#but not necessarily feasible right now :(
silverysongs · 2 years
really want someone to say to me "let's go for a ramble" and we have a walk in the park
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dragonanon · 1 year
Well the Supreme Court can officially go fuck right off. Because some conservative fossils decided that helping millions of people with student debt was simply too my to ask for, and voted against a plan that literally would’ve completely eliminated all my student debt. Now unless I want to run the risk of interest ballooning my debt, I need to pay it off in full which will wipe out literally HALF of my current savings. And I’m one of the luckier ones! My debt is just a little over 5k, I can’t even imagine how devastating this must be for people who have 20k or more in debt who were likely DEPENDING on this getting passed so they could have at least some semblance of a chance at becoming financially stable and debt free. I’ve said it multiple times over the last year, but FUCK the Supreme Court and everyone who pitched a fit about this bill.
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soraviie · 1 year
they're possessive.txt
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━ type: bts x gn! reader    ━ navigation
━ about: angst with a side of spice, slight humour idk I just be doing shit
━  pictures taken from Pinterest
━ what y'all think of this one? please let me know
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NAMJOON | A greedy, spiteful, spindling arm comes up on your waist, pressing you tightly against its just as equally greedy and spiteful owner's form. While aggravating, the gesture is of no surprise. You don't even jump when the grip begins to press more on your ribs than you'd necessarily like. You drive an elbow into his side, momentarily meeting those narrowed eyes of his.
You're annoying.
I don't like him.
Am I supposed to care that you don't like him?
The argument is held entirely mute. He knows you know and you know he knows though poor Daniel — he's all together clueless.
"Hello, you must be...uh, ____________'s boyfriend? Right?"
Delicately, you snort in your palm, immediately sensing the way Namjoon's muscles tense on the other side of your blouse. The heat of his palm resting on the small of your back is scorching.
And whether it's from that or the minuscule way his jaw clenches, repeatedly coming to a brutal grind to then release only for the motion to repeat in endless circles; whether it was the tightness of the smile — there's a tight tick at the gap in the small space between his mouth curving upwards and his cheek that says he's not actually smiling despite appearing very much so — or whether it was something as simple as the fact that his eyes had been tracking your every minute for a solid piece of ten minutes now that delivers this easy deduction right in your lap.
He's into one of those moods.
There's a distinct coldness in his eye, a sort of a less than impressed expression that anyone, even someone so generally lost as Daniel could pick up on.
"We were just talking about the role of guilt and class consciousness," he trails off, squeaking slightly at the very end. You don't exactly fault him for it. Having a large man towering over you, feasibly blowing smoke out of his nose would put anyone ill at ease. "In....s-sustainability m-m-marketing. Yes."
"Smart, my ______________, right?" Namjoon chuckles to himself lowly. Daniel echoes the laugh, regardless, of how nervous the cadence of his voice is. Once again you don't fault him for it. A stranger would have no trouble believing that Namjoon's laughter is in good faith. He's honed the subtle art of being a fake a little bitch but you who knows better...well, you know better. You know that the kiss your darling — your huffing, festering, seething darling — presses upon your temple is far from good faith. The way his fingers squeeze your grip, all greed and jealousy, is so far from good faith it's downright atheist.
"They a-are," Daniel stammers, gaze flitting between Namjoon and you. Stupidly he's fallen into the trap.
"So you like my ___________?" he wilts underneath the weight of Namjoon's glare. "My ____________?"
Fed up with the nonsense, you push his hand away. His head darts to sit on the floor.
"Just go," you order Daniel and without hesitation, the coward scurries off to the dark dingy corner he came from. So perhaps you also didn't like him, it still wasn't a reason to act like that. And Namjoon knows this because though obstinate, there is a bashful glimmer that prohibits him from looking you in the eye.
"Your ____________?" you scoff. "Presumptious, no?"
"No," he spits. The lights flash overhead, a cacophony of colours that's mirrored in the dark of his stare that's abruptly grows fixated on your face. The room reeks of champagne, stale air and someone's vape smoke and this man stands in front of you — annoying, determined, aggravating and he loves you.
And because you love him just as much you let it slide with the only protest offered being an eye roll.
"You are mine."
YOONGI | "Do you...want to have a drink?"
His entire silhouette is downturned. Had you been an uninvested bystander you'd probably call his pouting expression comical because how does one manage to look that sullen in the middle of his own award ceremony. But alas you're not an uninvested bystander, you're a confused person thrown in the midst of your partner's raging emotions.
He doesn't speak for such a long time you're ready to open your mouth again, certain that he simply didn't hear your offer but then he answers, quiet and lifeless:
"No, thank you."
You observe his hands. His hands that do the speaking when his mouth cannot and unsurprisingly, you find them quite anxious. His nails rip at the bed of his skin, pulling the strips one by one. You cringe at the sight and place your palm upon his however when he fails to move, you pull back. So he doesn't want to talk.
Surreptiously, you scooch away, giving Yoongi his space but like a bullet he darts out his hand to catch you by the elbow, pulling you back down.
A singular "please don't" that dies somewhere in his throat barely manages to reach your ears, nonetheless, you oblige and the tension in his rounded shoulders eases, if a bit.
Safe to say the walk back home was awkward.
"You're..." he speaks so suddenly, you jolt hearing his voice in the otherwise deadly silent staircase. "I thought I was always the first one you sent your lyrics to?"
It's such a weird question that you stop dead in the tracks and half turn to him on the overtly glamorous stairs to his penthouse. You never did like them. And now he's standing here atop of these stairs wearing a multitude expressions that simultaneously reveal everything and nothing. The line of his mouth is set down — grim and annoyed, his eyes are turned at an angle — the one that meant trouble, deep trouble yet the look within them was sad. You'd call it insecure though never aloud knowing he didn't appreciate such a thing.
"You're the first proper person I sent them to."
"Proper," he scoffs. "Is she not proper? Standing on a stage, receiving award for the song with your lyrics."
"She wasn't back then. Back then we were just dreaming idiots while you were already a star," you justify. He doesn't seem to like the explanation.
"Those lyrics meant so much to me, you know," he breaks. Not a lot but just enough, a break in the otherwise pungent dark. "It was as though you'd pried my ribcage open and prodded at my heart. I've never felt so...bare."
Automatically, you let out "I'm sorry" despite not knowing what you're apologising for. A bad habit he'd previously chided you for. He shakes his head either saying there's no need to say sorry or rejecting it altogether.
"Are you angry with me?"
Yoongi breathes a long, strained sigh, dejectedly shaking his head.
"No...no, it's not you I'm mad at."
"Then who?"
He fails to answer, instead choosing to run up the stairs where you were starting and to your surprise taking your hand into his.
Leading you back home, he asks, all casual:
"You love me...right?"
"Of course, I do!" offended, you retort. "What kind of qu-!"
"Say it out loud."
"Say out loud that you love me. That you're mine."
To further feign his relaxed state, he begs for this whilst punching in the code for the doors — each ding of the number dragging on and on in the stilted air of the hallway.
"Please, say it."
You give a small smile and lean into his arm. You finally get it.
"I love you and I'm yours. Don't worry."
Not much is spoken after that.
JIN | "Let's just do it, okay?"
His eyes widen, clearly mocking your outrage as lithe hands press the bowl out of your fingers, dragging you by the sleeve out of the country house. The morning is utterly fresh. Birds shriek and lilt their songs, perched just outside the window on the growing orchard, dew still glistens in the green grass and the world is at peace.
