#but they were always drawn happily bc they were together
bi-hop · 28 days
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They scan my brain and it’s just me rotating this sequence from one of the bonus comics for Dungeon Meshi in horror
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tempobaekh · 9 months
Dating So Mun headcanons
(this is a long one)
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Pairing: So Mun x civilian!fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, angst if you squint, suggestive?? idk, teeny tiny spoilers from avengers: endgame?? y’all will understand when you read this THIS TAKES PLACE IN S2 BUT ALL IS WELL
A/N: I finished tuc last episodes and I’m so sad bc my weekly dose of happiness is over:(( anyways I’m falling more and more inlove with So Mun and wrote this
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So yall met at a food stall and bonded over food
You were a regular at one of the food stalls and really loved by the old lady running the stall
She always gives you samples of new dishes or free food
Even though you would argue with her and try giving her money but she wasn’t having it
So Mun had just finished dealing with a level one spirit
Not wanting to disturb the other counters about it as it was just a mere level one spirit and was really easy to deal with
And he decided to stop by the food stalls for a quick snack bc he was feeling hungry
You were at the food stall speaking happily with the old lady
As fate would have it, So Mun found himself at the same stall as you drawn to the mouthwatering aroma of the popular dish the old lady was selling
Your guys eyes met briefly and you two felt an instant connection
As if the universe had conspired to bring yall together
So Mun decided to be the first one to struck up a conversation and asked for your recommendation among the food options
And since you were a regular and you couldn’t pass on the opportunity of speaking to the incredibly handsome man with long luscious curly hair
You decided to share your favorite food/dishes with him
You guys ended up spending the evening chatting and sharing delicious food
And the rest is history
So Mun’s top priority is your safety
Him being a counter is also the main reason of him being protective
And bc he is just protective over his loved ones
Like he will insist on walking you home no matter what
Picking you up from places
Him always walking on the side of the road
Always holding your hand
He’d always prioritize your safety and well-being
Going above and beyond to keep you out of harm’s way
So Mun wears his heart on his sleeve and is very verbal about his love
Always providing with words of reassurance and love
So Mun did not plan in any way how to tell you about his counter side
He knew he would get a warning from Yung but just couldn’t hold back and continue to lie to you
Like mans loves you too much and cannot physically lie to you too long
So it happened one day
So Mun had just got finished with a particularly hard mission with a level 3 spirit
And something in him just had to see you no matter what
Despite the other counters asking him where he is going
Or Ms. Chu asking to heal him before he leaves where ever he is going
So Mun didn’t listen he only had one thing on his mind and that was you
While you started noticing him disappearing at odd hours
And sometimes the only time you guys would have time to talk would be through late night facetime calls
Or him saying that something urgent came up
You were patient and didn’t want to force it out of him so you didn’t ask him much about him
Besides you trust So Mun to know that he would speak with you when the time comes
One day So Mun had showed up at your door with a cut on his lip, one on his cheek and blood on the side of mouth and forehead after the mission with the level 3 spirit
When you opened your apartment door So Mun just engulfed you in a tight hug
You could also feel something wet on your shoulder where So Mun had nuzzled his face
You came to the conclusion that he was crying
You just stood there rubbing his back and whispering ‘it’s okay’ or ‘I got you baby’ while waiting for him to calm down
When he did calm down you silently dragged him to your bathroom and sat him down on the toilet seat
You grabbed your supplies to clean his cuts while your hands were shaking from worry
You just silently cleaned his wounds
Having silence from So Mun was also concerning considering that he is a very talkative person
When you got done cleaning his wounds you crouched in front of him
“What happened, darling?” you asked in a gentle whisper
That’s when So Mun told you everything
Him being a counter
About the evil spirits
About the other counters
And how tonight’s mission was hard and that he felt like he had to see you instead of letting one of the counters heal him
He also mentioned how he would get a warning from ‘Yung’ for telling you this
You did scold him a bit about that
But he couldn’t hold it in anymore
Like he can never ever lie to you he loves you too much to do that
When he got done talking you just silently hugged him
Holding him close to your chest and pressing small kisses to his forehead
That’s how the rest of the night went
You comforting So Mun and him telling you more about him being a counter
And now you are even more worried and concerned about So Mun
Often waiting for his call or him when he is on mission’s
Now to be honest So Mun was kind of nervous about introducing you to the rest
They can be a bit… much sometimes
He wants everything to go smoothly
So Mun waited for the right moment to introduce you to the others
So he decides to tell the counters first
He casually drops the news when they are all having dinner together at the hideout
The moment the sentence i have a girlfriend leaves his mouth
It’s silence
Fucking silence even Jeok Bong is stunned
Before all hell breaks loose and everywhere is throwing questions at poor So Mun
“Girlfriend?” “When and how and how long!??” “How does he get a girlfriend before me!”
And when he tells them that you know about the counter part
But at the end they calm down and Ms Chu encourages So Mun to invite you over for dinner:))
So Mun playfully not threatens the other counters to act normal and not scare you off
When So Mun then mentioned to you about the counters wanting to meet you
You panic like what if they don't like you? What if they get mad that you know about them being counters?
You know that these people are important to So Mun
They are like his family and you want their approval
So you and So Mun agree on going to dinner and meeting the counters
Ms Chu wanted to make you her infamous and delicious noodles
At the start the vibe is slightly tense before Jang Mul breaks the silence with his booming voice
Ms Chu thinks you are very pretty, and sweet, and perfect for So Mun
Motak and Jeok Bong do not pass off the chance to tease the shit out of So Mun
While Hana has only one question:
“Why him??”
Obviously she’s joking
She’s already planning y'all's wedding in her head, and swears to protect you and So Mun more no matter what
So all of the counters adore you to put it plainly
After the dinner you come around for sleepovers with So Mun much more
Always being a part of game and movie nights with the other counters
And then end the night by cuddling and falling asleep with So Mun
So Mun’s determination and dedication in his counter duties would also translate into his relationship
If you ever face challenges or obstacles you can count on him to stand by your side and work tirelessly to overcome them
That being said he never ever let’s both of you go to bed angry after a fight even though yall dont have many of them
He cannot stand the fact of going to bed angst at you or knowing that you are angry at him
Dates with So Mun are always different
It can be a stroll in the park, cooking a meal together, movie night with lot’s of kissing as well, visiting an art gallery bc he loves art so much and you can listen to him talk for hours, late night snacks, bookstore dates, going to the amusement park, star gazing etc
Like dates with him are always so fun and loving
Bc this man uses all his love on these dates bc he just loves you so much.
So Mun has seen a lot of supernatural shit no he’d have a special appreciation for the ordinary, everyday moments you share together
Like a simple meal or a walk in the park would mean a lot to him
Speaking of art
This man has so many drawings of you
Any chance he gets he will draw you no matter what
He has so many sketches of you while you are doing different things
Bc he thinks you are so pretty
The prettiest in the whole world
The drawings can’t do justice to your beauty he insists
Movie nights with him are always fun
Like he is always down to have a marvel movie marathon with you
Cmon guy’s So Mun LOVES comics you cannot not tell me he doesn’t like marvel especially the comics
Will absolutely hold you in his arms and coo and comfort you when you sob at Tony and Natasha’s death while watching Avenger: Endgame
Like it hurts everytime
Trust me it does;((
So Mun is your biggest cheerleader in your life
Like mans is always there for you cheering you no matter what
So Mun might occasionally struggle with balancing his duties as a counter and his desire to spend time with you
There would be rare moments of conflict but he always prioritize you and your safety
(or wearing his clothes in general!!)
If you’re cold he is handing you his jacket
And since he already wears oversized ones they are even bigger on you no matter what
Like you see his closet and just snatch whatever you like
He doesn’t mind
He LOVES seeing you in his clothes
Physical touch is one of So Mun’s biggest love language
So he always has an arm around you
A hand on your thigh
Rubbing his thumb on your palm
Holding pinkies
You guys have been caught more than once making out by the others
And he is damn good at it too
Cocky mf will smirk when he sees how flustered you get after a heated makeout session
Loves having you on his lap while kissing you
Also please tug/pull at his hair like he secretly loves it
Loves giving you hickies
Like he almost goes feral at seeing the mark that HE gave you on your neck
Mf will purposely give you one on an obvious place that you forget to cover up
And when the others see it they will be shocked
“Yah! You attacked the poor girl!”
“Your neck looks like it’s been mauled.”
But this cocky bastard isn’t fazed
Is fucking proud instead
When there isn’t any place for you to sit in a setting or place
bro has too much rizz
Also here are some things that So Mun unintentionally does that you think is so attractive and it drives you crazy
When you are standing in the way of him
He will gently grip your waist and move you aside while softly whispering in your ear, “Excuse me, baby.”
There is a noticeable height difference between you two and you find it so attractive when he slightly leans down bc he can’t hear you completely
It just makes you stutter for a moment and collect yourself
Also i feel like So Mun if the type of guy to wear gray sweatpants with either, a t shirt or a compression shirt
And that shit is so sexy
Like you can just sit and watch him in that attire train for hours
Definitely does it to tease you sometimes as well
You’ve met his grandparents and they love you sm
Especially his grandmother
She adores you
And you love her bc she is so genuinely kind hatred and sweet
“Munyoung has sent So Mun an gel to take care of him!”
You almost cried when she told you that
When you are having sleepovers with So Mun at the hideout and y'all can’t sleep you guys will just sit around in the kitchen and eat snacks
Like just sitting on the floor, your head on So Mun’s lap
His hand tangled in your hair and massaging your scalp
While eating snacks and just talking
Or sometimes when you two have too much energy yall will have a singing session
You guy’s would sing and jam out to Lana Del Rey, Taylor Swift, or Chase Atalantic
Istg So Mun is so Lana Del Rey and Chase Atlantic coded idc what yall say
You stand in the boxing ring pretending to be the singer giving a performance
While So Mun is outside the ring cheering you on
Acting like your biggest fan he is anyways
And cheering on encouraging words
“Yeah! That’s my talented baby!”
“You’re doing so good!”
“My pretty girl!”
You guys have been yelled at and sent to your room more than twice by Hana
Who wakes up by the noise
You always carry around multiple hair ties on your wrist for So Mun
Bc you know that he sometimes get irritated when his hair gets in his face
So you either just tie his hair in a ponytail and kiss his forehead
Or he borrows the hair tie from you and presses a kiss to your lips
He treasures all of your hair ties
Like he was on the verge of tears when he once lost your hair tie on a mission
ANYWAYS here are some pet names So Mun calls you by:
Sweetheart: So Mun uses this classic term of endearment bc it’s simple and affectionate
Sunshine: So Mun might use this one bc you bring warmth and light to his life
Precious: He values the people he cares about deeply, and this pet name would show just how important you are to him
Beloved: So Mun is a sincere and devoted guy and he would want you to know how deeply he cares for you. “Beloved” would be a heartfelt way to express his affection
Dearest: This pet name simply emphasizes that you hold a special and dear place in his heart and it’s a reflection of his genuine feelings for you
In conclusion So Mun is the most loving, precious, loyal, sweet, and caring partner
We all need a So Mun in our lives.
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Note: gifs, pictures, and header DOES NOT belong to me. CREDITS TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNERS!! Feedback is appreciated.
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yyyyanyan · 2 months
Book Club: Trials of Apollo series (1, 2, 3) by Rick Riordan
part 3 of camp halfblood chronicles! I'm done with this man lol I don't want to keep reading
So I happily went off to read fanfiction after finishing Heroes of Olympus and I got caught off-guard by a cute little spoiler :) and I was like "no way is this canon right? it's not canon right?" but I was too spooked to keep reading fanfiction. I could not be at peace. I had to start the next series. So I went and did that
and goddamn idk what it is about this series but it's such a drag. I don't particularly like Meg or Apollo (I think Meg is interesting, but I'm not particularly attached, and I can see when Apollo is meant to be funny, but I'm not amused) and I'm just not drawn into the story. I also somehow feel like it moves simultaneously faster and slower than the other books? Like I feel like I'm moving through molasses trying to get through the story, but when I reached the end of the book I was like "Wait, that's it?"
So on one hand I think Apollo's memory/knowledge is handled brilliantly and it adds tension without feeling like a straight up nerf. I also think Meg's backstory is SO interesting and I'm totally curious to learn more about her. But on the other hand... I'm so bored LMAO
I think Calpyso totally saved book 2 simply because I love her <3 She and Apollo are literally so funny together. I also think the drama of like, trying to save the little girl (I'm so sorry I already forgot her name) was really good? This one was way more interesting than the first one. But I feel like I was also just interested because my faves (I also love Leo btw I just didn't say his name) were back and less so bc the story was more interesting to me lol
anyways book 3. I'm salty about this one!! very very salty!!!!! So first I found out my faves (Piper and Jason) have BROKEN UP and then my fave (Jason) DIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so upset about this one fr ToT HOW COULD JASON DIE????? HE HAD SO MUCH LEFT TO DO!!!!!! anyways the tension was really cool except I'm MAD that he died ToT like literally that's my big takeaway from this book.... Jason died............ I'm like extra mad because I just don't think things got wrapped up well for him!! Like I mentioned in the Heroes of Olympus post but his Roman/Greek conflict thing was soo interesting and I really don't think it was in any of the other charas so I was looking forward to see it expanding. I also thought his promise to Kymopoleia was going to be amazing and I got so excited seeing his little monopoly houses :( and then... you're telling me he's gone..... :((((
I kind of wonder if the Jason and Piper thing gets explained more because in my opinion it came out of absolutely! nowhere!!! so I just went and read some discussion/saw some spoilers about it and I'm just like :/ damn. I think like with all of the facts together and Hera/Juno's influence and how it felt like it was forced on them then then yeah it does make sense that they broke up :/ but like someone commented, I'm upset because the narrative didn't treat it like that! I'm just like really sad bc all of that happens offscreen and we don't get to see it happening and plus I totally thought they worked through the false memories (cough 6 months between Lost Hero and the argo II sailing cough!!). I think I could accept it if I saw hints of it but it totally blindsided me and THEN Jason just dies???? like ugh :( also I was shook when I was googling and I found out people didn't like him ToT he's always been my one of my faves lol :'D
Anyways I borrowed book 4 and I'm like a fifth of the way through I think? But it's been like a week at least and I'm tired and I've moved on so I'm going to take a break and maybe (probably not) come back to it another time. I'm curious how it ends/what happens but not curious enough to keep going. I am totally cut up over Jason and I'm too salty LMAO
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sugako · 3 years
after dinner special
bokuto x f!reader x hinata sum: after seeing the way his teammate looks at you, bokuto comes up with a plan to help all parties cw: 18+ only minors dni i am begging you, established relationship (bokuto x reader), slight manipulation (?? reader/bo make a secret plan to seduce hinata and he wants to so not really but idk what else to tag it as), oral (f!receiving), double pussyjob, nipple play, orgasm denial, D/s, spit roast, unprotected, hinabo if you squint extra hard wc: 4.2k a/n: finally back from the dead with this wayyy overdue fic ive been thinking about/writing for months, no edits or beta bc i'm too impatient and haven't posted in so long
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Above all else, Bokuto was incredibly perceptive to other’s emotions. Among other aspects, that quality had really drawn you to him even if it wasn’t as extraordinarily overt as his confidence and enthusiasm. His perceptiveness didn’t end with you, of course, he was well-connected with his teammates, which meant when he saw the way Hinata’s eyes just barely glazed over when he met you he knew there was something more happening in his head. He watched the burning grow in Hinata after he had witnessed the two of you had, quite obviously, snuck off to another room during a get-together at Meian’s, spit still drying at the corner of your dry, puffy lips a week prior.
Even he wasn’t sure what exactly his plan was as he started up in the locker room a couple weeks later, oversharing every little detail he could recall about your body, namely when it was under him. Ignoring Atsumu and Kiyoomi’s groans for him to stop while Shugo and Oliver snickered to themselves reminiscing about their own escapades from a handful of years ago, he focused on Hinata’s reaction.
