#but that makes us EVEN MORE susceptible to radicalization. not immune
lurkiestvoid · 4 months
You're being targeted by disinformation networks that are vastly more effective than you realize. And they're making you more hateful and depressed.
(This essay was originally by u/walkandtalkk and posted to r/GenZ on Reddit two months ago, and I've crossposted here on Tumblr for convenience because it's relevant and well-written.)
TL;DR: You know that Russia and other governments try to manipulate people online. But you almost certainly don't how just how effectively orchestrated influence networks are using social media platforms to make you -- individually-- angry, depressed, and hateful toward each other. Those networks' goal is simple: to cause Americans and other Westerners -- especially young ones -- to give up on social cohesion and to give up on learning the truth, so that Western countries lack the will to stand up to authoritarians and extremists.
And you probably don't realize how well it's working on you.
This is a long post, but I wrote it because this problem is real, and it's much scarier than you think.
How Russian networks fuel racial and gender wars to make Americans fight one another
In September 2018, a video went viral after being posted by In the Now, a social media news channel. It featured a feminist activist pouring bleach on a male subway passenger for manspreading. It got instant attention, with millions of views and wide social media outrage. Reddit users wrote that it had turned them against feminism.
There was one problem: The video was staged. And In the Now, which publicized it, is a subsidiary of RT, formerly Russia Today, the Kremlin TV channel aimed at foreign, English-speaking audiences.
As an MIT study found in 2019, Russia's online influence networks reached 140 million Americans every month -- the majority of U.S. social media users.
Russia began using troll farms a decade ago to incite gender and racial divisions in the United States
In 2013, Yevgeny Prigozhin, a confidante of Vladimir Putin, founded the Internet Research Agency (the IRA) in St. Petersburg. It was the Russian government's first coordinated facility to disrupt U.S. society and politics through social media.
Here's what Prigozhin had to say about the IRA's efforts to disrupt the 2022 election:
"Gentlemen, we interfered, we interfere and we will interfere. Carefully, precisely, surgically and in our own way, as we know how. During our pinpoint operations, we will remove both kidneys and the liver at once."
In 2014, the IRA and other Russian networks began establishing fake U.S. activist groups on social media. By 2015, hundreds of English-speaking young Russians worked at the IRA. Their assignment was to use those false social-media accounts, especially on Facebook and Twitter -- but also on Reddit, Tumblr, 9gag, and other platforms -- to aggressively spread conspiracy theories and mocking, ad hominem arguments that incite American users.
In 2017, U.S. intelligence found that Blacktivist, a Facebook and Twitter group with more followers than the official Black Lives Matter movement, was operated by Russia. Blacktivist regularly attacked America as racist and urged black users to rejected major candidates. On November 2, 2016, just before the 2016 election, Blacktivist's Twitter urged Black Americans: "Choose peace and vote for Jill Stein. Trust me, it's not a wasted vote."
Russia plays both sides -- on gender, race, and religion
The brilliance of the Russian influence campaign is that it convinces Americans to attack each other, worsening both misandry and misogyny, mutual racial hatred, and extreme antisemitism and Islamophobia. In short, it's not just an effort to boost the right wing; it's an effort to radicalize everybody.
Russia uses its trolling networks to aggressively attack men. According to MIT, in 2019, the most popular Black-oriented Facebook page was the charmingly named "My Baby Daddy Aint Shit." It regularly posts memes attacking Black men and government welfare workers. It serves two purposes: Make poor black women hate men, and goad black men into flame wars.
MIT found that My Baby Daddy is run by a large troll network in Eastern Europe likely financed by Russia.
But Russian influence networks are also also aggressively misogynistic and aggressively anti-LGBT.
On January 23, 2017, just after the first Women's March, the New York Times found that the Internet Research Agency began a coordinated attack on the movement. Per the Times:
More than 4,000 miles away, organizations linked to the Russian government had assigned teams to the Women’s March. At desks in bland offices in St. Petersburg, using models derived from advertising and public relations, copywriters were testing out social media messages critical of the Women’s March movement, adopting the personas of fictional Americans.
They posted as Black women critical of white feminism, conservative women who felt excluded, and men who mocked participants as hairy-legged whiners.
But the Russian PR teams realized that one attack worked better than the rest: They accused its co-founder, Arab American Linda Sarsour, of being an antisemite. Over the next 18 months, at least 152 Russian accounts regularly attacked Sarsour. That may not seem like many accounts, but it worked: They drove the Women's March movement into disarray and eventually crippled the organization.
Russia doesn't need a million accounts, or even that many likes or upvotes. It just needs to get enough attention that actual Western users begin amplifying its content.
A former federal prosecutor who investigated the Russian disinformation effort summarized it like this:
It wasn’t exclusively about Trump and Clinton anymore. It was deeper and more sinister and more diffuse in its focus on exploiting divisions within society on any number of different levels.
As the New York Times reported in 2022,
There was a routine: Arriving for a shift, [Russian disinformation] workers would scan news outlets on the ideological fringes, far left and far right, mining for extreme content that they could publish and amplify on the platforms, feeding extreme views into mainstream conversations.
China is joining in with AI
[A couple months ago], the New York Times reported on a new disinformation campaign. "Spamouflage" is an effort by China to divide Americans by combining AI with real images of the United States to exacerbate political and social tensions in the U.S. The goal appears to be to cause Americans to lose hope, by promoting exaggerated stories with fabricated photos about homeless violence and the risk of civil war.
As Ladislav Bittman, a former Czechoslovakian secret police operative, explained about Soviet disinformation, the strategy is not to invent something totally fake. Rather, it is to act like an evil doctor who expertly diagnoses the patient’s vulnerabilities and exploits them, “prolongs his illness and speeds him to an early grave instead of curing him.”
The influence networks are vastly more effective than platforms admit
Russia now runs its most sophisticated online influence efforts through a network called Fabrika. Fabrika's operators have bragged that social media platforms catch only 1% of their fake accounts across YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, and Telegram, and other platforms.
But how effective are these efforts? By 2020, Facebook's most popular pages for Christian and Black American content were run by Eastern European troll farms tied to the Kremlin. And Russia doesn't just target angry Boomers on Facebook. Russian trolls are enormously active on Twitter. And, even, on Reddit.
It's not just false facts
The term "disinformation" undersells the problem. Because much of Russia's social media activity is not trying to spread fake news. Instead, the goal is to divide and conquer by making Western audiences depressed and extreme.
Sometimes, through brigading and trolling. Other times, by posting hyper-negative or extremist posts or opinions about the U.S. the West over and over, until readers assume that's how most people feel. And sometimes, by using trolls to disrupt threads that advance Western unity.
As the RAND think tank explained, the Russian strategy is volume and repetition, from numerous accounts, to overwhelm real social media users and create the appearance that everyone disagrees with, or even hates, them. And it's not just low-quality bots. Per RAND,
Russian propaganda is produced in incredibly large volumes and is broadcast or otherwise distributed via a large number of channels. ... According to a former paid Russian Internet troll, the trolls are on duty 24 hours a day, in 12-hour shifts, and each has a daily quota of 135 posted comments of at least 200 characters.
What this means for you
You are being targeted by a sophisticated PR campaign meant to make you more resentful, bitter, and depressed. It's not just disinformation; it's also real-life human writers and advanced bot networks working hard to shift the conversation to the most negative and divisive topics and opinions.
It's why some topics seem to go from non-issues to constant controversy and discussion, with no clear reason, across social media platforms. And a lot of those trolls are actual, "professional" writers whose job is to sound real.
So what can you do? To quote WarGames: The only winning move is not to play. The reality is that you cannot distinguish disinformation accounts from real social media users. Unless you know whom you're talking to, there is a genuine chance that the post, tweet, or comment you are reading is an attempt to manipulate you -- politically or emotionally.
Here are some thoughts:
Don't accept facts from social media accounts you don't know. Russian, Chinese, and other manipulation efforts are not uniform. Some will make deranged claims, but others will tell half-truths. Or they'll spin facts about a complicated subject, be it the war in Ukraine or loneliness in young men, to give you a warped view of reality and spread division in the West.
Resist groupthink. A key element of manipulate networks is volume. People are naturally inclined to believe statements that have broad support. When a post gets 5,000 upvotes, it's easy to think the crowd is right. But "the crowd" could be fake accounts, and even if they're not, the brilliance of government manipulation campaigns is that they say things people are already predisposed to think. They'll tell conservative audiences something misleading about a Democrat, or make up a lie about Republicans that catches fire on a liberal server or subreddit.
Don't let social media warp your view of society. This is harder than it seems, but you need to accept that the facts -- and the opinions -- you see across social media are not reliable. If you want the news, do what everyone online says not to: look at serious, mainstream media. It is not always right. Sometimes, it screws up. But social media narratives are heavily manipulated by networks whose job is to ensure you are deceived, angry, and divided.
Edited for typos and clarity. (Tumblr-edited for formatting and to note a sourced article is now older than mentioned in the original post. -LV)
P.S. Apparently, this post was removed several hours ago due to a flood of reports. Thank you to the r/GenZ moderators for re-approving it.
Second edit:
This post is not meant to suggest that r/GenZ is uniquely or especially vulnerable, or to suggest that a lot of challenges people discuss here are not real. It's entirely the opposite: Growing loneliness, political polarization, and increasing social division along gender lines is real. The problem is that disinformation and influence networks expertly, and effectively, hijack those conversations and use those real, serious issues to poison the conversation. This post is not about left or right: Everyone is targeted.
(Further Tumblr notes: since this was posted, there have been several more articles detailing recent discoveries of active disinformation/influence and hacking campaigns by Russia and their allies against several countries and their respective elections, and barely touches on the numerous Tumblr blogs discovered to be troll farms/bad faith actors from pre-2016 through today. This is an ongoing and very real problem, and it's nowhere near over.
A quote from NPR article linked above from 2018 that you might find familiar today: "[A] particular hype and hatred for Trump is misleading the people and forcing Blacks to vote Killary. We cannot resort to the lesser of two devils. Then we'd surely be better off without voting AT ALL," a post from the account said.")
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political opinion post. i am once again asking everyone to not use TERF as a catch-all for LGBTQ+ opinions you don't like. TERF/TWERF ideas target trans women, specifically, for exclusion or extermination, through the lens of radical (meaning rooted) feminism, which is feminism that sees misogyny as the root cause of all other oppressions. Trans (Woman) Exclusionary/Extreminatory Radical Feminism/ist: T.(W.)E.R.F.
it is not just a word for any homophobic or transphobic reactionaries. that right wing politician isn't even feminist, he's just a transmisogynist. that exclusionary take isn't about transgender women, or trans people in general even. that conservative homophobe doesn't believe misogyny is the root of racism. none of those are TERFs. they're just bigots. please, remember that TWERF has a specific meaning, and centers transmisogyny. don't just use it for emphasis or as a curse-word to make the people you dislike sound worse. don't pretend that TERFeminism is the only source of transmisogyny in the world either.
if you lack the ability to recognize what transmisogyny looks like, and what TERF ideology literally is and is not, you are more susceptible to spreading it. You Are Not Immune To Propaganda. now get the fuck out of my ted talk
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girlboss-enthusiast · 2 years
When a radical feminist (or anyone, actually) points out that males are, on average, stronger than females, everyone gets up in arms. “You’re saying women are weak! You’re saying that women are biologically inferior! You think women are feminine little dolls who need to be protected by big strong men! Why do you hate women?!”
But, their bizarre leap from “less muscular” to “weak and feminine” aside, raw strength is not the only metric of physical capability. For example:
Women are much better at ultra-endurance sports, owing to:
Muscle composition—females have muscle fatigue and more slow twitch muscle fibers, resulting in better oxygen delivery [x]
Better ability to pace themselves and think ahead [x]
More body fat, allowing female bodies to oxidize more fat than carbohydrates, which is more effective and sustainable long-term [x]
The science of female endurance leads us to the next point: women are more likely to survive extreme situations like natural disasters, famine, and disease.
Estrogen increases immune reactivity, meaning women are more capable of fighting infections [x]
Women are more likely to survive serious physical trauma, also due to estrogen [x]
XX chromosomes provide genetic diversity and provide a “backup” allele in case of a deleterious mutation on one X chromosome, making females less susceptible to genetic disease [x]
Female infants are hardier than male infants due to the above, even in populations where sex preference for male children is high [x]
Increased body fat makes women less likely to starve or freeze [x]
Want to bring a little more neuroendocrinology into this? Women are more likely to remain cool under pressure, from direct threats to physical safety to emotional stress.
Cortisol affects the brain differently in females and males, causing males to take emotionally-driven risks while women evaluate threats more logically [x]
In fight-or-flight scenarios, testosterone increases the likelihood of violent or extreme reactions in males, while females release oxytocin instead—women are not as inclined to make extreme, snap decisions when faced with a threat [x]
tl;dr get a man if you need a hyperemotional brute to kick down a door. If your physical task needs durability and logic, a woman will be much more helpful.
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revivalhydration0 · 3 months
Boost Your Detox & Immunity: Glutathione IVs at Revival Hydration
Looking for a way to detoxify your body, enhance your immune system, and experience a surge of overall well-being? Look no further than Revival Hydration's Glutathione IV in San Jose.
