#but sometimes i hear from followers who are slightly older than me even who say they remember it well
14-crush · 1 year
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bnhaobssesed · 17 days
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Thinking about husband!Bakugo and wife!reader
Katsuki always pictured himself as a hero, yes. But when that became a reality, his life had no other purposes than to be the number one hero. Bear with me, he still wanted to be number one. But as he grew older he saw people around him settle and have a compromise between hero life and their private life. And by that I mean building a family. Kirishima was the first one to do so with Mina, soon followed by a lot of his friends. Even Deku at some point. And even if he sometimes loved being 'uncle Kats', he sometimes wishes he could hear that small laugh looking like his, or small eyes sparkling like yours.
For the first time ever, his wishes took another turn. He wanted to be father as much as he wanted to be the number one hero. If not even more.
And even if it took a while to get it off his chest, he wouldn't regret it for one second just to live this moment.
He was coming home after a long day of work, expecting to hear little screams and be met with the vivacity of his house. No, pure silence. It seemed strange to not hear small runnning footsteps towards the entryway and a little excited 'daddy !' coming from the living room.
He got his shoes off and started his investigation on where the people in his house was hidden. He first thought of one of their endless pranks which soon got denied by the sight next to the couch.
You were there, sleeping on the carpet with a little boy in your arms. His son, his first born of now three. And your hand rested on the edge of a rocking crib where his daughter of a little less than five months was sleeping peacefully too. She was sprawled out just like him when he sleeps and beneath her closed eyelids she shared the same red irises as him and her brother.
His son had his head nuzzled in your shoulder, being always so clingy to you in such a vulnerable state. And your cheek was smudged against the top of his spiky looking hair. You were drolling a little, your hair slightly messed up but right now you looked like the most beautiful creature that he got the whance to marry somehow. And that shimmering band on your finger was the proof of it.
He crouched down, carefully putting his gauntlets away. He studied you three for a very long time, never getting sick of it. He had build this... After years of only wanting to be a hero, he had build something greater. Something to go home to, to live for, to not be reckless for, to protect with all his strength. Because when he left in the morning, it was to those smiles and those faces he was fighting to come back to. He gently took out his phone, already filled to the brim with other frozen moments like this... of his family. He took a picture, his smile extending as he heard you mumbling his name in your sleep. He obviously put it as his new lockscreen, a new vision of his motiviation.
He'll bleed and fight for this and make all those streets sure for these three persons right in front of him. He kissed each of your faces carefully before silently going to cook dinner. Not without glancing at the baby photos hanging on the wall on his way out.
They were his copy, a fact you would often complain about. Being the one who "carried them for 9 months and got no credit on the appearence" as you liked to say. But he knew part of you adored to have little versions of him running around. And he was jealous of it, he wanted to have a mini you too running around.
But that would be for another day. Closer than you might know.
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kikker-oma · 1 month
I made a small fic for this piece of art you did bc it stuck me with emotion and I couldn’t resist
the art:
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Time walked through the inn hallways, carrying a glass of water for the traveller, who had succumbed to magic exhaustion and was resting peacefully for the time being. He heard a keening sob, and then a sniffle and paused, the water splashing slightly from the abrupt stop. He followed the sound to the room where the sailor, the smithy, and the captain were staying. Worriedly, he knocked on the door with his free hand. “What?” Came a worn, small voice and the old man’s heart stuttered. 
“Can I come in?”
“I—“ A hiccup. “Yeah.”
He turned the knob and opened the door, stepping inside and examining the room, seeing the familiar blue tunic of the sailor’s and recognizing Wind, sitting on one of the bed’s with his legs dangling on the ground. He met Wind’s eyes and saw the tears and softened, closing the door shut as quietly as he could. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Time approached the kid slowly.
When all he got was a barely bit back sob he sat down next to the sailor and noticed he was clutching a telescope tightly to his chest, so tightly his knuckles were white. He didn’t press, merely laid a hand on his shoulder. And Wind looked back at the old man with streams of tears falling down his cheeks and dripping down his chin, his eyebrows pressed and he released his tense grip on the telescope holding it up slightly. “Y’know—sometimes I stay up…A-and I think about what she went through.”
She. Time held his breath, wondering who this girl was but also finding himself nearly at tears seeing and hearing this. Wind hiccuped again. “And—I th-think that.”
A sob tore its way out of the kid’s mouth and Time uttered something softly, a reassurance. Wind continued anyway. “It r-really should’ve been me.”
“No. I don’t know what happened, but you don’t deserve whatever was so bad that she went through.”
“My s-sister, she was kidnapped. She was only six years old—“ Wind gasped. “And she has nightmares of her time in a cell. I would’ve been able to handle it, old man. It should’ve been me.” 
And didn’t that make Time’s heart ache more than ever. He hugged the kid. “She’s safe now, right?” 
“W-well yeah…”
“Because you rescued her. Who would’ve been there to save you had you been in her stead?” 
He got no reply, just a muffled hiccup. Time wiped the kid’s tears away. “We can’t change the past. And no matter what your mind may tell you, even though your sister has gone through a lot, she still has you, right? You’re both still alive.” 
He wasn’t expecting a response. He wasn’t expecting anything from the poor kid right now. 
Kids. These are just kids.
Time waited patiently, keeping the sailor company as he took in what was just said and continued to cry, until Wind spoke, saying, “This telescope is my sister’s. She let me borrow it, before she…Y’know got kidnapped but when I tried to give it back she insisted that I needed it more.” 
“I see. She sounds kind.”
“She is. She helps out where she can and she comforts me when I have nightmares and Grandma isn’t there to,” Wind sniffled, rubbing his eyes. “Aryll’s the whole reason I’m out there, looking for a new place to call Hyrule. I just wish she hadn’t had to go through what she did.”
“I find myself wanting to meet her,” Time hummed. “Is she younger or older than you?” 
“Younger. When she got k-kidnapped I was about 11.”
And so the old man stood up, and smiled softly back down at the sailor. “Would you like to check on the traveller with me? I was giving him some water.”
“Yes!” Wind smiled back, hopping up and following the old man through the inn.
I feel sick. These kids have gone through so much…because I wasn’t there. I abandoned them.
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Time comforting Wind is SO PRECIOUS!!!
Oh wind is such a selfless older brother, he cares so much and is so sacrificing out of love!
I adore that time doesn't expect anything from wind, just talks with him and comforts, and then gives him the option to help Hyrule totake his mind off of it. A nice distraction while also fulfilling the need to do more and help❤️
Oh but Tiiiiimmme don't you start feeling the same way!! Someone tell this man to listen to his own words!!
Thank you Uni, this was SUCH a lovely surprise!!!!!
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h8ani · 1 year
A Gift For You
Pairing: Chifuyu Matsuno x Reader
Anime: Tokyo Revengers
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Nothing really, Emma isn’t really canon in this, Sano!Reader, fluffy cute as shit, her and Emma argue 🤣 lil sister tingz, afab! reader in mind!
A/N - I just wanted to say thank you @kkittycries for proofreading and helping me revise this because I most definitely would’ve trashed this 😭😭
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“God, you’re so in love with him.” Emma says before taking a sip of her drink. She watches you stare off with hearts in your eyes beside her as you two sit by Hina at the shrine. Your eyes were zoned in past Mikey and on the vice captain of the first division, Chifuyu. His focus looking up as Mikey speaks aloud to all of Toman, his body straight and center, you could see his hair sway with the crisp fall breeze that came every now and then.
You weren’t listening as Emma spoke to you, barely hearing the giggle Hina let out until she nudged you to get your attention. “Huh- what?” You look at the two girls who were just smiling at you.
“Stop gawking at your boyfriend and listen to me, we need to talk about your party.” Emma says. Your eyes narrow before turning fully to her. “At least I don’t have a Draken shrine in my room.” A gasp leaves her as she sits up, slamming her canned drink on the ground.
“You didn’t!”
“Oh I did.”
The tension rises as you two stare daggers at each other, Hina uncomfortably clears her throat before speaking up. “No family fighting please! The last time you guys fought you two tumbled down the stairs.”
“That was her fault!” You both say in unison while looking at Hina causing her to shrink up at the outburst.
You and Emma were close in age which more than likely reasoned with why you two argued so much. She was a year younger than you and Mikey yet you out of all of the siblings look the most different. You had darker hair like your older brother Shinichiro and you were taller than both of them as well, standing a few inches taller as your siblings were just under you.
Emma and you were very alike aside from constantly bickering and wrestling around from time to time. You both were really sweet, caring about your friends the second you grow that bond, she has a big heart for those she loves and you’re just a bit more reserved. You’d rather like someone from afar while Emma goes and gets what she wants when she wants it.
You sigh and bring your attention back on the blonde boy you were fawning over earlier. You spend most of the nights you come here with Emma and Mikey doing this, staring from afar and not doing anything but thinking of how cute he is. You’ve been introduced to him when you were younger, always knowing all of Mikey’s friends and most of the members in Toman yet you still knew nothing about him. Sometimes you wish you could trade places with Emma, at least she’d know how to catch his attention. “Hey (y/n)?” Hina speaks up, “do you ever talk to Chifuyu?” She asks.
Your thoughts about said blonde were cut short as you feel yourself deflate. “No...” you mumble, tucking your knees against your chest.
“She’s too scared he won’t even know who she is.” Emma teases, “she’s too chicken.”
“Am not!” You whip around, glaring once again at your younger sister who’s snickering to herself. As much as you love her, you want to tackle her down the stairs once again. The bickering between you two never ceases to stop even once the meeting ends and others pass by you sparing glances at you both.
“Just go talk to him!” Emma shouts
“Who does (y/n) want to talk to?” A voice speaks up from behind you, you turn to see your brother walking up the steps of the shrine with Draken following close behind.
Your mouth drops open slightly, how much did he hear? Does he know of the feelings you’ve had? No, he couldn’t. You’ve only told-
“Oh she wants to talk to Ch-” you whip your head around to send another set of daggers at her, a sly smile spreading across her lips before she can finish her sentence. “No one, she doesn’t want to talk to anyone so nevermind.” She smiles up at Mikey, her attention now settling on Draken as she stands up.
Your eyes stay on your sister as Mikey’s stay on you, a smile threatening to form on his face as he says his next words. “I’ll just tell him to go ahead then leave then.” All three of you girls look at Mikey, curious as to who it was.
“What?” Emma asks while glued to Draken’s side.
“Who?” You raise your eyebrows, curious as to who wanted to speak to you.
A small hum came from beside you, Hina’s features riddled with confusion as to everything that’s been happening. Poor girl.
“Chifuyu, he said he wanted to talk to you but I’ll just-”
“Where is he?” You interrupt making Emma snicker and Hina lets out a small gasp. You rise to your feet and look at Mikey who can’t help but let a smile across his face. “He’s waiting by his bike, better go before you’ve made him wait too long.” You’re gone walking down the stairs before Mikey could even finish his sentence, his head follows you as you keep a steady pace trying to walk too fast to the boy who wants to talk to you.
As he watches you a smile stays formed on his face, seeing his 2 minute younger little sister who’s clearly walking like she’s on a mission was heartwarming. You tried to be tough on the outside despite you keeping everything bottled up and being one of the more sensitive siblings; you’re sometimes the spitting image of his older brother and it does something to him. Yes he’s protective over you, that’s what brothers are for, but with the similarities you give he can’t help but give you a push in life and especially in the love department, god knows Shinichiro needed it.
Your thoughts were everywhere as you made your way towards all the bikes, what did Chifuyu want to talk to you about? Why’d he send your brother out of all people? Did he catch you staring at him? No he couldn’t have you would’ve seen him look back at you there’s no way that’s the reason. But what if it is? Someone else could’ve told him and he wants to talk to you and tell you that you’re a creep. You grab onto your fingers anxiously pulling on them as your mind goes in high gear. If you turned back now you could highjack Mikey’s bike and never look back-
“(y/n).” A voice calls out ahead of you. You glance up and see Chifuyu and realize that you made it to all of the bikes. He smiles at you as he’s leaning against his own, his hands tucked away in his pockets, cheeks a light shade of pink, the weather did drop a bit since being out here. God he was just so cute. You were staring again, no words able to leave your lips as you gawk up at the boy in front of you. Embarrassment quickly takes over once you hear him chuckle. “I wanted to give you something.”
“Huh?” The word came out before you meant for it to as you were snapped out of your mindless stares. “I heard it was your birthday.” He speaks again while standing up from his bike and walking closer to you. You blinked standing there dumbfounded as you put two and two together of what he just said. Did he just say a gift?
He pulls his hands out of his pocket and raises a small necklace up in front of you. It’s a small moon pendant with a little green stone in the middle of it. Your eyes widened upon seeing it and he swore he could see the stars in the night sky sparkle in them, a smile graced your lips as you looked closer. The relief he felt once he saw your smile relaxed him a bit. “I know it’s your birthstone but if you don’t like the color then I could always return it-”
“I love it.” You interrupt while clasping your hand over the pendant. “Thank you Chifuyu. I really do love it.”
“Want me to put it on you?” He asks, you look at the necklace and hand it back to him and turn around, pulling your hair to the side so he can clasp it on better.
The necklace hangs perfectly, it’s not too big but not too small either. You turn around and meet his eyes, he smiles seeing you wear his gift.
“So um I’ve been meaning to actually ask you something.” His cheeks deepen in color as he scratches the back of his neck and chuckles. “It’s stupid really and I’m sure whoever told me is just joking.” You tilt your head in confusion but still nodding nevertheless “Do you stare at me like Mikey says?”
Emma is going to only have a sister soon enough.
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cartierdreamx · 1 year
HER MUSE (18+)
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hi my little honey bunches! i hope your weekend was amazing and that this week brings you joy, laughter and love, as promised, this is my 400 follower smut oneshot special!!! congrats to @tamberandwenclairenjoyer for guessing my name but definitely a special shout out to those who tried so so hard to guess, and wow you guys tried hard, and a big shout out to you, my fellow readers <3 i may not be the biggest writer or get a lot of notes (it’s a hit or miss most times), but i wouldn’t be here with my little family if it weren’t for you, so thank you <3 i appreciate every single one of you and am 4ever grateful you enjoy my work. J <333
to my beautiful muse, @talialeih 🤍
Pairings: jenna ortega x fem! Reader 
Warnings: SMUT, just pure filthy smut, the filthiest thing i have ever written, possessive jenna. 
Summary: sometimes you seem to forget that you’re hers and only hers. 
Words: 5k+ 
This fic is STRICTLY 18+, as it involves adult themes, minors DNI, you are responsible for your own social media intake, which includes reading entertainment, which this fic falls under, so one last warning- this fic is 18+. Thank you!
*though my fics have real people, my fics are just for entertainment and far from reality*
“Baby?” You hear a distant voice in desperation, “are you doneee?” Your beautiful yet very impatient girlfriend annunciates from the other side of your door, you can’t help but giggle at her childlike attitude, she was older than you by just a few months but sometimes you can’t help but think you’re the older one.
