#but programming fries my brain
dustofthedailylife · 1 year
Man... I really really want to make either a Visual Novel with my art, writing and OCs or create an original Comic Series.
I lack the programming skills and have zero clue about publishing games for the first one and I lack the time and still the skill for the latter...
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allsassnoclass · 7 days
guys thank you for the asks but i am not answering them tonight
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putting together my list of doctoral programs to apply to and one of them is in New Jersey and every day i am sitting at my computer going do not make major life decisions based on trivia about raven cycle minor antagonist joseph kavinsky. do not make major life decisions based on trivia about raven cycle minor antagonist joseph kavinsky. DO NOT M
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totally-not-deacon · 7 months
Me: *finally finishes programming class project* woohoo Also me, opening up the Creation Kit right afterwards:
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I'm never gonna get a break, am I?
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aropride · 2 years
ive literally got to get into physical music or at least local files bc i can not be in my 80s still downloading files off of github to get free spotify
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edwardslostalchemy · 8 months
I finally finished to program I signed up for. 😭 It's a certification program and my goodness I'm not just tired but I want to sleep for 2028384 hours. It was so much. It has been a very stressful week not only with the doing things for my new job but also doing this and I haven't gotten much sleep these past few days. I'm gonna sleep so great tonight.
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jamesbukkakebarnes · 1 year
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wittlesissyb4by · 8 months
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You tried to fight it, you tried to block it out. The hypnotic music worming through your ears, a mixture of infantile lullabies, soothing voices, and even stern ones overlayed with each other. It was all so chaotic it made your head spin, like you were in a trance.
Even though you were blindfolded, you could swear you were seeing waves, spirals, stars. Was it just your imagination? Or was it something they put in your bottle? Maybe it was the sour liquid slowly seeping through the bulb of the pacifier in your mouth. Every time you suckled for air your mouth got a little more numb. Drool seeping from the sides of your lips.
You felt so claustrophobic. Any attempt at movement was haulted in some way, and every time you did, the diaper between your legs crinkled.
But the worst was the churning feeling in your bowels. A combination of bubbling and cramps that made you feel sick to your stomach. You knew what you had to do, what they wanted you to do, but you didn’t want to give this place that satisfaction.
You kicked and screamed and whimpered into your gag, but you couldn’t even hear yourself over the hypnotic music. No way they could hear you down the hall. More likely, they didn’t even care.
You got the feeling you weren’t the only one here. You’d heard the same whimpers and whines when they were escorting you down the hall. But that was just when you were in a straitjacket. What kind of sick ‘rehabilitation’ program was this??
The bubbling in your guts was unbearable. How long had you been holding it? You’d lost track of time long ago. You couldn’t even say how long you’d been here. Was it hours? Or days? Being in a blind, hypnotic haze really messes with perception of time.
You clenched, thrashed, tugged, did anything you could to try to make the cramps go away. But you knew there was only one way to end it. It had to happen eventually. You knew it did. They obviously weren’t letting you go any time soon. Or maybe they would once they got what they wanted?
The voices in your ears told you it was okay. That this was normal. Well…your “new” normal.
It’s what good girls do…
Mess your diaper…
Mary had a little lamb…
Be a baby…
You’re a slut!
Little lamb…litTLe lamb!
It’s not like you know how to be an adult…
You’ll never use the potty again!
It’s okay…
Everything will be fine…
Poop your diaper!
Let it out…
You don’t know if you made the decision yourself, or your fried brain just followed what the voices told you, but you gave one last, desperate clench, then relaxed…letting everything flow out of you.
All of your senses seemed to focus on the warm, icky sensation now present in your diaper. Even the music seemed to stop. As uncomfortable as you were before, that was increased 10 fold.
You tried to struggle more, to escape the messy muck somehow, but it only made it worse. The music kicked back in again, or maybe it never stopped? You couldn’t feel your mouth anymore, just the drool dripping down the sides of your cheeks. The spirals in your eyes intensified.
Maybe they would come change you now. Let you go. Release you from the confines of your mind.
But they were still hours away, or maybe days? There was no telling anymore. The music continued to play, the mixture of melodies numbing your brain.
This is my new site for wittlesissybaby! Follow me here, Subscribestar, or Allmylinks to stay updated!
