#but then i realized i'd have to be leveling up and unlocking everything all over again
egophiliac · 1 year
you don't play on the en server?
nope, I play JP! been there since day one, babyyyy ✌️
I do sometimes try to check in on where EN is, but it's not always super clear (I think they might've finished episode 6? except in only two parts...?) so I try to spoiler-tag over-judiciously just in case. :') though I did see it's getting Kelkkarotu soon, which is -- well okay the first part kind of drags but once it picks up it's one of my favorites, I'm excited for EN to get it! REVEL IN THE COMFY WINTER OUTFITS
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xxcrystalinerose · 4 months
In celebration of me officially reaching 100 HOURS of fucking around in Hades 2, here's a couple of general gameplay tips from yours truly!
I am not the best Hades gamer out there, but I'd like to think I'm doing pretty good considering my still-standing 25+ win streak in the Underworld and 16 Fear clear on all weapon types, so this tip is meant for you guys who find Hades 2 weirdly difficult compared to the first game (I've been there!), or those who still haven't figured out good build and aspect combos. However, I will not be doing a deep dive of all the bosses except for the final bosses!
Obviously, spoilers abound under the cut, so tread with caution!!
Part 1: General Questions, Comments, Complaints, etc.
Q: Playing Melinoë is so difficult compared to Zagreus!
A: First of all, you are playing Melinoë, not Zagreus. Second of all, you are playing Lv. 1 Mel after being so used to Lv. 100 Zag (if you've spent an unreasonable amount of time playing Hades 1 like I did). These two have different playstyles! I myself am guilty of this mindset in my first 20 hours of gameplay.
Mel is all about using everything in your disposal to dispatch enemies. Additionally, the devs have designed the kit in such a way that none of your moves are an afterthought that you occasionally use every other room. The biggest example of this is Cast, which remains useful as a crowd control (CC) move even without a Boon attached to it. Use your Cast all the time!
Additionally, in case you haven't realized it, you can still move while charging your Omega Cast; however, the AoE will not follow you unless you have Local Climate (Demeter).
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Don't forget that you can hold down Dash to Sprint. Lock enemies in place with Cast then sprint away if you need breathing room. However, do remember that you do not have i-frames while sprinting, only when dashing.
I have to concede that as of the current EA patch, dashing to dodge attacks still feels janky without the Swift Runner card, mostly because of the dash start-up animation being slightly but noticeably slower than Zag's dashes. However, after several runs with the Judgment card (where I can't activate Swift Runner, and that it might not activate further in the run), the rhythm of dashing with and without it is just muscle memory now. Keep practicing!
Q: Melinoë feels so squishy/slow/weak/etc.!
A: Hades 2 does feel much more Early Game Hellish™ than Hades 1, which imo is mostly because of the Arcana system's complexities.
You need various resources to unlock an Arcana, then you need sufficient Grasp to actually use the Arcana, THEN some Arcana have prerequisites for activation so you can't just use anything and everything you want. Very unlike H1, where you can just dump exactly one resource type into levelling the Mirror upgrades and the only true constraint is choosing one side of the Mirror over the other.
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To mitigate the squishiness, Frinos with a fully upgraded Life Bond gives you a free 40 base HP. I prefer him over Toula because I fucking suck at bullet hells and Frinos eats up all those projectiles without flinching too much, and some enemies are really fucking annoying with their projectile attacks. Looking at you, hourglass thingies in Tartarus.
Another thing to note is that The Wayward Son card is a buffed version of Zag's health regen on room exit. At max level it heals 4 HP (8 if you're low), which also makes Chaos gate health drains trivial in Erebus and Oceanus, so go grab those Chaos boons.
If you think surviving against Chronos/Eris is difficult, try having at least 200-220 HP (adjust depending on Fear settings) before entering the fight. The Centaur and Titan cards are useful to achieve this. If you run a Hephaestus build, the Boon that adds HP based on Magick is also great!
Q: The Bosses in Hades 2 are more difficult... please help!
A: I see this observation often, but in my experience, the H2 bosses bar Chronos and Eris are actually significantly easier than the H1 bosses. Your experience gap between dealing with H1 and H2 bosses could also contribute. But anyways, here's some tips for each boss:
The transformation Hex counts as a projectile and can be blocked by Frinos. If you haven't unlocked Frinos, simply dash back and forth into the hex (essentially abusing your dash i-frame) and it will eventually dissipate. Don't try to outrun it.
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(Frinos ate the hex before I could fully demonstrate the dodging lol)
If you DO get transformed, dash and attack repeatedly to prevent Hecate's attacks from hitting you, because your attack in sheep form is a charge forward that helps add extra distance while waiting for the dash cooldown to end.
Scylla and the Sirens
They killed me an unreasonable amount of times early game because there's so damn much going on the screen, so my tip for that is kill the drummer first. The guitarist's arsenal is much less dangerous and her dash attack is heavily telegraphed. Even if the guitarist is the featured artist, I would still kill the drummer first. Additionally, the Night Bloom Hex* works in this fight. Have fun!
Infernal Beast
Mostly immobile boss that can't really turn around with heavily telegraphed attacks, so the easiest trick is to just stand behind it for free backstab damage and don't get hit. Paired with the massive hitbox, the boss becomes very vulnerable against Apollo/Zeus cast and Omega specials with Pan aspect on the Sister Blades.
Sometimes he has sheep in the fight; if he eats them he gets healed. Gold sheep will block Omega moves in the radius indicated around them, while black sheep will charge at you. I find his most difficult attack is the boulder slam if he spots you. When he leaps, sprint away first for some distance, then dash into the shockwaves because they move FAST and staying near will guarantee you get hit.
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All of her attacks count as projectiles, so Hestia's Soot Sprint turns the fight into a total joke. She also turns relatively slowly when firing; when she does the spread shots, stay directly behind her. The forward charge is also telegraphed by an animation where she rises a bit before charging, so dash towards Eris to avoid getting hit (because it also stuns you).
Chronos, in general
God I hate that bitch ass scythe throw attack SO MUCH. I find the most reliable way to dodge it is to dodge towards Chronos but in a counterclockwise direction because it always travels clockwise. DO NOT DODGE AWAY FROM HIM.
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The thrown scythe counts as a projectile, so projectile slowing effects like Demeter's Cyclone debuff or Hard Target (Hermes) affect its move speed.
Additionally, Chronos himself is immune to any time-slowing effect, including from the Sorceress card, the Phase Shift Hex, and Hermes' legendary Boon. He can still damage you during the time stop in the Hex casting animation.
Lastly, the ring explosions that come after his slashing attacks are unblockable by any "Block" move e.g. Axe special.
Chronos, 2nd phase
He always begins the phase with a full screen attack that does 999 damage unless you stand in the highlighted safe spots... or if you have Coarse Grit (Demeter Infusion) that lets you take no more than 15 damage per hit (lol). The clock hands will also kill you this way, so stand well clear of its radius. When he does this attack he will stand in place, which if you're lucky lets you get a guaranteed Omega Cast or Total Eclipse strike, and even one or two fully charged Pan aspect specials if the "safe spot" is near him.
(* Night Bloom has an unintended interaction with the Judgment arcana that causes its effects to be triggered multiple times in the Scylla fight. I've reported this as a bug, but I guess you could abuse it until the next patch lol)
Q: What is your Arcana setup?
A: This! I find this to be the easiest setup for activating the Divinity card and also the "safest" build, with the drawback of being unable to change room rewards/Boon and Well of Charon offerings.
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If I wanted more challenge, I would activate everything in the third row, and use the remaining 3 Grasp for either The Huntress or Death, depending on weapon:
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When I do a Judgment arcana run, I only activate The Wayward Son, Eternity, and Excellence; the bonus with Judgment is that it also automatically activates The Queen, and keeps it active no matter how many more cards it activates later.
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If you have yet to max out your Grasp and want to play it safe, the cards I recommend to prioritize are Eternity > Excellence > Origination > The Swift Runner/The Sorceress > The Titan > The Furies/The Moon/The Huntress/ > Night/The Unseen.
Extra tip: The Moon synergizes very well with pure damage Omega Casts e.g. Apollo, Zeus, Poseidon because it adds to the base damage. Naturally, this makes Apollo cast busted as hell.
Q: What are your recommended Keepsakes? How do I use them?
A: The ones from Hecate, Odysseus, Nemesis, Moros, and Narcissus. If you're good at not getting hit, Arachne's because it continuously stacks Armor per location as long as you stay above 1 Armor. Recently I've also been messing around with Chaos', which has been fun.
To elaborate:
Silver Wheel (Hecate) lets you regen Magick automatically, which was great for me in very early game until I got the hang of every Gain boon and evaluated which are the best ones. Essentially, it's a good crutch for learning how the game works. However, do note that the Keepsake regen is prioritized over any other Magick regeneration effects.
Knuckle Bones (Odysseus) is also a similarly useful early game crutch if you have difficulty against bosses or need to take a run to analyze their moves (very appropriate). It also gives you all-damage reduction against bosses. And fun fact: bring it to the Polyphemus fight multiple times for some unique interactions!
Evil Eye (Nemesis) is just a straightforward free ~30% universal damage bonus against the last enemy that killed you. Since mine was Chronos... well, let's just say I almost never spend a single DD in his fights ever since.
Engraved Pin (Moros) is functionally a better Stubborn Defiance. Triggering its effect will be prioritized over consuming a Death Defiance, and it works ONCE PER ROOM which is fucking amazing as a learning crutch and in high Fear runs. One of my favorite strategies if 1) my HP falls below the Pin's healing threshold, 2) its effect has not been triggered yet, and 3) I am 100% sure the encounter is about to end, I just die on purpose, kill everything that's left, and get a free heal.
Aromatic Phial (Narcissus) rarifies a random Common boon when you drink from a Fountain, which helps massively in no-Arcana runs or runs without Excellence/Divinity. It could also help if you grabbed Hera's Uncommon Grace but are unable to activate it because you have a Common boon. Lastly, the extra Fountain heal helps with survivability.
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On the topic of Keepsakes, I encourage you to use the Olympian Keepsakes, because they now have the ability to increase the rarity of non-Infusion/Duo/Legendary Boons up to a certain rarity threshold and not just help you aim where your current build is going.
Rarification works especially well with Demeter's Rare Crop; one time Heroic Rare Crop managed to rarify my Attack, Special, and Cast somehow and I ended up blazing through Tartarus and Chronos like it was nothing.
End Notes (For Now)
I have some more tips prepared, but I'd like to know before I compile the next one:
Aand that's it for now. If I got something wrong or you know anything relevant to what I've shared above, do tell me in the replies so I can edit!
TL;DR: Don't forget to use Cast, get used to dodging with and without Swift Runner card, grab Chaos boons in early regions, be patient with grinding for upgrades, keep practicing, and have fun :)
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ninja-guy-yo · 1 year
I'd be more okay with Crystalized being the ending of the ninjas' time as the protagonists if it wrapped up their stories better.
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Lloyd's arc about reconciling with Garmadon and unlocking his Oni Form amounted to:
Garmadon having a temper tantrum over Lloyd saying he trusts him too hesitantly ("Can we please discuss this after we defeat the Overlord??" There is no after, this is it)
Garmadon faking his death to make Lloyd go Oni out of rage and grief, only for that to fail because even after warming up to his father and realizing he's not inherently evil for being an Oni, he's still afraid of becoming anything like him
Lloyd yelling at him for faking his death and wasting his time on an arc that went nowhere and didn't contribute to the ending
Them smiling at each other as Garmadon passes him a plank of wood, as the second-to-last characters ever seen in the show
There's mixed signals after they bond in the sewers, even though they're supposed to be on good terms at the end. Is this just what their dynamic is going to be if Garmadon ever shows up again? They care about each other but they constantly argue because their personalities clash, like the movie?
(I saw a post the other day about how this was Lloyd amicably cutting Garmadon out of his life as a toxic influence and I don't.. understand how that's what they took away from this? Scenes like that final one represent the beginning of a relationship, or rebuilding one, not the end. They're literally rebuilding their home. Maybe I didn't read it right...? I wish I was watching the show that fans make it sound like in analyses. It's better than the actual thing)
I wish I had anywhere near as much to say about each of the original four ninja, but they barely had anything to do individually. As soon as Nya's back, any arc Kai and Jay could have had was done. Not because they learned to move on from their grief and overcome their differences, but because they no longer had a reason to be sad. Instead of her brother and boyfriend, Zane is the one to learn about the benefit of grief, but again, because Nya's already back he doesn't have to deal with it when he turns his emotions back on. Zane's time as the Ice Emperor was used as a gag, and him having any issues with it at all was relegated to a book. Cole
The ninja were all crystalized and none of them, technically not even Lloyd, intentionally contributed to the Overlord's final defeat. They destroyed the Golden Weapons because they thought they were about to lose anyway, and Lloyd failed to complete what his arc throughout the season was building up to. It's pure luck that the GWs and the ninjas' powers could transform into a dragon to save Lloyd and destroy the Overlord, and wasn't foreshadowed as a possibility until it happened.
Nya returns through her own willpower, which is great, because even though it undoes her sacrifice in Seabound, she had agency in it instead of the guys making the choice for her! And then she's sidelined for the rest of the season, her powers return, and any consequences from her departure are undone. She doesn't even get to participate in the final battle on the same level as the other ninja. I never wanted or expected her to be gone, but in hindsight, what was the point of her sacrifice or return if she wouldn't have a role in the ending?
Ultimately, the six ninja and Master Wu are staples of the evergreen LEGO Ninjago franchise and removing any of them permanently isn't an option, no matter how many times it's teased. They must've had no idea Crystalized would be the final season when they wrote her sacrifice, so they had to get her return out of the way as quickly as possible to get everything back to normal before the actual arc of the season began. Which just contributes to so much of the season feeling like wasted time, because the prison arc happens as a result of that..
Instead of stories that serve as the characters' and the original Ninjago's swan song, they just did whatever random shenanigans to fill up space, and then ran out of time for the stuff that actually mattered. We know they'll all still be around in Dragons Rising, but with Doc's heavy emphasis on it being a completely new show that you can start without watching Ninjago, I doubt it'll be continuing any plot thread from it, at least not for a while. It isn't like SotFS was, where it's just the old show continuing with a new name and still heavily dependent on the past decade of lore. This is a new show with a new world and new main characters, even if the old ninja are still there to some degree. It's Ninjago: Dragons Rising Season 1, not Ninjago Season 16/17: Dragons Rising
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faint-kitten · 5 months
This battle pass looks fucking terrible.
I don't like any of these rewards. They just gave everyone the same white and black outfit and slathered the same goop on one side. I don't know enough about design to tell you why, but nothing here looks good. These skins are fucking aweful.
