#but there are so many layers to it that make it horribly funny
solvicrafts · 10 months
More Lolth's Warrior spoiler stuff
I was talking with one of my friends just a bit ago about the book and in particular about Kimmuriel, and there's just SO many elements of his death that are like... equally tragic and funny.
And yet another one is how when they first start heading toward Menzoberranzan they run into some enemies, and Kimmuriel possesses one during the battle
and Drizzt is just absolutely horrified and he's like "wtf Kimmuriel, I thought you were a changed man who wanted peace and tolerance and butterflies and rainbows"
and Kimmuriel's like "well yeah but I'm not gonna be stupid about it, let's save the mercy for after we've won the war and people are done trying to murder us all"
and then later on Kimmuriel uses this same trick again to level all of House Armgo, getting them the hell out of there and saving Braelin.
Drizzt's gotta be just like... 'well I really can't say shit now, can I?'
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bleaksqueak · 9 days
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WIPs from the past few pages
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I genuinely do love the prison arc and find it fascinating and I wish it was easier to find content and analysis about it that didn't veer to any of the Very Not Fun extremes
#my observation is that only people who enjoy both c!tommy and c!dream are capable of writing prison arc c!q#if they only like c!dream then q gets turned into a heartless hollow monster who exists only to wring out angst#if they only like c!tommy then the torture is either barely acknowledged or gets turned into a haha funny girlboss move#both of you are boring. where are the LAYERS.#and c!sam. guy has such a compelling fall from a well-intentioned and tender-hearted dude to somebody who will kill and torture so easily#i think it's very possible to acknowledge that both of them parallel c!dream by design without. like. drawing direct equations?#parallel lines don't intersect after all.#and acknowledging that c!dream is the victim of something incredibly unjust doesn't mean absolving his past injustices#it's just... the more time goes by the more weary i am of the ''who's worse than who'' competitive brand of analysis#i'm so much more interested in how these characters got to where they are. how they justify themselves. and how they will go forward.#and how everybody around them reacts! vibrations in the web and all of that. how does it affect people and what message do they take?#still holding out hope for c!sapnap to hear about the torture from c!q#let's see how much weight those making-amends letters really hold#and for c!sam to have a talk with c!tubbo. maybe muster up an apology. process what he did so he can move forward.#and for us to see literally anything about how c!dream is coping with whatever the fuck all of that was#my guy. my dude. WHY would you do that. there is nothing in the world that is worth it#he's hurt too many others and been hurt too badly himself. he needs the ends to be worth it but nothing ever will be.#they're all three slightly different flavors of horrible and they're all just so fucking tragic#anyway i think i've ranted long enough in these notes#i just needed to get this out somewhere#dsmp
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aroacewxs · 21 days
sharing some of my rui headcanons :]
i mentioned this in that rui gender poll from a while back, but i am personally a believer of any/all pronouns rui with gender that cannot be labelled whatsoever. i think he'd generally consider and present himself as male, but doesn't have many strong preferences about it. doesn't actively make the effort to dress "femininely," but he'd probably fuck with long skirts if given the opportunity!
and all of you know how much i base my personality off of this by now, but. aroace rui :) aroace rui who has always understood romance as a concept, a trope. he can pick up on romantic cues, but purposefully chooses to pretend they don't exist. the mere thought of him experiencing romantic attraction fills him with so much disgust he has to distract himself for hours. i'd ramble a bit more, but then we'd be here for too long..
i think he'd have really good sleight of hand! he's always had an interest for things like card/coin tricks, and picked up more after learning from kaito :) he always has a little trick or illusion up his sleeve and occasionally performs them for kids at phoeniland or just on the street!
despite having really good dexterity with his tools and tricks, he is terrible with sewing and needles. tsukasa has tried everything in his power to teach him, but nothing stops him from accidentally pricking himself.
incredibly susceptible to cold temperatures. is usually wearing a couple more layers than necessary
doesn't get sick often, but when he does, the illness hits him like a TRUCK. it takes him at least a week to recover. he's huddled up in blankets like a poor and frail victorian child, and he can barely work up an appetite. the kicker: he doesn't realize he's feeling Bad until somebody points out how horrible he looks. and that's when it settles
always needs something in his hand to fiddle with! super super good at spinning his pens and pencils (sleight of hand), and is often found twiddling with his longer strands of hair. he also has a bunch of miscellaneous screws and trinkets and trash in his pockets that he keeps to fidget with.
rui has intrusive thoughts (projecting).. most of them come from his deep fear of hurting others and anxiety regarding social perception and safety
this is already kind of canon i think but. whenever rui ever makes the effort to actually clean his room (shocking), he almost always gets distracted by something he finds, and soon enough, cleaning is no longer of his concern.
shitty handwriting. he CAN write neatly, but he just chooses not to
i think he'd be really good at game pigeon word hunt. and sudoku. and crosswords. all the word puzzles. and it pisses tsukasa and nene off a lot. emu is his worthy rival
sensitive teeth. can't bite into ice cream...
this is a given, but aside from theatre, i think he'd be super into other performance arts like ballet. he'd be really intrigued by how storytelling can be completely reliant on visuals and motions with no words and lyrics. ballerina rui au is also something i've brewed in my brain a while ago but the logistics are funny
his opinion on mint chocolate ice cream: taste is perfectly fine but he doesn't appreciate the chocolate chunks at all
weird sock collection. he will die if he doesn't have a funky pair of socks on his feet at all times. aside from when he sleeps probably
lots of unfinished word documents.. he's had a few aspirations about writing an actual novel instead of a script, but the ideas are like ping pong balls in his brain that interfere with his other priorities so he never actually gets much writing done.. one day he will though
that's all i can recall for now.. i'll make more soon if i think of more! this is also a humble request for any other rui headcanons you may have that aren't mentioned here.. hehehe
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iamafanofcartoons · 8 months
RWBY Fans talk about what makes RWBY enjoyable for the FNDM.
I want to take a moment to thank the RWBY Fandom for coming together on post
and discussing why RWBY was an enjoyable show for each of them.
Everyone here had a fantastic reason, and I am grateful to each of you!
@hmvw2015 : For me, RWBY filled the void left behind by Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra.
It’s one of the few shows I’ve seen (aside from Adventure Time) that grows up with its audience.
The fight scenes are so incredible! They’re lightening fast I would have to rewatch the same episode at least twice or thrice! Easily rivaling those done by Studios Gainax or TRIGGER, or Titmouse.
Since every character, place, and object have connections to fairy tales, mythologies, folklore, and classic novels, it did a great job portraying them to their root inspirations. Plus, I’m always digging deep into their designs and backstories.
The music is almost top tier to the music from the Disney Renaissance Era. Maybe even better than that. The songs add another layer of foreshadowing for the characters, and they’re fun to listen to~!
It tackles issues like self-worth, abuse, and death.
The series basically screams “Women’s Rights” and “Gay Rights” and proud of it. :D
@ammy246 :
I've always enjoyed the characters, and I like how there are 4 badass female protagonists who are each enjoyable to watch. I also like how the villains are actually threatening, so the heroes have to put effort into earning victories unlike many works of fiction. The animation always excites me, because you never know what you're going to get. And, don't even get me started on the amazing soundtrack.
@cinnamonrollfuckhead :
it tickles all the right things about me. i got in trouble for reading in classes when i finished my work early at school, it was nearly always history or mythology. i was an ancient Egypt kid. i read outside my age group. if Snapple wanted to employ me to write factoids for their caps i would take it. i was hooked on RWBY immediately despite being older than any of the main characters. i found an unlikely character to relate to in Jaune. i loved how it balanced serious and goofy themes.
@satoshi-mochida :
Some stuff I like about the show is that it's pretty fun and entertaining to watch, has constantly improving writing and animation(the CRWBY recognizing ACTUAL criticism, and working on those), with smarter and deeper than some may think moments, well-done characters, great music and songs, and probably more. I even cosplayed as Jaune(and the 'HuntsMan' with a Wonder-Zwei plush)with my then-girlfriend before COVID hit and other stuff happened, and enjoyed doing that.
@haunted-meatsack :
I'm waaaaay behind but I started watching for the fight choreography, music, and battle skirts. Plus I'm a sucker for small girls who kick ass with GIANT weapons. Then the story and characters kept me coming. I need to catch up.
@bumblebyfan :
I like RWBY due to a lot of reasons, for starters, the relationships between the main characters, and how they constantly help each other, I also really like the whole fantasy setting and how funny it is at times, I also really liked how they handled Ruby’s arc during season 9, as someone who has had... intrusive thoughts
@xlbingo10 :
one thing that i particularly like about rwby is that the characters aren't dumbasses. i feel like so often in shows i watch there's an episode conflict where the characters make an obviously terrible plan that will clearly backfire horribly just for the sake of the episode plot and it's always painful to watch, so it's really nice to watch a show where that doesn't happen.
@sir-somewhat :
I love the cast.
I honestly can't say there is a character I am not fond of in some way and that includes the villians.
I love the idea of semblances and the faunus.
Also I want more faunus lore. Given the existence of the Ever After I have to wonder if the Faunus came from another world created by the Brothers.
@ghost-of-sparda :
Rwby was a show I found in college that I wasn’t sure I was going to enjoy, but as I watched it- I found myself completely enthralled in the world created by Monty Oum and his friends. It’s story has me on the edge of my seat every episode, and it’s anime vibes make it a treat to watch. It’s not perfect, I will admit that- and there have been times where I didn’t agree with a direction of story telling at first. However there hasn’t been a show that gets me as excited as RWBY does since I was a kid.
If you grew up watching anime, or grew up watching anime- I’d give RWBY a go. If you are still not over the Owl House/ She-Ra/ ATLA/ LOK/ Naruto/ or any other amazing series with crazy fights and an amazing story: I recommend Rwby as your next obsession.
And if you want to give anime a try, but are still dipping your toes into the medium- Rwby is a good half way point for newcomers.
@aspiringwarriorlibrarian :
I really like the characters and their arcs, tragic villains, the triumph of hope and healing, and the fantasy elements.
@miki-13 : I love how they use fairy tales and myths as inspiration but execute them in really interesting ways, as well as how human and grounded everyone feels while inside such a fantastic setting.
@thatringboy :
For the same reasons above, I’m also in love with the complex motivations behind the antagonists. Mercury hated the world and needed an enabler, Emerald needed security, Cinder snapped after a lifetime of abuse (just like Mercury), Hazel wanted revenge, Lionhart wanted to save himself, Raven wanted to save herself, Tyrian is just insane (based), Watts wanted petty revenge, Neo wanted revenge but doesn’t know what to do afterwards, CC wants to fulfill their cruel purpose, and Salem just wants to finally die. Torchwick was a comical villain who posed a dangerous threat, the Malachite sisters were doing their jobs, Ironwood was a victim of his own paranoia, Cardin was just racist, Cordovin worships her superiors, the Fennec brothers too, Adam wanted total control over everything and everyone in his life and would stop at nothing to get it, Ilia believed in a cause, Tock was following orders, it’s all so varied and exciting!!
