#but the others r all beloved aus of mine too. So.
orcelito · 2 years
OK you know what I haven't been doing enough with the fact that I have polls now Uhhhh uhh
Genuine Inquiry I guess if u wanna try to influence what my brain focuses on hfkshf
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paintedpawz · 1 year
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Oh my, how sweet! Resident darling of this dark and spooky little cul-de-sac wants to go trick 'r treat with you. Just beware, neighbor... not all the residents are as friendly as he is. 😈
Little quick redesign of Imp Wally inspired by @killertoons design, since my old design just wasn't as cute and I personally feel I've gotten better at drawing Wally! I had to of course add Home, or rather Monster House inspired home and I had a lot of fun experimenting with a more detailed background in a doodle that turned into a thought out sketch. My reference actually, was this piece of Sam merch I WANT SO BAD......
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estro-gem · 11 months
Jax x Ragatha: The snake and the water spring
The Amazing Digital Circus AU: Oasis.
Author's note: I found this show by chance and I took a great liking to it! So now I did a thing, instead of studying for upcoming exams, because I love making things difficult for myself, apparently.
I have no idea what the fandom is like, but I'm playing it safe just to be... well... safe. I just loved the concept of this show so much that I couldn't help but be inspired by it! It got me thinking and I let it all out in this... thing.
I want to write more one-shot fics about the other characters and how they fit into this au too, but I don't know when I'll be able to.
WARNING! None of these characters are mine and everything mentioned and described is purely made-up fiction; inspired by works that are not my own. Nothing should be considered canon or taken seriously - we are all here to have some harmless fun! No age restrictions. I think this might be appropriate for all ages...?
Please show some love and support for Gooseworx; the creator of The Amazing Digital Circus!
I definitely butchered Gooseworx's characters by adding unnecessary 'relationship dynamics' and deviating from their original personalities. I promise that the actual show and characters are so much better than they are in my false portrayal of them.
A fanmade take on the events following Pomni's arrival and after the crew had dinner together. This is focused on Jax's point of view, but still written in the third person.
Jax confronts Ragatha after the pilot episode's 'dinner' and does his best to comfort her in a way that works for them. That's it.
Please enjoy!
Jax was a desert snake.
Nothing but a cold-blooded pest that lived to find his next meal.
When one is left to die under the scorching sun, you can’t stomp on the sun for creating a desert, but you could stomp on the desert snake if it added to the pain of surviving in said desert. The Digital Realm was nothing but a desert sun – a cage with no exit and an evil with no target.
It was no secret why so many had lost their minds here.
Jax took on the role of being the snake. It was never announced or planned, but it was deemed necessary by all who came to know the realm. The inhabitants of The Amazing Digital Circus craved any sense of control; something they could hold accountable for their torment – something they could punish. A menace, parasite.
Evil with a target: Jax.
It was fun to act out while everybody went about their lives. He could unapologetically be the worst being known to man and thrive on the rage and hatred of all he had affected. If they hated him, he was fulfilling his role perfectly… and that meant they could stay sane and do their parts as he did his. Less people would be lost to insanity… and the group would grow stronger.
Everyone had a role in their system – an oasis was established, with Ragatha as the heart of the oasis; their very own water spring.
But when a new invading creature bursts into the oasis with no knowledge of this system, their system would be doomed. Pomni happened to be that invader. Everyone could collectively, yet silently agree that she was acting by her own careless devices since she arrived a few hours ago. She greedily soaked up their water source and left it barren, dry, and suffering.
Granted, Pomni didn’t know how their oasis worked, but it didn’t change the fact that she disrupted everything by showing up. She would have to catch on quickly and prove herself useful, before anyone else loses their minds.
They lost one of their own already… and they almost lost their beloved Ragatha; Jax’s equal and opposite.
Their precious water source.
Snakes offered venom, while water springs offered hope of life. They all desperately needed Ragatha to survive. While most would assume her to be fine after being fixed by Caine, Jax knew better than that. He saw her reluctantly stand aside Pomni to support her – beautifully acting within her role as she always would, but it was clear that Pomni still didn’t understand how scarce the water was by then. Rags was spread thin enough by handling the extra stress and enduring the continuous pain of being corrupted by the abstraction, but that didn’t stop Pomni from practically having a mental breakdown at the dinner table.
Jax saw that coming from a mile away. Thank goodness he silently took the open seat next to Pomni, silent in his insistence that the ragdoll should keep her distance for the time being. He’d give anything to destroy the little jester for abusing his doll. Ragatha was acting perfectly normal at the time – her masked smile perfectly set on her face – until it was time for them all to retire to their respective bedrooms.
Jax wished that he would’ve just dragged her after him when he booked it from the abstraction earlier today. Pomni would have been the perfect distraction for them to escape and get Caine.
He stood at Ragatha’s door after dinner.
Jax made a point to ring the doorbell this time. Usually, he’d just pluck out a key and saunter in like he owns the place, but with what happened today, he’d make an exception. Everyone has their limit – and someone has already reached their limit today. They couldn’t risk losing another one. Especially not Raggs. They all really needed her.
When she didn’t open, he tried the bell again. Nothing.
Well, time for the key, then.
He shoved his hand down his front pocket and fished out the doll’s room key. The bunny didn’t waste time opening the door. He wanted to see what state the girl was in, despite dreading the possibility of finding an abstracted amalgamation on the other side.
Not even a creak was heard from the hallway. The room was lit up as it usually was, so that was a good sign, at least. Jax couldn’t see an obvious black body of eyes – another win. But where was Ragatha? He did see her walk into her room, so she had to be here.
He walked around, keeping his cool, casual composure fixed, despite no one being around. It was effortless at this point. It became a way for him to focus on what he could control in this crazy digital prison; himself.
He couldn’t, however, control his ability to spot a blasted ragdoll, it would seem. He scanned the room again, until his eyes fell on her ¾ bed. Could she-?
The bunny rolled his eyes at himself as he lowered himself onto his knees – maybe he could convince himself that he was not phased by the situation. Bending down, he peered beneath the bed frame.
Jax sighed in exasperation. Or was it relief? Both?
Ragatha was in the state she was in before retiring to her room. No gliching, no extra eyes.
Just Raggs.
She didn’t look good, though. The doll was curled up beneath her bed and blindly staring ahead of her. It didn’t look like she was breathing – not that they needed to anyway, but it was uncanny to see Rags like this. She was their voice of reason. She was a water spring in this desert.
If she dried up, their desert would be doomed.
Jax silently stood up and walked back to the open door again. No need to make a fuss over this. He took hold of the door handle and shut it from the inside. Key in hand, he locked the door and nodded to himself. Ragatha needed a raincloud… and he’d have to fill that role now. It’s the least he could do after leaving her to fend for herself when they found the abstraction today.
Why didn’t she run with him? Why did think she could fix someone whose mind was broken beyond repair? Why didn’t she just leave the rookie as bait?
Because that just wasn’t her role, was it?
If it weren’t for her nature – her role – none of them would have made it this far. It dawned on Jax, once again, how close they were to losing their beloved doll. How close they were to being stuck with an invader who knew nothing about what it took to survive in this hell hole.
Back to the bed, crouched down and silent Jax positioned himself to lay down and simply look over the red head from a relative distance. There was enough space for the doll to crawl out of hiding without having to touch him. The bunny still hadn’t said a word. It’d be stupid to talk, and he didn’t feel like making the effort. He just wanted things back to normal again – well… as normal as it could have been.
Now Kaufmo is gone, a new creature was invading their home, tearing it up from the roots and tipping the delicate scales of the balance they worked very hard on creating. All because of a lunatic ringmaster having the bright idea of creating a fake exit-door. Someone better get that jester on a tight leash to get her to fall in line, like the rest of them were forced to.
He knew he, for one, wouldn’t mind roughing her up a bit. It was his specialty – his role. The parasite. The menace. The instigator.
Evil with an actual target.
The sound of shifting and movement had Jax blink out of his own head. Ragatha was slowly and dumbly making her way out from under her bed. Her eyes were still fogged over and her face still eerily blank, but at least she came out of hiding out of her own will. In a matter of seconds, the doll was out from her hiding place and settled on the floor beside Jax. She was staring him in the eyes now, waiting for the bunny, silently pleading.
Jax hadn’t had his aloof-douchebag persona engaged since he locked Ragatha’s door. She didn’t need a menace now – she needed to be grounded; revitalized. She needed a dark raincloud to fill up the water spring they all needed.
He didn’t look forward to what needed to be done, but he wouldn’t allow anyone else to do it.
He moved to stand up and held out a hand to help her up. He took note of the way her hand was shaking when she took his and gently guided her to the bed. The red head was the first to sit, then moved to lay down on her back and numbly stare at the ceiling. With a deep breath, Jax gathered himself mentally and cautiously crept onto the bed and positioned himself to briefly hover over her, before lowering his full weight onto Ragatha.
He had his head in the crook of her neck, on the left shoulder with his ears folding back to floppily droop to his upper back… with his left hand resting on the opposite shoulder. His body, although slim, enveloped hers and caused her to sink slightly into the mattress. His legs just loosely laid over and aside the ragdoll’s. It was more important to have his weight resting on her torso anyway.
For a long moment, they just motionlessly laid on the bed like this. To an outsider, it would look like they fell asleep atop each other or simply cuddled together very closely.
An outsider wouldn’t see that Jax was focused on the slow process of Ragatha’s body relaxing under his weight and her breathing slowing to a regular rhythm. An outsider wouldn’t have known that this was hardly the first time they’d done this – how long it took Jax to learn that this make-shift deep-pressure therapy was the most effective grounding technique for Ragatha to collect herself again.
They wouldn’t understand that Jax didn’t do this out of wanting to, but rather out of necessity.
Jax didn’t like to be touched. If anything, he was very capable of merely tolerating it. Everyone in the circus knew that he was touch-averse; some even used that as leverage to mess with him if the situation called for it. It was a necessity that he endured to keep his doll sane – to keep anyone of importance here in the circus, sane. Their whole lives revolved around mental strength. It was all just a matter of staying sane.
The laid there for what felt like a lifetime.
Slight shifting beside Jax alerted him that the doll was moving her arms – previously stiffly pinned to her sides. This was good, she felt comfortable enough to move around now!
Her left hand gently snaked up to the bunny’s head and slowly, softly petted his ears in a longitude motion. Her right hand wrapped loosely around his middle-to-lower back – motionless. This was bad, Jax did not like being touched like that!
While he was fine with the rhythmic touches of Ragatha’s left hand, he despised the idle position of the right hand resting on his back. He couldn’t prevent himself from tensing up in discomfort.
Bad touch, bad touch, bad-
This caused the ragdoll to tense up and rip her hands off him as if he burned her.
Oh no you don’t! We are not starting all over again.
