#but then when he thinks about it he really doesn’t know
lipringlrh · 3 days
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read: part one | logan ending
summary: lando’s your best friend but seems to like you when he’s drunk. but then again, he seems to like everyone when he’s drunk.
pairing: lando norris x gn!reader
wc: 1.8k
Lando wouldn’t admit it to anyone but that night was the worst sleep he’d ever had. He left as soon as he found out you’d left with Lily and Alex, and made his way to your house just to find out you weren’t there. He messaged Alex to get no response and contemplated waiting outside your door until you came back, whether it be days or months, he’d wait for you. But, after almost falling asleep numerous times and getting laughed at by a group of teenagers, he made his way back to his apartment, knowing you’d be looked after.
He was awake almost all night, messaging and calling you and regretting everything in its entirety. He didn’t fully know if you had even seen him kiss the person that resembled you, he only felt it deep down, but even if you hadn’t, he shouldn’t have done it, and he could never apologise enough. He thought of how to explain his thoughts but nothing would suffice; nothing would ever be able to explain how he felt.
At some point in the early hours, he finally drifted off, but awoke not much later to an aggressive banging on his door and a voice screaming at him to hurry up. He wished the voice was you but it wasn’t and he hated it. He rushed to his door, barely having time to pull on some grey joggers before opening it to an angry Alex, very close to breaking the door down.
“Are you stupid?” Alex questioned, fuming, pushing his way into Lando’s house, “I know that you’re in love with her so what are you doing?”
Lando looked like a deer in headlights. He couldn’t explain his actions, he didn’t even want to think about them. All he remembered feeling was grief at watching you walk away, so when he found someone that looked eerily similar, he took the chance to kiss them and create the image in his mind of kissing you. It didn’t last long. He realised too quickly that they didn’t smell like you and the way they kissed wasn’t the same. He hated it, he didn’t want to kiss anyone but you.
“I know, I didn’t mean to-”
“What, you just tripped into her mouth then?” Alex questioned, pushing a finger against Lando’s chest.
“No- no. I don’t know why I did, I really love them I promise. We almost kissed but then they walked away, I was hurt, I didn’t think they wanted me,” Lando almost cried, his voice cracking.
“You do this every time you go out. You kiss her every time you go out and she follows, you don’t get to pull that card. You might be upset but I promise you’re not even feeling half of it,” Alex spat, not caring if he hurt Lando because he hurt you much more.
“Help me apologise. I need to apologise, please Alex, please help,” Lando begged, wanting you to more than anything, “Please Alex, I’ll do anything.”
Alex sighed. At that moment, he hated Lando for what he did, but he’d been wishing for you both to get together since he first saw you both together, making heart eyes at each other. He contemplated in his head whether to help or not. He always envisioned you together but always wanted what's best for you and right now he couldn’t tell if that was Lando or not. But looking at the state of him, red, wet eyes, begging for his help, he wanted to believe Lando regretted everything and would do anything to prove he loved you.
“Okay, but I’m not letting you be forgiven easily, I want you to prove it,” Alex sighed, running his hands over his face. A feeling of simultaneous relief and guilt eating him alive.
Lando promised Alex over and over again, and in between each syllable, promising himself also that he would give you the world in apologies, and whatever happened he deserved it, but even if there was the slimmest chance you could forgive him, Lando would take it and cherish it.
Alex messaged you and you told him it was fine to bring Lando over, as long as he didn’t expect much, and so they turned up less than five minutes later. Alex left you both alone in the kitchen to sit with Lily in the living room after repeating countless times he was a shout away.
You almost broke down just seeing him but managed to keep it in. You didn’t want him to explain, you didn’t care to hear it at the moment, but as soon as Alex left he began spilling out apologies and trying to explain himself, which you quickly shut up.
“I want some space,” you sighed. You wanted Lando close but you wanted everything you felt for him gone first. You couldn’t believe he ever felt the same, not after that.
“Of course, I understand,” his voice broke as he stepped back, trying to show you he would do anything you said.
“Not like that, Lando. I mean it, I don’t think I can see you for a while.”
“Oh-” he said, “When can I see you again?”
“I’m not sure, I’m sorry-”
“Don’t be, this is my fault,” he sighed, clearly upset and looking at the ground, “I’ll go, I’ll see you soon.”
After he left, you broke down crying, debating your decision on if you handled it right. You already missed him, and still loved him, but you also didn’t want to see him. Alex explained the whole morning, and his perspective, giving you hope you could fix it with Lando, especially after Alex’s approval, which you trusted more than anything.
The next few times you saw him were at hangouts with your shared friends. You knew he’d be there as none of your friends would invite him unless you were completely sure you didn’t mind him there. He stayed away, but didn’t make it awkward to the people around you, and always gave you a shy smile when you caught his eye.
He didn’t try to text or call again, despite wanting to more than anything, and instead waited for you to make the first move whenever you were ready. You had missed him more than anything, in both an “I love him” and “he’s my best friend” way, and it was killing you from being away from him, especially after how well he listened to your instructions.
You were at a mutual friend's get-together, a small barbecue in a back garden when you decided it was time. You had been debating texting him but after seeing him, you decided you couldn’t wait.
He was standing alone in a corner beside a flower patch and some grass, drink in hand, and surveying everyone that was there when you walked over. He didn’t know how to greet you and so awkwardly moved his hands between going for a hug or a handshake. You laughed and hugged him, both of you holding on tightly, unhappy to let go.
“I’ve missed you,” you whispered gently, looking down and playing with your fingers, slightly nervous to admit it to him after all this time.
“I’ve missed you too,” he grins, adding on, “So much,” with a quiet whisper.
“How’ve you been?” you asked, trying to make small talk before delving right in.
“Okay, I’ve not really done much. Races have been okay.”
“I saw,” you smiled, “You’ve done really well.”
“You watched?” he questioned, a little surprised. You met his eyes and nodded, explaining how you could never miss one.
“Do you want to talk inside?” you asked, heart pounding as you said it. He nodded immediately, without hesitation, and followed you in through the double glass doors into the kitchen, but only after picking out a daisy from the grass next to him and offering it out to you, causing both of you to grin.
He closed the doors behind you both, blocking out as much other noise as possible, ready for you to begin. “I want to know how you feel about this and about me,” you started, voice shaky.
“I’m sorry, I’m still so sorry. I love you and I want what’s best for you and I can’t even find an excuse, I was being stupid and thinking how you’d never want me. It was all nothing, you’re the only person that’s ever meant anything, I’m so sorry. I will do anything to fix this- anything.”
“Lan,” you let out a breath, “You still want me?”
“More than anything,” he grinned and you stepped forward to reach him, locking your arms around his neck.
Your fingers tangled themselves in his hair as you pull his face down until his lips are almost touching yours. He was smiling so much you thought it might be impossible to kiss him but you pulled him into you anyway, finally kissing him again.
“Stop smiling,” you laughed, pulling away to say it before immediately kissing him again.
“What? Can I not be happy? I’m getting my girl back,” he pulled away, grinning harder, then trying to drag you back in, which was almost successful until you pulled away at the last second.
“I can barely kiss you like this and I’d really, really like to,” you giggled, tugging him back again to enjoy another impatient kiss.
Your hands were running all over his head, completely ruining his hair, but he didn’t care. His hands were wrapped around your waist, holding you impossibly close. When you finally parted he still kept you close, resting his forehead on yours.
“Are you sure you want this?” he questioned, his breath still heavy.
You kissed his cheek and looked straight into his eyes, “More than anything, I promise,” you paused for a moment, “But you’re going to have to grovel to repay all the lost time we’ve had.”
“I’m going to prove to you that I’m all in, that I want this more than I could possibly explain,” Lando promised, meaning every word. He was already planning out exactly what he wanted to do - he knew he had to work to become your official boyfriend, but he would do everything possible for you.
You just stared at him, showcasing the biggest smile you’ve ever had, eyes full of love, knowing you weren’t ever going to let each other go or even risk it again.
“God I love you,” he grinned, ignoring the fact he still hadn’t caught his breath and pulling you into another, more intimate, kiss.
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luveline · 2 days
oooh what about hotch's sister calling spencer to pick her up at the hospital after an accident or something because she doesn't want hotch to know since worry and go into protective big brother mode, but spencer tells him anyway and they both show up and lots of fluff ensues :)
adopted fem!reader, 1.5k
cw for panic attacks
You should call your brother. 
You think about it, even pull up his contact, he’s the first person you go to when you need help and he always has been, but lately Aaron has been so stressed you hesitate, clicking the text button by mistake. 
You read back his last message. 
I can feel myself being spread too thin but there’s nothing I can do to fix it, he’d text. I guess I’m frustrated. But how are you, working girl? New jobs are scary. I bet you’re doing better than you think already. Jack and I are super proud of you
You’d sent him a meagre response. You aren’t always sure what to say to him. Sincerity is easier in person, but even then, he can be terse and deflective; he looks after you and no one looks after him. 
You didn’t tell him about work, and you won’t tell him about now. You call Spencer instead. This is a good way to test the almost dating thing, right? 
He doesn’t answer. When you call again, he answers on the first ring. “Hey, are you okay?” 
“No. Are you busy?” 
“I’m not busy if you’re not okay. Two seconds.” There’s a pause where you assume he’s moving from one place to another, perhaps closing a book around his hand, or closing the lid on an early lunch. “What’s wrong?” 
“I’m, uh, in hospital. I had a huge panic attack at work and I… thought I was having a heart attack, so I–” You’re so embarrassed your voice turns to a thread. “Sorry, I know it’s so stupid.” 
“It’s not stupid, that’s not stupid. How do you feel now?” 
“Like someone hit me really hard in the chest.” 
“Are you calmed down?” 
“Mostly.” You wince. “They want to talk to me about medications. Uh.” You clear your throat. “I want to go home.” 
“Angel… I’m on my way, okay? I’ll get Hotch and–”
“You can’t tell him.” 
“Please, Spencer, he gets so worried, he’s worried enough. And if he finds out I had a panic attack he’ll try and make me take time off of work and that’s just another thing on his plate he didn’t ask for–”
“Hey, hey, hey,” he says softly, “please don’t panic. You’ve had a hard morning, panicking again is really gonna hurt. Try and think about things that don’t wind you up, alright? Is there anything you need me to get?” 
“You don’t have to come.” 
“That’s why you called me, right? I’ll be there.” 
You can’t know that he says goodbye and ducks straight back into Hotch’s office, where he’d been, to tell on you. It’s not to hurt you and it isn’t because you told him not to —it’s two parts concern, and one part self preservation. Aaron needs to know and you need him with you, and he also can’t imagine things going well for himself if he kept the news of your stay a secret. The shovel talk plays in his mind. 
Aaron’s shovel talk being, You won’t do anything to hurt her, said simply, and with an impassive expression that bordered terrifying. Not overly unaffected, just casual. 
You’re laying in your hospital bed with your hands clasped across your stomach when Spencer arrives. He frowns at you in your bed, worse when he sees your smudged makeup and the chafed inside of your wrist where you’ve picked and squeezed at your own skin. Your panic has left a physical mark, your chest aching as you force yourself to sit, and it hurts doubly so when your brother lets himself in behind your nearly-boyfriend.
You don’t have it in you to complain. 
“I’m sorry,” Spencer says, reaching down to give you a quick hug as you sit. “I had to tell him.” 
 Aaron’s hug is similarly apologetic, though much longer. “You weren’t gonna tell me?” he asks quietly, his hand settling at the place between your shoulders. “How do you feel now?” 
“I’m fine, I– I really thought I was having a heart attack.” 
“That’s common,” Spencer says, “it’s the feeling of impending doom, thousands of people mistake anxiety for medical issues every week.” 
Aaron holds you by the shoulders. “It’s okay,” he says. “Was it a doctor that checked you out, or a nurse?” 
Aaron probes the name of your nurse from you and promises to be back soon. He seems to have gleaned that the quickest way to get information today won’t be from you. 
Spencer goes in for another hug when he leaves, and then, to your delight, a very quick kiss pressed to your cheek. He ducks away after that and sits on the side of your hospital bed, his knuckles gracing the outside of your thigh. “Thank you for calling me,” he says, smiling at you, and better when you smile back.
“Thanks for coming.” 
“Of course. I know how it feels, okay? If they want to talk about medication it’s a good thing, but everyone has moments like this.” 
“I can’t believe you told Aaron,” you say, giving a weak but playful glare.
“I can’t believe you weren’t going to. He loves you, he wants to know what’s hurting you, no matter how much stuff is on his plate.” 
You bite the inside of your lip, contemplative for a few slow seconds. “You think so?” you ask finally. 
The hair flicked under his ears wobbles as he nods. “Absolutely.” 
You lean forward to readjust his collar and tie. He’s wearing one of his cutesy waistcoats, dark grey over a light blue shirt. His tie has patterns you trace with your thumb, like fish scales. “Sorry, I know you were working,” you murmur. 
“I think my boss will forgive me.” 
You let your hands fall. Spencer, perhaps picking up on a hint you hadn’t meant to give, takes them both into one of his and squeezes reassuringly. 
“It’s harder than I thought,” you confide softly. 
“It’s an adjustment period. But maybe it’s not right for you, there. That’s what started it, right? Your job.” 
“I’m not sure. I don’t know. I get panicky about all sorts of stuff, but I’ve never had one this bad before. I was a miserable kid, you can ask Aaron, but I really thought I was better.” 
He rubs over your fingers with his thumb. “I think we all have stuff that messes us up. Doesn’t mean you’re not better. You don’t even really have to be better. And I… I am here for you, I promise. I know you have no reason to trust me with it yet, but I’ll listen whenever you need me to.” 
You think about kissing him. Spencer kisses like he’s suffocating and your air, it’s cliche and undeniably true. Whenever you kiss him it’s like a shock —he steals your breath, he can’t stop himself from grabbing your face, and any other time you’d love it, but right now you just need a peck. You’re hoping he can do those kinds of kisses too. 
“Will you kiss me?” you ask tentatively.
He gets the memo on gentleness. You shouldn’t be surprised, your very first kiss was tame, his hand running up your arm as he encourages you forward. Your eyes shutter closed at the feeling of his lips on yours, and the exhausting thrumming that’s lived beneath your skin since you woke up numbs to a more manageable ache. 
Spencer breaks away. He cups your cheek quickly, dropping it immediately when the door opens. 
You shuffle backward nonchalantly. 
Aaron gives you a sarcastic look. Really? it says. I wasn't born yesterday. 
“They want to give you a prescription for Paxil, honey, what do you think?” He turns his attention to Spencer reluctantly. “What’s her best option here?” 
