#but on the bright side!!! I’m getting better at doing colored pieces I think
into-the-feniverse · 8 months
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This song has been stuck in my head all week so Dabi’s turn for a music induced drawing session ig
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art · 2 months
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Creator Spotlight: @themetalhiro
Hi, I’m Metal! I’m a freelance artist from good ol’ New Jersey. My favorite things to work with are a lot of bright colors, exaggerated poses, and candid scenarios. I try to farm sensible chuckles whenever I can, so I’m also big into comics. I love making them about my life, and the media I’m into, and one day I’d like to publish my own series!  Thank you to everyone who has gotten me this far!!
Check out Metal's interview below!
Did you originally have a background in art? If not, how did you start?
I guess so! It’s funny, I don’t remember a single time in my life that I wasn’t drawing as a hobby… somewhere in middle school (a little late, I know.) I put the pieces together that animated movies were made by artists, and that it wasn’t just for fun, they were paid to do it. The moment I discovered people could be paid to make art, I decided I would do that, too. Now I’m here!
How has your style developed over the years?
I think the best way to answer this would be with an example! Over the last few years, I have made more of an effort to draw more intentionally, which sounds silly. Now, I put more thought into my poses and step out of my comfort zone with shape language and composition. I had a phase where I drew everyone with a huge, perfectly circular head and no nose. That definitely did not lend much variety...
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Which 3 famous artists (dead or alive) would you invite to your dinner party?
Ack! I’m so terrible at history! I’d love to give a well-thought-out answer about fine artists of old, but I don't think we’d have much in common… Most artists I admire and who have driven me forward creatively are the people behind comics I’ve read. Andrew Hussie, Bryan Lee O’Malley, Eiichiro Oda... these guys have inspired me greatly and had a heavy influence in developing my art style and sense of humor. I’d love to ask them questions about their processes and upcoming projects. I think it would make for an entertaining night!
Over the years as an artist, what were your biggest inspirations behind your creativity?
Outside of pure aesthetics like searing bright colors, layered clothing, and loud noises…. the best and most inspiring moments in my life were those surrounded by friends and loved ones! I cherish the hell out of memories of hanging around in fun locations, trying weird food together, and impromptu midnight walks... so I try my best to capture that atmosphere and my own memories in my work when I can, even if I’m imposing fictional characters on top of them. That’s always the core of it.
What is a medium that you have always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
I would never permanently refuse a medium, but every time I pick up clay, I’m like a baby using its hands for the first time. Absolutely dreadful. If one day I could make and paint a figurine like the ones I admire in videos, that would be awesome... But for now, I’m not counting on it.
How do you want to evolve as a creator?
I’ve had an absolute blast drawing fanart over the years, and it’s certainly played a massive role in my growth as an artist. But my dream has always been to publish my own stories for y'all to enjoy! I have lots of worlds I want to introduce to you before I’m old and gray. I want to get faster, work harder, and get better at drawing interesting settings so I can get the wheels turning as soon as possible. I also want to stop avoiding the color blue like a coward.
What do you wish you knew when you first started out creating art that you know now?
Pay your taxes quarterly. Tablets will break at the exact moment you need them most, so have a spare. Wear your blue light glasses. You’re going to need to wear a brace on every joint on the right side of your body. It can be lonely sitting at your desk all day. The car on the side of the road that costs $1000 cash….. don’t trust it!!!
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Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
@cranity—They use absolutely beautiful colors and weighty line work. Everything looks so sharp and clean! I wanna put it all up on my wall!
@vewn—Their ability to crank out quality short films and illustrations packed with detail is incredible. The off-kilter perspective they use really sells disorientation and catches your attention like nothing else.
@nelnal—They have absolutely banger character designs again and again, I can’t believe one person’s mind can come up with so many creative ideas!
@jinx88kc—They have a beautiful and recognizable style, and the way they incorporate animation into their illustrations sometimes is SO cool!
Thanks for stopping by, Metal! For more of Metal’s work, follow their Tumblr, @themetalhiro! If you haven't seen their Meet the Artist piece, be sure to check it out here!
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wiltkingart · 10 months
Do you have any advice on how 2 not overwork a drawing? Over-detailing my art (to the detriment of the final result) is a big weakness of mine, and ive been working on it lately, but simplifying my art is way harder than I thought itd be. I keep getting stuck in a mentality that less detail = less effort, even though all my struggling should prove that isnt true lol. & I almost always like my simpler drawings better, even though that makes me feel kinda lazy…as long as it’s fun tho, right? [1/2]
I’m asking here bc one of the things I adore about your work is how confident and striking your paintings feel. I really admire the way colors and shape language interact in your art…I always want to keep looking to see what I can find hidden in the details, but they don’t take away from the main focus of the image. How do you manage to strike that balance? [2/2] (sorry for the long question lol)
honestly this is still something i struggle with at times! but some things that have helped me are:
- identifying which parts i tend to overwork the most. for me thats faces so i have made it a conscious habit to render faces last. that way i can match my level of face rendering to the rest of the piece.
- working on all parts of the painting at once. some artists are able to work on a painting from section to section. this is not me, regardless of detail level. jumping around all over the place keeps me from focusing too hard on one section above others. i even take this one step further by working on 2+ paintings simultaneously but there is something wrong with me for this one i'll admit.
- staying zoomed out for as long i can. this goes in hand with the previous point but when you're zoomed out its easier to lay down the biggest/primary color blocks without the temptation to detail. once the main color blocks are nicely balanced its easier to pick out a few points of interest to add spots of detail to, and restrain myself to them. (easier said than done! but i try!)
- getting comfortable with backtracking / deleting overworked sections and layers. this might seem scary but this has saved my ass more times than you might think. i always save a version of my drawings before i merge everything / start rending so i can always copy over earlier sections if needed.
- cold turkey removing details from the equation for a while. i did this more from necessity than choice, because i was struggling with my health a few years back and had zero energy to sink into art for long hours. but looking on the bright side it helped me realize what details are/aren't necessary and how to build my features from big -> small. this progression of my patho art shows pretty well how i introduced details back into my work over time.
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but yeah! sometimes i do still find myself creeping a little too close to overwork territory for comfort, even with all these safeguards in place. in that case i have to accept that not every piece i put out will be my 'best' and that perfection has no place in art. that's not the point of it!
simplifying forms isn't easy, the same way abstract art isn't lazy. but with all things it can be learned with enough practice. and if you decide at the end of it all that you still like drawing a lot details, it might be a matter of readjusting how / where you implement them. best of luck <3
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
First of all, I wanted to say that words can't describe how much I loved the two "Bot Buddy who's TFA Bumblebee's twin" pieces you did.
Second, can I request a continuation?
Maybe about Buddy getting attacked by Lugnut and Blitzwing after Buddy finally gets a new paintjob with Sari's help (I like to imagine they now have a bright pink paintjob with two yellow stripes, Buddy chose pink because pink is the color of energon and Sari told them they would look good with yellow stripes).
Buddy quicky hides Sari somewhere safe before taking out their stingers and contact their team for help.
The team arrives just in time to see Buddy cornered, but before Bumblebee and Prowl could do anything to help them, Buddy does a cyberninja move, one that they've seen Prowl do before, and gets out of there unharmed.
After defeating the decepticons and returning to the base, Buddy asks the team what they think of their new look and Prowl compliment them by saying looks like a Rosy Maple Moth.
However, after a few days, Buddy notices that Prowl has been very quiet.
And not the normal Prowl type of quiet, but the "deep in thought" type of quiet.
They are worried, but before Buddy could ask him what's wrong, Prowl asks them what they would feel about becoming a cyberninja.
Buddy is confused and Prowl tells them he saw them doing that cyberninja move to get away from the decepticons, he sees potential in them and wish to train them.
Buddy is hesitant in the beginning. Them? Becoming a cyberninja?
But after a long day of thinking, they tell him that they a willingly to do it.
Also, Prowl gives Buddy a pair of katanas after they become a cyberninja worthy of a weapon (like how Yoketron give Prowl his shurikens).
Buddy is shocked and asks him how he even got them, Prowl just smiles and says that he owes Sari a favor.
Buddy was not going to let a couple of Cons ruin their new paintjob on their day off.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy Bumblebee's twin surprising the team with their fighting skills
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Romance, Cybertronain reader
Buddy and Sari were heading back to the base to show off their new paint job.
Sari insisted for the longest time to get Buddy a new paintjob, she was getting tired of confusing them with Bumblebee at first glance.
Plus, they needed to express themselves more, what better way to do it with a brand-new paintjob!
Buddy walking to the mirror admiring the new pink paintjob adorning their frame.
“You think this was a good idea? I mean I like it—”--Buddy
“Then it was a good idea! Now no one can confuse you with Bumblebee!”--Sari
Sari smirks a bit.
“And I bet Prowl will like it too.”--Sari
Buddy feels a bit warm hearing their partner’s name.
But they get caught up in the crossfires of a Decepticon ambush on the street. They were trying to look for some sort of machine and were having no luck finding it.
What better way to vent out one’s frustrations than on a little Autobot?
Buddy grabs Sari and books it.
They were clearly outnumbered, and they were sure that they weren’t going to stand a chance against them.
They needed back up now!
Buddy reaches for their com.
Bumblebee jumps hearing the sudden scream.
The entire team moves to the main screen.
“OUCH! What was that for?!”--Bumblebee
“Our—Oh Primus Sari’s with you!”--Bulkhead
“YEAH I’M HERE!”--Sari
“Buddy where’s your location?”--Prowl
“We got your signal try and get somewhere safe.”--Optimus
The line goes dead.
“Buddy!? Buddy?!”--Prowl
“Autobots! Roll out!”--Optimus
The team is out the door trying to get to Buddy and Sari’s location.
Buddy was clutching their side ready to fight.
They caught sight of Sari in a trash bin nearby.
They do not expect to see Buddy actually take down Lugnut with persis nerve blow.
 Lugnut ends up falling on top of Blitzwing and Starscream which causes them to make a tactical retreat.
Buddy watching the Cons fly off.
Bumblebee runs to them and hugs them tightly.
Buddy winces a bit causing Bee to let go.
“Primus that was so cool! But why did you do that? You could have been a streak of yellow—I mean pink—wait is that a new paintjob? Urgh! Don’t do that again!”--Bumblebee
Prowl comes to Buddy’s side putting a servo on their shoulder looking at the sparkling side.
“That doesn’t look good…”--Prowl
Buddy raises an optic.
“When did you become so perspective?”—Buddy
Prowl smiles a bit.
“Sarcasm, that’s a good sign.”—Prowl
Back at the Plant…
Prowl by Buddy’s berthside.
“You look like a beautiful Earth moth I saw once on a documentary.”--Prowl
Buddy raises their optic a bit but rolls with it.
“Thank you?”--Buddy
“I mean it was a complement. It has your paint job colors, which looks nice…”—Prowl
Buddy smiles a bit linking one of their digits with Prowl.
“Ahhh… Now I get it. Thank you.”--Buddy
A bit later, Prowl approaches Buddy proposing to train them I the art of the cyber ninja.
Buddy is surprised that Prowl would offer them this, but after a bit of thinking, they agree.
Prowl definitely wasn’t expecting to see Buddy learn the moves quickly.
Soon enough Prowl feels like they are ready for their signature weapon.
“Master Yoketron gifted me my shuriken’s when he thought I was worthy of a signature weapon. I believe you’re ready for yours.”--Prowl
Prowl presents them with some katanas.
