#but this topic is close to my heart
milkywayan · 2 years
a thing I don’t understand, and I think a lot of other hobby and proper historians will agree, that in media the medieval time is almost always portrayed as these dark, horrible times full of dirt and dismay. everyone is starving, eating grey mash, there is shit everywhere on the streets, people just throwing their piss out of the window, and like.. why? why?
yea, of course, in today’s standards the middle ages were ‘dirty’ but like.. urine was a very valuable resource for tanning leather and a lot of other practical applications, both industrial and at home. There are reports on toilet facilities in buildings and drains as far back as the 11th century. There are laws in cities that if you leave your trash on the street you have to pay fines.
And the middle ages were COLOURFUL! people did not only dress in sad brown and grey sacks, even the iron age people had dyes for their fabric. poor people did not have extremely vibrant colours, but still colours
there were many holy days (aka you did not work), festivals, fairs and in many cities the people had influence and were not just helpless against the monarch
people ate diverse food depending on the time of the year, with vegetables, meat, fish, bread and of course some kind of mash, but it was not this grey horrid thing we always see in TV. If people only ate this kind of stuff, they would not have been able to work this hard and would have died of scurvy
anyways, I am so annoyed by this. The medieval times of course were not a paradise and there was a lot of war and disease, but it was also colourful and interesting and is the source of many traditions, literature, music and art.
It would be much more fun if media started to represent it like it was, and not portray it in a overly horrible grim way that does not do the people and the time justice.
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shepscapades · 5 months
Hey! i’m really into the dbch story and i was wondering if doc and xisuma ever tell bdubs the specifics of why etho lost his memories, cause if they do that is prime self blaming angst for bdubs
I’m inclined to believe they don’t. Actually (and maybe I should do a small comic for this so more people see it) I imagine, once a month or a few pass and they finally return etho to bdubs as reset, I imagine they are VERY serious about warning bdubs not to try to force Etho to re-deviate— they don’t go into specifics, but they probably tell bdubs that whatever happened had to do with something that was emotionally overwhelming, and that forcing him to redeviate/not letting it happen naturally could trigger the same error. They have no idea what could happen so bdubs needs to be very careful and let Etho find himself again on his own.
Whether or not bdubs gets impatient or can only go so long before he doubts it would be that bad if he tried pushing Etho in the right direction is another story.
But yeah. I don’t think Xisuma or Doc really… tell anyone that this happened. Etho’s error seemed like a very specific one-off scenario, so it’s not something the other hermits should be trying to avoid or be careful about happening to their own android friends, and the only thing telling people would do is make them worried about the situation. All they need to know is that etho was broken and that they need to be careful with him. I don’t agree with their decision to keep what happened to themselves but I understand it I think. Xisuma “i don’t want to worry the hermits” Void and Docm “eh this isn’t the first time I’ve replaced this arm, people won’t question it” 77
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whatbigotspost · 5 months
The only thing I use my political science degree for is constantly being upset at the constitutional crisis we’re in right now, at a Bachelor’s of Arts level.
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b-blushes · 1 month
perhaps this is incoherent but huge loss from disability (most of my friendships are online due to can't leave the house/overall do activities for more than a few hours per week + also all my friends live outside of my driving ability range so i can't go to them) is in-person discussions. maybe especially when you're coming at things from an at least slightly different pov? i miss, like, all social contact and being in physical space with people and specifically my friends in many ways but dang. having a conversation with someone and you are talking to them and looking at them and you're sharing a physical space and you are disagreeing with each other and seeing things from another point of view and can see what's going on because you're both there and you're there in the moment together learning new stuff. hold on give me a second
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individuating · 5 months
blonde sayo is a lie made up so as to keep her from reaching her full potential as a crazy brunette
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pyrriax · 4 months
hi tumblr im pyrr pyrriax and im in my trimonthly artist arc, lord help me and all the projects that are currently sitting in my drafts while i am lured in by the siren song of drawing
#haunted ecosystem#this is not helping with how much my hands hurt on a daily basis this is why i type and dont handwrite/draw very much.#im lured in regardless and i really need to find an artform that doesnt Hurt but for now. digital art <3#like theres a difference between my dumb doodles (quick easy not much different from regular computer usage) and actual art#but im an artist at heart i spent sooooo long being an artist and thinking i was shit at writing. that is wrong! im actually kinda good#im rambling in tags today because i have been not social (my partner is in genshin hell and my beloved is. somewhere.)#okay but on another note i reread the first. couple chapters of wtds this morning? the pacing is a little weird and the tense is fucked#but its actually a lot better than i thought it was? you can tell i was fleshing everybody out in my head and i totally forgot about how#i described the watcher [who i am STILL redacting the name of until we get there] and just. ough. pandora being very logical#and then jumping to the latest chapter and fucking sobbing because i forgot about how it went and just. pandora and his.#whatever the fuck is wrong with him.#i have gotta start recommending people read that again. its surprisingly friendly without context because of how i approached it#that fic has taught me so many things its actually a little comical. it also made me relearn how to make and write ocs so thats fun#once i finish that main fic (and i WILL i am actually planning to sign up for a thing. im finishing it i swear.) i finally get to show off#more of the world and characters ive crafted. showing backstories and what-ifs and all these oneshots ive been keeping close to my chest#for like absolutely ages because i dont want any spoilers on my tumblr#and. im finishing that fic in pseudo-memoriam of somebody who deleted their accounts everywhere. still miss you dane!#ok this has completely gone off topic ily tumblr im going back to drawing and i might make a new pfp#it'll still be lavius but it'll be fray lavius since i think about him a lot and i like his color palette.
