#but the variety in her voice makes it so interesting to listen to
intomybubble · 1 year
I barely remember who honobono is in hypmic but oh my god her solo song in the homies version of the block party album is so fucking good
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bumblesimagines · 4 months
Being Oberyn's lover
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Request: Yes or No
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs, GN!Reader
Oberyn is an infamous man for several reasons, some of which include the rumors of his usage of poison during duels and an interest in the dark arts. Posion-laced swords and dark arts aside, one of the most notable things about him is his multitude of lovers. From men to women, nobles to brothel workers, Oberyn is no stranger to sex and hardly a stranger to love. He may have a wandering eye but his heart remains fiercely loyal to his lovers/paramours and his many daughters whom he deeply cares for despite their bastard status. 
As such, it is no surprise that you catch Oberyn's eye during one of his trips with Ellaria throughout Westeros. He needs little convincing to speak to you and is as smooth as butter when he begins flirting. While he enjoys giggling maidens or blushing lords, his interest spikes when you come off as indifferent to his charm. He is a Dornishman and Dornishmen love a challenge, especially when he notices your eyes linger on him for far too long to be uninterested. 
Of course, Oberyn mentions his interest to Ellaria, for she is essentially his wife and the mother of many of his daughters. Ellaria provides her approval and encouragement, even going as far as befriending you and acting as some sort of wingwoman to her lover. You quickly put together her involvement in Oberyn's plan to woo you and while it's unusual at first, you learn that it's not so odd in Dorne. A cat-and-mouse game ensues and Oberyn's interest becomes all the more clear to others.
Oberyn's main love languages are gift-giving and physical touch, although he'll provide every other love language known to mankind. Since Oberyn's interest extends past sex, you'll be properly courted by him and this will include countless lavish gifts. He is a prince, after all, and his wealth knows little bounds. You can expect a variety of gifts, from clothes to brooches and anything you can think of. You mention wanting something? Expect that very thing sitting in your room the next day. Oberyn is also very handsy with his lovers and always has a hand on them or has them sit on his lap. He's still a prince and gentleman, however, so he will keep his hands to himself until you are comfortable enough with him. Once he has that green light, expect to find his hand resting on your waist or back, and don't be surprised if it wanders.
 You nod along to the lord as he speaks, absentmindedly listening to the conversation about lands and such. None of it really interests you as you're the thirdborn in your family and the likelihood of you ever needing to know much of what he spoke of was slim. The conversation shifts onto his children as he recalls a funny story and then begins the prodding.
"I hear you remain unwed." The Lord hums thoughtfully and strokes his beard. "We've been searching for someone to wed my second eldest-"
"My Lord," A familiar voice greets from behind and sends a welcomed jolt up your spine, unable to contain the smile before it breaks out on your face. Oberyn steps up beside you and his lips curl up in a genuine smile for you, the palm of his hand pressing soothingly against your lower back and slowly creeping to wrap his fingers around your hip. He holds eye contact, even as he speaks to the man. "I'm afraid I'll have to steal this one from you, My Lord." He simply states and without waiting for a response, he sweeps you away from the sputtering lord. 
"Oberyn," You laugh softly and send an apologetic look over your shoulder right before Oberyn leads you fully out of the room. He spins around on his heel and cups your face, his warm skin pressing against yours. His eyes lack their typical sultriness or grumpiness, instead replaced with a fond look that makes you want to look away. He leans forward and kisses you gently. 
"How are you, dearest?" 
Once Oberyn manages to convince the head of your family, you find your belongings packed and ready for Dorne. Oberyn and Ellaria show great excitement and contentment over this, talking about all the things they wish to show you and the people they want you to meet. Dorne is a hot, desert and mountain-covered region but Sunspear is a gorgeous castle surrounded by the ocean and the shadow city. Oberyn's family is welcoming, if not a bit exhausted with him, but they're still warm and kind to you. Though Doran is semi-distant at first, his children are much friendlier and happy to get to know you. After Doran and his children, Ellaria introduces you to the Sand Snakes, Oberyn's countless daughters. Their reactions vary and some are more welcoming than others but all are accepting of their father's decision to take you as a serious lover.
While eager to show you his home, Oberyn first gets you acquainted with your new bedroom and the bed. Oberyn is a versatile lover, although he enjoys being the one in control most times depending on his mood. You can expect to spend a lot of time in bed with Oberyn, and sometimes even with Ellaria. Oberyn is a giver and he'll often have you pinned beneath him until you can take no longer before peppering you with kisses and cooing gentle words in your ear. 
Oberyn is a thoughtful and dutiful lover who ensures you'll never feel left behind or cast away. However, you must be fine with sharing him with others, and even if you find this difficult at times, Ellaria will provide soothing words of advice and comfort. Oberyn will ensure to push away any worries or insecurities and he'll even encourage you to seek out your own lovers, just as long as you always return to him. 
If you are a lady, you can surely expect to fall with child soon after arriving in Dorne. Ellaria, who basically becomes your sister, tends to you and helps you through the process of pregnancy and labor. Oberyn will grow protective during this time and you'll often find him resting his hand over the bump or speaking to it. He'll ensure you are being treated with the utmost care and by the very best. Whether son or daughter, Oberyn will love his child, and the Sand Snakes will be incredibly protective of their newest sibling. 
Oberyn is one of those lovers that still courts you well into the relationship. He continues providing gifts and trying to make you swoon all over just because he feels like it. Getting with Oberyn means having a thoughtful, open-minded lover, a kind sister, and countless deadly stepdaughters willing to fight in your honor if they have to. 
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mianexil · 4 months
◇ Your first meeting ◇
◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇
💫 [ Ah, that most exciting meeting with a young man, before which you did not yet know that this boy would take that very place in your heart ]
◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇
ㅡ Umemiya, Suo, Nirei
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Your family's flower shop
During the holidays, your parents sent you to your grandmother in Makochi, who had a small but pretty flower shop. Spending a few weeks surrounded by flowers and calmness, away from the hectic and noisy city, seemed like a very good solution.
Today, your grandmother left for a meeting of shopkeepers from this street, so you stayed to replace her in the store.
The sound of the doorbell distracted you from the not too thoughtful scrolling social media feed on your phone.
ㅡ Wel..come
A tall white-haired young man in a funny T-shirt appeared before your eyes. He seemed big, but you instantly felt his comfort aura as soon as your eyes met.
His loud voice brought you out of a momentary trance while you were looking at him.
ㅡ Good morning! How are you feeling?
The guy beamed with a smile.
ㅡ Oh? Not bad, thanks. Are you looking for something?
ㅡ Yeah, I want to buy "Bull's Heart" tomato seeds.
You got up from behind the counter and started search shelves for the right seeds. You definitely remembered that you saw a package with such an unusual name the other day. After finding the right seeds on the farthest shelf, you returned to the counter.
ㅡ I didn't think gardening was popular among students.
ㅡ Oh? But it's a wonderful activity! I have recently ripened a sweet pepper, it cannot be described in words!
You stood and listened attentively as the young man in front of you enthusiastically talks about his gardening exploits.
Something about him got you hooked. He didn't look like the sullen boys from your town at all.
ㅡ I've been wanting to grow cherry tomatoes for a long time. I think I should also look for seeds today.
ㅡ Are you serious?
Umemia's eyes sparkled.
He told you that if you want to grow something for the first time, it's better to start not with seeds but with sprouts. And he just has a few on the roof of the school where he grows his vegetables.
He kindly invited you to come and choose one of them if you want.
And how could you refuse when those blue, almost puppy dog eyes were looking at you.
But, girl, don't think he's just giving away his precious plants to just anyone.
He was definitely interested in you at first sight conversation about tomatoes.
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The tea house (Of course, it's a tea house, how could it be anything else?)
You stood and chose between Bi Lo Chun and Tie Guan Yin. It is a rather difficult choice. Both varieties reveal a floral-fruity taste and a sweet aftertaste. And of course, carried away by your reasoning over the choice, you did not notice how an elegant stranger has been watching you from another corner for 5 minutes.
Suo immediately noticed your good taste. It was not often that he managed to meet the same tea connoisseur of his age in Makochi.
When you were already starting to get nervous from the fact that you couldn't make a choice, a young man in a silk tangzhuang silently glided towards you.
ㅡ Bi Lo Chun harvest this year was particularly successful, and its fragrance is felt more deeply.
You turned at the melodious voice and saw in front of you a mysterious high school student with an eye patch and unusual earrings.
There was something fascinating about him..
The corners of Suo's lips lifted in a friendly smile, while you were slightly confused.
ㅡ Oh? Well, thank you..
ㅡ Can I ask, are you also interested in different types of tea?
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Anime Store
You were standing at the shelf and looking for a Funko POP with your favorite character from a childish but incredibly cute anime.
Having found the right one, you decided to go to the manga section. You were attracted by the bright cover of one of the manga, and you picked it up.
Then you felt someone's eyes on you. It didn't seem to you. Theree was an excited young man in a bright shirt and round glasses standing to your right. He looked like if he had a tail, he would be actively wagging it.
Damn, he really looked like a cute puppy with that expression and the sparkle in his eyes.
ㅡ Excuse me?
ㅡ Oh! I'm sorry for staring, I didn't mean to scare you, it's just... Do you like this manga too? I have not yet met the same fans of this work, but it is really interesting. And the characters here are very unusual and so well written!
You watched in surprise as Nirei quickly took his notebook out of his pocket and began enthusiastically talking about the small details of the main characters from the cover of the manga that you were holding in your hands.
Such information can usually be found only in special publications or artbooks. God, this guy seems obsessed with this case. Is he really okay?
And yet, despite this oddity, he looked so cute and enthusiastic, telling you about everything that you silently listened to, looking at his freckles.
ㅡ So, who is your favorite character?
ㅡ Oh, uh..I'm not a fan of this manga, actually..
The expression on the boy's face changed so quickly to confused and a little sad that it made your heart ache.
He blushed slightly from embarrassment.
ㅡ Oh..sor-
ㅡ But I'll read it, you've interested me with your words.
It's strange, but when this sunshine smiled again, for some reason, it felt better for you.
◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇
💫 [ Okay, I've already accelerated now ]
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inmyfxith · 2 years
How they would react if... they realize you're blushing while talking to them
Including -> Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri, Neytiri, Jake, Miles Socorro and Aonung
A/N -> I'm not 100% sure about this, feel free to tell me if you like this format, if you have ideas for preferences or if you don't agree with what I wrote here.
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If Neteyam notices that you are blushing while talking to him, he may feel flattered and delighted ad he would interpret your reaction as a sign that you are attracted to him or that you enjoy his company. He may flash a warm and friendly smile and try to engage you in further conversation. As a natural charmer and people-pleaser, Neteyam would likely try to put you at ease and make you feel comfortable. He might use his charisma and sense of humor to make you laugh or engage you in lighthearted conversation. He may also try to find common ground and build a deeper connection with you by exploring your interests and sharing his own.
Neteyam and you were sitting by the river, chatting about your interests. As you talked, he noticed that you were blushing and he couldn't help but feel flattered.
"Is everything okay?" Neteyam asked, sensing that you might be feeling a bit nervous.
You nodded, trying to compose yourself. "Yes, I'm fine. It's just that... I don't know. I get a bit nervous when I talk to you. You make me feel... I don't know. It's hard to explain."
Neteyam smiled and reached out to take your hand. "I'm glad you feel that way," he said. "I really enjoy talking to you too. You're so interesting and engaging."
You blushed even more, feeling your face get hot. "Thank you," you said, looking down at your hands.
Neteyam squeezed your hand gently, trying to reassure you. "There's no need to be nervous," he added. "We're just two people having a conversation. And I really like spending time with you.
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If Lo’ak notices that you are blushing while talking to him, he would likely feel flattered and delighted by your attraction to him. He might be touched by your shyness and try to make you feel more at ease with kind and understanding words or actions. Alternatively, he may try to lighten the mood with a joke or other form of humor to help you feel more comfortable in the moment.
Lo'ak stood in front of you, his piercing yellow eyes studying your face as you struggled to maintain eye contact. Suddenly, he noticed a faint blush creeping up your cheeks, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
"Hey, what's this?" he asked, reaching out to gently brush his fingers against your cheek. "Are you blushing?"
You nodded, feeling your cheeks grow even hotter. Lo'ak chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
"Well, I must be doing something right," he said, his voice soft and playful. "I didn't know I had that effect on you."
He took a step closer, his hand still resting lightly on your cheek. "You know, you don't have to be shy around me," he said. "I'm here for you, no matter what. And I love you, just the way you are."
You felt your heart swell at his words, and you looked up at him, your eyes shining with emotion.
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If Kiri catches you blushing while talking to her, is likely to sense that something is troubling you and may instinctively want to offer her support and understanding. She may also be more inclined to be open and honest about her own feelings towards you, expressing her emotions openly and honestly. Kiri might use a variety of nonverbal cues to show her concern, such as tilting her head, making eye contact, or reaching out to touch you gently. She might also ask open-ended questions or make supportive statements, hoping to encourage you to share your feelings and to feel more at ease.
Kiri's ultimate goal in this situation would be to create a safe and supportive space for you to open up and feel comfortable expressing yourself. As Kiri listens to your feelings and tries to understand your perspective, she may also be more inclined to express her own feelings and emotions openly. This might involve sharing her own experiences or struggles, or simply letting you know how much she cares about you and values your relationship.
Kiri and you were walking through the forest, enjoying each other's company and the beauty of the surroundings. You were lost in conversation, talking about your hopes and dreams for the future, when suddenly you felt a wave of nervousness wash over you. Your cheeks began to burn and you couldn't help but blush.
Kiri noticed your sudden change in demeanor and stopped walking. She looked at you with concern in her eyes. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice full of kindness and concern.
You took a deep breath and tried to compose yourself. "I-I'm fine," you stammered, hoping that Kiri wouldn't notice your blush.
But Kiri was too perceptive. She reached out and gently touched your cheek, a small smile on her face. "It's okay," she said soothingly. "I can see that something is bothering you. Do you want to talk about it?"
You hesitated for a moment, but then you felt a wave of relief wash over you. Kiri's understanding and supportive nature made it easier for you to open up. You told her about your fears and doubts, and how you sometimes felt like you weren't good enough.
Kiri listened attentively, her eyes filled with understanding and empathy. When you finished speaking, she took your hand in hers and squeezed it gently. "You are amazing," she said softly. "Don't ever forget that. I love you, and I will always be here for you."
You felt a warm feeling spread through your chest, and you knew that Kiri's words were true. She had always been there for you, and you knew that she always would be. You leaned in and kissed her softly on the cheek, feeling grateful and loved.
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If Neytiri sees you blushing while talking to her, she might react with surprise or confusion at first. However, she is likely to be pleased and flattered by your response, as it could indicate that you are feeling nervous or self-conscious around her. She might smile and make eye contact with you, trying to gauge your emotions and reassure you that everything is okay.
For example, if you are having a deep and meaningful conversation with Neytiri, and she notices that you are blushing, she might pause for a moment and gently place her hand on yours. She might say something like, "Is everything alright? You seem a bit flustered. You can talk to me about anything." This kind of gentle and caring approach is typical of Neytiri, who is known for her empathy and understanding.
On the other hand, if the conversation is more lighthearted and playful, Neytiri might react by teasing you a bit. She might say something like, "Are you blushing because you like me? That's so cute!" This kind of teasing is meant to be playful and not meant to be taken too seriously. It is just a way for Neytiri to have fun and connect with you on a deeper level.
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If Jake notices that you are blushing while talking to him, he may initially interpret it as a sign that you are feeling self-conscious or embarrassed about something. However, if your blushing is persistent and accompanied by other indications of attraction, sustained eye contact, or closeness, Jake may start to pick up on these cues and realize that you are interested in him. In this case, he may respond by becoming more flirtatious or affectionate, or he may simply continue the conversation in an effort to get to know you better. Jake is likely to be respectful and considerate towards you, as he values honesty and direct communication in his relationships.
As Jake and you were having a conversation, he noticed that you kept blushing every time he made a joke or complimented you. At first, he thought it was just because you were feeling nervous, but as the conversation went on, he started to realize that there might be something more to it. Jake couldn't help but feel a little bit flattered and intrigued by your sudden display of shyness. He decided to try to get to the bottom of it by being a little bit more direct and flirty with you.
"Hey, why are you blushing so much?" he asked with a playful smile. "Is it something I said or did?"
You felt your cheeks flush even deeper at his question, and you couldn't help but feel a little bit embarrassed. But at the same time, you couldn't deny the attraction you were feeling towards Jake.
"I-I don't know," you stammered, trying to play it cool. "I guess I just really like talking to you."
Jake's smile widened at your admission, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit pleased with himself.
"Well, I really like talking to you too," he said, leaning a little bit closer. "And I can't help but feel like there's a little bit more to it than that. Do you have a crush on me or something?"
You felt your heart skip a beat at his bold question, and you knew that you couldn't deny your feelings any longer.
"Yes," you said softly, looking up at him with a hopeful expression. "I think I do."
Jake's eyes lit up at your confession, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit giddy at the thought of you being interested in him.
"Well, in that case," he said with a smile, "I think it's time for me to make my move. May I have the pleasure of taking you out on a date sometime?"
(if you have a good gif for Miles, please let me know ! I'm unable to find one)
If Miles notices that you are blushing while talking to him, he may feel flattered and delighted by your reaction. He may interpret your blush as a sign of attraction, which could encourage and uplift him. In response, Miles might smile warmly at you and express his happiness through a gentle touch on your hand or face. He may also feel more comfortable and confident expressing his love for you, especially if he senses that you are receptive to his feelings.
Alternatively, Miles might decide to be more cautious or reserved in his approach. He might worry about coming across as too forward or intimidating, and try to be more subtle in his advances toward you. He might take things slowly and try to gauge your feelings before making any bold moves. Miles is likely to be deeply affected by your blush and will try to find ways to show you how much he cares about you.
Miles and you are walking along a beautiful Pandoran beach, enjoying each other's company and the warm sunshine. As you talk, Miles notices that you are starting to blush, and he can't help but feel flattered and pleased by your reaction.
"What's got you blushing like that?" Miles asks, grinning at you.
You look away, feeling a little embarrassed. "I don't know, I guess I just feel nervous around you," they admit.
Miles's face lights up with delight. "Nervous? Why would you be nervous around me?" he asks, reaching out to take your hand. "I'm just a big, goofy monkey boy."
You laugh and look back at him, your eyes sparkling with affection. "That's exactly why I'm nervous," you say, smiling. "I don't want to mess anything up with you."
Miles's heart feels full of warmth and love as he looks at you. He can't believe that someone so amazing and kind could be nervous around him. "You could never mess anything up with me," he says, leaning in to give you a soft, tender kiss. "I love you, and I'm so grateful to have you in my life."
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Credit for the pic -> Here
If Aonung notices that you are blushing while talking to him, he may interpret this as a sign that you are interested in him and feel more confident in pursuing a potential relationship. He may attempt to flirt or show his own interest through playful or subtle gestures.
For example, Aonung may make a joking comment in an effort to gauge your reaction and see if you are receptive to his advances. If you seem open to flirting or building a connection, Aonung may continue to try and find common interests or activities to bond over. Alternatively, he may try to spend more time with you and get to know you better through one-on-one conversations or shared activities.
Aonung stood in front of you, his piercing blue eyes fixed on yours as he waited for your response. You couldn't help but feel a flush of warmth spread across your cheeks as you tried to think of something to say.
"Is it hot in here, or is it just you?" Aonung asked with a wink and a smile, his voice laced with playful mischief.
You couldn't help but laugh at his joke, your nerves melting away under the warmth of his gaze. "It's definitely hot in here," you replied, hoping he wouldn't notice your blush.
But Aonung was quick to pick up on your discomfort, and he stepped closer, his hand reaching out to gently brush a stray strand of hair behind your ear. "Don't be nervous, I'm not gonna bite," he said, his voice low and reassuring. "I just wanted to talk to you."
You felt your heart skip a beat at his touch, and you found yourself nodding, suddenly eager to spend more time with Aonung. He grinned in response, and took your hand, leading you towards a quiet corner where you could sit and chat.
As you sat together, talking about your interests and passions, you couldn't help but feel drawn to Aonung's bold and confident personality. He was charming and witty, and you found yourself laughing and smiling as he told you stories of his adventures and exploits.