“Paxil could be fine. They didn’t suggest a benzodiazepine? Paxil is an SSRIs, it slows down the rate of serotonin reuptake, basically increasing the effectiveness of your bodies natural serotonin, which could decrease the risk of another attack, but taking it won’t stop her from feeling like this,” —he frowns at your location— “very quickly. Ideally she should have a medication for general anxiety and the option for quicker relief if this happens again.” He smiles at you suddenly, nearly shyly. “If that’s what you want, that is.” 
“What are you thinking, honey?” Aaron asks you. 
You have the two of them here to look after you while you decide. You take Spencer’s hand gently, desperate for reassurance. “I’m not sure.” 
“It’s okay, we’ll work it out,” your brother promises. 
Spencer squeezes your hand. 
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44st4rs · 2 days
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✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ — pairings!  gojo, geto, nanami, toji, sukuna x fem!reader
✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ — cw! 3.5k, drabble format, gojo and geto’s is 1.5k alone, 3some(?), squïrting, fingëring, begging, implications of overstimulation, teasing, c**t play, face sitting, spitting, explicit descriptions of oral
✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ — xoxo, chris! ngl gojo and geto’s has a whole plot point, i don’t know how we got here but here we are cuties ;3
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It was his idea, but you never thought your boyfriend, Gojo would act on it. Usually, he’s adamant about having you to himself, thanks to his tendency to be selfish.
It’s something you both talked about and he promises that he’ll work on it—but not like this.
“G-Gojo…are you sure about this?” you croak, harshly swallowing down that lump residing in your throat. You catch Gojo’s eyes as he kneels on the floor, leaning over the edge of the bed to bridge the gap between you both. 
“Yeah, baby. I said I wanna work on being better and not so selfish anymore. So…here’s Suguru to help me out!”
And here he is, Geto Suguru, your boyfriend’s best friend and most trusted confidant. He’s a nice guy, kind-hearted and kinder on the eyes. 
Especially now when he's wearing nothing but those black sweats hanging around his hips. You watch as he drops to his knees to sit beside Gojo.
"Hey, Pretty," he greets, brushing back the thick black strands of his hair from ruining his view of you.
When Gojo said to you a few days ago that he wanted to be more “open and sharing” you thought he meant with food, time, or even his stuff. 
Not your pussy.
“Um…so…h-hey, Baby. I just wanna know…how is this gonna help you be less selfish?” your voice rattling by nerves.
“Oh! Welllll, I was thinking to myself, what’s something I’m really protective over, and that “thing” turned into someone. And I realized it was you, I mean, I just love you so much, baby. But I know you said it can be suffocating to have me at your hip. So, I asked Geto to help me out with this and he was happy too!”
“O…okay…but that doesn’t explain—”
“Basically, Gojo wants to start breaking his selfish habits by sharing…well, you,” Geto summed up, earning a giddy grin from Gojo.
“Yeah! So don’t be shy, Angel. We’re gonna be extra kind with you. I think you’ll like it too,” Gojo purrs as his hand trails along the supple flesh of your trembling thigh. 
“So, go on 'nd spread your legs, Baby."
 A devastating heat swells beneath your cheeks as your legs expose your cunt to the men before you.  It’s embarrassing really, to have your sex life and Gojo’s habits blur in an instant. The only silver lining comes in the form of his best friend, the very man whose onyx eyes marvel at your puffy lips.
“Sooo…whatcha think Suru’? Isn’t she just so pretty?!” Gojo smiles as he rests his hand on Geto’s shoulder.
The tips of Geto’s fingers brush past your folds, delicately prying the delicate sheets apart.
“She is! ‘nd she’s so fucking wet already…”Geto trails off as his eyes dart to your own. The flat of his tongue drags along his pink lips entices Geto's appetite, giving birth to that swirling pit sparking at his core.
His hands break away from its polite fold over his thighs to swarm you, a palm slipping along the underside of your thigh. Yet, the pads ghost the fragile scene, using hesitancy as his means of restraint.
He glazes his sights up your body. The silk robe's barely doing its job of hiding you away, your tits are just threatenig to spill out from behind the purple fabric.
He finally falls onto your face; obsidian hues studying every curve of your pretty features. But it's your eyes that draws him in, those dewy eyes batting
“Can I...touch you, Baby?” He finally gets out, biting back any more words that threaten his shattering composure.
"Mhm...it's fine," you nod, watching as a smile curls across Geto's lips.
"Thank you." The final words roll off his tongue before inching closer to your heat, the swarming warmth of his breath fanning over your bare cunt.
“Aww, she’s so cute,” He coos at your pussy. All he allows to delve into you is a gentle touch, the pad of his thumb sketching along your splayed pussy.
He can't get over it, how he's gotten so lucky to experience your pretty pussy like this. You're soft to the touch, so warm that he can feel all his woes melting away the second he slips past your sticky folds. And fuck, you're so sticky that he isn't holding back from enjoying the cute chimes of his thumb drifting about you, tracing right back to your clit.
Geto's far too close now, so close that his lips brush past your own puffy mounds, planting a fluttering trail that brings him to your quivering bud.
“Let me know if you don’t like something, ‘kay Baby,” He assures with a hand set to knead the underside of your thigh.
“Oh, and Satoru?” Geto donning a sly smirk as he pays Gojo one final glare.
“You won’t be mad if I…accidentally make her cum…will you?”
Gojo rolls his eyes, “Tsk, whatever. But you might wanna tie your hair back… it's gonna get a little messy.”
“Don’t need to, I think it adds to the ambiance.”
Geto’s smirk fades as his tongue mellows against your clit, sending bubbly spools of spit to wade down your folds. He’s quick to twirl that slicked muscle around, cursing your glistening pearl with twitches. 
He digs that much deeper, forcing your perky bud to bear the languid drag of his tongue. Just like that, he’s got your clit under his control, pulling away to watch your clit perk up.
“Oh,” Geto hums, “You taste so good on my tongue, Pretty…”
He’s just so gentle when he’s taken back down, his tongue lulling along the throbbing trench of your folds. His artful strokes pits him before the tight pout of your hole, gummy gasps clinging to the flat of Geto’s touch, And who is he to deny you? He’s made a promise to treat you kindly and that’s exactly what he plans to do when he dips the tip of his tongue against your entrance. 
“Haah, ohmygod Geto—”
“Suguru, baby, don’t be so formal,” Geto grins, his sights flickering between you and your cunt. “Feels good, right? I know it does, but ‘m not done with you.”
Your teary eyes fall onto Gojo. He’s soothing you with a hand on your thigh, his slender digits brushing along your flushed skin. How could he stand for this? Was he really okay with you being split apart and exposed like this, watching his best friend make a mess out of you?
Until those tears ripple down your cheek and you get a clear view of Gojo. Him and the broad chest he's parading around just like his best friend. Him and those taut muscles rippling benenth his porcelain skin—him clenching down on his jaw. 
Pity stains the forefront of your mind. Poor baby, Gojo's trying so hard to stay calm. But you know his antics by now. When he's wearing furrowed brows, clenching his jaw, and holding in each breath just a second longer than normal...he was getting antsy. it didn't help that he had an unfiltered lens to watch how Geto’s tongue dances about your pussy without care.
Maybe all he needs is a little...encouragement,
“Fuck! 'Toru, please?” you whimper out, pushing out a pout you know he won't ignore, “ I want you too!”
“Me?” Gojo dumbly asks as he points to himself. "You really miss me already, Angel?”
"Mhm," you nod feverishly, "Please?"
Eagerly, Gojo taps Geto’s shoulder, “Well you heard my lady, Suguru. She wants—”
“I see why you’re selfish, she tastes so sweet. And ‘m liking having her clit in my mouth. Why don’t we…take her on at the same time?”
“That’s fine with me,” Gojo shrugs. He pays you a glance, his soft crystalline hues scanning your face.
“How’s that sound, Angel? You just gotta spread your legs a liiiitle more…”
You follow along with Gojo’s words, your legs drifting apart until Gojo’s able to slot his head right beside Geto. 
“Wow, you’ve made a real mess of her! Gojo marvels, his thumb pulling back the puffy lip of your pussy.
Geto pulls back, his hand cupping the underside of your thigh. “No, that’s all her, Satoru. Guess she likes me too,” 
“‘Course she does…but let me get her to myself first,” Gojo mumbles out before he smothers himself in your bliss. 
Gojo greets your pussy with a kiss, his lips peppering pecks all over the puffy hood. Geto’s nice and all, but Gojo knows exactly what you need. He knows that you like those soft kisses, that trails right down to your slit and back up to your clit.
He knows how wet that gets you too, but he wants you dripping for him, call it his homecoming from being away from your pussy. So he’s preparing himself by tugging back the hood of your clit, compelling the poor bud to the battering flicks his tongue rains down. 
But he’s so caught up in the spry heat sinking into his senses, that he’s forgetting the reason behind such dramatics. Why he’s so caught up that he didn’t even notice himself delving that much deeper into you, his chin dressed in a veil of your slick.
Your hips pick up against his mouth when it’s too much for you to take, sporadically bucking along Gojo’s working tongue. And he lets you have your way too, it’s what he loves about eating your cute little cunt. He loves watching you crack beneath a few teasing flicks, just for his tongue to sink past your folds and dwell in your sweet elixir.
“She just keeps on getting wetter,” Geto groans as he keeps a watchful eye on Gojo, “But…what happens if we suck on her clit?”
“Hmmm..let’s find out.” Gojo hints.
Geto’s words don’t get the chance to simmer in your mind, not when the two men are two steps ahead of you when they press their blush-ridden cheeks flush against each other. Thankfully, they didn’t need you to think—they just need you to cum.
The puffy pout of their lips quickly settles over your clit, toiling with ushering your swollen bead into their care. But you’re split between then again, your poor pearl bearing the suckling flux of their greed. Gojo’s so gentle, using pools of his spit to spill around your bundle of nerves. It’s messy, the loud squelches of Gojo’s lips strumming at the swell of your clit.
But Geto’s the real tease. He’s so endowed in you that his head bobs along with his worked jaw. He enlists in the aid of his tongue too, the stiffened tip relentlessly scrolling over the bud of the throbbing button.  
All their efforts only pull that shivering heat to overwhelm your core, your pussy spitefully ruining their bare chest in your spewing essence.
“Oh…fuck!” you sob, your back arching off the bed. 
The two men pull away from you, gawking at the glossy fixture made between your legs—your swollen clit, puffy folds, and the timid current of your honey trailing from your entrance. 
“Aw no, I was having fun. Did you cum already, Angel?” Gojo pouts as he nuzzles his cheek into your inner thigh. 
“N-No,” you shudder, “That was just…a-a lot fr’ me.”
“Good…”Geto chuckles, turning to Gojo.
A proposal pops into Gojo’s mind. It’s a selfish one—riddled with the same nasty habit he’s trying to break. And one day, he’ll finally get it…one day.
“Hey, Suru…wanna do it again?”
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Time, time, time, that’s all Nanami wants and that’s all he gets when it comes to you.
He loves taking his sweet time with you after he’s rid of the day from his mind and gets the chance to soak up bliss right between your legs. If he could, Nanami would be laid up like this every day, using his tongue to inscribe the sweetest of scriptures into your cute little gem. 
So when Nanami does get his wish, he doesn’t want you to do a thing. Not to lift a finger, to raise a hand—why, he doesn’t even want you to move.
He’s got everything, all the details, all the responsibility…all the control in his grasp. He just wants you feel good, his sweet little wife. But you have a way with him, using those cute pleas to break away from the goals he’d set in place for the night.
But not tonight, not while he holds the reigns of fate taut in his palms.
That’s why he’s having you sit on his face while his hands brace your thighs, relying on those strong muscles he’s worked hours for to keep you at bay.
He prays you aren’t mad at him, it’s just that Nanami likes to keep himself close to you. He loves taking you like this, for his every sense to be overwhelmed by you. It isn’t enough to taste you, no, he wants to breathe you in, feel every twitch that claims your cunt, to hear the lewd squelches of your pussy sobbing on his tongue. 
And if you remember, tonight he plans on taking his sweet ol’ time with you—which means you’ll have to bear all his antics. 
Just like now, you have to accept the way his tongue bats your clit so lazily. 
Skimming over your silky folds, taunting your pillowy bud to dance to his song—He can’t help it when you’re just so soft to the touch. 
But there does come a time when his tongue gets too sore and he needs a break. When that time does set in, Nanami’s too excited to nuzzle his lips over your clit. He’s trapping those spry nerves between a pucker that’s ready to suckle at your building heat.
And he does just that; encircling his lips to work that pink bulb into a lazy tide. It’s cute to him having a front-row seat to your timely demise. Every flick and twirl he etches into you weaken the pout on your lips and welcomes a spill of babbles to dress the air. It’s all incoherent, but he knows what every single sob means for the welling pit in your tummy. 
But with all his teasing, comes a mess that he’s going to have to take responsibility for— his chin dipping into the milky stream of your nectar. 
He isn’t one to be wasteful. So when the lewd nectar of his spit and your essence threaten to seep from the corners of his lips, he’s got no choice but to slurp down every drop. And he isn’t one for the dramatics, but each gulp resonates deep within his chest as if he’s found his heavenly oasis at last.
“Ooooh fuck! Ken, don’t tease me so much! I wanna cum already!” you squeal, your lips donning a soft pout.
As a special reward, he gets to hear his sweet girl cry out for that crashing high you so desperately desire. And he’s planning to give it to you, but he just needs to remind you one last thing before he does.
“Don’t curse, Baby. Use your words,” he’s grinning too, almost chuckling at the frustration brewing across your features when he steals a glance at you. 
Those pretty doe eyes batting away tears he knows are coming, your plucked brows furrowed, and you lips, oh your lips twisted up into such a frown that…it’s just turning Nanami on more. 
“Well…” he utters along your inner thigh, “I’m waiting.”
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Toji’s got big hands. Not just any kind of hands—worked hands.
Long, thick digits that wear years of work as rough skin and callouses. But even with some years on his hands, he’s still as lithe as ever. His fingers made work quick of any and every task
But there’s something about his fingers that you love—the girth.
The girth of his fingers can stretch you out just enough for his cock to ruin you, hit your sweet spot with shameful ease, and can trace over your clit without a lick of hesitation. He knows how much you love his fingers, but every now and then, you need a reminder of the skills his tongue carries.
Just like now, he’s pinning you beneath the heat of that reminder by painting your pussy in sloppy kisses. 
Sloppy kisses that have to drip down the ridges of his chin and jaw. Sloppy kisses that stain his skin white. Sloppy kisses that can't be contained to the confines of his mouth.
Sloppy kisses that always end with that echoing pop of his lips. 
It’s crazy to Toji how wet he’s gotten you from something so simple. He’s barely even started, nowhere near scratching the surface of his plans for you.
But maybe it’s because he’s calling it a kiss, but that's just the farthest thing from the truth. Toji isn't just kissing you, he's drinking you too, using your poor clit like a straw to quench his thirst. his lips don’t just settle over your heat. His lips are hard at work nursing your clit, relishing the frazzling streaks that spark across the flat of his tongue. 
