#but none of those were working for a url+blog name match
what were a few other url ideas you had?
at first i was thinking of something from the song day after day because i always think "that's me about all of my band boys"
LOOKING OUT OF MY LONELY GLOOM(and/or "looking out from my lonely room")
but of course just 'dayafterday' was taken, and day-after-day etc. which isn't that surprising because it's a common thing to say. i wanted a shorter url like that but it's not easy to find one that isn't taken. then "looking out of my lonely gloom" would be the blog name.
i was thinking of using "mymindisallaroundyou" for the url instead or with dashes but decided against it
another one i almost picked was from maybe tomorrow where tom sings "let the light of your love shine through the window of my heart" so my url would have been "letthelightofyourlove" or "let-the-light-of-your-love" and then my blog name would be "shine through the window of my heart". i just really love that line and still applies to my band boys.
i was also thinking of the line from shine on where pete sings "don't think of tomorrow, yesterday is past" because sometimes i get a little too caught up in the past and i think it would be a good reminder to not do that so much.
AND there was a part from tom's demo, love my lady(about his wife which is super cute), where he says "like a sunshine on a rainbow" which would be the url and then the next line i was gonna change for tumblr reasons, he says "black nights, broken ways, got your bed to sleep on" where i would have put "got my blog to post on" at the end instead. my boys are the sunshine on a rainbow
i also considered using "knock down the old grey wall" from no matter what because i love that line and, for me, it would mean like my walls of anxiety in my head that need to be knocked down, and then the blog name would be "be a part of it all" because i want to be a part of things more instead of just hiding from everything all the time.
and and and i was thinking of the start of "i'm in love" where he says "i'm not well can't you tell" but i feel like "i'm not well" in all url variations would most likely be taken so i'd have to include both of those into the url, hope that's not taken too, and then i'd have nothing that i would want for the blog name to go with that.
i was trying to make one from pete's demo ostrich because sometimes i feel like the ostrich in that scenario, but it wasn't working for me.
SO i was stuck between a lot of these and still listening to more songs trying to come up with any different ones that would apply to me without it just being like "i don't relate to this but i like the song" because there are too many of those
i told myself that if i don't choose one by new years day, i'll just pick one that i already had in mind that stands out to me/relates to me the most in the moment and go with it. so i chose this one from name of the game.
it's a good song by the way and i think everybody should go listen to it right now and for the rest of your lives forever
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abybweisse · 2 years
Hello! Not a kuro related ask but can i ask how can u tell if someone is a bot or not on tumblr? Also can they do any harm to your account?
⚠️ I originally expected to give a short answer, but there's actually a lot I can say about this, having become a regular target of bots. My blocked list has quite the collection! So it's kind of a long post.
How to spot bots and why they are bad
Some bots are easy to spot while others are not. And they are getting harder to spot, as whoever programs the bot generators is learning how to make them less noticeable. Or an AI that's been made is learning. 😳
Blog name patterns
You might have noticed how default blog urls here have four random words stuck together, and early bots used a similar pattern. But it has evolved. I recall seeing names that were two or three random words and a two digit number, typically from 20 to 50, presumably meant to be seen as a person's age. Like these:
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Then a different pattern was used, like two or three words then a hyphen then a number. Then another, like a first name mixed in with random words, etc. Now, it's harder to see a pattern, so some bot names now look more (or less) random... more like real blogs. If you see a new follower with a random name, it doesn't mean much, but if you see more and more followers with names that seem to fit a pattern (and it's not simply the tumblr default username pattern), then chances are, they are bots created with the same or a similar program. Here's an example of getting new followers where the names seem too random to be real but you don't really notice until you get a bunch in a row, and the randomness is itself a pattern:
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Profile pics that real tumblrs wouldn't choose
Often they used to have closeups of female faces. Now they still tend to have pictures of women, but not so zoomed in, and some even feature two women. Like here:
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Notice that three of the above examples follow a naming pattern of what could be actual people names and a number. The fourth is like that, too, but with a hyphen tossed in.
And bots sometimes have default profile pics that may or may not be changed later, so watch out for default pfp's that later get replaced with pics of random women. Usually young and somewhat attractive. Most of the bots are geared towards attracting hetero men, hence the female pfp's of generally attractive women. The hope is we see one of these pics and think that's actually what the blogger looks like.
Truth is, Tumblrs rarely choose pfp's like that. This isn't the kind of social media platform where we typically show our faces (unless it's a personal fashion or cosplay blog, and then we are probably wearing makeup and costumes). We choose pics of plants and animals, fictional characters, historical figures, celebrities, artwork, etc. It's unusual for us to market ourselves based on personal appearance. So, when you see a blog with a pfp that looks like it's from Instagram or LinkedIn... or from a dating profile... it's probably fake. They are just random pics found online and essentially stolen from whoever originally uploaded them.
Default header images or more random women
Usually, bots have blank or default blog header images (see the examples above). I used to see a lot of bot blogs where the pic used for the header is the same as the pfp; those usually have descriptions where it's just a name and a suggestive emoji or a name and a plug for dirty pictures. Like:
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More recently, they've started using images that show women who match or at least look like the women in their pfp's, but they aren't the same photos. Just like those pfp's, the header images are likely stolen from profiles elsewhere or random pics online. The ones that have header images that "work" with the pfp's also have a tendency to include links in their blog descriptions.
Sus blog descriptions or none at all
Most bot blogs lack blog descriptions entirely or just have a name or something about photos, like those examples above. But lately I've been seeing ones where there's a short description. In those cases, it's usually a link to who knows where, and it's best not to even find out. The text, whether there's a link or not, is usually an age (assume that's fake), something about the person's identity or preferences (often of a sexual nature), sometimes a reference to ranking on OnlyFans (it wants you to think any link there might take you to that sort of content), and a collection of oddly chosen emojis mixed into it.
Zero posts or sus posts and reblogs
A lot of legit blogs are created for the sole purpose of following content they want... and maybe asking questions, usually as anons. Those "don't follow me, I'm just lurking" type blogs rarely post or even reblog anything. Most bots also take this approach.
But some reblog sexually suggestive posts and some reblog more explicit content -- even links advertised as naughty games -- but the most realistic looking ones reblog a mix of sexual and innocuous, even innocent-looking content. As you scroll down through images of puppies, mysteriously inviting landscapes, and teacups next to open books... you eventually find images and even sometimes gifs of very mature content. Often with suggestive emojis and links that should be avoided at all costs. Some even just make one or two posts with links and leave the blogs untouched for years. Like this one:
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This blog only has one post, and it's from 2019. Claims about some free training program that'll earn you large incomes. Notice the tags on it are kind of generic, and some don't fit, like #home #decor #gardening. But it's a link to... something.
They might try to chat, but what they say is sus
It's very rare, in my experience, but I will occasionally get a dm from a random blog that just doesn't sit right.
Sure, sometimes a new follower will contact me to let me know they found my blog and enjoy it. Even longtime, mostly silent readers/followers will occasionally decide to reach out and privately tell me they were a particular anon in an ask... or simply that they finally found the nerve to say hi. That's all fine and dandy.
But when a new follower (who doesn't seem to share interests with you or has interests that don't match your blog topic) or a random content blog that doesn't even follow you just dms with "hi" or "how are you?", I get very suspicious it's just a bot. Their blog might look default or not but lacks content. It might be full of content that simply has nothing to do with your content. And they send a random starter message, completely open to your response. You can test them by asking if they are a bot. If they ignore that and respond with something like "I'm lonely" or "what are you doing tonight?", they are definitely a bot. If they say "no I'm not a bot" (or something like that) then ask leading questions like the "what are you doing" one, they might not be a bot, but they are likely just phishing/scamming.
One of the best tests is to ask them what they think about your own blog posts. If they ignore that and act like they might be following a script? Bot. If they say something very generic, like "I like it a lot" but immediately change the subject back to personal questions or something phishy (might also be a bit scripted)? Scammer. Either way, best to report the chat as spam, which will also remove the conversation from your view.
It's often not one thing but a combination
If you get followed by a blog that looks completely default, the best thing to do is maybe dm them to ask if it's a real person/legit blog. If they don't respond within a decent timeframe, they might just be too shy, but chances are they are a bot. If they respond with something that feels too general or scripted, probably either a bot or a scammer -- some are sleepers that wait for you to contact them. But a blog just being default doesn't mean it's bad; it could be a shy lurker or it could be someone new to tumblr who hasn't chosen pics, themes, etc. yet.
However, if you see a follower pop up (either new or their blog has changed since they started following), and the blog has some combo of the traits mentioned above, chances are super high it's a bot.
What bots do
I'm not entirely certain about all the different things they can do, and some of the things are likely more harmful than others.
I've gleaned a few ideas from posts I've read about the bots, though, including a good one I saw that had been reblogged by Neil Gaiman. I reblogged it from him, though I might have moved it to @aby-off-topic.
My understanding is that the same creator (person or program) makes a whole bunch of them. And there are probably many different individual creators, each making large groupings of them. Some of the bot blogs have content, usually of a sexual nature but occasionally not, like cryptocurrency or some random-sounding business venture. Those will have links to other sites, though some might actually link to other, related blogs in the same grouping. The content blogs also tend to be full of various tags, typically reusing key tags copied from the posts they reblog. If they have "original" posts, those will probably have the same key tags. The grouped content blogs boost each other and make their suspicious content become more noticeable to users who follow certain tags. It mostly clutters those tags with useless content, annoying those tag followers. But the point of them is to lure in the occasional individual who doesn't know any better; once they click a link, they could fall victim to stuff like:
Automatic exposure to malware
Mature content that requires payment (and might steal personal and financial information at the same time)
Phishing attacks of various kinds
Cryptocurrency and/or NFT scams
Companies that sell fake products (like cheap knockoffs, items that just don't work as promised, and items that are never shipped and might not even exist in stock/inventory)
People who try to recruit for MLM (multi level marketing), pyramid schemes, and similar money pits. These days it could still include wasteful timeshare programs, but now there are AirBnB scams and all sorts of things. Something that requires a time and money commitment and promises profit or some other benefit, but it just drains your energy and funds. Someone profits, but it's not you.
The bots that have no content except links in their descriptions are just hoping someone clicks. Then the unwitting person might fall prey to the same things listed above.
Bots that just follow but have zero content? Well, that's possible but not always true. The ones that truly have zero content might want you to interact with them in messages. Other bots don't have any posts or reblogs, but they might allow you to see the posts they've ❤️'d and/or the blogs they follow. You have to check out their Likes and Follow tabs to get this information, so it makes the blogs seem kind of legit and innocent. You are snooping around their blog, after all, right? But some of the posts they "like" and some of the blogs they follow will send unsuspecting individuals down a rabbit hole that might quickly lead to content blogs with those same suspicious links and too-good-to-be-true schemes.
Harming your blog
Ultimately, their main goals are to part people from their money and steal information. But they can cause problems for your blog, too. Like:
Decreased exposure 1: By making your posts disappear in a sea of junk posts with the same tags, it might be harder for new readers to find your content that matches their interests.
Decreased exposure 2: Similarly, people who follow certain tags and typically read your content that way might stop following those tags. They might choose to follow you directly, but they might not. They might unfollow a tag and then realize they don't recall your blog name. Some will be interested enough to figure it out and others won't.
Damaging your reputation: It's not common now, and changes to the website/app might have actually helped to stop this, but some blogs used to reblog others' posts with one or more images, remove the original text, then add their own links and tags. This happened to several of my old posts, too, and the alterations made it look like I'd posted manga panels or whatever with a link to a porn site or something. I had to report the reblogs and also assure readers that my original posts didn't contain these potentially harmful links. To get this remedied, I think I had to use a special reporting method that allowed me to give the Tumblr reps specific information about what the blogs were doing to my post content. I also explained that those blogs were doing the same thing to posts from other bloggers. Were they truly bots? Idk, but possibly.
Simply put, they can decrease your exposure to readers, make the tagging feature less useful for everyone, and even cause a PR nightmare for your blog. All in the name of trying to scam the occasional person who falls into their traps.
When you decide a blog must be a bot, please report them as SPAM (more likely to get it removed) and block it.
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imperialsea-a · 5 years
          Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
          Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
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Mun name: Rem (not that blue-haired anime girl or DN, it’s from my old blog!) OOC Contact: Contact me through the Tumblr IM system or my Discord! My Discord is: imperialsea#1818. Please tell me your URL if you message me there so I know who you are!
Now, onto the heart of the post!
   ♛   Who the heck is my muse, anyway? Elizabeth Eva Alexandria Cross, the only biological daughter of Kaien Cross, her father (a canon vk char), and Eva Liliya Cherie Cross, her mother (an oc muse)! Elizabeth is a vampire hunter by blood like all in her family before her! But, shh! Your character isn't supposed to know that .  .  .  unless they're also a hunter .  .  .  or a perhaps a vampire (since her family from both sides are famous hunters, but even then they don't have to know she's a vamp killer if you don't want them to) .  .  .  or they're some sort of ally to her / the hunters association since she can't just tell anyone her actual work on a whim. Where she's from, the existence of vampires are a secret from most of humanity and it's her job to kill the dangerous people-hurty ones and keep that nice and secret so as to avoid a world war! 'Nothing about her is complicated at all', I say, lying through my teeth like Bethy does to society every day by keeping her job and true lifestyle hidden :'D
Further information below the cut, please take time to read if you’re stuck on what to plot and how Bethy operates!
   ♛   Points of Interest:           - She was born and raised to fight against unruly beasts and composed foes alike. Despite her youth, she's a one-woman powerhouse and is not afraid to take herself down with an opponent if she deems it necessary. She's like the Smash player who hits the fake smash ball to take out an enemy on their last legs, even at the expense of her own life. She'll do it! Except in Smash she'd probably just win the match because she had an extra life and not, you know, not die forever for real in a last grand battle.
          - She's got vamp genes all over the place and is rare among hunters. She's biologically immortal like a Pureblood despite not being a vampire herself and is living testimony of what her predecessors took from Purebloods both by honorable bestowal of blood from the mysterious Hooded Woman, and straight up [insert painting of Jupiter Devouring His Son here]. Her great grandparent is 3k+ years old, her father is 200+ for devouring his own twin-- it's messy as mythology, but anime :'D  She herself is only 18 on default though (19 in K Crossover--), the youngest of her entire bloodline, and she can still be slain in battle even if she is much hardier than a typical human being. She's also sensitive to auras, and capable of sensing vampires.
          - Things characters might notice? She's ghostly pale and kind of looks like she stepped out of The Last Unicorn. She looks cold, sophisticated, and vaguely otherworldly-- she really doesn't radiate the friendliest of vibes unless she's doing something she loves, and the calculated yet seemingly effortless grace of her movements are prominent in and outside of combat. She is descended from an ancient royal line, and those posh, stuffy mannerisms and formal speech pattern live on through her even if the Adrasteian monarchy no longer exists.
          - She truly isn't a trigger-happy person, whatever the title of 'hunter' implies, and keeps a level head in most situations. Sure, Bethy looks as if she could bite someone's head off and can display some seriously threatening flashes of anger, but she's not going to do something rash and will only resort to drawing her weapons in a serious matter. She's here to save lives, maintain peace, and keep order, not disrupt it and set off a war! No pressure on her, right?
         - She is also notably, NOT a high school student, though she may be mistaken for a high school senior or young college student since her age fits the bill. Elizabeth actually graduated from her high school at age sixteen and took to hunting full-time immediately after. She was convinced to slow it down by her grandparents and began preparing for college when her assignment at Cross Academy arrived and, uh, pretty tragically, hasn’t been able to attend any classes due to her work demands. Come to choose between the world and personal fulfillment? Her conscience only let her have one choice; a hunter must hunt.
    ♛   What they’ve been up to recently:           - Work. There's hardly a time when this girl isn't working or planning what to do next, and the workload only grows after the previous president is outed as a dishonorable, self-serving traitor to the hunters. She's seriously injured after trading blows with him and is promptly benched to deal with the fallout and mental agony, but she's back within a year (and in K's crossover? Only six months later!).
          - Having said that, Elizabeth does have days off and will spend them quietly with her friends, or alone with music and a rejuvenating swim.
          - Depending on the time in her life? Her life circumstances vary drastically-- she can go from a young huntress travelling on her own as duty demands, or she can be a mother of five children and trusted right hand of the new hunter president, Zero Kiryuu. She lives for a long time, so she's always up to something! And of course, she's always motivated to fight for a better future. 
   ♛   Where to find them:            - Aside from work, check the beach! Or find her on methods of cross-continental transportation since she travels around the world for her job (she walks whenever possible, so it's rare to see her on a bus, but she’ll begrudgingly take one or a train)! Otherwise, a place like an aquarium, clothing store, or coffee shop, or any place in a city is your best chance.... write w me pls... q-q she is Around Somewhere.
          - If not found in any of those places and your character is someone inside Cross Academy, she can be found there, helping the prefects in some way and is familiar enough with the building to help out new students if they ask.
    ♛   Current Plans:           - Elizabeth is chained to her work as a hunter for as long as she draws breath, or until there is no need for her to end hostile vampires. Her ultimate goal is to keep the world from falling into a repeat, all-out war between vampires and humanity. Her living and family situation might change through the years, but that will always be her primary drive-- she's got an indomitable will.
    ♛   Desired Interactions:           - please ovq
          - In all seriousness, I’m up for pretty much anything. She needs more friends, more enemies, people to protect, people to be protected by, people she looks up to, people who legitimately unnerve her, everything! I just don’t feel comfortable killing her. Elizabeth fought really hard to get her future and deserves to find comfort after her entire childhood-young adult life was spent thinking the only thing of worth she had was her role as a huntress. I do really, really love angst though, so anything else goes, really c:
     ♛   Offered Interactions ( please sit tight for this! it will be divided into multiple sections! ) :           - IF YOUR CHARACTER IS HUMAN:                - She’ll assume your muse is an average civilian until shown otherwise (be it with unusual powers, whacky aura, combat prowess, or prior knowledge from a report or something-- a plot specific thing). Unless they truly know about vampires / work with the Hunters Association, Elizabeth will not be sharing any information about who or what she is without a legitimate reason (such as the human character being bitten by a Pureblood and thus is being turned into a vampire themselves). However, the other party being kept in the dark about vampires can open the door to a more relaxed Elizabeth without her professional, perfectionist mindset. She’s more likely to have a pleasant conversation with humans since they have no part in the hunt-- but in that same vein, she does aim to keep them at a certain distance and not develop a deep emotional bond (but she’s also a lot softer than she looks and acts and tends to care for others quickly, should they get along). It’s a tricky slope .  .  . She’s thawed out and the nicer aspects of her personality are far more prominent, but at the same time, she’s not being entirely genuine. Give her time and she’ll become more open about personal things, just, not her work.
               - Applies to her K Proj. Crossover.  Working with S4, Elizabeth takes some time to adjust, but ultimately loves the organization and the people within it. They’re an exception to her ‘no ties with average humans’ rule because....errr.... they’re not the average human she’s used to protecting and in that verse they’re aware of her occupation and peculiar heritage. She’s not as cold first impressions might suggest and loves Reisi’s weird af team building nights, it’s hard for her to not have a soft spot for them, even as an outsider and unofficial member (as in, she has none of the abilities the Blues have, but she has her natural abilities).
         - IF YOUR CHARACTER IS A HUNTER:                 - Elizabeth is a known figure in hunter society; her great grandfather, grandfather, and aunt were previous heads of the organization and each are still alive at present. So, it probably makes more sense if your hunter character at the very least knows about her-- unless they’re an off-series muse in which case go wild and do what you think is best! I always did like the idea of two vampire hunters chilling together with neither one knowing the other is a fellow hunter until they’re attacked by a vamp and they’re both like ‘Oh!’
               - A simple but always reliable plot idea is two hunters on a joint mission! It’s really important to know that Bethy does not take kindly to poor performance and expects her partner to take whatever assignment they have seriously. If not? Things get tundra-cold really fast-- o-o;; People’s lives are at stake and in her opinion, if a hunter wants to mope or complain about their blood-given obligation, they’re not fit to be hunters in the first place. ‘Can’t do the job? Then finish what you started with me if you have any shred of integrity, and get thee gone’ sort of thing. Otherwise, uh :’D;; she’s highly cooperative and always aims to reach the outcome with the least amount of damage.
               - As a teenager, she attended a hunter-run private academy in Adrasteia for four years. If it’s possible for your muse to attend (as in, they are from a vampire hunter family and can pass the rigorous entrance exams), throw em in for a slightly younger, less stringent Bethy? A national fencing champion at the top of her classes, and great granddaughter to the legendary hellfire headmaster, Elizabeth’s not easily missed! It could be the start to an amicable relationship to carry into future interactions?
        - IF YOUR CHARACTER IS A VAMPIRE:                 - Bluntly put, for vampires, it’s probably better to interact with Elizabeth after Cross Academy has fallen in the large battle that took place there. Her mother is revealed to have been alive and held captive as a vampire, she’s already friends with a hunter/vamp, her two friends turned out to be Purebloods, and ‘oh....my mother and father got together again and now I’ve got a younger vampire brother’ .....and her boyfriend’s half sister is also a vampire who marries the former vamp senate heir..... so...vamps everywhere; she simply accepts them as part of the family. Prior to that, while she isn’t hostile to vampires and certainly has no intention to attack a vamp unjustly, it’s not a place she’s eager to put herself in. Depending on how threatened she feels, she’ll even swallow her pride and keep her head down-- mostly.
               - If your muse is a hunter-turned-vampire, she doesn’t treat them as a vampire, rather, she still sees them as a compatriot, like in the case of Zero Kiryuu. Whether or not your muse received the blood of their keeper is up to you, but in the case that they haven’t-- she’s always there to assist in granting mercy whenever the time comes :’)
       - IF YOUR CHARACTER DOES NOT FIT INTO ANY OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES / REGARDING OTHER VERSES:                - Please help me find something that works, I’m willing to try! Memes are incredibly helpful! Send one in, the tag is here, and we can go from there!
                  - My currently finished and ready-to-use Crossover Verse is K Proj., which can be read about right here.
