#but see i bet if i asked them what they mean by eating well they'd go uHm cUtTinG cArBS and FaTS!!!!!!
mishkakagehishka · 1 year
We should all break our phones! Let's all deactivate our photography(selfie)-based social media accounts and break our electronics!
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cookierunauprompts · 4 months
Requested by @deirdredeity (I accidentally deleted the og ask because tumblr was being fussy) :
OMG?? 🤯🤯 whattttt omgggg fuck being an anon I’m the one who requested the flustered reader shi (mmm was an anon bcz I didn’t wanna embarrass myself but whatever) omg dayumm you went crazy with it and I’m more than satisfied 😍 you always EAT (get it? haha.. eat.. and shadow milk.. haha) I love it tysm ❤️❤️ glad that I didn’t accidentally break a rule hehe.. we love girlboss girlfailures in here 😘 didn’t expect it to be that spicy but nevertheless I am GLAD ty for this juicy piece also you said currently he’s sealed so continuation where bro is UNsealed? 🤯🫣 (jk don’t take me too seriously I have a mental age of 5 jokes aside thank you i really appreciate it, it turned out super well way beyond expectations I was expecting like a few pickup lines or smooches but definitely not this it blew me out of the water hard tytytyty ily❤️)
Alright bet I get to go crazy again
Requested Prompts #43 - 💓
There's a ringing in your ears, what the hell happened? You just wanted to take a nap... yet it feels like you were in a dome of glass that just shattered. You can feel a poking against your cheek, it's something large, metalic and- wait. You crack open your eyes, just enough to see the intimidating form of Silent Salt staring you down. You're lucky that the beasts consider you... actually, you don't know what they really think of you. Do they think you're their pet? Their friend? a Frenemy? Well, either way you were their warden. " Silent Salt...?" You groan, pushing yourself up from the ground. Silent Salt says nothing, merely just pointing a ways in front of you to- ... hold on, WHAT THE FUCK??? " THE SEAL???" You exclaim, looking at the humongous crack in the realm of the seal. It pulsed with a blue, shadowy energy, which could only mean that Shadow Milk had escaped. And that was bad, very bad, because it meant that you were failing at your job. And... with how big that crack was you doubted that Elder Faerie was on the outside trying to wrangle Shadow Milk back into the seal... Meaning that you had to go outside to get him back in, but doing so would leave the other beasts unattended. Either way, you're failing at your job. So what choice do you really have? You look back at Silent Salt. " Uh... thanks for letting me know?" You said to him, to which earned you a thumbs up in response. You quickly pondered on your choice before looking back to Silent Salt. " Try not to escape while I'm gone, I don't want to double fail at my job." You tell him before running off towards the crack in the seal.
As you expected, everything was chaos. Possessed faerie cookies lingered, danced, and fooled around all around you. There were quite a few things that were on fire and the echoes of twisted laughter almost mocked you as you steeled yourself. None of them were who you were looking for despite the resemblance he'd dressed them up in. " Dammit... where would he go if he got out on his own?" You muttered to yourself as you looked around. Fortunately, you could narrow it down to a few places, unfortunately you realized that you are but one cookie. You cannot traverse the entirety of Beast Yeast in just a few minutes or so, it'd take you a few days realistically and by then all the other beasts would have likely gotten out! Were you really fucked no matter what? Probably. You took a deep breath, if anything he'd probably be in some kind of gigantic theater- Well wouldn't you know, there's a gigantic theater right over there that's just oozing with Shadow Milk's aura. There was no way he wouldn't be there, and so that's where you'd go. Hopefully you'd be able to drag him back to the seal.
Shadow Milk watched as those pesky little heroes ran about, celebrating as if they'd truly won. Those poor, ignorant fools! They really thought that they'd actually sealed him away in the tree again? They'd been running around in his silly little maze ever since he'd taken hold of the new half-a-cookie guardian's little friends! It was honestly quite pathetic how they hadn't realized they'd been tricked into a false sense of security, he was literally the beast of deceit! Everyone's most beloved Trickster! Tricking them into this just felt too... easy, too boring. He could try his hand at getting Silly-Vanilly to chop down the tree, all he has to do is show him the truth! And why wouldn't he want to know the truth if he embodied it? Unless he was willing to live in a lie... then he was much farther from the Truth than Shadow Milk thought- His train of thought was interrupted when the doors of his theater of lies swung open. " Hm?" That was... odd. Elder Faerie certainly shouldn't be alive, White Lily and co are stuck in his maze of deceit, so then who...? There you stood, looking quite peeved off if he had to say so himself. " Oh! Little Warden, how thrilling that you've come to make an appearance!" He chirped, casting his view of the maze to the side. The maze could wait, his little warden was here! " Shadow Milk Cookie!" You called out, pointing at him accusingly. " You will return to the great seal immediately! And that is an order from the Warden of the Seal!" You commanded him, don't mind the quick pov switch but it was frustrating enough that Shadow Milk escaped in the first place, and now he had the audacity to give you such a smug grin in reply? " Oh Little Warden..." Shadow Milk began, laying on his stomach as he rested his chin on the back of his hand. " It's so so so cute that you think that you can order me around like that~! I'm a free cookie now, and that means that I can do whatever I want again~!" He chirped with a flourish of his free hand, you could see the excited mania dancing in his eyes, you couldn't allow this to stand. " Okay, but you haven't actually earned your freedom at all. You just waited until the seal was weak enough so you could break out!" You retorted, which may have been the wrong thing to say judging by the way his grin dropped for a moment. He soon broke out into a maniacal cackle, seeming to have found your words hilarious. " Ehe he he ha ha hah! Sure, I may have done that, but does it really matter?" He teased, reaching out a clawed hand and picking you up by the edge of your cloak. You shrieked as you were hoisted into the air, you didn't have the protection of the seal that kept you from crumbling while in the real world, so your life was in a lot more danger here. " Ack- Put me down! Or at the very least hold me properly!" You protest as you squirm in place, you feel a shudder run through your dough as the beast before you lets out a low, rumbling chuckle.
" And why should I? You adorable little morsel~" He purrs, flipping you around in his hand so that you were laying on your back on his palm instead of dangling in the air. God fucking dammit, he was doing this again. He knows every, single, god damn weak spot of yours and by god does he abuse them frequently, mainly because they mostly relate to him. " You-!!" You protest, quickly shutting up when you feel his breath wash over you like a wave of hot air. And the way he's looking at you is already making you weak- No, you have to stay strong. " You know..." You hear him begin and fuck when did he get so close? There's a certain glint in his eyes, one that both intrigues you and makes you fear for your life. " I never really got a taste of you like I wanted to... Care to let me just have one little bite? Or maybe just a taste... either would be fine~" He teased with the low, stupidly sexy voice of his. You could already feel his lips at the tips of your little cookie feet, ready to open and swallow them whole if you let him. You could already feel your face turning cherry red, and you knew that he could see it judging by the slight excitement that made itself known in his eyes. You felt tempted to indulge him, but you also didn't want to lose your feet... But maybe he'd go back to the seal? No, he wouldn't... Would he? Or maybe he won't just go for your feet, he's teased you multiple times about gobbling you up in one bite. So if you give him this will he just... eat you? Apparently, you took too long to decide. You felt something moist and blue against your arm, a semi-satisfied hum creeping out of the beast holding you captive. " Mmn... I was right, you really are a sweet little treat. One that I can have all to myself~" Shadow Milk purred, his face looming over you as he left you to process what he'd done. You were in for a long ride, weren't you?
AUGHIJBSGHGKSHG I CAN'T, I CAN'T WRITE ANYMORE/lh Shadow milk... you bastard why must you make me FEEL THINGS????
but, uh, i hope you enjoyed and if anyone wants to continue this then PLEASE.
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lmskitty · 3 months
Teacher AU!!
Nobara Kugisaki: operation prove the Sensei's are dating!!!!!! (Part two)
The next day Nobara comes in guns blazing.
Her first idea is simple, see what Gojo has him listed as on his phone.
"Is that really a thing? Wow you know so much Kugisaki!!" Yuji says amazed. Nobara sighs. These boys are useless.
"Of course it's a thing! See" she showed him her contacts, every single one had an emoji beside it.
"It's common practice to have emojis or cute nicknames for your partner or at least friends! If they are dating I bet Gojo would have him in his phone as something cute."
Yuji nodded sagely. He smiled at the emoji's she had put beside his (🤩) and Fushiguro. ( 😐 ) They even looked like them.
"Why does the smiley face have hearts for eyes beside Maki Sempais?"
Nobara took her phone back.
Getting to Gojo's phone was easy. Yuji asked him what his favourite digimon series was and Nobara grabbed it off the desk. She'd remembered his code because it was the pin to his debit card. This was further information that deeply concerned Fushiguro but he tried not to think to much on it.
