#but she is quite flappable
icehearts · 21 days
which poisonous flowering plant are you?
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HEMLOCK. This is the poison of intense fear. Your body trembles, your flesh burns. Your limbs won't respond to you. You convulse. You can't seem to control the fear. It seems that it has always lived within you. You hesitate, you agonize, and that breeds regret. Sometimes it threatens to overwhelm you, and that frightens you more than anything. But panic is survival mode in overdrive, and something within you knows you must live. Creation seems to be the only balm for you. Perhaps you survive so stubbornly because you have stories that must be told, songs that must be sung. Soothe your stage fright. The path from surviving to thriving is having a good garden to grow in. And you can't do that completely alone.
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HUGE thanks to the person who made this quiz that is perfectly suited for Esca. ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و I haven't seen this one make the rounds yet so I'm throwing it out there like a live grenade.
Quiz: [ link here ] Tagging: @sealrock @tsunael @shroudkeeper
@abalathia @prudentfolly @ubejamjar @aethermimic @viiioca -- and literally everyone and anyone who wants to do this for their character!
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The Wasp Saga, or, How I Wasted Half my Lunch Break
(Note: If you are rude about wasps on this post you will be blocked. We respect them as important ecosystem members here.)
Yesterday it was super warm, like three months out of season warm, and in order to stave off the climate anxiety I decided to walk to the corner grocery store for lunch, eat outside, and get some rare February vitamin D. In a rare W the grocery counter Chinese food was freshly made, way better quality than usual, and ON SALE so I was riding that high. I ate, I enjoyed the weather. As I was starting to consider saving the rest for the next day's lunch a wasp buzzed up to me and landed. on my leg.
Now one thing about me is that I am trying very hard to overcome a crippling phobia of bees and wasps. From when I was a child through my early 20's I was frequently trapped inside or outside buildings because a wasp was hanging out near the door frame and I would refuse to go within 20 feet of it. Please read the following as if it required the courage of a knight and the patience of a saint.
This wasp was likely a queen that had woken up from hibernation a couple months early and was looking for a place to build a new hive. I respect wasps as important members of the ecosystem despite my deep seated fear and did not wish to kill her. She was the least flappable, most chill wasp I have ever encountered. This worked against me.
You see, she was quite happy to be on my leg. Started meandering down my khakis towards my shoe as if she didn't have a care in the world. As if I wasn't shaking my leg, walking around, stomping my foot, jerking back and forth, and jumping up and down to try and dislodge her. Eventually she walked onto my shoe and I did NOT want her do decide the inside of my pants was an attractive option here. So I bent down and blew on her, which finally bothered her enough to get off this ride. She buzzed away and landed.
On the edge of my lunch.
Now if this were any other day, I might have let her have it. Being on the wrong side of an angry wasp is not pleasant. But today the chinese food was good, and I wanted those leftovers as much as she did. So I decided to fight for it.
Let me set the scene: I am sitting on a concrete ledge, about knee-high. My lunch is inside a container, and the container is still nestled in the plastic bag from the grocery store. The container has a lid, which I managed to get over the food before the wasp could climb onto it. The wasp was on the plastic container, somewhat nestled inside the plastic bag.
Now if this wasp was content on my leg, she was downright ecstatic here on my lunch. She has just discovered a heaven of meat and fat and sugar. Her daughters will feast their whole lifetimes. She is not letting go.
I am trying to figure out how to bother this blissed-out wasp enough that she decides to abandon this nirvana, but not enough for her to decide I am a threat that must be eliminated. The next few minutes are spent nudging and prodding and shifting the container. Not a move. I move the bag. She folds up her wings. I blow on her. Frequently, often, from multiple angles. She's not falling for that trick again.
I try to nudge her off with a fork. Twice. She doesn't even move a leg, just sways sideways. I decide to take more drastic measures. I get up on the seat, take off my overshirt, and gently start flailing it at the bag, hoping to brush her off or make her think she's being swatted.
At this point a dog walker comes by and notices me standing up on a concrete wall, gingerly flapping my henley at a Monday orange chicken special. "Wasp stole my lunch," I explain. She sympathizes and moves on. I realize the wasp also stole my dignity a long while ago.
A gust of wind hits and the wasp seeks shelter under the lip of the container. My lunch break is very nearly over. I seriously begin to consider that I may lose. I realize that leaving my lunch here would be littering, and wildly against my morals. I press on.
I pick up the container out of the bag, wasp and all. I swing it left and right. I shake it up and down. She doesn't even care. I seriously wonder if I should just bring her inside and go about my day. Maybe if I put her in the fridge she would get sleepy enough to capture and release. Or maybe I'd be the idiot who let a wasp loose in the building because they brought it inside on purpose. It's a long walk from the door to the fridge.
I get to the door. Now or never. One last idea. I drop it a few inches. This is the move: Precisely enough to make her lose her grip on the container. My last view of her is on her back, wings not even buzzing, legs flailing as she tries to stand up. I snatch what is now mine by right of combat and flee indoors.
It was 76 degrees that day, yesterday afternoon. Tonight it will get down to 12. That's a normal temperature for February. She should not have been awake yet. I hope that despite all the grief and indignity she caused me, that she found somewhere safe and warm to hide, and that she finds somewhere just as good as my container of chinese food to build a nest.
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robotslenderman · 1 year
Pls do Wendy, cock robin and calebros pls
favorite thing about them Will Jack Sparrow her way through shit. Has poor impulse control. Ballsy. No survival instinct whatsoever. Makes her a blast to write.
least favorite thing about them This doesn't really spotlight until the RS sequel fic (although it does show up in RS), but she puts her own needs above her principles. Even though she did eventually speak up about the Kennels in RS, it took her ten years to get there, and she never once tried to strike out on her own. She's afraid of being lonely, of being on her own, of dramatic change, and in her next fic that's going to show up and test her big time. And she is going to fail that test. She angsts a lot about being a good person but, deep down, she does not want to be. In the City that Never Sleeps she joins the bad guys who murdered someone she knew. Pre-RS she never left the Warren despite the Kennels deeply distressing her, until she had something else lined up. And in the upcoming fic she's close friends with a guy who's done some pretty bad shit and... does nothing, bc she misses him when he's not there.
favorite line I honestly can't be bothered to check. XD
brOTP I love her dynamic with Thomas Arturo. Whenever I start writing them in a scene together they just bounce off each other and have the best banter. I have to cut so much of it out bc it's mostly just blatant self indulgence lmao. Gerard Rafin is a VERY close second. She'd do well as platonic life partners with either of them tbh.
OTP Despite the chemistry she has with quite a few characters there's never been a romantic connection that's really jumped out at me. I mean, I ship her and Thomas romantically too, but only because their platonic chemistry is so great. The romantic aspect takes a backseat and doesn't hold a candle to it.
nOTP I love her and Gerard and I know people ship it like hell but for some reason whenever I consider the possibility of it when writing Wendy just gets super squicked out. I don't even know why.
random headcanon In a daemon AU, she has a ferret as a daemon: absolutely batshit insane, no attention span except when she's hyperfocusing on something that will probably kill her, constantly gets into shit she shouldn't.
unpopular opinion It's not unpopular YET but she's not nearly as ethical as RS paints her to be, and ohhh boy I'm hoping I don't get too much backlash for that in the sequel fic :X
song i associate with them Clubbed to Death -- The Matrix OST
favorite picture of them Alas, there is none.
I was getting deja vu then realised it was because you'd already send CR and Calebros in before and I never finished the draft for that, so here we go:
Cock Robin
favorite thing about them
Disabled Justicar. Badass. VTM isn't exactly known for its equity.
least favorite thing about them
Obsessed with Anarchs. We all need our hobbies I guess.
favorite line
Out of the ones I wrote for him?
"[Calebros] never learned to be a real Nosferatu because he’d never learned to be human."
I love him and his baby sister okay
@orodrethsgeek ships him with her OC Jay, the vampiric equivalent of that black bird that dances for its mate, and I love them
Can't think of any.
random headcanon
He's either very flappable or very *un*flappable. No in between.
unpopular opinion
I barely know of any opinions on the guy
song i associate with them
There's a scene I wrote with him and Wendy in the last chapter of the fic and when I was playing it I was listening to this on repeat:
The End -- Hans Zimmer, The Dark Knight Rises OST
favorite picture of them'
Absolutely ADORE this one:
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He just happens to be a normal dude whose face is Like That. I love it, I love the cigarette, I love how he looks so thoughtful with a face that can't even make facial expressions, it's so humanising.
favorite thing about them
Not a complete dick. It's a low bar but most Kindred have shovels.
least favorite thing about them
Gerard Rafin's right, this guy does think too much and do too little.
favorite line
One I wrote, where Gerard said something in French and Calebros went, "did he tell me to shut up?"
(Yes. He did.)
Don't have one.
Don't have one. Tho I'd be interested to plonk him in a scene with Aisling, I think they'd get along well.
Don't have one.
random headcanon
Canon acts as if he turned out fine but the Kennels screwed him up far more than he or anyone around him realises, and is a big part of the reason he's so passive.
unpopular opinion
I find him a bit dull, but I don't think that's a bad thing for him to be as a character. I wouldn't change that about him.
song i associate with them
None in particular.
favorite picture of them
I genuinely find this one funny:
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ryanmeft · 9 months
Movie Review: A Haunting in Venice
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In every skeptic there is a glimmer of faith, and the stronger the skeptic the stronger the glimmer. A skeptic is simply someone who has looked at the world and discovered that it is not how they wish it were. It is not a comfortable or happy revelation, and most of us would happily abandon it were there the slightest hint of fact to any other explanation. That is the situation Hercule Poirot finds himself in at the beginning of A Haunting in Venice. He appears to enjoy a life of tea and retirement, but he is a broken man, thinking nothing of his bodyguard laying out a desperate man seeking his aid and acting as if humanity does not exist.
It is 1947, ten years since we last saw Poirot in Death on the Nile. The time has been intentionally chosen by director and star Kenneth Branagh, working from a late, poorly received entry in Agatha Christie’s novel series, which specifies no date. He has taken a free hand with the material and chosen his year so that the exuberant, confident, arrogant Poirot of DotN can be replaced by one whose faith in God, humanity and everything else has been wiped out by going through two World Wars.
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The opening device of a retired detective wasting away without a case is hardly new, but Branagh sells it well by adding something new to the unflappable detective---flappability. Summoned by his old writer friend Ariadne (Tina Fey) to a seance by a medium (Michelle Yeoh) she professes to be unable to expose, he encounters the series’ usual lineup of eccentric oddballs: Rowena Drake (Kelly Reilly) the mother of a young woman who drowned the previous year, the deceased woman’s arrogant, fortune-seeking ex-fiancee (Kyle Allen), Olga (Camille Cottin), the extremely superstitious housekeeper, a doctor (Jamie Dornan) traumatized by the war and his son (Jude Hill), who is more interested in books than people, the medium’s opportunistic assistants (Emma Laird and Ali Khan) and Poirot’s own bodyguard (Riccardo Scamarcio).
Inevitably there is a murder and these people end up locked in with Poirot, this time in an old, rotting Venetian palazzo that is said to be cursed by the long-dead souls of children left there to die of plague. A train and a boat can have nothing on this place---it is an excellent accomplishment in the use of a great setting at a time when setting hardly matters in most wide release movies. Like any good, really old house, it is strewn with expensive treasures under dusty coverings that are stretched throughout hallways and rooms which are just narrow and close enough to be confining, but not so much that they don’t also look really neat. Always threatening the proceedings are Venice’s famous canals. All of this murder and suspicion takes place during a really cracking storm, and the waters reach menacing fingers toward the foundations of the building. We are, every so often, shown the window from which the dead woman fell, a spectre of a real, well, spectre. Most of this was done in Pinewood Studios, but many exteriors are clearly the sinking city, itself.
The previous movies were dependent on the (by now a bit tired) premise that the genius was always one step ahead, even when they do not appear to be. This one depends on taking that same character and shaking him badly, leaving him in genuine doubt, fear and panic. The best horror movies operate also on this principle. They place a disbelieving person in a situation where their disbelief will be tested, for it is so much more frightening encountering a scary thing you didn’t think existed than one you fully expected. Poirot faces new types of challenges this time, something that couldn’t quite be said for DotN. He hears voices. He seems to be ill. Every mystery he figures out simply crumbles into a new one. There is an attempt on his own life. And there is always that storm. He handles this by hiding frequently in the restroom so as not to let his panic be seen, but we see it, and his struggles with his own skeptical nature humanize the character in a way not previously accomplished. For all his affected, fabulous-moustache-having ways, Poirot was the least interesting thing happening in the previous two films. Here, he is the best thing. Branagh directs himself, from a third script by Michael Green, with conviction, so that when the answer comes it is cathartic. Before now, I could take or leave sequels. Now, I want to see more.
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The weakest link here is Fey, who gives her role every bit as much cynic power as Branagh’s, but who is saddled with a character clearly meant to be a satirical tribute to Christie herself. She is said to have made Poirot famous by writing of his cases, and reminds us of this constantly, at one point even claiming Poirot is nothing without her stories. It’s an overbearing and obvious bit of meta-commentary, a tactic I’ve long grown tired of in fiction, and the character’s presence robs the film of that little touch it needed to be a mystery classic.
Even with that blemish, though, this is as close as Branagh’s ever come to capturing what he’s trying to do with these adaptations. I would like very much to see more. I’ve gotten what I’ve been looking for since 2017’s Murder on the Orient Express. I have faith in the series now.
Verdict: Highly Recommended
Note: I don’t use star ratings. Here are my possible verdicts:
Highly Recommended
Not Recommended
Avoid Like the Plague
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writeshite · 2 years
Saddle Up Partner
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You huff, “Anything you can tell me about the sheriff? Is he rough? Does he cry as some of the others do?” You ask, leaning against the door, “Come on, Nat, you’ve slept with him; what’s he like in bed?”
“You’ll find out, but a word of advice, don’t expect to walk much tomorrow.”
Sheriff!Steve Rogers x Male!Reader
Western AU | Smut | Plot? What Plot? |
Words: 1576
Author's Note:
I have no excuse or any semblance of explanation as to why I wrote this. I will be seeing myself out now, enjoy. 🙃
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The sun’s barely up in the sky when there’s a knock on your door; the madam stands there in her sleep-addled glory; she chuckles at your similar appearance before handing an envelope to you. You shift the envelope around, smiling at the rustling of coins and sturdy-feeling of stacked notes.
“Congratulations, you won by a landslide.”
You huff, “Anything you can tell me about the sheriff? Is he rough? Does he cry as some of the others do?” You ask, leaning against the door, “Come on, Nat, you’ve slept with him; what’s he like in bed?”
“You’ll find out, but a word of advice, don’t expect to walk much tomorrow.”
She doesn’t say much else, leaving you with your thoughts. You shift through your closet; from what you’ve seen, the sheriff is well mannered, silent, fierce, and exceptionally gifted in many areas. You’d heard the other saloon doves talk about his prowess in the saddle - both in and outside the bedroom - the few he’d bedded had been very scant in their recollections. They needn’t say much, though, as the limping was enough of an indicator - the man was, for lack of a better word, private. In the many years you’d seen him in the saloon, you’d heard him utter no more than a few words. You turn over the vermillion bunny suit Natasha had gifted you last valentine’s day - the suit was quite revealing, the collared top of it was see-through, with various flowers and hearts drawn across the front and back. It descended into see-through pants, with the groin covered by roses and thorns cascading down the legs. The suit came with an equally lavish petticoat to place atop the legs; it was easy to tear off and added a bit of flair to the outfit.
