#but the fact that she reaches a point in late season 5
piratefalls · 1 year
upon whatever number rewatch this is at this point (3? 4?) i just clocked that adalind actually looks uncomfortable when she’s flying to vienna at the end of season 3. like she’s telling herself, on repeat, “it was for my baby” while also not feeling good about the thing she did. she’s trying so hard to justify it to herself but she can’t even make herself fake a smile. she’s not proud. she’s a desperate mother who wants her child back and will do whatever it takes to accomplish it.
#I still really hate the trop of 'becoming a mother humanizes the evil woman'#because Adalind isn't even inherently evil#she's been manipulated by her mother and a man she loved#and has done bad things because they told her to#in the name of a cause that seems just (and mostly is) but she's only ever playing what side they tell her#and the second nick takes her powers at the end of season 1 she's swept aside by them both#because they consider her useless as a plain old human#and both times she's without her powers she proves she's far from useless#she's a big brained woman who can scheme with the best of them#only she also allows her heart to drive her decisions#the choices she makes for kelly and the choices she makes to protect nick#because unlike what she had with her mother and renard#with nick she's eventually working with all the pieces on the board and not just the few her mom and renard allowed her to see#(and yes her love for her daughter does allow her to be manipulated by the royals I am not denying that)#(and how she went about things with nick was definitely wrong and I know they kind of skate over that)#(and yes she still chose to follow through on some of those plans - albeit without having the full picture)#but the fact that she reaches a point in late season 5#where she can recognize when someone is trying to manipulate her BEFORE she does a terrible thing#and does everything she can to not have to do that thing#and then only does the thing to protect the man she loves and their son#to give them all a fighting chance to be together again#because the cause she believes in now is her and nick and their family#and I just love watching her evolve over six seasons I love Adalind SO MUCH#oh my god these tags are a huge fucking mess I am so scatterbrained but whatever#and that's what you missed on glee apparently#kelly watches grimm
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perfectsunlight · 11 months
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warnings: minor angst.
word count: 2.3k
synopsis: your ex-wife receives an invite to your wedding, but will she let you say "i do" for a second time?
masterlist | next
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when the leaves grow green and the cherry blossoms bloom, soyeon remembers your wedding. however, she wasn’t expecting that reminder six months earlier, and this time it wasn’t a reminder of the past.
the ceo furrowed her eyebrows as she flipped over the white envelope that had been addressed to her as “jeon soyeon” and not “ceo jeon.” did her mother send her a late birthday card? or was it something from a friend?
a pit formed in her stomach when she recognized the handwriting. it was yours.
the woman’s fingers trembled slightly as she gently opened the invitation, and prayed to every god in the sky that it wasn’t true. she hoped that the non-formal addressing and the color scheme meant anything but the thoughts running through her head.
the elegant script on the invitation danced before her eyes, adorned with black and white lettering. the weight of the revelation caused her chest to tighten and the air inside her lungs to disappear. 
you were getting re-married. 
it had been 5 years since the divorce. had you really moved on?
as she read the details of the upcoming ceremony, soyeon couldn't shake the mixture of disbelief and subtle pain that twisted in her stomach. 
on top of that, you were marrying a man who happened to be an old school friend of yours. he was always the only person who had been closer to you than she was.
with a heavy heart, she traced the letters of your name on the invitation, feeling the ink under her fingertips as she remembered the way her name looked next to yours all those years ago. 
she thought about reaching for her phone, dialing your number and demanding an explanation from you. but the rational ceo within her prevailed, reminding her that the past was just that—a chapter closed and done, sealed with the ink of divorce papers.
yet, in the solitude of her office, surrounded by the trappings of success, soyeon couldn't escape the way this single white envelope had made her feel. the memories of your love that once bloomed like the blossoms outside her window did in early may were now juxtaposed against the harsh reality of a future that no longer included her.
with a sigh, she folded the invitation, holding it in her hands as if the act itself could contain the storm of emotions brewing deep inside her. she had so much left to say to you, but she didn’t even want to bother trying at this point. 
you were getting re-married, and she would have to accept the fact that you no longer were in love with her. 
she gently placed the envelope against the side of her desk lamp, not wanting to throw it away, but also not knowing exactly what to do with it either.
her gaze lingered on the invitation, her mind oscillating between the urge to confront the past and the wisdom of letting it rest. she wrestled with the conflicting desires, knowing very well that your happiness was all she ever wanted, but also hating that your happiness was no longer coming from her.
but soyeon knew that it hadn’t been coming from her for years now.
the ceo knew she couldn't change the course of your life or the feelings that led to this moment. the realization stung, but it also carried a quiet strength—a reminder that she had weathered storms before, and this, too, was just another tempest to endure.
as she leaned back in her chair, she allowed herself a moment of reflection. her eyes briefly glanced at the scenery outside her window. autumn leaves were falling, symbolizing the true arrival of the fall season. the tiniest smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she watched them dance in the wind.
it reminded her of the first time she met you.
the air outside was cold, and on that day specifically, soyeon remembered thinking she could feel the brisk touch of winter lurking in the breeze. it was a day much like this one, with leaves in hues of amber and gold painting the path beneath her feet. the crunching sound echoed with each step as she approached cube’s headquarters.
her breath escaped in visible puffs before she entered the warm heating from the establishment. a soft beep announced her arrival as she made her way to the elevator. once her feet carried her to the practice room, her eyes scanned the figures of the other girls there, searching for a face she had only seen in photographs and the youtube videos she watched for over 50 hours.
there was soojin, the master of the stage. shuhua and yuqi, the loud ones. miyeon and minnie, the two aces up soyeon’s sleeve.
and then there was you.
you, the newcomer whose presence was anticipated for weeks. you, with a burning passion that seemed to radiate like the winter sun filtering through the frosted windows of the practice room. you, with an undeniable presence that made you stand out even among the most talented ensembles.
when yuqi mentioned that she had a cousin who was, as she said, “even better than me”, the leader raised her eyebrows, intrigued by the idea that there was another who was at the same level of talent. 
it wasn't long before soyeon found you.
jeon soyeon probably spent hours watching videos of you, consumed and captivated with everything you did. cube wanted to cap the group at six members, but soyeon begged for them to let you in. 
she presented a compelling case, illustrating how your unique talents and energy would enrich the ensemble, creating a harmonious blend that surpassed the limitations of a predefined vision. you, in her eyes, were the vital piece needed to complete the puzzle she envisioned.
after much persuasion, the company relented, granting you a place within the group lineup.
the girls paused in their dance routine, their attention turning towards the doorway that signaled their leader’s arrival.
soyeon felt a mixture of responsibility and eagerness. as the leader, it was her role to guide and nurture the talents within the group, and your arrival brought both the challenge and the potential for something extraordinary. she remembered the way the stress felt on her young shoulders at the time, but there was something that changed in that very next moment.
the way your eyes met hers for the first time was something she’d never forget. 
soyeon had never seen such soft irises.
it was a bit awkward at first, especially since she remembered that your korean vocabulary was very limited at the time. you actually mentioned to her once that you spent the flight to incheon memorizing korean phrases.
you just simply smiled, and soyeon remembered thinking you were the best thing she’d ever seen.
the ringing of her office phone snapped her back to reality, where the responsibilities of being a leader and the demands of the industry pressed upon her. soyeon shook off the remnants of the memory, though the warmth of your smile lingered in her thoughts.
with a composed demeanor, she answered the phone, her ceo mode immediately activated. it was a flurry of discussions, decisions, and planning for the upcoming schedule. the music industry moved at a relentless pace, and soyeon had proven time and time again that she was an immovable force.
but truth be told, she didn’t really process half of what the other person was saying. matter of fact, she was running on autopilot even after work when she was in the back of her all black suv returning home.
the home you once lived in. 
the ceo punched in the code for the door with a heavy sigh, being met with the dark and quiet space. she was used to the lack of life that lingered in her home. as she took her shoes off and placed her bag down, the wedding invitation slipped and landed onto the floor.
soyeon didn’t remember slipping it in there. or maybe she did, and couldn’t remember? her mind had been a mess all day, and with the shake of her head she gently picked it up and placed it on the nearby tabletop.
she wandered into the living room, where subtle traces of your life together still lingered. the color of the walls you had chosen was still the same. soyeon didn’t have the time to change them after you left. it felt like too much work for something that meant nothing.
at least, to her the color didn’t mean anything. you were the only thing that mattered.
the brief thought of you painting the walls of your new home that same shade of cream entered her mind. it didn’t sit well with her at all.
to be honest, the divorce never sat well with her either. but at the time, she was too prideful to admit that losing you would mean losing everything.
soyeon’s eyes wandered to the empty mantle, where empty command hooks still remained. you would be decorating the house around this time of the year. she never understood why you needed to cover every square inch of your shared home with holiday decor, but it made you happy and she never questioned it.
the ceo made her way up the stairs and into the bedroom and into her bathroom. she remembered the days you’d yell at her to go shower before laying in bed, and for a moment she could remember your laughter at the sight of her laying in bed all sweaty after a long day of practice.
she stood in the bathroom, the echoes of your playful banter ringing in her ears. soyeon's gaze fell on the shower, a space that had witnessed both the mundane routines and the intimate moments of your shared life. she hated the tiles when you insisted on buying them for the house. she couldn't help but smile wistfully at the memory of your insistence on those particular tiles. 
you had argued that they added a touch of character to the bathroom, and now after all these years, standing amidst the steam and droplets, she had to admit that you were right.
