#but omg yeah moms are so strong for some reason
beybuniki · 9 months
Mitsuki has mom strength, which is the cooler version of dad strength. She can definitely still pick up her teenage babies. Source: just trust me I have a 50 yr old mom with muscles and she doesn't even work out
Mitsuki picking up her boy from a bar
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after-witch · 1 year
Horrorfest: He Came Home [Yandere Michael Myers x Reader]
Title: He Came Home [Yandere Michael Myers x Reader]
Synopsis: You're being stalked by the Boogeyman but no one believes you.
For Horrorfest request:
I'm so happy you write for Halloween omg 👀 can I request a stalker ish michael Myers, more yendere than I'm going to murder you brutally right away lol
Word Count: 1647
Notes: Yandere, stalking, death/killing (not reader); some graphic violence descriptions.
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It’s someone playing a prank. People always do it around Halloween.
You shouldn’t make up stories using Michael Myers. It’s not funny. He really killed people, you know.
If you don’t have concrete evidence, we can’t do anything for you. It’s probably just some teen messing with you.. Keep your doors locked and call us if anything happens.
You’re being stalked by the Boogeyman and not a single person in your life, your whole damn town, believes you. And maybe there’s a reason for it, God knows that it wasn’t uncommon for people to pull pranks like this--to turn tragedy into mockery and entertainment.
Damn kids, and all that.
But it’s different now because it’s real and it’s happening to you. And you are not crazy or lying and this is not a prank. You’ve seen him more than once, a shadow at first, something you brushed off.
The next time, he was standing down the street, half hidden by a tree. But you saw him. And he saw you. And every muscle in your body had tensed before you whirled around and ran. It was a joke, a teenager with a morbid sense of humor, maybe one of your friends praying on your scaredy-cat tendencies. 
But then you saw him from your bedroom window, standing down below in the grass. 
And your kitchen window, behind the fluttering sheets you’d tacked up earlier in the day.
And you know, you just know, that one day he will be inside your house.
Coming for you.
No one believes you. But that doesn’t stop your friends from laughingly agreeing to have a sleepover to ease your worries, something none of you have done since you were teenagers. Only this time instead of sneaking booze from mom’s locked cabinet using the pilfered key and drinking until you saw stars, you were going to be stone-cold sober and sleeping with a knife.
If (when?) he came for you, you’d be ready. 
Glenn disappears first, after announcing that he’s heading out to the garage to grab a beer. Like he’s at some teenage kegger.
Your friends laugh when he doesn’t return--maybe he’s chugging them all and not saving any for the rest of us--but you start to tear up and Tina sighs and says she’ll go out to get them.
But Tina doesn’t come back, either.
The house is silent and it’s just you and Nancy, and Nancy is the sensible one. She won’t make jokes about what you say you’re experiencing, even if she’s keen to downplay it as a prank. She doesn’t dismiss Glenn and Tina not coming back as something silly. Instead, she locks the door to the garage and flicks off all the lights and grabs a baseball bat.
Don’t, you should say, don’t go looking for them. But you’re too afraid to look yourself and Nancy, Nancy is strong isn’t she? Strong and brave. She won’t do anything stupid. So she heads to the front door and tells you to lock it as soon as she leaves, then wait by the phone and call the cops if she isn’t back in a few minutes.
And you do, with fingers that fumble and sweat. The lock clicks hard and you run to the phone, hand trembling on the receiver so hard that you keep lifting it off and hearing little bursts of dial tone. 
You glance down at your watch, squinting in the dimness to see the time. It’s been a minute, maybe two. How long should you wait? Maybe Nancy was chewing them out, scolding them for scaring you. Yeah. She would do that. Then she’d make them come in and apologize, like she’d had to do before when they pushed your buttons too hard. 
This fantasy carries you through to the next minute, and the next, until the garage door bursts open, and you can hear the wood splintering and cracking, swiping away anything but an awful reality that sends your heart rate sky-high.
You should run, really, but it feels like your legs are stuck to the floor. Rooted like a tree, even though your hands are now shaking wildly. You dimly hear the dial tone and remember what you’re supposed to do, and your finger shoves itself into the rotary dial, twisting and twisting the local sheriff’s office--
Until the phone is ripped out of the wall like a piece of paper, and you turn around to see the real-life boogeyman standing in front of you. No longer far away and through glass, but flesh and blood, close enough to see, close enough to smell. 
Close enough that you can see the glint of a knife in his hand.
You can even see his eyes through the mask and meet his gaze, your own eyes wide with pinprick pupils, and his merely staring at you through the holes in this mask. You hear, softly enough, the sound of breathing; his or yours? 
A gasp is caught in your throat when he grabs your shirt and shoves you away from the ruined phone, hard enough to knock you off your feet. You land on the floor, but your legs no longer feel rooted, and you scramble to your feet and do the only thing you can do: run.
The ruined garage door is the path of least resistance, and you run through the doorway and grope for the railing but miss it. 
You trip down the stairs, landing on the concrete hard enough to make your palms sting and even bleed, but--no, that’s not your blood. That’s not your blood at all. The blood on your palm is thick and wet and when you look up, you see Nancy’s corpse sprawled out on the ground, face down, stab wounds oozing from her back. Tina and Glenn are behind her, both bleeding heavily from the chest. Tina’s red chest heaves and maybe her eyes look at you, but you can’t tell if she actually sees you.
“Oh,” you say, voice suddenly unrecognizable to your own ears. “Oh.”
And there’s a shadow above you, the shadow of shadows, and you don’t even have time to turn around as his hand grips the back of your shirt and pulls you backward. 
Words flash through you--I’m going to die--before there’s a dull awful pain at the back of your head (why the knife blunt?) and darkness overtakes everything in the world.
You don’t expect to wake up, but you do. 
And when you do, you’re sitting in an unfamiliar space full of dust and dirt. A simple room with nothing in it but a ragged blanket and some stray, dusty furniture--an old wooden chair, a wooden chest. The windows are boarded up, but you can tell it’s night-time.
A house that no one has been in for years, maybe. A house that has fallen into disrepair and ruin. There weren’t any houses like this in town proper, you knew, so you must be in the woods outside of town, where there were occasionally remnants of abandoned places. 
Why were you in the woods? Why were you in a house?
The thoughts are clear and simple, piercing through a swimming ache in the back of your head. You focus on these thoughts to keep you from passing out again. In the woods, in a house. In the woods, in a house. In the woods, in a house.
But why?
And then you remember. Michael Myers. Your friends. The blood. The pain.
As if on cue, there’s another sound in the house. A sound that is distinctly familiar, heavy footsteps and yes, it must have been his before--the sound of breathing. Soft and subtle, like a stray sound muffled through the wall. 
You move to stand on weakened legs, but keep yourself pressed back against the wall as the figure of Michael Myers walks and stands in the doorway.
It’s as if the air itself becomes thick and heavy with his presence, and you almost want to sit down again. But you force yourself to stay standing. At least if you’re standing, you have a chance to run, if you can.
But he doesn’t give you one, not at this moment, anyway. Instead he stays in the doorway and simply stares at you.
Long enough for your tongue to loosen, words coming out dry through your chapped lips. How long were you out, anyway?
“Why… why did you bring me here?”
No answer.
“Where are we?”
No answer.
Finally, you swallow spit, and ask a question that you don’t really want to be answered. 
“Are you going to kill me?”
You swear you hear him inhale through his nose, a short, thin sort of breath. 
He takes a step into the room. There’s nowhere for you to go, and you feel helpless sobs start to bubble up in your throat. You look down and there’s no knife--that you can see--but that doesn’t stop the visuals of your murdered friends and vague impressions of everyone you know who has been killed by him from flashing through your head.
He stops right in front of you. You half expect him to grab your neck and twist. Or grab your throat and squeeze.
But all he does is tilt his head slightly, looking at you through the holes in his mask. You wish you could erase the visual memory of his eyes, wish that you’d never seen them at all; the faraway impression that he had two big black holes was more merciful than this. 
And then his hand reaches out and touches your face, callused fingertips brushing against your cheek. 
His fingers leave behind traces of grime and your friends' dried blood. 
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randomationality · 2 months
yeah uhhhh Optimus and Elita's sparklings for my goofy ass AU
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(i suck at making names and stories omg, and im still working on their alt modes)
Elariel is older than Trion by two stellar cycles, making her older than Terminus by three. She enjoys writing and mathematical things like her dad does since she spends more time with him than Elita, but would not want to be the same kind of scientist he was. She'd rather be an astronomer, and venture across the stars. Although, her dreams and hobbies do not match her personality. She's really confident, loud but not that annoying kind of loud, and if someone messes with her or any of her friends or family, she's ready to throw hands. So she's the one who pretty much protects the others from any kind of trouble, and handles it REALLY well. But after fights, arguments and beef of such she does get a lecture coming home, and it's happened too many times she's used to it. Elita is proud of her for doing so but Optimus is still concerned and worried.
Trion is pretty much the same, but does more strong arguments than actual combat. He's a nice and selfless mech, helping those in need even if the problems are small or irrelevant to him. Since he's with his mom more, he's more engaged in combat-like things, but he just wants to keep peace in a more physical way. But this has also somehow brought him to a liking for sport, specifically Enerush*. He doesn't really find joy in reading, not because of it being boring, but because he can't read text properly. He finds the way text is normally put too close together, making it seem like the sentences are mixing up into a bar of blur. Elariel sometimes makes fun of him for this but jokingly.
Sometimes when the two get into 'satire' roast battles, Optimus takes it too seriously and starts telling them to not make fun of the other and be nice to each other. Elita on the other hand just finds this intriguing and funny. Anything Trion and Elariel do that seem 'harmful' in a way to Optimus is just something the two just do for funny reasons.
Fun facts yay!!!
Since Elariel, Trion and Terminus are the eldest ones, they're expected to take care of the little ones which they do, but most of the time just leave them to have fun on their own. And they mostly get told off if one of the lil' ones get hurt and they weren't there to help them.
When some other bots meet the three teens, they always think Trion and Terminus are basically Elariel's two body guards, but it's the opposite. Megatron tells Terminus to be like Elariel sometimes.
Haha, nicknames:
Riri, Ella (She hates that one)
Rio, Trai, Ryan (He gets annoyed with it, but actually doesn't mind most of the time)
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twost3ps · 5 months
Listen! Listen! Listen to me! How about this: Paimon is the 7th ex, and Adam is the real mother of Stolas. 😂 I immediately thought of this when I listened to "No Way" from Six The Musical.
The only reason they break up is because Adam finds out that Paimon had an affair that he didn't know about. (Basically like Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon's situation.) This would add a layer of trauma to Stolas's situation. I guess it's like father, like son, except the father was an asshole while the son was forced into a child marriage and just wanted to be happy. Stolas didn't know or remember Adam being his mother because Paimon got child custody, and Adam wasn't allowed to see him. This would add some drama once Adam finds out about the child marriage and Stella abusing his son. Also, I want to see Lucifer find out that one of the Kings, more obedient to fight than the other kings, has two hundred legions of demons under his rule and is the asshole who wouldn't allow his now-boyfriend to see his son. I want to see how the fight would happen.
I'm so sorry for tge late reply it's exam week 4 me so I've just been jumped by work but-
This is so good actually omg...
AUSGSHSJSN man I love a good Adambowl hhhhhh
But so so good yummm
But I think Paimon's affair would definitely add more trauma to Adam.
Bro. If he's added, that mean THREE people cheated on him- Lilith, Eve, and now Paimon
It would KILL him
For Stolas, I think this could be fixed by saying Adam laid an egg and the incubation period is LONGGGG. And i mean long af, probably due to one being a Goetia and the other being a human, sooooo. It also puts out good reason why Stolas would have no idea that Adam was his mom in the first place because he hatches after Adam is forced away.
Paimon probably threatened to reveal Adam's residence in hell to Lucifur and heaven and it drove Adam away, scared of punishment. Either way, he would have to leave the baby. Still hurt tho and it made him so upset for years.
