#but the rest of my list against benning still stands!!!!!
cardigan-ns · 1 month
Wandering Star (2)
Pairing: Diego Hargreeves x Reader
Summary: Ben’s dead and there’s no reason to stay. Diego gives you an ultimatum. Live with him or rot away in the commission. But after being with him things take a turn for the worst.
Synopsis: HERE
Note: This is definitely a long part.
Part 1 <- here Part 3 <- here
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You’ve not left your room for weeks, not for food, not for the free day, not even to give your weekly calls to your parents. Ben’s death struck you like nothing you’ve ever felt before. Handling death was in your veins but not now, not after the 4 years you’ve spend close to him, helping him, shading the rest of the family with him.
Seventeen now, you and Diego snuck around, got more and more close together, secretly without his father’s notice. Not being able to keep your distance after your kiss that night. Only one of the hargreeves suspected it though (that you knew of), Ben, he’d heard you and Diego through the wall, he hated being next door to Diego. He always banged the wall yelling for you to “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” causing you to place a silencing hand over Diego’s mouth. But knowing your connection it just made the both of you more frustrated and passionate. It was thrilling, just how hungry his eyes got when he saw you. The power in each of your veins manifesting more and more out of sorts every day, making it lustful too. But that craze died down when Ben left, both of you too stunned with grief to even think about anything of the intimate kind.
A knock struck your door, “Go away!” You barely got the words out as you sat on your floor, back against your bed, crying. The door opened slowly anyways, despise your call to leave. “My dad wants you downstairs.” Luther spoke, mopey, still in pyjamas, nobody was talking this well. You failed as a team. You cried again, looking at number one, “Goddamn Luther can’t you just fuck off!” You screamed, your grief turning into malice. Luther walked into your room, crossing his arms, “Get. up.” He spoke through gritted teeth, making you laugh, standing up, punching him in the gut, winding him. “Aw.” He groaned as you gripped both of his shoulders, shoving him out of the room. “I told you to fuck off!” Luther stumbled and whacked his back off the wall across from the hall, his eyes pained, he didn’t expect you to be that cruel, he was only the messenger, he ran to his room, slamming his door.
You looked at the dent the wall made with the strength of Luther’s impact. You walked out of your room and touched it, noticing just how unhinged you’d become, you felt despair now, wanting to run to Luther and apologise but you knew he wasn’t in the mood to look at you right now. You decided to see whatever Reginald wanted, wanting to get it over and done with. You reached his office to see your parents sitting there, you crossed your arms immediately fixing your posture and attitude when you saw them, you weren’t meant to be going home for another 2 weeks.
“Ah, Y/N, took your time.” Your mother spoke up, her curly auburn hair moving with her head as she turned to see you. You were still in your pyjamas too, expecting to be scolded by Reginald for lack of decorum, but he only sighed and tapped his pen on his desk advising you to sit down. You took a seat between your parents, facing the billionaire. “Now, I know you’ve taken it upon yourself to go on strike from your role.” You looked at your lap, ashamed for letting him down, he was disappointed, greatly, making your heart beat slow drastically. “But, Number 6’s death is merely just a mistake to add to your list.” Reginald confinued. But your father saw just how miserable you’ve become, zero wit, zero spark, zero ambition. You were overtaken by such dread, he just frowned, rubbing your back, causing you to look up at him, your eyes glossy. “I’m so sorry, dad.” He shook his head, kissing the top of yours. “Angel, it’s okay, we’re taking you home, that’s what this is about.” He whispered to you. Your mother glared at him, making him revoke the affection altogether, she was colder than a blizzard. Never allowing your father to treat you like his daughter.
But you finally acknowledged what your father had said after his presence left you. You looked around the room at the three adults. “No. I’m not due to go home for another 2 weeks. I’m not ready.” You protested, looking at your mother as if asking how she could do this to you, you stood up now, wanting nothing more than to run into Diego’s room and make him hide you, he was still asleep though, your mind letting you see what he was doing anytime you needed to pick up on it, you’ve learned to control the visions, but sometimes your control slipped up.
Your mother harshly grasped your arm, making you wince from the pain, you looked at her sadly. You wish she’d just be kind to you ONCE. “We are not done, how dare you treat us with such disrespect after we’ve travelled all the way here.” Your father rolled his eyes at your mother’s guilt trip over you, and you just huffed and spoke to her face. “Yeah, because a 0.1 second briefcase jump is worthy of my consideration.” You yanked your arm away with force and stormed out of the office, leaving your father silently proud of you, Reginald appalled and your mother playing the victim with a sad look on her face.
You ran upstairs banging on Diego’s door. You haven’t spoke that much after the funeral but you needed him right now. He didn’t answer and you took it upon yourself to burst in teary eyed and shook him up. “Diego…” your veins glowed and he was disorientated. “Huh?” His voice deep and growly from sleep and he gazed at you, seeing you cry. He immediately stood up, his hands holding both your arms making you face him fully. “What’s happened?” He was was gaining more and more protective of you by the day. But by his touch on you he saw what your mom had done and that your parents were downstairs. He was about to put a shirt on and walk you the door, seeing you cry made him so fucking mad.
“No. They aren’t taking you away from m-me.” He stuttered on his last word, your eyes softened and you kissed him, his brows that were furrowed instantly softened as he continued to have his lips on yours, he walked you towards his closet, grabbing a button up shirt, you grabbed it and let him slip his arms into it, still while kissing you buttoned it up for him. “God, they’re definitely not taking you away from me!” He panted as he grabbed your hand and you both ran downstairs. Diego flung one of his knives, the ones he hid in his pyjama pants, down the hall, it halting as it pinned your father’s suit blazer to the wall. Your parents just got into the hallway, your father got annoyed, “How in the hell.” He shook his head and your mother’s glare was golden, the look of disapproval only filled you and Diego with more drive, putting your hostility to your parents and not to each-other. “She not gonna be your weapon. She’s staying home, where she belongs.” Diego defended you, referencing the academy as your home, you just examined his beautiful face, just how you had one another wrapped around your fingers. Your father yanked his arm, from the knives hold, now having a rip all down his tailored navy suit, you stifled a laugh.
“Child, I don’t know what’s possessed you to think you can talk to her parents like that, but you must stop this at once!” Reginald’s stern voice echoed through the office, the door slightly ajar so he heard all the commotion. Diego just smirked, this was fun, he walked up to your father and briskly took the knife from the mahogany wall. He whispered threateningly, “She’s staying here.” Your father looked at you to see how you were taking this boys aggression towards him, but you were on his side. “Mom, dad. I’m staying here for my 2 weeks and that’s final.” Your mother was not happy with you in the slightest and walked to you strutting, grabbing your ear and forcing you to look at her. “You’re not the girl I raised. So rotten, it’s disgusting.” She was unbelievably cruel and bitter causing Diego to stare at her with distain, but he remained by your father, knowing you could handle yourself.
You just just pushed your mother, making her mind ripple, in your control, you just demanded her as her eyes glowed white, “You’re going to agree with me.” She shook her head, growing used to you trying to change her punishments all the time. “ONE MORE DAY! AND WE WILL BE BACK YOU BRAT!” She screamed as you stood back, not expecting her to get so loud, but at least she was letting you stay until tomorrow. Compromise. “Fine. Bye mother.” You smiled eagerly, “father.” You nodded to him as he was opening the front door, your mother’s vein popping out of her forehead as she was furious. Once they left, Diego walked over to you, fixing your hair a little, “Let’s get you packed then.” His hand moved to your shoulder tracing his thumb along the fabric of your pyjamas. You sighed, both of you walking to your room. It wasn’t the best thing in the world but atleast he could prepare today to say goodbye tomorrow.
As you both tiptoed down the bedroom corridor, as to not wake anyone, Luther fell back to sleep after your outburst. Diego peered out the window, halting you by putting his hand over your frame, to stop you taking another step. He walked to the window and tapped it with his blade, looking over his shoulder to you. “We should runaway.” You looked at him, disagreeably. “Yeah, to just have to police pick us up after making it out 20 minutes.” You huffed a laugh, Diego’s seriousness didn’t falter, wanting you to see his vision. “We could get out. Allison’s already moved out. Klaus hasn’t been home for days. Viktor is house hunting too. Runaway with me.” His eyes desperate for you to notice his sincerity, his want to keep you safe and free. Free from Reginald, free from your parents, the commission, yeah he told your parents this was your home, but he knew deep within his soul that your home is with him. But here we go again, your lack of agreement interfering your good time, it was always so short lived, being on the same page. “I’m going back to my parents tomorrow. You know better than anyone here that they can and will find me.” You protested with a valid excuse and he couldn’t handle that.
He walked into your room, grabbing the bag you came here with originally and threw some of your clothes in it before you pushed him away from that task. “What the hell are you doing?” Your frustration rising, as was his, he couldn’t take your rejection. “I’m packing for you, seeing as I mean nothing to you. As always.” His voice along with his demeanour was stern. He always knew just how to make you heated. “You know that’s not true, you asshole!” You pushed his chest again, making him hit your desk, he placed a hand behind his back, to the table steadying himself. You definitely woke viktor and Luther up by doing this. “Then why’re you running back to them like a scared little girl. You don’t need them.” He argued and he would continue to argue until you believed he was right. “Because it’s who I am.” You believed your only quality was to be an assassin. Diego saw you as so much more than that. Sometimes less than that, but all in all, he wasn’t just going to let you run right back to your hellscape.
“I’m not watching you walk out there, getting yourself killed.” He continued to pack your clothes, hypocritically his actions betraying his words, he tried fitting as much stuff in as he could, even packing your elephant stuffed animal, one that you slept with every night. Seeing Diego stuff Achilles into your bag meant that this was actually happening. The poor elephant had a dried blood stain on his right ear, after an altercation with the butler of a cruise in Italy when you were six. You killed the guy for laundering money on it, you and your parents undercover as a tourist family. No matter how many times you tried putting him through the wash, the blood never got out. Just like how the blood on your hands would never rinse from your memory, Diego was right, you needed to be set free, with him.
“Fine.” You sat on your bed, letting out a deep breath, you were overworked. Diego just gave you a look as he knelt before you placing both his hands either side of your knees. “It’s all going to be okay. I’ll get a place for us, okay?” His lips turned down as he looked at you with careful consideration. You nodded, your morning already giving you twenty different plot points.
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You and Diego waited until everyone was asleep before your escape, no goodbyes, just a letter under Luther’s door, mostly you apologising for winding him. Reginald always told you that he required at least a 2 week notice if you were to move out, but after Ben died he just gave up on all of you altogether. So it wasn’t him you really had to worry about, but you took precaution anyways. You and Diego had packed all in all 5 bags, 2 each and then one with spare things that both held sentimental value to you, like the stitch Grace made Diego with his name on it and a domino mask. And a cassette Allison made you for your birthday, you made her one too, it was your gift to each-other.
Diego helped you out the 3 story window, luckily the drain pipe was there to slide down. Once you got to the concrete ground, the alleyway exit seemed too good to be true. Diego threw the bags down, you caught them, setting them on the ground, so nothing would smash, he then made his grand exit from the window, you smile up looking at him. Your future of freedom already clear in your mind, naive to how being in constant proximity to him would affect each-other.
Once he was by your side, he grabbed your hand with his gloved one, his knives on the holster over his chest, he smiled to you, squeezing your palm as you both ran down the streets of a midnight New York. You both made a pit stop at griddys donuts, the owner Agnes confused that two teens came in so late, ordering sugary treats and two sprites. But she gave you them anyway, noticing your bags. “Where are you guys headed?” The pink dressed woman asked as she set the plates down, you smiled and handed her a twenty, “We’re finally getting our own place.” Saying that aloud made Diego stare at you, his heart bursting at the seams at how lucky he was to have you be the one he fell for.
“I wish you two young lovers the greatest luck.” She nodded with approval as she walked to the back office to get your change for the twenty. Diego watched her leave then moved closer, to talk to you from across the table. “I saw a boxing gym across the way. Maybe we could sneak in there?” You looked out the window to see what he was talking about, your eyes brightened, “Yes.” You bit into your chocolate sprinkled donut.
After finishing your midnight feast, you and Diego walked across the street and ran to the back entrance to Al’s boxing gym. He took out a wire from his backpack and picked the lock, you were apprehensive, you couldn’t sense anyone around but you knew this place still had life, it wasn’t abandoned. Diego jimmied it open and you both entered and felt the cold chill emerging from the concrete gym. He walked around, punching the bag and lifting the weights as he went. You, on the other hand, immediately went to the office, a practical thing to do, most things you touched giving you the same vision of a man called Al. He was in his late 50s. He ran this place up from nothing and was organising monthly big fights, you seemed intrigued, Diego noticed you flicking through a file of old boxing poster dates. “What’s that?” He snatched it from you, smiling at you as you looked offended. “Boxing fights.” You told him as he’d already clocked it by looking at them. “I could do that.” He wanted to see your reaction, which you hesitated. “I mean we just broke into this guys place, are you sure we should hang around long enough for you to fight for the guy?” You weren’t wanting to feel the wrath of Al. Diego just dry laughed causing you to frown, “I need to make us money somehow…” you still weren’t convinced at his plea.
“Trust me, I’ve got this sorted.” He set the files down, “Look what I found.” He held your hand and walked you down a hallway, a boiler room, you suddenly got a gut feeling but you weren’t yet sure what it meant, whether it was good or bad, they both felt the same. “There’s a makeshift bed in there, we could both squeeze onto it.” You were extremely exhausted, yawning at the mention of collapsing onto a bed. You looked at the only person you trusted with your life, nodding. “Okay.” He stood a little behind you, his hand rubbing your shoulder as he kissed it. “Okay.” He copied your response. His kiss on any part of your body sent electricity through your veins.
You turned around, your eyes pouring into his. His faint smile made your heart palpate, he was magnificent. You undid his holster and he looked down at your hands unravelling it. “Let’s make ourselves at home.” You whispered handing him his bundle of knives hugged in leather. He pulled you in for a quick kiss, your wrists glowed, then dimmed, the glow rarely stuck around that long, the longest it’s ever lingered was in the first 2 years, you’re both now so used to one another.
You spend the night in eachothers arms, two stowaways, making a life from absolutely nothing.
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You were lying there, half asleep, half conscious, hearing voices in groups. People in the main area of the gym laughing and singing along to music. “Yeah, a couple of troubled trespassers.” Suddenly a deep voice spoke to another as you heard footsteps approach your room. “In here?” A feminine voice spoke up, and the man’s voice agreed, suddenly the dimly lit room was now exposed by the bright light of a torch, blinding you and Diego’s closed eyes, he shot up and put one hand over his eyes and one hand on your arm, making sure you were within his safety.
“Y/N Bardot, get up right now!” You opened your eyes to see your mother dressed as a police officer, not even trying to be a worried mother. Fuck her. Diego scoffed keeping you by him as you sat up. “Jesus Christ you couldn’t stay away could you?” Diego spoke irritated, you just elbowed him in the side causing him to wince. “Officer, I’m afraid I do not tolerate rude pigs!” You spat out, respecting the character your mother tried so desperately to play. This caused Al to get a good look at you and Diego. He called the cops expecting you two to be a couple of homeless addicts, not expecting you to be some teens in need of asylum. His face rested in ponder.
Eliza just grabbed Diego off the bed and shoved him beside Al, making him look at the older man and give him a dirty look, knowing it had to be him who called your mom, not knowing how the commission had hacks to the emergency numbers. “Jesus fucking Christ, Eliza, just stop!” Diego hated your parents, especially your mom, hated how she talked to you, referred to you as anything but the kid she birthed, how could a mother be so cruel to her baby. Your mother then grabbed you by the hand as you protested with great restraint. “Is she not a copper?” Al asked Diego and Diego just rolled his eyes. “No, you idiot, look at her.” You just accepted defeat, your mother was holding a briefcase, you finally noticed it. “No.” You sighed. “Mom, no, please?” She just gave you a somber look as if you were the biggest disappointment of her life. After all she didn’t want you, she made that clear, you were merely a rank to keep her at the top of the commission. “No, darling, why do you have to make everything so difficult. Don’t you want to see your family?” Diego wanted to kill her, he felt as though he could, one simple stab and she’d be a goner, but that’s one thing you’d never forgive him for, and he wasn’t wanting to make you hate him.
“We had this all figured out.” Diego muttered, causing your mom to scoff and walk over to him, pushing her finger to his chest, causing him to narrow his eyes. “You think breaking and entering into this man’s gym is having it all figured out.” Then your mother looked over to you. “Jesus Y/N, you actually associate yourself with a bafoon such as this?” This made Al mad, he pushed Diego behind him. “Lady, I think you’ve overstayed your welcome.” The gut feeling you had from last night was all too clear now, good AND bad. Diego would have respite in here while you had to go back to home sweet home with the devil herself. Diego looked at Al confused that and adult was defending him like this. “Fine then. Y/N, honey.” Your mother gripped your hand again, and Diego tried to grab hold of you but she got you out of that room as quick as possible, pressing the button on the suitcase and off to the commission headquarters you went.
Diego shed a tear, trying to be stoic. Al looked at the boy, then looked around the room. “You can stay. But on one condition, mop the floors at night for me?” Diego didn’t give a fuck what Al wanted him to do with the gym he just wanted you back. “Whatever.” He sat on the bed, Al noticed your bags still here. “And if your girlfriend comes back, she can convince you to box for me, you’ve got potential, kid.” Diego’s eyes lightened, Al saw his potential, without him having to beg for him to look. “I’ll leave you be though, I’ll take you out to dinner tonight, just scrounge up some breakfast yourself.” He was supportive, something Diego subconsciously admired, he wasn’t asking much of him either which was a breath of fresh air, and he knew nobody was gonna come looking for him, he was alone. For once he was actually alone.
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You took in the familiar halls, the familiar intercom rules that played on a loop, the familiar colleagues, you were just agitated, ready to kill your own mother. “Just take me to dad.” You spoke to her distastefully, only wanting your father right now, at least he had sympathy in his body, something you’ve now grown to appreciate after five and Ben were gone. And your mother lived and breathed.
You walked down the halls to your mother and fathers joint office, the tainted windowed door read ‘Bardot inquiries’. Your mother opened it and let you walk in, your father was stood by the window drinking a cup of coffee, he had two more in a holder on his desk, for each of his girls. “Sweetheart, you made it, without any wounds I hope?” You ran into his arms and he hugged you back, looking at your mother worriedly, and she rolled her eyes and sat at her desk, working the typewriter. Peter tried to let go but your hold on him only tightened, he was protesting but he was just concerned for your wellbeing, when you were at the academy yesterday you didn’t look so sharp, and especially not now.