Shōyō remained uncharacteristically quiet as he rambled on about how cute your soft tits were, only speaking to quietly excuse himself to the bathroom. He was careful, but not careful enough to hide the tent in his shorts.
Not one to keep a secret, the words came tumbling from his mouth when he burst into your shared apartment.
“I think Hinata likes you!” He managed, tearing off his shoes to stumble into the hallway to wrap you in a tight hug like he did nearly every day.
“I-...what?” You choke, wrapping a tentative arm back around him and peeling away to look at him in the eyes. “What do you mean?”
“Not like… I don’t know, I think he wants to fuck you.” The smile on his face doesn’t waver, only confusing you.
“I’m not sure how to take this.” You deadpan, brows just short of knitting together. “Why…?”
“Well if you would like that I certainly wouldn’t mind.” His teeth graze over your skin as he pecks messy kisses all over your cheeks and neck.
“You wouldn’t mind?” You blankly repeat back, holding his back by his muscled shoulders to make him look you in the eyes. “Because not minding something and wanting something are very different and I just want to make sure whatever we’re about to talk about we’re just being really clear.”
Bokuto inhaled a massive breath, squeezing his eyes shut tight as he collected exactly what he wanted to say to you. Before he could, the smell coming from the kitchen distracted his senses, leaving him to weakly exhale and blink his eyes open. “Talk over dinner?”
The long talk over the dinner table was eventually fruitful. After he collected himself and stuffed his rumbling stomach, Bokuto was better able to explain what he had seen in Hinata. It made you recall every time you had seen him and you would be lying if you said you didn’t see it too. He wasn’t exactly a subtle person.
When it came down to it, you certainly weren’t opposed. Bokuto certainly seemed interested in the prospect of sharing you, especially with his favorite prodigy as he liked to class him. You recognized that Hinata was attractive and you had to admit that the concept of being squished between the two thick, bubbly men was alluring as long as he was truly interested.
Before the full invitation to come over for dinner - specially prepared by you - had even slipped from Bokuto’s mouth, Hinata was eagerly accepting. Part of you dreaded the entire ordeal, anxieties bubbling up about the lead up and the talking beforehand that you had foolishly agreed to do most of. Over dinner you stayed a little quieter than usual, trying to gauge Hinata’s expression and body language.
When he politely excuses himself to use the restroom after finishing, Bokuto grabs your hand across the table, rubbing a thumb over your knuckles.
“If you’re nervous we can stop right here.” He whispers, grinning softly.
You can’t help but smile back, shaking your head. “No, I’m okay,” you assure him, “I am a little nervous, but I really want to.”
He opens his mouth to say something else, but is cut off by the sound of the bathroom door closing and the soft pad of Hinata’s feet down the hallway. Clearing your throat, you give a reassuring smile to Bokuto, and stand to face where Hinata soon pops out of.
“Hinata, would you-”
“Shōyō is fine!” He interjects. “Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“That’s fine,” you smile, ghosting your hand down his arm and resting your palm against his elbow. “Shōyō, would you mind helping me wash up in the kitchen. I feel bad asking the guest, but Kōtarō has something for you and you’ll get to it faster if I finish this.”
Hinata can feel his heart pounding behind his rib cage so hard he worries you can hear his pulse reverberating. You look so sweet with those pleading eyes staring at him, the warm touch of your fingertips sending heat to his chest.
“Of course, I don’t mind.” He nods, letting you lead him a room away to the kitchen.
“Great, thank you, this is such a big help.” You grin while placing the dirty dishes in the sink before you and handing him a dry towel. “You can just dry and put them in the cabinet in front of you.”
“Okay,” he says quietly, eyeing down your low-cut shirt as you squeeze your arms together and lean down to grab the first bowl. His eyes roll to the back of his head when you turn the tap on a little too fast and water splashes all over the front of your thin, pale dress, making the black lacy bra underneath pop.
“Whoops!” You exclaim, smiling a little too happily, feeling how his feet shift beside you. “This tap is a little loose, I always get messy and wet trying to do anything.”
He has to bite down hard on the inside of his cheek to keep from groaning, glad that your gaze is in the sink and not on his flushed face. He doesn’t want to feel this way about his friend’s girlfriend, but it’s so hard when you’re standing so close - did you take a step toward him? when did your hip start brushing against his? - and you look so pretty.
“So, Shōyō…” you start, handing him another dish, “Kōtarō talks about you a lot, you know.”
“Really?” His voice is pitched and strained, stopping short of choking on his own words.
“Yeah, he thinks you’re great. He was so excited when you joined the team. He, uh, he pays attention, a lot more than some people give him credit for.”
Hinata nods, carefully placing the bowl in the cupboard. “He’s great, I’ve always loved watching him play.”
“He’s fun to watch,” you agree, “You know he thinks….actually, can I just ask what your type is?” The words tumble out quickly as you try to gain confidence, a small bit of worry creeping into the back of your head.
“My type?” He repeats back, pausing in his drying motions. “I don’t know if I really have one. Just anyone I feel good with. Why?” When he turns to look at you again you’re turned to face him, a small smile lighting up your features.
“That’s a good way to look at things. I only ask because, well Kōtarō seems to think you have some kind of interest in me.” You force the words to come out casually, keeping your eyes on him. Hinata sputters and chokes on his own words, the way your hand comes down over his doing absolutely nothing to help him compose himself. “There’s no good way to say this, but he was thinking you could, uh well take what you’ve been thinking about, if you want to.”
Taking a deep swallow, he took a short deep breath to clear his mind. “And what do you think?”
Tension dissipates from your body at his question. “I think I would like you to do whatever you want. Touch me, kiss me, anything. Only if you want to.”
His fists clench and unclench again, gears turning in his head as he realizes this was planned. All those stories Bokuto told, the glint in his eyes for the past few weeks, the way you put yourself on display for him all night with that sly little smirk - it was all part of some plan. A little worried voice in the back of his head told him this was too good to be true. But you were offering yourself up to him, angled forward so your tits would pop and watching him so carefully as though he were a scared animal ready to run, and he knew it had to be true.
The timid, apprehensive look he had been sporting slowly drained from his face, replaced with a much more confident and delighted one. His hands moved from his sides to dig into your waist, lifting you up onto the counter behind you.
“Don’t tease me.” He whispers hoarsely, lips ghosting over the pulse of your throat. The loose dress Bokuto had purposefully picked out for you to wear for the evening rode up as Hinata settled his thick body between your welcoming knees.
“I’m not,” you pant, “Kōtarō really wanted this.”
A shuddered sigh comes from his chest as he rests his head against your shoulder, just barely kissing the soft spot between your neck and shoulder. You fidget restlessly, trying to pull his still body closer to no avail.
“Wanna know he wants this.” He says eventually. “I trust you, I just…”
“No, no, I get it.” You say a little too abruptly, fishing around for where your phone was tossed onto the counter. With shaky hands you hurried to click it open, immediately going to your messages, scrolling to the most recent chat with Bokuto where he depicted how much he wanted to see you fucked out on his and Hinata’s cocks in vivid detail. You push the phone into his hand. “You can scroll wherever, he mentioned it before that one’s just… yeah.”
“Oh, wow.” He breathes, glancing through a few other messages from earlier in the week. Gently, he sets the phone down beside you before pulling your hips to the edge of the counter. His lips collide with the base of your throat knocking the air right from you.
You wind your fingers up in his hair as he pressed harsh kisses straight down your front, his rough hands pushing the skirt of your dress up even higher, leaving the tops of your thighs completely exposed. He keeps journeying lower until his cheek is flush to the hem of your panties. When his nose presses up against the slowly growing damp patch leaking his shoulders heave as though to hold himself back.
“And he doesn’t want us to wait up…?”
Truthfully, you didn’t know completely. Bokuto had asked to make some kind of subtle move on Hinata in private, he figured it would be less stressful for the both of you, but he hadn’t said how far to go with him, and you weren’t really sure what he was doing in some other part of the house, and Hinata’s fingers were so hot against your skin…
“No, it’s fine.” You pant, desperation evident in your voice. He doesn’t need much more, hand moving to pull the stretchy fabric you had purposefully worn to the side, his wide tongue darting out to lap up the wetness seeping from you.
With an aching whine, you lean into his touch, massaging his head and bringing him closer to you with every burning second that passes. Not that you had expected him to be inexperienced by any means, but you hadn’t expected him to be so good. He was loud, moaning against your cunt as he buried his tongue inside of you, nose tapping against your pleading clit.
The sound of your breathy whimpers and the loud slurping squelches drowned out the steps coming down the hall or the kitchen door swinging open. Bokuto stood there for a moment with a small smile, admiring how pretty you looked like this, even if he wished it were him, but he couldn’t let the moment pass him by.
“Puppy,” he sighed. The first syllable was enough to make Hinata pop off of you and stumble back to turn around, eyes hazy and drunken of the taste of you. Ignoring the hardened look in Bokuto’s eyes, you pouted sweetly, spreading your legs a little more to let him see your soiled panties.
“You’re being greedy, don’t you think, puppy? Going ahead without me like that.” He imitates you with a fake pout, the look never quite meeting his blazing eyes. You can feel what’s coming and make no more attempt to argue. Hinata is taking in the interaction, still halfway in his own daze. “She’s great, huh, Shōyō? Pretty little pussy and she makes the best noises, especially when she’s crying for your cock.”
Hinata swallows hard, absentmindedly palming over his pants where he’s quickly grown half-hard. “Yeah, she’s, yeah no, uh she’s really great. This is still okay?”
Both of you nod quickly, reassuring him, but you remain silent for now, trying to settle before you know what’s to come.
“Totally okay as long as you’re okay.” Bokuto drops the edge in his tone to carefully watch him for a moment, assessing.
“Completely.” He agrees with a dreamy sigh.
Nodding again, Bokuto approaches the two of you. Refusing to meet his eyes you stare just ahead at the door.
“Oh, don’t look so sad, puppy, you know you’ll get what you want in the end anyway.” He jabs as he scoops you over his shoulder and gives you a gentle pat on the back of your thighs. “Let’s at least go to the living room.”
You glance back at Hinata, mouthing a silent whoops, while Bokuto leads him around the corner. Bokuto plops into the corner of the couch, back propped up by the plush arm, and maneuvering your pliable body to sit comfortably in his lap with your back pulled up flush to his chest. You’re gently pushed forward so he can peel the dress off and unclasp your bra. He’s calm for now, at least on the outside, but you can feel his heart pounding through the thin fabric of his shirt.
“Don’t need these anymore,” he hums, latching his fingers in the sides of your underwear and motioning for you to lift your hips to let him slide them off. Hooking his elbows under your knees, he pulls your thighs to your chest, high enough so that he can palm your breasts. Quietly whining, you turn your head away so you don’t have to look directly up at Hinata - not that he’d notice your face with the way your cunt was glistening under the low, soft lights of the room. “Shh,” he directs at you before glancing back up at Hinata, “go ahead, but don’t let her cum.”
With a warm grin he gets on his knees between Bokuto’s spread legs. You almost felt too exposed, all power taken from your hands, splayed open like this. Bokuto slots his chin against your shoulder and presses the softest kiss to your cheek in stark contrast to the way his rough hands are kneading and pinching your sensitive breasts.
Hinata eagerly gets back to it, lavishing your cunt with softer licks than before, making your hips shake as they seek out more friction. While your neediness grows so too does Bokuto’s grip on you.
“So pretty,” he coos, eyes glued to where Hinata was firmly pressed against you. Pride bloomed in his chest at the sight of his teammate sloppily eating out his favorite girl so enthusiastically, appreciating you so much as he should.
It’s impossible for him to not get rock hard with the way you’re grinding down into his lap and the crude, wet sounds and groans vibrating from the back of Hinata’s throat.
“Taste so good.” Hinata grumbles, pulling back and forcing his tense hips to stop rutting into the couch cushion. He feels himself making a mess in his pants, hoping that he isn’t leaking through to your nice furniture, but he can’t quite bring himself to stop either. Both Bokuto and you watch the string - you’re not sure whether it’s his spit or your own wetness - that stays connected between your slit and his puffy, glossy lips.
“Good...good job.” Bokuto sighs. You’re not sure if he’s praising you or Hinata, but you don’t have much time to think too hard about it before he releases your legs and wedges his hands under between himself and you to pull his straining cock from his pants. Mind buzzing, still a little hazy from the feeling of Hinata’s tongue, you grab out from him, pulling on the band of his pants. Truthfully, he’s not quite sure what you’re asking for but he does know how tight his balls are and how inviting your cunt looks.
Just as Bokuto is settling his cock between your ass, Hinata’s pants are slipped off, thrown to the ground. He dips his head down to take one of your breasts into his mouth, moaning around you and pressing in close so his tip catches against your clit. At your whiny cry and keening, Bokuto lets out a low, single chuckle. “Don’t let her have your cock, not all the way. You were being so greedy earlier puppy, I don’t think you deserve it yet.”
Hinata keeps his mouth firmly planted on your chest and reaches down to perfectly slip himself between the top of your folds, acutely aware of Bokuto’s heavy head just barely bumping against the base of his own cock. They’re both so thick and heavy as they rabidly hump against you, Bokuto maneuvering your body for you back and forth across both of them. Everything is warm and wet between Hinata’s mouth on your chest and Bokuto’s lips kissing down the side of your neck.
The tease of release that’s been creeping up on you for so long draws closer and closer. Hinata’s cock is catching so exactly on your swollen clit and Bokuto’s tip keeps threatening to slip past your entrance, slick dripping past your thighs.
“Gonna, ahg, cu-cum!” You manage out, hips already bouncing on their own accord against them.
“Go ahead.” Bokuto says with a shaky breath, squeezing you as tight as he could between his body and Hinata’s. One more roll of their hips has you crashing down, pleasure rolling through your body. All you can feel is warmth and overwhelming satisfaction as you twitch between their arms, creaming across their cocks. “Good girl, good girl…” you faintly hear Bokuto coo into your ear as you slump back against him.
The buzzing, quiet moment is quickly squashed as he hoists you out of his lap and onto all fours. He’s talking to Hinata and you know you should be listening, but your pussy is still throbbing and you’re trying to catch your breath.
“...okay, baby?” You catch the very end of his sentence and blink hard, desperate to refocus.
“W-wait, what? Sorry, I just-”
“It’s okay, puppy,” he rubs a soothing hand down your back, slowly bringing you back to reality. “Need a second?”
You shake your head, the last of the fog slipping away. Before you, you see Hinata, his rigid cock slicked up by you only a few inches from your face. “I’m okay now, can you just say that again?”
“‘Course,” he grins, teasing your entrance, “I said I’m going to take your pretty pussy from back here and Shōyō is going to use your mouth. If you want.”
Wiggling your hips back to meet his and craning your neck up to look at Hinata you give a deft nod.
“I do, I want that.” You sigh.
Trembling with excitement, already so riled up from feeling you cum against him, Hinata shuffles the last bit forward. He’s pretty and much thicker than you had imagined. The tight strain of scattered veins and his heavy balls tell you all you need to know about how pent up he obviously is. Reaching out with palms still a bit shaky, you helped to reel him in the rest of the way with welcoming, parted lips.
You wrapped your fingers tightly around where you couldn’t quite reach, sloppily taking more and more of him with each bob of your head. His salty precum meshed with what was leftover of your own mess, the taste making you moan around his length.
Bokuto was trying to move slower now, recognizing that you were easily slipping, but the way you rocked your body back and forth bumping against his sensitive, reddened tip, he couldn’t hold back much more. Digging his fingers into your hip, he eased the motions of your body, lining himself up, resisting from plowing into you at full force.
“Ready?” He asks, nearly whining. At the sound of his voice, you pull off from Hinata, letting your quickly tiring jaw grow slack.
“Uh-huh.” You barely heave out before wrapping your lips around him again. So sure you can take both at once and not falter, you ramp back up to your original pace, slobbering down his cock, the click of your quick motions echoing around your head. Unfortunately for your ego, you’re dead wrong.