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quin-ns · 1 year
Can you maybe write something with swiftie!reader?
I thought this sounded so cute and since I saw a couple tiktok edits of JJ to this song, it’s the one I ended up referencing 🥰
Style (JJ Maybank x Reader)
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John B realized his mistake the moment he handed you the aux cord, but it was too late. You plugged your phone in and pulled your go-to playlist up.
You were in the passenger seat so it had been something he’d done without thought, but as Taylor Swift’s voice came over the speakers, Kiara leaned between the seats.
“See, now why would you do that?” she questioned John B
“Hey! Her songs are really good,” you argued, looking back at Kiara.
“They are, but you play this one way too much.”
You rolled your eyes at Kie and opened your mouth to speak, but JJ crammed his way to the middle to be able to lean over your seat. The action made you smile, especially when he backed you up.
“Let her play what she wants,” JJ jumped in. “Besides, I like this one. “Style”, right?”
“10 points to JJ!” you cheered overdramatically, mostly just to watch Kie roll her eyes.
You noticed the sly grin appear on JJ’s face right before he asked, “Do I get a prize?”
That look he got when he was only focused on you crossed his face. You loved it.
You grabbed his chin lightly in one hand and pulled him in close enough for you to be able to press a kiss to his lips.
“You guys are gross,” Kie grumbled, moving to sit back in her spot.
“Please don’t make out in front of us,” Pope requested a little uncomfortably, finally making himself known.
“Jeez, Pope,” JJ drawled when the two of you parted. “It was just a kiss, not making out. When we do make out, you’ll know.”
Pope cringed at the implication while you jokingly swatted at your boyfriend.
While you had control of the music, you only played Taylor Swift. You let a variety play out, but went back to “Style” more than once.
At one point when you played it a second time, even though he was sitting behind you, you realized JJ was humming the tune and occasionally muttered out some of the lyrics to himself.
It brought you joy, and that was partially why you ended up playing it yet another time. You knew all the complaints were non-serious, so you didn’t see a problem. Besides, you put up with their music tastes all the time, they could handle it.
Later, when it was just the two of you lounging out in the hammock while the others resided inside the Chateau, JJ brought it up.
He was laying on his back with his arm wrapped around you. You laid mostly on your side next to him, your head on his shoulder.
“Why do you like that song so much?” he wondered, probably realizing he hadn’t asked before.
You knew exactly which one he was talking about. You tilted your head up and found him looking down at you. You smiled to yourself, knowing exactly why.
“Parts of it make me think of you,” you admitted. JJ didn’t say anything, waiting for you to explain. ““James Dean daydream”?” you recited, gauging his reaction. ““Long hair slicked back, white T-shirt”?”
As your luck would have it, to further prove your point, JJ was wearing his favorite white T-shirt. You pinched the fabric between your fingers and that caused him to look down at himself.
JJ’s brows pinched together. “My hair’s not that long.”
You chuckled at how he analyzed the lyrics.
“Long enough,” you replied lightly, shrugging your shoulders in spite of the angle. “And it’s not the whole song, because our relationship isn’t in danger like that—it’s not, right?”
You weren’t asking him genuinely, you had a joking tone that he could easily identify.
“Absolutely not,” JJ still answered with certainty. “You and I are perfect.”
“I second that,” you agreed, snuggling a little closer to him. “But anyway, a few weeks ago I heard it after we hung out and that part…” you trailed off, watching him watch you.
You loved the interest JJ showed as you spoke, even over something as small as a song. It made you feel more listened to and cared about than you ever had before.
“I don’t know, it just made me think of you,” you concluded, not having a more complicated reason like he was expecting.
“It is a pretty good song, and if that means I’m on your mind, then I approve,” JJ beamed.
JJ cupped your face in his hand and leaned down to press his lips to yours. You grinned against his lips before letting your eyes slide shut and kissing him back.
JJ rolled you beneath him, his lips moving against yours with dominance.
You had an afterthought about before in the van when Pope accused the two of you of making out. You hadn’t been before, but you were now. You really hoped this one wouldn’t be interrupted.
The next time you all were in the van, JJ rode passenger since you all took turns for the most part. When John B handed him the aux cord, a smile broke out across your face the same time Kiara rolled her eyes dramatically and Pope sighed when his chosen song came on.
“Seriously, dude? You too?” John B asked, more amused at his friend playing Taylor Swift than annoyed.
When “Style” got to the chorus, JJ looked over the seat. He gave you a smile in return before sitting back down properly.
“What?” he questioned with a shrug, facing John B. “I like this one.”
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naushtheaspiringauthor · 11 months
Please please please could you write a Nikolai x reader fic with the Enchanted prompt?? 🥹💕
Majestic- Nikolai Lantsov x reader
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A/N- Ignore the image looking so big. Anyways, I had so much fun writing this and I really hope you enjoy reading it! I wrote this one in Nikolai's pov because I love my bbg being a huge simp also jealous Nikolai😩😩
Warnings- None
Summary- Nikolai utterly despised how annoying you are, but when he sees you dancing with someone else during a ball, he experiences feelings he never knew of
Nikolai walked around the hall, checking how Genya's preparations for the upcoming ball had been going on. She'd done a marvellous job, undoubtedly, but still he was astonished to find the boring hall look so endearing. Usually he wasn't much thrilled for these events as they were a frequent occurrence, yet he found himself looking forward to this one as you were supposed to be there
"I'm surprised to say that it's quite impressive how you've turned this monotonous area in this palace to this" He looked around the hall, so as to admire the view
"Surprised? I excel at anything I wish to" Genya responded with a smug look on her face
"Well, I'm not arguing that" Nikolai shrugged. 
"Oh and just so you know, y/n has come back so she'll be attending the event" She spoke again.
"Really?" He raised an eyebrow. "That's good, but I don't see why that concerns me" He gave her a disinterested look
"Alright" Genya rolled her single amber eye, not wanting to argue with him further. 
You'd been away for a meeting with the Kerch merchant council for about a week now. Even though Nikolai was relieved to not having to tolerate you making fun of literally everything he did, he was still surprised to find himself missing your devilish grin
Nikolai had wore a black coat with the Ravkan double eagle emblazoned to a side. His hair looked much less messier than usual.  
He entered the now endearing hall with light gleaming from every corner. The whole surrounding was filled with a variety of riches, nobles and high ranking officers from the first army. 
He was having a rather displeasing conversation with some merchant about various kinds of brandies when he noticed you enter the hall. You were wearing a midnight blue silk gown with straps that hung beautifully over your shoulders. Your hair was pulled into a bun and had several loose strands falling in front that were too small to be a part of the bun
You seemed to catch most people's attentions as they recognized who you were. You chatted with most of the nobles and they listened to you speak with great interest. The whole scene made Nikolai roll his eyes and get himself another glass of champagne
Nikolai was watching the perfectly hung chandeliers when he heard your voice from behind
"Looks like you've found your betrothed, moi tsar" you smirked 
Instead of being annoyed, he smiled back and responded "Well she is radiant and much more quiet then the other options"
"You wish you had that option" You gave him a proud expression
"Ah how unlucky of me to not having the most annoying human on earth as an option to become my betrothed" he gave you similar look
"Keep telling yourself that to soothe your aching heart, moi tsar" you tilted your head to a side
Before Nikolai could respond with equally snarky words, you were snatched away by a noblewoman who began to ask you about the architectural designs in Ketterdam. 
Nikolai spent most of his time talking to the guests yet, he could keep his attention towards the conversation which was weird because he was quite good at listening to people talk. He still found his gaze drifting towards you. Why was he even doing that? you were just almost too good at conversating with strangers but why would it matter to him, those people didn't know how annoying you truly were. 
It was maddening how you were hiding your true evil nature so elegantly and how beautiful you were looking in that damned dress and how beautifully it brought out the color of your eyes. 
You were now talking to some, young man who was trying too hard to flirt with you. 
The man was a lot taller than you so you had to look up to meet his gaze. But what was so special about that anyways? Nikolai was a lot taller than you as well or maybe you were just too short. He also had dark hair that was slicked back and small dimples appeared on either side of his cheeks whenever he smiled. What even was so special about dimples anyway? they didn't make him insanely attractive or anything. 
Nikolai was really struggling to not roll his eyes at the sights of all that, yet he couldn't figure out why he was caring so much about it. Why he didn't like it when you weren't spending your evening mocking him but were instead laughing with someone else. 
Soon, the dances were about to begin and the change of the rhythm of the orchestra proved so. 
Several people stepped front to partake in the activity. Nikolai noticed the man with the dimples bringing his hand forward and you taking it as you both stepped in front.
Nikolai stood in a corner with a half empty glass of champagne in his hand as he watched you glide around the hall with the average looking man. 
He spun you around while his gaze remained fixated on yours. And at times, even grinned like an idiot who'd achieved something huge without any effort. 
Though there were a thousand things Nikolai could be doing at that moment, he continued to look at you with immense grimace. He watched you dance with the bloke as he got himself another glass of champagne. 
After what felt like an eternity, the façade was finished and you bid farewell to the man. 
Nikolai was too deep indulged in his thoughts to notice you coming from behind. "You seem to be rather displeased tonight, moi tsarevich" You spoke
He turned around hastily to see you standing in front of him.  "Well, these occasions are all the same, nothing new. People bragging and indulging in useless conversations that might bore you to death and dancing with nincompoops" he grimaced at the last sentence
"All the saints and their aunts, are you jealous your highness?" you smirked
"In your wildest dreams" he responded with a bold expression. "Who even is that guy anyways? Another average man who thinks he can win over anyone with his dimples and weird hair" he muttered loud enough for you to hear
"You know, if you really wished to dance with me, you could've just said so" a corner of your mouth turned up
"Maybe, but you were too occupied grinning with that bloke"
"See? acceptance is a bold step your highness. And don't curse the poor boy so much, he'd already been looking as if he'd been preparing his script for weeks"
"If only he possessed my talents" he smiled proudly
"You know, it's not entirely late for that dance" you tilted your head as you raised your eyebrows.
"Alright then, I shall fulfil that wish of yours too" he responded, his statement making you roll your eyes
He gently offered you his hand and you took it as you both stepped outside the hall.