Or it was.
Before this demon decided to ruin your life.
As per freaking usual.
"I meant let's get the berries, you pervert," he dares to roll his eyes. You try to break free of his grasp but just like anchors board ships the strength of his clutch is unbreakable.
"It's 7 in the morning, Seokjin!"
"Seokjin," he echoes derisively. "No one calls me Seokjin."
"Lots of people do!"
"Then how about you don't."
"Ok, Mr Kim, whatever you say."
"That's even wor-no, actually on a second thought, I like it."
"Ugh, you're disgusting!" you snap, whilst for reasons unbeknownst to yourself still putting on shoes and a shawl. It's not like he even was your friend. The relationship you two shared in between the confusing circle of relatives, friends and acquaintances was exactly that — confusing. He was a friend of your cousin, somehow, a God's joke if anything, and hence why you found yourself be dragged by him in the rustic country house in the throes of upcoming summer. Funnily enough when he'd been introduced to you, Seokjin was presented as "shy and introverted, wouldn't hurt a fly, wouldn't speak a word". It had turned out to be the furthest thing from the truth. At least when it came to you. It was as though it was his life's mission bestowed from the ancestors to grate every single one of your nerves.
"Disgustingly handsome," he brushes off, unconcerned by your low growls and huffs of protest. Footsteps tremble the old wooden stairs underneath your butt, signaling a possible saviour.
"What are you guys up to so early?" Jae rubs the sleep out of his eyes, coming to stand before you and dropping his drooling head upon your shoulder. You welcome your head with energy never displayed before and Jin's expressions grows frighteningly lax.
"They squeezed this guy's head too hard in the military," you throw a thumb at his bristling figure. "He's lost it."
But Jin doesn't laugh instead his nose scrunches as though he'd smelt something deeply affronting all the while his eyes don't leave Jae. Suddenly he reaches to pry Jae's fingers away from your shoulder, gently albeit firmly guiding you away.
"This one needs some fresh air," he stiffly belts out and before you know it you're both out of the door. The fresh air is indeed nice — it hits you like a pleasant wall and rubbing at your tired eyes, you shuffle in the general direction where there was a splotch of green growth — raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, though the latter Jin didn't trust at all.
You trudge along in silence, battling the thorny undergrowth along the well-trodden narrow path snaking through the field. However, the closer you get to the berries, the more fuss Jin puts up.
"They'll eat me alive!" he cries out, violently shooing away the black masses of hungry mosquitoes. "I'm too delicious to be out here!"
You perch a hand on your hip, giving him a thoroughly disapproving glare.
"If you were going to complain about coming here, why even bother?"
"Well how else was I supposed to get you all to myself?"
You think that even birds fall quiet hearing that.
You both blink at each other.
"You...you want me...all to yourself?"
Jin laughs abruptly, the sound falling strained and nervous and in the soft light of the rising sun, his neck begins to glow bright red.
"Haha what nonsense," he chortles. "I see you're getting delusional, dear."
Like a deer caught in headlights, Jin stands before you, hyperventilating slightly and letting the mosquitos, just as he said, eat him alive.
"Dear?" you arch an eyebrow. "I'm your "dear" now?"
"No. You're a "deer" you misheard."
"That doesn't make any sense."
"You don't make any sense."
"No, you."
"No, you!"
"What are you five years old," you mutter underneath the nose before erupting into a teasing smile, curling a finger around a non-existent strand of hair. "So you want me all to yourself, huh? How flattering."
Jin rolls his eyes, once again swinging his arms around like some crazed caveman.
"We're going home now," he orders gruffly, turning on the heel.
"Jae's at home."
At the mention of your supposedly mutual friend, his expressions grows stormy once more and reaching backwards, he wraps his fingers around your wrist.
"Then we're going somewhere else," through gritted teeth, he pushes out, legs falling and rising, creating an angry stomp to which you titter along with.
"Oooooh, so you can have me all alone?"
He casts you a wicked glance from the corner of the eye, ultimately shrugging at the suggestion.
"Not really, I left the condom at home. But if you feel risky I'm down."
HOSEOK | After the fourth hour of being forced to listen to rock music at ear-splitting volume, Yoongi had enough and with an egregious sigh of displeasure, he rolled out of his studio and went to Hoseok's cave of misery.
Without knocking, he opened the doors, nearly crumbling from the force of the bass.
Very slowly as though pulled from a deep haze, Hoseok turned around, blinked for a while and only then understood the request.
"Sorry," he muttered, turning down the volume.
Yoongi examined him before letting out another sigh.
"If you're that worried about __________'s ex just tell them to dump the stupid reconciliation thing and return home."
"That's not what I do."
"And what do you do, Hoseok? Suffer in silence?"
The lone figure, illuminated only by the cold light of the laptop before him, didn't answer and Yoongi didn't prod any more.
"Just don't end up regretting it."
With those words reverberating through his head, Hoseok found himself running through the downtown streets, in search for even a sliver of you. A strand of hair, the corner of your jacket — anything. When at last he did, he found you happy, in the arms of another.
No, he doesn't think so.
"You're so sweet," you muttered into his neck as he let himself be angry, glaring hatefully at the dark ceiling. The grip he had on both of your hips will undoubtedly leave bruises but selfishly he couldn't bring himself to care. If anything he wanted more. People couldn't be trusted, they would try and with him being away so much...why shouldn't he mark you up all nice and pretty so people who didn't deserve you wouldn't bother you...
He digs his fingers deep into the flesh.
"Wrong thing to say," Hoseok growls. "I'm really pissed off."
"What I mean is you have nothing to worry about," you defend hastily as you cup his face in your palms. Hoseok would like to say he felt so much better, that the little monster clawing on his chest would be satiated with the sacrifice but it was far from so. "I'm yours and only yours."
"Well, obviously I know that. How about we make sure others know that as well?"
JIMIN | The slam of both doors comes at a perfect time, creating a singular, decisive cannon shot of "BANG" and then there was silence. In times like these, you praised your past self in choosing the bathroom adjacent to the bedroom. You doubted you could go out there - in the cold and heartless battlefield.
It was in the middle of the night, in the midst of a restless, frowning sleep that you hear the bedroom doors crack open. The left upper hinge was faulty, it creaked too much every single time. You always promised to take a look at it but in the end you never did.
Cautiously, fearing your wrathful outburst, a hand brushes over the covers and a warm weight evens the other side of the bed. He knows you're awake and he knows you know but still for a moment you pretend to sleep. An apologetic kiss is pressed against your jaw line; those two hands, now emboldened by your inaction come to rest around your form, wrapping you up like spiders did the witless flies flying into their webs.
"Why are you like this?" you ask him, not daring to give even a single glance backwards. It was always easier to speak if Jimin remained faceless. "Have I ever given you a reason to distrust me? To check me like this?"
"You know it's not yo-"
"Don't tell me "it's not you but me". That's bullshit."
"But it is me," he argues, blowing a harsh exhale of working up anger. It moves your hair and you sink tiredly into the mattress.
Two hands sneak their way underneath the covers, finding the warm flesh and then pressing it closer into him like he wants to mould you into him. Create one creature out of two.
"I'm sorry," you can hear the wistful sadness in his voice. "Do you think I'm crazy?"
"No. Not crazy. Just...lonely. Complicated."
"Complicated," Jimin echoes with a faint mutter. "Are we..."complicated"?"
