#but then i had too much fun with the spidey-mask
bobbinalong · 1 year
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the spectacular spider-jon
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eternalsams · 1 year
Irresistible ➻ Miguel O'Hara
pairing: Miguel O'Hara (Spider-Man 2099) x Black Cat (fem)!reader
warning/content: violence, so much sexual tension, swearing, actual plot, mention of nudity, no mention of y/n (gets called Kitty a couple of times), some heavy make out sess
summary: Miguel is sent in your world where there is no Spider-Hero to help him, you're the only person he knows there and good thing for him, you can help him. Bad thing for him, you won't stop taunting him.
words count: 3.7k
a/n: English isn't my first language, so please take that into your consideration
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"We don't need her, Lyla." Miguel groans at her as he walks through the lobby. "No, we don't. But you do." Lyla pops up on Miguel's shoulder with a grin. "Come on, she'll be of a great help, she knows her world better than anyone else here. Better than you." The little lady has a point, he had to admit it. He only visited a couple of times but didn't stay long enough to know his way into the thousands of cities. The only problem is that you were a pain in the ass for Miguel. Even though you were doing your job pretty fine, you were always torturing him with your constent teasing and flirting. It was just in your nature to annoy him. As another door opens before him, Miguel notices Hobie lying on a wooden box, fidgeting with his guitar. "Why don't we send Hobie there? I don't wanna see her and I'm pretty sure they would make a good pair." He grumbled before tapping on a screen for the last details. Lyla pops back up in front of him and crosses her little arms on her chest. "Because, you and I both know that they would make a too good pair. You can still focus when you're around her and you can discipline her as well." She chuckles, her laugh echoing in the lobby. "Is this about your kitty cat again?" Hobie chuckles as he tilts his head back and looks at his boss upside down. "Don't call her that." Miguel growls before setting the right coordinates on his watch and opening a portal. He puts his mask on and turns to Lyla. "You coming with me?" He asks her and she steps back. "Nah, I'm good here. Have fun with her!" She wiggles her little fingers in his direction before disappearing. Miguel sighs and steps through the portal, immediately feeling the rain pouring down on him. "Great..." He sighs and closes the portal behind him before jumping off the rooftop into a dark alley. He checks if anybody saw him and retracts his mask before changing into more casual clothes. That means old sweat pants, a white t-shirt and a sweater. He pulls the hoodie to cover his head and stuffs his hands in his pockets before walking down the streets. The neon lights lighting the dark streets and leading him to the place he knew you'd be.
When he finally recognizes your place he walks up the couple steps of your porch and hesitates knocking on your door. He knew how much you'd tease him for coming for your help. But when he checks his watch and sees the little time before the anomaly in this world would happen, it pushes him to knock on the door. He takes a few steps back and sinks back his hand into his sweater pocket. The door opens and he immediately regrets coming to you when he sees your smirk. "Well, well, well... Spidey." You lean on your door and run a hand in your white hair before crossing your arms on your chest. He says nothing, he doesn't need to, you already know why he's here. But you still ask. "Why can i do to please you?" He visibly grimaces at your choice of words and looks away. "I need your help..." He whispers under his breath. You perfectly hear him but that wouldn't be fun for you. "What was that? I can't hear you with the rain." You say as you cup your ear and lean a bit forward. He groans and looks back at you. "I need your help." He says more distinctively. You grin and steps back into your house. "Come in, then." You wait for him to pass the door and close it behind you. "I don't have the time for your little games." He says as he inspects his surroundings, making sure you won't trap him one way or another. He was used to it by now. "I know. But I'm pretty sure I can't really fight bad guys like this." You point to yourself and he seems to finally notice how you're dressed. Or how undressed you are. You're only wearing some loose shorts and a black tank top. And he didn't need to stand closer to see you didn't wear anything underneath. He quickly looks away as you make your way to your room to change into your suit. He uses this alone time to put back on his spider-suit and when he glances over at your room, he notices you left your door slightly open. On purpose. He can see you taking off your top and revealing your toned back, he could almost see the curve of your breast if you turned slightly to your right. He quickly looks away and clears his throat, checking for the umpteenth time his watch. "We don't have much time." He calls for you and you step out of your room, your combat goggles in hand. You look at him up and down, visibly satisfied by the sight in front of you. "Wow, looking good, Spidey! Have you been working out since the last time I saw you?" You run your fingers along his broad shoulders and down his firm chest. "Not your business. Can we focus on the mission?" You let out a faux-sigh and sit down on the table, rubbing purposely your foot along his thigh. He stares at you and looks down at your foot touching him. "Yes? Am I distracting you?" You ask with that oh so annoying smirk that get on his nerves. He swats your foot away with a grunt and makes appear a screen in front of you from his watch. "Micheal Morbius from Earth-386 decided to get too close to the multiverse doors and spread chaos around him." He informs you. "Any victim yet?" You ask, now focused on the mission. "No, only calls and damages. But I've already encountered one of them. They don't wait too long before shedding blood."
"Alright, where do you think he is now? And the most important question is, why do you need me with this? If it's only Morbius, you can take care of him by yourself. Hobie told me you've dealt with him before and it went great." You frown and jumps down from the table, looking around your living room to find something to tie up your hair. "How do you know Hobie?" He frowns and turns to you. "Wouldn't you like to know, Handsome..." You glance at him and smirk, tying up your hair and maintaining eye contact with him. Miguel bites the inside of his cheek to stop himself from cursing and looks away. "Morbius is mostly looking to feed off someone so maybe somewhere with some crowd where he wouldn't be too suspicious. Do you have any idea?" He eventually asks you. "Oh, so that's why you need me. You're like a lost puppy here." You laugh and he stares at you, telling you silently to focus back on the mission. "I have an idea where he might be, but you won't like it." You shrug and grab your keys before dropping them in a little pocket on the inside of your suit. Miguel raise an eyebrow at the action but doesn't say anything. "As much as I like seeing you in that suit, you'll need casual clothes for where we're going. "I already have casual clothes." You look at the pile of clothes he took off a little earlier and look back at him. "My grandma could wear this, this is not casual. Wait here..." You say as you walk back to your room. Miguel sighs and checks another time his watch, seeing the anomaly would soon happen if you didn't hurry up. You come back with a pair of jeans way too big for you and toss it at him before giving him a button down shirt. "Wear this. I'll wear something similar. We won't be recognized." Just as he was about to ask you something, you grab another pair of jeans and put them on over your suit. "Won't be very comfortable but if we need to change quickly, it's better." You grab a shirt and put it on, Miguel still staring at you. "Come on, Handsome! We don't have whatever you're doing." You grin and tap gently on his chest as he puts on his pants. You hear him groan and walk to the door, Miguel on your tracks, buttoning up his shirt. "You look great, honey." You smirk at him as you straighten his collar. "Where did you get those clothes?" He asks you, readjusting himself in the tight pants. "You don't wanna know." You smile up at him and pat his cheek before he fakes a smile when he opens the door to let you out first. "If you needed an excuse to look at my ass, that's a terrible one" You chuckle and pull you fur hood over your head. "So... Where to?" Miguel asks as he closes your door behind him and walks down the steps. You wrap your arm around his and start walking down the street. "I hope you don't have sensitive ears, Spidey. 'Cause you're about to hear some loud music." You look up at him and intertwine your fingers with his.
Miguel winces at the loud music around him, and just like you said, he didn't like it. He looks at you ordering a drink and you turn to him. "I guess you didn't bring your wallet with you. You want something to drink?" You ask him, leaning to his ear so he could hear you. To be honest, he could hear you even if you were standing at the other end of the club if he wanted but you wanted to be that close to him and he hated it. He doesn't respond and just stares at you. You turn back to the bartender and smile at him. "He'll take a water. Thanks." You slide a ten dollars bill on the counter and wink at the guy before turning back to Miguel. "We're supposed to stop Morbius, not get drunk." He scolds you, grabbing you by the arm. "I know, I know. Will you please let me go, people look at us strange." You grit through your teeth, that was the only thing you didn't like about him. He had a stick up his ass. He complies and grabs the glass of water the bartender hands him. You slightly smirk when he empties the glass in one go and sets it back down on the counter before grabbing your wrist and leading you over where the people where dancing. "You wanna dance, Spidey?" You tease him with a chuckle. "No." He simply says and keeps walking to the private tables in the back of the club. You notice a security guy looking at you weird and you trip purposely, holding yourself on Miguel's shoulders and giggling. He turns back at you and frowns, you only had one drink and he made sure it wasn't that strong, there was no way you could be drunk. He grabs you by the waist and makes you straighten up, looking at you in the eyes. "What's wrong?" He asks, worry painted over his face. You smirk a bit and his concern drops immediately. "I'm great, we just have to act normal." You explain but don't let go of his shoulders, holding him even closer. "And acting drunk is normal to you?" He raises an eyebrow. "In a club? Yeah, definitely. Come on, Handsome, take a seat." You pats his cheek because you know how much he hates it and push him a bit. "Wha-" He can't ask you anything and end up sitting down on a couch arm rest, you on his lap. "What are you doing?" He asks through gritted teeth. "Fading in." You smile and brush a few locks away from his face to look into his red eyes. "Use that Spidey sense of yours and find that vamp, will ya?" He clears his throat and wraps awkwardly his arms around you, closing his eyes and trying to focus on anything but the loud music and your ass rubbing on his crotch. He quickly re-opens his eyes and grabs your hand before leading you towards a table where a single guy was accompanied by three women. You tap Miguel's chest, making him understand you got this. You approach the table and untie your hair. "Hi. Is this the party I've been hearing about?" You ask innocently and you lock eyes with the guy. He stands up and you get a proper look at him. He's got long black hair, you can't really see his eyes but can definitely notice how dark they are. He's tall and skinny, but not the attractive way. "You're at the right place, sweetie." He smiles at you and you notice how chapped his lips are. He extends his hand to you and you take it before quickly pulling on it and punching him in the face.
The girls at the table scream and leave but you don't let go of Morbius's hand, not wanting to let him run away. Miguel is quick to join you and as he was about to yell at you for being so reckless, Morbius pulls on your hand, making you trip and you eventually drops his hand to roll on the floor and catch yourself up. You groan and take off your shirt before putting on your mask and shooting your grappling hook to the ceiling. You swing back to Morbius while Miguel make everyone leave the club. Your feet collide violently with the vampire's head and when you look back at Miguel, he's ripping off the shirt you gave him, revealing his spider-suit. He doesn't even care about his mask and stay exposed. He shoots his web to trap Morbius and struggles to keep him still. You grab a little bottle on your belt and remove the pin before jumping towards Miguel and tackling him behind one of the couch. The gas bomb you just set off explodes and you hear Morbius cough a little before he groans. "Fuck! I thought that would stop him." You grumble and roll off of Miguel before standing up. You look at your co-worker and notice his fangs. You've only seen them once and when you asked him about them, he ignored you. So you never asked again. You had your sensitive subjects and he had his. Miguel growls and jumps at Morbius before giving him a punch in the face and sliding his talons over the vampire's shoulder. You take advantage of his weakness to run behind him and wrap your arm around his neck, locking him against you. He struggles in your arms and Miguel approaches. "Move your arm." He says in a deep voice, making you comply. "He grabs Morbius by his hair, making him wince and lean over to his neck before sinking his fangs into his skin. You grimace slightly and you feel Morbius go limp in your arms. Miguel leans back and you look at him, curious. "What did you do to him? Did you kill him?" You let the vampire fall on the floor and notice his still open eyes. "Ew, dude, you're fugly." Your comment makes Miguel slightly smile before he quickly get back serious. "I paralyzed him." He simply says before tapping on his watch. A portal opens before your eyes and your lips part in awe. You knew where he came from but you've never seen where he came from. Miguel leans down and picks up the limp Morbius before throwing him over him shoulder. He was about to step into the portal before he stops and turns back to you. "You wanna come check it out?" He asks and you try to hide your excitement. "After you, I wanna check you out when you walk in front of me." You say and he chuckle, making you smile.
He steps into the portal and gets back into the lobby where Hobie is still playing with his guitar. "Don't you have something better to do?" He asks the younger man as he drops Morbius on the ground. "Oh, you're not dead. How did it go with your kitty cat?" Hobie asks, rolling down to stand up as he slides his guitar in his back. "Hello!" Your voice echoes in the lobby as you step through the portal before it closes and Hobie smirks. "I see it went well since we don't usually accept cats here." He chuckles and walks to you before shaking your hand. "Good to see you, Kitty." You smile at him and look around you, admiring the place Miguel founded all these years ago. "Welcome back!" Lyla pops up in front of Miguel and cocks her head to the side to glance at you. "I see the mission went well." She smiles at him. "It did? And ask Ben to take Morbius back to his world and make sure he stays there." He orders and Lyla nods before disappearing. Miguel turns back at you and quickly glance at Hobie. "I still don't know where you know him from and I'm not sure I wanna know." He pinches the bridge of his nose before he grabs something on a shelf and launches it at you. "Put this on or you won't feel good for long." You look down at the bracelets in your hands and put it on without asking any question. "Alright, come with me now." He leaves the lobby and steps into an elevator. You follow him and the whole way up is spent in complete silence. Neither of you dare to speak. Until you open your mouth. "We make a good team." You slightly smirk as you glance at him. "We do." He simply responds. "We should work together more often." You nudge him with your shoulder. "I don't think that's a good idea, actually." You roll your eyes out, the stick up his ass is back and went even deeper. "You're right, there's some things I do better alone." You look right in front of you and you can see from the corner of your eyes Miguel looking at you but not saying anything. "Some things?" He asks, raising his eyebrows. You hum in response and smirk at him. "Some things." You confirm. You hear him quietly chuckle and he shakes his head. "You're really something else." He murmurs under his breath. "Well, I hope I am. You spend your days with different versions of you, I do hope I'm different form you guys." Your fingers start grazing his and he looks down at your hand before looking back up at you. "Don't." You turn to him and take a step closer. "Why?" Your fingers play with the hem of his suit at his neck. You see his Adam's apple slightly bob and a smile stretches your lips. "Just don't." He repeats. You nod but don't step back.
