#but once i compared their situations relating to kids
tiangouaway · 1 year
I don’t agree with people saying that Miri’s mom was “vilified” or whatever in episode three. Of course, I’m not gonna defend what she said about Miri (yknow, a child), but it’s clear that despite her horrible situation, she did her best to be a good mom. And she did well, since Miri’s always so happy and bubbly.
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messiahzzz · 7 months
i’d briefly like to talk about the “it was fine” dialogue option that happens the morning after gale’s Last Night Alive scene in act ii and about the fandom's general reaction to it.
gale is a character who evidently enjoys the occasional teasing. taking the piss out of your partner every once in a while can certainly be a way of showing affection. however, it is important to consider the context of the situation: what is at stake for him and his current emotional state, as well as what exactly had transpired between the two of them prior to said conversation.
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gale: forgive me. these were already trying times before elminster delivered his missive. now, for me at least, they are potentially end times.
after he and tav had spent the night together and confessed their love to each other, gale is once again showing himself utterly vulnerable and is carefully asking them for reassurance.
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gale: [..] i hope that night meant as much to you as it did to me.
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gale: but you - you led me away from the edge.
gale: without your words, your touch... i fear i would have sought purpose and solace in that void. you reminded me what living can feel like.
he wants to check in with them, after both of them have shared something tender and very intimate, something he might even consider life-altering.
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gale: we didn't just make love. we bonded, body and soul. i got lost in you.
it’s not even about gale “not being able to read social cues” and “not recognizing the fact that it was meant in jest.” in fact, i’d argue it is a rather tone-deaf, inconsiderate response and just genuinely a REALLY BAD TIME to joke at your partner's expense when they are actively baring their feelings to you and are asking you for reassurance.
i have seen people write off his reaction as “unwarranted” or “overtly dramatic” but in my humble opinion, it is pretty understandable given the nature of their conversation and what he is asking of them. it's also sad how there seems to be a general pattern of gale's emotions and boundaries getting played off as a joke, while other companions get shown the courtesy of thorough analysis/understanding. he is proud of his skill as a lover and the fact that he was able to bring them pleasure, yet his inquiry is less about him wanting tav to stroke his ego and more about him, once again, asking if you indeed share the same feelings for each other… after the emotional high has now passed.
gale has an ever-present need for clarity in his relationships, very likely due to the fact that this was something he couldn’t request of mystra. he might appear more sensitive in that regard compared to the other companions. he doesn’t want to take himself too seriously, but this still often clashes with his general feeling of inadequacy. where he is able to take criticism as long as it isn’t related to his performance, overall prowess and usefulness.
yes, his response is passive-aggressive and yes, he IS obviously hurt by what tav said. yet merely repeating “it was fine” in response to a heartfelt, genuine question could’ve as well been interpreted in that manner. if tav does clarify that they have only been joking, he apologizes to them instead. otherwise his dialogue remains the same, albeit said in a more embarrassed & awkward tone.
gale is a character who is dealing with deep-rooted self-worth issues and yet that doesn’t mean that he wants to be handled with kid gloves, far from it. he craves a relationship in which his emotional needs are recognized, respected and cared for, where he can be unabashedly open and vulnerable without facing ridicule nor pity for it. and he is more than willing to give the same in return.
also y’know — there is a time and a place.
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anonymouscheeses · 5 months
more obvious shit I wanted to point out but it's more than last time uhhh pt.2 (spoilers for dad beat dad and maybe welcome to heaven. Maybe?)
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I love that Charlie just randomly goes into demon form sometimes like here ehhehehe. Also can I just say I love Charlie so much?? She is my favorite and I love her especially in this episode because it feels like the same optimistic Charlie but she was just put in a bad situation. I relate to her a bit TOO much, almost down to every detail like wow. You'll understand later once I get there. But just wow...
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LOOK AT THIS FUNNY LITTLE MAN. SPOODER DUST <3 also. Live [image] reaction. Someone make that into a reaction image 🙏🙏
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HONEY!!! NEW MEME TEMPLATE JUST DROPPED. (Aka the one guy going crazy trying to explain the stuff on the board iykyk)
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OMG... THAT CANT BE CHARLIE... NOT CHARLIE'S EMO PHASE PLEASE BAHAHAHHAHAHA (also love that Lucifer has kept it all these years, if Charlie knew I think she'd be extremely embarrassed. Vaggie would love it probably xd)
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Broskie got character development and is NICE?!? I LOVE THAT SMMM YALL.... LOOK AT HIM!! I am very delusional yes, but I will take this over ass development(cough. Vaggie's "story" in ep 3. Cough).
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Imagine this. *holds your hand carefully to help you calm down while talking to your father you haven't really wanted to talk to.* lesbian type stuff ngl 🤯 (relatable)
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*SHE IS STILL HOLDING HER HAND. CHARLIE'S ALSO SWINGING IT AROUND NERVOUSLY. I can never get tired of them and will make art soon just you wait.*
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COMMANDER VAGGIE! I love that she acts like this is a camp full of tiny kids and honestly? That's not too far off. Sir pentious is at the ready! (glad he's here more often in the episode, thought he would just get sidelined after his first episode but gladly no!) Angel is just surprised. Husk spilled his drink, ON WHITE FUR NO LESS! Niffty of course is on the floor face first. Charlie is just happy to be there yippee!
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What is this?? I have no idea what the hell it is at all. Bro is just peepin- it doesn't look like Alastor, even in demon form. And... I can't think of anyone else who could be this. Anyone have ideas or maybe it's foreshadowing? Maybe it was revealed in the 6th episode I don't know I haven't watched it yet. (I am a freak. I don't binge I give myself a day to watch a single episode. Most of the time uhhh.)
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WE LOVE A SHORT KING. I LOVE THAT. I LOVE HIM. THE EVERYTHING. HE IS EVERYTHING. LET ME STRANGLE HIM PLEASE. (Lillith and Lucifer's dynamic is 100% Gomez and Morticia but a little more silly short man)
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Oh and there goes the silly guy again! Atp I'm thinking it may be the gal some people been talking about that they've been hinting since the pilot. I forgot her name but she's said to be the big bad of season 1 or probably 2. Not sure if that's what it's trying to imply but here's my little no-thought idea
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Lucifer, no...
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Niffty really said, "Yes, I do the cleaning."
Get yourself a taller king who is a short king but compared to you is a tall king
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Say what you will, but I genuinely want more dad Alastor, someone make an au before I do plsss and @ me 🙏🙏
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alright.. now this is where it starts to be relatable and hurt my heart... yayy.... needing any sort of parent figure that actually cares about you than the actual parent who is rarely there? WOWZA! SAME CHARLIE <3 <3 (SO FAR VERY ACCURATE FROM SOMEONE THAT IS IN THE SAME SITUATION)
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Alastor is letting her off kindly, atleast in his way. He may be pissed off she brought a shark gang to the hotel and put it on fire, but they were still close friends. With anyone else he would absolutely either murder them or have severely traumatized the person. She's the exception, although I don't think he'd let it off the hook so easily if there were a next time.
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A father-daughter embrace! :,)
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(This is gonna be messy asf) He wants to know who she is as a person. He always has, and that's definitely obvious, but from a person inside this, they may not know themselves what the other is thinking. To Charlie it was like he never cared and just wanted an excuse to not see her again, acting like he was truly busy as in the start where he made the rubber duck that breathed fire. Sure. But Charlie saw it as him finding ways to not interact with her again. The only times they talk was when it was related to business stuff or other things of the sort. Let me just say this song... is by far my favorite, including the episode. Sure, it's got problems it's own, but this extremely accurate portrayal of what my own situation with one of my parents just stole my entire soul. Yeah I got a bit of tears about to come out, BUT NOPE! NOT TODAY! I don't ever cry during shows or movies so if I ever get teary-eyed, YOU DID SOMETHING. THAT SOMETHING BEING GOOD. This episode was emotional and connected with me on a deep level that I dont think any film has ever done to me, which is weird because I've been actively trying to find one, any one that does. Then to find it in an indie company from a creator who has achieved the dreams that I myself want to one day? That's fucking amazing.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 6 months
Pretty like the sun
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a/n the follow up chapter AND This is pretty like the wind series spin offs. This can be read as standalone all you need to know is that Azriel has two adoptive kids with OC - Zofie and Axel. Future stories related to them might include stories specifically decided to Azriel hence why I am taging it as Azriel story too. Don't come at me please. ✨
warning: none? A bit of fighting, blood.
Zofie's pov:
She had been beaming all morning. Not only had it been the best sleep of her life, but there was something so surreal about waking up in the arms of a man you had the biggest crush on. There was a moment when Zofie was sure that it was her sleepy brain playing a trick on her. That Nyx wasn't there with her. They weren't actually in the same situation. Limbs tangled. But Nyx's arms, which had quite a firm hold on her hips, felt all too real. His breathing did, too. So did his messy hair and slightly pouty lips.
How did one look so adorable in their sleep? Mother, he would be a frowning mess if she called him cute. But he was, and Zofie had to try really hard to suppress the giddy excitement that bubbled in her chest. Nuzzling back into the crook of Nyx's neck, she breathed in his scent. Feeling her body melt into it. Oh, how she missed him when he was away. How oddly lonely she felt. Truth be told, Zofie didn't have many friends. A couple of younger priestesses that Gwyn was teaching, yes, but they practically never talked. So... not friends. But Nyx had always been so keen on getting her attention. She was weary of him at first. He was the most talkative kid she had ever seen. But then Zofie only had a handful of traumatized sanctuary toddlers to compare him to. His bubbly side chipped away with the years, though. More often than not, the smile that was plastered on Nyx's face was nowhere near the smile he used to give her when they were younger.
"You're the cuddliest person I've come across in my entire life," Nyx grumbled, opening one eye to look at her. "So, if I pulled away now..." Zofie muttered, but Nyx's grip on her tightened immediately, "Don't you even think about it?" His morning voice was raspy and, oh, so delicious. "Got you," Zofie breathed out, shaking her head. He never denied her touch. She could watch him roll his eyes at Feyre kissing his cheek, but the next minute he would be right next to Zofie, his fingers subtly reaching for her as their palms brushed against one another.
"Do you think if I don't open my eyes, we can pretend that we don't have to go back?" Nyx muttered, and Zofie could sense the dread in his tone. "Your mom probably misses you a lot," she said softly. "Cause Ma always cries when Axel comes home, so I'm sure the high lady would..." "Don't." Nyx's whole body stiffened. Zofie frowned as specks of red fell onto the sheets. He was mad. Or frustrated, at least. "Did something happen?" Her voice grew weary, and Nyx's face grew ashamed. Hands pulling the girl back to his chest, "Promise it's nothing; I'm sorry, just tired," he breathed out. She didn't say anything after that. Letting the silence stretch over them both.
"My... The high lords are hosting a ball", and Nyx sounded as if this was the most dreadful thing he had to make himself think about once again. Zofie quickly cut in, "You don't want to go?". Nyx huffed, "Something like that." She never really understood if the high lords of the night court enjoyed the festivities themselves. Rhys, Nyx's dad, was a charmer, always quick to tell a joke. His grin never failed at balls and parties. But Zofie had caught him once. Head in hands. Messy hair. Wrinkled shirt. It was such a difference compared to that beaming smile she had seen on her high lord's face only moments ago. "Well, Axel and I will probably be there if our parents are going," Zofie breathed out, hoping to ease some of the tension, but Nyx simply shook his head. "I have a feeling it's the lordship shit," the heir growled before explaining even further, "Preppy parents in desperate need to marry off their children to form bonds between courts."
And here it was. This was the thing Nyx hated with a burning passion. All he wanted was to be normal. A young man still so full of life not some crystal gem for everyone to drool over. He cringed and frowned at all the titles people threw his way. And Zofie... Zofie hated every single female who felt entitled to come and touch him, pull at his hands, and rub at him like cats in heat. "Oh, Nyx," she breathed, her fingers carefully brushing through his hair. His fingers grazed her wrist tenderly. "Everyone is making such a big fuss over it too," he admitted as Zofie nodded in agreement. No wonder he was stressed. Especially if he was also to be left alone. Only with nobility to keep him company all night long.
"Bitch your way through it," Zofie muttered, and Nyx let out the most genuine chuckles she had heard in a while. But it had also died down as quickly as it started, "Will you tell me why you were by the river last night?" Zofie knew this was coming. Nyx had a hard time letting go of the topics he wanted to discuss. And he had been more than clear that he was going to get the answer out of her about this. So fighting this...
"I have a sister," Zofie breathed, her eyes falling to the crisp white sheets on the bed. Nyx shifted slightly, his hand dipping beneath the blanket to run soothingly up her thigh, "I hear a sad note in that," he muttered. And Zofie hated that. She hated that she was still upset over something she genuinely wanted. She didn't care much about having to share her parents' attention for a while. It was everything else that ticked her off. "She's perfect", Zofie let out a deep sigh, "Has wings, no flaws. She's perfectly Azriel's". Her voice died down, overpowered by the growl Nyx had let out. "Has that asshole?", "No, no, I just... it's me," Zofie shook her head, "I felt... irrelevant.".
The room fell silent. She watched as Nyx blinked a couple of times, letting her words sink in, "Don't you talk shit like that about yourself?" His voice had an edge to it. A powerful force. "But it's true; I'm Illyrian but have no wings," Zofie muttered, turning to play with her fingers instead. Admitting her fears and insecurities felt humiliating almost. "I'll always be your wings," Nyx's much bigger palm cupped hers, giving it a little squeeze. "What have I done to deserve you, huh?" Zofie chuckled slightly, hoping to mask the sting in her eyes. Nyx crooked his head to the side. Watching her for a moment, "You didn't have to do anything. I'm the one who's lucky that you were born.".