“What’s the problem?” He finally made you let go, you walked across the desk and grabbed a coffee, one pump vanilla in your latte for sweetness. Just how you liked it. “Her.” You spoke bitterly glaring, at your mom. She just shook her head smiling angrily as she kept her eyes on the type writer. Your father gave you a look, ushering you not to push the situation, you sat on one of the chairs beside the door, taking a sip of your caffeinated beverage. “Where’d you go? You weren’t at the academy.” Jesus, news travelled fast. Your mother spoke up now, happy to call you out on your scandalous behaviour. “She was with that boy. In a run down boiler room. Like the horrid girls we raised her not to be.” Your lip quivered trying not to cry at how cruel she was, your dad just put his hands on his hips, looking between the two arguing ladies. “Sweetheart, maybe you should take a little walk, come to terms with what you want.” He looked at you, you raised a brow, how’s a walk going to help you any?
“Of course, kicking my feet about an agency hellbent on gore, will serve me in the right direction.” You stood up, leaving their office. Once you were gone your father handed your mother her coffee and he tutted, “She’s really vulgar.” Your mother just gave him an ‘I told you so’ look.
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You dragged your feet along the shiny tiled floors and looked into each room you walked by, until you saw Hazel, he looked pretty beaten up from one of his missions, he sat in the common room, you went in taking a seat beside him. “Hey kiddo, I haven’t seen you in quite some time.” He spoke chuffed. You didn’t even look at him. You just stared at the little television that played the welcome video repeatedly until someone kicked it in, mostly you, there’s around 20 new televisions brought in weekly, due to workplace violence. “It’s been 3 months, Hazel, it’s always 3 months.” You threw your head back on the couch, slouching. “That’s still quite some time.” His brows raised a little showing that there was truth behind his words. You finally looked at him, his emotions calm and assuring, as he never usually let you see any bad temper from him, he was always the nicest employee here, and herb. Dot too. But you had a soft spot for hazel.
“Do ever feel like you’re living a lie?” Your blunt question sparked a little pain in his gut, he hated thinking too much about his career decision. “In what way, sport?” You reached over and broke the antenna off the TV, not wanting to see that animated briefcase anymore, his cartoon smile filled you with unbelievable rage. “I’m with the commission, correcting the timeline, a child soldier. Then I’m with Reginald Hargreeves, fighting crime, a-maturely. I can fight better but whenever I’m there something stops me, like the child I am doesn’t want me to be violent.” Hazel’s heart broke when he heard your side to your life, everyone else always had to convince him you were okay with what you do, even though he had doubts on the morality of it. “So, you’re saying that your lie is thinking you should stay here?” Hearing him ask that made you realise you were in a deeper mental hell than you thought. “No. The lie I’m living is thinking I could ever be normal. Have a white picket fence life, no power, no briefcase, being content with just me.” Your mother taking you from Diego made you question the ethics of it. You and him weren’t just 2 normal runaway kids, young love over living with your individual parents. Your lives weren’t built that way, meaning it just wouldn’t work. You loved him, a little too much, but you were always going to run, that was just in your nature, never tied to a place, hell, you were swapping personalities every 3 months. You were breaking at the seams.
Hazel unbuttoned his blazer, getting comfortable to help sit and divulge your life crisis at 17. “You don’t need to have that figured out yet. You can be happy and then take your life in a completely different route.” He sighed seeing your eyes so dim. “Think of this, when you’re 30 where will you be?” You didn’t know. How could you, I mean, you could just kill the guard by the infinite switchboard and break in and look, but the future was always changing with every decision you made, who’s to say what it will truly be. “I don’t know.” This made Hazel smile softly. “Exactly, you don’t know, so don’t think that being normal isn’t in the cards for you. It’s your life at the end of the day, don’t believe what you’re conditioned to believe.” He’s been having doubts about being here too. You could feel it from him. That eased your consciousness a tonne. Without thinking, you hugged the man, he was truly a friend, whether you were colleagues or not, he was like an older brother, and with a pat of your back, you finally realised why your father told you to go on a walk.
You quickly walked back to your parent’s office, stopping yourself before going in, almost fearful at what they’ll say. You breathed out and opened the door. It was just your father, he gave you a little smile as he packed some files into his non-time travelling briefcase, he was taking these home to theorize on his big pin board, he did that with all his cases, it never faltered, and sometimes you’d stay up late nights with him to help him solve cases. “You coming home tonight or are you still protesting your right to freedom?” He spoke sarcastically, the brunette man clicking his case closed. “I actually wanted to talk to you about that, where’s mom?” He gave you a confused look, “She always has an early day on Wednesdays, you know this.” You had actually forgotten what day it was after being so grief stricken by Ben, and running away, you didn’t have time to look at the newspapers or listen to the radio. “Okay, whatever, she doesn’t matter.” He gave a dry chuckle and sat down on the desk, letting you pace and ramble.
“You were right, well, mom was. She didn’t raise me to be a horrid girl who runs away without alerting you.” Your father nodded along, no idea where this was going. “But I interpret it differently, I’m not made to kill. I’ve been conditioned to believe I am because that’s the family I was born into. But I am not a violent person.” You were just a kid, a lost one at most. Your father crossed his arms now, tugging on his loose tie from working so hard all day. “I don’t want to be your soldier anymore.” That was the most honest and truthful you’ve ever been to him about your needs and wants. He seemed guilty at you calling yourself his soldier and he had to admit, you weren’t wrong. “I love Diego, dad. And I know mom hates his guts but we have a real connection and I’m not going to let you hide me away from him. He’s made me see that this life isn’t who I am.” You continued to pace every-so-often stopping glance at him hoping he was keeping up. Your father was a bright man, there was no doubt he felt your frustration and resentment. He stood now, placing one hand on his side, scratching the back of his neck, with the other. “Angel, I want you to follow your dreams, but you don’t know what you want, you’re a child.” He was the one person who you wanted to understand you, and that hurt deeply.
“Dad?” Your eyes saddened and he immediately wanted to take it back. “All I’m saying is, he’s one boy, there’s millions of them. And he’s only going to break your heart. This is your true home.” You sat down in defeat, your hands covering your face, “Please just listen to me.” You whined like a little kid, after all that’s how you mentally felt, you never got to be one. “Can’t you hear what I’m saying? Diego’s my family. Not you, not mom, I was dumped on you. I chose to love him. There’s a difference than being forced to.” Your father could live in all the denial he wants but he cannot escape the fact that he failed you, he was more of an operative than a dad. Your mother heavy hitting boss than a nurturing mother.
Your father walked towards the other side of the room, unlocking his metal cabinet, he’s never actually let you see inside it before. You were amazed he was finally unlocking it in your presence. “I can’t force you to do anything. You’re almost an adult. So, take this.” A briefcase, your own briefcase. “I bought it when you were born, for you to take when you started disagreeing with me about your future, like you are now.” He was understanding you, finally seeing you as the person you were and not what he expected you to be.
“You mean it? I can have it?” You now stood by him, seeing the entire contents of the cabinet. A passport, a commission suit tailored to your size, an elephant mask, similar to the bear and bunny Hazel and Cha Cha have. Yours was purple. “It’s like Achilles.” Your father placed an assuring hand on your shoulder as you stood by him. “But you don’t need these.” He closed the cabinet, just keeping the passport out for you. “Go see the world, without having to kill someone, for the holiday. The briefcase is for you and Diego to go wherever.” He made you face him now, “and to visit me, if you’ll remember after your amazing sights.” He seemed wounded with grief that his little girl has grown up. You rested your head on him. Somber and bittersweet, he was finally letting you go.
“What about mom?” That was the real worry. He just kissed the top of your head, like he always did, “I’ll calm the wolf.” He assured you and that made you smile through tears. Not actually admitting to yourself that this was it. The commission life was no more, you could be with Diego. “I love you, Angel.” Your dad ruffled your hair, causing you to give an annoyed look, but secretly you loved happy moments as this. “I love you too, dad.” You left his office feeling better than you did entering. And all you had to do was log the date into the briefcase “September 28th 2006”.
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It’s been 12 hours since you left, your mother picking you up at 7am it now being 7pm. Diego was mopping the floor of the gym, Al closed up early because he wanted to take Diego to get some food for dinner. He had the radio on and was listening in to an article about the legacy of WHAM, when the doors opened. You arrived, the mop has never hit the floor faster and Diego immediately pulled you into a tight embrace. “Holy shit!” He smiled chuffed that you chose to come back and be with him. He’d even decorated the boiler room with both your things, making sure to gently set the cassette player on your own personal stand.
“Alright alright, ease the applause.” You taunted him and he set you back down on the ground. You found your way back, and he was so unbelievably grateful. He then got irritated, “Is this a goodbye? I feel like you just got sent here to tell me you’re gonna vanish off the face of the earth. No way your mom is lenient enough to let you stay.” His paranoia making you laugh, you sat on a balance beam and he was still apprehensive. “Diego, I’m all yours. I stood my ground and the bastards let me go.” Hearing you say you were all his filled a swell of pride in his ego, he crossed his arms with a little smile tugging at his lips. “All mine then?” He was delighted, but it wouldn’t be long before you were at each-other throats again about how he was mopping wrong and forgot to even add soap.
Note: this was so long and part 3 will also be backstory but they’ll be older. I just really want to add a certain plot, you’ll thank me for it.
@ravenn-darkholme @shadowbriar @total-lunareclipse4 @vesper4seance @yanibobonni @st4w3
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justash02 · 1 year
Womanizer; 07
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A/n; lemme know if you have feedback! It’s always welcome! So are Requests! Text me! I’m nice:> THIS IS BEN, CLAIR AND ADAM BTW^^
Plot; Everyone who knew who Tom Kaulitz was knew that he was girl crazy, he's very well known for having girls around him all the time.
Pairing; Tom Kaulitz x fem reader.
Previous chapter -> next chapter.
Master list
Ps; I was so high while writing this hope it’s good at least lol
The night went on pretty smoothly, Bill stuck by Clair and my side for the night as did the rest of the boys.
Tom on the other hand was nowhere to be found, at one point I asked if he even came along and Bill thinks he might have just gone home.
Adam and Ben were also nowhere to be found but I really couldn't care less.
"Yeah do you remember when Tom was asked to be in the shot with Y/n and Adam just complete lost his shit?" Clair said laughing drunkenly hitting Gustavs arm.
"Babe he wasn't there." I laughed as she corrected herself by turned to the black haired boy.
"Yup, 'Can't believe that little shits gonna be with my Y/n!'." Bill mimicked, "Can't believe he gets to hit it before I do!" Clair said in the same tone.
I couldn't help but feel the alcohol hit as I started laughing uncontrollably, "No way he said that." I blurred out before throwing another shot back.
"Very close to it tho, homie wants to hit it." I couldn't help but roll my eyes, "If he has feelings for me he can come to me and stop being such a bitch about it." I said.
"Who has feelings for you?" I heard a familiar voice say, my head shot to the side to see the boy that I was kissing so nicely a few weeks ago. Fuck he was looking so good.
"Hey Tom, we thought you left." Georg said as Tom plopped down on the couch. He put his hand over his crotch and leaned back into the couch. I couldn't help but let my eyes flicker over to the placement as I felt my thighs heat up.
"Nah, was getting sucked by some girl." He said carelessly, "Bitch kept biting my dick though." He said chuckling. Georg shook his head but still gave him a fist bump to feed Toms ego.
"Probably deserved it." I said boldly, Clair looked over at me with slightly widened eyes as she let out a giggle.
Tom looked over at me, he leaned closer and placed his hand on my thigh, he gently rubbed the skin before leaning closer to my ear, whispered; "I was imagining it was you"
Current state?; deceased.
Before I could say anything someone familiar approached the table, "Yo!" Ben yelled loudly over the music as he sat on the couch next to Georg.
"Where's Adam?" Clair asked taking a slip from her drink, I didn't fail to notice that Tom's hand was still on my thigh but now it didn't feel... sexual.
It feel more as a comfort.
"He said he was gonna go home with some girl." Ben said taking a slip from Clair's drink without even asking making Clair roll her eyes before snatching it back.
"Oh? Dry dick getting some pussy?" Tom said surprised making me hit his arm with my free hand, "What?" He asking with a smirk.
I just shook my head, laughing a bit. “Can we dip? I’m so tired.” Clair complained leaning against Bens shoulder. I nodded went to stand up, “Wait we can’t go.” Ben said quickly stopping us in our tracks.
“Adam has the car.” Tom groaned loudly behind us, “Such a dumbass that dude.”
“Can’t we call him?” Clair asked blurring out from the alcohol she has consumed till this point. “Nah we’ll be traumatized for life. I don’t wanna see our leader fucking some girl.” Ben said shaken his head violently.
“We can bring you guys home.” Tom suggested standing next to his twin now, “Yeah but Y/n and Adam share a room.” Clair pointed out.
“Why don’t you guys come to our house?” I looked over my two band members looking for their input, “I’m fine with it.” Ben said smiling at the others.
“Never would I have thought I would have a sleepover with Tokio Hotel.” I said chuckling grabbing my bag from the couch, “Lucky you.” Tom said winking at me.
I laughed waiting for the rest to grab their stuff and walked over to the cars Tokio Hotel bought with them.
And indeed Adam did take our car, “Why did you even give him your keys, Ben?” Ben shrugged his shoulders, “Like Tom said, his dry dick needs some pussy.” Tom give him a “bro” hug.
“I like this dude, he gets me.” I couldn’t help but grab onto Clair for support, “I think you drank too much babe.” She softly spoke, gently pushing some hair out of my face.
“You two look cute together.” I heard Bill say, “Do you go both ways Y/n?” I heard Georg ask me curiously as he opened the car door for us, “As long I fall in love with them, gender doesn’t matter anymore to.”
He nodded and went over to grab me from Clair but Tom quickly pushed him away from me, Tom’s hand quickly went over to my waist and slowly guided me in the car.
“Do you have some blankets in here tommy?” I asked wrapping my arms around myself trying to keep myself warm. He shook his head, he seemed to think for a second before throwing his jacket off and laid it over my shoulders.
“Is that better?” He asked grabbing the seatbelt in his hand, I nodded before grabbing the seatbelt from him, “I luckily can still do that.” He nodded, waiting for me to be done. As soon as I was he nodded his head once again before smiling at me. He walked over to the drivers side.
“We’ll be there in a few minutes.” Georg said as Tom and bill started driving in the other car.
And Georg wasn’t joking when he said we would be there soon, blame it on my drunken state but I definitely didn’t notice sitting in that car for more then a minute.
Bill and Tom both parked in their garage and helped us out, I stopped in my track making Tom look at me confused.
“Feels like we should at least tell him where we are…” Tom tilted his head before holding out his hand for my phone.
“Lemme text him.” Too tired to disagree with the boy, I handed my phone over to him and boldly put my arms around his waist making him smirk a bit, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders before tapping around on my phone.
After a few seconds the boy handed me my phone back to let me read what he said;
“Adam, we are at Tom’s if you need us.” I send send not really caring and looked up at Tom making him grin back a bit.
“Want to sleep in my bed?”
“Are you going to be in it?”
Taglist; @oh-kurva @ajaxisbae @mycherry-melody @erensslut @ladyofladies @just-a-gay-loser420 @woodandwaxwings @hazashiovo @jay14344
(If I didn’t tag you I couldn’t find you’re tag!)
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
Stand By Me: Terry Silver x Reader
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Tagging: @volumesofforgottenlore @kmc1989 @somethingdarkside17 @noonee333
References to the travel journal in All The Places That You’ve Been
Takes place before Whereever You Go
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The first time you hear Terry play piano is in a suite in Prague. You’re watching the snowfall over the city as the flames roar in the fireplace. You’re clad in one of his sweaters and a pair of his socks, your damp hair pulled back into messy bun from the shower you’d taken together.
It’s been a while since he’s played not since he was last in LA, six months ago. He’d intended to be back in the US before December but instead he’s brought you to Prague instead so you can experience Christmas in Europe. You’ve spent a wonderful few days there exploring the Christmas markets, walking through Old Town Square to see the Christmas tree and touring the different nativity scenes that the churches had set up in their alcoves. You’d been enchanted by their beauty, and Terry, he had been enchanted by you. 
You’d spent Christmas morning making love, Terry’s lips chasing all over your body, your fingers in his hair. You’d fallen asleep tangled up in one another, your head tucked under his chin as he held you close. He’d woken several hours later to the scent of freshly brewed coffee brought to him on a tray, along with a neatly wrapped gift.
“It seems so small compared to everything  you’ve given me.” You tell him, an embarrassed flush creeping across your cheeks as he delicately unties the bow. You’ve put a lot of time and effort into making it look pretty for him, so he treats it with the care it deserves.
“It’s perfect my love.” He smiles as his fingertips had trailed over the  A5  leather brown travel journal.
It must have cost you a lot of money, he knows you don’t have much. You were an artist in residence when he met you, your work has sold on the open market but still your careful with your finances. A gift like this is an extravagance that you’d struggle to afford. You have no idea just how much the gesture means to him.  
He spends the afternoon writing in it, scribbling notes and drawing pictures. It becomes a checklist of sorts, a record of the places he wants to take you.
 Kyoto, Bali, Santorini…
The list seems endless.
It’s only afterwards when you’re dozing in his lap, his fingertips combing through your hair as he watches It’s A Wonderful Life that he realises he’s planning a life with you.
He thinks about that now as his fingers seek out the keys on the piano, it takes him a while to find his rhythm but when he does, the music it starts to flow. He closes his eyes and he finds himself playing the notes to Ben E. King’s Stand By Me.
It seems fitting in a way, that he’s playing a love song. For the first time in his life he finally understands the depth of that emotion, the essence of it.
It isn’t until your hip bumps against his that he realises you’re sitting on the piano bench alongside of him. He opens his eyes and tilts his head towards you and you smile that sweet smile as you tell him how beautifully he plays.
“I’m rusty.” He murmurs, his lips brushing over your temple before he turns his attention back to the keys.
Your head comes to rest on his shoulder and Terry smiles to himself because these are the moment’s he lives for, the ones he thought he’d never get to have.
Love Terry S? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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galwithalibrarycard · 1 month
Hey, could you do #2 or #33 from the prompt list for beadick?
Hi, Anon! You sent this on December 10, 2017, and then I lost the prompts list I was working from at the time and never wrote you a fic. I finally thought to just check my tumblr history from Dec. 2017, and I found the prompts post! I apologize deeply for taking seven years to get back to you, and offer this fluff in recompense. Enjoy!
Prompt: 33. I cannot help but notice we are sitting-in-a-tree. So, you know, maybe we could think of something to do… verb-wise. (I want us to gerund, essentially.)
Sitting in a Tree
         Benedick had gone through a lot when he moved to Auckland. He’d been a lonely kid, for a long time. But one of the silver linings was the beautiful, perfect climbing tree in the yard outside his house. He liked to sit up there to watch and listen to the birds, to read books, to watch the world go by. It was peaceful. It was fun.
He climbed up there much less often, now that he was a great big Year Thirteen with a reputation to uphold. But some things were worth looking a little silly. And it was hard to be sad when climbing a tree.