Also, please take 2 seconds to go follow this other random blog @wittle5i55ybaby real fast. Just in case…
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
Something Wicked This Way Comes AU Skits:
A government agent: Would you like to join our team of highly trained and special indivi-
Reader: F*ck off
Government agent: I really think you'd like this program of ours-
Reader: I said f*ck off
Government agent: But you haven't even heard of what you'd get-
Reader: I'd get brainwashed and set on your personal enemies like a dog, believe me, we know the shtick, now f*ck off! I'm drinking my beer!
Reader: is nursing on a root beer
Government agent: knocks the drink out of Reader's hands
Reader: ...
Reader: You little f*ckin' @&>/ !!!! tackles them, biting and scratching, then kicks them out of the soda shop
Reader, answering why they haven't sought out their old "pals", Wolverine and Sabretooth: Well, would YOU try to seek out someone who you haven't had a decent conversation with since the early 1900s who then stabbed you in the guts after his brain got scrambled, or seek out the guy who got so fried in the noggin he tossed ya off a freakin' cliff after beating you to a bloody pulp? No? Well, that's what I thought!
The X-Teens: What the h*ll??!!😨😰
The Brotherhood: That's b*dass!!!🤩😍
The adults: Who did you say you were, again, Mx. Reader? 🧐🤨
Wolverine: I tore their guts out? Poor kid... Hmmm... something still isn't adding up...
Sabretooth: Eh, I toss a lot of people off a cliffs... and turn a lot of people into bloody pulp. Good on them for surviving! Except they seem too familiar to be just a random hit...
Reader: sweating bullets Um... I'm... leaving, right now! runs off, disappearing into the streets
Everyone: ... Okay, we need them as our new member-
Reader, seeing the X-Teens broke into their house and took something: Oh you little...
Logan: Who the h*ll is screaming at 1:00am in the morning?!
Logan: spots his kids sneaking into the mansion carrying an old and stained box
Logan: Kids. What. Did. You. Do.
The X-Teens: ... Um... we, um... maybestolesomethingfromReader!! But we had to! They're not telling us something, and we think it's important!
Logan: Well, it looks like you're all returning it, unless you want to be in the Danger Room for the next five hours 😡
The X-Teens: Please, just a peek! 🥺
Logan: ... Ugh, fine, just one look. Then we're gettin' in the car and returning it, you hear me?
The X-Teens and Logan, looking into the box: 😶
The box: full of video tapes, recorders, old papers and journals, and different rocks and fossils and old heirloom jewelry
Logan: Okay, fine, you take one thing, something that would be hard to miss-
Kitty: Done! grabbed an old recorder
Logan: I'll hold onto that, since you kids got us into this mess
Logan, listening to one of the many recordings in shock: It's been nearly two centuries, but I still miss James and Victor, even if they were both quite brash at times... Boys, right? ... Ha... I think Jimmy is called "Logan" nowadays... I think I should leave him be; he seems happy with his friends, he doesn't need me anymore... I suppose Victor doesn't need me, either... I guess it's hard to miss someone that they can't remember... well, I think that perhaps this summer I'll be able to finally pass-
Logan: pauses the old recording
Logan: ... I need to find them, NOW-
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entropyvoid · 4 months
So anyway my hot take about the bit where Sunday is taking you on a guided tour through a dramatic play about the history of Penacony is that the confusion of him narrating over the story so you can’t parse what’s goin on is that it’s actually an EXCELLENT creative choice in interactive storytelling actually, because that whole scene isn’t really about Penacony’s past, present, or future, it’s about cult programming. Sunday’s goal is not for you to witness a dramatization of Penacony’s history and form your own thoughts and opinions about it, his goal is a last ditch effort to get you to share HIS specific perspective.
He talks over the story to tell you what’s happening, giving his conclusions from the get-go and sometimes even saying things that seem to directly contradict what he’s speaking over, but by the time you can even parse it, it’s gone and you’re left with little to do but move on. It’s overwhelming and makes it very difficult to form a coherent thought about it, much less a proper refutation to his arguments. It is a tactic intended to melt your brain and repeatedly hit it with a hammer of his view - the only reasonable view. So reasonable that it doesn’t even seem to occur to him that someone might have an opposing interpretation that’s logical, (more on this later,) he’s not open to new ideas, he is so completely and utterly set in his philosophy that he takes a chance in trying to hold your hand through it and explain it to you because he believes that if he just talks you through it, you’ll see the light. He is trying to convert others into to accepting the Order. Inducing mental exhaustion combined with repeating a specific philosophy, backed with an narrative to make it feel credible over and over again until your brain is too fried to do anything but accept if is a pretty common brainwashing tactic. For the devs to actually manage to induce that direct feeling in the players within the safety of fiction is actually a really impressive feat.