And he’s cursing in his mind at how good it feels to have to warm his mouth, how good it feels to play with your poor cunny. But that isn’t enough, his tongue’s waiting to put on a show too. 
But that’s in due time.
And through all this, his hands clip to your waist like a belt, the pads of his fingers digging deep into your skin. It’s a little harsh, but it’s for a good cause that he swears by.
Because what’s a better cause than having you cum on his tongue?
And you’re so close that the sheer anticipation wrecks through your body with shivers. But there’s a line that Toji needs to keep you behind—trapping you in a corner with no choice but to beg. 
“Fuuuuck, Toji please! Just a finger! I need more—”
It’s so cute to hear you cry out for more, but that’s the greed Toji’s working out of you. And he hears you, he knows you need more, but that’s simply something he can’t act on.
Toji’s head shakes at your plea, denying your pitiful request with ease. But he’s even involving your clit in the reply to you, his lips clinging to the puffy hood. Your poor clit has to follow every feverish tilt Toji takes on, the swelling heat consuming your core.  
You can’t take it and he knows it, a fact that he dismisses every time your hips jolt beneath him. You try so hard to run away and he appreciates the little game of cat and mouse to welcome you into the scene, but what kind of a man would he be if he couldn’t contain you beneath a firm grip? 
A grip so strong that every buck of your hips gets trapped into the mattress, Toji making little work of your rebellion.
And if he does have to use even an ounce of his strength, he’s simply using it to drag you right back to him and his grimacing mouth. 
Toji's wearing a grin when he finally breaks away from your pussy, his eyes darting to meet your own. 
“Sorry mama, that’s too easy,” his sights falling back to your glistening folds, “Now, stop moving or else ‘m just gonna edge you all night!”
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There’s a certain standard that Sukuna holds both you and himself to when it comes to eating you out. He has a means to execute these standards, relying on methods that aren’t suitable for everyone.
He loves to push your limits, not because he gets a kick out of seeing you whimper out silly pleas, but because he knows that you’ll exceed his expectations. 
That’s why Sukuna starts out so strong, having you lay on your tummy inches from the edge of the bed with your ass in the air. He swears you feel it more, thanks to some research that he never cares to explain.
When he does decide that it’s time to execute his methods, he’s bringing his greedy lips to ghost past your sopping wet pussy, trading up the bedroom’s air for your honeyed fumes. Oh, he loves to see you like this, that well-trained arch leaving nothing hidden from his eye. He can hinge on the succulent contours of your cute pussy, his eyes tracing over the timeless medium of pink and brown hues.  
When he gets past all the gawking, he plants those thick digits around your hips and leaves all the work of stretching your folds apart to his thumbs. God, you’re dripping, still dripping from your gasping slit that's glazing over your cunt like a rippling tide. You’re making such a mess out of yourself, one that he can’t wait to clean up.
He loves to focus on that pretty bud of yours by sealing your clit up behind a suckling pout. There’s a bliss that douses Sukuna’s mind when he sucks you like this, having your clit swell in his care. He's driven drunk by in your heat, every last drop that leaves you so soft and plump that moment he breaks away with a wet click of his lips.
“Ryo…c’mom! I-I can’t take anymore! Stop being so mean!” you sob, lithe hands clenching at the bed’s gray duvet for relief.
“Stop all that crying, you’re going to cum…eventually.”
He knows you can hear it, his fingers partaking in the lewd symphony. He didn’t start toying with your sweet spot yet and you’re already ruining the pretty blanket beneath you in nothing but expectation. But you made a certain remark—him being mean? Sukuna being mean to you?
A hiss cuts through his teeth. “Besides…me being mean?” 
His eyes fall back to your cunt, hinging on the opal rivulets spill from your gasping hole. The trail each tear takes on leads them to coil around your puffy clit, twinkling in the moonlight as a final hurrah before meeting its splattered demise on the blanket. 
If only you knew just how mean it was of you to give him such an image to play back in his head.
“Oh baby, if I’m being so mean…then why are you making such a mess?”
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yyuangss · 1 day
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SUMMARY ! march 7th finds out you like someone. and as your best friend, it’s only right that she has to give her input on whether or not she approves of him.
NOTES ! part one of girl talk (dan heng, caelus, sampo, jing yuan, and argenti). need hoyo to give the biggest girl’s girl they’ve ever created a bff asap. she deserves it after everything she’s been through 🫡 this goes out to that one anon. if you’re reading this, i added a bonus for you <3
TAGS ! reader is not the trailblazer. contains gepard landu, dr. ratio, aventurine, and boothill. possible spoilers for penacony quest in aventurine’s part, tried to keep it very vague and minimal. feelings are mutual on both ends.
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march 7th’s thoughts on . . . GEPARD LANDAU !
the biggest mistake you’ve made is telling march you have feelings for the captain of the silvermane guards. because now she’s made herself the conductor of the express, switching course to jarilo-vi, crash landing terribly, and running all the way to serval to ask if gepard has feelings for you. march always assumed there might have been some mutual pinning from gepard’s side. he probably thought he was the best at hiding his feelings, except it didn’t help that he constantly shielded you whenever you were at risk of being at harms way. which in her opinion means he’s willing to protect you no matter what. this trait was very important and she will not let you pass up on that opportunity. according to serval, gepard had already confessed to his sister how he felt towards you and was too shy to admit it. once she confirmed his mutual feelings, serval and march are on matchmaker duty.
march 7th’s thoughts on . . . DR. RATIO !
march does think that ratio is mean and extremely talkative. she also believes him to be selfish. there’s already a negative perception of him in her mind. though, her opinion on him is only based off the first time the express met him. compared to you, she hasn’t gotten the chance to truly know him (not that she really wants to). so, march says her judgement is biased and null in this case. she hears a different side when you’re in her room, telling her all about him and how he’s incorporated you into his very busy schedule. and it’s proven to her whenever ratio boards the express for the sole purposes of visiting you. or he’s arriving at the space station around the same time the express gets there, despite having prior plans made. march is very suspicious how the two of you aren’t dating yet. actions speak louder than words and ratio’s actions make her very impressed.
march 7th’s thoughts on . . . AVENTURINE !
march won’t lie, she has heavy mixed opinions for aventurine and still doubtful of him. it’s possible that the entire astral express would share these mixed opinions if you told one of them. on one hand, she’s grateful for all the help he aided with. had he not been there, you all would’ve never gotten into penacony. she’s surprised to hear you ran into him several times when you were exploring. it’s where you got to know him while he showed you around, taking you to all the best sight seeing locations. aventurine didn’t waste a second to express his interest in you. even after what happened with him before the final battle in penacony, he still showed that same interest. which is why march doesn’t know why you’re wasting time telling her about your feelings towards him when you should be admitting them to aventurine instead. her mixed opinions will still be present. once she gets to know him like you did, they’ll eventually fade and she’ll be less on the weary side.
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dan heng’s thoughts on . . . BOOTHILL !
“oh.” is all he says. dan heng is not very vocal, so his expression and body language tell you all you need to know. in this case, a raised eyebrow and a skeptical look forming on his face. he’s not really interested in this type of talk and that’s one of the main reasons. still, as your closest friend, dan heng doesn’t want you to think that you and your feelings aren’t important to him. his quiet demeanor makes him more observant. watching you and boothill interact makes dan heng realize how truly oblivious you are. it’s clear as day that the interstellar cowboy is interested in you. unless he’s the only person who has caught on to the mutual feelings. but there’s no way especially with all the darlin’s and sweetheart’s boothill calls you. either way, in his opinion, you should be with who makes you happy and dan heng won’t stop you from that. will bluntly expose yours and boothill’s attraction if either of you take too long.
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hurlingdown · 2 days
Ima eat you and your writing it’s so good can I please get a whiny sub Luffy x domtop male reader who’s like kinda tall I’m talking a tad bit shorter then brook type tall you can ignore if this is too specific 👍 love your work
eat you up (top male reader, nsfw)
tags: whiny!sub!luffy who loves how big reader is, in terms of size and cock, anal sex, size kink, virginity loss, cum eating, tongue-fucking, blowjob, he has no gag reflex, luffy being luffy, bit fluffy ngl
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Luffy revelled in your size difference. 
The way you towered over him, your large hands being able to completely encircle his waist. Not to mention, you made such a good makeshift bed that he just couldn’t help but snuggle into your lap most afternoons, just to take a fat nap. 
You never really minded, as it didn’t interfere with your routine. Plus, having a lap warmer with you anywhere you went was undeniably a huge bonus. 
Today was one of those afternoons. 
Luffy hummed a song, squirming on your lap to find a comfortable position for his nap. You didn’t think much of it at first, until he started shifting about, his back pressed against your chest to directly sit on your cock. 
You froze, feeling the heat rush to your face, and somewhere else—it didn’t help that the rubber captain never kept still. Still, you couldn’t find it in you to push him off, as he had looked up at you with an adorably blinding grin, his gummy smile having wormed its way into your heart long ago. 
“Luffy,” you began awkwardly. 
“You’re hard today.” 
You spluttered. “I’m what today?” 
He turned around in your lap to blink innocently at you. “You’re harder than usual today, y/n!” 
“Oh. Haha… I am, aren’t I?” You let out a breath of relief. It hadn’t occurred to you that Luffy quite possibly didn’t know about that sort of stuff; or perhaps wasn’t interested in all, seeing as he never bat an eye to the beautiful, well-endowed Boa Hancock who practically threw herself at him at every chance. 
You were absorbed in your thoughts until you felt a hand palm your hard cock roughly. 
“Luffy!” Your hips bucked upwards, nearly throwing him off your lap. “What was that for—” 
“So yours does the same thing, too. Shishi, I thought my dick was broken when I touched it and it turned hard!” 
Oh. So he had touched himself before. Guess you could save yourself from having to give ‘the talk’ to an absolute airhead. 
“Wow,” Luffy continued to squeeze and fondle your cock through the thin layer of your pants, making you bite your lip to suppress a groan. “You’re pretty big!” 
“Captain,” you snapped, finally, glaring at him as he pouted. “This isn’t appropriate.” 
“But why not?” he protested, still not releasing his death-grip on your cock. 
“This—we—aren’t in that sort of relationship.” 
Luffy simply frowned. “Do we have to be in a relationship to touch each other’s dicks?” 
“Well, no, but—” 
Before he went back to straight-up kneading your poor cock, you grabbed his wrists and bound them behind his back with one hand. 
“But why?” he whined loudly, bottom lip jutting out as he stared up at you. “I want to! You gotta let me! I’m the captain!” 
You sighed. “You may be my captain, but that doesn’t mean you get to take advantage of your superiority to sexually harass me whenever you want.” 
“I’m not sensually harassing you, or whatever that is!” 
“It’s ‘sexually harass’, not sensually harass. And—why do you even want to do this in the first place? You’ve never acted like this before when you napped on me before.” 
“I just suddenly want to! What’s the matter with that?!” Luffy looked petulant, almost angry as he couldn’t get what he wanted, and he retracted one of his legs hooked around your waist to tramp on your cock. 
You let out a guttural moan at that, and Luffy’s eyes had widened visibly, as though he wanted to hear more. 
“Hey, y/n? My dick’s hard.” 
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“Is this what you wanted, baby?” 
Luffy’s knees were pressed into the mattress above his shoulders, making good use of his stretchiness as he shudders and whines a response beneath you. His hole is stretched perfectly around your cock, warm and wet and tight, taking you to the brim so well. 
“Y-yeah, puh—please!” he wailed desperately, raking his nails on your back as you angled your hips, thrusting up into his sweet spot. “So—so big—ah!” 
“There it is.” You grinned, hands fully wrapping around his waist to tug him back onto your cock like a ragdoll, perfectly nailing his prostate again. “Think we found it, mm?” 
Luffy nodded his head weakly, trembling all over as you railed him into the mattress with each heavy thrust, before dragging him back. “Feels really g-good! Right—right there!” 
“Here, captain?” You purposefully missed, tip of your cock barely grazing it, and he whined shamelessly. 
“No! Not there!” he moaned, shaking his head in frustration as he looked at you with pleading eyes. “Y/n, I need it s-so bad!” 
You would have never thought that Luffy was capable of such dirty talking. But right now—with your captain willingly spreading his legs for you, hole stretched wide open and insides rearranging themselves to fit your huge cock, you couldn’t even process it except for how good it felt. 
“And what’s the magic word, love?” 
“M-magic word?” He blinks at you confusedly. “I don’t know any—any magic word! I’m not—a magician, ah, silly!” 
Warmth curled in your chest at how utterly ridiculous Luffy was, and you gave a little laugh, before leaning down to kiss him. Luffy kissed you back with eagerness, biting and sucking impatiently at your lower lip. As you fucked your tongue into that pliant little mouth of his, mirroring your cock’s every thrust, he had sucked on it and moaned around it, drool spilling down the sides of his mouth as though it felt heavenly for him. 
“So full…” Luffy whimpered around your tongue, eyes rolling back in ecstasy—and you couldn’t pinpoint which hole he was referring to. 
You reeled back after a long kiss, going back to pounding into him as he whined for “harder”, for “more”, and “wanting to eat the funny liquid that comes out of your cock”. 
Your breath hitched in surprise as you realised what Luffy meant. “Want me to cum down your throat, baby? That what you want?” You could feel yourself getting closer and closer, his warm, spongy walls pulsating around you every time you pulled back, as though wanting to keep you inside forever. 
“Yes, yes—wanna, wanna know what you taste like, y/n!” he babbled mindlessly, clinging on to your shoulders as you flattened the head of your cock against his prostate, grinding hard and deliberately. “Ugh, ugh—it feels weird—” 
“Yeah? You gonna come for me, sweetheart? Fucking do it—cum on my cock, captain.” 
With the mention of his title, Luffy’s eyes squeezed shut before his head lolled back with a loud, drawn-out moan, body jerking violently and cock spurting all over his chest and abdomen. His hole clenched around you as tight as sin, and you had to hold back with all your willpower to not come on the spot. 
Luffy panted, still twitching beneath you as he raised one shaky finger, bringing it up to his face to point into his open mouth. Asking silently. 
You couldn’t believe what you were seeing, but once you got the green light, you rammed back into his twitching hole, no longer prioritising his pleasure over yours, only able to process how divine it felt to be making love to your captain. As you felt yourself getting closer and closer to your orgasm, you pulled out of his hole all of a sudden and plunged your cock into his ready, parted mouth, cumming so hard down his throat you felt yourself ascend. 
Luffy’s lips wrapped around the base of your cock, sucking hard and milking you throughout your orgasm. You groaned, low and deep, thrusting messily into tight wet heat as cum steadily dribbled down a vacuum, as though insatiable. 
