#but there's like 50 of them piled up now so i might have to admit defeat and just. let myself yap... sorry 😔
attleboy · 9 months
Who dya think Pomni would've bitten?
well when i was drawing it i wasn't thinking of anyone specific... so it can be whoever you want!
however... let's go through the suspects
jax would definitely bully someone into a violent rage... no need to explain that one i think
caine and kinger might unintentionally startle pomni into attacking, but i think they're a little too... uh. weird for it to be all that climactic? caine would just go "BAD!! BAD POMNI!!" and spritz her with a spray bottle until she let go, meanwhile kinger probably wouldn't even notice until pomni had already stopped...
gangle and zooble probably wouldn't be bitten just because they'd avoid a high-strung pomni. gangle out of fear, and zooble because they're not stupid enough to poke a ticking time bomb
and for ragatha... i'm just gonna leave this other anon's idea here because... yeah
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definitely unintentional on both sides, but isn't that where the best tragedy lies?
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strawb3rrystar · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel characters longing for you.
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Pairing: Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Alastor, Lucifer Morningstar, Adam, Vox, Valentino, Velvette x GN! Reader
Warnings: Implied breakup, Stalking, Just all around angst
Word count: 600
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Charlie will hangout with her friends to get your mind off you. This strategy works for a little while, until she starts to notice small bits of your personality in them. All the little things pile up and it brings down her mood, causing her stay away from her friends as to not get reminded.
"Sorry guys, can't hangout today, not feeling the greatest."
Vaggie will bottle up all her emotions and avoid everyone. But, being all alone causes her to start thinking about you more. All the happy memories you created together. Laughs and smiles shared. Vulnerable venting sessions that ended in cuddles. She won't be able to scrape you from her mind and end up crying angry tears.
"Why... after everything we've been through! Why.. why did you leave me..?"
Angel Dust will probably be too distracted with work to think about you. But of course he misses you and wishes to have you back. If he ever does get time to just sit and think about you, his insecurities will get the best of him and he'll think your better off without him.
"Maybe.. they're better off. More happier without me.."
Husk will drown himself in alcohol like he always does. Silently doing his job. It wasn't much of a change to most of the others. Sometimes, out of the corner of his eye, he'll see your figure. He shivers every time he realizes you're not actually there.
"Must be the alcohol makin' me see shit..."
Sir Pentious will lay awake at night thinking about you. It doesn't help that his eggs will keep bringing stuff up about you. He doesn't want to think about you, but he just can't get you out of his head. He wishes to see you one last time before he lets you go.
"I haven't asked for much. Please, just let me see them again."
Alastor will convince himself that he was perfectly able to go on with his afterlife before he met you, so he can definitely do it after you left. Although, that's a lie, because he misses your presence everyday. Even if he doesn't want to admit it, he goes over your daily schedule before you left in his head and goes to the places you used to frequent.
"I am perfectly capable all on my own."
Lucifer will dream about you every night after you leave. He'll dream about all the good times you had together. Your smile and your laugh. His dreams are so realistic that when he wakes up it takes him a minute to remember you left.
"Right.. they left.. but, my dream was so.. real.."
Adam will kinda stalk you, justifying it as protection. Whenever he sees you hanging out with another angel, though, envy will fill his veins. Even if he knows it's one of your friends, he'll still get jealous.
"You were supposed to hangout with me, not this fucking nobody."
Vox will also very much stalk you with his cameras. Nervously searching his screens whenever you leave your house. He just wants to know where you are, and that you're safe.
"My sweet would never have to worry about their safety again."
Valentino will check your past messages 50 times a day. He's just itching to text you, but if he does you might block him, and then he'll lose your conversations forever. He might throw his phone in frustration.
"God fucking damn it!"
Velvette will regularly check your social media for any updates from you. If you do post something new, expect her to be one of the first to like it.
"@Velvvette liked your post."
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Star's notes -> I've binged Hazbin Hotel like 3 times now OMG
(Requests are open!)
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steponmeinejghafa · 10 months
First Bench Pt. 3
Summary: You and Zoya meet for tutoring, and another teacher throws you both together again.
First Part
Second Part
Six p.m. You dreaded the hour as it crept closer. Naturally not wanting Zoya to one-up you, you had arrived ten minutes early. The only table which wasn’t occupied was in a dusty corner at the back of the library, and you’d taken out your heavily annotated textbook to read before she arrived.
Someone whacked you on the back of your head, and you instantly snapped back to elbow them in the ribs.
“Ow!” Zoya exclaimed with a scowl as she sat beside you. “You’re a little savage, aren’t you?”
You rolled your eyes, “Never do that again or I’ll personally make sure you can never walk again, Nazyalensky,”
“Whatever, Brekker,” she scoffed. “So, we’ll be covering math today thanks to your abysmal performance in the last few tests,”
“Don’t have to rub it in,” you grumbled.
She raised a brow and said cockily, “What, that I’m smarter than you?”
You clenched your fist underneath the table. She was getting on your nerves now.
“Did you come here to tutor me or to gloat?” You snarled, a frown scrunching your brows together.
You were adorable when you got riled up…
Zoya laughed cockily and shook her head, opening out her equally heavily annotated math book.
“Alright, Brekker, let me dumb it down for you…”
—Time Skip—
Kaz wasn’t getting any better, and the doctor was talking about another week of bed rest, since the fever your brother had gotten had made his leg worse.
“He says I have to use the cane more,” your brother confided that evening as you sat with him playing cards to keep him entertained.
You sighed softly and patted his hand lovingly. “It’s for your own good.”
“I know,” he scowled. “But come on. I’m in high school and I’m using a cane. Think of how I’ll be bullied.”
You shrugged, “I know a guy who can make it badass for you.”
His eyes lit up. “Really?”
You nodded and smiled. “Really.”
He gently punched your shoulder good-naturedly. “You’re a good sister, Y/n.”
“Okay, no need to bust out the compliments yet, little brother,” you scoffed with a laugh. “You’re not dying.”
“First of all, we’re twins and you’re like, twelve minutes older than me,” he rolled his eyes. “And way to ruin an emotional moment, dumbass.”
“I have the emotional capacity of a toothpick,” you admitted. “So expect nothing from me.”
As much as you hated to admit it, tutoring with Zoya was helping. You were slowly regaining your position at the top of the class, and, suspecting that Zoya might sabotage you in some way, you made sure to study extra after she’d leave the library for the evening so that you could get a head start.
Obviously you’d never tell her that it was helping. She’d never let you hear the end of it.
“Had fun struggling in the test?” She asked snidely, referring to the stack of test papers on the teacher’s desk.
“Had fun getting lesser marks than me?” You asked, picking up your own paper from the pile.
“Pardon me, but who’s the one getting tutored?” She smirked, holding up her history paper which bore the score 49/50 in bold red letters.
You laughed, mimicking her cocky tone as you showed your own paper, which had 50/50 written with red and a good remark from the teacher beside it. “Pardon me, but who’s the one getting a full score?”
“Fuck you, Brekker,” she grumbled, her ears burning with irritation as you went to sit with Jesper and Nina.
“In your dreams, Nazyalensky,” you cackled, fist-bumping your two best friends.
“You know, I’m sensing some sexual tension,” admitted Jesper, nodding at Zoya.
Nina chuckled and nodded in agreement. “Yeah. The flirting is a bit much, don’t you think?”
Your ears burned with a blush as you shook your head. “Absolutely not! She is a cocky, arrogant annoying, and irritatingly attractive girl.”
“Attractive, hm?” Nina raised a brow, resting her cheek on her fist as she looks at you with a knowing smirk on her face.
You flicked her forehead and clarified, “Irritatingly attractive. Like, have you seen her? All sharp jawline, full lips and dark eyes. No one so annoying should have such attractive features!”
Inej and Wylan came up to you thee as they overheard the conversation,
“Do you like her?” Wylan hinted with a smirk.
You grimaced and fake-gagged, shaking your head. “Ew, I would rather die!”
“Sometimes, I wish you would stop being so delusional,” Inej sighed. “It is painstakingly obvious.”
You grumbled and buried your blushing face in your hands. “I hate you all.”
Meanwhile, Zoya was chatting with her own friends, Alina and Genya.
“Who does she think she is?” She glared at you as you talked to your own friends.
Alina shrugged, “Personally, I think you’ve got a thing for her.”
“Agreed,” Genya giggled, sitting on the edge of the desk. “Like, all you ever talk about is ‘Oh, Brekker is this, Brekker is that,’ or ‘You won’t not believe what Brekker did!’
Zoya let out an incredulous snort. “Me! Like her? Brekker? Absolutely not. I would rather fail all subjects and die!”
“Why is that?” Alina smirked, having spotted the lie.
“Well, she’s annoying, ridiculously cocky, and infuriatingly cute!” Zoya scoffed. “Like, no one should have the right to have such a smile when they’re the literal embodiment of irritation!”
“I’m sensing sexual tension…” Genya said in a sing-song voice.
Zoya shoved the redhead gently off her desk and mumbled, “You’re both idiots.”
The teacher came in and called for decorum, so the class settled down at last.
“Alright,” she said with a sigh. “Exams are nearly over, so I should brief you on your latest project. This one is worth 20% of your annual grade, so make sure your report is well done. I will be assigning pairs.”
A collective groan went through the class, and Jesper whispered to Nina, “Thirty vlachki says Y/n’s gonna be with Zoya.”
“I say she’s with Alina,” Nina replied.
“You’re both idiots,” you scoffed.
“Alright, you will all have to make a comprehensive report on any one nation in particular, mapping out every last aspect of its history. Simple enough?” The teacher asked, and the class mumbled in agreement. “Good because either ways I do not give a single damn. This is due in the next one week.
“Now for the pairs, Nazyalensky and—er—girl Brekker,” Jesper nudged Nina with a grin as she said it. “Starkov and Oretsev, Zenik and Helvar, Fahey and Van Eck, Ghafa and—well—boy Brekker?”
“I suggest you go with first names, Miss,” you chuckled, making the class hum with agreement.
“Fine,” she agreed, starting over. “Zoya and Y/n, Alina and Malyen, Nina and Matthias, Jesper and Wylan, Inej and Kaz…”
“I have a feeling she ships everyone with each other,” Nina chuckled.
You sighed in irritation. Zoya Nazyalensky of all people was your partner. It was like the Saints were condemning you.
First you have to be tutored by her and now you have to work with her?
After class, Zoya caught you near the lockers and said, “So, we have to work together now.”
You grimaced, “Yes.”
She chuckled softly and poked you with her pencil. “I guess I’ll have to make sure it’s good work, since I’m better.”
“Says the one who got a 49.” You scoffed, catching her wrist sharply when she made a move to poke you again.
She wrestled her hand from your grip and caught your chin in her hand, pulling you close.
“Gloat about that again, I dare you,” she hissed in a tone so menacing, you actually figured the consequences would be bad.
You giggled, however. “Getting riled up because you know I’m better than you, Nazyalensky?”
Her grip loosened around your chin as she caught your collar in her fists, her dark eyes glaring fiercely into your e/c ones.
Saints, she had pretty eyes…
“Shut up, Brekker, or so help me, I will make you fail,” she seethed.
“And risk getting in the bad books of Reznik?” you laughed evilly. “We both know you could never.”
She let go of you and scowled. “Tonight, six p.m. Keep your material ready and do not be late.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure my work isn’t as mediocre as yours,” you shot back with a sweet smile.
She rolled her eyes. “Fuck you, Brekker.”
“In your dreams, Nazyalensky,” you chuckled and turned away, walking towards your friends who had somehow miraculously appeared there.
Jesper clapped you on the back and sing-songed, “Sexual tension…”
You gently elbowed him in the rubs and mumbled, “Shut up and go moon over Wylan, you dumbass.”
—Time Skip—
“Decided a country?” Zoya asked as she arrived at the library that evening.
You showed her your binder of resources as you said plainly, “We will do our project on Kerch.”
“Why Kerch, when Ravka has such a rich history?” She asked with a raised brow.
You grumbled and said, “Because Kerch is where we get everything from. We get our oil, our resources, our ships, our manual labour from there. Everything essential to run a country, Kerch provides.”
“I have to admit, Brekker,” she curled her bottom lip in approval, “I’m impressed.”
“As if your opinion means anything to me,” you kicked her under the table. However, some part inside you warmed up at her words.
Maybe it means something a little bit…
While you both discussed the topic, adding each other’s views and opinions while drafting, Zoya had to notice little things when you both would take long silences as a break.
She noticed the way you tugged at a stray lock of your hair, or how you began turning your wrists after a long round of writing.
Her favourite thing was when you’d spin your pen deftly between your fingers.
It had her mind going places it shouldn’t…
‘Stop it, Zoya,’ she thought to herself sternly. ‘You have to beat her, not stare at her fingers!’
Meanwhile, you noticed how she always furrowed her brows in concentration while she explained a topic to add in, or how she bit her lip if she was writing something down.
But, your personal favourite was when she’d make eye contact when you’d explain something, her head tilted slightly as she listened intently.
Insufferable as she was, she knew how to listen.
You leaned back in your chair and sighed loudly, rubbing your eyes tiredly. The clock had chimed ten p.m. it had been four hours of work, and both of you looked worse for wear. The table was piled with books, and you both had to scoot closer in order to work on the massive stack of pages which had the first draft of your report. Thirty two pages in four hours.
You wanted to collapse and fall asleep, but only after making fun of your partner.
However, you had to admit that Zoya with her wavy hair tied up in a messy knot atop her head, with a slightly sluggish smile of satisfaction on her face was…maybe a little bit cute.
“Take a break,” you said. “I need my opponent to be forever ready for battle, Nazyalensky,”
“You are insufferable, Brekker,” she rolled her eyes as she closed her eyes tiredly.
You chuckled and decided to draft a conclusion to the pair of yours’ messy notes.
Suddenly, you felt a bit of weight against your shoulder. You froze instantly, unsure of what to do.
It was Zoya, sleeping soundly, snoring a little with her arms crossed and her head against your shoulder.
The enmity against her within you made your skin bristle, and the urge to push her off you rise on your fingertips.
But something else, something a little stronger, pushed the feeling away and replaced it with the need to keep her peacefully asleep while you finished the work up for her.
You’d bully her about that later, obviously.
Zoya started awake twenty minutes later and immediately moved away from you, her cheeks burning red.
Did she really just fall asleep against your shoulder?
“Did I fall asleep?” She said, fixing her hair hastily, trying to regain composure.
You chuckled, “Looks like Sleeping Beauty’s finally awake.”
She kicked you under the table and replied sneakily, “Working with you is more tiring than working on a farm during harvest season.”
“Oh yes, because I’m such a slow worker that I made a draft conclusion for the report in twenty minutes?” You raised a brow, holding the paper out to her.
She snatched it from you with a side eye and pulled the pencil out from her hair, making her chocolate brown locks fall down her back in slightly tangled but otherwise captivating waves.
She checked over the page, making a few changes here and there before she placed the page down with the others, sighing deeply.
“Well,” she said, as if the words were a massive effort. “It’s not bad.”
“It’s our first draft, idiot,” you scoffed. “We have to work on it more, so don’t get too excited. I’m still waiting for a better response to my hard work.”
“You did a page in twenty minutes, that’s hardly anything,” she rolled her eyes.
You leaned closer and cupped a hand behind your ear, saying in a tone as though you were prompting her, “Oh, thank you so, so much, especially for letting me nap like the little baby I am while you did the work…”
“Thanks, Brekker,” she sighed. “You are insufferable.”
“I’m not usually insufferable, but you get so easily riled up it is hard not to be,” you giggled, packing up.
You both reached the steps outside the library. “Want me to walk you home so you don’t get lost, little baby Nazyalensky?” You jeered at her, leaning against the railing.
She rolled her eyes and placed her hand against where you were leaning, pinning you, somehow, against the railing, saying, “Don’t get too confident, Brekker. Take me on a date first.”
Butterflies erupted in your stomach, as your slightly shyer side threatened to come out.
What was it with her and pinning you against things this way? Did she know how it made you feel?
You made a face, praying the dim light masked your blush. “As if I would ever! No amount of money in the world could make me do that!”
You consciously avoided her gaze, afraid of the feeling in your stomach. It was a knot of heat which pulsed when she tried making eye contact with you.
Oh, but how enticing that offer was…
“It’s Saturday tomorrow,” she said, grasping your chin between her thumb and forefinger to keep you from looking away. Her dark eyes locked on yours magnetically, as you felt that foreign heat travel steadily lower. “So I expect you to be here at four p.m, got it?”
Saints, she looked good up close, too.
You laughed nervously, and moved such that you got slightly closer to her. Your gaze skirted to her lips unintentionally, and your body was practically immobilised in a gay panic.
But, when her breath hitched and her dominant demeanour faltered, you laughed and moved away, bowing mockingly.
“And that’s how you flirt, Nazyalensky,” you smirked, thankful to your ability to get easily flustered for once. “Getting a little too obsessed with me, I see.”
She scoffed and rolled her eyes. “That’s called wishful thinking, Brekker. As as if I would ever be.”
You hummed. “Well, you’re too annoying to be my type. So, wishful thinking on your part, really.”
“I’m too annoying? Brekker, you make a bratty toddler look like an angel,” she laughed humourlessly.
“Whatever, good night, little baby Nazyalensky,” you sniggered, gently punching her shoulder.
She rolled her eyes. “Fuck you, Brekker.”
Obviously, you gave her your standard reply.
“In your dreams, Nazyalensky!”
Zoya, as she walked away, mumbled to herself, “For now, dreams will have to suffice…”
I hope you enjoyed this one <3 feel free to ask or request!
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shakespearefreak · 9 months
An American Girl Christmas 2023
(Finally getting around to posting my photos from Christmas, only a few days late!)
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The first Christmas surprise, at least for Makena and Evette, came before opening a single gift. As everyone filed into the main room, Jip took off ahead, barking excitedly. When they followed, the girls saw why. Maritza was kneeling by Jip, patting him. “MARITZA!” they cried in unison. She leapt to her feet with a grin. “KAY! EVIE! Hi!!”
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The reunited friends piled into one big group hug while Jip jumped all over them, wagging his stubby tail furiously.
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Once the girls had calmed down, it was time to look inside everyone’s stockings! (Evette, who celebrates Yule and thus doesn’t have a stocking,* sat down to catch up with Maritza, who of course doesn’t have a stocking yet.)
*Evie knows that, like most Christmas traditions, hanging stockings has pagan roots, but she also feels that nowadays it’s mostly associated with Christmas.
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(A better look at what everyone found in their stockings)
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Time for presents! Just look at all those pretty packages!
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Samantha went first. She found a lovely winter hat with a silver bow and a card tucked into the band. “To: Samantha, From: St. Nicholas,” it read.
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Samantha went first. She found a lovely winter hat with a silver bow and a card tucked into the band. “To: Samantha, From: St. Nicholas,” it read.
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Inside, she found a gorgeous winter coat of a deep blue velveteen that matched the hat band, trimmed with white fur, as well as a pair of black mittens. She put everything on to model it. “Oh! It’s beautiful!” she gasped. “And it will be just perfect for playing in the snow… these mittens will be much better for making snowballs than my fur muff!”
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Next it was Nellie’s turn. “Ooh, I got a big one too!” she cried in surprise, sitting down to open it. (She tried to open the wrapping paper carefully so she could save it — no matter how financially stable she was now, part of her would always remember growing up poor — but Marley convinced her that wasn’t necessary. She felt rather guilty ripping the pretty paper, but she had to admit it was kind of fun.)
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“Look, Sam! I got a hat, too!” Nellie looked through the rest of the box’s contents. “And mittens, and a coat, and a little cape! Oh, wow!”
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Nellie put on her own new coat set, and the two girls grinned at each other. “Now all we need is snow!”
“That might take a while,” Marley cautioned (it was an unseasonably warm and rainy Christmas Day, with temperatures in the 50s).*
*I spoke too soon, though! It snowed here yesterday… unfortunately, it was a mixture of snow and rain, definitely not good for doll photos.
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Virginia was next. She found a smallish, gold-wrapped package addressed to her. “I think it’s a book!” she said, feeling its weight through the foil.
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She was right! “The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle,” she read the ornate gilt lettering on the leather-bound cover, then paged through the inside. “Oh! This is the Holmes Christmas story! I can’t wait to read it!” (She also promised Samantha, who is another big Sherlock Holmes fan, that she could borrow it once she was finished.)
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Josefina had a small box wrapped in red and gold paper. The wrapping bulged awkwardly in places, as if the object within were irregularly shaped, and when she picked it up, it rattled like there were a number of smaller objects inside. The rattle and the heft of the box felt somehow familiar…
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Josefina gave a low gasp as she removed the paper to reveal her beloved memory box, filled with mementos: her late mother’s silver thimble, a square of the lavender-scented soap she’d always used, and a swallow feather and turquoise nugget that reminded Josefina of her; a rattlesnake rattle from her father’s childhood; and the heart-shaped milagro Tía Magdalena had given her during a trying time, to remind her not to lose hope in her heart’s desire. She held the box wordlessly with shining eyes, afraid if she were to try and speak she’d simply dissolve into happy tears.
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Makena’s present was simply but prettily packaged in a small pink gift bag. “Ooh, I wonder what this is?”
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It ended up being a long golden necklace. Delicate butterflies dangled from the chain on slender strands of gold, seeming to flutter and dance with every little movement. “Oh! I know exactly what outfit to pair this with!”
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Finally, it was Evette’s turn. Hers was a lumpy package wrapped in paper as green as her dress, with a design of fir branches and snowy pinecones, topped with a silver bow.
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She unwrapped it to reveal a white lacy shirt. “Oh, it’s so pretty!” she said, holding it up to show everyone. “I can’t wait to try it on!”*
*She did, in fact, try it on before changing for Kwanzaa, and it looked amazing on her, but I didn’t get a picture. 😕
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The girls returned to the main room, chattering and showing each other their new gifts… just in time to save their Christmas Dinner from a certain curious dog! “Jip, NO!” several girls cried in unison while Sam dragged him away by his collar, his wet nose sniffing furiously at the scent of roasted turkey.
