#but that's not exactly shouto's fault
class1akids · 1 year
Also, adding to my previous post - Touya vs Shouto, Toga vs Ochako go through roughly the same steps (though not in the same order):
Endeavor doesn't show up - Izuku rejects Toga's confession -> both Toga and Touya escalate
Both Toga and Touya ditch their hero
Both Shouto and Ochako need the help of a friend to go after them
Both Shouto and Ochako use non-lethal methods to fight back even if lethal options are available
Both Shouto and Ochako have help from sidekicks or family / pros and classmates both in stage 1 and stage 2 of the fight
Both tell their villain that their trauma is valid but they can't condone killing
Toga & Touya: "We are so different" / Ochako & Shouto: "We are the same"
Touya wants Shouto's perfect quirk - Toga wants Ochako's normal life / Shouto is inspired by Touya's perseverance to surpass his limits - Ochako is inspired by Toga's openness about her feelings
Endeavor decides that killing Touya is the only way, Hawks decides that killing Toga is the only way / the kids + family think otherwise
Both pairs see each other's child selves
Toga's trauma is everyone finding her smile and quirk creepy - Ochako tells her she has a nice smile and offers her blood/ Touya's trauma is getting his quirk rejected and feeling like a failure, Shouto tells him he's quirk is impressive and he's a masterpiece
The only diverging points are that Touya's escalation is incredibly suicidal compared to Toga's, he's way more bitter and enraged and with the Todoroki brothers there is less homoerotic imagery / language (for understandable reasons).
Like I don't see how reading the story anyone can say that Shouto didn't do everything he absolutely could.
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Different scenarios of shigadabi falling in love after the final-fight is over :
They are dumped in the same hospital room for security measures and Tomura is the one who finds out about Touya panic attacks on hospitals. They try to keep it a secret.
The media reporters are pressuring hard to get the ex-members of the LOV to say that it was all Tomura's fault 'cause he manipulated them. It surprises Tomura when Dabi finally gets fed up and defends Tomura in the news.
Shouto and Deku ask a lot of questions about their time on the run. They are baffled to hear how much Tomura and Touya trusted and depended on each other.
Tomura writes letters to the ex-members of the League to apologize. He doesn't expect Dabi to get offended by it... (Or Dabi tries to disguise his affection for his ex-boss with well meaning irritation).
Touya and Tomura ended up being physical rehab partners. They're insufferable. It also means they don't notice when the friendship starts to grow between them. Or when they start to fall for each other.
When Tomura wakes up from his fight with Deku, his memory is scattered. He talks with most ex-members of the LOV to regain his memories, but there's only one of them that hasn't shown up yet. Tomura might not know what type of dynamic he has with Touya, but he's determined to find out.
The pro-heroes are putting together a list of AFO's crimes. They are horrified to realize all that Tomura and Dabi saw during their years on the street. Meanwhile, the ex-villains bond as the ones who survive him.
Deku insists that Tomura should absolutely go to Touya's birthday party to congratulate him. Awkward it might be, but Touya is very grateful for the presence of someone that allows him to be exactly what he wants to be.
Rehabilitation is slow progress. At least Touya can always shove his ex-boss into the mud for the laughs. If only the man wasn't a little prick and stopped throwing mud back to him.
Oddly enough, Tomura is the one who knows the most about Dabi's health after so many years. Touya returns the favor.
During Twice funeral, Touya sees Tomura like he never did before. Or the man who mourns is finally allowed to attend one funeral.
Having heard from Deku that Shouto wants to rebuild his relationship with his brother, Tomura teaches the kid whatever he knows about Dabi. Touya didn't know he was paying attention all that time...
Tomura and Touya have to do community service together. Or the long road back to "normalcy".
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the-travelling-witch · 3 months
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summary: i'm back on my "'i have more knowledge on x topic than all your advisers together, i just couldn’t progress through the ranks for one reason or another, so you should definitely make me your concubine, so i can gossip about your minister of finance’s stupid proposal while wearing expensive shit and fine dining and then we slowly fall in love' royal au" bs again, so have some rambles because there are a lot of possible constellations here
characters: shouto :: kenma :: inui/koko :: al-haitham/kaveh x gn! reader
general masterlist
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You could practically feel the daggers being glared into your skull. This entire meeting so far, the prince’s closest adviser had narrowed his eyes at you, a gesture which you only returned with a coy smile.
Really, just because it wasn’t common for a royal concubine to attend a meeting concerning safety measures at the upcoming masquerade ball, there was no need for such hostility.
Then again, maybe the adviser was so foul-tempered because of the physical position you found yourself in. But it wasn’t your fault they hadn’t prepared another seat for you or that Shouto was notoriously unbothered with social etiquette. So, if the prince ordered his concubine to sit on his lap instead, who were you to argue?
You doubted he glared at you because he was aware you had been investigating him or that you knew he and his fellow spies were planning an assassination attempt on the royal whose arm was currently lazily curled around your waist.
Surely, “concubine” was not exactly the title you had had in mind when agreeing to work as an intelligence agent on the Todoroki court but considering the former crown prince Touya had basically gone up in smoke after an attempt on his life, placing yourself right next to the prince where an enemy wouldn’t expect might not be a bad idea.
Besides, since you had taken the prince up on his offer, you had been able to enjoy many luxuries you could previously not even dream of. Delicacies practically melted on your tongue, the material of your clothes was of a quality so fine it was like dressing in air and the library held rare books you normally couldn’t get your hands on just like that.
You also had to admit, pretending to be Shouto’s lover wasn’t exactly torture either. Not only was he as handsome as they come but he was also very well-mannered towards you even in private. The clumsy side only few got to see when he let his guard down was also quite adorable.
So, to say you were quite comfortable where you were and had no intention of giving up your spot any time soon was an understatement.
“Your Highness is it really necessary to bring,” the adviser paused momentarily as he gestured at you, “this person to a meeting such as this? How can we be sure they are not working for an opposing kingdom, relaying our security measures to the enemy?”
You caught yourself before a snort escaped you. Seriously, how was nobody onto this guy before you came around?
“I have no doubt about their loyalty to me and the kingdom,” Shouto said, tone even as always, yet his hand around your waist tightened. “Besides, their safety might be compromised just like mine, so this information should be shared with them as well.”
“That’s right,” you goated, a sharp grin on your lips as you reached backwards over your shoulder to run your fingers down Shouto‘s neck as you held eye contact with the adviser. “I’ve shown my devotion to the prince in ways you never could.”
Soon you’d watch the light drain from his eyes as you ended his miserable life but for now you’d find amusement in how they widened in indignation.
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“Your Highness! I must ask you to stay in the medic’s quarters!” Said medic was fussing around you as you pulled the outer layer of your clothes back on. “I dressed the wound and used a minor healing spell but you need to rest! A-and your medicine—“
“I can rest in my quarters too,” you sighed, already halfway out of the door. “Someone will come pick up the treatment later.”
The medic was still stammering long after you already set out towards your room, trying not to put too much pressure on your side. You didn’t think it’d be that big of a deal but apparently the monster’s claws that had grazed your skin were laced in some sort of venom, the pain of which left you wheezing when you received another blow to the stomach.
Half stumbling, half falling into your room, you reckoned whatever spell the medic had cast hadn’t done much to rid your body of the poison, especially if you remembered how he had floundered once you first drudged into the infirmary. No wonder you had gone behind your parents’ backs to employ someone who actually understood his craft.
“Whoa what happened to you?” Kenma lifted his head from his magic-driven game board at the sound of the door opening. His sharp amber eyes studied you from head to toe, taking in the ripped clothes and collection of bruises and scratches. “You look like death chewed you up and spit you back out.”
“Thanks,” you retorted just as sarcastically, working to rid yourself of the rest of your armour, wincing when you strained the area around your ribs. “Must be the poison.”
“Poison?” Immediately, Kenma had perked up, already rounding the table, his game forgotten. “What poison? And where? And why didn’t you lead with that?”
Usually, the guy tried to make himself as small as possible, hoping to blend into the background. But whenever you dragged in yet another weird and wonderful ailment from out in the wild, your shy healer found himself in the habit of becoming a little bossy. Other royals might take offence if their concubines used that kind of tone but you had to admit you didn’t really mind.
“Well, it’s not like you gave me much of a chance to explain,” you laughed, pulling your shirt off and letting it pile up with the rest of your things, then wriggled your eyebrows at the blond. “So, where do you want me?”
“You are the worst, even when you’re dying,” Kenma rolled his eyes before a warm hand settled on your bare back and nudged you towards the bed. “For now, just lie down. And tell me exactly what the hell happened to you.”
Without any resistance, you settled down and watched as Kenma got to work. It was fascinating each time, even if you didn’t understand much of it and you were the one having to be treated. Whenever he focused on something, he adopted this no-nonsense expression, lips tightened into a line and eyebrows drawn together. You didn’t even want to start thinking about the way your skin tingled where his fingers touched you, well aware that the reason for it wasn’t the magic Kenma used.
“I told the doc someone would pick up my medicine later,” you spoke up once your healer had finished his work and both of you were just lingering within the same space.
As always when you told Kenma something he didn’t want to hear, he made one of the most expressive faces of disgust a human could muster.
“I’ll make sure to trip on the way,” he shrugged and you were aware he might actually do it too. “I didn’t spend all this time healing you just so that idiot can poison you again with whatever concoction he came up with this time.”
“Just what would I do without you?” Brushing a stray strand of hair out of his eyes, you didn’t miss how Kenma, the guy who used to flinch at people coming near him, leaned slightly into your touch.