"I don't know what we are."
Silence envelopes the room until at last you gather enough courage to look at him, settling on the other hip. The room is dark so it's hard to see and know for certain but you know it. Like a piece of some inherent knowledge stored in the marrow of your bones, you know the expressions marring his face. Anger — churning and acrid, loneliness — bitter and all enveloping.
Adoration — suffocating and sickening.
Yearning — stinging and all consuming.
Wish for you to live better than this, have better than these meaningless arguments spinning round and round with no reprieve — soft, selfless, devoted.
Jimin was all around a confusing man as if whoever made him didn't know how much to put into him so they poured everything into this one person and so he was everything.
"What am I supposed to do with you?" you sigh, tracing the side of his cheek. Readily he accepts the slight touch, nuzzling into it like a stray cat would after overcoming the initial fright fueled by disappointing past.
"Be gentle with me, please. Be kind."
"You were not kind."
His gaze darts downwards, embroiled in deep shame.
"I don't share. I don't want to share," spitefully, he mumbles, brows coming to knit together in a frown. "Why should I? You're mine. Only mine. Like I'm only yours."
"I don't get jealou-"
"But I want you to."
A pause. His fingers come up to lay upon your palm where he intertwines your fingers, perhaps so you couldn't escape. Not that you even considered.
"I want you to be jealous. I want you to be possessive. Just like I am. So I wouldn't feel guilty," he pulls in a shuddering breath, almost chickening out but then saying it after all. "So I would feel wanted."
"Oh, Jimin," you breathe yet another sigh but decide to not argue anymore.
TAEHYUNG | Whilst the legs clamping down on yours and preventing you from making a grandious exit of his apartment, doors slamming shut and everything, are present, a clearly discernible expression on his face is extremely lacking.
With features carved of stone, Taehyung sits on the other couch, pretending you were not even there, save for the occasional muscle flexing in his legs to keep yours locked in between his. For over an hour not a word was spoken, not a glance exchanged. Even Tannie grew fed up with the display and took his nap to the plush bed in the corner.
"This is ridiculous," you scoff, once your tailbone began to feel too numb. "My moving in was supposed to put an end to your...episodes."
He doesn't speak but you could almost swear that the vitriolic way his lips curl, he was mutely mocking your choice of words.
"It's like you're depressed."
"I am depressed," obstinately, he agrees, voice rumbling a low, irritated register.
"What for?"
"Well, I guess I just find it hard to get past the fact that the love of my life, my moon and stars," he accentuates the words with an intention you're too annoyed to grasp. "One who has agreed to be my spouse one day keeps flirting with a man clearly infatuated with them."
"Oh, for the love of god," you cry out, throwing your hands up in the air. "Yes, he has a thing for me but I shut it down. I known him since we were kids!"
"No, please, rub it in some more," theatrically, Taehyung grumbles. "Rub in the fact that we we raised different and that I lost so much time with you for no other reason than our mothers popped us out on two separate geographical locations."
"Did your mother also drop you a lot?" you hiss. "Because there has to be a clinical explanation why you're so...so...!"
"So what?" utterly calm, he cocks an eyebrow at you and you know you had swam into deep, infested waters but still you spit it out.
"So...possessive! I hate you!"
You whip around, arms crossed, determined to sulk for a year if needed.
"Hate me?" Taehyung laughs but there is no mirth to be had or reflected be it his voice, posture or gaze. "As if. You're sitting here in between my legs not forcing me away, not even trying to set yourself free because...you hate me?"
You loathe it when he's baseless and even more when he isn't.
"Would you let me go then?" you spite him but he meets your disdain in equal if not surpassing measure.
"Let you go?" he inclines his head as if the suggestion in itself is ludicrous. "No, I don't think so."
"How dare you?!"
"Perhaps I phrased it the wrong way," firmly, he stares you down. You were fairly sure there were more agreeable cliffs you could rather take on. "I mean it would be entirely pointless for me to let you go or for us to part since we both know you'll come crawling back to me and I'll be doing the same. The end result never changes so why waste our time?"
Ah, yes, the breakup. The one forbidden topic no one ever brought up. The one that whenever just mentioned made Taehyung cry and you grow red with rage. Thus you rage.
"Well do you want to repeat that? Is that what you want by acting like this?!"
But Taehyung doesn't even bat an eye.
"I understand your outrage," he states coldly. "But whatever the reason, you and I will sort out our differences and live happily ever after."
"Is this you sorting things out?!" you let your voice rise into a painful shriek, pointing heatedly at where he'd folded his legs over yours, prohibiting you from simply storming out. After a prolonged stare down, languidly he lets up, putting his hands up in a supposed defeat. Though it sure felt like a bout of attitude.
"There. You're free now. Want to run away?"
"I'm not the one who runs away."
His jaw clenches in a death grip and for a second the pain in his face, makes a person you knew best entirely unrecognizable.
"Okay, you want the truth? You want the hard, honest truth?"
"If you're even capable of that," you sneer.
"The fact is everyone in your life, including your mother has told me, to my face that I'm not worthy of you. That I'll never be right enough for you. That I'm stealing you away from your beautiful, pre-determined path of being with your childhood best friend. Of staying in your home. And seeing how hard you struggle to fit in here, I realize that I'll never be enough. I'll never be able to soothe your aches that I myself caused by bringing you here. So I shout to the world, to them, to myself, to you that you're mine because lately I'm beginning to feel like each passing moment you're slipping through the cracks of my fingers. I'm getting desperate and that's why I'm depressed. Is that so unreasonable?"
By the end of it, his chest is heaving up and down, barely gathering enough breath to power through the breakdown. You wet your dry lips, sinking listlessly into the sofa.
"Why didn't you just tell me?"
He drops his head on the backrest, lips curling downward. He really is depressed.
"Despite how I may feel about them, you still love all of these people. They're your support system, one I cannot replace. I just wanted you to be happy."
You sit on your respective ends, mulling your own thoughts. Still sulking, you touch his pinky, curious if Taehyung will accept the gesture. He doesn't look at you but immediately his own little finger wraps around yours.
JUNGKOOK | "You're a caveman!"
"A chauvinist!"
You hit him square in the chest. It does fuck all.
"Gym rat," you mumble sullenly, begrudgingly accepting your bitter fate of being used as a pillow. It's not like you had even plans to go anywhere but finding yourself restricted because of this weirdo was completely different than just simply being lazy.
"That's not even an insult."
"I feel like a hero trapped by a creepy villain," you continue to fuss but Jungkook who has all of his limbs wrapped around you like a human cage appears mighty relaxed. His eyes are closed, there's a smirk playing on the ends of his lips, threating to burst at any given moment and at times it even seems he'll fall asleep.
"If that's what you feel."
"Jungkook, you're seconds away from going full Golumn!"
"Was he really that problematic? Or should other people mind their own business more and not interfere into the domestic lives of others? What's mine is mine. I would also hate having you be lugged away to a mountain to defeat some evil edgelord."
You cry out — defeated. With a content sigh, Jungkook can feel your body relax in his hold.
"You're impossible."
"Listen, babe, I told you I'm a lot to handle. I'm not legally liable for the consequences of your own actions."
Breathing right into his Adam's apple you curl your palms, briefly considering into pinching him. Painfully.
"You sly son of a-"
Jungkook presses a palm over your mouth with a throaty laughter.
"Let's get along with your future mother-in-law, why don't we?"