"Kitty..." He says as a warning. "You've never called me that before." You cock your head to the side and play with his fingers. "Kitty." He says more sternly. "Spidey." You respond and that's the final stroke. He grabs you by the neck and smashes his lips on yours, taking you by surprise. You can feel his fangs nibble at your bottom lip and a mix of a grunt and a moan escapes you. He pushes you against the glass behind you and runs his hands along your body. That body that kept teasing him and he couldn't forget for years. He really did try to control himself as long as he could but you made it so hard for him to focus on the mission when you're constantly teasing him. He feels your fingers runs through his locks and tug at his hair, keeping him close to you. His tongue lick across your lips and you part them, finally tasting him after all those years. And does he taste good! One of your hands runs down his neck and holds onto his shoulder, trying to get him closer. His hands leave your face and go straight to your ass, kneading at the flesh. Your ass was just like he imagined it, you worked hard for your body to look like that and he wanted to feel every defined muscles under his eager fingers. He grabs you behind the knees and taps the back of your thighs. "Jump." He says between kisses and you comply, wrapping your legs around his waist. Your back against the glass wall of the elevator and your chest flush against Miguel's. You could feel all of him against all of you and it was intoxicating. The singular ding of the elevator makes Miguel drop you back on the floor and he rests his forehead against yours, panting. His red eyes looking directly into yours. Your heart beating so fast and hard against your chest it hurts. The doors open and Miguel's body mostly hides yours, so the person stepping in knows he's not alone but can't recognize you. "Having some good company there?" Miguel recognizes Ben's voice and he can practically hear the smirk in his voice. "I don't remember asking you anything." Ben's smirk drops and he clears his throat. "Lyla told me about Morbius, where is he?" He asks. "In the lobby." Miguel responds, still looking deeply into yours eyes and hiding you from the other Spider-Man in the elevator. You can't help but smile and you try to contain it by biting down on your lip. Miguel runs his tongue over his teeth to hide his smile too and drops his head on yours, his breathing finally steady. He looks back up at you and opens his mouth, looking for the right words. "We'll talk." He mouths to you and you nod, grabbing a handful of his suit and kissing him deeply before you heard another ding from the elevator. The doors open and you slip out of there, trying not to make any eye contact with Ben. "Was that that cat girl Hobie talks about?" The other Spider-Man can't help himself but ask his boss. Which earns him a glare from Miguel. "Take care of Morbius." He says before following you.
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iwritefandomimagines · 11 months
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pairing: spiderman!ethan landry x reader
description: he’s always been good at keeping the whole spidey secret from people. but you, you make him clumsy. with his words, his feelings, and his big old secret.
warnings: swearing, injury mentions, scream plot simply doesn’t exist so he has loving non-murdery parents !
author’s note: i’m such a fuckin sucker for spiderman coded characters and have been reading every spidey!ethan fic on this hellscape for the past few days to get me out of my writing rut. i hope u enjoy!
“You’re here? Like, right now?”
The panic in his expression makes you feel absolutely ridiculous, and you almost drop the pizza box in your hand from the sudden insecurity.
“I— Shit, sorry I should’ve asked,” your voice came out sort of like a squeak, only swamping you with more embarrassment, “Your mum let me in and—,”
“No, no, it’s fine,” his voice sounds like it is very much not fine, and he seems to realise this as he chokes out a cough before continuing, “Gimme like, two minutes and you can come up. I just showered so I’m like, not dressed. Ah!”
You hear a thud both through the phone and through the ceiling, and you fight the urge to run upstairs in a panic as an exasperated gasp is emitted through the phone.
“Sounds like you’re— uh, having difficulty getting dressed?” you bite your lip, and you hear a strained chuckle from him, “I’ll leave you to it. If you’re sure I’m good to be here I’ll just wait with your mum. Text when it’s, uh, safe.”
He hums in agreement and hangs up without another word.
“Is everything alright, honey?” his mum asks softly, hands on her hips as she leans into the hallway from the lounge, “You can go on up! Your pizza will get cold otherwise.”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” you tremble, “He said he’s just getting dressed from his shower, so I’m giving him a sec.”
Her face twists in confusion, but she resumes her smile almost immediately, “Right, okay. Well have fun sweetie. Not too much though!”
She had suspected something was going on between you ever since Ethan had started spontaneously disappearing and then coming back with the excuse that he was at your house.
Of course, he often was — but on the flip side of that what she didn’t know was that he would often frantically leave your house with the excuse that she wanted him home, like, immediately.
The key factor in this was that you were both completely unaware of his entire second identity as a masked fucking superhero (one who you, rather embarrassingly if you did know, had made it very clear you had a crush on).
“Of, uh, of course not Mrs Landry!”
As if to save you from the sudden awkwardness, your phone pinged with a text from Ethan to say you were safe to go upstairs now.
You waved his mum goodbye and darted upstairs — three knocks of the door later it was swung open to reveal a breathless, sweaty Ethan in a backwards sweater.
“Dude, you realise your sweater is on backwards, yeah?”
Fuck! He was an idiot!
“Sorry, that’s what I get for rushing to get ready, huh,” he turned away as he pulled his arms from the sleeves of his jumper and turned it to the right way round, trying to hide the blush that had flushed his cheeks, “You brought pizza! Amazing! I’m starving.”
He practically snatched the box from your hands, plonking himself down on his bed as he pulled the box open and groaned in delight at the food on his lap.
“You’re being weird.”
“Weird? What? I’m fine—,”
“And you’re pretty drenched in sweat for someone who just showered, Eth,” you sighed, crossing your arms over your chest, “Is there a girl in here— oh my god I’ve just interrupted you haven’t I? I should—,”
“No, no!” he cried out, tossing the pizza box aside, just a little disheartened by the fact you seemed more embarrassed than upset at the fact he might be fucking someone else, “I’m not! I wasn’t! Of course not!”
“Are you sure?” you hummed suspiciously, noticing that his wardrobe was slightly ajar, “She’s not, like, in here—,”
You yanked open his wardrobe, more than aware that there would be nobody in there but hoping to tease him a little more into being honest about why he was dripping with sweat and completely on edge right now.
He would’ve told you if he was seeing someone, you were sure of it. And you knew when he was lying. Usually.
What you didn’t expect was for a fucking Spider-man mask to fall from a high shelf into the wardrobe and land atop his curls as he darted towards you to stop you.
“You—I—,” he didn’t know what to say now as he pulled the mask from his head and gripped it hard in his hands, “Fuck!”
Your heart leapt to your throat as it sunk in what was happening right now.
Ethan — your Ethan, your best friend in the world (who you like, totally didn’t have a huge crush on or anything), the Ethan who couldn’t talk to other girls or speak above a whisper in new company — was your friendly neighbourhood Spider-man?
“Dude what the fuck?!”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you… I didn’t know how to,” he looked as thought he might cry as he discarded the mask and reached out to grab your forearms and force you to make eye contact, “And it was too dangerous— if you knew— I don’t want you to get hurt because of me, Y/N.”
You shook your head, completely flabbergasted as you took the mask from him, “I can’t believe this… And— does anyone else know?”
It was his turn to shake his head now, “Nobody. It’s safer that way. Some of these people, they—,” he paused, “if they knew who I cared about, they’d use it against me. And I can’t let you get hurt, Y/N. Especially not you.”
Your hands flew up to his face as you watched him tremble, and you suddenly felt guilty for finding out.
You rubbed at his cheekbones with your thumbs soothingly, “Eth—It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m okay.”
He bit his lip, his eyes flittering across your whole face as he tried to calm himself down, “It’s— I didn’t want you to find out. Especially not like this. I don’t want you to worry, and I’m gonna—I’m gonna worry about you.”
You shook your head, “I don’t even know what to say except that I hate the idea of you carrying this huge secret around all alone. And the danger… I can’t imagine what I’d do if you got hurt.”
His hands lifted to rest atop yours now, pulling them down and close to his chest, “It’s okay, I promise. I don’t want you having to carry my secret around either. I care about you too much.”
“Ethan…” you squeezed his hands tightly, blinking away tears.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. And I’m sorry you found out like this, and—,”
You shook your head again, eyes glimmering up at him, “Don’t apologise. I’m not mad, I’m just scared. I love you, I don’t want anything to happen to you. And you’re— you’re Spiderman. What the actual fuck.”
“Wait, wait, back up— you— love— you love me?” Ethan gulped, and you chuckled lightheartedly as you felt yourself getting lightheaded at your accidental confession.
“Looks like we’re both letting out secrets tonight, huh?”
You were crying now, unsure if it was down to the fact you’d just told your best friend that you loved him or that you were processing his whole second identity, or more likely an amalgamation of the two.
“You don’t have to say it back, Eth,” you shrugged as he released your hands to wipe a tear from your cheeks, “It’s okay. I promise.”
It was his turn to shake his head at you now, “No! I’m just scared to say it because if I do, then it’s real. And if it’s real, then you’re more in danger than I ever imagined.”
You bit your lip — unable to argue with his reasoning.
“I love you, Y/N, I do,” his eyes were welling up now too, “That’s why I’m so terrified, ‘cause if anyone finds out about you then you’re in more danger. Some of these guys would go to any lengths to hurt the people I love.”
You grabbed his hands again, “But that’s not your burden to hold by yourself, Eth. I won’t tell anyone, I won’t make it obvious I know, I’ll just pretend things are normal. Besides, nobody knows your identity anyway, do they?”
“No, but it’s a risk,” he sighed.
You shrugged, “But I’d still be a potential target whether you love me or not. We’re best friends, obviously you care about me.”
He pulled you into a hug now, kissing the top of your head and holding you tightly to his chest, “I—I guess you’re right.”
“And you shouldn’t have to carry this secret on your own, without being able to talk to anyone,” you whispered against his chest.
He let out a sigh that almost sounded relieved, “Thank you, Y/N. I really don’t deserve you. As a best friend or-or that you love me.”
You laughed lightly, kissing the space below his collarbone where your face was rested.
He hummed in response, pulling back to really look at you now as you responded, “Don’t be silly, Eth. You deserve the world, alright?”
He leaned down so that your noses were practically touching, his eyes twinkling as you leaned in to him.
You felt his tongue swipe over his bottom lip for a brief moment before his lips met yours gently.
You leaned further into the kiss, hands lifting up to tangle in his curls as he smiled at your reciprocation.
Despite you having confessed to him first, he still couldn’t believe what was happening.
“Can I tell you another secret?” you giggled, giddy as you pulled back from the kiss and saw Ethan’s brows furrowed in confusion, “Uh… Yeah?”
“I’ve always had a crush on Spiderman anyway,” you sing-songed.
He rolled his eyes, but the crimson blush on his cheeks was clearly visible, “You did, huh?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, “The suit, the saving people, the idea of patching up his—your— injuries and like— I don’t know, it’s weird.”
“No, no,” Ethan smiled, “As long as you don’t like him more than you like me.”
“Are you forgetting that he is you?” you laughed, fingers still caressing his curls.
His hands rested on your waist as he smiled amusedly, the pad of his thumbs rubbing over your hipbones, “You didn’t know that though!”
“I obviously still like you more, don’t worry,” you teased, “My dream man would be, like, you in a Spidey suit, so I suppose I’m in luck.”
“I guess you kinda are,” he kissed the corner of your lip quickly, and you smiled so sweetly that he could almost anticipate your next question.
“I’m not putting the suit on on for you until you’ve let me take you on a date,” he smirked, pleased with himself and his newfound confidence.
You kissed him quickly again now too, still dizzy with excitement at being this close to him, “You drive a hard bargain, Landry. Besides, the pizza’s probably cold by now. Let’s go get something to eat?”
He laughed heartily at your eagerness, briefly releasing your waist to pick up the discarded mask and toss it back into the wardrobe and beginning to dig through his clothes.
“Can I just change? The panic outfit doesn’t exactly scream romantic date.”
You laughed, and now it was your turn to blush crimson as you looked down at your own outfit.
You fumbled with the zip of your hoodie, pulling it down to reveal an oversized Spiderman shirt you’d bought as a joke from an NYC market stall.
“I didn’t—, oh my god this is so embarrassing.”
“Oh wow, I have merch now?”
“Mhm, 15 dollars,” you giggled, “Maybe let’s just stay in and eat the cold pizza? We can go on a proper date another night.”
He nodded, fingers tracing over the badly sketched drawing of himself on your chest as you bit your lip.
“Can I borrow one of your shirts? This is literally so embarrassing now.”
“Of course,” he replied, but smirked as he pulled you close, “But to be honest, seeing you in that shirt is kinda hot.”
“Suddenly he loves me being a Spidey fan, huh?” you teased, kissing him as you discarded your hoodie entirely.
He smirked wider again, before holding you in a kiss for a few moments until he pulled back and stared at you in absolute awe.
“Maybe it has its perks.”
thank you so much for reading !!! this has been almost finished for soooo long & i finally got it done. i hope you enjoyed <3
here is my masterlist, feel free to request if there’s anything you’d like to read from me x
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mooooonnnzz · 1 year
Can you write head-cannons for miles on how you think reader would find out/how he would tell them about him being spiderman? I absolutely adore the way you write miles!!
I’m Spiderman! Surprise…? // Miles Morales x reader
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hcs of you finding about miles which ultimately leads to him telling you his “secret”!
✰ gender neutral reader as always!! 
✰ the hcs r pretty lengthy 😭 my badd
✰ would u even consider this as hc?? 🤨 IDK
✰ requests r still open!!
»»————- ★ ————-««
🕷️ Your suspicions of Miles being Spiderman were merely rooted on baseless assumptions. Him arriving late to certain events, him replying late to your message and other stupid reasons that couldn’t be considered real concrete evidence without any hard core proof. You didn’t care that much to look into it, so you never took time out of your day to figure out who’s under the mask. Though, an incident that somewhat solidified the idea of Miles being Spiderman was when you and him were walking down the crowded streets of New York city. You were chattering to him about something that had taken your interest, not paying attention to what was in front of you, when Miles spidey senses tingled. Wandering his eyes throughout the mass of people, his attention zeroed in on a man who was running away from the police. The man barreled through the crowd and pushed past people with no remorse, running through the busy street with immense speed. He was about to run into you and without even thinking, Miles swiftly stood in front of you and wrapped his arm around you protectively. Miles took advantage of the crowd and without anyone noticing what he’d done, he webbed the guys feet together. He flopped onto the floor and dropped whatever he had clutched to his chest, allowing the police to retrieve the stolen item and arrest the man. You didn’t comment on the situation but the whole thing did make you raise a brow. Miles wasn’t as sneaky as he thought.
🕷️ His ultra quick reflexes were another thing that made you think he was Spiderman. He was just too quick with catching things. It was scarily impressive. You could be carrying multiple boxes, stumbling your way through the door when you’d trip, the boxes spilling out of your arms. Miles would grab the boxes and with ease and place them on the table. When you call him out for his inhuman reflexes, he shrugs them off and tells a horrible lie. He said that he was just “born with them.” You obviously didn’t believe it but you never pried further.
🕷️ His sudden strength was another tick in the box. You didn’t know Miles was still trying to get accustomed to his superstrength and there were so many instances where he’d break something without even meaning to. He usually tosses things over to you when he’s a little too lazy to walk over to you, but after a few accidents where he threw it a little harder than he intended it too, he learned to stop doing that for the time being. “Oooh, did I just do that?” He awkwardly chuckled while looking everywhere but at the TV remote that was impaled into the wall. You look at him in disbelief, eyes slowly drifting between Miles and the TV remote. “How…? Why…?” Miles is stuttering, trying to make an excuse and the one he sticks with is “I…work out…?” How believable.
