#but that's just my bitchy opinion
kurokoros · 2 years
I hate you cross-tagging! I hate you pointless love-triangles! I hate you fics that shove in multiple love interests just to get as many readers as possible! I hate you writing that develops more/better chemistry between the ship that ultimately doesn’t work out!
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witchhazelevesque · 1 month
Honorable mention of the only one that actually happened: Cytherea and Dulcie & Pro
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qiu-yan · 3 months
imagine that you're jiang cheng and you have a meeting at jinlintai to pick up jin ling / discuss jin ling's educational plans / etc etc.. you arrive earlier than expected, so they tell you that lianfang-zun is still busy with his sworn brothers. that's okay though, you can spend the time feeding the koi in the koi pond with jin ling.
looks like jin guangshan is also busy which is alright because you don't want to talk to him and wait holy shit did chifeng-zun just kick lianfang-zun down the stairs????? huh?????????
maybe it's time to go back to lotus pier
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veliseraptor · 3 months
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listen if your "found family" does not include revenge plots, murder, and suicide then honestly why should I care
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catboygirljoker · 22 days
fun xigbar fact:
[Video ID: a short clip from the Japanese language version of Kingdom Hearts 3. Xigbar turns and puts a hand on his hip, and says "Iyaa" in an extended and exaggerated fashion.]
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
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[ID in alt text] my magnum opus
#the owl house#toh#hunter toh#lilith clawthorne#i have hcs about their dynamic but they're mostly comedic tbh#like yeah it's fucked up that Lilith had beef with a child but it's also pathetic and i think that takes the edge off it tbh#hunter kinda knows this. he doesn't like her and i appreciate it when ppl read it as ''hes walking on eggshells around her''#based on that one dana art#i think it's a fair read#but i personally like to read it as equal parts nervousness and annoyance at having to be placed with Mean Un-Fun Lilith#hunter thinks she's a loser and has no idea why she hates him so much. he's just trying to do his job man#(my personal elaborate hc as to how this dynamic formed is that hunter as a child used to think Lilith was cool! he wanted to be like her!)#(unfortunately his braggadocios persona as the golden guard gave Lilith the impression that he was Out For Her Job and also Life)#(and bc she's Lilith these threats from a child are taken seriously. she will play nice when Belos is around but she DOES NOT TRUST HIM)#(and she's just not going to interrogate her own insecurities regarding yet another bubbly teen prodigy coming in and stealing her thunder)#(she is definitely not getting reminded of her own insecurities related to eda being better than her growing up. no sir)#(she totally doesn't see the emperor as her mom whaaat that's crazy)#(ANYWAY post canon i think they could be good friends. bitchy friends but good friends)#(someone the other comes to when they need a brutally honest opinion! steve hangs out with them too. ex emperor's coven buddies!)
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fromtheseventhhell · 8 months
I'm sorry for coming to complain but I have something to say: I already know that in this fandom there are many opinions about what Arya and Sansa's relationship is going to be in the future and that we always complain that the Sansa stans talk about Arya as if she were going to become a servant of her sister, "one is the strength and the other intelligence", which are going to complete each other and all that shit (among all the other stupid things they have said) I agree with complaining about that because they are erasing attributes of Arya's character THAT SHE ALREADY HAS, and that we have always talk about Arya being a character apart from Sansa, someone who has her own story, her own purpose and that her whole character is definitely not reduced to just becoming her sister's employee after she always treated her badly in the their childhood.
Okay, I agree with all that. Those types of comments bother me too. But I feel that as a result of this very silly arguments have been born about why Arya and Sansa could never be friends because "they are very different, in personality, experiences and worldview" I'm sorry but I don't agree with that because, it is true that they are different, but let's not pretend that they don't have many things in common, and this goes beyond their personal characteristics or the fact that they share an entire family.
How different are their experiences? Yes, one is the red fortress and the other has to travel thousands of kilometers but in the end they both went through similar things. Both saw their father die, both were abused, both were beaten, both have been sold into marriage, both have been sexually abused, both have met cruel people and have had to pretend another identity to survive. The fact that it is in different contexts does not take away from the fact that they do have similar experiences, so that argument is very silly. And I don't say it with the intention of saying that Arya and Sansa are going to be the "best sister foreveh" I just hate that argument cause it dosen't make any sense, also throughout the asoiaf universe we have seen how completely different characters have had a great relationship come on.
Tyrion and Jaime are also wildly different and loved each other, Sam and Jon are also wildly different and no one is saying they could never be friends.
