#but the jack voice when he goes i'll take that as another yes >>>
tboy-boone · 10 months
hello and welcome to my lost dub of the glasses diagnosis scene
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 6 months
Just One Date (Hannibal Lecter)
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Description: Y/N hates Hannibal but he wants to go on a date with her.
Warning: Making Out
Word Count: 2,051k
“Hey I’m heading over to Hannibal's, I'll be back later.” She rolls her eyes at her best friend’s words. “Okay come back in one piece.” She said with a monotone voice. Will rolled his eyes at his best friend’s comment. “I know you hate him but I highly doubt he will kill me.” She looked back at him with a “really?” expression and he sighed. “We are the only ones that think he killed anyone Y/N/N.” “Doesn’t mean we are wrong.” She points out. She knew Hannibal was the killer. It wasn’t a think. She found the man creepy and odd. Sure he was charming but Y/N saw right through his bullshit. Will did too but couldn’t stay away from him.
She never wanted to come home and see Will dead or hear it because he keeps hanging out with Hannibal the cannibal. “I’ll be fine. You have to trust me.” He tells her. “Of course I trust you Will. It’s him I don’t trust. Jack could be eating you tomorrow.” She exclaims. He sighs and hugs her. “I’ll be back later in one piece.” She pulls away and looks at him. “You better be Graham.” 
Hannibal and Will sat in the office as Hannibal was taking notes. “Tell me about Y/N.” Will looks at him confused as to why he’d even ask about her. “Y/N? She’s my best friend.” He tells the man. “Just best friend?” Will nods not seeing a point in the question. “Good then. I guess you wouldn’t mind me asking her out.” Will’s jaw dropped. Hannibal was into her? It almost made him laugh because Y/N hated him. There wasn’t any way that Hannibal would get her to go out with him. “Yeah good luck with that.” Will says, trying to hold back a laugh. “Why do you say that?” Will shrugged. “She’s hard to get.” Hannibal sat the notebook down and looked up at the man. “Well I love a challenge.” 
Y/N waited and waited for Will to get home. Each time he went she became nervous. Her foot was tapping as she stared at the door. Where was he? As if on que he walked through the door and she let out a mental sigh of relief. He was okay. He greeted the dogs one by one and sat on the couch next to Y/N. He turned to look at her and laughed. She raised an eyebrow at him. “What’s so funny?” She asked. He shook his head. “You wouldn’t believe it.” He tells her. “Yeah well we can’t be sure until you tell me.” He nods and clears his throat. “Hannibal wants to ask you out.” He says holding back his laughs. She stood up so fast it almost made her dizzy. “What?” She asked. “Yep, he wants you.” She wanted to puke. The man she hated most wanted her. “Well you told him I’m not interested right? That I hate his fucking guts.?” She asked hopefully.
Will laughed and shook his head. “No, I told him you were hard to get.” She looked at him in disbelief. “Will are you fucking kidding me?” He looked up at her and saw how mad she looked. Wow she really hated him. “Oh come on Y/N/N just turn him down.” “I shouldn’t have to say a damn word to him.” She yelled. He stood up and turned to her. “It’s kinda funny if you think about it. You hate him, he wants you.” She was fuming. “Will that is not funny you ass.” She yelled. “Ok listen, just reject him and don’t say anything else.” He says. She sighs annoyed that she has to even do that. 
Will was already at work when Hannibal knocked on the door. He saw another car in the driveway he assumed was Y/N’s. She opened the door and her face dropped at the sight. “Look, whatever Will told you was a lie. I’m not hard to get, I just don’t like you.” She says. Hannibal’s face dropped. Wow. “May I ask why?” She chuckled. “Besides the obvious point that you’re the killer?” “I am no killer Y/N.” She nods. “Right, sure.” She says and goes to close the door. “I won’t quit asking you on a date until you agree.” She opens the door back up. “A little creepy no?” “Well you think of me like that anyways.” He was right but Y/N wasn’t saying yes. 
“Wait, he actually came by here and asked you out?” Will asked her as they sat on his couch talking. “Yes Will. Thanks to you.” He held up his hands. “I didn’t tell him to ask you out.” “You didn’t tell him not to either.” He sighed and looked at her. “Look maybe this could be good for you.” She looked at him with wide eyes. “Will he’s a killer and he eats people.” Will shrugged. “We don’t know that.” “Yes we do!” He stood up. “I just think you should accept one date with him. Get him off your back.” But she wasn’t going to. 
Will woke up the next day to find flowers at his door. His best friend’s name on them and the hand writing matched Hannibal. He chuckled and set them on the counter for Y/N to find when she woke up. 
She sighed as she walked into the kitchen and saw roses on the counter. Why did Will get her flowers? She picks them up and notices a note of her name. The handwriting was too pretty to be Will’s. She rolled her eyes as she realized Hannibal sent them. That man could not take a hint. Though they were beautiful. She put them in a vase and left for work.
“So you kept the flowers he sent?” Will asked as he saw them on the counter. She sighed over the phone. “Yes, because they are nice.” He hummed at her response. “Thought you’d throw them out since you hate him so much.” He joked. “Not the flower's fault he’s shitty.” Will laughed at her and told her he’d see her when she got home. 
Day by day Hannibal would send Y/N gifts. Each time Will would laugh and Y/N would sigh but keep them. She wasn’t used to a man doing this for her and she couldn’t lie. It was kinda nice. She wouldn’t tell Will that for the simple fact that Will would make fun of her. She almost wanting to go out with him just for him to stop but she liked the attention. “You’re coming with me today.” Will tells her. She sighs and looks at him. “Will it’s my day off, i’m not going anywhere.” He shakes his head. “Nope. You are coming to Hannibal’s with me.” “But why? He keeps giving me things.” She whines. He chuckles, “You enjoy it.” She wasn’t denying that. 
His house was huge. Who was she kidding? It was a mansion. “By the look on your face you’re impressed?” Will teased. She flipped him off and he knocked. Hannibal opened the door and lost his breath at the sight of Y/N. He could tell Will forced her here. “Nice place.” She says to him not even looking in his direction. He nods and smiles. “What am I gonna do?” She asked the two. “Think about my offer.” Hannibal said as he closed the door. She sighed and sat at the chair by the office. She played with her hands and debated on what to do. Maybe he’d leave her alone if they went out. Will wouldn’t let her live if she didn’t. He really thought it would be best for her even though they both thought he was the killer. 
They were finished an hour later and  she stood up as they came out. “So did you think about it?” Hannibal asked her. She looked down and sighed. “I’ll go on one date with you but that’s it.” She says to him. He nods and smirks “Be here at 7.” It was currently 4 so she had time. 
“I can’t believe you agreed to go out with him.” Will said as they drove back to their house. “Yeah well you both wouldn’t shut up about it.” She shrugged. He looked at her. “You can’t wait, don't lie.” “I just want him to stop. I hope this works.” 
She knocked on his door at 6:50. She knew the man was cooking and hoped he'd be done with the food by then. He opened the door and lost his breath. Y/N was in a pink dress that went down to her feet and her hair was down and curled. She had red lipstick and eyeliner on. She looked amazing. He stuttered over his words. “Y-You look amazing.” He tells her. She smiles and takes in his appearance. He had on a tux and his hair was like it always was. He didn’t look bad himself. “You don’t look bad yourself Lector.” He lets her in and they walk to the kitchen. The kitchen was huge and it smelled amazing. She saw the food on the table with what appeared to be wine. “You’re a wine guy?” She asked. He nodded. He pulled out a chair for her and she sat and thanked him. He sat in the chair that he usually sat in.
They began eating and it was some of the best food she had ever had.He watched as she ate the food. “You enjoying it?” He asked with a small smile. She nodded and looked over at him. “You’re a very good cook.” He thanked her for the compliment. “Just think you could be having this for the rest of your life.” She almost choked at his words. “Hannibal I was really hoping this would have been a one time thing.” She said to him. “You don’t even know me. I want to prove to you that i’m not the monster you think I am.” She couldn’t believe he wasn’t even if he could prove it. “That’s great but I don’t think we’d work out.” “Is it Will?” He asked. “No Will is my best friend.” “Then there isn’t a reason you can’t let me prove it to you.” She stared at him as he tried to reason with her. The man seemed set on having her around here more often. “Okay let’s get through this date first.” 
She was a little drunk off the wine he had. She was laughing and giggling as they talked on his couch. He was laughing too. “Will actually did that before?” He asked her as she giggled. “Yep. He has no game when it comes to women.” He shook his head and set down the glass. “He should really bring this up in our sessions. I would love to help him.” They both laughed. “Yeah you certainly could.” The laughing died down a bit and they looked at each other. “You look like an angel tonight.” He said softly to her. She felt her face heat up and she had to look away. “I’m serious. There’s never been a woman as beautiful as you. “ She looked at him after he said that.
They both started leaning in slowly until their lips touched. They both tasted of the wine Hannibal had. The kiss was soft and passionate as he moved closer to her. His hand went to her neck to deepen the kiss. Her hands placed themselves on his chest. She moved over to sit in his lap and his hands held her hips. They both pulled away breathing hard. “Hannibal, I am so sorry.” She said, trying to get off his lap. “It’s okay dear. I liked it a lot.” She smiled at his words and cupped his face. “I don’t know what’s happening to me.” She whispered. “I hated you at first but now I-I think I like you alot.” He smiled . “Well that’s not such a big thing is it?” “I don’t know.” “Would you go on a second date with me?” He asked her. She bit her lip and nodded. “Yeah I would.” She leaned in and kissed him again. Maybe she was wrong about him but little did she know that Will would be arrested the next day and things would go down hill.
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merakiui · 10 months
Mera Mera Mera! Thoughts on twst boys if you tell them "no more sex" after an argument. Pretty please! 🥺🙏 💙 (You characterize them so well, I'm certain you can bless us with knowledge)
>:D I may have a few thoughts on the reactions!!! I shall bless you with said thoughts (i.e. twst cast being petty and silly).
Riddle - he's perfectly silent when he tears out the page in his life planner titled "dick appointments" and rips it in half in front of you. "Would you look at that? It appears my schedule's become open." He proceeds to fill the time slots with academics and club activities. Your "no more sex" rule goes both ways, but if you find yourself unable to bear it he might consider penciling you into his schedule. ...if it ever frees up, that is. :)
Trey - "Yeaaah, I had that coming," he admits with a sheepish chuckle. Trey very rarely argues with you. Ever. So maybe it was one-sided, but he still goes along with it to keep you happy and to end the argument as quickly as possible. He'll smooth things over by baking you your favorite sweet. He can be patient and wait if you're still stubbornly insisting on no more sex, but that doesn't mean he won't tease you often.
Cater - "Cowabummer." Yes, that's all he says. Yes, he gives you the sad thumbs-down and everything. Cater cannot be /srs for this one because if he's /srs you'll see the /srs sides of him that he'd rather hide behind a /j personality. (He later makes it up to you by apologizing and taking you into town to your favorite places. <3 you end up fucking in the changing stall in one of the clothing stores hehe.)
Ace - he rolls his eyes and laughs. "I never even wanted to fuck you anyways. You're, like, super mid." (He's lying. Please don't ban him from having sex with you. </3 This is how he's apologizing later.
Deuce - he's genuinely devastated. Nooo, what do you mean "no more sex"? D: that's not even the worst of it, though. Deuce is just sad that the both of you argued and that he said some things he's not very proud of. He was really mean and so were you. What were you even arguing about in the first place? Deuce's heart aches knowing you're so upset at him, so he does everything he can to make it up to you. It's fine if you don't want sex anymore; he just wants you to be happy.
Leona - he highly doubts you're serious. "Sure, okay. We'll see about that one," he tells you with a lazy half-smirk. "Good luck with that, herbivore." (he's so hot when you wake up next to him in the mornings and he has that rough morning voice...... you end up fucking the following day, too weak to his charms to keep up with your no sex promise. Leona teases you for that.)
Ruggie - "I'll live," he says with a shrug. Sure, it sucks that you no longer want to fuck and it also sucks that the two of you even argued in the first place, but he'll live. You and Ruggie are distant for all of one day before coming back together to sincerely apologize. He's a little awkward with his apology, but it does indeed come from the heart. Perhaps there's some makeup sex that follows...
Jack - another one who is more upset over the actual argument than your admission of no more sex. Jack feels so bad. :( his ears are flattened on his head and his tail is drooped; he's just so sad that he argued with you and made you angry. He was out of line and shouldn't have let his emotions get the best of him. If no more sex is what you truly want, he'll abide by that.
Azul - "Angelfish, I understand you're upset, but do you truly mean that?" You do, and you storm out of his VIP room and ghost him for the rest of the day. Azul goes through the five stages of grief within the span of a few hours. T_T he's a wreck, not only because you said no more sex but because you argued and you're angry with him and you probably hate him now and what if you break up and you never want to see him again and and and and and !!!!!!!! Sad tako hours.
Jade - he smiles patiently. "If you say so." (his compliance is too obedient; don't let him fool you. He's going to spike your drink with an aphrodisiac and then when you come to him begging for release he'll deny you in the same way you denied him.)
Floyd - "Shrimpy, c'mon, ya can't be serious." You turn away from him with a huff, arms folded over your chest. "S'not funny, Shrimpy..." He pouts at you, brows knitted in annoyance. You look him dead in the eyes and snap back with, "Good. Cuz I'm not joking, Floyd." (Floyd's in a foul mood for the rest of the day; no one dares go near him. His aura is too threatening...)