      ♛   Current Open Post/s: Linked right here. There's no expiration date to these, and it doesn't matter if another person has replied to one, you are more than welcome to reply to one if it catches your eye at all.
      ♛   Anything else?:  YEAH, wow I am so sorry that got so long. Please note that this post may be updated periodically!
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wickedbananas · 6 years
Ranking the 6 Most Accurate Keyword Research Tools
Posted by Jeff_Baker
In January of 2018 Brafton began a massive organic keyword targeting campaign, amounting to over 90,000 words of blog content being published.
Did it work?
Well, yeah. We doubled the number of total keywords we rank for in less than six months. By using our advanced keyword research and topic writing process published earlier this year we also increased our organic traffic by 45% and the number of keywords ranking in the top ten results by 130%.
But we got a whole lot more than just traffic.
From planning to execution and performance tracking, we meticulously logged every aspect of the project. I’m talking blog word count, MarketMuse performance scores, on-page SEO scores, days indexed on Google. You name it, we recorded it.
As a byproduct of this nerdery, we were able to draw juicy correlations between our target keyword rankings and variables that can affect and predict those rankings. But specifically for this piece...
How well keyword research tools can predict where you will rank.
A little background
We created a list of keywords we wanted to target in blogs based on optimal combinations of search volume, organic keyword difficulty scores, SERP crowding, and searcher intent.
We then wrote a blog post targeting each individual keyword. We intended for each new piece of blog content to rank for the target keyword on its own.
With our keyword list in hand, my colleague and I manually created content briefs explaining how we would like each blog post written to maximize the likelihood of ranking for the target keyword. Here’s an example of a typical brief we would give to a writer:
This image links to an example of a content brief Brafton delivers to writers.
Between mid-January and late May, we ended up writing 55 blog posts each targeting 55 unique keywords. 50 of those blog posts ended up ranking in the top 100 of Google results.
We then paused and took a snapshot of each URL’s Google ranking position for its target keyword and its corresponding organic difficulty scores from Moz, SEMrush, Ahrefs, SpyFu, and KW Finder. We also took the PPC competition scores from the Keyword Planner Tool.
Our intention was to draw statistical correlations between between our keyword rankings and each tool’s organic difficulty score. With this data, we were able to report on how accurately each tool predicted where we would rank.
This study is uniquely scientific, in that each blog had one specific keyword target. We optimized the blog content specifically for that keyword. Therefore every post was created in a similar fashion.
Do keyword research tools actually work?
We use them every day, on faith. But has anyone ever actually asked, or better yet, measured how well keyword research tools report on the organic difficulty of a given keyword?
Today, we are doing just that. So let’s cut through the chit-chat and get to the results...
While Moz wins top-performing keyword research tool, note that any keyword research tool with organic difficulty functionality will give you an advantage over flipping a coin (or using Google Keyword Planner Tool).
As you will see in the following paragraphs, we have run each tool through a battery of statistical tests to ensure that we painted a fair and accurate representation of its performance. I’ll even provide the raw data for you to inspect for yourself.
Let’s dig in!
The Pearson Correlation Coefficient
Yes, statistics! For those of you currently feeling panicked and lobbing obscenities at your screen, don’t worry — we’re going to walk through this together.
In order to understand the relationship between two variables, our first step is to create a scatter plot chart.
Below is the scatter plot for our 50 keyword rankings compared to their corresponding Moz organic difficulty scores.
We start with a visual inspection of the data to determine if there is a linear relationship between the two variables. Ideally for each tool, you would expect to see the X variable (keyword ranking) increase proportionately with the Y variable (organic difficulty). Put simply, if the tool is working, the higher the keyword difficulty, the less likely you will rank in a top position, and vice-versa.
This chart is all fine and dandy, however, it’s not very scientific. This is where the Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) comes into play.
Phew. Still with me?
So each of these scatter plots will have a corresponding PCC score that will tell us how well each tool predicted where we would rank, based on its keyword difficulty score.
We will use the following table from statisticshowto.com to interpret the PCC score for each tool:
Coefficient Correlation R Score
.70 or higher
Very strong positive relationship
.40 to +.69
Strong positive relationship
.30 to +.39
Moderate positive relationship
.20 to +.29
Weak positive relationship
.01 to +.19
No or negligible relationship
No relationship [zero correlation]
-.01 to -.19
No or negligible relationship
-.20 to -.29
Weak negative relationship
-.30 to -.39
Moderate negative relationship
-.40 to -.69
Strong negative relationship
-.70 or higher
Very strong negative relationship
In order to visually understand what some of these relationships would look like on a scatter plot, check out these sample charts from Laerd Statistics.
And here are some examples of charts with their correlating PCC scores (r):
The closer the numbers cluster towards the regression line in either a positive or negative slope, the stronger the relationship.
That was the tough part - you still with me? Great, now let’s look at each tool’s results.
Test 1: The Pearson Correlation Coefficient
Now that we've all had our statistics refresher course, we will take a look at the results, in order of performance. We will evaluate each tool’s PCC score, the statistical significance of the data (P-val), the strength of the relationship, and the percentage of keywords the tool was able to find and report keyword difficulty values for.
In order of performance:
#1: Moz
Revisiting Moz’s scatter plot, we observe a tight grouping of results relative to the regression line with few moderate outliers.
Moz Organic Difficulty Predictability
.003 (P<0.05)
% Keywords Matched
Moz came in first with the highest PCC of .412. As an added bonus, Moz grabs data on keyword difficulty in real time, rather than from a fixed database. This means that you can get any keyword difficulty score for any keyword.
In other words, Moz was able to generate keyword difficulty scores for 100% of the 50 keywords studied.
#2: SpyFu
Visually, SpyFu shows a fairly tight clustering amongst low difficulty keywords, and a couple moderate outliers amongst the higher difficulty keywords.
SpyFu Organic Difficulty Predictability
.01 (P<0.05)
% Keywords Matched
SpyFu came in right under Moz with 1.7% weaker PCC (.405). However, the tool ran into the largest issue with keyword matching, with only 40 of 50 keywords producing keyword difficulty scores.
#3: SEMrush
SEMrush would certainly benefit from a couple mulligans (a second chance to perform an action). The Correlation Coefficient is very sensitive to outliers, which pushed SEMrush’s score down to third (.364).
SEMrush Organic Difficulty Predictability
.01 (P<0.05)
% Keywords Matched
Further complicating the research process, only 46 of 50 keywords had keyword difficulty scores associated with them, and many of those had to be found through SEMrush’s “phrase match” feature individually, rather than through the difficulty tool.
The process was more laborious to dig around for data.
#4: KW Finder
KW Finder definitely could have benefitted from more than a few mulligans with numerous strong outliers, coming in right behind SEMrush with a score of .360.
KW Finder Organic Difficulty Predictability
.01 (P<0.05)
% Keywords Matched
Fortunately, the KW Finder tool had a 100% match rate without any trouble digging around for the data.
#5: Ahrefs
Ahrefs comes in fifth by a large margin at .316, barely passing the “weak relationship” threshold.
Ahrefs Organic Difficulty Predictability
.03 (P<0.05)
% Keywords Matched
On a positive note, the tool seems to be very reliable with low difficulty scores (notice the tight clustering for low difficulty scores), and matched all 50 keywords.
#6: Google Keyword Planner Tool
Before you ask, yes, SEO companies still use the paid competition figures from Google’s Keyword Planner Tool (and other tools) to assess organic ranking potential. As you can see from the scatter plot, there is in fact no linear relationship between the two variables.
Google Keyword Planner Tool Organic Difficulty Predictability
Statistically insignificant/no linear relationship
% Keywords Matched
SEO agencies still using KPT for organic research (you know who you are!) — let this serve as a warning: You need to evolve.
Test 1 summary
For scoring, we will use a ten-point scale and score every tool relative to the highest-scoring competitor. For example, if the second highest score is 98% of the highest score, the tool will receive a 9.8. As a reminder, here are the results from the PCC test:
And the resulting scores are as follows:
PCC Test
KW Finder
Moz takes the top position for the first test, followed closely by SpyFu (with an 80% match rate caveat).
Test 2: Adjusted Pearson Correlation Coefficient
Let’s call this the “Mulligan Round.” In this round, assuming sometimes things just go haywire and a tool just flat-out misses, we will remove the three most egregious outliers to each tool’s score.
Here are the adjusted results for the handicap round:
Adjusted Scores (3 Outliers removed)
Difference (+/-)
Keyword Planner Tool
As noted in the original PCC test, some of these tools really took a big hit with major outliers. Specifically, Ahrefs and SEMrush benefitted the most from their outliers being removed, gaining .162 and .150 respectively to their scores, while Moz benefited the least from the adjustments.
For those of you crying out, “But this is real life, you don’t get mulligans with SEO!”, never fear, we will make adjustments for reliability at the end.
Here are the updated scores at the end of round two:
PCC Test
Adjusted PCC
KW Finder
SpyFu takes the lead! Now let’s jump into the final round of statistical tests.
Test 3: Resampling
Being that there has never been a study performed on keyword research tools at this scale, we wanted to ensure that we explored multiple ways of looking at the data.
Big thanks to Russ Jones, who put together an entirely different model that answers the question: "What is the likelihood that the keyword difficulty of two randomly selected keywords will correctly predict the relative position of rankings?"
He randomly selected 2 keywords from the list and their associated difficulty scores.
Let’s assume one tool says that the difficulties are 30 and 60, respectively. What is the likelihood that the article written for a score of 30 ranks higher than the article written on 60? Then, he performed the same test 1,000 times.
He also threw out examples where the two randomly selected keywords shared the same rankings, or data points were missing. Here was the outcome:
% Guessed correctly
Keyword Finder
As you can see, this tool was particularly critical on each of the tools. As we are starting to see, no one tool is a silver bullet, so it is our job to see how much each tool helps make more educated decisions than guessing.
Most tools stayed pretty consistent with their levels of performance from the previous tests, except SpyFu, which struggled mightily with this test.
In order to score this test, we need to use 50% as the baseline (equivalent of a coin flip, or zero points), and scale each tool relative to how much better it performed over a coin flip, with the top scorer receiving ten points.
For example, Ahrefs scored 11.2% better than flipping a coin, which is 8.2% less than Moz which scored 12.2% better than flipping a coin, giving AHREFs a score of 9.2.
The updated scores are as follows:
PCC Test
Adjusted PCC
KW Finder
So after the last statistical accuracy test, we have Moz consistently performing alone in the top tier. SEMrush, Ahrefs, and KW Finder all turn in respectable scores in the second tier, followed by the unique case of SpyFu, which performed outstanding in the first two tests (albeit, only returning results on 80% of the tested keywords), then falling flat on the final test.
Finally, we need to make some usability adjustments.
Usability Adjustment 1: Keyword Matching
A keyword research tool doesn’t do you much good if it can’t provide results for the keywords you are researching. Plain and simple, we can’t treat two tools as equals if they don’t have the same level of practical functionality.
To explain in practical terms, if a tool doesn’t have data on a particular keyword, one of two things will happen:
You have to use another tool to get the data, which devalues the entire point of using the original tool.
You miss an opportunity to rank for a high-value keyword.
Neither scenario is good, therefore we developed a penalty system. For each 10% match rate under 100%, we deducted a single point from the final score, with a maximum deduction of 5 points. For example, if a tool matched 92% of the keywords, we would deduct .8 points from the final score.
One may argue that this penalty is actually too lenient considering the significance of the two unideal scenarios outlined above.
The penalties are as follows:
Match Rate
KW Finder
Keyword Planner Tool
Please note we gave SEMrush a lot of leniency, in that technically, many of the keywords evaluated were not found in its keyword difficulty tool, but rather through manually digging through the phrase match tool. We will give them a pass, but with a stern warning!
Usability Adjustment 2: Reliability
I told you we would come back to this! Revisiting the second test in which we threw away the three strongest outliers that negatively impacted each tool’s score, we will now make adjustments.
In real life, there are no mulligans. In real life, each of those three blog posts that were thrown out represented a significant monetary and time investment. Therefore, when a tool has a major blunder, the result can be a total waste of time and resources.
For that reason, we will impose a slight penalty on those tools that benefited the most from their handicap.
We will use the level of PCC improvement to evaluate how much a tool benefitted from removing their outliers. In doing so, we will be rewarding the tools that were the most consistently reliable. As a reminder, the amounts each tool benefitted were as follows:
Difference (+/-)
Keyword Planner Tool
In calculating the penalty, we scored each of the tools relative to the top performer, giving the top performer zero penalty and imposing penalties based on how much additional benefit the tools received over the most reliable tool, on a scale of 0–100%, with a maximum deduction of 5 points.
So if a tool received twice the benefit of the top performing tool, it would have had a 100% benefit, receiving the maximum deduction of 5 points. If another tool received a 20% benefit over of the most reliable tool, it would get a 1-point deduction. And so on.
% Benefit
Keyword Planner Tool
KW Finder
All told, our penalties were fairly mild, with a slight shuffling in the middle tier. The final scores are as follows:
Total Score
Stars (5 max)
KW Finder
Using any organic keyword difficulty tool will give you an advantage over not doing so. While none of the tools are a crystal ball, providing perfect predictability, they will certainly give you an edge. Further, if you record enough data on your own blogs’ performance, you will get a clearer picture of the keyword difficulty scores you should target in order to rank on the first page.
For example, we know the following about how we should target keywords with each tool:
Average KD ranking ≤10
Average KD ranking ≥ 11
This is pretty powerful information! It’s either first page or bust, so we now know the threshold for each tool that we should set when selecting keywords.
Stay tuned, because we made a lot more correlations between word count, days live, total keywords ranking, and all kinds of other juicy stuff. Tune in again in early September for updates!
We hope you found this test useful, and feel free to reach out with any questions on our math!
Disclaimer: These results are estimates based on 50 ranking keywords from 50 blog posts and keyword research data pulled from a single moment in time. Search is a shifting landscape, and these results have certainly changed since the data was pulled. In other words, this is about as accurate as we can get from analyzing a moving target.
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liberatingflame · 6 years
1-169, asshole
lol i love you
1: How tall or short do you wish you were?
like 6′ would be perfect
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not)
uh. dragon? dragon.
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style?
anything that you look at and you can’t decide if it’s jock or goth
4: What was your favorite video game growing up?
spyro was the only series i was allowed to play and i lived for it
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day:
whatever i’m hyperfixated on that month, sleep, and ciaran
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
warning: nearly pure taurus energy, scorpio ascending
7: What is your opinion on alpacas?
they’re fluffy and better than llamas
8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic]
melancholic is what i just got, but it switches between that and sanguine all the time
9: Are you ticklish?
10: Are you allergic to anything?
am i not allergic to anything?
11: What’s your sexuality?
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?
cocoa or tea, just never coffee
13: Are you a cat or dog person?
14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?
merperson hands fucking down
15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber?
bazza or muselk probably
16: How tall are you?
17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
uh. well. you see. it’s jay.
18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]
lmao no
19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?
yes, i do
20: Do you like space or the ocean more?
i’m a “look at those stars” kind of person, but my room growing up was painted like it was underwater, so. both.
21: Are you religious?
22: Pet peeves?
harley licking my things
23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]?
i’d rather be diurnal because, uh, functioning human. i am nocturnal though.
24: Favorite constellation?
25: Favorite star?
26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls?
i don’t like dolls, but those are the cutest
27: Any phobias or fears?
28: Do you think global warming is real?
look outside right now and tell me it’s not
29: Do you believe in reincarnation?
yeah, there have been enough instances of actual cases that it’s pretty hard for me to personally deny, so
30: Favorite movie?
it cycles, i still love heathers tho
31: Do you get scared easily?
kind of? not really? 
32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime?
not counting fish and including harley, 7
33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.]
valid to eat fingers
34: What is a color that calms you?
blue and certain shades of red
35: Where would you like to travel and/or live?
i’m really liking washington?? i’d like to travel anywhere
36: Where were you born?
sanford, florida. hrugh.
37: What is your eye color?
38: Introvert or extrovert?
extroverted introvert? 
39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs?
it gets spooky sometimes, but like. not on a basic level for sure.
40: Hugs or kisses?
41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now?
ngl, my sisters
42: Who is someone you love deeply?
everyone i love? uh
43: Any piercings you want?
re-pierce my cartilage and get a few more lobe piercings and just like stab me and put something in it and i’ll love it
44: Do you like tattoos and piercings?
45: Do you smoke or have you ever done so?
i’ve smoked weed, but like. eh. cigarettes are gross, they smell and feel and taste awful.
46: Talk about your crush, if you have one!
i don’t have a crush on anyone lol
47: What is a sound you really hate?
48: A sound you really love?
trains really late at night. 
49: Can you do a backflip?
50: Can you do the splits?
the splits? no
51: Favorite actor and/or actress?
winona ryder
52: Favorite movie?
uh h hh h  i already answered this
53: How are you feeling right now?
54: What color would you like your hair to be right now?
i just dyed it but i really want it to be red again. it was like a sunset red for a while during the fading process and i’d kill for that all the time.
55: When did you feel happiest?
when a cat touched me with her tiny feet
56: Something that calms you down?
cats and their tiny feet
57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]
58: What does your URL mean?
it’s based on something i said when i was not myself. i said i’d died before and i’d do it again. so i’m functionally immortal.
59: What three words describe you the most?
really fucking tired
60: Do you believe in evolution?
it’s. science.
61: What makes you unfollow a blog?
a lot. i’m not above doing things for petty reasons.
62: What makes you follow a blog?
being interested in what they post??
63: Favorite kind of person:
64: Favorite animal(s):
cats, snakes, birds
65: Name three of your favorite blogs.
@heathersadapt​, @heatherspoisson​, @dirtyheathersconfessions​
66: Favorite emoticon:
67: Favorite meme:
horse memes. like. valid to eat fingers.
68: What is your MBTI personality type?
69: What is your star sign:
70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog?
lmao no
71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most?
my work clothes or my pajamas
72: Post a selfie or two?
73: Do you have platform shoes?
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself?
i’m the bird friend
75: Can you do a front flip?
76: Do you like birds?
i love birds
77: Do you like to swim?
of course i do
78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you?
79: Something you wish didn’t exist:
do you want to see my blacklist or something
80: Some thing you wish did exist:
fire magic. i wish fire magic were real.
81: Piercings you have?
just ears at the moment, cartilage closed up lmao
82: Something you really enjoy doing:
sleeping, eating ice cream, listening to music. pick from my faves.
83: Favorite person to talk to:
84: What was your first impression of Tumblr?
god it sucks here
85: How many followers do you have?
222 and only 111 of them are spam
86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes?
in middle school, which was the last time i tried, i ran a mile in 6 minutes and 46 seconds
87: Do your socks always match?
fuck no that’s hard
88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely?
89: What are your birthstones?
diamond? stones?
90: If you were an animal, which one would you be?
a cockatoo probably
91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be?
i don’t fucking know
92: A store you hate?
walmart and the ones that smell bad in the mall
93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day?
many, but i hate coffee so i drink none
94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?
fly, i don’t want to know what’s going through anyone else’s mind
95: Do you like to wear camo?
no. i did in elementary school.
96: Winter or summer?
97: How long can you hold your breath for?
long enough to cross the bridge in spirited away
98: Least favorite person?
it’s all family all the way
99: Someone you look up to:
100: A store you love?
target, lush
101: Favorite type of shoes
boots!! boots!!!! i also like sneakers
102: Where do you live?
outside of seattle
103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why?
no i like meat
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem?
uhhhh opals are the most diverse and coolest?
105: Do you drink milk?
106: Do you like bugs?
107: Do you like spiders?
108: Something you get paranoid about?
109: Can you draw:
yes, but is it good? absolutely not
110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked?
this one
111: A question you hate being asked?
this one
112: Ever been bitten by a spider?
i lived in florida. yes. 
113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach?
i love them
114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?
cloudy, i moved to washington for a reason
115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now:
i’m comfortable right now actually
116: Favorite cloud type:
the kind in the sky
117: What color do you wish the sky was?
i wish i caught the sunset today
118: Do you have freckles?
no :(
119: Favorite thing about a person:
varies person to person
120: Fruits or vegetables?
i’m allergic to most fruits i like, but i like them more than vegetables anyways, so.
121: Something you want to do right now:
sleep or play bbs
122: Is the ocean or sky prettier?
they’re both gorgeous, fuck off
123: Sweet or sour foods?
depends on the mood
124: Bright or dim lights?
dim, mostly
125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature?
me, i believe in me
126: Something you hate about Tumblr:
127: Something you love about Tumblr:
128: What do you think about the least?
i don’t think about it, i don’t know
129: What would you want written on your tombstone?
believe it
130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now?
i have a list
131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself?
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?
not normally, no
133: Computer or TV?
134: Do you like roller coasters?
135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness?
only sometimes
136: Are your ears lobed or attached
137: Do you believe in karma?
no, bad people don’t always get what’s coming to them and it sucks
138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are?
like 5? 
139: What nicknames do you have/have had?
hate nicknames
140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends?
141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink?
yeah, she sucked
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?
it depends on the person???? i’m both
143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help?
both are good!
144: What makes you angry
145: How many languages do you speak fluently?
none, i can’t speak
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries?
147: Are you androgynous?
god i wish, my boobs are too big
148: Favorite physical thing about yourself:
my hair is so fucking fluffy
149: Favorite thing about your personality:
i don’t have one
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person.
ciaran, i’m good.
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose?
BT: before trump
152: Do you like BuzzFeed?
no, but i’m on it all the time.
153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.]
i met my partner in being broke in high school
154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons?
155: Do you like to play with others’ hair?
156: What embarrasses you?
i just told ciaran i wore camo in elementary school and that’s embarrassing
157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:
158: Biggest lie you have ever told:
idk i don’t keep track
159: How many people are you following?
160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)?
161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)?
162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)?
163: Last time you cried and why:
i dont remember
164: Do you have long or short hair?
mid length
165: Longest your hair has ever been:
to my butt
166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon?
i was raised roman catholic by overbearing adults with racist views so im not friends w religion anymore
167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created?
