#but they're okay now thanks to paula
lonely-north-star · 2 months
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"Hey, baby, won't you look my way?
I can be your new addiction"
HAHA LOOK AT THEM !! MY BABIES !! Now it's Mammon and Paula (my MC) trying to fluster Solomon. They succeeded, if only slightly. He's blushing and they call that a win.
Solomon loves chest rubs/taps in his surprise guest interactions and I took that info and ran. They're feeling for his heartbeat together. And when they feel it speed up, they're both smug and definitely tease him about it.
It's okay if he indulges their antics. He'd give them both the world if he could. This just means he'll be getting them back later. >:D
Here's part 1:
And part 3 soon !!
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I have a question about Freddie and Lola from Ridgeside village? I like to think they kind of become second grandparents to the farmer after they gain their trust.
Anyways...how might they react to the Farmer's spouses (or roommates like Krobus and Apples)? I think they would approve of Harvey (classic approving of a doctor), or Abigail (another adventurer with a spark). I think they might be at odds with bachelors like Jio, though, given their past!
Ok, as I see it, Lola and Freddie will treat almost all candidates relatively the same - polite, happy that their dear friend Farmer has found their true love. So let's look at a few candidates to whom retired adventurers will have a slightly different reaction. Thanks for the question, and enjoy! 🫰💕
"A talking apple! Only recently there were rumours of a rolling kiwi! It's like some kind of 'Fruitside' Village, ha ha!" While Freddie tried not to burst out laughing, Lola apologised for her husband. She's still a little surprised that instead of a partner, their Farmer now has a forest spirit, Apples, living with them. On the other hand, she and her husband have seen a lot of strange things during their missions, and the existence of spirits and magic is not new to her. A sweet creature, kind and energetic. The main thing is that Farmer is happy with their new neighbour.
"Ah, the paths of two adventurers crossed.... That's how Freddie and I met when we were young!" Lola reminisces fondly about her past, telling Abigail/Lance all of this and noting that he/she and Farmer are the spitting image of Lola and Freddie in their youth. Freddie holds his wife's hand and adds more details from their incredible adventures, how they met and fell in love (he'll leave the tragic moments untold). The old couple will always welcome two adventurers into their home for a cup of tea, not forgetting to give the youngsters advice that will help them in their future missions and perhaps save a life.
Oh, Freddie and Lola have known Dr. Harvey/Dr. Paula for a long time, and know very well what kind and wonderful young people they are. Farmers has chosen an excellent candidate, and the old folks believe the young couple will have many happy years together. "Plus you'll definitely get a discount on wound care, considering your spouse is a doctor! Ha ha!" "Freddie!" "Okay, honey, I was just kidding, hee hee. But anyway, congrats!"
In Daia's/Jio's case... Well, it's going to be pretty awkward. Even though the old couple would politely greet Farmer's new partner, there would be tension in the air. It seemed to Farmer that the assassins from different groups seemed to find common ground quickly. Then they remembered they're assassins from different groups... who might not get along... Yeah, awkward. It's Farmer who doesn't know yet that their paths crossed, but Daia talked Jio out of a thorough reconnaissance back then (a wise decision). It'll take them all a long time to get used to each other.
Although Freddy, like his wife, was already quite elderly, his trained hand reached for the hilt of the hidden dagger when Farmer introduced their neighbour, a shadow person named Krobus. This was definitely not the turn they had expected.... But, this Krobus, it turns out, can speak human language and is very kind and polite. Even more polite than some of the people Lola and Freddie have had to work with before. Strangely and unaccustomed, Freddie is the first to befriend Farmer's new friend, later Lola (after some time).
"Oh, Mr Aguar's friend? Pleased to meet you, Mr. Rasmodius." Other than the fact that Freddie and Lola knew of the Wizard's residence in the Stardew Valley and that he was related to Aguar, they knew nothing else about him. They hadn't taken much interest in the Wizard before, but since Farmer was now connected to him, it was worth getting to know him. Older people aren't afraid of him, of course not. After all, Magnus is a friend and colleague of Marlon and Gil. It's just that usually the wizards and witches that retired adventurers met were, to put it mildly, not the most pleasant individuals (mostly villains to be destroyed). Magnus seems quite kind and calm tho, but the old folks will keep an eye on him.
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transmurderbug · 8 months
🍂Weekly Tag Wednesday! 🍂
Look at me going at it after being AWOL for like a month. 👀 Thank you Nosho @creepkinginc, Becki @francesrose3, Jess @jrooc, Kaka @stocious and Willow @ian-galagher for the tags! 🥰
(stealing Willow's format, because it's pretty and neat)
Name: Sky
Location: In a cave, underneath a pretty rock somewhere. 🪨
And now for the randomness! tell me your most and least favorites of: (brave to assume I'll be able to choose just one...)
Most - I've always like sour Haribo of all kinds. Also any candy or chocolate bars. Least - The very soft, cotton like gummies (gumdrop?)
Most - Autumn where it's not cold yet, but everything's pretty. Also snowy winter. Least - That very ugly time when autumn is turning into winter and everything is sad.
Hot beverage?
Most - Cocoa or hot chocolate. Least - Green tea.
Cold beverage?
Most - Most sodas and coffee (I drink cold coffee even if it's freezing) Least - Tonic. Blah.
Most - Black, blue, green and orange. Least - Pink.
Most - I will devour any vegetable and I love them with all my heart as long as they are raw. (I'd also say tomatoes, because they are one of the best things ever, but they're technically a fruit. Also potatoes - raw - but they aren't vegetables either. They deserve the honorable mention though) Least - Most if they are cooked/baked/went through any kind of heat treatment. But mostly spinach.