🕷️One time when you were staying over, you found his suit laying out in the open on his bed. When you confronted him about it he threw his suit under his bed and told you he just likes dressing up as Spiderman. “So…you dress up as Spiderman for fun…?” Miles nods his head rapidly. “Do you go to comic-con?” The look of confusion is slapped across his face. “What’s comic-con?”
🕷️ When Miles was telling you his “deepest darkest secret” he was absolutely shitting his pants. You already pieced the mystery together long before he told you, you just wanted to wait for when Miles was ready to tell you himself. He texted you at the ass-crack of dawn, telling you that he was going to crash into your room for the time being. When he came over, instead of using the front door like a normal person he came in from your window. He crawled in and sheepishly smiled at you, shoving his hands into his pockets nervously. “I have something to tell you…” He whispers. You knew where this was going but you played along for the time being. “Promise this won’t change how you view me as a person.” You promised him by linking your pinky with him. “Promise you’ll still love me the same?” His voice was near cracking with the anxiety that was riling up in him. He looked devastatingly nervous and you can tell that the poor boy is stressed to the bone with the reveal he’s about to do. You assure him that nothing he’s about to say is going to change how you love or see him. Then he slips off his jacket and shows the Spiderman suit he was wearing underneath. “I’m Spiderman.” You look at him for a good minute, debating whether you should tell him you knew all along or act shocked. You chose the former. “I know.” Miles blinks then looks at you in disbelief. “How did you know?!” You had to let out a sigh at that. “You’re not good at hiding it.” Miles was embarrassed to say the least but he was happy that you accepted him either way. “Okay, so now that’s out of the way. Can you take me swinging?! It looks so fun when you do it.” He couldn’t say no and he swung around New York with you clutching his side, joyous shrills and laughter left you and Miles couldn’t be anymore happier.
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i took forever to write this im like writing at a snail pace rn 😭 apologies i’m still writing a few other requests rn. thanks for all the support from my last fic you are all so sweet!! <33
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urrockstar-xe · 7 months
spiders on valentine's day - spiderman x gn!reader
posted feb 27th, 2024 6:02 pm
im late on v day posts like bad but who cares it's still love month so heres this :)
summary: a way too short blurb of reader spending the love holiday all alone, until Spider-man has his way. soso short, not proofread, late for v-day.
wordcount: 0.5k
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It was just past ten on the 14th as you made your way to the roof of your building, a bottle of fruity pink wine and a wine glass in your hand as you pushed the door open and moved towards the little metal table, rusted by rainy days and snowy nights. 
A few hours earlier your date had stood you up, so much for Tinder being a reliable Valentine. Now you have learned your lesson, never trust a guy named Brad. So now, your Valentine was the noisy nightlife of Queens, New York. and the cheapy wine that you had just picked up on the way home. 
You silently thanked your 5-minute-ago past self as you opened the pre-opened bottle, pouring it into the ice-filled glass. “Should’ve brought my book,” You mumbled before taking an embarrassingly big gulp of the wine. It’s not that you were self-pitying, absolutely not. It was more like the opposite actually. It had been a hot minute since you allowed yourself the freedom to sit down and not think a single important thought, just mindlessly sit on your roof. 
Plus it was fun to watch people below you, especially if they were freaking out over Spider-man swinging around the city. 
That’s until he swings toward your rooftop.  
Just the company you needed. 
“You know, it’s sad to drink alone on Valentine’s Day.” Spidey started the second he landed, voice muffled by his mask ever so slightly as he stood up straight. 
“Spiders on Valentine’s day, something about that just screams bad luck.” You tease back, leaning back against the cool metal. Spidey looked at the floor, tsking as he shook his head. 
”Spiders have to be good luck, I mean, without me, you would have to spend this lovely holiday all on your lonesome.” He shrugged, sitting in the chair across from you.  You cracked, smiling at his mask. 
“There's that smile!” Spidey all but cheered, clapping his hands together triumphantly. You laughed, shaking your head the same way he had a minute earlier. “Did it ever cross your mind that I wanted to be alone?” You asked with a half smile, taking a sip from your glass. 
“I’m kinda hungry, just got back from this epic drug bust, you should’ve seen me I was all, ‘wam!’ ‘pow!’ ‘boom!’” Spidey ignored your question and instead made it a point to stand in the chair and show off his moves. “Anyway, I’m gonna go grab some pizza, you like pepperoni? who are you kiddin’ Spidey, course they do, everyone likes pepperoni, c’mon, man.” He muttered to himself while standing up and moving to the ledge, another tactic to get you to laugh and it worked. 
“Should I grab another glass?” You asked, watching as he set himself up in the direction of the nearest pizza place. 
“Nah, what kinda role model would I be if I drink and swing?” Spidey shot his first web, swinging towards another building as he yelled out.
”Think of the children!” 
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natspookie · 1 year
Nat x spidey-powers!reader (romantic or platonic up to you)
Got a couple ideas involving reader who is pretty happy just being a hero around NYC instead of an avenger going on big missions:
* Reader botches a stealthy takedown of some robbers in NYC. Gets a little roughed up (minor bruises and scrapes). Then asks Nat for lessons in "how to stealth"
* 4 times reader fails to sneak up on Nat. And the 1 time they succeed.
* Reader getting in over their head with something big happening in NYC and calls Nat for backup
Love your work! No worries if you don't vibe with any of these ideas. I just saw that you were looking for more. Thank you so much for sharing what you write:)
a/n, whennnn i tell you i grinned ear to ear at having a request heheeheh, thank you anon<333
i hope you don’t mind i mixed these requests a bit and write it in fem!reader ? if you want a gender neutral one lmk!!!
★ summary : 4 times reader fails to sneak up on natasha and the one time she does
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you tried to sneak up on natasha by tiptoeing your way through the compound. you smiled seeing natasha’s back faced to you in the middle of the kitchen, making her famous peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
“i heard you tiptoe from the entrance” you could hear her smirking “nattie!” you groaned, making your footsteps known and louder now. “try harder” she handed you a sandwich.
natasha is seated in the middle of your shared apartment with a glass of wine in her hand when she was flipping through the tv channels. you open the balcony door a little, squeezing through, when you hear natasha
“i heard your webs get tangled in the tree, dekta” “nattttt” you whined, sitting on her lap as you tucked your face into her neck. “try quieter” she mumbled with a laugh
“third time’s a charm” you mumbled trying to use your spidey senses to hear natasha walk through the hallway. you heard her pause before entering the library of the compound, where you were. you held your breath but she opened the door, clearly unsurprised you were hear.
“i heard you hold your breath” “natasha! why can’t you stop being a super spy for a second! i have the super senses” you whined “what’s the fun in that, spidey?” she laughed, shaking her head
you had come home too late when you tiptoed into you and natasha’s shared room, taking your mask off, wincing at the nasty scratch on your forehead.
“dekta?” natasha sat up with a frown, turning the lamp on “sorry nat, these guys were kinda tough” you laughed as you peeled the suit off “ow ow ow” you said as natasha tried to help “sorry” she muttered
you watched as natasha got out her first aid kid “take a shower will ya? i’ll clean it up after” you nodded, tiredly.
when you got out of the shower, natasha had laid out her pajamas for you.
you walked out of the bathroom ready to hear a handful from natasha. she patted your side of the bed and so you sat there. natasha disinfected the wounds carefully as you bit your lip. “dekta you need to be more careful, i’m serious. look at this…” she pointed to the open wound on your leg “this could get infected”
“i really tried to he careful nat” you said, teary eyed “you can always call me if you need backup okay?” she cupped your face, carefully leaning against your forehead as you nodded.
natasha sighs from the balcony of your shared apartment, watching the sunset. she wished you came back from all your ‘good neighborhood friend’ work. she mostly wished you didn’t forget it was your 1 year anniversary.
she twirled her hair around, leaning her head at the palm of her hand in hopes of catching a glimpse of you swinging through the city. just when she lost all hope, a loud squeal left her mouth as you swooped her body securely and swung through the city.
“Y/N DON’T DROP ME!” she squeezed her eyes shut as you swung through the city that never sleeps. “shh, you’ll be fine nattie, i’ve got you” you squeezed her thrice before landing on top of a building overlooking the brookyln bridge with spiderwebs saying ‘i love you’.
“i thought you forgot” natasha looked at the bridge in awe before turning around to see all her favorite food on a picnic blanket. “i should be hurt but i’ll let you go this once” you winked
“happy anniversary, my spider” natasha placed herself on your lap “happy anniversary nattie, i finally snuck up on you” “don’t gloat” she nudged your shoulder
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konigenblobbity · 1 year
i had this idea stuck in my mind, all i can think about is the trio that Hobie, Pavitr and reader (platonic) would make.
And like reader would tease Pavtir that their are more taller even if just an inch (than there is hobie who is more taller than both of them💀)
And yeah just a platonic trio with them :D
Headcannons or anything is good I JUST NEED THIS
Request: Triple Threat
Hobie x Spidey!F!Reader x Pavitr
A/n: Made it more headcannony but yes I love this idea! I can just imagine them as a totally chaotic but amazing trio. I managed to answer this request so quickly because I was just able to put my thoughts on here and not worry too much about structure or spelling
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General Headcannon
A chaotic and just overall silly trio
Always up for a spontaneous bit of fun
Often the culprits for pranks played on Miguel
Affection shown through playful insults and jabs but also physical touch
The tightest hugs from Pavitr while ofc Hobie throws his arms over your shoulders when you’re walking
Somehow never get on each others nerves
Countless sleepovers! Just all in pajamas making s’mores and watching horror movies together!
Constantly cracking jokes behind Miguel’s back during meetings
“Man’s hands are glued to his hips” Hobie jokes
“Wonder if you can crush a watermelon from how tight his ass is” you say
“Shhh! Don’t make me laugh” Pavitr pleads, almost losing his composure
Miguel would turn around to the three of you fighting back laughter, turning red in the face to the point he can see it through the mask
You and Pavitr have gotten caught - multiple times - trying on Hobie’s clothes when at his place, doing your best impressions of him
“Oi Bruv! That’s messed, not at all my cuppa tea innit! I hate the PM and all that shite, inconsistency blah blah blah that’s me!”
You and Hobie saying ‘Chai Tea’ whenever someone asks about a drink, just knowing it’ll infuriate Pavitr for a good laugh
You three make fun of each other endlessly, but if anyone else dares to insult one of you, the other two get immediately protective and ready to fuck shit up
“What’d you just say?” You’d say
“You watch your mouth.” Hobie would warn
“I dare you to say it again” Pavitr immediately remarks
When it came down to it, no one could complain. You three made a great team and on missions worked like a goddamn masterpiece
Height related Headcannon
“You’re not!” Pavitr’s voice got higher, which only made you smirk and tease him more
“I totally am! You just won’t admit I’m right” you bring a hand up, placing it on the top of your head and then moving it forward to float above Pavitr’s “you’re totally shorter than me!”
“Only because you wear those insane platform boots!” Pavitr retorts back and points at the three inches of platform attached to the sole of your boot
You shrug and put your hands in your pockets “still taller than you” you go to walk off but Pavitr uses a web to pull you back, you look at him with feigned shock
“This conversation isn’t over” Pavitr said, hands on his hips and eyes narrowed at you. You then send a web to hit him directly in his face, making him let out a soft yelp “don’t. web me” you say with a smirk watching as he struggles to pull it over his mask
“Why you!” He mumbles and finally gets off the web, his eyes glaring at you. You narrow your eyes back at him and wait for him to attack again
It then that Hobie’s voice draws both your attentions “What are you pipsqueaks fighting about?” Once he reaches you he rests his arm on your head making you scowl
“She thinks she’s taller than me!” Pavitr says pointing a finger at you and you let out a soft scoff “snitch” Hobie just chuckles
“You’re both short. There. Argument settled” as he walks over to Pavitr patting his head with a hand and you can hear how Pavitr mumbles under his breath
As Hobie walks further into HQ, past both of you, you and Pavitr make eye contact. Giving each other a small nod. Both of you sending a web at Hobie’s feet causing him to trip and fall
You and Pavitr break out into hysterical laughter, grabbing your stomach as you watch Hobie try to unwrap the web around his ankles
“My god! Watch your step next time ‘pipsqueak’” your words only make Pavitr laugh harder, you smile as you watch how he takes off his mask to wipe away his tears from his laughter
As you laugh your eyes no longer focus on Hobie, the next thing you know Pavitr is pointing behind you, trying to say something but still laughing too hard to speak
You suddenly feel Hobie place his hand on your shoulder “Did you have a good laugh? My turn” and you feel yourself be pulled up into the air by your feet, hanging upside down from the ceiling by a web around your ankles
Before you can undo it Hobie uses another web to wrap you up as if in a cocoon, leaving your face showing but the rest of your body is wrapped up “Hey! Let me out! It wasn’t my idea!” You say
Hobie just laughs and shrugs “well, sucks for you I guess” and then steps back, putting his hands in his pockets. He takes his mask off and you see the wide smirk on his lips, he then peels yours off looking at your unamused expression as you hung from the ceiling
For the next few minutes Hobie and Pavitr just take photos of the whole thing, doing obnoxious poses as one of them takes a selfie
Everyone else at HQ just sighed, knowing this was an everyday thing.
Miles leans towards Peter “so they’re friends?” He asks and Peter nods “Sure are. The closest friends too.” Miles just nods his head once “huh. Alright”
Pop vs Punk Headcannon
Even though the three of you were friends, you had your differences.
Even though you could swing where ever the hell you wanted, the three of you loved car trips together, usually asking one of the adults to drive you places seeing as you’re all not able to drive
The car rides are fun, even if every time you and Hobie fight for who gets the aux
“Not fair Hobie! You got it last time!” You say as you watch him plug in his phone “Too bad! We’re not listening to any of your basic studio plant pop music!” And you just groan out
“Well I’m sick and tired of your punk, I need some more light in my life!” You complain but Hobie just turns on the music, sitting in the passengers seat rocking his head to the music
“PAVI! You agree with me don’t you?! Help me tell him to turn it off!” You try to speak over the music to Pavitr who was sitting next to you
“Sorry! I cant focus on that right now. You’re both mature enough to figure it out!” He looks down at his phone, too busy texting Gayatri
But he glances your way and shrugs as he spots your unimpressed grimace
You sit back in your seat crossing your arms “and he gets shotgun again?! So much for ‘I don’t believe in consistency’” You murmur to yourself
“I heard that!” Hobie says and looks over the chair at you, and you look at him with a snarky expression
“Good! I wanted you to!” You say and lean forward, glaring into Hobie’s eyes, his squinting as he does the same
There’s silence as you both engage in an unspoken eye staring contest
Pavitr let’s out a sigh, leaning forward and turning down the blaring music before sitting down again “finally. Some silence”
Neither you or Hobie say anything in fear of losing the contest. Neither of you aware of the stakes… but yet you knew you couldn’t lose
Finally he blinks and you cheer in victory, he just groans in annoyance “Cheater.” He says and you scoff, punching his shoulder jokingly
“Prick. Now hand me the aux” you demand and he begrudgingly abides, unplugging his phone and letting you plug yours in
As much as Hobie pretended to despised your pop, whenever you played your playlist in the car all three of you would be singing
Much to the dismay of the driver of the car… usually Miguel or Jess
If it was Peter he couldn’t help but sing along, and those were the best car rides
After the first time Miguel or Jess drove you, they always ask Peter to do it, haunted by the absolute chaos the three of you managed to make in just an hour
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oopwoop · 1 year
Look What The Cat Dragged In
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pairing: e!1610! Miles Morales x Black Cat! Reader (readers gender is up to interpretation!)
warning(s): Swearing, that’s it I believe. Unedited!
summary: Miles can’t help but be drawn to Black Cat. He knew they’re a thief and he should be turning them in, but what’s the fun in that? Their game of cat and mouse was exciting
word count: 941!