Glutathione, often dubbed the "mother of all antioxidants," is a powerful molecule produced naturally by your body. It plays a crucial role in detoxification, protecting your cells from damaging free radicals, and supporting a healthy immune system. However, environmental toxins, stress, and poor diet can deplete glutathione levels.
This is where Revival Hydration's Glutathione IV comes in. Our customized IV drips deliver a potent dose of glutathione directly into your bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system for maximum absorption.
Here's how a Glutathione IV from Revival Hydration can benefit you:
Enhanced Detoxification: 
Glutathione helps your body eliminate toxins and harmful substances, promoting overall cellular health.
Stronger Immunity: 
By protecting your cells from free radical damage, glutathione can support a robust immune system, making you less susceptible to illness.
Increased Energy Levels: 
Glutathione plays a role in energy production, so you might experience a noticeable boost in energy after an IV treatment.
Brighter, Healthier Skin: 
Glutathione's antioxidant properties can help improve skin tone and texture, giving you a radiant glow.
Why Choose Revival Hydration for Your Glutathione IV in San Jose?
At Revival Hydration, we prioritize your well-being. Here's what sets us apart:
Experienced Medical Staff: 
Our qualified medical professionals will assess your needs and personalize your Glutathione IV for optimal results.
Comfortable Environment: 
Relax in a comfortable, private setting while receiving your IV treatment.
We offer flexible scheduling and even in-home IV therapy options for your comfort .
Quality Ingredients: 
We use only the highest-quality ingredients in our IV solutions, ensuring safety and effectiveness.
Ready to experience the detoxifying and immune-boosting benefits of Glutathione IV?
Visit Revival Hydration's website or contact us today to schedule your consultation and learn more about Glutathione IV in San Jose. Together, we can help you achieve optimal health and well-being!
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ptinuts · 4 months
Why Cashews, Especially PTI Cashews, Are Perfect for Winter
As winter approaches, our bodies naturally seek warmth, comfort, and essential nutrients to strengthen our immune systems and maintain energy levels. Among the best winter snacks, cashews stand out, especially PTI Cashews, known for their premium quality and sustainability. Here’s why cashews, and particularly PTI Cashews, should be a staple in your winter diet.
 1. Rich Nutritional Profile
Cashews are nutritional powerhouses, particularly beneficial during winter. They are rich in essential vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and iron. Magnesium is crucial for over 300 enzymatic reactions, including those regulating muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure. Zinc is vital for maintaining a healthy immune system, which is especially important in winter when colds and flu are more common.
PTI Cashews, with their rigorous quality controls, ensure that each nut is packed with these essential nutrients, making them a health-boosting choice during winter.
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 2. Heart Health
Maintaining heart health is important year-round, but it becomes particularly critical during winter when physical activity levels often decrease and diets can become heavier. Cashews are rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. Antioxidants like oleic acid further support cardiovascular health by protecting the heart from free radical damage.
Incorporating PTI Cashews into your winter diet can help maintain a healthy cholesterol balance and support overall heart health, which is crucial during the colder months.
 3. Energy Boost
Winter often brings a sense of lethargy and reduced energy levels, partly due to shorter days and longer nights. Cashews are an excellent source of carbohydrates and protein, providing a sustained energy boost to help keep you active and alert throughout the day. The carbohydrates in cashews offer a quick source of energy, while the protein provides a slower, more sustained energy release.
PTI Cashews, with their rich and creamy texture, make for a perfect snack that not only satisfies hunger but also fuels your body with the necessary energy to combat winter fatigue.
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 4. Mood Enhancement
Winter's gloomy weather can sometimes lead to seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or general feelings of the "winter blues." Cashews contain tryptophan, an essential amino acid that the body converts into serotonin. By consuming cashews, you can help boost your serotonin levels, potentially improving your mood and overall sense of well-being during the winter months.
Choosing PTI Cashews means you're selecting a high-quality product that can contribute positively to your mental health, helping you stay cheerful and positive even on the dreariest winter days.
 5. Versatile and Delicious
Cashews are incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of winter recipes. From savory dishes like curries and stews to sweet treats like cookies and cakes, cashews add a delightful flavor and creamy texture. PTI Cashews, with their premium quality, enhance any dish they are added to, ensuring you get the best taste and texture.
In addition to being a delightful snack on their own, PTI Cashews can be incorporated into your meals in creative ways. Grind them into a paste to add richness to sauces, sprinkle them on top of salads for a crunchy texture, or simply enjoy them roasted with a touch of salt or spices for a cozy, satisfying snack.
 6. Immune System Support
Winter is the season of colds and flu, and maintaining a strong immune system is essential. Cashews are packed with antioxidants like vitamin E, which helps protect cells from damage and supports immune function. They also contain zinc, which is crucial for immune health. A deficiency in zinc can impair immune function, making the body more susceptible to infections.
Incorporating PTI Cashews into your diet means you are not only enjoying a delicious snack but also giving your immune system a significant boost, helping to keep those winter illnesses at bay.
 7. High-Quality and Sustainably Sourced
PTI Cashews are known for their high quality and commitment to sustainable sourcing. This means that when you choose PTI Cashews, you are not only selecting a nutritious and delicious product but also supporting ethical and environmentally friendly practices. PTI ensures that their cashews are harvested and processed under strict quality controls, providing you with a product that is both safe and superior in taste.
Choosing PTI Cashews supports sustainable agriculture and fair labor practices, making your winter snack choice one that benefits both your health and the environment.
In summary, cashews, and particularly PTI Cashews, are the best nuts for winter for several compelling reasons. Their rich nutritional profile supports overall health, including heart health and immune function, which are crucial during the colder months. They provide a sustained energy boost and contain mood-enhancing properties that can help combat winter blues. Their versatility in the kitchen makes them an excellent addition to a variety of winter recipes, ensuring that you never get bored of incorporating them into your diet.
Moreover, by choosing PTI Cashews, you are opting for a high-quality, sustainably sourced product that aligns with ethical and environmental values. This winter, make PTI Cashews your go-to snack and ingredient to enjoy a healthy, happy, and delicious season.
0 notes
omahamedspa · 6 months
Glutathione Anti-Aging Shots Near Me: Unlocking the Fountain of Youth
Ah, the pursuit of eternal teenagers! It’s a quest as antique as time itself. From historical elixirs to trendy scientific breakthroughs, humanity has been on a relentless task to defy the growing older procedure. And in this age of technological marvels and well-being improvements, one name has been making waves in the realm of anti-aging: glutathione.
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What Are Glutathione Anti-Aging Shots?
Let’s start at the beginning. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that happens certainly within the body. Think of it as your private superhero, fighting off the villains called loose radicals that wreak havoc for your cells and make contributions to aging. However, as we age, our glutathione ranges naturally decline, leaving us more susceptible to oxidative pressure, which is getting old.
That’s where glutathione anti-getting older shots come in. These injections deliver a focused dose of this miracle molecule at once into your bloodstream, replenishing your body’s supply and giving your cells the improvement they need to live younger and more colourfully.
The Benefits of Glutathione Anti-Aging Shots
But what precisely can glutathione do for you? Well, the listing of blessings is as long as it's far extraordinary.
Radiant Skin
They say that splendor is handiest pores and skin deep; however, who wouldn’t need pores and skin that glows from within? Glutathione is renowned for its skin-brightening properties, helping to fade dark spots, even out skin tone, and decrease the appearance of wrinkles. Say hi to that coveted lit-from-inside glow!
Enhanced Immunity
A strong immune system is your body’s first line of protection against illness and getting old. Glutathione plays a crucial role in helping immune function and preserving you wholesome and vibrant, regardless of your age.
Increased Energy
Feeling tired and sluggish? It will be a sign that your frame’s glutathione ranges are jogging low. By boosting your glutathione levels with regular injections, you can say goodbye to fatigue and hello to boundless power.
In today’s world, we’re bombarded with pollutants at each turn, from pollution in the air to pesticides in our food. Glutathione is your body’s master detoxifier, helping to neutralize dangerous materials and keep your cells smooth and healthy.
Improved Mental Clarity
Who says growing older has to mean a decline in cognitive feature? Glutathione has been proven to support brain fitness, sprucing your consciousness and enhancing your reminiscence so you can stay sharp and alert at any age.
Finding Glutathione Anti-Aging Shots Near You
So, now which you’re satisfied of the extraordinary advantages of glutathione anti-getting old pictures, you’re probably questioning: where can I locate them? Luckily, in recent times, you don’t have to appear far.
Wellness Clinics
Many health clinics offer glutathione injections as a part of their anti-aging and rejuvenation remedies. With a short Google search or a browse through your local listing, you’re sure to discover a health facility close to you that offers this present-day therapy.
Med Spas
If you are searching Glutathione antiaging shots near me, why not indulge in a glutathione shot at a Omaha Med Spa? These upscale facilities combine the brand new in clinical era with the pampering experience of a spa, making sure you leave feeling rejuvenated inside and out.
Integrative Medicine Practices
For those who opt for a holistic approach to health, integrative medicinal drug practices can be the way to go. These practitioners take an entire-frame approach to health and well-being, supplying a number of treatments, which include glutathione remedy, to cope with the basic reasons for ageing and promote universal well-being.
The Future of Anti-Aging
As our knowledge of growing older continues to evolve, so too will our approach to anti-ageing treatment options. Glutathione anti-ageing photographs are simply the start. Who knows what other breakthroughs the future holds? But one issue’s positive: so long as there are wrinkles to be smoothed and strength to be regained, humanity will maintain its quest for the fountain of youngsters. So, if you’re equipped to turn back the clock and include a younger, more vibrant you, why no longer give glutathione anti-getting old shots a try? After all, age is just a number of things, and with the right gear and remedies, you may rewrite the script of your very own growing old journey.
0 notes
123lineengineers · 8 months
Discover Delicious Healthy Pine Tea Recipes For Wellness
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Are you on the lookout for a tasty and nutritious addition to your daily routine? Look no further than healthy pine tea recipes. Pine tea has been enjoyed for centuries due to its numerous benefits, from boosting the immune system to promoting digestion and aiding in weight loss. By incorporating homemade pine tea into your wellness journey, you can experience the natural goodness of this simple yet potent ingredient. Whether you're a tea lover or simply seeking a new way to support your well-being, these pine tea recipes are sure to satisfy. So why not explore the many pine tea benefits and try your hand at crafting your own homemade pine tea? It's easier than you might think, and the rewards are endless.
Brew Your Way to Wellness with Pine Tea
If you’re looking for a way to boost your immune system, aid in detoxification, aid digestion, or even support weight loss, then pine tea may be the perfect solution for you. This delicious beverage is packed with health benefits that can not only help you feel great but also taste great. It’s no secret that pine tea has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. With its high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, this tea can help to strengthen your body's immune system, making it less susceptible to illnesses and diseases. But that’s not all. Pine tea is also a great detoxifier, helping to flush out harmful toxins from your body. It can also aid in digestion, soothing an upset stomach and promoting regularity. What’s more, pine tea can even assist in weight loss efforts. This is due in part to the tea’s ability to help regulate blood sugar levels and increase metabolism, making it a great addition to any healthy weight loss routine. Brew Your Way to Wellness with Pine Tea "Pine tea can help to strengthen your body's immune system, making it less susceptible to illnesses and diseases." There are many delicious and easy-to-make pine tea recipes that you can incorporate into your daily routine. Whether you prefer a warm cup of tea in the morning or a refreshing iced drink on a hot day, there's a recipe out there that's perfect for you. So why not give pine tea a try and see for yourself how it can benefit your overall health and well-being?
Organic Pine Tea: The Key Ingredient for Health
When it comes to finding the perfect ingredients for healthy living, organic pine tea is a powerful choice. Unlike regular pine tea, which may contain harmful additives, organic pine tea is made from pure, natural ingredients that offer a wide range of benefits. One of the most significant advantages of organic pine tea is that it contains high levels of antioxidants. These powerful compounds help to protect the body against damaging free radicals and can even reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Another benefit of organic pine tea is that it can help to boost the immune system. This is especially important in today's world, where maintaining good health is more critical than ever before. Drinking organic pine tea regularly can help to strengthen the body's defenses and reduce the risk of infection and illness. At organicpinetea.com, you can find a wide range of high-quality organic pine tea products. From loose leaf tea to tea bags, our products are carefully crafted to provide the ultimate tea experience. We believe that organic pine tea is the key ingredient for optimal health, and we are dedicated to offering our customers the best products available. "Choosing organic pine tea is an excellent way to support your overall well-being. With its natural goodness and numerous benefits, it's the perfect addition to any healthy lifestyle." Why Choose Organic Pine Tea? There are many reasons to choose organic pine tea over conventional options. First and foremost, organic pine tea is made from pure, natural ingredients that are free from harmful pesticides and chemicals. This means that you can enjoy all of the health benefits of pine tea without exposing yourself to potentially dangerous toxins. Additionally, organic pine tea is often more potent and flavorful than conventional pine tea. This is because it is carefully grown and harvested under strict organic standards, ensuring that it retains all of its natural goodness and unique taste. Overall, choosing organic pine tea is an excellent way to support your overall well-being. With its natural goodness and numerous benefits, it's the perfect addition to any healthy lifestyle.