Bokuto wastes no time drilling himself into you, setting a bruising pace straight from the beginning. It’s all you can do to loudly moan around Hinata’s cock, still stuffed in your mouth by the slight pistoning of his hips, the way Bokuto is ramming you forward only forcing him deeper down your throat.
As you gag, sputter, and moan down his length, drool dripping onto the already soiled cushions below, Hinata feels the pressure building and building in his core. Electricity tingles down his limbs, aided by the fucked out look in your pretty eyes. He doesn’t even have to move now with the way Bokuto is railing you against him. He wonders if you realize he’s close when you suck a little tight, cheeks hollowing as you take a little more of him, the hand that had been working his base coming down to lightly hold his swollen balls.
You don’t know. At this point, you’re moving on autopilot, simply trying your best. Your brain doesn’t know where to focus - Hinata filling out your mouth or Bokuto as he purposely alternates between hitting against your spongy spot and deep inside of you. It’s all a mess of spit, sweat, and cum, but you don’t think you’ve felt the rush of pleasure that comes with being used so well by more than one person.
Bokuto doesn’t know how much longer he can last. You’re clamping around, cunt fluttering each time his digs in a little deep or Hinata’s cock twitches against your tongue. He can tell by the scrunched up expression on his friend’s face that he can’t last much longer and he doesn’t blame him. Between fucking against your pussy and being wrapped up in your pretty mouth, no one really could. He’s determined to hold out though, a little spark of competition lighting up his chest. When Bokuto’s strokes suddenly slow you groan again, the vibrations dragging a stuttered moan from Hinata’s pretty lips.
“Gonna, hngh, uh gonna cum.” He sputters out, hips quivering as he tries to hold back from fucking too far back into your throat. At that, Bokuto’s hips speed up again, forcing a little whimpered cry, muffled by the cock in your mouth, from you. Still, you force yourself to focus on Hinata, sucking him dry as soon as the first spurt of cum hits the back of your throat.
He cums fast and hard and a lot. It’s seeping out from your lips, making him messier than he already was until he’s pulling his softening length from your mouth and flopping back against the couch, gently rubbing your arm while he catches his breath. With a heavy grin, Bokuto shoves a hand between your shoulder blades, knocking you into Hinata’s lap. Somewhat in vain, you try to clean him off between the pitchy mewls and cries that you breathe out while Bokuto chases his own release.
In no time, he’s there again, his own pressure built up as high as it could just before he burst inside of you. He fucks himself raw, your tight hole sucking him in, his cum only making it easier to slip in and out of you. Knowing he’ll finish when he’s completely spent, you lie limp in Hinata’s lap and he lazily wraps a hand around the back of your neck, soothing the leftover tension. You recognize Bokuto’s nearly done when his cock stops twitching and his hips slot against yours with some finality just before he slumps over you.
Whining when he slips out, even soft his cock is still a tight squeeze, you fall all the way against the couch, legs giving out at last. He falls back against the back, moving your legs to sit on top of his thighs and massaging them with great care. Completely spent and drifting half-asleep you just barely hear him.
“So,” he starts, head lolling toward Hinata who’s still lightly working his fingers against your upper back, “Dinner next week?”
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flamingo-writes · 3 years
Werewolf! Baji x Reader
Thicker Than Water Masterlist
General info on the Werewolves.
Mentions of NSFW Topics, minors DNI
Every Friday and Tuesday between 1 and 3 pm CST* (bcs the scheduling feature on tumblr sucks
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His wolf is black with honey eyes that almost look yellow.
Baji is a rather sensitive werewolf. More than others. 
His wolf instincts start kicking in as soon as the moon is 75% full
While most werewolves spend one night shifted, Baji lasts  36-48 hours shifted.
He keeps his senses of smell and hearing the entire time regardless of the moon phase.
He has it the easiest to shift into his wolf compared to others.
He is the most reckless and fearless in the pack.
Lone wolf at times, he sometimes likes to wander off during his shift. Especially since he spends more time shifted.
When he met you, he felt something for you right away, but kept his distance.
He was lowkey afraid of falling in love
But he couldn’t. You'd feel drawn to him as well and it was always you approached him.
God, you were so gorgeous and kind to him. He found himself falling hard and fast.
He is protective af. And he easily gets jealous. He trust you with his life, but because you mean the world to him, he won't hesitate to badly hurt anyone who attempts anything on you.
Even in his wolf form, he'll be around you. Hiding, watching you from a distance where he can be safe and hidden. Mostly to keep an eye on you.
You didnt take long to notice there was something odd about him, and confronted him about it. Thats when he told you his secret
Nsfw Headcanons
You are his chewing toy.
Before he told you his nature, you just thought he was a kinky fuck
I mean, he is a kinky fuck
After he told you, you realized most of his kinks actually come from his wolf instincts.
He loves to leave all sorts of marks on your skin.
People's scent gets mixed up with their partner's, but the extent of how much you smell like Baji and how much he smells like you its ridiculous. It's pretty clear that you're his mate.
The reason why you stink so much of each other is because Baji is lowkey a nympho.
Just for you tho
His instincts kick in and he feels the need to kiss you, hold you, seduce you and feel you all around him, desperately trying to fuck you dumb.
You had to establish a safe word because he'd really go feral, and ended up punching him a few times in the beginning from how rough he was.
SFW Drabble
You two had been dating for a rather short time, and things seemed to be going too fast. However, it didn't feel wrong. In fact, you were falling in love with him more and more with each passing day. Sure, his mood swings were so annoying. One moment he was fine, the next he snapped and grabbed the first stone he found and threw it to the closest car windshield and smashed it, and the next he had you pinned against the wall in the first alley he found because he wanted you.
But god, you saw a side of Baji no one else did. When it was just the two of you, he was so gentle and so patient, and so caring, he was like a different person. And it felt like a little secret between you two. Every day he showed you in some new way how much he loved you.
You'd been dating for almost a year and had been living together for three months now. And it had been half a hear since you knew of Baji's secret.
As the full moon was starting to shrink, you knew Baji would shift back into his human form any time now. As you returned from work, a big black wolf greeted you at the entrance. Tail flapping from side to side excitedly as he groaned.
"Yeah, I know, I know, I'm late. We had a team meeting and it took longer than expected..." you said as you walked into the kitchen and grabbed a couple of stakes and threw them into Baji's direction as he swiftly grabbed them mid air. "I'm gonna take a shower..." you told him and left the kitchen as Baji ate his food happily.
That night, you were deeply asleep. Not noticing Baji's wolf getting off the bed and into the living room as he shifted back with a few painful grunts.
Feeling slightly dizzy from the shift, Baji stayed laying in the floor, naked as he assimilated what had happened. After a few minutes he got up and went back to bed. His heart squeezing at the sight of you sleeping. He loved that scene. He could never grow tired of seeing you asleep after he shifts back.
"Welcome back Keisuke..." he whispered to himself as he crawled on the bed.
NSFW Drabble
As he crawled on the bed, a very sweet smell hit his nose, making his heart beat faster and stronger and his dick started throbbing instantly. "Fuck, baby girl..." he purred as he kissed your cheek "It's not fair that I'm just turning bacl and you smell like this..."
You groaned in your sleep as you processed what he had said. It took you a while to understand what he was saying or what he was referring to. And soon, it clicked. If your sleepy calculations were right, you happened to be in your fertile window. You groaned softly, as you knew perfectly well how was this going to end.
Baji started kissing your neck as he laid in bed next to you and pulled you closer to him. Your bum pressed against his hips as you felt his throbbing cock. You blushed, your mind still hazy with sleep as Baji's hands snuck underneath your shirt and explored your body, knowing perfectly well where your soft spots were.
"Babe, I want you so, so bad..." he whispered as he bit your shoulder a little bit too hard.
You moaned loudly, feeling his teeth sinking in your skin as you rocked your hips, teasing him with your ass rubbing against his length.
His groans, bites and hands driving you insane rather fast. As you felt yourself get needy for him. You rolled over and slowly got on top of him as you took off your top.
Baji smiled proudly at all the hickies and bite marks that were still visible in your body. His hands reaching your breasts as he squeezed them tightly. "They're starting to fade...I've got to change that..." he whispered as he sat up, his lips quickly attacking the base of your neck, sucking on a fading love bite as his hands clawed on your waist.
Tag List: @seiiblue @q-the-rockaholic @0166-peculiar if you wish to be tagged in any specific characters or all of them, let me know!
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thesmpisonfire · 3 years
yo simp, ya got any cogchamp smp!Fundy headcanons?
I fucking answered this but tumblr just disappeared so I'll just repeat myself again *sighs*
Anyway, cog! Fundy headcanons again
He and Ranboo are brothers. Thats it.
He is very comfortable with his animal instincts here
So he is constantly going in small spaces to build machines or just search for ores (Ranboo is terrified with this ability, he is sure that Fundy has no bones)
Fundy also have the habit to just put things in his mouth, like cogs, and thats a BAD habit. One day Ranboo gave Fundy a grass block without noticing and Fundy put it in his mouth out of costume
Ranboo still laughs about it to his day
He is an architect too, so he is always with a pencil behind his ear (which he somehow never loses)
And also a lot of notepads, since he is always leaving them around and making others. There's projects that are divided between 5 or more notepads that Fundy just picks up, write and leave behind just to continue in another notepad
He has big brother energy with all the kids
5up too, but they're somehow different
5up has "responsible big brother" vibes while Fundy has "jerk but actually a soft big brother" vibes
Sam is stuck as "gremlin middle brother"
They all gift each other handmade gifts oit of nowhere
Fundy has collected a macaroni necklace from Crumb, a robotic little fox from Tubbo (without power at the moment because Tubbo forgot to put a charge plug), colorful suspenders from 5up, funny noises watch from Sam and his hat has cogs and lil trains draw by Ranboo
Like I said, he is a softie for the kids. He has a place to both Tubbo and Crumb sleep in his house when they pass the night there for a project
Crumb is the one that uses it the most, but she always end up in Fundy's bed because the fox is warm and comfy
That started to make Ranboo jealous so he also went and started to sleep in Fundy's bed
Fundy got tired of this shit and put all their beds together so they all can sleep in a bigger space (sometimes 5up and Tubbo also spend the night there so it ends up as a mess, but everyone still comfortable)
When 5up and Fundy started to date, the kids were "Pissed"
Just because they all went jealous at the same time and at both of them
They respect the couple's space tho
Its more as a joke than an actual jealous thing
Fundy and 5up find it hilarious and love to make everyone third wheel them
Ranboo built Fundy a piano for birthday (with Tubbo's help)
Fundy started then to have "show" nights where he plays for everyone
As a gift he also made Tubbo an ukelele
So the two of them are now kind of a duo
Crumb uses Fundy's notepads to draw sometimes, so he is always happily surprised to find a drawing with her signature
She also took the liberty to drawn in everyones clothes, in Fundy's coat she made foxes and music notes
Crumb is also the responsible for "graffiti" around the buildings bc she would just pick up a chalk and make small cats around
Everyone loves them and never complained
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mellowswriting · 3 years
Settled - A Sequel to The Future
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pairing || Din Djarin x fem!Reader
summary || A glimpse into domestic life with Din. 
word count || 4,238
warnings || soft smut, food consumption, pregnant reader, domestic fluff, Din Djarin is the best dad in the universe but we already knew that, Uncle Paz Vizsla bc I’m shameless
a/n ||  Listen... soft domesticity with Din was something I didn’t realized I needed in life until writing this, so I had so much fun. Thank you to the anons who sent the requests that inspired this! ​
Main Masterlist  |  Join the taglist!
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Translations: riduur - spouse buir - parent mesh’la - beautiful kurshi’ika - little tree cyar’ika - darling, sweetheart
It was the kind of morning people wrote poetry about, line after eloquent line about how the sun broke over the trees in brilliant streaks of orange and pink backed by the symphony of cheerful bird chatter, how the steam from your coffee mug curled through the air in a lazy pirouette, how each sip you took as you read by the open window filled you to the brim with a warm peace that rivaled any other. That kind of tranquility was something you had craved, but never thought you could actually have for yourself.
You were never more glad to be wrong.
Every promise Din made to you, he followed through on. Ma’ira was small but beautiful, covered with lush forests and dotted with turquoise colored lakes, and the second you landed on the planet you just knew. Something about it all felt right. It didn’t take long to find the home you now lived in with your riduur, an almost cottage-like home on the outskirts of town, far enough away that Din felt comfortable enough to strip away his armor more often than not.
It had been a strange adjustment. Din wasn’t used to the possibility of being so open. You weren’t used to the possibility of staying put. But the biggest adjustment of all was the swell of your stomach when you first moved into the house that the two of you had turned into a warm, happy home. Din, being the overachiever of the century, somehow managed to knock you up right on the first try. To say that the both of you were surprised would be an understatement. You expected to have more time, to be able to spend however long it took to find the absolute perfect place to settle down.
In more ways than one, you were beyond glad that your lover was such an overachiever. You would have overthought it all; which planet was the best to settle down on, whether or not the house you chose was the right one, if your town was safe enough. The kiddo growing in your belly like a weed forced you both to make a decision in a timely manner and now you had an incredible husband, a perfect daughter, and another warrior growing strong in your belly.
At two years old, Willow was a bright, vibrant little girl who also managed to create mischief anywhere her little feet could carry her. And with all of that endless bounty of toddler energy? Yeah, you needed those calm mornings as a reprieve from her energy, as much as you loved her
It was the rumble of her bare feet on the wood floors that drew you from the novel in your hands, her wild mess of brown hair the first thing you saw as she clambered in your lap. Her arms wound around your neck as she pulled you into a bear hug, practically choking the life out of you in her excitement.
“Good morning, Willow,” You said as you shifted her weight away from the swell of your belly before brushing her curls out of her face. “How about we go wake up your buir, huh? I think he’s gotten to sleep in enough this morning.”
Willow’s eyes lit up at the mention of her father and she nodded emphatically, already ready to poke at her father until he woke up like she did every morning. You made your way into your bedroom with her on your hip and you couldn’t help but smile at the sight your husband made. Din was still dead asleep, his face buried in the crook of his elbow, the stark contrast of his tan skin against the white sheets made even more striking by the sunlight flooding through the windows. Just like his daughter, his hair was a curly mess atop his head.
You gingerly set Willow down next to Din and she crawled over to kneel at his side and pry his arm away from his face. It woke him up immediately, you could tell by the slight curve of his lips despite his still closed eyes - a game he played almost every morning with his daughter. Next came the poking at his cheeks, then his eyebrows, and then his lips - where Din grabbed her hand and pretended to gobble her up.
“Papa!” Willow squealed, devolving into a fit of giggles as she tried to squirm away. “Mama, help!”
The second you leaned over to try to scoop her up, Din pulled you down onto the bed on top of him and pressed a kiss to your lips, always careful not to put pressure on your stomach. You shifted to lay next to him, propping your baby bump on his side to relieve the tension. Sat there in that bed, your husband rubbing your belly with one warm hand and your toddler jumping and tumbling around the pillows, her peals of laughter echoing off of your bedroom walls… well, it brought you more peace than any early morning sunrise or good book could ever bring you.
“Good morning, mesh’la.” Din murmured against your temple where he pressed a kiss, his voice rumbling low and sleepy. “How’s the book?”
“About halfway through, it’s a good one.” You loved the interest he took in your little hobbies. The newest book in particular was the fourth in a series Din had gotten for you. He knew you liked to read while you breastfed and was more than happy to provide you with as many books as possible. “The little one is kicking up a storm, though. He’s killing my bladder.”
Din hummed as he slid down to speak right into your belly. “Be good to your mama, little one.”
He kissed your baby bump, leaned up to kiss your lips, and then stood to stretch his arms high above his head with a strained groan. “Come on, kurshi’ika, let’s get your hair fixed.”