“Normally I’d find a stray in an alleyway, not a museum. What’s a pretty kitty like you doin’ here?” You heard a voice echo in the open room of the museum. As you turn around, you notice a familiar black and red spider suit. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. You’d be sent on a mission, do what you need to do, he’ll show up out of nowhere, the two of you bicker and flirt, he tries to catch you and you either escape or once he does he lets you go. He claims it’s an accident every time he lets you go, but you know better. He likes this game of cat and mouse just as much as you do.
“What can I say, curiosity killed the cat. I can’t help but want to wander around, y’know. Cats are free-spirited, can’t keep them caged up for too long.” You grinned at him, voice low and smooth. Walking over to him, you swatted your hand playfully at him as he hung upside down.
Miles let go of his web, landing on his feet and walked closer to you. “You’ve wandered quite far, kitty. Where’s the rest of your litter?” It seems he has his own multitude of cat jokes too. You liked that about him, no matter the situation or theme he could find a joke.
“I don’t have one, I prefer to wander on my own. It’s much more fun that way. Plus, they’d steal everything from me. The fortune, fame.. you. I’d be one jealous kitty then.” It was partly true. You much rather work alone, others just get in the way but you did have a boss. He doesn’t need to know that, though.
“I suppose so. What made you choose the museum this time? What fancy painting are you after? Is it one of the paintings with the Victorian looking black cat?” Miles chuckles. You knew exactly what painting he was talking about, yet you weren’t amused.
“Haha, very funny bug boy. While it is a cute painting, it’s not what I’m here for. That’s a secret. Now, if you paw-don me, I have business to attend to. As much as I’d like to play, I must get going”. You really did need to get going, even though you hated ending this early. With a pout and a pat on his shoulder, you walked away, backs now facing each other.
After a few seconds you felt something on your back, pulling you back into his chest. “Nahhh, I don’t think so, kitty. This game isn’t over.” He whispered in your ear. It seemed he wasn’t letting you out easy tonight, oh well. Suppose you could play a little game of chase.
“How about a game of chase, yeah? Let me go, give me a few seconds to run and follow after. Sound good to you, Spidey?” You offered, whispering back. You felt the rumble in his chest as he chuckled as he moved away.
“Got a five second head start, pretty kitty. Better get going.” With that you ran, jumping up and climbing to the next floor. Those five seconds felt way too fast, faster than five seconds normally feel. Not even a minute later he was catching up, luckily you were faster.
Soon enough you got to where you needed to be, quick in your movements to get what you came for. You heard Miles tut from behind you, stepping into the room. “Come ‘ere kitty, kitty, kitty. I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“Sorryyy.. but I can’t take any risks. I don’t wanna be sent to the pound. I really wish I could stay but this cats gotta pounce.” You turned to look at him noticing his mask was now off. He stayed silent, walking to you. He stopped right in front of you, eyes staring into yours. You felt drawn to step closer. It’s wasn’t unusual that you two had these.. intimate moments, though neither of you ever got this close. His warmth was radiating off of him, it was comforting. You wish you could be in forever, unfortunately you really had to get going.
You placed a hand on his chest, grazing it with the tip of your sharp claws. You felt his breath hitch at that as he placed his hands on your waist. You refused eye contact now. “I really must get going, buggy. You know I enjoy our time together but it has to come to an end tonight”. What meant to be a playful tone came out as a sigh. He huffed at it and just gripped your waist tighter. When you finally look up to him you saw his face was closer and he was now looking at your lips. It was a stupid idea. A bad idea. An absolute horrible idea to pursue it, kissing him. How could you not, though? So you did.
His lips were soft. Everything about him felt soft at this moment. You felt soft for him, like melting into a puddle. How could some hero like Spider-Man make you weak in the knees. It was stupid, so utterly stupid, but you didn’t regret it.
What felt like an eternity later you pulled away, staring back into his eyes. Pushing yourself away, you looked away and moved to walk out. “I’ll catch you later, Miles. Don’t fur-get about me.” It was the last thing you said before grappling away, leaving the museum.
Miles stood there idly, staring into space. His hand moved up to his mouth, his lips tingling from the kiss. His body turned slightly to the doorway, eyes staring longingly. “Adiós, gatito bonito..”
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A/n: I was really debating on making this into a two part thing, stopping it before the kiss-
Let me know what you think of it! Send requests! Love you ♡ (ˆ⌣ˆԅ)
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dyns33 · 2 years
Flufftober 25 - Deadpool
Wade Wilson x reader 
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           "This must be your favorite day."
           "Because you're a freak."
           "I think he understood. Unless he's stupid."
           "Haha. You guys are sooooo funny. Halloween, my favourite day, because I wear a mask all the time, and under the mask I look like a moldy avocado. Nobody never said that to me. I think someone did, to Batman, so I'll take that as a compliment."
           "You're not as handsome as Batman. With and without the mask."
           "Thank you, Yellow, you're adorable."
           "More than you, for sure."
Wade didn't know why he kept chatting with the boxes. They were never nice to him and they didn't deserve his attention.
Maybe it was because no one else wanted to talk to him. Despite his best efforts, people still ended up finding him weird, crazy, and dangerous. This was incomprehensible to Wade, who thought he was the best friend in the world.
Loyal, funny, ready to kill if asked, for money or a hug.
According to Spidey, Red, and Moon-Moon, the only heroes who agreed to spend some time with him, he didn't do it well. He was too intense and he had to stop threatening people, whether it was to protect the people he loved, or to ask the people he loved to love him back.
And all of that was when he had his mask on.
No normal person ever gave him a chance seeing his face, running off before they tried to get to know him.
It was a bit hurtful, but Wade could understand. He had already vomited and passed out after seeing himself in a mirror. At the same time.
So even if they said that to be mean, the boxes weren't wrong. His scorched pizza face could only come out on Halloween, because people thought it was a disguise then, and everyone praised him, saying he was really awful, which was so cool. Just for that day.
The other days it was just awful.
           "We could enter a contest. We would win a prize."
           "At the end, they will understand that it is not a costume and they will throw tomatoes at you while laughing, like Quasimodo."
           "Even Quasimodo is more handsome."
           "He's not with the girl at the end."
           "And Wade is single, I don't see where the problem is."
           "I want tacos !" declared Wade, who was tired of listening to them, even though he knew they were going to follow him wherever he went. They were silent only when he shot himself in the head, and never for very long.
It was nice to go out without the mask for once. He decided to put on a cap anyway, to avoid attracting too much attention. If someone asked him, he was a sexy zombie, and a famous one, but incognito, so he didn't accept photos, thank you.
On his way, he passed an ice cream shop, and eating ice cream before the tacos seemed like a good idea. It all ended up in the stomach at the end, the order didn't really matter.
It was a little cold, so there weren't many people in the shop. Some stared at him, both frightened and fascinated, smiling shyly at him when he greeted them.
It was that stupid gesture, to wave his hand to embarrass strangers, that changed his life. Well, maybe not his life, but at least his day.
No, yes, his whole life.
Wade's hand passed very close to the girl who was patiently waiting her turn behind him, touching her hair, and they both jumped at the same time.
The poor innocent backed off, while he immediately apologized, explaining that he hadn't done it on purpose, and that she had no reason to be afraid or disgusted, he wasn't sick or contagious, just ugly.
           "Well, I guess there's reason to be disgusted, I have a special face."
           "Oh. No, sorry, I was surprised, I was thinking about the ice cream I was going to choose, I thought something was falling on me, like an insect."
           "If I was an insect, I would be a dung beetle. Often screwed up, but very useful for the whole world."
The boxes told him he was ridiculous, but that made the young girl laugh. They then told him that she was making fun of him, while she added that he was funny, with a charming smile.
           "My name is Y/N." she said, holding out her hand, as if she wanted him to shake it. He couldn't do that, she was way too pretty for him to touch.
           "Wade Winston Wilson. Triple W. My dad was an alcoholic, he wanted to call me Georges, but eventually he gave the dog that name, and he loved him more than me."
           "I hope that's not true."
           "The name story isn't. Shall I buy you ice cream?  To make up for almost slapping you. Really sorry, I'll never do that. I'll cut my hand off rather than hit a woman. I've fought women before, but they were bad guys, I mean bad girls, and I think it's pretty feminist of me not to discriminate, but I won't hit a helpless woman who didn't do anything wrong. I'm actually hired to hunt down guys who do this, and sometimes I even do it for free."
This made Y/N laugh again, and Wade considered that she hadn't understood that he was serious.
Not to scare her away, he didn't insist. She had accepted that he pay for her ice cream, if in exchange he agreed to stay a little with her to discuss.
           "I thought you wanted tacos." White reminded him.
           "But now he wants Y/N."
           "She's too good for him. Just like Esmeralda with Quasimodo."
           "She's much prettier than Esmeralda."
           "What ?" Y/N asked looking at him in surprise.
           "Nothing, I... I'm talking to myself, I was thinking of something else. So, not dressed up for Halloween yet ?"
           "No, not yet. I'm not sure I'm going out tonight, the streets aren't safe, and I have a date."
Wade did his best to hide his disappointment, so very badly. This made the young woman laugh again.
           "I mean, I have a date with my sofa, my television, a blanket and some chocolate."
           "I think we have a date with the same person tonight. It's terrible, they're cheating on us, we should get revenge by going out together !"
           "Haha, yes, why not."
He had said that as a joke, really. It was one of the only non-serious things he had said since the moment he saw her sweet face and his heart almost stopped beating at so much beauty, and now Y/N had just accepted a go on a date with him.
           "No, she's joking too."
           "Yes she didn't understand that we were really ugly."
           "I'm really ugly." repeated Wade, pointing his fork at his face. "It's not a mask, I look like it all year round. And I'm really hired to punch bad guys, or worse."
           "I know. You're Deadpool. You sometimes work with Spiderman and other heroes, I've seen you on the news."
           "... And it's okay ?"
           "Yes." simply replied the angel who was eating her ice cream in front of him.
White yelled at him that they were probably dead again and dreaming while he was regenerating. Yellow whispered to him that it was a cruel joke, or that she was a Hydra spy who wanted to capture him to study his cells. Wade watched the rainbows and butterflies floating in the air, hearts in his eyes.
Obviously, Y/N didn't see the little hearts, taking his silence for a rejection.
           "If I was too quick, I'm sorry, I... You're nice, and funny, and I had a great time with you. But if you're not interested, or you already have someone, or...'
           "No ! I'm having a great time too. It's much better than tacos ! I wanted to eat tacos before stopping here."
           "Really ? We... We could go have some together?  Then I don't know. We'll see. Do you have a number ?"
Convinced that she wouldn't call him, he gave her his personal number. The one he had given to his pals of the Team Red of the Moon, and that was it, because all the other people he knew didn't deserve to know this number, with its brilliant voicemail where he imitated Ryan Reynolds, only knowing his professional phone, where he was making farts noises.
Except that Y/N immediately sent him a message, while they were still together.
           "Here. That way we can schedule another date."
           "Another date ?"
           "Yeah... I mean, unless we don't consider today to be a date. Sorry, we'll schedule a first date."
           "I don't know if White and Yellow are right, but I don't care."
           "What ?"
           "Nothing. Shall we go and eat tacos ?"
Leaving way too much money for the waitress, Wade hopped happily alongside Y/N who was still smiling like he didn't look like an idiot with a ravaged face, and Wade thought to himself that Halloween was maybe actually his favourite day. And that eating ice cream before the meal was a great idea !
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mileslovr · 10 months
confessions - miles morales
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pairing - miles morales 1610 x fem!reader
genre - some angst and some fluff (my favorites)
summary - reader doesn't know miles is spider man, but miles doesn't know reader is spider women.
a/n - i had so much fun writing this, i haven't wrote in a bit so if i'm a little rusty that's why. btw creds to @reverieresources for the dividers i used.
y/m/n = your mom's name
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you and your boyfriend miles haven't been spending as much time together recently, you were both aware about this and have spoken about it. you had your excuse and you knew it was a pretty damn good one, but you obviously couldn't tell miles the real reason because every sane person would freak out.
you were out swinging and saw police, lots of them. you landed on the roof above them and tried to get a clear view of what they were shooting at. it was a lab patient, it was obvious the man was experimented on because he was huge, and a spider person was fighting him!
you shot two webs and stuck them to two lamp posts, flinging you down. you reached so you were able to punch the man in his face, and you rolled onto the floor.
"jesus another one? they just make it worse!" you heard a police man shout. you roll your eyes, and stand up.
"another spidey for me to kill, how exciting." the man spoke, running towards you. you rolled out of the way and shot a web around his face, blinding him.
"mhm." you nodded, and punched him in the face again and again until he broke out of the web. you looked over to your left to see the other spider person sitting against the wall and you became worried. the person was panting and their hand was on their chest. you were so distracted the man picked you up and threw you against the wall.
"fuck, my fault i guess." you spoke quietly, and rised up slowly. i guess it was too slow because, he landed two punches to your face.
"getting tired yet?" the man asked.
"nah." you mumbled, and jumped to kick him. he fell onto his back, you were quick to jump onto him and start punching him. you stopped once you knew he was knocked out but not dead. you pushed yourself off of the man with the little energy you had, and moved towards the other person.
"you good?" you asked the person, as you extended a hand for them to take.
"yeah, thanks." you recognized the voice, but couldn't exactly point it out, you could tell it was a boy though. (i know, how realistic to not know your boyfriends own voice.) the boy took your hand, and stood up.
"i should get outta' here." you spoke quietly, and turned to leave.
"yeah, same." the boy spoke, and you heard webs getting further and further. to be honest the punches the man landed on you were super good, and the migraine you had was insane. you quickly swung back to your house, and jumped through your bedroom window. you ripped your mask off and sat on your bed, you put your head in your hands.
sometime must have went by because your phone started ringing, you stood up to grab it from your desk. it was miles, and you answered it.