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Like I'm genuinely considering not purchasing this battle pass and I have free coins. Like, did they burn up all their ideas last season? Last season was killer. Like did they put a lot of work into their cosmetics to make up for not having a new legend? I was okay with it. But so far this season is not impressing me... Something I came to realize playing fortnite last week was that I will always have that addictive dopamine rush of unlocking a new thing just to keep a game fresh, but once I get it I'll realize: oh I only really like using X Y or Z. I unfavorited a lot of skins in apex because I just don't like them and I'm very wary of buying new ones in fortnite because once the rush is over I just keep using the same 3 or 4 I like. Maybe I'm reaching that point where I just have one GOOD skin for every character in apex, and I'm privledged? But I don't think I'd use any of these. Everything I have is better. Which sucks because Seer's been needing a weird new skin, all of his stuff looks the same. I just. I look at these, and I see a mess. Like a Michael bay transformer, these look like a mess. For contrast: here's the skins we were given for free, in the battle pass, event stores, or that I unlocked last season (though some aren't season specific)
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I might be slightly off on the timing of some of these, but like... These are all skins where you can fucking clearly see a design, an intent, a goal, the colors work well together, you can tell what the fucking character is. These new skins are nothing. (I'll also grant that the lifeline and bloodhound skins are old re-works but I only got them last season) My point is, looking at these new skins they're fucking nothing. There's nothing there. I am excited for Apex to have it's very own Juri Han from SF or Jinx from League of Legends type girl, A lot of characters get the same basic apex pack skins and you get some characters like Catalyst, or Wraith, or Valk, or Lifeline where the colors are placed well and look good on a character. Conduit's overall scheme changes and pops based on even the basic skins. You kind of need to find a balance of colors and a space where the familiar stuff like "Arachnophobia" and "alpha royal" textures can dramatically alter the skin, and the texture can pop. Sometimes you get Ballistic, or Wattson where it's either too small, or it's paired with Wattson's weird grey scheme so they stuff doesn't work together. I do think some of Alter's stuff pops pretty well in the rare tier: I've never liked either of these, but they look phenominal with her hair and sort of head shadow.
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But her common skins are kinda nothing. Idk my big takeaway as I get older are developers struggling with deadlines have to choose what to invest their time into and I feel the more I play things like Fortnite, Apex, Starfield, MMO's I'm starting to recognize 'where the budget' (not just money, but resources and time) went. And I feel like Last season they just blew their whole load, and behind the scenes they were working on a new character, and by the time they finished her and blew all those other crazy skins out they maybe just didn't have any good ideas left? I dunno. I guess it's thematic but this...this season...these rewards...they're nothing. Also I'm not liking the look of yet another fucking currency added to the game. I know about as much as anyone else does about exotic shards, but until I have enough in a quantity that matters, or they lock something I want behind them I'm just gonna have the stance of "I don't completely get them, but after burning through almost all my level ups to get what might be my one and only heirloom I'm lowkey kinda pissed you're introducing something ELSE I could get into my apex packs."
----- Edit: Since initially posting this, I've tried solo's and ngl I kinda love it. As someone who's never cared about winning and feels like looting is taking too long in this game, the idea of just "KILL KILL KILL KILL *die* QUEU UP AGAIN! KILL KILL KILL!" is a lot of fun.
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idabbleincrazy · 10 months
Never a Wish Better Than This Ch. 3
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Become a Patron Tip Jar
Fandom: Smallville
Rating: M (E overall)
Pairing: Clex
Word Count: 3021
Warnings: brief angst, kissing, pre-smut
Summary: confessions are made
A/N: still no smut, but we're getting there!
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Clark's POV:
I make it to the castle in record time, even for me, but once I reach the gate, I pause. How much does he already know? How much came back from those lost seven weeks? The gate is closed, but he is expecting me; or at least hoping for my arrival. If I make my way to the room without buzzing the gate, Lex will have questions, and I don't want to ruin this with another lie, but I don't know if I can tell him the truth. 
Screw it. I need to take the leap, and trust he won't let me fall. I want anything and everything he has to offer, even if it's just friendship. Even if it's a trap. 
I leap over the tall gate and speed up the drive. Before I open the door, I scan the mansion. Lex is in his office, his head just visible over the top of his chair, a glass of scotch on the desk. His heartbeat has slowed since he left the farm, but not by much. There's no sign of any staff around the mansion, not even the ones who live on the grounds. Another animal thrill thrums through me, a warning against potential danger, but I ignore it as I test the doorknob. It gives under human-level torque, unlocked. I close the door quietly and speed through the sprawling estate up to the third floor. As I walk towards the door in the middle of the hallway, I scan Lex's office again. Still there, but standing now, glass empty in his hand. 
Slotting the key into the lock and turning it is easy. Making that final move, not so much. I stand in front of the door, my hand on the knob, and force myself to turn it before giving into the temptation to peek through the solid oak, turning on the light.
Okay. I'm not quite sure what I expected to find here, cages and medical tables and big hunks of Kryptonite, maybe, but definitely not this. Not a room twice the size as it was before, with expensive bedroom furniture and techy gadgets perfectly placed around the large space, and the walls decorated sparingly with movie and band posters. All of which I've expressed interest in at one point or another. Gone is the weird mobile of compressed bullets that failed to penetrate my skin, the cube sculpture of the Porsche, the dozens of pictures of me as I wound up in the middle of every freaky thing that happened in this town. I step in, leaving the door open behind me, too confused by the sight in front of me to keep track of Lex's whereabouts.
Lex's POV:
I can't believe I actually had the nerve to go through with it. Maybe all my father's training was good for something after all. Nervous energy still rushes through me, muscles tensed for a fight I hope never comes. I'll either lose him forever after tonight, or gain the one thing I thought I'd never deserve.
I know the moment he steps onto the grounds. The motion detectors set around the perimeter of the estate signal his arrival. I don't know when, exactly, he makes it into the house, or when he gets to the room, so I take my time, giving him time. To adjust, to change his mind. To freak out and storm into my office and demand answers.
I give myself five minutes. Steeling my nerves for this make or break moment. I've taken my leap, and I haven't splattered yet, but maybe I'm just still falling. Either way, there's no return from this. He hasn't stormed in yet, and he hasn't left. I can't stall forever.
Clark's POV:
I'm so caught up in inspecting the room and trying to make sense of it all, that I don't realize Lex is behind me until his hand is on my shoulder. His face, for a second, is more open than I've seen it since those first few moments on the riverbank. And then it's closed again, neutral, all sign of emotion smoothed away. My chest clenches and I realize I'd do anything to break down the wall he's put back up, crumble it to dust and make it so it could never be rebuilt. I don't want him anything but open with me. I don't want to have to keep my own walls up around him. Not anymore. I know, now, I'm not just attracted to him, I don't just want him; I love him. Oh, God. I'm in love with Lex Luthor, my best friend, the man who could so easily become my worst enemy. 
"Lex…what is this?" 
I expect banter, teasing, sarcasm. I don't expect a hand in mine, guiding me to the pair of chairs by the desk set up against one of the windows. He doesn't let go of my hand as we sit, facing each other, his crystal blue gaze searching. 
"It's all gone now, Clark. All of it. Burnt to ash and melted down to useless clumps of steel and plastic. What I couldn't destroy completely is buried where it'll never be found." His gaze breaks, his eyes dropping to our joined hands. "I don't remember everything that happened from those weeks I lost, but I remember enough. And I'm done digging for more of your truths. What I have is more than I deserve. This room is your gift, Clark. This, and a room just like it in Metropolis. The key works for both."
Lex releases my hand and gets up to leave. After a revelation that confuses as much as it enlightens. My hand on his arm stops him.
"I just want to protect you, Clark." He won't meet my eyes as I stand up with him, his head dropping to look intensely at his shoes. "It's what I've always wanted, even though I keep fucking it up. Last week - your amnesia - I scared even myself with how badly I was tempted to use that to my advantage, make you tell me everything. I know you've got secrets that my father thinks are worth killing for; I think they're also worth dying for. This room…it can be your safe place, Clark. If you just need time away from your parents, away from the world, it's here. Or the one in Metropolis. This way, I can know that you're still protected, even if I can't be here to help you through whatever it is."
"So, if I felt…not quite myself…instead of commandeering your Ferrari or running away for three months to Metropolis and having to bend some rules to keep myself housed, I could come here." Lex nods his head, his face showing his uncertainty. "And, do what, exactly?"
"Whatever you want, Clark. Whatever you need. If I'm here, and you want to talk about whatever is overwhelming you, you can. You used to talk to me all the time about your life, Clark, you used to seek out my advice. I miss that. Or, if you can't talk about it, just tell me; either way, this place is here for you."
I can't really decide whether I want to blurt out the truth of what I am, or how I feel, or just speed away, back to the farm, back to where my life is reaching yet another turning point that makes the future waver so uncertainly. I'm no longer looking at Lex, but I can feel his eyes on me, and when I look back, that openness is there again.
"I'm not normal, Lex."
"I know, Clark. Neither am I. It's overrated, anyway."
"No, Lex. It's not the same." I take his hand now, and lead him, over to the bed, needing the comfort of something less sturdy than the office chairs. "I'm not one of the meteor infected. I'm…"
"Not human. I know. I remember what happened at Belle Reve. How you tried to save me, how Ian somehow used the meteor rocks to overpower you. You tore that cage off me like it was nothing. I remember the fear I felt when Ian dragged you away, when I couldn't save you; I haven't felt that scared since I was a child." Lex reaches out, his hand cupping my face, and I don't even realize the tear on my cheek until his thumb brushes it away. "You have something to do with the meteor shower all those years ago, don't you?"
"Yes. Lex, I…I'm-"
"It's okay, Clark. You don't have to tell me. It doesn't matter to me what you are, I know who you are. That's…that's who I fell in love with."
His heartbeat is loud in the silence that follows my gasp, and God, I want the last ten seconds recorded, just so I can hear it over and over again. I wasn't wrong! Those lingering looks, those flirty smirks and double entendres, I wasn't imagining it all. He loves me.
"I'm an alien, Lex." And there it is, half of my secret, finally out in the open. He takes it in impressive stride, his eyes only widening ever so slightly in the face of the truth. "My birth parents sent me here to save me…the meteor shower is the result of the destruction of my planet. And, I love you, too, Lex."
In true impulsive-Lexian fashion, that's what brings him into action. Fast enough to make me think he's suddenly gained some super-speed of his own, his lips are on mine. Kissing Lex Luthor, in reality, is so much more than anything my imagination had been capable of.
Lex's POV:
God, his lips are impossibly soft beneath mine, so warm, and everything my subconscious remembered from that first day I knew him. And so much more. Four years of waiting, of yearning, and I am not let down by the reality of it. 
Clark Kent loves me. He's an alien, the last of his kind, and he loves me. Maybe I never made it off that island. Maybe I'm still there, and this moment, and the last year and a half, has all just been a fantasy concocted by dying synapses as those last few neurons fire and fizzle, my body lying in the sand, succumbing to malaria at last. 
Oh, but it feels so real, his lips against mine, his hands running up my arms to grip firmly around my biceps. More real than Louis Leery ever felt, even as we were fighting to the death. 
And then my brain kicks back on. The firm grip of his hands suddenly feels more like he's pushing me away, not pulling me close. And, Christ, how could I be so stupid and reckless? I break the kiss before he has the chance to, let my hand drop from his face, turn away to hide the heat I feel burning my cheeks.
"Shit. Sorry. I shouldn't…you probably didn't mean it the same way I did." And now I'm babbling. I never babble. Luthors don't babble, damn it, but I can't make myself shut up, don't want to give him the silence needed for him to curse me in disgust and run away. "I'm sorry, Clark. You love Lana that way…you meant…like a brother, not…"
My rambling is stifled by his lips on mine again, his tongue tracing over my top lip, over the only scar that's never faded away, before licking its way inside. He pulls me against him as I let out a soft moan. I don't even realize I'm straddling him, my hands pushing into his thick, dark hair, until he breaks the kiss, both of us breathless and panting. 
"So…not as straight as I feared you were, then?" 
And there's that too-fucking-cute blush again.
"Not so much, no."
I hate to ask it, but I have to; never let it be said that we Luthors aren't as masochistic as we are sadistic.
"What about Lana?"
"I don't love her that way, not anymore. Not for a long time now, if I'm being honest with myself."
Clark's POV:
Lex watches me curiously as I hesitate, my brain trying to catch up with everything that's happened in the last few minutes. It's surprising that he's as calm as he is, temporary misunderstanding aside, considering I've just told him my secret. Maybe it hasn't really sunk in yet? Or, maybe, he's suspected I was more than just meteor infected even before the memories came back and I merely confirmed it as fact. It's hard to wonder about it all just now, with his slim, hard body in my lap, close enough to feel that he's as hard as I am, his blue eyes darkening even as he stares at me, waiting.
"It happened in increments, really, since that day on the bridge. Which, by the way…you did hit me."
"Uh-huh." Is Lex such a wordsmith with all his lovers? It's kinda endearing, actually, that the usual sharp, collected Luthor demeanor seems to go right out the window after a few - wonderful, mind-blowing - kisses. "God, Clark…all this time?"
"It took some time to understand what I was feeling, to accept it, but yeah…I've wanted you, on at least some level, for the past four years. I didn't really get that it was a sexual want, at first, not until Desiree."
Lex seems to snap out of his little mental fog at that, a sly smirk slowly twisting his lips.
"So, you were jealous. I just thought she had you under her spell, too."
"I've been jealous of them all, Lex. Even Victoria. They took your attention away from me, your time. But when I saw you with Desiree…I mean, she even had the same eyes as me! It confused me. It made me feel things…made me realize how much I wanted you to look at me with that much passion."
"I do, Clark. You're just always looking the other way when I do it. That's the only time I allowed it."
"I'm not looking away now." And, God, the smirk is gone, and he's giving me that look. The look I've dreamt of so many times. "Yeah, that look. Jesus, Lex, I've wanted you for so long."
"I've wanted you too, Clark. Since you saved me. God, I wanted to take you, there and then. But, then I found out you were young, so fucking young. I hated myself for what I felt, but I couldn't make the need go away. So settled for your friendship, Clark, but it became an obsession. This room…I felt like it was the only way I could have some part of you that no one else did. And it almost ruined us…I'm so sorry, Clark."
That look has simmered away, his eyes turning pained again. I can't let that keep hovering between us. 
"Lex, stop. I understand, and I accept your apology for it all. Look at what you've given me." I gesture around the room, and then at him, hoping he'll get where I'm leading him. "You did this, without knowing how I feel about you, just because you love me, and didn't want to lose me. How can I not get that?"