You smiled at the nickname, watching Din carry his little girl to the bathroom. He may be an intimidating Mandalorian, a big and bad ex-bounty hunter, but he was the softest, sweetest dad you had ever seen. With a low groan, you eased yourself onto your feet and busied yourself with preparing breakfast, and by the time Din emerged from the bathroom with Willow, you had yogurt and a pile of sliced strawberries ready for her.
Sitting down to eat meals together was something you cherished. It felt like a completely different life, back when you and Din would have to sit in separate rooms to eat to protect his creed, back when everything was so complicated. Now Din would share small bites of his own meals with Willow, he talked through mouthfuls of food hidden behind his hand, he cleared the table once all of you were finished. Yet another new side of your soulmate that you had the privilege of seeing.
It didn’t take long for Willow to finish her breakfast and ask to be let down to play. It amazed you how much energy such a small kid managed to contain, watching her zip around the living room without pausing to take a breath. You couldn’t help but laugh as Din tried to keep up with her. Not long ago, you would’ve been right there on the floor with them, but now that pregnancy had shifted your center of gravity and had your back and feet aching constantly, it was too damn hard.
While Willow was lucky to have a dad who had no qualms with crawling around on the floor with her, even he couldn’t rival her energy. Din dropped onto the couch next to you with a long drawn out sigh, watching with raised eyebrows as his daughter shot around the room.
“How does she do it?” He chuckled, shaking his head. You hummed in lieu of an answer and leaned your head against his shoulder. Just like with your first pregnancy, you were tired more often than not and Din’s warmth was like a heavy blanket that could only lure you closer to sleep. Din pulled you closer to rub your belly. “How are we going to do it? With two?”
“If we can handle bounty hunting, we can handle two kids, my love.” You murmured, your eyes falling closed as you relaxed against him.
“Bounty hunting was less scary.” Din said with a huffed laugh and yeah, he wasn’t exactly wrong. But as terrifying as parenthood could be, watching Willow grow and learn made everything worth it. You could see pieces of both of you in her; she had Din’s hair and your eyes. She had her father’s attitude and your perfected puppy-dog eyes. She had her father’s grumpy face and your laugh.
Even so, she was becoming her own person the more she grew. Every annoyed huff, every little pout, every time she jumped out from behind the couch or bed to ‘scare’ one of you, it became more glaringly obvious just how lucky you both were. The little one growing strong in your belly would only add to that luck, you just knew it. Even when your bladder was being used as a trampoline, when the exhaustion got so bad you had to nap in the middle of the day, when the nausea overwhelmed you, there was an underlying tone of luckiness.
Three quick knocks had you easing yourself off of the couch despite Din insisting he could get it. If you stayed on that couch curled up next to him any longer, you would fall asleep and you knew it. A warm rush of air flooded against you when you opened the door and you smiled brightly at the man in front of you.
“Paz! It’s good to see you!” You said as you pulled him in for a hug. “Come on in.”
The second Willow saw him, an excited cry of “Uncle Paz!” echoed through the living room as she scrambled to give him a bear hug. Paz was the one who made you realize that your husband wasn’t an anomaly among Mandalorians - you knew they cherished children, that raising them to be strong and healthy was the foundation of their culture, but you hadn’t realized just how gentle they were with the littlest ones. If anyone had told you before all of this that you would see Din Djarin and Paz Vizsla sitting on the floor and happily playing along with a tea party for a two year old and her stuffed bunnies, you would’ve laughed at the very idea.
But now it was a weekly occurrence, one that you would cherish the memories of for the rest of your life, and you couldn’t imagine life any other way.
“Are you sure she’s ready, cyar’ika?” Din murmured as he watched Willow debate which stuffed animal she should bring with her.
“I definitely think she is. Besides, Jaina and Paz are only a few miles away. If she changes her mind, we’ll go pick her up.” You rubbed his arm reassuringly. “Are you sure you’re ready?”
“Just nervous.” He grunted.
Willow’s first overnight away was something you both agreed on, but that didn’t mean neither of you were anxious about it. Paz and his wife were the only ones you trusted enough and Maker knows that they didn’t mind helping. You were all family, after all.
“She’s going to be with them while I’m in labor, she needs to be comfortable if she has to stay overnight. But we can put this off a bit longer if you want.” You offered, but he shook his head. No matter when Willow went to spend the night with her Uncle, it was going to be nerve wracking and you both knew it.
You knelt next to Willow and helped her zip up the bag she had stuffed full of toys. “Okay, Willow. Are you excited to stay with Uncle Paz and Aunt Jaina?”
Willow nodded emphatically, bouncing on her toes and struggling to keep her attention on you in her excitement, especially when she saw her dad walking over to crouch down next to her as well.
“Be a good listener for Paz, okay kurshi’ika?” Din reminded her gently and Willow nodded again before hugging him tightly. The worry on his face eased as he held her close.
“Bye, Papa.” Willow chirped before turning to hug you as well. “Bye, Mama. Bye, Baby.”
The kiss she popped against your belly choked you up and you almost wanted to wrap her up in your arms and never let her go. Oh, your sweet, precious little girl. So excited to be a big sister, already so loving to a sibling that wasn’t even born yet.
You watched her hop along after Paz and as he strapped her into the seat of his speeder, always overly cautious about the strap placement of her harness, but Paz was a quick learner. All it took was that one time of showing him exactly where the chest clip was meant to be and stressing the importance of it, and the man had it down expertly.
You expected the house to feel smaller, empty without Willow’s high peals of laughter and exhaustive energy, and while that thread of nervousness at being away from your child still held true, the idea of getting to relax with your husband without any real obligations was… nice. Different, but nice. You sat down heavily on the couch, that heavy exhaustion creeping over you to weigh down your eyelids the moment you met the cushions.
It was the feeling of Din’s hands rubbing the tension from your feet that woke you sometime later. His attention was on the television across the room, some rerun of a trashy holodrama playing at a low volume. You smiled sleepily at him. So handsome with his fluffy, unkempt hair and the stubble he hadn’t bothered shaving in the past few days. You reached out to graze his arm with your fingertips and Din smiled before he even looked away from the screen.
“How was your nap?” He asked quietly, a soft fondness on his face.
“Good,” Your voice was rough with sleep. You wiggled your toes against his hand. “This is better, though.”
Din chuckled but complied, those strong fingers of his digging into the arch of your foot and pulling a pleased hum deep from your chest. The man had hands like magic. It was something he loved to do, taking care of your body aches and tense muscles, especially when you were pregnant. He was the one who put you in that state after all. He felt it was his responsibility to take care of you, however you needed.
The tightness of your muscles slowly relaxed with each kneading pass of his fingers, his hands slowly making their way up past your ankles, working through your calves and your knees. He pressed feather light kisses to your calves as he worked his hands, shifting so he could lean over you and slowly work himself up your body. Din knew exactly what he was doing, could tell by the way your contented little hums morphed into pleasured moans.
A grin found your lips when your heady whine was met with a low, needy groan. Din nipped your inner thigh playfully and looked up at you with those bright eyes. “What do you need, Din?”
“You.” He leaned up to press his forehead to yours. “Just you.”
“You have me.” You whispered, your heart pattering faster in your chest. It had been far too long since you could just let loose with him and enjoy each other without having to think about anything other than the feel of each other’s bodies. “You always have me.”
Din kissed you, one hand propping himself up next to you and the other gripping your chin to tip your head back. A shudder rocked through you at the feeling of his tongue dipping to lick at your lips. You pulled away to pat his cheek, a breathless laugh falling from your lips.
“Not on the couch,” You said. “Take me to bed, riduur.”
Your husband helped you to your feet, ushering you ahead of him with one big hand smacking and grabbing at your ass as you laughed at his antics. Before you were showing, Din would’ve had no issue shoving you down on the bed and going to town on you, and while his touch was still firm, he was gentle. Beyond careful.
He had you stripped in no time, your shirt and shorts flung somewhere unknown and uncared for. The warmth of his hand at your waist made you shiver and press closer; the skin on skin of his chest pressed against your back was addictive, left you keening for more, for any other gentle touch he would grace you with. It was a kiss to your neck that came next, followed almost immediately by the drag of his teeth against your pulse. His fingers knotted in your hair, angling your head to give him better access to the corded muscle of your neck that he loved sinking his teeth into.
The stuttered cries he managed to pull from you were like music to Din’s ears. Every single sound you made for him… fuck, they were just as pretty as you. He pressed you forward onto your hands and knees, grinning at the way your fingers immediately curled into the sheets, and ground his clothed cock against your ass in a slow circle, relishing in the desperate cant of your hips in your search for more friction.
“So needy, cyar’ika.” Din murmured as he leaned down to kiss and lick and bite at your shoulder blades, his hand coming down to cradle your belly, feeling his child close and safe inside of you. “Such a good girl, huh? Always so good for me.”
“Please…” You arched against him with a whine, seeking his touch where you really, desperately needed it. The look you tossed at him over your shoulder was almost enough to break him. “I need you.”
Din popped the hems of his briefs with how quickly he ripped them off. He moved to kneel at the edge of the bed, ready to open you up for him, spread you out with his tongue and his fingers and let your pretty little moans soak into his ego and stroke his pride. Your foot shot out to stop him, damn near catching him in the ribs.
“Fuck, Din, I’m ready. I promise, I just need you, please -”
He eased your desperation with a hand at the base of your spine, shuddering at how much you needed him, his touch, his cock buried as deep as possible in your wet little cunt. Din’s fingers brushed your core gently, barely touching you to hear that needy whine one more time, before tracing your clit in practiced circles.
The arch of your hips deepened as you relished in the pleasure your husband sparked through your body, unable to curb the needy sounds you made. Sex with Din was always a good time, but sex with Din while you were pregnant was next fucking level. The doctor had told you it was because of higher blood flow and blah, blah, blah, but you had a sneaking suspicion that he was also just that good. You didn’t even realize you were begging at first, crying out a high, ‘please, please, please’ until you felt Din’s cock notch at your entrance, the hand he had at the base of your spine sliding down to grasp firm at your neck.
He pushed into you in one smooth, devastating stroke, not stopping until his pelvis was flush against. The groan he gave was one you heard time and time again, his voice reverent as if you were the goddess to absolve him of all of his sins, the one to save him and bring him to salvation. It broke you down and built you up in the same second, pride swelling in your chest at the pleasure you brought him, at the pleasure he brought you. Just the full feeling of his cock stretching you was enough to have you trembling beneath him, so that first slow stroke, the roll of his hips as he pulled away only to push back into you, it was devastating.
“Fuck…” Din’s head tipped back, his hips setting a steady, slow pace that still had you almost too full but still needing more. “So fucking wet for me, so ti-ight.”
You wanted to praise him, to tell him how good he felt inside of you, how his thick cock made you quiver around him, but your voice had disappeared, fizzled out with that first thrust. But you could show him. You pushed back against him to meet his thrusts, a cock drunk grin spreading across your face when Din’s pace stuttered at your enthusiasm. The muscles in your thighs and back were starting to ache with the effort of holding yourself up, but before you could find your voice well enough to tell him, he was pulling out of you despite your whined protest.
“Hush, sweet girl,” Din said, pressing a kiss to your shoulder as he eased you onto your side and settled behind you. “I’ve got you.”
Your leg was lifted to brace against his hip and then Din was thrusting back into you, his bare chest pressed firmly to your back. You leaned your head back against his shoulder as he slid his hand up your thigh and over your hip, desperate for the electric feeling of his practiced fingers against your clit. Instead, those teasing fingers trailed over your belly and up your ribs, leaving goosebumps in their wake to flush across your sensitive skin.
“Din…” You whined, sounding every bit like the needy, debauched little thing you felt. Din’s hand snatched yours up when you reached between your legs, only making you whine more.
“Use your words, cyar’ika.” Din murmured low in your ear. He didn’t miss the way his voice made shivers dance down your spine. “Tell me what you need.”
“T-touch me,” You managed to stutter out as you arched against him, angling your hips so that he hit even deeper and the head of his cock pressed against your g-spot. That tension ratcheted tighter in your belly and drug your desperation higher with it. “Fuck, please!”
“Only because you asked so nicely,” Din teased and finally dipped his hand between your thighs, his fingers spreading you open and gathering up your slick to circle your clit.
A loud cry ripped from your chest, your orgasm quickly approaching under Din’s touch, combined with the stuttering breaths coming from your lover. He wasn’t lost on the pleasure he brought you, the feeling of your already tight cunt tensing around him, growing more wet to ease the way for him.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop,” You huffed, hovering on the edge of ecstasy only driven higher with each stroke.
Din captured your ear lobe between his teeth and hissed one word. “Cum.”
You broke. Keened and trembled and gasped as he rocked you through your orgasm, only shoving his hand away when it became too much for your sensitive nerves. Three more thrusts into you and Din’s pace stuttered, his hand coming up to brace against your hip and hold you in place to bury his seed as deep as your body would allow him. You let out an exhausted, breathless chuckle - if he hadn’t already had knocked you up, that certainly would’ve done it.
The two of you took a moment. Soaked each other in as you caught your breath. Din barely moved, only shifting slightly to pull out as you whined at the loss, but he peppered lazy kisses on your shoulder in apology. In those moments, those hazy post-sex moments where you were both sweaty and sated and beyond in love, your hands wandered as did Din’s. It was almost instinctual, a need to check each other over and soothe any aches, any bites that were a tad too rough.
Din pulled at you with insistent hands, guiding you to roll over and face him so you could use his side to rest your belly on. As much as that helped to ease the ache your growing baby put on your back, it was just as much for him as it was for you. He loved supporting you, feeling you relax against his side, running his palm over your belly and tracing the stretch marks that signified all you did for him, for the children you bore and nurtured both as they grew inside of you and at your breast after their birth.
“Shower?” Din asked after an eternity of peaceful silence.
You hummed your agreement, shivering at the idea of those strong hands massaging your scalp and aching muscles. “In a minute. Just wanna feel you.”
And feel him you did. Din wasn’t the only one who loved to aimlessly trace his lover’s skin. His muscles twitched under your gentle touch, something that never failed to make you smile; he was so strong, so firm, yet a single caress was enough to have him shivering with a small delighted smile on his face.
The shower could wait. The rest of the word could wait. All you needed was Din.
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pregnant-piggy · 4 years
I’ll take care of you
Draco Malfoy x reader
Request:  hey! can you write a draco x reader where they are in a new relationship and the readers parents are abusive but they don’t beat her bc they are all about the image but for torture they barely feed her when she is at their house on holidays so when draco sees her again after the holidays he notice that she is extremely thin and he is really worried and you continue thank you!! (anon)
Words: 1.6k
Warnings: talking of abuse (nothing really explicit, but it’s talked of)
A/N: I didn’t want to write this too explicitly, because it’s a heavy subject. I am sorry it took so long. I hope you like it :)
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The Hogwarts express blew steam into the hot air as platform 9¾ was crowded with people. Families said their last goodbyes to each other, parents kissing their children and already longing for Christmas when most of their children would come back or sighing happily as they now finally had some peace. There were first years nervously standing beside their trunks, staring at the ink red train. Birds squeaked in their cages and cats that had escaped ran between the people.
You sat in an empty compartment, staring at the scene on the other side of the window. Your parents had dropped you off earlier, before the crowd. Their goodbyes had been quick and cold, like always.
Resting your head against the back of the seat, you closed your eyes. A deep breath calmed the nerves. You had been going to this school for five years and yet you were scared. Your sixth year was standing ahead of you, a year full of exams, new teachers and more stress. But you were looking forward to it.
A whistle was blown and the final students hopped on the train. A few hung out of the window, waving goodbye to the people on the platform until they disappeared from view. The decor of the station soon changed for the scenery of the green fields. Lands of grass and wildflowers passed by in a blur as the train made speed.
For the first time since you had gotten home after last year, you relaxed. Your compartment was empty, but you didn't mind. You embraced the silence and stared out of the window to the green haze.
The voice of the person you hadn't seen in so many weeks and whom you had missed dearly, broke your thoughts.
‘I thought you weren't even on the train,’ Draco said and he sat down next to you, but not before kissing you softly on your lips. You rested your head on his shoulder and breathed in his calming scent.