168: Do you like to wear makeup?
169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? 
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kitaryu · 7 years
an open letter @osavior
firstly, i want to make it very clear that my intention in this post is not to attack daisy, also known as the popular mercy blog osavior (previously valkiriya, and serenidae before that), but rather to spread the truth. the intention of this post isn’t to hurt her, but to increase the awareness of people who have no idea what she’s done and decide for themselves what to do from there. all urls, names, discord tags, and aliases shown here are done so with permission - those that requested anonymity were blocked out. colors remain consistent with people throughout all screencaps, so as not to confuse anyone. in this post ill be discussing how daisy has directly catfished mun photos, lied about being a med student, potentially lied about her age, potentially lied about having cancer, manipulated several people and tried to turn multiple unaffiliated people against each other.
before i get into the details, i want to establish that i considered myself very close friends with daisy some time ago (here is proof, if you need it. there are posts upon posts upon posts of interaction both ic and ooc between us in which we both make our affiliation with each other very clear). therefore, none of this is shown out of any sort of petty jealousy towards her, but rather as a way to open peoples’ eyes. whether you choose to continue interacting with her or not is up to you, but please at least keep this post in mind. with that being said, let’s continue:
beginning with the most concrete claim, multiple people have said that daisy has posted fake images of herself. in fact, she took it from specific sources, which i will provide in a moment. while i couldnt find any posts of her putting up her “mun pictures” (i believe she deleted them after people mentioned it), many who there at the time can confirm that she did post pictures. for those of you that remember, here is @beijide​ (andy) finding the source she took her pictures from:
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andy isn’t the only person who saw them, however. multiple people mentioned it:
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we’ll come back to the last screenshot later, but here are four people specifically who remember her using the photos from this instagram and this pinterest, run by the same person. you can ask any of the three of us who have opted out of anonymity if you want to confirm that she posted those photos, or anyone else who remembers it. “but, wait,” you might say. “what if daisy really is the person who runs this blog?”
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at first, it’s easy to say that she is. after all, her area of living, according to her old skype account, is the same as this woman’s. however, the owner of mod med blog’s real name is mary ella wood, very publicly announced. it’s no secret. daisy’s real name, however, is leonie - a name she used to go by, back when i first met her in october of 2016 (she gave herself an alias after a little while and then changed it multiple times afterward). what’s more, daisy claims to be a medical student. what kind of medical student has enough time to run a popular instagram, pinterest, and on top of that, a very powerful roleplay blog for tumblr? i think i’ve made my case for this part.
lying about education and potentially age
well, just because she lied about her photos doesn’t mean she lied about being a medical student - but there is evidence to support this, as well.
a year ago, when i spoke to daisy on a daily basis, she said that she was six years into med school:
Tumblr media
only a little while before this, she claimed to be graduating in about a year:
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please note the date on this screencap. october 20, 2016, she says she has about a year left. at the time of posting this, it is november 10, 2017, and her rules, which have only recently been updated (as she just remade her blog within the past few days) claim that she is still a full-time college student:
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the text on this is very small, but it says: “gonna make this short and simple.
i’m a full time college student. i will not always be active !”
she also claims to be 20 years old at the time, so 21 now:
Tumblr media
however, if daisy was in med school for 6 years as of the time she sent these messages, that means that she started med school when she was fourteen years old...which is literally impossible. so, how old is she?
honestly speaking, i don’t know how old she is. however, she has given some unintentional hints.
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in the last screencap, daisy is talking about her mom asking when she’ll get married. so, we know that her older half sister is 20, so she can’t be any older than that, which proves that she can’t possibly be a med student in her 6th year of college.
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but just because she isn’t in her 6th year doesn’t mean she’s not a med student at all. however, her work ethic doesn’t at all match what is required out of a med student:
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but, wait, that doesn’t sound right. typically, med students are known for being hard workers - and there’s a reason for that.
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remember where she said that her gpa and grades were terrible? yeah. i dont have any way to specifically disprove her being a med student (though she can’t be in her sixth year) but at this point, it’s very doubtful.
manipulation and hypocrisy
now that i’ve proven the basics about her, let’s move on. there is so much to talk about here, and honestly speaking, this section and the last are the main points of the whole post - because the body count of daisy’s grasp is terribly large, to the point where i have counted 9 personal victims, including myself, and that’s just who i know about.
so, let’s begin with her direct manipulation:
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she was talking about playing heroes of the storm here, because oni genji had just been released, back when he was a promotional event exclusive. this is pretty direct, honestly, because it’s so passive aggressive it hurts - but i had just gotten home from a marching band competition. i was really tired.
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don’t get me wrong, wanting attention and nice comments once in a while is fine. there’s nothing wrong with that. but getting upset because you specifically asked for compliments? baiting me to send you compliments? what’s even worse is that multiple people sent things, and were often ignored:
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i would send things, too. i sent a lot of nice things, and she would ignore them and then say that no one sent anything.
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i poured so much love into my relationship with daisy. i absolutely adored her, and i told her that all the time, over skype, over asks, anon and not. i wrote with her every day, i spoke to her every day, i talked about headcanons and life stuff and shared my joy and pain with her, because i loved daisy. she was one of my best friends for a long time, and as much as i would like to say that maybe, she was just venting to me, she made her feelings very personal. so...
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...how in the world did she get this idea? why did she think it was okay to make this personal? it definitely seems like she was trying to get me to talk to her more, or maybe even to only talk to her. i dont know.
she had been baiting me to ask what was wrong for about five minutes if i remember correctly, and then in an effort to respect her privacy, i let her be, and offered my support in case she needed it, where she instantly took the opportunity to complain about how little i spoke to her despite the fact that i spoke to her on a daily basis. whats more, a large portion of my inactivity when it came to speaking to people was that i was constantly exhausted because of marching band, and also because i had so little time outside of it.
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i’ll address it more in the next section, but this mercy (we’ll call them red) was constantly under daisy’s scrutiny. on top of that, she was very subtly hinting two things - the first being that i shouldnt even so much as think about complimenting another mercy, and the second being that i should give her compliments, instead.
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why is she trying to act like i’m some sort of popular jock here? daisy has always been a more popular blog than me. and that never really bothered me, because i liked her, at the time, but i still have no idea what sorts of “things i was included into,” because there really wasn’t...anything. i’d play overwatch a lot with my friends, but that was genuinely about it, and was more due to the fact that i played the game every day, with or without people to play with me.
as for the shipping, i never even had that many ships. i had one with her, one with bibi, one with michael, and before she deleted her widow, one with tay...and thats really it. she shipped a lot more often than i did, but she would drop her ships and blame it on the other person (which i’ll get to here soon). daisy has been through tons of ships and i spoke to a good amount of people she used to ship with when gathering information for this post. they were the ones abandoned.
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not only does this imply that she’s a perfect angel who is wronged for no reason, but it also shoves the idea that you dont have the right to unfollow people for whatever you wish. you are under no obligation to keep following people. even if there is no reason at all to unfollow someone, that is your choice. you do not have to follow anyone you dont want to follow.
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this was honestly one of the most direct and passive aggressive things she ever sent to me. i was tired, i had just woken up from about an hour (i think) accidental nap after a stressful day of marching band (which was always very tiring), i was very groggy, and she had the gall to say this right to my face.
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its still so strange to me. i remember being confused when she said this, but i didnt say anything...but i have never heard anyone say anything like this. more often, youre asked how you cant like children, or told its different when theyre your own, or told that you will learn to like them and change your mind.
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this is still confusing considering the fact that daisy has been arguably the most popular blog in the fandom for a very long time. tons of people liked her, and i know i, at least, absolutely adored her. plus, no one, from my knowledge, has ever called her crazy. no one has called her deranged.
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probably the most ironic thing she ever said to me? this. because, i dont know how many of you are aware of this, but daisy dropped me. she quite directly replaced me for another genji blog because i “wasnt active” even though i actually was on this blog, slowly coming back to it with some lowered amounts of replies because i was a week from graduating high school and my focus was more on that than on doing my drafts. and she didn’t just do this to me - she did it to multiple people, as i’ll touch on later in this post. here is what it looked like when daisy dropped me:
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considering daisy was always going on about how she didnt want people to replace her, this is pretty obviously hypocritical.
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she was talking about people who had dropped me as mains before, here. she says here that i was the longest friend she had and her favorite and her number one (while dropping me? lmao) but after this conversation, she talked to me exactly once, one message, and she never spoke to me again. she never tried. she deleted me off of skype (i never deleted her, so while i cant message her on skype, i still have access to everything we said over it) and we unfollowed each other on tumblr after some time and we never spoke again.
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this is the one and only time ill say this publicly: daisy was the reason i went on an indefinite hiatus. i was tired of being dropped (it was the third time i had been dropped so that someone could main another genji, or at least it seemed that way at the time) and it hurt me a lot. i was tired of it. i was tired of getting replaced over and over again.
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daisy was talking about how she didnt ever have a real relationship (romantically) and when i tried to explain to her that romance is glorified and she shouldnt value herself based on that, she turned my words completely around. my mom used to do this all the time when i lived with her. it is extremely manipulative.
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the funny thing about her trying to convince me to send her stuff here is that i basically liked every one of her starter calls. i would send her almost every meme. i would give her anons and talk to her all the time. she would constantly get things from other people and ignore them:
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and then she would complain about people not sending things.
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she only apologized for things she said to me when looking for attention for it, or at least it seemed that way. she would purposely say shes not okay vaguely so that i would ask her what was wrong and comfort her, which is the same problem im currently having with someone else - but that’s a different situation.
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daisy used her illness as an excuse all the time. she would blame anything toxic or manipulative that she was called out for on her bpd, and the only time she apologized for anything, it was extremely self-deprecating - she clearly wanted me to pity her, despite the fact that she had just fucked me over.
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and then there’s this. daisy spoke about this a lot - basically, any d.va ship was considered borderline pedophilia to her. she wanted people to tag their ships with large age gaps, but really, considering she was okay with around a 20-30 year age gap between mercy and soldier but not with a 7 year age gap between d.va and lucio, it was less about age gaps and more about d.va specifically. in fact, she specifically mentioned in her rules that she wanted any and all d.va ships tagged, but didnt specify anything else at all. and considering she claims to be only a year older than d.va? considering daisy was talking to an eighteen-year-old? d.va is a fully matured adult, whether she still occasionally acts immaturely or not. ffs she is in the south korean military. she has a career, and one that requires a lot of mental preparation, at that.
before her mental illness is used as a shield for her, however, whether by her or anyone else, please read this post and this post.
potentially lying about cancer
daisy never spoke often about this, so i’m not entirely certain, but there are definitely things that dont add up here. remember the mention of skin cancer earlier?
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well, i always felt it too personal to ask her more about cancer, but out of everything she told me of her own volition, daisy did tell me a few things that didn’t quite make sense.
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she is pretty clearly saying that she’s had chemotherapy here. she says she had cancer.
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i dont know about most people, but when i had a benign tumor in my brain and needed neurosurgery to remove it (a pituitary adenoma, for those of you who know what that is. my case was apparently extremely rare because it was a tumor inside of a cystic mass, but it was necrotic and not cancerous), i was not okay with tumor jokes. it took a year and a half, maybe two years, for my parents to stop joking about it, and i wasn’t okay with them making humor out of something like that. but, what really doesn’t make sense is this:
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she says here, november 23, 2016, that she has only been in remission a month.
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but she says here, 5 days earlier, that she is donating blood (and has donated multiple times before), that she is healthy.
i dont know what the specific requirements are, but i know that despite me being physically healthy now (at least as far as illnesses and whatnot are concerned), i was never allowed to donate blood (or plasma) because i took hormone regulation pills as a result of my tumor. if blood drives wont accept someone who takes a hormone regulation pill to stabilize their prolactin levels, why would they accept blood from someone who literally had chemotherapy? someone who supposedly had skin cancer?
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im not the only one, either, though. one of the people she claimed replaced her (again, other way around) found out that she was faking cancer, too, and their friend apparently had evidence, though they didnt think people would believe them - which is understandable, considering daisy is an extremely influential figure in the overwatch rp community.
turning people against each other
here is quite possibly the part most directly affecting people. on multiple occasions, daisy would turn people who were completely unaffiliated against each other. people who had never met, or at least never spoke much.
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i was talking to @beijide about the upper screenshot, because when daisy dropped andy for another widowmaker, she vague posted about andy (who, mind you, has a hard time speaking with people personally, though they found it understandably easier to jump into a group conversation) the whole time. andy summed up their situation pretty well when i showed them what daisy said to me - though it’s only a guess, and she may not have been talking to me about andy specifically.
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and then, later:
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she pretty clearly says here that this person (ill call them orange, for the sake of this post) replaced her. i didn’t know orange at all, but with this, daisy convinced me to avoid them. i was under the impression for a year that orange dropped daisy - but in reality, when i spoke to them, they explained the truth:
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daisy ostracized people from the entire fandom on multiple occasions - not just once or twice, but all the time, because she found someone better or because they werent active or just because they played the wrong character.
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at first, i wasnt going to say anything about this situation. i wasnt going to talk to anyone about what she did to me, even though it hurt, because i thought that the only thing she did was replace me - just a problem to do with me, nothing to hurt other people. i didnt realize just how detailed everything she did was.
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and i’m not the first to make a post, either. red (remember when i mentioned them earlier?) tried to make a callout for her before over the same things and was written off as a jealous mercy who faked evidence to make daisy look bad:
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this was after daisy had already turned me against red early in our friendship by convincing me that red had stolen headcanons from her:
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i’ll come back to this last bit shortly.
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she convinced me that red was stealing her headcanons - even though these headcanons are fairly common for mercy players, since she has a certain air about her. i tried to find red to ask them about the truth of the situation, but was unable to find their blog. from my knowledge, they have since left the overwatch community.
later, she sent messages which very intentionally ostracized red:
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and then, regarding the callout red made:
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but red is hardly the only person who got turned against as a result of her. she also turned against @climxtologist, who was originally her friend, when talking about red:
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when i spoke to nicole, however, she told me the truth of what happened.
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even if it had only been orange, red, and nicole who had been ostracized by daisy, it would be far too many - but unfortunately, her body count doesn’t end there.
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i don’t know specifically who she was talking about here, because there were many stories she told that sounded like that, but i had an idea when i was speaking to orange. i started speaking to nikki about everything daisy did, and though he wasnt directly victimized by her, he felt the affects of having friends who were, as well as being a mercy when daisy made sure that other mercy players would never get so much attention:
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daisy, despite saying that she wouldnt keep people from rping or interacting with other mercy players, subtly kept them from ever talking to them. in fact, i was talking about it on discord, too:
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i didnt want to upset daisy by talking to other mercy players, and i know that i wasnt the only one who felt this way. she was extremely possessive of her mains:
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yet, although she would get upset when anyone else talked to another mercy, she spoke or interacted with other versions of someones muse all the time. so why was she allowed to talk to other genji players when i couldnt talk to other mercys?
she even got extremely nasty about people who i used to main who i had thought dropped me (the circumstances were a bit different when i actually got around to talking to them about it, so my disposition here is pretty gross as well, admittedly, and i dont have any excuses for it):
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she was extremely rude about red, who she had never actually held a conversation with. she directly called red a trashbag, called all of their friends trashbags, and claimed no one liked them or their blog, as well as calling it irrelevant. that’s nasty.
but possibly the worst is when she tried to turn me against one of my mains, and closest friends:
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i really should have stood up for bibi here, but i was too scared to upset daisy about it. when i spoke to bibi about it, they said this:
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yes, she said that void was in the wrong for what they did - but she also spoke about them like what they said to bibi wasnt that bad. and that isn’t okay.
daisy pretty explicitly manipulated and lied about a lot of things, including things that would actively harm other people. i am not telling anyone to stop interacting with daisy, but i want people to be aware of everything shes done, because she is actively harming other people, and if anyone decides to break off contact and interaction with me about this, i understand completely. please do not attack or send hate to daisy, as that is not the intention of this post. it is not created for retribution. it is not made for revenge. it was made to protect people and give them the knowledge to make their own decisions.
also this was really funny to me:
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ofcamerasflashing · 4 years
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So I was told that these might be confusing but I don’t want to waste these just in case it might help you more.  This is going to be linked in the verse question that is in my ask box but won’t be the only answer given.  This is an in depth,  maybe slightly too detailed / complicated version of trying to get the point across about verses.  Sorry if you read this and it isn’t helpful.  Another ask to help clear things up and we can work together to get you understanding this brand new world that is indie!
The simplest way to explain this is to use some rps as an example.  THESUPERNATURALRP, THESTARDUSTRP, and THEBRIGHTESTRP are going to be the fake rp urls that I’m going to use for this example.
THESUPERNATURALRP:  a group rp that lasted over a year.  It was a rp based off of supernatural the show but with all original characters.
THESTARDUSTRP:  a group that lasted a month and it was about a small town life. No supernatural connections at all.
THEBRIGHTESTRP: a group about oc celebs trying to make it big and it lasted a week.
So say in the supernatural rp I bring to the table this character this is named Annie Jones that is a witch.  Her backstory is detailed and with headcanons from the original show of the supernatural.  Everything is well and thought out. Well the group closes and it is time to move on but I’m so in love with Miss. Annie and her personality among other things so I’m like let’s move her to another rp.  It will change somethings about her but that is okay. So I join the small town rp and get to play her again for a month and things are good until the rp closes down unexpectedly for whatever reason.  Well,  I still have muse for this character and know that I can fix Annie anywhere so I find the oc celeb rp and stick here in there and during this time I end up getting sick and am unable to post for a while but let’s just say the admins aren’t friendly to hiatuses and aren’t willing to be understanding to me so they post my unfollow even though I asked for a hiatus.
What an indie blog does for me is allows me to have ALL of those experiences in one go but without the closed off setting that a group rp has.  I’m able to rp with people in different fandoms (Say legacies, tvd, etc) with the same character.
Now I’m going to use these random groups as examples about verses now in order to be as helpful as I can. Say that I didn’t go through everything above and just started out with an oc that was a witch and made her a blog.  If I watched supernatural the verse might be VERSE:SUPERNATURAL.
Anything that happens in VERSE:SUPERNATURAL won’t crossover into say VERSE:THEBRIGHTEST.  Any ships, personal connections (assuming that you aren’t in a fandom indie world and are more fandomless.).  Say during my time writing in the supernatural verse I get a lot of muse for THEBRIGHTEST instead,  well I’m able to change my focus and write in that verse without losing anything from my supernatural verse. There is no time limit of when I need to go back to that verse and no risk of me losing the face claim or spot in a group.
Alright,  so say now that I meet a person and we start shipping our characters together.  I’m going to make this fake mun’s name be John.  Well, John and I started writing in another verse all together that is VERSE:THESTARDUST and it is pretty detailed.  We have this whole idea how their lives are going to go and what the wedding cake is going to look like.  Say John also watches the show OUTLANDER but I don’t.  John might have a verse on his blog for a Sarah (Fake muse) that is in the verse. It won’t change anything that happens in stardust verse that we have together.  Just because Sarah has another verse where she isn’t with Annie and is instead with another character it doesn’t mean that Sarah is cheating on Annie.  
Moving onto another character example.  Say I was writing a character named Issac on a blog.  He is this vampire hunter character that I could fit into a supernatural verse.  I would name that something along the lines of again VERSE: SUPERNATURAL (Would be different if I had him on a blog with Annie to keep them straight).  So now you see that Annie and Issac have the same type of verse with supernatural creatures. I don’t have to make the two of them connected together.  They can be completely different and not having any mentions of one another.
Having verses means creating connections over or sometimes using bases from another verse if you are writing with someone in two verses.  Say that Annie hated a character in SUPERNATURAL but in STARDUST is in a relationship with them.  It is a completely different relationship but still just as much fun and we could have started it as Annie has always hated this character but it turns out the reason behind it changes.  That in Stardust it was a family issue of two families not liking each other but Annie and the character fall in love.  Saw in SUPERNATURAL Annie’s hate for this character is because they are against vampires and the character that Annie hates is a vampire.  Same concept but also very different.  
The whole point of verses is to allow you to branch out and be able to rp with lots of people and not just a select say 13 that is in the closed group.  Say that Annie was always fandomless and I put her on a blog and gave her a verse in supernatural.  Well,  I build a great relationship with a Sam blog but there is another Sam that comes messaging asking to write and I’m like “I love both blogs and styles.”  and so I write with both versions of the same character.  It doesn’t change anything for the first Sam mun and our plot.  If Annie and Sam (first Sam) were in a relationship and then Sam mun (Second) and I plot out that Sam and Annie were friends from school the whole thing is completely different and kind of in a subversive of its own in your head.
All of this depends on you and what you are comfortable with.  So say I have a blog for Hope Mikaelson and a blog for Caroline Forbes that I write on  and I am wanting to interconnect them together I could do that.  I could say I’m not interested in writing with another Caroline for this verse  I would make it PRIVATE to my version of my character.  I could also open it up and say that I’m using headcanons of my other character but it will be subjective and only when I’m not writing Hope with a character blog of Caroline Forbes.
A single verse CAN include several of your muses (Multimuseblogs of yours or singles) as you want.  Whatever makes you comfortable and they don’t all have to be exclusive to your character meaning that I can have the same concept  (Human au) for all of my muses but none of connection to one another.  
In the indie world the connections you build aren’t all across the board.  You aren’t going to likely play with the same mun for every single verse you create.  It is likely the writer will have one or two verses with you and then a few with someone else with no connection what so ever.
As for the romantic partner thing?  It shouldn’t really matter much there about them having matching verses unless you are a single ship blog with everything being intertwined with one person’s character. A lot about indie world is being able to multiship so having Caroline x Stefan,  Caroline x Elena,  Caroline x crossover from another fandom.  
Also feel the need to point out your character can have several verses on your blog.  You aren’t making a blog and saying this character is in one verse only and can’t branch out beyond this and that.