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The golden light of the sinking sun illuminated the balcony as birds chirped their last songs of the day. In the midst of the flowers blooming across the railing and the castle walls, three people sat around a table filled with fruits, cheese and many other delicious foods, eating and laughing together.
“But to come back to your Minister of Finance’s proposal,” Koko, who seemingly hadn’t taken his eyes off the kingdom’s budget sheet, spoke up. Splitting off a few of the coins from the stack in front of him to visualise the share he was thinking about, he offered his insight. “I think we should use a cut of the newly allocated funds to strengthen the army’s equipment. The knights could do with new armour, especially considering the neighbouring kingdom has been less than friendly lately.”
“What new funds are we talking about?” You inquired, not having been privy to the meeting prior this day. 
“The party we sent out recently was more successful than we expected them to be,” Inui clued you in with a small smile as he studied what Koko proposed.
“Ah, the expedition that was my idea and that I equipped with the right tools. In that case,” you said, a mischievous glint in your eyes, before you made the stack of coins levitate over your outstretched palm, “I think we should use it to build a magic tower. It would help more with defence than equipping the knights, considering what fun things I could do with one.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Koko scolded, reaching over the table to snatch the coins back. “How should we justify the King’s concubine wishing for a magic tower?”
While you shrugged, Seishu took your hand and answered much gentler than the black haired man. 
“I have to agree with Koko. Not because I doubt you could do a lot of great things with such a tower but because we already had a lot of trouble explaining why the lightning only struck the enemy’s side in the last battle,” he sighed, giving you an understanding look he knew had you giving in already. “The public doesn’t know we have a magic user on our side and word of construction would spread fast. Don’t forget why you went into hiding in the first place.”
“Yeah yeah, I understand, no magic tower. But, how about,” you leant back in your chair, tossing a coin you had hidden up your sleeve before Koko could retrieve it, “one or the other magic tome? Nobody would even notice. Just say it’s for a new necklace or whatever else concubines usually get.”
“Are you suggesting we commit fraud?” Koko levelled his accusatory gaze at you.
“I don’t know, am I?” You innocently asked, batting your eyelashes at him. “It would be for the good of the people, after all.”
“How is you getting a new toy good for the people?”
“I could make the grains grow faster or whatever the people usually pray for,” you shrugged. “I’m at least granting their wishes.”
“I thought you were interested in necromancy recently,” Seishu laughed knowingly. “I’m no expert in the field but how is that helping with making the crops grow?”
“I’m sure a walking dead body or two would scare off the crows,” you said as seriously as you could. “It might also scare off thieves, now that I think about it.”
Koko just looked at you, horrified, while Seishu laughed at your nonchalance. When the former regained his senses, he reprimanded you again. 
“We are not using tax money, so you can experiment with the undead and unleash them on the public!”
“Eh, it was worth a try,” you relented before popping another grape in your mouth.
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You were well aware of the whispers that filled the halls of the castle when you weren’t present. 
Kaveh was probably a more conventional concubine to take, considering his innate kindness and striking beauty. Clearly, when he waltzed into the room beside you, it was like the sun was rising before everyone’s eyes. Yeah, he was probably an expected choice.
Al-Haitham, on the other hand…
It wasn’t exactly his physique which raised people’s questions. Moreso it was his gruff temper and apparent boredom with most topics, burying his nose in a book and brushing people off with less than a single word at times, that made your staff shake their heads at your appointment.
Not that it mattered much what other people thought.
What did matter, however, was that your country’s infrastructure had improved significantly since you made your peculiar choice of companions. After most critical meetings concerning upcoming construction, your subordinates believed your return to your chambers meant you just had to relieve some pent-up stress. Yet, those “steamy” nights were spent hunched over maps and graphs of your nation, pointing out the flaws in your advisers’ proposals and redoing blueprints of planned buildings.
Perhaps nobody else in the castle was aware of it, but Al- Haitham and Kaveh were a genius strategist and brilliant architect respectively, responsible for the projects the public praised you most for. And that had been the nature of your relationship in the beginning. They patched out your advisers’ proposals and you made sure they were compensated accordingly, unconventional as the methods may be.
Though, you supposed, after working together for a while, the titles you had given them may not be so wrong anymore. Long nights spent agonising over the ideal location for a new project had turned into quiet evenings lounging around your quarters, enjoying fine wine and lingering touches. Having the two around had become a great sense of comfort to you and running into them between meetings and stacks of paperworks waiting for you made a spark of fondness flutter in your chest.
However, running into both of them at the same time also meant the unlikely pair were probably bickering. This time, you could actually hear them before you rounded the corner.
“I’m telling you, if we use this type of wood-”
“It would rot under the environmental influences faster than you could complete construction.”
“Why, you…!”
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you exhaled ready to calm down the situation somehow. Then, you came face to face with them and had an entirely new idea on how to mediate. Haitham had his arms crossed as he regarded the blond with an unimpressed expression, the pose accentuating the way his biceps and triceps flexed. With Kaveh turned away from you, you had a clear view of his back, as always exposed by the flowy robes he wore.
Sure, they might not be the most usual concubines you could’ve chosen, but that didn’t matter.
“Strategy meeting in my quarters, now. Royal orders.”
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© the-travelling-witch 2024 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit; do not copy into an ai
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i think @ryuryuryuyurboat was interested in the idea? have some incoherent rambles then jsjsh
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super-paper · 10 months
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Rereading the early chapters of MHA, and tbh I think we can pin this scene as the exact moment Tomura develops his fixation on Izuku.
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Everyone in this scene assumes that All Might doesn’t need any help and starts wandering off, leaving All Might to face Kurogiri and Tomura alone. Izuku is the only one to intervene, "offering help that no one asked for." Of course, Izuku is the only one with actual insight into All Might’s condition and realizes that he's in danger— but from Tomura’s perspective, Izuku is some rando kid that's throwing himself into danger to help someone who doesn’t appear to need any help. And the emphasis on everyone else being willing to just sit back and do nothing while All Might handles everything is something we know ties directly to one of Tomura’s biggest traumas:
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Tomura: "Don't just watch. Help Me. Someone please look at me. Don't just tell me not to cry. Don't just smile and pretend that everything is alright. Don't pretend you don't see me." MHAReddit: Ah, I understand-- obviously, the series is saying that Tenko is dead and we can beat this guy by punching him harder! :)
I gotta stress that Shouto and Co. are kids and I'm not faulting them for deciding to let an adult handle the situation (and I don't doubt in the slightest that they would have also chosen to intervene if they were privvy to the same information abt Toshinori's health as Izuku)-- but from Tomura's perspective where he holds pretty much everyone equally responsible for society's failings, this act was enough for him to start subconsciously singling Izuku out.
Meanwhile, the sports festival just reinforces Tomura's budding interest bc it reinforces that Izuku is actually batshit crazy and Tomura's response to this is to ask ".... how crazy we talkin'? 👀"
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Oh, Izuku, you were definitely gonna get kidnapped at some point 😭
Anyway, stuff like this is also why I feel that Horikoshi likely planned on having Izuku save Tomura from the very beginning (And I've seen ppl argue that Hori had planned to have Tomura be the final boss and get defeated/killed because of Nine's existence, but let's be real-- Nine was an AFO expy parading around in a Yoichi expy's body and ya'll know it). There's a lot of set up for why Izuku is ultimately the best person to save Tomura scattered throughout the early stages of the manga, like, literally starting from the very first page:
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Izuku: *crying the biggest and ugliest tears mankind has ever seen, snot pouring out of his nose, sweating a frankly concerning amount, and fighting back his own tears because he just can't ignore the tears of others* I GOTTA SAVE THAT CRYING BOY....!!! Shigaraki Tomura, famously a freak, inching himself closer to Midoriya Izuku's splash zone with every chapter: ....... :) :) :)
Izuku saves others despite being a sobbing, snotty, sweaty mess--often times while he's being a sobbing, snotty, sweaty mess. It's antithetical to All Might and Nana's beliefs about saving others with a smile and about cultivating an "image"/"mask" meant to reassure others-- but that's not a bad thing, and the whole series is built around showing us why it isn't a bad thing.
Izuku cannot separate his own inherent humanity and desires from his heroism and is driven by impulse/ego/pain the same way Tomura is. He remains a crybaby who wears his emotions on his sleeve throughout the entirety of the manga-- and the lesson he ultimately learns isn't that he should "just stop crying and hide all his fear behind a smile," it's that he shouldn't run from that aspect of himself because it's the part of himself that allows him to empathize with others. Izuku saves a piece of himself every time he gives his all to save those who are in tears, and he's become the exact type of hero who would've given it his all to save his child self.
This might not be the sort of hero Izuku fantasized about being-- but it's exactly the sort of hero Tomura needs after a lifetime of having his own tears downplayed and ignored by everyone.
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on that note, the anime having Tenko and Izuku's "masks" basically evaporating to reveal their soft, sparkly, shoujo-y centers in that one season 6 OP remains one of the most on-point visuals the anime has ever given us lmfao. can't wait to see what they do for s7.....!
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Heyyy!Have you seen the spoilers for chapter 389? what is your opinion? :>
Hey, anon. I assume you mean chapter 388? Because chapter 389 isnt out yet. And for new chapter 388, there is not much say but here we go;
Bnha Chapter 388 Opinions;
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Rest in peace, Mr. Robot, you are true hero.
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Finally, Rei has the chance to show how much she loves her children, Touya. She goes towards fire to save his son. I love how first two thing she says 'Touya! I am sorry!' because thats exactly what Touya needs to hear. His mom is here to save him, trying to cool him down and tells him that she is sorry.
