#but only 3-4 songs really HIT me u kno???
melloneah · 4 months
slightly disappointed in the new billie eilish album
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jonnnysuh · 3 years
Dating Yugyeom would include
Dating GOT7 would include |  SERIES
Just based off my observations/my perception of him. Obviously I have no idea what dating him would be like but thought it would be fun to do. This is more playful than romantic bc what is romance???
Literally never shutting the fuck up
Having meaningless fights about little things and then going back to normal 
Having your own language that makes no sense to everyone else
Laughing til your stomachs hurt and trying to recreate what just happened but laughing again 
Roasting each other as a sign of affection 
Too many nicknames that have weird origin stories that y’all can’t remember 
Both needing to get your ways so you’ll pout until one of you budges 
He is such a simp tho 
Mocking each other after someone says absolutely anything
Dance battles
saying “YOOOOOOOU” like soulja boi
Resting his chin on your head
BOYBOYBOYBOY ((((you kno like when they yell like a siren)))
Having to make the hard decisions for him 
Not being able to complete a task bc you’re both so annoyingly distracting 
Something that should take 30 minutes to finish takes 3 hours instead 
Both being confused all the time so you discuss how things should be done and then fight over it
he’ll purposely hide things to make it hard for you 
Holding things over your head bc he wants to watch you jump 
“You’re a bully” “you’re a bully too” “ya but it’s only okay if I do it” 
Saying the same shit at the same time and hitting each other in excitement
He’s funnier than you but you won’t admit it 
He has a meme folder and has a meme for every occasion 
Bro he’ll MAKE memes using pictures of you 
If he doesn’t reply within a few seconds it’s bc he’s trying to find the perfect meme or making one 
A never ending game of iMessage connect 4 
How he’d annoy you:
Rock Paper Scissors to get out of doing something but even if he loses he’ll refuse for a bit and then do it
Acting shocked even though he knew something you didn’t 
acting like he’s listening but really he’s doing something else
making you call him oppa or he’s not listening
Laying on his shoulder during long car rides
He makes a big deal about your birthday and will plan everything to a t
He sucks at surprises though bc you he tells you everything
it’s always either by accident like he slips it in
OR you’re like “tell me” “no” “fine” “OKAY I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE WE’RE GOING ON A TRIP TO PARIS”
Gossiping with him and he hates all the people you hate and then will also bring up something he heard about them 
he would tour new places with you on facetime and bother everyone in the process
the facetime photos you guys take are so frightening and confusing to look back on bc there’s so much movement and emotion on your faces
buying you dessert/pastries when you’re sad
Every single one of the boys know he’s whipped and he’s embarrassed but also you’re his person so who wins now
he’s literally so thoughtful
he knows all your favourite songs and makes a playlist
flowers and flowers and flowers
he’ll drop anything he can to be with you
will remember your childhood stories better than you
can finish your sentences
messages you every time you post a new picture
“hey this thing made me think of you” text
gets you guys matching chain bracelets/rings
finishes the food you can’t
doing tiktok dances but not posting them bc you’re both embarrassing
but he will start the video literally ANYWHERE.
on the plane? in the parking lot? at a restaurant?
His hand is always on you especially when you’re walking through a crowd
having to ask him to slow down bc you have short legs
Tippytoing to kiss him 
innocent flirting that turns dirty really quick
he definitely likes being small spoon
he talks in his sleep
he has the most irrational fears in the world
doing something cute and HE’S JUST SO EASILY LIKE “I LOVE YOU”
always wants to slow dance with you to any song just so he can hold you and lead
he’ll whisper in your ear just to get you hot like fuck offffffffff
his skincare routine takes soo long to do he’ll be in the washroom for 30 minutes
“You’re such a kid”
“Are you a baby?” “YA YOUR BABY”
One of you will start singing and the other joins in but the boys are like shut the fuck uppppp
I feel like he’d like to play wrestle bc this man chooses violence every single time
he can do a perfect impression of you 
both of you will up the cheesiness when u notice that it’s making everyone else cringe just to make them cringe more
be prepared to kill the spiders 
also be prepared to watch scary movies with the lights on bc he is spooked!
Always saying “woooow” sarcastically when someone does something unimpressive
he is an attention whore so when you’re ignoring him he will do cartwheels🤸🏻‍♀️ and try to be funny
making him blush is so easy it’s like a superpower he just gets flustered 
Making a bad decision and saying “yolo ✌️😗”
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bestiepetedavidson · 3 years
Can I request hcs what Pete would do when you're standing in the middle of the night at his door, after a break up with your now ex boyfriend? Thankss ❣
yes! this game me inspo and i’m going to try to do a written-out story if that’s ok! :)
a/n: y’all this is the first story ish thing i’ve ever written so i apologize if it’s really bad/cringey! i feel like it’s extremely choppy but idrk how to fix it. constructive critism/suggestions/etc is ALWAYS appreciated! thank u! <3
song to listen to: i’m thinking adore you by bestie harry? idk it just fits hehe
tw: angst? i think? idk this is my first time writing this much lol. some strong language. ending with fluff :)
it was almost 3 am on a saturday night, pouring rain and thundering, and you were left crying on your now ex’s doorstep. you ran into your car, soaking wet. your boyfriend/girlfriend of 3 years, the person you were gonna marry- had just dumped you. they cheated on you with your best friend.
you had no one to talk to and nowhere to go. you’re pretty introverted, and the only people you really had were your ex-best friend, your ex, and your friend pete. and pete’s friends too, technically. they were mainly his friends but you would all hang out together, none of which you felt comfortable enough to go to.
you called pete- no answer. he probably still hasn’t left 30 Rock. but anyways, he had a lot on his plate. you continued to bawl as tears rolled down your cheeks and your mascara smudged underneath your eyes. you broke down and you couldn’t stop. he/she broke your heart into a million pieces in the matter of seconds. the past 3 years of your life had gone to waste.
you decided to just drive. you didn’t have anywhere to go because you were staying with him/her. you just drove around aimlessly for 20 minutes, still crying the whole time. then, you got a phone call. “pete”, your phone read. thank god. quickly, you pulled into a random grocery store’s parking lot. you picked the phone up and your bluetooth connected to your car.
“y/n” pete said. he sounded tired.
“yeah?” you responded, still crying.
“what happened? is everything okay?”
you tried to explain what had just happened, but you were too much of a crying mess for him to make out anything you were saying.
pete, confused, told you “y/n, i’m sorry, i can’t understand what you’re saying”. he took a deep breath, and continued. “do you want to come over? i just got home from work. we can talk it out”. his voice sounded worried
you agreed and hung up, and set your google maps to his apartment address. you started to blast a random spotify breakup playlist and drove.
a little later, at around 3:40, you finally made it. still soaking wet from the rain, you took the elevator up to his floor. you had somewhat calmed down, but you looked like you’ve been through a trainwreck. you knocked on pete’s door and he opened it to see you in your current state. the moment you saw him you just broke down, and he pulled you into a hug without saying anything.
so there you two were. just standing in the middle of the building’s hallway, hugging. in the middle of the night. he didn’t care that you were getting him and his clothes wet, and he didn’t care that he couldn’t go to sleep. he was simply focused on you and what was going on. he softly rubbed your back, and every time you would start shake uncontrollably again, he’d just hug you harder.
eventually, he suggested going back in. “y/n, let’s go inside and sit. you can tell me what’s going on and i’ll do my best to help.”
he held the door for you to go in, and you walked in and sat on his couch. he sat right next to you and there was a moment of silence before he decided to speak up. “hey.. y/n look at me. please.”
his words only made you cry more. he place his hand on your chin and slowly lifted it, giving you a slight “please tell me what’s going on” smile.
you took his hand off of your face and held on to his thumb. you were luckily able to get a hold of yourself and explained to him what had just happened, crying in between sentences. he didn’t take his eyes off of you for a second. he stayed there and listened to absolutely everything you had to stay, his thumb still in your hand. by the time you were done, any trace of makeup that was still on your eyes was a done deal, and it was all smeared on your cheeks. he took a deep breath and gave his opinions.
“wow.. y/ex/n is a fucking scumbag. no like seriously, what the actual fuck. who would do that? and especially to someone like you.. y/n you deserve so much better than that piece of shit. fuck him/her.”
you cried, and responded with “no, he/she’s right. i wasn’t worth it and y/bsf/n is so much better fit for him/her. she’s so much prettier and smarter and just better”
pete took a second. “y/n that is so fucking wrong. you can’t say that about yourself. you are beautiful and smart and amazing in every single way. anybody would be lucky as fuck to date you.”
you simply shrugged, he knew that he couldn’t technically change your mind and that you weren’t in a state to really believe that, so you just let it be. he took both of his hands and cupped your face.
“you are perfect.” he tried to wipe your cheeks with his thumbs but it only made things worse, spreading it all across your face. you looked across the room at that large mirror he had hanging on the wall and went “ah”, making fun of the way he made it look.
“hey, at least we have matching raccoon eyes now” pete said, smiling. to that you giggled, and he responded with “gahhh, there’s that smile i love”, as he hugged you again.
still sniffling but now with a smile on your face, you whispered “thank you” in his ear.
“anytime. and listen, you don’t get to talk about my best friend like that.” he responded
sending him another smile, you went to his bathroom to wash your face.
best friend, he said. nothing more.
while you still loved your ex boyfriend/girlfriend, you always secretly had a crush on pete. it was ever anything you would’ve acted on though. first of all, because of your friendship. you wouldn’t want to ruin the way things were. second, because you were dating someone. you loved them and you wouldn’t just cheat... but apparently they would. and did. third, you had just had your heart broken. you were in no state of mind to just go and admit your crush. but god, was it tempting. and it’s not like if you were to, you would want to start dating him. he most likely wouldn’t like you back, and even if he did, you wouldn’t want to date. you learned that you needed to take things slow, and pete knew that about himself too.
you walked back out, and you noticed that pete was in the kitchen, making tea. he knows that you love it. he saw you glaring and smiled, going “what? you love it.” you started to giggle because pete is absolutely not a tea person, but the gesture is just so cute. “shut up,” pete jokingly went, “we’re watching spongebob to help calm you and you’re sleeping here tonight”
“oh petey! how you’re just the sweetest!” you mocked him, smiling at each other.
you went to his closet to get a bunch of blankets, and soon enough, y’all were sitting & cuddling on his couch, watching spongebob on his couch, drinking tea, and cuddled up in a multitude of blankets. you were still worn out from sobbing and very tired, but. it was the perfect comfort spot. he always knew what to do. he was your comfort person.
he started smoking a blunt, (that’s pete for you) and he offered if you wanted a hit, but you declined. smirking, he decided to put it out. after an episode, it was already 4 am. you knew he was tired and so were you, so you suggested going to sleep, but pete insisted that y’all finish the episode. neither of you were really paying attention but it was kind of just playing in the background.
pete starts talking about random stuff going on, life stuff, making little jokes, the SNL show that he just did, etc etc. he’s sitting back on the couch and you’re on his side, head on his chest. you’ve cuddled platonically before so it’s nothing new. you’re both watching the screen and going in and out of conversation. at some point, you lift your head up off his chest, and you just stare at him while he’s continuing his story. he doesn’t really notice you getting up, and continues to talk about a recent standup he did.
watching his face, his jaw moving, talking, the way he speaks and the way his voice sounds, something changes in you and you feel the urgent need to kiss him. he notices that you’re looking at him. he turns his head and looks down at you. the second he notices that you’re staring at him, his words slowly fade out and he just looks into your eyes, forgetting what he as saying before. you’re still in his arms, but your head is up and you’re just staring at each other. there’s about 5 inches between your faces, and your heart starts racing. his does too.
