#but that doesn't mean we shouldnt listen to the people who are
exitwound · 10 months
Maybe think about why you care so much about calling gerard way a woman to the extent that you equate it as the only correct way to engage with their work, as if art as well as support for the trans community can’t have value by itself, as if that isn’t the point, not their literal personal internal experience of gender that’s no one’s business, the same way trying to decide if anyone is trans is not your business if that person doesn’t want to tell you or talk about it with you, because it’s gender essentialist, and why it’s so baffling to you that a celebrity in general but especially gerard way might want to avoid labels or this specific type of intrusive categorization , as they have explicitly stated as well as created music that is about the same thing. And shouldnt we live in a world where someone can present gnc, and talk about experiences with gender and with femininity in honest ways, without people not just obsessing over whether that means they’re “really a woman” but outright deciding, and acting like they are. That’s a narrow fucking definition of womanhood. And shouldn't we value that authenticity from people who don’t want to choose a label as much as we do from people who identify in ways they do choose to label, (labels or the lack of btw have never been individual terms but tools for relating or not relating ourselves to the world in specific ways,) Isn’t that a better more open and beautiful mode of creating relationships to each other? Why does gerard need to be a woman to you? Why are you so obsessed with this? Why is transness and queerness and gender nonconformity itself, to you, some kind of item, an object or artifact for distribution upon others — and it is not in fact “creating cisnormativity” to accept the way a person wants to relate their identity to an audience. There are lots of trans women and transfeminine people who are doing everything gerard way is doing for transness and much more. If you want to call someone a woman go call a woman a woman. If you want to celebrate trans joy go celebrate trans joy. Please by all means do I will celebrate with you I am celebrating with you and I am doing it while listening to my chemical romance. So what’s the point in acting like this. I really don't get it. But it concerns me because this isn't the only time I've witnessed this kind of attitude and although its well-intentioned and "playful" its ultimately weird, ultimately harmful. So honestly, if this really feels "low-stakes" to you it might be because you've never dealt with the kinds of situations where the stakes exist, or considered the perspective of someone who has a different relationship to the stakes of your argument than you do.
Because not to be dramatic, but these stakes are the same stakes relevant to the literal record numbers of legislation currently being passed in the US using bioessentialism and gender essentialism to install systems of state-controlled gender-enforcing and forced gendering of trans and non-trans gnc children in schools and in healthcare. What you're doing is, if on a small scale, still contributing to the same conceptualization of gender as these laws, and as the people who passed them, even if you're well intentioned and hate the laws, even if your beliefs are reversed, the framework is the same, and that framework is going to empower the dominant culture, not yours. That's how power works. Which is why it's stupid. It's literally just stupid. And it hurts trans people who have had experiences in the real world where people are just as intrusive as you are being about trying to interpret their gender, and you’re no different for trying to clock people. If you don't know the stakes of your words, you should learn them before you use those words. Just because you're in a bubble of people who agree with you and think this is just about being either "right" or "wrong" about gerard way's gender and wanting to be "right" doesn't dismiss you from the meaning of the actual words you are saying and the ideologies informing your beliefs, whether or not you're aware of them, because the rest of us aren't trying to be right, we're not living in a this-or-that world in the first place. Personally I don't know them. I've appreciated & engaged with what they have said about their experiences with gender as well as their art while also respecting their statements about not liking labels, and treated their silence on their own identity as intentional, because I like knowing what words, and the absences of words, mean
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tododeku-or-bust · 5 months
You... you really think ppl can just talk to a stranger rude enough to be blasting music in the subway and not be afraid of them either making a scene or even resorting to violence? Furthermore, do you honestly think someone this rude will care for a stranger's request? I wanna live in that world of yours.
*says this to the person who almost got shot in a train station* lmao just because you're too Bitch to come off anon and speak your mind doesn't mean the rest of us can't communicate. You and I? We are not alike. Try Jesus.
Anyway, this is a great example. Because why are you automatically associating someone playing loud music with violence? As though they're a threat? They're listening to a phone, not brandishing a weapon. And another question, what image is in your mind when you say you're afraid? bc I'm willing to bet it isn't the dainty giggly white girl playing Taylor Swift tok out loud.
If you approach politely, people may respond politely. If you approach like an entitled bitch, they will respond as such. People have the right to say no to you, and they still shouldnt be tossed in jail for it. Like policing is guaranteed violence, but you think using your words is going to get you beat up? You think they deserve to be mistreated bc they subjected your ears to annoyance? To everyone you ever ask? Wild. Sounds like that fear of confrontation I was talking about.
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onejellyfishplease · 10 months
I am all about constructive criticism. I mean, how am I supposed to get better at writing/drawing if people won't be honest with me and give me tips to get better. I personally think that people who can't take constructive criticism aren't very bright. How are they supposed to get better at things if they don't listen to others who are just trying to guide them?
Also, I would love some more tips on how to make the shell better. If you are willing, of course. :)
I am horrible at drawing. I usually have to trace things to get a decent drawing. (For instance, I traced like five different things to make Mikey a pony.)
I'm so much better at coloring than I am at drawing. My writing needs work, too, but I'm getting better.
First of all, can I just say that you shouldnt worry about tracing art to improve your own (as long as u aren't posting it as soley your own but thats a whole other rabbit hole) I did too! It helps build ground work for a good understanding of anatomy and poses.
However there are a few holes in tracing. Forst of all it is quite limiting in the outcome of your work, as your art is stuck static in one pose. this can alkost hinder your ability to see things in '3D' and visualise objects for multiple angles. it can also lead to 'skin wrapping' , which i think is the hole you fell into here (and also a term i just made up now)
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with the shell, you only coloured it within Mikey's trace lines - this caused the shell to loose a lot of its mass - making it look, quite frankly, not like a shell.
a way to improve on this is to look at more references of Mikey's shell in the show and its shape from different angles. this can help you get a good idea of how it should look, and it is a good idea to practice drawing it from these angles. this will improve your ability to think in a 3D space, (which is so darn hard, but seriously useful)
however, and you may have noticed this yourself, when you add new additions to the figure, the line art just doesnt line up! the line quality is different!