Nyx's pov:
They had laughed through the whole flight back to the city. And the closer they got, the more Nyx dreaded it. He didn't care much about the shit he was going to get from Rhys. But it's the letting go part that pressed against his chest. He knew, for a fact, that if not tonight, then by the next morning they would be ushered back into the camps up the mountain. Yes, he was happy to learn and to earn a rank, but leaving her here felt like a dreadful task. Not to mention that they weren't allowed to write letters while they were up there. Not to mention that Nyx had a whole box of letters he had written for Zofie. Ones he had written while up there. Ones that no one would ever see.
Zofie had asked him to drop her off at the edge of the forest near the house. "Better if you don't just walk in. You know my dad," she said. However, Nyx felt it the minute Zofie's legs hit the snow beneath her. He had barely let go of her when the claws of darkness pulled him back, nearly sending him to his feet. But he expected this. Escaping the spymaster under the protection of his father's wards was one thing. The moment they were on the perimeter of Velaris, well, let's say that was Azriel's hunting territory. And that male always hunted as if he were starving.
Nyx had seen Azriel pissed more than once, but the frown on his face this time was unmatched. And accompanied by the dark circles beneath his eyes. Yeah, he looked as if he was out for blood. "You forgot yours, young man," the spymaster said through gritted teeth as his shadows roped around the princeling's ankles and wrists.
"Dad, that's enough." Zofie stomped through the thick snow, trying to get in between the two of them. Nyx wished she wasn't there. He hated it when she was there to witness their snarls. "You lost all sense of fun, uncle," Nyx said mockingly. His own hands grew dark, seizing the spymaster's dark, as cold gloominess chased all of Azriel's shadows away. "You had no right to take her like that," Azliel bit back; his wings were arched in a warning, but Nyx didn't skip a beat, doing just the same.
"No one took me," Zofie growled with a huff. And it was the way Azriel had turned back to look down at her that broke the last sense of logic within Nyx. It was the way his big frame looked toward her when Azriel snared, "I wasn't speaking to you, young lady," that undid Nyx. "Why?", he asked bitterly, "Because you forgot that she existed? The new child has already taken too much of your time?". It felt as if the whole world had stopped. Even the snowflakes seemed to have seized in their fall. "Nyx..." he said, meeting Zofie's pleading eyes. Saw her shaking her head in disapproval. But he was truly seeing red. No one had a right to make her. Make his sunshine feel small.
"What did you just say?" Azriel frowned, slightly taken back, but his demeanor was still predatory. The princeling only growled back at the shadowsinger. "Nyx for fuck sake," Zofie pleaded, panic raising to her features as she moved closer to her dad in hopes of putting distance between them. But it was for nothing when Nyx muttered, "You heard me loud and clear, spymaster." Nyx managed to spare Zofie one look. One look before his vision was interrupted by black dots as his head was wiped to the side from the impact. Zofie's shriek pierced the silence, rippling over every surface.
Nyx knew that, in a way, he deserved it, so it didn't surprise him. He had been messing with the habitat of fae males. One who had just become a father. One who's instinct to protect was on such high alert. But he had to. Had to stand up for her. "Papa, please," Zofie pleaded. Nyx wiped the warm liquid trickling down the side of his lip. Oh, he was not going to go down without a fight. "Please, let's just go home. Please, I'm sorry". Her tiny hands were grasping at Azriel's hands, trying to pull him back. "Don't you apologize for him," Nyx snarled, but Zofie's firey eyes met his as she muttered, "Shut up." Only now did Nyx notice the tears streaming down her rosy cheeks. Only now did he see the quiver in her chin.
"Zof," Nyx breathed out, but the girl had simply turned her back on him. "Come on, papa, please," she pleaded once more, and this time it was enough to get Azriel's attention. His chest was still heavy as he breathed through his anger. "If I ever catch you doing anything like this," Azriel snarled, stepping forward to look at Nyx, but Zofie pushed back, putting all of her weight against her dad. "Consider yourself fucking lucky." Azriel flapped his wings a couple of times before reaching for Zofie's hand, tugging her alongside him as the shadows swallowed them both.
Your pov:
Quite frankly, you knew something was wrong from the moment you looked up to see Zofie's pale face when Novie was born. And deep down, you knew that this insecurity that was quite clearly blooming right in front of you was inevitable. You just didn't know it would take a turn like that. Zofie had always been good about voicing her discomfort, and you had always encouraged her to speak her mind, but it seemed as if your love had been lost in the shuffle of it all.
You knocked on her bedroom door gently. It's been a couple of hours since she and Azriel got back home. Your mate, mostly thanks to his lack of sleep, assumed that you both hadn't noticed your girl not being home and, and then hadn't felt them coming home. It was the stench of anger that was dripping from Azriel that was enough to let you know that a fight must have happened. And this sort of frustration as of lately was only brought on by one person.
Without getting an answer, you just let yourself in after a while. Zofie was curled up in a ball, and the blanket Azriel had knitted for her was tightly wrapped around her. That fact must have slipped her mind, considering the fight the two have been in. Sitting down on the very edge, you let your fingers gently brush through Zofie's dark waves.
"Sweetness, why don't you eat up? It's lunchtime", you said gently, nodding towards the plate of warm food you had brought up for her. She simply shook her head, turning away from your touch. A sharp ache pierced your heart. If your children were hurting, so were you. You climbed into the bed, nudging her slightly as you moved to wrap your arms around the girl. Let her be the little spoon.
Zofie laid as still as a statue for a moment before her arms snaked around yours. "Now he will never love me again," Zofie's voice was barely a whisper, but you still managed to hear her perfectly well. "Who, baby?" you asked, running your fingers up and down her arm. She stilled for a moment before looking up to catch your gaze and saying, "Papa." A breath hitched in your throat. "Lovie," you muttered.
Zofie quickly shuffled, sitting up. "First, I don't have wings; now he thinks I'm sneaking behind his back with Nyx," she blurted out in a rush, "And I'm not, I promise." She caught your arm, shaking it slightly. You cupped her face softly and said, "There is nothing wrong with you falling in love." Her face scrunched up so hard that you almost had to laugh. "I'm not in love. I'm not", she stated. "Okay, okay," you muttered, tapping her cheek playfully.
"And Azriel loves you, Zo." Your tone was much firmer now. You understood the fears. Mother, even you still had them. Wondering why? Why had Azriel chosen you, and what did he see in you? So for a teenager to have emotions like that, "He had loved you from the moment he saw you," you added.
Zofie bit her lip as if contemplating her next words for a moment, "But his yellow is fading", she admitted. Her colors. She found comfort in them, but good things usually come with baggage. Understanding the amount of emotion there was still a hard task. "That doesn't mean he stopped loving you. Maybe the color is evolving. Shifting into something different", you said softly. You made a mental note to ask her tutor to find her a book about the colors of emotions to read. Well, one that she hadn't already devoured.
"Hate," those silent words, made your mind halt. You shook your head. "Love has different forms; you'll learn that along the way," You reached up to carefully take her necklace between your fingers. "Papa is on edge right now because a lot of things are changing. He's sensitive because he's lost so much already. Losing all of us would break him without repair." It felt like a lot to unload on her, but she had to see that Azriel's love hadn't just faltered or disappeared because of Novie. Thinking like wings, no wings, scars on no, even the blood bond didn't matter to Azriel. Zofie pinched her eyebrows. "Is he home?", she breathed, "I need to...", "He's out on his broody walk, but I'm sure he'll be back soon," you said softly, reaching for the plate and handing it to her. She was desperate to make sure that she had at least some food in her stomach.
Nyx pov:
He had lost track of how long he had been flying. Nor did he know where he was going, but regardless of his endless attempts to escape it, Nyx knew that he would have to go home eventually. A part of him hoped that Rhys wouldn't have been able to sniff this one out, but then Nyx had lost track of his uncle fairly early on. So Azriel could have already been stomping his foot in his father's office.
"Purple truly suits you." As if on cue, Rhys's voice rang out. He was seated in front of a fireplace. A drink in hand. His usual black button-up shirt hugged his skin. Nyx didn't hate his father. He hated the high-lord aspect of him. Yes, he was different from most. Mother, spare anyone from a father like Beron, but... he still valued his position a bit too much at times. Nyx simply shook his head, shifting to move toward the back patio, but his father's voice stopped him, "I don't remember letting you walk away.".
Nyx let out a bitter chuckle, "Oh, so now I am to obey you too, like a servant?" It was bitter; he knew it. But Nyx just wasn't in the mood—wasn't in the mood to deal with any of this right now. "You're my son," Rhys stated firmly, his purple eyes gleaming. "Doesn't that just suit your story?" Nyx barked back, matching his father's glare. "Nyx," Rhys said in a warning tone, but the princeling was already walking. "I'll be with Mom," he breathed over his shoulder.
The wind that hit his face as he stepped outside soothed his heated cheeks. He always loved the walk towards his mother's gallery. It had always been his favorite time of the day when the two of them would go there. Gods, did he need to clear his head. Anything. Everything. All he could think of was her. Yet... two hands clasped his shoulders, making Nyx quickly spin back, putting whoever was behind him in a chokehold.
"Well, dang, you're on edge, my man," a familiar voice rasped out, and Nyx instantly let go, pushing the figure forward. "What the hell are you doing here?", he whispered. Axel simply smirked before shrugging, even if his eyes lingered on the library door for a bit too long. "I came to see how my dad painted your face," Axel chuckled, "Pretty." Nyx simply flipped his friends off and said, "Fuck off." Yet the corners of his lips did twitch slightly. Axel always had that effect on him. It was hard to not smile around him.
"She's okay," Axel muttered, making Nyx's eyes snap up at him. Yet he refused to give in to it. "I don't care," he said simply. Axel raised one eyebrow at his friend, tilting his head to the side, and, "Right, so you wouldn't care if I told you that mom got her to eat, and she's much calmer now." Nyx's shoulders eased a bit. Eased almost immediately. A calmness like no other washed over him as he nodded in agreement.
"She asked about you." Now these words struck a chord with Nyx, and his big eyes were instantly searching for Axel. "Did she?", Nyx breathed out desperately. Axel simply chuckled, slowly shaking his head, "No, but I love proving a point." Nyx let out a growl, "I'm so kicking your ass on the sparring mat." But he couldn't help but smile now. Because Axel knew him. And in a way, this was his silent way of approving. Or at least not stepping between him and Zofie.
But Axel's eyes lingered behind his friend, and Nyx's eyes instantly followed suit. Only he caught sight of white robes slipping back inside the library. Nyx instantly turned back to face Axel. "What was that?", he questioned. Axel blinked a couple of times, "What was what?". Oh, but Nyx wasn't stupid. "That look," he muttered, motioning his hand towards Axel's face, "Are you fucking a prestress?" Axel frowned at the question instantly, his eyes finally moving to gaze at his friend, "What the hell, man, wash your mouth." Nyx chuckled slightly, but he knew deep down that the moment they were going to be better on the camp walls, he was going to get his answers one by one. Now all he needed was his sun. His Sunny and for some reason risking a black eye didn't seem that big of a sacrifice.
Taglist: @sirenpearldust @historygeekqueen @hnyclover @i-am-a-lost-girl16 @naturakaashi @stressed-reader @woodland-mist @goldenmagnolias @nocasdatsgay
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The need for Lucifer’s tragic sibling relationships versus the sheer level of humour I find in an archangel and the devil planning to grab lunch together later during a meeting and getting really heated playing monopoly
If I believe hard enough, I can have both
(Also the political relations between heaven and hell are relatively chill in Hazbin compared to most interpretations, its viable)
I think there’s potential where Lucifer’s dynamic is the kid that left church so isn’t talked about or to much and makes family reunions really awkward but still gets invited, you know
(I already made the trip to earth Imma see if our Brother Down Under wants to catch up, I’ll text you the place, swing by if you finish your job early)
They can and do joke about the Incident but they aren’t really past it, theres still a lot of hurt on both sides and the wrong comment in the wrong situation can verge into explosive argument territory very quickly
Also Michael moving too fast or drawing his sword while Lucifer is present, things get uncomfortable very fast when the others are reminded the (Fall)ing out wasn't just a verbal argument, the scars remain
Every time humans are slightly annoying they'll curse at him mostly jokingly, Especially Jophiel, she will actually never forgive him for getting in the way before she was done designing(the human spine is so non functional), it's a great pairing with his dissociation he has no clue what he did
Lucifer calls the sins his closest family once and they quietly seethe about it
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Watch me incoherently rant about the vackers and kinda vent and most definitely get information wrong for who knows how long
Fitz and Alvar (Fitz especially) as characters are just
Amazing and scarily relatable to me.
Starting with Fitz, he’s virtually the oldest sibling once Alvar becomes older and goes away on assignments or whatever a lot, and he’s held to a very high standard, not much different from the rest of his siblings.
But he’s successful in being the best, and now he’s expected to keep that up. And now it’s affecting his siblings’ expectations from parents, and he can tell they resent him for it.
Not to mention he reached the higher status by aiming to be like his older brother and being expected to be like him.
Now for Alvar. Something I hate that my parents make my younger siblings aim for is trying to get my grades or similar because I’ve had all As or 4s or 100s or whatevers since maybe first grade.
I hate it. Because they just aren’t me and shouldn’t be expected to be, but if they’re doing worse my parents will compare them to me. Fucking stupid.
But I feel like the way the Vackers and Alvar and Fitz especially were written is very similar to this situation and the situation of many families with a more gifted kid.
Alvar was a very smart, gifted, top boy type child. He’s even helped with government assignments from a pretty young age. When fitz moved to this age, he was expected to hold up the reputation paved by Alvar. But he did it better.
Alvar resents him. Fitz’s siblings are seen as below him.
The stress builds up and it gets worse and worse until it shows up in the form of anger issues. And people don’t help.
They just reprimand him for having them.
And it only makes it worse.