Kalim - if it's your first argument with him, he's genuinely compelled to throw a party celebrating it LOL. Kalim means well with it, too, which makes it arguably worse. ^^;;; but he is indeed very sad that things got to this point and that you were so angry with him that you even said no more sex! He sulks sadly. :( will a parade make you feel better? Or do you want more renovations done to Ramshackle? Do you want gemstones? Just tell him how he can make it up to you and he'll do it! He's so very sorry! >_<
Jamil - he rolls his eyes, shooting you an unamused look. "Very mature of you, (Name)." Jamil isn't going to entertain the argument anymore. If you want to talk things over, you can do that after you and he have cooled off. Although if he's truly intent on getting your forgiveness and nullifying your no sex rule right away, a little hypnosis might do the trick...
Vil - he gives you a critical look. "What does sex have anything to do with this?" If you're going to argue with Vil, argue about the subject matter and don't bring unrelated topics into it! >:( arguments with Vil always make you feel so bad because essentially he tells you to do better and think about your conduct. Of course he also reflects on how he acted and what even led up to the argument in the first place. Even his apology, though heartfelt and authentic, is so perfect.
Rook - "Mon amour, lovely trickster whom I adore most, oh, how you wound me!" He's so dramatic about it, but then he also wholeheartedly means it when he says and acts like that. "Shall we share a kiss of forgiveness and allow water to flow freely under the bridge once more?" He is truly sorry, but then he's sneaky when he's slipping his tongue into your mouth as if he's trying to drag your apology out of your throat and taste it in his mouth.
Epel - "Consarn it!" He's huffy, glaring at you with his cheeks puffed out. "If yer gonna throw a hissy fit and say no more in-out, in-out, then don't come crawlin' to me when yer feelin' it!" Of course he then storms off and is promptly scolded by Vil for such atrocious behavior. Epel realizes he was wrong for getting so worked up and he'll later apologize to you. You apologize as well, but for the rest of the week there will be no more sex. Epel thinks that's fair. He sort of deserved that one. T_T
Idia - "Wutever. I don't need 3D to be happy." He rolls his eyes and the argument ends there. (Idia later spends an entire week locked away in his room building a (Name) sex doll to make up for the lack of your touch.)
Malleus - poor Hornton... :( he sulks in the darkness of his room and no one knows the reason for why he's so upset. Sebek is distraught; whoever dared to put waka-sama in this sad mood will pay!!!!!! Telling Malleus no more sex makes him think you don't want him anymore and that you essentially are breaking up (which is not the case). Diasomnia feels the gloomy atmosphere for days to come. It's Lilia who finally manages to convince Malleus to come out of his room and go to you for a chat to resolve things.
Lilia - "Oh dear. That's rather unfortunate." Even though he says this, he doesn't seem very affected or surprised or even remotely upset. But then Lilia's been through countless arguments, some far more severe than the one he just had with you, so he knows how to navigate these sorts of things. He's very mature about it and respects your no more sex rule. In fact, he's going to keep track of how many days you go with no sex before you inevitably forgo this rule for sloppy, heartfelt makeup sex with him, which he'll gladly indulge in.
Silver - it's probably impossible to argue with Silver. He's just so sweet. How could you ever get into any sort of argument with him? But if you did find yourself at a disagreement, he'd do whatever he could to resolve it and make you feel better. If no more sex is what makes you happy, then there will be no more sex.
Sebek - "SO BE IT, HUMAN. I DO NOT REQUIRE YOUR TOUCH OR INTIMACY TO SURVIVE, NOR DO I WANT IT." He's so LOUD. The entire hall ends up learning more than they'd ever want to about your and Sebek's argument. ;;;; he rants about you and your audacity to Silver (who's half-asleep), and so it's obvious he's affected. Sebek refuses to apologize because he's stubborn, but he realizes he misses you quite a lot. :( no one point that out, though, or else he'll yell at them that that's not true whatsoever!!!!
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st-danger · 1 year
SAINT I have an idea that I need someone to hear.
Aether asking cumulus or rain to braid dews hair so he can pull on it while fucking him with cumulus or rain watching.
Thank you for your time :) keep doing the devils work <3
Rain runs his fingers through Dew's hair, and waits for Dew to take him fully into his mouth again before grabbing and tugging on it, a sharp shock of pain to force him to moan around his cock. He gets his fingers nicely tangled, blunt nails scratching over his scalp before making a fist and clutching the fine strands.
It draws more noise from Aether than it does from either one of them.
From his right, Aether scrambles to rub himself a little quicker, and Rain goes a little crosseyed at the feel of Dew's forked tongue.
"Would you?" Aether asks.
Rain has no idea what he's talking about. Apologetically, he tells him so. He's too lost in the relentless way Dew is sucking him, cheeks hollowing and orange eyes searing beneath long lashes. Obscene wet noises. Drooling. Dew's being messy enough the spit is dripping down and gathering at the base and slowly making its way to his balls. Leave it to Dew to find a way to make even this, while kneeling on low pile hotel room carpet, look elegant. His stomach is all tight, his brows knit together.
"Braid his hair? For me?" Aether says, cradling his balls in one hand and pulling on his length in short, quick strokes that betray just how needy he is, even if he's good at keeping his voice low and even. Ah, yes, Rain remembers now.
"Whaddya say?" Rain breathes with another firm tug at his scalp. Dews eyes flicker shut, and when he opens them again, they're fixed on Aether. "Wanna look pretty for us?"
"I always look pretty for you," Dew huffs, pulling off for air, jacking Rain lazily while he indulges in a few deep lungfuls of oxygen. He's staring at Aether, and Rain sees the way he drops his gaze to focus on his lap, appraising.
It's a slow and intentional thing, and Aether visibly curls in on himself under the focus with a small, bitten off noise. The corner of Dew’s mouth pulls upward.
"Let me braid it," Rain says, and, gently, pulls his face back to his cock. "Give Aether something to hold while he fucks you, huh?"
Dew gives him a slow downstroke and holds the base, drooling directly onto the purpling head. Rain clenches his teeth when he rubs his palm over, polishing the head and spreading the spit around. For the second time tonight, the gesture makes Aether noisier than Rain.
"Fine," Dew says, and ever the opportunist, "what do I get out of it?"
"I'll lick you out," Aether offers immediately, a little edge of desperation peeking through.
Dew makes a show of considering, tilting his head, and inwardly Rain smiles. It's not an act Dew finds easy to ask for, and the play that accepting it is anything that requires a modicum of thought is simply dramatic, but...of course, Dew will feel better about it if he pretends he has to consider it first. Can't be too eager with it. Rimming already makes him feel weird and ashamed in the best way; surely he can't seem like he's eager for that kind of humiliation.
"I'll make you cum on my tongue," Aether promises, "and you won't be able to stop yourself."
Something dark clouds Dew's face, then, the offer of control being taken from him, being forced to enjoy the act that makes him whine and turn utterly pathetic the answer he was looking for.
"I'll kiss you while he does," Rain says, hitching his hips up so the head of his cock nudges against his lips, impatient. A little rude, really, but he could hardly be accused of being in polite company.
He will pull Dew off just before he cums so he can paint Dew's face. Aether will kiss it off of him while he plaits those soft locks into a fishtail for Aether to hold.
Now, though, Dew's patting his cock against his tongue and he hasn't the brain cells to think too much on any of that.
"First things first," Rain says with a smile, and forces Dew's head back down onto his length.
Again, the answering moan comes from Aether.
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shallowseeker · 30 days
I watched s13 for the first time this past summer and these Lucifer metas are super fascinating to me. As I was watching I was very much the opinion that Lucifer only wanted a "relationship" with Jack because of how powerful Jack was and how Lucifer could use him for his own goals (whatever those may have been), with maybe a bit of spite towards God/Chuck of "I'm better because I won't be a deadbeat dad" if that makes sense? I'll admit that post Kripke era Lucifer has always been hard for me to really understand, so these metas on Lucifer (and Jack!) are super interesting to me!
Ah, yes. For me, I get the most mileage out of how joyful Lucifer seems to be of use in the war against Amara. He was so happy, so in his element, you know? He had Cas, a stable brother who "gray rock" tolerated him, so he wasn't alone. He even had Dean, Sam, Crowley, Rowena as "war companions." Pairing that with Rock Never Dies and Lucifer's resulting nihilism is delicious to me.
LUCIFER: I'm not especially interested in his opinion. Dear old dad, he finally apologized for abandoning me. And what's the very next thing he does? [Voice breaks] He ditches me. [Laughs] And you, too, by the way.
Don't you get it? This is all meaningless. Heaven, Hell, this world. If it ever meant anything, that moment is past. Nothing down here but a bunch of hopeless distraction addicts, so filled with emptiness, so desperate to fill up the void… they don't mind being served another stale rerun of a rerun of a rerun. You know what my plan is? I don't have one.
But post-Jack's conception? He doesn't "need" them anymore. It's like he's looking for Jack to fill his own void.
Lucifer's cognitive empathy is definitely on display in these seasons, but there's also...this childlike need to fix his core wound with such self-centered family-building, you know?
And I mean, so many many people find purpose in family-building (for example, Cas too found purpose in raising Jack), but Lucifer's world is so small and shallow. It's just interesting to me...
There are glimmers in 12x08 of what he wanted from God:
LUCIFER (in a speech): And yet, we need "our Father"...to...be there when we fall.
And after Jack is created, Lucifer focuses all of his energy on getting to Jack, on impressing Jack. He doesn't need them anymore—not the family of his childhood, or the family of his soldierhood. Jack represents a fresh start.
in 13x02, May says, noticing Lucifer's desperation to get to Jack:
LUCIFER: I’m gonna exchange you for my son. MARY: You can’t possibly care about raising a child. LUCIFER: Oh, you have no idea what I care about.
He cares to a degree that he wants Jack to pump himself up, I think. Power is a big part of it, but Jack is also a narcissistic supply, I think. It's when Jack rejects Lucifer that he goes after his power. But Lucifer wants Jack's locus of morality to be angelic. Humans are to angels as the hunted-monsters are to humans, so to speak.
And I can't seem to find the meta today, but even in INHERIT THE EARTH, Lucifer is STILL making a play for Jack to be "on the winning team" with himself and Chuck. Even after taking Jack's grace, he still seems to want to have him.
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sastielsfandom · 1 year
I'm Sorry
Sam was up bright and early, cooking for everyone. With a hop in his step that no one has seen in a very long time. It was contagious.
A bright smile that warmed the room. Which only brightened when Jack matched him, if everyone didn't know better, you'd swear he got it from Sam.
It was a quick clean up in the kitchen, Sam and Castiel got through the dishes with laughter. Whispering to each other about quirks they've noticed about Jack and how sweet they were.
Afterwards, they departed and Sam found himself in a card game with Jack. Just as it got close to the end, Sam's laptop beeped, they got a hit on a case.
A vampire nest close by. They could take it out and be back for dinner. A fifteen minute drive at most.
"You and Cas go, look you make a mean breakfast and all, but dinner, that's my specialty," Dean said and gestured to Jack, "And if the kid stays, we could make a dessert." Dean told him.
Sam laughed, "Yeah, I've got some pastas and all, but I think Jack can't stomach another pasta this week." He joked, and looked at his son, "I think Jack's been wanting to make brownies, right?" He asked and Jack nodded in excitedly.
"I can even decorate them!" Jack exclaimed, and it was settled. Sam and Castiel could easily take the case, and they'll be close by if anything goes wrong.
Sam had his bag over his shoulder, ready to go in the car, he saw Jack who opened his arms for a hug, "Can you call when you're coming back?"
"Yeah, of course." Sam agreed easily. Jack smiled, mentally preparing a surprise for him.
Castiel smiled but found his feet wanting to stay planted in the bunker, Sam noticed and called to him, "Hey, you ready, Cas?"
He looked up and around, there was nothing else to do but get to it, "Yes, I am." he said. Keys in hand.
"You know," Sam said opening the door to the garage, "today feels really good."
"Does it?" Castiel asked, surprised. It's obvious Sam's in a good mood, but he seemed genuinely happy. It was different, a great different he could get used to.
"Yeah, I feel like I can handle anything thrown at us." Sam said, Castiel opened the truck and Sam's stuff was thrown in.
He closed it and patted it, "I hope we can." Castiel voiced with less certainty.
"We definitely can." Sam said, a hand on Castiel's shoulder. He said it with such a warm smile, Castiel couldn't help but believe in it too.
Sam and Castiel were crouched down, weapons in hand, the nest was full, but since it was daylight, they should be able to manage.
"I'll go left, you go right," Sam whispered to Castiel, looking at the room, it was an awkward space but he'd deal as long as he keeps quiet as he moves.
Castiel nodded but looked distressed, "Sam, I have a bad feeling."
Sam looked at him and gave him a smile, "I think it's just an effect on this place. It's kind of creepy."
"It feels more than that." Castiel said, and Sam nodded.
"Yeah, but come on, we've got this," he said, picking up his stuff, "We'll be back before nightfall."
"I go right?" Castiel asked, feeling as if he should be on the other side.
"Yeah, I got the left." Sam said, already departing. Castiel watched him leave before taking a deep breath, and went right.
A sharp piercing noise entered Castiel's ears, after a huge blast of wind knocked him back. An explosion, Castiel's mind offered weakly, he coughed as the dust rolled through.
"Sam?" Castiel called, hoping for a response.
There was none.
"Sam!" Castiel yelled, needing a response.
A cough was buried in the next room over, Castiel raced over hoping it was as familiar as it felt.