Pine Tea Recipes for a Refreshing Start to the Day
Start your day with a burst of flavor and nutrition by trying out these invigorating pine tea recipes. They're easy to make and will energize you for the day ahead, while also providing you with a host of health benefits. "Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves - slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future." - Thich Nhat Hanh The following recipes are perfect for those who want to incorporate healthy pine tea into their diet in a delicious and enjoyable way. Pine and Apple Cider Vinegar Tea This recipe combines the tartness of apple cider vinegar with the healing powers of pine tea. It's perfect for a morning detox, aiding digestion and supporting the immune system. - 1 cup of boiling water - 1 teaspoon of pine tea - 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar - 1 teaspoon of honey (optional) Steep the pine tea in boiling water for 5-7 minutes, then add the apple cider vinegar and honey (optional) to taste. Stir well and enjoy while hot. Pine and Ginger Tea This recipe adds a spicy kick to your morning routine. Ginger's anti-inflammatory properties work perfectly with pine tea's antioxidants to provide a powerful boost to your immune system. - 1 cup of boiling water - 1 teaspoon of pine tea - 1 teaspoon of grated ginger - 1 teaspoon of honey (optional) Steep the pine tea and ginger in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Add honey to taste and enjoy while hot. Pine and Lemon Tea This refreshing recipe is perfect for those who love the taste of citrus. It's loaded with vitamin C, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help protect the body against illness and inflammation. - 1 cup of boiling water - 1 teaspoon of pine tea - 1 lemon wedge - 1 teaspoon of honey (optional) Steep the pine tea in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Add the lemon wedge and honey (optional) to taste. Stir well and enjoy while hot. Start your day off right with these delicious and healthy pine tea recipes. Experiment with different flavors and ingredients to find your perfect blend and give yourself the nourishment you need to take on the day ahead.
Pine Tea Recipes for a Refreshing Start to the Day
Starting your day off with a refreshing and nourishing drink is key to promoting overall well-being. Pine tea offers a delicious and healthy alternative to traditional morning beverages. Here are some invigorating pine tea recipes to try: Pineapple Pine Tea 1 cup of water 1 tablespoon of dried pine needles 1 cup of fresh pineapple chunks 1 teaspoon of honey Boil the water and add the pine needles. Steep for 5 minutes, strain the needles, and pour over the fresh pineapple chunks. Add honey to taste. Minty Pine Tea 1 cup of water 1 tablespoon of dried pine needles 1 sprig of fresh mint 1 teaspoon of agave syrup Boil the water and add the pine needles. Steep for 5 minutes, strain the needles, and pour over the fresh mint sprig. Add agave syrup to taste, and enjoy. These recipes are just a starting point for your pine tea exploration. Get creative and experiment with different ingredients to find your perfect morning brew. Pine Needle Tea Recipe For those looking for a simple and easy-to-follow recipe, here is a basic pine needle tea recipe: Pine Needle Tea Fresh pine needles Water Rinse the pine needles and cut them into small pieces. Boil water and add the pine needles. Steep the pine needles for 5-10 minutes. Strain and serve hot. Add honey or lemon for added flavor. Homemade pine tea allows for a personalized touch and the ability to fully embrace your creativity in the kitchen. Start your day off right and enjoy the natural benefits of pine tea with these delicious and healthy recipes.
The Natural Goodness of Pine Tea
Natural pine tea is a wonder for the body and mind. Packed with natural ingredients, it offers a range of benefits for those seeking a healthier lifestyle. Pine tea is especially helpful for those who are looking to detoxify, support their immune system, aid in digestion, and manage their weight. Pine tea is a rich source of antioxidants, which helps to reduce inflammation, improve cardiovascular health, and protect against cellular damage. Additionally, pine tea contains several vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and magnesium. These nutrients work together to support the body's overall function and well-being. The benefits of pine tea are not just limited to the body; pine tea has also been shown to have a positive effect on mental health. It's known for its calming and soothing properties, making it a great choice for those who struggle with anxiety or stress. "Pine tea helps to keep the body healthy and promotes a sense of calmness and relaxation. It's a natural way to support overall well-being." Incorporating pine tea into your daily routine is easy and convenient. Whether you prefer a hot cup of tea in the morning or a refreshing iced tea in the afternoon, pine tea can provide a flavorful and healthy option. When it comes to choosing pine tea, it's important to select natural pine tea that is free from additives and chemicals. Organic pine tea, like the variety available at organicpinetea.com, is especially beneficial as it is grown without synthetic pesticides or herbicides. The natural goodness of pine tea is undeniable. From its numerous health benefits to its calming properties, pine tea provides a natural and effective way to support overall well-being. Key takeaway: Pine tea is a natural source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can support overall health and well-being. Its calming properties make it a great choice for those looking to manage stress and anxiety. Choose natural pine tea varieties and explore the benefits of organic pine tea for a truly nourishing experience.
Pine Tea Recipes for Immune Support
With the world experiencing a significant health crisis, it's more important than ever to maintain a strong immune system. Pine tea is a natural and delicious way to give your body the support it needs. In this section, we present healthy pine tea recipes that can help boost your immune system and keep you feeling your best. "There are many herbs and plants that have been used traditionally to support the immune system, and pine tea is definitely one of them. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in pine tea can help protect your body from free radical damage and reduce inflammation, both of which can weaken the immune system." Pine Tea and Lemon: This simple recipe combines the goodness of pine tea with the vitamin C and antioxidants of lemon. Brew a cup of pine tea and add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Sweeten with honey if desired. Pine and Ginger Tea: Ginger is known for its immune-boosting properties, making it a perfect addition to pine tea. Brew a cup of pine tea and grate a small piece of fresh ginger into the tea. Add honey to taste. Immunity Blend: This recipe combines the goodness of several immune-supporting ingredients: - 1 teaspoon of pine tea - 1 teaspoon of dried elderberries - 1 cinnamon stick - 1 clove - 1 slice of fresh ginger Boil 2 cups of water and add all the ingredients. Let the mixture simmer for 10-15 minutes. Strain and enjoy hot or cold. These healthy pine tea recipes are a natural and tasty way to support your immune system. Incorporate them into your daily routine for a boost of wellness.
Pine Tea for Detoxification: Purify Your Body
Detoxification is essential to maintain a healthy body and mind. Incorporating pine tea into your daily routine can aid in detoxification, cleansing your system and promoting overall well-being. Explore the power of pine tea for a refreshed and rejuvenated body. Pine tea is a natural diuretic, helping to flush out toxins and cleanse the body. Here are some delicious and healthy pine tea recipes for detoxification: Pineapple Pine Tea Detox Drink Ingredients: - 1 cup of chopped pineapple - 1 tablespoon of honey - 1 teaspoon of cinnamon - 2 cups of brewed pine tea Directions: 1. Blend the pineapple, honey, and cinnamon in a blender. 2. Pour the mixture into a glass and add 2 cups of brewed pine tea. 3. Stir well and enjoy! Mint and Lemon Pine Tea Detox Drink Ingredients: - 1 sliced lemon - Handful of fresh mint leaves - 2 cups of brewed pine tea Directions: 1. Add the sliced lemon and fresh mint leaves into a jar. 2. Pour 2 cups of brewed pine tea over the lemon and mint. 3. Stir well and refrigerate for at least an hour. 4. Serve over ice and enjoy! These recipes are not only delicious but are also effective in supporting the body's natural detoxification process. Incorporate them into your daily routine to experience the purifying benefits of pine tea.
Pine Tea for Digestive Wellness
Pine tea is known for its digestive benefits and can alleviate digestive discomfort. Incorporating pine tea into your daily routine can promote a healthy gut and overall digestive wellness. "Pine tea has a long history of being used for digestive ailments and is particularly effective at reducing inflammation in the gut, promoting healthy digestion, and preventing acid reflux." Try these healthy pine tea recipes to soothe your digestive system and maintain optimal gut health: 1. Pineapple Ginger Pine Tea This refreshing blend of pineapple and ginger is perfect for those experiencing digestive discomfort. Pineapple contains bromelain which aids in digestion, while ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation in the gut. Ingredients: - 2 cups water - 1 cup fresh pineapple chunks - 1-inch piece of ginger, peeled and sliced - 1 tablespoon honey (optional) - 1 tablespoon fresh pine needles Method: - In a saucepan, bring the water to a boil. - Add the pineapple and ginger and simmer for 10 minutes. - Remove from heat and add the honey and fresh pine needles. - Let steep for 5 minutes before straining the tea. 2. Chamomile Pine Tea Chamomile is a natural relaxant and can soothe an upset stomach. This recipe combines the calming benefits of chamomile with the digestive properties of pine. Ingredients: - 2 cups water - 1 tablespoon dried chamomile flowers - 1 tablespoon fresh pine needles - 1 teaspoon honey (optional) Method: - In a saucepan, bring the water to a boil. - Add the chamomile and fresh pine needles and simmer for 10 minutes. - Remove from heat and let steep for 5 minutes. - Strain the tea and add honey if desired. Explore the power of pine tea and its beneficial effects on digestive wellness with these easy-to-make recipes.
Pine Tea for Weight Loss: A Natural Aid
Pine tea is a delicious and healthy addition to any weight loss routine. Not only does it provide a flavor-packed alternative to sugary drinks, but it also offers a range of natural weight loss benefits. With its metabolism-boosting properties and ability to suppress appetite, pine tea can help you reach your weight loss goals in a natural and sustainable way. Here are a few healthy pine tea recipes to help jumpstart your weight loss journey: Pine and Ginger Tea Ingredients: - 2 cups water - 2 teaspoons pine needles - 1 teaspoon grated ginger - Honey to taste Instructions: - Bring water to a boil in a pot. - Add pine needles and grated ginger. - Reduce the heat and let simmer for 10 minutes. - Strain mixture into a cup and add honey to taste. Sip and enjoy! Pineapple and Pine Tea Ingredients: - 2 cups water - 2 teaspoons pine needles - 1/2 cup pineapple chunks - Honey to taste Instructions: - Bring water to a boil in a pot. - Add pine needles and pineapple chunks. - Reduce the heat and let simmer for 5-7 minutes. - Strain mixture into a cup and add honey to taste. Enjoy your tropical-inspired weight loss boost! These healthy pine tea recipes are just the beginning - let your creativity run wild and experiment with different ingredients to find the perfect combination for your taste buds. Incorporating pine tea into your weight loss routine is a natural and delicious way to support your goals and boost your overall wellness.
Enjoy the Flavors and Benefits of Moroccan Organic Pine Tea
For tea lovers seeking a unique and delicious blend, Moroccan Organic Pine Tea is a must-try. This premium tea is available at organicpinetea.com, featuring high-quality, organic ingredients that deliver exceptional taste and wellness benefits. Moroccan Organic Pine Tea is crafted with the finest pine needles, handpicked from the Atlas Mountains of Morocco. The pine needles are then dried and blended with natural Moroccan herbs and spices, creating a flavourful tea that is both refreshing and invigorating. This tea boasts a range of wellness benefits, including antioxidant properties and immune system support. It is also a natural aid in detoxifying the body, promoting digestive health and aiding in weight loss efforts. Read the full article
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jpshealth · 11 months
 Raw vs. Cooked Greens: Are Raw Kale and Spinach Harmful or Healthy?
Are raw kale and spinach friend or foe in your quest for a healthier diet? In the world of nutrition and dietary choices, this debate has been brewing for some time. The battle of raw versus cooked greens is on, and we're here to explore the health benefits of raw kale and spinach, as well as the potential harmful effects. Should you include these leafy greens in their uncooked form in your diet, or is it better to opt for the cooked versions? Let's dive into the nutritional facts, health benefits, and any potential pitfalls of including raw kale and spinach in your diet. To get a better understanding, we'll also touch on the significance of online doctor consultation for dietary choices.
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 Health Benefits of Raw Kale
1. Nutrient Powerhouse  
Raw kale is often regarded as a nutritional powerhouse, and for a good reason. It's a fantastic source of essential nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like calcium and potassium. The high vitamin C content in kale makes it a valuable addition to your diet, supporting your immune system and promoting healthy skin.
2. High Fiber Content  
Kale is packed with dietary fiber, an important component of a healthy diet. A high fiber intake is associated with improved digestion and can aid in weight management by promoting a feeling of fullness. Additionally, it helps regulate blood sugar levels.
3. Rich in Antioxidants  
Kale contains a variety of antioxidants, such as quercetin and kaempferol, which help protect your body against oxidative stress and inflammation. These compounds can potentially reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
4. Potential Cancer Fighter  
Studies have shown that kale contains compounds with the potential to fight cancer. The glucosinolates found in kale can be converted into bioactive compounds that may inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
5. Low in Calories  
If you're watching your calorie intake, raw kale is an excellent choice. It's low in calories but high in nutrients, making it a perfect addition to a weight management plan.
6. Easy to Incorporate  
Adding raw kale to your diet is simple. You can use it in salads, smoothies, or even as a crunchy snack. Its versatility makes it easy to incorporate into your daily meals.
