#but this is JUST a concept . it's not 100% !
prokopetz · 2 years
Ghost hunting show that’s basically a reverse Scooby-Doo where in every episode the “ghost” turns out to be a different, unrelated supernatural creature or phenomenon. The main character is so focused on proving the existence of ghosts in particular that they’re always crushingly disappointed by this, and the moment they figure out it’s not a ghost they immediately lose all interest in investigating further. There is no indication that non-ghost supernatural phenomena are in any way commonplace or well known, and other characters react to them with the expected shock and fear – it’s just the lead who’s completely unfazed by any weirdness that isn’t a ghost.
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wi1dshxpe · 3 months
no better detail in the temple of bhaal than the leading library. the fact it’s a single bookshelf with a sign leaned against it really sells it. like durge was fighting tooth an nail for a full library but nobody cared, so they just dragged a shelf to a corner of the room and had sceleritas make a sign.
gortash notices it on his first visit and is like “how charming, how novel.” and brings a book his next time around. he mentions he added a scroll to durge, who is like “i have to to see this now.” and enver thinks he’s going to get in trouble because it’s not about murder but it could literally be an empty scroll and durge would just be excited someone else cares about their project.
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winterofherdiscontent · 8 months
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. 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓴 𝓲𝓷 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓼
'Why does tragedy exist? Because you are full of rage. Why are you full of rage? Because you are full of grief' (Anne Carson)
...close up from a larger painting i've been working on
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eldritch-thrumming · 1 year
ok picture it.
steve and eddie both work at a small cafe in the city that specializes in light sandwiches and pasta dishes. steve is the opening manager, off before eddie, a line cook, makes it in for the closing shift and the evening rush.
every day, steve leaves a “friendly reminder” note on the break room whiteboard for the closing shift and every day, eddie’s blood boils when he reads it. it’s not like the closing shift leaves the place looking like a dump; it’s difficult to juggle the dinner rush and pick up the morning shifts slack when they’d left all their dirty dishes in the sink from breakfast and done absolutely no prep for the closers.
in august, one of the cafes busiest months, when tables are full of rude tourists and college students, the closing manager goes on maternity leave and steve’s forced to cover for her. eddie and steve meet for the first time ever and eddie’s even more annoyed by the fact that steve is gorgeous and fuckin cheerful, even after long days where he’s constantly stepping in to defuse conflicts between horrible costumers and the waitstaff.
about two weeks into steve covering the closing shift, he rounds up all the line cooks, hostesses, and waiters and personally apologizes to them for thinking the closing shift was easy. this shit is hard! infinitely harder than opening the store in the morning. he promises them that when he returns to his morning shift duties, he’ll be much more conscious of the way the staff leaves the kitchen for the closers.
after the staff meeting, eddie’s cold feelings start to thaw. it’s clear that steve means what he said. eddie’s never seen a restaurant manager working with the dishwashers at the sink after close. and steve even agrees to let eddie stay after hours to try out some of his own recipes, in hopes they might make it to the menu someday.
after the closing manager returns from her maternity leave, there’s a remarkable shift in the atmosphere of the restaurant. prep work is done before the closers come in, no dishes pile up in the sink, and if there is ever left over work from a particularly busy morning, steve always stays after his shift is over to help take care of it. eddie can’t help but feel a growing fondness for the guy.
one night in december, when eddie’s stayed late to try a new recipe for christmas cookies, the little bell above the front door starts to jingle as it swings open and then closes. it’s not that unusual. sometimes a manager or one of the shift leads has forgotten something or a late delivery is set to arrive and someone has to be there to sign for it.
just as eddie is setting the cookies on a cooling rack, steve walks in to the kitchen, looking… really good. like, date night good. eddie briefly mourns the loss before he calls out a greeting from across the kitchen. steve looks up at him then, smiling wide.
“oh hey, man. forgot my phone in the office,” steve tells him in explanation, moving through the open door next to the walk in freezer. when he reappears in the kitchen, he holds up his phone triumphantly for eddie to see, grinning. he walks around the counter to stand next to eddie. “so what’s on the menu tonight?”
sometimes, when steve was still working the closing shift and had stayed late after mostly everyone had gone home, he’d ask eddie what he was cooking. and eddie, after the pivotal staff meeting, would tell him and sometimes, if he was super confident, he’d even offer steve a taste. steve would compliment him and tell him how awesome it was and, for a few shining moments, eddie would pretend that he could feel something between them.
“just some christmas cookies. trying to work out the mint-to-chocolate ration. wanna taste?” eddie looks up at steve then and thinks he must imagine the way the other man’s eyes dart to his mouth.
“yeah, sure,” steve murmurs softly in the quiet kitchen. eddie clears his throat and takes a small step back, out of steve’s space, and picks up one of the freshly baked cookies, holding it out to steve. steve takes it and takes a bite so big, he’s practically eaten the entire thing in one go. he chews, a contemplative look on his face, before his eyes widen, eyebrows shooting up into his hairline. “fuck, dude,” steve practically moans, mouth full. “i think you nailed it.” it’s a testament to how hot steve truly is that eddie can watch him speak with his mouth full and not be disgusted by him. not even a little bit.
