would not let me add them. If this is the case, I've noted it in the taglist below.
Warnings: Cursing, mentionsof w e e d, fluff, some angst, negative feelings toward Reader’s father; Reader’s father is an absent figure.
Summary: The day has been absolutely rotten.
It started with your favorite pair of jeans snapping a belt loop. Next, you’d opened the fridge and found the last of your milk expired. You’d eaten cereal—dry cereal—by the handful, and chased it with the last of that orange juice. Then you’d gotten downstairs and your car wouldn’t start, so you’d had to walk to work. You’d opened late, and had to deal with one tween trying to steal a Madonna cassette, and one older woman that didn’t understand that being out of stock on a record didn’t mean that you could magically conjure up another. 
And now this—
Tumblr media
By the end of the first week of your little arrangement, you’ve racked up four pre-roll joints. You expect Eddie to pop in and out as he has sales, but Eddie starts popping in well before the sale, and lingering afterward. He drifts up and down the aisles, pokes through records and cassettes. He doesn’t do so quietly, either. He talks to himself as he does it; he talks to you, too. When you don’t answer, he’ll fill in the blanks for himself. 
“This one?...Nah. Nah, you’re more of a Janet Jackson gal, aren’t you...No? Full of surprises, aren’t you...Oh, I know. This one. You’re a Patti LaBelle fan if I’ve ever seen one…But then again…Maybe not, huh?” 
You rarely say a word when he asks, just tip your brows up and eye the album or cassette cover. Your lack of communication never stops him, though. There’s something almost admirable about his incessant chatter, and something incredibly sweet about it, too.
“Here you go, pretty lady.” 
You look up, straightening a touch as Eddie slides an envelope across the counter. You arch a brow at it, unable to help your twitching smile as you spot his scrawled handwriting: Rent :)
“You’re very funny,” You say dryly, sliding the envelope off of the counter and tucking it into your back pocket. 
“I know. Hey,” He shifts in front of you. “Why don’t you ever play music in here?” 
“Well, it’s a music store,” Eddie’s head tips to the side, smiling teasingly. “And I know you’ve got the equipment. I’ve seen the speakers.” 
“...I dunno.” 
“Your boss doesn’t want you to?” 
“He wouldn’t mind, I guess.”
“I don’t know what I’d play.” 
“Play what you like. Whaddaya like?” Eddie springs up, resting his hands against the counter and pushing himself back and forth. You hesitate, lowering your eyes down to your book again. 
“I dunno.” 
You see Eddie go still in your periphery then, and it’s only a moment before he’s ducking his head to try and meet your gaze. 
“You don’t know?” 
You scoff irritatedly, leaning back from the counter. You take a full step back, picking your book up and raising it to hide your heating face, pouting in your retreat as his judgement rolls over you in full-force.  
“...Hey. Hey, c’mon.” You hear him step around the counter, and a moment later, his hands close gently around your wrists. He tugs them gently, and when you don’t lower your hands, he peers over the top of your book with wide, beseeching eyes.
“‘M sorry. Do you hate me now?” 
You’re quiet for a moment before you lower your book enough to see his entire face. 
“No,” You mumble. 
“You can be honest. I’ll throw myself to my knees and beg for forgiveness right here.” 
“Eddie, seriously, it’s…Whatever.” You lower your head, looking down at your book and turning the page. But Eddie doesn’t move, or let go of your wrists. Instead, he drops down to a crouch, peering up at you imploringly. 
“It’s just, like…Music is so…” He gives your wrists a gentle shake, making a sharp, excited grin and letting out a little growl, “Ya know? It’s like audible joy, you know, it’s like the glue holding fucking humanity together. How can you not like glue!” 
Your brows raise. “Solid words from someone that sounds like he’s sniffed a lot of glue.” 
Eddie wrinkles his nose, sticking his tongue out at you. He springs up suddenly, causing you to draw in a startled gasp. 
“We’re gonna fix this,” He warns. 
“Fix what?” 
“Your severe music deficiency. I cannot and will not stand idly by. The situation is too dire. It’s unhealthy.”
You raise your brows, watching Eddie round the counter again. You expect him to start darting around the store, to take up tapes and records and stack them on the counter, demanding to know where your deck was. Instead, Eddie keeps walking, and to your surprise, heads for the door. 
“Where are you going?” You laugh. 
“Deals are done for the day, and I have a job to do.” He spins around in front of the door, stopping to face you. “I am on a quest of the utmost importance.” 
“...Which is?” 
“I am making you a goddamn mix tape. If you don’t see me tomorrow, try not to miss me too much.” 
“It’s gonna take you that long?” 
“It’s gonna take as long as it needs to take.” 
He raises both hands, tongue flashing from his mouth as he fingers fold into the universal sign for rock on. You shake your head in disbelief, watching Eddie turn and leave—and then flash you the sign again once he’s outside. 
The day has been absolutely rotten.
It started with your favorite pair of jeans snapping a belt loop. Next, you’d opened the fridge and found the last of your milk expired. You’d eaten cereal—dry cereal—by the handful, and chased it with the last of your orange juice. Then you’d gotten downstairs and your car wouldn’t start, so you’d had to walk to work. You’d opened late, and had to deal with one tween trying to steal a Madonna cassette, and one older woman that didn’t understand that being out of stock on a record didn’t mean that you could magically conjure up another. 
And now this—
“You coming to the show tonight?” Cliff asks. You don’t answer; you don’t even look or move to show that you’ve heard him. You’ve never gone to one of Cliff’s shows, though he’s always asked. You just…Well, you know what kinda music he plays. He’s told you. You don’t think it would be your thing, and you don’t think you’d do well at faking it. When you don’t answer, Cliff dips his head beneath yours, grabbing your book and turning it toward himself. 
“You close in a bit, right?" He presses. "I can drive you there and take you home after. The hell are you reading, anyway, what is this?” 
“The Personal History of David Copperfield.” 
“I think I was supposed to read that in Sophomore year,” Cliff huffs, picking the book up and turning it over in his hands. You shrink back at the reminder, fingers curling into your palms as you pointedly look anywhere but at the book. 
“You like it?” He adds. 
“Did you?” 
“I said I was supposed to read it, not that I did.” 
“So you’re reading my copy right now?” You reach out and try to snatch it, but Cliff pulls it just out of your reach, brows raising. 
“You haven’t answered my question.” 
“Gimme my book back.” 
“Answer my question.” 
“You know I hate it when you call me that.” 
“You know I hate it when you take my fucking book, dude.” 
You’re so distracted that you don’t hear the door open, nor do you see anyone come in. You just lean across the counter, pushing yourself up against it and jumping slightly to reach for the thick tome. Cliff just holds it higher and higher—and then, like a flash, it’s out of his hands. Your brow furrows, and you watch as Cliff turns around, desperately looking for the culprit. You see just a flash of a familiar jean jacket, and a shaggy head of hair that you’ve come to know well. You laugh in shock as Eddie darts between the rows, making for the door. 
“Hey!” Cliff yells, running after him. You watch the two run out the front door, and expect Eddie to pop back in and fling the book into a random bin. You huff, plopping down on your stool, staring at the front door. You wait, and wait, and wait—but after nearly half an hour, neither of the guys have come back. You’ve all but given up hope when Eddie takes two steps inside, chest heaving, and collapsing to the ground. Your heart leaps into your throat, and you startle out from behind the counter. You run down the aisle, sliding down beside him and looking him over. He pants heavily, eyes closed, bangs matted to his forehead. 
“I need…I need…” He breathes.
“What! What do you need?” 
Eddie raises a shaking hand, digging into his jacket and drawing out a cassette tape. 
“I need you…To listen to this.” 
You frown, eyeing the cassette labeled Awesome Music Mixtape 1.
“...What?” You ask dumbly. Eddie’s eyes pop open, cheeks stretching with a grin. Your panic melts to annoyance, and you scoff, “Oh, you—!” as you slap his chest lightly. You stand up, groaning as you stride back to the counter. You hear the scrape of his jean chain against the floor as he rolls over, followed by the thud of his boots behind you.
“Hey, what!” He laughs, “What’s wrong?” 
“You—” You whirl around and Eddie stops hurriedly, startled by your turning so suddenly. You raise your hands lightly tapping and then pushing at Eddie’s chest again. “You scared the shit out of me!” 
“Well damn, I'm sorry. I can go lay back down on the floor.” 
“Where is my book.” 
“I hid it.” 
“Where’s Cliff?” 
“I don’t know, I lost him, like, fifteen minutes ago.” 
“Then where have you been?” 
“Hiding your book!” 
You sigh heavily, turning away from Eddie and turning to get behind the counter again. You plop onto the stool there, leaning back to peer at the shelves under the counter. Surely there’s another book that you’ve already read somewhere in there. 
“Okay, in all seriousness, do you have, like, some water or something?" Eddie asks, clearing his throat. "I’m parched, and that could be fatal.” 
You glance up to see Eddie watching you as he leans against the counter. You reach down, snagging your half-full water bottle and holding it out. Eddie lets out a greedy moan at the sight, snatching the bottle up from you and twisting the top off. You blink up at him as he gulps it down. Your eyes wander over the expanse of his long neck, and the steady bob of his adam’s apple. You look away hurriedly as he lowers the bottle, poking through the shelves under the desk again. 
“So,” Eddie swipes his sleeve against his forehead before he reaches back into his jacket, drawing out the mix tape. “I started super simple. Okay, not super simple, not Mary Had a Little Lamb, but I didn’t wanna overwhelm you, right? Listening to such magnificence is obviously going to be a shock to the system. I loaded this up with some Black Sabbath, some Zeppelin, some Doors, some Kinks, and some Cream.”
A couple of those names prick your memory, but you try not to dig too deeply into why. Eddie waggles the tap in front of you, and waggles his brows in sync. 
“No sugar?” You ask, unable to help it. Your attempt at teasing falters at Eddie’s confusion, and you shake your head, reaching for the tape. 
“You said Cream, I said no sug—Can you just hand me the tape?” 
“What!” Eddie laughs, “That was funny!” 
“It clearly wasn’t, just, c’mon,” You take the tape from him, eyeing the hand-listed tracks along the back. 
“How long did this take you?” You ask. 
“...Couple’a days. Between, you know, my sales, band practice…” 
“Washing your hair,” You mutter. You glance up to see Eddie smiling, his lower lip drawn between his teeth. 
“You would not believe the hours of maintenance,” He teases, raising his fingers and twirling a few strands of hair between his fingers. He raises it under his nose like a mustache, twizzles it, then drops it, pointing at the tape. 
“Now remember, that’s your first lesson. There’ll be more, so pace yourself.” 
You smile a little, looking down at the tape and turning it over in your hands. 
“Thanks,” You mumble. You glance up at the clock, eyeing the time. “I gotta clean up here.” 
Eddie makes no move to leave, just leans heavily against the counter, drumming his fingers against the top. You take your time counting out the drawer and making note of the contents before taking up the drawer. 
“I have to um,” You nod toward the back. 
“Yeah! I’ll wait,” Eddie smiles widely. You nod a touch, hurrying to the back office. You crouch down in front of the safe, glancing back nervously, but you don’t hear anyone coming closer. You tuck the drawer into the safe before shutting it and twirling the combination lock. You straighten, poking your head out of the back office. You can’t help but smile when you find Eddie poking through a bin of discounted, second-sale records. He stops as you draw closer, reaching in and holding one up.
You frown a touch, coming closer and eyeing it.
“I don’t know that one,” You admit. 
“Fleetwood Mac!” Eddie cries. “Rumors! The Chain?” 
You give a shrug and pass it back to him to put away. “Ready to go?” 
“I’m gonna remember this,” He warns, wagging a finger at you as he puts it back where it belongs. “This is gonna be part of your next assignment. I’m making a mental note.” 
“Careful. Wouldn’t want it to get too crowded up there.” 
Eddie slaps his hand to his chest, pushing a long breath out between his pursed lips. 
“You’re killin’ me here—but it’d be an honor to go at the hands of such a pretty lady.” 
“I gotta close up, Munson, or people are gonna think we’re still open here.” 
You lock up quickly, warmed as Eddie jumps up to grab the gate and pull it down for you. You fasten the large, clunky lock. 
“If you wanna wait by your car, I’ll go grab your book.” 
You flounder for a second, glancing around, then shake your head a little. “I’ll come with you.”
“You just wanna find out all my secrets.”
“Well if you take off with my book again because’a Cliff, you won’t have to get it for me.” 
You fold your arms over your chest, walking down the block with Eddie. The two of you go on in relative quite, though you feel him turn to look at you now and again. 
“Here, c’mere,” He nods you towards a row of bushes near an abandoned house. He glances around, looking around the hedge and eyeing the empty sidewalk before he crouches down. You watch him wince a little at the jabbing of twigs before he straightens, your book in his hand. 
“Sorry about the, uh…” He trails off, brushing the dirt off of the cover, turning the book from the spine to shake it from between the pages. Then he proffers it with both hands and a bright smile. 
“Thanks,” You nod. “This your usual drop spot?” 
“Nah, new to me—but I figured it was as good a spot as others. It was between this and up that tree.” He points up, and you glance up at a precariously dangling branch. You nod.
“I think you made the right choice.” 
“Yeah. I can walk you back to your car?” 
“Oh, um…” You trail off, looking down at the book. “I’m gonna walk. I walked this morning.” 
“Why? Where’s your sweet ride?” 
“It wasn’t working this morning, so I cut my losses so I wouldn’t be late—Well. Later.” 
Eddie bites his lip and looks around. 
“How about I um…Do you want me to drive you back to your place? Doesn’t have to be the whole way back, but like…Close?” He raises his hand, scrubbing at the back of his neck. 
“You don't have to do that. ‘Sides, don’t you have a show to get to?” 
“Yeah—Well I mean Cliff is playing tonight, so…He said your band plays ahead of his sometimes.” 
“Oh! Yeah, we do, but our bassist broke his thumb a few weeks ago, so we are out of the lineup for at least three more weeks.” 
“Ah, sorry.” 
“Yeah. So? Ride?” He jerks his thumb over his shoulder. 
“Hey, you know, if you want,” Eddie glances toward you from the driver’s seat, “I can take a look at your car.”
“You don’t have to do that.” 
“I mean, I might be able to get it going enough to get it to a garage or something, you know.” 
You smile a little, turning to look through the windshield. 
“Maybe,” You nod. “I don’t wanna keep you out late or anything.” 
“Hey, I don’t have a curfew.” 
You feel Eddie glancing toward you again, but your ears are honing in on the murmur of music in the background. It’s not loud enough for you to make out, but it sounds…Different from what you’ve heard before. It’s not different in a bad way, just in a noticeable way. 
“So you doin’ the college thing?” 
“What?” You ask dazedly, turning to look at him again. Eddie seems pleased that he’s gotten your attention, and he glances between you and the road. 
“You’re always reading somethin’, ya know, when I come in. I’ve never seen you with the same book twice.” 
You’d be more flattered at his attention if you weren’t so nervous about answering the question. 
“Uh—No. Just something I like to do.” 
“I dig it. It’s like…Eye music.” 
“Think you just call them ‘words’, Munson.” 
“Hey, either way, brings joy.” 
“What makes you pick what you pick?” 
Missed opportunities? You think.
“I guess I just go for books that I’ve heard good things about…Make a left here.” 
Eddie turns down your block, chuckling and nodding. 
“Yeaaaah, there she is,” He coos, pulling his van up behind your car. You reach down, undoing your seatbelt. 
“Thanks for the um—The ride, and the book, and the tape…And the heart attack.” 
“Glad I could be of assistance,” Eddie raises his hand, tipping an imaginary hat to you. Then he mumbles, “Oh!”, and hurries to park and shut the car off. You frown, watching as he scrambles around the front of the van. The frown shifts to a smile as he opens the car door for you, holding a hand out to help you down. You take his hand and slide out of the seat a touch awkwardly, steadying your other hand on the seat. 
“Thanks—Again,” You huff a laugh. 
“Sure. I’ll be by tomorrow for a,” Eddie shoves the door shut, “A deal, so. Lemme know then if you want me to come over and take a look at your baby.” 
“I’d appreciate that. Night, Eddie.” 
“Night, pretty lady.” 
You get up early to make sure you can walk to work on time. You’ve grudgingly packed a baggie of cheerios and a thermos of coffee. Frankly, you're still half-asleep as you head down the stairs that morning. But the sight of a familiar van wakes you up more than the coffee ever could. Eddie straightened from where he was leaning back against the car and flick away a half-finish cigarette.
“Morning!” He greets with a bright smile before jerking his thumb over his shoulder. “Need a ride?” 
Taglist: @missredherring​ ; @fantasticcopeaglepasta​ ; @paintballkid711​ ;  @massivecolorspygiant​ ; @blueeyesatnight​ ;  @recklessworry​ ; @amneris21​​ ; @ew-erin​ ; @youngkenobilove​​ ; @carbonated-beverage​​ ; @lorecraft​​  ;  @moonlightburned​​ ;  @milf-trinity​​  ; @nolanell​​ ;  @millllenniawrites​​ ;  @chattychell​​  ; @dihra-vesa​​  ; @videogamesandpoorlifechoices​​ ; @missswriter​​  ; @thembosapphicclown​​ ;  @brandyllyn​​  ; @wildmoonflower​​ ; @buckybarneshairpullingkink​​  ; @mad-girl-without-a-box​​  ;  @winchestershiresauce​​ ; @munsonsuccubus ; @peaches-and-plums-motherfucker (tumblr wouldn't let me tag) ; @heyndrix ; @dragonfly358 (tumblr wouldn't let me tag)
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sunnys567 · 2 years
Friends in Strange Places Ch. 3
What if Vlad was good instead of evil? Link to chapter 1:
-------------------------------------------------- Within a secret lab in a castle that once belonged to the Wisconsin Dairy King, light flickered on the face of Vlad Masters. He was focused very intensely on the soldering project he was working on. He hadn't left the lab in the last seven hours.
In the corner of the lab, two green vultures were picking through a pile of various machine bits. They looked over at Vlad, who was totally absorbed by his work, then made eye contact with each other. One of them coked an eyebrow and the other nodded.
"Oi, Vlad, ve're gonna take a quick break. Stretch our vings a bit, ya know?"
"Yes, yes, very good." Vlad replied, not looking up from his soldering. "Take as long as you need."
"Vouldn't hurt to take a break yourself, yeah? You've veen vorking in here an awful long time."
"Perhaps later. I don't quite feel the need for one yet."
The first vulture looked at the second one who just shrugged. He set the machine part in his beak down, and the two of them turned intangible and flew through the floor.
They returned to solidity as they arrived in one of Vlad's libraries. A third vulture was perched on one of the armchairs by the fireplace, a newspaper in his wings. He looked up at the other birds' arrival.
"Dat lunatic's not still vorking, is he?" He asked the other two. They nodded solemnly in response.
"Ve tried to convince him to take a break," The raspy voiced vulture said. "But he vouldn't go for it."
"D'oh ver Pete's sake!" The lead vulture threw up his wings in indignation, his newspaper pages splattering across the floor. "Dis is just getting ridiculous! I'm going to go knock some sense into dat guy!"
With that, he turned intangible and flew up through the ceiling. The other two looked at each other.
"Think ve should go too?" The vulture with the glasses asked his companion.
"Nah. Poor Vlad's gonna feel attacked enough vith just him up there. Besides, I'd like to catch up on da local politics." The raspy voiced vulture replied, rifling through the pile of disconnected newspaper.
"Plasmius!" Vlad's heart almost stopped as the bird popped up from the floor. "I have a bone ta pick vith you!"
"Can't it wait? I'm rather busy."
"Dat's exactly da problem! Ever since you returned from Amity Park you've done nothing but vork, vork, vork! If you're not in da lab, you're on da phone! And vhenever you do go out it's just to talk vork vith da suits!"
"My apologies for having a job. It's a thing humans have."
"Don't you sass me! You know I know how all dat stuff vorks you great buffoon!"
The vulture perched on Vlad's work table.
"Even ghosts need a break from time to time Vlad. I mean, I get vhy you don't want to come down to Florida with me and da birds, but why don't you go back down to Amity, eh? Ve're close to securing a path to the Fenton's portal. I bet dat ghost kid would be happy to see you. You of all people know how lonely it can get, being in his position."
"He's not lonely. He has friends who are aware of his situation and understand and accept him for his 'position'." Vlad lifted his goggles and looked at the vulture. "He's a teenager. I don't imagine he wants to spend his time hanging around with an old man like me."
"Ay ay ay." the vulture shook his head. "Vell, vhat about dose other two, yeah? You should go down and catch up vith dos freaks."
"Jack and Maddie are ghost hunters." Realizing the vulture wasn't going to leave him alone, Vlad begun packing away his tools. "Do I have to explain to you why it's a bad idea for someone like me to spend long periods of time around them?"
The vulture slowly sighed.
"Vlad. You and I both know you're better dan dat. You've had twenty years of practice keeping your powers hidden. Heck, da kid's veen living vith dem for months and he hasn't veen found out. And if dat doofus hasn't been caught, you're more dan safe."
"I don't want to bother them."
The vulture raised his eye brow at Vlad.
"Dat's veak Vlad. Ve saw how happy dos idiots vere to see you when dey came down here."
"I told you to stop spying on me when I have guests!"
"And I vant you to stop lying to my face, but ve can't all get vhat ve vant, can ve?"
The two of them glared at each other.
"You know, Vlad," the vulture's tone became uncharacteristically soft "You've been cooped up in dis castle with no one but us ghosts for da last two decades. Change can be scary, but it can also be good fer ya, you know? Personally, I tink you deserve to go after what makes you happy for a change, yeah?"
Vlad stared at his neatly organized soldering kit for a few seconds.
"Perhaps you're right."
"Finally!" the vulture threw up his wings and smiled "You're starting to listen to reason!"
"I'm going to the cabin for the week. That should provide a sufficient break."
The vulture's sour expression  was back in an instant.
"Oh no, you're not fooling anyvun! You're gonna spend da whole veek collecting, and analyzing and basically da same stuff you do around here anyway. Dat cabin just means more vork!"
"Well, it'll be a break form your squawking, at any rate." Vlad said as the door to the lab slid open. "You three can handle the rest of the cleanup, can't you? Great. I'll be upstairs, packing for my trip."
The door slid closed before the lead vulture could respond.
"Oooooh, dat Plasmius." he fumed. "If he didn't give such good vacation time, I'd peck dat idiot's eyeballs out."
Maddie sighed next to Jack on the couch.