Traditional foods from your country?
Most - Oh wow. We have so many and I love most. But maybe... lángos, chitterling-sausage, kürtőskalács, pig feet stew - okay I have to stop, but I have so many more. I need to put together a list... Least - We have a chitterling that's made with liver. I never liked those. Or stuffed cabbage.
Most - Okay, now hear me out. Any insect is instantly my best friend, so I can't just choose one... All the bugs, that's for sure and other than that... I find dragonflies to be quite pretty. Least - These are all context specific, but... I'm seconding Nosho with the midges. Also the small, bitey flies and most gadflies (painful as heck if they bite/sting) that will absolutely devour everything and everyone during the summer.
Cake flavours?
Most - Any fruit, chocolate, coffee and lemon. Least - Anything made with cottage cheese.
Non-gallagher or milkovich shameless characters?
Most - V, maybe Kev. I also liked Sue. Least - Sammi. Caleb. The usual ones. (Also stealing Willow's thought, because as entertaining as Paula was, damn her)
These questions proved how incapable I am of choosing just one "most". But oh well. Keeping it interesting.
Tagging a few awesome people, because I'm miraculously on time. Hop in or have this cookie: 🍪
@transmickey @spacerockwriting @dynamic-power @deathclassic @juliakayyy @look-i-love-u @energievie @palepinkgoat @heymrspatel @suzy-queued @gardenerian @darlingian @ifallonblackdays @swiftfootedachilles @krysmiss @meagaboooo and anybody else who wants to play
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immagrosscandy · 4 years
[At Divination]
Talbott: *sigh* I hate Divination so much
Candy: then why are you coming in the first place? i thought you'd choose something different
Talbott: That’s not your concern
Candy: ...dude, you don’t stop complaining about how divination doesn’t make sense, still i’m watching you failing to read my palm
Talbott: Well, why are YOU taking it? You are as skeptical as me, you make fun of Trelawney and you’ve slept in the corner of the class with Jae more than once.
Candy: i don’t have a choice this game doesn’t have other classes to go i was curious. of course it wasn’t my first choice but i wanted to know if it’s possible to watch one's future through a crystal ball or something.
Talbott: Is that so?
Candy: yeah, but at the end it dissapointed me like everything in my life
[The class ends, and everyone go outside]
Barnaby: You know Candy, I’ve been taking these clases since you’re here
Candy: what?
Barnaby: I thought it was gonna be fun spending some quality time with you, since you’re really funny and cool. And boy I was right! Even though you don’t talk much, when you do you always light up the mood
Candy: awww, Barnaby
Candy: but why are you telling me this?
Barnaby: Maybe Talbott has the same reason but he’s just too shy to tell you. After all, he always seems to enjoy sitting and chatting with you, talking about things I don’t understand and touching each other’s hands
Candy: ...
Candy: you... you think so?
Barnaby: Yeah probably! Don’t get your hopes too high tho, you know I’m not the smartest
Candy: ...yeah
Barnaby: Candy why are you smiling so widly? It’s kinda creepy, no offense
Candy: allergies
Barnaby: Wait wait wait, are you allergic to teacups? Tarot cards? My cheekbones?
Candy: yes, all of them
Candy: hold the phone. is that really the reason you take divination?
Barnaby: W-well, not only I'm really interested in divinations and predictions, but you also told me Paula takes this class as well, so I thought I could try it and we could talk about it
Candy: so that’s the real reason you beautiful son of a bitch
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jjuzoir · 4 years
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request: Hello! Can I ask headcanons about being childhood!besties with Miya twins (about child and about adults)? (by nonnie!)
a/n: ofc baby!! sorry for taking so long 🤧 every time i try writing something happens it’s ridiculous 😔 anyway sorry if it’s bad ive been ✨struggling✨
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- Being friends with one of them is like, hard enough— but the two? Good luck.
- You three met via your parents— yes, it’s like that, you were the new kid and awkward as hell. Your parents were having none of that shit and made a playdate for you with the twins, it’s embarrassing, you were like 13 and that’s kind of embarrassing for you and you knew it.
- Like, here you were a newly turned teenager, sitting on a couch with two guys your age all watching a weird cartoon and you all want to die.
- But at some point, you three start acting like you had known each other for your whole lives. You three fight to this day on who cracked the ice, Atsumu swears it was him and his sense of humor but you and Osamu are not taking that shit, like with what humor?
- You start hanging out after school, since you three went to the same school it started bleeding into school time and your teachers hated you three.
- During middle school you three were known to your teachers for being insufferable— more like, Atsumu and you. You two were the type of kids to pass fake notes with the stupidest shit written on it, like middle school humor, “Miss Poopy Pants” and “ICUP” so the teachers would have to read it aloud.
- Osamu and you? Known to the lunch ladies, you two were the first to arrive and gobble down anything and everything especially onigiri. They even snuck you two snacks for class— yes, you were the kids who had a whole grill in the back. Always eating.
- You three didn’t skip class though— I feel like Atsumu might’ve tried to convince you but ultimately forgot.
- During gym you three would always be in the same team if you could pick but it would end with Atsumu and Osamu fighting about dodgeball and getting disqualified leaving you alone.
- They got into Volley around then and you became their number one cheerleader, you’d fight anyone who’d say they weren’t good.
- By high school you three were known for being kind of chaotic!
- You know your parent’s discussed what school they’d put the three of you together in, they joked about separating you guys and you almost cried no joke.