So now, when his house had become Beatrice's refuge after Hero's birthday disaster, and Ben couldn't stand the sadness on Beatrice's face a moment longer, he knew what he had to do.
         "Come with me," he said, grabbing her hand, trying to pull her up off his bed, where she'd been moping for the last hour.
She looked at him, her face the picture of skepticism. "Where are we going?"
"Just trust me," he said, ignoring the electricity of her skin against his as he entwined their fingers. "Leave your phone on the desk and follow me. It'll be fun, I promise."
He led her out to the yard, having her keep one hand over her eyes to maintain the surprise.
That was a good thing, because if he got close enough to cover her eyes himself, he might actually die from touching her. It was like a drug, the rush of happiness and heat just being near her now gave him. He felt horribly guilty for feeling happy about anything, but it couldn't be helped.
Beatrice turned her head in surprise when she heard the front door close behind them, but she didn't move her hand or open her eyes. She was still holding Ben's hand, letting him help her down the front porch stairs. By the time they were standing at the base of the tree, Ben was gratified to see she was smiling.
          "Keep them closed," he said, then reluctantly dropped her hand, sacrificing her touch so that he could jump and grab the lowest branch. He climbed up to his favorite spot, where the branch was thick and wide enough for two. "Okay, open them!"
"Where- oh my god!" Beatrice gasped, bursting into shocked laughter at the sight of him up the tree. "What are you doing up there?"
"Come and join me, love," he grinned, holding out his hand and gesturing for her to climb.
“In a tree?”
“Why not? Better than sitting around inside, right? It’s a perfect tree-climbing day!” He spread his arms, indicating the world around them.
"You're ridiculous," Beatrice said, but she started to climb.
"Yesss!" Ben said triumphantly, indulging in a fist-pump. "Keep coming."
"Oh my god," she huffed again as she pulled herself up the lower branches. "I haven't done this in years! When did it get so hard?”
"You've got this, you're almost there," he encouraged, offering a hand.
         Bea allowed him to stabilize her, giving her the boost she needed to make it up to his branch. She fell into place next to him, leaning in against his body as she settled herself. Ben was holding a smaller branch in one hand for balance, but his other hand ended up wrapped around her, resting on her waist, and she didn't pull away.
"Hi," she said, breathing heavily. She was smiling again, bright and beautiful, and he couldn't look away.
His voice shook slightly as he answered, "Hi."
Closing his eyes, he pressed his forehead against hers, and they sat there for a long moment, catching their breath.
           He felt her turning her face away, eventually, and opened his eyes to see her taking in the breathtaking view of Auckland from the tree.
"It's beautiful," she gasped, taking in the trees, the earth, the distant horizon.
Ben was maybe, sort of, kind of in love with her. But that didn't mean he had to be a vomit-inducing cliche. So he did not allow himself to do that cheesy-ass thing where he answered "yeah, it is," while really referring to Beatrice. She was beautiful, but that was beside the point.
           "I told you that you should trust me," Ben said instead.
"Yeah, yeah. But tree-climbing? You're adorable."
“I do my best.”
Beatrice sighed, tucking her head against his shoulder. “Hero and I used to climb trees together. And go to the beach, and ride bikes. Everything was simpler then.”
“She’ll be okay, you know,” Ben said softly. “She’s strong. She has to be, she’s a Duke. She’ll get through it.”
“She shouldn’t have to, though.”
“No, she really shouldn’t. Offer’s still open to punch Claudio in the face, by the way. I’ve never hit anyone before, but it can’t be too hard.”
“If anyone is punching Claudio, it’s me,” Beatrice said. “I know he’s not worth the trouble either of us would get in, but god, I want to, anyway.”
          “You should bring Hero over here, if she misses tree climbing,” Ben changed the subject. He didn’t want Bea to dwell too much on what she couldn’t change. “We don’t even have to be there with her. This tree’s a good place to think. To be alone.”
“Is that why we never climbed it together… before?“
It was the first time either of them had brought up their old friendship, from before they hated each other. It was fragile, delicate. One wrong move, Ben knew, and they could be back in that same fight.
“I’m sorry,” he said simply. “Losing your friendship is the worst mistake I ever made, and I still don’t know what I did.”
“You told me you didn’t believe in long-term friendship. You didn’t want me.” Bea’s voice was small, not angry but hurt. It killed him. He did that to her.
“You were leaving,” Ben said. “For Wellington. And I thought ‘keep in touch’ was just empty words. No one else ever kept in touch, when I moved. I thought it’d hurt less. To end it early.”
“I would’ve kept in touch. I would,” she insisted, and it sounded like a confession.
“I know that now.”
They took a moment to process, watching the clouds go by.
          "So... you know that thing we're not talking about?" Beatrice asked, focused entirely on the loose bit of bark she'd been picking from the branch next to her. "That thing that happened the other day, after we filmed that video?"
"That thing where you kissed me?" Ben said. "Believe me, I have not stopped thinking about it since."
"Me too. I mean, me neither."
Silence fell. The branches creaked around them, a light breeze tickling the leaves and their faces alike. Beatrice succeeded in ripping off the piece of bark, letting it fall to the grass below.
          The endless waiting was unbearable, anxiety thrumming under his skin. Ben was sure she was going to say it was a mistake, that they should never do it again, and he was going to have to act like everything was fine. He was going to have to find a way to climb out of this tree without dropping any of the pieces of his shattered heart. He couldn't take the waiting anymore.
          "So..." He started, heart in his throat.
"So." Beatrice looked up, meeting his eyes at last. She offered a small, hopeful smile. "I can't help but notice we are sitting-in-a-tree. So, you know, maybe we could think of something to do… verb-wise."
"Ah," Ben said. "Essentially, you want us to gerund. Again."
"Yes, you dork. I've been waiting for you to make a move!"
"You should've said so! I didn't want to push-"
She leaned in, grinning, lips just millimeters away from his. “Ben. This is me, saying so.”
And then she put a hand to his cheek to pull him in, and they were sitting in a tree, experiencing a perfect gerund.
        Her lips were so soft, so warm against his. The world was her mouth, her skin, her scent. All he knew was Beatrice, and she was everything.
And then the swoop of fear in their stomachs and the horrible, wide-open sensation of falling. Bea broke away from the kiss and screamed.
They’d instinctively started to tilt, leaning into each other and back, as though they were against a wall and not on a tree branch with no support. Beatrice’s arms pinwheeled in the air as she tried to catch her balance. The horrible future seemed to play out in front of Ben’s eyes- Beatrice falling, falling away from him.
He wasn’t about to let anything happen to her.
       Fortunately his arm was still around her waist, and somehow, he scrabbled for the branch he’d been holding and grabbed it. By some miracle, his skinny noodle arms were strong enough, and he kept them both upright.
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you,” he promised as she trembled against him.
“Fuck!” She shouted, clinging to Ben as their heart rates started to normalize again. As much as possible given their close proximity, anyway.
“Oh, god, I’m so sorry, we shouldn’t have-“ Ben started, mortified that his stupid tree-climbing idea almost went so wrong.
“No, we absolutely should,” Beatrice said firmly. “Just maybe on the ground next time.”
“Sitting in a tree not all it’s cracked up to be?” Ben teased.
Bea snorted, and that was all it took before they both started to laugh hysterically. Adrenaline will do that.
        “All right, dickface. Race you to the bottom?” she challenged when she’d caught her breath.
“You’re on.”
        Ben didn’t think he’d ever climbed down from this tree so fast in his life. Beatrice still won, though. He didn’t mind that so much, since he was her prize.
Sitting in a tree was fine, and all. But pressed up against a tree, being kissed by the love of your life until you forget your own name? Way, way better.
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dance with me {s.h}
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prompt: dancing under the stars with steve
character: steve harrington x reader
inspired by prompts from my recent prompt list
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As your prom raged on inside Hawkins High, you sat outside, curled up on a bench in the school grounds. The tears came fast and furious as you sniffed under the stars. Your stupid boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend now, had just kissed another person right in front of you in the middle of the dance floor. You were hurt. You never thought that you and Ben would last but it didn't mean that it didn't hurt to have him shrug and discard you as though you were nothing.
Steve, who'd seen the whole thing unfold, had followed you to the school grounds, hands in his pockets and sympathy in his eyes. He'd known how much you'd liked Ben, you'd ranted and raved about the idiot for weeks and weeks. Steve, as your best friend, was obliged to listen but it didn't mean he liked Ben.
How could he like the guy that you loved?
You could hear the footsteps approach you and for a second you thought it was Ben, coming to apologise and beg for forgiveness but as you turned your head, you saw it was Steve, "I'm okay," you told him quickly as you wiped the tears from your face, "I'm just being stupid."
Steve sighed, sitting on the bench beside you, "You're not being stupid, come here." He opened his arms to you and you did always say that a hug from your best friend made the world seem okay again so you were quick to dive into his arms as the tears fell.
"You want me to go kick his ass?" Steve asked quietly, "Cause I will."
You laughed through your tears, "You've never won a fight, Harrington," you teased him as you sniffled and pulled back from his grasp, "I'd rather you didn't risk getting your perfect hair messed up."
Steve rolled his eyes, "You know, for you, (y/n), I'd happily mess up my hair if it meant defending your honour..." You blinked up at him, asking if he really meant that, "Course... What else are best friends for?"
Best friends.
Steve inwardly cringed as he said it. He hated being just friends with you - best friends - he wanted more; he wanted to be more. He wanted to be the one that got to hold you at night, be the one who kisses your fears and worries away... Not Ben, stupid Ben. Steve wouldn't hurt you, not like Ben did, if you trusted Steve enough to love him then Steve wouldn't dare do anything to hurt you. If only.
You sniffed, looking at your hands, "I knew that it wouldn't last forever but I thought we'd at least get through our prom. I thought we'd dance for at least one song."
Steve had an idea then. He jumped up, standing in front of you wearing that grin that told you he had a plan, "Get up."
"What are you doing?"
He stuck out his hand, "It's not going to be the prom you thought it would be but we're going to dance out here."
"Dance here?" You laughed at him, shaking your head, "No thanks."
"What's better than this?" He looked around, "It's just us two here. We can still hear the music and look up," you did as instructed and found yourself smiling up at the sky, "what's better than dancing under the stars?"
You looked back to Steve, silently asking 'are you serious?' but as he nodded, smiling down at you, "Dance with me, (y/n)." You couldn't deny his request any longer so you took his hand and allowed him to pull you up. It felt odd that he - Steve Harrington, the boy you'd been best friends with since kindergarten - was the one holding your waist but it wasn't too awkward. You laughed slightly as you looped your arms around his neck, resting your head on his shoulder.
The music floated in the air, swirling around the two of you, as you swayed in Steve's arms. For those few minutes, you forgot about Ben, you forgot about seeing him locking lips with Polly and all you could really focus on was the stars and the warmth radiating from Steve's body. The stars twinkled above you, bright and white, and you smiled against Steve's shoulder.
"Thanks, Steve," you whispered against his shoulder, "It's the perfect prom." Steve smiled, fighting the urge to press a kiss to the top of your head, and pulled you in a little closer and looked up to the moon and the stars.
Maybe he'd tell you how he felt not tonight but maybe one day soon. Maybe he wouldn't. It didn't really matter to Steve at this moment whether he did or not. At least he'd always have this. At least he'd always have the dance under the stars with you.
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
SDAU-Raised By Bears, Chapter 10
Word Count:  726
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“And do you, Thor Odinson, take this woman to be your wife, until death do you part?” the priest asked, looking to the alpha in front of him.  Thor smiled, giving his young bride a proud look. 
“I do.”
“If there is any person in this place of holiness that think these two should not join in matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace!”
“WAIT!” A voice yelled from the back of the church.  Everyone turned to look at the young man standing at its entrance, the doors thrown open wide.  The loud banging from the heavy oaken doors against the churches interior had made quite a few people jump in surprise and gasp.  Andy stood there, basked in the light from outside, “STOP THE WEDDING!”
“And who are you?” the priest scolded, “why have you stopped this union?”
“Andy Barber!” Andy said quickly, stepping into the church, “I’m in love with this woman, and she’s, my mate!  I don’t want her to get married to this bear!”
“Son of a bitch,” Thor growled, the alpha stepping down off the altar.  He started stalking down the aisles, passing the congregation as he made his way to Andy, “who the fuck do you think you are, coming in and ruining my wedding?  Ruining thi-“
“Mate?” an older gentleman asked.  He looked expectantly between her and Thor before turning to Andy. Thor froze in his spot, while Andy’s heart raced, staring at the head of her family, “you’re my daughter’s mate?”
Andy nodded nervously, fighting the words so that they should pass through his lips, “I-I am sir.  And I’m in love with your daughter.  And I refuse to let her marry this jackass.  He doesn’t love her…not like I do.”
“I ought to-“ But Thor was cut off by one of her brothers, who’d stepped out of the aisle and placed himself between Thor and Andy, “What the hell are you doing, Ben?”
Her father turned towards her, “sweetheart, is this bear telling the truth?  Are you his mate?”
She bit her lip, nodding at her father, “h-he rejected me because I’m human.”
 Her father’s jaw tensed as he looked back at Andy.  And suddenly her other brothers stood as Thor pushed her elder brother.
“I was afraid,” he proclaimed loudly to the crowd that had gathered for her wedding, “I -I was afraid Bailey.  I-But I’m more afraid of losing you.  I-I can’t lose you.  I can lose everything else in this world…and that’s fine.  But I won’t lose you.  Y-you’re my mate.”
“Bailey?” her father asked, looking towards her.  He gave her a soft look, and they seemed to have a silent conversation between the two of them.
She looked at Andy, “what’s stopping you from changing your mind the second I call off my wedding, Andy?  What’s stop-“
“I want to mark you!” he proclaimed louder, taking another few steps down the aisle, “I don’t want to run from it anymore.  I want to be with you, more than anything in this world.  I want you to be the mother of my cubs, Bailey.  Last night when I made love to you-“
Thor turned towards his fiancé as the crowd gasped, “you cheated on me?”
“And when your sister came and told me that you still loved me too-“
“Crystal?” she asked, turning towards her older sister who was standing beside her.
“I know what it’s like to leave behind your mate,” she said firmly, shooting a glare to her own husband before looking at her sister, “you deserve better than that, Bailey.  You don’t want to be Bailey Odinson.  You want to be Bailey Barber…”
Bailey’s heart ached as she looked at Andy, and she wanted nothing more in the world than to take his hand and run.  She spared a final glance to her elder sister, and then her fiancé, and finally to her father before slipping out of her heels and running past them all. 
She grabbed Andy’s hand and kept running, pulling him out of the church.  The couple stopped at the bottom of the steps and Andy pulled her to him in a passionate kiss. 
“I love you, Andy Barber.”
“I love you, Bailey,” he whispered, cradling her face in his hands, “and I’m going to spend the rest of our lives proving that to you.”
Tag List:  @evanswife1918, @lohnes16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @alexalovekeyloki, @eralen
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The Rebels Last Stand
Chapter LXXIX: The punch through
To start from Chapter I, go here: https://how-do-i-turn-this-thing-off.tumblr.com/post/169184041771/oh-my-god-you-know-what-i-want-i-want-rey-to-be
Rey had to admit, TIEs were easy to fly. The controls were a little more advanced than what she was used to, but everything was in roughly the same place and did roughly the same thing; and of course, it was still based on Imperial machines, which were still what she knew inside and out. She was lucky she wasn't dealing the quite the technological gap that the Reservoir had on display.
She guided her TIE straight into the battle, streaking red through the sky as the broad painted stripes that separated Ben's portion of the First Order seemed almost to glow against the dark. Again, she had no choice but to allow the Dark Force to flow through her, letting it show her the way through. Fighters were dizzying enough to fly as it was, and with so much chaos around her she had to work just as hard at avoiding friends and debris as she did enemy fire.
“Rey!” someone shouted through her headpiece, and a Resistance X-wing dropped into place next to her. “What's the plan?”
She risked glancing through the viewscreen long enough to see a familiar grin in the other cockpit. “FN-2188?” she asked, grinning back.
“It's Mace now!” he replied through the headset. “I found a name I liked in the records and gave it to myself!”
“Good for you,” Rey complimented as they briefly split apart, flipping over into opposite rolls as a squadron of enemy TIEs came straight for them, red blaster bolts flying so close to Rey's viewscreen they briefly dazzled her vision. She ignored what her eyes were telling or not telling her, keeping her blaster shots level but angling her lasercanons down into what seemed like a pocket of empty space. Firing both kinds of weapon simultaneously jolted the TIE upward for a brief moment and she had to fight to turn the momentum into a secondary roll back onto the X-wing's tail, but the maneuver paid off; the canon blasts hit, turning what had been empty space into a badly injured TIE Silencer, its stealth shielding knocked offline and one of its two ion engines belching smoke and flames.
“Mace, run on the TIEs!” Rey ordered, not needing to look around to check what the Force was telling her, that two other Rebel X-wings had fallen in with them just as Rey peeled off again, dropping into a hard, teeth-clenching right loop that put her on the Silencer's tail.
“Yes ma'am,” Mace agreed instantly, and the rest of the skirmish peeled off as the Silencer noticed her, firing its other engine hard and trying to put a debris field between them. It took all Rey's skill, both in the Force and as a pilot, to dodge the spiraling metal shards of something that looked like it had previously been the hull of one of Ben's Destroyer's, and keep the Silencer within range; even without both engines online its pilot was doing a miraculously good job of somehow using the injury to their advantage, leaning into the natural list left in the wake of the weaker side to execute much harder turns than Rey's two functioning engines would allow. Their path led them around some of the battle but then directly across the bow of Hux's flagship, and Rey had to pull up or risk being peppered by the sentry blasters affixed to the mainline that the Silencer's pilot was now expertly weaving through, its plume of black smoke a taunt as it flew out of range. Rey spotted the pass through hangar it must be heading for and circled that direction, pushing the engines to their limit as she hit every familiar looking switch she could see, trying to make it faster than the sentry towers could aim.
“Come on, come on!” she muttered, reaching in the Force, frustrated with her fighter's limitations as it whined in protest just barely short of what she needed. The Silencer was nearly to safety; a few seconds more, and she would lose it.
It was an outrageous urge. It was suicidal even to think it. Rey hesitated, the Dark Force pounding through her veins, dark in her, dangerous, sharp-edged, and wild in her, then punched the hyperdrive handle forward.