You and Draco had gotten together in the last month before the summer. The Slytherin boy you had had a crush on for months back then, had answered to your feelings by asking you out on a date.
- -- -
Three Gryffindor students were talking loudly in the library as you tried to concentrate on the work in front of you. Herbiology had never been your strongest subject and you needed to get a good grade on this test or who knows what would happen.
Just as you were reading about the healing powers of the pink and purple plants you had been studying this semester, someone else entered the library. You didn't need to look longer than a second to see who it was; you could recognise Draco from miles away.
He loitered at the bookcase and you quickly turned back to your book, before he would realise you were staring at him. But now you had seen him, you could not not think about him. His light hair and light grey eyes flew around in front of your eyes and your Herbiology was left for what it was.
You had been crushing on the Slytherin for a while now and you weren't even sure how you got to it. It was one day, when he bumped into you in the Potions cabinet and he apologised, that you had felt the butterflies as he touched your shoulder when saying sorry. And ever since then you had found yourself drawn to him whenever he was in the room. Funny how such a little touch could turn your life upside down.
Madam Pince had shooed the Gryffindors away and the library was filled with such a silence that you could hear your own thoughts loud and clear, as if they were being spoken out loud. Draco stood at the bookcase closest to you and it took all your strength not to look at him.
You stared at the words of the book that lied in front of you. They didn't make any sense. You dropped your head sighing in your hands and stared with empty eyes ahead of you.
‘What are you working on?’ Draco asked and you scared up.
The blood rushed to your cheeks and you scrambled up. You looked Draco and then back at your book before you answered. ‘Well, right now nothing.’
‘So I can sit next to you?’
‘Uhm, sure.’
Draco dropped his bag on the table and took the chair next to you. He didn't pull out any books but instead turned to you. His knees were pressed lightly against your thigh and you balled your fist on the side of your body, out of his sight.
‘Shouldn't you be doing something?’ you asked, afraid he would leave if you didn't say anything.
Draco laughed loud, receiving an angry glare from madam Pince. He shook his head with a smile on his face and got closer to you, resting his arm on the back of your chair.
‘I wanted to talk to you,’ he said with a low voice.
‘Why?’ you blurted out before you could stop yourself.
Draco laughed softly again. ‘Because I want to get to know you. I fancy you, you see?’
You stared at him for a second and your jaw dropped. He liked you? You tilted your head to the side and watched Draco. He still had a smile on his face but you could see through his confident exterior that he was anxiously waiting for a reply from you.
‘I fancy you too, Draco,’ you said and gave him a smile.
He seemed encouraged by your confession and moved even more closer.
‘Enough to ditch Herbiology and spend time with me?’
‘That you even have to ask,’ you grinned.
- -- -
You didn't look very good, Draco noticed. Something had changed over the summer and when he took your hand and felt that your fingers took less space in his hands, he realised you had gotten thinner. Not just a little, healthy thinner, but more of a haven't-eaten-in-a-while-thin.
Your head rested on his shoulder and he could hear your steady breaths. He had missed that sound, just as he had missed everything about you. Even though you and him had only been dating for a month before the summer came, he had grown to you so much over that time. And in the summer he had not seen you at all and even barely spoken to you. Your letters were few and short.
Draco had been filled with doubts over the summer; did you still like him? Or had you realised that maybe you didn't like Draco after all?
But now you were resting against him, your hand tightly in his he realised that his doubts had been unjust. You liked him just as much as he liked you. Or maybe even love.
‘Darling?’ Draco asked and you lifted your head from his shoulder to look at him. ‘How was your summer. Your letters weren't exactly detailed.’
You sighed softly and averted your eyes from Draco's face. Your fingers played with the bottom of your shirt and you didn't look up as you talked. ‘It was fine,’ you muttered.
‘Okay,’ Draco slowly said, taking your hand in his. ‘You know you can tell me anything, right?’
You looked up to Draco and he saw tears pooling in your eyes. Without hesitating he pulled you close to his chest and pressed a kiss to your forehead. You sobbed softly into the crook of Draco's neck as he rubbed your back.
‘It's alright, darling. I'm here,’ he whispered into your ear and you tightened your grip on him.
For minutes the compartment was only filled with the sound of your sobs and Draco's reassuring words. He wanted to know why you were crying, but he knew he should give you your time. He was there for you, now and for as long as you'd have him.
‘You want to tell me?’ he whispered as you pulled away.
Your face was close to his and he watched the tears in your eyelashes. Your eyes were red and your nose was running, but Draco thought you were more beautiful than ever as you trusted him to be vulnerable in front of him. He cupped your cheek with his hand and kissed you on your nose, making you giggle lightly.
With the back of your hand you wiped away the tears of your face before you spoke with a quivering voice. ‘It's my parents. They- When they get mad at me- The whole summer-’
You stopped talking and sighed defeated, looking at your hands. Draco took your hand gave it a reassuring squeeze. ‘Take your time.’
You took a deep breath and looked back at Draco. ‘They don't let me eat. They say they can't physically hurt me, but they don't give me dinner or breakfast. They say they're disappointed in me and that I bring a shame to the family...’
Your voice got softer again and you looked insecure at Draco. He felt the hate for your parents razing through his veins. He wanted to do something to them. But now his priority was you, as you were crumbling apart in Draco's hands. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you leaned into his chest.
‘It's alright, love. I am glad you told me. I will take care of you, darling. We'll find a solution. We will stay at Hogwarts for Christmas and I am sure my parents won't mind if you come to stay with us next summer. Don't worry, I’ll help you through this,’ Draco said, his own voice trembling with emotion. ‘You’re safe with me.’
‘Thank you Draco,’ you said in his chest and moved your head to place a kiss on his jaw.
‘I would do anything for you, darling.’
- - - - - - -
general HP: @kitkatkl @girllety @yuptha-tsme @sleep-i-ness @iamak20 @thefuturelawyer @weasleydream @missmulti @deafgirltingz @moonstarrnghtsky @bloodblossom73 @mytreec @lilulo-12fanfiction @emmaloo21 @kashishwrites @ananad1 @figlia--della--luna
let me know if you want to be added!
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luv-hqs · 4 years
them having a boyfriend who gets mistaken as a girl
WAAAA your guys’ requests are so unique and fun to write HDHSGAHXVASG. this was rlly hard to write *scratches head* but i hope u guys enjoy it !! requests are open so pls send in more !!
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Tsukishima Kei
The two of you would be so cute together AAAAA
when the two of you just met, he immediately fell in love with how dainty and pretty you look.
you had the softest features, and the cutest eyes and Tsukki immediately went like “oh my god, im in love with her...”
Tanaka noticed tsukishima staring at his younger brother pretty frequently and when he confronted tsukishima about it, he was a little aggressive 
“Oi. why do you keep staring at my brother?”
tsukishima scoffed, “i’m not staring at anybody you idiot.”
“OI YES YOU WERE!” and tanaka calls you from the bleachers, and you immediately come running their way
“So Tsukki, why were you staring at Y/n-kun?” Tanaka narrowed his eyes at the blonde
and all you could do was try to suppress your laughter
BC YOU’RE NOT A GIRL #$@$^%^$#$@#%346
and because you’re 10 times prettier up close
anyways, he dosen’t care about gender, so he started openly courting you-- and i mean who wouldnt accept this blonde cutie’s attempts?
when the two of you started dating, tanaka was so over protective of you aha but he soon lowkey shipped the both of you later on
Tsukishima would take care of you and spoil you so much !!
his softer side comes out when you’re with him and he really isn’t afraid to show it.
when guys would come flirting your way, he would get pretty jealous easily
which leads to kinky sex, where he makes you wear a skirt
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Kageyama Tobio 
now this shy bby just straight up went for it and called you a pretty girl
you just laughed at him and corrected him saying that you were in fact a boy
kageyama would be such a flustered mess and keep on apologising, but after that interaction with you, he just couldn’t stop thinking about you.
so he started hanging out with you, asking to be your friend.
people also started to think that you guys were a couple because the two of you would be together 27/7
whether its you cheering kageyama on during his matches, or him sitting beside you at lunch
he finally confessed after winning one of his games and you happily accepted.
ever since the two of you started dating, he would be more overprotective of you because of how dainty and fragile you look
he would also be shy of PDA but if he catches another man staring at you, he’ll put his hand on your waist and kiss you (aCK *scratches toes*)
he also loves playing with your hair !!
its really long and soft, and kageyama just cant resist running his fingers through your beautiful hair
he’s an overall softie and will treat you like the prince you are <3
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Iwaizumi Hajime
iwa knew that you were a male from the start
he just couldnt help but get drawn to you whenever he would spot you in the hallways , or during ceremonies.
oikawa noticed Iwaizumi’s odd behavior and confronted him about it
“iwa-chan! you like someone don’t you? is she pretty?”
Iwa ignored him, as he continued to walk towards your classroom to give you a hand written confession
oikawa was confused, but continued to follow the ace to a second year’s classroom
“OOH IWA-CHAN IS SHE THE ONE?” Oikawa asked, pointing over at you.
Iwaizumi scowled at him, “He’s a boy dumbass.” and oikawa.exe just stopped working
when he gave you the letter with a cute blush on his face, you just gave him one of your cute smiles while your friend yelled in the background, “tHATS THE 6TH ONE TODAY Y/N-KUN~” 
they really made sure to emphasize the kun, to which iwaizumi replied.
“Yeah, y/n-san is really handsome”
You were shocked with the handsome ace’s choice of words, and it rlly made you attracted to him
anyways, when the two of you would start dating, he would treat you like an absolute king.
he would shower you with love, and care and he would also show you off in public, despite how shy he may have seemed
he also adores your soft like features, and would shower your face with kisses whenever he has the chance to.
he’s a really good boyfriend and he always makes it a habit to put a smile on your face whether youre already happy or when youre feeling down.
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Kuroo Tetsuro
Just like Iwa, kuroo already knew that you were a guy since you hung out with kenma often
he openly flirted with you platonically, until he actually fell for you, and started making efforts to be with you
he loves staring at your beautiful face during practices, since kenma drags you with him
and just looking at you makes him wanna look cool for you
you eventually also started falling for this nerd, and the both of you confessed at the same time
when you two would start dating, kuroo would treat you like a boy instead of a girl because despite you looking a like such a goddess, you were still a boy with boundaries
he will call you “pretty” or “babygirl”  sometimes just to tease you and make you blush
he’s also pretty affectionate in public and when the two of you have alone time
he’s also pretty respectful and won’t force you to do anything you are uncomfortable with
kuroo is just a cute nerd who loves and respects you dearly AAAA <3
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fandom-puff · 4 years
Malfoy!Reader dating Fred Weasley
Requested by: anon
AN: I put the reader as a slytherin bc... malfoys... and at age eleven she wanted to be in the same house as her brother, her dad etc. Also, reader is draco’s twin so their relationship didn’t start when she was too young. Also, this is a bit of an AU, so Fred doesn’t die lol
Gif creds to owner
Warnings: swearing, Lucius and Draco being quite prejudiced, references to sex but no actual getting jiggy with it
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You had always thought Fred snd george were funny, and had been rather sad when they left school in your fifth year
Of course, you didn’t let on to Draco, as he would certainly tell mother (he was rather a mummy’s boy, but you couldn’t point that out to him, as he would just tell you that you’re a daddy’s girl)
You spent your summer daydreaming, sitting in the gardens in the manor or gazing out of your window
Your mother was beginning to talk about arranging a marriage for you (she had been in one, as had Aunt Bella, as well as most traditional pure bloods), but you brushed off every suitor she suggested, with increasingly ridiculous excuses
“Oh, honestly, YN, if you carry on like this, mother and father will have to marry you off to blood traitors like the Weasleys,” Draco teased, and you tensed up slightly
“Oh shut it, Draco, at least theyre one of the only pure blooded families that don’t fuck their cousins and force their daughters into arranged marriages,” you huffed, storming off to your bedroom
Several days later, your mother came to your room and asked if you were coming to diagon Alley with her and Draco
You agreed, and while Draco and narcissa were fussing over robes in madam malkin’s shop, you slipped away to check out the brand new Weasley shop
It was wonderful, and you quickly got distracted by all the colours and sounds and displays
That was until a second year bolted past you and caused you to stumble up some steps, but a strong hand grabbed your arm, stopping your fall
“Oi! Watch it- nearly broke this lovely girl’s neck!” He shouted, before leaning down to you. “You alright? Oh. Well if it isn’t Miss Malfoy,” he grinned, without malice.
“Yeah... Draco’s getting his robes fitted and I couldn’t be arsed listening to his whining. I... I really love the shop,” you said bashfully. “Be careful though, Filch will be banning postal orders to the school,” you grinned, and you settled into easy conversation as Fred took you on a tour of the shop
Ron, Harry, hermione and George watched with dropped jaws
Eventually, you had to leave, to stop your mother and brother from getting suspicious
On the train to hogwarts, you sat with Draco and Blaise and Pansy (And you had to stop yourself from gagging at pansy’s simpering)
Draco made a comment on the weasleys finally having a bit of gold yet still wearing their ‘tat’
“Enough, Draco. Money doesn’t define people’s worth” you snapped
“Ugh, don’t tell me you fancy one of them, YN,”
“Ha! Which one, they breed like rabbits!” Palsy chimed in.
“I’ve had enough of this,” you said, and went to go and sit elsewhere
The argument was forgotten w little while later, and a few weeks into term, a small barn owl landed in front of you, dropping a letter, addressed to ‘the loveliest Malfoy’
You hurried off to read the letter, which was an invite from Fred to the three broomsticks on the next hogsmeade weekend and the rest, as they say was history.
Your relationship with Fred remained a secret for several months up until the Christmas holidays, when you returned from Fred’s with a rather impressive love bite just beneath your ear that you hadn’t noticed before you left
Your mother knew something was off instantly- you looked a little more... serene than usual, your hair (which you had left the house in a neat braid) was loose and slightly tousled
Her suspicions were confirmed when at dinner, you tucked your hair behind your ear, and Draco’s fork clattered to the floor.
“Bloody hell, YN!” He said, smirking. “Thought you said you went shopping with Astoria and Pansy!”
You frowned, but then quickly realised, trying to sweep your blonde hair back over the hickey, but your father had stood up from the head of the table and marched over to you, grabbing your chin and tilting your head to the side.
“Who did this, YN?” He asked, seething at the idea of someone taking advantage of his little girl. “Tell me, YN,”
You gulped and looked away, your father sighing, pinching the bridge of his nose. “We will discuss it after dinner in my study,”
Draco smirked deviously, eating quicker so he could get in on the action
“Alone,” Lucius said pointedly.
After dinner, your mother healed the bruise with magic and walked you to Lucius’s study.
The three of you say together in silence for a moment, before your father spoke.
“Was it Zabini?” You shook your head
“Crabbe? Goyle? I swear, I will tear them limb from-“
Narcissa placed a hand on his knee soothingly, turning to you. “Who was it, darling?”
“Fred Weasley,” you whispered, hanging your head. “I-I’m sorry, father. We’ve been seeing eachother for months, writing and... well, I went to see him today. I’m sorry I lied about going shopping, but I knew you’d never let me leave the house if you knew...”
Lucius sighed slightly and narcissa frowned between her husband and her daughter, nodding slowly.
“Right,” Lucius said. “YN. Come. I need to have a word with Arthur Weasley,”
You looked at your mother desperately. “Don’t worry darling,” she murmured, eyes twinkling, and you nodded, following your father to the apparition point
“Bloody hell... is that... is that malfoy?”
Ron and Harry ran to the sitting room, where Arthur was reading.
“Dad... you’ll never guess... Lucius malfoy’s coming up the path!”
Arthur sighed and sent the boys upstairs, opening the door
“Lucius,” he greeted, tone a little tense.
Your father’s lips curled into a slight smirk as he gestured to you.
“My daughter revealed something rather surprising to me today, Arthur,” he said and you worried your lip. “She told me that she had been seeing one of your sons behind my back,”
Arthur stared at you, eyes narrowing slightly. You looked very nervous.