The euphonic music playing distantly filled up your ears as you took Nikolai's hands in yours. His gaze remained stagnant on yours and he finally noticed how beautifully your y/e/c eyes shone as the moonlight gleamed on them. At that moment, he could think of nothing but you. How beautiful you appeared, even when you'd be working in the scorching heat or the heavy rain. How smartly you managed to handle any situation without engaging in any form of conflict. How could he not like you if you were that way. How was he to despise you when you were so majestic? Through he was now hating you for being so.
"You know, it wouldn't shatter your pride to just accept the fact that I'm simply the most magnificent woman you've laid your eyes on, your highness" you smiled as you raised your eyebrows
"Nikolai, just Nikolai would do. And I that is very bold of you, but you do more work to keep the country stable than anyone else so I wouldn't say much" he returned your expression
"You aren't denying it either, Nikolai" 
His name coming from your lips made him feel different, as he never had before. It was rather rare of you calling him by his name he couldn't even recall the last time you did. But he knew you were right, he truly never hand seen another woman as magnificent as you.  
No matter how much you annoyed him most of the time or made fun of every thing about him, he really never had known one like you. And seeing you dance with someone else, seeing your hands on someone else's, made him feel emotions he never knew he had. 
You swayed to the soft music playing in the distance as your hands rested on Nikolai's shoulders and his on your waist. 
His soft hazel eyes were fixated on yours as the night went by. He brought out his hand without haste and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear that had been blocking his view of your beautiful y/e/c eye. 
The moment went by in a haste as you spoke in a sudden, "I'm afraid I might have to leave now, so as to bid farewells to the guests and I believe you should do the same" 
"Ye-yes you're right" he spoke in a hesitant voice, not willing to part from you. 
Without having another option, you turned to leave as Nikolai held your hand for a moment and then let it go.
You both went your separate ways as Nikolai slightly flexed his hand from your touch. 
After the party ended, he set on his way to his quarters, not realizing how red his cheeks had become. 
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xximpressions · 1 year
The Duchess (4)
Anthony Bridgerton x Duchess!reader
Series Summary: After coming into a title you did not expect, you have a chance encounter with a handsome rescuer.
Chapter Summary: Kindness
Word Count: 2,020
Bridgerton Masterlist
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The rest of the dinner continued on in an uneventful fashion for at least another hour.
During that time, you and the Viscount conversed on a variety of things. But the overall topic that directed your conversations came about when Anthony asked how it was you spend your free time. After huffing a small laugh, you replied that you were not aware such a concept existed given that you were the one running all of the estates that used to belong to your late husband. 
After taking a second to process what you had said, the Viscount came back with a plethora of intrigued questions since he wanted to understand how you were solely in charge of almost a dozen different profitable estates when he himself could barely manage two.
Even with all the education he had received from England’s top schools and universities, he often found himself struggling to keep up with the demands asked of him as the head of the household. So to learn that you not only shouldered the same kind of burden, but were also carrying a much heavier load, left him feeling impressed to say the least.
Likewise, you found you too were enjoying the back and forth taking place between you and the Viscount, and had only just placed your finger on why.
In your admittedly short marriage, your husband made it very clear that while he wanted you to be seen, he did not expect you to be heard. So to converse with a man who not only knew you had your own thoughts, but also encouraged you to share them was an unexpected, but pleasant surprise.
So caught up in your conversation, you both had to hide your visible disappointment when the Duchess of Hastings stood and promptly  announced,
“I think it is time we ladies adjourn to the drawing room so the men can linger here over their port.”
Lighthearted agreements went around the table as all the women started to stand. The gentlemen began to get more relaxed in their chairs while servants offered cigars and brandy to those remaining behind.
Just before you stood, you felt Lord Bridgerton’s touch as he discreetly caught your gloved hand in the movement of it all while saying in a quiet, but imploring voice,
“Listen to whatever it is my sister tells you, okay?”
You locked eyes and gave an affirmative nod, and it was only then that the Viscount freed you to take your leave with the other exiting ladies.
Approaching the drawing room, you saw the Duchess of Hastings was standing at the doorway in order to welcome her guests in as they entered.
At least, that is what you thought she was doing until she started to make her way toward you. Momentarily confused, you slowed to a halt once she was about an arm’s length away. 
The other Duchess waited till it was just you and her standing there before saying with a subtle undertone,
“I have heard that you are an avid reader, so I wanted to suggest you take a tour of our library while you are here. It is just through there if you are interested.”
Watching as she pointed in a specific direction, you remembered the Viscount’s parting words and instantly realized what, or rather who, would be waiting on you should you decide to follow her suggestion. 
Peeking over your shoulder at the unassuming door for a moment, you turned back unconsciously wearing an expression of minor uncertainty that soon vanished when the woman in front of you reassuringly said,
“He is only doing this because he cares.”
Without needing to specify any names, you both knew who she spoke of, so you had to give her a grateful smile as you decided to dispense with your sudden anxiety by giving her a determined nod and beginning to move. 
It did not take you long to find the library after you turned in search of it, and shorter still for you to become immersed in browsing through the many titles you saw on the multitude of shelves.
However, soon after your arrival, you heard the door to the room open and close in quick succession.
Turning to face the entrance, you were not at all surprised to see your once rescuer now standing in front of it. 
The silence that momentarily surrounded you was broken when the Viscount gestured to the shelves behind you and said,
“I am glad to see that the rumor of you liking books was not false.” 
Looking at the novels as well, you smiled as you replied.
“Yes, well a woman must know her own mind these days. And books can be great companions when you have few.”
Though you both made attempts at polite smiles following your statement, you each felt a pang when reminded of how lonely your life had been thus far. But in not wanting to dwell on such a thing for too long, you began to make your way toward the couch and casually said,
“Speaking of rumors, I hear that we have actually started one ourselves.”
Raising a brow of surprised amusement, the Viscount replied,
“Oh really?”
As you took a seat on the sofa, and he took a seat on a nearby armchair, you responded with more than a hint of humor.
“Indeed! It seems this Lady Whistledown has decided we have been secretly courting and has chosen to give her approval.”
Chuckling at the absurdity of such an idea, Anthony went on to say,
“Well I suppose that should have been expected, especially after our walk through the park. But that said, she is not the only one to have given her approval of us.”
When your mind flashed with intrigue, you curiously asked,
“Truly? Who else supports our supposed match?”
Smiling once more in your presence, the Viscount explained,
“Apparently, my youngest sister. She has decided that my search for a wife should now be over after meeting the person who found her missing ribbon.”
Immediately flashing back to the conversation you had all those days ago, you could not hide from your expression that you knew exactly what he was referring to. 
So with a coy smile, you said,
“Oh yes, I remember now. But to be honest Lord Bridgerton, when your littlest sister proposed marriage between us on your behalf, I never imagined it would be taken seriously.”
Finishing with a teasing grin, you watched as one grew on his face as well. Though the smile on his lips was a bit more sly as he replied,
“Ah, and therein lies the problem. Seems to me that in this instance, you lacked imagination.”
With your jaw dropping as you laughed heartily at his unexpected words, you amiably said in return,
“Be rest assured, I can imagine quite a bit, my Lord. More than you in fact since I have actually been married—”
The abrupt cutoff was noticeable as you realized you had just broached the one topic you did not like to discuss with the one person you were learning would not let it go. And though you had tried to reel it back in, the damage was already done as the once light atmosphere took a turn and you both proceeded to look anywhere but at the other’s gaze when silence caught up to you.
This went on until the Viscount patiently looked your way in order to ask,
“So, will you finally tell me what is going on?”
Your silence continued a little longer than his as you built up the courage to explain all that you had been through. But at some point, you just exhaled a deep sigh, closed your eyes, and resignedly said,
And after opening them again, you began to speak.
“As you know, I was married off about a year ago. At the time, the only thing I knew about my husband was that he was not a bad man.”
Wanting him to understand what you meant, you elaborated on your previous statement while looking at the gloved hands held in your lap. 
“He was titled, he had an abundance of wealth, and his reputation amongst society was respectable which meant he was a good man for any young lady to marry.”
Unable to hide the bitter smile that grew on your lips, you said,
“At least, that is what my aunt told me when she announced our engagement not even two weeks after my first formal introduction to him.”
The appalled expression now visible on Anthony’s face went unnoticed as you continued by saying with a reflective look in your eyes,
“And while it is true that he was not necessarily bad, that did not mean he was filled with an abundance of kindness either.” 
In an attempt to avoid going into the full details, you swallowed before vaguely saying,
“I found out on our wedding night just how…unkind he could be.”
Anthony’s eyes dropped to the floor as he quickly deciphered what you were not saying, and you went on speaking in a strong voice.
“Before going to sleep that night, I did wish for an escape from the life I was now sentenced to live. But I did not think the fates would answer so swiftly, nor with a life of their own. And yet, the man I had married came down with a fatal fever the very next morning.”
Your gaze was now unseeing as your mind flashed back to your husband’s last days.
“When it became clear that he was not going to make it, he had me send for two people: A solicitor so he could get his affairs in order, and his brother since that was all the family he had left in the world.”
Suddenly, the look in your eyes hardened. 
“His younger sibling arrived first in a drunken stupor and heartlessly announced how glad he was that this was happening since he felt it was about time he had a proper inheritance to his name, nevermind that it would come at the death of his older brother.”
Recalling that cold moment with clarity, you said,
“As you can imagine, that did not go over well with the man I married. So when the solicitor showed up after his brother was kicked out, the late Duke immediately had his will changed so that I would inherit when he passed. Since there was a small chance that I had conceived during our wedding night, he wanted everything he owned to go to his potential child rather than his pitiless brother. However, I did not get pregnant. So when he died, I simply remained the Duchess.”
Looking at the Viscount, you went on to say,
“That is why my once brother-in-law wants to marry me now. If he does, he can reclaim the title and estates he thinks are rightfully his to own. Otherwise, he has to live off his own merits which has obviously been difficult considering his love of drink. And despite turning him down twice already, he still seems insistent on pursuing me if only for his own personal gain.” 
Coming to a close, you concluded your explanation with, 
“So this, Lord Bridgerton, is what you stumbled upon in the gardens at that ball.”
Done recounting your tale, you saw the contemplative expression now resting on his face and allowed him a few moments to process all that you had revealed.