 Harmful Effects of Raw Kale
1. Oxalates and Kidney Stones  
Kale contains oxalates, which can contribute to kidney stone formation in susceptible individuals. If you're prone to kidney stones, it's advisable to consult with a doctor before increasing your kale intake.
2. Digestive Issues  
Raw kale is rich in fiber, which can be challenging for some people to digest. Eating too much raw kale at once may lead to gas, bloating, and other digestive discomfort.
3. Goitrogens and Thyroid Health  
Kale is part of the cruciferous vegetable family, and like its cousins, it contains goitrogens, which can interfere with thyroid function. However, these effects are generally more significant when consuming kale in large quantities.
 Health Benefits of Spinach
1. Abundant Nutrients  
Spinach is another leafy green that boasts a wide range of essential nutrients. It's particularly rich in vitamins A and K, as well as folate, which is crucial for fetal development and DNA synthesis.
2. Fiber-Rich  
Spinach is an excellent source of dietary fiber, promoting digestive health and helping to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Its high fiber content can also support weight management.
3. Antioxidant Content  
Like kale, spinach is packed with antioxidants, protecting your cells from damage caused by free radicals. Regular consumption may reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
4. Cardiovascular Health  
The nutrients in spinach have been linked to improved cardiovascular health. They help regulate blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.
5. Vitamin C Boost  
Spinach also provides a healthy dose of vitamin C, strengthening your immune system and aiding in collagen production for healthy skin.
6. Versatility in Cooking  
Spinach is incredibly versatile and can be added to various dishes, from salads to soups and smoothies.
 Harmful Effects of Raw Spinach
1. Oxalates and Kidney Stones  
Similar to kale, spinach contains oxalates, which can contribute to kidney stone formation. Individuals with a history of kidney stones should consume spinach in moderation.
2. Nutrient Absorption Inhibition  
Spinach contains compounds called phytates and oxalates, which can interfere with the absorption of certain minerals like calcium and iron. Cooking spinach can help reduce these effects.
 Raw vs. Cooked Greens
When it comes to the debate of raw vs. cooked greens, both raw kale and spinach have their advantages and potential downsides. Here are some factors to consider when deciding how to include these greens in your diet:
1. Nutrient Retention  
Cooking greens can cause some nutrient loss, particularly when boiling or blanching. However, certain cooking methods like steaming or sautéing can help preserve more of the nutrients while making them easier to digest.
2. Oxalates and Kidney Stones  
Both raw kale and spinach contain oxalates, which can contribute to kidney stone formation. Cooking can reduce oxalate levels, making cooked greens a safer option for those prone to kidney stones.
3. Digestive Comfort  
If you experience digestive discomfort when consuming raw kale, opting for cooked kale may be a better choice. Cooking helps break down some of the fibers that can be hard to digest.
4. Versatility  
While raw kale and spinach are easy to incorporate into salads and smoothies, cooked greens can be included in a wider range of dishes, adding variety to your diet.
5. Consultation with a Doctor  
If you have specific health concerns or dietary restrictions, it's always a good idea to consult with a doctor or a registered dietitian. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your individual health needs.
 Online Doctor Consultation
In today's digital age, obtaining professional medical advice has become more accessible through online doctor consultation services. When it comes to making dietary choices, seeking the guidance of a healthcare professional can be invaluable. Here's how online doctor consultation can assist you in your quest for a healthier diet:
1. Personalized Advice  
An online doctor can evaluate your individual health status, medical history, and dietary preferences to provide personalized recommendations.
2. Specialized Knowledge  
Doctors have a deep understanding of the potential interactions between specific foods and medical conditions. They can help you make informed decisions regarding your diet.
3. Monitoring and Follow-Up  
Online doctors can monitor your progress and make necessary adjustments to your dietary plan. This ongoing support can be crucial for achieving and maintaining optimal health.
4. Addressing Concerns  
If you have concerns about the harmful effects of certain foods, such as oxalates in raw greens, an online doctor can provide guidance and offer strategies for safe consumption.
5. Preventive Health  
Online doctors can also help you focus on preventive health measures, ensuring that your dietary choices contribute to your overall well-being.
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oziva · 1 year
Unlocking the Potential: Glutathione Tablets Benefits
In the realm of dietary supplements, few compounds have gained as much attention in recent years as glutathione. Glutathione is a naturally occurring antioxidant found in the cells of the human body. It plays a crucial role in various physiological processes and has been linked to numerous health benefits. Among the different forms in which glutathione is available, glutathione tablets have gained popularity due to their convenience and potential health advantages. In this article, we will explore the glutathione tablets benefits and their potential impact on overall well-being.
1. Powerful Antioxidant Protection:
At the heart of glutathione tablets benefits lies their remarkable antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are substances that combat oxidative stress in the body, a process characterized by the overproduction of harmful molecules called free radicals. Oxidative stress is associated with a range of chronic conditions and aging-related issues, including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders.
Glutathione is considered one of the body's most potent antioxidants. It actively neutralizes free radicals, preventing them from causing damage to cells, DNA, and tissues. This antioxidant prowess makes glutathione tablets a valuable addition to one's dietary regimen, especially for those looking to support overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
2. Immune System Support:
Glutathione plays a crucial role in supporting the immune system. It helps optimize the function of white blood cells, which are responsible for defending the body against infections and foreign invaders. A robust immune system is essential for maintaining health and preventing illnesses.
Glutathione tablets benefits can help enhance the body's natural defense mechanisms, making it better equipped to ward off infections and diseases. This can be particularly beneficial during times of increased susceptibility, such as during the cold and flu season or periods of high stress.
3. Detoxification and Liver Health:
Another critical glutathione tablets benefits in the body is their detoxification abilities. It is a key component of the body's detoxification pathways, particularly in the liver. Glutathione helps bind to and eliminate toxins, heavy metals, and harmful substances, ensuring they are safely excreted from the body.
By promoting detoxification, glutathione tablets benefits can aid in maintaining optimal liver function. A healthy liver is essential for processing and eliminating toxins, metabolizing nutrients, and maintaining overall well-being. Regular detoxification support through glutathione tablets benefits can be especially valuable in our modern world, where exposure to environmental toxins is prevalent.
4. Skin Health and Beauty:
Glutathione tablets benefits extend to the realm of beauty and skin health. Many individuals seek out glutathione tablets for their reputed ability to lighten and brighten the skin. This skin-brightening effect is attributed to glutathione's ability to inhibit the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin coloration.
Some people have reported achieving a more even skin tone and reduced hyperpigmentation with consistent use and consistent glutathione tablets benefits. It's important to note that individual results may vary, and the effectiveness of glutathione tablets benefits can depend on factors like dosage, duration of use, and skin type.
Conclusion on Glutathione Tablets Benefits:
Glutathione tablets benefits are wide-ranging, from antioxidant protection and immune support to detoxification, skin health, and even cognitive well-being. However, it's essential to approach glutathione tablets benefits with caution and consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new dietary supplement to your regimen.
Individual responses to glutathione supplements may vary, and the effectiveness of these tablets can depend on factors like dosage, quality of the product, and an individual's overall health. While glutathione tablets can be a valuable addition to a health-conscious lifestyle, they should complement a balanced diet, regular exercise, and other healthy habits to maximize their potential benefits and promote overall well-being.
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buzziebeezz · 1 year
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The Incredible Benefits of Antioxidants: Unleashing the Power of Nature
In today's fast-paced world, where stress and pollution are unavoidable, maintaining good health has become more important than ever. We are constantly bombarded with toxins that can harm our bodies and lead to various health issues.
Thankfully, nature has provided us with a powerful ally in the form of antioxidants. These remarkable compounds have gained significant attention due to their numerous health benefits, and we are here to shed light on their remarkable properties.
Understanding Antioxidants: Nature's Superheroes
Antioxidants are substances found in certain foods and beverages that help protect our cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause oxidative stress, leading to cellular damage and potentially contributing to chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and aging. Antioxidants work by neutralizing these harmful free radicals, reducing their negative impact on our bodies.
The Immense Health Benefits of Antioxidants
Some incredible health benefits of antioxidants are:
Promoting Heart Health: Antioxidants have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease by preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, often referred to as "bad" cholesterol. By inhibiting the oxidation process, antioxidants help maintain healthy blood vessels and lower the chances of plaque formation.
Boosting Immune System: Antioxidants play a crucial role in supporting our immune system. They help strengthen immune cells, allowing them to better defend our bodies against infections and diseases. Regular intake of antioxidants can enhance your body's natural defense mechanisms.
Fighting Inflammation: Chronic inflammation is associated with various health conditions, including arthritis, diabetes, and even certain types of cancer. Antioxidants possess powerful anti-inflammatory properties, reducing inflammation markers and potentially alleviating symptoms associated with these conditions.
Slowing Down Aging: As we age, our bodies naturally experience cellular damage and oxidative stress. Antioxidants can help counteract these effects by neutralizing free radicals and protecting our cells from premature aging. Regular consumption of antioxidant-rich foods may help maintain a youthful appearance and promote healthy aging.
Supporting Brain Health: The brain is highly susceptible to oxidative stress due to its high oxygen consumption. Antioxidants, such as vitamin E and flavonoids, have been shown to protect brain cells from oxidative damage and may help improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's disease.
Preventing Chronic Diseases: Antioxidants have been extensively studied for their potential in reducing the risk of chronic diseases, including certain types of cancer. Their ability to neutralize free radicals and prevent cellular damage makes them a valuable component of a healthy diet.
Incorporating Antioxidants into Your Diet
Now that we understand the incredible benefits of antioxidants, it's essential to know how to incorporate them into our daily diet. By focusing on whole, unprocessed foods, we can ensure a rich supply of antioxidants. Here are some antioxidant-rich foods to consider:
Colorful fruits and vegetables such as berries, oranges, spinach, and kale.
Nuts and seeds, including almonds, walnuts, and chia seeds.
Dark chocolate and cocoa.
Green tea and herbal teas.
Spices and herbs, such as turmeric, cinnamon, and oregano.
Conclusion: Harnessing the Power of Antioxidants for Optimal Health
In conclusion, antioxidants are nature's superheroes, protecting our bodies from the harmful effects of free radicals. Their ability to promote heart health, boost the immune system, fight inflammation, slow down aging, support brain health, and prevent chronic diseases cannot be overstated.
To reap the incredible benefits of antioxidants, make sure to incorporate a variety of antioxidant-rich foods into your diet. By embracing nature's bounty and nourishing your body with these powerful compounds, you can take proactive steps towards a healthier, more vibrant life.
Remember, your health is your greatest asset. Embrace the power of antioxidants and unlock the potential for a long, fulfilling, and disease-free life!
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Why Trans And Trans-Attracted People Are So Scary
It’s not about us. It’s about them.
The world is a scary place for most people. Even those who think they’re not scared, are. If they’re not scared of life, they’re scared of their own death. Which makes them afraid to take what they perceive are big risks. Like following their passions or living authentically.
This also explains why people express conservative views. There’s a fear underlying trying to keep things the way they are. Or keeping things the same or stable. Or the way things used to be. 
So when a transgender person or a trans-attracted person shows up, that person threatens stability conservative people create in order to feel safe. Furthermore even transgender people can express conservatism. Especially in relationships. Many are unwilling to expand their understanding of trans-attracted men beyond what they think they know about us.
A person who feels they’re progressive can also slip into conservative thinking if presented with something too progressive, for example. Especially if that thing presented has an impact on the person’s view of themselves. Especially if their self-view depends on how others view them. Particularly when “others” means one’s own peer group. This especially holds true for “oppressed” groups and their members.
Black power masking weakness
I once attended a Clubhouse conversation on racism, hosted by a prominent black activist. This prominent person enjoyed notoriety among black people. Especially so on this social platform. Not long into the conversation, another person of color spoke. He said he didn’t think racism was a real thing. He described how, instead, racist views represented a moral injury. “Racists” in his view were morally-injured people. Their injuries sustained from within their families of origin.
When I agreed aloud, the momentum was too much for the prominent activist. She signed off of the conversation. Before doing so she expressed discomfort over the conversation’s direction.
The activist went “conservative” on matters of race and blackness. For her, shibboleths had been violated. She couldn’t bear hearing our perspective. One held by people who looked like her.
Often power masks insecurity, weakness and intolerance. It doesn’t matter if that power is borne from experiencing oppression. It’s a shaky power that crumbles in the face of a divergent opinion. Especially if that power can’t welcome and embrace new ideas. Particularly ideas that may be disagreeable.
Nearly everyone is susceptible to expressing conservative thinking. Especially when it comes to their opinions about life. No one is immune. Not even transgender people. Or trans-attracted people.
We represent possibility
Meanwhile, transgender and trans-attracted people exemplify an expansion of human consciousness. That expansion sometimes even threatens transgender and trans-attracted people! Yes, the same people expressing the expansion!
That’s the divine paradox of human expansion. In all cases, those exemplifying the expansion do it, primarily, for themselves. Which explains why so many trans-attracted men AND TRANSGENDER WOMEN struggle accepting they are trans-attracted or transgender. The story is the same for both groups. Both are learning self-acceptance while offering the same lessons to those around them.
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^^The possibility of expansion is a gift we give ourselves…if we’re willing to accept it.