Buddy tears up a bit as he places them in their servos.
“Their beautiful Prowl, but where did you get these?”--Buddy
Prowl having a flash back of raiding Lockdown’s ship the last time he was on Earth.
“I found them laying around.”--Prowl
Buddy puts their weapon neatly on the ground and pulls Prowl into a hug.
He slowly hugs them back.
Buddy and Prowl look over to see Bumblebee and Sari with a camera.
“Aww! This is so cute!”--Sari
“Maybe we could get better lighting for the next one though.”--Bumblebee
“Bumblebee!”—Buddy and Prowl
Prowl hugs Buddy closer as they tried hiding their embarrassed face in his chassis.
He is angry that the two ruined the moment.
He lets go of Buddy and moves in front of Bumblebee.
Sari carefully gets down from Bee’s shoulder.
“Put the camera away.”--Prowl
“But how else are your kids going to see how disgustingly cute you two were?”—Sari
“Kids?!”—Bumblebee and Prowl
Buddy had fainted on the floor.
“GET RATCHET!”--Bumblebee
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mh-dreamscape · 1 month
Fun fact brought to you by a marine biologist/marine affairs major!
Part 3: Creature from the Black Lagoon Edition!
Sooooo I ended up getting her and when I finally got to look at her details up close, I got inspired to do another one of these! Now that I’m graduated, I’ll most likely be taking her out of the box at some point! This will also be a little bit of a review too!
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In my previous post, I rated her a 9.7/10 because I was confused by some design choices, like the harpoons in her heels. I feel that would’ve looked better with some type of shoe unless her feet are supposed to be like boots? Anyways, I’ll be going from head to feet with aquatic biology and my feedback!
The Fin Headpiece:
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Most fins have multiple lines or filaments like that and tend to start with either a darker color or color that matches their body on the inside. That color starts to fade out the further on the fin we go because the material is a lot thinner. They can appear to have a sheen look sometimes because they can be shiny and reflect light a little!
The Face:
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Probably the most informative part, the face has many qualities to it! Makeup? Iconic. Flawless. The only thing I might change about it is maybe a not-as-bright lip color, but I think I feel that way about many designs and might just be a personal preference so I’ll let it slide. Aquatic factors? To. The. MAX!
Unless a fish has a protruding lower jaw, they don’t typically have an upturned smile. Body shape and mouth position can be linked together too. Bottom feeders, like catfish and sturgeon, are usually wider and flatter with an inferior mouth or a mouth that’s toward the bottom of their face or completely under it. Fish with superior mouth types (“a” in the picture and towards the top of the body) and terminal (“b” and towards the middle). As you can see, either way, the fish will have a downturned mouth and I just love that quality on this doll. This follows with her nose as well! Her nose does stick out like a normal monster high doll. It’s flattened a bit and has wider nostril sides which goes along with the snout on fish.
Now, I know most of her design is literally based on the Creature of the Black Lagoon so I’m probably just listing facts about him too, but let’s talk about the sides of her face, the part I highlighted the most in this 3/4 perspective!
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Probably the most prominent features on her head sculpt: Gills! They generally follow the rules of anatomy having the the arches and filaments, but she is missing an operculum, which is a protective covering for the gills made by a series of bones. This doesn’t mean she’s entirely inaccurate though as only bony fish have operculums!
The Hands:
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While it isn’t related to fish much, I wanted to admire her hands too! On Mattel’s page for her, they mentioned amphibious a couple of times so I thought I should show that. This is a comparison to frogs hind leg and foot (I couldn’t find a good picture of a “hand” or front leg).
The Body/Clothes:
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As mentioned above, this piece was called “Pearlescent amphibious body armor” and while it does resemble a frog-like skeleton a bit, I felt it looked more like a fish! The top part that rests on her shoulder reminds me of the head portion of the skeleton.
Now, let’s take a look at her tail/fin which I believe is made of some type of tulle, but please correct me if I’m wrong! I don’t know much about fabrics.
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The way the tulle sticks out in the first set of body pictures (middle one) reminds me of a caudal peduncle which as described in the picture above, connects the main body and the caudal (tail). The way the tulle is spread, it looks like it would be a truncate tail. Tail shapes are connected to the maneuverability and speed of a fish and each in the third picture shows how they could work. I know it probably doesn’t lay that way when she’s taken out of the box, but it was a cool design choice!
The Feet/Shoes:
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I haven’t taken her out of the box yet, meaning I don’t have any good pictures of her feet or the stand so I’m using the stock photos from Mattel’s site. The fins follow fish biology with them being a lighter or different color and the tops and bottom of her feet/shoes resemble a more amphibious or reptilian nature. Taking a closer look at it, I can now see that the harpoon is attached to a rope that wraps around her ankles! I wish they colored it differently so we could distinguish that (or maybe I was the only one who thought they just stuck harpoons in her heels lol). After finding that out, I don’t have much complaints. I think it’s kind of cool they made the feet into boots!
The Stand:
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I adore the stand! I love when stands can add a bit of background or a pop of color to the doll! The kelp/seaweed was a great idea to hold her up and there’s detail on the sea floor as well! My only tiff is that I don’t quite know how stable this will be. With the usual stands, the clamp in the back holds their waist up while the bottom gives their feet something to rest on. It makes it stable in general posing of dolls. These pictures show her feet barely resting on it and I’m sure you could probably stretch her one foot out to land on the higher part of the terrain, but it wouldn’t quite look as good as the stock.
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I tried making a quick edit of another way to keep the pose. I originally wanted it to be a harpoon and harpoon gun but I felt that was sort of off brand with Mattel and Monster High so I instead lifted that anchor from the terrain, colored it differently to look like it was covered in algae, and rested it in the seagrass! The only drawback would be that it requires a bit more plastic for each stand and may make it a little more clunky. Like I said, I haven’t taken her out of the box yet so I don’t quite know how stable the original stand is, so this is more so brainstorming!
Making this post made me glad I got her and appreciate her design more. I got her about a month before graduating and it seemed fitting for my final doll delivered at college to be one that’s similar to my major (er I guess I should start saying degree now huh 😅)! I know this was such a long post and I’m sorry for it but I figured combining my “Fun Fact” series and an observational review of her in-person would be great! Her rating still stands at a 9.7/10!
What do you guys think? Do you like her design? What’s your favorite or least favorite part? What would you change about her? Should I keep doing this series??
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dmwrites · 1 year
Mumbo and Grian were out for a stroll in the shopping district- Mumbo to check on his button, Grian to feed The Entity. It was a nice day out, with hermits flying overhead like little birds. Grian was sulking about Mumbo’s newly installed button game.
“It’s just… I’m your best friend! No crown is gonna make you stop being best friends with me… right?”
“I don’t know, G.” Mumbo mused, smoothing his sideburns (it was the weekend, he had his weekend biker skin on). “I mean, saving the button when it’s on purple… that’s basically like coming by my vault, showering me in diamonds, hopping on my hog, and riding off into the sunset with me. Romantically.”
“I can do- wait, did you say romantically?”
Mumbo was spared from answering that in the form of a small, copper-colored thing standing in front of the button.
“What is that… like a piece of trash or something?” Mumbo asked, squinting at it as they got closer.
“Oi! Who’re you calling trash, boi?”
Mumbo and Grian screamed as the small coppery being turned to look at them.
“It talks!” Mumbo gasped.
“It’s… Pearl?” Grian squatted down, only to get kicked in the knee. “Ouch! Yeah, that’s definitely Pearl.”
“Pearl? What on earth happened to you?” Mumbo asked, squatting down too to look at the tiny being. Pearl didn’t look like her normal, trash lady self. She was tiny, for starters, about the size of an allay. Her skin was a bright coppery color, with a shine that indicated that she was actually made of the metal. She also had a very tiny, and very cute, antenna coming out of the side of her head.
“Oh, all this?” Pearl looked at herself. “Yeah, so I’m in this other smp- called New Life- and I’m a copper gollum over there and I think the codes got all messed up when I came back to Hermitcraft. So, I suppose I’m just all coppery for a while, until I get someone with admin powers to sort it out.”
“Wait… I’ve only heard of these things in long-forgotten texts…” Mumbo rummaged in his pockets and put a stone button down on the floor. “Do you-”
Grian and Pearl pushed the button at the same time. One bit of redstone dust plopped out and landed in Pearl’s inventory.
“WHAT?” Grian shrieked.
“Grian!” Mumbo chastised. “That wasn’t for you. Goodness sakes, you two really are siblings.”
“I can’t help it, I have to push buttons, Mumbo!” Grian cried.
“Same!” Pearl said happily, pressing the button over and over. “But I’m better then G because I get redstone with every button I press.”
“Like, redstone just… appears?” Mumbo asked hesitantly.
“Correct!” Pearl was fighting off Grian, as they were both trying to push the button now.
Mumbo turned to Grian, his eyes full of wonder. “Can we keep her?”
“Keep her? She’s not a pet, Mumbo.” Grian said with a laugh. “Or a redstone producing machine, before you try to argue that angle.”
“Keep me?” Pearl sounded quite offended, which was fair. “Keep this, fucker!” She tore the button off of Mumbo’s Button game, and took off, and hid amongst the tall grass for hours before giving the button back. Many hermits had near-heart attacks in the meantime, seeing the button gone, although Pearl would go on to say that she didn’t regret her actions, and in fact would do it again if provoked.
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howlingday · 1 year
Actually I’m curious with the Mama!Harley au how would she react to vol9 jaune?
"Hattah, Imma give ya one chance!"
"Tsk, tsk, Miss Quinn!" Said the strange man in a green hat.
Jervis Tetch, or The Mad Hatter for you few Gothamites reading, wagged his finger at Harley. Same gag as he always pulls; kidnap innocent girl, roleplay his obsession with her, snaps because she isn't a fan like him, then kills her to find the his next 'Alice'. Harley managed to get the girl out, but Tetch had to be taken care of. When she chased him, his trap caught her. Hey, we all have our off days.
"You should know better than to chase the White Rabbit, don't you?"
"I wasn't chasin' a rabbit." Harley snapped. "Only thing I'm chasin' is a creep who got way too into his story books."
"How rude!" Hatter balked. "Clearly, a readjustment must be made, post-haste! Wouldn't you agree, my March Hare?"
The poor goon behind him simply drooled and nodded behind in his brown rabbit mask. Hatter turned to him and snapped his fingers but was only met with the same drooling face as before. From his pocket, he produced a small sitch. With a point and click, he electrocuted the henchman who was gratefully too numb to scream as he was shocked to death.
"Now, what will you be?" Jervis took a mask from a box at random. He clapped his hands with glee at the face that stared back at him. In his hand, he held a mask shaped like a cat. "Oh, my dearest Cheshire! It's been too long!"
"Keep the hell away from me, you creep!" Harley thrashed against her restraints.
"Oh, Harley, I wish you could see things my way." He shook his head. "If you only could see things as I do..." His voice became faded and distant. "Through... the... look... ing... glaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..."
"Ugh, what the hell?" Harley looked around and found herself in a strange location, even by Hatter's standards. Was she about to meet the Walrus and the Carpenter, because that was the only place she could think of that had a beach like this. Still, the colors were way off. "Okay, just gotta find a way out."
As Harley walked, she noticed the scenery was wildly different. Floral gardens had been replaced with lush jungles. She saw a tribe of mice work together to water a bush of thorned vines. As she passed through the village, she noticed all of the characters were pieces from different board games.