Also, it bothers me that they ignore the fact that Arya DOES care about Sansa, maybe Sansa doesn't care about Arya that much but Arya has always been fond of her sister, even when she was cruel to her.
Again, I don't come here with the intention of saying that they are going to be the best sister forevah and all that, I just hated that argument and also pls don't erase that from Arya's character either! that she has always been a good sister to Sansa, even if it was not reciprocated she was always loyal to her people, to her "pack"
Plus Arya and Sansa's relationship is definitely deeper than just "respect." Way more.
I feel like this is a good example of my earlier point that Arya stans need to over-explain points/theories to not have them taken maliciously (especially if they included Sansa). I still want to answer this in good faith though, because I don't believe you intended it to come off like that.
But I feel that as a result of this very silly arguments have been born about why Arya and Sansa could never be friends because "they are very different, in personality, experiences and worldview"
I will start by saying that the theories about Arya and Sansa not getting along aren't retaliatory to the fandom's perception of the "Stark Sisters 4ever". The idea of them not getting along is based on their conflict in AGOT, them being written as foils, George saying that they have issues to work out, and the fact that their characters haven't fundamentally changed since they've been separated (i.e. what's in the books). They've both been through a lot but trauma isn't a substitute for growth, and the issues they have will still exist. A big part of their conflict is Sansa's classism, which leads her to look down on Arya, and she has yet to grow out of that trait. If she reflects on this in TWOW then that's a different story. For now, we have to speculate with what we have. Not only that, but I could see Arya having less patience for her sister's behavior considering everything she's been through. There could be mutual hostility.
Tyrion and Jaime are also wildly different and loved each other, Sam and Jon are also wildly different and no one is saying they could never be friends.
As for this, the difference is that we're shown these characters having a positive relationship on-page. No one says Jon and Sam can't be friends because we see their friendship develop. Tyrion and Jaime eventually have conflict, but there's also a caring relationship built between them before that. Arya and Sansa have tender moments and fond memories, but their relationship is mainly antagonistic in the first book. If we had seen them getting along well before and, say, the trident incident had been the source of their conflict, that's an entirely different dynamic.
I just hated that argument and also pls don't erase that from Arya's character either! that she has always been a good sister to Sansa, even if it was not reciprocated she was always loyal to her people, to her "pack"
I don't think anyone with this prediction is ignoring Arya caring about her sister, it's more about the lack of growth on Sansa's part. While Arya tries to apologize and bridge the gap, even thinking of ways to please Sansa (I'll kiss her and beg her pardons like a proper lady, she'll like that), we don't have any equivalent moments from Sansa. She has fond memories of them playing in the snow, thinks of naming a daughter Arya, and overall misses her family and I'm not downplaying that. It's just that it doesn't supersede the relationship we've seen play out between them (or the fact that she thinks of Arya as unsatisfactory even though she believes her to be dead). It shows that they love each other and could reconcile, but there's no guarantee. Arya can't maintain that relationship one-sided and, considering she's already tried to apologize, Sansa will have to put in some effort on her side.
Plus Arya and Sansa's relationship is definitely deeper than just "respect." Way more.
I don't think their relationship is built on just "respect", they do have sisterly/familial love but that isn't all-powerful. George has stated that he reworked the Starks to give them conflict because they were all getting along and "families aren't like that". I doubt that he'd go to that trouble just to conveniently get rid of that tension, especially considering the amount of sibling conflicts we see in this story. No house gets along perfectly and this is intentional! We aren't ever going to really know until we get TWOW, but I just dislike the framing of this theory as baseless or trivial.
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princessithaca · 4 months
can't believe i, a certified musical enjoyer and woman who has seen all of glee, am saying this but. not enjoying the recurring musical numbers.
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damthosefandoms · 8 months
damn they’re gonna have nothing to talk about during the stable scene in season eight huh
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undertheorangetree · 11 months
was going to read your fic but then it took me to ao3. That’s annoying, I wanted to read it in tumblr. not gonna read it anymore, just a thought.
Okay?? Thanks for letting me know I guess. Sounds like something you could’ve kept to yourself but ya know. At the end of the day I write for me and I like having it on ao3 so i guess just don’t read it and then maybe keep your decisions to yourself
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yesyourstalker · 3 months
Ikkan: warabie wake up!
Warabie:mmmmmm.. what? I thought it was our day off?
Ikkan: it is. Get up and get dressed
Noji: we have to go to church!
Warabie: church!?!