@pyrokinetic-murder-hobo :
I honestly fell in love with this project immediately back when the red trailer was first introduced to me.
Though the animation for RWBY was simple and understandably a lot of people regard it as not the best. Even V1 and the original 4 trailers had a living soul to me and there was a certain charm to the characters and the animation.
What kept me coming back is I find myself being unable to predict where the show will go and it honestly keeps me drawn in that my thoughts and predictions are completely circumvented. The show doesn’t follow the trajectory of really any other media and Monty navigated it masterfully.
There’s so many relatable characters and the situations they are put in are approached not perfectly but in a human way as to be a human (even if you have copious amounts of power) means you’ll definitely trip up.
But simply put I’ve loved this project since the beginning with the 4 trailers and could write a dissertation on why I love this show and include a long list of different things I love ranging from OST to characters to design animation. But maybe a talk for another day
And it made me some awesome friends on tumblr of course too which is a major plus (you better know who you are lol)
For me, RWBY is a change of pace.
It allows for women to be shown as independent characters, just as smart and strong as male ones.
It doesn’t use fanservice , you don’t have internal monologuing during fight scenes, you don’t have people screaming random attack names, and the music and designs are great.
I appreciate the humor, its not toilet humor or degrading humor like a lot of anime.
It also tackles difficult themes like abuse, leadership, morality, and debate.
It also takes the white male savior trope so common in the fanfics that people use to promote their OCs, and takes a giant dump on that garbage. If anything, when people say “the fanfics are better than the show” you’ll see them promoting a white male savior trope above all else.
Finally? Its a pro-LGBT show on many aspects, which amusingly infuriates a lot of straight shippers who defend their straight white male character who they put on a pedestal.
@grimmgrinningghouls :
for me RWBY is a comfort
It has been for 10 years
I literally would not be who I am today without this show
I'd probably still be a closeted lesbian living in a conservative household with an abusive father
and a mother who hated me
hell I may not even be here
But instead I'm living across the world from them and I'm okay
As okay as I can be
Its helped me through so much and its introduced me to people I have become life long friends with
These funky little lesbians are part of my life and they will be till the day I die
@snowqueenofmyheart :
Agreed to the above, as well as being able to enjoy a story that centers women in a way that doesn’t reduce them to simplistic tropes or fanservice. I’ve been looking for more female-centered material over the last several years, and stumbling upon RWBY turned out to be a real joy in that regard. Across the board, you have so many compelling female characters, heroes and villains alike. Not to mention two main characters being explicitly in a queer romance is a delight and a relief.
@youraveragecatastrophe :
well first i love fantasy so we're off to a good start between the monsters heroes and magic
the characters are a very strong point of this show. they're well fleshed out
(even many secondary characters including villains and despite the big cast!)
and they get the opportunity to develop and evolve
i love the themes! love and hope and caring about each other and all that
the fights are really fun to watch especially with the unique weapons and everyone's different fighting style
the story is really compelling and well written too!
also gayness. can't forget the queerness
really this show has everything
@foulfirerebel :
The music was what first made me get interested in RWBY. The hard hitting rock that also carried quite a bit of meaning into it if you truly took a moment to listen to the lyrics.
So, from there I watched V1 at a friend's house and felt it was good. It did a good job with the action scenes, and setting things up for the characters.
Volume 2, however, is where I truly fell in love with the show. The appearance of Cinder, of Ironwood, the food fight, the investigation into Torchwick and the White Fang, the dance and hacking sequence! Everything pointed to something more going on. Something hidden waiting to spring forth!
V1 was a great entry point, V2 convinced me to stay and hooked me, and when I finally marathoned V3 I was EAGER to watch V4 and onward. Any and all quibbles I may have had melted away when the Fall of Beacon happened.
So, long story short, I love the story. I love how things are built up and come back further down the line (Jaune's issues, Ruby's issues, etc.). I love how the characters do go through a lot and need help getting back up. I love how sincere and earnest everything is without a hint of irony.
I love the slow burn relationships, and that the show doesn't end with those relationships just being established. I love that, despite everything, this one little indie show has continued going past everything that's happened in a decade since it started. I love that the story is engaging, the characters are deep, the writing is great, and that I'm even feeling bad for the villains which I don't normally do.
RWBY may not be the most perfect thing ever, but frankly I love that the writers do see and incorporate feedback into their work. I love that, unlike how Halo or Star Wars do things, you don't necessarily need to have read all the side content to understand things too.
Most of all is I love how this show has improved on every level: animation, writing, voice acting, etc. It's just so refreshing. It's the Little Engine that Could continuing onward and getting better as it goes.
And hey, being a Bumbleby shipper since V3 and being vindicated in V9? Cherry on the sundae. It's been a wild ride, and I'd love it to continue.
@maor-koren :
RWBY is one of my favorite shows, it take a unique concept and make it very enjoyable to watch.
The main and side characters are all unique in their own way and very enjoyable.
The story is really good.
The animation, fight scenes and the design of the characters and places are all very pleasing to the eye.
And the music is phenomenal.
Don’t let other people make your opinion! look at the show and see for yourself if you like it or not!
@but-a-humble-goon :
Rwby is, in a word, earnest. Its characters are unashamedly sincere, affectionate and vulnerable and the show understands not only that these things are not a weakness but that there can be no greater measure of strength. It’s a story overflowing with heart that categorically rejects stoicism and nihilism and never once apologises for itself. Nothing has ever hit me harder and I do mean that.
@mikey-polo420 :
I watched RWBY Because i was drawn in by the trailers when Monty was alive and i liked the idea of cute girls fighting monsters with giant weapons, then i wanted to see their journey through beacon and now i've become invested with the Messages of hope the show presents, i love each of my precious children and want to see them achieve their happiness , i want to support RWBY to it's conclusion because that's what Monty wanted, it's what his friends wanted and they deserve to complete his Brain child.
@mooninoir :
i started watching when vol. 1 was still going, with a fansub (!) working hell and back to translate each episode as they came out. i remember waiting every week to see a new episode, and when the last episodes came, i was entirely invested in this sci-fi fantasy series with fairytale elements and wanted to know what would happen next.
and, for me, it's an endearing series that i enjoy watching, even with its flaws. it's fun, but it also has a heart. i like how it didn't shy away from telling a broader story. vol. 3's gut-wrenching finale was for me what made me realize i was not there just for the amazing fights and cool soundtrack, but for the characters and how they live in this crazy world. it was amazing to watch its worldbuilding evolve to such great lengths and see the characters i like to grow and learn and evolve along with it. they are done well and don't feel misplaced in the narrative. it just flows nicely and i guess the latest volume proved that to me (the themes, the motifs, the characters' choices, and the visuals) everything comes together, y'know?
and i just... like it. i like rwby. i really do.
Why do you watch this show?
I watch RWBY for the cool characters, interesting setting and engaging overarching story and arcs, plus some gorgeous animation, sets and awesome music.
What makes it appeal to you?
Women, including queer women, are center stage and given tons of dynamic personality, agency and exploration in ways I rarely see done in other series.
@feifiefofum :
look, the ad on the tin was cute girls doing violent things and looking great while doing it. that was the impetus for me to follow the show, i was there when it started with the famous red trailer to yellow trailer.
the writing then wasn't bad, a bit condensed because, y'know, shoestring budget so everything was very tight time wise. but y'know, you didn't watch the four trailers and get sold on the story- which was good by the by, but it wasn't exceptional. it was by the numbers, hitting what they need to hit, but good. you didn't think it was spectacular.
but then volume 3 hits you out of nowhere, and you realize, oh, the writing is phenomenal actually.
rwby has deceptively good writing that on the surface is good par for the course that lulls you into complacency, and then manages to sideswipe you with incredible twists that you don't see, but on looking back, the seeds for the twist were planted from book 1 on. the world is slowly and meticulously rolled out to the viewer, the characters shine, and the action, while still spectacular, become secondary to the characters and the world.
i started watching rwby, expecting cute girls doing violent things. and they deliver on that, and if you come watch rwby just for that, it delivers that. i didn't come in for hearty world building, intrigue, and lore so deep you can get lost in it. the writers write on a razor's edge, giving enough lore for a backdrop and setting the stage, but if you decide to dig at any trail, you can get lost in it. the concept of dust, the name of the world itself- frankly i think it's a masterclass in giving enough to keep the story going but having enough in the back that every new twist that they lay out can be found to have grown from a seed that was planted in an earlier volume.
i dunno who traded their soul away to keep track of all that world building and lore, but that excel sheet must be something to behold. rwby throws u-turns that you don't expect at you, lulls you with a sense of 'okay, i see your tricks now' and somehow manages to turn you around again, and have it make sense.
frankly, it's a little frustrating, i've been bamboozled and led by the nose.
and i love it for that. i'm delighted by the ride i'm on, and i hope the show keeps going.
@aspennntree :
I watch rwby for several reasons- mostly for the characters, i find some of them really relatable
also i just genuinely enjoy the story and the visuals and find the show very comforting
i also like the people i’ve met in this community that are kind and i like having people to share my interests with
i’ve made many new friends being in this community and it’s something i’m very passionate about, i just really enjoy it genuinely
@tokufan400 :
Even with everything, I can't bring myself to stop watching RWBY. I got back into it after talking with some friends in highschool, and I've been doing my best to keep up with it since. I have love for the characters (Weiss is the best), and I do feel a sence of amazement that a western project like this ha s grown so much. Not to mention the amount of art, comics, manga, and fanfics that have spawned from the show.
Do I have problems with RWBY? Yes. I will probably never stop ranting about something the show does to tick me off. But I do the same for Star Vs and Kamen Rider Zero One, both shows I still hold a love for. Hell, I might do the same for Amphibia and Owl House down the line if I do a re watch.
So yeah, still love RWBY and I want to be around to see how this story ends.
@howlingday :
So, I was in high school and I was watching Red VS Blue. Then I started watching Rage Quit. Then Achievement Hunter. Play Pals.
Then my sister and my high school crush were like, hey, try out RWBY. I mocked them by saying "It should be Ar-Dubyoo-Bee-Why". Then I got into it and, well, I liked it the more I got into it until I was caught up to Volume 2. Then Death Battle had the Yang VS Tifa fight (PLEASE, NO REMATCH), and I was rooting for Yang. Then I saw Volume 3, and I was shocked, dismayed, and devastated at the sudden heel turn. I've been hooked ever since.
So, to answer your questions.
I watch RWBY because it's fun, and I want to know where the story goes. I loved the fun had at Beacon, and I want to know what happens next.
