#but pink spider is about flying and falling (and maybe getting back up? or maybe failing again) and rocket dive is about flying and soaring
pinkinsect · 5 months
i love listening to pink spider by hide and wondering what's his deal is/what's occurred to him/what is going to occur to him
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
It’s finally October for where I’m from
I would liked to request prompts 9 and 30 for Airachnid with a human darling
Sure, sorry if she seems OOC or something, still not used to writing her and I haven't seen TFP in a bit ^^ I assumed my prompts for this. For those who wanted more violent stories, here ya go. Spider Decepticon is very fitting for October so this is horror oriented. Short but delves into dark territory, read warnings.
Yandere! TFP! Airachnid with Human! Darling Prompts 9 + 30
"The wound in your leg serves as a lesson, does it not?"
"Those lasting marks are signs of our love!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Cybertronian/Human, Sadism, Degrading behavior, Violence, Injury, Blood, Punishments, Human pet companionship, Dark themes, Power imbalance.
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Human are such fragile prey. The smallest knick makes their skin split open. Said wounds tend to leak a beautiful red substance.
Airachnid felt the same way about her human. They were an adorable pet on their own, one trained to obey their hunter. Yet training their obedience was an even better experience.
Other humans she'd like to kill as trophies, like little animals to hunt for fun as much as she desired. Your fate is different... but not necessarily better. You're a pet she can chase around whenever she wishes.
If you disobey or try to leave? She corrects you.
Airachnid doesn't have to do much to reprimand her human pet. All it takes is holding them down... and the slightest scratch of a claw on a limb. In this case, she's chosen your leg.
"The wound in your leg serves as a lesson, does it not?"
It's a lesson for running away. A lesson for underestimating her and thinking she'd truly let you get away. Now she's slashed your leg, the sanguine blood running down your skin and onto her hand. She grins as you stare up at her in delicious fear.
She's sure you can still walk, just not right off.
Aren't you just the cutest?
"Those lasting marks are signs of our love!"
She says such words in a tone that tastes of saccharine. She's so teasing and playful with what she's done. Like she hasn't added another scar to your skin.
Yes, love... this was her form of twisted love. A love not like any other, one born from that of predator and prey. Similar to how a cat would love a mouse.
This mark, no matter what she says, did not remind you of love. This mark stung of defeat. This mark bled as a reminder you're not free.
You're nowhere close to free.
Every mark she leaves is a reminder you're nothing but a toy. Something an alien can play with with sadistic glee as you hiss in pain. She claims this is love to you.
No matter how much she tries to tell you it's love, you're reminded of a dying fly. She's a spider, one who feeds on the weakness of other. You're a fly... trapped in her web... meant to die by her hands.
She says she'll never kill you. Even if that happens you assume you'll expire by other means. Somehow it may relate back to her.
You feel vulnerable with your leg bleeding, those glowing predatory pink eyes staring you down. Even now she coos at you. Like your pain is the cutest thing in the world to her.
"You humans always have so much fight in you. Even now you still fall for me letting you go! You know... I'll always find you wherever you run." Airachnid grins, watching carefully as your hope cracks more and more.
You vision wavers for a moment and you want to rest. Airachnid looks unimpressed and gives a sigh. The game is done, the fun is over.
Maybe the message will get across this time...
Meanwhile she'll have to patch you up to keep up this twisted game.
"Love you, little pet~"
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teamfortraven · 1 year
An Accidental Discovery
I come bearing food :] hardhat man enjoyers, REJOICE! Reader gets wrecked!
I sighed and wiped my brow as I stepped back a few feet, admiring the work before me. I had agreed to help Engineer today, which mainly consisted of passing him whatever tools he needed, but spent several hours in his workshop with him nonetheless. The southerner had always been painfully sweet to me, ever since the first day we met, and I had to admit he was charming. He was funny, gave great advice, and always upheld his promises. Hell, it was impossible not to like the guy. So when he asked if I could lend him a hand, of course I agreed. I didn’t know what he was building, but it looked impressive. After a moment longer of tinkering, he backed up to stand beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders in appreciation, his other hand on his hip.
“Well, she’s done”, he huffed, a smile stretched across his face. “Thanks again, pardner. Couldn’t a’ done it without ya.”
“No problem at all, Engie”, I insisted. “I’m happy to help.”
There was a short, comfortable silence, both of us enjoying the company the other provided and the sense of accomplishment.
“So, lookin’ at the finished product, whaddya think of ‘er?” He eventually asked, eyes never leaving his most recent invention.
I practically scoffed. “To be honest? I have no idea what that thing is. If I had a couple of PHDs under my belt, maybe I could give you some sort of feedback, but to me it just looks like a bunch of random parts mashed together.”
He finally looked over at me; his goggles hid his eyes behind a dark reflective layer, but I could hear the amusement in his voice. “Hey, c’mon, now—“ He playfully jabbed me in the side, still holding me by the shoulders. “—These degrees ain’t just for lookin’ at chunks a’ metal and seein’ what’s what.” I flinched right after he poked me, a hand flying to cover the area defensively. I had done so entirely out of reflex, and I hoped he hadn’t noticed. Unfortunately, as I looked back up at him, I saw his pursed lips, at first questioning my reaction, slowly turn into a mischievous smile.
“What’s that guarded look for? Ya got somethin’ to hide?” He repeated the motion several more times, watching my face as an involuntary smile spread across it; the hand on my shoulder slowly slid to grip below my arm, making it more difficult for me to try turning away. 
My fists clenched at my sides as I fought the urge to smack his hand away. “Nothing”, I stammered.
“You sure ‘bout that? This certainly doesn’t look like nothin’”, he drawled, wiggling a single finger against my side to indicate what he was talking about.
“E-Engie!-“ I quickly broke into giggles as his mechanical hand suddenly spidered gently across my stomach, the hand gripping under my arm digging in with quick motions.
“D’aww, now ain’t that just adorable?” He cooed as I doubled over in an effort to protect myself, my face tinted pink from his comment. I managed to grasp the wrist of his prosthetic hand, attempting to push it away even though I knew damn well it was much, much more powerful than me.
As he continued, I eventually found it difficult to remain standing, becoming more and more desperate to get out of his grip. When I finally tried to sink down and out of his arms, he followed me to the floor, to my surprise. “And where do ya think you’re goin’?” I twitched at his touch as both hands switched to my sides, simultaneously tormenting me and holding me in place. I grasped both of his wrists, gasping before being unable to stop myself from laughing, completely falling back against the floor.
“D-Dell!” I spluttered, unable to meet his gaze with how warm my face felt. “S-Stop!” I said it in a less-than-serious tone, not sure if I really wanted him to or not. There was something so loving about the way he was tickling me; I found it strangely comforting, yet torturous all the same. 
He hummed, and I could hear the smirk in his voice. “‘Fraid I can’t do that, darlin’.” I felt red explode across my face, which only deepened as he added, “You’re just too darn cute.” I squeaked as he suddenly dug his fingers in just below my ribs, bolting into an upright position and attempting to block him. He whistled at my frantic reaction, shoving me right back to the floor as if I were completely weightless, continuing with lighter pokes. “Now, how in the world do you get through doctor appointments bein’ this ticklish?” He seemed to be half talking to himself, but I attempted to answer nonetheless, my voice slightly muffled while I covered my face.
“One time- I accidentally punched Medic!-” I managed to convey through a stream of giggles. He laughed loudly at that, easing up on his attacks for a moment. “Well, with how you’re squirmin’ right now, I reckon he’d have had to tie you down more than once before!” Immediately following that sentence, he suddenly got a particular look on the half of his face that I could see. He actually withdrew his hands from me, reaching up and moving his goggles to the base of his helmet so I could see his eyes. Then, without ever looking away from me, he reached to the side of his belt, grasping the extension cord. Oh. Oh no.
He chuckled at the apparently amusing facial expression I was making, unhooking the cord from his belt and grasping both of my wrists with the gunslinger. “Since you’re so reluctant to sit still...” He gently pinned my hands to the concrete above my head before skillfully tying them to the leg of the table behind us with his real hand. “There. That oughta help. And now...” I didn’t think it was possible to be blushing any harder when I felt even more warmth rush to my face; he raised his hands above me threateningly, wiggling his fingers with a dark expression, his laugh seeming to echo. “...I’ve got free reign.”
Even though I knew he was purposely trying to taunt me, I had never seen the engineer look so genuinely terrifying before- and that was saying something, considering I had seen him covered head-to-toe in blood on multiple occasions (still with his sweet smile and southern drawl, of course). After pausing like that for a moment, he didn’t seem to be able to take himself seriously, half-wheezing, half-choking, covering half his face with a single hand. He looked back down at me with lidded eyes and a small smile, still partially hiding behind his hand, his face now dusted pink in embarrassment. “Well, anyways...”
I was taken completely off guard as he suddenly scribbled his fingers across my ribs, yelping before practically screaming with laughter, much to his amusement. “I figured you were probably extra sensitive here, but I didn’t think you’d be this sensitive”, he teased, constantly switching up the patterns his fingers went in. I had almost immediately started kicking my legs, hoping I didn’t accidentally hurt him, before he quickly knelt with his leg across my thighs, preventing me from lashing out. “I really don’t think you’d like to kick me, darlin’, now, would ya?”
I squeaked and giggled helplessly as he dragged his fingers across my torso, managing to stop myself from fighting the restraints.
“Q-quihihit it!” I whined as he continued to tease, twisting underneath him. I shrieked as he suddenly dug into the sides of my hips, and I saw a wicked smile light up on his face.
“Oh? This a bad spot?” I cursed him out quietly before falling into giggles again. This continued for a while longer, and he kept teasing me, enjoying the way my face lit up bright red — although nothing compared to the hue when he slightly lifted my shirt, exposing my stomach.
“H-hey! Wait-“ I squeaked and went dead silent as he pressed individual fingers down into my stomach: gentle, but with enough pressure that I shivered.
“I’ll let you go, hun, don’t you worry”, he reassured, although I heard the unmistakable playfulness in his voice. “I just wanna test one more thing…”
My eyes widened as he removed his fingers… and then blew a raspberry. I began practically screaming with laughter, pulling at the restraints desperately. “I’M SO GONNA GET YOU BACK!” I managed to yell between gasps for air, before being plunged into laughter yet again as he blew another, gently scratching at either of my sides with his fingertips.
He withdrew with a chuckle. “Oh really? You’re gonna get me back for this, huh? I doubt it.” He teasingly nuzzled my stomach and I tried to lift my legs on reflex, just to be reminded they were pinned underneath him. No matter which way I attempted to turn, his hands pinned my torso in place. Tears collected at the corners of my eyes as he finally lifted his head.
“Alright, alright, I’ll let up”, he said after seeing the state I was in. He moved his leg off of my own before swiftly untying the extension cord from around my wrists, smoothing his fingers over them to make sure the cord hadn’t been pressed too tightly against them. As I regained my breath, he stood up, gently taking my hands in his and helping me follow him. I allowed him to wrap me in a hug, rubbing my back.
“Y’know, you’re too damn cute when you’re flustered.” My eyes opened wide at this comment, and I veered back to look at him, face brighter than the sun.
“Shut up, I’m not!”
He simply laughed, smirking as he pulled his goggles back down over his eyes. “You ain’t never been more wrong, sweetheart.”
I was so gonna get him back.
Yeah I kinda like this character if you couldn't tell... /s
Also I'm well aware that the tags I use make it so people not in the t-word community find this, as well, which is why this is an account completely separate from my main :] I want people who really want to read this type of fluff to be able to find it easily and IDC who else sees because it's entirely SFW and nothing to be ashamed of. Have a great weekend, guys <3
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tickletastic · 1 year
Golden Hour
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Ship: Thiam <3
Summary: Theo and Liam spend a lazy eveneing in bed. Day two of Miya and Mia's Tickletober: claws!
The last glimpses of sunlight trickle through the edges of Liam’s window, glittering rays cutting through wherever the curtains don’t cover. You can see the particles of dust floating through the still air, a soft golden filtering the room, slowly dimming as each minute passes. Despite their mid-afternoon nap, Theo is finding it difficult to stay awake. There’s something about being in the warmth of the sun on his face, the fact that he finally has a bedroom, one that smells like him and Liam combined, and the fact Liam’s warm body has been draped across his chest since the afternoon that allows him this serenity. 
He had been trying to read The Old Man and the Sea, a favourite of his, but he had grown distracted by Liam’s laughter, the younger having spent an hour scrolling through TikTok. He could see the soft lines of Liam’s lips, the wrinkles at the corner of his eyes when he smiled at a video of a kitten on a skateboard, or a silly dance. Theo’s book had been forgotten at his side, and he distractedly watched Liam’s TikToks, obscured by curly brown hair. 
Harnessing just enough energy to extend his claws, knowing Liam loved the feeling, Theo started scratching Liam’s head, fingers patiently sifting through soft curls. Liam practically melted, his body somehow relaxing into Theo even more, he lets out a contented hum, growing too distracted to scroll through to the next video on his phone. 
Theo softly massaged Liam’s entire head, going in circles through his hair. He could feel Liam shivering every few minutes, thinking nothing of it considering Liam had resumed his TikTok doom scrolling. Theo continues even as he feels himself slipping, eyes closing as he listens to the audio from Liam’s phone. When the sounds stop, Theo thinks that maybe Liam is dozing off too, cracking one eye open and expecting to see Liam’s soft eyelashes against his cheeks as he falls asleep, instead, he finds Liam’s eyes wide open, biting his lip as pink rises up his cheeks. 
“You alright?” Theo asks, shifting as if he’s going to sit up.
“Wait, I’m comfortable!” Liam puts his hand down flat on Theo’s chest, urging him to stay down. “I’m fine.”
“You sure?” Theo asks, voice soft.
Liam falters, looking up at Theo through his eyelashes and nodding sheepishly, “yeah, it just- it kind of tickled.”
“What tickled?” Theo grins, raising an eyebrow.
“Uh-” Liam starts to blush again, looking down at his hands, “you were scratching behind my ear with your claws.”
Theo can’t help the fondness on his face as he looks down at Liam, blush growing to his ears. He gently extends his claws again, brushing one up against the back of Liam’s ear. Liam brings his shoulder up to his ear, shaking his head. 
Theo repeats the same action on the other side, receiving the same response, and it becomes a back and forth between the two of them until Liam is finally giggling, shaking his head back and forth but doing little else to get away from his boyfriend.
“Nohoho!” Liam giggles throwing his head back as he realizes there’s no way to escape the tickly hands, “ohoho my gohohod!”
Theo’s grin is splitting his face as he looks down at Liam, smiling as bright as the sun. His fingers trail softly down to his chest and ribs, and Liam jolts, squirming from side to side. “Do my claws make it tickle worse, Li?”
“YEHES!” Liam squeals, hair flying everywhere as he thrashes. Theo’s fingers drift down to Liam’s tummy and the younger is down for the count, hysterical, boyish laughter flowing freely. “THEHEHEO NOHOHOHO! NAHAT THEHERE!”
Theo laughs, spidering his fingers in circles over Liam’s soft tummy. He knows Liam is trying his hardest to stay in place, but when he notices Liam losing the fight, nearly thrashing away from Theo entirely, Theo’s fingers slow to a stop. 
Liam pants, giggling and hiccuping throughout, going limp against Theo’s chest. Theo lets his claws go down and attempts to rub the tickling feeling away, stopping when Liam starts to giggle harder again. “You’re being sickeningly adorable right now.”
Liam slaps Theo’s hand playfully, “shuhut up.”
“Never,” Theo says, moving his head down and kissing the top of Liam’s head.
After a while of Liam catching his breath, blush dissipating as the minutes go by, he looks up at Theo, doe eyes on full display, “so, how does nap part two sound?”
Theo laughs, repositioning the two of them so they;re on their sides, Liam as the little spoon, “sounds great, Little Wolf.”
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pixeldistractions · 5 months
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Okay, maybe it was for the best that you didn’t fall in love with this. There were a whole lot of people back in Wisconsin who would prefer that this didn’t work out.
The first week of classes, Jordan might have easily said to hell with it. He was ready to call it quits and crawl back to his family in utter shame, because this wasn’t working. It was harder than he thought it would be. His arms felt like jello. He felt his muscles burn in places where he didn’t know muscles existed. His fingers gripped rock after rock until they could only tremble. To top it all off, he looked like such a shrimp next to these other beefy guys.
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“But let me tell you a secret,” Maya told him, “We have less body weight to pull up. Just focus on your technique. Newbies always slip a few times. That’s why we have you on the short wall.”
Maya was five-foot-six and 135 pounds at most. She was motivating and encouraging, and he appreciated that, but it didn’t make the hard falls and slips any easier. He’d only been training for a few days, but they trained hard. He paid for these sessions and he was going to get his money’s worth. They climbed in the morning before the sun was high and hot, and they climbed in the evenings, too.
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He wished he could say the effort was working.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself,” Maya said. “People train for years before they ever attempt Komorebi. Did you think you’d master it in two weeks?”
No, that would have been silly. Two months? Well, he couldn’t say he didn’t hope.
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“But Jack?” Jordan pointed at his fellow newbie flying up the wall. “He’s Spider-Man!”
He and Jack were the only two newbies in the class, but one look at Jack and you’d never assume this was his first time. He knew the handholds by instinct, he flew up the rock face with strength and precision. He would definitely have this mastered in two weeks.
Even Maya glanced at Jack, nodding with approval and surprise, then she turned to Jordan with a grimace. She was trying so hard to convince him not to throw in the towel, and he felt bad for her. He should probably just quit the class so she didn’t have to try with him anymore.
