#but she looks cute and fiesty with short hair
eggcompany · 7 months
Pain in the ass
Doctor Hanna Lecter takes care of malnourished Will Graham while he receives care for his eating disorder. Just a short and cute little thing with caring Hanna Lecter and omega Will Graham. Includes heats and mommy kink.
Will Henry Graham. Sixteen years old, Louisiana born Maryland transplant, and omega. 
Also complete and utter pain in every nurse's ass. 
“Here’s your breakfast William.” Said the tall blonde as she rolled over the table with his tray of meek mush on it. 
“My name is Will.” The boy bit out snappily. He hated when they called him William. His name wasn't William. It was just Will. 
“Okay, well eat up.” The nurse said offhandedly as she typed away at the computer. 
“No.” Will said and rolled over to face away from her and look out the window at the sad grey skyline. 
“Well I’ll leave this with you to eat.” She said and turned to leave. 
“Fuck you.” Will growled and flipped the tray into the floor. 
Just like most days. 
And the nurse came back to load his feeding tube. 
Will didn’t weigh enough to take on an alpha. He was too short, too thin, and also hated everyone. He weighed only a hundred and three pounds. Plus he didn’t even like alphas, they stank and only had ever caused trouble in his life. Always acting so much better than everyone else and always being so annoying. 
He didn’t get up enough and no one cared about him. He was an angry little boy and everyone was tired of him. 
No one tried to get him up and out of bed, no one took him on walks to the small garden on the lower level, no one even came in and tried to make conversation with him anymore. Hell his hair hadn't been brushed in months. They'd only ever given him a tub of water and rags to wash himself and it was difficult to wash his hair like that. 
That was until he was seizing and had a fever of 106. Alarm bells were ringing and nurses came running from the station. It was a fiasco for a while but then when it finally stopped Will was calm, quiet, resting. He had never been so scared in his life but he just had to bottle it all up, no shoulder to cry on and no hand to hold. 
Then he was screaming and thrashing in bed and everyone was trying to stick him with sedatives. Will was a fiesty thing, snapping and biting and clawing at anything he could. When he finally got stuck he let out a screech that could have shattered glass. 
When Will finally woke up he just started crying. He felt so bad. And so alone. And his bum hurt. 
“Hello Will.” Said a heavily accented voice. Will immediately reached out and shoved and scratched at where the voice was coming from. His eyes opened but everything was all bleary. 
“No! No, go away! I hate you! I hate you…” Will screamed but the voice shushed him and soon hands were taking his gently. Will fought and pulled his wrists away trying to get loose of the secure grip. 
“I know Will. I know. I understand.” They said and Will hiccuped a sob and blinked away the tears and gunk from his eyes. He kept pulling until he could finally see the lady who was sitting lightly on the edge of his bed. 
She was pretty. High cheekbones, amber eyes, greying blonde hair tied in a proper bun, and strong vascular hands. She was tall too, definitely taller than most of the other nurses here, especially in the pair of black heels she was wearing. 
“Mister Graham, why don’t we take some nice big breaths.” She said and Will was already taking a deep slow breath. They mimicked each breath together until Will was laying lax in the hospital bed, his hands loose in hers. She had cold hands, very cold hands. His hands were sweaty and warm but hers were… chilly. 
He noted she didn’t have any nail polish and only had on some lipstick and perhaps some light mascara. Her nails were short, cut to be functional and out of the way. 
“That’s much better. Now may we speak? I’d like to get your insight and try to help you with your emotions.” Said the woman who's voice had a certain deep richness to it that was...calming. Will liked it. Will rather thought it was a very attractive voice but then again she was quite an attractive older lady. But that was.. He didn’t think she was… He didn;t quite know what he thought but she seemed a bit less horrible. 
“That’s fine Miss.” Will said and pulled his hands away and let them lay on his thin chest. He felt a tinge of something tight in his chest and looked away from her for a moment. His wrists burned where her touch once was. 
“Oh how rude of me, I’m doctor Hannibal Lecter. My friends call me Hanna, I hope we can be on friendly terms.” The doctor introduced herself and stood up, extending a hand out to Will who looked at it and rolled his eyes and faced away from her to look back out the window. It was better to push away than to let them come closer. Doctors were all the same. 
“Okay Miss Doctor Lecter.” Will said with a slight sarcasm in his voice. He didn't like doctors. Especially ones like this, the ones that don't even bother wearing a lab coat or anything. In regular clothes. Like they're more important than everyone else. 
“Thank you Will. I’d like to give you some more calories while we speak. Is that alright?” The doctor asked and picked up a premixed bag of formula. She looked at him expectantly. He was confused because no one asked him if they could feed him. They just fed him. 1800 calories a day, that's what he got, no more, no less. 
“Gross.” Will grumbled and looked back out at the sky. It would rain later, he bet. If the window could get cracked open he might be able to smell it. He missed the smell of rain…
“I know. I’d only give you a half pack, a small boost for energy.” Hanna pushed with a small smile gracing the edge of her lips. Will huffed and picked at the edge of his blanket. He’d picked a pretty good spot on the edge already. This was a new blanket given he’d puked on his last one. New blankets were nice. 
“… I guess it’s okay.” Will answered in a grumbling voice. 
“Thank you.” Hanna said and started to hooking the pack up. Will rolled his eyes. 
They all thought he was anorexic. He wasn’t anorexic. It wasn’t that he wanted to be skinny. It wasn’t that he didn’t like eating, or that he was addicted to exercise, he was fine in his body. The issue was every time he ate he felt sick, he got sick thinking about food in his mouth. He got horribly disgusting visions when he ate too like maggots in his pudding cups or that all the meat was spoiled. He liked food. He just had problems eating it…
“Will I used to be a surgeon. I was a surgeon for ten years and then I went into therapies. Physical therapy was far too boring for me, too mundane and simple. Mental therapy really drew me in, and of course with psychiatry comes with contact nursing.” Hanna explained as she got comfortable on the incredibly uncomfortable couch. 
She looked up at him when she was done and Will looked at her, blushing. Contact nursing was usually saved for babies and people with severe mental disorders. Contact nurses were meant to supply omegas with hormonal balance and make sure people with sensitivities to touch didn’t go starved. 
He turned away and picked at his leg hair, chewing on his bottom lip for a moment and then looked vaguely over the doctor's shoulder. 
“You’re a contact nurse?” He asked and swallowed thickly, his hands trembled slightly. They had sent him a contact nurse before, some young lady with big boobs and a squeaky voice that made Will want to bash his head against the wall. And then there was a man who had small hands and smelled like coffee. Will didn’t like him either, he kept too much eye contact. But Doctor Lecter seemed… maybe it would be like not totally horrible. 
“Yes Will. What do you think about that?” Hanna asked and scribbled something down on her clipboard of papers. She watched the way Will fidgeted nervously, chewing the inside of his mouth and picking at the wispy light brown hair on his legs. He was sitting cross legged on his bed, blanket pooled around him only covering his feet. His bone bumped hairless chest exposed to the chilly air of the room, pink nipples pebbled  on point. 
Hanna kept an even expression even though her chest was swelling with hunger just seeing the boy’s frail form. He looked so breakable, so vulnerable, so in need. That was what fed her though, being needed. She just needed to tease him until he’s desperate, just wave the food in front of his face until he’d kill for it. He’d look so beautiful plump and covered in blood- 
“Um it’s- that’s- it’s- that’s cool. I guess.” Will struggled out and turned a cherry color in his face. Hanna gave him a real smile. Maybe not just his boyish shy adorableness but also the thought of him let loose like a wild beast. 
“I suppose it is.” She said and looked back at her clipboard. There were a few lines of questions to fill out. She wrote down a few technical things and glanced up a few times and wrote down notes about the boy. 
“Do you enjoy the window Will?” Hanna asked as she wrote about Will’s physical state. She noticed Will had been staring out the window every time she looked up and when he was speaking he never met her eyes, only looking out the window. Some long term patients use the window as an escape. 
“Yeah… ‘s gonna rain.” Will mumbled and looked down at his leg where his fingers were still twisting at the hairs. Hanna hummed and put her clipboard down after flipping the cover page down so Will wouldn’t be tempted to try and read her notes. 
She stood and smoothed her skirt down over her thighs. She walked to where the two large windows meet and, using her key, pushed them to their maximum opening. Only a few inches, suicide safety and all. 
It made a world of difference to the boy though. Will took big gulps of air and moved to try and get closer but the moment his feet neared the floor Hanna was at his side. 
“Slowly Mister Graham, Allow me to assist you.” Hanna more ordered than suggested. She was quick to unhook the monitors and wheel the cart his tube was hooked too behind the boy as he pulled farther and farther from the bed. 
Will’s legs trembled and his ankles screamed. He hadn’t been so glad to sit down on the couch. He pushed his face into the four inch gap and breathed in the dirty city air. 
It was lung opening. 
Will sat there talking long breathes in and feeling the slight breeze graze his nose and shift his eyelashes. 
“Perhaps a walk in the garden would be refreshing?” Hanna offered and Will gasped and nodded his head. He would never be able to walk that far but he had a feeling the woman was talking about in the future. 
Maybe she wasn’t the worst…
“I hate you! Liar! Liars!” Will screamed as he thrashed around. The pain in his stomach was fucking unbearable. He’d woken up feeling like he was being gutted while also being on fire while also having an aching boner. He’d only ever had his first two heats and those were like three years ago before his dad gave him up. And they had been light and had felt so… feathery compared to the hell he was going through now. 
It didn’t help that the nurses had put him on the floor on his knees which hurt because his legs were sore from the last few days of going on walks around the hospital with Miss Lecter. 
It really didn’t help when they had wrestled him down and shoved… what felt like a fucking beer bottle up his ass. 
He didn’t particularly care what it actually was given the agony he was in once they had restrained him in the kneeling position. He just continued screaming trying to get away from whatever it was. 
“Will? Will, what’s wrong? What’s happening?” Hanna asked as she quickly responded to the screaming coming from her patient's room. The nurses cleared away from him as she knelt down in front of the screaming teen. She’d grown quite fond of the little monster. 
“Liars! I hate you! I fucking hate you!” He screamed and tried to head butt the doctor but she was quick to pull him close and cradle his head against her collarbone. She hummed and shushed him, petting his dirty hair and putting safe pressure on his neck with her opposite hand. Will had reacted nicely to petting, stubborn and pouting, but stopped screaming in favor of whining and sobbing. 
“What’s happening, Will? Can you tell me what's wrong? Is it your body or your head?” She asked. They had established that it was easier for Will to explain his pain if he could say his body or his head. He always kept away from his “head” problems but Hanna felt that soon that lock would be shattered open. Sooner now. 
“My b- my body. It’s too big, it hurts. Feels like everythins bein torn apart” Will cried into the soft silky fabric of the doctors wine colored blouse. He pulled and pulled at his hands but they were secured to his ankles. 
“Okay, thank you, Will. I’ll lift you up and I want you to sit on a pillow until I can look at you.” Hanna explained quietly before barking at the nurses to hand her a pillow and to put an extra small knotter in the warmer. 
She was furious. How dare they put such a large object in such a small boy. He had barely gained eleven pounds. He’d need to put on at least ten more until he could take something any bigger. She’d find out who was behind it though… find out which of the nurses would be meeting her for dinner…
Soon enough Will was laying on his back in bed. He was crying and rubbing at his stomach which was at least not concave anymore. Hanna was returning with the small toy, a warm blanket, and some ibuprofen. She reenter the now empty room and Will cried and rolled to face away from the intruder. 
“Mister Graham, Will, Let's get you fixed up. You’ll need to swallow a pill for me, I know you can do it.” Hanna announced and the boy rolled over and looked at her with a pained expression. 
“It hurts too bad. My butt hurts, I can’t sit up.” He explained and tears slipped down his soft cheeks. Hanna shushed him and wiped a few tears away with her thumbs. The boy preened into her hands and she allowed herself to cup his face. Poor pained thing… cracking at the edges…
“Let me sit with you.” She said quietly and he was nodding. She sat down on the edge of the bed and let her hand travel down to rub at the sides of his neck down to sit on his perfect collarbones. 
He opened his eyes and looked at her desperately. 
“Please, it hurts” He whimpered and she looked at him before clearing her throat and setting the warm blanket on his cold chest. 
He called out happily and was shoving it to cover his sweat damp body. When he was settled Hanna had a small cup of water and the pill in her newly gloved hand. 
“I’ll help you sit up but you have to swallow this pill. I am giving you this pill. This is a good pill.” Hanna said and recited what they had agreed on to help the boy take medication that was given to him. 
Will looked at her before nodding and taking the pill, he sat up and the doctor put her hand behind his back which he leaned back on. She had strong arms, muscular and unshavenly fuzzy in blonde hairs. Will stared at the small pill for a long moment. 
“Swallow the medication. Drink the clean water. Two big swallows. You do two things for me and I’ll reciprocate.” Hanna ordered and Will took one big breath and blew it out. He quickly shoved the pill into his mouth and drank the full cup of water. 
Hanna smiled and slowly let Will lay back down as she took the cup away from him. She efficiently stripped away her glove and dropped it and the cup in the trash. She sat back on the edge of the bed and looked at the boy who was squirming around, rubbing his thighs together and petting his own stomach. 
“Do you feel better now Will?” She asked and let her hand lay calmingly on the boy’s boney ankle. He looked much better now that he was plumping up, becoming full of color and life, being able to writhe and cry without passing out. 
“I feel… My stomach hurts. My dick feels like pinchy? It’s weird but it hurts. I feel wet. I hate being wet.” Will said and turned a tomato cherry red and looked out his window. His bum was still bare and he could feel his own slick dribbling down between his buttcheeks. It was gross feeling. 
“Do you think you can take a knotter that’s the correct size for you? The previous one was… well for someone bigger than me even. This is made for omegas with slicking problems, first time heats, or difficult or painful heats. See it soft.” Hanna explained and picked up the silicone cock from beside her. 
She handed it to Will who looked at it like it was an alien thing. He squeezed it, forearms flexing with effort. It could fit in his hand and didn’t have a real knot, it was only a bit more solid at the base. 
“This’ll make it better? But it’s… I’ve…” Will struggled and flashed his eyes up to the doctor who gave him a smile and took the toy back, letting one hand creep under the blanket to touch his bare ankle. She stroked his joint with ease and confidence and Will relaxed again. 
“You’re in heat Will, anatomically your body is begging for this.” Hanna said and nodded toward the phallic thing in her hands. Will blushed and looked away but nodded and little. 
“I’ll be doing the whole procedure. You can even hold my hand. We’re going to try this and if it doesn’t work I’ll order you a heat closer and we’ll have to start you on suppressants. Understand?” Hanna said in a no nonsense kind of way. Suppressants were serious business. Will knew that. 
He swallowed and thought about it. Miss Lecter had to wear heavy scent blockers like all other staff but Will always got an “alpha” vibe off her. Plus she was a lot older than him and she worked in clinic so she probably had so much experience. 
“I don’t wanna be on the floor, hurt my legs.” Will said and looked back at the woman who smiled and gave him a sympathetic look. Will felt a particularly sharp feeling and squeezed his thighs together tightly and let out a high pitchy whine. 
“Okay, breathe through it. In and out, you’re okay. Breathe Will.” Hanna coached and waited patiently until Will was breathing evenly. He was crying lightly and pushing at his stomach. 
“Would you rather have me wear gloves or without?” Hanna asked and stood up waiting for an answer. Will huffed and sniffed a bit. 
“I don’t like gloves, makes me feel like ‘m gettin fingered by a balloon dog.” Will said and Hanna broke out in a smile. What a crude little boy. Hanna handed him a tissue and washed her hands quickly in the small sink. 
“Skin to skin contact is suggested during mating cycles. Especially when you’re still so young and dealing with other conditions.” The doctor explained as she sat back down on the bed and picked up the toy. 
Will trembled slightly at the thought of getting… mated . He’d never actually had heat sex. He’d had a bad blowjob once but other than that he was rather… inexperienced. 
“‘M nervous” The boy mumbled and squeezed his legs together under his blanket. Hanna smiled and let her hand gently rub at the boy’s thin calf under his blanket. 
“It’ll be okay, I’m here to take care of you. We’ll make sure you’re ready when you take on an alpha.” Hanna said and let her hand part his tender fuzzy thighs. 
“Oh- okay. Okay, yes ma’am.” Will shakily agreed and let his knees apart and pulled his blanket up to his belly. -0-0-0-0-
“Momma don’t leave, they hurt me.” Will whimpered and grabbed tighter onto Hanna’s blouse. Hanna shushed him and kissed his sweat salted forehead. 
He’d done so well. Crying, begging, tearing at her arms and shoulders with clipped blunt nails, screaming, baring his teeth, like a little rabid puppy. 
“Darling Will, I’m not leaving. You need to sleep, I’m only going to go prepare your new meal plans and do some paperwork on you. No one else will come in, I promise Will.” Hanna reassured the boy and pet gently at his clammy back. He kept his face shoved against her collarbone and her silky blouse clamped deathly tight in his fist. 
The doctor continued to pet his back and hummed lightly, some old instrumental she’d listened to. 
“Okay momma… wanna sleep so tired.” Will grumbled and released his grip on the silky fabric finally. 
Hanna slowly slid the boy off her lap so he was resting on his side against the bed head which was raised to a nearly sitting position. He whined a little and she placed a pillow in front of him to hug which he did immediately. Legs drawing up to pull the cushion in a koala hug. 
Such a sweet little monster. 
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name meaning
RULES: Search and post the meaning of your OCs’ names (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! Bonus if you can find something for their last name too (+ to make it funnier i’ll add why i chose the name <3)
TAGGED BY: @aartyom​ & @arklay​
TAGGING: @mandalhoerian @aelyosos @denerims @nuclearstorms @swordcoasts @reaperkiller @montliyets @camelliagwerm @cultistbase & everyone who wants and hasn’t done this before <3
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CARMEN — is a name with two different origins, and therefore meanings. The hebrew meaning (from karmel) means “garden” or “vineyard”, while the latin meaning is “song”, “poetry” or “truthful”. 
I chose the name Carmen, because it’s one of my favorite names. I also chose the name carmen because of the opera “Carmen” which is one of my mom’s favorite operas she has visited and the song “Habanera”, an aria of this opera, has THIS epic version, which I LOVE. It’s the first one in Carmen’s character playlist, as well! (Also because I created trailer-style videos before, I constantly get a video game trailer in my head for Carmen’s “own” game [like RE4 was for Leon] and this is the song used in the trailer. Yes, I am weird, thank you for noticing.)