You held it up to your body, swaying side by side while waltzing up to the mirror; you switched out for another outfit - your infamous copper suit, not as eye-catching in decor, but more so in its openness, there was very little left to the imagination with this one. It even had an easily flappable backside for ease of access. You switched between the two suits before leaving it to chance with a coin toss, heads fr the valentine one, and tails for the copper one. The coin flies in the air, spinning on itself, and when it lands in your hands again, you find yourself smirking at the sight of heads. You waste no time slipping into the valentine attire, you move your hair back, sweeping it from your face, and you do your best to weave your hair somehow, incorporating a few roses on each side. Once you were satisfied, you slipped on downstairs, keeping away from the other patrons’ eyes; Natasha met you around the back.
“Don’t take it to heart if he seems a bit withdrawn at the sight of you; after all, this whole thing was a collective town effort. So do your best to tell him that before you jump his bones.” Natasha saddled up a horse as you donned an overcoat, then you were gone.
The sheriff’s property was a ranch situated at the edge of town and as far away as possible from the entrance. The road leading up to it diverted away into the property, surrounded by trees all around, the mountains to the back, its isolated location was peaceful. You settled your horse by the trees nearby and sat by the front steps as you waited for the man’s arrival. When the sheriff did arrive, you were at a loss for words; looking at him up close did far more wonders than the glimpses you’d gotten before. Sheriff Rogers was on the tall side, his figure well-built, as evident by his muscles; his shirt was slightly askew, moved to the side, hat settled on his head, his beard was well-groomed, and hair moved back. His legs were well defined - at least from what you could see when he dismounted from his horse - and the bulge in his pants appeared already half hard. He towered over you when he came to a stop, glancing down at you in question.
“Howdy, sheriff,” you greeted.
“Howdy to you as well,” he responded uncertainly, “Is there anything I can help you with, sir?”
You leaned forward, tracing your fingers up his chest, “It’s not what you can help me with, more so what I can you with. See, the whole town’s grateful you’ve been protecting us and keeping order all these years, so we decided to reward you.”
“I already got my reward at the saloon.” Rogers grabbed your hand from his chest, staring down at you in sternness.
“I’m more of a personal reward for all the hard work you’ve done,” you retorted, “besides, haven’t you ever wanted to have your rewards in the comfort of your own home, no interruptions, no payments?” You loosened the overcoat slightly, giving him a peek at your undergarments; a slight blush danced its way across his cheeks as he appeared to contemplate your words. Your other hand moved down to his dick; the half-hard bulge had become a massive tent in his trousers; you traced your finger alongside it, cooing at its size. You settled your hand on his trouser zipper, toying with it as your other hand shifted to hold his. Rogers' eyes closed blissfully, snapping back open when you moved away, a smug expression on your face. “Of course, if you don’t want that, I’ll be on my way; I’m sure there are plenty of other men in need of my services.
You moved to step aside but found yourself unable to when the sheriff crowded you, “I’ll take that as a no then.” Your words came out in the end like a whisper when his face came close to yours; you were backed against a wall, Roger’s knee moving up in between your legs as one of his arms settled above your head. His other hand tilted your head to the side, his head coming to your neck; he dragged his nose along it, chuckling at the sounds it elicited from you. “Rogers…”
“Steve,” he muttered before hauling you into the house. You barely took in the interior decor as the sheriff dragged you around. Though you didn’t pay that much mind either, turning back to Steve, you moved your hand from his grip, backing him as well as you could to the bed. He sat down; hands splayed back; you unzipped his trousers, setting his dick free as it sprung up, a hint of precum dribbling from it. Its thick girth and length had your mind swimming with anticipation.
You touched the tip of Steve’s cock, moving your finger down his shaft and over a few of the protruding veins, the action drawing a groan from the man. You took it into your mouth, pacing yourself until the whole thing was down your throat; you moved back halfway, then back to the hilt, bobbing your head at a leisurely pace. Steve’s hand came to your hair, knocking the roses intertwined to the side for a better grip; he bucked up into your mouth once or twice, and your hands settled themselves onto his thick thighs as you sucked him off. Your tongue around his cock, his hands ceasing your head movements when he came, holding your head close until the gush of cum had stopped. He stood after, undressing as you situated yourself across his bed; when he returned, he did so, oil in hand, and he positioned himself behind you. The oil was cold, sending goosebumps across your body; Steve spread it around your hole; you turned in time to see him pour it across his fingers; they moved in and out slowly, opening you at his leisure as you mewled.
Your leg was pushed up to your chest, Steve’s chest moved closer to your back, his form curving over you, his mouth by your ear. “Good boy.” He whispered, adding another finger. You bit your lip; head tilted back; he took the chance, face settling on your neck, this time placing hickeys; he managed four fingers before he was satisfied. His hand left your ass, moving your leg away from your chest; he moved it outward; Steve’s cock slid in inch by inch. He moved out to the tip, then rammed back in, his pace relentless and quick; his other hand had found its way to your hip, holding you in place as he fucked you. Whatever words he uttered were drowned out by your moans and his grunts of pleasure in between. He moves fast and precise, hitting the right spot and sending you into overdrive; you take your dick in hand, jacking it off at an erratic pace. Steve’s movements stopped, his orgasm rippling through him; you shuddered as you came soon after, head flopping against him; the room was now filled with exhausted panting. You clenched around Steve’s cock, wincing at the pain it sent.
“Nat was right; I’m not walking tomorrow.” Steve chuckled at your expense, “Not funny, sheriff.”
“Sorry about that; if you like, you could stay awhile tomorrow; I don’t mind,” he said, taking your cock in hand again; he rubbed its tip. He positioned himself closer, shoving his dick further inside you; his other hand took to your nipple, and he pinched it, pulling at it harshly, “Besides, we’re not done yet.”
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End Note:
Hope you enjoyed reading this shite. Stay Hydrated.
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tanoraqui · 4 years
I am a huge sucker for one character being chill about a situation while everyone else is freaking out, so if you’re up to it would you tell us about This Is Normal?
@tolrais​ asked: Sizhui genii locorum!
okay so i must disappoint bc that wasn’t actually a jesting “This Is Normal” - let’s talk genii locorum, known more commonly in the singular: genius loci, the “intellects of [the] place”. In this case: what if it was perfectly common that if cultivation was practiced in roughly the same way in roughly the exact same place, by roughly the same bloodline, for long enough, power built up in the land itself? Power and something resembling thought, in the slow way of geography? (That’s why it tends to attach to a bloodline - individual humans, even cultivators, disappear so fast on a geological scale.) 
Say that each generation, the land picks a favorite to bestow its power to - one person, one generation, at a time, only. Others of the blood may access it, but to a far lesser degree. Petty effects. More if the land is partial to them. The true wielder of the land is, of course, traditionally the sect leader - and if they’re not at first, they’re probably gonna be appointed as such.
Say the powers are elemental, roughly, Say their personalities are shaped by the land itself - lakes or mountains, hills or plains - and the continuous philosophy of those who cultivate (upon) them. They choose their favorites based on who most matches what they are, and the strongest sect leaders are those with the greatest affinity for their land.
Or, lemme put it like this: 
Lan Wangji was always GusuLan’s favorite, unwavering and fastidious, aloof and righteous and eternal as the cool mountain peaks. Its cool shrouded him; its ice turned Bichen’s edge even sharper. Even though he was far away in a land of fire, it flowed to him like a high-speed glacier when his father died - and he, panicking and desperate, denied it. 
It wasn’t the refusal that turned it away - though it’s true, one must actively accept a land’s power; it cannot be forced upon a person. But usually, in such a dispute, the wouldn’t-be recipient dies - in a fight between one human and an entire countryside over that human’s soul, it is acceptance or destruction. Instead, it was...well, the fact of refusal. The fact that he broke, that his gut instinct - resolute as ever - was the shirking of responsibility. That, GusuLan could not tolerate. It didn’t press the issue to destruction, because Lan Wangji wasn’t its chosen after all.
There was nothing, to be clear, wrong with Lan Xichen. He was a little warmer, but still beautiful and distant. He would bend, but his core was upright and unfaltering. He followed the rules to the letter. He was even closer, physically - and in that little cabin in which he was sleeping, hidden, he woke sharply from a restless sleep as the air around him turned to welcome ice.
Or like this:
Jiang Cheng was never YunmengJiang’s first choice. He wasn’t even its second choice. The lakes of YunmengJiang - bright and warm with sunlight, loud with the chatter of market crowds, sweet and beautiful with lotus seeds and petals, all over drowning-dark depths...how could they not fall in love with the boy their Jiang Fengmian bought home? How could the water not leap to follow his every gesture, whenever he went out upon it?
(Except that when he first felt it pressing at him with not just curiosity but love, he thought of Madam Yu’s clenched fist and Jiang Cheng’s yearning gaze, and he shoved it away as hard and fast as he could.)
Failing that, how could they not adore their eldest daughter, sweet and kind and welcoming to all, and protective enough to wield words like deadly blades? Once the land is cultivated to its own sentience, it doesn’t need to be a cultivator who bears its power...
(Except it does still need to be someone whose heart the doctors don’t worry over every time she does something more spiritually strenuous than meditate. And she cannot stay, she’ll explain one day, weeping, on a boat she’s rowed out to the middle of the lake herself. If it was just a matter of love - but they also need the alliance, or Lotus Pier, Yunmeng, YunmengJiang itself might be lost - )
So. Jiang Cheng wears all his deadliness on the surface and all his joy and welcome deep beneath, and YunmengJiang is the opposite. But at least he stays. Land moves on a geological time, and YunmengJiang more than most loves all its people, not just a select family. It can leap readily to the will of someone who stays and looks after them.
Agreement was universal that Nie Mingjue was a perfect bearer of QingheNie, mighty and stern and stubborn as the mountain granite. As tall, too, some would joke. It’s traditional for a Sect Leader to wear at all times a symbol of their land’s blessing - Lan Xichen’s headdresses always sparkle with a thin coating of ice; a lightly jeweled hip flask has been passed from Jiang to Jiang in which to hold lakewater. Upon taking title and land from his father, Nie Mingjue wears a circlet of rock on his brow, hard stone crafted with his own hands as though molding clay. 
Agreement was equally universal that Nie Huaisang was possibly the worst bearer of QingheNie in the clan’s entire history. Flighty where he should be staunch and stern, barely able (much less willing) to lift a blade, as flappable as one of his fans...as Sect Leader, he set a chunk of granite into the base of each one of those silly fans, but it was a public secret that the stone had been carved and smoothed by a stoneworker, not the Headshaker.
The mountains of Qinghe shook with grief on the day Nie Mingjue died, as they had for his father; grief and rage. The Unclean Realm itself shifted and nearly collapsed in several places - some of its famous defensibility came from being set into the mountainside itself, the back halls giving way to twisting tunnels running through the rock. Can you imagine how long one fighter with a saber can hold a single slim tunnel? Hidden ways, their secrets known only to the inhabitants; the deeper an enemy goes, the less likely they are to come out...
A single chip of granite launched across the room with fury can drive through a man’s eye and into his brain, killing him instantly, even with a fan trailing behind. Fortunately, it never needed to come to anything that gauche.
(It would have preferred Nie Mingjue, it really would, but even more than GusuLan, the last thing QingheNie has ever done is falter.)
If the Burial Mounds had once been cultivated to a benevolent sentience and their power then corrupted, it’s been forgotten. But resentful and spiritual energy are two sides of the same coin, and the Burial Mounds yearn for company, for lives to call their own, just like any other land...but what sort of person has enough rage, vengeance, heartache, and loss to match them? Who could have enough strength of spirit to bear the touch of a land whose elemental power is death itself?
Trick question, we all know the answer to that. 
Good thing we got him, too, because defeating Wen Ruohan at the heart of the volcano he commands is a bitch and a half. (He wears a jagged crown of obsidian glass and Nie Mingjue will walk away with a burn on his face from the man’s touch.)
LanlingJin’s power is invested in light. Their Sect Leaders - or in Jin Ling’s case, Sect Heirs - carry a lantern at one hip, representative more than anything (one cannot cage light.) Or, you know, they just lowkey glow all the time - but that’s not convenient on a night hunt; you need something coverable. Jin Ling would have inherited it from his father, but instead it came directly from - you know, I so, so want to say his grandmother? But I don’t think Meng Yao, Jin Guangyao, would turn out quite the same were Jin Guangshan not exactly as Sect Leader as he in canon, and I’m loath to say Jin Sect is, like, particularly sexist or something to let both be true. So, grandfather it is, unfortunately. 
Jin Guangyao is jealous, but Jin Guangyao has too many secrets for bright LanlingJin. Maybe it would twist to suit him, with another couple generations dark and poisoned beneath the pretty lights, but not yet. Not even with how easily it’s gift can flow into illusions. Fortunately, LanlingJin is also the most gentle of the Great Sect Lands - perhaps weak, with how its family has been failing it, recently, in their stated intent. So Jin Ling can withstand its sudden flood even at the ripe age of two and a half.
It makes up for a little, for Jin Ling to have no memory of a time when he didn’t have the fierce, warm, bright affection of a coastal tower, busy city, and sun-drenched skies curled possessively around his soul. YunmengJiang bristles at the intrusion and mourns another loss (oh, YunmengJiang...at least it’s in accord with Jiang Cheng); and LanlingJin doesn’t like that its favorite so often strays so far. But family is important, both lands can reluctantly agree (in the manner of circling tigers, wary and territorial, thoughts not quite human.) They both want him loved.
...oh yeah, I was supposed to talk about Lan Sizhui, wasn’t I.
GusuLan would love that boy. It does love him, in its cold, discreet way. But it’s...complicated. It’s not Lan Sizhui’s fault. (Of the three, this is very much the AU least about Lan Sizhui.)
It’s the second battle of the Burial Mounds, as the second horde of corpses approaches. Wei Wuxian paces, mutters to Lan Wangji, "If I still had the land...but I don't know where it is. I can't hear it at all. I don't understand it."
This is not how Lan Wangji wanted to do this - though in fairness, he had no idea what would be a non-awkward way. He still doesn’t. Just a little louder than to be an answer to Wei Wuxian, he says, "Lan Sizhui."
"Yes, Huangang-jun?" The boy is at his elbow in an instant
Lan Wangji turns a little to include him in the conversation. He'd be gesturing if he was a man who made unnecessary motions. "Lan Yuan."
"Yes?" he repeats. 
Wei Wuxian stares at the both blankly.
"A-Yuan," Lan Wangji clarifies. He draws his guqin but he can't quite make eye contact with either of them.
Wei Wuxian gasps. He cups Lan Sizhui's very baffled cheeks (except something is a little familiar...) and peers at his face, turning it this way and that to check for familiar features. He peers deeper in a way that would be stunningly rude in anyone else (it’s still stunningly rude; they’ve all just come to expect that of Wei Wuxian) and likely impossible if there wasn't a shared affinity for what he seeks - but the bond is distant, so distant. Buried, smothered, bound.
(Lan Yuan, now Sizhui, has always felt like there was something he was missing, something he couldn't remember that was just out of reach. He thought it was the concept of parents or something like that, or maybe just a natural ennui that everyone had and didn’t speak of for propriety’s sake. He discarded it, because of course he had everything he could ever want.)
"A-Yuan..." Wei Wuxian looks at Lan Wangji, wondering, smoldering with love - and just the tiniest bit of reproach.
Lan Wangji looks away. It's a terrible thing to block someone off from their spiritual power, and it's a worse thing yet to block them off from the any power of a land they may bear. One is an insult to an individual, the other to the earth itself, almost as heretical as demonic cultivation. Su She, of course, has done both today, but only temporarily...and that’s a low bar to which to be compared.
But there was too much roiling in Wen Yuan when Lan Wangji found him, death and -
(You know what, I can’t decide: Did QishanWen’s smoldering lava pass to Wen Qing when no one closer was available, ceaseless fire matching ceaseless fire? Or were the Dafan Wens sufficiently distinct for long enough, far enough, that she was already taken? Is there DafanWen in its own right, high hills with the power of growth, from dainty flowers to ancient trees, twisting vines to healing herbs? 