“yeah?” eddie can feel the grin on his own face, practically splitting his cheeks in two.
steve steps a little closer, eating up the space eddie had tried to put between them. “you tried one yet?” steve asks, voice low. eddie swallows and shakes his head. steve’s eyes dart back down to eddie’s lips again, slower and more purposeful this time. “well, you gotta have a taste, eddie.” steve’s voice is practically a purr and eddie can feel the other man’s breath on his lips. neither of them moves to reach for another cookie. instead, steve lifts the remaining bite he has in his hands and lifts it to eddie’s mouth. eddie drops his jaw, obedient, even without being told, and feels steve place the cookie on his tongue. he chews, swallows, all while maintaining eye contact with steve. “good, right?” steve whispers. all eddie can do it nod.
and then, suddenly, the space between them is non-existent. eddie feels steve’s lips against his own, firm and so much softer than he could’ve imagined. steve has him pressed against the counter, his body firm against him and his hand plunged into eddie’s hair, loosening his tight bun. steve’s other hand is on his hip, inching up under the hem of his jacket. eddie let’s out an embarrassing little squeak before his own hands curl into the front of steve’s shirt.
as quickly as it starts, steve’s pulling away, placing a much more chaste kiss to the corner of eddie’s panting mouth.
“been dying to do that,” steve confesses, eyes meeting eddie’s searching. “i forget my phone here at least once a week. keep trying to run into you.” steve huffs out a little laugh. it’s eddie’s turn to look surprised, but he recovers quickly and pulls steve in for another kiss.
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awerzo · 2 months
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really enjoying playing through changeling's route
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evil weegee.
idea where luigi becomes evil one way or another (i’m into the idea of it being a wish-turned-curse-situation) and mario and bowser have to team up to figure out wtf happened and to stop luigi from causing mass destruction.
bowuigi bonus: relationship is pre-established meaning luigi is ruling koopa kingdom alongside bowser. perhaps luigi is self-conscious and feels like he isn’t seen as a leader, leading luigi to make a well-intentioned wish to be taken more seriously. the wish is warped and turns into a curse, turning him into a wicked ruler that takes over koopa kingdom, and his subordinates follow him out of fear rather than respect, when deep down respect is really all he wanted. it starts internally by luigi kinda turning against bowser (confusing the hell out of the poor guy) and just gets worse from there. bowser’s dismayed because both his husband and his kingdom have been yoinked away from him, so he begrudgingly has to team up with mario and peach and whoever else to get everything back.🤠
i kinda wanna write a whole fic now but i honestly am not as well-versed in mario lore as i used to be and haven’t played any of the games in years 😭😭 but ngl drawing evil luigi was fun. low key been in love with luigi since i was 8 years old so it was quite cathartic for me
EDIT: guys i know Mr L exists 😩 i knew of him when i drew this but not exactly who he was/what he did. but i still wanna try to make my own thing here/try to differentiate them LOL. there can be multiple flavors of evil right
flats under the cut because i’m not entirely happy with how the lighting turned out 😩
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ofpd · 5 months
there have been a couple of times when ive seen someone on the internet say smth like "when will i find the grantaire to my enjolras" and like why on earth would you want that
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electricpurrs · 6 months
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willczek-art · 1 year
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smol thing for a fanart competition, prompt was "Prison" so P5 Velvet Room was kind of an obvious choice :v
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prokopetz · 2 years
Reverse X-Files series where in every episode the protagonists investigate some apparently mundane crime which, through a series of unlikely contrivances, turns out to have been caused by aliens. The leading duo consists of a prissy, straight-laced forensic accountant who’s obsessed with cracking open a massive case of corporate malfeasance (and is endlessly frustrated that every lead they follow keeps turning up aliens instead), and well-meaning but absent-minded cryptozoologist who thinks their partner is paranoid for regarding corporate misconduct as a more likely explanation than aliens.
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communistkenobi · 5 months
I don’t like when people ask how many books you plan to read/have read this year one because I think that’s a weird relationship to have to books and two because I think even reading a chapter or a portion of something is valuable. this is especially true with non-fiction but even with fiction I think any amount you read, even if you don’t read the entire thing, is not a failure or ‘incomplete’
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clownsuu · 11 months
i just love lovelie! i just noticed that they don't have scars in the mob au, did she joined the mob voluntarily?
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Oh he does! They just aren’t noticeable from the front smhh
cw semi spooki imagery(???)
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Technically it’s not a scar JDHDHDD but rather a completely open back smh (ripped wings gone wrong since hers are far more larger than Rob’s are/were)
Cons: well he can’t fly anymore LMAOO- and their back is rather unsightly (they don’t really mind it though- more power to ya if you power through your insecurities)
Pros: free storage to put her whip in smhh (and other things)
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shower-phantom-ideas · 6 months
Spent 30 minutes trying to figure out how to start this post so now im just doing it sorry
Phantom gets called cat like by the other heros all the time. Hell some of the league members have even joined in after he met them. Fuck you superman how dare you out his purring
Problem is his new power he started developing. Telekinesis. And it’s very hard to control. Now if he looses focus he starts knocking stuff off shelves or off tables.
Frostbite told him he would keep developing powers till his ghost side was grown but he thought it was done. How many more powers does he need!!!!
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utilitycaster · 8 months
Various CR characters, the latest of which is Ashton Greymoore: I don't believe in fate
Matthew Mercer, descending directly into the narrative: the interplay of fate and free will is the most consistent culture-spanning theme in the entire universe I built and is set up as the crux of the finale of Campaign 3 so your belief does not actually matter but this is a great character trait for you to have so go off
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kiisaes · 1 year
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I needed an excuse to draw ritsu. that's it
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116t98 · 8 months
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Predominantly teal Phel wearing orange & predominantly orange Sett wearing teal
Matching belts
Charms that represent each other 🦊🐰
“They share some clothes”
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