#but the number of people i've seen who straight up seem to believe the problem is that he left at all
hesgomorrah · 7 months
atp i will straight up block people who villainize trapper for leaving like way to show how little you understand what the show is about
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twilightprince101 · 1 month
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I've recently been seeing more Bugsnax friendos get into In Stars and Time. Like, five different people I met via Bugsnax are now doing fanart and fanfics for it (if you know you know).
And I think it's a shame. Because that number should be SO MUCH HIGHER
So Bugsnax fans who are unaware of this lovely RPG, here's my pitch to you as to why I think you'd like In Stars and Time and would really enjoy it.
For ISAT fans who never heard of Bugsnax, read along if you wanna. This post is primarily for the opposite, but you may find something else to dip your toes into as well 0w0
Extremely cute / lovable cast that holds so much depth and complexity than meets the eye
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Look at these goobers. Look at all of them having fun. They all seem like the kind of squishy chibi type OCs you would find on tumblr, right? Wholesome uwu babies?
Well, kind of yes but still WRONG
These characters have so much emotional complexity that it can be genuinely hard sometimes to pick a favorite character between them all. Odile isn't just the "mom of the group," she has her own reasons for being on this grand quest that stem all the way back to her family lineage, her relationship with her parents. And it all gets explored for every last character, just enough where you can fill in the gaps yourself, but you can still feel that there's so much more under the surface.
You know that bit at the end of Beffica's sidequests where she reveals that, despite her bitchiness, her reason for being like that is because she has a MOUNTAIN of trust issues? And that she never tells lies, but wants to unearth truths before she gets hurt? Remember how you felt when realizing that fact? That's there with ALL of the main cast here. Hope you've got your snorkel because there's so much for you to dive into.
2. Gameplay that adds to the narrative and puts you within that world/the player's shoes
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This is my personal headcanon and I don't know if it's intentional on Young Horses' part, but I always felt that running around and catching all of the Bugsnax for the grumps in Snaxburg was intentionally designed to make you feel like Lizbert. You replace her role as town "therapist," you solve everyone's problems in a kind of regressive way that ends up hurting a lot of people. Despite the gameplay being fairly simple, it still added a lot to the plot, to give you that sense in the endgame of "oh. oh god, i really fucked up." You are forced into the shoes of that world/character through the gameplay and it hits much harder as a result.
That intentional and thoughtful game design is present from the moment you start up the game, all the way to the end. In Stars and Time has the best "ludonarrative harmony" I have ever seen. Ever.
The way that the game and story is paced makes you fully understand what Siffrin is going through, the constant slog through the castle (without it ever feeling grindy by the way!), zoning out through the same bits of dialogue. At any given point, no matter how dramatically Siffrin acts, you understand emotionally why he is at that point. You feel his exhaustion, his surprise, his desperate hope, his "i'm going to try fucking anything at this point" attitude. The entire way from start to finish, you feel it.
I refuse to say any more because doing so would spoil the game. But trust me when I say, if you noticed what Bugsnax was doing there with player/Lizbert parallels? You'd love this game.
3. "What is Straight?"
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So you know how we all collectively agreed that Gramble is trans? and that Wambus/Triffany are the most bisexual straight couple?
How would you like those types of characters.... but have those conversations out loud?
Listen, I love this fandom as much as the next person, and I am a Transble believer at heart. But it's easy to forget that those are all just talked about in fanon, you know? (Despite gramble literally being trans flag colors listen i KNOW). We get certain bits of characters being introspective about their genders and gender roles, like Wambus being really stubborn with his farm and wanting to maintain a sustainable way of living, being "the breadwinner," for him and his wife. And Floofty feeling like an outcast for behaving in a way that is not "socially acceptable" while being nonbinary. But we never talk about those specific subjects directly, about sexuality, gender identity and the like. Not that Bugsnax NEEDS that, it's just something the writers never really thought to include.
But In Stars and Time... it scratched an itch I never knew needed scratched. Take the thirteen different pieces of character complexity and condense it into five. The discussions that the main party have in relation to their identities, both sexual and gender, are some of the most phenomenal pieces of writing I've ever seen. I've talked with asexual people who played this game who were like "finally, FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT." Finally getting some characters that resonated with them so, so well. And there is a discussion about halfway through the game with a transgender character that absolutely floored me, because so many post-transition character arcs that I see are related to dealing with transphobes and accepting your slay self queen/king/my liege. And that's good. It's cool. But I feel I've seen that so many times now I know the basic plot beats. And ISAT throws in a unique twist to it that I rarely see and the influence that their past combined with cultural pressure it's just, it's SO GOOD. You gotta see it to believe it man, I'm leaving out so much shit here you need to check it out yourself.
4. It will reach into your chest and strangle your heart with its claws
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Despite how cute both games can be, they can bash the back of your head with a steel chair of emotion.
You know that feeling you get when you complete a lot of bugsnax sidequests? When you realize Triffany will never get the closure she wanted; when you've helped Wiggle chase this dream of a muse that doesn't exist, and that it was (at least partially) your fault? Well how about if that was the entire game?
This game has some of the highest highs and lowest lows, emotionally speaking. A lot of ISAT also has that same sort of emotional ambiguity Bugsnax has; certain plot points will never be resolved, because that's just life. And you're forced to sit with it, sit in that guilt and resentment because this isn't a problem that can be solved so quickly but you still tried and that arguably made things worse.
Yes, an argument could be made that because Siffrin is not a self insert like The Journalist, then there's a layer of disconnect. But remember what I said in point two: you understand every step Siffrin takes the whole way through because you play it. You sit in it. And no matter how dramatically Siffrin acts, it will be hard to deny that you wouldn't do the same in their place.
5. A big mysterious twist that will emotionally gut you and leave you to dry
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Obviously I can't put much here. It'd spoil Bugsnax for ISAT fans and spoil ISAT for Bugsnax fans, more than I already have. But for the fans of each respective games, you KNOW what I'm talking about. And there is an equivalent in the other as well.
If the image of Siffrin making that face intrigues you in any way, especially compared to what I've already shown you. Then go in the game blind. The scene this is from blindsides so many people and once you hit That Face, you know the true game has begun.
That's about the best pitch I can give for Bugsnax fans to play ISAT. I really do feel there's a lot of emotional overlap between these two, even if they're completely different games by nature. There's a lot to love and sink your teeth into.
If this is your first time hearing about either of these games and any of this sounds intriguing to you? Trust me. GO IN BLIND. The gameplay/story blend may not click for everyone right away, but if you let yourself sink into this game, if you let yourself connect with it, boy oh boy does it connect. There is truly nothing like In Stars and Time and/or Bugsnax, and the more people experience this game, the better. Trust the process, slink into it.
I promise you won't regret it.
Thanks for making it to the end have some silly little guys
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molsno · 1 year
this is kind of random but do you ever feel like people treat transmisogyny as a lesbian-specific problem, and if so, does it bother you as a trans lesbian? i don’t really mean general criticisms of transmisogyny within lesbian spaces, but rather people who seem to talk about transmisogyny like lesbians *specifically* perpetrate it the most, or are more capable of perpetrating it than anyone. i feel like this has become a popular trend in queer discourse (usually from tme non-lesbian ppl) to demonize or ‘other’ lesbians, & i think it extends from contempt toward “man-hating lesbians” but lumping trans girls under “men” to legitimize it, but i don’t know if i just notice it more because i’m tme, and i don’t want to overstep or make anyone feel like I’m discouraging discussions of transmisogyny by saying this isn’t a lesbian-exclusive issue. i know the ‘political lesbian’ movement was predominantly driven by straight cis women (and a smaller but non-zero number of cis bi and lesbian women) who laid a lot of groundwork for associating bioessentialism with lesbianism but is it unfair to say “lesbians aren’t an essentialist hate group and shouldn’t be generalized/singled out”? like is this a trend you’ve noticed as a tma lesbian, or am i looking at this through a misguided lens? sorry for rambling on, feel free to ignore and i hope your night/day is going well <3
I think that definitely happens to an extent, but that's mostly because tme non-lesbians believe in lesbophobic stereotypes that lesbians are more likely to be terfs and that most terfs are lesbians. it definitely bothers me as a lesbian, because not even being trans exempts me from these stereotypes. I've literally had one of my former best friends tell me they didn't trust lesbians, including me, because terfs invalidated their gender as a nonbinary person. like. it's vile.
so yeah, I think it's fair to ask people not to generalize about lesbians, but at the same time, I've also seen firsthand, many times, that transmisogyny is still prevalent among tme lesbians. the critiques tme non-lesbians make are mostly just blatant lesbophobia (and transmisogyny by assuming lesbians are talking about trans women when they say men), but over time I've become increasingly disillusioned by tme lesbians after seeing just how willing they are to throw tma lesbians under the bus. as just one example, a few months ago, there was this bi lesbian blocklist that was going around on here, and regardless of your feelings on that particular topic, the fact of the matter is that almost every single person on that list was transfem. trans women who have never identified as bi lesbians or even said anything publicly about bi lesbians (including several of my close friends) wound up on that list for seemingly no reason, and found themselves blocked by most of the tme lesbians on this website. you would think that people who put "tme" in their bios and reblog posts about transmisogyny would at least make an effort to stop and think about the implications of this, but it turns out that a sizable number of tme lesbians will exile a bunch of trans women from their community based on blind accusations of them being predatory men invading the lesbian community without a second thought.
that being said, the behaviors I just described aren't really unique to tme lesbians either. tme people of all genders and orientations have been doing the exact same things for decades. so what I'm saying is, although I don't think it's fair to generalize or single out lesbians as being particularly transmisogynistic, that doesn't mean tme lesbians should be pretending that they're incapable of transmisogyny and insisting they don't need to hold each other accountable for perpetrating it.
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sophieinwonderland · 8 months
what the hell why people are so cruel to aimkid..................... Why the... why??? like damn..... idk i never just get it... why stalk and harass person who did "wrong thing" by having trauma and different opinion... did they personally kill your family member by not harassing endos?? WHY. they really just need excuses to be cruel to someone but still seem "good" and morally superior somehow. litteral fascism. i hate human species, it's like a highschool bullies but worse. and if you arent rich with connections and millions of dollars you would just straight up end miserable no matter what you do because these husks will do anything to ruin your life. like wtf can't they see that by bullying queers neurodivergent people they make life of said minority as a group WORSE and they're not an allies? i mean like. they can harass litteral children and minors (and they really do. because apparently it's so cool to fakeclaim minors and bully them), and even looking on such shit from outside is very traumatizing, esp for someone vulnerable who already traumatized by bullying and abuse. why the hell they just choose the most vulnerable spots who do *litterally* no harm???
Agreed. It's truly monstrous how they've treated her.
It doesn't help anyone. It's just preying on innocent people out of pure hate.
i hate human species
I do disagree on this.
I'll admit, there are some bad humans out there. And in general, people can be complicated.
I don't think the people who are bullying Aimkid should be appointed as representatives for all of humanity though. Maybe I'm still secretly an optimist even after everything I've seen, but I think most people are good.
The problem is, when you have people with large followings, even a fraction being bad can make their life Hell.
Aimkid's Twitter has 144k followers. If even 1% of those were the people harassing her, that would be 1,440. The real number though is likely less than that. These are just a fraction a percent. A loud fraction, but a fraction.
I refuse to believe that bigots and hategroups represent who humanity is, even if they tend to be among the loudest because they want you to believe they're more powerful and influential than they actually are.
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I recently injured myself at work and involuntarily screamed in a voice much deeper than the one I usually use. Ever since I got back from the sick leave I had to take, some people at my work have been calling me "sir" under their breath when they address me. They smirk when they do it, so it's definitely intentional.
It happens especially as I'm leaving the room. If I pretend I didn't hear and ask them to repeat, then they just lie and say they said something completely different.
I can't really do anything about it because the guy who does it most is technically one of my superiors and he's friendly with management. They didn't do anything when a customer threatened to assault me and my other shift lead didn't inform me, so I don't believe they'll even consider taking needling verbal harassment seriously. They don't even seem to care that two of my leads are currently in a relationship and that one of them has had sex with other women he technically had authority over at the time. The guy who is doing this to me has slid into the DMs of multiple straight women he technically had authority over at the time. Nobody seems to give a shit about any of this except for a few of the other women, but none of us have the power to fix the problem.
It honestly just puts a damper on my day every time it happens. I can be in a good mood, and then all of a sudden everything just sucks. If I complain, they'll probably just call me fragile or act like it's not a big deal. I don't even say anything about it anymore because I know that they'll just lie and say they didn't. If I have a freakout over it, they'll just laugh even harder at it.
It's just been a hard week in general. I had to get a physical from a male doctor because there weren't any female doctors available to select as my new primary. He was professional and nice, but it scared the shit out of me. I felt really stupid for being scared, but most doctors I've seen have been hostile or just uninterested in helping. Something bad happened in an exam when I was 19 and now I always get twitchy when they ask me to close my eyes.
Literally that same day, I had a guy stop me in the grocery store. He just stopped everything he was doing to talk about my hair, touch it, and insist I keep it that way so I can keep looking beautiful. I honestly kind of wanted to shave it off for a moment. I just wanted to buy some spices and a drink.
I don't get it. I hate it so much. I hate how like 80% of the men I interact with are just straight-up enemy combatants. I hate that I probably would've been just like them if I didn't transition. There are a number of men in my life who are cool and I appreciate them because I would probably hate all men if they weren't there.
I might delete this later idek
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Originally, I didn't wanna say anything, but I'm filled with more and more anger the longer I have to see the replies and reblogs to this post.
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Now, no hate to this as a concept. I've intentionally covered the username and profile because I don't want to invite the OP to come try and start shit on my blog, nor do I want people to go to them and try and start shit either. In fact, I've seen some good points brought up retaining to the safety and comfort of the animal, as well as the difficulties this brings for people with allergies. Is this pretty aggressive? Sure, but it's the internet- and I doubt this person preaches like this in their day-to-day life, so who cares?
No. My problem is with this addition from the OP:
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As someone who has spent the majority of my life homeless, I think this is a perfect example of people invoking us in an argument where they truly don't give a shit about us.
This argument had nothing to do with homeless people. We are the seasoning you threw onto your food last second to make you feel like you hold some moral high ground to your dissenters. Not only do you kneecap your original argument with this (it seems like you care a lot less about "dogs in public" than you do "the general attitudes and cultural norms of the people and communities in metropolitan areas") but you also used us in an argument that we are DISPROPORTIONATELY AFFECTED BY.
I could go on and on about how insulting this feels, and how often it happens, but instead I'd like to use this moment to speak with any homeless people who cross this post.
The blog in these pictures is not wrong about one thing- one thing they go on to prove fairly well in this thread: That the punishment for the crime of "annoyance" is tenfold for homeless people, and that people will not hesitate to go out of their way to hurt us, have our things destroyed, bar us from public spaces, or any number of horrible treatments if they believe it will remove us from the forefront of their minds: all for the social crime of being deemed "unsightly" or "a nuisance".
For many of us, pets can serve as guards (especially in unsafe environments), but at the very least they are functionally one of the few comforts in our lives, and one of the few tethers to "normal" that we are able to retain.
People do not believe we deserve that little grace, and the number of times I have seen someone's pet hurt or killed, intentionally set loose, had animal control called on them for being left unattended, or even straight up kidnapped- by everyday people who who took it upon themselves to play enforcer because they didn't like that the highway overpass looks dirty now, or by the same type of people who will preach about how the things that annoy them shouldn't be allowed in public spaces- is far too many.
So, since you won't have the privilege of just "leaving them at home" here are some tips from someone who's been in your shoes, and has been lucky enough to get to stand on the other side of the fence more recently.
(This goes just as much for objects as much as it does for animals- unfortunately when living like this, you can't guarantee the safety and ownership of anything left behind, and it's always safer to just keep your things with you.)
Make sure you have proper equipment for keeping your pet in public
Not only should you try and get a good, sturdy (non retractable) leash, but harnesses are harder to slip than collars, and make it easier to control your pets movement. Also, as much as you may not want to, a muzzle will keep a dog from barking, as well as negate the chance of someone claiming they have bit/ are a bite risk- behaviors which could have you removed from the premises at best, or have your pet taken or put down at worst. As much as you think "my dog would never" "they're too well behaved" or anything that makes you hesitant- a grocery store, a diner, or any other place you make need to take your pet will be filled with many smells, people, foods, other animals, and as much as you believe you can control your dog, you cannot control the world around you- and I promise you'd rather be safe than sorry.
If you are strapped for cash and can't go buy these items, then go talk to your local animal shelters, Petco/PetSmart's, community centers, and even outreach resources (shelters, assistance buildings, sometimes even free clinics). Many of these facilities will have donation bins specifically for the homeless or for people in financial crisis, or will be able to point you towards programs that can help set you up with equipment, food, and anything else your pet might need.
Please have your pet spayed/neutered
Not only do you not wanna risk having puppies or kittens on your hands, but animals are often more likely to be aggressive when not fixed. Your super sweet dog may attack another one for being in heat. Your cat will be more aggressive to humans because the hormones it's running with will make it more territorial.
Having a pet that loses it over people or other animals not only puts the animals in danger, but it also puts people in danger, and either way it's a sure fire way to get kicked out of the grocery store.
Talk with your local shelters (especially the ASPCA) about reduced fee fixings, many of them have programs specifically for people on the streets (and many will have free spay and neuter programs for cats specifically to reduce the number of ferals).
Make sure your pet is up to date on its shots
This one goes without saying: you don't want to hurt someone else's animal, or let yours get hurt. And you certainly don't want the vet bills from treating a sick pet
Again, talk with local shelters,any have assistance programs, or can point you in the right direction.
Ask whether or not the place you are going will allow pets in the first place
Many stores, restaurants, etc have no problem allowing animals, or will even pride themselves as being pet friendly, but if a place say no dogs/cats/ whatever other animal you may have (unless it's a place where there won't be other people, I really couldn't care less about what you're sneaking into your motel room)- don't argue or try and fight about it: calmly apologize and leave quietly and quickly. You don't want to draw attention to the situation or you risk having the cops called- and you are much more susceptible to mistreatment, harassment, and being locked up than whatever yuppie in the grocery store felt they were defending the public space. These are just spaces you've gotta accept that you won't be able to go (at least not with your pet)
Do not buy fake vests or certifications and claim that your untrained pet is a service animal, esa, or anything of the sort
Not only will it be big trouble if you're caught lying, but no matter how well behaved your pet is, or how much you feel they do a service, they are not trained working animals. They never be as well behaved as a properly trained service animal; and when pets (usually dogs) that misbehave, are reactive, or are generally just not actually working are claimed as service animals, it makes it harder for people with the need to bring their real service animals with them to do so. It emboldens business owners (who already have no qualms against discriminating against the disabled) to ban required service animals from their stores (and while this is against the law it rarely stops them). You don't want to do anything that makes survival harder for a group of people who are already treated like dirt for the crime of existing, the same way you would not like someone to make your life harder.
