#but then we’re the assholes
cinnamon-grump · 2 years
Sorry to all my neighbors who just heard me have an absolute mental break on the porch and scream my lungs out at 10pm…
I’m tired of me too
#shut up ashwyn#now.. punching a planter and splitting a knuckle for the first time in my life..? u might not do that#but i sure did…#im so fucking exhausted#and this bitch is making my every waking moment a nightmare#as if the shit at work wasn’t bad enough#no where is safe and no moment can be peaceful#and idk what this bitch EXPECTS from us when she blatantly disregards every polite request we make#and everything we say PLEASE DONT she does it ten fold#but then we’re the assholes#for every reason under the sun but ESPECIALLY because ‘i dont feel like i can use my own house’#well that sounds like bullshit bc you use it constantly#and ONLY ever fucking go to clean up or do things when it is absolutely the most inconvenient time#ie: it’s 10am on a Friday and it is well established that this is one of very few SCHEDULED times we ask for quiet#and she decides to get up and do shit in the kitchenat EXACTLY the moment I’m just getting close to sleep#and then i’m up for at least another hour while she bangs shit around#and because we’ve asked her not to it feels flat out malicious..#so this last time i fucking confronted her and now she’s salty with me and cornered me to ask ‘when its safe to use my kitchen’#bitch first of all we TOLD you already.. in physical format so u could reference back…. anD YET#i had a stress induced.. fucking idk full body muscle spasm?? like idk if it qualified as a siezure but it was near debilitating#i was shivering uncontrollably for an hour while she did shit in the kitchen#idk what im saying anymore im so fuckin burnt out and everything hurts#and she gets to just sit in her room and watch some show and pretend she’s the victim all because i got fed up and spoke up for myself#i just want to fucking leave this place#i never want to see her stupid fucking face again
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I was ACHING to draw art of @bisexuallsokka ‘s tangled zukka au so here u go dears
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jhonny · 2 years
i don’t care abt ships but i think shipping tf2 spy with any of the other mercs is objectively funny bc like. imagine being scout and already having to deal with the fact that this french asshole is maybe your actual absentee dad only to find out he also ditched your mom to bang one of your sweaty coworkers.
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toon-topaz · 5 months
Honestly there’s a lot of untapped potential for drama in continuations of the Everyone Hates You ending. Like here’s a bunch of Voices that you’ve traumatized and then left to rot, assuming they would never come back, but they’re here, and they’re out for blood.
Stuck in a world without change, they’re going to remain exactly as they were in their worst moments, forever hating and doomed to never get better, their wounds never healing. What would the worst version of themselves look like?
And do you try and help? Can you help, after everything you did to them. Or do you double down, and forsake them completely, becoming the big bad overlord of this new world of yours?
(trick question, I’ve thought about this a lot and am working on designs for the lil guys but as the worst versions of themselves.)
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fumifooms · 1 month
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I WENT TO A COOOOON I finished pinning my bag just in time for it!! It was a small one but still my first one ever omg it was great. Someone recognized Marcille but not Chilchuck </3 People judged my ships on 3 different instances for 3 different ships, I got visibly emotional over Alois Trancy, I bought a Denji figure, it was great
I have preordered keychains and whatnot on the way still so I’ll def be updating my itabag composition + moving stuff around sort of soon, will give an update once it’s freshened up! Info on all the merch + some extra pics under read more Blue & green <3
Second pic is two custom badges I drew!! Never had bubble tea before so it acts as a con souvenir, + blorbos
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The itabag: link, by Iconografi
Bootlegs but artist is bkub
Bootlegs of official merch
Official art but edited to make nice badges (I thought the anime celebration artwork ones were official ngl
Keychains by 118ween
Keychains by Sleepywyrm, link
Loot Anime crate pin
Keychains by SolelleArt, link
Keychains by ACertainSheep, link
Keychain and charms by Aguichart
Ok that’s it for now~ To quote a buddy:
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I’m not used to having such high quality figures…… He fits so perfectly in my hand 🥹
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luckthebard · 2 months
Absolutely buck wild to see scalpers trying to resell D20 Live tickets for more than T Swift tour prices and then turn to see ttrpg twitter celebrating it as some kind of “win” proving the industry is thriving.