This is because the line you have done for the addition is Your Line. And we love your line.
so lets make the rest of the traced lineart fit into your style, instead of you fitting yours into theirs okay?
You may notice that when you trace art, the line work is just not the same, the lines are shakier than the original and it just doesn't look as good. this is not a reflection of your skill.
It is because, usually, (at least when I did it) you follow the original line so closely that it turns out shaky, probably taking your pen off the page a few times to take a break from the oen stroke. while the original artist did that line in one sweeping stroke.
a way to fix this, and make the line arr cleaner and more you, is to instead use the drawing as a very close reference. for example:
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instead of tracing the exact lines of the art, merely trace the general shapes of the art. not only then do you add your own flair and gesture to the drawing, you are then more free to add more shapes to this sketch.
You can still use the reference drawing as closly as you want, but try to focus less on getting the exact lines copied, and more on the general shape. you linework wont be perfect the first time, it might be really messy compared to your usual tracing, and thats fine! you should see some of my sketches before i refine them!
But these will be your lines, theyll be smoother and more gestural, and overtime you will get better control over your penstrokes doing this.
Okay I cant really think of anymore to add here, I hope this helps! i think this was just one big word vomit lol. Keep drawing!! cause no matter what you do, as long as you are actively drawing you are always improving! dont be afraid to push yourself out of you comfort zone! who cares if it doesnt turn out the way you wanted it to? Its your art, You Created That with your Own Hands, and I think that is amazing.
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dizzywing-dispatch · 7 months
theres something so irritating, but ultimately not outright hateful about ac3 d1scour53 nowadays (which is why i dont engage with it) but i just have to say i wish people could just get along instead of arguing about sex-repulsed vs sex-favorable people.
i'm sex-favorable and for a very long time the layman's understanding of asexuality is that being that way is invalid. the model of asexuality has been sex-repulsed. the model has been lumped together with aromanticism. the model has been that Asexuals are Celibate. i have had people telling ME this for years. i have had to drill it into my friend's heads repeatedly that ace =/= sex repulsed. i have had to tell people that yes, i am capable of kissing people. i have had asexuality used against me as an excuse in a relationship by my partner seeking intimacy from somebody else because "youre asexual, i didn't want to make you", when i had stated my boundaries and willingness. i have been used unwillingly in other people's relationships because "sexual talk doesn't mean anything if it's you, you're ace". ive been told that i'm not really ace, ive had people try to tell me im demi or allo or aro or maybe i just shouldnt date because id let people down. ive considered renouncing the label, because even though i know im asexual i have been so hurt by the people inside and outside the community because that's all i want to tell them. i don't owe every person i meet the explanation that im asexual BUT there's this specific caveat.
i obviously have less experience on the sex repulsed side. i am sometimes repulsed, but less than i used to be. but reading loads of comments saying things like "yeah, there's been such an uptick of people adding on that some aces like to have sex, and i personally dont so dont speak for me!" is so frustrating. who's speaking for you except yourself. im speaking for me. i just want people to acknowledge that we exist, because outside of the tumblr bubble nobody does.
i'm glad the tide is turning but it also brings negative posts on the rebound like everything else. ive been out as ace for 8 years and only feel slightly comfortable online in the last one year. there is recognition for sex favorability because we keep speaking up, and people are finally listening; but there's also a lot of complaining ive seen that we're speaking over other asexual people. its not to be contrarian! its not to be more palatable to allos! its not to invalidate you specifically! its because the idea of "aspec is when no sex" is so deeply ingrained in the minds of other people, and that hurts us. if, when someone chimes in with "some asexuals still enjoy sex", you take it to be a generalization upon all asexual people or an attempt to market us as abiding social norms, then i don't know what to tell you. because none of us do. we are all under the same label, one that lies outside of standard social norms, one that fits us for a reason.
EDIT: hopefully people who follow the d-scourse tag won’t see this now. if you still see it, know that i do not want to engage with you.
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wasyago · 11 months
hi! this is the bunch-a-questions anon. this wont be an ask ask. thank you for answering! it really gives me so much insight about tools and processes, i really enjoy seeing/reading how different artists have different ways in approaching creation of art. it’s all so interesting to me
and oooh i know what you mean about looking at a lot of different artists! it’s inspiration!! i find those things to be amazing too, it’s so cool. it’s like “this spot is inspired by an artist” “this artist draws this like this, so i wanted to try” “i think the way an artist drew this was neat and i wanted to try an implement it” it reminds me of that one post how we, as people, are a mosiac of other people and i believe it to be the same for how artists are too with their art
i feel inspired by the way you draw….. everything!!! it gets me pumped to try and replicate the way you do some things. like the shapes you create, the colors you choose, the way your lineart seems to be so flowy, how dynamic everything feels and how different each drawing you create is from one another (i saw you reblog that meme of like “why shouldnt i draw characters from the waist up and that is SO me, but it’s shoulders up” because drawing full bodies makes mh drawings feel so stiff, i need to practice more!!), the poses of the characters. just.. every aspect of your art is so, so, so nice!!
the way you draw, in all your styles, it’s definitely one of the ones that is such a good scratch to my brain. it gets me all giddy and happy! i’m not sure if i’ll get into jwri, mostly because my attention span will not let me be able sit and focus on listening before i get distracted and miss context on parts, BUT i still go to your blog almost every day just so i can see your art, no matter what it is, no matter who the characters are because it’s always so so good and i love taking it in. (will eat your art if i could, i am so serious)
this was a long one but yeah! i just wanted to let you know how awesome i see your art is! and how i also think youre a cool person, you seem like such a good peep to hang out it! might be weird to say but if you were a blorbo, you would be one of the most blorbiest blorbos to blorbo ever
hope youre having a good day!!