And he probably isn’t even really taking the specific approach he does consciously, rather, he is likely repeating some of the tactics that Gopher Wood put him through. Gopher, probably the closest thing Sunday had to a parental figure after his mother’s death, is an entity with no physical form that’s practically nigh omniscient and omnipresent within the dreamscape, is able to take over the bodies of anyone within the Oak family (possibly without their knowledge or without them remembering it?) and has been looking after Sunday from a young age. Firstly, we see them employing very similar (conversational? Argumentative?) styles. From the scene about the rehabilitated bird, we see Gopher giving a very scientific but ultimately leading explanation of natural selection (and the inherent cruelty of nature that Sunday heavily internalizes and repeats further down the line,) then poses a question that seems very open: what do you want to do about it? What do you want to do with this fucked up little fledgling that can’t fly? In his inner world, Sunday presents you with this, and several other personal experiences intended to lead you to a particular answer, then calmly asks you what decision you would’ve made in his place, in a way very reminiscent of how Gopher himself spoke to Sunday and Robin.
Sunday’s answer, to build a cage for the bird so it could live”no matter what,” happens to have aligned pretty well with the philosophies of the Order, and the quick unfortunate end the bird met when it was later released solidified his desire to protect via control, and proved to be a very formative experience for him. I think it’s highly plausible that this an early illustration of Sunday’s cult grooming already taking root, or at the very least, of Gopher fishing for a kid who’s open and susceptible to it. Gopher, seemingly being Sunday’s sole direct conspirator, is almost certainly the one who guided him on the path of worshipping the Order, while also making Sunday feel like it was his idea.
We don’t see too much in the way of interactions between Gopher and Sunday beyond that, so we’ll have to fill in the gaps - but Gopher is shown to be constantly watching over the schemes Sunday is involved in via possession of birds long before we actually learn who he is. He is always there, always watching, he can instantly overtake the will of others (so long as they’re in the Oak family - but that’s abt 1/5th of Penacony’s population and the group Sunday is a part of and thus most surrounded by,) and despite seeming very calm and reasonable, he’s clearly not above shutting people down through direct metal suppression if their questions start to pose any kind of a threat. When Welt’s questions became too direct and poignant, leading to him and Robin realizing that Gopher and Sunday were followers of Ena rather than Xipe, Gopher quickly commands Sunday to use his own mental suppression powers on them (since they’re both outside of Gopher’s control,) and Sunday does not hesitate. I have to wonder - how many times has Gopher potentially used this on Sunday, or any of the people around Sunday who got a little too close to presenting him with ideas that challenged the Order’s philosophy? It would not only be extremely easy for him to isolate Sunday intellectually while retaining his status as the sole voice of reason, but also likely, given that protection through control and domination is kind of the whole theme of the Order. (Or at least - Gopher and Sunday’s interpretation of it.) We can thus extrapolate that Gopher may’ve likely used other tactics of manipulation and control on Sunday that we haven’t seen, but which Sunday may imitate, such as in the segment with him narrating over the play about Penacony’s history.
And Sunday, clearly, is extremely isolated, long before he tres to pull his little stunt that ends in him as the lone awake person in an eternal dreamworld. Aside from Gopher, who can’t really be called on and only shows up when he feels like it, the only person he has to confide in is his sister Robin, but Sunday has long since internalized his whole “the strong protect the weak, and they protect the weak through control” bit to the extent that he tries very hard to shelter her from the things he sees as dangerous and painful. He doesn’t tell her about what happened to the bird (though she figured it out on her own anyway,) he doesn’t tell her a damn thing about his lil Ena cult, and he most certainly does not tell her about his doubts, his troubles, or the emotional weight of hearing about the worst of humanity (like that guy who sold his kids for a ticket) through the confessional booth day in and day out with a script that just says “Xipe forgives you.”