...yes, I think so. 
But I also think they were close enough in blood, had spent enough time in the heart of the Nightless City, for some inheritance. So the reason no one stepped forward, at the Yiling Patriarch’s demand, to admit to killing Wen Ning was that...Wen Ning knew he was too weak, insufficiently greedy/ambitious for things to burn and build anew; he knew QishanWen was too quenched and dormant after its defeat to the Sunshot Alliance, and he was too far away and it was literally raining. He knew that to fight back would only bring pain down on more of their people. But even so, there was no one to step forward, because the man who dealt the killing blow burned screaming to ashes.
There were sparks left in the souls of each member of the blood left alive, but not enough to burst to flame. With that last death, QishanWen lay...dormant.)
(Until, maybe, almost all the rest of them were killed in the space of about 10 minutes. That must’ve sent a couple sparks flying.,,)
- so there was too much roiling in Wen Yuan when Lan Wangji found him. Verdant DafanWen was barely settled, still reeling from the loss of its favored daughter, the best healer in three generations. QishanWen sparked with new loss and ire, driving a fever. And the Burial Mounds, whose touch was death...
It is possible, for two lands to share a host. Boundaries are a human invention; the Earth is all one thing. Pride and territorialism are taught. And even if those have set in, they can certainly fight, in the infinite space of a human soul.
And the Burial Mounds loved that child. He wasn’t raging, he wasn’t mourning (except he was just starting to, now); but he wasn’t scared of them. Why would be be? The dead things that roamed it belonged to his Xian-gege; the living were his family; this land was his home.
But the Burial Mounds’ was the power of death itself, and A-Yuan wasn’t a teenager filled with enough determination to burn down the sun, he was three years old and scared. The extremely forbidden hasty ritual to (not cut it off, to late for that) hide it, bind it, bury it - this wasn't just for concealment. It saved his life.
Back in the present day, Lan Wangji says this with reluctantly raised eyes, and Wei Wuxian nods. Because oh boy does he know about that roiling spirit of death.
There's a horde of corpses approaching; they don't have time to be tender. 
"A-Yuan," says Wei Wuxian, swiping a thumb over his cheek as though to clear away a tear, and then dropping his hand. "Lan Sizhui, you trust us, right?"
"Of course?" Lan Sizhui glances uncertainly at Lan Wangji, head aching with memories about to surface.
Lan Wangji nods imperceptibly and starts to play - and it only takes a few strong chords, precisely chosen. It's always easier to break a wall than build it.
It's in QishanWen's nature to erupt but it's weak, dormant; it hasn't been home in over a decade and this boy has been trained to ice, not fire. It’s in DafanWen’s nature to flourish but it, too, is far from the earth of its body, and this is a place of death, not life. 
They are in the Burial Mounds, fifty steps from the blood pool that may as well be its heart. So the volcano stays dormant the grassy hills are quiet as ever, and the raging, too-long-stifled spirit of the Burial Mounds pours forth in whirling shadows that double Lan Sizhui's height. He gasps a scream at the weight of the sudden flood, at the tearing sensation in his soul (tearing open in a way that is right - last child of a dead clan remembering; lost child of a dead land coming home.) Several other people scream and point at the family meeting that had previously gone mostly unnoticed, in a corner of a Demon Suppression Cave. What is the Yiling Patriarch doing to that Lan disciple?!
The Burial Mounds are starting to turn on their only-just-realized child, whether they mean it or not, because their nature is death to all they touch. The Yiling Patriarch is standing forth, spreading his arms, and shouting, "Hey, jackass! Get back in here, we have more vengeance to wreak!"
The cultivation world watches (Lan Wangji catches a staggering Lan Sizhui) as with a sound like the rushing wind, shifting earth, screaming dead, it pours back into Wei Wuxian.
It’s just like before. It’s rage and pain and loss and vengeance and heartache. It’s Madam Yu’s hard eyes and the way Jiang Fengmian’s face shuttered when he heard the Core-Melting Hand was in Lotus Pier, before he even shoved them back in the boat; it’s Wen Ning’s broken form and Jin Zixuan’s, not fifty feet and ten months apart; it’s Wen Qing’s soft, I’m sorry, and thank you, and Jiang Yanli’s blood dripping down his arm. It’s the crack as the Tiger Seal shattered in his hand, or was that his own neck...
Wei Wuxian might be laughing, as he greets death like an old friend. But when he opens his eyes, it’s to a soft, “Wei Ying,” on the lips of his...Lan Zhan. Mourning whites sullied with the Burial Mounds’ (Wei Wuxian’s) dirt and blood. He’s holding up Lan Sizhui - A-Yuan, their son - and maybe Wei Wuxian is closer to a land spirit than human right now, or maybe he’s just hallucinating, but he swears he can see leaves uncurling behind the boy’s wide eyes. Wen Qing would be proud - if they get out of here alive, he’ll grow the most amazing things.
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danger-xylophones · 3 years
A Rose Garden in a World of Sage Brush oc list (The leads)
{ARGWSB masterlist}
Octa Delilah “Ranger” “Octie” Miller
Big Iron - Marty Robbins
Tumbling Tumbleweeds - Marty Robbins
God’s Gonna Cut You Down - Johnny Cash
I Walk the Line - Johnny Cash
Lonesome Polecat - 7 Brides for 7 Brothers
Bless Yore Beautiful Hide - 7B7B
When You’re in Love - 7B7B
Wonderful, Wonderful Day -7B7B
People Will Say We’re in Love - Oklahoma
Ten Minutes Ago - Cinderella
Do I Love You Because You’re Beautiful - Cinderella
- Parents moved west in 1844, the year she was born. 
- Octa was 16 when she met Ashton - parents passed so Octa moved to California 
- They broke up when she was 18
- Octa roamed the land, became a ranger/bounty hunter
- She’s 25 when she meets Rose
First impression: Octa is rather stoic due to her natural, more reserved personality. She’s not used to staying in one spot for long, again, due to her occupation. By the time she meets Rose, Octa has been on her own for seven years, moving from place to place. She’s not quite friendly but she’s not outright rude to people either. She’s just distant. 
Personality: Octa is a lot of things. She’s kind, but distant. Serious, but happy to joke and tease people she likes. Reserved about her life but not withholding on her emotions. She’s also a flirt. She’s very confident in her abilities and herself and when she knows what she wants, she knows how to get it. Very capable. She has a more grey-scewed moral code because of her line of work. A hopeless romantic too.
Random: Octa likes to draw. Her favorite color is lilac. And she does not know how to read or write (important later).
Physical attributes: Octa is tall, pushing 5′11 and she dresses more ambiguous to hide her body type. This helps her intimidate people. She’s sturdy from years of dragging or pushing people around when needed. Long legs, narrow hips, her shoulders are on the broader side (think triangle). Her face is a diamond shape and her nose is hooked and just slightly too big. (Hence Smoke’s nickname for her, Hawk Head). It also crooks to the left. 
Her skin is a tawny brown with a very warm undertone and darker in some spots due to frequent sun exposure. She has fair green eyes reminiscent of jade. Her hair is dark brown but is often mistaken for being black, she keeps it up at all times with two frayed and faded red and gold ribbons that were gifted to her by her mother. When down, it hits her upper back and is naturally wavy. 
1 Colt Navy Revolver 
1 Flat Crowned, wide-brimmed hat in black with a red ribbon tied around it
1 tan, brown, and black ruana
Rose Christendatter
Still developing
Rose Garden  - Lynn Anderson
The Little Green Valley - Marty Robbins
Violets and Silverbells - Shenandoah
Goin’ Co’tin’ - 7 Brides for 7 Brothers
When You’re in Love (Reprise) - 7B7B
Falling in Love with Love - Cinderella 
June Bride - 7B7B
People Will Say We’re in Love - Oklahoma
Ten Minutes Ago - Cinderella
Do I Love You Because You’re Beautiful - Cinderella
Jolene - Dolly Parton
- Rose Christendatter was born in 1842 in New York
- She learned how to read and write from her Grandfather who also taught her how to teach. 
- Moved with her parents out west in 1867
- Became the local teacher in an outpost founded by a family friend - Lee Docker
First impression: Demure. Uptight. Flappable. Neurotic. Stuck in her ways. 
Personality: Rose Christendatter is all of the above. Definitely not the sort you’d expect out West. She’s a prim and propper, God-fearing young lady. If given the option, she’d much prefer to be back East with her grandparents. But she is curious about the world around her if not still incredibly naive. She is emotional sometimes to her detriment. Definitely dealing with internalized homophobia and misogyny. Got a long way to go in her story. But she’s also very sociable and well-liked in her community.
Random: She likes flowers and the story Don Quixote
Physical attributes: Rose is short to contrast Octa. She stands at about 5′2 with a pear-shaped body. Her face is very round. Her mouth is a little too small for the rest of her face, she has wide grey eyes, and long, straight dirty blonde hair. Her face is white with a notable, constant pink tint to it - sunburn or blush, hard to tell. She has a rounded, button-like nose and notable dimples. She keeps her hair braided back and normally hidden by some type of hat - it hits at her shoulders when down. 
White, crocheted shawl
Various hats
Light brown, high heeled boots gifted to her by her grandfather
Ashton “Smoke Storm” Morgan
Still developing
Savage Dogs - Palko Musiki
Billy the Kid - Marty Robbins
It’s All Over but the Crying - Ink Spots (specifically the first part of it)
Sobbin’ Women - 7 Brides for 7 Brothers
I Don’t Want to Set the World on Fire - Ink Spots
Stepsister’s Lament - Cinderella (Jk)
Ring of Fire - Johnny Cash
Jolene - Dolly Parton
-  Ashton Morgan moved out west in 1849 when her parents became 49′s
- Born in 1843
- Also from the East
- Abandoned gold-mining in favor of good old fashioned fuck you government actions 
- Started a band of rogues that ran up and down the west coast and terrorized settlements
- Was Octa’s first and longest girlfriend prior to Rose
First impression: Ashton is a master of disguise when it comes to who she is so what you perceive upon first meeting her is different depending on why you’re meeting her. But, generally, she comes across as non-threatening but with a rebellious debonair attitude. 
Personality: Ashton is dramatic in the best way possible. She’s spunky, loud, and sharp-tongued. While not the most astute at times, she more than makes up for it with her ability to wriggle out of any situation. She’s very clever. It’s her world, we’re just living in it. She does have a temper also but it cools just as quick as it flares. Stubborn as they come. 
Random: Ashton has a raging sweet tooth
Physical Attributes: Ashton Morgan is, simply put, a vision. Around 5′5, hourglass figure, shiny auburn hair, pouty lips, wide, brown eyes in an oval face.
Colt Single Action Army
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chelsfic · 4 years
Inherited - Dracula/OFC - Dracula (2020) fanfic
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A/N: Welcome to my fic! The Original Female Character’s family has always served Count Dracula. Emilie has just inherited the position of housekeeper from her grandmother. Though she was warned of his ghoulish appetites, she wasn’t prepared for the intense attraction she would feel for him nor his ability to bring her under his spell. This will be multiple parts. Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future posts!
“Shall I set the table tonight, milord?” asked the new housekeeper, Emilie, standing to one side of the wingback armchair where her master sat reading a newspaper. She clasped her hands demurely in front of her and hunched her shoulders forward in a posture that was all together subservient and frightened, like a skittish dog waiting to be struck. 
Ordinarily a housekeeper in a grand house like this one would be an old matron-type with years of experience and an unflappable disposition. Emilie was decidedly inexperienced and entirely flappable. She had inherited the position only weeks prior from her late grandmother, Mrs. Andrews. The old woman had served Count Dracula for decades, having inherited the role from her own mother. The Count’s unique lifestyle necessitated a certain amount of discretion and familiarity from his household staff. As a result that staff was kept small--just a housekeeper and a cook--and the positions were passed down from generation to generation. This meant that, with no need to hire outsiders, his secrets were safely guarded.
Emilie had assisted her grandmother for the last several years but the old woman always kept her sheltered from the frightful persona of the master, only allowing her to help with the daytime cleaning chores. Of course, Emilie had learned about the Count’s ways as her mother and grandmother had before her. She knew, for example, that Count Dracula had no appetite for food or drink but would frequently invite guests for dinner. Those guests fell into two categories: those who visited once and were never heard from again and those who remained for an extended stay. Extended guests fell under a pallor as if the atmosphere of the mansion were poisonous to them. Emilie could understand. She’d never felt quite safe within these walls.
“No, Emilie, we won’t be entertaining guests this evening. But,” Dracula’s eyes lingered on the girl’s neck, watching the fluttering pulse of blood race beneath her pale skin, “why don’t you keep me company for a while instead? I’m afraid I’ve been dreadfully neglectful of you since you’ve taken over dear old Mrs. Andrews’s duties. Take a seat by the fire with me.”
The count gestured to a low, upholstered ottoman sitting before his chair. It was an odd request and one she couldn’t remember her grandmother ever telling her to expect from him. Grandmother always made sure to stress how safe the Andrews family was with the Count, despite his fearful aspect and dubious appetite. Emilie knew, without having it explicitly spelled out, that Dracula was not human, that he fed from humans in some ghastly way in order to stay alive. But her family had always served him and he had never trespassed against the trust of that bond. But this, the Count’s request, was outside what she’d been led to expect from the relationship between master and servant. 
Dracula looked up at her from his seat, eyes gleaming with reflected firelight and a mischievous smirk on his lips, “Now, now, Emilie. You needn’t be frightened of me. You know that, don’t you?”
He must have noticed the tremor in her hands, the shakiness of her breath, but the Count wore a neutral expression as if not wanting to embarrass the girl by drawing attention to her fear. Emilie stepped forward and lowered herself to sit on the plush ottoman. She was much closer to the Count than she’d ever been before. Her knees, beneath the chaste fabric of her long skirts, brushed against his pant legs. She drew in a trembling breath and wrung her hands together in her lap.
“Yes, milord?” she ventured, uncertain what kind of company or conversation the Count desired. Now that she was seated she had to look up at him to meet his gaze. His broad shoulders and muscular frame were that much more apparent and intimidating from this angle. Emilie was just a wee thing. She was obliged to carry a step stool around the mansion with her during her cleaning rounds or else she’d never be able to reach the tops of the shelves and cabinets to dust them.
Dracula smiled down at her and she watched the white gleam of his teeth. It was a predator’s smile, like a wolf or a shark. Something small and ancestral cringed inside of her at that smile.
“How are you settling in, Emilie? I do hope you don’t mind my use of your first name. I can’t think of you as Mrs. Andrews quite yet,” the Count laughed and his eyes slid down her frame, taking in the plump curves and narrow waist of youth. Housekeepers were generally referred to as “Mrs” regardless of marital status. But they were also usually older than twenty-four.
Emilie blushed and ducked her head to avoid catching his knowing gaze. She’d always been frightened of Count Dracula. The mysterious, ominous stories told of him by her grandmother during her youth had instilled a healthy wariness in her. But before three weeks ago she had not ever spent any long period of time with the man and now that she had there were other feelings mixed in and warring with her fear. The Count was undoubtedly a handsome man. His powerful frame and tall stature were more than just intimidating--they were alluring. His lush dark hair and sharp angled face were impossible for Emilie not to admire. She’d gone about her chores for the last few weeks not only terribly frightened of her new master, but secretly harboring a girlish fancy for him as well. The mixture of emotions was heady and confusing. 
The Count reached out and grasped her chin with his long, elegant fingers forcing her to meet his gaze, “Tell me, Emilie, are you frightened of me?”
Emilie felt herself falling into the dark brown depths of his eyes. She felt the heat of the fireplace licking at her back and saw the orange glow of its reflection in his gaze. His grip on her chin tightened a fraction and she caught her breath. She could not move or look away. She was entirely under his power.