✨🎄 Happy Dollidays! 🎄✨
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spicywarl0ck · 11 months
Hello and happy Friday! How about “I don’t need your help" for m!Solavellan?
Thank you very much for giving me this for @dadrunkwriting This went more out of hand than I thought it would, and it was 50/50 if I add even more to it, but I am going to leave it as it is <3 Pairing: Solas/mLavellan Rating: T Words: 1296
The evening at camp was night and quiet.
He heard the hums of Varric as he oiled his weapon, telling everyone maintaining the Inquisition camps about their latest adventures. It’s good for the morale he told him once after he asked about the why’s. So many men did their best to keep the new set-up camps in the Emerald Graves safe. Many had abandoned their homes for the cause, awaiting news from their loved ones each day.
The stories Varric had to share, cleared them from their fears and their anxiety, and if only for a few moments.
Revassan admired that about the Dwarf. He was always doing his best to encourage others, even though he sometimes didn’t believe it himself. Maybe that was why it was so important to Varric to let others believe in the good in the world every now and then. 
It did remind him of the home he left just a bit.
Now, Revassan had never been that fond or an eager listener of the Keeper’s tales back in the Dalish camp, but now that he was on his own… he needed to admit that he missed it sometimes.
Maybe that was what his Keeper meant when he said that sometimes you appreciate things more once they are out of reach or they are gone forever.
Of course, there were other elves in the Inquisition but they weren’t quite the people to talk to really. Sera was… one of her kind, and while he did enjoy playing with her, he knew that approaching anything Dalish-themed was out of the question.
The same applied to Solas, who was more like one of the Dalish elders by acting, and always encouraging his questions but at the same time, not very keen on discussing Dalish history because of the distaste he held for them.
Speaking of which, he hasn’t seen the man in question for quite some time. 
The last time, he had in fact spotted him, had been in front of an old elven riddle, carved into a wall not too far from here. Given his absence in the camp, he might have still been there. Maybe he should take a look just to make sure, given that he was supposed to be the leader of a big army. However, lately, he had to admit that he didn’t feel up for all the duties piled up on him since the conclave had run so horribly wrong.
He signalled Varric that he’d been away for a bit, knowing he couldn’t just leave without informing someone about his absence beforehand. By the creator’s, he’d never hear the end of it if he just vanished out of sight. His steps were quiet when he moved through the woods leading away from the camp and towards the old elven ruin they’d spotted earlier in the day. 
He heard an animal dashing through the undergrowth in between, his eyes peeled onto the trampled path they’d made as they searched for a spot to camp, leaving the elven mage to his solitude and musings just as he had requested.
And once he had a clear view of the place they’d found before, he could make out the silhouette of Solas.
The setting sun cast shadows all over the place, illuminating everything in its light and painting the Fen’harel statue guarding the ruin in its golden, orange light. It was beautiful. Solas' features were highlighted by the warm and soft light which made him appear just a tad younger than he was.
“You’ve been staring at this for hours.” Revassan carefully approached the man in question, his red hair lit up by the setting sun when he stepped out of the shadows. “You need some help figuring this out, Hah’ren?” he added teasingly.
“I don’t need your help.” Solas snapped back in irritation, his brows furrowed slightly as the line between them deepened in concentration. Yet, they eased up just a moment after, as he exhaled with a sigh.
“My apologies,” he added swiftly as he slowly turned around. “That was uncouth.”
“It’s fine. My father tended to get irritated too, when he couldn’t figure something out.” Revassan shrugged, a crooked grin on his face. “It’s probably something coming with the age,” he added, much to Solas' displeasure showing on his face.
“I’ll have none of your cheek, Da’len.” The mage’s voice dropped just a bit. A minor change, but one that Revassan caught onto still. He felt the air tingling with energy, his skin feeling the electricity dancing on top of it that made his heart beat faster in his chest.
There was just something about Solas looking at him like this, that made his knees buckle just a bit.
“No?” his cheeks flushed just a bit when he dared to move closer to him, the air growing heavier and more tense between them once they were only inches away. “What will you do against it, Hah’ren?” The words were uttered in a tease, his voice probably a bit more breathless than he intended them to be.
“I might need to teach you a thing or two, about respecting your elders, Da’len.” a brief chuckle escaped him, his voice sounding smooth while his movements were nothing but elegant yet strong at the same time.
There was something about the way he strode around him, making him feel like a hunted animal.
He swallowed hard, thinking about his past hunting days and if the prey he hunted had felt like he did at this very moment. And yet, there was no fear rushing through him but a rush of excitement he felt pulsing through his veins.
“I’ve never been good at rhetorical lessons.” Revassan breathed in return, not daring to reach out to the elf who radiated pure dominance and power at the moment. How could a self-trained apostate mage hold himself as regal as Solas did, he wondered.
But, it was a thought going away once Solas came so close to him that he was almost unable to breathe. 
Hesitation crossed the mage’s face as he looked at him, mixing with a yearning and a hunger he hadn’t ever seen in someone’s eyes. It was almost as if the elf before him was conflicted, his fingers trembling with the want to touch but too scared he could burn himself once he did.
And while Revassan knew nothing about the reason, all he could think about was reaching out.
His hands stretched to touch Sola’s coat, both of them curling into the soft fabric to tug him towards him, causing their lips to touch.
A spark ran through him with the electricity surging through him, the weatherworn lips of Solas feeling so incredibly soft yet firm against his own. Revassan’s eyes felt shut once he felt them pressing back against him, moving with an intent and hunger he never felt before as Solas took control of the moment.
Hands wandered to hold him at his waist, pulling him closer still and causing their bodies to clash.
He heard him grunt against his lips and felt the mage’s fingers tremble as he kept on holding him while Revassan couldn’t let go of the man’s coat. His whole body felt as if it was hit by an electricity spell as he latched onto all he could feel at this very moment, afraid it might vanish as soon as he let go.
And maybe it was the same for Solas.
Revassan felt every single tremble in his fingers as he held onto him, felt every single spark of his magic against the fabric of his tunic as he kissed him with all the hunger and yearning of the world, unable to pull back.
Yet, it wasn’t as if any of them wanted to. 
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thebibliomancer · 7 months
Essential Avengers: Avengers West Coast #53: THE PLAN PROCEEDS!
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December, 1989
They sure did enter. THERE WAS A DOOR!
I do like the U-Foes. Sorta. I like them in theory.
The Avengers fought them recently in issue #304, on Ellis Island, in a Very Special Episode about immigration. They ended up falling through a portal. I wonder how they got back.
The last times on West Coast Avengers reads like a trauma conga line for Scarlet Witch. All happening in only the past few weeks, as revealed by Wonder Man later in the issue!
Vision was disassembled and rebuilt without emotions. Wanda learned Vision's backstory was a lie. She was kidnapped by a Texas college and pumped full of racism goo. Her children were kidnapped by demons and turned out to be parts of Mephisto. She had her memories of her children wiped. She got kidnapped in an arranged marriage to a serpentine elder god.
And while returning from Atlantis Attacks, she lapsed into a catatonic episode.
Someone give this woman a warm beverage of choice and a blanket!
Relevant last times in Acts of Vengeance: several big name villains and also the Wizard have banded together to have supervillains fight heroes they didn't usually fight. While the Avengers were all busy elsewhere, robots attacked and sank Avengers Island.
Let's get into it, with Magneto's big yelly head and Definitely Not Loki's smaller smug head.
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Before the main action of the issue, we look in on some of the "Prime Movers" of the Acts of Vengeance.
Magneto is part of this big supervillain mastermind scheme pile. Possibly out of character for a dude that's been trending anti-villain but here's the thing. He doesn't like superheroes but he's not involved to destroy them. He's involved to try to better mutantkind.
I don't know how on god's green but mostly blue Earth he thinks teaming up with people like Red Skull, the Mandarin, Kingpin, and Dr Doom will accomplish this. But the good thing is that he doesn't think that.
His real, real motive, revealed near the end of the event, is to backstab Red Skull for being a Nazi. Which he accomplishes.
Good on you, Magneto.
Anyway, the guy that is blatantly Loki smarms to himself about how Magneto is just a pawn and actually everything is going how he, the real mastermind, has masterminded it.
He goes to his fancy sitting chair and spies on the Avengers West Coast on his fancy scrying smoke hole.
Definitely Loki: "The time has come to look in once again on those whose very existence is the inspiration for these machinations."
If the complete Acts of Vengeance wasn't 50+ issues, I might cover it in more depth just because lines like this.
Not for the first or least time, Loki is exceptionally pissed off that he accidentally created the Avengers.
In modern times, his tone shifts to more of a bemused pride and he has named himself Basically An Avenger for his role in creating them.
But right now he's pissed and that's a big driving factor for this whole thing.
But it's 50+ issues and touches books way outside the scope of this liveblog. And I just finished Atlantis Attacks recently. So, sorry, no.
Anyway, over at the Avengers West Coast Compound, all that stuff I said about Wanda being catatonic. She is. She's catatonic. Just sitting on the couch, staring at nothing.
Hank admits that he has no idea what to do for Wanda.
... You think a guy with mental health problems of his own would at least have some ideas. I don't think Hank should handle it himself but... I mean, Tony was willing to throw money at the best therapists to help Hank when Hank tried to kill all his friends to prove he was a competent Avenger. Any thoughts on contacting any mental health professional? Even Doc Sampson, the world's worst therapist? Tony? You're in the room? Wanna throw some money around?
You all suck.
Except, oddly enough, Wonder Man.
Who has finally gotten over himself and has offered his brain patterns to help restore Vision's emotional capacity.
Wasp and her huge gloves are like gasp but you'd give up your chance to nail Wanda on the rebound! Because Wasp is horrible in this run! She was my favorite Avenger and now I'm revising the opinion!
Wasp: "Simon... are you sure? You love Wanda. Do you really want to surrender your chance with her? Are you sure that's the right thing to do?" Wonder Man: "More right than the way I've been behaving, Wasp. Whatever my personal feelings in the matter, the Vision is Wanda's husband. I have no business standing in the way of their happiness."
Feels like we're in opposite land.
Case in point: Vision declines the offer.
He's been logicing the situation and has decided that Simon's brain patterns wouldn't restore him to exactly as he was.
I mean, he's right. The memories are all gone. The only memories Vision has are Avengers' case files. All his personal memories were destroyed when his brain was disassembled or when the virus destroyed all the Avengers' Vision records.
He's also wrong because he seems confused about why the brain patterns wouldn't fix the situation. Vision says restoring his brain with the Wonder patterns would make him "nothing more than a copy of that former version of myself."
You can't even keep the plot straight, logic boy.
Whatever the reason, after all this time of Wonder Man watching Wanda emotionally spiral in the hopes that it would somehow lead to her dating him, he realized what a heel he was and offered the patterns to Vision. Who turns him down because he has no idea what's even going on.
I've heard that Wanda/Wonder gets pushed pretty heavily in later comics. Force Works and maybe sooner. So my guess is that Byrne realized that as things were, the fans would absolutely turn against Wonder Man for taking advantage of Wanda's grief.
This way, he got to be the good guy who offered but the offer doesn't change the trajectory of where this plot is going.
Vision also announces he's going to relocate to the East Coast Avengers.
Dun dun dun?
Meanwhile, a weird tangent in the 16th Century where Mary defeated Queen Elizabeth and took over the throne of England.
Elizabeth is about to be executed but Mary's advisor Immortus (!) declines to attend, as he has shit to do.
The shit he has to do is erase this timeline for being bad and wrong.
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And now that he's accomplished this, he gets back to ominously commenting on the Scarlet Witch situation.
Something something, plotting, something something, become the true master of time.
God, I don't care.
Back to people I do care about, reluctantly.
Vision explains his robot brain logic. He thinks the East and West headquarters don't have balanced superpowers so he wants to go to New York.
Kind of baffling. The East Coast team has Thor, She-Hulk, Quasar, and sometimes Namor. They've got plenty of muscle. The West Coast is who needs help since a (supposedly) new Iron Man just joined, US Agent is barely around, robot Human Torch is also barely around, and Scarlet Witch is catatonic.
This is stupid reasoning.
But it's just more forcing the characters into the plot. So anyway.
Vapor just appears out of nowhere. And that's capital V Vapor from the U-Foes, as seen on the cover. She turns into cyanide gas and tries to kill Wanda.
And maybe if she hadn't jumped in with a one-liner, she could have done it before everybody noticed but villains gonna hold the villain ball.
Wonder Man tackles Wanda away from the gas and then Iron Man vacuums Vapor into his armor's holding tanks.
But apparently she knows how to turn into a monomolecular mist and infiltrate his suit?
So he expels her.
Then Ironclad, who is also here unnoticed somehow, grabs Iron Man and drags him under the floor.
There's action noises until Ironclad gets punched so hard he lands miles away from the compound.
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Good job, Iron Man?
Well, no. Not a good job.
Ironclad lands in the city and decides it'd take too long to get back to the compound. He starts causing havoc in the city to lure the Avengers out to confront him and they never do in this issue.
So there's just a big metal man throwing cars around Los Angeles and nobody follows up on that.
Also, way not to help, anybody else.
Outside, robot Human Torch Jim Hammond is talking to Ann Raymond who is still here for some reason.
At least it didn't start with Jim flying around.
Jim asks Ann to tell him again how Toro died, while seeming to have a weird little smile.
Jim. Why. What the fuck?
There's only three possibilities here and none are great.
Anyway, Ann wasn't actually there for it so she says, again, that according to what Namor said... Oh, a metal man just flew out of the main house. Phew, thank god, an out for this awkward conversation.
Jim Flames On and flies after the metal man.
Since he has no idea what's going on, he's thinking maybe the dude needs to be rescued but before he can get around to it, X-Ray shows up and blasts him.
Robot Human Torch: "Hard radiation! Can't... really damage my android body... but... hurts like the dickens!"
Well. Hard radiation can actually damage machinery. I was briefly fixated on the Chernobyl disaster for a bit. High radiation can fry electronics and even weaken metal.
Not that radiation is ever treated realistically in comics.
Realistically every superhero would have so much cancer. And that would be depressing so let's not.
Anyway, robot Human Torch and X-Ray duel in the sky while Ann watches from the ground and wonders what the hell is going on.
She goes to check on the rest of the Avengers and is startled when Wonder Man leaps through a window with Scarlet Witch and Dr Pym.
After Iron Man expelled Vapor from his armor, she went back to her old tricks so Simon evacuated the people who could die from gas inhalation. Also, Wasp is here. She followed under her own wingpower.
Inside, Iron Man and Vision are trying to contain Vapor.
Wasp advises Ann to get away from the building because Vapor can turn into any kind of gas, including-
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Flammable ones, yes.
Meanwhile, Ironclad starts rampaging in the city to try to draw the Avengers to him.
Robot Human Torch Jim Hammond notices and wonders why the Avengers aren't doing anything about it. But he also notices the mansion is on fire.
Robot Human Torch: "Flaming fireballs!"
Walloping websnappers!
Robot Human Torch decides he's gotta take care of X-Ray fast so he can go help at the mansion. But he's saying this out loud so X-Ray puts him in a full nelson.
X-Ray: "You're not going to find that so easy to do, hot shot! You're not gonna kill me like you did Vector!" Robot Human Torch: "Kill...?? Who...??"
Yeah, what?
Also, I know that heat is also not often treated very realistically by comics but shouldn't putting a flaming man in a headlock hurt?
Back at the flaming mansion, Iron Man gives up trying to put it out. He's used all his fire-fighting capability but Vapor keeps feeding the flames.
... Isn't burning up bad for her? Isn't there a limit to how much gas she can turn into? Like, when gas burns, it does turn into another type of gas. But it also turns into heat and explosions so some of the mass is transformed into energy.
Dr Pym decides that their only hope at fighting exactly one lady who turns into gas -- seriously, I can't believe the Avengers are having this much trouble -- lies in smashing the win button.
But Wanda, the resident win button, is in a catatonic state.
So Hank decides to shock her out of it.
By whispering to her that Vision is in danger.
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Wanda rouses from her catatonic state and looks around for Vision.
And sees him... as his classic red-skinned self. Because... she's hallucinating that he's been restored to his "real self"...
Huh. This is very a red flag.
But its funny how Wonder Man is just glaring from the background as Wanda pays attention to Vision.
Fuck you, Wonder Man.
Scarlet Witch does her thing and the fire just goes out. Not just that but Vapor is forced back into her human form.
Hooray, now they can bonk her on the head and throw her into arson jail.
Except, no.
Vector shows up, very not dead, and blasts at the Avengers so Vapor can flee.
Also, after Vapor and Vector regroup away from the mansion, Vapor actually explains why the U-Foes were attacking.
After they broke out of the Vault... dunno how they got there. I thought they were lost in another dimension. Whatever. After they broke out of the Vault, they split up to make it harder to capture them all and headed toward a secret base.
But when they got there, the place was smashed up and they found a security recording of the Avengers (West Coast) blowing up Vector.
So they all decided to go get revenge for their beloved leader.
But Vector explains he has no idea why there was a recording of that because it never happened to him. He was delayed and arrived after the rest of them.
When he realized they'd all gone off half-cocked to attack the Avengers, he went to go save them.
Vector: "Without me to formulate a proper plan of attack, however, you were certain to fail, and wind up being shipped back to the Vault."
X-Ray shows up and goes 'nuh uh' and boasts that he took out human Human Torch Johnny Storm.
Vapor tells him that's not Johnny Storm. And X-Ray goes uh well I killed a guy so I'm still cool. Except he didn't even kill a guy. Because the guy is an android. Vector explains that its the original Human Torch, who is an android from the 40s, and that Vapor and X-Ray are idiots.
Since Vector isn't dead, the three U-Foes fuck off to go retrieve Ironclad. Someone played them so they're not going to attack the Avengers until they figure out why.
Back at the mansion, Iron Man suggests going after the U-Foes but Hank says NO.
While all that U-Foe exposition was happening, Hank tried to make contact with Avengers Island and couldn't. So Hank wants to split up, gang. We'll cover more plot threads that way.
Vision, Wonder Man, and Iron Man are Team Go Find Robot Human Torch and Then Track Down the U-Foes.
Wasp, Dr Pym, and Scarlet Witch are on Team Find Out What's Happening to the Rest of the Avengers.
Scarlet Witch protests that she's going with Vision. Dr Pym says they'll need her if someone attacked Avengers Island. So Vision compromises by saying he'll go to New York. He wanted to do that anyway.
Dr Pym accepts this.
I don't think Team Find the U-Foes ever finds the U-Foes. I clicked through the rest of the Acts of Vengeance Avengers and West Coast Avengers issues on the wiki and the book just moves onto other plots.
This is frustrating because for an U-Foes/Avengers West Coast fight... it sucks.
Vector only shows up at the end because he's the reason for the fight. Ironclad gets uppercut out of the plot and nobody cares to go looking for him. X-Ray only fights robot Human Torch. And Vapor alone stymies Vision, Iron Man, Wonder Man, the Wasp, and Dr Pym. And mostly off-panel.
And even when Wanda enters the action by being shocked out of her catatonic state, the Avengers don't get to win the day.
The U-Foes just fuck off.
I feel like the Avengers have been mostly getting L's or heavily qualified W's lately.
The West Coast Avengers:
They couldn't do anything to Vigilance after they dismantled Vision except blow up their base. A base they didn't need anymore. And then insult to injury, the government sticks them with US Agent.
A Texas college jams Wanda full of evil goo and the West Coast Avengers never shows up to rescue her because they get distracted.
They couldn't stop Master Pandemonium from kidnapping and eating Wanda's babies and then get trounced by the guy, having to be bailed out of the Master P and then Mephisto situation by Agatha Harkness who takes the opportunity to wipe Wanda's memories.
And now the U-Foes of all people style on the West Coast Avengers with only one of their members and the Avengers don't even get to finish the fight.
Over with the East Coast Avengers:
The Lava Men nearly destroy Avengers Island and a giant Lava Man monster beats up the team. The Avengers don't win so much as run out the clock and Gilgamesh "dies" during the fight.
Then when the Avengers go looking for the Eternals to help Gilgamesh, they get beat up by Blastaar and don't win so much as run out the clock so that the Eternals show up to wrap things up
Avengers Island does get totally destroyed in Acts of Vengeance.
I don't know if this is building to something. Shooter had the Avengers get beaten up a lot and win by chance in his first Avengers run but that led to group drama and a restructuring of the team.
Byrne just seems not to want to write the Avengers actually winning.
Or in the case of the West Coast Avengers, he doesn't seem to want to write them doing anything except sitting around watching horrible things happen to Wanda.
I dunno. It's not so many examples but it's notable because Byrne is writing both books and he keeps writing three issue arcs which beat around the bush a lot and then end without the Avengers really doing much.
Maybe I'm just complaining.
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As Dr Pym pilots a Quinjet to New York, Wasp asks him if he's upset by Wanda demanding to go with Vision.
And he says no. He just has a bad feeling about everything that's happening. The U-Foes attacking for no reason and Avengers Island going silent (hey, wait, they were broadcasting a distress signal... BYRNE YOU ARE WRITING BOTH BOOKS!!).
Hank is worried there's something bigger going on than just usual villainy.
He's right. Acts of Vengeance is going on.
But anyway.
Next post will follow Hank and co to New York for Avengers #312.
Follow @essential-avengers because how else will you receive just deep insight as 'comic book character comments that he thinks he's in a big event plot and is right'? You wouldn't. Like and reblog too, maybe. Can't force you. As far as you know. Maybe I have the power of telekinesis. You don't know.
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nix-the-cryptid · 3 years
Actions Have Consequences
Professor AU! Heisenberg x Gender Neutral! AFAB! Reader
Part three of my series
Tags: Punishment, misuse of rulers, praise, on top of a desk, minor overstimulation, minor orgasm denial
Summary: Y/n ends up getting punished for some avoidable mistakes. But, it may or may not end up working out in the end.  