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goth-automaton · 5 months
*melting into their gaming chair* It's only Monday, but I stg I'm already done with this week... Just fucking done.
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sparfloxacin · 6 months
behold my train of thought on a regular day:
looking at the prompt list for Sunday's fic (theme: snow days) -> oooooh building a snowman could be fun one 👀 -> instantly start singing Do You Wanna Build a Snowman from Frozen -> go to Spotify to listen to the song -> oh hey Let It Go is a cool song too let's listen to that next -> ohhhhhhh noooooooo remember when Olli sent Allu that silly horror version of Frozen in the middle of the night for his silly spooky stream 😭 -> proceed to cry about it because I still can't believe Olli did that for him when he could've been, idk, SLEEPING or whatever people usually do at that hour?? 🤧
also hiiiiiii I hope your week's been alright so far <3
sounds exactly like my train of thought 🤧
also I still think about that every single day 😩 like?? they really did that 😭 Allu KNEW Olli would be awake and just texted him without hesitation and it took Olli like a minute to answer and even though he answered almost immediately Allu already got a bit sad and almost lost his hope 🤧 there are just so many things about this that make me soft and aaaaaa 🥺😩💞 I could talk about this all day
and Olli is so dumb!! 😭 I can’t believe he spent almost half an hour (?) to find something to send to Allu 😭💖
hope you’ve had a great week as well! 💗
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winter-tospring · 10 months
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去有风的地方|Meet yourself ep. 22
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mintjeru · 28 days
ok so one of my colleagues recently told me she bought a sketchbook bc seeing my art inspired her to try drawing??
hold on a second let me just-
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miaumarce · 1 month
Any sort of story about family makes me want to sob DZDX applejack!!!! You and your stupid family!!!
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it's the 23rd... you know what that means...
Happy Ash Day!
#hehe it's my day! not too many special plans other than some cake but. lots of f/o rot#my wonderful wife a.qua is canonically good at baking. i think she'd make a cake for her beloved. i get so happy thinking about a.qua!#shes the sweetest girl ever and i'm always soooo honored that she loves me too#i have a lot of f/os and i could go on forever about all the little things theyd like to do for their special pal's birthday#but also. i've been getting into x.enoblade... and have feelings for a character... i am 🤏 this close to putting him on the list#but uh. a birthday kiss perhaps?#ash rambles 💚#but man.. just spending the day with the people that i love is really all i need. hehe so happy to be with them all!#hope everyone has a great day!#and since it's very early for me. i hope i have a great day too!#happy ash day to me~~~ happy ash day to me~~~#i'd normally be asleep by now but. i'm very brainrotted over my wife tonight and i keep reading over some of my work about her and ash#i love this s/i so much. theyre childhood friends. shes blue and ash is red. a.qua is literally named a.qua and ash is ash#theyre red and blue. fire and water. been together forever. sometimes it really does feel like they were made for each other huh?#i have so much love for her in my heart. it makes my heart feel all skdjsjdhs when i think about her#oh but where was i#right. my birthday! i have a shit ton of fankids too so i bet theyre having fun as well#but.. on the topic of k.h s/i..... R.IKU! MY LITTLE BRO!#they arent related or anything. ash just saw him and was all 'wow who is this sassy lost child... you are little bro now'#she'd get soooo emotional just knowing that the kiddo remembered. he shoots her a text on gummiphone or even visits whatever world she's in#and ash gets all 🥺🥺🥺🥺 and hugs him so tight#but yeah. birthday. f/os. lots of fluff. the good shit fr#fun times!
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bybdolan · 2 years
I have made a similar post a while ago but it feels relevant once again that the way we dissect celebrity relationships feels really emblematic of the way being in a relationship has become so much about outward appearances and outward appoval in the age of social media and a time where we constantly discuss raising our "standards" when those standards are set by couples' compilations of highly curated moments. If you truly are in love, everybody will see it. You will never do anything awkward or slightly off with your partner in public. Every single imperfection might be a sign that this relationship isn't good. Love (platonic and romantic) becomes a presentation. And while it is important to stay attuned to possibly harmful patterns in the relationships of the people close to us, it is equally as important to keep in mind that we only ever get a glimpse into the dynamic and that overly analyzing those around us will lead to us being constantly worried about outward perception as well and losing sight of what actually is important: being content when your partner is around, even (or especially) when nobody is watching.