Spitefully, you lick at his palm but the only thing it causes is laughter.
"Good idea," much to your horror, he licks a bold strip along your collarbone. Your palms relax from the sheer shock of his actions as your nose crinkles in disgust at the sudden wetness alongside your flesh.
"Just fluids, babe," he points out and settles deeper into the covers, arms restlessly caging you in. From the very moment he first came home, pushed all his weight on top of you with an incoherent "miss you" they hadn't eased.
Still, you suppose this was some sort of progress from the temper he worked up in the earlier days. Recalling your little storm cloud and how he would thunder when threatened made you almost smile. In retrospect, it was just him being...really in love. The way he explained it, was that at times it simply overwhelmed him — this love he held for you. Hence why despite your grumbling and grousing, both you and him knew you weren't against it. It made you feel...wanted. And though you supposed someday in the future, the matter would have to be looked at by a therapist, currently you decided to sleep. His embrace was so warm after all.
And then in the border between wakefulness and sleep, there comes his soft voice, softly clinging to the background of your mind.
"You know you could kill me and I think I'd still love you," he chuckles lowly to himself, pressing a cheek against the crown of your head all the while softly swaying you both to rest. Unproblematic, gentle rest. "You're a bit terrifying in that way."
"I wouldn't do that," you deny hazily, your mouth falling open against his shirt. You always drool on it and he never complains.
"I know."
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tagging: @rmstdio; @pinkcherrybombs; @devilsbooksworld; @btsiguess-kpop; @belladaises; @halesandy; @seok-jinnies; @themochiverse; @cuteipat; @ratherbefangirling; @manchuria' @chimchimmarie; @smalliechelle; @koostarcandy; @flitzerj; @royallyjjk; @dreamamubarak; @anti-social-mochi267; @jung-nika-hoseok; @jminssiii
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phoenixyfriend · 10 months
Was watching a ContraPoints video (popular trans lady YouTuber) on some gender philosophy and got to thinking about trans girl Ani nuances.
OKAY SO: Contrapoints makes a comment in the video (transcript here) that she views herself as a boy who became a woman, not a girl who didn't realize it yet, which is a relatively uncommon approach among trans people, and that's in the middle of a longer discussion on the flaws in radfem theology (which I watched right after this PhilosophyTube video, and accidentally conflated the two since the former talked a lot about systems/structures of gender).
Anyway, I'm rotating that in my mind with regards to Anakin, who grew up in a setting that could easily be interpreted as having a much foggier distinction between Man and Woman than between Slave and Maste,r or human and twilek, etc.
It's entirely feasible that, on Tatooine in particular, the social elements of gender came down to very practical concerns (reproduction) and very superficial signs (e.g. hairstyle could maybe broadcast intended gender, and who wears skirts) outside of the specific situation of highly gendered and sexual forms of slavery (Jabba's dancing girls), which was relatively rare compared to more standard forms, like shop work or janitorial or what have you.
So you have an Anakin who grew up in a setting where "am I a girl?" isn't necessarily a question that would have the same answer as in another setting with more defined gender distinctions, in terms of both expression and role, and of the matter of identity at that confluence.
Then he--still he, at that time--meets Padmé and the handmaidens (very feminine, very girl, but not in a way that's at all like the way women on Tatooine willingly engage with), and encounters Coruscant culture (lots of gender dynamics due to the culture mash, but a low-key Western Misogyny vibe in the Senate and other non-Jedi settings Anakin's liable to encounter), as well as the Jedi classes on gender and sexuality and respecting/navigating those parts of culture on other planets.
As a result, Anakin starts developing a new, more nuanced and expansive understanding of gender, where it's more than just a few small differences, and the people around are mostly Jedi, who are also pretty dang open to nontraditional gender approaches etc And Anakin sort of… grows into wanting to be woman? In a way that isn't the usual "I always knew I was a girl" and more of an "I've learned what people consider a girl, and I'd like to be one."
And like. Ani COULD go back to thinking of gender in Tatooine terms, but why bother? Being a girl makes her happy. She wasn't unhappy as a boy in that gender framework, but she's happy as a girl now.
But because she didn't mind being raised a boy, she might say things a "when I was a boy" or "back when I was still living as a boy"
Me every time I hear a new, interesting take on gender: How can I apply this to a fictional character?
Also tbf this settles pretty well with my general thoughts on nb Anakin as well, where gender is like… It Sure Is A Thing That Exists. Anyway, Where's The Blasterfire?
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bignickrgxa2 · 5 months
If I was Ryan, Shane and Steven right now, I'd be fucking petrified.
I'm sure, based on the last 6 years of consuming their content, that Watcher TV was not pitched as "easy money". I'm even more certain that they never thought in a million years they'd alienate and devastated their hard-earned fan base with the news.
All they needed to do was some fucking research. 5.99 a month is just too much for the vast majority of YouTube consumers to plump on something for so narrow in it's content. As high as the quality is, and as genuinely beloved as the Watcher boys are, it's absolutely fucking absurd to think that charging the same price as a service like fucking CrunchyRoll, is appropriate in any way.
If they'd have set the paywall lower. Like 1.99 a month, I think most people would be happy to support the endeavour, as long as they are financially able too. But 6 whole fucking dollars a month?! Also the Patreon has to go too. You cannot feasibly ask any audience to pay for two services that essentially do the same fucking thing.
It's not necessarily too late to change the price, apologise HARD, kill the Patreon, clarify what they intend to do with Watchers YouTube content, and do some fucking research!?
I'm actually in a position where I could potentially subscribe during the month's where they're uploading content I want to watch, but I think the principle of it just kinda blows, despite the genuinely good place I think/hope it came from.
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doublejango · 18 days
I am planning a Halloween-themed RP event for Discord. It'll take place the month of October, and be a semi-DM'ed setting. Editing to add: I'll probably bring everyone in to the server in a few days or a week-ish here, so people have time to start planning, and get to see some of their info. And if we want to start it early, we'll be able to, of course! Once everyone is there and settled in the server, there will be an official kick-off and I will also be sending each player a little packet of private information to work with, and if nudges are needed here and there to keep activity going (or as characters begin to require more information to work with), that will happen.
If you're interested? Just comment with what character you'd like to play. There'll only be one version of each muse, and anyone from Helluva or Hazbin is welcome (and OCs, of course). As far as writing and activity expectations: we'll have the entire month of October to play around with a single plot. While it would be awesome if people can reply at least once a day whenever their turn comes up, I know that may not be feasible <3 So if you need to go slower, that is completely fine! For writing type, please be prepared to do a few paragraphs--give your partners something to work with, without necessarily pushing yourself to do a novella.
Plot details will come out later. For now, I'm just looking to see who all would be interested? Comment with the character/s you would like to play, I'll reblog this a few time over the next week or so, and we'll go from there <3
Initial Details: -This will be for players 18 and over only. I'm not planning on there being any smut, but am not going to police people who want to write it. -There will be content for those who want fluffier things and those who want to delve into the deep and dark and spooky. It's a Halloween themed event with characters from Hell; assume there may be triggering and problematic content. Scenes/threads will have their own channels however, so if someone wants to open up an especially dark scene, those who aren't involved in it will be able to mute that channel if they would rather not see that content. And, it should be pretty easy for us to put Content Warnings up.
-For those who like thinking about their characters' outfits... Clearly, there has to be a masked ball aspect to this, so if you want to think about what your character might look like if they were attending a Halloween masquerade? Go for it! It will be relevant, but absolutely isn't necessary.