During class, Y/n’s mind kept going back to what Mr. Heisenberg had said about “disciplinary actions” and having to work on Y/n’s “listening skills.” If they were honest, y/n was a little nervous. Heisenberg was known for being harsh on students who didn’t follow the rules or do their work properly. Getting yelled at by him was not something you admitted to freely. But, with how their relationship was working out, y/n realized that their “punishment” may end up being a bit different.
Thinking on their relationship over the past little while had y/n thinking about a lot of stuff. Ever since that first time together, almost two weeks ago, they almost always ended up having sex after class. Not that y/n minded, of course. But was that all there was between them? What would happen when classes were done for the year? Y/n graduated this year, too, so then what? The thought of never getting to spend time with Mr. Heisenberg like that made y/n’s heart sink harder than they realized. They enjoyed Professor Heisenberg’s company and it was becoming obvious they wanted more out of the relationship. But they doubted it would go over well if they brought this up with him. Y/n doubted that Mr. Heisenberg would want to commit himself to such a relationship with a student. The pain in y/n’s gut deepened at this thought, a lump catching in their throat as they felt like wanting to cry. Y/n quickly shook their head of the thought, coming back to reality.
Apparently, the class was meant to take some notes on whatever Mr. Heisenberg had presented but, just as y/n came to, it was over, and they hadn’t written down a single thing. Chances were Mr. Heisenberg most likely noticed at some point but didn’t say anything.
“Alright, now that we’ve gotten through that,” He exclaimed, grabbed his things from the desk. “Let’s head to the shop and work on those practical assignments. Maybe get them done today, yeah?” Y/n groaned as they began packing their things, noticing that there was still a whole 50 minutes left of class.  2pm simply could not come fast enough. They soon followed Mr. Heisenberg out the door and down to the lab, almost wanting to walk beside him but deciding against so as to not draw too much attention to themselves. Mr. Heisenberg was wearing a black t-shirt today, but like always, it was just a bit too tight on him. Y/n saw, just at the base of Heisenberg’s neck were some faint red marks. Squinting a bit to get a closer look, y/n soon realized that they had left those marks a couple days ago. They blushed furiously at this thought, wondering how many of the others might have noticed those marks at any point and if anyone had asked about them.
 “Hey, y/n!” One of the other students, Leon, called out. He was one of the better students in the class and was nice enough. His voice startled y/n out of their staring at Mr. Heisenberg. He and Y/n had been working together on the current assignment. “Do anything fun last night?” Y/n had to suppress a small noise at this question, a small blush forming on their face. ‘yeah, totally! I got railed by Professor Heisenberg in the shop after class!’ they thought to themselves.
 “Uh, no,” They laughed awkwardly, rubbing their neck. Leon’s face sank a bit at this. “Not really. I just went home and did some studying.” Leon just nodded. “I don’t go out much. And of course, by the time I get home and finish any work, I’m just too tired to really do anything.”
“Yeah, that’s fair.” Leon agreed. He then glanced at Professor Heisenberg for a bit before smirking. “Ya know, whoever left those scratch marks on his neck there,” He whispered to y/n making them blush deeply. “They’re one lucky fuckin bitch.”
 “Well, I’ll be sure to let them know, Leon.” Heisenberg smirked, making Leon let out a squeak of embarrassment. Y/n did their best to stifle their laughter as Heisenberg unlocked the doors to the shop, letting everyone else enter.
 “Well,” Leon exclaimed. “I can never look our Prof in the eye ever again!” y/n chuckled at this before blushing a bit more. ‘If only you knew,’ they thought. ‘If only you fucking knew.’
  “Yo, Sir!!” Another student exclaimed. “Whose car is that?!!” Y/n furrowed their brow before noticing the Cadillac at the back of the shop. ‘funny, wonder who’s that is. It kinda looks like- OH NO!’ y/n’s brows shot up and their eyes widened. That was Professor Heisenberg Series 62, uncovered meaning y/n had forgot to cover it the night before like they were supposed to. ‘shitshitshit’ They looked over to Mr. Heisenberg, who had also gone wide eyed at the sight. ‘Now I’m really in for it after class.’ Heisenberg shot them a hard glare, signaling his disappointment at the scene. However, he quickly masked it before turning to the student who had noticed it.
“Ah, that beauty?” Heisenberg sighed. “She’s all mine! Brought her to get her working again. Didn’t have the equipment needed back home.” Professor Heisenberg explained. “Bitch needed a whole new engine, practically.” Y/n could feel the jealousy building with each word. Heisenberg looked at them and must’ve noticed as his expression softened a little. Y/n then watched a number of students rush over. ‘They’re gonna ruin the paint!’ Now y/n was angry. Not just with their classmates but with themselves for not putting the cover back on. 
 “Uh sir,” A female student piped up. “There’s a dent in the hood…” y/n’s eyes went wide. They knew exactly what that dent was from. Seeing Heisenberg’s face showed that he also realized what it was from. 
 “I must’ve been so busy repairing the engine, I must not have fucking noticed!” He laughed nervously. Y/n watched as Heisenberg blushed at this, their own blush forming as they tried not to laugh.
  “Well, do you need any help with it, sir?” Leon asked.
“NO!” Heisenberg blurted out, rather fast and loud. Y/n let out a chuckle at this. “No, I’m close to being done. But you all could do better on your tests, I wouldn’t spend as much time having to mark them!” The class let out a collective groan, except for y/n. The pang of jealousy still sat heavy in their gut. And meeting Heisenberg’s gaze showed that they weren’t doing too well at hiding it. His stare was intense and dominating. Y/n lessened their pout a bit, but they were still upset with themselves over not covering the car and having everyone see it.
 “Alright see you Monday, everyone!” Mr. Heisenberg called out as everyone got up to leave. Y/n hung back, taking their time to clean up. 
 “Hey, y/n!” Leon called out, as he threw his bag over his shoulder. “I was meant to ask you if you wanted to hang out. A few of us are getting together at my place for the afternoon.”  Y/n stammered a little, watching Professor Heisenberg pack up his own things. He glanced up, waiting for y/n’s answer. “I can give you a ride if you need. I know you walk to school and all so… It wouldn’t be any trouble.” As much as y/n knew they should socialize with their classmates, today was the absolute worst day to have been asked. They would’ve said yes but, they also didn’t want to be in anymore trouble with Mr. Heisenberg, no matter how enjoyable the punishment really would be.
        “Uh, actually,” y/n started. “I’ve got another class today, so I’ll pass.” They looked back to Heisenberg to see him give another glance before continuing packing his things. Leon must’ve noticed this because he cocked a brow at y/n.
      “I thought this was your last class,” He pondered.
        “One of my other classes had to be moved to the afternoons recently.” Y/n lied. Leon’s expression neutralized at this, meaning he accepted it.
“Oh, okay. Maybe next time.” The other student shrugged. He then headed out of the class. Y/n let out a shaky breath before they turned back to their things and finished packing, hearing Mr. Heisenberg approach. They stiffened a bit but continued what they were doing.
 “I’m disappointed, y/n,” he stated, coming to lean against y/n’s station. “First, you don’t listen before class. Then, I found out you didn’t cover the convertible?” Y/n hung their head in shame. 
“I’m sorry, sir.” They replied, keeping their head bowed but peeking up at their professor. “I completely forgot to cover the car last night.” They heard Heisenberg scoff.
“You know I was going to wait until we got back to the classroom but after this, well, shit.” Heisenberg grabbed a hold of y/n’s chin, forcing them to look at him, smirking. “It looks like we’ll just have to settle things right. Fucking. Here.” Y/n gulped, slightly nervous about what was coming. “Get in my office. Now.” Heisenberg let go y/n’s face roughly and pointed to the office. “Go on.” With that, Y/n quickly headed to the small room, Professor Heisenberg close behind. “You’re normally such a good student, too. I’m shocked that you’d let yourself slip like this.”
  “It won’t happen again, Mr. Heisenberg,” Y/n whined.
 “Apologies aren’t gonna get you out of trouble that fucking easily, y/n.” Heisenberg growled as they entered the office. He made a show of slamming the office door shut and locking it. He also closed the blinds to the door but not the other windows. “So, we need to work on those listening skills of yours.”
“How?” Y/n asked sheepishly. Heisenberg just grinned as he took a seat in his office chair and began piling the rest of his papers together on the desk.
“Well, first, you’re gonna strip.” He ordered. Y/n made quick work of their clothes, watching Professor Heisenberg clear everything off the desk. They hadn’t noticed before, but the desk was metal, which meant the cold air from the AC in the shop had chilled it, even with everything on top of it. When Heisenberg finished, he turned to y/n and simply stared for a moment, taking in their naked body. Y/n shifted slightly, keeping eye contact with their professor. “Eager to please, as always.” Mr. Heisenberg chuckled. “Bend over the desk. Now. And pass me that ruler while you’re at it.” Y/n looked to the wooden ruler hanging next to the desk. Their eyes went wide when they realized what Heisenberg was planning on doing. Y/n simply passed the ruler to the professor and slowly leaned themselves over the desk. They winced a bit at the cold metal against their skin. However, the shiver that down their spine was not from the cold. Heisenberg chuckled at this, bringing a hand to their ass and began massaging it a bit. “You know what, hands behind your back. C’mon.” Y/n complied with haste. As they did this, Heisenberg’s hand left their ass. But before y/n could make any sound to protest, they heard the sound of Heisenberg undoing his belt. Turning to see just what he was doing, Y/n watched as Mr. Heisenberg stood up, took the ruler in his teeth, and used his belt to tie y/n’s wrists together. The leather of the belt bit into their skin just a bit, making y/n hiss a bit. They then looked up at Heisenberg to see him take hold of the ruler again, smirking. “You look so fucking nice like this, y/n! Now, I want to hear you count, got it?” Y/n nodded, gulping.
“Understood, sir!” Y/n blurted out. SMACK! “AHH! ONE!!” Y/n cried out, both in pleasure and pain. The force was brutal and sent them forward a bit, which made their nipples rub against the cold metal of the desk. This intensified the pool of arousal in their gut. SMACK! “TWO!!” Y/n sobbed.
 “Ya know, maybe I should’ve let some of the other students help with the car,” Heisenberg mused, letting the ruler rest against the sore cheek. “Would’ve saved you some trouble.” He lifted the ruler up, waiting a bit.
 “But sir-“ SMACK! SMACK! “AAAHH! THREEEEEFFFFOUR!” Y/n felt tears stinging their eyes. The arousal building up from this was growing fast. SMACK! “FIVE! Fuuuccckkk!” They heard Heisenberg laugh behind them. He then grabbed their tied hands and bent over them.
 “Or would that have just pissed you off, kitten?” He growled in their ear. They whimpered as Professor Heisenberg pressed against their back, his hard cock rubbing up along their back. y/n let out a whine at the feeling. “All those students messing with your hard work, putting their fucking fingers all over the paint? I saw your face when everyone rushed over to it.” Heisenberg lifted himself back off of y/n, who groaned at the loss of contact. Suddenly, Heisenberg was rubbing the cheek slowly, as if trying to soothe the pain. “Ready to continue?” He asked, his voice somewhat gentle.
         “Yes Mr-“ SMACK! “HEISENBERG!! FUCK, SIX!!” Now he was focusing on the left cheek. The tears that had welled in y/n’s eyes fell, finally as they lurched forward from the force of the hit. SMACK! “JESUS!! SE-“ SMACK! “-VENNNNEIGHT!!!” Y/n was full on crying, the pained pleasure causing the arousal in their gut to become a bit too much. Y/n felt themselves clench around nothing, their slick just soaking their folds and the insides of their thighs. SMACK! “NINE! FFFUUUCCKK MEEEEE!!!” Y/n sobbed, feeling themselves right on the edge of their orgasm.
 “Oh?” Heisenberg purred, resting the ruler against their ass. “Is something wrong, Y/n?” Heisenberg knew exactly what was wrong. But watching y/n squirm and try to choke out an answer was too fun.
“Please sir, I’m so-“ SMACK!!! “CLLLOOSEEEFUCK!” Heisenberg slammed the ruler hard against both cheeks, with more force than the last ones. They screamed at this, so close to finishing and yet not close enough. It was almost torture. “TENNNNNNNN” Y/n sobbed, tears streaming down their face. They then heard the ruler be tossed to the side somewhere. Y/n then moved to push themselves off the desk as best they could when Mr. Heisenberg pushed their head back down. He then shoved his hand in between their legs, landing on y/n’s clit. “SIRRRRR” The screamed as he began to harshly rub the oversensitive bud. However, this only lasted a little bit, before Heisenberg pulled away. Y/n sobbed, merely wanting to come now.
 “Shit, you really did enjoy that, huh?”  Y/n could only whine in response “You did good, kitten.” He mused, untying their hands. “But we’re not done yet.” Y/n let out another whimper. “Sit up and face me.”  Y/n then braced themselves and pushed up off the desk, their legs barely able to keep them upright. They then shifted themselves around to face Professor Heisenberg. As they went to sit, the cold metal against their raw cheeks stung fiercely. They shrieked at the feeling, which then turned in to a pained whimper. “Aww, is it cold against your bruised ass? Well, you’ll just have to endure it for a bit longer.” With that, Y/n watched as Professor Heisenberg began stripping, his pace slow. It was like he was putting on a show for y/n, who could only squirm against the cold desk. “Damn, what a fucking sight you are.” He growled as he slowly removed his shirt. “I’m still reeling from Leon’s comment earlier too.” He joked. Y/n blushed as they remembering what their classmate had noticed. “Part of me, a very evil part me, wanted to implicate that it wasn’t just anyone who left those marks.” Y/n whined, squirming more. “Bet that would’ve been quite the punishment on its own.” Heisenberg slipped off his boxers, stepping out of them and approaching y/n. “Oh, you know I would never do that to you, Kitten.” He purred, moving close to y/n, leaning over them to kiss them. His hand then made its way down to y/n’s pubic mound, his fingers slipping between their folds. Y/n moaned loudly at this, bracing themselves against Mr. Heisenberg as he began to run his fingers up and down their cunt, just missing their clit. They were extremely sensitive down there, as they had yet to come still. Heisenberg made quick work of their folds and clit, rubbing fiercely. “Come for me y/n.” With that, Y/n screamed out in pure pleasure, coming hard and drenching Heisenberg’s hand in their juices. Once they had started to come down, Heisenberg gently grabbed their waist and brought them both over to the chair taking a seat, placing y/n in his lap facing him. Once they did, he gently grabbed their ass and began massaging them. “How do you feel, y/n?” He purred as y/n wrapped their arms around his neck and rested their head against his chest.
 “A bit sore,” Y/n whined slightly. "But, you seem to be in need of some relief.” Y/n purred as they attempted to push back against Heisenberg’s dick. The man groaned at this feeling, squeezing y/n’s ass a bit to keep them still. Heisenberg could see the exhaustion starting to take a hold of y/n but the feeling of their drenched cunt against his dick was hard to resist. 
 “I don’t want you to overexert yourself, Buttercup.” Heisenberg’s voice was soft as he went into kiss y/n’s neck. This made y/n hum in pleasure. “I was pretty fucking hard on you.”
 “I want to, sir.” Y/n repositioned themselves over top of him, taking a hold of his dick. They slowly lowered themselves, the slow push hitting every nerve in their cunt. Both y/n and Heisenberg. let out a long and loud moan as they sat themselves down, taking in his full length.
 “God, you feel so good, y/n” Heisenberg hissed, grabbing their waist, and gently lifting them up before pulling them back down, thrusting up a bit. Y/n gasped at the feeling, quickly wrapping their arms around Heisenberg’s neck again. Y/n then matched Heisenberg’s movements, lifting themselves up and coming back down. They felt themselves clench around his member, drawing a moan from his lips. “Fuck!” Suddenly, He grabbed Y/n’s legs and stood up. Y/n shrieked, tightening their hold on Mr. Heisenberg. He placed them back down on the desk, which was still cold, making y/n arch their back from the feeling. “Cold still?” Heisenberg joked, kissing their neck again.
 “Yesss,” Y/n hissed, trying to grind down on Heisenberg’s dick since he wasn’t moving. “Please, sir.” They whined. Heisenberg lifted his head from y/n neck and looked them in the eye before standing up and pulling y/n’s arm off. “Please fuck me.” They begged. Heisenberg smiled as he grabbed onto y/n thighs before pulling almost all the way out and thrusting back in hard. Y/n let out a small scream that quickly turned into a moan as Heisenberg continued slamming into them.
“Always so perfect like this,” Heisenberg grunted, squeezing y/n’s thighs tight enough where there was a slight sting. Y/n whined at the sensation, tossing their head to the side. “Oh no, look at me.” Mr. Heisenberg growled, grabbing a hold of y/n’s chin, and yanking it so they were facing him. This caused y/n to gasp, grabbing onto his wrist. “I want to see those beautiful eyes of yours while I fuck you senseless.” Y/n moaned again, quickly locking their legs around Heisenberg and bringing him closer. As they did this, he took a hold of their waist with his other hand and lifted them up, shifting the angle. This caused his thrusts to hit deeper into y/n, making the pleasure increase. “You love this, don’t you? When I fuck you like this?” He growled, leaning forward a bit and pulling y/n’s face closer.
 “Yes, sir!” Y/n moaned. Heisenberg gave a couple hard thrusts at this answer, drawing the moan out. “I love it when you fuck me, Sir!”
“That’s a good girl,” Heisenberg purred, letting out of y/n’s neck, and moving his hand down their side. “My good little kitten.” This drew another moan from Y/n, enjoying the praise. The hand that had snaked down y/n’s soon made itself known again as Heisenberg began rubbing their clit. The sudden feeling of his hand on their nub drew an incredibly loud gasp from them that then devolved into a whine, seeing as they were still somewhat sensitive there. “All the noises you make are. Just. Fucking. Perfect.” Heisenberg emphasized each of those words with a hard thrust. Y/n’s cunt then clenched hard around his length, making him moan as well, which turned into a small chuckle. “Do you like it when I praise you, Buttercup?” Y/n just nodded, unable to form a coherent enough thought to actually respond. Heisenberg just chuckled before leaning in for another kiss and picking up speed. Y/n mewled into the kiss, the sensation sending them right to the edge again. “Are you about to cum again, y/n?” Heisenberg asked softly, breaking the kiss. Y/n could only moan in response. “Well, then. Go on. Cum. But. Scream. My real name when. You do.” His hips stuttered as he spoke, making the words come out in moans. He then began thrusting even faster, bringing y/n over the edge.
“KAAAARLLL!” Y/n screamed, arching their back as they came. Heisenberg also came at this, thrusting as deep as he could and filling y/n. The warmth of his seed flooding y/n’s insides, making them moan even more. The two remained like that for several minutes as they came down and caught their breath.
“God, that was… shit” Heisenberg said, still somewhat breathless. He slowly pulled out and let go of y/n, pulling a whine from them at the loss. “Think you can stand, Buttercup?” He asked. Y/n lifted their head to look at him, nodding slightly. Heisenberg  offered his hands for them to take and use him as leverage. Y/n sat up with a groan, the feeling of Heisenberg’s seed dripping out being an odd sensation. Professor Heisenberg opened a drawer in the desk and pulled out a small rag, which he then used to wipe up any cum dripping down y/n’s legs. They moaned softly at the feeling, biting their lip, and crossing their arms over their chest. Once he was done, Heisenberg  sat down in the office chair, beaming at y/n. “Come ‘ere, kitten.” Y/n pushed themselves off the desk and wobbled over into Heisenberg’s lap. “You did so well. Listened to everything I asked. A+ performance.” He purred, pulling y/n close to his chest, and stroking their hair.
“Thank you, sir.” They yawned, exhaustion filling their muscles now that the adrenaline from their arousal has subsided. Heisenberg let out a small chuckle, moving his hand down y/n’s back.
 “I told you,” He started, his voice low. “Use my name.” Suddenly, y/n was wide awake. They lifted themselves off of Heisenberg’s chest to look right at him. They were wide eyed, furrowing their brow at his comment. “What’s that fuckin look for, y/n?”
 “Sir, I-“ Y/n stammered. Heisenberg just hushed them, pulling them back to his chest.
 “Shhhh,” He hummed. “Just relax.” The two of them were silent for a good bit after this. It wasn’t tense, however. Simply reveling in each other’s presence. But this time felt different. Their relationship had shifted. Whether it was a good thing or not, only time would tell. Y/n felt the full extent of the exhaustion that had been piling on them, their eyelids growing too heavy to keep open. Another yawn slipped out of them as they snuggled into Heisenberg. He placed another kiss to the top of y/n head and muttered something else they couldn’t quite catch before y/n drifted off.
And there ya have it!! Again, if you have any requests for future chapters, feel free to leave it in my inbox!! And if you wanna be tagged for future fics, just lemme know!!
@stararch4ngell4dy @fredyria @kuronekopirate @weathur @1800shootmeplease
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luna--reading · 3 years
Hello lovelies~ ♡
This is a pick a card reading for “what is their thoughts, feelings and intentions towards you”. Think of a person and note that this is a timeless reading and you’re meant to see this right now! Please do find peace if it doesn’t resonate with you~ ♡
So take a few minutes to mediate on these 4 piles:
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Left to right: 1 - 4
Once you’re ready, just scroll below to find the reading that you have chosen!
You can always leave a comment or simply like the post if it resonates with you, thank you so much~ ♡♡♡
Pile 1:
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Tarot: The Star, 6 of Pentacles, 10 of Wands
Emotions are a natural and necessary part of life, but they can also distort your perception and cloud your vision. In order to see things clearly, you must let go of resentment.
HEALING – Imagine yourself and your beloved surrounded by light. Feel your relationship being healed this very moment.
You may not always understand why certain things happen, however there is always a higher purpose to the events in your life. Through turmoil, a blessing will soon be revealed.
Deep in your heart, you already know the answer. DO what feels right.