“Jack is different,” she said. “Jack is, I don’t know, touched by God or something. He’ll be teaching this class next year. That’s not normal. Most of my students have been training seriously for a year and they’re still mastering the medium wall. I’ve been climbing for three years, and this winter will be my first time attempting the summit. It was slow to start. You’ll get there in your own time.”
But Jordan wasn’t sure he had enough time to get there in his own time.
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“One more thing,” Maya added, pointing at him directly. “You. Sunscreen. We’re pasty people in the desert, and those rocks reflect the sun. We fry out here.”
Jordan felt fried, mentally and emotionally, but he didn’t know about his skin. He shrugged. “I don’t know, I think it’s probably fine.”
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But no, it wasn’t fine. By the end of the day, he felt it. His skin was warm and pink, and this was gonna hurt.
— from “boxes & squares #4.1: first fall apart” (1/5)
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Next ->
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honeybeewhereartthee · 11 months
Pink KKOMAS 145
Spoiler for my stories
"I guess we die today."
"please give kissy to blood, little blob." hallow plead to the rabbit who give him a look and give a look to the ugly pinky through have ragged type of clothing style than the other annoying pinky who prefer questionable one. He seems to be smart bunny as he look at the fried shrimp that Hallow offers to feed everyone ( totally not taken from the estate kitchen) and give it to blood with all his little paws might smack it to his face.
[ Task Complete: C. A very, very thick and fluffy cute Bunny giving you kisses.]
(( kisu/ Kiss fish: Fried shrimp. Task is fluffy bunny giving flying kiss / flying Kisu ))
"pff..." NN held his laugh.
"was... That a pun..." Hallow eyes sparkle but before he can ask more you give kisses to blob who is so smart. Taking him away from Hallow. "My baby is so smart! So smart! And so cute!" You cooed while blod give you side eyes but show sign he likes the affection, he just refuse to admit it.
"how charming." Blood rolled his eyes as he take the shrimp, he look at it for a moment. "..." The little spider went to chopstick the shrimp away, at least tried to as blood eats it. "!!!?" He seems to be mortified about it as blood seems to be nonchalant as he eats it. "It's a waste to not eat a gift." He give a smile.
"if you throw out it be more of a waste isn't it?" The angel rolled his eyes as he give a side comment which made blood to look at him. "My, are you worried about me, dear other me?" Blood tease him.
"what's wrong with shrimps? Do you not like it?" Hallow takes out his tablet and approaches blood. "How about steaks? Do you prefer that? How about beef? Maybe some crocodile??? Snakes??? Or chicken... Maybe you prefer human meat... But sadly Ghost don't cook those... Unless your Z." He seems to be checking chart as he made a list of not a favor meat or dish Blood might dislike, since he think he can thank blood by serving him food ( made by Ghost, and sadly not him. He will learn the art of cooking from his fellow dead man in the estate one day!)
He give the tablet to blood to cross out what he want and dislike.
"oh, you little curious one. You aren't scared of me, no more? To be so shameless." Blood chuckle as he answers the checkless before handling it back to Hallow who stare at it. He need Adamite to read it for him later since he can't see it.
It was blood crossing out all the meat option and putting a cute doodle of him being candy and sweeterian (only eat sweet and desserts) but he probably would known it as blood left the group to get baby blue to the bathroom, he follow in worry from a far he was curious what's wrong to blood when he sense him somewhere not so far from them and stared at his direction after he remove his blindfold.
He saw blood throwing up what he just eat and baby blue seems to say something while patting his back.
He wonder if he seen it right as blood thrown up something red ..
"ah... I guess meat is not good." Hallow felt bad spying on blood as he look at the answers blood give him and went back but he look up as he sense someone familiar up in the sky as he held his blindfold gazing up. He saw the sky crack and something falling.
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roosterbox · 11 months
As December gets closer, it’s almost time to start my Album Project up again. Yay!
As a reminder, this is where I spend a month (give or take) listening to a bunch of albums a day, when I have free time. Albums that I’ve either never sat with all the way through, or haven’t heard at all. And, once I’ve listened, I post a little mini review, plus a few favorite tracks, on Twitter. Though the way things are now, maybe I could start cross-posting on BlueSky, huh? Eh, we’ll see.
I’ve heard some really great stuff that I’ve missed over the years!
This will be Phase 3 of the project, and I’m listening to 100 albums per Phase. Which seems like a lot, but it goes pretty quick, let me tell you. I’m at about 82 albums in Phase 3’s queue, so I have the rest of November to fill out the rest, but I’m sure I can do it. Probably gonna take another long break in January and February, but then… Phase 4 in March. Maybe April.
I’m not outright soliciting album suggestions from anyone and everyone quite yet, but I wouldn’t mind if there was something you wanted to recommend, lol.
Curious about what I’ve listened to so far? Check out the list!
Van Halen - Van Halen (Self-Titled, aka 1)
Radiohead - Kid A
Rush - Moving Pictures
Van Halen - Women and Children First
Djo - Decide
Rush - Permanent Waves
Rush - Grace Under Pressure
Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
Radiohead - In Rainbows
Iron Maiden - The Number of the Beast
Metallica - Master of Puppets
Ghost - Meliora
Rush - 2112
Deftones - White Pony
Tool - Lateralus
Ice Nine Kills - The Silver Scream
Boston - Boston (Self-Titled)
Deftones - Diamond Eyes
Judas Priest - Sin After Sin
David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral
Of Monsters and Men - My Head is an Animal
Bad Company - Bad Company (Self-Titled)
Bruce Springsteen - Nebraska
Peter Gabriel - Car
Coldplay - X & Y
Prince - Purple Rain
Queen - Sheer Heart Attack
Pink Floyd - Animals
Peter Gabriel - So
Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind
Judas Priest - Stained Class
Tom Petty - Full Moon Fever
The Doors - The Doors (Self-Titled)
Meatloaf - Bat Out Of Hell
Neil Young - Harvest
Rush - Fly By Night
Coldplay - Viva la Vida
Sabaton - The Great War
Heart - Dreamboat Annie
Kansas - Leftoverture
The Cure - Disintegration
Foo Fighters - The Color and the Shape
Linkin Park - Meteora
Elton John - Honky Chateau
The Pixies - Surfer Rosa
Judas Priest - British Steel
Bruce Springsteen - Darkness on the Edge of Town
Nine Inch Nails - Pretty Hate Machine
Depeche Mode - Violator
Def Leppard - Pyromania
Peter Gabriel - Melt
Prince - Sign o’ the Times
Dusty Springfield - Dusty in Memphis
David Bowie - Heroes
Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
The Police - Synchronicity
Rush - A Farewell to Kings
The Clash - Combat Rock
The Rolling Stones - Exile on Main Street
Iron Maiden - Powerslave
Talking Heads - Remain in Light
Elton John - Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy
Alanis Morissette - Jagged Little Pill
Ice Nine Kills - Welcome to Horrorwood
AC/DC - Back in Black
Judas Priest - Painkiller
Pink Floyd - Piper at the Gates of Dawn
Rainbow - Rising
Rage Against the Machine - Rage Against the Machine (self titled)
Deftones - Koi no Yokan
Radiohead - Amnesiac
Neil Young - After the Gold Rush
John Lennon - Plastic Ono Band
Foo Fighters - Wasting Light
Sabaton - The War to End All Wars
Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
REM - Murmur
Prince - Prince (Self-Titled)
Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks
The Rolling Stones - Let It Bleed
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses (self titled)
Stevie Wonder - Songs in the Key of Life
Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run
My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
Wings - Band on the Run
REM - Document
Def Leppard - Hysteria
Florence and the Machine - Lungs
System of a Down - Toxicity
Heart - Little Queen
Judas Priest - Screaming for Vengeance
Billy Joel - The Stranger
The Cure - Wish
Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth
Prince - Controversy
Elton John - Caribou
David Bowie - Young Americans
AC/DC - Highway to Hell
Led Zeppelin - Houses of the Holy
Elvis Costello - My Aim is True
Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation
Various Artists - Saturday Night Fever
Electric Light Orchestra - Out of the Blue
Michael Jackson - Thriller
The Cars - The Cars (Self-titled)
Derek and the Dominos - Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs
The Animals - The Animals (Self-titled)
John Lennon - Double Fantasy
Wings - At the Speed of Sound
Djo - Twenty Twenty
Public Enemy - It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back
King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King
INXS - Kick
Aretha Franklin - I Never Loved a Man the Way I Loved You
Tori Amos - Little Earthquakes
David Bowie - Station to Station
Patti Smith - Horses
Steely Dan - Aja
Moody Blues - On the Threshold of a Dream
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Mother’s Milk
Beastie Boys - Ill Communication
Jimi Hendrix Experience - Electric Ladyland
Steely Dan - Pretzel Logic
Lou Reed - Transformer
Sum 41 - All Killer No Filler
Rush - Signals
The Kinks - The Village Green Preservation Society
The Killers - Hot Fuss
Rush - Vapor Trails
Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Tom Waits - Closing Time
Father John Misty - Chloe and the Next 20th Century
Moody Blues - In Search of the Lost Chord
Duran Duran - Rio
ABBA - Arrival
Liz Phair - Exile in Guyvile
Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly
Ghost - Opus Eponymous
Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
Blondie - Parallel Lines
Judas Priest - Killing Machine
PUP - Morbid Stuff
Beastie Boys - Paul’s Boutique
Radiohead - A Moon-Shaped Pool
Van Halen - 1984
Thin Lizzy - Jailbreak
The Cure - Pornography
Stray Cats - Built for Speed
Aretha Franklin - Lady Soul
Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures
Elvis Presley - The Sun Sessions
Madonna - Ray of Light
Jethro Tull - Aqualung
Bruce Springsteen - Born in the USA
Tom Waits - Rain Dogs
AC/DC - Powerage
Black Sabbath - Master of Reality
Beach Boys - Surf’s Up
Neil Young - On The Beach
Jane’s Addiction - Nothing‘s Shocking
The Replacements - Let It Be
Bachman-Turner Overdrive - Not Fragile
Run DMC - Raising Hell
Depeche Mode - Music for the Masses
Bob Dylan - Highway 61 Revisited
Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
Bob Welch - French Kiss
Muse - Black Holes and Revelations
Bush - Sixteen Stone
Fiona Apple - Tidal
Iron Maiden - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
Jimi Hendrix Experience - Axis: Bold As Love
Wings - Venus and Mars
Rush - Hemispheres
Tool - Undertow
Joni Mitchell - Blue
Yes - Fragile
The Stooges - Fun House
Elton John - Madman Across the Water
Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark
Metallica - And Justice For All
The Band - Music from Big Pink
Paul McCartney - McCartney II
Red Hot Chili Peppers - By The Way
Kate Bush - Hounds of Love
ZZ Top - Eliminator
Deftones - Around the Fur
Queen - Queen II
Paramore - Brand New Eyes
Dio - Holy Diver
Nine Inch Nails - The Fragile
Peter Gabriel - Scratch
Marvin Gaye - What’s Going On
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Deja Vu
Pretenders - Pretenders (self-titled)
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Cosmo’s Factory
Chicago - 6
The Alan Parsons Project - I Robot
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quobber · 3 years
Grief and Yearning
read on ao3
Characters: TASM!Peter Parker, TASM!Gwen Stacy, MCU!Dr. Strange
Warnings: Mention of character death, brief mention of suicidal thoughts, slight NWH spoilers, angst
Words: 1.1K
A/N: Inspired by this incredible comic. I am obsessed with Gwen and Peter I love them more than anything else in the whole world. I love them more than you do. Might make a pt. 2?
I hate myself.
Peter sat in front of the grave just as he did for the past six months. He replayed the events of that night over and over. And over. And over.
It was his fault, he was the reason she died. And he sat by her grave every goddamn day. Rain or shine, he was there. He barley ate or slept or did anything.
What was the point if there was no Gwen?
I hate myself.
Gwen hugged her knees to her chest in her room, staring at pictures of her and Peter she kept on the wall. She couldn’t bring herself to take them down, even though they did nothing but make her heart ache. She was Spider-Woman. She was a hero. It was her job to save people. But she couldn’t save Peter. That night when he fell from the clock tower never left her mind. It haunted her thoughts. It was all she dreamed about.
She looked into her closet. Peter’s hoodie hung up, untouched. Funny, she thought she closed the door.
She willed herself up and walked to her closet, starting to pull it shut. A flash of pink caught her eye. She looked into the corner, at her balled up suit.
Peter wouldn’t want this. Peter wouldn’t want her to stay in her room for months, not talking to anyone.
Peter would want her to keep helping people.
Maybe it was fate that willed her to pick up the fabric, the slitted eyes staring into her own.
Peter looked at himself in the mirror with his suit on. It had been so long since he last saw himself like this. It was like staring at a stranger. He hated Spider-Man, he was the one that killed Gwen.
But he had to do something right. For once since Gwen died, he had to do something good. He took a deep breath, watching his chest rise and fall in the mirror.
He turned and opened his window, carefully crawling out and looking at the city. At all the people walking, the cars driving, the birds flying, the dogs barking.
How could the world still go on like this when Gwen wasn’t there?
He crawled to the roof and sat, breathing in the city air. If he closed his eyes and thought about it enough, he could almost pretend Gwen was still there. He could see her smile in his mind, and it was nice.
Then her smile turned into a scream, and she was falling.
He opened his eyes, trying to throw the thought from his mind. But he couldn’t, her lifeless body was tattooed in his brain. Every time he closed his eyes he saw her. It was torture. He needed to clear his head.
He jumped from the building, wind whipping in his ears as he plummeted. He almost thought about not deploying a web.
But he did, and he swung from building to building, the sounds of New York City below him.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something spark. He assumed it was just a bonfire, but something told him to go back. And so he did. He dropped down to the concrete, getting a closer look.
There was some sort of portal in front of him. On the other side, the roof of a building.
There was someone standing on it, a girl. She had a suit on, almost like his own. But her’s was hooded, and made of white, black, and pink fabric.
Gwen stared through the portal, or whatever it was, at the other figure. He had the same webbed design on his suit. She tilted her head, slowly walking through the portal. The other stayed put. The two stared in confusion, not sure if they could trust one another.
The male spoke first.
“Did you make this portal?”
Gwen stared, stumbling back. That voice. She recognised that voice anywhere.
The other shook his head fast.
“No- no, I don’t- I’m not Peter, I’m Spider-Man.”
Gwen walked closer, trying to reach for his mask.
“Spider-Man? No, no- this makes no sense- let me see you-“
She watched Spider-Man swing up to a street lamp, and she did the same after him. She knew what she heard, that was Peter. She grabbed for his mask again, but he started swinging away. She jumped and followed him. The pair was swinging from buildings, flipping and gliding and soaring and falling.
“Who are you?!” Spider-Man yelled back as he tried to get away from Gwen.
“I’m Spider-Woman! Peter, stop and talk to me!” She sobbed out. There were so many questions.
Peter stopped swinging when he heard the pain in Spider-Woman’s voice as she yelled his name. It sounded like-
He rolled onto the ground and pulled his mask off. Gwen had taken her own mask off. She stood across from him. Tears rolled down Peter’s cheeks. This wasn’t real. This was his mind playing tricks on him again.
“Gwen..” He said again, disbelief mixed with pain. Then turned to anger as he yelled.
“You’re dead! You died! You-“
Gwen shook her head, confusion plastered on her face. “No, Peter, you died! You fell from the clock tower!”
As the pair tried to make sense of what was happening, another portal opened. A man stepped out. He had a blue suit and a red cape, dark hair and a goatee. He also wore a heavy gold chain.
“You both fell from the clock tower. Just not in the same universe.” He spoke, his voice deep and serious.
Gwen and Peter stared at each other. Peter looked at the strange man. “You mean theres-“
“A multiverse.” The man nodded. “And it’s messed up, so the two of you now exist in the same place.”
It seemed to good to be true, Gwen thought. But then she looked over and Peter was there. His big brown doe eyes staring into hers. And she’d like to believe that this was really happening.
Peter’s brain was twisting and turning as he put together what the man said. And he looked up at Gwen.
“I couldn’t save the Gwen Stacy in my universe.”
Gwen nodded slowly, things were clicking now.
“And I couldn’t save the Peter Parker in mine.”
And before they could really think about it, their lips crashed together. Gwen’s arms around Peter’s shoulders, Peter’s hands on Gwen’s waist. The kiss was messy and needy and salty from tears, but neither of them dared pull away. Trying to pull each other closer than what was possible. They had gotten a second chance.
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mendesbadrepuation · 3 years
The Way You Comfort Me // Peter Parker🕷
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Peter Parker x female reader
Description: Recently your best friends have grown apart from you and you have been really upset over the situation. Lucky for you Peter is there to comfort you.
Warnings: it’s a little sad in the beginning but the ending is overly fluffy and handsomely cute! Not even slightly proofread lolol 
“Hey! How come you look all down in the dumps today?” Peter breaks you from your thoughts as his hand waves in front of your face. You snap your eyes in his direction and you knew you could see the way he was concerned for you. You also knew he could see the way your eyes glossed over with tears.
“It’s not really important. We should get back to studying.” You reply quickly and avert your eyes back to the book on the table. You absentmindedly tapped the pen in your hand against the notebook you were using to take notes.
“No. It’s important to me. I don’t like to see you upset like this.” Peter reaches his hand out to gently stop the tapping of your pen. When you look up into his eyes they were soft and gentle. Just like everything about him. He was the purest soul to you and you got lucky he stumbled across your path. Even luckier he became your best friend and lover.
You and Peter were friends before. In high school you two were study partners a lot. You two really worked well together. One night you and Ned barged into his room on a rant about an assignment and you saw him in his Spider-Man suit. It was completely an accident and ever since then you knew about his secret. And ever since that day you have kept that special secret. You earned his trust very fast. Which led you to a relationship you never saw come but every day you are thankful for.