Fitz is too relatable anldejkellzjsk and I don’t want to feel like a bad person for saying this idk watch me be a fitz defender frfr
I have no idea where the rest was going. Get my man a therapy is all. please and carrots 🙏🏽🙏🏽
Okay bye if I got info wrong tell me or add on 😀
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jjuwuni · 4 months
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shortcut to heaven | yang jungwon x oc
pairings — yang jungwon x reader
genre — fluff, angst, college!au, fake dating trope, drama, occasional smut (minors dni please)
summary —  Two strangers seemingly cross paths, everywhere they go. 
Would they find their heaven among their chaotic lives? 
“ That’s right, I’m talking to you, ” Jungwon, THE Yang Jungwon, with his arm, outstretched, index pointing right at me, “ Do you want to be my girlfriend? Fake girlfriend, that is, so make sure you don't end up falling for me. ” With his right dimple in full view, he smirks at me. 
And that was the day my whole life turned upside down.
warnings — a SOCMED AU but with heavy narrations, fake dating trope with some twist n' turns, compared to my other stuff this one is definitely more on the cute, fluff side hehe so not much warnings in terms of content ! OT7 enha is present, as well as probably other 4th gen idols, will use nwjns minji as the faceclaim for y/n, alcohol, drunken mishaps, profanity, there might be slightly dark themes surrounding family and love, no mnc i assure you, making out, smut etc. will happen so minors 👀 watching you !
[ preview ] | [ 1 ]
A/N: hi there ! back with another update ! enjoy ^^ it's another jam-packed type of update hehe let me know what you guys think of it ! please don't be shy to comment or talk to me or anything, i always love it when i hear from you. also, taglist is OPEN! for this.
taglist: @jwnghyuns, @sparklingsjy
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A FEW DAYS LATER .. (party time 🥳)
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Jin could only sigh, she knew her older brother was very protective of her and she couldn’t do anything about it. Her brother used to study in the same school, but later on, dropped out as he decided to pursue his music career. His band, “Spring Memories” got their big break from one of their songs going viral on social media, and he opted to be a full-time musician instead.
As much as their parents were against the idea of him dropping out, they were still supportive of him. Even though the money wasn’t consistently coming in, her parents have always been very encouraging people, showing both their kids their support in whatever it is they want to do.
One thing’s for sure, her older brother had always been there for her, even though they rarely see each other now.
@Vampire 🧛🧛🧛 ft. creepy dude
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To Jinae’s dismay, half of the night was spent trying to run away and hide from people. She wouldn’t say that she was the most popular girl in her school, that was Han Sooyoung’s title, rightfully so. Much like the four guys, she held as much influence as the other guys did – belonging to the top 1% of society, poised to inherit a huge company, beautiful, smart, the works. 
Even so, she would be lying if she said she hadn’t received offers to go out here and there. 
“Ugh, it’s so hard being this pretty, right? I can relate.” Says Sunoo as she sits beside him once people finally leave her alone. Jinae mustered out a grin with a small laugh, happy that her best friend had made light of the situation for her. 
“I just don’t get it, why does this happen?” She responds, her face sullen.
Sunoo could only roll his eyes, sliding a glass full of whatever kind of cocktail they were serving, “How many times do I have to explain this to you?” Sighing out heavily, he leaned over so that they’d be shoulder to shoulder, speaking loud enough over the bass-boosted music so that his best friend would get it through her thick skull, “Why do you think so many people come to watch you dance? You’re the best female dancer out there Jin, it's no question that you have people’s attention.” He couldn’t even fathom how his bestie hadn’t picked up on this all. 
“Plus, you know I have the latest gossip around school, right?” Sunoo takes a small sip before continuing, for dramatic effect, “Well, I heard people have been talking about whether you’re Team Sooyoung or Team Jinae. People talk about you two being the prettiest girls in school. It’s as simple as that.”
Even though Sunoo had laid it out piece by piece and even spelled it out for her, she still couldn’t understand why. Looking back, all her life she has heard that she was pretty, with her parents and friends even trying to convince her to go into acting or being an idol, or even join those survival shows on TV. 
But that just wasn’t her, it wasn’t her thing. As cliche as it was, Jinae didn’t want the attention. 
All she wanted was a quiet university experience, and for her to be able to graduate so she could get a good job to secure her family’s future.
Unable to come up with a response to Sunoo, she proceeds to down the rest of the cocktail in the glass she was holding onto, before reaching for another one.
Minutes passed and the pace at which she was drinking, coupled with the dizzying strobe lights and deafening music all contributed to her feeling intoxicated.
Jake was nowhere to be found, and Sunoo eventually got bored of sitting around and decided to take to the dance floor, being the life of the party as per usual.
Meanwhile, Jinae decided it was time to go to the bathroom.
Given, that she didn’t frequent this particular club much, along the way to the bathroom, she got lost, not knowing where to go. 
But it was there that she was met by something that changed the course of her night, or in this case, someone.
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THE NIGHT AFTER (ft. the cutest wallpaper)
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WHAT HAPPENED??? 👀 (we finally get the answer)
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It was Monday morning and Jin's mind was everywhere but in the present moment. Sitting in class, she was currently in the process of spacing out, caught in her own little world inside of her head.
Truth be told, ever since that night at the club, she had been out of it. She hated it - the fact that she was still ruminating over what happened between her and Jungwon in the janitor's closet.
It all happened so fast, that her intoxicated mind couldn't keep up with it. All she could remember was finding Jungwon somewhat sulking in the closet, then engaging in a conversation with him about the dance club and her spewing out that she hated people like him.
The next memory she had then was her pinned up against the door. She could still remember that moment clearly, Jungwon's arms encasing either side of her head..
"Miss Park.."
His face was so dangerously close to hers. And in that moment she remembered thinking how beautiful the male's eyes were upclose. They were cat-like, almost as if he drew on some cat-eye on himself with an eyeliner.
"Hello?! Earth to Miss Park Jinae?"
And he smelled so damn good, too. Like musky, but with that shower-fresh smell. It was intoxicating, moreso than the god-knows-how-many glasses of cocktails she'd had that night.
Thankfully being pulled out of her trance by someone tapping her on the shoulder, she looked up, mouth slightly agape when she realized that she had been daydreaming this whole time.
Daydreaming about Jungwon, no less.
"Well, I'll see you later. I have to drop these off at the student council room." Jinae grumbled with a sulky expression, waving goodbye to Sunoo as best she could while balancing the high stack of papers on both her arms.
Because of her little trip to daydream land a while ago, their professor assigned her to do this as punishment for not listening during the lecture. Their teacher happened to be the student government's adviser, so it was only fair that she was given this task.
And as if her day couldn't get any worse, one second, she was on her way inside the student council room, and the next, she was on the ground, with sheets of paper flying everywhere, hearing a loud WHACKing sound before falling on her back on the floor.
It didn't quite register just yet that Jinae had been hit hard by the wooden door, not until she felt a stinging feeling on her forehead.
"O-ow.. what the fuck..." Was all she could say, trying to get her bearings and propping herself up with one elbow from the floor, while her other hand reached to rub at the painful spot in her head.
You know those teenage romcom movies where things suddenly go into slow-mo mode, as this tall, handsome guy approaches you and kneels down to check on you? Well, that was what Jinae was currently going through.
"Are you okay? I'm so sorry I didn't see you." Said the slender male with white alabaster skin. He had a white button-down on with black slacks, and silver-rimmed glasses to match.
Jinae stared at him, blinking her eyes repeatedly, as it finally dawns on her who the perpetrator was.
Park Sunghoon.
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astralis-is-typing · 11 months
Stray kids family as an actual family
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⚝fic type: headcannon (comedy/crack)
⚝genre/contains: a rundown of the kinds of relatives you will encounter at a typical family gathering, except it’s stray kids
⚝word count: 1.5k
⚝A/N: hi hi! if you’ve ever been to a large family gathering you’ll probably relate to one of these, no matter where you're from haha. did these from jeongin -> chan instead of the usual order to spice things up (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠) p.s: this is just for giggles so don't take it too seriously. enjoy!
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。Yang Jeongin*゚
Grandma Jeongin has two modes, and she will be interrogating you either way.
Most of the time she’s talking about other family members while she cooks or cleans up the kitchen. Jeongin knows who is most likely to get married next, who will never get married, who’s about to get a divorce and even which of your cousins is at loggerheads with their respective bosses.
Whether she ends up being right about her crazy notions or not, she does not care. Jeongin will always have something to talk about, no matter how controversial it may be.
If you’re in the kitchen, then it seems you must automatically join in on these speculations. Better play it up, because it’ll distract her from putting you on dish duty- and get you early access to whatever she’s cooking up (a storm piece of cake).
“Help your grandmother,” she’ll grumble, if she figures she won’t get much out of you. “Kids these days. When I was your age I didn’t have to be asked. You’ll never find a spouse with this behaviour.”
At other times, your favourite granny is sweet once she’s been sated by her 4th cup of tea. Or a cup of soda, on days she’s feeling ‘adventurous and bold’. Jeongin will spontaneously call you over and ask you who your girlfriend or boyfriend is now. Jeongin wants to know what you’ve been doing with your whole life, but all in good faith haha.
Grandma Jeongin will also be commenting on your fashion choices and giving you rather outdated skincare tips on how to age gracefully like her.
。Kim Seungmin*゚
The cousin you’re always being compared to, academically or otherwise. Seungmin is 100% that overachiever who is constantly being praised by all your uncles and aunts who think the world of him.
It’s hard not to be jealous or annoyed when your parents compare you to your genius cousin and ask you unbelievable questions. “Why can’t you get A’s like Seungmin?”
No matter what you’ve done in your life, it seems Seungmin has outdone you lmao. He’s the golden child who can do no wrong and you just have to live with it.
In spite of the pressure to be perfect, Seungmin is still really fun to be around. He’ll also do your homework/projects for you if you ask nicely enough.
(Who are we kidding, this is Kim Seungmin. You’ll probably have to cough up some cash haha.)
。Lee Felix*゚
The fun cousin. Now, one person like this is enough to survive a family gathering.
Felix is the cousin who you need to show up. He’s the person who actually makes family gatherings tolerable. Like, if Felix doesn’t pull up then everyone is kind of bored.
He’s everyone’s favourite cousin; you can count on him to make those boring dinners interesting, and be your crime partner in the event you and your cousins plan to sneak out- distracting you guys’ parents with detailed stories of how he managed to win 63 medals in ‘taekwondaur’.
He’s the adults’ favourite, too. When you were children, and needed to send someone to ask for permission to game/watch TV, he was for sure the one appointed- because no one can say no to him.
When your grandmother is interrogating you and you can’t think of an exit plan, this cousin will charmingly swoop in and save your ass.In any kind of familial sticky situation, Felix has got your back.
。Han Jisung*゚
Han was probably forced to come lmfao. He was most likely threatened by his parents because they’re tired of being asked where their son is and why he won’t visit.
Jisung is that relative you see once in a blue moon. You’re not quite sure what side of the family he’s from, but you are somehow related. You barely know anything about this guy- what he does for a living, or if he’s been to college… Han Jisung is quite the mystery.
He’s the person that shows up late, leaves early, and is really just there for the food. You don’t really blame him, though; family gatherings can be exhausting. It’s understandable that some people would rather just bypass as many of them as possible.
Your other relatives will call him antisocial because he’s mostly on his phone, but he’s really just trying to avoid being spotted (and probed) by Grandma Jeongin- or Auntie Lee Know, who you’ll meet further down this post haha. Someone like Felix might manage to rope him into making conversation here and there, but Jisung’s interest widely remains at large.
Jisung disappears from the feast as quietly as he came in, and it takes a while for anyone to notice his absence. With his ability to remain evasive, Han might as well be a spy bahah.
。Hwang Hyunjin*゚
The rich aunt who lives abroad and only comes to visit every three or four years. All the kids love her because she comes loaded with presents for everyone. She’s super fun to be around because she’s got this carefree nature that’s simply infectious. Hyunjin just oozes rich auntie vibes. I mean, did you see him in that 5-star trailer?! Definitely the one who’s been supplying Grandma Jeongin with her collection of eccentric footwear.
Since she’s not around much she doesn’t know what you like, and will give you enough money to buy yourself something nice. Aunt Hyunjin will also come through for you in any financial trial you might be going through. You need a new computer? She’s on it. Rent is due and you’re in a tight spot? Aunt Hyunie to the rescue!
Of course, quality family time cannot be substituted with money, no matter the amount. But hey, if Hyunjin wants to slap a fat wad of cash in your hand, you’re not complaining…
。Seo Changbin*゚
The relative who can’t stop gushing over how big you’ve grown. Whether you’re 15 or 28, you’ll have to endure his speculations over how it was ‘just the other day’ when he was changing your diapers, and look at you now. Once he’s had a drink or two, Changbin does not hesitate to dish out super embarrassing stories of you as a child.
Nevertheless, Changbin is really fun to be around. He’s present at most family gatherings and more or less keeps them happening.
Changbin is also that uncle who’s trying to help everyone get their lives in order lmfao. You’d easily mistake him for a life coach or fitness guru with the way he’s spewing out tips on how to live a healthier lifestyle every 15 minutes. His advice is valid, sure, but you’re really just trying to enjoy your food, you know?
“You shouldn’t be drinking that. Don’t you know coca cola can be used as a toilet cleaner?! And you’re still willingly ingesting it…” He’d say, shaking his head in disappointment.
。Lee Know*゚
The nosy aunt.
Auntie Lee Know will sidle up to you with an offering of cookies or potato chips while she not-so-subtly pries into your dating life. Given the chance, she can turn any encounter you have into the possible beginning of a romantic trope. You tell her someone was glaring at you on the bus? Strangers to lovers. Your classmate keeps gloating over the fact that they beat you in a recent exam? Academic rivals to lovers.
For all its worth, Auntie Lee Know is a fantastic cook and the thought of her beef wellington gets you through most interrogations.
If Auntie Lee Know isn’t grilling you, then she is most definitely gossiping in the kitchen with Granny Jeongin about you and everyone else. Those two are a force to reckon with when put together. And there is really no escaping them when they get their hands on you. Like, you literally can never win, this auntie wants to know it all.