He was working on a cross stitch pattern of a ghost. She was holding an old photograph of a time she'd taken Danny to Amity Park Park when he was nine. In the photo Maddie was hugging the smiling Danny's shoulders. They both looked so happy.
They didn't seem to have days like that anymore.
"I miss Danny." she said out loud.
"I think he's up in his room." Jack responded without looking up from his work. 
"Or did I send him to clean up the lab?" he tapped his chin thoughtfully with the needle.
"No, not like that Jack. It feels like we used to be a lot closer than we are now. Danny would always come to me about everything. Problems, secrets, or even just to ramble about space." Maddy smiled briefly at the memory before frowning again. "I'd give anything for him to open up to us. Or even just hear him list the moons of Jupiter or something."
"Speaking of space, he is a teenager Madds. Teenagers need space to grow and figure themselves out."
"I know Jack." Maddie sighed. "It just almost seems like he's purposely been avoiding us for the last few months. Have you noticed how quiet and nervous he's gotten? And it feels like it came on suddenly. Ever since the-"
Their conversation was interrupted by the doorbell.
"I'll get it!" Jack cried, practically leaping from his seat. Maddie smiled. That man was like a distractible puppy. She sighed and went back to staring longingly at the photo.
Jack opened the door and met the most dour looking letter carrier he'd ever seen. He wordlessly handed Jack a white envelope.
"Thanks man." Jack said.
Were you supposed to tip delivery people? Jack thought the mail carriers usually just dropped letters in the mailbox and left, so he wasn't sure what the protocol was here.
He had heard stories about the US postal service that were scarier than any ghosts he'd ever faced, so he figured he'd better tip the letter carrier, just to be safe.
He dug through his pockets for a coin and flipped it into the mail carrier's hand. The coin almost seemed to disappear in his palm. Weird.
Jack began to retreat into his house. "By the way," he paused halfway through closing the door "You might want to get some sun, pal. You're as pale as a ghost." He shut the door the rest of the way before the carrier could respond.
There was no return address on the envelope. In fact, there wasn't any address at all. Not even a stamp. Not a clue as to who it was for. Guess I'll just have to open it and find out. Jack thought, as he sliced open the envelope with a Fenton Letter Opener they kept on the table near the door. He pulled out the contents, which were a piece of paper and a brochure. He quickly skimmed the letter as he walked back to Maddy.
"It seems to be for Danny." He said, handing the letter and brochure over to her. "Some kind of science-convention thingy he was randomly selected for."
Maddie sat up and hungrily scanned the papers. She was beaming when she finished reading.
"Jackpot!" Maddie pounded her fist in the air. "This is is exactly what the doctor ordered!" she said, seemingly talking to the paper. Where's Danny?"
Up in his room, Danny was in an intense state of focus. He summoned a small ball of ecto energy and held it, clenching his hand into a tight fist.
Tucker and Sam, who were sitting on a bean bag and an office chair respectfully, gave each other doubtful glances.
The energy around Danny's hand began to glow brighter. Sweat began to gather around Danny's forehead. He tried as hard as he could to maintain the ball's stability while feeding it more energy, but eventually he lost control and a giant ecto beam shot out of Danny's hand, the kickback knocking him off the bed.
Sam and Tucker ducked as the beam bounced wildly around Danny's room before flying out the open window. A horrible squacking sound was heard from outside.
"That...was probably nothing." Tucker said.
"Hey, um, maybe we should move this somewhere safer, preferably without delicate computers and open windows?" Sam asked.
"Ugh!" Danny grunted in frustration as he got up from the floor. "I've been practicing forever, but I haven't made any progress!" Danny looked down at his hand. "How did Vlad even do that?"
"Maybe you could ask him?" Sam suggested.
"I'd love to!" Danny threw his arms into the air before flopping down onto his bed. "But he hasn't been back since the Axiom fiasco."
"Wait, seriously? But that was..."
"Nearly two months ago." Danny finished for her.
"Really? Dang." Tucker said. He looked over at Sam. "I thought you said he'd try to clear up his schedule."
"It was an educated guess," Sam raised her hands defensively. "But still just a guess. Does seem kind of weird, though."
"I overheard Mom say she's basically given up on calling him." Danny said. Sam frowned at that statement.
"That's a shame." Tucker said. "I'd hoped we'd see him again. That guy was cool. Kind of scary, but cool. Equal parts scary and cool."
Danny laughed at that.
"I know what you mean. I literally thought he was a nightmare I was having the first time I ran into him."
"He must really hate your parents, Danny." Sam said.
"I mean, he's obviously avoiding them. Unless he's got beef with you. You didn't say anything stupid to him, did you?"
"What, no! But why would he be avoiding my parents? They're his best friends."
"You know Danny," Tucker said "We're your best friends, and you typically don't go twenty years in between seeing us."
"Guys!" Danny was starting to get ticked. He didn't know why Sam and Tucker were so on Vlad's case. "When Vlad got turned half-ghost by the accident, he didn't have nearly as much information as we did. He was figuring everything out on his own. It's perfectly reasonable that he was worried about slipping up and accidentally revealing himself to someone, especially my ghost-hating parents. I mean, remember how worried we were at first?"
"Okay, but he can control his powers now." Sam said. "So why's he still hiding?"
That made Danny pause. Why was Vlad still-
Their conversation was suddenly interrupted by Danny's door being kicked open.
"Dad!" Danny said "What have I told you about- wait, Mom?"
"Sorry Sweetie, I know privacy's important, but I was just so excited to show you this!"
She thrust out a piece of paper towards him.
"The...Rekluks Center Science Symposium?" Danny read.
"Working to lure and capture unique scientific minds with our educational display of rare scientific collections?" Tucker read from the pamphlet.
"Yup. Pack you bags Danny, we're going to Florida!"
"What?" Danny said.
"What?" Tucker and Sam said together.
"What?" Jazz head popped into Danny's doorframe. -------------------------------
"At least you're going somewhere." Jazz moped. Tucker and Sam had long since left, and Danny was waiting in the living room for his mom to finish getting ready to go.  "Meanwhile I'm doomed to special alone bonding time with Dad."
"And I'm stuck on a plane all weekend with Mom. Want to trade?"
"I'd love to. That science symposium actually sounds interesting. Who were the organizers agian...Rekluks?" Jazz narrowed her eyes at the pamphlet. "Okay, that sounds more like some kind of Bionicle name than a real organization, which I guess makes sense for a company run by a bunch of weirdos in Florida." Danny raised an eyebrow.
"Bionicles Jazz?" he smirked.
"Oh! Look at whatever Mom and Dad are doing!"
Danny looked over and saw his dad handing his mom some kind of belt.
"To keep you safe from ghosts, I converted the family ghost shield into this! I call it the Spectre Deflector! No ghost creeps gonna lay a hand on you in Florida!"
Or talon, Danny thought to himself.
"That's wonderful Jack!" Maddie smiled, fastening the belt around her waist. "Are you sure you and Jazz will be alright without the ghost shield for the weekend?" Maddie smiled, fastening the belt around her waist.
"The two of us'll be fine. We've got all the other ghost weapons here. I'd rather you had the protection. You never now what can happen." Jack narrowed his eyes ominously.
"Yeah, I might get bored to death." Danny muttered.
Jazz patted him sympathetically on the back.
"Isn't this nice Danny?" Maddie smiled at him from the other side of the table. 
"Our own private plane for a weekend getaway with just the two of us?"
"Do you want the truth, or one of those little white lies I tell you to not hurt your feelings?" Danny scowled.
Maddie sighed.
"Look Danny, I know this was kind of sprung on you, but maybe we should try not starting off on the wrong foot. Just look out at that sunny Florida coastline!"
"Folks, this is your captain speaking," a voice on the overhead said. "If you look to your left, you'll notice the cold hard landscape of the Colorado Rocky Mountains."
"Colorado?" Danny looked out the window. "But that's nowhere near Florida!"
"And if you look to your right," the captain continued "You'll see me evacuating the plane before it goes careening out of control."
Danny and Maddie rushed over to the other side of the plane just in time to see the pilot falling for a few seconds before he was obscured by a parachute.
They looked at each other before rushing to the front of he plane. The cockpit was empty.
Maddie jumped into the pilot's seat and grabbed the controls.
"They're jammed!" she grunted, yanking ineffectively at the wheel. "I don't know how we're going to get out of this one!"
"I know one way." Danny quietly groaned. He crouched down and transformed. 
This wasn't at all how he wanted his mom to find out, but it was objectively better than dying.
He stood up and grabbed Maddie's shoulders. The light on the buckle of the Spectre Deflector glowed green, and Danny was suddenly enveloped in painful green electricity. He stumbled backwards and fell to the ground, transforming back into his human form.
Maddie, who'd been too occupied to notice what Danny had been doing, shortly gave up with the controls. She looked up and saw Danny dazed on the ground.
"Danny!" she jumped out of her seat. "Are you alright?"
She moved to put a hand to Danny's forehead, but he slapped it away.
"I'm fine mom!"
A brief look of hurt flashed across Maddie's face, but it was soon replaced by a focused determination as she scanned the cabin. She suddenly shot up and dashed back into the cabin of the plane, shortly returning with two grey backpacks with giant green 'F's stitched onto them.
"Put that on!" she said, thrusting one at Danny. "We're jumping!"
Danny swung the backpack over his shoulder as he followed Maddie out of the cockpit. Once she'd double checked Danny's parachute was secure, Maddie threw open the emergency exit door and she and Danny jumped.
They freefell for a few seconds.
"Three...two...one! Deploy you chute Danny!"
Danny pulled the string, and after the initial jolt, he and Maddie were both gently floating to the ground.
"Why on earth did you bring your own parachutes?" Danny asked, the adrenaline beginning to wear off.
"In case ghosts attacked the plane."
"Seriously? Why would a ghost ever be involved in hijacking a plane?"
"Folks, this is your captain speaking," Maddie and Danny both looked over to see the pilot floating down next to them "I'm here to inform you that you've been the victim of a cruel hoax."
There was a sudden pop and a flash of light, and the pilot and his parachute were transformed into a green ghostly mail carrier.
"Happy landing!" he said before flying out of sight.
Maddie gave Danny a smug look. He crossed his arms saltily as the two of them descended below the treetops.
They passed the next few hours in silence, Maddie slicing her way through the foliage, Danny following closely (but not too closely) behind. He was very careful not to accidentally touch her.
Eventually, the sun began to dip below the horizon and Maddie decided they should stop by a small stream to make camp.
Maddie put Danny in charge of making the fire while she set up camp. Luckily, she'd happened to bring along sleeping bags in dehydrated pills, which Danny thought was kind of insane, but admittedly convenient.
When she was done setting those up, alongside a lean-to shelter, Maddie sat down next to the tired Danny by the fire. She started rifling through her hip bag.
"Fenton jerky?
"Why do you have all this?" Danny asked, taking a piece.
"It never hurts to be prepared Danny. Case in point." Maddy gestured to the woods around them.
"Yeah. You wouldn't happen to have a cell phone in there, would you?"
"How would that help you if a ghost attacked?" Maddie laughed.
Once Danny had finished his jerky, he noticed that his mom hadn't even started hers.
"Y'know Danny," she said, fiddling with the jerky in her hands "Being stranded in the woods aside, I'm glad we're getting to spend this time together."
"I guess."
There was another pause. Maddie sighed.
"I feel like we haven't been doing that a lot lately."
"I'm a teenager now. I have homework, and I hang out with Sam and Tucker, and you and dad have your ghost stuff."
"I know teenagers have their own lives and don't want to hang out with boring adults all the time, Danny. I was a teenager once and I've already raised one." Maddie laughed briefly before her face turned serious.
"I understand that you need space, but it just seems like ever since the accident-"
"The accident has nothing to do with anything!" Danny said a little too quickly. Maddie looked at him for a few seconds before she continued talking.
"Look, Danny. It's okay if you're mad at your father and me. I wouldn't blame you. It's just that, whatever's going on, I don't want you to feel like you have to hide it from us. "
As Maddie was talking, she reached out and brushed Danny's hand. Danny yelped at the shocking sensation and pulled his hand away.
"Don't touch me!" he snapped. Maddie looked like he'd slapped her.
"Danny, I'm sorry, I-"
"I'm going to sleep now." Danny shot up and began dragging one of the sleeping bags away from the makeshift tent. Maddie didn't stop him.
Danny was having trouble sleeping. He couldn't get his mom's hurt face out of his head.
He hadn't meant to snap at her. Really, he hadn't. The Spectre Deflector just hurt. A lot. He knew how that must have looked to his mom, but what was he supposed to tell her?
Danny rolled over and sighed. What did she mean about the accident? Sure, some of his time had been eaten up by ghost hunting, especially when the portal first opened, but major ghosts only popped up a few times a month at most now. He'd actually gone back to making his curfew and turning in his homework. Things were getting better, so what was worrying his mom?
Had she noticed him trying to hide his powers? Did she notice how nervous he got whenever they brought out their latest device? She'd never noticed his powers acting up, but did she notice him running away at random times?
Danny thought he'd been hiding it well, but his mom seemed to realize that something was off. Were other people noticing? Did his dad and Jazz notice? Okay, his dad probably hadn't, but Jazz had been offering to drive him to school a lot more lately, and there was that incident with the guidance counsellor.
At the time Danny had been focused on the fact that Spectra turned out to be a joy-sucking ghost, but Jazz really had been trying to get Danny some help.
She'd also mentioned the accident. Just like his mom had.
Was keeping his ghost powers a secret affecting his relationship with his family?
Danny sat up and got out of his sleeping bag. This was a lot. He needed a break from thinking, and he needed to pee.
He'd barely walked a few feet into the trees when he felt the familiar chill run up his body and out his mouth.
His ghost sense.
Danny was suddenly on high alert.
He barely heard it. An almost imperceptible click, but it was enough to make Danny instinctively lean left, just in time to see a blue beam shoot past him on the right.
He squinted in the direction the beam came from and spotted the faintest glow amongst the branches. There was a soft rustling as the glow retreated into the woods.
"Oh no you don't!" Danny said, thrusting up his arms. "I'm Going Ghost!"
The woods were briefly illuminated by the dual white rings that travelled up and down his body, changing him into ghost form.
The woods darkened again as his transformation concluded, but now Danny's ghostly aura lit up the area around him, making it easier to navigate the woods.
"Even when I'm on vacation, you ghosts just can't leave me alone!" Danny complained as he flew after the ghost.
He didn't have to fly for long before the light from the other ghost was once again visible through the trees. Danny quickly shot out an ecto blast. He heard the snapping of wood and a deep grunt as the blast hit its target.
Danny stopped flying as he emerged into a small clearing. Standing at the other end, shoulder slightly smoking, was none other than-
"Surprise whelp!" Skulker said, a bazooka on his shoulder, that Danny somehow hadn't noticed before, whining to life.
Danny barely moved out of the way in time to hear the crunch of a tree splintering apart where he had just been.
"What are you doing in Colorado? And how did you get back in your ecto skeleton?"
"If there's one thing I've learned as a hunter, it's how to be patient and resourceful!"
"Um, actually, that's two-" Danny was interrupted by Skulker whipping out a wrist blaster and nailing Danny square in the chest. The blaster wasn't as powerful as the bazooka, but it was enough to knock Danny back into the trees.
Danny recovered pretty quickly, though, and managed to look up just in time to see a blue net headed straight for him. He quickly blasted it to shreds before retreating into the trees, hoping that would make it harder for Skulker to hit him.
After flying a good distance away, Danny looked over his shoulder. He didn't see Skulker.
Danny stopped and looked around. He couldn't spot any signs of Skulker anywhere. Where was he?
A jolt of electric pain suddenly hit Danny in the back, making him cry out. The pain spread through the rest of his body and lingered, forcing Danny out of the air. He felt himself transforming back into human mode.
"What the-" Danny tried to transform back but it didn't work. "How did you-"
He looked up and saw Skulker standing over him, a wide grin on his face and a small taser-looking device clutched in his hand.
"This device designed to suppress your ghost powers. For the next few hours, you're nothing more than a pathetic human. I call it, the Ecto Minimus!"
"Wow, did you come up with that name all by yourself?" Danny hoped his sarcastic tone was covering up how terrified he was.
"You may have bested me back on your own turf, whelp," Skulker said, hoisting Danny up by his shirt collar "But the great outdoors is the domain of Skulker, the greatest hunter in the Ghost Zone!"
Danny gulped.
Suddenly, a shrill unearthly battle cry rang through the night, and a large shape descended on Skulker from the treetops, causing him to drop Danny to the ground.
Danny watched as Skulker struggled to remove the attacker from himself, but they clung on tight and relentlessly pounded at his helmet.
"You get your filthy mitts off my son you giant hunk of ecto-junk!"
Maddie Fenton continued to slash and yell. Sparks began flying off of Skulkers helmet in every direction. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Skulker turned himself intangible, Maddie's screams finally relenting as she fell to the ground. Skulker flew backwards a few feet and then turned invisible.
"Your invisibility tricks won't work on me ecto-freak!" Maddie yelled into the trees 
"If I see you anywhere near me or my son I will personally slice every limb of your ecto armour to shreds!"
Maddie turned and walked towards Danny, her face softening.
"Danny, are you alright?"
"Y-yeah, I'm okay..."
"Then you'd better have a good explanation," her face hardened again "for what you were doing so far from camp young man."
She reached down and grabbed Danny's arm.
"Wait! Mom, don't-"
"Oh no, you are not getting out of this." Maddie interrupted, pulling Danny onto his feet. "Running into the middle of the woods by yourself as night is incredibly dangerous."
To Danny's surprise, the Spectre Deflector didn't go off. Wow. That Ecto Minimus really worked. The name still sucked.
"I didn't run off, Sk- the ghost attacked me at camp."
"And you ran into the woods instead of towards me? Danny, that's basically playing right into its hand!"
"It wasn't like I was trying to get killed by a ghost!"
Maddie sighed. It wasn't an angry sigh, though.
"I'm sorry Danny. You're right, it's not like you got attacked on purpose. I was just so worried. When I woke up to those horrible noises, and then you weren't in your sleeping bag, and- anyway it doesn't matter."
Maddie began rifling through her bag. She pulled out a key and inserted it into the Spectre Deflector.
Danny felt more guilt being added on to the already immense pile in his stomach.
"Mom, I-"
Before Danny could finish speaking she'd snapped the Deflector around his own waist.
"I didn't think we'd actually run into any ghosts on this trip," she said "But, since I seemed to have been wrong about that, you'd better wear that for protection Danny. And stay close to me. Who knows what could be lurking in these woods."
With that, Maddie turned around and began slicing through the foliage. Danny gave the Specter deflector a few experimental tugs. It was not coming off.
"Well this is just great." he said to himself before setting off to follow his mom.
They walked in silence for a long while. Maddie was continuously scanning their surroundings as they walked, ready for action. She didn't notice how Danny flinched every time a leaf so much as rustled.
He hated to admit it, but Danny was feeling incredibly off-kilter and vulnerable without his powers. It was like a part of him was missing. A part of him that would be really useful if they happened to get attacked by a ghost, which was likely in this situation.
Maddie suddenly froze and threw her arm out in front of Danny. He almost bumped into her in the dark.
She turned to look at him and pointed ahead. Danny wasn't sure how he missed it but, just on the other side of the bushed they were standing behind, was a glowing green moose. It's head was bent over a small stream.
Danny had never seen a moose before and was rather taken aback by the creature's size. Was it just huge because it was a ghost? Danny knew moose and deer were different, but this ghost was a lot bigger than the deer he'd seen back at home.
The ghost moose lifted it's head and turned to look directly where Maddie and Danny were standing.
All three of them just stood there looking at each other for a solid minute. It felt like an hour.
"I'm going to approach it." Maddie finally whispered. "Try and scare it off."
"Mom are you crazy!" Danny hissed back. "Look at the size of that thing, there's no way it'll be scared by you!"
"No matter how big it is, Danny, it's still a ghost. And any ghost that knows what's good for it will fear me."
That statement kind of made Danny fear her, even if he wasn't technically a ghost right now. He held his breath as Maddie stepped out from behind the bushes. She approached the ghost slowly but confidently, Fenton Machete poised in front of her torso.
The moose's fur began to fluff up and its ears went back.
Did that mean his mom's plan was working? Was the ghost scared?
A rustling from above made Danny to snap his head up. Above him in the trees, three pairs of glowing red eyes were staring down at him.
"Mom?" Danny said, right as another rustle sounded in the bushes behind the moose.
"Mom, the moose isn't alone."
Maddie turned her head around to look at Danny. That was when the the moose began to bat the ground with it's front hooves. Danny didn't know how he knew, but he knew that that wasn't a good sign.
"Mom look out! The moose!" he shouted.
Maddie barely had time to jump out of the way as the moose attempted to charge her. It sailed past, but turned right back around and started pawing the ground again.
A bunch of green glowing goats jumped out from the bushes Danny had seen rustling earlier and started bleating like crazy, their cries causing a cacophony of chaos and confusion. Many of them tried to ram Maddie, but she fought them back expertly, dodging half of them and deflecting the other half with her machete. It was both incredible and terrifying to watch.
Danny's eyes were drawn away from the tense battle by the sound of horrible hissing above him. The raccoons were all standing straight up and their teeth were bared menacingly.
In the distance Danny saw some large green birds approaching from above. Danny assumed they would be about as friendly as the rest of the ghost animals.
"I can handle them Danny!" Maddie called from the throng of goats. "It's you I'm worried about! Run!"
It was like a battle was going on in his body. On the one hand, he was powerless, unarmed, and in great danger here, but he couldn't just leave-
The part of Danny's brain telling him to run won out at the desperation in his mother's voice, and he was suddenly fleeing from the ghost animals as fast as his legs could take him.
It was hard to navigate through the thick brush in the dark. Danny almost tripped at least twenty time, but he kept running. His lungs began to burn, but he didn't stop.
After a bit, Danny noticed a light in the distance. For a second he was worried it was Skulker, but the light was more yellow than Skulker's sterile white aura. Danny had no idea what that light could be, but he decided to find out. He got as close as he could without being detected and stopped running.
Big mistake.
Every muscle in his body was suddenly overwhelmed with exhaustion.. Danny began panting, gulping in as much air as he could, but it didn't help the burning in his lungs.
Danny looked into the light. His vision had actually gone blurry from the exertion, but he could see that there was a person holding an electric lantern. He hoped they were friendly.
Wait a minute, he knew that voice.
"What in the sweet sarsaparilla are you-"
The sound of rusting leaves interrupted them.
"Get behind me." Vlad commanded, reaching to push Danny out of the way.