-Pre established ships are totally fine. If you're joining with your ship partner and you both want to ship your characters in this setting, go for it. There will also be a general chat open before the event is, where people can talk out those kinds of details too, if they want to. It won't be necessary, of course! But we all love ships in one way or another right? So <3 Just throwing that out there. -Plot: This will basically be an AU, so feel free to go gloves-off, fully dive in, embrace it. What I can tell you so far is that all of the characters will be stuck in one place together, with no way out. It'll be a nice setting, fancy enough for that masquerade after all, but with a constant undercurrent of horror... that may grow more prominent as time goes by.
Characters Who Are Spoken For: Blitz Alastor Visage (OC) Eclipse Lucifer Aclima (OC) Stolas Lucid Eveningstar Pre-Established Ships: Vizzy & Blitz
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genericpuff · 12 days
Hey weird question but what’s your recommend pen pressure for clip studio??? I had the program for a while and enjoying but I can’t seem to get the pressure to feel right
ouu this really will depend on you, some people require different amounts of tension / pressure in their pen grip to feel "right". It also depends on your tablet, some tablets come with a wider range of pressure output - right now the standard across the board seems to be 8192 levels of pressure sensitivity, but other models can come with less and that can limit your range in what's possible (I remember the days when 2048 levels was mind-blowing LMAO and now I'm learning that 8192 is the new norm ?? wild). That said, levels of pressure sensitivity are kind of like resolution differences in TV's - there comes a point where you can't even feasibly see the difference anymore so a higher number in pressure sensitivity isn't necessarily going to make any sort of significant difference for you.
Ultimately what I will suggest is to pick a pen pressure that lightens the burden on your wrist and tablet, you shouldn't have to be digging the pen hard into the surface of the tablet to get lines at their full size. If you find yourself doing that, you should try and lighten the curve of pressure sensitivity in your settings, your tablet surface and joints will thank you.
It should also be noted that you can change both global and brush-specific pen pressure settings. So while I have a general global pen pressure setting that applies to the entire program, some brushes I apply lower - or higher - minimum size values depending on the purpose of the brush. Lining pens for detailed work I'll typically have lower minimum values, whereas large painting brushes I'll keep at a static pressure size because they don't need to get too small for detail and are best expressed with sweeping motions that can be achieved with just a few levels of pressure. And some brushes I just have pressure sensitivity turned off entirely because they're meant to be the same uniform shape throughout!
You should also check your pen tablet's specific pen pressure settings as well. IDK what brand of tablet you're using but they usually require drivers to work and if you start those driver hubs you can find pressure sensitivity settings to apply not just to Clip Studio, but across all software.
I'll share with you my settings if you want to try them, but again, you'll have to adjust them to your needs as what I find comfortable isn't necessarily going to be comfortable for you.
Huion Tablet pen pressure settings:
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(I have these set to a linear default, it just means that any customizing I do is exclusive to the program I work in, makes things less complicated for me)
Clip Studio Global pen pressure settings:
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You can find this option under File > Pen Pressure Settings; it's where you can adjust the global pen pressure to apply to the entire program regardless of what brush you're using. What's nice about this is that you can actually draw while this is active and it will adjust your settings accordingly to match your technique!
Here's a lil' video demonstrating it:
And of course, just note that regardless of whether you're changing global settings or specific brushes - a higher curve means less pressure is required to achieve the targeted brush size, a lower curve means more pressure is required to achieve the targeted brush size. So if you have a brush set to a size of 15, a higher curve means you won't need as much pressure to get to that size, whereas a lower curve will require more (but that means you can achieve a wider range of smaller sizes leading up to size 15 with a lower curve). Where those curves fall on the graph determines that curve of pressure - if a high curve is immediate, then the range of pressure is very very low; if a curve starts off low but gradually builds up to and ends in a high curve, you'll have to travel that curve of pressure through your technique to achieve that highest point, meaning wider range of size expression, but not necessarily beneficial if you don't need that wide range and want to be able to get from small to big quickly and without much pressure needed.
Specific brush pen pressure settings:
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So what's basically happening here is that some brushes have more unique pressure settings tailored to that specific brush (such as the DAUB Basiliscus brush which, iirc, came packaged with those pressure settings, meaning it has unique properties that don't specifically adhere to the global pressure settings I showed above); whereas other brushes have the pen pressure turned off entirely either to prevent it from having dynamic lines, OR to allow it to be manipulated through other pressure settings like tilt/thickness/opacity rather than size.
All of this is why my specific tablet driver has a default linear path for its pen pressure, so that I can alter the necessities of my brushes and software as needed. By default, I don't like having to put too much pressure on my pen to achieve the targeted size value, so my general settings curve in CSP looks like this:
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Which means I can achieve that maximum value without too much pressure; if that upper curve was further away from the start point, I would need to apply more pressure to hit it.
Whereas if I need a specific brush to achieve a wide range of pressure expression through a slowly-building curve, then I'll edit those brushes settings to do so! (the DAUB Basiliscus brush seen above is, again, a good example of this, because its pressure curve is the complete OPPOSITE of my global pen pressure settings.)
And if anyone's still struggling to grasp the concept of the pen pressure graph, I think the best way I can compare it is to something like volume, or even video editing fade-outs or animation frame timing. It's all in the timing, if something gets bigger faster you don't get a chance to see what came between point zero and point 100. Here's a visualization with examples in terms of music that is fundamentally the same in how pen pressure operates:
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I hope that all makes sense and helps! I probably went into way more detail than necessary but I figure if I'm answering the question anyways, may as well go into more detail for those who might also benefit from this! Especially when it involves graphs LMAO (I'm awful at math but graphs are my jam hahaha)
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lemon-natalia · 8 months
Gideon the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 18
right off the bat, Teacher seems very sure that this was not murder and keen not to have a full murder investigation. i don't think he's necessarily suspicious or anything, but he seems incredibly scared of whats down there, but maybe also not wanting others to find out about it? personally i'm not totally convinced, i feel like it could be a combination e.g. one of the other Houses let loose/awoke something in the lab on purpose
first proper look we've gotten at the Second House here, and, unsurprisingly for the literal military, they seem very into authority - also interesting that they're the ones apparently responsible for carrying out murder investigations, i suppose it makes sense given we haven't seen any other real form of law enforcement at all
and, of course, suspicion is falling on the Ninth now given they were the ones who found the bodies. honestly a little surprised they weren't suspected sooner
ok so, all those who have keys (other than the ninth), and thus, atm are the only ones who could feasibly have anything to do with the deaths are: the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, & Ianthe
Dulcinea having a key is intriguing, not only is she cleverer than she appears, she and Pro have been more active in their search than they've let on
it is possible the others of Third House were genuinely unaware that Ianthe had a key and possibly she has her own agenda, but this also feels like a very public and dramatic reveal. i don't trust that isn't a ploy to throw any suspicion away from Corona and Naberius.