Auntie Lee Know also acts as the kitchen’s bodyguard, keeping out hungry relatives (mostly her brother, Changbin) until Jeongin is done cooking. Beware, she’s armed with a wooden spoon and she sure as hell knows how to use it!
。Bang Chan*゚
That foive-year-old kid you find sleeping in your bed when you sneak away to your room for some quiet time.
If you’ve ever hosted a family gathering at your house, you’ll know what I’m talking about.
Sometimes you just need a moment to pull away from everything, and what better solace than your bedroom? Of course, you do not expect to find someone’s kid lying on your bed, and drooling on your pillow.
Going back into the fray to enquire who’s baby it is would only beat the purpose of your sneaking away, and additionally show your room to unnecessary people who might decide it’s the perfect place to lay down their babies too!
And you are not trying to run a day-care here.
Chan would also be that one kid who keeps asking if you have games on your phone. RIP your peace of mind if he finds out you’ve got Pokémon on there.
You can’t find it in you to get mad at him, though. After all, it’s not his fault that his slightly irresponsible parents left him in your room.
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⚝A/N: Thank you for reading! As a present for making it to the end, here’s visual proof of Lee Know being the nosy aunt that he is jksbdiskancdg 💀 I hope they film skz family 3 this year, sigh... need to know if Chan is secretly Seungmin's son. Anyways, remember to reblog and share your thoughts with me if you enjoyed ʕ⁠ノ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠ノ
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Something to pay attention to is how Tenko and Touya grew on this kind of families that followed the traditional role of the father as the leader of the house, holding the power, making the rules and the choices, while the mother was relegated to a second place of caring for the children in the terms the man stipulated and keeping the house in order.
Rei and Nao were treated by her husbands more like subordinates taking orders than mothers that should have equal saying when their kids and their house are related to the problem. Whenever you are trying to study the Todoroki and Shimura family, you need to acknowledge they had a bad power dynamic based on misogyny and strong patriarchy.
Nao and Rei were victims of their husbands too, explicitly in Rei's case and implicitly in Nao's case. In both stories is mentioned that Enji and Kotaro held all the economic power of the family, which if you remember is the main reason behind Rei and Enji's marriage happened, and a (probable) factor behind why Nao's parents didn't interven for Tenko's sake, since it was not their house per se but Kotaro's. In both cases we can appreciate the way Nao and Rei are ignored and dismissed as authorities in their own houses, treated as more an employee than you know, a woman who has equal part as a head of the house. And in both cases the story goes as far as to show us how Hana and Fuyumi couldn't get Touya and Tenko's pain beause they didn't receive the same treatment from her dads, which was not a good thing at all but rooted in their misogyny; Enji and Kotaro'd ignored their daughters too, not caring if they were as rebellious as their sons, because in their minds the girls were just girls and well, they weren't a big threat. Hana resorted to lying in fear of her dad punishing her and becoming invisible almost whenever her dad was mad, while Fuyumi was pushed away early on and had to fulfil the mother role once Rei couldn't be there anymore.
That is the house Tenko and Touya grew up in, that's the house that abused them and their mothers and their siblings for years and years. Tenko says it explicitly: this's the house my father made, and Touya calls out his mom when she tried to act as an authority in the house: I know you married my dad for money and we are simply experiments so don't act like you you have any control here. It'll do you good to you all to remember the kids do not know their mothers challenged their fathers for them, they feel betrayed by their moms without understanding their situation or why things are like that (they are only kids!) and Rei and Nao were not perfect, they have a part in how things went down, but you can never ever compared them to her husbands without acknowledging any of this.
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orionsangel86 · 1 month
I’m not sure how much sense this will make since it’s almost midnight, but am I crazy for thinking how insane it is for Charles to go “I can’t say that I’m in love with you back or anything” and then immediately follow up with “but there’s no one else who I’d go to Hell for”? Cause like, my brain doesn’t know how to not interpret that as Charles reciprocating Edwin’s specific type of love, but not realizing it. Maybe it’s because I grew up in a super religious household so I already have some predispositions about Heaven and Hell, but my point of view for that is just thinking that someone better be pretty damn special for me to go to Hell for them. Like a wife or kid kind of special.
I don't think its crazy to interpret it that way at all. I think its rare to find that level of devotion among two people and when used as a trope it is usually related to extreme romantic love - see the OG Orpheus and Euridice as the prime example. Charles comparing himself to Orpheus in that moment (however naively because he didn't know how the story ended) is far more telling than he seems to realise.
That's not to say that only people with romantic/passionate feelings for someone can experience that level of devotion. Familial and forms of queer platonic love can also certainly be that devoted, and I have seen a lot of people talking about how they view the boys relationship as a queer platonic one, where Charles in particular, doesn't need to feel romantic love in order to be completely devoted to Edwin. I think that's a really great form of representation and can go someway to explaining how much of a deep and profound bond the two have (as a SPN fan I do not use that term lightly lol).
Though I think throughout the series we see Charles display forms of jealousy towards Edwin's connection with Monty and the Cat King, and he does also confirm he likes Crystal because she reminds him of Edwin - even he was joking at the time. I also think it was lovely that in the confession he doesn't once say that he isn't into guys, or that he doesn't think he could ever feel something more romantic for Edwin. He just says he isn't in love with him at that point. Whether or not that particular statement was the whole truth or just Charles' own form of denial and inability to properly process the confession since they were literally running away from a horrible giant spider doll demon from Hell at that point in time remains to be seen.
I think enough hints have also been dropped during cast and writer interviews that if they get a season two, it will go some way to explore Charles' own feelings and build on the aftermath of that confession. Whatever the situation between them is, it is the primary relationship of the show and it is quite clearly built on love and devotion regardless of what forms they or we interpret that as. They have literally forever to figure it out, and I really hope we get to watch at least some of that!
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justmeinadaze · 7 months
We're a Family Part 21 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: Angsty thoughts have once again entered the chat. ENJOY!
Warnings: Dads Steddie/ Fem Mom Reader, SMUT, pegging :), dirty talk, handcuffing, FLUFF, all the love that comes along with these six and Dylan being the best big brother.
ANGST, the Munson-Harrington spouses are trying to get Ro into a good school and shenanigans ensue. Y/N's mom comes back on the scene. The main theme of this angsty reading is parents feeling like they would do anything for their kids without fully realizing what they think is best may not actually BE the best thing.
Word Count: 6695
Eddie pets your head as you, he, and Aurora sit in the lobby of the private school you were hoping to get her into to. You and Kierra had gone to schools like this growing up and you two always had fond memories of your time there. As your daughter got older they had programs that you felt like she would enjoy since she was such a creative, free spirted soul. 
Because it was a private school, however, you guys did have to take a tour, meet the faculty, and then the parents were interviewed. That’s why Steve suggested you and Eddie go alone. 
“What? Why?”
“Because if they find out about our living situation, it could…complicate things.”
“But you’re her father to, Steve.”
“That being the case, maybe you should go instead of me, Harrington.”
“No. Eddie, you agree with him?!”
“I wouldn’t be able to go. She doesn’t look like me. She’s your clone, Ed.”
“Baby, everything’s ok.”, Eddie tried to soothe.
“Steve should be here.”, you mumble.
“Yeah he should but Hawkins sucks, Y/N. This is just far enough outside of the city limits that they wouldn’t know about us—”
“You say that like we should be ashamed or something.”
“That’s not what I’m saying and I know you know that.”
“We raised her to understand that our relationship is okay. We shouldn’t have to fucking hide anything. Plus, you know she’s going to tell everyone. It’s not like it will be a secret for long.”
“For Aurora Munson-Harrington.”, a recruiter calls with a big smile. 
Without saying anything, you grab your purse and your daughter’s hand leaving Eddie to follow behind.
“Hey, how did it go?”, Steve asked as soon as everyone came back. 
“Dad, the place is BIG! And they have a lot of paints. I like school!”, Aurora shouted excitedly. 
“Oh, give it time, brat. You’ll hate it later.”, Dylan teased as he focused his eyes on the video game in front of him. 
“Ugh! Dylan, I’m na a brat! I’m a good girl.”
“Yeah, you are, princess. Hey, go watch your brother play for a little bit so we can talk.”
Steve’s gaze shifted between you two as your jaw tightened and you gripped the counter behind you. Eddie was using his serious voice and you heard it in his tone as well, preparing for the heated discussion to follow. 
As soon as she ran away, he turned to face you.
“You are extremely lucky that interview went well with your fucking attitude. I thought you wanted her to get in this school.”
“I do but—”
“But what? Because you tone and demeanor made it seem like you were completely uninterested.”
“We shouldn’t have to lie.”
“This isn’t about us, Y/N. This is about her.”
“Exactly. She doesn’t see anything wrong with having three parents. Why do we have to hide it? Me loving you two has nothing to do with her schooling or how smart our daughter is.”
“The world doesn’t work like that, honey.”, Steve sighed. “Eddie’s right. If this helps her then…we make that sacrifice. It’s a small one compared the other things and people we’ve lost.”
“Oh, ok. You’re right. Small sacrifice. So, anything school related, you’d be fine missing that, Steve? You’d be fine not attending something she’s really excited about? How would you explain that to her? ‘Sorry, baby. Dad can’t come because people can’t accept that you’re my daughter to. For the next hour, remember, it’s only daddy and mommy.’”
Steve stepped forward till his nose was almost touching your own. 
“Lower. Your. Voice.”
“Why? Am I wrong?”
“Do you really think we’re ok with this, Y/N? It fucking kills me I couldn’t go with you two today. I want to know where my daughter is going to be and that she’s safe. The three of us knew sacrifices would be made if we stayed together and stayed in Hawkins. This is one of those sacrifices and if it gets her into a good school where she can grow then so be it.”
The two of you back away from each other as Aurora looks up at you with worried eyes. 
“Yes, honey. What do you need?”
“Can…Can Dylan and I have a snack?”
“Uh, not right now, baby. We’re going to have dinner in a couple of hours. Just hang on until then, ok?”
“Ok…Daddy? Did I do something bad?”
“No, sweetheart. You didn’t do anything bad. Mommy and I are just telling dad more about the school.”
“Oh. Okay. Dada, I wish you could have come.”
As she runs back to the living room both their eyes glance your way as you try to hide the frustrated tears that want to fall. 
“It’s not the same, Y/N. Just because I couldn’t be there today doesn’t mean she’s going to be heartbroken like Dylan was with Charlie. It’s not the same.”
“And we can figure out the events thing. Maybe after she gets accepted we won’t even have to worry if people find out.”, Eddie adds. 
Nodding your head, you walk away from them and close the door to the bedroom. 
“James, can you say Kierra? Kie—rra?”
“Ka, Ka, Ka.”, the baby babbles as he pokes at your sister’s face. 
“Yeah, that’s about right.”, she giggles from her place at the table the following afternoon. “So, I see you’re still upset.”
“How can I not be? Kierra, if I had known we would be hiding our relationship, I wouldn’t have suggested the school.”
“Wouldn’t that be selfish? I mean you guys can afford it now and it’s a really good place for Ro to grow.”
“But in the long run it would hurt her and Steve if he can’t go to events or she has to pretend only Eddie is her dad. Do you remember growing up and having to pretend that we were ‘high society’ to make our mom happy? It was fucking exhausting. I don’t want my daughter to go through that.”
The caller ID from the school pops up on your cell phone and you quickly reach over to take the call.
The guys had taken Aurora to the park so you could spend some time with your sister. When Dylan texted SOS to Steve’s phone, however, they quickly ran back home. 
“What’s going on, kid?”
“I don’t know but mom and aunt Kierra are outside on the porch. She got a phone call and I saw her crying.”
“Shit. Ok, here. Keep an eye on the other demons.”, Eddie tries to calm him as he ruffles Dylan hair. 
“Kierra! Stop telling me to calm down!”, you shout as they exit the back door. 
“Hey, what’s happening?”
Your sister sighs as you huff and look in the opposite direction as you dry your eyes. 
“The school called about Ro. They said they liked her and her personality but they overheard her telling the kids about her parents… Not only do they not like that you weren’t upfront but now they’re concerned about how the other parents will react if they find out. So…Aurora wasn’t accepted.”
Their eyes meet yours as your glare penetrates through their bodies. 
“We can find another school.”, Steve mumbles.
“You would know best, right?”, you retort sarcastically. “Are we going to pretend again or, oh, maybe we can mix it up this time. Maybe you and Eddie can go to the interview!”
“I’m, um, just going to check on the kids.”, Kierra murmurs awkwardly as she gets up and hurriedly heads inside. 
“So this is our fault?”, Eddie replies angrily as he lights a cigarette and leans against the porch banister. 
“If you BOTH had come with me and we were honest we could have assured them! Told them how we handle things in our town and at home. The three of us could have convinced them!”
“Yeah because we have such a good track record of doing that now.”, Steve scoffs. “Y/N, this isn’t a big deal. We can find another school if you still want to go down the private school route. If not she will be fine in public school. Dylan is.”
“Oh people say stuff about me all the time.”, Dylan adds startling everyone. 
“Jesus Christ! For real this time. You kids are going to need start wearing bells.”, Eddie pants after grabbing his chest. 
“I’m just saying. No matter where Ro goes people will talk. You told me once, mom, that you knew they would but you were willing to put up with it because you love them. I love them to so that’s why I don’t care. People can say whatever they want but it doesn’t matter.”
Steve smiles as he yanks the boy to his side for a hug. 
“Have you thought about talking to grandma? If you really want Ro in that school, she would most likely be able to sway them.”
“My mom doesn’t have that kind of sway in that area.”, he responds. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I meant…”, Dylan gestures towards you. “I don’t know what we call her anymore.”
“Weirdo, she’s probably the last person we should send in our honor. She doesn’t agree remember. And I swear to God Dylan Marshall if you sneak out and go talk to her I will break your legs.”
They boy chuckles at your threat as you smile softly in his direction. 