Obviously, the best option you have would be to leave your pets with a safe friend or family member for the day, but not everyone will have this option- and at the end of the day you should worry about your comfort, safety and survival, not about pandering to people trying to virtue signal to you on the internet while they spit in your face irl.
Stay safe out there
(and if anyone who sees this has links to resources for transient pet owners, or just for homeless people in general- please feel free to leave them in the reblogs, sharing is caring!)
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lonelynova · 2 years
Opinion Piece
I believe the whole gender thing has gone too far.
Sure, I am one to advocate for self expression for both sides. I in fact was once a tomboy and dressed like one, in some aspects I still am and still do while being into girly things. I even agreed just let the feminine men be themselves, because there is more boyish girls and more girlish boys. Tomyboys and Femboys. Straight, simple to the point. I even agreed to just let trans-people live their lives and leave them alone, if it makes their life happy whats the problem? Same goes with pronouns, I agreed to the main three he/them/her, if it helped others express themselves.
but now? Well...
I can't help question if I want to continue to support it with how far its been reaching beyond its barrier. There was a comfortable stop sign and like a speeding party bus it barreled right through! They don't care who's on the road, that bus has no destination and just wants to disrupt the world.
Those who use "Pronouns" is one thing that has gone way way too far, even past reality for most of them. I don't feel like writing a long paragraph today, so have a list of examples:
Aside Them/He/She, a good handful of them want to accept and believe that identifying as an animal or sound is a gender. Either having pronouns of Xe/Xer or Bat/Bats as examples. That is NOT based on reality.
They want everybody to use pronouns, even all other countries. They call it 'being inclusive', but really they are forcing their belief what gender is into everybody else's business. Doesn't matter if you have a culture, opinion or religion that disagrees with it- Just like the Latinos, they don't have the choice of being called Latinx despite having no consent from the general people.
They try to dismantle that clothing does have gender. A girl going by them/he wearing the most frilly of frills, complaining how people misgender them and how it upsets them, so clothing shouldn't have gender just so people can't misgender her. That dismantles the whole DragQueen and Trans with how clothing is shown being gendered.
You are NOT ALLOWED to disagree with Pronouns, even if its your religion, culture or personal opinions. If you do not respect using pronouns of somebody else you are called every label under the exclusive bigot umbrella. People are forced to comply to use them and demanded respect from them, when the community itself cries when they believe an opinion is forced on them and won't respect other people.
The general community tries to change language of another culture just so they have their pronouns. Not every culture or every populous wants to use pronouns or accompany it, but if they don't then they're seen as bad people.
They want to believe they can just raise a child has non-binary, thinking this certainly won't confuse the child as it grows up or cause some serious confusion. We have yet to see the fruit produced from this new wave of pronoun use, so we'll have to see what happens when those kids grow up and their stories.
They want you to get the pronouns right the first time despite not remotely looking like the gender they identify as, basically no room for mistakes or accidental assumptions.
A good number of the community makes "Cis" people out to be the enemy just for being their biological gender and accepting that.
I've already made posts when it came to Trans people, but this is legit just a public journal of sorts like I've described before.
It just seems like people who wants to be trans or use pronouns hate themselves. They preach self love, but these people seem to be the most miserable and most self-loathing out of anybody in the rest of the world. The world will not bend around them to please them, so it upsets them how reality is they aren't what they want to be. They deny reality with their own logic and justification to why they believe something is real.
Maybe instead of transitioning or using pronouns... Maybe these people really need help in understand what true self-love is and accepting them as they are, instead of what they're not.
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mack3030 · 3 years
I wasnt aware of the paywall issue until somewhat recently but I keep seeing references to SimGuruDrake and what they said. I've seen the original post but I havent seen any of the aftermath, what happened there?
Okay, so lemme basically explain this in a very frank way. SimGuruDrake, a guru who was very polarizing to a lot of people in the sims community, posted that statement a few months (like somewhere between 2-4?) before she left the sims team. There's a couple of problems with her statement in general for a number of reasons. But here's a tl;dr list: - Although she was employed by Maxis/EA, she's not a lawyer. She was a member of the community team, meant to handle issues in the community and between EA/Maxis. The issue of paywalling and custom content, while a community issue, is also a copyright/legal issue.
She should not have made that statement without a heavy bit of consulting with the legal team of EA/Maxis to see what answer would be in line with the EULA/TOU of the game. Since her statement seems very much to contradict parts of the TOU/EULA (particularly the bits that say you can use ANYTHING created by others that's UCG). How she expected early access and that part of the EULA to get along...I have no clue:
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- She made a statement pandering to both sides, knowing full well that EA was probably not going to enforce it. Instead of saying point blank "Hey, you're using our game and assets to host your content, so no...you can't make money off it in any form" she went and threw out the idea of early access, all while knowing the chances of EA actually ever...going after people for not following the directive were slim to none. So instead of doing the whole community a favor, and letting EA be the "bad guy" who regulates how money is made off of UGC, she basically threw it onto the community to police itself. And you can see how fucking well that went, considering we have people asking for $50 for fucking 3D cars that don't even drive in the game.
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Of course, why should she care? When she wrote the post, she probably had already given her notice or knew she was going to in the near future.
- She then answered a very badly and/or manipulatively worded message via Twitter, which has been used so many times by perma-paywallers to try to justify their abuse of the community, that it should be criminal. There's a great post HERE that debunks the claims made, using simple reasoning. - Her statement makes the Sims 4 Community one of the FEW organic mod/cc communities where paywalling/charging for mods is accepted. I'm not talking about games like minecraft or secondlife that have a designated marketplace for custom content that's paid {because the companies are greedy}, those games are in a different class altogether, as the creators fully intended for there to be a marketplace aspect {again, greed.} I'm talking about other games that are modded and have organic modding communities such as Skyrim, Fallout, hell, even SUPER MARIO WORLD. I have an ex who "hacks" the super mario world code and modifies it adding custom levels and sprites and characters and he doesn't charge a dime for it. So yes, her behavior/post has caused HELL to rain down on this community by forcing it to be divided into the "for paywalls" and "against" paywalls camps. In addition, this division has caused people to straight-up make assumptions about the character of others, and lead to personal attacks, doxxing, trackers in files, classism, suicide baiting, harrassment/stalking, and more. If you don't believe me, look at my anti-permapaywall directory linked at the top of my blog. The list is a mile fucking wide. In closing, I'm going to link you to two posts made by @murfeelee. I feel they sum up my feelings about Drake's post and the havoc it unleashed.
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buffyandwillow · 3 years
i finished season 2 of Never Have I Ever and i really enjoyed it!! the one thing bugging me right now, though, is fabiola's relationship with eve.
while i appreciate the positive intentions behind including canon lgbt relationships, so many of them end up feeling.......... how do i put it.............. insipid and lacking depth? i have a number of problems with eve, specifically, the first being i don't think i can describe a single thing about her outside of mentioning, like, media she enjoys? she likes the movie carol? also she wears a leather jacket i guess. lesbian love interests being sort of one-dimensional side characters while straight characters get to date people who feel more complete is a problem i've seen a bunch of times and i always find it grating.
the main thing that's bothering me, though, is that i don't think their relationship is portrayed as being especially healthy... but i think.... we are supposed to think it is? and i am all about seeing flawed relationships explored!! that's not the problem. the problem is that i am genuinely not sure if the narrative is aware of the flaws in their relationship or not. it is made pretty clear that the way paxton was treating devi was not healthy, and that the way that malcolm was treating eleanor was not healthy. but with fabiola and eve.... instead of eve being at all questioned, we got a love declaration? we got a "look how happy our girl is" scene? and i want to be happy for her! i do!! but i just couldn't buy it at all.
my specific problem with fabiola/eve is that fabiola is constantly making sacrifices in their relationship.... while eve (as far as i can remember) doesn't make any. imo sacrifices and compromises are often necessary in making healthy relationships last - but it can only be healthy if it's a balanced thing. eve doesn't seem to make much of an effort to hang out with fabiola's friends. fabiola, meanwhile, spends considerable time with eve's friends even while they make very little effort to get to know her or to include her in their conversations. because of that, fabiola never seems very happy to be with them... and eve clearly knows that she is uncomfortable! i think she might make a "hey, be nice!" comment to sasha... once? seriously, what? you let your friends belittle your girlfriend's interests for an entire season without sticking up for her? come on, eve. you can do better. and... biggest of all... fabiola unwillingly sacrifices her leadership of the robotics team - something that is so incredibly important to her - to win a popularity contest... for eve. and like, yeah, i know she thinks she's doing it for a good cause. but fabiola's the one who has to give up her club meetings and get an entire makeover (in which she presumably had very little say). fabiola's the one who has to literally become a different person in order to win. eve doesn't have to do shit all! and we are supposed to support this relationship? am i really supposed to believe that eve thinks that fabiola is the most beautiful person in the world? (i mean, she is. but that's not the point, because -) am i really supposed to believe that eve even knows fabiola? if she really had fabiola's best interests at heart, she would have found a way to petition for cricket queen & queen while incorporating fabiola's love of robotics into their ~campaign~. like i don't care if it's not cool?!?! be creative!! basically anyone can be convinced to think robots are cool. it's not fucking mission impossible!
anyway - it doesn't feel at the moment like it's something that's going be addressed. it kinda feels like something the writers didn't think very long and hard about. and that's my beef with season 2 at this very moment.
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eryiss · 3 years
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Ship: Freed x Laxus
Rating: Teen
Prompt: Two Bros Chilling in A Hot Tub/Lightning Struck
Summary: Freed knew he had a lot to learn about being a professional wizard, and when he was paired up with Laxus for a mission he expected to learn a lot. He didn't expect to spend a day with him in a hot tub, and he certainly didn't expect to get an entirely unrelated education about life and about love.
Notes: Hello everyone, happy Fraxus Week. For the two bonus days, I've murged the prmopts together to make a two-shot. The second chapter will be uploaded on July the 22nd. I hope you all enjoy it, and head over to @fuckyeahfraxus to see all the other content for the event.
Links: Chapter Two ||| Event Masterlist ||| Archive of Our Own, Fanfiction
Chapter One
Year: X782
Location: Magnolia, Fiore
Professional Wizardry was still new to Freed. He hadn't wandered into the profession without the expectation that he'd be forced to do things that previously would have been unthinkable, or that his life wouldn't change entirely the moment he had joined a guild, but he felt like he was learning a new aspect to his profession every day. His expectations of the job and the reality of the job was almost entirely different, and Freed found himself enjoying the challenge.
He'd thought he'd be on missions near constantly. He'd go to some place in Fiore, use his magic to fight off a monster or dark wizard, and get paid for it. He hadn't expected there to be a community attached to it, that they'd be such a rigid tier system of missions, and how missions could be anything from finding a lost item, to being on a team attempting to disband a cult. There was so much more, and it was all fascinating.
After his eighteenth birthday three months prior, the jobs that he was allowed to accept had greatly opened up. They were more difficult, presented him with a greater threat to his life, and he was relishing the challenge. He could have gone on those missions earlier, but he much preferred working alone. While he was accepting that being in Fairy Tail meant there was a certain level of comradery with fellow guildmates, and that with that comradery there also came obligations, he didn't see the point in splitting his finances with others while he was powerful enough to perform these missions on his own and take home all the money himself.
The exception to this was Laxus Dreyar.
Master Makarov had approached Freed on his birthday with a proposition. He was worried for his grandson, wanted someone to look after him, and wondered if Freed would mind occasionally attending missions with him. He claimed that, while officially the money would be split between them, Makarov himself would make up the difference for Freed so that he would be paid in full. Freed had agreed, and that had been that.
Up until that afternoon, Freed had not gone on any missions with Laxus. They'd hardly spoken, even with Makarov's assurances that they'd get along. Freed would only be on certain missions and that afternoon's mission was apparently one of them. Makarov told Laxus Freed needed training in more advanced missions, and that he should be the one to do it. Laxus hadn't argued.
Somehow, while attending to a supposedly A-Class mission, they found themselves in Magnolia's hot spring and spa resort.
It was surveillance, so the mission stated. The Rune Army themselves had place the job, stating that they believed that members of a potential dark guild were using the site to host meetings and plan attacks. The resort had been trying to get rid of the suspects but couldn't do so without putting their staff in danger, and having an army presence suddenly appearing would tip the dark guild off and give them time to hide all evidence. The Rune Army wanted mages from Magnolia who could plausibly be in the spa for leisure time, but could also defend themselves from attack, to watch them for suspicious activity. Freed had a feeling that Laxus had taken the job to have a day relaxing in a spa, rather than because he felt the Rune Army needed the help.
None of this would have been a problem for Freed – he'd long since accepted that what constituted a job was a wide array of things – if it weren't for the elephant in the room. Or to be more precise, the Adonis wearing nothing but swimming trunks in the room.
Freed was a professional, but he was also eighteen years old and in the presence of an undeniably handsome man. Nobody, no matter their opinions on Laxus, would state that he was anything but sexy. Tall, blonde, square jawed, barrel chested with a scar over his eye and a tattoo over his pecs. His abs looked to be cut from steel and his legs comparable to tree trunks and, well, Freed was only human. Laxus was distracting.
"So," Laxus suddenly spoke as he slung a towel over his shoulder. "I don't exactly know what Gramps wants you to learn from this, but I'll try and teach ya some shit. Surveillance rule number one: fit in with yer surroundings. You seem pretty good at that."
It was only a moment, but Laxus' assessing gaze over Freed's body was exhilarating. But unprofessional.
Laxus didn't seem to notice, and instead started to walk out of the locker room they'd both changed in, and towards the area where they were meant to be watching. Freed followed, making sure to look straight ahead, rather than give into temptation to check out the man's back and his ass, and it wasn't a difficult task. While Freed had no qualms admitting his attraction to the blonde, he knew where his focus needed to be put. The mission was important, not his hormonal desire for his guildmate.
"That's the door we need to watch," Laxus said as he tilted his head to the door. Freed knew that of course, but Laxus was speaking again before he could say anything. "Pretty open room, lots of vantage points. Where should we go?"
Ah, it was a test then. Good, a worthy distraction and hopefully it would nip any ideas that Freed was in some way Laxus' inferior in the bud. Freed looked around the room quickly, glanced towards the door that they needed to keep in their sights, and quickly made a plan of how the rest of the day would go. Strategy was his strong suit.
"The hot tub," He said firmly. "At least for now."
"Why only for now?" Laxus asked. There was no condensation in his tone, he was simply asking for Freed's reasoning.
"Staying in the same place throughout the afternoon would be suspicious. We know who the suspects are, but that doesn't mean they're the only people involved, so we need to look like regular customers constantly," Freed explained, speaking quietly as they walked further into the room. "As we've only just got here, it makes sense for us to use a facility instantly. Going to sit by the pool or at the juice bar would be odd, at least for now. The massage tables and spa treatments are too distracting, but the hot tub allows us to sit and watch without anyone questioning it. It'll give us the lay of the land without drawing any attention on us."
"And we both have to do it?" Laxus probed. "Wouldn't it make more sense to split up and cover more ground.
"Later," Freed dismissed. "We came in together; we'll need to do things at the same time at least once in a while. As I said, the treatments are distracting and as such we should do them one at a time rather than simultaneously. If we spend the whole day apart after we've arrived together, it'll raise suspicion. The hot tub is a good vantage point, and so a good way to be seen together while not losing an advantage."
Laxus thought for a moment, before nodding, clasping Freed on the bare shoulder, and giving him the smallest of grins. "Yer good at this."
"Of course I am," Freed retorted, and that seemed to make Laxus grin wider.
They walked towards the hot tub, which was at the back wall, attached to the main pool. As it was a Tuesday afternoon, only a few people were loitering around the resort and the hot tub was empty. Freed placed his towel on the handle provided and walked into the hot tub, soaking his entire body sans his head in the hot, bubbling water. His muscles relaxed instantly, and he felt himself slinking down ever so slightly.
"You ain't here to relax," Laxus said in a voice almost teasing as he climbed the stairs into the tub. "Eyes on the mission, remember."
Freed went to point out that, given Laxus was looking at him rather than at the door, he was just as distracted. But Laxus chose that moment to sit down, submerging his chest in water and spreading his arms wide. His left hand was close to Freed's shoulder, and Freed felt that it was an act of great resilience that he didn't give into base urges and watch Laxus as he adjusted to his relaxed, wet – very very wet – state.
"I will if you will," Freed eventually said back, looking towards the door. He missed how Laxus' gaze lingered on his body just a little too long.
They fell into silence, and Freed made a genuine effort to keep his gaze away from the man who shared the hot tub with him. He truly hadn't thought this through. He hadn't realised that, as good as Laxus looked from afar, he looked better up-close. Maybe he should have denied the request to join the mission. And maybe he should have worn a looser swimsuit…
"So," Laxus said after a while, looking up at the ceiling for a moment to crack his neck. "How much is the old man paying you to spy on me?"
Freed halted, and removed his eyes from the door and looked towards Laxus. His face only, of course. "Excuse me."
"Rule two, you gotta trust the guys you're working with. So don't bullshit yer team members," Laxus said with a little grin. "Answer the question."
"For every mission that I do with you, he'll cover all the money you take from it, so I'm fully paid," Freed explained. He saw no point in lying.
"Guess we're gonna be doing some well-paying missions together then, if we wanna bleed the old bastard dry," Laxus smirked, and it was an oddly alluring look on the man. Freed looked away from it, and towards the door again. "You gonna tell him that I'm onto him?"
"I'd rather keep the deal up, I can get good money doing this," Freed shrugged, and he saw Laxus grinning a little from the corner of his eye. He tried not to pay attention to the expression, and instead focused on a man who could fit the description of a suspect. The man walked past the door, but that didn't mean he wasn't who they were looking for. "Why did you agree to this if you knew your grandfather wants reports on you?"
"Because it's gonna happen anyway, might as well accept it," Laxus shrugged. "I knew he was gonna get someone to do it, kinda glad that it's you."
"Because yer interesting," Laxus said, looking up at the ceiling again and closing his eyes as he lowered himself deeper into the water. Freed's gaze flickered low on the man's abs for a moment before looking to the door again. "We get a hell of a lot of mages joining Fairy Tail. Lots of people who think they're tough shit and wanna become the next powerhouse. Yer the only person I think whose got a chance of actually doing it."
The compliment was flattering. Laxus had something of a reputation for being generally rude and selfish, and either they were exaggerated or Laxus was making an exception. Freed felt it was a combination of both, but he accepted the compliment without complaint.