And Robin is, frankly, way stronger and smarter than her brother seems to give her any damn credit for. She’s left Penacony to tour the universe, and she headed into a warzone to help in the process, got shot in the throat, and kept singing after recovery. She’s experienced so much more of the universe than Sunday has, she’s had actual conversations with people about their problems that were not one-sided and driven by some sort of ulterior motive. She’s been the first to pick apart his faulty logic or catch on to him hiding something every time, (whether she mentions it in the moment or not,) she was the first to realize something was wrong and wake up in the end, and she ultimately rallied everyone to save her brother from himself. Had Sunday confided in her, talked about deeper life philosophies with her, shared his thoughts and feelings with her, not been isolated or isolated himself from her, treated her like she was just as strong as he was, things may have turned out very different.
Who’s really more sheltered? Robin, or her brother who tried to protect her from it all?
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lovemybluebully · 6 days
Take as much time as you need, hun. I look forward to reading your amazing works! 💗
Thank you. :) I work 11+ hour days with added 2 hours of commute time so my brain has been pretty fried the past several days, but I've been trying to finish at least SOMETHING for you guys to enjoy. lol
Here's a snippet from something I'm trying to type up, inspired by a post by @snugglyfluffle 😄
He slid over and wiggled his fingers up in the air before placing them on the bottom of Logan's ribcage, pressing in gently to feel the first two ribs as the man immediately jumped and blinked his eyes open in a groggy daze.
"Whatistha....Wade? What-heheh-What're you doin'?" He batted at Wade's hands with very little accuracy from being half-asleep, giggles escaping him as the fingers moved up to the next set of ribs.
"Well if you had stayed awake Peanut, you would have seen this educational program I've been watching about the human body. They say there are 24 ribs in a human, but I was curious if it applied to all body heights. Being that you're a little shorter than me I wanted to see if you had the same," Wade explained his current lunacy as Logan started to wake up a little more though it took him a moment to really process everything that had been said.
"Huh? The fuck are ya-eheheheehee-Ribs? Course I do, dipshihihit. Now stohahahop it," he was unsuccessful in trying to block out Wade's hands as they continued up his sides.
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celestie0 · 5 months
i really wish i could read my fics from the perspective of a reader w fresh eyes, n not as the author that already knows what's going to happen ten steps ahead, bc i just wanna know what the raw emotions of reading it for the first time is like loool
srs someone needs to invent a device where you can temporarily zap ppl's memories so you can watch shows for the first time again or read stuff that you wrote without the knowing of what happens etc etc i mean i guess i could get shitfaced maybe that could work
but also that'd be kind of a crazy premise for a black mirror episode. there's some new head device that temporarily zaps memory (originally created for therapists to use on their clients to reduce the anxiety from traumatic memories), and a superfan of some tv show takes it too far and he knows how to program thus hijacks it beyond its safety features so that he can use it repeatedly to keep rewatching his favorite show over n over again for the "first time" and he eventually fries his brain and onsets his own dementia and loses all memory of everything in his life and becomes braindead and vegetative in the end and then dies
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ryuki-draws · 22 days
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How does having only half a brain left affect your survival odds in a Gundam? Time to find out!
N°3 was not meant to ever set foot in Asticassia but I decided she needed to join Geroge and Erik's emo band. I'm sure nothing bad will ever happen to her. (And I just wanted to draw her in a dress. As a treat.)
Rambling under the cut!
Marleen (name assigned by the researchers) has suffered severe epilepsy her whole life and anatomical hemispherectomy - surgery which removes parts of the brain that cause the seizures - was the last resort in effort to make the constant attacks stop. Unfortunately, the surgery was done at Claire's Peil under their enhanced person research program. So the now vacant space in her cranium was fitted with GUND implants and she was basically rolled off the operating table directly into a pilot seat of the company's prototype GUND format MS.
Luckily for her, having half a brain already running on the same format, the implants were able to process the information influx faster to a certain degree, thus making it possible to reach higher permet scores without getting what's left of her organic brain fried immediately. It is, however, not a solution to the overall problem - while the extra implants provide some added resistance, the data storm would still eventually kill her, even though it may take longer than previous subjects were able to withstand (RIP N°1 and 2). Plus, with her condition, permet score 3 and higher come with a risk of seizures unexpectedly returning while piloting, which opens a whole new can of problems.
When the duelling game started, she wasn't deemed suitable for a body double candidate and this ordeal was assigned to N°4 instead. She was, however, dispatched to school alongside him as a second year piloting student with a cover story of being a "test pilot" for Peil Technologies with clearance to participate in duels in non-GUND MS, unless instructed otherwise.