Ikkan: yeah. Our dad wants us to go at least once while we're here
Warabie: ugh ..really? You guys don't seem like you're the... Religious type
Noiji: we're not religious. It's just something we do
Ikkan: we only go just to catch up with other people in the town you know and just talk to each othr while listening to service
Noiji: I like going to church, learning a lesson of the day, singing solms, talking to our neighbors and then we have a nice dinner with everyone.
Ikkan: it's only an hour sermon.
Merv: boys hurry up! Hope you have your Sunday. Best on. Cirrina sweetheart, oh look at you! The dress fits perfectly
Cirrina: I didn't think I'd look cute in this, but I like it. Though it does look a little dated
Ikkan: you kept my old clothes?
Merv: we weren't just going to throw it away. We keep all of your clothes yours too Noiji. We have all your things in boxes
Noiji: why?
Merv: just in case we had another baby. we didn't want to buy all new stuff....... I didn't want to buy new stuff... Shimi do you have the dish?
Shimi: yeah... warabie get dressed we need to leave in 15 minutes
Warabie:.*sigh* .. . Mr Kane do you have any dress clothes that I can fit in?
Pastor: so Pikaia looked to Cod still wet from the salt water he emerged from. He looked upon them and asked what his purpose was and why he was here. Cod looked down with nothing but love and said to Young pikaia 'I give my children of the Sea no purpose, no goal and no reason' meaning?
Church: "we are free we"
Pastor: yes we are free to roam and grow and make our own choices. But with those choices comes with?
Church: "effects and consequences"
Pastor: yes. So let's turn to Gideons 12:44
Warabie: what page is that?
Ikkan: here...[flips]
Pastor: I bring up choices today because that is what we will be discussing today the act of choice and the reasons behind those choices. This lecture will start with a squid named malamar..............
Cirrina: *sigh*
Octoling: I know it seems boring now. But give it a couple more minutes and it'll start to get interesting. father Berg is a really good storyteller
Cirrina: ugh I hope so..
Octoling: You're not from around here are you? hehehe.....
Cirrina: no.... I'm here to visiting... I'm just working on my grandpa's farm
Octoling: Kane is your grandfather? That's pretty neat he delivers milk to our shop week
Octoling mother: bayou! No talking during the sermon!
Bayou: sorry ma.... Talk more during dinner. My name is bayou by the way
Cirrina: name's Cirrina
Bayou: Nice to meet you Cirrina
[Hour later]
Pastor: malamar looked upon Cod with tears of sorrow. 'why! Why? Why have you abandoned me so? why have you forsaken me for so long? for I have done all that you've wanted me to do. I was kind, I was generous, I've given to the poor and I fed the hungry and yet you still turned your back on me for why?
Cod stared down at their lost child and they said 'for you've only done those not out of kindness, not out of generosity but for a reward. If it wasn't for my desire to help those who were not able to help themselves you would have walked past them if I didn't vocalize my dismay seeing my children in pain you would have done nothing.' malamar looked on cod dried and frail with nothing else to say forced to work another 100 years...... alright so that's the end of our sermon. Let's all catch up with each other.... I see some new faces and some old ones. Let's all talk to our neighbors.
Old lady: look at you so handsome just like your father.
Old man: just lik em ye gott yea long nek an evythig. Why havnt yav fixed ya beak yet? Looken odd whit it ben off centered. Ya need ta gu to the dentist. Cant be looken lik that at yur age
Noiji: aww come on... I like my beak
Old lady: ohhhh is your twin still in school? I heard they dropped out poor things
Noiji: he just graduated actually...... ikkan come on and say hi to the Flanigans
Ikkan: hi Mrs Flanagan
Old lady: well look at you! Ya so tall....nice broad shoulders too
Old man: too tall fa music tel yu that! Yu coud be a hell of athlete ya coud. 3 pointers and such If it wasnt for yur klutzy and awkward demeanor
Old lady: oh he's so quiet like usual
Pastor's wife: so how's living in haddaido? I'm sure you're sick of the city.
Merv:ehhh it has its charm. I like the food and environment. Noiji really likes it there. it's more...it's more technologically advanced. I can barely use my shell phone he's making music with one.
Pastor's wife: how's your wife? I haven't seen her in a while? Has she retired yet?
Merv: nope she's currently on vacation right now. Having her own......girls trip
Pastor's wife: hmm
Merv: hmm
Pastor: how did you enjoy the sermon?