You released your hold on his hair as you felt yourself go soft, staring incredulously down at a red-faced Luffy who was sucking at you as if he was trying to swallow your entire cock. 
“Luff,” you huffed, gently wiping away a line of his own cum that had somehow splattered on his collarbones. “That’s enough.” 
It was then that he finally pulled back, frantically sucking air through his mouth. “I—I couldn’t taste it,” he whined, the corners of his lips turning down unhappily. “Your cum, or whatever. I couldn’t taste it and it went down my throat!” 
Oh. Oh. 
You suppressed a laugh—because that was what he was being prissy about. Caressing his face affectionately, you went to lay down beside him. “I’m sorry. Next time I’ll just put the tip inside.” 
“It’s fine. I felt full enough.” 
Luffy had to stop dropping these one-liners that made you gape. 
“What? Why’re you lookin’ at me like that?” He looked at you, frowning with confusion. “Y’know, this almost made me as full as the banquet-thingy Sanji put together last week. There was so much yummy food! Your dick was really good, too, though—so don’t get jealous.” 
You really had to get used to the way Luffy talked—because he talked way too much and it drove you absolutely crazy. In an almost ‘too good’ way. This had to stop. 
“Luffy.” You pulled him into your arms, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he giggled happily. “Stop talking.”  masterlist! p.s. luffy is such a fun character to write lol
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Hi I saw the Tsum request you made and it was super cute! I was wondering if you could do the same one but with Idia/Jack/Vil/Leona please?
Idia Shroud:
You had never been more surprised than seeing the shaking tsum outside your door, its intrusion into your room immediate when you opened the door wide enough for its body to hop inside. It made itself comfortable under a desk in the corner, wanting an enclosed area where it would feel safe; you pouted a little as you had hoped to cuddle, but just like Idia, you knew it’d take a little work. You pulled up a video on your phone, music from a game that Idia loved, and you’d never seen something so small move so quickly. It hopped right onto the bed with you, settled and cuddling on your shoulder as it danced along to the song happily with you. Idia wanted to lock himself in a closet, and maybe lock the tsum in a separate one, and never have to think about being upstaged again.
Jack Howl:
You have to admit you’re surprised when Jack’s tsum doesn’t play its cards close to its chest; Jack did it poorly but there was still an attempt, yet the tsum lit up as soon as it saw you. It protectively took a seat on your shoulder and only separated with Jack’s insistence, which is why when it goes missing he knows exactly where it is. Seeing you cuddle starts a staring contest that has you sweating, as if Jack tsum is daring Jack to take him away from his happy place. You settle them both down with pats on the head, saying to relax and offering to go wherever Jack needed to be so you could spend more time with the tsum.
Leona Kingscholar:
Leona is actively trying to not be annoyed but keeping the irritation off his face was a challenge the second prince simply couldn’t overcome. His glare is briefly directed at the tsum who might seem expressionless at first, but he could tell it was celebrating inside for getting under his skin. Your lap had always been Leona’s napping spot, soft thighs working as perfect pillows, and it seemed the tsum had the same idea. He supposed he should’ve seen this outcome approaching since the tsum seemed to mirror him in many aspects but this was one betrayal that Leona hadn’t seen coming, from you or the tsum. He’s rarely this petty towards you so you can’t help but tease him when the opportunity approached, asking if he was really getting territorial because you wanted to cuddle with a tsum that greatly resembled him.
Vil Schoenheit:
You are the honored one, blessed to hold Vil tsum in your loving arms. Your immediate affection for the tsum was felt and reciprocated, allowing you to admire them up close and personal. It felt like good fortune shining down on you when the tsum took it upon itself to sit comfortably in your arms, allowing you to snuggle closer without complaint. Vil is annoyed that the tsum didn’t attempt to play hard to get at all. He had to bite his tongue to not reveal too much about your own relationship, though he feels some envy as it must be nice to just be held by you like that.
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moonstruckme · 12 hours
summary: when James moves into your apartment, you need a bit of an adjustment period
roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 1k words
You go downstairs the way a meerkat pokes its head out of its burrow. Cautious, watchful. When you spot James standing over a sizzling pan in the kitchen, it’s a bit of effort not to sigh, but you go anyway, hunger temporarily taking priority over solitude. It’s just going to have to be another quick meal.
“Hey.” James looks up from a recipe he’s reading on his phone, grinning at you. 
You press your lips together in a smile of response. The girl who’d occupied James’ room before him wouldn’t have bothered to acknowledge you, and frankly, you’d liked her for that. You’d had a mutually ambivalent relationship; you’d both paid your rent, ignored the other’s food in the fridge, and gone about your days as if you each had the apartment to yourself. She had to move out because the maintenance crew tattled on her for having a pet, and though James only moved in a week ago, he’s invited you to hang out with his friends every time they’ve come over. Which is often. (He’s at least considerate enough to always ask first, and you always say yes. Partially because they don’t make huge messes and partially because you don’t know how to reply to a yes/no question any other way.) 
You go to the fridge, tearing the aluminum foil off a half-empty can of beans and shaking it into a bowl. You put it in the microwave. James reaches to turn down the stove, and, like a frightened animal, you flinch away from him. He doesn’t seem to notice, only retreating to the opposite counter to give you more room. 
“How’s your day going?” he asks, leaning back on his forearms. 
“Not bad,” you say. Another thing about James is that in addition to his relentless geniality, he’s ferociously attractive. It takes all of your willpower not to let your eyes dip from his face to where his short sleeves conform to his biceps when he leans that way, but your face heats regardless. “Yours?” 
“Pretty good, actually.” He smiles easily. “It’s gorgeous out, have you felt the weather?” 
You shake your head. “I haven’t been out yet.” 
James nods like he knows this already, humming noncommittally. You think you spy a bit of judgment in his look, but you can’t be sure. “So,” he says, “I have something to ask you.” 
You tense. “Okay…” 
“I know you value your privacy, and I totally respect that, but I feel like as your roommate it’s my responsibility to at least ask.” 
You feel your eyes narrowing as you nod for him to continue. 
James schools his face into seriousness, a frown on his lips that looks like it doesn’t belong. “Do you not eat?” 
You laugh, relieved and bemused. “Of course I eat.”
The smile he gives you is strained, clearly for your benefit rather than his. “You sure about that? Because this morning I just saw you have one—one—piece of toast for breakfast, and then for lunch you had…what?” 
You shy, more because of his notice than anything else. The microwave beeps and you use it as an excuse to turn around. “Some cheese and crackers.” 
When you pivot with the steaming bowl, James is looking at you incredulously.
“They’re really filling!” 
“That’s a snack, love, not a meal. Both of those are snacks. Did you have anything else?” 
You hold up the bowl in your hand. “I’m about to have some beans.” 
His laugh is monosyllabic. Appalled. “You’re not serious.” 
You roll your eyes at him even as your face heats. “Listen, it’s not my most nutritious day, but I’ve been in a rush, and…” You were going to say more, but decide against it. “Anyway, there’s protein in the beans, so.” 
James isn’t having it. “And what?” 
“Something.” He raises his eyebrows at you. “C’mon, spill, or I’m going to call your mum and tell her about your big day of—“ He draws quotes in the air, full lips curving he does “—beans and crackers.” 
“And toast,” you joke. James’ smile is small and short-lived. Does he really have your mum’s phone number? He can’t possibly. 
You sigh. “Okay, it’s nothing to do with you, but I…I’m a bit weird about being in the kitchen at the same time.” James’ thick eyebrows meet in the middle, and your shoulders hunch instinctively but you force yourself to finish explaining. “I just want to grab whatever is quickest and go before I make things awkward, or something. But I know it’s stupid.” You shake your head. You could burn the apartment to cinders with the heat from your face. “I don’t own the kitchen. You have every right to be here, and I’ll get used to it eventually. It’s just that you’re new to me right now.” 
James' expression clears. “Oh, you’re shy.” 
You must look even more embarrassed at that, because he hurries to say, “That’s alright, it’s good to know how you feel about things. And now I don’t have to call your mum.” He grins, and it widens when you make a tiny effort to reciprocate. “I don’t mind stepping out of the kitchen so you can cook every now and then.”
“You really don’t have to.” 
“It’s no trouble.” He waves you off. “Honestly, it’s too small for both of us to comfortably use at the same time anyway. Careful by the way, that pan’s hot.” 
You glance behind you, and you’ve backed yourself nearly into the stove. You move away, squeaking out a thanks. 
James’ smile softens. “I do hope you're right about getting used to me eventually, though.” He gives you a kind look, and you have no idea how he can maintain eye contact with that much sincerity in his big brown eyes. You envy the skill. “I’d like to get to be friends, but we’ve got time for that.” 
You’ve no clue how to respond, some deer-in-the-headlights instinct taking ahold of you, but James doesn’t seem to be expecting one. He reaches out to squeeze your shoulder, taking back his place at the stove. You take that as your cue to go.
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wardenparker · 23 hours
Woo hoo! Way to go on the 2.5k followers! You deserve it
I would like to request Joel Miller w/ “put me down”
Pre-outbreak Joel Miller 1,642 words. "Put me down." Co-written with @absurdthirst
Reader has been drinking. Established relationship. Jealousy.
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Joel rolls his eyes, wondering again what the hell is in the air tonight. He’s glad Sarah has already gone to bed, although she would probably be snickering at the scene. “Babe, maybe you should slow down.” He grunts swiping the beer bottle that he had been nursing and tossing it into the trash.
“Baby, it’s game day,” you protest with a giggle, even though you know he’s probably right. You made your sangria much stronger than usual and you’ve had more than a few cups while hanging out with his friends.
“Yeah it is.” You’re having fun, which is something that he would normally never deny you. Although it seems like you’ve gotten a little….boisterous in the last half hour. “How about we get a sandwich?” He suggests, thinking the bread would be good to help counteract the wine sloshing around in your stomach.
"But we have so many snacks!" The remnants of a chip and veggies and dip plate, the garnishes from a pile of wings, and the last two cookies from the batch Tommy baked are all out on the counter around you, but none of it constitutes actual eating.
He snorts, shaking his head at your wild flailing as you gesture around the counter and miss when you go to grab a chip. “Yep, sandwich.” He grunts to himself, turning around to grab the loaf of bread off the counter. “Or a wrap?”
"Can you be my wrap?" Alright, so you might be a bit tipsy. If the intense giggling from your silly joke is any indication. That doesn't mean you don't want to take advantage of the fact that you're the only two people in the kitchen right now to snuggle up with your boyfriend.
That makes him laugh, rolling his eyes at your antics and he turns to press his lips to your forehead. “You’re drunk.” He accuses fondly.
"Not totally," you protest, pouting at him as deeply as possible.
“Totally.” Joel laughs, leaning in and squashing your lips between his fingers playfully until you pull back. “Eat a wrap then you can have a glass of water.”
"And a kiss." Tacking that onto the end with a grin, you pull your arms around him so he can't pull away to do anything – let alone make a wrap or get a glass of water.
“And a kiss.” If you hadn’t almost started a fight, your possessiveness might be cute. Amusing even. But you had almost been ready to throw hands and he didn’t need the cops showing up here tonight.
"Oh-kay." The pleasant buzzing in your head and the fact that that bitch Larry Anderson had brought with him isn't in here to eye fuck Joel, combine to put you in a very amenable mood.
“Good.” He pecks your lips and reaches behind you to open the fridge. “Ham, or…ham?” He asks, the fridge slightly bare, but in his defense, he had been buying for the party and not wraps.
You hum, pretending to think really really hard, and realize you've forgotten the question while you were screwing up your face into comical expressions. "Ummm...wine?"
“Jesus.” Joel rolls his eyes and moves to the cabinet beside the fridge. “Water now.” He orders, tone a little sharper than before. He doesn’t want you with a bitch of a hangover tomorrow.
"Don't be mad." A pout overtakes your face immediately, but you lean against the kitchen counter and prepare to take whatever Joel dishes out. Even tipsy you know you probably overdid it earlier. It's not your fault that girl wouldn't take 'no' for an answer.
“I’m not.” He grabs a plastic cup, not even trusting you with a glass one at this point. “I just want you to be well hydrated.”
"Well..." The best you can do is shrug, but you're still pouting. "You sound mad."
“And I always look like an asshole.” Joel reminds you with a small chuckle. “So….?”
"I had to be mean to her." He pulls one of Sarah's plastic cups out of the cupboard and moves back to the fridge to fill it with cold, filtered water. "She was looking at you like you were a piece of meat, baby."
“Doesn’t matter.” He reminds with, turning around to hand the cup to you with a smirk. “I’m yours.”
Joel always takes care of you, and you know that even after two too many glasses of sangria, so you take the water cup dutifully. "I knowww. You're my piece of meat. But she wasn't respecting that and that's not okay."
“You don’t need to worry.” He promises softly, moving back to the fridge. “She doesn’t have anything on you.”
"I trust you," you clarify, dutifully sipping the water that he's gotten for you. Joel's loyalty has never been in question. Not when you were friends, not when you crossed the line into dating, and not now that you're living with him and Sarah. But the sangria had made you feisty and that was that.
“Good.” He chuckles as he slaps together some ham and a thick slice of that Muenster cheese you insist is better than Kraft. “Because you are the one sleeping in my bed, hogging the covers.”
"I keep telling youuuu." The singsong in your voice is interrupted by another drink of water. "We need a king-sized blanket. A big blanket. For us two hogs."
“I just will shiver every night.” He teases, folding the wrap up like a letter and handing it to you to eat. It wasn’t pretty, but he never claimed to be a good cook.
"But we could be warm snuggly burritos!" You insist, which is always the argument you give for why you should get an extra-large blanket for the queen sized bed you share, but this time you take a dramatic bite of the wrap he's made for you to punctuate your point.
“You would just steal all of those covers too.” He reminds you, leaning back against the counter as he eat watches you eat.
Giggling, you hold up one finger, crushing your wrap into an accordioned lump in the process. "One snuggly burrito."
“You might be a little cute when you’re this drunk.” Joel huffs, folding his arms over his chest.
"Baby..." Trying very hard to make your face serious fails spectacularly, and you end up giggling again. "I'm always cute. You said so."
“I did, didn’t I?” He huffs. “Finish eating and we’ll go back out to the party.” He bribes.
“Okayyyyyy.” It doesn’t stop you from leaning into his side though, and Joel lets you snuggle him without protest or question.
You eat the wrap quickly, making Joel think that one of your problems might be that you haven’t eaten today. When you reach for the veggies and dip, he encourages you to eat some of it too, not wanting you to have just the wrap on your stomach. Not having realized you were hungry in the first place, you’ve now eaten an entire meal standing in the kitchen and the pout you give Joel afterward intensifies. “Now I’m sleepy…” you huff, indignant at yourself for daring to be tired during a house party. Even a small one.