“pete” you quietly whisper.
he softly presses his lips into yours and you kiss him back. his hand runs through your hair. his lips are perfect and it’s like you two were made for each other. the kiss lasts for like 10 seconds, and he slowly pulls away. you’re both at a loss for words, and you’re still staring into each other’s eyes. pete, breathless, quickly glances that the digital clock underneath his tv.
“wow,” pete says. “i’ve been waiting for as long as i can remember for this to happen and it happens at 4:20,” slowly creeping up a smile.
“i kno-” you start to respond, when you fully realize what he just said. you cackle out and can’t stop laughing, neither can he.
you pull him back into you as you’re both still giggling and you softly make out for a little longer. eventually you fall asleep in his arms, right on his couch. with spongebob still playing in the background :)
i hope u enjoyed my very first mess of a story <3 requests are open!
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literaphobe · 4 years
season 2 of she-ra rated by catradora content
the frozen forest: “aw, cute, you can turn your sword into stuff.” very interesting how adora has to literally train not by fighting any real soldiers in the horde just... catra. light hope scanned her brain and knew she wouldn’t bother to run after anyone else :/ which. is true. call her out!! she fights bots too but she has more or less no issues with them even though she’s no expert with turning her sword into stuff yet, but then catra comes out, and suddenly adora can’t even block a single punch because catra laughed at her :( AND suddenly her sword can’t turn into anything but a cup. why adora? are you thirsty? it’s even funnier because none of this is real, and adora KNOWS that none of this is real, but she’s still Affected when fake catra says her seductive “hey adora” and she decides oh i know! i’ll turn my sword into a d*ldo with holes! oh wait never mind, is that a flute? damn it now she wants to Serenade catra. that’s even gayer than wanting to have sex with her. “did you mean to do that? because if you did it’s a terrible weapon.” “is not! >:(“ adora’s comebacks are like. kindergarten quality shit. i would make fun of catra’s insult too but in her defense that’s not actually catra. so adora tries to hit fake catra with her musical instrument and it doesn’t really work so she tackles fake catra and pins her to the ground. and looks,,, low key aroused as she does it okay adora.... she’s not real please remember that.... ur already a furry please don’t also be a bot fucker “what are you waiting for? you gonna play me a song on that thing?” yes she WAS catra! that’s what i’ve been SAYING don’t be mean to your girlfriend when she’s trying to serenade you :( adora gets angry after this latest act of oppression so she raises her hand, about to hit fake catra, but she stops right before the weapon can make contact, and her face softens. “i knew you couldn’t do it.” fake catra fades and the audience finds out something adora already knew. none of this was real, and even if she had hit fake catra and killed her, real catra would be fine. And Yet,,,,, big fucking sigh bros. haha y’all ever so hung up on a chick that you can’t even kill a fake simulation of her? even though she’s your enemy? lmaoooooo anyway the training simulation ends and adora is so depressed she transforms out of her she-ra form and asks “did you have to make her so mean? :(“ even tho light hope is about to come out and yell gay slurs at her. light hope shows up and is very confused. is catra... not mean? was my catra ooc miss adora? :/ did this catra hit different? too hostile? not like what ur used to? :/ go to hell adora if you made catra into a sim and picked her defining trait it WOULD be MEAN god everyone’s a critic. and then adora is like ok ur right :( catra is mean.... but have you considered making your simulation’s fake catra one that will hold me gently in her arms? have you considered that maybe i don’t want to fight her and that i want to kiss her instead? god damn it light hope you bitch. you fucking homophobe.
light hope is like okay cool. this latest performance was ur worst one btw and adora is like why do you THINK and is like i wanna be the very best :( like no one ever was :( and protecc etheria :( “but catra, she’s just in my head” ;) oh yeah i bet she is adora JFJSJDJSJD “when you grow up with someone, they know how to push your buttons :(” that’s very true adora. but you also grew up with many people such as lonnie, rogelio, and kyle. and you don’t seem to give a shit about them :/ so i guess “grow up with someone” really means “be in love” huh. i love you but do NOT lie to me ever again. after this, we see the real catra :’) she’s back at the horde training kyle, lonnie, and rogelio. “she-ra is too strong to defeat with force alone. but she’s slow and easily manipulated.” yeah maybe for you! maybe she slows down when she fights you because ur pretty and ur voice is sexy! way to flex ur privilege :( not everyone can manipulate she-ra because she’s not in love with all of them ok :( just u :( later on, we’re back at the war meeting in bright moon. bow says “we’re defeating the bots, but more keep coming. while we’re using our resources to hold our borders, the horde hasn’t had to deploy a single soldier.” hey! that’s a perfectly normal statement right! one that does not mention any specific person. there should be no reason for anyone to respond to this by bringing up any individual. guess what adora says. guess what she fucking says. i’m so fucking done oh my god. “typical catra >:(“ did... did bow MENTION catfkakdjsjdjsjs????? i’m fucking WHEEZING. adora. baby. could u. like. chill out? :/ re catra? for like one second? no? okay guess i’ll have to live with it. adora is so hung up over the “hey adora ;)” she heard from fake catra during training that she has to repay the favor when she fights entrapta’s upgraded bots. adora looks into the camera of one of the bots and just. she just KNOWS catra is watching and she’s correct. and she’s like “hey catra ;)” before punching the camera and cutting the live stream. catra’s response isn’t to immediately ditch the horde and go kiss adora (booooooo) but to. try and explode she-ra using one of the other bots. okay. i guess we all cope with arousal in different ways :/ when the bot explodes and adora realizes her attempt at seduction did not work out the way she intended (press f to pay respects), she gets all “>:( catra” which is very cute and iconic of her. and it’s apparently her way of coping with the situation so i’ll just let her be! 9/10
ties that bind: fuck you swift wind. what the FUCK. i can’t believe adora had to go on some stupid quest with the horse all because she would be fiFTy sEVeN pERcenT mOrE eFFeCtivE with him. who gives a shit. catra getting kidnapped and tied up is clearly the superior plot here and adora wasn’t there for it?? which, i know is the whole point, but also, why did they have to put her with the horse. would’ve rather seen adora with literally any of the princesses instead. haha jk. but also, am i? it is important that adora gets over her hatred of swift wind and bonds with him. but also, is it? sigh, let’s get on with the show. bow and glimmer set out to go bring back entrapta. “let’s go get adora!” bow baby. u r so woke. i love that attitude. yes y’all should’ve absolutely brought adora along. no she was not doing anything important. “adora’s training!!!!” glimmer baby i love u but why :( why would u do this :( anyway, bow and glimmer get tricked into thinking the horde is torturing entrapta so they (accidentally) kidnap catra. bow is an absolute sweetheart who just. is sweet to everyone so he tries bonding w catra and is like “come on, i bet even the horde has friends. what about adora? :3 you two grew up together. what was she like as a kid? :3” because adora is bow’s best friend and he wants to know more about her <3 best boy <3 and catra just hisses at him because if she spoke she would probably say. adora was everything to me. adora made me laugh, she played with me, she took care of me, she protected me even when everyone else looked the other way. just seeing her would put a smile on my face. she held my hand. she hugged me. she was my shoulder to cry on. adora was the only good thing in my life at the horde. i have been in love with her my entire life. and now she’s she-ra. anyway. catra decides to annoy glimmer into letting her go, and glimmer gets so frustrated that she says “how did adora take years of this? she didn’t run away from the horde. she ran away from YOU” which. is about the most horrifying thing you could say to catra since she like. really believes that. and adora’s not even there to defend herself :( and say shit like. Well It Helped That I Was In Love With Catra And That Every Moment We Spent Together Was Filled With Laughter And Joy Because No One Else Has Ever Made Me This Happy Even When We Were Stuck Together In The Worst Place On Etheria—stuff like that u know? :/ anyway catra is like :’( —> >:’( “adora’s gonna dump u one day too glimmer!!” + “you and adora are perfect for each other, i’ll give you that. earnest, naive, ridiculously easy to manipulate. it’s adorable!” wow catra. u think…… adora…. is…. adorable? wow…. :’) djdjdjdjdjdj but yeah. she really said my gf is cute! my gf is earnest! and that’s pretty much it on the catradora front. notice how i didn’t say a word about the horse plot. yeah. :) i mean i physically couldn’t because this is a catradora based evaluation post. but ya. u get the point. 7/10
signals: huh! nothing! except when glimmer says “catra was right!” and adora’s face is like... u kno. u know how she gets when catra is suddenly brought up. 2/10 but the whole ghosts thing is cute. adora believing and wholeheartedly being scared of ghosts makes me think... catradora buzzfeed unsolved AU
roll with it: the absolute RIGHTS of this episode. adora planning obsessively because “you’re not taking the biggest variable into account :( catra </3 she’s been behind every horde plan, she led the attack on bright moon, she’s devious, she’s very cute—“ and everyone is like omg adora calm down,,,, okay fine we’ll fantasize about ur gf. so everyone is all: this is my catra headcanon <3 glimmer is like. catra is a sexy femme fatale. bow is like. catra and i would make so many sick fucking puns. and adora is like :( y’all are all headcanoning catra WRONG :( she’s sexy and funny and cute the Way She Is :( why mess with the original recipe? :( except she’s wrong because season 4 and 5 will exist one day. but she is not wrong because season 1-3 catra is also very good. adora u do u. have fun laughing at everyone’s interpretations of ur gf. go ahead and brag about how uve been in love w her ur entire life. adora is like. all ur plans suck. obviously catra would block or duck or jump up really high or look really cute or smile and dazzle u with her charms. how DARE you underestimate my enemy gf. and then everyone devolves into their cool plans again and adora is like CATRA CATRA CATRA >:( so everyone is like ok fine we are going 2 bully her. and we get this epic scene where they do impressions of catra, but it is visualized like: different versions of catra keep flanking adora, and she in that scene is clearly very seriously considering having a fourway with femme fatale catra, prom catra, and punny og catra. but in like uh.... a cool platonic way. anyway, everyone is like. hey adora. we know ur paranoid and obsessed with ur gf. but can we just attack the horde now? could you chill the fuck out? and adora is like. u wanna know the worst that could happen? fine. “i’m the heaviest hitter, so catra will separate me right away. trap me, take my sword, do Something so i’m helpless when she turns on you. she knows Everything about me, EXACTLY what i’ll do, EXACTLY how to take me out. they’ll overwhelm frosta and mermista with bots, they’ll fire on perfuma, and use her to draw bow out into the open, pinning him between the bots and the horde soldiers. glimmer will teleport in to save him, but she won’t have enough magic left to get out, trapping them both. catra will make me watch all of it before she Finishes Me Off.” which..... weirdly kinky, but okay, and also weirdly sweet if u think about it? like catra grew up thinking she was never as good as adora but adora even with her new she-ra powers now is convinced that catra is so good that she can predict and counter and overpower anything adora throws at her, even with her super-powered friends and allies <3 and she...... lets it paralyze her with fear and blames herself for anything that could possibly go wrong which is really sad and not good :( but stuff can be two things! and. we’re kind of trying to be gay here so let’s continue on the gay train <3 the princess alliance realizes that adora has major issues and give her love and support so adora is like oh nice!!! time to run in without a plan and stay true to my brute strength colors <3 and she’s so excited to see her gf..... only to find out, her gf isn’t there?????? the fuck???? she spent hours planning their fight date only to get stood the fuck up??????? she’s so distraught over it as she fights scorpia she goes through the five stages of grief. she’s like... catra’s really not here?? and she left you in charge???? and babe i get that ur jealous and upset that ur gf didn’t show up but hey :( don’t hate crime scorpia like that :( 8/10