He slowly pulls away and propped up unto his elbows, hearing Ragatha’s breathing pick up as she presumably spirals into her own thoughts on how he was going to leave her like this. Jax cast down a disapproving look. He broke his gaze to unceremoniously take her right hand – now clutched close to her chest – and intertwined their fingers, before resting his head on her left shoulder once again. He close eyes as he use his free hand to put her left hand on his head again, waiting for her to resume her petting.
Good touch; this was a good touch. Please understand.
Thankfully, Ragatha relaxed… and continued her previous slow, rhythmic motions. Slowly, Jax felt her relax once again and he indulged into her need for touch by stroking his thumb over hers occasionally.
Soon they fell into a rhythm; Ragatha would pet Jax’s ears 3 times, then it was his turn to stroke his thumb over hers. Then they would repeat the routine. This also helped Jax cope with the touching; the routine. The rhythm.
It felt like hours ticked by as the two just practiced their little unspoken routine. Jax grew used to it after a while, almost forgetting that his new mattress was now a sentient ragdoll and completely tuned into their rhythm of touches.
Pet… pet… pet… thumb. Pet… pet… pet… thumb.
Jax didn’t like touch, but he loved routine.
The doll and the bunny’s time together, once nothing but grounding techniques, grew to become an intimate exchange of touches and caresses – all wrapped in a routine, like a dance. Jax felt warm and fuzzy inside; for once he basked in the moment of enjoying his dolly. He lazily wondered if Ragatha felt the same. He shifted his head to look at her.
The doll looked down to meet his eyes when she felt him move. He could swear that she looked at peace, basking in the bliss of their closeness. For some reason, she looked like an angel. They all saw her as their angel. Had he successfully pinned a heavenly body beneath him?
Her gentle, longing gaze made a kaleidoscope of butterflies erupt from his core.
This wasn’t the first time this feeling invaded his being when they did this – as rare as these moments were. He wasn’t sure when he started experiencing such feelings during these rare encounters, but as months crawled by, he felt drawn to his dolly more and more. Based on how she looked at him, he could only assume that she felt it too.
Something so foreign, yet so familiar.
He didn’t fail to spot the warmth rushing to her cheeks when their eyes met. She looked so ethereal beneath him, especially when her breathing picked up under his firm gaze. Her lips were parted, and her eyes were lidded. This time, it wasn’t fear or overstimulation. It was anticipation. It was desire.
Jax internally flinched at the tingly sensation when he smoothly burrowed his face into Ragatha’s neck. She shivered at the breath he let out against her skin. He could tolerate the touching a little longer, as long as he could see her crumble again. He wanted to see her walls crumble again.
“Jax- ”
Oh… he had to hear her again. More clearly, next time. This was torture, but she made him into her own personal masochist. His skin crawled at the sensation of her skin shivering against him, but he needed more. He could take it. Just a little longer – he just had to stand these sensations a little longer. He looked at her again.
Ragatha was reverting to a helpless puddle. The doll’s arms were gripping at the covers beneath her, successfully eliminating the bother of excessive contact that he despised. Jax didn’t know if she did it with that intension or without thinking, but either way, he was thankful. He really wanted more.
Why couldn’t he just be normal?
He lifted onto his elbows again and – dare one say – lovingly looked at her face. She could only peek back at him, breathing slightly faster than usual. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her shaky hand rise from the covers and hover next to his cheek, while her eyes pleaded for his mercy. He hesitated but bit the bullet to comply; leaning into her touch while desperately trying to ignore the odd tingles. Jax convinced himself to kiss her wrist and drowned himself in the pleasure of hearing her softly call his name.
He only heard it because he was listening so closely for it.
In a flash, Jax braced himself up into a crouch and slammed his foot down with a mighty THUMP upon hearing Ragatha startle into a fit when the doorbell chimed. His hair on his back stood on end and his claws ripped through his gloves, leaving gouges in the covers beside the doll’s head.
His precious doll was disturbed again!
He heard her soft cry of fear and his blood boiled with a thirst for vengeance. Only he can make her cry out. He’ll skin the soul that dared to-
“Ragatha…? Can we talk?”
That DAMN jester!
“Jax?” a quiet voice trembled in his ear from beneath him. Jax stopped glaring at the door to softly glance down and see what his little doll wanted.
“Don’t…” Raggs sounded like she was begging while being held at gunpoint, whispering despite their rooms being enchanted to not hear anything from the outside when the door is shut.
Jax wouldn’t dare let that thing inside. Raggs was upset enough as it is.
“Look, I know it probably wouldn’t make a difference…” Pomni’s voice came from the other side door again, “…but I’m so sorry for running off… Again… I saw that exit and I had to see if it was real. No one else believed me and I started to think that I was losing my mind. You understand that, right?”
Jax placed both his hands down on the mattress, blocking the doll’s view of the door as if it could block the sound of the voice from reaching the Raggs’s ears, still hovering over her. He knew that his dolly didn’t want to hear anything the harlequin had to say now – he had half the mind to get up and bash the newbie’s head in.
“I hope we can talk about this some time. You are probably tired after such a long, crazy day.” Pomni’s voice died down near the end, “It feels like you’re the only good person here.”
She really is, but she’s too good for you. Selfish leech.
Jax looks down to the girl, still stiff as a board beneath him. Her eye was shiny with the swell of tears. He melted at the sight – anger simmering down. She was just a sweet little rag dolly, she didn’t deserve any of this, but oh, he was so happy to see Ragatha finally emote something again. She was OK again. Their water source was filled once again, now threatening to spill over. He’d happily welcome the flood.
He needed her.
The sound of fading footsteps causes Jax to rip his eyes to the direction of the door. His hearing was better than the dolls, probably thanks to being a rabbit.
Good riddance.
Ragatha seemed to relax at the sight of Jax deflating his stance, reading that Pomni probably left her door. She hesitantly reached up to cup Jax’s cheek. Jax followed her hand’s motion and scoffed, cringing at the invasion. He’s had enough touching for a week. It sucked to leave his doll so soon after being distressed again, but he couldn’t bring himself stand any more of this. He quickly got up and smoothed out his clothes, but not without missing the flash of hurt in the doll’s eyes. He felt bad, but he had to be strong with the new girl around, so straining himself now would only make matters worse and mess up the whole system.
Still, seemingly bored, Jax stood in his spot while rocking on his heels and looking off to the side, only sparing her a glance. Raggs sat up by then. She looked a little worse for wear, but it’s an improvement from hiding under her bed. She rested her elbows on her knees with her chin in her hands. The hurt in her eyes was long gone, but she looked tired. Poor thing, Jax shared the sentiment.
He felt her eye bore into the side of his face and the bunny couldn’t stop himself before he rolled his eyes and looked to her again. He could’ve choked on air when he saw her face, but the years of steeling his demeanor left no trace of his inner turmoil.
Raggs sported that longing look in her eyes again.
They were so close this time – closer than they’ve ever been before. Each time they spent together on nights like this, although few and far between, they grew closer… and hungrier. Neither understood what it was, but they never had the chance to just collapse into it, tonight being the closest to that.
But there was always something, right?
Jax allowed gaze to soften. His doll offered a small smile that almost ripped his heart out if his chest. It was drenched with melancholy of something she knew they could never have.
Because their roles in their little ecosystem didn’t allow for it to ever be theirs. It would never work.
This was survival.
The rabbit steeled his demeanor once again, but this time, his doll’s face didn’t fall.
Good, as it should be.
Jax walked to the door and fished out the key from his front pocket. He didn’t bother looking back. If he did, he wouldn’t have the will to leave anymore. When he opened the door, though, he couldn’t help but mumble out teasingly.
“See yah later, Doll~!”
He wished that he could shout his affections for her out into the void instead.
“I’m not your doll.” Ragatha responded, voice still wobbly and tired, but perky regardless. She knew just how to indulge him.
Yes, she is… she always will be.
Fanart: Evil with a target
Oasis: TADC AU list
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I have 3 story ideas I really wanna do so Imma just talk about them here (and if I end up doing one and somehow someone recognizes it on ao3 no you don't <3) (JK I'll probably be elated)
Alien AU — I have this one started already. It is posted. This is also a possible "has this been read here" worry . It's not as romantic and more found family but does include plenty of platonic Virgil/Remus moments (though I do know this blog is otherwise, I felt it was important to mention). Virgil was kidnapped because "human scary lets make it fight other aliens to the death" and he's keeping himself alive because fight or flight. The others are aliens. They're there too. Kidnapped too. Yippee!! They'll eventually all get out and there's going to be a plot twist (not a super big one, just a little funny thing that makes the perspective of Virgil change). Anywho. Aliens <3.
Royalty AU — this is the one with spymaster Virgil and Prince/Knight Remus. This is .. honestly the one that's lacking a plot the most. I'm kinda dying over the fact I can't come up with a plot. Everyone will have their roles and I know for a fact there will be a scene where everyone is like "well shit this is really important. Hey Your Majesty (Thomas, the king), where are you getting all of this information?" and in waltzes dressed-in-rags Virgil with like a wet washcloth over his shoulder fresh outta doing dishes like "me and I got more" and everyone's like ⁉️⁉️⁉️ but thomas is just "yes Virgil what is it". Anyway Virgil starts banging the prince— /j I LOVE ROYALTY SO MUCH RAHHHH
Fae AU — HEY REMEMBER WHAT I SENT AN INFODUMP ABOUT THE FAE AU HEHEHEH I DECIDED!!! So this one will have a beginning of like— Virgil is a human child first. He's like 3 and he finds himself in a fae circle. Janus' fae circle. The fae pops in like "I'm gonna make a deal— oh. A child. Mine now" (plot twist virgils moms bad so it was a good decision). Then Janus raises this human child alongside the fae. It's a little difficult and they have their moments but Virgil is still under the protection of Fuck With Me And Die Janus so he's a little smug bitch. Kinda like a cat. Ever seen a smug cat? That's Virgil. And uh there's this one fae who's about equal his age at the time and that fae is a little unsettling and just reeeaaaaaally likes this human, okay? Nothing weird! Just. Just wants to smooch the human. Just a little crush. Anyway Virgil starts dating Remus and it's like "woah hold on wait I didn't teach you dating customs wait—" :D
Input? I genuinely cannot pick. Also ty for letting me infodump Dukexiety nation love y'all <3
— 👑
D E V O U R I N G this all 3 are S O fucking good!!! First things first
Alien AU: Found Family? D E L I C I O U S. Aliens, A N G S T, Plot twist, and badass Vee doing whatever it takes to survive? *chef's kiss*
Royalty AU: Cool and D E L I C I O U S has underrated roles the Spooky Beloveds and Character!Thomas have L O V E it (Remember to take your time with this one I know exactly what it's like to really wanna work on an AU/Fic but not figuring out a lot of plot to write it'll come to you trust me maybe planning and playing around with different scenarios can help or some thinking about some of the character's backstories)
Fae AU: L O V E L O V E L O V E it it's got smug Cat coded Vee, Jan being a healthier parental figure Vee always needed, Fae!Ree & Jan, Dukexiety of course, and Jan having his son grow up a liiittle too fast for him XD
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xshimaeraxx · 2 months
I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be so I have been trying to send about an ask a week. Now I send this ask first anytime I follow someone as I really don't want to bother anyone, so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Not having energy for asks or being comfortable with them is perfectly okay.