Sadly, the stolas plot point would most likely have to be scrapped to complexity and timeline stuff. I have no idea how it would work sory wiseee. But I'm gonna write this thing. It's more of an idea, so for now, yes, Adam has a baby ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
Oh but when Adam finds out what's going on 💀💀💀
Death man. He's gonna make Lucifur throw hands. Not on just Paimon but on Stella too. BRUHHH
Imo, I think Adam was and is a good parent. He's just an asshole to literally everybody else. He might have wanted to find Stolas before, but he had no idea where to go. And for plot reasons, he doesn't understand hell heigharchy or any of its big leaders, he just got with a big strong hot bird guy for a while. He just hoped his kid was fine (he was not lol)
As for Lucifur, yeah, he's gonna throw hands. He knows it's hypocritical of him to get mad at Paimon for cheating on Adam but he's still so pissed. And for not letting Adam see his kid, man if he could never see Charlie again he would actually die, so he's gonna beat tf out of him
I think Paimon would just take it ngl, he upset his king and although he doesn't understand why it's a big deal he's just gonna take it o3o
This thing is all over the place and has so many loopholes that I would have to get help for piecing this in but I do love this idea
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shadowrats · 2 months
Uhhhh this is my first post on here and i like mia fey, she’s real awesome
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So as none of you know, i suck at writing, please don’t be mean to mee
Mia Fey, my favorite character in ace attorney, possibly my favorite from any anything!! She’s so cool, so kind, so awesome uhhh there’s like more adjectives about her, most likely, but i don’t know how to think so ima just try to think anyways.
She’s been through so much, in such a short life??? It’s so tragic? Her mom died(not), her boyfriend died, she died, her boyfriend wasn’t dead apparently, got mad at her mentee? Student? assistant? Weird reasoning, but I guess he needed someone to be mad at ANYWAYS THIS ISNT ABOUT HIM
Gotta say all that stuff I think about Mia yk, I’m doing my best here to put my thoughts into words ok, please be patient with me.
Alright new idea, I start with the easy shallow stuff
SHE’S HOT like omg LOOK AT HER I want her to do unholy stuff to me, I’m not religious but if I was then oh lord would I be sinning the way I think about her
BUT As all hot people, she is like all people and that is people, like a person. Personality and that kinda stuff, now how does one describe a personality? Maybe I’ll come back to that??
Anyways other stuff…
She went her own way despite the traditions she was raised with, didn’t wanna become the channeling master or whatever it was called, she went away, she wanted to find her mom, she became a defence attorney she became the mentor of some lovable idiot she defended once, she left her village, still kept in touch with her sister
EVEN BEING DEAD SHE FIGHTS FOR THE PEOPLE SHE LOVES like how can she be so strong, she’s DEAD and her attitude(not the right word)? Never falters. It’s fine Mia you are allowed to be sad or angry or whatever everyone would be fine with it it wouldn’t make you weak, but she keeps on going, always knows what to say, she’s just a channeling away whenever they need her!
She knows how to think outside the box (smart person stuff? I think? Or creative maybe?) SHES BOTH YEAH Turn your thinking around kinda stuff, different angle, all those things, she can do em
Well I guess that’s all I could put into words. Feel free to add stuff I couldn’t express, or hadn’t even thought of (there’s probably lots)
Mia owns! Have a nice day! Thanks for reading if you got this far! :)
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style-and-kyman · 2 years
what are your opinions on the main 4's parents?
Oh boy, okay this requires some typing, but bare with me XD
Kenny's Parents: When it comes to parent couples, I feel like these two are the best example for South Park besides maybe PC Principal and Strong Woman. They aren't the best parents, but they aren't really the worst either. They love each other and try their best with their kids, but I'm pretty positively neutral about them. Not much else for me to say really.
Kyle's Parents: Okay, starting with the good first, I actually like Shelia a fair amount. Idk if she's my favorite parent or not, but she's definitely up there. I love how assertive she is, but she clearly cares the most about her family and kids especially and feels the most like an actual mom, which Kyle totally inherits all of that from her and it's clear to see that I am biased since Kyle's my favorite. Is she way too strict/pushy sometimes? Oh yeah, 100%, but at the end of the way she still always thinks about her family and I've gotta give her props for that. Now Gerald-oh boy-before season 20 I was completely neutral and thought that he was just a calmer and better version of Randy, but once he became SkankHunt42, oh my GOD-He was such an asshole for LITERALLY NO REASON. I don't know why they chose him to be the antagonist other than it was a good twist for the characters to find out, but MAN I can never see him the same way again. That and he was a fucking asshole to Kyle for literally just asking him questions about growing up and omg I fucking hate how much of a dick he was for literally no reason. One of my least favorite parents.
Stan's Parents: Ooooh, BOY I have some words. Let's get this out of the way, Sharon is fine. I really don't have much of an opinion on her other than I think she tries to be a good mom and that I feel sorry for her for having to deal with her husband's BS. With that being said-I fucking HATE Randy. He USED to be a pretty funny character, especially in the baseball episode and in 'The Cissy', but recently, not counting 'Cupid Ye' his character has gotten WAY too much screentime and he is just a terrible dad and husband, he's annoying, dumb, and I can't help but internally sigh whenever he's on screen in fear of him getting too much of the spotlight. So yeah, Randy is my Least favorite parent, 100%.
Eric's Parent: I'm kinda mixed about Liane, but she seems like she does mean well and care for her son, but she wants him to like her and act more like a friend than a parent which is 90% of the reason why he acts the way he does, simply because he's super spoiled. However, she does seem the most genuinely chill and respectable person out of the adults. That, and her being dude with Eric's shit during the Streaming Specials was really funny so there's that. Probably either my favorite parent or 2nd favorite parent, but that's not saying much.
SO, in conclusion for the best/worst: Best Parents: Sheila and Liane Worst Parents: Randy and Gerald (and both of Butters' parents but this was just for the main 4 so uh yeah, re)
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The True Meaning of Family - Chapter 4
Summary: A found family Supernatural AU. Ophelia Humphries is an English 19-year-old who is just trying to finish her online history degree when she receives a letter from two brothers she never knew she had.
A/N: Omg we're at chapter 4! Thank you for reading the fic, I hope you're enjoying it. If you didn't see the first three chapters, you can find chapter 1 here, chapter 2 here and chapter 3 here. Let me know what you think <3
T/W - Mentions of death and emotionally abusive relationships
"Okay, everything is okay. Everything is okay right? Please someone in this car tell me that this is okay!"
"Ophelia, don't worry, everything will be fine. You have Sam, Cas and I and we're not going to let anything happen to you. I promise." Dean reassured Ophelia.
"You promise do you? Is that why Cas had to resurrect you in 2008? Because if you ask me that doesn't sound like a small risk." Ophelia said to the man that sat on her left.
"Damn it Cas you told her?" Dean said with anger in his voice. He turned to face the angel in the back seat.
"She asked how I knew you both, I didn't see a reason to lie to her. She is your sister after all. The chances are that I'll end up bringing her back at some point too." He replied.
"Hey, how about we don't say things like that while I'm driving. Do you guys know not to distract the driver or does that not exist in the States?" Ophelia raised her voice above the argument that had erupted between Cas and Dean.
"Do they always bicker like an old married couple?" Ophelia asked Sam.
"Yeah, they do." He replied in a voice that seemed to say he was tired of it.
The men settled down again. "To be honest, I'd rather die trying to help people than from old age." Ophelia continued in a softer voice. "If I do help you guys, then I know that that'll be a risk."
The car ride was quiet for the rest of the journey.
"Right, now, I've not had a chance to warn my mum that we are coming. Cas, would you mind not coming in? I think it might overwhelm her." Ophelia asked looking into the rearview mirror to make eye contact with the angel.
"Yes, I understand. Would you like me to wait in the car or would you like me to go home?"
"Oh well, that's completely up to you. Is there anything you need to do?"
"Not really, Ophelia. I will go back to the bunker and wait for one of you to call me."
"Wait… Can I do that?" Ophelia asked
"Of course you can. I will listen out for your calls now Ophelia. If you had needed an angel beforehand though, I would have been there." Cas replied.
A smile creeped across her face. It was nice to know that someone was watching over her even if she didn't know it.
"Can you tell us a bit more about the situation with your mom and her boyfriend?" Sam asked cautiously.
"Hmm… Yeah well now seems like as good a time as any. It's kind of silly really. Brad, her boyfriend, is a really shit person. While my grandad was alive it wasn't too bad but since he died six months ago it got worse." Ophelia took a deep breath and glanced at the photo of her grandad William.
"Brad was emotionally abusive to me. I think he has been physically abusive to my mum and if he hasn't yet I think he will. It got really bad once Grandad wasn't there to protect us."
Dean reached out and patted Ophelia on the knee in reassurance. She continued. "About five months ago we got into an argument, I can't even remember what it was about, and he threatened to kick me out. Mum wasn't strong enough to stand up to him. So, I left."
"You said you were mending things with you mom though right?" Sam asked, hoping he was remembering right.
"Yeah, the day I replied to your letter I stayed at her place that night. We talked, I don't know if she really took in what I said but it's a start." Ophelia's smile came back to her face. It occurred to both Sam and Dean that Ophelia was putting on a brave face for them.
Ophelia pulled into the same spot she filled the last time she was outside her mum's house.
"Well, this is it guys." She announced turning the car's engine off.
"It's a nice looking place. Bigger than I thought it was going to be. I thought all English homes were small and joined up." Dean remarked.
"This house would have been for someone very wealthy back in the day." Ophelia said laughing. "Probably an old slave trader as we're so close to the sea. Grandad picked it up really cheap when him and my grandma were first married. It was in such a state, practically falling apart. He fixed it up."
She locked the car behind her and they all said goodbye to Cas before he took off. Ophelia hadn't realised that he made a whooshing sound when he took off.
The three Winchester siblings walked towards the front door. Ophelia had that familiar sick feeling in her stomach again. She hadn't been home since her mum gave her the letter. It was enough to make her feel light headed.
Dean was the one who knocked on the door. He stood slightly in front of Ophelia while Sam stood behind her.
They all waited for the door to open. Dean looked back at Ophelia and smiled, she looked nervous. This was the first time Dean had felt slightly protective over Ophelia, despite only knowing her in person for half a day.
When he first found out about Ophelia, he wasn't sure if he wanted to know her, at the end of the day it would be someone else to look after. He considered not telling Sam about the pages about her in a diary he had never seen before. At the end of the day though, he couldn't keep that secret from Sam.
They talked about it for weeks, going back and forth on if they should send the letter or not. Sam was all for it from day one and once Castiel had said the angels had been keeping an eye on her Dean realised that she could possibly do with knowing about them on their terms and not on some monsters who wanted information.
Ophelia smiled back at Dean and went back to chipping at her deep red nail polish.
A man opened the door, Dean assumed that this was Brad. He was shorter than Dean was and had dirty blonde hair that looked greasy as he had slicked it back.
"Hi Brad." Ophelia piped up from behind Dean. It was as if she was hiding behind him. "Is my mum there?"
"Ophelia, yes she is. Who are these men?" Brad replied with a strong tone of detest in his voice.
"Oh, we're her brothers." Dean said in a commanding voice. He extended a hand towards Brad and continued. "My name is Dean and that's Sam. I believe what Ophelia is too afraid to ask is can we come in to see her mom?"
Brad cautiously shook Dean's hand. He winced as Dean gripped his hand tightly.
"Yes, well, um. I believe she is in the garden. I can take you there if you want." Brad said, trying to regain control of the situation.
"Oh no. That's okay. I think Ophelia knows the way to the garden in the house she grew up in." Sam replied in an equally stern voice.
Brad just nodded and stepped aside for the three of them.
Ophelia walked into the house first, followed by Dean and then Sam. She kept her eyes to the ground, not making eye contact with Brad. Dean and Sam didn't take their eyes off him as they followed Ophelia down the hallway.
When they were alone Sam spoke in a hushed tone. "Are you okay Ophelia? That seemed difficult for you."