Seconds later though, when he turned in his seat to face you, the Viscount’s tone was deliberately warm and reassuring when he responded with a slight tentativeness.
“So, I believe I have questions…”
Placing the ball on how you wanted to reply in your court, he only had to wait a moment in order to hear, 
“And…I believe I have answers.”
A small smile grew on your face when your handsome rescuer gave a definitive nod and said,
While looking your way with his own little grin.
And as he did so, you noticed how the smile on his lips radiated one thing, and one thing only:
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@helen06dreamer | @swordofawriter
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rraaaannnn · 1 month
8.little of your time
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Finally I can see her head dangling happily in front of me. Was she happy that she was lost? Or was she always with this cheerful smile on her face?
“Coach…I want you to come with me?” She says while I look calmly, “The equipment store is here?” I point with my thumb while my other hand is in the pockets of my wide pants. She shakes her head no and the smile does not leave her face. “Please give me a little of your time. I want to visit this place.”
I had no real interest in music but curiosity piqued my interest so I decided to follow her while looking at the back of her head
Until we entered a store full of old albums, a large CD, and a small CD
But I was drawn to her round eyes as she looked at these music records with amazement and passion
My interest began to look at the album covers and the variety in them until I heard her soft voice calling out, “Coach is here!” I looked at her as she motioned for me to approach the corner where there were headphones and a CD player next to her.
She gives me the headphones while she carefully selects one of the albums, then she takes a second headphone and starts waiting for the music to get on
You can hear the melodies of the song starting and understand that the melodies also started for Hanni because she moves her legs in rhythm and her smile looks happier.
Recently, you have lost the sense of passion in your life and stopped seeing the people in your life as passionate
I don't know why, but seeing Hanni, a music major, enjoying what she hears makes me relax, even if just a little
Even though her music activity was closed and she was forced to enter another activity in which she did not understand anything in it, this does not make her lose her passion.
The soul is fond of loving what it is prevented from
It reminds you of your old self when your passion existed
I find myself looking at Hanni even after the music in the headphones has ended, and the only thing that makes me notice this is Hanni's movement as she takes the headphones off her head.
I also take the headphones away from my head and hear Hanni say with a slight smile, “Some songs have the smell of days.”
“I loved this album…can you imagine it is 150 dollars, expensive?” Hanni looks at the album in her hand and returns it to its place.
“Maybe your taste is expensive.” That's what I said after I took the album and went to the cashier. “Don't think I'm buying it for you, I'm buying it to listen to in training camp.”
I can feel Hanni standing behind me, looking longingly at the album as the cashier puts it in a bag
Something about this girl's actions makes you want to smile but remember that you still have a long day to buy training camp equipment
You walk out of the store as you walk ahead, “Try moving your little legs faster.” Hanni replies from behind you, “My legs aren’t little!”
You sit next to each other on the bus in the last seats, but there is a seat between you that contains an album bag. Hanni sits facing the window while leaning her head against the window and looking quietly at the street.
The bus was not full, just a few people and the driver
The calm and quiet movements of the bus, and the sun has almost set, make you think about the decision you made that you will be a coach
When Celine started convincing you and following you everywhere to become their coach, you didn't take her seriously, because she's just Celine. Celine didn't take her seriously since you met her, but the moment Yeji texted you, you knew it was serious, especially when Yeji said that her friendship meant anything to you before, even if A little bit that made you decide in just one night
You were never a coach in your life, you were just a player. A dreamer and a loyal friend
Your friendship didn't mean a little to you before, it meant everything to you
That's why you found your feet that day heading to the college stadium where Yeji and her team were
A very slight sound of the bottle colliding brings you back to reality for a moment. You look at Hanni, who is sleeping peacefully with her head pressed against the window.
It's been a long, tiring day for her “She must be tired.” You smile lightly, your smile almost visible on your face. You throw your head back as you wait for your arrival to your station.
While the sound of Hanni's head hitting the glass every second
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Summary: Somehow, Hanni and her group of friends, who major in music, are forced to join the soccer club at their college. Their coach is the former soccer club player, Lee Yn, who is known to be mean and scary. So Yn becomes responsible for their development in playing and winning the championship
Taglist:@aeriigfs @drvirgus @sixflame438
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schwesters8 · 3 months
TXT reaction to you being jealous
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You came in to surprise him with lunch during TXT's variety show TO-DO shoot, but your mood quickly turned sour when you saw a female staff member being a little too friendly to your boyfriend. You kept a neutral expression, but Soobin could read you well enough to know something wasn't right.
He asked you about it again later that night and you ended up telling him why you were upset. He listened to your concerns, quietly assuring you that there was nothing to worry about. After your rant, he gazed at you sadly as he opened his arms to embrace you.
"I promise, I only have eyes for you."
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You and Yeonjun had planned a dinner date at a nice restaurant. It was something a bit more formal than you were used to, and after some internal debate, you decided to put on the sleek black dress you had bought at the mall a couple days prior.
Safe to say, he loved it. He couldn't keep his eyes off you the entire time you were at the restaurant, something you would normally tease him for. You were far too preoccupied, however, by the waitress that had left him her number on the receipt.
"I knew she was flirting with you the whole time," you grumbled as you walked out of the restaurant. He shot you a confused look, being far too distracted by you to notice his surroundings.
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You were scrolling through twitter one day and stumbled across a hashtag that was full of people shipping Beomgyu with a female idol that he co-hosted a music awards show with. Beomgyu had come home early that day and found you on the couch, looking at your phone with a frown on your face.
He worriedly sat down on the couch next to you but quickly began laughing when you showed him the site you were on. "You look cute with her in these pictures," you pouted. He threw you a peace sign.
"I look cute in every picture." You lightly punched him in the shoulder, making him laugh even more. "But the only pictures I'm interested in are the ones of you and me."
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You locked eyes with your boyfriend and waved. Taehyun was picking you up from your night out with your friends. As you walked over a drunk girl suddenly grabbed onto him, hugging his arm. She whispered something in his ear that you couldn't make out.
You sped over to the two of them, absolutely livid. But before you had a chance to tell her off, Taehyun gave her a piercing glare, looking her up and down. "Get off of me." His voice was cold, so cold that it almost scared you along with the girl.
On your drive back home, you told him about your short-lived jealousy. He shook his head as he quickly kissed your hand. "You don't have to worry about when you're with me."
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"I'm telling you, Daisy is the sweetest and cutest girl I have ever seen... Yeah, I think I am in love already. I wanna see her again soon." Your boyfriend was on a call with someone in the other room while you were working.
You didn't mean to eavesdrop, but you continued listening. You found yourself getting angrier and angrier knowing Kai felt so affectionately about another woman. When he came out of the room, you were waiting for him with your arms crossed. "So who is Daisy?" You asked cooly. "Do I need to be worried?"
Kai looked at you blankly for a moment before his lips curled into a smile. "Daisy is Soobin's new dog," he informed you. "You're cute when you get jealous."
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
I love Already Gone so much. It’s such an interesting premise and way to view Hinny’s relationship! This might be a weird ask but I love drama and was wondering if you’ve ever thought of doing Harry’s POV of the end of chapter 3?
She vaguely registered Harry shoving back in his chair from across the table. He looked like his mouth was moving, but Ginny couldn’t hear the words.
Dizziness enveloped her, followed quickly by nausea, then her world went black.
Like yaaaasssss that’s perfection for my little dramatic heart ❤️❤️❤️
honey. you have unlocked something in me that cannot be bottled back up again. i hope you know that.
Harry slipped out the back door to find Hermione waiting for him in the shade of the porch. She didn’t bother with a greeting and instead jumped straight into inquisition mode.
“Did you tell her?”
Avoiding her gaze, he grumbled out a soft, “No.”
Hermione’s eyes went skyward in clear impatience. “Should I even ask why not?”
Harry took off toward the garden but Hermione grabbed him by the elbow and prevented his escape.
“Harry,” she sighed. “This is getting ridiculous…”
"Is it?" he snapped, anger crackling to life in his chest. "Which bit, exactly?"
"Look, I..." Hermione's shoulders slumped. "I know this hasn't been easy, but--"
"No," Harry cut across her. "You don't know."
His bite fell flat, even to his own ears, his voice a little too shaky to truly put an end to the subject. Looking down the path, Harry's eyes followed Teddy's progress as he snuck up on a couple of garden gnomes.
Hermione stayed resolute, fidgeting with her hands while she waited for Harry to give her more of an explanation. But that was the problem, he had no idea how to explain the rolling, churning knot of agony in his stomach.
He decided to try with the bare minimum. The facts.
"I know I said I'd talk to her," he muttered, casting a glance behind him to make sure no one was around. "But she almost fainted when... when Teddy ran in the room."
Face smoothing in understanding, Hermione rocked back slightly and crossed her arms around her middle. "Is she alright?"
"Yeah, she's fine. Pulled herself back together but--" Harry dug his fingers into his eye sockets until he saw stars. "I'm not risking it, alright?"
I'm not risking her.
Hermione huffed and shook her head. "When, then? The longer you wait the worse it's going to get."
"Just--" Harry gave her a pleading look. "Just leave it alone for today. Please?"
She didn't look happy about it, but after a few moments of contemplative silence, Hermione finally agreed.
Harry spent the next quarter of an hour helping set up chairs and making sure his godson didn't try to pocket any Apple Blossom Fairies. Andromeda and Mrs. Weasley had completely outdone themselves with the food. After sorting out the place settings, the contents of the kitchen floated out to the two long tables until they were completely laden down with roasted chicken and hams, pies of every variety, cakes and breads, and seven different kinds of potatoes.
Ginny had told him once that her mum coped by cooking. He'd never understood that more than in the last few weeks.
Everyone was quick to find a seat and no one wasted anytime dishing out their helping and passing the serving platters along.
Harry hadn't planned on it, really he hadn't, but of the two dozen places he could've ended up, he ended up right across the way from Ginny.
She was relatively quiet for most of the meal, only speaking when spoken to and listening intently to all of the toasts and stories and tributes. Meanwhile, Harry was being an absolute coward and refusing to make eye contact with anyone, but especially with her.
He wasn't avoiding her, the physical presence of Ginny and all that she meant to him. However, he was avoiding the sharp stab of loss that pierced his lungs everytime she looked at him like he was a puzzle she hadn't quite figured out yet. This was a very important distinction in his mind.