"You know my magic?" He asked.
"I've been keeping tabs on you since you came here, yer interesting," Laxus nodded, wading a hand through the water absently and sending ripples through the bubbles. "People give the darker magics a lot of shit. They're idiots. You can kick ass, and you're not bad to be around. Pretty much the opposite of a Fairy Tail mage right now."
"Does that opinion extend to you?"
"What d'you think?" Laxus asked with a cocky expression that Freed found himself enjoying.
"I wouldn't be here if I thought you weak."
They fell into a silence, with the bubbling water warming Freed and making his muscles loose and relaxed. He kept a steady gaze on the door, making sure to avert his eyes when someone walked into the room, so his staring wasn't too obvious. It was a worthy distraction, and one well needed now that Laxus had apparently been watching him for all of eight months. That, combined with the fact that Laxus was wearing swimming trunks and was less than five feet away, could all become rather an issue if Freed didn't focus on anything else.
"Okay, your turn to relax now," Laxus said, cutting through Freed's thoughts. His voice was a little more relaxed. "You can't stay lookin' at the door all day. You'll get a crick in the neck."
"I'll be fine," Freed dismissed.
"Doesn't matter," Laxus stated, shifting slightly to get closer to Freed. It was to get a better view of the door, but the body heat that rivalled the warmth of the water was a noticeable feeling and Freed tensed. "Rule Three: lean on yer teammates. Sometimes you'll need to slack off, that ain't something to fight against. So long as someone in the team is on full alert it isn't too bad a problem. So sit back, close yer eyes, and let me take over for a while."
Freed was hesitant, but Laxus was clearly taking over keeping his gaze on the door, and Freed eventually found himself sliding down to further cover his body in water, and closed his eyes as relaxation flowed through him.
When his mind began to slip, Freed found himself thinking that Laxus was actually rather helpful. Freed wasn't quite so arrogant to think he knew everything about wizarding work, and an S-Class mage would have things to teach. Laxus especially would be useful to learn from, given their apparently similarities in working styles. Freed would need to learn how to work in a team, even if it wasn't fond of the idea, and Laxus might know how to offer actual advice rather than pointless mantras like 'your team should be your family' and other nonsense he'd heard from Fairy Tail. Without lying about why he was there, his team-ups with Laxus might be mutually beneficial.
Perhaps relaxing wasn't too bad an idea, either. Freed's mind had been somewhat consumed by his work. Finding a place to live as a seventeen-year-old had been difficult, and he'd put in a lot of effort in getting rent on time. But now he got better paying jobs, that urgency could fall away a little.
With a bit of effort, he tried to push the fact he was on a job to the back of his mind.
Once this whole thing was dealt with, maybe he would invest in a pass for the resort. In his preliminary research for the mission, he'd heard good things about the facilities, and even though he'd only been in the hot tub as of yet, he felt inclined to agree.
Though perhaps Laxus' company was partially to blame for his mood.
Fairy Tail had sometimes felt like a lonely place. Their focus on friendship, family and their revoltingly sentimental ideas about goodness were nice in principle, but when you were on the outside looking in it could get under your skin. Freed knew he was at fault for his lack of relationships with his guildmates, but perhaps Laxus might be a good starting point. Ironic, given that nearly everyone had told him Laxus was off-putting and rude.
The bubbles sent a pleasant chill over him, and Freed felt his tenseness ebbing away. When he got a pass for the resort, he'd have to explore the idea of a massage. He'd never thought it appealing, but perhaps he could be convinced.
There wouldn't be much convincing needed if Laxus were the one massaging him.
"Shit," Laxus hissed, and Freed's eyes whipped open. A rush of panic filled him that somehow he might have said that aloud, but the idea was ridiculous. He looked to Laxus to see worry flickering over him. "The suspect saw me looking, I think he went to get backup."
"Are you sure?" Freed asked, mind suddenly back on focus again.
"No, but we made eye contact. He's suspicious of me," Laxus was clenching his teeth, seemingly annoyed at himself. "We can't fuck it up, the Rune Army don't take shit like this lightly. We need a distraction or to get out."
"A distraction will be easier," Freed concluded. "Does he know for sure that we're looking out for him?"
"I wasn't being careful. I was watching him for about a full minute without being subtle. Pretty sure he knows it's not a passing glance."
"But that doesn't mean you know what he's doing, it just means you were looking at him," Freed mused aloud. "What if we throw him off the scent, give him another reason for why you were so focused on him."
"The hell would that be?" Laxus growled a little, and Freed scanned the room. They were the only two people in there now.
"Maybe you wanted him gone," Freed thought, plans forming in his head. Many of them he had to dismiss outright. "Perhaps if he sees something he wasn't meant to see, he'll think you were looking at him because you wanted him to leave."
"What the hell would I wanna do that I wouldn't want him seeing?" Laxus snapped, agitation rising. An idea came to Freed. It was good, it would get them out of the situation no doubt, but it might have a few repercussions in the future. Many arguments both for and against it flung through his mind, and his indecision must have been obvious, as Laxus continued talking a moment later. "Rule four, if a mission's going to shit and you think you can salvage it, you do it. So if you've got any ideas, I'd love to hear them."
Freed went to open his mouth to explain his idea, but he heard movement from across the room and glanced towards the door. It was opening, and two more suspects were walking through it, stone-faced and angry.
Before he could second guess himself, he launched himself onto Laxus and began to kiss him.
It was a sloppy, energetic, and passionate kiss. Laxus was frozen for a few moments, but Freed forced himself to push on in the hope that Laxus was trying to understand what was happening. Laxus quickly started to kiss back, and a hand ran down Freed's back, pulling him close. Freed began to mess his hands through Laxus' hair, heart pounding and a ringing in his ears cutting through his panic. He couldn't think of how bad an idea this was, about how there were probably hundreds of other ways to deal with this, because rumours stated that the dark mages were powerful, and he didn't want to get into a fight he could avoid.
Kissing wasn't enough for his plan. People kissed all the time. They needed to get… intimate. Freed began to run his hands over Laxus' torso – damn was he strong – and he felt large hands groping at his ass in return. He gasped into the kiss, and forced himself to remember that it was just for the mission.
The sound of a door closing snapped him back to reality, and he glanced to the side without breaking the kiss to see the suspects had left. He pulled himself off of Laxus, to find he'd been dragged so he was straddling the man's thigh at some point, and turned away with a blush, panting quietly.
"Good plan," Laxus said, voice also breathless. "Think it threw them off."
"Yes," Freed agreed. He couldn't look towards Laxus now. He simply couldn't. "I'm sorry for doing-"
"Don't, you did what you had to do," Laxus cut him off, voice somewhat stern, which wasn't helping the situation. "I would've done the same if I thought of it, and you fixed my fuck up. So no complaints."
"Okay," Freed didn't feel any better. He stood up and reached for his towel, still not looking at Laxus. "I think I should sit at the juice bar for a while, we've been together for long enough."
"Wait," Laxus began, shifting slightly but Freed was climbing from the hot tub before he could reach for him. "This ain't- you don't have to leave on my account."
"I'm not," Freed lied. Because of course he was. Laxus might be straight, he might not like Freed, and he might not appreciate being kissed like that at random. "If we spend all out time in the hot tub, it'll look odd. It was overdue, more so now they've seen us."
Laxus looked ready to argue, but sighed and nodded. Freed walked towards the juice bar, fighting the urge to touch his lips. Electricity danced over them.
Kissing Laxus… it felt like being struck by lightning.
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multifandom-girlie · 4 years
𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐡 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬
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Imagine:Imagine Requested by Anon. You move to New Orleans and meet Elijah who then introduces you to his younger brothers. You take him to your brothers wedding as your date but he also brings his brothers as plus ones.
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Human!Reader
Warnings: None
Words: 3596
Edited: Yes
Hi! I'm sorry so for the long wait, this was a really good request and I wanted to make it perfect for you. Now I can honestly say it still isn't to the best of my ability but I was stumped half way through and had to power through it. Sorry about the length I wasn't planning for it to be this long but it just ended up being so. Anyway I really hope you enjoy! Please comment requests or what you think of the imagine please. Thank you !
Recently, I moved to New Orleans. I did so because I heard great things and I am not disappointed. I moved here right in Mardi Gras season so it was okay but it's been a couple of months now and the tingles of excitement thinking about living here is incredible. At this moment in time, I was walking my dog. Barney. He's a beautiful German Shepard, he's getting older now but he'll always be my baby. We were walking down bourbon street and I was looking at my phone to check the time when I bumped into a pristine looking man. I dropped my phone and started giggling nervously.
"I'm so sorry, sir."
I bent down to pick up my phone but as I did we bumped heads, seeming as he lowered to pick it up too. We both looked at each other and started laughing. It's like I came straight out of a high school romance movie.
"It's absolutely okay. I should've moved when I saw you on your phone. I couldn't help but be-and forgive me if I'm overstepping-but be captivatingly beautiful."
I couldn't stop or even stall the luminous red blush engulfing my cheeks. The wind picked up in time to cover my face with my Y/H/C coloured hair.
"Oh, uh thank you."
"Sorry I shouldn't of said it, that was out of line."
I giggled as he walked away.
"Wait ! It wasn't, I'm just not used to compliments from people I bump into on the street."
He looked down with his hands in his trouser pockets and blessed my Y/E/C eyes with his sweet and wide grin.
"Sorry. Let me make it up to you. Would you let me buy you a coffee ?"
I giggled and Barney started licking the man's hand.
"Barney ! Stop it baby."
He laughed.
"It's quite alright. So coffee ? We can have it to go if you'd like?"
I smiled and Barney sat down next to my legs.
"Uh yeah, that would be nice."
"So you've bought me coffee and are walking around with me and I still don't know your name."
We laughed together.
"I apologise. My name's Elijah."
I looked at him in awe. His name was so beautiful and it matched his pristine look.
"I love your name, it's beautiful. My name's Y/N."
"Talk about beautiful names."
I looked away, again blushing. It made me smile so much because I always used to get picked on for my name despite loving it myself. It made me uncertain of the importance of self-love.
"Thank you, it means more than you may think."
We smiled and continued to walk in a serene silence.
"So, Elijah. When your not carelessly bumping into girls and dishing out compliments, what do you like to do ?"
He chuckled softly.
"I like to read a lot and I can cook when necessary."
This man becomes more intriguing by the second. I bet he's a great cook and the reading explains his extensive range of vocab.
"That's so cool, I cook and bake all the time. I love it so much and I don't read as much as I'd want but I like to sing."
"Oh yeah, do you sing for people ?"
"Uh sometimes, mainly special occasions like birthdays and stuff. I'm actually singing at my brother's wedding in a couple of months."
"Really, what a shame I don't get to see for myself your talent."
"I wouldn't really call it a big thing but I mean if it means that much. You seem nice so far, I was just gonna go stag but if you want to join me you can. It might be more fun if your there, I don't particularly love the women he's marrying so."
"That would be lovely. What's wrong with the woman?"
"Well, she's always stuck up around him you know. She licks his ass so much but whenever he's not around for a second she is the bitchiest most irritating girl in the world and not forgetting she's incredibly immature."
"Really, must be a irritating women then ?"
"Like you wouldn't believe."
I looked up and realised that it's already quite dark out, which means I've spent a good couple of hours talking to Elijah. I told him where my apartment was and he left but not before exchanging numbers. That very night, I had no sleep because Elijah and I were texting all night.
In the morning, after still not getting any sleep. I had a text from Elijah just as I had finished brushing my teeth.
Elijah: Good morning Y/N! I hope your energised. How would you like to get lunch today ?- E.M
Reply: As energised as I can be, Elijah. I would love to get lunch today. I also need to get my dress for the wedding, help me pick ? Good morning by the way.
Elijah: Of course you do, trust you to not be prepared. I would be honoured to help you, I don't want to go to a complete stranger's wedding with my date looking like a tart.
Reply: Thank you Elijah. Self-confidence risen dramatically... what time do you want to meet ?
Elijah: I'll pick you up at 12:30.
Reply: Okay, see you then.
As soon as I sent my reply, I ran and jumped into the shower. I lathered my vanilla body wash all over my body and soaked my hair in cherry almond shampoo and conditioner. I hopped out and decided to leave my face free from makeup and put on a mask whilst getting ready. I quickly applied my charcoal face mask and started rooting through my wardrobe for some clothes. I looked at the clock and realised I only have 50 minutes to get ready. I decided to wear a sheet black crop top with coloured flowers on and flared sleeves along with a short denim skirt, brown ankle boots, some black tights and and brown bag to match my shoes.
I was just spraying some of my vanilla perfume when there was a knock at the door. My eyes shot to the clock and I watched as the clock turned 12:30. I opened the door to see him stood there with a warm smile on his face. I smiled back at him with just as much warmth.
"Hey Elijah. You weren't kidding when you said 12:30 were you ?"
He chuckled and straightened his posture more even if it was impossible to be standing any straighter than he already was. I get it now, he's a perfectionist.
"When I say a time, I mean it."
I giggled and shut the door, locking it behind me. I replied to his comment with a smirk on my face and walked off.
"I can see that, Mr Perfectionist."
He chuckled and followed me out. We we're taking a comfortably quiet stroll down bourbon street, not rushing to get to the mall.
"So Elijah, what is it ?"
He turned to me with slight confusion.
"What ever do you mean, Y/N?"
I could tell he was genuinely confused so I made the choice to elaborate. I turned my head to look at him with my arms crossed but still walking.
"You. The way you talk, your timing ? I mean your not just on time you were there in the second of it turning 12:30. How about that both times I've seen you, you've been wearing $10 000 suits. I mean we are going to lunch. Probably to get some pizza or sushi, not for a meal that costs like $300 take like one zero off that at least."
He looked shocked at me understandably so. I just called him out on practically everything that makes him Elijah. It's not that I have a problem with any of it. A man who has impeccable timing, amazing-expensive-but amazing dress sense and knows how to talk properly not "Sup baby, you busy tonight ?" The number of times that lines been used in me is incredible.
He looked at me with a prominent look of worry. Maybe I said the wrong thing, was I too blunt maybe ? Or he might think I don't like any of it. So I quickly decided to save myself.
"Before you think or even ask yourself if I don't like any of that, I do. I'm just not used to speaking to a man. Someone with great fashion sense, doesn't talk like in idiot and can actually pronounce and word things properly-in other words speaking actual english, someone who has manners, the looks, impeccable timing and knows how to charm a women. Your a women's dream I just didn't know you were so....dreamy."
A wide grin broke out on his face, with made me blush profusely. I saw the mall in front of us.
"Dreamy ? You have a way with words Miss Y/L/N. I apologise if I may have distracted you for being so dreamy."
I giggled and smacked his arm playfully.
"Hey it's not funny. Take the compliment or leave it, alright ? It just slipped out."
"Slipped out of your mouth or your dreams."
We started laughing together feeling more comfortable than when I had my curious outburst minutes ago.
We walked in the mall and I was lost for which shop to buy my dress in. I nudged Elijah's arm.
"You know any good shops to buy dresses ?"
I asked jokingly but to my surprise he dragged me into a shop I didn't see the name of. He stopped at the entrance and turned to me.
"We are going to do something because you have massively boosted my ego today unintentionally, I think. Your going to let me do something for you. To make sure you don't look like a tart is why I came with you, correct ?"
I nodded.
"Your are going to pick five dresses you like in this store and I am going to pick my favourite one and you have to wear it to the wedding, deal ?"
Not how I expected the day to go, being bossed around by a man who was a stranger not more than 2 days ago.
"How do you not have women lining up to be with you? As long as your this bossy in the bedroom, I will say deal to you as many times as you like."
I winked at him and walked further into the shop. Elijah stood there with a wide grin at the once innocent flirty comments turning rapidly less innocent and followed her.
Five. Five dresses is not hard to pick. Come on Y/n. Just one more. I stopped and looked around until I spotted the last one. I handed them to Elijah with a whispered comment as I walked out.
"One of those dresses are harder to get off then the rest I might need some assistance, make the right decision Mr Precision."
I waited outside for him to pick the dress. Minutes later he walked out of the shop with a wide grin on his face and a white paper bag that most likely has my dress in it.
"So ?"
He looked at me and winked.
"I made the right decision, don't you worry."
We walked over to Rousseau's and I persuaded him to sit down and eat. When the food arrived he looked at me weirdly.
"I can't eat this, Y/N."
I giggled at him a rolled my eyes.
"What worried about getting grease on your $10 000 suit. Don't even tell me you don't like it, what's not to love about a big greasy burger and fries with a beer. Or do you only drink wine and eat lobster with caviar ?"
He chuckled at me and took his jacket off and placed it on the back of his chair. He unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled them up so they were now three quarters in length. The next thing I know is he's picking it up and taking a big bite of the burger whilst staring at me in the eyes to prove a point.
A little while later after it's like 6 pm we decide to leave the bar and go back to my apartment. I unlock the door and hang my jacket up whilst throwing my keys on the worktop in the kitchen. I kick my shoes off by the door and walk into the kitchen to look for some wine. Elijah follows me in a little later, having just taken his jacket off and hung it up.
"You look confused."
I'm rooting around in my pantry looking down my wine rack not finding the alcohol I wanted. Then the idea that it might be in the fridge popped into my head. I walked out of my pantry closing the door and opening my fridge finding the label staring at me in the face. I smiled and grabbed it before turning around and showing it to Elijah.
"I was trying to find this. A bottle of wine I was saving for when I had good company."
He grabbed the bottle out of my hands and inspected it, lastly he smirked.
"No wonder you saved it Y/N, this is an expensive wine. One they don't even sell in the United States. What did you do? Go on holiday and smuggle a bottle of rare and incredibly expensive wine back here ?"
"I guess you could say that but I didn't buy it...I won it. In a game of poker on my 26th birthday, I lived in Italy with my family and it was a bottle that was made the year I was born and my mother saved up for it and bought it. My dad annoyed her buy using it as a prize for our game of poker, he said it was pure luck just because it was made on my birthday. $6 863. That's the total cost."
"So your Italian ?"
I giggled and grabbed two glasses.
"Si signore."
He chuckled and followed me into the living room. I threw myself on the couch and sat upright so I could pour the wine.
"So you've juiced everything interesting out of me. What about you ?"
"The only interesting thing about me is my family I suppose. I have two older siblings and four younger siblings."
"Tell me about them."
"Okay. There's my eldest sister Freya she's 34; 5 years older than me. She's quite sweet but she was more of a long distance sibling for a while.Finn who's 33, we're not especially close. Niklaus or Klaus as he prefers, he's 25 and a menace all of the time consistently getting on my nerves. He's 4 years younger than me. Then Kol who is worse than Klaus, he's the most menacing of us all and an irritatingly common flirt even at 24.My youngest sister Rebekah, 17 and she's always had a flair for the dramatics, always looking for love. Then Henrik, who was 11 when he died. None of us really knew a lot about him except Klaus, he was the closest to him."