Isaac and Jeannemary are just so determined to hunt whatever hurt Abigail and Magnus, its killing me. they're clearly grieving, and without oversight now, i'm very concerned they're gonna get themselves into big trouble
the way that Harrow just trusts implicitly now that Gideon locked the hatch 😢
hmmm Abigail hated heights, i can definitely understand given i also have a phobia of anything higher than a set of ground-floor stairs. its also a little strange given she would have had to descend that tunnel to get to the lab, but i don't think its necessarily suspicious or a big clue, she could have been willing to brave it for a larger goal
Harrow seems rather desensitised to the fact that two people just got murdered, but it makes sense given how much death she's surrounded with constantly. that being said girl two people just got murdered chill out
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extasiswings · 1 year
I said this to others already, but to me this finale had a lot of 4x14 vibes tbh. Season 4 was severely hindered in it’s production due to COVID and i am, to this day, convinced that that’s also what made them tie it up with such a neat little bow before (at least in Bucktaylors case) undoing a lot of it immediately as season 5 rolled around. Essentially giving everyone the happiest ending they feasibly could.
And there’s something to be said about how mainstream tv seems to think that “happy ending” always equals “in a romantic relationship” whether or not the relationship itself is developed or healthy at all, but for two characters with character arcs so intertwined with their love life, it does make sense.
The thing is, to me this makes sense. Am I thrilled? No. But I’m excited to see what they do because I understand how this fits with the rest of the season and I’m not worried about it.
There were three big themes circling around Buck and Eddie all season. 1) missing the things that are right in front of you; 2) fantasy vs reality; and 3) Fear holding you back/preventing you from living your life. All three of these themes are tied together and need to be worked through to get to a place of Buddie canon and Buck’s “I’m already Christopher’s father” realization. But the last one is arguably the most important in order to get to the heart of the others and that’s where I feel like Marisol and Natalia come in.
Buck and Eddie both started the season single. But not because they necessarily wanted to be, because they were afraid not to be. Afraid to put themselves out there, afraid of being rejected, afraid of making mistakes. But being single out of fear is not the same thing as wanting to be alone or being comfortable with your life as it is, it’s just letting fear control your life. So the way I see it, if they had ended the season still single, that would have changed nothing from where they started.
For Eddie especially, this is a baby step but a necessary one. Whatever happens with Marisol, Eddie’s going to wind up on the other side with some confidence in himself and his ability to be a romantic partner and that’s what he needs to ultimately be secure enough to put himself on the line and really be honest with Buck. It’s low-stakes, it’s fluff, but I think it’s good for him.
For Buck, I disagree with the idea that he is inherently repeating the same mistakes. Yes, it’s not an auspicious start, but we as the audience see things that Buck doesn’t, and also there are some pretty key differences between Natalia and Taylor. With Taylor, they had a preexisting relationship. Buck knew going in all of the things about her that were dealbreakers for him, and instead of being true to himself, he told himself that he could “learn to live with it” and stayed with her for a year. With Taylor, he knew she was fundamentally a person whose values conflicted with his going all the way back to Dosed. He never should have dated her to begin with.
By contrast, he’s been on exactly three dates with Natalia. He barely knows her, and by all accounts she seems like a perfectly nice person even if someone who isn’t ultimately going to work for him (which is something that has been projected to the audience, but not for Buck). She hasn’t done anything wrong (it was pretty reasonable for her to feel overwhelmed and leave when Kameron crashed their date) and there’s nothing about her so far (in her personality or otherwise) that shows Buck is compromising himself and settling. Right now he’s clinging to a woman he wanted to date and get to know better anyway because she wants to be with him too and he’s feeling vulnerable—okay? He wanted to be with her though, I didn’t get the impression this was just about him being afraid to be alone (the way I felt about BT all through S4-S5). If they’re still together after the hiatus when they’ve known each other for more than five minutes and been on more than three dates, and we have actual evidence of him compromising himself where he shouldn’t? Then I’ll be agree that he’s repeating the same mistakes. But if anything right now I’m assuming this is his chance to prove his growth when he is ultimately put in a position to do better—that when something significant comes up he will be comfortable enough with himself to break things off instead of settling for what he doesn’t want. In the meantime, idk about y’all, but it takes me more than three dates to figure out if someone I’m interested in is going to be a good fit for me in the long run. And in a similar vein to Eddie needing to gain some confidence in his ability to be a romantic partner, I think Buck needs to be able to prove to himself that if he’s put in a situation where he’s settling, he’s capable of walking away. And for both of them I think those are important steps for them to take before they’re ready to be together.
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I saw your post about the importance of Buck and Tommy being kinky (and I agree!!) but I have a question for you: do you think Buck and Tommy have already had sex or is it something we’re going to build to in the series? Especially seeing that we’ve seen hook up scenes with other couples (including Buck), do you think we’ll see it on screen or is that something even ABC isn’t willing to do?
Honestly I could totally see it either way (kinda like I could see them either jumping straight into bed or going nice and slow - I’ve read fic where the writers made both work).
I think from a TV standpoint, it depends partially on if there’s a time skip between seasons for whether “Buck and Tommy’s first time” becomes a plot point. If there’s any kind of time skip, they may have moved on past the new relationship phase and it would feel weird to have that be a storyline when they’re more of an established couple.
If we start right back with Gerard’s first day, then it’s feasible. I could possiblyyy see them going for a somewhat cliche storyline where Buck has some weird ideas about the Top/Bottom convo and goes to Hen or something (and everything is said in innuendo), but they already had Buck be cringey with his “I’m an ally” schtick so I’d rather they go in another direction. And it’s not like we knew exactly when Eddie/Marisol started having sex, so it wouldn’t be rare for them to skip over that if it doesn’t fit the narrative they’re going for.
With that said, I think there are plenty of ways to give “confirmation” that they have sex, without actually making it a huge plot point or getting too raunchy for network television.
A scene where they wake up shirtless (and presumably naked) in the same bed to an unexpected call. A fade to black scene where they’re making out somewhere more private than a hospital waiting room and the door shuts (a la Taylor/Buck). Or even just Buck getting comfortable enough to make sex jokes at the firehouse to freak Chimney out (and have him yell about how they’re brothers now so Buck shouldn’t tell him these things).
So while I’m hopeful for more Tommy/Buck storylines (and honestly more scenes of them making out, preferably with fewer clothes, because those are some beautiful men), I don’t necessarily think we should expect their first time to be a big deal on screen or take it as a bad sign if it isn’t. And if it’s not, then that’s what fic is for!
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skydigiblogs · 6 months
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oc lore transcribed below the cut (god i'm so sorry for the damage glaze did to this)
it's really long below the cut so be warned
Okay, Lore Time.
"REV" the Apocalymon
he/him, they/them (plural)
a reincarnation of the previous Apocalymon, who inherited their feelings and incorporated the data of Meicoomon to adopt their body for travel; this incorporated data may be responsible for the more tame mutation of this incarnation
dislikes Homeostasis for its role in maintaining the Digital World's constants which allow Apocalymon to continue reforming and accumulating new data, but has the hindsight of the last Apocalymon's campaign against it, despite resenting what they see as a fundamental hypocrisy in Homeostasis's behaviors
wandering the Digital World in search of both purpose and the original source of the distortion that birthed their predecessors
Rev is able to emote slightly with his mask, the circuitry moving almost like eyebrows
The "Roaming Mode" Rev uses condenses the data of his full body into a body capable of leaving the Dark Area. Switching between these two forms is possible, but requires a great deal of energy.
However, Rev's RM should not be underestimated, as they still possess the capability to channel the power of the Dark Area. While RM imposes severe physical limitations on Rev, they are willing to fight if provoked.