For non-binary people it’s the same. 
We all came to the world to choose freely. We came to create our world and the world around us in our image. Meaning, according to our unique perspective. We came to live our way. Not to regurgitate ways others already explored and express. We are All That Is seeing new and diverse freedoms that push outward our self-imposed boundaries.
And in doing that we help All That Is become more and human expression to evolve in line with that. 
Radical self-acceptance is divinity expressed
And in doing THAT we confront those who struggle with their own, personal expansionism. More so for those stuck in lack-of-self-acceptance. Or worse, those trying to create the past out of fear and insecurity of a future that threatens a rigid belief system.
The glorious thing about being WHO we are is the inherent glory of WHAT we are: expression of creativity, moving, living examples of what’s possible for ourselves and for others. It can be hard accepting that others resist what we are. It doesn’t have to be though.
That resistance can be scary for some. But it needn’t be scary either. The answer to the fear is not legislation, or coercing or forcing others to accept us. The answer lies in radical self-acceptance. Then one emanates then attracts acceptance from others. It doesn’t happen overnight. But it will happen, guaranteed.
Some in our community think the world around them objectively presents challenges separate from what’s happening within them. That’s never the case. The outside world is a reflection of one’s inner condition. Figure that out and the world becomes our oyster. Then, everything is possible.
Those who don’t understand this think I blame people for their experiences. Such an expression only shows how little such people understand how the world works and what and who they are.
The good news: Ignorance is always temporary. Choose illumination.
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nicklloydnow · 3 years
"From the start, this process has involved a certain impulse of the soul away from its first organic, local shelters and toward more abstract citadels of certitude. With this, inevitably, has come a certain estrangement from life. Hence this impulse has often expressed itself as the pursuit of a wisdom that transcends the world, a quest for release or moksha, a contemptus mundi that frequently becomes a neurotically fastidious fear of being touched. The impulse reaches an extreme expression in those virtuosos of despair whom the developed religions regard as holy or wise or uniquely illumined. These are souls for whom the absolute exaltation of a single incorruptible principle of spiritual “truth” is a call to unremitting remorse, a measureless psychic labor of repentance, a search for ultimate release only in a realm beyond the triviality of common humanity. The mystic in a state of fused contemplation has returned to something like that aboriginal, intra-uterine state of “floating”—but now in the “womb” of the One God, which is the most impregnable sphere of immunity imaginable.
The Christian story brings this history to one of its epochal watersheds. In the Gospel there is a radical assault upon all the mediating structures of patriarchal authority—all the religious and social institutions, all the established offices of pedigree and privilege, all the nested stations of kin, people, kingdom, empire, and priesthood—by the individual soul’s claim of an immediate filiation to the One God. For Sloterdijk, Christ is “God’s bastard,” the Father’s natural child, as it were, conceived and born outside all legitimate lines of inheritance and all licit structures of authority. And his anti-patriarchal revolt became in time a license granted to every soul: now each of us, in our individual humanity, liberated by this social and spiritual apostasy, can become God’s bastard too, someone in whom God directly dwells as Father. At the same time, and by the same logic, a new order of social and political desire was implanted in human nature: that of “infinite egalitarianism,” a passage from the psycho-politics of command and obedience to one of equal self-determination, the transformation of vertical into horizontal difference.
Here again Sloterdijk’s favored image is exorcism, which should be understood, he believes, as a kind of purification of a sacred space, a cleansing of the Temple. The soul was once conceived “neither as a theater nor as a factory, as is typical of the modern age, but rather as a sanctuary in which no image was allowed to be on display except that of the god-man—whose image, in turn, had to represent an indescribable God.” In driving out the more elemental spiritual forces that once reigned with such capriciousness in nature, society, and the soul, the One transcendent principle of the Axial Age also became the source of a sovereign selfhood. This is because the expulsion of evil spirits from the soul had to be completed by the subsequent “entrance of a bright principle, which, as warden of the purified soul, became its new monitor and source of inspiration.” The soul thus underwent a change of possession: now it was the Spirit of God himself that was at work within it.
This purification of the self’s inner precincts may have been a thoroughly religious experience, but it was also a crucial episode in the history of Enlightenment, and thus of secularization. For, when that most elevated of sheltering spheres finally shattered—as it had to do—the sovereign self became the sole remaining sanctuary of whatever mysteries might be left. All the other possibilities of shelter had been successively exhausted, and had then been assumed into that ultimate transcendence, and had finally disappeared with it.
In any case, the old pieties and enchantments are irretrievable. With no God to watch us, there really is no sin to be resolved before his gaze, and so no power that can reconcile us to, or rescue us from, indecipherable fate. The modern human being wants not to obey a higher power but to be that power. As soon as God and the soul had been liquidated, we were left with only the world as a brute event. In this “hyper-immanent” space, a purposeless energy idly unfolds around us, with no fingerposts to guide us across the featureless terrain. The world has truly become a monster to us, and we, far from finding shelter in any redoubtable spheres of co-immunity, discover only that the controlled exodus toward final freedom that was promised to us by the myth of Enlightenment has proved instead to be a precipitate slide toward social and ecological disintegration, psychic vagrancy, and what Sloterdijk calls an unsheltered “heteromobility.”
Sloterdijk identifies three kinds of immune system that he regards as necessary for human existence: the biological (naturally), the social (which consists of solidarity and shared support), and the symbolic or ritual (which grants human beings power from higher sources whenever they feel themselves to be powerless). The third of these has been weakened irreparably by secularization and individualism, while the second has been subjected to continuous dilutions and dissolutions. We still have not discovered any efficient system of co-immunity for the global society that is now emerging, or devised any new shelters against the monstrosity of a world of empty fate.
Rather than an attempted retreat into an irrecuperable past, what Sloterdijk believes we really require is a new sphere of solidarity that can encompass all life, a shelter strong enough to create a robust co-immunity for the defenseless whole: global society, animal and vegetal life, nature, the earth itself. Religion has been irretrievably lost as a binding system of values, so we need a new piety devoted to, and sustained by, the oneness of the earth that we inhabit, share, and depend on. As far as Sloterdijk is concerned, moreover, the history of revelation—if one may use that word—has continued to the present day, and there are many things we have learned on the way to modernity, such as the nobility of the individual soul’s “proud” search for a system of personal freedom. These are lessons we must not forsake or let ourselves forget if we are to create a habitable future. For him, they constitute a “Newer Testament.”
What might Christians make of any of this story? Why should they care? Well, to begin with, they should acknowledge that Sloterdijk, in confirming Nietzsche’s diagnosis of God’s death in the developed world, is doing nothing more than stating an evident fact of history. The disappearance of that transcendent horizon of meaning and hope within whose commodious embrace just about all persons and cultures once subsisted is simply a fait accompli. The frantic extremism of the fundamentalisms and religious nationalisms and crypto-fascist integralisms of our current moment poignantly attests to the inconceivability for late modern culture of a God who is anything other than the construct of either the will to power or a desperate emotional need. None of them is a true sign of a revival of faith; all of them are only the hideous contractions of a deepening rigor mortis. And inasmuch as the genuinely living Christianity of the past was the vital wellspring of “Enlightenment” in the Western world, the departure of that Christianity from Western culture has carried away all those earlier possibilities of “co-immunity” that it had summed up in itself.
Epochs of the spirit are not reversible, or even susceptible of recapitulation. This is an Hegelian insight that no one should doubt: great historical and cultural transitions are not merely ruptures, but also moments of critique. The rationality of history lies in the ceaseless triumph of experience over mere theory, and so in the impossibility of any simple return to pre-critical naïvetés. Sooner or later, just about every cultural economy is defeated by its own inner contradictions, barring interruption of this natural process by a sudden foreign conquest. And the new order that succeeds it is probably no freer from contradictions of its own, which will be exposed in their turn. More to the point, every cultural order’s collapse is also the exhaustion of the synthesis that that culture embodied. Innocence yields to disenchantment, and disenchantment cannot revert to innocence.
Certainly this has proved so in the case of Christendom and its sequel, secularization. The Christendom of the empire or the nation state, being an alloy of two ultimately irreconcilable principles, inevitably subverted itself. It persisted for as long as it did by virtue of a genuinely organic cultic devotion with a durable practical and theoretical infrastructure. But its inherent contradictions ultimately destroyed that basis. The language and principles of the Gospel frequently illuminated the society that cherished them; the offices and powers of the state consistently sheltered, preserved, and advanced the religion that legitimated them. But the alliance was a suicide pact. The most devastating solvent of Christendom, in the end, was the ineradicable presence of Christianity within it. The corrosive force most destructive of Christianity as a credible source of social order was in the end the crushing burden of Christendom upon it.
As for the liberal secular order that succeeded Christendom, its own inner stresses and volatilities are all too obvious. In the economic realm, it has created prodigies of material production and destruction, as well as forms of power and oppression on a scale formerly unimaginable. In the social realm, it has created ceaseless struggles among incompatible visions of the good while providing no clear transcendent index of values for adjudicating their conflicts. For better or worse, it has eliminated or marginalized almost all mediating or subsidiary forms of social agency and reduced meaningful social order to the interdependent but necessarily antagonistic claims of the state, capital, and the sovereign individual. And Sloterdijk is quite right: under such conditions, we have little defense against the ecological and social calamities that we have created for ourselves. So, again, given these realities, what ought Christians to do?
Certainly, what they should not do is indulge in sickly nostalgias and resentments, or soothe their distempers with infantile restorationist fantasies. History’s immanent critique has exposed too many of the old illusions for what they were, and there can be no innocent return to structures of power whose hypocrisies have been so clearly revealed. There are any number of reasons, for instance, for dismissing the current vogue of right-wing Catholic “integralism”: its imbecile flights of fancy regarding an imperial papacy; its essentially early-modern model of ecclesial absolutism; its devotion to a picture of Christian social and political order that could not be any less “integralist” or any more “extrinsicist” and authoritarian in its mechanisms; the disturbingly palpable element of sadomasochistic reverie in its endorsement of various extreme forms of coercion, subjugation, violence, and exclusion; the total absence of the actual ethos of Christ from its aims; its eerie similarity to a convention of Star Trek enthusiasts gravely discussing strategies for really establishing a United Federation of Planets. But the greatest reason for holding the whole movement in contempt is that it is nothing more than a resentful effort to reenact the very history of failure whose consequences it wants to correct. Secularity was not imposed upon the Christian world by some adventitious hostile force. It simply is the old Christendom in its terminal phase."
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Long post ahead, but I need to address this so I can move on.
Over ten years ago, I was really into atheism and debating theology on an atheist forum, and became popular as their first female member and eventually rose to moderator then administrator, setting up a lot of rules that they still have up posted in my username. I always find that funny.
I felt like I had met a great group of people with leftist politics and all that. I felt special because I was basically their token female until the forum gained more popularity. And then the owner added a kudos system to rate someone’s popularity and I was given many kudos for being able to argue against religion, mostly Christianity, so well and I even met up with the owner at Dragon*con one year.
Then a thread got into the topic of sexual objectification and this spiraled into an unpleasant discussion about rape culture. The same men I thought who appreciated what I had to say just didn’t listen anymore and I was viewed as being ridiculous. One was so offended he started putting typical MRA jokes in his signature. Also the guy I met decided he was now libertarian and whole heartedly believed regulation caused the 08’ crash. :/ I remember another guy on Facebook from my local atheist group agreeing with those men when I brought it up; and then said “oh come on, I’m an atheist, you know I’m not sexist!”
I was now facing the fact that this group of people I had enjoyed spending my time with online for about two years might praise me now, but when I would tread into territory that could make men face how they treat women, I was shut down and told a woman in a mini skirt is Just like a rich man with a visible wad of $100s in his back pocket. I was quickly understanding for the first time why there aren’t more women and POC in these “new atheist” groups. They thought their lack of religion immunized them because they blamed religion for racism and sexism. Conveniently ignoring they also believe religion was created by men and thus promoting their already established views of women and other races. Funny that.
At the same time (we had a few women on board but they were avoiding that conversation) a woman joined and spoke up. They ripped into her. I had the comfy cushion of my status, she had none. She was given all the negative kudos and when I talked to her privately I found out she was also a survivor.
I was facing so many arguments I knew were wrong but couldn’t fully articulate. That’s when I discovered what rape culture, as well as the Just world theory. That’s when I changed from becoming a feminist in label to a feminist in deeds and thoughts. I learned the responses to their arguments and then I learned I also don’t want to waste another minute on these men. I posted my goodbye explaining their responses have caused a lack of trust I can never get past because they refuse to even see how their so-called reason left the room when they started dealing with sexism.
The only man who defended me was the lone Christian who for some reason liked hanging out there. There was also a trans women there, she was very happy to agree with the men’s victim blaming and I never understood that. But it also taught me you can’t expect to know someone’s full politics just because you happen to agree or disagree on the issue of god, or really on anything.
I learned that belonging to a group of people on the surface doesn’t mean we’re all lock-step in ageeememt over every issue. I learned I can’t trust anyone who treats relationships and sex as something they deserve and not something you enter with mutual respect for boundaries. I’m not denying it hurts to be rejected and people can be rejected on prejudicial biases, but it’s still a situation that requires mutual consent and you can’t force that on people by calling them bigots. Shaming a woman into having sex with you because otherwise you’ll call her out, is essentially forced consent which is rape. I can’t say it plainer than that.