white out: adora is upset that she hasn’t seen her enemy gf in a while so when the squad finds out that the horde is doing stuff in the north(?) adora decides that they must immediately go there in case the horde (catra) is doing stuff that she must stop the horde (catra) from doing immediately. and it works! they bump into the super pal trio! but before that, we see entrapta show catra the red disk that makes she-ra go RAGE and adora go floop. it’s basically a Make Adora Delirious/Drunk Crystal <3 catra gets an evil hate boner when she hears that the disk “takes away she-ra’s powers” and is like damn entrapta ;) why didn’t you tell me about that sooner ;) later on, the best friend squad bumps into the super pal trio! adora sees catra and is like. hey remember last episode? what the fuck was that babe. step the FUCK up. run away with me? <3 but here’s a more literal break down of what really happened: catra is threatening entrapta as she... tends to do when she’s interrupted by adora who says “catra! >:(“ completely ignoring that there are other people there who she should also greet. i mean it’s just manners u know? “it’s been a while.” is not an excuse. u haven’t seen entrapta either for an even longer time. and u had nothing to say to her? i get that ur gay and in love but have some respect okay :( catra is happy and decides it’s time to seduce her. we get yet another “heyyy adora ;)” for the books. adora starts to ignore everyone present again and banters pettily with catra about how catra lost the battle of bright moon, because you know :( she hasn’t seen her gf in a while :( and she didn’t get to rub things like that in her face :( and catra is like haha lmaooooo loserrrrr and it really pisses adora off so she’s like okay down to business then! go away >:( and catra’s like oh u want me to go away? make me ;) and so they literally. run away from everyone else. i’m not making this shit up they literally said those things and just ditched the group. and both groups, who have not said a fucking word to each other since this confrontation began because the lesbians are so fucking loud and clearly everything they discuss is personal and not an invitation for group convo, they’re all left there to be like..... i guess we should fight each other now? and scorpia is like UGHHH goddamn it. and u really feel for her u know? :/ u try and u try to ask a girl out and she’s so stupid she doesn’t know ur asking her out on a date, but her stupid ex walks in and all she has to do is run and catra runs in front of her ready to go on a date. what the fuck. anyway, catra and adora are also fighting. adora’s better at transforming her sword into stuff now so she summons a rope (ok kinkster) to grab catra’s leg and pull her towards her and she threatens catra with her sword, saying “don’t move.” catra’s response? “oh, please. you’d never have the guts.” and god damn it catra it’s not that she doesn’t have the guts! :( it’s that she loves you and doesn’t want to hurt you! and also she’s not into necrophilia! catra continues with “you know, as much as i love our fights, it’s way too cold for this.” i hate them so fucking much. they really do get off on this shit!!! i hate them but also mood!!!! stop flirting with each other ur both so goddamn annoying omg. “why don’t we try something new? ;)” yeah. something new like hmm what if y’all kissed? haha, just a suggestion! but no, catra decides to use the red crystal thingy :( haha SIKE i’m not :( at all i’m very much :) because we’ve been WAITING for drunk adora. i love that delirious baby. what a fucking cutie. but because she-ra’s sword is the one who gets poisoned, she-ra goes all angry and evil and catra is like that’s hot! but it’s not what i signed up for but also... oh lmao she’s fighting her friends? nice. this is hot again. complacently, catra goes “this is the greatest thing that’s ever happened!” causing evil!she-ra to realize she exists and trying to kill catra for real, and catra is like NEVER MIND I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS and she’s like “adora wait :(“ which is like. babe no :( babe u were supposed to turn evil in a sexy way :( we could be sexy and evil together baby :( babe :( thankfully for catra adora’s not the only one who has a crush on her so scorpia tackles she-ra, separating her from her sword, and she goes back to adora. catra gets the sword, laughs, and says “that went so much better than i could’ve ever hoped.” did it?????? ur so stupid ur gf was about to murder u and u were ready to simp for ur life. then she goes “looks like you’re mine now, adora. >;)” and like. lifts adora’s face up by the chin with the tail end of the sword. and. let me just take a deep breath here. uh. What The Fuck Is That. HELLO?????? why is that. okay. HHHHHH. why!!!! good god!!!!! i hate sexual tension. anyway, catra tells scorpia to carry adora inside bc adora’s not wearing enough layers and she doesn’t want her gf to get cold :( jk but uh, they get adora inside, and catra is once again obsessed with her. she sits right next to her and pines like “always so perfect.... look at you now.... (i HATE how sexual this sounds) you’re coming back to the horde under my command.....” like. COME ON. why is she like this. ur allowed to be evil but i draw the LINE at u flirting with adora she’s not even AWAKE. and scorpia is like. could u. could u not be obsessed w adora for one second? it’s kinda harshing my vibe :/ and catra is like hehe she ra go >:( haha funney. we can turn the rebellion’s own hero against them. That’s Good™ i wonder which of your friends i’ll have you annihilate first... and then she giggles to herself and it’s so cute but babe. once again. stop flirting with adora while she’s out cold she won’t be able to flirt back :( and then the most. upsetting part of the ep happens. catra LEAVES and makes scorpia watch over adora before adora even wakes up so we don’t get! to see! catra with drunk/delirious adora!!!!!! what the FUCK. what is the POINT. i am DISTRAUGHT. hello?????? why were we robbed. whatever. it’s still good but come on not even one scene? :( scorpia is annoyed as she should be and is like UGH just wanted to be alone with catra but nooooo im stuck babysitting her “”””””ex-best friend””””””” which we all know is code for just. ex. LMAO fkdkdkdk like this isn’t even reaching we BEEN knew. anyway adora is being. so cute. so goddamn cute i am in love. adora barely even remembers her name but when scorpia is like hm what’s the passcode to the lab? adora goes BOOP BOOP BOOP BOOP BOOP and puts in catra’s super long fave number. that is so fucking cute that she knows and remembers that and thinks that catra would use it even tho she’s not even. in the right state of mind. and scorpia gets jealous obviously like ohhhh u know catra’s favorite number and i don’t! u grew up with catra and she’s been in love with you her whole life and i don’t have that! fuck u adora. even when u and catra are fighting each other tryna kill each other u can tell there’s a real bond there :( and like scorpia I’m so sorry baby I know :( they’re in love and it’s very annoying :( and i know adora is very annoying but have you also considered that she is very cute? that she is so lovely? and yeah that’s why catra is in love with her and shit :( seahawk and scorpia fight over adora and adora is like. hehe. catra mean <3 she’s so mean <3 and so hot and cute and sexy <3 omg im gonna marry her hehehehe <3 both sides reconvene to fight the bug, and adora finds glimmer vaguely familiar but doesn’t recognize who she is exactly. but she’ll remember catra’s long ass fave number. ok whore. catra, who’s also stupid, sees adora and is like guess I’ll drop all other priorities to get her! and tells scorpia to find the sword because she’s going after adora again. she’s so determined to keep adora that she.... catches a moving arrow. and throws it away. fjdjdjdjddj DAMN ok sheer gay determination is THAT strong huh. but it’s also sad because catra’s so busy fighting she doesn’t get to see adora being super cute :( it’s fucking wasted and not FAIR. catra thinks it’s funny that anyone would expect her to willingly give the disk up, because she’s got control of adora now, and control of adora means that adora won’t leave her.... which is not healthy :( but also HHHHHH but also it’s okay because their relationship gets healthy in the future and that’s very sexy of them <3 the disk is broken by scorpia in the end, and as adora regains.... conscious???ness????? idk??? her sense of reality??? sobers up???? anyway she and catra exchange this one last very heavy look, right before catra is grabbed by scorpia 9/10, except i want to take away so many points because of the wasted potential, but also i wanna add back so many points because of “looks like you’re mine now, adora ;)”
light spinner: ewwww shadow weaver ewwwww hordak i’m so sorry catra baby so sorry u had to interact with them instead of adora :( 0/10 </3
reunion: I AM SO SORRY. I AM SO FUCKING SORRY. THIS EP IS SO GOOD. BUT. I CANNOT BELIEVE I HAVE TO SAY THIS. THIS IS ONLY BECAUSE THIS IS A CATRADORA EVALUATION OK. therefore the rating is.... is..... :( 0/10 :( i know i am distraught too. :( despite what a masterpiece it was... there was no catradora :(
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mingjue · 4 years
@ge anon got me thinking abt onmyo/mdzs crossover so heres my takes for adding wei wuxian and lan wangji to onmyoji
starting with wei wuxian. w the skills I’m thinking of he’ll mostly be DPS, but he can be a niche pusher as Aja suggested
1st Skill - simple wack on the head on a single enemy from a summoned crow, dmg equal 100% of his atk. lvl 2 & 3 will increase dmg by 5%, lvl 4 will raise his move bar by 20%, lvl 5 will raise Lan Wangji’s (or if he’s not present, Onmyoji’s) move bar by 20%
2nd Skill - toggle skill that determines the third skill. 
First mode will make the realm made by third skill inflict dmg equal to 20% of his atk on enemies turns similar to higanbana’s spiderlily field, and maybe even a daze, on top of lowering enemy DEF
Second mode will inflict “Confuse” for two rounds. On top of this, all allies will be temporarily changed into fierce corpses for those rounds. (Confusing the enemy will make them use their normal attack to hit a random target, whether it be their own ally or some1 from wwxs team)
3rd Skill - This skill sets up the realm. It kinda resembles SP hannyas realm in surrounding the entire team + having random floaty shit, but imagine it  w crows and smoke and maybe even some corpses idk. The realm lasts 2 rounds & can’t really be dispelled
3rd skill cont. - All allies (except for onmyoji) will temporarily turn into fierce corpses for the rounds the realm is up. When wwx uses his first skill, theres a p high chance that the fierce corpse form will leap with him and attack the selected enemy. This can be like, one corpse, or all 4 will leap at the same time.
The corpses will have 2 skills, w the second one taking 1 orb. The second skill will be a hefty multi hit and only every other corpse will be able to do it. So like. 1 corpse does it, it’s not available for the next corpse, 1 corpse does it, etc.
First mode will give a shield to all allies and a REALLY small heal when the ally takes their turn on the first round of it being up. They also get a small increase in atk. lvl 2 will increase the heal percentage, lvl 3 & 4 will increase fucking uhhhh idk shield strength, lvl 5 will do. something. increase atk probably. the realm will prolly be a light grey w just crows
second mode will again inflict the confuse effect, and all allies will get increased atk+crit. the chances of a corpse joining an ally to hit an enemy will increase and setting up the realm will push back enemies movebar Considerably. lvl 2 will increase the added atk+crit up for allies, then like i dont fucking know LMAO. the realm will be pitch black w the crows smoke nd corpses laying around u kno.
now wangji. dps/support
1st skill - just a little jab 100% of his atk. a little shank. he runs at you rlly fast w his sword and beats the shit out of u
2nd skill - heal! he plays a little gay song on his guqin and heals all allies at some kind of percentage and grants a small shield that lasts one turn.
If wwx is in the team, his heal will be greater along with a stronger shield, boosts his movebar by 20%. 
3rd skill - this is where the wacky stuff comes in. LWJ is pissed and sad now. he hits a pretty hard single strike at 3 orbs that swipes across all enemies, like that cool uh hit in the donghua in the beginning when lwj shows up and just fucking shatters the ground in front of that corpse. like that. THEN, you have the option of either Just doing that, OR, the more orbs you have, the more strikes he sends out. but like, one grand strike that knocks the enemies back, then individual strikes at the same time on each enemy. so, 4 orbs, big strike, then a slap for each enemy, 5 orbs, strike, 2 hits, 6 orbs, strike, 3 hits, and so on
lwj would have the ability to from PVE w his 3rd skill
these r probably not the best bt it was on my brain so here we are.
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basilgrimbitch · 5 years
Day Eleven/Twelve: Maniac
I’ve very clearly fallen super behind on the countdown but December is always just so busy. I’m just gonna post when I can. This is a short fic for the angst/song fic prompts. Not my best work but I wanted to write something. the ending is a bit open ended? make of it what you will. 