I widened my eyes and polished off my third glass of wine already. I put my hand on his, I leant forward a touch to pour more wine.
"I apologise for your loss. But, also for your seemingly irritant siblings."
"It's quite alright."
I grabbed his glass and placed the glasses down on the table and I felt my arm being dragged back and when looking forward, I noticed the close proximity of Elijah and I. Mere centimetres away we sat staring into each other's eyes with curiosity. I couldn't help but feel intimidated by the lingering stare he had on me and also slightly exhilarated. Swiftly our noses touched ever so slightly. It made it impossible to pull away like I probably should have. He leant forward some more making the pressure on our noses more noticeable and so suddenly his small soft lips reached for mine in a gentle peck. Our eyes fluttered closed, overwhelmed from the feeling a small kiss could make us feel. It was a foreign feeling, feeling this way from a kiss.
He gradually moved away a little and looked at me in the eyes. I didn't know what to say. His hands slowly raised and stroked the sides of my face before leaning in and giving me a quick peck. Just after he allowed me to cuddle into his side to watch a movie, I'd put on in the background when we sat down.
A couple of months later, we are still going strong. Elijah and I actually have the wedding to go to today, we flew out with his brothers unfortunately so we couldn't have much personal time. I am excited about seeing my dress though, I haven't seen it since when I picked the 5 dresses out at that store, I can't even remember what they all looked like.
I opened the bag and I pulled out a beautiful baby blue halter neck dress that will hug my body tightly, no wonder he liked it and of course it was the one with the zip. I actually will need help later now.
I decided to start getting ready and then spotting the lingerie he threw in there as well.
These last few months have been a dream. I have not been this happy for years. Elijah's perfect, yes we have a few differences that haven't been great to deal with but we've made it through and he makes me feel i'm living in my dream.
I walked out of the bathroom that I was getting ready in to see Elijah drinking a glass of wine on the bed.
"Babe it's 11 am, why are you drinking wine ?"
He jumped up and spat it out on the floor, unfortunately it was red wine. My eyes widened as I saw it immediately stain the floor.
"Lijah ! This is a hotel room, we aren't at home."
He shook his bed and fell on the floor on his knees, eyes still widened.
"Elijah. What's wrong with you, baby ?"
He shook his head and helped me scrub the floor. We are most definitely going to be late for this wedding. As I was squirting soap on the floor I hear a knock. I get up, leaving Elijah on the floor. I open the door to greet the brothers. They walked in and followed me to the bedroom where Elijah was still on the floor.
"Elijah mate, why are you on the floor ?"
He just continued to stare off. They looked at me and I shrugged.
"I don't know what happened. I walked out the bathroom, he spark his wine on the floor. Now we have to explain why we've stained their carpet."
We are greeting other guests and trying to find my brother. When I spot him he walks over. He hugs me and spins me around.
"God I missed you Y/N !"
"I missed you too Y/B/N, like you wouldn't believe. I would like to introduce you to some people I bought. This is Elijah, my boyfriend and has been for a couple of months now and-"
I introduced Elijah who was back to normal after I gave him a kiss apparently it was because I looked so beautiful. I cut myself off when going to introduce the brothers because when I looked over at them. They were the only two causing trouble, Kol was consistently flirting with married women and Klaus threatening people.
"and that's it. They are NOT with us."
Elijah and I looked at each other and he nodded. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the brothers, grabbing them by the wrists and dragging them over.
"Y/B/N these are Elijah's brothers. Kol and Klaus."
"Nice to meet you all, it's a shame I can't talk more to Elijah. I guess it's hard to talk to him when your sister doesn't tell you about him."
I looked down to the floor and back up innocently.
"I love you."
"I love you too. Right, we need to start getting ready."
"Okay go."
I was sitting nervously on a couch at Elijah's House when he walks in with two good looking gentlemen.
"Y/N my darling, I would like for you to meet my brothers Kol and Niklaus."
"Call me Klaus. All my friends do."
He grabs my hand and kisses it. I blushed hard before most fortunately it disappeared, very quickly.
Kol walks closer and kisses me on the cheek and as he pulls away winks. Unfortunately, the blushed arose. Once again.
"Nice to meet you darling."
They are all insanely charming and flirtatious, it's nerve racking. No wonder, why they have so many female admirers.
I remember how different the greetings were for me and my brother. They were more chilled with my brother although still mischievous, yet with me it was flirtatious and misbehaving.
I can live with it now though. The flirtatiousness, I get enough from Elijah so I'm used to it. Kol and Klaus now are more comedic in my eyes with their fake sentiments of love for me, annoying Elijah and even bursting into our room after I've taken a shower to see if they scare me enough to drop my towel. Although, that's more Kol.
All I can say is, I'm way more comfortable with them now and I couldn't be happier to know that Elijah and I are going to last, a gut feeling tells me so.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Gimme Love, 9/9 (Miz Cracker/Blair St Clair) - Grinder
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AN: Sorry for taking so long to upload! I've had a hard week but everything is fine. Here we are - the end! Wanna know something interesting? There was actually going to be more to this story. Like, we were gonna get more flashbacks from when Brie and Juju went to college. There they would meet Tatianna, who was a badass feminist. And she'd be the one to help Brianna with her glow up. But the story was already going on too long and I couldn't fit any of it in.
Also I was going to go down a completely different route for the story. If any of you have actually seen the music video for Gimme Love by Joji, it ends on a more darker tone. And that's how I was gonna do it with this fic as it was based on it. But I just couldn't do it.
So I hoped you guys enjoyed it. I know I didn't get a lot of reads on it, but I'm glad knowing it was recieved by some. Anyway, on with chapter 9!
Major TW's for this chapter: Alcohol, mental health discussion.
It was the day of the pre-party. It was going to be held at my place. I was prepared for possible drunkenness, embarrassing moments, but celebrations of everything we had accomplished. This was something I had worked my ass towards for so long, and it was finally happening.
I smiled, proud that I had finally punched myself in the face (figuratively, of course). I opened my eyes and saw how easy it was to rekindle with Mom. I was scared about seeing her in a few weeks, knowing we'd have to talk about my issues. But I knew now. If I didn't, I would just continue to get worse and worse.
On top of that, the Ed Sheeran problem was over and done with. His team understood fully, and he was set to perform at the launch.
And finally, I would meet Blair again. And it would be different this time. I wouldn't be the shy, insecure teenager she had always seen me as.
However, despite all these promising signs, my smile dropped. I imagined this morning playing out entirely differently.
Jujubee would be the first person to message me. Fuck, she'd probably even break in just to make sure I was up.
None of that happened. I know one should manage their expectations better. But it still hurt.
After two cups of coffee, some soggy cereal and a shower, I tried calling her. It rang a few times but went straight to voicemail mail.
I didn't bother leaving another message. I didn't wanna freak her out.
I probably wasn't helping my case. She probably thought I was relying on her, that she was life support for me.
But that wasn't the case. I mean, I couldn't just stand up and be like, "OK later, bitch," after practically growing up together. How could I just let go of someone I held so dear to my heart?
My eyes travelled across the kitchen, at first only her disappointment during our argument, how I had never seen her so angry.
On the counter, beside the fridge, there was my memory box.
What would Grandpa say in this situation?
Remember how I would write things he'd say to me? Just little bits and pieces of advice as something I could hold on to? I gave it to Mom to put it away for me. It had to be in the box.
I stood up, the stool making a scraping sound along the ground.
But a knock at the door tore my attention away.
Why did I hope it would be her?
Well, because it wasn't out of the ordinary for her to come and visit in the morning. Maybe this was it. I was forgiven.
I rushed to the door with the slight fear that if I wasn't fast enough, I'd miss her.
I unlocked the door and flung it open, a smile on my face, ready to greet her.
5 people were standing there; the decorators. I tried not to let my smile falter as I let them in.
8PM and my place had never looked livelier. For my first time hosting a party, it didn't feel like there was much hosting to do.
It felt like any other party I had been to, a room crowded with people dancing or talking to each other.
The music wasn't too loud, so the disorientation wasn't there.
I held back from drinking with the fear of doing something embarrassing, especially around Blair.
My bathroom was still clean when I went to apply a fresh coat of gloss. Good. Nothing to worry about.
I made my way back downstairs to the party, crossing the barrier at the bottom. The only place off-limits to the guests was upstairs. I'd hate to think there would be some people who'd want private time, especially in my bed. It happened at college once.
After a small party in our dorm, I found a couple midst coitus in my bed. Never again, I had said.
My head whipped in the direction of the voice, every bit of hope I had inside building up.
"You look stunning." A raven-haired woman approached.
"Thank you," I said in more of a questionable form. My brain couldn't figure out who this was.
"My name is Raja. I'm a writer for Cosmo," that explained it, "I was wondering if I could ask a few questions for a piece I'm doing. It's on the most influential women of the year."
I wanted to say no in the case I missed the arrival of Blair.
As if she read my thoughts, she spoke again. "It won't even be five minutes."
She was right about that. 15 minutes it lasted. We were locked in my bathroom, the four walls making the place feel cramped.
She asked me questions about how I reached this level, my morning routine, and what I put in my hair to make it so voluptuous. And all the while, I just kept fearing that Blair had arrived. That she had searched around for me and left when she couldn't find me anywhere. I would discreetly glance at my watch, hoping too much time didn't pass. But around 5 minutes in, I didn't care for subtlety. Not that Raja noticed. The questions seemed endless.
When she turned her recorder off, she further complimented my outfit. I thanked her, inching my way to the door. This lasted another 3 minutes.
She said I was a tiny woman with a lot of heart. I held back from saying I was a tiny woman with a lot of baggage.
When I finally escaped, I searched the place for Blair, and when I didn't find her, the panic started.
"Did anyone come in in the last 15 minutes??" I asked the workers hanging by the door.
"Yeah, there were 2 people. And I've never seen them around work. Could be anyone, Brie." They said with worry in their tone.
"OK, was one of them a girl? Blonde hair. Around my age?" I questioned further.
They glanced at each other for clarification, then looked back at me and shook their heads.
"Nope. Just two guys." One said.
"Probably on a pussy hunt at their local party." The other said.
"Or dick hunt."
"Or both."
"Nah, how would they even get in?"
Realising this was not Blair they were talking about, I thanked them and excused myself.
So she wasn't here yet. That's fine. Probably just running late.
I gave in and had one glass of champagne. Just to calm my nerves.
And the last person I wanted to see started to approach.
Ed fucking Sheeran. He raised a glass to celebrate and thanked me for the hotel room we paid for. I said it was no problem. And just as he was about to suggest some pictures for his Instagram, I quickly navigated away.
But I was caught by another person who just so happened to be Joey.
"I am so glad you changed your mind about the whole Ed thing. Like...girl…" he sipped his own drink.
"Yeah, it was easier than I thought." I shrugged. "Kinda feel awkward being in his presence now, though."
"I'll distract him if you want. British guys are kinda cute." Joey smirked.
I tsked, cocking my head at him. "Joey, you didn't like the guy a few weeks ago."
"I never said I didn't like him." He smirked.
"I mean, you can try." I rolled my eyes, a small smile appearing on my own face, "don't expect it to go anywhere."
Joey winked and brushed past me, making his way in Ed's direction.
Setting my glass down in my sink, I made my way to the bathroom just to check my lip gloss. A woman couldn't be too careful.
Once inside, I felt cramped again despite being alone. Maybe it was the underlying feeling of worry from being trapped in the room with Raja.
I told myself to breathe but then questioned why I was even doing such an exercise. Everything was fine. Life was good.
Looking in the mirror, my gloss was fine. But I applied a new coat anyway, just a reassurance.
And upon leaving, I set out in search of Blair again. She had to be here, just somewhere lost amongst this large amount of people.
Maybe she found someone else to talk to. Maybe not.
I moved to the balcony, the cool night air a relief.
But she wasn't there either.
I sighed, wanting a cigarette or something. Anything to calm the rising panic I was feeling inside.
I closed the door and moved further into the night, peering over the balcony and out into New York. The twinkling lights were pretty. I took a picture and sent it to my Mom. And in a few seconds, she started calling me.
"Hey, Mom."
"Hi, baby. I just thought I'd see how things are going." She asks, sounding pretty optimistic.
"I mean... it's OK, I guess. A bit crowded at my place right now." I replied.
"You nervous for tomorrow?" I hear the mischief in her voice.
She believed I'm not nervous, that I was a confident, strong woman. But she was wrong. "Of course I am. I mean, we've gone through all the precautions, so it should be fine. But still…"
"Well, baby, I promise you, everything will work out fine. It's you we're talking about."
I smiled, trying to teach my brain to agree with her.
"I would say I'd have a drink for you, but I'm trying to keep away from it tonight." Even though that was a lie.
"Yeah, you don't wanna go do something embarrassing like flashing anyone or whatever." She laughs.
"Wow. I didn't realise that was something I did." I quipped sarcastically.
"How about Jujubee?" I could still hear her smile.
But mine slowly dropped. Fuck, I had no idea. Immediately I stood back from the balcony. "Ugh...yeah, she's fine. She's good."
I moved to the door and looked past the glass at the large number of people. Fuck, I didn't even know if she was inside.
"Am I gonna get to see a picture of your outfits? You two always look like the stars of a party."
"Yeah," I faked a small laugh. "I'll go find her and get a picture. I'm gonna get back inside, OK?"
"No problem, baby. Love you."
"I love you too." I clicked end call and quickly made my way back inside.
How the fuck had I forgotten about her so quickly? Not like she was in my mind that morning or anything.
Now I had to find 2 people. I rushed inside, looking out for both of them. I checked the kitchen, dining area, lounge, the bathroom. Fuck, I even checked upstairs in the case Jujubee was there.
But there was no sign.
Where the fuck was she? Where was Blair?
It was getting harder to hold down the anxiety. Was Jujubee right about Blair? Was this another instance of my childhood crush getting my hopes up and flaking out?
The next drink tray I saw, my hand went straight for another glass. Two wouldn't hurt.
"Hey, you made it!" I heard from the front of the room, by the door.
I quickly downed the champagne and practically ran for it, too afraid to miss who had arrived.
Just as my hopes were quickly up, they fell just as fast. It was just Alex, Joey hugging him at the door.
"Fuck...Fuck...Fuck…" I whispered to myself.
A third glass of champagne found its way into my hand, and in a matter of seconds, it was down the hatch. I grimaced at the taste now, feeling like I could throw up at any second. Was that all just the anxiety, though?
Another bathroom break, I was fixing my gloss once again, scared to ruin my makeup. My hands were trembling. Fuck.
It wasn't stopping.
Back out in the main room, I tried to scan the crowd, standing on my tiptoes to try and see past everyone. It didn't help much.
Despite the music and rambling chatter happening around me, I heard the front door open, my eyes shot in its direction.
I struggled to move past a small group of coworkers, trying to get a good view of the door.
I didn't even get my hopes up this time. And, of course, it wasn't Blair.
Jujubee was right. Blair wasn't coming. Once again, she had led me on to believe I did mean something to her and that she'd give us a chance.
My hand gripped my scalp, turning away from the door. I growled, "Fuck," which didn't go unnoticed.
There was Nina with a hand on my arm. "Are you OK?"
"Yes." I lied so quickly. "I'm fine. Just... it's a little crowded in here," I fidgeted with my hands, "Is Jujubee here?"
"Yeah, you haven't seen her?" Nina raised a brow, rubbing her hand up and down my bicep.
"No." My eyes looked around briefly. "Where is she??"
"I dunno. She's you're best friend." Nina squinted her eyes. She didn't mean to sound accusatory. I guessed she was more concerned.
"She is." I reaffirmed, even though now I wasn't so sure.
"If it helps, the last place I saw her was the kitchen."
"Half an hour ago."
I rolled my eyes and groaned. "She could be anywhere."
"Girl, it's fine. Not like we're in a labyrinth. You'll find her eventually." Nina smiled, rubbing my arm again.
I paid her no more heed and hurried towards the kitchen in the hope I'd find her there. But like the rest of my apartment, it was crowded. I stood on my toes again to try and catch a glimpse of black hair.
But there was no sign. Stressed, a shaking hand reached for another champagne. Usually, my tolerance for alcohol was high, but right now, I was feeling it. I was wavy.
In my now weary state of mind, I decided what was the fucking point? Blair had 100% flaked, as per usual, and Jujubee was obviously avoiding me at all costs.
Nina had followed me, taking my hand. "Follow me."
I didn't fight it. She moved to the staircase, pulled back the barrier and let me pass through.
She ushered me to walk up to the top before moving no further.
Turning towards the crowd beneath us, Nina addressed the people with a raised tone. "Can we have your attention, please?"
The people went quiet, beaming up at us.
Nina talked about how much of a good night it was, all while the alcohol was taking me over.
My eyes scanned the crowd, in the final chance of hope, wanting nothing more than to see Jujubee's glowing smile shining up at me.
But I couldn't. Not because I had double vision. But because she was nowhere.
I squeezed my eyes shut, breathing hard out through my nose.
Nina put her hand on my shoulder. And only then did I realise that I had blacked out, missing everything she said. I blinked a few times, trying to clear the film that had glazed my brown eyes.
"But we all wouldn't be here without our leading lady." She smiled warmly. "Everything she's achieved, it's all brought us to this moment. Let's raise a glass to Miss Brianna Caldwell."
Everyone started cheering, only a few raising a toast, the others clapping. My eyes widened, feeling all those eyes on me.
"Hope you have a speech prepared," Nina whispered in my ear.
And me, being the queen of saying just 3 lines and quickly evacuating the scene, decided no. Fuck it. I had something to say.
When the crowd began to settle down, I began to deliver the messiest speech ever.
"Well, funny you should mention achievements, Nina, because, yeah, I'm standing here before you all, having done the impossible. But what does that matter?" I laughed, shrugging. "Yeah, it does matter a whole fucking deal. I mean, look at you all. You wouldn't be here if it wasn't?" I laughed awkwardly again, but as I continued, my smile began to disappear. "Well, sometimes you just want a certain someone to give a shit. And they make you believe that they do. Just for like 5 minutes. And it feels so so fucking incredible. It feels like...like you matter. You're not just plain old Brianna Caldwell. You mean the world to them…" My tone dropped, "And then...you realise you're the most gullible, unaware, stupid fucking idiot in the world. They don't really give a fuck about you. They don't see all the things that you've achieved in life and think…' Wow...What an incredible person.' They just... don't give a fuck about you."