And i wish we get more clear reaction from Dabi because his face is...hard to read. He looks so shocked and sad but still, i wish we get some child Touya rec to his mom since we get with Endeavour scenes so we should've get with his mother and siblings too. I hope we get it at some point in story.
And this is personal opinion but i dont like Fuyumi and Natsuo's speech, compared to Rei's.
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Though it is understandable why they say this, i dont like it. Fuyumi says she doesnt want to lose 'anyone else'. This speech is like 'we already lost you so at least, i want my parents to stay alive'. Its like she is saying that there is no hope for Touya.
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And Natsuo's 'stupid big brother' thing reminds me of Shouto who said the same thing to him. He is thinking about his past and he says 'stop causing more trouble!'. As if this is all Touya's fault. As if Touya shut his mouth, none of these would've happenned. I think this is the last thing Touya needs to hear right now.
So i know most people might not agree with this but i dont like those speechs at all. I know its such an emotional moment and all, but i wish they told him that they want their brother to live too, that they love him, that they should come home already etc. It is realistic that they are talking this way, and at least they are trying to save their brother too, mostly their mother and father but i think they also want to save Touya too so i get it but once again, i hate their speechs. Its not helpfull.
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And Endeavour lol. I never have any expectations for him so i am not surprised that his decision is to kill Touya. Once again leave him behind, the black sheep of the family. Look, i do understand that Endeavour doesnt want other family members to die but he had so many chances to make it right, he constantly throw all of these away and since beginning until the end, he is just ugh.
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Meanwhile, Touya is already mentally out of it. I dont even think he understands what is happenning right now. He kinda lost the control of his power, his mind. I think he cant stop the fire even if he wants to. But i think at the end he seems kinda happy that his family is here with him so thats why he is imagining a world that he is accepted, happy with his family. Except Shouto, because because in his mind, he didnt accept him as family member yet.
This was painful to read. Touya deserves better. I am worried about him because he might get 'too exicted' to be with his family again and might be out of control more. I dont think he will die but still, its painful to read. I hope he and other gets saved in time.
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sarahjtv · 1 year
So, My Hero Academia Chapter 387 (MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD)...
That was a really, really good chapter, but hoo boy that fucked me up real bad and I need to get some thoughts off my chest before I go to sleep.  Tumblr is the best place to post this; I’m not spending $8 on Twitter Blue to type this out.
First off, more eugenic stuff yay...  This time with Rei’s family, the Himuras.  So, turns out that Geten (the ice villain following Re-Destro) is a part of that family which means that he’s the Todoroki’s cousin at best.  I think Rei would’ve said something if he was her brother. 
And that the Himura’s have been inbreeding to keep their bloodline “pure” and their ice Quirk in tact...  And forced marriages were also desperate attempts to keep this in check.  UM WHAT THE FUCK, HORIKOSHI???  I’m not saying this is a bad thing story-wise, but it makes the Todoroki Family situation so, so much worse if that was even possible.  And sadly they’re not the only family to do this... 
So, if Rei was a product of inbreeding, then (and correct me if I’m wrong) the Todoroki children are technically inbred too on top of being born out of a quirk marriage to begin with INCLUDING SHOUTO WHO’S BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH (I need to clarify that I’m not criticizing Rei or her kids, it’s not their faults. I’m criticizing the practice of inbreeding itself).  I feel ill just thinking about that.  This is some royal family shit that should never be a thing to begin with.  I don’t care if marrying your 2nd cousin shouldn’t fuck up the kids too badly, it’s still extremely fucked up period!  This is honestly worse than the quirk marriage imo and that was bad enough as it was.  I kind of wish Horikoshi didn’t include this because it’s sadly kind of warpping my perception of them, but I’m not going to fly over to Japan and throw hands with him over it.
And this puts more context into why Rei chose to marry Enji because agreeing to be bought into a marriage with Endeavor to create the perfect offspring with Fire and Ice is somehow better than MARRYING YOUR FUCKING COUSIN AND HAVING A CHILD WITH THEM!  She never had a good choice to begin with; she just chose the best one that was given to her.  God, I feel bad for this woman.
I honestly need a few days to process this because it was dropped so casually and now I need to sit down and think of the implications of it while working on my finals 🥲
Onto Dabi who is fighting his dad with like half of his body remaining.  How the hell this man is alive is a goddamn mystery because he looks like a burning skeleton.  And this whole thing has caused his Quirk to evolve to the point where he’s now producing ICE ❄️!  HE HAS AN ICE QUIRK NOW TOO!  IT’S EXACTLY THE THING ENDEAVOR WANTED THIS WHOLE TIME AND NOW HE HAS IT IN THE WORST WAY POSSIBLE!  I WANT TO SCREAM!  SHOUTO AND DABI ARE REALLY 2 SIDES OF THE SAME COIN! 
There really is no way of knowing if Touya would’ve unlocked this part of his Quirk if he trained more with Endeavor, but the fact that he actually had the potential to become exactly what he was born for is devastating.  He could’ve been what his father wanted him to become, but his Quirk was too dangerous to himself to try.  If this happened, Natsuo and Shouto might not have been born (I’m glad they were born tbh), but at least the family would’ve been spared a shit ton of trauma.
Oh, and it looks like that massive fire punch he threw at Endeavor completely burned off his right arm and now he’s right armless like Endeavor.  That one panel of them “dancing” with right fire arms is haunting.  You could write a whole short essay on that panel.  Horikoshi loves parallels and I do too.
Honestly, I really expected Horikoshi to just kill off Endeavor and Dabi at the same time this chapter.  It looked like that’s where it was going.  There are a lot of ways their fates could be going and I can see it happening all those ways.  Personally, I want them to live at least until Shouto finally gets there.  I think Horikoshi is setting up that “Todoroki Family Reunion” he’s been planning since Chapter 300 or something especially with Rei entering the battle field.  What happens next is something we’ll have to wait for.  I want Endeavor to live honestly.  But, I can definitely see Dabi dying at the end because I really don’t think he’s going to survive at this rate.  Horikoshi cooked him too well 😂😭.
And finally REI TODOROKI!!!  The block or whatever her and her family were being transported in was stopped right below Gunga Mountain last chapter and they were forced to go up to the surface to make sure they avoid Dabi’s fiery explosion.  That’s why she’s up on the surface to begin with.  I do want to know how the hell she got to the battlefield so quickly though.  I don’t see her as a fighter, but maybe she trained her Ice Quirk to glide on it like Shouto does.  I’m really curious to see what she does because she does hold some responsibility for how Dabi turned out and I think she’s trying to atone in a way too.  This better not mean she’s dying though.  I don’t need the Todorokis to deal with more trauma, especially Shouto.
Anyways, there’s a lot to unpack in this chapter and there’s probably more to dive into.  Um, I’m glad to see Mr. Compress again like Horikoshi promised.  He’s probably still assless though.  Where are the 2nd year UA students you promised, sir???  But, yeah, the Todoroki drama continues to be more and more fucked up by the weeks.  Please let this family have peace one day I’m begging  🙏.
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sparkles-and-trash · 1 year
Touya realized he was in love on a Friday night.
It was supposed to be a casual date night for him and Keigo, just the two of them at their favorite little yakitori place, maybe a movie, maybe a walk in the park.
Then Shouto happened.
To be fair, it wasn’t Shouto’s fault that Natsuo was studying with a friend and Fuyumi had gotten sick the same weekend their parents were away on a romantic getaway (ew??), but it was still inconvenient.
Touya had called Keigo to cancel, but Keigo was not having any of that, insisting that they could have a Shouto-friendly movie night at his place, and Touya couldn’t really argue against that.
Shouto and Keigo hadn’t spent that much time together, and Keigo were eager to get to know him better, so this would be good for all of them, really.
Shouto was a little quiet on the way over, for a nine year old he was pretty shy, and extremly protective over his oldest (and favorite) sibling.
When they arrived at Keigo’s apartment however, Shouto seemed to forget all about being shy.
He walked around the apartment with his big, curious eyes, quietly studying all the little details, not touching anything, but very clearly inspecting.
Touya and Keigo were busy setting out the takeout Touya and Shouto had brought and let him do his thing in peace, and just as they were ready to call on him, Shouto came into the livingroom with a thoughtful look on his face.
«You good, little dude?»
Keigo’s talking to kids skills might not be top notch, but Shouto didn’t seem to mind.
«Do you live here all alone?»
Shouto’s question took both Touya and Keigo by surprise, but Keigo nodded.
«Sure do!» he chuckled awkwardly, and Shouto tilted his head in thought.
«But don’t you feel lonely?»
Touya could toss that child in the bin at this rate. Talk about no tact.
Keigo, however, took it I’m stride.
«Sometimes,» he explained, as he sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to him to have Shouto sit down, which he did.
«But I get visitors, and then I’m not alone, am I?»
Shouto nodded slowly.
«Like when Touya comes over,» he said, and Keigo nodded.
They sorta left it at that for a while, letting Shouto pick a movie with some animated talking animals, which frankly Keigo seemed to enjoy more than Shouto did.
When the movie finished Keigo and Touya chatted for a bit while Shouto was playing with Keigo’s iPad, and when they noticed Shouto starting to nod off, they decided to call it a night.
After Touya had kissed his boyfriend goodnight he was about to call for Shouto, somehow he had already snuck up on them silently, and he gently tugged on Keigo’s sleeve.
Keigo crouched down to sit on Shouto’s eyelevel, and Shouto looked at him intensly.
«I just wanted to let you know you can borrow Touya as much as you want,» Shouto said seriously, ending his declaration with a big yawn.
Keigo’s eyes widened, and Touya felt a slight panic as he realized his boyfriend had the classic «about to cry» look, but somehow he seemed to manage.