This does not necessarily mean that Rev is as quick to turn to violence as their predecessors, however. In RM, Rev is able to approach weaker Digimon without risking their wellbeing simply due to the distortive nature of an Apocalymon's data. Digimon that do not make assumptions based on his appearance are Digimon that Rev spends a great deal of time around. Now that they have the luxury of enjoying the Digital World, even in such a limited capacity, they take time to savor their experiences.
In order for a smaller body to function, Rev required modification to his data to allow for a more balanced circulatory system. Converting between forms takes energy to do without causing great damage to the Digital World, but maintaining RM requires energy as well. With better data circulation, RM can be feasibly maintained for an indefinite period of time.
[ID 1: Flat-color artwork of an Apocalymon OC named Rev. He is a humanoid Digimon with a half-mask covering the top of his face. Gold circuitry is visible on the top of the mask, but the rest of the pattern is on the side of the mask not visible. His left eye, which faces the viewer, has a red scar-like mark over the mask. Rev has shoulder-length white hair. His body appears emaciated and distorted, with a cape growing out of his own skin and nonhuman proportions. The ends of the cape end in DNA helix-patterns. Three pipe-like structures stretch from the bottom of his torso through his knees and feet, and from his back to the base of his head respectively. His torso ends in a knit of veins akin to the roots of plants, and are tied in pentagonal structures ending in clawed feet. The claws on his feet are the same bright pink and sharp style as the ones on his hands.]
[ID 2: The same artwork as above, with additional notes and sketches. There are two sketches of Rev's right eye facing the viewer, demonstrating his ability to emote using the circuitry patterns on his mask. There is also a rudimentary sketch of the full geometric body of Apocalymon, a structure comprised of 12 pentagons. Another sketch shows Rev gesturing menacingly with his cape flared out. There is also a sketch of Rev kneeling next to Botamon. Botamon is a small digimon reminiscent of a cat's head, with round ears and bright eyes on a black body. The final sketch is a simplified torso sketch of Rev, demonstrating where the black pipe connects the base of his skull and the small of his back. The notes are transcribed in the read more below, as there is a lot of them.]
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izvmimi · 1 year
a/n: not me butting into other people's aus but i love @strawberrystepmom's kakashi x reader au so much!!!
cw: alcohol mention. reader is at brunch with a friend (oc)!
"so you're fucking the hokage, huh?"
you nearly spit out the drink in your mouth while maemi looks at you, unphased by the words coming out of her mouth, and stirs her drink. it's 11am, there's relentless hustle and bustle at this outdoor restaurant, and the soft breeze of early spring is not enough to abate the heat rising from your mostly bare shoulders up to your jawline.
"shhh!!!" you hiss, leaning in, as though you're suddenly surrounded by reporters. maemi blinks.
"damn, you didn't even argue with me." she laughs as your complexion reddens even more, and takes another bite of eggs benedict. you're covering your face now, embarrassment thick and unrelenting, and she chews and swallows before leaning in.
"don't worry, no one is listening in. plus i'm pretty good at misdirection - good grades in genjutsu class, remember?" she insists.
you shoot her a dirty look before rising to a regular sitting position, and adjusting the pleats of your spring dress.
"fine, a codename." maemi suggests. "are we going with your usual?"
you sigh. "That Man and I have not fucked yet."
maemi looks at you, contemplating, then takes another bite.
"he's fingered you under the table, right?" she asks.
maemi takes a sip of her mimosa, nonchalant, and gulps it down a little too quick. "manabu told me, and if he knows, more people know than you think."
your blood seems to run cold, or is it early spring chill? you can't tell. her partner doesn't seem like the gossipy type, but he does work close enough to the hokage's office that it is feasible that he's heard something - or worse, heard something.
"you know, i could tell that once you started this job it would end up like this." she taps her forehead with the back of one of her chopsticks. "you know, the authority kink and everything?"
you take out your hand and place it on the table, palm up. "knock me out right now, to be honest." maemi looks down at your hand then looks up.
"oh no, you're gonna have to ask the alcohol to do that for you." she says, declining to waste her chakra. with that statement, she finishes the rest of her mimosa, then raises her hand up for the waiter to bring them another round of drinks. once the order is given, her eyes turn foxlike as she smiles at you again.
"hey, can you get the hokage to promote me? i'm not gonna be able to compete with nepotism baby sakura at this point, unless i have some kind of backer."
you snort. "i don't think being a former hokage's apprentice necessarily counts as nepotism. maybe she's just good."
maemi furrows her eyebrows. "listen, i may not be as good as her but i'm not garbage and i need someone powerful to back me-"
you raise a hand. "even if i WERE-" you pause, then bite your lip before continuing, "making love to current Lord Sixth-"
"is that what you call him in bed?"
you can feel your head start to pound before giggling maemi raises her own hands in defeat. "sorry, no more jokes."
you cut your eyes at her, and continue, "- what makes you think i can ask that?"
maemi leans in, brown eyes glowing with humor at her own jokes. "just give him the old spit shine and be like, so i have this really, really talented friend-"
"get out." you hiss.
your next round of drinks come, and you dig into a plate of potatoes and chase it down with iced coffee. as the conversation shifts away from the fact that you are notably entangled with the most powerful man in konoha at the moment, you consider what it might mean for your future, both as a biographer but also as someone who hopes to live quietly in this country. maemi notices you are somewhat lost in thought, and stops her tirade about the hierarchy of konoha's medical-nin, and gives you a reassuring smile.
"i know i just gave you shit, but i promise if anyone bothers you, i'll be the first one at your defense. i already told manabu to write down the names of anyone who even suggests that you're anything but sweet and sought after," she mentions. "you'll be fine."
you swallow.
maemi gives you another look, able to tell you're not completely reassured.
"do you love him?" she asks, her voice softer this time. "... it's not wrong if you do."
you can't give her a yes now, but you can feel your heart, slowly but surely, moving towards it.
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goodqueenaly · 6 months
Do you think that (if Robb was willing) Tywin was ready tomake peace with Robb? Was there a point where he decided that a negotiated surrender wasn’t an option and that only Robb’s death would do?
The closest Tywin came to conceding to a settlement with Robb was a post facto admission he gave Tyrion following the Battle of the Camps:
Lord Tywin seated himself. "You have the right of it about Stark. Alive, we might have used Lord Eddard to forge a peace with Winterfell and Riverrun, a peace that would have given us the time we need to deal with Robert's brothers. Dead … [sic]" His hand curled into a fist. "Madness. Rank madness."
Now again, this was an admission Tywin was only giving after the fact, when such a settlement was obviously already impossible. As Tyrion had so dramatically demonstrated to Ser Harys Swyft, the feasibility of peace with the Stark-Tully faction following the execution of Eddard Stark was as broken as his shattered cup. Even before the Greatjon cut through the political Gordian knot with his acclamation of Robb, the Stark-Tully faction had no reason to settle with Tywin and the Baratheon-Lannister regime, and even less so once Ned had been killed. (For the record, I don't think Ned taking the black as had been the original agreement would necessarily have prevented war between the Stark-Tully faction and the Baratheon-Lannister regime anyway, but that's a different story.)
So by ACOK, Tywin had instead fully committed himself to a war against Robb, though this campaign could hardly have been called a glorious triumph for Tywin. While it might be amusing to consider what Tywin would have done if Robb's plan to lure Tywin west had been completed, Edmure's defeat-in-victory at the Fords made this scenario a moot point. Tywin was going to defeat Robb - in the field, and then when he could not do so, through the use of carefully cultivated treacherous allies and a shocking betrayal of guest right.