Additional assorted stuff (mostly EPs lore because I'm Unwell™)
the whole AU shenanigans primarly take place one year prior to the events of WfM, hence students with "K" designation in their ID number being second year, as opposed to third in the series
the duelling game started with the year of Miorine's admission to Asticassia, and with it the need for an EP body double to participate in the duels instead of Elan (who's a terrible pilot and would not be caught dead in a Gundam himself). There were three prior EPs at the research facility but N°4 was the first one who on top of everything has become a body double
when EPs outlive their usefulness to the company, they're sent back to the research facility, where they're further used as test subjects, as they may "still have research data worth obtaining in them." Deemed as truly expendable, they're first in line for anything too dangerous or unethical, but are not outright executed (no, I'm not over ep. 6, thanks for asking)
as mentioned in my previous posts, inspiration for Marleen's creation was Siri Keeton from the novel Blindsight by Peter Watts - who also had half of his brain removed due to seizures and replaced with implants - thus, the shared last name (the book is great, go read it. it's a sci-fi thriller and it has vampires in space! there's also a fan-made short film (4 minutes) based on the book worth giving a watch. this post is now Blindsight propaganda)
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HELLO!!! IFUCKCIFNH LOVE THIS AU SO MUCH AND IVE LOVEDD SEEING ALL THE ARY AND WRITING, ITS REALLY COOL!!! ur art makes me want to eat it alive omgwhwh. im almost certain im gonna be fixated on this au for a while LMAOO.
just wondering if u have any ideas with the sdr2 cast and their ghosts out of curiosity? IF NOT THATS TOTALLY FINE!! written or drawn, idm!
HI I LOVE YOU i love it when people are super enthusiastic. You share my brainrot. Welcome.
I have a few headcanons for most of the SDR2 ghosts!
Spoilers for SDR2
So overall i like to think that the ghosts in SDR2 are more like spectators. Like in certain Minecraft minigames where, when you die, you get put in spectator mode. So they're not actually brain dead, their physical avatars have just been deleted and they were forced to switch game modes, if that makes sense. It would be a failsafe in the NWP if any of the participants were to get hurt or die.
Appearance-wise, all of the ghosts look normal but have additional wounds based on how they died. But there are a couple fun things for some of them:
That's why Chiaki can see them! She's an observer for the NWP, so she has to be able to monitor all of the participants, alive or dead.
They all usually walk around like normal, but sometimes if they're feeling silly they float like they're in water.
Terteru got deep fried, so his hair would have that breading and would always be very toasty to be around. (I have another ask about his appearance that I'll do a drawing for :3)
Nekomaru appears as his human self with a burn scar across his chest.
Ibuki’s head comes off and she tosses it around sometimes for fun.
Nagito is just drenched in blood. Hands, arms, stomach, legs, mouth. Bro is pink.
Chiaki doesn't exactly have a ghost in the same way the others do. Her program essentially gets deleted and tries to reboot itself, because we see her after her execution in canon. Until the point she talks to Hajime alone, her avatar is glitched out.
During the 6th trial, when Hajime is having a breakdown after being told he's Izuru and dealing with that, Chiaki is able to pull him out of his physical avatar to talk to her in the programs version of limbo, before being able to send him back.
I really like doing the ghost au with sdr2 because it differs from the other games, being a simulation, and you can do a lot of fun technological stuff with it.
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silenzahra · 14 days
I'm afraid my brain is a bit fried today (I feel extremely sleepy even though I allowed myself to sleep in...), so I'm just gonna inform you about something and go have a very lazy rest of my Sunday 😅
I don't think I've ever said this publicly, so here's the big news: I'm moving! It's not gonna be an apartment for myself yet (can't afford that at all), but at least I'm moving out from a place that's been hurting my mental health for the past few months, and it's a change I'm embracing with open arms and that has really lifted my spirits since I made the decision.
It's been a slow process, but finally, this week I'll take the last big steps and hopefully by the weekend I'll be totally settled in at last. This means, though, that I have to interrupt my internet connection for about 5 days so it can properly be transferred into my new home.
So, as for next week, I'm not gonna be active on Tumblr. Perhaps I'll occasionally check my notifs from my phone, but I won't be able to properly get to all of them and leave feedback and such, simply because I feel way more confortable using my laptop to do so (and because I'll be busy moving, too).