So the best way I can describe what a verse is and how it works is say you made an oc in therandomrpg and then it closes down but you really love the character and then you find another group and put them in at thisisanewgroup and have great connections there.  In the indie world this kind of would be considered two different verses only there is no closing down a group or timetables.  All ships,  connections, threads, etc from therandomrpg would be in a verse tag and would have no connection to thisisanewgroup.  You would ship with one person in therandomrpg and then have another ship in thisisanewgroup that have no connection but it is the same character just different towns, concepts, and more.
Say that therandomrpg is a group that is supernatural town based.  You have all these headcanons about witches, how your beautiful character connects with this character and so on.  If you have no muse for therandomrpg’s things it doesn’t just go away.  You aren’t fighting for your spot in the indie world.  It stays on your blog until you strike it up again.  
Then say well I’m in thisisanewgroup and I have these connections in this small town group with no supernatural connection.  It could be concered a verse of itself in the indie world.  You would have connections, headcanons, ships, etc that are all seperate from the other “verse” or in this case we are calling it a group.
So it is kind of like moving your beautiful character (Canon and oc) from one group or another without fear of having to put a lot of pressure on yourself.  Maybe it is easier to think of each verse as a group rp but without the big structure of activity limits and things of that nature.  More ability to branch out.
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remelitalia · 4 years
How to Dominate Google in 2021
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SEO is becoming harder and harder.
It takes longer to rank and you have to spend more money to get results.
The reality is, you can’t wait forever to get results, and you have no choice but to leverage SEO because everyone else is doing it.
So, what should you do?
Well, the first thing you need to do is adjust how you think about SEO.
SEO isn’t only about rankings. To be honest, I don’t even track them for my own site. It’s about getting the right kind of traffic.
You know, the visitors who are ready to buy.
Instead of teaching you how to rank for competitive terms, which is going to be even more difficult in 2021, I’m going to break down a formula that will give you much faster results and sales in this ultra-competitive environment.
Best of all, I am going to break it down into four steps as I know you don’t have the time to do everything.
Here’s the four step SEO strategy that will help you dominate Google rankings in 2021:
Google Ranking Step #1: Attract Customers Before They are Ready to Buy
The most expensive keywords to go after are buyer intent keywords. You know, the ones where someone types in a keyword and is ready to spend money right then and there.
That will always be the case. Not just from an SEO standpoint, but even a pay per click standpoint.
So should you ignore these valuable keywords?
Of course not. More so, you have to go after them no matter how long it takes to rank. You just have to be patient.
In the short run, there are other keywords with similar search patterns. Now, they aren’t as lucrative because they are more informational related.
Here’s the kicker: People research before they buy. If you can grab those searchers at the start of the journey, you can get their clicks (and purchases) for little to no money.
So how do you find the keywords that aren’t as competitive that have a similar search pattern?
Use Ubersuggest (and the accompanying free Chrome extension as you look through SERPs).
Here’s how it works:
Let’s say you are selling beard oil but you know the term is competitive and will take you a lot longer to rank for than you have.
Ubersuggest will show you all of the terms people search for on Google that has a similar search pattern to the term “beard oil.”
In other words, think of it as Google Trends in reverse. With Google Trends, you type in a query and it shows you how well the term performed over time. Using Ubersuggest, you get a list of queries that have a similar trend pattern to the main keyword you want to rank for.
In other words, if you know the term “beard oil” will cause a sale, Ubersuggest will show you other terms that match the same pattern (some keywords will be relevant while others will not).
Type in “beard oil” or the term you want to rank for into Ubersuggest, then click “Keyword Ideas.” It’ll show you a list of related suggestions, but some of those terms still have pretty high intent–not quite what we are looking for.
Click “Related.”
Here’s what I got:
As you can see from the image above, people type in terms like best beard oil. Other terms include beard oil vs balm, what does beard oil do, and beard oil recipes.
If you write in-depth blog content about those phrases, you’ll appeal to a similar audience. Some of those keywords may not cause a sale right away, but what we’ve found over and over again is that if you write content related to your main subject, a lot of your blog readers will come back within a few weeks and purchase.
That’s how most people generate their sales from content marketing.
You don’t even have to write blog content, you can just create new landing pages targeting those new keywords.
Most people who sell beard oil probably don’t focus catching those top of the funnel terms.
Google Ranking Step #2: Land and Expand
Everyone focuses on ranking for new terms. But there is an issue, it’s hard to rank for new terms.
Even though SEO has a huge ROI, it’s a strategy that requires patience.
Here is the thing: you can get results faster if you use the land and expand strategy.
Here’s how it works. Log into Google Search Console. Next, click on “performance” and you will see a list of terms that you currently rank for:
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Then I want you to click on one of the most popular terms you already rank for and then click on pages.
You should see a report that shows you the URL that ranks for the term on Google. You need this URL because you will be modifying this page.
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Now I want you to take that term and put it into Ubersuggest. Once the report loads, click on “Keyword Ideas” in the navigation. You’ll see a report that will look something like this:
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You’ll see a laundry list of long tail phrases. Take the ones that are buyer-intent related and add them to the page that already ranks for the head term.
When adding the long tail phrases, make sure you adjust your content to be relevant to those keywords. And pick the ones that are highly related to your product or service. Just stuffing them into your page without adjusting the content is spammy and won’t provide a good user experience to searchers.
What you will find is that because you are already ranking for the head term, typically you will shoot to page one within 30 to 60 days for the long-tail variation by adjusting your content. It’s a quick win!
But the key to this strategy is to pick the right longtail keywords. Don’t just look at traffic numbers, focus on terms that you know will cause a sale or a lead.
Google Ranking Step #3: Build a Brand
Google has been placing more emphasis on brands. In other words, if you have a strong brand, you’ll rank faster.
When I really started focusing on brand building, my traffic went from 240,839 in June 2016:
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To 454,382 in August 2016:
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As the Ex-CEO of Google said:
Brands are the solution, not the problem. Brands are how you sort out the cesspool.
In other words, if you want to succeed on Google in the long run, you have to build a brand. As your brand grows, your search traffic will as well.
The way to monitor your brand growth is Google Trends. Type in your brand name into Google Trends as well as a few of your competitors to see how you are stacking up.
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Sadly, there isn’t a quick hack to skyrocket your brand. There is, however, a formula that works for both personal and corporate brands.
What is the formula?
You do something bold!
Sure people can tell you to blog, speak at conferences, run ads; but none of that helps you build a brand that has a loyal following because everyone else is already doing the same things (or trying at least).
What your competition isn’t doing is being bold. If you want a brand like Tony Robbins or Apple, bold is the way to go.
So how do you do something that is bold?
Well, let’s first start with a personal brand (although I recommend that you build a corporate one instead).
Do the Opposite
When it comes to building a personal brand, you’ll have to take the opposite approach of most people in your space. Whatever is working for them won’t work for you.
No one cares for the copycat, especially when they are satisfied with the original solution.
In other words, if you do exactly what your competitor is doing no one will care to follow you.
Let me give you examples of how to do the opposite of your competition:
Genuinely help people: A lot of people blog and participate on social media, but how many people take the time to respond to their community? As far as I can tell, less than 1%. Just look at me. For years, I’ve responded to comments on my blog, Facebook, and even YouTube. Most people don’t take the time; doing the opposite has helped me build a connection. And if you are wondering why I do this it’s because when I started out I had no money and people helped me. I’m just trying to do the same.
Writing 10x content: When I got into blogging, everyone was doing it. So I had to find a way to separate myself. I did this by writing in-depth guides–not those 5,000-word blog posts, I am talking about 30,000-word guides. On top of that, I spent money on the design so they would look beautiful.
Creating video content: when I got into the digital marketing community, there were already large conferences that had thousands of attendees. I thought speaking at all of them would help my brand, and they did to some extent, but I was just another speaker. Very few people in my space were creating video content. So now instead of giving speeches at conferences, I give them on YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn. I reach more people without having to travel and the content lives on forever (and is available for free to everyone!).
That’s how I stood out from my competition and built a personal brand. Then I did it for years because brands aren’t built overnight.
If you aren’t sure on how to do the opposite of your competition when it comes to your personal brand leave a comment and I’ll try and give you some ideas.
Now let’s go into building a brand for your company. It all comes down to one thing:
Be Bold
No matter what you are selling online you have competition. It doesn’t matter if you are a B2B or a B2C business, you have competition, which means it is going to be hard for your brand to stand out.
So, how do you differentiate yourself?
You do so by being bold.
Let me give you an example. In the United States, there are tons of options for cell phone carriers. So how do you stand out when everyone offers the same phone and competitive pricing?
Well, T-Mobile separated itself by offering free Netflix, unlimited data, and free roaming.
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And you don’t have to be a big company to do something bold.
When Zappos started selling shoes they decided to do a few things differently. First, they offered a refund policy that lasted 1 year. Just think about that–if you return a shoe to them 12 months later, the chances are it’s out of style and they won’t be able to resell it.
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Then they decided to randomly upgrade their shipping. So instead of ground shipping, they would randomly upgrade you to two-day or next-day air.
Amazon crushed their competition the moment they rolled out their Prime program. When it first came out, you would get free 2-day shipping on all Prime products for just $99 a year. What a ridiculously amazing offer.
Now that’s being bold!
Being bold doesn’t have to break your bank account. You don’t have to do something like Amazon and T-Mobile; it can be as simple as providing amazing customer service when you are in an industry that’s known for terrible support.
If you are unsure of how you can be bold with your business, leave a comment and I will try and give you some ideas. Make sure you provide an overview of your business so I can give you halfway decent ideas. ?
Of course, being bold won’t build your brand overnight (it takes years) but you should see growth each quarter. If you aren’t, that means you aren’t being bold enough.
Google Ranking Step #4: Build a Better Mousetrap
A mousetrap? Why would you want to build a mousetrap?
Link building is still important. Sure, Google is looking at many other factors now, but link building still helps with rankings.
But it is harder to build links than it used to be back in the day. Everyone is blogging… heck, there are over 440 million blogs and over a billion if you count Tumblr, Medium, and WordPress.com.
Yes, that means there are more sites to hit up and ask for a link but everyone is doing that.
So how do you build links when everyone is getting those spammy emails asking for a link, such as the one below?
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You have to build a better mousetrap. Something so amazing that everyone wants to link to it without you asking.
It used to be detailed guides but seeing 10,000-word guides that have fancy designs are more common these days than when I started creating them.
They still work, especially when it comes to brand building, but they just aren’t as effective when it comes to link building.
Same with infographics, they used to get tons of social shares and links (they still do to some extent), but they aren’t as effective as they used to be.
So what kind of mousetrap do you need to build? You could start off with something that people are used to paying for.
For example, the consulting firm Price Intelligently released a free analytics software called ProfitWell.
With very little marketing, they were able to generate 943 backlinks from 187 domains.
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I also did this with Ubersuggest.
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I put in more effort into marketing, so I was able to generate 10,667 unique backlinks.
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A great example in the consumer space (this would do wonders for e-commerce sites as well) is animated infographics. Everyone has seen infographics, so Aminagraffs decided to make their infographics animated, which caused them to go viral.
Here’s part of their infographic that breaks down how a car motor works.
Best of all, the Amimagraphs founder didn’t do any marketing; the graphic just spread. Even with no marketing, it generated 751 backlinks from 136 domains and over 200,000 visitors.
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If you want to use old-school link building tactics, you can, they just won’t help you as much in 2021. So, get creative and build a better mousetrap.
When you build a good mousetrap, you may be worried about cost. But there is a different way to think about it:
How much would you be spending on marketing to get the same results?
People make fun of me for what I am doing with Ubersuggest and think it is silly that I can “lose” $150,000 or so a month. But if I had to buy that traffic, it would cost me much more than $150,000. Even though my mousetrap is expensive, it is still cheaper than paid ads.
You don’t have to go as far as me. Doing what Animagraffs is affordable. I paid them $750 to create an animated infographic for me. I’m not sure what they charge these days, but I bet you can find someone on the web who will do it for a few hundred bucks.
Instead of thinking of SEO in the traditional sense, I want you to shift your strategy.
SEO is only going to get harder, Google is going to continually change their algorithm in ways you may not like. But one thing is for certain: the traditional way of doing SEO will get you results, just not in the timeframe you want.
So, follow the four steps above. They are unconventional, but the industry is so competitive and saturated that you have no choice but to think outside of the box.
So what other unique strategies are you going to leverage in 2021?
The post How to Dominate Google in 2021 appeared first on Neil Patel.
Original content source: https://neilpatel.com/blog/google-ranking/ via https://neilpatel.com
See the original post, How to Dominate Google in 2021 that is shared from https://imtrainingparadise.weebly.com/home/how-to-dominate-google-in-2021 via https://imtrainingparadise.weebly.com/home
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dave-meowstaine · 6 years
All those mf asks yo
👌Finally getting round to doing these, sorry it took a while!
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? - I’m happy with my height. I’m around 6ft
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) - I would love a dragon or a grisly bear
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? - I love all of my hoodies. I also love my Dave Mustine shirt and my really edgy shirt, both bought for me by Lizzie
4: What was your favorite video game growing up? - Diablo 2 is my favourite game of all time
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day - Lizzie, college work, and Everquest to be honest
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? - Warning: Too clingy and over emotional lol
7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]? - Ooh that’s my favourite thing haha
8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] - I have no idea
9: Are you ticklish? - No where near as ticklish as when I was younger, but yeah I am still ticklish
10: Are you allergic to anything? - I get hay fever and I found out I’m allergic to my cat’s fur (doesn’t stop me from cuddling her though, I just end up sneezing a lot and having very itchy/watery eyes haha 
11: What’s your sexuality? - Never really know, to be honest. I like anyone I like, whether that’s a boy, girl, or whatever you identify as
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? - Definitely tea. I must drink at least 5 mugs of tea a day haha
13: Are you a cat or dog person? - I’ve lived my entire life with cats, but I love my dog to pieces. It’s impossible to choose one over the other
14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? - Probably an elf. I’m not a huge fan of the water and although I’m basically nocturnal (thanks, Lizzie ;) ), I would miss the daytime if I was a vampire. Plus everything is shut at night
15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? - I used to but not anymore. I do have a couple of channels I regularly check, such as Funhaus
16: How tall are you? - I’m around 6ft
17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? - Most people get my name wrong and call me Taylor so I guess if I changed it to Taylor at least people would get my name right haha
18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] - Eh I’m about 9 stone. I know, I’m light as fuck. Trying hard to gain weight, though
19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? - To an extent
20: Do you like space or the ocean more? - Definitely space. I long to explore the stars and the galaxies…
21: Are you religious? - Nope
22: Pet peeves? - People being rude
23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? - Probably diurnal. I love the night time, but more things happen in the day
24: Favorite constellation? - Don’t have one
25: Favorite star? - Don’t have one
26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? - Eeerrrr I guess?
27: Any phobias or fears? - Don’t like clowns, height, or the water
28: Do you think global warming is real? - Of course it is
29: Do you believe in reincarnation? - I think it would be pretty cool
30: Favorite movie? - John Carpenter’s The Thing
31: Do you get scared easily? - Not really. I have my moments, though
32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? - 4 cats, 1 dog, 2 fish, 4 guinea pigs, 3 chickens, and 1 hamster
33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.] - You’re on anon so no can do haha
34: What is a color that calms you? - I love red or purple
35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? - I like the area I live in now, to be honest. I know most people can’t wait to get away from where they grew up, but I think Malmesbury would be a lovely place to settle down, have a family, etc.
36: Where were you born? - I was born in South East London
37: What is your eye color? - Grey/blue 
38: Introvert or extrovert? - Ambivert
39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? - I do
40: Hugs or kisses? - Depends who it is. If it’s Lizzie, then kisses. Otherwise hugs
41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? - Lizzie, obviously
42: Who is someone you love deeply? - Lizzie, obviously
43: Any piercings you want? - I don’t know if I want anymore piercings 
44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? - I love them
45: Do you smoke or have you ever done so? - Yeah, I smoke
46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! - Lizzie!
47: What is a sound you really hate? - The fucking disconnecting sounds on Facebook or Whatsapp calls
48: A sound you really love? - Lizzie’s voice
49: Can you do a backflip? - Nope
50: Can you do the splits? - Nope
51: Favorite actor and/or actress? - KEANU REEVES 
52: Favorite movie? - John Carpenter’s The Thing
53: How are you feeling right now? - Eh I’m alright. Want to be with Lizzie
54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? - I’m happy with my natural colour
55: When did you feel happiest? - When I’m with Lizzie
56: Something that calms you down? - Lizzie
57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] - I have anxiety and depression
58: What does your URL mean? - Dave Mustaine as a cute cat
59: What three words describe you the most? - Kind, loyal, asshole haha
60: Do you believe in evolution? - Obviously
61: What makes you unfollow a blog? - If they never post anymore or their theme changes to something I’m not interested in
62: What makes you follow a blog? - To be honest, I never follow any new blogs anymore
63: Favorite kind of person - Kind, caring, sensitive, funny, doesn’t take life too seriously
64: Favorite animal(s) - Chimps and sharks
65: Name three of your favorite blogs. - I don’t have any favourite blogs
66: Favorite emoticon - 👌
67: Favorite meme - DO YOU KNOW DE WAE
68: What is your MBTI personality type? - INFP
69: What is your star sign? - Libra
70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? - Nope
71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? - I don’t have any specific outfits, just throw on whatever suits the occasion
72: Post a selfie or two? - Look at my /tagged/me
73: Do you have platform shoes? - Nope, unless my DMs count
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? - No idea
75: Can you do a front flip? - I used to be able to on a trampoline, dunno if I still could. Probably could, if I tried
76: Do you like birds? - Of course!
77: Do you like to swim? - If it’s leisurely swimming, then yea
78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? - Ice skating
79: Something you wish didn’t exist - There are many things I wish didn’t exist
80: Some thing you wish did exist - Dragons, as long as they didn’t fuck everything up
81: Piercings you have? - Septum and three in my left earlobe
82: Something you really enjoy doing - Spending time with Lizzie
83: Favorite person to talk to - Lizzie
84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? - Thought it was really cool
85: How many followers do you have? - Currently at 1990
86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? - I’ve done it before, yeah
87: Do your socks always match? - Yeah
88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? - After limbering up, yeah
89: What are your birthstones? - Sapphire
90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? - Probably a chimp
91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? - Maybe a rose? I really don’t know haha
92: A store you hate? - None that I hate
93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? - Never drink coffee so none haha
94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? - Definitely fly
95: Do you like to wear camo? - Sure
96: Winter or summer? - Winter, to be honest
97: How long can you hold your breath for? - I don’t know, I think I got to two minutes before, maybe more
98: Least favorite person? - Don’t know
99: Someone you look up to - Don’t know
100: A store you love? - There’s a retro video game store in a town near me that I love, although all of their stuff is really expensive
101: Favorite type of shoes - Converses or Doc Martens
102: Where do you live? - I live in a town called Malmesbury
103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? - Nope, used to be but I need to put on as much weight as possible
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? - Don’t really have one
105: Do you drink milk? - I do 
106: Do you like bugs? - Yeah
107: Do you like spiders? - I love them
108: Something you get paranoid about? - I get anxious about a lot of personal stuff going on at the moment
109: Can you draw - Hell no haha
110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? - No idea
111: A question you hate being asked? - No idea
112: Ever been bitten by a spider? - Nope
113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? - I love them
114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? - Cloudy if it’s still warm, otherwise I guess sunny
115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now - LIZZIE 
116: Favorite cloud type - The big ones?? lol
117: What color do you wish the sky was? - I like blue
118: Do you have freckles? - Nope
119: Favorite thing about a person - Don’t have one
120: Fruits or vegetables? - Fruit
121: Something you want to do right now - Be with Lizzie
122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? - I would say the sky
123: Sweet or sour foods? - Definitely sweet
124: Bright or dim lights? - Dim lights
125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? - Not that I can think of
126: Something you hate about Tumblr - Basically everything now haha
127: Something you love about Tumblr - I met my girlfriend on here so…
128: What do you think about the least? - I don’t know, I don’t think about it haha
129: What would you want written on your tombstone? - Just put the 👌 emoji on there and be done with it haha
130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? - Too tired to punch anyone right now
131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? - Everything??
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? - Nope
133: Computer or TV? - Computer
134: Do you like roller coasters? - Love them
135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? - Motion sickness yeah, but not seasickness 
136: Are your ears lobed or attached? - Lobed
137: Do you believe in karma? - Definitely
138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? - Definitely 10  ;)
139: What nicknames do you have/have had? - Big T and Tyrone are the only two that come to mind
140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? - Didn’t everyone as younger children?
141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? - Many haha
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? - I hope good
143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? - Ehh I like both
144: What makes you angry - A lot of things
145: How many languages do you speak fluently? - Only English, but I need to learn Spanish
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? - Don’t have a preference  
147: Are you androgynous? - No
148: Favorite physical thing about yourself - Everything
149: Favorite thing about your personality - Everything
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. - Lizzie, Dom, and Ed
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? - I like the present day
152: Do you like BuzzFeed? - Not really
153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.] - Through Tumblr. Turns out she’s been following me for about 3 years but never thought anything of it. Then we started talking and yeah
154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? - I don’t kiss people platonically 
155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? - I love playing with Lizzie’s hair
156: What embarrasses you? - Not much
157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious - A lot of personal stuff
158: Biggest lie you have ever told - No idea
159: How many people are you following? - Only 98 people
160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? - 72,845
161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? - None
162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? - 2,380
163: Last time you cried and why - I can’t remember
164: Do you have long or short hair? - Short, but I’m growing it out
165: Longest your hair has ever been - About half way down my back
166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon? - This is a whole other debate
167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? - I would love to know, yeah
168: Do you like to wear makeup? - Nah
169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? - I used to be able to, dunno if I still could
170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? - I did
Thank you! :)
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   further proof the person and accounts referenced are him:
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(since writing this, lawrence has since deleted his blog. either he then recreated it with the same url or someone else got to it in the interim, just know that the current holder of the url “ospriet” may not be lawrence himself. there are as many screenshots of the posts referenced as possible.)
to match the pictures above with the ORIGINAL account referenced:
http://ospriet.tumblr.com/tagged/it-me     [click for image]
warning for not safe for work content with multiple topics. adults having sexual contact w/ minors, topics including incest, beastiality, rape, torture porn, abuse and other uncomfortable topics.
what’s of most concern is this man’s tendency to pursue teenage partners despite being well into his 20s and nearing his 30s. this perhaps wouldn’t be so concerning if he didn’t start his pursuits when these vulnerable (mostly trans boys, either pre-transition or as they transition it seems) teenagers who either aren’t 18 yet or are just recently 18. while not illegal, there is something very disturbing about a 28 year old man who repeatedly targets teenagers. he is not engaging in these relationships without knowing the ages or age gaps, he has admitted he knows just how old his partners are when he first starts seeking them out. these are not false allegations. there have been lengthy, emotionally devastating conversations with his past partners. he appears to use to fandom, online communities and groups, friendship, and roleplay to lure (there are other instances of similar posts throughout his blog) these teenagers in and then fosters a friendship with them that then he turns into a (sexual) relationship. there are several other links and screenshots throughout this post where he admits he enjoys age gaps as well.