Thank God, the pain is leaving his gaze now, and his hands resume their tentative play in my hair. I want to take this further, but feel we should at least try to clear the air about the past some more.
"Aren't you at all startled by what I am? I mean, most people don't find out their best friend's an alien and immediately start sucking face with them."
His laugh is loud in the spacious room, and more real than I've heard from him in a long time. I can't help but chuckle in response, 'cause honestly, it is a bizarre occurrence, even for Smallville. Like, tabloid bizarre. 
"I'm sitting in the lap of the young man I love, who loves me, after four years of fantasies, Clark. Unless there's some anatomical aberration I need to be aware of?" I shake my head, horrified. What does he think, that I have, like, tentacles, or something? " Then, I think the 'my best friend's an alien' talk can wait till tomorrow; and hopefully will be more of the 'my boyfriend's an alien' variety."
I can't help the gasp that escapes my lips. 
"Four years, Clark. You don't think constantly about someone for four years to leave it as just a one-night stand."
"Y'know, you could've had me two years ago, this is Kansas. Age of consent is sixteen."
"Not sure that would've mattered to Jonathan's shotgun. Besides, you've always seemed so intent on getting with Lana…"
"Only because I thought I couldn't have you. And then there was Helen, and…everything, and it just seemed easier to just keep things how they were."
"So, I guess we've got two years to make up for then." 
And, oh Christ, his lips are on mine again, so sure and knowledgeable, reawakening the erection that had begun to recede during our talking. God, I hope Kryptonian men don't get blue balls. 
"Fuck, Clark," Lex's voice is a husky whisper against my lips, sending a thrill of pleasure down my spine as his tongue flicks briefly into my mouth. "Want you. So much."
Succinct-Lex is back, and I have to let out a moan at the power I feel at being able to reduce someone like him, someone always so in control of himself, to this. And those lips, when they slide over mine again…nothing compared. No fantasy could have captured the way Lex tastes, that slight tang from the scotch he'd had earlier, that wet warmth as his tongue slid over mine, teasing it into a dance I never wanted to end. I've never been kissed like this, even during that lost summer. Like he can never get enough, like it's the only thing keeping him from dying again. Maybe the love makes it different, maybe it's just Lex, but no one will ever be able to kiss me, and make me feel like this. 
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just-spec · 1 year
Fear and hunger 2 is ripping me apart and spitting on my grave. I just spent the past several hours going to key locations over and over again and fighting god awfully hard bosses, using strategies that let me get by just barely to have enough healing items for the next area. Though eventually I did it. I beat the bosses and finally did the requirements I needed to unlock what I believe is the final location to reach some kind of resolution. I would have preferred saving before continuing (honestly I felt this whenever I made any kind of substantial progress), before I probably fight, what I guess is going to be the final boss, but through testing beforehand I have no way of saving that lets me keep my party members. I considered it but, the state I'm currently in, I think trying to go into the end game with just myself is straight impossible with the resources I have. On the other hand, the only other method of saving, I unknowingly cut myself off of hours ago by letting a certain character die and that making a certain shopkeeper that gives me a very expensive save item disappear for the rest of my run. So, going forward was my only option and I was at the point where I would be happy at least being able to attempt fighting the final boss. I go into the area, go into one off shoot room and immediately get burned alive by a a random soldier I both had no time to react to and had no way of knowing that he was there. My favorite part was how long it took me to burn to death. I just had to watch my character get burned alive for several seconds just blindly hoping maybe this is a scripted event from how long it was taking. It was not. Being brought back to the title screen I realize I now have about three options infront of me. Option 1, I go back to my most recent save, go through the previously mentioned hell again just to maybe hope I can skim by in the final section if I'm just really really careful (this will ultimately lead to me doing this several times). Option 2, I go to one of my several other later saves and just try to continue things from where I left off and make smarter decisions based on what I know now. These saves are so far behind of where I am currently, its not even funny but at least its something. Option 3 is to give up and completely restart with a fresh run. Yeah I can go back to any of my earlier saves but, throughout all of them I made mistakes that I now see are fixable/avoidable in one way or another. One of those mistakes being the amount of times I saved. I didn't realize how much I'd be pushing myself into a corner later by thinking I'm doing the opposite, thinking I'm saving myself so much extra time by saving over important accomplishments but, I didn't.  There was so many times I should've gone a little bit further before I saved so I wouldn't end up where I am now. The funny thing is, regardless of how much I think about it and where I ultimately choose to go from here I have to make up hours and hours of progress. Everything leads back to fighting just to get back to where I was before with varying levels of success. To an area honestly at this point I'm not even sure is the final location. Least to say, I cannot remember the last time a game has made me feel so stupid. When I look at everything I've done in this game, its my fault I ended up like this. As unfair and frustrating and for lack of better word just *mean* as this game is, I cornered myself out of fear of losing progress much earlier in the game.  Fear and hunger 2 Termina is a video game.
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You Give Gilbert A Foot Massage
Gilbert x Reader, 1300+ words
Crack that gets a little nsfw with some crack-filled footplay, MINORS DNI
+ + + +
On this most magnificent night, Gilbert comes home early and takes his usual seat at the foot of your bed. You will be pleased to learn that the mattress in that region features a cute Gilbutt-shaped indent from countless nights of adorable and sinister couple chit-chat.
"Gilbert, why are you dressed like that?" comes the question from your mouth, still full of tuna fish and crackers from Gilbert's secret pillow stash.
Gilbert, who is wearing a cheese-white tuxedo, gives a shrug and begins pouring some tea into your respective cups. "You didn't think a prince of Obsidian would have only one outfit, did you?"
"Of course I thought that," you say, clearing your throat as the jagged edge of the biscuit scrapes down your throat. "I haven't seen you change outfits once over the last eight months."
Gilbert rips open five packets of Splenda at once and dumps everything in. "Oh, oops, that was your cup." He downs all the tea from your cup in one go, clearly having scalded his tongue but maintaining a level of badass by pretending he hasn't.
He fake-pouts. "It hurts my feelings when you call me my full name."
You roll your eyes. "Gil."
"That's still too long."
"Are you even trying?"
Sigh. "G."
"Mm, close, but I need a little more from you."
"No. It's time for your foot massage."
Gilbert stirs his teacup, having given up on serving you. He does not look amused. "Quite daring of you to make such a demand."
"You've been on your feet all day, I know it. Let me love you."
Gilbert frowns. "When will you learn?"
You get to your feet and begin jumping up and down on the bed. "I. Love. You. Let. Me. Massage. Your. Feet."
The tea in Gilbert's cup sloshes with each of your jumps but never spills over the edge. Gilbert maintains his thin-lipped expression. It looks even more intense than usual when paired with his cheese-white tuxedo.
Realizing that he will not yield, you hop over to his backside, bend down slightly, and lock his head between your knees. "I'm not letting you go until you lay down and let me do my thing." You fold your arms atop his captured head and rest your chin on them.
Gilbert sips his tea, elegantly, softly.
He's angry.
You fake-yawn. "What will it be?"
"I'd be careful if I were you, Little Rabbit. I could lock you in this room and throw away the key."
"You'll unlock it within five minutes, you big simp."
Sip. "Would you like to test that theory?"
Eight minutes later Gilbert unlocks the door. He has a plate full of food with him and a scarily cheerful smile. "Is there something you want to tell me, Little Rabbit?"
The plate is definitely yours from one hour in the past. "I wanted to make room for the tuna fish and crackers under your pillow."
"I almost wish that was a lie." Gilbert sets the plate down beside the cold tea. "Feed me and then you can massage my feet."
You clap your hands. "I knew you'd come around."
Gilbert smiles, evil as can be. "I hope you'll maintain that enthusiasm. Because I can only take it as a personal offense if you go and do something like get bored and leave... Right?"
You have Star Wars levels of bad feelings about this, but your optimism and sunshine is Gilbert's begrudging weakness, so you march on.
Gilbert opens his mouth and waits for you to spoon the [insert German dish here] onto his waiting tongue.
"Aren't you worried I'll get food on your tux?"
Gilbert tilts his head in a cute way. "Hm... Would that be a greater loss for me or a greater loss for you?"
Which is his way of threatening you with yet more punishment.
It was certainly tempting...
But you diligently spoon more of the [German dish] into his mouth as he regales you with the events of his day. It turns out that he went into town and walked around in his tux in order to attract the attention of a nefarious gang of tuxedo smugglers.
"Scum amongst scum. I removed their stain from the face of the earth."
You dab Gilbert's mouth with a hanky (not the one he uses for magic tricks). "Gilbert, we talked about this. Rehabilitating criminals is a lot like couple's counseling. If you murder your spouse before the first appointment, well that doesn't do either side any good now, does it?"
"Naive. There's a difference between how you think the world works and how the world actually works."
You stuff tuna fish into Gilbert's mouth. "Maybe so. But let me talk to one of those smugglers."
"That'll be difficult since they're all extinct. Are you sure this tuna is from my pillow?"
"Where else would I have gotten it?"
"Your pillow."
"Aw, you keep tuna under my pillow too?"
"I keep tuna under every pillow in this castle. You never know where you'll find yourself during a siege."
"Is that an Obsidian tradition?"
Gilbert spits the tuna into his hanky (not the one he uses for magic tricks). "It's a Gil tradition. Did you poison this tuna?"
"Gildition. Traditionbert."
"Are you trying to pick a fight with me?"
"Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week."
Gilbert faces you and thumbs the skin under your eyeballs downward so you've got that Clockwork Orange expression. "Where did you get this poison?"
"Mayonnaise isn't poison."
"It is poison to my sensibilities."
You remove Gilbert's hands. "Since when did you have any when it comes to food? You eat anything and everything."
"How trashy do you think I am?"
"A little trashy but in a cute way."
Gilbert nods to himself. "It looks like it's time then."
"For the foot massage?"
His lips curl into that same evil smile. "On your knees, Little Rabbit." He gently shoves you off the bed before plopping onto his back and kicking his shoes off. Then he wriggles his toes.
You sit up and settle into a kneel before his feet. "Oh wow. Did you go shower in the eight minutes you had me locked up? I was expecting your feet to stink."
Gilbert doesn't say anything but he does slip his big toe into your mouth.
It is like an ice-cube.
Or so you say, but in truth his foot doesn't taste unpleasant. And while you've never fantasized about foot-play, there's always a first time for everything.
You pop Gilbert's toe out of your mouth. "Permission to bite?"
"Oh no~" Gilbert says mockingly. "I thought you were going to be gentle and kind and all those gross things?"
"I want to be gentle and kind and all those gross things. But I also dream of revenge every now and then."
Gilbert sits up slightly to look at you. "So you do listen to my advice."
You snort. "Once in a while. Your advice comes from a good place."
Gilbert groans. "You were doing so well." He lays back and uses his toe to nudge your lips. "But I look forward to learning how hard a rabbit bites."
You graze your bottom teeth against the pad of his toe. You wrap one hand over his ankle and the other under his heel, pulsing the flesh.
Gilbert makes a small sound that you can't decipher, but it doesn't seem like he hates what you're doing.
"Can I continue?"
"You have five minutes to show me what you can do. You'll receive an answer from me depending on your skill."
So it was better not to fuck up, basically. But even then, you knew his answer would hardly be the great evil he would make it out to be.
You pull more of his toe into your mouth as you rub circles above and under his foot. It's obviously different from giving a blowjob, but in some ways it's similar.
You take it slow, focusing your efforts more on the massage than on the ministrations of your mouth. Ousting tuxedo smugglers was probably code for something truly heinous that Gilbert was refusing to tell you about. As for the ousting itself...
Well, Gilbert doesn't smell so strongly of blood tonight. And his cheese-white tuxedo was pristine.
You flicked your gaze up to see him smiling peacefully with his eye closed. His chest rises and falls in a lovely pace.
Huh. He didn't dress up for you, did he?
You nibble thoughtfully on his toe.
Nah. Gilbert hates white.
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justplainwhump · 2 years
On his call, Tyler's WRU colleagues arrive to arrest Tara.
(Note - This is, for a change, a Tara chapter, and she demands first person pov.)
[Previous part] [Way over his head - Tyler Masterpost]
Content: abduction, betrayal, angst. BBU setting.
It can't be real. I mean, obviously it is. But. It can't. Tyler. Ty. My best friend, my flat mate, the one friend I've shared everything with. He's with them.
He's with WRU. A handler. Worst kind of all. The times we've drunk in the kitchen, and he's mentioned work, that work has been enslaving people. Conditioning, torturing, maybe even - no I won't go down that road, he wouldn't be that kind of handler. Right?
How should I know?
He's been lying at me, about his entire life, his whole identity, and I've trusted him. I'd have given everything for him. For a WRU handler.
And in return, he's taking everything from me.
"McKenzie. Tara."
My name. My address. Given to a WRU 'acquisition team'.
"Fuck you," I whisper. "Go to hell, Tyler Parker."
Ty's colleague - Alex - clasps Ty's shoulder, as if they're proud of him somehow. Fuck them. There's nothing in WRU one could ever be proud of.
"You did the right thing," they say. "The company won't forget."
I spit at the ground in front of their feet.
Ty is doing his best not to look at me. When Alex reaches into their jacket to pull out a bundle of zip ties, Tyler simply lifts his hand and takes them.
"Oh no. Fuck no, Ty, you're not doing this."
Alex levels their gun to my shoulder. "I'm not a murderer, Tara, but if I need to, I can make this hurt."
"Alex," Tyler says. His voice is flat. "Don't."
He steps forward, shielding me from the gun, when he bows forward and grabs my wrists.
I never really thought about his strength. We shared all chores, equally. I'm well trained, too. Always saw us on eye level. But now I realise that Tyler's grip is like steel. That I don't even stand a chance.
"Why?" I ask. "Why?"
"I'm sorry," he mumbles, and I yelp as he pulls the tie tight.
Alex clicks their tongue and lowers the gun. With a side glance at Ty, they grab a towel from the wall and wipe out the writing on the fridge.
I have a contact. Talk tonight. Sorry. Ty.
I frown. What had that been about, anyway? I'll never know, I realize.
Never. Because they're going to end my life.
"Ty..." I whisper. "Ty, you'll make me into a... a pet?"
"Not himself," Alex says. They've unlocked the kitchen door and stepped half onto the corridor, where the buzzer to the front door is installed. "But someone will. You don't mess with WRU."
They press the button, and heavy footsteps sound from the corridor.
Tyler's hands run over me. I flinch, but he goes on, cold and unimpressed. He reaches into my pockets, and pulls out my belongings. Wallet. Press ID. Phone.