The appeal comes from the desire to see these group of friends fight to save the world from the Grimm. I want to see them thrive against a world where everything is stacked against them! And I want to see them flying kick someone in the face to the sound of the most amazing butt-rock since Crush 40 Sonic (No offense MGR)!
So, yeah, I love watching RWBY because it's a story to be told. And I'm going to openly sob when the story finally comes to an end.
@gorillageek27 :
i watch because, okay i was kinda turned off by it at first, just "what is this anime shit?", but i watched it and it's the most out there animated thing i can think like. Rwby is a show that somehow got me appreicating animated projects and you can tell the writers and animators have fun with it.
@lithominium :
Its endearing, the lack of amazing animation in vol 1-3 is made up for in how much love was put into it. The characters are fun and loveable and the writing is goofy but unlike some other media ive watched its very good at knowing when to keep the tone consistent. Its very gay and i love gay and its got one of the greatest slow burns ive ever seen with great payoffs which always happen when they should. I like the setting and the lore and the weapons and the semblances. Its such a good show
@everafterfrisk :
I love RWBY for a ton of reasons but to keep it short:
• The Facial Expressions of the characters match really well with the tones of each scene
• Amazing character designs that can just tell you so much about them before you get to know them
•The animation: RWBY imo is best 3D animated series, most of the time 3D animes tend to be stiff and lifeless
But RWBY gives its fights alot of finesse and creativity to go along with
Like here's a few examples:
Weiss and Blake using gambol shroud's blade to propel Yang while simultaneously having Yang use Arma Gigas's Sword
Yang closing Flynt's Trumpet making his quartet backfire on him
(V4 Short)
Ruby using the recoil of her weapon to bounce out of the way from a Grimm and trip him up using her Scythe catching him into a Hurricane formed by her semblance (13:54)
There's even a full in depth analysis on the fight choreography from the earlier volumes to check out
• Themes of Unity,Self identity,Acceptance,Loving oneself, Finding hope in the most dreadful scenarios and the list goes on
• The Protagonist Ruby Rose is a breath of fresh air similar to say Deku from BNHA where both know the world isn't exactly kind but still try to help the best they can; even if it results in them destroying themselves to get there as their series's goes on
•The Villains are all pretty realistic in their motivations being not afraid to fall victim to arrogance while simultaneously being victims of either the world's actions or their own
°The show doesn't swindle you into thinking that just cuz they have sympathetic backgrounds that they're immediately good
They have to work for it and atone for misdeeds such as Ilia,Emerald and Hazel or doesn't believe their actions are unwarranted like Salem and Cinder or has a lack of empathy for the world around them like Mercury or Tyrian or Wants to do the right thing but lets the ends justify their means(Ironwood) or Living only on the fear of your actions(Lionheart) or The world has dealt so much injustice to you that you felt giving it by ten thousand fold would remedy it ( Ilia and Adam)
▪︎ The Music is just PEAK for me
The Sound design,everything just speaks volumes of the scene
@blakistan :
I think RWBY was first suggested to be me on the grounds of “lots of really cool fights” which, while not ultimately the point of the show is still a big plus! Monty was an absolute wizard when it came to fight choreography and CRWBY has done a fantastic job keeping up that legacy. Ofc that was only the thing that got me to look at the show in the first place - what made me stay was the incredibly well done character-driven story. Following along and exploring the arcs of all the different characters in the show helped me through tough times and shaped a lot of who I am as a person today - Blake and Weiss’ stories in particular did so much in helping me find hope that I could grow as a person because that what the show is: hope. So uh yeah, if you like deep, interwoven character narratives that don’t shy away from growth, change, or the ugliness that sometimes crops up along the way with those things, definitely give RWBY a watch
@proximio-5 :
Tbh, I don't know, there's something about it that I can't explain, I started watching it in 2018, but somehow it's one of my top 3 Favorite animated shows, it can be because of the story or maybe the background, like the people behind it and everything they've done and how far they've come
For example, Monty; first he made the Haloid animation, then he became director of animation in Red vs Blue, and then he created this masterpiece that will be a big part of me
The animation itself is one of the best things about the show, I mean looking back at the style of background in V1 and more recent volumes, saying it has improved would be an understatement, I mean just look at it, you can see how much effort the've done for it
Another reason is the development or the characters, they've changed and matured in many ways. (Speaking of, I really hope Ruby comes back different but keeping at least some of her previous self)
So yeah, this show is far of being perfect, but then again...
What isn't?
@kereeachan :
I’m generally a fan of animation, and it’s been neat seeing how it’s improved since volume 3 (when I got into it). The story intrigues me, and I love the wide cast of characters and their development. The alternate universe is a neat one, Grimm are fascinating as a take on Evil Creatures to me, and the designs have always been cool, bar a few that never flew with me (Blake’s 1-3 outfit just kind of always looked a lil too sexy for my tastes on a “huntress” and I initially thought Nora’s 4-6 look was a downgrade before it grew on me)
I really enjoyed Ironwood’s slide from well-intentioned, if incorrect, hero to villain. Honestly his foreshadowing in volumes 2, 3, and 4 was some of the best I’ve ever seen. Maswartz above has commented on how they fool you by having him take facistic actions against people we hate more to hide how far he’s falling fast until we actually GET to Atlas and Mantle and realize it’s gone full Police State (if it wasn’t before). Genius.
I also adored Penny, she was my baby, she was amazing as a character and I’m so happy we got her back for a few more volumes before losing her for good (as much as anyone is ever truly gone, of course, she still looms large over vol 9). As one of the “weird girls” of the world who took a long time to come into my comfort with being a girl due to teasing and bullying (autism, baby. they always know) Penny just always SPOKE to me. I’m glad she not only proved her Real Girl bonafides as a Maiden but even got to live outside a metal body for a few episodes before her death, finally feeling the warmth of a hug.
@sevenofreds :
It's a genuinely fun and enjoyable show that can mix multiple genres together without it being jarring. There's action and comedy, there's horror, there's mystery and drama, and it all makes sense for what's happening. It has a layered and complex plot where things almost always turn out to be more nuanced than they first seem, and almost every twist/big event is subtly foreshadowed in some way. The shorter length of episodes compared to other shows also makes it really fun to binge watch.
@crowwrites2140 :
Of course it has its flaws like every other piece of media, but I genuinely find RWBY both entertaining and just a good show in general. I love the "AHA!" moments when you something is revealed that has been hinted at for volumes. I love the music and could listen to it for hours. I love the characters; their designs, their motivations, their relationships with each other and their character arcs that span the show. In regards to the protagonists, I also enjoy how they all seem so human. The writers allow them to make mistakes and fail. They aren't always the perfect heroes. And in regards to the villains, they are believable too. Nearly every one of them has some kind of motivation that drives them to want revenge in destruction. I love the plot, despite its flaws. It's complex and ties in with countless allusions. And lastly, I love the fanbase. Not the toxic side, honestly it makes me sad that a show like RWBY needs positivity posts because its hate fanbase is just so large. But there are so many in the community who are incredibly creative and create hilarious memes, beautiful art, and amazing stories, and I'm grateful to be a part of that.
@the-god-of-nihon :
RWBY is a special show to me. I’ve been with the series since it premiered at the end of RvB Season 10, and ten years is not an inconsiderable amount of time to be a fan of something. And unlike the “critics” or RWDE, I don’t stick around to hate-watch because of the sunken cost fallacy, or “to learn what not to do.” Or just for a reason to complain, more accurately. I simply enjoy the series. I have since it began, and I still do, and I’ll continue to do so.
While I don’t like everything about the show, or agree with all the creative choices; I don’t automatically assume that something I don’t like is wrong or bad. I happily take RWBY for what it is, and not what I think it should be. I, by no means am blind to the flaws and missteps, but none of them hinder my enjoyment to the degree that I feel like the show overall is a negative experience, even at its lowest points.
I watch the show because I like it. It has been a consistent source of enjoyment for me, and even now. I’ve enjoyed growing alongside it from an indie web-series into what it is today and seeing how it’s changed and improved with every volume.
I enjoy and am invested in many of the characters. I like the world and the bits of world-build and lore we get throughout the main show and supplementary material. And of course I can’t not touch on the fights and character designs. Its vibrant and narrative-relevant use of color, and how that’s effected the shows aesthetic development. And Monty Oum’s classic high-speed, frenetic and intricate choreo, that’s yet to be replicated. And how while different the post-Monty fights are still interesting and engaging for the most part.
I love the depictions of friendship and platonic/familial connection in the show, most prominently for me personally, Ruby & Jaune’s bond. As it’s so rare for a male-female friendship to be purely platonic and still be so genuinely well-written and integral to both characters. Although, I think RWBY is largely hit or miss with the way it handles romance, I think its friendships & familial bonds are where it excels.
Ruby, Yang, and Jaune are my top three favorites characters in RWBY, and how their characters and arcs have been so endearing and intriguing to watch. Especially as since V7, and what is being done with them current.
@lostdemifiend :
The biggest thing for why I love RWBY so much it is "oh that makes sense!" when something unexpected happens BECAUSE everything was set up previously that would result in this eventually, and none of it feels forced.
At the same time, its gleeful deconstruction of common shonen anime tropes adds to that sense of surprise. Subconsciously, one goes in expecting certain things to happen, but it defies that expectation in a way that feels like a natural consequence.
There's so much more, but I can't even start to unpack just exactly why I love this series so much.
Thank you all of you for showing everyone what makes RWBY fantastic to all!
If you want some youtube channels that discuss RWBY in analytical or philosophic detail? Or if you want comic dubs?
Xel Writer on Youtube aka @tumblingxelian for analysis videos
@marylizabetha on Youtube for philosophy videos
and @markzschiegnerii or Mark Zschiegner on youtube for comic dubs!
I love you, RWBY Fandom, you've made my life rich with joy.
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rabbiteclair · 3 months
more Girls' Last Tour thoughts, which are admittedly mostly thoughts I had for the first time about five years ago only to resurface today upon having a long conversation about the series with a friend. this one is fully spoiler-y
as far as emotional suckerpunches go, I personally think it's like... [the entire Silence chapter] > [Chito's breakdown after she realizes the Kettenkrad's bricked] > [the end of the Art chapter] > [the end of the Life chapter] > 'the planet will finish life's long work and go to sleep as well' > [the actual end of the series]. This isn't a criticism of it, since I really like the end. I just find it kinda funny.
similarly I find it funny that this series, where every named character is strongly implied to die either during or shortly after its events, which is about 40% ruminations on death, containing the line "currently, you two are the only surviving humans of whom we are aware," is categorized as an Iyashikei. H E A L I N G. I mean I don't even necessarily disagree but goddamn.