«That’s, uh, that’s super cool of you, Shouto,» Keigo said with a wavering voice.
Shouto just blinked slowly at him.
«But, uh, yanno, if you want to, it’d be real cool if you joined him sometimes too, yanno?»
Shouto’s eyes widened slightly.
«Really?» he asked, and Keigo nodded.
«For sure. I had a lot of fun tonight,» he said with a crooked smile and gave Shouto’s hair a friendly ruffle.
Shouto usually hated stuff like that, but now he had one of his rare, big smiles on his face.
«I did too!» he said happily.
«And then we can share Touya, and you’d sorta be my brother, too!»
…damn, Touya thought, all hope of keeping his boyfriend from crying was out the window, now.
«Yeah,» Keigo croaked.
«Yeah, that’d be nice.»
Then Shouto managed to take even Touya by surprise, and give Keigo a hasty, but hard and genuine hug.
It was over before Keigo had time to react much, and Shouto suddenly seemed very shy again, and hurried over to Touya to take his hand.
As they walked away that night, Shouto waving both shyly and eagerly at Keigo over his shoulder, and Touya’s eyes met Keigo’s for just a second it hit him like a truck; he was so helplessly in love with this guy.
The guy who not only accepted Touya with all of his baggage, but somehow managed to get Shouto, of all people, to not only accept sharing Touya with him, but give him an unprompted hug?
Yeah, he was the one, alright.
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barid-bel-medar · 10 months
A World Turned Upside Down: How is the Ida family doing ever since Tenya went super villian?
They're having a rather weird time of things.
Tensei has a feeling of guilt because he views his paralysis as being why Tenya ended up a villain (and isn't exactly wrong in the sense that it's how Tenya met Izuku and Shouto in the first place and committed the first crime [Stain-murder] but very thoroughly is wrong in the sense of that being his fault, seeing as you know, Stain caused the entire situation in the first place by paralyzing him). The Iida parents are wondering if they should have kept a closer eye on Tenya, since they can't figure out how exactly he managed to get away from his original first year work study week internship long enough for the events of Stain's death to have occurred and for them to have missed something like that.
Manual certainly would have noticed Tenya vanish and tell them.
He wouldn't ignore Tenya running off to kill someone.
But in context of public reaction, the public isn't very happy with them. The public feels they raised Tenya wrong for him to have gone villain like that, and feel that the Iidas are a problem. It's actually lead to them leaving Japan altogether and moving to the US where they aren't haunted by the accusations that they did something to also lead to Tensei's targeting at Stain's hands in the past.
Needless to say Tenya, wasn't exactly happy, but also understood that there are consequences for his actions.
He still is devastated by the fact he barely hears from his parents, and is grateful Tensei at least tries to keep in contact.
(Oh, and for those wondering; Native is dead here)
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thinking about this since you posted about coming back to tumblr LMFKDJS. anyways, just a writing suggestion from another writer—
character where they tend to one of the boys’ injuries. can be whoever you wish, maybe y/n sees a news coverage of the chaotic fight prior to the hero coming home?
sorry if thats vague, i never requested anything before—
ofc! sometimes these headcannons really just get stuck in your head, huh T-T
anyway, i really think im gonna have a lot of fun with this imagine and i thinking about combining it with another request i got because i think i could make it into a really cute little ficlet!
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this is the result of my brainfart, lemme know if you like it!
After a little consideration, i've decided to write Todoroki as bisexual and the reader as gender neutral. i will try my best not to put gendered pronouns in this work because i really think it adds something nice to the fic :)
Warning: stabbing, blood...
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Todoroki x Reader
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You and Todoroki had been close friends since you both got reccommended into UA together, and you both got along nicely. You respected his boundaries and he respected yours. Over time, you started talking more, with the help of the much needed intervention from Izuku, the sweetheart.
Since Todoroki had become friends with Izuku, he'd started coming out of his shell much more, and you loved to watch him grow as a person. He had learnt to challenge himself and stay true to his beliefs to become a better hero, and it was Izuku that had taught him this, and made him look further than his spite and more towards his potential as a hero.
You will be forever greatful to that little green ray of sunshine for providing the bicoloured boy support and frienship when you couldn't necessarily get close enough.
After this, Todoroki started becoming more outspoken and social. He wasn't exactly a social butterfly, but he was doing better, and this allowed your relationship room to grow and blossom. You had went to class together and paired up a lot of the time and even started studying together outside of school time. You considered yourself so lucky, because you really did think that Todoroki could be a truly wonderful person and hero one day if he wasn't already. You were glad to be friends with him, glad to be around him, even.
So when he started growing closer and closer to Izuku you understood why, and you weren't angry. You were still really close with him, one of his best friends, really. And you were happy with that. It was enough for you.
He had started talking to him more and hanging around him more, following him on missions, and every time he did it seemed like he'd had some grand personal development.
Is it really your fault that you were jealous?
It seemed Shouto had enjoyed Izuku's company far more than yours, and you had stayed feeling that way for years now. But, if they were happy, you were happy, because they're your friends before they're anything else to you. They were, and continue to be your best friends, so you would brush your feelings aside and put your friends first and foremost.
It hurt. It hurt a lot. So much in fact, that you had almost started distancing yourself from them completely. It's not like you blame Izuku at all, or Shouto, but you had begun to blame yourself. In your eyes, you were the problem.
You had continued this way until one day, you heard a knock on the door. Frantic and rushed, the sound echoed throughout your house, startling you from your place in the living room where you sat, watching a recording of a fight between Shouto and some nameless villain on the news station.
You almost jump out of your skin as you hear the noise and you quickly scuffle to the door to look through your spyglass, wondering who on earth that could possibly be.
To your surprise, you see red and white. The door is quickly opened at the speed of light, before Shouto could even raise his fist to knock again.
"Shouto?... Oh my god, what happened?"
You stare at him with your jaw dropped like a goldfish, saying the question before you realise that you already know, since you just saw him on the news not moments ago. He's ushered in quickly, and an arm is wrapped around the back of your neck and over your shoulders as he's hoisted up. The poor idiot is limping and clutching a bloody mess on his side.
He was stabbed.
Your heart drops to your stomach as you rush him onto your sofa, grabbing your first aid kit faster than he's ever seen you before, and he can't help but choke on his dry chuckle.
It's not too deep, thank god, but with the weapon removed already, he's still bleeding all over your couch. What the fuck are you supposed to do with furnature covered in suspicious looking stains? maybe if we pray you might be able to get them out, but enough of that. Focus on the matter at hand.
"Why the fuck are you here, of all places, you idiot?! Ever heard of an invitation? Or better yet, maybe a fucking hospital?!!"
You can't stop yourself from scolding him while you perform emergency first aid, giving him a stern look like a mother worried sick, and he feels his heart warm, smiling up at you like a dumbass despite your harsh language that he's more than accustomed to at this point. "If you die on my fucking sofa, i'm bringing you back to life just to kill you myself, you asshole."
He chokes on actual laughter this time, holding your hand once you're more or less done, knowing that he's not going to die this easy. He knows it. You know it. You both know it to be true. But still, you worry over him.
You blush bright red as you finally regain your bearings, realising how close the both of you are and how thick the tension in the air is.
"I came here... because I trust you... the hospital was-... I wouldn't have made it... 's too far. ...-'sides, 's noone else i'd rather have with me than you..."
The weight those words alone carry is enough to crush your spine, your breath hitching in your throat as you steel yourself and begin dressing his wounds, trying not to show just how confused and delighted and stupified you feel.
"... You're delusional... must've lost a lotta blood"
He quickly shuts down your dismissal, repeating his words and giving you no way of responding in a rational way.
"You've been avoiding Izuku and I for months now! Did we do something? What is wrong? How could I know how to fix things if you don't tell me what's wrong?!"-
-"Because I thought you were in love with Izuku! Okay?! I really thought you were both- both- in love with eachother! I didn't wanna get in the way- i'm sorry!" You interrupt him brashly and it's that moment when tears start to shed, rolling down smooth skin in small rivulets as you come down from such a stressful situation that you were completely unprepared for.
After a pregnant pause, the air tense and still, you're shocked to feel a pair of lips on yours. Glassy, intense eyes open back up again to see Shouto's soft smile, the kiss gone just as quick as it came while a tingling feeling tickles at your lips. You've officially been stunned into silence and Shouto simply laughs again.
"Y-you mean you really... thought me and Midoriya were... together?"
Now it's his turn to blush in embarrassment, shaking his head and assuring you that nothing of the sort was going on, and in actuality he'd had a crush on you since the very start. He was actually spending so muvh time with poor Midoriya because he felt like he was learning, and wanted to learn how to talk to you more and treat you better.
A lot of things made sense after that. But you didn't bother dwelling on it, you were too busy slamming your face into Shouto's unsuspecting one, capturing him into a passionate kiss that leaves him flustered and frozen.
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legoshi-plz · 2 years
Notice Me Part VII (Izuku Midoriya x Reader)
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Pairing: Izuku Midoriya x Reader (eventually), BestFriend! Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader, hints of Shouto Todoroki x Reader
Summary: College AU. Reader feels like she’s constantly overlooked/ ignored and she’s made her peace with that.
Warnings: Angst. Insecurities.
“This one is called a ‘Nulumbo Nucifera’ but it’s commonly known as a Lotus. They manage to keep them year round by carefully gauging the humidity and temperature of the room. Which is why it’s so hot in here,” Shouto turned to look at you as he finished speaking and you began to once again look fascinated despite the fog your mind had slipped into due to the overload of information.
You were currently with Shouto at a flower sanctuary that was much bigger on the outside than it looked on the inside. When he invited you to come here with him, he’d done it so nonchalantly that you assumed it would be a quick stop but it’s been almost two hours and you had a feeling this tour was nowhere near finished.