"No, Vlad, wait I-"
Too late. Vlad's hand made contact with Danny, and the light on the Spectre Deflector went off. Vlad screamed as green electricity enveloped him. He yanked his hand away from Danny and fell to the ground. The sparks faded, but Vlad was still dazed.
Danny's head snapped toward the woods where the rustling was getting louder. He realized he was too weak and tired to fight back or run as he looked between the dazed Vlad and the rustling trees, panic rising.
He braced himself for the worst as the noises were suddenly right next to them. A group of small green animals burst from the foliage, heading straight towards Danny and Vlad. They were moving too fast for Danny to identify them all, but he was pretty sure saw some rabbits and chipmunks.
Danny instinctively threw his arms up in front of his face, but the animals just ran right past the two of them, disappearing back into the woods. They either ran around or between Vlad and Danny.
Danny watched the swarm of animals until they stopped coming. A green squirrel jumped down from above somewhere and landed beside Vlad. It turned to face him and began chittering wildly, waving it's arms frantically.
"Sorry, Joe." Vlad said, leaning on his elbow to face the squirrel. "I left the translator back at the lodge. I don't know what you're trying to tell me, but rest assured, if there's trouble afoot, I will find and take care of it." Vlad said the last bit with a finality that almost made Danny shudder.
This seemed to satisfy the squirrel, who ran off after the other animals. The woods were suddenly quiet again.
"Well," Vlad grunted, pushing himself onto his knees. "Something seems to have gotten them riled up."
"Yeah. Uh, are you okay?" Danny asked, offering a hand to help him up.
"Yes dear boy, I'm quite alri-" as Vlad grabbed Danny's hand, the indictor light on the Spectre Deflecter went off again and Vlad was once again screaming and sparking. Panicking, Danny dropped his hand, causing Vlad to fall back down to the ground. The electricity quickly vanished.
"Oops, sorry. You should, uh, probably avoid touching me."
"Noted." Vlad gritted from the ground.
Danny was worried he'd done some serious damage. He let out a sigh of relief when Vlad finally sat up.
"Beef brisket," Vlad swore as he rubbed his head "Whatever you've got there packs quite the punch."
"My dad calls it the Spectre Deflector. He converted the house ghost shield into a belt to protect my mom from ghosts on our trip."
"I suppose a personal protective device of that nature would require such a powerful regulator." Vlad nodded. "But why on earth isn't it effecting you?"
"My powers got disrupted. I'm all human for the next...well, I don't actually know how long." The Ecto Minimus did wear off, right? Skulker had implied it did. Danny sure hoped it did. "But I am zero per cent ghost right now, I guess." "The Spector Deflector can disrupt your powers?"
"No, it electrocutes me too. I ran into Skulker earlier. He's got some kind of new gizmo."
"Butter biscuits! I thought Skulker had abandoned this area! And here I thought this would be a nice peaceful week of quiet research." Vlad floated back onto his feet and brushed himself off. "You mentioned your mother. Is she around?"
"Yeah, but we got separated a bit ago. I think Skulker rigged up this whole trip as a way to get to me."
"I suppose that makes sense. Which direction were you with her last? We should start walking."
"...and so after my mom kicked Skulker's butt we ran into a buch of ghost animals and got seperated." Danny finished explaining as he and Vlad walked.
"It seems Skulker's caused you quite a bit of trouble this weekend. He always has been rather persistent. And annoying."
"Can't argue with you there." Danny laughed. "So, what brings you to this neck of the woods?"
"Ghost research."
"Can't you do that back in Wisconsin?"
"As it happens, Skulker used to use these very woods as a sort of practice hunting ground. He left it many years ago, but the spirits' of the beasts Skulker slayed still linger here, making it one of the most lucrative spots for ghost research. Outside of the Ghost Zone itself, of course."
"I didn't know animals could leave ghosts."
"Didn't we fight three such spectres the last time we met?"
"Oh. Yeah, I mean, I kinda thought ghosts like that just...formed I guess?"
"It is true that some creatures seem to be able to manifest a form from the excess ectoplasm in the Ghost Zone. I assume the formation of the ghosts in these woods was somewhat relevant to the spectral nature of their hunter, but it is quite difficult to determine what truly causes a ghost to form. Similar trials have yielded completely different results, so the question of what ghosts are and where they come from may perhaps always be a mystery."
Danny was too stunned to speak. It was like someone had taught his parents to talk fancy.
They continued to walk in silence for a bit.
Danny suddenly rememebered something that he wanted to talk to Vlad about.
"Vlad." Danny said. "We haven't seen you in months."
"I've been busy, Daniel." Vlad said. "Between my CEO duties and arduous ghost research, it can be rather difficult to find the time to stop by."
Danny thought back to his conversation with Sam and Tucker.
"Do you...actually want to see us?"
"What? Of course, don't be ridiculous."
Vlad seemed genuinely taken aback by Danny's accusation. Danny didn't want to offend him, but something about the whole situation just wasn't sitting right, and Danny knew that it would continue to bug him if he didn't find out. And if he didn't find out now, then he might not see Vlad for another few months.
"To be honest, if really feels like you don't."
"Daniel, I told you, I'm extremely busy, and-"
"It's been months. You've only stopped by once since the reunion. And you don't pick up the phone when my mom calls you."
"As I said," Vlad's tone was steadily getting less friendly. "I'm-"
"Busy, yeah, I know." Danny was running out of patience too. "I get that you've got a lot going on, but honestly it just seems like you can't be bothered to haul your butt down to Amity to see us."
"That's enough Daniel. Drop it."
"Are you telling me you're too busy for a five-minute phone conversation? Or even an e-mail?"
"I said drop it."
"I just want to know why. Are you still angry at them? You say you're not, but you act like you-"
"How could I be angry at them?!" Vlad's eyes glowed a dangerous red. "They're my only friends! You have no idea what you're talking about!"
Danny took a startled step back.
The red glow faded from Vlad's eyes. He looked horrified by what he'd just done.
"Daniel, I-"
A blue blast suddenly came out of nowhere and hit Danny, knocking him back into a tree.
"Daniel!" Vlad cried. He turned to face where the beam had come from, anger in his eyes.
Skulker stepped out from the shadows, a wide grin on his metal face.
"Well, what do you know," he smiled "I didn't expect to run into both halfas in the same place."
A black ring appeared around Vlad's waist.
"You have five seconds to explain who you are and what you want," the ring split in two, transforming him into his ghost form. "Before I personally tear you apart piece by piece."
"Vlad, that's Skulker," Danny said from the ground. The impact from the tree had left him too dazed to get up. "He's here for my pelt."
"That's Skulker? He was a lot smaller the last time I saw him. When did he get that armour?"
"You like it?" Skulker gestured to his suit. "I've had some upgrades! Now,"
Skulker raised his arm and fired at Vlad with a double barreled wrist blaster. Vlad went intangible and sunk into the ground.
Danny felt Vlad grab him from behind and rise into the air. He set Danny down on a particularly thick tree branch.
"Stay here." Vlad said, voice firm. "This shouldn't take long."
"Where else would I go?" Danny muttered, clutching the trunk of the tree as Vlad flew away.
After getting some distance from Danny, Vlad threw some pink energy blasts at Skulker. Unfortunately, he was able to dodge most of Vlad's hits using the the trees as cover. A few of Vlad's blasts did manage to hit Skulker, but they didn't seem to do much damage to his sturdy armour.
Skulker soon began firing back with his wrist blaster, but Vlad was able to use the trees to the same advantage Skulker had. Vlad was more nimble than Skulker, so he managed to avoid all of Skulker's blasts.
As Vlad dodged, he moved closer to Skulker and Danny saw him charge up ecto energy in his arm like he had the night he fought Technus. Once Vlad was close enough, he dashed over to Skulker and grabbed his wrist blaster with his charged-up hand, melting the blaster clean off Skulker's arm.
Vlad smirked as he unceremoniously dropped the deformed lump of metal to the ground.
Vlad threw a punch at Skulker, but Skulker managed to dodge it and jabbed Vlad with a familiar device. Danny's heart stopped as he watched him fall to the ground, screaming and surrounded by pink electricity.
The black rings returned, reverting Vlad to his human form.
A rare look of panic crossed Vlad's face. Some black stars sparked around him as he unsuccessfully attempted to change back into his ghost form.
Vlad pushed himself up from the ground and threw all his momentum into a punch directed at Skulker.
Grinning, Skulker reached out and caught Vlad's oncoming fist. Vlad could barely stifle a pained noise as his hand made contact with the hard metal of Skulker's armour.
"Nice try, Plasmius." Skulker sneered. "But I'm afraid both of you are useless in this form, and that terrifying blue hunter is currently occupied by my previous conquests, leaving both your pelts ripe for the picking."
"Ew." Danny and Vlad said at the same time.
"Complain all you want," Skulker pointed his arm canon directly at Vlad's face 
"There's nothing you can do to escape your fate."
The gun began to whine. Vlad shut his eyes from the glare. Danny clutched the trunk of the tree even tighter.
There was a sudden blur of motion, and Skulker's canon arm fell clean off, the glow from the barrel fading away.
Danny didn't recognize the figure standing beside Skulker right away. They were covered from head to toe in dark mud and leaves, which was probably why no one had noticed their approach.
"I warned you to stay away from my son ghost!"
Maddie moved with incredible speed. She danced and hopped around Skulker, hacking at his armour with her Fenton Machete.
Skulker tried to fight her off, but his clunky armour clearly wasn't designed to take on such an agile opponent at close range. Bits of metal and sparks flew off of Skulker as he desperately flailed about, failing to hinder the enraged Maddie in any way. His other arm soon joined the first one on the ground.
"This is what happens when you mess with me ghost!" Maddie cried as she jammed the Fenton Machete into Skulker's face.
Skulker's head went flying and landed a few meters away. A tiny green blob with limb's crawled out from inside of it.
"I yield! I yield!" he squeaked "You are the superior hunter! I admit it! I'm out of here!"
The tiny Skulker turned intangible and dove into the ground.
Behind Maddie, the body of Skulker's now empty armour swayed and fell to the ground with a crash.
Danny and Vlad just blinked.
Maddie looked at Vlad.
"Now, what in the sweet sarsaparilla are you doing in Colorado, Vlad?"
"It's very fortunate we ran into you out there, Vlad." Maddie said. "You're sure it's not a bother having us here?"
"Oh don't be ridiculous Maddie." Vlad smiled "What else am I going to do? Just send you two out there to fend for yourselves in those treacherous woods? Preposterous. Anyway, this is where you'll be staying."
After clearing up some confusion and getting Danny out of the tree, Vlad had led the group back to his log villa. It was smaller than his mansion, but it was still quite big. Vlad told them it was a very old structure, but it had had electricity and running water installed at some point, which Danny was very thankful for.
Vlad had offered to give them a tour, but after spending hours on edge in the woods at night, Danny and Maddie just wanted to go to sleep. Vlad was very understanding and had led them directly to the spare bedrooms.
"Ooh, this is much ritzier than our makeshift campsite, eh Danny?" Maddie gently elbowed Danny in the side. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to change into a less muddy jumpsuit."
With that, Maddie walked into the bedroom and shut the door.
"She brought an extra jumpsuit, but no cell phone." Danny wasn't even surprised anymore.
"Yes, that does sound like Maddie." Vlad smiled fondly. "I'll show you your room now, Daniel."
Danny took a look around as they walked down the hall. All the walls in this house seemed to be made of wood planks or logs. It was kind of cool, looking at all the knots and long swirls of the grain. The floors were also wood, but they were mostly covered by fuzzy red carpeting.
They turned a corner, and Danny was blown away by the number of doorframes he saw. This house seemed to have infinity rooms.
"You sure have a lot of spare rooms. I didn't think you'd have too many guests here."
"Oh no, besides for the all the ghost animals, I never have company. The ones who originally built this house likely did. I believe that they had a rather large family. Anyway, here we are."
Vlad stopped walking and opened a door to reveal a room that was pretty similar to the one Maddie was staying in. Danny stepped in and looked around. The colours of the bed spread were very pale. The whole bed looked very soft. And comfy. Just looking at the bed seemed to increase Danny's already pretty high levels of tiredness.
He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a chittering sound somewhere behind him. A green squirrel seemed to fall from the ceiling and landed on Vlad's shoulder. Vlad did not seem particularly surprised by this.
"Much appreciated, Joe." he said, accepting something shiny from the squirrel's mouth. Vlad tossed the object to Danny.
"Figured you could use that." he said.
Danny looked at the object in his hand. It was a key. He inserted it into the Spectre Deflector and turned it. There was an audible click and the belt unstrapped itself and fell from Danny's waist.
"Thanks." he said, picking up the Deflector and stuffing it in his pocket with the key. "But how did you get it?"
"I simply asked my friend here." Vlad smiled, gesturing to the squirrel on his shoulder. "I would have retrieved it myself, but it seems my intangibility yet to return."
The squirrel chittered indignantly on Vlad's shoulder.
"Ah yes, of course." Vlad dug somewhere under his collar and pulled out an acorn. He held it out to the squirrel, who snatched it and scampered away.
"You'd think providing them sanctuary would be enough of a reward on it's own." He said, watching the squirrel dart down the hall. "Then again, I suppose this isn't my house. I just pay for it."
"Wait, the animals live here?"
"Yes. Many years ago, when Skulker used to terrorize the animals here, I found out that he would persist after them even when they'd already been killed. I suppose he was testing the effectiveness of his gear on ghosts as well as the living. It felt cruel to torment those creatures endlessly, and Skulker had learned very quickly not to mess with me, so I told the animals that they could hide in the house. Even after Skulker left most of them stuck around. I still see them going in and out of here every time I stop by."
"So it's a real animal house here." Danny said.
Vlad smiled a little at Danny's joke.
"Your powers haven't returned yet, have they?" he asked.
Danny looked down at his hand. He tried to turn it invisible, but nothing happened.
"Shame. I wonder how long this lasts." Vlad stared at his own hand for a few seconds. "It's strange. For quite a while I actually despised my ghostliness and would have done anything to get rid of it. Even today I don't know if I'd say I like it, but now that it's gone, I feel sort of..."
"Yes, that's the word. Anyway, I'll leave you now. I'm sure you're anxious to get some sleep." Vlad gave Danny a wave as he walked away.
Danny stared at the door where Vlad had just been. He knew exactly what he meant. The first month after the accident he'd have done anything to undo it, but now, well, he wasn't so sure. He'd kind of grown to like his powers. He probably wouldn't have any problems with being half-ghost if he didn't have to keep it a secret from his family. That was kind of the only downside. That, and getting electrocuted by the Spectre Deflector.
Exhaustion began to overtake Danny. He gave in and faceplanted into the bed. He wanted to lay there forever, but after about thirty seconds his body reminded him what he had been doing before Skulker showed up.
He'd needed to pee two hours ago and he hadn't. Now he really needed to pee. Quietly grumbling, Danny pushed himself off of the bed and began searching the halls, on the hunt for a bathroom.
Danny was completely lost. He couldn't find a bathroom, or the way back to his room.
Having the ability to fly and turn intangible would have been really helpful right now, Danny thought bitterly to himself. After another few minutes of roaming, Danny suddenly noticed a rhythmic creaking noise.
Curious, Danny walked in the direction the noise was coming from. He turned a corner and saw a light coming from a nearby room. He walked closer and peeked past the doorframe.
At the back wall of the room, near a large window, Danny saw the source of the creaking: an ancient looking rocking chair was steadily rocking back and forth. Why Vlad hadn't mentioned someone was here. Wait, hadn't he said he never had people over?
Danny froze when he noticed the spectral green tail hanging over the edge of the seat, swaying along to the rocking of the chair.
His powers still hadn't returned, so he had no way to protect himself if the ghost was hostile.
Maybe the ghost wasn't hostile?
Danny figured he should go tell Vlad about the ghost just in case. Even if Vlad didn't have weapons, his mom certainly would.
"Is that you, Vladdie dearest?" a voice asked from the rocking chair. Shoot.
"Um...n-no. My name's Danny. I'm staying here with Vlad for the night. Um, do you know him?"
The ghost laughed. It wasn't a mean laugh.
"Of course I know him dearest. Come in, come in. It's a bit foolish carrying a conversation from the hallway."
Danny stepped into the room. There wasn't much in it. Just a dresser and a bookshelf filled with knick-knacks. There wasn't even a bed. The light he'd seen was coming from one of those old oil lamps on the dresser. The walls were made of the same unfinished wood as all the other walls in the house, but there were a few colourful flowers crudely painted on them low to the ground.
"Don't be shy now. Come over here where I can see you, dearest."
Danny gulped. The ghost seemed harmless, friendly even, but he couldn't help feeling vulnerable without his powers. How did Sam and Tucker face malicious ghosts like this all the time?
Danny took a few steps towards the window. He almost jumped when the rocking chair began to float a few inches off the ground. The chair turned 180 degrees and sank back down to the ground.
"That's better." The ghost smiled. She was quite tiny. Her glowing skin was the translucent green colour that ghosts often were. She was wearing a matching dress and  bonnet that were a horrendously pink gaudy floral patterns. Danny might've barfed if he'd seen that pattern in any other context, but they strangely seemed to suit the ghost that was wearing them.
She peered at Danny through the thinnest wire glasses he'd ever seen. Her eyes, despite glowing a menacing red, were shaped into soft slits as if she was half drifting off to sleep.
"Hmmm, the first human guest Vlad's had in years and it's a child. Strange. Are you Vlad's son perhaps? He's never talked about you." "What? Oh, no. I'm just a friend. My mom's friends with Vlad, and she's here too and she brought me along." Danny wondered if the ghost could tell how nervous he was.
"No guests for nearly twenty years then suddenly two guests? My that Vlad is a strange one. Ah, but where are my manners? I know your name, but you don't know mine. Danny, my name is Bernadette. My friends call me Bernie, though." She paused and narrowed her eyes at him. "You can call me Bernie, you seem like the friendly sort."
"It's, um, nice to meet you Bernie." Danny felt his body relax. He was 99% sure Bernie wasn't going to attack him at this point. That did leave Danny with the awkward problem of not knowing what to say to an elderly ghost.
"So...are you friends with Vlad?"
"Ah, dearest Vlad." Bernie smiled fondly. "What a nice young man. He takes such good care of me. Well, I suppose I don't need much taking care of, being a ghost and all, but the sweet thing always comes to see me when he's up here. He doesn't come up too much, he's so busy with his big company. He runs it, you know. But when he does come he always visits me. Asks how I'm doing, if I need anything, just sits and listens to me gab away. What a doll." Bernie looked over at the bookshelf.
"You know he brought all my treasures down for me from the attic when he first found me. Being a ghost makes it awful hard to pick things up, let me tell you. I do love not having to cook anymore, though. Anyway, Vlad went and fetched all my things the seconds I told him about them. He said it was to apologize for infesting my house with all the wild life, even though I didn't mind one bit. I rather like the little critters. Even the bears and such don't cause trouble. I always wanted to see some live bears up close when I was alive. Ma and Pa never let me get to close to them though. Quite dangerous creatures, when you're alive anyway. Which I'm not, so there Ma and Pa!" Bernie chuckled.
Danny felt a yawn coming on. He tried to stifle it but it had been a strenuous night, and it was quite late.
"My goodness!" Bernie's eyes widened slightly, as though she were snapping out of a daze. "How rude of me! I do forget you humans still need sleep! And here I am rambling away when you're so clearly tuckered out, you poor thing. Off you get now!"
"Oh, yeah, thanks. Sorry, I am kind of tired."
"No need to apologize young man. You've been nothing but patient and polite with me. Don't you worry about hurting my feelings. I've got nothing but time, and I'll go on for forever if you let me. Now off to bed with you."
"You wouldn't happen to know where the bathroom is, would you?"
"Considering I've been living in this house for the last five hundred years, I would hope so." Bernie laughed. "It's down the hall at your first left turn."
"Thanks Bernie." Danny said as he headed out the door. "Goodnight."
"Such a polite young man. Goodnight Danny."
As Danny left Bernie's rocker floated into the air and turned to face the window again.
Danny sighed. He'd found the bathroom, but now he was having trouble finding his room again. Why did everywhere in this lodge look the same?
He stopped when he heard voices coming from a nearby room.
His mom and Vlad must've been in there talking. Danny stopped by the doorway and peeked inside. The two of them were standing by an unlit fireplace, a nearby lamp giving the room a soft yellow glow. Danny assumed this was some sort of sitting room.
"...couldn't get the ectoplasm out of the carpet for weeks!" Danny heard his mom say. "You can still see it glowing when it's really dark outside!"
They laughed for a bit and then there was a few seconds of silence.
"You could come back with us, you know." Maddie said. "Jack would be ecstatic to see you."
"Sadly, I can't Maddie. I've got a tight schedule to keep. I would love to come down, but I simply don't have the time to spare."
Maddie picked up an ornament from the mantle. She looked at it as she spoke.
"You know Vlad, it's alright. You can tell me the truth."
"What do you mean?"
"I know you're still mad at us about the accident."
Vlad blinked a few times before responding.
"What? Of course I'm not mad, that was all in the past. I've told you, I don't hold any resentment towards you or Jack. It was an accident, after all."
"Then why don't you want to see us?"
"What? Don't be ridiculous, of course I want to see you. You and Jack are my best friends!"
"You say that Vlad, but you never stop by. I've called you. Many times, and you never call back."
"I'm CEO of a very lucrative company Maddie. That keeps me rather-"
"Busy. I know. Too busy to fit a five minute phone call in over the course of three months."
Maddie put the ornament back on the mantle and faced Vlad.
"And then the few times we do get to see you, you seem anxious to leave as soon as possible. You barely seemed like you wanted to be at our house the one time you stopped by. And even when you invited us to your place, you disappeared five minutes after we arrived, and then we barely got to see you at the party. There was an actual ghost attack, and you missed it!"
Maddie took a calming breath.
"I want to spend time with you, Vlad. I miss you. Jack and I both do. It was so painful, not seeing you for the last twenty years, but when we do see you now it feels like it's just to tease us before you go right back to ghosting us."
Maddie probably didn't notice how Vlad tensed up at that wording, but Danny did.
"We want to be friends with you again, Vlad, but honestly it doesn't seem like you really want to be friends with us. You don't trust us and that hurts. I can't stand what you're doing to me. I want to stop re-opening the wound you left. The worst part of all of this is that you can't even be honest about it."
Vlad didn't say anything. He didn't even move. He just stood there with a stupefied look on his face.
"I should go to bed." Maddie turned away from him.
That seemed to break Vlad out of his stupor.
"Maddie, I-"
"Thanks again for letting us stay the night."
Danny began to panic as his mom approached the door. He managed to turn himself invisible just as she entered the hall.