One of the core dichotomies of the series, I think, is... it repeatedly makes it clear that people have done horrible things here, and the amount of deliberate destruction that's gone on is absolutely monstrous. They stumble onto nukes and giant war robots that can blow up a city, and there are destroyed tanks and giant craters everywhere. Basically everywhere they go is a former war zone. But it takes a really positive view of humanity. Outside of the attack on their hometown in the flashback, every single person they meet is nice and helpful. Any time it delves into human nature, the message is 'actually humans are pretty cool most of the time, and our basic drive is to take care of each other, not this survival of the fittest bullshit.'
which is one thing that I think sets it apart from a lot of fiction in this space? It never tries any kind of 'humanity is doomed in the long run because we're all violent animals beneath the facade of civilization' message or anything. Humanity rules, and it's a genuine tragedy that things have come to this.
kinda related, the series does a lot to make it clear how all of this is an unfathomably large tragedy. There are tons of background shots of entire abandoned cityscapes, there's the chapter with the mass grave, the gigantic library full of books, and so on. The actual scale of 'no, really, everyone and everything has an end sooner or later' gets driven in repeatedly. At the same time, it spends a lot of time on how something as small as destroying a single diary can be a tragedy in its own right, too. I guess I'm just kinda used to media that takes that kind of grand high-level view dismissing the small stuff as trite and unimportant when we could be putting up another number with lots of zeroes to say how many people died.
there are a lot of different ideas floating around on things like what it all means in the end, and whether it's meaningful to leave anything behind. The AI is overjoyed when she gets her chance for oblivion. The people in the graveyard have a statue to watch over them. Chito's attempt to leave something in the form of her diary is ultimately futile, and while she learns to find other meaning, destroying her diary and the books still isn't portrayed as a good thing. Other people are recorded forever in images and videos, and it's wonderful. Ultimately I don't think there's any one answer or message. Keeping with the general existentialist kinda themes, what matters is what the people involved find meaningful in that context, but that drive to create and preserve meaning for the future is both universal and noble.
while there's a lot to be said about the visuals overall... the fact that basically the only thing on the upper layer is a spiral staircase leading up into the air with no destination sure is some symbolism, huh.
similarly, while it wouldn't change the events any, symbolically I think it's very important that their long, ultimately pointless meandering journey that ends in death was upward, not downward.
on another level, though, it's kinda implied that the higher strata are newer/more recently maintained. So it's also essentially them moving through (and revisiting a lot of) human history to take their position at the very end.
Yuu's gun is never used for anything but target practice, and then she chucks it aside as soon as it's too much effort to carry. They use an old tank for a shower. They find a working military sub with nukes inside, and it's only useful because there's chocolate and a way to look at the storage on a camera. The one time they really fire a weapon, it's horrible, and the one thing they kill is portrayed as a tragedy. Even their helmets are mostly a running joke of 'oh my helmet totally would've stopped that falling building.' For a series that includes a lot of military stuff, it regards military stuff somewhere between 'disdain' and 'indifference.' Very 'the world is ending and you think a rocket launcher is going to be useful? Put that thing down and help me look for food.'
that said, the choice to give them a vehicle from WW2-era Germany is still a pretty damn unfortunate one. Considering the series's consistent stance against violence, disinterest in war, and casually disdainful treatment of weapons and military stuff, I'm comfortable saying that Tsukumizu almost certainly isn't a closet nazi, but still. At best it gives the wrong impression to anybody who hasn't gotten about a dozen chapters in and started thinking about the themes, and there's nothing the themes do with it that wouldn't work basically as well with any other military transport anyway.
the fungus things apparently being the inspiration for the god statues is clear enough, but just what their deal is remains surprisingly undefined. I've always figured they were genetically engineered or something, made specifically to clean up the environment. Which is itself a hell of a thing if so, deifying the creatures that basically symbolize 'maybe we can undo the harm we've done, and if that takes longer than we live, at least we'll leave something behind.'
I really don't know how to feel about the whole Shimeji Simulation connection. (if you aren't familiar) On one hand I feel like it undermines a lot of the series' messages to go 'oh but just kidding, everyone's fine and nobody really dies for good.' On the other hand, as somebody who's read/watched through the series about half a dozen times and really marinated in the despair, my primary immediate reaction is 'oh thank god they absolutely deserve this.' And it isn't like I haven't written multiple stories about characters embracing their imminent demise only to turn out okay against all odds in the epilogue.
Yuu's gay little run. this is still a thought
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forever-rogue · 2 years
for the fall prompts maybe “you look cold, do you want a hug?” with tasm!peter?🥺😊 I’m so soft for him (thanks to your latest fics)
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AN | Oooh, but I love this idea and I love dorky Peter, so here we are. Enjoy❤️
Pairing | tasm!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Slight Language 
Word Count | 2.2k
Masterlist | Main | Peter
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was a freezing winter day in New York City. Even more freezing than it normally was, and nothing seemed to be able to warm you up. You wondered if the shitty heating in your apartment was even working; every time you went to feel it, you could feel the faintest bit of heat. If you complained, the landlord wouldn’t do anything since it technically was working. 
In desperation, you bundled yourself up and then grabbed a huge blanket before walking down the hall to his apartment. You weren’t even sure if he was home, but figured it was worth a try. After knocking and waiting anxiously for a few moments, the door opened to reveal a happy, smiley, outrageously handsome Peter Parker. 
“Hi Peter,” you smiled softly, ignoring the pitter patter in your heart at his pretty smile.
“Hi,” his smile only grew as he looked you over, “you look cold, do you want a hug?”
Your mouth dropped open at his blatant question, and when you remained silent, he floundered a bit and his cheeks turned pink with embarrassment. He waved his hands around for a moment wishing he could back track, “kidding! Totally kidding! Umm…should I even bother to ask how many layers you have on?”
“My heating’s not working right,” you pouted, “like technically it works but it’s not warming anything. I was wondering if yours was…and if I could maybe stay over for a bit? I’d be willing to compensate with dinner and dessert.”
“Funny,” he cocked his head to the side as he opened the door wider and motioned for you to come inside, “I was just going to come and ask you if you wanted to watch some movies. My bribe was also going to be dinner and dessert.”
“You’re a lifesaver,” you padded inside, immediately overwhelmed by the rush of warmth that enveloped you. What you didn’t see was Peter slightly groaning at himself and smacking his forehead at his horrible attempts at flirting. But the good thing was that his heater was definitely working, if not working overtime, “it feels like heaven in here.”
“I might have tinkered around with the heater a little bit,” he grinned sheepishly. He never told you exactly what he’d studied in school or did for a living, but whatever it was, he had to be some sort of genius, “I can take a look at yours sometime and get it working properly.”
“I’d owe you dinner for like a month,” you groaned happily as you flopped onto his soft couch and cocoon yourself, “you know, whatever you want you can have it.”
You. That was Peter’s first thought, but he wasn’t going to say that outloud. Not yet anyway. There was no need for him to scare you off and make the whole ‘building neighbors’ thing awkward.
“Don’t worry about it,” he played it off, flailing his hand around, “what’re friends for? Want some hot chocolate?”
“Will there be mini-marshmallows?”
“It would be a crime not to have them,” he scoffed dramatically with a small wink, “of course. Go ahead and make yourself comfortable…more comfortable. You can pick the first movie - I call dibs on the second - Netflix is up, but there’s Hulu, HBO, Disney, Prime, all that jazz.”
“You’re perfect,” you hadn’t meant to say that out loud, but it slipped out involuntarily. Your face flushed with warmth and you focused your attention on the television. If you’d been looking at the boy, you’d have seen the pretty pink color creeping up his cheeks and ears, “thank you, Peter. I really appreciate it.”
“Any time,” and he meant anytime. You could have come over at three in the morning to chit-chat and he would have welcomed it, “hot chocolate coming right up.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You'd picked some random comedy that neither of you had been before and Peter had come through with the hot chocolate. You knew that more likely than not it was just a packet mix but there was something about how he prepared it that made it just that better. You'd offered him soft of the giant blanket that had come with you, and he sat right next to you. He'd muttered something about sharing body heat and keeping it trapped to stay warm. He wasn't wrong; you felt warmer than ever and you knew that part of it was from the pretty boy practically cuddling you.
After your movie pick, he'd ordered pizza, half your favorite toppings and half his, and the two of you almost scarfed the entire thing down. By the time you were finished eating, you grew sleepy from the toastiness and food and your eyes were slipping.
Eventually you fell asleep and Peter didn't have the heart to wake you up. Instead, he grabbed a pillow and placed it under your head without managing to wake you up. You’d been snoring lightly and your mouth was open, a sight you were sure was anything but cute, but to Peter it was the sweetest damn thing he’d seen. 
Once he was sure you were fully and soundly asleep, he tiptoed out of his apartment and down to yours, grabbing the spare key you’d given him for emergencies. He decided that poorly functioning heating in the dead of winter counted as an emergency. When he entered your apartment, an excited shiver ran down his spine; this was like getting a glimpse into your private world fully unadulterated. Mind you, he was tempted to snoop, but he’d never betray your trust in such a manner. Instead, he studied the open living room and kitchen as he went to play around with your heater. 
He liked your place; it was almost identical to his in layout, but felt so homey and cozy and he liked looking at all the pictures you’d hung on yours. He’d harbored a crush on you since you’d moved into the building, but seeing bits and pieces of your life made him fall even harder. Fuck. He was a sucker for you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The first thing you noticed when you woke up was how comfortable and warm you were. The second thing was the delicious smell, all musky and woodsy and fresh, that emanated from the pillow underneath your head. The third thing was that you were most definitely not in your own apartment. After blinking away the bleariness from your eyes, you realized that you were still in Peter’s apartment…on his couch and using his pillow. Your heart practically burst through your ribcage with sheer excitement at the prospect of being in his home. 
“Peter?” you rubbed the slip from your eyes and looked around for the boy in question, but didn’t find him. You stood up and out of your warm blanket cocoon and shivered at the loss. It wasn’t cold by any means in his place but the extreme warmth left your body and you sighed lightly. But then you spotted a sweater that was neatly folded on the coffee table, almost as if it was waiting for you; it was. You grinned as you eagerly reached for the maroon hoodie, bringing to your face to inhale the scent of the detergent mixing with his smell. You liked…probably a little too much. You grinned as you slipped the article of clothing on and let it surround you with warmth.
The door suddenly opened and in stepped the man that was slowly becoming the man of your dreams. He stopped in his tracks when he saw you, a magical smile lighting up his entire face, “h-hey, you’re awake.”
“I just woke up,” you confessed sheepishly, “thank you for the pillow…and the sweater.”
“Well,” he grinned shyly, “didn’t want you to get a crick in your neck or have you be cold. That would be a travesty.”
“I agree,” you nodded, “I don’t think I would have survived! Where did you go?”
“O-oh,” he scratched the back of his neck nervously, some of his soft hair falling into his face, “I actually went to your place…I took a look at your heater. I think you’ll find that it’s working much better now! Your place will be toasty in no time.”