(for those who do not know what some of these terms mean: roleplay is where two or more person’s write from the view point of certain characters from different mediums. it can vary from safe for work content or sexually explicit content.
“fandom” refers to collective fans of different medium, shows, games, books etc.)
it seems the fandoms in particular are snk, homestuck, the mcelroys brother’s content and dragon age. the first two seem as though he’s not into them anymore, but they’re worth noting. also vulture culture, norse mythology, werewolves and witchcraft but those two aren’t fandom just communities more or less.
he also appears to use okcupid, tinder and other date applications and websites to find people who meet his marks so be aware if you use such things or know people who do.
any adult man who has repeatedly displayed this behavior around teenagers should not be tolerated or excused for these actions. i would have liked to not put words in the reader’s mouth but repeated offenses like this have only one word: predatory. he should not be fostering friendships with teenagers, particularly ones who are minors. he should not be allowing minors to follow his blog. he should not be talking with them in private through skype or text or email or any other venue. he has reblogged provocative illustrated art of minors before which is disturbing given his inclinations. yes to be just, there are only two instances but they are there. there are images below which contain beastiality and as confirmed by others, he is sexually interested in scenarios involving animals beyond fiction and should not be around those either to be frank. even if you would like to wish that purely fictional interests don’t necessarily translate into real life pursuits, he has already demonstrated he’s willing to sexually and coercively pursue minors. the at the time 17 year old he dated still bears deep and lasting psychological scars from their “relationship” with him.
be aware that much of this is just the things we know of now that were made public through his blog.
the following information has been either found on his blog or generously supplied by individuals seeking to do right by the community.
his name is lawrence m. reinhardt [image], his nickname is wren, he’s currently 28 years old [image], lives in milford connecticut [image], works at jones family farm [image] and utilizes this tattoo parlor [image]. previously he was employed at uniqlo. [image]
this is his etsy shop [image] , his facebook account [link] his skype account [image] as well.
this an avatar he frequently uses. formally made by a previous girlfriend. [image]
his home address was left out of this write up as it wouldn’t be fair to involve his family since he still lives at home with them.
do not agree with some of the previous methods used to address these matters nor do i enjoy sharing the information above but i think it is important given his history that people know just who he is and where he can be found.
i sincerely hope that the information below gives anyone pause before they continue interacting with and supporting lawrence. these are not matters that could or should be waved away or excused with “but his current boyfriend is 18/over 18.” this isn’t a one off event or cause of concern and trying to excuse his behavior makes the excuser just as much to blame for his actions.
his lines clearly are crossed between reality and fiction and his fictional pursuits clearly have already endangered vulnerable youth and left unchecked, he stands to harm future youth as well.
please keep in mind there is much that has not been shared at the request of those he’s interacted with in the past. please keep reading for specific documentations of the above matters.
there is a good thing to read on the matter of age gaps themselves located here for those willing.
as well as this post as well as other posts on the blog pertaining to age gaps.
he says he’s only interest in a 5 year or so difference but repeatedly targets teenagers out of his age range to pursue.
[click for image]
all of his relationships save for one that’s been found have been 8 or more years with largest gap being 9 years. this is a dangerous pattern.
from the oldest relationship located to the most recent:
in 2013, dated http://barackohana.tumblr.com/unknown age unknown and this is the only mention of them. mentioned only to establish the timeline. http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/41822601413/barackohana-im-gonna-meet-my-bf-face-to-face-on      [click for link to image]
then dated http://dysfunctionaldraught.tumblr.com for several months. currently 22, so they were 17/18 at the start of their relationship and interactions. [click for image] [click for image]
[NAME REDACTED IN THESE POSTS this individual was a minor for this ‘friendship’ into ‘relationship’ and has been contacted about this relationship. talking about lawrence and this ‘relationship’ was very uncomfortable for them and they prefer to keep as much distance as possible and we’ve done our best to honor that request.] keep in mind, ospriet/lawrence was 25 for this relationship, he acknowledges his age here: http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/84571471106/sometimes-i-forget-im-in-my-mid-twenties-l-m-f-a    [click for link to image]
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”i was 17 when i met him and he was 25 (i’m 21 now) and [redacted …]” [click for link if image won’t show]
was 17 when they started talking. (old links & their old account berik http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/93897778121/beriks-im-twelve-look-at-this-little-shit      [click for link to image]
being 17 at the start, they were in highschool. http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/88865162886/beriks-time-to-graduate-nerds-congratulations         [click for link to image] ospriet.tumblr.com/post/85847849581/       [click for link to image] http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/85180268721/92936-pm-chief-i-a-cute-southern       [click for link to image]
sexual content: http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/91473197761/stayed-up-waaay-too-late-foolin-around-with-the http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/87159731326/this-just-in-my-boyfriend-has-the-cutest-undies       [click for link to image] http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/88177729331/more-i-think-thats-partly-why-i-freakin           [click for link to image] http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/86710997056/you-know-what-sucks-more-going-almost-an           [click for link to image] http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/87947493101/more-you-know-what-sucks-going-through-a                [click for link to image] http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/101713543141/more-i-say-i-dont-chase-but-i-do-i-did when they had broken up, references ‘chasing’ people and the fact that this person was a child at the time something he himself points out. [click for link to image]
other bits of conversation with this person: [chat part 1.]  [chat part 2.] the parts that are redacted are for this person’s comfort, they felt those parts were too identifying. [chat part 3.] contains more (see below under cl2y) about his habit of telling stories about all of his exes, none of which are kind and all paint him in a better light. it’s one of the classic moves of an abuser. the red edits are from them themself, the edits do not change the context and also fix some grammatical errors.
of note, after this person broke things off with lawrence, he went on to reblog this post [link to image] despite asking for and engaging in sexual content with a known minor willingly.
http://coyoteas.tumblr.com/     [click for link to image] - was 18/19 when they started dating. was 18 when they first started talking. http://ospriet.tumblr.com/archive/2014/9 http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/101642762146/coyoteas-replied-to-your-postthat-feel-when-you           [click for link to image]     rp might be one of the ways he lures people in. [definitely uses sex appeal - click for screenshot] http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/103246409901/if-you-cant-appreciate-hella-cute-boys-with         [click for link to image] chat with coyoteas. [click for link to image] this was all he was willing to share in regards to lawrence’s behavior.
http://kitchnboy.tumblr.com/ / localchef.tumblr.com (previous url) / http://unchefly.tumblr.com (previous url) was 18 when they started dating, was 18 when they started talking based on timing.       [click for link to image] http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/120590264641/also-im-not-single-anymore          [click for link to image] http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/129047704191/pretty-sure-my-boyfriend-fell-asleep-cuddling-an           [click for link to image]  references his boyfriend’s underage drinking. 
he was briefly seeing a few people between the person below and kitchnboy but there is not enough information his blog to find out who they were and ask them if they’d be willing to speak about their experiences with him or their ages for that matter… see the chat logs below generously given for this from cl2y.
name redacted upon request. this partner was very uncomfortable talking about him so we’ve kept it to just what was said on his blog and the fact that they are in fact in their 20s, closer to his age than his previous partners which, if we can speculate might be why he lost interest relatively quickly. [click for link to image] [click for link to image] [click for link to image]
as for lawrence’s most recent ex, they’ve asked to also be redacted from this file. - is currently 19, supposedly they’ve been talking since he was at least 18 ish while lawrence was dating another partner. he was described as one former partner as a ‘serial monogamist’ and it does appear that he rapidly lines up and cycles through partners. [click for an old image]   link redacted for as much privacy as possible    [click for link to image] age proof http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/160663250106/the-gays       [click for link to image] they have definitely met irl. http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/160694921851/you-know-youre-screwed-when-your-bed-still-smells        [click for link to image]  proof of sexual contact. where ospriet and others go on to defend his choices in dating teenagers: ospriet.tumblr.com/post/161463971591/just-so-were-clear-i-have-a-boyfriend-my          [click for link to image] http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/161480963336/now-that-im-home-for-the-evening-i-will-explain         [click for link to image]
other inappropriate age wise ‘friendships’ that were found: http://puppy-eater.tumblr.com/ http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/97018639641/puppy-eater-replied-to-your-post-mor-i-used-to   had been speaking to lawrence before this point, so was in highschool. between 17-18. http://native-trickster.tumblr.com/        [click for image]    was 17 when they first began interacting on tumblr, is now 18.
general others:
http://tricksterkind.tumblr.com/about - age unknown but they might have been almost dating at one point.
user cl2y was exceptionally generous and brave to not only share the following logs but to allow us to keep their name attached to all this. the following are both logs from skype with him as well as a tumblr chat they had with someone else concerning what he said. cl2y and lawrence had been talking in the summer of 2016, when these screenshots had come from.
[tumblr log 1.] [skype log part 1.] his age. [skype log part 2.] this seems to be one of the people he was seeing after kitchnboy. [skype log part 3.] on his other exes. [skype log part 4.] not really proof of anything, but can’t distinguish between reality and fiction and lets that fiction influence his reality. the folowing contain noncon or torture porn references in rp scenarios that cl2y was not comfortable with but he couldn’t take a hint. [skype log part 5.] [skype log part 6.] [skype log part 7.] [skype log part 8.]
of note as well, he made this post 3 years back looking down upon scenarios he himself asked for. [click for link] also note the fact he is unconcerned with minors engaging in sexual scenarios. in the following link from 3 years ago, he berates fictional portrayal of noncon including using it to cope despite soliciting such content against the wishes of one of his then roleplay partners (cl2y). [click for image]
this was also around the time he was “dating” and engaging a minor in sexual scenarios so he is certainly not really concerned with the legality of the issues he’s talking about.
it’s believed he uses roleplay to find new targets. [click for image]
underage art reblogged: http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/87417886561/irisviel-yukinashin-%E6%B4%97%E6%B4%97%E7%90%83%E6%B4%97%E7%90%83%E7%90%83 levi and eren (13-16 years old) from snk   [click for link to image] http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/90305481776/erueres-%E3%83%89%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC eren (13-16 years old) and erwin from snk     [click for link to image] [click for image] - more incestual content, from homestuck this time. the characters pictured are related as well as 13-16 years old.
nsfw content warning http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/151957572816/inkeyeliner-had-a-freaking-blast-at         [click for image] http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/160297190971/sometimessmuthappens-oh-gosh-%CF%89-%E3%82%9E-i         [click for image] http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/155717961546/sometimessmuthappens-uhhhhhh-ooops-not-sure-if          [click for image] borderline beastiality. http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/114134431481/i-long-to-talk-with-some-old-lovers-ghost-who if not actual.     [click for image]
borderline fetishistic interest in other cultures, particularly japanese (reblogs a ton of japanese art/uses japanese phrasing/kanji/acquired a job at a japanese clothing store) or other asian cultures. please look through his archives, there are too many posts to include. [click for link] also says things like http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/92592080111/oh-my-god-i-dont-have-yellow-fever-i-swear-ive    not this is involving the 17 year old he was dating.    [click for image]   http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/84559811006/when-i-turn-30something-i-hope-i-look-half-as-good             [click for image] also roleplayed real people (http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/90308357146/blauh-blah-more-when-i-came-home-from-the         [click for image] also native american cultures. has plenty of reblogs in history.
other posts of interest http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/70938323641/sigh-pretty-girls-in-lolita-dresses-and-frills             [click for image]   http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/54425446342/am-i-the-only-dude-who-ships-roxy-and-dirk-le into incest.        [click for image] http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/159349377356/cats-paw-talisman-for-safe-travels has a real cats paw.. who knows from where.     [click for image] http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/155183650071/shit might be his car.   [click for image] http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/114184533256/what-sort-of-animal-could-be-my-spirit-animal involved in ‘spirit animals’ even though that is not his place as a non-native american.         [click for image] http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/101732442131/i-need-something-cute-to-bed-stat lends itself to the whole theory he targets and dates people for relative easy access for sexual content/sex. teenagers are slightly easier marks than people his own age.     [click for image]
these posts are simply ironic given his history with minors and teenagers. http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/154185782796/being-an-adult-is-hardmore-being-an-adult           [click for image]
http://ospriet.tumblr.com/post/139206250666/ngl-im-a-little-bummed-i-wontcant-attend         [click for image]
i’m well aware there are many who will feel strongly about how this is being handled but this isn’t gossiping or rumor-milling. there’s ample evidence here that points to his attentions to minors/teenagers. and no, no one involved in the marking of this post (apart from the exes or ex-roleplay partners who responded) was personally affected. one of us got a message about this man and decided to look into it because you can’t go and believe general “slanderous” statements about people, especially from completely anonymous parties. imagine the shock  when it was discovered that the message received wasn’t based in lies and that it wasn’t a “typical tumblr callout” post.
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spooksuprex · 7 years
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? I’m good with my height.2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) One of those bear hunting dogs.3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? Loose and soft.4: What was your favorite video game growing up? Pokemon Emerald5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: My friend from Arizona, my writing, and general story ideas.6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? Uber awkward.7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]? [insert person/thing here] is the worst thing ever8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] Melancholic9: Are you ticklish? Yes10: Are you allergic to anything? Pollen, and a specific brand of allergy medicine.11: What’s your sexuality? Heterosexual12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? Cocoa.13: Are you a cat or dog person? Dog.14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? Vampire, so I can wear a cape.15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? Hat Films.16: How tall are you? 6′1″17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? Vladimir.18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] 31719: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Yes.20: Do you like space or the ocean more? Space.21: Are you religious? Not really.22: Pet peeves? Not soaking dishes before washing them.23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? Nocturnal24: Favorite constellation? Uh... big dipper?25: Favorite star? North star I guess?26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? I think they’re neat27: Any phobias or fears? Spiders and bugs in general28: Do you think global warming is real? Yes, though I’m unsure how much is natural and how much is man-made.29: Do you believe in reincarnation? Eh... I don’t think its impossible.30: Favorite movie? Superman vs The Elite31: Do you get scared easily? Yes32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? 533: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.] 11/1034: What is a color that calms you? White, reminds me of my bed.35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? Hmm... Italy would be interesting to visit.36: Where were you born? Indiana37: What is your eye color? Green38: Introvert or extrovert? Introvert39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? Not really, but they’re neat.40: Hugs or kisses? Hugs41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? My friend from Arizona... or kara, so I can “thank” her for sending this to me.42: Who is someone you love deeply? My dog43: Any piercings you want? No.44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? Tattoos yes, piercings no.45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? Once. It sucked.46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! ... My friend from Arizona. We’ve talked for a long time, and every time it always makes me super happy. She’s funny, kind, a bit goofy... She’s very memorable and its hard not to think of her.47: What is a sound you really hate? A train braking48: A sound you really love? A fan blowing49: Can you do a backflip? No50: Can you do the splits? No51: Favorite actor and/or actress? Nicholas Cage52: Favorite movie? Superman vs the elite... again53: How are you feeling right now? Annoyed at this length of this.54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? Brown, which it is.55: When did you feel happiest? When I’m talking to my friend from Arizona.56: Something that calms you down? Drawing.57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] Autism.58: What does your URL mean? A bear that is ghostly.59: What three words describe you the most? Big, quiet, smile.60: Do you believe in evolution? Yes.61: What makes you unfollow a blog? When they annoy more often than they post neat stuff.62: What makes you follow a blog? Neat stuff, like art.63: Favorite kind of person: People who can do their damn jobs.64: Favorite animal(s): Dogs65: Name three of your favorite blogs. karawaltersuniverse, puublack, candygarnet66: Favorite emoticon: :D67: Favorite meme: I lived, Bitch68: What is your MBTI personality type? Dunno, don’t feel like doing the test.69: What is your star sign? Cancer, I think.70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? No, she can sit tho71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? Work pants, loose T-shirt72: Post a selfie or two? No.73: Do you have platform shoes? Nope, don’t need ‘em74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? I once had a swing set fall on my head and I didn’t get a concussion75: Can you do a front flip? No76: Do you like birds? Yes77: Do you like to swim? Yes78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? Swimming79: Something you wish didn’t exist: Assholes80: Some thing you wish did exist: Pokemon81: Piercings you have? Noone82: Something you really enjoy doing: Writing83: Favorite person to talk to: Karawaltersuniverse.84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? Weird, obsessed with social justice.85: How many followers do you have? 17986: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? No87: Do your socks always match? No88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? Nope.89: What are your birthstones? Ruby90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? Cat, so I can sleep all day.91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? Peony92: A store you hate? Target.93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? None94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? Fly.95: Do you like to wear camo? No.96: Winter or summer? Winter97: How long can you hold your breath for? I dunno.98: Least favorite person? Annoying coworkers.99: Someone you look up to: This sounds cliche, but Leonardo Da Vinci.100: A store you love? Kroger101: Favorite type of shoes Boots102: Where do you live? Indiana103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? No.104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? Ruby105: Do you drink milk? Yes.106: Do you like bugs? No.107: Do you like spiders? No108: Something you get paranoid about? Being gossiped about behind my back.109: Can you draw: Fairly well110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? Look down five questions.111: A question you hate being asked? This one.112: Ever been bitten by a spider? No113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? Yes114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? Cloudy115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: .... my arizona friend.116: Favorite cloud type: White floofy ones117: What color do you wish the sky was? Orange118: Do you have freckles? No119: Favorite thing about a person: Their hair120: Fruits or vegetables? Fruits121: Something you want to do right now: To be done with this.122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? Sky.123: Sweet or sour foods? Sweets124: Bright or dim lights? Dim.125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? Ghosts.126: Something you hate about Tumblr: The community.127: Something you love about Tumblr: My friends.128: What do you think about the least? Toast.129: What would you want written on your tombstone? “This isn’t the last you’ll see of me!”130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? The person who wrote this.131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? My beard132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? no133: Computer or TV? Computer134: Do you like roller coasters? No.135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? No.136: Are your ears lobed or attached? I assume lobed.137: Do you believe in karma? Yes138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? 3139: What nicknames do you have/have had? Cory, corky, cody, corey, coby, cornbeef, cornbread.140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? No.141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? Yes, when I was younger.142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? I’d hope good.143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? Giving144: What makes you angry People who can’t do their damn jobs.145: How many languages do you speak fluently? One.146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? Girls.147: Are you androgynous? No.148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: My hair.149: Favorite thing about your personality: The fact I like to try and see both sides of an issue.150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. My Arizona friend, Leonardo Da Vinci, and karawaltersuniverse so I can choke her out for making me do this.151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? Renaissance.152: Do you like BuzzFeed? No.153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.] Ain’t got one.154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? No.155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? No.156: What embarrasses you? My looks.157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:158: Biggest lie you have ever told: I once said I threw up to get out fo work.159: How many people are you following? 382160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? 18,641161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? 32162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? 17,453163: Last time you cried and why: Couple weeks ago, had a bit of a funk.164: Do you have long or short hair? Short.165: Longest your hair has ever been: Like... two inches?166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon? Neutral167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? ... Not really. I got shit to worry about.168: Do you like to wear makeup? Nah.169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? No.170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? Yes, you fuck.
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simplemlmsponsoring · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://simplemlmsponsoring.com/attraction-marketing-formula/website-traffic/what-to-blog-about-the-data-driven-guide-to-choosing-blog-topics/
What to Blog About: The Data-Driven Guide to Choosing Blog Topics
Let’s begin with a simple fact:
Anyone can start a blog, but not anyone can start a blog other people want to read.
In the throes of self-pity, you might be tempted to believe it’s because of the fickleness of human nature, a lack of influential connections, or perhaps the realization of how difficult building an engaged audience actually is.
And you would be partially correct. All those factors do play a part.
But what if I told you the primary cause of failure for bloggers is actually their choice of what to blog about? Not their connections, not their persistence, not their understanding of how blogging actually works, but the accidental, unfortunate decision to write about the wrong blog topics.
You might be skeptical, and rightfully so. The good news is, I’m about to prove that assertion to you right now. Even better, I’ll show you how to uncover exactly what to blog about, increasing your chances of success 100X.
Blog Topic Insights from Studying 13,360 Bloggers
Over the years, my team and I have mentored 13,360 bloggers in every imaginable niche, language, and style. Everyone from meteoric success stories like Laurel Bern to thousands of students who have struggled to break through the noise.
And we’ve noticed some patterns. Some very interesting patterns.
Data from students shows us that some blog topics get traffic quite easily while others are nearly impossible. For instance, you can blog about square-shaped tomatoes with as much vigor and persistence as you like, and you’re never going to take off, because… nobody cares.
In fact, the range of blog topics where you can expect to both get substantial traffic and monetize is relatively narrow. Some blog topics that seem plausible from the outset, such as freelancing, actually don’t have a prayer of success.
In other words, your choice of what to blog about is critical. If you make the wrong decision, you can execute every traffic and monetization technique flawlessly, and none of it will work, because having the right blog topic is critical.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to finding your blog topic:
Step 1: Choose a Popular Niche
Before you write a single post, it’s worth asking yourself a simple question:
Is anyone in your niche getting significant traffic?
If not, what makes you think you can be the first?