“Yes, milord,” she responded in barely a whisper, “I am frightened.”
Dracula’s lips quirked in a lopsided grin and his eyes gleamed with delight, “Why are you afraid of me, Emilie?”
I mustn’t answer, Emilie thought furiously attempting to blink away the fog of his hold on her. But when she opened her eyes again she was still enthralled and she found herself speaking words to explain what she barely understood herself, “Because….because of wh-what you do, milord.”
Dracula’s grin only widened and he prodded her further, “And what do I do to frighten you, sweet girl?”
Before she could answer he released his grip on her chin and dropped both hands to her waist, drawing her up and into his lap.  Emilie squeaked in surprise but found that she had no will to resist him. Never in her life had any man taken such liberties with her. The Count left one hand on her hip and with the other began to gently stroke up her side and across her shoulders as if to comfort her. He donned an expression of concern and added, “You can tell me, Emilie. It’s alright.”
A voice in the back of her head sounded a warning. This was improper. This was dangerous. But Emilie was still arrested by the Count’s gaze and sinking beneath the intoxicating languor of his touch. She heard the Count’s words and her own grandmother’s words echoed within them. She was safe with him. Safe from him.
“You...hurt people, milord,” she breathed, letting go of her fear and her anxiety. She leaned into his chest, loose-limbed and completely vulnerable, her head fell to rest against his shoulder. “Don’t you?”
She felt the rumble of his laugh building up in his chest. He drew his arms around her in a gentle embrace and dipped his head to lay a chaste kiss on her forehead.
“But never you, my sweet girl,” he whispered, lips brushing against her earlobe. Emilie shuddered involuntarily and lifted her arms to wind them around his neck. “Never you.”
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sometimesivibe · 4 years
The best fucking lines :
"I hear you Iris, because I'm deaf in no ears."
"Everything is fine! Everybody stay calm! And pay attention to my words and not my tone!!"
"I think I've just swallowed a tooth... I don't think it's one of my teeth."
"If you're injured just stay where you are and we'll get to you. If you're not injured but you're lying on top of someone who is, stop it."
"My, you are flexible. You are - oh it's broken."
"Did you hit your head?" "No I did not. Unfortunately I am still fully conscious."
"Oh for fucks sake what is the matter with you people?!"
"I can be in the vicinity of a catastrophe wearing a nice hat, anything more than that I'm out!!"
"Am I Australian? No I'm not Australian. I'll tell you what I am, I'm English."
"Passengers find American more reassuring, God knows why."
"Bravo! That's a fantastic contribution! Well done! You should get a badge for that! Maybe a little gold J I don't know?"
"I mean the man could barely finish. . . In terms of sentences."
"She's my favourite." "Is she? Uh huh."
"Who are you and what happened to your trousers?"
"Ma'am If I had an escape pod I would put you in it . . . Set the fucking thing on fire."
"Not normally one for prayer. That's not going to change."
"Oh shitting aunts!"
"If we put your brain up against NASAs, you'll come up a bit fucking short!"
"Oh Christ I hate space!!!"
"Oh for fucks sake! I so hate gravity too!!"
"We are black belt ballsing this up right now."
"Matt, can I use you as an insult proof vest?"
"... Because you've been a wild kind of useless."
"Come in , my door is always broken."
"Keep it like that. Suits my rage."
"I feel like you're attacking me." "I AM ATTACKING YOU! That's why you're feeling that!! I'm attacking you!!"
"Does anybody know what the fuck they're doing??!!"
"A king's ransom for anyone who knows what the fuck they're doing!!"
"Hey you. Shut all of that right now!!"
"Oh bugger. I'm still here."
"You know what I have written on my hand? Unclench me. "
"Coitus is not on the menu." "That's a very odd menu ... but sure, absolutely."
"That's, that's pretty smooth."
"Oh for fucks sake."
"Oh Judith of Norwich."
"I am solid, I am dependable, I am un-fucking-flappable!!"
"Fly safe Cap." "Oh fuck off Collin."
"Everybody stay calm! Pay attention to my words and not my tone of voice!"
"I want that as a ringtone! I definitely do!"
"I'm laughing because I'm terrified!"
"Sara slash Sara who's driving me slash wrists insane."
"If it's any consolation, I hate me."
"Oh that is just pure arse juice."
"Was that a good shudder or a bad shudder?"
"Of all the things that are not good about this, one of them is that I'm still drunk."
"Is there a worse way to die? Because right now, I think, I'd be inclined to pick that one."
"With every fiber of my being, no."
"I'd always hoped my last words might be something better than 'fuck me no'."
"All I got from that was, you're gonna die out here."
"Oh God just fuck me and don't even give me your name."
"I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know how anybody knows what they're doing. Does anybody know what they're doing? How does anything work, does anybody know?"
"Orifices, they're all over us, that can't be safe can it?"
"Oh bollocks! Oh can everything just fuck off?!"
"Billie don't ever, ever show anyone your feelings. Alright? Just bury them as deep as you can. Scrunch them up into a little tiny ball and then just ... (GROWLS). Grow a couple ulcers if you want to mark the spot, but otherwise just smile, pretend everything is fine.”
"Worked for every extinct species in the universe."
“Calm - and I cannot stress this enough - THE FUCK DOWN!!”
"It's a baby." "Yeah it's a good one."
"I almost forgot the organ failure."
"Fucking hands. All you have to do is hold the cup. Fumbling bitches."
"Three words. Theatrical lighting rig." "Right here is five - what what and why. Uh no wait. That's four."
"Fuck I'm so tired. Jesus."
"Jesus frazzling Christ. Can we skip the missing letters round?"
"Oxygen conservation policies. Well that's a lungful right there. "
"Oh you, mother total fuck!!!"
"Quiet! You chattering fucks!!"
"You have to think before you speak. And then think again. And then think 'I shouldn't speak'. And then don't speak."
"Will you shut the fuck up???"
"Who knew shit could be so enchanting?"
"Okay it's over. The nightmare is over. This nightmare is over. "
"Joy? It's a human emotion. Used to be quite popular."
"As long as it keeps people from murdering me in my bed I'll be happy."
"I've a feeling he spent the first couple of years of his life in a shed."
"Can you stop this?" "Absolutely." *Does absolutely nothing*
"Problem?" "No, no just relishing the cold embrace of an empty inbox."
"We have three and a half years." " Is that enough time?" "Well it usually does take five." "Five years?!" "Mmhmm." "Right well you see I notice a difference between those two numbers."
"And these extremely gifted candidates, are they guys in their late 50s who can barely steer piss into a toilet bowl?"
"You really think I can do it?" ". . . No you can't do it. Who am I kidding?"
"I was just trying to boost your confidence." "For three seconds!!" "I'm sorry that's all I could muster."
"By rights, this should be the worst moment in my life. But now I have to go up and host the Captain's table and smile and be charming. So ... That can be the worst moment of my life."
"Right that's it. I'm fucking done! I'm done! "
"Fuck it! There are jauntier dinners on death row!"
"You know what else is in a coma?! My marriage! And I've just heard that they're going to switch off life support!"
"Oh to be a happy cretin!"
"The only thing I hear there is 'dead'."
"Just been depositing 10 kilos of emotional baggage."
"Feels like I'm trying to urinate in front of a war crimes tribunal."
"Oh what is this?? Fucking country dancing?!?"
"You're like a whole zoo escaped!!"
"You're British and bald??" "BALDING! BALDING!!"
"I'm as mad as a fucking bear!"
"Wow you guys are stupid even for rich people!"
"Oh don't be as stupid as your face!!"
"We just watched seven people stupid themselves to death."
"I am up to here with suicides, I tell you."
"This is what we're going to do. We're going to find him, we're going to get the codes, and we're going to kill him."
"Proactive." "Yeah like a yoghurt."
"I have the decision making capacity of a pigeon in a library ... I saw a pigeon in a library once. Did not make good decisions."
"She had a dignity to her, don't you think? A sort of potatoey grandeur."
"Why do I keep thinking I'm clever? I'm not! On a good day I'm barely not stupid!"
"Okay! The sad clown seems to have misunderstood what we're trying to do here."
"Will you pause the shitty open mic routine for just two minutes?!"
"I am moved by your faith. And then your lack of it. And now your indifference."
"This is like psychosis but without any of the advantages."
"You think she can hear me?" "No, but you may as well keep screaming."
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What would unfortunate gen go as for Halloween? (Could you do six baudelaires too)
Violet - She always chooses some complicated (usually steampunk-ish) cosplay to make herself. She’s made her own flappable wings for a dragon-girl outfit, color-changing wigs, and dresses that spin into other dresses. Most “mainstream” she’s gone was when she made a cosplay of Rose Tyler, though she still made herself a glowing wig (that she later re-used for Yang Xiao Long outfit) and added glow-in-the-dark paint to her jacket that read Bad Wolf. 
Klaus - He always chooses a book character to make an impressively accurate cosplay for. Usually nobody recognizes him but he doesn’t care because he’s having fun. His costumes range from mainstream-ish stuff like “Ravenclaw but it’s a book-accurate costume” to “So yeah I decided to be Odysseus this year but it’s vaguely modern because it’s cold out.” 
Sunny - Baby Sunny’s first Halloween was spent dressed as a shark. Afterwards, she is ALL about the vampires and witches. 
Quagmires - they LOVE doing themed costumes. earliest Halloween they remember, they went as the Aristocats. As they get older, they get more into “creepy halloween makeup” so they definitely do, like, Horror Monster stuff. One year they did 3/5 of the Teen Titans and Isadora was Raven because goth. 
Fiona - much like Klaus, she likes to pick obscure characters to cosplay; Merricat Blackwood (no this isn’t inspired by my one-shot), Nancy Whitman from Wayward Children, Eleanor Vance, Rhoda Penmark, etc. Most mainstream she went was Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas. 
Carmelita - Always some princess or fairy, usually with a very expensive costume she can show off. She adores doing makeup for herself every year, too, and if in the future she gets redeemed, she def does the makeup for the rest of the unfortunate gen, no matter how much Klaus tells her to stop. 
Friday - she is SO pumped to do Halloween on the mainland that she has a different costume for every Halloween event she attends. She at first likes to buy costumes from movies she likes, cheap stuff she can afford with her allowance, like Party City Elsa dresses or cute witchy outfits, but eventually Fiona and her new mom Ellington teach her how to make her own. She still likes to be princesses, though, and she definitely does Moana quite a lot. 
Bea - Sunny and Bea think it’s cute if they match. When Sunny’s a vampire, Bea’s a bat (which she LOVES, she gets to flap around the wings!). When Sunny’s a witch, Bea’s her cat. Once they went as Elsa and Anna. 
Lilac - Halloween is her JAM. She will wear ANYTHING and scare the SHIT out of everyone. All the creepiest costumes you can think of, she has done, with no regard for how long it will take nor how dangerous the costume could be. (No, Klaus, nobody will mind if I can actually breathe fire outta this.) The only time of the year she has no concern for anybody else. 
Nick - He likes to piss Lilac off by wearing a tshirt that says “this is my costume” or just dressing as Klaus. However, he will sometimes do group costumes with Violet and Klaus, and he’ll dress up as anything Soli asks him to. 
Solitude - she just wears a lil snake or dragon costume and hisses/roars at anyone who comes near her
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libertasrpg · 4 years
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We welcome Jack Dawson to the city. He’s 26 years old and is a con man. Dodger is often mistaken for Douglas Booth. He’s open.
→ Background Information
Jack Dawson was ditched on the doorstep of a care home for kids age 6. The reality of the situation didn’t settle in until a month had passed by and Mommy and Daddy still weren’t coming back to pick him up. The system wasn’t exactly friendly to Jack. He was just a number to them. It ended up being that if Jack needed money for school stuff, he’d earn it himself. What started out as a simple talent for swiping from other kids or selling stuff on the playground, developed into a talent for swiping wallets from strangers on streets or even conning the money out of them. While it was risky, young Jack would much rather risk that than deal with the bullies who humiliated him for wearing worn out shoes and sweaters with holes in.
→ Relocation Explanation
There was absolutely no chance of Jack attending college. He instead got a dead end job in a restaurant upon turning 18 and sub-let a single room in a dodgy area. For the next couple of years, he moved from illegal sub-let to illegal sublet. The more he moved, the less able he was to get proper jobs. The continuous job and location changes don’t exactly look good to potential employers. So, Jack instead started picking up cash-in-hand jobs and returned to his childhood trade of theft and conning. Eventually he ran out of options of places to sub-let in his home city. He knew all along it’d happen one day. So, Jack was forced to look further afield. After learning about a brand new city, Jack figured it’d be the perfect place to set up shop as it was more likely he’d have less competition on the streets.
→ Living Situation
Thanks to Jack’s less-than-legal entering of the city, Jack couldn’t go through the formal procedure to get a place. He was used to doing things off the books though so it wasn’t long before he found Fagin, who was looking for people to fill a house. Jack was actually the first one to move in. His room is also probably the messiest in the house. He has little cares, and little time, to waste on simply keeping his room tidy - Especially when all he uses the room for really is sleeping. Rita tries to get him to keep on top of it but she’s little luck. He does occasionally help with tidying around the house but that’s only because he knows he’ll get it in the neck from Rita if he doesn’t.
→ His Personality
They don’t come more charming than Jack Dawson. He could probably charm his way out of a parking fine if he wanted. Even when he gets caught conning, Jack is able to dodge his way out of being reported to the police. This is how he earned his nickname Dodger. These constant wins however have meant that Jack has grown to become quite arrogant and cocky over the years. Dodger really thinks he is the bee’s knees. He’s also not very good at listening to what other people have to say. Once he’s mind is set on something, that’s that. Jack can fly off the handle quite easily if challenge. The only other thing that annoys Jack that much is disloyalty. At the first glimpse of someone even so much as considering giving up on him or leaving, he shuts them out before they can do the same to him.
→ His Qualities
Confident, selfless, humorous
Sly, devious, arrogant, entitled
→ His Relationships
Oliver Twist (Friend): Oliver and Jack met out and about in Libertas after Oliver was mistaken for a thief (when it had actually been Jack who had swiped the mans wallet). He wasn’t interested in getting to know the kid to begin with but Oliver’s persistence eventually wore Jack down. Now, Oliver is somewhat of a little brother to Jack. He teaches him everything he knows - For example, how to swipe a wallet without being caught.
Solomon Fagin (Landlord & housemate): Fagin expected payment within moments of Jack moved in and of course, he was happy to get to work. Dodg didn’t mind all that much. Even outside of rent costs, Jack is happy to lend a hand to Fagin. The guy really isn’t all that bad and they actually get on quite well. This is why, whenever Fagin is stressed about money, Jack is usually the one to talk him down and make him a drink.
Rita Morales (Best friend & housemate): While Jack absolutely never lets on how much he cares about Rita, he couldn’t imagine a world without her. They immediately hit it off when they first moved into the house.  Regardless of what the day has bought them, you’ll usually catch them updating each other on their lives over a bottle of tequila.
Willian Einstein, Francis Einstein & Ignacio de Tito (Friends & housemates): It’d be wrong to say that Jack didn’t enjoy being in a house of, majority, lads. Everyone is fun in their own way. Dinnertime with everyone is never boring. Obviously they are still getting used to each other, and Jack is slowly introducing each of them to the fun that is conning. Maybe there’s even one or two things he’s learning from them.
→ Possible Connections
Georgette Foxworth (Acquaintance): It’s always interesting when Oliver invites Jack over to his. The household couldn’t be more different from his own. Dodger has already realised that Oliver’s aunt Georgette is quite the flappable woman. So, naturally, Jack has some fun when he visits.
Jennifer Foxworth (Acquaintance): After meeting Jennifer, it isn’t hard to see how Oliver has ended up how he is - regardless of where he came from. She’s incredibly kind and friendly. But, that doesn’t mean that Jack isn’t still baffled by the idea of actual parenting and rules etc.