Placing your second earring in, you take one more look at yourself in the mirror, wink, and glide towards the door where you’re your restless love sits on the other side. Once you open the door, Jenna’s clearly annoyed facial expressions soften up, the sight of your beauty had enough force to relax her eyebrows and jaw, unhinging it from itself as she subconsciously drops her mouth wide open, you swear you see saliva build up as she salivates over you. Walking over to your girlfriend as she leans on the back of the couch, placing yourself between her legs, you close her jaw and lift it just slightly, so your eyes are locked.
“Perfection takes time.” You say as you jokingly wipe the corner of her mouth as if some of her drool escaped her lips.
“You are always perfect, mi cariño, so time is nothing.” Jenna coos at you, now caressing your waist and looking you up and down as she bites the inner tissue of her lip, making your cheeks erupt in red.
“What happened to the rush? You were practically begging me to hurry up.”
She lets out a huff, still locked on your figure, the grip she has on your waist even tighter and possessive than before, her entire body was on fire. On fire, because of you. “I don’t even think this dinner is that important, let’s just stay home and relax, I can help you take your dress off.” She mumbles trying so hard not to let you see her desperation, but it was too late, you could see how hungry she was for you, how she wanted your sweet nectar smeared all over her lips.
Lucky for her, you felt the same way, the way you longed for her slender fingers to be in you, hooking the tissue around it, her fingers were sure to be cold resulting in an extra loud gasp as you welcome her in. How you craved to sit on her lap with your arms slinged over her neck, whispering nothing but seductions into her ear making her neck hairs stand. The hunger she felt was mutual, you were just doing a better job at hiding it. Ironically, being the better actor despite you being a writer.
You tsk at her lust, “Come on baby, we can’t be late,” leaning in you tease, “maybe later you can take this off.”
Despite Jenna claiming this dinner wasn’t important and staying home would be the better choice, to absolutely no one’s surprise, not even the flies the linger in the backyard, she was lying, this was Anne Hathaway’s annual formal dinner, at first you were Jenna’s plus one but as your writing grew, as you made a name for yourself, that didn’t have Jenna plastered on it, you became a guest, just like Jenna. Of-course, being each other’s forever person, you two always went together, politely denying Anne’s generous plus one that she gave every guest.
“What car do you want to take, baby?”
“The McLaren.” You cheese at her, “can I drive?”
“Perfect choice! And no.” She cheeses back at you; except she was playfully mocking you.
Without fail Jenna always opens the door for you and guides you in whilst she holds your hand, tonight was no different, no matter the occasion she always held doors for you, ever since meeting Jenna, whenever you were with her, all the doors would be left untouched by you. “Mi princesa,” she air kisses at you when sliding into your seat, all you could do was laugh and roll your eyes.
Once in the car, your hands head straight for the radio, connecting your Bluetooth to the screen, scrolling through your endless RnB playlist you finally settle on a song.
Don’t. Don’t play with her, don’t be dishonest (ayy).
“WHEWWWW” You scream out as Jenna starts the engine, giving it a rev before she zooms off, “I LOVE THIS SONG.” You exclaim making Jenna laugh at your infatuation with this song, RnB in general. “SING IT GIRLFRAND.” You scream one last time, hoping Jenna joins in with the singing.
Though her eyes were on you now so she could sing to you, she was a great driver and had eyes everywhere so you two were always safe, “I want you bad as EVERRRR, don’t let me just let up.”
“I wanna give you better, baby, it’s whateverrrrr.” Continuing on, a few more lines of you two belting each word out as if you were front row and Bryson’s concert, you two were so in love, so filled with raw emotions and lust and you didn’t think you could melt anymore in this car but as soon as the line left hand is steerin’ the other is grippin’ your thigh, Jenna grabs your thigh almost man handling it that her fingers divots into your skin making you gasp a little and in retaliation she giggles.
You can’t help but cheese at her as your cheeks paint with blush, your eyes sparking at hers as your Fenty highlighter compliments your eyes, its colour and configuration, and once Jenna sets her gaze on you again, that same hungry look as if she hadn’t eaten in weeks, hadn’t eaten you in weeks, when in reality she was drowning in your ocean last night, the way your slick coated her lips and tongue and the way she transferred it to you as she made her way to your lips devouring every inch of your mouth, her tongue sliding down your throat.
A bunch more RnB songs later, mainly consisting of Frank Ocean and Giveon, Jenna pulls into the location mentioned in the invitation. Anne was a host genius, she never held her dinners at the same place and never served the same food, this year, the location felt so regal, like royalty, embodying and making homage to her Princess Diaries days. Though you two were at the gates waiting to get the all clear from the guards, you could see the tan palace adorned with ivy all over from the distance, at the end of a long drive way with pine trees and rose bushes on the sides.
“Wonder if they’re running by foot to Anne to get the confirmation.” Jenna jokes out considering it was taking a while for them to open the gate, as she grew even more restless by the second, that same hand that was on your thigh slowly starts making its way towards your garden making you perk up a bit as the soft ticklish feeling takes you by surprise, and as much as you wanted her to keep going, you know you can’t let her.
“Baby...” You breathe out, trying to collect your senses as her warm fingers hooks underneath an opening of your panties, her middle finger right above your now pulsating clit.
“Say please, pretty girl.” Jenna practically barks at you, your mind is telling you no, but your body is indicating the opposite, your desire for her to dive into you, two fingers in you and another rubbing circles on your clit as she marks every visible inch of you purple.
You lean into her ear, making your hips buck up so her finger was resting on your clit, making you seethed into her ear, “baby, no, be patient.” In scenarios like these, you barely said no, you two were always down, bathing in pleasure, juices and cum. Not wanting to take your ‘no’ for an answer she whispers back, her attempt to seduce you, “if you were a sin, you’d be the one I’d indulge in.” God, after that you weren’t sure how much self-control you had left, when most of the time, your sensualities would have none. But one of you had to remember what decorum is and unfortunately, it had to be you.
As you guide her hands out of your panties, you hear her sigh and “aww,” as she licks the finger that made contact with your clit, making you giggle, but before you could reassure her that she was sure to have all of you tonight, the guards finally come back with their confirmation, opening the gate.
“We apologise for the delay Ms. Ortega and Ms. l/n, but you’re all clear, welcome.” You and Jenna flash a smile as she starts driving off, acting as if they didn’t nearly witness a free show. Once Jenna puts the car in park amongst the other luxury vehicles, Bugatti, Porsche, a white Ferrari even, the same scenario played out, your door would remain untouched by you as Jenna scurries out and opens the door for you, taking your hand and kissing it as you step out.
As you walked side by side, arms linked, Jenna made sure to slow down when walking up the stretched out tan stairs that led up to the glorious door, not wanting you to slip and hurt yourself. Jenna was also in heels but not as high as yours and the fact that she was wearing a suit made it easier for her to walk, not having to worry about slipping on a floor length dress.
When you two reach the top, the double doors are opened from the inside with doormen in fashionable, yet regal suits on both sides, bowing their heads slightly as you both walked in, almost as if you two were royalty. And the first thing you noticed was the grand staircase that stretched from one side of the room to another, adorned with an emerald, green runner, complimenting the gold railings that had sculpted art attached to them going downwards. “Fucking you on that staircase would be a dream.” Jenna whispers into your ears, you’re not surprised that she’s still horny and fiending for you because you felt the same.
“Y/N! JENNA!” You both turn your heads and see Anne in this gorgeous gold gown with a matching cape that was longer than her dress, greeting you both with open arms. The two of you greet her with glee, exchanging kisses on the cheek, making jokes about how long you two waited to get in, which made her laugh too, she ushered you two where the rest of the guests were, the decadent dining room with a pure crystal chandelier hanging from above, the décor was on point like every other year, and despite the dinner being a big executive dinner, the ambiance felt warm and welcoming, seeing people you’re close with, people you’ve seen at Anne’s annual dinner and some new faces you cannot wait to meet. Anne’s hospitable nature tells you to help yourself to the giant charcuterie board that was almost as long as the the table itself, she also mentioned that not everyone was here, but dinner will commence then.
For the next twenty minutes you catch up with old friends, well, you don’t think you can consider them as friends as all they ever did was treat you like a daughter so if anything, old mother figures? You hoped to talk to more people, but you hadn’t seen Sandra and Sarah in so long, it was set in stone that you three would stick together, gossiping and devouring the soft cheeses and spicy cured meats laid out in front of you, making sure not to spoil your appetite for the main event though whilst Jenna mingled with others across the room.
Once everyone arrived, Anne had everyone find their seats, the name cards above the plates indicating where you were sitting, obviously Jenna would be sitting beside you, on your left, and then she sat Sandra and Sarah in front of you, as you go to check who would on your right, the fangirl in you jumps out as you silently squeal, grabbing Jenna’s attention.
“What is it, hermosa?” She asks all confused as to why you reacted like this.
“Does this card read Malina Weissman, or am I tripping?” Pointing to the card a few inches away from yours.
Jenna leans in past your shoulders to read the card and confirms your statement, “yes, baby, that does say Malina, what about it?” And once Jenna confirmed it, you try so hard to contain your excitement, you swear you nearly vibrate the entire room, “baby?”
“It’s Malina Weissman.” You finally manage to spit out, only making Jenna more confused and slightly threatened seeing you gush over another woman.
“Yes, it is, she’s an incredible and very underrated actress but what’s with the fangirling?”
“I used to be OBSESSED with her when I was younger, I fell in love with her and her character Violet when I watched ASOUE.”
“In love?” Jenna softly scoffs, she won’t admit it, but jealousy was plaguing her, and it was so obvious that everyone around you two were snickering, and this included, Sandra Bullock, Sarah Paulson, Helena Bonham Carter, Rihanna, AND Anne Hathaway. You glare at them, giving them a ‘don’t instigate anything’ look but you knew they would either way.
“Well, not in love, I just had a slight crush on her, that’s all.” Pouting your lips as you lift your shoulders up and down, and before she could relax and let all her worries float away, your so-called mother figures who weren’t supposed to instigate anything, INSTIGATED SOMETHING.
“Uhhh, actually,” Sarah starts, “we heard it was a big crush, lasting a few years.” You shut your eyes hopping this wouldn’t go on, but your hope wasn’t strong enough. Rih continues, “and she even wrote and published a story on Wattpad where she was a love interest and wrote herself in as the main character.”
“YOU WHAT?” Jenna raises her voice, jealousy pouring out of her ears, you start laughing even though you wanted the instigating to stop, cupping her soft face yet tensed jaw, you reassure her, “baby, it was a long time ago.”
“Oh!” Anne starts.
You crane your neck past Jenna’s head to look at her, “oh, don’t start PLEASE.”
“We forgot to mention that y/n actually posted a tik tok about how infatuated she was over her and Malina saw and liked!” You lift your palms to your face, wanting your suffering to end.
“Both tik toks.” Sandra and Helena say in unison.
Jenna looks back at you with furrowed eyebrows, “TWO?” You give the five of them death stares, a stare only a daughter would give their mother, making them sit down and start fidgeting with their plates and start engaging with each other instead.
“Baby, you have nothing to worry about, she has a boyfriend and plus she doesn’t even swing this way.” You reassure her.
She pulls you in by your waist and nibbles your ear, whispering in “you’re mine and mine only.” Making your spine stand up straight and your neck hairs stick up, along with raising goosebumps all over your exposed skin.
“I’m yours and yours only.”
Before you two could break apart, you hear a soft cough behind you, “uh, I don’t mean to interrupt this cuteness, but it seems I’ve been seated next to you.” You turn around and see a beautiful woman with brunette hair, bangs, legs for days, the bluest eyes and the softest white skin you’ve ever laid your eyes upon. Brunette and bangs, it seems like you have a type.
Your eyes light up, “hi! Sorry, it’s so nice to meet you,” you extend your hand out, “oh, get that out of here.” She softly slaps your hand out of the way and pulls you in for a tight, welcoming hug, which you gladly reciprocate, however it gets the jealousy in Jenna starting again. After introductions, well tense introductions on Jenna’s part, Anne addresses the guests and has everyone seated and excited for the first course, a seafood marinara accompanied with pieces of fresh baguette.
Once settled in, you and Malina start talking more, laughing at each other’s jokes and enjoying the delicious food plated in front of you, you didn’t mean to, but it made Jenna even more jealous, seeing her girl, her lady, her woman entertaining another. To be fair, in Jenna’s eyes, everything was exaggerated.
“NO WAY, you used to have a crush on me?” Malina asks with wide eyes.
“Yessss way, you liked my tik toks too, made me freak out so hard.”
“Ahhhh, I’m flattered really, and if I so didn’t have a boyfriend and I did like girls that way, I so would’ve asked you out.” She confesses.
Woah oh. To no one’s surprise, the instigator fives and Jenna were listening into your conversation and once the five heard what she said, they all looked at each other with yikes on their faces. Jenna on the other hand had jealousy painted all over it, red for jealousy and green for greed, the way she was so possessive over you, how she couldn’t bare seeing you being flirted with. It wasn’t toxic or anything because it didn’t hurt you, actually you found it hot and attractive. Knowing she can’t make a scene, she grits her teeth and digs into the main course a surf n turf, which included seared steaks and the biggest lobster tail your eyes set on.
Halfway through eating the main course, you feel cold slender fingers caress your thigh up and down, you try your best to ignore it as you and Mali were locked in a conversation, but the more she moves towards your pussy, the harder it is for you to hold conversation with Mali. But because luck was on your side, someone from the other side of Mali, asked her a question, which she politely paused your conversation to answer them, giving you the chance to once again guide Jenna’s hands away from your pussy.
“Jenna, come on, decorum.” Was all you could say to her before turning back to Mali as her conversation was over with the other person, the fire in Jenna was burning with jealousy and now she was starting to get mad at you, the way you keep entertaining Malina, how Malina was gawking over what’s hers.
After the food part of the dinner was over, everyone was free to roam and mingle around the palace, Jenna was quick to leave her seat but you didn’t think anything of it, instead, you and your new friend Mali decide to continue your convos while touring the place. After five minutes, you find yourself admiring this giant painting and its colours with her along with talking about other things.
“Oh my, I forgot to mention earlier, but congrats on the new season of Black Mirror!”
“OH EM GEE, you watch it?”
“YES! I’m a big fan of Black Mirror and when I found out you were writing for season six, I was so stoked, I’m a huge fan of you and your work, so this was such a cool thing to experience.”
“Well, I am flattered, thank you very much.”
“Nooo, thank you.” Both of you guys start laughing, you don’t notice that Jenna found you guys and now is walking towards you two, but Mali does.
“Ah, there she is, your muse.” Mali points to Jenna and waves hello, Jenna waving back even though her feelings were all over the place.
“Her muse,” Jenna repeats, wrapping her arm around your waist, holding onto it tightly, a lot more than usual but it felt nice so you didn’t object to it.
“I really do hate to barge into this conversation, but could I steal y/n away for a moment?”
“It’s no problem at all, please go head, go do some cute couple shit, I’ll be around.” And with that, Jenna smiles at her, and whisks you away, you didn’t even have time to collect your thoughts or say a proper bye, to be fair you thought you’d be back. But now, Jenna leads you into one of the many luxurious bathrooms and locks the door shut.