"Yeah, it was Sam. I just don't need the greef from him today. If you guys weren't here I know for sure he'd find something to have a problem with."
"It's okay. We're here for you. We've got your back." Dean added.
They continued through the kitchen and out into the garden. As it was about three in the afternoon the winter sun was getting low in the sky.
"Hi mum, what are you doing out here? You'll catch a cold." Ophelia said to get her mum's attention.
Sandra was sitting on a woven outdoor chair, wrapped in a bright yellow blanket. In the low light she looked quite ill and worn down.
The boys stood by the back door while the daughter greeted her mum. It was nice to see a genuine parent and child relationship. Dean didn't remember when that last happened. He came to the conclusion that it was probably when Bobby was still alive.
"'Phelia, what are you doing here? I wasn't expecting you." Sandra said with a surprised tone.
"Yeah, about that mum, I'd like to introduce you to two people." Ophelia beckoned Sam and Dean over to her. "These are my brothers mum, this is Sam and that is Dean and we all need somewhere to stay for a few nights."
Dean reached his hand out. "It's lovely to finally put a face to the name Ms Humphries." Dean said. His voice had more of a southern twang now then Ophelia had heard previously.
Sandra shook Dean's hand. She looked shocked and as if she had seen a ghost.
Sam also extended a hand. "Hi Ms Humphries, Ophelia is a lovely girl. We're so happy to have her be a part of the family."
"You both look so much like John…" Sandra said in a soft voice. "I'm so sorry for your loss. I loved him very much and he gave me the most precious thing in this world." Sandra glanced at Ophelia. "You say that you need somewhere to stay for a few days. I think I can manage that."
"Are you sure Brad won't mind?" Ophelia asked sheepishly.
"I won't give him a choice. Sam and Dean are as good as family and I won't have him drive away any more of my family." Sandra had a firmness to her voice that Ophelia had not heard in a few years. "Now, lets get back inside. I'm making a lasagna tonight so you guys came on the right day. 'Phelia, darling, could you go put the oven on? I'm making homemade garlic bread too."
The girl gave her mum a deep hug before walking into the house again.
"You boys will look after her won't you?" Sandra asked.
"Of course we will but I don't think she needs it Ms Humphries, she seems like an incredibly strong young woman." Sam replied.
"She is, but I don't want to lose her. I lost your dad and I cannot lose her too. My dad told me what John had told him, I didn't believe it but when I talked to John it all made sense." Sandra admitted to the two men in front of her.
"And you didn't tell Ophelia?" Dean questioned. "Why?"
"It was for the best, I didn't want her to go into the industry. I expect that you've told her and that's why you're here? For protection?"
"Yes ma'am, we had a little scare at the hotel we were staying at. Thought it would be best to come here to regroup." replied Dean.
Sandra nodded her head, it made sense. Ophelia wouldn't just turn up out of nowhere unless she had to. She wouldn't risk it.
The conversation was interrupted by Ophelia calling from the back door. "Hey guys, you might want to come back in as Brad is getting bitchy about how cold it is with the door open." Her face gave the impression that she didn't care that much.
Sandra wrapped the blanket around her tighter and headed back inside followed by Sam and Dean.
The afternoon turned into the evening. It was filled with laughter, cooking and childhood memories from all three Winchester children.
"I remember dad teaching both Sammy and I how to drive and oh man, it was bad to begin with. Sandra I don't know if dad drove you anywhere but that man did not drive well in his old age." Dean said through laughter.
"Well at least you didn't have grandad teaching you. Imagine it, I'm 16 years-old and I get into the front seat of his car for the first time and I get this lecture."
Ophelia composed herself and mimicked her grandad. "Now, Ophelia, this car is my one pride and joy other than your mother and you, but if you scratch her not only will I never talk to you again but I'll leave her to a local car buff." She burst into laughter as soon as she finished the impression. "Obviously he was joking, but it was enough to make me do fifteen in a twenty mile an hour zone."
"He gave me that same speech when I learned to drive!" Sandra added. Ophelia could see genuine joy and happiness on her mum's face, this wasn't something she was used to seeing.
A timer pinged and Ophelia stepped away from the large oak table that stood in the kitchen. She picked up a tea towel and pulled out the fresh baked bread. She carried it over to her family and placed it on a board in the center of the table.
"That smells amazing Sandra." Sam said.
"Oh, you're too kind, it's a simple recipe really. Have I taught you how to do it 'Phelia?"
"Yeah, mum, it's in the recipe book you made me last year."
"Can you keep it down. Please. Some of us still have work to do." Brad interrupted the jovial mood. He works from home occasionally.
"Sorry, Brad. We'll keep it down." Sandra's face dropped at the request.
"I expect you to. Unlike some, I have an actual job that isn't just a glorified hobby." He replied. He gave a stern look at Sandra and headed back to his office.
"What was that about?" Dean asked cautiously. He knew something was not quite right about this whole situation and could understand why Ophelia was so uneasy about leaving her mum alone with Brad.
"Mum is an artist. In recent years her business has taken off, she makes prints and paintings as well as jewelry and soft furnishings like bedspreads and stuff." Ophelia remarked with great pride.
Sandra looked at her daughter's face and smiled. "I've even been talking about branching off into interior design. Everyone compliments me on how I've designed this home so why not do it in other people's homes too."
"Well I think that deserves a toast!" Dean said. "What drinks do you guys have in?"
"Well, we have real British ale, Scottish whiskey and Irish whisky as well as some other spirits. Oh and there is a cider in here, no idea how long that has been here." Ophelia said while ratcheting around in the cupboards and fridge.
"I'll have some Scottish whiskey please Ophelia." Sam said. She filled a glass with a large measure and passed it to him.
"I'll have one of the ales kiddo." Dean said. Sam looked shocked at this. "What? You were the one who said when in Rome right?" Sam just shrugged his shoulders at his brother.
Ophelia poured a glass of white wine for herself and Sandra. "Hold on there kiddo, wine? At your age?" Dean said slightly shocked.
"Dean, the drinking age here is eighteen. I've been having alcohol from probably the age of sixteen. It's okay man, I'm almost 20." Ophelia replied.
Dean looked embarrassed and raised his glass. "To newly found family and new business ventures." They all clinked glasses in celebration.
The night continued on. Brad said he was too busy to join them for dinner so he took a plate of food to his office. Ophelia was annoyed by this. Her mum had put so much work into making everyone feel welcome in their home. Secretly, she did like it that he wasn't there. She could relax.
It was getting late and Ophelia felt herself getting more tired. It was probably the wine that she had, it always made her sleepy.
"I can show you guys to the spare rooms if you want?" Ophelia said, hoping the boys will pick up on the hint she was dropping.
Sam did pick up on it. "Yeah, sure that would be great. Lets go get our bags."
The three of them headed towards the front door. "Oh are you guys leaving so soon? We didn't spend any time together." Brad said pretending to care.
"Actually, we're just going to get our bags from the car. We're staying a few nights." Sam replied.
"That's odd. Sandra didn't run this by me."
"Does she have to? I mean, it is her house and we are family." Dean added to the conversation.
"No you're not family, Ophelia is family and she doesn't even stay here do you Ophelia?" Brad stared at the girl.
"Anyway, that's beside the point. Sandra has said we're staying for a few nights and as this was her fathers house and not yours." Dean continued. His voice was harsh and protective against Brad's confidence.
Accepting defeat this time, Brad turned and walked into his office which was just off the main hallway.
Sam opened the door as they headed towards the car. Once outside Ophelia thanked her brothers. "It means a lot to me for you guys to stick up for me like that. He really knocked my confidence when I left and I know my mum isn't as strong as she used to be. Every time I go to open my mouth I stop because I know I can't win."
"Don't worry about it Kiddo, like we said, we're always going to be there for you." Dean ruffled her hair, disturbing the curls which now found themselves in Ophelia's eyes.
She reshaped her hair and playfully slapped her brothers hand away from her hair. She had known these two men for all of nine hours and yet it felt like they had known eachother since birth.
After collecting their stuff from the car, Ophelia showed the boys to their rooms. "If you want clean towels there are some in the bottom draw in Sam's room. Oh and if you get cold there are blankets in the airing cupboard in the bathroom."
"Hey, Ophelia, sit with us. We should start talking about what we're going to do." Sam said in a soft, caring voice.
Ophelia nodded slightly and sat cross legged on the end of the bed next to Sam. Dean perched himself against the draws on the wall opposite the door. The tree looked at eachother, unsure who should talk first.
Sam took the first step into a new conversation. "We don't feel comfortable leaving you sleeping in your car or in random hotels."
"It's not that bad, it gets a little cold at times but it's not too bad." Ophelia said, she was fiddling with her hands, picking at her nail vanish again.
"We know exactly how bad it can be. Don't pretend with us kid." Dean said "We had eachother so it wasn't too bad. You don't have anyone when you're out there."
Ophelia shrugged "What do you suggest I do?" Her voice was wobbly.
"Well, there are two options. You either promise us to move back in with you mom." As Sam said this he saw Ophelia tense up slightly. Brad really frightens her more than she outwardly lets on. "Or" Sam continued. "Or, you come to America with us."
She looked up at Sam and then at Dean. "You guys can't be serious… I can't just up and move. What about school? And mum, what's going to happen to her? I can't leave her here on her own."
"Well then, looks like you're moving back home then." Dean said with some humour in his voice.
"Dean this is serious. You both hardly know me and you'd take me in?" She ran her fingers through her black curls, unsure what to say next.
"You said school is online right? So you can do it from anywhere with an internet connection. The bunker has that. As far as your mom goes, she'll be fine as long as she doesn't move house. We can get Cas to drop in on occasion too if that makes you feel better." Sam made the argument for the move.
"Can I sleep on it? This is a lot to take in… It's been a long day." Ophelia finally replied.
"Look, take a few days if you need. We will stay with you until you have made up your mind." Sam said.
Dean nodded in agreement. Ophelia got the impression that they really wanted her to go with them.
"Won't it be dangerous?" She asked.
"Most likely, but don't think you're coming out with us on hunts until we both think you're prepared. I'd personally be more than happy for you to never come on a hunt with us." Dean emphasized the point of being prepared.
Ophelia would love to go out with them at some point but she understood that she is both mentally and physically not capable of doing that at this moment.
"Look, it's getting late, go get some rest kiddo, and we will talk more in the morning." Dean said.
Ophelia stood from the bed and wrapped her arms around Dean. This didn't take Dean by surprise but what did was how small she was. She was much smaller than he thought she was, he had met women her size before but none that looked as delicate and helpless. He leaned into the hug and placed his chin on the top of her head.
She let go of Dean and hugged Sam who had also stood up from the bed. Sam put his right hand on the back of her head to hold his baby sister close. He had always wanted a little sister and was secretly loving every moment of being in Ophelia's life.
Sam squeezed Ophelia just for a little longer before letting her go. She headed towards the door but before she left she turned back towards the brothers.
"Thank you both. I'll see you in the morning, sleep well." The two men nodded in response.
Ophelia headed back towards her room but before she could get to the door a noise distracted her.
"You let them stay? Two strange men that Ophelia brings over and you let them stay?"
"Brad don't be ridiculous, they're her brothers. I'm not going to say no to them."
An argument had erupted between her mother and Brad. Ophelia sat half way down the stairs so she could hear what was going on.
"You didn't have the decency to run it past me. How am I meant to trust you if you're just letting any Tom, Dick or Harry stay."
"Again, they're her brothers and she trusts them and if they're anything like their father they're good natured men." Sandra fired back. Ophelia hadn't heard her mum talk back to Brad like this ever. She was proud of her mum.
"Oh, like their father huh? You mean the man who left you with a newborn baby to go back to his family in America?"
"We both agreed he should go back. That was a mutual thing that took a lot of talking about. Do not speak on things you don't understand."
Ophelia was peering through the bars on the banister to try and get a better look at the argument.
"Well, Sandra it seems like you're getting everything your way, like usual. You have no thought for anyone but yourself. You're a selfish woman."