Roscoe Dobermann & Miguel de Soto (Enemies): Jack is always more than happy to lend a hand to Fagin and getting involved with Fagin means dealing with the bad stuff. Unfortunately, Solomon has some very bad people after him. Dodger is doing all he can to make sure they don’t end up with Roscoe and Miguel on their doorstop.
→ Faceclaim Change:
Allowed | Not allowed | POC must | Discuss with admin
Suggestions: TBA
Jack is based on Dodger from Oliver & Company.
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'For reasons wretched and divine', Sarah and Jareth?
Between you and me I wrote three whole pages of a Wild Huntscene, read two romance novels of questionable quality but with a GREATconcept, scrapped the lot, and wrote this AU instead.
For this ask meme!
Some things about archangels just don’t come through overthe TV.
Everyone says as much, but it’s not until Sarah’s standingsix feet from one that she really gets it.  Sarah prides herself onher unflappability—flappable vampire hunters don’t live too long, and Sarah is immaculateas vampire hunters go—but just seeing the Archangel of New York touch downon the roof knocks the air from her lungs. He’s slim, dressed in a loose white shirt that looks like it belongs ona stage, a black vest so tight it’s almost a corset, and his trademark painted-on pants, with wild blond hair,and for a split second Sarah helplessly remembers how many people she knows whowould kill to be this close to him. 
Then he starts walking toward her, eggshell-white and palegold wings mantled behind him and his trademark slim smirk on his lips, andSarah feels her lizard brain sit up straight and inform her that if he wantedto kill her, there wouldn’t be a damn thing she could do about it.  It’snot fear, not really.  Sarah is intimately familiar with fear.  It’sjust inevitability, and for an alarming moment Sarah feels herself lockup like a rabbit in headlights.
“You must be Miss Williams,” he says as he drawsclose to her.  He sounds amused—he always sounds amused, it’s part of whyhe can hold his territory so effortlessly.  It’s hard to contest someonewho won’t even give you the dignity of sounding displeased while he turns thefull brunt of his power on you.  Jareth never sounds more than mildlyinconvenienced, and as a result he’s held North America more or lessuncontested for a long, long time.  
Three years ago, some vampire under Jareth’s command triedto rebel, betrayed him to Maeve, the archangel who holds most of Europe. Unfortunately for the vampire, Maeve told Jareth.  The vampire lived—butjust barely.  Jareth had laughed outright at the one and only reporterwith the brass balls to ask him about it.  Sarah does not want tobe the next cautionary tale about crossing an archangel, and if she’d had anysay in the matter at all, she wouldn’t be here right now.  Angels arepretty to watch and necessary to control vampires, and Sarah is perfectlycomfortable seeing them at a distance, thank you kindly.
But Jareth and the rest of the Cadre want a vampire hunter,and saying no when invited to the Tower isn’t a good way to keep adistance either.  Even the most easygoing archangel is used to beingobeyed, quickly and without a fight, and while there are crueler archangels outthere, Jareth isn’t exactly known for being easygoing.
Sarah realizes abruptly, after solidly ten seconds ofwatching Jareth like a snake about to strike at her, that he’s expecting aresponse, the angle of his smirk going sharper and more amused with each momentof silence.
“Yes,” she says.  “I’m SarahWilliams.”
“Sarah,” he says, consideringly.  He hasn’tever adjusted to the American accent, much less New York, and retains somethingthat sounds most fundamentally British, with a trace of the same exotic,nameless drawl that every angel seems to learn at birth.  It makes hername sound like something rare and strange, rather than one of the most commonnames in history.  Sah-rah.  God, Sarah wants to be out ofhere.  “I’veheard of you.”
That gets her attention.  Normally, vampire huntersoperate in relative obscurity—only someone paying close attention to reports ofescaped vampires or to the Guild’s rare public announcements would have pickedup on her name.  Even though everyone agrees that Sarah is thebest–that’s why she’s here—her childhood dreams of being famous diedwhen she realized she had the gift for tracking vampires.
“I’m flattered,” Sarah says carefully. There’s something about his expression that says you should be withoutthe slightest flicker of change.
“Sit,” he says, gesturing to the tidy table setwith something between a tea service and an elaborate breakfast.  Thechina looks like it might cost as much as Sarah’s apartment, and the neat towerof scones bears the sort of perfect uniformity that only skilled professionalscan manage.  She’s been scrupulously ignoring the table since she reachedthe roof, for fear of more or less this exact situation.  “Eatsomething.  My chefs are the finest in the world, you’ll taste nothinglike their food elsewhere.  Even on a Guild hunter’s paycheck.”
Sarah hesitates, and his gaze sharpens, just slightly.
“Sit,” he repeats.
Sarah sits.  But she doesn’t take any food, nor touchthe numerous pots of tea and coffee.  Something about the way he givesorders, like the world will rush to bend itself to his word, makes herbristle–he’ll get civility from her, but he needs her.  Sarah doesn’tknow for what, not yet, but until such a time as she’s served that purpose,she’s reasonably sure that he won’t cut out her heart and leave it in her handsjust yet.
“Not hungry?” Jareth asks, almost silken, as hesettles across from her, wings flared neatly behind him and one eyebrow cockedas he arranges himself in a casual slouch that is doubtless completelyintentional, right down to the careless drape of his hand on the table.
“Ate before I came,” Sarah lies.
Jareth smiles at her.  It's not news thatarchangels are beautiful, every one of them.  Having every inch ofJareth’s beauty directed at her feels like a revelation, like Sarah’s neverseen beauty before, and it makes her frantic cocktail of nerves and awe andfear settle into a much more comfortable status quo ofslow-burning anger.  
“No,” he says, still smiling.  “Youdidn’t.”
It’s been—a long time, since someone called her out thateffortlessly.  Vampire hunters live and die on their poker faces, andSarah—well, Sarah’s the best.
“Why am I here?” she asks, throwing caution to thewind.  If he wanted her dead, nothing and no one could stop Jareth fromtossing her off the edge of the roof, to drop a hundred and forty-fourstories.  She’s seen how fast archangels can move when they want to, andhonestly, if he wanted to, she probably wouldn’t even have time to reach forher hidden knife before her head parted company with her shoulders.  
That’s very gruesome, Jareth’svoice says in her mind, still threaded with laughter, as if her mental image ofhis long elegant hands neatly ripping her head off is high comedy.  I’mdisappointed.  I’d have expected something more creative from you, Sarah.
“Get out of my head,” Sarah says, forcing hervoice to remain level, “and tell me why I’m here.  The down paymentfor this job was–"  Ludicrous, she wants to say.  Insane. Enough zeroes to fill a textbook.  Instead she opts for somethingapproaching diplomacy and finishes, "Impressive.  Why did you want meso bad?”
Does it matter?  I am prepared to pay you anunfathomable sum of money.
His gaze is fixed on her face, a riveted attention thatdoesn’t match the pose of laconic good humor he’s affected.  His eyes aremismatched, and Sarah used to believe that one was dark.  Now she can see,at such hazardous close range, that they’re both the same shade of impossiblemetallic blue, but that one is all but consumed by pupil, endless black staringback at her with only the thinnest rim of blue around it.  It makes theskin of Sarah’s throat prickle, her heart racing in her chest and her breathingpicking up the pace just enough to make her a little dizzy.  Shedecides immediately that she doesn’t care for the feeling.
Sarah can smell snow—no, frost, she can smell frost andstone, too strongly to be imagining it, but it’s a warm June day and there’snothing near her but concrete.  None of the vampires she met in the Towersmelled of frost and stone, and it’s not a vampire sort of scent anyway. They smell tempting, enticing, like wine or chocolate or even paper, but she’snever met one yet with a scent as unfriendly as frost.  Maybe she’sfinally losing her mind.
Sarah takes a breath, does her best to set the scent aside,and says, "I don’t work for people who won’t tell me what I’m doing,I don’t care what you’re paying me.“
Are you sure?  I could pay you in more thanmoney.  His humor takes on a harder edge inher mind, and a memory surfaces unbidden, of herself as a child dressed up incostume jewelry and dancing around her room, in a young teenager’s bestimpression of a waltz.  The memory is shadowed with her younger self’simaginings, an ornate ballroom and beautiful music, dancers all around not quiteas beautiful as she, and an indistinct prince, looking nowhere but atSarah.  
In the memory, the prince blinks mismatched eyes and says,"I could pay you with your dreams, if you would prefer.”
The air leaves Sarah’s lungs in a rush, and for a moment,she’s herself as a teenager, dressed in a white and silver ballgown out of somebygone era, staring up at Jareth, too much in shock to even answer.
Then she shoves his dream-self away from her, hard,and closes her hand around the blade of the knife hidden at the waistband ofher jeans.
“Stay the fuck out of my memories, Jareth,”Sarah hisses as blood seeps through her fingers.  The pain helps, itclears her head just a little, and the vision of them dancing evaporates likemist under sunlight.  “And tell me what the job is, or I’m goinghome.”
Something in Jareth’s expression cools.  “You lackrespect,” he observes.  Sarah can still feel him, pushing at theouter edge of her mind.  Not trying to break in, just nudging the wholething slightly off kilter, like taping a penny to a gyroscope.  She’spretty sure the penny is labelled obedience, and she sets her jaw.
“Get.  Out."  The words come out groundfine through her teeth, against the sudden pressing urge to agree, agree,agree.  "Fuck off.  Either you hire me as is, or you tossme off this roof.”
“You seem very ready to entertain the latterpossibility."  Jareth’s wings flare around him, idly, and Sarahthinks semi-hysterically that they’re patterned like a barn owl.  Thisisn’t the first time she’s noticed it, but no one ever says it aloud—eventhough his wings look crafted out of barely off-white bone china and palestgold, it’s just too common a bird to safely associate with the Archangelof New York, who holds all their lives in his easily-bored hands. "Do tell, why should I hire someone who clearly has such a death wish asto tell an archangel to fuck off?”
Well, to hell with it, Sarah decides.  Might as well behanged for a sheep as for a lamb.
“Here’s what I’ve figured out,” Sarah says. “You and the Cadre need a hunter—not just any hunter, the best hunter,because Didymus is my friend and he admitted outright to me that you personallycontacted him looking for someone on those terms.  You’re anarchangel–”
“Well spotted,” Jareth says in his mostcoldly entertained tone.  Sarah ignores him and silently hopes thatDidymus will remember to send her bank account details to her brother, alongwith the announcement that, unfortunately, Sarah got mouthy and got herselfkilled by an archangel. 
“—so obviously you don’t need a soldier. Anything youcan’t take out would turn me into a smear on the pavement in under a second.That means you need a bloodhound, and I’m hunter-born, the strongest tracker inNorth America.  So you have an old, powerful vampire who’s managed toelude you—maybe a couple of them.  The most I’ve tracked on a normal jobwas five, so it would need to be quite a few. The only thing I can’tfigure out,” she adds, musing almost to herself, “is why you paid somuch.  You don’t manage your own finances, I assume you have people forthat, so it’s not that you’re unaware of the usual fee per head.  Evenaccounting for hazard pay, it’s way too much.  So all I can think is thatyou wanted to be sure I’d be here, even though only an idiot would meet anarchangel on terms like these, and expected me to say no right away.  Youeven had a table set up, like this was going to be a nice chat rather than ajob interview.  You’ve been trying to make me want to agree, soobviously you think I’m going to say no.  Which would mean…”
For the first time, Sarah follows that thought all the wayto its conclusion and she does not like it.
For the first time, she’s seeing Jareth unamused, and shedoesn’t like that either.  His angular face is harsh without humor, themismatched blue of his eyes sharp enough to slice her to ribbons, and insteadof a smirk, his thin expressive lips are twisted into something alarminglyclose to a snarl.
She wonders if this is the last thing that traitor vampiresaw, before Jareth’s hands broke open his chest and lifted out his heart, stillbeating.
Do continue, precious, hisvoice says in her mind.  It’s not laughing now.  It’s as quick andfrigid as a snowmelt river, and infinitely more lethal, and it tastes likefrost and stone.  Tell me your conclusions.
“You’re desperate,” Sarah says, almost awhisper.  Her voice picks up strength as she goes on.  “Youthink that, whatever this is, it’s so bad that it’ll affect the whole Cadre ofTen.  Something that could hurt archangels.  You want to make sureI’ll work for you, and do it fast and quiet, before anyone can realize there’ssomething wrong.  You’re–” oh God Toby, she’s sorry she’s about todie like a moron “–you’re scared.”
“And tell me, Sarah,” Jareth says aloud, leaningforward.  He doesn’t look casual or careless anymore.  He looks likea falcon in mid-dive, every fiber of him focused on his target.  “Wasthat a difficult conclusion to reach?”
“It was a piece of cake,” Sarah says, numb to thebone with the knowledge that she’s absolutely not going to live throughthis.  Live through this meeting, maybe, if she’s right.  Livethrough the job, increasingly unlikely.  But afterward?  She’s rightthat they’re scared—that something, somehow, has frightened the Cadre, the mostpowerful beings that have ever lived—and that information is an undeniablethreat to them.  
“You’re clever, precious,” Jareth says.  Heleans back and rises to his feet, pacing slowly around the table until he’sstanding next to her, wings mantled around him as he bends down to speak intoher ear.  She can feel his breath on her skin, stirring her hair. The smell of frost rises so sharply that Sarah has to repress a shiver. “You were only wrong about one thing,” he says.
“What was it?"  Sarah does not turn herhead.  She keeps her eyes fixed directly ahead, not allowing them to evenflicker toward him—he’s trying to get a rise out of her, and goddamn him, it’sworking.  She unsettled him and now he’s unsettling her right back.
"I don’t need you to hunt a vampire,” he says, andreaches down to pull her bloodied knife out of the hidden sheath at herwaist.  She shivers properly this time, as he tosses the little knife ontothe table, where the blood still clinging to the ceramic blade stains the whitetablecloth.  Some security guy is going to have a very unpleasantconversation with an archangel, unless she’s mistaken, for letting her get thatpast the front door.
Jareth brushes her hair back behind her ear and murmurs, lowand sweet and lethal, “I need you to hunt an archangel.”
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mellifluencex · 4 years
PRINCE HANS - How does the first impression your muse gives off differ from their true selves?
Disney Villain Headcanon Prompts 
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To be honest, Nami is very bubbly, upbeat and honestly quite flappable. She probably gives the impression of an excitable, if somewhat air headed young adult. Which is... Mostly true!
She's all of those things and more. Except for the young adult part, she’s almost two hundred years old and basically like a superhero/protector of her entire race. 
Nami wears her heart on her sleeve though and her intentions are rarely difficult to parse. She’s friendly, energetic and caring and I think that becomes fairly obvious quite quickly. The only way it will differ is that she’s surprisingly capable despite what an initial meeting with her might have you believe
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mariadoylekennedy · 7 years
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Scannain caught up with writer/director Maria Doyle Kennedy to talk about her IFB-backed Short Stories short film A Different Kind of Day, ahead of its world premiere at the Galway Film Fleadh.
The film is a story of a teenage couple who have special needs. When they are attacked by a gang, their response to the incident changes the day for everyone.
Audiences will be more familiar with Maria Doyle Kennedy from her acting roles, which include some of Ireland’s most cherished and well-known films and TV series like The Commitments, The Tudors, Father Ted, The General, and Sing Street. Sing Street. A Different Kind of Day marks her debut as a director “I just had this particular idea. I’ve always been interested in making things from the beginning to the end. We’ve been running a record label for quite a long time and making our own records and so that ‘s one way to tell a story. And then obviously visually is another way. And I just knew how I wanted to see. And I didn’t want to be in for any reason. So I said I’ve really got to make it myself, I don’t need to tell the story to someone else and let them make it. I really should just do it”.