“Wow, Sho, I never knew you were so into plants,” You smiled, trying to start a conversation before he began rattling off more plant facts. Not that you didn’t love to hear him gush about the different types of fauna but you knew there was no way you could remember all of this so you didn’t want him to waste the effort.
“Yeah I used to come here a lot with my mother when I was younger. I asked her what type of things girls like to do and she suggested coming here,” Shouto hummed gazing at the long leaves of a tree branch hanging above you two. He was so casual about everything so he probably found no issue with his statement yet your jaw was almost on the ground.
He had been talking to his mother about you? Well not about you but about hypothetical girls which just so happened to be you. You felt your cheeks warm and you weren’t so sure it was the humidity of the room making you feel so lightheaded.
Ever since Izuku had incorporated Shouto into you usual Friday get-togethers, you’d been seeing a lot of Shouto lately. A lot. At first, the notion of the two of you hanging out without Izuku as a buffer made you a nervous wreck, afraid you’d end up embarrassing yourself in front of Shouto the way Hitoshi always said you would. You’d tried to insist on Midoriya coming along but he always had something better to do at the most inopportune time.
“Sorry Y/N, I’ve got a history exam to study for.”
“I’d love to Y/N, but I can’t miss another gym session tonight, you two go on without me,”
“I actually agreed to help one of my classmates move some new furniture into her place, but maybe next time,”
“Sorry, I’m already hanging out with a couple of the other students interning at All Might’s agency but you two have fun,”
You had no idea Izuku was such a popular guy but you couldn’t say it was that much of a shock. He was cute, funny, kind, and genuinely charming. No one in their right mind wouldn’t want to be around him and occupy his time, but he was usually so busy with schoolwork, training, or working with All Might that you supposed that was part of why (at least to an outsider) it seemed like he kept to himself.
Now when it came to Shouto, there was no mystery there as to why wasn’t drowning in company. He just seems so.... unapproachable. And he was blunt to a fault, which could arguably be very off putting to some people. However, you found that the more time you spent with him, the more your nerves eventually ebbed away and you found yourself remembering exactly how you fell for him the first time when interning together at his father’s agency. There was something about him that felt so open and honest, a side effect of his bluntness no doubt. There was something so fascinating about him that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. That and his prince-like good looks really made him almost irresistible. Almost.
Despite how mesmerized you were with him and how delighted you were that the two of you were growing closer, you couldn’t shake the feeling that this wasn’t quite right. You mind kept drifting to that seed of doubt that maybe, this was all just some cruel joke the universe decided to play at your expense and the rug would be ripped out from under you at any moment.
You knew you were nowhere near Shouto’s league, nor were you anywhere near his type. You didn’t actually know what his type was but you did know that you weren’t anyone’s type nor first choice. You thought about all the times Hitoshi had urged you to get over your silly crush on Todoroki because you would only end up hurting yourself. Your best friend was always right when it came to living in reality, you needed to adjust your expectations for what was and wasn’t within your grasp. And Shouto Todoroki was definitely not in your grasp.
So adjust your expectations is exactly what you did. You enjoyed hanging out with Shouto one-on-one but you made sure to keep your own feelings in check, determined not to feed into any delusions that would eventually come back to bite you in the end.
“Y/N?” You perked up at the sound of your name, not even realizing you had spaced out.
“I’m sorry, what were you saying?”
“I asked if you were ready to move on to the exhibits upstairs. They have quite the extensive aquatic garden selection.” He lips were pulled into a small smile that was almost easy to miss. One look into that intense gaze and you knew you were going to give in.
“Lead the way,”
Izuku could barely keep his eyes open, liable to fall asleep right in front of his breakfast. It wouldn’t be the first time a college student took a cat nap in the dining hall.
“Your food is going to get cold. Besides the longer you wait to eat, the harder it will be to wake up because your body is lacking the proper energy. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for a reason,” Iida lectures across from him. It was just the two of them this morning since Uraraka decided to sleep in and Izuku’s beginning to wonder if he should have chose to do the same.
“You’re right, you’re right,” Izuku yawned picking up his chopsticks. Just as he was about to dig in, he was surprised to see Shouto sit down, looking more pleasant than he’d ever seen him at 7a.m.
“Morning everyone,” he smiled, starting on his breakfast.
“Long time, no see. We haven’t seen you at dinner in weeks now,” Iida stated drinking his orange juice.
“That’s because I’ve been eating dinner with Y/N.” Iida paused drinking his orange juice at such an admission but his eyes gave nothing away. Izuku, on the other hand, felt his gut wrench and it had nothing to do with his empty stomach.
“Oh. Every night?” Iida asked but it was clear he wanted to say something else.
“Every night. She’s quite easy to be around. I like it,” Shouto smiled while gazing at the plate in front of him. Izuku wanted to excuse himself but it was like he was glued to the seat.
“Which brings me to my question,” Shouto turned to Iida, a very serious look on his face. “How do you get a girl to be your girlfriend? Do you just ask or are there any rules to follow? I’d really like to do this the right way.”
Iida’s eyebrows were nearly at his hairline as his wide eyes glanced between Izuku and Shouto. Izuku knew Iida wasn’t stupid, he had probably picked up on his crush a while ago and was just too polite to mention it. Shouto, of course, didn’t have the same intuition.
“A-and the girl you want to be your girlfriend is... Y/N? From UA?” Iida asked slowly, a way of buying time as he processed what to say in such an awkward situation.
“Of course.”
“I see. Well maybe you should talk to Izuku about this, he knows Y/N better than I do,” Iida was clearly trying to take himself out of the equation and get Izuku to fess up to his own situation in one go.
“Hm, that is true. If you were to ask Y/N to be your girlfriend, how would you do it?” His determined gaze was now honed in on Izuku.
“Um, maybe.... start with a date,” Izuku grumbled. He wanted to sink into the floor. He may have decided to not get in the way of you and Shouto’s budding romance but that in no way shape or form meant he was willing to aid in that courtship.
“Oh, we’ve already gone on one. Several actually,” Shouto mentioned casually and Izuku really did feel like he was going to be sick.
“Sorry, I don’t know. It’s not like I have a girlfriend,” muttered, gathering up his tray. He left, throwing the untouched food away on his way out.
He knew this was coming, he knew he shouldn’t be so dramatic. He’d always known about your crush on Shouto the same way he’d always known that Shouto had a soft spot for you. It was bound to happen eventually and eventually was finally here.
So why did he have to be the idiot to fall for you anyways?
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transhawks · 1 year
Was Hawks angry at his mother for running away from him (when he came to confront her about his identity leak) ? I got this feeling that he was angry while watching the anime but I'm not sure
I think it's more complex than this. He's angry, but more at himself than anything. It's why he brings up Shouto being better than him in the next few chapters. The failure of their relationship is something he puts on himself. Do I think he resents or is angry about/at his parents? Absolutely, almost all abused children are.
The whole "maybe the child had bad vibes" thing might be a dark joke, but kids internalize this when their parents don't love them. But one of the first impulses with abused kids is to blame ourselves. Even if Hawks knew his parents were broken, fucked up people, the fact they blamed it on him stuck with him. I think he does think of himself, even if cognitively, rationally he knows its not true - the one at fault. That he stopped his father from flying 'free', that he left his mother to fend for himself. Of course I'm sure older Keigo also knows they did it to themselves, but the thing about abuse (as you can see with Dabi) what you "know" to be true, and what you feel are usually never in alignment.
Hawks blames himself for not even trying to reconnect, and certainly for putting his mother in danger even after over a decade and a half of distance between themselves. He's still the boy being asked by his mom why he's even alive with those wings if he can't use them to help her.
Like fifteen years later, he's still unable to help.
So of course he's angry, likely at himself most of all. There's a lot of blame in estranged relationships like that, and Keigo's aware he's been abused but it's clear that he favors methods of reconciliation like Shouto's but tends to do exactly what his mom does - run away, retreat.
I'd search up the few metas I have on Shouto and Hawks and the weight of that scene if you want more reading on it.
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
Ok this is not really an important topic but in most fanfics I read Dabi is insecure about his scars and the way he looks but I actually feel like it'd be the opposite? Like he would think that he looks gruesome and ugly but also enjoys how the way he looks make people (especially his family and heroes) feel uneasy and disturbed. His burns are endvr's and hero society's fault, and he wants people to see that. Or maybe he wouldn't care at all since his only purpose in life is taking endvr down. Anyway what do you think about it?
Disclaimer: fanfic is often very personal to the author and doesn’t have to line up with canon. Sometimes fic writers just want to explore things exactly because the source material never went there, and I don’t think it’s fair to judge them for something they create out of love. Fanfic also shouldn’t be taken as a 1:1 of that person’s views of canon imho. I know I’ve jumped between opposite headcanons on the subject (and other things), and that might be true for others as well.
That being said, staying true to what we see in canon… Dabi seems rather… impassive about his scars. The one time we see him openly acknowledge them (that wasn’t when someone else brought them up first) was when he was on that ratty couch after the war, looking at the back of his hand and noticing the new burns. His reaction however is fairly subdued, almost indifferent. He doesn’t feel the pain attached anymore, and even if it did, it wouldn’t matter. His whole focus shifts back to Endvr a beat later, to the goal of getting his revenge and making his family look at him. 
If I had to hazard a comparison, the way Dabi thinks about his scars is very similar to how Deku thinks about his. Both of them see them as a means to an end, or rather, as an unfortunate but tolerable compromise that lets them get to their desired end goal. How they get there doesn’t matter, so long as they do. They sort of… accepted that their quirks will always take a toll on their bodies, and are now fairly blasé about it. They don’t even blink twice when they get new ones, tho they also typically don’t go out of their way to injure themselves if they can help it, if that makes sense. 