with a contemplative sigh, soyeon turned to face the water, allowing it to cascade over her tired shoulders. the familiar sound of water against tile was soothing to her. it was her only source of solace nowadays. she was too old to party, too mature for clubbing, and far too busy to find a new hobby.
it reminded her of the times when you would always call to tell her about something new you had learned every day. she didn’t know how you did it, but you always seemed to constantly be doing ten things at once.
the ceo reached for her shampoo bottle, the same brand she had been using ever since you complemented its scent all those years ago. she always told you she was just a creature of habit, and that she liked it because she had it for so long.
but she never mentioned the other truth to it. maybe she should have. perhaps it would have made you feel even an ounce more appreciated than you did when you were married to her. 
eventually she stepped out of the shower and changed into comfortable loungewear. her hair was still wet as it left small impressions on her white shirt, and for a fleeting moment she could hear you yelling at her to just blow dry it. 
she never listened to you before. perhaps she should have listened to you, not just about tiles and wet hair.
the former idol made her way to the bookshelf in the hallway beside her bedroom. soyeon had developed a habit of reading every night before bed (thanks to you), but she never read anything but her manga. 
soyeon's eyes wandered over the titles, each one she had read over numerous times and yet still enjoyed it. but tonight, she didn’t feel like reading her usual choices.
she reached for one that held a particularly special place in her heart—the novel you had recommended during one of your late-night conversations. as she held the book in her hands, the cover brought back a flood of memories.
you used to pick so many different books that you thought would resonate with her, begging her to pick up literature of “more value” for once instead of a picture book. eventually, you gave up on making her read something different and just stored the numerous novels on the shelf next to soyeon’s comics.
but tonight she would finally listen to you for once.
fahrenheit 451. a book you refused to put down all those years ago.
she traced the spine of the book with her fingers, reminiscing about the nights you spent discussing the intricacies of the plot, dissecting the characters' motivations, and sharing the emotions the story stirred within you. the book, a tangible artifact of the intellectual intimacy you once held, now felt both comforting and achingly distant.
as she gently thumbed through the pages, a small, forgotten object slipped out and landed on her feet. it was a bookmark—a simple yet profound reminder of your shared history. soyeon gently picked it up, her twitching fingers tracing the edges. 
it was your old wedding invitation, elegantly adorned with the details of a day that had once symbolized the union of your lives.
soyeon just stared at the bookmark you had used, her mind flooded with emotions. if it was any other day, maybe she wouldn’t feel like this. maybe she’d brush it off with a small smile and move onto reading the book without any problems.
but after seeing your new wedding invitation this morning, she couldn’t escape the feeling gnawing in her chest. 
water droplets landed on the small piece of paper—perhaps remnants from her wet hair, or maybe they were the silent traces of tears that had escaped her eyes. whichever it might have been, soyeon only knew one thing was for certain.
she should have listened to you. 
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baltears · 7 months
idk how else to describe this like i think the kind of traditionalist/hyperliteral read of buffy not catching feelings for spike until late s5/s6 just misses the level of iron grip buffy keeps on her feelings. apropos of nothing other than seeing this read one too many times and im not up on my buffy meta scholarship so forgive me if im making the same points everyone and their mother has been making for the past two decades
keeping tight control over her feelings is not something buffy started doing after a certain point, it's a behavior she has coming into the pilot bc we see that at that point there's already a level of emotional distance between her and joyce (not only re the slayer stuff and the later retconned-in betrayal & invalidation trauma from being thrown in an institution when she tried to tell her parents the truth, but also for instance the intensity of buffy's distress over the divorce). she already has a home life consisting of not voicing most of her difficult and 'close to the chest' emotions. when she tries to be genuine in a way that asks for space for her frustration or anger or more 'selfish' feelings, this is often not met with understanding (worth mentioning that giles does a MUCH better job on this than joyce for the most part, but other characters including willow and xander respond poorly a substantial number of times). as a result she is well practiced at suppressing emotions that are too inconvenient or complicated to feel acceptable to verbalize, so she tends to just kind of whistle past things that feel hard to tackle until she reaches a point where she can no longer bear to ignore them. this is a core part of her canon characterization that is also visible at many points in buffy's relationship with angel (s3 comes to mind, when she spends a good chunk of the season operating under the convenient belief that they're in a functional platonic friendship when she subconsciously knows they are still too hung up on each other for that to be feasible). so like we know this is something buffy does. it is not at all unusual for her to feel things that she keeps beneath her conscious awareness + does not allow herself to process and admit to having felt until well after the fact.
this takes me to the oft cited point that from the first time she interacts with spike, there is a different vibe happening than is typical for buffy and vamps. it just feels very obvious to me that from basically minute one (or maybe more accurately from their first fight, when she isn't so much on the back foot) she registers him on some level as a person who happens to be really interesting and hot, but has a fairly easy time of it keeping this feeling out of her conscious awareness bc 1) he's also an unsouled vamp, meaning she can choose to dismiss his personhood as nonexistent and his personality as mere performance or game-playing (ie he is not a 'real' person, therefore the relationship need not be acknowledged as 'real' either – taken to extremes in s6 when she has to actively abuse him and continually reaffirm his lack of humanity and lack of worth in order to sustain the self-told belief that she doesnt see or experience his personhood and doesnt feel a human connection with him), 2) they're mortal enemies, 3) he likes to be really annoying on purpose + as a vampire also has a baseline level of generally acting like a bit of a creep, and 4) for much of their relationship she has other romantic objects on whom she can more acceptably focus her attention (insert reference to spuffy being a queer coded relationship here).
i think this state of noticing-slash-not-noticing persists from 2.03 through s3&4 and into season 5. by then she is so good at studiously ignoring how weird and flirtatious and intense their dynamic has always been that the revelation that spike is now acting very obviously like hes in love with her, to the extent that someone else could notice, takes her totally by surprise. getting more specific idk how else one could possibly explain how her ass was acting in something blue pre-spell, like i absolutely canNOT see buffy behaving like that around any other vamp literally ever. they were both being so unceasingly annoying with their creepy little flirty back and forth that both giles and willow were completely over it and just wanted them to shut up and stop paying so much attention to each other. ig the point im getting at is i think it's weird and dont get it when ppl seem to read buffy's character as if shes basically just saying the things she feels and vice versa rather than like regularly and even habitually lying to herself, bc i just don't think that's in line with the character that we're shown. buffy SAYS for a very long time that she doesnt care about spike and basically says and does everything possible to deny that she has any attachment to him at all, but frankly i think the level of aggression and frequency with which she expresses variations on that sentiment in and of itself gives the lie to that idea. anyways i think she was down bad pretty much immediately and just took a very long time to let herself notice
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clementineofmine · 1 month
For the ask game :)
Same Weird Family (the series): 1, 4, 5, & 9
Thanks, @assaily, for the ask! I'm going to answer this based on Same Weird Family, the first in the series because I haven't gotten to talk about that one yet. It's the first fic I wrote (that you know of, lol) so while I now find parts of it a bit rough, it'll always be near and dear to me as it came about due to a visceral need to word vomit about these characters.
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
I started this fic a few weeks after S2, and like many I was absolutely inspired by the absolute savagery and increasing desperation of Five in that season. From killing the board to rewinding time, Five did so much for his family that season and none of them knew about it. Plus, the season ended in a new timeline, so the "what's going to happen next?" opportunities were almost endless.
I was also deeply inspired by those who took a stab at post S2 before me, including but definitely not limited to NonLinear Theory for Dummies, The Walls Kept Tumbling Down, Creeping Towards Extinction, and Tangled in the Hanging Tree. If you haven't read these and you like my fic, you're going to love these. They are all angsty and excellent.
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
I'm gonna call out Allison here, because while she didn't get a lot of focus in this fic, I think she deserves a chance to yell at her brothers more often.
“Well, if we can’t take him to the hospital-” Allison’s words returned them to the practical matters. She looked around as Diego and Luther both shook their heads at her as confirmation. Vanya looked torn but didn’t disagree. Klaus remained focused on Five. “-we’ll have to watch him. We’ll take shifts.” “Oh boy, Five’ll just love that,” Diego scoffed. “He’s unconscious. He’ll deal,” Allison pointed out, closing the discussion. She finished cleaning up Five’s injuries and straightened his clothes. “And if you guys are done with playing pissing contest,“ she gave a pointed look to both Diego and Luther, “you can help me get him upstairs to the bedroom."
5: What part was hardest to write?