“Oh,” you tried to hide your disappointment behind a meek little smile. You knew you’d have to go back to your own apartment sometime, but you didn’t want it to be too soon. Like…you would have been totally content to spend the rest of the evening with him, but doubt started to creep in and you wondered if he was ready to get rid of you, “thank you so much, Pete. I really appreciate it, however you want to be compensated, let me know. I owe you big time.”
“Well there is one thing you could do,” you could see his hands clenching and unclenching at his side, almost as if he was nervous. You had no clue what he was going to ask, and it made your tummy explode with butterflies, “maybe we could go out to dinner sometime. Maybe throw in a movie if we’re feeling really crazy.”
Oh. Maybe he wasn't just trying to get rid of you immediately, Your eyes widened in surprise as an anxious little laugh escaped your lips, “are you asking me on a date?”
“No!” his voice had crept up an octave and he wanted to sink into the floor, “I mean yes. Yes, I am asking you on a date. But only if you want. Otherwise…I’m not asking you out?”
“Are you asking me or telling me?”
“Well, Peter Parker, I’d love to go on a date with you,” part of you was convinced this was a dream, but the feeling of the sweater around your frame and the heat practically radiating onto you told you that it was very much real. 
“Yeah?” he sounded eager and you could only nod in response, “yeah. Okay, cool, that’s awesome. Maybe this weekend?”
“I’d like that a lot,” you nodded towards the door and swallowed the lump in your throat, “I guess I’d better get back to my place now that’ll be…warm. Thanks for letting me stay and hang out. It was a lot of fun!”
“Don’t go,” he held up his hand in a desperate attempt to prevent you from going. The gesture made your heart jump, “I mean, if you don’t want to. It’ll take a while to heat up and it’s already warm here, so it would just be inconvenient for you. And we’d be warmer if we stayed together. We could watch another movie or play some games or…something. Like board games or video games, I-I realize that could have been…misconstrued. So umm…yeah.”
He wanted you to stay. He wanted you to stay. And this wasn’t a dream. The cute neighbor that had become the object of your affections was asking you to stay in his apartment with him. This was better than anything you could have imagined. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you nodded tentatively, as if you were waiting for him to change his mind. 
“I know what you meant, Petey,” you touched his shoulder and he thought he was going to explode from the touch and the sweet little nickname you’d bestowed upon him, “I’ll stay…if you’re sure.”
“Positive,” fuck. He really was the prettiest and sweetest boy you’d ever seen. It almost wasn’t fair to anyone else that you were currently getting him all to yourself, but you honestly couldn’t care less. You’d take any evening alone with Peter Parker, “a-am I being too weird? Is this too forward? I-I don’t-”
“Peter,” you put a finger to his lips to gently stop his nervous rambles, “I know what you mean and no you’re not being weird or too forward. I want to stay.”
“Cool,” he nodded more at himself than anything else, “cool.”
“Do you want to know something you could do though?” taking a step closer, you left very little space between your bodies. You could see the bobbing of his throat as he swallowed anxiously.
“You could kiss me,” you suggested coyly, gently tapping your fingers against his cheek, “ya know, if you want to.”
“Yes,” inside he was cheering, and almost jumping for joy, while he tried to keep the outside calm and collected. He wasn’t doing a great job, “yeah - I’d like that. You know, I don’t want you to feel-”
“Just kiss me,” you grinned, “heard it’s a good way to stay warm.”
“Not sure about that,” he shrugged playfully, “but I’m willing to test the theory out.”
And so he finally kissed you. Turns out it really was a good way to stay warm.
Especially when kissing led to much more.
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 9 months
BFTC isn’t really a case of terrible characterization for Jason so much as it was a terrible case of victim blaming. Like yeah, some of the things Jason did were a bit extreme compared to his “better” appearances, but that’s nothing new and pretty much true of many stories that aren’t utrh or lost days. The bad parts are are also definitely exaggerated by fans.
The story isn’t centered on Jason. Of course every other character’s description of Jason would be knee-jerk dismissive and misunderstanding, since (again) the intention was to make Jason out to be the cartoony bad guy villain. But if you look past the layers of grime they added, the bare bones of his characterization are not entirely incorrect. It’s a biased story in which their intended criticisms of Jason’s morals often fell short, so to compensate they deliberately cranked up his motivations to be more extreme and unrealistic (but one which, nonetheless got Jason’s overall thoughts and goals relatively consistent with stories that portrayed him accurately).
Yes, him shooting Damian was out of character, but granted we’re all in agreement that it was a true case of “bad writing decision”, I don’t think it’s hard to look past. The only other bit people probably complain about (which felt iffy at worst) was him being “a bit enthusiastic” at times in trying to convince Dick to become another lethal Batman (you can just as easily say Jason wouldn’t have been personally invested enough to have acted in the way he did). I don’t care though because he was probably doing it for shits and giggles, and it was funny watching him push their buttons on his spare time while being excellent at his job. Same old ‘none of them deny that he’s effective, they just can’t get behind the killing’ conflict.
Looking past the fact that Jason still had a valid point, the “he’s the bad guy” plot falls apart for other obvious reasons, which happen in the 3rd issue. It’s kind of hard to focus on how much of a bitch Jason’s being when the other characters are written in an infinitely more problematic way (which ends up happening in most “hate Jason” stories). Not only did they heavily imply Jason is a victim of SA, but the way Dick/the batfamily treats Jason about this is … horrible. Arguing that this was a case of character assassination for Bruce and Dick would be more realistic than using this story to claim Jason is a Bad Person™.
Even though Bruce does have a bad track record with his perspective on victims of SA.
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Hey. Maybe listen to the living person begging you to turn it off.
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Geez. I wonder why he never felt safe enough to confide in Bruce or any of the rest of them. Implying that enduring what he did made him “broken beyond repair”, that he needs to be “fixed”, and saying verbatim, “you are my greatest failure”, not “I failed you greatly”. Then deciding on behalf of Jason that a bunch of people who weren’t involved in what happened to him should all know about this so they can decide what should be done. And everyone agrees with this garbage. Unbelievable.
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Aka, any sort of healing he may have tried to accomplish was ruined by you lot. When exactly am I supposed to see that Jason was evil all along.
The story collapses in on itself in the third issue because where Dick is supposed to be at his prime within the arc, he just sort of rambles about how Jason was a shitty victim and then awkwardly shifts to talking about personal growth and coming to accept his own heroic destiny.
I do resent this, but not because “Jason sucks here”. Jason’s “bad portrayal” pales in comparison to the problematic mindsets given to the other characters (namely Dick) which were framed as good-natured intentions and “tough love”. As for people who describe this as “vilifying Jason to prop up Dick” … I don’t really know what to make of that.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
Steven Universe Anon here
Y'know what's funny? Rebecca had the absolute guts to put in genocidal dictators/"space Nazis" in her CHILDRENS SHOW
And Viv does nothing but put gay people and sex workers in Hell 💀 She has murderers/cannibals/rapists/hardcore drug addicts down there, but those are the obvious, safe options. (I'd also say it's risky to put drug addicts down there too)
But she has no actual balls to tackle anything heavier than that. I know the argument is "God/Heaven are obviously massive dicks and who they pick and choose is unfair. Gay people shouldn't go to Hell and that's the whole point" but like... it's just a bad look.
And I have issues with the way the Diamonds were handled, but they were never forgiven. They're actually complex characters who are grieving from their loss, but they're also horrible horrible characters. But, at least Rebecca actually gave them SOMETHING to work towards being good. Like Yellow Diamond repairing gems, and White Diamond going down to those she used to deem as lesser beings. I feel those things were rushed (because of CN I'm sure), but at least Rebecca tried.
She also never flipped out at any critism and handled things far more maturely.
I don't see Viv doing anything of that nature in her "super mature R rated show".
Full disclosure, I've never liked when people refer to the Diamonds as Nazis. That's not cool, that's a real thing that killed real people. But yes, the Diamonds are genocidal dictators and complete monsters. They're alien rocks that carve up everything around them and take it for themselves. It's the only thing they've ever known how to be.
What Rebecca did with them was incredibly ballsy, because she allowed them to be monsters, and to explore why they are the way they are, and ultimately to have them make the conscious choice to try a better way of living, all without making excuses for them. They're capable of loving immensely, and it's that love that brings out the best in them, and they do put the work into changing, but Steven's never really comfortable around them at all.
Steven Universe was so ridiculously good for what it was. I don't think Viv's capable of creating something with that many layers.
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johannestevans · 5 months
My Top 6 Films of 2023
Just some recommendations for my favourite new releases of last year!
Originally published on Cinemania.
2023 had a few knock-out hits as far as the cinema goes — obviously, people were very excited about the respective releases of Barbie and Oppenheimer, but my top films of the year were a bit different.
One thing I do think unites a lot of these — and a trend I hope to see from more films in the next few years — is a trend toward more earnestness and sincerity in scripts and plot lines, and I’m hoping that trend continues!
Without further ado, my top films of 2023:
They Cloned Tyrone (dir. Juel Taylor)
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They Cloned Tyrone is a fucking triumph, and hands-down had my favourite costume design of the year — it at the same time feels very vintage in places, calling heavily on the Blaxploitation movies of the 1970s and their aesthetics while at the same time dragging in more modern— and dystopian — futuristic elements throughout. Teyonah Parris is a particular triumph as Yo-Yo, but the whole cast really rocks this whole flick.
This film feels in so many ways like a fever dream, layering disparate elements and tones, and for that is all the more hard-hitting with the horror and painful realism of its cynical central plot.
If you watch a single of the films recommended on this list, make it this one.
Down Low (dir. Rightor Doyle)
This film is weird as fuck, and it makes a lot out of leaning into that. Delving into the ugly reality of down-low hook-ups on gay dating apps and dialing the chaos that can arise from them up to the max, this is a surprisingly heartfelt look at gay loneliness and isolation in the white middle-class US.
It’s fast-paced and kooky with its dialogue — Lukas Gage, of Euphoria fame, co-wrote the script with Phoebe Fisher, and Gage’s particular style of verbose and down-right weird speeches are dotted through it — and while it ultimately ends in the death you know from the beginning is coming, it doesn’t feel like it’s wholly a tragedy.
Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves (2023, dir. John Francis Daley & Jonathan Goldstein)
I don’t think I need to go into great detail about this one — Dungeons and Dragons’ newest addition to its array of canons here is a spellbinding and delightful watch. A lot of the problem with fantasy films and TV shows the past few years has been how painfully over-ironic they are, with none of them being able to just lean into their premise and accept that, yes, we’re being a bit silly, and that’s the point! But the DnD movie is just spectacularly earnest and gives itself entirely over to the wonder of its world, and that feels wonderful.