LARA — is a name with several different origins, which can all mean completely different things, but since Carmen is of hispanic heritage, I will go with the spanish meaning, which is “Protection”. 
(okay, this here might be a little surprise, BUT Lara isn’t actually Carmen’s second given name, but her paternal name (as in spanish naming customs & in some hispanic countries the children have two last names: the paternal surname and then the maternal surname. ) I love this meaning so much, because it clearly shows what Carmen would do for her loved ones. She is a very protective person, so she’d do anything to save them, which... doesn’t always work. I also chose Lara, because Carmen has a Lara Croft “phase” later on, and I read they actually intended for the original Lara to be hispanic, so I made a little homage to my first role model ever.
LOPEZ — is a common spanish surname (especially in Mexico, where Carmen’s maternal grandparents come from) and is the anglicized version of López, meaning “Son of Wolf”. It is also her maternal surname and her “official” surname (or rather the one she is called with, instead of Lara Lopez)
Little FUN FACT #1: okay, so this was basically BY COINCIDENCE and I did not plan this at all, but I thought it’d be funny to mention that Carmen’s name (the one she uses on every form or official paper [Carmen Lopez]) can be translated as “Song of the Wolf”, and that later on Chris’ squad is the “Hound Wolf Squad”, because... you know, wolfs usually show other wolfs they invade their territory by howling and that was just completely  👀 👀 to me! (I have a silly little lore about this regarding Carmen’s role in Village, but I have to think a bit more about this, but it’s angsty and a bit heartbreaking)
Little FUN FACT #2: Carmen is not a big fan of beer and actually enjoys wine more (her favorite is red wine), so her name meaning vineyard is also just happy coincidence and making me smile so much.
Little FUN FACT #3: So, even though Carmen keeps Lopez in her name, when she marries Chris her full name is actually Carmen Lara Lopez Redfield, and she goes by both Lopez and Redfield, although it happens that she is called Redfield by new people she meets... and if you take a look at the first fun fact, all I’m gonna say: Red Riding Hood.
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SCARLETT —as in the color scarlet, represents courage, passion, force, joy and heat.
I haven’t written anything about Scarlett yet, but that girl is walking trouble. She has all those things mentioned above. She doesn’t think twice, as she is rather reckless about things (definitely not mirrored by the way I play Skyrim and run into every trap) and loves to play with fire. I also fell in love with this name because of the video game Venetica, where the protagonist is named Scarlett and she is the daughter of death... and since my Scarlett is a thief and definitely not someone who shies away from killing someone, she is my little anti-hero and not the hero those bards sing about in the Last Dragonborn.
WYNTER —other varianation of the name ‘Winter’, but in this variation also means ‘son’ or ‘child of winter’.
That was pretty easy, as I went with the Nord name giving techniques and gave Scarlett a name that could easily fit into the Skyrim narrative, since she is a born Nord.
FUN FACT #1: I explicitly chose two names for her that could be viewed as complete opposites. Scarlett (passion, heart, red, fire) and Wynter (snow, cold, ice, water), because even though Scarlett is a passionate, and rather sexual woman, her appearance is cool with pale skin, blond hair and icy blue eyes, which just shows the duality she expresses. She really is the “don’t judge the book by its cover”.
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HALLEY — is a female name of Scandinavian origin and means Heroine.
That the name means Heroine was just another BIG coincidence, as I chose the name Halley because of Halley’s comet! My shepard is a big paragade, with her being paragon in the first Mass Effect game, Renegade in the second and gets to be more paragade in the third game again, but through everything she is the “beacon of hope”, or “shooting star” in the darkest night. There is also a very cute (and also sad) WIP with her and Kaidan (her love interest) where her name gets a special meaning.
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KATHRYN — a variation of the name Katherine and means “pure” in greek
Not me chuckling, because Kathryn has probably never felt “pure” in her entire life. Kathryn is barely called by her entire name (except by Cullen in some private moments), as she refers to herself mostly as “Kat”, which is the nickname her twin brother gave her, because of her bright green eyes that sometimes light up like the ones of a cat. Because she is the mage and got often refered by a templar as filthy and dirty and cursed, she definitely never felt like a pure person and had to fight (often dirty) for herself to get through this bullying and straight down harassment of some templars in the Ostwick circle. No way, she’d feel good about this meaning or she’d rather point out the irony of it. (Even though Cullen would say otherwise).
NIMUE —meaning “Lady of the Lake” or “Water”, sometimes even “Water of Life”
I must say, I chose this name because of the Arthurian Legend with Nimue being the original owner of Excalibur, a magical sword, and Kathryn later on learns the way of the Knight-Enchanter, and it’s an absolutely beautiful name really.
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cannibal-witchh · 3 years
Painting Heisenberg's Nails
Karl Heisenberg x Reader
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(The hands belong to the beautiful Mads Mikkelsen 🖤)
Written by cannibal_witchh
Contains: Fluff, A little sexual context, A little explicit language, and definitely cringe
Notes: This is more in regards to my hand fetish, I am highly attracted to hands with rings, nail polish, and veins...so I decided to write a cringey story! It's extremely short but I wanted something a little different then just fucking.
"Seriously, doll?", he let out an exagerrated sigh, walking around his littered study room with his hands behind his head. "Please!", you begged, spinning in his desk chair, fidgeting with a metal trinket he had gifted you. It was a metal flower, it was coarse and rough in texture but you loved it. It was just like him and of course, him making it made it hold a greater importance to you.
"N-O, no! Can you imagine if the other lords saw me?", he shook his head with a grin, walking towards you, placing both his hands flat on your thighs and leaning towards you. You put your face right infront of his, nearly standing up to match his height. "Please, Karl!", you pleaded, pushing out your lower lip to pout. " Real mature. The many decades of being single and the one time I decide to be with anyone, I pick someone younger who whines.", he laughed, giving your thighs a tight squeeze. His glasses began to slide down his bridge, and he brought his hand up to pull them up to the top of his head. You always enjoyed when he did that, his spectacles would grab a few front hairs back and it would show more of his charming face. Anytime he did something with his hair you found it very attractive as a matter of fact.
"But you like it,", you smiled pecking him on the tip of his nose with a kiss. "Yes, yes I do.", he chuckled with a wide toothy grin. " Sooo...please?", you shot your last shot with your request and you witnessed the Lord Heisenberg release another heavy sigh. "Fine. Geez, there, aren't I a nice boyfriend?", he teased rolling his eyes at you.
A few moments had passed and the two of you had sat at his table. It was trashed with crumpled up papers and old scraps of old metal, you were used to the mess at this point so it didn't particularly trigger you. "Let's get this over with, princess.", Heisenberg peeled his gloves off revealing well sculpted aged hands. Veins webbing along his hand, wrists and fingers. Scars decorating all around them, and a large onyx ring and silver ring resting above two of his knuckles. You didn't see his hands often, he was always handling metal and he preferred to miminize as much damage to himself as he could. For a moment you admired his large masculine hands, before looking at him. " Ok, just relax or whatever it is you old guys do.", you winked shaking the nail polish paint bottle. " This old guy stares at his cute little buttercup.", he propped his head up in the palm of one hand, and slipped his other onto your's. He flashed a wink and smiled as his cigar bobbed between his teeth.
You unscrewed the nail polish cap and began painting black onto his nails. He made an obnoxious gagging sound and began fanning the aroma away from his long nose. " Smells like ass!", he complained pulling his cigar away from his lips. " And your cigars don't?", you raised an eyebrow, now moving to paint his ring finger, the finger that had the large onyx ring on it.
"Such a wild buttercup,", he grinned taking in another puff of his cigar. " You really do hang out too much with me. You get more and more fiesty everyday. And a big smart ass.", he exhaled grey clouds as they swirled and danced infront of you. The smell didn't agitate you much, you had been with him long enough that his smoking addiction was a regular everyday thing.
You were now finished with the first coat on his hand and he pulled it close to examine. " Hmm..the things, I seriously do for you.." He teased freeing his other hand to allow you to begin on. " You are such a drama queen.", you darted your eyes at him, dipping the brush back in the bottle for more paint.
" So why black?"
"It's hot."
He rolled his eyes at you once more and began to levitate a dagger in the air beside him. It spun and flipped all around to keep him entertained. Suddenly, he brought the dagger to trace your inner thigh, sending goosebumps along your leg. " Bad! Wait until this is dry...then we can.", you demanded swatting the knife away from your innermost thigh. " Can't even give me something to entertain myself with. Such a cruel women.", he whined throwing his head back to let out a bored groan. " Seriously Karl, you can get some afterwards.",, you finished his ring finger, delicately stroking any missing spots of black paint.
"Oh, what a wicked princess!", he dramatized continuing his complaints while pulling his cigar back in for a puff. "Almost done...", you muttered focusing heavily on creating smooth paint strokes. Heisenberg continued watching you for a moment then looked at his newly painted nails with an uncertain expression. "Ok, I'm going to do the second coat and then I'll be done.", you lightly smiled at your impatient boyfriend. He didn't seem to say anything, instead now he was occupied with making more knives float. He seriously was a child, it had not been that long and he was acting like this had been hours of sitting.
After a couple of minutes, you completed the second coat and the relief in his eyes was made apparent. " Do you like it, buttercup?", he drummed his finger tips on the table, drawing attention to his freshly colored nails. Although, it was tacky still, you let him have his fun. " Yes, I sure do.", you twisted the cap of the nail polish back on and moved it to the side. " Now, just be careful with you nails....now you can finally get it, old man.", you smiled widely leaning in to kiss him. A couple kisses were exchanged and you could feel he had a large grin on his face.
"HEISENBERG!" a voice rumbled.
The kissing ceased and the two of you drew your heads to the noise. It was Alcina, trying to squeeze through the door. It was not really often she was in Heisenberg's home, so this was a very bizarre occasion. She finally squeezed in and stood as tall as she could stand in his room. She stood out with how flawless and well dressed she was.
She sniffed the air, " Ah, seriously? Having Y/N painting your nails? ", she began to let out a wild chuckle laughing at his dark nails. " And this is who Mother Miranda had at one point entrusted with Y/N Y/L/N. And you are out here playing dress up now.", she continued to bellow.
"Shut your mouth and get out, super sized bitch! We are about to fuck! Now go!", his eyes glanced over at his recliner chair and you shook your head. Alcina noticed too and tried to control another large howl of laughter.
"You really are an old man.", you sighed knowing very well how serious he was about kicking the foot rest up and fucking you on that stupid old recliner chair.
"Oh fine, ta ta! Adleast pick somewhere more tasteful then that. After your pitiful few seconds of fornication...please call, we have matters to discuss.", she addressed coldly exiting the building.
After a few minutes, he looked over at you with his cigar between his teeth and still wearing a smile. " Now get on that chair.", he smiled as you couldn't help but laugh. "Whatever, Lord Heisenberg.", you sarcastically replied as you moved over to this old recliner chair.
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weasleypogues · 4 years
newbie on set pt.2 (r.p)
so i got a lot of requests saying to do a part two so i hope u guys enjoy lol :) also!!!! i’m gonna put little twists on it here and there because it’s going to be like shes going into season 2 and sarah and john b are in the bahamas
read part 1 if you haven’t already :D
part 3 part 4
tag list for the series so far: ivebeenthinkingboutu nas-marie-loves-u k-k0129 
after a lot of preparation with fittings, readings, rehersals, and everything in between, you were finally shooting today. you and the cast had excitedly texted back and forth in the group chat but rudy made sure he also texted you on the side as he was eager to still get to know you.
you, madelyn, and madison sat in the makeup and hair trailer, gushing about the scenes you were shooting today and how excited you guys were to just be in south carolina and have fun like they did last year.
“did you see the tiktok i sent you?” madison asked madelyn, giggling and glancing at you because you were the once to convince madison to send it in the first place. madelyn glared at the two of you snickering, as she rolled her eyes but couldn’t fight back the giggle.
“yes! i did! i see them everywhere. ‘relax b john, i have a gutter, get you’re head out of the brother’ or ‘it’s not like i’ve never seen a gutter before, get your head out of your ass john b’, they literally fill up my page!” madelyn responded, laughing her ass off. you guys were referring to the hundreds of tiktoks that mocked that line in the first season. you threw your headback in laughter, tears coming out of your eyes. your hairdresser lola glared at you playfully and placed your head forward again because you kept interrupting her. you blew her a kiss in the mirror as a joke and she laughed.
“you guys are something else..” she trailed off, a huge smile upon her face. 
“are you nervous for today (y/n/n)?” madison turned to you and asked. you let your cheeks fill up with air before letting the breath out slowly, in deep thought. you hated to say it but you were literally terrified. you didn’t want to be the reason that a scene that should’ve taken maybe 60 minutes at most to shoot could take longer because you weren’t working to your full potential. “i’ll take that hesitation as a yes..”
“i just don’t wanna fuck up. like no one does, but if i did it on my first day it would be all i think about.” you responded, twidling with your thumbs.
“you did amazing at the table read and great at rehearsals, you’re gonna do great today.” madeyln smiled, reassuring you. “especially......because your first scene is with rudy today.” she smirked, sending a wink your way.
you felt your face grow hot and cowered in your seat slightly, but not enough that lola couldn’t continue working on your hair. you and rudy had been texting nonstop ever since you guys left the restaraunt after the first table read. you have to admit, he was very flirty but you always seemed to psych yourself out because you caught on that he was just an outgoing and friendly guy. but madison and madelyn snapped you back to reality that he wouldn’t play footsie’s with just anyone or constantly text them if it wasn’t something that crossed his mind. 
someone with an earpiece, walkie talkie, and clipboard walked onto the trailer saying that he needed you and madison for a scene. as sarah and john b were in the bahamas, you guys weren’t getting any scenes with them for a little while. you walked out of the trailer with string bracelets and other accessories practically covering your wrists, neck, and ankle to make you look more summer-y and pogue like. you walked towards where you guys were shooting a scene in the wreck and placed the apron around your body, talking to madison. 
“lady pogue! baby pogue!” you heard a familiar boy yell and you turned around to see rudy and jonathan. jonathan had on a green tshirt and grey cargo shorts, accessorized with a beaded necklace and a hat on backwards. you pulled him in for a hug first until he was pulled away suddenly. before you knew it, you were in rudy’s arms being given probably the best hug in the world. you giggled and looked up at him as you pulled away.
“you just couldn’t resist me, i get it.” you joked and raised your eyebrows. rudy laughed and let a smirk grow onto his makeup-bruised face.
“how’d you know?” he responded somewhat sarcastically. you rolled your eyes and pushed him away playfully, in doing so you admired his arms as he wore a white tanktop and backwards hat as well. 
“you guys ready to get started?” you all heard jonas yell out and you let out a deep, nervous breath and nodded. 
“you got this, (y/n).” madison reassured you, rubbing your arm lightly before the three of them got into their spots at a table at the wreck. you fixed your hair slightly, hiding your script from plain shot of the camera and tightened in apron that wrapped around your waist.
juliet walked towards the group of three pogues sitting at a picnic table at the wreck. she had just moved to the outer banks with her parents and brother for some business thing that involved her parents and real estate. however, whatever sum of money her family had didn’t stop her from finding a job and getting out to do her own thing. nick carrera was kind enough to give a sixteen year old girl with no restaraunt experience a shot at waitressing at the wreck. he said it wasn’t difficult and that his daughter, kiara, had fun. 
juliet had worked a couple of shifts with kiara and they had fun but juliet didn’t want to over step her boundaries. her next table to serve was kiara and her two friends, jj and pope? juliet couldn’t remember if that was their names or not. kiara had talked about them but said that it had been a couple of months since they’ve seen each other because they lost two friends at sea. juliet decided it was probably still a touchy subject and didn’t want to invade anymore in fear of upsetting kiara. 
however, kiara did mention that she had not seen pope or jj in a long time. juliet wasn’t sure if they had agreed to take some space or they drifted apart because of the lost friends. so when juliet saw kiara sitting at a table with two boys that fit the descriptions of her old friends, it clicked in her head. they looked like they were in a deep conversation and she thought maybe she should give them a second instead of interrupting them for a simple drink order. juliet shook her head to snap out those thoughts and walked up to the trio.
“hey kie, anything i can get for you guys to drink?” she built up the courage to ask, giving a small smile to the trio with her pen and paper in hand.
“just waters good for me, juliet. boys?” kiara started, sending a kind smile back to her. 
“same here.” pope brought up, fiddling with his fingers as it was clear they were in the middle of a deep conversation. juliet lowered her head to write on the paper and felt a wave of regret wash over her because she felt bad for interrupting the rekindling group.
“juliet? like romeo and juliet?” jj asked, looking at juliet with a small smirk on his face. juliet took a second to take in the fact that the blond kid in front of her face was bruised and cut up. he clearly fucked with the wrong people, probably kooks from old stories kiara had told her on break one day. juliet nodded with an awkward smile.
“like shakespeare intended.” juliet responded, fixing her hair slightly as a natural mannerism. 
“got a romeo? or do you want one?” jj replied with a wink. even in character, you felt your cheeks get hot because if you remembered the script correctly, that was not rudy’s line. he improvised. as you all played off that improvised line, kiara kicked jj from under the table which jj didn’t hesistate to flinch and rub his shin. “fiesty...”
kiara looked up at juliet, sending her an uncomfortable smile in a way of saying ‘sorry for him, he’s always this stupid’. “he’ll just take a water.” kiara flat out said because jj just failed to respond to juliet’s initial question.
“on the rocks!” jj joked to ease the awkwardness as juliet walked back towards the wreck to fetch them their drinks.
you heard the director yell cut and let your body somewhat relax from it’s on screen state and turned back around. “cute line, rudy! s’all you got?” you hollered over towards the trio, as you walked towards them. 
“c’mon, you gotta admit, that was funny. i had to make it a little more authentic!” rudy defended himself with his hands up. you rolled your eyes and shoved him slightly on the shoulder for almost messing you up on the first day if it wasn’t for the rest of the cast who played along so well. you let your elbow rest on his shoulder, exchanging a couple of words between madison, johnathan, and rudy in between takes. now you understood what all the hype was about.
after a long day at work, you packed up your backpack in your trailer, pulling your charger out of the socket. as you glanced around one last time, making sure you didn’t forget anything you heard a knock at your door. 