For a moment, everything began to blur. For a moment the stars began to stretch with Rey still pointed directly at Hux's ship, about to be smashed against the base of its navigation tower at a catastrophic speed. The boosters shoved her against her seat, and the moment before she could finish the jump, the second before, she simultaneously yanked the handle back down, aimed her lasercanons straight below her, and fired. She dropped out of the partial jump halfway into the hangar, just beyond where it's entry shielding could have repelled her enemy fighter, and no more than a foot above the Silencer's cockpit- it skewed wildly left the moment before the canon blast hit, as if to flee- then it exploded, the ball of fire consuming her whole field of vision as Rey focused every thought, every breath, every cell in her body on her Force sight, ripping through the hangar with at such extraordinary speed that her fighter was no longer whining but screaming as it went, and with a death grip on both guidance sticks she blindly fired everything she had. The world was fire all around her, extraordinary shockwaves of death and destruction shoving her up and right and left, trying to smash her into the ceiling or a wall as she wrestled with the controls, straining, forcing the fighter to tilt and roll to compensate for the punishing external blows-- then she shot back into clear space like she'd been blasted from a canon herself, pulling back hard to send herself straight up and get clear, an exuberant feeling of vicious and exuberant triumph like white hot lightning in her as she gasped for breath, her chest heaving, coming about in a wide loop, putting herself far enough from the Steadfast to stay relatively safe.
She righted herself at last with her nose pointed directly at the flagship and hovered there for a moment, motionless in the clear space, still catching her breath as she examined the damage she'd done. The Steadfast was an incomprehensibly massive ship but even it couldn't entirely weather an entire pass through hangar destroyed from the inside, and the lower right corner of its navigation tower was bright with flame, secondary explosions ripping through further levels of the starship above and below. It was hardly a fatal injury- against even just the base of the navigation tower, it couldn't have effected more than a quarter of that part of the ship- but she felt grimly pleased at the thought of all the light craft she had destroyed, and of causing any injury in general.
But the Silencer. Her jubilant grin faded as she remembered. The pilot had been more than just talented; the fancy flying in the debris field she could almost excuse as the work of an ace, but when she'd dropped out of her partial jump the Silencer had dodged left BEFORE she'd fired, had known she was there well before that should have been possible. And she'd felt it, in that moment, reaching as hard as she was already. The pilot had been untrained, but strong in the Force.
“Scavenger Rey,” a cool voice said in her ear, and she glanced at her radar to see an unmarked craft coming about to align with her on her left. She turned physically and saw through her windscreen a hulking penal ship, its engines belching fumes but seeming unharmed, no insignia displayed, only a swath of rusting ebon paint.
“Identify yourself,” she demanded, her thumb already over her blaster trigger.
“I am Kuruk,” the pilot said. “This is the Night Buzzard. We are the Knights of Ren.”
Rey hesitated, not liking the ripple she felt from him in the Force, the cold darkness of it. “You were on the spacedock,” she said, slowly, very slowly, moving her thumb away from the blaster trigger.
“Why are you not fighting?”
“We have been killing. We have been waiting for you.” The Night Buzzard drifted closer, and through its narrow windscreen she saw a man, his face masked with double plates of metal extended forward on either side, almost like blinders except the very small gap between them aligned exactly with his similarly narrow eye holes.
“Why?” Rey asked, fighting the urge to turn away.
“The shadow is strong in you, as it is in our master, Kylo Ren. Lead us into battle. We will follow you.”
“Um, okay. Sure. Thanks,” Rey said, facing forward again, unable to completely suppress a shiver. Their ship was much bigger than hers, and heavily armed from what she could see; she wasn't overjoyed to think of it following her anywhere, but any support was more support than she had now.
She powered up her engines, drawing away from the Steadfast and turning toward the Reservoir. Far on its right she could see the Rebel's Scythe, maneuvering sideways towards the Reservoir's stern, the armaments on it's long fin and the forward edge of its disk still blasting, though there were two clear gaps where guns had either been taken out or were offline. The enemy light craft were swarming it, being furiously repelled by the Ben's and the Rebel's light craft, and out of the corner of her eye Rey saw the Steadfast slowly coming about, facing that way.
“Reservoir, this is Rey,” she said into the mic of her helmet, flipping a couple switches that would hopefully activate the Command frequency. “Hail Ben,” she ordered, then rolled her eyes at her own error. “I mean, hail Kylo Ren. Urgently.”
“Reservoir acknowledges. Stand by.” Rey pushed her craft forward, watching as alongside her the Steadfast's Destroyers began to fall into place.
“Rey, I'm here,” Ben's voice said in her ear.
“Hux has noticed what you're doing, he's bringing his starships about,” she reported, looking between the Steadfast and the laborious maneuver the Scythe was still in the middle of. “You don't have much time.”
“We can't move position while the Scythe is aligning with our array, it won't have enough power to follow,” Ben replied. “I can have my Destroyers engage his, but we can't engage the Steadfast directly, not with what we've got left.”
Rey hesitated, looking across the battlefield, thinking. “Kuruk,” she said slowly, switching to local frequency, “how heavily armored are you?”
“Through a mountain and out the other side again,” he said immediately.
“If I got you support, could you clear the sentry's at the aft base of the Steadfast's navigation tower?”
“With enough birds, we can clear it.”
“Stand by,” she ordered, switching back to Command. “Ben, I've got an idea. I know it's murder, but I need you to send me as many light craft as you can. We can't destroy the Steadfast, but we can damage her enough to give Hux a good scare.”
“Rey...” Ben replied, his tone wary, warning.
“Trust me,” she urged, the Force strong in her, sending it to him as she came about, circling the Steadfast slowly, reaching out, searching.
He hesitated only a moment before relenting. “I'll send them.”
“Thanks,” Rey said, finding the gap she'd been looking for, the lurking empty space beneath a squadron of enemy TIEs that wasn't empty space at all. “By the way, how much harder is a Silencer to fly than a standard T-70 TIE?”
“Much, much harder,” Ben replied.
“Then I might need your help.”
My Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/how_do_i_turn_this_thing_off
My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/how_do_i_turn_this_thing_off
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brockachu · 3 years
What did Benning do to Linden?
ok so to be fair to benning (which is very generous of me, i know), it was at least a little the fanbase’s fault & definitely also largely the aquilinis’ fault that things fell apart with trevor linden the way they did.
idk your historical knowledge of the canucks, anon, so i hope i’m not overexplaining, but a quick rundown — trevor linden was a former long-time canuck, who was much beloved by the fandom from his draft (1988, 2nd overall, by the canucks) through his career until his eventual captaincy. his nickname was Captain Canuck. he’s possibly more associated with the captaincy in vancouver than henrik sedin or stan smyl, who are both still much beloved and involved in the organization today. he played for us for a solid decade, hopped around a few east coast teams due to inadvisable trades on the canucks’ part + a misled sense of ‘maybe he can get the cup he is due if we let him free’ (he had previously led the team to the famed 1994 stanley cup finals vs the rangers *insert cartoon patooey spit sound in mark messier’s general direction*), and ultimately wandered home to van to retire here + mentor then-captain markus naslund, then future captain henrik sedin in the 2000s. he was also at one point elected president of the nhlpa, when they were still trying to behave like an actual union. in case the theme isn’t coming across here — he has had leadership written across his forehead & resume since the first scout said ‘hey this lanky kid from alberta can skate’. that combo of leadership + dedication to the canucks has made him a beloved figure to van.
in 2014, when the canucks were reluctantly looking down the barrel of the rebuild, they called trevor, who had settled his family & stayed in van post-retirement, mostly working with local charities or canucks-led initiatives and keeping a low profile in the business side of the hockey world. trevor was brought in as president of hockey ops Before benning was hired. linden’s only big decision he made before benning took over was in firing coach torts. ostensibly, as pres of hockey ops, linden hired benning but press has since made it clear that linden’s choices were slim due to pressure from ownership. that year (2013-14), we missed the playoffs for the first time in 5 years, but management & ownership hoped a coaching change and some quick roster flips would keep us in the picture, since the majority of our core was still in a good age & skill window and only one actually wanted out (*cartoon patooey spit noise in ryan kesler’s general direction*). we got some free agent vets as well and gave it another solid try. that Did Not Work ~surprise~. we made the playoffs, crashed out in the first round, then the dark years settled in.
the hum drum drudgery of marching into the dark night of this ‘rebuild’ continued on, with fans getting more and more impatient. but more than the impatience, was the alarm that we had No Idea what the team’s identity was. long-time favs burrows & hansen were traded in the same season, despite clear indications that they wished to retire as canucks, and they weren’t even traded for picks — we got half-developed prospects who never worked out for us ultimately. same of essentially every move made under benning. finally, at the end of brock boeser’s rookie season & green’s first season as head coach of the canucks (he was originally meant to be interim, but his rapport was so good with the younger players, the promotion became official), the sedins announced their retirement. fans felt Antsy.
ok so we knew we could expect bo horvat’s eventual captaincy, we had brock boeser scoring up a storm his rookie season, word was good on thatcher demko’s development as our future goaltender — but what else? a boy king, his knight in golden locks, & their court mage of a goaltender who was in development hell does not a royal court or a proper roster make. more than that, in that time benning had been stacking up bad contracts & selling picks that could pad out our depth for 4 seasons running now, with seemingly no oversight by linden.
now you would think, ok but benning is the problem, so why is this linden’s fault? I Don’t Know Either. i have been here This Whole Time and i Still don’t know how trevor became the scapegoat for benning’s mistakes, but here we are. the sedins retire and linden quietly follows behind them with his resignation, which unfortunately left benning even More unchecked than before. the heavy implication from all reporting is that trevor gave pushback to benning and the aquilinis, who ultimately took benning’s side and told trevor to stuff it or shove off. so he said ‘i know where i’m not welcome’ and him choosing to leave without a fight is prolly what convinced fans that the problem was him not doing enough to stop benning rather than yknow the billionaire puppet masters who really only kept trevor around as a figurehead to appease the fans until the fans decided to eat their own idol. but hey, the loudest canuck fans also didn’t want bure back until he got inducted into the hhof, so i’m never gonna agree with that lil cult.
tldr: benning fucked up for nearly a decade. for half of it, he & ownership let linden sacrifice his reputation for this team, in some sick groundhog’s day of his career, But Worse. and some of the most vocal of canucks nation lapped it up and this is why it took me forever to look even slightly into canucks twitter. jury’s still out now, but i mostly follow actual press and interpret with for myself.
this is a Very Rough summary of this era. my memory is not perfect but i did pull wiki for a timeline. also, p much anyone in van press core will get very sad and feel bad if linden’s presidency gets mentioned. most reasonable members of the media & fanbase breathed a sigh of relief that linden came around in 2019 when bo got named captain and again in 2020 when the sedins’ jerseys were retires. luckily, that bridge is probably not irreparably burned, so long as rutherford & the aquilinis remember they’re on Thin Fucking Ice with any and all beloved canucks alum.
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promenadewithme · 3 years
May I please have prompt 62 with Simon Basset x female!reader?
Of course! Thank you for requesting!
Pairing: Simon Basset x Fem!Reader
Prompt: 62 (”She doesn’t belong with him” “Than who does she belong with?” “...with me.”)
Warnings: very slight angst with a happy ending. I'm sorry, but I just had to include him saying "I burn for you".
Word count: 1.7 k
Tell me if you want to join my tag list!
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Dearest Readers,
it has come to this author’s attention that Lady (y/n) (y/l/n) and Lord Benedict Bridgerton were seen promenading earlier this week. We all know Miss (y/l/n) to be a close friend to the Bridgertons, but will she officially become part of the family? Rest assured, if there is an engagement this author will find out.
Your’s Truly,
Lady Whistledown.
“This is absurd!” you exclaimed. “We were seen walking and now we’re to be married?”
“Calm down, (y/n). You know Whistledown is just a gossip, no one will remember this in a week.” said Benedict, putting down his sketchbook to look at you. 
As soon as you woke, your lady’s maid showed the infamous society papers and you all but ran to the Bridgerton estate. Benedict was, as always, in the drawing room sketching away. He had already read the paper, but thought nothing of it. He was calm, so calm it irritated you.
“Ben, you don’t understand! If people think I’m engaged to you, they will stop courting me and, unless you plan on marrying me, that is a disaster! I have to marry this season!” at this point Benedict stood up and caressed your arm in an attempt of calming you down. To anyone else, this scene would be scandalous and incredibly improper, but you and Ben have known eachother since infancy and were the best of friends, so there was nothing romantic about the gesture.
“(y/n), my dear, what is this rush? We are still young, you can see so many more seasons before being considered a spinster. You are beautiful, smart, accomplished and any man in the ton would be more that lucky to have you as his wife. If they don’t see it, it’s their loss. As for the rumors chasing them away, I believe it will do quite the opposite.” he said with a smirk.
“Whatever do you mean? If they believe I am to be married, how would it attract them?” you asked, incredulous.
“Well, not to brag, but I am a Bridgerton. If they think you caught my eye, they’d be curious to know what’s so special about you. So, don’t fret. All will be well.” With one last reassuring squeeze, he turned around and sat back down. “Now, are you going to Lady Danbury’s ball this evening?” he asked, narrowing his eyes at his sketch, not quite contempt with the shading.
“Of course I am, it’s the biggest ball of the season!” you exclaimed, sitting down on the sofa in front of him.
“Thank the heavens! If my mother tries to push eligible ladies my way, I’ll run in your direction.” he said, still sketching. Benedict stopped for a second and looked up at you “I heard a certain Duke will be there.” he stated with a smirk. You rolled your eyes and said “We all know he is bewitched by Daphne, it does not matter if he will be there.” 
“Of course it matters, you are in love with the man! And, to be completely honest, I don’t believe it is my sister who his heart belongs to. I’ve seen the way he looks at you, it’s the same way Colin looks at maps or Eloise looks at books.” He was leaning forward now, elbows on his knees, hands loosely clasped.
“Like I’m an object?” you said, kidding of course and dying to change the subject. You had the tendency to get your hopes up and the last thing you wanted was to believe your friend and end up with a broken heart.
“Like you hung the moon and the stars.” he had a serious expression and your heart skipped a beat with the thought that Simon would ever look at you that way, but you knew it would never happen. So you waved your hand, smiled and said “I think all the charcoal and paint is going straight to your brain, Mr. Bridgerton. I expect to see your hands all clean if you are to dance with me to trick your poor mama.” Standing up, you curtsied mockingly and said your goodbyes before walking out the door. 
Simon woke with news from Lady Whistledown. He was never one to believe in gossip, but Daphne was always talking about the society papers during their fake courting, so his curiosity got the best of him. What he did not expect was to read (y/n)'s name.
He had sworn to himself that he would never marry, but arriving at the beginning of the season he couldn't help but be smitten by you. He tried to fight it, but every time you smiled he saw himself smiling along, every time you wore his favourite colour he forgot how to breathe, and every time he saw you with Benedict Bridgerton he couldn't control his jealousy.
He confided in Daphne about it and she guaranteed (y/n) and the second Bridgerton son were just close friends, but Lady Whistledown seems to think differently. To be married? Was this true? If so, he knew it was for the best. He would be able to keep his promise to himself, but he could not help the ache in his heart as he dressed for the day.
(Y/N)'S P.O.V.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, pleased with the outcome. Your lady's maid had weaved delicate flowers in your hair, that was pulled up loosely and you wore your newest dress, long white gloves and the family diamonds. Madame Delacroix really outdid herself this time. It was your favourite colour, with princess sleeves, only slightly puffed, and had embroidered tulle at the hem and bottom part of the skirt. You looked truly beautiful.
"(y/n), it's time to-" your mother paused at the door and looked at you. She smiled softly at your reflection. "You look so beautiful, my dear... Do you think a certain Lord might like it too?" she said smiling softly.
"It is not the Lord's attention I want, mama. You know Ben is just a friend" you said, playing with the skirt of your dress.
"I know, sweetheart, I just don't want you do get hurt. All I want is for you to be happy and what better than to marry your best friend?" she hugged you from behind and kissed your cheek, still looking at your reflection.
"To marry the one you love..."
"You really have outdone yourself, Lady Danbury." Simon said, looking down at the woman who practically raised him. She was wearing a white gown, a tiara and long white gloves, radiant as always, leaning on her cane.
"I always do, my boy. Now, look at that! Your beloved has arrived." she declared with a small smirk.
"I have already spoken to Daphne" he said, nodding in the Bridgerton family direction, however his heart was beating out of his chest as he turned to look at (y/n). It seemed impossible, but she was even more beautiful than the last time he saw her. Simon looked away before he was caught staring.
"We both know I'm not speaking of the Bridgerton girl. You are not as discreet in your brooding as you like to think." he looked at you again, but you were already speaking to Benedict, who was leading you to the dance floor. "What is bothering you, boy?"
Simon stared at the pair dancing for a moment before responding. "She does not belong with him."
"Than who does she belong with?" (y/n) was laughing at something Benedict said and Simon could not bare the view anymore.
"...With me." he mumbled before heading to the gardens.
(Y/N)'S P.O.V.
The song finished and you curtsied, smiling at your best friend. The smile slowly turned into a frown as you saw Simon walking out, into the gardens.
"Go after him." Benedict whispered.
"What? We would be unchaperoned, it would be scandalous!" you answered, only loud enough for him to hear.
"I'll stand at the door and make sure no one sees. Go!" you smiled and wished you could hug you best friend. "Thank you, Ben." you said as you went into the garden after the man you love. The weather was pleasant and the garden was completely empty, with only the Duke passing back and forth close to the bushes.
"Simon?" he stopped in his tracks, looking surprised as he gazed back at you and stepped closer.
"What are you doing here, if we were to be caught unchaperoned yo-" you stopped the nervous man by saying "Benedict is at the door, no one will see."
"Of course he is." he mumbled, but you heard.
"What does that mean?" you asked, not understanding his sudden dislike for the lord.
"It means he is always around, always with you." he spat out.
"Well, he is my best friend." you could not believe what he was saying. "What do you have against him?" you questioned.
"Are you truly to be married?" he demanded, ignoring your question.
"What?" you replied, completely incredulous.
"Please don't." he murmured.
"Simon, I-" you tried to answer but he cut you off.
"Before you say anything, please listen to me. Don't marry him, please." he paused for a second, adjusting his posture. "I love you. You..." he shook his head. "You don't even know what you do to me. Ever since I can remember, I have promised myself I would never fall victim to love, would never marry, would not let my family name carry on. Then came you."
Simon took a step closer and continued to speak. "You changed my plans, awoke desires I never knew I had, you have stolen my heart and my soul... I burn for you." he took your gloved hands in his, caressing them softly. "Don't marry him, marry me." he gazed into your eyes, waiting your answer.
"Simon... It was never my plan to marry Benedict, I was completely honest when I said he is nothing but a friend." you smiled up at him before saying "you are the one I love, always have been."
Simon grinned before pulling you into a passionate kiss, one hand on your back and the other behind your neck. It was a good thing Benedict was at the door, if anyone saw this scene and the rumours reached Lady Whistledown... You didn't even want to think about the ruin it would bring upon your family.
When you and Simon finally parted you managed to mumble "We truly have been oblivious, haven't we? I thought you were in love with Daphne." he chuckled.