Everybody looked confused, uneasy even, while others giggled. Glad to know I was serving as the entertainment for the night, and I was in the same room as Ed fucking Sheeran.
Then, as if some higher power looked at me with a shaking head, maybe my grandpa, there was a glimmer of light at the back of the room, a flash of movement. And my eyes were drawn to the source.
My heart stopped
There she was. Finally. Blair St. Clair smiling apologetically at the few people who were looking at her. They smiled back as they should. She was breathtaking.
And her eyes moved to where everyone else was looking.
Right at me.
Such a familiar feeling was falling over me.
Everyone else in the room. Gone. Like they just stepped into another world, leaving the two of us in this reality.
She panted, out a breath, like she had run to my place. Impossible, she looked like an absolute angel in her gold wrap dress.
Nina nudged me. I snapped out of my daze, reminded of the whole crowd of people looking up at me with confused stares.
Fuck...what do I say now? How do I backtrack?
"But...you know what?" I started to speak again. "You realise, you're just overthinking again. 'Cause, that's a very on-brand thing for you. Every little incident of the past has taught you to doubt that good things actually can happen to you." My smile was returning. "Because the people who give a shit are there. Because you've done the impossible. And they couldn't be happier to be part of your story." My eyes were moving through the crowd, "Do what makes the ones around you proud, and what makes you fucking proud. And don't let anyone or anything hold you the fuck back. Because you have a purpose."
Thank fuck for the fact everyone started cheering again. I thought I had fucking bombed that I would see a recording of the same speech the following day all over Twitter, along with comments about how dramatic it was.
But it was fine. I saved it. I smiled at everyone and hugged Nina, suddenly overcome with happiness.
"Fuck you for not telling me you were gonna drag me up here," I whispered in her ear.
"Well, if I had asked you in the first place, you would have said no, honey." Nina grinned.
We pulled apart, and my eyes went back to the front door. I smiled, expecting to see Blair. But she had vanished. Fuck, I hadn't imagined her, right?
I tried to carefully make my way down the stairs without tripping, ready to look for her once again.
And upon reaching the bottom, Joey grabbed my hand and pulled me close, "someone on the balcony requires your attention."
He winked, and the butterflies in my belly went mad.
She was playing games with me. Not a very Blair St Clair thing to do, but the thought excited me.
I hurried to the balcony, ready to feel that cool air on my skin, her warm body pressed against mine.
And just as I was passing through the doors, feeling the cooling breeze, I stopped dead in my tracks.
I froze.
This wasn't what I expected; seeing her standing there, only noticing how radiant she looked in her orange suit dress.
Fuck. It felt so long since I had last seen her.
But it had been only a few days.
"Hi, Juju," I spoke quietly.
"Hey," she inhaled her cigarette, looking out to the city. If she hadn't replied to me, I would have guessed she failed to realise I was even there.
I swallowed, my eyes glancing down to the ground for a moment. The alcohol in my system was telling me to just turn and leave her alone. She didn't wanna see me.
But my brain said, "you idiot, she obviously invited you out here."
So I moved forward, rubbing the backs of my arms nervously.
I stood beside her, not even daring to look her in the eye. I looked at her orange suit, how Mom would have adored it.
"You invited me out here." I leaned my elbows on the ledge, my gaze following hers over the twinkling lights of New York.
"Yeah, I did." She did offer me a cigarette, but still, she never looked at me.
I shook my head, declining her offer, "Why didn't you just come and ask me yourself?"
"I was dying for a cigarette." She breathed out a stream of smoke. "Also, I've already spent most of the night trying to find you."
I couldn't help but breathe out a laugh through my nose. I glanced at her and was glad to see the smirk appear on those lips.
"I've been trying to fucking find you." I continued to laugh, a crack to my tone, however.
She finally looked at me, turning her body to face me. Her brows were knit together, yet the smirk remained. "No. I," she stressed, "have been trying to find you."
"So...what have I been doing for the past...I dunno, few hours?" I raised a brow. "Did I take 10 hits of acid earlier, or did I not search this place from top to bottom?"
She gave me a hopeless smile like she knew there was no point in arguing. She sucked on the cigarette, offering it to me.
I gave in, taking it from her hand, my fingers touching hers with a light touch. Her eyes moved to our hands as if she was thinking about it too. The feeling like this was a moment we needed to remember.
I took a drag on the cigarette, passing it back. She looked away, briefly turning her gaze to the ground.
But I kept my eyes on her like I'd never get another chance. "I really miss you, Juju," I spoke quietly, almost through a whisper.
She looked at me again. Her mouth moved around slightly yet remained closed like she wanted to say something. But she couldn't figure out what it was she was going to say.
I reached out, took her hand in mine. She seemed taken aback at first. But as my thumb stroked against the soft skin of her hand, a small smile began to resurface.
"There are…" she paused, "things that I would love to say to you. But I just... I'm afraid."
"Is it bad? Come on, Juju. You can tell me. You can tell me anything. I mean, we've grown up together. We've always told each other everything."
She looked apprehensive before taking another drag from her cigarette. And stubbing it out in the ashtray, she turned towards me once again.
She looked ready to say it. Whatever it was. I didn't even know the words yet. But I could tell this would mean a lot to her.
The muffled sound of the many people behind the closed glass doors became clearer, amplified even. Jujubee looked in its direction. My eyes followed.
"Blair," I uttered.
She looked slightly taken aback like she didn't know how to react to seeing us.
Jujubee dropped her hand to her side, a small puff of air leaving her nostrils.
"Jujubee." A smile appeared on Blair's face as she finally approached us both. "I didn't expect to see you here!"
"Likewise." Jujubee nodded slowly. She glanced at me, and I reciprocated.
Before I could figure out her exact emotion. But now, she was hard to read once again. My brows knit together, telepathically questioning what she was feeling.
Jujubee looked back at Blair. "Talk about awful timing though, I was just leaving." Jujubee smiled back at her.
Blair's smile was disappearing. "Oh." She paused, unable to say anything else.
"You don't have to go, Jujubee." I took her hand once again, stroking my thumb over her skin another time, just to remind her of the tender moment we were just having.
She smiled again, but only now, I knew the true words behind it. She pulled her hand away. "Early rise, actually. Gotta get up and ready for the big day tomorrow, right?" She raised her brows at me. Then she looked at Blair, "It was nice seeing you," and then back to me once more, "I hope you have a good night, Brie."
She averted her eyes, not even sparing me another glance. The clacking of her heels was deafening, each step away causing something inside to sting.
"It was nice seeing you again," Blair said before Jujubee could make it through the doors.
I heard a mumbled "yeah, yeah," before Jujubee went back inside.
My gaze still followed her, watching as she navigated the crowd.
"Did she...seem off to you?" Blair asked quietly.
"Yeah," I said without thinking. "I just...I don't know what's wrong with her...I can't...work it out…" my eyes never left the door, hoping Jujubee would reappear.
And feeling Blair's soft hand in mine, I was brought back to reality. I looked at her, seeing the concern in her eyes. Fuck, what a great way to reunite.
"Is something going on?" She asked softly.
I shook my head frantically, "N-No. We're fine...I guess I'm just overreacting. Yeah, she's just been...really busy with everything."
"That's probably true." She shrugged, glancing at the door, "Well, actually, I haven't seen what goes behind the public eye, but I bet it's taxing." Blair was facing me again, her eyes widening briefly.
I let out a small laugh, "Oh, you have no idea." And only then did I get a real chance to take her in. The girl had not changed. Well, call me corny, but she only got more radiant looking.
"I didn't think you'd come," I spoke with a hushed tone.
"Sorry, I was late. I couldn't get a cab for ages." She gave a half-smile. "I guess New York really is that kind of place."
"Fuck, I didn't think about traffic. I could have got you a driver or something. "I started rambling.
"No, it's OK. I'm here now anyway." Her eyes looked me up and down, "you look great, by the way. Pink always was your colour."
Funny how the last time she gave me a compliment, I shut her down. But now, I couldn't bring myself to do so. "Thank you."
I wasn't expecting her to hug me, but she did. It was very welcoming. If I could rate it out of 10, I'd give it a 9. Why the missing point? Cause she pulled away too soon. I needed that time, just to soak up the moment.
My arm was still around her waist when she put a hand to my face.
"It's so good to see you." She beamed, the city lights reflected in her eyes.
"You wanna go upstairs? We'll hear better up there. And it's kinda chilly out here." I hoped she didn't find that creepy or like I was suggesting something because that was not my intention, believe it or not.
I almost jumped, the sound of her sweet voice dragging me out of the storm that was my inner ramblings. "What about your party?" She looked over her shoulder at all the guests behind the closed doors."
"They'll be fine," I said too quickly.
"Oh. Well, if you say so."
She didn't find that weird. Good. I finally pulled my arm from her body but took her hand instead, leading her into the apartment.
I ignored the side glances we received, too focused on her presence behind me. Still so in disbelief that for once, she hadn't flaked out. She really did give a fuck. Walking up the stairs, I only noticed how my vision had cleared. I no longer felt drunk. Had it just been a quick rush of nausea that left me feeling so weary before? Or had the shock of seeing Blair literally walk into my life again shocked me so much to the point it sobered me up?
"Here we go," I said quietly, welcoming her into the upper level.
"Wow, you got another living room up here." Blair's wandering eyes landed on the couch.
"Yeah. The one downstairs is for fucking business and parties. And this one," I gestured to where she was looking, "is for hanging out mostly, and…" Why did I have to be so nervous?
"Hookups?" She looked at me with raised brows and a smirk.
I laughed nervously, moving to the fake fireplace and turning it on. Why didn't I just say no? She probably thought I was a slut or something. "Sit down if you want. Do you want a drink? I'd love a fucking drink right now."
"Nah, I'm good. Thanks, though." She replied, sitting down on the sofa and relishing the feeling of it.
"I need some fucking water." I rushed to the mini-fridge and pulled out a bottle.
Turning back to face Blair, she was looking at me in confusion. "You OK?"
"What?" That was all I thought to reply with.
"You seem kind of…" she paused, trying to figure out her words, "on edge."
"I do?" My hands played with the water bottle.
"Yeah, you've included the word 'fucking' in every sentence since we got up here." She allowed herself to smirk.
Subliminal, Blair. I like it.
Fuck, I dragged my mind out of the gutter and practically rushed to the couch. "Oh, it's just...tomorrow. The nerves, you know." I sat on the other end of the sofa, took a gulp of water and made myself comfortable.
Blair turned to face her body towards me. "Am I wrong, or was Ed Sheeran downstairs??"
"Yeah, he was. It's kind of a long story, actually." I laughed. "You a fan?"
"No, not really," Blair replied.
"Good, me neither. Not really into the whole wedding dance song vibe."
"Me too." She groaned, "If I hear Thinking out loud at another wedding, girl, I'm just...I dunno."
"I get it. 100%"
"Well, enough about him," Blair sat up straight, a bright smile on her face. She laughed for a moment before even speaking, "Fuck, I was just about to ask what you've been up to." She gestured a hand around the room, "I mean, duh."
"Yeah," I returned the laugh, "It's pretty much just that. This project has taken up most of my life over the years."
"God, I remember reading in the paper...fuck, I can't remember the exact title. It was this tiny article just squashed into a corner. 'Scientist seeks to prove the existence of other realities.' Yeah, it was something like that. And…" She shrugged, "I just knew it was you. And, I knew you'd go far."
I felt the blush creep onto my skin. Hearing this from Blair felt otherworldly.
"I mean, I knew before. When you told me at Prom, I knew you'd be able to do it." She added.
"How did you know?" I asked.
"Just hearing how you talked about it. Like, you really believed in yourself. It made me believe too." She swapped around the legs she crossed.
"It was hard. Trying to get people on board with everything. Not a lot of people believed it was even possible in the beginning." I unscrewed the cap from the bottle of water. "And now look at me; I got the government behind this whole thing." I shrugged and took a sip of the water. Before she could go on, I took the conversation on another route. "But what about you? Where are you in life?"
I knew where she was in life. Hadn't I Facebook stalked her not too long before?
"Well, it sounds far fetched, but I'm trying to get into the music scene." Blair sat back in her seat, eyes wandering off, looking at nothing in particular.
"You always did like performing," I noted. "Starting out in the school playgrounds. Soon you'll be playing an Arena with a sold-out show."
Did I sound cheesy? Was I too much of a kiss ass? Because to me, this was honesty. I always thought Blair had the potential to be a famous singer. She had the voice, the looks, style and personality. Who wouldn't want her as part of their label?
Fuck, it only hit me that I could have gotten her a spot to perform at the event.
Blair had stood, a small sigh emitting her lips. "An Arena? Imagine that." She smirked for a moment, stepping away from the couch. For a hot second, I thought I had stepped on territory I shouldn't have, and she was leaving. But she made her way to the window, staring out over New York. So I naturally went too. "Well, I've just been singing around bars for a while now, even had 2 gigs. Nothing too amazing." She explained. "I mean, I know you say Arena and all, but, actually, I wouldn't wanna be that big. I just...want people to hear my music."
Her smile faltered somewhat, and it spoke volumes. It wasn't happening fast enough for her, the growing number of ears that would someday listen to her words. She wanted it all now.
I sidestepped a bit closer. My fingers were so close to brushing against hers, then stopping myself in realising that was too much. "It does take time, these things. I mean, I didn't get here overnight. It will happen, Blair." She flashed me a gracious smile, and I was glad she didn't find any of that condescending. That was not my aim. "Anyway, I'd love to hear your music."
"You would?" Blair cocked her head to the side, turning more to face me, her hand on the window cill closer to mine.
"Of course," I reply. She should've known that anyway.
"Well, I'm not gonna break out into song for you right now. But I have a few videos on my Facebook. You should add me." She suggested.
I had never opened Facebook so fast. "There. I sent you a request." I scrolled through her timeline, my back now to the window, "Lemme see."
"Oh, God. Please don't. Not right now." Blair panicked.
I lifted my gaze, my eyes almost wide. Blair St Clair, the girl who wasn't hesitant to approach a mic, was embarrassed. I found this to be adorable and oddly made me feel more relaxed. "Don't be shy, Blair. I'm sure they're great."
"Brianna, don't." No joke, Blair attempted to snatch my phone away like a child.
I found it highly amusing. "Why not?" I smiled mischievously.
Blair continued her protests, trying to swipe at the phone more and more, all while laughing nervously.
Eventually, my teasing led to a chase. I still scrolled her Facebook as I ran around the room, Blair behind me.
"Which one should I look out for?" I stood at one end of the couch.
Blair stood at the other end, letting out a pant. "Brianna, you better not."
I stepped to the right, throwing her off, and she ran to her left, ready to run straight at me and take the phone out of my hand.
But I tricked her. When I took that step to the right, I pulled back and moved to the left instead. And without thinking, I threw myself down on my bed.
Before I could even get up, Blair was already there, too, crawling towards me. She reached for my phone, still pleading with me to stop.
And finally, giving the current circumstances, I gave in. "OK, OK. You win. I won't play your music in front of you." I giggled mischievously, shuffling so my back was against my headboard. "You're gonna have to remind me to check it out, though."
Blair remained at the bottom of my bed, kicking her heels off and folding them like a pretzel. It was as if we were teenagers again, catching up on all the hanging out we never got to do. She fluffed out her hair, "God, Brie, I came here to have a good time. Not to work out. Why are you still looking at your phone?"
Now that I was on her profile, scrolling back to the top, I saw a familiar picture. "Wow, this George guy's kind of cute."
Blair smiled warmly, her eyes looking upwards. And I had the slightest sinking feeling she was about to tell me this was her fucking lover or husband.
"Ah...George. What a guy." Blair blinked. "He does music too. If you like my stuff, then you'll like his too. He's got this song Gimme Love. It's my favourite."
"Is he your boyfriend?" There was no hesitation in asking.
Her brows briefly crossed. "What? No. He's one of my closest friends. Really helping me find places to perform. He's just...really cool."
I mouthed a silent 'Oh' before going on and cocking my head to the side, "Do you have a boyfriend?"
Was it normal to ask shit like this? Maybe it was. But considering I had confessed to her I liked her very much in that accidental message, perhaps I shouldn't have said it at all. Didn't want her getting sus.
I got the feeling she knew I was trying to find a way in as she raised a brow at me, the corners of her mouth turning upwards. "Nah, Brie. I'm done with boys."
I lowered my phone. That could have meant anything;
She was strictly into girls;
She had just gotten out of a bad relationship with someone, and she was going through that typical 'men are trash' phase;
She used the term 'boys' when referring to immature fuck boys who still thrived in toilet paper bombing people's houses and still fought with feminists online. She was now looking for 'a real man' who would love and respect her.
She wasn't speaking, just lay back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.
Before the silence could go on and get awkward, I shifted in my own spot. "Do you wanna elaborate on that?"
"Oh. Yeah, if you want to hear it." She said like she didn't want to, and before I could stop her, she went on, "Well, the last was Conrad. He cheated on me. Before him, there was Ethan. I found out he'd talk shit about me to all his meathead buddies, said that my ass wasn't big enough. Then Bryce with his superior attitude. And…" she sighed, "Fucking Trevor."
Just hearing his name did something to me. I could feel how my shoulders had tensed, how the breath got stuck in my throat for a moment. But my ability to talk was unaffected because I spoke up, "I remember you saying he was controlling." I moved away from my headboard, shuffling closer to her, so close she could have put her head in my lap if she wanted.
Blair nodded, "he was," she breathed out a sigh, "I can't believe I'm even admitting this, but after high school, I started seeing him again. He promised me he would change, that things would be different. And I always feel like such an idiot for believing him."
That was upsetting. My hand squeezed in a fist. "So, what was the final straw? The thing that made you end things for the last time?"
Blair took in a deep breath, rolling over onto her front and propping her head upon her hands. She looked up at me with sad eyes. "He was just the same, Brie. Always controlling me, telling me how to act, who I could and couldn't hang out with. He was like that from the beginning to the end. I mean, you remember how he reacted about that one sex-ed class? And that time, he yelled at me in front of everyone for not sitting with him at lunch one day?"
I had no idea about the last thing. And I wasn't even surprised. Trevor was that type of guy, and you just knew it within the first few minutes of meeting him.
I was curious to know, but I kind of already had a feeling. Yet, I needed clarification. "Is that why you never came back to the library? Because he knew people would talk if you were seen with the school loser?" She leaned up now, but I continued. "Is it why you never came to speak to me about the prom?"
Blair was just watching me in silence. But I could see it, the realisation in her face.
"Fuck." She sat up and moved closer to me. "Oh my gosh, Brianna. I am so sorry. I had...no idea it would hurt you." We were both face to face, and she put her hands on mine, her eyes apologetic. She cussed, briefly looking away. "Fuck, I knew you hated me. The years of silence, of course, you did."