"Aha!!" She said scrolling through the lists and then frowning.
"Bangs." Fushiguro read.
"Bangs?!?!? What does that even mean?!?! There's no emojis or even a picture!!! All the names are just descriptive sentences. This one just says bread?!?"
"That's Nanami. He likes bread" Gojo said looming over her shoulder. Nobara shrieked nearly dropping the phone. He grabbed it smiling.
"Why do you have my phone Nobara?" He asked pocketing it swiftly.
"We..wanted to get Geto Sensei's number to ask him what he'd like as a present!" Yuji stumbled. Nobara and Megumi stared at her but then Nobara snapped her fingers.
"Because we missed his birthday! You two are super close, do you know what he likes Gojo Sensei?"
Gojo hummed rubbing his chin.
"See he's tricky, he doesn't have the delicate palate I have"
The trio frowned at that. They'd watched him devour a crepe covered in chocolate syrup that morning and deemed it a nutritional breakfast because it had a strawberry on it.
"He's also got a particular style of clothing so he's hard to shop for there. Ah! Books are always a safe bet. Find a weird book on curses or local history. No guarantee he hasn't read it already though!" He waved his hand.
"Was he always the quiet reading type?" Nobara needled further and Gojo smiled.
"Yes and no, he was always booksmart but he also got in trouble just as badly as I did. It's hilarious he's such a stickler for the rules now when he'd burst out a curse on school grounds even if I slightly annoyed him."
"So the school was overrun with curses then" Megumi said. Gojo ruffled his hair to his annoyance.
"Ah the folly of youth!" He sighed wistfully. "That's very sweet of you to get him a gift. I note I didn't receive a gift from you on my birthday"
"what are you talking about. We definitely got you a gift you just ate the Kikufuku like immediately."
Gojo laughed. "I was hoping you'd believe me and I'd get another gift ah well"
"Why do you even need a gift, you have enough money to buy the whole shop?" Megumi asked.
"Presents taste sweeter" he stated. His phone beeped and he smiled typing a message back quickly. "Speak of the devil! Don't worry your secrets safe with me! Duty calls!" He said and wandered off down the hallway.
Nobara sighed. "Even his ringtone was a standard one. Are you sure they're dating?"
Megumi nodded.
"Did you see them kissing or something?" Yuji said. Megumi went pink.
"Gojo would be a big kisser. He's constantly leaning on everyone I bet he'd be a really clingy boyfriend" Nobara said grimacing.
"No. Just it's the way they are with each other! It's not how friends are...it's deeper than that." He ran a hand through his hair deeply uncomfortable with the way Yuji was eyeing him.
"They always eat at restaurants together"
"So do you and Itadori."
"They're always in each others spaces"
Nobara waved a hand at Yuji leaving against the wall beside Megumi. Megumi took a step to the side.
"They're constantly messaging each other."
Nobara rolled her eyes. "At this rate I have more proof that you two are an item then them and that's an even more ridiculous idea."
"I don't think it's ridiculous! Anyone would be lucky to date Fushiguro!" Yuji exclaimed.
Nobara nodded. "Yeah if they like the silent brooding type but the idea of him dating you is the weird part. You never shut up!" She laughed elbowing him in the ribs as they walked down the hall.
"Well then I'll be a good boyfriend for him then like yin and Yang, I'll do all the talking!" Yuji smiled.
"You can call the waiter over when he's too shy to say his orders wrong!" Nobara and Yuji nodded in decision. Megumi was still pink in the face and apparently had no choice in the matter as he listened to the conversation in front of him, hands in his pockets.
"Anyway! Stage two!" Nobara said pushing the doors to the field outside open roughly.
"Let's observe them together and check out their ~body language~ while Geto Sensei trains the second years!" She waggled her eyebrows for extra effect and Yuji laughed and did it back to her.
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qstea · 11 months
hi! would it be possible to get headcanons about what kind of gifts they'd give or what they would do for their relationship anniversary? gender neutral reader for geno, error and if possible, fatal error as well.
(i've never sent an ask before so hopefully this is alright, its ok to refuse. love your writing!! :D)
📎 What They Do for Their Relationship Anniversary ★
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Featuring: Geno!Sans, Error!Sans, Fatal_Error!Sans
#Notes: u gave me my top favs tysm *kisses you* srry this took like seven thousand years to make lolol but here u goooo
pronouns used: they/them
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Geno Sans
Putting it in simple words, they have no idea what to do for the anniversary.
Definitely goes to Sans for advice and probably rambles about the situation to him. To which Sans just replies ‘get them something memorable, or take them somewhere, like per se, the spot where you met. maybe a vacation?’ and it just all starts to click in Geno’s head.
Alright, so. Their plan is to 1. Take you to the very top of the mountain where they first saw the surface and have a peaceful picnic with you. 2. Buy some of your favorite snacks and a movie you like and eat some popcorn up in their room, and 3. Cuddle and fall asleep together. Perfect anniversary plan.
Still super nervous about how it will go, and isn’t the best at speaking to others. Papyrus and Sans may or may not tag along and make it slightly less peaceful and a little less like alone time between the two of you.
If that does happen, it makes the atmosphere somewhat excitable. Geno isn’t the happiest about it, mainly because they really just want to be alone with you and just bathe in each others company, but if you’re enjoying it, they’re enjoying it.
Logically, some things end up backfiring during the anniversary, but it’s the thought that really counts. And for you two, is all that really mattered in the first place.
Error Sans
I don’t see them really caring about anniversaries. But if you’re super into it, they’ll go along with it.
Not really for taking you anywhere? I think they prefer staying in their anti-void and sharing their bean bag with you while watching undernovela (tbh you should’ve seen this coming. come on, it’s error.)
Afterwards, they’ll open a portal to Outertale and you guys can just hang out and watch the stars. Will point out constellations for you and everything. Ink likes to follow you and Error around mostly because he’s genuinely surprised Error managed to get into a relationship with somebody and for this long too! You better bet Ink’s going to make ship art for you guys on your anniversary. Outertale paintings are his specialty., so expect to find a few art pieces near your date spot in Outertale.
Error is mildly embarrassed and flustered when they do find these drawings though.
The kind of monster to make you a tapestry or a plushie of themselves. Not used to giving people gifts so they’ll just throw them out you and scurry away like the rat bastard they are.
The anniversary isn’t remotely well put together but it’s a nice spending it with Error, so it cancels the flaws out.
Fatal Error Sans
He has a vague idea on what an anniversary is supposed to look like. After being in the save screen for so long and then having Error brutally mangle his code, you can imagine just what that shit does to your memory.
You’ll have to bring up the topic of a relationship anniversary for them to even remember that those things exist.
Very busy a lot of the time (killing Papyruses and multiple versions of Swap and piecing their code together to try to make themselves a new brother, yknow the drill) so might not actually even have an anniversary with you.
But you mean the world to him, so if you practically beg him to do something for your anniversary, he will eventually give in.
Again you’re probably gonna have to do a lot of the work. He’ll just go along with whatever you have in mind. He doesn’t mind.
The most they’ll do is steal get some snacks for you.
Might attempt to crochet or knit something for you with his red strings but he’s not that experienced. He’ll definitely learn for you, though.
Most definitely not experienced in the art of romance so be patient with them.
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can we just talk about how kenji has one of the Most tragic abilities in bungou stray dogs??? like. the more i think about it, the more heartbreaking it is.
he's fourteen years old and has an ability people would die/kill for. in s3, chuuya called kenji the ada's "trump card", so it's safe to assume the rest of the port mafia thinks the same way. he is immune to literal bullets, to being whacked in the head by hard metal or pretty much anything, he can easily lift cars above his head as if they were nothing,,,
but only if he's hungry.
if you ignore that last bit, kenji has one of the best powers in the show. and like he still does, but my God. he's fourteen years old. he doesn't think his ability is all that impressive. he doesn't see the issues.
since he has a job, he probably doesn't Really eat lunch, and if he does, it's snacks. but also his job is a part of the armed detective agency. therefore, things happen all the time. who knows how long cases will run, who knows when someone will try to destroy yokohama or the agency or whatever. there's been many times when it's been clear that they've had to work into the night. then we have to ask: does kenji eat dinner? no. probably not. and if he does, he probably just eats a piece of fruit or something small. that way, he doesn't lose his ability. he is the agency's trump card, after all. and he knows how important his power is. i mean, that's one of the reasons he joined ranpo and the others when they went against fukuzawa's orders in s3. it's not explicitly stated, but i'd argue that it's implied. anyways. does kenji eat breakfast? well, i don't think so. why? he sleeps when he eats. why sleep so soon after he just woke up? he has to go to work, anyways. so he can't fall asleep.