You don’t see it but the men you love exchange a look, having a silent conversation with just a glance.
“Mrs. Y/L/N? You next meeting is here.”
“Ok, thank you, Debra. Send them in.” Your mother’s eyes widen with shock and confusion as Eddie and Steve enter her office. “Gentlemen. Why are you both here?”
“We’re here on behalf of our daughter and yours. Please, just listen to what we have to say and if you still want nothing to do with us or them we’ll leave quietly.”, Steve answers in an authoritative tone that has her curious. He waits for her to nod before digging into his wallet, pulling out the picture of Ro he keeps inside it, and sliding it across her desk. “Her name is Aurora.”
“I know. Y/N mentioned her name when I saw her at the bar four years ago.”, she responds softly. “She looks like you, Mr. Munson.”
“She’s a good kid. She laughs a lot, loves to draw, and is also incredibly loving. She loves to hang out with her older brother and teach her younger brother new things.” 
Eddie hands her the photo he keeps of all three kids and a small gasp leaves her lips. 
“Dylan has gotten so big…”
“Yeah. He’ll be sixteen soon. Can’t believe it’s been almost ten years since we met him and Y/N.”
Both men softly smile at the memory as her bottom lip quivers slightly while she continues examining the photo. 
“What’s the baby’s name?”
“Yours I imagine, Mr. Harrington. He seems to have your smile…Y/N’s nose, for sure.”
Eddie and Steve glance at each other, allowing the “yours” to slide even though James is both their son. 
“Mrs. Y/L/N, last week we took our daughter to be interviewed at the school Y/N and Kierra went to. Well, Eddie and Y/N did. We…”, Steve gestured between them. “…thought it was best if they didn’t know our home life so she could get in.”
“Well, that was stupid. Knowing that school, they’d rather you tell the truth than lie.”
“Said the woman who values appearances over her family.”
“Eddie.”, Steve snaps. “Mrs. Y/L/N, she was denied but Dylan thought, maybe, there was something you could do to get them to reconsider. We haven’t told Aurora yet that she didn’t get in and all she’s been talking about is how excited she is to start school and make new friends there. If there’s anything you can do…or we can do…please. We’d do anything for our kids.”
“You remind me of my husband. He used to say the same thing all the time. One of things I always adored about him was the love he had for the girls.”
Eddie bit his lip and turned away as his knee began to bounce anxiously. Steve rests his hand on his leg, hoping your mom didn’t notice his sudden jumpiness.
“Thoughts, Mr. Munson?”
“No, ma’am.”, he sighs as he turns towards her and smiles. 
“I love them both to very much.”
“Is that why you stay away?”
“Mr. Harrington, I want to hear what he has to say.”
The metalhead sits up straighter as he fully gives her his attention. 
“She still cries over you two not being in their lives, you know? When she found out she was pregnant with Aurora she said she felt alone because she had no one to tell besides Kierra. It kills her that her father didn’t get to meet any of her children but what hurts her even more is you CHOOSE to stay away and even worse one of her kids, Dylan, is aware of that to.”
“We’re highly aware our relationship is taboo but we just want what’s best for these three.” Eddie points to the picture. “That’s why we adopted Dylan after his own biological father basically abandoned him. That’s why we worked hard to become better. I own the mechanic shop and Steve became a teacher.”
“That’s why I didn’t go to the interview.”, Steve sighed. “Even though it fucking killed me. Y/N’s afraid that Aurora will experience the same heartache Dylan did when Charlie never showed up for his games or school stuff and I assured her it’s not the same. Truth is I felt like my dad by not going. It would just destroy me if any of my kids thought for one second I didn’t care about what they’re interested in.”
Eddie reached out to rub his arm comfortingly causing Steve to flash him a small smile. 
“We’ll, um, let you get back to work. Thank you for hearing us out.”
“Mr. Harrington. Mr. Munson.” They stop as they rise and she hands them back their photos. “I never wanted my girls to struggle. Growing up in Hawkins I’m sure you’re aware that people gossip. I never wanted that for them. As parents I’m sure you also understand that…I thought I was doing the right thing… I thought if people saw them a certain way…”
“People always saw us a certain way… trailer trash and preppy rich boy. You daughter never saw that. She only ever saw Eddie and Steve. If Y/N thought the way you did she probably wouldn’t have even given us the time of day. Two random guys living across from her listening to loud metal music and working low wage jobs.”
“God Ed, I don’t even want to think about that.”, Steve sighed. 
“I’ll…I’ll see what I can do with the school but I can’t guarantee anything.”
“We understand.”
“Hey, where have you two been?”, you ask from your spot at the table where you were feeding James and Aurora lunch. 
“Dada. Da. Da.”
“Look, Daddy. I drew this for you.”
“Aw, thank you, princess. Where’s Dylan?”
She points in the living room and when they look that way they see his arm lift up to lazily wave making them smile. 
“Honey, why don’t you go finish your lunch with him over there?”
“No, dada! Dylan will eat it all.”
“I will not!”
“Ok, ok. Just…go away so the adults can talk bad about you.” She giggles at Eddie’s joke as she grabs her plate and starts to run that way. “Slowly please.”
“What did you two do that we needed the kids to at least be out of earshot?”
“We took Dylan’s advice and went to talk to your mother.”, Steve answers calmly.
You couldn’t help but smirk as you shook your head, wiping James’s mouth before giving him more food.
“You know, the Munson-Harrington spouses really struggle with boundaries when it comes to parents.”
“She said she’d talk to them. She also agreed with you…that we all should have gone.”
“Well shit, Eddie. I guess that makes everything ok.”
“Y/N…”, Steve began with a rough tone but exhaled as he tried to control his temper. “Y/N, what do we need to do to make this better?”
“Ma, ma.”, James coos as he reaches for your hand that had been hovering with his next bite.
Shaking your head again, you put his spoon back on the plate and slid it over to Eddie. 
“Can you finish feeding him please? Thank you.”
Without saying another word, you got up and headed for the bedroom. 
“Dylan, are we different?”, Aurora asks her brother from her spot on his bed.
The young boy swivels around on his gaming chair so he could give her his full attention. You had been headed up stairs to tuck her in but as soon as you heard her question, you paused and took a seat on the top step. 
“What do you mean, brat?”
“I talked to some of the kids…at the place mommy and daddy showed me…they said they only have one daddy.”
Eddie noticed you sitting and silently asked what you were doing. You motioned for him to quietly come sit beside you and he obliged. 
“Yeah, we’re a little different but that’s ok. Being different is cool. Plus, we’re all happy. Are you happy?”
“Yeah!”, she giggles making you smile. 
“Good. Now if anyone is every mean to you because we’re different, you tell me and I’ll beat ‘em up for you.”
“Dylan! No!”, she laughs harder causing Steve to poke his head around the banister. Tip toeing, he climbed to where you both were sitting and sat on the step below yours just between your legs. 
“Oh, yeah. I’ll bring James with me to.”
“No! James is too little… Dylan…why would kids be mean?”
“Because people sometimes react badly to things they don’t understand. That doesn’t make it ok but…”, he sighs. 
“A-Are kids mean to you?”
“Sometimes but it’s ok—”
“No! It’s not ok. I beat them up! Leave my bra-der alone!”
“Shhhh!”, Dylan laughs as he scoots closer to her. “That will stay between us. Mom will kill me if she found out I taught you that.”
Your head tilts as you silently nod and both men grin at your reaction. 
“I was going to say it’s ok because I have you guys now. Did you know when I was your age it was just me and mom?” He widens his eyes playfully as she does the same. “Kids at school would make fun of me because I only had a mom. That’s how I met Noah actually. He defended me.”
“I don get it. They were mean because you had no daddy an now they’re mean because we have two?”
“Weird isn’t it?” Dylan laughs making her smile. “That’s why I say, as long as you’re happy who cares what people think because, honestly, it’s way to complicated to make those other fuckers happy.”
Smacking Eddie’s shoulder, you get to your feet and casually stroll into his room. 
“I heard that. Between you and Eddie, we’ll have enough money in the swear jar to send Aurora to college and have some left-over for James.” Both kids cackle as Dylan, smacks a dollar into your hand. “Come on, little miss. It’s time for bed.”
As you lift her in your arms, both men start talking outside on the stairs loud enough for everyone to hear. 
“You know Steve, if she’s going to be starting school soon we need to get to work building that tower to lock her inside and—Oh, hey, Ro.”
“No, daddy! Dylan and mommy won’t let you. Right?”
“That’s right, my love.”, you smile as you kiss her forehead. “Who’s reading to you tonight?”
“You, mama.”
“Traitor.” She giggles at Eddie, waving her hand at them both as you carry her into her room.
“What are you looking at so intently?”, the metalhead asks as he steps out of the steamy bathroom drying his hair. 
“Huh? Oh, I’m looking at other school options for Rara.”
Eddie grins at Steve’s casual pronunciation of how his daughter says her name. Now that she’s gotten older, she’s gotten better at saying it correctly but occasionally he’ll still call her that making everyone beam at him. 
“You don’t have faith in her mom?”
“I just want to be prepared. Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of closer options around here.”, he sighs. “My mom suggested a school they almost sent me to but she’d be living there and I’ll be damned if that’s going to happen. Plus, the tuition is insane.”
After sliding on some boxers and jumping onto the bed beside him, Eddie tenderly kissed the man’s shoulder before looking at the computer screen with him.
“Good to know you’re not one of those preppy douchebags, Harrington.”
Steve flashed him a sassy smirk leaning over to kiss his cheek. 
“That school is the only private school within a route I’m afraid.” Their eyes glance towards you as you saunter in and close the bedroom door. “Our only other options would be the one IN Hawkins downtown or driving an hour every day. Which, I mean, I’d do it for her if that’s what she wanted.”
“So, you don’t have faith in your mom either?”, Eddie sighs.
 “I actually do. Like Dylan said if anyone can change their mind it’s her. I’m just…sayin’. The only reason I know is because after he was born she thought a private school would be good for him but Charlie and I didn’t have that kind money then.” You climb up onto the bed facing them as you cross your legs. “I think it all worked out though because the classes he takes at Hawkins High he seems to like.”
Steve closes the computer and places it off to the side as they give you their full attention. 
“You hurt my feelings.”, you sigh. “I’ve never once thought about hiding our relationship to get something done.”
“That’s not true.” You glared at Eddie as he spoke. “We hid our relationship that whole first year we were together. When Steve’s dad thought you were just with him you didn’t correct him.”
“That was different.”
“How?”, Steve countered. 
“Your dad was berating you. I didn’t want to make that worse and when it came to us that first year we were afraid Charlie would use that to take Dylan.”
“So you lied for your son? Yeah… that’s what we were doing for Ro.”
“Steve should have been there…”
“Yeah, and you needed to be there for Dylan. We can play this game all day, Y/N.”, Steve argued causing you to fold your arms in frustration. “We make sacrifices for our kids. Obviously, this one was unnecessary but… we thought this is what was best.”
“So did my mother when she told us to tell people that our mom runs a ‘sophisticated company’ and our father is a ‘businessman’. My dad was a mechanic like you, Ed, and my mom IS pretty high up in the company she works for but she would make people believe she was like CEO or some shit.”, you roll your eyes. “Kierra and I had to be ‘little ladies’ which was stupid because none of the kids were proper like how she claimed. Another reason I liked it.”
Eddie reached out to caress your cheek making you smile. 
“It was exhausting. I don’t want that for her. I don’t want her or James to pretend to be people they aren’t.”
“What about Dylan?”
“Pfft, have you met our son? He’s always been himself and then some.”, you laugh. “Remember, this is the kid that stood up to your father twice and told him he was mean.”
“God, yeah. First time anyone ever stood up for me. That was also the first time he said I was his dad.”, Steve gently grinned as Eddie rubbed his back. “I hated it to, Y/N. You have no idea how much I hated not going to that interview. My dad never went or participated in anything I did…like at all. It practically killed me when she came in and said she wished I could have gone. She sounded so sad…”
“Steve, your dad didn’t go to your stuff because he was selfish. You are nothing like him. Same with Eddie. When I saw your dad…I agreed with Steve. After meeting him and your mom, I have no idea how you came out so amazing.”
“Wayne, mostly. On the outside he always seemed like a hardass but he’s a good man. Then I met Stevie here. Add you and that heathen who moved in across from us and you get the man I am today.”, Eddie beams widely making you two laugh. “Without Wayne, I’d probably be an asshole who ended up in jail to.”
“I don’t think so, babe. Your heart is too big.”
“Soooo… are we friends again?”
“Nope. I’m going to hate you forever.”, you joke with a smile.
“Mhmm.” Steve and Eddie look at each other before playfully tackling you flat to the mattress making you laugh. 
“So, if you hate us then that means you don’t want us to make love to you tonight, right? Because we can just go to bed and—”
The metalhead smiles as you cut him off with a passionate kiss.
“Is it ok…if we…”, you blush as you point towards the closet making Eddie chuckle harder at your bashfulness. 
“Still? The strap on STILL makes you all shy?”
“Eddie, don’t tease her. She’s had a rough couple of days.”
“Fiiiiiine.”, he whines as he rolls off the bed to grab the toy. 
“You know, if you’re going to be mean, I think we should use these to.”, you smirk, digging into your bed side table drawer and producing the handcuffs.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, princess.”
Steve gently pets your head and kisses your temple before tugging on Eddie’s hand, yanking him to the mattress and taking hold of his wrists. As he secures him to the headboard, the metalhead tenderly places kisses along the man’s chest making him bite his bottom lip. 
“’Bout time you had to wear these.”, he jokes as he leans down to quickly kiss the boy’s lips and climbs to the edge of the bed to help you get into your device. “You almost got it this time, baby.”
“These straps here confuse me.”
“Don’t worry, honey. I got you. We’ll always be here to take care of you.”
Cupping his cheeks in your hands, you softly kiss his lips. 