Words: 2079
Note: the song is Maniac by Conan Gray
No warnings, hope you enjoy :)
I walk into the flat and throw myself onto my bed. Can this week just be over? Crowley, I know I’ve had worse. Way worse. I just thought once the humdrum (and my magic) was gone nothing else would hurt this much, but I feel like my heart’s been ripped out, like I’m being drained all over again. That’s why I tried so hard to stop myself from caring so much, placed a distance between us for so long, some kind of wall. But he made me want to break all those walls down just to see him. Now I can’t.
I grab my phone out of my back pocket and start scrolling through Baz’s Instagram because, really, what else can I do anymore? Penny’s at some party with Agatha and well yeah that’s about it. I should go out, do something, do someone. Fuck, I miss Baz.
My phone rings briefly and… oh shit, it’s a text from Baz.
Friday 21/10
Baz <3 [23:44]: Snoww
Baz <3 [23:44]: simoon
Baz <3 [23:45]: i fucked up, fuck fuck fuck ii fuckedup
Baz <3 [23:45]: sory
Read 23:4
Shit he’s drunk. Is he like all alone drunk at home? Or is he out, getting drunk with his friends or minions or whatever the fuck he wants to call them. I don’t know what would be worse. I don’t want to think about this; I don’t want to think about Baz or his hair or his rosy cheeks when he drinks or the fact that I miss him. I can feel the thoughts of him swarm in my head and I try my best to push them back. I used to be good at this. Not thinking. My head is beating like crazy that I can hear the thumping headache.
I decide I’m going to stay in bed and feel sorry for myself until further notice. I put my playlist on shuffle and oh of course, some Conan Gray, it’s like my phone knows I’m not coping with this break up well.
 You were with your friends, partying
When the alcohol kicked in
Friday 21/10
Baz <3 [23:51]: u kno wa fuCK YU
Baz <3 [23:52]: this not myh fualt
Read 23:55
My phone is still chiming and the thumping in my head is still going. I go into the kitchen to grab some Panadol and water and the thumping is louder and louder. Aleister fucking Crowley, it’s not thumping it’s the door knocking. What? How? Why? I look at my phone and it’s close to quarter past midnight - and I have six missed calls from Baz.
 So, you showed up at my home, all alone
With a shovel and a rose
Do you think I'm a joke?
 Of fucking course. Let me just paint you a picture: Baz Pitch plus London rain along with the drinking attitude of a 50-year-old Irishman and a bouquet of flowers (if you can still even call them that; they’re destroyed.) and of course wearing a scowl that says, “I still broke up with you.” Because the git still can’t get over himself, even when he’s drunk at my door holding flowers at midnight.
I want to slam the door in his face. I probably should. But then I hear myself saying,
“Are you okay?”
He takes a deep breath, “Yeahh, yeah… well no.” he’s slurring his words a bit. A month ago, I would’ve teased him about it and kissed him. Now I just stare at him.
“Why are you here, Baz?”
He thinks to himself for a second, I don’t think he knows. I don’t think he knows what he’s doing at all. But for once I know what I’m going to do.
 Cause people like you always want back what they can't have
But I'm past that and you know that
So you should turn back to your rat pack tellin' 'em trash
 “Baz, you should go.”
“As long as you’re fine and you’re not driving, yeah?”
Wow. I didn’t think I could ever do that. He was so gorgeous, Merlin, he probably would’ve let me kiss him.
The next few days are kind of a blur. The weekend flies by and then it’s just work, uni and sleep. That last one is a lie, I don’t sleep very well. I want to say it’s uni stress or its work or something, but I know… I know its Baz.
When Penny starts mumming me about the bags under my eyes and my slumped shoulders, I blurt out a line about how crazy my classes have been, but she just nods knowingly. I can’t keep anything from her.
“Si?” I hear Penny say a bit hesitantly. Penelope Bunce is not hesitant.
I look up at her, confused.
“Have you spoken to Baz recently? Have you been texting him?” I’m sure she doesn’t mean to sound like she’s accusing me of something, but I can’t help but feel like I’m being interrogated. I haven’t spoken to Baz since he showed up at my door on Friday night. Penny doesn’t know about that though; she’d freak out.
“No.” I don’t trust myself to say anymore.
“I just overheard Baz today. He was… you know what never mind, as long as you know what you’re doing. As long as you’re okay.” Penny’s waving her hands at me like she wants me to forget what she just said but there’s no magic in her words so its only bothering me.
“What, Penny? What did he say?” it comes off too eager. But I am! Eager, that is. What is that git saying about me?
 Tell all of your friends that I'm crazy and drive you mad
That I'm such a stalker, a watcher, a psychopath
 “He was just saying that you’ve been pestering him to get back together, that you drunk texted him on Friday or something of the sort. And then he… yeah.”
“Then he what?”
“It doesn’t matter Simon. You’re both still just angry. Basil doesn’t know what he’s saying.”
“And what is he saying? Apart from the fact that I’m basically stalking him. That dickhead needs to get over himself, it’s the other way around by the way. He showed up here! Drunk! On Friday!” I’m yelling now. Whatever, it’s better than crying. I wish I could cry right now.
 And tell 'em you hate me and dated me just for laughs
So, why do you call me and tell me you want me back?
You maniac
 “He said he doesn’t know why he ever dated you.”
“Oh.” And then I am crying. Penny is instantly holding me, patting my hair, kissing my temples, telling me he doesn’t mean it, but I just shrug her off and go to bed.
Thursday 27/10
Pen [15:22]: you okay?
Pen [15:30]: Simon we live in the same flat and I’ve seen you like twice this week.
Pen [15:54]: can we have dinner together at least? Just us at the flat. No you know who talk I promise.
Read 16:03
Thursday 27/10
Ags [16:15]: trust me I’m all for the privacy/alone time thing. But like??? Were here for u. just call me yeah?
Read 16:17
I get a whole bunch of texts from everyone. Well Agatha and Penny and a few uni mates (that’s everyone), a bunch of angry messages from my manager because I took the week off and some emails from my professors about assigned work. Honestly, I’m not sure what I’m doing or what I want. No, again, a lie. I’m doing nothing and I want Baz. But I guess now that we’re not dating, he has no reason to not be a prat again. So, really, I should have no reason to want him back. Except I do.
I want his black wavy hair to be the first thing I see in the morning again. I want to wake up to the sound of the kettle boiling and warmth beside me where he spent the night. I want to go for walks at 3 am because we both couldn’t sleep. I want cold lips smashing into my face after a stupid fight about throwing my stuff around his flat. I want him. Here. Now. That’s not what you need though, I can here Penny say it in head. Though I’m sure it is; I don’t think I’ve functioned normally since this happened.
Saturday 29/10
Dickheadwhoregretsdatingme???? [21:43]: Snow I swear I wouldn’t contact you if it weren’t important, but this is and yeah sorry.
Read 21:43
And then he calls.
“Simon?” I melt into my phone a little, I miss the sound of my name on his lips. He doesn’t sound drunk, but he does sound different. “I’m so sorry I just, it all happened so fast and now I’m calling you because I can’t call my parents or they’ll kill me and my friends, they’re bloody useless. Aleister Crowley, I’m so sorry.”
“Baz, what’s happened?” How am I the calm one? What in the world of mages is happening?
“I crashed my car.” He’s calmed down now.
“Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself? Are you alone? Are you okay?” Suddenly any semblance of calm is gone and replaced with unmoderated anxiety. He knows I fucking love him. Merlin and Morgana, why would I hide it now.
 You just went too far
Wrecked your car, called me cryin' in the dark
Now you're breakin' my heart
 “I’m fine. I’m sorry I don’t know why I called.”
“You don’t sound fine.” And then because I have no self-control, “Where are you?” There’s a brief silence. Fine don’t tell me.
“I’m at the corner of Smith and Dundas.” He sounds ashamed.
“That’s at the top of my street.”
And, again with the no self-control, “I’m coming.” I hang up before he can argue with me.
I don’t get a chance to l look at myself. I know I’m wearing mismatched socks and the same joggers I’ve been wearing all week. I look down and realise I’m wearing Baz’s old t-shirt. How fitting. I’m throwing on some trainers and I can hear Penny asking where the hell I’m going so late. I don’t care.
It’s only a five-minute walk but even that is too long, so before I know it, I’m running to his car. It’s been backed out from the light post I assume he hit and parked a bit lazily by the pavement. Baz doesn’t do anything lazily, but then again Baz doesn’t get drunk and he doesn’t crash his car and he definitely doesn’t drive anywhere near here if he doesn’t have to.
As I get closer, I can feel my heart beating faster and faster, and its not from the running. His head is resting on the steering wheel and I can’t see his face. Fuck. What if he has a concussion? And then without thinking I’m opening the right car door and holding his face so close to mine. Crowley, his eyes are blood-shot, his face is streaked with tears and he’s just looking at me fangs popped and eyes wide. How could I ever let him go, I should’ve fought harder.
“Snow.” He finally croaks out and that’s when I realise, he’s been sobbing, he takes a deep breath and buries his head into my neck all while whispering sorry, I don’t know why I called, you don’t need to be here, but he makes no effort to remove himself from me, so I don’t leave. I wouldn’t anyway.
 So, I show up at your place right away
Wipe the tears off of your face
While you beg me to stay
 I detangle his hair as I feel the pool of tears forming on my shoulder. I pull him up to look into his eyes. Baz’s eyes, so grey, they’ve always been so beautiful. His cheekbones are pronounced and his flushed – he must’ve fed recently. That’s good.
“Are you okay?” I ask and it feels like it’s all I’ve been saying to him for weeks now.
“Been better.” He tries to smile but his eyes betray him, and he starts tearing up again. He brings a hand to my cheeks, “you’re here.” He seems to realise what he’s doing, how he’s holding me, how I’m holding him while were broken up, so he tries to pull his hand away quickly, but I stop him.
“Of course.”