The categories I have in my ask notebook that I file under are in colour. Please feel free to make your response as long as you want or private (the asker cannot directly respond to private responses).
Self, Job/Work: please let me know what you are comfortable with from eh idk just ask it to nothing personal at all.
Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Please let me know what fandoms. I think my main fandoms and ships are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ships I don't engage with the canon of at all are: Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie , The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier, and Ladybug and Cat Noir but only for Adrinette .
OC's, art/drawing, their writing, blog specific only
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Do you like receiving them?
Pets: I'd love to know all about them
Garden and Hobbies: What type of gardening and/or hobbies?
Like being tagged in things: If so what kinds of things?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
hello!!! yeah, i love receiving asks, lmao, & as for ur questions:
self, job/work: hmmm. im not rly comfy w any major questions ab my irl life (like stuff along the lines of “where specifically t do you live” (like im a brit, but if somewhere were to ask js where i live in the uk, i wldnt answer, as is common sense (imo) when it comes to the internet), “how old are you” “what is (are) your irl name(s)” etc. etc. - identifying stuff, basically), tho anythin’ else is pretty much on the table rn.
fandoms: oh, fandoms my beloved. my main fandoms atm (for both reading & writing, tho some r only reading while some r only writing, etc. etc.) are cuphead (i have way too much worldbuilding for this one au of mine that branches off into so many aus of the au, its genuinely gettin a lil crazy /pos /lh; i write fic for this one, aswell- in fact, its kinda my main writing-for fandom atm ^^), the hobbit (bagginshield my beloved i love you shjshsjehejs - i also dable vaguely in lotr (mainly gimli/legolas + parentshield tbh lmao) but its mostly js the hobbit for me), good omens (i love the ineffables i love s1 & s2 & HSJSHSJSHSJ i js love it like. all around. fuck gaimon tho, death of the author tyvmm), my hero academia/boku no hero academia (i dont engage w fandom much other then a few fanfic writers’ blogs here on tumblr & ao3 fanfic lmao XD; love the anime tho), harry potter (FUCK jkr, speaking as a brit myself none of us claim her, the transphobes can have her, we dont want her /lh - love the (good parts of) fanbase tho. ive actually made some rly good fic-writer friends thru it over on discord lmao), & ofc rise of the guardians!!! (fuckin love that thing, so sad there was never a second move :sadblob: love playin around w fanon/fandom lore tho, & i LOVE jackrabbit (bunnymund/jack) its my main ship in the fandom, tho im a multishipper so im also kinda partial to some other ones ofc)
ocs, art/drawing, writing, blog specific: not entirely sure what this one’s asking/if its actually a question, but imma answer it any lolol XD. anygays - ocs: i have a few cuphead ocs, but none of ‘em r self-inserts & all only rly exist bc of/for/to enhance/move forward the plot of my (main) cuphead au, tho ofc theyre still ocs - love ‘em like my children even if i dont love ‘em as much as i do the canon characters, snirk. art/drawing: i do draw, tho i rarely post any of my art, and one or two times i have its usually bc im js proud enough of it to want to share it, ehehe. writing: i write. so much fanfic. none of its posted, but i have so many wips i frankly dont know when any one of ‘em will be, sooo… shrug. blog specific: my blog isnt rly “specific”; its more js a place for me to enage w cool art & fics & such & reblog stuff i like on here as well as probably self-promo my own fics & such, as well as js a place to put my random ramblings in XD.
story snippets & prompts: oh, i love ‘em!! always nice 2 get a new burst of writing motivation ::D
pets: ohhh, cats. i love cats. had one for a while for around a good two years or so but after he injured his paw & we had 2 keep him inside for 3 weeks straight, the flightly lil bugger’s runaway. he (might’ve; still don’t know for sure whether it rly was him or not, but he apparently responded to his name from my mother’s accounts, so :shrug:) came back in the middle of the night a week or so ago now, but idtk whether he’s dead, alive, or js been taken in by some other family who thinks he’s a stray. :sigh:
gardening & hobbies: i don’t garden, and as for hobbies… not much, rly. i like writing fic, i like reading, i like going on (short, i have shite stamina) walks every other day or so, i like talkin w my few friends. like i said, not much. ::)
like being tagged in things: yes, i do! and as for what… anything, rly! tag games, fic wip games, askbox/ask games, im good w ‘em all! ::D
thx for the ask; have a good day/night/timezone!! ::>
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OKAY SO OBVIOUSLYYY I HAVE TO WONDER ABOUT KNIGHT!SUGU X ROYALTY!READER but also!!! satosugu x aroace!reader sounds so interesting!!!!!! i would love to hear about them!
OKOKOK IM EXCITED i was hoping u’d ask abt the knight au so i could hear ur thoughts hehe. since ur the reason it exists !! the god parent if u will…. aaa and the aroace!reader fic is v special to me too!! 🥺 that one is just a vague idea atp BUT ill get to that…
FIRST OF ALLLL knight!sugu x royalty!reader our beloved……. okok so i mightve mentioned some stuff alr but ill just run my general idea by u!! i have basically all of it outlined, just gotta get to writing </3
but basically; reader is kind of a brat. Very Much a brat. and sugu gets hired to act kind of as their bodyguard — which reader really doesnt like but sugu is just too patient and their attempts to annoy him so much that he leaves dont work LMAO … he also kinda likes the fact that theyre difficult yk its the Mother in him. he’s very boyfriend very protective very much a big ol tease
but then obv they grow closer <33 suguru really isnt anywhere near as straightlaced as he wants to appear, and both him and reader kinda have that Hunger to see the world yknow?? or to just break free of their chains. so reader brings out sugu’s more wolfish side and he eventually gets pretty lenient w sneaking them out of the castle, teaching them how to fight w a sword … etc etc. very much a Forbidden Romance but its not angsty bc i love them and i want them to be happy <33
HERE R SOME RANDOM SNIPPETS im gonna let this one cook for a while bc i need it to be perfect… putting my heart and soul into getting the alexis approval fr
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”so you didn't pull your sword out of a rock?” you frown, already losing interest. lame. ”stone,” he corrects, unperturbed. ”and i'm afraid not.” he gives you a smile, barely concealed amusement swimming in his amber eyes. ”i pulled mine from an oak tree.” … ”wait, really?” ”depends,” he quips, brushing past you with a grin. ”how gullible are you, my lord?” (argh.)
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he kneels. he always, always kneels. such a large man, all toned muscle and tall stature, broad shoulders and firm chest — kneeling at your feet. like a loyal dog, with a rustle of armor, a flutter of fabric, a sigh and a smile. suguru always kneels.
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here it comes. effortless, perfected, your one god-given talent; an irresistible pair of puppy dog eyes. the voice that spills from your lips is hopelessly meek, pleading, so sweet you’d get cavities if you didn’t know how fake it was. ”take me outside, please?” you whine, lips jutting down into a slight pout, accompanied by a flutter your eyelashes —  suguru smiles. ”no.” a beat. frustration bubbles up inside your veins, trickling down to your wrist, and you grit your teeth. barely resisting the urge to stomp your feet into the floor. ”you’re supposed to listen to my every command!” ”still no, sweetheart.”
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CAN U TELL IM A LITTLE ILL ABT THEM alexis this is all ur fault smh smh…… they mean the world to me
aaa and then!!! stsg x aroace!reader…. 👀 honestly i just realllly love blurring the lines between platonic and romantic love in my writing and thats kinda where this idea came from!! nothing’s written out or outlined, but the idea is basically just that stsg are an established couple + both in Love w reader + confess by a cold beach in the middle of the night :333 just those good ol coming of age vibes. and it obviously doesnt really go as planned bc reader is so hesitant.
i’m not sure when i’ll get to writing this one out esp since its so self indulgent pskdjdj bUT the focus will def be on reader’s feeling and the love they all feel for each other, etc etc!! ty for indulging me this one makes me v happy to think abt hehe
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ranboo5 · 2 years
CRanboo Aspects thoughts in rough descending order of how much I think they work
Rage: This is mine of choice. Good for leaning into the politics angle (why it is mine of choice). Ghosting potential, because Ranboo loves copium. Honestly a huge fan of this one. Literally the anarchy and judginess aspect. Treason aspect. Mean bitch aspect. Yelling at you. Got rid of the voice. Can share with Techno for Syndicate moments. Add a Wilbur who is a Hope player and you have the best Ho16
Heart: Floral's of choice. Ideal for the identity and reconciliation angle (which is why it is hers of choice). Fragmentation, selfhood, introspection, "what am I," all around 20/10, excellent times. Add the End and Beloved stuff to this (love, identity) and you have something truly maddenibg
Void: Saw this once and it went CRAZY. Good for the infosec angle. Memory stuff. Welp clap. Lying to you. He wouldn't break a promise. Pair with a Light Wilbur or Quackity for thermite explosion. Love him so much only reason I didn't go for this one is the peerpressure of it all with Rage
Life: This one could be pretty good he DOES love to thrive and I think it's smth u could definitely lean into the busybody angle with like Ranboo wants to live so bad and they want you to live too and they CAN be pushy and condescending and they ARE compassionate and giving and well I'll just cry. This is also the differently toned peerpressure choice actually. All Ranboo and Techno do is give. I'm crying now
Mind: DOING! THE RIGHT! THING! His methodical approach to stuff his scruples and concerns... the choice trees also, and the concepts he has of justice and priorities of trying 2 be an arbiter of fairness both consciously and not... choice and agency and destiny.... honestly while it's not my first choice I would ADORE seeing a Mindbound Ranboo it could srsly highlight some deeply underrated aspects. Might actually be the most comprehensive, thinking on it
Blood: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH obligation and bloodline and homesickness and consequences this was supposed to be my redemption everything with the End you can do that like with the Heart thing but with more of an emphasis on his place in the world and the ties he has and prioritizes and the people he cares about and the things he can't escape LIKEEEE he absolutely struggles with obligation what if I wept. The leadership angle is kinda meh but honestly the connections on other facets of this r so good that can be forgiven. And besides particles
Breath: Prince of Breath Ranboo (ESP with a Bloodbound Dream) 364 dead 744683 injured alliumduo nation declares national period of mourning. This is how alliumduo should make me feel. Make this now
Doom: Doomed are those and compliance are SO strong actually. I was doubting for a bit but then I thought abt it and this actually owns. It would need a good class to make it work but I think it could... I would kiiiiind of lean for Life ghosting Doom (or maybe have him ghost Doom as Rage in my AU. Could parallel Tbbo. Much illness to think about). The subversion and acceptance both of fate is interesting... then again maybe just keeping it as is in my AU where he is killed by a Doom player (Sam) is better
Light: Sophie brought this up once and it's lovely. Assignment and creation of meaning... Light and information and meaning... luck and consequences... man I see the vision I'd rlly go for Void over it I think but again the vision is 10/10
Hope: Another one where I'd really go for the inverse I think and not just 'cause it's my first choice. Ranboo's interactions with the concepts of Hope r decidedly Rage-driven; all his copium &such and attempts at preservation r functionally pragmatic coping mechanisms to maintain an agenda primarily about what is. While smth can definitely b done with the whole dreaming a better world into existence thing I just don't think Ranboo's interactions w the concept are usually that rosy. It does have hopes but it also very, very much knows where it exists, and both its ability to persist to a better tomorrow and its drive to get there for better and worse do not come from its hopes and creativity but from its ability to survive and understanding of what is there
Space and Time: I have less to say abt these honestly because a) I'm tired and b) honestly it's less like Hope where it doesn't Quite Make The Mark and more like . I mean it's just kind of not the flavor of persistence he exhibits... Space is kind of out for the same reason as Hope (it doesn't really create as much tbh and the aspects of wait-and-see and nurturing fit better with Doom/ghosting it/Rage as mentioned and with Life respectively) but a little more boring, and Time is out because Ranboo's a bit like . More nimble in that sense than is stated almost. Ranboo is not trapped in his circumstance in that sense yk ? And also both of these r out because while he IS the main character he is not like . Neither narratively nor in universe is he for the kind of job a Space or Time player embodies in the session. Unrelatedly Tubbo and Tommy are a Space and a Time player respectively
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champagnepodiums · 1 year
for the file thingy majiggy! 1) WHAT ON EARTH is the funeral au; are they undertakers?? WHO are the undertakers??? 2) scotty/josef; what r the bus bros up to 3) pato/colton; ive never seen this ship before, same with-- 4) illot/rossi ngl all the indy files are very intriguing but these r my top 4
1. OKAY so the funeral home AU was started in 2020 and my way of coping with working in the death industry during the start of COVID so it actually involves F1, IndyCar and NASCAR drivers.