He turned invisible? Nice, his powers were back!
He turned visible again as soon as his mom was out of sight.
Danny peeked around the doorframe into the sitting room. He wondered if he should go in and talk to Vlad.
He took a deep breath and entered the room. Vlad turned at the sound of his footsteps.
"Oh, Daniel." Vlad's ever-present smile nowhere to be found. "What are you doing?"
He didn't sound angry, just tired.
"Uh, my ghost powers are back."
"Oh, good." Vlad didn't seem that excited about that news.
"Also I, uh, kind of heard that last bit of your conversation." Danny rubbed the back of his neck.
Danny had no idea what to say. He wondered if maybe he should have just left.
"I'm...sorry for snapping at you earlier." Vlad said "That was uncalled for."
"Oh." Danny said awkwardly. "It's fine."
"No, it was completely inappropriate." Vlad sighed. "I suppose the things you were saying weren't completely untrue. You and Maddie both. I just...didn't want to face them. You were right. I've...I've just been awful to Jack and Maddie, haven't I? To all of you."
Vlad sat on the sofa and buried his face in his hands. Danny had no idea what to do.
"I want to see them, I really do. I just...I can't risk them finding out."
"I get what you mean, I really do, but it's not too hard a secret to hide from them. 
I've done pretty well, so it shouldn't be a problem for y-"
"No, Daniel," Vlad put his hands down and leaned on his lap. "It's different for me. I just...on some deep level I just can't risk Jack and Maddie finding out. If...if they knew what I...what I really was...I can't lose Jack and Maddie, I just can't! Then I-I'd have nothing..."
"It kind of seems like you already have."
Vlad looked at Danny. The most deflated expression he'd ever seen flashed across Vlad's face, but it quickly replaced with a neutral expression.
"I think," Vlad said as he stood up. "That I should go to bed. It's late."
His tone was level. Too level. Expressionless, he proceeded to walked past Danny.
"Wait!" Vlad stopped at the doorway. "I'm sorry, Vlad. I-I didn't mean to-"
"You didn't do anything wrong Daniel. I'm just...tired. Very tired. This night has...given me a lot to think about."
With that he turned around and walked out into the hall, leaving Danny alone in the sitting room. He sighed to himself. If only Jazz had been here. She'd probably know how to fix things between Vlad and Mom.
Not that she'd be working with the full picture, but still, she'd probably have done a better job than Danny did.
Vlad wasn't the only one that was tired. Danny yawned before heading back out to the hall to continue searching for his room. At least it would be easier to find now that his powers were back.
Danny wasn't sure what time he woke up the next morning, but the sun had fully risen. He stretched and put on his clothes from yesterday (which felt pretty gross).
The lodge was slightly easier to navigate in the daytime, so Danny only wandered around the halls for a little bit until he found the kitchen. His mom was already there, fully dressed and cooking some eggs.
"Good morning Sweetie. Did you sleep alright?"
"Yeah, I did. Is Vlad up yet?"
"He left a note." Maddie turned back to the eggs. "He said he had to set out early to get some stuff done, so he won't be around to see us off."
"Oh." Danny picked up the note from the island. His mom had summed it up pretty well. "Wait, what's he saying about a helicopter?"
"Oh, we discussed it last night. Vlad keeps a helicopter out here for emergencies, and he's letting us take it to get home."
"Wait, you can pilot a helicopter?"
"Of course. Breakfast is ready!" Maddy scooped some scrambled eggs onto a plate and handed it to Danny. "There you go."
Danny noticed that his eggs looked paler than normal.
"You put milk in the eggs?" Danny said as he sat down.
"Is that a problem?" Maddie looked worried.
"No, no! That's actually the way I like them. Jazz thinks its weird, and she's usually the one that makes the eggs, so I haven't had them in a while. This is...really nice."
Maddie smiled and took a seat across from Danny.
"Your father hates it too."
"Really? Dad hates a food?"
"That's the one food he won't eat. Well, he'll eat it, but he'll tell me how weird I am the whole time."
"So for about two seconds?"
"Daniel!" his mom feigned offense.
Danny laughed at that. His mom laughed too.
They ate very quickly. Danny had been too tired last night to realize how hungry he was.
"Did you make your bed this morning?" Maddie asked as she collected Danny's empty plate.
"Ummmm, yes?" Danny smiled wide.
"Alright, you can go up and double check your bed while I was the dishes, and then we'll set off."
Danny rolled his eyes as he headed back to his bedroom.
After he finished actually making the bed (to the best of his ability), he decided to make a quick stop before heading back to the kitchen.
"Bernie? Hello?" Danny pushed open the door to Bernie's room.  She was sitting in her rocker like last night, only now the curtains were closed and she was facing towards the door. Her eyes were shut and her hands were folded on her lap. She looked so peaceful.
Her eyes fluttered open.
"Oh, sorry." Danny rubbed the back of his neck. "I didn't mean to wake you up."
"Oh don't be silly." Bernie waved a hand at him. "I was just resting my eyes."
"Oh. Well, anyway, my mom and I were about to leave, and I just wanted to say goodbye real quick. You're pretty much the only friendly ghost I've ever met."
"Well how nice of you Danny." Bernie beamed. "Come here, I have something for you."
"Oh, " Danny stepped into the room "Thanks, but you don't have to-"
"Oh nonsense! Now, hold out your hand."
Danny held out his hand. Bernie waved her hand over his palm. Three green (what Danny assumed were) wrapped candies appeared in the air and fell into his palm. They glowed faintly.
"Um, thanks Bernie." Danny hadn't expected that, but he guessed it made sense for an old lady to have hard candies.
Bernie closed Danny's fingers with her hand. Her touch was so gentle Danny barely even felt it. "Poor Vladdie. He's so good to me, but he never talks about his own friends. I can sense his loneliness. He reminds me of my own son in that way. It's good he has friends now, though. You share those with Vlad and your mother now."
"I will. See you Bernie" Danny smiled. He turned and began towards door.
"Goodbye Danny." Bernie began to relax back into her chair. "Do me a favour and take care of Vladdie for me. Won't you?"
"I will." Danny said as he walked out the door.
Getting ready to go was a very fast process when all your luggage had been lost in a plane crash. They were soon in the air heading back to Amity. "
Did you...ask Vlad if he wanted to come with us?" Danny asked. "To, like, maybe visit Dad?" He hoped his mom didn't notice how tacked on that last part was.
"I did. He said he was too busy."
Maddie's expression was neutral. Too neutral. She wasn't disappointed that Vlad wasn't coming, she'd accepted that fact. Maybe before she'd even invited him. It made Danny feel worse for his mom than he would have if she'd looked sad.
They flew in silence for a few minutes before Maddie sighed.
"Look, Danny, I'm sorry about this weekend."
"What do you mean? You're not the one who hijacked the plane."
"No, I meant that conversation by the fire."
Even after all the chaos, Danny hadn't forgotten about that night. He still felt terrible about it.
"Mom, it's okay."
"No Danny, it's not okay. You haven't been acting okay for a while, and I assumed I could just jump in and fix everything in a single weekend. If we're being honest though, I should've addressed this months ago. I shouldn't have let things go on for as long as they did. I told myself you needed some space, but maybe I was just too scared to face the fact that, even if it was unintentional, your father and I hurt you. A part of me was scared that if I brought this up, it'd just end up pushing you further away. But that was irresponsible of me, and not at all how a parent should act. You weren't getting better by not talking about it, but I was being too cowardly to help."
Maddie took a calming breath before continuing.
"I just want you to know that, if you hold any resentment towards me or your father, we understand. We messed up big time with the portal. And other things. But whatever you're going through, I want to be there to help. Your father and I both do. Even if it's something you think we won't want to hear, we can take it, I promise. I know you're getting older and you need to figure some things our yourself, but we want to be there for you in whatever way we can."
Maddie turned to face Danny.
"I love you Danny, and I want to be a part of your life. I'm sorry if I've been forgetting to show you that lately."
Danny didn't know what to say.
How long had she been thinking like this? How long had she assumed everything was her fault?
Why hadn't Mom said something earlier? Why did she hide this from him? Finding out she'd been keeping this information a secret from him for so long made Danny feel so hurt and guilty.
The knot that had been in Danny's stomach for the last fifteen hours began to loosen as he realized what he had to do. He put a hand on his mom's shoulder. Maddie seemed genuinely surprised by the physical contact.
"It's not your fault Mom." Danny said. "I've been...going through some stuff. It's nothing bad, it's just..." Danny struggled to find the words. How could he explain it without telling the truth? "I just...didn't think about how it would affect other people. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry." Danny looked at his feet in shame.
"You don't have to be sorry."
Dany looked up from the floor when he felt something touch his hand. He saw his mom's black gloved hand covering his own.
"You can always tell me about it, you know."
Danny looked into his mother's eyes. They were so hopeful.
"Not...not today. But maybe someday."
Maddie was smiling, but Danny wasn't sure what kind of a smile it was.
He wasn't sure if he meant what he said. Maybe he did. The thought terrified him.
Danny didn't want to think about that right now though. He'd think about that later when he was alone. For now he needed a distraction.
Danny reached into his pocket.
"What have you got there?" Maddie asked.
Danny pulled out a tiny bottle filled with orange pop.
"I found a bunch of these in Vlad's kitchen fridge." He said, uncapping the bottle.
"And you took one? Without asking?"
"Vlad's a gazillionaire and he had like, a million more of these things." Danny took a swig. "Oh, wow that's nice."
"Daniel James Fenton, that is not the-"
"You want some?" Danny held the bottle out to her.
Maddie stopped speaking. Sharing pop had been a strange but special sort of tradition with her and Danny. One they hadn't done in years. Maddie thought Danny had forgotten about it.
"I- well...alright, hand it over." she accepted the bottle from Danny and took a drink. Her eyes went wide. "Holy moley, that stuff is good!"
"Seriously," Maddie turned the bottle around "What is in this?"
"Eyes on the road, Mom!"
"We're in the sky Danny." Maddie said.
Danny and Maddie nearly jumped out of their seats when a seagull crashed into the helicopter's windscreen. They both just stared at the surprised bird as it slid down the glass and out of sight.
"But, yeah, I'll just look at his when we get home." She said handing the bottle back to Danny.
Danny rolled his eyes affectionately.
This really was nice.
"You know Danny, I'm thinking maybe we shouldn't tell them what happened on the trip." Maddie said as they approached their house. "Your father will be so disappointed to hear he missed fighting ghosts and seeing Vlad."
"I'm okay with that."
"We're home!" Maddie announced as they opened the door.
Jack was sitting on the couch working on his embroidery while Jazz sat on the other end reading a very thick book.
"Hey, welcome back! How was the trip?"
"Oh, you know," Maddie said.
"Boring." Danny added.
"Nothing interesting."
"Who even cares?"
"I'm gonna go call Sam and Tucker." Danny said. He made to leave, but then stopped and kissed his mom on the cheek. "I had fun though. We should spend more time together."
Danny went upstairs. Maddie watched with a smile on her face.
"So," She turned to Jack "Anything interesting happen here?"
"Oh, nothing really." Jack said.
"Same old same old." Jazz added.
"Ho hum."
Danny had barely opened his bedroom door when he felt his ghost sense go off.
"Seriously? I haven't even been home for five minutes!"
Danny went over to his window and threw it open. He looked around. He didn't see any ghosts.
"Aaaaaaargh!" Came a war cry from below. Danny looked down. A giant green beaver ran out the front door, with Jazz on its back, her arms wrapped around it's neck.
"Dad execute maneuver nine!" she commanded.
"On it Jazzy-pants!"
Danny couldn't see his father from this angle, but he did see Jazz barrel roll off the beaver just in time for it to get tangled up in a bunch of metallic rope.
While the beaver struggled on the ground, Jack came into view and gave Jazz a high five. The two of them looked down at their handiwork with pride.
Danny stuck his head back inside and closed the window. Jazz ghost hunting? With their father?
That was the strangest thing he'd seen all weekend.
Epilogue --------------------------------------------------
"I don't know about you two," Tucker said as they sat down to lunch on Monday "But I'm ready to die after the test Lancer just gave us."
"It wasn't that bad if you actually read the book." Sam smirked. Tucker glared at her. "What'd you get Danny?"
Before Danny could answer, he felt the cold chill of his ghost sense. He looked up and saw something green whizz by the window.
"Guys, trouble!" he said, standing up from his seat.
Before anyone could do anything else, Danny saw something else out the window; a red figure floated in place on a hover board. They fired a few pink beams from an ecto blaster before zooming out of sight, presumably after the ghost.
"Did you guys see that?"
"Oh, yeah, we actually-" Tucker started to say.
Danny was running towards the door before he could finish his sentence.
He burst outside and stopped at the sight above him. The red Figure and the ghost were locked in battle high above him, the red person shooting furiously at the ghost who was weaving around, dodging their blasts.
The red person didn't seem to have great aim, but they eventually connected with the ghost who gave off a howl and shot off in the opposite direction of Casper High.
"And you'd better stay away you gooey creep!" The red person shouted after it.
Once it was clear the ghost wasn't coming back, the red person zoomed out of sight.
Danny blinked at the sky.
"Okay, who the heck was that?"
"The Red Huntress." Sam said. Danny hadn't even noticed that she and Tucker had arrived.
"Wait," he said "You know her?"
"Yeah, we saw her hunting some ghost Sam and I were about to go after while you were in Florida."
"Colorado." Danny corrected Tucker.
"Colorado." Tucker repeated.
"We didn't get to talk to her," Sam said "But she seems pretty driven. Shouted her name at the ghost she was chasing. Fancy tech, a lot of confidence, but not a lot of experience, I'm guessing."
"Yeah her aim's not great." Danny frowned.
"She doesn't seem to have a thermos or anything to contain the ghosts she hunts either. That costume's awesome though!"
"I can agree with you there." Sam nodded.
Danny put his head in his hands.
"I was only gone for ONE DAY!"
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halcyandaze · 1 year
what happened to your deviantart
sadly yeah it's gone now, longer explanation under read more
tldr: AI database scraping is a bitch and man the social media landscape looks pretty bleak rn woof
when deviantart starting pushing the eclipse redesign and got rid of access to the old UI it lost a lot of features and customization options and such that I and many other people enjoyed so it lost a lot of its charm, function, and users. so I stopped using it as much if at all
then when AI generated images started to pop off, the front pages (which always had an issue of always either only showing the same 5 popular artists who were buddy buddy with the site staff or untagged/filtered MS paint sonic inflation or anime foot fetish bases or some crap) became loaded with AI junk instead of, oh y'know, actual art
final straw was when deviantart started making their own AI image generator and made all accounts automatically opt in to having their images possibly used for the AI's database, and if you weren't ok with that, you had to manually go in and find and shut off all those new hidden settings. I felt I couldn't trust deviantart anymore, I liked having my deviantart page still up even if I wasn't active because it was my first social media site where I shared art back when I was 13 years old, a literal whole decade of growth and memories. but I felt I couldn't have that anymore without risking it all being scraped or misused, so I finally deleted a while back. still kind of bummed about it but yeah no deviantart ain't what it used to be
I'm kind of in a similar boat with twitter right now. my posts get no traction, I never see content from the people I signed up to see posts from anymore and instead get nothing but blue checks and scams and ads and bots and AI, you can't even scroll more than 20 minutes without RATE LIMIT EXCEEDED or paying up and joining blue check loser circlejerk club, oh hey did you notice all tweet contents and imbeds prior to 2014 just got nuked off the place of the earth with no warning, they're trying to make their own AI with a database fed by tweets unless you lock up your accounts, but locked accounts are reporting their tweets and activity being seen by people who don't follow them and should have no way to see any of their posts but they show up somehow, anything can get you shadowbanned or blacklisted by The Algorithm, and rumor has it you may have to soon send government ID and sensitive info and images of your face to twitter HQ for verification to squash down the bots (that toooootally didn't get worse after the company got bought by that X obsessed nutjob nah this time he'll totally fix it you guys trust us)
yeah, I totally trust those loser dweebs who completely tanked one of the most popular social media platforms of the past decade in less than 6 months I totally don't see anything bad happening with having my legal government info on the twitter servers
so I'm currently in the process of also deleting my twitters if this shit doesn't improve. if you want to keep up with where I'm most active, go over on my carrd and I keep my links page updated with where I am and what I'm doing on each :]
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mizunetzu · 4 years
omg i’m so excited i like,, spam read all of your writing and now i can request,,, anyway, could i request maybe something similar to your Tanaka x femboy reader, but with Oikawa? like he mistakes him for a girl and maybe flirts with the reader a little bit and the reader i just like ,,”you do,, you do realize i am a man correct” and hijinks ensue?? sorry if this is too vague i suck at describing things. lotsa love your writing is literally my favorite 💕
Omg wait Oikawa??? And femboy reader??? Hijinks???? Take me now—
Oikawa x reader - Oikawa Tooru Goes Both Ways
⚠️warnings - reader is mistaken and referred to unintentionally as a girl. I assure you, this is a male reader. Femboy reader, if that triggers you.
Pronouns - male, he/him
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Oikawa couldn’t help but stare as a...rather cute girl stepped into the gym.
“Oi! Shittykawa! Focus!” Iwaizumi was about to hurl a volleyball at Oikawa’s head when he caught sight of where he was staring. He looked from the newcomer, back to Oikawa’s eyes tracing their form up and down.
“Iwa-chan...” Oikawa held his breath as he pointed subtly. “Who is that?”
Iwaizumi looked over back to the intruder. Sure enough, some girl with (h/c) styled hair stood at the foot of the door awkwardly. They weren’t sporting the school uniform, instead wearing a skirt with a cafe apron tied around their waist. Oikawa recognized the cute logo on the somewhat dirty apron as the coffee shop he’d visit on days he wasn’t particularly busy.
All in all, this stranger was incredibly attractive.
Eventually, coach Irihata emerged from the storage closet, and motioned the stranger over. The stranger perked up, pulled out a slightly-wrinkled paper from their back, and timpered off into the office.
Oikawa sighed dreamily. “Iwa-chan...is this what I think it is? Are we fiiiiiinally getting a cute girl manager to manage our team?!”
He draped himself over Iwaizumi’s shoulders. “Aaaaah~! I’m so happy~! And it’s such a cutie too!”
“Get off me, dumbass. You have like...millions of girls throwing their panties at you, literally all that look like her. And you go for the one who decides to join our club?”
Oikawa huffed. “What’s so wrong about that! She’s cute! And she looked so shy standing there...aaaah, I’m swooning just thinking about wrapping her up in my arms-!”
“I’m saying,” Iwaizumi bonked Oikawa on the head. “If you manage to get with her, then break her heart, or at the very least make her uncomfortable, she’ll have to see your annoying face all day at practice, and then she won’t wanna be manager anymore! Because she has to see you!”
Iwaizumi pinched at Oikawa’s scalp. “I want a cute girl manager and to have them actually stay! And who knows? We get brownie points if it’s not another one of your fangirls trying to get in your pants by joining the club!”
“Ow! Mean Iwa-chan, bad!”
“I’m not a damn Pokémon-!” Iwaizumi was about to kick Oikawa in the back, before letting himself simmer down and take a deep breath. He lowered his legs, and turned towards the office door. “...I’m gonna go look at that girl’s application and see what class she’s in. Maybe we can, I dunno, make her a welcome basket of fruit or some corny shit like that.”
“Let me come with you-!”
“No! You’ll just scare her away, and you have cleaning duty! All you need to do is take down the net, and I’ll meet you outside when I’m done. If you be good, I’ll tell you her name.”
Oikawa thought about it for a second.
He disappeared to take down the net from the poles. Iwaizumi sighed, and walked towards the door. They were the only two left in the gym, as they were in charge of cleanup for the day, so no one else but him should be in the office. Well, minus the new girl and coach Irihata.
Iwaizumi slid open the door. “Yo.” He greeted. He looked around the room, only finding coach Irihata.
“...Didn’t someone come in here with you with an application form?”
Coach Irihata chuckled. “Oh, yeah,”
“He just wanted to drop in his member application before his part-time job made him go back to work.”
Iwaizumi froze.
“Yeah, he wanted to join the club as a (Position name). He’s not confident about his jumping or spiking abilities, but he claims to be really dang good at digging and receives.”
The two looked at eachother in silence. Wasn’t she-well, he—wearing a skirt? Now that he thought about it, everything about him looked like...well...a him, minus the skirt. Iwaizumi dashed to the table and picked up the application resting there peacefully.
‘(L/n) (Y/n) - 2nd year, class 4’
‘Position - (Position name)’
Iwaizumi scanned the page. He wanted to doubt this was the ‘cute manager’ they laid their eyes on, but they even had a school photo clipped onto the corner of the paper. Sure enough, that was him. His eyes eventually landed on something printed on the middle of the page.
‘Gender - male’
That proved it. The ‘cute girl manager’ Oikawa was just fawning over turned out to be a guy. And their future teammate, no less. Iwaizumi wanted to laugh in Oikawa’s face.
“Is there something wrong, Iwaizumi-kun?”
“Pfft-no! N-no, sirrrrr....” Iwaizumi set the paper down and walked out the the room, doing his best to keep in his snickers.
Oikawa jogged up to him excitedly once he stepped out of the gym. “So? Did ya find out her name? Her class? Is she our manager?”
Iwaizumi opened his mouth to say something, before letting his mouth clamp shut.
“Nah, coach said I couldn’t see it.”
He watched as Oikawa deflated, trudging his way over to the club room to change and go home. Iwaizumi did his best not to bust out laughing on the spot.
This should be fun.
“No, you stalker.”
“But Iwa-chaaaaaan!” Oikawa whined. “Why not?! Practice ended early, and we could use some coffee! Come buy coffee with me!”
“You just wanna use me as an excuse to see that bo-that girl who came into our club yesterday, idiot! That’s stalking! You’re acting like your little fangirls!”
Oikawa pouted, and Iwaizumi prayed he didn’t catch him on his little slip-up. He turned around, walking off out of school gates. Oikawa dejectedly trailed behind him.
“I’m going home. Don’t bother me if it’s about that manager again—“
Just then, a text tone pinged from Iwaizumi’s pocket. He stopped mid-sentence, fishing out his phone and opening his messaging app.
‘Mom - no ones going to be home because we have to go out real quick. The house is locked, and you left your spare keys with me again. Go out and have fun with Tooru-kun before I come back!’
Iwaizumi deadpanned. Oikawa had his chin resting on his shoulder, with a shit-eating grin Iwaizumi didn’t even have to look at to know was there.