For some reason, people are happy to invest hundreds or even thousands of hours into publishing content without stopping to consider if anyone else has ever been successful. Worse, they believe that competition is bad. They take pride in being the first person to write about a topic and believe that’s an opportunity.
It makes me want to cry. Not only is that perspective flat-out wrong, it’s tragic because it leads you to invest time into projects that never had a prayer of success.
So, how can you tell if a niche is popular or not?
The easiest way is to reference a research library like the one we have in Freedom Machine. It does all the heavy lifting for you by giving you a list of successful blogs, their most popular posts, and examples of how they monetize.
But let’s say you don’t have that. What can you do?
There’s no exact science to it, but here’s the process I recommend:
Find a List of Popular Blogs in the Niche
This is trickier than it sounds.
Let’s say you’re blogging about how to trade stocks. Does that put you in the “stock trading” niche, the “investing” niche, or something else?
My advice: go to the broadest category that makes sense. In the case of trading stocks, that would actually be the “personal finance” niche, assuming you’re targeting people who want to trade stocks for themselves (more discussion about this later).
From there, just run a simple Google query like “best personal finance blogs”, and chances are, you’ll find several lists to browse through:
From there, you just need to dig a little deeper and find out how popular those blogs really are.
Plug the Blogs into Ahrefs to Uncover Their Traffic
One of my favorite things about Ahrefs (affiliate link) is it gives you both social and search data. Let’s go through an example, and you’ll see what I mean.
In their Site Explorer, you can type in any URL to pull a report on the site:
You’ll get back a report with an enormous amount of data. Going back to our trading stocks example, let’s say I found out that Mr. Money Mustache is one of the most popular personal finance sites, so I plug it into Ahrefs. Here’s what comes back:
And that’s just a sample. In the left sidebar, there are lots of additional reports where you can go even deeper.
If you want to look at social traffic, for example, you can click the “Top Content” link, and here’s what you get back:
There’s all the content on the site, sorted by total shares. As you can see, the top 10 posts all crossed 2,000 shares, so it looks like Mr. Money Mustache is doing well from a social traffic perspective.
Personally, I like to see at least five sites within the same niche with at least five posts above 1,000 shares. That’s usually enough to start guessing what readers in the space want to read more about. More on this later.
A Word of Warning about Popularity
Stop for a moment and think about another question:
What’s your end goal for building a blog?
I’m guessing it’s not just to get a bunch of traffic and feel good about yourself. You want to turn that traffic into money somehow, right?
Well, some niches are dramatically easier to monetize than others. You can get a lot of traffic writing about the daily activities of celebrities, for example, but that doesn’t mean you’ll make money blogging about it.
Some niches can only be monetized through advertising. A good example is the news. Every time you read an article on a news site, they get paid a few cents for an “impression.” That’s how they survive.
If you do the math though, it takes a lot of traffic to start earning enough from advertising to quit your job or do anything meaningful. Like… hundreds of thousands of visitors per month.
For that reason, when my team evaluates popular niches, we also look at how the blogs are monetizing. Ideally, we want to see people selling some type of products and services because those genuinely have the highest ROI on blogs. If all we find are popular sites stuffed with ads, it’s a bad sign.
The bottom line?
Popularity is good, but it’s not enough. When you’re doing research, also pay attention to how blogs in the space are monetizing.
Step 2: Choose a Single Tribe That’s Hungry for Content
When you’re researching a niche, you’ll notice blogs seem to focus on different types of readers.
In the personal finance niche, for example, blogs like Get Rich Slowly and The Simple Dollar focus on fundamentals like secure investments, living frugally, and so on. At the same time, there are other blogs like I Will Teach You to Be Rich and Mr. Money Mustache that focus much more on how to increase your income and improve your lifestyle.
If you feel like those sites are fundamentally different, you’re right. While they both occupy the personal finance niche, they serve different “tribes.”
Here’s what I mean by tribe:
A tribe is a group of people who congregate online around common interests.
In the personal finance space, the two biggest groups are “save and invest” people and “increase your income” people. Neither tribe is right, but they don’t really mix well with one another. You won’t find a blog focusing equally on both tribes.
So, how does this help you?
It allows you to narrow in on your target audience. Here’s what to do:
Name the Tribe for Each Popular Blog in Your Niche
Earlier, we talked about identifying at least five blogs with more than 1,000 shares on at least a few posts. Now let’s go back and figure out which tribe they are talking to.
For instance, here are the popular posts on Mr. Money Mustache:
Do you see the pattern?
Mr. Money Mustache is clearly positioning himself for getting rich and against extreme frugality in some of his most popular posts. In other words, he’s speaking primarily to the “increase your income” people.
So, go through your list of five blogs. Based on their most popular posts, who are they resonating with? If it’s not immediately clear, here’s how to figure it out:
Skim through their popular posts for patterns. Read at least a few of them to get a better idea of their philosophy. Based on what you’ve learned, assign the tribe a name.
When you’re finished, you should have a pretty good idea about who’s interested in reading what. From there, you’re ready to…
Choose the Tribe That’s the Best Fit for You
Not all decisions can be made with spreadsheets and numbers. To succeed at blogging, you also need to consider what you enjoy talking about. The sweet spot is the overlap between your interests and everyone else’s:
For instance, let’s say all of the blogs you studied were suddenly interested in having you take over as Editor-In-Chief. Ask yourself…
Based on your own approach and philosophy, which tribe would be most excited to have you as their leader? Which tribe do you feel like you could help grow and achieve their objectives?
In other words, you’re looking for an existing blog and tribe to serve as a model for what you want to build. It’s already built a following, so it’s clearly viable, and you feel like you could also contribute in a meaningful way.
That’s what I call the Zone of Magic. Ideally, it’s where you spend all your time.
What to Do It If You Don’t like Your Options
Before we move on, there’s one important question we need to address:
What if you’re not a good match for any of the existing tribes in your niche?
Approximately 60% of the students who go through our flagship course, Freedom Machine, find themselves in this exact situation. They have zero interest in writing about any of the topics they find on other popular sites in their niche. Even worse, they feel like those bloggers and their tribes just “don’t get it.”
If you find yourself in that situation, here’s a little tough love for you:
If there’s not an existing tribe who’s clearly interested in the same things you are, and you start a blog anyway, you’re essentially telling people they are wrong and need to change the way they think. In general, people don’t respond well to this. Not only will they refuse to share your posts or buy your products, but they might send you some hate mail as well.
The better, safer, and ultimately much more rewarding approach?
Go back to the drawing board and find a tribe whose interests align with yours. Instead of fighting them, just figure out where they want to go and show them how to get there.
Here’s how…
Step 3: Write About Their Proven Interests
Which would you rather write about: topics you think your readers might like, or ones you know will get traffic, because you have proof of those topics being popular in the past?
Obviously, it’s better to have the proof, right? You might as well invest your time where you have the best chances of success.
In this section, I’ll show you how to uncover those proven interests, as well as put your own spin on them. Let’s jump in.
Drill Deeper into the Site Stats
Earlier, we used Ahrefs (affiliate link) to examine the most shared posts on Mr. Money Mustache. Let’s go back to that:
In general, the highest-quality shares are the ones from Facebook, so I tend to sort posts that way instead of by overall shares. Save these for later by running a custom export of the first 20 rows and saving it to your computer.
The next step is to dig into the keywords driving the most search engine traffic. You can find those by clicking on “Organic keywords” in the left sidebar.
The default sorting by traffic is fine, but if you’re a beginning blogger, I would recommend eliminating all keywords with a keyword difficulty (KD) over 40. Again, do a custom export of the first 20 rows and save it to your computer.
You should go through the same process for all the most popular sites serving your tribe. By the time you’re finished, you’ll have a list of dozens or maybe hundreds of posts proven to be popular with your audience.
Choose Posts Where You Can Add Value
So… now you have a big list of popular posts on other sites serving your tribe. That’s obviously useful information, but here’s the big question:
How do you use that information without sounding like a copycat?
You didn’t get into this to regurgitate the ideas of other writers. You want to publish content that’s uniquely you.
Here’s how:
Copy the topic, not the advice.
For instance, one of Mr. Money Mustache’s most popular posts is Getting Rich: From Zero to Hero in One Blog Post. The topic is getting rich, and the advice is to live simply and frugally on half of what you make.
If I were to write a post on the same topic, I would talk about getting a remote job where you can live in a cheaper country like Mexico but continue making US dollars. In other words, I would give completely different advice on the same topic, and I would interweave my own story of moving to Mexico into it.
I’d also choose a different headline like, “How I Became a Millionaire from My Wheelchair.” Again, it’s the same topic, but an entirely unique headline. No one would accuse me of being a copycat.
You can follow the same approach with the most popular topics in your space. Scan through the list of posts you exported from Ahrefs (affiliate link) and choose the ones where you can write about the same topic but give your own unique advice.
Write a Better Version of That Post
Okay, you’re almost ready to write your post. Finally!
Before you start scribbling down your thoughts, consider two final questions:
What made the post you studied on the topic popular? What can you do to create an even better post?
It’s like the old saying, “Stand on the shoulders of giants.” When you find a popular posts model, you always want to know why it worked, and you want a good idea of how to improve upon it.
At some point, I’ll write a post detailing exactly how to do that, but here’s the short version. There are five ways to improve upon any post, and they all begin with the letter ‘D’:
Detail: make your post more detailed (or comprehensive). Design: include an infographic or organize your points in a more useful way. Data: include unique stats or examples to back up your points. Drama: amp up the emotion by infusing your post with personality and stories. Distinctions: give advice based on your unique perspective as an expert.
For instance, the Getting Rich post on Mr. Money Mustache is pretty short and lacks a lot of detail, so if I wanted to compete, I would probably write a much more comprehensive manual for getting rich, clocking in at 3000+ words. I might also add in my personal story, giving it extra drama.
Regardless of which method you choose, here’s the bottom line:
Your goal is to write the best post ever published on a proven, familiar topic.
Is it easy?
Hell no. Usually, it’s a lot of work.
But this is how you win.
You stop writing about whatever you want and limit yourself to proven topics. You study the competition. You create content so much better than theirs, that it makes them want to call their mommy.
‘nough said.
About the Author: Jon Morrow is the CEO of Smart Blogger. Check out his new blog Unstoppable and read the launch post that went viral: 7 Life Lessons from a Guy Who Can’t Move Anything but His Face.
The post What to Blog About: The Data-Driven Guide to Choosing Blog Topics appeared first on Smart Blogger.
Read more: smartblogger.com
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kekisu · 3 years
tagged by: @catnpc !
tagging: im too shy to tag anyone <3 do it if you want
why did you choose your url?
i used to have different usernames on every platform i was on (i say "every platform" as if i regularly use anything other than twitter and tumblr) and when i started gaining more traction for my art, i thought itd be convenient for people to search my username if it was the same everywhere. so i started thinking of short cute and simple users to use... i mostly wanted it to sound random so at first i thought up of random combinations of letters like tsuao or 9kyu9, but those were taken 😭 and suddenly when i was singing along to this song in my playlist i noticed the word kisu appeared and i really liked it. my username on twitter at the time was 4keki too so i decided to combine them... my username essentially is keki (cake) and kisu (kiss) so its kind of like cake-kiss whenever you say it out loud ITS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR TOO. short cute and simple
any side blogs? if you have them: name them and why you have them
i have 0 sideblogs i put everything on here. idk i tried having a separate art blog but it was kind of a hassle and i didnt like it. if you like my art youll have to deal with me too its a package
how long have you been on tumblr?
ive been trapped here since 09/09/2017 5:24:35 PM i dont know where the exit is
do you have a queue tag?
nah i post whenever i want idgaf if the schedule is irregular since thats also part of the package
why did you start your blog in the first place?
oh boy. KMFSKMHGNDFNSFGGNJ I WAS LIKE.. 12 WHEN I FIRST GOT HERE? and like many other 12 year olds in 2017 i was super super into 21p and other bands that were associated with them at the time (never patd though. i never stooped that far low.) and so i used my blog as a place to meet others who were into them and share gifs/fanart/etc of them. i recently cleared out my blog of most of my older posts so none of its in my archive but trust me when i say i had to clear out thousands of posts from 2017 and 2018 alone
why did you choose your icon?
i always like having akira as my icon.. idk i just like him hes cute. i like when people make him a small and round chibi
why did you choose your header?
i like akira and futabas sibling dynamic and i also really like morgana. and they were all cute chibis to match my icon. so of course
what’s your post with the most notes?
this post unfortunately ... im hoping to have my art beat this amount of notes one day lol its kind of annoying to see it get circled around more than my actual work
how many mutuals do you have?
116 ritzlings (mutuals) though i dont talk to most of them cuz im shy <3 despite that i still appreciate them
how many followers do you have?
3794 exactly
how many people do you follow?
have you ever made a shitpost?
how old is this ask game...
how often do you use tumblr each day?
too often i swear i go on tumblr, scroll for a little bit, close the tab, then reopen it 30 seconds later to do the same thing over and over again
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
tumblr drama is weird so ive never engaged in it. idk the way drama works on here confuses me like cant you guys just... disable your ask box and not allow people to dm you? delete the post and just log off? i dont get it
how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
theyre really annoying and malicious. "reblog if youre not homophobic" i guess im homophobic now!
do you like tag games?
yes :) it feels nice being included in something
do you like ask games?
yes but i havent done one in a while cause i havent seen any interesting ones
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
probably all of them are but i dont think about it
do i have a crush on a mutual?
no because that would be weird. i have a boyfriend HKGKHGNFJFDHB
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wjwilliams29 · 4 years
SEO Best Practices → Guide to Skyrocket Your Google Rankings
SEO is hard. But it doesn’t have to be. If you don’t have time for well-defined strategies or plans, it’s crucial to at least follow a series of SEO best practices.
  Therefore, let’s see the checklist you need to go through to make sure you’re securing high Google ranks. 
    Is SEO Still Relevant in 2020?
What Are the Best SEO Practices for 2020
Optimize for Search Intent
Perform In-Depth Keyword Research
Target One Main Topic & Keyword
Use Your Focus Keyword in Titles and Descriptions
Write Optimized Content for Your Users & Google
Use Short and Human Friendly URLs
Make Sure Your Website Is Mobile Friendly
Optimize Your Site’s Loading Speed
Improve Your Site’s User Experience
Organize Your Site Hierarchy & Navigation
Use the Secure HTTPs Protocol
Optimize Images for SEO
Use Video in Your Content
Perform Regular Site Audits
Use Internal Links with Relevant Anchor Texts
Link to External Pages with Relevant Anchor Texts
Actively Acquire Links to Your Website
Consistently Add Fresh, High Quality Content
Update Your Best Performing Content Once in a While
Don’t use Javascript or JS Frameworks Extensively
Use Hreflang for Multi-language Websites
Check your Schema Markup
Track Your Results With Google Search Console
How to Check If You’re Following the Best Practices for SEO
    Is SEO Still Relevant in 2020?
  Just in case you’re wondering, yes. SEO is still relevant in 2020. If you want to drive huge amounts of traffic to your website long term, with high return on investment, then SEO is the way to go.
  Just think about last time you searched for something on the internet. What did you use? Chances are it was Google.
  In a way, things are getting more and more complicated, but that’s a good thing.
  Well, because when things get more and more complicated, people simplify them.
  And by that, I mean they’re giving up.
  They give up all the ‘tactics’ and ‘secret methods’ and they return to the basics.
  As SEO gets more and more advanced and Google harder to trick, people start abandoning BlackHat SEO techniques.
  I see more and more genuine SEO agencies. I see more and more people talking about real long-term strategies. I see a lot more quality websites.
  What Are the Best SEO Practices for 2020
  In order to simplify the SEO process and get good results in terms of rankings, follow this list of SEO best practices:
  1. Optimize for Search Intent
  Search intent is the big thing in 2020 and forward.
  When a user searches for something, Google has to return relevant results to match their search intent.
  Otherwise, their experience will be a bad one.
  I’ll give a simple example. If you have an affiliate shoes review website and try to optimize for “buy shoes online” you’ll probably have a hard time ranking for it.
  The reason behind it is that people searching that phrase are looking to shop for shoes, which means they want to see offers and eCommerce websites.
So, if users start seeking eCommerce websites, Google will figure that out and display the proper results.
  Instead, a better option would be to target something like “best shoes for running”, or other keywords where people look for informational content rather than a store.
  You can clearly see the difference in search intent for this keyword, with more informational content showing.
  There were also some ads and a featured snippet, but I removed them to show only the vanilla organic search engine results.
Based on the keywords you use, the search engine might interpret your query as having different intents behind it:
  informational (if you search for “sunglasses polarized meaning”);
navigational (if you search for the name of a particular brand of sunglasses);
transactional (if you search for “cheap sunglasses” or “buy sunglasses”); 
  And if you’re wondering which search intent is the most popular,  you need to know that more than 80% of the total search intents are informational, 20% being almost equally split between navigational and transactional. 
  So, before you start writing content, think very well what you’re optimizing it for. You can check out a previous articles of ours on how to optimize for each type of search intent. 
  2. Perform In-Depth Keyword Research
  Keyword research is always the most important step when it comes to SEO.
  It’s vital to know what your users search for, otherwise you’re chasing wild geese.
  It’s also very useful to know what your competitors are doing, so make sure you research that as well.
  You can use the Content Optimizer & Keyword Tool to find relevant keywords.
    Then you can use the Ranking Analysis tab to see what types of pages rank well for each keyword you want to target.
    This way, you’ll better understand user intent and can properly build your content around this information.
  3. Target One Main Topic & Keyword
  I don’t want you to understand this the wrong way. You don’t have to target a single keyword.
  However, it is important to target one main topic. Again, it all comes down to user intent.
  If you think two keyword phrases are very similar, but you’re not sure of the intent, do a Google search.
  Does Google show similar search results for both keywords? Or are they different?
  For example, “travel tips indonesia” and “travelling to indonesia” might seem very similar, but the intent is very different.
  In the first one people want to see traveling destinations from popular blogs while in the second one they want to know if it’s OK to travel there, so .gov official sites make for really relevant
search results.
  It might not be the best example but I hope you get the point.
When you do keyword research, always test out what type of results rank for each particular keyword.
  If the search results are similar, you can try to combine the keywords. This way, you’ll get more traffic.
  However, if the intent is different and the results are different, don’t try to catch two rabbits with one shot.
  You’ll end up with none.
  4. Use Your Focus Keyword in Titles and Descriptions
  Title Tags and Meta Descriptions are a really important for SEO.
  For once, Google actively looks for the keyword inside your Title Tags to figure out if your content is relevant or not for their particular search queries.
  Second, these titles affect CTR, which means more clicks to your website.
  The secret is to make it catchy. You can make it catchy just by adding the keyword in the title.
  Studies show that users like to see the keyword inside the title or description. That’s also why Google puts they keywords in bold text all the time.
    Don’t forget about the meta description. Try to add keywords there as well, and also a CTA or something to convince the users to click on your result.
  Discounts, free shipping and similar things work well for eCommerce websites.
  Mastering title creation for SEO is probably one of the most valuable skills an SEO professional can have.
  Sure, when it comes to really big sites, you will use patterns and create titles dynamically.
  However, when you’re looking to maximize results, you’ll have to manually adjust each and every title.
  It’s also a good idea to keep the title catchy, especially for social media. Sometimes, it’s hard to also include the keyword AND make it catchy.
  So here’s where Open Graph comes in handy. It allows you to have a title for Google, and another one for social media.
  On WordPress, you can use plugins such as Yoast SEO to set up different titles for social media.
  5. Write Optimized Content for Your Users & Google
  Do it in that order. First your users, then Google. 
  Writing well optimized content is one of the most important SEO best practices. 
  The truth is that you still have to make things a little more obvious for Google, sometimes.
  For example, the best headline you’re thinking about might just not include that very searched for keyword…
  You’ll have to make a compromise and try to add the keyword in those headings, if you want to see better results.
  Many times, when people write things just for the sake of SEO, the content feels… robotic.
  Makes sense, doesn’t it? Since it was written for robots.
  When I talk about the cognitiveSEO Content Optimization Tool, I always mention how you should actually use the keywords it provides.
Many people just try to add them in wherever they can.
  However, try to think of them as subtopics or important key elements you should talk about.
  For example, I have a section about internal links, and multiple sections about technical SEO in this article.
  This way, I can ensure those keywords will naturally occur in the article. I’ve just used two of them right now!
  But sure, sometimes it makes sense to just replace “Google, Yahoo and Bing” with “Search Engines”.
  6. Use Short and Human Friendly URLs
  Don’t forget the URLs!
  Warning: Don’t change URLs that have already been indexed by Google without doing a proper 301 redirect. This can heavily affect your rankings.
  It’s always the best idea to get the URL right from the beginning and stick with it.
  URL length isn’t a ranking factor, but there is a correlation between shorter URLs and higher rankings.
  Keep URLs short, friend!
  Now that doesn’t mean short URLs cause higher rankings. Maybe better optimized pages just have tidier URLs.
  The point is that a URL should properly describe what the content is about.
  This way, there will be more chances that people click them. Actually, it increases CTR by up to 45%.
  Keywords inside the URL also help Google figure out what the content is about.
  7. Make Sure Your Website Is Mobile Friendly
  In this day and age, almost everyone browses the web on the phone. More than 50% of the traffic on most websites come from mobile searches.
  If your website isn’t properly optimized for mobile usage, you might lose a lot of traffic.
  Google uses mobile first indexing, which means it will first look at the mobile version of your website and rank it according to that.
  To test if your site is mobile friendly you can use this tool.
  If your site isn’t mobile friendly, make sure you follow these steps to make it mobile friendly.
  You can also take a look at these best practices from Google.
  8. Optimize Your Site’s Loading Speed
  Loading speed is very important. Some studies show that you can lose 7% conversion rate for every extra second your site takes up to load.
  That can be devastating!
  Fixing speed issues includes multiple things such as image size and JavaScript, which we will cover soon.
  However, the focus shouldn’t be on fixing issues or checking bullets provided by tools, but speed itself. In seconds.
    Another thing that affects your site speed is the server. Make sure you have a good server.