As for the insecurity angle… canon-wise, we don’t really see him struggle with his appearance. In fact, Horikoshi plays it up quite a bit. After joining the League, Dabi’s ratty and plain clothes get swapped for an outfit whose trench coat has suture-like stitches, and they’re clearly meant to mimic his seams and staples. Then in the PLF arc said stitches extend to most of his clothing. Whether you want to take that as a simple character design choice on Hori’s part or not, Dabi does wear those fits, and that’s not something he would do if he was self-conscious about his appearance imho. At least for the PLF one, we can assume it was commissioned (to Detnerat, maybe? I don’t remember) because it was tailor-made to be fireproof. So Dabi could’ve turned it down if it crossed any boundaries, I think. 
However, I want to mention that Dabi does have some self-perception issues stemming from his scars. Or more precisely, stemming from people’s comments on them. Understandably, he takes issue when he’s judged based on his burns. However, I would say that it goes past the distaste he holds for actual prejudice (see: Geten, those alley thugs he cremated), and extends to any sort of unwanted attention on his burns. He’s so used to getting negative feedback for them that he bristles even in the face of genuine worry (Fuyumi, Toga). He seems to take any attention on his scars as negative attention, after being conditioned that way by his father’s upbringing. Whenever someone points out that he’s burning, or that he’s scarred, he looks disgruntled, sometimes downright hostile, with the sole exception of that time with Shouto during the war arc (where he wasn’t fully lucid anyway). 
So I would say that he is self-conscious about that. He fears being judged only because of his lack of fire resistance, rather than for his skills, since that’s what happened in the past. The reminder brings up unpleasant feelings, so he shuts it down. Much like when he was a kid, he wants people to focus on what he can do, and not on the limitations of his quirk. On him, rather than on his injuries.
That’s about all we know from canon o/
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haleigh-sloth · 1 year
I've felt for a while that Deku is like the Tohru to Shigarakis Akito lol. I feel like MHA and Fruits Basket have so much in common. I love that Deku has met all these people that need help and he is able to be there for them. But kinda like Tohru, he sacrifices his own wellbeing too much and he needs to accept help from others. I also love that characters like Todoroki are similar to Yuki. They receive help from Deku but then grow on their own as well and become a positive force to help others.
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!!!!! This comparison has been in my head for a very long time, yeah.
I think that's what turns people off to Midoriya as a protag because he's far more similar to a freaking shojo female lead than a shounen male lead aks;gaskgn Personally I find that both hilarious and great but not everybody feels that way lol.
There are people who hate it because he's not their tough guy kick-ass tough exterior protag, and people who hate it because he's not as complex as the villains..or something along those lines.
Sometimes the protagonist halo of "selfless to a fault" is just who the character is. Either you like the trope or you don't, but trying to make it into some awful crime against the manga is stupid imo and it's better just to admit it's not a trope you like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But tbh I do find it interesting that ✨for some reason✨ it's perfectly fine for Tohru to have that protag halo and people receive it super well in Fruits Basket but god forbid Midoriya have the same type of characterization and because of this specific trope played into him he's just so god awfully written 🙄. What's the difference between the two characters and genre? Lol we'll be up all night trying to figure that out.
No but seriously. I 100% get the comparisons to Naruto and I've made them myself, but I find much more in common with a manga like Fruits Basket, as you said. Especially because much like BNHA, Fruits Basket covers dark topics that can be icky to think about, it covers different reactions and victims, it talks about forgiveness and resentfulness and family dynamics and relationships, connections, bonds, all of that stuff. BNHA covers interpersonal dynamics with much more detail like Fruits Basket. You can go back to early chapters, look at the characters that are in the forefront of the conflict of the endgame and see exactly why each pair of characters was matched up together.
Also you've completely opened my eyes to the Shouto|Yuki comparison. God you're so right. I've mentioned this being one of the things I liked about Shouto's healing so much but he's one of the few characters who has almost complete independence in his healing and his choices to move forward. I love a dynamic where someone is so damn helpless that they're depending on someone else's kind heart to survive, and I'm getting that with the villains, but Shouto himself is a breath of fresh air.
Tomura really is like Akito, where he fights his salvation over and over and over and rejects any implication that someone may want better for him and is just lost in self-hatred to the point that it's going to swallow him-----up until the very last second. Yeah, that's him, and Akito. It's also crazy comparing it because Tohru and Akito didn't interact much to each other, and all they had to go off of was the butterfly effects their actions had on each other and how everything they did eventually reached the other and that's how that connection was strong enough by the end for Akito to accept help. Sounds very familiar to me. Man, wild.
I said I wanted that scene with Rin and Tohru recreated with Tomura and Izuku and I mean that, but I do think Akito and Tohru are more similar a dynamic to the BNHA bunny and cat duo.
Also this is what I mean by BNHA has boiled down to "I can fix him" being the answer LOL
"I (Izuku, Shouto, Ochacko) can fix him (Tomura, Touya, Toga)" 💀
Fruits Basket was very much like that also with pretty much no irony at all 😂
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petri808 · 2 years
random prompt alert!!! (bcs I can't with what's happening on MHA)
A modern bakudeku au where deku wakes up from a nightmare (based on most recent chapter🥲) and immediately calls and gets comforted by bakugo, who was on an out of town trip with friends, just to be sure it was a dream.
Oof, dream scene 😶 I’ll do my best! Here you go Nony 😊
Hurry. The 2nd’s ominous message rang in my head over and over. The vestige world. ‘Izuku…’ I look around in this limbo between life and death, ‘Kacchan?’ Why can I hear his voice?! As I walk towards a shadowed figure on the ground, my skin crawls and a shiver befalls my body. With every step a sense of foreboding raises the hair on my arms and drives my pulse racing. I don’t want to look. ‘Will I still reach you?’ A hand reaches up through the fog. ‘Kacchan?! I’m here!’ I rush over. ‘How are you in here?!’ I take his hand. Bright light consumes me in a flash. Oh, no, oh, no, oh, no— to reveal the broken body of my best friend laying at my feet, with blood oozing down the burned part of his face, and a gaping hole in his chest— my knees give way to a murky, shifting ground already consuming the body. This is my fault! I’m too late! I pull with all my might. ‘KACCHAN!!!’
“AAAAN!!!” Awakened in a start, I sit up covered in sweat and green lightning ready to do battle— for a battle long since over. I grab for my heaving chest because my heart feels ready to explode.
Not this again— alone in our darkened bedroom, I cradle my face in my hands. Even after a decade, the nightmares continue— the same one. Every. Damn. Time. As a result of internalized shame in blaming myself for my husband’s… near death experience. I shiver again and shake away the image. With a lot of therapy and support from my husband they’ve grown infrequent, but often come out of nowhere to strangle my sleep and leave me pinned with fear. And this is one of the worst in a long time, evidenced by the singe marks all over the sheets.
Deep… breaths… deep… breaths… it’s not real… it was real… Shut Up! Ugh, my heart won’t relax! Sighing, I reach over to the night stand for my phone to call my husband who’s out of town with friends. I pause before hitting dial, there’s no way he’s awake, but I need to hear his voice or I’ll never go back to sleep. I hang my head in shame and hit the button.
“Hello? Izuku? What are you doing still up?” my husband’s gruff voice questions with concern. He knows I’d only call in an emergency. “Was it another nightmare?”
Tears well up in my eyes as I nod my head. “Yes, Kacchan. I’m sorry to bother you…”
“It’s okay, Izu,” he stops me from apologizing, and I can hear the sound of a lamp cord being pulled on. “I’m here baby. I’m here,” he coos.
A strangled sob chokes back in my throat. “Will you…” I sniffle, questioning sheepishly, “stay on the phone with me till I fall asleep again?”
“Of course,” his voice his gentle, yet firm, knowing exactly how to calm me down. “Where’s my pillow? Lay back down and snuggle with my pillow babe.”
“Okay,” I pull his pillow to my side and lay back down, snuggling to it, “Kacchan.”
“Tell me, how was your day Izu, anything I miss?”
“Mmm, not really. Shouto and I were sent to a report of a villain called the Flasher using their quirk to rob people.”
“Just riff-raff? Nothing you couldn’t handle, I’m sure.”
That made me smile. “Yeah,” I chuckle, “but he was really weird. When he took off his head mask, his bright skin temporarily blinded people long enough for him to rob them. Oh, and he wore a full body latex suit that made him look like a bad porn movie actor.”
“That is really weird,” he laughs. “And dumb. What an idiot to walk around lookin like a giant ass condom.”
I laugh hard too as the nightmare slowly fades away, and his voice brings my heart rate back down. Katsuki could always make me feel better. We stay on the phone for several minutes, me telling my husband about work, him about his trip so far. He, and our old classmates Eijiro and Denki decided to catch up by going onsen-hopping and entering a quirkless skiing contest up in Ashikawa, Hokkaido to test themselves. They’ll be gone for a week and it was only day two.
“So, Denki got busted trying to slip into the women’s side? He sure hasn’t changed.” I yawn out loud midway through a chuckle. “I’m glad you’re having fun Kacchan.”
“Pikachu got us kicked us out of the onsen, so we had to find another. Oh, did a package come? My mom said she sent something in the mail.”
Several seconds of silence.
“Izu?” Katsuki tries one more time, but Izuku has finally passed out. He smiles, thankful his husband could fall asleep. “Good night, baby,” he makes a kissing sound into the phone before hanging up.