- So you three go to Inarizaki together and when I tell you everyone is annoyed by you three and your shit I mean it 💕
- Especially the volleyball club, you decided to become their manager at the same time the twins got in— they were happy, finally a manager and some new kids; good, good.
- Until they learned about how absolutely full of shit the three of you are, Atsumu and Osamu are already a handful together but you? You add a whole new spice to this shit and it’s ✨embarrassing✨ for them.
- You and ‘Tsumu always goof off and get lost because you two were fighting over something, it takes the whole team’s willpower to not let you stranded.
- “All I’m saying is since Osamu looks like Atsumu, would anyone really notice if we just dye his hair yellow?”
- But they are also thankful, you manage to bring a semblance of peace during their fights. It doesn’t take much for you to calm them down, so they keep you around even if you sometimes distract the two of them too much.
- You’re still their number one cheerleader! Whenever they manage to score you’re the first to jump around and congratulate them, they’d never tell you but it’s kind of sweet seeing you so proud of them. They’d rather die than tell you though so shh.
- You being there brings a new level of competitiveness, they gotta make you proud! You’re cheering your little heart out for them; they can’t embarrass you now.
- But you can't always win, so whenever they (unfortunately) lose, you’re always the first to comfort them. You all go to your house and chill for a while, they get kinda quiet and you can feel how tense they are but they’d rather spend the afternoon after a bad match with you.
- Bet your ass you three watch Power Rangers and you all fight about who the best Ranger is; Atsumu says it’s Red Ranger and Osamu is about to snap his neck when there’s a whole Black Ranger, but they can agree to bully you when you say you like Green the best.
- Back to you being their manager, I feel like they’re kind of better behaved? Like, they get into less trouble and are less likely to fight because Kita sends you to scold them and it’s embarrassing being scolded by someone who thought the Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters was also Michelin Man.
- Now to their individual quirks; Osamu loves it when you help him cook or cook for him, he feels all happy you take the time to make him something— especially when they’re practicing, he really appreciates you coming in with some food for him and the team. He likes the fact you take care of him in small ways!
- “Awww, the little bug cares about me~”
- “Shut up, next time I’m putting cyanide in your stupid Onigiri.”
- Atsumu likes it when you’re just there, not even talking, just vibing together. He likes how you two don’t have to always talk to know what’s going on, it’s probably what he loves the most about your friendship. The fact you just get each other is something he kind of loves.
- Sometimes ruins it by saying dumb shit but it’s okay ♥︎ No it’s not ♥︎
- “Do you ever think about Taemin Paula, like who’s Paula and why are they taming her?”
- “‘Tsumu go back to being quiet, please just shut up.”
- Oh, let’s talk S/O! The two of them are protective over you, you’re their best friend!
- Osamu is more vocal about what he dislikes, he flat out tells you not to go out with them, pointing out all of what he doesn’t like and why he gets bad vibes or why he feels like they’re just not it.
- Atsumu doesn’t say much, he’s got his fair share of flings and dates— good and bad, though, it’d be unfair of him to tell you what to do. But you can tell when he doesn’t like someone you’re seeing.
- This is only if they feel like the person isn’t good enough, it’s not like they don’t want you to date. They’re just careful of it, you’re like a sibling to them and they wouldn’t want you to get heartbroken.
- Speaking about heartbreak; they get very mad at the person, you’re amazing! Why’d they go and fuck you over like that.
- Atsumu would throw hands, it’s in sight with the other person; especially if he never got bad vibes from them, he’s so mad he wasn’t there to see the red flags.
- Osamu is behind him and he’s not stopping his brother, he knew something wasn’t right about them and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t give them a piece of his mind.
- But at the end of the day, what’s most important to them is making sure you’re alright at the end of the day. They care about you, dummy.
- They’d come over to your house and cheer you up, Atsumu would tell his jokes and Osamu and you would laugh at how bad they are 💖
- “I’m glad you feel better but I’m startin’ to feel kinda bad here myself-“ “Maybe get better jokes <3”
- Once you three graduate you still keep in touch, probably more with Osamu since he’s not always busy like Atsumu; in other words, even during your adult they torment you 💕
- You’re so proud of the two of them though? Like, you’re always bragging about them, it’s just so !! Seeing the kids you grew up with become successful? Amazing.
- “Have I told you about how my childhood best friend is a PROFESSIONAL, yes PROFESSIONAL, volleyball player?”
- “[Name], I am literally his fucking brother shut up.”
- Osamu and you totally make fun of Atsumu, it’s gotten to the point you always try embarrassing more each game. Your latest (very successful, much to Atsumu’s dismay) attempt was wearing shirts with ugly childhood pictures of Atsumu, I’m talking about the type your parents bring up to make fun of you and a banner that said “Tsu-Tsu our superstar!” or something like that.
- He almost cried on national television, he was horrified, the worst part? You were in front row seats meaning that everyone the camera panned in to one of the players you’d be in full view.
- “Atsumu, is that [Name] and Osamu?” “You were so fucking ugly as a child oh my god-“
- Sakusa is having a field trip with this, that thing won’t die as long as he lives— this man will film this shit, tape it and pass it as a family heirloom.
- “Kiyoomi could you-?”
- “Don’t talk to me you gremlin baby.”
- “This was months ago, let it die!”
- “You lived your whole childhood looking like that, I don’t think I will.”
- The three of you reminiscing about high school together at Onigiri Miya? Yes, it happens and it’s ♥︎
- “Do you remember when Osamu shoved a marble up his nose, stupid kid…”
- “Tch, rough words for a fucker who bit into a brick because it looked tasty.”
