#but they are so few and far between
causeimanartist · 4 months
I just want you to know you're one of my favorite artists, especially your depiction of the trinity just being the cutest trio in the world. I think your characters always seem so happy (oddly even grumpy Bruce) and it's infectious. Thanks so much for every piece of art you've ever shared with us!
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Thank you so much!! I honestly love sharing my art because with just a few exceptions (like that weirdo on my most recent Wonder Woman drawing) - everyone is just super kind and leave such nice comments in the tags! The reception I've gotten over the years means so much to me
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bombusbombus · 1 year
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when they give him... a sexy nose....
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humming-fly · 5 months
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I only just now realized what a shame it is we never got to see Al and Greedling really interacting
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officialspec · 8 months
ill be honest as much as i love to criticise the use of fatphobia for comedy ill never be able to hold the fatphobic jokes in kung fu panda against it
like yea those movies are guilty of dipping into The Usual Tropes for a cheap laugh but not only is the character writing for the fat characters the strongest and most sympathetic ive Ever seen literally just the character designs of the pandas in the 3rd movie get me choked up sometimes. theyre all so appealing and clearly treated with the same care and attention as everyone else without copping out and making them Barely Fat. po is already a size that doesnt exist in film protags and hes still the thinnest person in that whole village and that meant a lot to me
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triona-tribblescore · 5 months
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Raph! :D
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kettleghost · 1 year
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silly little lineup of spot doodles
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year
genuinely though i love that the critique that gets lobbed at tng sometimes is that it's boring because the characters sit and think and talk and many of the episodes resolve with very few explosions, and yes! that's the point!!!
like the whole ethos of tng was "space (and everyone in it) is not a threat once you understand it" and sometimes you have to get quiet about it for a minute or have a productive group discussion or do some pontificating to reach that moment of understanding and communication, but at the end we warp away having made a friend or gained a greater understanding of the complexity of the universe and maybe it was a little bit silly or a character learned how to be a better version of themself along the way and that's why i love it!!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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That's the face he makes when he's feeling silly.
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kwillow · 10 months
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Trying to make one of those comic things again because I'm a sucker for punishment. There's a rat in it this time.
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hawkeyeslaughter · 3 months
unparalleled mash comedy is always when they have trapper and frank interacting without hawkeye
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loupy-mongoose · 4 months
Putting on my own tinfoil hat for a moment, I think that Jamie isn’t gonna wind up being evil, but possibly misguided/being manipulated by someone. Kinda like N from Gen 5.
She doesn’t give “evil” vibes to be. Maybe “covering your entire house in post-it notes” mischievous, but not evil
Okay I went a little further with this than probably intended.
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She's trapped inside and making it everyone else's problem.
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So, @mythrilkittyart suggested that Jamie leaves doodles in random places, and I am eating that idea! As they pointed out, Jamie isn't always clear with her emotions, so this can be a little way she can express affection for Cody and others in her life--You can bet she does it for Jordan (her brother, the source of the voice in the "THEN" image) and Rose (Jordan's wife), too!
So congrats, Anon and Myth, you accidentally helped me decided on a little mini-canon~
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yakuza-emulation · 1 month
Yes, I think a rose matches your green perfectly!
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So, those Mario & Luigi games, huh?
I’m gonna be honest, I was going to be normal, but I just fell unreasonably in love with Prince Peasley.
He’s just so stupid and fun, and I’m now realizing I might just have a thing for blondes… (this is like the third blond I’ve grown a fascination for)
I somewhat tried to do a similar shading style to the official art (where certain colours not in the original characters design at utilized as shading), but I didn’t really succeed. I still had fun messing with certain colours though, so I guess it was a success in the end, after all :)
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mintjeru · 2 months
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it probably wasn't the smartest decision to start an ongoing 1000+ chapter webnovel when i know it'll consume my every waking thought but here we are
open for better quality | no reposts
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antiquepearlss · 4 days
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I’m too tired to post an essay but my girl was just a victim of bad writing and a lack of critical thinking from the audience okay I love her.
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i wanna grab qcellbit by the shoulders and shake him. something about the way he tries to separate the actions of cell from himself in a lot of ways just gets to me. “i’m not cell anymore that monster died” no he didn’t. you are cell. cell is you. he did not die. you just got better. “what did you do to get in prison? it wasn’t anything bad right?” “i mean what is bad really?” you’re undermining your own actions to tubbo and he doesn’t even know what you did in the first place. you could just say “it’s in the past, i'd rather not talk about it” but you're almost trying to justify what you've done. why? so that if he does find out he won’t think too harshly of you? so that you can feel better about it? to absolve yourself of some of that guilt?
you’re a master of deflection, just like your husband. but while his shield is humour, your switch between casual justification and shifting of blame. you don’t know how else to handle what you’ve done. your train of thought goes from “oh it’s fine it wasn’t that bad i got better we can joke about it haha” to “he was a monster and that’s not me he’s dead and he’s never coming back” amiga…. you are constantly in the midst of an identity crisis because you feel like shit over the things you’ve done. you cover up everything with a thin layer of lies and it's a miracle that some people believe everything you say at face value. the only people you’ve been genuine about this with are roier, richas, bad, and pac and bagi a little bit. you’ve slipped into some of those old habits lately. you might be killing federation workers as we speak.
you are cell. cell is you. you haven't killed the part of you that holds those impulses because to do so completely would be to kill yourself. you did those things. you've hurt people. the line you’ve shakily drawn between yourself and your actions in easily washable chalk is being sprayed by a garden hose. it's blurring.
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odinsblog · 5 months
As cold weather sweeps across the U.S., some electric vehicle owners are learning a bitter truth: Low temperatures can stop the cars dead in their icy tracks.
The issue crystallized this week when some Tesla owners in Chicago discovered their EVs' batteries had died in sub-zero temperatures. Drivers also said some of Tesla charging stations weren't working, or if they did work that the stations were taking longer than usual to charge up their vehicles.
“I've been here for over five hours at this point, and I still have not gotten to charge my car,” Tesla driver Brandon Welbourne told CBS Chicago. “A charge that should take 45 minutes is taking two hours.”
What happens to electric vehicles in cold weather?
Here's what to know.
Electric vehicles are less efficient in cold weather, with Recurrent's research finding that below-freezing temperatures reduced driving range up to 30% on 18 popular EV models.
An EV with a 200 to 215 mile range may only go 150 to 175 miles in the cold, Recurrent's Case said, while noting even that reduced mileage is often sufficient for most drivers. “The average person with an EV drives 30 miles a day,” he said.
Still, a shorter range in cold weather could be an issue for some owners if their EV runs out of juice miles earlier than expected, potentially leaving to hunt for an available charger or, worse, stranded in dangerously frigid conditions.
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