“Yeah, Iwa-chan. Listen to Mrs. Aina and hang out with Tooru-kun for a bit. We can go to the cafe and hang out like your she said, Iwa-chan~”
Iwaizumi pushed past Oikawa bitterly. “Don’t... fuckin’... call my mom by her name... dumbass... stalker... Shittykawa...” he grumbled as he trudged his way in the direction to the cafe. Oikawa let out a small “Yay~!”
Hiding behind the big, laminated menus the cafe provided, Oikawa kept glancing over to the cashier-area to try and find (Y/n). Iwaizumi deadpanned, sitting back in his chair nonchalantly.
“You’re acting stupid.”
“I’m being sneaky.”
“You look more suspicious than if you were to act like yourself.”
“As if you would know!” Oikawa whisper-yelled to Iwaizumi, momentarily letting his menu fall flat. “I’m trying not to get caught, unlike one of us-!”
Oikawa and Iwaizumi froze. Oikawa rigidly turned to the voice, while Iwaizumi almost fell back in his seat.
There stood the boy—well, the ‘girl’, in his work apron, this time, up close. Oikawa could see the detail in his eyes, the way a few of his hairs fell onto his face and stuck because of the small layer of sweat on his forehead, even taking in the small kitty hair clip resting in his hair.
“Hu...huaai...” Oikawa breathed out. Iwaizumi bit his lip. If he started laughing now, Oikawa would tell his mom he was bullying him again.
“Hello! I was wondering if I could get you two anything to drink! No worries if you aren’t ready to order yet.”
His voice had a soft tamber to it, a warm, welcoming aura that fit the vibe of the cafe perfectly. Iwaizumi could see how Oikawa, and probably other people, could mistake him for a girl. Especially with the way he dressed and carried himself as evident to yesterday’s practice.
Iwaizumi tilted the menu infront of him up a bit. “I’ll get a small black coffee. Whabout you, Oikawa?”
When he got no response, other than the hum of acknowledgment from (Y/n), Iwaizumi looked up. Oikawa was staring dumbly at (Y/n) again, and seconds later (Y/n) was caught under his gaze. He stared back awkwardly, waiting for Oikawa to say something or at least order something, until he suddenly jolted up in pain.
Iwaizumi dug his heel deeper into Oikawa’s foot. “Say something, dumbass! Stop staring!” He hissed, covering his mouth from (Y/n) in petty attempts to mask their conversation.
“Ow! Ow! I’ll get a peppermint tea please-! Stop it!”
(Y/n) scribbled down Oikawa’s order, smiling patiently as he did. Iwaizumi removed his foot. There was a beat of silence, until Oikawa smoothly rested his chin on his hand.
“Soooo, (L/n) (Y/n)-chan, is it?” Oikawa said, as he peered at (Y/n’s) name tag. “Pretty masculine name for a cute girl like you~”
Iwaizumi choked on his spit. (Y/n) tilted his head to the side, looking up from his notepad to peer back at Oikawa.
“What...did you say?”
“Sorry, sorry!” Oikawa rubbed the back of his head cutely. “I didn’t mean to offend you. I think (Y/n) is a cute name~”
Iwaizumi didn’t know if he wanted to die from laughter or embarrassment. He was going to pop a vein trying to keep in his cackles.
“Ah. It’s the clothes, isn’t it?” (Y/n) mused. He took a step back, looking at his rather-feminine clothing choices for the day. “I understand why. I get that a lot.”
“...What does your clothes have to do with your name?” It was Oikawa’s turn to sound confused. Iwaizumi let out a few haggard, stifled snickers at his dense expression. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow.
“You...” He pointed at himself with his pen. “You do realize I’m a man, correct?”
Oikawa choked. His eyes widened as his smile cracked a bit. Iwaizumi had to hide his face in his jacket to prevent himself from bursting out into hackles. Oikawa gave a nervous smile.
“Aha...haha...funny joke..”
“I’m not joking, though...” (Y/n) smirked. He wouldn’t deny that seeing the faces of people flirting with him after he told them he had a dick was a guilty pleasure. “Want proof?”
(Y/n) grasped Oikawa’s wrist, tugging it forcefully, and moving his apron to the side. He brought it down closer to his groin until Oikawa sputtered and flailed on the table.
“No! I-I believe you! I-I can see it from here—I don’t need to touch it-!” Oikawa shrieked. Iwaizumi clutched his stomach from laughing too hard, already given up on keeping it in. He snorted loudly, choked on that snort, and erupted into a series of cough-laughs.
By the time Iwaizumi’s laugh turned into the kind where no noise came out-but it hurt in your stomach anyways—Oikawa was laying his head on the table, embarrassed, while (Y/n) chuckled along.
“You knew, Iwa-chan! You knew!” Oikawa hissed, holding his poor, abused hand. “You set me up for failure!”
“You did that to yourself.” Iwaizumi said between breaths. “He’s actually gonna start attending practice as a (position name) starting next week. We don’t have a manager after all.”
“And you got my hopes up for what?!” Oikawa cried out, making Iwaizumi snort again. (Y/n) raised his eyebrows.
“Oikawa thought that when you came to drop your registration form in yesterday, that you were signing up to be a manager since he thought you were a girl. I saw your form though, so I knew but this guy here didn’t.”
Iwaizumi nudged at Oikawa, who was hiding his face in his hands. “You better be nice to him, though. He’s your new captain starting next week.”
“Ah! How fun! Having my new playboy captain flirt with me before I even join the club. ” (Y/n) mumbled, as he scribbled down something else in his notepad. Iwaizumi heckled when Oikawa whined with his head down.
He didn’t raise his head back up until a slip of paper was placed gently on top of his head. He heard a “I’ll go get your drink ready.” From (Y/n), before he looked up and noticed he was gone. He caught the slip of paper falling off his head as he sat up.
“What’s that?” Iwaizumi said lazily. Oikawa was staring giddily at the paper. He turned the paper around smugly, holding it up for Iwaizumi to read.
‘Call me. If you’re feeling fruity, that is. (xxx)-xxx-xxxx. -‘(Y/n)-chan’’
Iwaizumi stared at the neat handwriting, then back at Oikawa’s smug face.
“...Were you not just listening? He just tried to make you touch his dick? He’s a dude?”
“Eh. Cute girl, cute boy, he’s still cute~” Oikawa dreamily sighed as he watched (Y/n) make his tea behind the counter. “I’d still hit it till he breaks~”
“Says you.”
Oikawa earned a sharp thunk to the head.
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solarwriting · 3 years
guns and gifts
carl gallagher x fem!reader
request: Hey! I hope I can send you a request for Karl Gallagher of Shameless. Maybe Karl and y / n were a couple before jail, and after leaving jail he came to her to ask her for forgiveness. y / n doesn't forgive him and he starts giving her gifts and apologizing every day. Then everything is at your discretion. Happy ending please💛 from @powerpuffluuvv
genere: fluff + angst
word count: 2.1k
warnings: swearing, ooc carl
posted on april 18, 2021
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puppy love. thirteen year-olds holding hands and sharing stolen kisses. it was a sweet relationship that could’ve grown and matured with the two teens as they did. instead carl found himself a job on the corner and when he got caught y/n was done. fiona tried to get through to the boy, asking him to apologize but he brushed her off.
“can i please just talk to him? maybe he’ll listen to me.” y/n pleaded with the lawyer.
fiona stepped in, “it wouldn’t hurt to try it.”
“five minutes.” the lawyer relented.
y/n thanked him and rushed into the room where he sat. he squinted at her through the glasses fiona gave him. “i’m not fuckin’ sorry. i wish i was smarter about it. i wouldn’t have used chuckie as a mule.”
“you know what. if you don’t tell that judge you’re fucking sorry and that you’ve learned from your mistakes i will never speak to you again.” y/n exited the room quickly letting the ultimatum hang in the air as the door slammed behind her.
during the hearing her eyes were trained on the back of his head, hoping she could somehow will him to do the right thing. she kept her arms crossed as she leaned back. kev and v were sat next to her, waiting anxiously to see what he’d say.
“i’m going to make juvie my bitch.” as soon as he said those words, y/n sighed, getting up from her seat, shouldering her back and slipping out of the courtroom as they hauled carl away. he caught her eye before she left, she froze for a moment before shaking her head and making her exit.
time passed and she still spent time with the rest of the gallaghers, she lived across the street so it would have been hard not too. she helped take care of liam when needed and she got a job at patsy’s with fiona’s help.
the day carl came back had been a surprise for everyone, y/n was helping fiona with making dinner after a shift at patsy’s. the front door had slammed shut and, thinking it was debbie, fiona asked if she got a message about hamburger buns. y/n’s eyes shot up when a much deeper voice responded, “nah, it’s just me.”
excited, fiona rushed towards the boy, wrapping him up in a hug. hugging back, he looked up throwing a wave to y/n who was rooted in place, “hey, y/n.”
snapping herself back into reality she lurched forward wiping her hands and grabbing her things, pulling her bag over her shoulder and gripping her keys tightly she looked back at the boy as fiona fussed over his new appearance. “fuck you, carl.” she spat, slamming the back door shut behind her.
y/n managed to avoid carl at school the next day, he was too busy with “his boy” nick and his new white boy carl personality and selling illegal weapons in the bathrooms to bother her anyways. she rushed to patsy’s as soon as school ended and began her shift.
she spent the afternoon rushing from table to table, taking orders, passing out food, and pouring coffee. she was pouring coffee for a couple sitting near the front door when the bell twinkled, signaling a new customer.
her back turned to the door and her focus pointed and the coffee she was pouring she greeted the customer quickly, “take a seat anywhere and i’ll be right with you darling.” she smiled at the couple before turning around, finding herself face to face with white boy carl himself. “get the fuck out.”
y/n rushed away from him, pouring coffee for a man sat at the counter. carl followed, “please just talk to me, y/n.”
“she doesn’t want to talk to you, man.” the customer spoke up as y/n placed the coffee pot on the burner.
“what the fuck did you just say to me?” carl asked the man.
he stood up, “i told you she doesn’t want to talk. so leave.”
y/n stepped in before a physical altercation broke out, “thank so much, sir, but i can fight my own battles.” she pushed carl towards the door, “out.” she kept pushing him despite his protests, “get the fuck out. go.”
the door slammed behind them, and carl began to speak, “no, you’re going to shut your fucking mouth and listen. i don’t want to listen to you. i don’t want to talk to you. and i don’t even want to see you but that last one might be a little fucking impossible since we’re neighbors and i work with your sister so i’m going to be civil towards you but i will only acknowledge your existence when it is absolutely necessary. clear?”
carl began to protest but y/n cut him off, “are we fucking clear?” carl grumbled an agreement and y/n sighed, “good, now get the fuck out if here. i have to go back to work.”
y/n rushed back into the diner, throwing herself back into work. hoping she looked busy enough to keep the nosy man from before to leave her alone, she poured more coffee, took orders, passed out plates. until her shift ended and she could finally take the l back home.
the next run in with carl happened two days later, she was walking home from school, thankful for the day off from work when carl and nick pulled up on a bike. “y/n! wait!”
sighing, y/n whipped around, “i thought i told you i didn’t want to talk to you.”
“i have something for you.” carl explained as he got closer, y/n ignored him and started walking again, the bike quickly catching up with her. “here.”
y/n scoffed, eyeing the bag, “whatever it is i don’t want it.”
“it’s a book, debbie told me you wanted to read it.”
y/n sped up, “no thanks, already read it.” she didn’t care what book it was, she didn’t want anything from him. she took this moment to cross the street, the passing cars making it difficult for the boys on the bike to follow.
she entered the gallagher house hoping carl would be too busy to come home for a few hours while she watched liam. “i get off at nine, if anyone else comes home you’re welcome to leave but i plan on bringing something back for dinner if you want to stick around for that.”
“of course i’ll stay. me and liam are going to have a great time. isn’t that right liam?” y/n asked the toddler who nodded enthusiastically. fiona thanked her and rushed out the door.
y/n put on a movie, which liam fell asleep watching about thirty minutes in. y/n got up and stretched when the movie ended, adjusting the blanket she threw over liam when he fell asleep. she walked in the kitchen, stiff from sitting for so long. she pulled out a can of pop from the fridge and leaned her back against the fridge, using to stretch her body more.
the door swung open and carl walked in, “good you’re hear, i have something else for you.”
“whatever it is, i don’t want it.” y/n sighed into her drink.
“it’s a necklace, here.” he opened the velvet box to show her an expensive looking necklace.
she turned away from him, “no thanks.” walking back into the living room. “go somewhere else please, i have to watch liam.”
carl sighed before exiting the house with nick, who had been hanging back by the door during the exchange. he nodded to nick and the two rolled out to go do god knows what.
that night fiona came home with food, the entire gallagher clan plus kev and v enjoyed. there were enough people that y/n managed to avoid speaking to carl the entire evening. every time he tried to speak to her she’d find someone to talk to, she talked lip about something she had to do for school, ian told her about trevor, and her and debbie talked about anything.
v even pointed out the strange behavior when carl was left looking slightly dejected to fiona, who just shrugged in response.
“thank you fiona, goodnight everyone.” y/n called as she stepped out the back door. she crossed the street quickly and made it home, which as usual was empty, the rest of her family nowhere to be found.
she sighed, grabbing a beer from the fridge and kicking of her shoes as soon as she made it to her room. she threw herself back on her bed yelping when she collided with something hard. she jumped up only to see the jewelry box and book carl had bought her. she set her beer down and pulled the box open, smiling at the necklace. it was gold, with a small tear shaped pendant that held some sort of crystal or diamond.
she set the box next to her beer, which she grabbed and took sip of as she grabbed the book. it was actually something she’d been wanting, she rolled her eyes before opening it to the first page.
the next fee days followed a similar pattern, carl would stop her at school and work and even his own house to offer her gifts, which she would refuse, which would always end up on her bed at the end of the day. on a particularly rough day, y/n had enough. she was walking home from school, carl (who was alone this time) behind her, like clockwork offering another gift.
“carl, please just leave me alone. i don’t have the energy to deal with you.” y/n said not stopping. carl made a comment and y/n snapped, “god i’m not going to forgive you because you chose to go to juvie. you could have just apologized and gotten parole but that didn’t happen. and i’m not going to be your girlfriend again because i don’t even know who you are any more, this thug personality doesn’t look good on you.” y/n sighed rushing away before he could answer.
she was suddenly thankful for the day off, deciding to spend it all alone at home. it was a friday and her weekend was also free so she spent the next few days home alone. her family was gone of course, they only only seemed to show up once a month just to leave again the same day.
sunday evening y/n laid in the couch watching what was on tv when there was a knock on the door. y/n groaned, getting up to answer it freezing when carl was revealed on the other side. he looked small, he was curled into himself and he looked sad. his braids were out, soft curls in the place. “hey, y/n.” he said softly. y/n wordlessly moved out of the way to let him in.
“i’m done. no more sell drugs, guns, anything. something happened, with nick and i don’t want that to be my life anymore.” his voice cracked and y/n instinctively wrapped him into a hug, squeezing protectively. he cried into her shoulder, holding her tightly, scared to let her go.
“hey,” y/n spoke softly, running her fingers through his hair, “you’re okay. i got you.” once carl calmed down, he pulled away but y/n held onto him, hands on his face.
“i really miss you y/n. and i know i was awful before but all i want to do is be with you. i love you.” he sighed, his hands holding her wrists.
y/n pulled him closer, “i love you, too, idiot.” carl gave her a lopsided smiled before surging forward to connect their lips in a hot kiss. y/n stumbled backwards before backing into the wall behind her. carl bit on her lip softly causing her breath to catch in her throat. she tugged on his hair and he squeezed her hips. she pulled away for breath, pressing her forehead to his, “my room?” breathless carl nodded pressing a quick kiss to her lips before they rushed to her room.
the next morning the front door slammed opened, “y/n! i’m going to kill fiona!” debbie stormed through the house bursting into y/n’s room where she was laying next to a topless carl, wearing only his t-shirt, “oh my god! ew!” debbie shielded her eyes from the sight before her.
“hey, debs.” y/n mumbled, sheepishly.
debbie groaned, “just get dressed, we have school.”
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pingutats · 3 years
my dearest darling
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in which you and harry spend a sunday morning having coffee & cake, and spontaneously decide to go engagement ring shopping together.
warnings: a little suggestive at the end. mostly just pure fluff!
word count: 3.4k
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The little alleyway off the main street filled with café tables is a perfect place for you and Harry to sit unseen. In fact, in this little alcove, it’s easy to watch the world pass by the two of you. It’s a nice reprieve from the usual of the world watching Harry. 
He’s wearing sunglasses anyway, just in case—despite the overcast weather. 
You frown at him, resting your elbows on the table and lacing your fingers together to rest your chin on. “I really think that makes you more conspicuous.”
He scrunches up his nose. “Nah. Or at least, if people notice, they’re going to notice an odd bloke in sunnies, not me.”
“They’ll notice it’s you.”
He glances at the busy footpath. “‘S working so far, love.”
A young waitress rounds the corner from the cafe’s front entrance and sets your coffees down on the table. You move your elbows off the table politely to give her space.
“Thanks,” Harry says, reaching for his black coffee. 
You smile at the waitress as you wrap your hands around the latte you ordered, warming up your freezing fingers. You notice the way she hesitates before she leaves, how she looks at Harry like she wants to say something before before quickly spinning on her heels and walking away. When she’s out of earshot, you look at Harry. “She knows.”
He shrugs. “That’s different.”
The waitress reappears a minute later with the little cakes you ordered. This time, she’s braver. “I’m so sorry—are you Harry Styles?” she asks, saying his name in a voice that’s akin to a reverent whisper.
His eyes dart to you for a split second and he raises his eyebrow enough that only you’ll notice, conceding to you, then smiles at her. “Yeah, I am. Sorry, what’s your name?”
You watch him navigate the encounter easily, like you’ve watched so many times. The girl asks for a photo and he politely declines, explaining that he doesn’t want to draw attention, but offers to sign a napkin for her instead. He a short message (nice to meet you, all my love) to her and draws a couple hearts after he signs his name, then passes it to her with a sweetly genuine thanks her for her support. 
“Oh my gosh, no, thank you,” she says earnestly. “It was so, so nice to meet you.” She glances at you, then, and her cheeks go even pinker. “Thanks,” she says again, and then she’s gone.
You let a giggle free at the awkward way his fans treat you, like they don’t know if it’s appropriate to talk to you as well, and how they struggle to find something to say to you anyway. Once it might have bothered you. It’s just amusing to you now. You raise your brows at Harry. “All your love?” you tease, quoting the message he wrote on the napkin. “Where’s my share?”
He pouts from behind his sunglasses. “Don’t be like that.”
You kick his shin gently underneath the table. “I’m kidding around. She was sweet. I like watching you do that, you’re so good at it.”
His foot swings around to trap your ankle between his. “Trying to play footsie at eleven o’clock on a Sunday morning? You little minx.”
You roll your eyes and wrench your foot free, rattling the table as you do so. He laughs—a sharp barking ha! that makes you smile through your embarrassment at causing a small commotion. 
“Who’s conspicuous, sorry?” he asks.
 You shake your head at him and stab your fork into your apple and cinnamon muffin. He keeps giggling as he slides his own plate with the carrot cake to his side of the table and picks up a fork himself.
“Mm, that’s good,” he says after he swallows his first bite. “Better than the one I make.”
“Well, baking isn’t known to be one of your talents.”
He claps a hand to his chest. “I’m wounded.” He leans over the table and skewers a piece of your muffin on his fork, dodging your attempts to swat his hand away with great agility. He pops it in his mouth triumphantly, cocking his head like he’s challenging you. 
In return, you steal a piece of his cake. 
“That was a much larger piece than what I took,” he accuses. 
You shrug.
His phone, face down on the table, dings. He glances up at you. 
“Check it,” you tell him. You know he only has alerts on for his closest friends—otherwise his phone would be ringing all day long. “I don’t mind.”
He bites his lip apologetically and flips the phone over, reading it. “Oh, it’s Tom. Hang on a sec.” He starts typing back.
You crane your neck around to read the message—something about Tom being free at the end of July, and Harry is giving a thumbs-up to that.
“Where are you off to?” you ask. 
“France, maybe,” he replies. You’re aware that discovering this kind of information so suddenly would be jarring for most couples, enough to even incite a fight—but you and Harry aren’t exactly a normal couple, and international trips are just part and parcel of your relationship. Hell, he goes on world tours for months at a time. You’re lucky, you suppose, that you function just as well long-distance as you do when you’re living together. 
“Lads’ trip?”
He sends the message and clicks his phone off, leaning back in his chair. “Nah. Taking you to Paris and getting down on m’knee in front of the Eiffel Tower,” he says, nodding sagely. 
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, Tom’s there to get the photos.” He shovels a forkful of the cake into his mouth and then points his fork in the general direction of a street busker playing a violin across the road. He swallows. “And I’m getting that guy to play a little tune, for the atmosphere,” he adds. 
You raise your brows. “Oh, you’ve got budget for this, then.”
He smiles. “Nothing but the best for my dearest darling.”
You snort.
He carefully cuts a piece of cake with the edge of his fork. “Nah, we’re thinking of doing a trip down to his friend’s studio in—somewhere in France, I can’t remember really. Friends and family welcome too, if you want to come. Apparently it’s a real nice place.” He eats his mouthful and then lifts his sunnies to look at you with clear eyes. “We are getting married, though. I mean that.”
Your cheeks threaten to burst from how badly you want to smile, but you force yourself to assume a serious face, just to humour him. “Of course we are.”
Despite the butterflies it inspires, this conversation isn’t new. You’ve been with Harry a couple of years now and you both know you’re on the same page when it comes to your shared future. There are no hard plans, but the direction is set. You’re getting there someday. 
He puffs his cheeks out. “I feel like you aren’t taking this as seriously as I am.”
You sigh melodramatically. “Well, sweetheart, I haven’t seen a ring yet.”
“A ring? You should have asked,” he drawls, then suddenly sits up straight and points a finger at you. “Don’t take that as a challenge. I want to be the one to ask.”
You shrug. “Can’t make any promises.”
His arm shoots forward to grab at your hand and you almost laugh out loud at the puppy-eyes he’s making at you. “No, please, baby, I swear you can do everything else, but let me do the proposing bit.”
In your heart, you’re happy he’s so insistent, because this is exactly how you want it to be too. In your mind, though, you really enjoy tormenting him. 
“I’ll think about it,” you concede, and he groans.
“I’m buying a ring soon as I can, just to lock it in,” he tells you as he destroys what’s left of his carrot cake.