So it’s like The Office but with funeral homes. Each series has their own funeral home — IndyCar is Newgarden-Power & Rossi, NASCAR is Earnhardt Family Funeral Homes and F1 is Prost-Lauda Funeral Home. And it’s meant to raise awareness of death and dying (this fictional documentary show) but in the process of filming, there is a dark secret uncovered. It’s broken into episodes with talking heads which is hard to write but I think it’s funny to read? So like they’re alll funeral directors. I admittedly only work on it like once every six months when I need to work through some work related trauma, eventually I’ll get it done and release it into the world but here’s a snippet:
“You know, the dream always was Prost-Lauda. That’s where every mortuary student in the state wants to end up.” Alex Palou -- another apprentice -- shifted in his seat before he snapped back into his composed, easy-going smile. “But I’ve found a home here at Newgarden-Power & Rossi. I’m not disappointed at all that this is where I’ve ended up. I plan on having a long career here.”
“Yeah, I mean. Newgarden-Power & Rossi is a great place to work, don’t get me wrong. But if an opportunity at Prost-Lauda opened up, I’d jump ship immediately. And Colton and Alex -- they’re lying when they say they wouldn’t. I just know. Because Prost-Lauda, they are elite. And if you get one of those embroidered jackets, you know you’ve made it.” Patricio -- more commonly called Pato -- ran a hand through his hair with a worried smile. “I probably just said way too much.”
“Does it bother me that some of my younger employees have their sights set on Prost-Lauda?” Josef folded his hands. “In short, no. They’re young, optimistic kids who just see the sparkle and shine. They see the prestige but they don’t see the mental toll that working for that funeral home can take. And that’s okay. They learn that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side and they figure out that maybe Newgarden-Power and Rossi might not have the embroidered jackets but we are just as well respected and talented.”
2- THE BUS BROS— teehee this one is a recycled something I worked on years ago so i’m still in the process but the short of it is that Josef goes through a bad break up and doesn’t recover, Scott is new to the US and Liz Power sees an opportunity so she gets Will to suggest to the powers that be at Team Penske to have Scott room with Josef to transition. It’s kind of an rivals to lovers vibe. (I’m not super far into that one so I don’t have any good snippets)
3- YES O’HERTA MY BELOVED. they were teammates in indy lights!! this fic is like set after they won the Rolex 24 together in 2022 and it’s based off the taylor swift song and it’s just angsty Colton wondering if they’ll be able to fight for championships in IndyCar and still stay the same.
4. ROSSI/ILOTT listen, this pairing is made up mostly for mine and @dystini’s entertainment lolol. We’re co-writing this (I’m the worlds slowest writer, very lucky to have the world’s most patient co-writer).
So the premise currently is as follows: Callum is feeling a bit disillusioned so he joins a band that needs a singer. He gives them a fake name because he desperately needs something completely separate from racing.
At his first performance, Alex Rossi is there and he doesn’t recognize him (it begins in the early 2022 season, Callum is a rookie and Callum has makeup on because he’s gotta look the part). They hook up and the story follows them through that (i don’t want to give the whole plot away hehehe).
A snippet (and honestly, this passage might be the best thing I’ve written ever):
The stage lights were so bright.
Callum blinked away a memory, a Bahraini night where all of the lights were on them. Where Callum hadn’t been enough, falling just short. But the way he unbuttoned Callum’s shirt afterward, soft lips on skin made Callum feel like for a fleeting moment that he was actually enough. Limbs tangled under bed sheets, affirmations, and promises exchanged. Everything was perfect and nothing was okay all at once.
The fresh start in Indianapolis had been meant to be a way to heal and Callum had thought he had been doing a good job of that. But Elle had decided the setlist should tell a story -- the story of heartbreak.
He knew she had no idea about what had happened, nobody had known about them. Nobody knew about their rise and fall, of triumph and despair. Nobody knew that Callum had meant his promises, nobody had known that he kept his love like a sacred oath, but Callum’s love was treated like a secret -- a loaded weapon type of secret that could and would ruin everything, and it was handled accordingly.
He was handled accordingly.
Feelings he had thought were gone had returned, and the memories that he had locked away stung his eyes and clogged his throat. Relentless memories that made it hard to sleep at night, hard to not wonder what might’ve been, what could have been, what should have been.
so yeah!! feel free to ask more, ngl talking about them motivates me to actually write them 💀💀💀💀
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xnchxntmxnt · 2 years
the character i chose is tendou satori (reader insert) !! i really like sweater weather by the neighbourhood (and r u mine? by arctic monkeys) and i’d prefer it it were fluff <33 the trope i’d like this to be is.. hmm.. the one w two oblivious people pining for each other !
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R U Mine?
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Character: Tendou Satori
Warnings: College au, mentions of food, non canon-compliant college satori because i barely understand the timeskip
Notes: ah, dumbasses to lovers my beloved
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I go crazy 'cause here isn't where I wanna be And satisfaction feels like a distant memory And I can't help myself All I wanna ever say is, "Are you mine?"
Satori sat back against the arm of the couch, kicking his legs up into your lap. When you playfully shoved you off, he simply kicked your shoulder and sat right where he was before. “I’m comfortable, a-thank-you-very-much.”
“Well, you can be comfortable—” you shoved his legs again— ”without your feet in my lap, thank you. And don’t get too comfy because you have cupcakes to get soon!” 
He groaned. “Can’t you get them?”
“Hey, who wants to be the future fancy chocolatier?” 
He rolled his eyes but got up when the timer went off anyway. There was so much to love about your Friday-night movie nights. His apartment was the one with all the sugary snacks, so usually, he hosted and you used your Netflix. 
Since meeting Satori, life away from home had gotten easier. Sure, school was a pain and there was way too much homework to be considered normal, but you’d gotten used to it. He made it a lot easier, too—he made you smile when you were stressed, danced with you when you needed a pick-me-up, and somehow managed to make you laugh whenever you were with him. He was an idiot, but he was your idiot, and in the six short months you’d known each other you felt like you met your soulmate. Platonic, of course, or that was what you’d been trying to tell yourself. Both of you pretended like the lingering hugs and blushing when your hands brushed or making kissy faces at each other were completely friendly. No romantic context whatsoever. None.
You couldn’t deny the fact there was something special about Satori, but whenever anyone asked, you shot it down. He was incredible, but just a friend. 
Just a friend, you reminded yourself, when he smiled at you and it felt like the sun was staring at you. Just a friend when he made stupid faces and made you laugh harder than you had all day. Just a friend when you stayed up at night and thought about kissing him. 
He came back a few moments later with slices of cake for each of you, which you clinked forks before digging into. 
“This is amazing, Satori,” you said, grinning at him. “You’re so good at this.”
“Well, thank you,” he replied, laughing at your overly-excited expression. “Not too sweet?” 
“Not at all!” 
“I’m glad.”
The two of you ate your snack while your movie played, but you noticed Satori kept looking over at you. “What, there something on my face?” you asked after a minute or two of this. You set your plate down on the table in front of you both.
He smirked. “Yeah, actually. Icing” He mirrors where the frosting is on his own face, and your try to wipe it off, but based on his expression, you missed. 
“No, it’s just—”
“Did i get it—”
“Oh, you’re impossible, just let me.” 
The next thing you knew his hand was ever-so-gently on your face, wiping the icing off of the corner of your mouth. He didn’t pull away for a moment, though—the two of you simply stared at each other for a long while, neither wanting to pull away.
Something happened in the movie where there was a loud crash and you both jumped. He pulled his hand away from you immediately and got up, grabbing both your plates to take them to the kitchen. When he turned his back, you buried your face in a pillow, trying to muffle any screaming that might come out. 
Just what the hell was that?
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taglist (send an ask with what fandoms you wanna be tagged in)
@mysterystarz @duckymcdoorknob @animated-moon @sirimirihiro @emswordss @b3tterth4nm3 @momoewn @otaku-thingz @kodzukoi @iwaso
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lady-literature · 3 years
I love your Constantine x Marinette AU! Its definitely a rare pair I love! Could you please do a Constantine x Marinette, where JL know that Constantine is married but they don't know to whom, and they become super shocked at the fact that he's married to Marinette.
I had like five different versions of how I wanted this to go and I literally could not decide for the longest time which I liked more I am so sorry for the wait r i p
John isn’t what one would call a ‘good person’.
In fact, he’s sure there’s a whole dictionary of words to use before anyone ever arrived at ‘good’. Selfish, callous, rude, crass, a right bloody dick—the list goes on. So, the fact that he somehow found himself married (which is a miracle in itself, honestly) to the definition of ‘complete and utter sweetheart’, well… it’s bloody barmy is what it is.
It’s no wonder people are so damn surprised after finding out who the missus is.
Not that, mind you, John gives them a break for their admittedly valid reactions. He’s still an asshole, after all.