"Sam." Castiel whispered.
Underneath a bunch of rubble, he saw Sam's head. He moved quickly removing as much as possible. Sam could barely move.
"It's bad, isn't it?" Sam asked as Castiel moved a piece off his shoulder.
Castiel shook his head, "No, of course not."
"Cas, it's okay," Sam laughed, "I know it's bad."
Sam looked fine, dirty, but fine. But Castiel knew from a simple touch, Sam was losing life and he was losing it quickly.
"If I-" Castiel's hand was pressed to Sam to heal him, ignoring Sam's sad smile, "If I could heal you I would-"
"I know you would." Sam said, patting Castiel's hand. A gesture that usually warms his heart stung it now.
"It's okay, Cas." Sam told him.
"Is it?" Castiel asked. It didn't feel okay. It felt far from okay in fact.
Sam weakly nodded, "Yes."
Castiel looked around, no one was around. He patted for his phone and found it broken.
"I love you," Sam said, startling Castiel.
He shoved the broken phone away, hoping to push the panic there as well, "I - I love you too."
"Do you want to me to lift this?" Castiel asked, it was a part on his chest that he left, despite how heavy it must be.
"No, I think," Sam groaned at a sharp pain, "I think it's putting pressure on-" he couldn't finish his sentence, he pressed his lips together hoping the pain would fade.
Castiel wanted to hold Sam, he wanted to heal it all away.
"There's no help coming is there?" Sam asked, he saw Castiel's phone, he couldn't imagine his phone being in a better condition than his.
"No..." Castiel admitted.
Sam nodded softly, "I didn't think so."
"I'm sorry, Sam." Castiel said, there wasn't anything he could do without leaving Sam. And he couldn't move even if he wanted to.
Sam reached out for Castiel's hand, which Castiel gratefully took, "Don't be." Sam said, rubbing Castiel's hand in a reassuring manner.
Castiel felt the air leaving him as he knew what was coming next, "Sam?"
"Yeah?" Sam asked, eyes closed.
"It's okay." Castiel forced out.
Sam frowned, "What is?"
"It's okay..." Castiel started again, "It's okay if you let go."
"I got some fight." Sam said, trying to open his eyes but it clearly wasn't happening.
"I know you do," Castiel said, choking down his tears, "I know."
"But if - if you can't hold on, don't." Castiel said, teary-eyed, internally grateful for Sam's eyes being closed.
Sam tried to shift but couldn't, "It hurts."
"I know. I know." Castiel answered, rubbing Sam's hand, trying to ease him.
Castiel could hear Sam's body struggle to keep running, everything was strained.
"Can you tell them I'm sorry." Sam asked, although it didn't sound like a question at all.
"They'll know," Castiel promised, "but yes. I'll tell them."
There was a loud silence that Castiel couldn't bear. He was afraid to make any movements or sounds in case he'd miss something.
"Cas?" Sam asked quietly. Way too quiet.
Castiel moved closer, "Yes?"
"Thank you."
"Rest Sam," Castiel cried, "you deserve it."
Sam's body let go of his last breath, Sam's hand stilling just as his chest did.
Castiel couldn't hold it in any longer, his true voice crying out in sorrow, as if a second wave of an explosion went through the nest.
A crack opened in the slab that laid in Sam's chest, and all Castiel could do was cry at the damages that were hidden.
Heaven heard the pain in the angels cry, but there was no one to answer it.
Castiel walked into the bunker, Sam in his arms, tears stained on his face.
"Cas?" Dean shouted hearing the door, "Hey! Why didn't you two pick up..." He walked out of the kitchen and froze seeing Sam in Castiel's arms.
Jack was delayed in the kitchen shouting, "He said he'd call when the hunt was over-" walking out his face fell, "Sam?"
"He wanted me to tell you two that he's sorry." Castiel said, the line he rehearsed the entire drive and as he prepared to carry Sam inside. It still felt heavy on his tongue.
Dean ignored the yelling in his mind, "For what? Forgetting?"
"He's not-" Castiel tried.
"Cas," Dean cut him off, "please tell me he's just injured or sleeping it off."
Castiel bit back the cry that was screaming to be let out, instead stating, "I'm sorry."
Jack and Dean stood there looking at Sam, knowing already something was deeply wrong.
"An explosion went off," Castiel explained, "I was on the left, he was on the right. I had a bad feeling, but he was insistent." He paused, holding his lip for a moment, "The explosion was on the right. I'm sorry."
"Quit saying that." Dean yelled, wiping a tear that he wasn't ready to admit was there.
Castiel wanted to step forward but couldn't, "But I am."
"He's - he's gone?" Jack asked, words finally making it out of his mouth.
Castiel nodded, "Yes."
"Why didn't you call?" Jack asked, searching for his as reality set in
"I could have saved him!"
Castiel sniffled, God knows how loud he cried for help.
"Did he pray to you?" Castiel asked, needing to know.
"He told me he loved me." Jack said, and Castiel could feel Jack's heart break at the realization, and guilt began to settle into as an attempt to mend.
"It's my fault." He said firmly, Jack looked him in the eyes not believing so, "I told him to rest if he couldn't hold on."
Both knew Sam prayed, and prayed to the people he knew could hear, but he asked for forgiveness. Not for help.
The grief in the room smothered them all.
Dean knew why Castiel told him that. He knew it had to be the one of the hardest things he's ever done, and while he was grateful, knowing he wouldn't have been able to, he couldn't forgive him.
Jack fell quiet, he had felt the pain in Sam's last prayer but didn't know why it was there. And now he wished he could have been there.
Castiel didn't know how to feel. None of them did.
They had to set Sam down, lay him for the time being, and when they did, they noticed the smile on his face. He looked at peace, so why weren't they?
None of it felt fair.
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
I'm Employed
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Media IRL
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster
Couple Thomas X Reader
Rating Flirty AF
Concept Assistant
I sat working away on this damn report on my third cup of coffee since getting home when the apartment door opened to a very happy Thomas.
"How'd it go?" I asked as he dumped his stuff and went for a beer from the fridge 
"First place was a bust he wanted five years customer service experience, second was a flop I needed first aid training"
"That's not hard to do Thomas"
"Next two where big no's apparently I didn't have qualifications" 
"So you wasted your whole day at hat bus fair I lent you" I sighed 
"AHH ah ah. Don't be so negative."
"Kinda hard when your four months behind in rent, don't have any prospects and just fucked four job interviews"
"I had five today" he says sitting at the table with me smiling widely
"And How'd the fifth go?"
"I'm employed. I start tomorrow"
"..... What the hell did you do beg?"
"No, I was just what she was looking for"
"Y/n y/l/n, she wanted an assistant"
"An assistant? Even though you have no business training. No secretary experience. No reception experience. No admin or administration work ever in your life. The computer knowledge of a young bommer and the inability to remember papersizes?'
"And you were hired?"
"...are you sure because you're not great and picking up sarcasm Thomas?"  
He grabbed a folded bit of paper from his pocket and it was true he had a job "... I'm so confused how the hell you did this"
"I'll be honest I'm not sure how I did either but I'm not questioning it"
"Company's to big to be a scam. And doing too well to be trying to pin shit on you. It might be a cult?'
"No I'm good at picking up cult vibes"
".... You almost joined a cult last year"
"Yeah and now I know the signs" he says "I think she might have hired me because I'm cute?"
"She did ask me to pick up pencils alot. And turned the heat way up so I'd take my jacket off. And now im thinking about it I'm not confident that was a spider on my thigh?'
"...and that's sexual harassment" 
"Not if I'm into it"
"Are you into it?"
"She was wearing pencil skirt."
"Thomas. You need a job. For just ten whole minutes could you not think with your dick,"
"I have a job. I get paid on Friday and my dick is very happy"
"I can't believe I have to tell you this but don't fuck your boss"
I only got more and more worried about Thomas, he's my best mate but… he's not the brightest. And not the best and picking up social cues. Especially romantic ones, I can't even count the amount of times people have very obviously hit on him and it goes over his dumb blonde head like a rabbit on a pair of skiis, he comes home and explains his day and I honestly have to sit there and question how he isn't picking up that this boss of his is clearly into him, clearly hitting in him, and honestly sexualy harrasing and even exploting him a little and still he hadn't even picked up on it. So on my lunch break I decided to get him some lunch and pay his office a visit, I got our stuff and headed up having a little bit of a time to find the office but I found the small room eventually with a door to another office beside it 
"Hi jack" he smiled
"Hi… what uhh what is happening here?" I asked looking at the general state of his office
"Ohh y/n said she didn't want to bother the maintenance guys with her broken spare chair, so I said I'd fix it for her" he explained working on fixing the small office chair meaning of course he had to roll his sleeves up and often be bent over or in strange positions as he worked and it was then I noticed the glass wall between the door and the other office the blind quickly closing as I looked at it 
"That her office?"
"Okay" I sighed honestly kinda surprised he hadn't picked up that she clearly made him to this so she could watch him out her window 
"How much work have you actually done today?" 
"Uhhhhh… I forwarded an email this morning"
"How's it going?" A voice spoke up I looked and saw the door open and immediately I understood
"Almost done y/n" he smiled 
"Hummm my handy boy" she Cooes stroking acrobat his shoulders as she checked his work "meeting in ten, bring the coffee cutie" she smiled before quite obviously slapping his butt and heading back into her office I glanced at her as she walked away and noticed him looking too before the door shut 
"Did she actually just call you cutie?"
"It's a joke, she always says that when she asks for coffee"
"She slapped your ass"
"Yeah, that's how she tells me I'm doing a good job" he says 
"Why are you okay with this? You know this is weird right?"
"I'm not an idiot jack I know this isn't how a typical office works. But… I'm fine with it"
"I'm getting paid to wear tight suit pants and get constantly complimented."
"You have a point"
"Plus… pencil skirts and stockings."
"What is your weird obsession with good legs?"
"You have your kinks I have mine, I like an authoritative woman with good legs sue me. And currently I am getting paid to do literally nothing for an authoritative woman with good legs all I have to do is look cute and bring her coffee"
"Yeah but this is a job a real job not some werid porno or fanfic, how are you ever going to explain to anyone job that you basically worked as a soft core pet boy for some business woman"
"Cutie coffee!" She called from her office 
"Jack just stay out of my business" 
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mlobsters · 7 months
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supernatural s14e20 moriah (w. andrew dabb)
dads fighting over killing their kid, sammy stressed. what a world
(jfc when jdm/john is talking in the recap i'm like godDAMN whose voice is he reminding of - oh right, i talked about this already when watching that very episode -_- good voice 10/10 both actors)
i wonder how far back it goes that they showed people getting their heads chopped off to the line "Lay your weary head to rest" in carry on my wayward song because i remember this song used to hit me in the feelings way back when (mentioned it still working for me in 6x22 at least.) anyway, i am also very literal with song lyrics and my little fanvids so i can't really criticize but tone 🤌
CASTIEL You should never have tried to lock him away. DEAN You know what? You're right. I never wanted to put him in that damn box. I wanted him dead. CASTIEL Dean. DEAN He's dangerous, Cas, and you knew it! You've known it for a long time! But that's okay. You know why? Because me and Sam, we've killed just about everything there is. And this -- Jack -- oh, we'll find a way. Because he's just another monster. CASTIEL You don't mean that. DEAN The hell I don't.
sigh, this is frustrating! but we gotta have conflict somewhere right, so dean's taking out is hurt and grief over mary on jack, making choices that are making jack worse. and now hellbent on killing him without taking any time to try to work the problem in another way
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DEAN I don't know. Maybe we call Rowena, see if she can put together one of those, um, "soul bombs." SAM The...thing you were gonna use against the Darkness? DEAN Yeah, might actually put a dent in the kid. SAM Okay. (quietly) DEAN Sam, I know this isn't easy, okay? He -- I know how much he meant to you. He meant a lot to me. He was family. But this? This is not Jack anymore. He's hurting, he's killing people. This isn't gonna be easy, but we're gonna have to do the hard thing. We're gonna have to do the ugly thing. Ain't like it's the first time, though, right?
was he raring to kills cas when he killed all those people and angels when fake god juiced up on souls?
apparently yes! clearly forgot about that
wiki summary excerpt from 7x01 The ritual is successful, and Death appears, bound. He thinks that he has been summoned regarding Sam's hallucinations, and Dean looks to Sam, surprised by the news. Death asserts that he can't help Sam (there's only "one wall per customer"), and Dean tells him instead that they want him to kill Castiel. Before they can convince him, though, Castiel appears. He threatens to kill them all, but Dean reminds him that Death is under their control. It appears that they are at a stalemate.
ok, so is this truth spell business from jack everywhere? fic premise-y. and mirror universe for the company name, okay.