My consistent insistence that a woman’s boundaries are to be respected, that our sex lives are not political statements to be commented on, and that lesbians owe no one anything has ruffled a lot of feathers.’A lot of people don’t like that. I have seen this from MRA’s to variois online factions of bisexual and trans people (And to be very clear, not all, I don’t like painting a group with one brush) acting like lesbians not sleeping with them is an act of cruelty, a prejudice that must be corrected. In other words, “how dare you not let me get off this is a violation of my civil rights! Lesbians must be so privileged for dating other lesbians!” It’s really fucked up and everywhere on this site. And no, trying to dress it up in woke language like “you should really examine why you don’t like penises” isn’t better. Rather it betrays an obsession with getting penises into lesbians. Not all trans women have one, but that’s too pesky a detail when you’re obsessed with getting dick into a lesbian. And trust me as a lesbian, this is an obsession many people have.
I am seeing the same things that played out before playing out time and again in online spaces, where there’s little cost to being an asshole. People decided an issue is pivotal to their identity or whatever, and do everything they can to “other” people who don’t agree. They use their online social capital to try to shame people. They knowingly post call outs to attack decent people they just don’t agree with. If they can’t chase someone off the platform they’ll make it hell for that person if as much as they can. And they will resort to nasty sexist slurs because to these people nothing is worse than woman with a mind of her own. I’m no longer 25, I don’t seek the approval I used to, I can deal with online anxieties by not engaging. I know to block people and turn off anon. It hurts to be targeted for sure, but ten years later people trying to slander me online is more like water to a duck. But I’m not everyone and ten years ago this kind of online drama could be a suicide inducing event. But they don’t care.
I’m gonna let you in on a secret, the majority of political disagreements are not worth burning down the house and destroying every relationship over. Not only will you have no true friends, you will never challenge your beliefs, your beliefs will stagnate and you will never grow, never learn.
People might read this and assume that because I don’t think sex with a lesbian is a civil right that I must hate trans women. I don’t, that’s not who I am. I know what it’s like to question my gender, I suffer from mild disphoria. I can’t imagine what severe dysphoria is like and I don’t presume to assume what is right for everyone suffering from this. It is terrible, and no one deserves to be treated like shit for it. But that also doesn’t give some people (I emphasize, this is not every trans person’s doing) the right to attack women for talking about sexism, their vagina, pregnancy, or being a lesbian. I couldn’t give a rats ass if a lesbian and trans women get together, I have no right to judge or police that, but it’s okay to police lesbians? That’s fucked up, and let’s not pretend the same standard is applied to gay men, because it 100% is not.
Everyone, no matter the gender, is susceptible to sexism. Calling that out is not me saying I hate trans women, or I want to fight against trans advocacy or anything like that. I just want to talk about sexism and how it affects me as a female lesbian woman. No matter how hard you try, you can’t ID your way out of sexism, just like I, as a white person, cannot ID myself out of the racial bias I was taught from birth. These things are no different to me and has no bearing on me respecting pronouns and promoting issues of trans disability on this blog.
This one issue has painted me as a TERF, when my radical feminism (which I’ve never 100% agree with, one example is bathrooms, just let people pee! When people start monitoring bathrooms I get questioned because I’m GNC) has never been about misgendering and denying the painful realities of dysphoria. I believe and trust we can better understand transmisogyny when we better understand traditional misogyny. If one gender wasn’t so overwhelmingly oppressed I can’t imagine people would have such a knee jerk hateful reaction to trans people. I might think male socialization is a thing, but unlike other people, I don’t attack trans women for our disagreement on this one point. I’ll never make a call out post because I couldn’t make a trans women say what I wanted. I will never ever call anyone a slur either, while I’ve been called a bitch and cunt.
This blog is about disability. All I care about is promoting disability justice, information, and social support. I will always be open to discussing disability as it effects any minority group: POC, female, poor, trans, gay, etc... I’m more than happy to reblog posts regarding trans disability especially with regards to HRT or surgery can effect that. This blog will never be about attacking people and trying to tear them down. I might disagree with people but I won’t try smear someone’s reputation because of it. In recent years I have striven to disagree with people without resorting to insults and assumptions. I’m not perfect but I try.
I have talked before how there are zealous aspects to all groups. You won’t have me denying that radfems can be just as nasty. I condemn any radfem who has treated anyone the way I’m being treated right now. I personally don’t believe that because one trans women did something wrong that it’s okay to misgender all trans women. I am not like that. I’m not so bitter and hateful that I can’t separate one group of assholes from a minority group.
I’ve always been about being the better person, not for the people you hate but for yourself. Holding on to all this hate and negativity, attacking women for daring to state their mind, encouraging people to attack that person, that must be aweful. I can’t, and I won’t be like that. My own mental health couldn’t take it when I did participate in some of these behaviors on my early tumblr experience. Then I realized it was tearing me apart, and that the person on the other end is a human too. I don’t have to like them, but I can respect they have feelings and a world view that wasn’t built just to attack me.
Whether or not you agree with me on a lesbian’s right to bodily autonomy, does that really warrant a response meant to tear a disabled woman down? Are the only people entitled to their own opinions the ones that agree with you?
This matter truly is about sexism whether you believe it or not. I do not actively discuss trans issues on any of my blog. I was targeted for guilt by association (because I can’t follow people I don’t 100% agree with I guess) on main and when asked I said I got nothing against trans women I do have problems with rhetoric that treats sex with a lesbian as a civil right. I was then called out. That is exactly what happened and why I had to shut down questioning and take a break.
This post is to let you all know, I’m back, I’m okay, and this blog will continue with its mission to support disabled people. If you think a disabled women like me who only ever wants to help others, deserves this, then please unfollow. I don’t care how many people follow, I care that the people who do, want to follow me. If you’re a trans woman uncertain if you can bring an issue to me, of course you can. I’m not here to judge anyone, I’m here to give whatever disability advice and support that I can.
So yeah if you can’t understand that disagreements don’t warrant tearing down a person, especially someone who is disabled and has mentioned suicide attempts, then I can’t help you and the unfollow button is right there. If you do or don’t agree with me but think it was fucked up to get called out for, welcome. This blog will return to disability issues and this is the last I’ll be addressing this issue. I’m just going to delete and block people who think calling a disabled woman a cunt is top notch activism. You will not ruin what I’ve built here. You will not cower me. This bitch has been through too much to let anonymous trolls take me down.
Much love to all those who have supported me, it has meant a lot. 💕
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keytooptimalhealth · 4 years
Key to Optimal Health
Optimal health means more than the absence of pain, sickness and disease. As important as it is to be physical healthy it is equally important to be mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy as well. Optimal health, therefore, in context of what is being written here, is a balance of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health. Let us take a look at each of these aspects, beginning with physical health.
Physical Health
So much has been written about the subject of physical health in the categories of health and wellness, diet and weight loss, fitness and bodybuilding etc. In this article I will primarily deal with physical health in its internal aspect which includes building a healthy immune system, detoxifying the body, healthy and quick elimination, and nourishing the cells with proper nutrition. Aging itself can be slowed down by keeping the internal aspect of our physical health up to par. Wouldn't you love to have a healthy, youthful, energetic, strong, lean body which is free of disease, sickness and pain well into adulthood beyond the age of 40? It all narrows down to what type of food we put into our bodies - either food filled with toxins and poisons, or healthy, living, vital food.
Mark and Patti Virkler, in their inspiring book "Eden's Health Plan - Go Natural" write:
"Food is intended to furnish the body with all the live elements needed for the regeneration of its cells and tissues. If the body fails to be healthy, the lack or deficiency of regenerative elements in the food is the cause of, and the responsibility for, whatever ailment, sickness or disease overtakes it. Our bodies seek homeostasis, equilibrium, balance. This equals health. When given the right building blocks to work with, the body maintains itself in health."
These building blocks can be found in whole, unbleached, organic grains, rice (wild rice, brown rice etc.), beans, fruits, vegetables, nuts, various seeds and herbs etc. Large portions of these building blocks can be found in the "super-food" family in such foods as Spirulina and Barley Grass. (A super-food is extremely rich in a large variety of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and amino acids, and can be assimilated by our bodies very easily. Spirulina is a complete protein and is known to be very healthy.) Look in your local health food store for super green foods in powdered form. I personally sometimes use Garden of Life Perfect Food Super Green Formula.
Super-foods are known to:
Deter Aging
Massively Boost Your Immune System
Aid Weight Loss
Lower Your Cholesterol
Radically Improve Your Energy
Enhance Your Mental & Emotional Well-being
Boost Your Libido
Alkalize Your System
Protect against Toxins and Pollutants
Beautify Your Skin
Cleanse and Fortify Your Blood
Nourish and Revitalize your Systems
Fight and Protect against numerous diseases including Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Stroke, Cancer, Arthritis, Cataracts, Osteoporosis, Acne, Obesity, High cholesterol, Age-Related Blindness...And Much More!
Again I quote Mark and Patti Virkler:
"By taking just a bit of a super-food (in capsule or powered drink form) as a supplement to your diet, you will find many wonderful things happen to your body. Essentially, the nourishment will give your body the needed resources to rebuild any broken or damaged parts and improve your body's chances of returning to homeostasis. Testimonies of its power range from improved eyesight, to relief from back pain, to better scores in sports by world champion competitive athletes. Generally, one will experience feelings of increased energy and vitality; reduction and alleviation of stress, anxiety and depression; relief from the discomforting symptoms of fatigue, hypoglycemia, some allergies, poor digestion and sluggishness; and improved memory and mental clarity. People also experience elimination of mood swings, toxin elimination, better sleep, reduced cravings for food and sweets, lower blood pressure and many other health benefits. Then there are many specialized health problems which have disappeared as people's bodies receive adequate nutrition through super-foods. Prostate problems have been normalized, as well as triglycerides, arthritis and diabetes, and many other severe and degenerative diseases. Basically, any and every disease will be fought off by your body, if it has the right tools to fight with. Super-foods give it the right tools. You just need to try it for thirty days and see what it may do for you. I recommend taking a product that includes several kinds of super foods, as they work together in a synergy that can have a profound effect on your health and vitality. If your body needs detoxifying first, you may experience a bit of a "tissue cleansing" during the first few days or weeks of taking the super-food as your body cleanses itself."
Basically if we put the wrong food (and drink) into our body it weakens the immune system and opens the door for us to be susceptible to health problems of whatever sort (whether it be frequents colds and sicknesses, flues, aches and pains, sores and ulcers, weakness, sluggishness, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, heart problems, diabetes, cancer or psychological disorders such as malaise, apathy or memory problems etc., etc., etc.) Looking on the bright side a healthy immune system that is not swamped with toxins can fight off diseases successfully!
It is preferable to never be unhealthy to begin with and to eat nothing but healthy food from day one. Unfortunately it is not this way. Many have been conditioned to eat unhealthy, fattening, artery clogging foods from childhood to the grave. Many of us think it is a normal part of the aging process to start getting weaker, fatter, having more pain etc. after age 30 and onward. In many cases (definitely not all) premature aging and bodily weakening is the result of years of poor eating habits from childhood to adulthood. Due to many years of wrong eating habits it may be best to detoxify.
In the process of nourishing our cells with foods high in fiber such as vegetables, fruits, super-foods, and whole grains our body naturally detoxifies itself in the process, which in turn strengthens our immune system and slows, or in some cases, reverses the aging process. The key to optimal health as far as the physical aspect of our health goes, is to:
Eat plenty of Grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, super-foods, herbs, being sure to get plenty of exercise, pure water and clean air, excreting waste from the intestines quickly (which is a byproduct of eating plenty of fruits, fiber and vegetables). There are also natural supplements you can take such as Vitamin C, vitamins and minerals, and various antioxidants unless you are getting plenty of these from your regular diet.
I left out other important factors which contribute to overall optimal health. They included, but are not limited to, being healed of emotional traumas, maintaining a calm mental attitude, living in a spirit of prayer, faith, hope and love towards others in general, and towards God, Spirit, Higher Power in particular.
Next, I hope to share a little about the three remaining categories of health - mental, emotional and spiritual.
Mental and Emotional Health
Mental and emotional health are so closely related it is hard to separate the two. Having a healthy mind is not limited to having a keen intellect and an excellent memory. Someone can excel at this level of mental health but still be an emotional wreck, not to mention being spiritually ignorant at the same time.
Negative mental attitudes or emotions can have a direct effect on our physical health even if we are eating healthy food. Emotional traumas, anger, rage, hate, stress etc., when persisted in day in and day out, weaken the immune system and manifest in ill physical health. A negative mind, over time, often erases all the good that healthy food does for us.
Some forms of sickness, disease, and illness, as well as bad habits like smoking, drinking, drugs etc., are often external symptoms of something deeper. They are effects of a deeper cause. And until that cause is addressed and healed the symptoms will keep coming back like fruit on a tree whether in the form of ill health, disease, anxiety, bad habits of one sort or another, or in the worse case scenario cancer. Luckily there are warning signs when all is not well within.