Okay, darling, I feel like your person thinks very highly of you. I feel like there is this sense of seeing you as someone who is very popular, very well-known, someone who is like the shining bright star in the night sky. They definitely think very highly of you and in fact, I feel like they see you as a very healing energy. I do feel that this person might have some heavy burdens on them, be it if it’s within this connection or outside of this connection, and that your connection with him has definitely helped them to heal past traumas and hurt. It’s like upon interaction with you, they are kind of forced to see their shadow side which they have been avoiding for so long. Or that previously they would have avoided, but now, it’s like your energy has allowed them to face this shadow side and to start healing from their past. I do feel that they definitely see you as someone who is very generous. And that they are feeling apologetic for how they have treated you in the past. They want to make it up to you. They understand that it was their problem in the past and that they want to make up all of the hurts that they have caused upon you. It’s like maybe this person has ran away or pulled out of this connection, ghosted or blocked you and it kind of make you question yourself what is it that you’ve done wrong. But darling, it wasn’t you, it was them. And they now know that they were the issue. I feel like maybe deep down you’ve understood this point as well, but you’ve been so understanding of their circumstances and continuously being that supportive and healing energy around them. I’m sorry is what I’m hearing and I feel like they do have some inner work that they have to do first. But I definitely do see them coming in again, darling, and I feel like they would apologise for whatever wrongs that they have done to you in the past. It’s honestly up to you if you want to take them back into your life, but darling, there will be a peaceful resolution for this connection eventually. And if this is someone that you are currently with, they want you to give them a bit more time, they will soon open up why they’ve been acting this way. They have some inner work and inner healing to do first, but they truly hope that you will continue to be the supportive and caring energy around them for now, till they are ready to come in. And like I’ve mentioned, it’s truly up to you darling, but this peaceful resolution will help you to restore certain balance in your life. Whatever wrong will be corrected, and this person will come forward and offer this apology to you.
Pile 2:
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Tarot: Queen of Swords, Page of Swords, Justice
Look deep within your heart and you will feel my love. My love for you is as deep as the ocean.
Let there be closeness between you but always give each other space. Love never claims, it simply allows and gives.
SURRENDER – At times we must surrender the old before something new can enter our lives. Let go and all will work out.
Give thanks for the blessings of love soon to come your way. Know that you deserve to be and have all that your heart truly desires.
Now, darling, there is a lot of air energies here, so either you or your person has strong air in your charts. Else, I’m also getting the message that this person thinks of you a lot. And I do feel that they will never admit it but they definitely think of you a lot. I feel like they definitely see you as someone who knows what you want. You are intelligent, smart, and you set those healthy boundaries. You don’t let others take advantage of you, as naïve or as pure you might seem to be on the outside. They definitely do feel that below that pure and innocent image, you are someone who is very strong and tough and you know what exactly you want so you don’t let others get the best of you. This person, if it’s a romantic interest, does have interest in you but they don’t seem to express it. Or they might be afraid to express it because they are afraid that you don’t feel the same way for them or that they feel like they might get hurt while expressing themselves on a very emotional level. If this is the case, note that this is someone who might have been hurt previously or they might feel inferior towards you and that they feel like they can’t express themselves on a very emotional level towards you. And if this is a platonic connection, I do feel that they find you to be very intriguing. It’s like how can someone who just seems so nice, but deep down, you just don’t tolerate bullshit. And you know what is it that you want. They want to learn from you, especially in regards to your attitude and they are very amazed at your own standards and how you set those standards not just for the people around you, but for yourself as well. I feel like in regards to their intentions, this honestly can be a 50 – 50. I do feel for those who are asking about a romantic interest, this person is more so trying to leave it to the divine. I feel like as much as they do have feelings for you (and honestly, I’m seeing deep feelings here, but maybe they themselves don’t really understand them right now), they are just going to surrender and leave it to the divine. I do feel that they might feel that they are not worthy of you, or that they might not be your cup of tea as well. I also do feel that another group of them, is more so waiting for a sign from the Universe, or maybe it’s from you as well. I feel like they want to know how you feel and that they are trusting in the Universe that if this is really meant to be, there will be a sign from the Universe. So, I do feel that they are going to let go of control issues and trust the signs that are coming in for them. Regardless, this person’s intentions are very much focus on the divine. It’s like if it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be. And I feel like if this is a friend that you are asking for, they definitely do feel that this connection is going to be long-term. And I feel like they definitely see you in their life in the long run. If there has been a falling out with this friend, they are currently trying to release certain past karmas, and in the near future, things are going to come together. I do feel that the Universe is also asking you to have faith and trust in this connection that it is going to withstand the obstacle of time, darling!
Pile 3:
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Tarot: 8 of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles, 6 of Wands
MANIFESTING MIRACLES – Your dream is soon to become reality. Trust your heart and continue to follow its guidance.
WAIT! – Don’t rush into it. Allow nature to take its course.
FORGIVENESS – Stop focusing your energy on past events, for life is too precious to waste. You create your reality by what you think, dream and imagine.
TRUST – Transformation occurs through acceptance. Once you accept the current situation, it will automatically transform.
Okay, darling, there is a lot of pentacles energy here, so maybe work is significant for you and this person, or that maybe both of you met at work. But the overall idea I’m getting is that this connection has been very slow-moving but very stable as well. I feel like it just feels like nothing much has changed within this connection on the surface, but actually a lot of things have changed deep down, in a good way. Because only by doing so, can you then build things on a more solid and stable ground. I do feel that this person definitely sees you as someone who is very hardworking. So, especially if both of you work in the same place, they definitely admire and appreciate the hard work that you put into your work and your job. I do feel that if this is a romantic interest, this person’s feelings are growing in a very slow but steady manner for you. And it’s so slow to the point that I honestly don’t feel like they actually understand how much you mean to them. I feel like they might have been pretty used to having you around. I do feel that these feelings are constantly growing and that maybe you’ve been manifesting this person as well. And if you’ve been trying to manifest this person, the angels want you to know that your dream is soon to become a reality but you have to trust this process and that everything is going to unfold itself. And I’m seeing it happening within the next 6 – 8 weeks, honestly. I feel like things are going to progress quicker as time goes by as well. And if this is a friend you’re asking about, I feel like they definitely feel that this connection is worth the investment and that they are seeing this connection going to continue in the long run as well. I do feel that they see you as a miracle in their life and they are very grateful and thankful to have you in their lives. I do feel that for most of you, things are really going to start to progress and improve within the next few weeks, 4 weeks, I am hearing. Else, it could be within the next 6 – 8 weeks. Summer seems to be a very significant season here as well. I just feel that for those who are asking for a romantic interest, this person is going to come forward. And I feel like they want to bring forth certain success and victory into this connection. I feel like if this person hasn’t been very balance in their energies with you in this connection, they would want to make that compromise with you. I do feel that they are pretty sorry for not treating you right in the past, and that they want to make it up to you. If this is the case, forgive them if you want to and honestly, it’s up to you if you want them back into your life. But remember, forgiveness is always for yourself and not for the other party. I do feel that a compromise has to be made here because balance and harmony is definitely needed within this connection, be it if it’s a romantic interest or a platonic connection. I do feel that things weren’t very balanced in the past, and what is to come within the next 4 – 8 weeks is the achievement of balance and harmony. I feel like things are going to transform slowly but steadily and you are asked to trust in this process, darling. Things are really going to be aligned in your favour, and this is something that you’ve been manifesting for a long time, so please don’t give up now, darling, trust!
Pile 4:
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Tarot: The High Priestess, 8 of Cups, 9 of Pentacles
Life is a series of constantly shifting cycles. When we resist change, we resist the natural flow of life and create unnecessary stress. Go with the flow – you will be surprised where it leads.
LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF – Examine what is causing you to feel this way.
A MESSAGE FOR YOU – I’m thinking of you this very moment. Your love fills me with light. I love you.
Now, darling, for most of you, I’m getting a no-contact or separation situation. And if you don’t resonate with this, maybe you can try a different pile because this pile just may not be for you. I feel like this person on your mind sees you as someone who is very highly intuitive and that you are someone who is in your power. But more often than not, this person sees you as someone who is very secretive. And it’s not in a very bad way, in fact it is very alluring and charming to your person but I feel like sometimes you might have kept things to yourself too much that it makes it difficult for this person to truly communicate their needs and wants to you. I feel like this person does love you, be it if it’s a romantic interest or a platonic connection, but I’m hearing disappointment. I feel like this person might have felt that you were never ready to open up to them, or that they can never get you to open up to them and that there are feelings of sadness, of disappointment when they are being reminded of you. I feel like this person feels that this connection is constantly in some sort of cycle and it’s just hard to simply break free from it, because there are no changes on either side. Honestly, I feel like it’s not just you, I feel like they do have their own problems but they are not seeing it clearly either. I do feel that while they do have feelings (and I’m feeling that they currently still have feelings), they aren’t going to act on it for now. I feel like they are more so going to focus more on themselves. In this sense, I feel like they are intending to just put in the work and focus on themselves and leave this situation behind. I do feel that they feel that if this connection is meant to be, both of you would eventually come back together again, but of course, this is only due in time. I do feel that they are currently trying to put in the focus on their career and finances and just trying to leave this situation behind. And darling, I’m hearing that if you’ve been confused about this situation on whether if you should stay and move on, this is a sign that you should move on and work on yourself as well. It’s not entirely your fault that this connection didn’t work out. It honestly takes two hands to clap in any forms of connections, and while it’s not entirely your fault, it’s important for you to examine the part that you’ve played in this connection. Learn and grow from these lessons, darling, and again, if this connection is meant to be, it will eventually happen in the future. You’ve just got to be patient and in the meantime, work and focus on yourself first, darling!
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Hold My Hand- Illumi x Reader
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OMG thank you! My first international fan! Thank you for this wonderful prompt! This was requested by @illucilfer .
Summary: Today’s story takes place in a 1950s diner by a frequently used Interstate; Interstate 95. We know this dinner for its delicious hamburgers, hot dogs, milkshakes, and jukebox records, but every night one Patreon never returns home. A few men who were angry about your recent arrest have shot you both. As you both stare at each other exchanging mental signals, everyone around you tries to help you to the hospital. Y/N is narrating the story. I seem to have fewer grammar errors that way. FYI, Bold and italicized font will reference a thought or flashback.
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Let’s get started!
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The leaves have turned bright yellow and orange, fluttering every second to the ground. I could hear little children a while away laughing and playing in the community park; throwing up the leaves, jumping into piles, and throwing them at each other. The smell of freshly baked donuts brightened everyone’s mood. All you had to do was take one bite and your face would brighten and crack a smile. Dining at Cupid’s Kitchen will always have your heart and interest.
Interstate 95 was always heavy with traffic during this time of year. The folks of Dallas celebrated mulch annually. The “Mulch Fest” was a street fair that stretched 1.5 miles to the east that contained music, drinks, farmer panels, homemaker Q&A, and other activities that southerners enjoy. Illumi and I are only here because of an unfinished assignment. We have worked night and day for countless days trying to catch Jack “Da Hamor” Gilberton, but he was nowhere to be found. Eventually, I allowed my anger to get the best of me and made the executive decision to take a day off. I barred Illumi from searching, tracking, or any form of hunting for our target. The life of a bounty hunter and an assassin can thrill, but it can drive you insane if you allow it.
Ironically, Illumi and I both enjoy fall. It is perfect for cuddling (although he acts as if he’s too good to cuddle), wearing creative hoodies, going to pumpkin patches, and attending apple orchids. I tend to “lose my cool” when we have dates there. When I was a child, my family did not go on trips like these because they were over an hour away from our home and I had 5 siblings. But once I made money for myself, I made it my mission to go to one at least 5 times out of the year. Illumi enjoys the different fudge, hot cider, and candy apples. He almost broke a tooth on one!
“Say cheese snag-a’-tooth!”
“Stop it. It’s not funny!”
“It is! Could you imagine if you lost your two front teeth? You’d look almost adorable as you did in the 1st grade!”
“How did you know about that?”
“Duh! It happens to everyone, but your mother showed me the pictures, of course.”
Illumi’s sweet tooth is just like Killua’s; both have a weakness for chocolate. Except, Killua will admit defeat while his older brother keeps denying it.
Cupid’s Dinner has been in Dallas for over 55 years. A black woman established it in 1945 by the name of Mary-Lou Benson. Since then, Mary’s family has been running the shop, making sure all of her customers are happy with the service. During the turn of each season, Cupid’s Dinner gives its customer's food options based on the season. The fall options include donuts, candy apples, different flavored cider, fudge, and hot coffee specials. As much as everything looked appetizing, I could not order it all. Our server, Little Ben, placed our drinks in front of us and handed us the menu. I could tell he was happy with his line of work, just as I was to be with Illumi.
“You all take your time. I’ll be back in five.”
Ilumi glanced on both sides of the room, scanning for Jack Gilberton, already forgetting the agreement we established.
“Illumi, what are you doing?”
“You keep looking around like you’ve seen Da Hamor. Eat your donut and relax, sweetheart.”
“I cannot relax. I must stay on alert.”
“If I can relax, so can you. It’s not that hard.”
“Fine. If I die, it’s on your head… literally.”
The jingling bell rang almost every second when a customer walked in. It was a joy to everyone's ears; the spirit of Mary Lou-Benson was alive and well. An overwhelming feeling of love seemed to have overtaken the diner. After examining the bistro for quite some time now, each customer had been using their cellphones at the table instead of chatting with their families. Many traditional families hated that about this generation but they should be open to new traditions forming. Illumi dislikes using cell phones or tablets at the table unless we use them for missions. He has emphasized how rude it is to be surfing the web about utter nonsense while someone is speaking. This is a pet peeve of his, something I’ll never step on his toe about. Although I think that is overdoing it, I respect it.
Little Ben served our table quickly, leaving us with two dishes of a classic chicken sandwich, kettle chips, one chocolate, and vanilla milkshake. Milkshakes were my weakness; I nearly foam at the mouth when I see one. When I found out that Illumi had NEVER had a milkshake, I almost fainted.
“No. I’ve never had a milkshake.”
“Huh? You’re missing out, pal.”
“What’s the big deal? Isn’t it frozen milk?”
“Not just frozen milk. You can add many flavors, toppings, and whip cream!”
“Well, then. You’ll have to show me sometime.”
We thanked Little Ben for his service as he clocked out for the day.
“I have to admit these sandwiches look very appetizing.”
“You can say that again!”
Before I nibbled on my sandwich, I wanted to take a moment and adore the man before me; Illumi Zoldyck. A man full of mysteries, professionalism, skill, and talent. His enormous eyes were immersed in the large pieces of chicken in between the sourdough bread. He licked his index finger vigorously; allowing the homemade honey mustard to drip enough from the bread to the plate in between licks. Just the sight of him actually relaxing for once has blown me away. For once, Illumi Zoldyck could be himself and I had the privilege to witness it.
“Um… why are you staring at me? Do I have food on my face,” he asked; violently wiping his mouth off with a provided cloth napkin.
“Oh! Ha, ha; no reason. I wanted to see your reaction after drinking your milkshake. That’s all.”
“Why? It’s just a drink.”
“Whatever you say, babe.”
“Babe? What happened to LuLu or Illumi-Lu?”
I gasped and pretended to be surprised… although I was a little.
“I did not know that you liked those pet names. I assumed it mortified you.”
“Who told you that? That never rolled off my tongue. “What I said was” — He bent closer to the table and to me; glancing both to the right and left to ensure no wandering ears were around — “I prefer Illumi-Lu to be said in the bedroom and LuLu when we’re alone, like how we are right now.”
“Aww…. ok,” I yelled in excitement.
“Don’t blow it out of proportion, alright?”
“Yes, sir.”
As we ate, Illumi hummed along to the tune that played a few times on the restaurant's jukebox. Illumi and I were born in the mid-90s, but listening to 50s music was a part of his aesthetic. I was told that he had an “old soul” which sounds romantic at first until you realize how men were during that era. His raging temper was a noticeable toxic trait, but it has drastically improved. Nonchalantly sipping on his milkshake and then eating more of his chips, he grazed the soft part of his left hand over mine as he continued to hum.
“What’s the name of this song? You seem to know it rather well.”
“Put your head on my shoulder, a famous song from the 60s. I heard my parents sing it once and since then, they have addicted me to it. Do you like it?”
“Yes, in fact, I love it. All of this is—”
“A surprise to you? Well, enjoy it while it lasts because once I find Jack Gilberton, this side of me will hide for a while.”
Damn! I was just feeling connected to him again!
The music swelled; everyone seemed to be happy. Not an evil spirit insight to disrupt this beautiful moment. For once in my life, my raven-haired beauty actually held my hand tight, stole a few of my barbecue kettle chips, and gazed into my eyes harmlessly. His lips brushed against both of my hands, ever so lightly placing kisses on both sides of them. Illumi’s gentle smile warmed my heart as my lingering thoughts of hope stayed intact.
The welcoming bell jingled again. Two men in black leather jackets, stone-washed blue jeans, and tattooed all over their arms came into the diner. The men seemed to be bikers who had just left their own “spot” but one thing struck me as they continued to walk towards the staff. They both wore sunglasses when the sunset for the day. Not to mention that the lights were not dim in the diner and the moon was as bright as ever. The second man had his eyes glued in my direction. My heart beat faster as I wondered if Jack Gilberton had found us. Could you imagine?
Put your head on my shoulder
Hold me in your arms, baby
Squeeze me oh-so-tight
Show me you love me too
I am used to coming in contact with enemies on my hit list, but given Jack’s criminal history; I felt like I may not survive his attacks. Illumi will survive, but just barely. Both men approached the checkout, crowing over Little Ben’s sister. She was a short woman but full of might, and I could tell by the shakiness in her voice she was frightened. I wanted to step in so badly, but I didn't want to blow my cover just in case it was, in fact, Jack Gilberton. After I assume, ordering food, both men stood by the entrance, blocking it from others from entering and leaving. The sound of their old, beat up-lighters crackled as one lit a joint and the other lit a cigarette. This horrid smell ruined the atmosphere because they were not in a designated area and it drowned out the lovely aroma of the food being served.
“If you gentlemen would like to smoke, you need to go outside. There is no smoking in here.”
“What? You think you’re better than me because you don’t smoke?”
“Huh? I never said that, sir. I asked for you to go outside. Not all of our customers can deal with it.”
They did not move a muscle. The sound of their mucous laughter made everyone’s stomach turn. They laughed at the young girl and called her many slurs. Little Ben’s sister didn’t flinch, nor did she cry; she remained still, staring at the men. I had just enough of their obnoxious behavior.
“If you do not leave, I will call the police.”
“The hell you won’t.”
Put your lips next to mine, dear
Won't you kiss me once, baby?
He drew a gun from his left side. He aimed it at Little Ben’s sister and demanded that she emptied the drawer. She refused. Her stone, iron will reminded me of Illumi; no matter the circumstance, they remained intact, determined to fight until the end. Bravery is always encouraged, but too much will cause your life to be taken away. Little Ben’s sister grabbed a fake till that they kept under the real one and threw it at both men. Fake money fluttered everywhere in the small diner, mimicking confetti. Gunshots rang in all directions as the imbeciles recklessly shot, aiming for Little Ben’s sister. Everyone threw themselves on the ground to avoid being shot, but luck cannot spread itself throughout an entire room of people. A young child, an older man, and another worker were shot in their lower leg. Blood reflected from the ground as it continued to seep. Ignoring injured civilians is a jackass move and continuing to deny the fact would prove that the oath I pledge to meant nothing. Sure, bounty hunters must remain hidden, but if someone is injured, I must help them.
The child was lying lifeless on the polished marble floor. He would not respond to my shaking or my silent whispers. When I rolled him over, my heart broke into a million pieces. This child had no chance of survival; a few bullets struck his chest, one just inches away from his heart. A tear rolled down my cheek.
“Why must the good die young,” I whispered to myself.
“... Because snitches get stitches.”
Before I could gain sight of who stated this utterly corny response, I felt an overwhelming amount of pain in my lower back. It felt like a million tiny needles were jabbed so far through my skin that they entered my intestine. I could still hear, but my body would not move. I tried and tried, but my brain would not signal my legs.
Move! Move, damn it!
It’s odd; I could hear myself talk, but my body would not move at all. The sound of another thudding body made my mind jump. My heart had already been pounding enough to try to resuscitate my organs to move, but a familiar semi-blurring sight of none other than Mr. Illumi Zoldyck cleared my sight. My brain went wild. I didn’t know if Illumi died or if he became paralyzed, but one thing is for sure. We finally made eye contact that felt special; something I hadn’t felt since the day I met him. Our contact felt like magnets; an unbreakable bond. Suddenly, my icy hand felt warmth around my palm and fingers. Illumi simultaneously fell in a way that connected our hands. Our unbreakable bond, the warmth of his fingers laying on top of mine, and the gaze we shared somehow made me feel like it was just the two of us alone. I could hear his thoughts loud and clear; thoughts that came from the heart.
“Please help me. Before it’s too late, LuLu,” I cried, thinking I was going insane. “I don’t want to leave if it means leaving you behind.”
“I’m not going anywhere. Not without you.”
“Please! I want to live a life. Life as a bounty hunter, build a support system to our children, and a good lover is all I want to be.”
“You are a warrior and so am I. We have been through worse. This is nothing.”
Mere eye contact is all we need to exchange wandering conversations. The bond that we’ve created is something so strong that I haven’t realized it until now. The warmth emitted from his loose grasp seems to lose its effectiveness. It blurred my vision beyond recognition, leaving Illumi as a near figment of my imagination.
“Oh no. I guess this is it.”
My vision darkened. Illumi was slipping away as my lingering thoughts almost made my heart give out from exhaustion. I was ready to accept my fate, but it seemed like fate had other plans. My vision was still darkening by the second, but my sense of touch remained there. Smooth fingers outline my arms, torso, and chest. I heard muffled voices yelling and screaming about calling for assistance, but I didn’t care if they came or not. I made peace with my life’s end. Bit by bit, my breathing slowed down, but my sense of touch remained heightened. I felt a rubber glove touch my face and neck, examining it for any damage.