"Jaune used tah love board games." She sighed. It felt like forever since she last saw her baby boy.
One day, all of a sudden with no warning, the transdimensional gate between Remnant and Gotham broke and couldn't connect. It was like the gate on the other side was broken somehow, both at Beacon AND in Atlas! Without another portal, mother and son couldn't reunite, no matter how much she wanted to.
Until then, she had to wai-
Harley froze. The voice was different, but she'd recognize it anywhere, anyway, anyhow. It's a real power. Just ask your mother. Jaune could.
"Jaune?" Harley turned and tears flowed on sight. Her son, her baby boy, her little cupcake. He was right in front of her.
But he was so old. His hair, once bright like spun gold had now dulled and filled with white streaks. He'd grown an inch or two, too, and was wearing armor so covered in rust, she felt like she need a tetanus shot just looking at it. And she would after she was done crushing Jaune in her hug.
"M-Ma!" Jaune whined. "You're crushin' me!"
"I don't care!" She laughed and sobbed. "You're my baby boy, and I'm nevah letting you go!"
"What are you doing here?" Jaune asked as he hugged her. "How are you here?"
"It's a long story, sweetie, but I can tell you later." She pulled away. "Right now, I need to find a creep in a green hat. If I don't find him, I'll... I'll..."
"Mom?" Jaune asked.
Harley was conflicted. On the one hand, Gotham needed her to come back. Hatter was still loose, which meant a lot of innocent people were in danger. Batman could handle it, but he wouldn't be around forever.
But neither would Jaune. After so long, she finally meets him again and it's in a fantasy world. She would never get this chance again would she?
"Jaune, I... I don't know what to do." Harley shook her head. "I need to go back, but I... I'm not sure if I can leave this time. Not when I have you in my arms."
"I know, Mom, but... you'll have to let me go some day, right?"
"If I had it my way, you'd be my baby forevah."
"I always will be, Mom."
Harley was crying with a smile. This would be the most painful she'd done since she gave birth and brought him into her world. Not a close second, but a second regardless. She stepped away.
"Jaune, I'll nevah fuhgive you fuh breaking yuh mothah's heart..."
"...but I'll always... love... you?" Harley looked around and saw the Dark Knight standing over a beaten Jervis. Panic filled her mind as she found the cat mask in pieces against the wall. "NOOOOO!"
Jaune stood there. He stayed where he was, unmoving as the world continued to move silently around him. Some who passed stared as they went about their lives. Children. Parents. Sons. Mothers.
Harley's last words to him rang on a loop in his mind.
'Jaune, I'll never forgive you for breaking your mother's heart.'
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
Added my Double drabble to Lights, Camera, Sing Your Sins! I snuck it into chapter 2 so I figured I'd make a quick post with it here :)
“Hey, stop bumping me.”
“You’re bumping me – I can’t see!”
“Just scooch over.”
“My toes!”
Mikoto looked back at the group of prisoners huddled around him, packed tightly so that they could peer over his shoulder at the monitors. His hand paused from where it had been sweeping the stylus around, rearranging his latest creation.
“It’s not that exciting guys,” he laughed. “Let me at least show you some of the finished pieces, I’m sure this is boring…” 
Not that the other pictures were that exciting, either. He pulled up the other frames he’d been busy editing. There came a chorus of oohs and ahhs, but Mikoto knew it was just out of obligation. He flicked through a few of them as quickly as he could.
It was the type of art he loved to do (with some input from Red now and then) but it didn’t really suit any of the other prisoners’ tastes. He’d heard enough questions about his field to know it wasn’t all that impressive to most people. 
Sure enough, Kazui squinted at the screen. “You made all these?” he asked. “Like, you drew them?”
“Er…in a way. I drew some of the elements, and had to do some work to make the effects look right. And the color coordination takes time too.” He scratched the back of his head. “I know it doesn’t look like much…”
When he glanced over, though, Kazui’s expression was one of awe. “No, no, you’re very talented!”
Haruka’s finger tapped the screen. “Can you go back to that one?”
Mikoto clicked back to a photo of himself sitting on one of the train benches. It was meant to depict Red, made abundantly clear by the blood spatter, colored eyes, and savior label that had been placed with much deliberation. Blue had insisted on it, though Red only agreed with the addition of quotations. Their guilty verdict had been crushing for both of them (though not wholly unexpected), so it was important to show all sides of them, now.
Although it had been one of his favorites when working on it, he suddenly wondered if his personal flair had gotten out of hand. It was hardly distinguishable as the original shot, with too many textures and additions obscuring everything.
Fuuta whistled. “Man, that looks sick. You should have done my video…”
“Mine too!” Mahiru said. “I love the bright colors you’re using in all of these. And the paper and ink just looks so crafty!”
Kotoko leaned in to get a better look. “I really like the focus on the eyes here.” 
“O-oh, thanks!” He could feel his chin lift at the commentary. “I got the idea a bit ago… it’s kind of a running thing now? I drew some of them here –” he scrolled though a few frames. “And a scribble over the face here to keep the theme going. Little ones here, a string of them like this. Heh, I drew about a thousand different eye designs to get any actually liked. Then I have these big ones, see? I’m debating on including a blue version, too, but maybe I’m going overboard. I think Jackalope might have a heart attack, seeing all this crap.” 
“He’ll get over it.” Yuno answered his joking smile with a genuine one. “I’m so glad you’re having fun with these. It’s all very… you.”
Mikoto’s gaze fell onto the last frame he’d pulled up: another messy one of Red filled with pink and blue, with the text save you repeated nearby.
“It’s both of us.”
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jimmyssnuggs · 19 days
nights like these, in the august heat | red dirt roads
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If Calla had to list her top ten favorite things in this world, sunsets would be number six. Ever since she was a little girl, she’d been fascinated by the blends and varieties of colors they showed. They were different looking every day, and that’s what kept her watching them every night. As she waited outside the airport, she couldn’t help but stare at the one that lit up above the airport building. 
The piece of white cardboard her aunt had shoved into her hand is loosely gripped by her fingers. She protested the idea of her aunt making a sign with their names on it, but her aunt had gently pushed her out the door insisting it was the only way they would know it was her picking them up. In black sharpie, the names SNUGGERUD and CHESLEY are written in big, bold, uppercase letters. She felt silly holding it, and the stares she was receiving from various people didn’t help. 
She wishes she made Annie or Shay come with her. Their presence would calm her nerves, but Shay was studying for a test and Annie was at work. 
Meeting new people wasn’t something Calla was a fan of. Her sister would’ve been a better option to pick up the hockey players, but Cassie was no were to be found, as always. But she promised Aunt Ginny and Uncle Chris she would make them feel at home on the car ride back home, and she intended on keeping that promise. 
Two teenage boys walking toward her snapped her out of her thoughts. She took a moment to compose herself, smoothing out her tank top and adjusting her baseball cap. Aunt Ginny’s words from earlier pop into her mind, and she flashes a bright smile, in order to make the boys feel welcome. 
The two boys stare at the sign as they stand waiting to cross to the truck, and Calla clears her throat. “I’m assuming you're Ryan and Jimmy? Or, are you two random guys who need a ride and are gonna pretend you are?”
The USA hockey sweatshirts the two are wearing already confirmed the answer to her question, but cracking jokes was the way she removed any awkward silence from a conversion. It was her best quality, at least in her opinion. 
“Um,” One of them says, not meeting her eyes. “Is there a back seat? How will one of us sit?” He puts his bags in the tailgate while he waits for an answer from the blonde. 
She laughs for a moment, and the two boys look at her extremely confused. “It’s Uncle Charlie’s old truck. It has one row, but fits three people,” She taps the side of the truck, motioning them into the car. She shuts it, closing the tailgate before getting in the driver's seat. “Alright, if you wanna open the windows, you have to crank the handle down. I suggest doing so, because the AC of this car hasn’t worked since my brother was born. He's 18, so it hasn’t worked for 19 years.” 
The car ride to Northville is filled with Calla asking the boys questions, wanting to get to know them better. She learns the one with the shaggier hair is Jimmy, and the other one is Ryan. She doesn’t say it, but she can’t imagine how hard it is for them to leave their homes and their families.
She could never imagine leaving Michigan. This is where her family was, and would probably always be. 
“Can we play music?” Ryan interrupts her train of thought. She forgot to go through the process of finding the stations that worked before she started driving. Still focusing on the road, she begins pressing various buttons and dials before the sound of country music fills the car.  
Out of the corner of her eye, she sees their faces at the long dirt road ahead of them. There’s a house just down the road, and one directly diagonal from it. “Uncle Charlie said I’m in charge of showing you two the farm chores you’ll do when you’re not at hockey.”
“Farm chores? We’re living on a farm?” Ryan’s face pales.
“Dude,” Jimmy whacks his arm. “I told you we were. I think it’s sick.” Jimmy shoots Calla a smile. 
“My whole family lives on it. My grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. All in different houses by family.”
“That’s really cool.” Jimmy nods his head.
“We’re actually gonna drive to my Mimi and Pops house. Sunday night is family dinner night, and everyone gets together. You get to meet everyone!”
“Great!” Ryan throws his head back, an annoyed groan slipping out of him. 
“It’ll be fun, Ry.” Jimmy pats his friend's shoulder. 
The best word to describe what Calla pulls into is chaos. There's a number of children running around, clearly a variety of ages. She nearly runs over Willow’s soccer ball, braking just before she popped it. “Watch it Calla.” The 10 year old redhead glares at her as she opens the car door. 
“Sorry Willow. Next time, don’t kick it into the driveway please.”
“There is no driveway Calla. It’s dirt.” She rolls her eyes before stomping off into the backyard. 
Calla turns to the two boys who are amazed at the amount of people at the house. “You’ve never seen a big family before?” She laughs, leading them toward the porch. “The adults are on the back porch, I’ll introduce them fi-”
Before she can finish talking, a football comes flying toward the three of them. They duck, at Calla’s voice urging them too. The football is maybe an inch away from hitting Ryan in the head, but lands behind him. His eyes are wide as three boys stare guiltily at him. “Xander! What did Pop say about throwing the football?” The blonde yells, and the tallest looks visibly scared. 
“Watch where you’re throwing it before throwing it.” He doesn’t meet her eyes, looking at the patch of grass on the dirt road.”
“Right. You almost just gave Ryan a concussion. Now go, and remember the rule,” The three boys attempt to take off, but remember they need the football. “I’m sorry about them. When you’re at this house, always watch for flying balls. They could be anywhere.”
“Noted.” Jimmy shakes his head, stepping inside and looking around. 
“As I was saying, come meet the adults,” Calla opens the patio door, motioning them to come. “Jimmy, Ryan.​​ This is everyone. That’s Aunt Sheila and Uncle Mike, and over there is Auntie Ginny and Uncle Chris, the one’s you’ll be living with, as well as me. Right here is Aunt Sandy, and then at the end is Aunt Colette and Uncle Rick,” She points them out as she introduces them. Both are in shock at the number of aunts and uncles she has. “Aunt Melissa and Uncle Adam are on vacation. You’ll meet them soon.”
“Okay.” Ryan nods his head, soaking up the information. 
“I’ll introduce you guys to the kids next. All my cousins, and Connor, my brother,” She turns her attention to her Auntie Ginny. “Is Cassie here?”
“Nope. She’s at Spencer’s.”