Once you’ve finished and Harry’s gone up to pay for the coffee and cake (he also took a moment to lean over the counter to snap a group selfie with the waitress who served you earlier and a couple others too) you walk back up the street in the general direction of your car that’s parked a few blocks down. The weather is pleasant today and the sun is even peeking out from behind the clouds now, justifying his sunglasses. 
Your mind starts to drift (his arm wrapped loosely around your waist anchors you to the real world) as you think about how nice it is to be with Harry, how you’ve learned to appreciate each physical moment you have with him because they are so precious. After the tours, the promotional trips, the film sets, and all the little things in between, you understand how to be with Harry. You know not everyone can handle a life like this, and you’re sure that if it wasn’t Harry whose return you awaited, you wouldn’t be able to either. But he always returns. 
Harry comes to a sudden halt in front of a shop window, gazing in. You’re nearly yanked off your feet as you keep trying to walk with your arm around him—he’s so steady that he doesn’t budge. You stand next to him and look into what you realise is a jewellery store. 
“What do you think?” he asks. 
He looks down, his arm squeezing around your shoulder. “Said I’d get you a ring, didn’t I?”
Butterflies erupt in your stomach. “What, today?”
“‘M not asking. Just preparing.”
You raise your eyebrows up at him. “That is… that is really a technicality.”
“Humour me,” he says. “C’mon.” He shepherds you into the store, steering you by your shoulders. 
It’s small and pretty in here, the air from the fans cool against your sun-warmed skin. There are hardly any other customers at the moment, so you have some kind of valuable privacy. There are a couple of glass counters that run along either side of the store with meticulously placed themed displays inside them. You gravitate immediately to the closest thing, a cluster of rough amethysts hanging from necklaces. 
“Aren’t these so cute?” you comment to Harry.
His arms wrap around you from behind and you reach up to grasp onto his crossed forearms resting against your chest. “Oh, yeah, they are.”
You stay there looking at the necklaces for a little too long—it’s not like you’re really that fascinated by the jewels, but more that you’re just enjoying Harry’s head leaning over your shoulder and his chest pressed to your back as you stand there. When your gaze meanders along the counter and you see something new, though, you shake free of his grip and follow your whims.
This store isn’t labelled out front with a massive brand. You’re pretty sure it’s an independent jeweller, judging by the neat description cards that accompany each small collection, explaining the theme in a lively and personal manner. This is what makes you really fall in love with the place and feel sure that this is where you’ll find the perfect ring. You know Harry could afford any ring from any famous brand, the heaviest jewels imaginable, easily worthy of a feature article in Vogue magazine. He could probably organise to have a diamond dug up fresh specifically to go on your finger. 
It’s the fact that Harry could give you anything in the world that makes you not want it at all. Special, to the two of you, isn’t something that you’ll find in wealth or the crowds that adore him.
It’s found in a day like this.
“Oh, my god, H, look at this one,” you gasp, grabbing his wrist and pulling him over.
He bends over the counter, his gaze following the line of your pointing finger. “Oh, that is pretty,” he says. 
It’s a simple gold band with a small, neatly carved diamond fixed to it. It isn’t flashy at all, which is what drew you to it. You knew he’d like it too. Despite the decadence of his performances, he can be a different man behind closed doors and you love that part of him. The secret part, the one that only you know so well. 
“I’m in love with it,” you tell him.
Harry nods. “Yeah, I think that’s the one.”
You never doubted that he would agree, but his assent sends a bolt of excitement up your spine. It’s all so real, suddenly, and you can’t wait to see him on his knee for you, to see that ring on your finger. You know your ring size off by heart (how could you not, being in a relationship with the jewellery connoisseur that Harry is), so there’ll be no need for you to try it on today. You’re left with only the raw anticipation of the day he’ll slide it onto your finger. 
His hands come down to rest on your hips as you both stare at the ring. You imagine you can hear his heart, knowing that it’ll be beating erratically because his excitement must match yours—you know how he feels about the idea of marriage. 
He spins you around to face him, leaving his hands on your hips. He looks at you very seriously. His sunglasses are resting on top of his head now, pushing back his curls and revealing his green eyes and furrowed brow to you.
“You know, if we’re seen buying an engagement ring…” he begins, trailing off. He shrugs. “Just want to think about that.”
You screw up your nose. “According to some magazines we got married last week, and also six months ago. Just being in here is probably going to spark something.” You glance behind you, as if you’ll see journalists scribbling away on their theories, then flatten your palms against his chest, smoothing out his shirt. “I’m happy to ignore it. I want to just do our thing, H.”
He nods, pursing his lips, and gradually the crease in his forehead disappears. “Okay. Good.” Twin smiles spread over your faces and you have the feeling of being two giddy kids, high-schoolers about to have their first kiss. Something new, unknown, exciting, that the two of you are going into together. His eyes are practically sparkling at you. If this was a cartoon, you think his pupils would be shaped like hearts right now. Something is starting to bud and you can feel it growing up inside you and between you, preparing to bloom. 
“Alright,” you say, breaking the insulating silence to draw you both back to the real world. 
He blinks a couple of times as if he’s just waking up. “Alright,” he echoes. “Let’s get it.”
He waves over a man drifting through the store in a neat suit and points at the ring. “Excuse me, can we please have a look at this one?”
The two of you watch the man unlock the cabinet and slide the plate of rings out, placing it on the counter. He picks up the one Harry pointed out. “It’s a lovely one, sir.”
“It is,” Harry says. His hand finds yours and squeezes your fingers. “What size is it?”
The man checks the price and tells you, and your mouth drops open. Surely there is something supernaturally perfect going on, because it’s exactly your size. You and Harry look at each other incredulously. 
The man seems to notice your unspoken conversation, because he helpfully adds, “We can resize it if you need.”
Harry chuckles. “No, it’s perfect. I think…” he trails off, looking at you. “What do you think?”
You nod at him, grinning. You rub your thumb over the back of his palm as he tells the man, “Thank you. We’d like this one, please.”
You stand slightly behind him as he pays for it, flexing your hands and wringing them in front of you. You know it’s all in your head, but your left ring finger is tingling as if it senses that it’s missing a piece. You really just want to wear the ring at this minute, but when the man selling it to you offers, Harry shakes his head quickly. 
“I’ll hold onto it for now,” he says. He accepts the little box from the man and slips it into his pocket. “Thank you so much.”
“The pleasure’s all mine, sir. Enjoy it, and congratulations to the two of you.”
Harry snakes his arm around your waist as you walk back out to the street. His hips knock against you as he squeezes you into his side, and you can feel the little box in his pocket. You can’t help the grin that takes over your whole face. You worry you look like an idiot, smiling so widely at nothing, but when you glance up at Harry, he looks exactly the same.
Your car is parked down a quieter road and you get to relax a little once you’re away from the crowds of the main shopping strip. You can walk a little more slowly and Harry loosens up a bit. His hyper-vigilance starts to strip away. You can see the tension in his shoulders dissolving and here’s your Harry, emerging from his defensive layers. Most people wouldn’t notice this change, but you do. You feel how he adjusts the grip of his hand on your hip, how he leans into you a little more as you walk. In your closeness, you can smell his cologne and you think of how you watched him spray it on this morning—and how you’re going to be watching him do that for the rest of your lives.
He glances over his shoulder and you copy him. The narrow street behind you is empty, but you don’t get a moment to really register this before you feel his arms tighten around your waist and you’re swept off your feet for a second as he crashes his lips into yours.
You close your eyes, letting the kiss envelop all your senses. The sweetness of the cake’s icing lingering on his lips; his arms locked around your waist, holding you up; the rapid beating of your heart. He pulls away slowly and your eyes flutter open. His face is just inches from yours and he’s looking at you with such intensity you feel naked. Not for the first time, you’re in awe of how impossibly green his eyes are; you could make a palette from every forest in the world, and it wouldn’t hold a candle to what you see in front of you right now.
“Y/N,” he says. He cracks a grin. “I’m so fucking happy.”
Your reply is simply to grab him by the back of his neck and pull him in for another kiss. Your hand tangles in his hair and you feel his tongue running along your bottom lip before he pulls away again quickly.
“Fuck,” he says, sounding lost for breath. “Need to stop before I make a fool of m’self in public.” He even physically takes a step back from you, his eyes comically wide.
You giggle. Your gaze travels down his body and you notice the indent of the box in his pocket. “Is that a ring in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”
He shakes his head at you. “You’ve gone all giddy. ‘M getting you home right now and then we’re celebrating properly.” He turns around and starts walking towards the car, his long legs carrying him faster than you can keep up.
Your stomach flutters imagining what his idea of celebrating might be. Suddenly, the only thing on your mind is getting back to your house as soon as humanly possible. You run after Harry, skipping around in front of him and jogging backwards as you waggle your fingers in his face. “So, when are you going to pop the question?” you ask.
“Oh, honey,” he says, patting his pocket with the ring. He grins. “It’s going to be when you least expect it, I’ll promise you that.”
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thank you for reading! hope you enjoyed—if you did, a reblog or a message is really encouraging and lovely for me to see!! the title is taken from the song by etta james.
this fic is the first part of a series called “here we are in heaven,” and i’m really really excited about it. you can read my earlier fic, at last!, if you want to see where this will end up, but there will be more parts to fill the in-between. plus blurbs and stuff! let’s chat about it! 
my masterlist can be found here. have a beautiful day!
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 315: I Didn’t Expect This to Blow Up
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “guess which plot that you thought was dead is actually not dead and is making a comeback!” and we were all “EVIL HPSC??” and he was all “girl you know it,” and that’s the story of how we got a sexy Lady Nagant flashback with lots of guns and murder. Flashback!Lady was all “gotta murder peeps to preserve the people’s trust,” but then a little while later she was like “actually wait that makes no sense,” and so she shot her evil boss and they sent her to jail. Back in the present, Deku was all “okay fair, the hero system might in fact be a little fucked up, but hear me out... have you considered not helping AFO take over the world so he can murder like a bazillion more innocent people??” The chapter ended with the not-all-there Overhaul finally revealing himself to Deku, and I honestly have no idea where this is gonna go.
Today on BnHA: In what is unfortunately the single worst plan ever concocted by anyone in BnHA, Nagant is all “I’m going to try and get this Deku kid to panic and freeze up by putting someone in mortal danger.” Deku is all, “[doesn’t panic and freeze up at the sight of someone in mortal danger].” Nagant is all “omg no way.” Deku, who is now all of a sudden being so OP that even I have to acknowledge that it’s OP lol, is all “[smashes Nagant’s gun arm to bits]”, which sucks but is also really cool, and which also apparently makes Nagant decide that she actually likes this kid after all. Deku is all “NAGANT I REALLY LIKE YOU AND THINK YOU’RE GREAT SO PLEASE JOIN UP WITH ME AND STOP BEING EVIL.” Nagant is all “aw shucks (✿ •͈ᴗ•͈) well okay then” and everyone is all “( ・◡・) ✰ ( ˆᴗˆ ) ( ᵘ ᵕ ᵘ ⁎)” and then Nagant FUCKING EXPLODES LIKE AN EGG IN THE MICROWAVE AND FALLS TO HER DEATH!!!! except not really because Hawks saves her??? In conclusion, (a) THE FUCK, and (b) AFO TURN ON YOUR LOCATION I JUST WANT TO TALK.
so I have to tell you guys something, which is that barely ten minutes after I made that “please don’t send me spoilers” post the other day, someone replied to the comments in a stunning fit of “tell me that you’re twelve without actually telling me you’re twelve” energy and posted what seemed to be the copy-pasted spoiler summary from reddit or twitter or whatever lol. so here is my good news/bad news rundown of all that
good news: I have very well-conditioned ABORT!! reflexes and have trained myself to immediately look away from the screen (usually in dramatic fashion) as soon as I realize that whatever I’m reading is a spoiler
bad news: unfortunately as I was subsequently deleting said comments, I accidentally read the very last one
good news??: said spoiler was so unbelievably, absurdly over-the-top that I’m almost positive this person was just trolling. like, there’s just no way lmao
bad news: but in the unlikely event that it is true I will absolutely lose my shit I swear to god
(ETA: “NAGANT DIES.” that was the spoiler I read lol. like, literally all I read from the person’s comments was “My Hero Academia Chapter 315 Title: “Beautiful Words.” Chapter starts with...” and then I noped out of there, and then of all the comments to read as I was deleting, it had to be that one lol. I seriously was just like “SURE, JAN.” all “just how gullible do you think I am” sob. but I was wrong. a troll, but an honest troll they remain.
but anyways like I’m pretty sure Nagant isn’t even actually dead lol, so in the end this whole little adventure doesn’t even have a point to it, but for me it was a journey!)
anyway, so there are apparently two versions of the chapter today?? no idea what the difference is, but I’m going to go with the Bean version, because it’s the one at the top and I don’t feel like making decisions today
huh, so Overhaul is actually more coherent than Horikoshi was letting on
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look at him having a whole back and forth conversation with her. side note, how is he still this jacked when he’s been sitting in a cell doing absolutely nothing for the past six months
anyway so he says he’ll go with her on one condition. I wonder what that condition could possibly be. do you think it could be the thing he literally hasn’t shut up about ever since he reappeared lol
yep! and damn -- maybe this guy will surprise me after all
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still would be nice if you also felt a bit sorry for the little girl you tortured and traumatized, but this is something at least. maybe Deku will yell at him for that other stuff lol
(ETA: also can’t help but wonder if he wants to make amends because he put him in a coma, or because his plan was a failure and ended up destroying the family. just hoping you’ve finally had that “hurting other people is bad” epiphany dude.)
anyways so now Nagant’s arm is transforming again, and this particular transformation happens to be the only truly unsexy thing that Nagant has done thus far so I’m just gonna skip right on ahead lol
aaaaand we’re back to the delirious ranting
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buddy. just. read the fucking room, guy
wow she really is aiming at Overhaul, then. those theories were spot-on
damn she’s really out here all “it really fucks with kids’ heads when you kill people right in front of them and make them blame themselves” like yo
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I’m picturing her saying all this in a very loud stage-whispery tone while making very significant eye contact with Deku lol
uh oh but wait
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um. okay. who’s gonna tell her. Nagant I might have some bad news for you about the kid you’re trying to capture here. specifically about the way he tends to do the opposite of what you’re thinking that he’s about to do
holy shit
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so it’s basically just “tap x repeatedly to charge up your attack” lol
and okay, so that’s cool and all, but is anyone else wincing at the thought of what that must be like on his knees. oh to be young
anyway, but so to the surprise of basically no one, Deku did not, in fact, freeze. I am very sorry, Nagant. he’s just like this
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someone wanna tell me how getting yoloed in the fucking ribs by this fucking slingshot kid moving at literal sniper bullet speed is in any way even remotely better than getting hit by the bullet itself lol
(ETA: this is 10x funnier now that we know the bullet wasn’t even gonna hit him lmao.)
anyway so now Nagant is having an extended “!?!?!?” reaction about how Deku just moved with no hesitation, and I’m starting to get an inkling of fear that the rest of this fight isn’t going to go very well for her and maybe that’s what all the “hoo boy” is about
oh my god Deku are you about to Gomu Gomu no Rocket yourself at her you insane little man
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now Three is popping up again and he’s all “I see you’ve learned your lesson and are now only using three quirks at once instead of five” like with all this effusive praise about how great and badass Deku is and sob, okay, yeah. this chapter is basically one of those machines that shoots tennis balls at people, except instead of tennis balls it shoots hot piping discourse
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lol oh my god it’s literally two opposing reactions at once wtf. do I love this or hate this. like just for once can Horikoshi actually let a badass lady character win their fucking fight without getting their arm ripped off, BUT ALSO fucking look at that absurdly cool “SMASH” onomatopoeia though. it looks like it’s about to float right off the page holy shit that’s some seriously good art
anyway so is this really the end?? do I need to break out my ಠ_ಠ faces
lmao okay yeah I can definitely see how this would piss a lot of people off
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he basically one-shotted her and she’s all “damn this kid is so amazing that I’m about to do a complete 180 turn on all of my previous angst” lmao. Horikoshi is really shounening it up today
on the plus side though, maybe this means there’s still a chance for her to join up with him after all? unless that spoiler was true lmao, then all hell is gonna break loose
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OH MY GOD AND HE SAYS THE BULLET WOULDN’T HAVE DONE MORE THAN GRAZE OVERHAUL ANYWAY, wow, I’m actually more relieved by that than I would have expected. I mean I would have forgiven her either way, but it means that there was still more hero in her than she was letting on
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lol but I mean, it’s also like, “oh so today they get to have brain cells”, thank you so much lol. sometimes it’s really hard to tell which times we’re supposed to question these character decisions that seem dumb, and which times we’re just supposed to full on embrace them and switch off our critical thinking
but okay, so in this case it really was Nagant going easy on him on purpose, and not just her fucking up for no good reason even though she used to do this for a living and was the best in the game. and I know in this case it’s probably just Horikoshi giving us some consolation headpats to soften the blow of her losing so abruptly, but you know what, shit. I’ll take it
also you guys the light is coming back into Deku’s eyes again for just a moment here and I’m having feels about it?? the way it still comes back when he’s reaching out to save someone, and following his own hero path instead of the much darker and lonelier Christopher Nolan path that’s been laid out for him instead that he never wanted?? it’s both reassuring and also very sad
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p.s. I am now absolutely scared shitless that that spoiler was actually true sob. swear to god, I will throw this manga into a fucking volcano. but we’re almost at the end of the chapter and this seems just WAY TOO GOOD to be true fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck f
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fuck, lol, I don’t wanna do it. I don’t wanna scroll down what have I ever done to deserve this oh my god
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can someone please give AFO a really good, sharpish kick in the balls. just really let him have it. I’m so tired, what the fuck
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bro. I was literally going through my Excel folders to find the spreadsheet about female characters in BnHA that I made back when Midnight died. was gearing myself up for a wholeass rant. and honestly I might just let all of that continue simmering on low to keep it warm just in case lol, because to tell you the truth I have absolutely no idea what’s happening right now
my girl straight up does not have a face. she used to have a face. people usually need those, idk. like, even if she’s alive, her gorgeous eyebrows are definitely not making it out of this and I’m gonna throw a funeral just for them
how the fuck did AFO just blow her up?? how did he know what was going on?? and if he had a quirk that could explode people at will, why is this the first we’re hearing of it?? you’d think that might have come in handy at Kamino or Jakku, like what
(ETA: present!me, who’s had more than three hours of sleep and can now actually remember facts about the series, would like to remind past!me that AFO gave Nagant a quirk, and so this is probably just more Vestige shenanigans now on his part. that’s also probably why Air Walk suddenly stopped working out of nowhere. still doesn’t explain why he doesn’t go around blowing people up more often though but maybe he thinks it’s gauche.)
Hawks just straight up out of nowhere. just Mirioed his way straight into the chapter just in time to be too late sob. here I was looking forward to seeing your face when Deku showed up with his new best friend. can’t believe Horikoshi deprived us of that moment
on the plus side, WELCOME BACK, HAWKS’S FEATHERS. I have no doubt that in this chapter of Deku being an almighty threequirk-mastering god, and Nagant losing anticlimactically only to be immediately blown up because girl characters in BnHA can only be cool for one fight and one fight only, there are still some people who are focusing solely on the “how dare Hawks get his wings back when he is a MURDERER this is an outrage what about CONSEQUENCES” discourse, and to hell with all the other discourses lmao
anyway, so yeah. wow. and now it’s just occurring to me that maybe the real reason why Overhaul is there is so he can get a head start on that amend-making by actually doing a good thing for once in his life, and using his quirk to heal Nagant. assuming he can still do that
and so now Horikoshi has got me out here actually rooting for Overhaul. you know what, on that note I think I’m just gonna go ahead and call it a day sob
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mae-gi-writes · 4 years
Yūgen | Sunwoo (The Boyz)
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Yugen (n.) a profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe that triggers a deep, emotional response. 
Requested by anon! In which Sunwoo, the ace of the volleyball team, is curious about what you’re drawing all the time. Until one day, he stumbles upon a drawing of himself made from yours truly. 
Genre: fluff, volleyball player! Sunwoo and art student reader, shy love, softness, and inspired by haikyuu because I have been obssessed with the anime lately TT__TT  A/N: It feels like it’s been ages since I’ve posted here! Slowly but surely, I’m going through my inbox and replying to your requests. Thank you for your patience, stay safe loves, ily all xx 
Sunwoo wasn't artistically inclined.
But that never stopped him from admiring those that were. He was always so curious as to how just a flick of fingers managed to create a shadow, or how just one glance at a subject made it through onto paper without so much as an effort to remember the details. It was like it was automatically recorded into one's brain, hands already registered to mimic the curves and the folds and the shadows that turned into nothing short of a miraculous piece. So when he caught sight of someone drawing, it always piqued his interest. He stumbled upon you one late afternoon after his volleyball practice, with sweat dotting his forehead and his training bag slung casually over his shoulder. He was about to direct his way to the parking lot upon exiting the gymnasium, only to spot a lone figure huddled upon the bleachers and curled into a ball that caused Sunwoo to frown. Slowly sidling up to the stranger in question and peeking over the railing to catch a glimpse of your face, his eyes are instantly driven to the sketchpad in your hands.