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your explanation of taking inspiration from other artists was so poetic and beautiful! truly inspiring in itself
its okay if you can't get into jrwi, i get it! i didn't think i would get into it as well and after binging all the episodes i honestly forgot why i even started listening in the first place. remembered recently tho! it was because i was going a little crazy while making the picrew and needed some actual talking in the background instead of just music. so, if you ever decide to give it a try, or listen to something else equally as lengthy, try to busy your hands with something that doesn't require a lot of thinking! it helps me at least! worked both with jrwi and tma. it's like, doing something monotonous (knitting, sorting files, cleaning the house, etc) can be incredibly boring if i sit in silence and let my mind wonder. alternatively, listening to something long or watching a long movie can be incredibly boring as well because i struggle to pay attention to the same thing for two hours. but combining these is really good, because it keeps both my mind and hands busy, but not overwhelmingly so!
and ough ough ough thank you again for such heartwarming message! im so happy to hear that you feel inspired by my art, and i wish you good luck in your own art journey!!!!!!! remember to have fun and listen to yourself and do things that you find interesting and that you enjoy! don't force yourself to draw stuff you don't like! all art is personal and individual, so don't be afraid to make things "you"! you don't have to do clean line, you don't have to do lines at all, you don't have to do coloring or shading, if you don't like it! and if you do like it or are excited to try, you should go for it! don't be afraid to change and grow but don't force yourself into it!
also don't foget to stretch before drawing its very important!!!!!!!!!!!!
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shurisbathwater · 2 years
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Riri Williams x black fem ! Reader
𝐖 𝐀 𝐑 𝐍 𝐈 𝐍 𝐆 ::  fluff , cussing, a lil reassurance. Love it
A / n : blk girls with any kind of anxiety// overthinking stand up!!!! ur not alone lmao its the worst
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"𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 listening, y/n?" Shuri asked you as you were in  a whole  new world. You nibbled your lip as you bounced your leg anxiously. It had only been yesterday, when you did something you shouldnt have.
"Err...yeah. For sure." You gave her a tight lipped smile and suck in a breath. "Anyways as I was saying-- I was thinking that.." "yeah..." you muttered.
"Youre mine y/n, not Shuri's."
"I cant take it." You breathed out as your legs started to shake. She pleasured you like no one else, and you liked to think she knew that.
Gosh, it was gonna be a long evening.
"All mine."
"All mine "
She pounded into you once again and --
"Y/N? Why are you just..not here?" Shuri said as she waved a hand to your face. "I'm fine.." you grumbled as you got up from the chair you were sitting on.
"I'm going out." You sighed as you walked , limping out and slammed the door behind you. You whipped out your phone. You typed in a couple of words, but the  started to delete them. You typed and typed, but didn't know what to say to Riri.
You kissed your teeth and went to the elevator once again.
You fiddled with your fingers anxiously as the doors opened ; you immediately knew where to go.
You walked to her door but before you could do anything the door opened in a click. She lets you in and  you stand awkwardly. "I..." you both said at the same time.
"You go first."
"Well...I feel guilty. I'm sorry. I guess its just.." you muttered as you looked down. Riri walks over to you and grabs your hands. Your eyes flutter anxiously.
"Y/n, look at me."
You look up at her slowly and look away from her deep brown eyes, oh how you wanted to get lost in them.
"Look at me." She repeats as she comes closer to you, only a kiss apart.
You look into her eyes for a split second--only to let go of her grasp and pace around the living room.
"I..it was a mistake..a mistake." You mutter as you walk around the room.
"Y/n." Riri raises her voice slightly. You stop dead in your tracks and look at her. "I cant ... I just ...shit." you put your head in your hands.
"I cant comprehend this -- I just -- no.." you ramble on and on, Riri shuts you up with a soft but yet passionate kiss. Your nerves instantly calmed and your once tense shoulders relaxed.
"Lets just relax, okay? We can do anything you want."
"....Can we watch white chicks again?" You tried to hide your grin.
"You bet."
Riri took the butter popcorn out of the microwave and poured it into a big bowl for the two of you as you got two glasses of coke with ice in it. You set them on the coffee table and get comfortable on the couch, turning on the movie.
Your phone vibrated on the couch and you ignored it, knowing who it could be. It continued to vibrate and you grabbed it, putting in on silent.
There's a charity gala tomorrow, I want you to come with me.
You then turned your phone over. That would mean Riri is invited as Shuri works with her too.
Man, shuri , riri and YOU in a room..doesn't sound nice.
You're in for a hell of a ride. Riri hates Shuri's guts-- and Shuri just deals with her. Gosh, this was gonna be awkward.
Riri takes her spot on the couch next to you, putting her legs on top of yours. You giggle at the little things she always does, or how she does them.
"Whats up? She asks, noticing your aura had changed. "An event...rich people shit. Check your messages." She whips her phone out. A soft "ahh" leaves her mouth.
"Shuri's gonna be there?" You nodded. Her soft smile changed to a frown.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
Thank you for the response. It really shows how much white privilege shields you guys away from everything and I shouldnt expect much from you guys. That was hardly half of the statements Black people have been making about this dude's antiblackness and you still cover it up with "it's not that bad though". Anyways do your research cuz unless you are willing to pay us we are exhausted repeating ourselves to a crowd that refuses to listen to us all these years we have pointed out this show and the creators' racism and zionism. "It's a new thing people are throwing out" no we have literally pointed this out for years.