Chapters 1-6 and part of 7 came at me fast and furious, but I floundered a bit trying to get through 7 and 8 to the end. I think the writing is a bit awkward and it does make me cringe a bit.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Not alternate versions so much as I did a lot of rewriting (I'm a pantser; I try to let my characters speak and sometimes they surprise me)
If you'll permit me to tag onto your ask, I'd also like to answer 3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
I spent a lot of time dissecting Five's internal emotions during this fic, trying to make sense of what drives Five - the anger and frustration and desperation that we saw on screen in S2, and beyond. I'm quite proud of some of it. Here's a snip:
“FIVE!” The shout cleaved him violently from his thoughts. Five blinked, confused, and looked up. His mind registered that his name had possibly been said more than once.  Oh, he remembered, almost absently. His siblings were pestering him.  Five sighed. All of the energy that had once fueled his rage was gone, drained away as quickly as it had spiraled up. Anger merely simmered now, rather than burned. He no longer felt dizzy, just…tired. In the clarity of hindsight, Five knew he hadn’t ever really been angry at his siblings. Annoyed, sure. Frustrated. But anger was reserved for the fact that Luther and Diego’s questions dragged things out of the little box, things that snagged and pulled at the cracks and exposed his weakness. For the memory of the light fading out of Klaus’s eyes, reaching for Five but still dead before he hit the ground. For the way that Vanya’s body crumpled like a discarded paper doll. Mostly, Five’s anger was directed at himself. For being played, and not figuring out the only possible end to the Handler’s deal until it was much too late. If he had been thinking clearly. If he only… Stop, Five. There’s no good destination down that road. “Five, we just want to help you” the soft voice said. He still didn’t care to pick out its owner. It didn’t matter. He couldn’t bear to keep listening. His siblings had died because of him. Again. And everything that happened afterwards – his survival, his thoughts, his actions – he could give them everything and still would never be enough to make it up to them. Never. 
fic ask game
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thegayhimbo · 1 year
Stranger Things "The Game Master" and "Erica's Quest" Review
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If you haven't yet, be sure to check out my other Stranger Things Reviews:
Stranger Things Six
Stranger Things Halloween Special
Stranger Things The Other Side
Stranger Things Zombie Boys
Stranger Things The Bully
Stranger Things Winter Special
Stranger Things Tomb of Ybwen
Stranger Things Into The Fire
Stranger Things Science Camp
Synopsis 1 (The Game Master): Two weeks after Will's rescue from the Upside Down, Steve and Nancy are back together as a couple, attempting to adjust back to a normal life and put the past behind them. But it's easier said than done since Mike's become withdrawn since El's disappearance. Worried about her brother, Nancy enlists Steve's help in trying to comfort Mike......
Synopsis 2 (Erica's Quest): Months after the destruction of Starcourt Mall, Erica's revealed to have stolen something dangerous from the Russians, forcing Dustin, Steve, and Robin to stop her from selling it before it's too late....
Both "The Game Master" and "Erica's Quest" are short stories that came out during Free Comic Book Day back in 2019 and 2020 respectively, and both deal with themes of isolation. In "The Game Master," it's Mike who's fallen into a depression following El's supposed "death" in season 1, to the point of shutting himself in the basement. In "Erica's Quest," it's Erica who feels secluded from everyone following the Battle of Starcourt.
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D&D plays a role in both stories, with Steve and Nancy getting Mike to snap out of his funk by helping him rediscover his passion for the game, and Erica going to the lengths of attempting to sell a smuggled canister of the green acid from the Russian base as a means of purchasing more D&D books. D&D for both Erica and Mike is about connection, and it's through other characters reaching out to them when they're at low points that allows both of them to open up and feel okay again.
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Steve is present in both stories: He assists Nancy in comforting Mike, and aids Dustin in stopping Erica from her badly thought-out plan to sell the green liquid. It was nice seeing Mike and Steve interact in a way that wasn't argumentative, with Steve genuinely trying to help Mike feel better, demonstrating his continuing character development since his fight with the Demogorgon (Keep in mind this particular story takes place before Steve became friends with Dustin in season 2). Likewise, the ending with Dustin, Steve, and Robin recognizing that Erica wanted someone to play D&D with and hosting a game just for her was sweet.
Speaking of which, "Erica's Quest" confirms that Steve has played D&D with Dustin before, which gives more context to their phone call in the season 4 episode "The Hellfire Club:"
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I know that at the time, Mike and Dustin were looking for a replacement for Lucas, but the fact that Dustin's first choice was Steve gives the impression they'd done several sessions of D&D together before Dustin joined Hellfire, and that Steve's refusal to play at the time was not out of inexperience but (as Dustin puts it) his jealousy of Eddie becoming Dustin's new "older male friend."
On top of that, "The Game Master" also confirms Steve hasn't read The Lord of the Rings (which still remains true as of season 4).
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Assuming Steve survives season 5, maybe we'll see him finally read the books. Who knows? :)
Something else I took note of is the time between the fight with the Demogorgon at Joyce's house at the end of season 1 (November 12th 1983) and the day "The Game Master" takes place (November 26th 1983). In the season 2 episode "Dig Dug," it's mentioned that Nancy waited a month for Jonathan before going back to Steve. However, this short story suggests it was only 2 weeks. From the way Nancy acts towards Steve in "The Game Master," there's the impression she's in two places: She's trying to give her relationship with Steve a second chance, but it's also implied she's starting to become emotionally distant from him (something that the tie-in book Rebel Robin confirms) and that their relationship is on shaky ground. At one point, Nancy even remarks that her mom isn't thrilled about them dating and that Karen tolerates Steve at best. To his credit, Steve is clearly trying to make their relationship work, but it comes off all the more bitter knowing it's going to fall apart later on.
Those who have followed my Stranger Things posts in the past know my feelings about the Nancy/Jonathan/Steve love triangle and how I wasn't thrilled about the show revisiting it again in season 4. I will be surprised if season 5 ends with Nancy and Steve as a couple. Contrary to what the show is teasing right now, I do not see that happening for a multitude of reasons.
Other nice moments I found in both stories:
The whole discussion Robin and Steve have about the Star Wars movies:
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This moment of Steve trying (and failing) to eat a pretzel:
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The callback to the elf costume Nancy wore once for Mike's D&D Campaign:
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Confirmation that Erica never got the "Free Ice Cream For Life" like she was promised:
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And a nice sibling bonding moment between Mike and Nancy:
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Both of these stories work in demonstrating the strength of the relationships between the main characters. Regardless of how bad things get, they will always support one another.
Overall, these were heartwarming and fun to read, and I recommend checking them out.
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Let's Rank the Animaniacs segments!
The order won't surprise you too much if you've followed me for a while or have seen a few of my Animaniacs-related posts (although my opinions on some segments have changed), but I figured it would be fun to rank them anyway (plus it relates to something I wanted to say regarding the characters, but I'll save that for the end). Sub series like Wheel of Morality and Dot's Poetry Corner don't count.
Segments I actively dislike
Worst - Katie Ka-Boom
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"lol teenage girls amiright?" No. Shut up. This isn't funny. Her catchphrase is dumb (“I’m not overreacting, I’m a teenager!”) and honestly her parents suck too (“Teenagers should be locked away until they’re 30.”) This is easily the most mean-spirited segment on the show, it reeks of bitterness.
The Hip Hippos
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The fat jokes suck and both hippos are boring characters with no real goal or motivation; but they are a genuinely wholesome couple and the idea of out of touch high class people being the stars of a segment is at the very least a good idea, they just botched the execution.
Chicken Boo
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The Chicken Boo segments are an okay joke told too many times in the exact same way.
Buttons and Mindy
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This segment is too mean spirited and is basically the same segment every time but I'm ranking them higher than Boo because Buttons and Mindy, as characters, are adorable and actually have personalities, unlike Boo (I'm aware Boo being like that is the point, but still).
Segments that are...OK
Mime Time
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I think The Mime being such a bland character actually improves these bumpers. I don't feel too bad when he gets hurt because we barely know him and his bumpers are brief, so we don't see him suffer for too long. Although I do think the slapstick is kinda just...fine.
The Flame
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These are little boring. I feel like the Warners do a better job with educational segments. These segments pretty much just exist to teach US history, but in a more tame yet in your face about how great they want kids to think America is way than when Warner segments would.
Randy Beaman Kid/Colin
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It sure is...a bumper.
The Incredible Gnome in People's Mouths
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This might be the weirdest premise of any Animaniacs segment, and that's saying a lot. It's alright.
Good Idea Bad Idea
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Easily the best non-sub series bumper for sure...but it's still just a bumper.
Starbox and Cindy
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This segment is kind of like Buttons and Mindy but since the protagonist is a bad person, his pain can actually be funny. It's also kind of like Pinky, Elmyra and the Brain if they didn't turn an iconic double act into an unremarkable trio. Hearing Cindy ramble about random stuff in the background is both cute and funny (I'll admit the Gnome probably should be higher because it's more of an original idea...but Cindy's adorable so I'm putting this higher lol).
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I didn't like their first segment, but a lot of their later ones are OK, even though many over-rely on the whole "and then the Goodfeathers get hurt" bit. They're not much more than a (now dated) reference, and I think the writers realised this eventually because they clearly gave up on them at one point. They get no segments in season 3, only one in season 4, in season 5 they just get cameos and bumpers, and they show up really late compared to everyone else in Wakko's Wish. Pesto's the only standout character here to me, I don't really care for Squit or Bobby.
Minerva Mink
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I like how she loves to wallow in self pity about how hard her life is yet is incredibly vain, manipulative and loves to be ruder than she needs to be. She's not a saint, but that's funny! I would've put her segments in the next tier if not for 1-the fact that she only has two segments so she never got to reach her full potential as a character and 2-the sheer amount of perv-pandering...which happens to be the reason why she only has two segments.
Segments I like!
Rita and Runt
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Their segments can be hit or miss, but I think the bad ones aren't bad enough and the good ones are good enough to warrant them being this high. Rita and Runt are both likeable characters, their segments aren't the funniest but they have a lot of heart. Not gonna lie Rita's probably the best singer on the show.
Slappy Squirrel
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She's basically what would happen if a Looney Tunes character ever actually grew to be old. She solves modern day problems with old school cartoon solutions, she's great!
Pinky and the Brain
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In truth, if it weren't for their spin off series and the Animaniacs reboot these guys would probably be under Slappy. I've dedicated at least four long posts to these two I'm not going into further detail lol.