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chirpsythismorning · 8 months
bylers when over 350k people don’t have the exact same thoughts and opinions as them
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#byler#stranger things#byler tumblr#i know some of us have been singled out or humiliated by others on here insisting we’re delusional for our theories#and so you compensate by doubling down and telling everyone else their theories are actually headcanons and yours aren’t#or maybe you are someone on the other end who is fed up with bylers reaching and are sick of group think having a place here#some advice: just let the show be whatever YOU want it to be#if you think everything you analyzed is right and everyone else is wrong#congrats#you are as pathetic as the rest of the fans who think the exact opposite and also think they're right and you're wrong#we are one of over 350k ppl with differing opinions and thoughts and experiences guiding us to coming to the conclusions we do#i don't mind ppl giving different perspectives to things even if it goes against my analysis (just don't be an asshole about it)#i have changed my mind about certain aspects of the show bc of this and i have changed other peoples' minds as well#without all of us being able to say what we think we would not have near the evidence we do now#but what comes with over 350k people in one space also comes with some semblance majority that feels a certain way about certain things#it's never going to be perfectly even across the board#what is believed and what is agreed upon will always be shifting as different people say their peace and as the show itself progresses#and hell even if you're the 3% that feels a certain way about something and think the other 97% are setting themselves up for disappointmen#bask in your perceived glory WHEN that time comes#but in the mean time... me personally?#i think it would be quite embarrassing if i devoted my time on here to telling everyone else their theories are wrong and mine are right#only to end up being the one that was wrong#let ppl set themselves up for disappointment#save the celebration for when you actually secure that win#for now#id rather be on here discussing my theories/reading others' theories that aren't rooted in tearing everyone else's down to feel superior#all of this is to say it is never worth making ppl feel like shit over a fucking tv show… I’ll never get that#and this is coming from someone who has no (current) plans to say i told you so (not even to that redditor that has a 2 year timer)#bc until s5 comes out...#crazy together
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changeling-fae · 7 months
I love how in the first act everyone is like “Raphael is trying to lure us into a game we can’t win/he has us exactly where he wants us” as if he’s this big bad overarching Machiavellian threat when in reality he never really serves as a danger to us and is quite reasonable with us when he finally shows us his cards in act 3.
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legendaryrooftopscene · 7 months
Ohm Thitiwat returning to his roots by playing a monosyllabic soft boy
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ordinorultor-if · 1 month
So I decided a while ago to do some facts about me when the demo dropped. Even though the demo’s been pushed back to Friday, I wanted to share some stuff about myself anyways!
So! You guys can call me JB, and today is my 21st birthday (shoutout to that one anon whose birthday is also today). I’m a cis man, and while I’m questioning my sexuality, I’m fairly certain I’m bisexual. I’m a practicing Roman Catholic, but I’m not an asshole about it - be who you wanna be, love who you wanna love, and believe in what you believe in, as long as you’re not an asshole I’m cool with you.
I was born in Chicago and lived there for a while, but me and my mom moved to Wisconsin shortly after my father passed away. Up here we basically live on a farm. We have a garden and lots of animals - two dogs and a whole flock of chickens, and we used to have horses and ducks too. I also used to have a bearded dragon (named George, because of St. George and the Dragon), but I took terrible care of the poor guy and he got sick and passed away.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a scientist really bad. To some extent I still do, but I’ve always loved story telling, so a few years ago I realized I wanted to be a creative writer instead. While I’m currently on break from university, while I was attending I had an English Major with a Creative Writing Focus. I never declared a minor, and I was intending on a Chemistry Minor, but I might decide on an Engineering Minor when I return.
Besides reading/playing IFs, I’m into video games, TTRPGs (which is actually how I got into Interactive Fiction), firearms, history, religion and mythology, and general culture stuff. Seeing some of that, I think you could see how I ended up with the ideas for this game lol. Some of my favorite games include Crusader Kings 3 (which is how I came up with the idea for this game, playing a custom character in the Duchy of Aquitaine), Hearts of Iron IV, Skyrim, Fallout 4 (I haven’t seen the show yet, please don’t spoil it ~_~), and Cyberpunk 2077.