Every time I’ve watched it, which is a few times now, I’ve picked up on new fun world details or little in-jokes, and there are just so many things this film does right and has fun with, most of all making Xenk Yendar even more autistic than ever whilst also making him hot with the Regé-Jean Page casting.
And also, Hugh Grant is here playing a horrible, sleazy bastard of a wizard, and speaking of hot —
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Cocaine Bear (dir. Elizabeth Banks)
Must a film be good?
Firstly, isn’t a coked-up horny female bear wreaking havoc and ripping people to shreds enough? And also, even if it wasn’t enough, aren’t so many queer characters going through the weirdest day out ever, girlbosses galore (I’m including the bear), funny as Hell dialogue, and even plot twists enough?
We saw this in the cinema on its release, and it was utterly glorious. Everyone should have the pleasure of seeing the feminist icon of 2023, the cocaine bear (sorry, Barbie), on the biggest screen imaginable, ripping into some hapless gay with full surround sound.
The Boogeyman (dir. Rob Savage)
I normally run along to see any new releases from Rob Savage as I loved Host, and The Boogeyman was so much more than I expected — bearing no resemblance at all to the original lacklustre Stephen King short story, this film really plays so creatively with light and shadow and has an honestly spine-tingling monster design that feels viscerally frightening from its introduction to its final boss battle.
I love it when a film plays with light sources, most of all when good horror does it, and this flick really delivers on that point — not knowing where light is going to come from adds extra tension when you’re trying to see into the shadowy corners, and whether it’s from the lunar nightlight, the videogame flashes, the camera, the fridge, or anywhere else, this film really has this holistic approach to light and shadow that just fucks.
The Pope’s Exorcist (dir. Julius Avery)
Again, must a film be good?
Isn’t it enough to have a coked-up bear —
Okay, I used that line already, but this time it’s Russell Crowe, and he’s doing an Italian accent, and he’s riding a little Vespa, and it’s the funniest and best thing in the world.
Much like the DnD movie, The Pope’s Exorcist really leans into its premise and just goes really earnest about it — it doesn’t take too much time to sardonically comment on the ridiculousness of its own universe, and that makes it feel really fresh compared to a lot of other big studio horror films. It’s silly and stupid and mixes more impressive scares in with the cheap ones, and it’s just a really fun movie to watch with friends.
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longsleeveleper · 1 year
Can’t put into words what finding Nurgle meant to me
Not long after Halloween I got chronically sick and was confined to my room with naught but my computer to keep me company. During that time I fell into Warhammer 40k via a let’s play of Dark Crusade and as a Warcraft 3 kid oh man love at first sight. I’d fall in love with fantasy later but that’s another story.
The funny thing is chaos isn’t my favorite faction, though it is one of them. My favorite faction is Orks. And the Death Guard aren’t my favorite chaos warband, it’s the Night Lords (yes yes edgelord I’m aware it’s what I’m here for). So I don’t really identify with Nurgle on a tribal level, I don’t love him because my favorite character or faction is Nurgle. I identify with Nurgle on a philosophical level, because of the value they had to me metaphysically.
Now let me clarify, I don’t want everyone to die of super-mega-pneumonia. Quite the opposite I want nobody to ever be sick because I now know for an absolute fact being sick SUCKS. But, I am sick, and I have been told I will be sick forever. This is where the value of Nurgle to me enters the picture.
Nurgle and Nurglite worshippers are the first time I can recall truly see people with diseases being represented with strength. It definitely want the first time such a thing was presented to me, but Nurgle is such a strong and repeated example of it that it I couldn’t ignore it. Because illness is strength for those who worship Nurglites. They are some of the most stubborn damn near impossible to kill just straight up fuck you try me durable. In mechanical terms being a nurglite will make you tougher to kill. Because they are sick, because being sick is a gift from their god to make them stronger. WOW!
There are so many further layers to my love of Nurgle. For one, Nurglites are described as being able to feel no pain. Now pain has an important biological function, but let me tell you, I have way too damn much of it. I haven’t been without pain for 13 years, I haven’t fully relaxed in 13 years, I haven’t been able to think without a dagger in my head in 13 fucking years. So the notion of feel no pain has quite the appeal to me, even if on a rational level I understand that feeling no pain would be it’s own dire problem.
There’s also how the Death Guard fall to Nurgle, where so much pain and suffering is inflicted on them to the point they begged on someone anyone to take the pain away. And yeah Nurgle is the guy who made them feel away, he is evil remember. But hey I’ve been there! I have begged and pleaded and prayed to doctors to please do something anything to make the pain stop, to make me feel better. And you know what? At least the death guard got a fucking answer. I’m still in pain! No one’s answered my prayers. So I understand the utter desperation of a situation like that.
But speaking of what Nurgle does let’s talk about him! Grandfather Nurgle, that’s his title, because that’s his demeanor. He’s a doting fatherly god who loves and cares for his worshippers, giving onto them lovely gifts. Sure, those gifts are horrific diseases. But he’s one of the few deities to show anything close to benevolence in the entire setting of 40k. A lot of his followers follow suit as well. Whether it be the jovial Great Unclean Ones, the feral shitkid nurglings, the Beasts of Nurgle who are literally described as puppylike, or an amicable friendly cultists who smiles at you through rotting teeth a lot of Nurgle’s followers are *happy*. The notion of finding happiness even in a setting as terribly horribly bleak as 40k inspires me to hope I can find happiness in our much happier reality.
There are many, many things I love and adore. So many things that have meant the world to me, that have taught me something that isn’t irreplaceable. But when I chose to get a tattoo I picked the Mark of Nurgle. Because to me, that symbol means love, but it’s also something that will never ever not be a part of me. It means acceptance of where I am and who I am. It’s an attempt to salvage what strength I can from a situation that has rendered me weak. So whenever I need to remind myself of that meaning I touch my tattoo, and I try to embody what Nurgle means to me. My illness isn’t something I can beat. But it’s something I can endure.
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not-souleaterpost · 2 months
opinion on gopher
Well no shade at any Gopher fans but not really positive so dont read further if you dont wanna be sad😂
To me Gopher kind of is one of the reasons for my controverial oppinion of the anime being better than the manga:
The most simple and least pretentious way of describing my thoughts and reasons is - I find him unfunny and obnoxious, while also feeling that he is a pointless charachter with wasted potential at the same time.
But to get more into detail...
When did he get introduced (if I remember correctly?): During that whole mini-arc about Maka wanting "to be an angel".
I have many problems with that part of the story, especially with how it turns Maka into some generic "tsundre kawaii girl who not so secretly likes the guy who she is bitchy too"
But I wont get too much into that, just the fact that I get the point - Gopher gets introduced as foil to her in that arc, to kinda give her a reality check of how unlikeable and childish she is acting.
But the point is, that even with the most charitable interpretation of the arc, Gopher IS just by his nature a charachter tailor-made (literally) to be obnoxious and annoying.
And unlike Excalibur, I find the way in which he is just groan-worthy and not charming and soothing (Yeah Excalibur is great, shout out to the OG)
But ok, maybe thats just bad impresions, does he improve later? Not really cause his whole gag stays this kinda creepy quasi incestious obssesion with Noah and idk, dont even wanna write about that part too much lol
But even if one just looks at it as a charachter trait with possible development, it leads nowhere, Gopher being static besides his final gag (which I admit is funny but also a bit ehh with the whole implication of what hes gonna do with 7 naked unconcious bodies...)
Still, one could say why am I'm expecting something out of a gag charachter? Just dont overthink it - maybe I wouldnt if Ohkubo didnt kinda setup a situation where it seemed there could be more to him, only to be just wasted panel time in the end:
What I mean is, the whole setup of him torturing and integoriating Kid - which seemed to be a perfect opportunity for charachter development for both of them - because they actually have some simmilarities:
Both are "created" and "reverant" to their Father-figure, both have unhealthy obssessions and both start throwing childish tantrums when things dont go their way. (also surface details like both seemingly being anime pretty boys appeiling to a specific demographic, with the dark hair and proper dress-code etc)
Yet all that didnt lead to anything - neither Gopher realised that his "master" is horrible compared to the other side, nor did it make Kid reflect about his own obssessions and how obnoxious and ridicolous he must look to others.
Neither was there anything about being sorta non human, "created" not born - but thats excusable cause that was revealed after the fact in Kids case.
Hell, still there could be even some strengthening of both sides negative traits, the tragedy of communication being impossible, but all lead just to an ok gag of Kids face being made unsymmetrical.
But also on a tangent, the whole "black wings" thing also just seems to be derivative - especially when the much stronger parallel of "angel vs demon" with black and white wings was between Maka and Crona, so yeah I think the whole obnoxious Maka and Gopher thing kinda deluded that meaning, but thats more of a pet peeve.
Still, to leave of not with just bitching, but an interesting thought, or atleast kinda funny in a stupid way (enough that I will prolly use it as filler in my iceberg videos):
So Gopher is a creation of Noah. But Noah is just one of seven other creations. Who are made by the Index, which is just a manifestation of a part of the Book of Eibon, which was written by the Wizard of the same name.
How many layers of being a tool is that?😂
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
HiyorixKuina anon again!
I was thinking about Kuina more than average and I came up with this concuction.
So you often see that in many Modern AUs you have Perona and Zoro being Mihawk's adoptive children, and while I like this what if Kuina 2as also his adoptive daughter???
Imagine, you have Zoro being an orphan from a young age so he gets taken in by his relatives. But then something horrible happens (could be Kuina's mom dying or Koushiro kills her since everybody seems to agree he is murder coded) so Kuina and Zoro are taken away by CPS and are assigned to Mihawk, who had already adopted Perona. (I hc that Moria would be her bio dad, and he lost custidy due to his experiments on corpses and other stuff)
What we get is a sit-com like dinamic of middle aged single parent swordsman with 3 kids: one is goth, one is insane, one is bith and they are all gay.
I think that Kuina would really like Mihawk since he would teach her and not discriminate (as far as we know) and he would also reconize that Kuina is a better pupil than Zoro, which would add another layer to their rivarly and relationship.
Plus Perona and Kuina being vastly different older sister who are the two opposing extemes on the lesbian spectrum but still come togheter for each other when they need it and to annoy their dumb little brother would be so funny to me. I think Kuina would protect Perona from bullies and general pricks and they would both do wierd shit togheter like mutilate their Barbies to scare people.
I think Kuina would really get along with Zoro's friends siblings, obviously Ace and maybe also Sabo since they both reject the bigoted values that some people impose, but I think she would like Nojiko as well. The two of them both know the horrors of the real world so I think they would use some of the darkest humor ever with each other. And all of them would obviously keep talking about their siblings, that can't be avoided.