"Wait, no. Stop. I'm sorry. I don't wanna make you feel like a bad person. That's not what I wanted to do." I said profusely, my hands tightening just slightly.
"No, no. I'm sorry. You have every right to be upset." She spoke quietly, her blue eyes pleading with me. "Just be honest with me. I owe you that. You deserve to be heard."
"Really, Blair, it's fine. It's - -"
"Brianna. You're upset. You're not really good at hiding it, no offence." She smirked at the last comment. But the smile disappeared, and she waited for my response.
I stared back at her, my gaze shifting between both those eyes. My mind debated what to do, refuse to say a thing and let it all continue to build up. Or vent years of pent up emotions that needed to be said.
I looked away, deciding the latter decision was probably the best. I really didn't want to, what with the risk of upsetting her.
But maybe she wouldn't.
But maybe she would.
But maybe…
Her hand left mine and swept a strand of hair away from my face. I didn't even know it was there. "You're really hurt, Brie," she spoke softly.
I looked back to her finally, her hand lowering back down. And I finally found my voice. "OK." I shifted in my spot, highly uncomfortable. Come on, Brie. Just tell her.
"Do you remember the prom? When you asked me how we never talked more?" Just say it. "Because I always felt inadequate. Like I wasn't enough for you. And, not just you, even my…" I paused, feeling the lump form in my throat, "...my parents. Ummm…" saying that out loud to her, it hit differently. My voice was cracking. "I always associated you with my parents. I don't know where the connection came from, and I know now that that's fucked up, and I know I probably should go to a therapist about that, but..." I quickly explained. "But yeah, I just...never felt enough. Like 'why would Blair the cheerleader want to associate with someone like me? How could Blair ever love someone like me??'"
Fuck, it just slipped out. I studied her face for a reaction, expecting her to back away.
But she didn't. She just nodded in understanding, squeezing my hand reassuringly.
"But, um...I know now. It wasn't that you didn't care. It was just...fucking Trevor." I practically growled that name.
Blair breathed out a laugh, rolling her eyes. "Fucking Trevor."
"Yeah, fuck that asshole," I allowed myself to smile before continuing on. "I just... didn't understand how hard that actually was for you."
"It was very hard. God, it bothered me so much because I really did have a soft spot for you, Brianna. I really did, ever since we were kids." Blair smiled warmly. "And that's why I'm so glad you replied to my message. After all these years."
I gulped, thinking about that damn message, and now seeing her loving smile. "Y-You didn't think it was weird?"
Blair sighed, yet her smile remained. "Brianna. Do you think I'd be sitting here if it was?" She moved her hand to my elbow, up my shoulder, caressing my cheek gently.
I almost said something. I couldn't even remember what it was. Not that it mattered because I didn't get the chance. The moment I had been waiting for, it was happening. Her face was moving closer to mine, eyes slowly closing. And as soon as I felt her lips brush against mine, the feeling of her touch caused the butterflies in my stomach to flutter. I closed my own eyes and accepted what was happening.
The kiss my teenage self craved, dreamed about even.
It was reality.
We hadn't just slipped into some other world.
This was real life. The feeling of her hand on my cheek, that was real. The butterflies in my stomach fighting against the walls, also real.
And how I lifted my hand and held her face, also real.
She pulled away first, but her lips were still close, "was that OK?"
"Yeah," I moved my face back towards hers, initiating another kiss. I was savouring every bit of this moment. The sweet taste of her was too much to not let go of.
But she pulled back again, letting herself fall back against the mattress. I stared at her for a few seconds. Fuck, this was happening. Something inside me was hesitant to do this. The nerves, the fear of not being enough for her.
Blair reached out for my hand, and I knew I was just overthinking again. I took her hand and allowed her to pull me down to her.
Lowering my face to hers, I kissed her again, more hungrily this time. For a second, I didn't know where to go from there, still so in disbelief that my luck had turned around.
When I pulled away, my hand travelling down the side of her face. "Oh my God...is this real?"
"Of course it is." Blair giggled, her hands roaming up and down my back.
"OK. Good!" I panted, moving my kisses to her cheek, then her neck, and I could feel my heart beating a bit faster.
But because I am Brianna Caldwell, the most awkward person to have ever lived, I had to go on with the questions. "Hey, Blair, can I ask you something?" I kept my lips where they were.
"Mhmm?" She purred when I kissed that point where her neck met her shoulder. The pathetic noise she made almost made me melt, I swear to God.
"Were you…" come on, Brie, just say it, "were you gonna kiss me at the prom?"
She chuckled, "Yeah. But Trevor had to be an insecure loser."
I appreciated the cute giggling sound she made.
I lifted my head away from her skin and leaned up. I looked at her with a raised brow.
Blair was smiling still, but I knew she was getting impatient.
"So...you like-liked me back then too? Even when I was ugly?" I asked.
"Brianna, you were never ugly." Blair's brows connected, a hand stroking up and down my side. She really was getting needy. "And yes. I always like-liked you. God, that's so cute. You still say like-like." She took my hands and guided them to the knot tight at the side of her wrap dress.
"Shut up. Fuck, you're so beautiful." My hands began to untie the knot while I lowered my face and kissed along her clavicle and the only bit of exposed chest I had access to.
"Fuck. If only you knew how long I wanted this." Blair mewled. "I didn't think this was ever gonna happen. Even when I saw you and Juju out on the balcony, I was like...fuck. I'm too late."
Confusion immediately took me over. I pulled back again, looking down at her. A brief flash of frustration appeared on her face, but I ignored it. "Wait. What?"
"Yeah, I just…" Blair looked away for a moment as if debating on continuing or not, "always saw how you were around her. Always so happy. Like you were on top of the world. And I just didn't want to get in the way of that."
Her hand was trailing along my thigh, but I ignored it.
"Wait...Jujubee?" I knew that's who she was talking about, but even the sound of her name, it made something inside hurt. Not a hurt that she caused. Something...so different yet familiar at the same time.
"Yes. I never saw you that happy around anyone else…" Blair leaned back, balancing against my propped knees. "I mean, the prom? The way you looked at me, it was nothing compared to when you're with her. With Jujubee, it was...always so different."
Realisation dawned on me. I knew what she was getting at.
I opened my mouth to speak, ready to say I didn't like Jujubee in that way. But the words wouldn't surface. No matter how much I willed myself, I just couldn't. Even the thought of saying it made that feeling of hurt feel 10 times worse.
"You OK?" Her fingers danced around my thigh again, only with more wanting now.
"But…" I began, "I gave you my Valentine's card in first grade."
Now she was silent, her gaze shifting between both my eyes. She leaned up on both elbows, realising my questions weren't going to stop, and her pussy wasn't going to be eaten any time soon. She gave a nervous laugh, "um, no. You gave it to Jujubee."
I squinted my eyes. "No. I gave it to you, Blair."
"Girl, you gave it to me, and when I asked if it was mine, you shouted at me, saying it was for Juju and you just wanted me to check it out." She was laughing again. But seeing my still confused face, her smile began to drop. "You don't remember that?"
I was silent for a moment. Blair was in front of me, the love of my life, but all I could see was the image of Jujubee in my head. Her perfect little face, the way her eyes crinkled at the corners when she laughed, that bright smile, her silky black hair that always smelt so good.
I thought back, all the way back to that specific Valentine's Day. I remembered handing the card to Blair, her confused face, how the kids snickered as I stood there feeling sorry for myself. And Jujubee shouting at them all for making jokes.
But that was all.
"I... don't remember that," I spoke quietly, my eyes squinted.
"Not even the card she gave you?"
My eyes widened at that. "She did what?"
"Yeah, she gave you a card."
Now that she mentioned it, there was a flicker of an image in my head; something pastel pink. My tiny painted fingers holding a heart shape. Baby Brianna smiling, only to lift her head and see the other kids making fun.
"Oh, shit…" I whispered. I climbed off Blair and got up from the bed.
I was on the verge of pacing, my hand in my hair, "Oh my God."
"Don't be embarrassed, Brie." Blair was fully sat up in the bed now, her legs spread as if trying to beckon me back. "Not a lot of people can remember so far back."
I needed to prove if this was real or not. I'd call Jujubee. But then again, would she have even answered? If what Blair was saying was true, that explained why Jujubee was behaving the way she was. She was hurt. She was pissed because I didn't remember her card.
But how the fuck could I have forgotten something like that? All my life, that was all I ever wanted - to know I was loved by someone. Such a memory like that…
"Brie, are we...you know...gonna…" Blair spoke quietly.
My eyes widened. A memory like that. A memory that would be worth keeping.
I turned to face her. "Blair, wait here. I'll be right back."
"OK. Sure." Blair blinked a few times.
I wasted no time rushing downstairs. Taking a moment to observe the crowd, it seemed, quite a few guests had left already. At least it would make it easier to navigate.
I made my way to the kitchen. The memory box was still there. For a millisecond, I feared someone would have stolen it.
I took it to the counter, no one was around, so I felt safe enough to open it.
My nerves were wrecked as I lifted the latch to the box. I only had a small idea of the things that would be in here. Old photos, movie tickets, childhood drawings.
But I hadn't planned on opening it up so soon.
No. I needed to know the truth.
Opening it up, I saw a bunch of photos, tickets and pieces of folded up paper. I removed them, planning to possibly look at them at a later date.
The more I pulled out, the more confident I felt that Blair had got it all wrong. And she was the one who remembered things differently.
But there was a flash of pink at the bottom of the box. I gulped, pushing aside the scraps of paper burying it.
And there it was; A pastel pink heart-shaped card, 'Happy Valentines Day' writing in glitter gel pen on the front. "Shit…" I said quietly, pulling the card out.
Opening it up, I breathed out a puff of air.
'Dear Brianna, I know people in class are mean and say nasty things. But I think you are the prettiest girl in the world. Happy Valentine's day. Love from Juju xxx'
I could hear the younger version of myself reading it out loud, the insults from the other kids, Jujubee yelling at them because they were just jealous.
I put the card down as I realised Blair was right. And memories resurfaced, reading completely different.
That Valentines Day in which she refused to tell me who she had eyes for
That time she didn't invite me to stay for dinner.
How her smile would drop every time I mentioned Blair.
How I never danced with her at the prom
And finally, our recent argument.
It all made sense. Jujubee was in love with me. And instead of recognising it earlier on, I was too caught up with Blair to see it.
And what about me? How did I feel about her? Yeah, Jujubee was my one and only friend. She had gotten me through so much throughout the years. If it weren't for her, who knew where I would have been.
I couldn't pinpoint any time that I had thought of her as more than just a friend.
Well, maybe the times we'd lie in bed and just...stare into each other's eyes. Or the time she held me as I sobbed into her chest after the incident at the prom. Or maybe the times she'd smile, and it would brighten up my day. Or the exact day that I noticed how cute it was when her lashes fluttered.
My eyes met the heart-shaped card again, how the very sight of it made my heart skip a beat.
"Fuck." I ran my fingers through my hair as it was clear to me.
My eyes ventured away from the card, moving to the scraps of paper.
'Grandpa's tips for life'
My hand told me to examine the piece of paper further, so I did so.
At the top of the list, there it was. A sign.
'Go get her, kiddo. You've got nothing to lose.'
I needed to tell her.
I packed the box up and quickly left the kitchen, noting that a few more people had left.
"Blair!" I called, rushing up the stairs.
She was still there, laying in the bed, in just her white lacey lingerie.
I covered my eyes. "Oh my God. That was unexpected."
"Fuck. Sorry. I kind of had a feeling that would have been inappropriate." She asked.
"What? No. You're fine. I just... wasn't prepared for that." I stuttered, still covering my eyes. "Could you just...cover-up for a second."
"OK." I heard her say. "You can look now."
I looked back. She did pull the duvet up, but just below the wire of her bra.
"OK," I breathed out, trying to ignore her cleavage, "I think you're right about Jujubee."
"You think?"
"Yes," I replied before shaking my head profusely. "No. I know. You're right, Blair. I...I like her. Maybe even love her." Fuck, saying that out loud, it did something to me, "And yes, I liked you for so long, but you're right. I was always happiest with her."
I was expecting her to be disappointed, but she smiled. "Well, what are you waiting for?"
"Go get her."
Grandpa's words reiterated.
"You're not upset that we're not gonna have sex right now?"
"No, Brie." Blair threw back the covers, picking up her gold wrap dress off the floor, "I already learned how to deal with it. Knowing you belonged to someone else." She wrapped her body up in the dress effortlessly, fluffed out her hair and turned to look at me again. "I know you're meant to be with her. So, go. Go tell her now before it's too late."
Despite this revelation, I couldn't help but feel like a dick. Blair was smiling, but I knew she had to feel some level of hurt. I walked towards her and brought her into a hug.
"I'm sorry for what I did to you, Brie," Blair whispered in my ear.
I only held her tighter, "Don't be," and I pulled away, my hands still on her shoulders, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have ever opened my eyes."
I kissed her on the cheek, and she smiled warmly. I turned to leave, and before I made my way downstairs, I looked at her once more. Her hand was on her face where my lips had been. I was glad I could give her that one last kiss, just something to hold on to.
"You really helped me, Blair," I said.
"Good." She said graciously. "Now go."
The urgency in her voice only fueled my determination.
I was under no time limit, but I couldn't help but want to reach Jujubee as soon as possible.
When I was outside, I shouted for the first cab I saw. Thankfully it pulled over. I got in and pulled out my phone.
But the car was still.
"Go! Drive!" I raised my voice.
"Lady. You haven't even told me where you're headed!" The cabbie turned in his seat.
Fuck, I sounded crazy. How he hadn't thrown me out was beyond me.
I only realised that I had no idea where my destination was. Jujubee could have been anywhere.
The driver was still looking at me, his patience growing thin. So I barked out Jujubee's address.
He seemed relieved to be on the road again. Only then was I aware of the honking cars behind us. Typical for New York, but this was too much.
I found Jujubee's number, trying my luck at the chance she'd answer.
It rang.
And it rang.
And it rang some more.
"Come on, come on," I repeated quietly to myself. Relax, Brie. It's not like she's catching a plane to the furthest state.
The phone went straight to voicemail. "Fuck!"
The cab driver glared at me in the rearview mirror.
I ignored him and tried again. Still nothing.
A few minutes passed, and I tried once more. But again, my luck was shit on.
I dropped my hands to my lap, sighing frustratedly. All I could do was just see if she was home.
My eyes trailed to beyond the window, just hoping to get there as soon as possible.
And there she was. Walking out of a pizza place, a solemn look on her face.
"There she is," I said aloud to myself before turning my attention to the cab driver. "Stop! Pull over!"
He came to a grinding halt. "Jesus Christ, lady! You really need to stop all that yelling and - -"
I handed him a $20 bill, "keep the change. Thank you."
I got out of the vehicle, eyes looking to where Jujubee once was. She was gone.
"Fuck." I looked down one path, not there. And looking down the other, there was Jujubee, rounding the corner and eating a slice of pizza.
I ran in my heels, people moving out of the way to dodge me.
I knew I was an inconvenience to so many, but Jujubee at that moment was my priority.
Rounding the corner, I saw she didn't get far. I couldn't help but bend over for a hot second, trying to catch my breath.
And when I recovered, I shouted out, "Jujubee!"
She turned, eyes wide like she had never heard my voice before. And when she saw it was me, her face sort of fell.
My hand reached into my bag, and I pulled out the Valentines Day card.
She looked confused at first, but then recognition settled in. And the disappointment was replaced with fear.
I stopped panting. And finally, I could speak. "You were right. Approval; That's all I ever wanted. And I thought that if Blair gave that to me, I'd be good enough. Because I never felt that. I never felt good enough. I wasn't good enough for Blair, I was never good enough for my parents, and I'd never be good enough for anyone."
Jujubee was silent for a moment, eyes falling to the pavement and then back up again. "You were good enough for me."
I breathed out. "I know. But I was...too caught up in my own shit to think about how you felt. Too caught up that...I didn't even think about how I felt." I paused, thinking of how the fuck I should say it. No, I didn't need to think. This wasn't some cheesy movie. "I...I love you, Juju."
She let out a breath, a shaky one like she was on the verge of tears. And her eyes became glossy. I really wanted to tell her not to cry, to be happy. But this moment, she wanted this all her life.
A tear slipped down her cheek, but she laughed. "Fuck, I got this fucking pizza 'cause I needed heartbreak food."
I returned the laugh. "Hey, it's OK. You can still eat it. It can be normal pizza."
"No. I'm not even hungry anyway." Jujubee admitted, passing the pizza to a random passerby (who was taken by surprise but accepted the free food anyway).
Jujubee walked towards me. I smiled, already smelling that sweet perfume.
But she pushed me back. "Fuck you for forgetting about the card. I knew you did. I always remembered yours."
"I'm so sorry. I don't know why I forgot. But," I paused, "Blair reminded me."
"She did?"
"Wow. She remembered. But you didn't."
"Yeah. I'm...really really sorry."
"Wow. Is this our first couple fight?" Jujubee put her hands on her hips.
"It could be. If... that's what you want to call us." I suggested.
"Perfect. Seal the deal?" She raised a brow.
I knew where this was going. "Oh, absolutely."
Jujubee stepped closer, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and pressed her lips against mine. And that unfamiliar spark coursed through me, like it came from somewhere inside her and travelled through my body.
And I didn't care for the fact we were in the middle of the street, probably inconveniencing others. All that mattered was the happiness coursing through me, the feeling of...being complete.
I pulled out of the kiss first. "Wanna get in that rocket and be the first to go to the other world?"
Jujubee smiled but quickly stopped. "I-I'm kinda unprepared. I mean... I'd need a toothbrush, my clothes..."
"Where we're going...you don't need 'em." And then I played the words back in my head. "Oh. Oh shit, no. Not in that context. I just meant... you'd get new ones, you know? Fuck, I'm terrible at this."
"No. You're just you." Jujubee laughed, and fuck, I adored how her eyes were crinkling at the corners.
We grabbed the nearest cab. When we told him where we were going, his eyes widened. It would be a journey. But we paid upfront, so the driver remained silent.
When we got to base, I almost cursed myself for not thinking about how we'd access all the areas.
But there was that mastercard. And they couldn't say no. They knew who I was, after all.
When we were in the gowning area, Jujubee and I helped each other into spacesuits. I was high with anticipation, ready to see what was on the other side, ready to do it all with Jujubee.
This was our dream.
Jujubee grabbed two helmets. One for her and one for me. She tossed it my way, and I caught it.
"Ready to go?" She asked.
"Absolutely." I extended my hand, and we made our way to the door.
The cold cool air was refreshing. My eyes travelled up and down the rocket. It was bigger than I imagined, and for a small second, I felt worthless. Like I was just Brianna Caldwell, a girl from a small town with no real purpose in this world.