Calla rolls her eyes. Her twin was almost never home anymore, spending every second she had of free time she had with her boyfriend. “That right there is Lucas. He’s 6 and you’ll see him everyday, because he’s Aunt Ginny and Uncle Chris’s. The blonde girl playing with dolls over there is Kendall, and she's four.” At the sound of her name, Kendall snaps her head to look at Calla, and runs toward her. 
“I’m Kendall,” She looks up at Jimmy, a pink cowgirl hat falling off her head. “You should come play with me.” She grabs Jimmy’s hand, trying to pull him with her. 
“Well, she likes you. That’s an accomplishment, because she doesn’t like many people,” Calla chuckles, picking up a baby from the blanket. “This cutie right here is Aubrey, and she's one.” The one year old squishes Calla’s cheeks, then bursts into a fit of giggles when Calla starts tickling her stomach. 
“Dinner’s ready,” Ryan assumes it's Calla’s pop who says that, by the gray hair the man has. “The guests of honor get to make their plates first,” He laughs at the horrified look on Ryan’s face for bringing the attention to him and Jimmy. “Don’t be scared, none of my family bites. Unless you take the last slice of pizza.” He laughs. 
They sit down, and everyone starts filling up their plates. “We’re excited to watch you boys play hockey. You’ll have a whole cheering section at all the games.”
“I’m excited for it too. You all are lovely people.” Ryan says what his mom told him too. He looks at Jimmy, who’s stuffing his face with homemade potato salad. He gives his shoulder a shove, and a ‘really’ look. 
“The food is amazing.” Jimmy says after he swallows his food. Everyone laughs, before digging into their own plates. 
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dorianwritesthings · 2 years
The Bad Batch x Reader Senate Party Intro
A/N: Hey so @rainydaydream-gal18 does this super cool thing where they do like, choose your own ending stories for the Bad Batch! I think they are super freaking cute and I’ve decided to try my hand at it. If you haven’t already go check out their stuff. Here is a link to their masterlist.
Also check out @nahoney22 ! Her Crosshair x Reader fic, “A Night to Remember”, was a big inspiration for this. It follows you and Crosshair going to a party to get information (he also buys you a dress!). It is very cute and I love it and I loved that scenario so here this thing is!
Reader Pronouns Used: She/Her in the endings.
Summary: Reader picks out a fancy dress and gets glammed up to infiltrate a big important party with the Bad Batch. 
“Aren’t you excited?” Omega asked. The two of you were walking through rows of dresses in preparation for an important assignment. You ran your hand along some of the soft fabric and sighed.
“I guess?” You said, “I’m just…It’s been a while since I’ve done something like this.”
“Well, if it makes you feel better, I’ve never done something like this.” 
You smiled at the reassurance and gestured to a rack of dresses. 
“These will all be about your size,” You said, “Why don’t you pick some out and you can try them on? I’ll go look for something just over here.”
“Okay!” She skipped over to the rack without a second thought and you straightened up, hoping to emulate some of Omega’s enthusiasm.
The rest of the Batch came back to your side of the store. You’d left them to get their outfits properly fitted for tailoring. You and Omega were just bringing a few dresses to the changing rooms, having narrowed down what you wanted to try to 5 each. An accomplishment given the variety. You waved the boys down and sent Omega into the fitting room to try on her picks.
“Well, once you two are done we’re all ready.” Hunter said, “Thank you for helping us pick something out by the way. You’re the closest thing we have to an expert here.”
You almost cringed at the thought, but you’d been to a few important functions like this before, so he was technically right. Giving the boys direction to find suits that matched their preferences while still being stylish enough for the company of galactic senators had taken up the first half of your day. Omega was ever helpful, though she did gravitate toward louder pieces. She was a good influence on all of you during this experience.
“Strange that they’d insist on us being part of the party.” You said, “Plenty of armored guards come to these sorts of things.”
“Yes, but we are supposed to be at least a little discreet.” Tech said, “As to heighten the probability of gain-”
“Gaining vital information regarding the identity of a potential spy.” Echo finished, rolling his eyes, “I don’t think this-” he held up his scomp link- “is really what I’d call discreet.”
“Yeah, we kind of stand out in a crowd.” Wrecker chuckled. He was probably the most okay with the situation besides Omega, though he was upset about the discretion.
“Yes, well, unfortunately it is a bit short notice for that, Echo, though I assure you, there will be guests in attendance with extensive cybernetics. It will be fine. Looking the part is most of the battle with these things. It’s simple psychology.”
“Speaking of looking the part…” Crosshair nodded at the dresses in your hand.
“You and Omega found a few then?” Hunter asked. You nodded.
“She’s trying her first one on now.” 
You hung your picks on the rack outside the dressing room and took a seat. The others followed your lead. The shop was fairly small, so Wrecker and Echo decided to sit on the ground. Tech opted to stand while Crosshair and Hunter took the other available chairs.
To say your group looked out of place in the shop would be an understatement. Your armor alone made you stand out against the bright colors and soft fabrics. 
“You can let me know if you need help, Omega.” You called, “Some of these can be pretty annoying to lace up.”
“I think I got it!” She called back. Soon after you heard the changing room door click and Omega appeared.
Her first pick was a soft yet vibrant pink color. The A-line skirt stopped just above her ankles and the sleeves gathered up into ruffles at the shoulders, stopping around her elbows.
She waved at you all and it dawned on you that maybe she wasn’t as confident as she was letting on. Her smile looked slightly nervous. This was an entirely new experience for her, too.
“It looks…nice.” Hunter offered. You gave her an encouraging smile. It did look very cute.
“Is it comfortable?” Echo asked.
“I…think so?” she turned a bit, getting a look at herself in the mirror. Her eyes brightened.
Tech tilted his head, “What about practical?”
“The skirt is good, you’ll be able to move your legs freely without tripping.” You said, approaching her to inspect the fabric a bit closer, “Try moving your arms.”
She did so, and you saw the fabric bite into her shoulder slightly. She couldn’t put her arms all the way in front of her, but you held your tongue, not wanting to be too critical of the first dress she’d picked out.
Omega looked at it for a moment longer then said, finally, “Not this one. It wasn’t really my favorite anyway.”
“Alright, next dress then.” You smiled, opening the door to the changing room for her. She walked back in and you took your seat again.
“How many dresses did she pick out?” Hunter asked. Your smile turned quickly into a smirk.
“A few.” You said. “And we will be patient for all of them.”
You shot the boys around you a look. They all understood what you meant. Omega had been nothing but patient and encouraging as they hunted for formal wear. It was their turn to return the favor.
You sighed in relief, then decided to give an actual answer, “She actually ended up taking in 5.”
“Surprising.” Hunter looked back at the changing room.
Wrecker chuckled again from his seat in front of you, “I would have thought she’d try on the whole store!”
“Well maybe you tired her out.” You gave Wrecker a gentle shove. The door clicked again, catching all of your attention.
After trying them all on Omega made a decision.
Omega ended up going with her 3rd dress: a deep blue one with small rhinestones falling down the skirt which stopped a little below the knee. This skirt was quite a bit more voluminous than her first choice. The bodice still had sleeves, but the fabric was loose enough to allow her a full range of motion.
You were pleased with her choice and more than proud of how she pointed out the practical advantages of it to you alongside how much she liked certain aspects of it. The rhinestone pattern and sparkles looked almost like falling stars while the skirt would be a good hiding place for a blaster and a vibroblade.
“Alright, you’re turn!” Wrecker cheered, pushing you into the dressing room. You’d nearly forgotten about yourself.
“Hey! I need the dresses first, Wrecker!” You tried to push back against him but it was no use. Fortunately, you spotted Crosshair behind him holding your dresses. He passed them to you.
“Thank you!” You smiled, taking them from him and shutting the door quickly.
For the first time since you’d arrived at this shop, you finally had a moment alone. You took a deep breath, steadying yourself against the tiredness in your bones, then hung each of your dresses out before you.
You were most excited to try on….
The Dress With The Large Skirt (Wrecker) 
The Elegantly Simple One (Echo)
The One With The Softest Material (Hunter)
The Dress Made With An Interesting Fabric (Tech)
The One With A Slit Up the Side (Crosshair)
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daisyhollyxox · 2 years
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He Could Be The One - Bradley Bradshaw x Reader - intro chapter
she makes the move to open her own florist across the street from her family friends bar, finally putting herself first and following her heart.
having secured a permanent position at top gun, he’s starting to think about setting down and having someone to call home.
warnings: age gap {reader is 27, Bradley is 35}, slow burn, no use of y/n, 2.7k words.
Bradley’s pov:
Rolling up the windows as I pull up to the side of the street outside Penny's, I grab my phone from the passenger seat along with a 6 pack of beers I'd picked up on the way here. I get out of my car, push the aviators further up the bridge of my nose with my free hand and make my way to the side gate. When Penny and Mav announced to the group that they wanted to host a small get together, I think everyone was grateful for the small break and immediately we all said yes to attending. Repairing my relationship with Mav hasn’t been simple but I don't think I've ever been happier. Feeling like I have a support system in my life again is one of the greatest feelings. The small group has become like family and I feel lucky to have them.
Noticing all the outside string lights had been switched on, I turned the corner of the house and nudged the unlocked gate open, to be greeted with most of the group already here.
“Rooster!” I hear to my left. Looking over to where the voice is coming from, I see Penny smiling at me with a couple of beers in her hand. “Penny, hi” I beam as she hands me a cold beer in return for the 6 pack i’m holding. “Thanks for inviting me over. The place looks great by the way.” Mav had me helping with some redesigning of Penny's backyard and to put some outdoor furniture together. “Well I can't take all the credit.” she joked, nudging my arm slightly. I chuckled and scanned the outdoor space.
Through my sunglasses, my eyes spot most of the guys but come to a halt when they land on someone unfamiliar. She’s in the far corner of the backyard overlooking the water, by a large area surrounded by plants that Penny had planted while Mav and I were piecing together the furniture. Natasha is chatting to her, both smiling and engaging with each other. Sensing a pair of eyes on her she turns to look over her shoulder, hair flipping with the motion of rotating her body and catches my eyes. I couldn’t see the color of her eyes with the distance between us but they were shining bright at me from the golden sun streaming down. A smile surfaced on her face before glancing at Phoenix to once again look back at me with the same smile still there. Slowly bringing my glasses down, tucking them into the front of my white shirt, I feel my lips curving into a smile.
From the corner of my eye I could see Mav coming up to us. “Bradley, glad you could join us.” Mav says instantly bringing me back to where I was, realizing I'd probably been staring at her for maybe a moment too long. “Hey Mav,” I say as he pats me on the shoulder in a greeting. “I see you managed to put the fire pit together finally.” I laughed. He'd been complaining on the phone to me earlier that he couldn’t work out how to assemble it but I'd been caught up in some work that I couldn’t get out of to help. “Ha, yeah. Turns out Penny can read instructions better than I can.” smiling at Penny, who was in turn giving him a teasing look back. “Need me to do anything?” asking the couple. “No, no. Go sit down and enjoy the rest of the day.” Penny says. “You’ve helped out tremendously this week, go relax with the others.”