SAM You. Come on, man. You're always calling me a geek, but you know every word to every Led Zeppelin song -- backwards and forwards -- you can discuss in detail every major rock drummer between '67 and '84, and... you watch "Jeopardy!" every night.
not to mention nerding out over horror films, cars, etc etc. we are all but nerds in our own special ways
like, we're really going for truth spell gags here? what'd i say about tone? lol
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well. stapler queen is cute
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pretty place to film and nice shot. didn't expect chuck but knew he had to come around eventually. i do really enjoy rob benedict though. he's so good at being that chill aw shucks persona that chuck usually is. like hey what a nice smile, good to see him! wait, he's the absent-est of fathers and lets the world nearly implode on a regular basis
DEAN Yeah, guess your life isn't so perfect after all, EightPackMommy. SAM What? DEAN Yeah, she's got this blog. Yeah, you know what? Your kids aren't that cute. And that gluten-free popover looks like crap because there's no gluten in it. You know what I mean? I'll stop talking. SAM Probably a good plan.
hope we get better truth spell anecdotes than dean follows a mommy blogger (nope.) also are we really supposed to just take on this info that sam's favorite singer is actually celine dion? :p
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cathartic until god yells at you
CHUCK Okay, look. I get it. All right, I'm from the deus from the machina, and you have questions.
all very twee
CHUCK: Listen, you guys know me. I'm hands-off. I built the sandbox -- you play in it. You want to fight Leviathans? Cool. You got that. You want to go up against -- what was it? -- the "British Men of Letters"? Okay. Little weak, but okay. But when things get really bad, like the Apocalypse or the Other Apocalypse, that's when I have to step in.
i will always appreciate a roast of the bmol plotline
SAM So you're saying Jack is Apocalyptic? CHUCK The kid said, "Stop lying," and I don't know if you noticed, but the world kinda went insane.
the whole crazy powered up nephilim actually equates to god powers, sure
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lol what. the colt 2.0 but actually kills anything
CHUCK So, this doesn't so much fire bullets as it sends a wave of multi-dimensional energy across a perfectly balanced quantum link between whoever's shooting it and whoever they're shooting at.
this is giving very crack treated seriously (or just plain crack) vibes
CHUCK Uh, whatever happens to the person you're aiming at also happens to you. So you kill him... DEAN You die.
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CAS I don't understand why we're talking about killing Jack. Y-You can fix him. You can --You can restore his soul. That's why I called you. CHUCK Yeah, not so much. SAM You're God. CHUCK Well, souls are complicated -- even for me. Besides, even if I could, would you really want -- I mean, after what he did? CASTIEL Then we bind him. We throw him in the Cage until -- DEAN Stop, Cas. You heard him. This is the only way. CAS And Billie said the only way to defeat Michael was to lock you in a box. CHUCK Ugh. Billie. I liked the old Death better. He was all about fried pickles and tickle porn. This new Death -- she's always sticking her scythe where it doesn't belong. CAS There has to be another way. DEAN Well, there's not. Now, I know you don't like it, and I don't really care. 'Cause you just heard it from God Himself that this is the only thing that can kill Jack, so either get on board, or walk away.
i think part of why i'm finally warming up to cas is him consistently caring about someone - like, willing to go to the mat with anyone for jack. and there's less of this bumbling clueless angel schtick periodically thrown in.
and something again i don't like is when anyone does this shut up there's no other way it's my way or the highway business. i feel like i talked about this before... maybe with the soul bomb business? and probably the box too? rushing into deadly action that can't be walked back with almost no information. which i compared to agonizing over how to deal with lucifer all season in s5 and finally accepting sam going into the cage was the only viable option left. there's just so many plot beats and so much going on at one time. and then dean rushes into shit and i'm just like STOP BREATHE WAIT.
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hopefully not plot relevant flask filling, unlike last time we saw him do it (that i recall) in 7x18
music (lennertz and wynn) at the beginning reminds me a bit of hannibal bloodfest again, the muted version that was in 14x08 when jack had died from the heavenly tuberculosis
glad sam is standing up to dean's willingness to again sacrifice himself at the drop of a hat and point out they haven't even tried to fix anything, just rushing into these awful solutions. and pointing out that they got themselves into this situation in the first place by bringing jack back. (and hey, maybe consider chuck's motivations in all this)
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not a great hug but way less creepy than hugging soulless sam at least. glad he didn't actually kill his grandmother and has calmed down a bit and acknowledged he's not feeling anything anymore
CHUCK No. Sam... you and your brother, of all the Sams and Deans in all the multiverse, you're my favorite. You're just so interesting. I mean, like that thing that happened at the office earlier today -- that was crazy, right? SAM Do you watch us? When you're not here, are -- are you... watching us? CHUCK Yeah. I mean, you're my favorite show.
creeper asshole. what new way can we make them suffer today
SAM Wait a second. Why, when the chips are down, when the world is -- is failing, why does it always have to be on us?! CHUCK Because you're my guys.
good to see sam yelling at chuck about it.
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like this really is soul bomb 2.0 (i was not a fan). some half cocked plan with new random made up weapon that gets introduced mid episode in the season finale that will result in dean dying to kill some almost-impossible to kill god type entity. not making me cry this time, bitches
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padalecki got to phoebe-run through the park yelling for dean for an extended period of time, that was something
CHUCK This isn't how the story is supposed to end. CAS The story? CHUCK Lookit, the -- the -- the gathering storm, the gun, the -- the father killing his own son. This is Abraham and Isaac. This is epic! DEAN Wait. What are you saying? SAM He's saying he's been playing us. This whole time. CHUCK Come on. SAM Our entire lives. Mom, Dad -- everything. This is all you because you wrote it all, right? Because -- Because what? Because we're your favorite show? Because we're part of your story? CHUCK Okay, Dean, no offense, but your brother is stupid and crazy. And that kid is still dangerous. So pick up the gun. Pick it up... pull the trigger... and I'll bring her back. Your mom. DEAN No. My mom was my hero. And I miss her, and I will miss her every second of my life, but she would not want this. And it's not like you even really care. 'Cause Sam's right. The Apocalypse, the first go-around, with Lucifer and Michael -- you knew everything that was going on, so why the games, Chuck, huh? Why don't You just snap your fingers and end it?! CHUCK Look, I -- SAM And every other bad thing we've been killing, been dying over -- where were you? Just sitting back and watching us suffer so we can do this over and over and over again -- fighting, losing people we love? When does it end? Tell me. CHUCK Dean, don't do this. DEAN No, we're done talking. 'Cause this -- this isn't just a story. It's our lives! So God or no God, you go to hell.
it feels kind of bonkers that they're just now getting clued into the conceit that all the suffering and misery and death they've been through has been at chuck's direction
surely the god-killing gun doesn't actually work on chuck. there's been a couple weird cuts for ads in the past season or two - where they repeat some action/dialogue after a cut for an ad. which is so weird, they never did that before.
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looks like the bandana dean was using for sam's woulda-been-fatal head wound few episodes ago
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spn 14x17
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so jack's in the empty... and billie is there. okaayyy
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resurrecting all the monsters they killed or whatever this is, sure. an extremely long shot of shambling zombies. did they need to kill time (i thought the cut to billie was the end of the episode and almost just skipped the last several minutes 🥴)
one season left to go. makes me think about how jared and jensen periodically talk about reviving the show but like. The Show was so out of ideas and things just got more and more convoluted and outlandish, what is there even left to do? other than some timeline reset but when they're older. or like apparently the winchesters, whole new au.
and despite how critical i am of the show, i'm still invested and care about sam and dean. so i'd watch whatever sam and dean show they might make. but i'm still gonna be critical :p i have avoided reading other people's opinions on any of the show i haven't seen so whatever criticism i'm spewing out is just my reaction as i watch
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theunboundwriter · 2 years
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The Sea is in Her Blood
"Tis a pirate that's said to be a terrifying breed o' bloodthirsty. Eyes a cursed color of orange from takin' a dead man's treasure." The man paused briefly to take a smoke from his cigar, leaning back in his chair and resting his feet on the barrel in front of him.
"They call him 'Cutthroat Marlowe,' the nastiest pirate to sail these waters in a long time."
He gestured for the bartender to retrieve another drink, tossing him a silver coin, and sliding the glass towards me. He released a shaky breath of smoke before continuing, "I've seen him with me own eyes when he and his crew raided a village I was passin' through. I saw Marlowe take down ten men at once with nothin' but a cutlass and thank the gods he didn't see me or I'd be a dead man too."
The buzz of the chatter of people echoed around us, drowning out any other sound that may be heard. The man leaned forwards, closer to me, his breath rancid and hot on my face. He lowered his voice, "Ye know how fast talk travels, 'specially on the waters, but they say he killed his lover, then his crew, and to be honest with ye, if I hadn't seen 'em with me own two eyes, I'd say he was just a tale."
After another puff of smoke escaped his lips, the man sighed, "I ain't never met a man who'd turn on his own crew, killin' them in cold blood. He must be all kinds of evil to do something so wretched.
"There be guesses, as to how he died. I'd heard that after recruiting a new crew they had a mutiny. Others say he danced with Jack Ketch or got his throat cut like he'd been doing all those years. Givin' him a taste of his own medicine if ye ask me."
He leaned back in his chair once again, and I doing the same. I kicked my feet up and leaned my chair back so it balanced on two legs, the gold bracelets on my wrists clicking against one another as I brought the glass to my lips.
"All I can say is I hope the man's in Davy Jones' Locker, or the darkest corner of hell for all the trouble he's caused. May he rot in pieces."
"I'll drink to that, sir," I smiled, tilting my hat to reveal the amber eyes that had been concealed by the shadows, loose brown curls falling to my shoulders. I took a sip of the ale the man had bought me as payment for listening to his stories.
Sitting down my glass, I stood up to leave, thanking the man for his time and walking to the door. But then, just as quickly as I had left, I spun around on my heel, unsheathing the dagger I kept on my right hip and pressed it against the man's throat.
He looked up at me with wide, confused eyes. They then morphed into fear as he gawked out the word, "you?"
"Aye sir, it's me. And you know how the saying goes," I smile, watching as the man quivered under my knife, "Dead men tell no tales."
Genre: Adventure Status: 1st Draft POV: Third Person Omniscient Tropes: Adventure, Pirates, Curses, Buried Treasure, Found-Family, Will to Survive, Self-Reliance, Learning to Love, Loneliness as Destructive Force Content Warnings: Blood, Murder, Violence, Dark Thoughts, Tag Used: #wip: the sea is in her blood
June ‘Cutthroat’ Marlowe had built up quite a reputation for herself. Not only was she the daughter of legendary Captain Damon ‘The Marked,’ but she was the only one brave enough to wrong him and get away with it. Now fleeing for her life, June has to find a ship and a crew, and sail to wherever the map she stole from her father takes her, before he can get his hands on the treasure she’s after.  Word travels fast, and it seems as if the seven seas were against her, as she’s being hunted down by more than just her bloodthirsty father: Captain Bates Anderson— The British Navy Officer— who she’d outsmarted time and time again, and wants nothing more than to see her pay for the crimes she’s committed.  The love of her life, who she had left for dead.  This pesky pirate who just so happens to have exactly what she’s looking for. And an ancient curse that had been following her family for years.
June 'Cutthroat' Marlowe // Daughter of the infamous Captain Damon 'The Marked,' who only wants to make a name for herself separate from the legends of her father and to finally best him and gain the upper hand. She would do anything to accomplish her goals, sacrificing anyone who got in her way.
Damon 'The Marked' Marlowe // June's father and Captain of the Last Curse. He's built up his reputation through stories that have been spread across the seas, getting what he wants through tactics such as fear and threats. Damon was after a certain piece of treasure that he had to keep a secret from June, knowing that she would want to get her hands on what he was after and he couldn't afford to share with her. After she stole his map, she fled from the ship and jumped into the unforgiving hands of the ocean. If it were anyone else, he would have given up looking for them and assumed the sea had gotten the best of them. But June? She was like a cockroach: hard to kill and always lurking around the corner. If Damon wanted this treasure, he would have to find her and most likely bring her life to an end.
Bellamy 'Red' Carlyle // Captain of the Scurvy Return, and the first person whose heart was stolen by June. He hated to admit it, but he fell for her faster than he could have ever expected. Red welcomed her into his life with open arms, giving her a place to stay and offering her a job on the ship. Little did he know, this would cost him everything: his ship, his crew, his authority, his title as Captain, his heart, and his life.
Pierson 'Albatross' Rutland // The Quartermaster of the Scurvy Return and the newly named Red Treasure after June takes over as Captain. He has a charming smile and always knows exactly what to say, but that doesn't change the fact that he has ulterior motives and is doing his tasks out of greed. He'll say what he needs to say to pass suspicion, buttering up whoever is in charge so no one casts him a second glance. Of course, the traitor always dies in the end.
Captain Bates Anderson // The British Naval Officer that witnessed first hand the horrors that June 'Cutthroat' Marlowe is capable of. After losing the lives of everyone on his crew, he vows that he will do everything in his power to bring them to justice and make June pay for the crimes she's committed.
Jesse Myers // A pirate that came into June's life when his crew attempted to board her ship. She threw him in the brig for the hell of it, but Jesse reveals he has information on the treasure she is after.
Booker // A crew member of the Last Curse that helped June escape the clutches of her father. She believes him to be dead, but he holds a valuable piece of information that will help her accomplish her goals.
Salton 'Grisly' Harding // First mate of the Scurvy Return, and father figure to Red. He's a quiet, older gentlemen with more wisdom than people realize, one of the few to quickly pick this up being June.
Kit Harrison // The surgeon of the Scurvy Return, and the first to speak their mind to June. She was grateful for his snarky sense of humor and the way he says exactly what he's thinking.
Franklin Willoughby // Cabin boy of the Scurvy Return and one of the few people that June tolerates on the ship.
Carter and Carswell 'Righty and Lefty' Garrick // Pilot and Sea Artist, respectively, of the Scurvy Return. They're more fun and games than paying attention to what they're doing, and if it weren't for Salton keeping them on track they would never get anything done.
Benton 'Plank Walker' Charlton // June's first mate aboard the Red Treasure. He is as loyal as they get, following June's orders with a trust that few could possess. He does, however, advise her if he believes there is a better course of action, and she almost always hears what he has to say. He was the only one who would stand up to her without repercussion.