Maria’s son Daniel stars in the film so it had a personal appeal “I have some experience of being around and growing with a person who has special needs. And one of the things that I noticed, and where the story came from is that if somebody has a disability of some kind, be that intellectual or physical, other people tend to define the person in that way. For example, the two young adults in my film, the two leads, both have Down Syndrome, and I’ve heard people say before, many, many times, that they are Down Syndrome. Like Daniel is Down Syndrome. And he isn’t Down Syndrome. He has Down Syndrome. There’s a subtle but enormous difference between the ‘is’ and the ‘has’ there. Down Syndrome is just one facet of a whole person. That’s what I wanted in a small way to make people think about. And I didn’t want to do it in a preachy way. I want people just to enjoy the film and maybe come away with thinking that. Or just question some of their own perceptions or judgement. One of the other things about the film is that I would often hear people make the generalisation that people who have Down Syndrome are really kind or really loving and in my experience, a group of people that have Down Syndrome are just like any other group of people. Some people are loving, some people are not, some people are kinder than others. Every single person is different and I wanted to challenge that perception in the film”.
The Irish Film Board’s funding scheme Short Stories was a way to get the story to the screen “I knew these two people for a while and I knew that I really just didn’t want to do it on an iPhone. I wanted to try and get some funding because I really wanted to surround myself with people who did know what they were doing, as I was figuring out myself how I could achieve what I hoped to. So that was really important to me, the visual aspect of the film. I was lucky enough to work with James Mather just over a year ago and see the incredible work that he does. And I told him about this, and as soon as I told him the story he just laughed at me and said ‘I’m in’. From him, all the way through, Hugh Fox did the sound and Vanessa Gildea was our line producer I had incredibly experienced people around me, which is a great thing if you’re doing it for the first time yourself. I’ve been on the other side of the camera a lot, and I guess I thought I knew a lot of the things that I would face. But there’s just so many bits of the tapestry to weave together and things that I hadn’t actually thought about before. So as they arise it is really good to have non-flappable people around you who know very clearly what their job is and how to achieve it”.
Then filling in the cast around Daniel and Orla became the thing “So once I knew that it was going to be Daniel and Orla as the two leads I went over to Bow Street, to Maureen Hughes theatre school, and did a workshop there with a whole load of her young actors. And found incredible people there. I would have given them all a job if I could, but I had more people than I had parts for. That was an interesting part of the process for me. I’d never been in that position before. I found that very difficult. I really just wanted to cast everybody, but for logistical reasons, we couldn’t. They were really open to the whole experience. They were just great”.
Another personal aspect of the production was the location “It was kind of a homage to Rathmines. I’ve lived sort of near there for a really long time, for 30 years or something, and I just wanted to show all of the different little bits of that. All of my favourite bits. The library and the bookshop and just walking by the auction rooms and all of those little pieces. I had thought that I was writing something very simple, and it is a simple story, but suddenly the week before we were due to film it I hung my head and questioned why I didn’t just write two people in a room talking. I’d written something that’s entirely based outdoors, and where we move every ten feet. So it was a logistical nightmare. Constant setup and strip, setup and strip. And we had two very short filming days, but the gods were with us. It was early April but we got beautiful weather. It would have been an entirely different film if it had have been raining”.
Making a film with her two leads imposed some restrictions “I had to think about before I began…because of my two leads I know that the working day needed to be structured to suit them. To hold their attention and interest and to match their stamina. When I started off thinking about that it seemed like a limitation, but then there are always limitations in doing something, like the availability of days or of people, or budgetry. There’s always stuff that you have to figure out. I found afterwards that having to be really strict about that was a really positive thing in the end. I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to do any take any more than a maximum of 3 times because my two leads wouldn’t have stayed with me any longer than that. I had to have a really clear plan beforehand of what I wanted to shoot, in what size, and in what order. And I did quite a lot of dummy runs with Daniel and Orla where we just went out, the three of us, and walked around a few times. Just to familarise them with the idea of somebody walking 10 feet in front of them with a camera. That they’d have the idea of not looking at it or forgetting about it. They were so natural, so relaxed on camera. Having to make that really strict plan beforehand was really a present in the end and made the editing so more simple. If I hadn’t have been in that position, and because I was doing my very first thing, I would have shot the hell out of everything. I would have been afraid that I’d miss something or of what I was going to get. And I would have ended up with an enormous amount of material that I just would have had to sort through afterwards”.
Her experience in the industry meant that she was able to reach out for help when needed “Who was really fantastic to me was Lenny Abrahamson, who was my mentor. He was great. I asked him as I hadn’t done this before and I knew that things would arise that I hadn’t thought of or planned for. I sent him the story and he said ‘I can see that. I can understand that’. He was great, available to me to call or email. I remember the day before we started filming I had a small wobble. I was like ‘What am I going to do?’ I called him and he said “I know why you are calling. I know what you want to ask me, but that you don’t quite have the words for”. He said “The thing that you have to remember is that people want you to make decisions. That’s your job”. There was something incredibly clear about it when he said it that way. It made me feel solid enough to decide things. Because ultimately I did know what it was that I wanted to do and I did know what I wanted it to look like. And even though I didn’t have the official language or directorial attributes, I had these incredibly experienced and talented people around me who did know. It was compelling, entirely absorbing and a very steep learning curve. But it was very exciting because of that”.
A Different Kind of Day plays as part of the New Irish Shorts 7 programme, which will world premiere the shorts backed by the Irish Film Board on Saturday, July 15th in the Town Hall Theatre at 12pm.
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Cnn news Sanders poised to be top target at debate amid newly solidified front-runner status
Cnn news
With the urgency to quit the momentum of an ascendant front-runner in Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, the seven candidates on the talk stage vying for the nomination introduced a fiery and chaotic showdown to South Carolina only days earlier than the whisper's predominant on Saturday and a week earlier than Gargantuan Tuesday, when 15 contests divvy up over one-third of pledged delegates on a single evening.
In between sharpened jabs and heated crosstalk, frail Unusual York Metropolis Mayor Mike Bloomberg, frail South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sanders, frail Vice President Joe Biden, Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar and businessman Tom Steyer took turns pitching themselves as the one to plunge President Donald Trump in November.
Nonetheless with the final of the early contests nearly right here, the contenders, faced with a key test in their bids for the White Condominium, had been fueled by every a united urgency to defeat Trump and by deep divisions over ideology that bear defined the advertising and marketing and marketing campaign so a long way.
Here's how the evening unfolded.
10 p.m. Candidates address misconceptions, personal mottoes
Candidates answered to final questions on the largest misconception about them and their personal mottoes.
Steyer acknowledged the largest misconception about him is that he's by some ability "defined by industrial, success and money." He acknowledged his motto is "to dispute the true fact and enact what's factual."
Klobuchar adopted, asserting the largest misconception about her is that she's "dull." She acknowledged her motto is that "politics is ready enhancing of us's lives."
Biden joked about the largest misconception, asserting he thinks he has extra hair than he does.
"In the event you choose up knocked down, opt up up," Biden acknowledged about his motto. "All americans looks to be entitled to be treated with dignity or no longer it is no longer linked what."
Sanders went subsequent, asserting the largest misconception about him is that his suggestions are "radical."
"They're no longer. In one assemble or one other, they exist in worldwide locations all around the arena," he acknowledged.
And he acknowledged his motto came from Nelson Mandela -- "all the pieces shall be quite no longer doubtless till it happens."
Warren offered two misconceptions about her, one being that she "doesn't express very mighty" and the diversified -- on a extra severe prove -- that she knowing she's going to bear to peaceful be president of the US.
She acknowledged her motto came from the e-book of Matthew, "Inasmuch as ye bear performed it unto one of the least of those my brethren, ye bear performed it unto me."
Buttigieg acknowledged that a misconception about him is that he's no longer passionate, "I opt up that I am roughly level, some insist unflappable, I create no longer think you'd like a president who's flappable," Buittigieg acknowledged.
"On the opposite hand or no longer it is precisely because I am so inspiring about the issues which will doubtless be occurring in this nation," he added
Buttigieg acknowledged that his mottoes strategy from the scripture, one being that, "when you happen to could perchance very wisely be a leader, first be a servant." One other, he acknowledged, is to, "treat others we'll doubtless be treated."
Bloomberg acknowledged that one misconception about him is that he's "six feet big." This appears to be a response to President Trump who coined the nickname "mini Mike" for the Democratic contender.
He also acknowledged that he has, "knowledgeable for this job for a truly prolonged time and after I opt up it I will enact something, in preference to trusty focus on it."
9: 48 p.m. Buttigieg clashes with Sanders over non-public insurance
Buttigieg took a detour while discussing foreign coverage to handle something Sanders had requested him earlier in the talk. Buttigieg acknowledged that he doesn't imagine that health like all americans is radical, which, he acknowledged, "is why I am for it, very mighty in an supreme formula, though."
On the opposite hand, he pushed encourage on Sanders' thought to abolish non-public insurance.
"What's a thorough thought is totally eliminating all non-public insurance and piece of how you perceive it is is that no industrialized nation has long previous that a long way," Buttigieg acknowledged. He ragged Denmark to illustrate his level, asserting that even they've no longer abolished the opportunity of personal insurance.
9: 47 p.m. Would the Democrats meet with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un?
Confronted with the question of doubtlessly meeting with the North Korean dictator, Klobuchar, suggested the moderators she would, but "no longer in the formula this president has performed it."
"He literally thinks he can lumber over and produce a hot dish to the dictator subsequent door and he thinks all the pieces goes to be gorgeous," she acknowledged. "He has no longer performed it with our allies."
Biden, too, hit Trump for negotiating with a dictator at some stage in his response, asserting, "You create no longer negotiate with a dictator, give him legitimacy, with out any thought whether or no longer he goes to enact something else the least bit. You create no longer enact that. Peep what took effect. He gave this dictator -- he's a thug -- thug -- legitimacy, weakened the sanctions around the arena in opposition to holding -- committing of us no longer to substitute something else from oil to formula that could perchance take care of offering missile expertise, and what's took effect? It is been weakened."
9: 40 p.m. Sanders: 'I am jubilant with being Jewish ... but you would no longer ignore the suffering of the Palestinian of us'
In accordance to a query about transferring the American embassy in Israel encourage to Tel Aviv from Jerusalem, Sanders deflected.
"The reply is or no longer it is something that we'd bear in thoughts," Sanders acknowledged. "I happen to imagine that what our foreign coverage in the Mideast will bear to peaceful be about is indubitably defending the independence and security of Israel, but you would no longer ignore the suffering of the Palestinian of us."
9: 38 p.m. Buttigieg takes on Sanders for feedback on Castro
After Biden took aim at Sanders for praising the literacy program implemented by Castro, Buttigieg also took a turn to hammer Sanders on his feedback by attacking him for his "nostalgia" of the 1960s, and no longer taking a look forward to the prolonged race.
"I am no longer taking a look forward to a whisper of affairs the effect it comes all of the formula down to Donald Trump along with his nostalgia for the social suppose of the '50s and Bernie Sanders with a nostalgia for the revolution politics of the '60s," Buttigieg acknowledged. "Here is no longer about what used to be happening in the '70s or '80s, right here's about the prolonged race."
"Here is ready 2020," he acknowledged to loud applause from the crowd, earlier than all over again invoking Democrats' fears of running with a democratic socialist at the tip of the label.
"We're no longer going to outlive or succeed, and positively no longer going to prefer by reliving the Chilly Battle, and we're no longer going to prefer these severe Condominium and Senate races if of us in those races must present why the nominee of the Democratic Birthday party is telling of us to glance at the brilliant aspect of the Castro regime. We've bought to be a lot smarter about this," he added.
9: 32 p.m. Sanders defends his sympathetic feedback on Cuba, met with boos from target market
Moderators questioned Sanders for the sympathy he's expressed for socialist governments in Cuba in Nicaragua, most recently pointing to social applications implemented by Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro as a silver lining within his authoritarian govt.
"We're very adversarial to the authoritarian nature of Cuba, but you realize, or no longer it is unfair to easily insist all the pieces is sinful," Sanders acknowledged in a CBS "60 Minutes" interview Sunday evening. "You perceive? When Fidel Castro came into effect of job, you realize what he did? He had a big literacy program. Is that a sinful component? Even supposing Fidel Castro did it?"
Sanders defended himself by equating his effect with Obama's stance on Cuba.
"I acknowledged what Barack Obama acknowledged when it comes to Cuba, that Cuba made progress on training," Sanders acknowledged, being met with resounding boos from the target market.
"Truly, indubitably?" Sanders answered to their disapproval.
Biden went on to argue Obama under no circumstances acknowledged something else "optimistic" about the Cuban govt as Sanders suggested.
"He acknowledged they did amplify lifestyles expectancy, but he went on and condemned the dictatorship, he went on and condemned the of us that, in fact, had race that committee," Biden acknowledged.
9: 30 p.m. Warren calls on Bloomberg all over again to launch his tax returns.
Warren known as out Bloomberg on his advertising and marketing and marketing campaign's unhurried response to releasing his tax returns, asserting that getting it performed after Gargantuan Tuesday, the effect simply about 40% of the delegates will had been disbursed, is simply too unhurried.
"He plans to launch them after Gargantuan Tuesday. It is not ample so that you have to perchance claim, trusty belief me on this. We bear a president who acknowledged he used to be going to launch his taxes after the election -- and has refused to enact this," she acknowledged.
Warren drew a parallel between the frail mayor of Unusual York Metropolis and Trump, falling based mostly totally on the assault the relief of the Democratic field has made on Bloomberg.
9: 29 p.m. Trump defends administration response to coronavirus
Whereas traveling encourage to Washington aboard Air Force One, the president has started tweeting. In one tweet, he wrote, "CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of coping with Coronavirus, including the very early closing of our borders to definite areas of the arena."
He added that Democrats adversarial the efforts and that it grew to turned into out to be "the pretty resolution."
9: 27 p.m.Candidates express on the influence of China
In accordance to a moderator question, Bloomberg acknowledged he would no longer enable Chinese language companies to opt up U.S. infrastructure. On the opposite hand, he stressed that family with China are well-known to American pursuits.
"Nonetheless opt up no mistake about it, now we must take care of China, if we're ever going to solve the claim climate crisis. We must take care of them because our economies are inextricably linked," Bloomberg acknowledged.
Biden also acknowledged he would no longer enable Chinese language companies to opt up U.S. infrastructure, citing the human rights violations of the Chinese language govt. Biden acknowledged that the U.S. must opt up it definite that China must,"play by the rules, period."
9: 23 p.m. Democrats outline response to coronavirus amid rising fears
The Centers for Disease Shield watch over and Prevention acknowledged Tuesday that or no longer it is no longer a query of if the coronavirus will penetrate this nation, but when, the Democrats pitched how they could reply to the health crisis in the event that they had been president.
"What now we must enact is be definite now we bear remedy for those Americans and that they're in a quarantine whisper of affairs. We create no longer are trying to converse of us but we are trying to provide them assist. And I'd agree, when Mayor Bloomberg acknowledged that this president has no longer invested like he's going to bear to peaceful bear in his funds, he tried to gash back encourage on the CDC, he tried to gash back encourage on the worldwide group that could perchance perchance coordinate with the relief of the arena, he hasn't but indubitably addressed the nation on this topic, I'd enact all of that. Nonetheless I are trying to express this out of politics factual now and talk to the American of us because right here's so severe," Klobuchar acknowledged.
Biden invoked his expertise with coping with the Ebola crisis, telling the crowd, "I used to be piece of making definite that pandemic did not opt as a lot as the US, saved millions of lives. ... We increased the funds of the CDC, we increased the NIH funds ... what I'd enact straight is restore the funding."
"No person up right here has ever dealt internationally with any of those world leaders I am the one person that has," Biden added.