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angelofavarice · 5 years
Answer all of them fool
I suppose fairs fair
1. Virginia
2. 17
3. January
4. Cap babey!
5. Cobalt blue
6. Six! My lucky numbers six
7. I have cat dog dog cat
8. I am from Delaware
9. 5’5
10. Size Seven
11. I think i have six pairs of shoes
12. I dreamed this package ive been waiting for for a month came
13. My talent is making other ppl understand stuff like that shit teachers are supposed to do
14. I am not psychic i have no intuition
15. Madman by zero authority or All or nothing by elliphant or reflaugh by hungry lights
16. Avatar or Nerve or Bedazzled or probably all three
17. Someone who will eat pickles and doesnt kill spiders
18. Hell fuck yes i want kids
19. No cuz i dont want a wedding
20. Not really
21. Yea i went when i was little for surgery and i pretty much lived there a couple years ago
22. Nah cuz they cant catch me ; o p
23. My sisters gonna b on tv does that count
24. Always showers
25. Blacc socks
26. Ive never been famous but im popular and well liked among my peers which is basically the same thing
27. I would never wanna b a celebrity i hate being popular and well liked among my peers
28. I listen to metal punk and jazz w a lil soft spot for really electric pop
29. No
30. I sleep with as many pillows as i can get for i believe in living life comfortably
31. If i dont sleep on my stomach my shoulders get really fucked up so
32. Not
33. I would rather die than eat breakfast even tho i love breakfast foods
34. Why would i have any desire to fire a gun
35. Ive done archery a bunch
36. Glib
37. Whore
38. I dont think ive been more than like 23 hrs without sleep
39. Regrettably yes
40. If ive ever had a secret admirer i wouldnt know cuz theyre secret boom next question
41. I can b a good liar
42. Absolutely not i still dont have any intuition
43. I can do a bitchin southern accent
44. I speak mostly gen american so no
45. I love me a good drawl, its a soothing voice to listen to
46. Everytime ive taken the myers briggs test ive gotten a different answer and it’s probably bc im not a person
47. The most expensive piece of clothing i have are my platform boots which isnt really saying much but like i saved for them for a while
48. Yes? Idk i feel like everyone shows me this does it a different way
49. Innie (thanks surgery from earlier)
50. Right handed
51. I am still technically afraid of spiders but im working on just not bc theyre cool and awesome and deserve life
52. Mnms i cant stop eating them its such a problemmmmmm
53. Idk if this counts but pot stickers HIT also channa masala is fukin good
54. I am messy in personality. So very, very messy
55. Probably “that/it fucks”
56. Fuck fucking fucker i do not hav a wide vocabulary
57. It takes me 14 minutes to get ready in the morning but to properly get ready more like 26/7
58. My ego is so large it cannot be comprehended by mortal minds
59. Both
60. All the time it never ends ppl who drive next to me see me yelling at myself and think me a weirdo
61. Also yes
62. No one has ever heard me so theyre not allowed to say one way or the other
63. Oof no skip
64. I try not to b
65. I dont really watch dramas cuz they make me mad ( does sharknado count? Pacific rim? Now that im thinking abt it idk wat constitutes a drama)
66. On me, long hair, on others, doesnt matter
67. I still have the state song from second grade memorized so FUCK YES
68. Biology! I love biology! Chems also pretty cool but its makin me wanna die a little
69. Ambivert
70. No
71. Bitch everything but mostly new situations
72. Not really im scared of not being able to see and falling and busting my ass
73. Sometimes yes sometimes no i hav social intelligence and kno when u shouldnt b nit picky
74. Who isnt
75. Yea but i dont think ive ever started a rumor abt a person
76. I always naturally end up in some sort of leadership position and its annoying as hell
77. Yes
78. Technically
79. Thats a very difficult question to answer
80. Three
81. No i take french
82. If i type fast i type wrong
83. I can sprint pretty fast but anything more than like a minute is a no go i dont b egg of sizing
84. Brown and pink
85. Brown and not pink
86. Bitch everything thanks del river- the environment, most sunscreens, immunity boosters like airborne, ibuprofen and advil and i have a slight cross sensitivity to aleeve
87. Yes its the only way i remember things
88. Their best
89. No
90. Currently my band teacher hes a cunt
91. I guess? Like im used to my name now so i dont have any problems with it but ive always liked the idea of being called angel
92. Not having baby, not naming baby, am adopt thank u
93. I want a kid for a child
94. I work my ass off
95. I work my ass off to the point where i dont stop and im left sitting in the crumbling shambles of my metal stability
96. Movie
97. Really doubt it but i couldnt b certain
98. Still yes they have not faded from my skin
99. One is brown other is purble
100. One is yellow the other is white
101. I nominate myself for the “never having to think deeply abt ur existence ever again” challenge thank u and goodnight
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personagf-moved · 5 years
ohhhhh this looks fun...1 through 7 pls!
i’ve unfortunately already done 1 and 4 BUT i can still do the rest for u ! ☺️
2: what idol(s) do you associate with kindness?
ooo definitely jimin, rosie, hobi, jihyo, taehyung, jeongyeon and jungkook. 
3: Has a kpop song or group helped you through some difficult times? If so, and if you feel comfortable, share how.
oh i think i’ve actually talked about this before but i got into bts just as i was getting out of one of the lowest points in my entire life. i don’t really wanna go into detail about that time bc……..zoinks…..BUT i will say they have been a great source of happiness and strength to me and have helped me stand up on my own to realize my worth. From songs specifically? I say spring day first because the whole theme that winter does end to make room for the spring, and that no darkness is eternal really helped me get through that low point. i remember the first time i watched the mv and i didnt have any captions for it but i just started c r y i n g man. its a beautiful song. also yoongi’s “first love” really hit for me. just speaking personally, music has always been my first passion and love and the way he spoke about it just reaaaaallllyyy hit home. idk how else to explain it bc its kinda personal but that song really really helped me when i was feeling low. 
5: What’s your favorite ballad?
to completely honest i can’t think of any ballads off the top of my head that i usually listen to? gfkjdflkgjdlkfjg sorry i wish i had an answer for this
6: What was your first kpop group that you stanned? Why did you stan?
bts hehe. i already mentioned how they helped me during a low in my life but also i feel like it was their personalities that made me stick around?? i remember watching fan made introduction videos and seeing everything they’ve been through as a group and seeing a genuine connection between them as people (bc tbh i might make some ppl mad by saying this but u really can tell when groups actually like each other or not sldkfjksldjf) and thinking wow so this is like a for life type of deal huh LMAO 
7: Would you rather give or receive a gift from your bias?
o give absolutely give. the libra in me would scream if i ever met joon or any of my other biases and i DIDNT give them a gift like ugh that’d be horrible. they already give us as fans their voices and their time and devotion so i feel like its only right to be the one giving them a gift this time u kno?
🎀soft kpop asks🎀
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playitbyear-laz · 4 years
Tumblr media
its real krazy how synchronicities happen . as i celebrate 23 years around da sun dis week, i was blessd 2 b given the opportunity to do the 23rd playlist of play it by ear. 23 is a really important birthday for me, since my cousin (rip 2 my bestfriend <3) passed away at this age. so celebrating to see dis age hits real different . as i celebrate my life and reflect on my 23 years of living, i wanted to just be present in the fact that this year has not been easy for a lot of us when it comes to life. i hold the hearts of many of us who are grieving, who are undergoing their own healing process, who are dealing with death (in any form) and transformations . that process is not easy b, n i jus wanted to make a playlist as an offering 2 support our collective processes in what it means to feel alive while holding the grieving and the healing in our hearts . each song has been pivotal in allowin me to tap into my own alive-ness,
as we expand n feel deep grief n deep heartbreak — we also allow ourselves to experience an even deeper love, deeper joy, and deeper happiness . here 4 u in dis process of expanding, growing, and transforming.
hope the offering serves yall in some way <3
                                           all luv,
                              PLAY IT BY EAR 023
                        curated by bettina francisco
                          Link to all platforms HERE.
Piece of Mine  - Rudy Kalma
WHERE: rudy hit me in the DM wit the “could i send u my demos?” haha. then, he ended up sending me his project ‘writing in the dark’ where this song was.
WHY: i first listened to his demo and fell in love with this song. when he released it, i remember walking through the city at night time really feeling the lyrics he was saying. especially the last lines when he was like: “send me sugar for the salt” there was this sense of grappling with what it means to deal with events, happening one after the other after the other, and what it means to hold hope in those moments when things feel like they’re crashing down. coming in an out of hope is a hard feeling and this song allowed me 2 not feel alone in that process.
Drown - Cilo
WHERE: cilo and i were in the studio together and he was like, “i be rappin rappin” and showed me this song. and i was like dam yea this fool b rappin rappin haha.
WHY: i reflect a lot about how my healing journey isnt jus my own n this song really helped me explore how it feels to hold the weight of healing from generations before me and after me. i kno that in my process, i *thought* what would be the most healing thing to do was to jus b like “u got it on ur own” and that helped to an extent… but this song allowed me to just accept the parts of me that needed help, that wanted to be saved, that felt like the process of healing was too much like i was drownin in the waters. n once i found that acceptance for that part of me, there was somethin in me that felt fully human, alive + breathing. n thats where i found the healin - not the “its good i got it”, but in the courage to accept that maybe i dont got it. n thats ok.
Who Do You Believe In - Tupac
WHERE: my babyfather is a huge tupac fan n we would listen to pac like so often.
WHY: the hook jus spoke to my heart. there’s somethin about where u put ur faith in, and how that plays such a critical role in what keeps us alive, blessed n still breathing. this song helped me understand what it means to have faith in the process and questioning where my beliefs are in all of this. there is something in dis song that feels extremely rooted . that same feeling of rooted-ness allowed me to explore my own foundation n if that foundation was built to weather any storm.
Self Love - Mavi
WHERE: i think someone showed dis to me in the studio!
WHY: i love the sample in this song so much and how vulnerable it feels. i also really love the last part of the song where the vibe switches up and he explores what it means to be free.
light signal - ambre
WHERE: i’ve been a huge ambre fan since she was workin wit kehlani. ‘pulp’ is one of my favorite albums out in the past couple years.
WHY: even tho the song is so simple, there was something about the production that felt really pure and soothing to me. also ambre’s voice is honestly hella soothing too.
Up To Me - Lil Wayne
WHERE: i grew up listening to this song cus i had older siblings. i revisited lil wayne’s ‘tha block is hot’ later on in college when i wanted to feel nostalgic n this was a song that still resonates with me in present time.
WHY: there was somethin so special about how wayne was talking to his dad, and then using the hook to talk to himself. i love the vulnerability in this track. it’s really special when someone gets to talk to someone who passed n then affirm themselves in their own grief .
Reality Check - Noname ft. Eryn Allen Kane & Akenya
WHERE: i loved acid rap back in high school, and i remember listening to “lost” and loving nonames feature. ever since, ive been a huge fan and fell in love with her first album ‘Telefone’.
WHY: every tough moment in my life where i felt like my power was taken from me, i would always listen to this song to remind me that my power was never rly taken away from me in the first place . dis song helped me come back home to myself and allowed me to access the power within myself. <3
As - Stevie Wonder
WHERE: my parents are die hard stevie wonder fans, and my dad would play this song on the piano every morning at 7am. he would sing it and my mom would play it in the car, on the speakers, etc. all the time.
WHY: this song makes me feel so much joy!!! it brings me back to my core of being able to cultivate and grow love, not only for ourselves but for all the generations before and after. as much as there is generational trauma, loss, and grief — there is also generational joy, happiness, love, and celebration. part of my healing was returning to my own genuine & authentic love and this song helped remind me of the love i was able to grow from when i was a kid up till now at my 23rd solar return.
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cruisinfdr · 7 years
look a tag
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 10 people
thanks for tagging me @yuyulie !!!
Nickname(s): breanna///bre if u really wanna go there
Gender: female
Sign: gemini
Height: 5’6 :~P
Time: 6:57pm
Birthday: june 11
Favourite bands: oberhofer rules my entire life
Favourite solo artists: ok i dont listen to many but. richie woods is iconic
Song stuck in my head: be new by lillet blanc and homesick by tony bullets have been stuck in my head for like. the past week i cant escape
Last movie i watched: oh yikes i havent watched any in awhile but my friend n i watched boss baby as a joke when i was staying at her house last month sdhfhsdkg
Last show i watched: nathan for you !!
When did i create this blog: last february :~/// i think i deleted a bunch of old posts like a month ago but i say this everytime:: u dont want to look at it
What do i post: my garbage sims (((who i love so much)))
What did i last google: "crash course trigonometry” cuz i had an exam today so last night i was busting my ass trying not to fail lmao
Other blogs: i have one i made just to test themes but it doesnt even have a post so
Do i get asks: usually i dont but if u send me some i will love u forever !!!!!! they make me really happy i think ive only ever gotten like 3 abt my sims
Why did i choose this url: here u go a smash hit song
Following: oh no i feel so exposed i keep meaning to clean it out a lil but im at 190 and i only ever recognize like 30-40 blogs on my dash :~//// where did the other 150 blogs go are yall good???