- “I was young!”
- “You were 16, piss head.”
- A lot of the time you just like spending time with each other, even during your busy schedules you always do your best to talk to each other at least once a month.
- Sometimes it’s just talking over the phone and other times it’s going to fancy restaurants that Atsumu pays, other times it can also be trying to make new recipes with Osamu as Atsumu just cringes in the back.
- They're just always there for you, yes you fight and yes they’re kind of annoying but you care for them and you don’t mind it. You’d rather spend a whole other lifetime having to endure their teasing than not have them at all.
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Hello💟Can u write something about this situation:2D and S/O always had a crush on each other and, one day, one of the collaborators appeard dating Paula and then Noddle suggests for 2D and S/O start pretending they are dating 'cause she knows that 2D would be feeling bad w Paula around the studio all day while they were recording. 2D and S/O make a deal and pretend they're dating,but with the time they real start dating without notice and, in the end,they didn't finish pretending.
The moment you heard Paula was coming along side some guy the band collaborated with, you looked at 2D. His face went from happy to something you could place as pure anxiety. He shook his head to Murdoc who just said the news. They found out due to a picture of the guy with Paula on his instagram and you thought 2D wouldn’t care that much, or at least you hoped. 2D just walked back in to his room and closed the door with a loud “bang!”
You sighed as you looked at Murdoc. The green guy had a smirk on his face and you pointed a finger to him.
‘Don’t you dare to rub this in 2D his face Murdoc’ you said. Murdoc shook his head as he looked at the picture of Paula sticking her tongue down the throat of the guy. 
‘I won’t love,’ he said, as he clicked off his phone. ‘Not this time.’
You raised an eyebrow, but let him be. If he wasn’t going to keep his word, he would find your boot up his ass. You saw how Noodle sneaked in to the room of 2D and you sighed as you fell on the couch next to Russel.
‘This is going to be fun,’ you mumbled. ‘I am wondering if 2D will even be able to be in the same room as Paula.’ The word “paula” came out of your mouth as a word that could only bring disgrace and Russel chuckled.
‘What?’ you asked as you faced him. 
‘Someone is jealous’ Russel stated and you huffed.
‘I am not jealous Russel,’ you said. ‘Just don’t understand why Paula switched in our pretty boy 2D for the ugly pickle standing over there.’
You pointed at Murdoc, who got an angry look on his face.
‘Watch it idiot’ he hissed as you started laughing. 
‘Y/N,’ you turned around to see Noodle her face coming out of 2D his bedroom door. ‘Could you come in for a second.’
You stood up and walked towards the room and came inside 2D his bedroom. You were here a lot to be honest. You always had movie nights with 2D and you would occasionally not make it to your own bedroom and just sleep there. Just you two guys being friends. Great friends. You sighed inside your head, but got serious again once you saw 2D sitting on his bed. You couldn’t really place his face expression, but one thing was sure. He was not happy.
‘I have a good idea and I need you to agree with it,’ Noodle said as she closed the door. ‘It might seem a bit crazy, but I think it will be a good idea.’
You sat next to 2D, placing a hand on his leg as you gave him a shy smile. 
‘As to wonderful Paula coming here,’ Noodle started. ‘I suggest we throw her off her game. I am not in the mood of her winning the break up, so Y/N. Would you act like you an 2D are dating?’
Your eyes became big as you looked at Noodle, then to 2D and then back to Noodle. 
‘You are way more beautiful then Paula will ever be,’ Noodle continues, ignoring your face. ‘So I think it will be great. You and 2D are practically a couple to the rest of the band, so it will not be weird to us.’
You tried to protest to the last part, but Noodle shushed you.
‘Are you in or not?’ she asked. ‘Paula and the guy we will be collaborating with will be here any second.’
You sighed and looked at 2D.
‘What do you think?’ you asked.
‘I already agreed to be honest’ 2D said, with a slight blush on his face. You grinned and sighed.
‘Well okay then,’ you said as you placed a kiss on his cheek, making him blush way more. ‘Lets do this.’
Having Paula here in the studio was really weird. 2D and Murdoc were a bit on edge and Paula just flipped her hair every now and then as she watched her new boyfriend recording his part of the song. Suddenly she turns at you and you hold on to 2D his hand even more tighter. You were sitting on his lap, leaning in to his chest. You actually hadn’t even noticed you were still sitting here, as you were distracted by the guy his voice.
‘So,’ Paula began. ‘How does it feel to date someone from Gorillaz. I mean, I know what it is like. But how do you feel right now?’
You found the question weird and just looked at her for a few questions. You felt 2D and Murdoc their eyes staring at you and a smile grew on your face. 
‘It feels good to date someone who actually cares for me’ you said as you smiled at her. A frown grew on her face and you saw that you got on her nerves.
‘What do you mean by that?’ she asked and you just shrugged your shoulders. You wouldn’t answer her. She knew exactly what you were talking about. Suddenly 2D got up, making you almost fall off and he walked out of the studio. Paula laughed softly.
‘He will walk away, mind my words,’ she said as you gave her one of the most angriest looks you had ever give someone. ‘Why do you think I left him. He has no backbone. Just ditch him already and find yourself a man like that.’ She pointed at the guy singing in to the microphone. You rolled your eyes.
‘Would love to get me some of that,’ you said. ‘Maybe I will do something like you did. Dump the cute guy and sleep with the first ugly person I can find.’ You nodded at Paula her boyfriend and stood up.