“Rachel and Addy didn’t invite me to go with them on the annual beach trip. They haven’t invited me to anything in the last couple of months. I think our friendship is ancient history.” You explain to him with a frown very evident on your face.
Rachel and Addy have been your best friends since middle school. You’ve known Addy since kindergarten even. You went through many stages of life with those girls and it was something that a lot of friendships went through. You grow up, you meet new people, you simply fade away. In your mind though, you thought it wouldn’t happen with those two. You cared for them dearly and that friendship. After several attempts of asking to hang out with them and they both decline every time you gave up.
At first you just let it go and thought it would fizzle out. You’d be back to normal within the next week. A week turned into a month. You were so busy with school that it never hit you until here recently. You were making your last stitch effort. Once you realized they were going on the beach trip without you, that’s how you knew it was over.
Peter looks at you sadly. “I know how much they mean to you. Maybe this was a sign and you never know. You all could pick right back up like nothing ever happened.” He tries to help with the situation.
“I don’t know Pete. I think we may be growing apart.” The words get choked up in your throat. It was hard to think and now even harder to say out loud.
He frowns at your response. “I think we’ve had enough studying for today. Let’s go back to my place and cuddle.” His hand lands on your thigh under the table in a comforting way. You look up into his eyes slowly nodding in agreement.
“I don’t want to worry May though.” You say.
He shakes his head. “Not to worry. Her and Happy are on an overnight trip. It will be just us.”
You lightly scoff. “Happy and May are getting closer.”
“Yeah! Yeah! Don’t remind me!” Peter shuts his eyes shaking his head in denial. “I don’t like to think about it.”
You two pack up your things and walk out of the university library holding hands. As you walked through campus you tried not to think about the issue playing repeat in your head. Every time you thought about losing your best friends you felt that ache in your heart. Losing friends is hard and it’s a different kind of loss you are never prepared for.
“The leaves are starting to change. It’s so pretty.” You say and your eyes wonder around the trees on campus. You wanted to think about other things.
“Pretty like you.” Peter cheekily replies. You instantly blush and playfully roll your eyes.
“Thank you.” You reply. Peter was smirking at you from your reaction. He loved seeing you blush from something he does or says to you. Just let’s him know he has that affect on you.
The walk to the subway was mostly just you two talking about anything but your situation. He knew that you would fully talk about it when you were ready. The rest of the way to his apartment Peter done his best to cheer you up. He would tell you corny jokes or do playful little things to keep a smile on your face. He was simply your person. Only he knew how to make you feel better in times like this.
Shortly after arriving to his place you got into his clothes. A pair of his sweats and his hoodie. Immediately you were feeling more comforted being wrapped up in his scent. He saw the way your expressions become more calm. His heart swelled seeing how much peace it brought you. He was your safe haven as you were his.
He picks you up and places you in his lap so he can cuddle you. You had the hood up over your head and he lets you nuzzle your head between his neck. He was extra warm from those added super powers running through his bloodstream. It truly came in handy on days like these. When you contently sigh into his neck it felt like his heart was smiling.
“As much as this sucks. I’m glad I have you.” You mumble in a soft tone.
“You always have me.” He whispers back. His hand that was wrapped around your back softly rubbed your worries away. You place a delicate kiss on his neck and he simply thought he was going to melt. He hated you being sad but boy was he grateful he got to be the one to comfort you, to hold you.
The rest of the night was spent with you in his arms. He would switch with rubbing your back to playing with your hair and even little kisses all over your face. Anything he could do to make you feel better, he did it. Eventually you talked through it with a little advice from him. It was hard coming to the realization of what was happening. He knew how strong you were and that you would get through this little milestone with ease.
You fell asleep with your head resting on his chest so you could hear his heartbeat. One of the many things you like to do when you’re with him. Peter had an idea to make you feel even better in the morning. He hoped it would help you start your day with a smile. When the weather was changing and the mornings were colder there was something about the sunrises. They were different. There was always brighter pinks and oranges on display. Peter remembers how you love to watch them.
He woke up right on time to carry you out on his fire escape. You were really tired from the crying and overall stress the situation caused. Him moving around didn’t really phase you until you felt the cold morning air hit your face.
“Mmm Peter what are you doing?” You faintly mumble and there was sleep evident in the sound of your voice.
“I want to show you something. Just keep your eyes closed for me.” He requests and you do as told. He places your arms around his neck and your feet around his waist. Your head nestles its way in the crook of his neck and you start to fall back to sleep. There was a gush of wind on your back in a split second. You knew he was swinging on his webs high in the sky. It was better you didn’t open your eyes for sure now.
You tighten your grip around his neck from the feeling of flying freely through the city. Most of the time you got sick from him swinging you with him on special dates on skyscrapers. Some times were better than others and you were trying to get comfortable with it.
Once the breeze stopped you knew he had landed. Still half asleep you just cuddle more in to him. He sits down with you in his lap again. Your one leg comes around from his waist so you can sit sideways. He was basically cradling you now and you could not complain.
“Open your eyes.” He whispers. You do as told and you have to blink a couple times to adjust. When you looked out into the skyline your breath was stolen away. There was so many vibrant pinks and oranges casting off the clouds. The sun was almost this red and dark orangish tint.
Peter didn’t look away from you. He wanted to see your reaction of the display in front of you two. His eyes glistened from the way you lit up. He watched your eyes sparkle at the view and he swore he has never seen anything as beautiful as you. As cheesy as it was, you were his sunrise in this moment. He gently kisses your cheek and adjusts your body so you could get closer to him.
“It’s beautiful Pete. Thank you for bringing me to see it.” You look away from the skyline and he was already looking at you. Your cheeks were red from both the morning air and from where he just kissed you.
“I just wanted you to feel better and start your day with this in mind.” He gestures to the sunrise and you didn’t care about that anymore. You were too in love with this boy to even think straight. He does everything in his power to make sure you are happy and safe and most of all, loved.
“I don’t need sunsets or sunrises when I have you. You are the sweetest person I know Peter Parker. Thank you for all you do for me. I hope one day I can return the favor.” You gently cup his face with your hands to fully look him in the eyes. He had the softest look on his face.
“You return the favor everyday by being with me and loving me. That’s all I can ever ask for. And baby your love is like a drug.” His soft expression turns into a little grin. He knew the comment was cheesy but you of course admired it.
A light giggle leaves your mouth and a wide smile spreads from ear to ear practically. For a moment you look into his eyes and see that special little tint in his brown shade. With the sunrise casting a little light it made a golden ring around his iris pop. You watch him avert his eyes down to your lips giving you the hint. Both of you lean closer together until your lips clash together in a soft kiss. Your hands go around to the nape of his neck where his little baby hairs were. In an effort to deepen the kiss you comb your fingers up through his full hair. You slightly tug at the base and he inhaled deeply making the kiss harder. His hands wrap around to your back and he pushes you against his chest. The action makes your lips slightly part and give him the access he wanted to slide his tongue inside your mouth. You both start to see stars from such a passionate kiss. Every time it would feel like this to the both of you. But each time it got better it seemed.
That’s how you knew he was your person until the end of time. In every timeline you would choose him. Over and over again. Your souls were intertwined and would always find a way back to each other.
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raw-lesbian-energy · 3 years
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[Image description: Anonymous said
Actual prompt- maybe Anne poked marcys side to get her attention and noticed that it tickled her and they have a tickle fight?]
Okay so I maaaaaaay have gone a teeny tiny bit completely overboard with how gay this fic got, but I mean, it still fit the prompt? I hope? Anyways I am super proud of this so please enjoy!!
Summary: Marcy brings Anne out to study the fauna of Wartwood with her, but a small mistake turns the whole plan sideways in a rather silly way.
Fandom: Amphibia
Pairing: Marcanne (Mainly Anne pining but it’s cute shut up)
Features: None
Word Count: 1,080
Warnings: This is a tickle fic! If that’s not your thing, just keep scrolling.
“Hey Anne, check out this one!”
Anne looked over as Marcy pointed out another colourful bug, watching it with shining eyes and sketching it in her notebook.
“Isn’t it fascinating?” Marcy chirped excitedly. “Most of the fauna here is insect-based, and yet there are so many varying species and sizes! Truly an evolutionary mystery.” Anne hardly noticed the creature or what Marcy had said, her eyes focusing on something else instead.
Marcy always looked so cute when she was studying. Her eyes sparkling with interest, the way her face scrunched when she was drawing something, and how that adorable excited smile never left her face. To Anne, that was all she needed to study out here.
“Come on, Anne!” Marcy’s voice snapped the teen out of her daydream, making her notice that Marcy was starting to walk away. She quickly got up to follow, making sure to keep her eyes on the path ahead since Marcy tended not to.
“Purple is usually such a rare colour to find in fauna, but there’s an abundance of it here in Amphibia.” The raven-haired teen rambled. “I wonder if it’s a difference in their biological makeup that-”
“Marcy! Cliff!”
Anne managed to grab Marcy’s hood just before she took another step, keeping her from walking straight off the edge of a steep, rocky cliff.
“Whoops!” She said, taking a step back and away from the edge. “Guess I still need to watch my step, eh Anna-Banana?” She smiled brightly and turned a different direction, leaving Anne stunned for a moment. She could feel fluttering in her stomach, but she knew she hadn’t eaten anything to cause it. No, these were a different kind of-
The conveniently-timed call from Marcy brought Anne back into focus, turning and heading in the direction of her friend’s voice. Pushing through the undergrowth, she soon found a beautiful sunlit clearing, complete with elegant white flowers and butterflies in every colour of the rainbow. In the middle of them stood Marcy, who seemed to be enjoying the company of one particularly friendly light blue butterfly.
“Hey there, little one.” She spoke softly, watching the butterfly land on her pencil. Anne felt her cheeks flush at the sight, having to take a moment to compose herself before walking over.
“Making friends without me, Mar-Mar?” She joked, folding her arms. Marcy looked up at her with a confused expression, staring blankly until it clicked.
“Oh! You mean the butterfly?” She said at last, pointing at the small creature. “I don’t believe they have the same cognitive understanding of friendship, so perhaps something about me seems beneficial to its’ survival.” Anne raised an eyebrow at Marcy’s response, unable to stifle the chuckle that made its way past her lips.
“I was trying to make a joke.” She told her, poking her side in a playful manner. Marcy squeaked at the poke, jumping slightly and causing the butterfly to fly off. The reaction piqued Anne’s interest, noticing Marcy’s cheeks turn a light shade of pink and picking up on what had happened.
“Hey Marbles,” Anne spoke in a slightly teasing tone, “you wouldn’t happen to be ticklish, would you?”
The word alone made Marcy’s face go red. She quickly tried to step back, only to stumble over something hidden in the grass and fall backwards. Anne seized the opportunity and pounced, straddling Marcy’s hips to keep her in place.
“Ahahanne!” Marcy was already giggling as she tried to wriggle out from underneath her friend, but her efforts were in vain. Anne was quick to dig her fingers into Marcy’s sides, earning a squeak and bubbly giggles that rang through the clearing.
“Anne, nohohoho!” She kicked her legs uselessly against the grass as she tried to curl in on herself, but Anne wasn’t letting up. Her fingers danced over Marcy’s sides, moving down to spider against her hips and earning high-pitched squeals. The sound made Anne’s stomach flutter again, amplified by all the actual butterflies that surrounded the two.
“Wow, you’re really ticklish, huh?” She mused, smiling as Marcy tried and failed to push her hands away. Her ears were even turning red at that point, contrasting against her silky black hair that was getting messier by the second. Anne’s heart skipped a beat at the sight, and wanting to hear even more laughter, she snuck her hands under Marcy’s arms.
“EEEHEHEHAHAHA!” Marcy’s shriek of laughter caused the butterflies to back up, the sound echoing through the forest as the teen could do nothing more than submit to her ticklish doom. Anne was grinning almost as much as Marcy was, wiggling her fingers in the sensitive spot and watching Marcy squeal in response. Soon enough, her laughter turned silent as her endurance reached its’ limit, and with that, Anne stopped her tickle attack to allow her friend to breathe.
“You good there, Mar-Mar?” She asked, small chuckles escaping her lips as Marcy caught her breath. The raven-haired teen nodded in response, her face still flushed as she looked up at Anne.
“Heheh, yeah.” She replied. “Got me good, Anna-Banana.” Anne felt her cheeks grow warm at the nickname, looking back at Marcy with a soft smile before she realized she was still sitting on top of her.
“HO-KAY!” She shouted, leaping to her feet as her whole face went red. “We, uh, we should probably get back before Hop Pop gets-huh?” She cut off mid-sentence as something light green caught her eye, and turning to look at it, she was met with one of the butterflies landing on her nose. It was a soft green colour, and it seemed to be looking at her curiously.
“Looks like you made a new friend too, Anne.” Marcy chuckled, getting to her feet. “And lucky, too; the green ones are always hard to spot as they blend in so well with the vegetation.” Anne didn’t say anything in response, staying still as the butterfly studied her for a second longer before it took off and flew away.
“…Huh.” She said at last, watching it go before she turned back to Marcy. “Well, are you ready to head back?” Marcy nodded, giving Anne a soft smile before she suddenly took her hand and started to lead her out of the clearing. The action brought a blush back to Anne’s face, but if Marcy had noticed, she didn’t say anything. She instead chose to talk about the valley’s plant life, rambling all the way back to Wartwood.
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wizkiddx · 4 years
unusable faces
i have exams hence why i needed to write something exceptionally cringe :)
PSA: this is completely inspired from one of my fave writers own blurb @blissfulparker​ --> completely recommend u go read hers its much better than anything i could ever write!!!! (and just her whole account) = link
Summary: pure exhaustion and mutual pining, Tom Holland x actress!reader
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^(just thought this was cute, doesn't really fit aha but full credit to op!!)
A scheduling nightmare would be putting it lightly. Perhaps almost unavoidable but that didn’t make it any less of a hellish form a torture. Harry had very helpfully said it actually was a form of torture, that is sleep deprivation. Y/n loved her job - it was all she’d ever really wanted - yet that thought was quickly becoming not enough to get her through the day. Not when it felt like an interrogation tactic used by the CIA. 
To give a quick timeline of the past few days may give a little context:
Thursday - filming the fight scene all day plus an evening-turned-half-the-night-shoot due to some technically difficulties delaying the process.
Friday - flying to New York while doing read throughs of scenes for the next few days; followed immediately by getting glammed and filming the tonight show with Fallon; then a dash across town to the late late show with James Corden; then straight back on a flight to Atlanta that landed at stupid o’clock in the morning
Saturday - a full day of shooting in a mock grand central station set
The press trip to NY had been unplanned… to say the least. But the star of their studios other new release had taken ill - meaning they had slots booked on some of the biggest talk shows in America that would just be abandoned (angering the shows bookers too). It was a waste of perfectly good promo time and since the studio had their two other stars together doing a block of reshoots - it wasn’t a conversation. Much more a call demanding the two of them to be on the plane.
Normally this wouldn’t be such an unmanageable ask either, except the reshoot block was really rather time pressured. You see, the promo tour wasn’t far from beginning meaning they really needed the final film in the can. So really it was a bit of a mess. Just to free up that single day the two were in New York the whole schedule had had to be rejigged - in doing so they’d lost a rare day off too. It was just typical.  
The joys of success hey?
Well, that’s at least what Y/n was making herself think whilst her incredibly talented SFX artist was in the process of crafting a deep wound onto her upper arm. The reason why she would be ‘dripping with blood’ whilst at a train station was beyond Y/n to be honest - she hadn’t been allowed to read a lot of the script so even now as filming was drawing to a close, the story arc of the movie she was headlining was still a little ‘fuzzy’.
“So I watched your ‘spill your guts’ thing on YouTube” Ellie giggled whilst reaching over for more prosthetic putty- a technical term apparently
“I’m glad one of us enjoyed the experience” Y/n replied with a sigh, rolling her eyes at the mischievous smirk on her face - no doubt Ellie took great joy out of seeing her suffer through eating a thousand year old egg. Which Y/n swore the taste of was still in her mouth… and it seemed as though it’d never leave. 
“Oh don’t worry darling I did too” Nelli called over from the next chair along, where she was doing Tom’s makeup for the day of shoots. “Between that and the animals on Fallon, you made a hell of a lot of people laugh last night” Tom’s artist was referencing the fact one of Jimmys other guests was a zookeeper, so at the end of the interview he had you and Tom join in trying not to scream at the snakes and spiders.
“You mean laugh at us?” 
“Well of course darling!” Nelli exclaimed back in an overdramatic bronx accent making all three of the women burst out laughing, Ellie’s unceremonious snorts echoing through the trailer only egged them all on more.
Tom in response, who had otherwise been absent from conversation for the majority of the morning, exclaimed a curse and jumped up in his chair. While you and Ellie collected yourself, Nelli apologised to him.
“Oh sorry love, I’m interrupting your snooze with my uncontrollable comedic gift” She spoke sweetly, even if still taking the moment to flaunt to the other women, as she squeezed his shoulder compassionately.
“No no” Tom waved off her apology, attempting to rub his eye before Nelli swatted his arm away - a stern look for the risk of ruining all her hard work she’d put into making his face look half presentable. 
“I’m impressed you can sleep while they poke you with all these er instruments” Y/n added in, having only just realised Tom had been in a light sleep for god knows how long they’d been in that chair. It did seem a bit unlikely, being able to fall asleep as you were dabbed, prodded and brushed. 
“Maybe you should try though Y/n… your purple eye bags are proving a struggle even for me” Ellie quipped back, now it was Y/n’s turn to give the stern look. Tom took the explain though, shutting her off from whatever kindly meant insult she was about to throw back at her friend. 