He chuckles quietly and pushes off the counter to walk over to where you had drifted away from him. Grazing off the table. Smirking, he bends down and scoops you up, about to carry you upstairs.
The squawk you let out could raise the dead, but he laughs so it ends up in half-hearted huffing and puffing as he carries you up the backstairs. “Put me doooowwwn! I can walk!” Not that you actually want him to, of course. Being manhandled by Joel is a privilege.
He smacks your ass, laughing again when you squeal. “No.” He tells you, continuing to climb the stairs. “You’ll go back out into the living room and fight that girl.”
“She put her tits in your face!” You groan, not bothering to fight as more stairs pass under Joel’s feet. He’s far stronger than you anyway. “Only my tits go in your face.”
You’re possessive when you’re drunk and it’s kind of hot. “I like your tits in my face.” He hums, grabbing your ass this time instead of slapping it. “That’s why I stood up. So she couldn’t do that.”
“And I like your little pancake ass,” you giggle, smacking his ass as he goes. Slinging you over his shoulder was a tactical error on Joel’s part.
“Hey.” Joel’s step falters and he snorts as you start to giggle. “Payback, huh?”
“Yep!” Another bright giggle breaks through as he hits the top step.
“You need to go to bed.” He huffs, shaking his head.
He carries you into the bedroom, only setting you down again when it can be directly on the bed. Before he can step away, though, you reach up to snag the edge of Joel's t-shirt and give him a soft smile. "I love you, baby."
“I love you too.” He promises, leaning back down to kiss you softly. “Lay down, I’ll get you some aspirin and water.”
"Then cuddles?" When you're tipsy – or drunk – it's not hard to turn almost any expression into wide, pleading eyes. In this case, it's the wide and pleading eyes that you know Joel just can't resist.
Joel sighs softly, knowing you are feeling a little vulnerable and he nods. “Fuck ‘em.” He decides. “Tommy can keep their asses in line.” He tells you as he brings the bottle of Advil and the cup of water from the bathroom.
“Cuddles!” Maybe it’s simple of you, but ending any night in Joel’s arms is all you want. All you’ve wanted for years now. The day you went from friends to lovers was a gift, and that gift is just as precious to you now as it was then.
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime @vabeachazn @purplerain04 @weho2kcmo @madnessofadaydreamer
My Masterlist!
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freyadragonlord · 16 hours
Stolas and Blitz’s relationship is a really well written misunderstanding plot, and here’s why 
I didn’t exactly have bad expectations about the Full Moon episode, yet I find myself pleasantly surprised by just how well the show handled the final confrontation between Stolas and Blitz. It was perfectly tragic and, most importantly, it perfectly fits how their relationship was built up to this point.
But how did Stolas get to this point?
Stolas has been starved for love since he was a child. His father only knew how to buy Stolas’ stuff to distract him from his distress (whenever Paimon bothered to even be around). Stolas’ wife – whom he did not choose – disdained him and did not miss a chance to humiliate him. He used to have a good relationship with his daughter, even though things got more complicated as she grew up and started to realize that her parents hate each other; but having your own child love you isn’t the same as having someone love you because you are you.
And then, out of nowhere, This Guy whom he considers his first friend - someone who was at the center of one of the best memories from his childhood - sneaks into his house and tries to seduce him!! Needless to say, Stolas is taken by surprise!
He even tries to talk to Blitz at first, and asks him about his life. He wants a connection, but Blitz just kinda pushes Stolas on his bed and starts doing sexy things to him, while dodging his questions. And, well, Stolas has never had good sex before that moment! His only experience is with a woman who does not like him and whom he doesn’t like. He gets swept away! Turns out, kinky sex really does it for him, and Blitz just Keeps Going all night!
Now, we don’t get to see how Stolas reacted when he figured out that Blitz was there to steal his book. The next thing we know (which is actually the first time the audience is introduced to Stolas) is that he is determined not to let that night with Blitz be the last. And who knows, even if Blitz had an ulterior motive for that first night, Stolas could still have a chance to seduce him! But how to do that? Well, the only thing Stolas knows about Blitz is that he really seemed to be into kinky sex and dirty talk…. So, Stolas goes for that!
After a while, though, he realizes it isn’t working. Plus, as much as the sex is good, what he really wants from Blitz is romance! So, he tries changing his approach, he introduces the idea of dates, of staying at home without fucking… But every time Stolas tries to change things, Blitz is resistant.
Stolas has many flaws. He is unaware of his privilege, he can be entitled, too self-centered… but one thing he is not, at least, is clueless about his own feelings. Stolas knows he loves Blitz, he knows he wants them to be together, and so he spends a long time trying to figure out how to confess, how to convince Blitz that his feelings are sincere…
In a way, it’s all that planning that dooms him. He spends so much time thinking things over, finding the perfect words, the perfect selfless act to confess to Blitz and set him free, that he does not realize that his confession will come out of nowhere for Blitz. And that Blitz will not have had hours and hours to rehearse his own reaction!
To be fair to him, Blitz truly is spectacularly clueless – to the level that it’s difficult to understand, without knowing his history - when it comes to his own feelings…
Right, how did Blitz get to this point?
The first time Blitz met Stolas, as a child, Blitz’s father had literally sold him as entertainment, and then ordered Blitz to steal from Stolas' house. “Go make yourself useful for once.” “It’s what those rich privileged fuckers deserve.”
Blitz grows up in an environment where his own father prefers another child to him. His only worth to his dad is to be a trading card, and to be an instrument to get rich.
Blitz doesn’t grow completely without love, tho! He knows what it is like to be loved. He has a best friend, his twin sister, his mother… And then he manages to lose all three of them in one single, spectacular accident. And it was an accident! But it was also his fault. And that’s the night Blitz learns that nobody can love him for long, because he does not deserve it. Even if someone did care for him, eventually they will realize he is worthless and dangerous.
Blitz hates himself.
Still, he does what he has to do to survive, and he goes on.
Years pass, and Blitz is trying to achieve his oldest dream, the dream to be his own boss, to lead a successful business, to prove that he can do something right. He needs Stolas’ book to achieve his dream, so what? It’s what those rich privileged fuckers deserve. He can make himself useful for once.
Does Blitz understand that it’s not Stolas himself who bought him all those years ago, but rather his father? It doesn’t really matter in the end, the only thing that’s important is that he knows that if he distracts Stolas enough, it’s not that hard to steal from him. If he sells himself, he can get anything out of Stolas.
The sex an accident, in the end. Stolas suggests Blitz is there to seduce him (Stolas is joking, but Blitz doesn't realize that), so Blitz goes for that. He bites Stolas’ neck to distract him from the theft, and Stolas reacts to that! Blitz can use this! He just happens to encourage Stolas when Stolas talks dirty to him, he doesn’t know he’s the one planting the idea in Stolas’ brain.
And Blitz could leave Stolas tied up and flee with the book, but at the end he feels bad. He decides to fuck Stolas after all, and well… That wasn’t so bad. He was supposed to do it “real fast”, but ends up spending the whole night!
Still, what if the sex was good? Stolas is still an entitled and powerful prince. And Stolas’ behavior in the following months only confirms that the other demon is just using him! And when Stolas’ actions start to change, well, surely that’s just some new kink, some new game…
Blitz constantly confirms his own biases, and he is incapable of seeing beyond them. He expects to be used because he has been used so many times, ever since he was a child. He doesn’t expect to be loved, because he doesn’t believe anyone can love him.
And if he starts to enjoy the time he spends with Stolas, at least sometimes, well….. That’s just the good sex. Plus, he feels powerful, when he’s fucking Stolas. Not only because Blitz dominates him in bed, but also because this is an arrangement he entered of his own free will, and he’s the one directly benefiting from it.
And! Isn’t it easier this way??? Relationships are messy! This arrangement, tho, no feelings involved, at all! He can push Stolas around as much as he wants, and Stolas will let him.
(Stolas cannot get hurt, after all.)
(He can get hurt??)
Blitz has many flaws. Being clueless about his feelings, and other people’s feelings, is maybe his biggest flaw. Stolas’ confession comes out of nowhere from him. He is confused. Nobody can love him, so it is a game, right?
It’s not a game. Where did this “confession” come from? He’s mad now. Stolas broke the rules, Stolas is using him again, somehow, Stolas… Stolas is crying.
It’s not a trick.
Their whole relationship has been a huge misunderstanding since day 1, and Blitz only just realized.
And Stolas sent Blitz away before he had time to realize, as well.
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dreamesamu · 2 days
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in which he takes a moment to justify himself after never noticing your little crush for him
starring. msby!miya atsumu x fem!reader
genre(s): angst to fluff, long scenario sets in post-timeskip!
warning(s): reader is nice and overworks herself. not proofhead i apologize
author’s note: It's kind of not what i had imagined but hope you enjoy it.
choose your character: akaashi ver & more coming soon
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another cliché beginning for the person you are right now - the MSBY team manager - is that you’ve loved the miya atsumu since high school. it’s not like being the team’s manager isn’t your dream, you loved this job and had been dying to do it because you’ve loved volleyball, too. plus, you will have the opportunity to stay close and take care of the team, especially your crush who just merely thinks you are his best friend.
you first laid eyes on him when you were sitting alone on the subway, his dyed-blonde locks caught your attention as he first talked to you about the chase atlantic’s song you were listening to, he was cute, warm and friendly. at that moment, you were verified that he wasn’t the guy who was fond of his fan girls that everybody had been rumoring about. He eventually found out that you guys went to the same high school, so as to start a new beginning of your bonding friendship.
It wasn’t long until you finally realized that you might have adored the pretty setter a little too much than usual. his touches, his smile, the way he calls your name and his genuine characteristics when he was used to you being around seemed a little bit more easy to flutter your heart than every other day. Ever since then, you just hid your feelings and was grateful for what you got right then because you knew that if you confess, you couldn’t get this best friend treatment that you silently fell for for any longer.
You impressed yourself for even keep it until now. you and him are mature and beautiful, but you still can’t help but feel so ‘high school’ when you look at him. the least thing you could do for a friend (crush) is care for him through bottles of flavored electrolyte water, preparing his favorite after-practice snacks and even cool and soft towels to calm the heat down after a match. However, it seems like mr. miya doesn’t notice all of the hard work you did for him, he was so used to be taken care of by you that he accidentally failed to realize the special treatment only for him but nobody else.
“Hey, tired yet? you can call it a day for now if you want?” you smiled, hand over his bottle of water you prepared for him to the softly panting atsumu taking a break on the bench. He is quite preoccupied with his earlier techniques that he need to improve, he only spares you a glance then takes the bottle to drink without saying any words, you assume that he is in a bad mood.
“oh, and” you search for the thing in your bag. “here, your towel”
he nods and takes it, it makes you feel awkward. that’s… all…? You try to not overthink yourself, after all, it was quite a tense match, and the fact that your team will have an important volleyball game the next month proves his concerns are valid.
you watch atsumu leave when hinata shoyo came up to you.
“oh? isn’t that our manager?” you startle at his voice. “hehe, please don’t mind tsumu at all, please, he just got pissed because he made a mistake during practice” the sunshine grins, having him around surely just brighten everything up, because he is just so sweet and comfortable to be with.
“no, no,… I really don’t mind at all, actually” you know atsumu better than anyone so you don’t take his actions to heart sometimes, it’s just…
“oi, oi! I know what you’re thinking, I saw you overthere doing things for tsumu. This guy, honestly…” Hinata sure saw you earlier with enthusiasm written on all over your face while preparing those towels and bottles, he felt bad for you and decided to cheer you up regardless atsumu has just cracked your poor heart a little.
“It’s okay, hinata. thank you for checking on me!” you smile wide, so my efforts wasn’t invalidated at all, gratefully bow down to see the awkward hinata trying to stutter words out.
“no- no, don’t do that, you are our manager, that’s just nothing! besides, seeing you give tsumu so special treatment makes me real jealous!!” he huffs cutely. “I really want that flavored electrolyte water, too! what a shame he wouldn’t notice.”
you laugh sheepishly as you guys return to your dorms to rest. things have been going hard for you like crazy, the work amount weighing on your shoulders make it almost unbearable, but you still stay strong and put a warm smile on your face so nobody would notices. you have been thinking of retiring just in case the situation just got worse to the level of destroying your mental health. but, by thinking of your small joy of seeing atsumu everyday, you hesitated.
your sleepless nights start when the important games take a step closer, you overworked yourself and often feel burnt out, your time with atsumu narrows as you find it hard to start a conversation even in lunch break. atsumu does feel weird. why isn’t y/n sit with us? she is nowhere to be found these days.
“hey, tsum-tsum” said bokuto. “what do you think of y/n?” he said, putting a tray of food on the table while making his way to sit.
“y/n? what’s with her?” the fake blond raises a brow, munching on his food
“I think she’s so cute and thoughtful, base on her affection for you, i betcha she’s completely smitten” the owl laughs as the other teammates giggle along. “you should consider on dating her, what a waste if you don’t, she’s literally girlfriend material, same thoughts huh, hinata?” he winks and the tangerine head give him back a thumbs up.
“dating y/n, huh?” atsumu laughs as if he doesn’t take bokuto’s statements seriously. “I don’t date my friends, you know. besides, y/n is just a close friend of mine, she ain’t my type”
“heartless tsumu… she worked so hard for you these days…” hinata fake crying when talking about you
“I know that she makes snacks and does things for me, but sometimes, that’s just unnecessary, i don’t need it to be all the damn time, it feels a little annoying, i just need to be alone to refresh my thoughts” he sighs. “now you told me to consider on dating her, i wouldn’t know how long i can take it.”
now there is dead silence following his statement, everybody just awkwardly continues finishing their lunch, and you do know eavesdropping is a thing that you shouldn’t do. but you did. before you even notice, hot streams cover your face and you feel your breath hitches. the coach sends you to check on the team at such wrong timing, you can’t face them, the voices earlier destroy your confidence, replace it with angst and hurt. so… what i did is just a bother to him, huh. you realize now, that you were such a dumbass trying to make him catch feeling by all of this. and with the tiniest amount of pride left, you back up a smile and step into the cafeteria, the atmosphere suddenly feels tense as everybody hasn’t been moving on since their last conversation, atsumu feels an uneasy feeling when he sees you behind him, guilt? he thinks.
“hey… coach sent me to check up on you guys, please be well rested at your dorms after lunch, we have practice match at 2pm, alright?” your voice evidently trembles, you try cover it up with some fake coughs. oh, who are you kidding? it’s atsumu miya we’re talking about. he first notices how your eyes are a bit swollen, have you been crying? your tired figure due to sleepless nights, the way you haven’t eaten properly shows right in front of his eyes. he suddenly felt a twinge in his heart, in which moment he never wanted to see you like this, ever again. but, what’s all this for? he doesn’t like you… right? because- you’re his best friend, and caring is what’s best friends do, am I correct?
you left the cafeteria. atsumu feels like his whole head is going to explode, he regrets what he said earlier, knowing seventy per cent that you might have listened to it. he is weak because of guilt and distaste. the group feels uneasy and moody all of a sudden.