Murdoc started to curse at you, but you already walked out of the studio, running after 2D.
He was sitting in the hallway, hands covering his eyes. You kneeled in front of him and pulled his hands from his face. Why did he have to be so goddamn beautiful. Even when crying, he was gorgeous. You sighed as you grabbed his face and whipped the tears away with your thumbs.
‘I am sorry 2D,’ you mumbled. ‘I don’t want you to go through with this if you end up crying.’ 
He shook his head and grabbed your hands, still attached to his face. He rubbed his thumb over your knuckles and you swear, you could feel your heart drop. He looks at you and gives you a shy smile. 
‘It is not that,’ he said. ‘I just don’t want you to be in this mess.’
You started laughing and placed a kiss on his forehead.
‘Don’t be stupid Stu,’ you said. ‘I love being with you in a relationship.’
2D laughed and turned red again.
‘Now come on,’ you said as you pulled him up. ‘Lets get some snacks and make that little bitch jealous.’ 
When you two came back with snacks, you were laughing and holding hands. It seemed so natural, you didnt even think about it. Noodle pushed Russel and pointed at you two. Russel saw it as well. Something had changed. Paula was in the recording room with her boyfriend and it seemed like they were arguing. 
‘They have been fighting for over 10 minutes,’ Murdoc sighed as he kicked over a trash can. ‘I am so done with this.’
You and 2D laughed as Murdoc stormed in to the room and practically kicked Paula out. He just wanted this track to be done and Paula was only causing him trouble. Her boyfriend didnt even complain and just like that, the song was finished within a hour. 
Later on that night, you and 2D were sitting on his bed, watching a movie. You didnt really paid attention to it anymore, as you had almost fallen asleep on his shoulder. Suddenly you felt someone his lips pressed up again yours and out of pure surprise, you jumped back. This caused to let your head bump in to the head of 2D and you almost falling of the bed. 2D just caught you in time and pulled you back. Your faces were just centimeters away and you both were laughing as you rubbed over you head. But once the pain was gone, you felt how his hands were on your lower back and you sighed out. 
‘Stu what are you doing?’ you asked silently as you placed your hands on his chest. 
‘Well I guess,’ he mumbled. ‘Since we are dating, I thought it was okay to kiss you.’
You grinned and shook your head. You let him go and got up from the bed.
‘Stu I am not up for some stupid mind games,’ you said as you walked to the door. ‘We were dating because of Paula being there. You don’t actually like me remember.’
‘I do.’
Those two words made you stop dead in your tracks and you felt your fingers stiffening around the doorknob. You didnt dare to turn around, as you heard him coming off the bed and standing behind you.
‘But I would understand if you don’t want to really date of course’ he mumbled. You turned around and your hand went from the door knob, to his neck. You pulled him in and your lips crashed together. 2D got overwhelmed and pushed you against the door as he went in for the kiss. Once you two let each other go to catch your breath, you looked at him.
‘So…’ you said as you grinned up at the blue haired boy. ‘For how long have you actually wanted to date me?’
2D laughed and placed a hand on your lower back.
‘For some months now,’ he said. ‘But it was worth the wait.’
You started blushing and he laughed as he pulled you back to the bed. You were wondering if he wanted to have seks right away, but he just pulled you in against his chest again and placed a kiss on your forehead. 
‘Sorry for waking you up Y/N,’ he said. ‘Just go back to sleep now.’
You closed your eyes and snuggled up in to a beter position. 
‘I don’t mind you waking me up for make out sessions’ you mumbled, as you drifted off again.
And you were damn sure, that if you would open your eyes again. 2D would be blushing like the damn fool he was.
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Most trivial thing they fight over + what they do when they're apart! :D
The most trivial thing that Red and Kitty tend to fightabout the most is directions on how to get somewhere.
Red always refuses topull over to ask for directions, because he claims that if he could use thestars to navigate his way on ship in Korea he could find the quickest way to theWisconsin Dells. Kitty’s also tried to get him to look at a map to figure outwhere they are going but that’s a no go too. There have been a few times whenKitty’s been the one to read the map and give Red the directions but that’s hadeven worse results than the other two combined. The overcrossing paths printedon the oversized, crinkled up map have gotten them lost a few times…
“Okay, now turn right…or is it left?”
“Well, which one is it?”
“I…I’m not sure…”
“You’re the one reading the damn map!”
“Because you’re too stubborn to stop and ask for directions!”
“That’s it. I don’t care what the dumbass map says, I’mturning right…”
“Red, honey, according to the map…You were supposed to turn left.”
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When they’re away from each other…not sure if this is meantas like a daily thing or when one of them has to go out of town. I’m gonna gowith the second.
Let’s imagine Kitty went out of town to visit with her sisterPaula, in this case Red would probably enjoy having the house to himself. He’d finallylock the doors to keep the kids out, eat all the greasy unhealthy food Kitty doesn’tallow him to go near when she’s home, smoke cigars, drink beer, and watchsports at a high volume. That would last for about a day, then he’d get boredand miss Kitty so much that he’d try to pass the time by hanging out with Bob.
Now let’s say Red went out of town for one of his Veteran’sconventions. Kitty would indulge in having a house husband-free, she’d try tospend more time with her kids and get involved in whatever they’re up to, thiswould drive the kids crazy and make *them* miss Red. The longer Red was awayfrom home, the more nervous Kitty might get, she’d worry if he’s taking care ofhimself and his heart. She might start baking up a storm until he walked backinto their home.