“come in!” you hollered out, although you didn’t let your eyes leave the surrounding areas.
“hey.” you recognized the voice as rudy’s and felt your heart flutter lightly and looked up at him. his rosy cheeks and messy blond hair almost made you melt on the spot.
“what’s up?” you asked, throwing your backpack over your shoulder and grabbing your phone. rudy took a couple of slow steps towards you and now you two were basically inches away from each other. 
“i was wondering if you were up for dinner tonight?” rudy asked, rubbing the back of his neck. he was clearly nervous, but for what?
“yeah i’m down! what do the rest of the group have in mind?” you responded, pretty obliviously. rudy let out a big breath because he thought he had gotten the hard part over with. 
“actually, i was thinking you could come around to mine and i could cook something....like y’know. just the....two of us?” rudy responded, his face slowly growing red as he avoided eye contact with you.
a huge smile grew on your face and you saw as rudy slightly relaxed himself as maybe this was a good sign. “like...a date?” you answered. you felt bad that maybe you were egging it on more and making him clearly more stressed but you needed that clarification for yourself.
“uh, that’s what i had in mind?” rudy stated, with his eyebrows raised. you lifted on your tippy toes and placed a kiss on his cheek. as you took a step back, you stared into his blue eyes and smiled.
“a date it is.” you answered. you never in your life thought that you would have the confidence to do that, so it wasn’t a surprise that your heart was racing fast and your hands felt sweaty.
you walked past him and opened the door to the trailer before turning back. “you coming or what?” you asked.
rudy did not even hesitate to follow after you.
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Hi~! I was wondering if it’s alright to request ships for Star Wars and GoT please? I’m a 22 year old woman and I’m bi. I have short brown hair, big green eyes, and my height is 5’4 or 164 cm and I have a pear shaped body type. I also wear glasses and I have a few piercings. And I’m a Gemini and an INFP.
I’m very shy, anxious, and awkward around strangers. I have major social anxiety, so meeting new people face to face freaks me out. It also takes a while for me to open up and trust others. But once I’m comfortable around someone, I’m the complete opposite. I’m more talkative, bubbly, sarcastic, feisty, cuddly, outgoing, dorky, and a crackhead lol. There are times I can be super moody, insecure, sensitive, and emotional because I overthink EVERYTHING 🙃. I’m a true Gemini, my personality is literally split between two, the shy and sweet side and the sarcastic firecracker lol. I’m not afraid to speak up when I see through peoples bs lmao and I’ll stand up for others. My friends would describe me as the “innocent and cute friend who needs to be protected at all times”. In friend groups I’m usually the oldest, but I often get mistaken as the youngest because of my youthful nature and looks. I do get annoyed and mad easily because I also get overwhelmed and overstimulated pretty fast, but I don’t stay that way for long. My mood shifts pretty quickly, so I need someone who can keep up with my mood swings 😵‍💫.
I LOVE hugs and cuddles, but only to my friends and partner. Being touched by someone I barely know makes me feel anxious to the point I can have panic attacks. In social settings, I’d rather observe and process my surroundings, than to talk to random strangers lol. But there are times I can be very social too, but that rarely happens lmao. When I’m anxious I have a bad habit of cursing and spacing out.
I love animals and kids, but babies kinda make me anxious. I also ADORE anything cuddly, cute, soft, and fluffy like pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals. I enjoy taking naps, baths, watching trashy shows, drama, video games, makeup, musicals, shopping, making others laugh, tarot readings, traveling, going on walks and drives, nature, star gazing and cloud gazing, teasing others, and singing. I DESPISE spiders, crowds, loud noises, getting yelled at, mornings, and confrontation even though I love drama LOL.
Thank you so much and I hope you stay happy and healthy~! Also take as much time as you need~! 💜
Hello my dear💕 I haven't don't many ships for star wars (and this is actually my first GoT so how exciting!) So this is a fun one!
For Star Wars, I ship you with Rey Skywalker
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It took a little while before you warmed to each other, you were both a little wary.
BUT, once you got a bit more comfortable it was all guns blazing.
You guys are so chatty, especially once you get started on a topic you're both super interested in.
Hyper af. You guys seem to have endless energy when you're with each other, and you're the life and soul of everything. Your friends always say that they party don't start till those two arrive.
You can both be quite stubborn and moody sometimes, you're both well able to keep up with each other.
But it never lasts long because the fiesty, sarcastic bickering quickly turns into teasing and then you're laughing and it's all forgotten.
Neither of you are very touchy-feely in general, but you're so affectionate with each other. So much cuddles and kisses when you're alone together.
Rey's a bit rubbish with social media and TV shows, so she loves when you tell her all about your favourites and show her your favourite things.
Star gazing is low-key your favourite chill-date, especially pointing out all the constellations. You love how her face lights up when she's looking up at the night sky.
Neither of you really like being stuck in large crowds so you tend to avoid things like that and observe from outside the chaos.
Two insane animal lovers. You guys are suckers for anything cute and fluffy.
For Game of Thrones, I ship you with Samwell Tarley
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He's super respectful of the fact it takes you awhile to get comfortable with people. He doesn't push but he's always there with a smile.
He loves how chatty you are. You two can talk for hours and hours about all sorts.
When he finds out you love star gazing he pulls out every book he can find on constellations so he can impress you by pointing them all out and telling you the meanings of them.
He gives the BEST hugs.
He can also tell when you're starting to get anxious in a social setting so he makes excuses for you to get out of there because he needs to make sure you're OK.
Everyone underestimates you two and thinks they need to protect you, but honestly you're both totally capable of sticking up for yourselves and those you care about.
Whenever you feel insecure, he's always there to reassure you.
You absolutely have pets, you pair of animal lovers.
He's the kinda guy who'd win you a giant stuffed Teddy and act like it's no big deal.
Hope you like them dearest 💕
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ikemen-girl · 4 years
The Most Beautiful Smile...
Genre- Romance and Fluff❤
Spoilers from Mitsuhide's route.
Hope you all enjoy! Here we go😉!
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Mitsuhide looked at his dearest little mouse, who was sleeping on his lap after sharing her terrifying experience with Yoshiaki Ashikaga. He terribly regretted making his little mouse involved in such a mess. But now, his main concern was making them pay for making a kitsune's wife cry.
He also knew very well that his little mouse was a very strong girl, he was genuinely surprised when she expressed her anger that she was not the only one going through such humiliation, many more are getting stripped of their dignity everyday, her eyes burnt with rage and hot tears while she clenched her fists,"It's not fair to anyone!"
"How can there be any person as pure as you, my love? Your heart is made of gold and I will protect it with everything I have, I promise you, my dear one..", he gently murmured, his eyes tender, he caressed her hair gently and kissed a goodnight kiss on her forehead securing the promise which she doesn't need to know.
"Before they pay the price for their misdeeds after 2 days, I would like to gift you a happy memory to cherish which can always bring a beautiful smile on your face, little mouse", Mitsuhide whispered to himself.
Next Morning-
She woke up and got dressed up for the day.
"Where is Mitsuhide?", she wondered, coming out of the inn.
She doesn't know for sure whether his words last night were completely true or an act but she was very happy and grateful for his immense, constant emotional support. She felt a sweet fluttering in her heart when she recalled all her memories with him. Even though, he was a traitor to the Oda forces and a big tease in her eyes, she still enjoyed his presence and felt safest with him. Her cheeks warm up when she remembered the way, Mitsuhide dried her tears and comforted her. She didnt realise but her heart became his when he found her last night.
"Can you distribute these sweets to those kids, Miss?", asks Kamekechi, appearing very busy for the upcoming event.
"Oh yes! Sure! By the way, have you seen Mitsu?", she asked.
"Thank you so much, Miss! Mitsu? Hmmm....I don't know, he must be around", said Kamekechi, trying his best to hide his amused smile as he ran away to avoid further questions.
"Wait....?", she looked confused at his hurried pace but she sighs and made her way towards the kids.
Even all the troupe members were looking way toooo amused at her for some reason, she felt awkward but shrugged it off as her imagination.
"Dear kids, here are your favourite sweets!", she happily distributed them.
"Thank you, Miss!", the children beamed happily at her while stuffing their adorable small mouths with the sweets and they ran in different directions.
"Hmm? Where are you all running off? Wait!", she started walking towards them, concerned.
"Everyone is acting pretty strange today...", she murmured as she lost the sight of the kids.
She suddenly heard the music of flute, which made her stop in her tracks, it was so melodious she turned her head towards the sound and she gasped with surprise of the sheer beauty infront of her eyes.
"Mitsu!", she exclaimed happily. He looked so delicate with a flute.
The troupe members along with Mitsuhide who was playing a flute and the children were dancing without a care in the world, upcoming event forgetten for a short time. Kamekechi was beating the drums happily besides him.
Mitsuhide flashed a foxy grin looking towards her beautiful wife who was already tapping her feet with excitement and walks towards her tucking his flute inside his costume with utmost grace.
"May I have the honour of my dear wife joining me for the dance along with everyone?", asks Mitsuhide extending his hand towards her.
The troupe members, even the children looked at them with heart-eyes while Kamekechi blushed happily, expecting her to say "yes".
"Yes! Absolutely!", she took his hand eagerly, interwining her fingers with him.
The children showered rose petals on everyone especially on Mitsuhide and his little mouse happily.
Mitsuhide flashed a genuine smile towards her for a moment, his heart full of warmth of happiness, he replaces it with his usual foxy grin to avoid detection by his little mouse.
She broke into a run towards the group with Mitsuhide being dragged by her.
"Oh my! My fiesty little mouse!", Mitsuhide chuckled, struggling to keep his balance.
"My sneki fox!", she giggled with happiness.
His heart did a big *bathump* at her emphasis on "My". He barely managed to school his expression with his usual smirk this time.
Everyone laughed at their playful exchange of words as they started dancing all together.
Clapping, singing, tapping feet, going round and round in circles, hand in hand, Mitsuhide and his dear wife along with everyone dance without a care in the world. She laughs happily, dancing crazily along with Mitsuhide who happily joins in the fun and follows his little one in her carefree and cheerful dance.
Mitsuhide couldn't remember the last time when he ever had this much fun and enjoyment in his whole life, his heart filled with happiness and love for his little mouse, her laughter was the most melodious music to his ears.
He decorates her hair with a flower crown to which she seem pleasantly surprised, she blushed happily while touching it tenderly.
"Awwww", a kid murmured happily out of nowhere.
Her blush deepens while Mitsuhide let out a laugh seeing her cute expression.
After the group dance ends, one of the kids came skipping towards her and whispered something in her ear while Mitsuhide eyed the kid curiously.
"So miss, how was the surprise? Mitsu planned this little celebration for he says that he loves you dearly! But we also love you! Don't forget that!", the kid whispered happily.
He knew by her sudden softened facial expressions that the naughty kid has revealed his plans to his dearest mouse.
"I love you too!", she cuddled the kid gently. The other kids pouted and they jump on her for a tight group hug. She laughed and said "I love you all! Lemme breathe!"
When the kids let her go, she moves towards Mitsuhide and asks a simple question- Did you do this for me?
"Obviously, Miss! Your husband wanted to give you a surprise from all of us saying that you were too precious for him and the love of his life and asked for everyone's cooperation in this plan with a such a earnest expression on his face, now, how can we refuse such an adorable request from a dutiful and loving husband? It was a win-win situation as we all also got a needy break during a tight schedule!", says Kamekechi happily.
"Revealing the plan to her was not in the deal, Kamekechi!", Mitsuhide let out a deep sigh but smiles wryly.
Kamekechi just laughed at his words.
After hearing Kamekechi's words, she understood the whole purpose of his plan, he wanted her to carry the happy memories back to Azuchi and wanted to cheer her up since yesterday's incident was a heavy blow to her dignity. He wanted to help her and bring a smile on her face.
She was overwhelmed with joy and was left speechless.
While some terrifying experiences cannot be completely erased from the mind but caring for each other can heal the wounds and helps in moving on in life.
"Why my dear wife, such a soft expression? Have I won your heart?", asks Mitsuhide with a teasing tone.
She moved towards him hearing his question, she wanted to be a tease for once like him too, but her feelings were honest, she gently reached up and cradled his cheeks in her little hands and kissed his cheek with the most affectionate touch, much to everyone's surprise including the kitsune himself.
The children covered their eyes and everyone gasps collectively in adoration.
"Thank you so much, my dear husband!", she looked at him with her brightest smile and moist eyes.
Mitsuhide.exe. stopped working.
"You both are so ADORABLE!", the troupe members exclaimed happily in chorus.
Mitsuhide was rendered speechless and there was a deep blush on his face, his heart racing madly, seeing her dazzling smile and the tender way she said those words, he struggled and ultimately failed terribly to regain his composure so he turned on his heels clumsily nodding with a small voice of "Welcome".
"Ahem, I...I remember that I..I have an important task to do....related to upcoming event! Let's go...Kamekechi!", said Mitsuhide curtly dragging him along.
Kamekechi raised his eyebrows, completely amused by the situation.
She didn't expect him to be so flustered and she blushed as well but was very happy to discover a new and very adorable side of Mitsuhide.
"Always teasing me, now he is the one being adorable!", she giggled happily.
"My little one, I am glad to see that my purpose of making you happy has been successful and thank you for the most beautiful smile and all the fun, you have given me today, even though I don't deserve the warmth for I betray and torture lives, it felt great to receive such a warm expression from someone, especially from you, I will selfishly engrave these special moments in my memory forever as love for you has rendered me helpless, my dear!", Mitsuhide thought with a gentle smile on his face, walking away with Kamekechi.
"Now, I will make them pay a big price who made a kitsune's wife cry, wait for me, my dearest little mouse!", thought Mitsuhide turning back to look at her when their eyes met and they both smiled warmly and shared a nod at each other.
"Thank you for coming in my life!", both thought at the same time looking at each other happily.
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The Bonnet Crew Looks & a few more facts about them
(I wanted to make this because I felt like it and wanted to give y'all a better visual how the crew looks like since I can't draw :3)
Stede Bonnet
Bonnet would look like something horrific. So I went with a Wendigo! I thought about making him look like Flint's species but not anymore because I wanted him to be more scary looking.
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The reason being because I like tropes where the character looks horrific but has a heart of gold. ((If this man wasn't good I could guarantee that he'd be the most feared pirate in the eitherium.))
- Bonnet was once apart of the military as a soldier. He served for three years and retired after nearly dying from a bomb exploding next to him.
- He had an ex-wife by the name of Mary Allenby. Their marriage was arranged to them by their parents. Bonnet would never admit it but he LOATHED her. Mary was a spoiled woman who would constantly complain and belittle Bonnet about everything. He just bought them a lovely mansion? It should've been a castle, Mary would say. He'd get her lovely gowns and clothing? She'd say she liked none of them but would wear them to tolerate his incompetence. No matter what, Mary was never satisfied. Bonnet would hide his hatred of her in order to save face. He's very happy now that he's no longer with her.
- A bit of NSFW but Bonnet never slept with his ex-wife. He found her so unlikeable that he couldn't even bang her.
- His ship is called the "Revenge"
- Bonnet was always confused about his sexuality. He had an attraction for men ever since he was a teenager but ignored his feelings because his parents had pretty negative views towards anyone that wasn't straight. Now that he's out of their grip, he's thought about exploring himself but doesn't know how to.
Of course we're sticking with the original design because the original is ✨flawless ✨
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Islay Lee
Islay is a heloderma which in other words is a gila monster.
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They're adorable and fiesty little creatures:33 like Islay herself.
Leonid Gorbachev
Leonid is an ursid who's more buff than he is thicc in comparison to the rest of his species. He has a burn mark on his face from an unknown incident. His left hand is replaced with a mechanical one also from an unknown incident that he refuses to share.
Unfortunately I can't find an image so here's Ricardo.
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Jayda & Jayden Solace
The first thing that came to my mind when picturing these two was those twins from the shinning xD which is actually one of the inspirations for them!
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The solace twins look very similar. So similar in fact, its like someone was looking at their own reflection in a mirror. Sometimes it's hard to tell them apart until you realize one of them is a boy. They have hazel brown hair briaded into a fishtail, teal blue colored eyes, and often wear the same clothing.
- whenever the twins make a prediction, they're very metaphorical and symbolic when it comes to telling the future. They never just say "oh theres gonna be trouble ahead for us." And more like "The crows are flying around us like vultures on an animal carcass. Their getting closer and we must prepare for the pecking." Crows can represent bad luck.
- not a fact but I like to think that the twins see the future because of Davy Jones meddling with them. He's like "lol tell one of that they're gonna slip on a banana peel but be subtle about it"
- their favorite thing to do is stare at each other for long periods of times.
Fleance Bal
Honestly idk how he'd look. All I know is, Fleance would have puffy pink hair tied into a ponytail. His robotic body looks like a combination of feminine and masculine parts. Like broad hips and broad shoulders. Maybe his whole body is also pink?
Cletus Callaway
You know the typical ginger haired, green eyed southern man that will stab you if you insult his sweet tea. He's also heavily built since he's worked on a farm for almost his whole life.
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Octavia Oshima
Octavia is a blue ringed octopus and if you known anything about them is that they're highly poisonous.
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- Octavia is often discriminated against because of her poisonous genes.
- She'd often wear gloves to make sure she didn't leave anything she touched infected.
- she likes to conduct experiments in order to find more cures for diseases and sicknesses. She even uses a few of the other crewmates to be apart of her experiments.
- Octavia wrote in journals about her adventures and the crewmates on board. She filled up at least eleven journals with her writings.
Noëmie Von Marrietta
Noëmie is a canid and from the treasure planet lore, female canids look like cats. Noëmie is a dark grey fluffy canid. She's much smaller in comparison to the rest of the crewmates. She's the exact same height as Baozhai which should tell you that they're short.
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- Noëmie enjoys singing when no one's around. Unfortunately because of her talent at singing beautifully, the others would sneakily listen to her.
Archie Mulligan
A cute and cuddly little red panda for the mischievous Archie Mulligan❤️❤️
I originally wanted to go with a raccoon but went with a red panda instead.
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Archie uses his cuteness to steal from people.
((Sometimes I like to call red pandas - fancy raccoons xD))
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wwenhlimagines · 4 years
The Pose
Drew McIntyre smut
Requested by @ashkrystal
Warnings: smut, cursing
Prompt: After watching Drew mockingly strike Andrade's pose on Raw, reader imagines very dirty things and has to have her way with him.