“No normally never, I just….” He was cut off by an ear splitting yawn, appearing almost powerful enough to crack his jaw - which would be a disaster, for no one should ruin such a beautiful and sharp jaw line. “…uh-sorry. I just think I ended up taking my NyQuil and DayQuil the wrong way round in the madness of yesterday.” Only Tom, the poor kid often seemed to lacking in any form of common sense - even if those closest to him knew just how intellectual and passionate he could be about the right topic. Affectionately, Nelli scalded his idiocy by jokingly swatting his head with a little tut.
“I can’t believe your still standing then! I’m barely alive and I don’t have any sedatives in my system.” It was true, Y/n was at that stage where every part of her body felt ridiculously heavy… eyes included … eyes especially. 
“But I did sleep on the jet back while your stupid self was studying the script!” Tom replied with a pretty inarguable point - at the time he knew her actions were stupid;  when their flight took off at 11 PM he was certain that the most valuable asset to his ability to act in the reshoots today would be sleep - rather than character development. And he’d tried to convince Y/n that briefly, but gave up. She was bloody stubborn when she wanted to be. 
“Stop competing about who has it worse cos I think it’s me and Nell”Ellie announced - making Nelli agree empathically with her coworker, nodding her head as she looked first to Y/n in her chair then back at Tom.
“Yeh because we have to deal with your unusable faces!!”
After much sarcasm thrown back and fourth, the trailer slowly ebbed it’s way back into serenity and peace as both artists focused on their work. Once Nelli was done she excused herself, Tom staying in the chair in favour of studying (more like staring blankly) at the dialogue for this mornings scenes. His pretence didn’t last long though and while Ellie was busy adding the final touches of fake blood to the now almost completely believable gash that she’d crafted on Y/n’s arm - Y/n had her attention focused the opposite way.
At poor little Tom. He looked so childlike, his slightly puffy eyes looked as if they had weights tied to them - they way he was having fight against gravity to flutter his eyes open, before loosing the next second only for the process to repeat as they dragged downwards. The broad muscles of his neck occasionally seemed to occasionally let up a little, letting his head tilt slowly at first until it gathered enough momentum to throw him off balance. The then sudden movement of his head unconsciously pulling itself back in line caused his eyes to bolt open prior to the whole cycle repeating again. All Y/n wanted to do was let him lay down someone, her heart feeling a tug in her chest just seeing him like that. 
Ellie proclaimed her completion of the wound, leaning back to admire her work before looking to get an affirming nod from Y/n. Yet instead, she was too preoccupied gazing at the boy slouched across from them. “Someone seems a little distracted.” Ellie smirked, finally garnering Y/n’s attention, only feeling more and more smug watching a light tint appear on the actors cheeks. 
“I-well-no… we need to go.” Y/n ignored her words as though nothing had happened, instead rushing off the chair to get Tom out the chair and onto the awaiting set. They had places to be.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (bcos im lazy)
Honestly when the director, Ed, called for lunch break, it was pretty apparent to be purely as a compassionate gesture to Y/n and Tom. Both of them had tried so hard this morning to fully commit, even so they’d both been almost completely useless. Y/n kept missing cues whilst all Tom’s actions and lines where slow, dragged out and at times completely prompted from someone behind the cameras. 
So when the lunch break was called there was only one thing on Y/n’s mind and what sandwich was available in the mess tent was not it. Still standing on the set next to her fake holdall bag she looked toward Tom, who was pulling himself up to standing from the train station bench - the pace of his movement making him look more like an old man. 
“You good?” His answer was predictable. 
“I’m so fucking shattered”
Tom swore he’d never heard anything sweeter come out of Y/n’s pink lips than her next statement.
“C’mon I know somewhere we can lie down.”
Without any sort of thought Tom blindly agreed, nodding as he took her outstretched hand in his. The gesture in itself brought a fresh wave of comfort to his aching limbs and as his feet stumbled to catchup with her slight head start he leant the majority of his weight into their connected hands. 
Neither would admit it but they were ‘a thing’… whatever the hell that meant. It was clear as day to everyone and anyone that worked closely to the two but neither of them had ever broached the topic with each other. They’d worked on a few films together over the years; each time they got closer and closer to the point any job without the other simply wasn’t as good. It was scary though, especially for two actors in the prime of their careers. If they weren’t working the same film they’d likely be the opposite side of the world to each other most of the time - quality time together would be few and far between, Really their jobs didn’t suit dating at all, yet it would be perhaps easier if one half of it worked a ‘normal’ job. Something with consistency, a regular structure. A level of dependability that neither Y/n nor Tom could offer to the other. 
So it was terrifying, acknowledging the growth in their magnetic attraction to each other. Both were acutely aware that doing that, confronting their feelings, would most likely signal the beginning of the end. 
Although none of this stoped Y/n from returning the gesture, tilting her shoulder into Tom’s left side as they took slow steps through and then out the set building. She steered the two past the hair and makeup trailer and round into a store and extra equipment trailer. Tom tilted his head as she climbed the stairs whilst beckoning for him to follow - it didn’t seem like the most obvious choice. Rolling her eyes, Y/n explained.
“It’s where all the blankets and coats and kept for the raining scenes plusssss no one will disturb us in here.” Again Tom was not in a position to disagree, eyes drooping as his shoulders sagged to the floor. Right now he’d take anything. 
So he climbed up the stairs and shut the door behind him, just as Y/n flipped the light on. She was right, it was well equipped and with an almost mountainous supply of red blankets that normally the crew and extra would all be wrapped up in after the freezing rain scenes with all the ‘waterfall machines’ as Y/n called them. However it was also um…. It was cosy. “Oh I don’t think I realised how small it was” She chuckled lightly, since now the door was closed her back was pressed up against the far wall of cabinets and still her front was mere millimetres from Tom.
“I…I don’t mind… if-if you don’t?”
“I’m too tired to care” She giggled in response, and Tom , now with her seal of approval, immediately started ransacking the piled shelves for all their worth creating a floor carpeted in the pale red of the blankets, in an attempt to make it more cosy. Joining in, it was almost remarkable how quickly their bodies suddenly agreed to move, with the new promise of rest mere moments away. 
Once the trailer was fully drowned, Tom kicked off his costume shoes and threw his jacket off - it haphazardly landing by the doorway. Y/n copied him, leaving her stood up whilst he had the advantaged of already settling down on the floor, her standing and looking down at him.
The space between the two opposing shelving units was not close spacious enough for two people to lie down whilst keeping a respectable level of personal space. Suddenly feeling a wave of awkwardness, Y/n stayed standing, wringing her hands slightly - whilst fairly certain Tom could hear her heart running at 100 mph. 
“You er… gonna stay there or?” Tom, contrary to popular belief, wasn’t a complete idiot - he could see she was suddenly self conscious. He got it too - they’d never crossed this boundary of choosing to cuddle into each other. It had happened once of twice accidentally over there 2 years of knowing each other. Both of those times it was completely accidental, falling asleep watching a movie with a safe distance of space b between the two, only to find hours later their bodies almost completely intwined. Tom would be lying if he said that his heart didnt skip a beat when he had awoken to Y/n’s soft and gently breath fanning into his neck. He’d loved it, but understood that was unconsciously breaking down part of the wall they’d both been the constructors of.
For fear of getting hurt. 
So now, as Y/n awkwardly bent down and lay on her side, he thought it was imperative to make her feel comfortable. Naturally then, his arm slid round her shoulders and pulled her down toward his chest, releasing a little breath as he felt her relax, her legs slowly wrapping round one of his. 
“This okay?” He murmured, now into the crown of her head as she lay half on her side half on his chest. In reply she nodded into him and Tom couldn’t help but grin- unbeknownst to him but Y/n was doing the exact same thing. 
The peace lasted all of 3 seconds until she groaned again.
“What?” Tom enquired as she wriggled out his hold and stood up. Instead of replying though she just leant over and flicked the one harsh light bulb off making Tom chuckle as she fumbled her way back onto the padded floor in the darkness, earning a few grunts from both as she accidentally kicked Tom’s thighs or banged her head on one of the now empty shelves. Fumbling her way back into a comfortable position, occasionally cursing when she stubbed her toe- or Tom did when she accidentally elbowed him in the ribs. 
“Comfy?” Tom asked a little sarkily as he squeezed her a little more into his side.
“Mhmmmm… I’m gonna sleep for 100 years”
“Yeh me… me too”
And with that they both almost instantly and in complete unison sagged into each other and the blankets - the pent up stress and tension of the past few days ebbing away.
What the pair had neglected to remember was that sleeping for 100 years wasn’t really an option. The whole crew of 50 people, who wanted to restart filming after 45 minutes, had not been told about Y/n’s little hiding place. The pair were so completely safe in their own little cocoon of comfort they were completely oblivious to their teams calling there names more and more frantically. Completely oblivious to the game of hide and seek the situation had descended into, completely oblivious to Harrys natural annoyance as the director asked him for the whereabouts of the two stars - as though Harry was childminder to the pair of them.
It was Nelli who found them first. She’d and Ellie and Tom’s manager had all been recruited by Harry as part of the man hunt. Both girls, having seen first hand the state of the two this morning, were fairly certain they’d both crashed out somewhere. So Nelli, already with a sneaking suspicion, opened the door gently, her figure blocking the majority of the light from seeping through to the dimly lit inside. The sight she was met with had her actually pouting at the cuteness - and yes its a cringey word but also the only one appropriate.
Between bedding down and barely an hour later the two had managed to become impossibly tighter pressed to each other. Y/n’s face was pressed into the crook of Tom’s neck and his arms seemed to have pulled her on-top of him almost completely. Her left leg was hooked under his right, which was then sandwiched by his left too. They both looked so pure and innocent and god did Nelli know they both needed any extra time they could get.
Nelli cared a lot about Tom, she’d been working with him from the beginning, from the child star days to now. She cared about him like her very annoying surrogate son and she wanted to see him looked after. She also so completely wanted the two stars to stop pining after each other. Because frankly it was getting a little frustrating for everyone else. 
So she chose to tactically forget about her discovery, sneaking a photo on the sly before silently pulling the door closed and leaving them to their sleep. 
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dindjarinbae · 4 years
The Scariest Thing (Din Djarin x reader)
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alright so, this was supposed to be finished like 2 weeks ago but i got busy, lazy, and distracted, so im sorry for being late to the party. anyways, this is just a little drabble and i actually kinda like it. i have something else im gonna post tomorrow but until then, here’s this!
WC:  2738
WARNINGS: none, spiders, some language.
Your eye could’ve started twitching. You could’ve smacked the giant tin can of a Mandalorian right on the back of his helmeted head as the Razor Crest settled into the ice caves deep below the surface of the planet of Maldo Kreis. You stared at the back of his head until you were sure holes would melt through the Beskar, but they never came. Mr. Hero Complex himself stood up from his chair and assured the sweet little frog lady that he’d go find her eggs down in the hull, so down the ladder he went and you followed on his heels. You grabbed his shoulder once you were both on solid ground and spun him around to look at you. “Are you crazy Din Djarin?” You asked incredulously, a sharp shiver shooting up your spine from the new, bitter cold air that filtered into the ruined hull.
“What?” He asked gruffly, but he didn’t make any move to remove your hand from his shoulder as he stared down at you. You shook your head and you motioned around with your hand, “Din, you could’ve just told the stupid x-wings the truth! Or something! Now we’re stuck, and we’re gonna freeze and there’s no one around for... I don’t know how far! And the baby, and the eggs and the-“ you were cut off by his gloved finger settling over your lips. He wrapped an arm around your waist and sighed softly. “Please don’t worry. I’ll fix this, okay? Just help me find the eggs and the kid, and I can get to work trying to fix the ship.” Famous last words, because hours later, you sat behind him in the snow, passing him tools while he fixed the outside of the ship when the baby came around the corner to babble in that adorably ridiculous little voice of his. Din looked up from his work and you had to turn your attention that way as well as he spoke, “How ‘bout you come over here, give me a hand? Make yourself useful,” he said to the child who had a strange sense of urgency to his chattering. “I think he’s trying to tell you something,” you hummed and placed your chin against his shoulder while you looked over at the panel he was fixing, and the kid grunted frustratedly before waddling off. Your Mandalorian was not having this and sighed, “Hey, kid,” he tried to get the little green thing’s attention, but to no avail. He had rounded the side of the ship and you were sure if you could see Din’s face right now, he’d be rolling his eyes as he gently shrugged you off and stood up. He offered you his hand and you stood up with him while he called to the baby, “I said hey! Where are you going?” He asked and you took his arm gently, nodding toward the baby, “Come back here!” He called and grew exasperated. “He’s just a kid, Din. Go see what he wants,” you prompted softly and he sighed, once again, and then moved through the snow with you towards the baby. When he rounded the ship, the two of you could see the baby sitting down, facing a set of tracks. Little frog tracks. “When did she go?” Din asked, sinking to one knee next to the little green bundle of energy. He looked over the tracks and lifted the baby up and held his hand towards you, “Come on, Cyare. I don’t want you sitting by yourself back here,” he said, and you grabbed his hand gratefully. “You know, it might be worse in there. You don’t even know what’s living under the ice,” you murmured imagining strange serpents or monsters running around in these ice caves. He scoffed and squeezed your hand just once, “The scariest thing down here is me, lovely,” he stated confidently and walked through the snowy cave with you and the baby, undoubtedly following the frog’s tracks. You were dressed in some of his warmer clothes and wrapped within one of his old cloaks, yet the cold air still made you shiver, and the tip of your nose and fingers turned a bright pink. You pulled yourself closer to Din and looked around at the blue, icy walls around you. There was an eerie calmness to the caves around you and you dared not speak a word as snow crunched underneath your footsteps. You shivered ominously and then looked up at Din, “I don’t like it back here, Din. It’s too quiet,” you said anxiously and he squeezed your hand, yet again. “I always protect you. You know that. Don’t be afraid of an ice cave,” he murmured and you leaned into his side, and he protectively held you to him. The three of you walked through and underneath arches of ice, and the baby squeaked a few times while Din led you into an icy cavern. The frog’s voice echoed from inside of the cavern and Din gently dropped your hand, hurrying toward her, “There you are!” He exclaimed and you looked around the cavern and the strange icy bulbs that protruded from the ground. Your eyes settled on a steaming crater full of warm water where the little frog lady sat contently and you looked over to Din curiously. He moved toward her urgently, checking around himself and you, just in case. “You can’t leave the ship. It’s not safe out here,” he said firmly to the frog and you followed closed behind him, holding his cloak around yourself tightly. He set the mischievous little baby down at the side of the warm water and he began to coo, seeing the snack he was earlier reprimanded for eating. The frog tried to protest Din’s wishes, and even if she spoke the same language, he wouldn’t have budged. Her eggs floated around her in the water and Din told her to gather them, and he reached into the pool to help her, explaining that night was falling and it was becoming more dangerous just before having another go at scolding the child for trying to grab at the eggs bobbing in front of him. The baby whined as he was caught and he waddled towards you. You looked down at him and he held his hand up toward you, his little way of saying he wanted to hold onto your finger, to lead you somewhere. You bent at the waist uncomfortably and he wrapped his three, chubby fingers around your pointer finger and you both waddled along as he lead you to one of the strange oval shaped bulbs coming up from the ground. “Hey, now, buddy. Maybe we should leave that al-“ that suggestion was moot, because he had already dropped your finger to sniff, tap, and tear into the strange thing. A slimy sound echoed through the cave as he tore into the oval and you could’ve gagged watching him dig into the green sludge inside and yank out what looked like... a spider. You hated spiders. If presented with joining the empire or holding a spider, you would’ve joined the empire. If someone asked you to break your own arm or touch a spider... Yeah. You’d be breaking an arm. But if someone asked you to do what the little baby just did or jump out of a flying ship in the middle of space, you would do just that, because the baby stuffed the slimy arachnid into his mouth. You gasped and jumped back, shaking your head, “Ew! Spit that out now! You don’t even know if it’s poisonous or not!” You exclaimed loudly to the baby, who just giggled. The brat wasn’t giggling for very long. The ground began to subtly rumble and all of the little bulbs around you in the cave began to crack and tear, and thin, slimy legs began to rip themselves free. Your eyes nearly bulged out of your head and you pushed the baby toward Din, while you ran after him, both of you screaming. Din turned to look at you two, and so did the sweet little frog lady, and that’s when the emerging ice spiders caught his eye. The frog chittered while Din scooped up the baby, and you were now in a full panic, looking around at all the spiders. You grabbed onto his arm and practically climbed up the side of him, making incoherent, terrified noises as you tried to pull him toward the exit. He wrapped an arm around your waist in an ironclad grip and he handed you the baby while he slung the now full canister of eggs over his shoulder. “They’re spiders, Din. Lots of.. Fucking spiders!” You shrieked and latched onto him as tight as you could, once again trying to climb him. He patted your waist and held you to the ground while the frog dressed herself and you watched more flood out of a deeper part of the cave. And as usual, bad went to worse, because out came a bunch of much larger spiders and you let out a piercing scream, pointing at them. And worse went to absolute hell nightmare emergency as a spider, as big as the Razor Crest, crawled out of the cave. “Can we fucking-“ you began to yell as Din cut you off, waving at the frog lady. “Go! Go! Back to the ship!” He commanded, and she wasted no time running that way. You stood frozen as the spider screeched and Din tried to run, but it was clear you weren’t moving. At least you now knew that in a fight or flight situation, you took the secret third action and froze. He grunted and threw you over his shoulder and began to run with you over one shoulder, the eggs over the other, and he had taken the baby back from your grip and tucked him underneath his arm. The baby squealed and you watched the spider open a mouth full of sharp teeth and you screamed as loud as your lungs allowed. “Din! Faster! Fuck, run faster!” You cried and slammed your fists into the back of his armor, and you shook your head as he ran as fast as he could considering the weight he was now carrying. “We’re gonna die we’re gonna die, we’re gonna fucking die!” You sobbed and closed your eyes, trying not to look at the tsunami of spiders following right behind you. Ice fell around all of you as the giant spider slammed holes through the icy ceilings with his legs and you shrieked again, wrapping your arms around Din’s midsection. “We aren’t going to die!” Din called back to you and you shook your head, still blubbering about how you were all going to- probably- die. Din shot at a handful of them with his blaster and you continued crying, clinging to him, “I never wanted to die like this! Because of... fucking spiders!” You cried and shook your head, “Din, please go faster!” You screamed and he growled gruffly in your direction. And that’s when the webs started shooting everywhere. At some point, you must have really just blacked out, because the next thing you knew, there was a blast of fire behind you, and Din was tearing through the snow to get you to the ship. He passed the baby to the frog lady, and she hurried him inside of the ship and he tossed you over his shoulder inside of the hull. You hit the ground with a painful thud and you scrambled backwards to get up, and you grabbed the baby and ushered the frog lady and her eggs up into the cockpit. You could hear the squealing spiders and their legs down below and you cried messily, holding the baby to your chest while you curled up in the pilot’s seat. As soon as Din barreled into the cockpit, the spiders crowded the door, making it impossible to climb. A spider landed on the baby’s head while he sat on your lap and you screamed louder than you ever had in your life, but you couldn’t even finish the scream before the frog was shooting it dead right off the baby’s head. Din shot fire at the remaining spiders until they moved away and the door closed, all the while you watched in absolute terror until he turned around. You heard the disgusting patter of spider legs on the glass above you and Din very gently lifted you from the chair onto the ground next to his chair, “Put your head between your knees, and please, cyare, breathe,” he instructed before pulling the baby into his lap. He turned to the frog lady and nodded once, getting all of the switches above his head turned on, “Strap yourselves in. This better work,” he commanded, and you tucked your head down between your knees and tried to focus on literally anything other than the sound of the spiders. “I’ve got limited visibility. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride,” Din said before the Crest shook to life, and he was not kidding about the bumpy part. You were now rising, up, up. And down. You looked up and saw that the giant spider had now pinned the ship completely down to the ground, and you nearly began to panic again, but Din yanked you up by your arm into his lap with the baby and he tucked your head under his chin, “keep your eyes closed,” he instructed you, and you happily obliged, gripping his arm tightly. Glass shattered from above and you didn’t dare look, you just stayed with your eyes screwed shut and you clenched your jaw, your teeth grinding together. The baby whined next to you, and you placed a hand against his side to calm him. You weren’t sure what was happening next, but you heard blaster fire, and you could see the bright red rays through your eyelids. Din stood up and placed you and the baby down on the chair and he slipped out of the cockpit. You were finally brave enough to open your eyes and you looked over at the frog lady, blinking in disbelief, “Are you okay?” You asked her and you assumed she said what meant yes because she gave you a little nod and she looked up out the window. You heard more blaster fire and some voices outside, including Din’s. There was a loud commotion, which sounded like ships, and within minutes, Din was back inside of the ship. You and the frog lady went down to greet him and he walked inside, sighing. “Alright. I’m gonna repair the cockpit enough for us to limp to Trask. There’s nothing I can do about the main hull’s integrity,” he said and you batted at the air above you to clear a web away from your face, “... so we’re going to have to get cozy in the cockpit. It’s the only thing I can pressurize,” he explained, “if you need to use the privy, do it now it’s gonna be a long ride,” he finished and then turned to you. He nodded toward the cockpit while the frog lady waited for some privacy and you slowly crawled up the ladder into the cockpit. He followed behind you and once you were both inside with the door shut, you heard him let out a loud snort and then his chest began to shake. He was fucking laughing at you. Your jaw dropped, “Din Djarin! Stop that!” You commanded but he didn’t stop. You crossed your arms indignantly and he grabbed your waist, pulling you against his chest, “We’re gonna die we’re gonna die!” He playfully mocked and laughed a bit more, silently. You slapped his chest and he pulled you into a tight hug, which you reluctantly returned. “You’re so mean,” you huffed and you could hear the smile in his voice. “And you’re so dramatic,” he countered and you raised your eyebrows, laying your head down on his chest plate. “‘The scariest thing down here is me,’” you mocked in return and he chucked, shaking his head. “Still is.” “Shut up, Mandalorian,” you mumbled and rolled your eyes, “you’re so lucky I love you,” you said dramatically as you sighed. “Yeah, yeah. I love you too.” And for the record, he was never the scariest thing down there.