Raleigh 'The Mermaid' Fulton // As a woman studying medicine, she has no where to legally practice. Which is when she decides the only way for her to follow her dream is to do so illegally. June hires her to be the surgeon of the Red Treasure, and only later does she realize that she is the daughter of the Governor.
Philip Irwin // Philip came to June looking for adventure and a place to stay. She made him the cabin boy of the Red Treasure, liking his enthusiasm. He is a firm believer in the fantastical, believing in mermaids, fairies, and anything magical.
Sherwood 'Daring' Ike // The Master Gunner of the Red Treasure. He's incredibly impulsive, and quite literally a loose canon. June initially hired him for his bravery, but she's come to realize that he isn't one to follow orders blindly.
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ask to be added or removed @fearofahumanplanet @marinesocks @parttimeghost @houndsofcorduff @creatrackers
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chiefatticcreator · 11 months
This time, it was different. Usually, when I made it home from the days, weeks even, of getting used and thoroughly fucked by Jack, I came home and felt ...normal again. It's an odd thing to say, I know. I shouldn't feel normal about any of that jut I normally felt at ease, whole and didn't have the cravings until they hit me again and got me conflicted and acting out.
But this time it was different. The urges never really stopped and I didn't know exactly why. Was it another trigger? Some need left unsatisfied?
Whatever it was it had left me in the same needy space I had left before. Of course, I wouldn't fly back immediately. I had things to do here. So that was a big no. But I felt like I was on a mission, I had a job to do.
So that was when I had met this girl. She was shorter than me, petite but with nice big breasts. Definitely a boob job.
We had met at the job and had started talking and I don't know what I told her, what I hadn't but it wasn't the first time we were in my appartment. In my bedroom. Naked. Kissing. My hands slowly moved along her curves, played with her nipples. Already stiff and pointy. Her breath came in shorts and she pressed a little closer into me with the next kiss. We both were naked, both needy and dripping. The setup for live streaming to the website was ready.
"Get ready", I whispered to her and bit her lowerlip before she positioned on the bed, perfectly for the cameras to capture her while I put on the harness with the big, strudding dildo and the cumming function. Easily, I inserted the counter part inside my own cunt and activated the vibration. A short sigh comes from me as the pleasure washed over me. I sighed. I positioned myself behind her, her wet cunt already quivering and waiting to be filled and I didn't let her wait.
The cameras perfectly captured her eyes rolling back and her jaw falling slack as I started fucking her. I can tell that se brought more viewers to the live stream with this. Rough and brutal, with high speed and actually more into getting my own kick of the toys we're using, we keep on fucking.
This goes on for hours, mere fucking and her cuming multiple times, trying to milk the plastic dick. At one point, she starts mumbling the mantra I had told her "God,yes, I want Jack to fuck me. Use my holes. Am a slave for him." Her words were shaking, her voice breaking. But she keeps going, cries out with every thrust until I'm done myself and finally activate the cumming function of the dildo. Before that I push the limits of the vibrators function, let it go insane against me. I fuck her like crazy. I hump her as if my life depends on it, burry deep inside of her. My mind is buzzing. I still keep pushing in her, forcing the cum deep inside her when my own orgasm hits me too. My cunt clenches around the vibrator, a lewd, high-pitched scream escapes me and she joins me. We both whimper while she begs for more. We ride our orgasms, I almost collapse on top of her but with a slight roll of my hips I feel horny again and once again start fucking her without any concern if she needs a break or not.
We keep on going for hours like this, me fucking her brain out, while she begs for more and is already drooling on my bed. The live stream only stops when the battery finally runs out.
As powerful as Jack is, it takes him a few days to learn of that livestream, and a few more to watch it.
When he does, he has a smile on his face throughout as he watches you fuck that girl, hears her repeating endlessly that mantra you told her, sees how far you are gone.
So, it is only a week or so after the livestream ends that you recieve another message from him. Rather than a mere text, it is a voicemail waiting for you when you get back from work.
"Good girl." he says as first words. "That was quite the show you put on for me. Now everyone knows I own you. And you made that cute girl moan my name too, that ws quite good. Next time you come at Overwatch, I'll reward you for being such a good dedicated slave. Oh, and bring her with you too. Since you made her moan and beg for me like that, it's only fair she gets my real cock too anf not just a plastic toy. "
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charmixpower · 2 years
Rewatching season 1 (and actually paying attention to Sky to figure out what the fuck everyone is talking about): Part 5
EP 21:
Bloom will barely react to near death but will shun herself after a break up, nothing about her priorities are normal
✨⭐ Shine bright like a diamond ⭐✨
Stella should be exhausted from melting all this ice
Daphne is suddenly blue now
Who the FUCK is that voice when she grabbed the crown
"the king and queen of Domino, convinced they lost both their daughters chose to go into exile to grive."
.....I forgot that up to the first movie was planned, yeah them bitches were always ment to be alive huh
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If Bloom is about 5'6, and Daphne is more than full head taller than her
Daphne is at least 6'0 ok???
Also blue Daphne!!
"I'm off to find you!" Daphne is alive??? And hiding??? Also Bloom referring to Daphne in third person
This episode has one to the best pre transformation scenes!!! They way they all jump up!!!
I guess we all know if Flora would of passed the bringing life to a desolate planet exam now :)
Tecna should turn her hood into a helmet more often
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Musa finally using her focus in combat!!!!
(magical tools like Stella's "sword" and Nabu's staff are called focuses now bc they help focus magic, yes I'm bad at names)
"Isn't there a saying that goes the best defence is a good offence!"
Stella takes only offensive magic and basic magic classes confirmed
Tecna cracking so many jokes about Bloom being a princess
Musa's speaker spells are the best, just under her disco ball spells
I love how Bloom just hits shit when she can't transform, love her
Flora doesn't have any true offensive spells (spells that hurt on impact) she creates plants to attack (which is technically categorized as defensive and I need better names)
Stella: Cool ✨💖
Stella: wait I'm supposed to be mad at you, I retract that cool
Holy shit I didn't realize how fucking big that thing was until now
Bloom being a leader and telling Tecna what to do even while she can't do anything herself...it was ment to be
They could use version of convergence in s1, the mixing of magical spells, but cannot use true convergence, the mixing of raw magic
Stella is being so nice to Brandon for how angry she was
Bloom you are accepting Sky's apology wayyy too fucking fast
He doesn't get that apology accepted until at least the season finale, come on! Cheating is like one of the the biggest dick moves you can make in a relationship!!
Sky really really said "you always said I was your friend and nothing more", trying to put this on her omg, are the writers ok???
Bloom should of smacked the shit out of him for that one 💕💞
Winx club acknowledge that you have two of your male leads starting off as huge pieces of shit, and not just one 💗
"I forgive you" NO TF YOU DON'T
Oh wow this is making me angry at the writers. You had a another perfectly good meow meow in need of a redemption arc and a scene where he confronts the bad parts of himself and you throw it away to let Sky be the prince in shining armor
*ripping Sky out of the hands of the writers* I'll give him consequences!!!! And a character arc!!!!! AND ITS GONNA HAVE BLACK JACK AND—
Hmmmm of course the Sky Riven rivalry needs to be less one sided, to make it more obvious that their both bastards. Add a couple parallel scenes of Darcy/Riven, Sky/Diaspro (if I'm smart enough to do that), to set up Diaspro mind controlling Sky in s3. A few moments of each girl commenting on how Sky can be kinda a dick, a jokingly slightly snide comment about how "at least Riven isn't hiding he's a jackass", make a little Brandon glaring a hole though Sky's head all though out s1 on the top for flavor.....tbh I don't know what anyone was expecting. My favorite characters are Riven and Musa, I like it when characters are kinda bad people and have to learn to be better. Thats fucking god tier
If they just leaned into this angle of Sky being raised wrong and trying to unlearn his worst behaviors but still fucking up royally, with maybe a heart to heart about why he makes these horrible decisions sometimes, I'd like him a lot more!!
Idk in arguments with Bloom it's like he's not allowed to be straight up wrong, it's like none of the girls are allowed to be straight up wrong, cringe. I'm going to hit Sky with a stick labeled "character development" and "flavor" I'll be back
I'm actually going to punch Sky 💕💞, who told you your allowed to be happy rn? Your supposed to be as miserable as Riven rn, go to your corner cheater
EP 22:
Bloom should be way more unhappy about the Knut thing after her parents nearly died lol
Red Fountain castle....these schools are castles
Literally all of the Winx are making eye contact with eachother when Fragona says "the boys will stay here for now", Tecna may be aroace but she loves and supports her allos
Riven does (1) self reflection
Can he hear Stormy and Darcy talking out side of his cell about messing with his head???? Wait, kids show nvm
Why is Riven reacting so strongly, like he knows this is just Darcy right?
What is that thing??? Is that one of the army of decay but recolored or is that Darcy's original monster do not steal
Riven regains his sense of self with free help from Darcy!
Darcy's illusions...can be touched bestie
"There are many things I don't like about myself but I'm far from being a monster"
Would of loved if you expressed any of this BEFORE this moment
"I have a heart!!!!"
I'm not crying shut up
Ughh I just wanna give him a hug, is that so bad??
Riven bby understanding that becoming a better person isn't about making people forgive you, and no one owes your forgiveness if you become better
Sky definitely would struggle with that *laughs maniacally*
"I have a few friends too"
Hmmm I mean in the context of "hey I was manipulated and also Darcy was literally in my head" yeah
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My meow meow is more pathetic than yours
"hey! Kiddo!" Glad you finally decided to speak up Griffin
"it would of been impossible to guess what their planning"
They tried to kill people. Are we forgetting that?
"I've always been good a picking locks [....] The person hasn't been born yet who can keep me locked up."
And then this trait is never shown again
He just walks out
Griffin got a cooler lock than him lmao
Riven with magic is a fun headcanon exclusively if you don't give him enough to over power anyone, then he has to use his ingenuity—which is one of his best traits!!
Like Riven with enough fairy magic but can't transform and vice versa with witch magic
I think witch magic seems more complicated??? Compared to fairy?? Which would make it more fun to give him bc then hed have to really work to do weird shit
All of this to say:
That's the only thing Riven having magic is necessary for, bc then magic locks CAN keep him locked up and thats just not right babes
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Background characters that could of been main characters with designs that pretty number 1, the witch Hecate
Goddamn rocking that light blue and red combo
That chick in the background comes from the same planet as Riven, you can tell by the shonen anime hair
Griffin sounds genuinely scared for Riven
He changed into his specialist uniform...but didn't bring any weapons?? Wouldn't that just be on his suit?
"Is this were it ends? No. You'll never get me."
Riven going from "I'm going to die" to "I'm too spiteful to die" to "the only one that kills me is me"
Salidin remembering that Faragona is a lying liar
I need to think more about thoese twins that work at CT
Bloom????? Are you ok????
She doesn't feel fear apparently
Sky agreed too quickly for how upset he seemed
Icy: NO—! Oh well he chose his own fate
All of the Trix have pretty strong on Riven apparently
"it's the same story as always, your stubborn as a mule" SAY IT MUSA
You'd think that Bloom would have a suit or something rather than her nomral clothes
Stella: So. Your not a prince.
Brandon: unfortunately, no. I'm Brandon, Sky's page
(First a squire, now a page, which...his job description is still bodyguard)
Stella: So Sky tricked Bloom and you tricked me
Brandon: and that changes everything
Stella: maybe, maybe not
Brandon, unlike Sky who attempted to push blame off of himself and instantly apologized, seems to have done the emotional equivalent of rolling over and dying
Man's has given up
Stella should not have enough magic to go on this mission. She should of collapsed after unfreezing Domino Palace
Icy wants to torture Alfea
Knut is a fucking dumbass 💕
The fact that Stella hasn't set him on fire yes is astounding, I wouldn't have enough patience for this
You know, CT is alive but I wouldn't assume the tunnels under it would be too
Why does CT have a personal garbage dumb?
Oh that's why, they have bugs that eat them
"No! Wait! If we attack we run the risk of blowing our cover!" "True. If we kill one the witches will sense it and we can kiss our surprise attack goodbye."
What? Are the BUGS apart of the tower??
These bugs are made of metal what the fuck
Bloom is definitely up there with the girls that can get along fine in a fight without magic, she's so unhinged
I love it when Bloom growls
(no seriously why are these bugs made of metal)
Good afternoon blorbo
There has to be like different tracks one can go into at RF. What ever Riven is in he's clearly the best at it bc everyone is freaking the fuck out over him
Is this an excuse to make all the boys "top of their class" by having them in different sections? Yeah, absolutely. Why?
You should of broken so many bones
Sky is so excited to see Riven, did you to not hate eachother the last time you saw— you know what whatever, this is admittedly adorable
Riven tries to apologize and Sky accepts it before he can even finish
Bloom is even jumping on Riven
Y'all are too nice around here
He's so pointy
EP 23:
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Riven, babe, when did you have time to change clothes
This show is so poorly made (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Brandon sassing Sky and Riven in quick succession. What ever Brandon is being paid it's not enough
That eye thing is fucking disgusting
"I still can't get over what's happening! I mean....this should of been a normal school year. Instead, were involved in a major crisis and we've got to safe Alfea! And the magic dimension!"
Musa having some very normal thoughts
"Look at it this way. This experience is teaching us so much more than school books could. We're part of historical events. We've had to come up with spells that can never be reproduced! We've got to fight alongside some of the most powerful people in the dimension!"