"hey baby, you wanna hangout?" you heard miles' voice, and smiled.
"yeah, soon." you realized your voice sounded scratchy, and you cleared your throat, "sorry, just woke up from a nap." you were quick to make an excuse, knowing miles would ask if you were alright.
"that's okay, want me to come over?" he asked, you could hear he was rummaging through stuff.
"that sounds great." you said, starting to walk out of your room and into the bathroom.
"alright, i'll see you in like half an hour. i love you." he said, you smiled at the last words.
"i love you too, see you." you hung up the phone and turned to look into the mirror. "holy shit." you had two bruises on the right side of your face. you also realized you still had your suit on, which was brave because you were pretty sure your mom was home in the kitchen. you quickly made your way into your room, and took your suit off. you shoved the suit into a bookbag, and looked around your floor for your mask. you picked it up and shoved it in the bag along with your suit, you zipped the bag up and put it into your closet. you put a nike hoodie on which was miles', and gray loose shorts.
"y/n!" you heard your mom yell, you groan and leave your room to go to the kitchen.
"yeah?" you asked, watching her stir something on the stove.
"i need you to-" she turned around and stopped speaking when she saw your face, "what- what happened?" she rushed over to you to cradle your face in her hands.
"got elbowed in the face at practice yesterday, hurt super bad." you tried to lie, seeing you completely forgot you had some bruising on your face.
"you need to be more careful, baby." your mom winced, as she walked back to the stove.
"what are you making?" you asked, standing by her. it was only you and your mom, your dad was a police man and he was shot and killed about five months ago. you've been spider women for about a year. you and miles met through your fathers, because they used to be best friends.
"chicken alfredo." she nodded, looking down at you and back to the pan.
"miles is coming over, will there be enough for him?" you speak, looking at her.
"i always make enough for him." your mom said, before looking down at you with a smile. you smile back at her and make your way back to your room. you sat down at your vanity and looked at your bruises.
"how am i going to cover this?" you groaned, took some concealer and dabbed it onto your skin gently. the bruising wasn't as prompt but you could probably still tell. you heard the front door open and your mom yelling excitedly so you figured miles was here and went out into the kitchen.
"miles! how are you?" your mom spoke, as she ran up to him to give him a quick hug.
"im good, how are you?" miles said, and returned the hug.
"im good also, thank you for asking! do you want to stay for dinner?" she asked as she let go of him.
"absolutely, thank you ma'am." he said to her, and she smiled at him.
"how many times have i told you to call me y/m/n?" your mom said as she turned around, and miles laughed finally turning to look at you. you ran up to him and hugged his torso. he hugged you back and ran his fingers through your hair.
"c'mon." you said to him, and took his hand and led him into your room. you let his hand go when you reached your room, and turned around to close the door. you looked back at him, and he immediately saw the bruises.
"woah, what happened here?" he asked pointing to the side of your face, he grabbed your chin to gently turn your head so he could get a better look.
"basketball practice, i got elbowed." you looked at his face, and saw some redness on his forehead. "what happened there?" it was your turn to grab the sides of his face to make him look down.
"also basketball practice." he said grabbing your wrists.
"liar." you said, as you sat on your bed.
"says you!" he said, you expected him to joke around but you could tell he was seriously getting upset.
"i'm not lying!" you say, standing up again.
"you've been lying a lot lately actually, now that i think about it." miles said sternly, looking at you.
"okay, well you're not entirely innocent either." you roll your eyes, and sit in your chair by your vanity.
"i just don't know what to do anymore." miles said, looking down.
"what?" you stood up and walked over to him, "what do you mean?"
"can we just tell each other the truth?" miles spoke, barely above a whisper. you could see tears in his eyes when he finally looked up at you.
"miles, please don't cry." you pull him in for a hug and wrap your arms tightly around his neck. he hugged your waist and began to silently cry.
"i just feel really alone right now, and i feel like i don't even have you. y'know?" he admitted, as he pulled away to look at you. you nodded at him before you started speaking.
"i'll tell you the truth, but you can't freak out." you said to him, backing up to grab a makeup wipe.
"i won't, promise." miles said, as he sat on your bed. you took the makeup wipe and wiped the concealer off.
"this isn't from basketball, i'm actually spider women." you looked at him and he looked more mad then anything. "but before you get mad, let me explain. i never wanted this believe me, i- i tried to save my dad but,-" you began to cry, and miles face softened. "but it didn't work and i've been like this for a year and-" you kept rambling, and didn't even notice miles stood up to hug you.
"shhhh, you're okay." he spoke softly. "i'm not that mad becuase, i'm spider man too."
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savnofilter · 11 months
Taking Them Trick or Treating vs. Passing Out Candy HCs
-> h. sero, h. shinso, s. aizawa
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Hanta Sero | Hitoshi Shinso | Shota Aizawa x [GN]Reader
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CONTENT WARNING(S): college au—aizawa a professor, the other two are college students. sfw, trick or treating, established relationships.
COUNT: 1017 words.
I/B: His Spidey-Senses by me.
READ MORE: masterlist [students & adults masterlist].
A/N: i thought this was a fitting part two for the other fic i posted!! this was so much more fun than i thought i was going to have lol. again, my pc is fucking up so no fun text colors buts it's not that serious... anyways, enjoy! thank you, anon!
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Sero chose… to go trick or treating! 🍭
since about the later teen years, Sero has always been one to hand out candy, but this year he wanted to be the one receiving the candy!
which it's funny, he literally chose this on his own volition and it’s you who’s being dragged out to go trick or treating.
this young twenty-something year old was so excited about y’all matching that he wanted to show out on Halloween night lmao.
+ if y’all went out partying on any of the prior nights, just know he was stuck by your hip the whole time (and even did a demonstration of ykw).
Sero literally makes a whole spectacle about it like the thought is hilarious.
bro is swinging from building to building with you in his arms when you get tired of walking, he keeps the mask on the whole time just so the kids around him still feel the excitement of “Spiderman” making a guest appearance in their neighborhood. :’)
please the amount of times you or the older people accompanying the other kids out have made you take pictures of Sero and them was too many times to count LOL.
At a certain point some grumpy person is like, “why is yo big funky ass doin’ all of this fo" and he doesn’t give a FUCK.
To which Sero is like, “my Spidey senses are telling me it’s passed your bedtime, geriatic” meanwhile the person questioning him is like 40 years old.
you hate to admit that you actually had fun doing this foolishness with him and it is one of the memorable nights for you.
would you do it again next year? absolutely not.
+ except, Sero always had a way of persuading you….
BONUS: Sero became a trending topic on social media with even news stations covering it. this latent function ended up being more beneficial than you ever thought it would be.
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Shinso chose… to go trick or treating! 🍭
this was barely his decision.
Shinso had already known about your adoration for Halloween but this was one of the first years of you two being together that you dragged him out on your shenanigans.
normally, you dress up and go along your merry way, with of course him reminding you to let him know if anything happens to call him. but this year, you wanted to do something different.
you wanted to do a couples costume.
the first idea was to do something like Squid Games, which he wasn’t opposed to. he could keep his face covered, spare his dignity, y'know?
then you changed your mind and wanted something more cute like Jack Skellington and Sally, which okay he doesn’t mind. he didn't want to say it out loud but you guys would look hot as them.
but the last and bright idea you went with was… salt and pepper?
salt and pepper.
Shinso nearly passed out from it making no sense at all.
the worst part knowing he had no choice in the matter because once you made up your mind, that’s what y’all going with LMAO.
He’s like “why the fuck did you go with that idea?? Shit makes no sense.”
And you’re like, “sense when I have ever made sense with shit like this??? Be serious.”
let’s be real, y’all go together well because y’all both be so very unserious.
so when it’s Halloween night and y’all are out trick or treating, he has no choice but to keep his head held high and calls out to each door with a monotone, “trick or treat 😐".
he secretly had fun that night but you better not make him say it out loud.
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Aizawa chose… to pass out candy! 🎭
Aizawa doesn’t really give a fuck about holidays, like he does not care at all.
he’s the type of man who only does stuff if his s/o or someone he generally cares about loves it, but other than that if it was up to him he would not be entertaining this.
it's not like he hates holidays or like has some vendetta against them from traumatic experiences, mans just doesn’t gaf.
BUTTTTTT he will show out in the most driest way known to man just to support you lmao.
He’ll be like, “what? I thought this is what you wanted?” in his makeshift Halloween costume made with tissue paper around his forehead and waist as a ‘mummy’ as if his hero costume doesn’t already have those components?))?)#*(%)4
I hate to break the 4th wall here, but now I’m starting to debate whether he’d do some ghetto goofy costume or be one of those types to have a super good looking and creepy costume and jumpscares kids as they try to reach for the bowl.
FUCK IT, he decides to do both. this year and the next.
safe to say, you gave him a new tradition??? like visiting his house really is a trick or treat but this time it's in the area of if he will put in the effort or not depending on the year.
at a certain point this man is committed to stealing the show???
all you gotta do is come back to replace the candy lol.
not what you were expecting but it works out?
BONUS: you help with the fake-out sometimes by pranking the kids and reassuring them that the “statue” doesn’t move. it's even better when the parents get scared too.
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    all rights reserved © do NOT steal, alter or copy this work.
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gaybananabread · 1 year
On the off chance you've still got spots left, I want to offer some SpiderVerse numbers. >w<
Definitely 29 (Wake Up!) with Hobie getting tickled awake one too many times by Gwen, Pavitr, and/or Miles. I admit I wouldn't be able to pick just one.
I think it'd just be cute to see 7 (Flustered) with Miles and Gwen. Probably with her teasing and riling him up playfully, only for him to turn the tables when he finds out she's ticklish.
17 (Interrogation) with Pavitr trying and probably failing to keep a secret--probably the candy stash--from at least one of the others. I think it'd most likely be Hobie.
I'm tempted to say 10 (Ghost) with Lee Gwen, but I admit I don't have anything more specific than Ghost-Spider jokes. >w<
I hope you like them! I admit I'm tempted to write a couple of them myself if you can't use them. Have fun!
~Panda/Black Feathers
TickleTober Day 7 - Flustered
YOU'RE AMAZING ACK! I have been DYING to write some Spiderverse fics, and these are such fun ideas!  I've had a helluva time coming up with ideas. I'm gonna post links for the event on my masterpost when I'm done, so if you want I can tag on each one, but they'll all be on there at the end of the month. Once again, thank you, and Enjoy!
Lee: Gwen
Ler: Miles
Summary: Miles and Gwen step away for a peaceful moment to themselves. At least, that's what he thought before Gwen pokes fun and teases him. Lucky for him, he finds the perfect way to retaliate. 
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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Things across the Spiderverse had been…well, interesting. Since they’d sorted out the canon event fiascos, Miles had been brought into the new Society. They had obviously worked out some serious issues, and Miguel was forced into Anger Management with Dr. Spidey. Two broken fainting couches later, progress was pretty much on the rise. Overall, things were getting better. Better, and pretty chaotic.
Miles was going on at least two missions a day, both in and out of his dimension. The dimension he visited most, of course, was Gwen’s. He was in her dimension almost every day, either helping out with a villain or just grabbing some pizza or coffee. She had helped him get his grades up, even though his Spanish was kinda lacking. These visits were squeezed in between missions, homework, lectures, chores, and just general life stuff. Needless to say, he was relieved to have a day both off from Society work, school and home chores. 
Miles swung through the water-color streets of Earth-65, heading for Gwen’s place. Things had gotten easier with seeing her as well. Now that her dad knows, he can show up in his suit without issue. Finding her window open, he used his webs to sling-shot himself through the opening. Luckily, he went right through, skillfully landing on her bed. Good thing, too; she was right there, that would’ve been embarrassing. The blonde sat nearby in front of her drumset, rolling her eyes at nis entrance.
“Okay then, showoff. Gimme a sec to grab my bag; coffee as usual?” She set her sticks down, adjusting her beanie as she rooted through one of her doom-boxes for a specific bracelet. She found it, snapping the sunflower cord bracelet on and pulling off her hoodie, revealing her spider suit. Gwen had been dressed and pretty much ready to go before he even got there. Slinging her cross-body backpack on, she pulled her mask over her face and was good to go.
“Yeah, that’s cool. Was thinking of going somewhere quiet afterwards, if you wanna.” She hummed at the thought, nodding. “Sounds good to me. City’s actually been peaceful today, it’s kinda unsettling.” Miles just chuckled and gripped the window sill. He was glad her day had been as calm as his; they would have no problems getting some alone time together.
Miles leaned back, letting himself fall a few feet out her window before shooting out a web to catch himself. Gwen copied the action, adding a bit of flair with a twist and flip. He laughed, feeling the wind whip through the breathable fabric of his suit as he swung. 
They eventually reached the cafe, the kind barista more than used to seeing the two heroes suited-up and craving a caffeine fix. He knew their orders by heart, always whipping up their favorite pick-me-ups whenever he saw them enter. The man grabbed their drinks, bidding them goodbye as they swung away from the shop.
Finally, the pair made it to their quiet spot, resting atop a tower overlooking one of Gwen’s favorite parks. Just out of the way enough for them to safely unmask. They both pulled off their masks, taking long sips of their coffees. Miles hummed happily, feeling the heat warm him and the caffeine wake him up. “Mmm, I love that cafe. The guy’s so nice, ya know?” 
Gwen just chuckled, loving the smile that graced his lips. The drummer scooted closer, just about touching shoulders with her “friend”. “Yeah, think we’re his favorites. I’ll have to bring a nicer tip next time, he deserves it.” She sipped her own, loving the sweeter taste of her iced coffee. She watched as his cheeks warmed a bit, both from the heat of the coffee and her proximity. “You’re cute, you know that?”
That only made his blush darken, the reddish-pink now visible on his dark cheeks. “Shut it, you’ve got no room to talk.” He had meant for it to sound confident, though his voice was a bit higher than he would’ve liked. Stupid feelings…
No way was she stopping there. It was way too fun to tease the boy, getting the blushy reactions and shaky huffs from her words. “But it’s true, flower. Look, you’re blushing right now!” Her tone was playful and sweet, just the right mix of the two so she didn’t sound too flirty. Gwen brought her hand close to his face, playfully poking his cheeks.
He almost choked on his sip of coffee, swatting at her hand and trying to keep his thoughts in check. Flower? He hadn’t heard that one yet, though he definitely didn’t mind it. Still, he had an image to protect, however tattered and damaged it may have been. “Ugh, stop it!”
The growing blush on his face was possibly the cutest thing she’d seen all day. It was so easy to get to him, she had to abuse that fact every chance she got. “Neh, that’s just a you problem. Get less cute and I won’t have to call you out on it.”