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sweetestlamb · 4 years
Summary: Vincenzo is feeling parched.
Author's note: These two have been living in my mind rent free lately, I'm just shallow and they look so damn good together and when you add the chemistry, well I'm a goner. Just a little drabble based on today's episode, I'm taking a break from BMTL this weekend because it's going to be another 10k probably and it's the first weekend I'm off with my bf so I promised not to ignore him to write all day lol. Update soon though!
Bon appetit!
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Wispy dark lashes flutter just above her high cheekbones as she awaits the blow, her pretty face scrunched up in anticipation as a minor twitch in her lip distracts him.
That's been happening far too often lately, more than he'd care to admit. It was easier when she was blindly following Babel and refused to see the insidious truth about the morally bankrupt company, it was easier to pacify his attraction when she was the bad guy. Not that he was the right candidate to judge, he'd done notifiable heinous things in his life. Her father had been the first person to look at him like he was worth something, like the evil that lurked under his skin could be used for something good.
But her eyes had been opened, in the end she had chosen her father. If only he'd been here to see it.
That decision unhinges the small grapple he has on his control, he finds himself looking at her all the time cataloging the many emotions that distort that expressive face. She's like a living caricature and instead of finding that off-putting he's intrigued and mesmerized. Constantly battling with his lips that won't stop rising in her presence, he's not someone who smiles lightly. Has never had much of a reason to.
Until now.
"What are you waiting for? Just do it." She whines impatiently, squirming side to side and pursing her full lips.
That small move captures all his attention, eyes locked on the rosy pink skin. Instinctively he steps forward until he can feel her body heat, her face is even more captivating up close. She was beautiful, that wasn't hard to admit he was a man after all and his eyes were functional. It was.... everything else that he couldn't admit, not even to himself.
Just do it.
If only she knew what those words did to him, he felt as if he was lit in flames by his own lighter; burning up just from his prolonged vicinity to the loud lawyer. She was being her usual brazen self but she had no idea, not the slightest inkling of what exactly he wanted to do to her. It usually ended in passionate screams in his dreams. Her wild abandon was a thing of beauty, he didn't even mind the mess on his silk sheets because his mind supplied such vivid imaginings.
Staring down at her he wonders how she would taste, perhaps like the spicy noodles she was so fond of or maybe something sweeter and forbidden, once you peeled back the many layers you would discover something so delicious it was addicting. She would be his ambrosia.
"Come on, you're killing me! What's taking so long?" She grumbles now pouting, plush bottom lip jutting out enticingly and his finger hovers in front of her forehead but he can't move, can't bring himself to hurt her no matter how insignificant the hit. Somehow this woman has weaved a web around him, he feels like a fly caught in a spider's deadly but beautiful trap.
What's wrong with me?
There must be indeed something wrong with him because he feels his hand unfurling and lowering until he's nearly cupping her jaw, the delicate point barely above his hand. He's so tempted. Taking another step forward he lifts his second hand, curling around the dip of her lower back. She's so petite despite her loud bark, her entire body could fit easily in his hand.
He wants to lower his hand, grab her face and her waist and.... And what? What is he thinking? This is not why he came to Korea. He wasn't supposed to get involved more than he needed to and he knows no good can come of this, there's only one outcome for men who are lured by seductive sirens. He has to ignore her song no matter how much his body aches when he's with her. Woman have never been elusive in his line of work, gorgeous Italian women who opened up for him easily, surrendering under his capable hands. They were nothing but a good time, a perfunctory scratching of an itch. But, Cha-young he wants to wreck her, take her apart piece by piece until she's putty in his hands.
"What are you doing?" She says sounding amused and he lifts his eyes to find her twinkling ones already on his face. She looks at the twin hands hovering above her body with a raised brow, face now turned into the hand adjacent to her cheek.
"Do you want to change the specifics of our deal?" She teases darkly and he gulps, finally lowering his hands but twisting them around his back to prevent himself from making a huge mistake.
"No." He lies, trying to douse the fire that is blazing in his blood.
"Aishhh. You're such a bad liar." She huffs, nose crinkled up in disbelief and he hates the way his heart smarts his lips twitching to form a smile. He feels so warm and he doesn't know what any of it means.
"Come here." She doesn't give him an opportunity to disobey before reaching out to grab his tie, her hands wrapped around the luxurious material and with a sharp tug he's pulled into her, their bodies colliding and everything feels right.
"Stop." He whispers throat feeling raw, his voice comes out rougher than he intended. His eyes widen at the red flush that it yields, he's not the only one affected it seems.
"You don't want to flick me," she states with certainty, eyes searching his face as she tightens her hold on his tie his neck strains under the slight pressure, leaning down to lessen the tension. Too late he releases how much closer that brings their faces, she's barely an inch away from him now her soft puffs of breath landing directly on his face. "What do you want to do to me instead, Mr. Cassano?" She boldly finishes her statement, dark eyes ping ponging between his lips and his eyes.
Mentally berating himself for his weakness he suddenly grabs her waist, his arm circumvents the entire circumference with room to spare. She gasps in surprise but doesn't look scared, rather she looks curious, biting her bottom lip as she earnestly watches him.
"Do you really want to know?" He bites out, bringing his hand to her jaw and then sliding lower curling it around her neck, fingers tickling the soft nape of head.
She smirks, unflinching in the eye of his storm. She stands on the tips of her toes, bringing them that much closer, "Oh you don't know how much I want to know, Vincenzo." His name is exotic on her tongue, the letters not quite settling correctly but it sounds delectable to his ears, he wants to hear her scream it loudly too.
"I'll show you then." He's done with words, it's clear that they're both cognizant of what's happening between them, the air is so charged it's nearly crackling. She isn't backing down and despite his better judgement he doesn't want to lose, he can't be the way to pull away now. Simultaneously they yank each other closer, him by her neck and her by his tie. He sees the passion in her eyes, finally bursting to the surface and that's all the consent he needs, if she wants him too then she can have him.
Twisting his head he surges forward, eager to capture her lips and devour her moans of pleasure, his hand is now curled possessively around the small swell of her tight posterior, her suit pants always putting it beautifully on display. He had been hungry to touch it, grab it and feel the plumpness in his hands. It's every bit as amazing as he's imagined, her lips fall open as he squeezes at the flesh and he leans forward prepared to eat her alive.
She wraps her free arm around his neck, dragging him down to meet her and he easily lifts her off the ground, grinning boyishly when she squeaks releasing his tie to wrap both arms around his neck, their faces are now level. His hand remains on her ass.
Silently they move towards each other, intent crystal clear.
He can feel the heat from her lip, just as he grazes the smooth skin he hears a loud crash from behind them and they both jump, foreheads knocking accidentally as they react to the sudden sound.
He unceremoniously drops her, but her arms still latched around his shoulder force him forward making his forehead now collide with her chin. She lets out a loud scream of pain, shoving him away and shouting obscenities. He rubs at the pained skin, wincing in discomfort before turning towards the loud interruption with a murderous glare.
Who the fuck was it?
Nam Joo-Sung stands quivering in apparent fear looking like he's seconds away from urinating himself, his knees knocking together viciously.
A deer in the headlights, his eyes are as huge and terrified as one.
"I--um well you see.... I forgot to water the plants....you both look angry. Scary. You don't want an explanation. I'm going. Gone. I'll just. Go." He stutters out nonsensical, suddenly grabbing the plants and he watches as the frightened man awkwardly lifts the pots, cursing when the soil falls out dirting his clothes and the wooden floors, then he falls to his knees scooping it back into the pots, crawling backwards until he's out the door.
They both stare at the door.
Awkward silence remaining even with the man's departure.
And then a vibration fills the air, she jumps as if broken from her stupor reaching into her tiny bag and retrieving her phone. He can barely hear her over the beating of his own heart but he catches the disappointed look she sends his way, they can't continue this.
"Yes. I understand, we'll be right there."
Grabbing his briefcase he takes a moment with his back turned to her to catch his breath, collect himself. He's Vincenzo Cassano, not some prepubescent teenager. He can control himself, control is his middle name.
Then he turns back around and loses all his hard worked composure.
She's right in his space, rubbing absently at her neck as she looks at him.
"We'll finish this later. Don't think I'm going to let you off easy, I always finish what I start." She promises, pointedly looking his lips before grinning then boldly she lightly smacks him twice on his cheeks, "Pick your jaw off the ground, we have to go."
Her long hair bounces over her shoulder as she skips away, his eyes locked on the hypnotic sway of her hips. Her hands are cutely by her side, her signature walk that he had found ridiculous before. He doesn't view it the same way now.
Next time, there will be no interruptions he will make sure of it. Even if he has to kill someone.
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 years
Invader Zim: Elite Guardians AU Pt. 2
The following is a non-profit fan-based story, Invader ZiM  is owned by Jhonen Vasquez and Nickelodeon please support the official release, I gain no profit nor do I own anything other than OCs and whatever spouts from my imagination!
A another month passed Zim started looking less like wrinkled worm and more like an Irken, Red and Purple were running low on money, Repairing the cruiser was getting more difficult, whenever they fixed something, another thing would break or scavengers would sneak in and take whatever wasn't bolted down, that's when the Elites came to the conclusion that maybe they should look for work. So they started bounty hunting for the local constabulary.
What choice did they have? if they were ever gonna get off this rock and find Cradle 2-117. Bounty hunting was the way to go, The Cruiser was a lost beyond repair, but there were a lot of ships for sale in Meeko; the problem was finding who was willing to sell a ship to them, The citizens were still cold towards them, Again. Neither Red and Purple could understand why? They soon got answer in the most unconventional way, they'd come back from a job, Some nut job thought it was good splice a giant spider with a squid and than super sizing it!
Red was shooting the thing with his Plasma gun while Purple striking it with his photon axe, meanwhile Zim was happily skipping around the battlefield, narrowly missing being crushed or shot at, Red noticed the smeet hopping around. "Zim! get out of the way!" Red dodges a tentacle swinging for him. "You're gonna get hurt!" He barked the smeet just stared at him blankly before smiling "Rwed!" he cheered waving at him, Red facepalmed. "Hi!" he waved back before going back to fighting, Zim went back to his little skipping game dodging death at every corner, only stopping when he saw a large beetle crawling around on the sand, the smeet crouched down just as Purple was thrown off the Squider and sent crashing into the wall behind Zim.
The purple eyed elite sat up with a groan; rubbing his head looked at Zim and did a double take when he saw the smeet eating a beetle, Purple jumped to his feet rushed over to the smeet trying to pry his mouth open. "Naw, no, no. Spit it out, spit out! c'mon!" he lightly slapped Zim's back and the smeet spat up bug guts Purple grimaced. "Disgusting!" he huffed giving the smeet some ration wafers and went back to helping Red fight, Zim calmly sat out of the way to eat and watch his 'Brothers' fight the monster, by the end of the battle Red and Purple were covered in ink and teal colored guts, and their wallets were a good chunk heavier, when they woke up this morning...
Later when they got back to the cruiser both Red felt something was off, there was scent in the air he didn't recognize at first he thought it was the Squider guts, but as they got closer to their wreck... it became more apparent that someone or something was in there, Purple noticed it too he and Red exchanged a look; the red clad elite set Zim down and shush him, the smeet copied him and nodded, Purple dispatched his PAK legs and went in from above while Red followed and hid in the doorway of the engine room, his first thought was it was just another scavenger looking for scrap, but by now everyone nearby knew this ship was occupied and stayed clear of it, Red peeked into the engine room and saw a hooded figure fidgeting around with the power core. 
Red's eyes narrowed as he tried to get a better look and saw this person reading off what looked like an engineering manual, he saw Purple getting into position, they could hear this person mumbling to themselves. "Okay... now shut down switch Y and detach port Q?...wait no, um..." the guards looked at each other and nodded, Purple jumped from the ceiling; landing in front of the intruder catching them completely off guard. "What the fu-" they saw the purple eyed Irken reach for a his stunned baton and panicked. "Shite!" they yelped and went to run only to get pistol whipped from behind by Red knocking them out. 
Red and Purple were perplexed when they tied them up removed the intruders hood and made sure they didn't have weapons, they've never seen an alien like them before...  they had this weird long stringy stuff on their head that was soft to the touch, but stood out out most of all was how tall they were... Both Irkens just barely came up to the intruder's chin. "Whoa! They're almost the same height as Tallest Miyuki!" Purple said stunned while Red shook his head. "No... Miyuki is definitely taller..." he insisted but then again they haven't seen Tallest Miyuki in months! So they couldn't exactly make a comparison.
While the two were prattled about Miyuki and the intruder's heights, neither noticed Zim wander in the smeet looked between the bickering Elites before noticing the stranger sitting against the wall. His pink eyes lit up as he curiously approached the unconscious alien, He saw the long fuzzy stuff on their head and immediately grabbed it and started tugging which roused the trespasser awake.
Red and Purple tenses at the unknown voice cut into their conversation they looked and saw Zim swinging off the alien's... mane? "Ow..ow! quit it! They try to jerked their head away from Zim's grasp. "Oww, Seriously kid stop it!" They growled Red snapped out of his stupor and quickly picked up Zim. "Don't talk to him like that!" He spat glaring at the intruder, who glared back their e/c eyes looked odd too, but Red was more focused on whether or not they were a threat or not.