“I’m sorry for snapping at you…at both of you. I should have explained myself better.”
“Hey, don’t worry about that anymore, ok? No matter what happens we’ll figure this thing out together.”
You nod as you glance towards Eddie who smiles and nods his head as well. While Steve guides the one end of the toy inside of you sex, you groan as you cling to him, a shaky breath escaping from his as well. 
“Wow. That slid into you so easily. We haven’t even touched you yet and you’re already so wet.”
“I’m excited to use this again.”, you whisper.
“Yeah? Well, why don’t you use Eddie’s pretty little mouth and I’ll get his sexy ass ready?”
Your grin grows as you give him one more kiss and climb back onto the bed near the long-haired boy’s head. Placing the silicone near his lips, he opens his mouth, and gladly takes you in as you slowly thrust your hips forward. Hearing him groan, you glance towards his lower half, and see Steve casually stroking Eddie’s length as his teases his entrance with his tongue.
“Does that feel good, baby?”, you ask as you pull yourself away.
“Y-You have no idea. Fuck.”
Mewling at his whimpers, you thrust the toy into his mouth again as you watch Steve lift the other boy’s legs, practically folding him in half as he continues to lick inside of him while occasionally spitting into his hole and pushing it in with his fingers. 
“Shit. You two are so sexy together. I’m gonna cum.”
Continuing to pump Eddie’s cock, Steve leaned forward to capture your lips sloppily with his own as you chased your high. Panting into his mouth, your body shuddered as you came.
“Are…are you…okay?”, you coo as you back away and tilt down to move some of the metalhead’s hair out of the way. 
“Yeah, sweetheart. I’m perfect.”, he answers in a gravely tone that has you swooning as you kiss his lips. 
“Do you want to take him or do you want me to and then you take me?” Steve chuckles lightly as he watches your breathing stutter at the second option before grabbing the lube off the nightstand and handing it to you. “Give me a minute.”
Opening his legs wide, both their mouths fall open as Steve gradually pushes his cock into the other man’s entrance, falling forward to tenderly kiss his lips. 
“Jesus, Eddie. You always feel so good, baby.” Eddie’s dick twitches at his words making the other boy smirk as he casually rolls his hips, watching as the man tugs at his restraints. “You want to touch me? Can’t you feel me already, sweetheart? Because, fuck me, I can feel every part of you.”
After placing the lube back in on the table, you gently brush some of Steve’s hair away from his eyes. 
“Are you ready?” Silently he nods and you take your place behind him, firmly taking hold of his hips. 
As you slowly push the toy into him, a moan leaves his lips that has your pussy clenching around the end inside of you. 
“How does that feel, Steve?”
Eddie’s eyes scan over the man’s features taking note of the blissed out state he was currently in. 
“She asked you something.”, he whispers causing the other man to lick his lips as he tries to form a coherent thought. 
“I…good…too good.”
Holding onto him, you pull your hips all the back before thrusting forward hard and he falls into Eddie’s neck to muffle the scream of pleasure that wanted to be heard. Working his own rhythm, as you continued to pump into him, Steve pushed back into you and down into Eddie causing you both to moan and whimper. 
“I…I’m not gonna…last long…FUCK! E-Eddie, you have to feel this.”
Steve chases his high and you pound into him, trembling as you cum. After a few more rough thrusts, he collapses on his husband’s chest as he fills him up. He mewls as you try to gently pull out of him, caressing his back as you do.
Moving out of the way, he comes up beside you and almost manically places wet kisses along your neck. 
“So fucking sexy, pretty girl. Do you need help?” After you nod, he pushes you closer to Eddie while holding his leg up by the knee. Lining you up, Steve guides you into the man underneath you.
“Oh, whoa!”, you stutter, catching your palms on Eddie’s stomach. 
“Jesus fucking Christ…”
“Eddie, baby, I’m so sorry. Y-You’re so wet. I—”
Steve’s hand lightly covered your mouth as he kissed your cheek. 
“Look at him, honey. He’s falling apart in a good way.”, he murmurs making your eyes flutter shut. Straddling Eddie’s waist, he reaches behind him, and guides his cock into his body. 
“Oh fuck y—”
Steve smiles as he cuts off the boy’s profanity. “Shhh! Baby, I know. I know it feels good. You have to be quiet though.” Eddie nods as the man lifts his hand and places them on either side him on the mattress as he bounces on top of him. “Just keep looking at me, okay?”
Your own pace began to quicken as you wrapped your arms around the man in front of you for leverage, rolling your hips hard as you slammed into him. Steve felt your forehead rest against his equally sweaty back and he reached up to rub your arms as your pace faltered before coming undone behind him. 
As he mumbled under his breath, Eddie did something he had never done before. After releasing his spend inside of the man above him, he began to softly cry like you had done a few times. 
“Eddie? Are you okay? Do you need anything?”, Steve whispered as he hovered above him. 
You had known these men almost ten years and you already knew exactly what he needed. He groaned as you pulled out of him and crawled up the bed to release him from his binds. The handcuffs clattered to the mattress as Steve quickly climbed off him and Eddie rolled on to his side, tugging you into his embrace. 
Feeling you wince, he blindly unhooked the straps on your hips and gently removed the toy before tossing it to the end of the bed. Doing what they did with you, Steve laid behind him and wrapped his strong arm around you both as he petted your hair and kissed Eddie’s shoulder. 
After a few minutes, he finally released you from his hold and kissed your forehead.
“I love you.”
“I love you to.”, you beam up at him. “Did that feel good?”
“So fucking good.” The metalhead grins when he hears Steve’s throaty laugh. “I’m not going to lie…I’m way to fucked out for my legs to work for a bath.”
“Well, thankfully for a bath, you sit.”
“A ha ha, Harrington. I just want to lay here and be clingy.”
“I’ll get a towel.”, the man whines as he playfully rolls his eyes. 
A knock on the door the next morning startles everyone as you quickly get up to answer it. 
“Mom? Hi. How did you—”
“Wayne told me where you guys were now. I hope I’m not intruding. May I come in? I have some news.” 
“Hi!”, Aurora shouts as she pushes past your legs towards the front door. “I’m Aurara. It’s very nice to meet you.” She extends her little hand to your mother who grins as she shakes it. 
“Excuse me. Who invited you over here?”, you tease as your turn her towards the living room. “Go get your dads, please.” 
She giggles as she waves at your mom before doing what you ask. You gesture inside and she thanks you as she steps into your home, taking a look around. 
“I, uh, told Mr. Munson she looks exactly like him.”
“Yeah, she has his energy to.”, you reply as you lead her through the kitchen to the table. 
“We were summoned?”, Eddie jokes till he sees he sees your mom and glances towards you. “Everything ok?”
“She said she had some news.”
Her smile grows as Steve ventures in with James in his arms.
“Goodness. Seeing you two side by side, I don’t think these kids got any of your genes.”
“That’s what I keep saying but…”
“He does have your nose though which is your dad’s nose.”
“Dada.”, James coos as he pats the man’s chest.
“Is that the only word he knows?”
“Why are you here, mom? I’d rather get this out of the way and have you leave before they get attached to you. I’m not going to let you hurt them the way you did Dylan.”
Both men take a seat as Steve reaches for your hand. 
“I, um, got Aurora a second interview at that school but their stipulation is that they meet all of you. They actually said they loved her a lot. She has a bright personality and seemed eager to learn. When she talked about you three, it was nothing but positive things especially when it came to her dads. So, yeah, she hasn’t gotten approved but I think if you three go in there strong, I don’t see why they wouldn’t.”
“Thank you. We appreciate you doing that for her.”, Eddie replies. 
“How is Dylan? Is he here?”
“Not for you, he’s not.”, you growl. 
“Look, Y/N, I understand—”
“No, see the thing is you don’t understand. Our entire life you never understood what it was like to have to constantly pretend to be something you’re not. To feel like I had to lie to make you happy. I did that my entire life and the one time I did something that made ME happy you disappeared. Not only did you disappear but you sided with Steve’s asshole father and threw a tantrum around town.”
“I know how this town can be! I know that there are many people like Bill who would cause problems! When I married your father my own parents disowned me for ‘marrying trash’!”, she sighed.
“Sounds familiar.”, Eddie murmured. 
“It’s…It’s not the same.”, she stammers.
“How? When you first met them you said Eddie was trailer trash with a bad reputation because of his father and that Steve was lazy and immature. Charlie was a cheating, dead beat dad but somehow these two were worse.”
Tiny fingers touch your face and you turn to see James’s big honey brown eyes scan you over.
“Ma… mama.”
Falling into your arms, he wraps his little limbs around your neck before leaning back to make small kissing motions on your nose till you can’t help but laugh.
“James, my love. You are getting slobber all over mommy’s face.”
“Y/N…I’d like to try… with you and Kierra.”
Situating your son, your eyes lock with hers. 
“Can you accept my relationship with these two?”
Her gaze shifts between them both as they sit up straighter.
“We’re not Charlie, Allen, or Bill. We love her and those kids and we’re not going anywhere.”, Steve affirms. 
Your mom Spidey sense tingles as you turn towards the stairs. 
“Weirdo, may as well add your two cents.”
Dylan comes into view and places himself beside Eddie. 
“We’re a family.”, he shrugs. “I think I speak for my mom as well when I say we’re a lot happier as Munson-Harrington’s then we ever were as anything else.”
The metalhead circled his arm around his son’s waist as the boy pats his shoulder. Aurora skids into the room and places a piece of paper on the table in front of your mother. 
“Here you go! I drew this for you. I hope you like it.”, she blushes. As she turns to run back into the living room she hits Dylan’s hip who promptly turns to run after her. 
Your mom softly smiles as she looks at picture your daughter drew. 
“Next weekend, after the interview, maybe the six of you could come by and tell me how it went… you, your children, and your husbands.”
After walking her out, you ask Dylan to watch the kids so you can make lunch. 
“I’m going to freshen up real quick. Please for the love God, be nice to each other.”
“No promises.”, you son jokes as he pokes his sister’s side making her laugh. 
Both men follow you into the bedroom and as soon as the door closes, you fold into Steve’s chest and let go.
“It’s ok, honey. Everything’s ok.”
“This is a good thing, sweetheart, and hey this doesn’t absolve her off the past five years but it’s a step in the right direction.”
“Oh, baby, did you hear that? Eddie’s breaking out the big words.” They smile when you laugh. “He’s right though. If you still decide you don’t want a relationship with her that’s alright. The kids still have Wayne and my mom.”
“Which reminds me, I need to scold my uncle. He didn’t warn us or nothing!”
Releasing Steve from your grasp, you turn to cling to Eddie.
“I never thought I’d ever hear her acknowledge you two that way. I love you both so much.”
The sound of Dylan calling out to his brother followed by James crying pulls you three apart as you sigh. Eddie kisses your lips before Steve does the same. 
“We love you to, Y/N.”
@adequate-superstar @kalinaselennespeaks @nailbatanddungeon
@dad-steddie @manda-panda-monium @alligator-person
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@kik51199 @strngrlytn @idkidknemore @damon-loves-pie
@k-k0129 @micheledawn1975 @eddie86baby
@justmeandmymeanderingthoughts @3rriberri
@sashaphantomhive @chelebelletx @big-ope-vibes
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The Winchester Family: A Rant
Can I just say that Sheriff Jody Mills was more of a mother to Sam and Dean Winchester more than Mary ever was, even after Amara brought her back. Like I guess no hate to Mary...? But like isn't the whole thing about the Winchesters is that family isn't just blood. They developed wayy closer bonds than the ones with Mary, and I know it isn't necessarily her fault, but she wasn't there. Like I dunno, I just wasn't in love with Mary coming back, especially since when she did come back, it seemed like she saw they were grown up and like, didn't care..? Like it felt like she went "oh my job is done these are just two grown dudes that I gave birth to once." Like I know its a weird situation, but as a person who grew up watching Once Upon a Time, where like almost the same thing happened, with Snow, David, and Emma, I can't help but compare their reactions and Mary just didn't stack up.
Snow and David were so ecstatic to see Emma and tried so hard to make up for lost time and parent her as much as they could. They kept trying even as Emma pushed them away saying she was grown and that her and her parents were technically the same age. Throughout the show they found a way to still be her parents while still acknowledging she was grown. It was really beautiful to see, but in comparison Mary did not stack up.
Yes, she is a badass, and, yes, her identity should not solely surround her being the boys' mother, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't be a mother at all. It would've been nice to see her figure out a way to strike the balance the Snow and David did, and I never got that vibe. In Supernatural, it seemed the opposite. It was Dean and Sam trying to be her sons and she pushed them away for the same reasons. I'm not saying she was a bad person, or even a bad mother, as it was a really weird situation and I can't necessarily blame her for how she dealt with it. What I AM saying, though, is that her name had no right to be carved onto that table. Point. Blank. Period.
Also, by the way, since I'm complaining, that weird episode with the pearl thing that let John Winchester come back so they could have a family dinner?????? As if that could truly be what Dean desired. Are you fucking kidding me. John sucked, made them both feel like shit, abused them, and yet that was the "family dinner" we got. It's been a while since I watched the show, so Idk a timeline, but screw the timeline for a sec. Across the entire show, a true family dinner would be Dean and Cas with their son Jack, Sam as the Uncle with Eileen, Bobby and Jody as the Dean and Sam's parents (because, unlike Mary, I very much feel like Jody struck that balance even though they weren't her actual sons) and Jody's brigade of wayward sisters trailing behind her, Donna as like the step-mother or aunt (Idk how Donna fits, I just LOVE Donna), and Charlie as Sam and Dean's little sister. Jo, Ellen, and Ash pop in with Rufus as those family members that are close, but you can't quite pinpoint how exactly you're related to them. Bonus: Kevin and Linda Tran come over like friendly neighbors because, even though they have a family of their own, the Trans are definitely close to the Winchesters, though, whether they like it or not. As much as I'd like to add Adam (to make up for him being left in the pit), I have a feeling he wouldn't want to. He seemed like a guy who refused to subscribe to the idea that because they were blood, they were family. (Maybe Sam and Dean should've learned a thing or two).