"And I thought you to be with Benedict. Good thing you followed me out here, my love." he said, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.
"From now on, it's all I'll ever do."
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spilledkauffie · 3 years
Baking with Ben Solo HCs
Pairing: Ben Solo x Reader T/W: fluff! A/N: same universe as Cold as Hoth — Christmas is a concept (P.s. I know the gif is Adam in a different character, but pls don’t come at me)
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The concept — Ben is really new to the concept of having to do it yourself, when you first asked if he wanted to help, he gave a confused look and said "anyone can cook fancy things?" With a laugh, you explained that just because the First Order had trained chefs doesn't mean they're the only ones who know how to cook, a lot of people are really good at it, like a skill. After that he asked why you make cookies around Christmas where you're from. It took you a moment to consider the question of why yourself, but just wound up saying "it's tradition," with a casual shrug.
Helping — Ben 100% wants to help, even if he has no idea how to cook himself. He loves seeing you get out all the ingredients, there are so many colours, in sprinkles and frosting and food colouring, he's shocked he'd never seen them before. // For the most part he just stands there, letting you organise everything that the list requires. He occasionally asks "do you need my help?" To which you answer, "not yet," until there's something on the top shelf that you can't reach. Looking over your shoulder, you see him examining the different kinds of sugars you've set out, "hey, Ben, babe?" He snaps to attention, "yes?" // "Do you think you could reach that for me?" you ask, pointing to the shelf. With a soft smile and a nod, Ben doesn't just get it for you, he wraps his arms around you and lifts you up so you can reach it, making you squeak for a moment at the sudden action, laughing as you grip onto his forearm around you and the way he rests his head against your back.
Mixing bowl — you mostly let Ben add it all in under your instructions, he tries his best to be as accurate and precise as possible. When you've added all the dry ingredients together Ben stirs them all carefully, whilst you add the needed wet items. He's very careful about making sure each one is stirred in equally before you're ready to add the next one, that way it'll be even.
Accidents — Despite how careful he is, a few accidents happen, it's baking, it's messy by nature. However, due to being accustomed to getting scolded for mistakes, even the little ones Ben's not very used to innocent mistakes that absolutely no harm. So when, inevitable, an accident, such as adding too much flour too quickly and it going all over the counter and the two fo you happens, Ben's worried more than need be. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, that's my fault," he quickly says, pausing everything to try and amend the situation keeping his head down anticipating a scolding, "if I ruined them, if they're ruined-" You touch his hand, "it's okay," you dip to meet his gaze, "it's perfectly okay, no harm done at all, it's all good" you smile softly. "They're not going be ruined?" He asks quietly. "Not at all," you shake your head, "in fact they might even be more perfect now, maybe you added the perfect amount that will now be even better than the original," you add, nodding confidently. Seeing a smile pull at the corner of his lips, you push on to your tip toes to touch your nose against his.
Shapes & sizes — bringing out the cookie cutters and the rolling pin is one of the most fun parts of making cookies. Ben’s definitely fascinated by all the little shapes they cookies can be cut into, he fancies the candy cane and the snow man. But first you have to show him how to knead the dough, which is super cute because he’s still worried he’s going to mess it up and when you literally grabbed a chunk of dough from the bigger section he dropped his jaw, making you laugh, “did you just kill it?” He teases, “the hard work I did to make that a perfectly round blob.” Nudging him in the side, you tell him to do the same, helping him smoosh it out into a fairly even little circle. "Now what?" he asks. "You take the cookie cutter," you pick it up, placing it in his hands, "and smoosh it carefully down," you push against the top of his hands to make sure it goes all the way through, before you help remove the excess dough, leaving only the shape left. He's totally enamoured by the outcome and has so much fun trying out all the differnt shapes.
Frosting — while the cookies bake, the two of you mix and make all different colours of homemade frosting, with Ben swiping more than one taste of the frosting while you wait for the cookies. He likes the blue best, even though you tell him that they're all the same flavour just with different dyes. No matter though, he favours the blue. // While you're mixing another colour, you suddenly feel a cold bit of frosting swiped across your cheek. “What was that for-“ you start playfully, but Ben quickly gives you the answer by stooping to kiss it off your cheek. Staring up at him with your jaw slightly dropped, “you had something,” Ben shrugs, point to his cheek. Smirking to yourself you dab some on your finger and tap it on his jawline, swiftly stealing a kiss. “You had something,” you respond. Nodding at your wit, Ben scoops some more on his thumb and swipes it across your bottom lip, next thing you know, he’s dipping to kiss you on the mouth.
Decorating & Dessert — decorating goes pretty smoothly, but what's best is the additional toppings. You bring out chocolate chips, sprinkles, and bits of candies. "There's even more?" Ben asks, looking over what you brought out. After decorating to your hearts delight, it's time for a taste test, because Christmas cookies always taste best fresh out of the oven. Of course, while decorating there were a few that broke and you explained how it's practically a rule that you have to eat the part that broke off if it can't be reattached with frosting. But a whole frosted cookie just tastes best. Ben's the first one to give it a go and he's now found his new favourite tradition. // From then on you make all kinds of cookies together, for any and all special occasions, but his favourite remains when you make them around Christmastime together.
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trentaafcsblog · 3 years
Ménage À Trois
Mason Mount & Ben Chilwell
You’re smirking at yourself in the mirror as you stand and admire your body. A burgundy lace lingerie set just about covering the parts that you want it to, although there’s still enough skin poking through the gaps in the material to make it even more sexy than it already is. You’re turning to the side slightly to catch a glimpse of your ass, smirking at how good it looks thanks to the style of thong that you’re wearing, the waistband resting perfectly on the tops of your hips and simultaneously accentuating your curves in the most incredible way. Your boobs look fucking insane too. Both of them spilling out over the top of your bra and jiggling with each movement, yet there’s still enough held in cups to allow your nipples to poke through the lace and offer a glimpse of what’s hiding underneath to any prying eyes. 
You’re combing your fingers through your blow-dried curls once you’ve finished adjusting your underwear. Letting them be dragged down with the movement of your hands before they’re springing back up again, taking a more natural appearance the more you play around with them. Applying a thin layer of lip gloss to your pouted lips before you’re going in for several more coats, quickly realising that one isn’t going to be enough if your mouth will be working in the ways that you’d suggested in your little group chat of three, adding layer upon layer in the hope that your lips are still glossy by the end of tonight, although you’re still not convinced. You’re adding a couple more coats of waterproof mascara too, hoping that it stays on your lashes should any tears happen to escape, but your thoughts are quickly drawing to an end when the sound of tyres crunching on the gravel outside forces you out of your mind. Sprinting over to the window and clocking the familiar Range Rover pulling up on the drive - an indicator that your dream is only a few seconds away - before you’re fumbling around in the bottom draw in your wardrobe. Retrieving the tiniest little vibrator that you can find and slipping it into the crotch of your panties, hitting the ‘on’ button and letting it hum against your clit before you’re racing back across the room to grab your silk robe. Tying it around your body and taking a deep breath before making your way down the stairs, the knocks from your guests greeting you just as your foot hits the bottom step.
“Afternoon” you smile, a strand of hair being curled around your index finger as you lean against the door frame and look your guests up and down. “You okay, boys?” you ask as they both nod their heads in unison, their eyes fixated on your tits which suddenly become much more visible thanks to a gust of wind from outside, the thin material of your robe blowing up to reveal more of your skin.
“Did you just come to stare at me?” you’re questioning after a few seconds, your words snapping them both out of their trance and causing them to almost fight over who gets through the front door first as they barge their way in. Ben reaching you before Mason does as he crouches down in front of you and throws your body over his shoulder, leaving Mason to follow you both back up the stairs whilst you make a ‘grabby hands’ motion in his direction. Letting out a little giggle when he picks up on the faint buzzing feeling that’s penetrating the material of his t-shirt thanks to the way that your legs are crossed over him, pushing your vibrator down into his skin and giving him an insight into the kind of girl you are, not that he needs any hints.
You’re sitting yourself down on the edge of your bed once you’ve made it to your room. Watching the boys strip off as they throw their clothes around the room in an attempt to get undressed and ready for what’s to come as quickly as possible. Boxers, socks and joggers littering the carpet and revealing what was hidden underneath, their tanned bodies obviously sculpted by the gods and their cocks now standing to attention after a few harsh tugs, helped by the sight of you squeezing your tits before them. 
“What you gonna do to me then…daddies?” you giggle, emphasising the plural of the nickname as you shuffle backwards slightly and spread your legs. Pushing your thong to the side and letting your breath hitch at the slight icy sensation that your fingertips bring when they start tracing along your folds. Two of them threatening to dip into your hole as you look up at Mase and Ben with the most lust-filled eyes, begging them to talk dirty so that you can get an insight into their not-so-innocent minds.
And god, they’re not disappointing. Reeling off a whole list of filthy scenarios that elicit a bead of pre-cum to run out of the slit in their cocks each time they imagine their thoughts with the person sat before them. Your pussy on the verge of exploding as you sit and stroke your fingers up and down it in time with the boys’ voices, occasionally pumping two digits inside when they make reference to the box of sex toys that you’ve left out on your bedside table for them to use, whining and moaning as you watch them poke around and admire the extra additions to the bedroom. 
“I think that’s enough time wasted, don’t you, ya horny little slut” Mase growls as he takes a step towards you, clearly having enough of seeing you getting yourself off to his and Ben’s thoughts as he bats your hand away from your pussy and pulls your legs so that you slide closer to him. Letting go when you’re almost hanging off the bed and instructing you to get on all fours for him as he stands before you, his cock twitching in anticipation before you’re reaching out with one hand and gently cupping his balls. Looking up at him as he nudges Ben and encourages him to get behind you, a squeal escaping your mouth when your panties get ripped away from your body and a harsh slap hits your ass cheek.
“You’re not stopping ‘til I say so” Mason’s telling you as you just about manage to nod your head before Ben’s tongue starts licking a hot stripe along your core, the heat from his mouth eliciting a little whimper which Mase quickly puts an end to when he thrusts forward and completely fills your mouth with his cock. The tip hitting the back of your throat and causing tears to spring to your eyes as you start bobbing your head up and down in order to try and relieve the burning sensation in your throat. The stimulation at both ends of your body causing a series of moans to escape around Mason’s shaft, a feeling that just turns him on more than ever because he knows that he’s not the one making you feel that way, as he watches you slowly start to rock your hips back and forth against Ben’s face. His hands coming up to grip onto the sides of your body as he laps away at your arousal, making a series of slurping noises as he swallows your sweet juices, a contrast to the saltiness that’s coating your tongue as you swirl it around the head of Mason’s cock. His pre-cum seeping into your mouth and mixing with your saliva before you’re breaking the suction for a second to spit the little concoction back onto his swollen head, watching it dribble down the rest of his length before you’re going back in and making this the sloppiest blowjob of his life. Spit dribbling down your chin and making its way through the canal between your boobs, some of it travelling as far as your nipples as Mase stands and watches it drip off and soak into your bedsheets - a sight he could watch a million times over as he grabs a fistful of your hair and pushes you further and further down his length in an attempt to encourage the same sight. 
Mason’s practically fucking your face as you gag and splutter around him, tears trickling down your cheeks as he reaches out and captures the moment with the Polaroid camera that you’d also left out for them to use. The little photo printing itself out of the top and mirroring exactly what’s going on in front of him, letting the image replace reality as he holds it in front of you, giving himself a few seconds to admire it before your whines and whimpers cause the piece of card to slip from between his fingers and spiral onto the floor. Your orgasm approaching as you grip onto his hips to steady yourself and start grinding down against Ben’s face, desperate for a release since he’s been licking away at your core for what feels like an eternity. Pulling your mouth away from Mason’s cock to focus on what’s happening to your pussy as your eyes start rolling back into your head, a string of spit still attaching your bottom lip to the purple tip of his length, connecting the two of you in the most intimate way.
“Oh my fucking goddd” you’re whining as Ben’s lips form a suction around your clit, your orgasm building more and more with each sucking motion as you start begging him to give you what you’re dying for. The knot in your stomach on the verge of snapping just as he pulls away and denies you of that release. And you’re about to complain but he’s going back to edge you again, and then again, and then again, and fifth time lucky you’re finally cumming. Your clit palpitating against his tongue as he lays and feels you twitch against him, wanting to scream his name for the whole town to hear but Mason’s clearly got other ideas.
“Didn’t tell ya to stop, did I?” he’s saying harshly before entering your mouth again mid-orgasm. Thrusting into you and chasing his own release considering he’s now more horny than ever after seeing one of his best mates make you cum. Grunting with each thrust and getting Ben to come and watch as tears start soaking your cheeks again. Mase leaning forward to wipe them away with his thumb before he’s gripping the sides of your face and fucking your mouth at the most ridiculous speed. Your coughs and splutters egging him on as he halts against the back of your throat and releases his load, giving you no option other than to swallow as the salty fluid starts trickling down your already-stinging throat. Gulping it down with a small whimper before he’s muttering ‘good girl’ and letting you pull away to catch your breath.
“Think we should use one of these now, don’t you?” Ben’s smirking as he starts poking through the box of sex toys, pressing the buttons on a few of them to see which one looks like it will cause the most trouble once it’s in action. Settling for a pink rabbit vibrator that he then passes over to Mase for him to control with the remote, encouraging you to lay down in the middle of the bed as he gets comfy beside you. “You gonna tell her what to do, Mase?” he’s asking before attaching his lips to one of your nipples, obviously doing it on purpose because he knows you’ll hardly be able to concentrate when he’s busy sucking away at your skin.
“I’m gonna be in charge of his” he’s telling you, the tone of his voice dominating and assertive as he presses one of the buttons on the remote. Holding the vibrator up so that it’s in your line of sight and you can watch the little ears fluttering around whilst the shaft rotates in mid-air. And you’re almost cumming when you make direct eye contact with him and he pushes the tip into his mouth, soaking it with his spit before lining it up with your entrance. Holding it so that it’s just touching the outside of your hole and the vibrations are teasing you whilst he carries on giving you instructions. “And you’re gonna be wanking Ben off and telling us both all of those filthy things that go on in that dirty little mind of yours” he’s whispering, waiting for you to nod your head in response before he’s spreading your folds apart with his fingers and inserting the toy. Raising his eyebrows and signalling towards Ben as you move your hand away from your other boob and lick a stripe of saliva along your palm. Lowering it down until it’s firmly secured around Ben’s cock, and then you’re gently pumping your fist up and down. His mouth pulling away from your nipple as he moves to bury his head in the crook of your neck, nipping and sucking at your skin and littering it with tiny purple bruises. 
“Oh my god” you breathe when Mase starts fiddling around with the vibrator and attaches the bunny ears either side of your clit. Messing around with the speeds as they start pulsating against your sensitive nub, sending little waves of pleasure through your body and making your legs shake uncontrollably. You’re nearly seeing stars when he looks at you and aggressively starts pressing the ‘up’ arrow on the remote, the shaft now spiralling around inside you at the most incredible speed. The head brushing against your g-spot with each rotation and making your eyes water from the intense pleasure as you grip onto the bedsheets with your free hand. Ensuring that you keep pumping away at Ben’s cock, your hand slipping up and down his length whilst his pre-cum dribbles out of the tip and runs between your fingers. Occasionally rubbing your thumb over his swollen head, loving how he breaks away from your neck to let out a little sigh before groping your other tit even harder in response. 
“I’m not hearing your dirty thoughts” Mason’s growling as he threatens to increase the vibrations even more, his finger hovering above the set of buttons whilst he waits for you to open your mouth. 
“I wanna squirt all over your fat cock” you’re telling him as his teeth graze over his bottom lip, one hand now stroking his own dick as he lays at the end of the bed and encourages you to carry on. “Wanna see your cum dripping out of me for days after you’ve filled my little cunt up” you whimper as he quietly moans at the thought. “Such a little cum slut, aren’t ya?” he questions as you nod your head at him. “Want Ben to put a baby in me whilst I cream all over his huge cock” you’re saying as he hums against your neck, whispering ‘I’m sure I can do that, baby girl’ in your ear, just as Mase ups the speed of the toy. A combination of the pleasure to your core and Ben’s words causing you to let out the loudest moan before you start bucking your hips towards Mason who’s now nearing another orgasm after getting an insight into your filthy mind. Your hand still frantically pumping away at Ben’s length as he grunts and groans with each movement of your palm, knowing by the scrunching up of his face that he’s close as you blurt out ‘fill my mouth up’ and provide him with another insight into your ‘lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets’ demeanour. 
Sticking your tongue out for him as he gets on his knees and hovers above your mouth, tossing himself off for the last few seconds before he’s moaning at his release. Five spurts of seed landing on your tongue as you flick it over his tip to make sure that you’ve wiped away any remnants. Swirling his cum around in your mouth and humming at the saltiness before he’s leaning across you and grabbing the camera. “Open up” he’s saying as you stick your tongue out, a pool of white fluid laying on top of it as he captures the moment on a Polaroid, watching it print out of the top before he’s showing you the little photo. “Look at you, ya little whore” he’s whispering as you giggle at the photo and swirl his cum around one final time before swallowing it down and winking at him. 
Tilting your head to one side to get a glimpse at Mason as he lays there nearing his orgasm, a smirk on his face when he realises that you’re watching him. The bunny ears now fluttering against your clit at the highest speed as he tries to make the two of you reach your highs in unison. Your eyes beginning to water again when Ben pushes the end of the toy even further into your pussy, the head circling over your g-spot as you writhe around and beg for a release. “I’m gonna squirt” you squeal as Mason gets up and starts pumping himself over your pussy. His warm seed firing onto your clit with a groan of ‘fuck’, sending ripples through your body and pushing you closer to your own orgasm. A broken cry leaving your mouth as your face screws up and then relaxes again when your juices go splattering over both boys who are watching you from the end of the bed. Completely soaking their abs and upper thighs before you’re squeezing your pussy again, encouraging the same thing to happen once more. Both of them smirking at the sight as you grab the camera and take a photo from your viewpoint. The little Polaroid capturing your legs spread apart and the toy stuffed inside your pussy, with water droplets coating the cocks and torsos of the boys stood before you - a photo that immediately becomes your favourite.
Moaning when Mase pulls the toy out from in between your folds, admiring his seed on the little rabbit ears before he’s holding it in your direction and waiting for you to lick it clean. Your tongue flicking over the head as you hum at the taste of your juices, refusing to break the eye contact as you lick away at the ears and clean it of Mason’s cum. Both boys almost certain that their cocks are going to explode as they stand and watch you laying there with your legs spread apart, your entrance gaping slightly from where the toy has been buried inside of you as you suck the vibrator off. Your tongue completely ridding it of any remnants of Mason’s load before you’re sitting up and placing it back on your bedside table.