"She's clean."
He tosses my things onto the kitchen table, where Alex skims through them.
"Fuck you," I repeat. "Fuck WRU."
Ty grabs the front of my sweatshirt and pulls me up to my feet, still keeping me pressed against the wall.
I spit at him. "You won't get through with this. You-"
A weight drops into my pocket. Almost like... my phone. But it's not. My phone is on the table, in Alex' hands. It's his. I stare at him blankly.
"Sorry," Tyler says. "Alex is right. You can't go against the company."
A knock raps against our apartment door, and Alex steps onto the corridor to get it.
"Ty," I hiss. "Ty, you can't -"
His hand reaches to the draining rack next to the sink. He pulls out our paring knife. "Shhh," he hisses, and I freeze, as he leans in and stuffs it into my pocket. Fuck.
He holds my gaze while a chef's knife vanishes under his own shirt.
"Target's secured in the kitchen with Handler Parker." Alex directs two people in black uniforms into the room, man and woman. The metal clips of WRU logos shine on their jackets. There's guns on their belts, and batons that make me shiver.
"Tyler," one of them greets, after assessing the room. "Your home address or what? Your girlfriend making trouble?"
His voice is casual enough to let it be a real possibility. Someone bringing in their partner to turn them into a pet. I feel nauseous.
"Flat mate," Alex says. "Not girlfriend. Lesbian. Journalist troublemaker."
The man grins at me. "Well, we can still make her someone's little girlfriend. She's cute. I call dips."
My bound hands flinch into the direction of the knife in my pocket, but Ty is faster. He grabs my shoulder, gets me into a choke hold. "Let's bring her in first. No dips on her. She's not Romantic material."
I kick back at Ty's shin. Miss on purpose. I'm a soccer player, if there's anything I can do in a fight, it's kick legs.
But Ty has a plan. I don't know what it is, I don't know if I want to be in it, but I sure as hell know that I don't want to end up where these guys want to take me.
"Drug her," Alex says, stowing away their gun. "Can't have her make a fuss."
"In the car," Tyler says and yanks me forward. His voice sounds calm, but my back is pressed close enough to his chest to feel his heart race. "Let's get her out of the apartment first."
The woman checks the room and nods. "Fine. Anything we need to take? Which bedroom?"
"Computer. Storage mediums. Whatever looks like her recent work. No mess. And pack a bag, bring that, too. Make it look like she left on her own." Alex raises an eyebrow at Ty, passing on the second question.
"First room on the left," Ty says. "Bags are under the bed. She takes prescription drugs, they're in the washroom cabinet, pack those as well."
"Fuck you," I mumble. Powerless under his choke hold.
They're right, probably. They could trick people. Especially with Tyler on their side, my best friend covering up my abduction. Everyone trusts him. Just like I did.
"Anything else we should know?"
"010974," he says. "Code to her hard drive encryption, last time I checked. Her mother's birthday."
I let out a choked sob. "I... I'll never forgive you."
"I know," he replies.
It's not my mother's birthday. It's Diane's. His mother's. And it's not my hard drive password, either. That one is a twelve digit randomly generated string. He's set it up for me. He knows.
"I'll pack the things," the woman says, pressing a button on her radio. "Turner, get in here. Smith, start the van. You leave with the target. We'll follow up later."
Alex is looking at me, softly shaking their head. "Tyler is with us, Tara. He's made a decision. You won't change that."
A push into my back, and I stumble forward. "Outside," Ty commands. "Say goodbye."
Another person in a black uniform pushes past us, as Tyler leads me over the corridor, the man in front of us, Alex in the rear.
I hold my bound hands in front of the pocket with the knife, stumbling toward the open door, Tyler's arm still around me.
I can see a black van parked in the street. No other person but the driver, waiting behind the wheel. The uniformed creep jogs forward to slide open the van's door.
Outside, Ty's said.
We step over the doorstep.
"Goodbye," I mumble.
Tyler draws the knife.
I run.
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bearpillowmonster · 2 years
Wall-E (PC Game Review)
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(Ok, that scene isn't really in the game, it's concept art that you can unlock but it got your attention, didn't it?) I've always heard good things about this game, even seeing playthroughs of it made it intriguing because it looks like a quality platformer. Strange for a licensed game but then I saw the opening logos and realized. This is Deep Iron Studios, I knew I heard that name before and yeah they made Battle for Bikini Bottom, The Spongebob Movie game, Night of 100 Frights, The Incredibles games! So you know these people actually care what they're putting out and even if they lose a deadline, they're going to at least try.
So that's what they did, the opening segment (aka tutorial) gives you pretty much everything from momentum based speed and jumping to going into "box mode" which you can "box dash" with to destroy crates. This isn't a game where you fight enemies mind you (at least for most of it) but one where you explore the area, collect and solve little puzzles both environmental and mini-game like. It's also brimming with personality giving me some reasonable cutscenes before the events of the movie before converging. Not only that but I mentioned collectibles, there are the boxes which contain various power sources to open doors and laser capsules, that's right, you can shoot a laser. But there are also artifacts which glimmer in the sunlight and when inspected, a little cutscene will play out where Wall-E digs up an item like say an umbrella and then proceed to play with said umbrella. It'd be cool if these optional rewards were usable but hey, they're still fun to watch the animations, they fit right in.
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Think of playing as a skateboard for most of the game. That's how this is. There are ramps (not really moves you can perform) but it comes up with some pretty cool traversal methods. Now all these things are great but I might complain just a little bit. Some things can be finicky or precise like sometimes you're not as fast as you should be going down a hill and when certain jumps can or cannot be jumped off of or landed on. Your jump isn't very high to start out with and you can't change direction in the air, once you're up, you're locked.
I think one way to solve this might be to just throw out the jump button for certain sections because there will be a stretch of obstacles and jumps that you need to make but if you don't have enough speed or momentum then you won't make them, I'd rather just have him smooth glide off the ramp so I know when and where to jump but that's me being picky. I'm sure lots of these things were known and they just didn't have enough time to iron them out but it's a solid game.
What you wanted more? Ok, well you can also play as Eve so there are 'racing' where you can fly around like an on rails shooter. I 100% this game guys and I never do that, sure it wasn't hard but I went the extra mile because I enjoyed it and was having fun. I haven't had this much fun playing a Disney game since probably Toy Story 3 for the DS and if you've seen my review of the Wii version, you'll know that I was a sucker for that game, playing it over and over again. This game is better than the Wii version of TS3 but still debatable on TS3DS so that means that I probably would've liked it as a kid.
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From what I can tell, there are a few different versions of this game though. The DS version which is basically a chibi top down thing, kinda cute. The Wii, PS2, PSP and PC versions are the same, basically being what I played. The PS3 and Xbox ones differ from those, having some abilities like being able to flip around in box mode making for some interesting levels and interactivity puzzles that almost looked like motion controls to me, making this surprising that the Wii version wasn't included. You don't collect boxes or artifacts, you collect "Wallops" which are just the logo, unlocking a few more things that apparently you can only use during minigames? But don't quote me on that.
One thing that I was actually interested in were the Eve levels. In the PC game, they're the on rails shooter type and while this has something similar, it also has missions where you scan around for the plant but that's in turn for Wall-E's laser because whatever you need to destroy can be done with Eve or a cube which you can apparently stack…huh. It also has some bigger worlds that you can even bump the people off their chairs (man I wish I had that mechanic) but the game ends up being shorter in the long run.
Anyway 4/5. Yeah, I'm going that far.
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The light of the ripples of the water from underground reflects the faces of the two people before us.
Though he is dressed differently, I recognize him immediately. The thousands of times I'd imagined our reunion and none of them involved meeting him at this juncture.
YIPIN POT : How have you been, Master?
MASTER : Yipin Pot!? What are you doing here?
YIPIN POT : I have always been here. It's thanks to you I was able to enter Guanghan Palace and witness you unlocking the robo-bunny before finally crossing the rock wall barrier.
I realize what he means and unconsciously grip the rock in my hand tighter.
MASTER : Did Yi Ya send you? What does he want?
YIPIN POT : You should be asking what I want.
He shakes his hand and smiles. A violent tremor rocks everything and the Osmanthus sprigs burst from the ground to twine vice-like around my arms, forcing me to drop the rock!
'HENG'E' : Is this sufficient to remind you of your promise?
Yipin Pot takes the rock in hand and carefully wraps it up in his handkerchief.
YIPIN POT : Don't worry. With this, we won't require the guidance of that hare anymore. Once the power of Guanghan Palace's lunar Osmanthus is restored, you can...
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MOON CAKE : Hero to the rescue! No one can snatch anything from Master!
Moon Cake suddenly jumps out from a corner, diving straight at Yipin Pot. This could be my chance to wrest the rock back from him!
YIPIN POT : Moon Cake, there are 0 records regarding the present Guanghan Palace. Did you ever consider why?
Yipin Pot murmurs into Moon Cake's ear as he brushes past. Moon Cake stands still, stunned.
MOON CAKE : You're saying...No! That can't be! What nonsense!
YIPIN POT : Yes, it's just my hypothesis. But now I'm inviting you to witness the truth for yourself with your own eyes.
MASTER : Don't listen to him, Moon Cake!
I anxiously tear the Osmanthus sprigs wound around my hands, but the force rebounds me into the glass tank.
MASTER : Ugh! That's a lot of blood...
MASTER : Why are these Osmanthus branches multiplying over and over...I can't get loose. Rats!
I promised I'd protect him, protect Guanghan Palace...I can't give up!
MASTER : As long as there's one person, one person who can help me get free of these Osmanthus sprigs, I can...
MASTER : Please, please...Help me!
??? : ...
??? : This power...Who could it be...
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His breast shines with a glimmering glow, the tank's surface begins to crack. Immediately after, both the heavens and earth appears to shake violently.
ROBO BUNNY : Warning, warning. Damage to the glass room sustained has caused tremors. Tunnel and chamber will collapse within thirty seconds. Thirty. Twenty-nine, twenty-eight...
The walls of the tank break as he escapes and turns to look at me. His eyes are shaded by lenses and impossible to fathom.
??? : Plants are growing where they shouldn't. Activating gardening module.
MASTER : G-Gardening!?
Before I can say any more, several robotic arms issue from the rock walls, chopping down all the Osmanthus sprigs entwined around my limbs in the blink of an eye.
Like a rusted machine, he turns to Yipin Pot, body jerking. His head is vibrating slightly, as though scanning something.
??? : Good-looking suspect, suspicion level : 95%. Activating offensive module.
The shattering blast of cannon fire reverberates about the tunnel, thick grey smoke and the smell of gunpowder begins to fill the room.
YIPIN POT : Hehehe, Master, you appear to have awoken a rather nasty monster.
YIPIN POT : We don't have long, Osmanthus Wine. Let's withdraw.
OSMANTHUS WINE : Why is the insignia on this robot the same as that on your handkerchief? Yipin Pot, are you part of the Micians too!?
YIPIN POT : ...Never mind.
Yipin Pot looks at Moon Cake. Moon Cake does not hesitate and follows him with an air of determination.
MASTER : Moon Cake, are you...Really going to go with him!?
MOON CAKE : Sorry, please don't worry about me. I just want to see the thing he's talking about for myself... It's about Guanghan Palace, I can't sit here and twiddle my thumbs!
ROBO BUNNY : Second warning, second warning. Tunnel collapse commencing. Three, two, one...
The tunnel begins rocking violently once more. In the confusion, Yipin Pot and Moon Cake's bodies form an arc as they jump up and out over the rock wall.
MASTER : Moon Cake!
I haven't quite gotten my balance back before my sight-line suddenly gets a boost.
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??? : You can't stay in the danger zone, frail human.
??? : The risk of a geological disaster is extremely high. My propeller stove is about to start up. Please hold onto my head but do not take off my glasses, thank you.
??? : Three, two, one, ignition!
I hear a deafening bang as a hole forms in the rock wall thanks to the explosion. I am greeted by the welcome sight of sunlight as it filters down onto my head. And we are launched into the clouds, as though we were riding on a rocket.
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gravedice · 2 years
okay, some quick sonic frontiers thoughts
If you like Sonic, you'll like this game. If you you're not already a fan of Sonic, I don't think you'll enjoy it.
The story is fun, it's not particularly well written or executed, which is kind of par for the course in a Sonic game, but what I think is important is that I wish it was written better or executed better? It has a lot of potential, which most Sonic games can't say. Usually the story is very one dimensional, but it tried super hard to be multidimensional.
The game play is your normal glitchy weird physics Sonic gameplay. Which I'm not complaining about, but they really over engineered this game. There's like, 7 different collectibles all used for different things, when they didn't need that to be the case. They could have easily only used like, 3 or 4 things. Like, there's four stats of Sonic's you can upgrade, there's 3 collectibles you can use to upgrade them, and there's two different guys you give these collectibles to in order to upgrade these stats. It really should have only been one guy, especially because one will let you reallocate the stat levels that the other guy gives you, they should have just been the same guy.
My biggest point of contention with this game is the collectibles. You're given an expansive world to explore. Normally with this set up you'd have X number of items to collect that are scattered around, which finding these items would reward you for exploring. But any items you can get from exploring, you can also get by not exploring. There was a point near the end of my run where I actually had to do some hunting for some items, and it's cuz I got a little lazy and was ignoring things, but otherwise you don't need to explore the game at all, you can just go from mission objective to mission objective.
A lot of these collectibles are marked on the map too, which at first I was trying to check all of them off on the map, and trying to 100% things, but eventually realized that my efforts were useless, and that the game didn't care if I checked this off the map or not, and that the optimum way to play the game was just doing the mission objectives.
Which, once I stopped trying to explore and stopped trying to collect everything, and just followed the mission objectives, the game got way more enjoyable for me. I still tried to fill the map in, because that unlocks fast travel, and I still tried to S rank all the cyberspace tracks cuz they were fun traditional Sonic gameplay, but the main point they tried to make for this game was it's open world, and the open world was unnecessary.
And there's also like, a blood moon type event where the enemies respawn, but they added in falling star chunks you can pick up that activate a slot machine that takes up an important chunk of the screen so you can't comfortably do anything else when this is happening. There's a lot in this game that is begging for your attention, and too many things that forcefully stop the game and say LOOK AT ME, and this is the worst example cuz you can't just walk away from it.
Final thoughts, the game is just majorly over engineered. Like they kept trying to expand the scope of it and got lost in the sauce. It's got a lot of charm, and it was nice seeing them attempt to take flat Sonic characters and give them depth and drive. They seemed to indicate in the story that we might get spin offs with Amy, Tails and Knuckles, but that could have just been them giving them the feel of depth and not actually hinting at anything.