The jukebox continued to play Illumi’s favorite song, Put Your Head on my Shoulder. I remembered the day I laid my head on his shoulder; boy, what an endearing moment that was. It was something I took for granted, something I should have savored, for I never knew that this moment would have happened. The song grew muffled by the second verse. That verse repeated every time I tried to force myself to take what felt like my last gaze at my raven-haired beauty.
Just a kiss goodnight, maybe
You and I will fall in love (you and I will fall in love)
A/N: Since you’ve made it to the end, I’ll say something. The reader did not die in the end. They were later revived at the hospital.
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jawritter · 4 years
Where The Green Grass Grows
Chapter 1
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Summary: Life changes, nothing ever stays the same. With most change comes with some degree of pain, that’s how we grow.
Jensen thought he had his whole life planned out, written for him in the bright lights of Hollywood. One failed marriage later, and a lifetime of lessons learned, lead him home to a place he thought he’d left behind him when he was only a teenager.
He thought his life was over. He felt like he’d lost everything, but who knew one little trip to the local diner that had just opened up outside of town would turn his whole world upside down. All because he met you. Maybe a little slower pace of life isn’t such a bad idea after all…
Warnings:  Language, Angst, mention of past OC character death, mention of grief, dealing with a divorce. Drinking. I think that's about it for this chapter.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 2550
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics​
A/N: This fic is unbeta’d and all mistakes are mine! Please do not copy my work! I hope you all enjoy this one! Feedback is golden! This series is complete on patreon.
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“Mr. Ackles! Good morning!” Alex, Jensen's longtime agent, said as he took his seat at the big oak desk in front of Jensen.  
“Alex,” Jensen said, giving the man a tight smile as he watched him shuffle through the pile of paperwork on his desk. Jensen had been in the entertainment industry since he was a young boy in one sense or another. He was no idiot, and he knew the reason he was called into his agents office for the first time in almost 15 years wasn’t a good thing, and he knew just what it was about. 
“I’m glad you could come in to see us on such short notice, Mr. Ackles. I’m sure you’re a busy man, and I’m not going to take up much of your time.”
Alex folded his hands in front of him, and Jensen couldn’t help but feel like the kid that had been sent to the principal's office for doing something stupid in class. The only difference was this time he wasn’t a kid, and this wasn’t a school. He was in his fucking forties, and this was his job. He hadn’t even done anything wrong! 
“I’m sure you already suspect the reason I called you here Jensen,” Alex said, dropping all formality that was there just a moment ago.  “Your recent divorce has affected you, and I don’t mean that in an offensive way!” Alex said as Jensen rolled his eyes. He knew that’s what this was all about. 
His divorce with Danneel had been a very public one. There were children involved, and of course a substantial amount of property. What divorce has ever gone smoothly or quietly in Hollywood? None that he’d ever seen, and they were overall civil for the public eye? So what was the problem?
“Cut the shit, Alex!” Jensen said, barely holding his temper in check. He could feel his blood pressure rising in his seat. Why did people have to be so damn judgemental? “What the fuck is this really all about?” 
Alex took a deep breath, and set back in defeat against his dark leather chair, and looked at Jensen almost as if he pitied him, and damn if that didn’t just suck worse than the wishy-washy shit. 
“Look, Jensen, since your divorce you haven’t been as on your game as you were. You’re showing up late to set. You have been drinking more, I can tell it by the color of your fucking skin man. You’re exhausted. No one expected you to jump back to work before the ink even dried on the divorce papers, and the company thinks it might be time to take a little break, get yourself back together, and figure shit out before you try and take on another roll.”
Alex fell quiet as Jensen set there with his hands buried in his hair, no longer looking at him. Alex did not want to do this to Jensen, he really didn’t. It was the guys that were higher up than he was. 
Sure they weren’t exactly wrong, he could see it in the actor’s eyes how tired he was, and how much strain he was under. He didn’t want another nervous breakdown under his belt like Charlie Sheen that had almost turned into an incurable disaster. Jensen had a stable following, and a break wasn’t going to hurt his career. If nothing else it may help it. 
“Go back to Texas for a while Jensen, get away from all this shit here in California, go have a damn beer out in the country for fucks sake. Focus on you! Gigs will still be here. You need to take care of yourself man.”
Jensen nodded slowly before finally looking up to meet Alex’s now concerned gaze. 
Jensen knew deep down he’d been slipping, but he didn’t think it was bad enough to warrant a forced vacation. If it really was that bad, he knew he needed to take a step back from the public eye until he could get his shit together before it did hurt his career. He’d seen much bigger actors than him fall because of shit they did while going through tough shit like this, and he didn’t work all his life to lose everything. 
“Okay… Fine… I’ll go home for a while,” Jensen said, huffing in defeat, rubbing his hand along the beard that was now covering his jawline as he focused on a random spot on the building just outside the window. Completely done with this conversation. 
Alex breathed a visible sigh of relief and flopped back into his chair. His eyes still on the man in front of him. He couldn’t imagine what was going on in Jensen’s head right now, but whatever it was, he knew he wasn’t in the sharing mood. 
“I’ll let the big guys upstairs know, take as long as you need,” Alex said, getting up from his desk and extending his hand for Jensen to shake. Jensen looked at it like it personally offended his mother, but shook it all the same. He didn’t want to piss people off to the point he’d need to find a new agency to represent him, but man, did he want to tell everyone in this building to go fuck themselves. 
It really didn’t sink in that he was going home until Jensen sat down at his computer at home with a glass of bourbon in his hand, looking at plane tickets back to Dallas. He hadn’t told his dad he was coming, and he knew his family would welcome him back with open arms, but it was his own mental struggle that kept him from hitting the pay now button on the screen.
Sure, Alex said that he could come back whenever he was ready, but the truth was he didn’t know when or if ever he’d be ready again. 
He felt like going back to Texas was admitting defeat. When he’d shown up in California all those years ago, he’d struggled his way into Hollywood. No one had given him an exactly warm welcome, and it didn’t come without some damn near misses and shit that almost sent him back before his time. 
Now, after all that. Several decade’s worths of struggling, and clawing his way to where he was today, he was going home. It left more than a little bitter taste in his mouth, and there was nothing he could do about it. 
The agency wasn’t going to get him another job until he took a break, and sure he needed one, but he didn’t want to take one. On the other hand, if he didn’t take one, then he’d surely destroy his career because he was in no shape to be in the public eye. 
There was no going back to Austin. He couldn’t live in the same town as her, that’s why he’d run off to California. If he was going back to Texas it was going to have to be Dallas. No matter how much he didn’t want to. 
It wasn’t that he was afraid someone would make fun of him, or the locals would talk about him. He was loaded, and successful. He wasn’t concerned about their opinions. It was his own pride he was struggling with, not theirs. He had lost his wife and children, now he was losing his career, and he just didn’t feel like this shitshow could get any worse. 
“Who says you can’t go home,” Jensen said with a dark chuckle as he booked his ticket, and stared at the departure time. 5:00 A.M. tomorrow. That only gave him a few hours to pack, but then again, he wasn’t sure he wanted to even take any of this shit with him.
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“Order up!” you hear James call from the other side of the counter where the kitchen was separated from the bar by a large whole that took up most of the inner wall, much like a lot of older dinner kitchens did in the ’50s and ’60s. 
You throw the rag you’d been wiping the bar down with in the laundry hamper that was hidden safely under the counter from the view of the customers and grabbed the tray of burgers and fries, bringing them over to the young couple that was sitting at the very back of the restaurant. They were the only customers left in the place, and it was obviously their first date.
You could tell it in the way the girl nervously played with the hem of her dress, while the young man did all he could to hold a conversation with her. It was evident that in the light blush that covered her cheeks she had feelings for the boy, and judging by the way he was gushing over her, his feelings went pretty deep too. 
“Here you go guys, if you need anything else I’ll just be right over there,” you tell them with a smile. They thanked you, and you returned to your place behind the counter. You sighed deeply as you started to count down the register that was used earlier that day. Once this young couple was done, then it was time to get out of here. You were more than ready to get these shoes off your feet and sink neck-deep in a bath as hot as you could stand it in order to relieve some of the day's tension that was still evident in your back and legs from standing on your feet all day.
As you counted down the money in front of you, your eyes kept drifting over to the young couple sitting at the back table. You remember when Eric had taken you on your first date. It was at a restaurant much like this one. Then the night before you got married, he brought you back to the place where it all started. He was deployed to Iraq for another tour just three weeks after your wedding and returned in a flag-draped casket a year later.
It was one of the hardest paths you ever had to walk in your life. You were young, had little to no family, and Eric was your world, your whole life, and it seemed like so suddenly it was ripped violently away from you.
You swallowed hard and tried to remember to continue to count the money, crewing on your lower lip in concentration. 
It had been three years since Eric’s funeral, and you still hadn’t moved on. Sure, there had been prospects. You were still young, only 30, and you were single in a relatively small town outside of the greater city of Dallas. So it was no secret that you were not with anyone. You knew you should find someone and try to settle down again, but you just didn’t feel the same way Eric made you feel about anyone that had approached you so far. He was your first love. There was a whole there now, that you didn’t think would ever mend.
Seeing that young couple that looked so happy and so in love brought up a whole lot of feelings that you wished like hell you could bury because they still hurt. 
“Hey you, stop staring at the customers,” Jessica said, leaning against the counter with a smirk on her face. 
You give her your best bitch face and go back to putting the money bag in the safe under the counter. “I’m just making sure the customers don’t need anything.”
“Liar,” she said simply. “You know it’s been three years, Y/N.”
You looked up at her and sighed deeply as your eyes trained back to the young couple that were laughing together. 
“I know Jessica. I’ve thought about it. No one just… I don’t know, makes me feel the way Eric did.”
Jessica gave you a sympathetic look and threw her arm around your shoulder. She was working here with you when this place opened up right after you and Eric got married. She had been your friend ever since, and she was there with you through the grieving process, and she still kept a close eye on you all these years later.
“You know I’m only telling you this because I love you as a friend right?” she asked you, and you just stared at her. Afraid of what was about to come out of her mouth. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d tried to play matchmaker, and you didn’t know if you could go through that again.
“The reason you can’t find someone is because you're still holding on to him, Y/N. You have to let him go, let him rest!”
Your hand slipped up to the small silver locket that you kept around your neck. Eric had given it to you right before he left for your last deployment, and you never took it off. You knew she was right. You were still acting like you were a married woman. If you were ever going to move on, you were going to have to let him go.
“I know you’re right, but I don’t know how,” you tell her in earnest, as the young couple throws some money down on the table, and gathers up their coats to leave, waving at the two of you as they went. 
“I’ll tell you what, tonight after we finish up, we’re going to head down to the graveyard, and you're gonna tell him goodbye for real, and bury that locket, and let him go. Then I want you to move on!! You're so young, you deserve to be happy, Eric would want you to be happy.”
“I he would,” you tell her. Letting go of the breath you didn’t know you were holding, and wiping the stray tear away that fell down your face before you nod and agree to go.
It wasn’t as hard as you thought it would be, but after you got off work, Jessica got in her car and followed you to the graveyard. You did just like she said to do. You told him goodbye and took the Locket with a spoon you’d grabbed from the diner that they were going to throw away, and dug a small hole, burying the locket, and a part of your heart forever. 
When you got home to your small house and got in the shower to wash away the day, deciding to forgo the bath because it was so late, and you were exhausted, you felt a little more at peace than you had in years. Even though there would always be a part of you that missed Eric. You hoped this time that you could let him go enough to finally move on.
You wanted what that couple had tonight, you wanted a friend and a companion. Maybe now you could start to let yourself be happy again. At least the weight that you had been carrying for three years felt just a little lighter, and you closed your eyes that night in hopes that tomorrow was going to be the start of a better way of life for you.
You never know, maybe Mr. Right will just walk right in the diner tomorrow. Then again, would you ever be that lucky?
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Forever Tags: 
Jensen and Dean’s Babes
Series Tag List: 
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muqiing · 3 years
From planning to posting, share your process for making creative content!
To continue supporting content makers, this tag game is meant to show the entire process of making creative content: this can be for any creation.
RULES — When your work is tagged, show the process of its creation from planning to posting, then tag 5 people with a specific link to one of their creative works you’d like to see the process of. Use the tag #showyourprocess so we can find yours!
Thank you so much for tagging me @lan-xichens​, I’ll try my best to explain how I made this set from start to finish hehe ♡ and also a big thank you to @suibianjie​ @highwarlockkareena​ @nyx4​ @aheartfullofjolllly​ and you as well Kris for putting this all together! Content creators get a lot less recognition than they deserve for all the time they put into their content, so getting everyone to see the (sometimes excessive) process we all go through to put our content in our blog, I hope it creates a positive change!! 💖
1. Planning
The set in question was actually requested by someone so they could celebrate their friend’s birthday! At first I wasn’t entirely sure if I was going to be able to finish it on time (college is very hectic right now) but I was able to finish it three days before the deadline which was may 1st! ^-^
The first thing I did was decide what characters I wanted to use in the set, I first reached out to the person who requested the set if there were certain characters they wanted me to use but they said they didn’t know enough to really give me any directives outside of the quote. I decided, since the quote is applicable to the entirety of the show, that I would try to put in as many characters as possible.
Thus, of course, came the hunting for scenes. Those of you in the net discord surely know I came into the content help channel a few times to ask for certain scenes here and there, and eventually I had to download an additional 10 episodes to the back then 20 or so episodes I had in my CQL episodes folder.
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As you can see I have 30 random episodes of CQL downloaded (slowly but surely getting to the point where I have all 50 episodes downloaded) and I think I ended up using scenes out of at least 20 of those episodes.
I planned out beforehand what characters I would use per gif. I knew obviously I would start out with Wangxian, them being the main characters of the show, and then would work my way down the list. The second gif consists of Nie Huaisang, Nie Mingjue, Jin Zixuan, Jiang Yanli, Wen Qing, and Wen Ning. They’re all family pairings, two being siblings and one being a married couple. The next gifset consists of the Yi City characters, then the fourth gif consists of the juniors, and the final gif has Jin Guangyao, Mianmian, Jiang Cheng, and Lan Xichen in it.
I have to admit though that when I had made the first four gifs I’d forgotten who I would put in the last gif and the when I thought about it the first time around I could only think of Lan Qiren and the very cursed Yaoyang ship 😭 it was only at dinner time that same day that I remembered I hadn’t put Jiang Cheng in my gifset yet and that’s when I thought of the other characters as well.
I had already made my first two gifs when I went to check Hanyi’s blog for layout inspo and eventually I decided I wanted to try a triangle-ish layout, which I doodled below. I eventually ended up changing the layout of the last gif in the final design. It was also the first time I would work with a triangle-ish layout so I was a bit nervous as I was scared it wasn’t going to work out...
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2. Creating
I use Avisynth 2.5 and Adobe Photoshop 2021 (the paid version, unfortunately, I need it for school except I didn’t need it this year but I wanted it so I paid for it with my own money ouch) to make my gifsets! I always start out with trimming down all the scenes I’m going to use into three to five second videos and putting them through Avisynth. This time around I did it separately for each gif I made, simply because I needed so many scenes. I would include a screenshot of my “gif vids” and “temp” folders but I’ve already deleted all the videos, which is what I usually do immediately after a set is posted.
I’ll try my best explaining this gif by gif since each one had a different layout!
2.1 Wangxian
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I think I had up to five different designs of this gif 😭 it started out with the gif on the left originally being more centered and the quote right smack in the center but somehow it felt a bit too... empty? I changed up the design and pulled the gif over to the right and put the two closeups on the left, the exact opposite of the gif I eventually ended up with. I switched things around one more time and saved the gif as you can see it right now, except I didn’t include the lines yet. It was only as I finished up my fourth gif that I decided this gif needed lines as well so I added them ^-^
2.2 Nie Huaisang, Nie Mingjue, Jin Zixuan, Jiang Yanli, Wen Qing, and Wen Ning
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I got the inspiration for the font layout on this gif from this Wenzhou post! I hadn’t tried it before and when I did for this gif I was very happy with the way it turned out :D I wanted to portray that life is a pile of good and bad things, as the quote says, in CQL by mirroring these happy scenes side by side with the sad scenes
2.3 Yi CIty
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My first time working with the triangle layout!! Putting in the lines and making sure they would line up with the second gif took me the longest of all actually  😭 I think once I got the line on the left in I just copy pasted it and flipped it horizontally so I didn’t have to fiddle around with angling it anymore :’) my original idea was to get a happy Song Lan scene and a sad A-Qing scene, but when I stumbled upon this A-Qing scene in ep38 I just had to put it in there because her smile is so precious 🥺 Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen in the center are also supposed to be mirrored, with Xue Yang embodying the “bad things” and Xiao Xingchen the “good things” ! I also think the Yi City characters fit this part of the quote very well!!
2.4 The Juniors
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Ah yes, the junior quartet!! :D I had this planned out from the very beginning, that I would include happy versus sad juniors in the “vice versa” part of the quote, and I think it worked out quite well! My first idea was to put the “vice versa” completely in the special font and have it typed out over the gifs like I did with the “vice” but as I typed out the “versa” I realized it had one letter too much to be able to do that 😭😭 it took me a while to come up with how I would position the “but” and “versa” and after some moving around I decided to just place them the way I did in the final gif! For the font, I duplicated the “vice” and added a stroke to the duplicate, then I changed the fill setting to 0% so I could slightly drag the duplicate away from the original layer to create the effect that’s in the gif — also, finding a scene in which Jin Ling smiles is really difficult.... he barely even smiles in the scene I ended up using :(
2.5 Jin Guangyao, Mianmian, Jiang Cheng, and Lan Xichen
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The final gif!! I feel like this might come a little across as “I promise I didn’t forget these characters” because they’re a very odd quadruplet to put together, but they were the most important characters left to put in the set! I was thinking of putting Nie Mingjue in here together with Jin Guangyao and Lan Xichen, but I did feel he fit more with his brother up in the second gif. Mei @mylastbraincql​ cheered me on making this gif for which I was very grateful :D <3 the layout came to be after I googled “how to evenly split a rectangle in four” because I didn’t want a repeat layout in the set  (*/∇\*)
2.6 Coloring
For the coloring I pretty much did all of the tweaking on the first gif and then copy pasted all of it onto the second, third, fourth, and fifth gif. This is usually the way I go about my coloring, I will always edit certain gifs if necessary but I don’t think I had to change the coloring much on any of these gifs? Maybe I added in a curve layer here and there, but nothing major! This is really one of my preferred coloring styles, even though I try to step outside of my comfort zones with other sets ^-^
3. Posting
I will always upload sets into my drafts and edit the caption in there as well, clicking on “preview post” a couple times to check everything looks good on my blog as well, before I post a set. However, this time, since there was a deadline and I finished before the deadline, I put this set in the queue so it would automatically post on the 1st of may! Knowing myself, I would’ve forgotten to do so </3
Whew that was... a lot 😭 did it make any sense? Probably not, but it was fun to ramble ( ´∀`)
I’ll tag
@blinkplnk​ with this set !
@wuxien​ with this set !
@wendashanren​ with this set !
@wanyinxichen​ with this set !
@yibobibo​ with this set !
@mylastbraincql​ with this set !
@sugarbabywenkexing​ with this set !
@yiling-recesses​ with this set !
@jiancheng​ with this set !
Please feel totally free to ignore this if you’ve already been tagged and don’t want to do it again!! <3
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wallgirl · 3 years
The Little Nereid Part 10
Record of Ragnarok fanfiction
Poseidon x OC
Word count: 3,100
Dynamene, youngest of the 50 Nereids, has lived most of her adolescence as a servant alongside her sisters at Poseidon’s palace. But with her coming-of-age birthday and other developments, what she initially thought was just admiration of her master blossoms into something stronger and more passionate… and painful.
Categories and warnings: Romance, angst, unrequited love, coming-of-age, earn-your-happy-ending, slow-burn (ish); no sexual content. There will be some graphic violence in the future.
Updated regularly, twice a week; will have about ?16? parts total.
Three long banquet tables took up the middle of the palace's dining hall. The middle table was reserved for the family and their close friends; the other tables were filled by guests of every sort. Each table was piled high with mountains of mouth-watering dishes; quail and fish; breads and pastries; olives and cheese. Gilded bowls of fresh fruit grown in the neighboring orchards and gardens were being served by dryads, and the satyrs went around with large jugs of wine, ensuring that no one's glass went unfilled.
Dynamene, now dressed in her finest golden peplos and her ceremonial coral wreath, made her way through the high-spirited crowd. After stopping to exchange bows and pleasantries with a faun she'd attended school with as a small child, she heard someone call her name. Turning around, she saw Thoe waving her over to a chair at the main table.
"Your seat's here next to me. You know, since we're seated in birth order," Thoe sighed as Dynamene took her chair. "I don't miss having to sit in order like this."
"What, don't like being reminded you're one of the youngest too?" Dynamene laughed.
"I am still nearly four centuries older than you, and don't you forget it!" Thoe protested, jabbing at her lightly.
"Well, since you're the second youngest of us thirteen here tonight, I suppose you're stuck next to me." Dynamene craned her head to look towards the front of the room. "Where are Mother and Father?"
"Ianeira said they'd be out any minute. Everyone else should be taking their seats soon..."
As if on cue, everyone still on their feet scrambled to their seats. The satyrs hurried to top up the last of the glasses before chugging down the remaining wine in the jugs for themselves. The eleven other Nereids present quickly made their way to the table, talking in excited whispers. "They're coming," Ianeira announced as she took her seat close to the head of the table.
Two figures appeared at the entrance at the front of the great hall, and the crowd's clamor dimmed to a murmur. Nereus and Doris, the esteemed father and mother of the Nereids, had made their appearance at last.