Hi Anon! Thanks for responding again! I was trying to make my point in my last post that that is exactly what I worry we are dealing with, white privilege. I understand my white privilege is shielding me, I admitted that and tried to show you that was something that quite a lot of people deal with. My point however is we would in fact like to step out of that, and you're right, it's not the job of people of color to come out and explain racial strains to us, that's why I read a lot of books by black artists and writers about racism to try an understand that perspective. While I agree you shouldn't have to teach us about racism, I do think it's helpful for your narrative if you have places where you've already explained your point in the past that show real facts about the specific people you're referencing. The problem with the internet, as mentioned before, is there's too much to parse through. I could read for hours and probably not find what you're talking about. (It doesn't help that algorithms make that worse, you're most likely to see more things on your browser regarding the search terms you've used -- which is why I try to use incognito window, and not turn on shared apps).
I've tried looking into the idea that "Taika is a Zionist" thing multiple times, and aside from literally people just yelling "he's a zionist" I have not found anything aside from the original letter from October. That's why I asked for a good source where people have explained it before because unfortunately there's no wikipedia for this sort of thing.
I don't mean to sound defensive either, although I know I am coming off that way (I have ADHD and an uncomfortable need to be understood). I would also like to say, at no point did I say or mean "it's not that bad though". It's that bad to you, and I get that and that's 100% valid. What I very specifically tried to explain was why me, as someone who has had to accept that they've been ignorant, sees it differently. I have empathy for people who came from a place of ignorance and are actively trying to do things to better themselves. We are human after all.
That doesn't diminish or degrade the very real pain you feel, it just means I'm more likely to give people the benefit of the doubt and need corroborated evidence because I am a flawed person and I've been humbled by how much I don't know. This is why I wanted to find out exactly where some of this information was. I appreciate that you don't have the spoons and that you don't want to go through the effort again to find it. It's not your job, for sure, and every anti-racist feedback I've read makes that a huge point, and I agree, that's why I did try to go first to the internet. I'm happy to make a another attempt.
If I may point out a point out something though, we see you taking the very real time and emotional energy to write an anonymous message about how we aren't paying attention, but when someone legitimately tries understand, you're dismissing them which sends a mixed message as well. Just something to think about. It's a tough place to be in because I'm sure you're so exhausted of having to explain something that means so much to you and here we are wanting to understand but you've already given so much that you can't do it anymore. But then for people who can't find the information it's also frustrating because we want to help and do the research but there's an ocean of info to parse through and it's not as easy as just "looking it up". I hope we can find a good place in the middle to support each other, and if not, if all you need is a place to vent, feel free, I'm happy to listen, just let me know that's what you need and you can blow up my DMs.
Again, sending love your way anon. Take care.
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morisbasement · 21 days
hiiii im a probably ramcoa follower and personally we rather that people use number names
otherwise if any of us with number names USE them then we stick out like a sore thumb and its really obvious that we have that trauma
which we don’t really want to expose ourselves like that by just sharing our NAMES yk?
a lot of us who go by numbers r slowly changing our names but its slow :(
so as a probably ramcoa sys we say its fine to use them :]
ohh ty anon :] /gen
and yeah i get it, thats totally valid! it makes sense that you'd want that sort of camouflage.
reminder that not just anon but ALLLLL ramcoa systems are valid. listen to survivors; just because it's too horrible for you to believe doesn't mean you shouldn't. ramcoa survivors shouldnt need to "hide" [for want of a better term] because of what they were unwittingly subjected to
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parrysystem · 4 months
a friend who ghosted you out of nowhere suddenly reach out to you. do you still wanna be friends with them?
this is an interesting ask to receive because i’m now under the impression that this is brought on by someone whose guilt must be eating them alive right now and who is too scared to approach me directly because of this due to how specific it is, or my nonprofit side gig as an online therapist has kickstarted early.
either way, i'll answer it as intended: yes.
and, between me and you, it's because i'm just as guilty. i have people who i consider great friends and love to talk to but fail to keep tabs on interpersonally, despite seeing them on my feed all the time. i think to reach out frequently and adamantly, even if it's just liking a post they made or responding under it—light talk. but nothing deeper than that.
in my contacts, i have friends from when i was 13 years old, having grown up alongside one another as we shared similar virtual childhoods; ones brought on through small writing forums that hosted quizzes about which kingdom hearts character is most like you. people who have shared integral points of my online life from kinnie discourse to whatever else a child gets enthusiastic over online at arm's reach, perpetually.
or something as recent as the latter half of 2023, where i experienced what you're describing, but not because of the passage of time. ghosting can mean a lot of different things for various people and for various reasons.
there's drifting apart, which is natural. that's bound to happen. it's something i'm never going to hold against anyone.
there's also ghosting because sometimes you don't know how to handle a conflict within a friend group online, so you choose to listen to whoever's the most convenient, not wanting to stir things beyond vague involvement despite your best interests. (this one is the most frustrating to deal with, and good riddance if that's the case, but to be honest, even then, i won't stay angry.)
then.. well, it doesn't even need a reason sometimes, intentional or not.
regardless if this has happened to you, a true friend that wants to stay in your life will make an effort to come back, one way or another. it shouldnt matter how long. nobody wastes effort doing something like that methinks
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somthing-lavender · 2 years
When did the Tristan Platoon all meet each other? (½ just "What if Chion is adopted?")
When talking about ages I'm makeing the ranges a bit bigger. For example instead of saying Tristan was 14 two years ago I'll say 13-14 because 1. He just turned 16 (like his birthday is 17 days after Percival), 2. Two years could mean 2.0 years or 2.9 years. So I'm leaving wiggle room
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The wording of "The same goes for Chion and Jade," had given me headaches. Why? Because it's unclear weather it's saying
Tristan meet Chion and Jade 2 years ago
Isolde meet Chion and Jade 2 years ago
Both Tristan and Isolde meet Chion and Jade 2 years ago
Chion and Jade meet 2 years ago
I heavily doubt it can be Chion and Jade meet each other 2 years ago because they're concerned childhood friends, which implies to me they've known each other for awhile. You could argue they're currently 14-15 and meet at like 11-13 and that's young enough to be considered childhood friends, but I feel like it's weird to call someone a childhood friend after knowing them for like 2 years. But at the same time there's no real definition or rule when you can start calling someone a childhood friend. Still doubt it.