"Who are you? What are you?" he huffed along with Purple butting in. "And why do you want our power core?" the alien winced a the purple one's shrill voice. " if I tell you will you untie me?" they asked hopeful, the Irkens were silent, and the intruder took their silence as a hard "maybe."
"My name is Y/n, I’m a human female, My ship crashed few clicks north from here, the power core was always little spotty, and it finally gave up the ghost. So I went out looking for a replacement, looked around Meeko and other crash sites, before finding a power signal that lead me to... I thought it was it was a derelict ship!"
"Does this ship derelict look to you?!"
"Well... yeah? I mean look around, your ship is in pieces! it'll obviously never fly again, I'm surprised your core was even intact!"
"How did you even get in? we have security measures!"
Y/n looked bemused before something clicked in her head, she cocked her head towards the front of the ship. "Oh! the giant hole in your hull, with the lasers and forcefield? yeah, I think your motion sensors and hard light generator is offline, I walked right through it" Purple looked like he was going to cry seeing as he was the one who rigged that forcefield up. " that and your front door was wi... was.." Your voice suddenly trailed off, Red and Purple watched your demeanor change as something caught your eye, it took a moment for Red to notice you were staring at the Irken symbol on their armor.
"Shite... You slaver scum!" both Irkens jumped back startled by your sudden outburst. "What are you planning to do with that kid?! huh? did you kidnap him too?" You growled Red and Purple looked at each other stunned. "What are you talking about?" Red asked you just glared him in disgust. "Don't play fucking coy with me! I’ve seen your damn ship going around ransacking outposts around the system and kidnapping people!" Red and Purple were at loss here, 2-117 was overtaken by Slavers? well, at least now they knew why almost everyone on Greedo was so hostile towards them!
There was a tense stare down between the trio, You watched as the two "slavers" got into a huddle, you heard the numbers "2-117..." being mumbled then Red one was saying something the Purple one disagreed with. "No, oh no no no! We're not taking in another stray!" the purple hissed vehemently. "She's the our ticket off this rock, we're doing it!" They turned to look at you.
"What?" you hissed as the Red clad alien silently handed the kid over to his Purple counterpart who glared at him, you tensed up as he walked up to you. "Calm down and just listen alright?" Red guy explained they’re not slavers, but Elite guards from Irk sent to investigate and retrieve a missing Nursery ship called Cradle 2-117 that had been skyjacked a few months ago, the only lead they have is Zim, who Red found malnourished and wandering around in a trash dump.... Now you.
You of course were bit skeptical about this whole situation, what with being tied up and all! but, then Purple told you to take a good look at Zim, the kid was same species as them: Irken. "How many other Irkens have you seen wandering the Tarn system?" You realized never, you have never seen an Irken in Tarn before, so maybe they were telling the truth? then Purple got you attention again "Where was the last place you saw that ship?" You paused thing back to were you saw the Irken ship, it wasn’t hard to forget considering how unique it looked. 
"I think it was headed to Planet Nyree? that’s a two week journey from here." Both Irken elites looked each other hopeful, finally a real lead! "However I'd suggest getting a new ship, I don’t think this one will taking off anytime soon." They hear the ship groan as a panel falls out of the ceiling, landing a little too close to you then you'd like, Red looks at Purple whose shoulders slumped, knowing what was coming, You were confused as Red reach around behind you and untied you. "Okay! New plan, we need a ship and you need a power core, let’s make a deal..." and that's how you gained three new crew members aboard the Cardinal.
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idjitlili · 4 years
The Goblin king...the one without warts.
Thorin x reader.
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(Not my image.)
Summary:Imagine being apart of the company, of course Gandalf shoves you in with no choice. Growing close to Thorin eventually, after stopping at an inn.
A/n:Anon request includes ,but I won't spoil it. I do not own any characters.
Word count:4682
Characters:Y/n, the company, humans, elves, and David Bowie as Jareth.
Songs:ziggy stardust, as the world falls down.
Warnings: Alcohol, just ale. Uh mentions of jareths pants , and reference to a jareths 'magic'
It's only forever, it's not long at all. Only if we have forever, but we all die. We are not elves, we are not Morgan Freeman. Unless, you aren't telling me something?
Thus, you must take risks; to live the life you want to. The reason that you finally agreed to go an adventure, via Gandalf's request. Not that the leader of the group, that you'd be joining on this adventure,  did not like the fact that a hobbit was joining , let alone alone you, a human, female. Not impressed to say the least.
You had just ignored the tree trunks insults, and seeking the company of the small hobbit. Both of you were in the same position, except you could maybe launch Thorin over a cliff. 
Unknowingly Thorin had created a friendships, well between you, Bilbo, Fili and Kili. After you and Bilbo had decided to mock Thorin in secret.
"Wait, wait, I've got one." Standing up placing one leg on the log, hands on hips, head up , shaking you head slowly as if the wind was blowing it. "How's my hair?" Mocking Thorins low voice, looking at Bilbo who had stopped giggling, moving his eyes crazily to gesture behind you.
Turning your head slightly, to see Thorin staring at you. " Can I help you?" Unmistakable using a lower voice than normal, Thorin scrunched his brows together slightly. "What are you up to?" His eyes glazing over your stature, and posture.
"Oh, If you must know, Bilbo has been making sure that my family jewels have not dropped off due to my massive ego, last time he had to stitch them up because I am such a prick. Not that I could produce because I'm like 160." Maintaining eye contact with Thorin, chest fully pressed into the air, basically superhero pose, now off the log.
Thorin did not understand what you were talking about. "Get your things , we are moving on." Bilbo had just covered his mouth facing down, his eyes looking up.
“Do not test me , Y/n, I will throw you off a cliff, as if you was an end of bread. You are not worthy of this journey," Kili and Fili had been sat by, watching the scene unfold, as Thorin just stared at you. Kili walking over to you.
"My sisters son," Pulling Kili into a bear hug, him being the little bear, before pushing him off of you. "Get of me, people will think I'm soft, I am pure steel."   You had not even noticed Thorin leaving.
"That was horrible," It really was, could you be anymore cringy? "You annoyed Uncle though, I am surprised he didn't put you into line." Fili didnt speak much, but when he did, it wasn't useless trivia.
"My arms may have no muscle, but does not mean I couldn't carry both Bilbo and Kili to their horses." Okay, maybe you would be able to actually, but it gained the trios attention. "I highly doubt that, y/n"
Bending your knees so that your back was in front of Kili, hands ready to grab his calves. "Y/n, are you sure? I don't want you t-"" we don't have all day, Kili."
" okay, Thorin." You had scoffed, as Kili had managed to get on your back, arms around your neck, legs around your front. "No, no,no not me." Bilbo shook his head furiously, in disagreement , as you gestures for him to get up.  "Bilbo , please." Bilbo had sighed , as Fili watched you then pick up Bilbo, holding him Bridal style.
It was like carrying nothing, it was definitely a lot of weight, yet you still put in a face and walked through camp with them. Even if you couldn't fight, you weren't completely weak.
You had gained the attention of the dwarves, who Kili waved by in excitement , Bilbo just pretend to be dead in embarrassment.  Thorin had caught your eye for a second as you walked by him, lift Bilbo onto his pony, Thorin told you pack, you were packing...Kili had then gotten off your back when you had kneeled down.
But what you didn't know, was that Thorin eyes were on you most of everyday during the the journey, you just happened to be oblivious to the gazes on you. 
If you did catch Thorins gaze, you just thought that he was judging your actions,others picked up on their kings behaviour.  Though they did not tell you, they did tease Thorin. Well only Dwalin , Kili and Fili dared to.  Actually it was Bilbo who noticed first.
It was probably a few days after almost being eaten by trolls, that Thorin had began to develop feelings. At first he had just thought that you were mildly annoying like his nephews, that impression, was terrible. But once you were all captured by trolls...
You had pretended to be dead, the trolls had tossed you aside, and every time they were not looking you would crawl slightly. Tossing you aside for dessert. Thorin had caught this. Pulling faces as at him, as you slowly got closer, Thorin watching for the trolls.
When you had gotten next to Thorin, you had pulled a knife from you pocket , cutting the sack he was in. You had cut through quite a bit of the sack; when Thorin had pulled his hands out lifting you , shoving you into the sack with him, just as Berts eyes had glided over the dwarves.
That was when the trolls had noticed you had disappeared, but you were stuffed into the bottom of Thorins sack. You were too tall for the sack, your legs curled up, back inbetween Thorins legs. "Where is the human?!" The trolls had began to looking around finding no sign of you ,the moved on soon enough.
"Uh...the-the secret to cooking dwarf, is um..." Bilbo had tried to distract the trolls , after seeing Gandalf of course you couldn't see , you could only smell Thorin.
"Uh...not...not that one, he...he's infected!"
"You what?"
"Yeah he's got worms in his...tubes."
"In-in fact, they all have. They're infested with parasites, it's a terrible business, I wouldn't risk it, I really wouldn't."
"Parasites? Did he say parasites?" The dwarves were not the smartest bunch to say the least.
"Yeah, we don't have parasites! You have parasites!"
Thorin had realised that Bilbo is trying to buy them time and kicks Kili, but ends up smacking you with his calf, making you groan , only for Thorin to gently squeeze your shoulder, the trolls had been too busy listening to dwarves , that they never heard your quiet groan.
Gandalf soon had arrived, saving you all as always, the trolls turned to stone. It didn't take long for Bilbo to realise you were missing still. "Where's y/n?"
"I'm over here, Bilbo." You could not get out of the sack neither could Thorin, without someone helping you out. Kili being next to Thorin, had heard your voice, turning to see his uncles, feet looking a bit too pointy. "Where?"
Bilbo had turned in circles in search, Thorin just later there with the most unimpressed face.
"Bilbo, she's over here." Bilbo had hoped over , out of the sack, before opening the sack at the top to allow Thorin could shuffle out. Standing up, Thorin had pulled you up and out by your hand.
"T-thanks, um, your thighs are very comfortable, if I was murderer , I would make them into pillows. Oh, um, thanks , uh," your face flushed pink, noticing how you sounded and that both Bilbo and Kili was right next to you. Sometimes you are ought to think before you speak, a common term taught to children, yet you do not. You had rushed off back to camp, after that.
Tis was a compliment to dwarves for a woman to comment on their thighs or stature.
That was it, Thorin began to notice things about you, you helping Bilbo onto his pony when he needed help, even if he didn't directly ask. The way you'd slip on mud , even if it was dry, save yourself and look around wide eye if anyone had seen. How your arms got tired as you'd try to plait your hair. Slapping Kili gently on the back of the head if he said something mean about one of the others. Normally Kili picked on Ori's knitting .
Of course, Thorin thought his affections only went one way. You could not deny, the dwarven king was intoxicating, you were highly attracted to him. He was a mean guy, no he was not , he didn't want Bilbo to get killed going in this journey to help him.
You hadn't spoken to Thorin directly really, well until he allowed the company to stop at an
inn for the night, which everyone was happy about. The Dwarves were mostly excited for ale. You just hoped they had a deep clean...
Luckily they did , and soon everyone was a sat tables in the pub, 3 separate ones, you being stuck next to Thorin ,Bilbo next to you, Bofur next to him,Kili and Fili so on. Next came the ale, being pushed in front of you all.
Bilbo asked for a tea, but Bofur wouldn't have it, so there sat Dildo sipping at the pint of ale. Whilst everyone drank down theres soon enough, you just drinking it , because you was shoved against Thorin. After your fourth ale that's when you heard it.
A noise like a hurricane , the soaring winds of the mans pipes opened.
Oh, yeah
Ziggy played guitar
Jamming good with Weird and Gilly
And the Spiders from Mirkwood
He played it left hand
But made it too far
Became the special man" Looking over to the small stage, a skinny man, with a huge blond Mohawk stood, his bare chest exposed showing a large pendant on his lower chest.
"Then we were Ziggy's band
Ziggy really sang
Screwed-up eyes and screwed-down hairdo
Like some cat from Japan
He could lick 'em by smiling
He could leave 'em to hang" Your breath hitched, as your eyes travelled down to his pants, he wore a legging type pants, showing off everything
"They came on so loaded, man
Well-hung and snow-white tan
So where were the spiders
While the fly tried to break our bones?
With just the beer light to guide us
So we bitched about his fans
And should we crush his sweet hands?" The dwarves and hobbit noticed your change, following your eyes to the man on stage.
"Do you know him?" Fili had snapped you out of your trance quickly, "o-oh, um, I haven't seen him for a long time."
"Who is he, lass?" Thorin said nothing just stared back between you and the man, as you kept glancing at him. Bofur had waited for your reply, calling over more ales. "my best friend ." That was the truth, not that anyone knew but you had wished yourself away to the goblins, thus a friendship bloomed.
Growing up you didn't have many friends, you still don't , Jareth was always there for you, you didn't want to out him being a fae.
"He was the nazz
With God-given ass
He took it all too far."
That's when he caught your eye, sending you a wink before continuing to sing with ease.
Half an hour later, you were starting to feel a little more free, after more ale, leaning onto Thorin for support.
"There's such a sad love
Deep in your eyes a kind of pale jewel
Open and closed." Jareth had started his 15 song of the evening, you had jumped up, well start up. "Thorin! Come on, let's dance." You had pushed him slightly. "Why?"
"Just come on, 'deep in your eyes a kind a pale eye,' that's you so you must dance with me, please." Thorin had finally had budged , standing up, his eyes were gems indeed. You had grabbed onto Thorins hand pulling him onto the cleared floor. You didn't know how to dance not really, but it was the heat of the moment. Well actually you had danced with Jareth during his masquerade.
"Within your eyes
There's such a fooled heart
Beatin' so fast." Placing one hand onto Thorins shoulder, the other into his hand, you could only hope you weren't making a fool of yourself. Jareth did like to be generous.
"In search of new dreams
A love that will last
Within your heart
I'll place the moon."
Looking into Thorins , bright eyes, which stared back into yours, you followed suit with steps , you hadn't realised that Jareth had changed your clothes into a white gown and sorted your hair, but the others and Thorin noticed. Following Thorins eyes down to your clothing you had get let out a snort.
"Within your heart
As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone" The dwarves hadn't seen Thorin dance since he was a prince, yet there he was with you dancing. Your eyes never leaving Thorins, as you danced in sync, turning together in a circular motion.
"I cannot wait for you to see Erebor." Thorin voice was quiet not to interrupt the music. You had grinned in confusion. "I thought you didn't want me on this quest? Why would you want me to see Erebor?"
"Wasn't too much fun at all
But I'll be there for you-ou-ou."
"So that you can attend a proper ball." You had smirked at the King, who just smiled at you.
"Well, you have got plenty of time to tell me all about Erebor, on this journey, that is if you speak to me after this."
"As the world falls down
"As you wish." Thus you both just went back to just dancing smiling a little more now.
"As the world falls down
Falling in love." Though there was a room full of people surrounding you, it felt as if you were in your own world.  Your own crystal...
"I'll paint you mornings of gold
I'll spin you Valentine evenings though we're strangers 'til now
We're choosing the path
Between the stars." You could only hope that everyone would make it to Erebor...
"I'll leave my love
Between the stars
As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone
Wasn't too much fun at all
But I'll be there for you-ou-ou
As the world falls down" As the song finished, you had pressed a kiss to Thorins cheek, Jareth was having a break, you had let go of Thorin, telling him you'd be right back.
Still in your puffy gown, you had made your way over to Jareth standing at the bar with a glass of what could only be described as some sort of rose fancy drink, fit for a fae king. Jareth had placed the glass onto the side, holding his arms out for you.
Jumping into his arms, spinning you around, legs up , before placing you back onto the floor. "Jareth, I missed you." Jareth grinned back you showing his teeth , "as have I missed you, so you and the dwarven king?" Jareth had looked passed to you to Thorin, you looking back too to see Thorin glaring.
"Uh, I dont know, did you know we was going to be here?" Jareth had grinned larger, confirming his answer. "Come meet my friends quickly." You had grabbed Jareth by his hand leading him to your table.
The dwarves and the hobbit had looked up from their conversations, mostly with smiles. "Uh, guys , this is my best friend , Jareth, Jareth this is Bofur, Fili,Kili,Thorin and Bilbo." You had gave Jareth a side hug, he had clicked his fingers and you were in your regular clothes. " 'ello," Thorin had looked Jareth over as you squashed next to Thorin ,with Jareth next to you.
"So, what are you?" Kili bluntly asked,staring at Jareth in interest. "He's the g-ubli- king." Jareth had silenced you for a second blurring the word Goblin. "I'm sorry , what?" Bilbo Baggins was always intrigued by others, especially if you looked like Jareth. "He is a king."
"Of what."
"Now that , Bofur, is for you to figure out." Jareth was indeed a confusing, mysterious man, he seemed to have sobered the dwarves up.
"How did you do that with the dress?"
"You are a very curious lot , aren't you? - "
Jareth could be nasty, you were surprised with his behaviour.
"Well, then how did you meet him , y/n/n?"
" she wished to be taken."
"...Y-you are th-" Bilbo knew he had heard of the man he had heard sing, his books had had came in use. But again Jareth had cut Bilbo off, he knew what Dwarves were like.
"Clever hobbit."
Now, my love, if you need me you know what to do." Jareth had turned to you , pulling you into a hug, looking at Thorin, with a devilish grin. Only if you had know what he had put into Thorins head.
Really he just said, "I will turn you into pie for my Goblins, if you hurt my y/n." That was it, he was gone, you had been hugging air for a good second, before turning back to the group of men , who just stared at you.
"Uh? What?"   Bofur, Kili and Fili exchanged looks of agreement.