That was the last straw for Ophelia. She ran down the rest of the stairs to be by her mum's side. "You need to leave Brad. Get out of this house." She said with a confidence that seemed to come out of nowhere.
"Oh is that right Ophelia? I need to leave do I? We already kicked you out once and we will do it again."
"No, there was no 'we' in that situation Brad. You kicked her out and I was too scared to stand up to you. It was my biggest mistake." Sandra used the confidence her little girl had shown to stand her own ground.
"Oh come on Sandra, you're a grown woman, you can stand up for yourself." Brad said with a cocky smirk on his face.
"No, not if she's scared of the abuse you'd give her." Ophelia grabbed her mum's hand and squeezed it. "Mum, go up and see Sam or Dean. Brad is going to need help taking things to his car."
"Are you going to let this child talk to me like this Sandra? In our house? There is no way I'm leaving, you're a spoiled brat who thinks she can always get what she wants." Brad said with ease.
"My house." Sandra simply replied.
"I'm sorry?"
"This is my house Brad. My family home. Ophelia is right, you need to go and you need to go tonight. Go pack some clothes and some of your things. We can sort the bigger items once you've got a more permanent place to stay."
Sam slowly walked down the stairs to see what the commotion was about.
"Is everything okay here Sandra? Ophelia, are you alright?" Sam joined his sister next to Sandra.
"Oh this is just what we need. An American butting in where they don't belong." Brad gestured at Sam in disgust. "Listen, Sandra, you're blowing everything out of proportion. We can work things out."
"No, you're leaving today. I'm done with all the abuse. Go pack." Sandra squeezed Ophelia's hand for support.
"Right, well, I'll give you some space for a few days but once you've come to your senses and realise that you're over reacting maybe give me a call and I'll think about moving back in." Brad replied.
By this point Dean had joined the group "Do you need help?" he said feigning sympathy.
"I think I can manage thank you. I don't expect I'll need much as I won't be gone for long." Brad said as he walked passed the group and up the stairs.
Ophelia hugged her mum tightly. "I'm so proud of you." She whispered into Sandra's hair. "I know that was hard for you but it's for the best."
"I never thought I would be able to stand up to him like that." Sandra whispered back.
"I think we should move into the kitchen so we're not just standing next to the door." Sam said. Ophelia let go of her mum and took her by the hand. All four of them moved from the hallway to the kitchen.
A short time later Brad came down the stairs, dragging a large suitcase behind him.
Dean gets up from the kitchen table and heads towards the front door.
"Now, I don't want to be hearing that you've wormed your way back into Sandra's life." Dean said while leaning up against the wall.
"I'll be back, Sandra won't cope without me."
"You seem to not know her very well. I've known her for all of an evening and she seems to have a plan for herself and her future. I mean, have you even talked to her about her plans?"
"Oh her silly art business? Please, that's a glorified hobby." Brad snorted. "Don't humour her."
"I think that it's time for you to go. If you can't support her passion and business then you don't deserve to be with her." Dean replied. He pushed passed Brad and opened the front door. He gestured to the darkness outside.
Brad took his suitcase and walked towards his small silver car.
"Oh before you go. I'll take your house keys too." Dean said.
Brad chucked the keys at Dean before getting into his car.
Dean slammed the door and walked back into the kitchen. He placed the keys in front of Sandra before sitting back down. Ophelia hugged her mum one last time.
"Everything is going to be okay mum, I promise."
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tobyisave · 2 years
This is extremely random but I need to know why you named the Adamandi warrior cats as you did. I think I understand Ambrose being Goldenstone but I must know more.
omg yeah of course! I was trying to make them fit thematically but I also used traditionalism (prefix is physical descriptor, suffix is skills or another physical descriptor) because I think it makes it more fun when you get to factor in how the whole Clan perceives them too? So yeah here you go
Vincent: Mousemask
Mouse because I really see Vincent as a little mouseboy... I think it's because he's so jumpy and gray colored. Also, thematically, mice are seen as unwanted home invaders and vectors of disease. I imagine the Clan named him on the basis of being gray and tiny. It also pairs nicely with Marten imo; they're both small mammals but mice are prey animals while martens are predators that eat them, which seems backwards but maybe fits in the end?
Mask - because he has no demonstrable skills (f) he got a descriptive suffix, mask, based on the dark area around his eyes (based on his eyebags in Act II + the freckles I draw on him). Of course the other fucked up little reason he's called Mousemask is because he wears Ambrose's face as a mask.
(I also think his mom probably gave him a loner name when he was born, but he either was too young to remember it or he changed it at some point)
Quincy: Martenlight
I gave them Marten just for the vibe because it's (almost) their last name. But it also fits design-wise since I wanted to make them light brown and white/yellow and that's the color of an American Marten in the summertime. (I put yellow wax-drip splotches on their sinful features, i.e. eyes and paws, and ears because I'm dumb and forgot there's no ears in Litany of the Martyrs).
Light is associated with intelligence but also with faith. Describing intelligence as light (to me) implies it's originating from somewhere else above you which I also think is fun for their impostor syndrome. It's also just a very positive suffix in general, demonstrating the Clan's high expectations for them.
Ambrose: Goldenstone
I really struggled to name Ambrose? This one is obviously because he's the "golden boy" and he turns into stone - though in my head they would have named him "stone" because he's strong and reliable like a boulder. I also considered Goldenfang (fang demonstrating skill in both battle & hunting aka Ambrose's wide skillset) but it sounded too fierce, likewise Goldenheart was too soft. I still debate Goldensun though - it's over the top in its praise of him but I think that's fitting.
I don't have names for Portia and Beatrix at the moment but I'll wait til I can design them first. Needless to say Portia is a former kittypet though :P
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Vincenzo : Episode 2
On the list of media with the most unserious ways to use Italian should be Vincenzo 🤣 and my little chef si si si 👍
Not the little girl pinky promise as one dangles from the window ?!!!
His upper body strength goes crazy
My man Vince has 0 eye bags and I need the skin care and concealer rn
Zero personal boundaries always makes me yell kiss regardless of situation like why are your noses that close !!! Kiss 💋
lmao cutie
my dancing queen is a lawyer! slay
help why is this man talking like a villain already😂😂😂 the pauses he’s taking and the tone is funny
show me a perfect garden and I’ll dig up dirt 🥕 tell ‘em sister!
Okay that took a very dark turn suddenly I have to side eye sister
honestly I don’t see anyone leaving the gold lol. human 101 people just refuse to part with gold for some reason
they killed everybody ??? 😭
the dramatic ass screaming and ( Italian ?) loud violins in the background always sends me
no one knocks in this show 💀
he looks very good in this lighting but do not trust him dad lawyer! don’t want to see you heart broken 😔
‘sorry sunbae’ 😂
I ADORE how dramatic she is. she’s just like me fr 😭
Vincenzo Quasano. Quaso. 🥐🥐🥐
She is so pretty 😭
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the restaurant owner is giving real sass 😂
the tteokbokki on his suit 😭
dancing lawyer queenie is terrifying but yeah! fight your terrible co workers
a hockey puck to the stomach, I would’ve actually died instantly
this is actually insane. I will fight this CEO with my bare hands 😭 he’s going to break his back
someone protect lawyer dad and his daughter m
I know he’s making the worst food but I really do love the chef. Look at his mittens !!! it’s another little chef puppet
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how is my man running a kitchen like that 😭
strong arming someone is bad but when you threaten someone’s family and kidnap them, maybe don’t squirm with a firm shoulder hold 😍
lmao the good lawyer dad getting happy sends 😭
the firm owner’s voice is so good. like he’s so full of excitement lmaooo.
honestly she gave a pretty solid first talk, I will steal it. ‘Small wins eventually lead to great victories, let’s not work too hard if we’re not being appreciated’ solid 👍
the zombie dancing 🧟‍♂️
they give zero fucks in this building I love them 😂
the 4 bottle of makegeolli, he isn’t making it out I fear
that’s her son 😔 at least he gets to hear it from someone else. always feel weird in these plot lines tbh because even if it is one character or just one side of the story him and his mom have probably felt a lot of pain throughout these 30 odd years. and after all that time you have to make the choice of letting go and moving forward
idk if Vince is being serious rn or playing him like does he actually feel bad about the condition of the people in the building?
this is actually so real because so many people get stuck in the system simply because they do not have the resources to challenge their verdict or bail themselves out.
the good dads get to teach you how to drink I guess. In Itaewon class it was the Saeroyi’s dad and here it’s our sweet Hong Yuchan
lmaooo her bowl cut and blonde hair I love Chayoung
Not the [ominous music] tag as he looks at her pictures omg ???
Junwoo just rat them out babes !!! this is not okay. go supply this information to her dad <3
She’s so real for screaming at him. Parents will sometimes ignore your phone at the worst time lmaooo
The way he’s staring at her, this better not be we were in love or passing in love as kids lmaooo 😭✋ that trope just always finds a way into all my shows
my dramatic ass sister will be dramatic with her hands in her pockets I love her !!!
lmaooo no one will let him eat here 🤣 he has not been able to compete one meal
oh my god dad lawyer stay alive
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my girl might get fired but her priorities are straight !!!
the chef with his pizza getting a slo mo shot is so precious. look at his pizzas! he could never mess that up 🍕❤️
lmaooo they’re having a slo mo stare moment and there’s just a big inflated Italian man in between them 😭
me praying that he likes her before she likes him 🙏
the theme music, an unserious show
in the last moments of the episode is when it always hits you HOW much has happened
18 more to go
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italoniponic · 2 years
I have returned with more Hcs to share
Mc headcanons Pt 4 home edition
Mc is adopted and when telling their friends about it they said that their adopted parents found them one an island.
Mc said that they wer adopted when they were 6 byt don't have many memories of what the island was like except for two things one that all the people their looked really young despite how old they were and that they werent allowed outside of the island because of a scary pirate crew whos captain is said to have a hook hand
Mc used to be scared of pirates but grew out of it when they got older but even niw when the see pirates they often tense up
Mc has been noted to be a good actor and have good eye for fashion and when asked why they said that their mother often had them dress up and compete for roles in school plays and even had them audition for a role in a movie which was a hit in their world.
Mc has been noted to have quickly adjusted to magic and their response was that their dad is a magician who was notorious for his explosive temper and would often perform magic trucks when they were younger in order to to cheer them up
Mc has mentioned that their adopted parents names are Donald and daisy. They also had an uncle who due to his rather clumsy behaviour and funny jokes was called Goofy
Mc has said that in their world they had a friend who used to babysit them called peter and Mc noted that they wouldn't be
Where they are without him
Bonus headcanons
Mc and silver have been noted to get along the fastest out of all tge people mc has met and when asked why all Mc said is that they had a strong sense of deja vu when they first met(This actually git Lilia curious who spied on them when they were stargazing and was surprised to notice that they at that time both had aurora eyes )
Mc is actually surprisingly athletic due to alk they errands they run which due to their magicless nature had forced them to compensate for it with physical labour
One time Sebek and Mc got into and arguemebt and unfortunately for Sebek Mc's bottomless patience had run thun that day and they punched him the face and After profusely apologizing to Sebek he let it go who seemed more shocked than angry, he would be seen have to apply healing ointments for next couple of days and having a slightly slurred speech(all of diasomnia was shocked because due to being a fae Sebek was tougher than most and could heal quicker than normal humans but still had to beg Lilia for more healing ointments)
Mc is rather sensitive to magic and this has been attributed to why for some reason they are able to detect what type of spell people are going to use in fights
Also Mc is ambidextrous because when they were younger they broke their right hand and had to learn how to write qith their
This was a long one but i hope you enjoyed as always feel free to ask questions about the Hcs
I completely forgot to add the link last time to the other posts... but not this time! [more hcs about MC here] and sorry for the wait! The week has been busy and I have this thing that I don't post more than two things in the same day (if I can, ik it's weird)
but thanks again, dear! And we have different types of hcs this time, really sweet~
[Originally Adopted MC]
the pure twist of the adopted parents for MC being Donald and Daisy <3
[Neverland MC session]
the fear of pirates, poor thing </3 meeting up the Savanaclaw trio in pirate costumes for Halloween must have been awkward...