The subconscious part of our mind is the storehouse of our emotions and memories and it is here where we need healing as far as our mental and emotional life are concerned. Sometimes negative or uneasy dreams (some of which originate from the sub conscious) are manifestations of our own fears and internal wounds. Some dreams are also messages, clothed with images we can comprehend, from our highest level of mind - the super conscious level - warning us when we are making wrong decisions, or heading in a wrong direction. In those rare cases where we are susceptible to the healing energies of the super conscious level of mind we can experience internal healing quicker than we ever imagined. More about this in a minute when I get to the spiritual aspect of health.
Along with a healthy diet it is important to think positive thoughts and maintain a positive attitude, avoiding anger and bitterness towards others. But, thinking positive thoughts and making an effort to be happy, loving, and optimistic, are only part of what is involved when it comes to the healing of our emotional life. We can only go so far by exercising will power alone, as important as it is to use our own efforts when attempting to make a change in our emotional life for the better. All our ethical standards, our rules and regulations for leading an acceptable moral life, all our positive thinking formula are a means to an end, the end being the opening and revelation of the spiritual aspect or our mind - the super conscious level of mind. This brings me to the last category of health, the spiritual category.
Spiritual Health
I have written about this subject elsewhere and will be repeating some of the information here. Keep in mind when reading this that being spiritual is not to be confused with being religious. Someone who is religious can be operating from a physical, emotional, and mental level only, but be void as far as being spiritual goes. A pseudo religious life (not to be confused with a genuine religious life) that is lived in pride, elitism, self righteousness and egoism is completely opposite of spiritual life. In context of this article being spiritual means living your life from the level of your super conscious mind, and living a harmonious life naturally from that level. This is easier said than done because our pride and ego often get in the way and cause us untold pain and suffering. But by living in harmony with the super-conscious level of our mind, and accessing the spiritual grace and energy which flow through (from God and Spirit) that same level of mind, our mental and emotional health, as well as our physical health, all fall into place and are balanced.
All our moral, ethical, religious or merely human efforts at trying to be a more loving, positive, optimistic person are a feeble way of (often unconsciously) aligning, or attempting to align, ourselves with that ever present flow of energy, light, grace, and Spirit permeating throughout all creation.
This ever present, but often unperceived and untapped, spiritual energy upholding all creation is the source of a truly happy life even when we find ourselves in the midst of negative external circumstances. It is the ultimate key to optimal health. Some call this ever present energy cosmic consciousness, super-consciousness, Christ consciousness, God, Spirit, a Higher Power etc. Some people personalize it and clothe it with a human form and then worship the person it manifests through. Ancient writings say the heavens and earth were made by the word of God and by the breath of his mouth. This is a human way of trying to accommodate a spiritual truth to the limited understanding of the human brain, using analogies, parables, particular genders, and concepts that can be understood by the rational brain. This often results in misunderstandings and even war and bloodshed in the name of religion.
The naked truth is intuitively perceived by the higher aspect of human consciousness called super consciousness. And it is this level of consciousness (Christ consciousness) that wells up from within to "save," change, deliver, and heal us when the thick layer of ego, all the emotional blockages, wounded memories, and wrong thinking, are thinned out enough by our own efforts at self improvement. This is the truth of the "Messiah" or Savior figure often mentioned in ancient writings. Eventually we have to let go of our own strivings and let God take over.
Or, we can continue to resist the inner pull and instead live an unnatural life with the end result of disharmony on all levels physical, mental and emotional. (This is the truth about the so called wrath of God. It has nothing to do God or Spirit being angry at us. But it has everything to do with us bringing suffering upon ourselves by choosing to go our own way, not heeding the whispers and impressions of the super conscious mind either within ourselves, or speaking through dreams, visions, other people, or even through writing, art, and so on.)
Once we tap into the spiritual flow of grace then a truly changed person is the result, from the inside out. Children are closer to this level of being than adults who have been conditioned and brainwashed throughout life via peer pressure, upbringing, culture and so on. Humility is key, not pride and ego. Attaining to the spiritual level of healing consciousness is the end of all religions.
When we are physically, emotionally and mentally healthy in the true sense of the word we are spiritually in tune with the highest level of our consciousness - the super consciousness - so that there is a steady flow of life and energy from that level of consciousness flowing into us as we allow it to flow through us cleansing and vivifying us. This even reaches to ones decisions on what to eat, motivating one to exercise and to joyfully do what is best for the body, to forgive others. By choice we finally willfully chose to move in a joyous harmony with the impressions, counsel, advice and wisdom forever emanating from the inherent harmony within the spiritual energy upholding all creation. The ego fears this and sees it as death to its pride and rebellion. This is the truth behind the often repeated idea of dying on the cross, worshipping God, obeying God etc. There is no true God who has an ego so inflated that he demands worship on pain of sickness and death if he is not worshipped. Instead, for our own sakes, the ever present holy Spirit encourages us (without interfering with our freedom of choice) to choose to move in the flow and harmony of the ever present spiritual energy upholding all creation so we can experience the true key to optimal health, and lasting harmony even after our brief stay in this world is over, and our temporal physical shell is dissolved into nothingness. The end result is a truly healthy and whole person.
The Buddha tapped into this source. Lao Tsu, in words and language accommodated to the understanding of people in his day and age, wrote about this in the Tao Te Ching. In the Christian religion Jesus was the personification of this spiritual grace, energy, Spirit, the eternal Tao, which many call God, or the Power and Word of God. The esoteric or mystical side of all religions emphasize this same point in so many different words. Some have experienced glimpses of this level of consciousness and try to share what they perceive through writing, some paint, some sing, and some dance etc. Everyone has their own unique way to bring that light and love to the world which they sense in the silence and stillness when the emotions, reasoning and physical body are calm and collected. Yoga and meditation in particular teach someone how to get in touch with the highest aspect of their being.
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123lineengineers · 9 months
Discover Delicious Healthy Pine Tea Recipes For Wellness
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Are you on the lookout for a tasty and nutritious addition to your daily routine? Look no further than healthy pine tea recipes. Pine tea has been enjoyed for centuries due to its numerous benefits, from boosting the immune system to promoting digestion and aiding in weight loss. By incorporating homemade pine tea into your wellness journey, you can experience the natural goodness of this simple yet potent ingredient. Whether you're a tea lover or simply seeking a new way to support your well-being, these pine tea recipes are sure to satisfy. So why not explore the many pine tea benefits and try your hand at crafting your own homemade pine tea? It's easier than you might think, and the rewards are endless.
Brew Your Way to Wellness with Pine Tea
If you’re looking for a way to boost your immune system, aid in detoxification, aid digestion, or even support weight loss, then pine tea may be the perfect solution for you. This delicious beverage is packed with health benefits that can not only help you feel great but also taste great. It’s no secret that pine tea has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. With its high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, this tea can help to strengthen your body's immune system, making it less susceptible to illnesses and diseases. But that’s not all. Pine tea is also a great detoxifier, helping to flush out harmful toxins from your body. It can also aid in digestion, soothing an upset stomach and promoting regularity. What’s more, pine tea can even assist in weight loss efforts. This is due in part to the tea’s ability to help regulate blood sugar levels and increase metabolism, making it a great addition to any healthy weight loss routine. Brew Your Way to Wellness with Pine Tea "Pine tea can help to strengthen your body's immune system, making it less susceptible to illnesses and diseases." There are many delicious and easy-to-make pine tea recipes that you can incorporate into your daily routine. Whether you prefer a warm cup of tea in the morning or a refreshing iced drink on a hot day, there's a recipe out there that's perfect for you. So why not give pine tea a try and see for yourself how it can benefit your overall health and well-being?
Organic Pine Tea: The Key Ingredient for Health
When it comes to finding the perfect ingredients for healthy living, organic pine tea is a powerful choice. Unlike regular pine tea, which may contain harmful additives, organic pine tea is made from pure, natural ingredients that offer a wide range of benefits. One of the most significant advantages of organic pine tea is that it contains high levels of antioxidants. These powerful compounds help to protect the body against damaging free radicals and can even reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Another benefit of organic pine tea is that it can help to boost the immune system. This is especially important in today's world, where maintaining good health is more critical than ever before. Drinking organic pine tea regularly can help to strengthen the body's defenses and reduce the risk of infection and illness. At organicpinetea.com, you can find a wide range of high-quality organic pine tea products. From loose leaf tea to tea bags, our products are carefully crafted to provide the ultimate tea experience. We believe that organic pine tea is the key ingredient for optimal health, and we are dedicated to offering our customers the best products available. "Choosing organic pine tea is an excellent way to support your overall well-being. With its natural goodness and numerous benefits, it's the perfect addition to any healthy lifestyle." Why Choose Organic Pine Tea? There are many reasons to choose organic pine tea over conventional options. First and foremost, organic pine tea is made from pure, natural ingredients that are free from harmful pesticides and chemicals. This means that you can enjoy all of the health benefits of pine tea without exposing yourself to potentially dangerous toxins. Additionally, organic pine tea is often more potent and flavorful than conventional pine tea. This is because it is carefully grown and harvested under strict organic standards, ensuring that it retains all of its natural goodness and unique taste. Overall, choosing organic pine tea is an excellent way to support your overall well-being. With its natural goodness and numerous benefits, it's the perfect addition to any healthy lifestyle.
Pine Tea Recipes for a Refreshing Start to the Day
Start your day with a burst of flavor and nutrition by trying out these invigorating pine tea recipes. They're easy to make and will energize you for the day ahead, while also providing you with a host of health benefits. "Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves - slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future." - Thich Nhat Hanh The following recipes are perfect for those who want to incorporate healthy pine tea into their diet in a delicious and enjoyable way. Pine and Apple Cider Vinegar Tea This recipe combines the tartness of apple cider vinegar with the healing powers of pine tea. It's perfect for a morning detox, aiding digestion and supporting the immune system. - 1 cup of boiling water - 1 teaspoon of pine tea - 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar - 1 teaspoon of honey (optional) Steep the pine tea in boiling water for 5-7 minutes, then add the apple cider vinegar and honey (optional) to taste. Stir well and enjoy while hot. Pine and Ginger Tea This recipe adds a spicy kick to your morning routine. Ginger's anti-inflammatory properties work perfectly with pine tea's antioxidants to provide a powerful boost to your immune system. - 1 cup of boiling water - 1 teaspoon of pine tea - 1 teaspoon of grated ginger - 1 teaspoon of honey (optional) Steep the pine tea and ginger in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Add honey to taste and enjoy while hot. Pine and Lemon Tea This refreshing recipe is perfect for those who love the taste of citrus. It's loaded with vitamin C, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help protect the body against illness and inflammation. - 1 cup of boiling water - 1 teaspoon of pine tea - 1 lemon wedge - 1 teaspoon of honey (optional) Steep the pine tea in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Add the lemon wedge and honey (optional) to taste. Stir well and enjoy while hot. Start your day off right with these delicious and healthy pine tea recipes. Experiment with different flavors and ingredients to find your perfect blend and give yourself the nourishment you need to take on the day ahead.
Pine Tea Recipes for a Refreshing Start to the Day
Starting your day off with a refreshing and nourishing drink is key to promoting overall well-being. Pine tea offers a delicious and healthy alternative to traditional morning beverages. Here are some invigorating pine tea recipes to try: Pineapple Pine Tea 1 cup of water 1 tablespoon of dried pine needles 1 cup of fresh pineapple chunks 1 teaspoon of honey Boil the water and add the pine needles. Steep for 5 minutes, strain the needles, and pour over the fresh pineapple chunks. Add honey to taste. Minty Pine Tea 1 cup of water 1 tablespoon of dried pine needles 1 sprig of fresh mint 1 teaspoon of agave syrup Boil the water and add the pine needles. Steep for 5 minutes, strain the needles, and pour over the fresh mint sprig. Add agave syrup to taste, and enjoy. These recipes are just a starting point for your pine tea exploration. Get creative and experiment with different ingredients to find your perfect morning brew. Pine Needle Tea Recipe For those looking for a simple and easy-to-follow recipe, here is a basic pine needle tea recipe: Pine Needle Tea Fresh pine needles Water Rinse the pine needles and cut them into small pieces. Boil water and add the pine needles. Steep the pine needles for 5-10 minutes. Strain and serve hot. Add honey or lemon for added flavor. Homemade pine tea allows for a personalized touch and the ability to fully embrace your creativity in the kitchen. Start your day off right and enjoy the natural benefits of pine tea with these delicious and healthy recipes.