"You and that strange man, yep, that definitely happened."    The smirk inlaced into Kili's voice, as he stared at ,waiting for a response. You had only scoffed at " I'll call him back, and you ask him, I'm sure you'd him to make you into a pie for his Goblins." In that moment, Thorin had realised that Jareth, wasn't just a thin stick, he clearly had fed someone to his Goblins before, Thorin didn't want to find out if that was true.
Thus, the subject was dropped, and that was it,though the other dwarves wanted to know what just happened, and Gandalf didn't give a shit or already knew.
Well that was it until you had all left Rivendell , clean for now, only to get captured by Goblins.
No way were they anything like the unwanted children, absolutely. Stuck next to Thorin, you stuck out being human, wishing you had stumbled onto the actual Goblin king. Thorin had pulled you down and shielded you from the whips.
You could only wish... but you didn't Gandalf saved you all again.
Back on the road again, until Thorin gets chewed up by a warg, you rushing towards him, as the dwarves fought off the wargs and orcs. Only for the eagles to arrive , seeing an eagle fly at you and Thorin, you had laid careful onto him. The eagle swooping you both up . "Hey Thorin, are you alive? maybe I can use those thighs a scarf sometime?"
Thorin did not wake up, until Gandalf had done some magic shit, him and Bilbo became best friends. 
Then you were all captured...again, by the worst kind of elves. Dumb blonds, no, Thranduil was just a dick. All of you were stripped down to one layer , all but Thorin  and you , were shoved into cells. You was asked the general question, why are you travelling with dwarves, well actually that was it.
You had pretended to faint.  When Thranduil stood over your head to see your face, you had pretended to wake up, punching him right in the dick. "O-oh my I-"
"Take them away!" Thorin was surprised you were not executed on the spot, oh how he tried to hide his laughter, as the elven knelt in agony ,and you were both dragged away. Shoved into a cage today, before the elves stomped away. Of course , Balin asks Thorin what happened, instead of telling him what you had done, he had simply said about him shouting in Khuzdul.
" Hey, are you coming to my execution tomorrow? I wonder if my last words should be 'being an elf there's only one down fall, once you get to Thranduils age, your cock shrivels up ," Thorin had snorted , and that is when he saw it, your hair...looked like radagasts hair ,but without poop and birds.
Thorins eyes had stared too long, it was clear to you, you were just talking to him, of course you'd see him staring. Your hair. Well yes that was embarrassing, a king was literally making fun of your hair by his silent judging.
"You're judging my hair? Did you not see radagasts?" Thorin had snapped out of this stare, realising what he had been doing, a light blush upon his face. "You are right, " that's he had said, and went back to looking at your hair.
Sighing you had sat on the cold stone, let again breaking Thorins stare. "Are you going to do my hair or just stand there?"
"Are you sure?" Accepting his offer Thorin was quickly sat behind you, combing your hair, of course you didn't know about dwarvish customs. You didn't know you had just accepted his courtship,but you had.
It wasn't long before your hair was braided completely , and just as you had stood up Ori had spoken up. Though you didn't here what he had said but you had heard Bilbo. "Not in here your not." A jingle of the keys and you were free, well lead to the cellars while the others questioned Bilbo.
Soon enough well when Thorin had convinced the dwarves to get in the barrels, via Bilbos request, leaving just you and Bilbo out. Until  Thorin had gestured you over, helping you inside the Barrel, but you stuck out more than the others,you wondered why Bilbo didn't get in one with one of the other dwarves. You barely in the barrel when Bilbo had pulled the lever,gripping onto Thorins shoulders as you were both submerged for a spilt second. Thus, you were off , trying to escape the elves , squished against the dwarven king, that you had unknowingly courted.
Kili was shot, and Bombur did some extreme parkour, and boom you had reached land. Soaking, freezing, lucky your hair was all braided back,  thanks Thorin. Stopping to allow Kili's leg to be wrapped up , to prevent further blood loss.
Dwalin had almost give you a heart attack ,as you stood twisting the water out of your clothing.  "Who did you hair ,lass?" He had basically popped up beside you , inspecting your braids , his voice louder and powerful.
Looking at the dwarf, who looked right back waiting for your answer , already knowing the answer.  "Thorin did, why?" Dwalin only hummed before returning to his brother, him surprisingly whispering to his brother, Fili and Kili had looked at each other in disgust.   Even though Kili was supposedly in pain.
"Do that again and you're dead."  Snapping your head up, to the unfamiliar voice..was that orlando bloom? A human, a man with shaggy dark hair, worn out clothes , beautifully structured face. Boom, you had been able to board passage on his barge.
"Why is a woman travelling with 13 dwarves and a hobbit?"  You had coughed, turning around to face Bard, you weren't very sure what you was supposed to say. "Well, um-" " She's travelling with us because she's betrothed to uncle."    Fili had spoken up, saving you from revealing everything, still you had turned to Fili, eyebrows scrunched in confusion, Fili and Kili smirked.
"You are courting a dwarf?" Thorin had scoffed, as Bard kept his eyes on the lake, his tone was almost unimpressed. "Well, I almost fucked a fae s-" "y-y/n! That's not a-appropriate." Bilbo had choked out, without a thought.
"Come on, Gaggins, did you not see the pants he wore? His magic-"
"Enough." Thorin had interrupted you sharply, snapping your head towards the clearly annoyed King, walking over to him, punching his cheek. "Awwe, jealous of Jareth? You have a lot to live up to. Does your dick grow even after erecttion? I call it his magic c-"
" Hold on." Bilbo had pointed his pipe at you, staring at you, " How do you know that?" Bilbo had coughed again , with his cheeks red trying not to cry. "Don't tell him, maybe I held eye contact with not his eyes many times without him noticing , plus I asked him if he could grow tall as a house, and he said yeah, so I just assumed. I swear 100% I never walked in -"
"Hello, love."  You had jumped out of your skin, turning around, there stood Jareth, your face flushed red, shoving him gently. "Oh- , not nice Jareth, could've died from shock."  Jareth only ignored you, looking at your hair, his hand skimming over it , in interest.
"I heard you speaking of my cock, y/n/n, I'm flattered, but with those braids , I'm afraid you are no position to be making advances on me."  Lips slightly touching your eyes, as the vibrations of his whisper sent chills down your neck. “Well, what position do you want me in?” Pressing your back right against Jareths, his hot breath heightened onto your jeck. Thorin was fuming with anger, the dwarves didn’t know what to make of the situation.
“Y-y/n, enough do you not know what you have agreed to by those plaits?”
You had turned quickly pulling  Jareth away from the dwarves, well as far you could get anyways. "W-what are you talking about? What about the plaits?" Jareth had laughed loudly, getting the attention of the the dwarves , as you reached up to touch the braids.
"Oh, love, you don't know. Those plaits especially when done by a dwarf , signifies courtship, you have accepted." Eyes widened at the king, as he smirked at you, laughing lightly.
"What do I do? I am courting a king, I mean it’s not like I don’t like him , it’s j-“
“You are just being dramatic, you both share affections for each other, so what’s the problem? You know what to do if you need me.”poof he was gone, again.
So you had made your way over to Thorin, pulling him to his feet by his tunic, his eyes wide, as you pressed your lips to his harshly. His hands making their way into your hair, pulling you closer to him, kissing you back.
Your hands now under his jaw, the company well, they were as you could expect...cheering loudly. Pulling away from his lips, still in his hold , as you looked into his bright blue eyes.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what?”
“That consenting you to braid my hair , meant that I accepted your courtship? I would’ve anyways, but I had to find out from Jareth, I thought that was just a ruse to explain why I was travelling with a bunch of dwarves.”
“Sorry, thought you knew.”
“You hear that Lads, she thought he braided her hair out of the kindness of his heart.” Company had burst into mocking laughter, but you and Thorin had ignored it.
“Well, if we are going to get married, I need the goblin king as our wedding singer.”
“Goblin king?”
“What? You didn’t know, Jareth is the goblin king. Not that wart of a goblin, “
Thorin had only stared at you.
“No, you can’t kill him, his dick would come off and fuck you in the ass.”
“I’m sorry, who’s dick would what?” Bilbo had popped up , with disgust and confusion upon his face.
163 notes · View notes
alittlebitgoofy · 4 years
cause after all this time (i’m still into you) - taywhora
so i finally finished this fic and it came out LONG for me but we got there and i'm very proud of it and happy to get more taywhora out so enjoy this domestic fluff roommates to lovers fic they're a bit dumb <3
thanks to pink-grapefruit-cafe for betaing :) love ya lottie
title from still into you
ao3 link
Before they were living together, A’whora thought Tayce to be flawless. Literally, where were the flaws? It wasn’t that she had any issues, far from it, but she had one vulnerability and she rarely showed it.
She was terrified of bugs. More specifically, spiders but any insect around her and A’whora could see the sense of unease in her eyes.
It took a screaming Tayce bolting into her room to take her eyes off her sewing machine. The noise made her jump, messing up a stitch in the action. Her roommate stared at her, eyes wide with a mix of fear and shock.
“A’whora! I went to get in the shower but there's a spider in there, can you please get rid of it.”
A’whora stared back blankly, shrugging before returning her attention to her work. As much as she wanted to help Tayce at any opportunity, her work held most of her attention at this time of day.
“Don’t ignore me, lass! Please, Aurora.” The pleading tone in her voice caught her off guard. A’whora frowned, she wasn’t keen on bugs but she could throw a shoe at a spider if it pleased Tayce. It helped that she was utterly adorable, nervously staying behind her as they walked to the bathroom to get rid of it.
“Fucking hell! It’s huge.” A’whora recoiled, she’d expected something stupid like a daddy -ong-legs but this spider was around the size of her hand. Staring it down made her feel nervous but the terrified Tayce muttering words of encouragement made her remembered what she was doing this for.
She held the shoe in her hand, whacking the creature with all the pent-up fury she had from years of repressed lesbianism. She hit it repeatedly for good measure, glancing over at Tayce to gauge her reaction before erupting in giggles at the shock on her face.
“Fuck, you look like you need therapy.”
“Don’t we all?”
A’whora glanced back at the mangled corpse of the bug, she cleared it up with some toilet roll to her disgust. Picking pieces of dead spider wasn’t her ideal Thursday afternoon activity but seeing the gratefulness of Tayce’s face made it worth it.
“Oh, you’re such a doll. Thanks ‘Rory you’re a lifesaver.” With the affectionate nickname, Tayce pressed her lips to A’whora’s cheek before heading off to prepare for her shower.
Oh. She enjoyed that a little too much.
Tayce was a private person by nature. She was fine with being expressive, it was something she couldn’t control. But she didn’t let people push past her boundaries. It had worked for a long time until A’whora came around and melted everything with a flutter of her lashes.
She’d never admit it, and risk boosting such an ego, but Tayce’s weakness was the rude blonde she lived with. Something about her felt comfortable. She was home, someone Tayce never felt a need to fake things around. If she wasn’t into a conversation or just wanted to be alone, A’whora understood. Sometimes she got lonely, it was something that went unspoken for months. Just the occasional day where Tayce was all over A’whora much to the latters annoyance.
For her part, A’whora never pushed her away. She’d whine a bit about not being able to do her work before returning the attention and trying to keep down a smile when Tayce would lay her head on her shoulder, quietly making her desires known before wrapping her arms around her waist to pull her into a long embrace.
You know. Normal friend stuff.
It happened to be one of those days, Tayce could feel herself going too far into her head. She needed someone next to her to take those thoughts away, but A’whora had been complaining about how busy she was for days. Tayce had barely seen her, and it hurt to think that she would shake her off if she went to find her.
She tried to reassure herself, this was ridiculous. She wasn’t dependent on her roommate. She had a life and friends, but something about being with A’whora soothed her to her core. The internal debate kept on, though her feet decided for her as Tayce realised she was stood outside the door of A’whora’s sewing room
She opened the door to see her roommate hunched over her sewing machine, brows furrowed as she concentrated hard on constructing the outfit. The creek of the door caught her attention, her eyes flying to Tayce stood in the doorway.
“You alright there lass?” A’whora looked the woman in front of her up and down. Something felt different but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
Tayce walked over silently, perching her head on A’whora’s shoulder as her arms wrapped around her waist. They sat there, soundlessly embracing without much care for the world. A’whora was vaguely aware of the work in front of her but the warmth that Tayce radiated was intoxicating. She could never fight being held by her arms.
“Is today one of those days where you need attention?” Tayce let out a hum of agreement, not quite able to find the words to describe her feelings. A’whora understood enough, lightly pulling at her wrist and leading them to the couch. Her instinct was to reach for a comfort snack, grabbing the jar they kept of Percy Pigs for things like this.
Though she tried to ignore the growing feelings, she wasn’t against something happening between them.
That was an understatement, her heart stammered when A’whora turned to her with a small smile and shining eyes. The smaller girl had a resting bitch face, her natural state was sourer than most people could handle but Tayce never found her looking like that unless she was annoyed. When they were alone she was a different person, so much more sweet and loving than anyone else could know.
She envied how easily A’whora opened up to her, it took some time but she’d fully let Tayce in within a few months of living together. It’d been almost a year and a half and that was still something the brunette struggled with. She wanted to tell A’whora everything, about the loneliness and the way she felt unfulfilled despite her cool demeanour.
“Rory, can I tell you something?”
“Of course, you can tell me, anything babe.”
“You’re the only person who doesn’t make me feel alone.“ Tayce tried not to show hesitation in speaking her feelings, instead, leaning her head into A’whora’s shoulder. The warmth of her roommate was enough to distract from most things going on in her head. Though she loved the affection, A’whora realised it was a defence mechanism. If she couldn’t see a reaction then she wouldn’t have to deal with it. That was an interesting way to think but she wasn’t really in a position to judge.
“Tayce, if you ever feel alone, I’m here alright? We get each other better than anyone else. I’d never let someone I genuinely love feel like shit if I could help.”
Tayce let out a muffled sigh, moving her head to still lean into the blonde’s shoulder but be able to speak clearly.
“Someone you genuinely love huh?” Despite clearly being meant as a quip, Tayce’s voice was far too fond, dripping with so much affection it made A’whora’s heart swell. She was thankful Tayce couldn’t see her reaction from where her head was, she wouldn't live down the blush that took over her face from the comment.
“I love you too, don’t think too hard about it. I can feel you blushing.” Tayce laughed, poking her in the ribs to a delightful giggle from the smaller girl.
It amused her how they’d occasionally get like this, separate from the world stuck in the bliss of each other and yet not wanting to speak a word of their actual feelings. It was painfully obvious there was something between them. Lawrence loved to comment on the sexual tension but Tayce thought it ran deeper than that. There was so much comfort in their relationship, it didn’t make sense to most people.
From how flustered she got, A’whora had to have some kind of feelings for her. Tayce never wanted to pry, she liked where they were at.
Or she was scared to lose it and didn’t want to risk it on the off chance she read it all wrong.
A’whora saw the thoughtful look on Tayce’s face and wanted nothing more than to kiss it off. The timing felt wrong, another day they may have closed the gap but the emotions were too raw. It felt like she would take advantage of her roommate finally letting her feelings out.
They fell into a comfortable silence after that. It was late by the time A’whora realised Tayce had fallen asleep, arms still tightly holding her. Moving would be cruel, seeing the taller woman so peaceful was rare. She enjoyed the warmth that Tayce always emitted, it always put her in a near euphoric, calm state. It didn’t take her long to fall asleep with her, content to cuddle like this for a long time.
Tayce felt groggy, noting where she was situated on the couch with A’whora in her arms before anything else. She realised they must have fallen asleep at some point, cuddled together in something heart-achingly domestic.
She grabbed her phone, realising it was almost 3 am and that her body would kill if she slept the night on a couch that was too small for her. It could just about fit A’whora when she reclined on it but Tayce’s feet always dangled over the edge uncomfortably.
She lightly tapped A’whora, who let out a sleepy murmur before placing her head back onto Tayce’s chest.
“Get up A’whora, we need to go to bed.”
The smaller girl hummed, finally sitting up. The sight of her rubbing her sleepy eyes was enough to make Tayce want to squeal. Maybe it was the tiredness but she just wanted to hold A’whora close to her until the end of time and hear her let out her little sleepy noises and cuddle into her chest.
The blonde stood up, about to walk to her room before Tayce tugged at her hand.
“No, with me.” Her words came out softer than she meant, her voice tender and tired. A’whora just nodded, letting Tayce lead them to her room and nestle into her bed.
The smaller girl poked her leg with a small laugh, eyes lighting up in amusement at the jeans still on her.
“Are you really going to sleep in jeans?” It took Tayce that long to realise she still had denim clung to her legs. The fatigue had gotten to her, brain too fuzzy to process it. Begrudgingly she got up, throwing some pajamas on, glad the darkness masked her body. She threw a shirt and short A’whora, muttering that she should get changed too.
The darkness wasn’t only hiding Tayce, her roommate held the clothes, sleepily blinking at them before she realised what was happening. She felt grateful that the blush on her face wasn’t visible, the feeling of Tayce’s clothes on her made A’whora’s heart tighten. Soft, little domestic moments that her roommate wouldn’t think about in a few minutes. They were what she cherished most.
The brunette made her way back to the bed, pulling the smaller girl into a tight hug before letting her head settle back onto her chest. She was slipping from consciousness but quietly hoped this wouldn’t be the last time something like this happened. She’d like to sleep next to A’whora more often.
The morning came quicker than either would have liked, wanting nothing more than to stay cuddled up but not ready for the implications that came with that. Tayce woke up first, nestling herself back into the warmth of her bed after attempting to move only to find a sleeping A’whora curled into her.