"Mc noted that they wouldn't be where they are without him [Peter]"
THIS. IS. SO. CUTE. oh I loved it! Peter Pan was one of those non-princess movies that I really liked, still holds to this day. I got to read the original book last year and one time, my dad bought that movie "Finding Neverland" so we could watch. It was beautiful but we literally watched just one time bc me and my mom couldn't stop crying over the ending lmao
so yeah, I got so fond of this specific hcs <3
[MC's Magician Father]
okay, the bit where MC's father would be a magician is so sweet. Like, magic is already part of their world but more (realistic) than ever. MC could give Ace support in his magic tricks!
[Bonus hcs!]
oooohhhh~ MC secret Silver twin???
MC LITERALLY BURIED THEIR FIST INTO SEBEK'S FACE OH GOD I'm... not capable of doing that, at all, with anyone lmao
I know we're trying to be serious here but this reminded me of those scenes in shounen anime when one character randomly goes like "ah! I can sense and predict all your next movements!" (get your enemies' ass, MC!)
that literally hurts. My mom kinda self-taught herself to write with her left hand, if I'm not mistaken, when she was a kid (she was a strange kid lol). She uses more of her right hand tho but she can do some things with her left in general... I can't, my left hand hates me and everything I try to do </3
now, thanks again for your great hcs, dear <3 I'll reply tomorrow (probably?) to the new ones you had submit, hope that's okay!
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meow meow, angel!! 'isn’t that what happened to GoT?' i haven't seen it too but have an impression that the whole internet was furious with it's ending. i do remember how i was still a kid and a friend recommended this show (which has been just out) to my mom. for some reason she thought it was i good idea to watch it with me lol? so after about 10 or so minutes there was a sex scene and my mom was like '... no i don't like it let's turn it off' HFHDJD what? when? why? only wrong answers..... i'd love to watch it in the future though bc like... yeah 'its hard to sustain good plotlines' dk i just have this feeling like they wanted to show too much and, although it's obvious what they meant and the storyline is clear, in the end showed too little. more like incomplete. and i didn't mean like i'm a bitch for it? more like overcritical with no reason. 'i dont think its you being bitchy' but thank you) not like i'm worriedly bothered but i indeed could miss or misunderstand smth. i can be rather inattentive and i also was in a hurry. also!! it's reallyreally meaningless but i perfectly understood like 80% of their talking and tbh? i'm proud of myself. it's pretty nice for the first english series i've watched in the original. 'you mean the illigitimate thing' not really. but still yes TT i don't want to seem cruel or inhuman but i'm really concerned and conflicted about this thing. rhaenyra's children are cuties and harwin is pretty, i understand her choice but... it's a complicated topic for me. my bestie ignored me when i wanted to talk about it so i wanna scream TT but it's more about the desire to save the past and the historical greatness. bc the history of the whole europe (esp continental)... (sorry, i can't speak for asian countries bc here we mostly study european history and i don't want to say smth wrong) so 'literally the story of humanity' hurts. as in hotd, as in the reality, our nearly 1 (one) goal is to save what we have and try to make it better. not spoil TT esp hotd. the royal family? it's like your goal #2 to protect and continue the glory of your kin why are you so stupid guys... my strong sense of duty is disappointed. 'best example i have is hitler' yes absolutely agree. also it's obvious but about this photo. he didn't want to kill all people. yes he was a murderer. but he still had criterias for this shit. like daemon did.. ok i feel sorry about it. sorry. all people have their own truth. even if it's wrong. REALLY fucking wrong. 'i felt the helplessness of him' no but how excited he became after the crowd had started applauding?? 'you can always you know' not to be a bad person but these rare af times i want to watch smth i usually win wink. but i haven't found hotd TT THEY STILL HAVEN'T ANSWERED ME *angry emoji pls* i appreciate all these cat media sm TT thanks my love 'she keeps my braincells alive' TRUE!! i also unintentionally had a sympathy for corlys bc 1) he's with rhaenys and this couple!!! love them, 2) the actor was speaking so clearly TT 'come on she’s an ancient dragon' i had a feeling she had hearing problems sorry TT 'GIRL UR ALL MY ANONS AT THIS POINT' NO OMG HOW DO YOU KNOW!!?!??!! 'IM BAD AT MATH' hmmm 'im kinda good at math' HMMMM 30 is... a lot... good luck sis TT not to be overbearing but i was thinking abt modern au and just... no but daemon and reader calling each other 'wife' and 'husband' in high valyrian as pet names bc they ARE a wife and a husband but only in valyrian way TT daemon being eager to go out together "to show off my dear treasure" and reader looking at him like 'wtf?' "husband, you know there's going be a huge scandal if we do?" "i've done it with a thousands of chicks before why can't i do it with my wife??" "we're still not married" "then just marry??" i also imagine reader leaving some small hints for daemon on their past?? he does some shit and reader's like "oh last time you did it viserys was furious" thanks for reading this much!! good morning ig! love you!! take care<з
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you know what it is (also this ai augmented ? yes i think lol)
meow meow, angel!! 'isn’t that what happened to GoT?' i haven't seen it too but have an impression that the whole internet was furious with it's ending. i do remember how i was still a kid and a friend recommended this show (which has been just out) to my mom. for some reason she thought it was i good idea to watch it with me lol? so after about 10 or so minutes there was a sex scene and my mom was like '... no i don't like it let's turn it off' HFHDJD what? when? why? only wrong answers..... i'd love to watch it in the future though bc like... yeah
LOL i think its mostly about destroying daeneyrs as a character, like they suddenly just made her mad for no reason apparently lol. i also remember my parents watching it but then a sex scene would come up and then 😐😶 yeah theyd be ok 'aite enough of that' idk if i'd ever watch it but like yeah i hope you like it when you come around to watching it <3
'its hard to sustain good plotlines' dk i just have this feeling like they wanted to show too much and, although it's obvious what they meant and the storyline is clear, in the end showed too little. more like incomplete.
capitalism. i think they overstretched it/watered it down for idk what lol i cant really speak about it cos i didnt watch it lolol ??? isn't the author still not done with his book ???
and i didn't mean like i'm a bitch for it? more like overcritical with no reason. 'i dont think its you being bitchy' but thank you) not like i'm worriedly bothered but i indeed could miss or misunderstand smth. i can be rather inattentive and i also was in a hurry.
i see lol
also!! it's reallyreally meaningless but i perfectly understood like 80% of their talking and tbh? i'm proud of myself. it's pretty nice for the first english series i've watched in the original.
that's great !! similarly you know i tried watching doctor who with my mom but the audio was too soft and there was a scene were he was getting emotional and started whispering and i couldn't watch it on my mom's pc from my bed so i just didnt watch it
'you mean the illigitimate thing' not really. but still yes TT i don't want to seem cruel or inhuman but i'm really concerned and conflicted about this thing. rhaenyra's children are cuties and harwin is pretty, i understand her choice but... it's a complicated topic for me.
so true. which is why i totally get why alicent is pissed off about it/with rhaenyra cos she had to carry the king's babies and rhaenyra got away with her boy toy, but then this would divulge into a whole other thing and lahsfas imma zip about it lol
my bestie ignored me when i wanted to talk about it so i wanna scream TT
oof. [pats head] maybe your bestie wasnt in the mood for it hahah
but it's more about the desire to save the past and the historical greatness. bc the history of the whole europe (esp continental)... (sorry, i can't speak for asian countries bc here we mostly study european history and i don't want to say smth wrong) so 'literally the story of humanity' hurts.
its ok im not really a history buff. but yeah humanity sucks for that boo tomato tomato
as in hotd, as in the reality, our nearly 1 (one) goal is to save what we have and try to make it better. not spoil TT esp hotd. the royal family? it's like your goal #2 to protect and continue the glory of your kin why are you so stupid guys... my strong sense of duty is disappointed.
'best example i have is hitler' yes absolutely agree. also it's obvious but about this photo. he didn't want to kill all people. yes he was a murderer. but he still had criterias for this shit. like daemon did..
HAHHAHAAHAHAHHAH daemon i think had less criteria more motive as in 'idc who you are but if you stand in my way i will kill you'
ok i feel sorry about it. sorry. all people have their own truth. even if it's wrong. REALLY fucking wrong.
'i felt the helplessness of him' no but how excited he became after the crowd had started applauding??
T_T are you faulting him for that ? for receiving adoration ? that he was always wanted ? HHAHH to be fair there is a power to cheers so id have felt the same way if people started cheering for me even if they had no reason to lol
'you can always you know' not to be a bad person but these rare af times i want to watch smth i usually win wink. but i haven't found hotd TT THEY STILL HAVEN'T ANSWERED ME *angry emoji pls*
😡😡😡👿👿👿🤬🤬🤬👹👹👹👺👺👺 here you go HAHAHA
i appreciate all these cat media sm TT thanks my love
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'she keeps my braincells alive' TRUE!! i also unintentionally had a sympathy for corlys bc 1) he's with rhaenys and this couple!!! love them, 2) the actor was speaking so clearly TT
HAHAHHAH SLAY WE LOVE GOOD SPEAKERS and so true i love that couple so much. #powercouple
'come on she’s an ancient dragon' i had a feeling she had hearing problems sorry TT
SHE PROBABLY DOES T_T but also i feel like she dgaf cos she like 100000 HAHAH
👿 cos im smart no but youre clearly not all of them but im shocked you send me a lot of asks LOL
'IM BAD AT MATH' hmmm 'im kinda good at math'
HAHAHAH I KNEW YOUD SAY THAT HAHAHAH i meant im good at math (cos i am) but as a bad person at math ?? if that makes sense HAHAHH like im good at it if u teach me but also not ASL:FASFHAS HAHAHHAH
HMMMM 30 is... a lot... good luck sis TT
praying for myslef
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not to be overbearing but i was thinking abt modern au and just... no but daemon and reader calling each other 'wife' and 'husband' in high valyrian as pet names bc they ARE a wife and a husband but only in valyrian way TT
ALSO ALSO ALSO i have starrted writing the witch prompt you talked to me about i think i called it 'the copper woods' or something i got super excited about it so pls pls read it T_T
daemon being eager to go out together "to show off my dear treasure"
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and reader looking at him like 'wtf?' "husband, you know there's going be a huge scandal if we do?" "i've done it with a thousands of chicks before why can't i do it with my wife??"
"we're still not married" "then just marry??"
dude cant understand english "SCANDAL DAEMON S-C-A-N-D-A-L" [throws a slipper to his face]
i also imagine reader leaving some small hints for daemon on their past?? he does some shit and reader's like "oh last time you did it viserys was furious"
thanks for reading this much!! good morning ig! love you!! take care<з
i love you <3 i went to school today and was so happy to read this when i got back. i mean i saw it before leaving and i was excited to be able to reply to it when i got back
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c4x7 cops & robbers
castle: bored af Tho I like how he's with his mom at the bank not for co-signing or anything but just for... moral support?
MR: Richard, I’m a business woman now. I do not want your money, I do not want your signature, thank you very much. It’s the principle. Dp: No, Ms. Rogers, it’s the interest. RC: And I’ve just lost mine. Excuse me.
I'm watching this after covid, it didn't seem out of the ordinary At All to see ppl with masks. RC, seeing sussy stuff: Hm. I think this bank is about to be robbed. *robbery starts* RC: It’s not my imagination. It’s definitely not my imagination. I love how he Just Happens to be on the phone with the cops when this is going down lol. She's able to just call it over to her homicide team
Ok so I know This Guy & he just nods at castle's shh motion. Makes sense For Now. Castle should really put the phone in his bra or smth so he can have it still recording w/o needing to have it up to his ear obviously. If it was in his bra (which he totally has) he could still describe the scene (which is smart of him) Manager just has it on his neck? Make that four. "You a cop? (to Castle) You called a cop?" "No. I-- We were already on the line when you guys came in."