Up until this entire torment of a situation, Harry had never given much thought to how Ginny looked at him. At least, not passed the surface level familiarity of their eyes meeting from across a room, that spark of playfulness letting him know she was thinking something unforgivable, that warmth of understanding and acceptance that only came with shared history.
Now, he was left with glances that skirted past. Brows that furrowed in contemplation. Eyes that slid away, instead of sought him out.
Of all the blasted nonsensical shite he'd had to endure the last month, that had been the most unbearable.
Because hers were the eyes that gave him strength.
And he had no idea how to do this without her. He wasn't equipped for it.
About halfway down the table, George stood and cleared his throat. Harry steeled himself for the speech, for the grief. Four whole years later and it still didn't feel real...
It was instinctual, then, for his eyes to dart up and find hers. He couldn't help it. The act felt compulsive. Habitual. Addictive.
Her warm brown was glowing golden in the afternoon sun, her hair glittering copper and her cheeks slightly pink.
She looked healthy. Healthier than she had in months.
She looked like she didn't need him.
Ginny blinked and looked away first, oblivious to the swelling ache and burning moisture threatening behind Harry's eyes.
Then he registered the white knuckle grip she had around her goblet, and the slight sway of her shoulders, followed by a blink that took two beats too long.
"Ginny?" Harry asked urgently, vaguely aware he was interrupting George's speech and not caring in the slightest. "What's wrong?"
Ginny didn't seem to hear him. She blinked again. Her eyes glassed over.
"Ginny--" Harry said again, this time shoving back in his chair and readying himself to leap over the table to get to her.
Once more, she gave no indication that he'd spoken.
His entire focus narrowed to just her, Harry couldn't have said what a single other soul in the back garden was doing at that precise moment, because all he could see was Ginny--his wife, his best friend, his entire world--go limp and slump sideways out of her chair.
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revols-headcanons · 2 years
random karasuno headcanons
daichi has never once had a break because of his four siblings, which is why he is so uptight and stressed. volleyball is the only place he can really relax (specifically w the other third years) and even then kageyama, hinata, noya, and tanaka are constantly testing him. he brought this up to ukai and takeda once and they both were like “have you ever went to therapy kid?" before they gave him info for a local therapist.
sugawara knows every kpop dance imaginable and forces his teammates to do them during their breaks. the only people who humor him and dance with him are hinata, noya, and tanaka sometimes. during a team sleepover, he convinced kageyama to do a dance with him, but kageyama is badly coordinated when dancing so it was horrible.
asahi knits when he’s anxious— which is all the time. he’s made a blanket for each teammate with their names on it and his bedroom is just piles of blankets at varying levels of complete. his dog appreciates the nest he can sleep in. he jokes that this is where his parents college fund has gone to. also knitting is what gets him into fashion because he jokingly knitted a bucket hat for noya and immediately wanted to make more— his room ended up having 30 bucket hats all over it and he had to give them away to his classmates and teammates.
kiyoko likes reading intense smutty romance books with a blank face. her expectations for romance are through the roof and she’s unashamed. suga has tried reading it over her shoulder and he’s walked away flustered. she reads a wide variety of books but specifically chooses the horniest and/or creepiest to read in front of the team. yachi’s shocked when she learns that kiyoko’s favorite genre isn’t dark romance and that it’s actually fluffy romance.
nishinoya made a fake tinder account of tsukishima with the worst photos imaginable (like tsukki mid-trip or him giving a disgusted face to kageyama). the bio says something like ‘i’m 6’1 if that matters and i think red heads should be killed.’ noya matches with the most amount of people and also updates with the worst opinions ever. people still get interested in ‘tsukki’ even when the bio has ridiculous takes and standards. noya is pissed that it is doing so well.
tanaka’s strangely good at dancing but horrific at singing. he tried to serenade kiyoko one day but his voice cracked so badly that he stopped mid-song and left the room. kiyoko laughed but patted his back in reassurance afterwards. the team never lets him live it down ever— the wedding speeches he received all mentioned the event somewhere. he has an excellent moonwalk and can occasionally successfully breakdance.
ennoshita writes fanfic (“story scripts”) about the team and changes the names. he gets the team to act as the characters in his films, which raises some questions when he writes a tragic story about ‘kai’ (a sarcastic asshole) being killed by his rivals ‘tora’ (a dumb asshole) and ‘shouto’ (a dumbass). he once posted a fanfic shipping two teammates (with name changes) and it got really popular.
kageyama uses 3-in-1 body wash/shampoo/conditioner. he says it’s because it’s efficient, and he gets no acne or sweat stench— this makes everyone hate him. he only changes when miwa comes back into his life after college and is horrified. he tells this story as a little joke whenever he wants people to be shocked and/or disgusted at him, even when he’s a pro.
hinata can cook but only because he has a sister and an overworked single mother. he cooks for himself and natsu often, but it’s really simple and uncreative meals because he would rather practice volleyball than work on making interesting dishes. after the time skip, his cooking skills have vastly improved and every meal he makes is some form of brazillian-japanese blend.
tsukishima had a major my little pony phase and is deeply secretive of it. he listens to the soundtrack often and has a drawer full of little collectibles. yamaguchi is the only one who knows about it, and tsukki compares himself to twilight and yamaguchi to fluttershy. he once almost said ‘everypony’ but yamaguchi screamed to cut him off. it went like: ‘stfu everyp-‘ ‘PISS’ ‘…what?’ ‘WE GOTTA PISS. both of us. right now.’
yamaguchi had a musical theater phase and forced tsukishima to sing along with him. he forced tsukki to dress up as michael to his jeremy one halloween. yamaguchi can only workout or study to musicals, which is deeply unfortunate. his favorite songs were helpless from hamilton and michael in the bathroom from be more chill. he tried to audition for school musicals multiple times but would end up having panic attacks and leaving before his audition.
yachi’s notes are the aesthetically color coordinated ones, even though her teachers talk rapidly fast. she’s always humble about it but she spends hours on them. she never has to study because she spends so much time rewriting them that the notes just stick in her brain. she’s had to recently laminate her completed notes because hinata once’s spilled broth onto her notes, which made her cry.
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emmtropywrites · 3 months
"Flowers", a Baldur's Gate 3 fanfiction. Chapter 1: Seeds
Part 2
Also on AO3
Summary: You're working as a florist in Baldur's Gate when you meet one of the heroes who saved the city. After the first conversation with her, you can't get her off your mind.
Tags: Selunite Shadowheart x Reader, fluff, cottagecore, wholesome, post-game, gender neutral reader, flowers, florists, reader is not Tav!
The bell on the door jingles as another customer enters your shop. Wiping the plant matter from your hands, you set down your knife on your worktable and turn to greet the lovely woman. Taking in her long, silver hair, her short, pointed ears, and her sweet face that is marked with freckles and one, long scar across her nose, you feel a flush come to your cheeks.
“Hi there, welcome to Feisty’s Flowers,” you say, hoping your smile doesn’t come off as too intense. You always tend to overthink your interactions with pretty people.
She tilts her head slightly, her lips smirking playfully. “I don’t suppose you would be Feisty?”
You laugh and shake your head. “Feisty is unfortunately no longer with us. He’s not dead, mind you, just retired in the countryside somewhere.”
“Lucky him,” says the woman. “One day, I hope to do something similar. City life is nice enough, but I need some peace and quiet.” You can’t help but think of how silvery her voice is, how pleasant she is to listen to.
“Maybe I’ll join you,” you say jokingly, but, realizing how that might come off, add, “in leaving the city, I mean. There’s no room for proper gardens here.”
“Oh, and that brings me to my visit here,” she responds. “See, my favorite flowers are night orchids, but I live in a flat and so I can’t grow them. I was wondering if you could make me a bouquet with similar flowers? It’s a rather specific request, I know.”
You nod, having seen a few paintings of night orchids. “If I remember correctly, they’re a darker purple color? Almost blue? Or were you wanting a variety of ordinary orchids? In which case I have a few types you can choose from…”
You set to work, showing the woman the different buckets of flowers you have available, and as you do, you see a cautious smile grow over her face. She asks occasional questions about lifespan and proper cut flower care, but mostly listens intently as you explain what you can do.
“How long have you been a florist?” She asks after you explain the differences between dendrobiums (a genus) and mokaras (a hybrid).
“For a few years now. My dad was an artificer, so I grew up tinkering and using my hands to make things, but I always had an eye for more colorful pursuits.” Memories of your time putting scraps of metal together to make artistic collages make you smile fondly.
“Well, you’re definitely well-versed,” she praises. “Do you have a favorite flower to use? Or does it change day by day?”
“More like mood by mood,” you say with a hint of cynicism. “For instance, if I were to deal with a particularly rude customer, my go-to would be limonium, as it smells like feet when it gets old.”
She laughs lightly, hiding her mouth behind her hand. You notice a small, dark spot on the back, and wonder if it’s a birthmark. However, you’re more taken with the sound of her giggle- airy, but with a sharpness behind it.
“For average customers, I’ll try to use carnations,” you continue, enjoying the conversation.
“That’s… interesting,” she remarks. “I thought carnations were associated with funerals?”
“They can definitely be useful for funerals, but that’s due to their longevity and resilience,” you explain. “Carnations come in a wide variety of colors, and they’re very sturdy and long-lasting. They’re…” You pause, searching for the right word. “Reliable.”
The woman is quiet for a moment, and you hurriedly ask, “Why are night orchids your favorite?”
A look of quiet sadness passes across her face for a moment- a look that you are very familiar with, as customers often come in for flowers to place on graves. “They remind me that beauty can exist in even the darkest of places.”
Now it’s you who is quiet, and she shakes her head. “My apologies, that got a little morose there.”
You shrug. “I’ve dealt with all sorts of things in the flower business. People think it’s all bright and cheerful, but there’s a grounding factor of sorrow, of reality.”
“And of rude customers?” She teases, quirking an eyebrow.
You laugh. “Yes, exactly. So, back to your arrangement.”
The woman finishes choosing her flowers- purple lisianthus, dark blue delphinium, green cymbidium orchids, and various greens- and you arrange them in a clear glass vase for her. When it comes time to pay, she hands over the few silver pieces, and says, “Thank you for your help and expertise. And for the conversation. It’s hard to connect with people in a city where everyone is going about their business so quickly.”