“I need you inside of me” you’re saying to Ben as you reach out towards him. “I’m empty...please” you pout as you give him your best puppy dog eyes. Although it hardly takes any begging for him to give you what you want. “Get on all fours then” he instructs as he helps you get into position, Mason coming around to the head of the bed and sitting opposite you as his palm starts stroking his cock once more. Cupping your face with his free hand and letting his tongue explore your mouth, fighting with yours whilst Ben gets to work at the other end. Letting out a small grunt when he spreads your ass cheeks apart to get a better view of your pussy, your arousal coating your inner thighs with a dampened glow as he begins to smirk at the sight. Biting down on Mason’s bottom lip when you feel Ben pushing himself into your tight little hole, whimpering as your walls begin to dilate around him and you can feel every single inch of his length. 
“Fuck” you’re breathing when he starts pounding into you, your ass bouncing against his abs with each thrust as he secures a firm grip on each cheek. Squeezing and slapping away at you and feeling a sense of pride when he sees a red outline of his hand starting to appear on your skin, knowing full well that you’re not going to be able to sit down for the next few days. Whimpering when Mase breaks the kiss to spit a bead of saliva onto the tip of his cock, trying to lean forward to continue exploring his mouth but he’s shuffling back to stop you. “Gotta tell daddy what you want him to do, it’s my turn next” he’s saying as you groan in desperation, dying to just have his lips pressed against yours for an extra second but instead he’s laying in front of you, tossing himself off and expecting you to talk dirty to him. 
“Just want you to coat my walls with your thick cum” you cry as Ben slaps your ass once more. “Want you to stuff me full of your cum and make my pussy all swollen” you tell him as Ben looks down and admires the ring of cream that’s forming at the base of his cock. Grunting at the sight of your pearlescent liquid as he scoops a bit up with his finger and makes Mason try it in front of you. “So fucking sweet for us, ain’t ya?” he hums as he moves the cream around his mouth with his tongue, spreading it around before swallowing and throwing his head back at the taste. Looking over your shoulder to see Ben with two fingers in his mouth, sucking your treat for him off his digits and winking at you when he sees you watching. “Fucking delicious” he’s saying before spanking you once again, his thumbs now digging into your hips as he grips onto you for dear life. Telling you to look back at Mason as he starts driving into you at the most ridiculous speed, your eyes disappearing into the back of your head and your tits swinging to and fro with each movement.
“Look at daddy” Mason’s whispering as you force yourself to stare into his eyes, whining when he leans forward and cups your boobs in his hands, gently squeezing and massaging them whilst his best mate fucks you from behind. “That nice?” he’s asking as you nod your head in response. “Need to use your words, baby, tell daddy how nice that feels” he’s saying as you do your best to string an audible sentence together. “I-I jus- uggghhh fuck, so fucking go- gooddd” you scream as he starts rolling your nipples between his thumb and index finger, smiling when they harden under his touch and your arms almost give way beneath you. 
“I’m gonna cum” Ben’s mumbling before drilling into you even faster, if that’s even possible. A small whimper escaping your mouth when you feel him still inside of you and the warmth of his seed shoots up your walls. Hardly giving you any chance to enjoy the feeling as he pulls out of you, the tip of his cock making a satisfying ‘pop’ noise as it’s forced out of your tight little entrance and your walls break the suction around it. “Your go, bro” he’s panting as he crawls up beside you to swap places with Mase, smirking at you before gripping onto your tits, his fingers moulding into the pink outline that Mason’s hands have left behind. Struggling to know where to focus your attention as Ben starts kneading away at your boobs, his cock standing proud before you with a little dribble of cum trailing down the shaft. 
And then Mason’s slamming into you from behind as well. Eliciting a squeal when his first thrust hits your g-spot and sends a ripple of pleasure through your whole body. Your eyes disappearing into the back of your head once again as he fucks you absolutely senseless, your lips parted and breathing heavy when he takes one hand away from your hip to draw figure-of-eights on your clit. Your core practically going numb from overstimulation but the warmth of his fingers is still somehow driving you on towards your third orgasm. Your walls clenching uncontrollably around him which of course edges him closer and closer to his own release. The wetness of your pussy mixing with the pool of Ben cum that’s stuffed deep inside your cunt sounding like music to his ears as he pounds into you, the thought of fucking you whilst you’re full of another man’s seed turning him on more than ever.
“Please Mase!” you’re screaming, lifting one hand off the mattress and almost collapsing beneath him from how hard he’s fucking you. Ben stepping in to support your upper body as his hands mould into the gap under your armpits, conveniently meaning that he’s now nose to nose with you and has no option other than to kiss your swollen lips. Your free hand reaching around for Mason’s as you hold his fingers in place, knowing that it would probably kill you if he was to stop playing with your pussy, especially since you can feel that all too familiar knot starting to tighten in your tummy. 
“I’m gonna cum” you’re crying, breaking Ben’s kiss as he removes one hand from under your arm and grips it around your throat instead, preventing you from moving. And fuck does he almost orgasm himself when you let out a gravelly moan into his mouth, tears threatening to escape your eyes as the pleasure in your core builds and builds. A rush of intense relief surging through your pussy when the knot inside of you eventually snaps, your walls spasming around Mason’s length as he continues frantically rubbing your clit, a second wave of pleasure hitting you when he brings you to another orgasm. “Oh my goddd” you’re screaming, your limbs turning to jelly as you fall face-down on the mattress, your body now in the speed bump position and giving Mase an even better run at chasing his own release.
“So fucking good” he’s grunting before emptying his third load inside of you, filling your pussy to the brim with his pearlescent fluid and ensuring that he holds himself still for a few seconds in order to allow his and Ben’s seeds to mix. And then he’s pulling out and it’s probably the hottest experience of all three of your lives. The Polaroid camera coming in handy once again as it captures the moment that the stream of cum starts making its way back out of your cunt, the photo printing out of the top and encouraging Ben to move from before you in order to watch this moment in the flesh. A series of whines and whimpers leaving your mouth when it runs over your clit, causing it to twitch in response to the warmth that’s spreading across your core and down either side of your thighs. 
“Look at ya” Ben’s whispering, his voice being eaten by the overwhelming sense of pride that washes over him when he looks at your collapsed body, your ass still in the air and him and his best mate’s cum-concoction pooling out of your pussy - a sight that he’ll never get bored of. “You alright?” Mason’s asking once you’ve finally found the strength to roll over onto your back, your thighs glued together with the boys’ seed and only adding to the difficulty of moving with the most tired muscles and swollen pussy. “Mhm” you’re breathing, your lust-clouded brain stopping the connection between your thoughts and what leaves your mouth, giving up on trying to string a sentence together and just leaving them with a quiet mumble, enough to confirm that you’re okay, even if your weakened physical state suggests otherwise.
“One last thing” Ben’s saying as Mason comes and lays beside you, his arm draped beneath your boobs and his free hand brushing the loose curls away from your face. “Gotta clean yourself up” he’s adding, gently scooping up the trails of cum from the insides of your thighs with two fingers before extending them in your direction. Your mouth involuntarily opening and your eyes fluttering shut as the overwhelming saltiness spreads across your tongue, carefully swiping it over his fingers before he’s going back down and coating his digits with even more. Careful not to touch your semi-numb pussy too harshly because your overstimulation is evident, but he’s ensuring that every last drop is cleaned from your cunt before he’s allowing himself to settle down on your free side. 
“You did so well” Ben’s complimenting, his eyes scanning over your tired body before he’s leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead, a gesture that you appreciate considering that you’re in absolute bits right now. “So did you” you’re breathing, although it hardly takes a genius to pick up on how incredible the boys were tonight going by your handprint-littered skin, tear-stained cheeks and slightly bruised lips. “Can’t believe we finally got round to doing it” Mason’s panting, the suggestion bobbing around in your group chat of three for what felt like an eternity before you finally caved and invited them over. “Good things come to those who wait” you’re smirking, your comment possibly being the biggest understatement of the year going by tonight’s activities, but it’s true, and you’re glad that you gave yourself the time to let the anticipation build up before today.
“We better head off cose we’ve got training at half eight tomorrow” Ben’s saying, eliciting a groan from Mason who genuinely can’t think of anything more anticlimactic after a night of pure bliss. “Sure you’ll be alright if we go?” he’s asking, getting his answer when you nod your head and let it fall to one side, the dark hue beneath your eyes letting them both know that you’ll be crashed out as soon as they’ve closed your front door behind them. “Thanks for tonight” you’re whispering, Ben sitting up beside you but you’re pulling him back down for a kiss, your lips lingering on his for a few seconds before you’re replacing them with Mason’s. Quietly humming at the warmth that they bring to your pink and slightly swollen lips, holding him there for a bit of added comfort before you’re reluctantly pulling away. 
“Text me when you’re back, yeah?” you’re saying, watching them both agree to your question before they’re leaving you spread out on the bed to get dressed. Giggling to yourself as they poke around each other’s discarded underwear in an attempt to find their own, re-dressing themselves with the outfits that left their bodies in just a matter of seconds a couple of hours ago, this time with the addition of a few extra creases from where they’ve been neglected on the floor.
And then the front door is closing behind them. The ring echoing in your ears for a few seconds before it’s being replaced with their footsteps crunching along the gravel as they make their way back to the blacked-out Range Rover parked in the corner of your driveway. Waiting until the engine starts rumbling and the headlights fade away into the darkness of the night until you’re deciding to move. Rolling over ready to turn the lights off but you’re spotting several pieces of card laying face-down on your carpet, and you know exactly what they are before you’ve even had chance to pick them up. A tiny whimper falling from your lips as you turn them over to reveal the photos that you’ve taken tonight - all of them managing to take you right back to the second that the camera clicked and you felt a rush of adrenaline at how risky you were being taking such explicit pictures. Your eyes studying them for a few seconds before you’re retrieving your phone from your beside table and taking a photo of the Polaroid with your cream-pied pussy on display. Hitting ‘send’ and watching it arrive back in the group chat that kick-started it all. Your fingers reaching up to flick the light switch which triggers your eyes to flutter shut, the memories of tonight flooding your mind as you drift off to sleep.
Until next time, boys ;) x
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celestialsister0918 · 2 years
Standing Right Outside My Door (Older Sirius Black x OC)
🎅🏻 🎄 🕯(Christmas in April, guys!)
Outtake From "Black as Night”
Category: Smut and Fluff, NSFW 18+, Minors DNI
Warnings/Tags: Breeding kink, oral sex, vaginal sex, multiple orgasms, squirting. dirty talk, praise kink. Brief mention of Animagus coupling- discussion only.
This would fall within the chapter "I'll Be Upon You by the Moonlight Side." Sirius comes home for Christmas from Horcrux hunting with Dumbledore to find Colleen sitting by the tree. This one-shot will be her POV. You can read Sirius's thoughts on her in the original work. I chose not to write the sex originally, so here you go. 🥰
Chapter title from "All I Want for Christmas is You" by Mariah Carey. (Yes, going kinda fluffy with this smut.)
Colleen stared into the golden glow of the evergreen branches at fantastical things: elves…sugarplum castles…angels. Muggles sort of got it right. They knew there was some kind of realm beyond the mundane everyday; they just made the magical out to be a bit more cartoonish than it was in reality. Reality...
The young Muggle mum could scarcely believe what her reality had become since she'd become so completely swept up in all things Sirius Black. As she put the finishing touches on the presentation of Ben's toys beneath the tree, the prismatic sparkle of Sirius's rings caught the warm light of the twinkling tree bulbs. She rested her hands on her red silk-clad knees, appreciating the twists and turns of light radiating from both hands.
Yes, there were two rings— one they'd found at Grimmauld Place, buried within a wall in his late brother Regulus's room. The younger Black had intended it for his beloved, Marguerite, before his tragic death in the very Horcrux fight Sirius undertook now. Marguerite had disappeared, according to Dumbledore. The gold band adorned with diamonds, moons, and stars found purpose now on Colleen's finger, and Sirius wore its thicker, more masculine mate. On her right hand she wore the ring Sirius had crafted just for her— at its center a diamond created from Colleen's very own tear. Rhiannon, the witch who'd conjured the precious jewel through her unique magic, was a special friend. Colleen counted on her quite a bit in these lonely days without Sirius.
Colleen sighed, her gaze transfixed on the display of Christmas magic before her, and she found herself like the women in the cliché holiday songs, wishing for nothing other than having her beloved walk through her door. She missed his strength and his smell and the warmth of his skin. Her neck craved the tickle of his stubble, and her insides longed to be filled by the pieces of him that were meant for her.
Colleen had been married before, in a rather disastrous experiment, its one salvation being the sweet little boy who slept down the hall. But only these last few months had she begun to know what it meant to have a mate— someone who made you come alive on every level when you were together, and ache on every level when you were apart. Gods, what she'd give to unwrap that wizard beneath the mistletoe that hung just inside the wreathed front door to her flat.
"Colleen Black— I've heard some tales about your escapades that make me inclined to place you on the naughty list this year, but I'm still open to persuasion."
Colleen whipped around and jumped to her feet, not startled but completely overcome with joy. Growing more in tune with magic— especially the magic that was at the root of attraction and love— had her knowing deep down Sirius would come. He must have apparated in at the back of the flat, because she'd missed the "pop" that would have announced his arrival. She felt a wide smile spread across her face, which became damp within seconds from the accompanying tears. Her nose buried itself in the thick flannel shirt that had shielded him from the cold December night. It was somehow warm against her face from his body heat in spite of frigid London winter. His long fingers tucked her curled waves behind her ears, his blue-gray eyes soft and worshipful as he began to kiss her tears away.
"Welcome home, Batman," Colleen sighed happily. For all of one week after meeting her, Sirius had let her believe he was just a man, but there had been many signs of something odd going on in his life. She'd intuited them as him working for some vigilante group to fight organized crime, which wasn't all that far from the truth he’d soon revealed about his role in the magical world. But the vigilante nickname stuck, as Sirius rather liked the persona of a slightly dark, masked superhero.
Sirius didn't respond, just grinning from ear to ear and taking possession of her waist with his strong hands. Their eyes locked and seemed to communicate two months of missed opportunity before he gave a lazy wave of his wand toward the CD player he'd enchanted, commanding it to play soft Christmas tunes. He still had snow scattered throughout his mahogany curls, and they melted one by one as Colleen's fingers raked and twisted their way through her favorite activity.
The flannel shirt offered the slightest glimpse of his neck tattoo— the one from Azkaban. The sight of it always made her heart swell with an aching desire to soothe the pain she knew still hid somewhere in his mind. It would reveal itself in nightmares, grimaces, and faraway stares. She pressed her lips to the ink before continuing loving nuzzles and nips below his ear. Sirius let out a low growl, and Colleen took a deep breath. His scent...god, his scent. It did indescribable things to her. Pixies seemed to clamor in her lower belly.
"Please let me make love to you," Sirius whispered. "All night. In every way."
"Aren't you a bit tired after your journey?" Colleen murmured in reply. Nonetheless, she took both his hands in hers and began walking backward to her bedroom.
Sirius shook his head. "Sweetheart, I'm hungry like the wolf."
She giggled, loving the fact that after two months in the wizarding world and the wilderness, he still tried to use Muggle phrases. "Are you going to talk in corny lyrics and movie lines forever now?"
He laughed in return. "Rhiannon's turning you into a witch, and I'm turning into a Muggle. I guess we'll just meet in the middle and be perfect. Sound like a plan?"
Colleen nodded in the affirmative and started in on his shirt buttons the moment they crossed the bedroom threshold, anxious to drink him in with her eyes. Once the flannel was cast aside, her palms splayed against his warm skin, and she opened her mouth to the deep, hungry kisses Sirius began planting on her lips. He tasted so good; obviously since he'd spent the last two months trekking through the wilderness, he'd brushed his teeth magically. Colleen could taste peppermint and vanilla mixed with a strange yet alluring smoky substance she hadn't tasted on him before.
"Pipeweed," Sirius said with a chuckle in response to the curious "Hmm" she let out upon tasting it.
"Dumbledore and I...errr...celebrated a bit before adjourning for holiday."
"Well, I suppose you deserved it," Colleen said with a laugh. "Though I can only guess what it is or does.”
"It’s rare…mystical…ancient. It really puts you in tune with your deepest senses and urges," Sirius explained. "All I could think about as I slept last night was..." he trailed off, his long fingers grasping the white piping at the bottom of her red nightgown.
Sirius scooted the silk up to rest on her waist, pinned up with the force of his body against hers. His fingers then played with the tops of her thighs where they met her behind, squeezing and kneading, then allowing those deft fingertips to slide lower into the sides of the silky knickers that matched her gown. He teased at the wetness that was already pooling in preparation for him, the pads of his fingers making circles at the very tip of her entrance while his tongue tickled the side of hers. It was still like their first kiss. Whenever he tickled her so gently and lovingly, it always triggered a sensation behind her eyes like she might cry from the emotion it wrought.
"What did you think about as you slept last night?" Colleen asked breathlessly, making sure he didn't forget to let her in on whatever secrets that very dirty mind of his had envisioned.
Sirius ignored her. Whether through true distraction or a desire to string her along, Colleen couldn't tell. "Mmm...so soft...so warm..." he praised her, his hands lifting the silk further now to slide up her stomach. He cupped her breasts, stroking their sides, squeezing like his hands had ached to feel them. Each squeeze sent a throb thundering between Colleen's legs, and she could literally feel herself opening to him— unfurling, hot and swollen.
"Sirius..." she whispered, "Your dream?"
"Hmm? Oh yeah, well..." Sirius walked her over to the bed, his frame pushing her down before he laid on top of her, his tongue now brushing what rivaled the most obvious spots as her favorite spot on her body— that small curve where her jaw met her throat. When Sirius laid his tongue flat against it, it sent her mind whirling.
"Your scent..." he groaned, as if the tiny spot of skin filled his senses with something painful. His hips rutted forward, and his erection was so stiff Colleen thought it might bruise her thigh. Each pulse of it made her pussy throb in turn, a call and response completely out of their conscious control.
“The dream..." she panted as he abandoned the little electric spot on her neck in favor of lapping at her pebble hard nipples instead. She watched his tongue flick and glisten over the aroused peaks before stiffening and moving to the sides of her breasts, teeth sinking into the delicate flesh. Mother of Merlin, she was on fire.
"Dreamed about filling you up," Sirius finally muttered, his voice barely above a growl. His blue gray eyes were almost black now, nearly all pupil as he straightened to free his straining cock. Colleen reached out eagerly to help, excited to view his impressive, godlike inches once again. The wizard deserved a statue in a museum.
"So fill me up," Colleen responded with a sexy smile. "Though I'm sure there was more to it than that."
Sirius grasped his shaft and sank back onto the mattress with her, running his tip over the soaked red silk she still wore. Colleen cried out at the sensation. Just as soon as he'd nestled it there, Sirius removed it to scoot down between her legs, inhaling deeply.