I'd be tempted to replay it at this point, tbh.
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godtier · 2 months
today we had a severe weather incident in my area. a tornadic storm ripped through our city. I knew that the weather forecast was calling for severe thunderstorms, but I hadn't realized it had been upgraded to a tornado warning.
my mom called me in a panic, telling me to get into the basement ASAP. she tends to overreact so I was like uh??? why??? and she said smth like "didn't you hear? didn't your cell send you a weather advisory warning? there's a tornadic storm west of here headed east and the winds are upwards of 40 mph!"
I checked the local news website and saw the meteorologist talking about how if we were in [area east of me], that now was the time to take lawn furniture inside or in a closed garage. but if you were in [my area], you had little time to get to coverage.
I hurried off the phone with my mom and had my roommate (she was working from home) come upstairs. I was focused, as I usually am in emergencies, and I was barking orders like a drill sergeant. help me move this. we have minutes to put this in the garage. hurry up, let's go.
our yard is broken up into a small area next to the side door and then a back lot, so we didn't have to move things very far to ensure they weren't launched into the house. we moved the lawn chairs away from the windows and into the garage, then it started to pour violently. I felt myself tense up badly. it felt wrong.
it felt familiar.
"get inside, now," I ordered. I could feel my throat tensing as the water whipped sideways. it was raining hard but the wind was so powerful that we were barely wet. it was whipping the rain away before most of it could hit the ground.
we got inside. she grabbed one cat (the sable tabby I posted pics of recently) and I grabbed my cat (my white calico). the dog was already in the basement, so we closed the gate leading downstairs and shuttled the cats into one of the rooms.
our tabby was crying. she never goes in the basement and was confused and scared since she also doesn't like being held. not to mention that she hates storms. my calico was equally confused, probably because she knows she's not supposed to be in the basement at all. the dog started whining.
I sat there with my calico, rigid, watching the lights flicker and listening to the wind shear through trees. we heard a loud BANG and CRACK, but we didn't dare go upstairs.
we sat down there for 40 excruciating minutes.
when the tornadic storm passed, we cautiously went upstairs to survey the damage. our walnut trees were stripped of a bunch of leaves and smaller branches, but no worse for wear otherwise. the buckeye tree was frazzled and tousled, its branches drooping. the large, old, probably dying elm tree in the front yard was unfazed somehow. the flag in the flag post was ripped straight out of it, strewn across the yard.
down the street, maybe four houses from us, an entire tree had been uprooted and lay strewn across the yard there. the magnolia trees were stripped entirely. some other smaller trees were sheared in half.
I didn't expect to be frazzled myself, not in the slightest. I figured I'd be something closer to that old elm, just shrugging it off like it was nothing. after all, I have endured far worse weather than a mere tornadic storm (not even a touched down tornado, just a storm that could produce one!) but for some reason, experiencing that level of intensity and urgency at such a rapid pace unlocked some sort of anxiety I didn't even know I had. or maybe forgot about? I don't really know.
I was very young when hurricane Andrew destroyed my hometown. somehow, our apartment complex was barely damaged, but most everything around us was either flattened or ripped through. I still remember the coconuts and other tropical fruit from the neighborhood fruit market strewn across the pavement, the tall and slender palm trees snapped like twigs or uprooted. the damaged cars, the boarded windows, the screaming birds. I remember my dad flipping our couch over and creating a barrier for me and my brother to hide under. my mom tried to calm us by saying it was like camping or something. I remember the radio blaring and slowly getting drowned out by the sound of rain and ungodly winds.
I still don't understand how our building survived. being huddled under that couch is probably why I feel such comfort in enclosed spaces. as a kid, I think I must have believed that being burrowed under that piece of furniture protected me. I know I had fallen asleep.
it feels dramatic to have had such a visceral reaction to such a (comparatively) minor event. but I do wonder if my parents felt the way I did then, whereas my cat was simply confused as to why we were huddled downstairs, falling asleep in my arms.
but when the storm passed, I was shaking with leftover adrenaline, nauseated and unstable. my legs felt like gelatin for an hour after the fact.
and as I lay here, trying to figure out why I can't wind down for bed, I feel pathetic. I can't say that this reaction stemmed from a childhood fear. I don't remember being afraid. I remember feeling safe, if confused and perplexed, under that couch.
but maybe it's because I now know that a mere couch wouldn't actually do much to save me in a catastrophic storm. that it was an effective placebo and my family was simply very lucky.
and I still feel sick.
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blglmgk01 · 2 years
Revenge Note
Robin x black reader x Rok Lee
After 30 minutes or so, we arrived at my destination. It was an apartment building, looking like a convenience store was across the street from it. Glancing at the cab fair, I gave him my credit card, seeing as I didn't have any cash on me at the moment. The man in the passenger seat got out to get my luggage while I stayed seated inside the car and waited for my credit card back. 
Once I got my card back, I stepped out of the vehicle, saying goodbye to the driver as I grabbed my backpack. I closed the door and took my luggage from the other man, thanking him while I bowed my head. I took my phone out and went to my notes, checking to make sure this is the correct address before walking towards the front gate. Inputting the code, 060301, the door clicked open and I walked inside. 
Going towards the elevator since I had my luggage, I pushed the level four button with my knuckle. As the doors started to close, someone stuck their hand in the doorway, catching the doors before they closed. 
A very handsome guy walked in, with a grey hoodie and earphones around his neck. He walked into the elevator yet halted once he really looked at me. 
I nodded at him with a blank face, nodding towards the doors. 
He seemed to realize what I meant as he stood on the other side of the elevator. I didn't take it to heart, considering I'm black and face a lot of stigma, I guess I'll just have to get used to it. 
"What floor?" I asked him. He looked surprised that I spoke to him, probably assuming that I didn't speak Korean. 
"Same floor." He said.
I nodded and with that, the doors closed on a silent elevator. 
When we arrived at the fourth floor, I grabbed my suitcase and walked to apartment 402, which seemed right next door to his. 
He seemed to notice about the same time that I did. I looked over at him and nodded my head once again before unlocking my door and walking in. Immediately, I was greeted with a fully furnished apartment, complete with a television. I took my shoes off before dragging my suitcase into a room which looks like it has all of my belongings here seeing as I shipped everything I was willing to keep before arriving here. Yet, they were still in their boxes, only having my name and apartment number on the front. 
Sighing, I decided to get unpacking, dreading the fact that I would have school tomorrow. 
After I finished unpacking and made sure that I had my uniform out, along with my bike by the front door, seeing as it was holed up in my room during my move. I didn't want to take the bus, in fear that I would be ridiculed and stared at. I'd rather bike to school or where-ever I have to go. 
Glancing at my alarm clock, I realized it was two in the morning when I finally finished. I decided to take a quick shower, before dressing in an oversized shirt with some shorts, tying my hair in a bun and falling asleep. 
My alarm woke me up at 6 am. I pushed the snooze button before getting up and immediately going to the bathroom to take a hot shower. 
After my shower, I dressed in my uniform shirt before trying to pull the skirt up. It seemed like it wouldn't fit before I realized the zipper wasn't all the way down. I muttered to myself before unzipping it all the way and pulling the skirt up. As I zipped it up, the skirt became somewhat tighter and a little higher on my butt so I put on a pair of black shorts. Grabbing my black high knee socks, I put them on and pulled them up as far as they'd go, which was a little over my knees. Going to the bathroom to finish getting ready, I didn't have time for much, choosing to do my edges and to brush and fill in my eyebrows then putting my jewelry in. I made sure I wore small earrings only, a couple of really small hoops on my cartilage. I fixed the tie on my shirt, making it hang loosely and unbuttoned the top button on my uniform shirt. 
Putting a side part in my locs and putting them into a low ponytail, some of my hair jewelry dangled as I adjusted it. I grabbed my necklace my sister gave me, one with an alien charm on it and another charm with a circular shape with her name imprinted in it. I smiled, satisfied with my appearance. 
Grabbing my cropped black jean jacket and my Nike book bag, I took my bike by the handles before leaving my apartment, making sure that I had my phone, earphones and portable charger in my bag. I stepped into the hallway before my door, slipping my slippers off and putting on my red checkered vans. 
Once again taking the elevator, I was met with the cool morning air of outside, spotting a couple of people roaming about. Going to the convenience store I spotted yesterday, I noticed it was open. 
Walking in, I quickly spotted the water and grabbed three bottles then a pack of gummies, a banana and some mint gum. Before you ask, yes I did brush my teeth this morning. 
Paying for my items quickly, the older gentleman behind the desk was very surprised to see me, much less in a school uniform. 
"Oh! My daughter goes to that school." He said with a smile. I slightly smiled back before nodding my head. 
"Well I hope to meet her." I said back. His eyes widened slightly before he smiled brightly. 
"Maybe you will! Her name is Oh Ji Na. Have a good day!" He waved at me as I walked out of the store. 
I waved back with a slight smile before dropping it. I put my left airpod in my ear before clicking shuffle on my playlist. Make It Right by BTS started playing, bringing another smile to my face. I put everything in my backpack, checking my apple watch and noticed it was nearing 8:00, school started at 8:30.
I picked my bike up, and got on, making sure my skirt wouldn't flare up before I started pedaling, immediately making my way to my new school. 
Arriving there quite quickly, I got looks from students. Either due to the fact that I was black, or because I was a girl riding a bike to school in a skirt with no problem. 
Getting to the bike rack, I made sure to put a lock on the wheel and the pole, making sure no one could steal it. 
I decided to ignore everyone's stares, looking for a teacher to direct me towards the main office. I spotted a teacher who seemed young and very pretty. She had on a pinkish top with a pencil skirt and round glasses with her brown hair in a low ponytail. I paused my music on my wrist watch before tapping her on the shoulder to get her attention. 
She turned around with a smile. Once she saw me, her eyes widened and she adapted a look of shock. 
"Oh! Are you a foreign exchange student? Cobb Sienna?" 
I nodded slightly, before bowing to her. 
"Okay! Follow me, we have to meet with the head teacher." She turned on her heel and walked in one direction. I followed her, removing my air pod and putting it back into its case. 
"Oh! Cobb Sienna! You're here!" A man with a red sleeve greeted me with a loud voice and a smile. I smiled slightly before bowing. 
"Good morning Head Teacher."
He smiled a bit more before giving me a look once he noticed my piercings. 
"It's your first day, so I'm going to assume you didn't know about our uniform code. What about your piercings?"
I faltered slightly. "Do I really have to take them out?" I whined lowly, giving the teacher a sad look. 
He looked at me again. "Aish! That is a lot of earrings." He clapped his hands. "How about we ignore them for now? But try to take them out tonight please, at least some of them."
He started giving me information about my schedule and classes. It was then that I noticed two boys walking up to us. One of them was the guy from the elevator. I nodded at him and he looked surprised before nodding back. The guy next to him hit him with his elbow.  
"And before you go, if anyone gives you trouble, don't be afraid to speak up about it." 
I nodded. I will. 
I followed Ms. Maeng out of the office and took her classroom. The other two guys and another teacher falling behind. 
I saw two doors and one was labeled class one and class two. I was in class one. So was the guy from the elevator. 
Ms. Maeng got the class to settle down before announcing that they had two new students. She called for us and the guy gestured that I walk in first. 
I rolled my eyes with a smile as I walked in. Immediately, I was met with gasp as I stood next to Ms. Maeng and the guy next to me. 
"Who is that?"
"He looks kind of tough."
"He's so handsome."
"He looks cold."
"A foreigner?"
"She's so pretty!" 
"Look at her skin! It's so clear and pretty!" 
"Omo! She has a tattoo!"
"She has more than one!"
Ms. Maeng cleared her throat before looking towards me. "Can you introduce yourselves?"
I nodded before taking a breath."My name is Cobb Sienna. I am 17 years old and I like music and sports." I smiled at the class, my dimple appearing in my left cheek. "Please take care of me." I bowed before looking at Ms. Maeng. 
She nodded with a wink before gesturing to the other guy. 
"I'm Seo Ro Bin." Was all he said. 
There was a pause before talking erupted again. 
Ms. Maeng banged on the table before looking at RoBin. "Is that all you have to say? You can tell us a bit more about yourself."
RoBin shook his head. "I don't have anything else to say. "
Ms. Maeng nodded with a laugh. "You must be a man of few words Ro Bin. There are two empty chairs in the back, go have a seat."
The class started talking again, I just ignored it. I took the seat in between RoBin and another girl, who looked like a tomboy. As I sat down, she looked over at me. I raised an eyebrow at her before winking and facing the front. She blushed slightly before looking forward. 
"Let's have a good day today!" Ms. Maeng said before she left the classroom. 
"Yes ma'am!"
I put my air pod back into my ear, choosing to lay my head down. I closed my eyes before I was met with a tap on my shoulder. I huffed a breath before lifting my head up. I was met with about three boys surrounding my desk. 
"Sienna, right?" One asked. 
I paused my music on my apple watch before looking at him. "Yeah."
"You speak Korean very well!"
"You're so pretty!" 
I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess."
"Where are you from?"
"I was born in Trinidad, but grew up in America." I answered. 
"Where in America?" This big guy asked me. 
"Um, I don't know how to say this is Korean. Um, Maryland?" I answered unsure. 
"It's close to the nation's capital, D.C." I explained. 
A chorus of understandings sounded about. 
"Is that your real hair?" 
I nodded. "Yep." I thought about it. "Which reminds me." I muttered before taking my hair out of it's ponytail. My locs fell all the way to my butt, being very curly because I had just taken them out of a hairstyle on the plane ride over. I heard a bunch of sounds of awe from people in the classroom as I adjusted my hair. I was only messing with it because I had a sudden headache. 
"We have gym next. Do you have the uniform for class?" I heard someone ask Ro-Bin. 
At that I snapped my head over. "We have gym class?"
The big guy looked surprised before he nodded. I groaned before stomping my feet on the ground slightly. 
"I don't have clothes appropriate for gym class!" I huffed and pouted, crossing my arms.
"Omo! She looks so cute pouting!"
"Well what clothes do you have?" The girl sitting next to me asked. 
~~~~~ Fast forward to gym class
I stood in the gym with my short sleeved fitted black Nike athletic shirt and my black Nike spandex shorts along with my volleyball shoes. My hair was back in it's low ponytail and my piercings were still in my ear and nose.
"Line up two arm length's apart!"
"One, two, go!" The class said together. 
"Let's stretch!"
"Woah! You have a really nice body!" A girl complimented me, staring at what I was wearing. 
I smiled slightly. "Thank you."