so, we've basically established that kenji probably has an extremely unhealthy eating schedule due to his ability. but also,,, what about his sleeping schedule? what kind of relationship does he have with sleep? so, let's say he eats a full meal three times a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. let's say how long he sleeps depends on how much he ate... so let's say that a small snack is no sleep since it's barely anything, just maybe makes him a little physically weaker. and a normal meal is at least an hour. that's at least three hours of sporadic sleep during the day - one of them shortly after he wakes up. but you know what makes that even sadder? what if kenji doesn't sleep at night because of his ability. or, sleep consistently or well? we can assume the agency actually really wants kenji to eat, even if he falls asleep, so on days when he can't get away with not really eating, he sleeps during the day for an unspecified amount of time. his sleep schedule would get so thrown off. also, he was raised on a farm, so we can assume he wakes up really early anyways. maybe early enough to say that there isn't any reason to sleep because he would wake up soon normally anyways.
and... what if kenji can't sleep without eating? what if kenji has to eat to sleep? maybe it wasn't that way when he was younger, but the older he got, the more his body grew to rely on his ability's exception. like... that's just... really sad. this kid is fourteen.
and think about it. the agency is best friends because they are. they'd probably like to go out to lunch or dinner together. i bet half the time at least, kenji wouldn't eat. why? because he'd fall asleep. wouldn't want to ruin the fun. because then they'd have to watch their volume around him or try to wake him up (and i hc that it's really hard to wake him up for like... the first ten minutes after a meal at least - it gets easier the longer he's been asleep or the less he eats). and what if they can't wake him up? then someone would have to carry him back and that's so kind of them but, well, they didn't have to and now kenji feels like a liability or a burden. like he ruined all the fun.
and he works with the armed detective agency. they've got a lot of enemies. he is the trump card. the physically strongest on the team. also the most naive and, objectively, the kindest. oh and one of the two youngest. can you imagine how vulnerable he is when he sleeps? i would imagine the agency wouldn't want him to eat by himself in public for, you know, safety reasons. and that even includes the cafe downstairs. who knows what could happen if kenji fell asleep on his own? and that's probably why he went to eat with atsushi in s1 ep11: he was with atsushi so he could eat out. one of those rare chances. and if an enemy did get to him while he was asleep, he'd be pretty easy to keep out of it: just keep forcing him to eat. shove food in his mouth, force him to swallow. and there you are: you have the armed detective agency's trump card. and kenji knows this.
and the sad thing is? kenji probably doesn't even realize he's having problems. he probably thinks this is normal. something he just has to deal with - and i don't say that in a negative or self-loathing kind of way. a genuine "it's always been like this; i know nothing else" kind of way. he wants to help people: that's why he came to the agency. he couldn't handle not being able to help everyone back home. he needs to be useful, to help. he grew up on a farm: he values hard work a lot - that much is obvious. he feels like he can't help if he eats consistently. he's probably (albeit subconsciously, unknowingly) scared of what would happen if he did eat and sleep consistently. that means he's not useful, right? that means someone will get hurt because of him. he'd rather starve than someone else get hurt. he was given this ability, he has to use it to help people.
tldr: kenji's ability is so interesting and underutilized in the the manga/anime and in the fandom and is so overlooked in angst potential. his ability most likely has ruined his eating and sleeping schedule to the point where he doesn't know anything different and genuinely thinks it's healthy because it's what he's always done, it's what he was blessed with, right? kenji deserves more love in canon and by the fandom <3
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dalishthunder · 11 months
Destiny Waits for No One
Chapter 6 - On the Road Again
Pairing: Nebarra/LDB (Gender Neutral Reader) Rating: Mature Words: 1523 Additional Information: Slow Burn, Nebarra is an ass, Giving alcohol to minors Read on AO3
"So you mean to tell me, they're fighting over her? Over Camilla?" Nebarra asked as you left the inn the next morning after having had to listen to the plight of Faendal and Sven, both hopelessly in love.
You thought it was kind of sweet really; To be in love with someone... though perhaps not so much that you were willing to sabotage other people and lie to where your affection found its home.
You wondered if there was someone out there waiting for you to come home. Wondering if they thought you were dead... if they'd moved on. If anyone had even ever felt that way about you.... Or if you were alone in the world before meeting your friends.
Camilla was returning with a bucket on her hip from the river, a soft smile on her face as she worked, waving to an old woman sitting on a porch. "Yeah, I wonder if she knows how sweet either of them are on her."
He let out a little noise of disgust, "I'm just saying if you're going to be fighting over someone shouldn't they at least be attractive?"
Elbowing Nebarra, you whispered a harsh, "Can you be polite for once in your life?" She gave you a smile as well as she entered the shop, "Besides, I think she's rather comely."
"Of course you do."
"Are you always this unpleasant?" Kaidan slung an arm around your shoulders as he shot Nebarra a look.
"I bet he's in Skyrim because the other High Elves hate him too." Lucifer piped up.
"Is that why you're here instead of Black Marsh?" Nebarra bit back.
"No! My reasons for being here are too complicated for someone like you to understand."
"How old are you?"
Lucifer eyed him suspiciously. "Twenty or twenty two."
"Let me guess, you're trying to find yourself." The altmer sneered, and Lucifer's eyes narrowed.
"Wouldn't you-"
You buried your face in your hands, leaning heavily against Kaidan's side. "Can't we just get along? Just for while we're on the road? Please."
"I'll behave if he does."
You exchanged an exasperated look with Xelzaz. "We're going to play a game."
"Oh I love games! Can we play 'I Spy'?" Khash asked.
"That sounds like an excellent idea!" Lucien agreed. "Maybe a word game? Something with rhyming?"
You'd thought about playing a game to see who could stay quiet the longest, but the rhyming game seemed fun. "Yeah, sure."
"I have an even better idea," Nebarra grumbled, "We just march in silence instead."
Rhyming game it was.
"How do we play, Lucien?"
It was fairly enjoyable. You didn't recognize all the words, but it was fun bonding with your companions even if Nebarra refused to participate. And it occupied much of your journey along the road. You stopped for the night in a cave, a little over halfway to Ivarstead. Xelzaz prepared an absolutely delicious meal for you all which Nebarra, unsurprisingly, refused to eat, instead setting up his tent and eating inside away from everyone.
More for you then.
Lucien was fitting well into the group despite his lack of experience. He and Xelzaz enjoyed getting into passionate conversations about intellectual pursuits, and you really wished you understood them. You tried to absorb as much as you could, writing it down in your journal. Inigo, Khash, and Kaidan were playing some sort of Khajiit card game that Inigo had procured from one of the caravans. It really way relaxing....
But tomorrow you were to face your destiny.
At least you'd have some idea of who you were…. Who youare.
Somehow you'd managed to sleep through most of the night despite the nightmares. And though you wouldn't have called the sleep restful, it was better than nothing.
Nebarra was sitting around the fire when you left your tent, already packed up and ready to go.
"Morning," He said without even looking up.
"Morning." You sat next to him, taking a swig from your waterskin.
"What, no singing? No morning whistling? No irritating humming?" The altmer asked after a long period of silence. "No deliberate attempts to ruin my morning?"
"Have you done anything that makes your morning worth being ruined?" You replied.
"Then you have your answer."
"I hadn't realized you were capable of such reason."
You turned to look at him, eyes narrowed, something sour on your tongue. "What is your problem?"
"Touchy," He snipped. "I-"
"G'mornin." Kaidan interrupted with a yawn as he stepped out of his tent, shirtless despite the cool morning air. Though you supposed having grown up in Skyrim probably helped abate the cold. His scars from the prison were beginning to fade; the poultices from you and Xelzaz had really been working their magic. He must have found just enough room between you and Nebarra because he plopped himself down; Knees bumping up against your own.
"Do you mind?" Nebarra hissed, scooting away immediately. "Humans really don't have any manners do they?"
Kaidan just wrapped an arm around your shoulders and gave him a dry look. "A proper nord knows how t' keep warm on a cool morning."
"Then put some clothes on. Do you really expect people to believe you're a nord?" The mer pulled a bottle of wine from his pack, sticking a straw in and finagling his helmet to take a sip.
A shadow passed over Kaidan's face for a moment, "I was raised by a nord, as a nord.... But no, that nord ice doesn't flow through my veins if that's what you're trying to say. Truth be told, I don't know what I am... I don't even know the race of my own mother."
"Oh...." Nebarra went quiet.
You put a hand on Kaidan's and leaned into him, "I don't know how much help I'll be, but I can help you try to find that all out.... If you'd like that is."
"You'd do that for me?" The shock in his voice was almost almost hurtful.
"Of course! What are friends for? You're helping me, after all." You flashed him a toothy smile.
He laughed, "I'm paying off a life debt, Dragonborn. But, aye, I won't turn down a favor from a friend."