"Fuck...Mine..." It was a primal, guttural declaration. The red silk was soon a thing of the past, sailing across the bedroom and landing on a lampshade. Sirius's nose was soon buried between her folds, even going so far as to enter her, and he breathed again.
"Sirius, what are you...?"
"You know, love," he chided her gently, the vibrations of his words hitting the front wall of her pussy with a jolt. "You've got this dog scent-trained, remember? The smell of this wet pussy makes me want to howl."
"So howl," Colleen dared him. "Assuming you cast a silencing charm?" Colleen didn't know how Muggle parents had any kind of sex life at all without such things.
Sirius smiled sheepishly. "That was metaphorical, darling. Only Padfoot howls, and you've made it quite clear you're not ready for him yet.”
Colleen's face flushed a deep holly berry red. Rhiannon had educated her through their sex magic lessons that an Animagus's partner could lay with their lover's beast form without guilt, since they were still a witch or a wizard in the soul and mind. But Colleen was still way too much of a Muggle to wrap her brain around that, and she wasn't sure that would ever change.
"It's okay, pup," Sirius assured her with a wink. "We have our whole lives ahead of us and plenty of time to explore. I'll only do what my queen wants. But she has to tell me. What do you want, my sweet love?"
Colleen's smile returned. She'd been so shy when they had first met, and Sirius had been merciless with his games of dirty talk. But she was a pro at it now.
"Taste me, Sirius Black," she played along. "Taste me like you've forgotten what I taste like and want to make sure you never forget again. And make me come all over your mouth like I've forgotten how and need to be reminded."
It wasn't a howl, but a growl that once again escaped Sirius's chest as his scratchy brown whiskers descended on the soft skin between her legs. There was no better feeling in the world than Sirius's stubble on her skin. Except maybe his lips on her clit...devouring her clit, drawing the sensitive bud into the protection of her labia and then sucking the whole mound into his mouth, shaking his head like he was tearing at her.
"Ahhhh...uhhh...oh, god..."
Sirius released her. "Not god, love. Your wizard. Say my name."
"Sirius...please...oh, please don't stop..."
His mouth returned to his work, his tonguing interspersed with praises. "Beautiful cunt," he murmured. "Delicious...perfect." Sirius's tongue started to slide in and out her hole, wet and pointed and firm, and Colleen bucked against his face for more pressure.
"Is this what you want love?" Sirius asked, holding up two fingers in a V. "A bit more pressure on those sweet spots?"
Colleen nodded with a wordless whine.
"Words, pup."
“Finger me," she begged, her head throwing back in frustration as the blood kept rushing to her aching center.
Sirius winked again and shook his head excitedly as he dove back in, his shining dark curls tickling her thighs. His tongue snaked around her clit this time and his fingers began to sweep in gentle swishes along her walls, causing her eyes to roll back in her head.
"Oh, Sirius...I can't last...I'm going to come."
“Come, sweetheart," he encouraged her. "Over and over. Let's see how many."
Colleen gave herself over to the waves that started at the depth of her core and spread outward to every nerve, shaking from head to toe and everything in between. Rhiannon had made sure she had toys to continue in her sex magic practices during Sirius's absence, but orgasms with silicone were nothing compared to the ones from Sirius Black's skilled fingers and mouth. Her hands flew to his head, and she jerked instinctively back, but his hands held her firmly in place, his actions not letting up in the slightest.
"It...it’s too much...Sirius...”
His mouth backed off but his fingers kept their insistent prodding. "Work through it, kitten. Focus. You can have another for me, right, love?"
His two fingers curled and pushed hard against her front wall, and suddenly Colleen wanted pressure back on her clit, knowing she could fall over the edge again...could give him what he wanted...
Sirius's mouth was back, this time a suction that held still and waited for her to drive the force. Her hips rutted tight against him, and her fingers desperately raked his curls.
"Yes...Sirius...I'm coming again...hurts…but it, it feels so good..."
More tremors washed over her, sending euphoric pulses through her limbs. Her head fell back into the pillow. Colleen felt a tiny squirt eject within her, and she blinked in surprise. The phenomenon certainly didn’t evade Sirius’s observant eye, and he pulled his fingers from her with a triumphant smirk.
“Ah, there they are— the ‘juices like wine,’” he quoted again from the Duran Duran song.
Colleen could feel a ridiculous grin spreading over face, completely drunk on him, drunk on orgasms. But her comedown didn't even last ten seconds before Sirius’s chest crashed onto hers, and his stiff cock was enveloped in her dripping wet walls. His pace was the same he'd maintained with his hand and mouth, making sure her rhythmic contractions started building once again to the melody he had set.
"Fuck, yeah, so hot and tight, pup. That pussy's missed me...needs me to fill it up...stretch it with my cock...breed it with my cum..."
The words tickled Colleen's eardrum and made it shake like a mini orgasm in her head just from dirty words. It was wrong to feel the way Sirius Black made her feel...it had to be. So dirty, so raw, so out of control. Her nails dug into his back, and she knew he'd be sporting little half moons along his skin from their unyielding grip. She was aware of the delicious friction of every inch of his strained, velvet skin stroking her channel, building to the point of impact between his thick tip and her deepest point, then repeating all over again. If she weren't so aroused it would hurt, but Sirius always knew how to get a lover ready for what he wanted. And he was skilled enough to know that the orgasms from that point, the one deep within the center of her core, were the ones that would send her flying into the stratosphere.
"Mmmm," Colleen groaned, "Your cock feels so good, Sirius. So big...so hard...made for me."
"Made for you, love. You take it like such a good girl. So good for me, kitten."
Sirius was kissing her again, his lips transmitting that magical electricity that hummed in her chest, like it gave life to her heart. Colleen gripped him and threw one leg over his, locking them together while she pushed him onto his back. Those blown pupils gazed up at her, and her fingers massaged over the runes on his pecs, his ribs, his biceps. Her hips gyrated like she was riding an animal— which of course she was, in multiple senses of the word.
"Mmm, yes...I love it when you ride me, sweetheart. When those tits bounce and I can watch that sweet pussy swallow my cock."
Sirius's right hand laid a playful slap on her behind, while his left squeezed her breast. Her own hands came up to lift her long hair off her back before it stuck to the thin film of sweat now covering her. Sirius grabbed his wand off the night table and produced a cool breeze drifting over her, and she smiled gratefully. The pounding of her hips on him became more insistent, and her clit sought more satisfaction, her body lurching forward on him in search of what it needed.
"I got you, love," he murmured, and placed a curved finger against her swell, allowing her to pound on its rigidity as her pussy did the same to his cock's. That point at her center started to ache, twisting back and forth between pain and the promise of exquisite pleasure— so burning, so intense, like it was ready to open up and take every drop of him.
"You're ready for it, aren't you?" Sirius rasped. "Want me to put my baby inside you?”
Colleen didn't (not yet), and she couldn't — she'd taken longer term precautions last year when she'd decided she most certainly didn't want to have another child with her terrible former husband. But none of that mattered to Sirius's favorite game.
“Yes, Sirius, please. Breed me. I want to have your pups." Her hips unleashed a wild torrent upon his rock hard length, and his chiseled, perfectly angled face contorted into pure bliss as he sent the coveted jets spiraling within her. That apex of pain and pleasure within her seemed to snap open to take him, and Colleen let out a deep, strained groan in a voice wholly unlike her own.
"Oh...yeah...sweet girl...feel that? So hot and wet inside you? Fucking mine."
Colleen didn't know if Sirius was talking about his stream or her, but it sounded perfect either way. She shuddered to a stillness atop him, and her body immediately berated her for allowing such a merciless pounding of her most intimate recess.
"Potion," she whimpered, wincing as she carefully dismounted him.
Sirius jumped up, and Colleen was momentarily distracted by appreciation of his tight backside as he made his way to their Potions cabinet. Severus and Rhiannon kept them well stocked since Sirius still couldn't be seen in Diagon Alley. Sirius made his way back to their bed with several bottles, which Colleen met with a look of curiosity.
He grinned and slid under the sheets beside her, lifting the dropper to hover above her tongue. "It's going to be a long night, love. Happy Christmas."
***Like this one-shot? You can find more of my work on AO3 and Wattpad, including the full “Black As Night” novel. Look for username celestialsister0918
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backtothefanfiction · 2 years
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When you tease your other projects and then return to an old faithful and write a bonus chapter. The start of this has been sat in my notes for far too long. If you can't wait until Friday, there is a little teaser below the cut.
To catch up on the series just click here!
It's Saturday night. The whole gang are out at a bar having a good time, but Magpie's only got one thing on her mind.... getting revenge on Santiago for what happened in Italy.
You turn yourself back around and Santiago dips you with one arm around your back, the other lifts your leg up to rest against his thigh. Your hands reach to tangle into the back of his hair as he flips you back up again, his fingertips ghosting along the bare flesh of your thigh as he still holds you close to him. You hold your face close to his as you speak into his lips, “I promise you the only one of us who's gonna break tonight Garcia, is gonna be you.”
You let your eyes move temptingly between his eyes and lips. His fingertips slacken on your thigh and you slowly slide it back down his leg. You feel him shudder slightly as you place your foot firmly back on the floor. His gaze on you changes as he tries to work out what you mean. You subtly bite your lip as you begin to step backwards away from him teasingly. “Sure you still want to play Santi?”
The question is left open as you make your way back to the booth. “What did you say to him?” Frankie asks you as he stands to allow you to slide onto the seat next to Lisa and Benny. Frankie's eyes watch Santiago concerned as he moves over towards the bar instead of following you back to the table.
“Nothing. He's just thinking through his next move.” you shrug nonchalantly.
“You think he's gonna back out?” Will chimes in from across the table.
“Hardly.” Benny scoffs. “Pope loves two things a challenge and good pussy.”
“Benny!” Lisa says as she gives him a slap to his arm in an attempt to hold him accountable for his words.
“Ahh what!” he retorts, not thinking he's stepped over any line. He looks between your own face and Frankie's before it hits him. “Oh sorry man.” he offers his feeble apology towards Frankie. It makes you chuckle. Benny never changes.
“You can sweet talk my pussy all you want Ben, you're still not gonna get a look in.” you throw back at him. He clutches at his chest in response, pretending he just got hit. You all laugh at the younger Miller's crassness.
“I'm gonna go check in on Pope.” Frankie leans down to say into your ear as he dismisses himself from the laughing group. You give a quick glance over at Santiago's back as he leans on the bar before giving Frankie a small nod.
“You okay man?” Frankie asks, slapping a hand on his best friends shoulder. Frankie looked down at the bar to see one empty shot glass of tequila already on the top. A second sat between Santiago's fingers, ready to be drunk.
Frankie watched as his friend knocks back the drink, slamming the glass back down on the bar top, before he responds. “You gonna tell me what I've walked into tonight or what man?” Frankie can't help but let out a chuckle. He's never seen Santiago so rattled before. “Seriously hermano, tell me. Am I in trouble here?”
“Look man, you got the opportunity to fuck her again. You telling me you gonna turn that down?”
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heytherejulietx · 3 years
hey! i don’t know if i sent this before but could you write a richie x reader where reader protects the losers from bowers? and she gets injured but doesn’t show it until she passes out?
bowers - richie tozier
↳ i hope this turned out alright for you nonnie! 🤍
↳ content warnings - violence, bullying, injury mention, blood, swearing, sex jokes, aged up losers.
↳ 3.5k word count
↳ masterlists
@bucky-j-barnes @mikewheelerc join my tag list
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y/n decided that she absolutely detested her english teacher.
it was one of the last days of school before summer, and yet she’d been kept back for an extra hour to tutor some asshole in her class who hadn’t even been bothered to read their set text for that month (to be fair, richie also hadn’t read the text, but she supposed he wasn’t as much of an asshole because she loved him. boyfriend perks or some shit. and she also wasn’t staying back to tutor him, too). so whilst the rest of the losers had been let out of school she had to wait until she could catch up with them after. so she hated her english teacher and by extension the idiot that she had to tutor.
she’d had one good tutoring experience, and that was because richie genuinely needed help writing a history paper. it was only good because they got ten minutes in before they forgot the essay completely and ended up making out in his bedroom for the rest of the “tutor session”. richie had said they spent their time well and he didn’t regret it when his paper was graded poorly, and y/n smacked the back of his head. it was his fault they ended up making out in the first place. obviously.
so when four o’clock rolled around y/n left the practically empty school with a scowl on her face. her bike - usually surrounded by the bikes of the rest of the losers - stood alone as she walked towards it and unlocked the bike chain before she got on and rode off away from the school. richie had said to find them by the clubhouse, but as much as she loved him, she took stan’s word that they’d probably be by the local park instead. stan usually had the best idea of what was going on.
after a little while of peddling through derry y/n found herself approaching the park with a sigh of relief. she was tired and honestly wouldn’t mind listening to richie and eddie bickering like an old married couple for the next however long. she’d have preferred it to tutoring the asshole. though as she came to the edge of the street she screeched her bike to a stop, spotting the losers on the other side of the street with bowers in front of them.
from where she was stood she couldn’t quite hear what was being said, but she could see richie stood right in front of bowers yelling something about “shouldn’t you be off blowing your cousin” and beverly stood beside him, hands on her hips as she glared bowers down. bill was stood behind richie, trying (and failing) to get him to back down, with eddie on his other side with an inhaler in hand. stan stood shuffling on his feet nervously beside mike, whilst ben was keeping an eye on beverly.
y/n got off of her bike and stood it up against the wall of some building beside her as she frowned at the scene. she hurriedly searched henry’s hands for any sign of his knife and was thoroughly surprised when she didn’t see it. until she noticed it peeking out from his back pocket.
memories of seeing ben’s scar on his stomach for the first time made her glower at the back of henry’s head, angry at the thought of him hurting any of the other losers again.
she spotted an empty glass bottle on the floor and without thinking lifted it up and hurled it through the air towards bowers. it shattered against his upper back and the shouting went silent as they all turned to face her, bowers with a murderous glare on his face.
“hey bowers!” she shouted, hands on her hips, matching bev’s stance. “what’s it gonna take for you to chop that mullet off, dude? shit’s fuckin’ ugly man!”
although y/n wasn’t completely alike her boyfriend (mostly in the sense that she could calm down if she wanted to, and richie was constantly at a state of maximum energy at any given point) they were alike in their mannerisms if y/n really got going. she maybe even had bigger balls than he did, as stan once pointed out. she didn’t shy away from conflict - she probably ended up making it worse sometimes, to be honest.
she didn’t look away from bowers but she could feel eight pairs of eyes on her. though the death glare that she was defiantly staring back at was definitely the strongest. she’d maybe even be a little bit scared if she wasn’t too pissed off to care.
as bowers started crossing the street towards her, shouting nasty and horrible things her way, y/n sent a look towards stan and bill and nodded in the opposite direction. they needed to get the losers away before it kicked off with bowers, because she knew that richie and bev would be eager to get themselves involved too. the whole point of distracting bowers was so they wouldn’t be.
stan and bill had hands on the other losers arms, and from where she was stood she heard something close to “she’ll lose him then meet us around the corner“. once she was sure that the boys had it covered she faced henry again, stepping back a little as he got closer though she didn’t lose her glare.
“what the fuck are you playing at?” bowers spat, stopping directly in front of her. she could see small shards of glass sticking in his hair and inwardly smirked to herself.
“the bully act is a little old, isn’t it? you’re pathetic.” she stood her ground with as much ferocity he had, momentarily forgetting about the knife he had, though it was quickly brought to her attention when it was taken out of his back pocket and the tip was pointed at her.
y/n stumbled back a little on instinct, though tried to keep her stance the same. bowers was slowly closing in on her - she only had so much pavement left behind her before a wall. though just as he raised it to send a slash her way, she spotted blue lights in the distance and smirked.
“i’d watch it, bowers,” she nodded in the direction of the sheriff’s cruiser, knowing fully well that his father was in the car. “wouldn’t want daddy catching you with a big-boy blade.”
the cop car drove right down their street and past them, and y/n thought that it would be okay to turn and walk away with a final gesture of her middle finger his way.
big mistake.
she got a few steps away as the cruiser went down the street, though she didn’t take into account that bowers might come at her again. just as she glanced down the street, wondering what side street the losers could have taken to get away, she felt a hand grab the strap of her backpack and yanked her backwards onto the floor, winding her with a wheeze as she landed on the pavement. as she tried to forcefully drag in a breath of air she could see bowers towered over her, blade still in hand, and panicked. he had a fucking knife and she was laying on her back, defenceless.
her hand reached out beside her to grab the first thing she could on the floor and when her fingers circled around one of the larger shards of glass from the bottle she threw mere minutes before she swiped at him with it, taking his moment of leaning back away from it to scramble up to her feet.
“the fuck is your problem, man?” she wheezed, still somewhat winded, now sounding like eddie. she could feel her heart beating out of her chest, almost painfully thumping against her ribcage.
instead of an answer bowers pushed her back again and she landed on the floor once more, the shard of glass falling from her hand. breathing through her teeth, knowing she didn’t have enough time to stand up again since bowers was so close, she rolled onto her stomach to reach and grab the shard of glass, planning to turn back towards bowers to defend herself.
y/n misjudged how long that would take, because before she could turn back around she felt a sudden pain to the back of her leg, along with the sound of her jeans tearing. fuck, did he cut her? if he did he probably didn’t do it very deep because it didn’t hurt terribly bad. y/n still yelped in surprise, though, and kicked him away before she got to her feet again, glass in hand again.
the knife he was holding was coated in blood and it made her feel sick to stare at him, a sadistic fucking smile on his face. y/n would honestly rather have tea with michael meyers over that.
thinking on her feet she threw the glass at him and managed to hit him in the face. bowers groaned in pain and immediately covered the spot with his hand, and y/n wasted no time in turning to run away from him.
through being winded twice the drags of air she took in were audible and wheezy, hurting her throat and chest with every intake of breath. she debated on tackling eddie for his inhaler when she saw him. her shoes slapped against the pavement loudly as she ran down the street and down the first alleyway she saw, hoping the losers were somewhere close. she could already feel herself tiering, and she didn’t want bowers catching up to her again when she had less energy. she’d be much worse off.
thankfully the losers were quite literally right in front her, as when she had turned to run down another side street she collided with richie and almost sent them both tumbling down, if not for mike and ben who managed to hold the both of them up.
“fucking hell-“ she was still wheezing, gripping onto richie’s ugly shirt in tight fists once she was back on her feet. “are you guys okay?”
“we should be asking you that, holy fuck,” richie’s eyes were wide as he held onto her arms to keep her steady. “you sound like eddie.” he added, ignoring the complaint behind his back at the comment.
with richie keeping his hands on her arms bev rubbed her back from where she was stood on her left side, eyes kept on her face. y/n had momentarily forgotten about the cut on her leg because the rush of adrenaline she was feeling kept her from noticing it, and she was wearing black jeans so the blood wouldn’t really show on the material.