British sounding accent huh Love the different doctor names. My first thought was healthcare was so bad in the usa that they needed to rob a bank. How did he open the door I thought he locked it? He DID lock it the thing is right there! I guess it has some wiggle room. You know, come to think of it, those doors look lik ethey are made of glass. Strong structured & thick, but still. A heavy object a couple times... Love a good hostage situation. We've all seen Die Hard we know how this goes.
Man's right. You're homicide he's robbery. He's also very calm & direct. Not impolite but firm & short. (tho "missed your cue" was rude) Where's demming tho?
What if I raise my hand to ask a question? lmao acab tho I don't trust anything here
Ryan looks very s2 like. Blue shirt, tie, brown normal jacket. Espt looks bisexual with his layers. Nice to have contacts in emergency service units Bro I think the robbery people have this handled.
She's a woman she doesn't need to have a bedroom voice the robber is just like horny & straight or smth I don't think that keeping him calm is hard bc he seems like a pro. TJ: Yeah, I don't like that other guy. KB: Yeah, me neither. peterson: ?? Trapper John! Bro it's M*A*S*H! You should come down & watch this episode with us! He IS a pro Oh no now cap peterson thinks that he is beckett's boyf.
Wow what a jerk. Blaming someone for the bank getting robbed. Or well, for getting the cops here too soon. If the cops didn't get here maybe they would have left with the money & let the hostages go. Except the bank ppl said the silent alarms went so ok. Oh no don't tell me we're going to deliver a baby I like how she says they should let the pregnant lady go but the way she says it implies she's ok with being held hostage.
RC: Don’t worry mother. I saw this work on Die Hard. RC: Uh, Mr. Howser-- Excuse me, Doctor Howser. Why not just give them a cup behind a desk?
RC: So, why Doogie Howser? I mean there's so many cool TV doctors you could pick.
Was espt in ESU before homicide? What IS his exp?
omg he likes her <3 lmao the banker & actress hitting it off I wanted to check out the food at my new work before I start working there & ofc I ended up using the washroom & there was some sort of old b/w sensual film playing in the stall. it is not his box: how did he get the key? woah castle remembers which wall & row & column it was in?? & Dp knows the number??? Martha-?
Three hours sounds... reasonable...
it's me! I know morse code! ... -.. is what I saw but they kept cutting away. I also don't know numbers only letters. Numbers are easy I just don't know them. how DO you know it's him? It could be another smart civilian!
Martha actress moments Why is That Guy telling castle this? He was "in the washroom" during castle's secret message sal martino? idk I'll continue with That Guy (unless I quote). "you have no idea" WOW THIS EPISODE IS GOOD I don't make promises
Rick did too well, SM was supposed to freak out bc of the c-4 but rick calmed him down which was NOT the plan.
Wasn't gideon fields? Sus. KR: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You can't go in there, we don't have a warrant and we don't have probable cause. JE: Bro, Castle's life depends on this. KR: ... Did you just hear that? I think I just heard someone yell out, "Help, police!" JE: (in a voice) "Help, police!" There it is again. Ah yes, dead bodies. Grody. & perfect for the homicide detectives.
I couldn't tell if she was dead for a week or she was just old... but then again the smell of decomp
JE: I don't get it. This is a little, old, retired librarian. What could possibly be in her safe deposit box that would be worth doing all this? KR: Nazi gold, cold fusion, map to Atlantis. JE: Hey, Castle Jr., could you maybe start thinking like a cop, please? (Castle HAS mentioned nazi gold) KR standing with That Booty: I am!?? JE: Are you? KR: It had to have been something huge that was worth killing her over, right? Hey, Super Cop, check it out.
Hug alexis, becks, she needs it, you might too. But hey, rick made kate promise to take care of alexis! & esposito promised to get rid of his porn collection!
Rick just do the flashing bracelet thing again. Idk numbers but (-.-.) ..-. --- ..- .-. is easy enough What is HER accent? cushions is a good idea <3 GOSH WHAT aT Least put him sideways so he doesn't choke!
told Whom to stay with her? Y'all never leave me a voicemail, please text.
it's legit not enough time bestie Send in esposito he looks like a buff firefighter paramedic
Trapper would know her voice. Bad idea. Love the double talking obv not a paramedic since she didn't know she could put the gurney closer to the ground & then raise it up once the fellow is on there UM SIGN LANGUAGE MUCH? Castle could have totally slipped it into sal's shirt
Martha should totally have just kicked everyone's ass & the hostages could have gotten themselves out on the fury of a mother There is a second T in twenTy kate That chuckle was very nathan fillion bc that's where the money is lmao Castle why are you revealing your hand? Just like tf2 for real just like rvb for real Castle has escaped duck tape before. Zip ties are easy to get out of
RC: Mother, I find I'm no longer satisfied with the customer service at this establishment. I think we should take our business elsewhere. Me: Is that code? RC: no just trying to be funny ig
Ron Brandt. Good thing I didn't switch names Were those guys wearing black before? & now they are covered in dust? or were they always wearing that greyish colour?
PUT AWAY THE GUN BEFORE YOU UNTIE THEM BESTIE mr: *shaking her hands with a grin*
They would NOT have messed up Captain Peterson probably is surprised with how good castle is, he's like "wow this guy really does know his stuff" Whose body parts?
Oh no are castle's banker & mother going to sleep together?
I like how beckett has a touchphone & ryan has a flip or smth
See? Castle wasn't supposed to calm him down Holy crap bad bruising I sometimes hate being a christian (what with being who I am) but right now I love it.
That Guy: Honey, I'm home. what a line Girl u should have kicked his balls while he was outside the door TG: Oh, no. Hon, you bumped your head. Ha what a typical abuser line. Disgusting.
*kept the cop's face in shadow*
JE: Come on, let's go pick them up. KR: Ithaca??? Why is espt just going on this huge road trip with ryan? RC: Even as a hostage, I help you solve murders. Beckett, I think…I think you have the perfect partner.
Poor alexis. Poor Ash. Long distance sucks.
In my binge watch I should have counted these. 8th time becks saved castle, castle has saved her 9.
The vodun episode with the purses & champagne, I remember that. The nikki heat murders were not a save, she lived you just gave her your coat RC: Won't be forgetting that anytime soon.
0 notes
servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #091
(taken december 18th last year; uploading surveys taken while gone)
Have you ever shared a house with a significant other? Not legally, but I stayed in that apartment way, way too regularly to be considered a "guest" by that point.
How are you feeling today? Happy, sad, or anything else? I am super fucking at peace, Girt stayed last night and the one before that and it was great. Roman and Cookie both slept with us, and it was just a sound, cozy night. I woke up when he did with his alarms to go to work and we were both super cuddly and it was just cute. After work he comes straight back here to stay again, and I am ACTUALLY considering trying to make dinner out of something for us so I can feel like a proper adult and helpful partner. Idc, I wanna do something nice and adult-y.
Who was the last person that made you upset? What did they do? I am FULL prefacing this with the fact this was dumb as shit and I was absolutely being a brat, but I got frustrated I wanna say three nights ago when I was venting the tiniest bit to Girt and he took 'til like, midnight, when I was asleep, to reply. It's embarrassing to even share, like holy shit he has a life and responsibilities and also free time and such. He proves a million times over he cares and is absolutely always there for me, that night just sucked so pretty much everything was hurting me.
Do you have a crush on anyone? Tell me about them. "Crush" doesn't even begin to cover it. Been there for me consistently more than any friend I have ever, and I do mean ever, had. He's never lost faith that I can do great things and conquer what I'm afraid of. He makes me cry from laughing when I don't even want to smile. I feel like I can tell him pretty damn much anything. He's genuinely the most doting boyfriend ever and besides probably my mom of course, my biggest fan there is; he will hype me the fuck up over anything and supports me endlessly. He really appreciates and values my advice and opinions. He SOMEHOW acts entirely unashamed of me. I need to stop, I am too fucking emotional lately and am crying/fighting not to sob lmao jesus, he's just great.
Have you ever had something signed by someone famous? What and who? No but bitch I wish, there are some signatures I would frame lmao
Have you made out with anyone in the last 2 weeks? Yeah.
Have you shaved your legs in the past three days? No. I want laser hair removal on my legs so fucking bad, my legs humiliate me but for multiple reasons regularly shaving them just is not reasonable, or maybe even not possible right now.
Does anyone hate you? Probably. Quite sure there are people who do.
What bugs you about the last person you dated? She is, honestly, one of the biggest liars I have ever met, and has been SINCE we met. Among other things.
Have you ever felt replaced? Oh yes.
Have you ever played a drinking game? Which ones? No.
Did you ever play Neopets when you were younger? Oh yes, I was obsessed. Honestly, it started my computer addiction, I'm pretty sure. Omg I actually recently saw this tattoo featuring a sick tiger Neopet with the quote "we are all God's Neopets, and he forgot the password" and BOY I fucking CONSIDERED lmfao
Do you regularly check anyone’s profile online? Nope.
Have your parents ever worked in medicine? My mom was a pharmacy tech for quite a while.
Do you have any silly nicknames or pet names? I guess "Twinkie," which is the nickname my mom has used for me since I was a baby; she gave all her kids sweets nicknames, lol.
Are you any good at drawing? I guess, wish I was better though.
Is there anything unusual about your house? Uh I don't believe so.
Do you find it hard to talk to strangers, even people who work in stores? Yes, to such a debilitating degree that it has majorly affected my ability to work/find work I can function through.
How many wigs do you own? Zero.
Are your maternal/parental instincts strong? No, but more than they once were; I've helped my mom babysit my nieces and nephew so much that I guess they just naturally started to grow. Like I DO know I get way more upset when a baby cries than in the past, especially if they ARE my niece/nephew, like I get this desperate urge to fix whatever's wrong and I really feel like my heart hurts. It's weird, historically I've had stronger maternal-ish (major emphasis on "ish," don't make this weird) protection instincts over s/os, I've found especially if they're sick.
Do you feel confident in your body image? My self-confidence is in the fucking negatives and it's been getting to me even more than usual (which is already severely) the past few days.
Do you like country music? I hate it. In very rare instances, I'll hear a song I enjoy, but in general? I cannot stand it.
What was the last essay you remember writing about? Toxic masculinity. I wish I still had access to it, it was probably one of my favorite academic things I have ever written. My teacher loved it and used it as the example piece the following semester.
In your dream kitchen, would the worktops be marble or steel? Marble.
Who is considered the “black sheep” of your family? Why? Me. I am pretty starkly different from the general vibe and interests of my family.
What’s something you’re so good at that you take pride in your skill? I'm genuinely proud of my writing.
What’s the worst/best thing you’ve done without your parents knowing? My mom would probably kill me if she knew certain places I "did things" as a teen lmfao. Best, uhhhh... that's hard dude, my mom knows so, so, so much. I'm stumped enough to give in and also say the same things that qualified for "worst" kms 🥴
What’s a random funny scene from a movie that has stuck with you? Honestly a lot from White Chicks, that movie is so fucking memeable and I love it.
Would you date someone who still lived with their parents? I do that now, so yes. Although in Girt's situation, it's for his mom versus she housing him; she has mental health problems and couldn't work for many years, so she came back to Girt all the way from like Indiana or something and stayed with him because he's a fucking saint. He's basically run the place for he and Shelia for many years on his own, but she's now had a stable job for maybe like a year now and he's very READY to move out, the housing market is just so wordlessly insane right now that doing so is very unreasonable, so for right now they stay together.
Would you have to sleep with someone before marrying them? No.
Do you think there is life on other planets? In some form, absolutely. It's like, impossible for us to be the ONLY life-sustaining planet in an infinite space.
Would you enjoy a night of playing video games? Hell yeah, those with Girt are the absolute best.
Would you watch a porno with your partner? No, porn grosses me out personally. I don't want to see two totally random people going at each other. I would get absolutely nothing but a disgust reaction from that. It's totally fine if others are into it (just not to an addiction level obviously, that's problematic), I'm just not.
Do you like gummy candy? Yeah, it's a texture I like more than most others.