“Baby?” You ask all confuse.
“The only words that will leave your mouth next is yes ma’am.” She says, ever so dominantly.
Not wanting to piss her off even more, which clearly you have, you comply, “yes ma’am.”
“Am I yours?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Only yours?”
“Yes ma’am.”
She takes a step closer to you, pinning you up against the wall with her own body, “then tell me, pretty girl,” all of a sudden, she brings her hand to your neck and grabs it, softly choking you, you can’t help but moan in the process, “why are you entertaining others?” Your mouth drops.
“Baby, I’m not.” You release in gasps, trying so hard not to moan, knowing she’d use it against you.
You shake your head. Jenna notices the breathing pattern you’re releasing and realises it’s the same one you harbour when she’s fucking you senseless. “Oh, baby, are you my good girl?”
“Y-yes,” you manage to spit out, “please, just.”
“Just what? You want me to fuck you so hard that it’ll shut you up? Punish you for entertaining others, and you’d enjoy every single second of it, like the naughty girl you are, taking pleasure in something so dirty.” The grip on neck was stronger than ever, but Jenna knew how to do it properly, the safe way, making sure she didn’t suffocate you and that you were still able to breathe.
“God, yes, please, J-Jenna.” You start begging.
“Begging already?” She laughs at you, now letting go of your neck and grabbing both your hands and pinning them up above your head, “you’re pathetic, and easy.” She spits out.
“Please, I take pleasure in you, mark every inch of me, let the whole world know who I belong to.”
She scoffs, “you’re such a good girl, you’d let me do anything to you, let me mark every single inch of your body to show everyone that you’re mine and only mine, my good, obedient slut.”
“Yes.” You breathe out, lunging your head forward to get even the slightest taste of her.
“Oh? You want a kiss, not that easy, baby, you have to work for it.” She slowly lets go of your hands as she starts sucking on the top of your boobs, on the skin that is exposed, but she doesn’t stop, her hunger takes over, she pulls down the fabric covering the rest of your boobs and then she goes ham, sucking in your nipples, pleasuring your areolas, devouring each boob as if they were her last meal.
Your moans started soft, Jenna couldn’t hear them as she was too focused on smothering herself into you but as her force grows stronger, your moans grow louder, “nope,” she mumbles, she lifts her head up and locks eye contact with you, “you start moaning, and I stop, you think I’d give you the satisfaction of moaning after your little stunt? You thought wrong.” The gulp you let down was so strong you almost choke but you didn’t want Jenna to stop so you give into her commands.
Once she’s satisfied with your boobs, she starts caressing your curves as she starts kissing downwards, once she reaches your pussy, she takes one leg and slings it over her shoulder and you instinctively wrap it around your neck, lucky for her, the slit in your dress made it an easy access of her. She pulls down your panties and starts kissing the base of your vagina, working her tongue down to your clit, making you gasp, quickly realising what you had down, you place your palm over your mouth, hoping you don’t start moaning.
As she continues to lick every inch of your pussy, sucking the folds, sucking your clit and occasionally sticking her tongue into your entrance, you buck your hips towards her, wanting to make the most out of her tongue. She’s eating you out so good, she has all of you, every inch of your skin, every syllable that leaves your mouth, every letter of your name, it’s all hers. That tight coil feeling you know all too well starts building up and from the countless times Jenna has fucked you, she knows you’re close. But she can’t let you off that easily, once your eyes roll at the back of your head and your mouth opens, just waiting for a moan to escape, she pulls away. Looking at you with an evil grin plastered on her face.
“Fuck.” You mouth off, “why’d you stop?” Almost sounding annoyed.
“Well, well, well,” she laughs, “look who’s annoyed now, you want me to keep going?”
“Yes.” You moan.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, please, please Jenna, I need you in me, need your tongue to devour every bit of me, please.”
“Begging for me to fuck you?” She looks at you with pride on her face, “how pathetic,” she spits. “I want you to kneel like the good slut you are ang beg for it, beg me to fuck you mercilessly.”
You lean in to kiss her and as you let go of her top lip, you find yourself slowly kneeling down, not breaking eye contact and once you’re on your knees, you look at her with soft eyes, she grabs your jaw and lifts it slightly upwards, raising her eyebrows at you.
“Jenna, baby, please, I need you, need you so bad, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to entertain her, I’m all yours, all yours to love, to use, to fuck, like the good slut I am.”
“Whew, hermosa, you drive me crazy, you want me to fuck you so bad?” You nod like a spring bouncing up and down. “You want me to use the strap?”
You gasp with excitement, “yes, baby, please.”
“Okay,” she caresses your cheek with her thumb, “we’re going to go home, tell Anne you don’t feel well, and then when we get home, I’m going to fuck you mercilessly, you want to be my slut so bad? Then my slut you shall be, and you’re going to take every single inch of me like the good girl you are, you’re mine, y/n, I’ll have you wishing that you never disobey me again.”
The drive home was tense, there was so much tension in the air, you swore Jenna was going to stop the car and fuck you right there, on the side of the road. “God, you’re so tempting,” was the only thing she said to you on the way home, and as the metres grew shorter, the more your excitement grew stronger, once the car was in the garage, Jenna practically leaped out of her seat to open the door for you, once you stood up, you grabbed her collar and started violently making out with her, she pins you up against the car, slowly untying the back of your dress, as you slowly undo her buttons.
“Well Ms. Ortega, your lapel seems to harbour a lot of buttons, trying to make me work for it?”
As both of you are tongue deep in each other’s throats, you lead one another to your bedroom, slowly removing clothing on the way, where all carnage breaks loose. You start whimpering as you beg for her to take you, impatience as she attaches the strap and as she turns around, your mouth starts to salivate, moaning at the sight of her.
She signals at you to come forward, and you obey, “I bet you’re so tight and wet.”
“Come and find out.” And with that, she pushes you onto the bed making your boobs bounce as a result of recoil, she lifts both of your legs up and slings it over her shoulders, once again wrapping them around her neck as a reflex. She starts pounding into you and all those moans you held in earlier were letting loose, each pound resulted in a moan louder than the last. She was ravishing you, and though her strap was artificial, she could feel your walls closing in, she could feel the warmth and the slickness, you were so wet, she swore you formed an ocean.
With each thrust into you, the pleasure is too overwhelming that grab onto the bed sheets, with one hand near your mouth as you bite down on the side of your wrist, ensuring you leave a mark. “Yeah? You like that baby, don’t you.”
“F-fuck, yes, yes I do.”
“Say my name, y/n, say it.”
“J-J-Jenna, fuck, Jenna.” You moan out in small, short breaths, barely being able to say her name correctly.
“Good job, my sweet girl, now say your name, your pussy deserves praise too.”
“Fuck,” you start but now she’s pounding even stronger with long forceful strokes, “fuck, it’s.”
“It’s- baby, I can’t, please, I need to cum, please let me cum.” That same coil feeling in your stomach is back but now it’s stronger than ever, considering you didn’t get to cum back in the bathroom. You can see the sweat illuminate Jenna’s beauty, her mouth open as she’s close to cumming too, your orgasms were always in sync.
“Mhmh yeah? Me too, fuck, fucking you so good, you forget your own name.” She moans, now grabbing your boobs and squeezing them like two big oranges, “who do you belong to?”
“W-who?” She stutters out as her climax reaches ever so closely.
“Y-you, baby.” The same stutter gets to you as your climax is inching closer.
“My name, y/n, fuck.”
“I’m y-yours, Jenna-”
“FUCK.” You both say in unison as your orgasms crash into you two like a freight truck, her strokes slows down, helping you ride out the high, her breathing labours and so does yours, gasping for air like it was a contest, and as she pulls out, your slick connects your pussy and her strap, taking off the strap she then takes her hand and collects your juices and spreads it along your lips, tempted to lick it off, you don’t, you know what’s next. She crashes onto your body, onto your lips kissing your juices, your cum off your lips.
“You taste divine, cara mia.” She mumbles in between breaths, making you giggle, and as she moves off of your body to lay next to you, still kissing and biting every inch of your lips, “you drive me absolutely crazy, sweet girl.”
You pull away, “that’s the plan,” you cheese at her, shuffling your body down a bit so you could lay your head on her boobs, relaxing as the night goes on, you two are sure to fall asleep within the next hour but now you bathe in the pleasure, the lust, the love you two share with each other and no one else.
“You’re mine, and mine only.”
a/n: you get a cookie if you can find all of the frank ocean references in this fic hehe, a kiss if you’re my wife, also extra points if you can guess the singer in the second pic i used 😚. fun fact, the entire Malina Weissman thing is 100% real, real to me, I used to have the FATTEST crush on her (still do) and she did like two of my tik toks!! Oh and that wattpad story… uh, next question😁
also sorry if like there’s mistakes, it’s 9am and i haven’t slept in like 19hrs so bare with me 😭🤍
tag list: @talialeih, @alexkolax (idkw it’s not working but you asked me to add you to my tag lists!! <3), @iamthewoe
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anotherobeymeblog · 1 year
Obey Me Unkinked Pegging Ficlets Pt. 1 (Older Brothers)
Okay okay quick context for people who need it: unkinked pegging is the idea that pegging is ultimately just another type of sex and isn't inherently kinkier than if it were, say, two cis lesbians using the strap-on. Not gonna write a whole essay on why that is, you're welcome to google it, but as an afab person who is viscerally horrified by the idea of being penetrated, it's an idea that I subscribe to whole-heartedly.
Ofc I do still greatly enjoy kinky strap-on smut, I just thought there isn't enough vanilla pegging porn out there, so I am happy to provide. Younger brothers and now-datables coming soon! Also maybe I'll expand some of these sometime? Idk. Reader is afab but gn.
The room was almost silent, save for the occasional wet sounds that arose from Lucifer slowly lowering himself onto your strap. If you didn't know him better, you'd doubt he was even enjoying himself, with the way his face seemed so unbothered and his breathing was barely laboured at all. But you did know him. You could see the way his eyebrows furrowed slightly, the subtle wash of pink over his cheeks, the way his eyes briefly glazed over when you brushed against something wonderful inside of him.
Your hands began to glide up from where they had been resting on his hips until your fingers threaded gently into his dark hair and you leaned forward to press your forehead against his. You could feel the puff of air that left his nostrils as he smiled, and he closed the gap between you until your lips met. Your nails gently scratched along his scalp as you returned the kiss, eliciting a low rumble of contentment from his chest.
When you finally pulled back for air, you couldn't help but admire his slightly reddened lips and half-lidded gaze. His eyes, usually sharp and alert, were growing hazy with pleasure, though they still looked directly into yours until his head fell lightly forward to trail slow kisses along your shoulder. If you blinked, you'd miss the way his hips began to move subtly faster and ground down against yours to seek out more friction. His breath was hot against your skin, the cool air of the room causing it to condense into a thin sheen of moisture on your clavicle.
He was getting close now, you could tell, but you didn't realize just how close until your only warning came in the form of a sharp inhale, followed by his hips stuttering as he came. Even so, he didn't pull off of you right away, instead lingering with you still inside of him as you felt him finally relax against you. No words were exchanged, as if your voices may shatter the spell that had been cast over the room, but they weren't needed. His arms coiled around you and subtle smile pressed into the crook of your neck told you everything you needed to know.
"Oh my god, can you hold still for ten seconds?" You pressed for forehead against Mammon's as you laughed, adjusting your hips yet again after the strap had slipped out of Mammon's ass for the third time that night.
"I am holding still! You're just clumsy!" Even as Mammon protested, his eyes were glittering playfully and he wrapped his legs around your waist to pull you in closer.
"Oh? Then maybe you'd rather a different human come over to fuck you? I could always call Solo-"
You couldn't finish your sentence before you were cut off by a pillow being shoved into your face, accompanied by Mammon's yelp of indignation.
"You wouldn't dare!" he whined, and you could hear the pout in his voice.
You tossed the pillow to the side and grinned down at Mammon, who was, unsurprisingly, looking thoroughly embarrassed. You decided to have mercy and lay off the teasing for a moment.
"You're right. I wouldn't," you said with a soft chuckle, finally sliding into him again and relishing the shudder that ran down his whole body, "I'd be too jealous."
"Hmph. Well, it's only natural!" Mammon's voice cracked a little as he felt you beginning to thrust again, but tried to keep up the bravado for as long as he could. "After all, not everyone gets the privilege of - shit, that's good - of fucking the-"
"The Great Mammon," you cut him off with a laugh, "I'm well aware."
He was about to whine at being interrupted, but you stopped him by firmly pressing your lips against his. You held the kiss for a moment, just long enough to push any thought of further complaining out of his head, before pulling away and starting to pepper kisses across his cheeks. He squirmed slightly, stifled giggles bubbling in his throat, but you managed to avoid getting dislodged this time.
"And make no mistake," you continued to mumble between kisses, "I intend to take full advantage of the opportunity."
Levi offered you a shaky smile from where he was lying beneath you, legs tentatively spread to allow room for your strap. There was certainly something amusing about seeing him wearing a hoodie even while naked from the waist down, but it made him feel better on days when he was particularly self-conscious, and you were happy to accommodate.
You shifted slightly to rest your forearms on either side of Levi's shoulders, causing your chests to touch and making it easier for you to bend down and kiss him without having to effectively do a push-up to do so. You could feel his rapid breaths through his nose as your lips touched, and you smiled.
"I love you," you murmured, and he immediately averted his gaze. No matter how long you were together, he always seemed to get embarrassed at the slightest affection. Still, he managed to mumble out a response.
"I-I love you too- oh." He sucked in a breath when your movements caused the plastic cock inside him to shift slightly.
"You doing okay, baby?" You already knew the answer. His eyelids were fluttering rapidly and you could see him starting to melt into the gentle proximity, his jaw finally unclenching even as his cheeks remained bright red.
"Mhm... m-more than okay..." Levi sighed and pressed his face into the crook of your neck, leaving gentle kisses there, "You can... um... you can move now... if you want..."
Shifting your weight to one side freed your dominant hand to reach up and thread your fingers through his hair, and you could feel his smile against your throat.
"Do you have any idea how lucky I am?" You began to roll your hips slowly as you spoke, your movements slow and easy as your thighs rested on top of his so that you were nearly lying on top of him. You both wanted as much of your skin to be touching as possible.
Leviathan opened his mouth to argue, but snapped it shut again when the tip of your strap brushed against his prostate. His face was absolutely burning against your skin, and you couldn't help but laugh affectionately, which only made him more embarrassed.
"No, no arguing. If you won't let me tell you that you're wanted, at least let me show you."
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billy hargrove x fem reader.
content: smut, swearing, face fucking, standing fuck, smoking, mentions of drinking, pre-relationship, billy is a sweetheart.
summary: when you go bring the kids to "max's house", you end up having more than just a conversation with billy hargrove who happens to be a known player (like yourself).
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"What the actual fuck is a demogorgon!?" I shout, angrily hitting the steering wheel after Mike had told me about some stupid shit that's been going on, "Listen, Michael. If this shit, is about your stupid fucking fantasy game. I'm going to legitimately punch you in the face right now." I emphasize my words with true anger. I promise him that I will punch him.