Thanking her I made my way over to Bob, Reuben and Javy who were stinging amongst the couches but the patio. “Hey man.” Javy says, nodding his head up in greeting as he sees me approaching. “What's up guys?” I smile and we all greet each other. I opt to take a seat looking towards the ocean. Admiring the late afternoon sun taking a sip of the chilled beer Penny graced me with. “Rooster! Have you met Penny's new neighbor yet?” Payback says. Glancing over at him, I gave him a questioning look. Penny's previous neighbor had decided to relocate to Florida in retirement and the house had been for sale for a couple months. It was a two bedroom with a wraparound porch that had an open space with a garden out back. “The new owners are already in?” I questioned. “Yeah she’s a family friend of Penny's. Known her since she was a kid. Said she was looking for a change and decided to make the move when Penny mentioned the house next door was up for sale.” Payback explained to me lounging back on the couch. Bob agrees and says “She came over about an hour ago. Penny introduced us and she seems like a total sweetheart.”
“I think Phoenix has made her her new best friend already.” Coyote states as he looks over where she and the woman stood. I blink at them “That’s Penny's new neighbor?”
“Yeah. Jakes already tried to sweet talk her, I think that’s when Phoenix swooped in to save her.” Payback laughs. Looking back over to the spot where they stand, I notice she looks slightly younger than the rest of us, maybe in her late 20’s. She’s wearing loose airy pants with a long sleeve cream top that cuts low on her chest.
Shaking my thoughts, I hear Penny call my name and when I look over my shoulder to the back porch I see her wave me over. She’s holding out two drinks signaling me to take them from her when she says “Rooster, would you be ever so kind to deliver these to the two lovely ladies over there?” nodding her head over towards where Phoenix is standing. “I said I'd grab them some drinks but Amelia just called me saying she was ready to be picked up from her friends.” Taking the drinks from her hands I reply. “Yeah of course, Pen.”
“Thanks, honey.” giving me a small smirk. I look over briefly toward the two when Penny’s voice makes me snap my head back towards her. “She’s a family friend of mine. She's been looking for a reason to move back here for a while now and when I told her about next door being for sale, she took the chance and got it.'' Penny smiles.“Make her feel welcome for me, I know you guys can be a lot when you're all together.” she laughs. I give her a nod in agreement and start to make my way over to where the girls stand.
When I'm close enough for them to see me coming over they both turn their heads, pausing their conversation. “Bradshaw! didn’t think you were going to make it.” Phoenix jokes. Grinning, I reply “You know me, always want to surprise everyone.” Phoenix shakes her head, chuckling and turns towards her new friend saying, “This is why I'm excited to have another girl to hangout with!.”
Turning towards her to see her eyes already looking back at me, I extended the drinks out to them. “Drinks, courtesy of Penny.” I smile. Taking the drinks out of my hands I'm met with a gracious ‘Thank you’.
“Bradshaw, this is Penny's new neighbor and long time family friend.” Phoenix says. She gestures to shake my hand and I slot mine into hers. “Hi, I'm bradley. It’s nice to meet you.” She greets me with her name and shakes my hand. “Nice to meet you too, Bradley.”
“When did you move in? I've been helping out around her this week and I've not seen any movers.” I say.“Oh no, I had movers bring all my things a couple weeks ago. I officially moved in last night. Penny was a total gem to pick me up from the airport and then she and Mav took me out for dinner.” Smiling at me she explains. “I just have the fun task of unpacking now that I'm here.”
“Well if you need any help with that, I'm happy to offer my services.” She giggles at my offer looking down and back up to meet my eyes again. “That's very kind of you to offer. Penny mentioned that she had help with the backyard from a Bradley. I'm assuming that Bradley is you?” she smirks. Flashing her a grin of my own “You’d be correct.” I say. “She'd mentioned a few times about wanting to make it feel more welcoming so she could have people over and for there to be places for everyone to sit so Mav and I offered to help out.”
“Well it looks like you did a good job, it’s gorgeous out here.” She says, glancing around slightly.
The three of us made small talk for a while when she excused herself to go to the bathroom. Whilst I tried not to watch her walk away my eyes scanned her figure as she took the path back up to the house. As she made it to the sliding door, Jake was just about to walk out but paused upon seeing her about to enter through the door. Putting on his best charming smile, he stepped to the side motioning with his hand for her to come in first to which I could see her nod a ‘thank you’ to him back. Jake says something to her in passing as he walks back outside and she giggles at whatever he’d said. Walking further into the house she disappears behind the kitchen wall and I see Jake proudly smirking to himself before joining the others settled on the couches.
I turned back to Phoenix who was now grinning ear to ear.
“What's that look for?.” I questioned her. “You seemed to have taken a liking to her.” she teases. Rolling my eyes at her, I shake my head and let out a quiet laugh. Phoenix has been one of my closest friends since the start of my career, being in the same class as her when we first started out. We grew a great friendship over the years and I know I can trust her with anything and everything. With that being said she always knows how to wind me up. “Remind me why I'm friends with you again.” I tease. She shoves my arm and laughs again when we’re taken back by a loud gasp.
Turning around I see that she’d returned from the bathroom and is now standing next to the couches looking at Amelia who is about to launch herself at her in a hug. She stumbles back a little when they make contact but chuckles at the smaller girl, embracing her in her arms. “Amelia, let her breathe!” Penny exclaims at her daughter. Everyone is smiling fondly at the pair and Phoenix and I make our way up the path to joining the rest of the group.
“I am so happy you’re here Daisy!” Amelia squeals, still squeezing her in a tight hug. “Me too!” she said, noticing she closed her eyes for a moment. “Amelia, as lovely as I know you’re trying to be, Dais isn’t going anywhere so you don’t have to hug her like she’s going to disappear.” Penny says while Mav agrees next to her, chuckling. She releases her hold on Amelia and says, “Miss Amelia, you need to stop getting so tall!”
They both walk up to where Penny is standing while Phoenix and I do the same. “Dais, did you see the flower arrangement in the kitchen? I convinced mom to let me try this time and I think I did a pretty good job!” Amelia beams. “I didn't! want to show me now?” she says to the younger girl. She doesn’t get a response, only a hand pulling hers through the sliding doors.
“Is Daisy a middle name?” I asked Penny, noticing that both her and Amelia had been calling her Daisy and not the name she’d introduced herself to me as. Penny turns to me and says “Oh, no it’s a nickname. Growing up she was obsessed with flowers! Planting them, drawing them and making little flower arrangements from the ones in her backyard. When her mom let her decorate her room after they moved, she wanted everything to have flowers on it.” she smiles as she’s telling me. “One day we were at the beach with her mom and a few others, she started naming everyone after flowers. She must have been about six or seven. When everyone had a flower assigned to them she asked us to give her one and from that day forward, the nickname kind of just stuck and nearly everyone knows her by Daisy.” The look on Penny's face told me that it was a memory she keeps close to her heart.
Glancing through the doors I could see Daisy and Amelia chatting by the kitchen island, in front of them a vase of beautiful flowers. Watching her smile light up every time she pointed to a new flower and started talking to Amelia, who was listening intently to what she was saying.
Breaking my eyeline on the two of them, Mav walks over in front of me and says to us, “How about starting the fire pit?”
“Sounds good to me.” Phoenix smiles looking at all of us in agreement.
The warm glow of the fire in front of us all sets a comfortable setting as everyone chats amongst themselves. Everyone has taken a seat in the surrounding couches with Bob to my left and Amelia to my right. Daisy’s on the single love seat next to Amelia who’s showing her something on her phone. “Wow, I wish I could play like that,” Daisy says. “I remember taking some lessons when I was in middle school but I'm not sure I'd be any good these days.” she giggled softly.
“We have a piano at the hard deck! Maybe next time we're both there you can see if you remember anything.” Amelia beams. Gaining my attention I look over to the girls next to me. “You know how to play?” I ask.
Meeting my eyes, Daisy smiles at me. “I wouldn't say I'm very good,” she laughs. “But I think I can remember the basics.”Amelia cuts in and looks between us. “Rooster plays the piano there all the time when he's with the group!”
“Really?” Daisy questions.
“Yeah, my dad used to play a lot when I was younger and I started taking lessons in high school.” I smile, thinking of the few memories I had back then with him.
“I’ll have to make sure I'm there next time you decide to play then.” she says, the corners of her mouth rising slightly. “Yeah,” I say with a grin. “Maybe then, you can show me what you know too.”
“I think we can arrange that.” Daisy agrees slowly with a smile gracing her face. Taking a long sip of my beer to hide my smirk, Amelia goes back to conversing with her and I lean black further on the couch and throw my arm on the back of it.
Daisy’s pov
Crossing my leg over the other, I look over to Penny who has just settled into the seat next to me with Mav on her other side. “Hey, Pen?” I say. She looks at me with the warm smile she always smiles and says “What’s up, Sweetheart?”
“I just want to say thank you again for your kindness these past few months.” i say.
“You know I would do anything for you. All I want is for you to be happy.” she says, wrapping her arm around my shoulder in a side hug, squeezing me softly. With everyone in their own conversations, I take the opportunity to look around at everyone. Feeling so welcome, it has felt like a breath of fresh air and the nervousness that I felt walking in today has practically disappeared. Excited to finally start this new chapter in my life, back in the place I grew up in. I bring my hand up to Penny’s, squeeze it lightly and say “It's good to be home.”
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
(Hanahaki AU tag : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4)
Sometimes Eddie thinks stories are alive, somehow. Not in a gateway-to-a-magical-world sense; more like kudzu. Invasive, demanding, immortal. You think you’ve cut them to pieces and salted the earth, but they come back when you’re least expecting them, smothering any bullshit ideas about individuality or making your own way.
Like the story about the Munson boy: bad news, good-for-nothing, stealing and dealing, always in hot water with the law. Eddie’d tried like hell to fight that one, but it just came for him twice as hard. He clings to all the ways he’s not like his old man, but he’s still so shit-scared that when push comes to shove, the ways they’re different don’t matter as much as they ways they’re the same. That story’s got him by the throat.
And now the story about the other Munson boy, the quiet one: born wrong, they said. Wrong enough that they had to cut it out of him. 
Eddie loves Wayne, but he’s never wanted to end up like him. Eddie had foolishly—foolishly!—thought that maybe there could be something different, like maybe his life could grow in bright new ways up and out, stretching sunwards. Instead, there’s the mile-a-minute strangling vines, overtaking him and smothering out any hope of light. 
It’s like those older stories, the ones about prophecies, right? Eddie used to love those when he was a kid. He’d been obsessed with the library’s battered copy of D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths, checking it out again and again just to pore over the colorful illustrations of golden fleeces and golden apples and children born from eggs. Characters like Oedipus who tried to outrun their destiny could never really win. That’s a story to warn you about stories, for sure. It lays everything out: the futility of trying to run, and the way you’re going to try anyway.
So he should’ve known better, that’s all. Nothing ever really changes for the Munsons; those kudzu stories always come to drag them back into their place.
They run across an old-fashioned frozen custard place outside of Milwaukee, all neon and aluminum siding and servers in little paper hats. Steve screws his whole face up into a grimace. “Do we have to? I’m getting flashbacks to when me and Robin worked at Scoops Ahoy.”
“You what? Did I know this about you? Wait, did you wear—”
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, Munson. That uniform is the worst thing that ever happened to me.”
It might be the worst thing that’s ever happened to Eddie, jesus. He can’t stop picturing it. Damn his vivid imagination and active fantasy life. 
“Well, Harrington, I have the overwhelming need to put some frozen custard in my face immediately, so you’re just gonna have to deal with the trauma.”
Steve gets a frozen custard too, despite all his complaining, and they sit in the back of the van to eat. It’s a pretty day out, and the place is humming. Lots of families around. 
“So do you still have that uniform?” Eddie’s a fucking masochist for asking, but he can’t help it.
“Kind of? It’s…wait, did anyone tell you about Starcourt and the Russians?”