Inspired by this gif by @baysexuality
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Sitting backstage at Raw, you watch Drew taunt Andrade by mocking his pose. However, Drew makes that pose so much more appealing, meaning it makes you want to peel those trunks off of him and have your way with him. You're staring at the tv trying not to bite your lip too hard as you watch him place his title in front of his trunks leaving very little to the imagination.
Becky walks in and sees the look on your face, so she looks over at the monitor. "Oh...that's new." You nod your head as she sits down next to you. "At least it's the end of the show." She winks at you and you blush, "Yeah, but I've got to play it cool. Otherwise, he'll tease me like that every damn day. It's not easy having a sex god boyfriend who knows just how to make you squirm. I can't let him get it anytime he wants. I want to tease him too." She smiles and chuckles lightly, "Trust me girl, I completely understand, but luckily Seth knows that as long as I'm champion, I have control." I smile at her and shake my head, "Yeah, but I don't have a title so how am I supposed to feel like I have any control around him." She smirks, "Girl, you've got the nice ass and boobs in this couple. Trust me you own him when it comes to your body, so use it to your advantage." You smirk, "How should I do that Becks?" She hums and taps her index finger on her chin, "Maybe, you can tell him you want to take some pictures together and use that as a way to bring your assets to his attention by posing with him." You tap your fingers together and let out an evil laugh, "Muahahaha. That's perfect."
You see Drew coming your way so you turn to Becky. "Thanks for the advice, you're the best!" "You're welcome, let me know how it goes and I might try it on Seth." You laugh together as you feel Drew's right hand wrap around your waist. "What are you girls laughing 'bout?" Becky smiles, "Oh nothing, I was just telling your girl about how Seth isn't letting this Messiah thing stay at work and I've been having to put him in his place." Drew chuckles and high fives her, "Good, just let me know if I need to hit him a bit harder in our match in a few weeks. Maybe I can knock some sense into him." Becky smiles and waves goodbye to both of you while walking away.
"So m'lady what did you think of my match?" He pushes a piece of hair behind your ear and you smile up at him, "It was great babe. Since I didn't wrestle but had to look cute tonight, do you think we can take some pictures together tonight?" He smiles, "First of all, you're always cute. Secondly, yeah after I shower we can head home and take some pictures." You squeal lightly, "Yay! Now go shower so we can get home." He smirks as he steps forward and lightly pushes you up against the wall. "Are you sure you don't want to join me babygirl?" You have to stay strong and not give in so you playfully roll your eyes at him. "Yes Drew, I want to take pictures now hurry up." His smirk falters a little before he gives you a quick peck on the lips and turns to go take his shower. As soon as he is out of earshot, you let go of the breath you had been holding. Normally, you give right in as soon as he pins your body up against something with his own and wrap your legs around his waist while he kisses your neck, but you have to have more self control if you want to be the one to tease him. A few minutes later, Drew comes out in a t-shirt and sweatpants with his bag slung over his shoulder. "Let's get out of here babe." You smile and link your arm through his as you walk out to the car.
The drive home is quick and filled with small talk about tonight's show but avoiding his new pose mocking Andrade at the beginning and end of Raw. When you arrive home, you go set up a camera in the living room to get ready for the photoshoot. "Hey, Drew can you put your ring gear back on please and bring your title belt?" "Sure babe, give me a couple minutes." You go touch up your makeup in the bathroom and make sure your outfit is making your body look good. You have on a v-neck tank top and shorts, so you make sure to push up your bra and pull up your shorts so your butt looks just right.
Walking back out into the living room, you see Drew with his wet hair, long vest and trunks holding his title in his hands. He sees you walk in and his eyes light up as he smiles, "There's my girl." You blush as you walk over and fix his hair a bit. "There's my man." You grab his chin and pull him down so you can leave a slow gentle kiss on his lips before walking over to the camera. He looks over at you like a kid who just lost his candy and you giggle. "Okay pouty face, now put your title around your waist and go pose for me." He rolls his eyes and does as he's told standing in front of the camera looking down at it with his piercing blue eyes and smirk on his face.
You take a couple pictures of just him then you decide to set a timer and walk over to him placing your right hand on his chest and leaning into his right side as you pop your butt out slightly. His arm comes around your waist and he looks down at you smiling as the camera goes off. You take a couple in that position while he flexes his arms and then you both do his primal growl at the camera in the last one. You giggle as you go look at the pictures and then turn your attention back to Drew. "Okay now lose the vest you sexy Scotsman." He smirks as he walks over to you and grinds his crotch up against your side as he slowly removes the vest and sings, "I'm too sexy for my vest, too sexy for my vest, so sexy it hurts." You laugh as he swings the vest around over his head and then chucks it onto the couch. You slap his ass, "Get back over there." He smiles "Fiesty today, I like it." He walks back over and poses a few times before you tell him to crouch down so you can pretend to be the ref and raise his hand on victory as he stands up and the camera catches it all. Then you decide to bring it up, "How about you do the pose you did tonight to mock Andrade?" He nods and gets into position. You take a couple pictures of him with the title laying in front of him and then you go sit behind him sitting on your right hip and putting your arm up with his as you lean in so your boobs brush against his neck and ear. You can hear his breath catch briefly as you lightly shimmy your shoulders when you get back up and walk over to the camera swaying your hips from side to side.
"Last one, put the title over your trunks." He looks at you quizzically but he does it anyway. Behind the camera, you start to dance a little and sing Shawn Michaels' theme song changing some words as you go, "I think you're cute, you know I'm sexy, you got the look that drives me wild... You're just my sexy boy." He smiles as you shimmy and shake your butt as you click the button on the camera. "Okay McIntyre now lose the trunks." He looks up at you shocked at your sudden change in tone. "Excuse you, a please and thank you would be nice if you aren't going to buy me dinner first." You smirk as he takes off his trunks and then gets back into position with the title over his crotch and his left hand behind his head. You take a couple more pictures before you join him by laying in front of him and covering your shorts with the title. He starts getting restless as you scoot your butt closer and closer to him. You look over your left shoulder at him and whisper as your lips inch closer to his, "I bet you could fuck me so hard like this. I'd be screaming your name as you thrust into me and rub my clit making my legs shake and toes curl like only you can Drew." You let your lips lightly touch his before you try to pull away. He grabs your waist and holds you tight up against him. "Oh no you don't little one. You aren't going anywhere. You're mine now." You bite your lip and whisper, "But I'm always yours Drew." He growls, "Damn right you are and don't you ever forget it." "How about you show me, fuck me so good that I will never forget." "Oh fuck yes. I'm going to destroy you my little minx."
Drew starts to kiss your neck as he pulls you over to straddle his waist. You sit up and smile as you mock his earlier singing while taking off your shirt, "I'm too sexy for my tank top, too sexy for my tank top, so sexy it... oh fuck Drew." He grinds his hips up into you at the end making you arch your back, throw your shirt to the floor, and dig your fingers into his chest for stability. "Yes babe you are too sexy, so sexy it hurts me to not be inside you so get your ass up and take off those shorts." He smacks your ass before you stand up and turn around as you slide off your shorts and panties swaying your hips side to side slightly. Drew groans as he sees just how wet you are for him. "Back it on up baby, let me taste you." You drop on your hands and knees before you back up so you are hovering over his mouth and your hand starts to stroke his dick. Drew raises his head and flattens his tongue out as he licks from your clit down your entire slit. You take his tip in your mouth and suck lightly as his tongue dove into you.
When you cupped his balls he pulled away, "I need to be inside of you now." He picked you up like you weighed nothing and he put you both back in the position that got this whole thing started. You grabbed the title and put it over the two of you as Drew slips inside of you. "Oh fuck babe, that is so hot. Seeing me fucking you with my title around us." You reach behind you and grab his ass as he puts his left hand behind his head and simply thrusts up into you from behind. You swivel your hips and squeeze your legs together as Drew's thrusts hit your g-spot. "Oh fuck...Drew!" He sucks lightly on your shoulder as he moans. His hand slips around to rub your clit and he whispers into your ear. "You make me feel so good babygirl I'm going to cum." "Me too Drew I'm almost there." His thrusts become sloppy as he gets closer. "Cum on my dick babe. Make me cum." You arch your back as your legs shake and your walls clench down making Drew thrust one more time before burying himself in you as his cum shoots into you.
You both try to steady your breathing as Drew's hand comes up to grab yours and bring it to his lips. "My sweet little lady sure had a dirty agenda tonight, but if our sex is that good we can have photo shoots whenever you want." You giggle as you let Drew slip out of you and then cuddle into his chest. You kiss him passionately as you run your fingers through his hair. "I hope the camera got some good pictures of us." Drew's eyes go wide, "Wait, was it taking pictures when we were fucking?" You pull back, "Umm... I'm not sure. Let's go look!" You both scramble to get up and put on some clothes to find the camera kept taking pictures, so you sat down on the couch and cuddled up to look at them together. You deleted the bad ones, but Drew said he definitely needed a few on his phone for when he's traveling without you. In the end, he saved 5 on his phone in a locked folder and you saved the cute regular pictures on yours so you could post them periodically or just to admire when you miss him. Drew grabs your cheek and pulls you in for another kiss which you gladly return and when you both pull back you say in unison, "I love you so much."
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is0gild · 4 years
Ice Cream and Fire Oven Pizza - Chapter 16
Pairing: Elsa x Lea/Axel || Side Pairing: Riku x OC
Summary: Modern AU. She's an introvert ball of nerves who works at Ice Palace, a mall food court ice cream shop. He's the outgoing, sassy goofball who works at the Pizza Planet across the way. Hilarity, snark, and fluffy romcom hijinks ensue.
Word Count: 6,227
Credit for super friggin’ cute and super friggin’ amazing cover art goes to the super friggin’ talented ky-jane here on tumblr!
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"No joke, you can for real get us the stuff?"
Rayne grinned over at Anna as the three of us walked side by side. "For real. I got a girl on the inside who can hook us up."
Her gaze narrowed dubiously, "Don't play me. I've been friggin' jonesing for a fix since March."
"You know I'm good for it, sweetpea," she slung an arm around her shoulders. "Trust me. My word is my bond, ya dig?"
Pinching the bridge of my nose, I puffed out a heavy sigh and grumbled, "You two are ridiculous."
A scoff from Rayne, "You'll be singing a different tune once that sweet, sweet ambrosia is warming your belly."
Rolling my eyes, I took another quick glance around the food court as we crossed it.
Still no Lea.
Boy couldn't get here fast enough.
Also, boy better hurry, seeing as how there was less than an hour left before my shift started.
My thumb absently rubbed the spot where his phone number still branded my palm as we finished crossing the sea of plastic tables and chairs, coming to a stop in front of the Lucky Cat. Working behind the register today was someone I hadn't seen before. A boy with a bandaid on one cheek and short, choppy brown hair sticking out from beneath the baseball cap he was wearing backwards.
I squinted.
…or maybe he was actually a she. Hard to say. They were really quite androgynous, whoever they were.
Rayne smiled at us and held up a finger, indicating for us to just watch and wait. Then she stepped forward, approaching the counter. "Sup, Miharu! We're here to see…" she paused, looking around to make sure there were no eyes on her that shouldn't be, then she hunched forward and lowered her voice to a whisper, "...Spellweaver."
The coffee purveyor of indeterminate gender said nothing for several seconds, just fixed her with a dull stare. "...she's in the back, just a sec," they at last huffed before turning and disappearing through the door behind them.
"Spellweaver…?" Anna arched an eyebrow at Rayne.
She nodded solemnly, "The street name she goes by for all of her shady backdoor dealings."
"Oh good grief," I massaged one temple with my fingertips.
Deciding to steer this conversation towards something a little less silly while we waited for… ugh, Spellweaver to show up, I asked Anna, "So you really have no clue what Mother and Father are planning for this whole weekend family outing thing they're inviting us to?"
"Zip," she popped the P as she shrugged. But then she was crinkling her nose with a frown, "Weaseltown's gonna be there though."
I hugged myself, shuddering. "Thanks, that does not reassure me."
"Relax! Dad's probably just gonna be all, " she gave a lofty sniff, raised her pinkie and deepened her tone in what I had to admit was a pretty good impression of our father, "let's just put this nasty bit of business behind us, bygones and whatnot, chip chip cheerio."
"You are aware he's not British, right?" my eyelids drooped at her. I couldn't resist a tiny grin though and exhaled slowly, "...you really think he'll be that forgiving?"
"Of course! Well... that or he'll be all," up that pinkie went again as she scowled, "how dare you throw your life away like this, young lady, disgracing the family name thusly! I will not stand for it, pish posh!"
"...not helping."
Rayne shushed us as the back door behind the counter swung open again and that Miharu person returned. "Your weirdo friends are here to feed their disgusting habit," they deadpanned, speaking to their coworker that'd also come striding out behind them, presumably none other than the infamous Spellweaver.
Aka Aqua.
I should have guessed.
Gaze darting about again to ensure the coast was still clear, Rayne rapped her knuckles against the countertop, tapping out the beginning of "shave and a haircut." Aqua gave a good natured snort before responding with two knocks herself, delivering the punchline to the tune.
Seriously? What was that supposed to be, some sort of code? This was just getting more absurd by the second.
"What're you ladies in the market for today?" Aqua asked, propping an elbow onto the counter.
"We're here for… the Spice," Rayne put heavy emphasis on the word, giving her a wink that was the very antithesis of subtle. "You still got your super special secret stash?"
"Maybe," she inspected her fingernails, casually bouncing one shoulder. "You know I only stock the primo kind too. But stuff's not easy to come by this time of year. If I did have it, supplies would be getting pretty low. It'll cost ya. You got the munny?"
Anna suddenly pushed forward, grabbing Aqua by the front of her apron and yanking her down to her eye level, "Yeah yeah, you got the goods or what, bitch?!"
"Anna!" I snapped, horrified.
"What?! I was just playing along with the bit!" she defended, immediately releasing her grip.
Aqua gingerly smoothed the wrinkles out of her apron and fixed her crooked visor, "Normally just the munny and a please would suffice."
"Was your sister seriously just about to straight up shank Aqua over some coffee?" a low, amused voice said right next to my ear, making me jump. I spun around, discovering Lea snerking behind me as he straightened back up. Xion and Roxas were with him too, looking dressed to be on the clock shortly.
There was a tiny harrumph from Anna, "Everyone knows you don't get between a white girl and her pumpkin spice latte!"
That's right.
That's what this whole foolishness had been over.
Pumpkin frigging spice.
"Three please," Rayne asked sheepishly, handing Aqua the munny and shoving a hefty tip into the jar for good measure. Then she sighed at Anna, "We can't take you anywhere."
"It was a friggin' bit!"
"Hey, so," Roxas piped up, drawing my attention to him as he smirked. Xion bounced on the balls of her feet beside him, looking positively ready to burst with giddiness as Roxas leaned forward, "...are you like our new mommy?"
I blinked, "Wha-?" Then yelped as Xion, apparently no longer able to contain her excitement, threw herself at me with a squeal and squeezed me in a bone crushing hug.
"I'm so happy for you two!" Her death grip tightened and I wheezed, looking to Lea for help. He just grinned wider at me and shrugged. The useless punk. Thankfully, Xion pulled back, seizing me by the shoulders instead. "Tell me everything! How did it happen? When did it happen? Was it love at first sight? Gah, I still can't believe you two kept it a secret for so long and even guilt tripped me over that harmless lil car prank, you jerk!" she punched Lea in the arm, forcing him to hiss out a pained "ow."
Served him right.
The abrupt sound of someone noisily clearing their throat cut through the air. We turned to find a lanky guy with wavy, ash blonde hair down to his shoulders standing nearby, his lavender eyes giving us a pointed look. "Pardon me, if you would…?"
Apparently we were blocking his path to the Lucky Cat register where Miharu was currently stationed at.
"Oh!" realization struck Xion and she hurried out of the way, dragging me with her.
"Thank you," he bowed his head to us before sauntering up to the cash register with a sly grin, "Well well, don't you look absolutely ravishing today, my fiesty little barista of love."
"Bite me, Joshua," Miharu ground out flatly.
"Only if you insist," he purred.
I was distracted from that exchange by a steaming to-go cup suddenly popping up barely an inch in front of my nose, making me stagger back a step. "Here ya go, sweetie!" Rayne chirped from behind the latte she was offering me.
"Thanks," I mumbled as I took it, giving her a tiny and somewhat dazed smile as I struggled to keep up with the whirlwind of activity going on around me. Too many different things were going on at once and it was all just a lot, okay?
"Ah!" Anna sighed loudly and happily after taking a long, deep swig from her pumpkin spiced beverage. "Pure heaven!"
"Amen, sister!" Rayne cried, chugging some of her own. Then she gasped, snagging Anna's arm and gesturing towards the Ice Palace. "Look! Kristoff's on shift! Think you can work your feminine wiles and score us some free sundaes?"
"Ray-Ray, please. You worked your magic, now watch me work mine. Hold my drink." She handed her cup to my roomie, cracked her knuckles and skipped off, singsonging, "Yoohoo, Kristoff!"
That poor boy was about to get played like a fiddle.
Rayne spared a look my way, grinned and elbowed my arm before casting a significant glance towards Lea. "Have fun," she half whispered, half giggled to me before running off after Anna.
"We should probably get going too, Xion. Gotta punch in," Roxas said as he eyed the massive overhead clock on the other end of the food court.
"Aw man," she whined, looking from him to me. "Fine. But you and me? We're gonna talk more later, got it?" she brightened, giving my arm a squeeze before joining Roxas who waved goodbye to us as the two of them walked off towards Pizza Planet.
Lea shook his head with a soft chuckle as he watched them go, saying to me, "Ignore them. The kiddos are just super happy for us lovebirds."
"Oh." I looked down at my to-go cup, fingers fidgeting with the lid. "So you got a chance to talk to them about it."
"Didn't really have to. I think that bit of theatrics between Anna and your crazy uncle the other day spoke for itself. Whole food court's been abuzz." He flashed me a big smile, shrugging, "Face it, El. We're the new hot topic."
"R-really?" I stammered, doing my best to stop the blush I felt creeping up my neck dead in its tracks. I'd nearly forgotten about that whole embarrassing scene. I think I'd been subconsciously trying to block it out, pretend it'd all been a bad dream.