"Can you relax? You're screaming at me like all this is my fault!" He shouts back.
For a moment I feel guilt before again, more anger shouting back, "This.. thing took my school work and threw them around the highschool." I pause briefly before continuing, "and if I find out, that a demogorgon is a piece of shit game character.. obviously, I'm gonna go nuts!"
"You're just mad because you're scared of embarrassment. Maybe you should relax on being 'the keg queen' and be a normal kid." Mike exits the car before strolling up Will's driveway and knocking on the door.
It isn't my fault. "Keg queen" had been my new nickname since the last party when I got the highest record of all the girls who even tried. 1:27.
And especially after that, I became the queen of Hawkins High if I'm being completely honest. And I notice how I took in other people's personalities and shoved them into my own.
Mike was right, and Mike always gave me advice. He was the little brother that I never had since my older brothers.. well, they act like older brothers.
Which isn't always a bad thing.
I sigh and let my head rest on the wheel. I just sit there for a few moments before hearing the doors of my car open.
I snap my head up to see Mike in the front seat, Will and Dustin in the back.
"Where do you want me to take you guys again?" I start the car and switch the gears, pulling out of the driveway.
I love the way my car roars. The upbeat of the bass shaking the entire vehicle. I was so in love with this car, it was my escape. I just go on car rides sometimes, and more often times then not find myself next to some random people smoking pot or drinking.
Which, was my other escape from reality.
"Cherry Lane, Max's house." Dustin says from the back.
"Who is Max?" I look at Dustin in the mirror that I turned so I could see him.
"His girlfriend!" Will says playfully before Dustin nudges him softly.
"Oh? Henderson, leaving me for someone else?" I place a hand over my heart to mimic hurt.
He flips me off and chuckles slightly, "nah, nah.".
"That house, right there. Stop!" Mike points his arm in front of my face pointing to the house on my left.
I swerve to the side of the road of this supposed "Max" girls house.
"You wait in here, oh, and Will." Mike says, getting out of the car.
I roll down the window to yell out, "you guys! Don't be stupid, yeah?"
They send you a thumbs up before a red headed girl lets them into her home.
Instead of talking to Will I find myself laying my head on the steering wheel to think to myself for a few moments.
About if this "demogorgon" creature.. thing really is the reason to my school supplies being thrown all over the school.
I find myself almost falling asleep to my thoughts before hearing a voice say "tired, pretty?"
I gasp in surprise and look up out my open window to see Billy Hargrove.
I stare for a moment, not quite remembering what he said before it clicks, "tired.. tired? Tired, yes! Yes, very tired."
I hear him chuckle lowly, "Come smoke one with me, huh?" He pulls out his cigarettes and walks over to the hood of my car, lighting it as I follow him to sit atop my car.
He takes a long drag of the cigarette before offering it to me, which I take.
I don't often talk to Hargrove. He isn't my kinda boat to float. He's a heartbreaker, and the things I've heard girls say about him.. I can't really tell if they are compliments or not.
But I know that I'm pretty much "the female version of him", known for being a heartbreaker who fucks and leaves. I can only imagine what the guys say about me.
I hand him back the cigarette, still having not said a word before I left the vehicle.
"So, are you the kids' taxi or some shit?" He looks over to me, asking as he blows smoke out of his mouth and nose.
"I guess you could call it that." I take the cigarette from his hand before taking a drag and throwing it to the ground, ashing it out with my pretty pink chunky buckle shoes that match the rest of my outfit.
I stand on the ground and look at Hargrove, noticing his staring and licking of his lips.
"What?" I smirk, walking up to him as he looks me in the eye then looks down at my lips before swiftly going back to my eyes.
I walk inbetween his legs and stand there for a while, admiring his features such as pretty blonde curls, bright blue eyes, the stubble that's growing on his chin and cheeks, the mustache I hadn't seen this grown until now.
I feel his hands snake around my waist before he sighs, "I wanna show you somethin'."
I step away from him and look into the car to see Will sleeping softly in the back seats.
I smile to myself before I hear Hargrove ask, "you comin' or not?".
I walk over to the steps that bring me to the entrance of his house.
To my surprise, I don't see the kids.
"Where are the kids?" I ask before Hargrove stomps on the floor.
"Billy! Quit it!" I hear a voice sound from the door that I'm guessing leads to the basement.
He chuckles before taking my hand and leading me to a room, that I soon find his his bedroom.
The band posters around his walls, empty beer cans, ash tray with at least fifteen buds in it.
"I love them." I point at a Metallica poster, "and them." I walk up to different posters of his, talking about how I like them.
Once I'm done with that I look over to Hargrove, who is on his bed looking at me.
I walk over to him, deciding to take a seat on his lap before I feel his arm wrap around my waist.
My hands are on his shoulders and we hold eyecontact for a moment.
"What did you wanna show me?" I smile, pressing him into his bed to straddle him.
"I actually don't remember, but I know some other things to show you."
I lean down and place a soft kiss to his lips, that soft kiss turns into something more intimate and passionate.
I feel him turn us around so that I'm laying on my back, him atop me.
I push his chest off of my own.
"You won't make rumors about me, or you won't ignore me after this like all your other girls?" I ask as he takes off his shirt.
He hums, "are you going to be a good girl for me?".
I nod my pretty little head as I bite my bottom lip, unbuttoning my top and pulling it so its no longer tucked into my skirt.
I don't completely take it off, only unbuttoned it so my white lacey bra is now visible.
I stand up and feel him bring his hands to my bare waist before he kisses me hungrily.
"Mmm.. what about the kids?" I moan into the kiss.
"I guess we're gonna have to be quiet, pretty." He smirks and kisses me again but softer and shorter.
He walks over to his door and swiftly locks it before walking back to me.
He brings my pink leather material skirt down, keeping my thigh high socks and shoes on.
My matching bra and underwear came in good hands tonight.
He sets me down on his bed, I'm just sitting there, looking up at him smiling and biting my lip waiting for him to say something.
"You're so pretty, know that?" He places a hand on my chin, making me look up at him.
I nod and when he lets go of my chin I look down, unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans.
I graze a hand over his erection still hidden under his jeans and boxers.
I watch as he pulls them down as I spread my legs, rubbing myself through my thin, almost see through panties.
"Take em' off for me, baby." He nods his chin in reference to my underwear.
I slide the dampened cloth down my legs, watching Billy in the eyes as I do it.
"Oh, you're just such a good girl for me aren't you?" He says as he places his middle and ring fingers into my mouth, allowing me to lick and suck them till they're nice and wet.
He soon pulls them out as drool drips down my chin. I feel him bring his wet fingers to my dripping cunt before I grind against them, back arching into him at the subtle waves of pleasure.
"God, this is so stupid of me to do." I giggle before he slips his fingers into me, scissoring me open.
I feel my lips quiver and I let soft moans come from my mouth, not loud enough for anyone but Hargrove to hear.
His free hand is placed beside me on the bed as he works his fingers in and out of me, curling them to hit just the right spots.
"Bet you have tons of practice don't you?" I ask.
"Yeah? You're talking?" He chuckles before placing a peck on my lips.
I grind myself into his hands as I feel myself reaching my orgasm.
"Gonna cum for me, baby? Yeah? Mhmm?" He asks in a baby voice as he picks up his pace, only getting faster with each thrust of his fingers. "I don't think so. No, no, honey. Not yet." He pulls his fingers completely out of me and I whine at the loss of contact.
I grab his bare biceps and scratch at them when I feel him align his cock with my entrance.
"Wonder if you've taken a cock this big before. You're not gonna look?" He smirks at me, rubbing my back through the button up top.
I nod my head no, "I'll guess when it's in me, how about that?" I ask with a cocky grin on my face.
"Whatever you say, brace yourself though cus I'm not going soft just because you're my girl, okay?"
My. Which is a word of possession.
I don't think this will be the last time this happens.
He seems to ignore the fact that he called me his girl. Almost as if he'd previously claimed me as his own.
I bite my lip to muffle a moan when he roughly slips his entire length into me. My body jolts back from his force before he grins, "guess."
I scratch at his biceps before letting go, allowing myself to land on my forearms.
"I don't know, Billy. Please move.." I grind into him, "feel s'good in me. Please please.. it's big, it's so big. I wasn't expecting it t'be that big." Tears threaten to fall down my cheeks in not only pain but extreme pleasure when he takes his cock all the way out of me just to roughly slam back into me.
"Oh, baby. You were expecting it to be average? Or maybe even smaller than that? What a silly girl you are." He talks in the same baby voice he did previously.
I moan and my head rolls back before I look back up to watch his eyes as he fucks deep into my little cunt.
I feel myself coming to edge again when I snake a hand down to rub my clit, watching as Billy's eyes trail down to watch me do it before groaning at the sight, bringing his eyes back to mine.
I bring my arms under his and my hands hold on to his shoulders before he stands up unexpectedly, fucking into me.
I moan loudly before he shushes me softly, "gotta be quiet baby, remember, the kids.".
"Fuckk Billy, the kids, I almost forgot.. they- need to be home by.. nine thirty." I bring my forehead to his sweaty chest as he continues to fuck into me at a rapid pace.
"It's 9:04, baby." He bucks into me, keeping his cock inside me, stopping all his thrusts when we hear footsteps.
"Billy?" We hear the voice of Max.
"What?" He asks, laying me on the bed, continuing to thrust into me with a hand over my mouth.
"Where's that girl?" We hear from right outside the door.
"In here, why?" He asks.
"They're ready to go. So have her out of there, like, soon." We hear her walk away when he removes his hand from my mouth, still thrusting into me at the same pace he had been.
"Jesus Christ, you chose the worst fucking time to cum." He chuckles and kisses my forehead.
He begins to thrust faster after I mumble "cum in me, please. Don't stop, fill me up.. please Billy."
And it was then I felt his cock twitch inside my cunt, and I could tell he was on edge.
I moan when his last thrust is more aggressive then the rest as I feel him coat my walls with sticky white.
I wipe the streaks of mascara from my cheeks before he pulls out of me, handing me my under wear and we both get dressed without saying anything, his cum dripping from my hole to my panties.
I clench my thighs together and look at him once I'm fully dressed, he's standing, looking at me with his button and zipper undone to his jeans.
"Billy?" I walk up to him and place a hand on his sweaty chest.
"Yeah?" He says softly, moving a strand of loose hair out of my face to tuck behind my ear.
"Can I see it? Since- uh. You don't have to but. I just wanted to because.." I trail out.
He pulls down his pants and boxers, "not fully hard." He mumbles as I look at the large pulsating cock with pretty veins poking from it.
It's pretty. And big. I bring a hand to touch his sensitive tip with my thumb when I jerk him softly, getting onto my knees to examine it closer.
"Baby.. y'gotta go.. fucking shit, baby." He moans out when I lick the tip before bobbing my head on his length.
I feel a hand tangle in my hair and slight pressure bringing my lips further down, bringing gags from the back of my throat before he lets go of my head.
I take his length out of my mouth, now noticing that it's larger than before.
I smirk up to him as I jerk him fast, kitten licking his tip as he groans.
"Fuck.. you tease." He chuckles lowly, "I'm gonna cum."
I bring my head to bob on his length at a fast pace, I feel him buck his hips to my mouth before he grunts "'m cummin'.".
I pull my head off his cock and jerk him until he finishes in and on my mouth and face.
"You.. really, have got to go now, baby." He groans out between breaths.
He grabs a t-shirt from his bed and wipes my face with it.
I fix my hair in his mirror and look at Billy in it.
He's watching me.
I lick my lips once I'm done fixing my hair and turn to face him. He walks up to me and kisses me as I hold his cheeks.
"Can we.. do this again?" I whisper to him, looking down as I'm almost scared for his response.
"You're mine, only one I'm gonna be doing this with again." He kisses my forehead before he leads me out of his room.
"Thank you for tutoring me for science, I'll see you in class tomorrow." I wink and give him a soft wave as I walk out of this home, "Let's go kids!".
When I enter the car I smile to myself and look back to see Will still sleeping soundly.
Once the kids enter the car I pull out of the driveway, "I need to stop at the gas station, do you guys want anything?"
"I want my ten bucks. I knew she would get with Billy." Mike says as he looks back at Dustin who is in the back seat.
"Yeah whatever." He groans and I blush.
"I'll give you ten bucks if you keep your mouth shut at school about what you heard." I say sternly.
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yourtouchismidas · 2 years
Could we have a protective Matty blurb for when Gigi is older and brings back a boyfriend please? I feel like all the boys would be protective too, especially Ross given the bond they have!
"Hi baba," Matty calls from the kitchen as he hears the door go. It's his daughter. "How was school?"
She is fourteen and in year nine now. She walks herself home these days. A grown girl. Matty can't believe it half the time. Usually their after school ritual, when he is home, is to get a snack together and watch something shit on telly, not really watching, but both on their phones scrolling and bent over double laughing at memes, sending them to each other from two feet away. She doesn't say anything, but Matty hears her voice, quiet, whispering. Maybe she has brought a friend home. Which she does sometimes. His heart sinks a fraction every time she does, because she will go up to her room and giggle with them instead, but he would never tell her this. She is getting older. She doesn't want to hang out with her old dad all the time. He has to be okay with that.
He takes his glass of water and goes through to the hall to greet her.
"Hi ba...," he goes to say again. Then stops. Gigi has brought a friend. But its a boy. He is slightly shorter than Gigi, with floppy blond hair and his school tie is not done up properly and his shirt is untucked.
"Hello," he says. Gigi is looking at the floor. She can't bring herself to meet her Dad's eyes. "Who is this?"
He directs the question to the boy. He says it brightly, but he doesn't change his face. Deadpan.
"Ryan," the boy says.
Matty says it back. Rolling it around on his tongue. Then he sips his water slowly, leaning against the door frame, hand in his pocket. Trying to look casual.
"Nice to meet you," Ryan says.
"Okay, Dad," Gigi says, "We're gonna go chill. Down for dinner, yeah?" she says and then takes the boy upstairs.
"Keep your door open!" Matty yells up. Then he goes back to the kitchen to find you.
"Matty," you say.
"What? I didn't say anything."
"Okay, I just know you were..."
"I didn't say anything," Matty insists. He stays by the island drinking his water as you put away pots. He manages about five seconds of silence.
"So my daughter is bringing home boys now?"
You laugh. There it is.
"Seems that way doesn't it?" you say, carrying on with the pots.
"Did you know about this?"
"She text me and asked yeah."
"And you didn't tell me?!"
"No because I knew you would act like this," you say, you try not to laugh, not to belittle his feelings, his fears, but a smile keeps creeping on to your face. "She's a smart kid, she's not gonna..."
"She's precious and some snot nosed dumbass boy shouldn't be allowed near her," he sputters out.
"Matt," you say. "She's fourteen. She doesn't even know what she likes yet! She's had loads of girls back and you don't care. What if she likes them?"
"I hope she is a lesbian," Matty says, huffing. "I know guys. I am guys!"