“Uh.” Eddie blinks at him. “Starting to think I’ve been left out of a few loops, here.”
It’s a good story. Steve’s not a very good storyteller, he keeps going on tangents and repeating himself, but Eddie likes listening to him anyway. It’s nice to see him waving his hands around, clearly forgetting that he’s still holding a mostly-eaten tub of custard, and telling an objectively absolutely buck-wild tale. Eddie only has to hide a coughing fit once, and he manages to drop the gross ball of brown-and-yellow plant matter under the van without Steve seeing. It’s a pretty decent way to spend an afternoon.
When Steve’s done, Eddie whistles long and low. “Steve fuckin’ Harrington. At this point, I don’t think anything you can tell me is gonna be surprising anymore. Like, if you said you’d traveled back in time to kill JFK? I’d be like sure, sounds about right, bet you had a pretty good reason for doing that.”
Steve snorts. “I think you know everything about me now, dude. All the important stuff, anyway.” He slides a look over at Eddie, suddenly weighty and serious in the way he gets sometimes. “I know there’s stuff you’re—stuff you don’t want to tell me. Part of the whole, uh, Eddie Munson thing, right? But I think—I hope I know you too. Who you are. Even if I don’t know all your stories yet.”
Eddie draws his knees up and rests his folded elbows on them, letting his hair fall forward to shield his face a little. It feels like there are so many important things that he’s trying to carry around under his skin, too many for any one person to hold, and one of these days it’s all gonna come spilling out, infinite and messy, raw and inconvenient, damning.
“Yeah,” he says. “I guess maybe you do know me enough.”
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my-soupy-brain · 1 year
Close Call (Part 4)
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Description: Ted runs into you after a bad day, but you’re not alone.
Relationship: Reader (f) x Ted Lasso
Warnings: Angst, jealousy, masturbation
Smut level: A teeny bit at the end
“Ted? Are you OK?” you ask again. His eyes are scattered, bloodshot in the corners and unable to focus. It’s not panic, it’s inebriation.
“Ye-yeah, yeah, I think so,” he answers, steadying himself on your arm. “Are you sure you’re OK?” Ryan asks, equally concerned for your friend. Ted’s eyes shoot over to Ryan, who’s slightly taller than him.
Ted’s POV
I can’t help it, the face I make looking at him. I grimace.
That handsome, young buck with his hand on her back. She looks so beautiful tonight. Her little black dress, flannel coat and high boots. Her hair is shining like always, her eyes bright, makeup done. She looks beautiful without it all too, but to know she put it on for him makes it feel like a knife in my gut.
“Hey mate, do you need us to help you home?” I hear Ryan ask. He sounds nice, he means well. But…
“No!” I snap. “I’m fine. I’ll be fine.”
Need help getting me home? Is this a comment on my drunken state or my age? I growl at him.
His hand is still on her back, he leans into her ear to whisper something. The thought of his lips near her ear, where mine were, where mine belong, makes my blood run hot.
His hand is on her hip still. The memory of her body in my arms hasn’t left me.
If I wasn’t so mixed up, I’d punch him right in the mouth. I’m usually as chill as a cucumber but for her, I would do anything.
I know better though. This isn’t his fault, or her fault, or even my fault. We agreed not to fire the start gun on a relationship, not so soon after my divorce from Michelle. Hell, she’s picking up her own pieces.
But I thought we’d have time. Or that we’d both need time. I didn’t expect this. To see her find someone…go home with some—
I nearly throw up at the thought. I wretch for a second before steadying myself again.
“Ted! Oh, God, are you sure…no, no. I’m gonna make sure you get home, I can’t leave you here like this,” she stutters, slinging her purse over her shoulder, pushing her glasses up her nose (I love the way she looks when she scrunches her face to do it). Ryan still has a steady hand on her back and I just want to push it off. He shouldn’t be allowed to touch her.
“Darling, so you want help with him? You shouldn’t have to deal with this alone,” Ryan insists.
Darling. It makes my blood boil. And “Deal with this alone.” She’s helping a friend and he’s insinuating it’s a chore.
But maybe I am a chore. Maybe this is all too much. Maybe this side of me isn’t one she ever wanted to see and now… now everything feels small… and is my collar too tight? The lights feel too bright. I need… to breathe…
Your POV
You can see it hit him like a ton of bricks.
The panic. The anxiety gripping him like a noxious vine around his ankles up to his throat.
“Ryan, it’s OK. I’ve got this,” you manage to say, a little too stern but you’re getting tired of him acting like you can’t do anything alone. “I’ll text you when I get home.”
Ted groans when you say this, his hands tightly wound around his chest as his eyes clench shut.
Ryan nods. “OK, please do. I just want to know you’re safe,” he says with a gentle smile, but piling onto the narrative that’s under your skin. He leaves the opposite direction and you move Ted to a nearby bench to help him relax.
“Shhh… it’s OK, Teddy… take a breath, I’m here…” you soothe. “You’re fine. You’ve had a rough night, just take a breath. I’m not going anywhere. You’re safe, you’re loved…”
Ted’s trying to breathe with you. You’ve roped your arms around him and he’s leaning into your neck. Finally his arms come around to hold you tight, tethering you to him as if you’ll float away.
“Colors game,” you whisper. He nods.
“Red, the buses at the stop across the street,” you start.
“White, the border of Crown & Anchor, where the sign is,” he mumbles.
“Black, the color of the bench we’re sitting on together,” you continue.
“Red, the phone booths over there,” Ted says, nodding in an indiscriminate direction.
“Green, that street sign over there across the way,” you add.
“[Color], the color of your eyes.”
You stop and he looks up at you, his breath more even but his eyes red from the tears and the clenching.
“Not fair, didn’t know we were playing that way,” you jest, just like he did the night you played this in Liverpool. He smiles at you, and you realize all over how much he means to you.
“C’mon, let’s get you home, coach,” you mumble, grabbing his arm and helping him to his feet.
Fortunately he’s just down the block from the bar, not a far hike at all. At his door, you slide in and remove his coat, bringing him over to the sofa. You remove his sneakers, one by one. You bring a blanket to his lap and you offer a large glass of water, which he happily accepts.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbles. “I’m so sorry, y/n. I’m sorry.”
You shake your head, grabbing his hand. “Sorry for what? You’ve got nothing to apologize for.”
He nods again. “Sure I do. I wasn’t so nice to your fella back there. You’re seein’ me in this sorry state, havin’ to get me home like this…”
You smile, because he’s right. You didn’t expect your night to take this turn.
“I’m sorry for all of it,” he mutters, his head down, tucked on his chest almost. His hair has lost its style as it flops over on his forehead and almost into his eyes.
You brush it away, over his ears. He instinctively leans into your warm hand, one of his grabbing it so he can kiss your palm.
“First off, not sure he’s my fella,” you start. “Today was our first date and…”
Ted can’t help himself.
“How was it? Do you like him?” You can see the hope in his eyes that you’ll say no.
“It was a nice date,” you reply, and it punches the air out of Ted’s lungs. “But I don’t know if it’s a love connection.”
He smiles.
Ted’s POV
I shouldn’t be happy about this. About her date not being the right match. We still aren’t anything yet but my nerves quiet down hearing this news.
Before I can get too comfortable, her phone chimes and she picks it up, smiling.
Her fingers dance across the screen and the glow lights up her eyes in a way that make me dreamy. The smirk on her pretty lips makes me wonder who it is. It makes me miss how she tastes.
“Just Ryan, checking in to make sure I got home alright,” she answers my loud thoughts with a blush. “That was sweet of him.”
As she sends the text and clicks off her screen, her eyes are back on me. Mine are wide and worried.
“What…ah, what makes you think it’s not a love connection,” I ask. I don’t know how I want this to go.
“Well, first date. Jitters. I don’t know. Not sure I felt that spark, ya know…” she trails off, her hand holding mine again. I worry this means they’re destined for a second. “Not like I have with you.”
My heart aches like a vice grip and I hold her hand tighter.
“I…I was hopin’ you’d say that darlin’,” I manage to sputter after all the emotions. I’m so happy I could burst.
Your POV
You smile.
“I really like you. But I…don’t want to push you. Before you’re ready,” you murmur.
Ted sits for a beat. And then you realize he’s too drunk for this conversation.
“Don’t…feel like you need to answer that. Let’s get you to bed. C’mon, time for comfy clothes!” you announce, dragging him to his bedroom.
The good thing about having fooled around with Ted already is you’re not embarrassed to undress him. You remove his layers of shirts first, admiring his broad chest and pattern of dark hair across his pecs and down his soft but still defined stomach.
You help him out of his pants, his boxer briefs staying on this time, you remind yourself, helping him into some gray joggers.
Ted’s POV
Her hands are so soft as they work over my skin, skating down my sides and across my hips to help me change clothes.
I don’t know what I’d do without her.
And I’m ashamed that she’s having to rescue me again.
I see her on her knees, between my legs, removing my socks. And the way her eyes look up at me almost make me grab her shoulders to drag her up to this bed with me.
But before I know it, she’s on the bed with me anyway, curled against my back. Her hands roam up and down my arm, and then rub my shoulder with a relaxing pressure.
“Thank you,” I whisper, tilting my head just a little so she can hear me.
She smiles, moving her hand to my forehead where she runs her fingers through my hair. I almost melt like a big ol’ puddle at how good it feels.
“It’s okay, Teddy. I’m here for you, always,” she whispers back, and I feel myself drifting off. Only she has ever called me Teddy, and I realize how much I want to keep hearing that name.
Your POV
Ted is snoring a few minutes later. You’re tempted to change into an old tshirt and stay with him, but it will only complicate where you stand.
You head home shortly after, making sure Ted’s lights are off and apartment locked up.
In your bed you sigh. Remembering his face, his lips, his hands — my god those hands. Your own hands skate under your covers, dipping against yourself with a circular pattern. You remember how his breath felt against your skin, how his mouth felt on your breasts, how his voice sounded when it was gruff and begging.
You close your eyes and imagine it’s Ted’s fingers and not yours plunging in and out of you. The feeling drives you to sweat, moan and finally release.
A touch of shame coats your mind as you remember Ted, curled in bed against his pillows.
And Ryan, lovely, kind, albeit dull Ryan. He’s hoping for another chance at your heart.
Nothing can be done tonight so you lay back to fall asleep.
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homerforsure · 2 years
one line, any fic
rules: pick ten of your fics, scroll to somewhere midpoint, pick a line chunk and share it, and then tag ten people.
Tagged by: @gayhoediaz, @mellaithwen, @princessfbi, @renecdote, @nymika-arts, @rewritetheending, @thekristen999 Thank you!
I'm picking the 10 fics with the least number of hits. Not because I think they're, like, slept on masterpieces or anything. It just makes things easier for me and maybe you'll see something you haven't before.
you can think you're in love when you're really just in pain
“We could leave it all on the table and just graze as we go? I really wanted to have more done by now. You think your sister could have picked a better time to come back from the dead.”
sometimes the shadows burn too bright
He’ll never do it if he knows that Eddie’s dreaming about dead teenagers and how their blood turns to Buck’s blood every time and Eddie’s entire body screams to reach for him, but he never can.
but i called from the dark and you picked up the phone
Lightning flickers in different corners of the sky, seven, eight separate pulses. Like a memory game where someone might ask him to remember what color, what order, what corner. It’s almost, well, not pretty, but mesmerizing. Hard to look away.
sunlight through the haze
“I’m going to hug you now, okay?” Buck says and Eddie laughs again, holding his arms open so Buck can step in and wrap his arms around him. Eddie responds easily, indulging Buck, but when Buck doesn’t let go, something changes. A little bit of the tension that’s been making its home in Eddie melts away and Eddie lets out a slow, shaky exhale, squeezing Buck tight.