  The more traffic you drive to your website, the better the server should be to handle it properly.
  9. Improve Your Site’s User Experience
  Now this is a general tip, which kind of combines everything, but it’s not limited to only these tips.
  Many things make up for a good user experience, from fast loading speed to high quality content.
  However, things differ from case to case.
  The best way of improving the users’ experience is to ask them about it.
  Survey your users with SurveyMonkey and use tools such as Hotjar to monitor their activity on the website.
  You’ll figure out UX issues pretty quick, for example if a mobile button is too small or users can’t seem to figure out what they have to do next in a funnel.
  10. Organize Your Site Hierarchy & Navigation
  Structure is one of those SEO best practices that are often overlooked. It’s really good to get things right from the start.
  That’s why you need an SEO before you start creating a website.
  While user experience is the driving factor, there’s more to structure than that.
  The way your navigation looks usually dictates the click depth to your pages.
    And Google favors pages that are not too far down, the same way users do.
  If  huge digging is required to pull important pages out from your site, then they’ll most likely not get found or be ignored.
  Structure your website accordingly to favor important pages.
  11. Use the Secure HTTPs Protocol
  This tip is short and to the point. Connections should be secure.
  Google favors websites with secure connections, especially when sensitive data is sent through them.
  So, if you have a contact form, a login page, a payment system, it should run through HTTPS.
  Warning: Moving from HTTP to HTTPS can negatively impact rankings if done wrong. Make sure to follow this HTTP to HTTPS migration guide.
  12. Optimize Images for SEO
  One of the biggest problem with images is related to their size, especially the disk size.
  Images are BIG and they take up a long time to load. They make your site slow.
  Make sure you follow these rules:
  Compress the images with a tool like Smush for WordPress or ShortPixel
Display them at the right size and not just scale them down with CSS
Load images that are outside the user’s view later on, with LazyLoad
  However, image optimization doesn’t end here. Make sure you also add a relevant Title Title and Alt Tags to your images.
  Images are a great way of adding keywords that can’t be used properly in sentences.
  However, don’t just spam the image alt text in there. Try to briefly describe what’s in the image using those keywords.
  If you need HD images on your site, you’ll need a really good server or a 3rd party image hosting / CDN.
  13. Use Video in Your Content
  Not too many people do this.
  You can add video to support your content, or you can even fully repurpose content and then interlink it.
  For example, if you have a pretty good article, turn it into a video. Same way around.
  Then, embed the video into the content and also link back to the post from your video’s description.
  However, don’t just copy paste a piece of content from one platform to another, as you might not get the results you want.
  Each social media platform requires a different strategy. What works on Facebook might not work on Instagram or LinkedIn.
  Let me tick this SEO best practice off the list by sharing this video with you:
  14. Perform Regular Site Audits
  Auditing your site is very useful for spotting small issues that can become huge ones.
  Over time, small changes start to sneak in and sometimes, things might escalate.
  But auditing a site takes time. That’s why a tool such as CognitiveSEO is so useful!
It does the job for you and constantly notifies you of issues that arise so that you can spot and fix them before things get too bad.
  15. Use Internal Links With Relevant Anchor Texts
  Site structure can be constantly consolidated by using internal links.
  We know Google penalizes backlinks with exact match anchor texts if done too much, but we don’t know of any penalty for internal links.
  Both Google representatives John Mueller and Gary Illyes have confirmed this.
  Screenshot from seroundtable.com
  Don’t force it, though. One day, there might be a penalty, who knows.
  The key is to make them relevant for the users as well.
  Also keep in mind that boilerplate content internal links from sections such as the header, footer or sidebars are less valuable than contextual links from the body.
  Whenever you’re publishing new content, keep in mind when you can reference old content in relevant cases and link to it.
  Your focus is to highlight those pages that you consider to be most important.
  If your most important money page has a low number of internal links compared to other pages, Google might not understand its importance.
  16. Link to External Pages With Relevant Anchor Text as Well
  Recently I’ve had a consulting session with a client that confessed me that an SEO ‘expert’ told her not to link to external pages because she loses Page Rank.
  If you’re a real SEO expert, you’re probably laughing with me right now.
  While there’s an ounce of truth that eventually you’ll lose Page Rank when linking out too much, there are signs that linking to other relevant websites could help increase your rankings.
  If you have something relevant and useful to share with the world and your audience, link away.
  It will help you build relationships and the favors will return.
  17. Actively Acquire Links to Your Website
  Luke 6:38. Give and you shall be given.
  If you don’t link to others, why would you expect them to link to you?
  However, you’ll also have to work for those backlinks.
  There is a saying: “God helps those who help themselves.”
  So go that extra mile to promote your content after you publish it. Be it via outreach or social media advertising, make sure it gets to the right people.
  Try to build relationships and offer value and the links will come.
  You can follow these steps to develop an effective link building campaign.
  18. Consistently Add Fresh, High Quality Content
  While adding more content doesn’t guarantee you higher rankings or more traffic, one thing is for sure: the more content you have, the higher the chances of you getting more traffic.
  It’s actually pretty simple: the more content you add, the more keyword you target. The more keyword you target, the more traffic you get.
However, once you’ve reached that point when you kind of covered everything, things start to stagnate.
  For example, here at cognitiveSEO we’ve been focusing on writing new high quality content for the past years. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. 
  If you’re just starting out, targeting lower competition keywords and writing more articles can be an effective strategy until you build some authority.
  If you’re already a big brand, a better solution would be to go after high competition, high search volume articles.
  Land one of those big ones and you’re set.
  But make sure to read our next SEO best practice…
  19. Update Your Best Performing Content Once in a While
  After a while, we’ve reached a point where most of the SEO topics were already covered in our old articles, one way or another.
  Finding new topics has become harder and we’ve noticed we are repeating ourselves in many cases.
  So we’ve decided to update old content instead of writing new one.
  Updating and improving old content that performed well can really help you with search engine rankings.
  One such experiment was on an SEO Copywriting article.
  After updating the content and optimizing it better for user intent (first step in this SEO best practices list), rankings and traffic went up. 
  You can see in the screenshot below an increase in clicks and impressions right after after the optimization was done, in December 2019. 
By keeping the content up-to-date, you’re also keeping it relevant.
  Don’t just do this for the best content, but also for old content that doesn’t seem to satisfy the user intent.
  Are you covering two topics into a single article? Split it in two. Are two or more articles covering the exact same topic but none are ranking? Merge them into one.
  20 . Don’t Use Javascript or JS Frameworks Extensively
  JavaScript is a God given, just like Ice Cream. But too much of it can lead to some nasty things.
  While JS can fix burnt crawl budget and indexation issues in an eCommerce Faceted Navigation scenario, it can also heavily impact the performance of a website if used too much.
  Usually, the issue with JavaScript is that plugins load the scripts everywhere even when they are not needed.
  A very good example are Slider plugins. Usually, revolution slider is only used on the homepage, yet the script can be found on every WordPress page.
  Sliders are known to negatively impact CTR so maybe it’s a good idea to ditch it for good, if you don’t have a solid reason for keeping it.
  Combining and Minifying JS files can help, but that usually breaks the code. Deferring it also works, until it doesn’t (ReCaptcha doesn’t really like that).
  Sometimes, people render content through JavaScript. This is also a bad idea because Google has a harder time indexing that content.
  If you do use JS to generate content, make sure it generates the content as HTML in the source of the web page.
  21. Use Hreflang for Multi-Language Websites
  Search results have become more and more personalized and geo-targeted.
  If you have a multilingual website, correctly implementing the hreflang tag can mean business.
There are websites that use the tag but don’t use it the right way.
  The problem with this? It can actually do harm!
  Make sure you don’t make these hreflang mistakes when you implement this on your website.
  22. Check Your Schema Markup
  Or add it if you don’t have Schema already.
  However, don’t rush on doing this first. While Schema Markup and Structured Data can be useful, other things such as properly optimizing your Titles are more important.
  Once you have those things done, you can take a look at Schema Markup as well.
  To test your implementation, you can use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool.
Usually, this works best for eCommerce stores, but can also be used by blogs and informational websites to their advantage.
  23. Track Your Results With Google Search Console
  The Google Search Console is your best friend.
  You can also track things with Google Analytics. However, when it comes to SEO, the Search Console is the proper monitoring tool.
  Analytics and Search Console work differently.
  Google Analytics tracks the users after they reach your website, while the Search Console tracks them from Google’s side, on the search result pages themselves.
  So, for the most accurate results, it’s best if you use the Search Console.
Not only will it show you how your content is performing in Google, but it will also pinpoint a lot of SEO issues your website might have.
  How to Check If You’re Following the Best Practices for SEO
  The first tip would be to make an SEO checklist of the things mentioned above and check them off.
  However, the best way is to create a system of your own and stick to it. Be it yourself or your entire company.
  Develop a strategy, create rules and follow them all the time. Have a process. That’s the key to success.
  What SEO best practices are you planning to use in 2020 an onward in your strategy? Let me know in the comments section below.
The post SEO Best Practices → Guide to Skyrocket Your Google Rankings appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.
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philipfloyd · 4 years
SEO Best Practices → Guide to Skyrocket Your Google Rankings
SEO is hard. But it doesn’t have to be. If you don’t have time for well-defined strategies or plans, it’s crucial to at least follow a series of SEO best practices.
  Therefore, let’s see the checklist you need to go through to make sure you’re securing high Google ranks. 
    Is SEO Still Relevant in 2020?
What Are the Best SEO Practices for 2020
Optimize for Search Intent
Perform In-Depth Keyword Research
Target One Main Topic & Keyword
Use Your Focus Keyword in Titles and Descriptions
Write Optimized Content for Your Users & Google
Use Short and Human Friendly URLs
Make Sure Your Website Is Mobile Friendly
Optimize Your Site’s Loading Speed
Improve Your Site’s User Experience
Organize Your Site Hierarchy & Navigation
Use the Secure HTTPs Protocol
Optimize Images for SEO
Use Video in Your Content
Perform Regular Site Audits
Use Internal Links with Relevant Anchor Texts
Link to External Pages with Relevant Anchor Texts
Actively Acquire Links to Your Website
Consistently Add Fresh, High Quality Content
Update Your Best Performing Content Once in a While
Don’t use Javascript or JS Frameworks Extensively
Use Hreflang for Multi-language Websites
Check your Schema Markup
Track Your Results With Google Search Console
How to Check If You’re Following the Best Practices for SEO
    Is SEO Still Relevant in 2020?
  Just in case you’re wondering, yes. SEO is still relevant in 2020. If you want to drive huge amounts of traffic to your website long term, with high return on investment, then SEO is the way to go.
  Just think about last time you searched for something on the internet. What did you use? Chances are it was Google.
  In a way, things are getting more and more complicated, but that’s a good thing.
  Well, because when things get more and more complicated, people simplify them.
  And by that, I mean they’re giving up.
  They give up all the ‘tactics’ and ‘secret methods’ and they return to the basics.
  As SEO gets more and more advanced and Google harder to trick, people start abandoning BlackHat SEO techniques.
  I see more and more genuine SEO agencies. I see more and more people talking about real long-term strategies. I see a lot more quality websites.
  What Are the Best SEO Practices for 2020
  In order to simplify the SEO process and get good results in terms of rankings, follow this list of SEO best practices:
  1. Optimize for Search Intent
  Search intent is the big thing in 2020 and forward.
  When a user searches for something, Google has to return relevant results to match their search intent.
  Otherwise, their experience will be a bad one.
  I’ll give a simple example. If you have an affiliate shoes review website and try to optimize for “buy shoes online” you’ll probably have a hard time ranking for it.
  The reason behind it is that people searching that phrase are looking to shop for shoes, which means they want to see offers and eCommerce websites.
So, if users start seeking eCommerce websites, Google will figure that out and display the proper results.
  Instead, a better option would be to target something like “best shoes for running”, or other keywords where people look for informational content rather than a store.
  You can clearly see the difference in search intent for this keyword, with more informational content showing.
  There were also some ads and a featured snippet, but I removed them to show only the vanilla organic search engine results.
Based on the keywords you use, the search engine might interpret your query as having different intents behind it:
  informational (if you search for “sunglasses polarized meaning”);
navigational (if you search for the name of a particular brand of sunglasses);
transactional (if you search for “cheap sunglasses” or “buy sunglasses”); 
  And if you’re wondering which search intent is the most popular,  you need to know that more than 80% of the total search intents are informational, 20% being almost equally split between navigational and transactional. 
  So, before you start writing content, think very well what you’re optimizing it for. You can check out a previous articles of ours on how to optimize for each type of search intent. 
  2. Perform In-Depth Keyword Research
  Keyword research is always the most important step when it comes to SEO.
  It’s vital to know what your users search for, otherwise you’re chasing wild geese.
  It’s also very useful to know what your competitors are doing, so make sure you research that as well.
  You can use the Content Optimizer & Keyword Tool to find relevant keywords.
    Then you can use the Ranking Analysis tab to see what types of pages rank well for each keyword you want to target.
    This way, you’ll better understand user intent and can properly build your content around this information.
  3. Target One Main Topic & Keyword
  I don’t want you to understand this the wrong way. You don’t have to target a single keyword.
  However, it is important to target one main topic. Again, it all comes down to user intent.
  If you think two keyword phrases are very similar, but you’re not sure of the intent, do a Google search.
  Does Google show similar search results for both keywords? Or are they different?
  For example, “travel tips indonesia” and “travelling to indonesia” might seem very similar, but the intent is very different.
  In the first one people want to see traveling destinations from popular blogs while in the second one they want to know if it’s OK to travel there, so .gov official sites make for really relevant
search results.
  It might not be the best example but I hope you get the point.
When you do keyword research, always test out what type of results rank for each particular keyword.
  If the search results are similar, you can try to combine the keywords. This way, you’ll get more traffic.
  However, if the intent is different and the results are different, don’t try to catch two rabbits with one shot.
  You’ll end up with none.
  4. Use Your Focus Keyword in Titles and Descriptions
  Title Tags and Meta Descriptions are a really important for SEO.
  For once, Google actively looks for the keyword inside your Title Tags to figure out if your content is relevant or not for their particular search queries.
  Second, these titles affect CTR, which means more clicks to your website.
  The secret is to make it catchy. You can make it catchy just by adding the keyword in the title.
  Studies show that users like to see the keyword inside the title or description. That’s also why Google puts they keywords in bold text all the time.
    Don’t forget about the meta description. Try to add keywords there as well, and also a CTA or something to convince the users to click on your result.
  Discounts, free shipping and similar things work well for eCommerce websites.
  Mastering title creation for SEO is probably one of the most valuable skills an SEO professional can have.
  Sure, when it comes to really big sites, you will use patterns and create titles dynamically.
  However, when you’re looking to maximize results, you’ll have to manually adjust each and every title.
  It’s also a good idea to keep the title catchy, especially for social media. Sometimes, it’s hard to also include the keyword AND make it catchy.
  So here’s where Open Graph comes in handy. It allows you to have a title for Google, and another one for social media.
  On WordPress, you can use plugins such as Yoast SEO to set up different titles for social media.
  5. Write Optimized Content for Your Users & Google
  Do it in that order. First your users, then Google. 
  Writing well optimized content is one of the most important SEO best practices. 
  The truth is that you still have to make things a little more obvious for Google, sometimes.
  For example, the best headline you’re thinking about might just not include that very searched for keyword…
  You’ll have to make a compromise and try to add the keyword in those headings, if you want to see better results.
  Many times, when people write things just for the sake of SEO, the content feels… robotic.
  Makes sense, doesn’t it? Since it was written for robots.
  When I talk about the cognitiveSEO Content Optimization Tool, I always mention how you should actually use the keywords it provides.
Many people just try to add them in wherever they can.
  However, try to think of them as subtopics or important key elements you should talk about.
  For example, I have a section about internal links, and multiple sections about technical SEO in this article.
  This way, I can ensure those keywords will naturally occur in the article. I’ve just used two of them right now!
  But sure, sometimes it makes sense to just replace “Google, Yahoo and Bing” with “Search Engines”.
  6. Use Short and Human Friendly URLs
  Don’t forget the URLs!
  Warning: Don’t change URLs that have already been indexed by Google without doing a proper 301 redirect. This can heavily affect your rankings.
  It’s always the best idea to get the URL right from the beginning and stick with it.
  URL length isn’t a ranking factor, but there is a correlation between shorter URLs and higher rankings.
  Keep URLs short, friend!
  Now that doesn’t mean short URLs cause higher rankings. Maybe better optimized pages just have tidier URLs.
  The point is that a URL should properly describe what the content is about.
  This way, there will be more chances that people click them. Actually, it increases CTR by up to 45%.
  Keywords inside the URL also help Google figure out what the content is about.
  7. Make Sure Your Website Is Mobile Friendly
  In this day and age, almost everyone browses the web on the phone. More than 50% of the traffic on most websites come from mobile searches.
  If your website isn’t properly optimized for mobile usage, you might lose a lot of traffic.
  Google uses mobile first indexing, which means it will first look at the mobile version of your website and rank it according to that.
  To test if your site is mobile friendly you can use this tool.
  If your site isn’t mobile friendly, make sure you follow these steps to make it mobile friendly.
  You can also take a look at these best practices from Google.
  8. Optimize Your Site’s Loading Speed
  Loading speed is very important. Some studies show that you can lose 7% conversion rate for every extra second your site takes up to load.
  That can be devastating!
  Fixing speed issues includes multiple things such as image size and JavaScript, which we will cover soon.
  However, the focus shouldn’t be on fixing issues or checking bullets provided by tools, but speed itself. In seconds.
    Another thing that affects your site speed is the server. Make sure you have a good server.
  The more traffic you drive to your website, the better the server should be to handle it properly.
  9. Improve Your Site’s User Experience
  Now this is a general tip, which kind of combines everything, but it’s not limited to only these tips.
  Many things make up for a good user experience, from fast loading speed to high quality content.
  However, things differ from case to case.
  The best way of improving the users’ experience is to ask them about it.
  Survey your users with SurveyMonkey and use tools such as Hotjar to monitor their activity on the website.
  You’ll figure out UX issues pretty quick, for example if a mobile button is too small or users can’t seem to figure out what they have to do next in a funnel.
  10. Organize Your Site Hierarchy & Navigation
  Structure is one of those SEO best practices that are often overlooked. It’s really good to get things right from the start.
  That’s why you need an SEO before you start creating a website.
  While user experience is the driving factor, there’s more to structure than that.
  The way your navigation looks usually dictates the click depth to your pages.
    And Google favors pages that are not too far down, the same way users do.
  If  huge digging is required to pull important pages out from your site, then they’ll most likely not get found or be ignored.
  Structure your website accordingly to favor important pages.
  11. Use the Secure HTTPs Protocol
  This tip is short and to the point. Connections should be secure.
  Google favors websites with secure connections, especially when sensitive data is sent through them.
  So, if you have a contact form, a login page, a payment system, it should run through HTTPS.
  Warning: Moving from HTTP to HTTPS can negatively impact rankings if done wrong. Make sure to follow this HTTP to HTTPS migration guide.
  12. Optimize Images for SEO
  One of the biggest problem with images is related to their size, especially the disk size.
  Images are BIG and they take up a long time to load. They make your site slow.
  Make sure you follow these rules:
  Compress the images with a tool like Smush for WordPress or ShortPixel
Display them at the right size and not just scale them down with CSS
Load images that are outside the user’s view later on, with LazyLoad
  However, image optimization doesn’t end here. Make sure you also add a relevant Title Title and Alt Tags to your images.
  Images are a great way of adding keywords that can’t be used properly in sentences.
  However, don’t just spam the image alt text in there. Try to briefly describe what’s in the image using those keywords.
  If you need HD images on your site, you’ll need a really good server or a 3rd party image hosting / CDN.
  13. Use Video in Your Content
  Not too many people do this.
  You can add video to support your content, or you can even fully repurpose content and then interlink it.
  For example, if you have a pretty good article, turn it into a video. Same way around.
  Then, embed the video into the content and also link back to the post from your video’s description.
  However, don’t just copy paste a piece of content from one platform to another, as you might not get the results you want.
  Each social media platform requires a different strategy. What works on Facebook might not work on Instagram or LinkedIn.
  Let me tick this SEO best practice off the list by sharing this video with you:
  14. Perform Regular Site Audits
  Auditing your site is very useful for spotting small issues that can become huge ones.
  Over time, small changes start to sneak in and sometimes, things might escalate.
  But auditing a site takes time. That’s why a tool such as CognitiveSEO is so useful!
It does the job for you and constantly notifies you of issues that arise so that you can spot and fix them before things get too bad.
  15. Use Internal Links With Relevant Anchor Texts
  Site structure can be constantly consolidated by using internal links.
  We know Google penalizes backlinks with exact match anchor texts if done too much, but we don’t know of any penalty for internal links.
  Both Google representatives John Mueller and Gary Illyes have confirmed this.
  Screenshot from seroundtable.com
  Don’t force it, though. One day, there might be a penalty, who knows.
  The key is to make them relevant for the users as well.
  Also keep in mind that boilerplate content internal links from sections such as the header, footer or sidebars are less valuable than contextual links from the body.
  Whenever you’re publishing new content, keep in mind when you can reference old content in relevant cases and link to it.
  Your focus is to highlight those pages that you consider to be most important.
  If your most important money page has a low number of internal links compared to other pages, Google might not understand its importance.
  16. Link to External Pages With Relevant Anchor Text as Well
  Recently I’ve had a consulting session with a client that confessed me that an SEO ‘expert’ told her not to link to external pages because she loses Page Rank.
  If you’re a real SEO expert, you’re probably laughing with me right now.
  While there’s an ounce of truth that eventually you’ll lose Page Rank when linking out too much, there are signs that linking to other relevant websites could help increase your rankings.
  If you have something relevant and useful to share with the world and your audience, link away.
  It will help you build relationships and the favors will return.
  17. Actively Acquire Links to Your Website
  Luke 6:38. Give and you shall be given.
  If you don’t link to others, why would you expect them to link to you?
  However, you’ll also have to work for those backlinks.
  There is a saying: “God helps those who help themselves.”