"You really just go saving whatever poor slek wanders on your path, don't you?" Nebarra mused, nursing his bottle of wine.
"I can think of one we probably just should have put out of his misery...." Kai shot him a look.
"Ohoho, you really think you can take me on, big man?"
You looked between them, discomfort welling in your gut, "Guys-"
"You have all the bark of a high elf, but none of the height-"
"Don't you think it's a little early in the morning to be having a dick measuring contest?" Xelzaz wore his exhasperation on his sleeve. You'd have thanked the gods, but you were pretty sure they weren't listening, so you sent a silent thanks to Xelzaz instead.
You helped him with breakfast, waking the rest of your companions for freshly scrambled kwama eggs and leeks, and Khash helped you both with the cleanup afterward, and before you knew it you were on the road again.
Clouds loomed on the horizon as you wound your way through the cold mountain path. A light snow began to fall, steadily getting heavier as the day progressed. Not enough to impede your vision too much, and you made sure that everyone had a buddy to keep track of so nobody got lost, but it was enough that it made the road harder to differentiate.
You had begun to contemplate stopping for the evening when you saw the telltale signs of civilization just over the hill. Sunset was upon you as you trudged through the snow and into the local inn, welcoming the warmth of shelter. Some hot mulled wine warmed you up from the inside, and despite the look you got from Xelzaz, you let Khash have some of yours. Just a few sips, nothing to get drunk off of, but enough to help her warm up.
"I cannot believe that you like that stuff..." She said after her second sip, wrinkling up her nose.
You just snickered. "More for me then."
Lucifer sat down next to her and she rolled her eyes, getting up to go listen to the bard.
"I don't understand why she doesn't like me." He bemoaned.
Kaidan clapped him on the shoulder, "Give it time, I'm sure she'll come around."
You closed your eyes for a moment.
Seven Thousand Steps.
You were supposed to climb The Seven Thousand Steps tomorrow and meet the Greybeards.... Hopefully the weather would clear up. While you were still laden down with some coin from the Jarl, inns were not something you wanted to have to spend all of it on.
So you bunked up with your friends... and Nebarra... letting Khash curl up between you and Kaidan. It was a tight fit on the bed, and the sound of snoring didn't exactly help you fall asleep. But you couldn't toss or turn to find a more comfortable spot....
You settled in for a long night.
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tyranasauruslex · 7 months
do you think rome has ever made a mixtape songs for lukas when he gets bored?
Roman takings tips from those early 2000's Cosmo "How To Impress Your Man" lists. I actually see Lukas as the mixtape guru - he'd make Roman his own Spotify playlist.
Bored Roman would wander around the house and send Lukas multiple voice notes about the stuff he finds:
"What's this green stuff in your fridge? It looks gross. Eww... it tastes like grass. Why are you eating grass? There's nothing normal in your fridge by the way... even your bread is weird. What is Limpa? Ohh ok that actually tastes nice... Eww pickled fish. Your country is weird. I ate all your bread by the way."
"Your mom called so I told her you abandoned me to work... she's gonna send me baby Lukas pictures via email. I might put them on insta... I haven't decided yet... Oh my god you look like a baby giant... Your poor mom having to shove you out of her vagina. Ok you're actually kind of cute for a baby giant with your little knitted hat on... Aww baby Lukas at the zoo... ha, that giraffe must be related to you. All my baby pictures are with the nanny... or with Shiv looking like a bald egg. Thats depressing."
"We should go to that new Italian on the upper East side... I called and they said they'd do plain pasta for you... only if you want to though. You probably have boring work stuff to do or Tom will want to take you to show off. I can just go with Shiv and listen to her complain about how the baby ripped apart her vagina for the millionth time. Having a baby sounds gross but at least Lilly is cute... and small, not a baby giant like you were. I'll just take Lilly to the Italian. Babies can eat pasta, right?"
"Just so you know I've taken one of your sweaters cus I can't work out the heating system. Why are your arms so long? Like, how to you even operate them? Ohh this kinda cosy... you'll have to buy another one because I'm keeping this one. I'm in your closet by the way and it's giving serial killer. Nobody is that organised. Or neat. I bet if you decided to murder me this is where you'd hide my body. Or you'd stitch me up inside a bear carcass. Ohh cool... you have the shirt I wore when I first stayed over. You're such a dork. But in, like, a cool way and FUCK! Don't worry I'm not dead, I just tripped over one of your massive shoes. Is that how you came to the US? Via shoe-boat? You know, cus your Mister Viking and stuff... Ok, so I have a question... Are your stupidly big feet an indication of how big other stuff is? Cus it kind of feels that way when you cuddle me but... actually forget I asked that. I'm just gonna delete this..."
"You're asleep when I'm sending you this but I think you need to know how much you look like a dead body when you sleep. Here... I'm sending you photographic evidence... Why don't you make any noise? Like at all? You keep telling me I say a bunch of random shit in my sleep and... oh you moved. I'm gonna whisper from now on... Wait, what if you're actually dead? I'd get the blame and end up in fucking prison being molested by the guards. I can't go to prison so I'd have to dismember you in the bathroom or something. Also thank you for not being mean about the whole dick to shoe ratio... and for the drawing. Cus you know i've never really... well, anyway it makes it less scary even if you can't draw for shit. I'm just going to pet your hair for a bit cus I know you like that... Oh fuck I woke you up!"
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rolloollor · 6 months
Is it ok to ask a bit more of your loved ships in bio. I'd like to see what you say about Idoazu Jack/Leovil
Sure! I'm always down to ramble.
This was my main ship before mallerollo popped up. Naturally, I have the most to say about them.
I started to love idoazu when I got to Azul's overblot. I assumed Jade and Floyd would fuck off when Azul was in trouble, but they stayed! I was like, "Oh my god, they love him..." or at least care about him. I was legitimately moved since I was sure they'd dip. I've read people comment on their relationship and that it's purely transactional. That the second Azul falters, the tweels will give him the boot or eat him alive or whatever. Certainly Azul seems to believe this. They say something similar to Jamil in book 4, but it's important to remember that characters can lie and they can lie to themselves. They had a chance to drop him with the overblot and they didn't. Actions speak louder than words, right, so I think it's more likely that they believe it's only transactional, but they do genuinely like each other.
Though this like doesn't mean that the tweels treat Azul all that nice... they fucked up his restaurant during book 6 for funsies. Jade is a huge weirdo and I bet he loves seeing Azul frustrated or pissed off. I love Jade so much... I'm not as big on Floyd, but he can be surprisingly normal when he wants to be. It is nice that Azul has been able to have events with both of his boyfriends and even one with Idia without the eels if you're into that.
I like how close they are and I like how they respect each other. They all know each other's strengths and they've been together for a while. To go on this go-on-land venture together I think is significant. The tweels were the first to 'support' Azul, even if it was mainly to have fun, and I'm sure Azul does feel a bit of fondness for them, even if he says it's all business. I also like how Azul is a bit afraid of them, but he knows them well enough to be able to make his schemes appealing to them. There's this ever-present atmosphere of danger. Both eels love to eat octopus, after all. They're predators and Azul has this balancing act he had to perform, but even if he slipped and they usurped his position, I think they'd keep him around anyway. Floyd uses Azul's name, after all, so he's on the same level as Jade.
I'm not that interested in tweelcest, though. I never got the appeal of twincest. They look the same... I like when there's some kind of contrast.
The main thing that jumps out at me is how well they know each other and how they respect the other. Leona picked Vil for his Tamashina event and Playful Land showed more of the way they understand each other. They know their weaknesses, too. Their relationship would be complicated and maybe volatile at times, but I think they could make it work if they wanted to. It's probably Leona who'd hold it back. I feel like Vil could encourage him to try harder, but it could easily cross into being really irritating for Leona. Maybe Leona could get Vil to chill out a little bit, who knows. The appeal for me, aside from the visual contrast, is that it's a relationship of equals.
jackvil is just really cute. They're both very driven, and they already jog together in the mornings... it could easily develop from there. There's something just so charming about this giga celebrity getting together with a random guy he knew briefly as a child. It's cute. I think Jack would be good for Vil, too, since he'd be extremely loyal and supportive. He'd also make a good househusband. I don't have as much like 'backing' for this one, it's simple and cute. Plus I'm sure Vil does have a soft spot for him. The story about them making snow stuff together was really charming.
Also I dabbled in rookvil for a while, but it's like... too easy? Like things are established already. The climax of the love story happened already, if you feel me? I also don't like Rook's home screen line from the Ghost Marriage event where he says he's fickle... It worries me. I'm not against the pair, it just doesn't intrigue me, I guess.
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cassemiah · 4 months
I think I'm gonna keep making these showing the process of how I write, because I think one of the best ways I learned was yes repetition and just writing itself, but I also read others and I tried to figure out how they did something I liked. And it helped. A lot. At the end of the day I think we're all just trying to learn from each other.