You didn't notice him though, so absorbed in your own world with earphones blocking out reality that a tsunami could've gone unnoticed. So Sunwoo took advantage to climb over onto the opposite bleacher and, after ensuring that your back wouldn't turn to greet him, leaned over the separation to catch sight of a lone figure cartwheeling freely over the page. Woah. You were talented alright. There was nothing else to describe the fluidity of movement you caught with your pencil. It made Sunwoo's breath catch in his throat. He had the sudden urge to know exactly what kind of face hid behind the visual mastery manifesting before his very eyes. After all, there must be other things for them to see rather than the boring literal reality that most people settled for. What kind of imageries were they creating in their heads? What beautiful stories were they crafting? Worlds they got lost in? You moved then, causing Sunwoo to jolt back and scurry away with his heart beating out of his chest, deciding that it was enough spying for the day. After that day, he made sure to seek you out every time after practice although he noticed you never strayed too long in the same place, always moving about like a shadow lingering in the corner, invisible yet omniscient. Sometimes you would find a quiet spot in a patch of sunlight by the tennis courts. Sometimes you'd be found on the bleachers, alert eyes observing every pass, every move, every twist of a body like  camera taking everything in. Sunwoo never approached you. Not that he didn't want to, but he found it awkward to just come up to you and present himself as the guy who'd been stalking your drawings. So he admired you from afar instead, relished in the passion of your dark coffee coloured eyes and in the attentive focus dipping your eyebrows in a soft frown, lips paeted slightly in concentration. "Do you know her?" He'd asked one of his friends from the volleyball team once, during their lunch break as he saw you line up at the cafeteria. Changmin took a peek at your face before he shook his head, "she might be in one of my electives." "Which one?" "I think it's art." Sunwoo forced his face to remain in a mask of calmness as he grabbed a steak sandwich, no fries, "do you know her name?" "Nah. I don't think she's ever spoken in class," Changmin's eyebrows quirk up then, "why'd you ask?" "No reason." Changmin's pointed look defined anything but that.  Although he did have the decency to drop the subject as soon as the rest of the volleyball team joined the table. Sunwoo got his answer a few days later when he practically toppled over you and your drawing crayons. It was his mistake. He'd been leaning too far out from the top of the basketball bleachers, struggling to get even the smidgest glimpse of what amazing piece of art hiding under your jacket sleeve, only for his foot to slip. Down he went with a curse, crashing straight into your body and quickly scrabbling to wrap his arms around your head, a pathetic attempt to cushion your fall as you fell into a heap in front of the bleachers. "You--you okay?" He huffed out, breathless and heart beating like a time bomb. Pulling his arms away slowly, gently, he finally met your gaze straight on and --oh my, your eyes were not coffee coloured at all.  But more of a honey-brown, wide open and framed by soft lashes. Currently dilated in panic. "I'm fine! What--What about you? Oh gosh, I'm so sorry--" "No it was my fault," he made a grab for your sketchbook and scattered pens only for his orbs to register the face messily etched onto the paper. His breath caught. For a minute, he could do nothing but stare at the replica of his face made in charcoal. Those were his eyes, his slightly crooked nose. The scowl he wore during his soccer matches. That was him. The resemblance was akin to that of perfection. That was before your hands snatched away the sketchbook before you quickly slammed it closed, cheeks blazing red, "that's-- I swear I"m not a creep, I-- I just do that for practice--" "It's amazing." Your head-- which had been bowed this entire time for fear that anger would be his response -- shot up in surprise, "what?" "It's amazing," Sunwoo repeated. He wouldn't mind repeating it forever, he realized, if that meant he got to see that aforable blush of yours. He reached out with his hand, "can I look at it again?" So you allowed him after some slight hesitation, and if he noticed, he didn't comment. Fingers brushing against yours slightly, he handled the sketchbook with utmost care as he flipped through the pages with child-like awe. He'd seen your drawings, sure, but mere glimpses here and there, a sneak peek, always accompanied with the fear of being found. But now, he could take his time and actually relish in the soft tracings of your crayon, admire the gentle shadings that made up the tip of his nose. You had managed to capture that frown -- the one he used whenever he concentrated -- to perfection and for a minute he swore he'd fallen in love with himself. "You're really good," he murmured, though that definitely banalized the array of praises popping through his head, "you should keep doing them. I mean it." "So, you're not--" you paused, "mad?" "Well I think you'd have more reason to be mad if you knew I was stalking you from before." "What?" Oh Sunwoo, you idiot. Your eyes had tripled their size and you were looking at him like he'd just grown a second head. He lifted his hands as defence, "that sounded so much better in my head. I swear I'm not that creepy, or a stalker, I just--well you're always drawing and I got curious but I can't really come over and tell you to show me so I had to hide and peek and--" You burst out laughing in his face and despite the fact that he was the cause, he couldn't help joining in with a small chuckle, a grin spreading across his features at how alive you looked at this very moment. "You can ask me next time," your grin settled into a soft smile, "I don't bite." "Your words, not mine," he said, tone lighter and teasing. He helped you gather your belongings and as the pair of you started towards the school gates, he asked for your name. "Y/N," you answered, "and you?" "Sunwoo," he noticed the sky was darkening into purple, a sign that twilight was approaching. Usually, he'd be in a hurry to catch the last bus of the evening to avoid the pain of traffic after six. But it was like his body was slowing down on its own to join your pace, as if he was automatically tuning in to the rhythm of your steps. He found he didn't mind. "So why athletes? Any special reason why you like drawing them?" He asked as you reached the gates. "I just like watching the way they move. It's ...graceful," a hand went to rub the back of your neck, "and they come in handy for figure practice." "I mean, we're not that graceful when you're on the pitch ready to get blown away," he chuckled, "but thanks. At least we know we don't play like animals." "Oh god no. The volleyball team's pretty good. The rugby team on the other hand..." you sigh before you shake your head, "that team is nearly impossible to draw." His shoulders shook as he laughed, "well I don't think they aim for graceful. They look like a pack of wild dogs. Even I don't understand how they play." You had reached the said bus stop by then before you spotted your mother's car along the sidewalk, "oh, my mom's here," you turn to him, "where do you live? Maybe we can drop you--" Meeting your mom? On the first day of meeting you? Sunwoo's hands flew up, shaking them wildly in response, "oh no no, that's not necessary. I'll see you tomorrow!" Thank god for the bus that pulled up at the right time so that he didn't have to linger longer than he needed to. But he didn't miss the small wave of your hand as you watched him go, the smile on your face warming his heart even when it was one of the coldest winter days of the year. From that day onwards, Sunwoo made it a must to make his presence known whenever you were deep in your sketches, always observing, sometimes silently keeping you company and sometimes getting so wrapped up in conversation that your pens would lay forgotten by your bag as you bantered back and forth about subjects that would've made people throw you looks of concern. It became routine to have Sunwoo's head pop up from behind the bleachers or to see him walk up the path to your special hiding spot, right where your gaze would meet the tennis court. You sketched him more and more, folding your drawings into your bag so that he wouldn't see although the urge to catch his face on paper was a growing addiction you couldn't ignore. Even your friends had noticed his lingering presence, proceeding to prod you with questions reflecting their curiosity. "He's from the vòlleyball team isn't he?" Yeji asked one time during lunch, upon noticing the way the said young man's stare lingered over the back of your head before turning away just as quickly, "do you know him?" "We've spoken once or twice." "How do you know him?" Your other friend, Saeron, nudged you with a wriggle of her brows. You brushed her teasing away, "we bumped into each other and then he saw my drawings." "Oh right, you do sketch athletes," Yeji leaned forward, mouth full of bread, "did you sketch him?" "I did, actually." "Oh awkward," Saeron giggled, "he's handsome though, can't deny that. You gotta introduce us sometime." You mumbled out an agreement even though you sat with them just for the sake of having people around. It wasn't that you didn't appreciate them. You did. But they seemed to speak a language you couldn't quite grasp. You would rather sit in your own silence, enjoy your own company if that made sense. Maybe that was why it was so surprising, that you allowed Sunwoo to linger as long as he wanted to. There was something authentic about the way he reacted to your words, an unguarded expression that made you comfortable enough to speak up without fear of judgment. Spending time with Sunwoo was listening to water trickle down the river. Smooth and free. Peaceful. But Sunwoo seldom knew of your high regards, was not aware of the tiny sketch of his figure in mid-spike that was hidden in the pocket of your school skirt so that you could take a peek whenever you felt out of place or nervous. It calmed you down to admire his composure, even if his expression was a mere mimic that could not replace reality. "Do you have any material in particular that you like to use?" Sunwoo asked one cloudy afternoon, breaking the silence while huddling a little closer to peek at your newest sketch of Lee Juyeon; a basketball star player known for his quick reflexes and adept playing style. Not only was his skill on par with that of a Nationals team, but his looks had garnered him quite a fanbase from the get-go. Sunwoo would've liked to say that he wasn't jealous of the way your thumb gently applied shade to Juyeon's lower lip. But the spike in the middle of his chest proved him otherwise. "I like charcoal the most, it's the easiest to work with," pausing to admire your work, your eyes glanced over at him, "do you draw?" He scoffed, "like a five year old." "Wanna try?" "No way. I'll ruin it. I'm okay with admiring it from afar." You hummed an unknown tune as you pulled back your sketchbook, "how is practice?" "Alright. Could be better. We won a practice match last week so we're kind of taking it easy." "That's good though isn't it?" Your gaze met his. His eyes were various gradients of warm maroon and you wished-- at this very moment -- to paint his features into memory. That was when you realized how close you were. You shuffled slightly back and didn't notice the frown Sunwoo threw you in response, "it is. And I'm happy we get to rest. The team deserves it." "You're pursuing it in College?" Your eyes tried not to linger too much over his lips, "volleyball, I mean." "Depends," he smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes, "if we make it to the Nationals." "You will." "Someone's confident," he chuckled. "Well I'm no pro but even I can tell you're talented, Sunwoo," you peeked at him from behind your fringe, glad that you could blame the cold for your red cheeks when just the intensity and closeness of his entity made you want to squirm, "so if there's anyone who can do it, it's you." It was impossible to keep eye contact after such a confession. You lowered your gaze, glad for your sketchbook that acted as a distraction. It was at that very moment that the paper tucked so neatly in your pocket slipped out, causing Sunwoo to quickly make a grab for it. You made a noise of protest before trying to snatch it back, but the boy only chuckled before unfolding the creased page so that there he was, depicted in all his glory. "Is that--" his voice was hoarse and you took this as your chance to steal it from his grasp, reddened cheeks burning and fingers shaking as you folded it back to its tiny square shape, "is that me?" "Y--yes." "You--you keep that with you?" "I--I do," you lifted your chin up defiantly, though you felt your limbs trembling. His eyes, they pierced your own, piecing together a coherence that caused your stomach to fill with butterflies. When he spoke next, his words were a mere murmur. "Why?" "I--I don't know," eyes darting towards the ground, you mumbled, "I just like watching you...play." A pause. Then, Sunwoo shifted a little bit closer. "You like watching me play? Or do you like," he cocked his head, "watching me?" If you were red before then you were probably the colour of a fire engine truck by now. Averting your eyes and turning your head away were instinctive responses due to the blood rushing through your face. "Stop flirting with me," came your mumble. Laughing softly in response, he scooted himself a little closer, so close that his shoulder brushed your back. He leaned over, head tilted to catch your expression. "Cute," his lips broke out in a crooked grin and you swore you felt your heart explode. Flustered, you shoved him away out of instinct but he wasn't having any of that. His hand grabbed your wrists and with a yelp, you were dragged even closer to his chest. "You like looking at me that much huh?" His tone was teasing while his eyes glimmered with playful mischief, "why is that,Y/N?" "You ask as if you don't know," you mumbled out through jumbled words and you were glad he actually understood you. But instead of laughing some more, his features softened into a smile instead as he proceeded to gaze down at you with an expression you couldn't quite place. It was in your normal behaviour to admire people. Not the other way around. And at this very moment, you felt way out of your comfort zone. "I don't know." Your orbs flew up to his in surprise and what you found in those coffee-coloured pupils made your breath stutter, heat coiling through your abdomen. "It...it calms me down," your whisper was barely louder than a breath but by the way Sunwoo's smile widens to reach his eyes, you could tell he heard you just fine. "I like watching you too," he replied. A strand of your hair caught in the wind and he raised his hand to curl it around the back of your ear, his touch ghosting with sparks wherever flesh bumped into flesh. You felt warm. He didn't pull away. Didn't bother hiding the slight dust of pink in his cheeks either, as he slowly allowed his palm to cradle the side of your face. Gently. As if he feared you might run away, recoil back. But you didn't. Even with your breaths going staccato, even if your heart felt like a wild animal. You calmed yourself down with the knowledge that he seemed just as nervous as you were and suddenly, out of a stroke of boldness, your hand went up to hold on to his, pressing it close to your cheek. His breath hitched. You shivered. The wind blew against your figures, a gentle reminder that the day was coming to an end. You weren't exactly sure what changed that day. There were no verbal agreements, nothing that suggested your relationship had changed. Yet, the subtle touches of his hand against your back, your shoulders, moving your hair from one shoulder to another, complemented by his gentle doe-eyed stare that made your toes curl, these changes were small, but significant. And you couldn't find it in your heart to say that you disliked it. What are we? The words lingered at the tip of your tongue, as bitter as the aftertaste of coffee as you stole small glances in his direction. You were sitting comfortably under a tree that overlooked the tennis court where Sunwoo had decided to join you. He'd fallen asleep halfway through your beginning sketch and was now leaning against the tree trunk, face relaxed and body leaned towards yours, close enough that you could admire his face. Countless hours you had spent tracing Sunwoo's features on paper. Countless times you had imagined tracing his lips with your thumb, wondered whether they were as soft as they looked. Maybe it was just curiosity or maybe you had let him walk into your heart so easily that you hadn't realized it yourself. But if there was one thing you could swear your heart upon it would be that you could no longer imagine every day without Sunwoo's presence at your side. As if on instinct, your fingers took a life of their own as they reached up to push a few strands away from his face. They gently carved a path down his cheek, landing at the corner of his jaw. Dangerously close to his open mouth. There was no denying it. Sunwoo was beautiful. Handsome. Had those features on par to that of a model's. You were so focused on edging your way to touch his lower lip that you didn't realize you had been staring, until you glanced up to see his brown orbs fixated on yours. You froze. Shit. "Like what you see?" He murmured. Then, before you could scramble back and probably run with your tail between your legs, his own hand grasped your own and he pushed himself off the trunk before his head angled towards yours, finding your lips. Soft. Sunwoo's lips were soft. You panicked. Not used to the closeness. The fire that sparked between your lids. But his other hand went to clasp your jaw, holding you close as he kissed your next protest away and unconsciously brushing his thumb against your cheek. Shivering in his touch, there was no running away from the way his mouth molded against yours so snugly, and you didn’t want to. You found yourself addicted to the sweet pressure of his upper lip meeting your lower ones and soon enough -- without realizing -- you melted into his touch. 
Sunwoo made a noise that sounded like a soft grunt, his other hand lacing around your waist to pull you closer so that you tumbled halfway into his lap. With embarrassment suddenly flooding through you, you let out a squeak that he answered with a chuckle of his own before distracting you once more with a series of kisses that left you gasping.
Your hands, initially balled into fists in your lap, went to rest against his chest and you didn’t realize that you were gripping onto his school shirt until you parted for air. Only were you aware of your compromising position, of the hard ridges of the young man’s thighs, of the firmness of his chest against your palms, of the way he seemed to be so much bigger than you even though he was a lean athlete, meant to be light and as speedy as the wind. 
Breaths coming out ragged, you tried to slow the beating of your heart. Though it seemed to be quite the challenge, given how lovingly, how intense, Sunwoo seemed to be in making love to your neck, nibbling on your pulse point and causing a soft whimper to fall from your lips. 
A whistle blew in the distance.
The soccer team. They’d be crawling up the hill any minute now.
“Sunwoo,” you breathed out, eyes hazy with mixed feelings of desire and embarrassment. You feebly tried pushing against his chest, to no avail. He merely groaned, head tilting upwards to catch your mouth into another kiss. 
“Sunwoo,” you groaned against his lips. But he held on for dear life, one hand clasping the back of your neck, tangled into your locks. The other around your waist, pressing you as close as he could possibly get you to be. 
“Just one more,” he mumbled in-between kisses, hooded eyes fluttering closed and head slanting to kiss you a little deeper, a little harder.
Your body was on fire. You weren’t used to this intimacy, nor all of the affection he was raining down upon you. 
But it felt good. It felt amazing. Eye-opening.
He finally relented after what seemed like an eternity and you quickly made a move to scramble out of his lap. Though he wasn’t having any of that, grip made of iron as he held on. You looked up to snap at him to let go before everyone saw but was faced with his pout instead, which was enough to bring down your defences. 
“Please,” his pout deepened and your heart practically vaulted through your chest. Cute. Cute. Cute. Stop. Burying his face into your neck, he whispered, “I just wanna hold you.” 
So he did. And thank god the team had decided to take a different route so that you would avoid their imploring, questioning gazes. Though Sunwoo admitted that he’d already known they would go up from the other side of the gymnasium, considering they did that every other week to train their stamina in the process. 
That earned him a light smack on the side of his head, making him whine, “What did I do to deserve this Y/N?” 
“You knew!” You wanted to throw him a glare, but it was impossible when you were busy fighting the grin spreading across your face. 
He grinned back at you, that crooked smile that always resulted in a burst of butterflies roaring through your abdomen. Just like now. 
“So, since you have a drawing of me that you keep staring at every day--” his words died into laughter when you tried smacking his arm, proceeding to cage your wrist with his hand before kissing your knuckles. You squirmed as he continued, “does that mean I can get a picture of you?”
You let out a noise of protest, “that depends,” you mumbled, unconsciously finding refuge in his neck.
Chuckling, Sunwoo grasped your chin lightly to pull you back so that his brown orbs gazed right into yours with a gentleness that had you weak at the knees, “on what?” 
“On what I get in return.” 
“What if I say I’ll take you on a date?” he said wickedly. 
You couldn’t help your smile. 
“I guess that could work.” 
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secretkeeper13 · 3 years
Summary:  The Sixth Year Gryffindor boys discover the Spice Girls, but Harry only wants to be Ginny’s lover.
Yes, you read that right. This fluffy, kind-of-crack HBP missing moment was born from a conversation in the Hinny Discord (and my 90s tween years). 
Content warning: If you aren’t into wank jokes, teenage boys shamelessly ogling pop icons, unfiltered Ron, and don’t agree that Sporty was the least attractive Spice Girl (apologies, Mel C), then this may not be the fic for you ;)
Since historical accuracy is paramount to this story (sarcasm), the magazine referenced in the fic is the March 1997 issue of The Face. Google it if you want to see the cover and photos (you know you want to).
Thank you @thedistantdusk, beta supreme, for editing and always encouraging my ridiculousness ;)  Happy Thursday!
Read it below the cut, or on Ao3.
Harry flopped onto his bed, tired but pleased with how well the team was flying. At this rate, they’d have a fighting chance to win the cup against Ravenclaw, especially now that Katie was back. It’d been their best practice yet, although he’d been repeatedly distracted by Ginny, laughing at her antics, admiring the way her eyes blazed with determination just before she scored a goal, trying not to stare at her arse as she bent low over her broomstick.
“What’s that?” Ron said, jolting Harry from his thoughts.
Ron looked across the dormitory at Seamus, who sat on his bed staring intently at a magazine with Dean looking over his shoulder.
“See for yourself, mate.” Seamus smirked, holding up the magazine to reveal the cover, a Muggle photograph of five girls, all scantily clad in lingerie and extremely fit.
Harry sat up immediately for a better look. Even Neville, from his bed next to Harry’s, had his eyes glued to the cover.
Ron let out a low whistle. “Where’d you get that?” he asked, clamoring across the room to stand next to Seamus for a better look.
“Took it from my little sister over Easter hols and brought it back for Seamus,” Dean said, grinning. “Thought he’d appreciate it.”
“What’s your little sister doing with something like this?”
“Not what you’ll be doing with it later, that’s for sure,” Seamus said, making a rude hand gesture. Ron flipped him off as the rest of them laughed.
“They’re the Spice Girls,” Dean explained. “A Muggle singing group. All the girls are obsessed with them right now. Girl Power, you know?”
Harry didn’t know, but he decided he would very much like to find out as he walked over for a closer look.
“Fuck, they’re fit,” Ron said, looking over Seamus’ shoulder at the cover of the magazine.
Harry had to agree. There was a perky, smiling blonde, two brunettes in the middle with dark, shiny hair and sultry gazes, a redhead with great tits next to them, and a pretty girl with wild curls and tanned skin posed seated at their feet.
“And this is just the cover, wait ‘til you see the photos inside.” Seamus said, waggling an eyebrow.
“They’re everywhere right now- can’t turn on the radio without hearing their songs- they’re all over the telly too,” Dean said, as the rest of them continued to stare at the cover. “They go by nicknames, and the girls all have favorites.”
Dean pointed to the blonde. “This one’s Baby, there’s Sporty on her other side. The redhead is Ginger-“
“Original, that one,” Harry said dryly, and the others laughed.
Dean continued as the laughter subsided. “The one next to her with that stuck up look is Posh, and the one sitting down is Scary- she’s my sister’s favorite. I’m with her on that one.” He finished with a wink.
“Reckon Scary’s my favorite too,” Seamus said, his tone thick with bravado.
“No way,” Ron said, indignant, “that Posh one, she’s the fittest. Look at her legs.”
“Nah, she’s a bit too high and mighty. She looks like she’d always be telling you what to do,” Dean said.
“Just Ron’s type then,” Seamus quipped.
Dean and Seamus roared with laughter. Out of loyalty, Harry tried (but failed) to suppress his own laughter, his shoulders shaking with mirth.
“Oh, fuck off,” Ron replied, the tips of his ears red.
“What’s The Chosen One’s choice?” Seamus asked, turning to Harry.
Harry rolled his eyes. “I’d go with Ginger.”
“Oooooh, Harry picks the redhead,” Seamus said, eyebrow raised, exchanging a pointed look with Dean.
“Got a thing for gingers, do you then?”
Shit. Panic that his casual admission might reveal his most private, fiercely-guarded feelings about Ginny began to overtake him.
“Didn’t pick her for her hair color, mate,” Harry retorted, trying to sound flippant, as he gestured to her tits.
Seamus laughed and slapped Harry’s shoulder. Harry breathed a small sigh of relief, hoping that he hadn’t just made the fact that he fancied Ginny completely obvious. In truth, the girl did remind him a bit of Ginny- not just her hair color, but her build too, and something about the way she carried herself in the photo. He tried not to blush, though heat rushed to his cheeks. He stole a glance at Ron who, thankfully, was still gaping at the magazine and not paying attention to the exchange.  
“What’s your vote, then, Nev?” Seamus asked.
Neville, standing next to Harry, his cheeks already pink, looked startled to be included. “Erm, she looks nice,” he said softly, motioning towards the blonde, “but they’re all good looking, really,” he added, his round face now flaming scarlet.
“Nobody for Sporty then?” Dean asked, laughing.
“Nah, who's picking Sporty over any of those four?” Ron said bluntly. “Let’s see what’s inside, then.”
The photo spread inside the magazine did not disappoint, Harry thought, taking in the individual, full body photos of each girl in very suggestive poses.
“Damn,” Ron said appreciatively.
“Told you it was good.”
The dormitory grew quiet for a moment as Seamus flipped through the pages.
“Wait,” said Ron, pointing to a line in the article, “This says the lyrics to their hit song are ‘If you wannabe my lover, you gotta get with my friends.’ Really?”
“Are you actually reading the article, mate? That’s impressive,” Harry said wryly.
“It’s true- heard it a million times over Easter break, that bloody song’s on the radio every other minute,” Dean replied.
“Well, it’s fucking terrible advice. What girl wants you getting with her friends?” Ron said.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
“Ron,” a voice called. Harry realized instantly that it was Ginny.