In any case, I've left a post programmed for next Wednesday with the last of my old stories I have left to bring into this new blog (except for Anything for him but that one will need more work). Thank you so much to each and every one of you who have reblogged the fixed posts for Biggest fear, Flying together in the sunset light and Wordless love, by the way! If I haven't responded you yet, I'll do so as soon as my internet connection is back 🥰
Obviously, this will also affect my side blog. I intended to post one last translation today before the big change, but as I said, my brain is way too groggy, so I'm not gonna force myself. In any case, I hope you'll get to enjoy the seven songs I've translated so far, and again, if you've left feedback on any of them and I haven't responded yet, I'll do so as soon as possible 🥰
So with that said, I'll be leaving probably until next weekend! Of course my asks and PMs are open for anyone who'd like to reach out, but please keep in mind I'll be slow answering (same as with notifs).
In any case, I'm wishing you a wonderful week, dear friends! See you very soon! 💖
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oetscop · 5 months
hey! absolutely love your art and your rainer interpretation- can you talk about your headcanons lore-wise involving rainer and mike? honestly you can talk about more than just those two as well i'm very curious about your interpretations honestly.
this will hopefully not be complete word salad. bc my brains fried already, but my views on petscop characters are esoteric and best and downright incomprehensible at worst. so idk how legible this will be JDKSHSKSBSK
uhh ill start with like. jill is significantly older than anna and lina. rainers actually fairly close in age to anna.
rainers biological dad isnt in the picture and actually went missing a few years after him and jill divorced. it runs in the family i guess. but since tom was there longer hes only ever called him dad, and both jill and him took the last name hammond when they got married. and mike was actually an accident! a welcome one tho. jill and tom were in their 40s and rainer was like 16 or so.
they were very close tho! he was very close with his immediate family. for the brief time he was in college he still lived at home despite the commute.
mike would sit and watch him work on the game all the time. he wanted him to teach him how to code (thats why he created the "petscop kids" after school program! at first anyway...) but 5-6 year olds dont exactly have the attention span for explaining how the dev kit console works. unless theyre belle i guess. but he did get into art! and considering rainers also an artist he encouraged it. mike would sometimes draw his own pets to be put in the game, but since it never went past evencare they never showed up. he did sorta base toneth on mike, and that was before he based any of the other pets on other family members.
mike went missing shortly after rainers mental health was declining. he ran away after some argument with his mom, and nobody remembers what the argument was even about. since this was after marvin hit the dog with the car, and he was beginning to experience psychosis, he immediately made the connection and believed marvin had something to do with it. the cops found it a little suspicious that rainer somehow just knew he had been struck by a car, and he was the only suspect for quite a while. tom had to vouch for him pretty hard and get him a lawyer.
as for vaguer things. the newmaker plane was started in an attempt to find out where mike wouldve run to. he was already recording movements in game, so he put all of mikes in game behaviors into a to scale version of their town, trying to train it to show him where he couldve gone. this obviously didnt work. didnt help that it was completely flat terrain and like had only their house, the marks house, the school and like a couple roads. it actually lead him to the opposite side of the town than where his body was located.
marvin is ALSO severely mentally ill and was convinced that care was lina reborn before any of this happened. obviously anna didnt believe that since shes still. yknow. alive. but rainer introduced the A/B/NLM concept to him, and they both began to believe care was just lina A reborn. pre traumatic event lina. they were both trying to see if they could somehow force something like that to occur, in an attempt to bring mike A back. when belle didnt work, they figured she was too old, so they moved to care. part of this whole "changing your past" thing involved plucking out her eyebrows (lina A had trich) and essentially trying to reenact aforementioned traumatic event. thats why marvin kidnapped her to keep her in the school. and it didnt work! just traumatized the fuck outta the kid. they never had the chance to do anything to "bring mike back" by the end of it, which lead to Bathroom Tomb Event. however, last belle heard, he was pretty certain paul was actually mike A. she tried her best to keep that from paul before they became distant.
i feel like the core of a lot of this is that i really dont believe that the rebirthing process does anything at all. with enough manipulation you may start developing false memories, sure, but its not actually working. in retrospect it makes rainers character a lot sadder. just a terrified kid trying in vain to bring his baby brother back. its not easy losing someone so young in such a horrible way without knowing who took his life.
BUT UUHHH YEAH ^}^ can you tell ive been thinking abt petscop pretty much nonstop since the end of 2022 i bet you cant
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