“I... didn’t know Ron was seeing anybody,” he said hesitantly
Lucius was about to speak again, but your cut him off. “No... not Ron, Mr Weasley, sir. Er... I’ve been seeing Fred,”
“I think you’d best come in, both of you. Molly!”
Ten minutes later you were settled at the scrubbed kitchen table, sipping tea in an uncomfortable silence as Lucius and Arthur stared at eachother challengingly.
You looked over at Mrs weasley apologetically and she smiled kindly, reaching over to squeeze your hand to reassure you
“Honestly, two grown men trying to stare eachother down like fourth years!” She huffed, flinging a handful of floo powder into the fire, leaning down to speak into it. “Fred Weasley, you had better come through this fireplace in the next ten seconds!” She called
Pretty soon Fred was stumbling through, grinning
His eyes softened when he saw you and widened when he saw your father
“Er... have a... nice Christmas, Mr Malfoy?” He asked awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck as you mentally facepalmed.
Lucius stood up and drew his wand
You gasped, grabbing his arm. “Dad no!” You cried, looking at him pleadingly as he marched over to Fred, backing him into the wall with his wand at his throat. Arthur’s wand was also drawn while Molly shook her head
“If you ever hurt my daughter,” your father said in a low, silky voice. “If you break her heart, cause her harm or force her to do anything, I will kill you, Weasley. If I hear that you have used, abused or manipulated my little girl, I will personally see to it that you are never seen or heard from again. Do you understand?”
Fred nodded, eyes wide
Lucius quickly moved away, putting his wand back into its holder. “Well,” he said. “Now that that nasty business is taken care of,” he offered his hand to Arthur, who (after a hard glare from Mrs weasley) shook it.
Molly then turned to Fred herself and said “if I hear that you hurt YN in any way, it won’t just be Mr Malfoy you’ll have to deal with, Fred Weasley,” she said menacingly, wagging her finger at him.
Fred nodded.
As your parents went outside to discuss a sort of truce, you went to Fred, wrapping your arms around his middle, nuzzling into his chest.
From outside, your parents saw your loving embrace, your gentle kiss, the way Fred cupped your cheek and pushed your hair out of your face so he could kiss your forehead gently, molly sighed happily. “He’ll look after her,” she murmured
Both fathers spoke at once
“He’d better.”
Tag List: @a-hopeless-fan @lotsoffandomrecs @justanotherwildstar @kashishwrites @rai-strangebr @zodiyack @haphazardhufflepuff @dumbfuckinslytherin @severuslovebot @darkthought15 @strawberriesonsummer
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heyitsyn · 4 years
There Once Was A Man With No Arms-
Goshiki x Manager!Tendou!FirstYear!Sister!Reader
a/n: that was a mouthful
anon request: ahhh i loved your headcanons of iwaizumi dating oikawa's sister!!! this time, can i request goshiki x tendou's first year sis na manager din ng team nila? salamatttt hehe ingat ka lagiii💞
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this cute little bowl cut babie
so you are the little baby sister of our favorite red hair cutie and he was the one who offered you the manager position
ofc you accepted bc hello, you get to hang out w your brother and tease semi-semi-senpai everyday
pls let semi live
everyone likes you though bc you are their manager and you do a lot of things for them even though you dont need to
like sometimes, you stop by the store and pick up all kinds of snacks and if its really hot, popsicles and ice cream
ushijima farmer-san is known to be quite stoic and serious but he’s pretty chill around you and even ruffles your hair whenever you make a stupid joke
as a tendou, you are basically like a ctrl+v  with your brother 
the same cute teasing and bubbly personality but the quick change to serious and demeaning
the team gets stressed, especially mom, bc he has to take care of not one red-head freak but two
but he liked you more though bc you were a first year and you were this short little pumpkin and you were so nice and just all around A D O R A B L E
but you just didnt rub goshiki the right way
maybe bc he thought you were just doing this as an act and no person could really be this bubbly and cheerful
or hes just jealous his senpais attention is directed to you
whenever he gets a good spike, you cheer him on and say things like, ‘nice spike, tsu-chan!’ and he swears youre just doing this bc you want to kill him with a heart attack and he doesnt like feeling like this but you like torturing him
boi what is with this logic
even though he lives for praises, your praises and compliments just hits different than his senpais
before he even realized it, he started all out glaring at you and tendou, being the overprotective brother he was, pointed him out on it
‘oi, little kouhai, you got a problem with our y/n?’
at the mention of your name you turned around from talking to the coach and everyone turned to goshiki, expecting him to answer
unfortunately you didnt hear what your brother said so you were just confused
‘hm? i read the room and i am not comfortable with the energy in the gym today’
someone snorted while goshiki turned red at the attention being on him with the topic of you so he just walks away back to the court
‘oh? what was that all about?’ 
semi shushes tendou and gives you a smile
‘y/n, can you help tossing the ball for us?’
you nodded and quickly ran to the chair and waddled over to put it by the net before standing on it
everyone turned red, including goshiki and even shirabu, and busted their uwus
‘okay! let’s go!’
youve always noticed tsutomu and his determination to beat ushijima which youve appreciated bc he was so hard-working and he was talented enough
‘good one, tsu-chan!’
‘t-thanks, y/n-san’
even when no one noticed it, you were always there to give him compliments and he always grows flustered and hes just a big idiot babie and doesnt realize that your praises makes his heart beat faster bc he thinks youre freaking pretty and someone pretty complimenting him in his spikes boosts his ego
but eventually, it grew on him
instead of looking around for any senpai to praise him, he now turned to you and you would give him that adorable smile and he would bite his lip to stop himself from running over and hugging the life out of you
then he remembers who your brother is, well more like how protective the boys were
‘waka-senpai, nii-chan got sick so he wants you to stop by his dorm later today!’
since you were their teammate’s sister, theyve known you for a while and watched you grow from being this little middle school girl to a first year high schooler 
you were practically their sister
goshiki went to a different middle school so he never really realized how the guys treated you so differently but he knew it would be difficult to win them over for your hand
oops wait what
this thought struck him just as he was drinking water and he ended up choking on water causing you to run over from talking to semi so you could pat his back
‘omg, tsu-chan, you need to be careful!’
this was only the beginning of weeks of being weird
like he was so distracted and different that shirabu actually yelled at him and refused to give him any tosses
‘you talk big about being the ace but the slightest distraction could cost you a match. are you really being serious about being the ace or is it all just talk?’
he got all sad and mopey and he had to sit on the bench 
goshiki never got benched
he was too good to be benched!
but he was and he did not like it
you went over to him and sat next to him
‘tsu-chan, can you follow me?’
he looked up from the floor and he shrugged before following you out of the door
the others watched their first years exit the gym and they contemplated following
but tendou, surprise!, actually stopped them
‘my sister can sort him out herself. trust me’
goshiki didnt exactly know where you were taking him to until you stopped by by the baseball field where there was mud
‘y/n-san, why-’
‘you always say my name formally, why is that? im a first year too, tsu-chan’
he looked down
‘um, i-i don’t know-’
‘y/n-chan, tsu-chan. try it out’
you squealed at how cute he looked w red ears and a red face but you refrained from hugging him
then you remembered why you brought him out
‘oh right! come here, tsu-chan!’
you took a branch from a nearby tree and encouraged him to crouch down with you as you began to draw on the mud
‘there was once a man with no arms-’
you started happily singing and this was when goshiki really realized the resemblance between you and your brother
you both were happy and cheerful bc you wanted to radiate the energy to the others to be happy too
and it worked
tendou’s funny songs and jokes always made the others laugh and you did too
goshiki was happy that he was able to absorb that energy and he soon completely forgot about shirabu’s comments
once you were done, you have drawn a dog on the mud and the boy was so amazed at the sudden creation
he looked up at you with wide eyes and you laughed with a wide grin at his expression
‘hehe, its cool, right? nii-chan showed me something like that before when i got sad and it made me happy again. i thought it would work on you too’
he might have questionable feelings around you bc when you mentioned being sad, he felt weird
like he was relieved he wasnt there to see you sad bc he couldnt take it seeing your usual grin into a frown and your bright shining eyes filled with tears
‘y/n-chan, when you get sad, call me, okay? so i can go to you and make you smile like you did with me’
your eyes widened in surprise but you nodded, your grin even wider
‘im counting on you, tsu-chan!’
and he did
when he received a call late at night from you, he easily snuck out from his dorm and ran to the baseball field where he saw your crouching figure aimlessly dragging the stick in circles
he huffed and panted after running so fast and you looked up before running to hug him
‘im here now. youre okay’
you didnt release out your problems on him bc you didnt want to burden him
but he understood and just hugged you until you felt better enough to return to your crouching
goshiki hurriedly grabbed the stick and began to do the same thing you did for him before
‘then he jumped onto the lake and got stung by bees?’
he stopped and frowned, realizing he wasnt right
but the frown lifted when he heard your giggle
‘tsu-chan, he got stung by bees first and then he jumped on the lake!’
the corners of his mouth lifted and he chuckled
‘heh, i guess he did. but this is my version so listen closely, okay y/n-chan?’
this might be the reason you got close w the first year
the others noticed it too since you seem to pamper him and take more time taking care of him than them
like you even started wiping his sweat for him while he just giggles when you pull on the long strands of his hair
‘tsu-chan, i want to cut it!’
‘no, y/n-chan!’
he grabbed your hands and your arms around his torso so he could do the same to you and gently tugged on the ends of your long hair
‘you too then, y/n-chan. your hair is long too’
you pouted then gently punched his chest
‘mean, tsu-chan’
‘heh?! mean?! how?!’
tendou is like the best big brother ever and hes just like ‘yuhhhh get it tsutomu!!!!’
eventually, goshiki began playing even better
his complete spike percentage has increased and his jumping has gotten higher
but the team predicts that this was all because he’s trying to show off to you and your praising and compliments have motivated him to play better
forget being ace, he just wants you to praise him
‘y/n-chan! y/n-chan! did you see that?’
‘wahh!!!! so cool, tsu-chan!!”
bus trips to matches are so cute but yall lowkey annoy the players a bit
yall sit next to each other and are just leaning together as you giggle over stupid cat videos
like we get, goshiki is getting some quicker than us
i feel like before moving on to relationships, goshiki and you would be best friends first and then move on to the dating stuff
tbh, theres no difference bc yall have always been like that but theres just an offical label now
‘hey, tsu-chan, wanna date?’
‘u-um,, sure?’
yall would hang out in either his dorm or yours and yall would be alone bc the team actually trusts you but you dont know that they pass by the door ever 5 minutes and listen in to just to make sure yall are not doing anything bad
smh they so nosy but we luv them
you know of his insecurities about not being enough and his fears of not being the ace and his dreams of playing to the big leagues and his passion to continue playing on the court for as long as he can and how excited he is to be able to spend all those years with you
he knows of your insecurities about the way you look and being associated with your apparent freak of a brother but you didnt care about that and even fought someone when they said something and your deep protectiveness for the boys, especially your brother but it’s all because the boys were the ones to accept you with open arms and treat you like family
yall shared a lot of secrets amongst yourselves and tbh, your communication is just *chefs kiss*
so serious fights dont happen, like ever, just stupid little arguments that are usually resolved like an hour later
since youre also a manager, its also your job to make sure the boys are maintaining their good grades and you know that shira-senpai has given up on tutoring tsutomu
i mean,,, goshiki is smart but he gets distracted easily and ends up spacing out during lessons
thats when the little arguments bc youd be trying to teach him the damn phythagorean theorem and hed be distracted at how come your hair was styled like that today
‘goshiki tsutomu, i will leave your ass to fail right now if you dont stop touching my hair’
‘but babyyyyyy’
‘no, ‘dont baby’ me, you idiot! you’ll be crying like a baby when you fail and you’re bench during the next game!’
oof also!
hes a protective little babie and he gets jealous easily so whenever yall have games, he literally hangs all over you 
like he makes a show of putting his jacket over you and kissing your forehead so that the other teams know to stop looking over at your direction and whispering about you
ofc this gets on your nerves but you cant help but think how cute he looks when he gets jealous
he gets all pouty and touchy and youre just like, take my uwus you big babie
even tendou is like, ‘im her brother yet hes more protective than me’
he demands to be hugged 24/7 but thats not appropriate if youre in public so he ltr drags you outside and away from people just so he could hug you
he likes hugging you bc youre shorter than him and it makes him feel all special and soft since you like to burrow your face into his chest and your sweater paws are just like ugggggghhhhhhhhh
whenever he gets nervous, you kiss his fingers and his knuckles bc it soothes him and youre just his good luck charm and he feels like he can take over the world w a single kiss from you
‘baby, didja see that?! i was so cool, right?!’
‘so proud of you, tsu-chan! youre so cool!’
‘i love y/n like a sister but if she inflates his ego more, i will have to tape her mouth’
can you guess who said that?
overall a relationship i strive for and i really want a goshiki now thanks byeeeeeee
a/n: ngl goshiki’s hair lowkey triggered me when i first saw him bc why the heck does it look like that?! but now i actually like it on him and i cant imagine any other hairstyle fitting him
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vs-redemption · 3 years
Okok so UA prom night. Bakugou and reader have had secret crushes on each other but like it’s obvious to everyone except each other. Prom is prince/princess themed ok? Everyone goes in groups rather than singles bc no one wants to be left out right?
Bakugou and Reader are crowned prom king and queen!!! And they get their own dance while everyone watches — the song is the Beauty and the beast (a perfect fit for the two). And I think it’s adorable and maybe maybe they kiss 🤭
From Cindy: Okay so... lol inspiration for this suddenly smacked me in the brain and it ended up being so long (1,761 words). I’m sorry, but I just couldn’t stop. I had so much fun writing this so thank you 🐱 anon for another great idea.
Prom (Bakugo x Fem!Reader)
When your friends decided to attend your senior prom as a group rather than go through the trouble of finding dates, it was both a blessing and a curse for you. On the one hand, going with the social circle that you’d spent every moment of your high school years with provided the guarantee that you’d have a good time at the prince and princess themed dance no matter what. Plus, you wouldn’t end up in the awkward situation of either being rejected or getting stuck trying to make conversation with a single person the entire night. The downside though was that you had a very specific person in mind who you’d been dreaming of going to prom with ever since he’d caught your eye during the entrance exam to get into UA.
That person was Katsuki Bakugo.
It wasn’t as if you thought you had a chance with the explosive boy in question. He was in the same class as you after all, and although you had formed a weird sort of friendship over the years, he’d never shown any signs that he might return your feelings. And boy, did you have feelings. Through all the intense hero trainings and group study sessions, you’d really been able to get to know the ins and outs of his personality. You knew Bakugo came across as arrogant and abrasive at first glance, but somehow you’d never been able to see him that way. In your eyes, he was the most hardworking and passionate student in the whole school. You couldn’t help but admire how confident he was in his own strength and determination. Ever since his admittedly wild behavior during the sports festival in your first year, people had doubted his choice to pursue a career as a hero and criticized the way he interacted with other people. Never once did he waver in his goal though. He just continued to blaze forward, studying and training hard with that same unwavering persistence that you both loved and envied.
“You look amazing in that dress!” Mina winks and throws you a thumbs up as you all crowd in the dormitory bathroom to help each other get ready.
“Yellow really is your color,” Momo agrees with a smile. “People might actually mistake you for a real princess.”
“Stop!” You were blushing a little from all the attention and from the way your thoughts ran wild with fantasies of Bakugo finally noticing you as more than just a fellow hero course student. “We’re all going to look amazing tonight.”
“Good,” Hagakure chimes in, her pink dress fluttering around her invisible body as she twirled in front of the mirror. “We can’t make it too easy for the judges to pick the prom king and queen!”