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I'm gonna gonna skip 3 and go to 2, Isolde meet the rest of the platoon 2 years ago.
I personally believe this because it doesn't require us believing or explaining why Tristan meet his cousin on his mother's adopted side (who shouldnt live to far away and are on good terms with) till he was 13-14.
The only thing that could lead to question this idea is this scene
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Chion, Jade, and Isolde all knew each other "way back when." This leads us to the question of "how long ago was way back when?" When I first read this as "way back when we were children, before we even knew Tristan." Mean Chion even said "did we? Implying it was long enough he doesn't remembers clearly. That would put a dent on the Isolde meet them only 2 years ago, unless she meet Chion and Jade like 2.5 years ago and Tristan like 2.0 years ago.
But re-reading it I don't think the fact Tristan wasn't their necessarily means they didn't know him. After Tristan shouted "listen, you!" They apologize for leaving him out. It be weird to apologize for leaving him out if they didn't even know him at the time. This would imply that this was after they meet Tristan and they just didn't invite him for what ever reason (that or they were apologizing for making him feel left out for being the one who knew them all for the least amount of time).
I first thought 2 years ago wasn't long enough for "way back when" but thinking about it, it could work as like "way back when we first meet." For Chion not remembering he could have bad memory or he was lying in hopes of changing the subject so Tristan wouldn't feel left out.
Now for the possiblity Tristan didn't meet Jade and his own COUSIN Chion till he was 13-14.
There really isn't any solid reason for why Tristan wouldn't meet Chion sooner besides Chion being adopted 2-3 years ago.
Evidence against this idea would be the fact Chion looks like Gilthunder (so it could be the artist having same face syndrome) and Chion hair is purple (so dark purple which doesn't make much sense looking at real life genetics), and having dark eyes like Margaret (so we don't know the exact color yet unless it's literally black)
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Now let's say Chion is adopted. That would explain the personality. Everyone has been wondering how Margaret and Gilthunder raised a jerk like Chion. Now just like how if someone have bad people as parents doesn't necessarily mean they're a bad person, the opposite is true. There's always outside influences. But if Chion is adopted that means he was being effected by nothing but outside factors until being adopted at 10+ y.o.
It's actually kinda an interesting idea. That turns Chion from Margaret's and Gilthunder's rude (and kinda murderous) kid to a kid they took in, who they're probably trying their best to raise, but he has to have some sort of troubled past (mean his bio parents are out of the way) and it leads to problems with his behavior. (It'll would also make a interesting dynamic with him and Elizabeth cause their both adopted, Tristan too cause he's not blood related to his extended family too). Actually on that note Elizabeth use to misbehave cause she was adopted and wanted her father's attention to make up for it.
It could possibly explain why he idolizes Tristan so much. He could be thankful towards the whole Lioness family for Margaret and Gilthunder taking him in. It also changes Tristan and Chion relationship from cousins, to prince and subject turned adopted cousin. Like imagine you get adopted and all the sudden the rulers of your kingdom (who you probably never met) are suddenly your uncle and aunt, and the prince and your possible future king (who you defently never met) is suddenly your cousin. Makes sense he idolizes Tristan so much, after 2 years Tristan probably still feels more like this perfect Prince than his own family.
Being adopted would also explain the hair. Honestly when I first learned Chion was Gilthunder's son my first thought was "aw, things didn't work out with Margaret, that's sad :(," but then I saw (who I'm assuming is Margaret) stand next to Gilthunder and Chion and was like "I guess it did work out but Chion has black hair for some reason."
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Darker hair tends to be dominant so it wouldn't make sense that dark purple was somehow recessive to light pink and light purple. At the same time the hair could be explained with hair dye, some weird magical thing that darken his hair, the author not carrying about irl genetics and wanting Chion being their kid to be a surprise, or the unlikely explanation Gilthunder and Margaret broke up, had a kid with another person, and then getting back together and one of them is now a step parent (which would be interesting but doubt it).
Now while writing this I realized another pice of evidence against Chion being adopted (so I guess I lied early saying his appearance was the only evidence against him being adopted). The evidence being he puts himself on a similar level to Tristan. (He's also pretty classiest in general)
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This implies he was born from a high ranking family as he calls the others "country hicks". But then slept on it (I wrote this over 2 days) and realized he could still be adopted but was born in another noble family.
If Chion is adopted that also could mean his childhood friend(s) Jade (and maybe Isolde) followed him all the way to Lioness which is cute.
At the end of the day we can't know what "Same goes for Chion and Jade" means unless we're given more information. It's also clear that Chion hair color and personality are mysterious considering his parents.
Wonder if the even that turned his hair black/messed up his personality/possibly orphanage him has to do with that one scare he hides under his bangs?
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outsidereveries · 3 months
so I got two questions for you, when you do tarot have you ever dreamt of idols? other tarot readers seem to have such bizzare dreams of idols and their groups and I had only one memorable dream of skz but I do not think I am connected to them in anyway, as I dont do tarot its jsut an interesting subject I like, not even in the 5D but the dream reminded me of their song megaverse so my second question is about that.
do you or anyone know where skz got the songtitle megaverse from? it interests me bc I wonder recently if there is megaverse outside this planet. Or why we only stuck on this planet in this life if we dont like it why is this all we have to experience? nothing too fun no super powers nothing ordinary except for all the shit in the media and on our phones.