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sailor-aviator · 9 months
Okay, so I've gone back and forth on whether or not to post this, but here we are. Long post under the cut.
I realize that I tend to post updates fairly often. However, I am not a machine, and I do actually have a full time job. The only reason I've been able to update like I have is because we've been in the off season. Eventually, things are going to pick up quite a bit and more than likely, I won't have as much free time to post like I do now. With that being said, I will try to get updates to you guys as much as I can, BUT there seems to be an attitude going around (not just towards me, but towards many other authors on here) that we should be updating almost every day. This is not feasible. Do I love that you guys love my stories so much? Absolutely! And I love talking about them with y'all. However, this is a hobby first and foremost. I am not being paid to write these stories and everything that I do post, I post for free. So, it's a little aggravating when I get asks in my inbox asking when I'm updating again after it's only been a week. It's a little aggravating when I get asks in my inbox for requests with not even a please or thank you, just a demand for something.
Which brings me to the next point. I don't mind taking requests. In truth, I'm a little backlogged right now, so until I can catch up, specific requests are closed. I will still talk about the stories with you guys, but I wouldn't necessarily expect a drabble until I can catch up on some of the ones that have been sitting in my inbox for about two months now. Along this same line, I really don't appreciate people coming into my inbox and telling me that you like my writing and then turning around and insulting it. I also don't appreciate when people come into my inbox and ask me to write an entire AU with specific scenarios while also insulting the way I write my characters. I love hearing about the different AUs you guys wanna see me do, but when you are sending me paragraphs of specific things you want to see in the AU, then it's no longer just an idea. At that point, you should be considering writing it yourself because it's not my original story at that point.
To clarify, there's a big difference between "I think it would be really cool if you wrote a mob AU and the reader could be a waitress or work in a bookshop or something" and "You should write a mob AU where the reader is a waitress and gets caught in a shootout and this character saves her! But then it turns out the waitress is secretly working undercover to bring down the mob boss and there's a shootout where this thing happens and then the characters have this specific conversation and then..."
I'm not trying to be a bitch, I swear I'm not. But it's frustrating when I can tell some of you don't even read the actual stories before ragging on them and then submitting a request in the same breath. It's also getting a little frustrating when I have the tag list at the top of my posts (with the trigger warnings) and I'm still being asked to add people to the tag list. I try to be accomodating and understanding, guys, but things have been a little much recently, and I just felt like I needed to say something. I know I'm not the only author on here experiencing this sort of stuff, and I'm not going to sit here and say that I'm speaking for them, but please start reading the author notes and the trigger warnings and what the author has posted before the actual story. And please stop pestering the authors on here about when they're posting. I know some people post daily, hell, I used to be one of them back when I was unemployed. But we have lives outside of this website guys, and a lot of us have plans with the holidays upon us as well as mental health problems with the changing seasons.
Again, I'm not trying to be a bitch, but I think people tend to forget that there are actual people behind these accounts, and while we love interacting with and giving you guys content, sometimes we need a break too. I know I have other hobbies other than writing, and sometimes I just need to take a step back so I don't get burnt out and stop writing altogether. Just show a little compassion and courtesy, y'all, that's all I'm asking.
Happy Holidays, and I hope to have something out for y'all this week if not a couple things. I have the entire week after Christmas off, but I don't know how much I'll be able to write given I have to go get my car fixed now and I have plans with some friends.
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thelreads · 2 months
And that's the end of the first chapter, and okay I can already see why people would enjoy this.
If the humor continues to be on two genius trying to outsmart the other one because they are too much of a dumbass that can't bring themselves to confess, then this story is definitely going to be a good one.
And my god, those two are really stupid. I already like them.
The president there seems to be more focused on playing on the present, reacting to what's happening around him, a short-term kind of person with his plans, while Kaguya appears to be the opposite, making long-term plays to achieve her goal. This would mean they counteract each other, and I already hope things are gonna escalate on their plans.
All because they are too prideful to say they like each other. So, this manga is pure miscommunication, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. miscommunication for comedic ends is always a welcome trope, I only hate it when it's abused for the sake of drama, and honestly I can't see how they'll inject drama into this, not for the feasible future at least.
Alright, the poll was right, this was a good option.
Now get ready, because the rate of liveblogs is gonna fall drastically.
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Any idea about how the timeline of TWST would even look??? With the events, vignettes and Books?
Like, actual dates and such? I saw some comments saying that Yana confirmed that all begins in late September, but you can’t be serious that Riddle recovered that quickly from a OB.
Is okay if you don’t respond. Just, trying to get stuff in order here
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Hi, let me start off by saying that, in regards to book 1, it does indeed take place in late September (as Yana herself has stated). On the subject of Overblots, all of the OB boys (Riddle included) revert back to their normal forms after they are defeated in battle. That (I guess) technically counts as recovery, doesn't it (since they're no longer in their OB forms)? I'm assuming that the OB students are not immediately sentenced back to classwork (where they may be putting themselves in further danger by exerting their bodies to use more magic). They're probably put in a probation period and/or monitored closely before they're given the clearance to go back to using magic. After all, it usually only takes regular rest, meals, and relaxing to restore one's magic and to ease away blot. Now, about the rest of the ask!! I won't be putting together a timeline. It would be a different matter entirely if I was being asked to just do this for the main story and maybe events (a lot of events, especially sequels or birthdays, could be lumped into the same general time frames), but all vignettes as well? That's where I draw the line. Right now, there are over 100 vignettes in Twisted Wonderland, and it's simply NOT feasible to comb through each one individually and seek out context clues for when the vignettes may be happening. Not only that, but I know for a fact that not every vignette will have clues about when they are taking place. I'm sorry, but no one has the time to do that, certainly not me 💦
Frankly, putting together a single comprehensive timeline for TWST is an impossible task. I know that there's been many fans who have tried their hand at this (and I applaud them for their efforts! It's nothing to sneeze at), but it's just not able to be feasibly done. There is no arrangement which neatly puts everything together in a way that makes total sense. (It would also be a VERY chaotic year if all the TWST content that has been released so far happened in the span of less than one year in which the main story occurs.) There will always be inconsistencies in how the characters act or what other details are referenced which will contradict where they are placed in the timeline. (For example, why is Epel friendly with Vil during the Halloween events in autumn when Epel didn't get his character development and learn to respect Vil until book 7 in like... early spring? It cannot be the Halloween after book 5 because Vil would be gone on his internship.) This is also an issue that the TWST devs themselves have, so Yana Toboso basically came out and said that vignettes and events happen in their own alternate timelines separate from that of the main story. (For example, Fairy Gala: If isthe event that is most obviously an alternate retelling of the original Fairy Gala; if this event were occurring after the other, the characters would be commenting on “why is this happening again”.)
At best, you'll be able to guess season, months, or general spans of time; there are rarely concrete dates granted (excluding birthdays, Halloween, Sam's New Year Sale, and/or NRC Founding Day/Anniversary). I also want to note that a lot of people tend to assume the Ceremonial Robes vignettes are all set before the entrance ceremony, but this is not necessarily true as we have outliers like Deuce’s vignettes which indicate he is wearing his robes for a special ceremony other than the opening one.
I would recommend researching yourself, maybe looking into timelines other people have made for fun. Just don't get too caught up in the technicalities and please be aware that the "perfect" and "contradiction-free" TWST timeline does not exist.
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