I also think Kuina might be Sanji's rival too. After all he treats women vastly different from men (even if its with benevolent intentions) and Kuina woukd interprete thus as Sanji thinking women are weak. So its Zoro and Kuina coming togheter against their shared rival: swirly eyebrowed dumb cook. But ironically Kuina would be fond of the dumb cook's boyfriend, after all Usopp is also a very underrated genious who defyes people's expectation to prove himself as strong and worthy.
Bonus headcanon: Yamace and Hiyoku double dates. Wlw and mlm solidariety at its finest.
HEY BESTIE!!!!!!!!!!!
AAAAAAA I love all of this. It's awesome. I just know Kuina and Perona would be complete opposites but would love and protect each other a lot. Like, they're weird in their own ways. People don't like Perona because she's all dark and creepy and with a very princess-like personality and people don't like Kuina much because she doesn't fall in the standard men have for women and swordsmen. So they fit together perfectly even though they're different. And they'd take care of Zoro and also make fun of him 24/7. This is great. Also, Mihawk be adopting children every fucking where. I don't know if I should be sorry for him or not. At least his family is cool. Perona is his princess <3 Kuina is his fav pupil!! And Zoro is Zoro. He's just Zoro.
This is basically the situation:
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(He does care btw, he's just shitty when it comes to feelings and Zoro isn't as cute as his girls)
And yes, Kuina would definitely not stand Sanji but love Usopp. I agree completely. Their views don't match at all but well, Sanji can live with it (he can't. He's crying).
AND YAMACE AND HIYOKU DOUBLE DATES!!!!!!!! CUTE!!!!!!!!! It'd be a bit chaotic, honestly. Both couples have such a different energy 😭😭 Ace might seem a bit more relaxed but the second Yamato goes insane about something, he probably does too if he likes it. So I can definitely imagine Kuina like "I wanted this to be an actual date,, I am sorry, I should've thought about this better-" and Hiyori would just laugh softly at Yamace's shenanigans because she's having the time of her life.
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
Hot Take: How Fandoms treat Female vs Male Characters
Female character: Tries actively and super hard to always do the right thing and respect people's choices.
Fandom: OMG She’s so boring, come back when you have a personality.
The Female Character: Makes a human mistake, proving she's a complex character with flaws, capable of evolving.
Fandom: OMG See? She's not a saint, she was a horrible person all along, idk why people act like she’s a good person, she should burn in hell.
A Male Character in the same vicinity : Does awful things willingly, consistently and without reason, and may make jokes about hurting people in general.
Fandom: OMG he’s so funny and hot. I love bad boys/villains/bad people.
The Same Male Character : has a pathetic excuse for his actions, blames it on everyone else, never takes accountability, and does a teeny tiny good thing (that usually involves not hurting people to their usual standard) for selfish reasons and throws hissy fits when he doesn't get his way.
Fandom: OMG, he is so sad, my poor baby, he deserves so much better, my heart is breaking for him. He is a complex character  with so many layers and he owns their horrible disgusting actions. But his actions are not his own fault. He has trauma. OMG so hot.
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kallikrein · 2 years
— in which sano shinichiro leaves an impression.
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genre. angst.
contains. gn!reader, manga spoilers, smoking, profanities, definitely ooc and bad as bollocks writing.
word count. 2.7k.
note. i really suck at titles. anyway, this is the shin angst i’ve been wanting to write. not that this is a new idea or anything. this also isn’t as painful as i would like it to be haha. hi, @mochi-coffee! 
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Shinichiro had sat with people, listened to people, gave his own piece of advice to people, but never had he been the one to sit in their place talking about his problems.
“Shin, why do you smoke?”
That was a question he had heard a multiple of times. He didn’t look like one who would smoke, really. Many assumed it was purely because he wanted to look and act cool, but not once did he become honest to himself, or anyone for that matter, about his knowingly bad habit.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Was what he would reply usually. Because for him, isn’t it damn well obvious? He would smoke, of course, whenever he felt stressed; if he felt the need to inhale a drag and release it into the air as though it would help him loosen up before determinedly marching on to an imaginative war.
Wouldn’t that reason be as obvious as it gets?
“No, tell me.” You looked at him, curiosity sitting subtly in your expression, and in those awaiting gaze, he could slowly feel his defenses coming down like a layer of his skin was being peeled off one by one. He shied away, afraid there would be nothing left but the well-hidden vulnerable boy cowering underneath it all.
“If I told you, you would just make fun of me.” Brushing it off with a grunt, he bit the foamy end of his cigarette as he busy his hands by tinkering the greasy engine in front of him. “But you have to admit, I look cool, aren’t I?” He teased.
Although, before he could go on to a new topic — any topic at all that would seem interesting enough for you to leave him to his own antics, you sighed and pulled yourself up from sitting on your chair to sit beside him on the floor. “Then, do you mind if I take one?”
Shinichiro’s hand stilled from their movements, disinterested face warping into utter wariness, and the cig that was burning between his lips almost stung his skin. “What?” He finally squawked.
“Oh, shut up. As if I couldn’t do it.” With that, you snatched the stick from his mouth, pinching the end with your thumb and forefinger like a complete amateur. “I just have to inhale it, right?” You mumbled, “and my life is all gonna be fine.”
He watched you place the cigarette between your lips. The thing he was just puffing right there at the opening of your mouth, and he couldn’t stop gawking when you took a breath out of it — too captivated by the image of you looking directly at him as if you’re seizing his reaction to your smoking.
And he must admit, you looked absolutely sinful right then.
Once inhaled, you forgot to breathe it out and hacked out the remnants of the smoke from your throat. Tears started to build up at the corner of your eyes as you handed him back his tab.
“Idiot,” he laughed, pointing a finger to your cawing face. “You don’t do it like that.”
“Ack! That’s horrible, Shin!”
“I didn’t tell you to do it, though!”
“Yeah, but you didn’t stop me either!”
“I know I should have!” Still, even in his budding guilt, he was feeling too funny and amused that you would smoke just as you did. He didn’t smoke that well either when he first started, but you made it look so hypnotizing that he couldn’t push himself to berate you from doing it.
He looked back to the stick that was now in his hand, debating if he should man up and put it back in his lips, knowing it did touch your own. “Well, is your life all sunshines and rainbows now?” He asked.
You went silent on him, however, so he lifted his hand to put the cigarette back in its place all the while staring back at your eyes. As he took in the nicotine-filled smoke, your gaze stayed where they were, right back at his.
“How come you make it look so effortless?” You suddenly mused out loud.
“I’ve been smoking for years,” he shrugged.
“You still haven’t told me why you smoke in the first place.” Grumbling his way, Shinichiro knew there’s more to this than why you merely tried it. “Tell me, Shin.”
Your huge eyes felt urging, so he took another drag and then another while he pondered for an excusable reason aside from the well-concealed truth.
“Eh, I just felt like it,” he grinned after a moment of ponderance. There was the immediate scoff, accompanied with the rolling of eyes which compelled a chuckle out of him. He wondered out loud, “Why are you so curious, though?”
“Because I heard people do it whenever they feel sad.”
Those simple words hit him like a truck. He didn’t expect your reply to his query would be that. Anything but that. But honestly, he didn’t expect anything at all. He swallowed. “Is that so?”
It was just a few words strung together to make a statement. A foolish concept, really. Your opinion about smoking seemed childish yet valid, but all the more, it was that simple.
Yes, he admitted to himself. He was sad. Of all people, Sano Shinichiro was sad.
Chuckling without his heart on it, he put out the cig on his ashtray, and turned back to repairing the engine in front of him with even more intent. “That’s one good reason,” he acceded.
He sounded evasive, he knew. But he couldn’t let it be known to the world, much less to you, that he actually felt… sad.
Sad. Damn, what a word.
You wordlessly creeped even closer to him, laying your head on his shoulder in the process and deeply sighed. “I think they’re right. I’m feeling sad. That’s why I wanted to have one.”
“What happened?” His words came in a rush. A rapid bloom of protectiveness emerged from his own being as he looked down at your calm expression that seemed miserable just then.
You were definitely, frightfully close. He could simply lean down and take your lips with his if he only inched closer. You had your eyes wide open as you looked over the open bike in front of him, but there was a certain emptiness in them, as if your days had been really rough as of late.
“Why are you sad, Shin?” You asked him once more.
“So damn persistent,” he mumbled. Although, this could be the right time to be honest about it. No one was in his shop, a totally rare occurrence since it’s always packed with his former gang members, and usually Manjiro and Emma would play along the large space, giving him that warm homey feeling.
But alongside that cozy feeling came a surge of year-accumulated anger and frustration.
It wasn’t as if he didn’t want to be an older brother to Emma and Manjiro. No, very far from it. Shinichiro was grateful they were their siblings. He wouldn’t have it otherwise, and that was the absolute truth he would carry until his very last breath.
Emma was undeniably the most precious girl. She came to them, all meek and shy, but now she would never let Manjiro act all mighty around her. She now has the guts to chastise him even, particularly when he’s being rowdier than usual. She would also help her big brothers and grandfather by cleaning their rooms and cooking them meals, and Shinichiro felt his life become easier with that.
Manjiro. Good heavens, that little rascal. He’s a force of nature to begin with. His little brother looked up to him, saying he would beat his ass once he grew older, and that it would be him who’s the strongest Sano of all. It was adorable when he was younger. But, he’s still a kid who was very much growing up and thinks they’re eternally invincible, and Shinichiro was somehow afraid he wouldn’t be able to talk some sense to his ever so self-glorifying brother once he has a mind of his own.
And Izana, his non-blood related family. He took his time knowing him once he found out Emma had an older brother. He taught him his ways and he was adamantly good about it, and even though he was rejected for not speaking out the truth about their families, Shinichiro still treated and considered him like one of his own.
Hell, he even has an aspiring dream of Mikey and Izana inheriting his gang, Black Dragon.
That was how much he loved his family, and he wouldn’t change it any other way.
So, the real question, why in the goddamn world was he sad for?
“I guess I wanted to hate my parents.”
His wandering thoughts became words before he could fathom it. It left a bitter taste in his mouth as if the intricate sentence itself was a bile he shouldn’t puke out. Nevertheless, it was born now into his reality just as he had silently feared.
He swallowed back the build up of repulsive acid in his throat, refusing to show any vulnerability now because who was he to complain? This was the life that was given to him. As a young kid who lost both of his parents, it’s always been him — the eldest brother looking out for his younger siblings.
Not once did anyone ask how he was. Sure, there were his gang members. But Shinichiro separated the two before it could even crash and collide, and now it felt as if he had been living a dual life.
It has been so hard, and he was doing it all alone with a cheery smile on his face. He couldn’t be seen shedding a tear. As a man, that’s a sign of weakness. Even though he bawled his eyes out for every rejection he had, a tear born of his own helplessness wasn’t something he should flaunt since he’s known as the guy who has it all together.
To fuck with that notion.
“I guess I wanted to blame them for dying so early,” he followed with more conviction. “I wanted to blame them for leaving me the responsibility of a parent when I shouldn’t be in the first place.”