As mentioned above, I got into Interactive Fiction because of my love of TTRPGs. I think I’ve mentioned this story before, but I’m into Vampire: the Masquerade, and shortly after V:tM - Night Road released, I bought and played it. Around this time last year I looked into Choice of Games because of it, and the rest is history.
Also, since I couldn’t fit it in anywhere else, some genres and writing/trope stuff I like:
Childhood friends to lovers (all time favorite romance trope)
Peggy Sue fix-it fics (after all, I’m writing one over on AO3 lmao)
The former friends reconciling while facing impossible odds
Blending genres, like with sci-fan or gothic western
Related to the above: when fantasy settings have sci-fi lore/origins, and vice versa (FE3H my beloved)
Tarot motifs (again, FE3H my beloved)
Eldritch/cosmic horror
Gothic settings
Dragons that are really weird (FEA my beloved. And again, FE3H my beloved)
Anyways, that’s really all I can think of. Also, a reminder: Warlock is the best class in D&D 5E /s
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papertowness · 1 month
gang i have to know if you have a fandom character that everyone else seems to love but you find absolutely insufferable . i’ll go first mines jess mariano from gilmore girls
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i need people to start writing scientists as completely batshit. none of us are normal. the “uptight and logical and rational” stereotype is a facade
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I’ve been to that Six Flags a few times. We’re not safe anywhere thanks to Republicans, the NRA, and the Russian oligarchs that fund them.
The red state South has become a disgrace and an international embarrassment. UN observers even reported a few years back that the old Confederacy boasted the worst poverty and infant mortality rates seen outside lawless failed 3rd world states. They need to stop their mindless boosterism and regional separatist ideas already and make their region safe and prosperous for all. Northern and Western tax dollars can’t indefinitely be wasted propping up this redneck Somalia.
Southern Republicans must be removed from power!
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jewishbarbies · 3 months
it’s really fucking annoying when goyim come in halfway to a conversation between jews and start bitching about what we should be talking about instead. like, you’re seriously going to come on to a thread of jews talking about the antisemitism in the way people use Israel’s right of return policy to delegitimize Israelis’ indigeneity and all the other countries that do it but don’t get criticized despite their own histories of colonization, just to go “ummm acktually you should be talking about how the right of return is used to colonize palestine”. get out. get the fuck out. this is why jews don’t feel comfortable having conversations about these kinds of gray topics with goyim, because all you’ll do is intentionally misread the room and shout your moot point from the rooftops like you’re a hero and then whine and cry when it’s not taken well, not to mention you won’t even look into the people already participating and find out what they think BEFORE you assume everyone talking is just an evil zionist colonizer nazi. stay the fuck out of jewish conversations and unpack your fucking antisemitism.
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based on your asks responses & characterization of yuuta this is what i’ve gathered — yuuta is like that one high school senior who looked at the new coming freshman’s & just adopted them on the spot. there’s no out. now his friends sees the kid & adopted them too. it’s a family now. a very young, close in age family. (i was yuuta in this situation 😔 i was use to be megumi in this situation but i carried the tradition out. as i should. high school & middle school was wild.)
YUUJI THOUGH. we will probably never see him in your sea glass garden au but your asks is killing me. like his one sided beef with yuuta? he’s just like me fr. i too would fight over megumi if it comes down to it.
i just know yuuji thought that yuuta & megumi was a thing at first cause of the whole “his boy thing”. i know he screamed into a pillow about it. i know he went to gojo to ask for permission to court megumi & gojo was flabbergasted at such a medieval act so he had yuuji do the dumbest shit to get his blessing (ha).
i just know nanami is sighing at the idea of his son yuuji being a jealous little brat because of his other son yuuta. i just know yuuta was so confused until he witnessed yuuji & megumi awkward ass flirting. i know he acts like a little shit to get on yuuji (& sukuna) nerves.
you know what. this is my jujutsu kaisen. this is my sorcery fight. gege who? i only know you. PLS TAKE THE PEN FROM GEGE.