You wrap your arms around him and he leans into your touch.
"I don't like this," he whines, "I don't want her to grow up."
"I know honey but it's tough shit." You pat him on the back. "Go do something useful. You'll see them at dinner."
You whip him with the tea towel so he leaves you alone.
Matty immediately gets his phone out. He calls the only person he knows will understand.
"Yo," Ross says on the other end.
"Gigi has a boy round," he says.
"A boy. There is a boy in her bedroom right now."
"Oh hell no!" Ross says, "What did your missus say?"
"She let him come round!"
"Ooooh no, I don't like this."
"Thank you!" Matty says. "She's fourteen. That's a baby!"
Dinner is an hour later. Matty hung up on Ross and went to help cut veggies. Gigi comes down, giggling, red faced, still in her uniform, the boy following behind. Her Mum is making a drink. Her Dad is at the table with...
Ross. Ross is at the head of it, beer in front of him, grinning at her.
"Hi!" he says, waving merrily at both of them, big grin plastered to his face.
"I didn't know you were coming," Gigi says.
"Ross, just popped round darling," Matty says.
"Popped round from the other side of the city?" Gigi says, one eyebrow raised. "Ryan this is..."
As she begins to introduce him the door goes.
"What did I miss?" a voice calls in.
"Hellooooo," another voice.
Then George and Charli appear. Charli has a bottle of wine and she puts it on the counter and kisses both of Gigi's pink cheeks. George ruffles her hair too make it messy on purpose and then sticks his tongue out at her when she groans.
"Ryan, this is most of my Dad's band. Hann not coming, Matty?" Gigi says.
"Cool!" Ryan says, "I love you guys."
Gigi stares at Matty. Daggers. She looks so cute. Like his little baby when he would tell her not to put her hands in the electric socket.
"I know what you're doing," she mouthes at him.
You were right, Matty thinks, she is a smart girl.
He winks at her. Then he gets his phone out and texts her under the table.
No one will ever love you like your Dad.
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mythica0 · 1 year
QUICK! LEE RAPH AND LER APRIL! Raph could be feeling sad because he always feel pressured to make others feel better since he’s the big brother, but April being the big sister to all of them tickles Raph to help him know that he can ask for help too 💖
Older siblings
Summary: Raph and April have a.. “talk”.. between older siblings.
A/N: THANK YOU DEAR MUTUAL NOW TAKE THIS CHAOS! Also, this is very platonic. Very very very platonic. Any suggestions otherwise can go screw poison ivy.
Older siblings
Brotherhood. A relationship between brothers.
To say that Raph takes his job as the oldest Hamato brother seriously would be an understatement.
He is constantly pushing himself to protect them, lift their spirits where he could(even though that was more of the youngest’s speed.) and be there for them above all.
He ended up being a sort of father figure, as he helped take care of the others when Splinter wasn’t able to. [Raph had no resentment at his dad for this. He knew that dad tried his best, but he had just been turned into a rat and lost his whole life, and was still getting over trauma from his past. He couldn’t blame his father for needing help sometimes.]
It put a lot of pressure on the red-wearing snapper, and today was no exception.
Him and his brothers had Gina on a mission that day, and although they succeeded unharmed, Leo had ended up nearly getting badly hurt.
He wasn’t, thankfully the attack was dodged and he came out unscathed, but Raph was so scared and sad that he couldn’t protect his little brother.
As soon as they got back to the lair, April following close behind, Raph went right to his room and sunk to the floor against the wall.
“Ugh. What happened out there, Raph?” He whispered to himself, unknowing of the human figure who had followed him.
April smiled slightly and walked in, responding softly, “You couldn’t be everywhere at once.”
Raph snapped his head up, saw April, and blushed a bit in embarrassment. “You, uh… you weren’t supposed to hear that.”
“Mhmm. Well, I did, and we’re gonna talk about it, big guy.”
Raph sighed but smiled softly. “All right, then.”
“We are the older siblings. It’s not just you, ya know. I mean, I might not look it, but I am older than you.”
Raph nodded. April softened her voice even further as she continued.
“Yeah, it’s our job as the older siblings to protect the others, but that’s not our only job. It’s also our job to take care of ourselves. Can’t give away something you don’t have, get it?”
“Yeheah, I…I think I’m picking up what you’re throwing down.” The snapper chuckled.
April thought of something that might help the message… stick. She hid the mischievous smile that was starting to form and opened up her arms.
“Now, give me a hug, big guy.”
Raph complied, completely unaware of his older sister’s plan.
April let the smirk gain control of her features and pinched Raph’s side.
Raph let out a surprisingly high-pitched squeal at the feeling.
“April, whahat ahare you doHIhin’?”
“I think you know.” She replied teasingly as she picked up the pace on her light pinching.
Raph quickly lost control and fell into giggles, his long tail swishing behind him.
“Aww, look, Raphie, your tail is wagging!”
“Shuhuhuhat uhup!”
“You only say that cause you know I’m right~ But I still think that deserves a raspberry, don’t you?”
“Nohohoho! Dohoho nahahat!”
“What was that? Please do? Okay!” April took a big breath and blew a raspberry right into Raph’s plastron.
“Alright, fine~ ya big drama queen.” She let go of him and sat up, waiting for him to catch his breath.
“Raha.. Raph is nohowhere nehehear as big a drahama queen as Leo or Donnie ahand you know ihit.”
April chuckled. “No doubt about that. Speaking of which, Mikey is cooking Dinner, let’s go.”
When it came to Raph and April, there was no denying that they lived being the older siblings.
———THE END————————————————
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kingdomnerds · 1 year
Ok! So, I wrote another one! I think this would fit Day 5 (A wish/want) for the #kh4challenge. I know this most likely will not happen at all. But, this definitely brings me closure and I had a lot of fun writing it. Enjoy!!
TW: Implied/Referenced torture (nothing too graphic), vomiting (nothing too graphic), and implied/referenced murder
Sora sucked in a breath. They had arrived at the abandoned shipyard. Well, more like the warehouse was abandoned. Ships still came and went with cargo. He glanced over at Xehanort. The young man had a sharp glare on his face.
“I don't like this Sora. We should turn back.”
Sora snorted and placed his hands on his hips, a smug smirk on his face as he leaned forward slightly.
“What? Scared already?” He teased.
Xehanort scoffed. “As if I’d be scared. I just…have a bad feeling about this place. Something isn't right.”
“Yeah. That’s why we came here in the first place.”
Sora swung an arm around Xehanort, or at least attempted to, considering Xehanort was taller than him. “Come on! A little adventure never hurt. Besides, we’ll be in and out quickly.”
Xehanort sighed. “Alright, fine. Let’s go.”
Sora unwrapped his arm around the older teen and they both began to walk toward the door. Sora summoned his keyblade and unlocked the door. He opened it. The two of them winced as the door let out a loud whine.
Xehanort scoffed. “Well, if anyone’s here, they’ll know we’ve arrived,” He grumbled.
Sora ignored him. “Come on.”
The inside was dark and damp. The sounds of water dripping reverberated throughout the warehouse. Surprisingly, there was a door at the very end of the wide-open space. Sora and Xehanort approached.
Sora tugged on the door handle. It was unlocked. Sora opened it. They both looked inside. The hallway was pitch black. It was eerie and one could hear the subtle groans from metal pipes that echoed in the hall. Xehanort and Sora continued to stare. Xehanort spoke first.
“Well, we checked it out. There’s nothing here. Let's just head back.”
Sora quickly grabbed Xehanort by the wrist. “Come on! We’ve already come so far!”
“Maybe. But I’d rather not take my chances of getting murdered.”
“Such a spoilsport,” Sora grumbled.
Xehanort rolled his eyes. “Spoilsport, he says. You don't know the half of it, Sora.”
Sora glares at him. “I think I know plenty.”
They’re both silent for a bit before Sora sighs. “Sorry. I shouldn't have said that. Let's just keep going.”
Sora summons his keyblade and walks in first. The light from the tip of the blade lights up the hallway. “Right…” Xehanort mumbles before following in Sora’s footsteps and joining him.
They’re both quiet as they walk further and further down the hall. They reach a metal crate. Sora glances at it before sighing. Maybe Xehanort was right. They hadn't run into anything. Sora turned to Xehanort and was about to suggest they leave when a blood-curdling scream pierced through the quiet of the hall. Both of them froze and looked down the hall where the scream had come from.
Sora could feel his heart speed up and thump in his ears. He glanced back at Xehanort. “You heard that too, right?” He whispered, not able to hide the shakiness of his voice.
Xehanort’s face hardened. “Yeah.” He responded lowly.
Xehanort once again looked to Sora. “Sora, we should head back.”
“But what if whoever screamed is in trouble?”
“Well, that's their problem to solve. I only have one life, not thirteen others to preserve myself in and I’d rather not get killed today.” He said, grabbing Sora’s wrist.
Sora wretched his hand out of Xehanort's grip. “No! I'm not just going to leave someone who’s suffering alone! Even if we only have one life, I’d rather use it being selfless than selfish. What about you?” Sora asked.
“There’s no problem with being selfish sometimes, Sora,” Xehanort responded.
“Well, then you can wait outside. I’ll be out in a bit.”
“No. I'm not leaving you.” Xehanort stated firmly.
“Then I guess you’re coming with me then,” Sora said, continuing forward.
Xehanort sighed but followed Sora nonetheless. Another scream pierced through the quiet, causing both of them to flinch. Sora walked faster. The wails of pain and agony only got louder and louder the closer they got to the source.
Then all of a sudden, they stopped. The only sound that could be heard in the hall was Xehanort and Sora’s nervous breathing.
A door handle on the right wall turned. Xehanort saw an open door and quickly grabbed Sora’s wrist. They let their keyblades disappear, bathing the hall in darkness once more.
They heard the sound of a door shut loudly. Xehanort stood still against a wall inside the room they had entered with Sora pressed against him. He quickly placed a hand over his mouth to silence his breathing. He placed his other hand over Sora’s mouth. The brunette placed both of his hands over Xehanort’s.
The sound of boots clicking against the floor seemed so loud in the quiet. They both heard the footsteps stop at the entrance to the room. The figure stepped in and looked around. A bright blue eye could be seen from underneath what looked like a hood. Sora and Xehanort stayed still, hoping the darkness of the room was enough to cover up their presence.
The figure then left. The two keyblade wielders stayed still, waiting for the sound of footsteps to become nonexistent.
Once they were safe, Xehanort pulled his hands away. Sora didn't let go of his hand yet. “T-Thanks…” He murmured, still shaken and terrified.
“Don’t mention it…” Xehanort replied quietly, hiding his fear better than the brunette. Sora let go of Xehanort's hand and they both summoned their keyblades again. The light lit up the room. Xehanort peeked out of the room.
“All clear?” Sora whispered.
“Yeah,” Xehanort replied. They both quietly walked out.
“That’s the room the person walked out of,” Xehanort said, pointing to a door.
“Think that’s where the screaming came from?” Sora asked.
Xehanort shrugged. “Only one way to find out.” Xehanort slowly reached out and opened the door. The two winced. “Ugh, smells like…blood…” Sora murmured, his eyes growing wide in fear. Sora held his keyblade out, lighting up the room.
Sora and Xehanort’s eyes went wide in horror.
“No…” Xehanort murmured. His shaky breathing became even more uneven and shaky. He shook his head.
“No no no no no…”
“A-Are you ok—”
“I think I'm gonna be sick…” Xehanort said before quickly rushing out of the room. He only managed to make it a few feet before he vomited. He had one hand on the wall holding him steady while his other hand was wrapped around his middle.
He spat up bile before letting out a choked sob. Tears rolled down his cheeks as horrible memories resurfaced in his mind.
“Seek answers to the unjust ways of the world. To the darkness.”
“You two will make twelve and lucky number thirteen.”
“Checkmate! I win, you lose!”
Xehanort let out another sob. He didn't realize Sora was by his side until he could hear his voice; soft and worried as he tried to comfort Xehanort.
“That’s it! Deep breaths. In and out.” Xehanort's breathing began to slowly even out. He felt disgusting and no doubt looked like a mess. He looked at Sora with gratitude.
“Thanks…” He said.
Sora nodded. “Of course. Do…do you know who that is?” Sora asked.
Xehanort nodded. “He…he was an old friend. Classmate. Used to be…” He murmured.
Sora offered a hand and Xehanort hesitantly took it. Sora carefully led him back to the room where Baldr sat, chained to a wall with blood and other bodily fluids staining the walls and floor.
“He…we need to cast a healing spell if we want to get him somewhat stable…” Xehanort said.
Sora nodded. “Heal.” The signature soft green and white bells surrounded the unconscious young man. Xehanort summoned his keyblade and unlocked the chains.
Baldr’s wrists fell from where they hung and he couldn't keep himself sitting up as he keeled over sideways. Xehanort quickly caught him before he fell.
Sora came up on Xehanort’s other side and helped the bloody boy up. “Let’s get outta here…” Xehanort said. 
“Don't have to tell me twice,” Sora said and they both ran.
He slowly blinked his eyes open. Pain shot from every nerve of his body. He groaned in pain. He heard a sharp gasp before someone was at his side. A girl with orange hair tied in loose low ponytails was at his side in an instant.
Baldr quickly shot up in fear. His eyes wandered. Behind the girl was a brunette who looked to be a few years younger than him and beside him was…his eyes widened in fear. Xehanort.
“Hey, can you hear me?” The girl asked softly.
Baldr looked her way and nodded. 
“Good. Can you tell me your name?” She asked. 
He licked his lips before answering. “Baldr.” He saw Xehanort flinch out of the corner of his eye.
“Nice to meet you, Baldr. How are you feeling? Be honest with me.”
He was silent. “Sore. Thirsty.” He began. His stomach let out a low growl. He wrapped his arms around his middle. 
“And uh…hungry…” The girl gave him a soft smile. She turned around. “Xehanort, could you get Baldr some food and water, please?”
Xehanort glanced his way before sighing quietly. “Yeah.”
And he left.
Baldr let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. 
The brunette sat down on a nearby chair and gave him a smile. “I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Strelitzia. The boy over there is Sora. And uh…I'm assuming you already know Xehanort.”
Baldr nodded. Xehanort came back with some leftover pizza and water. Baldr took it. “Thank you.” He mumbled before digging in without another word. He finished quickly, the others watching him quite impressed that he was able to finish so fast.
“Baldr…who did this to you?”
“No one. Nothing you guys need to worry about.” Baldr answered quickly before Strelitzia could continue.
“Wh— Baldr, it's not nothing! You were tortured!” Xehanort retaliated with a glare.
“Why do you care?”
“Why wouldn't I?!”
Baldr let out a humorless laugh. “Oh, I don't know. Maybe because I killed my own sister?! All of her friends and yours?!”
“I deserved to be in that man’s grasp. All I brought was pain back home. The darkness in me I-I…” Baldr ran his fingers through his hair and began to loudly hyperventilate.
Sora looked like he wanted to say and do something but Strelitzia quickly put her hand out, stopping him.