"Ya! Why aren't you in uniform? Your clothes are very inappropriate!" The gym teacher scolded me. 
I bowed. "I'm sorry. This is my first day and these were the only clothes I had since I have volleyball practice after school."
The gym teacher held a shocked face. "Why would you play volleyball in that?"
"Well, seeing as I have to move around a lot and jump very high, it makes no sense to wear such loose clothing, it slows me down. Also, my clothes shouldn't have an impact on my education because I'm a human being, not here for other people's pleasure. "
"Are you smart mouthing me?" The gym teacher took a step forward. 
I smirked. "Ah, I forget." I bowed again. "I apologize Teacher. I see you are not used to people younger than you indulging in a conversation where I express my opinions. It seems you lack the intellect for such conversations. I'm so sorry."
He nodded with a smug look and stepped back. I smirked again, waiting for him to get it. 
He looked like he was thinking about my words before he glared at me. "Hey! Who do you thi-" His words were cut short when his phone rang.  
"Hello? Yes? Ah, I will be right there." He hung up the phone before looking towards the class president. "Hey! Class president! Have the guys play basketball and the girls play dodgeball. I'll be right back okay?"
The class separated, girls going to play dodgeball. I stayed where I was, choosing to ask the class president.
"Hey! Can I play basketball with you guys?" I asked sweetly. 
"Yea right. What does a girl know about basketball?" The class president laughed while holding a ball. 
I clapped my hands and held them out to him, gesturing for the ball. "Come on! Let me see." 
He laughed again and bounced the ball. "You're a girl. Girls play dodgeball. So go over there."
I glared before walking forward and snatching the basketball out of his hands. Dribbling the ball, I stood straight and tossed it. It went inside the net. 
I turned to face the class president. "All I wanted to do was shoot the ball. Now I know you're sexist." I rolled my eyes and walked to turn away from him. I heard boys snickering as I walked over to the girls. 
Quite some time passed as everyone was playing, except for Ro-Bin. He stayed on the sidelines for a while before a boy asked him if he wanted to play. I watched him play as often as I could without getting hit in the face with the dodgeball. He was very good. 
"Let's change the rules." This girl said. "From now on, it's ground dodgeball." 
"Ground dodgeball?" I asked. 
"You know right? You won't be out from just getting hit. Here we go." She said before bouncing it towards the only girl still in her school uniform. She caught and bounced it back on the other side. 
Another girl with a bun caught it and threw it straight at her. It hit her arm. This was going on for a while, the other side bouncing the ball and getting girls out. When the girl with the bun threw the ball at my teammates face, I stood in front of her, catching the ball with my right hand. 
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" A girl called out to me. 
I cocked my head at her. "You seem like a brat." I said out loud. Cocking my arm back, I threw the ball at the girl with the bun. She yelped as it hit her shoulder. The ball rolled back over to my side. I bent over to pick it up. I looked from the ball to the girl, who was rubbing her shoulder. 
I shrugged as I dropped the ball. I turned to the girl, sticking my hand out. "Sienna."
She took my hand hesitantly. "Oh Ji Na."
"Hmm? Ji Na? Your father told me that I would meet you here. "
"My dad?" She looked so confused and hesitant.
I hummed. "At the convenience store this morning."
"Oh." She muttered.
"Yah!" The girl from earlier shouted as she threw the ball straight at Ji Na. Making her fall to the ground. 
"She feels no shame." One of the minions said.
"That's why she would even cheat on the test."
"Do it right. It's so boring because of you."
I rolled my eyes. "Ignore them." I said as I helped her up. "Some human beings aren't worth the effort."
The girl with the bun started bouncing the ball again, when the girl that sits next to me came by. She snatched the ball from her, bounced it and it hit Ji Na's arm. 
"You're out." Was all she said before she walked away. 
"Whose that?" I asked Ji Na, who was staring at the girl who walked away.
"Oh? Thats Ha Rok Hui. "
"Rok Hui." I muttered to myself as she walked away. 
Suddenly, a ball was thrown at the bratty girl, hitting her head. 
"Who did that?!" She shouted in anger.
Ro-bin raised his hand. "I'm sorry. The ball slipped out of my hand."
She suddenly turned cute. "You should have been more careful. "
Ro-bin stared at her then walked away. 
Gym class was over and everyone was in homeroom. 
I sat in between Rok Hui and RoBin, choosing to discuss with the former, since RoBIn had his earphones in. 
"Hey, Rok Hui." I called her name before turning to her. 
She hummed before facing me. 
I smiled. "That was cool what you did for Ji Na earlier." 
She seemed taken aback. "Ah! That was nothing, I was just playing the game." 
I winked at her again. "Your secrets are safe with me." 
Ji Na returned to class and threw something away. As she looked closer, she noticed her gym uniform was in the trash. Sighing, she picked it up and sat it on her desk with a dejected look. I looked from her to the bratty girls who were snickering. Narrowing my eyes at them, I muttered a curse under my breath in English. 
Walking home after practice, I walked past a place that seemed like a club. I smelled hamburgers emitting from there and my stomach growled. I sighed to myself. 
"Mine as well get dinner." 
I walked up to the door and got stopped by a bouncer. He took one look at my volleyball uniform and my bag on my shoulder, then looked at my slightly frazzled appearance, sensing I was tired. 
He nodded his head at me before stepping inside. 
I nodded back before going in and immediately going to the bar counter. I knocked on the counter twice before calling for the servers attention. It was a guy in a black shirt with a silver chain, from what I could see from the waist up. 
"Hello, I just want to order to go." I said. 
"Sure." The guy said before turning around. Immediately, we both stopped.
"Ro Bin?"
0 notes
legguk · 3 years
Hi!! So,
it's my ( literal ) first time writing fanfiction, so I'm pretty new at this stuff, but Lady Dimitrescu is all I was able to think about for weeks and I >needed< to do something about it.
( If you want some context, I wrote this thinking “what if Alcina survived?” - Alcina's pov )
The fall,
The end of everything you once loved
Ethan Winters.
You woke up... somehow, you woke up. The frigid air hitting your fresh wounds felt like a jolt send by reality, as if one says "you're still alive" -
- and oh how you were starting to hate that feeling.
Laying on the demolished floor of your castle, muscles twitching in pain, mouth open gasping for air... that's how you are, how you will remember yourself from now on. A defeated dragon, a crushed woman, a dead mother.
You should get up, you should let go of your carcass and crawl your way back into the warmth of your home, you should—
—you should be dead, actually. Resting on death's cold embrace along with your daughters.
God, your daughters.
The memories flood your mind with a painful, unbearable reminder; they're gone, dead, crystalized - gone. They're gone. Your lovely daughters, your pride and joy, the main reason you'd open up your eyes in the morning...
Their names are long cold, not yet forgotten - no, never forgotten - but somewhere else, as they don't belong here anymore; not on your arms, tucking them to bed. Not on your hands, caressing their faces. Not on your lips, kissing their foreheads. Not on your tongue, as you say them.
A raspy scream leaves your throat, it sounds disturbing.
You sob, hot tears trailing down your cheeks and neck, small cries for help find their way into the wind, disappearing with less importance then when they materialized.
You cannot recall for how long you stayed at that very same position, perhaps some hours, perhaps a day, but you are certain that at some point you were overcame by tiredness and collapsed - probably the best to do for now.
And so, rises the moon and the stars watch upon your limp body, the night howling a merciful wind and singing a melodic song. Grunting, you push yourself up with your elbows, sitting up and facing the sky through the hole you've made on the roof... and the levels above...
A huge carcass sits besides you, it's wings bended on itself and it's big mouth open to whoever would like to have a peek; you probably changed back into your normal body while unconscious... Now that you can see it clearly, you notice the damage that man-thing did to you... by heavens, how were you still alive and...
Oh. The castle. You look forward, taking in the horizon - the stars look exclusively shiny tonight - you breath in, the dusty air causes you to chough a few times. Stretching your neck a bit to see your whole house, you tell yourself it looks.. fine, actually, ignoring the broken windows. The broken windows.
It's cold. You shiver harshly, panting as the air meets your bare back and rumbles through your lungs, making you hug yourself, - you're naked, you just realized - the winter in Romania is truly kind to no one.
Your legs tremble with just the thought of trying to stand on your feet. You don't rush to do it either, let the wintry breeze take in your wounds, make it sting, burn it, freeze it; freeze your body along.
“To die. To die is to live. To live without them, that's torture. To live without their presence, absent of their scents, to not hear them, nor see their faces again, that's worse than death; far, far worse. How could I ever walk into that damned house without the heavenly sounds of their laughs, the tapping of their feet as they walk free, the steadiness of their heartbeats, reminding me that my own still beats.
Beats for them. For them only.
And they're gone.
So who shall my heart beat for? Myself? No, that wouldn't do. I will rip it out from my chest if I must, sacrifice it to any god who may hear me, all so I could spend five more minutes with them. Then I'd die in peace and find them at my arms again at whatever comes after this poor life.
But I'm here.”
You still hold yourself as you stare at a castle's - broken - window, new warm tears hanging the same trail the old and now dry ones did, a silent cry.
Your intrusive thoughts were abruptly cut by a loud noise from the inside of the castle, making you jump up, gathering all your last strengths to stand and walk a few shaky steps closer to home. The more you walked, the louder the noises got; a little rustle became a bang, and your tiptoing became a sprint, you hold yourself as tight as you can, ignoring the bleeding, the cold air spiking your lungs, how insanely fast you heartbeat was. You need to get there, protect the last remnant of them you still have.
The gates felt heavy now, even for you, who would open them with one hand. Where is your strength now? The fearless dragon who'd do anything to protect her house? Perhaps she died on that fall, and now all there's left is a shadow of what you were one day.
With much pain, you open the big doors, leading to the comfort of your house; you don't get in, you throw yourself in. The warm atmosphere engulfed you like a summer kiss on a winter storm, all you needed to ground yourself to reality for now. Grabbing some sheets laying over an old counter, you wrap yourself in it – oh, that's gonna get soaked in blood, but that's not of your concern now – moving incredibly fast for someone as hurt as yourself, you follow the continuous sounds that could not mean something good. The main doors are open, the cellar is unlocked as well, that idiotic man-thing couldn't even close the doors once he finished slaughtering your home? Imbecile.
You stand at the library's door now, suddenly frozen; you know what happened in there... do you really want to get in? Are you truly ready to face it again? Maybe you should take a step back and walk away, it would be the most logical decision to take now.
But what is logic when the heart screams? What is the brain for once your emotions take the best of you? You can't walk away. Put some honor on your name. Save the last bit of your daughter that fate is still conceiving you. Your chest rises and falls completely out of coordination, your fists close around the fabric involving your body; get ready, you're going in; gather the last bit of courage you have inside yourself and blast these doors.
And so you do.
You bring those pieces of wood to the ground, the only barrier between you and the reality you couldn't accept; a guttural growl forms in your chest as you see a lycan approach your child's crystalized body; you're blind with ire, sorrow, protectorship - you name it - and it makes you shout at the top of your lungs as you dilacerate the filthy beasts you'd bat your eye at. A bloody trail of corpses marks your way through the castle grounds, your claws dripping with fresh sanguine fluid - which you can't tell if it's from the creatures or from yourself - the crimson path follows you all the way to the other wing of mansion like a spirit who must haunt you for eternity.
You scream like a feral animal, blood soaking the once white cloth around your form; the scream becomes a shriek, which descends to a yelp, ending as a furious cry. You can feel the anger leaving you, like the waters of a waterfall; explosive, big portions of water falling into a numb, deaden lake. Hopefully those waters will carry you with them, you shall fall and sink at a anesthetizing lagoon.
You kneel, eyes closed, eyebrows frowned; a loud sigh fills the deafening silence in the air, your mind is blank – better, your mind is red, scarlet red mixed with black, ire and grief. Slowly, your head lower itself so you're facing the floor.
The big Lady Dimitrescu,
kneeling on a pool of blood, defeated.
“Lady Dimitrescu!”
Who..? The voice was so far yet so close, you try your best to focus on the direction of the calls but your nerves just won't cooperate.
Who would be calling for you? Is your mind playing tricks on you now? And since when you were laying on the floor? Too many questions for too little answers. You try to stand up, but a sharp pain on your side made you cry out and fall on your back, face knotted in pain – perhaps your adrenaline rush was keeping you from feeling what was really happening with your body, and now you feel like you're betraying yourself for that.
A small figure approaches you in a fast pace, causing you to unleash your claws one more time and snarl at the not-so-possible threat; you were hurt. Vulnerable. Letting someone close was the last thing you wanted now. The humanoid thing backs away a few steps with your aggressive reaction, hands on their chest, visibly afraid – even though your vision is quite blurry, you identify their expression: scared, desperate, sorrowful – they call out once more, almost shouting.
“Please, Lady Dimitrescu, let me help!”
Ah... Help... The now clearer feminine voice washes over you - a wave of compassion - as if hope has found its way to your house again. Well, it better go away again, or you'll drag it out yourself.
“Out.” was all that left your lips, your intense gaze locking with hers, a silent yet not so discrete warning; although you had only said one word, it was well understood by the woman, who stepped away, eyes still meeting yours, a dreadful cast hang on her face.
Still, she didn't left.
Is that girl testing her luck? It can only be. Once again you warn her: “Leave. I will not repeat myself.”
Her posture stiffens, after a moment of silence she looks at the door, truly wondering about leaving or not; her body turns around, her knuckles going white from how hard she was grabbing the fabric on her chest – she's conflicted. But why? Who is she, after all? – A long, defeated sigh leaves her, as if she knows there is no choice left.
“Allow me to help.” A failed effort on trying to sound confident; her voice is full of tears and her tone is oscillating – it makes you wonder if she has been crying – The human walks towards you, trying not to make any eye contact; you can't stand on your feet, you left hand is pressed on your injured side, the other is open and directing your now extended nails towards her.
Oh how funny it is, no?
The predator being cornered by the prey. The dragon being trapped by the rabbit. How ridiculous it is.
Her extremely shaky hands hang in front of her, trying to say she won't hurt you – oh if she only knew it's going to be the other way round. – One step closer.. Her lips and chin tremble; Another. Your claws grow bigger, eyes peering through her soul; another step, your eyebrows frown, her eyes are teary. The last step - your blood is boiling hot, your nerves on edge; you are still the predator. - a slicing sound and a half-scream saturate the air for a millisecond, just for silence to overfill it once more. Red splashes over the room again, on your face, on your chest, but mostly on the floor, where the girl was thrown at.