I also once had dream of skz some time ago and it was like they had some type of super powers could run faster and there was something on their arms too, an arm strap with lots of buttons it was such a bizzarre dream bc I dont and rarely dream of idols I specifically remember seeing felix and bangchan then I woke up and was like what the hell. I'm mainly just a listener rather than a follower so again I dont particularly feel deeply obsessed with this group.
I think that could have been the 5d, what do you think? some tarot readers even have more interesting dreams of say jungkook with his fs and so on. I feel like theres so much we dont know or wont ever know but like ordinary life is too plain and boring but I wouldnt want a life of wealth either bc I shouldnt need money or education to decide how I spend rest of my life. outside of tarot what else do you tend to believe in to do with the universe or past vs present and so on?
to be honest, i extemely rarely dream about idols (more rarely than "seldom"). last time it happened was 3-4 years ago with loona, maybe heejin, i believe so? even if i dreamt about someone in the industry recently, i probably won't remember, tarot doesn't influence me to this extent. i usually dream about my future or how i had my day no matter if it's about from a few days ago or literally yesterday. only now i started to dream about my twin flame? and even so it happens from time to time and not occasionally (i've "learned" he tried to get into my dreams but i didn't let his soul to do that😭)
in this case since i can dream about how my day went, i usually dream about other public people, i.e. local politicians but i believe it's pretty much up to there, it's not anything special to me tbh, it's just oridinary things inside of me.
i have no clue from where skz have come from the title megaverse from their rockstar b-side but i've had wonders in the past about these questions you have too. it got away bc i usually believe in this stuff, but i can feel that the question that's more interesting to think is why the 5d universe is sort of taboo? i mean, we're in a century that the spirituality, related to the energies is "trending", why it's still a taboo?
i recently have dreamt of having superpowers too but it was related to me unlocking the rest of my chakras (i've had my third eye open but the rest were not as open as now tbh😭) and instead of skz, i got them but remembering the rest of my dream, it explains why and it's personal stuff
the 5d is more than the dreams we have, but they can be the start of entering into the 5d universe tbh, so.. yeah; if you are obsessed over someone and their future life ofc you'll start to dream about it, but i am also aware that it's not the only case you'll dream about someone famous😭
about my religion though, i'm baptized (orthodox christian, to be exact), but i haven't always fully believe in the religion like some people do. to me there's the difference between the believers in a religion and doing whatever you feel it's right and the obsessed christians who follow everything like it's a must as it's pretty much unhealthy to me. i don't even want to think about religion cults.
nowadays i really feel i am more believing into the orthodox christian religion than i usually felt in the past but also tuning myself with my awareness of the universe, spirituality and etc. and etc. as it works out for me the best and i believe it should work like that for anything else as the religions shouldn't be usually believed strictly imho but my beliefs might be like they're now possibly bc of the tf journey i'm in so it might be unsuprising at all if i have to be extremely honest
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cosmossystem · 4 months
on the friend skills thing; most of those things, even though they feel pretty big, shouldnt be too big of a deal? like with the stuff youd have to remember, if you add them on pretty much any messaging app theyre gonna have a name listen, alot even let you set nicknames or add notes so you could add their pronouns onto that. there is programs to track birthdays, along with pretty much any calendar thing (plus most friends will tell you like 2-3 days beforehand in my experience). friends of friends dont really matter until they become just friends, bc if a friend of friend is there they will probably be called their name atleast once by the shared friend. trying to analyze mannerisms & trying to say the right things are,, okay, fair, but to be honest you probably wont need to care about those past the first meeting because with good enough communication they dont rlly matter. like, if youre confused or wanna know if theyr upset you can just ask. if you cross or go close to a boundary theyll clarify it and then you can respect it moving forwards (also, if youre scared you wont remember, 1. thats fine, they can always state it again and you try again and 2. you could always keep notes on them, their interests, boundaries, etc). you can always reclarify a message or go 'nvm'. and also ive always heard the "be yourself!" advice, like uhh, dont over-salt yourself with trying to be normal and do the right thing in friendship, bc then all thats gonna attract is people who .. suck. idk where i was going with that metaphor. basically dont overpower 'you' with trying to do what others want. or something, idk. also yeah theres gonna be people who dont like you, and that sucks but what can ya do besides try again. also maybe check if theres any meetups around you? because even if you dont keep them as friends it still gets you around people! dont worry too much about having those as friends forever or whatever, just see them as a starting point.
this all sounds great in theory but doesn't actually help me. i was just mostly listing hypotheticals with things that make relationships more complicated to navigate. like i've never actually gotten far enough into a relationship to worry about birthdays except for once, and we were barely friends by the time their birthday rolled around, but i write down important details that i don't want to forget. or i would if there were any!!!
the problem is that every part of the process of actually getting to know someone sucks. you have to meet them and then you have to talk to them. i don't like talking and if i could, my entire life i would be mute. but sure let's start with the meeting:
i go out of my way to speak to people in meatspace. it usually doesn't work. like, i go to cons. i'll try to chat with people but most are already there with friends anyway and don't care. i mean no one wants to let anyone in their clique anymore. when i was younger i almost got adopted by a friendgroup because i was 14 and in cosplay but then no one spoke to me and my mom was just awkwardly standing like ten feet away and so we left. as for "going to meetups" that'd be great except i can't go anywhere because i can't drive yet, so i'm stuck dragging along a 50-year-old asshole with me everywhere and that scares people off. until i get to college that's my only option. (and guess what? when you have an abusive piece of shit parent, that parent doesn't want to leave you places alone. so even if i told her "hey drop me off here and return in two hours" she just won't.)
so i'm left to try to meet people online. that's harder than you think. if you try to meet people organically in your community, there's a bunch of barriers to it. on tumblr specifically even attempting to find people i could tolerate is hard. i block the weirdos but it doesn't leave many options (everyone has a dni these days, which is fine, but i'm usually on it somewhere.) and let's say i finally find someone. well i want to try sending asks but i have nothing to say. i already know "hey how are you?" won't get me anywhere and if i get someone in my dms the conversation eventually dies out.