Best - Yakko, Wakko, and Dot
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Chaotic good puppy children live out every kid's fantasy of fighting back against adults who mistreat them or others, what's not to like? I like that out of all the characters (aside from Slappy) they're the best homage to classic cartoons, between their designs and the fact that they often have entire segments that are homages to classic cartoons, like "The Girl with the Googily Goop", "The Warner's Vault" or "Yakko Amakko". Plus the Warners have one of the least formulaic segments on the show so that helps-great songs, cute sibling/family shenanigans, fun parodies, and just a whole bunch of zany chaos!
In all seriousness, the main reason I made this post is because a couple times I've seen people post/tweet something along the lines of "real Animaniacs fans like all/most segments" or "a true Animaniacs fan should like *blah blah blah* segments" and I just wanted to say...no.
If you only watch the show for the Warners, or just Slappy, or both Pinky and the Brain and Starbox and Cindy, or just Rita and Runt, Hip Hippos and Mime Time, or even literally only for Katie Kaboom, that's valid.
There's no quota for which segments you have to like. If you're a fan, you're a fan, no one else gets to decide that.
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blackblux · 4 months
Au ideas or prompts for fellow fanfic writers writers for miraculous ladybug
Killer au: so basically marinette reaches her breaking point in post season 5 and actually kills Gabriel agreste (aka hawkmoth) she takes the miraculous of the butterfly.
Adrien witnessed the murder by getting out of the room he was locked in. Adrien thinks that ladybug can make a wish to bring his father back.
Adrien: ladybug please bring him it's just a small wish right?
Ladybug: someone has to die if want him back plus it's better anyway no one can take you away from me *she says detransforming into marinette one eye of her was red and tikki and plagg looked horrified*.
Adrien: mari...marinette how are you ladybug and why father!!?
Marinette: it's me now that you know who I am we can be together!!
Tikki: adrien run away from her!! .
Adrien: marinette relax it's it was just a self defence kill hehe *he sees marinette use tikki's power without the miraculous or saying lucky charm to create a short scythe*, marinette please put your weapon down you might be akumatized.
Marinette: AKUMATIZED we are supposed to be talking about love, I see maybe you are a sentimonster made by him to trick me * she brutally sliced his hands but he fought back but in the end he lost his limbs were on the floor blood uzing out and his was smashed into a pool of bones, blood and flesh.
Bunnix: what the hell happened to this place it thought it was a default timeline *she knocked this version of marinette and set her to a white place* done.
Meanwhile the unconscious killed was dragged by what looked like an akumatized marinette through a portal after bunnix left her.
Alastor marinette au
So this starts in season 1 instead of marinette being late. She gets to school early and doesn't meet master fu on the way adrien received the black cat miraculous and another random 15 year old civilian receiving the ladybug miraculous instead. Marinette and alya become friends and marinette sees Ivan being bullied instead of helping she sees adrien the perfect boy and her future husband. They go to class and Ivan gets akumatized adrien transformed and together with random ladybug fight stone heart and win while marinette ran to the library and hid behind a book shelf a book fell on her she opens it and reads that she can sign contracts with friendly creatures or request something from them.
Marinette opened the book and saw many options:
Scarlet king
Bill cipher
And collector (the best option).
Marinette decided to go with alastor because she could not read clearly.
Alastor: hello my dear would you like request something from me.
Marinette: well sorry for disturbing you mister well I have a crush on adrien agreste you see.
Alastor: Ok but there is a price to be paid relax it's not expensive.
Marinette: thank god it's not expensive hehe I don't have a lot of money.
Alastor uses his magic on adrian it failed due the miraculous protection but it did not matter as long he had finished his part of the deal marinette's soul belongs to him.
Alastor: I'm than I'm dear now it's time to pay * alastor uses voodoo to possess marinette body*
Alanette: this body is nice I love it.
Master fu: I sensed a demon.
Final au is DnD au
Marinette travels on crazy adventures with some of her fellow guild members of the mist hunter guild.
Marinette lawden
Class: artifacar/ chaos alchemist.
Race: arch-human (night type)
Nature: chaotic neutral
Fun fact: made a crown for evil king which when worn would shrink and crush the head with ease.
Title: the problem (by miss bustier) and lazy genius inventor.
Felix fathom
Class: sword assassin
Race: high-elf
Nature: chaotic good
Fun fact: he has started many rebellions.
Title: the rebel
Alya caisere
Class: illusionist
Race: human
Nature: neutral good
Fun fact: she is marinette's best friend
Linx (oc)
Class: blood hunter/tracker
Race: arch-dragonoid (blood type)
Nature: neutral evil
Fun fact: the he has been kicked out of many guilds but his tracking skills are great.
I hope you people have or try to make aus with this
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pink-bird-30 · 2 years
Titans 4x05 & 4x06 Reaction
I'm not putting a spoiler warning, I'm wayyyy too late in posting my reviews of these episodes that everyone should have watched by now.
This is my only warning.
-Connor being absolutely sick and not telling anyone is my villain origin story. This boy already has been through enough in 5 episode, but yes, Mother Mayhem, let's make the boy vomit up a giant snake and posses his body (Although, who wouldn't want to posses that man's body).
-Bernard and Tim running from the snake had me dying. Bernard falling had me cackling. Tim really thought he could do something to stop that snake, huh? Homeboy was trying to balance his boa staff on his head not even 20 seconds before that.
-Bernard gives me BIG Patrick vibes from Schitts Creek. I can't tell if its just they dynamic between Bernard and Tim where it somewhat reflects that of Patrick and David, but I'm such a fan of the coupling. I know there is a lot of mixed feelings between the pair, but I'm happy if they're happy.
-Jinx and gar's banter is actually pretty cute. Don't come for me lol.
-I'm glad Gar is trying to figure out more information about his visions and it's not just a dead-end plot-line this season. There is a huge purpose for Gar and I can't wait until it comes to fruition.
-Connor trying to sabotage the plan...boy did no one learn from season 3? Connor blew up Kom's only way home to Tamaran. He has been unstable for how many episodes now and no one seem to give a damn.
-Dick and Kori's brief conversation about the book annoyed me. Dick is such a nonbeliever that sometimes I want to reach through my screen and shaking some sense into him. And Kori did bring up a good point that Sebastian is there now and they should take him out, but Dick is also right in the fact that they took their time with Rachel and it ended okay (but it makes me think that since Sebastian exists, that's why Rachel ended up not evil and defeating Trigon).
-Dick's fucking cartwheel away from Connor, gold. Pure gold.
-I'm kinda sad Kori didn't take the Porsche.
-Elko's Diner anyone?
-Pregnant Connor, not what I expected today...
-For a place that is obsessed with Superman, they sure seem to have a lot of Kryptonite.
-Zadira is really out here to ruin everyone's day. I get it. The prophecy will happen and whatnot, but at least give Kori some credit for helping Rachel. The world would have ended two seasons ago.
-Not Connor bringing up Hank, bruh.
-Gar turning into a virus is such callback to Teen Titans. I love how they are showing all the different ways Gar can transform this season.
-Don't kill me, but I actually really like the friendship between Dick and Jinx. They should have not made Jinx another one of Dick's ex's, I will die on this hill. They have such a good dynamic and he clearly likes her enough to trust her with his friend's lives, so why make her an ex???
-Mother Mayhem sacrificing her one friend was dark. Even worse was Gina knew she would be the sacrifice. This season if full of chaos and I'm living for it.
-"Figure it out, we always do." Not Gar quoting Dick, my heart can't handle this.
-Side note: I love how Titans is real about injuries and death on this show. In comics and animated shows, there's this weird immunity to the heroes and there isn't any real consequences. But Titans is really upfront about it.
-"Casting a spell?" "No, praying." Jinx is so real for this lol.
-TIM HAD HIS MOMENT!! I was hoping he'd get to do something and I'm glad it was to save Bernard.
- "It's about the snacks." Honestly, Rachel got a point. The team is full of snacks ;).
-Rachel's interaction with Sebastian is beyond wholesome. She has healed so much over the years and I'm happy for her, even thought I know it will only last for a little while...
-"He will bring the end of days." Zadira, we been known this. Just let them have some happiness for a hot second. Thanks.
The vision...
I know Zadira is doing what is right to maintain harmony, but we cannot ignore that she literally threw Kori's potential future in her face. There's low, but Zadira got lower than low. She's halfway to seeing Trigon at how low she just acted.
The continuation of Dick's vision merging with Kori's was everything. I expected this show to ruin me. But hot damn, I'm a mess. A big hot pile of melted mess over here!!!!
The birthday party, the looks, the touches, the familiarity with one another. The warmth the clarity, EVERYTHING. They even made the fucking scene have light!!!!! Pure. Golden. Light.
And then, poof! it's gone.
Fucking pulled away and then back to reality.
A very harsh reality may I add.
Zadira better pray she never meets me.
The after math...
Listen, I'm not surprised Sebastian gave himself up. He's been with the Titans for a few days and that is long enough for Dick's self-sacrificing attitude to rub off on some people. It's was also enough time for Sebastian to have real exposure to what a family is. At this point we aren't too aware of Sebastian's background, but in 4x06 his entire identity make a whole lot more sense.
Oh lord above, what in God's name did I just watch?!
I'm literally rewatching this episode to get a better scope of what I watched a week ago and honestly, I'm still flabbergasted at everything and everyone.
Buckle up, friends. Let's deep dive.
Kori and Rachel return without Sebastian
-The ride in the car before they get back to Star labs is probably one of the most important conversations pertaining to Dickkory all season.
-Rachel is asking the real questions:
"Has Dick told you before?"