Katsuki hasn’t forgotten that day either, but he understands how it could cause his husband nightmares. If their roles had been reversed, he’s sure he’d be having nightmares too. He places his phone back on the nightstand and turns off the bedside lamp. This is the longest they’ve been apart since that day and it must’ve triggered Izuku’s anxiety. “I’ll make sure to call him before bed times,” he remarks to himself with a yawn.
Don’t worry…. Katsuki closes his eyes and settles back in bed contentedly. I’m still here, Izuku… I’ll always be with you.
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inkykeiji · 1 year
its mentioned a little bit in the fic but while we're on the topic: how does tag!dabi feel about his mother?? and where is she now? since dabi says he misses her if im remembering correctly.
oooooh anon!!! such a good question!!
tw: mentions of physical abuse + drug abuse
tag!dabi’s feelings toward his mother are very, very complex. they aren’t something he’s even fully unpacked—aren’t something he’s sure he’ll ever fully unpack, hesitant on whether or not he even wants to untangle something so heavy and messy and convoluted.
you’re right! he does mention within part two that he misses her deeply. and he does. tag!dabi was very close with his mother, and one of the reasons why he fucking hates seeing keigo put his hands on reader (aside from the fact that it’s wrong on so many levels; just fundamentally wrong) is because his father used to hit his mother, and it made him so fucking angry that his vision bled a furious red. he was even angrier that he wasn’t big enough or smart enough or rich enough to do anything about it. he couldn’t help her. he couldn’t save her. he couldn’t protect her.
he loves her, deeply, dearly, but he doesn’t have many happy memories of her; only up until he was about 8 or 9, and then everything crumbles to ash the moment shouto enters their pristine family photo.
the feelings he experiences when he thinks of his mother are contradictory, paradoxical; he understands why she did the things she did, why she ultimately turned to drugs as an escape from it all. he also understands that his mother suffers from severe mental illness (and worries, silently, that he might’ve inherited a piece of it—he heard these things can be genetic, you know). he gets it, he does. but he also understands that while it isn’t her fault that she’s sick, it was her responsibility, her duty, to see a doctor and try to get better. he feels anger towards her, anger towards the fact that she took what he believes to be the ‘coward’s way out’, anger towards the fact that she picked drugs and their manufactured bliss over her own children time and again.
he sympathizes with her mother and everything she went through due to his brute of a father, but he knows she had resources, avenues she could’ve pursued to get them all help, to get them all out of there, and that she didn’t. that she deliberately chose not to. any fight she had ever contained had been beaten out of her long ago, and she was too tired to do anything but take the easy way out.
her choices hurt him. he took her decision to turn to drugs very personally. but he loves her so much, and he knows she tried. she tried to keep up the charade, she tried to be the Good Housewife and Great Mother in the Happy Family, she tried to keep everything as ‘normal’ as she could, even as she sank deeper into addiction, even as she began to crave that euphoric release more and more potently.
he doesn’t know if his siblings were ever taken from his father after The Incident with the kettle, after his mom had been put away, locked in a cushy padded cell. he didn’t stick around long enough to find out, but he knows that his father has enough authority to sway others, to get his way, just like he always does.
there is a tiny piece of him, buried deep deep deep in his soul, that holds resentment towards himself for running, too. that calls him a hypocrite for doing exactly what his mother did, for leaving his younger siblings to deal with their father, alone, because he just couldn’t take it anymore, couldn’t handle continuing to take the brunt of the abuse so his baby siblings didn’t have to. but he silences that shard of himself easily enough, reminding himself that he was only thirteen, only a fucking child, dealing with things no child should ever have to deal with, and it was not his goddamn job to parent his kid siblings. such responsibility should never be thrust upon a mere child. never. it’s extremely unfair to ask of a kid, especially a kid in his position.
so those are the knotty, complex feelings he has towards his mother. he hasn’t been able to bring himself to visit her in the psychiatric hospital, not once, though he hopes that one day he can. he thinks he’ll regret it if she dies before he gets to talk to her, and see her face to face, just once more.
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queen-ofsunflowers · 2 years
RWBY In My Hero: Shie Hassaikai Arc Preview
I’ll be doing this in text rather than in screenshots like I have done previously. It’s taken a while, but this arc is finally scripted out and so far is the longest one at sixteen chapters. I apologize for the major delay with the fic, but we’re halfway through the scripting process right now. Once I get through the next arc, things should be easier.
Chapter 1
Midoriya: Nothing, it’s just that this whole thing reminded me of something. Do you remember when we were little and we tried to catch a stray cat using sardines as bait? (Bakugo clicks his tongue, unamused.) That was the day we discovered your Quirk. All because the cat tried to scratch you and—
Bakugo: Okay, that’s enough! Shut up! (Ruby bits her lip as she tries not to laugh.) It’s not funny, Red!
Ruby: Honestly, it’s a lot better than what happened to me and Midoriya. (Midoriya raises a brow.)
Midoriya: Okay, you saying that about me, I get it. I broke both my legs and an arm. But what happened to you? (Ruby sheepishly chuckles.)
Ruby: I um… I sneezed? And ended up halfway across the backyard… Actually, it might’ve been a good thing. I developed Petal Burst pretty late, so my dad was kind of getting worried that I was Quirk—
Bakugo: So, you found out about your Quirk the same way you made a crater in the courtyard on the first day of school?
Ruby: ...Hey, it was your fault that I caused Snow-splosion in the first place!
Bakugo: It was not!
Ruby: Yes it was!
Midoriya: Wait, what happened on the first day of school? (Ruby and Bakugo fall quiet.) Guys, what happened on the first day of school?! What’s Snow-splosion!?
Bakugo: Just get back to work, Deku.
Chapter 2
Pyrrha: This should be interesting… (She says, sounding a bit nervous.)
Yang: You're not gonna fight, Shouto?
Todoroki: Huh? No… I didn’t get my provisional license. (Okay, so that’s why he’s standing on the sidelines with the others…)
Sero: Is he… for real? (Considering the fact that he’s already stretching, then yes.)
Mirio: Oh yeah. Totes real!
Tamaki: Mirio, you’re impossible. (He says, standing behind Yang like she’s his human shield.) It would’ve been simple enough for us just to tell them. ‘This is what it’s like, here’s what we learned from it.’ Not everyone has your level of drive. Plus, think about how bad it’ll look if some of them can’t recover after fighting you. No one wants to spend the next few years in a hospital bed.
Yang: You haven’t met these kids.
Tamaki: But you’ve met Mirio.
Yang: What’s that supposed to mean?
Tamaki: It means that I don’t think they can take the same level that you and Mirio like to brawl at.
Yang: …hold on a minute.
Mirio: Nope! Can’t stop me now! I’m doin’ this!
Yang: Mirio!
Chapter 3
Tomura: Another time. …Shie Hassaikai… you’ll pay for what you’ve done today. (Cinder sighs.)
Cinder: For once, Tomura... it appears as if we're in agreement on something. 
Tomura: What?
Cinder: Forgive me if I don't shake on it... but why don't you and I accept Chisaki's offer?
Shigaraki: ...You have one minute.
Cinder: They killed one of yours, as well as took the arm of the street magician. If you're clever enough, you'll find the perfect way to destroy them from the inside. Personally, I think that bull will do quite the damage to their china shop. (It’s rather easy to pull his strings now that she knows what makes him tick. So long as he didn’t get distracted by his… infatuation, just thinking about that made Cinder gag, he’d do exactly what he was supposed to.) It’s all up to you in the end. But if you want the Hassaikai to pay for the damage, it’s best to do it from the inside.
Tomura: …why? (Cinder glances over at him.) Why are you doing this?
Cinder: That should be plenty obvious to you by now… Tomura Shigaraki. Emerald, Mercury. We have plans to make. (And they leave without another word. This was going to be fun to watch.)
Chapter 4
Yang: What’s going on?
Tamaki: Please help.
Yang: …what’s going on…?
Kirishima: I-I um… (This is a complete 180 from how he was just acting before.) Amajiki-senpai asked to see me about work studies so I came over as soon as possible! Sorry, I’ll get going! (Tamaki seems to sigh, tension melting from his shoulders. Really weird, but…)
Yang: Oh yeah, we work at the same agency. (Kirishima stops.) I think I could help out. Fat's always lookin' for kids like you.
Kirishima: Y-You mean it?
Yang: Yeah.
Kirishima: Thank you, senpai! Good night! (Kirishima quickly walks off before Yang can get out another word. She sighs. Seriously, what was that about? Looking to Tamaki for an answer, all she gets is a shrug. And she wasn’t able to give him any more information. Oh well, she can always pass it on through Ruby.)
Chapter 5
Ruby: Hey, Midoriya! Didn’t you start your work study yesterday, too? How did it go? Pretty good, right?
Midoriya: Yeah, sure… (He doesn’t sound like he means it.)
Bakugo: (turning his hearing aids off) I don’t wanna hear about you getting ahead of me!
Ruby: Bakugo… (He’ll have to turn them back on eventually. She sighs.) Midoriya? Are you okay?
Midoriya: I um… (He sighs, burying his face into his arms. As the day went on, it became apparent that evidently, Midoriya was not okay. He got distracted during classes and ended up getting hit in the head with a book. That afternoon, he nearly drowned while they were performing mock rescues and had to be fished out by Mr. Aizawa. When Ruby tried to confront him about it as classes ended, he was already gone.)
Chapter 6
Oscar: Eri… (She sniffles, looking up at him.)
Eri: You came back.
Oscar: Of course I did. Nothing Overhaul says is going to get me to leave.
Eri: But you're going to get hurt...