“I agree, it was lovely to meet you, um…” You trail off, realizing you never got her name.
“Shadowheart,” she introduces herself.
You give her your name, and she says it once, before saying, “May Selune light your evening,” and leaving with her flowers.
Once she’s gone, you begin cleaning up the loose stems and petals left behind from the arrangement. But you can’t help but feel like you’ve heard the name Shadowheart before. Eventually, it dawns on you: she was one of the heroes of Baldur’s Gate, who fought and defeated the illithid attack. You shudder as you remember how you and as many people as could fit inside your store had barricaded your doors and hoped for help to arrive. You had never been sure how much time had passed before the streets had been declared safe again, but your anxiety had made it feel like ages.
Regretting that you hadn’t had a proper chance to thank Shadowheart for everything she’d done, you decide to pay a visit to Stormshore Tabernacle tomorrow, to leave an offering for Selune.
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fantom-flower · 11 days
fantom's album review #1
I decided I'd go through NPR's The 150 Greatest Albums Made By Women.
Doing all 150 seemed a little too daunting, so I'm just doing the top 50. I'm going in order from 50 to 1, listening to all the albums from start to finish, rating them and writing my opinion.
I'm just doing this for fun, to learn more about the history of popular music and also listen to genres that I'm less familiar with.
All my ratings are based on my own personal tastes, so the following list is HIGHLY subjective.
50. Hole - Live Through This (1994)
7/10  I’ve never been much for 90s grunge. I was a little too young for its heyday (I was <10 when this album came out, hardly the intended audience) and later when I got into 90s music, grunge never really appealed to me. Still, I enjoyed this album, and I think a few of the songs on it will make it into my regular rotation.
49. Ricki Lee Jones - Pirates (1981)
2/10  Wow. I fucking hated this album. Her voice is okay, sometimes annoyingly breathy, and not nearly interesting enough to carry the meandering talk-singing she engages in nearly every song. Best thing I can say about this album is that it ends.
48. Etta James - Rocks the House (1964)
7/10  I don’t like live albums. That being said, this one is actually pretty good. It has a fun energy, with some great call and response with the audience. NPR's review said she “howled her way through” her songs, and that is accurate. Not something I usually enjoy, but aside from the howling, she has a very powerful and lovely voice, and even the howling started to grow on me by the end of the album.
47. Celia Cruz - Son con Guaguanco (1966)
10/10  No notes. I fucking loved this album. Es La Humanidad is my favorite song off of it. Stunning voice, great instrumentals, so fun to listen to.
46. Emmylou Harris - Wrecking Ball (1995)
6/10  A lot of the songs were really hit or miss for me. Largely, I really preferred the accompaniment. Wrecking Ball in particular stood out with this great lonely, yearning sound. Deeper Well is the best song on the album, if the rest had been like that, could have been a 9/10 easily. Orphan Girl was awful.
45. Dusty Springfield - Dusty in Memphis (1969)
5/10 Boring. The Windmills of Your Mind was alright.
44. Heart - Dreamboat Annie (1976)
9/10  Glad to find that Magic Man and Crazy on You are representative of the album rather than exceptions from it. Soul of the Sea is probably my favorite track. Lots of fun to listen to.
43. M.I.A. - Kala (2007)
2/10  I think I like Paper Planes as much as the next guy, but not enough to listen to a whole album of it.  Absolutely chock full of the most annoying sound effects known to man.  This one took me a long time to get through. When it was time for me to listen to music I kept thinking, “I don't want to ruin the pleasant vibe I have going by making myself listen to this.”
42. Ella Fitzgerald - Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Johnny Mercer Song Book (1964)
9/10 Hard to go wrong with Ella Fitzgerald. Name a song of hers that’s not an instant classic. I was surprised to see that this album was from the 60s when I started listening to it. Not the decade I associate with big band. I deduct one point because for me, all slow, soulful, romantic big band songs all kind of sound the same. I like the sound, but I like having some variety. 
41. Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman (1988)
10/10  Came into the album only having heard of Fast Car. It lives up to the hype, and the rest of the album does not disappoint! Great sound, great lyrics, great social justice message. Talkin’ bout a Revolution is going to be the next song I listen to over and over again to wring every drop of serotonin I can get from it.
Final thoughts of albums 50-41
Favorite album from this group is Tracy Chapman's self titled album. 
As for my least favorite, it's really hard to choose between MIA and Ricki Lee Jones. They were both so deeply awful to listen to.
What I'm looking forward to in albums 40-31:
Kate Bush and my childhood favorite, Tina Turner
What I'm dreading in the next ten:
Björk. I've been doing my best to listen to all the albums from start to finish even if I don't like it. Björk might break the streak.
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luc1dvisual · 19 days
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let's get it started - kiof gf headcanons
synopsis: how kiof would act/feel abt being your gf (reader gender-neutral - sfw only)
pairing: kiof ot4 x reader
wordcount: 820+ words
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Julie -
julie is normally very confident and is very self-assured in herself
yet she is nothing like this when it comes to you
she is more cheery and optimistic around you, almost giddy
she loves to talk to you and can find herself comfortable enough to talk about almost anything 
other than platonic talking, that’s the only thing she is confident in
she would buy a gift and make it sound as friendly as possible
she would cancel plans with her other members just to go out with you and spend time with you
you two always go out to fancy restaurants (where she insists to pay for you both)
you two can talk for hours without getting bored and she loves every second with you
she will be the first one to confess so that she can stop hiding her feelings from you
feelings you ultimately accept and you both are very happy
your both just getting to know each other so what the future will be like together is not up for discussion
your both just in the honeymoon stage and want to have fun together! 
Natty - 
similar to Julie in a way but it’s is swapped around when it comes to her behaviour
she is usually quiet and reserved around those she doesn’t know well but she opens up to you almost immediately 
she is very bold and flirty with you cuz she loves to make you flustered
you may think she is teasing you when she says “I’ve imagined us in bed together” but she isn’t..
doesn’t matter how much or how long she has loved you, she acts the same either way
she loves to see you flustered and stumbling over your words
she likes to kiss your neck and look up at you with THOSE eyes
she is the type to try and get you jealous, to see you all riled up over her
if you are jealous, mission succeeded
if you aren’t, she gets a little annoyed but tries again
she has her read messages off and acts like she is just soooo busy so she couldn’t respond 
but she is honestly reading your message and giggling in the comfort of her own apartment
her flirtiness annoys her members, especially if your apart of the group
they wanna try and have a normal variety show but she won’t stop trying to enchant you
Belle - 
she gives a friends to lovers kind of vibe
she won’t fall for anyone she doesn’t trust deeply 
she doesn’t really have a thing for one-night stands either 
she always watches Disney movies and imagines herself as the princesses
she wants that kinda love
she has a Taylor Swift playlist for every kind of mood, one especially when she is thinking about you
she loves talking to you (similar to Julie) but she listens more than she talks
she loves to hear your voice and have you attention, it makes her feel warm and wanted 
tho when it comes to her special interests, she would never stop talking about that
she always asks if your okay and if you want her to stop talking to which you decline to hear her voice again
in public, it might seem like she treats you like everyone else but in private it’s much different
a lot of her questions are directed at you since she values your opinion of her even the little things
she wants to develop a friendship with you before she develops feelings let alone confessing 
tho it’s kinda love at first sight with you two even if she doesn’t wanna admit it!
let’s just say you both have a very strong emotional connection when you guys become something more
her members tease her about it cuz her face gets flushed easily and they laugh saying “little Hye-wonnie is in love!”
if your another group member, they always say things to you like “you know she likes you right?”
Haneul - 
Haneul is a lot more reserved with her feelings
She may be hard to read but you can notice her feelings by the little things
She gravitates towards those she is most comfortable with, specifically you
Haneul is very emotionally intelligent so you can talk about anything and she just listens, understands even
She has a less confidence than the other 3 which means you confess your feelings first
It may not register with you that she feels the same as she would have trouble saying it
But once she has more confidence, she will admit that she likes you
She is not the biggest fan of PDA, she may just cling onto you or stay close to you but she won’t go beyond that
If you get extra touchy during PDA, she will be very startled and might push you off at first but once she gets used to it she just gets red and mutters off
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note . . .
going to be busy for the next 2 weeks due to exams , requests will be slow but still open. working on my first request and cannot wait for more
navigation: kpop masterlist , kiof masterlist
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magpod-confessions · 20 days
i think tmagp is interesting and i understand WHY people like it but personaly i think i'm going to have to drop it. the character writing feels 2d and i just can't get attached to any of the characters. i do like Gwen (probably because she's actually out there Doing Stuff), and i REALLY liked early-season Alice when she was being an annoying (said with love) coworker who clearly knew more than she let on. her initial Alice-POVs were incredibly compelling, but the more the season goes on the more she seems to be relegated to 'sam's ex' which is just...sad (also, why are they taking their ONE canonical transfem character and making her the jealous ex? hello? can anyone else hear me?). my other issues are:
everyone says this but AUDIO. i listen to a huge variety of podcasts, music, tv, movies that have intense audio distortion and can understand them fine but i just cannot follow what they're saying in tmagp. the SFX are too loud in comparison to the voice settings and it means i have to follow along with transcripts which is not something i really want to do. that's a preference but yeah.
also everyone says this but EPISODE FORMAT!!! i love all different styles of podcast storytelling and listen to a variety of horror fiction that does storytelling in different ways (standouts for me being woe.begone, malevolent, the silt verses, welcome to night vale, camp here&there, etc). but the office chatter + 5min statement + tangential plotline + random other cuts just feels clunky to me, like clicking through a bunch of tabs and trying to read through them at random. i think there's a lot of potential with how tmagp is trying to tell it's story (almost like found footage?) but it doesn't feel like it's been sewn together properly...i keep loosing the threads of the plot
the whole "alice is sam's jealous ex" coworker drama thing. I just can't get over it. you have alice and celia literally mirroring each other in terms of their relationship with sam. this is interesting. this could be cool. it works in celia's case, because she CLEARLY has other motivations and plot conflicts outside of being sam's partner. alice USED to seem like she had more going on, but recently...idk. it seems like they're pushing her character more and more into the background (what happened with everything going on with her brother? and her own facade of trying to cover things up? what about her personal life?) which i don't love given that she's the shows only canon transfem rep. why is it ALICE specifically who is being utilized in the plot in this way (to define her character by her status as "sam's ex", when no other fem characters seem to be defined by their relationships with men)?
i do think i'll come back to tmagp once it's further along to see if any of my issues with is have been resolved. again, tma took a very long time to really get into the plot. i don't MIND having a chaotic plot (in fact, it's one thing i think will turn out to be incredibly interesting later down the line). but to me, i just can't invest myself in the characters/relationships (which is what the show is building it's plot on), the audio mixing is unintelligible to me, and the episode format feels unbalanced. i'm gonna stay up to date with how people are talking about it online but i just wish it was starting stronger, because there is SO much potential in the series!!