Sam and Dean had a much bigger, and better, family then just John and Mary, but it was never really acknowledged fully and in the best way.
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cheeseceli · 11 months
Moving on
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pairing: ex!Changbin × gn!Reader
genre: angst, small drabble
Description: you found out that Changbin has moved on, and maybe it's your time to let your love story behind
Warnings: none i think? Not proofread
Request: yes!
A/n: probably not my best work but I liked it nevertheless, hope this is what you wanted!
Pt 2
You didn't believe the news when you first saw them. You thought it was some sort of clickbait or a marketing strategy, but it was true. After looking up in every website you could find, you finally understood that Changbin was going to get married.
You were looking down the Stray Kids' instagram, seeing the photos that announced oh so happily that Changbin, the man who is used to be the love of your life, was now an engaged man. The photos were beautiful. Both looked happy. Of course they were.
You should have stopped scrolling down the social media because now you were too deep down. You saw every single picture the couple had together and, you're not one to lie, they looked cute together. You read every comment you could find congratulating the two of them. The other members were so excited with the news. Everyone was filled with joy.
Why couldn't you?
You two broke up more than three years ago, and you did so in good terms. There was no thing such as a horrible fight, or external influences like jealousy and it wasn't toxic. Actually, that relationship was the most perfect thing you could have had in your whole romantic life and Changbin was your dream man. But sadly you were not born to the wall of fame.
The relationship ended because you didn't want your faces in every gossip magazine. You wanted to have datings without being followed for paparazzi. You didn't want fans nor haters. Gosh, once the media found out you were dating one of the best rappers in the kpop industry you even gained your own fan club. Of course, Changbin and JYP crew tried to give you as much comfort and privacy as possible, but there is a certain limit to what they could've done. It wasn't enough for you. You wanted to be away from the public attention. The only possible way to have it was to be apart from your now ex boyfriend.
God knows you both tried your best. But he was made for the stage and it would be selfish of you take it away from him. But you didn't want anything related to fame, and it would be selfish of him to ask you to stay. You would break up, stay as friends and then maybe, in the future, you could try again.
Sadly, future didn't wait for you. Now he loved someone new and would soon settle down with them. You knew it's been a while but you weren't expecting to see this happen. You were not prepared.
What hurts more to see was that the new love of Changbin's life wasn't famous. You were expecting to see another idol, an actor or a model, but you met a normal person. Someone who lived a life away from the spotlights but didn't mind seeing Changbin shine. And you knew you shouldn't be comparing but you couldn't help but think: if I had endured the pressure, would we still be together?
If only you were a little bit stronger back then.
But you guys were friends. That's how you decided it would be. You talked with each other occasionally and the person he is now engaged with has even met you already. It was a healthy situation. So, you had the obligation to congratulate him even though you were dying inside.
"Hey" you texted him "I saw the news. Congratulations Binnie, you guys deserve all the happiness in the world."
Binnie: "Y/n, hey. Thank you so much!! How are you by the way? It has been a while since we last talked"
You laughed through the tears that were forming in your eyes. How were you supposed to reply? How could you just text him something like "I am heartbroken as we speak because I wish that you were marrying me instead" or "I feel horrible because I wanted to be happy for you but I can only feel sadness and even jealousy"? No, you couldn't say that.
You: "I'm fine. I certainly do not have breaking news like you lmao"
Binnie: "Haha, fair enough."
Binnie: "Also, I wanted to ask you before I lose my courage, would you like to come to the wedding?"
For a second your mind went blank. You couldn't belive he had just asked that.
Binnie: "I know that this is probably super awkward considering that we are exes, but I swear it's fine with us! Actually, my partner is the one who gave this idea. They like you a lot haha."
Binnie: "But it's okay if you don't want to."
You: "I'd love to." No you wouldn't. "Just send me the invitation and I will be there."
Binnie: "Really? That's amazing! Once everything's ready we'll send the informations to you!"
You: "I can't wait."
You don't know if he sent you any more texts. Truly, you didn't want to know. Even if you did, you wouldn't be able to read the message with your teary eyes. What the hell were you doing? Going to your ex's wedding only to see the man you still love confessing his feelings to someone who isn't you is only going to break your heart even more.
But maybe that's exactly what you needed. You needed to break your heart so much so he could get out of there, so you could move on. After all, you shouldn't spend all your years loving someone who isn't available for you, and will never be. You're still allowed to be part of his life and that should make you satisfied. You would pretend to be happy for him until those feelings became true.
And maybe, after everything, you'd be able to fall in love one more time. With someone new, someone who would make you forget the man you cannot have now.
feedbacks and reblogs are very much appreciated!
what if i make a part 2 where y/n gets to be with this someone new?
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gnomewithalaptop · 2 months
I am once again thinking about my Reverse Falls plot bunny where Canon!Dipper switches places with his Rev Falls counterpart
Just hear me out! Like -- the dynamics would be so good. Because in either universe, the twins know each other better than anybody else, right? They've known each other their entire lives! So they'd obviously realize something was up pretty quickly, but the way that goes down would vary wildly depending on the combo you've got going on
That's why I really want Canon!Dipper in the Reverse universe -- out of the two of them, I definitely think he could "fake it til you make it" a bit longer than Mabel, but I also think the potential dynamics between him and Rev!Pacifica and Rev!Gideon would be fascinating to see play out. Cause like, let's be real: that kid can hold some grudges, and he's pretty pessimistic when it comes to people and second chances (at least compared to Mabel). I can see him having a really hard time wrapping his head around the personality shifts and trusting Pacifica and Gideon with anything -- which would only make things harder, since they'd already be predisposed to hating his guts. But also, just the idea of Dipper trying to navigate a strange world where his family is full of manipulative bastards and the entire town seems terrified of him makes my inner ten-year-old extremely happy
And then the dynamics with Rev!Dipper and Canon!Mabel would be playing out in tandem with all of this. And the script is completely flipped from Canon!Dipper's, because Mabel doesn't go into this knowing something's wrong. She has to figure that out for herself from context cues, and like. I doubt "evil mirrorverse version of my brother" is going to be her first guess right off the bat. So you get extra wiggle room for Rev!Dipper to get situated as a quasi-antagonist and start screwing things up, and you get fun hijinks while Mabel and the gang make several very wrong choices about what's going on with Dipper
And like. Okay, so: I've always interpreted Reverse!Dipper as somebody who's very pragmatic -- he's very much an "ends justify the means" sort of guy. Don't get me wrong, he's not as vindictive as Canon!Gideon, but he also isn't particularly sentimental either. He's lived his whole life in "every man for himself" mode (with some small exceptions for his sister).
And then I think about combining that kind of mindset with Mabel's unstoppable wave of optimism and endless harebrained schemes where she tries to make things better for a person she doesn't even know that well. And I think about Reverse!Dipper being faced with this realization that his world is dark and cold and uncaring because that's how he relates to the world.
Let's be real: at the end of the day, both sets of twins love each other so fiercely. It's just that the Rev Falls kids have gotten caught up in all these manipulation games and power plays, and once you get caught up in that kind of cycle, it becomes harder and harder to get out again. So I can see this swap having a positive shift on both the Rev Falls kids -- taking them away from their lives and showing them that they don't have to interact with the world this way
I'm thinking about Canon!Dipper seeing the humanity in Rev!Mabel and talking to her straight the way he did to Pacifica in Northwest Mansion Mystery. I think about how she hasn't gotten to be a kid because of the Tent of Telepathy's whole Dance Mom schtick, and finally getting it impressed upon her that that isn't normal. I'm thinking about Canon!Mabel showing Rev!Dipper it's okay to trust people and let them in. That he doesn't have to treat the entire world like it's out to hurt him, doesn't need to strike first to make sure the other guy never gets a chance to
Anyway. This got so long but -- yeah. I yearn for the Gravity Falls Mirror Mirror episode that exists only in my mind
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pikatrainer99 · 7 months
This post is a follow-up to my post where I drew the Sinnoh Trio as TBH (autism) creatures. That is my personal headcanon and today I'm going to analyze these kids, and go more in-depth on why I hold this headcanon. I'm going to focus on one character at a time here, followed by a scene analysis of a particular important moment...so this will be a long post because these kids are SO neurodivergent and I love them so much.
First up, we have Pearl, who is my favorite of the Sinnoh Trio and the one I relate to the most. My personal headcanon for him is that he is AuDHD (both autistic and ADHD). I also headcanon him to have an anxiety disorder (specifically GAD) because he is constantly freaking out over pretty much everything (which is so relatable as someone who has GAD myself). There's so many panels that show his anxiety that I honestly can't pick ones to include here...
Anyway, on to the ADHD, Pearl exhibits many traits. He is constantly on the move and impatient and loud, and wants everything to be done immediately. He's energetic and much faster compared to Diamond and Platinum, even to the point of always being the first one to wake up every morning. This is, in my opinion, the ADHD side of him, it reminds me a lot of my ADHD brothers who act like this often. Because of these traits, I personally feel like Pearl has the hyperactive type of ADHD rather than the inattentive type, as he is shown to be not scatterbrained and is capable of focusing on whatever he's doing quite well, even able to go into hyperfocus mode at times, which is an extremely ND thing to do (and is common in both autism and ADHD). He is also the most rational of the trio, which I always found interesting that they actually gave the Barry counterpart the brain cell. So yeah, he's hyperactive, but to me he doesn't seem to have many issues with his attention span.
Now, onto Pearl's autism, which I feel more confident to talk about because I'm autistic myself and I know what to look for in terms of traits and behaviors, and the first thing I noticed with Pearl is that he has a CLEAR special interest in comedy. He's INCREDIBLY passionate about it, he's the one who decided that he and Diamond should become a comedy duo, he's the one who writes all their scripts and all their sketches, he's the one who always initiates practice time, and he's DEFINITELY the one who takes it the most seriously out of the duo, to the point where he had (what seems like to me) a legit meltdown about how Diamond didn't stick to the script and how awful their performance in the comedy competition was because of it, complete with yelling, nearly bursting into tears, and being afraid that Diamond was breaking the promise they'd made to become comedians all the way back when they were 4 years old. Looking back on it now, I think THAT was his biggest problem with the whole situation and what caused him to completely explode like that in the first place, because once Diamond reassures him that he's not breaking the promise, Pearl IMMEDIATELY cheers up and tells him "No use moping about today then!" when that was EXACTLY what he was doing just seconds ago. He then initiates practice time for NEXT MONTH'S comedy competition, his mind ALREADY hyperfocusing on their next opportunity...and this is their INTRODUCTION SCENE! This all LITERALLY happens within the first few pages of volume 1 of the DP arc! Here's the scene I'm talking about.
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Also in regards to his special interest in comedy, there's something he does with Diamond that I've gotta talk about...and that's using the comedy routines as their own special way of communicating. They use it almost as if it's their own language, they use it to process things, they use it to give hints to Platinum when she's battling, they even use it when they meet someone new as kind of a judge of their character (in the minds of these children, if they make the person laugh, the person can be trusted, if not, stay away...that kinda thing). He even outright tells Platinum that he uses it to communicate through rhythm. I always found it interesting how they used the comedy like that, and it definitely helps with my belief that it is in fact, a special interest for them, as special interests do actually be like that, I speak from experience. Here's some examples of this usage of the comedy routines.
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Another thing about Pearl that I noticed is he's REALLY not good at communicating how he's feeling or what's on his mind. He also is (brutally at times) honest, speaks his mind, and doesn't sugarcoat things. He can come off as rude and bossy because of this, even though he's really a good kid. This is something I relate to because I'm the same way, I also struggle with communicating my thoughts and feelings, and I'm also brutally honest, speak my mind and don't sugarcoat things. I have been perceived as rude and bossy so many times in my life it's not even funny. Another thing I find relatable about Pearl is that he can't lie to save his life (neither can I), here's a good example of such a moment.
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(Uh-huh...SUUUURRRREEEE ya did, Pearl XD)
Also, while we're on the topic of expression, Pearl is VERY hyperexpressive, which is once again, very much an ND thing (I am hyperexpressive a lot of the time myself)...he almost always reacts to basically anything in an over-the-top, exaggerated way, compared to Diamond and Platinum's more calm and composed approach to things...I'm seriously thinking of doing a post of all of my favorite Pearl expressions because he's got so many great ones!
Pearl seems to exhibit low empathy (a stark contrast to Diamond's hyperempathy), but he really does care about his friends and will even help wild Pokémon. The wild Luxio that he helped in the chapter titled "Extreme Luxio" is one of my favorite Pokémon in the whole manga and his dynamic with it is very wholesome. He figures out that it's being ostracized by its pride because of the fact that it's disabled - its claws are too short, which makes it harder for it to communicate with the others in its pride. Pearl helps it out, and even says to the others, "Listen all of you, it's got a disability, and can't communicate as clearly as the rest of you! That's no reason to reject it!" He was quite angered by this situation and when you put my headcanon into perspective here, it's quite easy to see why. But anyway, point is, he went out of his way to advocate for and help a disabled Pokémon, and it leads to one of the best Trainer/Pokémon bonds in the series in my opinion, as the Luxio comes back later, now a Luxray and the leader of its pride...and decides to become one of Pearl's Pokémon. That moment is so sweet and wholesome and I'll just leave the picture of their reunion here for you guys. Look at them hug! They're so happy to see each other again!
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Pearl also seems to have hypersensitive hearing (as do I), as demonstrated when he hears someone who's basically lost his voice calling out for help from a ways away.
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He also experienced what I can't help but percieve as sensory overload in the Old Chateau when all the Gastly were hovering around the place making vibrations that were so loud it shook the room and it overwhelmed him a lot. I get it Pearl, that would be too much for me too...just look at his reactions here, he's clearly in pain.