"Don't worry. It'll become old news pretty quick and chatter'll die down."
"I hope so," I frowned, taking a careful sip of my warm latte. I hated being the center of attention and having people talk about me.
"So…" his eyes crinkled as he took a step closer to me now, plucking the cup from my grasp and depositing it onto a nearby table so he could take both my hands in his. Tracing his thumbs in light circles along my knuckles, he murmured, "Hi."
That blush I'd been keeping at bay? Just called in reinforcements and broke through the bloody barricades. "...hi."
His eyes briefly flicked to our right, discreetly calling attention to the fact that Aqua was grinning at us as she prepared a mocha order. Ah, message received. We had an audience. And an audience demanded a show, one which Lea seemed only too glad to put on as he now brought my hands to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on the back of each one. "Didja miss me?"
My stomach flip-flopped. No, scratch that, it was doing goddamn somersaults like a gold medal gymnast on a set of uneven bars at the Olympics. Panicking a little, I hastily looked away and blurted out, "Miss you? Please, I just saw you yesterday. It hasn't even been twenty-four hours yet, I haven't had time to miss you."
What? I didn't know how to do the whole lovey-dovey thing, real, pretend or otherwise! Honestly, I was beginning to think it just wasn't genetically coded into my DNA.
He tsked. "That's not what you were supposed to say."
I gave him some side-eye. "What was I supposed to say?"
"Hm, I dunno… something like," he transferred his grip to my wrists, pulling my hands up to cup his cheeks, "how much you longed to see this gorgeous face again and how you cried yourself to sleep just counting the seconds until you could look upon its beauty once more."
"...I am not saying that."
"Huh," he smirked down at me. "Funny how ya didn't deny it though. Don't worry, we can work our way up to it."
I snorted. "Don't count on it."
A tiny laugh came from the Lucky Cat. With him still holding my hands to his face, we both looked over to see Aqua hiding a smile behind her fingers. She shook her head, "Sorry, pretend I'm not here. You two are just very cute."
I jerked my wrists free of his grasp and opened my mouth to say we most certainly were not. However, Lea was faster with a chipper, "We know!" With that, he picked up my drink once more, slipping his free hand into mine and cooed, "Let's go, shnookums," before walking off with me in tow.
Stumbling a few steps before matching his stride, I glanced back to make sure we were out of earshot. Then I looked at him. "No."
He cocked an eyebrow. "No what?"
My nose scrunched up. "Shnookums."
"Yes, sugarplum?"
I blanched. "No, that's not- I wasn't calling you-" I sighed, recomposing myself. "I was saying no to that pet name. Sugarplum's out too."
Lea pouted, "Aw, but they're classics. You sure you want to keep vetoing all of these? Pretty soon I'll have to start thinking outside the box."
"I'll take my chances."
"Suit yourself, don't say I didn't warn ya though." He then nodded to my cup, lifting it up slightly, "May I?"
"Uh…" I blinked. "...sure, go for it."
He took a sip then abruptly stopped us in the middle of the food court tables. "Shit, that's actually pumpkin spice. I thought your sister was only joking. October is still months away, how'd you guys manage to get your hands on this?"
My mouth pursed to one side. I can't believe I was about to say this. "...I know a gal who knows a gal."
A snerk huffed out through his nostrils. "Aren't you legally required to be wearing a trench coat and in a dark alley to say something like that?"
One corner of my lips twitched up despite myself as I took the latte back from him, "Was fresh out of trench coats."
"Well then, guess we'll just have to settle for this instead," he gripped the bill of my Ice Palace cap, twisting it sideways.
"Hey!" I swatted his hand away and spun my hat forward again. "I've got connections, I'm not a rapper. There's a difference."
"I know. I just really wanted to do that." His hand snaked up again, tweaking my cap to the left now. "Boyfriend privileges. Sorry, I don't make the rules."
Sighing, I straightened it again. "I've given you too much power. You're having way too much fun with this."
"No such thing." He went for the hat yet again but I caught his hand this time, narrowing my eyes at him. He grinned, shifting the hold so our fingers interlocked together instead, causing my heart to give a little flitter.
Then he used his other hand to turn the cap to sit sideways once more.
I drooped my eyelids at him. "I'm going to throw this drink in your face."
"And waste perfectly good pumpkin spice? For shame!" he chided playfully, thankfully having the common decency now to correct my hat back to the way it was supposed to be.
Ugh, this guy. Of all the people Anna could have shoved me into the arms of in front of the Duke on that fateful day, why'd it have to be him? I'm sure she'd only picked the nearest testosterone toting individual who just so happened to be strolling by in that exact moment but jeez, why couldn't it have been, oh I don't even know… Kristoff perhaps? Kristoff would have taken this more seriously. Kristoff I didn't have a maybe sorta crush on. Kristoff wouldn't have had my face toasting every ten stupid seconds. Seriously, I swear Lea had made me blush more in the past several weeks that I'd known him than I'd ever done in the rest of my entire life combined. I'm not sure who that said more about - Lea or my ex.
Shaking my head at him, I prompted, "So you said something yesterday about coming here to do some couple-watching?"
"Oh, right. Almost forgot." Lea glanced about at the shoppers enjoying their meals all around us. "Lessee here, who do we got…?"
"Why not Riku and Rayne? I mean, I live with them and they're in on the secret, I'm sure they'd be happy to coach us or whatever." I began to lift my drink towards my mouth but stopped it a few inches short, staring down at it with a tiny frown.
"Nah, they're not just a couple, they're married. Married is a whole different animal from dating. Trust me, what we're looking for is a cutesy-wootsy boyfriend-girlfriend dynamic duo." He took a break from scanning the area to focus on me once more, noticing the look I was now giving my cup. He quirked an eyebrow, "Problem?"
My eyes flicked to his lips, then returned to my latte. Then back and forth once, twice more.
...oh grow up! It's not like the boy had cooties!
"Not at all," I muttered, hiding my small scowl behind the cup as I finally took a sip, telling myself that the slight warmth I felt in my cheeks was only due to the heat of the beverage, nothing more. "What about them?" I asked hastily, gesturing back towards the Lucky Cat where... Joshua, was it? Was still talking to Miharu. "They're a couple." He was leaning across the countertop with a devilish little smirk, bringing their faces really close. Miharu, on the other hand, looked about ready to grab the nearest banana walnut muffin from their display case and shove it up his nose. I furrowed my brow, "...aren't they?"
He followed my gaze. "Who, them? Those two are… complicated. What they got going on seems to work for them, but it's not exactly the type of Hallmark romance we want to be emulating in front of your folks. No, we want too adorable and precious for this world. We want pure, unadulterated wholesome on a stick. We want cavity-inducing sweetness. We want…" once more, his eyes were darting from one table of mall-goers to the next until at last his face lit up and he pointed, "...them! Perfect!" And off he went again, dragging me with him.
We wove our way past several tables before coming to a halt at one in particular, seated at which was-
"Kairi? Sora?" I blinked at them and they both looked up at the sound of their names.
"Oh, hey guys!" Sora hit us with the full force of that blinding smile of his.
"Hiya!" Lea chirped, pulling out a chair for me. "Mind if we join you two?"
"Please," Kairi nodded enthusiastically, twisting her chopsticks into her chow mein that looked to be from Mushu's Kingdom. "Be our guest!"
I'm sorry, but couple-watching and couple-interacting were two completely different things. This is not what I'd signed up for. Still, I took the seat with only the barest hint of hesitation, feeling Lea push it in behind me before he grabbed the one next to me, spinning it one-eighty on one leg so he could plop down into it backwards.
Eyes dancing, Kairi spoke up again, "So, to what do we owe the pleasure of being joined by the Dusk Town Center's newest It Couple?"
"...It Couple?" I echoed, arching an eyebrow as I put my drink down in front of me, fingers fidgeting with the coffee sleeve.
"Told ya, El!" Lea chuckled, folding his arms atop the table, his elbow coming to rest against mine. "Everyone's talking about us. Can you blame them though? We did have a rather dramatic debut."
"Oh gosh," I smothered my face in my hands.
"Nothing to be embarrassed over, you're fine!" Kairi giggled, then glanced smugly over at Sora. "Plus, I got to tell this loser here that I'd told him so!"
He rolled his eyes, grin never wavering. "Lucky guess. You had no way of knowing they were already dating."
"Woman's intuition," she razzed her tongue at him, tapping her chopsticks to her temple. "It's never wrong."
Welp. It was wrong this time. Lucky for her, Lea and I had a cover to maintain. Good thing too, I don't know if I'd have had the heart to tell her otherwise and burst her bubble.
"Besides," she tacked on, slurping up a noodle, "it's always been plain as day for anyone to see on Lea's face. He has that whole lost puppy look going on whenever she's around."
"I don't have a lost puppy look," Lea scratched the back of his head with a sheepish laugh before glancing my way and insisting, "I don't."
Sora sniggered, "Yeah, Kai, I think that's just the way his dopey face always loo- ow!" That last part was in response to Lea reaching across the table to flick him in the forehead.
Ignoring the boys, Kairi sighed dreamily, "It's all just so sweet! Like some sort of modern day, food court, Shakespearian romance! One from House Pizza, the other from House Ice Cream, two star-crossed lovers defying all odds to be together!"
...okay, why were we here again?
"It's not like we're from two warring families locked in a blood feud." Lea snorted and muttered, "House Ice Cream and House Pizza… what even?"
"Shush, I was being poetic!" Kairi harrumphed before lightly slapping Sora's hand away as he tried to steal some of her chow mein.
Rubbing his sore knuckles, he whined, "Aw c'mon, Kai, all this food talk is making me hungry!"
"You've already eaten twice your weight in orange chicken, you big goob!" she shot back. But when he gave her the saddest pout in the history of all mankind - nay, the history of all existence - her shoulders slumped and she relented, stabbing her chopsticks into the noodles and twirling them, "Fine, open up, doofus."
He immediately perked up and parted his lips wide. Having wrapped a sizable portion around her sticks now, she gently eased it into his awaiting mouth. For all the care she took though, some sauce still managed to get on the corner of his lips as he started to chew. Kairi gave a soft tch and told him, "Hold still." Then she took his chin between her fingers, bent forward and kissed the smudged side of his mouth, leaving it clean by the time she'd pulled back, licking her lips with a tiny smirk.
Sora swallowed his food. "Thanks, bae!" he beamed, bowing his head towards hers and nuzzling the tips of their noses together, eliciting a titter from her.
Oh. Right. That's why we were here.
These two were cavity-inducing alright. I think I was already feeling my teeth begin to rot just by being within a five foot radius of them. Dear lord, I don't think I could ever be like that, especially not where people could see us.
...was Lea suggesting I act this way?
I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye, watching as he stretched a hand across the table towards Kairi's tray and dipped a finger into some of the excess chow mein sauce on one side of her plate. Lea then proceeded to dab the goo onto his nose, plant his elbow on the table, prop his chin in his palm and lean towards me with a cheshire grin, eyes hooded and eyebrows bouncing.
Apparently, yes. That's exactly what he was suggesting.
I stared blankly at him.
Yeah, no. Not happening, pal.
"Worth a shot," Lea snerked as he reached for a napkin to scrub the smear off with.
Kairi bit back a smile, "D'aww, she's shy! That's adorable!"
"That's my baby! Wouldn't have her any other way!" he tweaked my nose with a wink.
"Oh! I just had a great idea!" Kairi clapped her hands together. "Tomorrow night, Sora and I were gonna go out with Riku and Ray. Nothing fancy, just dinner and a movie. But what if you two joined us as well and turned our double date into a triple? How fun would that be?"
I don't know… dinner and a movie? She was asking a lot of little ol' hermit me. Maybe too much.
Lea looked to me, pressing his shoulder into mine. "How 'bout it, El?"
...well… I guess… for the sake of practice…
I gave the couple across from us a shy smile. "What time were you thinking?"
Taking that as a yes, Kairi cried out in delight. "Awesome! We're all meeting up at six. You can get the deets from your roomies!" She then picked up her phone to check the time. "Crap," she hissed, jumping up to her feet, "gotta run! Selphie's gonna murder me for taking too long on my lunch break!"
"Wait up, I'll walk you back," Sora called, taking the opportunity to snatch up the chopsticks she'd dropped and shovel what was left of the chow mein down his throat faster than should have been humanly possible. Then he grabbed the tray and hopped up as well, cheeks bulging with food as he muffled out, "See ya guys tomorrow!" before taking off after his girlfriend.
"So…?" Lea asked, one side of his mouth turning up as he stole another sip from my pumpkin spice latte.
I gave a small, incredulous laugh, "No. Also? No. No, no, no. No. Did I mention no? Because just in case I didn't… no. And just for good measure: no. So in conclusion? No."
"Pfft," he rubbed a hand over his lips. "Well I understand if they may seem a bit… advanced to you…"
"Advanced?" I scoffed. "Try critical mode. I had no idea such couples existed outside of children's storybooks starring princesses and prince charmings. Do they even know they're in the real world and not some fairytale?"
Lea's head tipped to one side. "...you do realize that was some pretty basic boyfriend-girlfriend stuff… right?"
A crease formed between my eyebrows. "You mean that was normal?"
"Well," he averted his gaze, scratching his cheek, "...all couples vary and do things differently. But I wouldn't say Kairi and Sora are abnormal. There's a lotta couples out there that are just as disgustingly cute as they are, if not more so."
I bit down on my lower lip and hunched forward onto my elbows, clasping my hands in front of my face just beneath my nose. How was it I'd been in a relationship for five years and was just now figuring out that I didn't have the first clue when it came to dating? "...my ex and I were never anything like that. Not even close."
"And that," he struck up a finger, "works out in our favor. After all, you dumped his sorry ass, one, cuz you weren't in love with him and two, to be with yours truly," his fingers splayed across his chest as he grinned, "a hunky dreamboat you are in love with, or so the story goes. Now it shouldn't be too hard to sell that to your folks, given your former beau has set the bar so pathetically low for us."
"But I don't know if I have it in me to…" I trailed off, my hands clenching to each other more tightly. "...if I'm even wired to be such an absolute… googly-eyed, twitterpated… mess like those two were." My insides squirmed at the very idea.
"No problemo!" Lea jabbed a thumb into his collarbone, "I can be enough of a googly-eyed, twitterpated mess for the both of us!" He stiffened, then coughed into his fist, "That is, I mean… ya know, for the sake of appearances. If that'd be okay with you, of course."
He was talking about him being, erm… how had he put it the other day? Ah yes… touchy-feely. My eyes darted to the right. "I suppose… for appearances… as long as I have time to get used to it all and there are no more surprises."
"Speaking of, we never really did get around to going over those PDA guidelines for what gets a green light and what's a big fat no-no."
I stared down at the cup, my finger idly circling the rim of the lid. "...what did you have in mind?"
"Maybe we should start by knocking out the most obvious one." I glanced up at him now, waiting for him to elaborate. His grin faltered almost imperceptibly, "You know, the big K?" I merely quirked an eyebrow at him. Eyes shifting about, Lea cleared his throat, "...kissing?"
"Not on the lips." The words sprung from my mouth faster than I could think them, causing me to clamp a hand over it in embarrassment.
But come on now, my brain had had a full system hard crash when the guy had planted an innocent little peck on just my forehead yesterday! I couldn't even begin to fathom what a real, honest-to-god kiss on the lips might do to me. Let's not forget how poorly I'd handled the Kissident and I hadn't even known the guy yet, much less potentially had feelings for him!
He blinked, then snorted and shook his head at me. "Nah, I'd already figured that would be a total no-go. Which is no biggie, lotsa couples out there aren't comfortable sucking face in front of prying eyes. But uh…" he rubbed at the nape of his neck, "What I have been doing… back of the hand, forehead… pretty much any other exposed bit of skin, that all fair game?"
Gosh, this was a weird conversation to be part of. Not to mention awkward. I could already feel my blush from earlier waiting backstage, eager to make an encore performance. Looking away, I said, "That, uh… y-yeah, okay."
It should be fine.
If I allowed myself to get used to it, of course.
Though that was kind of a big if.
"Okay…" A slow smile was breaking out across his face and he repeated, "Okay, good. Onto the next item of business then: hugs. Yea or nay?"
Jeez, this suddenly felt so official. And yet, slightly silly at the same time somehow. I ventured, "...y-yea?"
"You sure?" his finger tapped the tip of my nose. "You don't sound too confident there."
"No, it'll be fine," I said quickly. With proper mental and emotional fortifying, I hopefully could and would survive this. Hopefully.
"Alright," his eyes crinkled as he studied me for a beat. Then, "What about this?" He reached a hand for where mine lay palm down against the table, his touch grazing along my knuckles before softly tracing down the lengths of my fingers. "...kinda like hand holding, but a lil fancier," he murmured, lifting my hand up so he could brush his fingertips to mine for a few seconds before gently flattening our palms together, lazily weaving and unweaving our fingers. "Something for idle hands to be doing when we're just hanging out. That okay?" he asked, still lightly toying with my fingers.
This had no right to be spiking my heart rate the way it was. Not trusting myself to talk as it would probably come out more of a squeak right now, I settled on a tiny nod.
He smirked as he eased my hand back down to rest atop the table once more. "...and this?" Lea gripped one of my chair legs, pulling me closer to him. Then his arm stretched out past my cheek, reaching behind my head so he could sweep my ponytail forward over my shoulder. There, he wasted no time twisting the end of a lock around one finger, playing with the pale strands of hair. "...yea or nay?" he prompted again somewhat distractedly, green eyes locked on his hand as it slowly ensnared itself further.
Was there less oxygen in the room? I swear there had to be less oxygen. Why else was it getting so hard to breathe all of a sudden? Must be all that damn deforestation going on out in the world. Curse all those big evil corporations and their blatant disregard for the environment!
Licking my dry lips, I nodded again, hesitantly at first, then putting more force behind it. "Mm… mm-hm! T-that should be… sh-shouldn't be a problem." I withdrew my hands into my lap, folding and unfolding them only to fold them again. "After all, we ah… must maintain appearances, of course."
"Of course," his grin twitched wider. "So then, what about this?" Carefully disentangling his fingers, he lifted his hand to tuck my bangs behind my ear as he started to lean forward, his face closing in towards mine.
Conceal, don't feel!
Remember, this? This was just… just an act. We were in the middle of a very busy food court. He was merely putting on a show for the masses. Just playing the role that had been given to him.