Do you know what the person you have feelings for is doing at this moment? He's at work.
How many brothers does your father have? I'm quite sure he has none, or he just hasn't talked about him like, at all.
Are any of your relatives vets? Not that I know of.
Who cleans the most in your house? My mom.
Do you have any current or past teachers on your facebook friends? Quite a lot, and I doubt they're happy with me. 🥴
Have you ever seen the last person you kissed cry? No.
Do your parents vote? I know Mom does, idk about Dad.
Who's the most romantic person you ever went out with? Jason.
How would you react if your best friend was pregnant/got someone pregnant? That would be Girt so that would be a VERY quick breakup if it wasn't me. If it was me, I'd be fucking devastated, terrified, and get an abortion as absolutely soon as possible.
Have you ever seen the last person you kissed dressed up fancy? Possibly in high school on his senior picture day, but I don't remember it.
Did you have a dream last night? No, last night's sleep was totally peaceful.
What’s something you’ve always wanted to say to your ex? I haven't *always* wanted to say it, but for years now I've just wanted to tell him I'm so sorry.
What would you do if you saw a guy hit a girl? My VERY strong instinct says that I would absolutely storm over to them and deck him dead in the face. I very literally think I would. And then call the cops.
What is the last state you were in besides your own? Virginia.
What two breeds of dog do you think would make a really great puppy? Maybe like... an akita and chow-chow. I looked it up and apparently they're legit and I'm in love.
Who is the best person you’ve ever “met” online? That's too hard. I have met THE greatest people through the Internet.
Describe your elementary school in 10 words or less. Very invested in their students, extremely friendly, bright, fun.
What is the greatest kids’ show ever and why? Okay don't judge but when I'm watching my niece with Mom, she LOVES the show Bluey, and honestly it is absolutely adorable and shows you such an ideal but also realistic picture of a good, honest, just picturesque family.
The best album ever made is ______ because _________: Ozzy's Black Rain because you skip NO song. EVERY single one fucking slaps.
Did you ever see a scorpion in the wild? No, they're not native here.
What is the newest thing you’ve learned? Two nights back at Girt's, we were talking about their old dog Charlotte and how much she fucking adored Donald; both Ashley and Shelia said that she did not just love him, that dog was in love with him. Apparently Charlotte's ashes were buried next to Donald because that's what both would have wanted. ;___;
Name a state you have never been to, but would like to go to. Arizona, probably surprisingly. There is a number of native animals there I would REALLY like to see.
Name a word that people use locally that outsiders probably can’t pronounce. Conetoe. You said it wrong.
Describe your world in 5 words. CONFUSING, stressful, poetic (not in all ways, but I'd say definitely in many), melancholy, but mine and one of a goddamn kind so I'll take it.
What time did you go to bed last night? Uh it was before 12. We played Jackbox Party Pack games for a few hours with some of his online buds, but he also tried excruciatingly spicy ramen, more than he should've because the psycho didn't wanna waste it but also to "build up [his] heat tolerance" and I was like BUT WHY?????? is that necessary????? Thankfully he knew I was right so didn't finish it and then he just wanted to go to bed lmao, he felt like shit.
Who did you last ride in a car with? Girt. Bless him, it's a 30 minute drive to his place and he was BELTIN shit which I usually don't mind at all, but between driving to his place and back, I got such a bad headache lol.
Are you currently heart broken? No, my heart is fuller than it normally is.
Do you know how to change a diaper? I mean, to be completely realistic I could probably figure it out, but immediately? No. I have changed ONE diaper in my entire life and never will again (and that one wasn't even very dirty).
Would you be tazed for a million bucks? Yes.
What is the most annoying thing that your parents do? My mom is always 100% certain she's right. Disagreeing is disrespect. My dad can be weird and sometimes rude to people, and he has no concept of "there are people who can hear you other than me" in public.
Do you completely trust the person you’re dating? Yes.
When was the last time you received a hug? Who was this hug from? This morning, Girt.
Are you one of those people who like The Nightmare Before Christmas? I do, but nowhere near obsessively or even as much as people seem to think I do. The movie is fine, but it's nothing amazing, honestly. Coincidentally, both my phone's lock and home screen are scenes from the movie, lol. Just for the holiday.
What is your favourite type of nut? Idk, I really don't like nuts very much. I guess cashews, I can handle them fine in like, nut/grain/etc. bars.
Where did you eat the best pizza you’ve ever eaten in your life? Guys I am not fucking kidding, it was literally at an indoor trampoline park sort of place that hosts parties, lmao. We went there for Girt's nephew's party, and that pizza, everything about it, was BOMB.
Did you ever watch The Rugrats when you were a kid? Oh yes, loved it.
Do you know anyone who smokes in their car? Dad and Kim.
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i-writes-things · 3 years
Tough girl.
Mom!Nat x Teen!Fem!reader
Hurt/comfort, Mama nat <3
Request- hey there! I just stumbled upon your blog and OMG it's AMAZING!! Your Mom!Nat x Teen!Reader fics are awesome! (apologies for my fangirling ober ur blog) Anyway, i was hoping you could do a Mom!Nat X Teen!Fem!Reader fic where R is 15 and she has to get an injection for some reason. Her mom has no idea that R has a massive phobia of needles, she's normally very fearless. Mainly jst fluff! (PS could u add in Nat praising R 4 being brave?) Thanks so much! @bunny-the-bookworm
Warnings-Mentions of getting a shot at the doctors office, mention of needles, R crying,
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Not my Gif*
Today. Today you were going to the doctor. You had just turned 15 almost a week ago and you knew that this year would be different, this year you had to get your 15 year old shots
You hated needles with all your heart, and you hadn't needed a shot for years, so you were really nervous
Natasha wasn't worried, she knew you were tough, having gotten through breaking your arm, scraping up your hands every other day, and other than your extremely large phobia of spiders she thought that her little girl could take on anything...
"Alright, Y/n/n, you ready?" Her voice rang through the house
"Yeah, I have to pee!" You yelled into the kitchen and jogged off down the hall towards the bathroom
"Okay, I am gonna pull the car around.." Natasha said walking out
You rushed into the bathroom and after going pee you washed your hands
"Okay. I can do this. I am some what strong. No. I am very strong. I got this. Okay, okay.." You ran out to meet your mom at the front of your house
You sat up on the patient table waiting for the nurse, just you and your mom sat in the small room
"Mom, do you know if I have to get any shots today?"
"mm, I think so, yes." She said reading a magazine in the chair across from you
You felt your throat dry up and your eyes started to water
A silent tear fell down your face
A few more fell while the nurse came in the room and turned to you, seeing your face
"Oh Honey, it's ok, do you want mom to come stand with you..?"
Natasha snapped her head up from the magazine and scanned your face quickly
You looked over at her with a tear rolling down your flushed cheek
She quickly got up, completely forgetting the magazine and coming to your side, wiping away the tears on your face
"Hey, Y/n/n-"
You started crying louder the second Natasha started talking
As you went into panic mode in her arms, Natasha cupped your face "Hey, hey, it's ok, your ok, I'm right here." She pulled you into a hug
The nurse had had many young children cry about shots, but it had been awhile since there was a 15 year old crying into their mothers shoulder, not wanting a needle injected into them..
You cried and cried, and after your mom wasn't able to calm you down the nurse cut in needing to get to the other patients
"Hey, what arm does she want it in?" She spoke kindly to your mom
You clinged to Natasha crying uncontrollably
"Her left.." She said loud enough for the nurse to hear and pulled away from you and you look at her with red eyes
"No.." You beg of her quietly
She gives you a sorrowful smile and move some hair out of your tear filled face "It'll be okay, hold my hand.."
You tightly hold her hand
"Are you gonna be my brave girl..?" She asks you stroking your knuckles with her thumb
You shake your head 'no'
"I know, I know, it'll be over so quick, okay?" She whispers to you
"no, please.." You begged of her again
"Will you please be brave for mama, please, Y/n.." Natasha begged of you this time
You take a second to think it over and slowly nod your head and she smiles at you "Thank you, Y/n, come here.." She brings you into a hug and you hug her back just with your right arm
"This will all be over soon, I just need you to keep your arm still." The nurse instructed you
You held your breath and clinged to Natasha tighter than before "I'm here, bubba.." She whispered to you rubbing your back, as the nurse gave you your shot
"All done!" The nurse exclaimed quickly putting a SpongeBob themed bandaid on your upper left arm
The kind nurse told Natasha you were both able to leave, and left herself..
"You were so brave, and see it wasn't so bad." You continued to hold onto your moms hand
"It was worse than I imagined." You said quietly leaning back into your mother
She rubs your back again "You were so brave, you did so good, bub.." She kisses your cheek
"I'm so proud of you."
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myherowritings · 4 years
welcome to the family
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SUMMARY. After mistaking the guy on your lockscreen as your boyfriend, your grandmother knits him a sweater to welcome him into the family. Childe sees your tweet about it the next morning.
PAIRING. celeb!childe x reader
GENRE. celeb au, loosely based off a tweet
A/N. small drabble because i kind of got excited at the thought of celeb au childe o.o also like...have u listened to his english va sing those cheesy songs? i absolutely love it HFJKGHG pls enjoy xx sof
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You weren’t a fan of the celebrity with the title Tartaglia, alias Childe, real name unknown to the public.
Definitely not a fan.
The only reason you knew even that much about him was simply due to social media blowing him up as the infamous white boy of the month. And from there his fame only grew. (Though you had to admit, he was at least more interesting than the previous other candidates.)
You weren’t a fan, but you couldn’t deny he deserved the recognition he received. His acting was pretty captivating, his singing voice pleasing to the ear, and his body... Well, his body...
“Earth to Y/N,” your mom called, drawing you out of your rapidly spiraling thoughts. You were visiting your family home for the weekend and you were currently in the living room with your mother and grandmother, watching bad reality TV and snacking on junk food. “You’ve been spaced out today. Too busy thinking about your boyfriend?”
Your eyebrows shot up. “Huh?”
Like most grandparents, your grandma seemed to have a special radar to let her know when her grandchildren had a potential suitor at hand. Just the mere mention of the word made her perk up. “Boyfriend?”
“Yeah! I don’t know why they were keeping it a secret from us, but I saw the picture on their lockscreen,” she whispered to your grandma conspiratorially, loud enough for you to hear. “He’s a cute guy with ginger hair.”
The picture on your lockscreen off a cute guy with ginger hair… You were only half-embarrassed to recall that it was a picture taken from Childe’s outdoor picnic photoshoot where the poses they made him do attempted to paint the image that he was there on a date with you. His clothes were casual and his smile was familiar.
You absolutely hated that marketing strategy but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t willingly fall for it each time.
But again, you weren’t a fan…
Oh, who were you fooling? You were halfway from breaking and making a Childe fan account if your dignity didn’t get the best of you.
“Childe? He’s—”
“Your boyfriend! My grandchild finally found love in this world?” asked your grandmother, teary-eyed as she completely ignored her favorite trashy reality show on the television to get a better look at you. “I’m so happy for you! This is so exciting.”
“Grandma, wait—”
“You have to bring him home and let us meet him,” she rushed on animatedly, giving you no time to squeeze a full sentence in. “No, before you do that, let me make him something for you to give to him! What size is his shirt? Is that a picture of him? Oh he looks nice and strong! I’ll knit him a turtleneck. You give it to him the next time you see him, okay?”
Your grandma ran to get her knitting needles and yarn, leaving a whirlwind in her wake as you stared open-mouthed at the spot she once occupied.
That was how you ended up going home the next day with a brand new turtleneck sweater your grandmother made for your non-existent boyfriend.
The situation was so bizarre, you decided there was only one thing you could do: Pull your phone out as you sat on your bed to tell Twitter about the events of your weekend.
— ✩ —
It wasn’t everyday Childe woke up to check what the top tweets of his tag were on Twitter.
Okay, that’s a lie.
It was everyday.
He had an image to keep, after all. And it interested him to know what others had to say about him, despite how bad that might actually be for his state of mind.