An agonizing scream leaves her throat - what a miracle, she remains alive - both of her hands cover her face, blood spilling all over her; what a sight, you would most definitely enjoy this very much on another situation. She cries out in despair, making you face the ceiling and close your eyes, a tired look on your face – you just want all this to end, you don't have any more patience for this. You want to crawl back into your bed and starve, you want to destroy this place, make it abandoned ruins of what one day was a home; you want to kill that damned sickening man-thing, kill this foolish girl for perturbing your grieving, and then yourself.
The woman captures your attention once again, she is kneeling, her body facing yours, her right hand presses her ripped face, the other makes its slow way up to you, although she is trembling, she manages to keep her hand steady enough to hand you a little green flask with a yellow-y label; You look closer, 'treatment disinfectant' it says... Oh you can only be joking. You feel like slaughtering the girl right this instant, but takes in a deep breath and holds the flask, her hand immediately falling along with her body. Is she dead? No, her slow yet consistent breathing exclaims that she is still alive – you honestly find it a bit offensive – You should, but you cannot bring yourself to finish the human; you should end her suffering, but now she caught your attention; and besides, she wants to help, doesn't she? then the price she'll pay is staying alive.
hahaaa I'm so nervous about posting this,,, ,
and yes! It is a alcina x maiden fic! I do plan it to be slow burn, and if some you liked it and read it till here, please like and/or reblog and I'll post chapter 2!
( posted on Ao3! Name: “The woman in your castle” )
( chapter 2 posted!! )
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rafesgfs · 4 years
love me, hate me - part two
Warnings: explicit sexual content, swearing
Word count: 3.3k
Summary: Christmas comes around and Ransom wants you more than ever.
part one
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"You're telling me you actually want to date this guy? The one who can't even make you cum?" you asked, licking the remaining frosting from your finger. You placed the messy bowl in the sink, watching your best friend trying—and failing—to get the egg shells out of the mixture.
Meg gave up, dumping the brownie batter down the sink with the water running, fed up with the shells. "Yeah, but sex isn't everything, you know. I don't know—it's just this guy isn't like my exes. He genuinely cares about my feelings, and doesn't control me. Besides, he made me cum a few times. He's nice."
With Mariah Carey's Christmas music playing in the background, the miniature Christmas tree on the table, and the snow falling, the Thrombey household felt festive. Although, the people bundled up and arguing in the next room—not so much. Yet, neither of you cared while you continued to work, helping Martha out, on the desserts. It wasn't going as well as planned, but you took it as a positive considering you hadn't started a fire. Yet.
"Ah, yes, nice. Can't relate. I'm currently attracted to assholes who have anger issues." you commented, passing Meg the flour once again. Your creation was in the oven, and all you hoped was that no one got food poisoning because of it. Even you couldn't live with the guilt of Ransom, or his touchy father, throwing up Christmas morning.
"Currently?" Meg asked, raising an eyebrow, getting eggs out of the fridge for the hundredth time. She glanced at the direction of the door, the sound of it opening drawing both of your attention. "I'm pretty sure your daddy issues didn't just happen recently. Speaking of which, you may be the main reason Ransom decided to come back for Christmas instead chasing a model around."
You rolled your eyes, sitting back in your chair while contemplating whether or not it's too late to ditch. While Ransom was hot, his spoiled attitude wasn't worth tolerating for a quick fuck. With sarcasm dripping, you sighed. "Oh, how wonderful. 'Cause, that's exactly what I need right now."
Meg chuckled, focusing on the task at hand, trying not get shells in the mixture again. She had held off on mixing the dry stuff, much to your dismay, but to her it made sense to get the hard part out of the way so it wouldn't fuck everything up. Your best friend had just finished cracking her last egg when Harlan walked into the kitchen, Ransom trailing a few feet behind him. The playboy's eyes immediately landed on you, yet you didn't meet his, too preoccupied with the phone in your hands.
Harlan's slight frown lifted into a smile, surveying how messy the kitchen had gotten. "My, my, I wasn't aware a cake had exploded in my kitchen."
Looking up, you grinned at the old man, the smile reaching your eyes until you saw who was behind him. Ignoring Ransom, you giggled at Harlan's remark. "You call it a mess, we call it baking."
"As long as you ladies are having fun." Harlan replied, patting your shoulder before heading off towards his office, too tired to deal with his dysfunctional family at the moment.
Ransom lingered, walking up to you, a smirk impended on his face. Yet, you refocused you're attention back on your phone while Meg left the room, her apron still attached to her. You didn't question her sudden disappearance, knowing she was just as annoyed at Ransom's presence. The man in question peeked over you shoulder to see your screen showing off another man's dick, the words right below it explicit.
His jaw clenched in jealousy. Much to his chagrin, the man's dick was just as big as his own. But, he kept the icy exterior up. "Would it be offensive to ask whether or not your baking will make me sick this evening?"
You scoffed without looking up, tapping out of the dick pic your previous hook up had sent. "Since when do you care if you're offensive or not? Who are you, and what have you done to Ransom Drysdale?"
Ransom shrugged, leaning against the kitchen island while facing your annoyed expression. His smug behavior got under your skin, and the bastard was well aware. "Maybe all this Christmas spirit got into me. Or maybe I'm trying to be nice."
You raised an eyebrow, getting off your chair, rushing to the window, pretending to be looking for something. After a few seconds, Ransom's curiosity got the best of him and he joined you, looking for anything unusual outside. The snow-covered land showed nothing out of the ordinary, furthering Ransom's confusion.
"What are you looking at? I can't see anything." he said, squinting at the general direction you had look at.
Shrugging, you moved back to your seat, propping your elbows on the back of the chair, allowing a smug smirk lift your lips. "I thought pigs were flying. Ransom Drysdale isn't capable of being nice, yet alone say the word. I'm shocked hell hadn't freeze over. Yet."
The playboy rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he took your body in, wrapped in his favorite color, the dress hugging your curves. "What's a guy have to do to be taken seriously with you? You and I both know I can give you everything you want, and more."
"Are you trying to buy me right now?" you asked, half teasing, half annoyed. Ransom could not take a hint, and you hated the fact that he didn't back off despite the sarcasm and insults you threw his way.
"I'm trying to be nice but you're making it really hard." Ransom answered, his cockiness wearing off. He was growing frustrated the more you looked at him like he was a piece of trash. All you wanted him to be was nice, now that he was trying to be, you wouldn't believe his intentions, despite wanting to prove it to you.
Pursing your lips, you tapped your finger against the table, the acrylic nail making a clicking noise. "You wanna prove it? Fine. You've got til midnight tonight. If you're unable to change my mind, you have to buy me my spring break vacation, all the fees and expenses."
"And if I do change your mind..." Ransom smirked, brushing a stray hair behind your ear, earning a half-hearted glare. "... you have to go on a date with me."
Ransom nearly burst out laughing from your shocked expression, the genuine look of surprised slapped on your face with the words. You shut your hanging jaw, still not processing what he was saying. "Excuse me?"
"You have to go on a date with me if I convince you that I'm willing to change my, and I quote, 'bratty and douchebag ways.' An actual date where we sit down, eat dinner, talk about our feelings, and get drunk. Whatever happens, happens." Ransom purred, placing a finger on your bottom lip. You slapped his hand away, and his smirked grew. "Are you going to back out of this already, princess?"
It was your stubborn side that made agree, pressing your lips into a thin line, you grabbed Ransom's hand, shaking it. He raised an eyebrow while you sighed. "You're on. Hope you have enough money to pay for a lengthy trip. I plan on drinking every bottle of wine in Italy."
Despite your baking debacle, you left the kitchen, leaving Meg's monstrous creation on the counter along with Ransom. You went into the living room, trying to find the girl in question when you happened to stumble upon Richard. He barely got to say a word before you turned around, and left the pervert behind. It was always a puzzle how Ransom turned out so hot with Richard and Linda as parents.
Climbing the stairs, you heard the family arguing growing quieter with each step. The second floor was almost a safe haven considering Harlan didn't let anyone raise their voice in the upper level, making it the only quiet place in the house, safe from any Thrombey fights. It was a wonder how the family hadn't murdered each other yet; it was only a matter of time.
Unable to find Meg in your shared room, you sighed, patting your body to find your phone only to realize you left it in the kitchen. With Ransom.
"Looking for this?" Ransom held out your phone, coming up behind you. His usual smirk was gone, a small, genuine smile in its place. It made him look less arrogant.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
You took your phone back, half expecting him to take it back just as you wrapped your fingers around it. But he didn't. You realized he was pulling out all the stops, all the little things that you found annoying was gone. He was acting. Eyes narrowing, you unlocked your phone, studying him. "Thanks. I think."
"Meg is helping the Brazilian maid." Ransom answered your silent question. Your thumb hovered her contact, going back to the home screen. Your eyebrows had risen by his mis-categorization of Martha's race and employment. "Pretty sure they went to the grocery store or something."
"Oh, okay." you replied lamely, putting your phone in your back pocket, the tight jeans making it nearly impossible. Opening the door to your room, you stepped in, not giving Ransom another look. But he followed inside, making you turn around. "Do you need something?"
Ransom stuffed his hands in his pockets, the cream-colored sweater shifting with the gesture. "You didn't exactly give me much time to prove myself. And looking around, we're all alone. I can't think of a better time."
As much as you hated to admit it, he had a point. The bet was a bit unfair considering how stubborn you were, and the amount of time he had to convince you. But it was a bit unsettling seeing Ransom try so hard, let alone being nice. You nodded, agreeing. "Fine, but can I change first? I'd rather not be covered in flour while you try to seduce me."
"You and I both know I wouldn't seduce you before dinner. There's no way in hell I'd treat you like the others." he mumbled to himself, but you heard it. Clearing his throat, he stepped out of the room. "Yeah, I'll be outside. Waiting. Take your time."
As soon as the door closed, you looked around the room to check if you were being pranked, expecting Ashton Kutcher to burst out of the closet along with a bunch of cameramen. After a few seconds, you came to the conclusion that Supernatural was in this universe, deciding "Ransom" was a shapeshifter or a demon possessed him. It was the only reasonable explanation.
Reaching for the hem of your top, pulling it off in one swift move, dropping it on the bed. Your jeans piling on top, allowing your legs to breathe. Despite Joni's hippie side, she had let Meg sneak in a few joints, the smell becoming stronger as you neared both your suitcases. You didn't think Harlan would be too please to have weed in his house, no matter how lenient he is.
You took your time, a little baffled by what to wear. Ransom hadn't exactly given you an agenda on his plans, leaving you to grab a clean pair of black jeans, and a classy, yet simple, red top. You looked decent enough to fit in a nice restaurant, but casual in case Ransom decided he wanted McDonald's, and most importantly: warm. If he wanted to take you to the North Pole, then he'd have to give you his cozy-looking sweater.
You opened the door, the sight of Ransom rocking on his heels greeting you. His back was to you, his hands inside his pockets as he looked out the window, frost crawling along the edges. It genuinely concerned you how much this man was acting; if you didn't know better, you'd think it was real.
Clearing your throat, you watched him jump in surprise, quickly turning to you. Raising an eyebrow, you tucked your phone in your pocket, meeting his warm, blue eyes. "I'm ready."
"Okay." said Ransom, motioning for you to follow him. You walked down the stairs without a word, the air becoming thick as you walked behind him. The sweater did little to no good disguising his broad shoulders, the muscles somehow still visible under the clothing.
As soon as you reached the bottom, you glanced around, the Thrombey fighting becoming louder with each second. It wouldn't be long before one of them stormed out of the room, muttering a curse under their breath. You'd seen all of them do it at least once. You crossed your arms, wary of whatever Ransom was planning. "Be honest, you're not just going to drive me off to the middle of the woods and murder me, are you?"
Ransom chuckled, giving you a wink as he held his hand out. Without hesitation, you took it. "If I was planning to murder you, I wouldn't do it in the woods. If you're going to die, it's going to be epic."
"Oh, well, that makes me feel better." you sneered sarcastically, instantly rolling your eyes. In the back of your mind, you pondered how long it would take for your eyes to get stuck in your brain with the amount of times you rolled them at Ransom.
He led you towards the door, smirking. "You ready?"
"No. Let's go."
"Fuck, baby."
He spent a few moments just staring at your spread pussy, amazed and aching for you more than he ever ached for anything.
"Don't you know why I want you to see it, Ransom?"
Ransom just shook his head without taking his eyes off the your pneumatic body.
"Because it's yours," you sighed. "All yours, baby. You're the one I've been keeping it nice and fresh for."
"Fuck," he muttered.
He kept staring at you, waiting for you to rub you pussy again, but you didn't. You just kept holding it spread.
"Don't you wanna taste me, Ransom?" you purred, barely above a whisper. "C'mon, baby, please. I want you to lick it so bad. I love you so much and I want to give you everything that belongs to you."
The playboy was all but paralyzed by your words. He finally dragged his eyes off your open pussy and looked at your face. You were staring back at him with a glazed look in your eyes. His solid cock was pulsing hard in the tight grip of his fist. No girl had ever looked at him the way you were at that very moment, yet at the same time, he knew you were playing with the hottest kind of fire there was.
"Sweetheart, you know this wasn't the deal." he whispered, distracted.
You smirked. "But you still won."
He finished the thought by leaning down and sliding his tongue up and over your generously offered pussy. You pulled in a sharp gasp when Ransom's tongue lit up your heavily tingling pussy. Your hips rolled instantly in response, your gasps turning to moans while Ransom eagerly slathered his tongue all around your creamily delicious slit. He soon focused his attention on your clit and slipped a finger up inside your hole at the same time.
The man's finger curled and twisted inside you, searching for you g spot while he suckled and lapped at your fully swollen clit. You could barely form words as you gasped and moaned, your luscious body now writhing with desire.
Your pussy oozed heavily the more he licked and fingered you. Your cream was sweet, tangy and intensely intoxicating. Ransom probed at your hole with his finger and the tip of his tongue at the same time, but he soon drew his soaking wet finger out of your hole and wedged it between your ass cheeks, searching for your puckered rimhole.
You gasped deeply and lifted your legs up higher, giving Ransom better access to your asshole. He massaged your tight bud with his honey-coated finger and made deep, hungry love to your pussy with his mouth.
"God god god god, Ransom!" you cried, your hips rolling harder and harder against the man's mouth and finger.
Your body went tense for a few moments and then relaxed. Ransom backed off and watched you languish after your orgasm, pausing briefly to catch your breath. Then you shifted your body and took the hem of your outfit into your hands and peeled it off over your head. Ransom pulled off his T shirt and slid over on top of your luscious body, grinding his rock-hard cock against your pussy as he lowered himself to kiss you.
You whimpered while Ransom's chest mashed down against your heavy, naked tits. They felt amazing against his body, and he was beyond reason when the your mouth opened and set your tongue into motion against his.