I come up with my ideas usually from emotions or events
In this case I saw a tumblr poll asking you what you would choose to do for a job if you could do something no matter how unreasonable.
And that made me feel something, so I wrote
Someone asked once what I would do
Who I would choose to be and give
If i could be anything,
Truly anything at all
I started with the fantastical
Riding atop beasts of wing and fire
That don't and could never exist
Sleeping on clouds rating them,
which one brought the most comfort
But what if my only job I needed to do
Was to record a singular stream
Take a picture every single day
Same spot, record erosion in action
As my boots leave their own mark
In the stones I'd brace on
Day after day after day
What if I could comfort people
Send letter after letter
Count my earnings in happy tears
And "thank you I just needed someone to hear"
Yet still be here,
sleep here
Be able to eat here
Now don't get me wrong, that's not terrible
It talks about the idea of being excited to be anything, starting with the adventurous and fun, but eventually realizing you're happier with the mundane, the simple, and the gentle. It conveys those themes, and it has some sense of flow and metaphor.
But that didn't match the feeling I got seeing that poll.
And rereading what I wrote I realized why. The reason that poll struck me, is because as children you already have safety and stability, and so yeah the dreams you have are of the fantastical and the adventurous.
But between being told to be realistic, and realizing you have to not only because others said so but because you're now the one who's in charge of keeping yourself stable, the things you want to be and dream about are different.
So I took some quick notes of what I wanted to put into prettier words
Dragons, clouds, fly
Writer, biologist
And I rewrote the whole poem in a completely different style
What if
What if I could ride dragons!
They breath fire!
Maybe not, but
What if, what if
I could sleep atop clouds!
I bet they'd be comfy
What, what if I
I could build some wings and fly!
Maybe dragons don't exist
But I can create my own right?
No? Oh,
I mean, you're right
I could,
I could though maybe write
I've always liked poems and-
Could I, could-
I could research?
I don't know what
But I'm sure I could find something
Or or
Or maybe
Could, can I
I'm sure they need teachers
No no but-
I don't really like business
But it could be open all night!
And we'd have chairs
And they could just read or-
you're right
Maybe, maybe
Can I-
Do you think there'd be time?
I know I need to
But I'm sure I'd be able to-
And that hit what I had felt
It didn't convey the exact scene I had originally had. It doesn't give as many details as the poem above, but it carries more emotion and I think that's more important in the end
Hope this helped!
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thatcheesyler · 2 years
Gambling has it's perks
Summary: Cuphead and Mugman are about to lose it all at the casino, but Cuphead has a little trick up his sleeve. Can they beat King Dice at his own game? Read and see ;)
A/N: This is a sfw Cuphead tickle fic, if you do not like it, please dni. Enjoy! <3
You'd think that most people would quit once they'd almost lost everything in a gamble. But the cup brothers were certainly not most people, even after losing to the devil himself.
Now, gambling with the devil's right hand man wasn't any less dangerous, but at least there was the possibility he'd give you a second chance. Well, only if you weren't cuphead or mugman. Speaking of them, right now they are pretty much betting their lives away for money, one wrong move and they could say bye-bye to their souls.
"Wait! Uh..King Dice sir, could me and my brother talk alone for a moment?" Mugman interrupted politely, not wanting to make the wrong choice. "Hmmm, I'll give you two minutes, but no cheating boys!" King Dice replied with a shit-eating grin. Mugman wasted no time in grabbing Cuphead's arm and running to a different room where Dice couldn't hear. "Mugsy! Whaddya doin', I was about to play our last turn!" Cuphead's whisper-shouted, angry but curious on what his brother had to say. "L-look Cuphead, I'm not so sure we should do this without a plan. I mean what if we get it wrong?!" Mugman couldn't help but stress out about their current situation. Cuphead still wanted to wing it, but he had to agree that blind luck had seldom worked for them in the past.
But just when Mugman was about to accept his fate, Cuphead had a little lightbulb moment. "Hey Mugsy! I got the perfect plan, listen to this" He announced, trying to keep his voice down nevertheless. The mug was intruiged and leant his 'ear' close to hear his brothers so-called plan. Inaudible mutters and mumbles were heard until they had it all figured out completely. Just in time too, as it had gone 2 minutes, "Boys! Time's up~" Dice called out. The brothers nodded firmly at eachother, walking back to the other room to greet their opponent. "Okay Dice, I'll play my turn now." Cuphead stated hastily, picking up the small 6-sided dice on the table. He was about to roll when....he stopped, "I-..I don't know if I can do this, I mean losing would just be- GET 'IM MUGSY!" All of a sudden, Mugman jumped up onto the table and swiftly pounced on King Dice, trapping his hands behind him. This earned a yell from the taller man, focusing so much on Mugman that he didn't notice Cuphead approaching. "Not so tough now, huh Dice?" Said man whipped his head around to the voice, instinctively bringing his knees to his chest out of fear. "Geez, King Dice sir, the Devil must treat you really badly if you're scared of us" Mugman pitifully remarked. Dice just sat silently staring at the floor, still partly afraid of what was to happen to him now. "Relax, Dice! Me and my brudda ain't gonna hurt ya!" Cuphead assured him, leaving Dice as confused as ever.
"*Sigh* Dare I ask what you're going to do, little nuisances." He wearily said. The brothers shared a 'should we tell him?' look before concluding that it wouldn't really change anything. "Well, hurtin' ya is against the rules, so we're gonna tickle ya to pieces instead!" Cuphead answered. Dice widened his eyes upon this and quickly grew nervous, knowing fully well how relentless children could be. 'What do I do?! How do I get out of this?!' King Dice's thoughts disappeared entirely as he felt a gloved finger gliding down his stomach. A twitchy smile was created on his face, gritting his teeth as Cuphead lightly scratched his ribs.
"C'mon Dice, where's that laugh~?" The cup teased, his brother still restraining their targets arms. What all three of them didn't expect, was for another voice to be coming their way.
"Heya, boys! I just thought I'd drop on by to make sure you two ding-dongs aren't dead yet!" It was the one and only Ms. Chalice. King Dice's jaw dropped to the ground upon her appearance, while the two 'ding-dongs' shared an overjoyed smile. "Chalice!" They shouted in sync, said girl making her way over to them.
"Wow, looks like you boys have this guy in a real bind, mind if I help out?" She offered, smirking fondly at Dice, who seemed to have stopped functioning. "I- wh- h-how-"
"Trust me fella, it's too long a story. Now, what exactly is goin' on here?"
"We don't wanna lose our souls so we're ticklin' Dicey here till he gives up!" Cuphead blurted out, making Dice groan and blush a bit. Chalice chuckled and knealt down beside Mugman, whispering something inaudible into his straw. The mug's face lit up, suddenly hoisting King Dice's hands above his head. Dice struggled against Mugman's surprisingly strong grip, but gave up easily as it was no use. "Alright, scoot over Cuphead, I wanna get in on this too!" Chalice said. The cup obliged, leaving Dice twice as scared as he noticed how thin and tickly her fingers looked.
"Hmmm, how 'bout you go for his underarms and I stick to his belly?" Cuphead suggested.
"Got it, Mugman are you gonna gonna be fine holdin' him?"
"Yep! I'm feeling particularly strong today!" Mugman replied, even though there was practically no struggle against his grasp. On the count of three, Cuphead and Chalice started poking and prodding every inch of stomach and armpit they could find. Giggles and snickers found their way out of Dice's mouth, his feet kicking a little.
"Hehehahaha, yohohuhuhu brahahats are sohoho dehehahad whehehen thihihis ehehehends!" He 'threatened', it lacked intimidation though considering he was being tickled silly. Dice squeaked when a certain cup lightly pinched his side, his face growing crimson red again. "Awww, your squeaks are adorable~!" (⚠️Not a ship!⚠️)
"Shuhuhuhut ihihit cupfahahace, yohou pihihehece ohof shi-ACK!! WAHAHAHIHIHIT NOHOHOHO, STOHOHOHOP!!!" Dice suddenly exclaimed as Chalice squeezed his hip repeatedly. "Better watch your mouth mister, or I'll make it ten times worse next time!" She said, giving one more squeeze that felt like a ticklish electric shock. Everything then went at a steady pace for a while until Mugman just had to think out loud.
"Hey guys, so people normally have ticklish necks, but since Mr Dice has no neck, wouldn't it be realistic if he was ticklish around the neck?" King Dice mentally gulped after he said that. After a recent 'makeup incident' with his playing cards colouring the pips on the underside of his head, both Dice and his cards learnt how ridiculously sensitive he was there. Both Cuphead and Chalice turned to look at where Dice's neck should be, wondering if what Mug said was true or not.