i tried going onto other social medias but that just really means twitter because i don't understand how instagram works. when i was on tiktok, no one talks to each other and so that's a bust. on twitter there's a different Social Ecosystem (meaning more invisible rules i have to figure out. what the fuck do all of these abbreviations mean? i don't reply to anyone because it feels needlessly direct, but that's the only way people communicate on twitter, and if i DO reply i never get a reply back so i look crazy. etc) and be honest, everyone on twitter is more insane than here.
i don't do discords because every time i've been in a discord it's either way too busy to actually get to know anyone, someone starts some kind of drama, or i'm inevitably the odd one out because i don't talk as much. i thought group chats would be an easier way to socialize but it turns out i hate those too.
i don't feel like i'm really speaking to someone on the internet. it feels more like a magic box i type in and sometimes i get a response. i don't get attached to people both online or offline because i've never known someone for more than a few weeks/months and even people i see at cons all the time, that's only twice a year maybe and we never follow each other's socials because I Don't Have Any. yes i've made them no i don't use them insta sucks tt sucks no one has a twitter and no one remembers me.
and when i, finally, have enough good days and make it work for long enough to feel like i'm "friends" with someone (mind you i have never had a "best friend" or even known someone for longer than a few months) at some point, i will either miss a message for a day or two, then feel so bad about that that i give up on trying with them; or i manage to convince myself that they hate me.
it seems like the only way is to talk to someone directly and it sucks. i don't like it. i never get past the initial Polite Chit Chat portion. i don't know how to. and if i try, i inenvitably sabotage myself somehow or i ghost them or. i don't know. it just hasn't worked. i feel like every social interaction is a puzzle and everyone knows the answers except me. i want friends but i just don't care about people because i've never had a reason to care about people.
and i say all of this as i ignore maybe a dozen discord messages. because my social meter is shot. just totally drained. every time i write something i have to script it, that takes hours, it's draining, and so i section off a portion of my day to it but then i get a message back immediately and i'm already drained. i can't talk to people forever it's tiring to me i dread having to do it. but none of that matters because i don't message people back immediately, so they start to think i don't care about them. and maybe i don't.
ok i'm still sobbing and have more to say but. this is long enough. it's not proofread. bon appetit
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likeawolfatthemoon · 7 months
thank you! i understand people being upset they can't get every single thing to some degree but also ... no one is forcing anyonr to by all the things or anything at all. i love to have physical copies, so i do have most of Taylor's albums but like. i buy one copy. i pick my favorite cover and buy that one and i'm good. just because there are variants doesn't mean anyone (least of all Taylor, i'm sure) expects people to buy every single one.
honestly, i feel like i hurt people's feelings and i wish i wouldn't have made that post bc i've literally just been thinking about that all day. not that i don't believe what i said but that's why i hardly ever share opinions bc my mental illness is such that if i disagree with someone i feel guilty and like ive done them wrong.
but that's also the main reason i just can't tolerate the Discourse bc there's always something to be upset about and like i Get It for a lot of big issues even if i keep my opinion to myself. and it's legit not even about people being upset either, i understand the reasons for people being upset and they're fully valid reasons.
i don't feel like im making this make sense and i'm having trouble trying to put it into words bc I took an edible and I'm full doing figure eights in my head
bottom line im sorry everyone who is saddened or frustrated or angered or otherwise upset by album variants. my hope was just that we not need to make it a constant conversation instead of just being able to enjoy things
but!!!! me adding my own two cents just adds to the Discourse and doesn't help!!! which is why i normally keep my mouth shut.
and at the same time i should be able to voice my annoyance on my own blog but if i want that then i have to accept that other people are allowed to do that as much and as loud as they want and i shouldnt get to say shit about it
and thus is the double edged sword of fandom
and just the internet in general
it's our personal diaries and a public place
anyway i love you swifties even if we disagree im so high 💖
also my favorite cover is the bolter bc it is peak Girl Rotting in Bed thanks for listening
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Warning: this is a very long post, and I'm sorry. If you wouldn't mind I do have a transmasc beard question here at the top I could use help with 😊
Question: How do you stimulate beard growth?
I know it just takes time and the proper dose of T, but also I've heard about using a comb/facial roller thing to...stimulate the follicles or whatver? Anybody have luck with stuff like that? Or any tips at all really? Maybe beard products for cis men to start the growth? I really want a beard 😫🥺
Ok! Update since it's been forever! I've been on T for two months now, and I'm so excited for all the upcoming changes!
The first thing I noticed was the anxiety going down SO MUCH! The confidence increase, the lack of anxiety, it was crazy! Suddenly walking alone in parking lots at night is not nerve-wracking 🤣 crazy right?!
Second thing: bottom growth. I might be on a low dose, so my bottom growth is slight but it's THERE and some days walking around feels REAL WEIRD cuz there's a THING down there that wasn't before and is super sensitive. But I'm so excited for it to keep going even though it was the one thing that was holding me back from going on T in the first place 🤣 I was like "ehhh yeah I don't really want that, I feel like I'd dislike it a lot," but now I pump several times a week to encourage growth 🤩 Should be every day but I'm lazy.
Hair stuff! I have always had some peach fuzz on my upper lip, more than what is considered "normal" so I've always shaved it to fit in (I'm asd and I masked HARD). Well I stopped shaving it, and it grew in nicely! About a week ago I noticed the growth is farther down closer to the corners of my mouth than it's ever been!!! I'm SO EXCITED!!!! 🤩😁🤩😁🤩😄🤩😁🤩😁🤩😄🤩😁🤩😄🤩
I'm very blond, so the "peach fuzz" mustache is basically white, BUT my brother's beard is red, and my mom's whole family is a bunch of redheads SO I could potentially have a red beard 🤩🤩 fun fact: my redhead uncles have super blond, basically white eyebrows! So maybeeeee the white mustache could be red once it gets longer!