...but honestly, did he have to be playing it so goddamn friggin' well?!
I swear I could feel every last drop of blood in my body dogpiling up into my face as he closed the distance. The tip of his nose brushed mine and he shifted over to the right at the last second, positioning his mouth next to my ear. My heart hammered wildly, threatening to punch a hole through my ribcage as he inhaled, preparing to whisper something, his lips grazing against my earlobe and-
My eyebrows twitched and I blinked.
"Splubbet. Squippo."
...were my eardrums broken?
"Flerple. Mubble-whoomp."
I spluttered and snorted. "What are you even doing?"
Lea pulled back just enough to look me in the eye with a cheeky grin. "What's it look like I'm doing? Whispering sweet nothings into your ear, duh!"
My fingers went to my mouth and I choked back a laugh, "More like sweet nonsense."
"Eh, same diff. Now if you'll excuse me, I wasn't quite finished." He bent towards my ear once more, his voice low and breathy as he continued, "Yuppet. Smoorple."
"Stop, that tickles," I was cracking up now, putting a hand to his chest so I could push him away.
He didn't budge, just moved his own hand to cover mine. "Fleegget-smeegget. Kronkle. Pixie Petal."
That last one caught my notice. "As in the ice cream flavor?"
"Mm-hm!" he straightened up now, exiting my personal bubble and crossing his arms atop the back of his reversed chair. His eyes squinted at me and he pursed his lips in thought. "...but no, that's not your fave either. It's all sparkle, no substance. You need quality. Nothing but the best for you."
Fighting a grin, I shook my head at him, "You think you know me so well."
His face softened a little as he looked at me. "...I think I'm starting to."
My breath hitched.
Oh dear. Remember that maybe sorta crush I had? I think we could now safely drop the "maybe sorta" part of it.
It was official. I'd gone and caught feelings.
For a man who was totally unavailable at the moment. A man who'd made it clear he was only doing this favor for me as a friend.
This was a dangerous game I was playing. And with someone who was much better at the game than I was, especially when you considered that he didn't even know he was playing it.
My eyes shifted about, alighting on everything and anything that wasn't him before finally landing on the food court clock. "Oh!" I took note of the time and shot up to my feet, the chair scraping along the tiled floor as it pushed out. "My shift's starting soon, I need to get going. Tomorrow then? Yeah, I'll text you once I get the specifics from Rayne. Right. So… until then."
I turned to book it but hadn't gotten more than a step before I felt his hand close around my wrist. I glanced back at him to see him standing now as well, a crooked curve to his lips. "Leaving without a proper goodbye? I don't think so."
He then pulled me back towards him, taking hold of my other wrist as well and bringing both my hands up to cup behind his neck. There he left them, moving his arms down to snake around my waist, hugging me tightly against him as he once more bowed his head down next to my ear. His breath was warm, making me shiver slightly as he whispered, "Wear my jacket for our big date tomorrow. For appearances."
Then he tipped my hat up and smooched my forehead before releasing me, shooting me a wink and walking away with a whistle.
Leaving me a blushing mess leaning against a chair for support, feeling just about ready to go supernova and obliterate all buildings within a ten block radius of me.
Oh yeah. I'd caught feelings all right.
And I didn't like it.
How the hell do I get rid of them?!
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Author's Note: The whispering sweet nothings bit I wrote is one of my most favorite things ever. And at the same time, I hate it. It's so stupid. And yet, I love it so much xD Also, here, have some silliness with Aqua aka Spellweaver aka Command Style or Best Street Name For Shady Backdoor Deals Ever? You decide! And if you didn't recognize where the name came from that I used for the ice cream flavor this chapter, it's the name of a keyblade - the one you get from clearing Neverland in BBS, to be exact! That's right, I've resorted to keyblade names. I think I picked a few good ones too in the chapters ahead! That's all I use for the ice cream flavors from here on out in the story except for ONE of them, and there's a reason behind that one… which I'll only be too happy to explain when we get to it xD Anyhoo, if you were looking at the ice cream menu board, the description for Pixie Petal would probably go something like: "This lime soft serve in a green cone, garnished with white chocolate wings and gold edible glitter is sure to get you thinking happy thoughts!" Annnnnd side note: in case you're wondering, no, Miharu is not a character that appears in any of the KH games that you may have forgotten about - she's another OC belonging to my beloved bestie who I'm borrowing Rayne from xD She ships Miharu hard with Joshua from KH:DDD (or more specifically, TWEWY) so I just wanted to throw in a brief nod this chapter to that endearingly oddball lil ship!
Next chapter, how will this lil date night go? Will Elsa learn a thing or two about how to act like a sickeningly sweet couple? Now that she for sure knows she is in fact crushing on our dear fire boi, will she be able to keep her cool in front of him? Will Anna be checked into rehab for her unhealthy addiction to white girl pumpkin spice lattes? Stay tuned!
Thanks for reading, I super duper appreciate it! And an extra BIG thank you to those of you who’ve liked, reblogged, and followed so far, seeing those lil notifications always brings the biggest, goofiest smile to my face!
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tsunadetsunami · 4 years
Number One Fan (Date Tech new manager flick)
I daydreamed an OC manager for Date Tech that’s cute, fiesty, and small. She’s in love with Aone (as I believe we all should be) and honestly as of right now that’s all l got...
I can’t sleep and can’t stop thinking about haikyuu so I revamped my old tumblr and bringing back my old fanfiction ways to sort out my feelings ya know... maybe i’ll continue this though.
~insert obnoxious coming of age movie alarm clock noise here~
I roll over to turn off my alarm clock and I groan, swiftly plopping back into my pillow face first and letting my wrist go limp of the side of the bed. I then feel my cell phone buzz from under my pillow and groan again. This time I prop myself up on my elbows and open my eyes for the first time this morning. I look at my phone to see that I have gotten an email from the coach of things to tell the players this morning as well as a speech for the end of practice about a new practice game. He also wants me to finish coordinating details for said practice game... against Karasuno. I haven’t been the manager of this team for very long, but from what I’ve heard from the boys, this is going to be one hell of a game, practice or not. 
As soon as enter the group text that I have with the team I see the typing bubbles of most of my players pop in and out of the chat. Glad to know I’m not the only one up this early on a Saturday. I send my informative text about this afternoon’s practice and enticed them that I would have a surprise for them there. I lazily smiled, sitting up in my bed, reading their responses. 
Kogane SSS: surprise??? I GOTTA KNOW 
Captain Futa: why would you be shouting this early in the morning?
Kogane SSS: sorry captain but it is a chat i guess i-
Saku: can’t wait to hear the surprise after having a great practice, right guys?
I laughed and stretched, setting my phone back down and finally actually getting out of bed. After using the bathroom I brushed my teeth and splashed my face in cold water to help wake myself up more. I grabbed my hair brush and went back to my bed as I heard it vibrate more and more. I continued to brush out my hair as I read more of their messages....
Captain Futa: we will have a good long practice yes saku, thank you. WE WILL ALSO BE GOING ON A RUN IN TWENTY MINUTES AND WE’RE MEETING AT THE GYM. love you all can’t wait to see you there.
I think Futakuchi’s mean side is the funniest considering how much of a diva he is in real life. I like the message and then get back to getting ready; I quickly put my shortish red hair up into two small buns on either side of my head, and then change into my own Date Tech sports uniform. Just before I leave I grab my knee brace and put it on, slipping into my running shoes and grabbing my bag as I walk out the door. I text my mom to remind her of my morning run with the team so she isn’t worried to see my gone and then I hop onto my bike and head down the street towards my school. 
At the next intersection I come to I see someone in a similar uniform on a bike stopped on the intersecting street. 
“Good morning Aone-chan!” I feel myself blurt and I lift up on arm in an over the top wave. He barely gives me a nod back but still joins me as I cruise down the hill towards school. He’s so stoic and handsome, such a sweet soul, oh god, I’m so glad he lives so close so we can have this cherished alone time. I gawk at him as he passes me and leads the way for our unplanned, but totally planned by me as soon as I realized he rode his bike to school (but I’m not creepy I promise), morning bike rides. 
“A nice time for a run don’t you think? I like when it’s still kind of dewy outside, it only feels like the air is biting back.” I feel him looking at me in his peripheral vision with those pointed eyes. I turn over and send him a smile,
“I’m sorry Aone-chan, if I’m talking your ear off just tell me.” I zoom past him on my bike and cross an intersection before him. I can now see the school so I decide to keep going instead of wait for him and embarrass myself anymore. I sigh to myself thinking about how beautiful he is and if I’m going to try to get close to him on the run. 
Now that I’m at the school gym I lean my bike against the outside and gently toss my bag into the gym. the rest of the team, and soon Aone too, all stretch briefly outside of the gym. I like morning runs because they’re all too tired to talk and Kogane hasn’t quite started yelling yet. I say that with love, as I would probably consider Kogane to be my bestfriend. Or at least, he is the one that convinced me to take the position as club manager.
When we got put in the same class as first years we bonded over both playing volleyball. But, when I couldn’t play anymore, he begged me to come and take Mai’s place as manager. I’m thankful for him and our bond over this game, but man he is a pain in my ass most of the time. 
“Think you can get up there faster than me today, Big Red?” Kogane looks down at me as I finish my stretches. I adjust my knee brace quickly before coming back at him, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He laughs and pats me on the head. I swat his hand away in frustration and thankfully the captain interrupts me with instructions for the boys. On his mark we all head out as a group, like green and white ducklings around town. I like doing some of the physical conditioning with these guys because not only does it keep me in shape, but it builds their trust with me. I think most of the people on the team already think of me as a friend, and that’s definitely a help in the transition to a new club manager. Except for Aone-chan. I can never seem to read that stone cold fox, what a shame. We make brief eye contact on the run as he passes by Kogane and I goofing off near the back of the pack. I blush intensely and Kogane notices, nudging me in the arm and laughing as we continue to jog. 
Honestly I think the worst thing about being the volleyball club manager is being short. Having all these goofballs look down at me all the time is so annoying. 
We begin to loop back around towards the gym and close off I can see the girls volleyball team, beginning their run. I stop in my tracks,
“Hi ladies!” I yell over and wave. A few of them turn around and yell back a hi before all of them stop to wave back at me. 
“Bye Red!” one of them shouts before they turn back around and head back their own direction. I look forward again to see the clump of boys all running ahead of me now. I haven’t even been away from it a season yet, but I already miss playing volleyball. I swallow hard and bend over to adjust my knee brace, glad I stopped as I was starting to feel some discomfort. 
“Kaida are you okay?” I look up and see Kogane and the others stopped ahead of me, all looking behind. I blush out of embarrassment for the second time this morning and quickly hold up a thumbs up. I get smiles in return and quickly catch back up to them so we can finish out the run. The captain has us sprint back the rest of the way to the gym and I slow back and watch the younger guys all race back. The third years give a devilish look and rush to beat the rest, have to prove their still on top I guess. 
I peek back into the gym to see that most of the team had stayed back in the gym once we got back, having the janitor that was their unlock the closet for them so they could get out the volleyballs. I grab my bag and wave at them, “See you boys later!” some of them wave back in response. Aone doesn’t seem to notice, but Kogane shouts out across the gym, “Yeah for the surprise!”
“Don’t get your hopes up. It’s not like it’s big or anything.” I talk loud enough to be heard over the sound of volleyballs being served and hit across the gym. Kogane just shrugs and I shake my head. 
I use my key that I got from coach to open up the club office and set my bag down next to the desk. I pull out my planner and look at my emails from coach again on my phone. 
“Right, before I go home I need to secure this practice game with Karasuno.” I speak softly to myself as I write the phone number down on the contact page of my planner. To be fair I never thought I would like this side of managing as much as I do. The organizing, the phone calls, the paperwork for matches; it’s all kind of soothing to me oddly enough. 
“Good morning, I’m Kaida Hagiwara and I’m the manager for Date Te-” 
“Oh yes miss Hagiwara I have heard about you from your coach. In fact he said you would probably call me this morning to talk about some details for a practice game?” I hear Karasuno’s faculty advisor, Takeda,interrupt me in a sweet and civil way which is surprising enough.
“Uhm yes that would be me...” I nervously laugh over the phone but choke it back so that i can get down to business so to speak. 
I scribble down whatever info I need in my planner as we volley, I reflect on this thought and laugh at myself now, back and forth to make sure this is smooth and quick for both teams as we prepare for the season to start. I can’t wait to tell the team at practice; I wonder if I can get a reaction out of Aone-chan when I say it.
“Well, thank you very much, we look forward to seeing you all here.” I finish up and hang up the phone after I hear their advisor say his goodbyes. I let out a heavy sigh and almost shake the formalness back off of me. Deciding to send a response email back to coach before I leave, I slowly pack up and lock the office before heading back to my bike so that I could ride home. The sun is now fully out, and civilization has awoken as I pass by cars and people opening their small shops for the day on my way home. 
As I get ready to shower this run off my body so that i can go back to sleep for multiple hours I hear and see the group text of the volleyball boys blow up as they all talk about the game that’s happening on TV currently. I roll my eyes and silence my phone, deciding to separate myself from them until practice later (probably for the best). 
The steam builds around me and I can feel any stress lifting from my body, but at the same time my brain keeps flashing to seeing the girls on their run. To think if I hadn’t gotten injured I would have been there with them, preparing myself for the start of a new season. 
I came in as a first year and quickly became the libero for the girls volleyball club at Date Tech High. I’m only 5′1″ and was always a very tenacious, loud mouth character on the court. It made me perfect for the libero postion. I was loud enough to control what was going on from the back of it all. I enjoyed playing so much. 
“ugh shut up you’re fine” I huff to myself and let the water hit my face for a moment. I turn off the water and reach out into the fading steam and grab my towel. Now that I’m dried off I scroll through the messages and other notifications on my phone. I reply to a few messages and then head back into my room flopping onto my bed. I lay there in that position for what seems like forever, my phone hovering above me as I mindlessly scroll. 
The rest of my free time for the day is filled with homework and social media as I wait for my next volleyball club duty. 
As I’m eating with my mother before practice, she updates me on her life at work and I update her about how my second year of high school is starting but mostly the volleyball team, of course. 
“I’m glad you are able to still be so connected to the sport. You absolutely light up when you talk about it, Kaida,” he smiles over to me from the kitchen as I sit across from her at our dining table. Through the window I can see a figure pop up across the street and I immediately perk up. I look over at the clock before rushing to get my bag and shoes. “Mom, I have to go to practice now!” I can hear her say something back but I don’t quite know what she said. I burst out the door and shout across the street.
“Aone-chan!” I wave and he turns, only looking at me and stopping as if that was enough of a response. His silence is so hot though, I gotta say. i jog to catch up with him and we start the walk back to the gym. He staggers above me; honestly, I look like an annoying little squirrel that’s just chattering up a tree every time I talk to him. Ugh, but then I get stuck thinking about how cute we could be as a couple and I melt,
“Do you wanna know the secret?” I look up at him and he gives me a small glance. He nods quickly before looking at the ground and I giggle. 
“Coach and I have secured a little practice game training camp with some people from the prefecture...”
“Who?” I quickly add it to the mental tally of words that you have spoken to me. This puts us at seven since I came on as manager. 
“Well... Aobajohsai, Ohgiminami, and.. Karasuno” I feel his eyes go wide and he catches his breath in a small shock. “You’re not upset are you Aone-chan.”
He stops walking and it catches me off guard. I turn to face him and he looks down at me, “It’s great that we can play such great teams so early. Thank you for putting that together for us.” I feel my heart fall out of my chest. I think I’ve had my mouth open for thirty seconds... I can’t believe I got all the way to 26 words in one day. His voice is so magical it makes me dizzy whenever I finally hear it.
I snap back to reality after a moment, “Of course, it’s my responsibility to do that kind of stuff. Especially for you Aone-chan.” I bite my lip and he quickly looks away again. I sigh and roll my eyes and slink back behind him as we walk into the gym. I’m glad he’s excited, and that he talked to me. I hope the other boys are just as excited. These practice games are going to be a good way for us to size up how the competition has evolved this season. Aone is right, it’s going to hopefully be an advantage for us later. 
And as another practice starts I find my self already hyping up for what I can tell is going to be a very successful season of volleyball for Date Tech, and their Iron Wall. 
Literally if you read all of this thank you omg I have just babbled on forever I’m sorry. I don’t have much planned for this idea in my head, but I have a few cute ideas. 
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chain-unchained · 5 years
September 6
Another Friday, another long trip into Zuzu City. It really wasn’t that bad if Shane was having a good day, or even a decent one, but the trip was hell if he was struggling. This was especially true for today; the whole night, his back had been repeatedly and painfully spasming, meaning sleep was pretty much out of the picture. When he mentioned it to his therapist, they suggested that it was possibly due to his depression, and said that if it continued or got any worse to call and they’d work on either upping the dosage on his medication or trying a different one to see if that helped.
But that didn’t really do anything for him now, and he was really dragging his feet along as he finally got back into town. ‘Ugh, I just want to go to bed.’He thought, rubbing his face with a yawn. Stepping onto the path that lead both to Ashe’s farm and towards town, he paused. ‘… I know I should at least drop by and say hey to him, but I don’t know if I’ve got it in me…’
After some intense contemplation, he moved his hands to the small of his back and pressed against it as he arched backwards, trying to pop his spine in the hopes that it would ease the pain a little. As much as he didn’t feel up to it, and as much as he could hear his bed calling to him all the way from home, Ashe deserved at least a little bit of his time that day. It wouldn’t be fair to him otherwise, and there was a good chance that just being around that happy go lucky doofus would put Shane in a slightly better mood.
It was frustrating that such simple things as visiting his cute as fuck boyfriend still took so much effort. Some days it felt like he was really getting his life together, and then he’d have a shitty day like this one and it felt like he was back to square one. At the very least, he hadn’t had another relapse; that had to account for something, surely.
 “Brush, brush, brush the knots out~” Ashe sang cheerily, running a coarse-haired brush through the mane of his newest family member—a beautiful bay gelding he’d named Silva. “Who has the prettiest mane in the valley? You do~”
Silva snorted and stamped her front right hoof into the dirt with a flick of her tail. She was still a young mare, full of energy and plenty of attitude, and she hadn’t quite decided if she liked Ashe or not yet.