He suddenly felt you move away from his shoulder, and Shinichiro realized just then the horrible crudeness of his selfish words. Fuck, they’re gonna think I’m ungrateful.
He shouldn’t have said it. He shouldn’t have put life into those nasty thoughts that appeared as though he hated being a Sano after all this time.
But what he regretted the most was that he shouldn’t have thought about hating his parents in the first place.
His mother died of an illness. No one could avoid dying from a fatal ailment. Much less his father who died in an accident.
Shinichiro merely felt it was unfair.
He felt a warm touch settling on top of his larded hand. Your hand that had looked so small gave him a rush of relief, much like a silent admonition that what he felt was very much valid.
“You think I’m awful just about now, don’t you?”
“No,” came your quick response. Your disagreement was soft, tender; but enough for Shinichiro to give up those walls he built around himself, as futile as it was when he’s around you, and his throat closed up from the hot tears that started to well in his eyes.
“I’m sorry for feeling like this,” he croaked. His hands balled up into fists, to remind him he’s a man and a man doesn’t cry about his problems in front of the person he likes. And yet, your hold on his knuckles didn’t let go. “I’m sad because I feel like I’m still not enough. That I will never be enough. For them.”
“Oh, Shin, you’re more than what they needed.” You pulled him towards you, embracing him as if your life depended on it if you didn’t embrace this wounded man at that moment. “You’re a wonderful brother to have, Shin-chan.”
He snorted, demeaningly. “You think so?”
“I know so,” you almost vowed, willing him to believe you. “I know so because they told me all the bad things you’re excellent at, and that only means they love you so much they’re willing to exploit all your atrocious traits.”
“More like make my life a living hell,” he mumbled. “What did they tell you?”
“That you couldn’t go a day without a cola and the reason why your farts stink, and that sometimes you say my name in your sleep.”
He jumped right away from your embrace upon hearing that. The once heavy burden in his chest was now replaced with a million monkeys beating the life out of his poor heart as he sweated out, “I wasn’t!”
“Nah, of course, you don’t. I was just teasing.”
Shinichiro prayed you somehow didn’t. But the smile adorning your face was too vague and incomprehensible that he coughed out his nerves upon being jested so easily. He reached out for another cigarette from the pack on the side table, and mumbled, “And you? What’s the reason behind that first smoke?”
You stretched like a relaxed starfish on the chair beside him, “Hmm, I’m okay now.”
“What? Just like that?” Accusation seeped in his deep voice.
“Yep,” you replied. You didn’t want to tell him you had been losing sleep over him, talking his name in your own dreams yourself, and worrying about him at the most random times even when you know you shouldn’t. Not when he just exposed his heart about his own struggles out in the open.
It was a moment that called for understanding, and not one of confessing.
Nevertheless, you wanted to tell him he could lean on you for all the times he would feel miserable. Although, you felt like he knew that already as he smiled at you, silent gratitude shining in his ebony gaze, and you threw back a comforting and understanding smile to him.
What you truly wanted to tell him though was that you wanted to know him more — his habits, his thoughts, his heart. You wanted to be the different one from all the friends he deemed trustworthy enough to get a proper glimpse of his life. You wanted to be a person he would feel comfortable exposing his real self, and not the one where he would put up a facade in order to appease people.
You wanted to be that person.
As much as you wanted him to be yours.
But then again, this wasn’t the right time to lay your heart on the line. Right now, this was all about him.
You knew, deep down your gut, there would come a — may heavens bless his enthusiastic soul — romantic time to tell Shinichiro how much you like him.
That determination aside, you eyed the burning stick fitting snugly in his mouth again, observed how he puffed and huffed, and contemplated if you should snatch it away.
You swiftly did.
Grinning in triumph as he fussed over the slightly broken stick and how cigarettes nowadays were expensive, you tried, out of good fun, to inhale the nicotine and exhale it properly than the last time.
“You’re getting quite good at this,” Shinichiro remarked in a slight surprise.
“I learned from the best,” you shrugged.
“You shouldn’t be smoking. It’s bad.”
“Hah! You should know, Shin. You should know. This thing’s gonna be the reason why you’re floating transparently in the air and looking over at us like a creepy ghost.”
“That’s the goal,” he snickered as you passed him back his deathly stick. “I wouldn’t ghost over you, though.”
“I know,” you beamed. “Because I won’t let you die that easily.”
It was a blissful memory to hold dear, you were certain of it. You willingly offered Shinichiro his usual brand of cigarettes and the lighter he used as you easily sat down by his bleak tombstone a year after his death.
Funny, you never did have that chance to tell him how you feel, after all.
“I’m feeling sad today, Shin. Mind if I have one of your cigs?”
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taglist. @baji-san, @narxiso and @gwynsapphire.
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theladyoracle · 7 months
ur a veteran emo? please teach me ur ways, I aspire for the 2000s emo culture but I can't find clothes anywhere😭
Yess! <3 Absolutely.
I'm truly no expert, but I can definitely share some insight with my personal experiences! Honestly by 'veteran emo' I always meant it as a 'I paid my nickel' type deal. I still dress alternative and dark, but my style has definitely changed to meet my needs as I've gotten older (no more skinny jeans for me LOL.) However, I do want to write all the tips I've picked up on my emo-inspired fashion journey - because I really do dress in homage to my 12 year old self. So without further ado, as per my 21 years of being an oddly dressed, dark inspired, self proclaimed emo veteran....here are my top tips to perfecting your own style:
1. Don't Be Afraid to Cut Your Clothes.
Seriously. Don't be afraid. I am so shit at sewing its not even funny (and I have TRIED) but if I've learned one thing: if you're not wearing the clothes anyway- cut em up.
I never wore any of the T-shirts I bought myself until I cut all of them into an "off the shoulder" style. Now that they're comfortable for me, I feel so much more confident in them! And they're way more flattering too. This tip goes for any clothes. Don't be afraid to fuck them up - dye, cut, tie, add patches if that's your thing, embroidery, etc. If they end up looking like garbage that's okay! You can just donate them/toss them/use them as rags lol. The main thing is that you'll start building confidence on how to DIY your clothes, at least minimally.
2. Iconic Emo Hair is a Journey
HAIR!!!! Growing up in the 2000s, I would go to a cheap seat salon, holding my little printed out photo of some emo girl from the internet. I was excited beyond belief! I would sit down and ask the jaded 50 year old stylist to cut my hair like the girlie in the photo, only to be met with judgmental eyes and horrible experiences.
One time, this lady deadass said to my impressionable 11 year old self; "Ah, yes, the iconic style of.....that."
I have had way Too Many Karen haircuts in my life. Some I totally slayed ! Others were.....mm.
Anyway, my recommendation on hair is this - either do it yourself (I could never) or do your research. Find some local non-chain salons in your area and look at the stylists. Stalk their instagrams! Look at their work. Find someone who loves doing shags and wolfcuts. I now go to a "higher end" salon. My girlie Caitlin has tranformed me into the punk emo princess of my dreams! I already had a side part, so I basically asked for a shaggy mullet with a bunch of layers, but I asked to keep a swoopy bang/fringe and some pieces of hair in front of my ears to frame my face.
3. It Grows with You Over Time.
It doesn't matter where you get your clothes. What matters is that the clothes you're getting bring out the most authentic, confident and amazing version of yourself! Style is an extension of yourself, so don't be afraid to adapt concepts from 2000s emo culture into the modern styles you might love today.
The first thing I recommend for literally ANYONE trying to discover themselves and their style is to make an aesthetic board. Not a board specifically for fashion, but rather one that encompasses you. Scenery, trinkets, textposts, aesthetic images that remind you of yourself, even just things that you like! Having a visual for who you are and who you want to be is so helpful. Literally anything and everything can be used as closet inspiration, and having an aesthetic board that completely revolves around you and how you perceive yourself can be so eye opening!
You might even recognize patterns in your interests that you didn't even notice before! Color palettes, textures, and shapes can all come to light. All of these things are very helpful in figuring out your personal style.
Once you have a genuine idea of your personal aesthetic board, you can then make one for fashion. Adding outfits or articles of clothing that you're interested in will help you when thrifting and shopping! I always pull up Pinterest when I'm at the mall or thrifting. It helps me get an idea of the clothes I already have and the types of outfits I want to wear.
For example, here are some of the patterns I recognize on my aesthetic boards:
Silver jewelry (layered necklaces, lots of rings)
Spider imagery
Long black skirts
Black, deep reds, dark blues
Platform boots
Celestial imagery
Leather jackets
Oversized button up shirts (flannels, dark colored corduroys)
Witchy plants
Shirts with long, interesting sleeves (bell, balloon, flared)
Big ol' sweaters
Bat imagery
Black tank tops with a 'v' neckline
Your style will evolve as you get older. And no matter who you are - style is versatile. Even if you love to wear corsets and gorgeous form fitting skirts most days....eventually you'll need a day in just sweatpants and your coziest sweater. As stated - what matters is that the clothes you have make you happy and bring forward your most authentic and confident self.
4. Don't Put Yourself in a Box!
Making your style your own will not only help you feel confident in your own skin, but also gives you flexibility in your closet. Style evolves with you! You shouldn't worry about you should or shouldn't be wearing just to fit into a special box like "emo" or "goth" or "cottagecore" or any of that! Instead, take the elements of those styles that you love and implement them into your wardrobe. This also helps you find clothes that are comfortable and that you'll actually wear.
5. Emo Style Starter Pack
For emo clothes in particular, I recommend accumulating clothes that are black, dark grey, grey, and white (yes white.) And then choose an accent color! For me, my favorite colors to wear are blue and purple. So when I started accumulating a concrete wardrobe my Junior year of high school, I mostly focused on black clothing and found accentuating accessories or articles of clothing that matched my fave accent color.
For someone starting to shop for traditional emo clothes, here's a shopping list I've curated:
Long sleeved shirts (black, striped, patterned) (to be worn under other shirts or stand alone)
Black tank tops (different straps)
Band t-shirts! Or just dark t-shirts with alternative designs
Heavy jacket/button up shirts (flannels, jean jackets, leather jackets)
Dark pants (can have as many pocket/rip/design elements as you'd like)
Dark boots (could be platforms)
Canvas sneakers
Oversized hoodies
Layered necklaces
Fingerless gloves
Multiple rings
Belts with dangling elements like chains
Beanie hats (you can get cute oversized ones)
Flat brimmed caps (LOL YES! IF YOURE INTO IT)
Black bandanas to wear over your hair (I think you can wear them in a lot of cool ways :3)
At the end of the day though, if you just wear a lot of black any normie will call you an emo. Find clothes that you feel comfortable and clothes that will make you feel badass!
Hope this helped! Or maybe it didn't lol. I'm just glad I managed to actually finish this post.
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