"Listen kids, I will let you go anywhere else you like. But please, do not touch that area." But his pleading only made them more interested. Mischief ignited their eyes, huge smirks forming on their lips. The last words he could choke out before they attacked were,
"Oh crap."
Soon thin fingers were dancing along the underside of his head, while some thicker fingers scratched and poked. Meanwhile Kind Dice was thrown into hysterics,
"WAHAHAHIHIHIT, WAHAHAHAHIHIHIHIT! PLEHEHEHEHAHASE STAHAHAHAHAP, IHIHIHIH CAHAHAN'T TAHAHAKE IHIHIT!!" He yelled, just hoping that at least one of them would stop. His wish technically came true as Chalice slowed down, slightly worried about going too far. She sighed and said, "alright, let's stop this now, Cuphead." Her friend obeyed, ceasing his hands.
Dice inhaled desperately and Mugman decided to let go of his arms, Dice immediately rubbed his tingling body.
"*huff* y'know, after all that *huff*, I don't give up and I wanna see who wins the bet. *huff*" He admitted, his smug attitude returning.
"Don't worry ding-dongs, I got this" Chalice reassured them. "Mugman, now!"
As fast as he could, Mugman pulled Dice's head really hard so that it popped right off his shoulders. King Dice obviously tried to grab it, but again to no avail as he couldn't entirely move without his head.
"Ugh, what now? Gonna roll me like a dice until I give up?- wait no don't actually do that, I'll be sick." Dice remarked, completely oblivious about the now exposed underside of his head. "Nope, it's just a little experiment to see if you'd change your mind!" Chalice explained. Without warning, she blew a big raspberry on the bottom of his head, and boy did he f*cking scream 💀.
"NONONONONO STAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA!!" Uncontrollable laughter poured out of him, luckily it was a rather short raspberry. "Give up yet, Mister Dice?" Chalice asked cockily, Mugman popped his head back onto his body in the meantime. King Dice collapsed into a giggly puddle, holding his poor head. It took about 5 minutes before he had finally regained his breath and stamina. It was only then he admitted defeat, he also realized that Chips was staring wide-eyed from the other side of the room. Dice turned so red you'd wonder if his head was white in the first place. "H-....how long have you been here?" Chips grinned and replied "Oh, y'know, I saw like all of it. I won't tell, I promise boss." He surrendered his hands to show he'd keep the promise. "Good, 'cause you're fired if you tell anyone about this." Dice threatened, he was lucky the Devil didn't see though, he'd be teased for it every.single.day.
Chips kept his promise, but he took advantage of this discovery every chance he got just to mess with the Devil's number one.
In reality, Dice didn't mind one bit if it meant he got some bonding time with his colleagues. The Devil did find out eventually though, and, well, let's just say Dice was too tired to get up the next morning ;). (Stop I'm reading this again a while later and this line sounds so stupidly dirty, I'm so sorry 😭)
Okay, this took WAY longer than it needed to so I'm sorry for that but I hope you enjoyed this fic. Honestly though KD has gotta be one of the funniest villains ever 😂.
Have a lovely day/night <3
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witchblood-if · 1 year
Hi! I just wanted to say that I love the demo so much and I'm so excited to see it develop into more! For the Misc. Ask Meme: 💖 or 💝 for the ROs, please? It's up to you which one you wanna do!
Thank you so much for sharing your work with us! ❤
Because you're such a lovely Anon imma do both :)
Your words mean a lot, Anon, so thank you for your kindness <3
How and how often do they try to impress their partner(s)? How and how often do their partner(s) impress them?
Faith: She does try to frequently impress with her baking skills but she won't be mad if you appreciate her sense of fashion from time to time as well. She's not only putting on a show for you but for everyone but your compliment will obviously be the one she thinks about the most.
Isaac: He a lot of has fun trying to impress their partner. Oh, you need help opening that jar? Step aside so a half-naked Isaac can do it for you while you get a good view of his arms. You're hungry after work. Watch him organize a candlelight dinner with flowers and everything.
Eli: Are you impressed by their rambling about physics and astronomy yet? No? Ok, time to dump some more fun facts on you I guess. They only really do it when you're alone but they'd be pretty happy if you were impressed by that.
Mezilkree: Will try to impress you with really silly things like trying to ride a unicycle they found in a dumpster or having you meet their new "pet" (a feral raccoon that was living in the same dumpster they found the unicycle in)
Levan: Actively impressing others is beneath them, they do that enough with their presence. You should show some appreciation for their dancing though.
???: To get what they want? Oh yeah. Out of spite to show some people that they are in fact not useless? You can bet your ass on that. Despite the vehement denial, they are a little desperate for people to acknowledge them. So yeah, impressing in anyway they can it is.
What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
Faith: Eat and compliment her baked goods. Apart from that you already count as a friend if you go out to dance or commit other shenanigans with her.
Isaac: Being nice to other people. Because of his job, he's forced to act differently sometimes but his mom taught him to always be kind and help so he appreciates that.
Eli: Just be open and consistent with them. They themself have a hard time connecting and opening up to people so they are really grateful if you don't get discouraged immediately and try to get to know them better.
Mezilkree: Take them seriously. They are silly and they like being silly but it means a lot to them to not get belittled. They don't have the best relationship with their family because of that so yeah. Also, they promise to love you forever if you give them candy.
Levan: On the surface? Giving them compliments about anything. On a deeper level? Stick up for them. They are used to fighting their battles alone and they will continue to but having someone in their corner would be like a declaration of love to them.
???: Well, who would have thought, total submission. They like when things go the way they want and that's only possible if people know their place.
Refers to this ask game
Hugs and kisses
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rosescries · 2 years
I once sent in a werewolf/lycan TSM MC ask but I'm guessing Tumblr decided to eat it; it likes to do that to me a lot. So I was wondering how things would be if she were a werewolf (painful/gorey transformation like Hemlock Grove; this behemoth of a wolf that's both quadrupedal and bipedal; maybe able to control when she shifts but if she goes too long without changing/is overly stressed or emotional, she'll be forced to turn during a full moon but she retains her human mind with some feralness; contact with silver either causes just a rash or nothing at all depending on the purity). She'd be able to hide it relatively well until one night she's just cornered when trying to get outside and just...transformed from all the stress.
Before that moment, would any of the skeletons sense something off about MC (like they can tell it's something other than what Taylor told them) or would they just brush it aside like 'oh, this is just natural after everything we were told'? I also wonder what their reactions would be before/during/after the transformation (especially Mutt's/Grey's/Lunar's/outside lodge skeletons) (I bet Taylor would be relatively freaked out over the fact she invited a creature into the home unknowingly)
(MC would have been turned by another werewolf and just managed to adapt and keep it a secret)
I actually have a little thing about Werewolves here. I wrote that a while ago.
Honestly, the skeletons would be pretty freaked out and confused. Taylor would be screaming and end up making them panic, which wouldn't be all that great because the Fell's panic response is FIGHT.
But before that, they wouldn't really have been able to tell anything. They might have felt something a little off, but it wouldn't be enough to really catch their attention in any way. Before everything would've practically been the same. During they'd be confused and slightly panicked because "what is going on? whAT IS HAPPENING?!??!" Then afterwards would just be "Oh, what the hell?! TayLOR'S PANICKING!! WILD ANIMAL?!?!? ATTACK?!?!??! WHAT?!?!"
Mutt, the Horror Bros, and the Non-Lodge skeletons would mostly be panicked through the whole thing unless she told them what was up. Though they'd still have a bit of panic at seeing it even if they knew beforehand because it looks painful. Otherwise they're mostly fine.
But after everyone's calmed down, it's mostly just confusion and a bit of hesitancy. Like they have no clue what this is or how it's happened or what caused it. They don't know what it means or if Mc's a danger to have around. There's just a lot of uncertainty and they don't entirely believe Mc when she says it's fine.
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Terry KK3 X Reader
Context: You, Terry and your little girl go for a walk in the local national park, and she spots something....
Your daughter had asked you and Terry to take her to the national park for a walk around. It was a large area with it's own little forest, a pond with ducks, hundreds of kinds of flowers and plants, and woodland animals all over the place. It was a beautiful sunny day, there was a cool gentle breeze and the air was filled with the smell of wild flowers and cut grass. You all drove there and parked in their car park, and your daughter was so exited. Terry had been busy lately and hadn't been able to spend time with you or your daughter for a while, and he was just as exited to be out hear as she was. "Wow daddy! This place is so pretty!" "It certainly is princess, hey look, there is the pond! I'll race you!"