Followers: 380 !! i started makin recolors for 400 followers and then i built a restaurant today but i dont think anyone would want them shfdsjkfh my blogs kinda dead i think when it comes to likes n stuff so :~///
Average hours of sleep: uhh 5-6 if i have school but like 8 if its a weekend
Lucky number: i feel like everyone likes 7 u kno like if u get asked 1-10 almost everyone picks 7
Instrument: pass me the triangle
What am I wearing: a sweatshirt n some pajama pants :~P me & my friend wore them to school today 4 exams u kno
Dream job: whats something where i get a lot of money for doing nothing & requires no qualifications
Favourite food: pancakes and spaghetti but like. not together
Last book I read: i was supposed to read  the things they carried 4 my english class but i looked at sparknotes instead so does it count
3 favourite fandoms: im not really in any
Tag 10 people: uhjmfgnd i never do this part i dont think im friendly w enough simblrs for this sorry see u later :~////// BUT if u wanna do it go ahead Please be my friend
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gayhags · 7 years
bruna tagged me and i gotta do it cus her life is on the line if i dont so like i guess ill tag some of u if ya wanna do it 
(it’s supposed to be 20 but like i dont know 20 of yall so like ill tag @evelynebrochu @delphines @odetteannable @gaytiemcgrath mm yeh
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. drink - almond milk latte
2. phone call - i ignore all phone calls
3. text message - my best friend 
4. song you listened to - monotonia // the growlers
5. time you cried - mmm like a month ago
6. dated someone twice? - nope
7. kissed someone and regretted it - not really
8. been cheated on - not that i know of so like no
9. lost someone special - in a way i guess
10. been depressed - mmm yeh
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - yeah thas why i cant stand tequila
fave colours
12. light pink
13. black
14. white
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - yep
16. fallen out of love - no ive never been in love so like lmao
17. laughed until you cried - yeh
18. found out someone was talking about you - mmm yeh
19. met someone who changed you - no not really
20. found out who your friends are - this is some tea but yes
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - no facebook is for pussies
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - everyone except kate and soph ://
23. do you have any pets - no i fuckin wish bich i want a dog
24. do you want to change your name -  in a way i guess...like i dont really think my name fits me like idk my name makes me uncomfortable but like im used to it now 
25. what did you do for your last birthday - nothing bc houston thas when hurricane harvey hit and like everything was closed down for like a week so happy 20th to me thas mother nature saying fuck u bich 
26. what time did you wake up today - 7:40 am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - idk...i was probably crying bc of sendrick 
28. what is something you cant wait for - for me to be rich and sex see
30. what are you listening to right now - the growlers listen to them theyre sexy 
31. have you ever talk to a person named tom - no all toms are creeps
32. something thats getting on your nerves -  a lot of things like life and being alive in general 
33. most visited website - tumblr
34. hair colour - light brown
35. long or short hair - long
36. do you have a crush on someone - i havent had a crush on someone since last summer thank fuck 
37. what do you like about yourself - sometimes i like her sometimes i hate her it depends on the energy that day but like shes pretty funny i guess like i make myself laugh 
38. want any piercings? - yeah my cartilage
39. blood type - in case im like dying my blood is O- im that universal donor ass bitch 
40. nicknames - my friends call me bitch or b or henny
41. relationship status - single lmao
42. zodiac - virgo
43. pronouns - she/dat/bich
44. fave tv shows - the office, parks and rec and ob
45. tattoos - no  but like i might get one soon idk of what yet 
46. right or left handed - right
47. ever had surgery - no
48. piercings - yah
49. sport - no lmao i was tha lazy bich in high school i only started to get into like fitness and shit my senior year of high school 
50. vacation - i wanna go to england
51. trainers - what does this mean idgi
more general
52. eating - i just ate some chickpea pasta w/ tofu
53. drinking - my 3rd coffee of the day 
54. im about to watch - my life crash and burn bc i have nothing figured out and i feel like wasting my time lmao 
55. waiting for - my lana concert feb 10th and then i can die 
56. want - this moneyyyy
57. get married - no 
58. career - i dont know!!! im a junior in college i should kno but i dont im gonna have a breakdwon 
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - hugs
60. lips or eyes - eyes 
61. shorter or taller - im a short as bich so taller 
62. older or younger - older
63. nice arms or stomach - stomach bich i want this stomach to be flat like where are u bich im so tired
64. hookup or relationship - hookup cus like people are annoying after a while like leave me alone
65. troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant is boring but like troublemaker is too much work so like neither
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - no id never im a pussy
67. drank hard liquor - yes 
68. lost glasses - i dont need glasses but ive left my best friends shades in an uber once bc he left us in the middle of the road at a festival and we had to run out the car cus it was illegal to stop there so like we ran out and i feel so bad bc they were expensive
69. turned someone down - yes lmao
70. sex on first date - no 
71. broken someones heart - i think...
72. had your heart broken - yeah
73. been arrested -  no oh myg od i always have nightmares in which im arrested like i just want a mugshot but no 
74. cried when someone died - ok but liek who hasnt
75. fallen for a friend - mmm lmao
do you believe in
76. yourself - yes i have to push myself tho like its just me and myself fighting all the time but yeah ultimately i do 
77. miracles - yes like i really do after like me n my best friend almost got caught smoking we*ed in her house and like her mom came home early from a trip and like i really thought we were gonna die that day but im smart and lit a candle so like idk how she didnt smell it but like after that day i believe in miracles i do 
78. love at first sight - yeah but like only in fiction like irl it’s lust at first sight 
79. santa clause - yes i love her 
80. kiss on a first date - yeh if im into it 
81. angels - by the xx, gr8 song
82. best friend’s name - she dont have a tumblr 
83. eye colour - dark brown
84. fave movie - silver linings playbook, prisoner of azkaban, and the polar express i said what i said 
85. fave actor - anna kendrick and emma watson and like katie and evelyne 
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sephirothmon · 7 years
83 quesitons owo
tagged by: @homo-avaruus-kasvi-e (MY BROE)
rules: answer the 83 questions and tag 20 people
im gonna put it under a cut
i dont know 20 people on here so im gonna tag less and I HAD TO LOOK UP THE ORIGINAL OF THIS CAUSE I DIDNT KNOW WHAT A LOT OF THESE WERE REFERRING TO :(
last... 1. Drink: water
2. Phone call: i dont remember, i havent called anyone in months
3. Text message: i ate half the fettuccine
4. Song you listened to: simple and clean
5. Time you cried: about an hour ago (not for a bad reason)
have you ever... 6. Dated somebody twice: nope
7. Kissed someone and regretted it:  no
8. Have been cheated on:  no
9. Lost someone special: an internet friend :(
10. Been depressed: always
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
favorite colors... 12. To wear: comfy shirts that happen to be black
13. mint or cyan
14. uhh rainbow
In the last year have you… 15. Made new friends: YEAH i made like 2
16. Fallen out of love:  no?
17. Laughed until you cried: absolutely
18. Found out somebody was talking about you: yeah..
19. Met somebody who changed you: yeah!
20. Found out who your friends are: if this means internet friends then not really.. ive never met any of them irl :(
21. Kissed somebody on your Facebook list: i dont have facebook
General 22.  How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i dont hAVE facebook
23. Do you have any pets: no but my grandparents’ cat is staying at my house cause theyre going to germany
24. Do you want to change your name: yes
25. What did you do for your last birthday: i dont remember cause im thinking about my new birthday which is 1 month away
26. What time did you wake up: 6:30 cause i have school
27. What were you doing at midnight: watching puyo puyo playthroughs..
28. Name something you can’t wait for: to finish this 6 and a half hour playthru of puyo 20th without any interruption and also to go to a con
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: when she picked me up from school
30. What are you listening to right now: crickets chirping outside my window and computer whirring (my room asmr)
31. Have you ever talked to someone named Tom: yea i had a friend named thomas in elementary school we made fun of each other
32. Something that gets on your nerves: VERY QUIET ROOMS where i can hear myself breathe. talk you cowards. 
33. Most visited website: this place, youtube, pokefarm, and dragcave
34. Hair color: blonde
35. Long or short hair: short
36. Do you have a crush on somebody: do fictional characters count
37. What do you like about yourself: i make myself laugh
38. Piercings: none
39. Blood type: idk i havent been to a doctor in 4 years
40. Nickname: uhhhh idk
41. Relationship status: single but i only accept paypal
42. Zodiac: virgo
43. Pronouns: they/ney
44. Favorite tv shows: i dont remember atm but the first thing i thought of was chowder
45. Tattoos: nah
46. Right or left handed: right mostly but the left one does its best too
47. Surgery: nope
48. Sports: swimming but i havent touched water in like 3 years. i also like to kick a ball on the roof and watch ir roll down then hit it back up
49. Vacation: i want to go to the pokecenter in japan and also go to germany for more kinder eggs
50. Pair of trainers: a what
51. Eating: water
52. Favorite drink: stuff from starbucks and fruit smoothie. lemonade is yum too esp purple lemonade its the only reason i go to red robin
53. What are you up to: writing this stuff and thinking of what to draw my friend while also rescheduling the time i need to finish watching that 6 and half hour playthru
54. Waiting for: IDEAS and conventions and time to see my fwiends
55. Want: money, more time, megaman collection for gamecube
56. Get married: no absolutely not
57. Career: uhh game designer? Spriter? Pixel artist character design idk man I'm probly gonna work at publix tbh
58. Hugs or kisses: no
59. Lips or eyes: eyes?? What
60. Shorter or taller: idk
61. Older or younger: none? :/
62. Nice arms or stomach: what
63. Hook up or relationship: none
64. Troublemaker or hesitant: both
65. Kissed a stranger: no
66. Drank hard liquor: nah
67. Lost glasses/contact lenses: sometimes I misplace them
68. Turned someone down: this is very vague but I guess
69. Sex on the first date: no
70. Broken someone’s heart: yeah definitely
71. Had your heart broken: i think
72. Been arrested: no(t yet)
73. Cried when someone died: YES???
74. Fallen for a friend: im not sure actually
Do you believe in… 75. Yourself: no lmao
76. Miracles: yeah im a bringer of good luck
77. Love at first sight: idk i dont rly care about it
78. Santa Claus: :)
79. Kiss on the first date: ?? no?
80. Angels: YES!!
81. Current best friends names: umm bucas, caeli, chancey, and theres more but idk how much they think of me as a friend
82. Eyecolor: weird blue grey
83. Favorite movie: uhhh idk lots of movies are good
you guys dont have 2 do this but i tag @samuraipudding , @fandom-trash224 , @digivolve , @solarlunarx , @stickyghoul , @jnxi (i kno we dont rly talk but u can do this if ur bored!) and anyone else that wants to do it? i know i forgot to tag some people but you can do this and @ me i guess yea
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1 - 25 they all better be gay
1) describe the plot in 1 sentence.
girl with healing powers gets coerced into being the princesses bodyguard and falls in love with her while saving the country.
2) pick one sight, smell, sound, feel, and taste to describe the aesthetic of your novel.
sight — an empty throne room at night
smell — the smell just after a fire is doused
sound — a body hitting the floor
feel — scraping your palms on concrete
taste — salt on your tongue
3) which 3+ songs would make up a playlist for the novel?
already answered!
4) what’s the time period and location in which the novel takes place?
already answered!
5) is this a standalone or a part in a series?
it’s part of a trilogy!!
6) are there any former titles you’ve considered but discarded?
uh originally there was a but in it, and i considered girl of steel but i thought it was too close to man of steel so, healed not whole was the obvious choice
7) how many times does the word ____ appear in the novel?
i can’t answer this cause u didn’t send me a damn word cameron
8) what’s the first line that comes up when you search _____?
^ see above
9) what’s the first line of your novel?
the very first line is:
“From my spot four stories up on the roof of an abandoned building I had a clear view of the street below.“
10) what’s a line of dialogue you’re particularly proud of?
already answered!
11) which line from the novel most represents it as a whole?
tbh the same as the one i’m most proud of!!
12) who are your character faceclaims?
none of them really have exact faceclaims but zan is a mix of douglas booth and young harrison ford
13) sort your characters into harry potter houses!
already answered!