Once everyone was ready, the group made their way down to the common room where all the boys were waiting. They all looked handsome and uncharacteristically dressed up in their suits, but you only had eyes for one of them. It was almost unfair how good Bakugo looked. His spikey blonde hair and fiery red eyes were already enough to give you butterflies, but the way his dark blue suit jacket fit perfectly over his broad shoulders and tapered down to show off his narrow waist had you feeling even more flustered.
“You idiots finally ready?” He asks, shoving his hands into his pockets casually. You couldn’t help but smile, remembering the way he’d carried on about dances being lame and how there was no way he’d go. You knew from the start that it was all talk. There was no way he would’ve allowed himself to disappoint his friends like that. He cared about all of them more than he’d ever admit.
The dance coordinators at the school had gone above and beyond when decorating the gymnasium which now looked like a scene out of a fairytale. Everywhere you looked had twinkling lights and cutouts of castle towers and horse drawn carriages. You and your friends made your way inside, smiling and waving to familiar faces from other classes and taking in the atmosphere created by the lighting and music. Finally, you noticed the platform set up in the back of the room where two empty thrones sat for the prom king and queen.
“All right! I’m ready to dance now!” Mina cheers once most students had arrived and the DJ, also known as Present Mic, had started to play more upbeat music. You followed her and the rest of the group to the center of the room and jumped right into the action. Time passed quickly as you got lost in the music and dancing, taking breaks every now and then to get something to drink and rehydrate. Never once though did you lose track of Bakugo’s presence. Whether he was on the dance floor, or off to the side talking to one of the others, you always seemed to know where he was like there was some sort of magnetic pull. It didn’t stop you from having a good time, but it made you wonder how much more magical the night would be if you could just steal even a single moment alone with him.
“All right! It’s that time of the night kids!” Present Mic announces later in the evening. “It’s time to announce this year’s prom king and queen!”
The room quiets down and everyone huddles together, feeling the building anticipation over the big reveal. You knew it was only the popular and good looking people that usually got chosen, but you were still excited, hoping that someone from your class might get the chance to wear the symbolic crown or tiara. Present Mic holds up a note that he must’ve gotten from one of the judges and looks down to read the names.
“And the results are in!” he says overdramatically, “Everyone give it up for your king and queen.”
The first name to come tumbling out of the man’s mouth was Bakugo’s, making you freeze up a bit and turn to look at him in shock. Of course he deserved it, but you couldn’t help but feel jealous already of the girl that would get to have the one on one dance with him after being crowned. The noise in the room seemed to fade out as you watched your crush turn and start walking right toward you, suddenly offering you his hand.
“Wh-what?” You didn’t understand, especially since the rest of the girls were suddenly squealing in your ear and patting you on the back.
“He just called both our names, dummy,” the insult comes out as a term of endearment which was normal for Bakugo, but the slight pink blush covering his cheeks was definitely new. He takes your hand into his and you awkwardly follow him up to the platform almost in a daze. You hadn’t even heard Present Mic call your name, but suddenly he was placing a glittery tiara on top of your head and a crown on top of Bakugo’s.
“Are you two ready for your dance?” the teacher asks. Truthfully you weren’t but you find yourself nodding anyway, your mind still trying to catch up with your body.
“You all right?” Bakugo asks, sounding just as uncomfortable as he pulls you into the middle of the room which was now clear of people. You were kind of surprised he was going along with all of this so easily, but before you could think about it any further “tale as old as time” starts to play over the sound system causing your face to heat up in embarrassment. You nod wordlessly again, answering his question. Suddenly he’s pulling you closer, one hand holding your own and the other sliding cautiously to the middle of your back.
For a moment, you are way too caught up with wondering how you’d ended up in such a situation to actually enjoy the way Bakugo starts to gently sway you back and forth to the music. A quick squeeze to your combined hands forces you back to the present and you look up at him nervously. “There you are, princess,” he lets out a short laugh. “I was starting to get worried for a second.”
“P-princess?” You stutter out the nickname. Bakugo’s confidence slips for a second and he averts his eyes, the pink on his cheeks becoming more pronounced.
“Well… it fits the situation, doesn’t it?” he mumbles before glancing up. “We’re royalty now.” Some of the tension leaves your body at his predictable behavior and you let out a small laugh.
“Only for tonight,” You point out, your lips forming a sad smile as you both continue to move across the floor to the music.
“It… uh… it doesn’t have to be,” he blurts out, his eyes continuing to look down.
“What do you mean?” your question comes out sounding breathless and the intensity of his gaze when it meets yours makes your stomach do a flip.
“I mean, this is kind of how I originally pictured prom to go before all those idiots suggested coming as a group.” He was still mumbling a bit but you heard every word.
“You were going to ask me to be your date?” You ask, your voice laced with shock and disbelief. He swallows thickly and then nods his head. The simple gesture fills your heart with happiness and you lean closer into him and tuck your head into his chest. All too soon, the song comes to an end and you’re forced to pull away. You don’t get too far before Bakugo is tugging you back and pressing a warm kiss to your cheek.
“If it’s all right with you,” he says softly while lifting up your hand in his, “I’d like to hold onto this for a little while.” You smile happily and lean forward to return his kiss.
“Bakugo, you can hold onto it for as long as you like,” you tell him honestly. His eyes light up at your words and he looks very much like the prince you had always imagined him to be.
After a moment, a new song began to play and the dance floor filled up with students again. You and Bakugo go back up to the platform to sit in your designated thrones while all your friends crowd around the two of you, congratulating and teasing you both. Surrounded by your closest friends with Bakugo’s hand clutched firmly in your own, you couldn’t imagine a more perfect ending to your prom night fairytale.
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Insecure!Dan Masterlist
Links Last Checked: November 24th, 2022
After the Storm (ao3) - sapph_phan
Summary: Dan survived the car crash, but he has to relive it every night in his nightmares. Luckily, he has Phil to comfort him.
Beautiful (ao3) - mollieblack
Summary: Dan’s been gaining weight and he’s feeling insecure. It’s a hot day and he’s determined to stay in his sweater as Phil tries to find creative ways for them to stay cool. When Dan finally admits to Phil why he won’t take his sweater off, Phil tries to help him see how beautiful he is through Phil’s eyes, and maybe, just maybe, their entire relationship will change.
Five Times Dan Got Jealous… (ao3) - JenCollins, WordsAblaze
Summary:  …And the one time jealousy was the last thing on his mind, ft. collabs, puppies, misunderstandings, unbuttoned shirts, twitter selfies, and a happily ever after. Enjoy!
Hearing You (ao3) - centroid (orphan_account)
Summary: They were laying on Phil’s couch, watching a movie. Maybe watching was a bad choice of words.
“You look so beautiful like this. Cheeks flushed, hair messed up, eyes blown. I love it.” Phil breathed, and Dan blushed more. A smile tugging at his lips, Dan brought his own to meet Phil’s once more in a single kiss. ‘I want you.’ Dan signed with a seductive glint in his eye. “You look so pretty, sprawled out for me. Do you know how sexy you look?” “Ah- Phil”
In Luck, In Love - phanilluminati
Summary: 2009!Phan, Dan’s self-harm scars are the only thing that will stop their first time from being perfect so he has to try to hide them from Phil.
I Still Think You’re Beautiful (ao3) - Jaxxxx
Summary: Phil always knew Dan was insecure, but he never thought he’d take it this far.
I Wanna See You - teenagephantxsy
Summary: 2009!Phan Dan and Phil have Skype sex for the first time, but Dan becomes uncomfortable with his body halfway through and comfort ensues.
Mind The Gap - melancholymango
Summary: Set in early 2017, Dan grows insecure in the amount of time he and Phil spend together. Worried that the older man is missing out on life experiences because he’s too preoccupied with the signature D&P branding, Dan tries to fix it the only way he knows how.
Munchkin (ao3) - TakeThat
Summary: Prompt: Dan is like he is IRL and he's very bossy and stuff in videos/on-camera. But, once the camera is off, he's super adorable. Like, he likes to be called Bear and baby and Phil babies him a lot and Dan is the little spoon and very submissive and cuddly-- opposite of what he makes himself out to be. Basically, he tries to act all dominant on camera, but he's very cuddly and loves being babied.
Press My Nose Up To The Glass Around Your Heart - kizziewrites
Summary: Dan is insecure and Phil doesn’t understand and then he does.
Share A Bed, Share A Life (ao3) - JenCollins, WordsAblaze
Summary: Having a child is a stressful, time-consuming, argument-inducing process but, naturally, Dan and Phil ride the ups and downs together, ending up just fine. Fulfilling prompts 'age changes' and 'sharing a bed' for the phandom fic fests, enjoy!
When You Leave Me (I'm Not Going Anywhere) (ao3) - fisshhhh
Summary: Sometimes the thoughts are just too much. Sometimes Dan breaks. Sometimes he finds himself drowning on the kitchen floor, unwilling to ask for help and too insecure to think that anyone would want to help him anyway. Luckily, Phil loves him.
Set in 2009 or early 2010, shortly after they met.
you deserve the universe (ao3) - axtual_soulmatxs
Summary: Dan complains about his weight and Phil assures him he is beautiful (bc he is).
You glanced my way and gave me a wave (ao3) - NeverBeenAWriter
Summary: Phil walks in on something he shouldn't and gets drawn in by the small looking boy in pastel pink.
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aquoreus · 2 years
( ・゚✧ HEADCANON. )
On hand team. This is an update/revision of a previous post
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Ali (Altaria):
Gender: Male Lv: 61 Nature: Jolly Characteristic: Alert to sounds Ability: Natural Cure
Ali has been with Lisia since he was a little Swablu and she was around 9 years old. He was given to her by her Uncle Wallace and has been with her ever since. They have a very close bond, which allows her to mega evolve him with the keystone in her tiara and the altarinite he holds. A more in depth post about Ali and Lisia’s bond can be found here.
Ali spends the majority of his time out of his pokeball, as he’s a ‘mascot’ of sorts and also acts as Lisia’s bodyguard. He has a friendly and protective personality. 
Note: Ali is now Alpha sized bc i say so 
Naida (Vaporeon):
Gender: Female Lv: 55 Nature: Adamant Characteristic: Quick tempered Ability: Water Absorb
As an Eevee, this pokemon was abandoned by its trainer and left to fend for itself on the streets. She became quite a feisty and antisocial pokemon but liked to sneak into the Contest Halls and watch the performances. After a Contest one day, Lisia came across the Eevee, who was now in trouble with the Hall security for making a mess of the props room. Eevee was getting quite violent in distress, hiding and snapping at the security guard from beneath one of the tables. Lisia sent the guard away and was able to coax Eevee out, forming an immediate bond which resulted in Eevee wanting to join her team.
Lisia took Eevee with her back to Sootopolis, and it soon became clear that Eevee would not accept friendship from anyone who wasn’t Lisia, always displaying a rather difficult personality around others. It also became clear that Eevee loved the water, she would happily go swimming with Lisia and seemingly become much friendlier to others in the moment. The apparent friendliness in water was more a show of her mischievous side however, which led to Lisia naming her after a playful and devious figure from Sootopolitan stories, who was known for their trickery in water.
Quite notably, after a few years together and a very close bond, Naida evolved into Vaporeon without the need for a Water Stone. This is something that happens very rarely in recent times, but is possible due to her bond with Lisia, who has strong Sootopolitan blood. 
Berdine (Kirlia):
Gender: Female Lv: 25 Nature: Gentle Characteristic: Often lost in thought. Ability: Synchronize
Berdine approached Lisia as a Ralts, drawn to her vibrant, positive emotions. Lisia was all too happy to have her join her team, adoring the sweet and gentle pokemon. Due to the sensitivity to emotions and how Lisia is/was often in busy, crowded places, Berdine preferred to stay in her pokeball until there were less people around. She is named after a Saint in Sootopolitan history who was known for their gentleness and healing, along with their love of music and dance.
As a Kirlia now, Berdine is better able to handle being around more people, but she’s still rather shy and continues to prefer being around fewer people. Lisia and Berdine practice ballet together and often put on shows. 
Hesper (Dewgong):
Gender: Male Lv: 48 Nature: Jolly Characteristic: Somewhat of a clown Ability: Thick fat
She’s had this pokemon since it was a Seel. Wallace had caught it while travelling and brought it back, considering it for his gym. Upon observing its silly, clumsy behaviour however, he decided it wasn’t suited. He was going to release it or find another home for it, and that was when Lisia decided she would take it.
She had fallen in love with his happy-go-lucky, ridiculous behaviour. Even after evolution, he’s very much like a puppy. He loves playing games and entertaining people and he tends to roll around a lot and be overly affectionate. She gave him the name Hesper as his personality is so bright like an evening star, and because of an old Sootopolitan story about a pokemon of the same name, with a coat so white and shining that it helped guide sailors who were lost at sea.
Astra (Clefairy):
Gender: Female Lv: 32 Nature: Naïve  Characteristic: Loves to eat Ability: Cute Charm
Promoting new places is part of the job for Lisia, and one day this lead her to a particular Day Care center that had needed an attention boost, according to her manager. 
This was where she met her Cleffa. The egg had been left behind, unwanted, and had hatched the day of Lisia’s visit. Hearing that the pokemon was unwanted and would be destined to be released into the wild, she just had to take her in herself!
As her mother was an astronomer and had instilled a love of the stars in her, Lisia could not resist the little Star Shape pokemon. She named her Astra, after a legendary Sootopolitan hero who is said to have become a star after saving the city. Lisia and Astra have a close bond that allowed her to evolve into Clefairy recently. Astra is a very sweet pokemon who loves to make friends and share treats with others.
Nella (Emolga):
Gender: Female Lv: 45 Nature: Impish Characteristic: Very finicky Ability: Static
While visiting Unova a few years go, Lisia met up with the electric gym leader, Elesa. They were scheduled to do modeling for a promotion together and found they got along very well. Elesa showed Lisia around the gym and told her to watch out for some of the wild electric pokemon who liked to hang around and feed off the electricity the gym provided. Lisia, usually uneasy with electric types, found the wild Emolga to be adorable. One particular Emolga took a liking to Lisia as well and followed her around the gym, landing in her hair and giving her a playful jolt of static.
After their time together was up, Elesa pointed out that the Emolga that had been following Lisia around seemed to want to keep following her all the way home. Lisia asked the pokemon if it wanted to come with her back to Hoenn, and it happily agreed. Lisia caught Emolga and named it Nella after the Sootopolitan saint of Light and Energy. Nella is quite cheeky and playful but also rather fussy and prone to fickle behaviour.
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redhawtriot · 4 years
Operation Unvirgin (Bakugou x Reader)
Tip Jar ☕- Not expected but always appreciated💞
I had this idea the other day that Bakugou probably would be super celibate. Like he is very goal oriented and doesn't like to attach himself to others, so I feel like he wouldn't have ever bothered with girls or even beat his meat or anything (the shit’s fucking perverted okay?! how could any decent person touch themselves?)
But he hears that Deku is boutta get laid and he gets pissed bc WHAT? That loser is gonna beat him in something?! So he goes on a mission to loose his virginity before Deku. 
So I wrote the NSFW piece of this and it was UTTER GARBAGE, but I know that many of you guys are writers so think of this as a very informal request: Anyone can write the second half of this and tag me and I will repost it (except no non-con plz). It doesn’t matter how long it is.
If this completely flops I will ... sigh... post my shitty NSFW next week... (But please spare me and yourselves from that outcome) 
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Bakugou never could understand all the hype surrounding the opposite sex.
The blond man would wrack his brain as he tried to remember the exact moment where his fellow peers stopped looking at girls like the enemy and started looking at them like walking deities, mindlessly floating behind them as if an invisible scent enchanted their spirits. Sometimes he felt like a lone soldier in sustaining self-respect.
In his isolated state, he only watched in disgust as freaks like Mineta and Kaminari drooled over women and reduced themselves into warm bodied zombies in the presence of a vagina. Pathetic.
He would never in a million years let a woman rule over him. He had seen how his hag of a mother treated his father, and he would rather stick his face in a vat of acid than have his soul belong to someone like that.