And that was it, they were off. Running and laughing as they both headed to the large pond. You just happily walked behind watching them have fun together. Terry was pretending to run fast, but secretly he was letting our daughter win their little race. By the time you had walked up to them, they were sat by the pond looking into the water. "Mummy I won! Did you see?" "Yes I did honey, poor daddy wasnt fast enough" Terry just smiles at his little girl while rufling up her hair. "Daddy! Dont mess my hair" "Sorry princess, come on let's see what else this place has" And with that you all started walking around the park, seeing all the little things it had to offer.
As you went around, you had your phone and were taking pictures of Terry and your daughter. Terry lifting her up to grab an apple from a tree, him showing her tadpoles in the stream of the forest, pretend sword fighting with two large sticks they'd found. It was so lovely watching them play together like that, he absolutely adored her. You and Terry were swinging her by her arms as she held onto both yours and Terry's hand, when you suddenly stoped them. "Honey, shhhh.... both of you stay quiet and walk over hear" you whispered to them. They followed your lead and knelt on the grass beside a tree, then you point out something to them in the distance. There infront of you all was a tree stump next to a strawberry plant, and on the tree stump, happily munching away was a tiny little bunny.
"Awwww hes so cute, can you see him daddy?" "Yes I can princess, hes so small and sweet, just like you" You all stay quiet just observing this little bunny. Terry looks to you and gives your hand a little squeeze, and when you turn to face him, he mouths the words "I love you" and of course you say the same you him. Terry just cant get enough of seeing his little girl in awe of this adorable little bunny, his smile just beams at her. A few moments later, after managing to take a few pictures of it, it happily jumps away and back into a bush. "Awww I'm going to miss that little bunny daddy" "I know you are princess, but at least we managed to see him and he didnt get scared of us" Giving her a kiss on the forhead, you all got up and carried on your way.
At the end of the park was a little icecream van, and of course your little girl wanted one, so you all got a mr whippy icecream and sat on the grass as you all tucked in. Your daughter was lost in her own little world eating her icecream, so she didn't pay attention to yours and Terry's conversation. "Hey baby, I have an idea" "Oh really? And what would that be Terry?" "You saw how happy she was today when we saw that little bunny. What if we got her her own?" "Her own?" "Yeh, i mean her birthday is coming up, and i bet she would love it" "Well i dont mind, but its weather your happy for there to be a little animal running around the house and garden with her?" "Trust me, the happiness i saw in her eyes today is all the convincing i need. And not only that, but i want to start doing this as a weekly thing. I haven't had this much fun with you and her for a long time, and today was the perfect way to spend time together" "That is so sweet Terry. Yes, let's do that"
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mamamittens · 1 year
Where's the service elevator
Okay so I've been thinking too hard again and I gotta ask.
Where's the elevator in Impel Down?
Now I know what you're thinking!
"Why the hell would they have an elevator in Impel Down?"
Well they sure as fuck aren't doing food and supply deliveries to lower floors by the stairs. And they definitely have to, even if they have facilities on each level to take care of those kinds of things. Even for normal ass prisons it wouldn't be viable to take the stairs to carry shit. As cool as it is to say "we threw them to the bottom and left them to rot" people don't just... Stay alive like that. And the prisoners the world literally had time to forget existed are still alive and kicking like a mule so they have to be eating something.
That's not to mention toiletries, 'rewards', bribes, or medication. I'm not implying prisoners in Impel Down get five star treatment but still. No successful prison just let's their prisoners die before they want them to, ya know? And IG unless they wanna bust out the execution stand you're not allowed to die. And while I believe they walk prisoners to their level the main way we see in the show, there's no way they risk taking people out the same way even with a guard compliment.
And to say nothing of tours! You just know occasionally a world noble or celestial dragon wants to sneer at the criminals! And do you really think they'd be willing to walk back up through all that?!?
At the very least, they had to have made some sort of secondary exit when it was made cause they had to have some way to build up the prison after removing the water. Ya know, before there were proper stairs and shit. That's a lot of brickwork to cart around or, at best, lower down. Unless there's a damn build-build-underwater-build fruit laying around the OP universe.
Whether or not they kept it or remembered is another matter. But I'm betting there's some horrendous little alcove with disused stairs going all the way up, and possibly to every other floor, behind a brick wall somewhere on the bottom.
Maybe if this prison was mostly above ground I'd be willing to dismiss the idea of stairs or a service elevator of some kind, but unfortunately for OP, this bitch goes right into the sea. And you can't build sturdy buildings using material that can exclusively fit in a stairway.
Fuck this building must have been a damn nightmare to design for the architect (hopefully a team but I put nothing past them). I mean, it's been around a long time standing against the pressure of the ocean and likely occasional bashing of sea kings. That has to be sturdy AF. And a single brick wall doesn't happen without a lot of support beams and cross support. And I only assume the water went first before they built the interior because they need to know the basic structure is stable before doing the extra work and draining many floors and rooms has to be an even bigger ball ache than just yeeting the water out of a brick tube.
Where the fuck is the elevator and where's my prison break fic utilizing the staff entrance?
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murder-and-mayhem · 1 year
1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 22, 40, 41, 51, 52 — Rhysaa <33333
CHEERI, I FINALLY GOT AROUND TO ANSWERING THIS. I'm sorry it took so long, but it took me forever to use my think-juice and get my backstory straight for my girl. But here we go!!
From these asks here!
1. What's the lie your character says most often?
"I'm not worried/I never worry". Plot twist, as Kova's head of security/personal bodyguard and wife, she actually worries a lot. It doesn't help that he likes to throw himself danger to make a point (not that she has any room to judge). It's one of the many things she loves about him, while also being her biggest stressor. She lies because he needs her strong, but her desire to protect him is what gives her strength.
2. How loosely or strictly do they use the word friend?
She uses it somewhat liberally, but in different contexts. If she's actually calling someone a friend then it's rare. She doesn't keep close company outside of her and Kova's crew, and Torian, Gault, and Mako are her closest friends besides her riduur. When she's serving as Kova's proxy during Syndicate business, there's always an underlying threat that comes with the use of the word "friend". It's used as more of a reminder to those she's dealing with that their ability to keep breathing is conditional to whether they live up to the term.
4. What's a hobby they used to have that they miss?
Cooking! When she lived on Vallt, she used to cook a lot for her large family. It was something that she really enjoyed doing, but she doesn't have the time or the inclination now. Most cooking isn't practical for meals in the field unless its preparing rations, and there are cooks in Kova's employ at the palace. She did try to pick it back up once, but she found that a lot of the dishes she used to make no longer brought her comfort. Instead they just dredged up bad memories.
7. What would you yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
I'd probably just yell her name because I'm boring 🤣
Being Kovapaqe's wife, riduur/cyare/cyar'ika are always good bets when he tries to get her attention. He'll also use meshurok (his own special endearment for her literally meaning gemstone (mando'a)--his treasure) but he uses it sparingly since he prefers to use it in private.
10. What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
She likes to tell the story of how she and Kova met. It's always a hit with other Mandalorians, especially since they met in a cantina brawl while hunting the same prey on a backwater planet. They'd patched each other up and parted ways after the fight, agreeing to turn the hunt it a sort of contest to see who could catch the quarry first. Mandos eat it up every time.
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends/family ask or do to tell the difference?
Kova would ask what gifts they gave each other when taking their vows, as well as what was said and where (there were no witnesses, so the only ones who know are Kova and Rhysaa). He'd also check for her tattoos, especially the one she got representing finding her life partner. Mirialan tattoos are not easily mimicked. They look simple, but that's part of the artistry. A fake can look passable from a distance, but it falls apart under scrutiny. Kova knows Rhysaa's tattoos intimately and would not be easily fooled.
12. What's something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
Kova mutters to himself when he reads reports or transcripts from Syndicate meetings, and when he does it's usually snarky commentary on whatever bullshit is going down at the time. He has a dry, sarcastic wit, and that paired with his incredulous facial expressions and some wild gesturing? It breaks her every time.
17. What do they notice first in the mirror vs what most people first notice when looking at them?
Rhysaa notices her hair. It's very important to her that she takes care of it, keeping it in long braids decorated with the beads that Kova made her for their vow exchange. The first thing others notice is likely her height. Rhysaa is a very tall and very muscular. Combine that with a full set of beskar armor and it's often intimidating to both friend and foe.
18. Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone?
Kovapaqe, full send. She loves her crew, but she'd set the galaxy on fire for Kova with no regrets.
22. What simple activity that most people do/can do scares your character?
Swimming. She grew up on an ice planet, so liquid water wasn't about in large supply. Even if it was, freezing to death didn't seem like fun. There were some shallow hot springs that she would bathe or wade in, but she didn't learn to swim until she'd left Vallt altogether and she's still not very confident in her abilities.
40. How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head?
She doesn't respond much outwardly to a limp handshake aside from immediately gripping your hand much more firmly than necessary. Inwardly, she's labeled you as weak and/or untrustworthy. If you shake her hand like a coward, she will treat you like one.