“What’s with all the slack jaws?” John drawls with false confusion. “It’s no secret I got hitched last year.”
“I- Well, yes,” Flash says, eyes practically popping out of his mask. “But you never said who it was to. And, I mean, I kinda figured you were lying or playing some sort of joke or something.”
John raises an amused eyebrow. “Sorry to disappoint then, speedy, but I really am off the market.”
“Are we just-” Lantern says a bit hysterically, “are we just ignoring that it was Menagerie who you apparently married? Menagerie. As in, Superman’s sister Menagerie.”
A thought seems to come to him—which John thinks must be a first—and Hal whips around to face Supes.
“Did you know about this?!” he accuses.
Superman blinks at him with that sort of country boy innocence that somehow skipped right over Marinette. “‘Course I knew. Who else was supposed to be the Maid of Honor?”
Lantern’s mouth opens and closes uselessly.
“And the dress looked fantastic on you, Supes,” John compliments, just to see if Lantern’s head will actually explode. “But not as great as it looked on Diana.”
“Diana knew too?” Flash asks, whirling on said amazonian.
“Menagerie is a beloved shield sister of mine. I was honored to support her during her handfasting.”
Flash groans. “Did everyone but me and Hal know?”
The other heroes all share a look before, as one, they answer, “yes.”
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fishandshesmygills · 3 years
hii!! i was wondering if u have any good fic recs? i've been trying to find some but sorting through the many, many fics has been impossible and you seem like you have good taste lmao
omg hi anon this is so sweet.... I’ve mostly gotten fics from other ppl’s reclists on here so check out my #fic recs tag but I can link some favorites if you want! (you might know them all already tho, i’m not exactly slogging thru the actual ao3 tag either)
everyone’s a critic, teen, ~100k, this was the first long spn fic I read pretty much as soon as cas showed up, back when I was only reading aus to avoid spoilers. To be honest I didn’t really know anything abt cas then so even though I’ve read it twice how good the cas characterization in there is kinda a blur, but I am such a big fan of chef dean i want to give him a hug. I appreciate the lack of explicit smut here too it cuts away very tastefully.
under the midnight sun, explicit, ~230k, this is the longest fic I’ve ever successfully finished reading, I read it over the span of 2 days and I’m obsessed. ao3 user northernsparrow has an ornithology degree and uses it to write gay angel fanfiction. this is an ~au~ but cas is still an angel and it’s so well researched (from op’s real experience) that it really makes you feel like you’re on an arctic research station.
like moses and batman and james dean , explicit, ~30k, this is a personal favorite of mine (I mean, obviously, it’s on this list), warning for underage prostitution, this is such a good dean studies fic
r/supernatural, gen, ~3.5k, this is by my beloved mutual @marywinchesterapologist and never fails to make me laugh. dean posts on reddit.
the path of fireflies, mature, ~60k. keep ur eyes out for the ending, it will gut you. dean and cas got the b&b in vermont :)
regarding castiel, explicit, ~16k, this fic answers the question “what if cas was in 12x11 regarding dean? and does so wonderfully
tell me about the dream, mature, ~90k. what if after swan song dean couldn’t make the apple pie life work with lisa, but ended up reconnecting with cas who’s raising claire? this is soooo good I read it in one day and im probably gonna reread it soon I love it so much.
in due time, dean winchester is saved by @badjoices, teen, ~11k. what if little 26 year old pre-series dean showed up in 2021 and saw his future self alive and happy and with cas... warning for suicidal thoughts but there’s a happy ending, I love this one so much the ending really punched me in the gut
three little words  by @myaimistrue, mature, ~2.3k. cas, ambiguously back from the empty, tells dean he loves him and dean has a panic attack. this fic makes me feel so warm inside
you’re fooling yourself by @cowboydeanwinchester, teen, ~13k. baby jack fic baby jack fic!! maybe I’m partial to baby jack because I’m not to real jack in the show yet but I’m beyond obsessed with this fic and the author also wrote a couple more in-universe ficlets it’s so <3
I also have enjoyed pretty much everything from @sobsicles ! 
I have more fics in my bookmarks but these were for the most part the more memorable ones as I went through them just now. If you want more recs feel free to ask <3
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Tag Thingy
RULES: answer the questions then tag as many as you like 9 folx you want to get to know a little better/haven't chatted to in a while
aw, thank you muchly for my tag @sourwolf-skinnydefenseless!
FAVOURITE COLOUR: ahhhh, i cannea pick just one! but i'm always drawn to purples and petrol blues/greens. and, as an artist, i often like my colours kind of muted, too. i'm not often into a primary pallet, but very much enjoy neon colours--often thrown in with the muted shades!
CURRENTLY READING: *runs and hides* oh man, my reading habits have gone to shit of recent (which i hate bc reading my beloved <3 ya know?). so i am STILL trying to get through MISTER IMPOSSIBLE, the second book in maggie stiefvater's dreamer trilogy, which i've been reading f o r e v e r . also in the middle of about 78 other novels i've been trying to get through all year, obviously. re sterek fanfic, i've finally started (today, kate!) the very awesome american assassin au I AM THE GHOST OF MY MISTAKES by the very lovely and talented @greyhavenisback and i cannot wait to get properly stuck in! go read it! after that it will, at long last, be I WANT TO REMEMBER LOVE by the equally lovely and talented @but-theres-wolves, for which i've already consumed (and reblogged!) a shit-ton of the stunning related art. you should click the links and check them both out! you will not regret either, i promise.
LAST SONG: this would be THE MORE YOU IGNORE ME, THE CLOSER I GET by morrissey and it inspired THIS STEREK ARTWORK of mine!
LAST TV SERIES: i'm currently getting back into ELEMENTARY (i will watch anything holmes & watson related) after ages of only seeing the first 2 seasons. but the last series i finished was a french show on netflix called BLACK SPOT that i absolutey loved! it's a crime mystery with an is it?/isn't it? supernatural aspect. hoping it gets picked up for a 3rd season...
LAST MOVIE: i watched soOoo much horror over the halloween period, i don't know if i've actually sat down to a movie since! so i guess it must have been a re-re-re-re-watch of polanski's 1968 classic ROSEMARY'S BABY.
SWEET, SAVORY OR SPICY: spicy, every. damn. time. i literally have a keyring a friend got me which is a tiny, refillable SCIRACHA bottle! #hot sauce on everything
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: *runs and hides (again)* can't write at the moment (other than the odd drabble). and i haven't made art (other than work stuff) for over a week, until today. and honestly, i forced myself into it so, imo, it looks... far away from good. but hey ho. the muse will return. gonna be cheeky and add the last thing i wrote which was THIS STEREK PIECE. sue me lol.
imma tag, play or nay: @sharkfish @shealynn88 @novemberhush @princecharmingwinks @ohhalefire @lenaospinka @ilovepeachystuff @greyhavenisback @petrichoravellichor @rauko-is-a-free-elf @jmeelee @seanchaidh7 @puhnatsson @nerdherderette @wulfnerd @but-theres-wolves @caduceuzs @catboyadamparrish @callumnova @flitwickslittlebrotha @dilflanlynch + whomever wants me to know more about them :))
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piedpiperslists · 3 years
KSJ: Brother’s Best Friend / Best Friend’s Brother AU
List of all Seokjin fics under 'Brother’s Best Friend / Best Friend’s Brother' AU:
* s - contains smut sm - social media format
* Last updated: 26/11/2023
[drabble] by yukheii brother's best friend
* 11:03 PM by likeastarstar best friend's older brother
Camellia by jinfizz brother's best friend Summary: These impressive, lush flowers were beloved by the Victorians who gave them the meaning “my destiny is in your hands.” Tailor the flower’s color to your relationship: White camellia should be given to someone you like, pink camellia is for someone you miss, and red camellia is best for a significant other.
* Got Me All Messed Up by ugh-yoongi s brother's best friend, FWB
* Want It Anyway by ugh-yoongi s brother's best friend, FWB
Messy by minisugakoobies s brother's best friend Summary: Your brother's best friend Jin is crashing on your couch. Things get messy.
* Pure Galaxies by jjkeverlast angst, best friend’s brother, secret relationship, cabin trip au Summary: Taehyung wasn’t supposed to find out on your annual cabin trip, that you were hopelessly in love with Seokjin, someone who’s in the zone of ‘do-not-date.’
Tiny Lights, Tiny Lies by ggukcangetit best friend's brother Summary: You aren’t sure when exactly your best friend’s brother went from being an oddly annoying set of broad shoulders to the shoulders you frequently fell asleep against.
Unexpectedly spending the holidays together by breadoffoxy brother's best friend
Best Mistake by ahloveisboo s wc~3.7k / best friend's brother Summary: Seokjin is your best friend’s brother and he probably shouldn’t look at you this way.
Lavender Blue by yooaliceee wc~22.8k / strangers to lovers, brother's best friend, Cinderella au Summary: When your step-mother becomes the head organizer of the annual Moonlit Carnival, you knew you had your work cut out for you. From making sure all the stalls were in tip top shape, to hanging up the decorations, it seemed like there would be no end to your misery. But when your step-brother gives you the freedom to secretly sing every night at the town square, you figure that maybe things weren’t so bad after all. Especially if a certain man with eyes that could light up the darkness stops by to visit you every single time.
T W O S H O T S / S E R I E S
Off Limits by floralseokjin s brother’s best friend Summary: You’ve been lusting after your brother’s best friend for a while now, ever since you met him at a house party, flirting it up a storm as you failed to realise who the other was. That was months ago now and things are still awkward, but you can’t ignore the sexual tension that’s simmers between the two of you…and it keeps getting worse…
Show Me Yours, I'll Show You Mine by ktheist s brother's best friend Summary: You’re a horny bunny yet Kim Seokjin always seems to manage to slide out of your grasps like a fox every time. Follow these two as they embark on a sexual adventure whilst keeping their relationship on the low from Kim Taehyung who may or may not just pull out the (your) best friend and (Seokjin’s) brother card to call a time-off on them for good.
Still Want You by yonkimint sm best friend's brother Summary: Y/N and Tae have been best friends ever since they challenged each other to a race on the monkey bars in grade school and Y/N fell and broke her arm instead. Since then, they’ve been inseparable and, along with the rest of their band of chaos — Jimin and Tae, they do everything together and more importantly, they tell each other everything too. That is, of course, until Tae’s older brother, Jin, comes home from college… When their worlds collide unexpectedly, Jin is surprised to find that the little nuisance who used to haunt his house is all grown up. What’s more, he thinks he might be falling for her. She might be falling for him too. But as their circles clash, will those budding feelings be enough to last?
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theyilinglaozus · 4 years
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To celebrate the absolute insanity that is this little blog reaching a follower milestone of over 1,000 followers (honestly, how did that even happen?) I have decided that I would like to say a huge thank you by providing you all with the (very long time promised) list of some of favourite fanfictions!