Ransom had never kissed any girl so hard or hungrily in his life. Nor had any kissed him back the way you had. At the same time, you were grinding your slick, wet pussy against his cock as hard as he was grinding against you. Then he squeezed his hands in between them and grasped at your tits, kneading them eagerly with his strong hands.
He released your mouth and said," Baby girl, reach down there and put my cock inside you for me. I need that pussy bad, but I can't bring myself to let go of these fantastic tits now that I finally have my hands on them."
You giggled happily and kissed him again while you worked your hands down between your naked bodies. Finally, you got one hand on your pussy and spreading yourself open while you wrapped the other around Ransom's thick cock.
"Oh geezus, fuck, Ransom, you're so fucking hard," you cooed. "Oh god fuck me deep."
You tucked Ransom's cock head into your wet maw and he began grinding his shaft deeper into your sheath. Your pussy felt so tight and creamy, and you both groaned as his rock-hard flesh gradually filled your body. You looked at each other in disbelief, even though nothing had ever felt more right or natural.
Ransom growled as he began to pump his cock in and out of your spectacular body with long strokes. His grip on your tits went tighter and he lowered his head to suck and lick on your swollen nipples.
You whimpered with pleasure, wrapping your legs around his hips and grinding your pussy hard against his thrusting cock. It wasn't long before he was straining to hold on and keep fucking you deep and hard. You didn't make it any easier because of the way you were moaning and your cunt squeezed his pounding cock every time you came.
Finally, Ransom raised himself up on his hands while he pumped your succulent pussy hole as hard and fast as he could, watching your pretty face twist with pleasure while your tits heaved with the force of his lunging body.
"Gimme your cum, baby. I want it in me...fuck!"
With a final, frenzied volley of full body thrusts, Ransom's pulsing cock exploded in your pussy, filling you with a hot flow of jetting spunk.
After, they spent a long time kissing while Ransom caressed the your beautiful tits. He kept his cock buried inside you until his flesh finally started to relax.
You fell asleep in each other's arms, and Ransom knew he had the girl he always needed right there with him. He had been right, all the sarcastic comments and stupid fights had been worth it.
In the morning, Ransom awoke from a haze of dreams to look down and find you lying between his legs with your lips sliding up and down his swollen cock. When you realized he was awake and watching you, you released his big cock from your mouth, giving his shaft a long lick before greeting him.
"Merry Christmas, Ransom."
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apocalypseornaw · 4 years
Always be yours (Pt 2/2)
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Warnings? Demon! Dean, mentions of cheating, sex, killing and lots of cursing
You sat just outside of the armory flat on the cool tile floor with your eyes closed. You couldn't bare to walk through that door. It had been weeks since that night you spent wrapped in Dean's arms. You told Sam you'd seen Dean, that he had sought you out. You didn't tell him everything that had happened or that Dean knew what had happened between the two of you.
You weren't praying for the simple fact that you knew with the exception of Cas no one was listening that would care. Sam had left to get the blessed blood after carting Dean inside the bunker. You'd stayed out of sight the entire time. Now you had to face Dean and watch him go through what you knew would be an excruciating process to flush the demon out of him.
"Are you ok?" Sam's voice drew you out of your thoughts. You opened your eyes to see him standing about a foot away from you "Just trying to get my head on right Sam" he nodded with a sympathetic smile "You know you don't have to go in there yet. This is gonna take a while" "I can't do that Sam. I can't turn away, he wouldn't do it to me if positions were reversed nor would he do it to you"
He held his good hand out but you shook your head and climbed to your feet "Let's do this"
You took a deep breath as you watched Sam splash holy water and repeat the Latin that would concentrate the ground for the process to work. Dean hadn't looked your way yet and you weren't sure if you were relieved or hurt. 
You watched Sam draw up the blood in a syringe. Dean eyed it as well finally meeting your eyes before saying "Sammy you know I hate shots" Sam shrugged "I hate demons" you flinched when Dean snarled at Sam before Sam splashed holy water on him and injected the blood into his arm right below the mark.
Dean's eyes never left yours, a groan of pain leaving him before he shook it off. "Look Dean there's a lot more doses to go. You could make it a lot easier on yourself" Sam told him then turned to walk off. He stopped where you were glued to the floor staring at Dean. "Are you ok?" 
Dean spoke up "Oh Y/N's fine alone with me black eyes and all. Isn't that right sweetheart?" A flicker of a smile flashed across his face and your stomach flipped. Sam looked between the two of you visibly confused before Dean smirked "Oh she didn't get around to that Sammy? Yeah me and her had a damn good time in Colorado"
"Y/N?" Sam's voice wasn't accusatory just simply asking. You stared past him at Dean "Yeah I fucked him that night Sam" "A few times" Dean added and you felt your face warm from embarrassment. "Come on" Sam grabbed your arm to pull you from the room and you heard a slight growl from Dean before the two of you made it out into the hallway.
"You didn't tell me you had sex with him" Sam's voice was barely a whisper. You followed him down the hall to the kitchen "Didn't exactly know how to throw that into casual conversation" 
You sat down at the table holding your head in your hands. Sam walked to the fridge then sat a bottle of water down in front of you "It's understandable Y/N. You love him" you slowly raised your eyes and he nearly choked on the water in his mouth "How did he find out?" You shrugged "Crowley somehow? I guess"
You normally didn't hear Sam curse a whole lot but the string of words that fell from his mouth would've made a sailor blush. "Shit you shouldn't be here then" you shook your head "I'm not fucking leaving you alone with him Sam. He won't hurt me, there's still something inside of him stopping that whether it's the Cain and Collette thing. You on the other hand, our real Dean he'd never forgive himself if he did something to you. The least I owe you both is staying through whatever happens next"
He reached across the table and gently grabbed your hand and gave it a light squeeze "You're still my best friend, you know that. We'll get him back and deal with the fall out of everything that happened" you swallowed hard then said "If we get him back Sam, I'm leaving. I know Dean...seeing me and you in close quarters he won't handle it well and I won't be what tears you two apart" "and if he doesn't want you to leave?" He asked in almost a whisper and you laughed sadly "Then miracles really do happen"
The second dose you didn't go in for and there were no words exchanged between Sam and Dean. You stood in the hallway listening to Dean in pain and fought everything inside of you that screamed to run to his side.
The third dose you walked in behind Sam. Dean met your eyes "For all you know he's killing me sweetheart" "Or you're screwing with him and me" you replied trying to not let your heart get in the way of your brain.
"Besides the lore didn't say anything about an exception to the cure" Sam added and Dean scoffed "The lore..hunters...men of letters. What a load of crap it all is" when you nor Sam said anything in return he tilted his head at Sam "Oh you got nothing?"
You shook your head at Sam trying to remind him that this was the demon part talking not Dean. You were relieved when he said "What do you want me to debate you? This isn't even the real you I'm talking to" Dean turned towards you "Y/N did I feel real enough to you? Hell come here and give me a kiss baby" you turned and walked out without a word and heard him laugh before turning back to Sam.
You tried to call Cas but he didn't answer so after a moment you walked back into the room. You heard Dean say "Crowley told me all about it. So let me ask which one of us is really a monster?"
You walked further into the room and cut your eyes at Sam "What's he mean? What did you do?" You knew both you and Sam had went to different extremes to find Dean but there were a few weeks you barely saw each other. "Oh she doesn't know..man that's rich"
"You two were trying to get a twenty on me and Crowley from any direction you could but Crowley didn't want to be found and no one showed when Sammy summoned so he found a way" you looked from one brother to the other "Sam?" He was looking at Dean who half smirked "Oh he would've liked to have gotten there before the deal went down but he didn't really care about poor ol Lester..did ya Sammy?"
It didn't take a lot to put together what you'd missed. "Oh Sam" Dean chuckled darkly "Yeah I killed Lester myself and his wife married that tattooed guy" "I never meant" Sam started but Dean cut him off "Who cares what you meant? That line between us and what we hunt ain't so clear is it? Wow you might actually be worse than me. I mean you found a guy at his lowest, used him and then it cost him his life and his soul. Nice work and Y/N here fucked us both so what does that say about her?"
You felt like you'd been slapped in the face when Dean threw those words at you. Sam injected another syringe of blood into Dean's neck and you tried with everything you had to not let yourself break before walking out the room. You could hear Dean asking Sam if he or you had the stomach to do what would be needed should the cure not work and felt your knees weaken at the mere thought.
Sam found you in the map room staring blankly at the screen. "Hey, that's not really him" you raised your face and knew he saw the streaks of tears when you said "Isn't it?" You pushed away from the table when he took a step towards you and shook your head "I just need a minute" 
You walked past him to the room you'd been sleeping in. You sat down on the edge of the bed and looked over to the photo of you, Dean and Sam at Bobby's place that was leaned against the lamp next to the letter Dean had left that night. 
You knew all that was happening had been a possibility and the truth was any amount of heartbreak was worth getting Dean's eyes back permanently green. If that night was the last you got in his arms you'd be grateful for it if he just survived this cure.
You wiped your tears and headed back to the armory. The moment you got to the doorway your heart dropped "SAM" you screamed running in to Dean's side. You stepped closer than you should've but his head was dropped down and you couldn't tell if he was breathing. "Baby, please wake up Dean. Come back to us please" you slapped his cheeks lightly and heard Sam come running in behind you "Is he ok?"
"Yeah if drowning in your own sweat while your blood boils is ok" Dean answered slowly opening his eyes and you hadn't realized just how close you were to him until that moment. "He could stop this darling. You know I'd never hurt you. Just make him stop" you quickly stepped away from him and shook your head "No. We want the real Dean back"
You knew Sam was drawing up another dose but Dean leveled you with his gaze "You think the real Dean is gonna be so forgiving? I mean at least I screwed strangers you on the other hand, my baby brother? That's low Y/N. I would've preferred you fucking Cas" 
"Well if you hate me at least you'll be human to do so" you replied then walked out hoping he didn't see the way your hands shook.
One minute you were walking back to the armory after making sure the outer door was unlocked for Cas then the next Sam was pulling you into a side hallway holding his hand over your mouth. "He's out" he mouthed and your eyes widened.
"What's the plan?" You whispered once he moved his hand. "C'MON SAMMY. DON'T YOU WANNA HANG OUT WITH YOUR BIG BROTHER" rang through the quiet air and you flinched. "We need to lock it down. Keys are in the map room" you nodded then pointed "I'll go left and make some noise for him to follow. You go right"
"Y/N..be careful" you half smiled "You too"
You ran down the hall towards the bedrooms making sure to let your feet fall heavy. "Dean?" You called out hoping he'd come after you and not Sam. Sure enough you felt the air shift a half second before your back was shoved against a wall "Hey there beautiful. Where's Sammy?" He had one arm across your chest holding you in place while the other held a hammer.
Your eyes flicked towards it and he smiled "It's not for you. If I wanted to nail you there's better ways" you groaned at the fact that even murderous Demonic Dean had to make bad jokes. "I don't know" he nodded and moved forward catching your lips in a bruising kiss "I believe you but I don't need you getting in the way" 
You weren't sure what he meant until he shoved you roughly into a storage room and shut the door. "DEAN GOD DAMMIT DON'T DO THIS!" you pounded against the door and heard the key turn in the handle "Just calm down baby" was the last thing you heard before his footsteps disappeared down the hall.
Painfully long minutes passed before the door slowly opened. You half expected it to be Dean covered in Sam's blood but let out a breath of relief when you saw it was Cas and flung yourself into his arms hugging him "Thank god" you muttered squeezing the angel who returned the hug fully. "Dean didn't hurt you, did he?" You shook your head "Just locked me in here so I wouldn't get in the way"
He grabbed your arm "Come on. Sam's fine but there's only two more doses to give Dean" you let Cas pull you to the armory trying to ignore the growing knot in your stomach.
You stood between Sam and Cas while Dean slowly woke up. He looked between the three of you "You look worried" you nodded to Sam who splashed the Holy water onto Dean. He didn't even flinch "Welcome home Dean" Sam said with a relieved smile.
You were sitting on the counter in the kitchen nursing a beer. You'd seen Sam when he got back with Dean's food and had told Cas goodbye before he left but you still couldn't face Dean. What he said had stuck with you. He may have cheated as well but it was with strangers and as a demon. You had slept with his brother of all people. You wouldn't want to be with you either.
Hours passed. You saw Sam head to bed and slowly headed towards your own room. You stopped in front of Dean's door and almost knocked but thought better of it. The moment you went to step away though the door opened and you heard his voice "Y/N?" You turned around with a small smile "I just wanted to check on you" he nodded then glanced back into his room "You haven't been sleeping in here have you?"
You shook your head "I couldn't" you didn't know what else to say. Every time you'd tried to sleep in the bed you shared with him you'd ended up crying yourself to sleep. "Do you want to? I mean fuck I don't have a right to ask but will you just lay down with me? Let me hold you." You couldn't believe your ears but your mouth moved faster than your brain it seemed "Are you sure?"
He gave you a smirk that was a ghost of his usual one "I started the day as a demon and tried to kill my brother but you're asking me if I'm sure" you held your hand out and when he took it walked into the room pulling him behind you.
He shut the door then pulled you behind him to the bed. He sat down on the side of it and pulled you between his legs. You stood there with your hands on his shoulders just enjoying knowing you had your Dean back even if he decided he no longer wanted to be yours. "Are you scared of me Y/N?" He asked and that shocked you more than anything "What? No" he glanced down at his lap then raised his eyes to you playfully "You could be closer" 
You kicked your boots off then climbed onto his lap effectively straddling him. "I've missed you and not just the sex, this" he whispered burying his face in your neck. "Do you still love me?" You asked and he drew back to look you in the face "Yeah Sweetheart I still love you. Can you ever forgive me for everything I did?" "Are you still mine?" You asked and he kissed your neck lightly "I'll always be yours even if you don't want me"
You smiled and felt tears trying to sting your eyes "I've only ever wanted you Dean" he noticed the tears glistening in your eyes and gently wiped them away "Those women didn't mean anything. The mark and being a demon..it fucked me up and i didn't want to risk hurting you. I stayed away as long as I could but when Crowley told me that you and Sam.." he trailed off but his hands tightened around your waist. "It didn't mean anything to us but helping to keep each other sane and alive. I was hurt and lost and so was he…" Dean cut you off with a kiss and you melted into his touch.
When he pulled away he pushed your hair back out of your face "Can we call this a new start?" His hands had slid under your shirt and you felt his fingertips trailing across your bare skin. "Please" you all but whispered pulling him into another kiss. 
Tags: @akshi8278
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