“C’mon, don’t you snort at me like that.” Ashe moved to brush her tail, and as if to test his reaction, Silva kicked one of her hind legs as he got near them. “Whoa—hey now, was that really necessary?” He looked to her face, and she innocently turned away with a flick of her head and a whinny. “I know getting your hair brushed isn’t fun, but you don’t want to get mats, do you? So just settle down and—”
He went to brush her again, very narrowly avoiding another kick from the fiesty mare. “Jeez! That one almost got me!” He fumed, puffing his cheeks out as planted his hands on his hips. “What’s gotten into you? Are you just in a bad mood today?”
“Yeah, I guess you could say I am.” Shane joked, making Ashe jump a little from the unexpected sound of his voice. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”
“You scared me…” Ashe let out a breath as he turned to face the taller man, smiling happily despite his racing heart. “I’m happy you came to see me though~” After a moment, the smile began to fade. “Are you having a rough day?”
Shane sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. “Yeah… it’s just one of those days. My back was killing me last night so I didn’t get any sleep, and it hasn’t stopped hurting all day. In fact, it’s probably gotten worse…”
Slowly he reached out to Ashe, gently taking hold of his upper arms as he rested his forehead against the shorter teen’s shoulder. “Are things always gonna be this hard…?” He murmured, asking no one in particular, squeezing Ashe’s arms slightly in frustration. “…. Sorry… I’m just… so tired of having to try so hard just to function like a normal person. It’s exhausting.”
Seeing Shane like that, it was all Ashe could do to bring his hands up and slowly run his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair. “I’m sorry that today’s been so hard.” He said softly, wanting to offer at least some small comfort to him. “… Would a massage help at all?”
“Nah… I’ll be alright. I just needed to vent a little—” As Shane spoke, he attempted to straighten up, and a pain sharp enough to steal his breath away shot up his back; agonized, his hands unconsciously gripped Ashe’s arms tight enough to hurt, though just for a moment. “… Actually, I think I’ll take you up on that offer.”
Smiling sympathetically, Ashe slid his hands down Shane’s arms and took hold of his, gently pulling him towards the porch; he sat his boyfriend down on the steps and moved to sit behind him, ever so slightly nervous since he’d never really given a massage to anyone before, much less the person he was dating. Unsure of how much pressure he should use, but having seen just how much Shane’s back was bothering him, he went in rather forcefully, pushing his fingers into the muscles in Shane’s back. Instantly, Shane went rigid, letting out a sharp hiss of pain, and Ashe immediately pulled his hands back, eyes wide. “Ah—s-sorry! That… that hurt a lot, didn’t it?”
“I-It’s fine…” Shane hunched over and planted his hands on his knees for support, trying to get his breath back; after a few seconds, he looked over his shoulder to Ashe with a pained half-grin. “Maybe just a little gentler this time, chikadee.”
‘Ch… chikadee…?’ Ashe felt his cheeks heat up at the nickname. “O-Okay.” He shifted closer and put his hands on Shane’s back again, this time using much less pressure as he worked his fingers in a circular sort of motion. The muscles in his back were so tense and rigid that the pressure still drew a hiss from Shane, and he paused again, his brows furrowing together; glancing back at him, Shane shook his head and gave him a feeble thumbs up to continue this time, turning back around and letting out a sigh as Ashe began to move his hands again.  “D-Does it still hurt?”
“Only a bit.” Shane closed his eyes and let his head droop forward. “… Hey, chikadee? Can you go a little lower?” He asked, and of course Ashe was happy to do so. “…. Little lower…. Liiiittle lower…”  He visibly jolted as Ashe’s fingers started kneading that ‘magic’ spot. It was the spot on his back that was easily the most tense, and Ashe could feel the knot in the muscles. “Fffff… stay right there.”
For several minutes, Ashe steadily worked away at that one spot, slowly feeling it loosen beneath his fingertips; he kind of wondered if this actually felt good or not, but Shane had stopped making those little winces and hisses of pain, so at least it seemed like it didn’t hurt—at least not as much, anyway. “Is this helping at all?” He asked hesitantly. “….. Shane?”
“ZzzzZZzzz….” It had helped more than he’d realized; Shane was out like a light, finally at ease enough for his exhaustion to win him over.
“….” Ashe smiled and shifted closer, gently pulling the snoozing man back to rest against him and folding his arms around him. “You dork…” He murmured, pressing a shy kiss to his boyfriend’s forehead. “Sleep as long as you want….”
 It was only ten or fifteen minutes before Shane came to with a quiet snort, forcing his eyes open with no small amount of difficulty to find himself gazing up at Ashe’s smiling face. “Ah, shit… sorry, I didn’t mean to doze off like that.” He apologized, embarrassed. “I… wasn’t out for too long, was I?”
“Mm, not really.” Ashe loosely wrapped his arms around Shane’s neck, his hands resting against the man’s chest. “Probably fifteen minutes or so. I guess the massage helped~”
“Yeah, it did.” Shane moved his hands to gently hold onto Ashe’s arms. He was always surprised by how stick-thin they were, even with all the strenuous farmwork that Ashe did day in and day out. But it still felt nice to be held by them like this, to feel the warmth of his boyfriend against him. “… Hey. C’mere for a sec.”
“Hm?” Curious, Ashe leaned down a bit; Shane reached his hand up to gently cup his face, shifting to sit up enough to press their lips together. It was only the second time they’d kissed like this, and Ashe could feel his heart skipping several beats in his chest as he closed his eyes and pressed into it. With the same ease as the first time, Shane’s tongue slipped into his mouth, gently rubbing against his and eliciting a faint shudder from the farmer. Back in Shane’s hey-day as a gridball player, he’d gotten around quite a few times, and even though it had been years and years since he’d last been with someone, he still remembered a few tricks he’d learned in those days.
He remembered also not to overdo it for the sake of romance, pulling back after just a few short seconds to gaze up at Ashe’s flushed face. “Thank you, Ashe.” He murmured, brushing his thumb against those pink-tinted cheeks. “Not just for the massage, but just… for everything.” In that moment, he was glad that he decided to suck it up and come say hello. “…. I really need to get going. Jas and Marnie are probably wondering where my ass is.”
“Oh!” As Shane reluctantly got to his feet, Ashe clapped his hands together excitedly. “I can give you a ride there if you want. Just let me get the cart hooked up to Silva and—”
Shane glanced over to the fiesty mare, who had wandered over to some of the bushes surrounding the farm and was contentedly munching away on one. “Chikadee, I dunno how I feel about you riding her just yet.” He admitted, a knot of anxiety forming in the pit of his stomach at the thought of Ashe getting bucked off. He’d had his reservations about Marnie selling her to him in the first place, since even Marnie—who in her youth had won more than a few horseback riding competitions—had trouble dealing with her. “I appreciate the offer, but I think I can handle walking. You don’t mind me cutting through your farm though, right?”
“Ah, no that’s fine, but…” Ashe’s brows knitted together. “Are you sure?”
“Ashe,” Shane turned to face him with a serious expression on his face, “when I got here, that horse nearly kicked you. I’m not hurting that bad that I’d want to risk your safety like that.” He could tell that even despite what he was saying, Ashe simply didn’t get that Silva’s behavior was dangerous. “…. Promise me that you won’t try to ride her until she mellows out. Okay?”
That wasn’t something that Ashe was excited to hear; he’d gotten Silva so that he could ride her, after all. “…. Okay.” He conceded reluctantly, even though he really felt in his heart that Silva wouldn’t ever actually hurt him. “I promise.”
“Thank you.” Shane leaned close and pressed a kiss to the top of Ashe’s head. “I’ll see you tomorrow... Oh, before I forget. Make sure you don’t make any plans for the 21st next month.”
It was such an odd request out of nowhere. “Oh-kay…. Why though?”
“You’ll figure it out.” For some reason, Shane wasn’t even surprised that Ashe didn’t remember what the 21st was. “Okay, I’m going. For real this time.” He made his tired legs carry him towards home, before he could think of another reason to linger at Ashe’s side; as much as he enjoyed being there, he was so tired…
  It was a sign of the passing seasons that by the time he’d gotten back to the ranch, the sun was already halfway hidden below the horizon. During the summer when he’d come home from therapy, it had barely even started its descent, and there were still several hours of daylight left. But now it was already becoming dark out, which meant that soon his walks to and from the ranch, both to work and to therapy, were going to start to suck. Especially if it was raining… He groaned just thinking about it.
“I’m home…” He called as he let himself in. The plan was to spend a good… five minutes or so with Jas, or however long he could manage, then go and sit in the shower for however long the hot water lasted, and then go to bed and fucking pray that he could actually get some sleep that night.
He heard the rapid pitter-patter of Jas’ shoes against the floor as the girl raced from her bedroom. “Shaaaaane!” She cried out happily, jumping up and tightly hugging him with no knowledge of his sore back. “I missed you!”
“Oof—” Using every ounce of willpower he had to repress the yelp of pain that rose up in his throat, Shane caught his goddaughter so she didn’t fall. “Hey there, squirt. I missed you too.” Honestly, he should have expected that kind of greeting, since it was how she’d reacted to him coming home for the last week or so. He didn’t know why, but he wasn’t going to complain.
“Guess what, guess what!” Jas bounced up and down in his arms, barely able to contain her excitement. She didn’t even give him a chance to answer before she proudly told him ‘what’. “My report card came today, and I got straight A’s again!”
“Wha—no way.” Shane pretended to be staggered by the announcement. “Again? I guess that means I owe you 50g, huh?” He set the girl on her feet and made a big show of pulling out his wallet to pull out her ‘good grade allowance’, his fatigue and discomfort eased a little by the pride he felt at her repeated accomplishments, and the fact that he actually could save up now to give it to her. “That was the real reason you were excited that I’m home, isn’t it?”
“Nooooo!” Jas giggled and held out her hand expectantly as Shane plonked five shiny gold coins onto it. “I was excited because I love you~”
Shane paused as she gave him that heart-melting smile of hers; after several seconds, he pulled out two more and added them to the others. “I love you too, squirt.” He answered with a smile as she hugged him again. He kind of both loved and hated that she knew how to play him like that. His back throbbed painfully a moment later, reminding him that as much as he wanted to spend the evening with her, it just wasn’t something he was up to doing that night. “Hey, Jas? I know we always have our special time together when I come home, but… do you remember what I told you, about me sometimes needing to be alone for a little while?”
Hearing that, Jas was immediately distracted from the shiny coins in her hand. “Are you having a bad day?” She asked, looking up to her godfather with worry written on her face.  
“Kind of.” Shane put his hand on top of her head. “I think tonight, I just need to be by myself. I’ll make it up to you tomorrow, though. Okay?”
He expected to see her little face fall with disappointment at those words, but to his surprise, Jas just nodded her head in understanding. “Okay~” She agreed with a smile. “I hope you feel better.” She gave him another hug and headed back to her room to play with her dolls. “Night night~”
“Uh…. Night, kiddo.” Shane watched her go off, slowly rubbing the back of his neck. Jas had taken that way better than he’d expected her to. ‘Yoba, she’s growing up so fast.’ He thought, letting out a slow breath as he stiffly made his way to his room. ‘I’m just glad that I’m not missing any of it now…’
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kitanoko · 6 years
more tdmm hc...new AU idea?
-Happy belated birthday to @ionica01 !!!!! My ideas aren’t as good as yours but hope you sorta like this one?
-so u know how there’s a lot of forced marriage AUs where momo’s mother forces suitors on momo, what if momo gets forced with a super rich guy who obviously just wants momo for her beauty and wealth to add onto his own…and come one, the Yaoyorozu name is too good to pass on
-hes a coward tho
-also in this AU Todoroki’s a villain. He works with Dabi and a bunch of other guys—basically he’s in a gang. His goal is to make sure he has enough funds for his sick mother whom he cares most for in the world. Todo really didn’t want to do all this illegal shit but what better way to make such an unreachable amount of cash than to work with dabi?
-todoroki knew of the yaoyorozu heir, and now that her and the fiancé is plastered practically over every corner of the city, he knew he’d had to act fast before she gets married.
-todoroki manages to kidnap momo and put her on ransom. Any pr is good pr; with her wedding photos and her family reputation, any forms of media were talking about how she’s been missing
-this is excellent. Now all he needs is the money from her filthy rich family or the fiancé
-“my family…doesn’t have the money you’re asking for,” momo stated calmly, lips moving slow under the bruise that formed along her nose and right cheek. Even with the splat of broken capilleries under her porcelain skin, todoroki had to say that she was indeed very pretty. Almost too perfect.
-“What do you mean?” He inquired forcefully, an arm grasping her neck (he had to make sure she was still breathing though) Dabi crossed his arm at the corner of the freezing room, looking very gray.
“You’re not even trying,” Dabi simply said, knowing very well that his brother was being much gentler than usual. “Be aggressive will you.”
Todoroki gulped. Somehow seeing her so sad and broken hurt him.
-momo then explains, noticing his heterochromic watchful eye, that her dad had a terminal illness and most of the funds had been for that. None of it mattered, she thought, if it meant to save her dad, she wouldn’t want any of it to go to saving her.
This somehow hit him hard.
-todo was thinking that her new beau would of course give him what he wants in order to free momo, though he was very wrong again.
-“Maybe,” Momo coughed, squirming under her tied up form, then spat at him. “My fiance is just a plan b, something my mom thought would ensure I had a good future. Someone to take care of me while my family bankrupts and rots—“
-todo’s eyes waver in guilt just for a short second. Why did he even target her?
-Momo coughed one more time before threatening to kill him once she gets free and
todo actually chuckled. He admired her fiesty character but instead laughs at how dumb she is to think she could 1 v 1 him
-anyway days pass, he doesn’t torture her despite her thinking he would. After all he did smack her hard enough to knock her out. Beautiful broken nose she had gotten when she tripped and fell face first onto the ground the first time she tried to wiggle her way out of the barred room.
-Todo actually treated her well however, and gives her good food…even being dumb enough to leave his hideout to get her soufflé pancakes. He made sure she’s comfy, after all, he wanted to hand her back in somewhat "good condition"....he just needed the money for his moms surgery and off he'll go
-She swallowed the pancakes in one gulp. Was she crazy for thinking it was kinda cute? Ugh. He did bring me here. She looked around. Brown walls full of …brown stains. More brown on the floor. And brown ceilings. She sighed. Into this…predicament.
-finally todoroki received a response from momos fiance....turns out he wasn’t gonna give him the money and specifically says "kill her if u want, she isn’t really my fiancee anyway...just something we were forced to do for family political reasons."
-momo wasnt shocked as she heard the message from the side.....well she was but who was she kidding...of course her so called fiance wouldnt care, they could barely stand each other
-todo watched and she just cried. Eyes welling up thinking perhaps it was her end and maybe her family could forgive her? For being so weak and helpless.
-He untied her and she didn’t flinch. Just sitting there and for once able to feel her arms as she wiped a tear.
-Dabi saw throughout the whole process how much his brother had grown fond of this girl. Seeing him untying her was the last straw. He strode over, furious, and got ready to burn her with brilliant, fiery blue when todo grabbed onto dabi’s arm stopping him. “What do you think you’re doing,” todo asked him and dabi shoved him away. “Don’t you think you’re ruining this whole plan for all of us?” 
-Todo knew that night that dabi and the gang were going to kill her. Though she was fast asleep, constrained yet again, he quickly lets her loose. Todo burnt the ropes slowly so he doesn’t accidentally burn her and whispered deeply, “take a left in the hallway...there’s an exit there”
“Why are you letting me go?”
“They’re going to murder you or worse. Just go.”
-He couldn’t let her go herself, something inside him stirred anxiously. Long story short he escorted her out...hearing footsteps close behind them he knew it was dabi.
-He hurried to hide her behind a broken shed nearby, forest surrounding both of them. He handed her a phone, old and flip-style, and told her to phone the police once she’s safe and far away. “They’ll take you away back home.” He stood up to leave but was left standing there when she grabbed his sleeve. “But what will you do? What if they know you’re helping me?”
“They already do, but I’ll find a way. We always change hideouts so don’t worry about the police finding me.”
“Will I see you again?”
He was stunned by that question. “You voluntarily want to see the guy who brought you to certain death?”
“ALMOST certain death,” she answered. He noticed, quite content, that her bruise has healed and he couldn’t help but brush a piece of lose hair off her cheek. 
“If something ever happens to me,” he scribbled 2 numbers, “just make sure my mom’s okay....and call the bottom if you want.”
She just nodded, figuring that the second number must be his.
-Okay so days pass...weeks passs...months pass and nothing. Nothing from todoroki. Momo kept thinking about him; she was absolutely insane...she thought...how was she thinking about her kidnapper? 
-She did what she was told and end up visiting todoroki’s mom by getting which hospital she was at through the first number he gave her. Rei was in shock when momo showed up, immediately and furiously apologizing and crying about how her son had took her away just for money. Momo shook it off and said she had forgiving him. 
-Momo did try calling the second number but no one ever picks up.
-One day, when she left Rei’s room, she accidentally bumped into someone. Looking quite sheepish, she bowed and said sorry before that someone took her into his arms. She looked up and there he was.
ok that’s all, not sure how to end it but they do end up happy HAHA feel free to add more to this, everyone???
thanks @foxxhunter44 for discussing this with me!
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nerdgoggleson · 5 years
Modern! Gendrya where they have this adorkable meet cute at their nephews' school.
Gendry hates his stepbrother Joffrey but his kid with wife, Margery, is actually the best. He owns a mechanic shop across the street from the school so he's always eating lunch with little Robert.
Arya loves her brother, Robb, and his little family (wife Talisa and son Ned). She's always walking him to and from school because she teaches fencing right down the street.
One weekend, everyone is going out of town for some big shot fancy gala in Dorne so Gendry is on Robert duty because he hates those events. And, that same weekend is when Arya's school has a competition so she gets to kidnap little Ned as her "assistant" since he's (1) too young for the gala and needs a sitter and (2) has a huge obsession with sword fighting.
On Friday, Gendry and Arya get a call from the school saying little Robert and little Ned were in a fight. So, the two adults go in and prepare to fight for their nephews but then....
Arya just looks so damn cute in her fencing gear, all white and armored up. She's just over 5 feet tall, long brown hair pulled into a messy side braid with a shaved side, and shes got big grey eyes that are narrowed in defense. She's holding a long and skinny pointed sword that just looks like a long sewing needle. It's got a rubber ball on the end for safety reasons. Her small, petite body is poised for a fight and shes just... Adorable. Gendry kinda wants to put her in his pocket for sad, rainy days.