Be warned. This is quite the long list. We’re sitting at 60+ fic recs here, and I’ve done my best with adding the most applicable tags for each. Some I’m sure will be old favourites to many in the fandom, but there’s also a few here which could potentially become one of your new favourites too. There are just so many amazingly talented writers within this fandom, and this is really just the tiniest slice of some of the fantastic stories out there in the wild. Thank you to all the many fic writers out there that provide such incredible content simply for both the love of the characters and the love of writing in general! 💖 I appreciate you for providing so many wonderful escapes and new journeys that we can once again join our beloved characters on.
And finally, thank you, to all my lovely followers. This list is for you. 
grow → cafecliche post canon. age regression. fluff.
(our friendship) up against the ropes → daltoneering modern au. friends with benefits. mutual pining. oblivious!wei ying. dom/sub undertones + other tags.
The Absolutely True Story of the Yiling Patriarch: A Manifesto in Many Parts → aubreyli post canon. junior shenanigans. fluff.
where the chaos is → darkredloveknot post!drama canon. reunions. first kiss. first time. domestic.
Not rage but grief → dezemberzarin jealousy. established relationship. light angst. 
tell some storm → qurbat post canon. hurt/comfort. fluff.
Sometimes the Shadow → northofallmusic rough sex. kink negotiation. breathplay.
your persuasions → phnelt modern au. size kink. pwp.
Cut Through The Clouds → phnelt modern au. pilot!lan wangji. flight attendant!wei wuxian.
Mo Money, Mo Problems → x_los canon divergence. confessions. getting together.
I’m Going Out (Gonna Make A Name For Me And You) → cosmicmilktea post canon. slow burn.
As You Like It → cosmicmilktea post canon. light angst. fluff. 
Deeper grows my longing → feyburner post canon. getting together. first kiss.  
one good thing → Yuu_chi modern au. ghost!wei wuxian. angst with a happy ending. 
Sex, Science, and True Love: A Rigid Analysis of the Practical Applications of Dual Cultivation → aubreyli canon divergence. taoist sexual practices. still in progress.
there’s no promised goodbye here → anonymous modern au. post break-up. roommates. getting back together. angst and fluff.
Saw My Life in a Stranger’s Face → timetoboldlygo post canon. established relationship. light angst. domestic fluff. 
How to Keep Your Diplomatic Asset Close (and Your Wei Ying Closer) by His Excellency → misscam cql!verse. getting together. fluff. smut. humour. 
i don’t wanna lose you (i hope this never ends) → annemari post canon. sick fic. getting together.
I Don’t Want To Know → kuro modern au. post break-up. pining. angst and fluff.
wuxian → livsn fixing relationships (lan xichen and wei wuxian reconciliation)
paint smears on sunny days → SnowshadowAO3 single dad!lan wangji. art teacher!wei wuxian. a-yuan!. mutual pining. fluff and smut.
made of sunlight → retts body horror. body dysmorphia (wei wuxian over mo xuanyu’s body not being his original). angst and fluff. hurt/comfort. nightmares.
Love wakes me → dea_liberty modern au. famous!lan wangji. coffee shop owner!wei wuxian. found families (wei wuxian and the wens). reunions. angst. happy ending.
you’ve ruined my life (by not being mine) → cicer modern au. slow burn. awkward flirting. fluff. 
Take Root, Come Home → piecrust post canon. angst and fluff. established relationship.
your heartbeat, across the grass → fakeplasticlily modern au. footballer/soccer player!lan wangji. a-yuan!. oblivious wei wuxian. mutual pining. fluff. childhood friends.
the recluse at the end of the moonlit path → b_ofdale modern setting. immortal!lan wangji. reunions. asexual character. mutual pining.  
between the lines → jywait modern au. gaming. mutual pining. fluff. 
Silver & Gold → beeswaxing post canon. canon divergence. established relationship. age regression. angst and fluff. romance. mutual pining.
These Things Stay the Same → notevenyou modern au. accidents. minor character death. parents!wei wuxian and lan wangji. angst with a happy ending.
i’ll have you and you’ll have me → sundiscus modern au. established relationship. marriage proposal. fluff.
Martial Claims → yeolinski modern au. lawyers!lan wangji and wei wuxian. established relationship. juniors as interns. fluff and comedy. 
r/relationships → vespertineflora modern au. viral reddit post. love confessions. oblivious wei wuxian. fluff.
nothing gold can stay → rikke canon divergence. golden core reveal. angst and fluff. 
Tears of Pearl ‘verse → FleetofShippyShips
rebuttable presumption ‘verse → sarah-yyy
long way home series → idrilka
Twelve Moons and a Fortnight ‘verse → stiltonbasket
More Amazing Reads
yeah they’re just bros thanks for asking → victortor modern au. established relationship. aromantic wei wuxian. intimacy. fluff.
promise me the universe → somersaulter post canon. confessions. drunk wei wuxian. wen ning pov.
it goes like this → moonsteps modern au. soulmates. oblivious wei wuxian. humour. fluff. 
The Guests of Cloud Recesses → cafecliche post canon. fluff. light angst. grief and mourning. 
总有一天; a place to hide (can’t find one near) → yiqie modern au. hurt/comfort. getting together. depression. happy ending. ⚠️ suicide attempt through overdose. 
The Way It Wasn’t → KouriArashi canon divergence. fix-it fic. angst. family.
Standing Engagement → x_los sunshot campaign. golden core reveal. misunderstandings. accidental engagement.
your touch in the dark (your voice in the silence) → b_ofdale modern au. buskier!wei wuxian. musician!lan wangji. mutual pining. friends with benefits. asexual!wei wuxian.
Orchids in Lotus Pier → Vamillepudding canon divergence. misunderstandings. friends to lovers. lan wangji and jiang cheng are friends.
Two Unlucky Guys → saved modern au. pwp. first time. miscommunication. fluff and angst. 
梅花开放 | the plum blossoms bloom → doubletan post canon. sickfic. hurt/comfort. angst. established relationship. ⚠️ major character death.
Charming → WangXianPatriarch post canon. jealousy. fluff. teasing. 
Cave Survival (or: how the Xuanwu cave could have gone) → cerbykerby pining. oblivious wei wuxian. humour. fluff.
it’s you, it’s you, it’s always you → Fleetling modern au. friends to lovers. slow burn. fluff.
Closer Than Eternity → Netrixie modern au. reincarnation. immortal!lan wangji. angst with a happy ending.
How to propose to the love of your life in one simple step → CloudyInk royalty au. prince!lan wangji. general!wei wuxian.
Crazy, Rich Cultivators → ShanaStoryteller modern au. misunderstandings. established relationship.
a stone to break your soul, a song to save it → rikke canon divergence. arranged marriage. 
This Time With Lanterns → ChaoticAndrogynous post novel canon. fluff. light angst. established relationship. wedding.
a single fire bright → magpie_fngrl canon divergence. fix-it fic. pining. 
Hello IT. Have You Tried Turning It Off and On Again? → overmountainandmeadow modern au. IT director!lan wangji. graphic designer!wei wuxian. single dad!lan wangji. fluff. slow burn.
Walk the Circle in the Other Direction → notevenyou modern au. oblivious wei wuxian. bisexual!wei wuxian. childhood friends. fluff. coming out. brief wei wuxian/mianmian.
and in the spring i shed my skin → wvlfqveen modern/magical au. fluff. love confessions. shapeshifter!lan wangji. necromancer!wei wuxian.
the yungmeng accords series → cafecliche
misunderstood ‘verse → sysrae
Shameless Self-Plugging
Snowfall canon divergence. getting together. pwp.
A Brothers’ Love post canon. established relationship. fluff. gentle exposure therapy (wei wuxian working on his phobia of dogs).
Afternoon Retreat post canon. established relationship. fluff.
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tangtownie · 3 years
You Should See Me In A Crown - Natasha Romanoff x Dark!Reader Insert (AU)
Author’s Note: So, this is my first time trying to write something dark…
Think it might land in the category of soft!dark, but be warned none the less!
Super nervous about posting this, but I actually ended up really liking this one myself, so hopefully others will as well.
Reader is from the Red Room Academy, just as Natasha, only reader never left them. I took some creative liberties when describing the Red Room Academy, so that it fit my idea better, which is also why this story is marked as an AU.
The Russian nickname for Natasha means ‘darling’, ‘pet’ or ‘beloved’.
I incorporated some lyrics from the song, tell me how many you can find? 🧐
Regarding the timeline, I imagine this would take place after Natasha brought down SHIELD and shortly after Bucky joined the Avengers.
Also, shoutout to @a-little-counter-esperanto for being kind enough to beta this for me and offer some moral support! 🥰
Once again, this is marked dark for a reason! There might be topics that are triggering to certain people, so please be responsible about your media consumption.
Warnings: Explicit descriptions of violence and murder, dark!Reader, messed up “family” relations, weird/sexual obsession with a sister figure.
Word count: 2.252
Song Inspiration: You Should See Me In A Crown by Billie Eilish
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I was perfectly concealed, blending in with all the mindless idiots making their way down the street. If this hadn’t been New York, and people actually paid attention to what happened around them, they might have noticed the warning sign that was the concealed weapons on my body. Or my too heavy boots beating down against the concrete. Carefully eyeing the tower, I counted the people moving in and out of the building. “Bite my tongue, bide my time.” I mumbled quietly, catching the attention of a passerby. We had in fact been biding our time, monitoring the tower for months, counting the number of armed guards on site at any given time. However, it seemed that these soft Americans had their most precious protectors under lock and key at all times. Biting my tongue, I tried not to scoff. One would assume that the Avengers were more than capable of handling themselves, but apparently their employer did not.
Not that it mattered, the more people in the tower, the more people there were for my sisters to play with. My sisters who were all watching me, waiting for my signal. Finally, we had found our missing piece and none of us were leaving here without her. I had been searching for her for years, using the Academy’s missions to get intel on my long lost sister. In time, Mother had found out and I had been forced to deal with that. Fortunately, it was nothing a little thallium poisoning couldn’t handle for me. One less complication and Mother would never get between us again. No one would. Catching the rays of the sun on the edge of my watch, I slowly rolled my wrist, the light reflecting up on a window in a perfect circle. “Wearing a warning sign.” I didn’t know where my sisters were located, but I knew they had all seen my signal. I moved swiftly through the masses, discarding my disguise along the way, and quickly found myself standing in front of the tower.
The first window shattered, as I opened the door, a flurry of bullets following the first one. Civilians were screaming: scrambling to get away, guards were rushing in from all sides: barking commands rushing through their radios and glass continued flying through the air as my sisters blew the lobby to pieces. A few stray pieces of glass tangled in my hair, light reflecting off of them as I moved gracefully through the chaotic scene, while the bloodcurdling screams piercing the air sounded almost like a symphony. Humming quietly to myself, I pulled my gun from the holster on my hip and aimed carelessly before shooting a guard in the face.