"No, he hasn't".
Rachel is a true queen for keeping Dick's vision a secrete until the right moment. I can't imagine seeing those two flirt all day long and keep that vital piece of information to myself.
-The look on Dick's face when he asks Kori and Rachel where Sebastian was...I think he was genuinely afraid for the first time this entire season.
Connor's Persona Change
-Connor's attitude, I have never cringed so much in my life. Josh is playing the hell out of Connor this season and his switch from "Superboy" to "Lexiboy" has given me whiplash (I will be sending Titans' my medical bills).
-Connor's behavior towards Dick is something in itself. Dick's reaction to Conor's attitude is so restraint. There is no person on this earth that has the patience Dick Grayson has with Connor Kent. My inner hispanic woman would have slapped that boy the first chance he gave me an attitude. But alas, Dick is probably a better person than I.
-Also, does anyone else find the irony that Connor shaved his head with the powers Superman gave him? Lex has had a grudge against Superman for many reasons, but his loss of hair was always number 1 on that list. And seeing Connor using his heat vision to shave his head was a full circle moment.
-Does Connor give you guys big Jason vibes? His language and mannerisms remind me of pre Red Hood Jason. From the woe is me attitude to the cockiness, all reminiscent of Jason Todd. I get that it's "supposed" to be his Luther side coming out, but they killed Lex off too soon for us to really get a feel for his character. So it's difficult to determine if Lex was this way for sure.
-Dick preferring to be called Dick was funny.
The Plan
-Listen, Jinx's plan was okay. I never had full faith that they could pull it off, but it was a great starting point. Sometimes the Titans put all of their marbles into one jar before looking at alternative methods. This is why they typically don't do well the first time and end up losing (foreshadowing).
-Connor's plan was not terrible either, but also not a solution. Mostly a band-aid on a bullet wound.
-I think if they had more time, they would have come up with something better to suit their situation and work better together.
Moving on...
-Rachel ate Jinx's hair.
Sometimes I cannot tell if Jinx is pulling our leg or not; she has such a sarcastic attitude that most of the time I'm like, okay, she's joking again. But then no, it's not a joke.
-I'm glad Jinx pointed out that Rachel could still access her powers if she wanted to. I think it's helpful there is someone else there who has an understanding of magic and can help her rekindle her loss of powers.
Mother Mayhem and Sebastian
-We've seen plenty of toxic relationships all throughout Titans and honestly, Mother Mayhem may take the cake (Rachel's mother, Angela or "Arella" still holds the crown after her betrayal in season 1/Season 2).
-Showing Sebastian all of his past relationships with figures that were meant to either guide him or love him was horrible. This kid has been traumatized since day one and his mother is making him relive all of it. This man is so fragile, and I'll admit, bringing up the past is such a smart move to get him to drink the blood. But damn, dark as hell.
Gar's Visions
-This was such a HUGE moment in the episode. I'm glad Kori has always been so aware of everyone on the team and how they're doing. Right away she knew Gar was not fine and needed her, but he brushes her off and leaves anyway.
-I think it's interesting how Gar was a few seconds ahead of his interaction with Connor. I wonder if that is his visions showing him the future, or is it the universe already altering from Mother Mayhem's disturbances?
-Let's discuss Gar's interaction with the skin-walker:
"When the towers break, take yourself to the Red."
"It depends on you, Garfield Logan."
This reminds me of how animals always sense when bad things happen before they do. And I'm really excited to see how Gar is going to be the key to fixing this hot mess the Titans are now involved in. But I wonder where the "Red" will take him? Is it an alternate dimension? Is it the past where he can stop all of this? what is it?!
Back at the lab...
I've loved Connor Kent since season 2, but this boy is really grinding my gears!
"Take the win."
"This isn't my dark side."
-Connor, for the love that is all holy, shut up. Like why is it necessary to be a raging prick? Dick understand that he's changing, whether that be for the better or not, but Connor needs to understand that he cannot just go from zero to hundred. It is not safe for him!
-What I really love about Dick's growth as a character is how he doesn't give up on Connor and still includes him to still help the team with their plan. Even thought his attitude sucks right now, Dick still invited him to help bring Sebastian back.
-Connor has now entered dangerous irrational territory. Going after Mother Mayhem all on his own knowing well enough magic and Super powers will not help him really put the Titans in a bad position.
Side note: I find it hilarious that Joseph Morgan always has blood somehow incorporated into his roles. Klaus would be proud of him.
The date scene...
-Oh, my heart absolutely broke for Sebastian here. This girl deadass pointed out that he's lonely as hell. Girl, you're lucky he didn't smite you sooner. But the gift she gave him was so thoughtful (and honestly, very nostalgic for me), but he really assumed their relationship would fail due to his own insecurities and always being let down by others. I wish he had more time with Rachel and the Titans to know they would have his back.
Kori's Powers...
-Her powers are now unstable and now just another thing on the list of things Dick has no idea about. Who knows how bad this will go in future episodes...
Jinx and Dick...
-Listen, I know, I know this is problematic (and I ain't trying to start any fights here, so please don't) but like I stated earlier, I do like this pairs dynamic platonically. Clearly Jinx has some unresolved issues regarding Dick. That was made abundantly clear when Dick told her she earned her money and how she reacted to his kindness. Dick really is such a sucker for certain people and I can see why he had shared moments with Jinx in the past. But their relationship seems to give off sibling vibes that people need to chill just a bit on the hate towards the actress. Hell, I would personally ship myself with that gorgeous man, who wouldn't?
Anyways...Moving on.
Connor, Connor, Connor. What are we going to do with you?
-This man straight up thought he could take on Mother Mayhem all on his own? After the first two encounters has he learned nothing? Even the Lex part of him has to know the probability of this not working in his favor.
-His actions have caused so many issues in such a small amount of time, can your imagine another 6 episodes of him acting this way??? Oh the damage that will be done.
-Mother Mayhem dissing Lex "He was SO EASY TO KILL" the volume in her voice lolz.
-When Jinx puts the mark on Rachel's forehead, it glows the same red Gar saw in his visions. I wonder if that mens he'll end up somewhere with Rachel or in Azarath?
Dick and Kori
"To hell to prophecies, destinies, and visions" If I had a dollar for the amount of times this man has put his foot in his mouth this entire series...I'd have enough money to save Stargirl. Richard John Grayson, do you have eyes? or are you blind to the obvious?! (Which we all know he is). But really, these last few years and have you learned nothing?! You're literally in love with an alien a fucking alien princess from another planet and you cannot wrap your head around visions?!
The look on Dick's face when Kori brings up their shared vision?! I will always say this: Brenton is so good at showing so many emotions with his eyes. You can see the guilt eating at him and the emotional overload he's feeling due to the vision.
And the soft way Kori recants the vision created this bubble around them that felt untouchable:
"You and me and a little girl with a red balloon."
Kori is such a strong person and the tone she uses with Dick when describing the vision has haunted me for days. She speaks so softly. It's like she was afraid to speak louder in fear she would scare Dick away. That she was afraid Dick would be dismissive and act like it wasn't real.
But when she asked him why he never said anything, his response: "I don't know." confirmed all Kori needed to know. It burst their small bubble to the reality that Dick hadn't wanted to disclosed this information to her.
I know there is some upset to Dick's reaction. But we need to be honest here. How would you feel if the person you saw as a partner for the last few years, someone you share a close bond with who has your back as much as they have your's is the future mother to your child? Dick has played the hypothetical game before where he has a life and a family but then it ends up a shitty mess (granted that was Trigon's doing, but it's a valid point). Dick has never had a stable relationship in his life and now all of a sudden, the one person who has been his literal partner in crime is someone he will be tied to forever because of that little girl with the red balloon.
That's a lot to take in. And another point to make, he literally had to die to see that vision. That in itself should be enough evidence that he still needs time to process his vision.
But I also need to say that Dick probably would have not brought it up to Kori, that I am certain of it. And I know deep down Kori knows that as well, and I think that is why she is so upset about the entire situation too.
"To hell with visions."
Although it was a small sentence, Kori knew it would hurt Dick the most. I think this is the first time we really see them acknowledge the change in their dynamic and unfortunately, its at a bad time and not on a positive foot.
The End
I think we were all rooting for the Titans at the end. They get there just in time to stop Sebastian from drinking the blood and finishing the ritual.
-We see Gar bust in as an ape causing chaos. We have Starfire kicking ass. Dick waltz in like he owns the place. There was so much unity happening that for a moment there was hope.
-Gar was able to break the jewel and get Raven's powers back and now she's White Raven!!!! I knew it would happen from previous media, but seeing it was so cool. She was absolutely glowing and I hope we can see her costume better later on in the season cuz from just the brief glimpse, I'm sold.
-Jinx dying was not on my bingo card. But there was something about her death that leaves me unsettled. As she falls to the ground you hear her say "Not again." So does that mean she has previously died and came back? Also, I feel like Jinx would have had a better control over Mother Mayhem, we've seen it before when she controlled the Zombies. I think Jinx is going to betray the Titans in the end and she's using Dick.
-Connor is completely out for the count, homeboy is just sitting there tied up.
-Kori and Rachel teaming up to go after Mother Mayhem was epic. But I am concerned for Kori and her powers. You can see her powers were overwhelming not only her, but you can also see it on Dick's face as well. He felt the energy pouring from her and it makes me concerned that she will end up dead in the end trying to save everyone in the final battle.