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qui-qui-quee · 8 months
On one hand I wish everyone would stop worrying or concerning themselves so much with their personal sexual sin (NOT including abuse) when Jesus already came and saved us and told us to rest, especially since such fixation tends to cause scrupulosity, self-righteousness, and religious anxiety/trauma.
On the other, talking about anything related to sexuality and gender is so hecka exhausting I just wanna quit sometimes.
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respondedinkind · 7 months
@ssolessurvivor asked: " how did you get this scar? " [Memes I recently reblogged | always accepting]
Khan's body doesn't really scar, not at all; His impeccable self-healing abilities allow for injured tissue to grow back together without ever leaving a trace, causing cuts, slices, holes, tears and everything else to fade away as if nothing has ever happened to begin with.
That means his body also doesn't tell a story when it comes to his past - does not tell of moments filled with agony he's been forced to suffer through, of moments where he'd almost died but not quite, of moments where he'd roughly sewn himself back together on the battlefield while fighting a war meant to bring honor to the rulers of his rome planet.
... However, the very same body which never scars, which heals almost every kind of injury, which pumps blood through his veins that humans would probably call a miracle by itself, actually broke its own rules just once.
Because here Logan is, having found that single scar that decorates Khan's skin, with his thumb tracing it as he speaks; A little thing it is, almost appearing like a dent, sitting next to the right corner of his mouth, along the lower edge of his bottom lip. It's not impressive by any means, could very well just be a thing he was born with, a simple flaw...
But it's not. It is a real scar. One that was caused by an actual injury that has long since healed ...and only remains as a memory, edged into the crooks of Khan's brain.
Now his lover, his beloved, his human, asks about it - his voice quiet and soft within the comfortable silence of the evening, causing a set of blue eyes that have previously fallen closed to flick back open.
Logan asks, and he shall receive an answer - because Khan would tell him anything he wants to know, no matter how personal, how sensitive, how mundane or important.
"By force.", are the first words that leave a set of full lips; The sun has long set, the cabin's only lit by a small lamp that offers just enough light to see but keeps their surroundings feeling warm, calm and cozy at the same time. A fire crackles inside the hearth, making the air smell like wood; Khan loves the scent, his eyes focusing on the dancing flames which reflect in the bright of his irises.
"---I disobeyed.", he continues after a while, lips parting briefly before they close again. A second passes, another, a set of nostrils flare as he inhales, then exhales. "And I was punished for that. For hours, I assume. When they were finished with me, with the task that had been given to them, I couldn't feel my face anymore. ---I didn't dare to look into the mirror once I was able to get up from the floor."
He was too afraid to see what they'd done to him, afraid of what he would see instead of his own, well-known features.
A set of eyes falls closed again, unable to keep open as the previously mentioned memories flare back up; He can still taste the copper sticking to the roof of his mouth, can still remember how much it had hurt to breathe, can still experience how raw his skin had felt as he'd tentatively ran his fingertips across his face---
"... I couldn't eat for a full week, because I wasn't able to move my jaw or swallow anything else than liquids. Most of my teeth were gone, too. It took an additional week for me to be able to breathe though my nose. I think I wasn't able to see for... three or four days. I couldn't hear on my left ear for just as long. Something like that. Sensation only returned to my features after all of that... little by little, over the course of weeks."
His body managed to reconstruct his face, to bring back what had been lost due to the punishment he'd received: New teeth appeared, his lips grew back together, so did his jaw, his cheekbones, his nose; His eyes recovered, his senses returned, so did his ability to smell, to taste, to feel anything touching his skin.
Khan knows what he'd looked like, despite not peeking into a mirror. He's seen it on others, he's seen what has been done to them. Pictures of cruelty that are hard to digest, even for him, a man who was meant to become a heartless, stone-cold elite soldier.
Once again, a set of nostrils flares, inhales the scent of burned wood, of Logan sitting close to him; Khan turns his face so that he can rub the tip of his nose along the side of the blonde's neck, displaying the affection he feels, keeping himself calm this way by searching for closeness in the most subtle way possible. One more inhale, more of his partner's scent. It sets his mind at ease.
"---When I eventually had to look at myself again, somewhere during the healing process, I, thankfully so, was not met with the sight of raw flesh anymore. But I wasn't healed either; My skin had only partially reattached itself, created lines and crevices that still bled, that still ripped apart when I moved too much. My mouth was..."
... Khan doesn't add to that. He doesn't want to go too deep into the gruesome details of what his reflection has looked like back then. So he swallows, allows a second to pass, then continues.
"However, in the end, all the injuries healed well, as we can see. ---But... the scar on my bottom lip remained. For some reason my body wasn't able to heal the tissue without leaving an imperfection behind. And that's how I got the scar."
An imperfection that should not exist, yet does. Perhaps that fact alone is telling enough.
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cyberkn1fe · 8 months
So when is the good time to start pushing my "Horatio is heavily aroace coded + any hints of allo stuff were deliberately withdrawn from the initial script + Mark separately mentioned Horatio has no interest in romance" agenda?
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