The bullet lodged in his eye and he fell to his knees, screaming. His body spasmed out of his control and with a final gurgling scream, he fell limply to the floor. “I love the way they scream.” I really didn’t need to kill him to swipe his ID, but alas why should my sisters have all the fun? After all, I was the one running this mission. The glass crunched underneath my boots and blood splattered all over me whenever my sisters killed the ones that got too close to me.
Making it to the elevator was easy: the guards and civilians continuously dropping all around me. Once inside of the elevator, I pressed R for residential. Wiping some blood from my cheek, I caught a whiff of gunpowder on my dark glove and I inhaled again, greedily, as pure joy filtered through my system. Raising my head to look at my reflection, I was met with a dazzling vision wrapped in all black. I could see the bumps from my arsenal of knives and guns strapped to my thighs, hips and arms. My hair was tied back tightly, the glass shards framing my head like a crown, and blood smeared across my face. “You are so pretty.”
The elevator dinged as it reached the residential floor. Unlike the others, this was ominously silent. By now the precious protectors would now that I had come looking for them. Or rather her. I had come for her and I would die before leaving without her. “Natalia?” I called out for her teasingly. “I know you’re here, любимый." I was met only with silence. Humming quietly to myself again, I fished a knife out of my holster and jammed it into the keypad of the elevator. The keypad sputtered and sparked before I pulled the knife back out, leaving it hanging down the side of the wall.
Flipping the knife carelessly, I scraped it against the wall, as I started moving down the hallway. “Our sisters are so looking forward to seeing you again, sweet Natalia.” I was almost reunited with her and joy filled my voice as well as my body. A flash of movement caught my eye and I turned just in time to see someone charging at me. A quick sidestep and he flew past me. He was tall, broad and dark. Every inch of him wrapped in black leather. His gaze was burning with fury, when he turned to look at me.
“Soldat,” I cocked my head in recognition, a smirk curling around my lips. “I see you’ve betrayed the cause as well.” The burly soldier snarled at me in response and a bubbling laughter rose from my throat. “Poor little Soldat, still have the manners of a raging beast, I see.” The deranged soldier lunged at me again, and it took all of my power to block his fist. The metallic whirring getting louder and louder the more weight he put into it. Grunting with effort, I could feel his arm slipping through mine and his fist met my face with full force. My entire body was slammed backwards into the wall and it felt as though my brain was vibrating from the hit. For a second everything went dark, but the taunting scoff from Soldat ripped me back to reality instantaneously.
Pushing myself from the wall, I growled back at him. To think that my dear sister had been trapped here with these abominations of nature for so long… But no matter, we were here for her now and we would take her away. I simply needed to put down this caged animal in front of me, and we could be on our way. “Watch me make ‘em bow.” Anger flashed in the eyes of the beast as I spoke and he charged again: his metal hand shooting out and wrapping around my throat. His eyes burning while he tightened his grip until all that could escape me were choked off gasps.
I fumbled for the needle in my pocket. I knew it contained just enough sedative to take down a deranged super soldier and while I had anticipated using it on a certain overeager Captain, this seemed like an appropriate use. When I finally grasped the needle, I plunged it into the side of Soldat’s neck. The drug took effect immediately: the beast’s eyes drooping and his ironclad grip on my throat loosening. As my feet touched the floor again, his hand slipped from my throat and he landed with a loud thump. I wasn’t certain how long it would keep him down, so for good measure I grasped one of my knifes and plunged it into him: his stomach, chest and shoulder before I sliced along the inside of his arm.
Loosing my patience, I started down the hallway again. I had to find her and save her. How could Mother ever have thought that Natalia was safe here? Kicking down every door I met, I eventually found her room. The soft scent of jasmine and lemongrass wafted over me and I couldn’t resist the temptation to go in. “You smell so sweet.” My fingers softly grazed over her walls as I moved inside and let the smell of my dear sister take over my senses. Her room was warm and inviting with throw blankets and pillows everywhere and I knew that I had been right. This—she—was exactly what our sisters needed, a comforting and warm presence.
Natalia’s bedroom was immaculate as always, not a single item out of place. Stopping at her dresser, I needed to feel close to her. I tore open a drawer and pulled out a sweater. The material was much softer and smoother than anything I owned and I burrowed my face in it, so that I could really smell her. A sense of calm washed over me and I let myself fall backwards onto her bed, so that I could be surrounded by her scent. My sweet Natalia, how I had missed her. “I fell for those ocean eyes.”
There was nothing I hadn’t missed about her: her eyes that would sparkle like the stars on a bright and cold night. Her deep, soothing drawl. Her soft and luscious hair that I could almost feel running through my fingers. All of it making up the resilient, courageous and ruthless warrior that I had loved for as long as I could remember. My sweet, dear sister. We would be together again soon and then nothing could tear us apart ever again. A sudden sound snapped me back to attention and I quickly got off the bed, hiding beside the doorframe to her bedroom. The steps were careful and calculated, yet soft. A smiled curved over my lips as I recognized them.
“Natalia, любимый, I’ve been looking for you.” Her steps froze at the sound of my voice. I slowly emerged from my hiding spot with the smile still on my lips. Natalia had never looked quite as beautiful as she did with her gun pointed at me. “Oh, любимый, I’m not here to hurt you.” Natalia’s stance wavered just a little and I was elated to see her giving in to me. “I’m here to help you escape, sweet sister.” Confusion washed over Natalia’s face and I smirked as I was reminded that she had always been one of our more simple-minded sisters.
“Mother fell ill.” I explained it simply to her. My darling, simple sister did not need to know all the gory details of what I’d done to find her. “And some of our weaker sisters were flailing without a strong leader, so… I stepped in.” An emotion I didn’t quite recognize flashed over Natalia’s face and she lowered her gun a little. “But as you know, любимый, I’m not exactly a nurturing person and while I see no use of such foolish sentimentality, some of our sisters have requested that you re-join us.” I watched her closely, as I finished my sentence. “We are going to run that place together. That, and any other place you want, my sweet love.” Anger flashed in Natalia’s eyes and her gun was back in my face instantaneously.
I didn’t let her reaction deter me, though. I loved her and I knew that she loved me too. I gently placed my hand on her cheek and dragged her closer to me. “I cannot do this without you, sister. I cannot live with you… Do you have any idea how long I’ve been searching for you?” I placed my other hand on top of her gun and pushed it down until it was pointed at my chest. “If you won’t let me help you, then you’ll have to kill me, любимый.” Natalia’s eyes widened and jumped back and forth, from my face down to my chest. “Tell me, sweet sister. Which do you imagine is worse? Living without you or dying first?” I gently brought my hand up to her other cheek and pulled her closer to me, until our foreheads were resting on one another.
“любимый, my love, don’t resist me.” I whispered the last words before crashing my lips onto hers. The feel of her soft, full lips against mine was even better than I had dreamt. I gasped ecstatically into her mouth and let my hands slide into her hair. I tightened my grip on her hair, when she tried to pull away. She could breathe when I let her. Until then, I would kiss her as long as I pleased. A tear slid down her cheek and I understood. She had finally accepted that we were supposed to be together and that we would rule alongside each other. “You will be the most perfect Mother, любимый.” I whispered against her lips.
Suddenly, a burning feeling spread through my chest and I could hardly breathe. “любимый, do you feel it, too?” I gasped. “We are finally becoming one.” Each syllable hurt more than the last and I barely registered Natalia’s gun clattering to the floor. Something warm ran down my chest and my legs almost collapsed under me. I clung to Natalia and she fell to the floor with me. She wrapped her arms around me and I was in heaven. “You are so beautiful, sweet Natalia.” Even as my vision blurred and I could feel the pull of a deep, dark sleep, I could not pry my eyes away from her. “Sister, I feel so tired…” My voice was cracking from all the effort it took me to speak, but she was here. My true love, my dear sister. I had finally found her again. “Sleep, sister. Everything will be alright.” My sweet Natalia’s voice was the last thing I heard before the darkness took me.
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Okay, so Tumblr was acting all crazy when I was making this post, so hopefully, it'll work! 😬
Also, as always, would love feedback in any form! Comment, reblog, messages! It doesn't matter. ❤️
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akizumy · 4 years
Sooo- I hadn’t planned to write anything for Halloween, but then I got this idea and I couldn’t get it out of my head. I know I’m a day late (typical me), but since it is done I might as well post it, right ? This One Shot is part of the Varitas AU (basically an evil Varian ahah), and I fear I got inspired by the rp blogs : @royal-engineer-of-corona and @v-a-r-i-t-a-s TW !! Amber, knife, death (there is no graphic description except a mention of blood)- if there is anything else that you think I should tag, don’t hesitate to yell at me in the comments. Takes place between Be very Afraid and Cassandra's revenge !