Fuck. Seamus shoved the magazine under the duvet as the rest of them scrambled to disperse, Neville tripping over his own feet, Ron hitting his head on the top of the bedpost as he ducked to sit on his bed.
“Come in,” Ron called.
Ginny opened the door and leaned on the side of the doorframe. She looked unfairly beautiful, Harry thought, her cheeks still rosy from practice, her long hair loose and flowing down her back, ending just above the swell of her arse, which looked fantastic in her tight joggers.
Her eyes narrowed as she took in the scene. The five of them had each ended up on their respective beds, fully dressed, shoes and all, with no books or parchment in sight. It must’ve looked strange.
She quirked an eyebrow. “You five having a cosy little chat?”
Neville chuckled nervously. Seamus coughed. Ron’s ears turned red. Dean stared at the duvet, determined to avoid her gaze, probably for a variety of reasons, Harry thought.
Ginny shook her head slightly. “Never mind, I’m sure I don’t even want to know,” she said, grinning at Harry. His cheeks grew warm, and he gave a slight shrug back.  
She turned to Ron, her tone more serious. “Hermione asked me to get you. The Second Years were playing Exploding Snap at a table in the common room, and the explosion blew up some inkwells. There’s ink all over everything. She needs your help cleaning off the boys. Euan Abercrombie’s covered head to toe in it.”
“Little idiots,” Ron said, rolling his eyes. He stood and walked past Ginny onto the spiral staircase.
“Great practice, Harry,” Ginny said. She beamed at him, her smile brilliant, and in that moment, he wished, more than anything, that they were alone in the dormitory, instead of awkwardly surrounded by her (very recent) ex, Seamus, and Neville.
“You too. We’re going to flatten them,” he managed, hoping he didn’t sound like his breath was caught in his throat, which it was.
She just winked back. His heart, already fluttering faster than the wings of a snitch, skipped a beat.  “Night all,” she said, with a wave to Neville.
As she closed the door, Harry sank back onto his pillows, thinking only of Ginny, the magazine long forgotten.
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akumaalert · 3 years
not a request just sharing bc i couldn't stop thinking of just "what if lucky called heis good boy" like how he calls her good girl sometimes but like.. i'm pretty sure he would break
This was supposed to be a mini-fic....but...uh....it'll likely be the first chapter of "Divergence" instead LMAO But hope you enjoy!
Good Boy
Karl Heisenberg x Reader, Explicit
CW: Masturbation, Accidental Voyeurism, Voyeurism, Happy Ending, Virgin!Karl Heisenberg
An AU happening during chapter 19 of "Heavy Metal Lover" but can be read without reading the main story.
That had been the first noise from Lucky besides the scratch of a pencil against paper that he had heard in about an hour.
Stuck in his office with her as he searched for a misplaced - not lost, just misplaced! - core schematic, Heisenberg tried to ignore the nagging thought of how domestic the space had become. Lucky never moved his things - something he was infinitely grateful for. He could recall too well his ever boiling frustration at having his room "cleaned" when living in the castle. The maids were well-meaning, but always adjusting. The room he had held would have felt more his own had he been able to move his own furniture around without the chambermaids fawning over him.
"No, no, young Lord Heisenberg! This is all wrong...off you go...go play...we will fix this mess."
Now on his own and in his element of chaos, he felt comforted, even if secretly so, that Lucky never seemed to complain.
Comforted...but cautious.
The day at the stronghold seemed stamped into his memory...right in the front for all to see. It remained a wonder Lucky didn't see it on his face.
The knowledge.
The horrible, horrible knowledge.
Staring at an old newspaper clip-out that he had saved with a picture of a modern car on its faded pages, he absently pushed the glasses back up his nose.
It tired him - the constant need to flip back and forth between acknowledging his feelings and thrusting them as far down as he could manage. Drowning them out with that beautiful sound of cinching machinery. Allowing them to seep into him with every laugh from her lips.
Heisenberg was starting to fall in love with the woman. The woman he had failed to kill - the lucky one to survive his maze. The woman his mother expected him to impregnate in order for Miranda's mad vessel to be born and to be killed all in the name of misery.
Misery otherwise known as Eva.
Slowly but certainly, Lucky was driving him insane. Reminding him of things he could never, ever have. Teasing him over and over for days on end.
Heisenberg remembered all too well his reason for entering the office. He had nearly sliced his own arm clean off his shoulder when he lost himself to his situation. To the possibility that, despite his body being so ill-suited for the task, Lucky could have his child. Would want his child. His thoughts, as they so often did, snapped back to the need for freedom - for the need for the arms to come loose from his latest corpse to transform them into one of his many soldiers.
But the more he thought of freedom, the more she sat in the background of his mind.
The more she sat there, the more his tired musings began to stitch together.
The more freedom and Lucky - the two dreams of his world - became intertwined.
He had been thinking of her - of Lucky - beside him the day that he won freedom from the village.
Won freedom...and her.
"You did it, Heis! You did it!"
Lucky would never know how dear it was to him...the fact that her emotions ran so freely with her very being. Beaming. She would do nothing less than beam at him. Her eyes would glow and crinkle at their tails as they did when she gave him her most genuine smiles.
"You did it. You're free. Our...our family is free."
She would grab his hand. Just one. He needed the other steady on her cheek.
Lucky would bring that hand clasped in her own to her belly.
"Our family..."
"Our...another...another Heisenberg?"
In his dreams, she shyly escaped his gaze to nod.
"You...you haven't been alone. Not with me. Not with the start of our family. But now...now, Heis..." Her eyes popped back up all soft and sincere. "Now you'll never be alone again. Not with our baby Heisenberg on the way..."
The only break from his reverie was the slice to one of his favorite stained t-shirts. Only the fact that it was Heisenberg's powers directing the saw had it falling to the floor instead of through his tensed skin.
Heisenberg could only stand in shocked silence. The arm that had been spared from the violence came to grab his shoulder. Though no injury had occurred, he felt stabbed all the same.
Family...and joy?
Lucky...with him?
Another Heisenberg...alive?
A thought washed over him like ice entering his veins.
A boy or a girl...would we have a boy or a girl first?
As if Lucky wished to be objected to more of his perverted and preposterous daydreams.
When he left the room, the metal was still shaking.
"Gotta get that fucking schematic...keep forgetting it...keep going to the office and...fuck...keep talking to her. Gotta stop fucking talking to her. Schematic. Get the fucking schematic."
Lucky had been asleep in bed when he first entered. A rushing relief to his soul. But as the search for the schematic went from flipping through one file to frantically reshuffling the wayward stack the paper should have been in, he knew it was only a matter of time before she would appear.
"Oh...ah!" Lucky yawned all cute and squeaky. "Good morning, Heis."
"Morning," he said flatly. "You...you move any of these lately?"
"No," she said sleepily. "I don't touch those...way above my pay grade. What are you looking for?"
"Core schematic," he grumbled. "Not fucking here...where the hell did I put it?"
Though Lucky made a very pointless questioning noise, she said nothing as she sat down and began her daily transcriptions. Hell, he had been grateful. She showed concern because she was simply a good person beneath all of the trauma and the terror she had reigned on his self-image. But she didn't pry or attempt to enter his space afterward where she would clearly only be in the way.
But that was before her second moan filled the office.
"What's wrong with you?" he asked, never looking up from his stack of papers.
A frustrated sigh and a grumble came from the desk chair.
"Think I slept on my neck funny last night," she said. "Doesn't help that my posture is shit. Just making it impossible to find a good angle to work in."
Growing agitated at his fruitless search, Heisenberg whipped around to look at her. "Want some help?"
"Want a massage or something?" he offered. "A...ha! You'll find this funny. Supersized one up in the castle? Used to love to make me massage her neck when I was a kid. Fucking manual labor when I was barely old enough to write. Had maids to do it - an assload at that - and forced me to instead."
Raising an eyebrow at him, Lucky frowned. "Was it...did she...did she hurt you? Like...if you didn't do it?"
"Ah nah," he said, taking careful steps over to Lucky. "Told you...when I was a kid, I was off limits. I whine about it now...but...well...I was a kid. Bitch loves kids. So I had to massage her back...but only part of this stupid salon thing we used to do together. It was nothing. Stupid. Just like her."
He did not know what to make of Lucky's face. Tilting her head, she steadied a look on him that could only be called curious.
"It's...it's a good memory? Of Alcina when you were small?"
Heisenberg scoffed.
"It's a memory," he said, standing behind Lucky with a wide stance and an even wider stare at her neck. "Not good or bad...just...there. Now...where's it hurt, kid?"
Raising a hand, Lucky placed her fingers on a section of her neck before swirling her touch.
"Ah...there...like just this one spot, but fanning out..."
"Okay...looks like your C7."
"My what now?"
Chuckling, Heisenberg moved her hand out of the way. "Your C7 vertebrae. Duck your chin down so I can get in here properly."
Doing as she was told, Lucky's head moved forward and Heisenberg placed his gloved hands against her neck. His thumbs encased the pained area and began to move in slow yet sturdy circles.
Lucky immediately began squirming.
"Can you maybe try without the gloves?" she asked. "Those are like...rough or something."
Casting off his gloves quickly, Heisenberg rolled his shoulders before trying again. "Wah, wah, wah...doing you a favor and you're out here complaining. That better, your highness?"
"Yes, actually," she said, relaxing. "And thank you. Asshole."
Puffing air out of his mouth, Heisenberg merely shook his head as he kneaded her skin.
Heisenberg tried to hide his stillness by immediately starting to massage her skin again.
But the noise could not be ignored.
"What was that?"
"Your hands...they're so warm. Fuck...feels good."
"Oh..." he said dumbly. Blinking down at her, he turned his head away as he kept his fingers in motion.
The fact that his cock had begun to waken in his pants was not lost on him.
"Are you using your electric powers? Is that why it feels so good?"
"Nah...really shouldn't do that on the living above the waist."
Above the waist...but below the waist...
"Ah," he continued, running his teeth over the scar on his lower lip. "Cause of the heart or whatever. Probably your brain too from this angle. Could fry both without meaning to. And I was working...earlier. Probably why they feel hot."
Lucky sighed as he continued to work her neck. His fingers were sweeping but slow. He had started off so intently and so rough. What had happened?
I felt her skin. Felt her beneath me. Felt her neck...for all she knows I could snap it right now and instead of being afraid she's welcoming me...she trusts me...trusts me enough to let me do this...
The next round of his fingers on her neck dipped into skin purposeful in their worship.
Her response was immediate.
"Oh...oh...good boy," she whispered.
To say he was lost for words was like calling water wet.
Though he kept his massage in a rhythmic round, his eyes were wide as they could possibly be behind his glasses. So wide that they hurt.
What the hell did she just do to me?
If he had to go off of physical injury, he would say she punched him in the stomach with all the force of a train running at full speed.
If he had to go off of an attack to his psyche, he would say she wormed her way into some long buried and forgotten wire that sent his entire brain into overdrive.
If he had to go off the erection now straining against his paints, he would say that he was royally fucked.
"You really are so good at this," she said, her voice still breathless. "Good boy...my good boy, Heis."
Heisenberg snatched his hands away as if Lucky were lava.
"Wait! No...what's wrong?" she asked, turning slightly to look at him.
If she looks down...if she sees...
"GOTTA TAKE A SHIT!" he exclaimed suddenly.
Lucky's mouth dropped open as she gaped at him.
Then she nodded with a laugh playing at her lips.
"Yeah. Go. Just come back and finish your massage."
Before he could finish blinking, he found himself storming down the hallway.
Well...intending to storm. His gait was impacted a bit by his dick standing at full mast and his hands hurriedly attempting to unbuckle the straps around his pants.
So FUCKING dumb. A shit? Really? he thought, visibly grimacing. It would have probably been less embarrassing to admit I was about to jack it to her calling me hers.
Hers...her good boy...good...I'm her good boy...hahaha...
What am I? A fucking dog?
...don't answer that.
Rushing into the break room, he considered the couch before catching sight of the bathroom. With a flick of one wrist as his other hand pulled his cock from his underwear and pants, Heisenberg slammed open the bathroom door.
He managed to slide his pants down his legs as he sat on the toilet and closed the door with the weakest of hand movements.
Finally free from judgment, Heisenberg hissed as he fumbled his glasses to the nearby counter and took himself into his hand.
"Good boy...her good boy...fuck...fuck yeah I am, baby..."
A groan and a grunt fell from his lips as he jerked his hand along his shaft.
All too often this act had been nothing but release from tension. An exploration so technical and so tedious as to be boring. But now with Lucky at his side and in his bed - however platonically she slept there - the images that plagued him seemed vibrantly real and tempting in their joyful teasing.
Imaginings - hopes and dreams and fantasies - that he could only cling onto in the moment.
The desk.
He would take her right on that same desk she was taking notes on.
"Oh, Karl," she would say, despite not knowing his first name. "Gonna be my good boy?"
"Yes," he said aloud, eyes closing and mind prickling with sights of her and waves of pleasure.
Lucky would be splayed on his desk - lying on her back and presenting herself to him as if she were a meal to be consumed instead of a darling treasure to worship.
"That's good...only good boys are allowed to fuck me. Isn't that what you want?"
"Yes...yes...god fucking damnit. YES." Huffing and hating the tremble in his thighs, Heisenberg bucked into his hand. "Yes...only me...wanna be your good boy. I'll be so good for you. Only you, Mein Schatz..."
A dirty laugh from her lips. The Lucky of his dreams becoming more and more defined as she palmed one breast and teased her clit with the fingers of her other hand.
"Mmm...know what you're saying you know...my treasure...that's so cute...been feeling the same way about you lately...thinking of you...dreaming of you...my good boy want to tell me what else he's been feeling? Mmn? Big boy wanna tell me before you put your cock inside of me?"
Lips loose along with his pleasure, Heisenberg found he could not build his voice to say the words aloud.
So he mouthed them instead. Mouthed them and stuttered in his quest for pleasure as his hand curled about his shaft at the "lah" tipping silently from his tongue.
"Oh, darling..." A smile. She'd smile. Genuine and sweet and sincere and all for him. "I love you too, Karl."
"Mmnnn....ah...fu-UCK!" With a panicked inhale, Heisenberg quickly pinched the head of his cock to prevent his end from coming too soon. "No, no, no...not yet...not yet...please..."
Though the pleasure was unlike anything he had previously experienced and his calves clenched in protest of a release delayed, his oncoming orgasm stalled and began to fade.
"Such a good boy," said Lucky, eyeing him in his fantasy like she would look at a drink of water on a hot day. "That's right. You don't come until I tell you to. Understand?"
A nod of his head.
"Good, good boy. My good boy. Good Karl. Come on...think it's time you got your treat...here...I'll help you..."
With her fingers moving to fully expose the inside of that wet and preciously pink pussy of hers, Lucky looked up at him with a lidded look.
Heisenberg had no experience with another person when it came to handling his physical pleasure. Hell, with any pleasure or positive feeling at all. Except maybe the triumph of victory over others, he had never had the chance to experience happiness - true happiness and trust and faith in another soul.
Until her.
And for her...for her he would indulge and give himself freely...if only locked away inside of his mind.
Inexperience taking a back seat to passion, he pictured himself guiding his cock into her waiting and welcoming body. Maybe he would steady himself with a hand on her hip or simply with a heated stare into her eyes.
He all but strangled his cock to try to mimic a feeling he had never known and had never thought to miss before her.
"Uh-huh," whined Lucky in his dreams. "Oh...you're so big...fill me up just right. So fucking thick..."
"Hah...ah...your good boy big enough for you?"
"Yes...oh yes...yes...so big...such a perfect dick...please...please Karl...Heis...please, baby, please...Heis?"
When he began to rut into his own hand with a purpose, he felt flames like that of standing directly beside the blaring crucible dancing across his cheeks. Though some of his daydream seemed vague and hard to read, he had enough to know that he could not delay the inevitable for much longer. Lucky - the real and actual Lucky - was still waiting for him back in the office. Waiting and none the wiser to his desperate need for her affection. It sickened him - the want for anything and everything to do with her.
Sickened him...and sent electric shocks of white pleasure down his spine.
"So fucking perfect...you're so fucking perfect for me, Lucky...oh..."
"Huh...ah...already so close...so damn worked up...can't stand it...can't stand you looking like that..."
"Like what?"
Heaving and heatedly squirming where he sat, Heisenberg noticed for the first time that one of his boots jutted up and down on the floor beneath him. As if his entire body refused to be still.
"Most beautiful fucking thing I've ever seen," he bit out. "Please...please, Luck...I know it's soon...but please..."
A tilted head and a gentle grin. A pointer finger that danced around her clit and drew his eyes away only long enough for her to breathe out shallow and short. His eyes snapped back to hers immediately.
"Please what?"
"Please let me come...let me come inside you...wanna...wanna take you...claim you...don't want you with anyone else ever again."
Glinting eyes and lush eyelashes.
"You're gonna be all that to me, Heis? Well...in that case..."
Her lips finding his own. His very first kiss - albeit imaginary. Her lips soft but without taste. His own lips puckering even as they trembled from the need for more.
"In that case," she continued, taunting him in his ear. "Come, Heis. Be a good boy and come for me."
Hindsight would have him chastising himself for not thinking to grab some tissue. In the moment, however, he was too busy panting and watching his cum dot the floor in thick strips. Heisenberg growled...tried to hold on to the image of her with one eye still closed.
Reality settled in on him. Settled in even as his stomach quivered underneath his shirt and his orgasm began to relax into his bones. It was pleasant and his every nerve seemed to stand on edge. Tingles of pleasure radiated from his chest to his feet flat against the floor. Gulping in air, he knew he had never come so hard before in his life. It was good...great even.
But it was not her. It was not enough.
Clean up was a quick and tedious affair. Lucky could not know what he had done in her quarters. The tissues he found too late to wipe his seed from the floor were tossed and flushed away. He checked the room once and then again once his shades were back on his face.
Finishing the belt at the top of his pants, he cleared his throat before exiting.
The television in the break room still hummed though it sat completely dead in the meager light from the ceiling.
Shit...glad she wasn't in here. Never had anyone here to care about when I got down to business...no telling what my powers do with electronics...
The schematic. He had to find that damn schematic.
Trying to level his breathing as he stalked the hallway, Heisenberg considered the day before him. Lucky had not wished to attend a revitalization attempt with him yet. While he didn't intend to push her into seeing something that might scar her again, it might be worthwhile to have her eyes in the room at some point. She hadn't complained about the notes yet. Maybe he should offer? Make it sound like a small deal and let her in when it was near completion? Give her a taste before exposing her to more?
Fucking stupid...it's all so fucking stupid...what happened to me? If she were any assistant, I would just drag her ass there and have her record the whole thing. Fuck me with all this concerned shit.
But she's not just any assistant...
Entering the office, he stilled at the doorway when he saw Lucky facing him from her chair.
"Uh...hey," he said, licking his lips. "Sorry about that. Took...ah...let's just forget it."
"Actually," she began. "I need to be honest with you. Because of what happened before..."
Eyebrows shooting up, he stood in silence before she continued.
"Um...so...I was sitting here...sitting here and trying to rub my neck or whatever..."
"Well...the radio came on and it freaked me out a little bit..." She paused, her fidgety look dropping to the floor. "But...the more I listened...the more I...recognized your voice."
"My...my voice?"
Heisenberg could not move. He shouldn't be looking at her, but he was afraid if he blinked that the tension would break and she would begin laughing or cursing or, worst of all, apologizing.
"Umm...it...I heard you. And I guess you were...I guess it was real time." A tent of her fingers and a swallow in her throat. "I heard your comment and responded and...I think...I think you could hear me too. Possibly? You seemed to...seemed to be replying to what I said directly."
Shame. Shame for a million years fell on his shoulders that had felt so light before.
"Where?" he managed to say. "Where did you come in? What comment did you respond to?"
How she looked at him, he had no idea. She was far braver than he could ever be. Heisenberg planned to face down Miranda without a single hesitation one day on that glorious battlefield where his freedom could be won.
But now? Faced with Lucky standing and walking toward him with the full weight of her eyes upon him?
He looked away.
"You said...you asked me if my good boy was big enough for me."
The purr in her voice. The sound of her steps growing closer. The burn in his throat.
"After that," she said. "I called your name...I...responded to you and you to me."
"That didn't...I..." He shook his head. "I...umm..."
"Can I hold your hand?"
Head shooting up, Heisenberg caught her heated look. The same heated look she had worn in his dreams.
He nodded. Nodded even though he barely registered it until she took his hand and steps to press herself flush against him.
When she spoke, it was hushed and low.
For him and him only.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom...freshen up. Since we know you can communicate from the radio to the television...I want you to tell me when it's okay to come back here. I'm giving you two options."
Heisenberg hung on her every word and looked at her as if she controlled his every movement.
"The first...you can leave. Can give me enough time to go there...find what you were looking for...then tell me you're off to do whatever. I won't mention this again. We won't mention it."
Silence fell between the two of you. A crackle of the radio to the side of the room.
"And the other option?" he asked, voice nearly breaking.
A shy look. A happy tilt of her lips.
"The other option...you can rest for a bit before I come back here and make whatever fantasy you were having come true."
A mouth drier than dry left his tongue feeling too large. Too large and too needed to swipe across his lips.
"You don't have to answer now-"
"The second one," he said. "Second one. Want that one. Screw the first one."
A bright and happy smile. A smile that crinkled the tail of her eyes and lit up her face.
She was beaming at him. Squeezing his hand before parting from him.
Not for long...not for damn long if he could help it.
"You give me the word then, good boy," she teased, walking out of the room.
Legs nearly buckling and sending him to the ground, Heisenberg took uneasy steps to his office chair before throwing himself on it. His entire body buzzed, though it seemed far less like electricity and far more like promise and hope. Not love on her end...not yet. But a maybe. Potential.
Grinning stupidly and looking at the desk, he made quick work of clearing the area for the fun he planned on having from his daydream to come true.
As soon as he picked up the recorder Lucky used to transcribe his notes, Heisenberg saw it.
That damned schematic.
His last visit to this same room. A note on said schematic stating "DON'T FORGET" in large words. A note he carelessly put there before guiding Lucky to sit down to look at her transcriptions and laugh with her over the sixth stable boy in one week to die of drunken stupidity.
Quietly and contentedly, he opened the desk drawer to stuff the schematic inside.
"Mmn...don't think I'll need you for a while yet actually..." Eyeing the radio on the wall, Heisenberg tossed his glasses to the table and tried to slick and perfect the wiry hair about his head. "Oh, Lucky, honey...room is ready whenever you are...and so is your good boy."
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