-I really feel for Tim at the end. Connor brought up earlier that Tim is completely useless. And I love Tim, but he still has a lot of learning to do and I feel sad that he failed on his part to get Sebastian to back down and leave the cult behind. I know that there will be aftermath to this situation.
Sebastian takes his place and it was epic. The moment he becomes Brother Blood and uses his powers to erase the Titans, such a power move. Then he descends into the bubbling spring of blood completely submerging himself? That's some next level shit. I don't know where we're going to end up in a few weeks when the show comes back, a lot of us are hypothesizing that they'll be in an alternate reality of some sort, especially based off the episode titles. But I hope we get a release date soon for pt 2.
Until then, let me know what you think!
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.˖˳·˖ ִֶָ .˖˳·˖ ִֶָ .˖˳·˖ ִֶָ .˖˳·˖ ִֶָ .˖˳·˖ ִֶָ 𖹭 ִֶָ˖·˳˖. ִֶָ˖·˳˖. ִֶָ˖·˳˖. ִֶָ˖·˳˖. ִֶָ˖·˳˖. ִֶָ˖·˳˖.
Seasonal depression is already kicking my ass already and it's not even officially the first day of fall. I have been overwhelmed with feelings and not the good kind, like the kind of sadness that makes your chest itch and makes you want to rip out your own heart. I can only describe it as a mix of sonder and athazagoraphobia mixed? I have just been thinking so much about the past, not my past but the past of the world of every person that has lived. The fact that history has evolved so much to reach this point in time where we have things that our ancestors could only dream of, and here I am doing absolutely fucking nothing with my life. I don't want to be forgotten by history, I can handle being forgotten by a person but I want to make a mark in history. I want to help further the worlds knowledge. I don't even have an exact plan for my life I never have I honestly thought I would be dead by 16 yet I feel like I have fallen behind. I wasn't interested in college I was to busy fighting for my life every single day battling my depression, but looking back I wish I tried harder in school so I could get into a good school. I don't even know what I would study in college, maybe history or chemistry. I don't feel I am smart enough to start college now at such a late age. I want to figure out how to make a change, I want to further technology, I want to make a groundbreaking discovery that people will speak about for centuries. It feels so hopeless, I'm not gonna kill myself cause suicide is cringe. It's more about the sadness over all the time I waisted, I would give anything to time travel back and do better. I wish so badly for a do over, I just want to go back to 14 years old with my current knowledge. I would do so many things differently but I can't, I have to live with knowing I waisted some of the best years of my life being depressed. While part of it is my fault I feel like my past and my future has been stolen by my father. Part of the reason I was so depressed is because my dad would sexually abuse me from the ages of 6-13. I guess I got to old for him. I wish I reported it when I was younger, I was just to scared that nobody would believe me. I feel like if I just told someone everything would have been so different, I could have actually had a fighting chance in life. But I'm here, 21 years old almost 22 with absolutely nothing. I can't even move out because I pay 60% of my paycheck in just rent to keep me and my mom in the house, the rest goes right to bills and my ferrets. I can't give up now because I am the only person in the house with a job, I literally do not have a choice but to keep going unless I want me and my family to be homeless. I just really hope I get this manager position for my department, maybe that will help me feel a sense of achievement. I am really scared they aren't going to give me a chance when I fully believe I deserve at least a chance a 90 day trial run or something. I've watched several managers come and go and be given 6 months to a year to prove their worth, I deserve at LEAST a chance. I literally could not apply for this position before because my mom worked in the same department. Since she left I am now able to apply and I do so much for the company I feel like I should be given at least a fighting shot. Applications close tomorrow and interviews will be scheduled after that. I am praying every angel number I see.
.˖˳·˖ ִֶָ .˖˳·˖ ִֶָ .˖˳·˖ ִֶָ .˖˳·˖ ִֶָ .˖˳·˖ ִֶָ 𖹭 ִֶָ˖·˳˖. ִֶָ˖·˳˖. ִֶָ˖·˳˖. ִֶָ˖·˳˖. ִֶָ˖·˳˖. ִֶָ˖·˳˖.
0 notes
resistantbees · 27 days
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ddelline · 1 month
fic OST | bog-bodied
blurb | sakadays my beloved. sakanagurion my beloved. I've ca 5 different fics plotted and half-started at this point (lmao hyperfixation went hard, did it) and HERE is where we start! nagumo-centric jcc days-order trio exploration. in 3 parts, for the 3 doomed by the narrative-people stumbling into a relationship they neither wanted nor needed. no, it will not end well
what | 30 songs exploring the order trio as individuals and as a dynamic w genres ranging from classic rock -> instr post rock -> reworked ambient trance -> classic steppers -> liquid DnB & more
where → spotify  tracklist | under cut
01 | kasabian — fire
burn my sweet effigy  I’m a road runner spill my guts on a wheel  I wanna taste, uh-huh  I’m on fire
02 | young fathers — wow
wow, what a time to be alive  wow, imma put myself first  wow, everything is so amazing  I said wow
03 | kent — generation ex (transl swe → eng)
I was supposed to always stand by you  I was supposed to always answer when you called I was supposed to always have your back I was supposed to always, always, always be the one who comes around, goes around
04 | fleetwood mac — rhiannon
all your life you’ve never seen a woman taken by the wind  would you stay if she promised you heaven?  will you ever win?
05 | foreigner — girl on the moon
she felt so close to me as I reached for her hand she drifted away like the desert sand  it was her and she was gone
06 | the rolling stones — paint it, black
I look inside myself and see my heart is black  I see my red door, I must have it painted black  maybe then I’ll fade away and not have to face the facts
07 | blue öyster cult — (don’t fear) the reaper
seasons don’t fear the reaper  nor do the wind, the sun or the rain we can be like they are—come on baby don’t fear the reaper
08 | parrish smith — sex, suicide & speed metal
09 | 65daysofstatic — drove through ghosts to get here
10 | tricky & martina topley-bird — aftermath
your eyes resemble mine, you see as no others can  here: inherit my kingdom, speak of our peoples’ plan  I’ll be here for my baby, for my baby I’ll be near
11 | courtesy & lyra pramuk — saltwater (transl irish → eng)
open my eyes no more inside  saltwater rain  open my eyes
12 | smith & mighty — yow he koh 
13 | poliça — lay your cards out
in these little moments, lay your cards out: I am waiting  by the waterside summer wading in sunder: girl, get your head right
14 | goldie — state of mind
I realize the state of mind where you have found me  I’ve turned the page and rearranged the cards that life has dealt me  I’ve played the game and felt the pain but I am stronger now
15 | little dragon — twice
twice I turn my back on you  I fell flat on my face but didn’t lose  tell me where would I go  tell me what led you on  I’d love to know
16 | labrinth — formula
the lights are on, there’s no one there puffing with the dragons I’m living for the thrill formula 
17 | massive attack — karmacoma
you sure want to be with me?  I’ve nothing to give won’t lie and say  this loving’s best
18 | the last shadow puppets — miracle aligner
50 feet tall and revved up too high all of our exchanges are by candle light I just realized
19 | nothing but thieves — you know me too well
‘cause every love story always ends in tragedy if you wait long enough filthy impetuous soul I wanna give it to you just to see what you’d do
20 | the kills — doing it to death
doing it to death, oh baby, lately the plans we’re making are the shape of things that never come hold your horses, the light’s up
21 | kent — innan himlen faller ner (transl swe → eng)
as the sky falls down, you’re everything I have I’ll do anything to keep you, as the sky falls I’m everything you have and I’ll do anything for you to keep me
22 | foals — mountain at my gates
you show me a signpost  for where I should go I see a mountain at my gates I see it more and more each day and my desire wears a dark dress ah, each day I see you less
23 | perfume genius — die 4 you
each and every breath I spend you are collecting see it through I would die for you
24 | bat for lashes — daniel
and when the fires came, the smell of cinders and rain perfumed almost everything, we laughed and laughed and laughed and in the golden-blue car, you took me to the darkest place you knew and set fire to my heart
25 | warpaint — love is to die
‘cause I got a knife to cut out the memories so carefully, too carefully—it’s not necessary to be so dark love is to die, love is to not die, love is to dance
26 | hozier — be
be love in its disrepute that scorches the hillside and salts every root and watches the slowing and starving of troops but lover, be good to me
27 | BANKS — 27 hours
it’s been 27 hours since we even saw the sun  since we even saw the sun
28 | kent — vi är för alltid (transl swe → eng)
they’re going to sing songs about us they’re going to make films about us they’re going to write books about us then as now forever
I’m just kidding—no one’s going to write books no one’s going to make films no one’s going to sing songs about us
29 | blackmill & veela — let it be
let it come and let it be let it come and let it be
30 | snoh aalegra & cocaine 80s — stockholm, pt. II (outro)
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sofiatabaresb27 · 5 months
Be Right Back (Chapter 1, Season 2)
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In this episode the technology showed was, basically, an artificial intelligence which could imitate the behavior of a dead human being. The AI could do this because it analyzed the interaction of the person in his social media and tried to replicate it in the real world. At the beginning, the AI was limited only by messages, later it went to calling in real time and finally it became a robot with the same appearance as the guy it was imitating, but it has no senses or feelings at all.
We liked the episode because it was so disturbing how the girl tried to resurrect her husband using an artificial intelligence, but along the episode she realized that her REAL husband has gone forever, so there is no way she could replace him. The episode teaches us we have to let things go. 
The episode made us feel afraid of technology, because having this type of progress in this area makes us susceptible to become much weaker than an AI and maybe at some point in the future being able to surpass our knowledge and our abilities day by day. Also it is so impressive how there are advances and prototypes that get over people's minds, that do things beyond human understanding and that even replicate people so perfectly based on their actions on social media.