41. What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone/somewhere else?
According to other Mirialans who actually grew up on Mirial, she speaks the language with a very weird, very formal cadence. And she had absolutely no idea about any of their slang, but has her own from the colony that apparently makes her look and sound batshit insane. Yay cult life...
Hu'tuun is a new favorite thanks to Kova's liberal use of the insult, and sometimes she accidentally finds herself mimicing the way he says it.
51. What's a phrase they say a lot?
Gar shuk meh kyrayc - "You're no use dead". Usually muttered under her breath when dragging Kova to their quarters to get some sleep.
Copaani mirshmure'cye - "Are you looking for a smack in the face?" Sounds threatening but is usually said in good fun.
Not necessarily a phrase I guess, but when she's talking to Kova she has a couple of pet names that she uses often. She's so used to saying them that they usually just fall out of her mouth without thought. Mir'sheb is one of her favorites--a mild insult that became a term of endearment for Kova. She also says sá vhie ("my heart" in Mirialan).
52. Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting?
It depends on the situation, but most of the time she waits. In her early years as a hunter she was a lot more impulsive, prefering to shoot first and ask questions later. Time and experience cooled her temper and taught her to show more restraint. It was a good change, considering her position in the Syndicate can require patience, planning, and some degree of subterfuge. That being said, she's also a bodyguard. If she gets even a whiff of danger she's on high alert, and she will not hesitate to crack some skulls if she needs to.
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rocknrollsalad · 5 months
It took me a while to land on something but! Argyle teaching the kids poker or blackjack and betting pennies or snacks or marbles or something and Steve/nancy/Robin getting upset about them gambling? /./
Thanks for this!! I didn't quite follow the prompt but I got something. I promise you it's a little rambly but it's a full snippet of a story and so I am calling this a GREAT SUCCESS (and I do mean that seriously)
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It was another weekend at Hopper's cabin. Stacked on top of each other in the name of safety, slowly learning everyone's breaking point. For two days, he wouldn't so much as let them on the porch but Jonathan started asking a lot of questions about the legal definition of kidnapping and they were allowed to go get "supplies".
He really took one for the team given he was one of three kids there with a parent. Steve proposed marriage but Jonathan turned him down. Again.
The trip itself was uneventful. Nice to see civilization was still standing and talk to other humans but it was still grocery shopping. Bickering about which soda to bring back was no different than fighting for the bathroom. Just better lighting.
Back home, however, Steve stood on the porch sharing looks with Robin and trying to figure out why it sounded like something fun was going on behind the door.
They waited for Jonathan and Nancy to catch up before walking in. If they'd slipped into a different dimension on their drive, they would face it together. A worry Robin must have shared as she dug her fingers into Steve's bicep. Finding the same spot as always. The only mark from this mess Steve was proud to wear.
None of them had time to worry about why the sounds of happiness caused such alarm but one by one they crept over the threshold. As always, led by Nancy and Robin bringing up the rear. Which meant Steve got to watch as Nancy's tense body heaved with annoyance and pulled up to her full height. Annoyance dripped from every bend as she looked at kids she hadn't raised but took ownership over.
Filing in, Jonathan, Steve, and Robin stood behind Nancy to see what was going on. Everyone was gathered around the coffee table, Argyle on the couch like royalty and his subjects surrounding him. It looked a bit like a painting but Steve felt like that a lot when he watched Argyle.
Cards and poker chips were lying all over the table, some still had cards in their hand, but the arguing and excitement paused for their return.
"Where's Hopper?" Nancy asked as Jonathan took the bags from her and trudged off to the kitchen.
"He took Mrs. Byers and her friend out to set some traps or something," Argyle said.
"They went into to go to the hardware store," Dustin said, happy to correct someone.
"And so you're doing this?" Nancy asked.
"We were poking around and found the set," Mike explained.
"Hell yeah, so I said I'd teach them to play!" Argyle sat up with pride, glowing brighter than the lamps that lit the space.
"Do you wanna tie my sweater around your waist or you just gonna drool this time," Robin whispered. Standing on her tiptoes to get as close to Steve's ear as she could.
Steve just sighed and shook his head.
"It's not that hard," Dustin said, picking up the explanation. "Probability and odds, having an idea of what's in the deck, it's math."
"That's...illegal. But here," Nancy held out the bag of snacks they'd bought. "Don't eat everything today though."
"Right on!" Argyle cheered, taking the bag.
Immediately Dustin took over, sorting and assigning value to things. Will took notes so no one could dispute it later, it was a well-oiled machine. One Steve wanted to mess with. He'd never been good at poker but he had a different idea.
"You wanna mess with them?" Steve whispered, leaning toward Robin without taking his eyes off the game.
"Always," she answered.
With arms crossed, Steve walked into the room and stood behind Lucas. The kids were focused on establishing a snack hierarchy and Steve caught Argyle's eyes to offer a smile and hopefully communicate this was all in fun.
"I can't believe you would teach these guys to gamble. They're children, practically babies," Steve said.
Argyle's head tilted in confusion and he tried "We weren't using money, man."
When all the heads turned back toward Argyle, listening to his rebuttal and forming ones of their own, Steve gave a wink and a nod. It took a second before realization washed over Argyle's face and he said "Right on, dude."
"What are you going to do, start beating them up for their lunch money next," Robin chimed in.
"He hasn't won a single hand," Mike said with a groan.
"Yeah, I kinda thought he was letting us win," Lucas added, far more chipper.
Steve laughed, "There's no way you guys could win a hand against him."
"We'll prove it," Dustin scoffed, chest puffed and looking to his friends to chime in.
It took them a second but eventually a chorus of "yeahs" and other affirmations filled the room. There was something people said about going fishing in a barrel that would work right now. It was almost too easy to do this.
"No going easy on them now," Robin said pointing to Argyle who was still a little uncertain in all this.
He dealt the cards though. Steve tried to lock eyes again, as quick as he could before the others looked up from their hands. Holding his thumb up he rotated between thumbs up and thumbs down. Argyle took one last look over everything and gave a wide-eyed nod. They were in.
Candy was tossed in the middle, everyone was in.
Robin lingered over Dustin's shoulder with a full shot of his cards. She held up two fingers which Steve took to mean Dustin had a pair of something. He narrowed his eyes at her and she lowered her hand. Nothing to worry about.
With ease, Steve could see that Lucas didn't have shit. He shouldn't have even joined this round his cards were so bad. Will had potential but would need luck.
From there Steve walked around the table, checking out Mike's cards as he walked by. Again, something could happen but it wasn't looking good. Throwing himself on the couch next to Argyle, leaning into the other's space to look at his cards. Steve did the best he could to keep his face blank for the three tens looking back at him were a great sign.
He flashes a look to let Robin know this is a piece of cake. She follows and perches on the other side of Argyle. Watching the players with the right amount of judgment. Steve watches in awe, wanting to be that good of a showman.
Argyle leans toward Steve, showing off his cards. Not to brag but as an offer. Steve does his best to assess them and think about things, nodding seriously.
Dustin tosses in a big bet, Steve can tell he wants them to lose so he's bluffing and acting like he's got some great hand. It's transparent and, really, exactly what Steve would do.
The bet knocks out Lucas, rightfully so, and Will who just isn't adventurous enough for it. Mike raises and Steve can't help but wonder what these two are thinking. Not that they know what Argyle has but Steve knows Mike doesn't have a leg to stand on here.
All said and done, the table is littered with every snack Nancy brought in, cards have been exchanged, and it's a showdown between Argyle and Dustin.
Steve has full confidence they're coming out ahead here. Nancy takes a judgmental pass through the room and back out to the car. There's a part of Steve that wants to jump up and help her without even knowing what she's doing. She's not really mad at them for having fun so something is clearly going on. He also wants to sit here and win.
Dustin lays his cards down with the full cliche "Read 'em and weep."
He never managed more than his pair. Of threes. Something was going on with suits but it wasn't all the way there. It might help him but Steve couldn't remember all the rules.
Argyle didn't get a chance to lay his cards down. Steve cheered and scooped up all the candy and snacks, pulling them toward his end of the table. Once he had them out of the way, Argyle showed everyone he'd won fair and square.
"It's because Steve cheated," Mike whined.
"Prove it," Steve said with a laugh, staring the kid down. He could feel Robin square up beside him.
"We should play strip poker," Argle said, bobbing his head. "Ya know, when we can get back to your place. We'll get the whole gang."
Steve swallowed a little harder than normal and started praying now was the time he'd developed anything close to a poker face. "Totally," he said.
"Gross," Dustin and Mike said in unison.
"See, I told you. You can't teach the babies to play poker. They aren't ready." Sitting back on the couch, feeling smug and thankful for the distraction, Steve sighed. "Why don't you guys go find Candyland?"
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