“i haven’t told you this before but you’ve seen her now, tsumu… she overworked herself with this huge amount of work with nobody beside her, yet she still maintaining to take care of you with these small gestures.” hinata sighs heavily. “y/n told me not to tell you about her state so you can concentrate on practising, but I’m really worried because now she can’t even hide it anymore. I tried to help, but she pushed me away and told me that i should do my own practices as our game is going to start soon.”
hinata pats atsumu’s back before leaving as if he’s signalling him to make it up to you. atsumu started to cry at this point. how could he be so clueless? he didn’t even know that his best friend was undergoing such pressure, yet why does the term “best friend” sound so irritating? he felt like he had failed to protect you and worse, hurting your feelings and he regretted it, so badly.
The following day comes, atsumu's first task is to search for you. To his astonishment, you are once more nowhere to be found. he was so preoccupied, his spikes aren’t as good, and he could not concentrate on practising, the coach sent him out, and gave him a moment to rethink by himself. and so, he reaches a staff, asking for information about you.
“Y/n? oh… she’s at the infirmary, we noticed her devastated state so we sent her to the doctor a while ago. now think about it I might write a report to the coach asking him to reduce the amount of work she’s handling.”
“thank you, kind sir. may I be the one who’ll write the report? I’m sure I could convince the coach.”
as the man nods, atsumu bowed goodbye to him and sprints to the infirmary where you’re at. he knows, that if anybody should write a report for you, it must be him. he must protect you because he has just realised it now, he likes you a lot more than he could imagine.
“Y/N!” atsumu slams the door open, he faces you with your eyes widened, startled by the bright window.
“tsumu…?” you softly speak.
atsumu in front of your eyes is the atsumu who tries to hold back his tears, biting his bottom lip as the poor heart lurching somewhere in his stomach but somehow still happy because he has found you.
“hey…” he kneels down on one knee beside you. “i’m sorry, angel” his hand softly squishes the smaller one, it holds back gently on his’
in all of the things you dislike, what you utterly don’t want to deal with is your emotions when you see atsumu looking so vulnerable like this. you instinctually grab a tissue and wipe off the sweat drop on his forehead the moment you see it, atsumu’s worried expression won’t vanish unless you speak up something.
“hey…” you smile. “don’t worry, I’m okay now, tsumu” you fondly touch his face with a hand, and he sinks in your touch, eyes glittering. atsumu intentionally plants a soft kiss on your warm palm and watches you go weak for him.
“i like you, y/n” he sighs. “i don’t want us to be just friends. i want to protect you, want to be the kind of guy who mentally support his girl to help her cope with any pressure.”
he looks up to see your widened eyes, without a response, he continues.
“i’m sorry i said the things i didn’t mean when you were there, I was just…" he gulps nervously and you sigh.
"tsumu... if it's too much for you to bear, maybe i should stop doing those things, okay?" you scoff bitterly, he becomes panic
“no, no, no,... i really like the way you care for me, please, i want your attention. please keep doing it. don’t get tired of me…”
you can feel the pulse bumping in your nerves, your heart flutters, and blood rushes into your cheeks just by hearing his confession. you kneel down beside him, fighting back the tears but then you can’t, so you squish him in a hug. atsumu holds you back as you start sobbing on his white shirt, inhales fondly your intoxicating smell and pats rhythmically on your back
“there, there, my angel. i’m here now. i’m sorry i’m late. let me make this up for you, yeah?” he chuckles.
atsumu loves his girlfriend. after hearing you ramble about your tight schedule, he immediately writes a report based on your experience to inform the coach about your condition so that everyone can share in your responsibilities instead of you having to handle everything alone. it wasn’t that long for the msby mates to realize you guys are together, he wrote in that report that he is your boyfriend, anyway.
“you nailed it, tsumu-kun” hinata bumps him with a thumbs up, atsumu responds with a sheepish grin while bokuto laughs beside him and sakusa just doesn’t really give a shit. 
he spots you standing on the opposite road near the brand new cafe, waving back to him smiling, “nah, gotta run. gonna treat my girlfriend with extra pastry today.”
i guess he is the simp now.
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© 2024 dreamesamu. all rights reserved.
a recommendation to cope with your broken heart <3
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livwritesstuff · 2 days
this one is in honor of the 2-year anniversary of st4 (literally last week but my life is a whole whirlwind atm)
It occurs to Eddie one night as he’s putting his and Steve’s daughter to bed that it’s been twenty years since everything in Hawkins, Indiana went to shit (for him, anyway).
Not down to the day, obviously, but it’s mid-March of 2006 and, honestly, mid-March is the only calendrical detail he ever really retained (too preoccupied with the whole on the run thing to be paying attention to the date, which he thinks is fair enough).
It’s kinda crazy, when he thinks about it, because he really didn’t see himself coming out of those god-awful days alive to tell the tale. Here he is though, twenty years later, alive and truly well.
Steve beats him to bed that night (probably because he’d called dibs on their youngest, Robbie, that night, leaving Eddie to wrangle Moe – the difficult one of the pair when it came to bedtimes because, frankly, her ability to argue her way into extra stories is getting a little frightening), already sitting under the covers with a magazine by the time Eddie retires to their room.
Their room.
That’s one of those things Eddie wouldn’t have believed if he’d heard about it while he was bleeding out in the Upside Down twenty years ago. 
The Steve of it all really is the most improbable – that’s Eddie’s opinion anyway.
Surviving a swarm of hungry bat demons? No problem.
Bagging (i.e. marrying the fuck out of) Steve Harrington? Totally out of the question.
Here he is though, defying all the odds.
“You know what I realized?” Eddie asks as he climbs into bed beside Steve.
“Hmm,” Steve replies, not looking away from his magazine. His glasses are slipping a little as he reads, and Eddie reaches out to nudge them back up the bridge of his nose. The gesture has Steve raising his head to look at him.
“What’d you realize?” Steve asks.
“It’s been twenty years since all that shit in Hawkins.”
Steve’s gaze slides off somewhere behind Eddie for a moment.
“Shit, you’re right,” he says, “Crazy.”
“That’s what I said,” Eddie grins. Steve isn’t matching his expression though. Rather, he’s looking at him somewhat pensively, dark brown eyes roaming over his face.
“Hey,” Eddie says, because he gets it. They can make all the jokes they want about how wild that time was, but it doesn’t ever take away the horrible things they'd seen, the horrible things they'd been asked to do.
Eddie’s glad he survived and all, but people don’t always talk about how the after of surviving isn’t necessarily a walk in the park either.
He runs a hand through Steve’s hair, grazes the tips of his fingers over the barely-raised scars on his neck left behind from whatever went down at the Creel House in the Upside Down, “I love you, Steve.”
“Love you too,” Steve replies, gripping a hand tight around Eddie's thigh, "So much."
"So fucking much. Sucks we had to go through all that shit to get here, but...I'm glad we're here."
And Steve only nods as he wraps an arm around Eddie's shoulders to pull him in close.
"Yeah," he eventually says, pressing a firm kiss against the side of Eddie's head, "I'm glad we're here too."
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yandere-sins · 2 days
I played Jiyan's quest today and I can't stop thinking about being Yandere!Jiyan's dirty little secret...
[Warning: Yandere, Sexual Content (dub-con), Dragon Behavior (a little bit like fangs, biting and snarling), Mention of war and all that comes with it, Stockholm Syndrom Reader]
Everyone got one of those, right? Some people overindulge in sweets, and some gamble 'just one more game' while their pockets are empty. But for someone like Jiyan, who is seen as great and respectable in the public eyes—a person who can do no wrong—it's you.
You are the dirtiest secret one could hope to never uncover behind the beloved general. It would be hard to turn a blind eye to your situation, so he does his very best so that no one finds out about it. You are only destined for his eyes, a splendid gift of Jué for sure. Why else would your paths have crossed, your fates intertwining as cruelly yet beautifully as they did?
You are hidden away in his mansion, locked up, and put through a very different hell than what he goes through. He loves you; he really does. That's why you can't leave. Never. You're the one thing that keeps him grounded in this world, the last spark of hope that keeps his sanity from accidentally killing himself on the battlefield as he realizes there's nothing more to fight for.
Jiyan doesn't return to his mansion to live in splendor and the luxuries of life. He only comes home to you.
You are not a willing participant in this secret of his. Not even the few servants he permits around him know of you. Everything must be under wraps and he used his salary as a general wisely to build you a palace that can house his madness in a beautifully twisted way. It's an illusion of the outside world, with technology and science providing the idea of being a little less captured and a little more free. And Jiyan doesn't regret spending every penny to keep up the illusion of being your lover, not your captor.
This way, he can ensure your safety and well-being far away from other people despite him being outside, fighting dangerous threats, and risking his life daily. He can ensure that you'll be fed and entertained for a long time after his death, and no one finding out long after your passing either. But he doesn't even think of this possibility. Not when he's the only one you can cling to.
Being isolated does something to one's psyche, and that's the one thing Jiyan cannot improve for you—and at this point, he doesn't want to anymore. Everyone outside the underground palace is a foe when it comes to you. They'd try to take you away from him. And after just shy of a couple of years of being imprisoned, he finally has you broken down enough that you won't fight his love constantly anymore.
Instead, you walk up to him as he finally returns, weeks having turned into months. But with no one else to give you attention and love, you open your arms to him, worn-out and bloody as he is. Your body is tense and wary, with a frown on your face, but when he moves forward, so are you. Both of you are so desperate for what only the other can give.
You let him sack into your embrace and allow him to reciprocate your hug, always just a little too tight for your comfort. It feels revolting to hold him even after all this time. Still, you claw your fingers into his clothes as if he were going to disappear again any second. He reeks of sweat, blood, and dirt, but you tolerate it, and he is ever so thankful for you loosening his hair tie and combing through his hair. It's the end of stress and despair for Jiyan. You are ringing in the peace into his life, and he wants to stay like this forever, but another part is threatening to take him over.
He had to hold back for so long, yearning and exercising patience. Now, the beast inside of him is starving.
He can't help but lose his composure a little, burying his face in your chest and smelling you like an animal. His snarls reverberate throughout your whole body, like the purrs of a cat, the need for you building rapidly inside of him. Fangs protrude from his lips as he drags them over your shoulder, searching for the taut skin above your collarbone to sink them into you. Your blood tastes sweet and exciting instead of the bitter and impure blood on his lips whenever he worries them in the barracks, thinking of you. You squirm, complain, wiggle—a part of you still resisting. But if he wants to have a taste of you, then there's nothing you can do unless you want him to accidentally rip your throat out. He's proving you're real—not another damn hallucination—and he licks up the wounds with fervor, knowing you are alive and well after having your taste spread over his tongue.
Jiyan loves the pouty look on your face when he topples you over, catching your arms with his hands. He chuckles as you resist vainly, his grip leaving the prettiest of bracelets made of bruises on your wrists. The last ones have already faded and tears well up in your eyes as he replaces them dutifully. He knows you don't want to spread your legs for him, your body resisting that until the bitter end, so he picks you up instead, carrying you to the bath to ease the tension you're feeling. He needs it, too, and Jiyan licks his lips as the sweet release of all his pent-up feelings draws near.
Your moans resemble a song of healing as they echo through the bathroom, filling the space with all the love and adoration he gives you. Jiyan worships the way your body twists in his grip, tightens around his cock, and lets him know the extent of how good he is making you feel. His thrust may be harsh, and your mouth may be begging for him to stop mistreating both your lips and body as he mauls you like a Spearback, water splashing everywhere as you two get rowdy in the bath, but you can't resist orgasm after orgasm shaking through you, your belly full of his warm seed. It takes a while to satiate Jiyan, but just like you took care of him when he returned, he washes your exhausted body afterward and takes you to bed to pepper you in kisses and to stroke you some more until you are a bawling, beautiful mess coming completely undone in front of him. There need to be no secrets, no shame between you two, and your beauty is unrivaled, especially after seeing you again after so many nights imagining this very sight in front of him.
It solidifies his life's worth when he can watch you sleep, bundled up and frowning since you are so sore. He wipes the tears from your face as you have nightmares of being alone and being with Jiyan. But hearing you say his name in your sleep—regardless in which context—is enough for him to finally settle into the soft pillows too. One arm around you, the other one for you to rest your head on. Because just like you'll never escape this prison, Jiyan won't let you be anywhere but next to him as long as he's home.
He falls asleep with dreams of domesticity. Cooking with you, feeding you dessert, taking walks in a park he'll never take you to. Massaging you, sharing your woes, and cuddling in front of the fireplace. A life he will never ever have with you, but which has kept him from death so many times. Knowing you were at home, waiting for him, angry, pouty, trying to scratch his eyes out, but you were safe and healthy, saved him from the despair of losing everyone he ever cared about in this cruel war. Your blood reminds him of life rather than death, and the warmth of your body in his arms is the comfort he needs after the endless cold nights outside of this dream he built for you.
So Jiyan doesn't even think about everything of yours that he sacrificed to get to this point. You'll be his dirty little secret forever, and he'll make sure of it no matter how many discords or people he has to kill or how much he needs to break you to make this possible. He can't continue living like the hero people make him out to be if he can't have you to compensate for his madness. Isn't it a fair price? Jiyan wouldn't know what to do with all the despair and anguish if he couldn't turn it into love. Jiyan isn't sure he could stop himself from and fight against becoming what he fears most—a mad monster.
He has yet to realize that, beneath his mansion, sleeping peacefully next to you, he has long lost that battle.
But it's his dirty little secret no one on the outside needs to know.
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ghouljams · 15 hours
Ghoul imagine Cowboy!Ghost going to the thrift/antique store in town because all his work pants are testing the limits of the Theseus’ Ship paradox with how much mending Duck has had to do on them.
There’s literally only one pair of jeans in the entire store that fit him (his legs are a mile long, thick as fucking tree trunks, with a bakery to match, that’s a tall order for a rural town) and so he buys them without a second thought. Doesn’t really pay mind to the way the owners great grand daughters eyes widen comically when she sees the brand patch on the back. He’s not very familiar with American brands anyway, and these’ll get demolished by the end of the week, why should he care who made it.
Of course it all comes together the next time him and Goose have sex. Her brain practically short circuits as he unzips his jeans, revealing a faded red patch that reads “☘️LUCKY YOU☘️” in a bold font.
Yes this mountain of a man bought Lucky brand jeans from the thrift, no he didn’t really realize what they were (not like he has to look at his zip every time mkay it’s fucking muscle memory), yes they fit him like skinny jeans, and yes Goose fucks his absolute brains out that night.
Maelstrom the wizard you are to make the worms squirm the way you do...