  So go that extra mile to promote your content after you publish it. Be it via outreach or social media advertising, make sure it gets to the right people.
  Try to build relationships and offer value and the links will come.
  You can follow these steps to develop an effective link building campaign.
  18. Consistently Add Fresh, High Quality Content
  While adding more content doesn’t guarantee you higher rankings or more traffic, one thing is for sure: the more content you have, the higher the chances of you getting more traffic.
  It’s actually pretty simple: the more content you add, the more keyword you target. The more keyword you target, the more traffic you get.
However, once you’ve reached that point when you kind of covered everything, things start to stagnate.
  For example, here at cognitiveSEO we’ve been focusing on writing new high quality content for the past years. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. 
  If you’re just starting out, targeting lower competition keywords and writing more articles can be an effective strategy until you build some authority.
  If you’re already a big brand, a better solution would be to go after high competition, high search volume articles.
  Land one of those big ones and you’re set.
  But make sure to read our next SEO best practice…
  19. Update Your Best Performing Content Once in a While
  After a while, we’ve reached a point where most of the SEO topics were already covered in our old articles, one way or another.
  Finding new topics has become harder and we’ve noticed we are repeating ourselves in many cases.
  So we’ve decided to update old content instead of writing new one.
  Updating and improving old content that performed well can really help you with search engine rankings.
  One such experiment was on an SEO Copywriting article.
  After updating the content and optimizing it better for user intent (first step in this SEO best practices list), rankings and traffic went up. 
  You can see in the screenshot below an increase in clicks and impressions right after after the optimization was done, in December 2019. 
By keeping the content up-to-date, you’re also keeping it relevant.
  Don’t just do this for the best content, but also for old content that doesn’t seem to satisfy the user intent.
  Are you covering two topics into a single article? Split it in two. Are two or more articles covering the exact same topic but none are ranking? Merge them into one.
  20 . Don’t Use Javascript or JS Frameworks Extensively
  JavaScript is a God given, just like Ice Cream. But too much of it can lead to some nasty things.
  While JS can fix burnt crawl budget and indexation issues in an eCommerce Faceted Navigation scenario, it can also heavily impact the performance of a website if used too much.
  Usually, the issue with JavaScript is that plugins load the scripts everywhere even when they are not needed.
  A very good example are Slider plugins. Usually, revolution slider is only used on the homepage, yet the script can be found on every WordPress page.
  Sliders are known to negatively impact CTR so maybe it’s a good idea to ditch it for good, if you don’t have a solid reason for keeping it.
  Combining and Minifying JS files can help, but that usually breaks the code. Deferring it also works, until it doesn’t (ReCaptcha doesn’t really like that).
  Sometimes, people render content through JavaScript. This is also a bad idea because Google has a harder time indexing that content.
  If you do use JS to generate content, make sure it generates the content as HTML in the source of the web page.
  21. Use Hreflang for Multi-Language Websites
  Search results have become more and more personalized and geo-targeted.
  If you have a multilingual website, correctly implementing the hreflang tag can mean business.
There are websites that use the tag but don’t use it the right way.
  The problem with this? It can actually do harm!
  Make sure you don’t make these hreflang mistakes when you implement this on your website.
  22. Check Your Schema Markup
  Or add it if you don’t have Schema already.
  However, don’t rush on doing this first. While Schema Markup and Structured Data can be useful, other things such as properly optimizing your Titles are more important.
  Once you have those things done, you can take a look at Schema Markup as well.
  To test your implementation, you can use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool.
Usually, this works best for eCommerce stores, but can also be used by blogs and informational websites to their advantage.
  23. Track Your Results With Google Search Console
  The Google Search Console is your best friend.
  You can also track things with Google Analytics. However, when it comes to SEO, the Search Console is the proper monitoring tool.
  Analytics and Search Console work differently.
  Google Analytics tracks the users after they reach your website, while the Search Console tracks them from Google’s side, on the search result pages themselves.
  So, for the most accurate results, it’s best if you use the Search Console.
Not only will it show you how your content is performing in Google, but it will also pinpoint a lot of SEO issues your website might have.
  How to Check If You’re Following the Best Practices for SEO
  The first tip would be to make an SEO checklist of the things mentioned above and check them off.
  However, the best way is to create a system of your own and stick to it. Be it yourself or your entire company.
  Develop a strategy, create rules and follow them all the time. Have a process. That’s the key to success.
  What SEO best practices are you planning to use in 2020 an onward in your strategy? Let me know in the comments section below.
The post SEO Best Practices → Guide to Skyrocket Your Google Rankings appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.
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krisggordon · 4 years
SEO Best Practices → Guide to Skyrocket Your Google Rankings
SEO is hard. But it doesn’t have to be. If you don’t have time for well-defined strategies or plans, it’s crucial to at least follow a series of SEO best practices.
  Therefore, let’s see the checklist you need to go through to make sure you’re securing high Google ranks. 
    Is SEO Still Relevant in 2020?
What Are the Best SEO Practices for 2020
Optimize for Search Intent
Perform In-Depth Keyword Research
Target One Main Topic & Keyword
Use Your Focus Keyword in Titles and Descriptions
Write Optimized Content for Your Users & Google
Use Short and Human Friendly URLs
Make Sure Your Website Is Mobile Friendly
Optimize Your Site’s Loading Speed
Improve Your Site’s User Experience
Organize Your Site Hierarchy & Navigation
Use the Secure HTTPs Protocol
Optimize Images for SEO
Use Video in Your Content
Perform Regular Site Audits
Use Internal Links with Relevant Anchor Texts
Link to External Pages with Relevant Anchor Texts
Actively Acquire Links to Your Website
Consistently Add Fresh, High Quality Content
Update Your Best Performing Content Once in a While
Don’t use Javascript or JS Frameworks Extensively
Use Hreflang for Multi-language Websites
Check your Schema Markup
Track Your Results With Google Search Console
How to Check If You’re Following the Best Practices for SEO
    Is SEO Still Relevant in 2020?
  Just in case you’re wondering, yes. SEO is still relevant in 2020. If you want to drive huge amounts of traffic to your website long term, with high return on investment, then SEO is the way to go.
  Just think about last time you searched for something on the internet. What did you use? Chances are it was Google.
  In a way, things are getting more and more complicated, but that’s a good thing.
  Well, because when things get more and more complicated, people simplify them.
  And by that, I mean they’re giving up.
  They give up all the ‘tactics’ and ‘secret methods’ and they return to the basics.
  As SEO gets more and more advanced and Google harder to trick, people start abandoning BlackHat SEO techniques.
  I see more and more genuine SEO agencies. I see more and more people talking about real long-term strategies. I see a lot more quality websites.
  What Are the Best SEO Practices for 2020
  In order to simplify the SEO process and get good results in terms of rankings, follow this list of SEO best practices:
  1. Optimize for Search Intent
  Search intent is the big thing in 2020 and forward.
  When a user searches for something, Google has to return relevant results to match their search intent.
  Otherwise, their experience will be a bad one.
  I’ll give a simple example. If you have an affiliate shoes review website and try to optimize for “buy shoes online” you’ll probably have a hard time ranking for it.
  The reason behind it is that people searching that phrase are looking to shop for shoes, which means they want to see offers and eCommerce websites.
So, if users start seeking eCommerce websites, Google will figure that out and display the proper results.
  Instead, a better option would be to target something like “best shoes for running”, or other keywords where people look for informational content rather than a store.
  You can clearly see the difference in search intent for this keyword, with more informational content showing.
  There were also some ads and a featured snippet, but I removed them to show only the vanilla organic search engine results.
Based on the keywords you use, the search engine might interpret your query as having different intents behind it:
  informational (if you search for “sunglasses polarized meaning”);
navigational (if you search for the name of a particular brand of sunglasses);
transactional (if you search for “cheap sunglasses” or “buy sunglasses”); 
  And if you’re wondering which search intent is the most popular,  you need to know that more than 80% of the total search intents are informational, 20% being almost equally split between navigational and transactional. 
  So, before you start writing content, think very well what you’re optimizing it for. You can check out a previous articles of ours on how to optimize for each type of search intent. 
  2. Perform In-Depth Keyword Research
  Keyword research is always the most important step when it comes to SEO.
  It’s vital to know what your users search for, otherwise you’re chasing wild geese.
  It’s also very useful to know what your competitors are doing, so make sure you research that as well.
  You can use the Content Optimizer & Keyword Tool to find relevant keywords.
    Then you can use the Ranking Analysis tab to see what types of pages rank well for each keyword you want to target.
    This way, you’ll better understand user intent and can properly build your content around this information.
  3. Target One Main Topic & Keyword
  I don’t want you to understand this the wrong way. You don’t have to target a single keyword.
  However, it is important to target one main topic. Again, it all comes down to user intent.
  If you think two keyword phrases are very similar, but you’re not sure of the intent, do a Google search.
  Does Google show similar search results for both keywords? Or are they different?
  For example, “travel tips indonesia” and “travelling to indonesia” might seem very similar, but the intent is very different.
  In the first one people want to see traveling destinations from popular blogs while in the second one they want to know if it’s OK to travel there, so .gov official sites make for really relevant
search results.
  It might not be the best example but I hope you get the point.
When you do keyword research, always test out what type of results rank for each particular keyword.
  If the search results are similar, you can try to combine the keywords. This way, you’ll get more traffic.
  However, if the intent is different and the results are different, don’t try to catch two rabbits with one shot.
  You’ll end up with none.
  4. Use Your Focus Keyword in Titles and Descriptions
  Title Tags and Meta Descriptions are a really important for SEO.
  For once, Google actively looks for the keyword inside your Title Tags to figure out if your content is relevant or not for their particular search queries.
  Second, these titles affect CTR, which means more clicks to your website.
  The secret is to make it catchy. You can make it catchy just by adding the keyword in the title.
  Studies show that users like to see the keyword inside the title or description. That’s also why Google puts they keywords in bold text all the time.
    Don’t forget about the meta description. Try to add keywords there as well, and also a CTA or something to convince the users to click on your result.
  Discounts, free shipping and similar things work well for eCommerce websites.
  Mastering title creation for SEO is probably one of the most valuable skills an SEO professional can have.
  Sure, when it comes to really big sites, you will use patterns and create titles dynamically.
  However, when you’re looking to maximize results, you’ll have to manually adjust each and every title.
  It’s also a good idea to keep the title catchy, especially for social media. Sometimes, it’s hard to also include the keyword AND make it catchy.
  So here’s where Open Graph comes in handy. It allows you to have a title for Google, and another one for social media.
  On WordPress, you can use plugins such as Yoast SEO to set up different titles for social media.
  5. Write Optimized Content for Your Users & Google
  Do it in that order. First your users, then Google. 
  Writing well optimized content is one of the most important SEO best practices. 
  The truth is that you still have to make things a little more obvious for Google, sometimes.
  For example, the best headline you’re thinking about might just not include that very searched for keyword…
  You’ll have to make a compromise and try to add the keyword in those headings, if you want to see better results.
  Many times, when people write things just for the sake of SEO, the content feels… robotic.
  Makes sense, doesn’t it? Since it was written for robots.
  When I talk about the cognitiveSEO Content Optimization Tool, I always mention how you should actually use the keywords it provides.
Many people just try to add them in wherever they can.
  However, try to think of them as subtopics or important key elements you should talk about.
  For example, I have a section about internal links, and multiple sections about technical SEO in this article.
  This way, I can ensure those keywords will naturally occur in the article. I’ve just used two of them right now!
  But sure, sometimes it makes sense to just replace “Google, Yahoo and Bing” with “Search Engines”.
  6. Use Short and Human Friendly URLs
  Don’t forget the URLs!
  Warning: Don’t change URLs that have already been indexed by Google without doing a proper 301 redirect. This can heavily affect your rankings.
  It’s always the best idea to get the URL right from the beginning and stick with it.
  URL length isn’t a ranking factor, but there is a correlation between shorter URLs and higher rankings.
  Keep URLs short, friend!
  Now that doesn’t mean short URLs cause higher rankings. Maybe better optimized pages just have tidier URLs.
  The point is that a URL should properly describe what the content is about.
  This way, there will be more chances that people click them. Actually, it increases CTR by up to 45%.
  Keywords inside the URL also help Google figure out what the content is about.
  7. Make Sure Your Website Is Mobile Friendly
  In this day and age, almost everyone browses the web on the phone. More than 50% of the traffic on most websites come from mobile searches.
  If your website isn’t properly optimized for mobile usage, you might lose a lot of traffic.
  Google uses mobile first indexing, which means it will first look at the mobile version of your website and rank it according to that.
  To test if your site is mobile friendly you can use this tool.
  If your site isn’t mobile friendly, make sure you follow these steps to make it mobile friendly.
  You can also take a look at these best practices from Google.
  8. Optimize Your Site’s Loading Speed
  Loading speed is very important. Some studies show that you can lose 7% conversion rate for every extra second your site takes up to load.
  That can be devastating!
  Fixing speed issues includes multiple things such as image size and JavaScript, which we will cover soon.
  However, the focus shouldn’t be on fixing issues or checking bullets provided by tools, but speed itself. In seconds.
    Another thing that affects your site speed is the server. Make sure you have a good server.
  The more traffic you drive to your website, the better the server should be to handle it properly.
  9. Improve Your Site’s User Experience
  Now this is a general tip, which kind of combines everything, but it’s not limited to only these tips.
  Many things make up for a good user experience, from fast loading speed to high quality content.
  However, things differ from case to case.
  The best way of improving the users’ experience is to ask them about it.
  Survey your users with SurveyMonkey and use tools such as Hotjar to monitor their activity on the website.
  You’ll figure out UX issues pretty quick, for example if a mobile button is too small or users can’t seem to figure out what they have to do next in a funnel.
  10. Organize Your Site Hierarchy & Navigation
  Structure is one of those SEO best practices that are often overlooked. It’s really good to get things right from the start.
  That’s why you need an SEO before you start creating a website.
  While user experience is the driving factor, there’s more to structure than that.
  The way your navigation looks usually dictates the click depth to your pages.
    And Google favors pages that are not too far down, the same way users do.
  If  huge digging is required to pull important pages out from your site, then they’ll most likely not get found or be ignored.
  Structure your website accordingly to favor important pages.
  11. Use the Secure HTTPs Protocol
  This tip is short and to the point. Connections should be secure.
  Google favors websites with secure connections, especially when sensitive data is sent through them.
  So, if you have a contact form, a login page, a payment system, it should run through HTTPS.
  Warning: Moving from HTTP to HTTPS can negatively impact rankings if done wrong. Make sure to follow this HTTP to HTTPS migration guide.
  12. Optimize Images for SEO
  One of the biggest problem with images is related to their size, especially the disk size.
  Images are BIG and they take up a long time to load. They make your site slow.
  Make sure you follow these rules:
  Compress the images with a tool like Smush for WordPress or ShortPixel
Display them at the right size and not just scale them down with CSS
Load images that are outside the user’s view later on, with LazyLoad
  However, image optimization doesn’t end here. Make sure you also add a relevant Title Title and Alt Tags to your images.
  Images are a great way of adding keywords that can’t be used properly in sentences.
  However, don’t just spam the image alt text in there. Try to briefly describe what’s in the image using those keywords.
  If you need HD images on your site, you’ll need a really good server or a 3rd party image hosting / CDN.
  13. Use Video in Your Content
  Not too many people do this.
  You can add video to support your content, or you can even fully repurpose content and then interlink it.
  For example, if you have a pretty good article, turn it into a video. Same way around.
  Then, embed the video into the content and also link back to the post from your video’s description.
  However, don’t just copy paste a piece of content from one platform to another, as you might not get the results you want.
  Each social media platform requires a different strategy. What works on Facebook might not work on Instagram or LinkedIn.
  Let me tick this SEO best practice off the list by sharing this video with you:
  14. Perform Regular Site Audits
  Auditing your site is very useful for spotting small issues that can become huge ones.
  Over time, small changes start to sneak in and sometimes, things might escalate.
  But auditing a site takes time. That’s why a tool such as CognitiveSEO is so useful!
It does the job for you and constantly notifies you of issues that arise so that you can spot and fix them before things get too bad.
  15. Use Internal Links With Relevant Anchor Texts
  Site structure can be constantly consolidated by using internal links.
  We know Google penalizes backlinks with exact match anchor texts if done too much, but we don’t know of any penalty for internal links.
  Both Google representatives John Mueller and Gary Illyes have confirmed this.
  Screenshot from seroundtable.com
  Don’t force it, though. One day, there might be a penalty, who knows.
  The key is to make them relevant for the users as well.
  Also keep in mind that boilerplate content internal links from sections such as the header, footer or sidebars are less valuable than contextual links from the body.
  Whenever you’re publishing new content, keep in mind when you can reference old content in relevant cases and link to it.
  Your focus is to highlight those pages that you consider to be most important.
  If your most important money page has a low number of internal links compared to other pages, Google might not understand its importance.
  16. Link to External Pages With Relevant Anchor Text as Well
  Recently I’ve had a consulting session with a client that confessed me that an SEO ‘expert’ told her not to link to external pages because she loses Page Rank.
  If you’re a real SEO expert, you’re probably laughing with me right now.
  While there’s an ounce of truth that eventually you’ll lose Page Rank when linking out too much, there are signs that linking to other relevant websites could help increase your rankings.
  If you have something relevant and useful to share with the world and your audience, link away.
  It will help you build relationships and the favors will return.
  17. Actively Acquire Links to Your Website
  Luke 6:38. Give and you shall be given.
  If you don’t link to others, why would you expect them to link to you?
  However, you’ll also have to work for those backlinks.
  There is a saying: “God helps those who help themselves.”
  So go that extra mile to promote your content after you publish it. Be it via outreach or social media advertising, make sure it gets to the right people.
  Try to build relationships and offer value and the links will come.
  You can follow these steps to develop an effective link building campaign.
  18. Consistently Add Fresh, High Quality Content
  While adding more content doesn’t guarantee you higher rankings or more traffic, one thing is for sure: the more content you have, the higher the chances of you getting more traffic.
  It’s actually pretty simple: the more content you add, the more keyword you target. The more keyword you target, the more traffic you get.
However, once you’ve reached that point when you kind of covered everything, things start to stagnate.
  For example, here at cognitiveSEO we’ve been focusing on writing new high quality content for the past years. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. 
  If you’re just starting out, targeting lower competition keywords and writing more articles can be an effective strategy until you build some authority.
  If you’re already a big brand, a better solution would be to go after high competition, high search volume articles.
  Land one of those big ones and you’re set.
  But make sure to read our next SEO best practice…
  19. Update Your Best Performing Content Once in a While
  After a while, we’ve reached a point where most of the SEO topics were already covered in our old articles, one way or another.
  Finding new topics has become harder and we’ve noticed we are repeating ourselves in many cases.
  So we’ve decided to update old content instead of writing new one.
  Updating and improving old content that performed well can really help you with search engine rankings.
  One such experiment was on an SEO Copywriting article.
  After updating the content and optimizing it better for user intent (first step in this SEO best practices list), rankings and traffic went up. 
  You can see in the screenshot below an increase in clicks and impressions right after after the optimization was done, in December 2019. 
By keeping the content up-to-date, you’re also keeping it relevant.
  Don’t just do this for the best content, but also for old content that doesn’t seem to satisfy the user intent.
  Are you covering two topics into a single article? Split it in two. Are two or more articles covering the exact same topic but none are ranking? Merge them into one.
  20 . Don’t Use Javascript or JS Frameworks Extensively
  JavaScript is a God given, just like Ice Cream. But too much of it can lead to some nasty things.
  While JS can fix burnt crawl budget and indexation issues in an eCommerce Faceted Navigation scenario, it can also heavily impact the performance of a website if used too much.
  Usually, the issue with JavaScript is that plugins load the scripts everywhere even when they are not needed.
  A very good example are Slider plugins. Usually, revolution slider is only used on the homepage, yet the script can be found on every WordPress page.
  Sliders are known to negatively impact CTR so maybe it’s a good idea to ditch it for good, if you don’t have a solid reason for keeping it.
  Combining and Minifying JS files can help, but that usually breaks the code. Deferring it also works, until it doesn’t (ReCaptcha doesn’t really like that).
  Sometimes, people render content through JavaScript. This is also a bad idea because Google has a harder time indexing that content.
  If you do use JS to generate content, make sure it generates the content as HTML in the source of the web page.
  21. Use Hreflang for Multi-Language Websites
  Search results have become more and more personalized and geo-targeted.
  If you have a multilingual website, correctly implementing the hreflang tag can mean business.
There are websites that use the tag but don’t use it the right way.
  The problem with this? It can actually do harm!
  Make sure you don’t make these hreflang mistakes when you implement this on your website.
  22. Check Your Schema Markup
  Or add it if you don’t have Schema already.
  However, don’t rush on doing this first. While Schema Markup and Structured Data can be useful, other things such as properly optimizing your Titles are more important.
  Once you have those things done, you can take a look at Schema Markup as well.
  To test your implementation, you can use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool.
Usually, this works best for eCommerce stores, but can also be used by blogs and informational websites to their advantage.
  23. Track Your Results With Google Search Console
  The Google Search Console is your best friend.
  You can also track things with Google Analytics. However, when it comes to SEO, the Search Console is the proper monitoring tool.
  Analytics and Search Console work differently.
  Google Analytics tracks the users after they reach your website, while the Search Console tracks them from Google’s side, on the search result pages themselves.
  So, for the most accurate results, it’s best if you use the Search Console.
Not only will it show you how your content is performing in Google, but it will also pinpoint a lot of SEO issues your website might have.
  How to Check If You’re Following the Best Practices for SEO
  The first tip would be to make an SEO checklist of the things mentioned above and check them off.
  However, the best way is to create a system of your own and stick to it. Be it yourself or your entire company.
  Develop a strategy, create rules and follow them all the time. Have a process. That’s the key to success.
  What SEO best practices are you planning to use in 2020 an onward in your strategy? Let me know in the comments section below.
The post SEO Best Practices → Guide to Skyrocket Your Google Rankings appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.
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