Tecna being fucking badshit (affectionate)
"you find all that thrilling do you! Well I don't like it at all! I'd rather be safe!!! At home!! With my parents!!!"
Nomral thoughts from a very interesting looking background character (seriously. Spot the main character is weirdly hard in Winx)
Musa: Flora's right!!!! We're like a big orchestra!!!! And each one of us has a very important part to play!!!!
Shut up I love her
Musa: each one of us is absolutely essential
I could write an essay about this moment, I won't tho. Just understand that Musa is perfect and I love her
Musa, Flora, and Tecna rallying the troops fjsndne
Tecna, talking about love: it can't be that bad
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Knut: See! Over there is where they hide all their secrets!!
Riven: are you trying to make me homesick?
I—what the FUCK was your home life like to warrant this comment
How can Bloom not recognize her own power????
When Bloom growls >>>>
"most powerful", get swatted aside by Griffin
When did all these background witches get cloaks
Where are the other two teachers??? :(( Where are the other members of staff that I care about so deeply???? Cruel
And they can't teleport off planet?
Sky is really dedicated....to everything but taking responsibility for his own actions ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖💙
Hi Stormy, I see you've made it out of the cage
EP 24:
Adults stop being upset in front of the kids
Some of these characters look like normal humans and others are so obvious alien. That's never more clear than when Griffin and Faragonda talk
Griffin and Faragonda are divorced
Sky is a kind guy™ but he's also a weird selfish inconsiderate person, at the same time. Layers
I now hc that Sky is specifically Codatorta's best student (even tho it should really be Brandon)
Where is Alfea's magical barrier???
The only thing the weird s3 call back had on this was the dedication on maintaining the barrier
Separate then incinerate, guys, come on
What the fuck is Salidn's and Codatorta's relationship?? They seem like they should be related or something.... Son in law maybe?
Brandon: don't be scared, I'm right here with you
Stella: well that's exactly what I'm afraid of my darling prince
Brandon: I want to ask you to forgive me for-
(Brandon runs his hands though his hair when nervous)
Stella: making me believe your a prince when in fact your just a simple attendant
Brandon: yeah
Stella: dont worry about that Brandon, I don't care if your a prince or not. My parents are royalty and it hasn't done then any good, has it!
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What is with this show and giving characters horrible undercuts?!
I see people, rightfully, mocking Riven for his stupid hair and not enough people dragging Brandon for this tragedy on his head
Musa: Hey love birds~! What are you doing? It seems we can't leave you alone for a second
Flora: oh leave them alone, they're so cute together
Stella: don't you two have something better to do? *Magic's a pillow at Musa's face*
Brandon: Ha! You were three feet off the ground
Stella: Please. Be nice to my friends. I'm the only one allowed to torment them
Flora may be the mom friend of all mom friends, but Stella older sister friend reigns supreme
Sky really said as you wish, sir, did your tutor teach you that
There's nothing quite as cool as Stella teleporting mid battle
This music is so depressing
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Magixs is going to have a very strong therepy industry soon methinks
EP 25:
How have they not saved Mirta yet?
Omg Musa is so sassy about helping Mirta
Daphne is so pretty 🥰
I feel so bad for what I wanna do with this scene, but tbh Daphne makes no sense in canon (with the way she just disappears after s1) so I think I'm justified
Bloom how are you breathing underwater
Anyways Charmix should of been it's one transformation
Magic Winx gets a cutesy theme, Charmix would get a more metal one (like the RF theme), and Enchantix would keep the hauntingly beautiful one it has
And suddenly BOOM Charmix transformation
Bloom is BACK BABY!!!
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I can't believe they fridged Mirta for a whole season, that has got to be a crime
"don't be silly! I think I'll go for a walk."
Musa is so adorable and obvious about her crush. She tries to hard to not be like other girls, but in reality she's a blushing school girl though and though
Mirta being smug about them lmao
Stella: Riven!!! I think she's coming down!!!
Riven: oh god, oh fuck, I'm not ready—
This has got to be in Sky's top ten list for trauma, just the whole city dead
Tecna: must you always be joking Stella?
Stella: what do you want me to do! When I get serious I think of Bloom and I go nuts!
Tecna will always be bothered by Stella's main coping mechanism
"the children are beginning to show effects of battle fatigue" BEGINNING?!
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The chairs are fucking dope, ngl, this is sick as fuck
So much time dedicated to Sky fighting this thing, not enough time dedicated to Sky realizing that being a cheater makes him a fucking dick, cringe fail writers—
Hey Bloomy! Your amazing as always
Bloom absolutely carried Sky all the way to Alfea. This is just a fact
Icy's number one weakness is her pride
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writeforfandoms · 3 years
For your birthday ficlets, could I request a character taking care of sick reader and tucking them in and talking to them until they fall asleep <3 You can of course include skin time if you want😉 I'm thinking maybe Ezra or Jack, but a wild card is also very acceptable!! Thanks in advance, I love you❤️
Oh Sam this one made me so soft. I just. Ugh. So, so soft. I love your brain. Thanks for sending this one in and making me yearn! I love you too bby 💖💖 
This is not connected to any of my other works and should be treated as a standalone. 
Warnings: Being sick. All the grossness that goes with that. 
Jack Daniels/Agent Whiskey x gn!reader
Word count: 680
You coughed pathetically from your spot on the couch, curled up under a blanket. You'd been there all day, only dragging yourself up to go to the bathroom or make yourself a drink. So far, tea was the easiest on your throat. You'd already had four cups. The TV was on, some nature documentary you could half pay attention to as you dozed. You were kind of sort of paying attention to the time - you knew when Jack would be home, but time was a weird evasive concept right now. 
You knew that you just had a cold. Yes, you had a fever. Yes, you had the runny nose and the cough and the sore throat. Yes, you were extremely tired and unable to settle down. Still just a cold. 
You still complained like you were dying, though. Even though no one was around to hear you. 
"This is the worst," you muttered, voice thick around your stuffed nose. You sneezed and then groaned, closing your eyes against the headache that pulsed behind your eyes. 
You jumped at Jack's voice, startled into coughing. Almost instantly, a big warm hand was rubbing your back, and your cowboy was crooning apologies and encouragement in your ear. 
"Didn't mean to startle you, sweetheart," he murmured. One hand gently smoothed hair back from your face. 
"I didn't hear you come in," you said with a weak little grin. Which was honestly a little pathetic, but you were ignoring that for now. 
"You feelin' any better?" He moved around the couch to kneel in front of you, taking in your appearance with a critical eye. 
"Nope." You grabbed another tissue to hold to your nose, afraid you were about to drip. "'s fine. I'm okay. You should probably keep away from me, I don't want to get you sick too." 
Jack chuckled and completely ignored your warning, half-hearted as it was. "You just relax, honey. I'll bring you more tea." He leaned in to press a kiss to your forehead, and you melted at the tender contact. When you sniffed, you were grateful you could blame it on the cold, and not your own whacky emotions. "Be right back." Jack stood, gathering up the used glasses on the coffee table in front of you, and walked away to the kitchen. 
You blinked. Closed your eyes for just a second. Or, you thought it was just a second. But when you opened them again Jack was sitting next to you, cup of tea held on his knee and his free hand smoothing your hair down. 
"Tired?" He asked with a sympathetic smile, handing the tea over when you made grabby hands at it. 
"Yeah." You took a careful sip, testing the temperature. Finding it perfectly warm but not hot, you took a deeper drink. 
"You wanna get comfy in bed?" He took the teacup again once you were done, gently pulling you into his side. 
"No." You pouted. "Too early." 
Jack chuckled. "Alright, sugar," he agreed. "You hungry?"
You wrinkled your nose and made a so-so motion. He nodded and gently pulled your head to rest against his shoulder. "Why don't you just relax," he murmured. Without giving you a chance to object, he started telling you about his day - the lady in Accounting who always flirted with him, Ginger calling him down to the labs to test out a new whip, Champ getting on him and Tequila for late mission reports. All the mundane things. But he kept his voice quiet, soothing. And he was so warm and comfortable, his voice rumbling under your ear. And you were so, so tired… 
It wasn't long before you drifted off, lulled to sleep by your gentle cowboy. You barely even woke when, sometime later, he hoisted you up and took you back to the bedroom, getting you comfortable in bed. 
You didn't actually feel him kiss your forehead. You didn't actually hear him whisper, "I love you, sugar. Sleep well." But you smiled all the same, warm and comfortable and cared for even in your sleep.
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mzmezzler · 4 years
Shooting Star - Fem!Reader x Soobin
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Shortlist: Virgin!Soobin, Public Sex, Car Sex, friends to lovers, fairly vanilla other than the air of a corruption kink.
word count: 1.7k
summary:  Settled in the back of your pick up after a late night hangout with Soobin, a confession while stargazing leads to a thing or two.
author's note: I feel like I got a lil carried away with this one that I almost forgot about the smut...idk. hmm I hope it's ok.
Any and all feedback is appreciated :)
It's 1 am. 
You and Soobin had been out for "a night on the town", that in reality was merely getting fast food, browsing local plazas, and fucking around in supermarkets. (Much to the dismay of any remaining staff)
It was light and freeing, just taking your car and living like a scene ripped from a movie.
Now in the back of your pickup, parked outside the nearest wooded area, there was a tension that couldn't be ignored. Sitting side by side in the boot of your car with a blanket thrown over the two of you, the silence buzzes within your ears. It wasn't like this until the setting really dawned on you.
Things were never this awkward with Soobin, he's shy yes, but never like this. You've always been the friends that people mistook for a couple, or an ex couple that still forgets that they're "just friends." It was an odd balancing act that you've never thought to bring up other than in light hearted jokes. But with all of the times movie night cuddles dissolved into fits of shy giggles when the lights turned on stick out in your mind. 
Suddenly a speck of light grabs your attention, making you jump a bit, which in turn makes Soobin jump at your sudden action. "What happened?" Soobin looks towards you with a worried look across his face. "I thought I saw a shooting star." You sigh.
You perk up and start to shift at Soobin’s side. “What’re you doing?” Looking back at him with a small grin, "We should stargaze." you answer.
"You know I don't know any of them." Soobin chuckles. Scoffing and shifting under the blanket to lie on top of it you pull the boy to join you. "Yeah, but I do so it'll be fun. Lay with me."
Now comfortable underneath the covers you brought Soobin squirms in his spot, getting comfortable with the new position. The breeze is starting to tickle your nose, but the warmth at your side is all consuming.
“Ok so what’s that one flickering there” Soobin points towards the sky loosely. “There’s lots of those, is it by something specific?” You reply.
With a hum, Soobin points out again, “Ok so you see that one right by the red dot?What is that?”
“That’s a satellite Bin.” You laugh. Pouting to himself the boy huffs, “Where’s the Big Dipper?” 
“Since it’s Winter it’ll be harder to see. It’s easier to find in the summer, but nowadays Orion’s Belt is pretty visible.” Pointing up and searching for the constellation yourself you make an excited noise once you find it. “Right there. You see those three stars like right along the other?” You feel Soobin move his head and nod along yours. “Ok so it should make a rhombus shape then connect to another one on to-” 
Soobin scoffs,“You know I don’t remember what a rhombus is.” 
Grabbing his arm from under the covers and grasping your hand in his, you close one eye and go over the stars. “Are you seeing it?” You whisper while slowly tracing. “Yeah”
“And below that is Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky.” You sigh. Looking at Soobin for his reaction you still. 
"It's all so beautif-" Soobin's breath hitches when your eyes meet. The stars almost reflect off of his face, wide eyes speckled with stardust, he’s ethereal under the night sky. His hair is fanned out underneath him, cheeks flushed red from the kiss of the cold breeze with puffs of air becoming visible under the moonlight. Whether it's from your gaze or the night's breeze, you'll never know. "Y/N…" 
You slide closer to Soobin as he subtly closes the gap between you two, lips meeting and sliding along each other hesitantly. Hands snake up your back under the blanket and you cup Soobin's face deepening the kiss.
After long you pull away, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. "I'm sorry" You whisper, thumbing the side of Soobin’s parted lips. “I’m sorry for making things so awkward tonight.” You rise from the covers letting the air wake you. Looking back at Soobin you continue, “ I can take you home if you want.”
His eyes were wide and narrowed, “No-that’s fine.” He almost looked like he was struggling to voice himself. So you sat in the fat silence.
“I think we needed to do that.”
"What do you mean?" You say simply. It felt almost too good to be true. Soobin props himself up with his elbows and looks up to the sky, "I mean I- I have wanted something like this for a while. Something with you" the boy starts to lower his voice as he finishes. Looking up to the sky yourself, you both sit in a comfortable silence. "So you were fine with me kissing you?" You ponder. Sitting up with you Soobin places his hands over yours, “More than I can explain honestly.”
Turning to face him again and taking his face in your hand, turning him towards you. With his eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips, you pull in closer, “And if I were to kiss you again, how would you feel? You whisper. Ghosting over your lips he mouths a small, “Please”, before you finally embrace him.
Winding your hands into his hair and moving Soobin back onto his back, you feverishly slip your tongue past his lips. Groaning at the small whimper Soobin lets out, the boy shudders into the kiss and gasps when one of your hands starts to slide down towards his chest. 