They’d try to keep from calling the other to avoid getting chargedfor a long distance phone call fee, so instead they have tradition that they only do when theyare separated from each other because one of them has to go out of town. Theyeach write out a letter for the other to read while they are away from eachother and leave it somewhere for their spouse to find. If Red was going out oftown Kitty might but her letter to him, hidden under his shirts in his suitcaseand Red might leave his letter for Kitty on top of his nightstand or pillow—Andvice versa if Kitty were the one traveling. They even have a certain day and timepicked out for when they read the letters from the other. It’s a little somethingthat carries on the tradition of the two writing letters to each other while Redwas in Korea, they may have been miles apart but the letters made them feellike they together at home.
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Thanks so much for the questions! *hug* Sorry they came out kinda long!
Send me a question and I’ll answer it for Red and Kitty  (You guys can still send stuff, there’s plenty of questions people haven’t asked yet!)
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Can I request the cultists (Jio, Daia, and Cornie) having their injuries being treated by the farmer who they're crushing on?
(Also I love your work thank you for giving this fandom all this fanfiction its so good!!)
Of course you can, dear anon! 😃 Enjoy some RSV headcanons. And thank you very much for your kind words! I'm glad enjoying reading my silly HC! 💖🫰
From the ninja hideout, there would be constant grumbling outrages from Jio along the lines of "I can handle myself!" and "My wounds are not so bad," and "Stop babysitting me!". So even a patient one can bark at a fidgety elf who's always spinning in place and scare Jio either by promise to immobilising him or hitting him with a boot so that he'll finally sit down quietly and let Farmer treat his fresh wounds. Luckily, Jio, though grumpy, was moderately wise, and he didn't argue with Farmer any further. In fact, he was glad they'd volunteered to treat his cuts from the monsters' claws - no one else would be as trustworthy as Farmer, the keeper of the peace of the entire Stardew Valley, to whom Jio had a soft spot in his heart. But he just... doesn't like to appear so helpless and weak in front of them. Though being capricious and showing pride isn't better at all.
"Oh, everything hurts so much! Can you look at my wound here? It's so, oh, it so hurts!" Something about all the moaning that Daia is letting out doesn't sound too much like painful moans from someone who is suffering from wounds. Although the wound is real, and quite nasty, it's as if the girl isn't paying much attention to it. But all her attention is directed to the face of the shy Farmer, whose cheeks are already flushed from all this flirting and Daia's ambiguous innuendos. Lady, you just almost got killed in Ridge Forest, can we take this a little more seriously? "Oops, that bandage slipped, can you wrap them tighter? Tighter~" She's hopeless. But Daia finally deigns to stop teasing Farmer and gives them a kiss on the cheek in thanks for saving her and giving her first aid. It's bad enough to think about, but Daia is ready to throw herself into a dangerous battle with the monster again if it means her object of affection will help her again.
"Oh, wow... This is embarrassing." Yep, so unfortunate to trip over a booth in Pika's restaurants, spill all the drinks, scratch her arm and left cheek, all right before her crush, who was watching everything. The waitress felt someone's strong hands take her and help her sit down on the nearest bench, then gently treat her hand with disinfectant. It was the Farmer, whose clothes now bore a huge stain from Corine's spilled drink. The girl felt even more guilty, but Farmer assured her that it was okay, that the most important thing now was Corine's wound. They're so caring, and they're so close to Corine that it's hard to hide the blush. Just then Paula came up on a call, but seeing Corine look at her with a "not now, everything is okay" look that the doctor just smiled and stayed out of the way. Things had worked out much nicer than Corine could have expected.
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Hiya! Recently been getting into the Ridgeside Mod, and more into the ninja quests... May i request (Some) Vanilla Bachelor/ettes Spouse reactions to the Farmer getting more involved with the Ninjas / Cult of the Lady with the Red Tail? Like for instance the Farmer starts wearing Ninja Clothing, Not showing up to the Valley Events To Help out The Cult, Becoming more Closed off/ Secretive? Stuff like that, Thank you so much for your consideration!! :3c Love your Writing!!
Eeyyyyyyy, thank you for your ask and kind words, dear anon 😊❤️ Glad toy like my silly headcanons! So, have some more! Enjoy! 🫰
When Farmer started dressing up in the Cult's clothes, Emily showed no concern, but instead showed enthusiasm for her spouse's "new cool style". She even offered to make a black cloak so Farmer can look even more mysterious. But as the skipping of events like the Flower Dance began, Emily was already starting to get a little worried. Had something happened in their job of adventurer? Farmer was becoming a little distant... The blue-haired girl is trying to show that she's willing to listen to Farmer, because surely something bad has happened.
Usually Tuesday and Thursday were the days when Harvey and Farmer were busy almost all day (the doctor at the clinic and Farmer in Ridgeside Village), and on the other days the couple made time for each other. Now Farmers are going to the neighbouring settlement almost every day, and they almost always return wounded. Harvey realises that Farmer is unlikely to share the reason for their visit in connection with their adventurer activities (he doesn't know about the Cult), but he asks them to carry a first aid kit. Or to turn to Paula for help.
Hey, why does the Farmer act like Abigail doesn't notice anything? She's not stupid, you know, and she sees everything! The way her spouse has started to go off "on business" more often at Ridgeside Village, the way they've stopped talking about all their adventures.... Something interesting has happened, hasn't it? And they don't want to share the news even with their own wife? Well, Abby won't give up so easily. She's certainly not going to follow them, absolutely not, toooootaly.