They were both tall and statuesque, though the similarities ended there. Nereus was an imposing man with a kind face, his smile largely hidden behind a vast beard that fell nearly halfway down his broad chest. He rose one hand in greeting to his guests, who called back their approval. "Greetings, my esteemed guests; my dearest of friends; and, of course, my beloved daughters. We are beyond honored to share our hospitality with you tonight."
Doris beamed at her daughters, her dark eyes crinkling warmly. Her long black hair fell in spirited waves and curls to her thighs, decorated on top with a coral hairpiece that matched theirs. "We are gathered here this evening to rejoice; thirteen of our beautiful daughters have returned home to celebrate Dynamene's coming-of-age. Please join us in filling this evening with merriment beyond heart's measure!" She rose her glass in a toast, and the rest of the hall joined her with cheer.
The opening speech given, the crowd returned to socializing. Doris and Nereus made their way to their gilded thrones at the head of the family table.
"More and more beautiful every year," Doris sighed contentedly, looking at her daughters with pride. "I am so glad to see you again, loves. It's so quiet here with you all away."
"I don't know about that; Nerites almost makes enough noise to make up for it," laughed Nereus merrily.
"That's not true!" Nerites protested from the other end of the table. He looked up from the kabob of roasted fish he was chewing. "I make more than enough noise."
The family erupted with laughter at his unexpectedly peeved retort. "I jest, Nerites," Nereus soothed. "You're the noisiest lad on the coast; I promise."
"Especially on days your father and I are trying to sleep in," Doris added smoothly, passing a plate of poached figs to her husband.
"Aye, and the days we're not trying to sleep in, too," Nereus whispered boldly, winking saucily at her. Dynamene nearly choked on her wine as her older sisters laughed at his raunchy remark. Doris threw a grape at him playfully.
"Mind your manners, or we'll be sleeping in separate suites entirely tonight, and it won't matter either way."
"Ah, just having a bit of a laugh, my love." Nereus brushed her hair back affectionately. "But your mother is right; it's not the same here with all of you girls gone. Too bad the rest couldn't come as well."
"I'm surprised Poseidon agreed to let thirteen of us come to begin with," Actaea said, swirling her wine thoughtfully.
"He does have business elsewhere, so he doesn't need all of us tending the palace as usual," Ianeira replied. "Honestly, though, he could have let all of us come and things wouldn't change at all. It's not like anyone else would be there to make a mess."
"Mm, quite right." Thoe took a dainty bite from a pear. "I'm sure he wants to keep the rest there just to prove he can. Another status symbol."
Dynamene stared at her plate. I'm sure he's not doing it just out of spite.
"Do you want something else to eat, Dynamene?" Doris asked. "I know lobster isn't your favorite. Do you want to try some quail?"
"Oh, no," Dynamene rushed, holding up her hands. "Just lost in thought. I've grown more fond of lobster lately, to be honest; especially with lime sauce."
Doris tutted fondly. "Finally getting a taste for shellfish; you really have come-of-age, haven't you?"
Ianeira watched quietly for a moment, then spoke up. "Mother, do you think I could speak to you in private later tonight?"
Doris looked up in concern. "Of course, dearest; is everything alright? Is it something we should speak about right away?"
"No, it's not urgent," Ianeira said. "Just something that's been worrying me." Her gaze lingered on Dynamene, who took notice, before quickly darting away.
Again with that strange air of secretiveness... But what does it mean? Dynamene pondered for a moment.
Oh, well. I suppose if it involves me, I'll find out sooner or later. She reached out to try a bit of quail. Lobster still really wasn't quite her favorite.
Some hours later, the feast had ended and the guests had dispersed. Dynamene had retired to take a soothing bath in the wide tub of the grand bath. Worn out from the long day, and stuffed to bursting with delicious food, it felt wonderful to let herself relax in the hot salt water. It wasn't long before she began to feel sleepy, and she knew it was time to head to bed.
Freshly bathed, and with her damp hair hanging loose, she put on a fresh chiton that smelled of the ocean outside. She felt so much more relaxed since they'd arrived at home. She left the bathroom and wandered down the dimly lit halls to her childhood bedroom. The gentle orange glow of the torches set a warm, soft light everywhere it touched. Her bare feet weren't cold against the ground here, unlike with the cold marble at Poseidon's palace. It would be nice to sleep in her old bed again tonight.
She was almost to her room when she heard quiet voices coming from Ianeira's room. She paused, remembering Ianeira's request to their mother. Surely she was hearing them talk about whatever it was that troubled Ianeira.
She hesitated outside the door. It wasn't right for her to eavesdrop, but when she remembered that had persisted since her sisters' meeting with Poseidon, she couldn't bring herself to walk away. Brushing her hair away from her ear, she leaned in to listen.
"...worried about her, lately. It wouldn't be a concern if you hadn't sent us to a place like that in the first place. I just don't understand. Why?"
Ianeira's tone was rather vulnerable, now that she was speaking in private with her mother. It took Dynamene by surprise; for so long, Ianeira had been the one guiding the rest of them, and now here she was herself seeking counsel with her mother.
"We sent you to Poseidon's palace to broaden your prospects," Doris answered firmly. "To give you opportunities you could never have here. Your father and I are rather ancient by the rest of the pantheon's standards, and our influence has already peaked long ago. It was our hope that, by sending you to serve Poseidon, that you might meet others, gain an education, and make your own way in the world."
"The tutors were top-class," Ianeira admitted. "But Poseidon himself is a geyser, just waiting to blow. Don't you remember what he did to Adamas? Ripped him in half without a second thought. We were there, serving him, when that happened, remember? We saw the body, Mother. I can still hear the screams some nights..."
"I think about it more than I ought to," Doris whispered. "And I am sorry that you had to witness it. It was an unspeakable act. But I don't believe for one second that he would ever harm any of you."
"It matters not what you believe! I don't want to risk that happening to Dynamene! If he was capable of doing that to his own brother on a whim, what would he do to her?" Ianeira cried.
Doris sighed. "Your father and I have always had faith that Poseidon would never lay a hand on any of you. All fifty of you are clever and resourceful; we know you would never tempt fate with him. And he would never tempt fate with you."
Ianeira laughed humorlessly. "Tempt fate? Oh, Mother, if only you knew."
"I don't understand, Ianeira. Why are you afraid for Dynamene? What do you fear Poseidon is going to do?"
"It's more about what Dynamene might do at the moment, Mother," Ianeira said, her voice defeated. "You see... Dynamene is infatuated with Poseidon."
 One could have heard a pin drop. Dynamene clapped her hand over her mouth, hiding her gasp of shock. How long had they known about her feelings for Poseidon?
"...She has always been a passionate girl," Doris murmured. "Always a bit of a romantic. But, I suppose, this really isn't so surprising of a development. Of the fifty of you, one of you was bound to become enamored with him."
"I'm worried for her, Mother," Ianeira whispered. "She's still so young; she's still a child in so many ways. I don't know what to do."
"Dynamene is at that strange stage where she has the desires of a woman, but the reasoning of a child. She is inexperienced. It will just take time; she will grow and learn."
"But that's what I'm worried about, Mother!" Ianeira pleaded. "She's already so infatuated with him, and this is Poseidon! If, in time, she really does fall in love with him, and he lays claim to her - what can we do to protect her from him? She'll become his consort, and then..."
"Dynamene is still too young to truly know romantic love. I assure you, dearest, what Dynamene feels right now is just a passing fancy. Poseidon is a powerful god, and he is handsome; I would be more surprised if she did not develop an attraction to him. But Poseidon is infamously cold and stoic. Nothing will come of it, you have my word."
That stung. Dynamene winced, her face flushing with humiliation. It was uncomfortably jarring to hear her family speak candidly about her innermost feelings this way.
"I don't want to risk that! Dynamene is around him all the time, as we all are, serving him at the palace. Please, just request that Dynamene remain home longer, even if only for a year. If it's truly a mere crush, then her feelings for him should fizzle out by then."
What? The gears in Dynamene's mind began to turn rapidly. Ianeira was asking Doris to keep her here even longer...
Almost as if the whole point of the trip had been to get her away from Poseidon.
Dynamene swallowed hard, feeling a surge of angry betrayal wash over her. Her clenched fists had begun to shake. She resisted the urge to barge in; they were still speaking, and she wanted to listen until the end.
Doris was quiet. "I will consider it. But the thirteen of you have only just got here today; it could very well be the case that, by the time the month is up, Dynamene's attention will be on someone else."
Dynamene heard Ianeira exhale. "Thank you, Mother. I just... I just want her to be safe."
"I understand, my child," Doris comforted her. "But have faith; everything will turn out just fine."
Dynamene couldn't stand to listen to anymore. She ran to her room and slammed the door shut, angry tears forming in her eyes.
They had known. They had known this entire time how she felt. And now, instead of supporting her, or even just hearing her out about her feelings, they were trying to keep the two of them apart. Her sisters, the people she trusted most in the whole world, had betrayed her trust.
Any joy she'd felt from their homecoming dispersed within her chest, replaced by the hot, prickling sensation of rage. How could they do this? She wasn't only angry at them; she was angry at herself, too. How could I have been so blind?  She asked herself angrily. Of course they'd never accept my feelings for Poseidon. If one thing's clear now, it's that they hate him. They've never spoken to him the way I have. They've no idea.
I never wanted to stay here for a month from the start, let alone a year. By the time we go back to the palace, the council of the gods will have taken place, and Hera will have done her best to force someone else upon Poseidon. I won't let that happen. I'll do whatever it takes to go back before then.
A gentle rap on her shut door broke her out of her angry reverie. She didn't bother to check who it was before shouting, "Go away!"
But of course, the door opened anyway, revealing the last person she wanted to see: Ianeira.
"Leave me alone," Dynamene snapped at her.
Ianeira stared at her in shock. "What's gotten into you? I just came to check on you. Is something the matter?"
Perhaps now wasn't the right time to break out into a fury. Dynamene unclenched her jaw and took a breath. "No, I'm sorry for snapping. I just have a headache."
"Oh, I'm sorry," Ianeira said, coming to sit next to her. She reached out to stroke her sister's hair, but Dynamene pulled away.
"Well, I'll keep things brief then," Ianeira started over. "We had a good time today, didn't we?"
"Yes," Dynamene muttered as she looked away. It was going great until now.
"I know how refreshing it is to be here at home. It's where we belong, really, although with how much time we've spent at Poseidon's palace, it can be hard to remember."
Dynamene was silent, knowing where her sister's words were leading to and loathing it. Ianeira carefully ventured onwards. "So... How would you like to take the year off and stay here, at home?"
Dynamene looked at Ianeira with loathing in her eyes. "So you can keep me away from Poseidon a little longer?"
Ianeira's mouth fell open, but no words came out.
Dynamene jumped to her feet, unable to rein in her rage any longer. "You can't even deny it, can you?! That this whole trip was a ruse to get me away from him! Is that the real reason why you left me out of the audience?"
"Why... How on earth could you possibly know that?" Ianeira shot back, standing up.
"I have a predisposition to eavesdropping, I guess," Dynamene clenched her fists. "I heard what you were saying to Mother. How dare you decide what's best for me like that?! You haven't even asked me about any of it!"
"About what? Your infatuation with a madman?!" Ianeira yelled back. Her eyes were snapping with long-repressed frustration and anger, and Dynamene couldn't help but shirk back. "You think I haven't lost sleep, worrying about this? And now you want me to compromise with you over it?!"
"How dare you say that!" Angry tears threatened to overflow from Dynamene's eyes. "I don't need you deciding what's right for me! I've already made up my mind; I want to stay with him! I want to be with him!"
"Be with him?! Are you insane, Dynamene?!" Ianeira threw her arms up in disbelief. "You want to be with the man who tore his own brother apart without a second glance? Is that the same fate you want, once he decides you too don't meet his standards?!"
"He would never do that to me!" Dynamene cried, clutching her bracelet. "He wouldn't! Even when he caught me spying, he-"
"He what?" Ianeira's voice went deadly quiet. "You did what?"
"I..." Dynamene knew she had made a mistake, and she looked down.
"You spied on him? Why?! Are you even thinking?! If Mother and Father knew-"
"I had to know what he was talking about with Hera! I don't want him to be with anyone else; I love him! I love him!" Dynamene's voice cut off as she began to sob with abandon. "Please, don't tell them! They'll never let me-"
"How could you say you love him?! He has no heart! He cares for no one, not even us!" Ianeira hurled. Her hair was steaming with rage. "You're not even thinking, taking risks like that! There's no way you're returning to that palace! You're still a child; Poseidon will ruin you! I won't let him do that to you; not you, or any of my sisters!" Her shouts echoed in the small room.
"You can't stop me!" Something within Dynamene had snapped. "I'm not a child anymore, and you don't control me!" She threw open the windows and let the night wind pour in, billowing about her. The black seawater swirled many feet below.
"Wait, Dynamene, don't!" Ianeira cried out, reaching for her.
Dynamene dove headfirst out the window without a second glance. She plunged into the cold ocean water below, the thin fabric of her chiton swirling about her.
I won't sit by and let others decide my life for me! They could never know how I feel. They won't even try to understand. Tears drifted from her eyes, leaving a trail of bubbles in her wake. That's just fine. I'll take things into my own hands. I'll find a way; I will.
Dynamene let her body disperse into the water, swimming away as fast as she could into the dark waters of the night.
Author’s Notes: This part has taken me the longest thus far now. I gave myself time to recharge before finishing it because I wanted the emotions to be strong. Can't do that if I'm suffering writer fatigue. I watched part of The Little Mermaid and felt ready to continue. Here we are!
Can you blame Dynamene, Ianeira? Have you LOOKED at Poseidon, I mean REALLY LOOKED? Man's got the looks of an angel. Too bad his personality doesn't match.
The parts now have names (on ao3)! We're at part 10 now; I thought names might help tell them apart. No spoilers in them, but descriptive enough that people who have already read them will hopefully be able to tell which is which.
Nereid birth order:
Ianeira - 1
Actaea - 6
Callianassa - 23
Eione - 27
Thoe - 41
Dynamene - 50
24 notes · View notes
rose-blooms-red · 3 years
Significant Others/troopers under their command react to Edee's latest volley of obnoxious gifts :D
Did I start this 3 months ago? Yes. Did I also write over 2k of it Today? Also yes. Productivity is a Relative Term. 
[read on ao3]
Fox twitches as he reads the clearly handmade voucher. Says, pleasant as anything, “I’m going to fucking murder him.”
Ponds hums, looking over Fox’s shoulder, “It’s sweet. Probably.”
Fox makes a noise in the back of his throat that isn’t entirely describable by any known language. 
Does he still have that clock he found during that one shopping trip? The one with that awful fucking peach, mustard, and grey-blue combination that spat out an eeopie’s mating call every half hour? He’d been planning on saving it he remembers but—
“Telling you to take a break like that,” Ponds continues, like he can’t hear the way Fox’s higher reasoning is currently dying a slow painful death, “very considerate.”
Fox grits his teeth. Needs must, and Fox needs to crush the little fucker’s spirit thoroughly under heel. He’ll have to take it out of storage tomorrow.
Ponds giggles, “I’m sure it’ll be entertaining at least.”
“Hondo,” Fox reiterates, digging his elbow back into Ponds’ stomach. 
Ponds drapes himself over Fox’s back, knocks the side of his head against Fox’s, “As I said,” he simpers, “entertaining.”
Fox makes a disgusted sound, sneers down at the offending…. Gift.
‘All expense-paid cruise on the Hondo Ohkana ‘Sights of The Galaxy’ tour!!!!!!’ It proclaims in neon colours and excessive exclamation marks, ‘Very Romantic and Exciting!’
“When’s it say it’s good for?” Ponds asks, like he’s actually contemplating it.
Ponds snatches the voucher out of his hands anyway, “Oh good! We aren’t busy that ten-day.”
Fox’s hand twitches, “I am not getting on a fucking ship with fucking Hondo Ohkana, Ponds.”
“Mhm, ‘course not Fox.” Ponds responds absentmindedly, pats his arm lightly in the way that means they are definitely getting on the fucking ship with fucking Hondo Ohkana, “We’ve got a ten-day to pack and get everything in order, that should be enough.” He nods to himself, breezes out of the room with a vague sense of purpose as he flits around the house, presumably for things to take on a ‘very romantic and exciting’ trip.
Fox is going to murder somebody, preferably Hondo, or Neyo. 
He hears the sound of Ponds grabbing the DC-15A’s and he grimaces, ugh, time to find the fucking holdout blasters, those things haven’t been serviced in at least a ten-day, and he needs to check on the blaster packs for the DC-17’s. He can’t remember if he restocked the things after the last time he used them. 
If they’re going on the fucking trip, they’re gonna be well fucking stocked.
(Fox manages not to murder Hondo, but it’s a very near fucking thing.
He does come back from the trip in a much better mood though, other than the twitch he’s developed from listening to Hondo all day. Ponds is annoyingly amused and smug about it. Fox ignores it, like he does every other fucking annoyance in his life. 
He shuts down the talk of another trip like it happening any time in this fucking century before Ponds even opens his mouth to respond. Once was fucking enough thank you.)
Colt closes his eyes, casts a net about his mind for a sliver of patience and finds his supply has dwindled something awful.
When he opens his eyes again both nuisance and potted plant are still there. Gree smiles winningly and Colt smells danger. 
Or maybe he just smells the plant, because that is the thing overwhelming everything else right now. He glares down at it, it looks harmless, mostly, in it’s large pot but already Colt can hear the sounds of flies swarming around.
“That is not a houseplant,” Colt says, relatively tamely in his opinion, given that the overwhelming smell it emits is decay, “that is the type of plant one shoots and hopes doesn't survive the encounter.”
“It’s a very rare and endangered plant,” Gree lies, grin earnest and eyes bright with humour.
“It’s a pile of banthashit dressed up in vegitive form.”
“It’s an Amorphophallus titanum,” Gree corrects, “and it’s very rare, it’s one of the largest unbranched inflorescence in the galaxy that isn’t also carnivorous in any shape or form.”
Colt gives the plant a dubious look, “I’ll believe that when it doesn’t smell like it just ate and digested something.”
Gree shrugs, “It’s possible it’s a type of carrion flower…. but in the name of protecting it from extinction there’s no one I’d trust more than you.”
Colt twitches, he has no clue what a carrion flower is or how that accounts for the way it smells like Colt has a pile of corpses rotting away on his front step, but he does not like it at all.
The worst part is that he can’t actually tell whether this is Gree being serious or him pulling a shithead move. Because this is exactly the type of thing Gree would genuinely do and also the type of thing Gree would do just to fuck with him.
Behind him someone gags and Colt twitches.
“Fine,” he grits out, and Gree’s smile tries for sunshine and comes up partly cloudy and fully shiteating.
“Wonderful, thanks Colt.”
“Please leave.” 
Gree laughs as he leaves and Colt closes the door with a sigh.
“It smells like someone died over there,” Blitz calls out and Colt groans.
“Really? I hadn’t noticed.”
Havoc sniggers, “It really does sir, we might have to keep the Little’s away for a few days, wouldn’t want one of ‘em puking.”
Colt winces, that image does enough to convince him of the necessity, the only thing that could be worse right now is over a dozen Little’s sicking up from the smell. “Might be for the best.”
Blitz hums, looking at the now closed door in interest, “How likely is it that he was pulling your leg?”
Colt slumps into his chair, “50/50” he admits and Blitz raises his eyebrows.
“That is almost more concerning. What the kriff did they put in your batch.”
“Mistakes,” Colt grumbles back. This is why he’s the oldest, he’s the only one in the entire batch who managed to wrangle any sense out of his tube and keep it all the way through.
Havoc laughs and Blitz snorts, then looks like he immediately regrets it, “Ugh, Colt your batch is full of sadists I’m not gonna get the smell out of my nose for weeks.”
“It’s probably seeped into the clothes at this point,” Havoc agrees and Colt groans.
(When Shaak comes home she takes one look at the plant and can’t seem to decide whether to grimace or smile.
“Apparently,” he drawls, “it’s a very endangered plant that’s been entrusted to my care.”
A burst of laughter ripples out into the room and Shaak smiles, hand covering her lips as her shoulders shake minutely, Colt forgets about the death plant for a second as he looks up at her, heart stopping for a moment in the split second it takes her to swallow her laughter back down and he wants nothing more than to pull that sound out from her again.
It takes him a minute to realize that at some point he’d started smiling. He can’t seem to stop it, but there are worse things to find himself unable to stop doing.
“It’s commonly known as a type of carrion flower,” she tells him finally, laughter lacing her tone, “otherwise known as a corpse flower for the smells they produce. It is not endangered, though there are those who agree that it might not be too much of a loss if it was.”
Colt groans. Shaak giggles and Colt finds himself forgetting for a second to plot his revenge.
Maybe Gree will get off a bit lighter this time, if only because Colt got to hear that bright laughter. 
He hums, “Plant it far, far, far away from the house?” Shaak smiles, presses a kiss to his forehead.
“That, my dear Colt, sounds like a brilliant plan.”)
Gree gives the box a look of suspicious distrust that makes Barriss giggle and Decker snicker. 
It’s a big box, about the size of his torso and Gree has seen that bland, even smile too many times before to trust the contents of the box.
“Fox,” he warns and Fox’s grin goes sickeningly sweet.
“Gree, Baby Brother Dearest,” he drawls and Gree can hear the capital letters what the fuck, “I put my heart and soul into this you know, I’m hurt, really I am.”
That, Gree thinks sourly, is the worst load of banthashit he’s ever heard, and he’s had to listen to ‘scientific lectures’ given by people who read maybe one Edupad and then promptly forgot all of the information in the Edupad and decided whatever half-remembered thing left was Fact and Truth and refused to listen to Reason…. or sources and cited works.
Gree was very annoyed about that one, he’d put Effort into that paper thank you very much and he’d taken the class to learn things, not whatever that had been.
Fox wiggles the box in his hands around, expression pleasant and smile sharp.