But Jujubee slid her hand into mine. And I was reminded that all I had to do was shut my inner demons up. Because I did have a purpose. And I was something to someone. As long as I had her, that was all that mattered.
Jujubee smiled mischievously, pulling me along the bridge, leading me to the already opened door. She ducked down and climbed into the small space, and I followed.
It was disorientating at first, what with the rocket facing the sky. I feared I'd fall trying to get into my seat. But Jujubee continued to pull me along.
When we were seated, I wasted no time putting on my helmet and initiated the activation process.
I could feel Jujubee's smirk as I flicked at switches and pressed buttons. It only fueled my excitement.
A voice came through the radio, one of the engineers. We were bombarded with questions, demanding to know what we were doing, how it was too early for take off with no press to film it, all sorts of complaints.
But we didn't care.
When everything seemed ready to go, I put my hand on the lever. But before I pulled, I turned my head to her.
"Ready to see the flying horses?" I raised a brow.
"Just as ready as I am for the cats that bark." She breathed out a laugh through her nostrils.
With another smile, I pulled the lever. The ship was rumbling now, and my stomach was doing somersaults.
We both turned our attention to the sounds of protest from the engineers. They were livid now, shouting about how the media wasn't going to like this.
I lifted my hand up, flipping the source of the sound off. Jujubee cackled to my delight.
I put the intercom on mute. And the ship took off. Mom was gonna kill me for this. I'd definitely bring her back a gift. A new vase, maybe? Yeah. A vase from an entirely new world. Something new.
I looked forward, unable to see the ground below us. How high were we already? How long was left until we reached that crossover, the gateway?
My question was answered as the ship was illuminated by a bright light.
We did it, Grandpa. We did it.
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thefloatingstone · 5 years
You got me curious, where did the "Keep calm and ___" come from? I've always seen the meme but I never knew there was a not meme-y origin
Let’s be real, ya’ll knew I wanted to explain this XD
The very most originalslogan for the meme/design was “Keep Calm and Carry On” and was a poster which looked like this
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The poster was produced by the British government in 1939 in preparation for World War II.
The poster was produced to reassure and motivate the British general public who, by 1939, was well aware of the growing unrest in Europe and Nazi Germany’s expansion. Despite what many history books say, WWII “officially” started in 1941 after Hitler invaded Poland, but there was trouble YEARS before that and many countries were at war with Germany a few years earlier than the Allies. (going against treaties signed by Germany in an attempt to AVOID war breaking out due to Hitler’s expansion. This was due to the fact that Europe had just HAD a massive war with WWI which ended in 1918 and Europe and England were trying to avoid another massive war breaking out. That s kind of its own little history lesson so I’ll cut it short).
The point is, Hitler began his invasion of neighbouring countries around 1933 or so (my dates are not the best and its been a few years since I checked the exact numbers but I believe he was sworn in as Chancellor in 1931 and started his campaign of Nazi expansion in 1933 or so. I could be wrong but I really can’t go down a WWII rabbit hole right this second so please google the exact dates on your own)
the point IS… England was well aware of Germany being a problem well before 1941 when WWII “officially” began by the Allied countries declaring war on Germany and its invaded countries and allies. By 1939, England was aware that war most likely was inevitable and had predicted that England would be victim to massive air strikes from Germany.
The point of the poster was to appeal to the British mass public, and its essentially message was “Don’t panic. Keep living your lives as normal. Just keep moving forward.”
The poster was not used en masse and only rarely actually displayed during WWII but it did appear publicly a few times during the war.
Some people have criticised the poster as being a little Orwellian, because it could be seen as trying to lull the British populace into a false sense of security, or telling them to ignore the massive growing problem in Europe.
However, I feel (and many historians seem to agree with me) that the poster was appealing to the tradition British mentality of “stiff upper lip” and resilience during times of adversity. It’s essentially telling people not to lose their minds and go apeshit, but to keep going, don’t crumble into despair, and move forward.
it IS propaganda, make no mistake, but I think what most people forget is that “Propaganda” is not a positive or negative concept. It is a neutral concept that very most often gets used for negative reasons, and so it has been given a negative connotation. But propaganda at its core, is defined as
“Denoting ideas or information as a means to advance a cause.”
I for one HATE inaccuracy, but let it be known that it is in how Propaganda is USED that makes it negative or positive. All Propaganda is used to try and influence or control the populace, but it is to what GOAL you are trying to influence the populace. Unfortunately MOST of the time that goal is simply “Don’t question the people in power”. But in this case? The goal was simply “Do not panic”, for better or worse.
My point is one should look at the REASONS a piece of propaganda exists rather than say “it is Propaganda. Therefor it is bad”.
Hell, “Love Wins” is a piece of propaganda. We just don’t call it that despite it literally fitting the term because we’ve been so taught that “Propaganda” is a bad thing due to how groups and governments have abused it in the past.
But I’m rambling now. You can disagree with me on my propaganda thing and I completely understand, I’m just trying to give context.
Back to the poster!
The poster actually has 2 sister posters to go with it which did NOT become a meme for reason I can’t IMAGINE as to why~
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and the far less noble one which is more in line with traditional propaganda
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Anyway, the poster wasn’t widely used and didn’t become as recogniseable as the WWI “I want YOU for the US Army” poster, but it was discovered in an old bookstore in 2000 where, after getting hung up behind the register, it gained massive attention so the owner started selling merchandise for it (coffee mugs etc etc).
And from there and further spreading it became the meme it eventually ended up being.
The reason I find this insulting is not so much that it was so widely used, as it is that it was so widely used with SO FEW PEOPLE knowing its original roots and reason for existing.
I’m all for re-interpreting propaganda in new ways and for the transformative use of art… but I can’t help but cringe a little on the inside when I see a poster meant to calm a troubled populace in the face of dictatorship growing in Europe used like this…
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Where the “Keep Calm” is complete irrelevant to the phrase and the structure of the meme is used ONLY to express how you are a “fan” of something. Whether that be for a movie, video game or some kind of media, to things like having a certain dog breed, havng a hobby like dancing or horse riding, or even just plain “Shopping” because wimmin be like-
I am all for transformative work using old design and art pieces transformed into something new by bringing a new perspective. Hell that’s what a large part of modern art IS. Reinterpretation, transforming, deconstruction, re-inventing. That’s a GIANT part of art…
but…. this went far and beyond that. This went from transforming old art concepts for a modern age by redefining them and went straight to “unfunny meme based on a period of real historical suffering”.
And it’s probably not really THAT big a deal… but that doesn’t change the fact that to me personally, I found it insulting. And I’m glad it’s died.
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kate-read-that · 4 years
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Everyone knows there's two groups in Scott's town: bikers and players. On one hand, bikers are a mess to be around: always looking for trouble, making noise, partying all over the city.... a mess. Th issue is, most have good grades and know enough about machines and motors and such to give classes to the mechanics from town.
On the other hand, players are nice looking, kind hearted, smart boys that never make a fuss and are always there to help the community however they can. Most are football players, runners and basketball players or all of those at the same time. They're a charm to be around, if you're lucky enough to get in their circle.
"Welcome to Pop's, please sit wherever, its early yet" says Peter to his friends, careful to keep equilibrium on his rollers.
"Thanks Mr, we'll take the same table we usually do" Steve laughs and goes sit at their usual table with the rest.
Serving the table next to them, pretty blond looks at Peter with adoration.
"Is Claire still trying to get you to ask her out, Peter" MJ asks, fully knowing the answer already. Peter whines.
"I've tried to discourage her in a million ways! I'm bi, but I'm not interested in her, I dont know why she doesnt get it!"
"Man shes hot and funny, what is there not to be interested about?" Sam asks, one broe arched in disbelief.
"If you like her, ask her out! That'll get her off me" Peter begs while writing down their orders, even thought theres no need.
They always order the same food and wait until Peter finishes his turn to go so something around the city, and tonight's no exception, until new company arrives.
The door opens to Tony S., major douchebag of the city, and his friends, the major dumbasses, Nat, Clint and Bucky B. Peter's friends instantly look awkward and pissed, and the other persons in the diner look at Tony's and his friends with dread. Who know what they might be up to. The fact that they cant be thrown off high school because his amazing grades pisses off a lot of people.
Peter swallows and calms himself. He hopes Tony wont cause problems in the diner, because that's the last thing he needs and tmhe really doesnt want to kick anyone out. Besides, he isn't sure how he would kick them out if he had to.
Despite his nervousness, he rolls to them and smiles politely: " Welcome to Pop's, please sit wherever, today is not as full"
"What about you sit on my lap, darling?" Tony claimed he was bi a long time ago; more than claimed, he was caught having sex with some guy under the major's statue. Peter counts to five so he doesnt reply to that.
"Choose whatever table you want, I'll go serve you right now" he then turns around to give the cooker his friends orders, hoping he doesnt look too startled.
Tony usually mocks them in high school, and they mock right back, but he has never said anything sexual to him. It's strange, thinking of him that way, like someone you can have sex with. Peter shakes his head and rolls back to Tony's table.
Nat and Clint are too busy signaling at each other to notice he's there, and Bucky is checking something on the other side of the diner. Peter is too shy to say something when no one is paying attention, so he waits until Tony tells his friends to shut up and order already because they're making Parker loose his time.
Peter looks at him surprised, but smiles and starts taking notes. Clint has a little bit problem to order, because his deaf and his parents couldnt teach him to talk until he got in school, but he manages. Peter likes Clint, he's nice and seems a good person, but he doesnt understand why he mixes with the rest.
Nat is adopted and she's always in trouble for this thing or the other, she's always quiet but when she talks is like she's always trying to test you, somehow. Bruce had to give her math classes for a while and he said she's actually not that bad, but she still scares Peter.
Buckys parents are cool, they let him leave alone, which sounds incredible, but hes always argues with teachers and missing class, and hes always inappropriate and rude to people.
And Tony's parents are as rich as it gets, but they like to live away from big cities so they're here until tony graduates. Peter doesn't know much about them, except that they no longer pick Tony up when he gets arrested so one of the members of their staff does it. His uncle Sam is a cop, and he says theres nothing sadder than parents that dont care about his son enough to get mad at him.
So Peter tries to be kind to them, but it's so hard when all they do is mock him and his friends. Besides, Tony always has the expression, like he's to good for everyone else! It drives Peter mad.
"I'm going to have the Burguer 6, with chips and a piece of that ass" Tony pretends to read seriously from the menu, but his friends dont laugh. Peter's tired of the jokes, but he needs the job and Tony is not going to ruin this for him.
"Sure thing, dude, maybe when hell freezes. What else?" The others do laugh this time, to Peter's confusion, and order their meals.
"Dude he absolutely hates you" Bucky seems to find this hilarious, even though hes Tony's best friend and he should support him, dammit!
"Of course he had to wear shorts, not like I could keep my mind straight or something" Tony moans, watching Peter roll away like the cute doll he is.
"You're like an animal dude" Clint says, little sloppy but understandable.
"Pathetic" Adds Nat, as if Tony needed confirmation of the screw up.
"And besides, since when is your mind straight?" Bucky laughs at his own joke, like the idiot he is, Tony thinks, while checking the other side of the diner again.
"At least I dont stalk Rogers from here like some kind of pervert" Tony smiles wide at Bucky's affronted face, blushing and frowning. "Whatever".
"Dude, just tell him you're into him and ask him on a date, this suave shit is not your style" Clint signs, too tired to try and talk. Tony signs back "Suave is totally think you jerk!"
"Not when you care" Nat interrupts as direct as always, looking seriously at him. "Food here is good but if you did yourself a favor and went straight to it we wouldnt have to come here and hear you whine"
"Straight?" Bucky chimes again, entertained. Nat hits him in the back of the head "Idiot."
"I will, alright? I will"
Rught then, Peter comes back with their drinks and Tony leans back.
"I dont know what I like the most, you coming to me in those cute rolls or you going away in that killer short"
All his friends look at him exasperated, and Tony cant believe he actually said that to Peter. Hes never going to get a date with his cheesy fucking lines.
But Peter laughs. Not a big laugh, okay, but a short, cute one that he tries to hide.
"Maybe youd like me better without both, huh Tony?" He leans towards Tony a little, his hand on Tony's shoulder for a second.
Hes gone just as fast as he came, leaving the whole table shocked.
Tony knows he should close his mouth, but he cant believe Peter Parker just legit flirted back at him. What the hell? He needs a cold shower right now, and his friends need to stop looking at him.
"Did you pay him to say that or something" Tony knows Bucky is trying to be funny, but truth is he cant explain that act either, and when he looks at Nat and Clint for help, they're just staring at him like a third head just grew out.
Peter is hyperventilating.
"I cant believe I flirted back. What the hell is wrong with me?" His friends are looking at him like he just told them he likes to dance hula naked in december, and Peter cant blame them
"Huh, maybe the fact that you've had the hots for him for years?"MJs voice cuts the air. Peter looks at her in disbelief.
"I have not! He's arrogant and careless and despective and rude and..."
"And hot and intelligent and funny, in your opinion" MJ adds, smiling "I've seen you laugh at his jokes when you think no one is watching, and you cant deny hes hot and smary"
"Maybe you should date him"
"Dont be ridiculous, I'm leaning to girls in this period of my life. And he's into you, not me"
Peter couldnt believe MJ. He did not have the hots for Tony, and Tomy was not funny, not all the time anyway, and Tony Stark was not into Peter in any way, shape or form.
And yet he had felt so good flirting with him. Seeing his amazement when Peter had answered. For once, Tony was not in control of everything and playing his jokes, he was shocked.
And Peter did that to him.
So Peter decided, what the hell, let's try this out. If he ends up being an asshole, my friends will kick his ass for me.
"If you like him, go ahead, but he looks like too much trouble for me" Steve said, looking worried. He and Bucky had been childhood friends, but they bad separated later in life and Steve didn't like to be close to him or his friends, Tony included.
"Yeah, and if he's a jerk to you well talk to him" Sam smiled threatingly, clapping his hands.
"Nat is really nice to be around when you meet her" added a blushing Bruce, who had been crushing on the ginger since they met but was way too shy to say or do anything.
Peter kept working until he had to deliver Tony's food. He tried not to show he was nervous and he definitely didnt check his ass before going out the kitchen with the food.
"Number 6,8,12, and 3 for you guys, with chips for everyone and a piece of ass for Anthony" he looked at Tony intently, trying to guess his reaction. For a second Stark just stranded there, shocked, until he slapped Peter's ass so strongly all the diner turned around. Or maybe it was because Peter had let out the loudest moan a boy his size could produce.
Peter thought he was going to kill himself. What was that?? One thing is flirting,but that? He was so losing his job. Trying to keep as much dignity as he could, he said "That's more than a piece, and it hurt, you idiot" and he turned around and left, head high and eyes burning from shame.
Tony was going to kill himself.
"Dude, what the fuck? He was kidding you dumbass" Bucky, again, was laughing at him. Although this time Tony couldnt blame him, fuck it. What the hell was that?? It's not like Peter's bubble butt didnt deserve one or two good slaps, but Peter worked there!
On the other hand, how could have Tomy anticipated that Peter was going to react like that? That moan could have brought people from the death, nd it certainly brought some of Tony's parts as well.
"It seemed like he liked it" Nat said, like she was reading Tony's mind. She was trying to keep herself from laughing, while Clint signaled that he was scarred for life.
Tont got up without knowing what he was doing. People weren't looking directly anymore, but he knew they were still totally focused on his movements. He got in the staff room without problems. Apparently Claire was too shocked to say nothing about it.
As soon as he got in he saw Peter, sitting in a corner, head buried on his lap.
"Dude what the hell? Are you alright?" Tony rushed to him scared. Peter just laughed.
"You're kidding? I'm si getting fired after that. What the fuck, man? In which world is that an appropriate way of flirting?"
"So we were flirting?" Tony wanted to confirm, and he realized now he sounded like an ass.
"Oh my god you slapped my ass but you dodnt know we were flirting? Dude! You're all class arent you?" Peter frowned at him.
"Didnt seem like you cared" Tomy knew he was being a dick, but he couldnt help it when Peter was right there, all long legs and blushed and nervous and biting his goddamn lip making it even redder than usual. If possible, Peter got even more red. "I liked that a lot, but that doesnt mean you can do it in my job, you idiot"
"What about my place? When you finish here?" Tony knew he was going to be totally rejected after that but he had to try, right?
"Ah, no, I'm not letting you win after that. You're taking me on a date first, and if you behave I'll let you take me to your place and well see what happens" Peter said, knowing full well he was going to be ditched.
"Wait, you sirious?" Peter opened his eyes in disbelief.
"What, you're not?" Tony arched his brow.
"I am, I am. Okay, deal"
"Can I ask you something, before I leave?"
"Would you wear those shorts to our date?"
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jaehyunsuh · 5 years
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—pairing: idol! Taeyong x reader
—genre: au/ fluff/ boyfriend! Taeyong
—words count: + 1k
summary: for a long time you have felt pretty lonely and sad, yes you have friends and stuff but they always are making comments that make you feel upset or uncomfortable and sometimes they don't even seem to care about what you think or say. In university some people are really nice but the majority just use you since you are so kind to everyone, you don't want to change your personality since you know it's better to help people and be nice rather then treat them like sh*t. You just need a friend, someone you can trust and tell your problems to, hopefully you will find it soon. You could talk to your boyfriend Taeyong but he is already so stressed with his idol life, that is enough to him.
today you were able to get out early from your job so you decide to walk home, so like that you can explore the city, look at the the people, breathe fresh air and clear your mind a bit. You usually take a taxi or something because you are tired but it's 4pm and the weather it's nice so it seems like a good day to go for a walk.
lately you have felt pretty lonely, people lately hasn't been the best to you lately, since you are so smart and offer to help people when you say no they start telling you mean stuff and are so stupid, you really don't mind about people's comments or anything but having no one to talk to makes you overthink stuff, by luck you distract yourself cooking, painting and working so like that it doesn't affect your mental health.
Taeyong is the best boyfriend you could ask for but you are used to be the one who gives him advices and makes him feel better since he is constantly under stress, so you decide not to overwhelming with your problems and keep them to yourself.
you walk past a buddhist temple you have seen before but never were curious of walking, you have never been really religious or anything but  today you felt like visiting it, those structures were big, beautiful and amazing, it truly left you impressed. You walk and see some tourists looking outside the place, you are able to see the inside if you are quiet and respectful, so you decide to climb the stairs. You see a boy bowing at the giant Buda figure inside the temple, it was really beautiful and breathtaking, he gets up and walks to the entrance were you are standing. 
"Uhm excuse me." You say reaching to the boy. He looks at you scared and kind flinches. You looked at him confused.