His lips were moving with a slight unease, struggling to keep up with you. Gasps and whimpers leak out from him while he runs his hands over your back, melting into your kiss. He dug his nails into the fabric of your shirt as your hand lowers and grazes the twitching fabric of his jeans. "Y/N, wait."Soobin breaks the kiss. "I'm a virgin" 
Searching within Soobin’s eyes, there was a glint of anxiety,"We don't have to." You reply. He almost looked overwhelmed with the situation, eyes flitting about like there's an argument going on in his head.  
Licking his lips and fiddling with your fingers he clears his throat, “No, we can keep going.” Squeezing your hand in his he continues,“I trust you Y/N"
For a moment the silence of the night was all that was needed as a reply. Hovering over Soobin, now with your legs on either side of him, you grin. You've known the boy was a virgin, but hearing it fall from his lips as the boy was flushed below you only makes the urge to ruin him stronger. 
And now you could.
Giving an experimental squeeze to the front of his shorts, the boy gasps. A soft smile blooms on your face as you grip it tighter, "I'll take care of you then."
Soobin lets out a deep groan when you slip your hand in his jeans to palm at his growing erection. 
His mouth goes lax and the rhythm you work to with your hands growing wet under his boxers. Lulling his tongue out and panting into your mouth you continue to ghost your mouth over his and chuckle at his sensitivity.
"Y/N, I think I'm close."
You remove your hand from his pants in an instant, ignoring the boy's whine just to sit back on Soobin's thighs and going to work on his fly. Lifting your hips and pulling both his pants and underwear in one tug you bore your eyes into his as you tug your shirt over your head, "Is this ok?"
Pulling his own shirt over his head, and placing both of his hands on your hips, he nods. His hair was ruffled from the earlier kissing and a dopey grin is plastered on his face, "Please"
 Groaning under your breath at the sight Soobin makes you slide up to sit on his crotch, making his leaking cock sit between your folds. Grinding your hips down onto him and moaning out at the friction on your clit, Soobin cries out,"Y/N, please." 
Drinking in his whimpers you teasingly rub at the brown buds hardening on his chest, "please what baby, I'm touching you." 
"P-please fuck me" Soobin slurs. 
Halting the grinding of your hips, and closing a hand around his cock, you run the tip along your folds.
 With a roll of your hips you slide him into your cunt, making you both collectively groan at the feeling.
Grinding your hips forward, you start to ride Soobin. You fucked onto him slowly, drinking in his whimpers. Soobin looked so dazed with his eyes shut tight while his hips almost moved by themselves, subtly skimming the sensitive spots within your walls. Leaning over to kiss at his jaw you still your motions.
"Fuck me like you mean it." You groan.
Planting his feet on the flat of the trunk Soobin starts the sloppily thrust into you. His eyes still squeezed shut with sweat beading on his brow. 
The slapping of skin fills the air as puffs of air between the pair of you heats the given area. Moaning to yourself you slip your hand to Soobin's lips and plunge two into his mouth. 
After thoroughly wetting your fingers in spit you lower the digits to flick and pinch you clit, working you towards an orgasm. The warm curl of your orgasm makes you clamp down on Soobin's cock causing him to whimper under you and grip your hips. "I think I'm gonna cum." He cries.
Pulling off of Soobin's lap you turn to lie at his side and run your palm over the tip of his cock, loosely jacking the boy off as he locks lips with you. The slide of your lips in tandem with the pumping of your fist drives Soobin over with him gasping into your mouth and cumming into your fist.
Lying back against the blankets you both catch your breath, the wind of the night now breaking into the bubble you've created.
Suddenly, you point up at a flash of light in the sea of black. Soobin gives a hum of acknowledgement, turning back towards you,"A shooting star."
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bruhstories · 3 years
summary: it's time to show porco how you like it pairing: porco galliard x fem!reader (modern au) warnings & content: oral sex (female receiving), fingering, softsub!porco, softdom!reader, jealous!porco, jealous!reader word count: 969
a/n: i looped gummy by brockhampton while writing this so i suggest you do the same xD i'm sorry this is so short, i get very easily distracted by other fics
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Porco takes you for granted, that's a fact. You're the perfect trophy girlfriend — beautiful, dumb and most importantly, submissive. And he makes sure people know who's wearing the pants in your relationship. Until you just can't take the humiliation anymore. Actually, you can take it, you love it when he fucks you silly, but it's time for a change, time to show him who owns who.
You show up at Pieck's party, fishnets hugging your supple thighs, blood red lipstick and an eyeliner that could cut a bitch in half. The smoke makes it hard to see, the music makes it hard to hear, but you have a mission in your mind, and you're determined to accomplish it. You set your eyes on Reiner — poor guy doesn't even know what's coming for him — and flash him your most innocent smile. Porco hasn't showed up yet, so you use this to your advantage, swaying your hips from side to side, asking Reiner to dance with you. He reluctantly accepts, fingers grazing his goatee.
"It's just a dance." You tug at his sleeve, pulling him closer to you. "No strings attached." Giggles erupt from your throat and Reiner relaxes.
"I know, I know. It's just, you're Porco's girlfriend and he already has beef with me."
"I am his girlfriend," you agree, twirling a lock of hair between your fingers, "not his property. I can do what I want, and right now, Reiner, I want to dance with you."
He's either too easy to persuade, or you're just too convincing, because within seconds, his hands are on your waist, waiting for your permission to tentatively move them to your hips. The corners of your mouth twist into a sultry smile, and he takes it as a yes, calloused fingertips grazing over the bit of exposed flesh above the waistband of your skirt.
And then comes Porco, and all he can think about is that two can play this game. He invites some girl to dance, and she's fawning over him like he's the only man in the room. You can feel your blood boiling, the rage heating up in your core.
"Your boyfriend's here." Reiner pulls you out of your trance.
"Mmm, is he now?" You purr, your hands travelling from his shoulders to his neck. The song is coming to an end, so you lift yourself on your toes, giving Reiner a quick peck on the cheek. "Thanks for the dance."
Porco sees it all, and when you walk past him without even saying hello, he grips the girl's waist a bit too tightly. She yelps, a playful smirk on her lips, but he pushes her to the side, completely ignoring her protests. You pour yourself a mix of vodka and cranberry juice in a blue cup, bringing it to your lips.
"What was that all about?" Porco leans on the counter, arms folded across his chest.
"What was what?"
"Don't play dumb with me, Y/N." He takes another step and all you want to do is scream at him that he dumbs you down. "You and Reiner."
"Well what, Porco? Use words, you're a big boy." Sarcasm drips down your tongue and he doesn't like it one bit, you can tell by the way he clenches his jaw.
"Are we really gonna do this here? I’m talkin’ about you and Reiner dancing. I've seen the way he was holding you, touching you."
"Oh, please, as if you didn't do the exact same thing." You wave your hand and he catches your wrist.
"What was I supposed to do since my girlfriend was busy with another man?" Porco's grip tightens.
"You were late."
"I'm always late."
"Then how about you arrive on time for once?"
Shock is plastered on his face at your sassy attitude — and you normally arebratty but this? This is different, it's as if you're challenging him. Porco releases your wrist, eyes narrow and throat dry. There’s something about your condescending tone that makes him back off.
"'M sorry."
"Yeah, you better be." You lean closer to him, lips brushing his ear. "Now how about we go upstairs and you eat my pussy like the starving dog you are?"
Bathroom door locked, you're sprawled on the fluffy rug with your boyfriend's tongue deep in your cunt. He's working hard to satisfy your needs, eagerly lapping at your juices, fingers pumping in and out of you. You yank Porco by the hair, and he's perplexed by your rough gestures.
"How does it feel to submit, you pathetic excuse of a man?" He can't speak, his eyes are glued to your dripping pussy. "Fucking talk!" You slap him across his cheek.
"F-feels good!" Porco yelps and you push his head back between your thighs, draping your legs over his shoulders.
"Get used to it! I'm so sick and tired of you bossing me around." Your breath hitches. "Sick and tired of playing dumb."
"Mmm sowy-"
"I don't need your apologies, I need you to make me co-oh-me!"
Porco doesn't disappoint. His tongue moves in ways you didn't think were possible, and soon enough, your legs begin to tremble, your moans echoing in Pieck's bathroom while you dig your manicured fingernails in his skin.
"Good boy!" You shove him off of you, pulling your panties up as if none of this ever happened.
"What about me?" His voice goes up an octave as he licks his lips.
"As if. You better keep your dick in your pants until we get home, puppy, otherwise I'll have to punish you. And don't you dare jack off. I'll know. Understood?"
"Yes what?"
"Yes, ma’am!"
Click and the door is unlocked. You walk out, leaving behind your needy boyfriend with a painful hard on.
"Oh, hey, Reiner! How about another dance?"
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softhxtch · 4 years
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TITTLE: Just Be Here
SUMMARY: Reader just finished a case and her husband, Aaron Hotchner is always there to support her. 
PAIRING: female! reader x Aaron Hotchner
CHARACTERS: reader, Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss and David Rossi (literally for a second), Allison (OC)
WARNINGS: child assault and abuse; mentions of misscariage, alcohol usage, body fluids (blood, urine, vomit), pornography.
A/N: am i back? i don’t know hahah, but it’s something, right? again in this story Jack doesn’t really exist, sorry. and again CAC - Crimes Against Children.
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'Hey, sweetie. You're safe, okay? Nobody's gonna hurt you anymore.', you whispered taking little girl into your arms. She was sobbing quietly with tears falling down her pink cheeks. She was no more than three years old, still in her purple pajamas, that were dirty form all the body fluids person can imagine and also dirty room she was held in. 'You're safe, Allison. You're safe.', you kept repeating and little girl just held her hands around you even tighter.
You looked around the room and the whole sight was just horrible. No windows, barely any lights, cages, blood and urine all over the floor. Just an awful place to be in let alone to live for months. Even the smallest thought of what was going on before the whole team came in gave you shivers and blood started to boil inside you. The place was there for years at that point and no one knew about it. You were just looking at your teammates, taking the rest of the kids out of the building. Some were crying, some were screaming and some were just clinging to the agents hoping that they would never comeback. And they never will. You would make sure of that.
' Allison, we have to go.', you said quietly, trying not to scare her. But little girl just shook her head and tightened her arms around your neck. 'We have to go. You need to see a doctor. It's scary, I know, but I'm gonna be with you all the time, okay?'
It wasn't easy to convince Allison to come out of the building, but after some negotiations and conversations with you she agreed. You're holding her in your arms as close as possible, trying to avoid the blue and red lights that were blinding both of you in the dark night.
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Hospitals were always the last place that you're wanted to be. If you were the it only meant that either someone from your team or family was injured or one of the victims from your case were in tragic condition.
To put it straight, hospitals were never a good sign.
But you couldn't go home, not just yet. You promised Allison, that you would be with her this whole time, so you were also there when she got a check up from the pediatrician. You were holding her hand, caressing the back of it from time to time just to reassure her that you're there. Sometimes your would just add how great she was doing and how strong it is.
'Home.', Allison whined as doctor was checking on one of her bruised legs. Few tears fell down her cheeks, which made your hear break. It was horrible to seeing anyone in that position, but especially a child.
'You're doing great, Allison. Just few more minutes, okay?', you said quietly, taking hair out of her forehead.
'I just need to check the other leg and then you can have a long nap, till morning. How does that sound?', doctor asked and written down something on her notepad.
'I think it's great! Do you, Sonnie?', you said with a happy voice, looking at a little girl. She just nodded, still pouting from her cry few seconds ago. 'I'll be right back.', you said when you heard familiar phone ring. Doctor nodded understanding, but Allison held your hand not wanting to let you go. ' Allison, I'll be back in few minutes. I just need to answer that call, okay? You will be able to see me through the glass. I'm not going anywhere and until then you'll stay with Doctor Ashley.', you explained.
She wasn't convinced at all. It took you few more minutes for to actually let go of your hand. You explained everything a least three times. Doctor eyed you few times, but you just tried to ignore her. After years of working with children you knew how long it sometimes takes to convince them. Especially the ones that have been seriously hurt. They just wanted someone to be with them through the whole process and you understood it one hundred percent.
You sent Allison a small smile, saying one more time, that you'll be back in few minutes. After that you left the room and took out phone, dialing number that called you before.
'Hi.', you heard deep, yet soft voice on the other side. You sighed and replied with the same thing. 'Long night?'
'Yeah and I can't even see the end of it.', you answered and heard your husband's laugh. 'It wasn't a joke.', you added, rolling your eyes.
'I know. But it's kind of ironic considering that the sun will be up in less than an hour.', Aaron said. You could hear him moving around the house. Walking from bathroom to bedroom, probably getting ready for work. 'How are the kids?'
'Fine, if you could say it after living in a basement for most of your life and posing for creepy middle aged men.', you answered, feeling the shivers on your arms. The images that you saw literally just came back. And you can expect they will be coming back more often, but this time in your nightmares.
'All alive?', Aaron asked. You could hear him doing something in the kitchen, which made you smile, still looking at Allison. You actually would do everything to be right now with him in that kitchen. Waiting for his famous muffins with bacon and eggs, like he would do whenever both of you had day off.
'Yes, all eight of them.', you nodded. 'You're heading to work now? It's a bit early, even for you.'
'Not yet.', he answered quickly. You could hear another chews from the other side, which actually made your stomach going louder. 'But yesterday I picked up from the post office that coffee table, that you ordered and I thought I would put it together.'
'You're gonna put a coffee table together? At-', you asked surprised, looking at the watch on your phone. '-4:38 in the morning? Are you okay?', you added with a laugh.
'What can I say? I'm just bored without you.', he answered. Right after that you heard a loud noise from the other side and a quiet curse from Aaron.