“i’m okay,” she nodded, breathing slowly but surely becoming an easier task as she continued to hang off of richie’s shirt, which he seemed like he didn’t mind. “i’m fine.”
“badass taking on bowers like that,” eddie commented, earning a chuckle from the rest of the losers. “i don’t think anybody else would have actually done it.”
“hey!” richie complained, turning to face eddie though he kept a hand on y/n’s arm. “i totally could have done that.”
“no offence rich, but i do have bigger balls than you.” y/n poked him in the chest and earned a playful glare in return.
as richie and eddie started arguing like usual y/n blinked a few times. the adrenaline was wearing off, and the supposed scratch on the back of her leg grew more and more painful the longer she stood there. she grimaced, eyebrows furrowing slightly as she inhaled deeply through her nose. the back of her thigh felt oddly warm, like warm water was running down her leg, though she immediately dismissed the idea that it was blood. no, she’d know if it was that serious. she couldn’t have run all that way with a deep cut in her leg, could she?
“y/n?” she blinked a few times and looked up, meeting stan’s concerned gaze in front of her, soon followed by the rest of the losers taking suit. “are you okay?”
“yeah,” she exhaled deeply, attempting to step forwards, though the movement was so wobbly that immediately richie grabbed one of her forearms to keep her steady. “just peachy, stan-the-man. i think i just need to sit down…” she attempted to step forwards again, though this time the wobbling was more prominent, and she fell right towards stanley as her eyes rolled back.
“fuck!” richie had immediately reached forwards in the attempt to catch her before she fell on stanley, and with the help of stan and mike he managed to lower her to the floor.
“oh my god!” eddie was shrill with panic, taking in worried breaths already. “bowers killed y/n!”
“she’s not dead you fucking idiot!” stan yelled back, though his face was pale with worry too.
richie tried to block the bickering out when bev and mike joined too as he crouched beside her, hands a little shaky as he tried to check her over for any injuries, ben doing the same from where he stood. he couldn’t see anything, though a puddle of blood forming underneath her left thigh spoke for itself, and immediately he was panicking too.
“fuck! eddie her leg!” richie was shouting too, hoping eddie knew something about what the fuck was going on due to his extensive medical knowledge.
eddie crouched on the floor beside her leg, gritting his teeth to hold back the willing heave from the sight of blood as he tried to see what had happened. with the help of bev who lifted her leg up, eddie gasped and almost made richie go into cardiac arrest.
“what?! what is it?! is her leg falling off or something?!” now he was sounding like eddie.
“bowers cut her-“ eddie almost heaved again though swallowed it down to speak again. “it’s bad. she needs to get to the hospital she’s losing a fuck ton of blood.”
“fuck-“ richie felt nauseous with worry, and his hands shook as one moved to her cheek, shaking her slightly as if she would wake up. when she continued just to lay there he pulled off his shirt with trembling fingers and leaned over her body towards her leg. “she needs something tied to stop the blood flow, right?” he spoke quickly as he looked up at eddie, who had his hands clamped over his mouth as he tried to keep from throwing up. “RIGHT?” he yelled, impatient.
eddie nodded frantically as his hand dug into his fanny pack for his inhaler and richie wasted no time in wrapping his shirt around her leg, and tied a knot tightly above the cut, not bothered by the blood staining it. once it was tied beverly lowered her leg back down to the floor.
all of the losers had the same sort of expression on their faces; shock. whether it was shown through wheezing like eddie or standing as still as a statue like stan, they all had the same almost ghostly look to their expression.
“there’s a phone booth down the street, i’ll go call an ambulance.” bev announced before she took off running in the direction of the phone.
richie sat back on his heels, pretending his hands weren’t stained with his girlfriends blood as he took her hand and sat it in her lap. he could feel his heart thumping against his ribs and just prayed that the ambulance would get there soon.
y/n blinked almost furiously under the sudden harsh light, it hurt her head to look at it. the bed she was laying in was uncomfortable and the room smelt like disinfectant. eddie better not have cleaned my room again, she thought. the last time he had done it was because she had a stomach bug and “the germs could spread and get everyone sick!“, so she didn’t see why he had reason to do it now.
once her eyes had adjusted to the brightness of the room she glanced around and was suddenly taken aback by where she was; the hospital.
y/n immediately sat up, suddenly wide awake, though she flinched when she felt something grab her hand and turned to see what it was, thoughts of bowers and his blood-coated knife flashing in her mind. though she relaxed slightly when she saw richie sat there instead, his hand over hers.
“it’s not even summer yet and you’re already having adventures. look at you go.” his teasing voice filled the room, though she could see in his eyes that he wasn’t completely carefree like usual.
y/n smiled a little as she leaned back against the pillows of her bed and shrugged. “what can i say? i’m just way cooler than you.” she teased as she moved her fingers gently against his to link them together.
richie scoffed in mock offence though a moment later he’d leaned forwards, his other hand over their linked ones. “you feel okay?” his voice was soft and genuine, a tone she only ever heard from richie when they were alone.
she blinked a few times at the question, and suddenly the pain in her leg had registered and she winced. “my leg hurts.”
“i’d expect so after bowers fucking sliced you open,” richie grumbled. he looked angry and concerned and different. y/n rarely saw him so serious. “when i see him next i’m going to kill him.”
“no, rich,” y/n shook her head, frowning a little as she squeezed his hand a little firmer. “i’m okay. just leave it. it’ll get worse.”
richie sighed though nodded, his gaze focused on their interlocked hands. y/n waited another moment before she shuffled over on the bed (and grit her teeth to suppress the grunt of pain from moving her leg, which richie picked up on anyways) before she pat the bed beside her and tugged on richie’s arm. “in.”
“not the first time you’ve said that.” richie snorted as he stood up, and let go of her hand so he could climb onto the bed beside her. once he had settled comfortably against the pillows y/n tucked herself into his side, and closed her eyes once her head had dropped against his shoulder.
after a moment she could feel the tips of richie’s fingers dragging up and down her arm, tracing invisible patterns along her skin. his lips pressed to the crown of her head and in return she gently left a kiss to his collarbone with a quiet hum, though kept her eyes closed.
“you didn’t have to put yourself in harms away for us today,” richie mumbled. “i totally could have handled it.” he added jokingly, not able to stay serious for long.
“oh i’m sure,” y/n smirked slightly before she shook her head and sighed. “i saw the knife in his back pocket and thought of ben and what he did to him. i couldn’t imagine him doing that again to any of you. i’d do anything for you guys,” her voice was so soft it was almost a whisper, and when she looked up richie was already looking at her. “especially you.” she added, almost silent.
richie brought his tree hand up and brushed some hair out of his face as he looked at her, surprisingly not cracking a joke or even a smirk that time. instead his expression was soft; a rarity for sure. his gaze softened and he had a half-smile that made y/n almost swoon, despite being in a hospital bed.
“that means a lot,” richie told her genuinely. “i just don’t like seeing you get hurt, doll.”
“i know, but i’m okay.” she insisted, sitting up a little against his side as she looked at him.
“you’re almost okay,” he corrected, as his fingers tapped against the thigh of the leg that was hurt. “just don’t throw yourself in front of bowers for us again, okay?”
“‘kay. promise.” she smiled, and her eyes closed shut again when richie pressed a soft, loving kiss to her lips.
“as much as i’d love to enjoy this moment,” richie pulled away, his usual smirk back on his face. “eddie is probably outside going through his third inhaler, and stan’s hair probably dropped out from stress.”
y/n laughed and shook her head, though she knew richie really wasn’t far off.
almost as if the losers had heard them, the door opened so quickly and with so much force that it slammed against the wall beside it, revealing (surely) eddie hugging his inhaler and stan looking sick with stress, followed by the other losers.
“yo stan, you look like you just saw under eddie’s mom’s skirt.” richie called over, and immediately eddie was cursing at him as he stepped forwards.
y/n giggled to herself as she tucked against richie’a side, watching the usual bickering start up again. back to normal, she thought to herself.
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novawrts · 4 years
7-letter word
Riven x Fairy Reader
Request: “a Riven one where they’ve been friends for a while and constantly flirt and everyone is going insane about it because why the hell aren’t they together yet? And then a near threatening situation with maybe a burned one or something similar makes them confess finally.”
A/N: Requested by @oneflewoverthenewtmasnest. I hope you will like it! Also, English isn’t my first language so I apologize in advance for any grammar/spelling mistakes.
Warning: None.
“Good morning to the most beautiful Fairy and to the most beautiful Fairy only,” there were only two reactions possible at Riven’s words: Sky and Stella’s one which consisted of rolling exaggeratedly their eyes, or yours, smiling. “Good morning to you too handsome,” you greeted him, waiting for Doris to heat up the water of your tea in the cafeteria queue. “I’ve got this,” he said to you while grabbing your tray and his once done. “Is it me or does it look worse than last year?” You stated, looking at everyone food as you sat at a table in the middle of the dining hall. “Well… We still can go to my room if you want a satisfying breakfast, you know,” you couldn’t help but chuckle at his words unlike Stella who pushed her food away with disgust before even touching it. “Thank you, Riven, for spoiling my appetite.”
As it went on, Sky pointed it out that classes will start soon and if the boys wanted to stop by their dorm beforehand they better had to go now. “See you later at practice?” Riven asked, hands buried in the pockets of his leather jacket. “Sure. I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” with that confirmation he got up from the bench and leaned towards you, his greyish green eyes locked on yours. “While I will miss that face until then,” he winked at you and straightened up as you rested your chin in the palm of your hand, watching him left with his best friend.
Riven had a grin plastered on his lips something that had certainly not escaped the notice of the other Specialist. “What’s your excuse for not dating her again?” Sky wondered, more amused than actually confused by the current situation. “We’re friends mate,” and his answer could have been unquestionable if it wasn't for the clench of his jaw when he had slightly turn his head your way. By the time his gaze shifted back to you, your attention was on a relatively fed up Stella. “Why aren’t you acting on it yet exactly?” The Light Fairy snapped, leaving you quite befuddled. “Acting on what?” Her shoulders went down as she sighed loudly at your question. “On the constant flirting since year one!” She shouted like it was the most obvious of things. “We are friends Stel.”
Friends. A 7-letter word that you and Riven have put a lot of efforts into to describe your relationship, much to Sky and Stella dismay. It had been a while now that you had lost count of the number of attempts to make you confessed possible feelings for each other. Both supposedly contented with the simplicity of at least one thing in your respective lives. Therefore, brushing off the conversation whenever they brought it back had become an art that you had learn to master even better than magic or a sword.
This sunny afternoon probably being one of the last, you put the shortcut to the training ground aside. It was when you heard it, when you heard them, in the greenhouse. “They are still students,” the voice, you were sure, belonged to Professor Harvey your Botany teacher. “They are Specialists, they have duties,” Mister Silva pointed out before hissing in pain. His recent infection surely didn’t get any better. “It’s a Burned One we’re talking about. Look what it did to the Solarians, to you Saul,” you frowned and thought, they couldn’t possibly wanted to send the Specialists to the barrier. “We have to prepare them, Ben,” the firmness of Headmistress Dowling made your heart sank, of course they were considering it.
“There you are,” Riven said happily after jumping off the elevated stand where him and Sky had started to warm up. “Sorry, I’ve been held back,” you had never lie to him before and in some way it wasn’t fully a lie, or at least it was what you convinced yourself of. After all, you had been held back, even it was by eavesdropping three authority figures of Alfea. “Alright, listen up everybody!” You hadn't noticed that Mister Silva had arrived, and despite the anger you felt towards him right now, you were glad he was here to prevent an imminent questioning from Riven. “You better go.”
You rarely seen him that good out there. He always was the best for you, no matter how many times Sky beat him, but today it didn’t happen even once. Surely it wasn’t thanks to your cheering. On other circumstances you would have be ecstatic but your mind kept creating scenarios in which they chose students to hunt down the Burned One with the battalion and Riven was always on the list. Despite the smiles you offered him throughout practice he perfectly could tell you were not your usual self.
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” He asked you the very second you reached out the waterfall near the Stone Circle, the place where you were spending time together since your first year. Your favourite spot. “I’ve heard something. That’s why I was late,” and so you recounted every words to Riven, shared every schemes possible. Your fear and your disappointment too. Now you understood why he hated being here. “We should have stay in the shack we found this summer and locked ourselves in,” he muttered, head down. “I’m serious Riv,” you protested over of the disconcerting calm he was showing. “So am I! Everybody plays pretend in this damn school and I don’t want to anymore! Not with you,” he paused for a moment, gesturing his arms in defeat. “I mean... Will it that bad? Us.”
You had stayed silence until he get down the rock he stood on to reduce the distance between you. You had a hard time realizing what Riven just told you. It wasn’t another one of your stupid dreams. It wasn’t Sky or Stella playing matchmakers. It was your friend, your friend you had always love, who was finally opening up to you about his feelings. “No. No, it wouldn’t be that bad,” you whispered while resting your hands on his shoulders. Your eyes switching between his and his lips as he put his forehead against yours, just to lean his face further to kiss you.
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direnightshade · 3 years
Britt! I’m here with a sudden need for Sweet Neighbor!Ben and I think he would be an excellent Horrorfest candidate 👀
I picked a couple of different prompts from your lists that reminded me of him, so please just pick whatever you’re vibing with if you decide to write this! *Smut optional*
- 12. “You look dead.”//“Thanks, I stayed up all night.” Halloween/Fall prompt list
- 41. “Wait, no! Don’t go in/out there!” Halloween/Fall prompt list
- Creepy, heavy breathing over the phone with no talking and footsteps in an otherwise quiet room from the Unsettling Sounds prompt list
Thank you for having requests open, bby! And thank you for every single time you have indulged me. 😂💖 Love you!
MA'AM, PLEASE. You know how much this request has affected me. Whew. Okay, I'm so glad I finally get to write about him, so thank you for this request.
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Warnings: Stalking, Use of Pet Names, Somnophilia, Insinuation of Drugging, Breaking and Entering, Voyeurism, Non Con
You looked so good today, enjoying the sprouting chill of a crisp Autumn morning. There’s something about this season that puts such a pep in your step; I see it in the way that you smile at the street vendor that sells his goods at the corner, I notice it in the comfort you take in the sweaters you now wear. I can’t help but wonder if maybe you would enjoy one of mine. The soft interior lining would feel so good against your bare skin…
It’s been weeks of this now, of Ben standing in plain sight, watching you from the opposite side of the street as you get ready for your day. He’s surprised, he finds, that you’ve been here and gotten yourself all settled in and yet you have yet to buy or install any sort of curtains or shades to seal yourself away from the outside world. That is, unless…
Unless you want me to see, he thinks to himself, the corners of his mouth twitching with the beginnings of a smirk. Yes, of course you do. You’ve been nothing but smiles and batting eyelashes from the moment I offered you assistance upon moving in. You were so overwhelmed with no one to help you as your stuff piled high on the curb of a busy sidewalk. But then I came along and, oh, you were so grateful for it.
Ben watches with rapt attention as you grasp the hem of your sleep shirt, lifting it up and over your head to reveal a bare torso. He can’t help but wonder what your skin would feel like beneath his touch. Would you feel every bit as soft and supple as he imagines? Would you yield to him like he imagines each night when he fists his cock to the small items of yours he’s taken from your apartment?
As the cream colored wool sweater is pulled over your head and you turn towards the window, Ben makes his escape, disappearing like a phantom from the spot he’d been rooted to only moments prior. When you lift your head to look outside, you are met with nothing but empty sidewalk.
Hours later the sun has begun to set behind the skyscrapers that line the city, bathing the immediate area in various shades of gold. The sweater you’d worn throughout your day has long since been discarded in your hamper and you’ve since returned to the comfort of your nightwear. The television that sits in front of you plays a nondescript reality show, one you’d sworn you’d never find yourself watching, and yet here you are, a bowl of still warm dinner in hand as your eyes focus on the screen.
Beside you, the screen of your phone illuminates just as the device begins to chirp wildly, signaling an incoming call. You reach for it, lifting the device to your ear as you accept the call from an unknown number.
The line crackles and you think you can make out the sound of breathing emanating from the opposite end of the line. Brows furrowing, you pull the phone away from your ear to check the caller ID before putting it back to your ear.
“Hello…” The word is spoken tentatively this time, quietly, as if you’re afraid to discover just who is on the other end of the line.
Mmm. You sound so beautiful, Ben thinks to himself whilst he listens with rapt attention. Like the sweetest symphony; music to my ears.
Exhaling a sigh, you cast your eyes away from the television screen when you speak again, this time with more conviction. “Listen, I don’t know who you are or what you want, but don’t call back, you creep.”
Ben is met by the familiar sound of a click as the line disconnects, your voice now replaced by a dead line. He hums to himself and ends the call before slipping the phone into his back pocket. He turns his head to look out of the nearby window. In a few short hours, the sun will be gone entirely, chased away by the darkness of night. Hearing your voice has satiated him for the moment, but nothing compares to seeing you in the midst of your slumber…
Though it is true that New York is the city that never sleeps, Ben has been blessed to find that this little corner of the city is rather quiet during the light hours of the night. It makes it all the easier for him to ensure that he stays quiet enough to keep you asleep during his nightly visits.
So lost are you to the slumber that has its hold over you, you fail to hear the creak of the loose floorboard in the hallway leading to your room. Nor do you hear the faint squeak of the bedroom door’s hinge as Ben gently presses a palm against the painted wood. When he steps inside, he finds you as he so often does: lying on your back, arms and legs starfished out to occupy the entirety of your bed.
How endearing.
Not even the shadow of his body blocking the light of the street lamp just outside of your window is enough to rouse you from your sleep. But then again…
That soda has been tasting a little off lately, hasn’t it, sweetheart? But of course you’ve checked the expiration date and saw that it was in fact still in date. Perhaps you thought the recipe had changed… Oh, if you only knew the things I do to ensure you get a restful night’s sleep…
A finger skims along your cheek, the digit trailing down along the column of your throat before disappearing beneath the collar of your shirt to trace your clavicle. You hum in your sleep, shifting slightly beneath the comforting warmth of your sheets. Ben’s finger sleeps free from your shirt, his hand continuing to trail lower and lower, gently pulling the sheets with him as he goes.
Perhaps that good for nothing John Mayer was right. Your body is a wonderland. Every curve, every dip and crease, all meant for my exploration and mine alone. Isn’t that right, sweetheart? You wouldn’t dream of letting anyone touch you like this, would you?
Ben’s hand slips past the elastic waistband of the panties you wear, fingers exploring your wet, warm folds all whilst keeping a watchful gaze on your face.
Of course you wouldn’t. No one else can get you this wet, and in your sleep yet. Oh, the things I could do to you… The things I want to do to you. Perhaps, in time, I will enact on such impulses. But alas, he thinks as he pulls his fingers free, lifting them to his mouth to taste you faintly on his tongue, tonight is not the night.
But fear not, baby girl. I will be back.
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