If most people had to describe Varian, they would use the word 'dangerous' because of what the kid could do, and what he had already done. Although the alchemist had saved Corona and been forgiven by the royal family, everyone still saw him as the criminal who kidnapped their queen, who attacked the kingdom with automatons and a mutant raccoon. Everyone still saw him as the threat he used to be and could still be, even Varian himself : if the alchemist couldn't forgive himself, why would others act any differently ? But Eugene saw things differently. Unlike the rest of the Coronans, the former thief spend most of his days with the young alchemist ever since the latter got out of jail; he had of course been wary of him at first, the memory of Varian attacking Rapunzel and the kingdom still painfully fresh in his memory like in everyone else's. But day after day, he had soon come to accept that the kid was very different from this idea that everyone had of him. Everything about him, whether it was his actions or his words, illustrated his regrets about his past actions; and Eugene could see how hard the kid was trying to make amends. That was why the word he associated with Varian was not 'dangerous', but 'guilt'. It was both an observation of the alchemist's behavior, his doubts and culpability, and also a protection against others' judgment. Varian had regrets. Varian had changed. Varian was no longer dangerous. He wanted nothing more than for everyone, the kid included, to see that and to be able to move on; for people to realize all the good Varian could make, and for Varian to see that as well- that it wasn't too late for him to be who he wanted to be. That he could still be happy. Such a shame that he had to be proved wrong. It had all happened really fast : the automatons, attacking the island one morning. They were numerous, and more just kept coming in an endless flow; even though they had no idea what was happening or why, Rapunzel had focused on going and protecting the Coronans first, getting answers after that. That was the plan. Pretty easy, hard to mess up- or, it should have been. Because now as the cold, metal hand of the automaton was firmly holding Eugene prisoner, the latter having no choice but to face the woman he loved encased in amber and surrounded by two other automatons, the former thief was left wondering how could things have possibly gone this wrong. "Well, it looks like Corona no longer has her beloved leader- if she could even be called that in the first place." And of course, how could he possibly forget the one whose satisfied tone was awakening in Eugene a deep hatred, one like he had never felt before. Varian was standing in front of the statue, looking absolutely triumphant, and how could he not be after taking over Corona and defeating their princess, their Sundrop ? The broken wall of the throne room, the latter being only a remnant of what it used to be, only added to his glorious victory, offering an heartbreaking view on the completely destroyed kingdom. His eyes were shining with an eerie joy, and a wide grin appeared on his lips as he admired the consequences of his actions; encased in amber, Rapunzel's painful and horrified expression was a terrible contrast with the alchemist's ominous one. "Don't worry, Eugene," the alchemist said after some time, finally looking away from the amber to the former thief, trapped in an other kind of prison, "She's not dead. She doesn't deserve such a fate." The alchemist confidently walked up to him, leaning against the metal hand. "No, she deserves a sentence far worse than that." The alchemist's voice was dangerously low as he stared at Eugene, watching his every reaction. The former thief didn't look away in return, instead glaring at the kid who had taken so much from him and went as far as to laugh about it too. He just- Eugene simply couldn't believe what he was hearing and seeing. Varian- Varian had made amends. He had apologized, and they'd forgiven him. He had been working ever since to help Corona, to fix his mistakes and stop Cassandra. Varian had changed- he had. Hadn't he ? But then, why would he go back on that ? Why did he all of a sudden attack Corona with these- these automatons, destroying the island, trapping Rapunzel in that same amber that destroyed his life once before ? Why would he do that to his friends, to Team Awesome ? Was it all just a wicked scheme to fool them ? Eugene stared at the kid in front of him. He was exactly like Varian- same outfit, same black hair with this odd blue stripe, same blue eyes. No, not the same. Varian's eyes weren't merciless, mocking and cold, so cold. Varian's eyes were warm, friendly and guilty. "Who..." Eugene hissed, glaring all the more. "Who are you ? What have you done to Varian ?" Varian wouldn't do something like that, Eugene was sure of it. The other half of Team Awesome, the kid who liked ham sandwiches and often forgot to take care of himself when working was not the same as the one who encased Rapunzel in amber. The alchemist who fought his fears in order to save Corona, that kid would never do something like that. Still, he didn't expect... him, to simply smirk, that same threatening smirk he thought -he hoped- he'd never see again on this face. "You know, I never thought you were right when you said that people don't give you enough credit. You are clever, aren't you ?" "What does that mean ?" He was just done talking when the door of the throne room opened with noise. Eugene tried to look behind him to see the source of the noise, in vain : the robot's grip was keeping him from making any movement. However, he had a really good view of Varian raising his head in surprise, before cautiously taking a few steps back, furious eyes staring at... whoever just came in, Eugene guessed. Said person walked closer, as Eugene could tell from the footsteps sounds, before stopping right beside him; turning his head to the side, Eugene saw... Varian. It took his mind a minute to process the information. "Wait wait wait," Eugene narrowed his eyes, "Am I seeing 2 Varians ? Is that- is that some sort of evil twin story, or...?" Varian number 2 didn't react, but Varian number 1's smirk only widened. "I guess you could say that." He did a mocking bow in front of the other two, "I am Varitas, 'the mean one'- because someone has to take the blame, and who's better to replace Varian at it than Varian himself ? You Coronians aren't really creative, you know : get yourself someone else to blame, or even better, an actual justice system." It took all of Eugene's might not to give in and harshly tell him that he was absolutely guilty for what he had done to everyone; he barely restrained himself from doing so, realization hitting him hard. That was what that Varitas guy wanted. He had been provoking him since the beginning, trying to push him to his limits; and although Eugene wasn't really one to give in to anger, what could that kind of behavior do to someone who would, someone whose guilt would make them an easy prey ? For example, someone who definitely would be the target of his own double... Oh no. "I'm so-sorry..." Varian whispered, his voice cracking. His glassy eyes were filled with tears that streamed down his cheeks, highlighting how unusually pale he was, or how dark and big the bags under his eyes were in contrast. "It's all my fault..." "Kid-no. This is not your fault, none of it is." Eugene insisted. Varian clearly seemed exhausted, on the verge of breaking down, and with all of that accumulated guilt ready to burst free, he was basically an emotional time bomb. A really, really unstable emotional time bomb that could possibly become a problem if nothing was done to calm him down before. When did that start ? Why hadn’t he noticed before, why hadn’t he done anything to protect Varian ? Varian didn’t react, clearly not believing him; it broke Eugene’s heart to see him in such a state. Of course, that's the moment Varitas chose to speak up. "You're right, Eugene : it's not his fault nor is it mine, but it is actually yours, it has always been. I know how talented you are all in the field of lies and deceit and breaking promises, but you have to be incredibly good to make him believe that you actually care about him and are his friends without him ever questioning it. Again." Varian shivered, looking down at the ground, and Eugene could only imagine the thoughts going through his head; anger and guilt and feeling of betrayal and self-loathing, all of them feeding a dangerous hatred that was definitely what Varitas was planning to use. Oh, how much Eugene hated that Varitas kid. He hated him for taking Rapunzel away, for torturing Varian; he hated how powerless he felt. "If you know us as well as you say you do, then you should also know these are not lies." Eugene growled, but Varian once again didn’t react. Varitas only rolled his eyes, fully aware that he was in control of the situation. "Oh, you are good- but thank you for proving my point." He then turned to Varian, and Eugene tensed up. Whatever he had planned, Eugene feared the kid wasn't in a good enough state to fight against. "I'm sorry I started without you," Varitas smiled, something almost warm, outstretching his hand towards Varian, "but you can still join me and serve justice, like we wanted to." Unlike his kind words, his tone was very clear : obey, or face the consequences. Varian stared at Varitas' hand for a moment, before his glassy eyes moved to the hole in the wall and the destruction beyond, then to the amber and finally, to Eugene. Eugene's heart ached as he met Varian's eyes. The raging storm of the kid's emotions was frightening, and Varian seemed completely lost. Eugene wanted to reassure him, to tell him that these were all lies, that none of it was true, that they did care about him- but he also wasn’t stupid. “Please, kid... Don’t...” Was all Eugene said, because he saw in these eyes that Varian... Varian would not believe him, or anything else he’d say. That Varitas's poisoned words, playing with Varian's deepest fears and guilt, had already had their effect on the kid. Where was he when Varian needed him ? Why was he stuck, unable to help when the kid needed him the most ? Varitas was right- just like before, he couldn't give Varian the help he so desperately needed. Varian stared at him for a while longer, before looking back at Varitas. Extending his hand, he took the other's in his own. Then, harshly pulling Varitas forward, he threw in the latter's face a green ball that exploded in a flash of blinding light. Varitas immediately shoved Varian away, rubbing his eyes with his hands; his hiss of pain morphed into a low chuckle. "Alright, looks like you've made your choice..." Eugene felt his heart drop as the two other automatons -the ones not currently holding Eugene- walked toward the alchemist, responding to Varitas's order. He knew his friend hardly stood a chance; above all, he knew Varian was fighting a losing battle, because he himself didn’t even know what he was fighting for, or if he wanted to. It was clear as day that Varian was fighting back like a wounded animal, with the energy of despair, and that this would end very badly. Eugene tried once again to free himself, even if he knew there was no way he could get out. Varian acted quickly, trapping the first automaton's feet in goo, effectively stopping him. Varitas threw at him a green ball that Varian barely managed to avoid; not fast enough to recover, the alchemist couldn't dodge a hit from the second automaton that made him fall to the ground. Not wasting any time, Varian sent a pink ball on the second automaton, trapping him the same way; he however didn't see the third ennemy attacking him from behind. "Watch out !!" Eugene stopped struggling a moment to yell in alarm. Varian startled and turned around just in time to catch Varitas's wrists, keeping him from using his knife- because yes, he had a knife, a real one. "Why are you fighting for them ?!" Varitas shouted, furious. "They are responsible for Dad being encased, for all of our woes- you should want to serve justice ! You used to want that, so why would you believe their lies again ?!" Varian didn't answer, simply staring at the knife held right between the two of them. "It was the price to pay to become their friend again, wasn't it ? Ha- you're pathetic. They will betray you just like they already did, and the worst of all is that they'll be right : you'll have no one to blame but yourself, for being stupid enough to trust them again." Varitas's eyes were filled with disgust, sadness. No answer. Varian's grip loosened a bit, his face reflecting some hesitation. “Varian, no- don’t listen to him ! He’s trying to get in your head !!” The alchemist no longer seemed to be able to hear him, his attention entirely focused on Varitas. Eugene’s voice was only a quiet noise, drowned out by Varitas’s own voice and Varian’s thoughts. "I hope you're happy. I hope you'll believe their lies that make you think that this is what's best for you, this is what you have always wanted. You won : enjoy your golden cage, Varian." "Kid !!" Eugene shouted, alarmed, and that finally snapped Varian out of it. Kicking his opponent, the alchemist made Varitas fall backwards; the latter harshly hit the ground, his grip loosening on the knife. Eugene watched with horror as the alchemist quickly took the knife from Varitas and held it at the other's throat. "Don’t do that Varian ! You are angry- we all are kid, but killing him isn't the solution !" "He's right," Varitas added, "You can go ahead and kill me, but that won't change anything. You know that I'm right, and getting rid of me won't change the truth." Varian gritted his teeth, his grip getting just the tiniest bit firmer on the knife, and Varitas let a vicious smile appear on his lips. "You and me, we're just good for destruction, hurting others, taking the blame. I know it, they know it : that's why they let you down, and will let you down again. There's no denying it anymore, Varian. If you don't kill me, I will just keep destroying everything, and you'll be to blame for not stopping me when you had the chance : but if you do stop me, that you dare kill me if you’re even able to, then you will become the villain, the murderer, the mean one, because neither of us are part of the people whose faults are all forgiven. No matter what you choose, you will lose, just like I kept telling you." Varian stared at Varitas as he was talking, unable to stop listening to him. He knew he shouldn't listen or even consider his words, but something in them struck a chord within him, reaching doubts he tried to muffle, thoughts he tried to get rid of and amplifying them to the point that he could no longer ignore them or bury them again; and even though he thought he could hear Eugene's voice, he couldn't actually hear his words. Varitas smirked, knowing that despite the appearances, he had the upper hand. Reaching in his pocket, he got out a purple ball. "It's over, Varian." The alchemist's eyes widened in realization as the ball hit the ground, exploding and covering the whole room in a cloud of purple smoke. Eugene felt his blood froze in his veins as he heard fighting noises, the sound of metal clashing against skin and a cry of pain, then a body hitting the ground; and after that, nothing. In the heavy silence that followed, the cloud slowly escaped the room through the hole in the wall, joining its peers in the sky. Eugene then saw with horror a body lying on the ground in a puddle of blood. Standing next to him, its double was panting, holding without trembling the knife stained with blood. At that single moment, a terrible truth dawned on Eugene who felt his heart come to a stop. Even if it was impossible to distinguish the twins, one thing remained certain : one of them was now dead, killed by the other. And therefore, it didn't matter which one came out a winner in this battle, because the result was the same either way. Varitas had won, and their Varian was gone.
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