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good-chimes · 2 years
Okay Phasmophobia stream recap for those who don’t watch horror:
Grian, Scar, Impulse and Skizzleman have for some reason decided to play Phasmophobia, a game where you and your friends go into a spooky house with ghost hunting equipment and do a variety of unwise things while a ghost tries to kill you
They begin in the starting area:
Grian: So, I’ve played Phasmophobia once, Skizz and Impulse have played it every week for a couple of years, and Scar—
Grian: Scar has never played—I’m sorry? PLASMATOPIA?
Grian and Impulse follow this up with trying to trick Scar into looking at a jump scare, eventually they realise Scar didn’t alter his brightness settings so literally can’t see it
Five more minutes of trying to get Scar to work the radio properly
Grian: Scar are you holding down B or just pressing it?
Scar: I don’t have a B on my controls
Impulse and Skizz quietly loading equipment as they’re actually good at this. Scar learns how to throw a basketball.
Grian into his own radio: this is a shambles, come in come in, this is a shambles.
Grian insists they pick a hard level because ‘it’s Scar’s first game and he needs to learn’
They move to Spooky House #1:
Increasingly clear that Scar does not know how to use the controls and none of the others are explaining
Grian (definitely very expert and tough and not at ALL a thin layer of bravado over a ball of terror) attempts the Spirit Box, a piece of equipment which requires you to shut yourself in a dark room by yourself and speak to a ghost who might try and kill you.
Skizz: come here, come here, listen to Grian trying to talk to the ghost
Grian, muffled: what’s your naaaame
Skizz: this is like Grian on a date and he’s getting shunned
Skizz: you gotta ask her about her interests buddy
Scar has found a glowstick. The glowstick does nothing helpful for him.
Scar cheerfully disregards Skizz’s worry about their sanity ticking down in the darkness
because we have glowsticks so we can have a rave
mm tss mm tss mm tss!!!
Grian’s ethereal voice over the radio: Scar I’m going to kill you
They set up a camera. A door opens by itself. Scar: “d-d-d-door!” Grian dissolves into goat screeches and Scooby Doo accusations.
Scar: “the door! The door opened!” Grian: “okay Scar go in there.” Scar: “NO!”
Grian eventually talks Scar into locking himself in a dark room with the ghost and the spirit box. Impulse and Skizz suspiciously quiet.
Scar attempts to make the ghost laugh, succeeds instead in making Grian laugh.
Scar didn’t even pick up the ghost radio, turns out he’s been talking to a notebook this entire time
okay second attempt
Grian, goading: Say the ghost’s name, Scar, go on, say it, say it
Impulse: okay when the attack comes you gotta hide and turn off all your equipment buddy
Scar, who very clearly does not know the controls: what does that mean???
notable silence
Scar: okay Betty Betty BETTY
Grian: scar run!!! get in the closet!!!
ghost murders scar
scar wanders the hallways as a ghost. He finds his friends, who seem unconcerned.
Scar: They didn’t tell me ghosts could kill you!
Scar: [on top of them] I hope you ALL die
Scar: Can I pick up things. Is there a gun. Can I hurt them.
The ghost murders Grian, who screams like he’s dying in real life
Scar perks up
Scar SO disappointed that Grian doesn’t seem to be appearing where ghost scar appeared
The group get in the van with Grian’s ghost and leave Scar behind
Debriefing back at mission end is slightly Contentious
Okay let’s let bygones be bygones and do another mission
Grian: Scar you didn’t hear me scream, right, you still think I’m manly
Scar: Oh, I heard you scream
They move to Spooky House #2
Scar has been given the temperature checker this time around
but he has also found the tools contain a lighter
Scar: I gotta be myself
Scar delighted to find the new spooky house is made of wood, we’re gonna burn this place to the GROUND, interrupted by Grian whispering terrifyingly on radio I’m behind you
Scar: don’t do that!!
Scar: wait was that Grian or the ghost
Scar: wait
More shenanigans while Skizz and Impulse try to figure out what kind of ghost it is
Grian: scar where are you
Scar: I thought I could just burn this place to the ground but it’s not working
Grian: these clients are expecting us to SOLVE the ghost mystery. You are the worst scooby-doo I’ve ever worked with.
Scar: [in the tone of patiently explaining something obvious] They could collect on the insurance
Grian has no luck talking to the ghost with the spirit box. Meanwhile Scar has spent five minutes trying to open a door (Impulse, Skizz, and Grian still being very withholding about the controls). Grian, after another feeble attempt thrusts the spirit box at Scar and says “You try, Scar”. Scar immediately like “oh okay! what do I do?” despite the fact that being shut in a dark room with a ghost by himself and instructed by the others into provoking it was exactly how he died last time
Scar is murdered by the ghost
Scar haunts Grian and the others, vindictively grumbling about them trapping him in with the ghost. throws empty cans at them. after five minutes of this discovers that Impulse is also dead and could hear him this whole time.
Skizz: okay radioing the dead people! [long one-way explanation about game mechanics so Scar and Impulse can pick up game points while they’re dead]—
Scar: Can we sabotage them? (Impulse just laughs.)
They’ve left in the van without Scar again
They move to Spooky House #3
Scar ignores all the tools and builds a beautiful pile of salt and candles. Grian laughs at it for thirty seconds straight.
Scar is murdered by the ghost.
Scar: play this game with us they said! It’ll be fun they said!
Scar: I assume the van’s gone again
Scar: oh no it’s still here. Hopefully they’re all DEAD.
Debriefing is contentious once more
Grian: okay scar when the haunt starts you have to not talk and hide. You stood in the middle of the room and yelled.
Scar: I had some salt!
Impulse: That doesn’t do anything…
Scar: [indignant] the salt should protect you!
Skizz: if the ghost is a snail?
They move to Spooky House #4 with extra scary mirror ghost:
Impulse declares their goal in the next house is to keep Scar alive. Gains reluctant agreement from the group.
This will definitely go well
This ghost is really out to get them. Skizz nearly dies despite being very good at the game.
Grian: let’s send scar in!
Impulse: What happened to Operation Keep Scar Alive????
They find the ghost from the haunted mirror but can’t get it to write in a book. They wander back and forth between the van full of tools and the spooky house.
Scar goes back into the house
Impulse: Operation Keep Scar Alive is very difficult :/
Grian: [over the radio] hey scar take a quick look in the mirror
Scar: where’s the mirror
Impulse: [despairingly] he’s trying to get you killed
Scar looks in the mirror and gets murdered by the ghost
Skizz dies. Shrieking.
Impulse dies. More shrieking.
Grian [tiny voice]: I’m in a cupboard…
Grian is by himself and he’s so scared
who could have foretold getting Scar murdered might lead to Grian being alone and terrified
Grian has shut the van door in scars face a third time and driven off
Grian has just realised he got all his friends murdered, not just Scar, because he forgot to take the sanity pills
Impulse: so we failed again
Grian: scar how’s your heart rate?
Scar: [throws a basketball at his face]
They move to hard level: Spooky Abandoned Asylum
Skizzle: Did you just turn that light off?
Grian: Sorry
Impulse: [resigned] if it's got buttons he's got to press it
grian and scar slowly being driven mad by an invisible child making a 'weh' sound
five minutes later proven it was Skizz
Scar has not fully cottoned on to the fact it is Skizz
Scar: Schism if that is you, i will throw you into the ghost
‘Schism’ honestly not the worst mispronunciation of the night only because Grian is absolutely convinced ‘tarot’ rhymes with ‘carrot’
Scar: ah i can't wait to hotguy you skizz >:( ... almost spoiled something
Scar: Oh I found someone’s tongue [it is clearly a red bookmark]
Skizz: Don’t touch that tongue that’s mine!
Asylum is glitched and the ghost doesn’t get to them
They make no money
Scar: does that mean… TECHNICALLY I LIVED
He is so pleased. Scar mission accomplished.
They move to Spooky Campsite:
Skizz has found this map with a camp fire so there is something to burn
Skizz: Scar you’re gonna light the campfire buddy!!
Skizz is instantly forgiven for every sin he’s committed against Scar ever
Campsite is supposed to be an easy mission. They wander around for twenty minutes. Scar is pretending to vlog
The ghost shows up out of nowhere… and murders scar.
Grian shrieks with laughter like a dying chicken.
Scar: all I hear is grian’s cackles
Grian: we were supposed to keep him alive, why did his body do a little hop
Disembodied Scar makes a game attempt at “I will get you back! All of you!” then gives up revenge and carries on pretending to vlog
Chat tells Scar to enter the clues
Disembodied!Scar: what clues did we learn? That I died and the ghost cackled at me? Oh, that was Grian actually.
The group try and figure out the ghost. Is it a demon… they’re pretty sure it’s a raijiu…?
Disembodied!Scar: I think it's a banshee.
Disembodied!Scar: The banshee is Grian >:(
Skizzle: ghost, give us a sign
Disembodied!Scar: [hurls a can at him]
Grian, with a frankly hypocritical level of outrage: Scar stop throwing stuff
They've shut the van door in Scar's face again
guess what.
they other three were all wrong.
it was a banshee.
Back in the starting area:
Impulse sounds almost impressed. He has never seen someone die so much in this game.
They mess around with the basketballs and blocks. Grian, in a tone that is almost an apology is like, scar no genuinely scar what is your heartrate.
Skizz pushes them all into a group Scar hug.
Scar: ...I can see the back of all your eyeballs
Grian: i'm never playing this game again
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