Oscar: I won't. Not if he doesn't catch me. I'm not going to leave you here alone, Eri. I promise. I'll make sure you're safe. (Eri hiccups. Oscar remembers what Amber would do when he'd cry. He holds his arms out to the girl, who shrinks away.) You won't hurt me, Eri. Remember my Quirk?
Eri: *hic*... (She takes Oscar's hands and presses them to hers. Oscar activates his Quirk the moment their hands meet, sending a rippling green aura over Eri.)
Oscar: There we— (Eri launches herself into his arms, holding on tight as she muffles her sobs with his shirt. He holds her back.)
(Oscar thinks back to their encounter with Lemillion and Deku... he thinks about his father, and his grip tightens on Eri's clothes.)
Chapter 7
Ryukyu: Could he really do something so horrific?
Ozpin: Yes.
Nighteye: In addition to his daughter, Mirio and Midoriya also encountered a young boy who had been kidnapped a few months ago back in July — Oscar Pine.
Ozpin: My son. (Ruby’s eyes widen. She didn’t even know that Ozpin had any kids.)
Ghira: If you don't mind me asking, why would they have reason to want your son? It doesn't make sense.
Ozpin: I can only assume that he was... (swallowing something, disgusted) That my son is there because of his Quirk. It's called Nullification. (To Aizawa) It's similar to your Erasure. When Oscar makes skin-to-skin contact with someone, he can temporarily nullify the effect of their Quirk, as well as usage of it for a short amount of time. I can only imagine that some of the blood and cells found in the bullet belonged to him.
Gran Torino: In a world of superhumans, if you can dream it, you can do it.
Kirishima: Hold on. What are you talking about?
Rock Lock: Once again, why do we have children in this meeting? I’ll say this one time. We’re wondering if this Chisaki bastard is turning those kids’ bodies into bullets and selling them on the black market. (Glynda looks like she’s about to be sick, and those Pro Heroes who are parents at the table look deeply disturbed and disgusted.)
Ruby: No way…
Jaune: I think I’m gonna be sick… (Ruby can see a few embers briefly flicker to life in her father’s hair.)
Chapter 8
Detective: Now, heroes! Things could get violent quickly out there. If you encounter even a hint of suspicious behavior or resistance, call for help immediately!
Yang: Here.
Tamaki: Swordfish? Where did you even get this?
Yang: I thought you could use it at some point.
Tamaki: That doesn’t answer my question.
Chapter 9
(Whatever it is, it gets Tamaki to quiet down and let Jaune do his work. He must’ve hit the yakuza guys pretty hard if they’re still out cold. Once the bones in his face are set back into place, Jaune takes care to try and wipe off some of the blood sticking to the side of Tamaki’s face to keep his hair from sticking to it. Suddenly, Tamaki grabs him by the wrist.)
Jaune: Too much?
Tamaki: We need to go.
Jaune: But I’m not done—
Tamaki: We need to go now! Something’s wrong! Something’s wrong with Mirio, I can just feel that it is!
Jaune: Is this—
Tamaki: I’m being serious! Something’s wrong… I don’t know what, but something’s wrong! (This is a whole new level on Tamaki’s Worked-Up scale. Jaune’s pretty sure it’s off the scale. Oh no…)
Jaune: Can you stand? (Tamaki swiftly nods.) Then come on. Let’s go.
Chapter 10
Yang: Blake, it's okay to be scared. We're only fifteen, and what he did to you wasn't right. Anyone would be scared after that. Wanna know a secret? Even the strongest Pros are scared whenever they go into a fight. But the thing is... they forget their fear because they have their friends fighting beside them. Other Pro Heroes. You can be scared. But no matter how scared you get, I promise I'll be with you, okay? 
Blake: You don't have to protect me, Xiao Long. I can do that myself.
Yang: Didn't say that I was. You can count on me, alright? I won't leave you to face your fears alone. And you can call me Yang if you want. I don’t mind. (Blake swallows something down and nods.)
(She didn’t realize then, but that little act would be enough to set things in motion that brought them to today. Hearing Yang’s name come out of her mouth, using ‘Yang’ and ‘Blake’ for each other, slowly becoming friends and allies, Yang being the person that Blake began to think of to call when she was home alone and couldn’t handle it, how much she thought about her friend…)
Chapter 11
Ruby: Deku? What’s up?
Midoriya: It was just like at the exam…
Ruby: What?
Midoriya: That transformation and the way her body melted. I think… Do you remember how that Shiketsu girl said that her friend was acting strange?
Ruby: You mean Penny? (Midoriya nods.) Yeah, I do. She told me later that they had found her friend passed out in an alley a few days later—! …! You mean that girl was…!?
Midoriya: Toga. (Seriously, what was the League up to…?)
Chapter 12
Oscar: NO!! (He jumps onto Overhaul from behind, pressing his hand onto Chisaki's face, and the other onto his arm. The villain’s body ripples with a green glow. His eyes widened.)
Overhaul: You... You BRAT!! (Overhaul grabs Oscar, throwing him towards a set of spikes. Mirio acts quickly, grabbing the boy before he can get hurt.) 
Lemillion: Your dad's on his way with the other heroes. (Oscar's eyes widened. His dad? Something twists his heart. He remembers the last time he saw his dad. That day when he left for work at U.A. He said that ...Oscar remembers screaming for his dad when he was attacked by that woman and her crew. He remembers crying himself to sleep every night, hoping and praying to any god that was listening for his father to come and save him like he always promised he would. He would protect him. He would keep him from danger... He was a Hero. That's what they did. But...)
Oscar: My dad's... (He shakes.) He doesn't...
Overhaul: That's right! Dear old daddy... he's not coming for you. If he wanted you, he would've saved you long ago! But no, he didn't, did he!? He left you to suffer and forgot all about you! HE LEFT YOU BEHIND!! (Lemillion's grip on Oscar tightens.)
Chapter 13
Midoriya: C’mon, let’s go.
Oscar: But—!
Ozpin: Go with Lemillion. I'm going to have a little chat with Chisaki...
Oscar: Dad—
Ozpin: Go! (There’s a barrier that pushes them back before Ozpin dives into the fight to help Qrow and Nighteye. Midoriya passes Mirio over to Ruby, who struggles a bit to keep him upright while her friend busts another hole in the wall. Oscar is holding tight onto Eri, even after the barrier falls. He watches his father fight.)
Midoriya: I’m pretty sure this will lead us back. We need to get away from Chisaki! (As Midoriya goes to get Ruby back, Ruby sees that the palm of her glove is darker than what it should be. That’s blood. That’s Mirio’s blood. Eri squirms in Oscar’s arms, trying to get free.)
Oscar: Eri—
Eri: No! That’s enough. (There are tears running down the little girl’s face.) I’m so sorry. (They stare at her. Eri…)
(And then… the worst happens.)
Chapter 14
Ozpin: Oscar! What are you doing? I thought I told you to go with Lemillion.
Oscar: But Dad—
Ozpin: It’s dangerous for you to be here!
Jaune: If you have to yell at anyone, yell at me! I let him!
North: Oz, lecture the kids later. We got more serious things to worry about. 
Ozpin: *sigh* “Where’s Togata?”
Jaune: With Suneater. I healed him up a bit, but there’s still something not right so he’s taking him up to get help.
Ruby: Mirio’s Quirk…
Jaune: His Quirk? Wait, what happened to his Quirk?
Qrow: We can talk later.
Ozpin: Right. For now, let’s work on getting you children and Nighteye out of here.
Jaune: (upon seeing the state that Nighteye is in, pulling Oscar back and covering his eyes though the kid has probably seen worse) Oh my gosh!
Chapter 15
Tamaki: Rose!
Jaune: Ruby!
Ruby: Amaji— Uh, Suneater! Chevalier! (She rushes over to them.) Are you guys okay?
Tamaki: Don't worry about me. I'm fine.
Jaune: Could be better.
Ruby: What about Yang? A-And Kiri— Red Riot and Lemillion and—? (Unsure of what to say, Tamaki lowers his gaze sadly.) Guys?
(Suneater steps aside, giving Ruby a clear view of Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long with the paramedics. Both girls have bandages wrapped around their wounds, and the latter is unconscious. Behind them are Mirio Togata, who is unconscious and being loaded into an ambulance, and Eijirou Kirishima who is worse for wear with whom Ruby could only guess was Fatgum by his side. Uravity and Froppy rush to his side while Ruby stands there, shocked. Midoriya smothers a gasp. Blake reaches over and places her hand on Yang's.)
Blake: I'm sorry... (She gets tears in her eyes as she gets into the ambulance with Yang. Ghira Belladonna isn’t that far behind her. Ruby sees Yang's missing arm. Ruby reaches out and opens her mouth to say something, but in her emotional state, she doesn't know what to say.)
Chapter 16
Aizawa: Are you sure that being in a hospital is the best place for you? (Ruby comes to a stop. She peers around the corner, seeing Mr. Aizawa talking with her uncle. Her uncle… he would know where Yang’s room was, right? But before Ruby can confront him about the matter…)
Qrow: Not now, Shouta.
Aizawa: I’m only asking you a question. With your bad luck, who knows what damage you could do.
Qrow: I said not now.
Aizawa: Harbinger. (He’s being serious.) Someone like you in a place like this isn’t the best idea. We’ve already had enough bad luck today. We don’t need any—
Qrow: Don’t you think I know that?! (Aizawa takes a step back, and Ruby’s breath catches in her throat. She… had never heard her uncle snap like that.) But if you haven’t noticed, I’m well aware of all the bullshit that I caused today just by being present! …fuck…
Aizawa: Harbinger, get a hold of yourself.
Qrow: Don’t you think I’m trying, Shouta?!
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