I take after my dad in almost every aspect, so unfortunately I'll probably have a blond beard (if I grow one at all) but in that case I might dye it :3 I really like the red beard look. I'm also considering dying my hair red. It's all shaved on the sides, and long on top to braid, like a viking :D a red-haired viking is pretty neat imo. I have beard beads even, from back when I had dreads. (Don't start, i know white people shouldnt really have dreads, it's a weird issue. I made mine by locking a bunch of synthetic hair, locking my own hair, and attaching them properly with all the care and respect and everything but still. I felt weird as a white person with dreads so I stopped.)
Anyways beard beads are awesome and if I grow a beard I'm definitely putting some beard beads in 🤩
Transmasc enthusiasm!!!! We need more trans positivity out here, especially as the news gets darker and darker ☹️
Also fun fact: my dad is extremely anti-trans. Like straight-up thinks it's a mental disorder and that trans people should either get help or die. He doesn't know I'm trans, I just have to sit and listen to his rants when I'm home.
So I mean it when I say I need all the trans positivity I can get. Cuz thinking about if my parents ever found out still makes me cry. I love my parents so much and I have an amazing connection with them and I don't wanna lose that, but 100% would if I came out.
I fully plan on hiding even after my voice drops and I get top surgery. I'll train myself to speak higher around them, and I'll wear a stuffed bra when I'm home.
Anyways. Here's to you, the ones who can't come out, who might never fully come out, but still wanna live your life the way you were meant to: you are valid, and you are loved. I love you. Keep being your awesome self 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
I'm a gay 34 year old man with a demanding job and ive never posted before. My bf and I read slash fic for fun, relaxation, and HEAs. Tumblr ain't real life, folks. Honestly, I get way more offended by poor grammar (it's breathe for the verb and breath for the noun, kids!) than I do about straight ladies inadequately writing gay sex. As a devout reader of het romance (vintage Harlequins!) there's not a lot of sexual accuracy there, either. I get your point but I'm not nit-picking my free hobby.
Thats all cool man! Honestly you don’t have to like be super politically engaged all the time, especially in what you’re doing to unwind, it does get exhausting. Not everyones gonna be upset by the things that upset others, I’m glad you’re having a good time with fandom! Honestly, Vintage harlequins are the best, I uses to work at a library and they just had stacks and stacks of them, it was great.
I started posting about this stuff here cause I really just want people to make an effort to be kinder to each other, especially in a fandom space since lots of us do come here to relax and have fun. Im solidly of the opinion that you can talk about problems in a thing you enjoy and still fully enjoy it, but not everyones always interested in reading the more political posts I do sometimes make. And thats ok! You can 100% be here for fun. I do always tag them #karins queer rage cause I know not everyones up for it.
Thanks for writing in, it’s always good to hear from other perspectives! 
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monstermp3 · 6 years
hi!!! i just wna say thank you soooo much for all your messages ahhh i’m doing better today so that’s great! i’ll get to replying to the messages soon; just wanted to pop by briefly to let you guys know that i’m doing fine!!! and that i’m so so so so grateful for all the love... just thank you angels for putting aside a little bit of your time just to let me know that you’re here to listen. it meant the entire world to me and i got SO MUCH comfort from reading them. thank u 💖💖
#i hope i can be there for all of you as you were here for me yesterday! and i mean it. please drop me a message whenever you're feeling down#or when u need a listening ear...im here!#i think a big reason why i was so upset yesterday was bc i've been holding in quite a lot of insecurities i never knew i've been bottling?#and i just imploded yesterday#i was just tired of being the second option lmao like . my best friend probably values the company of the guy she likes more than mine#it's kinda obvious and like . she doesn't tell us much nowadays too and like#idk im just tired of asking and asking and waiting and waiting for a half-assed response#yeah...there's only so much i energy i can invest?#she either doesn't reply or just . shows that she's not all that interested#she's not a rude or insensitive person..she's sweet and kind but yeah her replies (or lack thereof) is so patronising sometimes n it makes-#-me feel like shit....idk like w my other friends we'd fill one another in on our lives and go about our conversations w a natural flow but-#i feel like my convo with her has been so perfunctory these days....not much depth going on and like just . she just doesnt seem willing to-#- tell me what's going on in her life what she's doing atm#and like yeah idk im just tired to always have to be the person who talks or initiates things like . shouldnt it be a two way thing lmao#but then she doesnt show the same disinterest when she's with the company of the guy she likes? and i dont wna say that im salty but#i think i am....#my second source of insecurity probably stems from how i feel like i'm always the one reaching out and initiating things lmao#i'm just tired of having to be the planner like . i guess people just don't care at all?#i've also been feeling rly troubled over some trivial and stupid things i guess and i needed to talk so i reached out#to a close friend and i asked if we could talk for a while#and she said it'll depend on her schedule bc she's out travelling which i understand#and so i left it as that since i asked her in the morning and she obv had to travel then!!! so yeah#but then the aforementioned best friend who's in the same friend group was talking about her troubles on our gc at night#and asked if anyone wanted to skype to watch the world cup lmao and the travelling friend said ok readily bc she was back from travelling#and i was just ... dumbfounded like . just bc i don't talk regularly about my deeper troubles like she does doesnt mean that they dont exist#the fact that people were so ready to listen to someone else but not me lmfao i was just#beyond hurt#tldr: feelings of insecurity stemming from constant dismissals / invalidation of feelings made me implode#and rly tbvh they're amazing girls and have been there for me when i was down too! it's just that occasions like this happen sometimes so...#and so the feeling of always being the one with the least valid/pressing/help-worthy troubles has been eating me alive for some time
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