Childe didn’t like deceit, but showing some parts of himself to only some people and other parts to others wasn’t lying. It was self-preservation. Everyone had a persona of sorts, and he preferred for his to be intact. What was the point of showing everyone every side of him?
He knew who Childe and Tartaglia were. He knew who Ajax was. As long as he knew, he’d be alright.
Was it a lonely path? Maybe. But it paid well and made his family proud. What more could he ask for?
Acting may not be as cool as being, say, a toymaker as his younger brother would proclaim, but at least he got to travel the world and explore places he never could’ve before. And the cute fans of his were also a definite bonus.
Childe continued scrolling through his phone when he stumbled upon a tweet that seemed to be gaining numbers quickly. It was posted only a few hours ago last night (his time, at least) by what looked like a personal account.
@y/n: Y'ALL WTF my mom saw my lockscreen (which is a pic of childe) and told my grandma that he was my bf and then my gma got so excited she knit him a WHOLE SWEATER and told me to give it to him. how could i break her heart and tell her he’s just a celebrity i like omg
@y/n: here’s a picture of the sweater she knit. isn’t it adorable? i almost feel too bad to just wear it myself though hjfkhg [Attachment: 1 Image]
A surprised chuckle escaped his lips as he looked at the picture of you holding the cream-colored turtleneck up, the large sleeves covering most of your body in the photo. You were right. The sweater did look adorable. As did a certain little fan of his who was also featured in the image.
Without giving it a second thought, he began to type his reply.
@TartagliaOfficial: Why wear it yourself? Didn’t your grandma say it’s meant for me? :( It’d be a shame to disappoint her.
In only a matter of minutes, he refreshed the page and found your name in his notifications. For some reason, he felt a rush of adrenaline flow through his veins as he waited for your tweet to load.
@y/n: am i being punk’d or r u asking me out???
Childe laughed to himself, exiting the tweet thread so he could click on the private message icon on your profile.
This would be fun.
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user21340 · 3 years
the world in her arms
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(i don’t own this gif or characters used in this fic)
pairing: natasha romanoff x fem!reader
summary: you and natasha have always had quite a flirty and sarcastic relationship. both of you develop feelings for one another but you both are clueless to what the other feels until nat gets jealous and says something hurtful to you. will you make up (or out)?
warnings: minor angst, fluff, swearing, and a mention of death.
word count: 2.1k
a/n: omg thank you so much for 57 followers love you all 💕. sorry for the lack of content i didn’t know what to write and had almost no new ideas. also i’m a youngin and worked my first 8 hr day yesterday so your girl was exhausted and i have finals coming up soon. k thank you for coming to my ted talk, enjoy!
also this song doesn’t relate to the story at all but it’s underrated imo and also sorry for the weird pov changes throughout the story.
“Hey y/l/n! Where are you headed?” Natasha yells from the kitchen while I’m standing in the living room on our shared floor.
“Wouldn’t you like to know Nat.” I say with a smirk.
“Yeah matter of fact I would.” she retorts.
“Chill, I’m just headed to train some recruits with Clint. But don’t miss me too much, I'll be back in a few hours, Natty.” You blow a kiss her way, and she just rolls her eyes partially from the kiss and the use of her nickname but you see a faint pink tint sitting atop of her cheeks before she turns away.
I’ve been training these recruits with Clint for a couple hours and my session is nearing an end. Something I’ve picked up on today is how touchy and how dumb these recruits are acting just for me to correct their form. I don’t have time for this shit I think as this girl has me correct her jab form for what has to be the fifth time this hour.
Non readers pov
Natasha actually does start to miss you because of how bored she is due to the larger training room being occupied for these recruits. She heads down to see if you are wrapping up yet and see if you’d like to grab dinner with her somewhere. She arrives at the training room and heads to the back room where there is a large one way mirror. Natasha, having nothing better to do, watches Clint and yourself interact with these seemingly clueless recruits.
Minutes pass and Natasha honestly likes seeing your frustration every time a recruit asks you a stupid question or something you’d already answered for the hundredth time this session. That is until she sees this handsy recruit keep asking you to correct your form which she sees you fake a smile at and happily correct it. As if Natasha isn’t jealous already she sees you release a genuine large laugh at something a recruit says. Not being able to withstand witnessing anymore of this behavior from you directed towards anyone else except her. Natasha then storms off into the living room.
Readers pov
I was nearing the end of this session when a recruit comes up behind me and asks, “Soooo, is it true that you and Clint are like a thing?” he asks with no trace of humor or sarcasm on his face. I just bust out laughing because one, everyone or at least almost everyone who knows about The Avengers knows that I’m 100% only interested in women and two, CLINT? I mean he is a great guy and all but I’ll never forget the time I went into a diner to have breakfast with him and the waitress assumed he was my grandfather.
twenty long minutes later...
The living room is lively and everyone seems to strike up a conversation with one another. I decide to strike up a conversation with Natasha who is weirdly acting cold all of a sudden.
“Oh my god! You know what I just remembered the other day? My mom used to-“
“Shut up, y/n/n. I don’t care and I don’t think anyone does at the moment.” she exclaims with a small smirk thinking you’ll detect her harsh-morbid sarcasm.
“Oh.” you choke out, “It’s getting pretty late I-I better head to bed” my voice cracks as I mutter a small, ‘asshole’ agony laced in my voice blinking the hot tears away. I start walking towards my room but it slowly turns into a jog, then sprint. Anything to get to my room and release my sadness.
Non readers pov
The room is frozen. Everyone is staring at Natasha.
“I care.” Wanda states heading to your room because she knows you shouldn’t be alone right now.
“Jesus Nat, that was awful. You know you’ve fucked you when even I say it’s bad. Poor girl’s mom passed when she was around 10.” Tony deadpans.
“Oh my god, what have I done?” Nat says burying her head into her hands.
“I’m not too sure how you’re gonna get out of this one Nat, but you’ve gotta fix this.” Sam says.
Wanda reaches your room and hears loud yet muffled sobs while standing in the hallway. She can feel your grief rippling through her body. The only heartache she can relate to is the moment she lost Pietro which is more than an average person should feel. She knocks on the door softly yet hard enough to alert you of her presence.
Readers pov
I hear three soft knocks on the door. I quickly silence my cries and assume it is Nat. I then clear my throat as the knocking continues and muster up enough energy to speak,
“Go away” into my pillow loudly. The knocking stops but I don’t hear anyone walk away just yet.
“Y/n/n, it’s Wanda. Can you let me in please, so we can talk?” she asks, I stand up while groaning and walk towards the door. I unlock it and open it just a crack to make sure she is alone and not with a certain someone. It is pretty short-lived as Wanda pushes the door open the rest of the way.
“Oh hon, I’m sorry.” She says as she wraps me into a tight hug after closing the door behind her. I crumble into her embrace as she rubs small circles on my back. Wanda has always been such a calming figure in my life since I met her, a major part being that she can feel almost all of my anxieties that try to drown me throughout a day. She also knows how it feels to be alone which allows her to relate to my feelings, so she knows just how much missing someone who is gone for eternity hurts.
We hug for what feels like minutes but when I take a quick glance outside my window it is dark out.
“Is it true?” I rasp.
“What?” she counters.
“Y’know that no one cares. All I wanted to do was share a memory that I remembered of myself with my mom and as you know it isn’t too often that I remember these types of things and when I do I love sharing them, so she won’t ever be forgotten. It just hurts so much to be shut down talking about something you truly care about by someone you care about.” I explain while Wanda looks at me with the softest eyes I’ve ever seen while nodding her head slightly.
“Now that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. I care and everyone in this compound cares about what you have to say as well as what you are feeling. You know how Natasha can be sometimes with the insensitive comments she makes before realizing what she’s doing.”
“I know but that doesn’t give her the right to j-just say stuff like that. I get how full our relationship is with banter and sarcastic comments but I really thought she was starting to like me.” I frown as Wanda just nods. That’s when exhaustion hits me like a truck.
“Wands, before I ask you this just know you can decline.” I give her a minute to protest, but she says nothing. ” Can you sleep with me?” Wanda’s eyes widen,
”Y/n/n I don’t think that is a good id-“ I realize what I just said and cut her off before things get even more uncomfortable. “Nonono, Wanda, like lay down with me not any of that gross stuff. Ew.” Wanda’s features fill with relief, and she chuckles at my childish comment about sex.
“Of course I will! You just may want to word it a little different next time.” she chuckles as you hide your face with embarrassment. We both get settled on the bed and I feel her two arms pull me towards her and I snuggle closer.
Non readers pov
Wanda slowly gets out of bed after she is sure you are fast asleep and sets off to find Nat. When she does she sees that Nat had barely moved from where she last saw her still with her face in her hands.
“Nat. I know you think you really screwed up, which you did, but it’s y/n/n. You can’t go on without telling her how you feel about her.”
“Wanda, you can’t just look in my mind! We’ve talked about this!”
“Romanoff you know I’m one to keep my promises, so I’d never look without your permission. Maybe if you turned down the volume of your thoughts a few decibels I wouldn’t have heard anything. Also, are you ready that oblivious to the fact the whole team knows you two are like little lovesick puppies for one another when you two aren’t attached by the hip.” she explains, “Now, stop moping around and apologize at least.”
“You’re right, Wands, wish me luck. I hope she can forgive me.”
Natasha gets up and races towards your room. She didn’t want to wait so long to talk to you and apologize, but she thought you wouldn’t want to speak to her after what she’d said.
Similarly, to Wanda’s entrance, Natasha softly knocks on your door enough to wake you even out of your semi-deep sleep.
Readers pov
I jump at the knocks on the door and am confused to see Wanda is no longer beside me.
“Wanda you don’t have to knock, you know that.” I sigh out.
“It isn’t Wanda.” a voice you are able to recognize as Nat sheepishly speaks.
“Oh, what do you need?” I ask, all the heartbreak and ache coming back when I hear the voice I’m usually excited to listen to, as if her speech is my favorite song.
“Can we talk? I need to apologize.”
“Sure,” I softly reply.
Non readers pov
Nat opens the door once she has your permission and sees your usual strong, confident frame look small and fragile. Her heart breaks at the sight of you so broken and in pain because of her own actions. Not to mention your tear stained cheeks when you look towards her. It is silent for a minute or so before you throw your head back onto your pillow staring at the ceiling. This awakens something in Natasha for an unknown reason.
Readers pov
“Y/n, I am so sorry. I know that sorry doesn’t cut it for the amount of hurt I’ve caused you all because I was jealous but I hope we can rebuild what we had but it totally is okay if you don’t want to even though I would love another chance with yo-“
“Nat, calm down. I’m not going to sit here and say I’m fine with what you said because truth be told I love sharing memories of my family when I remember them with you. Not only because I trust you but because I think I care for you and love you more than friends should. I just hope what you said is meaningless or else that is when we can’t rebuild what we had.”
“No y/n/n, I didn’t mean any of it. It was just in the heat of the moment because I saw you laughing at something a recruit said when I was going to ask you if you wanted to go get dinner with me. So, I stormed off like a child and said hurtful things to mask my selfishness because I want you to be mine and mine only.”
“Oh my god Nat. You can’t be serious, I was laughing at something a recruit said because he assumed Clint and I were going out.” Nat bursts out laughing.
“See? Anyone who was told that who knew me would just die of laughter on the spot.” I say as I glance her way while patting the place beside me on my bed. She accepts.
“So you actually like me?” you hopefully ask.
“Possibly depending on if those feelings are reciprocated.”
“They are.” I say.
“Good. Can I also say how sorry I am for saying that to-“ I cut her off but placing a quick peck to her soft lips.
“Uh, uh, uh” I tut, “I don’t want to hear any more apologies come out of that mouth. Could you just hold me?” Natasha is still dumbfounded by the little kiss.
“Of course.” Nat complies pressing your back to her front as she wraps her long toned arms around your frame. I hum at the contact.
At this moment Nat realizes there is no place she’d rather be as she feels like she has the world in her arms.
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