Okay, now she’s trying to get me to blush… Miles shoved at her face, his palm pressing into her nose as he tried to put a little space between his blushing face and hers. Gwen just snickered, loving the reactions she was getting. “Wow, I finally have you tongue-tied, huh? Never thought the day would come, I’m kinda scared.”
He laughed a bit at that, finding her teases just a little funny. She yelped as he shoved her face away, lightly biting his hand just to be a gremlin. He definitely didn’t yelp, and he had absolutely no increase of any red coloring on his cheeks. His tone was a sad attempt at a tease, sounding more whiny than anything. “S-seriously, Gwanda?”
Gwen snorted at the silly name, once again reminded that Miles’s calling was definitely visual arts, not writing. “You’re so good at drawing, yet so bad at coming up with decent excuse stuff. How does that even work, blossom?” Her hand moved up, flicking his thick hair.
“Hey, watch the ‘do!” He grabbed her wrist, poking her now-exposed side. He had expected a grunt or groan, but not the strangled yelp the action received. His memories wandered to a few days prior, where Pavitr had been goofing around with Gwen. And, Pav being Pav, had decided to start something he couldn’t finish. The two had gotten into a tickle fight, which Miles definitely didn’t stick around to watch. Nevertheless, he had a perfect idea on how to retaliate to her teasing. 
Smirking, Miles tugged her arm up further, cupping the back of her head with his hand as he pinned her to the concrete rooftop. Once he was sure she wouldn’t hurt herself, he gathered both her wrists above her head, webbing them in place. Gwen wasn’t going anywhere.
“Mihiles- Miles wait!” The blonde squirmed and wriggled, trying to break the webs. Her efforts were fruitless, the silky material seemingly rooted in place. Gwen would apologize, but she wasn’t really sorry for anything. He was cute, it was her job to call him on it.
Miles smirked down at her, his cheeks still bearing a small amount of the rosy hue. “Yeah, don’t think so. Time for a taste of your own medicine!"
His fingers dug into her stomach, poking and pinching the tiny bit of pudge below her belly button. She squealed, not expecting the immediate attack on such a ticklish spot. “GYAA- MIHIHILES! NOHOHO!” 
Her laughter was honestly adorable, wild and happy as she squirmed around. Miles couldn’t help the way his cheeks heated back up, the red color once again burning his rich complexion. Gwen was too lost in laughter to notice, her eyes scrunched tight in mirth. “COHOME OHOHON! IHI- I DIHIDN’T DOHO THIHIHIS!”
That was true, though she did tease him. Her words snapped him out of his little trance, a smirk gracing his lips. “Hmm. Sounds like a you problem, Gwen.” She groaned through her laughter, hearing him quote her earlier sass. “DOHON’T USE MY WOHOHORDS AGAINST MEHEHEEE!” The end was a bit whinier than she would’ve liked, but it got the point across. 
“You deserve it. But fiiiine, I’ll move.” Miles moved up to her ribs, scratching between each bone. Her form-fitting spider suit offered little to no protection, and she had a good hour before the webs naturally dissolved. Miles would obviously stop way before then. Still, she knew that the only way out of this was through him. 
The ribs were, thankfully, not as bad as her stomach. Gwen’s loud laughter dwindled down to bubbly giggles, her arms straining as she tugged at the webs. “M-Mihihiles! Thihis is soho nohohot fahahahair!” 
Damn, why did her laugh have to be so cute? It didn’t matter if it was loud or squeaky, her happy sounds always put a smile on his face and a blush on his cheeks. Gwen would’ve teased him, but she was a bit busy giggling her head off at the moment. Maybe he could use his flustered dilemma to his advantage. “And you said I was cute. Look’it you, you’re giggling as much as Mayday.”
Gwen felt her own cheeks getting pink, the silly teases, tickles, and Miles’s smile was flustering her a bit more than she’d like to admit. She completely deserved it, but still. The tickling wasn’t inherently unbearable, though it definitely got to her. Mainly, it was Miles. His warm yet mischievous smile, dumb teases, nimble fingers and rosy cheeks were melting her brain to a giddy soup. “Shuhut ihihit!”
The park was quiet, Gwen’s silly sounds filling the otherwise peaceful air. From the rooftop, nobody could really hear them, save for a few loud squeals or squeaks. It was just the birds, Miles, Gwen and her lively giggling.
Soon enough, Gwen’s cheeks grew sore, her eyes slightly watering at the edges. Her bright red face was telling enough, a clear signal that it was time to stop. Miles stilled his fingers, only a bit dissapointed he didn’t get to try many spots. He’d have plenty of time later. “You alive down there?”
She grumbled some choice words, burying her blushing face in her shoulder. Miles was a bit better off, his own blush now a faint glow. “That’s a solid maybe.” He chuckled, tearing the webbing and freeing his fellow spider person’s hands. Gwen immediately hugged herself, rubbing at her tingling ribs. “You’re free, giggles~”
That earned him a foot to the hip. His spider sense had warned him in advance, though he let her get the small hit in. Miles raised his hands in defeat, struggling not to laugh. “Ohokay, okay! I’m done, promise.”
“Youhu suck, Morales!” Gwen finally sat back up, fully recovered from his attack. A small blush still tinted her cheeks, though neither of them dared mention it. He did, however, want to joke around a bit. “Only when you need it.”
Another foot to the hip, though he dodged it that time. The other hero got to her feet, wobbling slightly before she found her footing. Experimentally shooting out a web, she swung a few feet, giving herself permission to swing around the city again. Her next web shot was aimed at Miles, nailing him in the chest and pulling him closer. “You’re lucky you didn’t kill me! Could’ve left the whole city in shambles.”
He just laughed, feeling the butterflies swarm in his stomach at the sudden closeness. Another joke was attempted, though it sounded more bashful than anything. “At least you’re pretty when you giggle. Hell’uva way to go out, all adorable blushes and cute smilin’.” 
Gwen bit her lip, his words echoing through his head. Adorable, cute, pretty... Her eyes darted to his full lips, imagining a common scenario that played through her head more times than she was willing to admit around the boy. It was then when she noticed just how close she’d tugged Miles in. Awkwardly chuckling, she looked away, releasing the web tethered to his chest and pulling her mussed up hair back. “Whatever, smiles. You’re worse than I am, a stoplight could get jealous of your blushes.”
He rolled his eyes, tugging the black fabirc of his mask snugly over his face. It did little to hide his emotions though, the expressive bug-eyes conveying his feelings just fine. They had brushed off the small moment, as they had hundreds of times before. Mutual pining would only take them so far, but neither was feeling bold enough to take any action right then. “Zip it. You should’a seen your face a few minutes ago, those cheeks were red as Peter’s suit.”
An empty coffee cup was chucked at his head, though he easily dodged and sent it soaring for the nearby park’s recycling bin. The playful banter continued, even as they left the park and started their patrol. Neither one of the spiderlings could get the happy, warm smiles off their faces as they spoke. Best slow day ever…
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sehtoast · 2 months
I saw the words “failed relationships” when I was starting chapter 2 of tender threads and immediately came here to ask if Ben has a MJ-equivalent? Mostly bc I’m thinking jealous homelander would be so funny (and terrifying for anyone on the opposite end of that lol)
Oddly enough, I think of Homelander as Ben’s MJ.  
There was a ficlet where I sort of established that Ben has an ex partner or two but really never went too far in depth with it beyond using it as a way to touch on the boundary violations a lot of trans folks experience from inconsiderate partners.  When I wrote the line about failed relationships in Tender Threads, I was initially imagining it as Ben, probably ages 18~early twenties, trying really hard to put himself out there and find a partner but ultimately failing because of him bailing on them to do the right thing and help people.  And, because he clings very tightly to keeping the streams of his personal life and hero life from crossing, he was never quite honest with them and it cost him his relationships.  Dating as a trans person is difficult as is, so I imagine dating while trans and secretly a superhero is an olympic sport that Ben just couldn’t keep up with and lost.
But yeah, I definitely think of Homie as Ben’s MJ.  Here’s someone who isn’t a good person, who kills indiscriminately, who views humans as lesser, altruism as pointless, and is just all around not great that simultaneously pulled Ben out of the pain of his dual life, makes being a supe fun and not merely an amalgamation of responsibilities and obligations, grows to not just fixate but actually have love for Ben, makes Ben bold, and doesn’t particularly care if Ben is trans– which, believe me, can be quite the rarity.  From the start, Homelander sees through the barrier of the mask.  Ben isn’t just Ben, and he isn’t just Spidey when he’s with Homie.  He’s both.  There’s no need for his identities to clash, and there’s an odd peace in that, I think.  And even though Homelander tests him in a lot of ways because Ben's moral compass points very much in the opposite direction, he unveils a world of different freedoms to Ben.
On the other hand, Ben is (and I say it this way since we barely know anything about his relationship with Maeve) Homelander’s first genuine partner.  There’s no ulterior motives.  He’s not baiting Homelander with love in return for good behavior or career advancement/stability, and he’s certainly not doing it a la Stormfront who had been using him to establish a supe’d up n*zi world.  And, while I know everyone has different interpretations on Firecracker and her motives (and I’m running along with my interpretations here), Ben’s not baiting Homelander with something he’s very vulnerable with to cement his place on the team and protect himself from others.  It’s not PR, it’s not friends with benefits, and it’s not nothing.
Ben shows him that vulnerability is okay, opening his heart is okay, and that they can grow together. That Homie's boundaries can, should, and will be respected even if he doesn’t quite know where they are yet himself– they’ll find them together.  Homelander gets to know what it’s like to be treated with love, dignity, and humanity as a foundation, not a reward that can be deprived at any moment.  And yeah, Homelander is shallow, he’s impulsive, murderous, and all around kind of awful, but here’s someone who wants to dig deeper than that. Here's someone who holds him when he's covered in blood, when he wakes from nightmares. When the world is too much, Ben holds it on his own back to give him a break. And when the world takes all that Homelander has ever known (in my lil depowered series), Ben helps him build something new.
I think they fill the voids in each other, no innuendo intended, and become each other’s wings just as much as each other’s rocks.  Sorry this got long winded lol, but yeah.  I think Homelander is Ben’s MJ.
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atlascripts · 1 year
Warnings: angst, no comfort..okay maybe a little if you squint, minor smut
Twas a particularly humid evening when you came home, dropping your bag on the bed and kicking your shoes off you only had one thing in mind, a shower and dinner to wrap up the day. You didn't quite expect a visitor until he came over. Helping himself in through the balcony and straight into the kitchen as you leaned by the water cooler, "Hi, you could have used the door, no one's home." You spoke and chugged down some water smiling at your friend. The masked man before you just shrugged, his accent thick as he replied, "Not as fun is it then?" 
He sat down at the little table in the kitchen, he ...never really unveiled himself, though you two had been friends for a while now. You met Spider Punk and the gang when anomalies became too frequent in your universe, your universe didn't have a spiderperson...or at least not yet. Pav mentioned something about your world bleeding into his hence the anomalies but that was also the way you met the spider folk. A band of superheroes that fascinated you, and though as much as you and Pav may have bonded over similarities in your worlds it was Hobie who you were intrigued by. He had popped in one day by himself to say hi after a mission and ever since then he’d have chai at your place.
"Oi where'd you go?" He asked bringing you back to reality from your thoughts about how weird it was to encounter interdimensional friends. The night was young, the neon lights of the nearby buildings shone through, the scent of roses and the seaside air was a gentle breeze as Hobie; a name you didn't know yet, followed your gaze out the balcony at the dystopian city with eco brutalism for architecture.
"Something on your mind luv?" He asked seeing as you were oddly very quiet. "Just tired I think, I'll make us some tea." You spoke and got two cups out almost like a routine you loved. You heard as Hobie went on about his day and if something fun happened he was sure to tell you the tea, but of all days today a soft sadness had seeped into your soul. You had only just found out about how the universes worked and about the 'arachno humanoid poly multi verse' or something Gwen had mentioned. The sadness settled in knowing one day they all would disappear from your life.....Hobie would disappear and though you tried not to think about it, it settled in like a slow grief ebbing into your veins.
"Hey.." You asked cutting him off from a random story he was mentioning about that Miguel guy, "Yeah?" he asked, "Is my universe really under threat....would it disappear?" You asked hesitantly watching the tea leaves in the water waiting for them to boil. "Not if we can help it, no...besides it's been off the danger zone for a while now so don't worry you’re good." His voice was chirpy as always but it was a little more grounded as he observed her from behind his mask. "Is that what's bothering you?" He asked as he joined you leaning by the counter with his arms folded, "Sort of it's a weird feeling ya know.." You looked like you had more to say but didn't and he picked up on it watching as you poured hot tea over the sieve into your cups. Hobie as always would only lift half of his mask to enjoy any snacks you served him with the chai. However you noticed a bruise over his bottom lip, and you were aware he had a lip ring, it always made you wonder what kind of a person he was visually. "Spidey...yer wounded." You spoke and he took a sip of the tea and winced, "Ow that was hot and yeah it's just a little cut nothin’ much, don't worry about it." He waved it off as always but you wanted to get the aid kit and help him but realized reality isn't always like the movies you see, you couldn't bring yourself to pull such a stunt, you tried though. "I have an aid kit with gauze and everything you can use my bathroom if you need to." You offered. "That won't be needed but you are a sweetheart to ask that, I promise to let you know if I ever need it alright?" He assured you and couldn't help but smile seeing you smile at his words, the blush on your cheeks was evident every time he used a pet name, he did it on purpose but played it off like it was a habit.
Hobie noticed as you opened your mouth to speak and stopped but then spoke eventually, "Once this is all over...will you all go back to your homes and like we’ll never see each other again?" There was hesitance when you asked but this time you looked at him as if really wanting answers, "Well that's the plan to eventually settle back in our own worlds, though truthfully I don't think the spide society is ending anytime soon."
Hobie's response made her eyes hopeful as she asked, "Does it mean you can still visit or that isn't allowed?" He took a sip of his tea as you looked away down at your own cup, sadness seeping into your words, "It's just I thought you weren't gonna show up, it had been a while and I didn't expect a goodbye to be so abrupt.., but it made me wonder that its inevitable right?"
"Is that what's buggin’ you, why you been so quiet?" He asked leaning over the round kitchen table you two were sat at, "I wouldn't leave without a proper goodbye luv, none of us would trust me." You smiled pursing your lips and took the last few sips of your tea now gone cold, "It's weird because here if someone leaves I can still know they are alive and doing well but with you guys.... I'll never know it's like you never existed and I am struggling to come to terms with it..." Your words choked up at the last bit, tears threatening to spill as you looked away and Hobie realized then just how much it had been affecting you, "M'sorry I didn't mean to worry you." You spoke and wiped your tears away but sat in that awkward silence as the sounds from outside wandered in, someone's radio was playing old songs with broken audio, twas some old folk tale love song, how fitting. 