His stupid mom always told him that he would probably meet someone in high school that would change his mind, but there he was, the night after graduation, victorious in his pursuit of staying the fuck away from crazy broads like her.
In fact, this ridiculous graduation party that Kirishima had dragged him to was probably the last time he would see most of these extras, since he doubted many of them would make it past being D-listers or side-kicks—and that was him being generous.
The colorful beams of light took turns fading in and out of the dark room as the heavy bass of multiple speakers pounded into his body, sending a flurry of vibrations in his abdomen. Although, Bakugou would never admit this out loud, he actually enjoyed this scenery. The stomping of the music reminded him a lot of his own quirk and the lights weren’t completely hideous.
Yeah, as long as no one at this shitty party tried to talk to him or get on his nerves he would be just fine—
God Dammit.
“Hey, dude!” Kaminari threw a sloppy arm over the angrier blond’s shoulders as Kirshima, Deku and Mina all followed behind him through the dense party crowd. Now, if this had been two years ago, Kaminari just might have found himself short an appendage through an explosive altercation; however, throughout his high school career, Bakugou found that simply ignoring the idiots was usually enough to deter them from trying to converse with him.
So Bakugou swallowed the increasing rage that was bubbling in his throat and simply scoffed instead, swatting the man’s arm away from him and turning his back on him and his incoming entourage. Kaminari only laughed in response, “C’mon bro we are officially graduates! Ditch the bad boy act and loosen up a little—we are men now! Just ask Midoriya!” he slyly suggested.
The sound of his rival’s name piqued his interest, yet the stubborn man still refused to give the short-circuited idiot the satisfaction of knowing such a thing, so he continued to glare away from him as Izuku spoke up, “N-no it’s nothing really… Uraraka and I have just been together for a while. Honestly, I don’t even know if I will go for it. I don’t wanna be a jerk or anything bringing it up to her! Forget I said anything at all, actually!” the young man frantically waved his hands as his face became obviously red even in the dimly lit atmosphere.
Mina snickered as her hands found their way to her hips “The shy guy act is cute and all Midoriya, but every girl wants confidence in bed! I am sure she wouldn’t mind if the two of you at least talked about it,” she bumped the green haired boy with her hips as Bakugo furrowed his eyebrows even deeper.
Kirishima was the next to speak up “GO for it, man! There worst that can happen is that she’ll say no!” he heavily patted the concerned Izuku’s back, “But the manliest thing for you to do is respect her boundaries,” he quickly added in.
The green haired man shook his head at the ground, “I should have just kept my big mouth shut...”
“She won’t say no,” Mina sang with a mischievous expression drawn across her face.
The three boys turned their attention to her with confused glances before Kaminari spoke up, “C’mon Mina! You know something don’t you? Spill it!” he begged.
Mina looked as if she were contemplating for only a moment before he gestured for the men to come closer, “Don’t tell her I told you, but…” she trailed off for dramatic effect, “She was totally gonna try to seduce you tonight, Midoriya!!” She winked. Bakugou’s ears perked up at this statement,
“WhAT?” both him and Izuku cried out.
Kaminari and Kirishima laughed at the blond’s outburst, “So you were listening after all, huh Bakugou?” the latter questioned.
“What do you think of the situation, buddy?” Kaminari leaned into the explosive man with a smirk.
“I’m not your damn buddy,” Bakugou bumped the electrical dumbass away from him, “I think you idiot perverts need to stop worrying about whose panties you’re gonna fail getting into and worry about not being able to keep food on your fucking plates when your careers flop!” he barked as the four blinked in surprise at his sudden outburst.
Kaminari saw this as the perfect opportunity to mess with him, “Bakugou are you… a virgin?” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS, PIKACHU,” the man under interrogation screeched.
“He totally is!” Kaminari threw his hands up in feign shock, causing Mina to giggle.
Izuku awkwardly shifted on the balls of his feet as Kiri loudly spoke up, “Hey guys, it’s not manly to butt into another man’s personal life like that.”
Bakugou ignored his defender and continued screaming at dumb and dumber through the loud music, “S-Shut the hell up!” his face was dusted in a light shade of red as he spoke. He tried to shake these foreign feelings of embarrassment away. So fucking what if he was a virgin?
“Deku still ain’t shit! Who fucking cares if he’s gonna get his dick dirty?! I could fuck any of these bimbos!” he loudly called out, causing a few girls crowding the area to throw him wary glances before they cautiously moved away. The group of friends noticed this and Kamari and Mina failed miserably at stifling their laughs at the scene.
“It’s ‘make love to’, dude…” Kirishima quietly correct his angry friend in a feeble attempt to save his future endeavors with women.
“NO. FUCK! I said what I meant dammit!” he yelled as he once again fought away the redness on his face, “I could fuck any one of these bitches within an inch of their life!” he furiously vowed.
“Any, huh?” Mina questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“That’s what I fucking said, Raccoon eyes!”
“Then how about…” the yellow irises scanned the dense room for a moment before a smile split her face. She happily pointed a finger, “that one!”
Bakugou followed her finger through the crowd and found you on the other side of the room. The fading lights intermittently illuminated your features, but he knew exactly who you were— Y/N L/N.  The only other person at U.A. known for being just as proud as himself if not more. Also known for having a slough of men on your heels at any given moment, but not giving a single one of them any significant time of day.
Mina snickered at Bakugou’s sudden silence, causing him to throw a glare at her. He fought of any creeping feeling of disheartened as he began a march toward your dancing figure, “Fucking easy” he roughly hyped himself up before approaching you.
“Hey,” he barked roughly. It didn’t really come off as much of a greeting and had more of a threatening tone to it, but in your shocked state you could only offer a half-hearted smile at the daunting man before returning to the conversation that you were having with your friends.
However, after a while, you noticed that your friends were distracted as their scared eyes kept darting behind you. He was still there wasn’t he?
You rolled your eyes before throwing a glare in his direction, “Do you fucking want something, dickhead?” you snapped.
“I SHOULD—” he began to threaten but he clamped his mouth shut and bottled up his feelings of rage from being disrespected before he continued, “You…” he barked, an unfamiliar feeling of uncertainty gripping at his chest, “I want you,” he said sternly. He had heard Kaminari say some stupid shit like this before and it worked. If it worked for an idiot like him then surely—
Bakugou’s thoughts were cut off as you simply threw your head back in a fit of laughter before turning your back to him to converse with your friends again, “Anyway,” you loudly began before beginning to talk to you friends again.
Bakugou’s face contorted in aghast uncertainty before he looked back to his classmates. Kaminari was giving him a thumbs down, Mina was giggling like crazy, Kirishima was beaming him a reassuring smile and Deku was no where to be found. Fuck! he probably went off to find Uraraka!
The thought set a competitive fire in his chest as he looked back toward you, “Let’s--“ he stopped himself to re-frame his approach. He thought of the words of encouragement that shitty hair might give him in this moment,
‘Treat her like a queen!’ ‘Ladies love a man with a code! Don’t tell her what to do, ask her!’
“Do... you want to dance,” he forced himself to ask through slightly gritted teeth. This was utterly humiliating.
“You think you can handle it?” you joked through a small smirk before eyeing him up and down. The man only averted his glare from you in response as he scowled at a nearby wall. You gave a small laugh at the display. It was almost childish how he was acting.
You suddenly noticed the red tint that was adorning his cheeks, sending a wave of excitement throughout your body. A sudden predacious urge clutched your abdomen at the sight.
“Okay,” you smiled after wetting your lips. You leaned into him before grabbing his forearm and leading him deep into the hot pool of dancing bodies. He stiffly followed after you.
If he thinks he can handle it then you’ll just have to show him how wrong he is...
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novannna · 3 years
“Is that blood?” “Yes but that doesn’t matter right now, what does matter is-” “You are literally bleeding.” with novissa (bc I love them) por favor?✨
ahhh tysm for the ask rae!!! I haven't written them in a while and theyre so fun to write!!! i love them so much ahfagsdf
i dont even know how to summarize this, just novissa fluff ig??? im not really sure asdfhdf theyre just gay idiots in love takes place some time before the start of renegades. (nova and narcissa are together)
wc: 1553 ao3 link
Narcissa tapped her fingers against her leg impatiently. Nova was late. Nova, one of the most punctual people Narcissa knew, was late. It was probably fine. She was fine. She was Nova after all.
But Narcissa couldn’t help but feel a squeeze of panic in her throat. She just needed her girlfriend to be alright. She needed Nova in front of her, so she could look at her warm brown eyes, and know that they were both fine.
Narcissa could feel her breaths start to quicken, and her vision grow a bit hazy around the edges.
She tried to take deep breaths, and calm her rising heart rate.
“Nova is fine,” she muttered under her breath. “Completely alright, just a bit late. There was probably something blocking her path. Most people are late all the time. I’m sure that’s what happened.” Her words did little to quell the fear. Nova had never been late before.
She had even promised she would be there on time.
I’ll see you monday, 7 pm sharp, Nova had said. You know where? Narcissa had laughed, and pushed a strand of hair behind Nova’s ears. Of course I do. Good. I’ll see you then. Nova had kissed Narcissa’s lips, hesitantly at first, but then harder as they both sank into each other, desperate to stay away from reality. Don’t be late, Narcissa had said half heartedly as they drew away, aching for Nova’s familiar warmth again. Late? Nova had laughed. I wouldn’t dream of it! And then, with her typical Nova flair, she had swung over the side of the railing, and raced away into the night. And now, three days later, Nova wasn’t here. Narcissa looked at her watch, wishing it would say that she was early. 7:27
“Fuck,” Narcissa muttered. Almost half an hour, and Nova still wasn’t there. She’d been the slightest bit angry before, but now she was just scared. Scared for what could have happened to Nova. If she died, Narcissa would be the only one who cared. Nova didn’t have anyone else. No one else would miss her. So Narcissa loved her all the more, trying her best to make up for the Anarchist’s shortcomings. “Cissa!” A voice shouted, and Narcissa turned to see Nova, alive and healthy and safe Nova, running towards her, a bouquet of flowers clutched tight in her hands. Narcissa felt her heart jump around in her throat, the way it always did when she saw Nova. Nova with her short black hair, shot through with streaks of blue, Nova with her black eyeliner drawn to perfection (Like Honey insisted), Nova with a beat up leather jacket, looking like some teenage romcom love interest. But, despite how absolutely breathtaking Nova was, all Narcissa cared about was that she was safe and alive.
Nova was grinning, and she embraced Narcissa, hugging the girl tight to her while spinning her in a circle. Nova’s infectious joy sank into Narcissa. She couldn’t keep a smile off her face, even if she tried.
Nova cupped her hands around Narcissa’s face and pulled the taller girl down for a kiss.
Narcissa gladly obliged, practically melting under the contact.
Finally, Narcissa drew away, the simple motion taking all her effort. She could stay tangled in Nova’s lips forever and ever without complaining.
“You’re late,” Narcissa accused gently. Nova tucked her head, and nodded. “I’m so sorry, there was a problem, and I had to stay later than I thought. I know I’m terrible.” Nova scuffed a foot against the ground. “But, I did get you flowers. To make up for being such a horrible girlfriend.” She presented a small bouquet of forget-me-nots to Narcissa.
Narcissa lit up as she lifted the soft blue blooms to her face and inhaled deeply. “Thank you Nova, these are beautiful. And you aren’t a horrible girlfriend, you’re the best. I was just scared.”
Nova nodded, not needing to ask why. They both knew the reason.
“Well you don’t need to be now, because I’m here to protect you.”
“What makes you think I need protecting?” Narcissa protested. “Maybe I’ll be the one protecting you!”
Nova laughed, the rough sound sending waves of happiness through Narcissa. “I’d happily accept your protection. I know I would be in the best hands possible.” Her face sobered slightly. “I am really sorry for being late, I feel terrible. If it ever happens again, I’ll find some way to tell you. You shouldn’t have to-”
Narcissa cut her off mid sentence by stepping forwards and pushing Nova's hair off her neck, exposing a large bandage, stretching from her left shoulder, across her collarbone, and dipping out of sight into her shirt. The bandage was more red than white at this point though, from blood leaking through.
“Is that blood?” Narcissa asked, a familiar panic rising.
“Yes but that doesn’t matter right now, what does matter is-” Nova tried.
“You are literally bleeding.”
Nova’s small frame was stiff, ready to run. “There was an accident,” she said tightly. “Right before I left. Things got out of hand, and well- you know how they can be. I got caught in the middle of things, and well…” she gestured haplessly at the bandage.
Narcissa could feel her heart tearing at the pure hopelessness in Nova’s voice. The girl had gone through so much, and all the Anarchists had ever given her was trauma. Narcissa just wanted to hold on tight and never let her go back.
“I’m so sorry Nova,” Narcissa whispered.
Nova laughed quietly, trying to defuse the tension. “It’s fine. It wasn’t anyone’s fault really. Ingrid was just being a jerk, goading Honey, and Honey tried to shut Ingrid up by throwing her jewelry box at her. Unfortunately for me, I was just walking by, and Honey has spectacularly bad aim.”
Narcissa nodded. God, all she wanted was to have Nova get away from that place, but Nova was too damn set on revenge. She couldn’t see how much it was hurting her. Narcissa was afraid she wouldn’t realize until it was too late. And all Narcissa could do was watch. Once Nova had her mind set, there was no changing. No amount of sweet words and promises could stray Nova from her path of vengeance.
“You did a shit job of patching yourself up, Nova,” Narcissa said instead. “You’ve already bled through.”
“Yeah, well I was in a hurry to see my girlfriend,” Nova retorted. “I don’t suppose we could patch me up before continuing the evening?”
Narcissa laughed a little, and pressed a gentle kiss to Nova’s mouth. “I suppose. It’d do me no good if you bled out before we even ate dinner.”
“I suppose not. Seeing as you are the smart one between us, is there a chance you could fix me?”
“You’re plenty smart too, love. But yes, I can help you. For a price of course.” A smile danced over Narcissa’s lips.
“I’d expect nothing less from the grand daughter of a world renowned black market weapons dealer.” Nova smirked. “What’s the price?”
“Kisses, and moonlight walks, and as many piggy back rides as I want.”
Nova tipped her head back, laughing. The fading colors of sunset shine through the strands of her hair, illuminating her head.
“You drive a hard bargain, but I suppose I accept.” Nova brown eyes gleamed. “Do you require a down payment?” She stood on her tiptoes, her chin almost level with Narcissa’s.
“Nova, let me save you before we start making out!” Narcissa scolded, but without any force behind the words. Truth be told, all she wanted to do was lose herself in Nova, but she had other things to do first.
Specifically, stitch the large gash on her idiot girlfriend’s shoulder up.
Nova rolled her eyes. “So pushy.” She smiled up at Narcissa. “Fine, my savior. Where to?”
Narcissa laughed, and pulled a small blue flower out of her bouquet, and tucked it behind Nova’s ears. “There’s bandages at the library, as well as some other supplies. We’ll go there, and then you can carry me to the river, and we can look at the stars while making out.”
Nova grinned. “Sounds like a plan. But, you are taller than me, so shouldn’t you carry me.”
“Well, A, I have absolutely no strength at all, I live in a library, what did you expect, B, my terms for fixing you included piggy back rides, and C, I know you like carrying me, and showing off how strong you are.”
Nova grinned, and nodded. “Very true. I suppose I better start carrying you now!”
Narcissa’s eyes widened with realization. “Wait Nova, No!” she shrieked, but it was too late. Nova scooped her up, and tossed Narcissa over her shoulder in a fireman's carry. A flurry of petals fell to the ground. It was comical really, 4 foot 11 inches Nova, carrying 5 foot 7 inches Narcissa with ease.
“Nova, you’re injured!” Narcissa practically screamed. “Don’t you dare hurt yourself more!”
Nova simply laughed, and started walking towards the library, Narcissa still slung over her back, laughing.
Narcissa sighed, and gave up. Nova was too stubborn to argue with. “You’re an idiot,” she said.
Narcissa could imagine Nova’s lips curving up into a smile as she said, “I love you too.”
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