14) which character’s name do you like the most?
honestly,,, probably safren’s?? like none of the characters in this universe have a middle name so its mostly based on first name. I also love zan’s name because their name is actually alekzander.
15) describe each character’s daily outfit.
i’m only gonna do this for the trio bc i’m #lazy
safren — safren wears literally the exact same thing everyday and it’s a snug fitting long-sleeved black top, snug black pants, lace up knee high boots and fingerless gloves
zan — zan shares safren’s tight pants fetish but they prefer looser tshirt like tops. they also wear shorter boots and when they wear gloves they cover their fingers, since they’re u kno a thief
alyssah — alyssah goes through about 3 outfits a day, starting with a dress for morning meetings in the throne room, followed by a pair of snug pants and a blouse with some knee high boots for the afternoon, and another gown for dinner.
16) do any characters have distinctive birthmarks/scars?
well safren doesn’t scar and none of the other characters engage in activites that lead them into danger regularly 
17) pick a color to represent each character.
already answered!
18) pick a font to represent each character.
ok here goes nothin
safren — parabola
zan — impact
alyssah — beautylove
aedan — cornia script
ean — nella sue
cevyn — beastform
19) which character most fits a character trope? which trope?
aedan is literally the idealist thats his whole thing he’s blind and naive
20) which character is the best writer? worst?
none of them really bother but best would be alyssah and worst would probably be aedan
21) which character is the best liar? worst?
best liar is definitely cevyn,,,, like no spoilers but hes Great at lying
22) which character swears the most? least?
SAFREN SWEARS SO MUCH ITS NOT EVENT FUNNY, like the girl needs to fuckin chill. and least would be aedan
23) which character has the best handwriting? worst?
ean’s handwriting is so pretty its like the definitely of perfect cursive but zan’s?? fucking horrid
24) which character is most like you? least like you?
most like me,,, maybe zan?? and least like me is aedan
25) which character would you most like to be?
the guy that dies in the first scene tbqh
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pasteltarrasque · 7 years
thanks @lemongogo​ for tagging me to talk way too much about myself. an excuse is always appreciated :P
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
1. Drink: coffee ! 2. Phone call: if skype calls w my dnd group don’t count, then my Granny 3. Text message: “link fucking one hit disintegrated a teenage hill troll” 4. Song you listen to: the acoustic version of stay by zedd and alessia cara 5. Time you cried: i think last week ?
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: nah :/ 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: i’ve only kissed one person and Yes 8. Been cheated on: not that i kno of!  9. Lost someone special: Oh Yes 10. Been depressed: ur looking at it 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: i was getting there, but didn’t actually
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: blue, green, and peach!
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yep! 16. Fallen out of love: kinda 17. Laughed until you cried: probably 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Oh Yes 19. Met someone who changed you: yep 20. Found out who your friends are: ye 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: neop
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them ? 23. Do you have any pets: i have a bunch of plants, and that’s generally the same. i got a sansevieria, a peace lily, an ivy of some sort, a christmas cactus, aloe vera, and a couple small cacti and succulents 24. Do you want to change your name: nah, it’s a good one 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: i stayed home and ate birthday cheesecake, then that weekend i went to stay at my cousins ! wish i could’ve done more, but it was nice ^-^ 26. What time do you wake up: usually between 6-8 am, but during the summer i stay up way too late so i sleep in til like 9 or 10:30. my body physically cannot sleep in past 11 am, i do not kno y 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: playing dnd  28. Name something you can’t wait for: getting another tattoo sunday! 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: october 20th, 2015 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my sister is more supportive of me being gay 31. What are you listening to right now: i like me better by lauv ~ 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i had a best friend growing up whose dad is named tom, so at least him 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: not right now, but give me a day and my brother’s gonna eat me out of the house and i’m gonna b so pissed 34. Most visited website: it’s a blue shit show, take a fucking guess
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: nope 36. Mark/s: i got some freckles scattered kinda weirdly,  37. Childhood dream: i kept changing it growing up, but the big ones have been dog groomer, ornithologist, and opening a used bookstore in my hometown ! 38. Hair color: brown 39. Long or short hair: short short  40. Do you have a crush on someone: not really 41. What do you like about yourself: i’m a good friend i hear ? and i’m generally p strong and fit, and now that i’m part of a dnd campaign that gets into A Lot of things i’ve been writing lil fics for it and they’re p good i think! 42. Piercings: just my ears 43. Blood type: 0 neg!! i try to donate as often as i can 44. Nickname: rae and rach, nothing too creative :/ 45. Relationship status: single pringle 46. Zodiac: cancer ! 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: i’m only a couple eps in rn, but brooklyn 99 ! i just don’t watch a lot of tv shows tbh
49. Tattoos: i have one on my foot of the asl “i love you” sign that my mom drew, then i’m getting one sunday of some flowers that have a lot of meaning to me on my side ! i don’t want more than that i think, besides adding a lil bee to the flowers later. just lil things that mean a lot to me and i can easily cover up 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: i almost had my appendix removed when they thought i had appendicitis, but the only actually surgery i had was when i had my wisdom teeth removed 52. Hair dyed in different color: rn the ends r a bit lighter than my natural color, but in general i’ve never dyed my hair too far from what it is naturally 53. Sport: rock climbing 55. Vacation: i wanna go to france one day :0 56. Pair of trainers: i have my blue running shoes i like a lot, and some off brand converses
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: nothing, tho i should  58. Drinking: ^ 59. I’m about to: get myself lunch and then write some even tho i should b working on stuff to sell on etsy shhhhhhhhhhh 61. Waiting for: the next time my dnd group can have a game ahhhh 62. Want: to finish painting and cleaning my room jfc kid get to work 63. Get married: IT WOULD B QUITE NICE TO HAVE A WIFE WHOMST I LOVE AND LOVES ME BACK MY DUDE  64. Career: either open my used bookstore, or actually use my computer science degree i’m working on to get a cool techie-something job
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: i defoo get more hugs which i love, but i think kisses from the right person would be Pretty Great 66. Lips or eyes: eyes 67. Shorter or taller: both r nice 68. Older or younger: in a relationship ? kind a more the same age i think 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: i’m such a lesbian for buff arms 71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive 72. Hook up or relationship: relationshipppp 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: lil bit of troublemaker i guess, i’m too hesitant myself
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: nope 75. Drank hard liquor: yea 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: yep 77. Turned someone down: yepyep, guys only hit on me now that i kno i’m a lesbian apparently 78. Sex on the first date: i don’t think i’ve ever even had a proper date 79. Broken someone’s heart: not that i kno of !!! i hope not !!!!!!!! 80. Had your heart broken: not romantically  81. Been arrested: nopppe 82. Cried when someone died: not at her funeral, but for sure 83. Fallen for a friend: ye
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: i think so 85. Miracles: sure 86. Love at first sight: not really 87. Santa Claus: nah 88. Kiss on the first date: it happens whether i believe in it or not, but would i do it ? if it’s a good date then Sure  
90. Current best friend name: lucy :0 91. Eye color: bluee 92. Favorite movie: i haven’t seen it yet, but i know, in my heart, it’s wonder woman
NOW, TAG 20 PEOPLE: i taggggg [insert ur name here if u wanna do it!]
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toomanyskeletons · 7 years
do all the oc asks ALL of them for AT LEAST two of your ocs (evil laughter)
you act as if talking extensively about my ocs does not bring me joy (i’ll only do two probably bc i do have some asks from other people so i’ll have to do those with other ocs, and i’ll try to stick to the same two for the most part.
or three. maybe three.)
anyway let’s begin
1. if they had a tumblr, what would they post about?
Sam: hmm i think probably some blog like. Mostly trans positivity posts with scattered posts abt how much she loves her gf
Amelia: considering her popularity status she’d run some blog like. U kno the blogs tumblr celebrities run i guess? So like. Reblogging a few general funny posts and answering select asks while getting like 200 every day.
 2. what’s their favourite colour?
 Sam: she likes blue :o like. Light blues. Also she keeps her hair dyed light blue as well
Amelia: purple. Honestly idk much more i can say about this.
 3. What makes them laugh?
 Sam: shitty puns and memes, mostly. The type of person who laughs out loud when u just say ‘egg’. She’s probably still into ‘xD tacos’ random humour.
Amelia: the polar opposite of sam in this regard. Laughs at intellectual humor. Like. rich fancy people. I know it exists but i cant think of any specific examples. Politely laughs at things people say are funny but she does not find them actually funny.
 4. If they had one day left to live, how would they spend it?
 Sam: “lmao dw i’ll probably just go to hell anyway” wait no context is important. She’s like. Actually how do i make this not sound bad rip. Uh. basically she is a business partner of lucifer who is actually p chill but that’s another story
Anyway that means like. If she dies she’ll probably just come back as a ghost or a higher tier demon.
O fuk now i really wanna draw that
Amelia: panicking and trying to find a way to not die. She had things she wants to do and a public record to maintain and jeez  i just realised how much ames has changed compared the the first universe she was in. i mean YEAH completely different life experiences but rip
 5. Do they have any annoying habits?
 -this is really subjective bc of what different people consider annoying but
Sam: people say she laughs too much. That is not her annoying habit is, her annoying habit is tellling lucifer when people say that so lucifer can like. Ban them from reincarnation or put a curse on them or something like that. Also sometimes when she cant be bothered to go that extra step she might go into the past and become that person’s grandmother.
...that second one isnt really an annoying habit to most people but to the one guy who has to help keep control of time, it is a very annoying habit and what makes up like half of his job doings.
 Amelia: sometimes goes very over the top with things. One time she stole a magic book by becoming a security guard at the place where it was kept and then took the book and ran. So like, instead of doing things illegally, she did it also illegally and got a month’s pay from it as well.
I guess she’s like. Extra™
 6. What’s their favourite movie genre?
I s2fg i have mentioned this sometime in one of the long texts i have written involving these characters but i cant remember so
Sam: tbh probably more realistic/contemporary stuff, rom-coms, slice of life, coming of age etc. Like. her life is a science fiction/fantasy movie she’s a time traveler working with the dark lord lucifer ffs. Also she’d probably get annoyed on tiny details while watching historical stuff like
“That never happened”
“Sam it’s fiction, it’s a movie, how would they have known that”
“Well maybe they didn’t know it but it’s still fucking annoying”
 Amelia: probably similar to sam, her life is fuckin busy and always people and she’s famous so like. Escape from her life is to indulge in the normal things.
 Just as a side note this does take place in a modern-ish fantasy world so idk what fantasy movies would be considered there but. They exist. I’ll work this out sooner or later
 Also bonus character bc its fucking funny - Zeph: zephyr likes horror movies. She also likes to watch horror movies with her brother. Her brother does not share her same passion for horror movies. He has a certain threshold before he has to flee the room and cuddle someone. This is mostly why zeph likes horror movies. She is pretty picky with what she considers ‘good’ and spends most of her time making fun of horror movies.
And, like the rest of us, secretly freaks out when she is alone at night and hears a sound outside. But for significantly less long because she knows exactly how to make fun of it.
 7. What are their religious beliefs?
 Alright i might not (read: will not currently) answer this bc i’m still working out how to handle religion in this, bc basically there is historical evidence for how the world was created. But obviously that’s not the only component to religion?
Another point would be that actually i still havent got around to creating any religions yet.i still gotta get around to getting down a more detailed history of the world first but i am planning it
 8. What’s their current job (if they have one)?
Yes BITCH i have been WAITIGN for a question like this
 Sam: basically she made a deal with lucifer and runs many errands for them. But also they helped her a LOT when they helped her escape a shitty transphobic environment and also the two became best friends? So i mean she doesn’t get paid but that takes up a lot of her time
Also she, at one stage, becomes part of this thing called the council which i haven’t quite worked out how they work in this universe yet. Theyre a bunch of strong magic people who work in coordination with the Champion (more on this below) to put down rules about magic. Theyre a reused concept from this story i made when i was like. 10. So the idea does need some reworking.