Shimi: I actually quite enjoyed it actually it was very eye opening. I haven't been in church since I was a boy
Pastor: well we're open to more volunteers if you're welcome to join us every Sunday
Shimi: well I might invest in that
Warabie: since when you were a religious type dad?
Shimi: hush up and help setup the table ....... I would like some advice tho father.
Bayou: so you actually use real weapons?
Cirrina: yeah
Bayou: and you don't.... die?
Cirrina: no the weapons aren't powerful enough to kill you. It's just to...... splat you
Bayou: Does it hurt?
Cirrina: it really depends on the weapon. Some hurt more than others, guns like splattershot or a dual weapon they can leave small marks sometimes. Charges, surprisingly aren't that bad. Depending on how far away they are it can feel like a pinch when you're hit. The worst ones are brushes and rollers, I got a headache after someone splatted me with a carbon roller
Bayou: and you do that for fun?
Cirrina: yeah it's more of a sport where I live I'm actually the captain of my turf war team so hehe
Bayou: you must be really good I've never picked up a weapon before. We're actually not allowed to have them here. We don't believe in the glorification of warfare or the mimicry of violence
Cirrina:....oh..... that's cool..... I mean I wouldn't say it's violent It's mostly just painting...... Trying to get most coverage
Bayou: oh yeah Yeah yeah I understand heh I just meant as a culture and our history in krillarney we don't really want to be reminded of those events......... yeah........
Cirrina:.. yeah I get that uhheh. .. . ........
Bayou: I like your tentacles. I like the ink color. Is it natural?
Cirrina: yeah actually this is my natural ink
Bayou: It's very beautiful. It reminds me of a sunrise
Cirrina: (blush).........thank you. I like yours too is it. It's a nice, deep blueish purple. It's a really pretty color
Bayou: oh thank you...
Pastor: dinner is ready!
Bayou: come on they're serving roasted snapper.
Friend 1: hello
Cirrina: hey girl
Friend 1: oh my cosh Cirrina! How's your trip abroad? What's the food like? How's the fashion? are the boys cute?
Cirrina: That's why I called you.....so there's this guy
Friend 1: I'm listening
Cirrina: He's super cute. His tentacles are like a dark bluish purple, he has a really nice smile....huuu...he smells like vanilla and honey! ahhhh! he's so charming I could die! He said my tentacles look like a sunrise
Friend: a romantic ohhhh and he likes you?
Friend 2: I thought you were dating Paul!
Cirrina: I'm not dating Paul!
Friend 2: well you said you liked Paul!
Cirrina: I can't like two guys?!
Friend 2: not when you know I like one of them!
Cirrina: how is that my problem?!
Friend 3: how tall is he
Cirrina: around 4'11
Friend 3: ohhhh he's short hehehe you should send a picture of him later
Cirrina: what are you guys even doing anyway
Friend 1: we're at Cassidy's place.
Cirrina: ew why are you at her place..... she's such a catty bitch
Friend 3: We're planning on seeing ink-fast together. Are you still going?
Cirrina: I don't know I still need money for tickets
Friend 1: well you better hurry up ticket sales start at the end of the month and they're probably going to be sold out by the time you get back. We might just go without you
Cirrina: (scoff)
Friend 2: so just being clear you don't like Paul?
Cirrina:...... Nina.......... I have to go. I need to go feed some calves
Ikkan: morning babe... yeah I'm about to head in for today. You found a best man?............oh she's a nice choice. Yeah I asked her why?.........well you should have asked first not my fault you procrastinate.....hehehe..... you'll be fine..... I'll see it on our wedding day. Yeah love you too..... yes.... I'm alone........... Neta......stop....*sigh*..hehe..... I'm wearing a black tank top and briefs. No I'm not the purple ones..... I'm wearing the Mr shrug ones........... what do you mean I ruined the vibe?!? Hehehehehe I'm hanging up... oh really what are you wearing?........take a pic, let me see........................ that's worse than what I'm wearing!........ because it has a hole in it!...
Warabie: HEY IKKAN!!
Ikkan: *gasp*. .. warabie knock! Cod!
Warabie: I.... I..... just wanted to ask.....if you're.... you're still planning on marrying Neta..... .. If.....if.... you're not willing I'd gladly take him..... I'd-I'd-I'd gladly take him if you don't want him
Ikkan: are you drunk?
Warabie: also what am I wearing as a groomsmen? Do we have to match? Can I pick out your suit? No offense but you have terrible taste
Ikkan: warabie go to sleep......how much did he drink?