With each day that Farmer leaves just about every house and goes to Ridgeside Village until late in the evening, Shane begins to think that the reason is not because of their "super very important assignment they can't talk about". That feeling was gone after he and Farmer got married, but now it's back and increasingly sowing a seed of insecurity in Shane's heart. They... they'd found someone else, hadn't they? Someone better? No, then Farmer would have been blunt. But just... What else could he think, they'd grown cold to him...
Haley had waited a whole year for this event, preparing her dress, rehearsing her moves. And for what? Only to then hear from her own spouse the morning hours BEFORE the Flower Dance that they were leaving for Ridgeside Village. Again. Haley will get terribly upset and give Farmer a VERY serious talking to because not only have they started hiding things, but they're also setting their wife up. So she's going to find out what's going on with Farmer. Right here, right now. No buts!
Aaaaawwww, what? Farmer, why can't Sam go with you? He wouldn't mind visiting Ridgeside Village with his spouse and hanging out there for a while. Having a lunch at the Pika's, check out Phillip's new comic book edition. Hmm? Farmer going into the woods instead of the village? Isn't it dangerous out there? He knows his spouse continues to protect everyone as an adventurer, and that's mega cool! Just... be careful out there, okay? After all, he knows his dear Farmer is strong, but he still worried about them.
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since i saw you mentioning some time ago you wanted to write more about RSV, i have one request with some characters from there (+ Haley because i love her), with a little scenario i imagined a few days ago and have been brainrotting about it ever since.
so could you write some (romantic) headcanons about Haley, Paula, Irene, Maddie and Daia with a farmer S/O who, ever since they first met, has never spoken not even once (communicating instead by writing what they wanted to say down or by ASL), but then one day they finally spoke for the first time, only to say a corny "i love you" and walk away like nothing happened.
if you can't, that's alrighty! have a good day!
Yay, more practice with Ridgeside Village headcanon! Thank you so much for the ask, dear anon! ❤️ I hope you're enjoying it 🫰
Haley was amused to realise that she and the strange Farmer who had arrived in the Valley recently had become a couple.
Even though they hadn't exchanged a word. And yet, even the strange and silent Farmer had managed to win the girl's heart.
Exchanging messages, letters.... The girl even learnt a little ASL to keep the conversation going. So there was no problem with communication.
But the fact that Farmer confessed their love to her at the most random moment - Haley was not even that surprised, because her love for Farmer was also growing every day.
But the fact that they'd spoken... with words? And just went about their farming business as if nothing had happened.
She had to stand there in complete shock for about five minutes before she finally woke up and caught up with Farmer.
Her happiness at hearing what they had said was mixed with a slight resentment that they had just left like that. She actually wants to declare her love too, alright.
Also she want kiss them. And hug them. And kiss them again. And she doesn't care if other villagers are looking at them right now.
Oh, Paula knows ASL very well, so she had no problem communicating with Farmer. So day by day passed, the young people became friends and then even started dating.
Farmer was a frequent visitor to her clinic in Ridgeside Village (thankfully, this is most of the time, not because Farmer is injured), and so Paula got used to chatting occasionally behind the counter with her love.
And of course, sometimes you can get so chatty that you don't notice your silent lover saying "I love you" on the spot.
I love you too, sweetie- wait a minute...
The girl looked straight into Farmer's eyes for half a minute before they decided to leave the clinic.
Okay, stop right here.
She heard that right, correct? Did they really say that in their own voice?
When Farmer nodded in confirmation, Paula only smiled softly and kissed them on the lips.
"You're so unpredictable...," there was no irritation or sarcasm in the girl's voice. Only tender affection and oh so much love.
An ordinary day at Amethyne Mansion, and Irene is busy in the kitchen as usual.
A routine visit from a close friend of a wealthy family at Ridgeside Village, who happens to be Irene's lover. Irene's delighted that even though they're busy with their farm work, her lover has found time to visit her.
A gift from the Farmer for her, her favourite cake. Mmmm, so delicious....
Grateful Irene kissed Farmer on the cheek for such a tasty treat.
"I love you," said Farmer and left the kitchen, as they don't want to disturb Irene's business.
"And I love you, my dear," the girl immediately went back to stirring the dough in a bowl.... and almost dropped the bowl from her hands.
Did they... talk? Or was it that she had been near the hot oven for too long that now she was.... No, it's not hallucinations.
She had to drop everything and run to the farmer.
"Did you really say that?" When the Farmer nodded, poor Irene was overcome with a flood of emotions. She squeaked, laughed, jumped up and down, and even cried a little bit, until she finally hugged Farmer.
"I love you, too. Very much."
Maddie.exe stopped working.
W-what? Did she just hear that right?
From the look on Farmer's face, she heard it right after all.
They can't- They can't just say it like that, out of the blue, and walk away like nothing happened??? What the hell?! Come back here!
Maddie managed to catch up with the Farmer, grabbed them by the collar of their clothes and shook them like a ragdoll.
They can't just tell her "I love you" like that, after so many months of silence and letters and..... Oh, Maddie's so mad! Furious! She's gonna get them!
And before the Farmers could fear their beloved would punch them in the nose, Maddie kissed them. Sweet and passionate kiss.
Both stood looking into each other's eyes, cheeks red, breathing slightly hitched.
"I love you too, stupid. But don't scare me like that again, you hear me? Or else I'll really break your nose!" Maddie's tirade ended with a tight hug.
Her lover is so stupid... ❤️
Daia was usually the one to make her partner look at her in shock, whether it was another dirty joke or just compliments.