Yuuta is absolutely that senior who adopted that new student and made a little family. That is His Kohai now okay megumi is their collectively raised flour sack baby and they will kill for him.
Yuuji came back to life finally met the second years had just leveled up with his cursed energy and gained a new dad got his old friends back he was so so ready to go live his best life and then his new self appointed brother opened his mouth and started rhapsodizing about some impossibly beautiful and perfect man named okkotsu yuuta and yuuji is absolutely whacked in the face a la rubber squeaky hammer that there’s some gorgeous son of a bitch out there already living his best life.
His death sentence was overturned. He’s so powerful that he can save everyone if he wants. He is the legally adopted child of Nanami Kento. The curse attached to him 1) actually liked him and 2) moved the fuck on which some people (Sukuna) could take a few notes on.
Fushiguro Megumi is his boy.
This could not have devastated him more thoroughly. Even his newly acquired self appointed brother thinks okkotsu yuuta is the perfect man, which he manages to express at length in between warnings from the second years that Yuuta’s going to fly back from Africa purely for the sake of kicking his fucking ass for touching His Boy, which yuuji simply cannot handle.
Yuuji lowkey had a new lease on life and thought “hey! Fushiguro tried to kill someone with an elephant for me! Maybe I have a shot and he’ll let me hold his hand!” and then there’s god’s perfect man off in Africa who’s enticing megumi away from movie marathons with his fucking FaceTime calls right when yuujis almost hyped himself up enough to try the yawning arm stretch thing.
He spends at least three weeks trying to figure out if Megumi’s His Boy because they’re in a long distance relationship and it only ends because maki starts finding it more annoying than funny and establishes that it is not in fact a romantic arrangement. She thinks. (Okay it’s still kind of funny.)
Yuuji resorted to a terrible wikihow on how to get someone to date you and it insisted “get their parents approval” was his in and gojo could NOT have been more of an asshole about it. Nanami had to intervene to get it to stop. He is very tired and very confused. Why are you so upset about okkotsu he’s a lovely young man why is this making you more upset
Of course if yuuji ever found out that megumi became Yuuta’s boy after Yuuta personally restarted his heart he’d instantly understand why everyone acts like Yuuta’s the best thing since sliced bread. He is that amazing.
Yuuta and Megumi are completely oblivious to all of this.
Gege pls call me I just want to help gege pls
#sea glass gardens#just remember YOU can forcibly displace gege and turn the creative property over to me#I will be making several. SEVERAL. changes.#yuuji absolutely goes back into his room and screams into his pillow over Yuuta#he was going to try to hold Megumi’s hand and Megumi left to go talk to Yuuta just because he was ‘calling all the way from Africa’ and ‘the#movie ended five minutes ago why were you just sitting there looking like you were really stressed are you okay itadori’#nobara is exhausted just watching this#she’s the most homophobic lesbian alive why do lgbtq things happen to people who don’t deserve it#god she just wants a girlfriend with a sword and these fucking assholes are the ones who get their high school romance they don’t even#APPRECIATE the gay things happening to them#ignoring all canon since we’re never getting there in sea glass gardens#when Yuuta’s coming back from Africa Megumi’s very simply stating that Yuuta’s an important person in his life and he’s glad yuuji wjll#meet him soon which might as well be a DECLARATION OF UNDYING LOVE yuuji has a total crisis#yuuta gets off the plane and fucking hugs megumi yuuji had to get boyfriend privileges to do that who is this son of a bitch#gojo watching this: do you think I can get yuuji to wash my car again if I tell him I’ll distract Yuuta so he can take Megumi on a date#Nanami: why on earth would okkotsu need to be distracted for that to happen#gojo: that’s the beauty of it it is in no way necessary but yuuji doesn’t seem to know that
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designernishiki · 1 year
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shout out to reina for being one of the only characters Ever to make kiryu shut the fuck up and stop trying to be a pointlessly self sacrificial lone wolf for a second by threatening to scream on the street like he’s attacking her if he doesnt get his ass inside
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