The Natural Goodness of Pine Tea
Natural pine tea is a wonder for the body and mind. Packed with natural ingredients, it offers a range of benefits for those seeking a healthier lifestyle. Pine tea is especially helpful for those who are looking to detoxify, support their immune system, aid in digestion, and manage their weight. Pine tea is a rich source of antioxidants, which helps to reduce inflammation, improve cardiovascular health, and protect against cellular damage. Additionally, pine tea contains several vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and magnesium. These nutrients work together to support the body's overall function and well-being. The benefits of pine tea are not just limited to the body; pine tea has also been shown to have a positive effect on mental health. It's known for its calming and soothing properties, making it a great choice for those who struggle with anxiety or stress. "Pine tea helps to keep the body healthy and promotes a sense of calmness and relaxation. It's a natural way to support overall well-being." Incorporating pine tea into your daily routine is easy and convenient. Whether you prefer a hot cup of tea in the morning or a refreshing iced tea in the afternoon, pine tea can provide a flavorful and healthy option. When it comes to choosing pine tea, it's important to select natural pine tea that is free from additives and chemicals. Organic pine tea, like the variety available at organicpinetea.com, is especially beneficial as it is grown without synthetic pesticides or herbicides. The natural goodness of pine tea is undeniable. From its numerous health benefits to its calming properties, pine tea provides a natural and effective way to support overall well-being. Key takeaway: Pine tea is a natural source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can support overall health and well-being. Its calming properties make it a great choice for those looking to manage stress and anxiety. Choose natural pine tea varieties and explore the benefits of organic pine tea for a truly nourishing experience.
Pine Tea Recipes for Immune Support
With the world experiencing a significant health crisis, it's more important than ever to maintain a strong immune system. Pine tea is a natural and delicious way to give your body the support it needs. In this section, we present healthy pine tea recipes that can help boost your immune system and keep you feeling your best. "There are many herbs and plants that have been used traditionally to support the immune system, and pine tea is definitely one of them. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in pine tea can help protect your body from free radical damage and reduce inflammation, both of which can weaken the immune system." Pine Tea and Lemon: This simple recipe combines the goodness of pine tea with the vitamin C and antioxidants of lemon. Brew a cup of pine tea and add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Sweeten with honey if desired. Pine and Ginger Tea: Ginger is known for its immune-boosting properties, making it a perfect addition to pine tea. Brew a cup of pine tea and grate a small piece of fresh ginger into the tea. Add honey to taste. Immunity Blend: This recipe combines the goodness of several immune-supporting ingredients: - 1 teaspoon of pine tea - 1 teaspoon of dried elderberries - 1 cinnamon stick - 1 clove - 1 slice of fresh ginger Boil 2 cups of water and add all the ingredients. Let the mixture simmer for 10-15 minutes. Strain and enjoy hot or cold. These healthy pine tea recipes are a natural and tasty way to support your immune system. Incorporate them into your daily routine for a boost of wellness.
Pine Tea for Detoxification: Purify Your Body
Detoxification is essential to maintain a healthy body and mind. Incorporating pine tea into your daily routine can aid in detoxification, cleansing your system and promoting overall well-being. Explore the power of pine tea for a refreshed and rejuvenated body. Pine tea is a natural diuretic, helping to flush out toxins and cleanse the body. Here are some delicious and healthy pine tea recipes for detoxification: Pineapple Pine Tea Detox Drink Ingredients: - 1 cup of chopped pineapple - 1 tablespoon of honey - 1 teaspoon of cinnamon - 2 cups of brewed pine tea Directions: 1. Blend the pineapple, honey, and cinnamon in a blender. 2. Pour the mixture into a glass and add 2 cups of brewed pine tea. 3. Stir well and enjoy! Mint and Lemon Pine Tea Detox Drink Ingredients: - 1 sliced lemon - Handful of fresh mint leaves - 2 cups of brewed pine tea Directions: 1. Add the sliced lemon and fresh mint leaves into a jar. 2. Pour 2 cups of brewed pine tea over the lemon and mint. 3. Stir well and refrigerate for at least an hour. 4. Serve over ice and enjoy! These recipes are not only delicious but are also effective in supporting the body's natural detoxification process. Incorporate them into your daily routine to experience the purifying benefits of pine tea.
Pine Tea for Digestive Wellness
Pine tea is known for its digestive benefits and can alleviate digestive discomfort. Incorporating pine tea into your daily routine can promote a healthy gut and overall digestive wellness. "Pine tea has a long history of being used for digestive ailments and is particularly effective at reducing inflammation in the gut, promoting healthy digestion, and preventing acid reflux." Try these healthy pine tea recipes to soothe your digestive system and maintain optimal gut health: 1. Pineapple Ginger Pine Tea This refreshing blend of pineapple and ginger is perfect for those experiencing digestive discomfort. Pineapple contains bromelain which aids in digestion, while ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation in the gut. Ingredients: - 2 cups water - 1 cup fresh pineapple chunks - 1-inch piece of ginger, peeled and sliced - 1 tablespoon honey (optional) - 1 tablespoon fresh pine needles Method: - In a saucepan, bring the water to a boil. - Add the pineapple and ginger and simmer for 10 minutes. - Remove from heat and add the honey and fresh pine needles. - Let steep for 5 minutes before straining the tea. 2. Chamomile Pine Tea Chamomile is a natural relaxant and can soothe an upset stomach. This recipe combines the calming benefits of chamomile with the digestive properties of pine. Ingredients: - 2 cups water - 1 tablespoon dried chamomile flowers - 1 tablespoon fresh pine needles - 1 teaspoon honey (optional) Method: - In a saucepan, bring the water to a boil. - Add the chamomile and fresh pine needles and simmer for 10 minutes. - Remove from heat and let steep for 5 minutes. - Strain the tea and add honey if desired. Explore the power of pine tea and its beneficial effects on digestive wellness with these easy-to-make recipes.
Pine Tea for Weight Loss: A Natural Aid
Pine tea is a delicious and healthy addition to any weight loss routine. Not only does it provide a flavor-packed alternative to sugary drinks, but it also offers a range of natural weight loss benefits. With its metabolism-boosting properties and ability to suppress appetite, pine tea can help you reach your weight loss goals in a natural and sustainable way. Here are a few healthy pine tea recipes to help jumpstart your weight loss journey: Pine and Ginger Tea Ingredients: - 2 cups water - 2 teaspoons pine needles - 1 teaspoon grated ginger - Honey to taste Instructions: - Bring water to a boil in a pot. - Add pine needles and grated ginger. - Reduce the heat and let simmer for 10 minutes. - Strain mixture into a cup and add honey to taste. Sip and enjoy! Pineapple and Pine Tea Ingredients: - 2 cups water - 2 teaspoons pine needles - 1/2 cup pineapple chunks - Honey to taste Instructions: - Bring water to a boil in a pot. - Add pine needles and pineapple chunks. - Reduce the heat and let simmer for 5-7 minutes. - Strain mixture into a cup and add honey to taste. Enjoy your tropical-inspired weight loss boost! These healthy pine tea recipes are just the beginning - let your creativity run wild and experiment with different ingredients to find the perfect combination for your taste buds. Incorporating pine tea into your weight loss routine is a natural and delicious way to support your goals and boost your overall wellness.
Enjoy the Flavors and Benefits of Moroccan Organic Pine Tea
For tea lovers seeking a unique and delicious blend, Moroccan Organic Pine Tea is a must-try. This premium tea is available at organicpinetea.com, featuring high-quality, organic ingredients that deliver exceptional taste and wellness benefits. Moroccan Organic Pine Tea is crafted with the finest pine needles, handpicked from the Atlas Mountains of Morocco. The pine needles are then dried and blended with natural Moroccan herbs and spices, creating a flavourful tea that is both refreshing and invigorating. This tea boasts a range of wellness benefits, including antioxidant properties and immune system support. It is also a natural aid in detoxifying the body, promoting digestive health and aiding in weight loss efforts. Read the full article
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cannabisrefugee-esq · 5 years
#HighRiskCOVID19. You Don't Say. Shame v. Cause and Effect (Again))
Cannabis Refugee, Esq.
Advertising / Media / Cultural Conversation, Alternative Treatment, Antinatalism, Capitalistic Patriarchal Medicine, Crohn's Disease, Marijuana / Cannabis, Natural Law, Other Autoimmune Diseases, Radical Feminism
March 16, 2020
Apparently, social media is currently alight with a new hashtag, #HighRiskCOVID19 which is being used by people with “underlying medical conditions” who are at greatest risk, besides the elderly, of contracting and becoming dangerously ill with the disease.   Some of these people, but not all, are autoimmune patients and others voluntarily taking immunity-decimating Big Pharma medications to “treat” their underlying diseases including cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and Crohn’s disease.  The message is intended to convince “well” people to stay home in order to not risk spreading the virus throughout communities and ultimately to those who are already seriously or chronically ill.
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Putting aside the fact that these drugs often don’t even work, work well, or work for long to treat the pain and symptoms of autoimmune disease, despite the lies Big Pharma propaganda spews everywhere — lies that sick people’s friends and family often believe instead of believing the testimonies and lived experience of the people they supposedly love — these so-called “biologic” and chemotherapy drugs are prescribed to autoimmune patients because they destroy the sick person’s immune system, thereby (theoretically) preventing it from attacking the sick person’s own tissues.  Of course, destroying anyone’s natural immunity also makes them more susceptible to opportunistic infections and environmental pathogens like the common cold, flu and the novel Coronavirus or COVID19.  Essentially, autoimmune patients taking immunity-decimating drugs have allowed doctors to give them AIDS and all the complications of full-blown untreated AIDS.
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In contrast, actual HIV-positive people with full-blown AIDS (assuming they have access to health care) are aggressively treated with an immunity-bolstering protocol and many are able to avoid the hideous outcomes that were a death sentence for AIDS patients in the 80s including lethal fungal infections/thrush, pneumonia and cancer.  But no one is bolstering autoimmune patients’ purposely fucked-up immune systems because that would defeat the point of letting doctors give them therapeutic AIDS to treat their AI.  In fact, immunocompromised AI patients, unlike those with full-blown untreated AIDS due to HIV, are fully expected by everyone to just go back to their previous lives, including returning to full-time work, like they aren’t sick at all.   Somehow having both AI and AIDS = healthy.  Some of them may — or may not — be told to wash their hands and avoid sick people, which is impossible innit.
Many AI patients are not even given the benefit of informed consent and are not fully informed of the very real and expected consequences of destroying their natural immunity to environmental pathogens.  Patients often aren’t even told how the medications they are taking are expected to work, or if they are “informed” they are too sick and cognitively impaired to even understand what they are hearing.  In other words, they don’t know they are consenting to essentially contracting AIDS.  If they do understand it, they may be too sick to even care.*
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There is also the issue, isn’t there, of congenitally nonviable infants being handed over to Big Medicine to essentially animate them well enough to be lifelong victims and consumers of patriarchal Western medicine, where many if not all of these infants are immunocompromised and/or have reduced lung capacity and lifelong serious “preexisting medical problems” due to their congenital malformations or premature births.   Before that, many Western women take prescription medications meant to prevent miscarriage, when miscarriage has historically (and prehistorically surely) prevented nonviable and congenitally malformed fetuses from being born at all.  Get it?  Good.  Enter the novel Coronavirus.
Now, I am not going to repeat everything I have already said about immunity-decimating drugs and what they do to people who take them, and I’m not going to retread the ground I have already covered on nonviable infants.  But I will repeat, because I think it bears repeating, that natural law applies on this planet in every situation and circumstance, and what I mean by natural law is cause and effect.  There are natural, foreseeable consequences to anyone’s action and inaction that cannot be avoided, and these are in addition to any possible or probable consequences that are culturally-constructed.
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And so-called “shame” is a male invention that is meant to obscure the reality, inevitability and primacy of natural law over male-made law and has nothing to do with anything in any real sense of altering material reality including affecting foreseeable outcomes.  This is important.
I will not and need not “shame” anyone for taking dangerous medications to treat hideous diseases like Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis, which have notoriously poor prognoses and outcomes with or without treatment, but I will call attention to the foreseeable natural outcomes that follow.  I will not “shame” mothers who hand over their nonviable infants for reanimation and a lifetime of complications and medical torture, but I will look at them askance when they blame everyone except themselves and Big Medicine for the situation in which they now find themselves — as mothers of exceptionally vulnerable children in the context of a capitalist patriarchy that is literally built on the backs of the vulnerable, you guys.  That’s what it does.   If anyone thought it was a good idea to agree to accept 100% responsibility and little to no control over the life of a nonviable infant, I don’t know what to tell them.**
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In fact, no one need tell deliberately immunocompromised sick people or mothers of nonviable infants what they are finding out for themselves right now: that infants, children and adults that have been compromised by Big Medicine are exceptionally vulnerable, they are in serious danger of increasing pain, disease and suffering as a result of patriarchal fiddling, and now that the damage has been done there’s not a fucking thing they can do about it.  If you are immunocompromised for any reason, even if everyone stays home for the rest of their lives, and even if #HighRiskCOVID19 is what prompts them to do so, you still live on a planet swimming in natural and man-made pathogens to which you have high susceptibility and little or no immunity.  And in the end, no one will bear the consequences of that except you, if you are the sick one, or the children whose mothers allowed this to happen, and that to happen, and the other damn thing after that.  Cause and effect you guys.  Cause and effect.
*Often autoimmune patients treating with biologics and chemo only begin to care later on, when the drugs prove ineffective to treat the pain and symptoms of their underlying disease and give them little or nothing but “side effects” like chronic nausea and GI symptoms, opportunistic infections, and drug-induced diabetes or lupus.
**High responsibility and low control are the objective markers of an unsatisfying career and are predictive of professional burnout.   Clearly these criteria apply in other areas as well, for example, existing while female in any context under a capitalist patriarchy.
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