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As we mentioned before, the episode scared us about the future because at some point in existence Artificial Intelligence will be superior to humans, being able to do everything we do and even more, making us totally useless and dependent on machines that can carry out all our activities for us. Is also frightening the fact that AIs at some point can become totally independent, reaching the point of no longer needing people and rebelling against their own creators.
One of the most salient reflections is on the relationship between technology and loss. The episode raises questions about how technology can influence the way we process grief and bereavement. The creation of a synthetic version of Martha's late husband, based on her digital data, leads one to reflect on the extent to which technology can offer comfort in times of emotional grief. It also makes us question the ethical and emotional limits of using artificial intelligence to recreate the people we have lost.  
Is interesting because it addresses the issue of how technology can influence our emotions and relationships. It explores the idea of recreating a deceased person through digital data and raises ethical questions about how far we should go in integrating technology into our personal lives.
Our favourite part was when the wife decides to get rid of the artificial intelligence but then in the other shot they show that the daughter is older and in the end the wife decides to keep the AI but hides it from society.
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The technology used in this chapter is amazing but terrifying at the same time; it’s incredible how technology can replace a human being. In the chapter we can see how the artificial intelligence compiled all the information of the deceased and as it was shared with the wife increased the memories and feelings, as well as creating new ones.
The implementation of this technology can be a double-edged sword, because it can be a great tool, but it can complicate the mental health of people who have emotional attachment to other people.
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officerslog · 11 months
spock & gender/sexuality.
as i've mentioned before, spock transitioned socially and physically exceptionally early, as he knew extremely young that he did not feel a connection with his assigned sex. amanda advocated for her son, as she always had, and sarek did his own part in his own way, too.
he was put on puberty blockers young which kept him happy and later started to take testosterone throughout much of his developmental years (and still does, into his adulthood), yet in his late teens, before deciding to attend starfleet academy, he elected to receive top surgery to ensure a level of comfort that hormones could not quite achieve.
rest under cut here as it gets a little nsfw in the next paragraph.
down the line, probably around 21 or 22, he also got bottom surgery and since it's the star trek universe and it's like. so long into the future, i'm going to say that the surgical procedures surrounding gender affirming care are probably close to entirely perfected, meaning he never needed to worry about scars on his arm/thigh or loss of sensation in his lower regions, and that shit is fully operational (hallelujah). as a transmasc dude i say he gets to be HAPPY and well-endowed.
in his present timeline, spock doesn't struggle super often with his dysphoria any longer, as he's been fully transitioned for like... a decade plus depending on where we're looking in the timeline regarding my main verse. it is something he does grapple with occasionally, but not nearly as often as when he was a teenager.
he's obviously very physically fit (as seen here, here, and here) and he maintains his physical form pretty rigorously, because it makes him feel good mentally, physically, and emotionally.
in terms of dress he typically follows a more formal kind of casualwear (see this post for a visual), and his typical out-of-uniform attire is a button up with slacks or a solid black tight-fitting crewneck or turtleneck with slacks also or perhaps cargo pants. he likes dress shoes and boots.
sometimes he wears eyeshadow also, because he likes it, though he doesn't tend to wear other makeup simply because he doesn't care for the feeling of it on his face, and not because he has any sort of complex about it.
being super fucking tall even for a vulcan helps him, as he stands at a staggering 7 feet, which is massive for most humanoids, and also super gender affirming for him.
occasionally he grows some facial hair and tends to have a 5 o'clock shadow when he isn't diligent about shaving, though he isn't super into having a beard or anything, so he always shaves it before it reaches that point. he's pleased he can grow a pretty impressive one if he wanted to, though, as he has before (see dsc season 2).
spock is very secure in his identity and knows with certainty he is regarded clearly and entirely as a man not just by himself but by everyone else, and the fact of the matter is that there are like a handful of people in the universe that even know he's trans as it is, as it's only mentioned in parts of his medical file that are only visible to the captain and cmo. he doesn't usually disclose this information about himself either for personal peace of mind.
in regards to his sexuality it took him several years to realize that he's gay, and it was only something he began to give significant thought to when he was a teenager, though he avoided the subject for the most part for many years, thinking that it wouldn't matter as he was betrothed to t'pring in their youth, and he would be obligated to her in that regard.
we know what happens with t'pring so i won't get super into that (other than to say i love her so bad and if she's free on tuesday i'm also free on tuesday), but it's only really when spock meets someone that he has romantic feelings for that he can't ignore that he fully realizes and accepts that he's gay. he'd never given it much thought (he has always known he's gay he simply never acknowledged it beyond that) because he felt that romantic relationships were not something he'd experience for a multitude of reasons. those reasons being for the most part due to his emotional instability, his career, and struggling with feeling like he isn't deserving of love in the first place.
that being said, he's fairly open about his sexuality if asked about it, as it isn't as private to him as his gender identity, though spock is in general notoriously private as it is. his sexuality is obvious if you just pay attention to him though. and once he and his partner start dating it's impossible to hide because he's the most smitten person in the alpha and beta quadrants and everyone knows it. <3
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destinycrystal · 2 years
Chapter 1 : It's Rewind Time.
Jane sat at the window. Her eyes were bloodshot. She was having trouble staying awake at this point. She hadn't moved from the spot at the window since she realized she got sent back. Sent all the way back to that same day. October 17th, the same day she had been reliving for so long now. However her concentration was broken from the tree when a sound rang out through the room. It was an alarm coming from her phone. The alarm was Sweet Caroline and it was her school bell. She had been late. Not just late it had been going off for almost 2 hours now. She was an hour late!
"Oh shit! Oh no no no no! Dad is gonna kill me!"
Jane said and hurried for her phone, quickly sliding the alarm off. She was panicking. Grabbing her stuff she started getting ready. Hoping in the shower, doing up her hair, putting on deodorant and cleaning herself up. Jane had a full system. Once out of the bathroom she ran for her room, approaching the closet. She flicked through clothing piece by clothing piece. She finally picked out her outfit. Getting the necessities out of the way, she slipped on some leggings, before slipping a bright red cloth skirt up. Following that she grabbed a basic tee-shirt, and her white sweater. Jane's closet wasn't too interesting but it did the job. She was never the most athletic in fact she had a fairly slim build so she was usually given smaller sizes so they fit better.
"I don't have much time left I gotta go only 5 minutes till Dad gets home."
Jane thought to herself, sprinting to the door she grabbed her bag completely forgetting to eat or take her medicine. The normal things she had to do.
Fall had always been a fairly warm season for this small town. Unlike most other places it was almost always warm here. Other than in Winter, they get the worst winters you could imagine.
This world is one of magic and science. So creatures like Jane could exist. Demi humans, part human, part animal/creature. Without that magic they wouldn't exist. All of these demi's can use magic in some way but it doesn't always work if they don't train it. This magic is what separated these humans, from the hybrids and demi's. Tension had always been high between the two races. However current times it was a wreck. There were almost constant protests for Hybrid rights, hybrids were barely considered human and could legally be hunted in certain states. The hate between the two races made it quite difficult to live as a hybrid. Even Jane who lived in one of the safer neighborhoods in her town, had to suffer from the current state between them. Just the other day Jane had been refused service at a store simply because she had ears nothing else. It hurt her, watching this happen.
Even on just her walk to school. She walked towards her destination waving to neighbors and people as she moved. Some waved back, or gave a warm smile. Most others simply stared. Some hateful, some afraid, others shouted at her. One even went so far to say : "go back to your home in the artic. Because it's where you belong." She simply ignored them. Reaching school she pinged in to get them to open the door before hearing a familiar voice behind her. Causing Jane to freeze up. Her voice getting caught in her throat.
"Hey Jane! How's it going?"
Jane spun around suddenly. A surprised look over taking her face, the spin ended up messing up what she had done with her hair, quickly putting it back into place. It was Gina. Her best friend, a red haired Neko Hybrid who had always wanted to be around her. No matter what the occasion was. Jane loved her company but ever since the loop started Gina had seemed to change. She started acting less like her happy self, her mood changed, she seemed more clingy than usual. In fact her new personality was getting in the way of Jane's Extroverted personality. Gina didn't seem to enjoy Jane making new friends. Especially not her newest one. Kaiser IronForge, a wolf hybrid with gray and white hair, that Jane had a crush on. It was pretty obvious with how Jane stared at him in the only class they had together.
"Oh um h-hi Gina what are you doing out here?"
Jane chuckled nervously they were nervous of seeing Gina out like this. With their new mood change and being so clingy of Jane, it made her kind of nervous to be alone with her. Gina's face lit up. A bright smile one a lot wider than it normally is grew on her face.
"Welllllll... You know how I'm usually late~! It's just another unlucky day y'know."
"O-Oh okay well uh I gotta get to class alright! I'll uh cya later..."
Gina stopped. She didn't expect to shout so suddenly but she took a step back. It looked like Gina was trying to decide what to say. But finally decided.
"Do you maybe want to um hangout? Later tonight? My house! We can watch some scary movies together!"
(The end until I decide I want to actually write more of this. I hope you enjoy it so far and if anyone actually reads it please feedback would be nice. If I ever get good at art I will try and make something for this.)