Your mom's a miracle worker for sure, but she's not God, and when Simon sets his ratty jeans on her kitchen table she just stares at him. You let your lovely, change averse, husband know that you will attempt to order him a new pair of the exact same brand but he needs something else in the meantime. Begrudgingly he agrees, and tugs on a pair of fatigues to go find a new pair of work pants in town. A tall feat when your few clothing stores mostly cater to women, and it's only very recently that your town has seen such an influx of... men his size.
You drop him at the church's little resale shop and tell him to find something denim that fits. You don't think about it more than that as you walk into the feed store. You don't even think about it when Simon climbs into the truck cab with a pair of jeans.
You do think about it the next day when he pulls his new jeans on. They're tight, and your eyes track the way he has to hop a little to get them up his thighs. You honestly could drop to your knees just watching him adjust himself in the denim. There's never a time you forget that Simon is a big man, but there are certainly moments you're reminded of it. You're drooling a little just eyeing the bulge of his cock against the fly of his jeans. He may as well be vacuum sealed into those suckers. You're not complaining, but...
You have to remind yourself that these were probably the only jeans he could find in his size. It's the only way you're able to keep your mind off your husbands tree trunk thighs while you're corralling cows.
You're eating lunch when Simon crouches down to pat the dog and you very nearly spit out your coke at the way the denim stretches over his ass. Soap stops his walk to the chicken coop and you have to throw your can at him to stop him from wolf whistling at your husband. Jesus Christ, ok, new problem has just arisen. You survey the jeans as Simon stands, the hug of denim around his thick thighs, the curve of fabric over his ass that cups it something sinful. You narrow your eyes at the offending garment. There's no way those fit comfortably, but Simon isn't complaining so you can't say for sure. He shifts his wait, settles a hand on his hip to watch the dog run in circles, and you have to physically hold yourself back from smacking his ass.
"My love," You try, earning a hum from Simon. You both know you only call him that when you're really trying not to call him something else. "Do those fit you?"
"Fit enough," Simon grumbles, bending to grab the tennis ball Mav brings him. You wince at the way the seams seem to be holding on for dear life. You try to remember if you knew Simon was toting around a whole bakery back there as he straightens and throws the dog's ball.
"Are they-" you hesitate, eyes stuck on him, "-comfortable?"
"They're fine," He bends again for the ball, and you keep yourself sinfully silent against the heat rising on your cheek, "shopped at enough charity shops." He throws the ball, and you- you sort of hope the jeans you ordered get lost in the mail.
You barely make it to dinner before he splits a seam. There's a little pop and you look over your shoulder to see Simon poking at a new little hole on the inside of his knee. You feel a little like you're seeing a victorian lady's ankle the way your heart pounds at that little inch of skin. Simon grimaces and pinches at the seam with a sigh. You flick the burner off and wipe your hands on a nearby towel.
"Lemme get a look, see if I can patch it." You offer, you're not as good as your mom or Soap, but you're a decent stitch. Simon stops his fussing and straightens his leg so you can crouch down and inspect the damage. Not too bad, you can fix it. You sigh, so much for hoping the ordered pants go missing, you'll be lucky if these things make it through the week. You glance up at Simon, catch his apologetic smile and shake your head. "Let's get 'em off and I'll throw a stitch on 'em while the pasta boils."
You don't bother standing, waiting for Simon on your knees is habit enough you don't even think about it. You watch him unhook his belt(as if the denim painted on him is going anywhere) and tug his zipper down. Your eyes nearly bug out of your head at the red "Lucky you" that greats you. It's entirely possible your brain might have fully leaked out of your ears after a full day of your man walking around with practically nothing on. You don't think this denim even counts as pants at this point. Not when you can trace the outline of his cock, and see it twitch as you lean forward to press your lips to the embroidered zipper.
Simon's hand finds your head immediately, his fingers scratching down to your scalp to hold on. "All that starin' finally got to ya, huh?" He rumbles, his voice lowered to that lovely register he only finds when he wants to fuck you. Your eyes dart up to meet his, your tongue darting out to lick at his boxers. His other hand pushes his jeans down, the fabric bunching around his muscular thighs and holding tight. You don't think about what a pain these things are going to be to get off, you just wiggle your head closer, drag your lips over the soft cotton and inhale the smell of a hard day's work.
Shit it must be nice just having his cock not clamped against his hip. You don't usually get that relieved sigh unless you've been teasing him. You drag your tongue over the soft warm length of him, wetting the cotton of his boxers with your spit until you can feel his cock harden under your ministrations. Your hands slip up Simon's thighs to tug at the denim, it barely moves and somehow that turns you on more than the hand fishing his thick cock from his boxers.
"Bad as Johnny with all your pantin'," He hums, "think I can't see you starin' sweet'eart?" You tip your head back, your mouth open and your tongue out, just so he can smack his cock against it.
Of course he'd catch you, but you weren't exactly stealthy about it. You're allowed to check out the man you love, that's not a crime. Especially if he looks as good as he does. If it were you, you wouldn't have even made it out of the house this morning. You take too long thinking, too long waiting and sinking into that lovely soft space Simon pulls you into, because you gag on his cock as it pushes down your throat in one quick stroke. He pulls it out, spit stringing between your tongue and his length and rubs the head over your lips.
"Gonna put it away if you can't pay attention." Simon scolds, and you can't have that. Your tongue laps at his head, lips stretched wide as he feeds you his heavy cock. You swallow around him this time, blinking the tears from your eyes when he hits the back of your throat. It's uncomfortable, but a quick jerk of his hips forces him down past your gag reflex, where you can feel him bulging out your throat. He holds you there, letting your throat work to try and push him out, before he pulls you off.
You gulp down a breath and slide your hands around his hips to grab that lovely ass you'd been oogling all day. Simon chuckles, watching you open your mouth wide, slurping at his cock with each bob of your head. He holds still, lets you pull off to lick long stripes up his length, watching the way his cock rests against your lips, against your nose when you make your way back to lick at the base. Seeing how big he is compared to you, knowing you'll let him fuck your throat despite the way it makes you hoarse in the morning... what a perfect partner you are.
(If Ghost's honest with himself there's something intoxicating about having the woman he loves be so openly attracted to him that she'd spend all day staring. It's the same heady rush that hits him when you look up at him with his cock down your throat, the same rush that he gets seeing your nose run and your eyes water as you fight down the urge to gag. He's never met someone that makes him feel so completely wanted the way you do.)
Your tongue swirls around the head of his cock, laps at the the vein running along the bottom, you hold it out of your mouth to lick along his heavy length with each bob of your head. You pull back only to spit on his cock, the foamy drool that drips off of it is quickly pulled back into your lips as they slide over him. Your nose buries itself in the wiry blond curls at the base of his cock, and you shake your head to get his deeper. You suck on the way up, cheeks hollowed to slurp at the soft skin in a way that makes Simon groan.
It's absolutely filthy the way you blow him. You're such a mess, slobbering on his cock like it's the best thing you've ever had in your mouth, drooling and slurping. Your pretty lips puffy and your eyes shining. It's cute, you look like you're on the verge of tears just taking him down to the base. Simon taps your cheek with his fingers and you hold still, let him fuck your mouth the way he wants. His hips thrust shallowly into your mouth, easing you into the feeling before they snap and your gag is stopped by the thick cock stretching out your throat. You know what he wants. Know that by the time he's done the breaths you suck in so greedily with each pull out won't be enough to keep your nose from running, or the tears from spilling over your lashes.
You know that by the time he pulls you to the base and holds you there, his come spilling down your throat as he spits a low swear of your name, you'll look a wreck. And you know that he'll tap your nose when he pulls out, and crouch down to tell you what a good job you did. Except when he does drop to your level you're met with a smirk, and a:
"Lucky you, eh princess?"
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junislqve · 2 days
ᯓ seasons — ot7
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syn i used to hate it, until i found out it was your favorite thing. (1504 words)
pairs ot7 + reader | cw petnames — mlist navi
note synopsis was actually more of a prompt but err i hope you guys enjoy anyway >< also im writing this half asleep so im sorry if there are any mistakes !! everybody thank peng cause without her this wouldn’t even be here rn
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“why don’t you warm me up?”
heeseung never liked winter. he hated the coldness and the gloom that came with it. ever since he was young, he’d stay cooped up in his room refusing to go out and play with the snow.
even as an adult, heeseung would be more silent during the season, chattering his teeth even though he wore about a dozen coats.
well that was until he knew you. you were the complete opposite. you loved the coldness and the festive feeling of winter. finding the beauty in the falling snowflakes.
ever since heeseung started dating you, your love for winter created a small fondness in him. he loves it when he gets to see your pretty smile and your nose red-tinted from the cold.
he loves it most when you both would take the train back after a day out and you would fall asleep on his shoulder, hands tucked on his to keep yourself warm.
jay had never really been picky with anything. having being the cook back at home and even now cooking for you made him accustom to people’s likes.
one thing, however, that never had he enjoyed was caffeine. he hated the bitter aftertaste of it. the smell that always lingers.
but when you once bought him an americano back when you both were still friends, he downed the whole thing. making you laugh, he liked hearing your laugh, it was addicting. he saw how you were savoring the taste after every sip. thinking that if you liked it, it shouldn’t be that bad.
and now, every morning before you woke up, he’d add coffee-brewing to his routine. making both of you coffee before heading for work. but really, he just loved seeing you hum in delight after a sip, a small smile on your lips.
“you’re so good at this, babe” you say, complimenting his brewing skill.
“why don’t you give me a kiss for it then”
you loved musicals. from hamilton to phantom of the opera, you’ve always loved watching them if they played in theaters near you.
jake, however, would rather spend his time playing soccer or watching a movie at the comfort of his home. he didn’t find musicals interesting, refusing whenever his friends offered to go watch one together.
however, when you offered, he found himself sitting near front seats in a large theatre. completely invested in the story line. he took down internal notes in his head knowing you’d start talking about it the moment you both walked out the theatre, just so he could give his own perspective in case you asked.
he would listen to you talk all day if it meant having to watch musicals often. asking you to repeat things to see your smile grow. his eyes linger on you, observing the pretty smile you have and the excited glint in your eyes as you talked away.
“wait, can you explain again about what happened to her in the end?”
possibly the biggest hater of mint chocolate chip ice cream, sunghoon would not get near it. if he had a choice, he’d rather choose something more simple like vanilla.
but all in all, sunghoon never really liked ice cream. he doesn’t understand the enjoyment people get whenever they’d crave it.
apparently all it took for him to finally try the flavor he most despised was for you to (barely) beg him to hang out with you. he was too flustered when you asked him what flavor he wanted and when you asked if he wanted the same order as you did, he just nodded. barely registering what you said.
he unfortunately did not realize this until he scooped up a spoonful of the ice cream and tasted the familiar, yet, unfavorable taste. however, after much thought and probably the sweet smile you were giving him, he concluded that it didn’t taste as bad as he thought it would.
after dating, sunghoon would often pick up ice cream for you two after a long week, eating it together while huddled up watching a movie in your living room.
the taste of it was always there, but he understood why you adored the flavor. it growing on him more than he’d expected, especially when you’re the one he’s eating it with.
being alone creeps him out. he gets terrified if he was ever left home alone. that’s one of the reasons why he loved going out.
he finds it comforting being surrounded by people, chatting along with anyone and everyone, catching up with them.
before you were in his life, he felt like being alone further makes him feel unwanted. busying himself with anything if, in a case, he were to be left alone.
when you did come into his life, though, it was like you rearranged the meaning of being alone. you love the peace and quiet of being alone. the silence that seems to fill the room letting you breath for a moment.
technically, he still didn’t really like being alone. sometimes, he’d call you to his apartment to ‘be alone’ with you. none of you speaking any words to each other, just laying down and listening to each other’s breathing. so many words unsaid but the feelings able to be conveyed through gestures.
you’d taught him how to enjoy the quietness. he finds that when he’s alone he felt more calm and centered. still, as a person who loves talking, he would always prefer being with people.
but, you redefined the meaning of being alone and he loves you for it. he loves the way you look happy and at peace all the time, he loves it when you both be alone together.
“babe, can you get my socks pretty please?”
as a person who gets cold easily, you love bundling yourself up before sleeping. your necessities were your 2 blankets, a pillow for your side and socks.
jungwon always found it iffy to wear socks in bed. even if he were to buy new ones to wear only in his house, he still wouldn’t like the feeling of it.
that was until he was introduced to you by a mutual friend. when you two started talking, he found your many quirks adorable.
however, one that he only found out when you started dating, was that you loved wearing socks to sleep. his horror back then showed on his face when you asked him if he were okay.
overtime, you gradually convinced him. especially if it was winter and the coldness would go up by twice the usual weather. being used to your routine, he didn’t even realize he started wearing socks to bed until you pointed it out when he was sleeping over.
the realization he had was baffling, but as he accustomed to it he didn’t find it weird at all. he would start buying you both matching socks when he was out and was thinking of you.
“let’s get back to bed, love”
everyone knows riki is not a morning person. he hated waking up early more than anyone. it’s not weird to find him coming out of his room at 1 pm.
by 1pm, you’ve probably already went to a cafe, had breakfast, catches up with a friend, and had a 2-hour lecture.
when you got involved with riki, you tried your hardest to wake him up early. his friends had told you to give up many times saying they’ve tried over and over again.
but miraculously, on your 7th try, he woke up. although, grumbling, he started sitting up and asking what you were doing at his dorms.
the first time you tried you were just there to drop off some food to your big brother. but when you knocked and no one answered, you were about to leave. until one of his dorm mates opened the door to let you in.
they were all stood crowded in front of his room, shouting at him to wake up, but he never moved. still sound asleep after a whole debate session ensued in the dorms.
after your brother and his friends collectively decide to leave him alone instead of trying to wake him up, you put it upon yourself to try as well. little did you know, he’d heard all your wake up calls, just too afraid to face you, seeing his bedhead and all.
7th times the charm however, when he finally braved himself to wake up and reply to you, although his heart pounding abnormally when you smiled at him.
when you two started dating, he couldn’t not wake up before you. much more aware of his surroundings when he’s around you.
riki however is riki. if he were to wake up earlier, then you would also have to wake up later sometimes because of him. deciding to stay in for a bit longer when he asks to, surrounded by his warmth.
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© junislqve 2024. liking, commenting, and rebloging are appreciated.
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mattyriddlesbitch · 2 days
a steamy enemies mattheo fic w you as the shy yet stern tutor and he keeps messing w you. maybe at the end after he passes his exams you try to stop the meetings by saying he doesn’t need a tutor anymore and he gets mad/the jealousy trope 🤤😈🛼 also what if there’s a scene where you go to a ‘dangerous’ party w the wrong crowd and he catches you there and gets mad bc he doesn’t want u around those people
I hope this works! So sorry this took so long!