The blonde didn’t wake up as gracefully, she stirred shortly after but bolted up at the realisation of what had happened. Tayce wanted to put her head back down and cuddle more but the blush that erupted on the other woman's face told her all she needed to know.
“I asked you to, don’t start freaking out and apologising. It’s fine.”
A’whora shrugged, hiding her face in Tayce’s shoulder with a slight grumble. She wasn’t ready to deal with the day and gave in to the warmth the brunette provided.
They got up later, not thrilled to separate but knowing they needed to. The previous night left unspoken. Maybe that was better for now.
Though she was just as bad, Tayce found it hilarious how long A’whora took to get ready. It wasn’t because she took a long time doing everything. She just faffed around while getting ready and ended up taking an hour longer than she meant to.
The time wasn’t for nothing, A’whora finally came out of her room looking so beautiful it left Tayce speechless. Her outfit was nice, a black blazer and trousers. It wouldn’t be that amazing on anyone else but the way it fit around her curves made Tayce’s heart speed up. She looked hot, blonde hair in its natural wavy state that looked like it would be euphoric to run her hands through.
“Tayce? You’re awfully quiet there.”
“You look ethereal.”
A’whora looked taken aback by how sincere Tayce sounded. She would tell the smaller woman if something was off but seeing her speechless was something new. She must have done a damn good job.
“You don’t look too bad yourself, when aren’t you breathtaking though.”
“Little old me? Breathtaking? You’re too kind, Aurora.” Tayce played coy, batting her lashes with fake innocence as her roommate let out a soft laugh at the act. It was something she’d do all the time, but that never meant A’whora’s heart would stop fluttering every time she did it.
Taking another glance at her as they prepared to leave, Tayce wondered how she was going to get through a dinner with her notoriously teasing friends and A’whora looking like that. She could hear the remark Lawrence would make about their sexual tension, maybe a small comment from Tia about how, for her namesake, A’whora didn’t look like a whore. The usual fun things.
She’d make it through, somehow.
“Christ, Bims, I've never seen you so covered up.”
Tayce was greeted by the sight of a modest-looking Bimini sitting with a few of their other friends as she and A’whora made their way to the table. A modest outfit for them was just not having much skin out, though their legs were still out it was something different.
“Tayce, you look like a rich bitch who’s about to go kill her husband and run off with her new girlfriend. Speaking of the new girlfriend, hey A’whora.” Bimini shot back, the table erupting into laughter at the quip. Tayce glanced at the girl next to her, whose eyes had fallen to the floor trying to hide the blush quickly forming on her cheeks.
“Who me? That’s quite a high compliment. Though I wouldn’t trust this bitch to keep a secret like a murder plot when she can barely keep her mouth shut when someone wears something ugly.”
A’whora laughed at the comment, despite being unable to manage a reply. She huffed a bit, lightly jabbing Tayce with her elbow and praying it came across that she just didn’t care for the joke.
“Oh lord, we can’t go out for anything with these two without the sexual tension following them. How’s that been going for you ladies?” Lawrence interjected, getting another round of laughter from their friends.
“I’m just trying to look at this menu, you all are hounds, get your minds out of the gutter.”
“The only sexual tension Lawrence knows is watching Ellie with her Monster can,” A’whora paused, “and being jealous of the monster can.”
Tayce let out a howl of laughter that caught the attention of their table and the other people surrounding them. She didn’t care for the eyes on them. Her attention was on the blonde looking proud at her joke. There was something about the way A’whora would puff out her chest when she made someone laugh like that, she couldn’t take her eyes off her.
Ellie arrived soon after, utterly bewildered by the taken aback look on Lawrence’s face and the giggles coming from the rest of the table.
“What happened here?”
That was a hard question to answer. No one wanted to out Lawrence’s feelings, though there was nothing else to explain it. Bimini just shrugged, saying something about A’whora being surprisingly funny. Tayce didn’t pay them much attention, she felt a hand make its way onto her thigh. A’whora wasn’t looking at her but she could see the small smile creep its way onto her face as a hand came to rest on top of her own.
The night went pretty easy after that, jokes aplenty but no one paying too much attention to the way Tayce kept sneaking glances at A’whora or the way their hands hadn’t moved until they’d gotten their food and found their way back after.
Bimini had given her a curious look at some point, they clearly knew something but left it unspoken. Tayce didn’t know if she could handle another comment about them looking like a couple and the utterly flustered A’whora that would look to her to throw something back.
She’d have to get A’whora better at handling comments when she was flustered. It was cute how she lost the ability to speak if it was particularly bad, but the brunette hated to always be the one to deny things and keep the banter going.
Tayce felt light as A’whora leant against her, sat on a bench in the station waiting for the last train to bring them home. They’d both drunk a little too much, sober enough to walk and talk but minds fuzzy with the wine and a light fog of tiredness. The blonde had her head leant on her shoulder, trying to let her brain rest from attempting to stay social while progressively getting more drunk.
The wine did interesting things to her, it didn’t taste as bad as most alcohol though she still didn’t like it. Drinking enough left her floating, consciousness a little fuzzy but still attentive enough to navigate herself home. Her reaction times slowed, Tayce found this very amusing as she took a second to blink and realise she’d been tapped on the shoulder. It was cute to see the cogs whirring in her brain as things happened around her.
Tayce herself wasn’t near sober either. She could hold herself together better than A’whora but a much softer side of her came out with the wine they’d had with their meals. She wasn’t acting on it but seeing the fuzzy state of her roommate made her want to squeeze her into her arms and protect her from the world. A’whora was always cute but the curious glances she gave everything was enough to make anyone love her.
A’whora felt another poke on her shoulder, turning to see a laughing Tayce mimicking her confused expression before laughing harder.
“Bitch!” The smaller girl shoved her lightly, making Tayce fall into the arm of her chair mid laughter.
They progressively got a little more aggressive with their game. It started with Tayce pushing A'whora back, the latter scurrying off to avoid it before lightly shoving Tayce as she stood up to chase after her. Pushes were punctuated by uncontrolled giggles from the pair as they continued.
Tayce saw a chance to win, shoving A’whora into the wall behind them, leaving her pinned to it with Tayce in her face. She realised the implications of this but the pure look in A’whora’s eyes was enough to sway any doubt. She really was adorable.
Though it took a second to realise exactly where Tayce was and how close their faces were, A’whora moved her hand, running it through Tayce’s hair with a loving smile adorning her face. She leant into Tayce’s hand as it cupped her face, lightly inching their faces closer together until she could the warmth of her breath on her face. There was a slight smell of wine on Tayce’s breath but A’whora knew she had the same. It didn’t dissuade her as Tayce closed the gap, pressing their lips together in a kiss that had been a long time coming.
Things moved, they deepened the kiss, ignoring the world around them. The only thing that A’whora saw was Tayce, her beauty effortless and the loving side spilling out of her the longer they stayed that close.
Tayce jolted out of the kiss eventually, leaving a shocked A’whora frozen to her spot. Tayce grumbled something, whipping around to the train behind them and pulling A’whora in before she had time to blink.
The taller woman let out a sigh of relief as they managed to board just before the train left the station. She turned to the blonde to see her still staring at the door of the train, confused about how quickly everything had transpired.
Tayce pulled her to the seats on the train, sliding into the window seat to let A’whora lean on her. It was then she realised her hair had stayed soft and wavy, and finally listened to her heart and started running her hands through it. A giddy feeling built up as the smaller girl leant into it, such a soft smile on her face that Tayce just wanted to kiss her and get her to grin more and more.
So she did.
Tayce took her face up from its resting place on her shoulder to let them have another go at a long kiss without being interrupted by transport. A’whora leant into it, kissing Tayce back with her heart pounding in her chest.
They broke apart for breath, A’whora’s face in a smitten smile. Something in her eyes was the most tender thing Tayce had ever seen and it made her pull the girl into a tight hug.
“You’re so cute,” She mumbled into the top of A’whora’s head as she cuddled into Tayce.
They stayed entangled together until they had to get off, Tayce peppering A’whora with kisses as she smiled giddily and giggled at the rush of compliments Tayce would spout when they broke apart. It was messy and drunk but that made the feeling feel more sincere. It didn’t have to be perfect, to be kissing A’whora was enough for Tayce to feel like she was levitating.
A’whora was too distracted by the warmth of the taller woman to realise when they pulled into their stop. It took a light tug at her hand for them to get off, though A’whora wrapped her fingers around Tayce’s hand, refusing to let it go. They stayed hand in hand for the short walk home, the blonde was surprised she was walking fine but the cold evening air started to sober her enough to walk straight and navigate with Tayce rather than being pulled along.
Getting in was another matter, the door opened fine but the minute she walked through the door Tayce felt A’whora’s hand leave hers. She wanted to go tug on her hand once more, cuddling into each other in the warmth of her bed but something left her rooted to the floor, staring helplessly as her roommate walked into her room.
Or she would have, had she not noticed Tayce still stood in the doorway staring at her.
“Tayce? You just gonna stand there? At least make sure you take your makeup off.”
The sudden words made her jolt up, realising she was still fully dressed with a full face of makeup planning to faceplant into her bed. A’whora took the initiative to take the lead for once, leading the taller girl by hand into their bathroom and handing her some makeup wipes before getting to work on her face.
It proved to be a difficult task, Tayce leaning over to kiss her as she took it off and getting her lipstick on her cheek every time.
“Tayce! If you want to kiss me at least take your lipstick off first.”
“Oh so if I take it off I can kiss you as much as I want?”
“Yes just stop leaving lipstick on my face.”
Tayce turned to her with a sly grin, pressing her lips to her cheek once more but making sure to make a mess of it, placing softer kisses across her face with a giggle. The annoyance A’whora felt subsided with the quiet laughter that bubbled out of Tayce. She couldn’t be mad at anyone that cute.
Thankfully the brunette began to take off her makeup, focusing on that rather than pestering her roommate. It didn’t take long for the tables to turn, as A’whora turned to her after finishing with an unreadable expression.
“You’re so pretty. You’re so fucking pretty.” Her words sounded completely smitten, something Tayce was sober enough to notice but nowhere near brave enough to address.
“You think so? Like this? I wouldn’t call sitting in the bathroom tipsy with no makeup on my best moment” Tayce let out a soft hum, she felt pretty all of the time but of all the times to comment on it why now? Why while they were still tipsy and with her freshly taken off makeup, she didn’t feel particularly pretty, but the look in A’whora’s eyes said everything she needed to know.
“Yeah, I like your freckles,” A’whora said quietly, moving to place a soft kiss on Tayce’s cheek before making a daring dart for her lips.
It was different from before, they were both sober enough to know exactly what they were doing but neither wanted to stop it. Tayce wrapped her arms around A’whora’s shoulders to steady them as they deepened the kiss.
When they parted, A’whora let out a soft yawn, reminding Tayce of the time, and the fact they were both tired from everything. She picked up the smaller woman, carrying her over to her bed, throwing some pajamas at her, and cuddling into her when they both were changed out of their smart clothes.
Lying there with A’whora curled into her side was when she realised something. She’d avoided her feelings for this long, not reading into things. But being here with her felt so right. All the kisses and little compliments they’d thrown at each other over the night making them both feel warm and fuzzy inside.
She wanted this, to fall asleep next to the blonde and wake up to her, groggy with sleep and not wanting to get up just yet. She wanted them to stay in bed, cuddle up and maybe doze off and sleep more if the day allowed it.
She wanted A’whora. That was all Tayce needed.
The smaller girl hadn’t spoken a word since they cuddled up together, her breathing was quiet and rhythmic, she looked to be sleeping, so Tayce didn’t mind speaking her thoughts.
“I love you.”
A’whora didn’t respond at first, continuing to stay put in her spot in Tayce’s arm before she got a muffled reply.
“I love you too.”
Tayce felt her heart flutter at the sight before her when she awoke. A’whora was cuddled into her side, head laid on her chest with an arm flung over her stomach. Her leg followed suit, flopped over Tayce’s, locking her into a close position that she didn’t have the heart to disturb.
She wanted to soak in the warmth of the person cuddled with her but the sharp headache became more obvious the more she sat there. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to get pretty drunk on wine but it ended well enough. Her memories were fuzzy but she could make sense of it all. They’d kissed. A lot. Tayce wished she could feel the sensation sober but that carried too many implications for her hungover brain to handle.
There was one downside to sleeping next to A’whora, she was a light sleeper. Tayce knew the minute she tried to get up no matter how careful she was, the smaller woman would groan about it being too early and proceed to notice what had happened. She couldn’t find it in herself to deal with that right then and there but the throbbing in her head demanded her attention anyway.
Sliding her way out of A’whora’s grasp hurt. She wanted nothing more than to pull her in further, pepper her with soft kisses to wake her up, and stare at her adorable sleepy face.
Somehow Tayce had avoided waking her up, maybe the alcohol had taken a toll on her too. Whatever happened she’d complain about it soon enough, it would be for her own benefit if Tayce grabbed her a bottle of water with the painkillers she was getting.
A’whora started to wake up with Tayce out of the room. She felt like something was missing. Someone. Her tired mind couldn’t quite figure it out but the sound of someone walking into the room was enough to satisfy her, grabbing for the person as she sat on the bed.
“You’re so fucking cute,” Tayce murmured as A’whora leant over to go back to cuddling into her. She assumed the smaller girl was still asleep but the way she nuzzled into her chest and let out a muffled yawn.
“Rory?” Tayce felt her heart start to race. She was awake, she’d heard Tayce calling her cute and was making the conscious decision to stay cuddled into her.
Looks like she’d have to deal with this, no matter how prepared she was.
A’whora let out a hum of acknowledgement that Tayce felt vibrate into her chest. Her position was going to make any attempts at conversation a lot harder.
“Tayce? Cuddle me.” Finally letting out some words, the blonde curled up closer to her. Tayce felt her heart skip a beat as it came out as a muffled whine. Not a question, not the demand she might have meant it as, a quiet question that pulled at her heart that was followed with a sleepy sigh that melted it.
“I will, but you need to take these pain killers for me, this hangover will kill you when you wake up properly.”
Tayce laughed at the face A’whora pulled as she begrudgingly moved from her position to take them. She grumbled something incoherent before looking at Tayce with an unreadable expression in her eyes.
She leant over, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek before going back to her place on Tayce’s chest.
A’whora kissed her like it was nothing. Was it something? Was Tayce overthinking it? Absolutely, but that wasn’t the point.
A’whora kissed her. Her roommate. The adorable little blonde was cuddled into her, having kissed her cheek like they were dating. It was too perfect, so domestic it was all she ever needed.
It only took a few more minutes for a soft grunt to come from her chest. A slight pout formed on A’whora’s lips and she muttered about a headache and lifted herself from the comfort of Tayce’s chest.
“Hey, Tayce?”
The brunette turned her attention at the call of her name, staring at A’whora who sat there silently. She stared back for some time before doing something a lot more daring than Tayce ever thought her capable of.
She kissed her again, this time on the lips. Tayce deepened it, one arm falling around A’whora’s waist while the other fell through her soft hair, keeping her close.
Her theory was right. Sober kisses were just as incredible as the drunk ones. The perk was that she’d remember this one.
“Good to know you like that, helpful information.” A’whora giggled, she delighted in the way Tayce’s eyes widened as she pressed another light kiss to her cheek. Her head felt fuzzy, whether that was from the hangover, the tiredness, or Tayce she couldn’t quite tell.
“You hound, You’re going to be chasing me for kisses every hour of every day now I just know it.” Tayce felt lightheaded at the affections. Something about the ease of it all made her stomach go fluttery with feelings she wouldn’t be too quick to disclose.
“That’s your fault for being so kissable. Not my fault.”
The cheek of her roommate was amusing, the brunette held back a snicker. She wanted to laugh it off, the flirting was fairly common between them. The kisses threw her. She just wanted to take a second, process everything that was happening before continuing but a certain blonde loved to keep her on her toes.
“You’re so dumb.”
Tayce could hear the tenderness in her tone, painfully loving and sappy. It would disgust her if she saw it in anyone else, that level of lovey was not something she wanted to hear. But it was A’whora. The little idiot who could brighten her day with a smile, the one who she bounced off of better than anyone. The person she would trust with her life. She couldn’t stop the way her heart pounded at the littlest affections between them.
So why should she?
“Cool it, lass, I know you love me.”
“Maybe so, wouldn’t you like that”
“Yeah. I'd like that a lot actually.”
“Aurora…” Tayce melted at the hopeful eyes staring at her. They broke through any walls she had left. She couldn’t find the words. She loved A’whora but saying it was something else entirely. So she showed it, pulling her in for a longer kiss.
A’whora felt all her feelings without the need for words. It was told through actions, the way Tayce’s hand ran through her hair, before circling to her jaw to stroke it softly, angling her into a deeper kiss. Her love was in the way their foreheads stayed pressed together as they fell apart. The shine in her eyes as her face lit up in an unconscious smile.
The way she let go, letting her love flow into everything and not trying to hide it.
“I love you too, Tayce.”
That was it, those were the words she’d wanted to hear for so long. It was a wave of warmth and euphoria that she never wanted to stop feeling.
“Come on, I love sitting here with you but I'm hungry and I think it’s time for beans on toast.”
Tayce finally moved, hanging her legs over the edge of the bed. If she didn’t attempt to move now they never would. Though she would come back later to cuddle up with A’whora for as long as she could, eating was important too.
“You’re insatiable! It’s always beans on toast with you.”
“If you act like that you won’t be getting any.”
With that, Tayce stood up and started walking to the kitchen only to be stopped by a sudden weight leant onto her back. A’whora laid her head on her shoulder with a content sigh.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The quick response surprised both of them. Tayce hadn’t expected it to come out so soon, it would still be time until she could say it with the ease A’whora did, but that was fine.
A’whora loved her, that was all she ever needed.
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