This time, the Farmers were able to do the impossible - catch her in shock.
Did they actually say that... with their mouth? Her love said the words with their mouth?
"I love you"?
Poor Farmer didn't even have time to go anywhere before Daia immediately enclosed them in her arms.
"What a cinnamon bun you are! Decided to surprise me, huh? You such a cutie pie!"
Oh, Daia wouldn't miss the opportunity to tease Farmer, calling them such sweet and silly nicknames that their cheeks immediately turned pink.
However, the girl will abruptly stop teasing her lover, and kiss her gently on the cheek.
Jokes are jokes, but she is truly grateful and happy to hear their voice for the first time, and that it was words of declaration of love to her... Daia had never felt truly happy like this before.
"Thank you, dear... I love you too."
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immagrosscandy · 3 years
Oh, don't worry about telling me something I don't want to hear; based on your examples that would be impossible! What I meant by hphm lore was all the things that happened in the Candy-verse (is that a nice way to distinguish someone's hphm stories from others?), and all the things you mentioned in your answer. I know there's always more lore in these things so this can be an opportunity to show them :)
Candy-verse 😭💕
in Year 1 Candy comes to school. Everything that happens that year stays the same. Unlike the canon, Candy loses the duel with Merula. After the events of the Cursed Ice Candy doesn't want to search for curses anymore, yet Rowan convinces her not to give up, that with those clues she might discover Jacob's whereabouts.
Meanwhile, the Daily Prophet talks about Jacob's 11-year-old sibling dealing with Hogwarts' curses. Because Paula knows her sister will get into trouble and get scolded, she hides the newspapers from her mother. Christine asks about it, and Paula tells her they didn't recieve it that day.
In Year 2 Paula begins her studies. Merula tries to outsmart her like Candy but Paula is more daring and confident, so she fails. Year 2 is also the same with minors changes. Rowan starts suspecting about Ben, but Candy tells her he's their friend and he'd never betray them. To duel Bill and join their side and defeat the Ice Knight, Candy and Paula join forces to take them down.
The Daily Prophet talks about the bravery of Jacob's younger siblings, and this time the sisters can't hide it from her mother. She scolds and tells them never to do it again, unless they want to end like their brother. She only wants to protect them and make sure she doesn't end up with more dead family members.
Of course they don't listen, at least Paula doesn't listen. She's mad because her mother "already forgot" about Jacob, but they won't. Candy is a bit afraid to keep up with it, but Paula tells her everything will be okay, because they're together.
In Year 3 the sisters comfort their boggarts for the first time thanks to the new Vault. While Candy ask Tulip for help and befriends her, Paula and Barnaby have a show down, and makes him realise Merula is being mean to him.
The girls don't know, but their mother starts following them on Hogmeade to check on what they're doing and to see they're safe. She misses days of her job and almost gets fired, but she could manage. Christine speaks with them later, she doesn't explode or raises her voice thanks to the therapy she's recieving.
But still the sisters don't listen.
In Year 4 Candy has her first date while her sister gets lost in the Forbidden Forest due to the sleep-walking curse. Thanks to Charlie and Bill she manages to rescue her, but now Candy has to deal with the curse without her sister. Luckily the Weasley brothers are there to help her. It's revealed that it's Ben the mage in the Red Cape, Candy doesn't know how to react so she's just shocked. Paula's best friend Ariana Toledo offers her help to break the curse.
At this point Candy and Paula can't stop from getting scolded by their mother, again. Christine threatenes them that she'll transfer them to another school if they keep this up. Paula gets angry and leaves, while Candy wants her to understand they're following a track Jacob left, that maybe they can find him. After some days they have a talk, Candy and Paula tell Christine they have things under control, that they can handle all these curses and adventures.
And it doesn't matter if she transfers them to another school, they'll still go to Hogwarts to find their bother if they really have to.
In Year 5 things start to get messy and very long so I'll try to keep it short: Rakepick trains Bill, Merula, Paula and Candy for the Cursed Vault. Candy wants to trust Ben again but Rowan doesn't allow it, and they have some arguments. Rowan attacks Candy under the Imperius Curse, and Ben saves her. Even if Paula tells her to get away from them, Candy stills hangs out with her best friends. Paula argues with Merula a lot, yet they start to get to know eachother while the investigate the school.
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These kids get inside the Portrait Vault. Rakepick betrays them, they find Jacob but he escapes again. Later Candy (and not Paula) is taken to the Ministry by Mad-Eye Moddy.
After Jacob runs away Paula lost hope in him. She doesn't want to see him again and want him near their mom. Jacob has a talk with Madam Rosmerta and she convinces him to go home. Before the year finishes he comes back to his sisters, and Candy helps him hide inside the Common Room. They returned Jacob home, and by his surprise he is recieved with a hug of Christine. She apologizes of all the things she did to him, and so does he.
In Year 6 everything just falls apart. I don't have it all planned since I'm working on some stuff, but I'll tell you what I got.
The only thing important is that Rakepick curses Ben, Rowan and Candy. They almost die, but luckily they're saved. This leaves them with a scar they'll share until they die.Rowan is getting getting taken care of by Chiara, until she's transfered to St Mungo. Ben and Candy while being together stay away from their friends, since the curse can be contagious to others.
Barnaby and Paula start dating, Candy tells Talbott she's not ready for a relationship.
I don't have anything with the Sunked Vault, since that also one was terrible in all senses. I want to work on an actual lore for the Vaults, or at least come up with something simple and understandable.
Year 7 is still in progress, but one thing is certain: Rowan is headgirl.
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