 Amelia: amelia is the champion, which is basically the title given to the person who wins at a big magic competition. Its a p big job, lots of publicity and pr and often regretted by the people who do end up getting there
(like? This one guy? He was kinda like “oh yeah sounds fun” and then he fucking won and he was like “lmao i’ll lose next year” and then he kept the position for 7 years and after that got so fucking sick of it he faked his assassination and became a reclusive mysterious millionaire)
Anyway she enjoys it for the first while until there is a real threat of her being assassinated unlike the aforementioned dude
But she enjoys being around people to an extent, and like. She enjoys making people happy, so
 9. How do they react to confrontation?
 Sam: similar way to what i described before. Like. jsut the little things. Cursing them with the help of lucifer, becoming their grandmother, you know. The usual ways people deal with confrontation.
Amelia: curiosity, further questioning, keeping calm, kinda just. Being chill about it. She wants to make herself a better person, in general, and if someone is deliberately being a confrontational asshole she prefers to just state her point calmly.
 10. Do they have a criminal record?
 Sam: you know? Probably? She kills a bunch of assholes where it’s required, but also she legally doesn’t exist? So? Idk? She’s been arrested a few times, but considering there is no information on her existence at all-
*shrugs* idfk how the law works.
 Amelia: well, technically, no, she only did illegal things last universe and had a pretty fancy upbringing this universe, so there was no reason for her to do the illegals and also like. Public image and stuff. She worries a lot about public image.
 11. What’s their favourite plant?
 Another thing which i feel i have mentioned somewhere but idfk where
 Sam: likes hydrangeas. They’re pretty.
Amelia: can i just say. It is definitely not catnip. Actually. Maybe? Like. she had some pretty fuckin negative experiences with catnip where she destroyed reality for like a solid five seconds by accident and went to purgatory, but also she made two life friends out of it, so? Maybe catnip after all.
 12. Can they play any instruments?
 Sam: “does the kazoo count”
Amelia: nope
 But because this was boring, i’m going to do a special guest feature from her half brother ryan who is a semi-popular youtube vlogger/musician-y dude. or . whatever this world’s equivalent of youtube is. Uh. metube. Yotube. I’ll think about it.
 Ryan: he plays the guitar and sings and he’s damn fucking good at it and he knows it. Also he shares the same combination of forgetting how to outlet his anger in healthy ways + poor impulse control which means that about once every six months he has to buy a new guitar because he couldn’t get that song right and he hit the guitar against the floor.
(his dad is a writer and also an archangel,and one time he couldn’t work out how to start off a scene right so he exploded his laptop and had to use a typewriter for the four weeks while his other archangel buddy was fixing it - i’m getting off topic here)
 13. What are they proudest of?
 Sam: i guess just. Her life in general? Like. she’s survived up to this point, she’s doin shit, maybe not the shit she expected to be doing or the shit she imagined she’d be doing but she’s still doin it. Like. fuck you life. I survived. And she’s proud of that.
Amelia: that one time when she managed to keep her champion title the first time? And also when she made friends with the guy who she thought was a girl and also dead who turned out to be not a girl and alive and also was the champion for seven years rememebr that guy yeah that’s this guy. Anyway she made friends with him after settling some differences. And also when she stopped a whole organisation from murdering her yeah that was good too.
 14. What’s their biggest insecurity?
 Sam: okay this is Definitely Not Me Projecting here (hint: it’s me projecting) but she hates being seen as masculine at all and is very insecure when people refer to her or see her as masculine? Like if u call her butch She Will Cry and also why would you do that bc her and her girlfriend are femme as heck
Amelia: public image public image public image public image
Like. she doesn’t want to look bad, or like a bad public leader, but also, she just wants to do her own thing, u kno?
 15. What do they most often dream about?
Like. literally dream or daydream?
 Sam: probably. Mostly happy stuff. Plus random occasional vivid recollections of tramatic experiences.
Amelia: honestly who the fuck knows (i’d answer this properly but I am Almost Out O f Time)
 So yes almost out of time but thank you so much and doing this has inspired me to just completely rework my first book to make it more interesting
I know that sounds bad btu its not i promise i love oyu
(also there was a bunch of different formatting like italcs etc that was lost when icopied from here to docs sorry)
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sadrien · 8 years
wanna chat? pt. 17
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17
i said a bunch of things in the note on ao3 but its like. sooo long so yeah just check that out please and thanks ilysm 
(son of a gunn = adrien, the worst = alya, lol death = nino, its red = mari)
what is happening in this anymore
son of a gunn: NASA!!! PLANETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH
son of a gun has changed their name to trappist
the worst: as adorable as it is to see u nerd out like the loser u are sleep boi
trappist: WHO CAN SLEEP AT A TIME LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol death: hello my dudes why are we yelling
trappist: NASA!!!!!!!!!
lol death: nice the one good thing the americans gave us
the worst: what about youtube
lol death: shit youre right what about nasa bro
trappist: SEVEN NEW PLANETS!!! Oh my god oh my god Ok so it’s actually probably best if you just read stuff on it??? Because I don’t know if I’m going to explain it well I mean I definitely won’t btu NASA found seven planets orbiting TRAPPIST-1!!! And three are in the habitable zone of the star which is !!!!!!!!!!
the worst: this is rlly cute but im also lost
lol death: yo my man if youre free at all today you can ramble/show me as many videos/articles as youd like
trappist: REally???
lol death: of course! i love hearing you talk about stuff like this man the day the confirmed gravitational waves was awesome
trappist: WASN’T IT??????!?!?!?!!! Anyway!! They’re nicknamed Goldilocks planets Al!!
the worst: o shit i know what that means!!!
trappist: The three in the habitable zone are the best candidates for supporting life!!!!!!!!
the worst: does this mean
lol death: holy shit
the worst: alIENS  
trappist: ALIENS!!!!!!
lol death: a l i e n s
its red: I love you all but why do you not sleep
lol death: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAAlDoAtV7Y
the worst: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWXXA1p618c
trappist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQoRXhS7vlU Wow
the worst: awww i love u 2 <3 <3
its red: ………….. Im going back to bed
trappist: MarI WAIT BUT ALIEN S
its red: Im not watching any conspiracy videos
its red: Get moRE SLEEP
lol death: ILLUMINATI
the worst: *X FILES THEME SONG*
trappist: YOU’RE SCARY
trappist: I ALWAYS AM
the worst: N E V E R
its red: FUC K
the worst: should pluto be a planet again discuss (spoiler: it should)
trappist: I don’t know…
the worst: u donT BELIEVE IN PLUTO
trappist: I mean If Pluto is a planet so is Ceres and a bunch of other celestial bodies past Neptune? If I’m remembering right, I haven’t read up on this in a while
the worst: firsT OF ALL VIVA LA PLUTO FUCK U
the worst has renamed this conversation to “viva la pluto fuck u”.
the worst has changed their name to pluto is better than u
trappist: Wow I mean… Hell, Al Next you’re going to say there’s only 86 elements on the periodic table Data changes!!! That’s how science works!
trappist: Why am I telling this to NASA
pluto is better than u: PLUTO MIGHT BE A PLANET AGAIN FUCK U
trappist: Wait what??? Since when????
pluto is better than u: i thought u were the resident nerd shouldnt u b up 2 date on all this???
trappist: No???
pluto is better than u: google is ur friend
trappist: … Alya this was literally DAYS AGO How would I know this????? Also, the official NASA site hasn’t changed I trust the scientists and NASA. If/when they make an official announcement, I’ll get back to you on Pluto’s planetary status
pluto is better than u: nerd
trappist: <3
lol death: @adrien on my way dude hope youre ready to scream about space
trappist: !!!!! <3 <3 <3
its red: I keep missing space talk Sigh
pluto is better than u: is pluto a planet mari
its red: Pluto is whatever it wants to be
pluto is better than u: cop out
lol death has changed their name to space bro
space bro: first of all seeing adrien nerd out about space is probably the cutest thing ever second of all thiS IS SO RAD LIKE DUDES!!!! MAYBE BLACK PLANTS???? 20 DAY YEAR SEEING THE SURFACE OF A PLANET FROM ANOTHER PLANET!!!!!!! TH EFUCK
trappist: I KNOW!!!!!!!!
its red: Hmmm I need a space name
its red has changed their name to galaxy print
galaxy print: Perfect
space bro: adrien is literally like vibrating hes so excited this is adorable?
trappist: Space is so cool!!! I wanted to be an astronaut when I was little for a while! My mom taught me so many stars I HAV E TO TELL CHLOE
galaxy print: ???
pluto is better than u: i didnt know chloe liked space
trappist: She knew more about stars than I did growin gup  Ok brb
space bro: have fun dude!!
PM between galaxy print and pluto is better than u
galaxy print: Alyaaaaaaaaaaaaa
pluto is better than u: i kno babe ohhh i kno
galaxy print: Hes so cute and Im dying
pluto is better than u: same?? u can get through this
galaxy print: AaaaahhHHHHHHHH
21:24 in viva la pluto fuck u
trappist: I love space
pluto is better than u: go 2 bed nerd
trappist: It’s not that late! Besides, I don’t think anyone else is asleep Role call
galaxy print: Shhhh Im trying to work on a dress The pattern is lowkey killing me
pluto is better than u: aww rip
trappist: I’m sure it’s beautiful
galaxy print: <3
space bro: im just working on some tracks ill bring them to school tomorrow cause i need a second opinion
pluto is better than u: !!!!! im ready
trappist: Told you everyone was awake Al
pluto is better than u: fite me man everyone is doing creative stuff i feel lame r u doing creative stuff marshmallow
trappist: Nah I’m reading more science articles
pluto is better than u: ok not surprising does this mean i have to entertain myself?? youtube here i come
pluto is better than u: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvrhoQdz7GQ&feature=youtu.be
galaxy print: Alya wtf
pluto is better than u: this is why u dont leave me alone
trappist: That vampire looks traumatized
space bro: why is a pumpkin hitting on a vampire
pluto is better than u: The Straights r at it again
galaxy print: Alya I hate you
pluto is better than u: <3
pluto is better than u: 2 make up for that here u go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4A50UmcbZoE i swear its cool
trappist: Oh my god this must’ve taken forever????
pluto is better than u: r u gonna nerd out now?
trappist: ………...no The physics of the bottles to get them to hit the right note— Ok yes
pluto is better than u: wanna call? i kno its late but im so very very bored
trappist: Bored enough to listen to me talk about the physics of sound?
pluto is better than u: hmmm yes u can yell about planets too
trappist: Nice Ok give me two seconds
PM between pluto is better than u and trappist
22:34: Call started
PM between pluto is better than u and space bro
pluto is better than u: how is he like this
space bro: adrien??
pluto is better than u: yup hes so excited>?? what is this
space bro: get used to it man he literally never stops
pluto is better than u: i kno i call him sunshine byt om g
space bro: same tbh
PM between pluto is better than u and galaxy print
pluto is better than u: ur bf is too cute for me im dyin g
galaxy print: Oh myg od we arent dating al
pluto is better than u: get on that girl oh my god
galaxy print: Hes really cute though isnt he omg I hat ehim
pluto is better than u: uh huh
PM between pluto is better than u and trappist
23:52: Call ended: 1 hour 18 minutes 22 seconds
pluto is better than u: @skype why r u like this
trappist: Hey it worked for a lot longer than usual!! This is probably a sign that I should sleep You too
pluto is better than u: :/// k fine night adrien!! <3 <3 <3
trappist: Night Al<3
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