#but tastes too sweet but good
13taylorswifts · 2 years
Made my own almond milk today
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nelkcats · 1 year
Do not accept candy from strangers
Danny made a lot of stupid decisions in his life, several, so many that he couldn't even begin to count them, but according to him that was great when it came to learning from his mistakes.
So, it's no wonder that on his one day off he decided to do everything he was told not to do:
1. Leave Amity
2. Reveal himself to the world
3. Accept things from a stranger
The first 2 were reasonable, considering the situation with the GIW and how 80% of the population did not believe ghosts existed, the last was a warning Jazz made sure to instill in him.
But Danny was dead (more or less), and what harm could it do to eat a candy or two? It's not like he could poison himself.
The answer was a lot of harm; Technically no one offered him the fallen Kryptonite on the ground (he just thought it looked delicious), and both Lex Luthor and Superman weren't paying attention to him during their epic battle or whatever.
So Danny just picked it up and ate it, well, ate several (Lex was throwing them away like a candy trail, the halfa had fun thinking of Hansel and Gretel), Superman looked worried as he heard "Lex's evil plans to surround him with Kryptonite."
But instead of finding a perfect circle surrounding him, he found a teenager, a young white-haired boy who was rolling on the ground and complaining of a stomach ache.
Danny could almost hear Frostbite's voice scolding him for eating candy off the floor, damn it, and some of the candy wasn't even pure! They looked manufactured and stale. Danny glared at Luthor before deciding it wasn't worth it and going back to his task of complaining.
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behindthunders · 11 months
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Aziraphale: So, what are you in the mood for now?
Crowley: A very plump angel
Aziraphale: What?
Crowley: Wot?
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aromantic-diaries · 1 year
I am the most stereotypical aro and the least stereotypical ace ever. Oh yeah romance is so gross, love loses anyways time to make an utterly filthy sex joke
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kuromi-hoemie · 1 month
Please drop the drink recipes that u cant taste the alcohol 😍
I'll share my two faves rn ^.^
Lazy Blackberry Mojito
pink lemonade
club soda
a box of blackberries
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my steps :3
Put the blackberries in a ziplock bag (after cleaning them) n smash them to a pulp; it leaves you with the leftover juice and bits.
Add a few rounded scoops in a jar, fill with ice.
Pour bicardi (GENTLY), count to 6. u could do more tbh..
Fill halfway with club soda, fill the other half with pink lemonade.
Mix thoroughly.
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This one's meant 2 be enjoyed with a boba straw so you can suck up and chew on the berry bits as u go.
Sparkling Sour Apple Cider
Smirnoff Green Apple Vodka
Sparkling Apple Cider Non-alcoholic
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my steps :3
Fill w ice.
Pour bicardi, count to ur preferred number.
Fill up to about a third with green apple vodka.
Fill the rest with Apple Cider.
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The green apple vodka is very sweet and together they come out sort of like a sour apple soda.
Closing Thots...
Very generally I'd just say it's a ratio game to me 0: I try to fill the bottom 10-20% (usually) with liquor then mix whatever drinks/juices seem complementary.
The secret to a drink that hardly tastes like liquor is to not use too much lol!! 😭 u can always come back and make another one, if the first one could've been stronger u can go stronger, but start small.
Filling the whole thing with ice makes it go by fast and hits very refreshingly anyhow :^} see these ratio pics as just very loose starting points u can move around from.
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sorry i got excited and ate him
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Oh no
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nympippi · 2 years
Bruce Yamada post revival!
Here’s the sweet and lovable baseball player!!! He enjoys baseball, and soft jazz!
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I tried to make it seem like he’s thinking of spaced out because like canon Bruce has the most memory issues post revival, he has trouble remembering numbers, dates, faces, and sometimes names. It frustrates him, so to keep his mind busy he pops rubber bands on his wrist, and he writes in a memory book!
He’s still very sweet but I think dying put a damper on his personality, he’s spacey, aloof, and calm on most days and sometimes he’s cold, bitter, and mean on worse ones. Those are the days where he can barely remember he’s alive.
I tried to keep it similar to canon with him having his memory and own sense of self being altered because like all the others I think dying left a serious impact on his mental health and psyche.
One thing didn’t change though!! He’s a major nerd for baseball and is an absolute natural at it!
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sweetnnaivete · 1 month
real (i've never been in a relationship)
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the-memory-eater · 2 months
helo there!
random stupid question: do certain memories taste like anything?
the memories taste like emotions that come with. it honestly depends on the blog I'm taking the memories from. yours taste like cotton candy.
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heliological · 21 days
you bring your delicious homemade cake to the big potluck and everyone's chatting and having a good time and a couple people come up and tell you how good your cake is but most people are still talking amongst themselves and you overhear someone ask their friend if they've tried the cake which pisses you off so you stand up on a chair and yell "I would like more of you to personally congratulate me on my cake"
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n00dleb0yy · 1 year
How u gonna listen to metal, but get mad that it's metal
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shelli-gator · 1 year
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He thinks I don't see him lookin' 🫣
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snazzi-strawberri · 10 months
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asexualbookbird · 15 days
all i want is a handful of chocolate chips but the store was OUT and i put the last of mine in the banana muffins that Were Not Good
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