Gree sighs. At least, he assures himself as he takes the box, it won’t be as bad as whatever happened after Fox and Ponds had come back from Neyo’s…… Gift.
The box is squishy. Boxes are not supposed to be squishy.
Gree has a Bad Feeling about this. He raises an eyebrow, Fox doesn’t even twitch.
Behind him Barriss is watching the exchange with wide, mirth filled eyes and a hand covering her mouth. Decker has long since lost the battle of keeping his snickering quiet and the rest of Gree’s so called loyal troopers of Green company watch with rapt attention.
He sighs again, loud and long-suffering, Fox’s smile never shrinks a shade less than serial killer pleased.
Gree unwraps the wrapping flimsi with ease, and then stares with distant horror at the plasti-cling underneath it. Not a box, no, plasti-cling.
It’s layered.
Gree twitches and reaches for one of his vibroblades.
“It’s very delicate,” Fox informs him, just as he gets the vibroblade out of it’s holder.
“Oh?” Gree asks, really quite pleasantly given the plasti-cling is so layered he can’t see a damn thing through it.
“Extremely,” Fox confirms, deadpan. Behind him Barriss giggles uncontrollably and Decker is flushed with laughter and gasping for air and the others aren’t much better. 
“Do they always do this?” one of them whispers incredibly poorly, Gree twitches, Fox eyes him with that malicious amusement that cements his place as youngest forever in Gree’s head.
“Always,” Barriss whispers back, giggling still and Gree’s heart warms for a second before his impending humiliation via gift settles in again.
“I knew the Commander wasn’t only, you know, learny, but I always thought he was sane.”
“Oh he’s sane,” Cooker reassures, “far as we can tell their entire batch is just, Like That.”
“But this is Torrent lev—” Fox’s face gives an unpleasant twitch that Gree sympathizes with.
Torrent, ugh.
“Shhhh,” the rest of Green hisses and Barriss hides her head in her hands as she laughs.
“We don’t compare them to Torrent, makes them touchy,” Draa mutters, as if he isn't half the reason Gree goes into interactions with Torrent prepared to have engineering go on another crazed building spree. He has a hunch that they feed on each other, the engineers, and it's their own special kind of crazy that Gree is half fascinated by and half resigned to.
“My point stands.” 
Gree grits his teeth, narrows his eyes at Green Company as a whole to no avail, turns a raised eyebrow to Barriss in a last attempt at gaining control of a situation he’d lost all hold over the moment Fox had walked up to him with a ‘gift from the bottom of my heart, Gree’.
His cold dead heart maybe. Gree is plotting his revenge already.
He puts the blade back with mechanical motions, feels around for the beginning of the despised plasti-cling, seriously who made it Gree has complaints for them, and begins the arduous task of unwrapping it all.
Who let Fox have this much plasti-cling.
(Over 10 hours of nonstop focus later the last of the plasti-cling has finally been ripped away and Gree stares at the new puzzle cube. Ugly and about the size of his palm. Much, much smaller than the wrapping he’d been given, nearly the size of his torso.
Gree makes a strangled sound that he will forever deny, Draa. 
The plasti-cling sits around him tauntingly, viciously victorious in all it’s piled glory.
It takes 3 days for Green Company to stop laughing about it. It does not take 3 days for them to stop sharing the holopics and vids they took, that takes much longer.
Barriss is Gree’s favourite now, everyone else is awful and everything they say is lies, and Fox has been demoted to all the way to being the baby.)
Neyo tilts his head, grin bordering manic, “That, is the ugliest piece of garbage I’ve ever seen.”
Colt smiles, “It’s high class art.”
“It looks like someone took cans of paint and dumped them on the nearest patch of dirt they found.” 
“The texture adds value.”
“It’s chunks of dirt and grass.” Neyo hisses in delighted outrage. 
Colt waves a hand, voice disinterested and all ‘above all this nonsense’ like, “Very classy. Made with only the best of intentions.”
Neyo giggles, “It looks like actual manure, I hate it.”
“I got it just for you,” Colt simpers, like the little shit no one ever believes he is, “I saw it and just knew you’d connect to it.”
Neyo cackles, “This is awful, you’re awful, I’m hanging it on the wall and telling everyone you painted it.”
Colt raises an eyebrow, “No one will believe you.”
He’s right, it’s awful. Neyo pouts, “I could convince them.”
No he can’t, but that’s besides the point.
Colt hums, “mhm, I’m sure you could kih’vod.”
Neyo flicks at Colt’s wrist and wilts, “This is harassment.”
“Whatever you say Ney’ika.”
“You’re a bully.”
“I can’t believe anyone thinks you’re responsible.”
“That is because I am.” Colt says, putting Neyo in a headlock, they both ignore the way Neyo tenses up for a fraction of a second before he relaxes, sulks, digging his elbow into Colt’s side.
It’s the first time Colt has given him such a blatantly awful gift. Neyo cackles and something shakes loose in his chest. His throat feels grossly tight and the stupid shitty canvas covered in dirt and paint sits leaning against the wall innocently.
Colt makes the same even face he uses on the Little’s when they’re being hilarious and he can’t afford to tell them or when he’s about to say something completely karking stupid because no matter how much he likes to tell everyone he’s the oldest he totally isn’t. 
Neyo slips out of the headlock, giggles through the knot in his throat and rolls his eyes.
“You’re deluding yourself and everyone around you.” he tells Colt. Colt has only ever been responsible by necessity, and never once in all of Neyo’s memories of him, has he been anything less than an absolute shithead just like the rest of them when there was no necessity.
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“I’m not arguing with you like a first-cycle.”
“Are too.”
“You’re the one who gave me the shitty painting.”
“It’s high class art you bastard.”
Neyo preens, “Thank you, still the worst thing I’ve ever seen though. Might hang it up in the front room, just to really bring it all together.”
Colt sighs, aggrieved. Neyo has no sympathy for him, really if you’re gonna play the game you gotta be in it to win it. It’s not Neyo’s fault that the trashy, awful, horrible dirt, grass, paint mixture splattered onto canvas happens to be horrifyingly tasteless. Neyo loves it. It’s gonna make Fox so mad.
(“Neyo,” Vaughn asks, staring at the wall, “why is there a, what even is that, dirt? On canvas?”
Neyo straightens up, grins wide, “Colt painted it. Out of the love in his heart and the limited talents he was decanted with.”
Vaughn raises an eyebrow, “That’s lovely and everything, why is it hanging in our front room.”
“It is horrifically awful and I love it and Fox and Ponds are coming over tomorrow.”
Vaughn laughs.
The next day, Ponds takes one look at it and giggles, “Fox, Fox come here, you’re gonna hate it.”
Fox takes one look at it and walks right back out of the house, Neyo cackles the entire time.)
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Jeremy Meets Helpy
Chapter 2: Helpy Visits Jeremy Again
Jeremy wakes up one day to Helpy being not only alive and well, but even homeless. So Jeremy takes the little bear under his wing and keeps the bear as a child-like friend.
Jeremy waited patiently for Helpy to return. He worked, came home, and grew a little disappointed everyday that Helpy didn’t come. Tonight was another one of those nights. Helpy didn’t return and Jeremy, again, felt hurt by it. It’s been 3 weeks since Helpy left him. And every day felt more and more sad. Jeremy decided to just hop into bed and sleep his sadness away. He wanted Helpy back really badly, but he knew he was probably very busy.
So...he slept the day away...waiting for Helpy to return...
[The next morning]
Jeremy groaned and slowly started to wake up. The sun had woken him more than he expected.
“Mornin’ Jemy!” something said to him.
“HELPY?!” Jeremy got up, pulled his covers off and ran to the kitchen. But…
The kitchen was empty.
“Mmmmph! Mmm mmmph!” something said all muffled.
Jeremy turned around and immediately noticed that the blankets were moving. The blankets were flopping around and...shaking like a dog?
Jeremy walked up to the pile of blankets that he just threw off himself, and removed the covers.
The purple bear that was standing there, threw his arms up. “JEMY!”
“HELPY!” Jeremy picked up the bear and spun around with the bear up in the air. Helpy let out little cheers and whooos of excitement as the bear flew around in Jeremy’s arms. Then, Jeremy brought Helpy into a BIG bear hug. “I missed you so much!” Jeremy told him. Jeremy removed him from his arms. “Don’t ever leave like that again! I didn’t know when you were gonna come back! I didn’t know what happened to you, or if you were broken, lost, hurt-” Jeremy was tearing up and starting to cry. “Don’t do that again...please.” Jeremy begged.
“Helpy okay. Helpy here.” The bear told him, placing both its hands onto Jeremy’s. “Helpy miss you.” The bear admitted.
Jeremy smiled through his tears. “Jemy missed you too…a lot.” Jeremy admitted back.
“Helpy home. for ever.” Helpy told him.
“Really?” Jeremy asked, not fully believing it.
“Yeah! Helpy stay now for ever!” Helpy declared.
Jeremy looked at him with some hope in his eyes. “Are you sure? Don’t you...have a home?” Jeremy asked.
“Jemy home. Henry friend.” Helpy said.
Henry? As in…
“Henry Emily?” Jeremy asked.
Helpy looked at him with his eyebrows raised in...sadness. Then, the bear looked down. “Henry…”
Jeremy blinked and realized that Helpy was feeling more than just sad...he was distressed!
Jeremy quickly grabbed this week’s newspaper from the table and opened it to look for some clues on the matter. Anything to tell him what he was sad for. But all he could find was an article on...a building fire that killed two people and...roughly 50 animatronics?!
Jeremy gasped and covered his mouth...Henry was one of the deaths…
And Helpy was mourning him!
“Oh Helpy…” Jeremy wrapped his arms around Helpy and hugged him tightly. “I’m so sorry.”
“Henry...Henry dead...Helpy sad…” Helpy told him.
Jeremy held onto him and cuddled him as he mourned for a while. Helpy was holding onto Helpy for a while, looking sad. Jeremy wasn’t sure if Helpy was actually feeling sadness, or whether his sadness was simulated. But that didn’t matter to Jeremy. He knew that Helpy was experiencing sadness and needed time to mourn.
“Okay. Helpy better. Home with Jemy!” Helpy declared.
“I...Really? You’re actually over it now?” Jeremy reacted.
“Helpy better. Play play play!” Helpy declared happily.
“Play?! Already? I need to eat some breakfast first, little man!” He reacted.
“Picky ups?” Helpy asked.
Jeremy giggled and nodded. “Okay.” Jeremy picked up Helpy, carried him to the kitchen and grabbed a banana for breakfast.
“Nana!” Helpy reacted.
“Yup...a banana.” Jeremy replied.
Jeremy carried Helpy around while he ate the banana bit by bit. The banana was a little soft and brown, but it was at its best state: with spotted brown on the yellow peel.
As soon as the spotted peel was thrown into the garbage, Jeremy lifted Helpy up, and cuddled him into his arms like a baby. While being held, Jeremy tickled the animatronics little belly. “Tickle time for Helpy!” Jeremy declared.
“Tihihihihicklehehes fohohor hehehelpyhyhy!” He reacted, covering his mouth with both his hands.
“Kitchy kitchy kitchy kitchy koo!” Jeremy teased him.
Belly giggled and rolled all around like a little panda bear. He looked so happy to be tickled like this! It was evident on Helpy’s little cheeky grin. Helpy looked to Jeremy with appreciation in his eyes.
Then, he got up. “Oh oh oh! Cuddle tickles!” He declared. “Cuddle tickles cuddle tickles!”
“Oookaaay!” Jeremy grabbed Helpy into his arms and started skittering his fingers all over Helpy’s sides and belly. Helpy squealed and giggled loudly. He wiggled and clapped his arms around while kicking his feet like a wild animal.
Oh…wait…he’s supposed to be modeled after a bear.
Jeremy booped Helpy’s little nose, and jumped in surprise the moment his little nose made a squeak! Helpy’s nose squeaks too?! What a surprise! Helpy was seriously an entire package of cute created to fit one being! And it was such a joy!
Jeremy resumed tickling Helpy for a little bit longer. He went for his sides like he usually did, and even went for his armpits for a few minutes.
“What? Ticklish much?” Jeremy teased.
Jeremy nodded and moved down to Helpy’s rib area. “Here. Is that better?” Helpy asked.
Helpy nodded and leaned his head against Jeremy’s chest. “Yehehehah. Behehetter.” He replied calmly.
Jeremy held onto Helpy for a little while and started singing a little tune he remembered from when he was younger. He was so happy and thankful to have Helpy back with him. It was like a big brick fell right off his shoulders and into the abyss. Any sign of the brick had fallen away. He felt like a feather...He felt like he could maybe even fly with Helpy around him.
Helpy was more than just a companion for him. Helpy was like the best friend he’s been yearning for since he was younger. It was a big blessing to have such a complicated robot as a best friend. You wouldn’t be able to tell if any of the feelings were true or simulated. So, you’d just handle them like you’d handle any human emotion: With love and understanding.
“Hehehehelpy tihihicklehed ohohout nohohow.” Helpy told him.
Jeremy snapped out of his thoughts and very quickly stopped tickling him.
“My turn to tickle!” Helpy moved to Jeremy’s belly, lifted the shirt up, and blew a BIG raspberry onto his belly.
“eeEEEEEK!” Jeremy squealed, falling flat onto his back.
“Tickles tickles tickles!” Helpy fluttered his left hand fingers on Jeremy’s sensitive tummy and squeezed his left side with his right hand.
“I gotcha! You my tickle me Jemy!” Helpy told him.
Jeremy laughed even more at that. Did he just reference those Tickle Me Elmo’s?!
“Oh, I’m your tickle me elmo now?” Jeremy asked.
“Tickle tickle tickle!” Helpy declared, tickling his belly again.
“EEEhehehehehahahahahahaha! Yohohou’re juhuhust mahahakihing uhup for lost tihihime!” Jeremy reacted.
Helpy nodded and took in a deep breath. He blew a big raspberry onto Jeremy’s belly, defying all the laws of animatronic logic in 5 seconds or less.
“EEEEAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HEHEHEHEHEY! HOHOHOW AHAHARE YOHOHOHOU-” Jeremy yelped as he fell to the floor from all the tickles.
“Surprise!” Helpy yelled happily, standing in front of Jeremy’s face. “Lost time tickles! Jemy tickles!” Helpy shoved his hand into Jeremy’s armpit and skittered all over.
Jeremy was a cackling, wiggling mess…
Indeed, Jeremy was a big wig-waggling mess…
And we all know Jeremy was a wabble-jabbling mess of a being then…
[That night:]
Jeremy was groaning and covering his ears. There were so many people honking their horns in the middle of the street that night...
Wait...Where was Helpy?
Jeremy took off his eye cover and looked around for the bear. “Helpy?”
He looked around the room while more beeping sounds went off on the road from the living room window. He groaned and slowly covered his ears again. The beeping sounds were getting louder and closer to his room…
Jeremy looked up and noticed the bear standing at the door. “Oh...Hi Helpy.”
Another honk went off from the window.
{HONK HONK} Helpy’s horn went.
Jeremy groaned and covered his eyes. “What are you doing honking this time a night?”
Another honk went off.
Jeremy growled and held his head. “Stop honking at the cars!”
“They honk first!”
“They’re-...They’re honking at the cars to go faster. They’re not honking at you-”
Helpy laughed. “Hahahaha! I honk first!”
Jeremy growled and walked up. “Come on Helpy. Off to bed.”
“No!” Helpy honked his horn in his face.
“OOW! MY EARS!” Jeremy yelled, dropping the bear.
Helpy fell onto the ground with a loud crack sound filling the room for only a second…
Jeremy sighed. His neck broke again. “Greeeeat. Come on Helpy...Fix your neck.” Jeremy ordered. “Then let’s sleep for a while. And no more honking.”
Helpy nodded and snapped his neck back in place like he usually did. Then, Helpy walked himself to Jeremy and raised his arms up. “Up up up?”
Jeremy smiled and knelt down, picking up the bear and placing him on his hip like he would for a toddler.
“Ready for beddy bye?” Jeremy asked. “Would you like me to read you a story? I might have some old classic books in my bookshelf to read to you.” Jeremy asked.
Helpy nodded his head. “Story! Story!”
Jeremy grabbed an old fairytale from his bookshelf and dusted it off a little. It was an old copy of the Paddington Bear story.
Jeremy sat his pillow up and sat down with Helpy in his arm. “A Bear Named Paddington...By Michael Bond and Peggy Fortnum.” Jeremy read the cover.
“Bear!” Helpy reacted, pointing to the bear on the cover.
“Yeah, that’s a bear. A brown bear, to be specific. He used to ride a train and would stop at Paddington Station in London, England, in the UK.” Jeremy explained.
Jeremy flipped to the first page. “Mr. and Mrs. Brown first met Paddington on a railway platform. In fact, that was how he came to have such an unusual name for a bear, for Paddington was the name of the station.” Jeremy read.
“Choo choo!” Helpy said as Jeremy paused.
“Yup! Choo choo!” Jeremy imitated before resuming to read. “The Browns were there to meet their daughter Judy, who was coming home from school for the holidays. It was a warm summer day and the station was crowded with people on their way to the seaside…”
Jeremy kept on reading the book for a long while till he finished it up. He had grown quite fond of such an old classic, and had forgotten how nostalgic it made him feel. Jeremy closed the book and found that Helpy had shut himself down halfway through the book. Jeremy smiled and laid the bear down, before placing the book onto the bedside table and laying down. With Helpy being a new roommate of sorts, Jeremy treated him like a special little Paddington bear of his own. Despite the robotic features, Helpy was a little like a toddler in his eyes. And Jeremy wa so glad to have him...forever now.
Also, this is now a series, known as Jeremy Meets!
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official-weasley · 3 years
Meant to Be (Charlie Weasley x OC)
What happens when Bill brings home a girl and Charlie is completely awestruck by her?
WARNINGS: curse words, mentions of alcohol, Bill and Charlie being brothers 🤗
Chapter 12
William Weasley
This should be the right door. I lifted my hand to knock but stopped myself. Damn, this was hard. My heart was racing like crazy and I needed every muscle in my body not to run away.
I inhaled deeply and quickly knocked on the door not to change my mind. There was no sound on the other side. Great, he’s not here. I tried the doorknob and the door creaked open. I poked my head inside. There was nobody there.
I saw another door behind his desk and even though I probably shouldn’t be entering his office, I decided to check if he might be in the next room. I slowly made my way to it and knocked. Again no sound.
“Charlie, what the fuck?” I jumped in the air, all color leaving my face.
“Hi.” I turned around and waved at my brother.
I didn’t know what to make of his face. I obviously scared him. Of course, he didn’t expect anyone in his office, especially me.
“What are you doing here, Charles?” I winced when he used my full name.
He only did that when he was really mad, which made sense.
“I came to see you.” Every speech that I had prepared was gone instantly and left my head blank.
“To see me?” He scoffed. “Seriously? It’s been two years.”
“I know.” I whispered and bowed my head.
I tried getting closer to him. Merlin, did I miss him.
“What in bloody hell is going on with you, Charlie?” He leaned on his desk and I made my way to the front door just in case I would have to flee. “Mum told me you only came home for Easter last year. Have you gone mental?”
“That’s an understatement.” I said sarcastically.
Silence fell upon us. I could feel the distance between us. The tension. The awkwardness. I could sense how furious he was with me and I could see it on his face that he was trying hard not to start shouting.
“Look.” I swallowed hard. I was here for a reason and I can’t chicken out now. If I thought I missed him before, seeing him made me realize just how much I did and I need him back. “I came here to apologize.”
“Apologize?” He laughed. “This ought to be good. What are you apologizing for, Charles?”
“I…I…” I completely froze. The tone of his voice threw me off. He had all the right to be angry and I knew exactly what he was doing. “I don’t know where to begin.”
“Oh, I don’t know. I haven’t a clue what you are trying to say.” He frowned at me.
“I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you.” I started shaking.
This was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life.
“And what was that?”
He did this every time he wanted me to admit I did something wrong. When he wanted me to say it out loud. For me to hear it. To feel regret and to admit my mistakes.
“I slept with Rhylee.” I blurted.
There, it’s out. Can the pain in my chest stop now?
“She said that she told you.”
“That’s right, Charlie. She told me.” He said through his teeth.
“I know, it should’ve been me but I just couldn’t, Bill.” I shook my head. “I felt horrible. I still do. I feel the guilt every day for how much I’ve hurt you.”
“Yeah, I bet you do.” He bit the inside of his cheek, narrowing his eyes at me.
“I’m so sorry, Bill. I should never have let it happen. I should’ve just stayed in my room and do the work there. But instead, we got drunk and I just…” I completely broke down.
The tears that were gathering in my eyes finally escaped. I couldn’t hold them in any longer. I didn’t want to. I felt so bad for years and it was even worse now, standing before him.
“I just couldn’t resist her.” I sobbed. “I know that’s not an excuse. I knew how much you liked her and I did it anyway. I just don’t know what came over me and I tried to back off, I really did.”
“You did a rather poor job.” He lifted his eyebrows.
“I know. I…I don’t know what to say. I know sorry doesn’t suffice and I will do anything to make you forgive me. I know I am a terrible person and what I did to you might just be the worst thing I have ever done and I was selfish for doing it.” I couldn’t stop talking.
Everything that I piled up, I just had to tell him.
“I was only thinking of myself. She intrigued me and she was so interesting and the way she was talking about dragons got me completely mesmerized and I promised myself that I would stay away because I saw where it was going but then she stayed behind too and I went to the kitchen to work and she came down and helped me and spent so much time working on it and then I brought out the Fire Whiskey and one thing led to another and…”
I stopped myself from talking. He didn’t have to know the details of that.
“I just…I crossed the line.” I continued after he didn’t say anything.
I didn’t even dare to look at him. I couldn’t.