Hobie observed you in that moment, he didn't speak either, the reality of it wasn't far from his thoughts in fact he knew it the moment the spider kids wanted to stay over a while at your place, he knew since that day...this would happen and he couldn't lie that it wasn’t hurting him. Maybe because he was confused about his growing fondness for you, he was damn sure you felt the same way your vulnerability right now was proof for him, he trusted his gut and that’s what it was saying right now.
The hanging silence of grief was disrupted by the beeping of the watch on his wrist, there was so much he wanted to say, he was gathering courage or better yet trying to form words but before he could the messages on the watch rolled in and he sighed dramatically throwing his head back on the chair, "M' so sorry about this, I need to go." You quickly wiped your drying tears away and and straightened up, "Right right sorry about this." The dread was seeping in slowly of the awkwardness but Hobie being Hobie played it off so casually and so well, "They can't resist my charms y'know." He pulled down the half tucked mask and walked towards the balcony, "Uhh hey I just wanted to say tha-" he was cut off once again by the beeping watch "Oh for fucks sake, I'm so sorry luv I promise I'll come back around and we’ll continue but for now g’night darlin’." He swung off as he wished her good night as his watch kept beeping and then for a split second you could feel the air get still and you knew that was the dimension opening and he was gone just like that, leaving you with this weird sensation you weren't happy about and also cursing yourself for being so sappy but really was it unjust to feel this way? You found yourself asking that and gosh you hadn't even seen his face but you were falling....slowly and very deeply like death by quicksand drowning you away.
It was a long time after that, till he showed up again, you met the spider kids in between whose faces you also didn't know until now and they just mentioned how Spider Punk was busy these days. But with each passing day, you knew you had scared him off, it hurt thinking he may be the type to avoid feelings so hurray for you to fall for the cliche emotionally not available dude, but then other times you blamed yourself saying things like he's probably just making boundaries as one should. None of them was a solace, it hurt for a while before it started growing numb, to the point where you were starting to come to terms with never seeing him again..or them...even the kids stopped showing up, that too without a goodbye. 
But then one golden sunset with the autumn breeze in the air, you had stepped up to your rooftop to redecorate it for the winter, a place for friends and bbq hangouts and such. You were oddly feeling content that day, work had been good and you had made plans for the weekend with friends, it was you know that brief flittering moment on a windy day when everything seemed fine, like you’re going to be okay. Except you couldn't help but suddenly miss Hobie, heck you didn't even know his real name, he was Punk Spidey to you. The universe worked in mysterious ways when you felt it almost like a miracle that you had thought of him after so long and..there he was, that voice unmistakably his. 
"Hey there mate, missed me?" You whipped your head around to see him jump over the ledge and onto the roof. You were speechless eyes brimming immediately, you lost your voice for a moment but smiled so wide just happy to see him, "I..thought you all would never come back...I was sure of it." Hobie could see the hurt in your eyes the feeling of betrayal almost. But first, he wanted to come clean, he took off his mask in one swift motion and you were left gobsmacked. He was beautiful, with dark brown eyes, an awesome hairdo which made you wonder how'd it even fit but most importantly, that smile, you could finally see it spread to his eyes and lord knows you felt your knees give out for a moment. He had a few scars over his sharp bone structured face but really he belonged on a vogue magazine cover that's for sure. "Cat got your tongue?" he teased sauntering forward but his smile was genuine as you snapped back to reality making a mental note of, yeah he's out of your league. "Hi," you managed to say as if seeing him anew, "Hey, the name’s Hobie, Hobie Brown." he introduced himself in that thick cockney accent that gave a nice ring to it. He reached out a hand to shake as if being playful, "Lovely to meet you Hobie I am umm me, just me." You giggled at the silliness of the moment but never noticed how he was stepping closer, he didn't have all of his spider suit on like the gloves..weren't present. You realized that when he reached up to wipe the stray tears away feeling his skin against yours for the first time, "I promised not to leave without saying a goodbye remember?" Those words hit like a ton of bricks, "Is this goodbye?" You asked feeling like a lump was stuck in your chest, you so very much wanted to hold his hand as you struggled not to cry. He was silent, eyes solemn, and he was closer as tears blurred your vision and you stared down at your feet, all reason went out the window and soft sobs erupted, your throat hurt so bad from trying to hold back but you just couldn't. And you felt him wrap his arms around you, it wasn't a simple sort of a hug, no, he slowly took his time to hold you close, closer, firmly and you sniffled into his chest, hiccuping as well. Only Hobie knew how he managed to hold in his emotions for your sake, it took everything in him to not cry at this sad state of affairs, divided by universes, star crossed lovers be damned, you two weren't even supposed to meet or be at all....it hurt more knowing you both would disappear out of each other’s lives like you never ever existed. 
"Hey look at me luv," he coaxed you to look up and you tried to steady your breathing as you looked up, his pet name almost sounding less flirty and more like an established relationship thing. "Hobie I, before I forget I need you to know, I really like you, like a lot, I've never felt this way about anyone before and I am scared you'll disappear any moment now so I had to tell you-" You rambled out immediately as if there was some clock ticking by and Hobie was both surprised and pained at the way you confessed, it wasn't romantic, it was rushed and he could tell why. "Hey hey, breathe, I am right here, look at me." He tried to find your eyes but frankly speaking this all was starting to feel like a nightmare to you, you held his hand that reached to wipe your tears again and gently squeezed it as if wanting to know he was real. Hobie knew no words could fix this torment, his eyes were glassy from holding back his own tears and his breathing was heavy. You two just were in that moment, under the sunset’s glow and like moths to a flame, Hobie closed the gap between you two pressing his lips to yours in a longing kiss. He tried to be gentle, he really did but the way you gripped his vest pulling him closer, had him going in with such fervor it left you breathless in a matter of moments and even then when you'd break away catching your breath he'd pull you right back in, closer in his arms, never wanting to part. 
The sun was slowly going down but Hobie stayed, longer than any stay, he stayed with you for such a long time wanting to commit you to his memory. You knew this would hurt and yet still you lay yourself bare for him to take, making love like it was the last day on earth. Guiding your leg up a little and around his waist, he moved slow and sensual for this last round, lips not leaving yours. Tears pricked your eyes from both pleasure and sorrow and you held his face mumbling a soft, "..I love you." It felt too soon yes, but also felt like it was now or never. "I love you too.." his words were practically muffled into the kiss. Still, you heard it, you felt it and his thrusts became deep leaving you gasping and whining, clinging to him as he trailed wet kisses down to the sensitive spot on your neck. You wordlessly felt yourself clamp around his length climaxing while he rode you into overstimulation, whispering praises and sweet words. He grunted and buried his face in your hair gripping onto your waist so tight as he chased his own high and he groaned when you felt him finish and you held him as if to steady him. No words were exchanged then, just gentle touches and an embrace to lull you to sleep when he lay beside you. 
You were asleep when he'd wake in between his restless slumber from nightmares, he'd curl up closer to you face buried into your neck. "I promise I'll find a way.." He whispered to your sleeping form a promise to you and to himself...he wasn't going to let this god forsaken issue be the reason for you two being torn apart. Rules be damned, there are always exceptions, he knew of it, he was sure of it...or at least he'd die trying.
That dawn he was gone, kissed you goodbye before the sunrise and disappeared. When you awoke the wind was knocked out of you as if it dawned on you all over again, this was it you thought to yourself...you just stared out the window with blank eyes and endless tears, still in bed, bare and covered in last night's pleasure. A part of you might as well have been buried alive that day, eyes hollow and longing, waiting each day then for time to move faster to heal the void.
Hobie was gone..
‘Hobie, my beloved..~’
mood song: mehram from coke studio s14
(don't forget to click the cc on the video!)
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aliorsboxostuff · 1 year
Hello. I've been feeling like shit lately, so, if it's not too much to ask, can you write a trans spider reader with miguel comforting him about his dysphoria and transphobic family? Sfw, please. Thank you so much and I hope you have an amazing day/night.
I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK A WHILE, I GENUINELY HAVE GOTTEN TOO CARRIED AWAY IN OTHER STUFF BUT I HOPE THIS SUFFICES! Thank you so much for your ask, and I hope when horrible days bring in dysphoria, this fic can help you go through it just a bit ^-^. I hope you have an amazing day/night too! :D 
All That Matters
Tags: Miguel O’hara and ftm!reader, Miguel and male!reader, Miguel and Spiderman!reader, Platonic fic, Platonic relationship, transphobic background, transphobic family, angst, slight angst, angst to fluff, friends, leaving home, being Out and Proud!, Every Spiderman is respectful or else, Miguel is supportive, Miguel is awkward, He tries his best truly, Hurt to comfort, this goes out to all my FtMs!
As if the trauma of getting bitten by a radioactive spider wasn't enough, the resentment your family has towards you for simply being your authentic self adds to the pile of already growing self-hatred. It didn't take much for you to leave your universe and join the Spider Society. One missed anomaly made its way into your world and the next thing you know you're already situated in the many vacant rooms the Spider HQ provides. 
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Every Spider-Person comes with a tragic backstory. Their uncle or aunt died, they never got the love of their life, they somehow lost their powers amidst a big fight, they lost to a supervillain, etc. And with every spider-person, comes a bag of unhealed trauma and inner conflict that even Therapist Spiderman can't heal. 
In your case, it was your family. As if the trauma of getting bitten by a radioactive spider wasn't enough, the resentment your family has towards you for simply being your authentic self adds to the pile of already growing self-hatred. It didn't take much for you to leave your universe and join the Spider Society. One missed anomaly made its way into your world and the next thing you know you're already situated in the many vacant rooms the Spider HQ provides. The face of your family, shocked and hurt and confused when you pulled down your mask and left them was the last thing you remembered of them. After moving your scarce belongings, you left your universe without looking back through the portal. 
But somehow, the past always bites back.
It had been a shitty week in general. You misplaced your comfortable binder in the laundry basket and shoved it inside the washing machine along with your other shirts, resulting in the fabric shrinking and making it unusable. So you resorted to your other binder, admittedly, the less comfortable one, but that would have to do until you buy another binder with the same soft fabric your soiled one had. It didn't show awkwardly on the outside, under your suit, or whenever you wear casual clothes around the HQ, so you made do. 
Then, a stray anomaly just had to stumble into your original universe, and while you could've told Miguel you wanted to sit this one out, your adrenaline from the last mission an hour ago hasn't faded yet. To be fair, you'd forgotten the place even existed. So, without much more thinking, you jumped into the portal with Miguel leading and do what you do best—Kick some ass.
But of course, the Spiderman luck just had to spoil the fun.
Miguel was throwing punches and you were swinging from one building to another, trying to push down the prying nostalgia as you passed one apartment to the other. It wasn't until you and Miguel got the anomaly webbed up and ready to be transported back to the base did you caught a familiar face in the corner of your eye. With your spidey senses practically shooting up your spine, you turned to look at the end of the road, just peeking behind a building. 
It's your family member. One of them, at least, from the look of shock on their face, jaws dropped to the floor and eyes shaking. You knew it was them when your blood ran cold. Your eyes meet theirs, and you can feel your stomach drop, bile rising instead. You had to physically look away and focus on Miguel instead who was opening the portal before-
They called out. The name pushes down the nausea but instead raises your blood, curdling it through your veins. You feel your hand curl into fists, breath coming out short. They only ever knew your old name- your dead name. After all this time, even after you left, even after they saw you as Spiderman, they will only ever know you as ‘that little girl who left her family’. If your eyes could pierce through your mask, you'd be giving them a withering stare, arms shaking with restrained anger.
“Let's head back,” The portal hums to life. Something in your chest loosens, and you turn to see Miguel hauling the anomaly like a sack, which makes you huff in amusement. The man turns, before he looks over at you. “You okay?”
“Yeah, fine, let's go,” You nodded curtly, letting your muscles loosen. Miguel hums before he enters the portal and you follow behind him. 
Once the anomaly is taken into its cell, you excuse yourself from Miguel and go straight to your room. That rising bile has managed to inch it way closer and you didn't feel like dealing with it at work. Miguel nodded at you and you went on your way, swimming past walkways and other spideys until you reached your quarters. The door slides open after your recognition. The second it closes and locks, you throw off your mask with a growl. It lands near your mirror, just at the foot of it. As you approach it, you notice your reflection, your suit gleams in the afternoon sun, your hair misused from being inside your mask the whole day. You glance over your figure, before you sigh, and head into your bathroom with a shirt and pants in hand. 
When you've changed into your designated oversized shirt and boxers, you were lying on your bed, phone in hand and watching something to get your mind off of the horrible day, a knock alerted you. Then, a voice calls out. “Hey, sorry to bother you, are you in there?”
It’s Miguel, you thought. “Yeah, hold on a sec’,” 
You paused your video and sat your phone down. After sliding to the edge of your bed, you shoot your web at the button that opens your door, and it slides to reveal Miguel in his day clothes. Other than his apprehensive face, his body is trying its hardest to act casually.
“Sorry I-” He takes a breath, his eyes glancing somewhere beside your doorway. “I saw what happened earlier, in your universe.”
A sigh leaves your lips. A soreness suddenly appears on your neck as your jaw locks, before you manage a cough. “Yeah, my bad about that it was-”
“No, I- we didn't know-”
“I should've told-”
“You don't owe me-” With that, Miguel clamps his mouth, before he sighs. You huff out a cut-off laugh before standing and putting your phone on its charging pad, your back against Miguel. “Listen, I don't know what you went through, or how bad it was,”
You turn slightly, eyes cast to your snowy carpet. “But I know no one deserves to be treated the way you were,” 
“If they were the reason you left your universe, I understand. But you're a part of us now, a part of this universe. You’re in the year 2099, we haven't had a problem with transphobes and bigoted people in years, if that makes you feel any better,”
You scoff, blinking the annoying sting behind your eyes. 
“I just want you to know we don't see you any different. We don't see you for your body, your voice, mannerisms, or anything else. What you say your name is, your type of Spiderman, is all that matters. No one pries for no one's business here.” When you raise your head, you find Miguel trying—managing—a small smile, his fang poking out, making you snicker. 
“Lyla told you to do that?” You smirks, before Miguel drops the smile and swipes back a fallen strand of his peppery hair. 
“The smile- yeah, I told her I don't do that. But not… not the rest. I mean that, we all do. It's in the contract,” 
You laugh, and something lifts inside your chest when you what Miguel huff. “Wait- we have a contract?”
“No- never mind that,” He shakes his head, which elicits another chuckle from you. “We don't have a contact but … doesn't make what I said less genuine,” 
It halts your thoughts. A gush of emotions ran through your head, some through your heart which fills it to the brim. You took a breath, once, twice, before managing a solid nod, a small smile on your lips. The man you knew as your boss—the leader, captain, whatever anyone wants to call it—Has always been closed off, doing missions and interacting as needed. You've seen him with Peter B. Or maybe Jessica, but that's all. The fact that he went out of his way, either by his own volition or from Lyla’s pestering, to say what he’d call a ‘supportive’ message, then it worked. Miguel mimics your small smile. He blinks before he leans on your doorway, arms crossed. 