“This is something they have to figure out on their own.” She whispered sadly as Xehanort hesitantly approached Baldr.
Sora sighed despondently. She was right. They both stood up and walked to the kitchen to give the two some space.
Xehanort, now at Baldr’s side, hesitantly placed a hand on his back. “Baldr, you need to breathe or you’ll pass out.”
“Why don't you hate me?” Baldr asked in between sharp inhales.
“Because that wasn't you in control. It was darkness.”
“But aren't you mad at me?!”
“Yes! I was!”
Baldr flinches and pauses. “W-Was?” He repeats quietly. Xehanort nods. He sucks in a deep breath before continuing.
“Of course, I was mad at first. I was absolutely terrified when we found you and that anger from years ago resurged. I had just watched you murder keyblade wielders before my very eyes. But, you weren’t in control. The darkness…I heard it say, “You and your weak heart” before you killed your sister a second time. Clearly, you didn't want to.”
Baldr froze and looked away. “But—”
“You were my friend, Baldr.”
“No. I was no one’s friend. I never fit in. I never had a friendship like you and Eraqus or even with the rest of our classmates.” He sucked in a shaky breath, tears swimming in his eyes. 
Xehanort took hold of his hand. Baldr quickly looked down at it before looking back up at Xehanort. Xehanort had begun to silently cry, tears rolling down his face. Baldr swallowed and began to sniffle, tears rolling down his face as he tries with all his power to not cry.
“I…I always felt like an outcast. With the way my heart was and all. I got in trouble often as the emotions of others would bleed into my own. A few people called me crazy. My own parents favored Hoder over me. I was the problem child. She was the perfect daughter.”
Baldr let out a sob. “I can only imagine h-how my parents reacted; knowing I was attacking Scala and killing innocents and keyblade wielders alike.”
Xehanort squeezed his hand tighter. “You and that boy shouldn’t have saved me…” Baldr whispered and tried to wipe away a few tears. But it was futile as they just kept on coming.
“Baldr,” Xehanort whispered gently. The white-haired teen glanced up to meet Xehanort’s eyes. 
“What happened in the past, is in the past. I've done some horrible stuff ever since you were defeated. We can't change it. And it still stings. But…all that matters now is how we choose to live in the present and future.” Baldr slowly looks away. 
Xehanort’s other hand grabs the hand he’s already holding. Desperate tears fall out of pain-filled eyes.
“I’ve lost everyone, Baldr. I don't want to lose you again too.” He begs.
Baldr looks up to meet him. “I-I’m sorry!” He finally sobs. Xehanort pulls him in for a hug. Baldr desperately hugs back, spilling out years' worth of pent-up emotions. 
Sora silently listens from the kitchen, a frown on his face. He glances over at Strelitzia who is pulling down snacks from the pantry. “Do you think Baldr will like these?” She asks, holding up a package of cookies. Sora smiles. “I think he will.” He glances back toward the living room.
Xehanort and Baldr finally pull away from their hug. Strelitzia decides to come in with Sora close behind with a lot of junk food in hand. She dumps it all on the coffee table and offers Baldr a smile. “Crappy food tends to fix a crappy day.”
“Thank you,” Baldr says with a smile. He hesitantly takes some cookies. Sora sends Xehanort a concerned look but he simply waves him off. 
Strelitzia sighs as she glances out the window. “It’s getting late. Baldr you are welcome to crash on our couch. You’re welcome to stay the night as well, Xehanort.”
“I’ll take you up on that offer,” Xehanort replies with a tired smile. 
“Well…goodnight, guys,” Sora says before he and Strelitzia disappear into their bedrooms.
Xehanort gently squeezes Baldr’s hand. “Rest up. We’ll talk more in the morning.” Baldr nods and watches as Xehanort walks over to Sora’s room.
Baldr looks down at the junk food on the coffee table and helps himself to some more snacks.
Xehanort walked out of the attached bathroom and rubs his hair dry with a towel. Sora lays a sleeping bag down on the floor next to his bed. They’re both dressed in their pajamas. 
“Thanks for letting me use your shower.” Xehanort says in almost a mumble, that Sora almost misses it.
Sora smiles. “Of course.”
Xehanort hangs the towel up before turning off the bathroom lights. He takes the offered pillow from Sora and settles into the sleeping bag. Sora turns off the lamp and gets into bed. It's quiet except for the sounds of shuffling as the two try and get comfortable. And when the shuffling has ended, the room is silent. Xehanort stares up at the ceiling.
The silence is finally broken when Sora speaks. “Xehanort, if you don't mind me asking…”
Xehanort waits for Sora to finish his sentence. But he doesn’t.
“Go on.”
“…How do you know Baldr?”
Xehanort sighs. He can practically see Sora wincing. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.” Sora says.
“No, It’s fine. Just…a bit difficult to talk about.”
“We don't have to if you don't want to. I shouldn’t have brought it up.”
“It's fine. We…we were classmates. He was a bit quiet. Yet kind. My class was small, consisting of seven people. Myself and Baldr included. So we were all friends. But…Baldr had a lot of darkness in him that ended up going unchecked. In Scala, which is a very light-centric society, if he were to ever reveal that to someone…well…he would've disappeared without a trace and nobody would’ve been able to find him.”
Sora shudders and pulls his blankets up higher. “That sounds awful…”
“It is. But…nobody knew any better. I didn't really know any better either. It's what we were taught. So that darkness festered. His sensitive heart only made things worse. He relied on others for light. But…it became too much. His darkness ended up taking over. And…many people ended up losing their lives. Many of my friends included…”
Xehanort swallowed. “I ended up delivering the final blow. I ended Baldr’s life.”
He could hear the small, surprised, and horrified gasp from Sora. 
“It was rough. But…I’m glad Baldr’s here.”
Sora rolled over in bed, looking down at Xehanort in his sleeping bag. “Why’s that?”
A small smile appeared on Xehanort’s face. “It’s like we both get a second chance. Besides, we’re all we have left. And I won't let Baldr go through something like that alone again.”
Sora smiled. “You know, you’re a good friend, Xehanort.”
Xehanort froze before his smile softened. “Thank you…Sora.”
“Of course.”
It was once again silent. Xehanort had thought Sora had fallen asleep before he spoke again. “Do…do you think we may have been friends? You know…before everything? If we had been from the same time period? No light or darkness or conflict involved?” Sora asked.
Xehanort rolled over in his sleeping bag. “I think so. I mean, we’re pretty good friends now.”
Sora smiled before he let out a yawn. “Good. Cause I like being friends with you. The past aside. Baldr is lucky to have you by his side through all of this.”
Xehanort froze at the compliment. He went to say something but Sora was fast asleep. Xehanort shook his head and relaxed in his sleeping bag.
“Thanks, Sora. All of your friends are lucky to have you too. I’m…glad we’re friends.” 
And Xehanort fell asleep shortly after.
Hope you enjoyed! :)
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remembering-angels · 10 months
My full reincarnation timeline
I shared this on Reddit and I thought I could share my reincarnation timeline on here too if anyone is interested . This is basically a time line of all my past lives from being an angel to human past lives to now a days.
The very first thing my soul remembers is a place almost like heaven, or maybe eden. I remember a vast ocean, spreading endlessly over the horizon, if my soul had an origin, it was at the shores of that ancient ocean. I remember a light, everything felt bigger than the earth, bigger than the solar system, i was one with the universe, with the galaxies. my dreams of that time are always of me in between earth and space, that's where I believe heaven to be, if I could ever put a name to it I would almost say it felt as if I was one of the angels. the angels in my memories tho looked different from the beautiful paintings in churches, some looked inhuman in a way people can't imagine and yet some did look even more beautiful than those paintings. those angels and me being one of them had a mission, it was always to help the universe, and humanity evolve, some have forgotten it tho, and sometimes i myself forget it.
the first reincarnation was maybe around ancient Egypt times is the best i could describe it tho i was in a different country, being on earth is different than being in heaven, on earth, when i first came, in my first reincarnation everything felt so intense, my first reincarnation was in the middle east, in the deserts and hot weather still feel very close to me, my divine siblings reincarnated with me at the time. i remember speaking the ancient language and seeing the beauty of maybe Persian (?) or ancient israel cities, everything felt like an endless dream, at the time i saw tribes at war and empires begin to slightly form.
the second reincarnation was in Europe in the middle ages or the medieval times not sure what its called, i was a lady,i remember hallways illuminated by candlelights and music if I could pinpoint a language it would be old English, there was a man there, my soulmate, i would play around with him a lot, he was older than me ,he had some kind of political standing but i can't remember now what he did. i died from getting shot with an arrow, but i think it was an accident or some kind of battle thing, i remember the arrow piercing my chest area, i remember being carried to the water as my final resting place and waking up on the other side ,seeing the most beautiful moonlight.
from there on my memories are kinda blurry,i can't remember all my reincarnations, i think i had one during ww2 that i can slightly remember but not well enough.
the next very vivid past life i remember is of being a regular girl in 1960's-1970's America, funny enough i went to religious studies, i remember daydreaming a lot, wondering about my soul, my life's purpose, i didn't have a lot of time to figure out my life's purpose since that life was cut short,but if i did have time i would have become a teacher or a researcher or someone who helps others , and i remember making deep connections. the love from that life still follows me here. i was lost in that life a bit and some took advantage of that. i died by the hand of an evil man ,an evil man that took many souls that he shouldn't have. a selfish man.
and i remember leaving my body and walking through a forest ,an endless forest until i found my way back to heaven,or my version of heaven at least, i remember hearing whispers all around me when i reached the other side, the whispers were comforting me, I was stuck as a ghost for some time, looking up the sky at the stars listening to those whispers,and when I got back home to heaven I slept in a field of lovely purple flowers, my divine siblings Keeping watch.
and my reincarnation now. i dont think this is my last, i think i have one more life to live. I am blessed I can remember so much .
well that's it what i remember so far!
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cinephile-inc · 1 year
Session 9 Review (07/04/23-07/05/23)
⚠️This review will contain spoilers!⚠️
I'll start off by saying that Session 9 (2001) is indeed an underrated horror flick, and genuinely scary, too! The tension just goes up and up from the beginning without much relief from it once weird shit starts happening.
It is very obviously influenced by The Shining (1980), with particular references being the wife of the main character being named Wendy and a title card for each day that passes. (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc) There's even a sort of pseudo Kubrick Stare scene thrown in there. However, despite these glaringly obvious references, I think Session 9 still does a good job of standing on it's own two feet...
Except for the fact that I dislike the ending/twist. I think they were going for something supernatural, but it's not obvious enough for me to make a conclusive decision. Assuming they were going for a possession story, at least one of my initial thoughts was confirmed.
Session 9 concerns an asbestos removal team being tasked with cleaning up an abandoned mental institution that was shut down in the 1980s. The leader of the crew and the main character, Gordon, promises that his team can get the place cleaned up in a week, which grants them all bonus pay if they get it done in time. It is clear from the beginning that Gordon has overbid himself with this task, as he is a new father struggling to adjust to a baby in the house. Tensions only rise when one of the crew members goes missing, presumed to have won the lottery and run off for Miami.
Meanwhile, another crew member has been digging through some of the old records; particularly, the files and recorded interviews with patient #444, a woman known as Mary Hobbes. Mary Hobbes was a patient with DID, with the host being Mary and her two alters being Princess, who appears to be a young girl, and Billy, who appears to be a young boy, though slightly older and more mature than Princess. There is also Simon, who we'll get into later.
Sometime later, Gordon confesses to one of his coworkers that he unintentionally hit his wife. When he had come home one night and went to greet her in the kitchen, she accidentally knocked over a pot of scalding water that had been on the stove and consequently burned his leg. Gordon is genuinely remorseful and doesn't know why he did it, as it was clearly an accident on Wendy's part, but he doesn't want the rest of the team members to know because it will hurt their salary. Unfortunately, his trust in this coworker almost immediately falls through as he quickly tells one of the other workers of this incident.
More is revealed about Mary throughout: something happened in her childhood that she has deeply repressed, though it resulted in deep and obvious cuts on her chest. While Mary does not remember the incident nor does she want to talk about it, Princess does remember... most of it. What she does not remember is Simon, and what Simon did. Billy remembers Simon, and Billy very much does not want to talk about Simon in an effort to protect Mary and Princess. It is clear Billy is very afraid of Simon.
Later, the seemingly disappeared coworker reappears and is seen by Gordon's nephew, Jeff, who is also part of his crew, who immediately alerts the others as the coworker is acting strangely. When the others follow Jeff to check up on the seemingly impossible reappearance of their coworker, he is nowhere to be found. This prompts the group to split up in an effort to find him. Gordon however is following something different, a deep, dark voice that he's been hearing since he first entered the building.
The final reveal in Mary's storyline is that Simon "offered to help her" after her older brother, Peter, scared her, causing her to fall down on a brand new china doll she had gotten for Christmas. The doll shattered under her weight, causing the scars in her chest. Simon urged Mary to "cut up" Peter like he cut up her, and this is where my theory that Simon is not actually an alter but a demon comes into play. With this reading, Simon possesses Mary and kills not only her brother, but her mother and father as well so "they won't get angry" that "she" killed Peter. Simon is the voice Gordon has been hearing throughout his days at the abandoned institution. Simon is cruel and condescending, and it hates people who are "naughty," like Peter, who hurt Mary despite Mary being so good and nice.
The final twist/reveal in Gordon's story is that Simon had possessed him as well and had attacked all the rest of his coworkers, even taking on the form of one of them to trick him into realizing what he had done. It is also implied that Gordon killed Wendy as well, but he could not bring himself to kill his baby daughter. The ending leaves Gordon, alone, in one of the rooms of the abandoned institution, speaking his remorse into a broken phone. He begs Wendy for forgiveness and laments that he wants to go home, and that he wants to hold his wife and daughter again. The movie ends with another snippet from the interview with Mary/Simon. Doctor: And where do you live, Simon? SImon: I live in the weak and the wounded, doc. (Context: Billy tells the doctor "Princess lives in the tongue, because she's always talking, sir," and that he "lives in the eyes, because I see everything, sir.")
To be truthful, I think the ending was good, it's just not how I would've ended it. Jeff and Gordon were my favourite characters throughout the film so it was annoying that Gordon was revealed as the killer when the red herring we got would've been so much better to be actually confirmed, and sad that Jeff was amongst the murdered.
With most of the evidence pointing toward Simon being a demon or other supernatural entity, I suppose one could say Session 9 at least tried to subvert the "villain with DID" trope (especially because Mary really didn't have anything to do with what was happening to Gordon and his coworkers, it was all Simon), which I think is pretty off the beaten path for a movie from 2001. However, I don't have DID and I can still be educated, so I don't think I really get a say in how it was handled in this movie. ^_^"
I probably won't watch it again, at least for awhile because again you basically get no breaks from the tension until it ends, but it was pretty good and I think if you like The Shining and abandoned places you should definitely check it out! It's not streaming anywhere but if you want the link to where I watched it, hit up my DMs. :0)
7.5/10 📽️📽️📽️📽️📽️📽️📽️⬛⬛⬛
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dirthara-dalen · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Another week another Wip. This up is taken from my prequels era fic with my oc aLee who is descended from my Jedi knight and my friend's @myth-and-mischief oc Shara-rea. It will be partly under a cut.