And Gendry? He's tall and broad shoulder with short brown hair, striking blue eyes and he's absolutely filthy. Arya assumes it's grease and oil that's under his finger nails, muscled arms and an adorable streak across his cheekbone. He's wearing dark jeans, a grey t shirt that's covered in (again, presumably) grease and oil and he's holding a hammer for some reason. He's... Adorable.
But then Arya remembers why they're here in the Principal's office. She looks to Ned, who's curly auburn hair is sweaty and matted to his head. Gendry's eyes snap to Robert in a flash like he's now remembering the same thing. They both look worn out, tired, dirty and disappointed. They also look a bit too close to be enemies. They are sitting in separate chairs, sure, and someone must have put a chair between them because Ned has got his foot in Robert's lap and Robert arm is splayed across the other chair and his hand is nudging Ned as if to say "it's gonna be alright. "
Gendry speaks up first.
"Ok, what happened? "
Both boys immediately start talking. And it makes absolutely no sense. By the end of their combined rant, Arya is holding back laughter and Gendry just looks confused.
"So..., " Arya starts.
"Why are y'all fighting?" Gendry asks, because he's even more confused and he just wants to go home and shower and maybe work up the courage to come back and ask out the fierce woman standing next to him.
"We ain't fighting! " Ned's thick Northern accent shines through when he's upset and Arya smiles knowingly.
"We were just trying to help Maisie get her lunch back! " Robert chimes in.
"Who's Maisie? "
Ned turns bright red while Robert cackles and that's when Arya and Gendry exchange smirks and the pieces finally fall into place.
"Ok, so you were defending her honor from someone?" Arya asked.
"Yes! That stupid Dayne kid! " Ned snaps out.
Gendry laughs, "Boy after my own heart. "
Arya sends him a raised eyebrow but says nothing. Instead she snaps her eyes to the Principal.
"So let me get this straight, " Arya's grey eyes turn to stone in an instant. "You called us here to tell us that these boys are in trouble for helping a fellow student, a fellow GIRL student, I might add, who was being bullied out of her lunch?! " The Principal, Mr. Maxwell, a stout man with a handlebsr mustache and red face, starts to stammer a reply.
"I thought this was a zero tolerance for bullying school? " Gendry remarks. He stands straight, bulging his shoulders to appear bigger and Maxwell visibly withdrawls, taking a stumbling step backwards. Arya immediately steps forward, Gendry right behind her.
"Did you even bring Dayne and Maisie into the office to hear their side of the story? Or did you just grab these two and refuse to acknowledge that there were other children involved? " Arya was beyond pissed, her stature was tense, rigid and she looked feral, like a hungry wolf eyeing a plump rabbit.
"I doubt you even care that little Maisie was being bullied, " Gendry added.
"Okay okay! Stop! " Maxwell cried. "I just didn't want to call more parents than necessary! "
"Lazy ass, " Arya muttered and Gendry had to bite his cheek to hide his grin. Here was a fiesty, passionate family oriented woman who wasn't afraid of picking a fight. He might be halfway in love with her already.
By the end of the next hour, both boys were out of detention, Alec Dayne and Maisie were brought in for his detention and her apology, and both Robert and Ned were given permission to go home early with their relatives.
* Gendry and Arya take the boys out for burgers and shakes after the fiasco
* Gendry never does ask out Arya... Because she beats him to it
* Ned does ask out Maisie once he's old enough to date.... 6 years later. He takes her to his Aunt Arya's wedding on a double date with his best friend, Robert, who's Uncle Gendry is the groom.
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dxsole · 8 years
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//I still have three more to go but I mean!! Here you go I hope you enjoy it!! Read the tags for more insight!!!
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Not in the Job Description (Sebastian Stan x Latina!Reader)
Got the idea after a similar scenario happened to me at work but sadly there was no Sebastian Stan to save the day or anyone for that matter. I do not mean any offense to any type of race. 
Warnings: Offensive language, Sexual talk, racist language, cute Sebastian gif
Word Count: 1,534
Credit to the gif owner! 
Y/N = Your Name
Y/CW/N = Your CoWorkers Name
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Summary: A young waitress has to deal with some customers who are kind of racist and stereotyping her race, Sebastian Stan a famous actor, just happens to be eating at this restaurant when he overhears everything. 
You sighed as you walked through the doors to your work, “another day, another dollar,” you mumbled as you quickly pulled your hair up into a messy ponytail. You hated working as a waitress, but it was the best you could do with your current situation and risking leaving this stable job for another wasn’t on the agenda.
“Oh, thank God, you’re here,” Y/CW/N, said as you walked behind the counter, she was fairly new to the restaurant but you quickly took a liking to her seeing how she could quickly work during the rushes and not get easily stressed with orders. You raised your eyebrows, concerned, to the tone of urgency in her voice. You’ve never seen her like this before since she’s started working here, “Do you mind taking those guys’ order?” She directed towards the table nearby with her eyes, two guys who looked to be about in their mid-fifties sat there, laughing loudly at something they were whispering about.
“Why can’t you take it?” You asked as you turned back to look over at her.
She let out a heavy sigh, “I tried but they’re being pretty sexist towards me…”
She nods, “I’m already having a bad day as it is, I just rather not deal with it today.”
You sighed, you didn’t want to deal with it either, but you were being promoted to assistant manager and you knew this was the kind of thing you’d had to deal with. You didn’t want one of your crew members uncomfortable at work and you’ve always mentioned that if they ever needed you to do something like this to not hesitate. You gave Y/CW/N a small smile, “don’t worry about it, hon,” you grabbed her notepad, “I’ll handle them.”
She grinned, “you’re the best!” The fact that she was younger than you, made you feel bad for her. This job came with a lot of unwanted attention, something they never put in the job description, and if you can just avoid her getting that unwanted attention to save her from undesirable experience then you’ll do it in a heartbeat.
You walked over to the gentleman, one of the men’s eyes quickly looked over at you, you hated the way he was staring but you decided to brush it off. “Alright, fellas, I’m Y/N and I’ll be your waitress for the evening. What kind of drinks can I get you guys started with?”
One of the men smirked, “how about you get me started with one of them drinks you Latinas love to drink so much?” His southern accent sent chills down your spine but not in a good way. Usually, you loved an accent but the way the words rolled out of his tongue like sharp knives. You shook your head, maybe he just thinks what he is saying is okay, maybe he won’t saying anything else.
You gave them a soft smile, “I don’t know what you mean,” You cleared your throat, “we have soda, tea, water, orange juice...”
“A coca-cola, por favor,” the Spanish words were rough on his tongue like they were foreign to him and he was just using it to mock you in some way.
Hey, if he wanted to learn Spanish, awesome. It’s an amazing language, you thought. You gave him a small nod, thinking much about it and wrote down his drink order.
“Didn’t think us gringos can speak Spanish, huh?” He said with a small chuckle as his eyes lingered on your body. “Got to learn some of your people’s language, someday, especially with you being everywhere.” Your people? Was this guy serious? This made you fume. You wanted to tell him off right then and there, but that sort of thing was what got people like them fueled up.
Alright, that crossed the line, you stayed silent for a second, “so, I’m going to assume you both want coke’s?”
“No,” The other guy said sternly as he gave you a small glare, “I actually want a sprite. Or how you guys would say, esprite?”
“Jesus,” you heard the customer at the counter mumble, you didn’t notice there were other customers around.
You sighed and wrote down the drink order, “I’ll be back,” you mumbled as you took off behind the counter. “Mother-“You stopped yourself as you placed the notepad on the counter.
“Everything okay?” You heard your favorite coworker ask.
“Peachy,” you stated as you began to get the drinks for the customers.
“Sure, as hell doesn’t sound like it.”
Y/CW/N sighed, “I asked her to deal with some sexist customers,” she turned to you, “Sorry, I can handle it if you like.”
You shook your head, “no, then they’ll know something is up.” You looked over at the customers as they spoke amongst themselves, “I’ve dealt with assholes like them before.”
You grabbed the drinks and walked over to the men, placing the drinks on the table, “you boys ready to order?”
“You know, one thing good about you people is the women.” No, just no, you thought. “don’t you agree, Ben?” The other guy nods, “you women know how to cook, clean and dance.”
Why were you letting them speak this way towards you? Well, you were slightly afraid. “Look, guys, if you’re not ready to order, let me know because I do have other customers to tend to.”
“Fiesty,” The other guy, Ben, mumbles, “me gusta.”
“Come on, baby, we’ve been speaking your native language, why don’t you give papichulo here some Spanish lessons?”
Sebastian couldn’t help but overhear everything, he wanted to say something right away but wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to do but now, now it just went too damn far.
“Okay, I can’t handle it anymore,” Sebastian said as he turned around in the stool and looked over at the guys. This customer looked familiar to you, “why don’t you guys just shut it? Shut down the whole thing, like come on, this young lady doesn’t need this type of shit from you guys. She probably must deal with a whole bunch of other guys like you every day and on top of that probably some other rude ass customers. So, if this is how you’re going to treat her then just leave.”
“I don’t think this is any of your business,” Ben said as he raised his voice. “especially since she hasn’t said anything herself if she has a problem with it she can tell us.”
“I don’t care if it’s not my business, she’s just being nice because it’s her job to be nice to assholes like you,” The customer began to raise his voice. “why don’t you just take your business elsewhere, because all you are doing here is being disrespectful to this lady.”
The guys looked at each other and got up from their seats, mumbling bits of profanity, you couldn’t help but laugh as soon as they walked out of the door. You turned to the customer who had a smirk on his face, “thank you.”
He smiles at you, “anytime, doll.”
You continued to take other customers orders, but it wasn’t until you noticed that one customer getting ready to leave, you quickly took his tab and walked over to the register. You heard someone clear their throat, looking up to see him smiling down at you, “Um, Y/CW/N, said to come over here to pay for my order?” He began to look through his wallet, but you shook your head as you handed him his receipt.
He gave you a confused look, “it’s on the house.” Sebastian felt like this was another way of being treated as a celebrity but the fact that you weren’t fangirling left him confused.
“On the house?”
You chuckled, “for saving my ass over there. It’s a thank you from me to you.”
He chuckled, “you really didn’t have to.”
You shrugged, “it was more like I wanted too.”
“Any sane person would have defended someone in a situation like that in a heartbeat.”
You looked down and then back at him, “you’d be surprised how many insane people are out there.”
Sebastian was surprised by your response, but he took a liking to you, “Sebastian,” he said softly as he stuck his hand out for a handshake.
“I know,” you said softly, you had realized who he was when he came up to the register, “Y/N,” you gently shook his hand, “it’s nice to meet you.”
He smiled, “It’s nice to meet you too, Y/N.” Sebastian’s phone began to ring, knowing very well it was his manager probably wondering where he was at. He groaned slightly to himself, “I have to take this,” he said softly as he took his phone out of his pocket, he quickly looked back over at you, “Do you work tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I clock in at 4 pm.”
Sebastian grinned from ear to ear, “I’ll see you tomorrow, then,” he said before answering the phone and walking out of the restaurant. Sebastian felt some type of connection towards you and knowing that he’d only be in town for a short period he knew he had to take time to see you once more.
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dreamingawaydolan · 6 years
Motorcycle Man {E.D} pt.2
Summary: What happens when Y/N gets caught up in a nasty protest and her options are run or go to jail and her only option to get away is a mysterious man and his motorcycle.
Authors Note: Here’s a part 2! So i’m not going to be as active as I have been these past few days because I’m going on a trip so sorry i’m going to try to post a lot before I live but yeah 
Request: Open
Y/N Pov:
I huff under breath realizing I have no ride home. I decide to head over to the local diner and hang out there since it is 2 in the morning I’m so lucky it’s 24 hours or else I would die. My studio is on the other side of town and I am not going to be walking that far, not with all the running I did today.
The diner isn’t that far either just a couple blocks away. I usually go there after my jail bust well not jail bust but ya know what I mean. It’s surprisingly cold out witch is very rare for New jersey at least during the summer. I sigh as I realize my clothing, a crop top with shorts. Sounded like a good idea earlier today but so did protesting.
As I was walking I couldn’t get my mind off of that motorcycle man I mental slap myself for not getting his name, heck we barely even had a conversation. He was a total douche though like yeah he had a right to be a little mean since I did get him put in jail but no need to bash on me for protesting like damn who put a stick up his ass?
I turn the corner and the “Allys” sign is right there all big and gold. I smile in relief that I didn’t get kidnapped on the way here. I open the door and the small bell rings making a couple of the truck drivers look up from their newspaper and one of the waitresses. The warmth hits me and I have never been happier. It probably isn’t even that cold outside i’m just a big wuss when it comes to the cold.
I take my usual seat by the bar and lay my head on the counter. “ Same as usual honey bun” Summer says while skating over to me. Summer has worked here longer than I have been coming here. “ Of course and a coffee the slammer got me tired” I lightly laugh. “ Honey you act like you went to prison you just sit on the bench handcuffed” She laughed while filling a mug with coffee. “ Ehh same thing”
I sit my head up and telling her and the cook bob about what protest I went to today and how I ran and got on a strangers motorcycle and how he wasn’t the nicest person I left out the part about him being really hot. When I finished I was out of breath and they were both wide eyes. “ sorry did I talk to fast” I shyly say while taking a sip of my coffee.
“ You are so much like your grandmother you know that’s how she met your grandfather by jumping in his mail truck but she was running from a group of girls” She laughed while going to help another table. I put some salt on my watermelon and take a bite it’s not as weird as you would thin.
I hear the bell ring and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing was It motorcycle man? What the crap who knew. I hurry and turn around before he could see me. That didn’t work since seconds after I hear the seat next to me squeak.
“ I’ll just have a coffee it’s been a long night” He says while looking at me shaking his head. “ So what’s so special about this park that you got me arrested for” He asked turning his seat to face me. I huff and shake my head. Like he cares he’s probably going to bash on it even more shouldn’t he be out with his hot model date anyway. “ Shouldn’t you be on a date with a hot model” I remark taking a sip of my coffee.
“ Well you see if I hadn’t gotten arrested than maybe me and her would be in bed right now butt I got arrested so she is probably sucking some others dude lips” He says while giving me a little wink. Eww gross I did not want to know that. Why was there some part of me that was happy he was here with me instead of that model
“ Oh man must suck not having sex with some model” I sarcastically say while biting my watermelon I notice him looking at my lips. Eww double gross. He just lets out a laugh I like his laugh it’s like the perfect volume. I hurry and snap out of my daydream
“ It does, so now I’m stuck with you and your gross salty watermelon” He gags. “ It is very good i’ll have you know don’t knock it till you try it isn’t that what all the girls say to you before becoming lesbo” I laugh while taking another bite. He just sits there in shock. 1 point for Y/N 0 points for motorcycle man.
“ I don’t know why they would I mean if there are other girl’s like you I would stick to dick” He fires back “ Hey that rhymed “stick with dick” it has a nice ring to it isn’t that your moto?” I laugh man this feels good going back in forth at one another.  
We go at it for a good half an hour before Summer brings out his food. He puts salt on his oranges and I cringe up “ Eww that is so gross how can you eat that” I fake gag “ hey don’t attack me ms.salt on watermelon” “ Imma call you that since I don’t know your actual name” He takes a bite out of his orange and hums “ Y/N” I simply say taking a bite out of my watermelon
“ Y/N I like it it has a fiesty tone just like you” He says trying to flirt but failing terribly. “ So the park” He goes back to what we were first talking about “ Right well I grew up in that park I met so many people there I made so many memories. My nana used to take me there everyday after she got off work and we would meet up there once a week before she” I stop myself from finishing the sentence it’s still hard for me to believe that she is really gone. Even though it almost been 5 months. My nana was such a strong and hardworking woman I would do anything to become the half the woman she was.
“ And I want my kids to make memories there but that can’t happen if the city is going to tear it down, so I did what I thought was best and held a protest” I wait for the man sitting next to me to respond but it takes him a minute
“ Oh man Y/N i’m sorry I guess it is more than a park huh? Man Im such a shithead for yelling at you before Im really sorry” He says putting a hand on my shoulder “ You were a real shithead but I forgive you I guess” I laugh. His hand was warm and I felt nice as weird as that sounds.
“ Wait you said you and your nana would meet up there before but then you stopped before what” He asked “ You can learn that information when I learn your name” “Ethan” He says the same way I did
Ethan. I liked it.
Me and Ethan spent the rest of the night well day talking about everything from our dreams to how many times we have came here. Turns out he comes here a lot crazy that I’ve never ran into him before. He said this was his and his brothers place to go to after winning a game.
I thought it was cute how he showed me his sweet and soft side. From just looking at him he just looks like a mean motorcycle dude who only cares about hooking up with girls and making sure his hair looks alright. But in reality he’s so much more.
I learned that he has a twin brother named Grayson and they are both studying Photography at NYU which I think is really awesome. He showed me some of the photos he’s taken and he’s pretty good.
Before we knew it the time was 8 and the morning rush was coming in so we decided to head back home. I was about to walk off before I heard him call out my name. I turn around and see him holding his helmet over to me.
“ If this is your way of asking me to come home with you then I can only imagine how you got that model to go on that date with you” I laugh he just shakes his head. “ No i’m offering you a ride you ass” He laughs “ Oh well I’ve never been on a motorcycle before” He gives me a dumb look before leaning his head back and laughing “ Um remember earlier today I was basically your get away driver” He puts the helmet on my head before I can even say no.
He hops on his bike and gets it started. Man he looked really sexy it’s crazy how hot someone can look on a motorcycle he puts on his leather jacket with ease and gives me a smirk knowing damn well I was string.
“ Whos the one that want to go home with me now”  He winks while patting the seat behind him.I jump on and hold on to his wait tight. “ Please you wish Dolan” I debate on if I should get on with him. Like he could kill me you never know.
I laugh to myself realizing how out of charter this all is for me. Getting on a random strangers bike, running from the cops, not coming home Stef is going to be so mad at me crap. Now here I am flirting with a boy I just met a little over 15 hours ago.
I join him on the motorcycle holding on tight to his waist partially being I was scared of falling off but I also just wanted to hold on to him. Wow I am an official creep.
“ Where to Y/N” Ethan says while pulling out of “Allys” parking lot.
I’m glad I finally learned motorcycles man name.   
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