“Anyway, I came to ask if you wanted to join me in the training room. Blow off some steam and all,” 
You answer with a hum. “I guess I could… I’ll get change then,” 
The man nods and moves away from your doorway. Your web dissolves and lets the door slide shut, leaving you in your privacy. You quickly grab your athletic clothes and strip off the shirt and boxers. After putting it on, you find yourself in your mirror reflection. The day hasn't ended yet, but maybe it wasn't so bad after all.
Miguel is waiting opposite your door as it opens. You had your phone and water bottle in hand, and your headphones—One of the only things you brought with you—hung on your neck. “Let’s go,” 
The man nods and walks beside you through the hallway, flicking on his sunglasses as you both make your way to the wider and more crowded walkways. 
Requests are open! remember to reblog!
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Prompt - ‘And I couldn't be sure I had a feeling so peculiar this pain wouldn't be for evermore.’
You and Matt had been sitting together on his rooftop, neither of you donned your costumes, content to just sit together under the mid-morning sun, your hands playing with Matt’s and sharing soft kisses. It wasn’t until you pulled away that you saw, off in the distance, a spaceship suddenly appear, the round ship causing your eyes to widen as you listened to Matt and headed downstairs into the apartment, switching on the TV you insisted he have and watching the events play out.
The Avengers, or whatever was left of the Avengers honestly you weren’t sure who was a member and who wasn’t anymore, seemed to have it covered. There was footage of a wizard or two who you didn’t know, Tony Stark was there and you recognised Bruce Banner, then there were the aliens. Whilst there was no sound you could see one of them talking, Tony Stark not looking impressed and cutting him off before the wizards used their powers and suddenly they were fighting.
“Hey, is that Spidey?” You grinned at Matt when you saw a familiar figure swing into frame and Matt raised an eyebrow at you before shaking his head.
“Isn’t this above Spider-Man’s paygrade?” Matt groaned and you laughed before turning back to the screen.
Both of you knew Spider-Man fairly well at this point, neither you or Matt had shared who you were under your masks and neither had Spidey but sometimes he swung by the Kitchen and he was always fun to fight alongside.
You continued to watch the screen, narrating what was going on as it happened, laughing about how insane the camera people were, literal aliens were tearing the streets of New York apart and they were still getting the money shot.
“Wait…” You said, sitting straighter in your seat and leaning forward, Matt raising an eyebrow as he waited for you to continue. “Spider-Man’s on the spaceship…and the spaceship’s gone.”
“Spider-Man was on it?” Matt asked, feeling a wave of worry for the kid because at the end of the day that’s all he was, a kid who put way too much responsibility on his shoulders.
“Iron Man’s heading up too so he should be good.” You said, leaning back into the sofa and letting out a deep breath before cuddling into Matt’s chest, his arm going around your shoulders.
“Aliens.” You grimaced, years of living in New York, years of playing vigilante and you still didn’t think you’d ever get used to everything that happened here.
“Let’s just hope they don’t come back.” Matt chuckled as he pulled you closer, placing a kiss to your head and you nodded before reaching over to turn the TV off, not needing to see reruns of the fight.
It was only a few hours later, you and Matt were back on his rooftop, Matt was talking about the people of New York and what they were doing. It was amazing how everybody was able to simply snap back and carry on with their lives like aliens hadn’t invaded this morning. It was truly ridiculous really and you couldn’t help but smile as you cuddled into Matt who was telling you about a business meeting happening right next to the clean up where cars had been tossed around the streets.
“There’s a school field trip, not too far away, a bunch of kids at MOMA still talking about the spaceship whilst their teacher tries to get them to focus on the trip.” Matt told you as he ran his fingers through your hair, yours trailing along his stomach. “He’s not having much luck.”
“Aliens invade the Earth and everything continues on as normal.” You laughed softly and felt more than heard Matt’s chuckle as it rumbled in his chest. “I think I’ll stick to criminals and the occasional ninja.”
“Not ready to take on the aliens yet? Join the Avengers?” Matt asked and you turned to muffle a laugh into his chest causing his smile to widen.
“I think I’ll stick to our little corner of Hell’s Kitchen, leave the aliens to someone else.” You said because as much as you liked fighting at Spider-Man’s side, especially on the few occasions you’d joined in a bigger fight, you couldn’t stomach the thought of going up against aliens, against powers you knew nothing about.
“Yeah,” Matt sighed softly, tilting your head back gently with the hand in your hair. “I like our little corner.”
You smiled into the kiss as Matt leaned down and you met him half way, the kiss wasn’t hurried, there was no urgency in it. It was soft and lazy, both of you taking your time, not in any rush, both content in each other’s arms.
It was only when Matt pulled away with a frown did you feel a sense of urgency, not quite sure why yet but if Matt was making that face then something was definitely wrong. He stayed silent for a few moments, crease apearing in between his eyebrows as he tilted his head, listening for something you couldn’t hear and you hoped it was just him deciding if a situation needed Daredevil’s intervention.
But when Matt shot up into a sitting position, forcing you up with him from your spot on his chest, you panicked. Matt’s face had gone pale, paler than you’d ever seen with the only exception being when he’d lost too much blood. His head tilted further to the side like he was straining to hear something before his mouth fell open with a silent gasp and you could see his eyes widen.
You trusted Matt’s judgement and for him to look this scared, this worried and confused then you knew you should be scared too.
“Matt, what’s happening?” You asked and it seemed to pull Matt’s attention back to you, shaking his head almost in disbelief but he didn’t answer for a long moment. You could tell he wasn’t ignoring your question, could see the way his mouth opened and closed but nothing came out. “Matt please, you’re scaring me.”
“Something’s wrong.” He told you, his head shifting in every direction like he was hearing too much at once. “The city, it’s…”
In all the time you’d known Matt, from first time meeting him when you were both hidden under your masks to the time you’d spent together as Matt and Y/N, you’d never seen him like this before.
It was terrifying.
“Matt, please tell me what’s happening.” It had to be the aliens, it was the only explanation but you couldn’t see any giant spaceships, no aliens ascending from the sky. As you glanced around it just looked like a regular day.
“It’s, I don’t know, it’s like people are disappearing. I can’t hear- Y/N, I can’t hear their heartbeats, they’re just gone, they’re going out.” Matt told you, turning his attention back to you as his voice trailed into a whisper and you stared back at him with wide eyes.
“What do you mean, gone?” You asked as a wave of anxiety flooded through you and Matt shook his head, turning back towards the streets as he listened.
“I don’t know, I just-” Matt began but cut himself off, his head snapping around to face you, wearing an expression you’d only ever seen once on his face.
It was the expression he wore when you had been shot, he could hear everything and he barely got you to Claire before your breaths came few and far between. Claire had barely managed to bring you back to him but you still remembered that haunted look on his face and swore you’d be more careful because you never wanted to see it again.
And now here it was and you didn’t know why.
Not until you looked down anyway, a strange sensation running through your body and you let out a panicked cry as you saw your hand breaking off and separating into tiny specks of dust.
“No, no, no..” Matt’s voice had you snapping your head up to look at him, tears stinging at your eyes and you could see them pooling in his.
“Matt, what’s happening to me?” You asked, the tears slipping down your cheeks and Matt let out a choked sobbed, pulling you into his arms, holding you tightly like he could keep you in one piece. “Matt, I’m scared.”
“No, no, shh, you’re ok, you’re ok.” Matt murmured, his lips finding their way to your forehead, letting them linger there and you could feel his tears wetting your skin.
“Matt, plea…” Your voice trailed off into nothing and Matt was slumping over, you suddenly not in his arms and your breathing, your sobs, your heartbeat was just gone, like it hadn’t been there to begin.
The tears fell past Matt’s eyes, heartbroken sobs leaving him as he stayed hunched over on the roof of his building and as he cried he heard so many in the city doing the exact same thing whilst more and more heartbeats faded into nothing.
The Blip.
That’s what they were calling the damn thing. The thing that took you had a name and Matt despised it.
It had been eight months, eight months since that warm, sunny day in spring, eight months since you had been taken from him. Now it was November, the sky was grey and Matt could still hear the fear in your voice as you pleaded with him. Eight months without you, eight months where he had become nothing but a shell of himself.
Eight months of replaying every memory he had of you because the thought of forgetting you sent an ache through his heart. Eight months of thinking about all the words he should have said to you, words he would never get to say to you.
Matt stood by the window, the weather seemed to match his mood. He could hear the rain smacking against the window and the pavement, could hear the rumble of thunder, could feel the coldness on his skin but he didn’t care.
He’d been numb since that day all those months ago. At first he put on the Daredevil suit every day and found bad guys to take his anger, his pain, out on. Frank’s words had run heavy in his head, letting him know he was only one bad day away from being him and Matt knew he was right, he just didn’t think the bad day that would push him over the edge would be losing you.
It had seemed so unimaginable months ago that it never even crossed his mind. When you put on your mask you were always with him, fighting side by side, he always had your back so he knew you’d be safe.
But now you were gone and Matt was left alone. It had been months since he put the suit on, it didn’t feel right anymore, like it suddenly didn’t fit but he knew it was because you weren’t there with him. Daredevil had worked alone for so long before you showed up but then you had refused to leave and he found he actually liked working with you.
Matt couldn’t even remember why he used to put on the suit, couldn’t remember what he used to fight for. Everything seemed so pointless without you. How was he expected to just go on about his life? How could he pretend that he was ok when he felt like a piece of him had been ripped away?
He couldn’t do it, he couldn’t fake it until it didn’t hurt anymore because it would always hurt, he knew the pain and heartbreak and the rage he felt would be for evermore.
Somehow five years passed, five long painful years. Matt was surprised he was still alive in all honesty because he had completely lost himself. Considering how reluctant he had been to let you into his life at all back in those early days, he had to hand it to you, you really had wormed your way deep into his life, entwining yourself around every part of it and making it impossible for him to move on.
Not that I ever tried to move on, Matt mused to himself as he walked the streets of Hell’s Kitchen. He was practically catching his death, the cold was bitingly chilly and the rain was almost painful but still he hadn’t bothered to grab a coat on his way out of the door. He just needed to be out of the apartment.
What had once been an empty place had been filled with lots of little trinkets and all the things that made it feel like a home. Sometimes Matt thought about moving, there was too much you in the apartment but ultimately he never did, he couldn’t leave behind something that was a part of you.
It had been five years and Matt hated himself for forgetting the sound of your laughter, he hated that he knew your favourite song but couldn’t remember how you sounded as you sung it whilst dancing around his kitchen, he hated that his sheets and his sweaters didn’t smell like you anymore.
It had been five years since you died and five years since Matt Murdock became a ghost, still alive but really he had died that day with you. Some days he thought about doing it, about ending his pain but he could never do it, catholic guilt and all that.
He knew he’d feel this loss until he took his last breath and some days he longed to put the suit back on, to pick a fight and not fight like he used to, to let the other guy get the hits in until Matt felt himself slipping away from the world.
It was tempting but he couldn’t bring himself to do that either. So instead he was doomed to this life, for the pain to last for evermore.
He was so lost in thought that he missed it at first. It wasn’t until he bumped into somebody that definitely hadn’t been there moments before that he took notice, his eyes widening, breath catching as he heard it.
Heartbeat after heartbeat, it was almost overwhelming and Matt couldn’t stop the strangled sob that left him. More and more heartbeats returned, Matt could hear every single one of them, could hear the excited yells and confused murmurs.
It had been five years, five long, lonely, heartbreakingly exhausting years since you died. Five years since Matt Murdock last felt happy but here in the streets of Hell’s Kitchen a grin broke out across his face, tears pouring from his eyes and he didn’t hesitate to turn around.
He ran, he ran like his life depended on it because it did. As he got closer to the apartment he paused, nearly tripping himself up because there, that was a heartbeat Matt Murdock knew, one he had forgotten the sound of but now he heard it again it was hard to remember how he could have ever forgotten.
He kept running, he ran all the way up the stairs and through his apartment before he was on the roof and there you were. It was really you.
“Matt?” You asked and Matt felt his knees buckle beneath him, barely managing to hold himself upright as he forced his feet to move towards you.
He had to know you were real and when he lifted his hand and cupped your cheek he couldn’t stop the heaving sobs that escaped him and he buried his face against your neck, holding you tightly against him.
“Hey, it’s alright, you’re ok.” You murmured, rubbing your hand up and down his back whilst the other wrapped around his waist. “You’re ok, what happened?”
You didn’t know, Matt thought. He had gone through the worst five years of his life and you had no idea what had happened. Matt was going to have to be the one to explain that five years had passed without you, that the world had somehow carried on without you.
But that didn’t matter right now, Matt wasn’t sure he was capable of words at that moment. The tears and sobs weren’t slowing down but he didn’t care, it had been so long, so damn long, he never thought he’d have you back and now that you were here Matt was never letting you go again.
“Matt, baby,” You whispered, kissing his hair and pulling him closer.
You were so painfully confused, mind fuzzy and unable to remember anything. One minute it was sunny and you had been on the roof with Matt, the next it was pouring down and Matt was nowhere to be seen. You’d only been out in the rain for a few moments before Matt had burst onto the roof like a mad man, staring straight at you like you were a ghost.
“Hey baby, can we go inside, I don’t want you to get sick.” You said softly, noticing how pale Matt had been before he hid himself away in your neck. You had seen the dark circles that were practically black eyes and how gaunt his features were, it looked like you weren’t the only ghost on the roof.
Matt didn’t say anything for a long moment but then he nodded into your neck, placing a kiss to your skin causing you to shiver before he pulled away, his hand coming up to cup your cheek again and he brought your foreheads together.
“I’ve missed you so much.” He whispered brokenly and despite having no clue what was going on you felt your heart break for him.
It wasn’t long before the two of you were in dry clothes and Matt had you tucked under the covers on the bed, pulling you against his chest and holding you tightly in his arms, terrified that you’d disappear again.
“Think you can tell me what’s going on now?” You murmured as your fingers drew random shapes into his chest, from where you lay you could feel Matt’s heart hammering against his chest and though he had managed to stop the sobs there were still tears falling down his face.
It wasn’t long before you were in the same position, tears pouring down your cheeks as you held Matt close to you, heart breaking as you listened to him describe what had happened five years ago and all the time in between. Hearing how lost, how broken and lonely he was, hearing that he had been ready to join you years ago, God you were a sobbing mess by the time he was done and the two of you could do nothing but cry and hold each other close.
And yet even with the tears falling down his face Matt felt better than he had in years, somehow you were back from the dead and he would never take a single day for granted again. Matt had thought for sure the rest of his life would be filled with pain and nothing else, yet here you were and Matt knew the pain wouldn’t be for evermore.
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Thank you so much for reading!🤎
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