Once alone he found the place eerily silent. Slowly he began walking down the tunnel as he gazed at the various kyber statues. Each one radiated with the force, he found it oddly comforting as he walked past them. As he reached a t-junction he discovered that the statue looked like the one in his vision. It was a beautiful shade of teal, a rare kyber colour, the statue itself depicted an ethereal woman holding three orbs.
“Are you looking at the statues too?”
Lee pivoted slightly to see a young human girl, no older than maybe six years old looking at him. She had long black hair sitting on her shoulder in a braid with the same teal flowers he had seen all over the city delicately woven in. Her teal green eyes were vibrant and full of life as she smiled at him. There was something about her that felt familiar but he couldn’t place it, something about her that felt safe.
“Y-ya…I saw this one in a vision.” He looked back up at it. “I do not know why exactly the force sent me vision. I’m Lee by the way.”
She giggled. “I’m Shara-rae, most people call me Shara.”
“Are you training to be a guardian Shara?”
She shook her head. “No…Chirrut said I’m only allowed to stay here until I’m of age to become a padawan. Well…that's what he said the Jedi said.”
“You’re force sensitive?!” This surprised Lee. Normally he would have been able to sense her. As he thought about it he realized the feeling that comforted him did not emanate off of the statues but her.
She nodded. “That’s how I found you here. Most normal people don’t feel like anything in the force but you send out ripples in the force.”
Lee found this comment interesting as he knelt in front of her. He watched as she did not follow his movements. Could she be blind? If so, was she not using force sight? Did she not know how too?
“Shara, are you blind?”
“I am, Chirrut is too. He likes to teach me tricks on how to get around. One trick is listening to the sound of the statues as each one gives off a different sound in the force.”
His heart sank upon hearing this and yet he was impressed. “Has…has no one ever told you about force sight?”
“Force sight?” She tilted her head giving him a curious look.
Lee fully sat down as Shara sat across yet relatively close to him. He was no expert on the topic but he did know some things. He did his best to explain how it worked to her. Admittedly he also explained how there were others who would be able to teach her far better than he ever could. He told her that there was even a race of force sensitives that had to use it to see. To see her smile learning that there was an entire group of people out there that might be like her made him happy for some odd reason. Was this the reason he saw the statute in his vision? Was he supposed to meet her?
“Lee?” She spoke with an inquisitive tone to her voice.
“What do you look like? Baze says I’m human but that there are aliens here too. Some of the guardians are aliens. I do know that.”
He knew using words to describe himself would be difficult. “Well, I’m half human myself. My mother is a species called Mirialan which is categorized as a near human species. As a result I have green skin. As for how I really look…” He gently took her hands in his.
“What is it?”
He smiled as he then guided her hands to his face. “I find sometimes touch is the best way to learn something. I do not mind letting you do this, Shara.”
“Do what?”
“Feel my face, learn my appearance through touch rather than sight. Not everything has to be done through sight.”
No one had ever offered to do this with her before. She didn’t know what anyone looked like, only what they sounded like. As Lee let go of her tiny hands she stood up in front of him. Slowly she traced the outline of his face starting with his forehead. It wasn’t too broad then she felt something fuzzy which guessed were his eyebrows. As she ghosted over his eyes she was somewhat surprised to find they were similar to hers in their shape.
She had, of course, traced her own face of course but still had no idea what she herself looked like. As she brushed past his nose she found it didn’t jut out from his face too far and had a bit of a rounded tip. Then she reached his lips. He was still smiling as he found he couldn’t stop. He didn’t know if she had realized but she had the biggest, dorkiest smile on her own face that was bringing him so much joy at the moment. She began to slowly traced his lips, from the corner curl of his smile down to his plump bottom lip.
“I really like your smile.”
“I like yours too. You know, as silly as this may sound I feel as if the force wanted us to meet Shara. Why else would it have given me a vision of the statue?”
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divinegrey · 2 years
𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 / 𝐯𝐢𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
ok so i didn't get any writing done yesterday because believe it or not, getting a back tattoo means you can't actually move your arms. L me. anyway, here's a viper imagine for all of us evil lady lovers.
prompt: Hey Greyyy is it possible to have a flirty Reader with a very oblivious Viper and the other agents are just flabbergasted on how she can't take a hint?👉👈
words: 1502
warnings: swearing, slightly sexual themes toward the end
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“Nah, nah!” Phoenix waves his hands in front of him, almost to a comical degree. “I can’t keep watching this happen, bruv!” 
You, sitting at the table with your head in your hands, can barely keep back your laughter. Honestly, it’s getting to be a little ridiculous at this point, and you can’t blame your friends for also laughing at your sheer misery. 
“Wait, so, let me get this straight,” Neon says, perching herself on her chair the same way a bird would. You lean back in your own chair, your face red from your earlier laughing fit. Neon puts her hand on your shoulder, and you expect the static shock that comes from it. “You gave the Doc flowers—” 
“Poisonous flowers! Like, how did you even get those?” Jett cuts in, sitting to your left. 
“I have my resources! That’s kinda my thing!” You say, crossing your arms over your chest. Unlike most of the agents around you, you’re purely human. Your skills and talents lie in knowing where and who to talk to in order to acquire things. It comes in handy frequently. 
“You gave her flowers, mate. I don’t know how you could possibly be more direct than that,” Phoenix says. Twisting between his fingers is a small globule of fire, one of his habits he does when his hands aren’t being kept busy. 
“At this point, you might need to just straight up kiss her,” Jett says. 
You sigh. “That might be the only option I have. For a doctor, you think she’d be less oblivious.” 
Neon snorts. “Clearly not.” 
“Ugh.” You flop in the chair, head hanging over the back with the dramatics you usually have. “I can’t fucking stand this.” 
“Bloody hell, just go kiss her! Worst case scenario, you get poisoned and we have Skye bring you back.” Phoenix gestures to the red-haired woman walking into the lounge area. At the mention of her name, Skye turns her head to the group assembled at the table. 
“What’s goin’ on?” Skye cocks her brow. You wave dismissively. 
“Viper wouldn’t poison me,” you say. Then a grimace follows. “At least, I hope she wouldn’t.” 
“We’ve all been on the bad end of Viper’s toxins,” Neon retorts. “Skye, do ya know where the Doc is?” 
“Viper? She’s in her lab, pretty sure,” Skye replies, jerking her thumb over her shoulder. With that, Phoenix and Jett get to their feet, somehow both knowing exactly what to do; you’re dragged out of your chair and out of the room, hearing Skye and Neon’s laughter following behind. 
Goddamn it. 
Being the so-called older sibling of the young agents is a headache sometimes. 
“Unhand me, you heathens!” You slap at them with your hands mercilessly, but who are you to try anything against two Radiants? You end up being taken from the lounge area of the Protocol and dumped right in front of the door to Sabine’s lab— the lights inside are on, and you can hear the sound of scientific machinery whirring away. 
“Good luck, mate!” Phoenix shoots you a grin. Jett gives you a thumbs up, and then you’re promptly shoved through the door. 
Thank god you don’t fall on your ass, because Sabine is right there at her desk, regarding you with a curious look on her face. You straighten, then put your hand on the wall and lean against it. 
“Sup?” You wiggle your brows. Sabine closes her notebook, leaning back in the chair. You notice the vase of flowers sitting on the corner of the metal furniture. Pink nerium oleanders. Toxicity levels are low, but if Sabine got enough of the toxins from the sap, you don’t know what she could do with it. 
“Is there something you need?” Sabine’s voice is soft— when you first met her (and before you started flirting with her on the daily), she was about as rough and callous as she is with every other Agent in the Protocol. Over time, though, she started treating you with more care. You love it. 
It’s the only sign you’ve ever gotten of her reciprocation. If it exists, that is.
“The flowers look good,” you comment, walking over to the desk. She puts her pen down, and you spare a quick glance at the notebook; scientific calculations with volumes and measurements. Sounds about right. Pushing it aside with your hand, you slide between her and the desk, sitting right where she’d been working. 
“What are you doing?” Sabine looks up at you. You start swinging one of your legs back and forth, leaning back on your hands. 
“Just seeing how my favorite scientist is doing,” you reply, cocking your head to the side with a grin. “Anyone ever tell you that you look beautiful in that lab coat?”
“Once. That man never bothered me again.” 
Oh my god, this is literally never going to work. With a sigh (and a furiously thundering heart), you say, “Sabine, have you even noticed that I’ve been flirting with you?” 
At this, her head shoots up. “What?” 
“For weeks! C’mon, did you seriously think I got you poisonous flowers because we’re friends?” You laugh, hoping it disguised the blush (and the fear) on your face. “If… we’re even friends, I don’t know.” 
Slowly, Sabine stands up. You swallow the knot in your throat; even sitting on her desk, she’s still slightly taller than you. Her hands press down on the outside of your legs. 
“You mean it?” Sabine whispers. Her verdant green eyes are depths you could stare into for hours and never get bored. Without hesitation, you nod, the movements small, but she sees them nonetheless. “Why?” 
At the same volume as her, your words cling to the air. “Because you’re so intelligent and so beautiful and I find myself in awe every time I’m near you.” 
Sabine moves like lightning. 
You have zero time to react before she’s on you, her mouth pressing into your own with an unforeseen ferocity from the scientist that you’ve only seen a handful of times during missions. With you, though, it’s different. Her lips are slightly chapped and there’s the faint smell of chemicals, but you wouldn’t trade this. Not for anything in the world.
You tangle your fingers into her dark hair, holding her close to you. Her kisses are like the thorns on a rose; they hurt, especially when she bites down onto your bottom lip, but it’s addicting in a way that makes you never want to give it up. 
But you’re only human, and so is she. You part for air, heavy breaths intermingling with each other with your foreheads resting against each other gently. Her hands wrap around your back and she tucks her head into your neck. 
“I didn’t want to assume anything,” Sabine says, her voice soft against your ear. You run your hands through her hair, soothing out the portions you had ruined during your kiss. “You flirt with a lot of people, darling.” 
“I stopped doing that weeks ago,” you murmur, gently tugging the hair on the back of her neck so she looks at you. “I only wanted you, Sabine. You.” 
She looks like she almost doesn’t believe you. “I’ve done horrible things in my lifetime.” 
“And I have an international crime ring with over a thousand contacts to get anything I want at any time,” you reply, raising your eyebrow. “Your toxins don’t scare me, Sabine. Besides, I like my women a little mean.” 
“A little mean?” Sabine chuckles, and your heart drops straight into your stomach at the sound. She stares at you, a dangerous edge in her eyes that only serves to make you grin. “Oh, I can be a lot more than a little mean.” 
“Shut up and kiss me already,” you say, grabbing the front of her lab coat and yanking her back toward you. The sound of papers flying and something thudding onto the ground tells you that you might’ve shoved off her notebook by accident, but with the way Sabine slots herself between your legs and pushes you down to lay flat on the desk, you don’t really give a single flying fuck about it. 
She kisses you again, and you love every single second of it. 
Outside the lab, ears pressed against the door, Phoenix, Jett, and Neon (having sprinted down to catch up) all listen with wide eyes as they hear sounds of things dropping and someone moaning. 
“Oh, shit! We gotta go, mates!” Phoenix hisses. “I think they’re about to—” 
“What was that?” Neon asks quietly. The tips of Phoenix’s hair start to burn with small flames as he puts his hand over his mouth, restraining his laughter. 
“Fuck, Sabine—” Your voice is loud enough to be heard through the thick walls and the sliding door. Jett claps her hands over Neon’s ears. 
“Time to go!” Jett whisper-shouts, dragging the youngest Agent out of the hallway. Phoenix follows behind, sniggering into his hand. “Ow, fuck, Neon! Stop shocking me!” 
A/N: evil poison mommy <3
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hitnran · 3 years
OBSESSIVE EX (gender neutral! reader)
how they deal with you having an obsessive ex
includes: ran, rindou
CW: obsessive behavior, cursing, stalking (ran), phone harassment (rindou), the haitani brothers lowkey kinda scary here (not to the reader) 💀 but i’m just trying to make it fit within their character
Getting into a relationship with someone like Ran, half of the charismatic brother duo that ruled Roppongi, almost means guaranteed safety wherever you go. His title itself is one that is feared when murmured. Whenever you two leave, he always has an eye and a hand on you. Ran knows well that even if he is feared, he can also be challenged and the last thing he wants is for you to get involved — you would make an easy target for his enemies.
You two were out together on a stroll around the city. Although there was nothing neither of you needed, Ran’s favorite thing is showing you off. Sometimes you start to feel similar to his younger brother, thinking that you’re just a shadow and only known as ‘Ran’s partner.’ But Ran’s intentions were opposite. He wanted everyone to know that it was him that belonged to you and it is him that people would have to deal with if you were ever tested.
As you two are walking, Ran noticed your eyes consistently checking itself to the side. He took note of that and eventually brushed it off since you stopped. But then he noticed that you were being especially keen and scanning the whole area.
“Are you okay, love?” Ran slightly hunches down, getting your attention as your face turns his way. He lightly smiles at you. “Did you see something you liked?”
You swallowed down hard. You could’ve sworn you saw a familiar face, but after trying to scan the area numerous times for the past few minutes, you thought it was just you being paranoid. The last thing you wanted was to worry Ran and cause a scene.
“I’m okay,” You shook your head, returning a light smile. You grabbed on his arm, this time a little tighter. “Let’s turn into this corner.”
Ran knows when you’re lying. He knew something made you uncomfortable, but he wasn’t going to force you to tell him. Instead, he’ll make it his own problem too and deal with it himself.
This area was his territory and everyone knew it. It was almost as if Roppongi, a city known for liveliness, calmed down ever so slightly if one or both of the brothers were out. Everyone’s gaze wound be kept low and their conversations would go mute as they walk by.
At that moment, Ran could feel a pair of eyes staring your way. He won’t make it obvious though.
“Love,” Ran called out to you. You looked up his direction and he placed a hand against your lower back. “Rindou’s gonna throw a fit if I don’t bring back food for him. How about you go into the restaurant and order first while I call him and ask what he wants?”
You felt at ease hearing that you two were finally going to be in somewhere indoors, but it made you nervous that he would be separated from you for just a little while.
“Don’t wanna bring something back he won’t like and have him complain,” Ran lightly laughed, trying to ease your clear discomfort. He placed a hand over your head. Taking out his phone to add to his act. “I’ll be quick.”
After some hesitation, you gave in. It was a public space after all, so it shouldn’t have been anything to worry too much about. He watched as you entered the place before turning around, sending chills to the person who had been following you two around this whole time.
“Would be a shame if I left them alone for too long, wouldn’t it?” Ran gave off a sinister grin, slowly walking towards the person. “Wouldn’t want anyone to take them away…especially someone like you.”
Ran knew who this person was. He was an obsessive ex of yours that just would not leave you alone and accept the separation despite it being years passed. He gulped hard, nervously stepping back, not thinking that he would get caught.