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15 Most Underrated Skills That'll Make You a Rockstar in the potato runtz genetics Industry
Potato Runtz Review - Potato Runtz Cannabis Strain Things To Know Before You Buy
Table of ContentsLittle Known Questions About Potato Runtz Review - Potato Runtz Cannabis Strain.Potato Runtz Strain\cbd Flower\cbd Gummies Fundamentals ExplainedThe 15-Second Trick For Potato Runtz Marijuana Strain Information & ReviewsPotato Runtz Review - Potato Runtz Cannabis Strain Fundamentals ExplainedNot known Factual Statements About Potato Runtz [1g] 7 Easy Facts About Potato Runtz Review - Potato Runtz Cannabis Strain Shown
Situation 2 may require a postemergence weed killer treatment aside from the preemergence application due to hefty grass stress, late-germinating weeds, and/or the initial use did not have activity on certain grass types. Amount 5. Metribuzin was used postemergence to the pots and also whites potato as defined for Circumstance 1, but a few of the pots were actually very sizable at request time to become managed - potato runtz strain review.
Despite the fact that big weeds are actually in the beginning covered with soil during the course of a cultivation, they can endure as well as re-emerge. If soil is damp, farming should be actually put off to ensure compaction carries out not develop as well as pots can not "re-root" in the wet ground - potato runtz genetics. In-row weeds are going to more than likely certainly not be actually regulated with the hilling-reservoir.
HILLING WAS TOO BEHIND TIME. potato runtz weed strain. Many of the grass envisioned here are actually more than 3 inches high as well as a hilling would certainly not provide reliable management. Pamela J.S. Hutchinson is the associate teacher and White potato Cropping Systems Weed Scientist at the College of Idaho's Aberdeen R&E Center. She may be reached at [e-mail shielded].
4 Easy Facts About Potato Runtz Described
The leaves of pigweed are actually opposite, ashen eco-friendly, oval fit and also are normally toothed as well as have a pointed idea (potato runtz weed strain). They can range from 12 to 40 mm in width and also twenty to 70 mm in length. The stems of potato grass are actually typically 30 to 60 cm tall and also are either set up or even might bend over upwards in the end.
Potato weed is actually spread out using seed, creating numerous creations in one year that can easily continue to be inactive for a long time (potato runtz). It is actually a quite competitive vegetation that may form a thick floor covering, outcompeting newly sprouting plant plants. It is actually best controlled through growing or even weed killers. Betanal Flow is actually registered for the control of two-leaf potato weed in beetroot plants as well as Sencor is actually registered for the management of potato pot in hair transplanted tomatoes.
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The farmer who possesses the industry might be filled along with an offense of the Narcotics Act if it transpires that he was actually involved in the cultivationor understood about it. Even though it ends up that the plants were actually only hemp with under (potato runtz review). 02% THC information, this is actually still a prospective government criminal activity.
The Facts About Potato Runtz Weed Strain Information Revealed
ruling on CBD. Having said that, such is actually the temperature of both the political weather listed here and the German mass media when it involves putting at risk leisure reform. It might be in development, with the help of the law-makers, yet there are a lot of Germans who are actually still ambiguous concerning this type of change. As well as there are also lots of who are actually beginning to recognize the disgusting injustice of the present conditionwhich is likely to become the condition quo for a minimum of the next 12 to 24 months unless some sort of safe port is actually also executed with the movement of the expense.
Despite a quick growing season outside, the nation is lavish and also eco-friendly during the course of the summer, greatly wooded in some regions and obviously, has distant backwoods where few folks project regularly - runtz potato. Yet, in the house increasing is certainly additionally widespread in the country. Regardless, or perhaps for specifically this cause, there has been no chat of amnesty for those seen at the center of altering times (therefore far) at the nationwide political degree where the law is being actually talked over.
Indeed, cops busts versus both recreational consumers as well as CBD businesses actually seem to be to become improving even as modification is actually in the homicide. How the coalition government are going to address house growor unlicensed growing on a similar range as this incidentis a question that so much has not been actually officially addressed to date (potato runtz weed strain).
Little Known Facts About Potato Runtz Strain Archives.
This is much more essential at a time of historic inflation along with the awkward fact that even in Germany there are actually several legit health care customers who have until now failed the gaps (potato runtz weed). It is likewise probably that items are going to be priced in the legitimate market according to the concentration of THC.
Potato weed is a popular name for a number of plants and might pertain to:
Those that sprout in overdue July and also very early August still produce plants which possess burs in the fall. It is actually hard to absolutely potato runtz bags get rid of sandbur seed development using weed killers and farming. Management of the very early time flush of sandbur plants, however, need to enable production of top turnouts (potato runtz weed strain). The initial flush of sandbur seedlings cultivate in May.
The Only Guide to Potato Runtz Review - Potato Runtz Cannabis Strain
Some farmers have actually found that, by utilizing a much more reliable sandbur weed killer on the field boundaries, they may use a more economical herbicide procedure on the remainder of the field. Sandbur is a challenging grass to manage. A lot of the herbicides largely used do not especially list sandbur as a measured grass. potato runtz review.
The loved one ineffectiveness of frequently utilized pre-emergence herbicides on sandbur may support the rise of the pot. Trifluralin can be used, yet it might hamper emergence as well as lead to stem brittleness. potato runtz review. Post-emergence turf weed killers classified for white potato, e. g., sethoxydim, might be utilized. Whites potato whatsoever development stages are actually forgiving to sethoxydim.
When I came back to the task, every thing looked excellent to me. It seemed to be as though I had eventually overcome the enemy weeds - potato runtz bags. Yet months later on at harvesttime, when I elevated the leaves of my whites potato, my center sank. I located the same little bit of blooms from the grass that had actually combined with my potatoes the year just before.
Our Potato Runtz Strain Complete Review Statements
I had actually missed out on the option to get rid of the pot. I followed the grass's vine to the ground, pulled it (and also the various whites potato with which it was entwined) away from the ground, and also rolled it right into one wonderful major sphere. The ball was so enormous that it took pair of people to elevate it in to a large rubbish compartment.
All of this considering that I fell short to become thorough for a simple two-week time frame. In the gardens of our daily lives, grass are consistently current. Some are small plants that don't right away carry out damages. Predictors of God have actually told our team, however, that our team require a regular projection of our lifestyles, a frequent elimination of all those weeds to keep them coming from subduing our company.
Maxwell (19262004) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles discussed attrition, saying that it is "inadequate understood, insufficient used through our company all, as if it were simply a term on a bumper label. potato runtz strain review. Due to the fact that we have been actually informed precisely through Jesus what fashion of guys and also females our experts should becomeeven as He is (find 3 Nephi 27:27)how can we accomplish this, apart from each of our team utilizes repentance as the routine means of private progression?"1 I found out coming from my experience along with the weeds that when our experts enable things to go unchecked, tiny concerns can turn into enormous transgressions that may not be taken out without enormous initiative.
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radiant-reid · 2 years
Beyond Breaking Masterlist
A story about a married couple, boarding on divorce and trying to figure out whether to part ways or make it work, filled with heartbreak, dad!spencer, awkward silences, friendship, lies, passion, miscommunications, questionable decision-making, and love.
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader Genre: all over the map with heavy angst, hurt/comfort, fluff and smut Content Warning: mentions of Spencer's drug addiction, BAU-related cases, reader's kidnapping, divorce
Masterlist Navigation Taglist
Chapter 1: everything we didn't want All painful heartbreak has to reach a turning point and when emotions are involved, impulsive words are spoken and hasty decisions are made
Chapter 2: Aftermath The consequences of both Reids' actions are felt in the household and the ripples are felt by the wider BAU family
Chapter 3: WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP A lot of things get said, some painful truths spill out and some helpful ones stay hidden
Chapter 4: False Flags It all feels like a fever dream, but the feelings are very real
Chapter 5: Judge, Jury, and Executioners All friends have opinions, and it's time to face the music
Chapter 6: Calm Spencer has an increasingly rare moment of peacefulness and the answer to the decision he's trying to make becomes clear
Chapter 7: Chaos Spencer wakes up in the hospital with a plan that doesn’t go accordingly
Chapter 8: DAMAGE Things get messy when some new information is revealed about Spencer, even messier when a reaction comes
Chapter 9: Damage Control Spencer is finally ready to get it together... with the help of a friend, a gift, and some honesty
Chapter 10: the way forward
because I'm the type of person that loves to know things. feel free to send me questions about whatever you want to know
When did Reader join the team? Directly following JJ getting taken off the team in season 6
When did they start dating? After Emily's death in season 6
Where's the Maeve plotline? Switched out for a plot where Reader was abducted by Diane Turner who was jealous of the fact she was married to Spencer
When was each of the children born? Maddie was born eight months after Diane Turner abducted Reader in early season 8, so sometime around mid/late season 8. Bennett was born in early season 10 so he's a little bit older than Michael LaMontagne. Florence, early season 12 after Hotch leaves
What about the prison plotline? It still happens and there are lots of mentions of how important it is to this series. Although it's mentioned in the very first chapter, Maddie was 6, Bennett was 4 and Florence was 18 months when it happened.
How old are they in the current timeframe? Maddie is 7 and a half, Bennett is a few weeks off his 6th birthday and Florence is 3. The CM timeline by itself in the final seasons is very messy since in 15x08 Spencer mentions the season 14 finale takes place two weeks before the episode yet Kristy announced her pregnancy and by the end of the episode, she'd had her baby? However, here we're considering the season 14 finale/confession which is rather essential to the plot to have taken place 2 months before the first chapter. Other episodes that take place during this series are 15x09 which is a few weeks into the series and 15x10 which is, canonically and in this series, one month after the previous episode
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