Sanders, too, hit the Trump administration for reducing funding to the CDC and known as for global cooperation, "Whether or no longer the whisper of affairs is climate substitute, which is clearly a world crisis requiring global cooperation, or infectious ailments like coronavirus, requiring global cooperation. We must work and extend the World Successfully being Organization. Obviously, we could perchance perchance like to make definite the CDC, the NIH, our infectious departments, are completely funded. Here's a world advise, we bear now bought to work with worldwide locations the total over the arena to solve it."
9: 23 p.m. Debate playing in the clicking cabin of Air Force One
Trump is traveling encourage to Washington from Germany. A pool legend implies that the talk in South Carolina is playing in the clicking cabin. Newshounds traveling with the president and first girl also reported that they had no longer viewed the couple at some stage in a quit to refuel.
9: 20 p.m. Candidates pitch themselves for commander-in-chief feature
The Democratic contenders could inherit no longer easy foreign coverage concerns as commander-in-chief.
Warren all over again walked encourage her stance to drag troops out of the Center East, asserting we'll not "minimize out" on allies there.
"We needn't to gash back and race on our allies. We need an formula that keeps us safe by the usage of all of the tools in a measured formula," Warren acknowledged.
Bloomberg echoed that sentiment, asserting the nation needs eyes and ears on the ground to prevent terrorism.
"We are going to deserve to bear some troops in locations the effect terrorists congregate and to no longer enact so is correct irresponsible. We mustn't be fighting wars that we'll not prefer," Bloomberg acknowledged.
Buttigieg harped on the importance of restoring the credibility of the US as a world vitality.
"The main component we bear now bought to enact is restore the credibility of the US," Buttigieg acknowledged. "I create no longer think we could perchance perchance like to bear ground troops wherever terrorists can earn because terrorists can earn wherever on this planet -- but we enact need intelligence capabilities and experts on the ground, but what precise is that when you happen to will bear a president who could no longer hear to them?"
9: 09 p.m. Klobuchar says trying to legalize marijuana 'is lifelike'
Klobuchar says that, "it is lifelike to are trying to legalize marijuana" in response to a query from a moderator. She acknowledged that too many of us will bear prison files that bear " stopped them from getting jobs." She also stressed the importance of remedy when it comes to prison justice with drug abuse.
"To verify that you to opt up the prison justice blueprint work, you create no longer are trying to bear repeat customers, and you would also very wisely be trying to assist of us opt up off of treatment and the formula you enact that is with drug courts," Klobuchar acknowledged.
9: 08 p.m. Bloomberg first contender to bring up coronavirus
Amid a world health crisis over the with out warning spreading coronavirus, Bloomberg used to be the first candidate to bring up the realm, and condemned Trump over his response.
"Among the mammoth concerns this day -- you read about the virus -- what's indubitably happening right here is the president fired the pandemic specialist in this nation two years previously," he acknowledged. "So there could be no one right here to figure out what the hell we'll bear to peaceful be doing. And he's defunded the Centers for Disease Shield watch over, so we create no longer bear the group we could perchance perchance like. Is is a extremely severe component. As you stare, the stock market is falling apart attributable to us are indubitably jumpy and they're going to bear to peaceful be. We create no longer bear someone to acknowledge."
9: 05 p.m. Buttigieg on rural health like minority households: 'All of those issues are linked'
Responding to a query about offering ample rural health care, Buttigieg acknowledged he believes shortened lifestyles expediencies for unlit, rural households and clinical institution closures are the "outcomes of racial voter suppression."
"All of those issues are linked -- housing, wages, the skill to opt up something else major performed on prison justice reform," he acknowledged. "All of those issues are going to be extra difficult to accommodate as prolonged as unlit voices are systematically excluded from political participation."
He acknowledged he deliberate to handle the aforementioned concerns with his Fredrick Douglass thought, which contains a 21st Century Voting Rights Act.
9: 05 p.m. Sanders says Medicare for All advantages rural health care
In accordance to a query about opt up trusty of entry to to healthcare in rural areas, Sanders talked a pair of thought he enacted in South Carolina which expanded funds for a community sanatorium as, "piece of the Reasonable Care Act." Sanders also took the opportunity to chat about how opt up trusty of entry to will doubtless be improved by Medicare for All, one of the cornerstone concerns of his advertising and marketing and marketing campaign.
"The merit of a Medicare for All healthcare program, because or no longer it is no longer pushed by profits for the drug companies and the insurance companies," Sanders acknowledged.
9: 04 pm. Klobuchar touts her rural health care coverage
Klobuchar leaned on her rural health care coverage, asserting "one size doesn't match all."
"I am leading -- the lead Democrat on a invoice to extend that, to bear diversified forms of hospitals, like emergency rooms in rural areas be lined," she acknowledged.
She promoted her thought to incentivize understaffed fields, like nursing and plumbing.
"So placing incentives in effect with how we enact loan payback, making one-year and two-year degrees free, and then, obviously, creating loan payback applications if of us will lumber, particularly clinical college students, into rural areas," she acknowledged.
9: 03 p.m. Biden pitches his prolonged history with the unlit community to handle inequities
For Biden, the talk represents a opt up-or-damage second, since he's banking on a prefer in the Palmetto Speak to opt him with momentum via Gargantuan Tuesday, he delivered a safe response on his efforts to persuade unlit voters that he can substitute years of inequities.
"Number 1, my complete lifestyles I in fact had been inspiring with the unlit community," Biden started. "I used to be a public defender. I labored in the projects. I came along, and the first component as the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, extended the Voting Rights Act lastly for 25 years. And I in fact had been deeply inspiring."
"Secondly, I supplied for the opportunity for first-time dwelling investors so that you have to perchance bear a $15,000 tax credit ranking so that they're going to opt up the mortgage at the front discontinue and have the option to opt it," he acknowledged. "Thirdly, I'm going after those of us which could bear an interest in gentrification because what's happening is we're transferring of us out of their neighborhoods in ways that in fact opt as a lot as sense. They're being bought out. It's good to presumably't opt up a effect to are residing."
8: 52 p.m. Warren touts a first price-public college agenda
Responding to a query about training -- and the contrivance African American college students in South Carolina opt up worse than white college students on nationwide assessments -- Warren acknowledged a president can opt up a "gigantic distinction" in their quantity of Secretary of Education.
"My secretary of training shall be someone who has taught in public college," she acknowledged. "My secretary of training shall be someone who believes in public training. And my secretary of training will imagine that public dollars will bear to peaceful put in public colleges."
She then went on to express her proposal to make investments $800 billion in public colleges.
8: 46 p.m. Klobuchar touts her Midwestern roots on gun adjust
Klobuchar acknowledged that her Midwestern enchantment, and her history on gun adjust, would assist her express on gun adjust concerns.
"The formula we enact it is having someone leading the label from a a part of the nation the effect we indubitably need the votes," Klobuchar acknowledged. "So I in fact bear prolonged supported the assault weapon ban. I am the author of the invoice to shut the Boyfriend Loophole that claims that domestic abusers can't lumber out and opt up an AK-47."
Biden sparred with Klobuchar, asserting that loophole used to be the one component he couldn't opt up lined in the Violence In opposition to Ladies folk's Act, which he used to be a proponent for. Klobuchar touted that she is from a "proud hunting whisper," which provides her an edge in the heart of the nation.
"We must prefer in the heart of the nation," Klobuchar acknowledged. "Whereas all americans talks about profitable rural areas, suburban areas, I am the one one up right here with a receipts that has in fact repeatedly, while being for the assault assault weapon ban, obtained in Republican congressional districts repeatedly all over again."
8: 45 p.m. Sanders concedes to Biden, asserting his rejection of the Brady Invoice used to be a "sinful vote"
Sanders answered to Biden's attacks on his balloting legend for the Brady Invoice, admitting it used to be a "sinful vote."
He defended himself by referencing his give a enhance to of a ban on assault weapons 30 years previously, asserting it used to be the motive he "doubtless lost a race for the one seat for Congress in Vermont."
"Trusty now, my survey is we could perchance perchance like to extend background checks, discontinue the gun level to loophole and enact what the American of us need -- no longer what the NRA wants," he acknowledged.
8: 49 p.m. Buttigieg hits Sanders over opposition to repealing filibuster
In one of the moderately a pair of attacks on Sanders, Buttigieg took aim at the Vermont senator's opposition to removal the filibuster, a effect that sets him except for a kind of his Democratic opponents.
"I am positively on board with the piece about ending up somebody from the heart of the nation, but I are trying to strategy encourage to the question about the filibuster because right here's no longer some prolonged-previously sinful vote that Bernie Sanders took," he acknowledged.
"Here's a fresh sinful effect that Bernie Sanders holds," Buttigieg persevered. "And we're in South Carolina. How are we going to bring a revolution when you happen to could no longer even give a enhance to a rule substitute?"
8: 45 p.m. Warren calls for a roll encourage of the filibuster.
In the heart of a conversation about gun laws, Warren took a veiled jab at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, whose Senate has no longer taken up gun reform laws and known as for a sever of the filibuster in the Senate.
"I have been in the Senate. What I've viewed: gun safety laws offered, opt up a majority and then doesn't lumber attributable to the filibuster. Understand this: The filibuster is giving a veto to the gun industry."
A centerpiece of Warren's platform is rolling encourage the filibuster, which she argues blocks laws by no longer taking into consideration a majority vote to be cast.
"Till we're willing to dig in and insist that if Mitch Mcconnell goes to enact to the subsequent Democratic president what he did to President Obama, and that is are trying to dam each component he does, that we are willing to roll encourage the filibuster, lumber with the majority vote, and enact what must be performed for the American of us," she acknowledged.
8: 35 p.m. 'A progressive agenda is accepted,' Warren contends
Amid an onslaught of attacks on Sanders, as a kind of his opponents underscored the opt up together's fears of embracing a democratic socialist as the nominee and the stay on down-ballotraces, Warren defended her progressive ally, arguing, "a progressive agenda is accepted."
"We focus on how one can opt up a future," she persevered. "That's what issues. I talk to of us in selfie traces on every day basis who present me about the importance of getting precise assistance on health care. It is why I truly bear a formula to pay for health care that doesn't elevate taxes on heart-class households. On the opposite hand or no longer it is a long way so mighty extra than that. It is Democrats. We wish to talk to the prolonged race we are in a position to opt up together."
Positioning herself as a uniter, Warren ended by asserting, "We wish to chat about our aspirations, our hopes. Here's a second to express hope over ache."
8: 29 p.m. Buttigieg raises opt up together fears of a Sanders nomination
Buttigieg mentioned the down-balloteffects of a nomination of the progressive Sanders, asserting that it could perchance end result in a Congress controlled by Republicans.
"The time has formula to quit acting just like the presidency is the one effect of job that issues," Buttigieg acknowledged.
In the 2018 midterm elections, Democrats secured a majority in the Condominium with the assist of many moderate Democrats in districts that Trump obtained in 2016. Buttigieg cited those Democrats, asserting to Sanders that, "they're running away out of your platform as fleet as they presumably can."
8: 29 p.m. Steyer warns in opposition to ideological divide in Democratic Birthday party
Amid a heated dispute between Sanders and Buttigieg, Steyer interjected to name out the ideological variations for the time being dividing the opt up together, warning in opposition to the "probability" of a opt up together that "has determined that we're both going to provide a enhance to someone who's a democratic socialist or somebody who has a prolonged history of being a Republican."
"Let me insist that I purchased into this race because I desired to strive in opposition to for financial justice, for racial justice and to make definite we had climate justice for the American of us," he acknowledged. "And I am frightened. If we'll not pull this opt up together together, if we lumber to a form of extremes, we express a unpleasant probability of re-electing Donald Trump."
8: 25 p.m. Klobuchar calls Sanders' health care thought 'broken promises'
When questioned on how he would arrange to pay for his $30 million spending on Medicare for All, Sanders dodged the specifics of the effect it could perchance strategy from.
"How many hours enact you're going to need?" he answered to moderators.
Sanders later gave the option of a "7.5% payroll tax on employers," asserting it could perchance establish them "enormous sums of money."
Klobuchar interjected, asserting his math "didn’t add up," later calling his proposals "a bunch of broken promises that sound precise on bumper stickers."
She acknowledged she would express on prescribed pills and pay for better prolonged-time-frame care.
8: 21 p.m. Bloomberg addresses the NDAs and diversified allegations from ladies at his firm
Bloomberg addressed a query from a moderator about non-disclosure agreements with ladies from his firm, an ongoing level of criticism in opposition to his advertising and marketing and marketing campaign.
"What took effect right here is we went encourage 40 years and shall we only opt up three conditions the effect ladies acknowledged they had been unhappy," Bloomberg acknowledged. "No person accused me of something else diversified than making a direct or two."
Warren also attacked him over experiences that he suggested a pregnant female employee to, "slay it," but Bloomberg acknowledged that those experiences had been unfounded.
"I under no circumstances acknowledged it, period, discontinue of legend," Bloomberg acknowledged. "As soon as I used to be accused of doing it, we couldn't figure out what she used to be speaking about."
Bloomberg has repeatedly denied asserting those phrases to the girl. The allegations obtained consideration via a discrimination lawsuit that used to be settled out of court docket.
8: 20 p.m. Warren calls out Bloomberg for funding factual-hover candidates
Bloomberg, who trusty grew to turned into a registered Democrat in 2018, has given tidy sums of his billions to candidates running for Congress, a pair of of them Republicans.
"In 2016, he dumped $12 million into the Pennsylvania senate race to assist re-elect an anti-different, factual-hover Republican senator," Warren acknowledged.
"In 2012, he scooped in to are trying to defend one other Republican senator in opposition to a girl challenger. That used to be me. It did not work, but he tried laborious," she acknowledged to applause.
8: 17 p.m. Biden confidently asserts 'I intend to prefer South Carolina'
Biden used to be requested about his slipping ballotnumbers amongst the unlit community, and Sanders' upward thrust that places him in "striking distance" of Biden, to which he answered, "I've earned the vote, I've labored just like the satan to set the vote of the African American community, no longer trusty right here but all the contrivance via the nation. I have been coming right here for years and years."
Biden then acknowledged, with self belief, that he intends to emerge victorious on Saturday, no topic Sanders' momentum.
I create no longer interrogate something else. I thought to set the vote," Biden persevered. "I am right here to set it. Nonetheless, other folks, I intend to prefer South Carolina, and I will prefer the African American vote right here in South Carolina."
He used to be also pressed on if he's going to continue his advertising and marketing and marketing campaign if he doesn't prefer the Palmetto whisper, but he deflected, asserting, "I will prefer South Carolina."
8: 12 p.m. Biden hits Sanders for reportedly trying for to predominant Obama in 2012
In one of the early knocks in opposition to Sanders, Biden attacked his rival for allegedly trying for to predominant in opposition to President Barack Obama in 2012.
"Being progressive, he talked Barack Obama, he wanted a predominant -- he acknowledged we'll bear to peaceful predominant Barack Obama. Somebody will bear to peaceful," Biden acknowledged.
Sanders only answered, "I am listening to my name mentioned a exiguous bit bit tonight."
8: 11 p.m. Buttigieg pushes encourage on attacks in opposition to his advertising and marketing and marketing campaign fundraising
Sanders went after Buttigieg for accepting advertising and marketing and marketing campaign donations from wisely off donors. Nonetheless Buttigieg countered the assault, and acknowledged that grassroots contributions are the "lifeblood" of his advertising and marketing and marketing campaign.
"In Charleston alone, trusty in Charleston, over 2,000 of us bear contributed to my advertising and marketing and marketing campaign," Buttigieg acknowledged.
8: 10 p.m. Biden attacks Sanders for balloting legend on Brady Invoice, referencing Emmanuel Church taking pictures
Biden took a jab at Sanders for his balloting legend on the Brady Invoice, which could perchance perchance opt up a tool of background checks and a waiting period for handgun purchases.