“You were so bold to even follow us in the first place, why so shy now?” Ran smirked, hiking up the sleeves of his sweatshirt. “This is the first time you’ve heard of me or something? I should introduce myself to you well and hard then.”
Almost ten minutes had passed since you’ve been waiting for Ran. You sat patiently and waited. Your best guess as to what’s taking him so long revolves around Rindou. Maybe he was complaining about how he wanted food from a different place or being picky about menu opinions. Just as you were about to raise yourself from your seat to check up on Ran, you saw him enter.
“Did I make you wait too long?” Ran appeared, seating himself in front of you. The worse case scenario you had in mind was that he got into a fight, but in front of you, he looked just as how you last saw him. “You know how Rindou is.”
Your chest became relaxed and you gave a small smile, shaking your head, “What did he want from here?”
“I didn’t even listen to what he said,” Ran teased, opening up his menu and leaning back against the chair. You felt his legs sandwich your calves from beneath the table. “He can order it himself. All my money is going to you today.”
And that was how Ran liked it. Although Ran wanted everyone to know that he belonged to you, he knew how important it was for others to know that you belonged to him too. The image of the face of your ex is burned so clearly into his brain — face all bloodied up, mauled almost, as he failed to even whisper for forgiveness.
“I think there’s only one way I’m gonna let you outta here alive,” Ran kicked his body down with force, hearing something shift in his jaw. He couldn’t give half a damn about it. “Do you know what that is?”
Your ex was visibly beaten and weak now, barely able to even blink or properly form a sentence. Though, with his adam’s apple slightly moving from fear, Ran took it as a response.
Grabbing him by his hair upward, Ran bent down, looking straight at him, “You’re gonna leave them alone and never show your goddamn face again. If it wasn’t fucked already before, it sure is now. I promise you I’ll know if you’re even barely visible or a mile away, I won’t hesitate to kill you.”
Ran thought it was so disgusting how someone like you could ever have your time wasted on someone low like this ex of yours. Even if Ran saw him and his brother above everyone else, he always put you above him.
“Maybe even after this, I’ll send one of my men to go and beat the shit out of you every day so you could suffer for as long as you’ve tried to bother Y/N.”
Rindou can’t even remember what it took for you two to even reach this state of your guys relationship. He convinced himself that it was Ran, his older brother who wouldn’t shut up about how he was going to take you if Rindou didn’t make a move.
It genuinely surprises himself even whenever he looks your way, observing every detail and soaking in the idea that you are someone he can call his.
You two were watching a movie, or rather, supposed to. Rindou was too focused on side-eyeing you every now and then. You caught him a few times, but he would brush it off with comments like “this movie is boring” or “I’m just checking to see if you fell asleep.”
He would snap himself out of a trance after hearing your phone ring beside you. You eyed it once, looking at the caller ID and ignoring it. It wasn’t enough to cause Rindou to worry - it’s not his problem if you just didn’t wanna answer a call, it was your guys’ time anyway.
But then it rang once more again. Your ringtone dragged itself out halfway through before Rindou slightly raised his hand from your hip, pointing to the phone on the side of the couch.
“You not gonna answer that?” He asked.
You shook your head, eyes focused on the TV, “It’s fine. It’s an unknown caller ID.”
Rindou shrugged, ignoring it once again, but after a few more calls and your phone receiving back to back text messages, it was starting to irk him. He was close to just grabbing your phone and answering the call himself, but you were quick to act before him, just shutting it off.
“It must be spam or something,” You sighed, sitting back down.
“Yeah, well whatever it is, good thing you shut that damn thing off. That shit was annoying,” Rindou sighed, curling his arms around you again. “Let’s change the movie too or something. This one is boring.”
One thing about dating Rindou is that he seems uninterested in absolutely everything he does. Although you avoid thinking like that when it comes to your relationship with him, you always remind yourself that Rindou is someone who deeply cares for you. He shows it very differently compared to others, but you know.
He can recall a memory from a few weeks ago where you kept getting calls in the middle of your guys’ date. It annoyed him, but not as much as it annoyed you. You’ve pressed the red decline button at least five times now, stressing over it and spilling out everything about your previous ex.
At the end of your rant, Rindou grabbed your phone, picking up the call and saying words as simple as “leave them alone.” It was so simple, but for the next few weeks, it was silent. You finally thought you were free of harassment thanks to your boyfriend, but recently, they’ve been coming back as unknown caller IDs and more frequent than before.
Halfway through the movie, Rindou felt your body become more loose and relaxed beneath him. Your breath became slower and more steady. You had fallen asleep. He thought it was ironic to have someone as angelic as you in the arms of someone like him - a gang member always involving himself in trouble, even just for fun.
He stared at your phone just a reach away and then back at you. The last thing Rindou wanted was for you to be uncomfortable, or really, anything that isn’t where you aren’t happy.
When you woke up, the TV was shut off and you felt a blanket drape over your body. You realized you had fallen asleep from earlier, but you were expecting to find your boyfriend with you as well. That was when the door swung open and you were greeted with Rindou.
“Rindou?” You slowly let out, still adjusting from waking up. “I didn’t know you left.”
He raised a bag up midway in the air, it’s a bag from a bakery you often bought from, “You kept murmuring about it in your sleep. Didn’t want you to wake up all grumpy.”
“I don’t wake up grumpy!” You protested, watching as he took his seat next to you and unpacking all of your favorites.
“Yeah, okay,” Rindou joked. He listened to you puffing out before wrapping yourself around his arm.
“Thank you though,” You murmured out of embarrassment - maybe he was half right.
“It’s nothing,” He replied, softening his face into a grin. “Must’ve been hungry though if it got you talking in your sleep and drooling on my arm.”
You didn’t even know about half of the things he does for you, but he didn’t mind it, because if you were happy, then that was all that mattered.
It made Rindou feel guilty to turn on your phone and look through it. It wasn’t something that he ever felt the need to do - he trusted you and it felt wrong if you weren’t aware that he was using it. Though, at this time, he felt like it was for the better.
While you were silently sleeping, he browsed through your texts. It’s that same person - your ex back again to bother you. Rindou scoffed, making sure it wasn’t loud enough to wake you up, but he was angry. He clicked his tongue whilst composing a message.
Rindou knew you would never be so stupid as to meet up with someone like this, especially not after already experiencing it once. It was a good thing that it was just Rindou posing as you though. How delighted your ex felt to have finally received a response to you - ‘Let’s meet up here.’
Rindou thought it was so pathetic. This guy had no idea what he looked like, let alone that you even had a boyfriend. So when Rindou’s immediate reaction upon seeing him was to throw a punch, he was shocked.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Your ex cried out, trying his best to dodge his attacks but failing in between his words and attempts.
“Me?!” Rindou snapped, pushing him to the ground and twisting his arms. “Speak for yourself.”
The man beneath him screamed in pain, “I-I’ll call the cops on you and have you arrested!”
“Yeah? You think they’ll give me less time if I tell them I was just trying to teach a creep a lesson?” Rindou pulled back on his arms a little harder, tendons and muscles stretching themselves out of place.
“T-The hell are you talking about?!” He stuttered out.
“Don’t bitch around. Might end yourself up in there if you keep this act of yours up - I’ve been once before,” Rindou smirked, pulling back more and more on his arms. “It was fine for me. My big bro and I even got some respect while in there, so what’s gonna happen when they hear about your name from me? You’re fresh meat to them.”
“W-Who even are you?!”
Rindou scoffed, “The same guy who warned you once to leave Y/N alone. I should’ve honestly went to find you myself personally and beat the shit out of you, but I hate wasting my time.”
Your boyfriend let the man go. If his arms weren’t all bent out of place and dislocated, he’d be crawling away by now. It was a sight that Rindou would laugh at. Upon seeing that his phone had fallen out of his pocket, the same phone used to consistently harass you, Rindou stomped down hard, breaking it into bits and pieces.
“Don’t waste my time again. Next time you do, call the cops, I promise you I won’t care if they catch me killing you,” Rindou turned his back around.
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mmollymercury · 2 years
For those who are confused: milk is now a meme in the Encanto fandom, somehow - and people came up with the idea for today to be an official milk day!
I've got more crack content coming👀👀 and a certain something for a birthday girl 👀👀👀👀 @glitternightingale,,, but first! Here's some wholesome fluff! 💕💕
Summary: Pepa and Julieta bond over the comfort that is breastfeeding.
It was a coincidence that their first pregnancies were so close, with Isabela being slightly older than Dolores; although it was difficult to adjust to the noise of a baby's cry, doubled, it did end up coming in handy: the girls could calm each other down, play with each other and give their working parents a well deserved break, without even realising it.
Julieta's second pregnancy was the first she pioneered without a twin situation by her side-but like everything her sister did, she did it perfectly... All until she started having complications. Luisa was a hefty baby, Pepa never thought she'd ever see a baby bump that big. When her niece was born, she was all tub and endearing wrinkles, she was beautiful. But Julieta had been exhausted; weak and frail, so unlike her usually. Her lower half stained with blood; it was a day full of complicated feelings.
But! Now they were back in action, the Madrigal sisters, cooking up buns in synchronisation again! This time, Pepa's would be slightly older, which made for some good childish banter. Mamá still insisted they work, always had while they were pregnant - but maybe the lingering thought of Julieta's previous due date changed her... Because she was assigning them significantly less labour than before. This gave them plenty of free time, most of which was with their husbands and brother; Félix and Agustín weren't magical descendants, them being out and about didn't really help any, especially Agustín - who caused more trouble than he was worth.
Bruno was naturally a shut in, with good reason. Pepa and Julieta accepted this, knowing how he felt without him having to describe it; they were triplets. They were so happy to be spending more time with their baby brother.
Another source of happiness, was daydreaming about their babies. Bruno had already managed to predict that Pepa would be having a boy. The first boy since himself! This was a momentous occasion! He'd be treated like the little prince he was, Pepa was so thrilled! Her elder sister was still waiting in anticipation. They sometimes talked about the prospect of having two boys and how amazing that'd be! But Juli was adamant she was having another girl.
"I can just tell, my little Mariposa." She’d say, patting her round belly.
One afternoon, their conversations lead to the sweetest of topics:
"I missed feeding Luisa so much when she stopped." Juli reminisced, rocking gently in her chair, "The bonding felt more intense than with Isa, such a comforting feeling, I especially needed it back then."
Pepa nodded enthusiastically.
"Yes! Me too with Dolores! I can't wait to have that feeling again."
A rainbow materialised above their heads.
A few months later, Camilo Madrigal was born. Indeed, the first Madrigal boy since Bruno, Alma was especially proud, kissing her grandson and her daughter on their flushed cheeks. Because Julieta was out of commission, being heavily pregnant herself, the clean-up effort was done by the men (well, that isn’t to say they didn’t help before- but Julieta was definitely the ringleader of the operation). Félix held his son, rocking him expertly to sleep whilst simultaneously, passionately kissing his wife, Agustín changed his sister in law's sheets, and Bruno cleaned her face with a damp rag.
The sun had shone brighter that day.
Mirabel Madrigal soon followed, a miracle baby. She was so easy to birth and cried softly, almost as if she knew about her cousin's hearing and wanted to be courteous. A selfless little girl, right from the start.
Months past since that day and today, a gorgeously sunny sky was painted above, for all to see and Bruno Madrigal was left to babysit his older nieces. They played with their new siblings and saw them plenty- but there were also times they were meant to leave them alone. They had been asking for them all morning; Bruno hadn’t seen his sister’s or their babies at all today, nor did he hear them. What if they were all sleeping and he disturbed them? Dolores confirmed that they were napping for a brief period.
He left it for about half an hour before knocking on the nursery door, carefully. A voice from within prompted him to open it. He peaked his head inside, keeping the rambunctious children behind his thin legs, just in case.
“The girls want to see the bebés.” Bruno took in the scene: Mira and Cami were missing from their twin cribs, across from Luisa's bed. They were instead, in their mother’s arms, both of which, were sat in two respective chairs, looking fresh faced and well rested. He noticed how his niblings were eating, cautiously, he pushed the door back towards him, unsure if his sisters would allow them in right now. “Is this a good time?”
However, Pepa and Julieta smiled.
“Sure, come on in, Brunito, niñas.”
At those words, Isa finally broke through the barrier that was her uncle and threw open the door; thankfully, Bruno caught it before it could slam against the wall- Isabela, Dolores and Luisa walked in, well, Dolores walked, her cousins practically sprinted.
To make sure the girls wouldn’t try anything, Bruno pulled Isa and Luisa into his lap after sitting on the latter’s bed. Dolores sat beside him, unprompted and polite. He could trust her to behave.
“What are you doing?” Isabela bluntly asked, a twinge of annoyance in her voice; she expected Mirabel to be more... alive. Not stuck to their mother, eyes closed and lips pursed.
“They’re feeding your brother and your sister.” Bruno explained.
Luisa craned her neck this way and that, “I don’t see a bottle.”
“No, Luisa, it comes from our bodies.” Pepa snorted.
“Blood?!” Isabela chimed in, smile big and fists clenched, Bruno bounced her on his knee. Luisa groaned in disgust and pulled on his ruana.
“Tío Brunito, tell her to stop!”
Bruno died a little inside- his sisters laughed at his expense. No amount of eye rolls could convey his disappointment.
“Didn’t we tell you to stop calling your tío that?” Julieta giggled.
“But you guys call him it.” Luisa frowned.
“It’s different.” Pepa smiled, shaking her head amusedly.
“It’s not blood, Isa, it’s milk.” Bruno booped her nose, trying to move on from what just happened as quickly as possible.
“Huh? Milk?”
“Hmm mm.”
“I thought everyone knew that.” Dolores mumbled, incredulous.
“That’s so cool.” Isa said, a breeze of flowers passed through her hair, confirming her statement, “Does it come in your favourite flavour?”
Bruno chuckled, as did his sisters. Dolores looked expressionless to the untrained eye- but the triplets could tell she was bursting to scold her cousin for her naïveté.
“No, amor, just ordinary milk.” Pepa said.
“When do they eat normal?” Luisa babbled, trying to climb up her mother’s arm.
“Soon but not yet, just liquids for now.” Julieta beamed. Bringing down a hand to stroke her toddler’s cheek.
“Why?” She nuzzled into her calloused palm. The adults breathed a huff of mirth at the common question.
“Their teeth haven’t come out yet.” Dolores hushed, finally having enough, it seemed. “The sound of them is horrible!” the little girl covered her ears, as if saying it would bring about the sound.
“Aww...” Bruno stroked her hair; she hugged his side, pushing her face into the green wool of his clothes.
“So, are you sure they don’t come in different flavours?” Isabela sounded sceptical. “Because they’re still drinking and I don’t think plain milk is that good.” Sassily flipping her hair, she stood, attempting to draw her sister’s attention away from this apparently, irresistible, completely ordinary milk.
“Mira! Hurry up, I want to play with you!”
Laughter filled Casita.
This is also chapter 5 of "Hurts To Remember All The Good Times" on my ao3💗💗
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