"I'm really curious about this religion and i have never knew anything about it, so would you mind to tell me a little bit about this?." The boy's body relax a little bit looks at you up and down 
"My name is y/n by the way." You extent his hand to him and he shakes it. 
"I'm Daniel." He gives a sweet smile. He tells you to see somewhere around the temple so he can talk better to you.
"Well i don't really consider myself religious but buddhism sees life as a process of constant change, and its practices aim to take advantage of that. It means that one can change for the better."
"Wow, that's really beautiful." You say impressed.
"Yes, it's good! Also they practise meditation, which is a way of developing more positive states of mind that are characterised by calm, concentration, awareness, and emotions. Using the awareness developed in meditation it is possible to have a fuller understanding of oneself, other people, and of life itself." He explains.
"It really sound fascinating, how did you get into it?" You never knew there was a religion that teach such necessary and important things like those.
"Well my parents are buddhists so I've been into it since i was young. Like i said i was never really into it but since I'm 18 I've always need something to keep me mentally stable and help me relax so i started coming here often." He gives a kind smile.
"That's really cool, I'm glad you found something that gives you peace, that's really what i need right now." You sigh.
"Well if you are not into religion you can do yoga, start meditating by yourself or you can talk to me!" He suddenly changes and starts being more open and friendly.
"Thank you, you are so nice. I think ill take all three." You laugh.
you continue to talk about your stuff and you tell him all the things that you have been feeling lately, he gave you some advices here and there about how to distract yourself from those negative thoughts and move on from this toxic people. You feel so thankful that this total stranger it's actually listening to you and being interested in what you have to say. You talked about college, your job, the music you're into and how you how much you love painting and cooking.
"Well, thank you so much for telling me about this, i found it pretty interesting."
you decided to exchange numbers and talk with each other, he said that every time he could go to the buddhist temple he will meet you outside and talk to you and maybe go and eat something. You have been seeing each other for around one month now and it has really helped your mental state, he teach you some breathing excercises that helped your anxiety and tried to meet a couple timed at week to do yoga.
Taeyong's POV
y/n has been kinda weird lately, she doesn't talks or says any important stuff to him anymore, she just talks about college stuff and the netflix show she is watching, also she goes out almost everyday and comes back later at afternoon, so it is making him Taeyong worried if she is seeing someone else. He doesn't want to sound mean or anything but he knows y/n doesn't has friends anymore, just the ones back in her country, but here in Seoul many people has been fake, treat her bad and been fake because she is dating and idol. He tries not to overthink and keep trusting his girlfriend.
"Hey Tae, we need to talk to you." Johnny says.
"Hyung, y/n has been kinda weird lately she doesn't even wants to talk to us that much." Jaehyun sits down in the couch.
"We all talked and we wanted to tlwt you know that our friends and their friends have seen y/n hanging around with some guy." Taeil says. Taeyong looks shocked and like it's about to cry.
"We didn't believe it until Mark told us what he saw today." Taeil continues.
"What did you saw?" Taeyong takes a deep breath and close his eyes.
"I was walking around the Han River and i saw them sitting around there." Mark says upset. Taeyong close his hands frustrated.
"But look, we aren't saying she is cheating, maybe it's her collage partner or something." Jaehyun says trying to make his friend happy.
"Yes, and when i saw them they weren't holding hands and not even were so close to each other."
"Bro, she loves you and instead of thinking about breaking up ask her if there is something else making her distracted." Yuta pats his friends back. 
Taeyong grabs his jacket and makes his way to y/n's apartment, he calls 3 times and she doesn't picks up which makes him worried since he is thinking about all the things that member said.
Y/n's POV
you are in the living room watching some tv when you hear Taeyong open the door.
"Y/n we need to talk." He looks like he was crying and you wonder what happened to him.
"Yes, what happened babe?." 
"Y/n, you don't love me anymore? Are you cheating on me?" He ask straight up.
"No, Taeyong, what the hell? How could i ever cheat on you. You are the person i love the most." You say slightly frustrated.
"Some people are talking about you hanging out with another guy and even Mark saw you with him the other day, and the fact that you have been so quiet and don't even talk to me that much anymore, so i think I'm convinced it may be truth." He sits down and takes a deep breath trying not to look at you. Your heart breaks at seeing him like this, you know the truth and if you tell him he is gonna still feel upset.
"Taeyong listen to me, this guy is a buddhist, a met him the other day when i walked around the temple, he explained me that it helps you relax and control your emotions, i told him that i was going through a tought time and he decide to help me. He teach me how to meditate, breathing exercises and we do yoga almost every afternoon. It has helped me a lot with my stress. And that's it, he is just a friend, there is not any other relationship between us and if you want to talk to him or something I'm sire you would be more convinced." You say while holding his hands.
"And why didn't you told me about this?" He looks at you sad.
"I love you more than anything else in the world, you known i can help you and that you can talk to me about anything." He looks at you.
"Tae i know, but I'm always the strong one that is comforting you, making you feel okay and helping you. I know you have been through a lot lately and i didn't wanted to bother you with my problems while you have your owns. I'm sorry." You look at the the floor disappointed at yourself.
he grabs your lower back and pulls you into a kiss. You feel safe and peaceful again in between his arms and lips. He kisses you softly making your feel better than before and taking all your worries away. 
"You can always trust me, okay?" Taeyong kisses your forehead.
"From now on, let's promise to trust each other anytime, and talk about every single thing that is bothering us. We are stronger together."
"I love you." You hug him.
"I love you too." He leaves another kiss on your forehead.
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cosmictulips · 4 years
I've got no problem with you posting the reading, and as for any other oracles decks, I'm perfectly fine with just the botanical one. Once again, and I can not stress it enough, tysm for your time especially considering all the reading requests you get 😊❤
weee woooo weee wooo
Tipped Reading alert lol. 
gorl this thing is like 8 pages long.  so if you want a copy of your own I’ll be pasting a link here and it’ll be free for you to download for the next... idk 72 hours I guess xD 
You’ve read the disclaimer hopefully when tipping so like, I’ll just jump right into the reading. and here’s the link in case you want a pdf or something of it and hopefully it’s easier to read xD  lemme know if that link doesn’t work xD
In your reading the numbers 2,3,5 , 6 and 8  kept showing up in your reading the most.  So let’s talk about it.   Think of these numbers as energies.  These will be or are currently prominent in your life and in the ares you are asking for.  
So the number two represents cooperation, always aiming to bring peace and balance back to a relationship or situation.  It is partnerships -- the coming together or balancing of two or more people, concepts, or things. While it holds great power over any situation, it wields diplomacy and tact that the result is not control and authority, but harmony and teamwork. 
And then we have the number Three.  It is about positivity, communication. It goes hand and hand with the number two if you think about it lol. It is about creativity and balance.  This will help you get the ideas you need, and help you communicate them in any situation and to any person. We also have five and six. Which are the numbers of freedom,  being able to choose, and unconditional love.  These two numbers are unafraid of the world around them.  They seek connection with loved ones, and adventures.  They are ready for what lies ahead of them.  Much like two and three, they work extremely well together.  
Lastly we have eight. The number of achievements.  This is your sign that what you and your team and your loved ones put forth,  comes back to you in rewards.  Like I say in the reading, the universe hears you and sees your struggles and this is telling you that you are close to your achievements.  You must keep working for them.  You will build solid foundations with people and with what you want.  You will be able to connect, communicate and reach that goal.  You got this ;) but it’s not going to come without it’s strife and struggles.
Relationship Reading.
For your relationship, I asked what was coming forward to you both in the future and I pulled: Nine of Wands, Judgement, The World, The Moon,  four of swords, Two of cups, Eight of Cups, 6 of swords in reverse, seven of swords 
For the Oracles I drew  Night Light,  Sage, Castor Bean, Mandrake, Usnea and the Veiled Lady 
So let’s begin with the Tarot.   Nine of wands starts us off and this tells me that you two have probably been going through some stuff.  Whether through the relationship or just outside life things,  you both are pretty tired lol.  Which is fair given what has been happening in the world.  This is a message of positive growth though.  This is saying you two are so close to the finish line and to keep pushing.  There’s a lot of responsibilities that are being thrown at you but after this card comes the 10 of wands.  A lot of work sure,  but this story is about people who triumph over the pain and that heavy burden. 
We then have Judgement, the World, and the Moon.  A cycle is ending here.  Something is coming to its completion. And you two are awakening to that.  To a new idea of sorts,  to the idea that something doesn’t last forever.  I can also see this as an awakening to a better emotional connection here.  Between yourselves, the world around you and within your own body.   This does tell me and confirm to me that you both have you know, been pushing lol.  And it’s a lot of work but you two are growing.  As a couple,  as individuals and where you fit in the cosmic plane. The universe is hearing you and giving you divine guidance by connecting to each other and within yourselves. 
It seems like the rest of these cards is advice.  We have the four of swords,  6 of swords in reverse,  seven of swords, 2 and 8 of cups.  So the two of cups straight up is people offering their love.  It could be between the two of you,  it could be your support group, it could be your higher selves wanting to connect with you more.  Either way, there’s a new foundation for love that is coming in for you two.   The Eight of cups is about walking away from something.   Which I’ll come back to because before I get to that let’s talk about the six and seven of swords here.   Six of swords, generally means you are leaving something behind.  It’s kind of like the 8 of cups, but think of this as on the mental plane.  The eight of cups is the emotional one,  and the 6 of swords is the mental.  Our thought process, issues we can’t let go of, stuff like that.  And so,  when I see these two cards together,  this is telling me,  that someone is holding onto something that is no longer serving them.  There’s a baggage,  a feeling, a thought that you can’t let go of.  Like it seems like you have an emotional tie to it which is probably why the 8 of cups is hear.  
So here’s what I’m thinking.  There’s pain somewhere.  And you’re deceiving yourself -or the other person or you both-  into thinking it’s not causing you emotional pain.  You’ve detached yourself from it emotionally so now all you have left is this thought.  This memory,  this.. Distant emotional attachment that someone has to deal with.  And that’s probably why we have all these major arcana.  This is a process of you, them or you both,  going through this six of swords.  This wound you have detached yourselves,  and walking away from it once and for all.  Step out of the seven of swords.  This card tells me that yea, you kind of want to face it but as quickly as possible.  You want to sneak around the true meaning of it so you can finally go back to the two of cups and the Moon.  
The advice here though,  is the four of swords.  Judgement takes time.  Connecting to the Moon, takes time.  This seems like something that has really caused you guys some strife -9 of wands-  and it’s finally tiring you both out to the point where the four of swords is like,  hey really sit down and breathe lol.  I see that if you two can, or whoever it is,  can work through this,  you know it’s not going to suddenly go away but it’s really going to open doors for you two to come together and to connect back with yourself emotionally. 
So  now, let’s talk about your Oracles.
 I always like to start with the Mushrooms LOL I think mushrooms are so cool.  You got two for this one.  You got the Veiled Lady and the Night Light -which is probably my favorite because it fucking glows-.  The biggest meaning to mushrooms in general is change and capability.  Night Light is represented by the number 2.  Coincidentally -maybe ;) - number two is associated with the moon and emotions.   So this tells me, much like the tarot cards you, or the both of you, or them,  is going to go through a deeper emotional connection.  Because you also have the moon,  and we talked about the cups and the swords.  This mushroom is here to remind you of light within the darkness.  It’s okay to feel lost,  just know you are guided.  You will find your light again.   Then we have the Veiled Lady.  she is represented by the number 8.  This talks about balance and harmony, and even this mushroom itself talks about beauty and harmony. A lot of cultures view this mushroom as a sacred symbol and the fact that it looks like it’s wearing… well a veil of some sort.  This tells me a couple of things.  There is control here,  there is beauty in your relationship and in your future.  You two work well together.  And this could even be seen as you two unveiling yourselves to the universe and forming a deeper connection. 
I want to get the “Scary” plants out of the way so lets talk about the poisons that showed up.  Poisons here represent potential.  So it’s really not that scary lol.  Mandrake and castor bean.  It’s interesting that castor bean showed up because the oil itself when processed isn’t toxic but when it’s not, and it’s in its natural state, it is.   I feel like this really ties into what I was saying back in the tarot.  There’s something one of you, or both of you have detached yourself from.  There’s still a connection to it, that hasn’t been processed yet.  Someone wants it merely to be pushed away but it’s still tethered to the emotional realm by that 8 of cups.  This poison is also represented by the number two for it’s duality. 
Then we have mandrake which is represented by the number six as well in its suit.  The mandrake symbolism is of infamy, legends and myths.   Perhaps there’s something that lives in someone or the both of you, i don’t know ;),   that… has almost taken on this role of infamy.  Right,  it’s been so long that brining it up now might lead to some uh… whiplash so to speak.  I can’t really describe it other than a story so maybe you’ll understand what I’m meaning.  So when I was growing up I was always afraid to speak up.  And this lasted up until a few years ago.  Everytime I did I was always fought on it.  I was lead to believe that me talking about my feelings just made me seem like a dramatic asshole and that no one ever cared to listen to me.  See where I’m going with this?  It’s that myth that I was led to believe that made me never want to face what was bothering me.  But by facing my “mandrake”  so to speak,  I was able to start the healing process.  
So then we got Medicines and Herbs.  For Medicine we have Usnea which is represented by the number six in its suit.  For Herbs we have Sage which is represented by the number ten.  So lets start with herbs.  Herbs in this deck represent encouragement and support.  And you have the best one of all, SAGE!  Well, maybe not the best one I’m a bit biased lol -see my username xD-.  But sage is represented by 10 which is the universal number for completion and cycles.  Some say it’s the number that helps you connect to the universe.  And I mean, sage is what we use to cleanse -if you use… sage… I use… white candles anyway-  and this talks about wisdom and experience.  You both have grown and are growing through this experience.  It has its ups and downs but sage wants you to know that you will come through with this =) it’s going to be okay. 
Then we have medicines.  Medicines here represent protection and healing.  As… they should lol.  For your medicine card we have Usnea.  This is also represented by six in its suit lol.  And this is all about purity and breathing.  Much like the four of swords this card is telling you to relax.  To take a breather and really rest your bodies.  You are doing the best that you both can and with time, the answers will come to you.  You have put so much work in and you guys are so close to the finish line. 
Gaming Company Ask
For that I drew the: Three of Pentacles, King of Wands, the Sun, Eight of Swords,  Five of Cups, Page of cups and We also got the Wheel of Fortune. 
For Oracles I drew the: Seedling -the unknown-,   Lemongrass, Common sundew, Cobra Lily, Wild Sage, Echinacea
So now let’s talk about the gaming ask.  I think I read your question right xD you want to develop games and start a company of some sorts right? xD  so overall this is a positive reading.  I see this working out for you guys and really having the opportunity to grow the business.  It is not without it’s trials though.  So let’s get into it with the three of pentacles.    The three of pentacles is collaboration.  So whoever -I think you mentioned someone else too-  you work with on this endevoar I 10/10 recommend and so wouldn’t the universe.  It’s going to be this collaboration that’s really going to help you guys propel this thing forward.  I see you all being represented by the King of Wands.  So people who are leaders, innovators. I really see this with the person you guys want to work with.  This is a type of person who is really going to go at it with a 100 percent.  Like this person is dedicated. And that’s fantastic because we also have the sun.  the sun, and the king of wands??? Talk about a dynamic duo lol.  We got all the perks of being a good leader,  plus the confidence of a god lol.   They really are going to put their heart and soul into this.  They are proud of this lol. 
Then we have the problematic cards ;) five of cups and eight of swords.  These two cards talk about fears.  In a business sense,  these two cards talk about fears of leaving a job -because you know as you develop this business idea yall are going to need money-  and thinking that this is going to wind up getting you nowhere.  Like,  there’s almost a fear here that you aren’t going to be successful and that you can’t juggle all of lifes challenges and that you’re going to lose your job.  You know, typical job things lol.   I also really, strongly heard “not being heard”  so be careful of that.  Make sure all of you are being heard when talking and working things out.  Things aren’t going to go well if none of you are on the same page. 
Then we got the page of cups and wheel of fortune.  If you ever need a sign that something is going to be done well and successfully.  This is it lol. This is the “Hell yea!”  card when asking for a yes or no from the universe lol.  This is happy endings, fulfillment.  This is working hard and ending that cycle so you can finally enjoy the abundance you worked for.  This is going to work out beautifully for all of you.   Just keep in mind what I  mentioned with the last two cards ;) obviously life isn’t without its bumps but y’all have a real good chance at making this work.  So I say go for it. 
So let’s talk about your cards =D this will be more straightforward since you know about the general gist of what each suit represents.  Oh just kidding we have a new addition and that’s carnivorous plants.  These cards represent evolution and opportunity so don’t fear them too much ;)  so we’ll start with those.  You have the Cobra Lily and the Common Sundew.  These numbers are three and five. So there’s a theme with these two about dependence and struggle.  Which I mean,  is kind of fair when you’re trying to get something off the ground and rolling.  Both these plants require help of some sort to eat their prey. And it’s okay to need help and to receive it.   Just be warned that this journey obviously isn’t going to be easy ;) struggle is going to happen but much like these plants, you will thrive.
Then we have medicines again! We have Echinacea and Wild sage which is represented by the number 8.  We got two very different meanings going on here.  With Wild Sage it is connecting to “the dark goddess” aka artemis. But I work with Artemis and I swear I’ve never heard someone call her that lol. Anyway,  this herb is about power, repulsion and darkness.  I think this is kind of a warning to not get too -or someone is going to-  over headed here.  It’s going to be easy to want to take the regions but it’s teamwork that’s going to get you guys where you need to be.  ANd Echinacea is actually a plant that used to be used for cold and flu symptoms.  Here it’s represented as encouragement and engagement.  So don’t be afraid to step up and have your voice be heard.  -on all sides lol-  keeping yourselves in a constant chat about what yall want and need, is really going to help you.
And then we have an Herb and a Seedling.  Lemongrass is your herb and it’s represented by the number 9. Nine’s is all about wisdom and responsibility. And another theme is forgiveness ;) so be ready to forgive here.  And be responsible with you have to do.  Lemongrass is a symbol of protection.  So do not be afraid of speaking up.  You are protected and people will want to listen to you.   Then we have what I dub “the unknown”  the seedling.  Such as a seedling, you are stepping into the unknown.  There’s an infinite number of possibilities here and I’m just telling you at max maybe like two or three things that could happen.  Ultimately it is your journey and theirs.  Your success is up to you, and so isn’t your failure.
I firmly believe that you guys will succeed so long as you work together and tough through challenges.  Much like life, there is a lot of unknowns.  But that’s truly the fun of it, ain’t it? ;) I hope this reading helps you and if you any more questions please let me know =D
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