“I didn’t try hard enough to stop it even though I knew how much you cared about her and I feel so bad about it. Trust me, Bill. I really do. I think about what I did to you every single day. And I know I’m a coward for not coming to see you sooner. I am sorry I needed so much time. I am sorry Rhylee was the one to tell you and not me. I’m sorry I have been neglecting my family because I was avoiding you. I came home last Easter just because I knew you wouldn’t be there, for fuck’s sake. What does that say about me?” I was hardly keeping it together.
I felt dizzy and I begged my legs to hold me.
“If I could take it back, I would. I would give everything to take it back. I felt bad before we even slept together. I don’t know what got over me. She was just so different and something was pulling me closer to her. I wanted to get to know her and I felt as if I knew her for years. I…” I shook my head.
I couldn’t talk anymore. I couldn’t even breathe.
I mustered the courage and looked up at him. He was still leaning on his desk, his arms crossed over his chest, but his expression has softened.
“Just punch me in the nose. Break it. Get it over with. I know you want to and we both know I deserve it.” I wiped the tears off my face.
I had to look pathetic but I didn’t care. I just wanted to know what I can do so that he will start talking to me again. So that he will start sending me letters again and tell me all about his day and ask for my opinion on things. So that I can come and visit him and we can sit down and reminisce on our school days.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Charlie.” He breathed and pushed himself away from the desk.
He walked to me and pulled me in the tightest hug I have ever gotten from him.
What was he doing?
Didn’t he just hear everything I said?
Why was he hugging me?
I didn’t deserve his hug.
But damn did it feel good.
“I know you’re mad at me and you have all the right to be. Just tell me what I can do? Just tell me that there is hope that you’ll forgive me.” I sobbed into his shoulder.
“I’m not mad at you, Charlie.” He sighed and tightened the grip around me. “I’m disappointed.”
I pulled away and locked eyes with him. Of course, he was disappointed. I was an idiot.
“I knew I don’t stand a chance with Rhylee the second you two started talking about dragons.” He started to explain. “It’s true. I liked her a lot but it was obvious that you charmed her the second she sat down and I don’t blame you. You didn’t do it on purpose. We can’t control attraction.”
Was that a faint smile on his face?
“And thank you for blaming yourself for what happened between you two that night. I’m glad you didn’t put the blame on her even though she was the one who made the first move.” He winked at me.
“W-what?” I wasn’t sure I understood what he was saying.
“When she told me that you slept together, she told me that I shouldn’t blame you because she came on to you.” He explained.
She said that? She really said that?
“It doesn’t matter.” I shook my head. “I could still say no and I didn’t.”
“Would you want to say no if I didn’t like her?” He asked. “That’s beside the point, Bill.”
What kind of a question was that?
“I hurt you and it doesn’t matter if she made the first move or not. I didn’t consider your feelings. I know that now. I just wish…I just…I miss you so much, Bill. I miss my big brother and my best friend.” I bowed my head.
A tear ran down my face again and I wanted to hide it. I didn’t want to cry in front of him again.
“Then what in the bloody hell took you so long to talk to me?” I looked up at his frowning expression. “What did you think I was going to do to you? Hex you?”
“You can still do it, if it’ll make you feel better.” I wanted to smile but I didn’t know if I was allowed.
“I told you that I’m not mad at you. I’m disappointed. Disappointed that you lost yourself so much in your guilt that you didn’t come to me immediately and tell me. Disappointed how you involved our whole family in this nonsense drama because you couldn’t face me. Disappointed that you thought that I would never talk to you again or whatever was going through your head.” He ruffled my hair.
I was dreaming of this moment. Thinking about it over and over. What he would say to me. How much he would shout. I imagined him punching me in the face. But none of it happened. He was so calm and so quick to accept my apology. How could he be so good?
“Did you think I stopped writing to you because I was mad at you? Because I didn’t want to talk to you?” He pushed me aside and walked over to his desk. “If you think so, then you’re delusional.”
He opened one of his desk drawers and took out what looked like a big pile of letters.
“You think I didn’t miss you? Miss talking to you? Spending time with you?” He pointed to the letters and I slowly made my way to the desk.
They were all addressed to me. There had to be more than 50 letters scattered all over the table. He wrote to me but never sent them out.
“I just wanted to push you to come and see me. To talk it out brother to brother. I didn’t know you would need 2 bloody years to do it.” He slammed a hand against his forehead.
“Family comes first, Charlie.” He said with a gentle voice. “I forgave you a long time ago, I just wish you came to me sooner and not torture yourself so much about it.”
I didn’t know what to say. He forgave me? I was left completely speechless, going through the letters. I wanted to sit down and read every single one of them.
“I just wanted to teach you a lesson.” His voice barely audible. “I wanted to let you know that what you did wasn’t right and yes you hurt me but you hurt me even more when you didn’t come and talk to me.”
“I know. I’m sorry.” I said under my breath.
I knew it was wrong of me for taking so much time to step forward.
“I wrote to you every time something big happened or when I really missed you.” He looked embarrassed now, picking up one of the letters. “You can take them home and read them.”
“Thank you for not sending them.” I looked up at him and he was smiling. He was actually smiling. Damn, it felt good to see him smile. “I’m sorry I took so long. I was just so confused and scared of what you’ll say to me and then it came so far and so much time passed that I just didn’t see a way out. I knew I was only making matters worse but I couldn’t bring myself to do it and…”
“Hey, stop.” He came to me and we both leaned on the desk. “It might have taken you forever but at least you’re here.” He grinned and I smiled back.
“Yeah, I think I reached a breaking point. I just came to the conclusion that I don’t care what happens to me or what you do to me if it means getting you back. I missed you so much Bill and so much has happened. Family comes first.” I nodded.
“I’m furious with myself that I forgot about that. But I know that now. It doesn’t matter how bad it is or what mistakes I make. It doesn’t matter how I feel about her or how she makes me feel. All it matters is that you and I are on speaking terms again and that you can look me in the eyes.” I took a deep breath.
I felt relief. I haven’t felt this good in a really long time.
“How you feel about her?” I turned my head at his question. “Feel as in present? Charlie, do you have feelings for her?” I felt my body going numb.
“It doesn’t matter how I feel, Bill.” I shook my head.
It really doesn’t. If I could bottle my feelings for Rhylee for such a long time I can continue doing so and Bill doesn’t have to know about them.
“Yes, it does!” He raised his voice. “Look, can you stop feeling bad for what you did and just talk to me like nothing ever happened?” I blinked at him.
Was he mental? He can’t be serious? We can’t just go back as if nothing happened, can we? It can’t be that easy.
“Rhylee and I exchange a couple of letters per month. We’re still friends so I know she works with you.” He continued with a normal voice as I didn’t say anything. “I know that back then it couldn’t be anything because you barely knew each other but what is it now, Charlie?”
“It’s nothing.” I said quickly.
I wasn’t lying.
“But you have feelings for her?” I felt his eyes on me but the heat on my cheeks was too much for me to look at him.
I shook my head. I can’t talk to him about Rhylee even though that’s all I want to do.
“Charlie!” Bill raised his voice all-brotherly like.
“I’m in love with her, Bill.” I whispered, secretly hoping he couldn’t hear me. “I can’t help it.”
“And how does she feel?”
How could he be so calm?
I felt as if we were back at Hogwarts when I told him I had a crush on Emma.
“She doesn’t feel anything, Bill. She has a boyfriend.” I said coldly.
“Oh, please don’t tell me she’s still with Nick.” He pinched the bridge of his nose.
“You know about him?” I was baffled.
“Of course.” He rolled his eyes. “The guy’s a prick.”
Great. How am I supposed to be happy for her now? Was that why she was crying the other day when I came over? Was she crying because of him? Because if he made her cry I will…
“He works here at Gringotts. He has been on her feet, begging her to go out with him for five months.” He started. “I still don’t know why she did it. She knew she was going to leave. It was either America or Romania. She got her letter from America and at first, she said that she’s going to take the job whichever letter comes first but she waited for her letter from Romania anyway. The second she got it, she was ecstatic. I have never seen her so happy as she was that day. We went out to celebrate and I joked that she should give you a beating for me.” I sucked in a breath at his last sentence.
“She knew I wasn’t mad anymore and got over it so it’s a joke, Charlie. Relax.” He nudged me with his shoulder.
I felt relief again. I think I will need some time to realize he forgave me.
“Anyways,” he continued, “the next day she told me and Lizzie that she’s going on a date with Nick. I was taken aback. It was all very sudden and she didn’t look that excited about it. I thought that they were going to stop seeing each other when she started working at the Reserve but apparently, she’s still blind.” Bill let out a sigh.
“Well, there’s nothing I can do about it, really.” I shrugged my shoulders, hoping he would let it go now. “And I would rather know everything about you and Fleur.”
“Charlie…” I could see Bill’s cheeks turning red and I knew he wanted to talk about his girlfriend.
“Tell me about Fleur.” I insisted.
“Fine!” He playfully rolled his eyes. I loved how much he was enjoying this. “But just so you know, we are not done talking about you.” He pointed a finger at me and went to open one of his drawers again.
He brought out two glasses and a half-empty bottle of Fire Whiskey. How lucky was I that I got my brother back?
“You know her, you know.” He said while pouring us each a drink.
“What?” A confused look painted my face. “You remember the Triwizard Tournament? Fleur Delacour?” His face got red again, saying her name.
“Her?” I don’t think my eyes were ever so wide open. “You’re dating Fleur Delacour?”
He simply nodded. I couldn’t believe it! This was insane!
“She’s amazing, Bill! The way she handled her dragon and got the egg! Blimey!” I put down the glass he handed me and hugged him. “I am so happy for you, mate!”
I couldn’t see his face but I knew he was smiling.
“Even though she is totally out of your league.” I smirked and got punched in the shoulder for it.
It felt so good to tease him again.
“Thanks.” He couldn’t stop smiling.
He was so happy. It felt different this time. He was different about it.
“So, how did you meet?” I made a kissy face.
I will never stop! It was the best feeling ever to have fun like this with him again.
“She started working here when she finished school and immediately when we met officially I knew I have to ask her out. It was so different than it was with Rhylee. I wasn’t afraid or nervous. I just knew I had to do it. And I did and we went out for a date and then another one and another one and then I asked her to be my girlfriend and it was just so fitting.” I was staring at him, getting in every word he said.
I could listen to him all day long. He was so in love with her that it was cheesy.
I don’t think I ever saw him this happy before. His smile was reaching his ears and the color never left his cheeks since he started talking. He was absolutely adorable and I couldn’t wait to officially meet the girl that made him feel this way.
“It just felt so right and it got me thinking why did I need so long to ask Rhylee out, you know. Because with Fleur everything was so easy and it just fell into place. And it wasn’t because I knew she liked me back because I wasn’t certain if she did but there was something about her that just made me think that I can’t miss this opportunity – I can’t let her slip between my fingers and somehow I just knew that everything will be okay. I felt this connection between us that I can’t quite describe and I just knew I had to be with her.” He paused to breathe. “I know it sounds ridiculous but it’s true and now we’re together and…” He stopped as if remembering something. “…and Charlie she is so amazing.” I thought he was going to melt. “I just love her so much!”
That was obvious. I couldn’t stop smiling. Nothing made me happier than seeing him talk like this about a girl. I was so glad he was over Rhylee and that he found someone who returns his feelings and loves him as he deserves to be loved.
At the same time, I couldn’t help but feel strange. I couldn’t believe the way he described how he felt about Fleur. It was as if he was describing how I felt about Rhylee. That was it. That’s how I feel since that day we met at the Burrow.
My heart sank, knowing I will never get to have with Rhylee what he has with Fleur. I looked at Bill, smiling to himself like a drunk idiot. I smiled too. I was genuinely happy that at least one of us will get to experience how it is with the person for who you feel is made for you. I was glad it was him and not me. He deserves it more than anyone.
“Charlie, what’s wrong?” Bill frowned at me.
I shook my head. I must’ve had a weird expression on my face.
“Nothing.” I smiled reassuringly. “I’m really happy for you, Bill. Words can’t express how much.” I picked up my glass, clank it against his, and gulped down what was left inside.
“Can you stop saying nothing? I’m your big brother, I know you more than anyone, now spill it!” He opened the bottle and poured me another glass.
“No. This is about you. About you and Fleur and I want you to tell me more about how cheesy you are.” I smirked.
“Look, I have another bottle in that drawer and I’m done with work for today, so I have all night to talk about just how much I’m in love.” He laughed but then his face got serious again. “Now, tell me what was that look about.”
“What you described…” I gulped. “How you felt about Fleur before you two started dating…that’s how I feel about her.”
I felt something in my chest rip again. I never said this out loud and even though it hurt, it felt good talking about it to Bill.
“That’s how you feel about her?” I turned to him and hummed in response. “Charlie, you have to tell her how you feel.”
“What?” I blinked at him.
His response caught me off guard.
He was mental! Didn’t we just go over the fact that she has a boyfriend and now he’s telling me to tell her how I feel? Where was this coming from?
“I know she’s with Nick.” He rolled his eyes. “Nobody cares about that.” He put his hands on my shoulders. “I saw the way she was eyeing you at the Burrow. I don’t know how she feels now but when she told me she slept with you I could see that it meant more to her than just a one-night stand.”
“Get off it, Bill.” I shrugged my shoulders so he pulled his hands away. “I am not breaking anybody up! Wasn’t it enough that I hurt you?” I raised my voice for no reason. “I don’t care if he’s a prick. It’s her choice and there has to be something about him that she’s willing to stay.”
“I know it’s a tough situation but just think about it. Charlie, I know how it feels when you meet the right person. I was lucky at how smoothly it went between me and Fleur. Now I understand why you couldn’t resist sleeping with Rhylee. Did you feel this from the beginning?”
I nodded. I didn’t know what to say.
“Blimey, Charlie.” He scratched his head. “I know it might seem like you lost her forever because she’s in a relationship but don’t lose hope just yet. I know you lose interest in girls if you don’t feel something special but you’re in love with her for Merlin’s sake. Don’t let go of that, Charlie.” He put his hands on my shoulders again.
“I don’t want to give you false hope but if you feel like that then I am sure she is not far behind. I know I sound insane telling you this but these type of feelings are rare and not everyone is lucky enough to find a person with whom to share it and the way she was looking at you those two days at the Burrow I would say that the feelings can’t be one-sided.” He pulled me into a hug.
How did he know that I needed one?
“You’ll be alright, Charlie.” He whispered, patted my back, and pulled away. He grabbed his glass and lifted it high in the air. “Now, how about we get hammered and talk about our feelings like we did when we were teenagers?” He laughed.
I lifted my glass and slammed it into his.
Have I mentioned how much respect I have for this man?
“Just don’t cry again, please. You might be handsome but you have an ugly crying face.” He teased and this time he was the one who got punched in the shoulder.
We were sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall in his office until the next morning. We were halfway through the other bottle of Fire Whiskey.
I don’t remember when was the last time I had so much fun with him or in general. I felt good about myself again. The guilt was gone and I had my best friend back. He told me more about Fleur and how it was like meeting her family for the first time. He told me how nervous he is to bring her home and how happy he is that I support him without even meeting her.
We made a plan for me to come back in a few weeks when I’ll be able to get time off so I could meet her. He even said that he is going to cook dinner even though it would be better if Fleur does it and I was saying that because I experienced his cooking.
I don’t even remember why we were laughing but one of us said something funny and I know we were slamming our fists against the floor, wiping tears of laughter. I don’t remember the last time I felt so relaxed. Nothing mattered more than having my brother back in my life. I felt so much better and I finally started to feel more like myself. The next thing on my list was definitely seeing my family more often.
Bill and I made a promise to never say anything to our parents or siblings about us not speaking for two years. I remember that we started talking about all his failed relationships while we were at Hogwarts and he teased me how he thought I will stay a virgin forever because all I could talk about were Dragons.
I told him about April and how my friends at the Reserve teased me all the time about her. I told him how they made me go talk to Rhylee and how I found out about her having a boyfriend. I felt relieved when I saw his reaction and I knew that I wasn’t crazy thinking she should’ve told me sooner.
I told him about all her friendly gestures and how she acts around me and he said that he is standing behind his words when he said that he thinks she feels the same way and that I should just be patient with her. I don’t know how to feel about that but who cares about all my worries now when there is still so much whiskey left to drink!
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claudiasjeancregg · 3 years
and when you’re close (i feel like coming undone)
a west wing high school au, dedicated to @singingaboutwishingx and @thxngam for being supportive of this random piece! this is in no way finished, but i wanted to post what i have so far. don’t hate me if it sucks. title from taylor swift’s untouchable.
It didn’t happen like it would in the movies. They didn’t collide in a busy hallway with stars in their eyes, they didn’t form a spontaneous friendship before slowly realizing the depth of their feelings for each other, and they didn’t have the epic kiss during prom. Their hallway was a dusty classroom that the school newspaper had taken over, the spontaneous friendship was an uneasy partnership on the penultimate issue of the semester, and their prom was a party CJ threw to celebrate the semester finally ending. But, in the end, it was the same.
Josh had left the party, drunk on three shitty beers, accompanied by Sam and Donna as they planned how to get him home without getting them all grounded until way after college. Donna’s parents were still under the impression that their firecracker of a daughter was an innocent Midwestern girl, so she had to get home before the rest of them. Her sober state would ordinarily make her designated driver, if it weren’t for the fact that she still didn’t have her license. CJ couldn’t imagine being that young. They probably weren’t the best influences on someone who wasn’t legally allowed to drive, but it wasn’t like Donna gave a shit. She brought half of her mom’s vodka supply to the party without being asked, handing them to CJ with a nervous smile.
“Wow. So Midwestern hospitality really does live on in every generation,” CJ said with a smirk. She took one look at Donna’s nervous face and enveloped her in a hug. The younger girl seemed to let out a breath as she stepped inside.
Toby grabbed the vodka from CJ’s hands without asking, adding it to the pile of alcohol they had amassed. She stared at him.
“If it was $4 for each beer and $2 for each shot, more than 50 people, we made at least 300 bucks.” His fingers hadn’t stopped moving, tapping incessantly against his dark jeans.
“I spent—“
“60 for the beers and 20 for the stuff in the shots, I know. I haven’t even counted entrance fees.” Toby gave her what could almost be described as a smile, and her stomach dropped out like she was on a roller coaster ride.
CJ mentally shook herself— “Uh, I can count it by myself.”
“I don’t mind,” he said with an unusually earnest look in his eyes.
She moved next to Toby. They started to count the money, working in sync without needing to talk at all.
And then he stopped. Toby stopped, and turned to look at her.
“What?” CJ asked without turning, keeping her hands busy as a way to stop her mind.
“I- I think about you.” He turned to her, slowly covering her hands with his and looking at her. It felt like he was staring into her soul. “I think about you all the time, and I don’t know why, but I don’t want it to stop. You’re amazing, CJ. Not just at writing, or being Editor-In-Chief, but just at everything. You walk into a room and it’s like... I don’t know. It’s like everything stops. You make everything better.”
Her hands were stilled, now, and her mind was running at full speed.
Toby’s eyes were dark, dark like he was hiding a sky full of secrets like bright stars in his mind. God, he was beautiful. She’d never thought about a guy like that, especially not one in high school, but it was the only word that fit.
“Are you planning on telling me about your perverted fantasies or should I just assume—“
“No! Jesus, CJ.”
“You’re Jewish,” she quipped. She couldn’t stop smiling.
“Yeah, that doesn’t mean- never mind. I, it’s just not like that. Not that I don’t, God, look at you!”
“Toby.” CJ stared at him with an amused smirk. It wasn’t often that he was so... un-Toby. His sentences were ordinarily succinct and his voice sullen, but not right now. Right now, she was the one at a loss for words. But she had to say something, didn’t she?
“Start over. Say, say that again.”
“What?” She moved closer to him, the air between them crackling like an electric field.
“Say it again,” she whispered, placing a hand on his cheek. It was rough, like he had forgotten to shave before coming to the party.
“I think about you.”
CJ kissed him.
She grabbed Toby by the collar with her other hand and pulled him in, kissing him like all her problems could go away as long as their lips were touching. And for a moment, they did. His hands wrapped around her hips, pulling her closer and closer and closer until she could feel his heart beating. They were electric. She could feel it in every touch, every time he kissed her neck and she couldn’t help but gasp. And he didn’t seem to care— if anything, that spurred him on. She could taste the beer in his lips, could feel the calluses on his hand from years of writing. His hand slid underneath her black shirt, the one that awarded her a disapproving side-eye from her stepmom hours before. It felt like a distant memory, now. Toby splayed his fingers across her back and her breath suddenly disappeared.
How had she never noticed how good he was? How solid he felt under her touch, like she could put her weight on him and he would carry it— carry her— without hesitation; how he looked at her like she was a masterpiece instead of someone’s absentminded sketch. She was beautiful in his eyes. Somehow, she was perfect in his eyes. And to her, so was he. Toby was the road less traveled, the ground unbroken underneath her touch, someone who hadn’t yet learned her flaws and figured out exactly how to use them against her. He was good to her, and that was so refreshing. God, an hour ago she would have never imagined she would be making out with Toby Ziegler in her kitchen. She smiled, then, and he paused.
“What?” His voice was velvet in her ears, and it scared her how much she wanted him to keep talking.
“I just—“ she shook her head. “I’m glad you’re here,” CJ admitted. It felt stupid to say, but she did it anyway.
And Toby pulled her in, kissing her like she was a flower that bloomed under his touch. She felt the ghost of a kiss on her throat, and couldn’t help the giggle that came out. It was just so unlike him— the Toby that she knew, the one who yelled at Sam and terrified all the freshmen, was painfully hard to reconcile with the one touching her right now.
“Shut up,” he groused.
That did it. She cracked up— head thrown back, the perfect picture of a girl way too old to be this young.
Toby gave her a minute. He wasn’t offended by the laughter, like another guy might have been. Like other guys had been. That was CJ, that was how she was.
He lifted her up, carrying her onto the counter, and she gasped against his lips. As much as this could backfire tomorrow, she knew the truth as well as she knew her time. She wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
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