Biden referenced a 2015 taking pictures at the Emmanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, the effect nine African Americans had been shot useless by a gunman.
"Walking distance from right here is Emmanuel Church," Biden acknowledged. "Nine of us shot useless by a white supremacist. Bernie voted five cases in opposition to the Brady Invoice and wanted a waiting period of 12 hours. I’m no longer asserting he’s responsible for the nine deaths, but that man will bear to peaceful no longer had been in a position to opt up that weapon with the waiting period that I suggested till you would also very wisely be cleared."
8: 10 p.m. Warren: We want a president who will 'dig in, enact the laborious work, and in fact opt up it performed'
Warren went after Sanders' and his avoidance to position a tag label on his health care thought, asserting that her transparency on the facts of a "Medicare for All" platform led her to getting criticized on the associated price, while Sanders has refrained from that criticism.
"Bernie and I every are trying to stare accepted health care. Nonetheless Bernie's thought doesn't present how one can opt up there, doesn't level to how we'll opt up ample allies into it and doesn't level to ample about how we'll pay for it," she acknowledged. "I dug in. I did the work. And then Bernie's team trashed me for it."
8: 08 p.m. Bloomberg digs at Sanders over Russian interference
After the Washington Put up reported that Sanders used to be briefed on Russian interference in the 2020 advertising and marketing and marketing campaign, particularly, to express him advertising and marketing and marketing campaign, Bloomberg straight took a swipe at Sanders for that revelation.
"Vladimir Putin thinks that Donald Trump will bear to peaceful be president of the US, and that's the reason why Russia helps you choose up elected," Bloomberg acknowledged to Sanders.
"Let me present Mr. Putin, okay, I am no longer an actual buddy of President Xi China...and let me present Mr. Putin who interfered in the 2016 election, are trying to bring Americans in opposition to Americans. Hi there, Mr. Putin, if I am president of the US, belief me, you are no longer going to interfere in to any extent additional American elections," Sanders acknowledged.
8: 05 p.m. Sanders fields first question on economy
Sanders, in the first question of the evening, argues that his progressive platform will opt up an "economy for all."
"The economy is doing indubitably mammoth for of us like Mr. Bloomberg and diversified billionaires," Sanders acknowledged. "For the usual American, issues are no longer so precise. ...That is no longer an economy that's working for the American of us. That is an economy working for the 1%. We are going to opt up an economy."
8 p.m. Seven candidates taking the stage in debate showdown
The seven presidential contenders are dwelling to lumber head-to-head, following a highly-contentious debate in Las Vegas final week on a smaller stage.
The matchup Tuesday evening is the final debate earlier than South Carolina's predominant on Saturday, and a week earlier than the race expands onto a nationwide plot on Gargantuan Tuesday, when extra than one-third of the delegates shall be up for grabs.
With Sanders emerging as the definite front-runner after encourage-to-encourage wins in two early contests, he's anticipated to face primarily the most friendly fire, however the evening could also be key for Biden, who for the reason that launch of his advertising and marketing and marketing campaign, has been banking on a prefer in the Palmetto Speak to provide him the momentum heading into the 15 contests on March 3.
Amid newly solidified front-runner pickle, Bernie Sanders poised to be prime target at debate
The final debate could perchance need been a pile on for Bloomberg, but with a decisive victory in Nevada below his belt, Sanders has solidified his front-runner pickle in the Democratic predominant and his opponents bear sharpened their attacks on the Vermont senator, questioning his electability in the lead-as a lot as Tuesday evening's debate in South Carolina.
"I'd like whomever the Democrat is to beat Donald Trump. I'd vote for Mickey Mouse over Donald Trump," frail Vice President Joe Biden, who carried out second in Nevada, acknowledged on MSNBC Sunday. "I create no longer think (Sanders) can beat Donald Trump, and ... opt up a Democratic Senate and put a Democratic Condominium."
And while the knives will doubtless be out and aimed toward Sanders, this debate is a probability for the candidates to distinguish themselves on a nationwide stage earlier than the Saturday predominant and Gargantuan Tuesday.
Each and each Buttigieg and Klobuchar bear questioned Sanders' skill to bring a big ample coalition of voters together to beat Trump in the general election, with Buttigieg asserting Sanders' stamp of politics is "my formula or the highway."
Nonetheless the two candidates are definite to face questions on their very hang electability and skill to enchantment to a various electorate, given about 60% of South Carolina Democratic predominant voters had been unlit in the 2016 election, in step with ABC News exit ballotoutcomes.
In Nevada, Buttigieg and Klobuchar had been only supported by 2% and 3%, respectively, of unlit caucusgoers, in step with entrance ballotoutcomes, compared to 39% who supported Biden and 27% who supported Sanders.
Bloomberg also has something to level to. In the final debate, while he took on Sanders, the billionaire struggled to express the warmth from his opponents, even admitting on MSNBC Sunday, "It wasn't my perfect evening."
He hasn't campaigned or been on the ballots in the early balloting states, including the upcoming predominant in South Carolina, so the debates are his likelihood to level to that he's the trusty candidate to express on Trump in the general election as he's claimed in moderately a pair of his hundreds of millions of dollars' price of television adverts.
His advertising and marketing and marketing campaign rescheduled a Monday CNN city hall so as that he could put together for the talk.
"The nation can't manage to pay for to let Bernie Sanders skate by one other debate with out a highlight on his rude legend," spokeswoman Galia Slayen acknowledged in an announcement supplied to ABC News.
With Sanders' two tidy wins, and lead in the delegate race, Bloomberg will doubtless be spared from attacks on his rude wealth and legend on ladies and race as the moderates on stage pivot to express on the Democratic front-runner, who doesn't even name as a Democrat in the Senate.
Even Warren, the one diversified candidate in the race to provide a enhance to a govt-race health care blueprint, sought to distinguish herself from her liberal comrade when requested by a supporter at an match in Denver about how of us can bear the profit of democratic socialism.
"I love the question, but you bear gotten bought the horrifying person to interrogate of about this," Warren acknowledged Sunday. "I am no longer a democratic socialist. I imagine in the markets."
Whereas Warren's had less-than-stellar outcomes out of the first contests of the cycle, her advertising and marketing and marketing campaign raised extra than $5 million in the 24 hours following the Las Vegas debate -- when Warren did not choose encourage, taking on several of her opponents. One other fundraising evening like that is doubtless to be welcome for the advertising and marketing and marketing campaign, which spent extra than twice the amount it raised in January, ending that month with $2.3 million in cash on hand, in step with the most up-to-date Federal Election Commission filing.
Having did not qualify for the final debate in Las Vegas, a safe showing from Steyer could save him on the path to scoring delegates -- and momentum -- in Saturday's predominant, his final opportunity to enact so earlier than Gargantuan Tuesday after a lackluster opt up in Nevada.
The billionaire has spent extra than $22 million on radio and television ad buys in South Carolina, in step with ad records prognosis from CMAG, and his funding has paid off, in step with polling. In October, Winthrop College's ballothad Steyer at trusty 2% give a enhance to amongst Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters. Decrease than a week previously, he used to be at 15% amongst the identical neighborhood, trailing only Biden and Sanders.
Whereas Steyer has made beneficial properties in the Palmetto Speak, Biden -- who's hoping for a convincing prefer on Saturday -- has remained assured the billionaire wouldn't damage his victory. He suggested ABC News on Monday that he can prefer the whisper "by loads."
And in North Charleston on Sunday, Biden used to be requested by a reporter how mighty of the vote Steyer would "express" from him this weekend.
"I believe the identical quantity he took in Nevada. Nothing," Biden quipped. Steyer carried out in fifth effect.
Now not like Nevada, there could be no early balloting in South Carolina, so this debate is timed to doubtlessly sway voters. A safe showing at the Gaillard Center could bolster the frail vice president as he tries to smash the account that he's lost his standing in the southern whisper the effect he as soon as overwhelmingly led in polls.
ABC News' Soo Rin Kim contributed to this legend.
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paharvey99 · 7 years
No Waitrose October 4
Day 29
You know how last Sunday I made a failed attempt to visit the smallest church in Sussex? Well, today - and look away now if you’re trying to avoid spoilers – I made a successful attempt to visit the smallest church in Sussex.
Ok, the spoiler averse are okay to start reading again from here.
The clocks went back in the night, and parents complaining on social media about children getting up at the wrong time is A Thing, so I was prepared for something bad to happen involving time. What actually happened was that our daughter slept in and we got up happily at the right time. I put this down to just being a bloody great pair of parents.
This Sunday was remarkably similar to last Sunday, in that the person I live with had loads of work to do and so I got to take our daughter out for the whole day, which was ace. The person I live with was not happy about having loads of work to do and not getting to have fun with our daughter, which was fair enough really, but it couldn’t be helped.
I set off in the car with my daughter in the back and a general idea of going back to make a second attempt to visit the smallest church in Sussex. It was still quite early, because of the clocks, and I’d been hoping to time my daughter’s nap with the long bit of driving to the church. If I was going to do that, I needed to do something else for an hour and a bit, so I pulled into the 24 hour Asda and we went to pick up some stuff for tea.
The new Nigella cookbook has a recipe for sausages, apples and onions in it that felt suited to the first day of early nights, so I got some sausages. Nigella calls for Cumberland rings, but Asda doesn’t stock them, as Asda doesn’t stock anything nice whatsoever. I bought my daughter some new tops, as the person I live with had said she needed some new tops, so we found some inoffensive tops in Asda’s otherwise offensively poor range of baby clothes. Seriously, I hate Asda.
Back at the car, the sun was bright and highlighting just how dirty and covered in poo my car actually was, so I decided to take it to the car wash. Asda’s petrol station had a little do it yourself car wash thing, so I checked I had some change (by some miracle I did) and we went and drove round to the car wash bit. There was a man there already washing his car, so I parked up and waited for him to finish. If I was in his situation, I’d have got flustered and hurried up to get out of the way as soon as possible, but this man was not as flappable as I am. He was quite happy to take his time going through all the settings on the car wash to get his car to the exact level of clean he demanded from himself. He was waxing, pressure washing, foaming – everything. We were there about 20 minutes waiting for him to finish.
About 10 minutes in I noticed he had an EU OUT sticker on his bumper, at which point I thought some uncharitable things that I am choosing not to record.
Eventually he buggered off and I got my turn. As soon as I’d put the money in a man pulled up in a car where I had just been parked, waiting for a go on the car wash. I got flustered and hurried up to get out of the way as soon as possible, giving the car only the most cursory of goings over. I hate holding people up, even if it means driving round in a car that is still semi-covered in poo.
No wonder Remain lost.
After that we drove over to Lullington, where the smallest church in Sussex is to be found. My daughter fell asleep on the way, so I parked up and sat for a bit until she woke up. Then we walked up to the church, which is on the top of a hill but completely hidden from view on all sides, weirdly. It really is a very small church; it’s about the size of an average living room inside and it seats about 20 people theatre style, or 10 cabaret style. In truth though, it’s just the zhuzhed-up leftovers of a once much bigger church. You can see the remains of the old walls outside, from when it was a normal-sized church.
This was a bit of a disappointing realisation, but it’s still an interesting place to visit. I signed the visitors book and bought a postcard and set off back to the car.
By this time it was around 12, which is my daughter’s lunchtime, and mine too, I suppose. I drove the mile or so to Alfriston and parked up in the same car park as I had last week, and this time I actually managed to get out of the car, as my daughter was awake.
I put her in the sling and went in search of some lunch. Alfriston has an old post office that serves as a general store, selling plenty of stuff, including freshly-baked gammon and leek pasties, as it turned out, so I got one of those and a bottle of pop and headed off to find somewhere to have a picnic. There’s a big old church at Alfriston on a kind of village green, which is called the Tye, I think, and it has benches all around. We sat on a bench and I fed my daughter a pouch of Ella’s Kitchen Bang Bang Bangers + Mash. She eats real food these days as a rule, but she is teething and not happy about chewing at the moment, so those pouches of mush come in handy. I ate my pasty at the same time and we both got covered in food, just at the point that the church was kicking out and a load of churchgoers walked past and looked a bit horrified by the state of the pair of us.
After lunch, I cleaned us both up and discovered that we were literally 50 yards from a National Trust house I had forgotten existed, Alfriston Clergy House. Being members, it would have been rude not to nip in for a quick look, so we did. It’s a 14th century timber-framed house, mainly famous as the first house the National Trust ever bought, back in 1896. It has a nice garden, but is largely uninteresting otherwise. I bought a Christmas present in the shop from the sale, National Trust shops are good for things like that.
I nipped in a few more shops trying to get some Christmas present inspiration, but the only idea I came up with was to buy my dad a fancy comb. I’m not sure if he uses a comb, but if I bought him a comb that was fancy enough, he might do. I don’t think I’m going to buy him a comb though.
Sensing that it was time to leave Alfriston, we left Alfriston. I drove out of town a different way to usual, heading south past a vineyard and up and up until we emerged, to my surprise, on the top of the South Downs. It was beautifully sunny and I thought it would be a nice place to stop and have a look and then, happily, a car park appeared. The car park was called High and Over car park, which I thought sounded more like a category on X Factor than a car park, but we stopped and followed some signposts to a viewpoint.
The Cuckmere valley was spread out all below us, with Cuckmere Haven off in the middle distance and the sea glinting in the sun. My daughter gave an appreciative “oooh” from her sling as she looked down at the meandering River Cuckmere. I’m not sure she’s ever been that high up before, but she seemed to like it, which is good news.
After that my daughter was tired, so I headed back to the car. I somehow got chatting to a man in the car park who was walking his dog and he was quite taken with my daughter, which might sound creepy but was actually nice. He liked her name, which is good. Her name is Dory, which is short for Dorothy. However, when the car park man asked her name, I said it was Dorothy, as I could see he wouldn’t understand the name Dory. He was an older man, and whenever older people find out her name is Dory they haven’t heard of the name Dory and so think we’ve said Doreen or just get confused. This has resulted in a policy where it’s safer to say she’s called Dorothy to certain audiences, because they understand it.
Anyway he liked the name and revealed that he had named all his daughters after plants, and then reeled off a list of about six names including Ophelia and Cicely, both of which I have never heard of as plants. It made me think he must be either a really enthusiastic gardener or an idiot. I liked him though, so I don’t want to look up whether Ophelia and Cicely are plants or not.
After that I drove home, with the intention that my daughter would sleep most of the way. Unfortunately, this was not her intention, as it turned out. I started singing 10 Green Bottles, which has got her off to sleep in the past, but to no avail. She got bored of the repetition, I think, so I decided to sing something less repetitive. It’s difficult thinking of songs that you know all the words to, until I remembered that I am in a band and I know all the words to most of our songs.
I started singing one of our songs and, as the band isn’t very active anymore, I hadn’t sung it in a while. I enjoyed singing it though, as it’s a good song and I like it, and I got a bit into it. At the end I checked on my daughter and she was fast asleep. Result. It made me think we could remarket the band as a sleeping aid for babies and make an absolute fortune. There’s about 200 vinyl copies of our album hanging about somewhere that need shifting, so it’s got to be worth a pop.
We got home and had a play with the person I live with and told her all we’d been up to, before the inevitable teatime, bathtime, storytime, bedtime ritual kicked in. I then made sausage, apple, onion and potato for tea, which went down quite well. Then we watched an episode of the new series of Stranger Things. I quite enjoyed the first series, but since then I have seen new episodes of Twin Peaks, and in comparison to that Stranger Things just doesn’t cut it anymore.
After that I had a bowl of yoghurt and honey, which the person I live with stole most of. The theft was something of a surprise, as the person I live with doesn’t like yoghurt and honey. This yoghurt theft episode was stranger than anything in Stranger Things, to be honest. More updates as we get them.
Didn’t go to Waitrose.
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