Mattheo Riddle x F!Reader
Warnings: kissing, cussing
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You and Mattheo never got along. Everyone knew that too. Insults and snarky comments were thrown at each other all the time.
So it was infuriating when McGonagall said you were his new tutor since he was struggling with some classes. You tried to get out of it, switch with another tutor, but she just said that everyone's already set up with another student and she can't change it.
Tutoring sessions were brutal. He always messed with you. Always tried getting off topic. Even jokingly flirting with you to try to derail your lesson. But you were determined to get him to study and tutor him enough to pass so you could stop these sessions. 
“How about every answer I get right, you give me a kiss?” He smiled at you.
“In your dreams, Riddle.” You rolled your eyes, but felt the heat rise to your cheeks. “Can you just focus?”
He finally just started passing his classes, his homework and test scores soaring  enough to make him start passing classes. McGonagall said you didn't have to tutor him anymore, but she recommended you did since your own scores were going up as well as you tutored him. You had enough of Mattheo and told him you weren't going to be tutoring him anymore during your last tutoring session, showing him the tricks you learned for studying and retaining information.
Oh, he was mad. He never really hated you. He liked you and never knew how to express his feelings so he became mean to you instead. He was a dumb kid when he decided that and didn't know how to change it and make you like him, even as a friend. These tutoring sessions were making his feelings grow. He thought it'd be a perfect time to find out more about you, asking you questions about yourself, trying to change the topic to something more fun to hear you talk about something other than school, even flirting with you to try to change your view of him and see if he could fluster you.
So when you told him that you were done with tutoring him, he was upset. Moreso at himself than you. He was upset that he didn't seem to get you to change your view of him. He was upset he tried so hard, he passed enough to not need you to tutor him anymore. He was upset that he decided to be an ass to you at the beginning of your relationship so you'd always have a bad view of him.
“What do you mean you're not tutoring me anymore?” He frowned as he sat across from you in the library.
“I mean exactly that. You're doing well enough to not need one anymore.” You shrugged.
“I'm only doing this well because of you.”
“I'm showing you how I study so you can keep doing this well. You don't need me.”
He wanted to say he does need you. Merlin, he wanted to. He wanted to see how you'd react. He even wanted to see you get all smug and tease him about needing you, but he bit his tongue.
Truth was, he really didn't need your help. He knew this stuff enough to pass with flying colors. He just never applied himself. But he thought if he did start passing because of you, you'd be impressed and happy he did so well because of you. He felt like he lost his chance to win you over once he saw you leaving the library after your last tutoring session.
Your friend invited you to a party she'd been invited to, saying it'll be fun and to think of it as celebrating successfully tutoring Mattheo and being done with him. You were reluctant but finally agreed, deciding it'd be fun to relax and let loose.
You arrived with your friend, who let you borrow one of her short dresses and a pair of heels. You both drank and danced until she was eventually pulled away by one of the guys there, leaving you alone. You were slightly tipsy, just enough to make you relaxed and slightly dizzy.
A guy approached you, you recognized him enough to know he was in Slytherin, but you never learned his name. He was about to say something when an arm wrapped around your waist from beside you.
“Hey, princess. Hope you weren't waiting on me for too long.” You recognized the voice as Mattheo and turned your head to see him smiling at you.
“You seem a bit tired. How about we go sit down?” Something in his voice and smile was off. You nodded and he guided you away from the crowd and down a secluded hallway. “What are you doing here?” He asked as he moved to stand in front of you.
“My friend invited me.” You frowned.
“And she left you alone?” He matched your frown.
“Some guy took her to dance.”
“You're kidding. This isn't safe for you.”
“What? Why?” You crossed your arms in front of your chest.
“Doesn't matter. I'll get you back to your dorm.” He said, trying to turn you back around to lead you away.
“No, tell me. If I'm in danger, then I should know why.” You said, resisting him.
He sighed, looking down the hallway before looking back at you, talking quietly. “This is for purebloods and Death Eaters, something you shouldn't get involved with. So, let me get you out of here before something happens to you.” He said, trying to guide you again and you let him this time.
“What are you doing here then?” You questioned, now sobered up from this conversation.
“My father. What do you think, Ms Know-It-All?” He teased and you rolled your eyes.
“No need to be mean.” You frowned. There was a pause as he led you out of the party and started the way to your dorm. “Why are you helping me anyways?”
“I don't hate you, you know?” He said and you turned your head to look at him again.
“You don't?” You raised an eyebrow.
“No. I never have. I'm just…” He paused trying to find the right words and you stopped walking, turning to face him as he stopped too. “I'm not good at…words-at expressing myself. I don't do well with feelings and emotions.” He sighed, looking down.
“Okay.” You spoke quietly. “So…what do you actually mean then, if you don't hate me?”
“What I mean is that…” He looked back up to meet your eyes. “I mean, I don't hate you, I…” He ran a hand through his hair, letting out another sigh. “Fuck it.” He muttered before grabbing your face gently and pressing his lips against yours. He pulled back after a few seconds, noticing your surprised expression as you still tried grasping what just happened. “Did that make sense?” He asked, hands still cupping your face.
“Um, I think so.” You said, still a little dazed.
“Let's get you back to your dorm. Maybe it'll give you time to figure it out.” He said, a small smirk playing on his lips now as he moved a hand back to your waist and started guiding you again.
@jeannie-beannie @yourenogoodforme @mixvchelle @helendeath @evaslytherpuff
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@dracoslovergirl @littlemadamred @mattheoriddlesbitch @acornacreacure @opheliamalfoy236
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Let me know if you wanna be added!
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grandline-fics · 3 days
Hiiiii this is my first time requesting something so sorry if this doesn’t make any sense, but is it okay if you do some silly Headcanons of Ace, Shanks, or Crocodile with a serious s/o that is just the complete opposite when seeing something cute like a puppy??
DESCRIPTION: You’re completely serious until you see something cute
WARNINGS: nothing comes to mind
CHARACTERS: Ace, Shanks, Crocodile
WORDS: 1,933
A/N: Thank you for this request, sorry you had to wait so long for this and I hope you like how it turned out.
I've been making the most of this burst of energy and feeling well by getting as much writing done as I can. Here's hoping it lasts. As always thank you all for reading. Enjoy
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You were a naturally serious person and you couldn’t help it. Sure you enjoyed spending time with the people you loved and cared about but when it came to expressing that emotion, especially a smile that went beyond the brief upturn of the corner of your mouth it was a rare occurrence. You made no turn to apologise for your personality, those that knew you had no doubt about how loving and loyal you were and they wouldn’t change you for anything. Ace especially adored you just the way you were. Besides he was the one that smiled constantly so he would always say you both balanced each other out perfectly. 
There was also another reason why he liked how your smile and expressions of light-heartedness were so rare. He loved that they were mostly reserved for him and if anyone else got to see them then they’d try and take you from him. Obviously Ace knew that was impossible but he still liked to think of something that was intimately yours and his. However one day Ace and the rest of the crew stumbled across a sure fire way to get passed your natural stoicism completely by accident and it was all Ace’s doing. 
“Hey check it out! My little brother’s crew got posters!” Ace called out the the crew one day with a proud grin as he read over the story that accompanied the Strawhat crew’s introductory bounties. Playfully you rolled your eyes despite your expression remaining as calm as always as you approached your boyfriend. You’d heard him talk countless times about his little brother and had heard about the small crew he’d assembled from the time Ace briefly reunited with them in Alabasta but apart from the Captain and his second in command, Zoro you hadn’t seen their appearances until now. 
“They attacked Enies Lobby?” You asked, letting out a low whistle of respect at the new crew’s reckless actions. The rest of the crew listening finally took notice too, all of them could repeat Ace’s adoring speeches about Luffy word for word by now so hadn’t really taken noticed of the second division commander’s announcement until now. “At least they know how to get the world’s attention.” You mused, taking the pile of posters into your hand to inspect the totals. Your eyes flicked over the likes of Luffy, Zoro, and Robin with familiarity. They already had bounties so it was nothing new. For Sanji, Nami, Franky, and Usopp you took in their features to recognise them in future. In Ace’s mind his little brother’s crew were like family too.
Finally you pulled out the last poster and a strange noise broke from your lips, startling everyone in the crew as they looked at you. The noise had been shocking enough but to see your eyes all but sparkling and giddy smile light your face threw them off even more. “He’s so cute!” You grinned at the picture of Chopper in your hands, overcome by the adorable reindeer. “Ace! Why did you hide this from me!”
“I did!” Ace protested, recovering faster than the others since he’d been privileged to see this side of you before. “I told you there was a reindeer thing on Luffy’s crew!” Wincing when you lightly flicked his forehead.
“He’s not a thing! He’s adorable!” You admonished before smiling broadly at the bounty photo again. ”He looks so soft, I just want to hug him.” Ace watched you with a deepening pout, jealous suddenly of a photo and hoped you and the reindeer never crossed paths.
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Sometimes your seriousness felt like a curse when you were on Shanks’ crew. While everyone else followed their Captain’s whims of adventure and revelry without any thought of consequences or limitations, you felt alone at times in being the one to offer a voice of reason when the occasion called for it. While you knew your crew was an immensely strong one, practically undefeated you also knew how quickly the tide could turn against anyone who wasn’t careful. In the unpredictability and cruelty of the life you’d all chosen for yourselves, it was better to be safe than sorry. When you and Shanks became a partnership in a physical and romantic sense, that weight of having to be the serious and level-headed one only seemed to increase. 
Thankfully Shanks was the perfect partner to have, even before you were a couple he would boast to anyone that would listen that he knew you’re every emotion despite the neutral and serious expression you had. As imperceivable as you appeared to many, Shanks could read you like a book. It was also a little infuriating that he knew your weaknesses and what would make you show your feelings a little more to others. You don’t even know how it happened but Shanks liked to make a game out of it, whoever could make you a full smile got anything they wanted. Obviously Shanks wasn’t allowed to take part and the game was only when you permitted it such as when you were all in a safe territory. In all the crew’s attempts no-one had ever won. 
On one evening you sat beside Shanks as you waited patiently for the others to start making their first of many turns to get a reaction out of you. As always, everyone that was taking part was filled with swagger and ‘had the winning technique’ but after a couple hours with your expression as unmoving as always, the bolster had ebbed into mass dejection and turning to their drinks for consolation. The only people truly enjoying their night were those that knew better than to try and Shanks who laughed happily and pulled you close. “Imagine if they found out how easy it was.” He grinned in your ear. Quickly you glanced at him, amusement in your eyes while you expression was masterfully neutral. 
Just as you were about to relax you heard a rustling behind you and you looked towards the noise while the others paid no notice. Which was why they hadn’t known what took your attention until you’d gotten out of your seat to investigate and you let out a surprised squeal when you found what it was. Having never heard the sound from you before the crew was frozen in place and their eyes bugged out when you reappeared, the largest adoring smile on your face aimed at the bundle of fur in your arms. 
“You’ve gotta be kidding me!” Ben muttered as he watched you settle back into your seat beside Shanks, your attention raptly on what he now saw what the answer to Shanks’ game was. “A kitten? They smile for a kitten.”
“Well anything cute, but yeah.” Shanks grinned, looking over your shoulder to lightly scratch under the kitten’s chin as it purred. 
“He’s just like you Shanks, look.” You cooed, the smile never leaving your face as you adjusted the kitten against your chest to show it only had three legs. “He’s coming with us, by the way.” You added before getting lost in pouring affection onto the tiny creature. Shanks let out a small amused huff. All the other times you’d pleaded to bring all the cute animals you came across onto the ship, he had to restrain himself from giving in to your every wish and tell you no, this time however there was no room for arguing and he wasn’t going to if it meant he got to enjoy your smile more.  
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“Crocodile, you might want to go to do some damage control before they murder someone.” Crocodile looked up from his stack of paperwork to see Mihawk had already left his doorway. There was only one person that the swordsman would warn him about, you. With a heavy breath he rose and walked down the hallway and opened the door to see you sitting at your desk, papers fisted tightly in one hand while the other was clamped against your head as you tried to rub the knot causing a tension headache away. Slowly you lifted your head at stared at your lover with cold fury. 
“If that clown blows the budget I’ve assigned him one more time I’ll kill him and I don’t care how valuable he is to the face of this business.” You seethed, watching him approach and set himself against the edge of the large desk. You eyed him evenly watching as a growing smirk appeared on his handsome face. Obviously you didn’t share his humour in this situation but then again you were the outwardly colder of the couple. Compared to your constantly serious expression, Crocodile came across as a sweetheart. When his large hand fell over yours and lightly coaxed your fist to relaxed you only then realised how tightly you’d been holding the now wrecked papers. With a sigh you discarded them with a swipe before returning your hand to Crocodile’s hold. “Out of curiosity, is there anyway we can just get rid of him and hire a normal clown to take his place?”
“As much as I’d love to fulfil your wish, my love sadly he’s needed and the Marines would notice a fake.” Crocodile chuckled.
“You give them too much credit.” You muttered evenly, you had more faith in Buggy’s ability to stick to a spending budget than you did in the Marines as a whole. You glared at your ruined paperwork that had caused your anger and the untouched bundle of work that you couldn’t bring yourself to touch. Sitting back in your seat, you dropped your free hand to pinch the bridge of your nose while your eyes closed slowly. 
“Headache still there?” He asked, watching you nod. Crocodile made a note to punish Buggy in his own way later on but at this moment you were the priority and he grinned triumphantly when the surprise he was withholding until later on was now just what you needed. Crocodile stood and pulled your hand, a silent request for you to stand. “Come on, I know what will help.”
“Unless it’s putting a sea prism stone boot up the clown’s ass I’m not in the mood.” 
“Oh come now, entertain me.” Crocodile urged smoothly, leading you out of the office and down the corridors. “I’ve never steered you wrong have I?”
“Apart from seducing me, corrupting my innocent soul, and leading me into a life of crime? No.” You said sarcastically earning a laugh from your lover. The only thing he was guilty of in that list was seducing you. You were already a criminal and far from innocent when he met you. 
When you both approached the basement you gave Crocodile a suspicious look before realisation hit you. Without him needing to say anything you hurried into the area only you and he entered, the Bananawari enclosure. You approached the warmest section and gasped in excitement to see heavy cracks had appeared in the cluster of eggs in the centre. Crocodile smirked as he stood beside you, it seemed your timing couldn’t have been more perfect. In moments the eggs broke open and the newest additions of his pets appeared eliciting an excited laugh from you. With a bright smile that only Crocodile got to see you started to talk affectionately to the newborns as someone else would a puppy or baby. To him there was no better sight in the world.
“Oh you’re all so precious, yes you are.” You grinned. “Would you all like to meet your dear, possibly delicious Uncle Buggy?”
TAG LIST (If I've missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773, @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @sanemisnonexistenteyebrow , @fiery-captain-spider-santa
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