'You're okay?', you asked, furrowing you brows.
'Yes. I'm looking for the box with all the tools.', he replied. 'I think I'll ask Morgan about them. He'll know what I should use.'
'How about you leave it to me, huh? I'll do it, because we don't want another trip to ER. It'll be third time this year, they'll assume that I'm assaulting you.', you laughed, hearing just quick 'hey!' from your husband.
For the first time in hours you actually felt nice. You didn't had constant fear in your head about the case. You weren't even thinking about it, right now what you were thinking about was Aaron and that stupid coffee table. And he knew about it, that was the reason why he called. After you were in a car with Allison and two policemen, you texted him that the case was over and you're headed to the hospital with victims. Both of you always do it, just to reassure each other that the other person is fine. Aaron on top of that would always call you. He's a very light sleeper, even waking up when you stir in bed sometimes, so every vibrations of his phone wakes him up. No matter what the time is on the clock, he always calls you. He knows how much you love your job and how saving kids was your thing. You loved it, after few years in narcotics unit you know you found your place. But Aaron also knew that you get very into the cases and you involve yourself a lot and if the case goes wrong you blame yourself really hard. Especially being a unit chief, just like him. So he always tried to light the mood even just a little and talk about the day, whatever comes to his mind.
'You're staying in the hospital, right?', it almost wasn't a question. It wasn't anything new to be honest. A lot of the times you would comeback to the hospital with the victims and especially with this case. He knew it wouldn't be different. You were working on it for over a month and it was draining you.
'Don't think I have a choice.', you admitted, looking back at Allison who was also starring at you. The doctor stopped examination and was about to leave. 'One of the girls won't let me go.'
'Just be careful, okay? And take care. Don't forget to eat something.', he reminded, knowing the previous situations.
'I will.', you reassured him. 'I love you.'
'I love you too, sweetheart. Give me a call later in a day.', Aaron said and you agreed.
After you said your goodbyes, you put the phone in the pocket and went back to the room. Allison immediately opened her arms and you laughed coming closer.
'You're back!', she said loudly, which made you laugh even more. Doctor Ashley smiled at both of you and left the room.
'I said I will.', you reminded her, patting her head. You could clearly see the tiredness in her eyes and how hard she was trying not to fall asleep. 'I think it's good time for a sleep.', you proposed, but Jade just shook her head immediately, taking back. ' Allison, you need to sleep.'
'Not sleepy.', she answered quietly, putting knees closer to her chest. 'Don't want to sleep.'
'You've been awake for a long time, Sonnie. You need to rest. I do too. Everyone needs to sleep so they will have energy for the next day.', you explained, but she once again shook her head. 'I'll be there the whole time. Nothing's gonna happen to you. You're safe.'
'Seven minutes?', she asked, trying to stop the yaw. You nodded and observed how she put her head on the pillow, drifting away from the real world.
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Aaron Hotchner looked at his watch for the tenth time in the last 8 minutes. He signed and went back to signing papers in front him.
It was a slow day. Most paper work days were slow, but this one was even slower. He just couldn't focus. His thoughts were everywhere but in that office. He was thinking about his wife and what she's about to at that moment, probably still at hospital with the little girl. It was literally breaking his heart when he was thinking about your job and side effects, but also about your personal issues.
Being married for almost six years and together over eight, was something he was very proud of. He loved you with his whole heart and couldn't see anyone but you. The whole team always loved to see when a woman would flirt with Aaron, because it was always so funny to see him nicely declining the actions. Aaron Hotchner was a strong man with a very intimidating vibe, his voice could literally break you into a meltdown and get when a woman would approach him his eyes would always look for you. He just couldn't see his world existing without you.
With that being said he also knows you very well. Whenever something was wrong, he could feel it. Just from the look in your eyes or movement. You almost didn't have to talk to have a conversation. He understood you without any words and so did you.
After long nights when there were only you two together, Aaron knew what you wanted. Be knew all your dreams and wishes. Where you would like to go for vacations or favourite cuisine. Things that he could control. He also knew about your dream job and family wishes. Things he couldn't control and everytime Aaron would think about this, his heart would break into thousand pieces. Because if he could he would give you everything that you wanted and to do that he would sacrifice anything he could.
Quiet sound of a clock, that was announcing noon, got Aaron out of his thoughts. He looked at the clock just to assure himself of the hour and pressed his lips into thin line. Then he just closed the files on the rest, took coat and walked out of the room. Aaron walked to his friend's office and knocked on the door. He opened them after quick 'come in'.
'Dave, I'm gonna be back in an hour.', Aaron said, looking at the older man working on his papers. He looked up with pen still between his fingers.
'Everything's okay?', Dave asked and got quick nod from Aaron. 'Y/N's at the hospital again?'
'Yeah, they finished the case few hours ago so I'm sure she hasn't ate anything since.', he explained. 'I'm just gonna bring her food and come back.'
'No problem. If anything happens, we'll call you.', David said, waving younger man off. Aaron just laughed and closed the door. Then he walked down the stairs, wanting to leave the office.
'Hey, Hotch! Are you going again to get some food?', Emily's voice stopped him from going further. He turned around to face not only her, but three other agents. 'You're going outside, right?'
'Yes, Emily.', he sighed. 'But I'm not going to the place you love to eat from.'
'I figured. But maybe you would want to do us a favor and go there? Since you're already going outside the office.', she explained and Derek started to come closer with JJ right behind him. 'Look, it's raining outside and it's pointless to have two wet agents in the office. We will pay for the gas and also your food, huh?'
'Just text me your order and I'll see what I can do.', Aaron said, rolling his eyes slightly. Then he turned around and started walking towards the elevators, still hearing voices of agents behind him, who were deciding on the order.
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Pediatric floor of the hospital was as always busy. Kids running around, parents trying to keep up with them, crying children from everywhere you can imagine and on top of that walls with so many colours, that he thought that someone vomited on them. He had no problem of finding the room where you were. Of course with a help from nurses.
Aaron slowly opened the door from the hospital room. He was expecting for either you or the child to be asleep and he didn't want to wake anybody up. But the sight inside made just his heart to melt.
You were sitting on the couch with Allison sleeping in your arms. Her head was on your chest and arms were really tight around the back. Her moth were slightly open, just like yours. But you also had your head hung back and he was sure he'd hear your complaints about the neck pains for the next week.
Aaron slowly put the package with your favourite food and something tasty for children on the small table near the door. Then he took the blanket from the bed and put it over you and the little girl, knowing how cold you must be from laying down in one place for so long. After that he just put a light kiss on your forehead and with one last look he left the room.
Aaron got to the elevator and took out his phone, checking out one message from Emily.
If you are going to the place near the hospital and there's a girl with short red hair, then say that you would like to order for Agent Prentiss 😘
He furrowed his brows at the message and dialed her right away.
'Did I say something wrong?', she answered after one signal.
'How this girl supposed to know your order?', he asked, looking at the numbers of elevator going down.
'She'll know, trust me. I've been there many time.', Emily laughed and Aaron could practically see her smile through the phone.
'Whatever.', he sighed, hearing the ding from the elevator. 'Oh and Prentiss?', Aaron called and heard quick 'yeah' from the other side. 'Stop sending me emojis. It's highly unprofessional to do it to your boss and it's making me uncomfortable.', he ended, walking out of the hospital.
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You could physically feel lighter closing the door to you home. Everything related to work you always tried to leave outside this house and treat this place like an escape. And it was a long few weeks, so you were nothing but happy and relieved that it's over.
The house was quiet and dark. You could only see dim light from the living room and just thinking about it made you smile. You took off your jacked and boots, leaving the bag at the usual place and started walking towards the light. As you saw Aaron sitting on the couch with his eyes closed, you smiled even wider. His feet were on the coffee table and he had a glass of whiskey in his hand.
You leaned on the door frame and with arms crossed on the chest, you observed him.
'I'm awake.', Aaron said with raspy voice. You knew that he was probably sitting here for a while already.
'I know.', you answered and started walking towards the cabinet with alcohols. 'Aaron Hotchner is at home before me. What's happening in this world? Did they closed the FBI building?', you joked while pouring wine into a glass and sitting next to him.
'Very funny.', he answered with a sarcasm. He put arms around your shoulders and kissed your temple.
'I actually am.', you said, taking a sip. 'But I'm glad you're here.'
'Anytime.', he hummed, placing one more kiss on your head.
'Except the time you're working.', you joked and he just rolled his eyes. 'Thank you for the dinner, by the way. Although I would get something to eat myself, you know?'
'Yeah, you would probably eat your first meal of the day right now. I know you, Y/N.', he said, caressing your arm. 'So, how's the girl?'
'Allison?', you asked, reminding yourself of her beautiful smile in your head. Aaron only nodded, taking a sip from his glass, telling you to continue. 'She's gonna be okay, I hope. But she went through a lot.'
'You got close to her.'
'Yeah.', you admitted. 'I know what you think, Aaron. I know that it's not a good thing, I Get close to those kids and then I come home and they're not there. I know how this looks like. But I swear I just want to help them.'
'I know. But also you need to realize, that when they'll go to foster care they won't have someone to look after them every minute they're there. That there's gonna be many more kids their age and the attention you're giving them right now won't be given to them anymore.', he finished, looking down at you.
'Maybe they don't have to go to foster care.', you whispered, hugging your husband closer.
'You want to adopt a child?', Aaron asked slowly getting to the conclusion and realizing something else. 'You wanna adopt Allison.'
'I do.', you admitted. 'But I won't do it.', you added, sitting straight. Aaron just gave you questioning look. 'They found her mother in Portland, she'll come and get her tomorrow. Ignoring the fact that she doesn't have any job, is living in a two bedroom apartment with four other roommates and all the money goes to the alcohol. Yeah, so Allison has a bright future ahead of her.'
'You never know.', he answered. You put head on his chest once again and laid there for few minutes in silence, trying to relax.
'So, you actually put that table together.', you said keeping the eyes in small brown table in front of you, with Aaron's feet on top.
'I thought you'll never notice.', he answered almost sounding hurt.
'Oh, I did. Just wanted to hold the suspension for a little while.', you smiled and kissed him on the lips. 'Derek did it, am I right?', you whispered, narrowing your eyes.
'No.', he answered simply.
'Liar.', you whispered again, kissing him one more time, but stopping after you hear his phone going off. 'Everything's okay?', you asked.
'Yeah, just Emily.' he answered, but started explaining seing your confused face. 'I gave Emily's number to one of the girls that she has crush on from the restaurant. And I guess she had a good evening.', he ended and showed you the text.
SSA aaron 'Hotch' Hotchner, you are truly THE  man 🥰🤭💗🍑
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sykhan048 · 2 years
Jack, Liz and Liddy ff/Os.
Birth of a mother.
After Jack and Avery's divorce, Liddy's custody goes to Jack. Avery was far away from Liddy. She never got any kind of attachment which usually happens between mother and her child. Yes, she is ambitious to her career. It's completely ok if you failed sometime for taking care of a child. But trying and then failing to fulfil the mother's duty and neglecting a mother's duty is totally different. She really doesn't have any of attachment to her child Liddy. So, the custody of Liddy was went to Her father and Avery let her go. Jack is playing a role of single father. He raising his child by his own. He never asked any kind of favor from Avery. Sometimes he couldn't give much attention to Liddy, sometimes he doesn't able to spend time with her, sometimes he came home late and found his daughter asleep and all he could only give kiss to her forehead after staring the sleeping figure of his daughter to forget all of his tiredness and loneliness. Sometimes he made mistake but after realizing it he never repeats that again. He is growing with her daughter and learning so many new things that Jack Donaghy could never thought to.
At the morning Jack is carrying Liddy on his arms. His eyes looking dull for previous sleepless night. She is crying continuously. He is trying to feed her the medicine but she can't take it. Her body is burning in fever. She didn't sleep at all last night. Sleep is far away from Jacks eyes. How could he sleep when his 5 month old daughter is in pain. He took his phone to tell Jonathan that he won't be able to came office today. He is about to dial but he got a voice mail of Jonathan. "Mr. Donaghy Mr. Hank Hooper and Mr. Banks wants to see you at your office. Mr. Hooper was looking very angry."
"What the hell" He could only utter after listening the voice mail. Liddy was muffled again. Jack tells some soothing word to calm his daughter. He cleaned her mouth as she again throws up. He cradles her in his arms. He again got a phone call from Banks which only increase his anger and dilemma. The nanny of Liddy named Rose arrived as her old nanny Cherry was gone for an emergency. She find Jack in deep thought. She introduce herself and assured him that she will take care of Liddy. Jack don't want to go leaving Liddy alone. He was hugging her tiny frame. Cherry takes her from his arms. Jack looked at Liddy. Her innocent eyes which pleading him to stay with her. She griped his collar of shirt with her tinny hand. Jack got another phone call from Jonathan. He looked at Liddy's hand which is Clutching his Shirt. Rose holds her hand and tried to remove her grip on Jack's shirt. "Come on Liddy. Daddy has to go for work. You are a good girl." She Clutch it very tightly but she is not strong enough to hold her daddy. Rose free his shirt from Liddy's hand. "Good bye Mr. Donaghy. Have a good day" …Jack just nods to her and looked at Liddy. "Good bye sweet heart. I'll come fast." Liddy's eyes are filled with tears again and her lips are pouted. This scene is breaking Jack's heart. She can't speak but her eyes can tell many things to her father. Jack understands that his daughter needs him. He was about to kiss Liddy but the phone interrupt again. He went outside and sat in his car half heartly.
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