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I also sometimes can't help but feel like Pearl is unaware of his own strength, like when he hits Diamond in their comedy routines...I get the feeling that he doesn't quite understand that he's hitting Diamond way too hard, as he seems shocked and taken aback when Diamond finally stands up to him and tells him he's not happy with everything he's been doing lately. Diamond makes it a point to make Pearl aware of how much getting smacked by him hurts...all I can say is, good for Dia, but judging from Pearl's reactions to his best friend's words...oof...just look for yourselves...
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My takeaway from this scene is that Pearl was being made aware of all this for the first time, and not only felt like a bad friend, but also, he was once again afraid that Diamond would leave him...which he really REALLY didn't want, and I totally get why, considering how long they've been friends and how much like brothers those two are (though Pearl is SO parentified during their journey it's insane and it's another HUGE stressor for him which does NOT do his anxiety any good). And now that I've decided to open THAT can of worms, I might just do a post about it as well. Because...yeah it's not good considering the fact that HE IS 12!!! Still very much A CHILD!!!
At least Pearl learns from his mistakes, which I really love his development. After his and Diamond's fight, he learns to mellow out a bit (that says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about his anxiety though). You can really tell that losing Diamond's friendship...that is one thing he absolutely DOES NOT want, and he makes a conscious effort to improve his treatment of him. He starts by not hitting Diamond in their comedy routines anymore, and even letting him come up with his own joke instead of always doing it himself and forcing his own ideas onto him. While he still yells a lot, it's mostly out of worry for his friends now rather than pure anger towards them. He even learns how to put himself in Diamond's shoes at one point, during his fight to protect Azelf from Team Galactic. I love this moment btw, it's a great moment of realization for him.
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All in all, in my opinion, Pearl is an amazing AuDHD character who goes through a great character arc (and unfortunately, a trauma arc as well, as per usual with PokéSpe protags...there's NO WAY he doesn't have PTSD after all he went through in both the DP and PT arcs, I refuse to believe he's fine after all that), and I absolutely wholeheartedly love this child like he's my own son. Now for the next member of the Sinnoh Trio...Diamond!
Diamond, in my opinion, is EASILY a hyperempathic autistic child...his Dexholder title is literally "The Empathizer" and he is associated with Mesprit, the Pokémon known as the Being of Emotion. He is the only member of the trio with more than one special interest from what I can see. His are comedy (which he shares with Pearl, but his interest is to a lesser extent than Pearl), cooking (which he's extremely good at and takes very seriously), and a TV show called Proteam Omega (which his enthusiasm for it is way too adorable honestly).
Diamond is the most impulsive member of the trio, which like how they gave the Barry counterpart the brain cell, I find it interesting that they made the Lucas counterpart the impulsive one. He possesses a strong sense of justice and wants to do what he believes is right, including stand up to Cyrus, much to Pearl's dismay (this was actually the catalyst for their big fight in volume 4). He is very intuitive, his emotional intelligence is mostly intuition to him and he's also much, MUCH more perceptive than he lets on, for example he knew the whole thing with him and Pearl being Platinum's bodyguards was a misunderstanding from the beginning, but he didn't say anything about it because he was enjoying their time together and didn't want it to end. Here's that scene where he reveals he knew all along.
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Diamond is a very calm, laid-back, "go with the flow" kind of kid. But I think this is because he's constantly feeling A LOT...he's extremely empathic, so he picks up on others' emotions easily and it happens so much he just keeps it all in and resorts to being incredibly calm throughout it all. When he DOES get upset or serious though, he's like a whole different person. He's hard to anger, but he is absolutely capable of getting angry. His anger though, is the tranquil fury kind. He's not explosive like Pearl, but rather, he gets much more serious and intense. Here's an example of angry Diamond.
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(He angy boi.)
Diamond is also an easy crier, of the Sinnoh Trio, he's the one who is the easiest to bring to tears...which I can't stand...everytime any of these three cry it breaks my heart...and we'll talk about the scene that's the biggest offender of that soon. I guess what I'm trying to say is, Diamond is the one who's most in tune with his emotions, compared to Pearl and Platinum, who struggle with that. It makes sense though considering his hyperempathy. Also, can I take a minute to mention that he has the type of big eyes that are similar to the TBH creature...? Yes...? Okay. He does. I saw a post about this recently and it's so true! His eyes are so similar to TBH it's not even funny! And it makes total sense too, that's the best part!
Diamond is more of a pacifist than Pearl and Platinum. He's a pure, sweet soul who can do no wrong. He doesn't like conflict, he much prefers to make people smile instead. I love this about him, I don't think there's a PokéSpe protag that actually acts their age as much as Diamond does. In my opinion Diamond is a precious autistic bean and I absolutely love him like a son as well. Now for the final member of the Sinnoh Trio...Platinum Berlitz!
Platinum is definitely a masker, she's incredibly good at passing for NT (probably because of her upbringing). But there are definitely cracks in that mask that I've picked up on. First, her special interest, which is learning and experiencing new things. She says that back home she always read a dozen books a day, but seeing her actually experiencing the things she'd read about and having so much fun is great, she throws herself wholeheartedly into everything she tries, it's honestly adorable. She is also a bad liar, though she at first "lies" all the time, even though Pearl sees right through it and catches her everytime. Here's some examples.
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Platinum is a stimmer. Plain and simple. She moves her arms up and down really fast when she's excited about something, and it's often accompanied by her saying "New experiences! New experiences!" in a sing-song voice.
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(Why is she so adorable?!)
She is also an infodumper...a MASSIVE infodumper...just look at this scene with Thorton as just one example.
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Platinum is also not the best with words, and finds that writing is the most effective way for her to organize her thoughts and feelings, as well as communicate them (relatable). She says so herself in volume 5, after finding out the truth that Diamond and Pearl are not her real bodyguards, and the scene of her reading the letter is so wholesome I love it so much!
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Another thing I've noticed with Platinum is that she is a mimicker (something I myself did A LOT as a child), despite all her attempts to deny it. She often copies things she sees the others doing, even mimicking...SMACKING HERSELF...at one point, as seen here, complete with quietly saying to herself "Stop it! Stop it!"
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She also has the capability to hyperfocus, particularly on details (when she thought that Diamond and Pearl were her bodyguards because green and red scarves were what she was told about them and since the boys had green and red scarves she immediately latched on to that specific detail despite everything else about them screaming that they're just kids). She also hyperfocuses when she's playing the slot machines in the Veilstone Game Corner in what is probably one of my favorite scenes in the manga, it's so funny! Because of that intense focus though, she is INCREDIBLY good at the slot machines which is hilarious to me considering she is like the richest person in Sinnoh and yet she still becomes addicted to gambling. I dunno, that scene is just funny, okay? I mean, look at her! She's so hyperfocused on it and it's just great!
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Platinum is my favorite rich girl character in any media ever, and the fact that she's autistic coded in my opinion really helps with that as well. But she's also just a sweetheart who loves learning things and is just such a precious child. They're all precious children and I love them all so much. They are my fictional children and I would die for them.
Now, time for the scene that gets me EVERY SINGLE TIME...the scene where they split up to try and protect the three lakes. Pearl goes to Lake Valor, Diamond to Lake Verity, and Platinum to Lake Acuity. On their first morning separated from each other, they wake up and realize everything is so different now that the Pokédex isn't beeping. They all talk to themselves about their morning routine, Pearl gets up first, and is always the first in the lobby, then Platinum comes down afterwards, then Diamond comes after that...and the Pokédex always beeps to let them know that everyone's there together...but now it's not making a peep. Once they realize that, they all start crying and breaking down...and it's heartbreaking to read every single time. Just look at these poor kids...
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Taking my headcanon into account here, I see this scene as not only being sad that they're separated from each other, but also the stress of their routine being broken for the first time since their journey started. The way they all recite step by step how their morning routine always went when they were together, and then just start breaking down when the realization hits that everything's different now...yeah, I relate to that feeling, if my routines are broken, I get real thrown off, recite how it's supposed to be, and then break down...it's very similar to what the Sinnoh Trio are experiencing in this scene. I would analyze more scenes but this post is already way too long as it is, so I'll leave it at just this one.
Well, that's it for my headcanon supportive analysis of the Sinnoh Trio from PokéSpe! These three are my favorite characters in the manga and this headcanon is one I will hold till the day I die. My two main beliefs I hold about these kids are this headcanon, and "Do Not Separate Them!"
I hope you all can understand where I'm coming from with all this headcanon stuff. Also, headcanon deniers, you STAY AWAY from this and do not interact with this! I know it's not canon, that's why it's called a HEADcanon...I don't force my headcanons onto other people, I just talk about them, so I don't need headcanon deniers forcing their "canon" beliefs onto me!
Thank you for reading, and I hope you all enjoyed this analysis! Please feel free to let me know how I did in the comments, and if you support this headcanon and think I missed anything, please let me know what I missed! This is only my second time doing this in my life after all, so I'm not used to this kinda stuff and I'm pretty nervous about it honestly.
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Ok, 2 thoughts 
1) I have this idea that Eri eventually becomes a hero called “Back Up!” (Yes, the exclamation point is included). It’s both a reference to her Quirk, and the fact she’s a “back up” hero, or serves as back up in most situations. She’s trained enough to use “Rewind” that she can use it safely, and she works as a doctor/field medic/“healing” hero. Like, they only call her in for serious shit, but she can reverse just about any injury beyond straight up death. She also can use Rewind to sort of “pause” a person, keep them in stasis, until other medical help arrives, but this isn’t, like, great for anyone when she does that, herself included, and it’s honestly easier and safer to just rewind a person so they never were hurt in the first place. She only uses the “pause” option for if there’s some weird interaction that Rewind might not effect, or if using Rewind would actually be detrimental (I headcanon that sometimes, using Rewind can be a shock to the system, so depending on the injury, it’s actually better to just “pause” the person and wait for medical help to arrive).
2) K, so, Hirokazu spends his first few months at U.A. flipping between charismatic and jackass “I’m better than everyone else”. He seems to have SPECIFIC BEEF with Nijiko, which is frustrating for all, Because Nijiko sees him as someone to admire and emulate (other kid with a bird Quirk, also has controllable feathers, but seems so much better at it than her, could he give her some tips?? He’s so cool?). The various kids complain to various parents, Katsuki is getting horrible flashbacks to her own childhood and teen years. Sports Fest happens, Nijiko and Hirokazu fight … and hoo boy. It is BRUTAL. Both Hirokazu and Nijiko end up knocked out of the tournament entirely - Nijiko due to injury, Hirokazu TECHNICALLY for the same reason. Like, that’s what they tell the public. In reality, Hirokazu was the big instigator for the fight, so the school is coming down on him for Excessive Force, and threatening to ban him from the internships. But Katsuki decides “No, I got this”, and puts in to have Hirokazu do his internship with her. School agrees, so now Dynamight has a week to try and beat some sense into Hothead.
(No idea who actually wins the Sports Fest? Either rando, not related to the Chaos Class, or possible Akiko, who just went Kirby on everyone and spat them out of the ring.)
So, Kats is dealing with Hirokazu Kazanawa, Hero Name: Notus, the Southern Wind, and internally apologizing to all her teachers because GOD, was she this self-absorbed? Like, Hirokazu spends half his internship complaining about Nijiko getting to intern with Hawks, when HE should have been, he’s CLEARLY better than her. Katsuki is kind of ripping her hair out, but LM is doing her internship with Deku (multiple Quirk use practice) so she helps out a bit. Anyway, eventually Katsuki does start to chip away at his exterior a bit. They even start getting a decent heart-to-heart going, about blame, and insecurity. In fact, it’s going really well, until Hirokazu realizes Katsuki is comparing him and Nijiko, to her and Deku, and without even thinking, goes “Do NOT compare my sister and I, with you and your husband, that’s disgusting.”
Katsuki: “Ok, fine, I what the fuck do you mean ‘sister’!?”
Hirokazu: *shit, fuck, I fucked up*
Hirokazu clams up, but Katsuki is determined, and eventually Hirokazu blurts out that’s just what his mom told him. So, Katsuki contacts Akamei, like “Hey, your son said some shit, can you confirm what the FUCK he’s talking about??” And Akamei decides she can USE this. So, she spins a bit of a story, that her “partner” cheated on her with someone, resulting in Nijiko. That he ran off with his mistress, leaving her and Hirokazu behind. She only saw Nijiko once, but it was enough to recognize her when the news about her adoption went public. She has no idea what happened to her partner, or the mistress. She also used to be very bitter about Nijiko’s existence, but now she’s wondering if maybe Nijiko and Hirokazu should connect? They are FAMILY, after all.
Someone decides to do a DNA test, to confirm that Nijiko and Hirokazu are related. And yep, they are. DNA test also confirms who the dad is, so now the whole squad is concerned, and wondering WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?
AHAHAHHAHAHAHA BEAUTIFUL And yes to everything on Eri!
No but yeah I’m I’m I’m-
I’m imagining that their DNA test to check out the story they just use what they have on hand to do it quickly, which while it runs Nijiko and Hirokazu’s DNA against each other, it also runs the DNA against logged samples in the system.
And there’s Hero DNA in the system, partly because the Commission are control freaks and partly so it’s easier to sort out crime scenes in the aftermath of a hero v villain fight.
Then yeah the test dings on a match to Hawks’ DNA which has everyone like ???????????. Then a follow up of ‘okay looking at the kids and their Quirks that makes sense but how the FUCK-”.
Because they know that Hawks isn’t going to cheat on his husband ofc. And even if they were going to do something threesome-ish then it’d be someone they knew and therefore they’d know about the kids. But clearly they don’t!
They also def know something’s Up™ because obvs that doesn’t match Akamei’s story of her partner running off.
They’d talk and then mention Akamei being involved and that’d click for Hawks because he remembers her and what kind of person she was/what her job was and he’s like “Bad news, I just remembered that the Commission had some DNA samples that could’ve been used to make them. Worse news: I don’t think it was just a case of wanting a surrogate father.”
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