Mr. Saturday Night Special
Through gritted teeth, Nick said, “This table is full up. So you’re just gonna take a little walk back here with me-” He pushed Buck backward with only the suggestion of pressure on his throat, angling him toward the next table up in their line and walking Buck right up to the chair there until his legs collided with it and he want down- “And sit by yourself like a big boy. Is that clear?”
and if you swear that you're alright, i'm not gonna try and change your mind
There’s a part of him that’s on fire. Screaming in the dark because everything is wrong and it’s been wrong for so long and if it’s not his fault why does he feel like none of it would be happening if he was just better? Buck feels distant from everything. Maddie across the country. Eddie throwing his hands up like a force field to keep Buck from getting too close with his messy, raw emotions. He feels distant from himself. Sad and broken and scared and pretending not to be. Buck’s scared all the damn time. One more foundation-rattling shake is going to crumble him to pieces.
love me back to life
His eyes slipping closed, Eddie tipped his face up to the ceiling, something like beatification in his expression as he held himself still until he got comfortable. Held himself still for Buck who wouldn’t forgive himself if Eddie was hurt.
all tomorrows come from yesterdays
Picking at the label on his bottle, Buck says, “I don’t know. All I ever seem to do is fuck it up. Maybe… Maybe I just need to give up on all that, you know? Focus on work. Focus on my friends. Leave the romance to somebody else.”
in case of emergency
Letting terrible hypothetical scenarios play out in all their terribleness is a fun game that Frank likes to play now and again. Sending Eddie into his own mental Dark Side Cave like some cardigan-wearing Yoda. They can be exhausting sessions where Eddie finally pulls on a thorn that’s been in his side, that he’s been ignoring every time it aches, and draws it all the way out to see how deep it goes.
if the world should turn too fast, i'll slow it down for you
He thinks that maybe Eddie doesn’t know that part yet. There’s a place inside him where being given everything he wants feels like taking something he doesn’t deserve. Like he can have this, can have them, but only if he remembers his place.
I think probably everyone who wants to play already has and I know I missed a bunch of posts so sorry if any of these are doubles! Tagging: @littlespoonevan, @kitkatpancakestack, @evanbucxley, @merriestdiaz, @clusterbuck, @starlingbite, @lovebuck and YOU, if you want to play!
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twistedgardens · 1 year
Baby, It's Cold Outside: Riddle Rosenhearts
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Content: first time (Riddle’s), oral (male receiving), fingering, overstimulation (if you squint), unsafe sex, cream pie, spanking, use of “good girl”, hands pinned to bed (is that a kink?)
All characters are depicted as 18+. Don't like? Don't read.
🔞NSFW Content Below! 18+ Only! Minors DNI!🔞
You turn in the direction of Heartslaybul. Riddle did owe you a favor for rescuing him when he overblotted. You sent Cater a quick text on Magicam and waited. You weren’t there for long when Cater strolled into the Mirror Chamber. He gave a low whistle at your bedraggled, half-frozen form.
“You look a mess. Let’s get you someplace warm. I think Trey’s still brewing a pot of hot chocolate,” said Cater.
With his help, you’re able to pass through the mirror without difficulty. You had to start peeling off the layers right away. Unlike the campus, Heartslaybul had green grass and a sunny sky. It felt like perpetual spring instead of a frozen tundra. Cater guided you to the parlor where you could sit by the fire. Your presence didn’t go unnoticed for very long. Trey saw you arrive carrying the bundle of winter clothes and offered to take them off your hands.
"Your lips look a little blue. Let me go get you something warm to drink,” said Trey and he rushed off to the kitchens.
While Trey was off probably fixing you some hot chocolate of tea, a figure parted through the Heartslaybul dorm members sitting in the parlor. Riddle spotted you by the fire.
“I’m sorry for intruding. It’s just that…Ramshackle doesn’t have any central heating and firewood’s all ruined. I didn’t know where else to go.” You apologized profusely.
Riddle removed one of his leather gloves and felt your forehead.
“You’re a bit cold and clammy, but I don’t suspect a fever.” He removed the other glove and placed your hands between his. His bright red brows furrowed. “Your hands on the other hand are quite cold. Can you feel them?”
“Y-yeah. I can still feel them. They’re a bit tingly though,” you answered.
Trey arrived with a steaming cup of hot chocolate. You only knew it was hot coco because of the pile of marshmallows on top. He proffered a mug in the shape of a hedgehog wearing a Santa Clause hat. Did they have Santa Clause in Twisted Wonderland, you wondered, or was it just a happy coincidence? You accepted the beverage as you told Riddle further woes about the unsuitability of Ramshackle in the middle of a snow storm.
“Hey where’s the little fuzzball Grim? Did you come all alone?” Asked Cater.
“I honestly couldn’t find him anywhere in the house. I checked every nook and cranny. It got so cold that I had to get out of there myself and find somewhere warm. I just hope he found somewhere to stay tonight,” you said.
“You’re more than welcome to bunk down here for the night. I’d feel bad if you froze to death in that place,” said Trey.
Riddle sneered. “I’m going to give the Head Mage a piece of my mind in the morning. It’s unspeakable to leave someone in that dirty old shack when there’s no heating. He should have known better.” His face grew more red as he spoke. “It’s an outrage!”
“Dial it back, Riddle. You wouldn’t want to overblot again,” said Cater.
Riddle took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. His face returned to its usual color.
“At any rate, it’s irresponsible of the man who’s supposed to make sure you stay alive long enough to send you back home. He should have repaired the heating in Ramshackle before winter break. We should have a guest bedroom for you to borrow.”
“Yeah. I’m pretty sure we do. I’ll go check on that,” said Trey. He left the parlor and disappeared down one of the dorm’s maze-like hallways.
One benefit of shaking up at Heartslaybul for the night, Riddle insisted on helping you study for the next upcoming tests. It at least took your mind off of missing home or wondering what you’ll do when you have to go back to Ramshackle and the snow’s still piled high. At least Riddle was an excellent tutor.
Riddle leaned close by your side, looking over your work. His hand rested on the back of your chair. For once, he loomed over you.
“Wait a second. You’ve got the wrong formula. Take a look at it again.” Riddle pointed to the problem question. His arm brushed against yours.
It took everything you had not to let your face grow warm. This was far closer than you and Riddle had ever been. You reread the question again before realizing your mistake.
“Oh! I see now.” You erased your previous answer and tried again.
“For someone who doesn’t have magic at all and comes from a world without it, you’re a quick study. You should be proud of yourself.”
You turned your head to face him, only to find Riddle’s head too close for comfort. The tip of your noses flicked against each other and touched for a moment before you reeled back. A faint hint of pink dusted Riddle’s cheeks while you felt a wave of heat rush to yours. Riddle cleared his throat and leaned away from you this time.
“Let’s move on to the next question as soon as you’re done with this one,” said he.
Later that night, Trey offered you some spare pajamas of his. It was an awkward fit seeing how the clothes were big in some places and tight in others. Borrowing his pj’s sounded like a better idea than sleeping in the stuff you were already wearing. The guest room was a little tight, but you didn’t need much more than a bed. You immediately snuggled under the covers once you turned out the lights. You were safe and warm at last. Without blistering cold wind or Grim snoring at the foot of the bed, sleep came much easier to you.
You were asleep just until after the midnight chimes from the clock opposite your bed. However, that wasn’t what awakened you. No, instead it was the gentle knock on your door. You pushed aside the covers and crept to the door. Riddle stood on the other side, also dressed in his pajamas. He was blushing and he looked down and away.
“I’m sorry for the late hour. Can I…Can we talk?” Riddle asked.
It was hard to say no to a face like that. He looked so demure, and if it didn’t take long, you wouldn’t mind keeping him company for a little while. You pulled the door open wider for Riddle to step across the threshold. You looked around the shadowy room. The only place to offer a seat was the bed. Riddle was of the same mind. He sat down on the corner of the bed towards the footboard. You joined him while sitting at least a foot apart.
“What seems to be the problem? You can talk to me about anything you need, though I don’t know if I’d be able to replace Tr—” Your words not only fall short, they fail you. Riddle said not a word before whipping his head towards you and planting a kiss on your mouth. You glanced behind his shoulder to see that he shut the door behind him. In the next moment, you stared up at the ceiling. The bed was so small that Riddle had to straddle your hips. His hands pinned your head between them. He refused to let you off the kiss so easily, but you didn’t fight him off either. In fact, judging by how you clung to his back, one could say that stopping him was the last thing on your mind. Riddle didn’t touch you more than this. His tongue, hesitant with inexperience, lapped and played with yours. Riddle kissed you until both your lips and his were swollen. He broke away at last, gasping for air. When he leaned back, his face was red all over, except not in the usual way when he was about to blow a gasket. His cheeks were all rosy. Looking up at him, you saw that his pupils were dilated.
“Tell me to stop,” he said and it came off as an order.
“Tell me to stop and I will. If you don’t, I don’t know if I’ll be able to end it here. I thought I had better control than this. You must think I’m horrible. Kissing you like that and not even asking for permission. If you want me to stop then I will, but you have to tell me now.”
“Riddle, what’s wrong?”
He took several breaths, panting. “I wanted to be a gentleman, but it seems you’ve bewitched me. Earlier, I wanted so badly to kiss you. Bite those lips of yours,” Riddle dragged his thumb over your bottom lip. “Drag my tongue down your skin. Touch you.”
“What’s stopping you?” You giggled.
Riddle’s eyes flew wide open.
“If you want me…then I don’t have any objections. I…like you too, Riddle. So, if you want me, touch me, kiss me, I’m giving you permission.”
Riddle shook his head, confusing you.
“I need more than that. I need control. If we do this, I need to be in control of everything, but I don’t want to hurt you,” said Riddle.
“It’s okay. I figured that’s something you would need, and I’m okay with that. I trust you. I know you wouldn’t hurt me on purpose.”
“Are you sure?” Riddle asked.
You nodded and smiled. “I trust you.”
Riddle climbed off and sat on the edge of the bed again. “Strip.”
Riddle leaned back on his hands as he watched you get off the bed to stand in front of him. Your fingers trembled as you fumbled with the buttons. The silken fabric slid right off. Next, off with the pants. You unclipped your bra and tossed it aside. Your panties slid down your legs to join the pile of clothing on the floor. Riddle crooked his finger in a silent gesture for you to come closer. He popped a few off his shirt as you stood between his legs. His naked hands trailed the back of your thighs then over your buttocks and your spine then dived lower again. Riddle’s hands linger on your hips and ass. He gave your flesh a little pinch now and then as if checking to see if you were awake.
“I wonder…” Riddle murmured.
Before you could ask what he wondered about, Riddle answered for you.
You gasped and pushed yourself towards him. Your fingers found purchase on Riddle’s shoulders as another swat came down on your backside. Riddle’s hand came down again and again on the same spot. He switched to the other cheek until you’re certain it’s just as bruised and swollen as the other one. You whimpered as his fingers traced the hot patches of skin where he spanked you.
“Did I hurt you too bad?” He asked.
“Did you like it?”