Noiji: just 2 and a half pints he's a real light weight...... I put your two in the fridge
Ikkan: hm...... yeah I'm still here it's just warabie being a jackass..........*sigh*....... You know what we can do. We can watch a movie like we used to do... Long distance movie night........ yeah I'm heading down stairs...... You got finnflex open?..... All right, I'm all set up too...... Let's put you on speaker......
Neta: All right, I got you on the speaker too. What do you want to watch? I was thinking of "the kraken 2 sunken ship"
Ikkan: they don't have that on finnflex krillarney.
Neta: fuck. what do they have?
Ikkan: mostly documentaries
Nets: do they have wahoo land documentary? A big dream with with even bigger lawsuits?
Ikkan:.......... yeah
Neta: let's watch that one I heard someone actually fell off one of the coasters
Ikkan: wait we actually perform there in the grand opening I think Murasaki is in this.
Warabie: can I watch with yooooooooou? *Boop*
Ikkan: No fuck off
Warabie: I don't like it when you're so mean to me!
Ikkan: and I don't like it when you hit on my boyfriend but we can't get what we want all the time can we? Go upstairs!......... sorry
Neta: It's fine. I have my own personal nuisance with me
Mahi: why are you up so early! It's 5am!
Neta: Don't you have like college to go to or some shit? Leave me alone. I'm on a date!.... Okay, let's watch the documentary
Mahi go home already @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
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opheliasam · 3 months
he’s so grown and old and wise and strong and he will never ever ever be anything more than the role he occupies—>baby brother to dean (this is a Bad thing btw)
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veliseraptor · 5 months
reading an author's note on "potentially disturbing content" like "promising!" only to then get to "I hope this is primarily a joyous, escapist adventure"
uh oh
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perdvivly · 3 months
I turned off reblogs to the Rawls shitpost because it seems it’s firmly in the grip of right-wing bozos hating on The Communists(tm) [note: communists should be read here as anyone capable of the barest crumb of empathy. It should not be read as having anything to do with the political ideology of the same name]
I vaguely considered trying to talk them down but honestly what’s the point? There’s no way I could talk to them without being massively condescending because frankly their views on social justice and philosophy are childish and do not engage with reality. A lot of it seems to come down to the same impulse as people refusing to engage with the trolley experiment on its own terms, except a little worse. Instead of, “why aren’t we talking about the person who tied these people to the tracks?” It’s “what do you mean imagine a scenario where I don’t know who I am? I’m me, duh!”
Anyway, I’m going to say it here for the record: Rawls’ point is not that you as an individual are obligated to personally feed homeless people. And if you’re so caught up in your own feelings of self-righteousness as to be blind to the fact that he is not saying this—if you see someone claim that caring about other people might be good and your response to that is to shit yourself in a paroxysm of indignation—you need to log the fuck off and touch some grass. I don’t believe your reading comprehension is that poor. I don’t believe you’re actually that much of a moron. I think you’re putting it on to wind other people up because that’s how you engage in discourse.
As you can probably tell these people frustrate me a lot and I can’t really engage with them in a productive way, which is why I’m vent posting here instead of talking to them directly about it.
I don’t really know how to talk to people who are so brain-addled by right wing ideology as to have stopped caring for other people entirely. I especially don’t know how to talk to people who believe this and moreover believe that any suggestion that caring about other people might be in their self-interest should be met with strict disengagement from the point.
“Hur-dur, what do you mean imagine I might be someone else? I’m me!” “Okay, but the point is really simple. If you didn’t know whether or not you were a woman, would it be in your interest to live in a society where women were completely politically disenfranchised?” “I’m not a woman though :)” “Okay, but just imagine you didn’t know” “Well, I do know. Why should I care about other people? They’re not me. I’m me!” Honestly, what is the point in talking to you?
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trans-cuchulainn · 1 year
i have a note in my phone that was meant to be for keeping track of my opinions about various retellings so i could eventually do a round up and recommend them but is PURELY just me bitching about them at this point
it's fun to see the common threads in my bitchiness tho. "why the fuck is merlin ENGLISH" being one that shows up a few times
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dreamedfyre-a · 2 months
i hate the direction they went with that later but i think the dynamic between a.egon and a.emond in the conversation where they're like 'c: you can't go to battle brother you're the king. such a shame c:' 'what a shame you can't go either because you're needed to defend the city. tragic really' is so good peak petty rivalry behavior i want that and then for a.egon to trust a.emond and want him in his council and for a.emond to remain loyal and fight for his brother thanks
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