You nodded. Yes. You loved it. Your body was covered in goosepimples. It smarted a little but it felt so good. White-hot pleasure seared down your spine at just the thought of Riddle delivering another blow.
Riddle’s brows furrowed and he swatted your right cheek extra hard. You gasped louder than before and clung to him.
“Say it, then. I want to hear you say that you like it when I spank you.”
When you didn’t answer right away, Riddle smacked you again. Your legs were Jell-O at this point.
“Y-Yes. I love it when you spank me!”
“Good girl. Now, be a good girl and suck me. Put that pretty mouth to good use.”
You sank down on your knees. Riddle fiddled with the rest of the button on his nightshirt while you untied the drawstring of his pants. He pried yours hands away.
“I said to put that pretty mouth to good use, didn’t I? Put your hands behind your back. You can have the privilege of using them against after you’ve swallowed my cum.”
You put your hands behind your back as instructed and grasp your wrists. Riddle was of no help. He made you pull the drawstring with your teeth. The obvious tent brushing against your cheek as you pulled the hem down. With your teeth, you pulled aside his pajamas and silk boxers. Riddle’s cock sprang free. Your lips encircled the tip of him. You ran your tongue along the underside of his cock. Riddle pushed your head down on his cock all the way to base. You couldn’t help but gag and sputter around him. He gripped either side of your face as he guided you. Riddle showed you how to bob up and down on his cock.
“All that perverse research didn’t tell me how good this was supposed to feel.” Riddle spoke through gritted teeth. “Your mouth feels so warm and tight. Suck me.”
You sucked in your cheeks for the desired effect. You struggled to breathe through your nose, but it was worth feeling Riddle’s cock brush the back of your throat. He bucked his hips into your face to match the pace he set. A simple blowjob devolved into Riddle fucking your throat with abandon. Your nails dug into your wrists as you tried to cling on. A warm wetness seeped between your thighs the longer Riddle used your mouth as a fuck toy. Riddle blushed furiously while dumping his load down your throat. It was over almost too quickly, but you couldn’t blame him. After all, this was his first time. Butterflies swarmed in your stomach as he pulled his cock out of your mouth.
“Swallow.” Riddle pushed a droplet of cum that had spilled out of the corner of your mouth past your lips.
You licked his thumb clean and swallowed the last drop.
“Good girl. You did such a good job.”
“D-Did…did you say you did research on all this?” You asked.
The blush on Riddle’s face hadn’t faded at all.
“I wanted to make sure I was doing everything correctly. Did you not like it?”
“I loved it,” you said.
“Why don’t you get on the bed so I can show you what you’ll also love,” said Riddle.
You climbed back onto the bed. Riddle adjusted you to his liking and have you recline on your back. He pushed your legs apart. His fingers trailed down to your inner thigh, making you shiver. His fingers found your clit and circled it with a gentle touch.
“Did you really get wet just sucking me off? You’re naughtier than I thought. If I’d know you were like this, I would have started my research a lot sooner. You like being a good girl for me, don’t you?”
You nodded. You whimpered as Riddle sped up his fingers playing with your clit. It wasn’t long before he sank his fingers inside of your cunt. They slipped right in. Riddle gave experimental thrusts, curls, and scissored you. You were gushing all over his fingers.
“Tell me what you think if I did this,” said Riddle. He inserted just his middle and ring finger inside you and placed his thumb on your clit. Riddle’s fingers hammered your insides.
Your toes curled and you grabbed for the bedsheets underneath your hands. Your legs started to shake with such violence as Riddle jackhammered his fingers inside your cunt. Juices spread over your inner thighs. The room filled with the lewd sounds of him fingering you at such a rapid pace.
“Eyes on me, pet. That’s a good girl. Look at me when I make you cum on my fingers,” Riddle ordered.
You winced and tears pealed down your cheeks. You had to look at him out of fear he’d stop. This was hardly your first time, but you wondered where exactly did Riddle get the knowledge to fuck you like this with just his fingers. You were moaning in seconds. His fingers moved with such speed and precision, it was hard to believe this was his first time. His thumb played with your clit to keep up with the fingers curled inside of you. A shiver ripped through you and your mouth hung open. Searing pleasure burst like fireworks at the base of your spine. Riddle’s hand was soaking wet with your juices when he pulled it away from your trembling thighs. Your brain was mush. You didn’t think twice when Riddle stuffed his fingers into your mouth and ordered you suck them clean.
Riddle saddled himself between your legs. In a haze, you watched him stroke his cock to the sight of you coming down from your orgasm. Once Riddle worked himself up enough to get hard again, he played with your clit using the tip of his cock. His fingers were still in your mouth, stifling a moan. He took them out and left a trail of drool down your chin and the front of your neck. Riddle gripped your hip with one hand and guided his cock inside you. Your back arched off the bed when he buried himself to the hilt.
His thrusts started slow and steady. Riddle was searching for the perfect rhythm to make your mind go blank again. Your hands curled into fists in the sheets. You tightened your legs at Riddle’s hips just as he began picking up the pace. The hand gripping your hip moved down and slapped the top of your thigh. You cried out in pleasure mingled with pain. It stung but it felt so good. The bed soon rocked underneath you. The headboard slammed against the wall. Hopefully nobody was sleeping in the next room over. Judging by how loud Riddle was making you moan, if there were any neighbors, they were aware of your activities by now.
“Good girl, good girl, good girl,” Riddle chanted. “Touch yourself for me.”
Your hand dived between your legs where Riddle never stopped pounding you into the mattress. You managed to find your clit and rubbed your fingertips against it while your other hand occupied itself by playing with your breast. Riddle’s eyes roved over you, taking in every inch of you. He was a different person. Not quite so composed and proper when he was driving his cock inside the wet, warm walls of your cunt. His mother might just have a heart attack if she knew the filthy things Riddle looked up in his spare time, all for the pleasure of you.
Not even when you were a boneless mess underneath him, Riddle didn’t stop. He was too far gone, too addicted to the feel of your walls inviting him in and clenching around his cock. Finally, after what felt like ages, he had you right what he wanted, right what he needed you. It was everything he could ever ask for and more. So much more.
Riddle gritted his teeth as the end drew near. He felt his lower body tighten and his hips move against yours in erratic motions. He was losing control, and he didn’t like that. Riddle stared at your writhing body beneath him to ground himself in reality to avoid spiraling out of control. You were here, and judging by the phased out look on your face, you were enjoying yourself. Riddle let himself go. He pinned your wrists above your head and caged you between the mattress and his body. With his free hand, Riddle played with your clit. Your eyes rolled into your skull. Your body cinched around him and exploded. You drew taught like a bow with your legs clamping around his hips. Riddle felt you orgasm around him, juices coating him. He wasn’t that far behind. He pumped his cock in your wet, dripping warmth once, twice, three times before stuttering to a halt. He should have pulled out or used protection; Riddle knew better than that. He hadn’t been thinking when he buried himself all the way inside of you as he was sucked in by your cunt. Riddle spilled his cum inside your body and painted your walls white. His cock took forever to soften to allow a smoother, easier exit. He slumped against then quickly rolled over to not crush you. You were both sticky, sweaty, and panting for breath. You cuddled up to him. There was so little space on the bed, you had no choice but to hold each other close to take up less space. It would have been far more sensible to move to a larger bed, but neither one of you had enough energy to manage getting up after such tiresome activities. You reclined your head against Riddle’s chest, and fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.
Somewhere in Heartslaybul, a gaggle of students stood silent in the hall. Several had been disturbed by the strange sounds coming from the guest room. Some students had come to complain to the dorm leader, only to find him absent in his bed. Trey was next called upon to investigate. When the sounds became clearer and the discovery of Riddle’s disappearance, it didn’t take long for Trey and everyone else to put two and two together. Sleepy Heartslaybul dorm members slinked off to bed, grumbling about the obscene noises and Riddle’s hypocrisy about ‘no girls and no dates’ in the dormitory. Cater turned to Trey with a mischievous grin. He held out an open palm towards the other young man.
“I do believe you owe me twenty thaumarks,” said Cater.
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🌼 How do they view their significant other? Are they the light in their life? Best friend? Savior, etc.?
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Ikemen Revolution
Ray Blackwell: “The thought of being with you is the only thing that gets me through a rough day”. You’ve become Ray’s personal sanctuary where no matter what’s going on or what problems he has to face he can always come back to you.
Sirius Oswald: “It’s difficult to put into words how much i love you”. Normally he’s very stoic but he’s actually very soft and kind mainly just between the two of you, He’s the other dude who has to know what’s going on and how it’s going to happen so he has be tough but he looks forward when it’s just you with him.
Lancelot Kingsley: “Everything about you captivates me and all i want to do is make you happy”. Before you he had no real reason to look at the world in wonder especially as the leader to the white army and of course it took you loads of time to break through his walls but once you did he can’t even think about what life was life before you.
Fenrir Godspeed: “You helped me discover pieces of myself i never knew existed”. Adorable golden retriever that is always hyper and ready to go on to the next thing, After some time with each other he’s learned to balance out his moods thanks to you he doesn’t always like it but knows it’s better for him and nobody is really annoyed anymore.
Jonah Clemence: “I’m so grateful for you and all that you do for me”. Also known for being cold and not really wanting to deal with you when he first met you but he’s somewhat easier to get to know no matter how much he annoys you by being rude, Once your dating he’s all for you since you got past his walls he realized just how happy you made him and how much did just for him to feel special.
Luka Clemence: “You’re my dream person when i’m with you, everything feels right”. Luka is much more quiet and distant but when you started dating he noticed things were different, Colors seemed brighter and he had much more pep in his step so now he carries on with a smile especially if your around.
Oliver Knight: “I know you love me because you put up with me even when i’m at my worst”. He’s quite actually prince charming when he wants to be but doesn’t have much of a dating past but he’s learned let you know what he’s thinking now he’ll just whisper to you how he thinks of you.
Kyle Ash: “I’m really glad you chose me out of everyone else”. He’s normally very easy-going but he loves and adores a great joke now since dating each other puts you through so many puns and dad jokes but his favorite is telling you corny ways that you matter to him while giving you a cheesy grin.
Edger Bright: “Thank you for always being there for me”. He’s known for being snarky and tends to come off as a sneaky snake but he just really likes plotting and being a smartass but since dating you normally you either take on alot of his teasing or help him but he’s calm down and just simply plays a few jokes on people while smiling innocently next to you.
Zero: “I’ll always be there for you”. Going into the army so young and seeming stoic took a toll on sweet Zero since he’s actually a big sweetheart but being with you made things so much easier and helped him get hobbies that help bring out his more gentle side.
Seth Hyde: “If my life was a puzzle, You’d be the final piece that ties everything together”. He’s in trouble now your in trouble even if your the one in trouble he’s quick to join in but he does it to let loose and have fun with you he always makes sure to let you know with a wink and blown kiss towards you.
Harr Sliver: “Know that no matter where life takes us, You’ll always be the one for me”. This dude is tired but adores having you in his life no matter what he’s going through he sees light where he couldn’t because of you and he’s grateful for you.
Loki Genetta: “I feel at ease whenever i’m with you”. This adorable son of a bitch of course loves you but acts more like a gossipy best friend who wants to be wine drunk on a tuesday at 5 but he always makes sure your comfortable until you let that wall down then he’s jokes galore happily teasing and toying with you.
Blanc Lapin: “You’re the answer to all my prayers”. He’s waited a very long time to have you in his arm and now that he does he’ll do what he can to make sure your happy and content letting you know just much he loves you.
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